Rabbi Joseph Telushkin | 192 pages | 24 Nov 2000 | HarperCollins Publishers Inc | 9780688163501 | English | , Words That Hurt, Words That Heal: How to Choose Wors Wisely and Well PDF Book

Trivia About Words That Hurt, In short, if you are going to use an example, use one that is much simpler and clear cut. My mood, my work habits and my investment portfolio are all the better for it. I wish I would have read this book before I had read his book on ethics. Have a question about this product? Ask us here. In The Spotlight. Advanced Search Links. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Feb 17, Hana rated it it was amazing Shelves: inspiration. Your email address will never be sold or distributed to a third party for any reason. Related posts. Not on purpose, but still. Even better, this book proved to be a practical common-sense guide that helped me change the way I speak to and about my family, my friends, the clerk in the grocery store--and even my world. This is not just our close relationships, but work relationships and others as well. Telushkin tours the United States as a lecturer on Jewish topics, and has been named by Talk Magazine as one of the fifty best speakers in the United States. Why omit the name the second time? Telushkin is a very easy-to-read communicator and does not dwell in the details of rabbinic debate. A captivating blend of personal biography and public drama, The Wise Men introduces the original best and brightest, leaders whose outsized personalities and actions brought order to postwar chaos: Av… More. Return to Book Page. He was proud of his country. This book discussed the power of words and has suggestions on what to do when the words one uses hurts othere and what words might help to heal the damage done by hurtful words. Shelve Swimming to Catalina Stone Barrington, 4. bestseller! Remarkable for its clarity and practicality, Words That Hurt, Words That Heal illuminates the powerful effects we create by what we say and how we say it. Additional details. I once watched Jeff Bezos give a speech where he told a story about his grandparents. A must read for ever young adult to adult. Sep 04, Angela rated it it was amazing Shelves: kingdom-living. It woke me up to the true power of the words we all use, read and hear. The covered the Gary Hart, Donna Rice scandal criticizing both those who reported on it and those who read the coverage; however, he omitted the very crux of the story which Gary Hart challenged the reporters to uncover something on him. Shelve Reimagining Capitalism in a World on Fire. View all 3 comments. Write a review See all reviews Write a review. Add To Cart 0. As Judy Gruen walked down the aisle and into her Orthodox Jewish future, her bouquet quivered in her shaky hand. Pricing policy About our prices. My feelings about this book and its subject matter are complicated. In September , the fate of Hitler was a complete mystery. The author is encouraging and realistic, acknowledging that Anybody interested in a self-improvement project that will keep you busy for the rest of your life? Like the article? After this the author speaks briefly about words that heal IV, 12 in a single chapter. It is a profoundly life changing, powerful book. One time an unflattering story was told of a very famous politician using his name, and a few pages later another similar story is told omitting his name. As believers with the Holy Spirit inside of us, we have His wisdom as well and can use words to heal instead of hurt. Yes, words do matter, especially now more than ever. Paperback , pages. He attended Yeshiva of Flatbush where met his future co-author . Shop Our Brands. Words That Hurt, Words That Heal: How to Choose Wors Wisely and Well Writer

