Saltford Community Association News Issue No 118 October / November 2014

COPY DEADLINE FOR DECEMBER JANUARY ISSUE OF SCAN: 1st November 2014 Please note change Copy sent by email to [email protected] will be very welcome.

1 Mechanical Repairs Car Recovery Vehicles Servicing MOT Testing Computer Diagnostics Car Sales

Crown Garage is a Saltford based family friendly business that have been repairing and maintaining cars throughout . We currently have 3 members of staff who hold over 40 years of experience between them Members of the Good Garage Scheme

Call Paul or Martin on 01225 873203

2 Saltford Community Association - Contacts SCA is a Registered Charity—Number 222157 Hon President John Thomas 0117 986 3869 Hon Chair SCA Steve Johnson 01225 872025 Hon Vice Chair SCA Peter Dando 01225 873917 Hon Treasurer SCA Chris Essex 01225 873878 Hon Secretary SCA Sheila Bateman 01225 873474 SCAN Distribution Jenny Herring 01225 874631 SCAN Editor e-mail: [email protected] 07770 750327 Hall Manager Christopher Pope 01225 874081 e-mail: [email protected] List of Sectional Organisation Contacts Saltford Drama Club Liz James 01179 863530 Saltford Short Mat Bowls Joan Hamblin 01225 872389 Saltford Village Choir Julie Latham 01225 872336 The opinions, advice, products and services offered herein are the sole responsibility of the con- tributors. Whilst all reasonable care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the publication, the publishers cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions. SCAN takes no responsibility for the content of any images, screenshots or supporting graphics/visual data.

SALTFORD HALL BOOKING OFFICE 01225 874081 E-mail: offi[email protected]

MONTHLY ACTIVITIES AT SALTFORD HALL Please note:- Dates, times and venues may change. Please check with the contact named elsewhere in this newsletter, and note that these are booking times - event times may differ.

First Monday (usually) 10.00am Beading Course Second Monday 7.30pm Saltford Quilters First Tuesday 9.30am Saltford Ladies Gardening Club Wansdyke First Tuesday 2.00pm Saltford Afternoon WI Wansdyke Second Tuesday 7.30pm Saltford Women’s Institute Fourth Tuesday 2.15pm Saltford Floral Club Hall Second Thursday 9.45am Ladies Together Wansdyke Second Thursday 8.00pm Book Club Somerset Second Friday 7.30pm & Saltford Wine Circle Avon One Saturday 10.00am Farandole Dance Club Please contact per month June Simpson for exact dates on 01225 872586 Wansdyke Fourth Saturday 2.30pm Historical Model Railway Society Wansdyke

3 Selected Events in October

Saturday 29th November 2014 Saltford Hall 10 am to 3 pm

Crafts, Preserves, Toys, Poinsettias, Cakes, Books, Bric a Brac, and lots more. and relax with a glass of mulled wine and a warm mince pie or freshly cooked bacon roll in our

To book a stall contact Diane 01225 87498 or email [email protected]

4 Selected Events in November

5 Musical Evening Saltford Hall Saturday 8 November 2014 Doors will open at 7.00pm for 7.30pm start. The evening will include a wide range of musical acts performing a varied programme of musical styles for your enjoyment. There will also be a chance for a sing along! All performers will be appearing for free and the proceeds from the evening will be shared between SCA and a nominated local health related charity. Licensed bar Tickets £10 to include hot food (Steak & kidney pie or vegetarian alternative) available from Saltford Post Office and Saltford Hall Booking Office or at [email protected]


Exhibition of stitched, printed, embroidered and woven textiles, costumes and artefacts from around the world.

Free admission T 6 REGULAR WEEKLY ACTIVITIES AT SALTFORD HALL Please note: Dates, times and venues may change. Please check with the contact named elsewhere in this newsletter and note that these are Booking Times – event times may differ

Mon to Fri 9.15am “Here We Grow Pre-school Avon Mondays 9.45am Jazzercise Class Hall 1.30pm Saltford Short Mat Bowls Hall 2.00pm Whist Club Avon 4.40pm Dance Factory Hall 7.30pm Saltford Scrabble Club (in season) 7.30pm Saltford Drama Club Avon 8.00pm Saltford Badminton Hall Tuesday 10.00am Tuesday Morning Badminton Hall 10.00am Art Class Kelston 12.00pm Zumba Gold Hall (1st & 3rd only) 7.00pm Saltford Parish Council Avon 7.30pm Avon Badminton Hall 7.30pm Saltford Village Choir Wansdyke Wednesday 9.45am Wednesday Morning Badminton Group Hall 1.30pm Saltford Short Mat Bowls Hall 3.30pm Keyford Dancing School Somerset 8.00pm Belly Dancing Class Wansdyke 7.30pm Saltford Sequence & Old Time Dance Club Hall Thursdays 9.45am Jazzercise Class Hall 2.00pm Painting for Pleasure Avon 2.00pm Pre-School Gymnastics Somerset & Kelston 5.45pm Hatha Yoga Class Wansdyke 6.30pm Pilates Class Hall 6.30pm Hatha Yoga Class Wansdyke 7.30pm Keynsham AA Group Kelston Fridays 10.30am Saltford Wind Chamber Group Somerset 10.00am Hatha Yoga Wansdyke 11.45am Hatha Yoga Wansdyke (some) 1.30pm Saltford Short Mat Bowls Hall 4.45pm sTAmP Academy Somerset 6.30pm Saltford Shu-Ko-Kai Club (Martial Arts) Somerset

