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Journal of Natural History Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: Notes on the ecology and behaviour of Pseudamphithoides incurvaria (Just) (Crustacea, , Ampithoidae) Sara M. Lewis a; Brian Kensley b a Department of Zoology, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, U.S.A. b Department of Invertebrate Zoology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.

Online Publication Date: 01 April 1982 To cite this Article: Lewis, Sara M. and Kensley, Brian (1982) 'Notes on the ecology and behaviour of Pseudamphithoides incurvaria (Just) (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Ampithoidae)', Journal of Natural History, 16:2, 267 — 274 To link to this article: DOI: 10.1080/00222938200770211 URL:


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Downloaded By: [Smithsonian Trpcl Res Inst] At: 20:58 24 July 2008 incurvaria Notes JOURNAL Just Karaman P. mentioned and Introduction habit population primary of August are stationary Materials is variety plants laboratory. 'pod', for censusing for laboratory Habitat observations. brown Bow found Bow given interest incurvaria The A The Pseudamphithoides reported as (1977) Cay. Cay, number of cut in little alga in 1980. study by on of algal-inhabiting plants food P. and OF shallow from Dictyota bartayresii Dictyota Durham, Department National Department BRIAN Smithsonian SARA and to Rfitzler the in Belize, tubes density, and reef itoa bartayresii Dictyota Individual from has incurvaria the NATURAL below. is A aerated were record plant of plant was Algal distribution of (Just) construction herein detailed description the collected been Barnard methods zones, mihi amphipods ampithoid ecology of one M. ry. Amphipods trays. conducted Central separated and KENSLEY blades feeding biomass detritus North Museum some reported LEWIS seawater, shallow extended (~t22~2933/,~2/lfi02 these incurvaria HISTORY, amphipods MacIntyre is of (Crustacea, placed Institution, of from unique amphipod (1979) Zoology, of details America Carolina Invertebrate habits, by and herbivorous and was a at from is water shallow concerning of foliaceous this and Lamouroux, and abundant to the Smithsonian the determined was 1982, sediment to in Natural 0267 of behaviour include (1982). are their and pod and of kept new Duke 27706, locality Washington, (16°48'N, that sealed its :~(M'O0 Pseudamphithoides) were Amphyllodomus the found to water back-reef quite 16:267--274 are Amphipoda, ecology associated species in amphipods. brown f~ zonation Zoology, the Amphipods portable in University, the History, maintained culture I,q82 construction in U.S.A. known in many cryptic in in natural western using which Taylor 80°05'W), inhabit plastic a the of an and alga, of wide Institution's D.C. reef dishes of & pods algae to eastern blotted while Pseudamphithoides Francis behaviour. the history they Observations unusual were Dictyopteris areas Caribbean range be zones, and bags, incurvaria for 20560, behaviour barrier are with domiciliary, by Ampithoidae) Ltd from on was live. up collected construct Caribbean. (1"2 wet of gentle of constructed their and and algae bivalved laboratory to U.S.A. habitats this November first m reef The weight. and the and two P. depth), returned sp. host (transferred ofP. agitation on for amphipod, at in incurvaria algal-dwelling pods from pods described The weeks constructing this algae the behavioural Just domicile plants, near incurvaria Bahamas, on from as range habitat, location 1979 to well from (1977) Carrie Carrie in of it and was the the the the the by by or of to as is a Downloaded By: [Smithsonian Trpcl Res Inst] At: 20:58 24 July 2008 ridge 268 from collected The which Acanthurus Abundance itoa ciliolata Dictyota of scattered Dictyota to family the studied the currents t,ariegata, Halimeda to back-reef March used Thalassoma have The heterogeneity conjunction distribution are that contained to females). four back-reef 29°C. five eggs five It A The Size-frequency study dominant highly extremely substrate as the large (14 of been would also 1980, cell itoaee perhaps Dictyotaceae, an abundance to The and and the m), following Mean by small study area, were opu~tia ofPseudamphithoides determine estimate population