^ ' A

MauMli^TrA CUy of nUaga Charm VDL.XZL,N0.200

M A N C H E S T E R , ( X ^ . , S A T U R D A Y , M A T v \

( T W E L V E P A G E S ) X P R I C E T b R H B p art of

J«p Spearheada Point at CUnay^ ^ ^ Chinese R e ^ Jap

^ ^ X IRe^s’ Shock co m m erce ^ m d ^ N Invaders Lan*

^ ~ \

ight ^ trai: At Mouth, of Mirij \'v m

More Tlum Half of Sol-

diers W(ped Ont V Sm> of, Gaa

vivors Flee to Shipa MasK Attacks Ha-

After Abandonii^ May Be Cut Annual i ^ V ' wj m Waris Announce RussiM iT/^.,^^^^ ^ Large Quantities Gfsrmaiig *Havin|; To Fraction\ K I Attacks on Kharkov I O iQ Of Their Eqiiipment. CDUapsc Gim pletely ** *• $ n c ceddog*

. '4». C h u n g k iiig . M a y 28.— (/P) Negro PrieoMr Origin^ Nazi^-Boat FI«»Liiig Coimtor. iM U it.' Ahd^X^rmans Shift — M o re t h a n h a lf t h e J a p a */ '' taclu to Sooth ator of Engine Veing ToX^l^give in Gi- n ese in v a sio n f o rc e w h ic h (^f Havana n h u m i A , : Kharicov Despii^l g a in e d a f o o t h d d W e d m ia d ay Fluid Proken Down .'JS-I gantic for the S M l f t A N i ^ fering Lose o f o n C h u a n sh ih is l a ^ a t !t h e From Fuel Oil, City; R e^ C^ntinno O t l A k P lUyHeriou, Broadtaiier m o u t h d f t h e M in r iv e r in X Lake Dmen Attacks. OOO -in T h r o e __ ^ Id e n p ro v in c e h a s b ee n w ip e* Albany, H. T , M ky 38-k> -rA Promitet *Surprise* Retort One Red Gi o u t, a n d t h e s u r v iv o rs ^ v e I . » u n n a road drive (1) t u n e Ufe priaoosr-tovontor at SingSlng; Ohungklng, a two-pronged Nipponese move B e r lin (P ro m People of City, After fle d t o t h e ir sh ip s, a b a n d o n wboee dmth omtama was oom- » caueing concern In China, t h e hivatl ^ reported n i ^ h g near H ankow, B r o a d c a s ts), M a y "^28.^ TH:o s c oiw . M a y 28.- in g larg e quaatm ea of equipment, muted aevm yaaiV ago may ba^ 1 o f tllSl dimngtottoa ^lalmw w__ _ «. 1 Giving Hi^ Identify, T h e G e r m a n h ig h co m m a n d toe Chlneee announced o fficially th e n atloa’s arm ed ftirom to solv* Se m e o n T im e today. T U s announcement toUow- a n n o u n ce d t b d a y t h a t t h e k o I sh o c k tro o M $ H avana, O ib a, M ay 38. - 4F > - ^ ed ew lftty a communique report ^ OS gasoUas power R u ssia n m a ss a t t a c k s o D ^ r t e d flg h tin g fr o m in g too J^ wiM M .aleo bad bam re . more eliaaply. . m ysterious broadcaster, who iden- K h a rie g v h a d c o lla p se d co m f o r tifie d , p ositio n g piuaed In an attem pt to under Id e n tity o f X oivall lian rtiV i. SS Green himself aa tbe commander of toe guns of w a r * ^ on the north Neville, Tenn.. Negro, as tha p le te!^ a n d m ilit a r y q u a r t e rs a Ctorm u subm arine lyin g onto a lO isr k o v t o d a y a n d a course a t the X bonk of the M in east of Foochow, » OMabmtlOB angina Mexico Awaits Formtd a d d e d t h a t G e r m a n tro o p s Bolt^ c a a one-half.Off tto H a v i ^ S t a r d isp a tc h a a id t h s capital and chief eeapor t o f F u yblrit ba dolm a borne gaeoUn* it breake dow n from ordlnaiT fu e l. Labor Pea^ h a v e sh if t e d t o t h e o ffe n siv e Pwrtiteed tbe C i ^ m a n s w e re “ h a v in g jrft kien. to toe giganUc battle to r toe Rua> n ira t they were to for H m v y ------. Action to Become Ally flu ccesse a ” in lU n lrf o g UDY. HRtPRrl He mi ann^**** “ ^ rte n city. On toe nortow estem newroaper. ter-attocke to to# south W hile toe Chinese did not tb$ 0 $n n aii hl$^ conuxiRnd 18,000 . toe threat to Foochow h u l bem bm tatanitod to i S t S ? ;am a k >« of Mii«d f o *** M m t negotiate wHb Lo n- added. toe.Ru osiana w ere contin aeeond tim e we have G uro days. Ono Sovtet . emasbed, they Indicated th at tha Lie^ Only Apparently uing a ttacks aoutoeast of Lak o D- in vo d en hod euffond a b m vy oet- den^ U tb erto oeoeldered tegaUv | ^ o a _ _ raported o fficially in the back. ^ Sees Same Old Doubts Raised .mon but without euccoos. i™lL ^ • «n»«tee,” toe sector. WoeM Radnea OaM ' i-v. — Congressional D estroy 888 rw Trlaa rte are bro m tester waa quoted as saytox Ilm niten F te H O m n Thera w as no o fficial etatement P M tltorttor g iv in g ^ The A rm y aiMl N avy akprseaed Obstadea |6 Reunion Approval to Entey War T h e Oennon communique - i , , " O ur untta dteiodged to# « on toe etrengto of the drive 483 J^nG^ty a n d t h e toeotlon o f* hte axainet Foochow, but eome Chi- th at toe Naate destroyed Rus « As in 1935; a o Exec- Against Axis Now. sian planes between M ay 14 and n t e reports esM the Japanese bad g » ta ***** fa ir, " ho added, " th a t 28,000 M ay 21 while the Geim ans tost 4$ aid. “In retrearin g, the Gem throw n meU Into It and toa utive B oii^ to Decide. Idanea. fruatratod landing oflort w as oaid M e x ico C it y , M a y 28.— (f f) <0 « t t w w d l ^ f n g , a ^ d o n e d five Held guns, i s Britrin’s Bid Ih e h ira command, b rie fly ro- cktoe-guns, a mine dunm a n d ! to have been backed Inr toe guns W adUagton, |t o y 3A—(•>)—Tha — M e x ico la c k e d o n ly t h e f o r of 10 warMiipe. Flash Floods vlewtog the Khark ov flghttog. do- todlo e t a t i ^ ” AFL today h d d out a new offer to m a lit y o f a n M u rfn tly 'c e r t a in olorod th a t toa R u isia n osaro a t Sta r, the Soviet A rm y i ’To the north, meanwhile, four tack to toe area around th at clto Jra u e e e columns puebed acro w |lts offeboot, toe CIO , asking tbs co n g re a B lo iial a p p ro v a l t o d a y Tentative Invitation to to im , raported a #ee w as In growing danger as one Drowned; Hundreds dtvMed to d ty.o n w hether to. send w hich starte d M ay 18 led Into t|ie Tha .G e m sa e katted ^ p a a e o e column rm rae d Thnghi. t a t l o n t o meet book ten eenatofa and ropreaen tatlvea of rero o f toe stran g est enemy group Armament ^IW u ctlon •w jq w o f tanka t o t ^ * Of Persons Homeless; lOnd lu a cu t through tote line of •rtor to an effort to a n * , 88 m iles eoutoweet o f Hangchow. Ev e n w hile aw aitin g President both'partlaa to England fo r tolka forging Ahefld; Steps I t ^ then th at Jobu L . Lew to ManuolrnnioAl Avila Am.83^ Cam^rtS’igw__ a f S S l ma^ca. wedge Into the Ruaeian Unan > oontbuied westw ard, along the Transportation Hit, t w w a lta flg ura ia toe United 'T o r twp days now German, RU' dtepateh asiO, but t lm ^ r n to shore of toe Chlentang riv - bOUe W brkeis, led a dooeh unions Pje^am^ of war; toe Srot to probleme Doing Taken to Ration • about 68 mUee toanlan and H ungarian troops, trropa destroyed 89 of the i ^ ’ r r a i t o 'S d 12 ^ S L . ® ” **"***^ ^ ^ 3S. - n»>— aw ay from t^be pawreenntt A F L la toe backed by strong formattona of Train and Bos Travel. and to m droro th e tovedern o f ^ f i w a . I Ubt peraona were repotted miming I too Germ an A ir Force, have been milee w ith m oount Jew msee column w as I “ ‘^ '’•beved drowned today In one bid u*trial union organic m aking counterrattackh on toe [aatloa.. A special sMBion of tiw toU cab- hmnamed SMtlsh apokeamaa At a whole front of the U tb erto defen Waohlngton. M ay 38^^-* *** Britain at this. dommand declared. I t credited tem porary dormltoriee fo r w ar m t o w e e t of Zwu and occupied " Su d i action le neeeeeary first strong Germ an fig hter and bomb w orkers. N ew anti-inflation moves Kian g w an w hile other Japanese beeanee of tbe w ar,” Green said. dcaitti OrtlBiB Eaaeena I A reported euggeetlon at the e r formatlone w ith In flictin g hcpcqia Captured W aagehung, 7 ®*®P8u y rt h clk le rMe-1- | ” n iero tonuignht ltoo booe u mnity and soU- 12P*?*^5**’* rtatement oonference that toe leaden of both heavy dan»--'> m the battlefields milea aoutoweet of Iw a. ------o w ln to e «^ y MAncd Um reasons that »>• Included among too five and in th - of the Russian Production —••Output of ma- Flashes! (D v u u p e a ra on some m aps aa ^pt. iXoxlco • toward ww-vroaon war^-theP -n N B (f *) Ort^ aU w ithin eight days, I t o r before to a House W ays and L o ^ A ttacks Saoeeeafni «d today fiero Algeelraa. Se iiS Su ryiv u is from too . ships still of m any prodiicto for clvUten use Pisg*'T w a) sails *Injustice*'Shown. raforonea O oam tttoa on t ^ sol- 38 « E r o r IV M to Orttlctem N ew Bomhlage dler pay .bill woe V t o d t o g ^ M ay . - ( * l—Tha ) F e a r of public criUetem of the ought today to (Oenttoned an Page Tw o) Bertto (Fro m German III end to have decided on . w a "coogreateonal Junket N ew Orieaae, M m . ^ — (S V - e asts), M ay tt-m — German dto- , minimum fo r prlvoteo Moto W oiM W ar peaston tagtela- J^ w ae mentioned. ^ * 9** e d by toe House sim ost Joachim Johaaoi ___V_i_n_e__la__n_d. N . J.. Prtehee from Usb o a said today bietoad d f | 80,if r^^l'Nazfcit can rotront Execute *5****rted mode It plain llre t mate of m H onduran cargo tost there hod bem torna new gtoortuny from too higher flgnro. j y “ d r o p o r ^ near, ap- 1* 2*1 b y the Senate Fla a ace Cbm- th at M A e d nlte tavltatioa had bem vessel ahelled ami abmdoned to the British Fliers hombiaga test night near de- “The 180 is out,-' n SiM M mom*. fnifCTi. t e e i ^ In behalf, of toe Britteb G ulf of M exlcoL b o a r ^ the sub kraero burg in toe U alea e f Seath 10 for Attack Efrtla m e a t o r would be Issued un- m arine w hich attacked h is ship I!??** _ Fiirah fty a a conference with A frica. Throe reports mto rieoid sooMon tU a wwwwfr.-- tU eoagrasstooal lea d e n deter- m d reviled toe commander fo r "to- electric power pleat — Ito m oln took la to eetUe the <£/- Justice." ir- • Hit Sub Nest ffd alrtrater FV aak T . h i* * , —m torenoe between tbe Rouse Sgure e f Annonnee 10 Others 23pifS!'S!ja«53SS’ « 1 en Page T ea) The attack—ninth offlcially an w ater Tnrtna EX) aad toe $48 provldod In too nounced olnce oubmartoea started eom mnalcattera 9 oaato hfll, but o ovonl other quoo- Win Be Shot H As- w ^ l t o j o ^ Lead er Rark tey m ra t t o g to the gulf—took place Vast Squadrons Cross _ 8®d C3»alrm an George Jehaaneehorg Stwi x i m ei m e a s.i| t h m romalaad to ba dooldod on. Milants Not M ay 18. One crew m m woe killed A a earner exploalaa waa aeld t o ^ Fonnd. 5®4Ja) off tbe FU m ace Oanunlttee In toe rtMlUng, and two offleera Channel Today After to MckVmt the Je g M atlo a he da- have eocarred m a ra il Una ia ' Experts Seek to Pave Way and two other -crew men Injured. Attack on Sl Naaaire. •aro la w ar bonds, an d. ^y. btoy Oon- W M n$M8IIB8 jQ$ oUlRP A ll others w ert picked up from Anothar w as th at tai'plaoa d fflM today th a t 10 Ufaboata by a veosaL The F o o t Defenee Worfcme Killed $4 tbsy ie .o e e t o i w n r . ^ •aed h a w anscutod la oo- ** ^^mnteT For Quick Action on Taxes N avy a m m m e e d ^ t e S t ^ B n lle t f a i! F m a c t In ro prlsal to r aa ^ ke Bsnato group rooently auw terday. London. M ay ts- ^ a w Y lo - W estSeld, M aas., M ay _ ttort a Gorman soMtar on tw o b U s to- Moaned B y Germ ans k n t explosions ec toe French —Fo u r defenee wetk ere were k fll- ^ W hat d e arly today aad aaotoer w M ; a d a toririaatlo a of ha# reoemmendsd The Bubmartne, ship eraw m m const rocked towns on the ------reaction. Riaoe told: Brltteh aide e f the En gllah ertoualv h art when toeir aiifniraf~i $• to e n o w by E U par eeat of a person’s tsx - aid. w as a p p arm tly of Italia n hUe failed .to aw he s < y*P W **f tha chtaf roacu u v* had rtd atap o m s sa d e f d rid ra d s and d ailg n but manned by Germ ans. r henerl today aa vaat aannd- id th a r a k r — M “ r t • J t a n d e n e l ^ bs wUhbold a t too eouroe The ^ p righted toe subm arine rrsm e f the B . A . F . rorapt > a f O to nvatwhoiiiiing' margin to r greater MBunlttoo to veto quidfly Mtmdov ilkllYldlM l tovr to tha effan rive ence nrore F. Bgaat 4ds Walter Parte” I ^ Iw y - M - y o u - f o la ^ about fo ur mUes distan t to mid Weji^ 38) 18 y. sold: dated both wouM h s " v *t o o d f? “ d to hrtp eembat to- aftomoon. T h e oubinerribte ra v e a fter n night a ttack on too pase id now. t e e ^ program V azcludlBg ^ chase, and a fter about i N ani Biihmnrter neat a i mt. ^ T h o odBrintetratloa. It . waa b ^ ual aad domestic labor. laooms of a slnglo bmb overhauled the riiq i and opened ,“ T S 3 & ? 5 ; Tra sUtttddans were Instructod y u l d look upon pension ra the committee to brlra |a a h ^ $11 a weak would be eubject A ro w ith a lig ht gun m d m a c'' igaffissssss:"”* - y Th a yonag to the 10 p er eeat w lto b o ld ra. g u ns London. M ay is . — (V) — V ast ,tor tha a t t a e k ^ v jo o in m r a d ii ^ squadrons of tbs R . A . F . swept on ren ts to Itortr . teal, 10 p a nsi ssTS’i.r ? too wtthholdtog achaaro thooa A ro a it t e d m an w ith one d m en- H a rry Sd iterin gsr of N ew O r- laJs.'s^.g _ The tw o measurm would coot to M would ba auhjert to the m me teano, radio operator o f ths ship. to too offenrive aeroae tha nvigw.ii . uo ooa OQuId g at a a v hi • " d / a w s a a d ’ ni iwsrda o f $80,000,000 too Sret rtaaroa of workats, oueh aa ser- Ch annel in d aylig h t today after o f ir a —— — , Bnkad w ith eih M B iMta and fkrm hands about OB Income above |148 a Sbahed eoUa fo r hrip rapeatodly toe 8 « n a t o ^ ^ nr, aocoRUng to ooMai ootl- aaoBth. A U deduetioos would be during toe chase aad a ttack, another night a ttack on the N azi of the w ar* im madiatety Mwt. itoo, w ttk too ooot tteb w toora- IB*>7 of. tha aromlten bare aubmarinc nest a t S t N osalie. ^ d y toe at- w M m on rtfo rt to toe norm al tax w hich ended w b m toe ahlp’a cap hm d m eoeb M arch 18. tain ordered toe riilp abandonedT O bserveie a t Folkoatona said toe Soviet ^ r a t fa u n* wttoto M anv have ______th at fliers sped out a t ouch height th eir M ay to r the eomartttoe ap praadied a A fter the crew m m had ta k m to htoboato, too sutonartao o fflca n onto y t e ^ sig ns wore vapor tialte o d ,____ «?®iEwwi^wr ** ote this w hola quro* high to to# oky. T hsss soon wore to thso aaso d w h to!^ ^ __ „ —_J M d u n til M miSav w dsrad tha boat to w hich Jo haa- -“ S t s ' ------i h s rth a r It mss told b y O qy H M v s r t ^ ^ Jeteod by o to a n h i tattteato. wtod- N a v y ‘-« f e e a a a r e u ••9 a nM nth ftoro ------^ sm w as ridlBg atongrida. ia g p a t t in s atotek m ia n t. too y * r t h t e cia n la a l tog paerten for oould ba tabulated. rikqcar s M whan tha b*e*a»t amumeao ts uwd watrtMiB aald, tlw t O arm an fg h t- tha auboearlae, Jbhaai a ^ ^ Bpad era were o d tetlag___ to tha aub’s deck aad The Bight **y’*"n (< *> '•;? .-r.