SCA is on Facebook

7 SALTFORD COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Forthcoming Fundraising Events in 2014/2015

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We need your help. We provide volunteer befrienders for disabled children in Bath, Bristol and North East Somerset and we need new volunteers to join our brilliant team of existing befrienders. If you can spare just two hours a week and want to make a huge difference to the life of a young person contact Ryan today on 0117 9415868 or email [email protected]. Find out more on our website

9 SALTFORD FESTIVAL 2015 Saturday 13th June - Sunday 21st June

In 2010 there was a tentative proposal to hold a festival in the following year, 2011. The aim of a festival was to celebrate Saltford, encourage community spirit to dis- cover the diversity of interests and talent in the village and to have fun. The 1 day festival proposed to a bemused Fundraising Committee, grew into a successful 9 day festival! It was followed in 2013 by a second festival. The weather was inclement in 2010 and only sightly less clement in 2013! Undaunted the third 9 day festival for 2015 is being organised and will span the dates 13th-21st of June. The programme is filling fast with events, to satisfy all age groups. The working parties value input for event ideas, offers of help with catering, management and organisation, advertising, ideas for com- petitions etc. There are so many village people with vital expertise and I am sure with a willingness to volunteer. There is scope for everybody from Juggling and Monocycling on the Old Village day to set- ting up a traditional picnic area and watching the boats drift past on the River Day Finale - any ideas welcome. Please come forward and make the 2015 festival the best ever! We are longing to hear from you. Don’t be shy! Jill Williams Contact Jill Williams [email protected] Chris Essex [email protected] Julie Collins CITY & GUILDS QUALIFIED BEAUTY THERAPIST

Manicure & Pedicure Waxing Treatments Eyebrow Shape, Eyelash & Eyebrow Tint Massage, Facials, Aromatherapy

call 07799 041762 email:[email protected]


Over the last couple of updates we have mentioned that we were seeking funding to help us install a lift to the first floor in Saltford Hall. We were delighted when SITA, who look after our landfill sites, agreed to provide a substantial grant towards the cost. In total the lift has cost nearly £23,000 to install and SITA Trust have provided nearly £16,000 towards this. The SCA, from its fundraising activities, has financed the balance of the cost of £7,000. The construction work was undertaken by Salt- ford resident Clive Shipley, through his company Arris Construction and cutting a hole through the first floor proved a significant challenge as this had originally been the roof of the Hall back in 1960! The installation was completed during the sum- mer and we thank users of the Hall during this time for their forebearance with all the dust and noise. It is large enough to take a wheelchair and helper comfortably. The lift was officially opened at a small ceremony attended by some of the groups who will benefit. Steve Johnson, Chair of Saltford Community Association says “We are very grateful for the financial sup- port SITA Trust have given to this important project to improve the facilities at much used Saltford Hall. Together with local support at fundraising events this has allowed us to install a new platform lift. As well as encouraging new groups to start up in these smaller upstairs rooms, it will dramatically improve the access for a large number of existing members who struggle currently to get up the stairs.” Marek Gordon CEO and Chairman of SITA Trust added “We are delighted to have been able to support this project through the Landfill Com- munities Fund. This important source of funding has been available since 1997 and has provided such worthy projects with more than £1.2 billion.” Our intention is to undertake a much needed refurbishment of the foyer now this installation has been completed. If there is a designer out there that wants to offer their services free for the foyer redesign, please contact us via the details below. As we continue to invest in improving the efficiency of the building, there will continue to be a strong need for fundraising to supple- ment our other income. If you want to get involved in anyway, then we’d love to hear from you - please e-mail [email protected] or ring the Office on 01225 874081. We also look forward to seeing you at the wide range of events we are organizing over the next few months.

11 AFFLIATED ORGANISATIONS There is also an adult session available for begin- ners and improvers that looks at techniques and KEYNSHAM AND SALTFORD PROBUS CLUB tactics at 7pm on Wednesdays, and a high tempo Theatre visits by Keynsham and Saltford Probus cardio tennis fitness session available on a pay & Club this year have been varied as, as always, well play basis at 8pm on Wednesdays. supported. You can also arrange individual coaching sessions The intimate Watermill theatre at Newbury is if you want to brush up your game. always popular. Members who had been there in It all takes place on the three outdoor tennis at February for Arthur Miller’s strong drama All My Saltford Tennis Club, at Wedmore Road, Saltford. Sons returned in August for the musical Calamity Jane. July had taken the club to Cardiff for the ac- The sessions are being run by head coach Tom claimed War Horse but the September attraction Ellis, a Level 3 qualified LTA coach. was to be closer to home - at Bath’s Theatre Royal He said: “Our coaching for One Man, Two Guv’nors. sessions are targeted at By contrast September also offered a morning tour anyone and everyone, of Keynsham’s recycling plant in Pixash Lane. from young children who are maybe trying tennis for The social committee programme includes a de- the first time, up to people scent into the Big Pit in South Wales, the English who may have been play- National Ballet’s production of Coppelia at Bristol ing for years and want to Hippodrome and a visit to the Steam Museum and get fitter or improve their outlet retail centre at Swindon. game.” SALTFORD TENNIS CLUB You can find further information about the pro- Top tennis coaching returns to Saltford Tennis Club gramme on the Saltford Tennis Club website at this month (September) courtesy of the Team Bath php or at TennisTennis programme.programme. courses-classes/ You can also contact Tom Ellis for further informa- tion about the programme at 01225 384247 or by Saltford is the first Team Bath Tennis hub club, email at [email protected] with Team Bath coaches offering coaching to players of all ages and ability levels. LADIES TOGETHER The autumn coaching programme runs from 10 For our meeting on 10th September we were September through to 20 December and has been entertained by a very interesting & amusing talk by launched after a successful pilot project. Audrey Lewis on her life when living for 3 years in The programme offers 14 weeks of coaching for St Helena. young players on Saturday mornings and Wednes- Our next meeting is on Thursday 9th October day afternoons or early evenings, depending on which will be a social morning with various activi- age. ties. These are available at mini red level for players aged 8 and under, mini orange for 9 and under, We meet for Lunch on 4th Friday of the month at and mini green for players aged 10 and under, and The Crown, Saltford. junior programmes for players in the 12 and under, New members are always welcome to join our 14 and under and 16 and under age groups. friendly group. It is very informal & we meet School children can take advantage of a free monthly, on the second Thursday, in the Wans- tennis session offer too. For details please see the dyke Room, Saltford Hall at 10.00 am Team Bath website at Contact Marion Smith 01225 872789 sport/tennis/courses-classes/