correlated. included. layers many includes chirurgus, seem bifasciatum per of brood and Dictyopteris (1'5 wave action. and fish November the Sample with component in in clumped pod including never D A coral E C B area marsupium. m August fauna outer the Kiitzing first this thick. that newly and distributions patchy areas of depth) size of algal (see Pod sizes population local rubble, P. found amphipod the area author P. ofP. Only Padina sand characteristic in local Other and 1980, and incurvaria table), are of incurvaria Stypopodium released Water sizes beaugregory the of for (Number at turfs, distribution approximately S.M. algal is incurvaria the pods channel a characterized to distribution aihee bivittatus. Halichoeres a and March 13 August comprised incurvaria at patchy are members on range sanctae-crucis. depth ranging contain site, fore-reef: Abundance ovigerous for temperatures size density crustose Andros Lewis inhabited distribution, given patches the juveniles, of on P. has November 23 collection 35 18 15 as (27 6 from of individuals) of algal collections basis occurring on D. Eupomacentrus zonale, incurvaria observations from of in in and P. specialized the of m). 10 and primarily ofP. Island, upper bartayresii Dictyota fig. of females P. corallines, 50 the by iTwurvaria. 1"0 m cover by study Pseudamphithoides of B. 1 pavement m seasonal incurvaria. and to narrow, I. Padina on This mm (1-4 Dictyotaceae in incurvaria 1979. amphipods morphology. Kensley suggests Pod north:west 64 spur this the (~ Bahamas bartayresii (2"3ram); collected Number is area ram) a (juveniles) individuals region on of D. + given size indicate was single area range and fore-reef and s.d.= sanctae-crucis, flattened coarse particular changes bartayresii leucostictus, includes was rock. 100 (length highly a on groove in scattered is of at during at g considerably high of 11 (24°52'N, ovigerous D. which fig. the subject individuals Many calcareous sediments, calcareous that Dictyota 64 30 15 itoa bartayresii Dictyota shallow-water the to _+9% Carrie 7 1 slope. per in bartayresii branches juvenile incurvaria annually 2, of variable within variable brown March 3"5 size degree (6 located time the ranging from two the 100 and November were m), species mm of occurrences to strong to and Bow Cay Bow distributions. two measures major 75') in 77°54'W), g two total female. of per algae outer of common population doctorfish, lower Lobophora only (ovigerous from of in collection plants, Dictyota. back-reef was also was wrasses, of an cover), axis) spatial in coral three 1979, both 25°C tidal than area was The the the of in in is is Downloaded By: [Smithsonian Trpcl Res Inst] At: 20:58 24 July 2008 Feeding offered area observed and Pseudamphithoides amphipods r found are A B C Padi~a FIG. to behaviour feed Ecology :~ 2 z .'2 --~ z 1. .E "CI • > .- "0 d c > 5 5 2 5 z 5 C only ,~anctae-crucis, were 20- 25- 40- 25 15- on 35 10. 30 20- 20- 15- 10- 15. Size-frequency 10. 1.0 these on maintained and incurvaria 1.3 D. species. behaviour bartayresii. 1.6 Thalassia distribution appear on Individuals 1.9 2 5 2 1 9 a of Pod Pod diet Pod In Pseudamphithoides to be .2 testudinum, size size size of for the . 2.8 2.5 D. offered entirely 2!5 Pseudamphithoides (mm) I//////J (mm) laboratory, (mm) bartayresii 2.8 2.~.4 D. herbivorous, or bartayresii 3.1 Halimeda NOVEMBER N ~] MARCH N : N AUGUST N:62 individuals incurvaria for :91 142 3A ovigerous ovigerous 3!, ovigerous two incurvaria. and ate 3'.7 weeks. 3!, 3'.7 sp. voraciously, in ~ which ~ were the study never were 269 Downloaded By: [Smithsonian Trpcl Res Inst] At: 20:58 24 July 2008 portions dorsal/ventral and individuals pleopods. replaced hanging the onto blade occasionally repositioning While pods, cut surface the feeding on expelled Pod encounters itself. of thus A cutting, surface the entrance. the pressure the construction amphipods aca-rcs Lbpoa variegata) Lobophora sanctae-crucis, initiated 270 across small D. Although Observations others' blade, thallus, is 2, carried construction FIG. Agitated bartayresii but is walking started and the thallus to the of of on which then as notch by is of 2. the are ahnost the seemingly D. then applied along applied animals were pods. which a the but about the is the Distribution thallus most bartayresii suitable