1 JOHN 3:11-18 DATE: Sunday, July 5, 2020

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1 JOHN 3:11-18 DATE: Sunday, July 5, 2020 1 JOHN 3:11-18 DATE: Sunday, July 5, 2020 INTRODUCTION: If you have your Bible, I’d like to encourage you to turn to 1 John 3:11-18. Prior to the reign of Emperor Constantine, the Roman Empire had a law that gave parents and grandparents the legal right to discard an infant child. The law read that “an infant could be abandoned without penalty or social stigma based on an anomalous appearance, being an illegitimate child or grandchild, a child of infidelity, family poverty, parental conflict or being of too many children.” These innocent babies would often be taken by night to public places, like the market, or a busy street, placed on the ground so that when morning came, someone may see the child, have pity on them and take them in. There was a group of people who hated this law, and would set out at night to scour the streets looking for these babies in order to save them, and raise them in their community. Do you know who this group of people were? The Christians. The Christians sacrificially gave of themselves in order to care for the well being of someone who was discarded by society. Why? Why would they have done this? Technically the Romans weren’t breaking any laws? These individuals understood sacrificial love. That is what we are going to talk about today; the Christians responsibility to sacrificially love. This morning's message will be a little different. This morning the message will be interactive. I want you to think about sacrificial love. I want you to think about ways to love someone sacrificially and maybe you can give a word of testimony about how someone has sacrificially loved you? We will do that at the end. If you remember, John was writing his epistle to the church as a means to correct false teaching that had sprung up by people who were introducing ideas that would one day form into Gnosticism. These gnostics believed themselves to be the “enlightened ones,” who had received new, divine, enlightened knowledge of God and therefore they sought to lead the Church astray with their teaching. These gnostics were full of pride and disdain for the gospel message and the gospel community. The epistle of 1 John is therefore a wonderful litmus test for the believer to discern between true and false believers, as well as, true and false teachers. Until this point in the text, John mentions two ways that the believer can discern false teaching. The first test is based on 1 John 1:5-10. In that text, John explains that if a person continually walks in darkness, and encourages or teaches others to do the same, they are teaching a false gospel and they are not of us. John 6 uses a logical argument in verse 6 to say, “ I​ f we say we have fellowship with him ​ while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth.” Think about the implications of that. If a person claims to be a believer, and continually approves of and encourages another person to sin, they are actually not of us. The second litmus test that John used to distinguish between true and false teachers is found in 1 John 2:1-6. In that text, John says that someone who teaches anything contrary to the gospel of Jesus as being the propitiation of our sin, is not a believer and is a false teacher. If someone teaches that Jesus did not have to atone for our sin in order to satisfy the wrath of God, they are not of us. Today’s text is the third litmus test for discerning between a true and false teacher and believer, and it’s the test of brotherly love. We will see today that a true follower of Christ will have love for the family of Christ; the church. 1 John 3:11-18 is a very interesting text because it is a continuation of a line of thought that John had in the previous 10 verses. If you remember from last week's message, verses 1-10 was about how those who make a continual, unrepentant practice of sinning, are actually “children of the devil,” while those who do not make a practice of sinning and live by faith in Christ, are children of God. Today’s text essentially has two parts to it: Part 1 can be found in verses 11-15, while Part 2 is found in verses 16-18. We will see in 11-15 the contrast between worldly love with christian love, while using the Old Testament character of Cain as an example of worldly love. Verses 11-15 will show the hatred that the world has toward the church and how it will ultimately lead to eternal separation from God. Verses 16-18, or Part 2, will focus on the example of brotherly love and it’s application to the church. Let’s now read the text, pray, and walk through the text. TEXT: 1 John 3:11-18 11 F​ or this is the message that you have heard from the beginning, that we should 12 love one another. W​ e should not be like Cain, who was of the evil one and ​ murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because his own deeds were 13 evil and his brother’s righteous. D​ o not be surprised, brothers, that the world ​ 14 hates you. W​ e know that we have passed out of death into life, because we love ​ 15 the brothers. Whoever does not love abides in death. E​ veryone who hates his ​ brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him. 16 B​ y this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay 17 down our lives for the brothers. B​ ut if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his ​ brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in 18 him? L​ ittle children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth. ​ PRAYER: EXPOSITION 1: 1 JOHN 3:11 Like I mentioned earlier, verses 11-15 make up part 1 of today’s sermon. John starts off verse 11 with the words: Verse 11: For this is the message that you have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another. Until this point in John’s epistle, John has twice mentioned “the message that you have heard from the beginning.” This is a figure of speech that John often used as a means to remind his audience of the foundational truth of the Gospel that his audience received from both he and other Apostles. It was this foundational truth that would drive the point of application that John would give them. For example: 1. In 1:1; John shows his audience that the gospel is the essential means for someone to have fellowship with God and with other believers. 2. In 1:5-10, John uses the gospel as a means to encourage his audience to continue to live holy lives. 3. In today’s text, 1 John 3:11-18, John uses the gospel as a means to encourage his audience to love one another. In this passage of Scripture, John does something very interesting. John makes the statement that, “we should love one another.” The word “should” is a present tense, active verb which means that John is saying that we Christians should continually be actively loving one another. Based on the context of verses 1-10, our love for one another should be a continuous display characterized by righteousness and holiness. This is how the “family of God” should define themselves. In verse 12, John then moves to give an example of the antithesis of brotherly love in the person of Cain. EXPOSITION 2: 1 JOHN 3:12 Verse 12: “We should not be like Cain, who was of the evil one and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because his own deeds were evil and his brother’s righteous.” It is very interesting that John used Cain as an example of hatred in a passage that deals with Christian love. The reason why it is interesting is because of the nature of Cain’s sin. Cain committed the most egregious sin against someone to whom he should have had the most love toward: his brother. If you remember from Genesis 4, Cain and Abel, the sons of Adam and Eve, brought sacrifices to God. Cain brought a grain, or food, offering to God while Abel brought an animal sacrifice. We know that according to scripture, the substance of both offerings were acceptable before God. In Leviticus 2:3, a grain offering was as acceptable before God as an animal offering. However, Genesis 4 says that God had regard for Abel’s offering, and had no consideration for Cain’s sacrifice. So what was it about the two brothers that caused God to have regard for one and not the other? It was the condition of their hearts. We actually see that in today’s text, lets continue to read verse 12: “And why did he murder him? because his (Cains) own deeds were evil and his brother’s (Abel’s) righteous.” What’s interesting about the word used to describe Cain’s actions, indicates a continual, active exercise of evil behavior. John was saying that Cain not only committed an evil act, he lived a life of continual evil actions against God.
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