12 SALTFORD BADMINTON CLUB Everyone seemed to enjoy the evening despite the Mondays 8pm to 10pm disappointment of having to abandon an outdoor pleasure. An assortment of food and drink went a The club offers friendly competitive standard in long way to alleviate any regrets at being forced Mixed, Men’s and Ladies doubles “inside”. Annual subs: £75 Sept- June Our speaker at the September meeting spoke Come along for a free taster sessions enthusiastically about Horse World. He was obvi- ously dedicated to his role and displayed many Contact : Stella Hurley 01225 874672 photographs of rescued horses, some of which [email protected] were distressful. Seeing the before and after pho- tographs however did lessen any sadness felt. KEYNSHAM & SALTFORD WINE CIRCLE There is a Beetle Drive in October besides our A summer Soiree for members and friends was our usual Book Club and a coffee morning in a next event, organised by Peter Church and assist- member’s home. A walk to Compton Dando is also ed by a small group of people. A delightful evening taking place in September. in convivial company with a quiz, music by Percy Mellor and the guest appearance of someone who SALTFORD AFTERNOON W.I looked very similar to Freddy Mercury! All of this At our August meeting we had a “Show and Tell” was topped off with a delicious buffet supper. afternoon followed by a cream tea. The items We had a superb day on our annual outing, which varied from childhood toys, holiday purchases and took place on the usual first Sunday in Septem- experiences, old family books, a photograph with ber. We had a coffee stop at a garden centre in sentimental importance and a trip down memory Wellington on our way to the Donkey Sanctuary lane to a holiday destination. This all led to a lot of near Sidmouth, where we spent time meeting talk and reminiscing over tea. and admiring the rescued donkeys and enjoyed our picnic lunches in the sunshine. From there In September Judith Laing made a return visit we travelled to Colyton where we boarded a tram showing us how to make a box and cake cases and journeyed along the course of the river Axe, using origami. It proved very enjoyable although a through two nature reserves known as the Axe little fiddly at times! The general feeling was that Estuary Wetlands, three miles to the Jurassic bought cake cases would be quicker and easier Coast town of Seaton along the Seaton Tramway. to use! Leisure time was spent in the town of Seaton and on the beach, where quite a few of us went in the Forthcoming Events sea, which was very warm. To end a perfect day, October – AGM we had a two course evening meal in The Star at November –“ Bath Harvest Rapeseed Oil” by Deb- Congresbury before returning home. bie Keeling. Trips to Westonbirt School Craft Fair, Lacock Gar- We now look forward to our Charity Bottle Auction den Centre and Bishop’s Palace Wells have also at the September meeting, and a commercial wine been planned. tasting presented by Vernon Groves at our October meeting when the Annual Competition will take LIONS CLUB OF KEYNSHAM place. Whilst fund raising activities since the Keynsham Information is now available on the Wine Circle’s Music Festival have been quiet, a number of do- website by entering and inputting nations to worthy causes, including Alive, Explorer keynsham and saltford wine circle Scouts, Motor Neurone Disease Association and the China disaster have been made. The next ma- SALTFORD EVENING W.I jor event will be at the Keynsham Winter Festival Our eagerly awaited Garden Party had to be held (formerly Victorian Evening) where Santa’s sleigh in Saltford Hall because of the persistent rain. will be in attendance and roast pork rolls will be