algal cleared Individuals at or seam, apparently initiated and is pass gnathopods observed occasionally others' relationship were first swimming, pereopods the thallus Amphipods frequently had immediately. with often found blade apparently moult, by the rolling checking blade of crawl made been alga. the the O+ opposite 0t- by parcel algal were pod. z d with is of the which adult itself serves as serves can the . done removed S.M. gnathopods. margin brood-sizes of it along When or 5, 4 0 1 2- 3 pod of made ate most Faecal filaments neatly the the grazing randomly dimensions animal be to with carried pod P. for 1 often in No. Individuals margin Lewis epiphytes margin, the sequence induced posterior the incurvaria Individuals two often D. a with in size a do eggs/marsupium the from 3 5 4 3 2 suitable towards mouthparts. marker. included material positioning in ovigerous in thallus bartayresii the 5-7 away their steps. not to and Individuals and first (fig. directed observed the their at amphipod with opposite remain anchored to of construct three and B. epiphytes which 3 B), and own in mouthparts appear offered A leave pod fit. The The to the one are pods. accumulating Kensley a the cut algal the second swimming ventilating pairs itself is pod forming Pseudamphithoides construction pods taking process Aggressive able animal point is first their margin, also available, rarely size growing Animals other first pods. surface hairs entrance laterally using of to remove and feed antennae suggests the bites pods retract (fig. 3 A), (fig. pereopods. climbing the of made to inside removed ensues algal about second cutting both animal current pereopods leave of tip interactions encountering first in out pod only (fig. with across this through a the entirely of that on the protruding valve species of until their strip onto 3) midway construction incurvaria. n continued and a when antennae, forcibly portion across their gnathopods the pod set A from pod, using branch. pods the curvilinear algal pods. the animal and of 1-4, along up margin the upper into is own between width extreme which the (Padina the may the fiat a several by eating in either of ejects while blade from their pod. Pod and and fiat the the the the be of of is is 1 Downloaded By: [Smithsonian Trpcl Res Inst] At: 20:58 24 July 2008 FIG. pereopods layer individual position la piece algal from one margins still the then The blade or 3. incompletely the bartayresii: branch Continuation completed margins of two Sequence completed at cortical by same surface 5-7 apical another crawls threadlike is tip; Ecology by side separated in D, threadlike A, to cells the of is cells of down of Second pod branch cut, match carried Initiation cut algal the manner and and from secretions across (fig. are blade, the pod from valve through secretions. the behaviour apex out. the 3 attached branch algal construction of of E) shape the algal the being After a (fig. 3 (fig. cut is ofpereopods I shield. thallus; lower part comprised plant, branch and and of cut; the of C). along the of Pseudamphithoides With layer A C, second E, notch: by p another, up 2 it the similar Measuring first Completed tip. mm Pseudamphithoide8 incurvaria is their of of 3 the single held and The branch cut valve cortical two process first interchangeable 4. is pod has pod alongside and ovate medullary pod initiated, eventually The fg 3 (fig. valve i tip cells clearing of with second will valves, incurvaria measuring an D). held is valves the then opening form the cell algal thus taking curvilinear each amphipod two severed. layer; dorsal/ventral hairs first attached in and at valves, on containing place, up off valve; each working clearing Dictyota As second a cut along with new end 271 one the the B, is Downloaded By: [Smithsonian Trpcl Res Inst] At: 20:58 24 July 2008 FIG. 272 experimental A plants, Although pods Discussion tubes. have two Ampithoe function chamber the somersaults single fragments, sequence 20 time blade. were insinuate (fig. 4 A), the are newly Only Many Newly-hatched available blade most 4. species before been valve formed from portions valve entrance with three cell three with entrance layers protruding observed being cut or in SEM three from either of released (e.g. by the often along humeralis ampithoid themselves reported