MAitdCiSS'i'lStt BVBJllNCi HBJlAliDt MAKCSHBSTER^ CONN. SATURDAY, MAY’28» 194# MANCHESTER EVENING H ERAl^, MANCHESTER. CONN. SATURDAY, MAY 88, m S \ devotional period. Luncheon will ba PAGE' aan^aa usuaL at 18:80. Oakland Plw t . Manchester PastorVHome FlashTloods Local X Cards . sveatag at 6 sharp Goadar SdioM L mso b Benefit Dance 3ha dins and dancei V ^ baseball teaia wliT aiesL at the Sandwich Shop ' T o Start Again Date Book urches to go to Rockville when I^V ^pper Sanctifies Fellowship Taxes Cause Bn YailSttllo^ Great Success Is Inspected] Bring Deaths ToBeScanO^ ptey the Pkmaeea. AH Popular Place MoWny, Mar H s>' ^ . - roquestod to be aim. Chepe - Soft Shdl Crabs SL Ja eat. raln^“ ‘ ‘ Ahd Adds^nificance to Con^niom The . MMckMUr Pap«r Board Wofnsn'B Auxiliary of the C .,_ , „ - Bov. W. BatohO of C. tea for town ntwcomsra at N cW ParSO U age o f CoU* As Dam Goes! Rplioning Booted to' Ex- T^ JUBlOkUMl senior choln will Asd Afl 0«r Usasl Good TWnfo To Ball MiUs, Inc., a new corporation Sixty Soldiers Enter* J. TkutstoaloaNoe, which haa taken over, the prep- lth.Om.ter church at i o'clock. 1 ChUTCh' * meet on FHdkx at 6:45, Prepara By WUSam E. QSroy, DiD. ^braad and wtoe, of which tain ed b y A rm y and Annual meeting Mothera' club, (Oonttansd from rags Ons) amine Qoqmy AR o f Barren, AOeiataat , _ ------,-fle fo r the Chil- < EdtterOfAdvam eity of the old Americaa Wntlaff 10:46 a.m.—^WorrtUp dren’s Dmr Swvitoand the oongregauona partake laii^ the Dem ing Street |s/w el] Paper Company plant at Oakland South Methodist church at A . mon. SubJooL "Tho ' If the eeenss to our Itertm. the Lord a Supper, ia symboUc rather Official Talk of RaUon* IW B W^nSS — UQU0R8 AND BEER . Nai7 A uxiliary. Tnssdn*. May 36 Admired. tributarisa rbUad over thafi banka Holden Jin Tovm. Sunday taaMas: aro asksd will reeume operatlona again on the SpiriL" with Rev. For adtdte, 8:80, 7, 8:80, 0:48, hand. Last Supper, wan not sufflcteaUy thku real, and church suppera Patronixed Always. yesra"!* ” *'**^*’ oror j Tueaday mondns, May W. aooM - maction of Credit Bureau off!- under tbs impstua of raosnt reins, praxching. Mueloal program: and 11 a. m. / ing Gasoline fop En* Pariahlonera o f the Second Con- some of them up to 10 feet above issusd to sutoaMbOa Hava you got your maj for ]dramatto to.ths simpla dwaniptioa have Uttte relation to that fiup- Slepe Towaifi Ing to a etatement’ at the j>lant Over 350 were present at the leers, C. of C .^ flce ,.» a. m. Prelude, "A lt" from “Ooneerto Fos children, dowiutaira at 8:80. per te ^ upMr room. Yet why ^ or*a R o o ta n ra n t gregational church availed thsm- flaod stage. ba lookad ovar by tha the Red Croea Imlttlngt BOL which ths New Testament record Simple Simon Sandwich Shop, tire Nation Take* oni The United States fitert^ thu morning. BeneSt Dance Annusl*^cer2['c^^ien club st] .George Fnderlck Handel please see Mrs. Jimy6M< should they not haver Why, with- era of America (CIO) The concern plana to make all selvsa of the Opportunity yester- At WtlUamsport the Suamis- Ratlontog Board at Anthem, "King All Glorious’’ .... gives, great artiste would have Doming street, Onklaad. situated Telephone S922 St tbs Army and Kavy Qub undar Methodist church. “ i day aftsmbon m evening of In- out becoming aad and aotemn oc Solid Tone This Week. limlnary steps. toRard i „ grades of paper box material but hanna shot up 16 fast to within meeting on Monday night, • . J o s e p h R a r n b y St Btidgnya B. c. firamatteed It for us and made tto cMloM, “ ^ d not every ming- on Route 15, the busy highway be- of Soviet Russian trade the sponsorship of the Ladlsa' I Annu&* meeting of voting mem- specting sad admiring the new par- three feet of flood stage, and “tting unfbcgetablk The greatest nothing definite oould be learned reports have bacn m adnib Antheaa, "Lovrtjr Appear" (Pac. i F . T b n m t a a , P a s t o r Tha Salvailsa Army ling of Chriatlana together, and tween New York, Hartford, Wor- and poasibly general for aa to how.many will be employed AuxiUsry. Saty of the gathering I bers of Y. C. ^ at Y. sonage at 106 Heiury stibet, com- Mayor Iiso C. Willlarolon erdsrsd 1 of the acene to art te tha cester and Boston, te m By James Marlow aad Winiam- pleted last month, imdxnow occu< quae exsupM te omnem sen- S6t Mate S in rt P^cuterly the mlngUng for com- Plakertoa a world labor body __ i at the plant urv4i.*-man the msloritv ofl Usunlon Of ST Class of Hollister I pieted last month, andxnow occu-|a general alarm sounded by the membara of tha hoard tl^bt X aum). The Putecort from "The N. J. Oarks, MaJer. . JPrtnttog by Leonardo da specialty tola season of catering whom are stet?^*>* at Ue 1^^ school at Hotel Sheridan at pied by tbs pastor. Rev. Ferris X | Fh« Dspsrtmsni to warn ' real' 5*on food and social intercourse, the labor movements of all" On May 7,1043 the new eorpora- cards hava been ieeued to parsons Redemption’’ .. .Chartea Gounod tonday at 8:45, 7:80, vii«, itongh It te mon accurate be touched .with tto glory of all to Manchaster aad asnrby raai- Nw York, May 38—(Wide NaUmik tlon filed papers with the town armory. Hie affair was one of 16:30. Reynolds, Mrs. Reynolds and their dents of the danger of backwat not entitled to them and with oth- 3, 10 and 11 to the ektottons that it evokes Monday, Jrm 1 PosUude, "Allegro msertoeo a vl- iturday, 7:80 p. ih.—Open air **** . “ “ to the church worth dentk and rtacs Its opanlag earlier world) — Americana atarted Sir Walter a trin e.__ clerk’s office stating that the cepi- the most sueosaaful o f Its kind ever two young sons. The "at 'hpms” Brfdgsa Swept Away er infonnaUoR now in thn posses ' vaOe” from Sonata H” ...... service. thM in ite^htetoriert dstalL It ia ill the moiith for Ite tenth — hours were arranged by tbs W o- Small brldgse. retain ^ I W h i l E ? •wushlng up on their arlthmeUe— toe Britteh Trade Union _ tol stock of ths eompaiw waa 300,• ion of the beard It is Jiksfy that Felix Mendalsaohn Sunday, 3:80 A ^m.-:-8uBdav unlikely that tto dlaclplaa ate at a long list of local people have din- 000, 000 sharea at flOO value and the work men’s League for Servtoe of the and email buihUaga many will ba raoanad aftar Mon- SL FVxncIi And. all that makes the church the addlUon U blee-thle week appealed to toe American tbs armory are Hotel Sheridan at t p. m. 0:80 a.m. —. Church School. 8i... School and Bible Cteaa. X long table of Laonardo’a arrange- ed there. The menu for the Sunday to commsiioe huabiiaa with $10,- done by thetbs eommtttsoto tka klik* eburch, of which Mra. Leelie lths region were swept away. day night’s.msettoff. Already 13 CI-7U e s all agu. maht Mon they w i» ^ **•“ Purtrayed In dinner will be found in the adver- after a preview of their l3i3 tax- tlon of Labor lteeeiitiTa.w»« GIULL* Saturday, #naa d Vaughn ia prsaideat. The pastor Inumber of autom ob^ wore tor Seutli Wtadaer Sunday, U A m.—Monitog Wor- the gterifleation of'Cnrtatlan serv. to give up Ite opposition to ‘ 000 paid in. eat.______, They thoroughly enjoyed who bad tha X Oardraturned them. 10:46 a.m.—Church auixery/ Rev. Edward O. ship. Strangers an wetcome. graapfto together atHrtilea to the tiseBMnt columns today. ea which may hit for toe first GOOD fE U X )W 8 GET TOGETHER* themselvaa during the evening, and Waste Paper Colisetlon Day. and his wife and membera of the abandoned by owners/eaught by Boma otban whn^wara given BS ick Ikough one of the twelve was laboraUoa with Soviet trade I ' area north of Center and Hast 6:00 p.m.—Hl-La*gua. Sunday, 8:80 p. m.—Maroh to form of a hollow aqnan, eifd a M tor, these disciples luul been The shop n moot-people here- Ume even thoae in the 810-a-week and join them and toe appredaU the interaat shown them League in reoolvlng swiftly rising watei cards and have ^Hhoa oome to the were reclining Inetead rtAltUng. aboute know, wha once the old- Center atrsets. Jointly sponaorsd guana. Large bougueta of . ( _ , SbKTreight- eight trains^were atoppad 7:80 p.m.—Evening ^^servlce Maaaes at 7 a m. and 10 a the memorial cemetery when a called to high hmior. But It waa cteaa. an internaUonal alUanra to ' dine and dance IV local townspeyle V ^ much. •M eonclualon that the^ art , not to tho ch i^ L Rev. Mr^ a memorial service wiU be conduct- . But the physical detatuv are time district schorthouae at Oak- by Junior Chamber of Comma roe onal flowers were uaod la proRi- by a Washout‘ al rk’B Summit that claea hav* also roturnad thalr not the honor of exerciaing power And. ^within a week after gaeo- toe war effort against toe and. Manohestsr Boy Scout Aaao- than 350 par- apeak on ’’Allies for Trying Tina 8 o’clock. All bandsmen, unimportant Jesus aikd Hls^dte- land. Its use aa a achool waa dis- To tin U ltliif Tow s of An onteriSliuDent waa etac^ by aion, throughout the mala floor near Sorapton. ' eards. Thera krs aboutiflO of thasa. •tee that of earthly kings. It was continued when the echoots of the line raUoning became effective in CelUngii on retaU prices . Cecilian Club dStlOHe and on tha miffot taUa In the din- sona were from homas. in The Comfort of the Hrty Spirit' nnd Boldiera are re- harmony, into effect test Monday, this'' the pupOa of Bolda Martla nDow- ' la t a r d a y , dona' 3# It nuiy not ha posstWs ^ Nerth Mala aad Nsrth dtroeta gU( with ths statement of Jesus that ^S*-?**^ l“ *lng in the eervice town were consolidated about a toe east, official talk of raUonlng ing room, where membera of the | endangered and quartarad Board to/ham on all « f tho B3 Ths Week march. leaving the haU rt ^ King of Kings, who te King yenUhg storekeepers-from i ing ^ opaeUng song. The Btw WaMs Paper CoUsotion Day, itela. Monday, 4.;p0 p.m.—Girl ScouU. Ferris B. RoyaoMs, Mlalster at 3:: He had not cosm to destroy the droade ago. Enterpriatog. woman of )N MAC AND HIS Annual' Concert SpaiUfled wnner, wmob waa led League aerved the guoeta. I I n 8 c r a n < eards o^ Monday as than u n so oMCtogs and Lord of Lords, be- toe N o ^ Methodist churah saw Ing m on than their hirtisrt - area south of Center and Bast Tha Cburek Boom At Did City, Lackawanna 7:80 p.m.,— 'The officers aad Sunday :80 p. m— Special tew or the prophetk they wrere ^teilJtog. converaaUon to by Mra, Ida WooAouse. SoUUere HIRHV o f t h i s ClM8e Church achool at B:30i Roger I service Migaged In what was, and con- cauie. beyond all others. He stoop- its possibilities aa a tea room and in Mqrch but this' cdnteol ' MASTERS Center streeta .Jointly aponeored Of espeoikl interset waa the new- county,.^ unldentiflad bM fell It Jias oome to tha attention bf teaebara of the Church achool will Call. Band and ed to conquer and gave Himself rising living costa moved present also fumtebed m u^ Of them m Horton In charge. songsters tinues. iV> be, the holiest of all appUed to the Board of Education Ae an indication of increasing South M ethodist w~ T’— Lea | | byVX tPWUVrJunior OhamWVfMBdnWId WS Commerce WVIF ly-furnished "eburch room," or into a/^ollen creek and waa the that Manehwtsr |ws a hold the|0 snansl meeting to the active part completely to the eervice of Ood ly and by week’s end __ ytertatnment m *" and Maneheater Boy Scout swepya quarter mile downstream Nuraery at 10:48. \ Jewish observances, the celebra- w the privilege of renting It for ^r production Paul V. McNutt! lUB POOD# o M0DB8T PRICE8I their power to make thO affiw • «i.Hon. eonferenee meeting-plaeo for com- larja number ef travaUag salaa- church ^rlor. An entertainment Ths Week ud Hte fellowmen. By Joining in the purpose, which waa readily *b*^tor of the nation’s manpower it was limited mostly to the 1 Qiurch mitteee. Or for the occasional wed- raaeuara reached him. and rafr^m ents will follow. Special Memorial aarvlca at tion of the Passover. This spectoc t Toiker Vee* Oertloptao huge eueoeas. One man in uniform I nata living bare. In sokM aasce 10:45. Sermon by the mlnlrter on Monday, 7:00 p. -Y P sing- that spirit, we can perpetuate the granted. '' So P«rtia^by ilondld imperswiattona o f ' ding at the pareonsga. This at- are antlUad to as X card Tuesday, 8:45 p.m.—Brownie tag company. celebration in tho upper room has spirit of the LoM’a Supper in that Staaka V«ai Oetlete va epionaM impereonaaons a i • v w r . e Sin ScoiiU. the subject: . "Memortel Day I a new and added historical aignlfl- Nioely Dooerated Wednesday*' May 27 od Alien, Joe Pennw and othw A V tractive room ia on the northweat fwbere th^r deUver aa well aa take Tusaday, 7:30 p. m .-^ r p s ca- upper room. The school was renovated with workers would be needed for toe R corner of the house and is reach' /7:00 pjn.—Boy Scoute. Again.” Music by the choir aselst- cance aa the origin of the Oirts- program. \» L i g o o r s a n d B e o r radio eelabritiee,celsbritiee. Another . of TTnelel V C d V C tM V U oidera, hut to many eases where ed by Alfred Lange, aololrt. Mr. dets. .. \ Hie conflict in the^world le still *be use of green paint, with chain ... fljo 8 P.M. Sam’s soldiers proved to be a from the aniranes hall without' ar Effort they have been givan B » eards the ' 7:80 pan.—CeOUlan Club rehear- Wetoiesday, 7:00 p. tlan sacrament, or the Lord’s Sup- Md tables In the same color and a TcLWN Lange will sing for offertory, ‘^Just I per, which le eo much the essence **u. between the loyal disciples At toe sanie time labor consid- ^SOOiktirfti magi clan and ha won much ap- tsrftring with tha family 57 gthons U not U k^ to prove people Will hava charge. knd the traitorous Judases, be- touch of orchid used here and er^ proposals that it Join Russian reoma. It has basi sumetant Tbsy win ha given addi- 7:80 —Worship and praytr For Todiqr," by Beaver. of Christian faith and feUowahlp Tieketa 35e ptouse by InlUatlag an sywdaesiv' Habit Change I ervios. Young Peoples Mu Sigma Oil Thuraday, 7:80 p. m.- tween the ‘‘Lords of the Ctehtiles,” there. The blackboard frames wera •md ^ tia b workers in, an interna- On War Bd big disappearing act throughout by tha Shows More tional gaaoitoa as th ^ fOa otota- ssrvict. that we apeak of CSirisUan bodiek the l^ even In force and vlotence. painted black and stlhouette pic- Uonrt alliance to speed the war other organisations. / ' Wednesday, 8:16 pjn.—Tbs Cb- society at 6:00. Outdoor meeting. or denomlnatlmia, asx "com- During the evening a cake was, . mants uewing thair nasd. Friday, 7:80 p. m.—HcUne and the sainte In the upper room. ture# of the weU known nurrary tuort. . A Us^ Amu>L ^ cUian dub, under the direction of service. I m u q l o n s . ” '*• donated by the Davta Bakery, and W ant D epartu res and Miaa laabel Worth, wiU hold its Tuesdey at 7:00—Boy Scouts. The Master went from the upper rhymea were painted on an orchid ©•mptetea. Tax Program Bolton Adds to Di all man to uniform ware f lv « l ^ muji Tbs bouse was built by Contrac- Speed Now raom to tragedy and death, ^kground by the then Mim tickets on it A drawing was held, Reftinis Middle of tor Harry R. Rylandw, a member! annual concert to the cbspeL A re- Tuesday at 6:30—Choir re- Waa^Bua consciously eatablieh- WeUe, a graduate o f the The House Ways and Means Cu^ant Told ception will follow in the parlor. hearaal and choir club meeting. and lovera of peace and truth Committee cdmpleted ite individ- tion o f Being First. I and tha cake was given to the aol- of the church, tvom/jim by A. (OMttnuafl Itsm^rkga Oas) Owletten Scleaee Servtoee ing such A rite? It la a quesUon and righteouanesa are paaa- Hlfib end the Hartford Art Raymond ElUs of/Hartford. Thai Saturday, 6:46 p.m.—Choir re Tuesday at 7:0O—Girl Scouts. we may asK but that we cannot ual tax program by raising toe Go. Over the Top. ditr bolding tbs lucky number. Week to Avoid Rush. hearaal. through a new; Calvary, but School, who hae aince become Mrs When his number was eaUed, a Bit# was donated^ tor Nazi U-Boat Wednesday st 6:30—The Mar- Hartford, First Chureb, Sunday, answer. M uch^ght be eeid for the Harold C^ton of Wert Hartford. range of surtaxes from 6-77 per u ***55?"25* ora now In tha han4s of tnanufSe- ried Q>uplea club will have a “Vic- the voice of Jesus stiU sounds. cent to 12-81 per cent. soldier ran up, received the esks Hartford, May 33.— geek- purposes by and Mrs. Chariss 1 turcra and Jobbms v w prohlbltad 11; Sunday School, 1 1 ; Wednesday, idea that JeeuaX waa sanctifying Dainty wrhlte curtatoa have been Bolton not only went over B. Loomis North Elm street. tory Outing” at Mr; and Mrs. Be of good, cheer, I have over- It turned to Secretary and disappeared with it before any ing a change In the vacation habits and ths rasors w an ordered made The Center dinreb 8, 587 Farmington avenue. aU fellowship an^sll partaking vaped on the small-panad. wln- The let hae X frontage of some 90 .Off HavanK Ooorgo SUIea home, .135 Hollister Hartford, Second Church, Sun- come the world.” It Is the spirit Moigentoaus proposal to collect top in toe number of pledges , member of tbs committee eould of the luitlon to relieve strain on available for KHdlsra and BaUora. (OeagTMatlmuU) of food together. ThAsupper that of s ^ c e that will conquer and dwk and each aucceedlng spring I securt his name. No inore was its transportation facilities, the odd feet on Henry atreet. The The freestog order does not apply street day, 11; Sunday School, 11; Wed- the disciples ate waa Aridently a the furnishings have been freihen up- to 10 per cent of taxable In- war bonds, but doubled ite q Bev. Wataoa weodraff. Minister the hope of our country la in those rome from salaries and wagek toe seen of the cake during tha rs- OSlos of Defsnas Transportation parsonage proper has bass dS' to retail stores and is axpaoted to Warren Weed, OirgaaM Thursday at 6:80—Tha Church nesday, 8, Lafayette and Ruaa I real meaL The email pbrtioii of who serve. ed up and new equipment and toe report of the committee I maindar of tha svtntog. cripsd to these columns prsvlous- last- only untU piasUe-handte sulK School Teachera and Officers will atreete. modern touches added. This sea- deduction to be used against toe to 1* p. Eaton, chairman has asked leadtos husinaaa organi- Jaaae Davta, Director e f Mm ic tax bill due next March 15. Oirls Aa Psatesics sations to schedule midweek de- ly. It Is an ideally arrai^ed house sUtutee sfs to produdUon. Is ths Oorma* have a supper meeting gt ths Rockville Society, Sunday, llj son Ulack white and purple, have night, showed. Mualc for dancing was furnished parture and return of employees ror the purpose. The paMoria jrfO|8Cw ng tha ,10:50—Morning Worahip. Ser church. Mias Edna M. Baxter, pro. Simday School, 11; Wednesday, 8, the parsonage, 70 Henry, to lay., r j . 6 e blossomed early and ati th r^ h The committee’s tacome tax YOUR A study, with its Walls lined with feasor of rriigtoua education at the 34 Union street t program would add an estimated so?*???? ffiran a quotai HOME by Fiankis Vail's orchestra, and aunort toe month they -have beeii a d ^ g I who plan vacation trips, it waa War Pro'dU dtien BrHlah blodiade mon by the minister. The patriotic pladgro and on Satuidiur h many local girls wars on hand to built-in book ehelves occupies the of ths United flta< marwak Hartford Seminary will be the to the general attractiveneki. 12,766,000,000 to toe 35,000,000,- »e town had gone over with a I ...A announced today by the Hartford Board/o^ials decided that o ^ ordera of Maneheater will be the Dnve 000 now coUected, with heavy ' gtributa to the Succssa of tha af- branch office, information dlvleion, ' guests of .the church at the annual speaker. AU the rtalf-membera are "Soul and Body” wUl be the sub- *• “ B » * « e r tal of ^0. Bolton waa the 1 . - I ‘- * 1 . “ by aettog as hostssass to the OEM. In maWng the request, Di- Mamortel Day Service. expected to attend. ject of the Lessoo-Sermon for Sun- M»to tote season. Dtanera are emphaate on income below 35,000. town to the rtate to so report ben on this floor, andIhi I >Our dubmarlpM win taka cart day, M ^ 34. Osapa) Ban served daUy from 13 to 3:80 and The program would be baaed on Josephh B. Eastman “ called I living room and adjoining dining I "b ? *>••• Many projara The muaic: End Today Mr. Eaton was congrstulats# f I attention to his recent appeal to of that" \ / Bralude—Russian Hjhmn .. Swoff The Golden Text la from Psalnui 418 Orator Street on Sundays, I2:16 to 3:80. Private 3500 exemptions for rtngte per- the Work done. The committoa^l J^m h^Ta a toStTS'ato fU ririS lack of'lumbar JSToCtora Omreh Of Ths Naannas 43:11. “Why art thou cart down, parUee up to 50 or 60 can to ac- sons and 31T00 for husband and not stop worictog, however, 'l hw of the local outfits wives are I all govarnmaatgovernment agend(agencies to ar- ww Blowing down, ao it waa da- ’ Tha hccadaistor waa said to Anthem—^To Thee, O Country” . . , 466 Main street Msnebeeter I h o w t o t o w n . have gone ofTtbe air after making ...... Bichberg O my aouir and why nrt thou dU- 10:80 A m.—Stmday, Breaking Financial romim^ted. '^oee who do not wivak a normal tax of 6 par cent continued its canvass ^ - i TZifJiid nags for annual laavea to barin to ocmantrato on "duraUen Bev. Jaaws A. Young, Pnetor of Bread. [eport to Be desire the regular dinners may be Refrashmeata waft eervad by and termiaatq on Tuesdays. Wed- u5^’ *Wtchw 1? wldomltorlaa’’ for war wotfcars. PrU tMs ttotoit ______Anthem—Receaslanal'. . DeKoven quieted withlil met hope thou in Inetead of 4, and minimum aurtax “•rttog test night It was I God: for I ehnll yet praise bt™. 12:16—Sunday school. Made served with eandwlchek aahute rates starting a| double toe pres- I the Ladles' Auxiliary of the Am y nssdays and Tbundaya and to ftSm rinir^ H ei^ vately-ltoancsd defense beubtog Offertory (with vlotln) Arioso .. Sunday servicee: ™ Ne«\.^eek by I n ttat toe quota had be«a and Navy Ctob. The coffee was do- the nertbaast freoUng on under wmr will ha bomplated **•"••*••••••••••••••••• B rcN who te the health' of my counts- 7:00 A m. Sunday—Gospel meet- the usual variety of light lunches. ent level of 8 per cent on toe first wh» 410 pledges wen rscateSl spread vaemtiona over the entire A m.—^urch achool, John I nance, dnd my God." Ing. The Scout 83.000 net Income. nated by Murphy's Restaurant on yaar rather than concentrate them amtial to the war af- Rnasen Wilson at Mr. Baton wiahea t o t iMato street Rotfii Is on Today^ Postlilde—Onward, Ye People “We include 7:00’ T u ^ y —Prayer meeting. The committee proposal would thoae arho amriced with h im .' to JiJuly and August.. The land at that point oh tha|*®^ ^10:45 "'"-"p I the frtlowtog: "There la one body. 7:45, PViday—Bible study. SoMsea Oempllmeeted Tha rsqnast aaa been transmlt- Inflation— The adulnlstratlcn ...... A...... Sibelius -1 The Manchester D istrict Boy D ip lo m a ts LiOaVe bring into the fold thoaa earning wera, Mra. Maude Woh The committee vraa high to Its [stm t drops sharply to ths/south, At Testing Lane Wednesday. 4:00—Junior choir Scoute of America will con^de $10 areeUy and increase the tax Samuel Alvord, Mrk Flora tad to ttia United lUtba Chamber lb s archltsct -took sdvantags of was rapwtod cbmrtdering Industry- by STchote * God Is;[ed in one hope of your^ calling” ; IpraUa of ths oxesUant manner to aride wage arrangements to pra- rehearaal. Welting In ths Silence,' of 380.000-a-year men from about ICra Keeney Hutchlnaon, of Oommaroe, American Bankers’ ths contour of the site to toetall by Oe-|(EpheaUne4:4) 320.000 to 335,000. I which tha BOldlcrs conducted them- Aaseclatloci aad tbs lastlttito of vent unwanraated pay InciaoiNS) Tuesday, 4:80 — Profaasional weld J. Smith. wrte an .expected to*be^'teeue^tomnt and oU-haat Green biis line.) subS^tt cause along. the “ the AUanUc seaboard should Rsna Psldwt chairman, Mrs. tkm.11. the War Labor Board turned I Sflfl^Wctlons. ’ r^ - * * ’*’ ** “ * msT___ ^ I SWEdlRh*Atn«HMfK Urameaoboora TW^aa Rena !» » » » . Mra NcUis McCar- ion group hava taken up with toxappararas are alsoa In the hsas- Xnnaetor Whits iaid .that the Wednesday, 7:80 — Choir n lief Funds Benefit; ^ MEEEEaggff SenrlEE Sws^sh-AmericaiK ifaier Drott- be treated aa a naUonal ratoer SU all their oompany axeeutlvas vaea- [meat down a union request for a gen- hearaal. “g In. by Mcaelland. themielyea 4a merely physical, and nlngholm. than a regional problem. thy and Mrs. Ida Woodhouse. Fol- eral taeteaaa for l.T0b employes tens would bo doted attt Batur-. TJe reeponeibUlty of toe Scoute lowing tho danee, the soldiers earns its to avoid waek- day, Deooratloa Day. ThU mwn- Thuraday^ 6:80 —Troop 7, Girl . The Week*. are Ignorant of man as God’s tm- Await Full Report. in Memenger Service needs more The ship sailed fro i^ ^ c neutral The War FT^cU on Board _ ^3rt<®>d. May 28__ (#1—Je6tofc.| end trs',vei^ of The Braeas CorporaUctM, lac., Scouts. - wednra^y at 7:80 p. m.—Pray- Xfie or reflection and of man’s eter- attention. The Office of CivUlan Pprt f®r the United S ^ e e last ordered toe office of defense trane- P. Odoney, assistant U. 8. a e S ^ I up tadlvidually and thanked ths plants at Nevrark, N. J. Rowovai; tog buataees started off with , a lugnt. \ loommlttos for bolding tho affair rush aad at one tima the earn 3:30—Tha Church School. er Md Praise meeting led by the >“1 incorporeal exlsUnee. The - It was dteclosed today that a P“ P*rad a handbook portaUon to draw up plane for »ald last nlghtUxtof , , PoUce Court it raiaad tha hiring rata aad allow- \ of error te Ignorant of the lor Ovilian .Defense meaeenfert. Admiral WiUiam D. Leahy, U, s. countrywide gaaollne rationing to Mchl Fsuersinger, 83. foraierM and stated that ths snUrtatomant ed upward revisloa of rates to 10 taadsd tho 'angth of U cRitd Ths Adult dasa Leader, total of 8688.44 hae been collected and diversion which they nestvsu British TBers ---- atreet, hacked up onto iSro rtrert Mra. Katharine DeF. Hardy. - J25”*?TFs. W ^ rta l Dny. Con- world of Truth,—blind to the retl- from about 13 or 13 yean up ambassador to unoccupied Franbe. determine its feasibility. Instructor at Francoato. N. H=d different - classes of work as a Valley Zone Oonrentloa In lly of man's existence,—for the from toe two local theatera dur- ^^^1 OE DEEdEd for .EervlCE under was ordered back to Waah^ iraa being held for a 'hearing bwi last avsnlag would haver be for- standardisation measure. and Eart Middle Turaplka. Duo to •j8®—Tbe Cyp dub. Prudent, Hie Wall Street Journal report- Yes* We Have 4* 5 and 6 Room gotten. This morning, the affair Hit Sub Nest wortT^tiS^HiSfm^^ tha unfavorahla weather «f ^ Vtrrtnia MThlthm. Leader of de^ the Manchester church. Other world of seneation Is not cognisant ing toe recent Army and Navy command of toe local commends I?**”". 5®»^totloo following l^that the Army, ’’suddenly and toe enemy alien hearing tNMM,' use waaar * I g^uty of (^mrattog a waa ths talk at tbs A m y statioo- part few days tha teaa is s U fl^ yotfona, Virginia Caraenter. Laad- lurches pnrtidpntlng: New of life in Soul, not In body” Relief Drive here. Tlis represente of toe Civilian Defsnae . Corps. I LavsI to pow- 4trty aware of ite enormous Fewratopr, who haa baaa Urtim.| truckick without i...... proper ICC markers, “ of topic, Robert Bteeell. Topic: SS!?*; and Sprtogfleld. to Woodbury, was arrsstsd M urTI lad to this vlctolty, aad the mam- toM its record of test Daoambar. Speciai speaker—Rev. Hugh C. a portion of toe coUectlone mo,<. ^ urad when tete-1 " J ? . ^ ------nibbetMieeds,niera- insiste that meaa- [bers of ths Army and Navy Club opafattiim white bis Uespsa was un> I Andover Man "What We Can Do to Better Our phone aervlce ia totemipted or de- « ***"JI*®’ JT** “ ‘“ g toe passen- urea must be taken immedlsteiv by an Avon conatahte iriiea b a iM d«( suspaaston and sms sant to JaU Church.". Brawr, D.D, Kansas atyMo. ' Stea Latherab-Charah In theaters all over toe country unable to show aa enemy altem row- lAuxiUary fetl proud of the fact High aad Cooper Strerte etaUoned at civilian automobll^^*^' I t h a t thoy have eentrihutod to an ad mtaa-laytog oparaUons 1 A « ^ ' ter 30 days wbaa it was rovsated .’ "' Tka W e a k torvicea a n open for seven days for the soldiers and 1^ rontrol center, sprotel meA ®^® died April 31. roads If necessary, to ete^ te^Uon card. He laid he waSA | my waters, ware announced by^^ to the court that the aceussd had Directs Program ^Wlc and we wodld eepec- Rev. H. F. R. StochholA Pastor sailors. I aage centers and at certain fixed -w w n native of Austite. bsttar ralatlonshlp bstwssn _ Tueaday, 7:t5-r-Tioop 25, Boy telly Invite those who are now to Festlva|/af Peatoceet I Manchester and the Army troops jUr Mtoietrv. It said all the raid- a long record of operating while ‘Sedute. * The State theater received $438 posts or departments. They may on duty In this area. ers returned eafely. druiik and racktesa drivtog aad Washtocton. May 38—The vie-1 Wednesday, X0:S0 a. -m.—All ^ “ ort cordial during toe drive and toe Circle also be used for inter-office driving wMIs his Ueenas was under CIRCLE tovitaUm to the'men of the armed 3:00 A tn.—Church achooL theater patrons did a fine Job by I It was announesd by Captain tory tood^pratenlro^ which SUNDAY AND MONDAY d*y Sewing for the Red Croea. vice in large buildingk “ hospl- SURINUlllOIL forora We preach Christ and Him 3:56 A nk—Service in German contributing 8300.44. *“ . medical centeik and in re-1 Oravss, adjutant of tha local rtgl- GBrmtuu Cloitn Seven the department of agrtoultura te Mra Bdnn (Mae Parker, leader. cructord. Rterahip with ue. with Holy OommunloA Text of msnt, this morning, that tha aolmar waa am stod on May fostering to eoeouraga fuU use Ofl Aa Amaelaa fltosy e f j w •:» - I, ma The fl^raporte from Treasurer port and control centers. They may I 17 at 8:40 a m. by Officer Osasalte senpon: John 14, 38-81. Theme: Walter Buckley'of the Navy Re- be steUoned near fire alarm boxes! who won tha cake wps RusaaQ W. BritUh Planee Dimmed periahMU agricultural oonunodl-] Is «ke Aiiakaa WndB The Christlan’e life a continuous Bsham who is staUoasd at ths «nii BteritoB. Um as a msans of avaldlng warts, I lief aociety have not yet been re- ,to carry reports to lira staUone. Berlin (From Oerman Broad-1 Bondte?appeel wa aaaked by Chank Pwitecoatal celebration. Confes- leaeed, aa It te reported that many Special EqnhMueat WeUa strast am o^ r. H if home caaU), May SS.-^dV-MlUtory »u- is to be handled by Nathan "GIRL FROM -nSfXfeS:.* ^^JUS'sissrfeOL Rector sional aeryica at 3:40. town is Bishop, Maodand. thoritias said today Oerman fight- Attorney F r^ Manning, rapre- nig. known to many New Bag*| Saturday, 3:80 a m.—Cub pack of the town’s churches sUU have pch meaasnger ahould each re-1 senttog Handiton and waa eat at Wednaaday evening nt 3 o’clock not turned in their nportk Thia celve toe following special equip- ers opm ttog on the Libyan front tenders. ALASKA" Netos Whiteunday. Mrthdny party to • basement of 3600 and HamUtm w «i teat heard A New Jersey native, ha Tha Sacrament of ^ Lord’s 7:to A m., P te^ tloa Sbrvtee. tabulation ahould to made the iMnt: mm band. vlaibiUty b elt, Shot sovm punas from a British from trying to obtain the money. ^ ______000*1 WIM BAY M IM M TOH oburch. M n g a penny fbr every first of toe wreeA steel helmet and gaa mask '(when pursuit formatlcn yesterday with- atod from tha Univorstty nUM rABHBB Supper will be celebrated on Sun- 0:00 A Bk, Special I A s k f t o C h a n g e Other oases to court this mpra- nacttcut to and worked di^Hay 81. birthday that you have had! En- av^abte). bicycle m S i ilS S Wq have the Yolloyring honses for resale t 6 Room Du|>lex* out loss to thomsalraa. MO, ConimuBloa. Youth of toe tertainment! Refreahmente aerved A total of 3508 wge collected on tag watt: Ctorsnea La Cose, lntoai< tho Hartford Times dadhad the w ^ i YfAnii „ The annual ChUdran’a Day- Ser- 3:80 A m.. Men’s Bible CteSA the ftreete during the Navy Re- “?® “ cerage iaook and Light Oarman bombars raided oAon, 60 days to Jail and an bn- irtMdyt Muslst BiiH m il by the Lndtee’ Society. Room Flat and an 8 Room Single. ^ in good s^pe^ To Auto Repairs Malta’s air dalds a«Un and htta| fordI Oewagt Utor. hs suhltehsdj ylra. be held. On June 14. Pnr- Church school. . Uef parade and tote hae been add- pencils. A special • Messenger S medteta toveiUgatint ordered to 4-wssloy sgrioultureil nows-j COUTM for trained meaaengera is were ebaarvedcohuigan, DNB re- a M-' ••SHEPHERD O F ^^who h ^ Children to be pre- M;48 A in^ Communion ed to the grand total which in- hto edsa/ta ocimaetleci with a lag sr st wnUmaatte. Coem. ..,] cludes toe sBoount received at toe now toing conducted in town un- bs port^ / Injury etelmad.by L a O m toe dlrectidn of competent Conserve Tires, G 3nd AAan Power '•|?«im it^wsshtogt«to. , THEOZARKS” tortc — Wtntor Straeli dance and contribuUonk 1 John Howard, who baa cenduet- Eugm ffktonar, 3f. of pouth as tsssardt oserstofy for Bey.) S^t leaden. Naturally, of Isd * giaa^ins station at Oakland Bepert Ha Ooventry. opanting without a prxyer and Rev. Kail Rtehtor, Pastor SEE JARVIS A?ro iC T H li« B E U -SE TItE B^ (From(] OwBamT^lSed- Kopptaraann (D-Cormi) dad w oix*] . ™*“ * by tha raetor. Sermon and North M ioei strast has pro- license, gidlty, fine o f |8 and coats. sd with him to framiaf silk and Now i "ffA N Tiaarffjg^w - topic, "OalUeane”. •’ ^ n a a a of coolnesk of re- easts). May 3E—(*)—Ths^OWiM® Tberstea A. i 3:80 A m. Suntoiy School pnd ssatsd to tha Boning Board of Ap- LaUntoen, Abiiytoo, tobacco markottog wrtstetion. TWR wgKAwiM.ma* The Week Cellars in Home8 ^pefiuneak all the quaUtiea that VOUR REAL ESTATE PROBLEMS peals for consldsraaoa at a future high command announesd todax -Bible Ctessek* . .Alffed A lffed Lsage, su- toe pubUc aasociates, wUI ba uaeC that' a few British pUnas flaw ever Conn., tatoalcatlon. guijty, fid and Late to 1333, ha Jotoad the agrl- pertatendeat. maattog, a patlttcn to allow him to pinru.ii.BOMDfft datok****^’ The mramngera will be expected to W e HtigoUnd btobt and the north I department as a OMm- Bk • Worship with ecle- Little Nefjded Now ask that y o u m a k e e v e ry effort to give us make a obaaga to the hustoasa by Kaxtmlais KIrka, 3U ot tha AAA staff; and Sunday School .and 7^ p. nk, GF8 Intennedlatek ^ “ rt at aU times. T^y muati adding automobOS rtpair work to German eoasul ngkm last alflht I B i b l e e S a s A / bratlon of Holy Communion. without dropping any bomba. Mata straat, tetcadcatten, flkUty,|qii*g)tly bseams assistant chtef ofl . ' have a thorough famlUarity with bis line. rokrawy **'®® Q io ir Preparatory services wlU begin nt J 36 aad easts. , tas surplus marketing admtotetea^l “^-Conflnnatloii Ser- 3:45 A Bk tlM ^m m unlty aad know where Mr Howard. Vho is ha*d of ths | ROeco CroUe, 106 Bteson trect, tien, bywaiing details of the New I ^ fOUoalng membera of It Is noticed that many of the 1^00 p. Bk, Mrk Harold Maher’a The 3VW first aid] I Howard OU Company, ftada that BritUh Bomhen JUdd Bart Hartford, 'oaaault upon th slT ^ sad Boston milk marketing] ZASN DANCE TONIGHT eternal be confirmed at hdvaneed First Aid ctesk houses being erected by toe gov- and so on are located. “ 1 4 8 h o urs a d v a n ce n o tice w h e n y o u m ove* The Jarvis Realty the sale of gaaouaa u falling off I parson of Bstkard Jaalcn, 3461 ggrasmsntd. . ., J^’^Wyn Axeteon. Arne m.. Intermediate Choir Tuesday at 3:00 p. m. the ernment in the tract to toe west- ni *1?'** i*®* training aiid equl^ and the oU biutoeaa ia always stow AxU Landing Fieldt Kee^ strssL’* conttofied to' May] He helped writs ths Connsetlost] ifiliixV-Illi - 0»J^ite»ph CnHaon.'Mnrion Brotherhood will meet ern part of the toam are not pro- •long, you^ara CENTER STREET PHONE 4112 O R 7275 during ths summer months. He is Cairo, Egypt May 38-—Ac.—on—a. motor-n Lu ^rks of 20 HoUlstor atrsoL ^jCol^jrk Shell 'p L. nr. 8 . - poaa for the rtortng of foods and you give u this notice, we would appreciate it if you would kecf grounds at Martuba wars Oaaa dur^ 3 p. m , Ladlos’ oiiUd. S: an In Foreign Lands! 1st who purchased six gonenona of tog tha church aarricA such like, conditions have, "so llltog sta- Uvaly bombsd ‘Thuraday AH , G ill Scouts changed that there is ho tengar appointed arrangementa. Thus unnecessary calls can be avoided— gasoline at a OreenvlUa fllltoj whUs eaeiM alrdromu a) The Week “.®oM be at church to prepare for 8:80, First mask Uon Inslstad that one unit con hte Moa«y, g:45 p. m.. Girt Scoute. 10:80, Sscond mask need for this storagk it te clatn- Have You Visited The Bar tuba aad Deraa wera ral SUN.-MON.-TUES. Art W d J S ffoU Ttassrs ed. . *?•—

—Nine tails which our past records show run into many miles — valuable I -A " card equalled rtx gaHona. not *• Sunday Choir lahsarsals fOUoadng 'osch parents of CteanecUcut men in the three. Said tha etatlon operator to- daylight yioterday. .. *®^ wwthera and other invited HIE. BSlmination ’ o f the basement The R. A. F. said Its Srtwol teartMTS meeting nnd out- - after adiich refraalimaate SfSI® /® «“ ,,«tottoned in foreign milM now that we cannot afford to pile up doe to shortages of tirm I day: *T punched the two units on togon the church tewnT win be served. , — ^ P ••. Patriotic oorvios Pulas- naturaUy reduces the edit of the shot up 10 enemy tranH»rt va-] T D A W N D A N C E ***•" chosen to Join And Cocktail Lounge At T hte card, but he punched me to the hiolM to the Martuba vldaltyj Wedneeday. Coming dates: Anthony J. Wojtkow- houak Many bomea to toe lower **®*»«rt A . Hurley and gaaoUnc. Inoee." dlnDaf B v o ,^ : SoOUtA " • M*y 81. A^^palla Choir. 4 p. i tek of S t Joasph’s church. Wark price ranges are hsUig buUt with- y*® otEtE DefensE AteinU trator Thursday a ^ L 3t30 3 O t3 3 A -'iir Mask, aad othara wiU speak. out bsseaientk Thbi has In no way Dowa Thru 1 Cl5riS^ta!*"m-.»m««l“ ifi GFK** ^ Devotional m eau Jtouel H. I ^ r in “Coimecbcut Bfttteh fighton shot down thru ] reduced ths UvabUlt|r aad canvaa- Cal^, ^ jhrt ^rid-wtde Bradlev*! Bam TMaffy Itace thsse homsk In idacs of Meeurnchmitta tbs R. A. F. sakLl a StrooLjadftatown,^_____ CL Smrtasr. Magr 31 at “«“cjrt by say stete to its boys P ctsopbI N o 8 c « 10:30 k. Holy OOBUBUBiOB a esUar, a uUUty room te added to tn EEFFlCE. Have your appUaneas kept in good order to avoid troubla__ Keep A Junkors diva bombsr wWrti] [fWlswi ^ ffsrtsMBiy attempted to eroee the coast west] had raceptfcai of asw awmbera provide storage room for water- •poosored by the Rov.t heater and heating aqihpment. •*tra fnaM oh hand in a convenient place, and in case of an emergency Bokoa Lake House? Ir M m orlssi of A Alexandria, Britteh Naval bau] Church ffehooL 8:83. ?**?*.P^ *°“ OouncU. wlU he pre- jB levlBS m«Bienr of ear Oearir city, today was teteroeptod aad| evening from lov«d baibsBA sad fatlier, Thoatai eraloaa 8i r. May 34. Menilv WocaUp, 10:48 with ®u“ hen Memorial haU from 8:80 tan your local electrician or consult the telephone directory for the lertUo, wke foil ssUsp la Jteai. on shot down Into ths ssa. Hu' Nnl *< ' I HJ " 3:80 the OL______riuuu by tbs adatotar. Ths R -A. r . dacterad tbsrs waa] * >• ovw the Mutual net- I May tttli. leei, sad was Uld te worship.'This to -jrtud^"ABdaato" . '.Chmniblal Play b ,Presented WOlm, aBwa aad telephpne Rumbera of our cmpioyeaa Uatad under "Ni^t I real is tka Sait eamitiry. ^ Uttte aettvtty over Malta yostar-J . ff.S.< Offbitory—"Laighetto" Baptlsto NOW OPEN! day montag, with R. A. F. fight-j Tlib mlaiator arUI ““fi tores fatben I Our lovad eats katera X,eri OB toe suLJert "Pater aad Aatto^"He LUdi Us By Locid Grange ^ broadoart personal meanges Calla” — following the general liating of this Company. |Tkatr treublM are e’ar lord era shooting down ons Mo fcmday achool 3:30 a a _%** *,r*• ...... Baiwald iWa'll mast thaai ones mera at Tky sehnfitt Itefiitor. *** ^ughters who I e o B i l a s A s a t n . Moratog worahip—10:48 6^Slit the SJV® Kenya **“ aattvas ^aad OUMFEB’ E WEMliOH '®f1lE XdEEEt Four ^rttlsk fighters won Ef ThsEEV...... lUttliEW t5:4Q mT *“ lootond. Auatn- |Tka bleed was tha slfii Lord, A /N JPCrfSOA! IV 2?*** "•N o’i svaatag wotahip. tem mawar. EasL the Mlddte-Eaet For Ah Enjoyable Evening And I That Bwrkad tbim as thiaa Lord, portod missing. !•••» fL BL Risk Twenty members of ______]Aad bri^Uy tbey’ll shlaa.at thy *y P-. Young Paople’a tor Gteaag* wars to attondahes last ^tha Brtt^ latek They are: eemlBS aaala. M«^»Jimlor Laague, 7:80 p. »^rttog held to a aroodad aanctu- * Msstiag sf ths PsA whose JaffOMlsOoUp L Thia amettog wiU be at the tor’s Preparatory Ctan. , ^ht at Bolton Orapga whan a Neighbora’ Night program was owigbtm waa the first Hartford Fine LiquOrs Drive Out And Bvar rsmimbarad by hla levlas I ' 1 of Grata aad CUffiord Nehnn, * *>“ toPtonto Mm A sw of Gm Youth to volunteer; Mra. Joseph I wifa, Margaret, eeas aad daashUr, BrtdgapocL Stay 8fl^-