13 available. If you would like to know more about has started in earnest with both Junior & Adult Keynsham Lions please visit www.keynshamlions. matches being played every weekend. If you are a orgor telephone 0117 9326125. budding David Beckham or have plans to become AVON WILDLIFE TRUST, the next Manager pop into the club or Friday 10 October 7.30pm start in the Baptist contact us on Facebook and we can put you in Church Hall, High St. Keynsham All are Welcome touch with the right people to help you achieve £2.50 entrance your burning goal. “100 years of the Wildlife Trusts” with Sarah Pitt, Darts and Skittles have also started back up hav- TV and Radio producer who created the Anni- ing had a little break for the summer. versary film. She will talk and show some clips Dates for your Diary from the film showing wildlife habitats, seabird 18th October Goldfish Don’t Bounce colonies, wild fenland, salt marshes and sea reefs. 8th November HALLOWEEN PARTY Growler Friday 14 November Note: 7pm start, doors open 20 December CHRISTMAS PARTY Duke Box at 6.30pm at Wellsway School. All bands start at 9.00pm Subject: “The Magic of Migration - birds of prey” with Ed. Drewitt, naturalist, broadcaster and For reminders of all entertainments like our Face- wildlife detective. book Page This is a special themed K&S LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY evening with extra activites for all the family. Keynsham & Saltford Local History Society starts Entrance £2.50 Chdn £1. its winter season of talks in October. The Monday Refreshments, raffle, RSPB Christmas cards, and evening talks run once a month through to April exhibits and live birds courtesy of BTO and Hawk on a variety of topics related to local history and and Owl Trust. occasionally archaeology. If you join the Society, Ed’s book “Urban Peregrines” will be on sale admission to the talks is free and you have the during the evening. Advance tickets from Smith’s opportunity of attending our summer programme Jewellers, Keynsham, of walks and visits to local places of interest. But if you would like to come along as a visitor, you will Kathy Farrell Tel. 0117 9869722. Tickets also avail- be most welcome. able on the door. The subjects for our next meetings are: Friday, 12 December 7.30pm start in the Baptist Church, High St. Keynsham. A Christmas Compila- Monday 20th October. “ The Shadow of the tion. Workhouse” by Pat Hase. Members will talk about a Scottish Filed Study Monday 17th November “The Land of Lost Con- holiday, local wildlife, and our Chairman will give tent – Portishead During World War 1” by Sandy us an illustrated review of the activities of the Tebbutt . Keynsham Group in 2014.All are welcome. En- Meetings are at The Key Centre, Victoria Method- trance is £2.50. Christmas refreshments. ist Church, Charlton Road, Keynsham and start at SALTFORD SPORTS CLUB 7.30pm Full details of the Society’s activities can be found on the website at Watching Cricket in the summer sun was all the uk . more pleasurable this year when Saltford Fairways Cricket Club were promoted to Division 1 of the SALTFORD CHOIR North Somerset League. Congratulations to one We are now rehearsing for our next concert and all, Good Team Effort. “Christmas Star” which will be held on Saturday With the Autumn approaching very fast Football 13th December at 7.30pm in Saltford Hall. Seasonal music and a choral melody from Fiddler on the Roof is sure to delight our audience. 14 SALTFORD FLORAL CLUB SALTFORD LIBRARY As the National Association of Flower Arrange- Open Friday mornings at Saltford Library ment Societies is celebrating its Emerald Anniver- These events are at 1015 for a 1030 start. Coffee/ tea is served, cost 30p. Come and join us! sary this year, our annual Members’ Day lunch, at Saltford Golf Club, had a green theme. We Pick up a flyer in the Library, or contact Cynthia Wilson 01225 874259 to book a seat for these enjoyed a very good meal with the tables deco- events. rated with green flower table centres and green Friday, 10 October Subject: “Avon Valley Copper napkins. After lunch one of our members, Mrs and Brass Industry” This is Illustrated Talk No. 2 by Joan Westlake, gave a delightful demonstration of Tony Coverdale. several ’anniversary’ styled arrangements. Friday 7 November “Do you remember these?” September sees our outing to The Walled Garden Meet June Simpson with her collection of loved and named small dolls from the 1930’s. They at Mells and October will be a Practice Class. have travelled all over the country with her - and Saltford Floral Club Christmas demonstration remarkably - they have survivied! entitled “So Hear It Comes” with Lucy Ellis a well Friday, 5 December “Pictures and Memories of our known floral demonstrator at Saltford Hall Tuesday Recent Visit to Antarctica” by Steve Seeley (with November 25th commencing at 2pm. Tickets £7.50 his TV screen) on the door. We shall celebrate with seasonal mulled wine and mince pies. £1 for this event. For more information please contact Celia on Our book of “Saltford Memories” is hopefully now 01225872028. “on its way!!” This is your last chance to send in any memorable memories of things that have happened in Saltford in the past that you would like to share.

Saltford Festival 2015 Photographic Competition Although our festival is some way off, its planning is well underway. A very popular item in the festival is the Photographic Competition. We are starting publishing informa- tion about the competition ahead of the festival to give Saltford’s keen photographers greater opportunities to take some photos over the coming months of our wonder- ful village. These might include events such as the Medieval Evening, Lighting of the Christmas Tree, Santa Dash (hundreds were taken last year). As with last year there will be two categories for the competition, one for over 18 and the other for under 18. We’ll be providing updates about the competition over the coming months in SCAN including a date when you can start to submitting your photographs.

But for starters here is some useful information for entrants to the competition: a. The photographs must be in digital form and be submitted electronically. b. The size of the images should 6 inches by 4 inches and landscape in orientation c. They must have a resolution of a minimum 300 megapixels per square inch. d. Be in a Jpeg file format Happy snapping - Saltford Community Association


BOOK GROUP Fresh-air, Fitness & Fun

A small friendly group meets in

Saltford Hall on the second Thursday evening of each month for just over an hour. We read and talk about modern fiction, with the occasional classic. In the past we have enjoyed Booker shortlists and :DWHUVWRQHV·IDYRXULWHV7KHUHLVD small charge to cover the room hire. 1-1 Personal Training NEW MEMBERS WELCOME & Group Outdoor Exercise Classes To find out more, please contact Call Zita on 07970 988128 Diana Wood on 01225 421228 or email [email protected]

D.W.BOWEN Plumbing & Heating

Gas Safe Registered Installer

Registration No: 95352 Call today to have your oven, hob, extractor or Aga professionally cleaned 2 Montague Road, Saltford Mark Hillier-Brown contact details Tel 07778 776568 Tel 01761 418283 , Mob tel 07794 548164

logo and stationery design, leaflets, adverts, brochures, website design & hosting, email marketing, presentation display graphics

ADD £££ TO THE BOTTOM LINE OF YOUR BUSINESS WITH PROFESSIONAL ADVERTS & MARKETING website creation from £150 pull up banners from £125 press ads from £25 call for free advice/quotation

APPLAUSE.CO.UK 0117 321 1899 16 Keynsham & Saltford Group present a Special Evening with: - Naturalist, Broadcaster Ed Drewitt Wildlife Detective The Magic of Migration ** Birds of Prey** Friday 14th November hosted by Wellsway Green Team at Wellsway School Chandag Rd, Keynsham BS31 1PH Doors open at 6:30pm for 7pm Adults: £2.50 - Children: £1 Featuring Non-Members of Avon Wildlife Trust welcome live birds Advance Tickets available: Smith’s Jewellers, Keynsham or Kathy Farrell of prey Tel: 0117 9869722. Tickets also available on the door

Charity No. 280422

Exhibits & live birds courtesy of British Trust for Ornithology & Hawk & Owl Trust An evening for all the family!

