S-0443-0066-0005-00005 UC.Tif
r .. ·\II • •• ~ ~ ;.I r, $, ,,. ~~ ;,)' ill il1 !1' • :i ~1 ., 1' .. (ti { -91- ,. ~· ;:... ;, ...t;. I" ,,. I, ' if. ""' .~ ,- with th Gove=nmcnt in mntters pertaining to land and native cu tom and any other mattcrs lon whlch tho Government mey require ad.vice from the .J.ri is. On mn.tters t pertaining to la.nd and custom and any other matter specified by law the Rouse of .Arikis tho..il ho.ve the power to rcfe:r back to the Lecislo.tivc As embly and/or , . l Cabinet up to three times,and after the first time may demand c nsultntion wita the ' Cabinet If there hes been no reference back the first time w thin seven dcys, nod ~ ,. within wo deys for the second or third time, the mat'-er shall e consid erod to have bei n c.6Tecd to by the liouse of A.r i kis. {, " ~· Thi High Commissioner shall retain the right to refer bnck as is already ~ .11 " specifi tl in the draft Constitution for the Council of, State. ~- (t ., ,., Al hough it is at prosent recommended that there shall be High Commissioner only,who s:1c.ll represent cler Majesty the Queen, the Government f the Cook Islands . i '" . would 1J o!c f:l.vourably on a proposal thct o.n .Ariki should also r present Her 1,:ajesty ., the Queen if the House cf 1.rikis so requested • 'ii: I •. No j law shall be enforceable on ony is?and where such law r ns counter to "Ill' ,v; ~ tradi ti I nd b.nd uso.ge unless re quo sted by the A.riki s and/or Ka a.na.s of the isl and" • ..
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