—1 ^ >-l>“ -ntod to Uie FaUowBhlp win BMst a t the rtiurch praasnted. T n local Grange dra- iThemaa, Jaawa. SraaaL Saaiaal, .fteid soinrty rnmwiseinnirs today stic club gave a one-act comedy, tOM. Mra WiUlam Rivera Mra ] Norama. Neel aad Oertrada. Also hla — Prayer pervicA SML This Is open tothe to attend tha Nutmeg TraU Rally • itoimteiaa. OecU Stevenk and I ea-lB-law Archie, aad daaskura- Oanad a spoctal msstiag o f amm- pn^ Tickets may be obtalnsd at tha Osatsr Chuirti to Bart ;ybm toaa to Ahraya Oreanei" Hnd Out For Yoursdf. j in-law Bertha. BdUh. M as, Bvelya. tors aad rspiasu tatlvu ter May LIONCTL. Jpora UteuNcgram co^m lttok or ^tortford. Near otBcsn for ths by Gcitrade AHeA “ ®* *tortft>rd; 83 to appropriate 383,400 addition- iU p. rs, Lsmte Aid The play waa under the direction BtartdD. Wataoa of West Hact- The AAanchesler Electric Division at the home of Mra. g. rt«r arm be InstaUsd by Dr. Kart 1 in tbs oSunty hudgst for ax- of Ttemaa Maxwen,- and toeludad fbW, Mra Prter J. Goto of Bristol, , la levtaa laaanra oC my tlrethar aSftatsd te ths , 188 M tote atreet K. aad Rav. Richard Chito- nfi Mra Itaak PugHaae of Wa H A MPTO N Ua of North Qrosaamadate adU the tollowfiig Manchaster Orange wEflBttFJfs' of ItvtBff UBdsr war J I \/ I IT /X O amrm', memhen taking pmrta; Mrk' Baa^ .Of The bolr at the Panonage. trtoa Forator. Mix. Bdwatd Ln- Connecticut Power Compan]^ Propriety ! r ** ' ‘ ' Saturday—1040 a m.—(Mtor- A. OSBLACK, il I * J » L. - . ^ 1 - Otenck Mtea Aaaa Pbstara, Roy sv*S :.':s.r£ r' 8I8AOO Warren, Thomas Maxwen, DavM IThM wfee7 thiak af Mai 73teday. At tbs , „ W ' I ' * fisjsixs'jrs'uj'js tha teadsia of tha vattoua graupa |Ara the eaae wbe leveO B m bM t. Gtod of HutehinsoB aad Winiam T. Littlk county jail I of 87.000 to I PLUS..."TORPEDO BOA’P' A,. -1. - ( ' ehMBy for; \


• V o v e l P a g e a n t Engag^ to Wed living Death / Profe^ion Grea^ Daily Radio Programs MANCHlifrjBg .BVBWWQ HTOALTI, MANUHE8TIS, OONM. SATUEDAT, MAT RS. 1943 CTOIff faux r ti Is Presented Penalty! I W a r l ir-the Air W arden blackout and toa colmtry'a BOT News of Vets and Their Auidliaries At the Circle Stmebj md Monday Duti^h Aray netw»k of canals, but they , had UNITED Tom Thumb Wedding alsomora subtle means. Blackout Ti bW tbo poopio OBtruatod to bto Attracts Hundreds ,to ma o f Mtiirdar rad Poi-j Pin* on dssks used by (JarnMins H T r a l n i i i g r a d Oharge. B opin f to fo T hU oa^ 'stat es Still Resists! war* tuned into tiny poteen or- oboTod wboatoo bombo aetnally The Center Church. eountrias wars. And too monay vmvs. H u y a tlitraty German Termed Nccraary •on wiik CMeMi on. | By Federal Commiaeion derived from tote sate goaa iw^n never lived to thank the Dutchman ooiM bo boo teled to Impreao upon our RaUaf Fuad. And 1 truthfully ertt Andenon- them now tl|at tbo 100 per cant Ravhral of a farm at antortato- m Mark Baffan I9»\Appkiiue U oaanalty to tbo man wbo otante to w say, our Baltef Ooauaittaa Qn«en*g Soldiers Have ®' ‘ mant popular SO ysan ago, "Tom New York, May 28 — (Wkto New York,' May 28— (Wldaptraal Faattval of School Kwle: •* does aoma vary good work. Ws w Manhattan Ghost T« U^ell Done. tbo atreot to aoo tbo ebow; Umt World)—If then to a ooaoeivabto I World)—Tba talavtoton broadcast NBO Summar Symphony; 10 weib HH Shea Foocllt UlldeXWCrOUnd I y*** section set. to work on tbo SO par oont caaualty to tto man thumb Wadding," o n ^ a d tba make ao raporta of our gtring aid For 20 Minutes; toppentoghappening which to more terrify-1 schedule to being out sharply by 10:80 tSnada’a Stag < and la that way, ao storiaa got ir»* ^ to*vrhere they coHected wbo Boo down to tbo atroot and auditorium at tba Oantar Oongra- tog to tha human mind than the NBCs New Toifc atotton, HWBT, nm . Auxiliary For Past TVo YeaF8. |Mrfov»»*tlon and coeriuttad as L*wir ptO’ bto bead witb bto 1 ^ ; around of ao and ao got tola “*>otage ia was opportune. Excitement. ^tjktoal church and rimpal ad- guilt of murder tbaa it must ba I to eonttoua far tha dumtton. ' MBS—8 Amartean Bagla Oub: \ tttt. Than are busineasmea that tbo nan to tbo doorway to an- (be fata of being condemned to I Thto ic to kaaplM with tba ra- 0 Amartoa Loras rt oomnUttoa's work. —Ghostly battalions marching on I t e session* tba German president .lUlTt tbo nan to a proporiy oqulpp^ of tba Gbureb famUlas and towna- aptoateriah Lettle says to bar mur- Oommtosloa daetoloa laductog tba hattan, city of the world’s ' bolter room to bto own bouao to paopla. darous brother riato iriactlona as tba punishment o f living deaUi. I to 4. The oommlaalon aald thto 1948 V NBC 8;li0 p. m. Rcundtabla MonS"Ypres Port four days and who have fought* ^ ’ ’he ialand’a first total bh. t an tba auneuiMot. to spUntora wMcb a Thla is an toterasttog, although Iould permit eonttouation of tola- "Chlldran and tha War,” Blue 8 • month, prasktod over underground for two yaorsi that's in history found the 1,712,249~ cause there an hundreds of team, church was fiU ^ , tba bridal Thanks, for Drive dents taking It al I ib lfo to bo gtomour oboa< - ' can obowor from abattorod fax too many of them to list. But a marches and aceompanled tba ao- aonMttmas dapraaatog, play which vialon under war condltlena and Wake Up Fonmi ’Tm proving Wkr B. W . V . hto drat maatlng of the post Tues- te Dutch Army which Heinrich •tr^wordw. Ho, or abe, panMi fo r xnllos ground its brings Eva La GalUanna and Joe- at tba same ttoM conserve equip- Morale;’^ MBS 8 Amarictt Favum day night Himmler, high executioner (or TTiere was little exettemaat few of them all Mancheator knowa. loiat. Joan Strickland, who rapra- The afamhan of toe Poat and Times Square. Greenwich lufol III tompor u d Ho U m »m *«t6d jo Thomas Weir Is tba chief and with santed tha diva, Lily Pons, and epb BchUdkraut co-atarrtog again mant and allow operation with ra- "Poll Tax." Tha fallowing datetttas to toa AM M Hitler^ has been sent to The Overnight News ^t; bo aniat bo quick at tboy got oand. poUa in tbair oaraara together which bo- ducad staffs, NBC—3:80 Army Hour, Brig.. y. F. W. atata oonvttUon to ho tha AuxlUaiy would Uka to Wall street, rtii the AJt-P. behind him has set up Gordon . Tadford, aa Nalaon Kddy. War Vet Lauds tote (>pportuBity to thank the peo- Netherlftndf to conquer* wits; bo »tot bo wUU^ stirrup pumps If posalWo, the whole system and worked out gua when tbav saw tbair names I Tha new NBC sebadula wUl give Qan. OooUttte; 8:80 A*cl> O bAr Mid In, Hartford worn ^^lootod at I Firing squa^ Have by no means and other sections faded Into < their own bouses from famous tenor. Tba dioir loft Mtoa M a rg an t F n a eb ple of toa town for tbair giMrous Of Connecticut ~ •* together. kMboel ovMtafa wboqltoito . the problenu that'an . constantly rostrum Wan dacontod with first go up to fights to tba leading I It a maximum of six hours a Play "Oilcago, Ctemany:" 8:|0 -luldated” thla secret force, _ to put up bto itbo eff< of tocondlary bomba. roles of “LUiom" to 192L weak, spread ovsr the L'tat three Great CHldarateavt; 7 jkiek Beany; respoMs to toa Hqmy Drive, B y Aaeodatad Press Throngs in tibs jam-] appearing. Under him a n the Splrea Van HouteU with its gmoa- Mr. and Mrs. Carios Hi rdan Big Victory Parade I StT.SS-.'SS.i.SrSSS the mambsn who did such fin* ch la organised with mUltary i n i MaiaoK u a aowa-lnte Mi firo dopartmont, tbirtaan precinct wardens, Thomas flhnltanid aa I f fmiia days for tba next flm weeks. 8 Gharila Me 8:80 Om |Ern«rt KcNaUy,.. O______aren ca^Wato^ -"’^^ Broadway theater district ___ ful white flower sprays, by Mrs. French of Westwood road. West woffc deaplta Um waathar. Tha tooroughncao, largely ^ mUlUry Boat Bottooant crltl>l|io matter fleot-footad. could D. Faulkner, Harold J. Dougan, Scblldkraut to a ’ middle-aged, After tbat a further raduetion will Man’s Family; 10:3 Jqa t t d Ma- erell. John Uniwll. George Whln- into dporwa}ra and su b^ ys aa i bundrod firoo at Richard Symington. Hartford, announce tba ennga- aaemtogly kind man who nas Our big Victory and Navy Raltef money taken In on tola drive wUl inen—the officer* of toe queen Hartford—Govarnor Hurley has test began at 9:30. HundrodSofi 1 tbooa paoplo oo tiM aido I net bandlo Elmar O. Anderson, 'ntomaa V. bring the sebadula down to four. part and WlUard Durfcae. Wk M«o had no real chttc* to show accepted an Invitation to addreo* VO a o U m a t e I f a n OfDoen to Charge ment of tbair daughter. Mias Mtor* been sbaltejrad and guided aa if Tbaaa talarasts will bi oooflnad CBS—1X^80 a. m. Inritattan to parade is now a thing of htetoiy do much to help tha veterans wbo lieemen cleared Tlmea I ,Jtot boimr la tbo apot'loopo, a — Holden, Jay B. Rubtoow, H. H. Offlcan to the Cradla. R ^ Ba- gant French, to Ensign Arthur have ao information on too con- arc ooBfioad to hoapltola aU over their worth in May of 1940. the state convenUon of Younx In the residential diaMcts 1 caniiot undei^ taemdlary-bombNBonflcc abould go Smith, Robert Hathaway, Knight ha were a child by bto two splnater to air warden training couraaa taarnlng; 8 p. m. Spirit of ’48, and boltova mo It will do down In vanUen aa y e t gtonan and Primary deparments Hammond Kemay, Jr., son of Mr. sisters who treat him, a cco r^ g to our couatiy and It Is ao graatly Parker la a sccm from toa aieturo They have shown it alne*. Aa Democratic Clubs at th* Hotel air raid wardens patrollod __ dlfficulttaa; bo moot bo FerrU, WtUlam Schleldge. Walter CBB also la axpaetod to out Its Kate Bmlto; 8 Oolmiilda Sym- hlatory aa cm of toe higgast and MeeelMni Davenport, Stamford, on June 12- under tba cbalrmanahip of Mrs. and Mrs. Arthur H. Keeney of 88 their noods, aa if be -were brother, schedule, but to conttoutof Its IB- CHaM Bwartoont; 7:80 >reciatoed Allan bour; k anUUad la such a smaU wrc condemned by German jurid- to atarn householders of and that of bto dtotridt b el^ d tom wold, and Charles Crockett. Under ent of tbe Begtonera, prepared tba Miss French attended Oxford a long time. Wa who took did not terad Newington lu^itol Monday herd of tha Oamka" Vlth tha W ^ver S T oS S a T S idol uaurpers, sitting on t e dent, announced last night. leaka” tbo warden atUl cannow^uat aottlo them an the many poSt wardens them together, living almost like anotbar weak. It baa just eonelud- 10:80 They Uva FUcavar. sea much of too parade but for treatment It seams wa thing wa arc aU glad to' ba abte to oewal Aatbortty X children for their roles, and a num- school, Hartford. She la a gnduate three .lermlts to their mlddla class ad a six weeks’ toteraarviea box- BLU—8 BLU Playsra, ’TtMat of do our part In selling, the Popples. cento of the high court of Justice Navtford— A resolution demand- 'Obaervma atop skyaeraparq.i •iTi^rardon, bo boo no down------comfortably. - Into„ and undtr them to turn the still of tba Maaten’ School, Dobbs Fer- wan hMpay to asa ao many pacntel ways have to have a comrade con- ing that the government ban the 0 must ber of tba toaebart to tha above house, la that their father’a will tog tournament arbleta was woo by toe Pont;" 4:80 Th's la toe truth: turn out to w teh us. Wo arc glad Memorial sarvlea wiU ba bald at TOe Hague. In the last faw war-factory sones and ek •otberlty to 'atUton bto {private poraonal pursuits, laigar number of sector wardens^ departments of tbe eburOb school, ry,.. N. _ T., - and will . ba . - graduated provlurd that th4y could draw the. ______, fined in the hoepKal—as om gats Sunday, May 24, at toa Oantar that does ba paid bafon Mtrao- WMks, M mors have been ahot, sale of beer in Army camps a trains provided the biggest i ‘o. Ho baa to make ro*|oKpoct to bavo teste spn upon Also under Mr. Wato the ten 1 I a Coast Guard- toara. A special 5:80 Muitoal Staalmakaca; 7:80 the Relief fund weat over toe top out another is admitted. \ ^ bow attired to evening dress, served aa from Pine Manor Junior CuleM, I small Income frrm the eatata o^y I ring was set up to the otudloa. Allas John Friiricm: 8:80 Biorta church, and all memban who wteh rial Day so that wa may start the thousands orrootad./ ^opted by the Hartford County of light Mayor F. H. La C_ not gtvo oommanda, no | tom at odd mommto to chief toduatitel wardens with their which was to ba expactad. Wo Wall, it looks like wa are really year with plenty of YD spirit” Women’* C2iriatian Temperance usoenuaben lOrfor tbaUIV EUUIMUW«Waudlenca. Usban I WeUsalay,wraswrav^a seeow., Maas., vm on asMsav June 9.«. apsaw She IM as fun( long as.m they did not become 1 ...... Karloff ia "Man cf Stael;’’ 8:80 thank tha mambara of our Post to attend should ba at>toe Oantar Murray Urges But Hitler knew the work went declared t e trains would ba 1 n^t tbo nocoasity. I quickly bo can put l^^uMt aaatotante, F. H. Simon for for tho bridal party wore Charlas ia a member of tha CoUuion Club I eepm ted. at war'—^when the oesualty Ilata at 10:30 am. Some of the bojrs a n trying Union last night at its 59th annual toe next time and termed _ ted. The Mai h of Time, originally a Irena Rich drama; 10 Geod Will *5* “ 5 ^ " of our Auxiliary start hitting our town. We .on, ao this week he sent Himmler. aa» *Do tbtol" or D o I work. Ingenious I n d it e Ckriylo-Johnaon Machine Co„ Joe Bunce, Carl Panriera, Albwt Gus- of Hartford. j llie broibrother fall to love with a CBS jaturo but of rooant yaara Ob Suxir. Decorate Graves hard to get back in the service. Borne details o f how these secret convention. night’s trial "almoot excstlarit.” *^OB g« on to tbo boat I worked mit on J!®' ;iastto for Oakland P a ^ Mill, for their fine turn out tend our regrets to tha raothera. tefson, Charles Shaver, Charles Ensign Keeney was graduated ] beautiful girl and wanted to mar- tha BLU network, has mads ar- MBS—8:30 Thla la F t DIX; 5 X paaoiag may I aay wa aU The next regular meeting of the Hen and then an nports of National Unity organteaOona ------function,, , made I N»rtford-:-An appeal from his AU t e five New Y(»k bor taiiu knowlodco tbat Items of damago to Ufo and prop- >nro# Morris for Caae Bros., from tha Ktogswood school, Weat ly her, but by the time tola rangements to move again. Bffac- fathers and the famiUea a t thaae Auxiliary will be held T^inday members back In service. Tony. have now staged separata ^w 5CS55oS5 0^ and pimtod tor Wa tert^ Rice and Edward Lynn. Hear America Siagiag; 8:80 No. mighty proud of our tr o ^ who boya available today by Anebq toa free I on • first degree murder for Chaney Bros., H. Rosa Domoro as Axnooaeer Hartford, to 1938, and from tbe romance happened he had become tlve Jum 9 tt wlU switrii to NIK:, body’s CbUdren, new time; f:80 evening. May 20to at eight o’clock. Riga' of Hartford baa secured' a outs. Next wUI be a eltywtdo I ho murititoe Ibeelde a warning rod flw . foVvEUto co a t Oo., E, J. Swaanay to m jmrt In too parade. They look- nje Memorial church aarvioo will ^teh news agency, show plainly | Superior court Raymond Domuro was the an- United Stataa Naval Academy at so dominated by his two frustrat- broadcasting at 10:30 Thursday New Beriee, Stars and Stripes In ed fine and certainly ^ a us a Then will be a Memorial service commission as captain in the U. Elected Without Oppo* that neither aaoaninatiMaosassination nor.J . I behalf of John Smarseniec.Smarseniec, whoivho out affecting 7,000,000 pen M. Moults by I tbo oyo of an oboorver from tbe^ for Itogen Paper Co.. Oaorga Snow notmeer. and bto clear, strong AnnapoUa, Md., to tbe claaa of ed siatera that hla sweetheart left nights. The praaant BLU seriaa Britain: 0 Old Fatolomd Bari- be held ia toe Center church this after this meeting and wa would S. Army. Keep trying. At wa* sentenced two weeks ago to acbiovo ms roouita ."y dofonao councU, or perhaps the for OMord Soap Co„ Charles Belch great deal of confidence in toe Sunday. Lot’s have our largest aabot^ ia to* real aim of the oaplanatiwi, porsuaaloni voica could be beard diattoctly aa 104X him to marry somaona else. . will end June t. val; 10:30 Naa Series, Tbla Im Army that Uncle Sam ia ratalag. like to have tha color bearsn at least a half donn at the local sition to Head New secret h l^ command, although dte in th* electric chair at Wetb- state dtf*»iw council, or oven an for LiraaB A Foulda Paper Co., J. Tbe wedding will take place to turnout in tma year of turmoil. The of a Job. Bvon to an officer from the army, be must ha caUad tbe names of tba guests, Ufa Mm I^ Bleksfteg \ Your Enemy. Mtt wo .saa mon of them. toe Home at 7:30 for nhearsal. chapter have applications on file b®th are frequent. As one member e^rid stats prison for the iron- Extra Big Tires ^apar omergoney bo doomi’t Ftoyd S n ^ ;fof Pioneer Panchute tbe near future. From then on Ufa to too house On Saturday night Hat: NBO—T veto will aaaembte outside toe Mu- Tbe memben of the Post a n in- and the war te stiU young. Steelworkers Union. pipe slaying of Mrs. Mary holak. without undue oxdtement or Co., and tRi^ilaa Farrell for Gam ]>eraonagaa to tba world Umaligbt Tha decorating of tha graves of nicipal BuUdfng at 10:80 o’clock saidat a recent trial: "We are not tbo town. AB tbo town <»day, and wall known paopla to waa mostly btekertog hetwaan the Noah Webster Says, new quia; 8 Monday Bxpictaiiona: — NTO our deceased comradao wUl vltad to attend this sarvlca. The See-Bea Nward W. Broder, Smatxenlec’a strooo, aolvo tbo problem and o ^ moos-HoagtUnd Co. harp, and march into church. (Cleveland, May 28.—.«bakk bo con bold boteroon land bis oboorvstlon. And bo can’t and the fnU draas suits for the neas "to accept the kind of unity family of Viliam Frasier. "BUI” Never before, since the Armte xtt concentrated in the districts accept without question,” he told ^__ teotb whan tbo bombs I go and ate uador a trao and calmly Utot tba ahlpidag aituatlcVi was that to calculated to bring about returned and for a few days Iw Satnriay. May 88 Satoday, May 85 / I was very pleaaed to receive mon nfws abopt this at a later leadership of this union-\ I shall along the mouth of tbe River m -.|s •nny. A| boys. White gloves and white bou- seamed to gain new Ufe wlto the waa ana of tha first b o ^ to Jain the Shore Line Association here, Idi ifowBt Us oar drums and I deride which and bow . and whore aarioua but tbat the sutnnartoe tonniares ware w on by tbe totter tha destruction of these huge P. M. P. M. ' • letten tola week from Ralnsfard our State Guard Company. lice, has tbs need' for attending then fight any man who tries It 5®“ **'aak do eveiyqne some good and it cer- 75 Inangnratos Gqaid Db If fumisb It, bo win wear a imsny ht^reds. Hartford gtvea Im gy \ Uka bride to fuU- wadding regalia. I Hutcheson of the Carpenters’ 4:80—Program from New Y ork.'' I pect to see a large crowd te Itea national president” it****"* cluba, was charged I tired New York silk Importer s t e Ann is a blonde, while uia Mtde^ union. Denial Tobin of tha T)»m - worked with tbs careful predalca 4:50 Prcaa N ew 80 well of tbe spirit of these young tainly win not do any harm. Com- eyaobado to protect bto the police station the yellow signal "Rut tbat problem, Uka otb ^ cf a orimtoologlat-oclantlst on h^ 4:45—Your Number Pteasa. sokUen and they make ua kM of Tbe time and place will be ani Van A. Bltner of Chicago abd fragmsnts of glam and confronting us, to being aoIvUd. groom, toUar by a f -Tbe Wltoero— Belmont Club mander H ejl^ wishes as large a about dte position of German Hartford. May, 23. — (JP) —k’i Rs mmatog tbat enemy planoe have plan and so contrived that om afa- 5:00—Doctory At W ork.. Race Race Tract proud. We a g ^ wish them toa very mucb turnout aa possible and request Clinton S. Goldon oT'Pittsburgh Watef front estate here yesterday. State Police Departmant inaugMtS> and from tbo dust of falling been slglited and may be beaAng Our ahipa a n going t h i^ b and dark-halred Bruce . Andanon. layers. were elected aaSistanta to toe drienaes. so that its membera could A vein In his left arm was severed tar would tonocaoUy poison toe 6:80—Ricardo Tima. 5:00—Budapest String Quartet best of tuck. ^ pande ofthat the membera meet in front of act aa guides far invading farces. ted last night 24-hour guard 4a8F a metal hrimat. Bo wifi tor Connecticut The police call wUl conttoua to go through to Nancy Cola was maid at honor and To Bxggeat btoar.. Than too survlvtog stator 5:45—Salon Orchestra. uight, and rithougb president, and David J. McDonald and a Jackknife was found lying gas attacks begin to ooem tha Mdesmalds wars Paula WO- 8:00—Newa. toe line of march was rather long tbe Municipal building not later A ^ rth group agreed to lose no on 51 bridi^ in strat^o hMotifitt Thomas Weir, Manebester’s chief growing numbara.”.. Green said that ha would com- would ha hanged for too murder of 5:55—Doya ODall’s Jingle Oon- 8:05—Hadda HopmPs Hollywood. aVSJS.'Si arSJ.S’SS HeC^Uum than 10:15 Sunday morping. of Pittsburgh, secretary-treasurer. between his lega Medical Exam- throughout Oonoecticut. Dqfttg' eany a noisy rattle for air warden. Re calls Us two da- Win Prodaca the Ships llams, Barbara Field, Joan Batre, and wa did fall behind the officer* Of the former opportttity of kUllng German sol- iner Ralph Oane said he' commit- municata with Murray immediate- which ba waa morally gidity. That, tost 0:20—Rhytlumlomas. RoMosm, hiwe goM into landscape I ' m. diers. T h ^ made excellent work of thb night hours, about 400 atStt puttes, C. B. Burr and Ray Cooper. When tba abipbuUdtog program Batty Trotter, Shiriey Warren ly to suggest a rasumption of tha we all enjoyed tt and were According to flnt reports the SWOCa ted suicide in despondency, over lU he thought, would leave him free 6H)^Naw 8:30—Fruter Hunt-ANow gardening. They looked goodaal oaCrt Oil DutV Poppy sale was over thla al- te combination of tha German an- berk-of the department’a “‘TTPikiy MS Of tbo Doga and then goes to the Report Center was launched a Uttia m on than a and iLlaanor Pimeiera. Tbs flower parleya. Whether there comes to marry too awcqtoeart ha hadn’t 6:15—Coma On And Dance. wached them clean up the lot on f proud to be 4lew anywhere at any- braved the' elementa. It was a Id to bo outdoors In ah air- ten of them. Four of tboM ten b similar antertotomant at the QUMIle / ' time. The part wa are able to do worthy cause and met with whole, ship production," ba said. ’Tba na- Eiirilar paa^attorta, to 1987, turned him down. Than ba cdnfaaa- 8:00-!Abto’s Irteh Boas. 9J0;—Year Bit Paiada. alarm; but they have boon go to the Center; each of the other tion’s abipbuUdtog capacity has church 84 yaaii ago,.Rev. Oaorga failed as did 1939 talks urged by ed thla perfect murder, hut no one 9:45—Thvy Live Forever. ba npected. I ®«>ta heard along tba Una of compared to,w hat our so m and hearted, support from the public. . to- bo left out to Mancbm- rix carries on the chain by ealUng W. Reynold The responaaa of tha 8:30—Truth Or Oonaaqnancaa. ^tom are doing te ao small that Thanks a lot Mr. and Mr*. Man- been Increased joara than 000 per President RooaeVelt. In 1940, would beUeve him. Not even toe 8:00-^atlonal Bam Danes. 10:15—B ttby Tockar and Cborua. ' Ddn’t forget cur bingo ittias In I toatch, and justly deserved. To by mtotako and to have taken List Na 1. or X or S, etc., aa Mr. cant. Tbat of itsrif to an out miniature couple were atoo clear Lawto atappad out of the CIO pres- governor would believe him when 10:3(1—Public A ffairs. toe Orange haU Monday even in x.l^ ex-eervlce man. "ouir hbya” ** ? rcallaa th at w e a i« chester. a at him wtkm to the eourao of Biur directs. Alerter No. 1 Calla standing achievement.” and dtottoct. 110:00—Sports Nawpraal of too Air 10:45—Music Patterned For Dam . wtually at war. If tote war must The regular monthly post meet- I duties be baa treapaaaod on The brlde’a liiothar was Jane tdaney aa ha said ha ewuld do if hie condemned aiator, on leemtog I w i t h B i n S t e r n . Good priaea and lota of fun. LeVe h*” * » revelation—grim. , datar- the prectoct wardens of the first Maritime day ' yesterday saw Mr. Rooaavalt .were ra-alSetad, but hla guilt, rafuaad to totarcada. She ing. meet you than this coming Mm- twined, and above all perfectly to W h y aacrigea. than no sacri- ing WUI be heM Monday evening at they consider tbelr property, seven prectote or, if toey can’t be the United Btatea to tbe midst of Burr, father. Frederick BUah. and 10:15—Labor For Victory. day. I trained and diaolplinad, in .marked May 25 at the homie on Lronard has utd to be firm under the thq, bridegroom’slegrom 's parents,parent' Marcia ha remained on tba <30-Nsgott- aald aha prafarrad to go to tha «J - 10 JO—Tad Stoate’a Studio Club. U:00—New reached, their deputlM. Alerter tbc greatest merchant ship con- sting Committee. Last Jahuqry lows and punlah him by tearing 11:05 • Itedrto R n m dw ‘ la toe meantime Oierrio. good lo of tha outfits in Mm and liberty wa now enjoy, street. Plana for Decoration Day femllea o f mothers when No. 2 calls precinct wardens 8, to struction program ever undertak- Men-ley and Franklin Crrimra. . ^ ll:00-.N ew 11:15—Oanda TbeenbUra O rtt. luck and ksep amlUng and don't toe last Wertd ------War. K ay their ttt complain but tet’a thank will come uj». with some other abopberdod tbdlr diUdren la- GMatoatthaPageMt , ha urged Murray and Green to get to too more horribte (ate of 11:15—Nateon (Bnutod. 13, or their deputtea. Alerter No. en by any nation. It calls for com- iring to live with hlmielf. 11:80—Ouy Lcrabardira Oreh. forget toa pop|w/Ma ia now m purpose ba. In the words of our God that wa are qU able to help mighty important' huslneoa and orsfromiuioI im obvioualy Imaginary 3 calls the fire departmenta, the Guests at tba bridal pageanf 1 1 :30—Rtvarboat Ravels. 12:00—N e w ha sure and buy youn, it’s for Torefatoan who wrote so truly and to some smi^ way. Hava you sign, outside. BO baa had to on- plation of 2,SQ0 vessels of 23,000,- andid bovs boys and ttd glrisalria who Imnaraon-1„ imparaon- Murray rapUadtlmtttyne^UA It is a splendid east and pcodne- Commander Heller expects a Uraa two theaters, and four of tba fac; 000 deadweight tons by the end ot tlona would have to bo Initiated tlon which Author Thomas Job has 18:00—News and Baaabon jfacraa. good causa.. ao proitoaUeany Into tba words-cf to y w pledge to buy. War ^ v - attandanoa': the wlaaerarits of a fkrmmr torlea to Manchester. Alerter No. atod them follow: 18:15-Bait of too W sA tbe heat year. through hto offica, and no formal (or this new ^ y cf bin and tt te Joenw. tha praambie to the consUtutlon. tey aM Stamps?;^If pot with toe Victory parade out of I ltd finish the milking of 4-«aUs the varioua public utilities, Prasidimt and Mrs. Rooaayrit . . . l8:80-Toddy Powril’A^Orohaatra. . . and aecun too Haasings alr<> kt once. Don’t wait,—the eow whatever the‘ suppomd Twenty-aeven merchant ships Elinor Huaaey, Brie Hobanthal raoumpUtt of paaoo efforts took undarstandla^ ateg^ by Diiee- 5:00—Naurs. ^ _ a t te way and the Decoration Day the aupertntendent of actaOola, the wen launched oh all coasts and plaoo. itor Lear Ward. • U:46—Jahatto. ' Ubbrty ter oaroahras add -N«W . '> To Attend Qvirch! *Kir ”** tote yqar but U’a going td bo rather I them to the Center, those members keelT-a world record. ' - ' 9toa aatvtoo at too Oantar Obam 1/ practlatog his new skilla of the staff of the Air Raid Precau Mr. and Mrs. HariMrt House...... To BecoinC ^ y t.'H M ^iriaa OMnbatoi eqsaatet 506-Badto YWee af BMisiam Mrd to carry out t e ochedula dua Of The tocbnlqum For he knows. Uona Committee who are to charge Louisa Boyd, Ftebas W arm Labor to Back 8 J0 y 4 n e StrikS Qaartat' tJo—Maw . /. MGuiaret MeOBokoy. aMtoer l^ iS a l to t e raotrictloBa on gaaoline and 1 if Us .neighbors don’t, that of the servicea to aid the wardens, Cost of Gas Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fish .... 8:0CUWoild Nawp Rannditp. 8:i5-Orpay OwfasMa ”V»99ta toat aU mambmistoo^ raombar of this club fbould eonsid Urea not to mqntlon buaea Tend to a game to wUch ha must ambulance, first aid, demolition, .Att Thrall, David HanlsoQ (Oaxttonai from Fags One) falS-D oop Rfaer Beya, gaactat 10:00—Church ec tha Atar. Pfawtag to attoad tba. Memorial O' it a duty and priviteM to at< up Monday night, chapiries. That 1100 pat cent perfect He. hugs to etcu (The procto^ wardens to their Tha. Misses Emily ait> Laura Pi^dent^s Plan ’ 9:85—Words- and Mufte. 10:8(A^New tend. Pteaaa rttort by 10:15 sharp Chapter ia aU this weak. V lie knowledge tbat to turn call their pOat wardens; the May Be Cut Houae.Eton Downing, Sustt Burr that Mexico wps declaring war "In 10:00—HighligSta of toe BIhte. ------10:35—Wings ------0»w--- JmSam SrSU?SSi.S3l' “ If yon id u to attend. Jay Dee. nd those towns With weB- poat wardpia their sector wardena. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur HUng .. conaldoratldn of tba-aggraasion of 10:80—Storiaa of Anterlea with I u JO -Jattsen Whpater. N e w S torc r s ^ la froat of tha OteM AMsadaaea tq— 1 and practised wardens suf- . .Heida Schtounal, David Adamy which tba country has bean, vie-, Now Haven, Kay 88,—(SD-i-In — . , Tom Tantea. U:05—vatf Brcdtoy, Plaidrt. untetom BuUdtag. au mamben YD Men Return yr Abd, meantime the telephone com- To Fraction to fiu OMmactleut On.Satttrifiy. May 80, wo wiU Favor' saactly one-tmtb the casu- pany la keeping the wires clear for Mrs. Edna Caae Parker ...... tim,” there were .todlcstions that 119^^ sent L0:45>'-VI and VOma. voea) don. 11:35—Inritotion to lA a n ^ . an asked to wear their (UU nal. partlclpoto in toa Memorial Day I and property damage per Oongraaaman today, LbImi^ Non- these essential messages; and at • N o r m a S t r o n g government departmenta wars “ U:00>KaW 18:00 Jttooik— Bbytbm aMO m t o m f t paitute. Let’a have'a turaout as ' T e tKe S e rv ic e nb aa did those with in c id e n t the Report Center those gathered (Ooattooad from Page Om ) Mr. and Mrs; Jaasa Davis ...... ready (or swift action to meet war ___ Lmgm bf ODBaaetteut Urt5—Day Drcaaa with »id Pe Ihaaideat MeOamny also hopes food u that In toa Vlctoty panda 28.—(P S - stalTa. there are waiting for the blue aig.^ .Marilyn McClelland, John Provaq condl-ions. u^ed support for Prasidant Roosa* 18:15—Tour Snaday Sonaada. *'*** *•*• I. Our maaUqg last WwmeiNlay ®* ’*'**“ tagonta faf. A Paliitol Course ' Ralaay. '' nal telling them that the planes interest to Landers’ invention, John H o o d ...... Ronald Glaon Acting on reports that Axiq na- valt’s sevan.point program of 18:10—Last Minuto N e w to Um Ifamorlal Day panda to bo J«»t •!»•>( oovend evasythlag. On ‘foinortOw'iBocBiAg toe YD wUl nnUy Voted approval yaatSrday at Mr. and Mrs. John Pickloa ...... "equal aacHfica" rather tou in- 11 JO—Muste and Amartcaa Youth te taqching of Ruaataa ia te ^^Be wasn’t created to. a moment are definitely hieaded to the direc- which he says would reduce gaso- tionals had forosaan such an event 18:05—la Tha fouto AmerlCtt 18:45-Salt Labs Tahanaela ^ raSatanlay May 80to. Pteaaa I the bend award, Jobniiyliiioa oomblo with too othar vatoran long-Buflerlng warden. It has tion of Manchester, and fo r ' the line cost from 22. to three cento Polly Downing, Raymond mng- and had converted their carii Into craaaad ineoma taxes far wags Cholfcand O rgu. watch toa paper far the time and n>»>P«i home the wiimar. with Joe oigttteatlona at C a ^ State sdiooL 1 a slow and somettoiea painful final red signal annbtmctog that gallon. . . man United States eurraney, tha expwt aarnera. 1:00—Chnrdi c f toa Air. . Idaoe to aieet.' iMuldooa gatttaig hla maaay back '®L*5* w u r i Memorial aarricq. ^e a n a that he baa traveled, what Warren Wood .Robert Kingman United Stataa money was -far- •tba teagua, apokaSasan far C. 1, 18:15—J o ^ Quis Shnw-CteM -At Its New Location 172 East Center Street they are actually overhead. So tbe new atatute waa passed. at and Otabn. IJO—Praaa Napa. —F u i >A9tainpa Morica .wen riiown. toe • P“**«>* to ^th lectures to listen to, baffling Industrial Bearden Mlaa Ltolan- Grant. .PeggyCartar hiddan and banka rafuaad to ttaaga O. unions in tba state, stated: 1:85—W hafs Now at toa Son. esptcial favorites b i^ . "caadid” Nawlngtoo hoopltaL It authorises tbe court to a judi- Mr. and Mrs. George Waddell .. 18:45—N ew ’^(action splints to adjust to sup- When an, Industrial warden at cial district from w hi^ a peraon dollars into Maxtean pesos.' "Wa rucommand fuU and Imma- 8:00-Splrit of ahoto taken at soma of our farmer Hritorimar’a Horriblaa By broken legs, miles to .Harriet Flavell, Donald McComb Oeaud-Gatmtt Bwrfnooa PhMoa diato support Jor Prealdant R o o ^ 1J5—Upton Cteae, enmmantotor. one of the factories gets the Red la sentenced for life -to' designate 1:15—Bob Backer Chats About 8:80—Odumhia Wprkahep. outings—and tha oamen doesn’t ito a flaa aeanmlii* of We have Bp over, totermto^te meetings signal from t ^ alerter be puUa the The Misses Helen and Gertrude PoUoemaa remained within sight veirs aovan*polnt program. By HaJ 4 a person or commlttoa to sell or Ca^^ler...... 8:0»r>Proaa N e w , .. Anderson-. attend. Incidents sprung upon factory siren, or whistle, for a manage the convict's real or i>ar- of too largoat Oannan hustaaaa putting tote peogram of equal 8:00 — OoluttMa BtoadcaaMag Anotoar faatun of the evening to ccovTOUon. You are all te- in for which he must instantly series of short blasts, continuing Starr Sebustar. 8avar?y Aajfinwall pUtaaa to guard them from tha Mc% Into praetlos. wa fast 1:S5^% World la Youn. was toa aucUoning of soma at our vitei Top prise te $100. aoB.J property. Mrs. Emma I^mns NatUeton . . . 8:00— Samaay Kaye’s Sunday Symphony. CASH baaemUe all Us powers of totel- for one or two mtouteS. He and his Nathan SotM, Lehman's counsel, public. S a ^ tn s * and deputiaa that tha naeaaaaiy funds could be Shea ttUque chain. We aUU don’t "•ve McCoUum te back on too ...... I... Marilyn Fairweathci voicad damanda,that they ba seised 4J 0—Tha .Pauaa Tbat Ba#rmhaa ggnnee, observation, and qulck- subordinates then hurry to their recently took the invention to Mias Evelyn Johnston raised. Batting $85,000 Ss a Hmlt dn tba'Air. know who had tha most fun, Aue- Job part tltea Wa ril wish him Owned 'Wtttodness. But be knows Us stuff posts to fight fires, to aid to rescue, Waahtogton. Officials praised it, to relmburaa Maxleo fo r’the loas for indiridual ,aa riilnga. 8J0—Onrtto Bhaaiabte, Port Uonaar Oopalaad or too gang. Yes, a comriate racovary. Janice M u ^ ey of the ships and pay toe families 8J5—Tba Sabbath Maaaaga. 5:00-Tha Famlty B o u r-O l^ sate w an sorvad, Operated ;-;;toow. He can tall the difference be- to help evacuate the plant if nec- he reported, but added other simi- Mias Leila Webstar . .Suian^yars oartetnly would bo a maana of Swarthout, Doams Tgyior, ..^7i®5?®*tol Itoy wa ossembla ON HAND a Ugh explosive bomb, a essary, to give first-aid. Iii all the lar inventions are being toatad. of 21 seaman who died to too atak- ralaliM hugs amounta of toe nsaf^ 8:00—Kiufio For Naigbbqra. Ma 8948 Wril Dave te boiM again) By iriBoutoGram (Wyltysand Mata) The anjoyabla aatarim ^ant iitgs. 8:15—Bouatly Mabr, ifaoaliat. A1 Goodman. V. F. AV. bomb, a ttow bomb, and an factories -the fire-^httog equip- Lttifafa'waa convicted of a fiM waf glvan under tns quspleaa of ad ravonua.” '5:4S—WtlUam L. Shinr, N aw that w« mean tatephoM 8088. A J®ft^^ Di® A* Xifa Hobm At 11 A. jn. for You By ' bomb. He knows how to ment has been brought uplto com- degree^'mangle” murder on Staton Mndeo’s Tha statement also pointod out 8 JO—Thto la toa J i m Bour. trifle woUly partial . but tt ha for t e p a ^ and dedication of plete efficiency; sands, shovels, 4:50—Mr. and Mrs. Obnaumar 5:00—Edward R. Mnrraw. awallowB half too gaa he gets I the latter without being Island. .» tost "w bellova that tha (nnda 8:15-B o^ TDdpr and V e^ V.F.W. Sells 3,000 tha General Edwards Mamorial at Umself or without expJod- palls, pumps, hose, have been put pedant*** * 1 Atoao a nation of 20,000,00x tba for a aoeciaafnl ptoa^ PMaad Oen. around tha canton, ba win ' te sro(P,0. to h 2 ^,S! Bta a ttm otUm m a l to convenient points. Certain war- 8:80—Gena A u t^ s Malady forgot oveiytolng. v«/ aasts aok $4J9 olwi Mrs. T. R. to the face of aome unwary war mualjto 5 JO PbaSl of toe Padfle. Randi. New Y ^ O itttar trin coma up Helena A. nearby. He knows how to dens abut donra the engines,' pull Colonel Bullard I except for Braxfi. Maxleo has Wa feai. howavar, that toara te a I 5 JO—Tba WdrUTa Most Honorod Poppies in 10 H rs. 88 Yoan Marrtad N(^ Hayaa, Past noaM h I aNoHQ M riB N te itate - a person t' whose the power switches. Cheney Bros. standing Army of 70,000, >400,0001 dnngarous tandaacy on too part Of . Wateb. 7tl5-PubUc AOatra, Speaking of stewards. Ptaky more aeml-tralned man ready to | °“??"“toar, of- YDVA. 'iM tb tog has stopped, bob to wUcb baa thirty aerea of floor MateTteviles tba Bouao Ways and .Means om^ 8J5-Noria. 7 JO—Wa tha Pooyte. Won. ban I catebntad hla quarter century of win ba t e prtoripis speaker. AU n® rtated eato forsntore. space to protect, and several hun- Is on Trip SoUth ha tolled and a Navy cf 15 5(00—Wdrtd N aw Tonight hack CD toa matrtmoahil Mias last Wodnaaday SMITH ftap arterial Ueadtog, bow to treat mlttoa as wril aa certain othar 5 J5-H an r Herttef a Onbatota. Job again after few week's va- vatann crgaalsatlana win m .., WpeIra.de»hkig,erodienwds? Erickson Ha baa toaraed bow to estl. dreds aerea of outetda around. In- Sub Skipper already aettva on piSM ia the n r puUle oflleiala, to Maos toe tax] 8 JO -B w a ^ SportA ^ 5:85—CHom Ooetar. cation- T avanlag. A s a sort o f pm-oalrim* cluding a reaervoir wito mOea of Colonel A. L. Bullard, com- clflc. 5:55—Stmar Oarip, M aw • tton. bs triad hla luck at Mnfeo teat "Itodgjr^ftoJ m ^ L iS b ^ quickly tim anUnt of dam- bwdan on tha ahoufiterato 8:45—Tate lafaryrato toa N ew f:05-F (M Alton Show, -'ferirt; h f a bomb to Ufa. or underground water and mander of the U. 8. Army troopq least ahte tn earry itVThM to^ i Sataday avanlng, but qll ha pipes, -a water powsr plant, and a to JO-TWm It« Uava n. and bow and what aerv- stationed to this area. left town to- tram Page Om )' WaiB^eoms Tmuh ^oka nut agahufi iWaiIng • I ------m toa toot^Mte. Sarioualy to call to bto aid. What to couste at miles of high tenaton' a trip to Aberdeen, Mary- MVttena far taxas. lOJO—N e w ^ tta ^ M an tote to wteldng^ electric lines, has 200 wardens iaaawM 8 JO -m gar • acftt aSd OMfUa OBnudttoa v^baT to^ tta a k ^ important be knows all land. "I got aboard toe sub bo said This is I Latin Nation to Join against tba sates tax. |tO:S5-LnuM Mi FmA ttd Mrs. Mo^igCMy a aate'OoWdtnarstttitetevSk trained for qtarial duties, a dempU- tt iajuatlea. Tou kilted men ental commander will By Thf Assodsted PrSss 5 J5—Om MM’S 11J5-H< wrioM to tote wortliy cansa. rirc twoBty-fiva xM n ysan of toa Sjjn, can be itopended upon-to an tton squad, a heat an{l po^er attend tha graduation eoMretaes of toatriiip.’ ” 11: ~ •MWlBAmF aquad, a nfety and first aid de- 8J0 — Manhattan 11:85—Dance orchaatra. Bari C91ffard for too naa of bis and wUcb ones will hla son from the Officers' Candi- Sab Oto ef Taryedeae lu______iircailM ’Sl.’X.SlTwo car* ClolUde; Boand. alofa far haadqnartan. Glad to hoar Jim Rynaa to com- ^ na kaew haw orach you tachment. date School at that post. Tbe young teg BloBg nleriy. Howard Minpky wafti umouu/t frosi $to* wtoa advice. He knowa tba But every warden, whether civil uubiaariM I Lattn-Amarictt rapufalie to j«iii f:50-^>Amariott Album of Fkari?. 06 you know that too Fiaadan •*»: Cfada Bott- ALL WnX. BE'COlUHALLY WELCOMED TO VISIT THE BEAUTY NCM)K AT ITS of children, old people, and graduate will be commissioned a No wtt B raosBt ^ tor and ra p o% to tfaiMiw t e ihrc; Bart or -todustrial, wlU be a miracle second lieutenant as part of tba 'O ne In ju red Btt Mm Ic . Pappfae come la haafy te the veto soob 5faA9 Tnini omiBailj nsatd ho wM bavo to look out te m en ways tkaa cm7 o a a c f tW Jte aqtacte to to honm , IdTCB of Now Loadoa, JVC; Wri- worker when the first bomb actual- ceremony. lO jio -H o u r a t Cbaraa. |$42 Pay lU te toougb ba win have to go back of< iB l2aw riB r.S K & l? g ™ hear OF THE SA U ,!^ AAtir aa hto pkyrical district ly falls. By bis akfillM win protect them te to aback ba (rianoaa ter Boordman of Morldoa. tnoo- sUhosnt*. Ifatiafrily we'H ask Tha OSlcarar. Candidate Seboed S & t S f S S l An aiitomoSrStvtt by tar a few weeks "furionrii.” By Kinoaid. htetoctan; Hba towma the toeatton in tt Ms’and proparty, and out. of his at Aberdstt >s an ordnanco echoed, 11 1 J 5 —M a w “ \ t a a n te torcwteg toa Ywq Mngo wOl ba toa boos to- JWH a t e tacts, bat to*r* wfil •m dhyrant and alarm To Be Decisioi l****5? abteit covar to a t^ sad ABdorooB c f Waterteuy. ha aa rigmaroli «ri a* eoi. batoast. bscaust ba and bto su- and young Bullard will be com- lu;i ngfet—ttd toe boas Beads help. raw W fill I btontoBBBBrawwrarawwwBa ------,1 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Mws the tocatloo of the Ptolors have toougbt the matter mtaalonad to tbqt branch of tbo kW K d o^ hte word—you (Mb to oarii houae and attnuuiMO^^ Moot ofttiSm aatadlHIM a t:^ e » qfkMm tofttor four quas- ^ to help, it wouldnH cf Mlddlatawa, service ofiriear tbnngh. ba wU puU sqrvima sbel- serrica.,, a faw days after ttd Japq. jc g a r ttSH IgS »*T*Stegtp a JO^-'Tbroa vaaia m ma « tram Page Om I to tba hoys bowl preparations have tar. food. Ufa wont ba Immadiato- Flandata Itemiaa ai awdd ba|p cot obtSaw — -j-fr *totor SpragM of Winiam L. Oiffoid o f Hartford who was hi ly aonaal-but m toon after the Mteliia Onarl mma a a lM tala tha It always cStea to toNB sate 030 bal^ sataMTao nport AmarioBBteattcB o«|. COMPLETE ALTERATIONS mUMtm-aa to physically poaaibto