Follow Keynsham Group Protecting Wildlife for the Future on Facebook

Three Removes will be served. Dancing by the Farandole group. Simple costume appreciated.

17 During August at Saltford Hall there was a Summer School production called “Cinderella and The Underwater World”. It was organised by the Perform Dance Company, run by Lucy Ratnett. The Perform Dance Company runs weekly classes at Saltford Hall and St. Mary`s. They had over 45 children aged 4-16 for a week of fun, dancing, acting, singing and making with a show at the end of the week.

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18 Following the installation of a new lift in the foyer of Saltford Hall the &RPPXQLW\$VVRFLDWLRQZRXOGOLNHWRUHIXUELVKWKHHQWUDQFHIR\HU2XU vision is to provide a softer, more modern and inviting entrance area whilst updating the bar facilities and ERRNVDOHVDUHDV 7KLVLVDQH[FLWLQJRSSRUWXQLW\IRUDQ interior designer to stretch their imagination, have the pleasure of seeing their design in use at a community location and be present at the opening ceremony, which will be well publicised locally. If you would be prepared to volunteer then please ring Steve Johnson RU or mail him &KDLU#VDOWIRUGKDOOFRXN who will be pleased to discuss this opportunity.

YOGA WITH ANDREA Group and individual tuition Classes at Saltford Hall, suitable for all ages and abilities; beginners are welcome. For further information please contact me or visit my website; booking is essential. Andrea Hoelzemann, 01761 472619 & 07929 520680 [email protected]

ZUMBA GOLD® CLASSES Advertise your business Zumba Gold® is the low impact, easy-to- in colour here from follow, Latin inspired dance-fitness party. Suitable for adults of any age who want a £21.00 fun and accessible way to exercise. Contact Chris Essex SALTFORD HALL 01225 874081 TUESDAYS 12:00 Gabrielle 07980 858176 [email protected] ŐĂďƌŝĞůůĞ͘njƵŵďĂŐŽůĚΛnjĞŶ͘ĐŽ͘ƵŬ 19 YOUR LOCAL GARAGE DOOR SPECIALIST

Repair or new, with high quality products and experienced engineers, we can provide you with the right solution. Trading Standards Approved.

Contact us on 01225 729009 for honest, expert advice or to arrange your no obligation site survey. Showroom address: Radstock Rd, Midsomer Norton, BA3 2AD

Bonfire Special Offer! Bonfire night is simply not Bonfire night without a couple of juicy sausages cooked over a blazing fire. So where better to buy a decent banger than Newton Farm Shop. Bring this voucher with you to claim a 10% off our handmade sausages.

P.S. So you can have the sausage and the sizzle!

Valid from 1st –8th November 2014.

Newton Farm Shop, Newton St Loe, Bath BA2 9BT Tel: 01225 873707 GGGGGGG


From ages 2-5 years old 5 hours Free Childcare from 3 years.

Come and visit us at Saltford Hall for a free taster session!

Experience our caring, nurturing safe environment - staffed by qualified teachers.

Our sessions are filled with outdoor exploration in all weathers, exciting challenges such as learning French and inspirational visitors. Also we perform a concert to parents and carers at the end of each term. The children then get to have a healthy snack which they help to prepare by peeling the sweet corn or picking the blackberries.

We have an exciting new term ahead of us with visits from hedgehogs and owls.

”Children thoroughly enjoy their time at the pre-school because they are well supported by a skilled and knowledgeable staff team” Ofsted 2012/13

21 The Mind Healer – Be THE Change You wish to See! >ŝnjŝƐĂdƌĂŶƐĨŽƌŵĂƚŝŽŶĂůŽĂĐŚ͕,LJƉŶŽƚŚĞƌĂƉŝƐƚĂŶĚDĂƐƐĂŐĞdžƉĞƌƚ͘ &ĞƌƚŝůŝƚLJŽĂĐŚͲ,ĂǀĞƵŶĞdžƉůĂŝŶĞĚŝŶĨĞƌƚŝůŝƚLJ/ĐĂŶŚĞůƉ͊ tĂŶƚƚŽŐŝǀĞƵƉƐŵŽŬŝŶŐ͍/ĐĂŶŚĞůƉ͊ tĂŶƚƚŽďĞŚĂƉƉLJ͍/ĐĂŶŚĞůƉ͊ džƉĞƌƚ ĐŽĂĐŚŝŶŐ ĨƌŽŵ >ŝnj tĂůƚŽŶ ŽĨĨĞƌƐ ƚŚĞ ƐƵƉƉŽƌƚ ĂŶĚ ŐƵŝĚĂŶĐĞƚŽ ĞŵƉŽǁĞƌLJŽƵƚŽďƌŝŶŐĞǀĞƌLJĂƌĞĂŽĨLJŽƵƌůŝĨĞďĂĐŬŝŶƚŽďĂůĂŶĐĞ͘ BODY MIND 20 years of experience working with With 17yrs of experience massage and all body work working with techniques. Each session tailored to Transformational Coaching the client’s needs working in a techniques combining NLP tools, unique way to experience freedom. Hypnotherapy and Journey work. I work in a unique way that is particle, process driven and results driven. Giving you The Shift to live your life to the Fullest!