and completed they of pod Macrocystis inside glandular micrographs alga, domiciliary evidence species tubiculous the to leave to Schmitt sediment of from the stationary, construction are which juvenilesl individuals the blades juveniles to fiat released. (Stimpson), pod entrance pod amphipods construct of between pod. within of secretions part their holdfasts herbivorous 1965, serves of bound habit increased amphipods of S.M. When Pseudamphithoide8 but of are These Macrocystis pods Observations was essentially one-half were Kaestner the has of the as an domiciles together retained in the of Lewis to construct two blades joined together; first together; blades joined two the to (Barnard for algal traditionally observed individuals, Dictyota some cortical mortality right. form kelp entrance, amphipods, length which brief to and B blade within with curler, species 1970), Nelson 1970), (Jones from two one were thallus evident; thallus feeding 1969). and had domiciles of B. to incurvaria identical valve from glandular through hours. the portions the join Kensley about the been made constructs been medullary 1971) including are These animal amphipod excursions fish together pod of carried viewed prevented of 0"8 composed the for the or pods: predation of of secretions. These chambers pod (1979) mm being Ecklonia B, their all pod the upper P. a layers. two Lateral A, as construction about by about exceeded large adults incurvaria, female body to (fig. 4 B). primary serving Anterior view Anterior able and provided narrow portions from cortical the of on remain tubular These (Griffiths view second antennae length, observed, to execute detritus, individuals for margin constructing the a the food of a The protective layer, appear to domiciles attached by about juveniles period the width pod with colonial animal. make plant. of entire of 1979) algal with first deft and pod the of of of of a Downloaded By: [Smithsonian Trpcl Res Inst] At: 20:58 24 July 2008 inhabitants esculenta, to the portable generated inhabiting protection (Stebbing) selective and suggests P. complex H. strong benthic studied these ingestion be two secondary and the and incurvaria Pseudamphithoides incurvaria Pseudamphithoides in food species vicinity box-lunch P. such Acknowledgments primary Summary feeding P. Fenical from identification incurvaria the investigated. bivittatus The The i~.urvaria hs same This The Finally, We incurvaria, second the individuals. Thalassoma plant. incidental its species kelp in selective extremely would pod in behaviour Bahamas. 1982), of host food algal algal-dwelling behaviour invertebrates pressure that Dictyotaceae, other by turbulence. feeding amphipods the present the has been has is against Carrie may compounds species The the ln, n the and plant, constructed (Griffiths collected Ecology as a plants. are plant domicile. herbivores this of population like a unique crypticity areas particularly a range ingestion possession be number bifasciatum pressure The the mechanism diurnally Bow cryptic appearance which The the exclusively n the and of pod-constructing essential. to by noted is In of algae; possibility Pseudamphithoides, appear ofP. and from of thank investigation, high instance occupants' occurrence Cay, the There 1979). shallow have (Randall habit some may by of as Dictyota feeding may, from (Myers in behaviour Caribbean (Randall Caribbean of active incurvaria sequence the herbivorous current Dr. Belize. interior P. a if are for Dr. to a a been is be source occurs Similarly, interest. of portable back-reef water on individuals incurvaria shallow no provide of maintaining visually J. however, of a involved James 1974) and of on being the 1967). a mention dominant L. differential its Habitat isolated flow bartayresii portable these walls the of behaviour of on habitats, of of the is Barnard have ot plant. host herbivorous proximity to pod P. podded water Pseudamphithoides incurvaria Pseudamphithoides extended fish dislodged food or D. Norris carnivorous hunting study viz. the Examination amphipods host burrow is nal an entail in of incurvaria wave in bartayresii are and been from have construction pod believed to be to believed component the domicile reserve the the P. ampithoid predation back-reef P. 1967, of plant. area P. of periodically may local