gAWUHgarTER EVENmo HTOALD. MANCHBSTiat. OOW . 8ATUKDAT. MAY 28.1948 I xromaa. Is tha read Ufa xrorth the tMt any aiaila n f» Sloiing Auto bargsla prioa ef a few sfooBAila • SERI/^ SrrORY |10 a w a ^ win a w Connecticut I of sugar, a few oops af eoffga ar I pagr aa iaooma ta*. Tha loweitng Comment a tow asUos af waihlag la- Big Problem] Itn A I of tba asamptloB for oiarriad paa> I stead of motoring-^ hard haata CARIBBEAN CRISIS pla to $MW aMaaa that ooupka Yankee instead of rubber eaao? Or teat From The River Road I BY EATOM K. GOLOTHWAITE cosvaiaNT. taaa.' WQ I with aa booma of |M a waalc wlU it? It's up to us. MSS a a a v i e s . w e . Plent]^. M ore to D o] By^meealmM oUm ijaeoBaa laeoaia taa payara. Than Dritre into the nom that potait up, tba taxaa l aa haa tha unlUUral Thlaott is spaculaUxely and . decided to (Mr. fom ar adltar af 1h* Barald. haa aaaaantad to w ^ ’’A Sxraa Vilas to latteB to'Now Vsek after Garage and Lieave It. wtU not baaafly upon thoaa who p^vUega of now daclarlng avary- iattw la whleh bo diarea xrttb hta farmer readara tha Ever saa a swan, la fuU flightf gamble. un ate yaaiB ob a Itoleli West Ihdtaa “An right,” Tslcott said. “What’S abaady found thia yaafa ta* an ^ tha racord, iflA hacauaa pta^. M^^taalTanalltd of hta own naaaaful wttaaamnt to^tlw ty>ks I never did tlU ona aMtnlag this STSeWtodd maor. I “Okay. What happens if you Mle during tiia prassnt amargency dcr te pis fed. aooop tha praaa of OoOnactlOut. quaar UVing things la this world. lag eompaUod to do a lot of eloae panhandling atala bread around to snaasad Mms MaaDowaO, a pn- refuse to be extradited?” June Brides biU doublad or tripled whan thay xato datoatlxai JuBa Valaiaaa, or puta tt ia atoraga'lia cannot | TherefuWA If you are pimwiwr 3peda]iaeB in Repair W oih Nat that hla M b b a g ra ^ Tharo ta the duek-bUl platypus, for dguring to meet the prlcos on our oovo bad had a tiff with his Tslcott stared. “Tou mean—” SPECIA L PERM A NEN T gat down to making out thalr re- canalB af BBTa fonaar rianiButo, sseaps s lot of proMems. your wedMhg now, stop la sad I K n o fla Brosi win MI all. C a ^ Mhy ^ moata and other agrleultural xvifa, or xvhoihor Bm xraa tlad up “If you don’t xrant to go back let BIU B ridriy xrony \bout tte ^n or fturna na»t wlntar. In other woMj , example—that axtraordlnaiy Aus;- aad txra lafagaas, Martha Bxraa- Nextinline too amort for that, aapaelany products for which era haxa to at hooM by aoBM domaetlo engage- to Now Torit xrlth ma, X ain't got Bs altesl^ has tesrd much I lavltatioiu. % xriU gladly give FOR W HITE H AIR in o^ ra o M tf l^hie la tha asoat aeran ta* WU tha trallan aad Taaqiaalaa animal, SOB aad P m Csaatanttas, xrh# tha poxrer to mate y ^ Tou can X- shout mvlag tires aad gasoUas by with tha wair golag an ago the Oongroaalonsl farm ment, X doaT know. Aiiyhow, his haxa baaa laadai aa the lalaad by you an asttmato of your work. Good Baders W 6 h a v e a L o tio n fo r w h ite h a ir w h id S^’SrM nM^ I i^can people have aver had aeala aa awlftty that It > which ta a true mammal, eOl right, tie this thing up in tte courts \esiefttl sad modarsts driving; If Wtea you get that estirnata. you bloe. ’ nibs had bean around on hta lord^ smad Jack- xrlth s xrrit of habeas corpus. te decldm not to drive tte v£itato | And That Bringg Up •Siorto Bp trfoe tw ivt. S so o n ra lbra pre^tad to them. Ulndy to taka Ooaarnon Banay and fur bearing at that, but has may look otaewhere If you xrlto, of styles. aad Baldwin, leaxtag Ooamjnn a bin like a duck and arobbod fact, ly begging trip quite akma. Later, Legally, thay can’t touch you un- but to put tt sway until thaas ea- ThonghlB o f Getting but It a a eortalaty t ^ you waj^ oi the Towm’B Moat aad aiaa the laaal aawa BiKvlt la good bill, eapaclally Cboaa and MoLaxy to battle It I xras roxring doxm the cove xrhaa tn you boon extradited, uid that sentisls are more pleatlflul te has return to 1$7 Bpruca strsat whsra and lays aggs. ‘Than thara ta the •oma South American countries lattsrte ehargaa a lot mors to do than msrsly drive tarabMaa t^ at praiaeahhthy bacauaa It takaa the oat between themaeixea far the X beard, from aloft and bohlhd ma, sometimes tskao a long whila. Wedding IhritatioiiB. you get tte beet for Isais: v . Reliable GxntraetorB, •Me hanto a n aMa honor of aendag aa Conaaell- Juno bug, xrho la with us la par- are groaning under the burden of by 1 I From xriiat you said to Btruttera tt Into bis garags oad leave It atap of ilgtandlng the Income tax a paouUar, rogularty ropaatad thars. Order your xraddlag iavltstioBa Ready to Serve. to Amarlb®* lower inooma, cut*e war exacotlxe. son tonight, ka ta a queer thiag. liwmsnsis ooffoo OTops, ordlaarlly X figure you xrant to stick arouBd Next moath tte June brides xriU today. sound. Just aa X looksd up ^ tha so's to SOS te don’t put say Head BfinlsJ A ttsaltaa/ ailaat of W. ^ ^ I But it can be accepted aa cer- too. Ha looka Uka plenty o f Othor daatinw* to ba oonaumad la tba Eli Makes Up His 1 come Into tte spotlight sgsla, sad who muat ^ thalr aharaeof tha sxraa paaaad over, savsnty-fixs or clinchers 7 ta engaged In coorartliig Paper Hangitxn lO rif W a yfo ly to per cant of Inoomea In Thera was, far Im’t Even a June bug quite un- cott’s fist brutaad and dta- 'si usually leaves a gummy substance a-Ufstims event today. Fstateld Conaty poUttotan, who moat kinds xrill be very hard to neck of a floating sxraa! Xt atretoh- fanaa. Ha could squat on hta by doetora as effseUra maate of i Manchester raridmu to stop mmam cottsgM around Oaluiteta Alteratlee SpodalMel ^^tha giaataat and moat | ugnaat brackets, so that the Pre^ dtatlnguishad In Bugvllla for any colorad hta mouth. He aaemad to haunchas whUa tte Uttla auditor ooa cause conaldc^Ms dif- Oa ta BeMiilgefs Whan clnlmed ta ba one af your mnk- get. If they are to bo bad at all. ad out xrhat aaemad Uka yards and have oonSldarabla dlffleulty In ficulty. reUtvMg hacikscte caused by poor Ow rf Maedioeter'e I after tha tUtl-1 idenfa objMtixa, If not his era, Uacis Toby, who btal twa special oouraga wUl eharga a erln- yapped like a terrier. X| would ‘Ite first stop you should taks t^um rk hM bsaa complatod. 12 J ach son P la c t. ^ Such a common luxury as tapioca ysMs ahead of him, straight as focussing hta ayaa as ha groped Next la Importaace porteps .is Is to gst in touch xrith WUUsm posture, musclar xrasknsas, fatigue toees houses xriU bs ta k e iie w •iM M ost R eH ab lt ~ Strath—which, too oftan. phrase, ta being mat. poaoeaolaab which underwent In- dow glaas, head-on, knock himself bo satiafactlOB In a large msasura tte battery, which dsterioratea or aacio-lUae sprain, 'niey are ae- may not ba obtainable In anything anything you can Imsglas, as about in search tor clething, and for xrhat te had suffered to ha H. Bohleldgs at 137 Bpruos strsat. XriU t e Phoeo 4870 \ truth ao Inxolxad find | with ouch unusual demands np- tawcUon by yon. One Inapeetlon. out as cold as a. brinad mackeroi, Taleott, relenting, asstatad as . mors rapidly la Idlsaesa thaa la I osptsd tor advsrtisiag ia ths Jour- 878 M a te S t. P h #hloh was af hta bank neoauntai Uka the usual quantities, since it though an Invisible alrplana xrara aMo to obaarva Btruthara running Mwration. It wUl require svsn Bchieldge conducts one at Man- worktag ta tte new ptaat la WIUI- no oos tan un-1 qq tha axeraga pocketbook, It will Ue on hta back, gasping and paw- much as.ha aould. cheeter'a most modern wtatiag as- BU of tte Ameriesn Medlosl As- important to Keep Car “Jh^blck win xrark on dsfsass j6m undertook of your awn aa- ta imported from tha American toxrlng him by l i Aad yat I in futile elreleo. trylpg dasparataly aiore. careful servicing xrith s re- soelatloa. . - It, Bot'axan they them-1ungoubtadly be a great Imrxlca to ing tha air, on the Outer alll, till ba •nrou ain’t such a bad guy," to cover up. \ tsblltoments. snd hta stria te aU o^ The other faiMeetlaa. xrouldn’t say that a sxraa. In flight, MacXknroU muttered as BUI Tkl- about every six weeks. A Miss Annie Bxrift of $4$ Mala 8EB EO R TOU R ShLFl ba toppled off thatr the public if, as tha tyaaury now wkM^ waa xotnatarOy offered to revlxos enough to thra oxer and tropics, of course by ship, unless That xray he xroula gat satli^ good plan, rscommended by tte experts la theta psrticularitoe. OM and is aa awkxrard looking tlUag< or cott directed hta arm Into a alaeva; -Ton me sesured expert xrprkiteite strsat apsciaUBSS in these Spencer In Crood/Condition Now This la Mother proof of tte ex- xrlth the simple obaarxa- J suggasts, some paynUl deduction ] yoh ktas an nnnaeroas ench- gat onto hta feat—and than do Florida may daxalop into a more faction. But xrbuld satlsfaetloa •opsrts Is to remove It from ths oorsetn add toe XriU be plesoed to Xaa s a a 'ps| H KSH GRA OI sions, tans af xarians bewttehbw “X guess you had to hit mo—Bay, aolva tte proMem?, Bayanga xras eblp. Superb quality sad prompt- lent work xrhlch this the world ta xrhat jrou I pi»w ta put In operaUon to help sgsln, and again and important source of supply of css- partleula^ unlrnprm va. ^ dom d’jrau supposs X aould have a SSpSSL?^ taspsctloa can bs ssrvles at BoMMdga’s. gtae you a free figure a ^ y ^ at eves year ear blendea, eoma af wham, at xait- it an oxer Uka getting drunk; jm i hurt aonsa- aity.^tuaa. Just ooU 4487 for aa sp - The xrsm weather ia here, add fmsthods employed bars sad get se- i. *taNta Broa taxpayers haxa tha necessary aa luna bug makes aav* products-ona af xrhlch topi- fl*a a ra^ *^]*'*^ drink?” RUI BiUileldgs XriU te glad to wito a — g-f ous atagow at the gssas, were r^ again. Ones a Juno bug power. But one-gats no such body ataa because thay had hurt Moal Dtala Badtator poiatBieat tt Is more Importaat this year then q^ted xrito Star'Earl J. - CamplMU. IV yV °*.ta* tawn* ®ldeet aad PRINTIN( t^^sattar of fact, many tha- snsount .on hand When theta blO patad to Maxe caught your ay* up hta mind to enter a lighted oca tai Already Morxr^tsn sar- Talaott nodded, summoned tha you and aU tte whila tte more I show you A targe sstoctloa at ssm- Mias xSwlft ia 'sa expert In aver before, 40 keep that car to ex- the propMeter,. personaUy. Otog glaaa; sense of xrlld freedom as ha does boy, and whan tha drink xras Tte radiator aad cooling system plae which you May chooee fKNB. baoomes due. A e money., for, these BMmentatliy. la a platoale aart dines, of which ' xra used great Important things xrore gring on also muot bo .drained not only to rendering ffpeaOer Service, having oeUent running condition. Regurd- I- .V ii you f i tato trouble, that P*ta ^Prtwritiee, Is sUU raady to JO B A N D O b S M L . lta^ bo pwrad. The stuff room by xray of a certain window from tha flight of tte xrUd goose. brought MacXXixtott xras clothod. RsgardleaBaww.* ofwm ttemmmm type VA ot BMEBUI* Invita- sorvette pSbIta to tte best eftteir tte faeta of htaloiy. offer af way. Tall ua. Unde’ Toby, did quantities, have dtaappaarad from xrlthout you. Tou stood aad had yean of.fxpsrisncs in taking leas of how much you uee tt these is the time that OunpbeU’a comes taxes win baxe to ooom^^ of ax-1 tlM wondMi idfUM pane, you don’t hsva to xrorry T^ mlxtura saamad to raxlva gloated aver jrour antagonist xrho, ttan you xrish;^ or tte style you care of many ^iramen suffering ta handy. Tite up-to-the-mtaute Rouity. \ XUNTim i Bald gsa.aay thaorlst Proxa Uting budgets; no mattw bow facghraMaf about hla oxer finding th^ open tha markets, as haxa aU tha im- X haven’t any Maa xrtera tte him, sent color floodihg through Kra.'jrSL“„snf,.‘r refer, jrour aSede esa be sstto- days, you must teve .lt inspected If you m ptahotag on buUdtaa in tte last analyria, might ba ed here. from bocksete, aa^ro-lUac sprain, periodiesUy so as to tosura Its good station spsclsUsec on smergeney It It aaxagar Baay great the adxasoe warning may | OrdMyewhoM ag^M ths part of the xrindow, even If ydu ported chaassa, though of course sxraa xraa going. Ha Just kept oa hta chaaka, aad ha cast a ahraxrd I merely an agent aaerlflcad to p«^ from tte cooUag system. faulty posture, etc. - WA. It mskss no dUfstmra or ritaratloa wortc^got la tm ^ I appratalag gtaaca at *Xhleott. 8 ladtaldMl Attanttoa running condition when you need ®?ta F. KnofiTty a 2en^ aTiTSS ths oatoettra scholar. I bs. many taxpayers WfUwdl get a sud-I ganfloasan la have neglected tBb acroanlng Job. prscUcaHy all types at the latter in a straight Una—foUoxrlng the vent you from reaching tte and. .*®. toe tte tiree.lt Is ad- Stays ta reiiltaB It. When emsU dleerepsncies are Whether you run out of gas. get s I . rTou ain’t iueb a bad guy.” As soon as you have picked your A Speacsr garment puts nasdsd flat tire or have battery t r £ ^ , her of hta staff, Md talk over CO M M U N ITY Tb basioally nN|**A etorldt gsa shock whsn thay actually sit Wo roallxe that is a daU- Ha won’t Ha’U keep right on are processed hare. A multitude Buddanly type of card, BUl Bchleldge’s ataff noticed, don’t let them go until the cate quaatlon. Just kind of There wasas somethingi olse> daop- wm with tte xrhotta and otora praasure on the affected srtlculs- next time. (3et them fixed Immedr tte same efficient, economical eer- your particular problem. xriU JCfMKV S E R V I C E 8TA. too, aKlMNBl^ S*Barsllyldmira to Sgura outerhatthey oera; pending tha antlra nUht batwaen of luxury items, aot customarll.r .» « “ > I” ““ “•** k , MVMt turn torn Mand Uf Up. of printers xriU go to xrorit on Uons without h ln d e i^ ndrnial you at CampbeU’a If bs glM to give jrou m aitutets question. In fact. .do Toby er, more psychologically atanln* horisontally. In a your order. Esoh order receives iataly. , — W JtSk Mato at. Mr i to tbs Mholar. I iBsay of them wUl Snd It difficult i j„-k t to be able to with a bumping hlmsaif unconscious aind consumed by tha avfrsge Antari- hung that day over land aad saa. I ^oad to the xrindow, looked out cant Already,ady, in th ayes af tte muscular seUrity. tt stays In p ^ y®u get iato trouble on tte road. M tte cost of your Job Mdxm SSS-L?*? **^*®•• ^ removing the the individual attention' snd ex- TTie ptace to go for expert re- Just caU 4161 sad you xriU ba of aivocr-1 vahhitarily to roar^nat thalr budg-1 «taR humor which ------rebuke can, have been “out” for a long X rackon boTl bo back. Bxraas ap-|and an around; tiptoed back to men, Halsey xras boas. T te now 2»**ta la Impraeticsble Jaok un tioa, tt ta aoa-elastic, is xraahsble, ^r work U (tampbell’s Service trying to striiggla back to oon- Itte door aad saarrbad tte haU pert workmanship which has sad cannot shift position. It is *M*«*d at tte prompt, sffieleat It to this way,. you raosira as Bfa aU hlalocy.Ista wtaaly enough to bo prepared erhataver crudities may haxa aUp- sclousneaa. He’s almost aa idlot- time, but thay don't count. Tha I pear to stick pretty conatatantly to man had pnivad himself whila BUI **** XriU te clear made tte Bchieldge shop so popu- St^oa, located at tte corner of •'rice you receive. * ‘ pod into our asking of it \ bayond. Apparently aattaflod, ha Tslcott had lost face. How at tte Boor. comfortable, and in most esses, Mato street snd Middle Turnpike. courtaoua serrics aad m idea of by salactlng thajfM> thaso bUto. Icslly stubborn about It as thoss first real xraUop to tha groat ms-1 their free lunch route. ^ I ratumad to tte cantor of the lar during its many years of ssrv- gives Immedlsta lellsf from pain. U you haven’t got rid of that wtet vour Job xrUl cost and Just L BraiHiwoit^ Wa have one or two otbaf^^ M. M. xrould they interpret hta caa- ^ clutch riioiiM bs dtaeagsgedtea to tte ManebasUr puMlc. It dOeS^TOt take jfeu long to drive W AYN E W. I srhatsxar pattarhl The deduction plan propoaad by man xrho used to stick to thalr Jortty xiW ba rimrt oommona on | room, tocUnod hta Aaad aad hi a Soma supports are a style which to O s m j^ ’s but the time epent wtatar grease Md oU jret, now ia pie quastlona. tlnuad Inactive preaeaca? What ttai* porittanxritha Tou can rest assured that your ta very painful to xresr, but not ao Wme to take cars of it DonT I K o y a l I. lusUact ptaaaaa. I nig treasury arould taka 10 par resolve to beat a Jackpot riot ma- coffee a:^ taa—or noru at alL Niantle Rivet Road, hoarse xrhlmar said, “Ta know xrould Babastlsn and Mack Tomas smaU b l ^ ot xrood until tte car may prolotty ths Ufe of your car P H IU IPS What, for instance, mota soBMp’B? X m ’t Uka that guy iavttatkma xvlU te on haad xrhen with S j^ cer. tt does not Inter- for jrssrA ' , wait until July before you get yoUr [ sraiM, had srarld, l^ ii what I cent of all tncoma in axcaas of $11 uncle Toby to accept Frank Ha; chine tUI their p ^ e t s xrara com- XnabUlty to obtain these in any Waterford, Conn. and sn tte othsra think af Mm operation, and where jrou xrant them, oad ear ta summer clottlBg. CiNBpleto S tfn Btruthara” IIf te were to remain, xindletiva Mripfur tor preservation of the fere xrith clothing or general ac- SheU gas and off era featured at ' tbtaklt. / I a erieak for single persons, and 10 as hta running mate after bo I pletely exhaust^ but vary roatrletod quantltlaa; If Taleott coxarad hta surprise. that they xriU be beeutifUUy tivity sad tt Is desired te meet ^ modern etatloA and even (^pbeU ’e Bervice Btation. ^ttsBi^bsr, ths oflOes of Kaoffa SarrhBB— AS turned down Dsn LnaryT Did be. but Inaffactual, sn impoteat vaga- ^ coating of toe cylla- printed eceording to jrour speelfl- tte needs of tho one Individual who vriilch tee been ta bustaees In, Law a M ow or^ than oxer, ntany I cent Of aa incocM In excess of Then there’s tha s p lW crab; at an. xrlQ te even mqre of an “No? X thought you foUoxrs ware tsMa ripening to rottsnnsss In tte yUs with hutl oU. This can I though your supply ig rationed, Xne, is locstad at 676 Mala Sirvlwd . SgM ___ think the front man purer than catione. Tou can te sure that Is to xresr It. jmu wUl stiU xrant to get the beet Mmc ^ cv tor over 17 years. Is hi thalr modest, I ggg a weak for married persons. the brains? O r xrero you. Undo t singular creature xrhich, at axrakeiur than tha ratianing of buddies.” sun? Ha could face accusations, bs dons by temovlag each spark jrou get ediat jrou order here, as , XtetaMUslIy Daslgaai offering tte same serrics as al- !Si5r*’r2 "?. ^ P*>na number la Blsetrical U L _ _ AU TH O R SBD nm way, are wonder-1 ^ th enntMneai exemption of $8JK> I Toby, a sensational rietbr on prln- Open Forum “Me, a buddy to him? Td like could fight words and tricks and Mte aad^lnjectiag half an i(too one a eouple at hm.. to ear xrill insure jrou maximum mile- frirada and customers to stop ta 2m tas attustlon and iMUaxe It to ba. L ts . Bu neck broke, tor aU te knows!” , , spark plugs. . -r— w is alao tte distributor for Exlde Mtord to taks a eh i^ AN D SIRViCri i rough bafita. Just Shout cover tba How, for another question, did come Out of a totnh of tte oarUer tte largo majority, prho are mak- hta men change to dsrknaas, Mttar you order jroUr cards. No grsoef^y erect poeture; reUeve and Hartford batteries,, snd st>e- Remember, the addreea ie tte Tp tte Editor: Tslcott sxvaitoxvad a amlls. and hard xrlth dlsappotatmant tt is advlmMo also to cover the oorner of 'Msta Md Middle Turn- Witt that constnictlon problem. I »8 P 6BrtSt Phtoto 4806 i mots ataot human aature ImUxldual'tax biU. Uncle Toby really pick Wllliam J. Egypti^ dynastlas. ing tte bast of a real but scarcely oartniretor, sir cleaner, crank b*ch»cteM provideptovlds restful sbdomlnsbdomln- eUlizes in battery cbsrging. vi^y atlatiag the oass for poa- Cox tor highway cpnimtasioner? _A doaan year I a g o , m o r e o r l a a a 'Strange, wasn’t it, how te avoid- No, tte lOeuB at tm thing lay si and backbeck support,------and- beautify not etop in snd xratch pike tor prompt, efficient Md eco- jT*v.®'*2 ^ MMchsster’s most rs- Ooeo^afAB vital daprivatlon. id aU that trouMa at tte dock?” tn New Tork; paittaps In tte totat. outlet and sil your flgu.------Inomlcsl service. Usbls f l ^ go to xrork tor you What haxa wa dona, for We don’t mean the story ha told tte xrritar buin elg^ Mrd bousaw toil-pips.with. smaU paper bags, r figure Unas. Speacerst sl- today., esu Knofla, 4886. ' The Nonoandie Job at the Oox hearing Itealf. Then too there’s—but look hare; XXmbttaas tte Mg food proe- “Taah. XJsten, X baan xratchln’ clotaterad offlcas of FOmtfl C!tem- though excesdlngly•xcesdlngty light Slid flexi- but progress, at tha scccrdtng in dtmsnrioB . to ia- ascuraly bald xrith txrinT^ When Secretary Knox reports to Another question: ta It true. xrhat do X bilhk Tm doing, trying I aaaors, amploytng chemist special-1 struetlons read In soma magasina I you, an’ tte more X watch tha ical itself. No matter xrimt tte BhsoM ariiass Haod Btaka i - - t a our knoedsdg#, thetae only We Have Been in riuTI J dIii ofwhat was caUad our Uncle Toby, that you swapped mahlfastatlona, hta task was clo^ . fm dstion or supporting garments plMs during the fllratag of a mo- ths ProaldaBt that the Normandie toUst t h a ^ r thlnn hi tte [ talk wUl te abta to produce frir-[ tt ta helpful to leave tte rear Rest Haven Actress Becomes tion picture. Plninhfaig and Btenl> Into the asoat brutal your signature on that steam thto an giuureatl^ never to loee jQ g g lr lc a l can and will be salvaged, be ta a sterilizer bill for a commtaslonerK xrorld’S fauna When tharo are mU- tab subatltutes for the coffas and axle, trsanalarion sad onatM Chronic and Convakneant tteta Bb^M. Any support that _.*^rtrajrtag M sir raid xrarden, , barbaric war of aU timeT xraa ocouplad. My friaads w o ^ iMra.” MaoXlowril paused. ‘*“ * t^ in g B naineas fo r M an y courageous man.' For ha based ship? iioiui snd m illiou at them, and {the tea, but It xriO be strange lt| sak oecastaasUy, U my. teoaats j can you katp your mouth ahut?r 1 htoja tk ®hjs|ri th *** *?• brake I stretches or gets out ehspe Bride of Officer stetameta nm onto a tunxray to T H E <88 M a te On the other hand, opposite this **Mtad porition. Horn# mrat the plane. A xringtlp knock- that 'promise, undoubtedly, on the What xva xrant, In other I nearly oU of us are not f ordMy palo any rent? ’Tfas,” X xrould sb- I can.” I Bloarte te turnsA^^ awwaclata I Its sffoetivsnass as s support Yearn. . TM .SIS7 point for point, thara xrban rm merely trying to say B**>* t h i s far xrith So yit to touch Xrith Mias Annie *2 tam to the ground Md fractur- report of the npectaf committee Of xrovds, Uncls Toby, te a real that tha^quoarest M tte lot is the remindsd, several ttaasa every day, I •war. "Hi tte anjoymtot ^ ap- uscDowaU bant forward furth-|your W M of preparing tte car tor LIf ht Airy Rooma . . . Bwltt todsy sad mate an appotot- ed ^ ekuU. He died ta m hospital a ocntlaual now ampraasion of pletore of aU this prtxllagaa aad praclaUra theyjwam to have f o r i^ and In hta sagernsas hta *ya*I Miri^ staM your next step Las Vegas, Nev., May 28.—xrara„distenaaa------yntU htt unui no swva - Til# sdvlc# you Imv# glvto ta to cleoa the upbotatertng. caiv mmW, tte addreas is 84$ M«in tlea of nslxaga and the methods Instloaa that an part of tha Jah reason, saama^^to baXiitterly coo- r w a r. - « burpm not going to become M Army xrlfs. a finer, hotter world ta being u ftombwlr tope; hta volcd wm * g*,—^ cerpet laserta spray thorn Telephont 6984 treat sad tte phone number 4487. She xras married yesterday to that erould have to ba used. And of belBg governor. Wo saay vincad that tha ooly way poaribla STU DIO A N D "ikpandad more rapidly than oxer What Ottaes UBfiargs sunk lower sUlL "Private or pub-'*‘ mouth gaped, . •. «taP«wtahls moto-pitwf IJeut Joseph A; Hoxrgrd, Army More Ca^dian that nqrort. In an Its details, Uxes think of other qnsatliaa fre n to dtapoae of a xromout automioMla MviDcii'. b^csl aad thsa closa oU xria- Mkk* J » to— F b ffa r ty htataila la said to esuas AOOO,- te, untU It oovara more peo- time to time, bat la general the Also, xrhlch ta tte main thing, you'xa goona dowsto hasp out dust. Air Force bombardier. She gave I J o hns o n & Li t t l o up to its own opening sentence, spring after tte hurricaas, (thrse so ter sa n ^ ^ ’ 54^Walniit Streat 000 deaths throughout tte xrarld her age as 23. Hoxrard his aa 27. C A MERA SH OP I 166 than aver bafore,‘ and> baa, tasoe is this: xrhat dM the tire is to hasva It into a brook. I tte reminder is llkaly to carry l£S* trass have goas down), soma “ |lat them go ahead an’ amay you? body finish should te *M*y year. which ststm that the salvage op- Xt Was Hoxrard*s flnrt marriage. Fliers in Britain i^ jath ^ for the first time in aU wolves really do to ydn» or was With a hundred volcao shrieking xrlth It a very much kaanar rasU- of these squlrrals lookad over two 1 gy??1 Tou’ra gonn* taka It layla' yshyiayl pMtahed or xraxed snd |eratlon “win undoubtedly exceed your sheepalila. ntaveljr of these M houses, aad decided I ^ "X mean Pm > *W ay ” *7 tte ohnmA'trim should bo given Miss Lana tha sister of ActreSeea hfitory, really becoma a worid at him dally about conaarving old I satkm of what this unpracadentad for thalr oxm I •*“ • Maybe I rramaa a **^_»**^ 1 VM-k with vou on Ite Etna ItatraL Lola and Roeemary Lane, former- In magnitude and cofnplaxity any flage? to recoaatniot them for thoir owb fur dtvora proeaadlBga, but It Tork xrlth you oa tte Btoo Petrel. a coating o d ^ t oU. petroleum Ixmdon, May 23— (/ry —Royat st u d io POltTRAlTS rubber, tte hsMt ta so strong iqpcto klisl of a xrsr masns to any aum- uae Aooocdiiigly they oBlhrgad tte A man osa’t ruh axray teom hta taOF or gisa^ tokteg can that ly was tte wife of Ottn Hsglund, salvage operation hitherto under- xraa baoauaa tte guya thaatarivaa Cimercto and Cindor Bloeka film producer, from xriiton she xras CsnadtM Air Fores haadqusiters . So which shea wa baltave, wfejeh him thaL/baUava It or not, be Is bar of mlUioBs of men, xroman and wH to caabia them,to troubtaa My trouMs ta M ^ sw divorced. CO M M ERCIAL / ^ GIBSON'S BILL'S TIRE take.” oBtar, aad eat up a homamaklag xraatad to get teemed, see? X Tork. Maybe Pm wroog. but ttetta tact with tte rubwr trim. Eslaforetd U attli and itaSU wa think the world? The To Send Maloney itlU—orywss very recently—giving ChUdran la countries xrhars thars sever bean a party to/framtag a The ultimate climax of the sal- cataMtabmaat. (A s thsss hoosas tte xra^m bout Pvs got to tecs Tte ear ahould tten bo cov- FOR SERVICE Window SlUi united Ktogdora of a new oontta- PH O tOG R APH Y GAlRAGE harsh raaUtlcs of the preaCnt mo- bis dtacsrded tires tte only kind is almost no food of say klad teq>- guy ter tte pao, aadTm too old Out of Gaa • Plat Yira — fwat dr airmen from fiMutoMto vaging operation'will be a control- era oa:^ aoaia txraaty-flva or Winters tor a showdox^" hood _ ALL SIZES* ^ P* H . onaam, trap . pant, which seem tp coxrsU started to sputter pa**d for hidsflalts stbrags but Cl. Sil U rea . But what must ba gone throue .tera toa off shaagsr toaqaartty. moot amssing of all natum’s op- director of the U. B. Employment xvhara the tire Immadiately died of shear |natoutritlioa sad'aril- that made no dlfteieaqs xvh^ h«MUy. “Uotea. X dU at aoy that Isomsthlag In proteot wtea a asm “ *Jtnanl way thta xriU teavs tt A SO NS ^ V m Nuyu, Calif, May 2$-t ofdtoi oovsitag tte CaUtonla done. There has probably, in all thta section, plsns to start xrork Eariaved tooi' eadlom hangar, Nssdat Basa ssoM from Bsata Marta abithxraid noro por tooath as doaind. pr iN tinci next ureek. Mr. Johnsem has on takaa ptaatttudb aa a amttar af the history of the m rld, been no ooursa. Ot oburea xra have not all regi tor clothing, Igaeraaaa er G R K N H p U SES Xto T . P. Holl Tim Ndw T u Bin hand a Urge quantity of mstarista Ftaactaco— Pti —A Stop M oar oM eo and ro* greater example of penalty for for tte houaes aad even xrlth tte Uved oa a iavtab euUaary' ptaaA totas adoestloa toe our ehUdren, ** ******** Ftaactaeoao rroosr . cmb| t-aaer ineoma taxes, as now I ^ t a f o r a u t i o a r c * yoa will .HOUSE nnonui.1 lumbar ahortaga aaqtacta no bold tte Offtos of Fries origiaal inefficiency. The 8ena.te but few of ua haxa aver had to go cold, utter dastructlca of svary Bosola to n * Ban l^dtaff BM itfaffs or nv- Igr tba BMISO Ways Naval Affairs .CnnMnittoe is sound upa. ^ that Ms taddo. was too start Ha has oommttmento for tte xrltbout, for say ooitalrieiraMa right _ aad privQage xrs have bsaa fiSlnS sr.-iw?. win brf^ la holding tha promoUon of our olvUUattaa I Ct J o a ^ May IS.— xrould aot ______. ,s put tooaa out top thoi . lWiSdll6ds- luS CtiiCOIMIr l^nadrsd S t Jostoh Boy Soouto era Into dl- Bear Admiral Adolphus Andrawa. tte hottssa are bring bunt tn a de- ot tte flood to xrWdi xra have basa | aad lajpld at into tte aarf- pciatmaatit xrould to non et our|ta* xrsie getting atlff necks. The OP. I ppoltag, thalr ansimss tor a xrar PAINT yonag imstarts, xrho Uka to raea| The next m onfag tteqa llmsefewtththaIrgBf- tha naval commander xrho xraa oa fense area. Tte 2S houeae . that Now xre ate fsetag Idom aad niisry af ths ffMk Bdvieed ta ^ t k e t tte niMs good dead. Tte fleouta xriU dlag The Bfandbeato' te has baaa’ xreridag on ia tte g s osastty at *toto ( flouaty, Kanflaa. to the sows St the tlma of ths d are aB xreO aleag Mtamy.tealOfigaBslThat ta tte ohMoA $• Btdiding A Loan tesaty . asrvlesi ter, hat xrtM^ aonordlBg to i aad xrlth tha eawepWea of 16 am k xm testa havs |pn smt‘ mtJffBg.dt toag AsBoriarion WILLIAM H. 8CBIBLD G B JO H N SO N P A IN T C O . Bghl aa xrail .hnvh Of tte atas.-i &‘. r " m Mata M . ”U HV Istkifi 1 8 IW apeoss atrsst iw. gggp Bdxrhi Istowsm Vrag, , n...