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We must apologise for failing to include some wonderful photos and a write up in the last SCAN, so you have a bumper set this time.

SCA Youth Section Disco – Friday 9 May 2014

7KLVZDVWKHILUVWRIDVHULHVRIHYHQWVGHVLJQHGIRUDQXQGHU 18 audience and was partly put on to raise money for Bristol’s Children Hospital as a young lad at Wellsway is FXUUHQWO\EHLQJWUHDWHGWKHUH7KHHYHQWZDVRUJDQLVHGE\ Sophie Reed and Jordan Philpott, supported by the SCA IXQGUDLVLQJWHDP(XSKRUL[0RELOH'LVFRSXWRQDJUHDW sounds and light show, which was enjoyed by all those who attended DQG LVEHLQJGRQDWHGWR%ULVWRO&KLOGUHQV¶ +RVSLWDO7KHQH[WHYHQWZLOOEHD+DOORZHHQ'LVFRRQ 1 1RYHPEHU

80’s Night featuring Squeezed Middle - Saturday 17 May 2014


23 Local Musical Talent Night – Friday 13 June 2014

2QFHDJDLQWhis was an evening of non stop and varied music performed by local up and coming instrumentalists and singers performing solo and LQJURXSV7KLVHYHQLQJwas a chance for many local children to perform in public, with support from local band Nosy 3DUNHUZKRVKRZFDVed many of their own songs which they were going to perform at the .H\QVKDP0XVLF)HVWLYDORQ-XO\ 7KRVHSHUIRUPLQJZHUHLeo Nolan, Alistair Grant, :LOO&URVV-RH&R[$Q\D+DWKDZD\6HDPXV&ODUNH(PLO\.LQQLVRQ(ZDQ%UHQQDQ $OH[&RUELHUH$UFKLH7HUU\6WHYH&DUH\ KLVEDQGµ0LVV0RQRFKURPH 7KH%OXHV &UXLVH¶SOXVRIFRXUVHµ1RV\3DUNHU¶IHDWXULQJ1LFNDavid, Steve & Julian. A special WKDQN\RXWR1LFNIRURUJDQL]LQJIRUWKLVHYHQLQJZKLFKUDLVHGMXVWXQGHU 

Country Market - Saturday 14 June 2014

7KHDQQXDO&RXQWU\0DUNHWSURYLGHGDQDPD]LQJGLVSOD\RIDUWLIDFWVWRWHPSWDQG delight! 7KHUHZHUHJLIWVWRVXLWHYHU\RFFDVLRQDQGPRXWKZDWHULQJSLFNOHVDQGFKXWQH\V VZHHWVDQGFDNHVDVZHOODVDUDQJHRI stalls put together with donations covering plants, JDUGHQUHODWHGLWHPVERRNVFDNHVWR\VEULFDEUDFDQGQHDUO\QHZLWHPV,IWKH stalls were not enough the SCA put on their usual café so the smell of Newton Farm bacon butties wafting through the Hall proved irresistible to many! from the Country Café which will be open throughout. 7KHHYHQWUDLVHGRYHU 

24 Grand Flea Market - Sunday 7 September 2014

For the first time I'm aware of we ran a fundraising event on a Sunday morning and the sunshine and crowds came out for us.


Prior to the event Angela LQSDUWLFXODUKDGZRUNHG WLUHOHVVO\WRDGYHUWLVHWKHHYHQWDQGGHDOZLWKDGHOXJHRIHQTXLULHVULJKWXSWRWKH afternoon before. $OOWKLVZRUNSDLGRIIDQGQRWRQO\ was downstairs fully sold out but the installation of the lift allowed us to also virtually sell out upstairs. ,QWRWDO ZDVUDLVHGIURPKLULQJRXWWDEOHV



0DQ\WKRXJKWZHVKRXOGUXQRQDUHJXODU basis as it was "so much more fun than a car boot sale". 2WKHUV thought that it would be a good idea to run a regular café. All WKLVWDNHVWLPHDQGORWVRIYROXQWHHUV but we’ll see what we might do.



Well, it’s back into competitive bowling again. We have two teams playing in the Bristol and District League and on Friday last Scamps played the first of our season’s 22 fixtures . I am delighted to write that we won on each mat. A very enjoyable afternoon! The rest of the club still turn up for ‘friendly’ bowling,, a chat and a cup of tea.

Short Mat Bowling provides A degree of exercise We play on Monday, Wednesday and some Friday An appreciation of degrees (or angles) afternoons commencing at 1.45p.m. Weight control (of the woods) An opportunity to meet new people Why not try it out? Memory training (to remember their names) Give Joan a call on 01225 872389 for more details



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9 ( '    ( 27 OTHER NEWS Saltford commemorates the centenary of the outbreak of World War 1 A civic ceremony at 11am on Sunday 3rd August was held by Saltford Parish Council in Saltford’s Memorial Garden. The focus was on the 17 Saltford names that appear on the Village War Memorial. The names, their regiments, the connection of these men with Saltford, and where they are buried or where their memorial is placed were read out by members of the Argus Explorer Scout Unit and 1st Saltford Scouts. Keynsham and Saltford History Society carried out the research for this event. The key point was that 100 years ago, these people were very much alive - this village event was to reflect on them at the outset of war. Particularly moving was the fact that three members of the same family who had lived at the Jolly Sailor all died serving in the Navy. The familiar words of Laurence Binyon called “For the Fallen” written in 1914 were spoken by Cllr Rob Taylor. Mr Peter Latham sounded the “Last Post” on his bugle. There followed a two minute silence broken by the bugler sounding the call ‘The Rouse’. Cllr Duncan Hounsell, Chair of Saltford Parish Council, said “Saltford people gathered in the Memorial Garden to pay respect to these men, to honour their lives, and to reflect on the significance of their sacrifice for us living in Saltford 100 years later.”