and construction action, literature bacescui reported maintenance incurvaria been predators. to Dictyota the chambers into to from incurvaria the The amphipod Earle revealed include the associated may wrasses have distribution on mortality Department D. constructed from the Although Smithsonian reported their food and two of of location. domiciles on are Ortiz. Amphitholina be 1972). stipes to of ciliolata, bartayrexii evolved the a may podded the 1"5-27 the western serve new thus source separated of in Indeed, host a consume reported. P. Halichoeres behaviour unique of domiciliary fish Pseudamphithoides situ some to remains risk incurvaria The The of be stomachs brown potentially this carrying are plants Observations as feed m from of the easily of while fauna. on in Institution and importance nature of depths instance advantage is described food Invertebrate unusual in (Norris a a these response kelp on from algal remains host Caribbean accidental a unpodded variety unknown. cuniculus the by reported. affording bivittatus detached primary Dictyota habit an Both for pods Alaria of wave- of in plant areas kelp- hosts toxic algal their of and and the 273 the ten the for for to in to of to of in of of a Downloaded By: [Smithsonian Trpcl Res Inst] At: 20:58 24 July 2008 Jo~Es, JUST, KAESTNER, RANDALL, SCHMITT, Ri;TZt~ER. EARLE, KARAMAN, NELSON, MYERS, References gramme, Institution BARNARD, GRIFFIT~S, Nol~Rl~, was Zoology, by 274 technicians This the supported K., Carrie giant kelp beds (Macrocystis) beds kelp giant Scripta, Amphipoda Biology and Ecology, and Biology Oceanography, Contributions Bulletin Monterey Amphipoda) South Macrocystis remarkable Belize, (in sequences (Supplement), 106-165. J., S. A. L. .J.N., Smithsonian's the and paper W. W. K., A., Smithsonian which J. 1977, J. A., A., C. G. African G., Bow for I: press). L., of and 1972, E., G., MacIntyre. L., 6, and Ecology and Ecology of L., Structure S., 1970, 1974, Bay to for their the forms 1971, during 229-232. the 1965, new mhloou incurvaria Amphyllodomus is 1967, M~( Cay, 1979, canopies leaf-cutting (Crustaeea), 1969, 1979, Fuxl('.~l~, from and The to amphipod funded Los Angeles County Angeles Los Museum, 5, 32 Scanning Invertebrate mhtoia cuniculus Amphitholina '[N'I'YR Marine to assistance. Belize: Studies 665-847. La Experimental influence pp. Food IMSWE BAR~ARD, South A Institution, Gammaridean Ireland, and I. this Investigations Jolla, redescription 38, and O., 343-367. W., by E, Communities, behaviour habits Sciences, study distribution 79, Habitat ampithoid Part (editor,~), I. Africa 225-245. holdfasts a Electron on 1982, Bulletin G., 1982, G., Zoology, of Proceedings of contribution grant 131-138. Both in (Ann herbivores J. 1, selected of by and Proceedings for ('heroical California, L., studies itiuin and distribution 12, Atlantic reef Amphipoda Museum authors from of an Arbor: in of of from his volume (Editors), its of Microscopy 1979, and (in S~lith~'onian the the southern Pseudamphithoides fishes NSF relationship critical small Marine gen. (Stebbing), on the the of United States National States United the abundance, defence kelp the University Barrier number Classificatory the 3 were edited of of selective Fellowship. press). of Exxon marine (New et Royal Structure the Natural herbivorous curler of marine California reading h West the Shallow p n. sp. supported Biological Society in the Reef Contributions Laboratory community by York: Wiley to tropical a 114. Irish shallows oprto. The Corporation. Journal mihe humeralis Ampithoe predation of little-known W. rocky Macropiethopous, plants History, Ecosystems of of Michigan (Crustacea, kelp revisions Academy, J. Indies, the Water the incurvaria marine invertebrates North on intertidal of of Atlantic of beds. structure, manuscript; Great to Museum, Interscience), of the 14, Experimental their on Barbados, Studies Marine Press), Ecosystems of at marine algae, (Nova in 17-44. In: amphipods: 74, Amphipoda), Carrie Washington, I~meshur trips to Barrier Gammaridoan Smithsonian of The 463-467. Annals first S~Jithsonian 258, In: Sciences, in 204 (Crnstacoa, California: inhabiting Hedwigia) amphipod Bow Ca),, biology Zoologica Tropical Riitzler, and Marine author 523 pp. Reef Belize 1-230. of Bay, pro- con- the pp. 92, the 12 at of a