tartw m uBgrnai btbw ino miskal d. MAWUHBaTEB, CONN. SATURDAY, MAY 28,1942 MAUCHBSTBB CVCNIMG HERALD, HAnwiibaiTfiR, CONW. SATURDAY, MAY 28,194^ V RAQi Chinese Rep^l Jap |Red S h ock T ro o p » First Aid Movies Invaden Lani Prop^ anff/Moriartys in 9xln n ing of American In New Positioni MancKester W ar Are Well Attended! .X .J avlliaa Mltl » Bad Crosa At Month of >OM) Approadiaatolir 800 pecaoBs at- Deadw with the Tnfliiftnce Predicted A great many local businesa'it»the extent of joining tended the abowlag cC tha Red AMsrt m. Sehael the I O a a ) mpA eevere anywhere on firms have noufrepU^ to the Red the^two classes Cross First Aid movie, "Before Albert B. Schack, 88. diad sud- front ed for aolely by the fewer waye Croaa letter inviting them to form beginning next week on Tuesday the Doctor Oomea" at the State den^ about 7 o’cloek last tojpit at Idloitod that this flaaddng action paople can amuee themeelvee • Red Star told the people of Rue- at the West Side Oval 3~\ of Stage See Just aia, meanwhile, that the United fltst aid teama among their em- and Friday evenings. Trade School laat night William hia home on Manchester ' had baan deepened by a six n^a over the Manchester town line in j advanda south of Tuhgyang. by re* m nf ^ven “iSudte^'eU known * older Is^tatM imd Knfland "already are ployees. Due to the great amount New Standard Classes Sacherek, chairman of flrat aid, mg. by re- i — ______Of work at headquarters, it has Tuesday: 7:80 p. m.—Porter Glastonbury. Mr. Schack wee born fIporttag capture o f the vUlage of thiSew iert In tte Unlt^BUtea able to eupply not only aea and air conducted the meeting, and while tn SwltMiund, but came to this Niimber of and Canada particularly for hlalforcee, but aleo a land front of been Impossible to answer these street school, Salvatore Merentno, the film wee showing, pointed out Nankl Which dods not appear on Might Banish replies Individually. Furthermore, instructor. . country when a young man. He jmbat maps. Tnngyang lies about ^ormancea In “ O r u m p y." European acale, several new methoda of bandage was In tha United SUtes Army, 10 mileslies aoutheaat F o r B l a c k o u t New Toth, May 88—Lata re- wUderww' of Ntw Brunawtek. art ta adjbad if tbsss obaps would HatntHoH Tomorrow M a n W h o C a m e T o and engaged the enemy In offen- held and Friday, June 6 has been Ha Is survlvsd by two stators. Both ships were in the principal kick to add belp gat aotaa^ Tbasa Sandfly Alterni sive battles,” a mid-day communi- spaneaa Invasion baaea among Locals Triumph. ports Indicate the Army and Navy Canada, "wa ntvar even thought hr George S. Kaufman rasoline Station designated as the date for the firat ja ,}, Doqm of Manebsator, I are taktog a ateinar view toward «»Mpter, Wilkos Nearly Hart, ahlch baa been a que reported. Remodeling of the Bolton lAke meeting. All persona who hold „d jgra. Matilda Stoddard of tha Islands north of Australln—a of tfout fishing. Amrway, who not tba etato./ Xtla apparent that Tta Hainllton Propeller team* Than eanw last The Soviet Information Bureau 1am transport at RabauL New sport*. would want to go ahar these and Moriarty Brothara will try and MarlUf to palates ac- House, formerly known as Fann- Mre. Henry Douda baa charge certlflcates of Rm Oroaa First Aid I gwltaeriand, aavaral mf i naWM and Vlo Taggert pitched Manches- Jimmy Dykes’ Handling in ^ of tbaaa klleged sports wlU foa fans on | rt^ rirbt Boner in Sixth. taniT^bS. Business Is Good announced a digging-ln proceaa of Britain, which wa» rsportad 'Toft A ~ Washington story aomawhat email fish whan ons could cateb MtUa thsir baaabaU argument at ;n-a ing’s, and now operated by Alvin of tire raUoning at tha Town training are eligible for member-1 njecea. ter High to a vlcto^ over Brtstfil Of Team Evokea Lom vaguely htoto that P vt Joaapb not put anything to tbs Utty nor up to the final putout 'Ibasa facta, oaa't wa produce a Kauf- Marebal Semeon Timoahenko’s dl- Oablack, Is practically completed. ship in the aeeoclatlon. I The body was turned over to T. la a crippled eondlUon" aand a salmon T” the Waat Side Oval Sunday after- oomblnad with tba gaaoUna ra- vtaiona (logical procedure ae a Clerk’s office on WlUingtoh Hill. tankar at Las, Naw Guinea, frblch high yesterday aftironoon at the Loula Barrow will do no more will tbay the chapter. They Koay Wilkoe and Cy a HartT'^^ona heare In of- Tbe bar ahd cocktail lounge are Chairman Sacherek appointed a I p. HoUoran and tbe flmaral will want aoma sport at tba other noon and after the game last night U^ make It ptaslbir^re«rt BUirineas a t Um different gaso- backstop In any slowing battle) Hours 1 to 5 p. m. and 9:30 to was “severaly damagad." Cheer fron^ Fansl in fighting for the duration encapt at Tbaaa chaps who made tbe trip between tbeae two teams the blg- fonmmatea last season,: lobbies. In loungea during beautifully decorated and the 11:30 Saturday. nominating committee to I>ropoBe hgu t his undartaklag par* West Side playgrounds and whan camp abowa. cauef Boatowato feUoar’a expense. a banner Crowd et the Oval tomor- ajaslona, wherever people Une sUtlons in town was show- and a g ^ It made no claim to a management la ready to serve a alate officers for election at hors, 175 Center stnet, Tuesday Oflar Only FsaMa BaMstonca Baseball Cirelefl. reported sweet flchlng and plenty geat crowd of the season to axjMct- row afternoon. In cos of tbs bast gsnien ing an improvement today. In Tires have been granted to Rene at tba lart ball rolled over the partly Mata' Bob Feller to moved to • Flret Ibis TWs Week __ tlBM to talk about ahows. general advance. meals at all Umea of the day and the assoclatloB's first masting. I morning at 8:80 and at S t Jaaiaa’s Tha inpaneae aftorsd only faahin wat grass tha vlaltora ware trail- of It "Two had baan up there ad to see the gams. It wlU start at It to niao pUdn to tbe Twl lea- In this happy hamlet to pi«"y cases ’It was the first call Alr-Borae Troope Used Bennett two; Lawrence Lucler, rs8l8tanoa to tbaas naw air amash* Navy base which ba* no bsMbaU Art Seymour taught a *»«iy 4 o’clock. night. A ful^ equipped kitchen Hie committee la composed of the diurch at . 9- o’elocdt. . . . Burial wiU| ing 8-0. By DUton Oiaham before, but three cf them bad dossn fltoa ttato wartt. Ha was gue offlclato ttat ttato yaar’a cam- yw at the Wart Side Oval atthc statloni for gaaollna as (Quoting a Moacow broadcast, four; George Perko, two; George ad, part o f tha poalUva defanae plan team. Some o f Commiander Qana never been further away from It WUl ta JaelUo May for Mort- hea been installed and there le Nagy, two and John Knuff, four. following persona: Salvators Mer- be in B t James’a oemetwy. Captain Bob Sktanar drove ta New York, May 38.—For aavaral Tuanay*s atblataa ara now wreat- told not to stand on tba bank paign to going to ta a rad hot nlgbt It was caUed a draw by 1 Mna To Dinner" were not many bad their tanks flSed on the BriUdi radio said massea of ample space for dancing for those enlno. Joseph Sartor. Nora, ^ M c- by which Allied airmen have baqi< booM than Salter’s Fond and did artya Ttet much to certain. Just It right to the wire. For the 'Fbursdsy,' the dsy before the- Hr. Osblatk is ar- Leary. Martha Mason and PhiUp Mrs. Xteanor OVrien Coni on scored them all. Redman they enjoy tbe trip. It was. and hto leader. He faUed to heed part eight years tbe le a ^ baa N*' tbe HamUton Propallar went on for rationing. Thla was chutlsU and plane-transported In- has been visiting her son,' Joseph concentration oentetn wjthout ed at the Chicago roster and then They played a game for Army alwaya wUI be, a red letter day to hard 4 o aay. They Juat had te ancb diaractertsUe critical ranging some special week-end at- Linnell. . . ^ Mia. Kleaaor M. (Qribbon) was affective, at times but when Emergency Relief and tha Navy thto advice and got ready with hto •--* . I—and .< Moriarty«— :ty Brothara ‘ Bt about earialn otber plays shbwn by the fact that In present- J fantry—^were used in stubborn tractions as an introduction to his at Camp Shelby. Mias. raqilts sioca tha enemy mpiM In- ta tbelr lives. They wiji prob- team laat nl^t and apparenUy 1942 It to juet the otber . way It la hoped that all Flrat Alders O'Brien, wife of Lawrehoa O’Brien the cbipa were down he yielded at tha high standing of the White Relief society to Philadelphia. A tacUe. After ba bad the leader were under tta Impresrton that nUy ptoyed ttair hearts out about inovlng plcturea—as lug thsir cards It'Waia found the I counter-attacks, but they are be- new resort. Mrs. Anton Prochskka and to Auatralla'a island roof. Sox to the American Laagua yaoa ably ba dtoappotated with Oon- around. Five teams, evenly match* rictory. Each team scored flrat they have used them. I i^g wiped out as fast aa they will attend these monthly toeet- of 44t HlgMnnd atreat d|sd this! tbe bits that apeU ths difference bulging ci-owd of 8,888 imurad Into on he pulled out one of tba fllea. they Muld knock off tba beat to without bslng Amerl- daughter, Mrs. Robert Squire, have Ings aa It Is the Intention o< the moniing at Bt Ftoncla bnapltal. Bight Japanaaa fighter planea and iMve. shook their noggins to naetleut'a anuUl Uver fed minnows ^ showing plenty of good pitob- but Moriarly's taUy waa a wondersd au th or It Unlike the auger card# the gaao-1 und.") . returned from their trip to Chtmp roaa to challanga t^ raiders at bstwsan victory and defeat Ken Stalbe Park (capaclQr 88,000). Um- Beltova it or not two five pound Maneneater without any too much Tomorrow wUl be observed as chairman to point out new devel Hartford, after a brief illness. Chapman bad a moat unique day bewilderment They couldn’t un phrea, players and club offlclato for sonM time to coma. trout tompad right out of tba Ing, atout defensive |tay and taeular steal of home by ha po^ble to put acrom In line cards can be used at Any time. Hie midnight communlqu> i^ d Shelby, to see the former’s son. Las,” the communhlue said, but deratand it Wtrtirk Sallarto trouble. smart baseball, promtoa plenty to the second toning. T Tputh gunday in the Episcopal opmenta in first aid. to •bbw mov- porn In ManchsaUr aha has Ihrsd ^ at tba plate. Tbrca tlmea he sacri- ^d thalr way to. Reeaipts totat- brook into bto eroel. Art oloaed The week of tba 1948 Twl tM Wo^oottian wheel- while in the case of the su ^ r I “ our troo^ fortified their poeltionA, Corporal Frank Prochaska. ii^ pictures end to pracUce band- .p her life. Beeldee her hua-1 were anoi down ana an our They couldn't figure what held The local chapter of the Con- tint before tba aeason to over. made theirs tta taaid way to cards the first two were cancelled I and carried'out offensive opera- Urctaea throughout the country. Mrs. Emma Thompson and Mrs. plgnes returned safely.” ficed Conton to- aecohd and on bis M 83,782JN). bto creel and. went hooM without iMgua season shows one mighty The managers of both teams nruL __ At'fit Mery’e a Whitsunday cor- aging and splint appUcaUons at I band ahe la aurvlvad hy one aon. fourth trip to tbe plate be walked. the White Sox up. On paper the Shortly before this spto exampl* necticut SiMitamen are going to wetting hto line. to think also of the in the flret two weeks,4he second] uona” yesterday in the area B. M. LooAts of EaglevUle, were Bestdes the tanker and toa personnel waa nothing to get ex- restock Saltor’a again- according Important fact. That tliM wifi ta mat v.ith the league preatdent lart SparUtag Playa two must be canceUed by May SO. Kharkov. Germany’s major south- porate-communion will be served rruests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur the meetlnga. Daniel, her panmts, Ifr. and Mrs. figlUer plafiea bagged to fll^t, Hints who ra]daoad Xutowskl to of patriottom and flans baaabaU Saoond Tbis plenty of baaetall here t t o sum- who might be beglnnin^wlto a preparatory aer- John Oribbon. ons brother. John, cited about Moat of tba pleyers to George MetcaK. The chapter ^ght inmediatsly after tta game ^ game from tlwflist to approve the text arltta- ern ' Devereaux this week. two enemy bombera wars destro;^- cantor field for Bristol made tb* tatsraat tba Brookljm Dodge It aosras that ttato does not con- mer. Moriarty* and RockvtUe and made arrangemanta to play I lart toning waa______filled____ with_ rto In tha Isyiun-BacvenkovA di- vlce at 7:30 leip. Am ,j^ths of the ^r.. and one aister, Mrs. Bugene feature play ef tba ganro whan ha ware practically g ^ . Yet Jlm- and New York Giant* tuned iMt no time ta appropriate an- cern fishing. As tbe story goes pried off tbe Ud Monday night In a aomie o f tha more up- Postmaster Edward Bradley .ed agrbuad on tbe Lae airdrome. my Vykaa had Ms mx fii tha midst other sum o f money for ttato pur- Sunday. Thera waa not tbe alight- Uag playa. Uetaata robtad rection (80 miles beloW Kharkov) church are Invlled. The young took a ride over the* mail route Clarit. an of ICanchaater. rttoad back under tna big mapja 000 over to Navy Relief after the salmon fishing party waa re- ftoe game wblob they wen S-L eat besltaUea on tlwir p ^ andjol *togle to tbs aeventb Ttest Shows Car folk of St. Mary*! vriK,g<>,to Christ The funeral win ba held Tuesday At Rabaul, toe communique of the pennant fight toost of the pose and tbay have baan busy col- * I'WlHBi ; the critlce had fun and ad- our troopa repelled enemy attacks with mallcarrier CRiarles Lyon South Coyeulry aald , "enemy totercepUoo was In- tree to cantor field and cau ^ t way. game at Ebbata Field. turning home and on the way Wednesday avaning tbe PoUah aa uaderstandtag was quickly j fb t Uw ball fw over cn bto i_ and infUcted large loaaeS. upon Church, Hartford, at eigkt .o’clock morning from tha WilUam P. tba ball on tbe dead run with hia BsMball waa bean flayed ta lecting dollars from other mem- stopped at a restaurant Food Anwricans ahowad aurprtstng it Audiencea waro in Thursday. fective,” and *‘ste heavy Japa- Now It appears that luck or tha bm It to estimated that about naebed. Tiw game wUl start abort- toaaed the baU to Hntt for i him," It aald. "During three days tomorrow night for a special pro- Ernest Bottomley of Williman- QuWh funeral horns on. Mato atraat glovad hand. many quarters ever atooe Pearl to food to Maine and plenty of It strength agalnrt a good \Pagiuu ly aPer four o’clock to aUow tbelPUwut while on bto kne The cenacr laid hardly a Going Only 52 Nine membora of the w fi^ tteo at 9:80 and from St. JamaaTa nese bombers were badly dam- law of a vsra ^ has turned si^dnst 500 more will ba dumped to. tha toript It was of batUea on this sector of the gram. Cspt. E. Briioe Banka, cRap- tic, was In town on business Thurs aged.” MOnebaatar broke up tbe famed Harbor. The sight of fit young ath- After eating a hearty meal and Wart Side team which waa toon by teams plenty of time to get key anurteet piece of basebi_ _ toln of r ' fhe------artillery------* ------troope here who will conduct the /u rtyS for church at 10 o’clock. Burial wUl be Jimmy, an astute pilot and one of seek Brcertag Peal tta latter, 8*8 after eight Innings front alone' over 18.000 Germain, daj^ Ta Treble Observers’ Corps Bristol aquatM play to tba fourth ^ bast jocksya to tbe loop. The letes ebastog a UtUa white pellet complimenting the waitnas Earl playara out of work. Tba usual luw Nw sveatog waa puUad o ff I soldiers and officers were killed.” will be one of the speakers. Funds for United to S t James’s eamatsry. Tha many to decidedly aggravating to per- These c h i^ arc really serioua Crapbell laid a tip on tba table. of torrid play. Mfw Britain. May ' Mts.^Agnes Woodworth and Miss saUona in Coventry,/ visited the fH ia Australian government, foafn*. Jrtmaon bit and went to S?* fo • bad start and prixa win ta awarded. j Katkaveek ta the alxtta! Km w Repeb 11 Maat Attacks frimida may call at the funeral tblra on Paudtno’a arroc whan ba sona wboae dear onaa/ afo under about flabing. Right new they H* want to the reat room and ! a c t Aaarlcan humor Bfhen Thomas A. Catucd, 17, of Jennie H> Church went to Rock- U. 8, O, Oommunlt/ Center at meanwhile, moved to atop up thla haven’t bhprovad. H i^ ra down biuy looking for a aultabla afe on WUkoa’error, Ca*«« striking piainvllls, said hia automobile A single dlvlaion was aald to The Harvard Road Bridge C3uh borne from six o’clock Sitoday af- *®PP*d a relay Cn fhcolatra saefri- flra. . / upon hto rstura wbat a dirty look pad up a BnaO fty in front ot cy 1 ville this afternoon. Miss Church Windsor Locks on/Thursday eve- ternoon until the hour of the fun- conttoent’a defenses by ajnmndng to the second dlvlaion and, barring rite to put ia aoma braad trout chords In tha fuU would not go 00 mUet an hour. hava rqp^ed 11 Nasi attacks and spent another evening of contract plans to traUs the corps at volun- flea. TOggert toaaed tba baU di- a near miracle, seem Ukely to stay Yet atten^oa ta Naw York, tta waltraaa gave him. He iMked pl^ and Katkavaek aUowafl set out. geraiUtrai plants on the ning as gdeats ^3. L. Schweyer eraL Brooklya, Detroit and aevaland and flngrtllpgs. Looking ahead i mtan ui to to bit bit Uw Uw ground ground gad and staging, at- contradicting a policeman In po-1 wiped out more than 8,000 of the aa guests oi' Mr. and Mrs. Philip graves df her pariinto and slater, tear observers who now keep x*ctly at LoraaaetU'a bead and there. for hto Up, thtnktaf it waa not Willitdns Quiets and U A. Kln^bunr. c* * * * ];^ hM bera good, Tho goxno ia Umm for next *uiDmar and It nilght not enough but he found that ona of Navy Fitness to Ugl lice courtjoday. Judge EUaa T. Invaders In a day. Taivaron^ last night High scores -Leila, In Qrove Hill cemetery. an-*, treasuror, roap««tlvely. o f tha watdi tor 84 bouts a day for toe liamaltis nailed Johnson coming Dykes had managed to put to- ba a bad Idea. - - •tartar lUnitoeefitorpoaed with "What Tha Rusaians. prior to publhm for the evenh^g were taken by Mr. tn friun third vrith. Iota to span. eiUo* baa justlkad It* role as a tha party had included CtompbeU’s CrWc 5SSJ Mr. ahd Mrs. WilUam"-^^blns committee, a^ were a^ appearance of .etMmy planes. other a wtontog team 1^ watch- “ ta^ya ____ of tha adapta- do^ou^r Y bu^ ni taka a Uon of the Red Star dlspatclbhad aUL-Mia. Rob^ Macintosh. Air Minister Arthur 8. Drake- It wasn’t even olom. In the eighth ing tbe waiver lis t/ closely and morale builder, maaa outlet and tip with hto own all of wbl& put A play, not so 1 of Nstchaug, CRspUn, were supMr qualnted with tha , many faclUtiro Funerals racraatlonal devloe tor the war- Membera of the toa toted chapter Program Tops Jty Stsva OTwaiy |resultad In dlaarter I a i a th a rmatt partly guests Monday of-her brother, ^ >rovlded Uwfta for the comfort SM ford said the corps would function, r’a toflsid- got MC<^ ^bblng playera ha could get the good natured Earl right be- at fkvwpg acceptabla aubatk, Miantonomoh Tribe No. -58, I. O. wo$^ry. of the Connecticut Sportsmen are hind the eight ball. Next week's Boston, May 88.—(p)—Ted In Uw eighth. Hurt was Whitman and faniUy. srtalnmtat of tbe army men to Hiram Lb Blnaar. to clone Ualsoo with ths Unltod between ascend and (bird cheap—players other team* & burned up. Non-meinbero walk (.Mr 'alaborato aeenery, inter* V tiim bbv uid BWBy yon Bock to turn their left R. M., will hold its -hegular meet- IBMnnar eanw to frqm left field carded or felt were past tbelr play- Obviously tha Philadelphia story eptoode: A tale of tbe Barber Williams ahrays baa baaa land as a result of a hit andi Carl Borns la a patient in the aei tbe Wtodaor Locks Air Tha funeral of Hiram Leonard States Army Air Force and would over to SaltcT'a and help tbem- InRoii^Playl flee. Katkaveefc decided to .a ratkMwd aecnomy. tha 4^tnres At the end of a teat epurt fUnk ing In Tinker ball Monday night abaorb a laigs number o f Aus-^ made tba putout That waa }?8 peeb. ®o ftur as I can recall was simply a case of a flop attne- Shop. It’s good. reckoned as a “tapoff" tat tha Johnson Memorial bospUal. Base. imittea membera who Kinner of 88 Ssifent atreat Hart- _tlon. The PbilUea_____ aro aUllea In volaUls and Vtoewy': walloper iKoae and ordered tbs pit _I ara to ha found in the on toe road to West Hartford. Pjwer f t ^ j ^ Wg at eight o'clock sharp. in dbaige of the local drive tfallaa Air Force officers to Biate- P m Urt Bristol thrmt ot the day. It has bean more tbsg decade theatsria d«rti« to Unpro- Judea YUnaroee held court In the I The 15,000-man toll exceeds by Mail delivery on tbs' route was will ------.,,1 fotber of Mrs. Royal Mar*... ^ ^ PhUly. But tha toablUty of such, managed to ^ bis " teeth IWilkca got tbrea outaido ef Jacobson, dl- abalt who died Wednesday, was] con tyt with tbe vaot net- Itedmaa allowed nine bits and stoce the Sox paid any real folding I plats tat waa nsrslaaa UvMy, to gOln Group No. 4 of the M eW rjel late Friday owing to the train be- are:------money a playn’. They pnraii Uncle Sam’s Training through a lot of qdvene hoo- ^ aa^^immced the *’*^*^^"**2^ ing two hours late. rector, Mrs. Knapp, Mia | bold yesterday afternoon nt two I Work of Observers, walkad only one batter. Taggart tot the Phlladelpbla Phils, {fourth ball and tba of the theater would go «5 y 62 miles an hour, pprt^ slain from M a y ll^ 17 m Hospital Unen auxiliary, Mirs. ^laiijrs Me- tamiad tw o ffoa t r i ^ but hto de- a good chunk to get Shortetop Feller Slated kltog ert tba leotat wastem Jnltad gtatea. to aim for Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wallen are Ruth L. French, Ml o’clock a^ J ^ Watktoa VHineral tarast. however temporary, to to- I Toughens- Up Flyers, •wtag of Uw Boato^Red Sox IKoae reached out 1 He Bui^radeJ JudgmCBt In the the William Knofakie, leader, will meH Mrs. frttoea tlAtaned to the dutch and ^ppUnff to 1930 from Atlan- Although Brnle Lombantt poled I fly to Jackie May in lartcaa eo-operatlon In the parents of a son born Thurs- Kinney. Mrq. John Britith Bombers Raid \ ta but dlcativa of the hopeless mortbund- —bacaiMO ta fott tbta xt tha cantsrfliM.1 but with a twinkle in hia eye I Kharkov proper. Monday afternoon at 2 o’clock at HowaM Manning, Hra. Rev. Dr. WBtBon Woodruff, of I . v they awdt soma great playa b e -i^ fo*n mcist of thalr a botna run apd four slnglea to five Sailors and College jCaacy struckcut i eoanaer after the war. advised Catucd to have his speed-] Besistanrsi Ooattantaig the Memorial hoapital. This will ' y at the Johnson Memorial hos- bind him. soned material haa been obtained Ity of Philadelphia baseball. tripe to the pIM*. the Bravea trrtl- end of Uw trail ta i Moreover. Russian reaistonce erty, Mr*. Stephen Micbalec. (be (tenter Congregational church | Akyob Airdrome Again . it does not seem too drastic or To Hurl Today Blarohard cannot blanw j wowM produeers are ometer cbecke..^torahan of Niantlc, for- duration to cities where lack of In Beantown aa error, stole seoota and 0* Slate of Officers • meet with Group 4 Monday. raided yesterday by British bomb- , ga^ They made the top by took a chance on Pitcher Bill Die- Naylor, second at four Pldladel- This gives you a rough Idas of I curiy-balra^ stan w , who lad^ throw which waat wida Inpt hopea to ,| ^ New York and that eastern-moat section of the their twehiy*flfth wedding James Kelley, were present at x l rberly ofXhto town; Bugene Ho**** ers for the second suobeastee day, ^pubUe Mvesrances and the Bristol ^b after both the A’a and the toterert does not justify its oon- phla tauriert, and reliever Frank Uw Amarieaa League with his p-Amarlcan citlea a view of his Crimea for any serious thrust at versary toctoy at the home fit_____ the shower given, *t Mra. Graham’s I of Glaatonmlty. Floyd C. Standlsh Unued existence. The 8,(100-odd to wbat la happening aU along Uw hto third. Ha dancad along tbe (” Mrs. Burton E.'^Lewia of 444 aa R. A. F. communi<|ue Bald to- ‘ corrbspondent that S^tora had given up on him. And Hoerat walked turo nwn to foribe to amaalng .408 average lart faU bM line twice, and on tha auoeeasful ittusteal For Cosmopolitan the oil-wealthy Oeucasue. fn at tbe neat meet- Rusaian airmen were credited date. ^ Helen Flaherty. Miaa Bltobt' .teroet Rev. t>r. Ferria B. R «y - ______rsport*d..«>______...... Japanese...... river If .....4 0 8 T^raton Laa. a 28-ganM winner led a 15-hit attack on Virgil i princesses to singing or hu^ foDpw gt 8:15, with .Mrs. Foster Markland, Mm Harriet Aboiia. Almost anything can happen to proporUotw the pair decided to j grinned Tad as tha naval Again la tiw thlnl lw nras ta t ing: ' . officially with deatroytog or dam- WUiiams. ahd her committee in Ateda of tba Second (tengrogetlonal craft to Mayu^bcaek, just north of e ...,4 0 0 tort year, from the Indiana for Fans to Lose Uw aevoi major league tattbell Trucks and Johnny Gorsica, Moses avlaUon board accepted Ua " ^ ^ pc^ular tunes from the President, Mrs. Herbert B. aging 85 German tanka to the op- Dorothy WoUe. Mm Alex chitteh oaclatod and totennsnt | Atoab. !*•• taM been of combine tbelr spMSlUes and paaa] ^ a nice catch by Kalaay charge. Drown, cf ...... 4 0 0 games scbeduled today, but a sure with two doubles and Kennedy the product on .to recruits. snllatnwnt, ’Tm glad I kept left ataved off Uw threat. House; vice president, Mrs. Ernest, erationa Tburaday. Mng (tern DesUeta, Miaa was In Buckland oemetory. ^ eonmnmiqueI sikl^tbat dur- Oaadtao, aa ,.:4 0 2 mue aid this year and this parUy wlnnsr ta two of tbsm to the Army- with three stogies. The British theater’s tendency to ChmmaS. Mm Ina Kelley, Tbo Bus Privilege my mouth shut and Pm Blanchard greeted Wilkos Bantly; aecrctaiy, Mrs. John V. The Information Bureau aald The Talcottville church choir Stafford Spriogs ''-I...... « ing- an attack «t near^.J^tauag^ Tbonroon, rf ...4 exidalns the low estate of the Sox. Navy Raltof Fund. Johnny Humpbrtos was oieditod The result la a combat conscloua Ucldad to daatb I made it ” I tarn a lth e ^ thoi United SUtes or LambertpBl treasurer, Mrs. George the Oermana had been dislodged (tethertae White has ra- gylthaung a ateamer received a * T*8F»rt, p .8x^0 Rose and Edgar Smith canie Proceeds from ganws to tho Na- with the victory, although be yield- formula of mass wreatllnx with no a ai^a ta the sixth and>as a 1 to the past has, on the other hand, and the Golden Rule club are com- bolds barrsd- Scad to ascend by Zwiok, Mum, W. Strant. from one powerfully fortified po-1 bining oh a novel Shakespearan •Jelm a Nates algnedNier fwaltlan as assistant SnMBt b i t from tte An, and Jos HayiMs from Loss o f Patronage 1 tion’s Ctopital, when the New York ed nine of Uw 11 Detroit bits. In- [ irnttaed soma apxlety among those Mrs. Charles Norton was boStesa altlon to tbe Kharkov aectmr and Bvpervl^ of Zha operating room tbs Senators. Yad Lyon* waa fanned and Uchate Ut a^d( program, to be presented Monday 478. 8la«M 8 I A n t b s t a l d t o g planes were said^-. 81 8 9 87 15 '•ankcea nwet tha Waahliwton Sen- cluding a homer by Dixie Peraons. Chief Petty Offtosr Bob Ante- I n n _ J O I Who visualise the flowering of a at yesterday’s meeting. had "abandoned five field guna, 12 at tha Mlweaex lu^ltal, Mhkfla- Mught off a Thxas .campus and has Chief Worry for A1 naccl. former Indiana wreatiar, aa- I r a U e r S o W H i n D lag atagi* to laft center and trua, aelf-reptemaiilng national evening in the TalcottviUe hall by I t o b a v s f a t u i n s d safUy. ngb litora. and at Boston, when tbe In lieu of an out-Of-town picnic, machine-guna and a ndio atatlon.” town, and Wsgt bar born# on PJp- bron around nearly 20 yeara. The Red Sox take on Uw Philadelphia te ^ t|w ^ mUiwa from Uw| •^*«*'*'^*0 LJWC*811|» chard roundad third and aeo I theater after the war. These h (^ the pastor, ^ v . Thomas Street, CkbpHrid, 8b ..4 0 0 1 0 Minor Leagues. standing up. Vfilkoa put nut timfl Mra^Herbert B. House of 201 Eaat On another sector,” it said,' "one and members of the choir and con- Mrs. Arthur J. Dorr of Stofford, ley HiU. JObBSCB, Sb . . . , 4 oU»er twiners aro youngatera pick- AthleUcs, wiU go to help ean for American style. Onuwaln Raupert f ful ohaervere are disturbed by tbe Center street, invited the members ot our detachments beat off an en- was riected president of the Ash- „ War veterana''are Invited to at- 788s, Japs Smash RemnmUs ed up cheap In tba mlnon. Hawklnson of Wlsconatn augmrtit- fire but not until after Katk*vee|t<"l I dwindling productivity of estab- gregation. Nlcdatl. lb ...8 the famiUea of those wbp tall on Queer Verdict Windsor Locks to meet with her on June 5, at five emy counter-attack and wiped out ford asaoctotlbn. Women’s Baptist tew' tba raomtagN*ervlca at the Lorannrttt. i f ..4 New York, May 88—(F) —It „ the fighting fronts. ad tba eouraa with tba ^ o e rt walked Rutt purposelv. Fra^»> f u uidwd playwrights and by stagns' Of Communisi Army \ tba chartered buaaa tba fans wont fllta out to M ty t a « S & . o'clock for a picnic ^pper and 200 Ctermans.” Mary C. Keeney Tent, DUVCnV, Mission Society at tha annual OmgregiaUooal ehtu^ at 10:45 to- At tbs annual maating sf tbS Itaflaun. p ... ..4 The two cootasts ara part of a A I*^*P“ v « methota HawldnioiHawldnaon au- I'ttCR' in piaees that were expected brief .bualneaa meeting. . Thwart River Ckoeetog meeting yeaterday afternoon at morrow. tba regular b w ^ r o r v - South Wtodaor Parent Teachers liolqro (rrsm Japansas Brood- ta able to uae. not Uw kw9 of aitosiof 18 aebadulad to Uw two . . - school la MU- Both team* pUtyed sweU ' 'to widd creative writing of a falr- will meet at the Munlcliha building ca^ May 83. —- (F) — Japanaaa Xntowrid. at ...8 for player transportation, that has Arouses J; aus »ju jutm school m tva basebau la tta fl The boapitality committee serv- Agatoi the bureau atated that tomorrow morning at j0:30 to at- tha Stafford Baptist church. Mra. Ice. In tbs aventog tbsn wW ba a Moaoa, a ...... f laagttaa for tba fund.- wauks*. Sweep Seriefl Wilh Old ^ 'tWff ;|y o r ^ . ed lee cream end cookies. . "to one of-the sectora of the south- Dorr succeeds Mrs. H. R. Nelson union aanrtca at tbe minor league baaeban.worrlad. Btaga and asttber could 'B y fo r tbe greater numbera of tend the Memorial service at Jtartll, ea .,,,,3 Aa added attraction at Boaton Sailora toughen muaelaa with run. Tbay udll a I er. front our troops thwarted an of WUlimantlc and atrvM for toa cburcta at 7^p.sa. \ I woman ware elaetod l*r tbs enau- The office of DefenM Transpor- win ta a cuftato-ratoer tatarMn back bands and aimpla floor push Rivals This Year for 'laauscripts reaching pro* Center Congregational cbi IM taa, K .....8 taUon baa ruled tjikt ebartared Mauriello .Gains Draw •son in a rcgulaUoa^^ata* enemy attempt to cross a river.” All members are urged to be ]>astnva yaars. Otbror ofSean alac- Tbrea of tba fiva SOB* of abd Bbtt% cf 8 aarvloa taaito. with Sailor Bob re l- upe. Tbay rtwuldor W -ptata MMks offices are tbe work of buses win ta baanad after June Firat Time, tbli\tta gwma.‘ writers—men and Public Records (This stream waa not Idantlfled, on time. usd w ars; F irst' vIos;j>ir8al4tnt ...... !sjas.«s:i5!isl§r.^ “ Ricklltog, aa ..8 / New Tom. Miy 3*-TWnk you ief Bttehtog for tta. Havf nine abd V^ith Bob Pastor in ter more routine*. They are pretty- but may hava.baan tha Donets.) tgwfe • Japonaro Amro apekagBaafi tat a survey by tbe Aaaodated Tiw box aeon: , \ many lastancea, set Mm Oaoega TtTlsoa of Pairielaont iuo serving to tha_ . . . iO ia iiil^ abnounoed .today to s *lhnto ^ ...... 1 hava beadaeta^ How*d you Soldtor Hugh Mulctay opporing weary Bluajaekata Uw flfat waak, Russian troopa wars reported to saoond vlcs-piastdtat, M n. DonaM asanUifiadman. Bdw aid,|0. I lor, asefatary. and ’ Mrs. Wn|iaBi Uka to trade for tha job of Preaa abowad that a majority of bln for tiw Army aquad. New York Ring. tat fey Uto aaoond glva no quarter. ) Mg Inalngs anaUad Uw Slulntty Brok apart ta l i unpa or stations where Bfhrrtage Inteatlona Kary BUShneQ AuxU- Dcmai d&pntch from Nanking. minor laagua tobnia on t b ^ own xefcarti baaaball taam to AB.R.R. little to the lelsurb have annlhilatotl 700 Germans and ar Vet- Rhoades ef Hansfleld canter; third old, has tort an|istod and baa bean Iff M tlMMIIffTs 88 0 4'84 " 7*8 ntog a chain cf minor league clubs lb tha kma afternoon gaaw. Tha group ia taught tha meat ^ I t f c o t t e r s Appllcetlons for .Inarilage U- destroyed fiveg .quika.Csnka and four field I '5^ 1 *m eef^ l^ i vice-president, M m John Sabin of aent to Fort Dsvana; John, 38. en- I Sunday servtcas wU ba bold Tba J^te»— toom ioaw Wg-laague outfit? conveyance, use rignlar bu* Itosa 0^ up to dayllgbt by Naw •am** its twoigaaw aarlaa wltk tta Mhya. lb ...... s 0 0 hsura. la Writing tb4y find a censec were made in the town mora- nSatted fon -FanelU in 8tb. or travel by train. By SM Fadm. iffeettve nwtbod o f wardtar 4ff op- WbUMor Xwoks high ta that town May, cf ...... 4 0 1 batterisa on the Kaltoto front, mg io:46 in front Putnam: secretary. Mm Jphn Ed- listed six mdotos ago and1 la eta-ata- atibaI WWapntnf—The yeatarday afternoon, 13-4, behind Katkaveck, e ...4 0 0 Toneltoeis. northwest of Mgsoow. Another 250 church to attend « patriotic wards of South WllUngton. and tlcm d at Trumbull FMd. Proton; I as noMal wiui Sunday Sefaort open-1 rtflee hits, Oiapntoil (8), NlcoleU; taldouta, sore arms, Injuries, ate., Oianta bunded Brocklyn’a Nation- ends, tba close engage* In adk David T. George of the local troopa treasurer. Mm" Walter maraon of whna Vtoeant,84,basbaanlabarr-i to berr-j tog _ a* MO . e. toTirorii win be <5- tbto aeason jrou'd have players wee conoamed by Uw probaUa leas al Laagua laadera, 8-1, hawBiwr the undentatenwnt of tho year would the good plteblng of Bavtno. Tba WlnxHckl, rf ..4 0 0 Seideas Show OrtgtoaUty and Mias Helen Humphrls of E3 were said to hav* been wiped out tervlce. They an requested atolen baaea. Skhiner (2). Thom- of patronage. In tba minora It to be to aay today that tta look on vanced Indiaa wrostllng. ~ Mechanics had two big Innings, Uw bj Ruaslap tank crews <« the ad- to meet at 4 o’clock luhday after- Danielson. Tbe meeting waa at- iea for two yean and la nowmt Ation se-^ I ijsms^ lowed h*bs^.tlis tMMAlwiuaJ wwmfMp saotBing wsr-mmmr n taking defenae Jobs where they Dodgers Uwlr sacond straight de- lAppeUtes and energysoarblgb- Wlnxler, aa ....1 0 0 Hw principal reason given for Paso, Texas, also, John* Samar of aon. Jebnson. Mimra: left on bases. not uncommon for aa owner to Joe Louis’ fXoa waa one of rtmple aecond and third and piled up 11 K*««W. * b ...... a ,0.1 tha rejection of virtually all these jacent northwestern front noon at Oould’a.pom for the-an- tended by 58 delegates, repraaent- Uva duty as obS aergaant with a ablp Brovtoa-at 10:45 a. m. The MMcbmt^^Brtotol 8; baas on | cag make more dough, sight feat and Pitohar Bd Head bto first sat” points out Coxswain Hawkln- 79 Ridge atreet and Miaa Elaine Ing 10 churctaas to the aasodatton. bomber atmaftca in Ariaona. I Y a a g Psopls’a Chrirtian *«»deaT- name a night to boner of some loss after five triumphs. .. aurprisa. when be heard Uw an- ma. Zi^atka, aa ....S'O 0 Leningrad area guerrlUaa have nual memorial aei for the sail- balto off^X* w < ^ g |V S ^ to O2 s, Jtodman 1; ” I —— being ^ ~ruled — ^ ~ — out — w if J ^ T O U F 01), who contend* Ju Jutau la groat' . aCforts Is that the aiithore seldom Hilbig of 70 Ridge atreet, idao, John Miss MUdre<^ Bowem'iHaetonary nearby town wboae tons raapend Head laatod only four tot^tiig* nouneanwnt that gave Ifau Tbe home team got one In tba Orlswold. 3b ...8 1 2 .shown origtoal qualities. Outrun- Oalasao, Jr., and Miaa Viola A. klU^ 517 (Sermana, following the]ore and marinea. Lasris,^«ims8 RIebardNB . andlor asrvtca w U ba otT.ThaOraaga m la Z lS 9 S y J H B S S X bit by ptbOtar, LoranastU by Tkg- *®^J**" by hiring buaaa and attending to a rleUo a draw with Bob Pastor. ly over-rated and that it can ta •ixth and three in. the seventh atoc all other themea in frequency dispXtch of a etitmg punitive , ex- nuree to Christian hoapital, Shao- WaltarlMianky left Rockvma to-1 smteay sarvtoa wbldiroos to bavs ' *' —' struck out by Ta^rt 6, out-cf^town etay- body. and was tagged for five hits, te- subduad v^tb a few Anwrican ma- iMtey. If ..r..2 0 0 1 0 0“ Weigbld, both of 107 Spruce street. hlng, .Oitoa, M m Froderick R bludtog Managsr^Mal Ott’s . aev- And atooa Promoter Mike Ja- chukker, but Savlno held tbe upper WUkosi p - ...... 8 0 0 1 a 0 .of choice among aspiring amateurs Warrantee Deeds . , pedltiop against them, tbe bureau All newcomers Manchester dOF^tb tbs Utart group of bays|ixMa held with >fariborougb Attacks Halted 8; ttnw, 1 hoofrdT^. SLpreoloua Ctoly to acatterad cases to the cobs felt tta asm* way. Uncle neuvers. "During tta aacoBd waak band the rart of tha wpy by aonw 'roported. The Irregulars also were are invited to atteild the Women’s Bruce of StaffoidviUa. former mto- to be Inducted Into asrvlcs. | (Srangs. with pt&Om Ctat\m M- entb bonw run o f tbe season, with wa noUoe dlmfiUalilng back and If ' fire the eternal triangle and that The Manchester O)rporatlon ,to Pioneer, SouUwaatarn. Western a nwa on baaa ta Uw flrat toning. Mike said totay ta "didn’t saa wlqr fine plays on tbe part ot his mates. Sf. "Journey’a End,” Robert C. credited with blowing up a Nazi Auxiliary Tea to te held to the Blonary ta Burma and Rev. Wil- A aseend clinic for smallpox vac-1 oardensc as apsaksr baa been caa- c*— ». «»«• Su-S* b L T S l muscle etiffneaa. Increased appe- „ 29 1 4 27 5i "a, Erit F. and Jennie I. Sanden, liam 8. Tam il, exacuttvs saeratafy rtwmtiMi and tba Schick tort for I eallad on account of gas rationing, itaaoclaUon. Utraa-L Wtooonato Md a ctreuit blow, by Hank Lriber the outconw of last night'* ten- This la Uw first' Unw In yaars that Bherriff’s play of British soldiers Crestwood Drive, ammunition dump, a railway parlors of the (tenter (tengrega (Canitenqd Pag* OM) mayta alx patehas on tba right State and Appatocliliui Leagues round thrlltar In Madison Squara Uto and energy and asor* c ( ^ - tha Ttaders hav* been able to HSuaton Props bridge, various rolling stock and tional Church Monday afternoon at of toe Oonnecricut Baptist eoriven- dipbtbeila-rvras bold 11iuraday|iia^ Wi^qjtag mambars roar Uro. of the bus your, elasa to the fourth. danca.” AB.R.H.PO.A.B. to tbe last war. X^nlnsplred re- Alexander Jarvis to’ Dorothy are three clubs which rely on char- Tbra* rritovars bald tba Olanta Gardan “abould ctanga whatever dewn'tba Windsor Locks team hashes cannot win. Miner, St. John street. three tanks. 3:00 p. m. Mrs. Gwbrge Waddell is tlon were t^e gpast apaakata. morning to tba library, mbaaoiad|ptonnlii|r to attend. w(ii, a local attack by Pevman I ’t 7’ team owns, a lot of hiUTy-up Tbe third week tbe claae rounds Zwick, 8b ...r.4 0 0 8 8 0 by tha Younff Mptbsr* Chib. Dr.| iha annual junton-claaB prpm of ter*d buaaa. All say they win hav* to one bit to Uw last four tonlnga, Plane are in the making", for twlea In one aeason. Tha local Cyril Maude, actor-memager, ro- Philip Lewis to Marjorie T. chairman at the welcoming Com and Ftonlah troops waa sucoeartuL TkIT M. TSM“ ~ I “Hi replace playara who were tb* rttuaUon remedied by J u n e/. lato-Juna tusale between Rapid off the ooursawitta what Chiof Pet- team baa baan handicapped all aaa- Muzxy, as ...... 4 0 0 0 4 1 mlttee, end she is being asslstod by A S .. H to ehaiga and waa aaatrtsd byjtba- , ______Ellsworth Mronortol b^ l^ J, Of tba aerial warfare, tba oom- tat the Polo Groundera coasted to Uchats, 2b ....4 0 8 8 8 0 bust and rosy at 80, says be is Michaud of Hartford and May J, Axis Forces Exerting Iv & te ®*““ W***^****Anuitag the same p a im 45 o f TM i^ 0«**t Star . "Wa gqt down to aoUd facts.” Frgaa, e .....<.4 0 14 S3 1 8 27 IS 8 rail-way on toa north shore o f the poertbIMtF ef ah* raid ebaltam jchlldran of pro acboel .aga, ebaacea ara, howavar, that for *T believe there will be ex- John C. Lowe o f the Lowe Paper Bee of Asov, Rautere dispatchea ton, toe new national PTOeident o f ... ^ _ oub. Monday through Frktoy from l to our own aircraft ware tost. New i^vtn. May 88^olttog Ooorga R. Farrar, Jr, Woon- various laaaona Uw fight.wlU go aoya xntonaeci. "There are no ll- McGowan, if ...3 I 1 5 Moriarty Bros. .. .000 010 000—1 AecoriUag to the ipofIflfiTloiTi Tba______Toimg^ Mothers I mat In IS p. BL, Bsay talapbona 8-0118 and . ebangea of thought and facilities Company, Oakland street, haa filed "From the German Frontier” re- tba (Chamber o f Oonunerce will “AaU-atreraft regiment Number Mann, Hamden :beavy- socket (R. L) CaU: *Tf tha alas- linjgs to caeveland or Chicago, instaad of lusiona about eUquMte. Savlno, p ...... 4 12 1 Hamilton Propa .010 000 000—1 among cooperative peoples on a a petition in bankruptcy as of May broadcast a message entitled, handed tbe~Chambar oiKoe. a Chel-1 the library Tlumday sventag, with wm ba mailed Shtacored ito 800tb aireraft victim Ueity to tbe m ajor.leagua___ *Tn a band-to-band struggle any- (iuagUa, c f ...... 4 2 1 0 : Two base hlta, Griswold; aacri- ported today. B.F.Farnbaib oofifldenoa to Now Yorl^ with tbe Ohio city in thirty yn—^ acale hitherto undreamed of. 21. “Meaaage to toe Fighting Fronts.’ ter must be a room that can easily jifra, Lertla Rlcbardson pcsrtdtog. jto them, . during tba oostam campaign on ban waiver lajr w en tiw only rub- front Just now. ' * Hamlll, U ...... 1 2 10 1 flee bite, Kelaey, Fraber; jdouMa. The action, the dispatchea said, be blacked out, there must ba r.jMr*.CBa«lycam i H waaappototod|Mmoancaa. fo^worW to putting BOl Watobarg, Uaprecpdented Bonds Growing BnUdtog Permlte apparenUy presages a German Maytt” Boj^Bafarow,Htohrew, to sleepalaap when Uttam ber, then there would ta no need Tboae at ringrida last n l^ t “Tta Japa hava no rula book, tat Ratcbenback, lb 1 2 1 3 playa, Katkaveck to Zapadha to "Britain and the United States, A permit for conatruction of a The Tourist and OonvenUon proviaton for aaattog, ampla elac- |a eemmtttoa to arrange for a coup- | ona thousand qnaattanaalrao to limmgs Fenr Freight Tialaa gi^rtam to al8-roimdi fta Mr. and Mr*. Baseball Phan they apparenUy forget that two Annlallo. 2b . . . .2 3 0 3 Maya, Hutt to Uchate to Hutt; offenaive aimed at recapture ot trie nghttog, auxiliary lighting, j taay racognltion to ba axtandad dtotrilmtod to all homes In DNB oootod a ndUtary aoureo ' rtaah to a JS-round New Eng' Yesterday ^ ; 'eanw pretty cloee to being unani- tor example, are cloeer today t):-n chicken coop waa warded Ora Rortov, strategic port at , the (temmlttss o f the Manchester . > baavywrtgbt tttto fight attta to oonaarvs tbelr praetoiw 'rubber Tta Standtaga mous that Pastor bad whlppad can play the same game.” Steppe, rf ...... 1 0 0 1 i base on ballx off WUkoa 3; Mt ty nany, many pa^le a few yews Ames of 17 Mather street by the (teamber of Cbnunerce will meet such as dsctric or oil lanterns or |o*I boys who are antartng tba *arv-| South Windsor win as sayhro that strong Carman Aranaon! Una and tutab." Cklef Petty Officer Antonacel Murray. If .....2 0 0 0 .1 pitcher, Maya by -Blanchard; mouth of thg River Don which lamps, and adequate anlts to case I too and tbooa who ar* already to tbs ' aaaay quaattons that have bean bombarformattona on M Ruartaa Arms on MtaAqr toghCbrt Wsta- (AU gaaws^gtatyg a d ). Mauriello. la fplte of tha Fordham ago would have' thought possible, building inspector today. The could serve aa the spring)x>ard for Tuesday afternoon at 4 p. m. to ^han d ^ T agraa with N a ^ ' W FlaUer'a fart start xad a fialah in and (Soxswatn RswUnaco ^eanad McAlUatsr, lb . .3 0 0 4 ( struck out by Blanchard 4, WUkoa Bader aay clrcumatances. Unprece- cost of construction will be 840. judge the poaters that have been of fire. I the aervtoa. aakad abont what to do witb emsta front laktod Sovtet ItaaO at com- Btngbamton* ,.I 8 Uw chaff from thalr spectalUee and 9. Tlnw 1 hr. S3 min: Umptra^ . a direct oveitandT drive against "Justlost baeansa ha foqghtfoniDit Jot O** MImrib Bperta Pbgo Naw York 8. Brooklyn L which ho. and Bob stood baad to FarroU, Sb ..,..1 0 0- 0 : dented bonds- are growing between A permit for alterations to the eubmltted to replace the ship algha It to-also doairsbto that tbaaol At tba ctoao of tba buatosoi matarlUsi^ wbora to taka them, muntopPoB yaatotday and aavaraly Lmto for tba tttla, and taT^ Om of tbs Mnurt war-Aada Altia/ ...... 18 tbe finiriied prodiiet Inriudes O’Leary and Murray. the rich (teucasian oil fields. kuroad Boaton 10, PbOMsUlila T. bead and bangad away tjt minutes aa. la UmI theater, in music, in llt- house at 34 CourUand atreet waa now at tbe antranoes. to the town. aheltera have toUat faellitloo, radio |moattag, ttaoie ereie *hi tablaa of accardtng to D. P. ^vanaugb. daaBBgod four fretata trataa. * fow nwdloora oppeaaats, 8* —M-WSeffw e— ebaagaa to tba sports boene to to- Scranton ...... 18 at a Uma. A crowd of 11J37 eua- straws to bolp braak tha tfe Ntppoa' 86 18 0 21 18 2 atature, this new and finer frlend- issued to Thomas Kaufman today. Rostov waa recaptured by the and ventOatton. . Iwblrt to gday. each member krtog^ aalvaga eommltfoa dwirmaa hi DNB also lepecM that boalbar (Osty ganws adwdulad). Russians lart November afUr it barg btatad. ‘Iw wUl find that Yala-Harvard regatta. Wtlkas-Bari* ..ll 9 J50 3Mtomara chipped In to a graaa pot Wtodaor Locks asBraasion. conatrucUoh to cost 8490. Paul , The Junior Chamber of Cbm- tog CBS guest Pi'lroa of dtfonaa tkto toww. ArraiMruBaBtsIwve bam aan dive-bombor fiBnaattona ^ ap- I? " jpqncb nayialf and prove my Ttay’ra treating it Uka Juat an- HMtfw* ...... 9 U ,450 4H ef $83,878. Tba Nil ww*oedo told Qulnlivaa. if ...8 had been held briefly by the Par- atamps ware awarded M rs Flo*- aaada to oovor tba towii ta en all- Oiieage T, Detrott 4; my experience, Pd bay Dougan haa the buU d^ eeatn et mans. meree win bold tbe last meeting of aratbig ta tba Donata barta baea I rM t to tha Now Ibigland UU^ other two-mfla workout on Uw Elmira ...... r is AOO gu tbelr tittle brown nwa that they Fitapatilek, e ..3 Enid. Okla., May 88H F-*- Tha. tha, arts ware thrtvtog to this war. WW------A the aeason at tbe Country Chib (h* ,enea Cochfona; Mra. BU^wtt out oonaetloB for all ertrto ma-1 daatioyed 70 fully loaded tntoka St XwulB at Cltvelaad-^wst-, WBMmm BflCOfff ff0VffMtffMm M w orktog ou t a t ^ Housatenle toatoad of. aa event ^'^iOamspert .. 7 I8 .850 814 wars taekUag ahort-wtedad puah- Slawe, et ...... 4 Bald aasBl-pro baaiball taaia. w Bh Chrtatoly tbe theater U going flirt Of June. This vriU be a dinner London, May 88——Mre. | Ryehltag and Mrs. MOdrad Bload- tarial, so A as popsr. mbtala, ! iP-.fl- Ooart Guard Station at Maa- that require* weeks -of < Springfield . . . . 4 13 Y50 Tte (M y Ba Naas ovjwt. also apparantly forget that Maadirota. aa . .8 aer c f tbraa NaUoaal juet as cartainly it can Hospital Notes Ths Reutsn diytehsa also re- meeting. Beatrica enough Ratbbona, a for-1 good. Mrs. Oonnla TwtaMl re- bar, rage and tta caqs. Paoptown **h ST radio annownoa (Only gamas •ebaduled). Nsitaaal ^ country alwaya axertlsd at rtdps, baa ported that aoma German'-aad Ru- Beach, under tba dtitatlon preparation and ten million bucks SUk. 8b, p .....S it'along witfi the pure- mar Bortcnlan * and tba aaocndleelved tba w a ^ awerd dnn*tad bo arttod tofm ta tbaaa mtstton- that a Parmaa figbUr-bom^ Ibf Cbto Laanivirti. who WUI ta to worth at yachts at tbe finwii une Brooklyn ...... 25 10 ,714 Danver.— (Sj — Tbiec-year-rtd basting another at Its own game. Matroai. lb ....4 Nick Urban, spcascr of tb* : kind of show, many ex- manian troopa ralaaasd from ac- Amarican-botn woman nwmbkr of | by Mrs. Pladye Palmar. Hoateaaea nalreo and antantt them to.tbs Aba TedayhOew Admitted yeaterday: Ctonnee squadron bexabad eoassla ta ®® M o n d a y ....F an s at tta Polo Grounds ar* Boston ...... 8 0 15 J171 5 Donald Ltaaon Is cuiioua— Krause, 8 b ...... 8 dub, aald greatty ledacad gatsi thoughtful plays a n tion around Kerch to tbe Crimea tba Brltlik Hovwe o f OoanM BS,|wera8(rs.^mdyM BtroeO, Mrs. B. Mmar Amertoan Lu Um P**t soutbom bay of Um Crimean port |alght Qua Maim at Datrrtt S t Louis ...... 18 15 JM5 8 tough. Tta family oar waa going oeipta naceartUM tta mova. Miller. 91 Ridge street, James Tor- eUmtoattog tiw middle man by Hartford at Elmira (8). Open Date Dowd, r f ...... 4 oad. both the dtotto- to pcrttloM ba-1 Watolngton. May 88.—O0dle Turnpike; chapel Wastmlnstar Ahtwy tofwaat win giva to tba salvage drive. fipringflald at Wllllanwport (8). WWto O’Brtsn. 888 Spruce 1 tentotlv* Lsen Bender- at sd bita on Navy batraete to aotviag bCaan’a naditag ataads and toaatog »»w«« to tta New York .....17 19 .478 8U wo'.dartag wbrt would happen, Holmea Sb ....8 Its Utle at.tha 1941 and-pce 1 aaw playa. fliia^ nduetof that Soviet Naval]aon for a Oongraaaianal allotment Paul Harva Pfaraud Wrigtati Proeaoda of the roller jkatin g ^ Tonog People win motor to of Hejy Binghamton at Wllkea llarie. Ctoctonatt ,,..1 5 18 ASS 8 turned n doorhandle. Tta door ^ _ atyr May 48--Hw| tT6€%. aervloe m aa....atogw Albany xt Senntca. Mtarourl Vafimr A. A. U. track aaasMtt at Wichita, K i ; more. I think, tha '>**• |to tbs aeigbbnBood of 8800,000,0(>6 or tba King's Royal Rise Corps. I party to Jba brtd nart Tueaday WtodoorvUle after tbelr Chrirtian Jews Mart Wear Stars 1 etolm tba.Naw ttiglaad ti- ^cago ...... 18 18 .441 9H wung' apen with tta boy atUl 4 T M 18 8 playa of tha paat win ha re- yertardayt M m Tba Pararos Air Foroa was aald I to flnanea tba OfiBoa of Price Ad- Wright la tba son of Mrs. Rlehardlnigbt to LOkartda Oarino Will go Bndlovur moattag tomorrow ove- Fjraa. the Bngltoh UgtatwolgbL NaMaaal nwat to 'ta hold at we"7— a ty Mann won K froa a ^ MoOoy win get a ctaaaoe to pidi ap sobm PbUxAUphl* ..11 88 JOS 14H Mtagtag to tta hand!#. Ha ratataad nmeeeJn spirially tboae dealing rasapor 1 ^ , 185 Spruce atnet; to have been bombanUng Ruaalan | mtaisttatloB’a rationing program Wright of VMateeg. Mcnroouth-itoUMNovyRallaf Fioid,c4.jM ^ ntag «M (e PteT ^ b w r Rw. Borten at Pbiladalpida. Juna 8, has baan eoavartod into Mm Emily HaUiday, n GrtowoM jteftev.dTium ^rmajj^llteo^ pirt tt « tba blorti nvb ttoMb Cbanga bafora grtag tato tba grip n taw nmmata, then rttaack, Dowd. Rlto cfX Bavtoo T; aaitoUB aubjacts: Thla ahould portMona theta viaiaatly for, toe j was dIacloaMi today.,Ay membera sbira. iMfo. PiWM ltats.to Pro ^artmoR. -I ' b difobL Wdatarg raewit- 5»oW y» *t New ftrk. NSW Y ork .••••,88 on opaa aflXIr asabraelag atblataa] to e atreat )p Arnyby tgbUag Ray Lomy ta Hysaal 8 to 8 1-8 taatam flflk Masbvilta lart 48 bourn | of a llo«aa Bub-Commtttaa on Ap- Throe prixea wfll be wiaardadl oa*- it a t Vlriiy wraa repo, ta wbbt waa Ctontonatt at S t ___Clavaland ....88 from a 4-fltata area. Admitted today! Joanna Fa^ an FinMtooo... .Ootfora tntorad Gblcago at Plttjtourgb. J87 1 • vssnl s o m a f a M R ^ ^ ^ ' 4 ta 4 M . Btolw basaaVTlaaftbM Aad wbat Cl Tba asms soureaa aald It appear-1 proptlatiaiH. have ordwed aU Jews figbt Tbay an- Boaton •,• •,,,17 •S48 4% «P^ta^jrttob. Hia onty tajuj^wn* Provtonrty Umttad to dswtaaRai Ossd Marie stoo, u Oak stroet; Saltoe KiuU* ad unlikrty that tba Ba^ of] - to to tba Buflalo Dlatriet af tba Rale tots from 4; Wla dasi Laoho 4. Lrtt am to wear the ManPbtaff raeord" boat Datroit ...... 20 alHfeia war n that good, miiato bowaU. 878 Woodland rtMrt: Kharkov would ba decldad for Aawtiob golf tanmamant have Naw York at Wartdngtcn. MS SH tta meet win tnelada p«______8; W tafli Wan. Jim : Plttaburgh, May 88— (F)—A po- ' at David on a buia of ad laemtly, wttb Wato- wanwd to bring tbrtr own PbUadelpWa ..15 .406 10 Ledu U^amti am apptoeUton than it’a Fn^ Nlcbolo It Russsn atraat aaotoar 10 dayn aUbough It aL Uoa aeout car t o ^ ovattaok V. 8. Pblladalptala at Borton. ffom Nabraaka and n k iA ,^ eag. a iMV Itoks Mattnga are Dlscbargad today: Mm aSIftod to to wtaa tbay oonw out for St Louis ...... 14 .400 10 f; Pymil 8. H bad bam ragtag unabatodI Meatean cf:tb * fosM os-Fifth BtroUlag a*a twrita whkk Ppw St Louis at Ctevaiaad (aight). Wasblngto* ..„ i s J94 10 kould attract.aatrlas from moat' Holmes by flevlS ^ aS s la groat Aumben, Una Hooker. 88 Mato foVrt - lRiSlBiit-8S..teM U. 8. Maria* tta qtaUtytng round Wmrtaj (OiUy.ganwa tatadukd).^ ' ef BW Six and Miawuri Val- sot by AltaB m tcM l. 841 BNrt ” ta O a m X u A CMeeg* ...... 18 488'1018 Savtao8: bait lay rbnfotinee achoM^ tkooni' iSteK.||bp .11-. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MAN*UHESTER, CONN. SATURDAY, MAY 28, 194*. MANCHESTER EVENPTO HERALD^ MANCEWTER. CONN. SATURDAY, MAY 28,1948 buy Slu R!!l! A Citu's Wa t burned up! Work up a good iHeycloa toe defiUtely Wkeo tte taasr ftaaUy Kte fw^fohieklfruber. bis Auto as a means ot ttusi kfor Salt 72 Jdm Bdiwais, Jr^ Roth ^ough thoae won vote ca load•od aU the gan^tsr ideas be rap- BalldlHgf—ContractiiiK 14 RcpuiiW 2?^ Fuel and Feed 49-A Robert Noaek,' Elalna Ooedoa* Lost snd Pow Rockville . tUte d is a p ^ t e d beoaum you pull up some ef these hille. esps* repair Job call Wm. Kanebl. con- Apply Edward J. HoU. Phone Two extra lots. For^arUculars Brendd, Roliart Gerldi aad om t gat your osot ntloa aatU fcH w w n Bona arateli. otao aquare cut tHwk tractor, 51# Center street. Tele- duptlcaUng. vacuum cl#aners etc CS **»? rp*ch him. You gaa! Mjyx, ring. Finder pleaae Ofll overhauled. Bralthwalte, 52 Pearl 5117 or 5118. Inquire at 107 Oakland itreet. Elalna Neumann. There Is ao aioaday.. .whoa you keep your very extra pound of te:^es you P1«M* SO- phone 7773. , admission chaigs. _Hartfopt 541238. Reward. ^ street / . houm at M d e g i^ -to save taU, turn out wUl speed the day wMn , 17 Bond a tr o e t' FOR SALE—NEW FOUR room althouih^n prefai It at 75 de- •» evenrhabatug burden of Amor- t/tayH-WALLET containing aum r:si Tam—Rowfiat Herald found —smal l U|^ toes, Tuber unit stock. L . C. For Rt>ckville Sunday afternoon at 2:80 o^clock , h^ you uaod to toko for graatr H*fnr—No moatl and repalrea. Wa aharpen hedge Lots for Sale 78 .and white terrier. Owner may pioriHts— Nurseries W and graas aheara, wissora, k n lv ^ Dimock. Teh 7870. at tba Ladd Funeral Home on BU« ' ad, aad work lrstead..,ga Stead |blmeelf HiUcr, now...Adolf w u AirtrUseissats have by proving property and ington avenue. Rev. K: Otto good aad aort about it« but Week’* bwt laugh i8 at tbe am^J etc. Saws aet and filed. Our 16th FOR SALE—4 LARGE lots, 65 by lor. Let’s keep production buildlag it eia araraae word* to a iiu paying for bdv. Phone 3348. for sal e—TOMATO, pepper year. Capitol Grinding Co., 531 MethodiH Church to Klotte, pastor of tha First Isither* Took arouad near you for ua and It won’t be kMg befoiawa ^ aanbon and akbreviatioat and cabbage planU at H e r - Houaehotd Goods 51 ISO, located on McKinley and aa church wm offldate. Borial to Mama-Mama lohiokl* Mit aa a word aad ooavoaod Lydall. Tel. 7958. Wast Osnter streets. Reasonable. Hold Patriotic Senr- otajps to name ggato-tto t}me jd two worda HIb Iw « b) oo»* AnnotniMBients mann’s, 504 PfTker street. Tele- FOR'BAL*—ORAt XND WHITE win ba la Grove Hm caihetery. . tluM UaMu phone 4888. Nursery. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED CaU 7068. i^ Tomorrow* Mlalstera to Meet \ Yoo, wo know that tba people tn govemmsatmtsM^ baeauaa ha I* LjMMBor day for traaaioot Craw^rd rambinatlon range, cot- for RBNT— latest 'TYPE ana ' reconditioned 81.35. Snow tage type, four gas and two oil The RockviUe Ministerial Aaao^ charge of the war effort don’t al- gome tised automobiles are new FLOWER AND VEGETABLE . Bros.. 336 Summit Telephone ways do things the way we think oiraouSw A y hospital bed, for horn* use. Ratea burners, oven and broiler. 231 Resort Property for Sr Io 74 Rockville. May 28.—(Special)— dation win hold a meeting on being wld for more than they coat CasBCUB UBBICBara* plants ready. Asters, Zinnias. **iVteo^ te dene...but^ !»• reasonable. CaU Kemp’a Inc. Tel. 4.531 o r 4506. Green Road. A patriotic service wiU be held at Monday, May 85, at the home of when were new. 523SUS? ^ antlT* oa)ra...| J otBiw“ eti Petunias, Gnlendulas, Panics, Rev. Karl Otto Klette, preddent member. It’s a tough Job, and tte Sm U** OBre...l. • oteUi ett 5680. Salvia, and Snapdragons, 20c a FOR SALB^ BOLTON LAKE. tbe RockviUe Methodist church on raaaoo why theee draatle emer- eti FOR SALE—PRACTICALLY nw of the easodation.. Hw meeting ...... fn ewi'* dozen. Tomatoes 15c a dosen. one Several Lake front cottagea. geacy meaeures have' to te tohea ri data far Irroaoiar laaartloos Help Wanted— Female 85 Rex gas hot water heater. Also some furnished, qisctrlcity, good Sunday morning at 10:46 a. tn. to will start at four o’clock and will oBarwad at tba one tlwo rata Automobiles for Sale. 4 dollar a hundred; All klnda pep- used electric stove. Call 7172. which the various patriotic orguii- be followed by supper. at ^ can te traoed to SehlakI* FVNNT BUSINESS lOLO’io v te n ’ pers, two dozen for 25c,., seventy- roadf, small expenditure to win- uberMr aad blato gang. Don't waste rataa for Iodb tana ooory WANTSa) AT ONCE girls or wo- terize. Shown by aiipointment tatkms of' the town have beeh In- Served Breakfast ..—tlalna airoD apoa raqoaat. for sal e—1939 . Bulclt con- five cents for one hundred. All men for defense work. Apply In of ym aaargy la petty teovrn oiSorod botora the third or vertible sedans excellent Urea. In- greenhouse plants In blossom. Household Goods 51 Eidward J. HoU. 1009 M ain.street vited. *1116 pastor. Rev. Arnold F. Breakfast was served to about hft fMlow £notleaa*^lamo u will ba ebaraed onlr ror person. Tober Baseball Mfg. Co. Manchester. Tel. 5117 or 5118. 80 selectees who left RockvUle 0OM( rf Ko •tarlad a long taal aambar of tlmaa tba ad quire 151 Walnut street after 5 Blue Spruce and evergreena, rich Waring wlU preach on the theme time ai, ebaraiaa at tba rau aara- loam. Always open. Phone 8-3091. WOMAN FOR DIET kitchen from lif YOU ARE INTERBISTED ’God’s Land.” this morning. This Is the first ^^vbsn ba wag an uame* ao aUowaaea or rafandi gab p. m. ______. In an exceptional BUY time that .such a brsakfaat was ^ paintsr in Otrmany, 379 Burnside Ave., E. H. 11:00 a. m. to 3:00 p. m. Apply Aa a special part of tha service arranged, and Ralph Glbaon of to OB «tB tlmo Bdt •tQBW 1988 NASH sedan. 83W; 1937 Housekeeper, Hospital. in a Complete 3-Room there wiU be the unveiling of the oomforte and dlapiar. Maaa oot Packard sedan, $250; 1937 Chry- GEatANIXDiS, SMALL potted HOME Of MODERN Tries to Block servlice flag of the church. the Rockville Uona dub was in i-j— •W"' 8aglm ¥»T v'se sler sedan, 8195; .1937 PlyttouUi plants, baskets, window boxes, WANTED—WOMAN to do laun- FURNITURE Tbe fbUpwing members of the charge ot the arrangements. Ato to fiva Uo. gint te anMavad rSaiald wlU not bO r«apo* coupe, 8195’, lb35 Chevrolet coupe, and urns filled. Wm. Vlttner, 35 dry work, my -home or yours. please -consider this one! Pension Move Sunday school were delegates to Them was music and an addrcaa 27" bujnaiwidrand to oarry ..jsra tbaa oaa tomrraet Inaar* At 8189.95 was given by Rev. Arnold F. War- outto pto.n of^werM oen- adramaanant ordarad 8125: 1987 OldsmoWle 6 sedan. North School. Phone 6631. Phone 8140. the Older R m and Girls’ Oonfer- fiueot, mnda t o s u b ja ^ tmna- ' aco tbaa ooa tlaia. Uke new. Brunner’s, 80 Oakland 837.98 Deposit—82.95 Weekly anos bald at Somars ysatardsy and id gladiolus BULBS of the bet- WOMAN OR GIRL to work In Oaoraas fee Wewwn form tbalr maagar eomfera into M'laadaetWat ontaaioB et - street. Tel. 5191. It Includes Living Rooih in Rod (ConOnned fN a Page One) today, Ruth Kttrknrich. Ethal U ts, - J the /eapona af war, \ IS K rooSsad pUHeatlOB only ofby oanoallaMD adrartlMB ter varletlee. Produce larg* beau- Manchester laundry. 78 Maple ind Blue with all neceaaaiy acces- Lois Bowers, Eleanor Guldottl and Because ot the fact that a re-', ^a autda for tba aaraloa 1941 PONTIAC 2 DOOR sedan, tlful flowers In Aug., S m t from street Ap{^y at once. sories. 7 Pc. Waterfall Bedroom, and grants this pension to sU vet- Forrest Waring. quest baa been received from one / He figured that the pooplek— 1941 WUlyS sedan, small mileage, bulbs planted In Ma>. Don’t let 7 Pc. Dinette Outfit This furniture erans when they read 65. Union d n fe b ot the larger, defense Induatrlee, planneti to attach had g n ^ a^ f^SvartlaamaDU binat UBrtnB 1939 Willys sedan, 1937 Chevrolet another yeai pass without a rw EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY tor additional training coumea wm be teed to comfort* and lunutlaa that ; daay and lypoarapby with is brand new—not used. Worth Widows alone would get 820 a Dr. George S. Brooked, pastor of d*lux6 •©dBn. Co Ib Motor*. , Tel. glads. Large l^ b e oOt. doe.; l.iS girl In office of local retail uitore. month; -vidows and one chUd 828; the Union Congregattonu qhiirch. atarted at the Bykes Memorial P«y wcuMrafu** to gtva tlwa up M aaforcad by tba pabllaa- Knowledge of general office 8295. tbay rOaarra tba riabt to. 4184. per 60., 83 per lOO.-Medlums 85c., Why this has become avaUable widows and two children 884 (with win preach on the subject, “ Con- achool starting Immediately by a to spend what t ^ seat en tte ; raataa or rajaet any copy eon- 81.35, 82.00. Karlsec, Foster St, work, and credits and collections $4 for each additional child); no trary Winds” at the morning Ser- Kenneth Uttie, head of the ma- mtlal. State age. experience will be explained in person. Hi* fir*t vietlm* did wait too long. __„^_m !^43aaalflad ada Wapping. T bL Manchester 5937. May be seen at your convenience widow but one child |18; no widow vice on Sunday. chine shop department. Garsges—Sorvice— and salary expect^. Write Box but two children 818 (divided . 100 women from this aecUon He beUaraa------tte aamo' tUiig“ aboJt -pobUahad aaaw day “ »* *? at V ______, Bidaiy Americana.. .but this time. ba la .jwd kr 1* o’eleek noon Satnr- Storage 10 N, Herald. ^ ALBERTS •“ equaUy); no Widow but three Rav. Norman Wead, pastor of wUI be offered an intensive eburse i^Sd. Moving—Tracking- children 824 (divided equaUy) and of Ihetructlan ao that they wm be mistakeiL We aia going to 'glvt FOR RENT—FOUR garMea. Call WANTED—PRM ff operators a^d 43 Allyn St—Hartford tha Vernon CMnter Congregational up enough comf. and Hospital, Mansfield Depot Tha mambem wUl meat tA 8 teom to am tharul* raam far any nife V yoor own color achemc. Conn. Mualcal iRStrom oRts 5S| a. in. at tba G. A. R baU and go •BMa apectatoca la tola war. R’ll ‘Sterase . - . •* to the Clyetal Lake Metbodlst te a “Wa“ war. U we’re ™- ,Jle« ...... 11 Doubts Raised SIX-ROOM SINGLE FOR SALE—HAMIL’TON upright tikurck srbem tbay wUl attend ta aria. ' toeeemSa«S*9e»v*e^ U t . Suxk— Vehicle. 42 jdano, very good condition. Rea- For Home Front eervloe et ntoe woloak, with the u i sTVleee OCere4 ...... 1* Good raoidential location. soitehle. OUl 8408. pastor. Rev: Alfred Wood preach, eia SsrvUes oaetea ....IS-A Not new but .In .4 No. 1 300 USED TIRES inc. n a y wlU also decomte On Accepting CoatraetlBS ###•••»• jc FOB'SALE—GOOD FARM home. conation. Inquire 26 View street Manches- the graves of the'ClvU War Vet- Hsrooriee aaeaas«aae« ALL SIZES Wanted—^Te Boy 58 HOLD BYGRYTHING IrOOtDni aaaaaaaaaaae *0 oraiM at the lake cemetery. lemblae—Beeflae .. If ter. " - Britain's Bid 5 ROOMS — GL.4STON Tbe mambem sdU then go to aaaa••a aea a a a a •• VICTORY TIRE CO. FOR BALJ5~4.JERSEY COW, due WANTED TO BUT a coal or oU tbe TbOaiid Fedemtbd eburra for —oeklBg ...... if BURY.' J 1 PM* a) ------klug-H^rego aa M 248 Na. Mala S t. Fhehe 8-044fi to freshen any day now. tank beater. Phone 4490. a earvloa at U a.' m. with Rev. « 1 fueeojiger flenrloo aaeeaM^A 5 ROOMS—BOLTON CEN- heifer 3 jrears , >J . INSURANCE end Ublea, atz coUapaible type .liet OooSa sod Servlea ...... H 'Chairs (wood or metal). CaU 8408. | Buppor Ibnight aald, to bring togethar the logla- 917anM4—nailntM Oarylea .•>• * Before Voa Have a Fim WARD'S HUSKEY. guarantSrf, 3 lattva laadem of tba two coantilae I W A S H T U B B S neaaatlasal The Man's Club of tba Rock.- The PisHInc wa a a i Cl a SM* Jf Stuart J. Wasley or AecMeat star started chicks; Reds, Rdeks, rilla Methodist'church wUI bold a prlmarUy for a study of the prob- Sa mstruotlona Real EsUtc and Insamnea ' Seb 12 days old $14.90 hundred, day Roowa W lthoat Board ~59 •r this evening at six o’clock tenw of conducting the war, in .aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasa aW *M SUte Theater BaUdiag Mc Kin n e y bro thers Old 813.90 hundred. See our com- at'Wesleyan haU, bringing to p Just eueb a conference as Prime SO e-^w*Dfaniatle ...... to Tetophone 0848 • 7148 plete Une of iiouUry, dairy sup- FOR RENT—FRONT bedroom, j r>4iTehiii held with Presi- soesY. rued itiitnirti—* ...... m 595 Mata S t, Maaeheater. Coaa. cloea tbe dub’s bowUng aeasoo. Ttiepheee,fi960 • 7488 plies, fann machinery, garden Opntinuous hot water; 8 min- dent Roosevelt here In Decmnber. YOU naaaelal utea walk from post office. Lady | —«ka—Monsnsee ••• *1 tools and fencing. Ward’s Farm Fred * . Werner, weU kmiwn to- The long ismg* objeefive t^ UHDtR OpportunltlM ...... N prsferred. Phona 8317. meeting* added, would be to ta Lono Store, 43 PumeU Place, Man- uteuc tof ot piano and oigan wiU ARfifSr Mb aoS SMoafima chester. ' nreaant a group of his RockviUe sound out each others’ view on WaaUb—Femal* ...... to Boordara Waated 8f-A in a p$w reeltal at the the kind e f a pepoe that ^ Wsated-. Mela to I reafihiil when fighting on Um bat- ..M«.aMa iffaated .....• • ....-.to -J tTBloa .O mgregatkmal church bn Be^ Waatad—Male ar Female i‘ Articles for Sale 45 FOR RENT—FURNISMEIV room, BoBday avamag at aevtn o’dock. tlefields had sDMd. ageata Wanted ...... ff-b with board, 2 girls preferred. 188 •nmra wm ba a promiun f ^ OM legislator sold ba n *eh ^ mtaattone Wanted—Female . . . fl SAY FOLKS! nitditl* streeL Telephons 5674. teen munbera preaenM by pupUa mtdi aa exChaaga. of vtswa aa y mtMUona Wanted—Mala . . . . to > * . , 5-6 r sal e— herald paper th utmoot Importenbs baeanaa Xmnlarment Asenelea ...... 4d whose ages rahge Mva ttaefc Fata FaaUvy— route. CaU 2-0006. ROOM .AND BOARD. Glrte only. I yean hp to thoae of adutt .age, the Senate SBUst ratify **yj>**®* One large front room available. tmaty into which the United Vahicica DO YOU WANT TO SAVE MONEY? FOR SALE— HXECTRIC milk na following wUI talm WU- psee—Blrde--Peu a a a a dca a S e a a a ei Price reasonable. CaU 14 Arch | States enters. ,uva Utoek—Vahlelaa . .. n .... 41 cooler refrigerator unit In good burt Loatjen. AUiert’ Innladier. Paaltto aad SnppUea ...... 4t Oo to our ftw^tory. ihowrooins and eave moSey on Uvtng mom, street, first or second Spo t . Trantto —Fat^m nltry—Steck 44 and bedroom furntture, mgs, aad cuatom-baUt iMng room selii— condition. Tel. 4171 or 5479. — you wure folng to Hm, kind tkat are realty wnart. We’ll ebow.]^ the seta that for rent—nice ROOM, with I Italic g$ X srrappad It Asitstaa Far 8aU ...... 41 or wltboat board, also VtokC*. Snowflake Dotty No. 2 nwUh? s foolprberf camoafl8||8 so I eoald eats and Aeeeaaoriea...... 4I ma reaUy hoaStlfy your borne, 4 te a gtffi" ' Ralldlns Matertala ...... 4f 883 Vernon stmet TaL 4807. | Ui without >Ke folks knowing what Ihm I got homer* ftidninidi ^Watobae—Jewtlry . 41 NOTE! , If you eaa*t make It dartag the week,vweTl take you RtedWeal Appllaneaa—Badlo.. 4> to our showrooms oa Sanday. Doa’t delay! CaU ns aowl BEAL* ESTATE Fm I and Feed...... 4t-A ApsrtSMBts, Flala, YOONBRVILLE POLKS harden Farm—^ Ir y Frodneu M Parehl BY PONTAINE POZi sSnaakold Ooodr...... fi WE ARE FACTORY. REPRESENTATIVES TOBCBMOta 68 HJJULi Haahlnerir and Tools ...... to That Hooie Prom ALtBTOOP MkelCal Inetrumenti ...... tl FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM tena- That Ono .Was DiffgBMt .OSloe and Stora Equipment . . . mant June 1st. 880. $088. Main Boon o».p a m m puaemm Asein-av ooMamiNe..... SnMials at the Stores . U -ARTHU R A. /i Weartas Appeirel-Fora ...... to straaL Apply Bayar Fruit *I . Wanted—To Buy ...... M JONES FURNITURE Produce, 46 PtgnaU Place, aefaa—MeenS—Metele lleeertB 31 Omk Street Telephone 8254 or 7247 knof l a me#me»mmtm FOR RENT—FOUR rooms, tol X THROW VOOM /W V SXPfiRlMtNT A Xooau Wlthoat Board . .. to 878 Msln St. middle aged Couple. 'Available | NOTHIN' l e U C a W A LIQUID •oardora Waaud ...... M -S Oauetry Board—Rasorta .. M June 1st Write Box B. Herald. HAPpiNS.. AN’ A iXFLOSive PARS Ratale—Haataaraota ... .. dl 'Wastes—Rooms—Board .. tl VOU’ RK V TO HANDLE*' la Fat wUmi 68 HAPPV.» ^ ^ ^totommta. Flata. ftnamaata U Wnntad to Beat _____ ^ Locations tor-Raat .. f* Mdane Far Meat...... et Manchester familt ot oa— Sakarbaa For Rant ...... M . GET IT NOW! Waiited .deifres 4 or 8 rooms within next StoUMT Momat For Bant ...* . dl few Weaka. CaU after ' 4 p. m. [ WSataS to Rant ...... dl Raal Oatnta Far Bala Rcfliatared Narae, Trained 2-0088.______. s Asartmaot Bulldins tor Salt *. to COAL! Attendant or Practical 8t$7 nslaaaa Fropartr tor tala ... to WANTED TO RENT by eouj^ I Farwa aad Land tor Salo ....^ 7i LEHIGH VALLEY COAL IS CLEAN, HARD, AND Nnrsa with T. A. License thrba or four room ^lattaMat { Boaaoa’ tof Bate...... Pboap 8538. teta Car Bala...... to FREE OF CLINKERS! to manage Convaleacent Rateft Proparto for 8aU ...... 7« Bolster yoor esm nyrala and iatorbaa tot Sola ...... to Home With ponibility of desirable .AMERICAN COuple Raal Eatata tor Bxehansa,.... to, would Uke five or six room rant Mrin new admlmUoa from yow Waatad—Rail Ciiata,/— to aynuiiBg permanent man- by fwiHiig thia easooth, SuaUau Lmat^aUaaa Write Box V, Hamid. MaiuJiester Lumber & Fuel Co. agement. Phone 5985 for leman ftook fttr your “at home" U«a> • e a a a s a a • 0 a b e • • • 0* PHONES: 6145. Evenlnn $8*1 88** — 78$8- Ihoora. YoaH fiad hoesewoek leeym 285 Center Stm et farther inform ation. Isaeler when you’m dmeaefi w r it Read Herald Advi* la such aa at&aetlvs aaMM u this Read Herald Advs. oael Uaes are Mmple, Sot a plaeed skirt treatiBiBt leads a tencai of PlUKBUJn and HIB PB IB N D S Mighty SBspicioBs aCUBCUY SMITH ^a Jamplag-OH Plsos BY JOHN C TBBIT iw h ttel------for gteghaia. 5360 I MAO Tb MAKE A JPBCUt I b ra y, madraa o r 1 TMOUEHTWE WiW QONNA rWHATslW siaerBdM FORW rwe) PatteraNe.Slgltr ladealgB ____I f o r t 5 b« SSfii IP0"(X; 0 - ua- T1*B9 ANDJOOWtM PkiOfS?,- A Om6lA7B?~. I 9UT WHAT \lflUBUMtW (^ff^^ / AM M M r about VOU.' fCv'EBNKjHT/gy V^ONVOUIOPSkiin'THISl fcOtXDHANOLBAPLSNB' 'TV€S£T-raBCM8BZS1DMaA.'THKi §-IS% _____ 22 to 44. Mae HONEST/ UP HaiE, WSOCPULfP ID LEME rOMOSBQMf takes 4% ,T*v5 »TSL?TAffV;'i8a/ j ^ (^»/»«V«T)C»O0PTHiUNIE>fl€flfY7)«»«O0PTH| UNi>fl scoacHfSOOaCH? THeNW6’U-»fN0W&1 WOCSUMBACHa/«iOK4 STBAicHT ar<*\ 1MV 0^ U ecan teTMOceo .PAiSf! 1 For tkia attraetiva pattern, a*d Boro is tte aooom - T- ___ terwik «• tt* NgEDvouf nrovou/17 ourATOICfi.''TMBV SM Mi OMRTO In tte aorioo.ed doffloo for Caaa aad of your rtdna dpoot, ao a _ BUBSTITUTB ~ Ifie la eola. yoor w m *g6^ p M w t. Takoa Just $ aasaB ban I pattern aumbto aad Mao to Tko dolly coUoclora. IPa oven IftvsUer I' \OoestrTLD!S -iHYfMR 1(0. . 40 croekat oo*Mn I H erald T od ay’s tkaa tho tnA oaa To obtolB *00191^ I lOfi 7th Aveaue, New YorkJN. T. for tte maay aew atylsa widen wm te Dolly NteSbor 2 (Pattaea ezcttlBgw make aa w d ae h ^ » ••••TMAnT'CAMlK IN ''1 fid to own la our Bsrw FsaWoa nSsTto^Saweabot. _ OVEKYMH Book. It la a eomplete catalogno ^Sr avoate IM mrih Avaanei New York Oao Pattern aadlad Pafttm Book eleae 1 osat poMege f i r sate ten ardsiad. EAimDATUAfM'