28 Saltford’s Memorial Garden This plot of land was sold to Keynsham Urban District Council ( a predecessor Council to Wansdyke District Council and the present day B&NES Council) on 4th May 1949 by a Mr A.E.J. Jefferies of Twerton, Bath, for Twenty Pounds. A covenant forbids the use of the land for the carrying out of the trade or business of butcher! If any reader knows more about the history of the Memorial Garden, please contact the Saltford Parish Council Clerk in the library.

Books on the Wall/Books in The Hall Councillors Reg and Jill Williams have managed “Books on the Wall” for nearly 6 years, outside their house at 24 High Street, Saltford. It will be a familiar sight to everyone walking, cycling and driving down to the river or cycle track in Saltford. The profit from these book sales has previously been for Forever Friends, the Royal United Hospital charity. The money raised in this way was donated, initially, to the new Neo- natal Baby Unit and more recently to the new Cancer Care Unit. At the same time Jill has also been involved for a number of years with the Fundraising Committee for Saltford Hall and has enjoyed watching the progress made with maintenance and development of the Community Hall through the injection of additional funds. A few months ago Reg and Jill decided to give future profits from Books on the Wall to Saltford Community Association and at the beginning of August the first donation of £1000 was handed over to Chris Essex, the SCA Hon Treasurer – see photo. As well as continuing with “Books on the Wall”, Reg and Jill have also expanded the offering by providing “Books in the Hall” at Saltford Hall. So come rain or shine you can pick up a book for just 50p in Saltford and support a good cause. All profits will be added to the ongoing funding that provides maintenance and innovation for Saltford Hall and for the Community. At the present time, with help from a grant from SITA Trust, a much needed lift is being installed. Donations of books can be left behind the bar in Saltford Hall.

29 Saltford Santa Dash 2013 The defibrillator installed at Saltford Community Hall went live on August 22nd! The picture shows Chris Pope (SCA), Beth Bracey (Saltford Santa Dash), Dave Roughley (SSD), Helen Spooner (SSD), Roger Spooner (SSD), Dave & June Boulton, Lis Evans (SSD) and Jo Ball (Saltford Sports Club). It has been a wish for June and Dave Boulton to have a defibrillator in- stalled close to Saltford Sports Club in memory of their son Jack who tragically suffered a cardiac arrest whilst playing football in 2009. Part of the funds raised by Saltford Santa Dash 2013 have been utilised to pro- vide (and maintain) this defibrillator.

The defibrillator has been positioned at the front of Saltford Community Hall ensuring that the local community, as well as those both young and old utilising the sports facili- ties based around Saltford Sports Club will have ease of access. Sufficient Santa Dash proceeds have also been reserved to maintain the State of the Art defibrillator for the next 4 years. Saltford Community Association have kindly agreed to take over guardi- anship of the equipment with immediate effect as well as paying for the installation. The balance remaining from the£13,700 raised has been passed to CRY (Cardiac Risk in the Young). There is often concern in utilising the equipment....”Can I do more harm than good”? The short answer is No! The initial action is call 999, the defibrillator cabinet will be opened remotely and at all times a trained operator will stay on the phone instructing and supporting you until the paramedics arrive. Those first minutes are vital minutes please do not let fear stop you taking action.

Saltford Santa Dash 2014 plans are well under way! The event will take place on Sunday 7th December For information and Registration please visit

30 Message from Jacob Rees-Mogg MP

The role of a Member of Parliament is a varied one. We are asked to represent our constituents, consider and propose new laws, sit on select committees and attend schools, businesses and functions in the constituency. I am a member of the European Scrutiny Committee (ESC) and the Procedure Com- mittee which sit once a week. The ESC was set up to examine all potential European Union legislation (which seems endless) and the Procedure Committee assesses and makes recommendations on the practices and procedures of the House of Commons. However, a great deal of my time is spent writing to constituents who have corre- sponded with me. Although I receive hundreds of emails, letters and telephone calls each week surgeries are an important way of seeing my constituents who either have more complicated cases to discuss or are not able to get in touch with me my via my Westminster office. My surgeries are always well attended, even in the most rural parts and I am always glad to have the opportunity to meet those whom I represent in Parliament. Like lobbying in Parliament surgeries hold a democratic significance. The facility is in place for constituents to have direct access to their M.P. in order to hold them to account and to talk about matters of national or local concern. For local issues, even though I am able to make representations to the local council, to Ministries or other relevant bodies it is national ones where I have say through voting on government bills. I am pleased, therefore, that people have the chance to give their opinions or ask me to contact the government on their behalf. I hold regular surgeries across the constituency and the next one being held in Salt- ford is on 26th September. If there are any constituents who would like to make an appointment to see me please telephone 0117 987 2313. Alternatively, please email my office at: [email protected].