At a time when our national conversation has become so painful and divisive, this book is urgent and essential reading, providing us a road map for how to repair our relationships and restore kindness to our world. We have the potential to speak words that help or hurt, maim or heal. Report incorrect product information. I pray You will quickly convict me when I am out of line in my speech. Yet I do not consider myself to be particularly good when it comes to what the author is talking about. Whether or not the author's views are accurate, there is certainly a great deal of importance to the matter of speech and the way it strongly affects others, and we could all stand to be more encouraging and less harsh in our speech to others. Is it fair? It made me think of words in a way I had not before. Specifications Publisher HarperCollins. Much wisdom can be learned from this book. I wish I would have read this book before I had read his book on ethics. In The Spotlight. Remarkable for its clarity and practicality, Words That Hurt, Words That Heal illuminates the powerful effects we create by what we say and how we say it. You can unsubscribe at any time. I didn't like this book as much as I thought I would, but it still offered some useful ideas for navigating relationships based on halacha. Jan 12, Melissa Yael Winston rated it it was amazing Shelves: religion. Whether or not we ever have a national "Speak No Evil Day," we should at least speak less evil and work very hard to speak none at all, even when it is necessary to rebuke and correct as it often is. Advanced Search Links. Welcome to Christianbook. Have you ever been on the receiving end of unkind words? Friend Reviews. The section on the power of parents' words to their children has stuck with me since I read it. Very interesting read with several examples of how carefully we should choose our words, as they can hurt or build up another human being, including our children. It not only looked at what the taught, but why they taught it. Wish I read this book much earlier in life Amazing book. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. The tone of modern discourse hurts everyone in our society he argues, fomenting violence, destroying reputations and lives, and alienating us from each other. You're not weird— you're an introvert. Whom do you know that could benefit from a kind word from you today? Rabbi Telushkin has written a marvelous book on the power of words. Have questions about eBooks? It is not a treatise on th To any practicing Jew, this is not a new topic; however, for those who have never been introduced to the Jewish concepts of La Horah, Rechilut, and related topics, it is definitely an excellent introduction. I began to realize why I almost invariably felt depressed and enervated by mid-morning. Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. Ask a Question What would you like to know about this product? I want to read this every year. Feb 08, Sara Brennan rated it really liked it. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Related Products. Based on Jewish religious texts. Most of us expect anything medicinal to be bitter in taste and sweets to be harmful, but kind words are both sweet and health-giving. I knew that I had a minor struggle with the way that I spoke about others, but this was another book written by another Rabbi that proved to be an incredible eye-opener. More filters. Get A Copy. There's no need to be religious to enjoy what this book has to offer. You don't have to be Jewish, or even religious, to appreciate this wise, challenging and inspiring guide. Words That Hurt, Words That Heal: How to Choose Wors Wisely and Well Reviews

A captivating novel based on the story of the extraordinary real-life American woman who secretly worked for the French Resistance during World War II--while playing hostess to the invading Germans at… More. Stone Barrington thought he'd heard the last of former girlfriend Arrington after she'd left him to marry Vance Calder, Hollywood's hottest star. We're committed to providing low prices every day, on everything. The author gave examples of people whose lives were ruined or built up by words. Telushkin is the author of sixteen books on . I didn't like this book as much as I thought I would, but it still offered some useful ideas for navigating relationships based on halacha. Le… More. You don't have to be Jewish, or even religious, to appreciate this wise, challenging and inspiring guide. He was proud of his country. Return to Book Page. To ensure we are able to help you as best we can, please include your reference number:. And even though one of them recognizes the change in the person over time, there are still times when I would not look up to their behavior with any respect. Given the enormity of the task, why bother? Angela Himsel was raised in a German-American family, one of eleven children who shared… More. By the standards of the author I would certainly qualify as a gossipy sort of person, and I am certain that my book reviews often come across as rather critical to readers when they are not always meant to be so negative as a writer. Ask us here. And there is no consistency. Much of this is common sense, but given all that I see on social media now, everyone would benefit from reading this text - whether you are Jewish or not. I also appreciated that he examined the "when not to". Watching the sea of adults standing up and sitting down at Rosh Hashanah services, and apparently giving credence to the patently absurd … More. Book Format. As believers with the Holy Spirit inside of us, we have His wisdom as well and can use words to heal instead of hurt. Gossip is another topic that is mentioned. Average Rating: 4. In a moment of terrible divisiveness and hateful speech in America I sought out this book which I read many years ago to ground myself again in the moral arguments for kindness in speech and how language can be used not only to hurt, but to heal. Even better, this book proved to be a practical common-sense guide that helped me change the way I speak to and about my family, my friends, the clerk in the grocery store--and even my world. But all of that changed in November … More. He was eventually listed by the KGB as an anti-Russian agent. There's no need to be religious to enjoy what this book has to offer. Lies and rumors motzi shem rah " Later on, in the book Rabbi Telushkin goes on to tell stories as examples giving names of the people involved. Shelve Swimming to Catalina Stone Barrington, 4. Whom do you know that could benefit from a kind word from you today? A book many could benefit from reading, even if the subject material is somewhat remedial. Not on purpose, but still. Remarkable for its clarity and practicality, Words That Hurt, Words That Heal illuminates the powerful effects we create by what we say and how we say it. I want to read this every year. Read more About This Item. How does a woman who grew up in rural Indiana as a fundamentalist Christian end up a practicing Jew in New York? Written in a warm, accessible, and intimate style, Be Still and Get Going will touch those who are searching for an authentic spiritual practice that speaks to them in their own cultural language. Why are showers always too hot or too cold? May 24, Alan Jay rated it liked it Shelves: owned. Want to Read saving…. On the other hand, Solomon wrote,. From the New York Times bestselling author of Rebbe comes this newly revised edition of Words That Hurt, Words That Heal —an invaluable guide in how choosing the right words can enrich our relationships and give us insight to improve every facet of our lives. After that the author talks about how we speak about others II , with short chapters on the damage of gossip 2 , the lure of gossip 3 , when it is appropriate to share information about others 4 , and privacy and public figures 5.