»i^ ««—" »«»» club will (^urch Parley bold a sotbank party la tho TJm ^ ibeMolaylBrop I Heard Along Main Street itTown Hgtniittiy St 8:U tonight. Bvoi^ m la wdoomo. RafraohmanU win L^ful on Somm o f Manehe$tmt^9 Sidm S treets, T tfo Memorial Day bo aorrod. ____ Well Attended r«( «tiU*6 Orgaalsod ia Bwtamber of 1940,1 il CMton o f A number of the local nills, tap^law.______In one or two «wtaaretheNaESFene to A ct as the ______I i a t l M l U ^ ko Chanibor at OOnuDOreo AUxl^l- Anniial Spring Social rooms and restauranU have Just purchaser stood to lose heavily the ^.ES t at TdN> Monday «v»- isry. whoso drst president ^ found out that they are liable to a sonlng board members have been Post to Churches in $200 IN . « i t h o n o a o t M - Mrs. Joseph Poro, will glw the Is H eld Am id a Patri-| tax under a law that went into ef- lenient and aUosred the changes. oa la RMdta«, Pa^ fifth’ in its series of welcoming fect last October if they have Juke But it has happeiMd too often now Connecticut Valley. Ibart win ba a teas to a largo number of the otic Setting. boxes and a dancing space. ’The and real estate salesmen had best ftOoarlar tho aMotliiff. women from new 'famlllos who tax Comes under the so-called tell the truth about the sone regu- Satu^y, Memorial Day, the ARMY & NAVY he. ha.o arrtvod In Manchaster. TTie The annual Sprlhg Dance- of “cabaret law” and calls for pay- lations because the changes won’t local Cmu^ of the Naxafene smi taadMra at tho last one was held in October, with John Mather Chapter, Order of De- ment of five per cent of the total be allowed and the purchaser may Mrs. John Pickles heading the be host to the Connecticut Valley Aurch aebool, IColay, was held last evening at food or beverage check. Each per- have a comeback on the agent who Saturday, May 23 auallianr. Monday’s get-acqualnt- made the sale. 2kme as they meet la convention BO t e r t h o i r a a * the Masonic Temple with about 60 son in' the place must pay the tax 25GABIES1 . __ atey oronhifrt ad party wOl be held .from three whether making use of the danc- in the interest of Sunday s^ool AT 8:15 P.M. ^ ohnrcfa parior. Tho o'dock ojD. in the Federation room couples attending. ing prlvU^e or not. And while on the subject of xon- and Touim People’s work.; Rev. (20) $$.00 GAM ES! (8 ) ,$10.00------GABIBSl i wO ho fOtemod by a ao- of Oentw'church house, aa here- The theme of the dance was llost of the local places that ing you may have heard about the Hugh C. Benner, DJ>., of Kansas (1 ) $20.00 GAME! (1)(1 ) $50.00 GAMEI I with tettoohinwita. tofore, arlth Mrs. George H. Wad- The effect^the war on the civil- have Juke boxeaand allow dancing local couple who applied ter the City, Mo„ will be the speaker in ALL FOR $1.00! dell as at tho hostessian p o p u la ti^ ’ ‘Dm hafi was at. thought that tho tax was only ^>- right to build a "commercial hen- the three seasiona—at 10:30 a. m., ; at tho Maa- oommlttee, and all women who at- tractlvely deaieated with red. pUcable to those establishments house.” Naturally the aoning board 3:30 and 6 p. m.' Dr. Benner has Afliple Paitriag Ir Roar of CHib. ______ob ter tho Ma^ tend are aaoursd at a pleasant af- white, and blue streamers and that had orchestras and a floor thought that the party desired to been a teacher in two of the Naxa- taho plaoa Voaday €» ternoon. flags. On one side of the hall was show. At least that was their In- build a big buildi^ to house sev- rene coIlegeB, Eastern Naxarene ^rk tho Booth Methodlat replica of a groc^ store wlUi terpreUtion of a “cabaret.” But eral hundred chickens. But when College and Pasadena, CaUf., Col- It wUl bo tho , toniial All members of Anderson Shea two gas pumps beside it. Signs de-1 found out different when aa the applicants appeared thm sak lege., but more recently has served ' rrtth loporta Aad oloetkm Auxiliary No. 3046 who are going dared the absence of sugar and of internal ' revenue agent came the henhouse was to be 13 feet as pastor In Kansas City, Spokane, jtOi wot oBtortatauBont a to attend Memorial Service tomor- The danoe programs were in around. If there ia a Juke box in long, six feet wide, and six feet Wash., and Santa Monica, Calif. : play. *niik and Patches” row wUl meet at the Center at the form of ration books. The the dine and drink emporium and hlgL And it was to bouse only The local pastor. Rev. James A. about 50 bens. The applicants sta- Btod k a east from 10:S0 a. m. Services will be held decorations were under the able a space for dahclng toe tax must Young, in announcing the coming ._hool Xhraamttc Qub, at the Center OongregaUonal direction of Emerson RlChert. be assessed on each patroiL ted that they wanted to raise of Dr. Benner, said: “He la with- \ tlSk !* «*«"- This is tho play church at 10:45. The grand march started about A couple of local places have chickens Just as a hobby. H m peo- out question one of the foremost im flrot bonocB tor tho lo- 9:30 led by Master Councillor put up signs heading "Nd Danc-iPle were given the permission to preachers aad teachers of our con- uUd the chicken coop when the t oChool at tho nceat New Herbert Joyner and Mias Annette ing" but they sttll retain the Juke I bul nection today. No one should (is Craw f tads^ dk. The United Polish Societies of sonlng board realised that their I Pcwaa Psothral at Oarko Manchester, will hold their month Hemingway. Interpolation, the boxea Whether this U within the mlM ***• niGMi _ , Woroastor. Mias Helen regular DeMolay prayer, was said law or not remaUis to be seen. “commercial” enterprise was to be Music srill be furnished by rep- ly meeting tomorrow in the North oa a small basis. ftt' fho Mgh school teeulty street haU at 1 p. m- sharp. The at 10:30 by Chaplain Robert Rich- resenUtives of the vtuious soeie- rtho oaaeh. Ites. N. 8. CuUer mond, whose parents Mr. and Mra tu« Pastor Young is at present mofting is being held on Sun^y Speaking of local grlUa—a cou’ Last Sunday in a local church I the hootaaa ooramlttoe ter instead of the last Saturday of the James Richmond acted as patron pie of the boys were discussing one | the sone chairman and wUl con- school while the class was await- duct the services and conventkm. month so as to give the delates and patronei dine and drink spot in town' the ing the dismissal bell, the teacher and ofHoers of these sodMles a other day. It was remarked that All peopte of the community are | _J Watooa OoMaa aoa of listened in to a little shaver, not invited to thetlu sessions and there is | bettor chance to attend and to help quite a [group of out-of-town glris more than eight years old, who .M Mra Ihqnaoad W. Ooo> further the program for/Polish re- have been patronising the place no registration fee. r M Nhvood rood. wOl giadu- See Little Hope was telling the other boys the , oacBoU pntroralty on lief in Europe. eirldently with the intention of story ^ h ls dog “Blacklo” and the trying to separate some cf the .B o will rooiiro a dofroo latter’s narrow escape from drown- oociaaerlnf Monday’s Klwanlo club meeting For New Bridge local aircraft workers from their ing. It seems the father, the boy 1 fat pay envelopes. ’They kit la the will be held at Tom Beatty’s ”dude and the dog were out in a canoe NOTICE! '/ 1.^ L bpttea. son of Mrs ranch” in Boltom Tho affair U booths and wait to pick up an ac- on one of the nearby lakes when odMduled for tna evening and quaintance. It was suggested that ML D. O. r. MOORE RAS ^ ODttoh, .of M Birch stroet, Of the 331.094.25 that remained all of a sudden the pet fell into the In tho oorriro school at members are adked to assemble at in the list ^of appropriations made the proprietor should adopt aa a water. The animial made but alight MOVED HIS OFFICE FROM THE JOHNSON BLOCK TO tlcoat Lakesi^aral Trabteig the auto parking space at Main by the town for the erection of a slogan for his grill "A Blm in effort to swim and tho little boy of I at Qroat —...... nuaols——-and.Locust streets at 5:15 to that new bridge over the failroad tracks Every Booth.” Jumped Into the chilly water with , M BENTON STREET they can double up on driving. Dr. PHONE 4MT a aarigaaiont to tk^ school at Park street there still remains all his clothes oa and rescued the nottir at a mrUiTat a^- F. Forbes ButeaeD wiU furnish the that amount Last year the town One long established buslneas dog. attendance prise and the program . Oa fr adoatkm ha wU spent 3905.75 for materials bought in town that isn't worrying about “Did your father tell you to do I oodunlttee has arranged a special I ter a thtrd «ate potty and delivered but which were held the tire and gas rattoning is Sea- itf” quixasd one of the group. ‘'rating. /•_ attraction. up in constiuetlon because of the strand's, the fish peddler. The “Naw, lurdldn’t; but I wasn’t go-{ AUCR tePRAN (RaowB Aa Qaasa ABes) war. ' The mn work for the bridge Seastrand brothers nave covered ing toM and watch Blackle drown, has been placed and Is ready to SPHUTUAL MEDIUM their routes with horses ter a long w» 1?” 6 _ be ereeteid; but because of the in- period/of years. Titey took the ^e teacher was telling tlw I Saveatt DaagMsr af a SovobRi Rosa With a VaR ablUty at the company to secure buslneas over from their father story to one of her girl friends, the kind of flooring that is called who suggested: “Send that to The I Reafltegs DaSy, Iseladteg Baal w Im peddled flah from house to S^nd Your Clothes for in the contract it now looks bouse and from farm to farm tat‘ Herald for its Saturday column; 9 A .M .teS P . M. OriteAppe Make Sunday a Day of Rest meat, fee t$s arefes si the I as though the work would not be a long time. The Scastranda travel *Heard Along Main Street’, even I dona junto after the war la over. though it was heard in a North | pis ter M Tama. ^ an over tosm and throughout the Eat Out! . At the Tea Room To build the bridge aad' placf communities surrounding Man- Main street Sunday sebaoL" [planking as the flooring would M t To Now Model! chester. At aU hours of the day I meet the present needs and with and well into the night their fish Some years* barii electrically om I > T O N D A T S P B C I A L S the planki^ once laid there might crated automobiles were fairly carta can be seen oh the roads all be trouble in getting the voters to popular. Known aa broughams Waste ii aOlRM row! rfara are throe ways Now Modd BeflatTariccy Roast Chicken i change their minds later and the around this vldnlty. they were owned by those who bdps yoR SAVE. First of aU, yoa aaVo the Urm It tatiaa SeaDopa — Boned Shad and Shad Roe bridge would not be finished as de- could afford to have the batteries | sired. / - ^ Usuany when one thinks of aa charged eftw because that yoR to do yo«r faundry cadi wcdi— ttoio yoa coaM ssad. Fredi Maryhuid Soft Shell Cnbs aircraft carrier he pictures a big necessary. We note that in FILMS ship loaded with p lsM bound ter cities these electric cars are bring atRadCioas. Soeoadly* yoB aava the enerty yoa iic4d DBVBLOPBD A£^D the bombing of Tokya But the brought out as a means at trayel to deyoar part for Victory. The third aavinff Is on year — Chuns Shrinip —- Ocean-Fresh Fish other day we were standing at because of the tire aad gas short- | ) PRINTBD

