Question and Answer Time for the Board of Governors Degree Program

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Question and Answer Time for the Board of Governors Degree Program Governors State University OPUS Open Portal to University Scholarship Innovator Student Newspapers 7-14-1994 Innovator, 1994-07-14 Student Services Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Governors State University Student Services, Innovator (1994, July 14). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at OPUS Open Portal to University Scholarship. It has been accepted for inclusion in Innovator by an authorized administrator of OPUS Open Portal to University Scholarship. For more information, please contact [email protected]. New Health Column Student Life Info and Worksho s ·'' Cartoons p I:/ pg.2 pg.3 pg.4&5 ... ) .. GSU Develops Plan New Computer Helps Students Locate Jobs To Reduce Waste GSU is preparing aplan to reduceits considerable wl111re of computer and by :J<rNie .Lm'Cll students the advantage ofscla:ting extra time when using the IDES desired islocations. lllinois diVldOO systembecause the computer termi­ wasteby stream 40 percent bytheyear white paper, which is recyclable. A secondgathlge sort is planned for GSU students searching for job into 13 goographical regions. Stu­ nal is also� by the admini&ra­ 200). completed the September, and the information from leads may ela:t to use the new dents may elect three regions to tive staff at GSU. As a n:sult, Volunteers job t\\o searchcomputer terminal in located narrowjob location if important In students may have to return at a firstof two garbagein sorts which they the sorts will be used to help the sortfd throogh 300 pounds of GSU GSU Waste Management Committee the hbraJ)'. illinois .De(mtrnentof addition to are catego­ later. time waste. a \\astc generation report and Employment Security (IDES), in rized by oc:cupltional groups. Students interested in job open­ dc\lelop The decaying food was separated proposed plan to be submitted to the conjWlClion\\-ith Career Services at which allows students to match ing-; listed in the IDES cornputer from the plates, the plpef wassegrc­ illinois Deplrtment ofEnergy and GSU, providesan cledronicsystem theire.'<J)Crience "'ith employer's re­ tcnninal should contact the local � into white, colored, llC\\� Natural Resoo.rces(D ENR) byJanuruy tohelp students locate job�� quirements. After students scled IDES office located at 1010 Dixie andcomputer and stock, therest fell in 1995. The IDES system is updated daily an occupational group, they may Highway in Chicago Heights: An to one of 24 categories,rding acco to GSU received a $1,500 grant from with job qJCOing-;details fucluding furtherdefine their job prefe rence. interviewer atthe IDES office w-ill of salaJy, m}Uired education,C.'\� For � students lcctyof using dcterrnine if a student is qualified Jeanne Becker ofBeckerAssociates. DENR to � for the professional as­ ricnce,and location comprters, the IDES computer ter­ and should be referred to the crn­ the consulting firm wurking \\ith the sistanceand plan development It also GSU recycling committee on the task will begin an education and informa­ Jobs are receival by theIDES of­ minal features a special pen to se­ plo)cr for an interview. Students of nxiucingGSU wastes. fice in illinois and nationwide. For lect varioos options on the screen. seekingtional addi help with ques­ tion program to increase the tmder­ Beckersaid GSU didn'tdo badly this standing o( promote support for and students searching forjobs in a spe­ As students scla:t an option, the tionscan contact Career Scniccs at first g<rround. Some waste isn't recy­ encoorageparticipation in the GSU re­ cific location or ncar horne, the screen changes with additional in­ GSU or the IDES office at (708) althoogh she did notice that IDES computer terminal offers structions. Students should allow 709-300). clable.. cyclingefforts. staff still is thro\\ing :m·'3}' a Question And Answer Time For The Board Of Governors Degree Program by CynthiaPW.imenti Portfolios are revic\\al by faculty GSU," saysLawrence. ''Therewere rnester in particular, when that was scholarship. Interestingly, Boardof members and by a university-wide no fundsfor advising or rocmiting." an issue, we hadjust 11 transfer stu- Governors Degree crudidates in Why is this degree referred to as a revic\vcommi ttee. Even thoogh criticism has come dents fromother colleges. Theseare classes taught by that person have Boord of Governors Degree? Why "lt is referredto asa BoardGo\1- of fromwithin the university, Lam-ence peq>lewhose oo;ds are filled by the earned a 3.5 average GPA "We bc­ rncall it a BachelorsDegree in Lib­ ernors Degree txx:ausethe adminis­ saysthat anystudent in anymajor at fle.XJbility of oor degree rcquire­ lie\.'C that, in the OOccal.aureate pro­ eral Arts? How does it compare to trative OOsis is the Board of GSU can earn credit for prior learn- ments. Othemise, theymay