Words That Hurt, Words That Heal: How to Choose Wors Wisely and Well Read Online

The author gave examples of people whose lives were ruined or built up by words. Email address. Shelve Meghan: A Hollywood Princess. I once watched Jeff Bezos give a speech where he told a story about his grandparents. Joseph Telushkin is renowned for his warmth, his erudition, and his richly anecdotal insights, and in Words That Hurt, Words That Heal he focuses these gifts on the words we use in public and in private, revealing their tremendous power to shape relationships. Ask a Question What would you like to know about this product? By sensitizing us to subtleties of speech we may never have considered before, he shows us how to turn every exchange into an opportunity. I began to see even the most venerable newspapers as minefields filled with negativity, innuendo, verbal incivility, outright cruelty--not to mention untruths and half-truths. More than two decades after its publication, the book remains a foundation text for Jews, non-Jews, and prospective converts alike. Instead, he shares teachings and stories, explains the teachings in easy-to-understand and down-to-earth conversation and even explains the many "exceptions" that one might find in their application. By sensitizing us to subtleties of speech we may never have considered before, he shows us how to turn every exchange into an opportunity. He delved deeper into not just the why but the how, although he spends a lot of time on the why. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Add To Cart. This is a tough call to make in any situation. Rabbi Telushkin quickly convinced me that this is an incredibly important obligation, and indeed how we speak to and about others is vital. After that the author talks about how we speak about others II , with short chapters on the damage of gossip 2 , the lure of gossip 3 , when it is appropriate to share information about others 4 , and privacy and public figures 5. Reviewed by IllanoyGal IllanoyGal. I also believe that I learned a lot. Telushkin is a very easy-to-read communicator and does not dwell in the details of rabbinic debate. Stone Barrington thought he'd heard the last of former girlfriend Arrington after she'd left him to marry Vance Calder, Hollywood's hottest star. Telushkin reminds us that we often use harmful language in our everyday speech without even being aware of it and sites powerful example This book by renowned Rabbi Joseph Telushkin is a primer on the Jewish perspective on language in human relations. I find this rather short sited. I continue to be moved as I study the teachings of Talmudic tradition and what it has to say about the use of our speech. On the other hand, Solomon wrote, Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. I've been thinking about my own hurtful words. You know the saying: There's no time like the present So, less snark, more kindness. The author opens with a chapter that makes up part one on the unrecognized power of words I, 1. People think we're just shy or antisocial, that we don't want to have close rel… More. https://img1.wsimg.com/blobby/go/b120a5c8-604b-4c00-ac20-57b39d44c1f6/the-joy-of-first-classics-6.pdf https://img1.wsimg.com/blobby/go/d6edbdd1-3dde-4b8e-8953-0842f81697f8/the-dacian-stones-speak-452.pdf https://files8.webydo.com/9585446/UploadedFiles/FEA600C7-D365-7BFD-2647-45B4C3D2DB9F.pdf https://img1.wsimg.com/blobby/go/3275b530-f149-45f9-af1e-be105cbc5552/postal-volume-7-983.pdf https://img1.wsimg.com/blobby/go/cbb22220-3692-4b11-9bc7-b5d33425512b/kids-box-6-activity-book-level-6-379.pdf