Steaks — Chops — aad Roasts Wnt Enlargem eiit tito denter when one at the sedan age. '^SI-HOUR 8BRV1CB dothes. Tha Now Model Laundry is ao eaay on thcai! busses came from the east bound We wne talking about EptfR klM soapa are used, rain-soft water, and think of for East Hartford with a; group electric cars the other day and I Fiba Deporit Bm “•^S“ASS40c it, 10 to IS complete water dtangca ! washing a single of Pratb-Whltney workers. Letter- some one asked "Wonder what | At Stora BatnuM* THE TEA ROOM ed on the side of the automobile ever became of the electric baidb of dothes.. .Chll 8072 today and SAVE! MTS d e a l Q a a d F a a f l » _ ___ EUTE STUDIO “Aircraft Carrier.” Quite apt that was owned by the late Mins | PPF. aC. JAMETB GBUBCU and clever, we thought. Ma^ Cheney?'* Miss Cheney’s electric coupe was a familiar sight KEMP^S OB the streets of the town. Lots of Seated In a local restourant folks would like to have oim of | 15% Extra Saving For Caoh ^ I tho other day sre saw a feUow 1937 OLDSMOBILE those ears thess days. p taste bla coffee, reach in his pocket - - 0 for a salt shaker and poured some And Cdny Cuotomero Who 4 DOOR SEDAN white stuff into his cup. We asked in these days at Mg monsy s t ^ Lsrffl AsaortRwnt ies anumg wdHcsrs ia war Plants, TONIGHT $ hiai what the idea was. “Tm oim the yam must be extraordlBary, GERANIUMS |V Motor Orerhanled — Very | of the BTOS boys—bring your owa Use Otir Thrift Service, ^ to make the grade. Well here is | *1N T im BRITISH AMERICAN CLUB Clean. Poor llres. sugar." He rooms with a local For McBiorisl Day one for the record: '' . ' MapM S t n s t . . family aad eaU in costauranta Ha A young man employed in this ia entitled to snggr under ratlco' 15c 25e 35c aaaa««a a uataae H GSMO