have to gram, self�learning creates a theUniversity Without Walls I:>cgrre GO\emorsUniversities, system -\\ide, ing assessment "Why some see go to another university or do with­ strongerstudent," says Lawrence . Program? with GSU's sister universities," says Board of GO\'Crnors' prior learning outfurthering their education" One final \\Ord from President Notable group; of GSU students Lawrence. "It is a regularOOccalure­ credit in a different light has always Regardingcomments that Board of Wolff: "In the future,other colleges have little idea of what theBooid of ate, rut it is made availablethrough been a mysteryto me." The fact that GO\anors students take "skimming" nithin the uni\'Crsity will be incoq» Governors Degree program is - or thegoverning boord." individuals are free to determine or basic coursesonly, Lawrence re­ rating methods of assessment and that it exists -andeven less tmder­ Lawrence was on the original their 0\\TI goals has resulted in a sponds that the Booid ofGO\'Crnors testing for competencies similar to standing beyond an initial descrip­ committee to initiate and design the number of these students earning lJegr"re programdoesn't ha\'C a fac­ those now�by the Board of Go\1- tion When I told a fellowc� program along with GSU President more credits than are actually re- ulty. "If a course doesn't ha\'C any ernorsprogram." that I was doing a stol)' on the pro­ Paula WolJI "That seems like a quircdfor a degree. rigor, that's the prerogative of the Maybe the Board of GO\anors gram, he said,"What's that?'' thousand yearsago," says WolJI Additionally, asubstantial percent- regular faculty." A faculty member Degree'"�just Program ahead of its It's a second chance. It's access­ Actuall) it wasduring 1972-73, and age - usually around 40 percent - nxmtly went so faras to allege that time. ability to education It's the answer she feels that the program has sur­ goon to earn master's degrees, often these students \\ere the dregs of to not having finishedcollege during passed expectations. "People raised coordinating .-�.-.r==��----�--���============� the "traditional" sequence of life with the traditional academic model graduate events for anyassortment of reasons. don't embrace the concept of the with the dean It's self-directedlearning - Board of Governors program," she their targeted for thosewho have real-life commit­ says. "It's a perception prrolcrn. not tcr's program. ments to sustain between classes. a reality." colleges of Andit's the effort to continueeducat­ Even faculty members have been lion and ing yourself long after the maide­ knonn to assume that the degree is nesque anlbiance of campus life is not desirable, "simply because the justa memo!)'. student is not being forced to take a Not generallyknO\m is that a ma­ prescribedsequence of coorses.." says jority of Boord of Governors Degree Lawrence. "Students have fiwlom students do not use creditable life­ to design their 0\m degree program. associated prior learning towards based on theirneeds." earning their degree. Program Di­ The C.'\1rerne self-learning sa:­ rector Dr. Otis Lawrence "can't re­ nario, the University Withoot Walls. member a trimester when any more is still offeral at sister universities, that 40-45 percent of Board ofGO\­ rutnot It is based on an in­ emors students did portfolios." di\idual contractual agreement \\ith Compilal.lon of a portfolio (docu­ the school, the completion of which from other areas, mentation of equivalencylearning) is produces adegree. ''Theadministra­ Lawrence says. an C.'\tensive process and docs not tion never fully financed UWW at "Tite data doesn't Dr. Otis Lawrence, Director�the BoardGO\'Cmors � program, with the newly guarantee credit to the student support iL One tri- �gncdCO\'Cr for the BOG studentstudy guide to llOrtfoliodc\·clot>mcnt. Page2 GSU INNOVATOR July14, 1994 Syphilis Project Tells Stories Is Making A Behind Female Victims Of Comeback Violent Crime Three out offour \\Orren \\ill be vic­ Krull, who was dragged fromher carby by DeniseBurtzo among menand women. Most poor fever, swollen aw::Utc. tims ofat least ore violent crirreduring her ex-husOOnd and shot in the read are between the ages of15 and glands, readachcs and aclung their lifetimes. while her child watched." The \\Oman This is thefirst installment of 24. bones. The �mptoms mimic E\'ery 17 secondsa woman is a \ictirn had aprotccti\e order from the court what Will be a regular "Jfealth Medical professionalssay it ob­ many other ailments, so tt's a of a\iolent crirre. mandating tl1at re stay away from her, Colwnn," in which Af'>. Burtzo viouslythat appears hctcros£.�-ual hard disease todiagoo;e Sornc­ . Separated or divorced \\Orren are but it did no good. In her memory, her will research and on people are not taking safe sex tirresthe only symptom is lossof report nearlyfue times morelikely to be'ictims familya made shirther telling story .
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