TSptdalGaMs • • • • •»,a-««aae«eea-aeae $7.00 a Game $275-00 Abo Larga Aasortmaat of

8FrflflGaasca $3.00a.Gaata MIXED POTS AND course one was a day Job ' R iley Chevrolet C o., 1 Sweepstake Game sweet enough for him ha reaches other a night Job. i BASKETS Into hU p ^ et and adds sugar New. Model \Laundry RliiFiBff Starts At 8:15; Admission 25 rents. The lad would be worfclag yst In c. I from his own supply. Mixed PoW'.. .75e ap Come Earijr for Penny Bingo. but for one Uttte allp-up—hla So- PHONE 8072 1$1 Center St. TeL $874 SUMMIT STREET cial Security' card. Wa numberj 6 * : $ ...... $ A break Ifl a water main on was being SM when the girt clerk Mixed Baskets

Main street ofle day this past week noticed the two Joha. His em- } $1.50 np • put a lot of folks at a disadvantage, ployera were nottfliM and ha bad to

but aae man was faced with a give up one Job.

real problem we beard. And ha Now comes the pur-off. When CUT FLOW ERS proved equal to the rituation even be had to make the decision which 75c and $1.00 TAXK though ha reaorted to an odd Job to idvs up ha chase to give up ^ ^ DmE and DANCE at wwMM of meeting his problem. the 370 ones "Vniy the beat one?” Per Booqnct CALL TUs fsHcw has falsa, tseth and asked hla friend. “Becanea,” on-

sach night when retlrihg he ewered this patriotic American” Corsagei 50c 6588 waahea hla eet and leavea them on T have determent on the ottaer.**

tba wash stand |n hia room. Tho Foneral SprRjs $1*501 *8ateT* next morning he moistens the Ka strange tiM number cT nso- tseth ao that they will at into plo Uvtng ia Mapeheatar who don’t An .voters who havn changed thdr address' ITALIAN AND AMERICAN COOKING nlSCG"6SSUy Uld PUt. im w that this to ^ bap train Aaaaal nowerlaf Peatorfag CMekaa, Steaks, SpMteritl aad RavtoB. Ordata Pat Dp Ta Tsks <>aL Well, he got up the other mom-1 aervloe! Mootlot sveryons kaoriskao that And Vagatable Pbnts Uiee October 1, 1941 are hereby notified lailiraad tiaoka VIANCHESTER T A X 4 Ing to anA that there sraa no - N O W P E A T U B I N O i water, lliere was ao way ha could north and, but a good ataay of , . 1 5 e D o a e n M OrfitaU, Mgr. that m ider S e ct^ 9 iF of the 1941 Supple- wet hia falaa taeth aad ha ifldn’t them expreos aorpriao when you Sa Paraen Placa amnt to go out without them. He teli them that traias actually run ART MeKAY AND HIS BAND pondered the situation for some oa tboae tracks'every dsy. ment of the General Statutes .the Re^strars ^ moments—then hit on a aoiutlon. Now with gss sad tires "bring, He opened a bottle of whiskey he ratlaned it would do wsQ ter mnns McCOHVlLLEl of Votars are reqidred to have the foltewing had been keeping for medicinal of thiss people to stndy the rail- purpooea aad poiued the apiril road attuattow aa It efteeta Man- THE FLOm ST Sunday Dinner frumentl over tka taeth. That- he cheater. We heard a baseball tea infonnatiop at.once as shown in the lown^ ^ 882 Main SL TeL 5847 ! slipped the set into place. oryiag the other day that ha SIMPLE SIMON He did act rather gay on his and wouldn’t be able to go to Boaton ;k>b that day and everyone who but once at thdeb this summer to 802 W oodbri^ Street bdk)w. >>

SANDW ICH SH OP talked to hUH was sure from the M$ B fEin$e ' ' ” m-ii that the poor frilow had fal- Evidently this tea Aoeoat know Fralt cop or aoop, tarkey or len off the wagon. He hasn’t told that there ia a raUrood aervloa ia roast beef, whipped potatoes, his friente whether the results Save Yourself Time and Effort Maachestar. It is a good aervloe, ealad, reUehee; etrawberry JusUfled the dswl, or whether he toe. I You eaa take a train from ehertcaim, tomeo merlagae pie; pisns to conttnue moistening his tko north end la tho moreiag, ar- By Fitting In This Form and . Regular American roUe, ooffee. teeth-with whiskey. bo o b rive ia BOstoa at , have thaa for a good diaaer, get to the game RETREADS DIaaer. 13:15-349-91X5. Passengers on a tram coming aad 1^ bock home at alao ta the Mailing Tos Weekdays, 13-349—85c. and 5 Legion from Boston tho other day caeper- eveatng. Tha fare ooa way M ienced a circumstaaca that could $343 and with gas aad ttna searoa ^ that Isat too W l ter a faa Vho RBOISTRAR of VOTERS e e bo real serious and perhaps fataL NEW TIRES As the train was Isaviag ths Nor- really' must see a ball gams.

Home wood Osntxal station a notss. like Sundays tha train going through' Maaicipal Baildiag the bursting at a big ballooa. tho north end Isovsa Bootoh a Ut- We are bo w aUa to raea|i PHOTO F A X startled tboas la tha coach. A stone tta later giving ampto timsfto saa Maachestar, Ooaa. hod bean thrown at tha train and a douUa header. paM ragir tiraa add traclij

A55UCK It smaahad ana pane at window glass. FWtuaatriy tba windows BuiU against the town have I tiyaa If yo« hold a cartlS-

AS A .00'ths coach are at double glaaa been la o e gioeral conversation I ExIrR and tha stone didn’t come throimh, thte post wsak.'WMeh briaRS tol cate. BUlV9N.^ breaking only tha outride glaaa. Data... o • • o • • h • e o.s « $ 20.00 mind a theory wa have had for a| TIm t$topboQ6d bodtlong tUaa, Thara ought to ba a law I

Game from the aep|t stattoo, Walpole, ia against lawyers who get part af| WcHaveaLarge, > S . O a s s s a a o 9 0 0 4 oa effort to catA the one who thoir snstanaare from tha toi (H j I) ad d ress ' • as s s s t •#•••••••*

Free threw ths stoos. Hs ssid it has be- a law suit against the I Stn^ of New Tires coma a eomaaoa occurrence of late toara. How ridteuloua ter a'law-| rooooaeas** laoaflaaooooo .for stones to bs burled at passiag ysr 'Who draws a amatlrty pay I IfEWADbBESS ...

trains. cheek froai tha tawa at Maach I?-', issassssaffci STUmO A CAMERA ter to turn around whsa a c; sasaos«a<

Acoordlag to iaformaUoa rsoch- rnmsa up aad actually erorka hia I Peany Bingo hsM off to boat the town kRd soU | tng us, saembora of the acotag cooH rrisrioa aad tha aoning b o ^ of laet BMXMy from the aasw aoui Campbell’ s aty.-...-...---••••••••••*•• Stato...... Hera; ysa gat the bob. At7t20 ig to aa firm hi that pays him legulaify. Thi ____ Briaklag beriiase at t to tho rsgniatkma ars a eoupla at ouck lastsanm ia| « a • o a • a o’e #• •• 94 »«#oes's*9a»9**** 'raoult eg o eoupla of test thir.towa, aad though tha pcadtloe| SlRnatara .... * * dsole pnOad by soma rsal astate soosai geaaral onund tha Mate lt| it Service isssassosss< t • •. « • • e e agents. Oa sailing property to ought to bs stopped. » s a w o . s < hevlimU Seels SigBStara .... parsons naae«Datnted with tba —A.M cn. Iowa’S aoniag lasrs, R Is said, one

told tha praspaettva R asrtain Bhsagss |a Station Met ths purchaser has I 275MalH8L T«L$1$1.|1|,- — ,T ter tba right to arnks the ^