Saltford Brass Mill

At the time of going to press work on the Mill is expected to start on Monday, 8 Sep- tember and finish at the end of September 2014. Unfortunately the delay has meant the Mill cannot be open to visitors during the Heritage week. Our website is being kept up to date. In the meantime off site talks are being given to interested groups, please make contact as below. email - [email protected] 01225 872954

31 Free event

Older People’s Day

To celebrate national Older People’s Day, come and find out how to stay safe, secure, healthy and independent in your own home Thursday 9th October, 1 pm - 4 pm Saltford Village Hall Wedmore Road, Saltford BS31 3BY Organised by Bluebird Care, the event will feature stalls and displays from a number of organisations, all of whom support older people - ensuring they can make the most of later years. Come along and meet.... Food Keynsham Dial-a-Ride tasting with Wiltshire Well Aware Farm Foods Healthwatch New Routes Bluebird Care B&NES Sport and Leisure Alzheimers Society Transport provided by Care and Repair Free Keynsham Assured Mobility tea, coffee Dial-a-Ride B&NES Carers’ Centre and cake Call 395321 Age UK Wiltshire Farm Foods Action for Hearing Loss And more...

Would you like more information? Contact Bluebird Care 01225 445225 Bluebird Care (B&NES), Kingston House, Pierrepont Street, Bath, Somerset, BA1 1LA.



The Company’s independence from any national chain means that Clarkson’s are able to offer a high level of personal attention.

Whether your need is immediate, or you wish to plan for the future, for a truly personal and caring service, call us day or night, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year…

Saltford Branch 489B Bath Road Saltford BS31 3BA

33 New ‘Saltford Wombles’ group to target litter

Saltford Environment Group is pleased to announce that we are setting up a Saltford Wombles group. So, if you hate litter and waste and want to get involved in helping make Saltford a cleaner, litter-free village, do get in touch with Julie Sampson so that Julie can advise you of the emerging plans for this new group. Encouraging residents to be more proactive on picking up litter and targeted litter picks for problem areas are just some of the things Saltford Wombles will be doing. All ages welcome. Other towns and villages have their own Wombles (e.g. Keynsham Wombles) that have proved to be fun ways of helping the community look after its own environment effec- tively and keep litter down to a minimum. Interested in getting involved?

Please contact Julie by email to:[email protected] phone on 874603/07807671267

More information about Saltford Wombles appears on our website’s “Less Waste” page:


Presents “MAD ABOUT MUSICALS 2 ...and the winners are...” At Broadlands Academy Hall Tuesday 21st October to Saturday 25th October 2014 Evenings at 7.30 pm Saturday Matinee at 2.30 pm Keynsham Light Opera Group are busy rehearsing for their Autumn production “Mad About Musi- cals 2 and the winners are...... ” Following on from the successful “Mad About Musicals” in 2010, Keynsham Light Opera Group are back with another musical extravaganza celebrating 65 years of Tony Award winning musicals from Broadway. There is something for everyone! From the wonderful classics, “South Pacific”, “The Pajama Game”, “Fiddler On the Roof” to the much loved “Phantom Of the Opera”, “Evita”, “Cats”, “The Lion King”, “Hairspray” and Cyndi Lauper’s Hit Musical “Kinky Boots”. This Autumn, the Rose Bowl Award nominated company (our last two shows have both been nomi- nated for awards) are excited to be returning to Keynsham to perform at a new venue - Broadlands Academy. The show will be directed by Joanne Meredith with Lee Tesdale as Musical Director. Come and join the KLOG cast for this musical extravaganza which promises to leave you Mad about Musicals! Tickets are available from the Box Office. Telephone Tracey on 07580 259757 or email: [email protected] or any member of the society. Concessions available for Tuesday evening and Saturday Matinee. Visit our web site for more details.

34 Strong show of support for the re-opening of Saltford Railway Station A large group of Saltford residents gathered at the Saltford railway station site on Saturday 23rd August to remind B&NES Council and others that there is considerable support for reopening the railway station in Saltford. The Bath Chronicle referred to it as a “mass gathering” (see photo). B&NES Council Cabinet will be receiving the latest report exploring the feasibility of the station at its November meeting. B&NES Council Cabinet may then consider whether to move the Saltford station project on to the next stage of the process which will include more detailed work on costs, technical issues, and design. Once re-opened, the station would provide a regular train service for Saltford as part of the Metro West project with half hourly services across the whole Bristol-Bath sub-region. The first phase of the Metro West Rail project which is the introduction of these half- hourly services and the re-opening of the Portishead line and a station at Portishead is planned for 2019. Unless there are unexpected developments, this gives sufficient time to address any specific local issues at Saltford. B&NES Council is already contributing funds to the Metro West Rail Project along with Bristol, South Gloucestershire and North Somerset Councils. Without a station at Salt- ford, Saltford’s council tax-payers would be contributing to enhanced train services at Keynsham, Oldfield Park and Bath Spa but would receive no direct benefit themselves. The Capital Costs for a re-opened station at Saltford are most likely to be met with transport funding from Central Government devolved to the West of England’s Local transport Body. Duncan Hounsell / Chris Warren

35 CLUB Great trad bands every Wednesday 8pm £3 on the door WARMLEY COMMUNITY CENTRE October 1st October 29th Graham Leavey & Friends Bob Reynolds - New Society Jazz Band October 8th November 5th Dave Martin Jabbo Five Ron King’s Rythm Aces October 15th November 12th Pamela’s All Stars Portrait of Swing 15 pce Band & Kas Levett (Vocals) Tickets £7.50 November 19th October 22nd JJ’s Quartet November 26th Tim Newman’s Celebration Jazz Band The Panama Jazz Band


Pete’s Handyman Services

Painting, Paperhanging, Ceramic Tiling, Laminate Floors, Tiddlers Nursery Door Hanging, Shelving, 480 Bath Road, Saltford Tel: 01225 872088 Curtain Rails and Blinds fitted V52 weeks a year V8am – 6pm Monday to Friday VBaby Unit VToddler Room VQualified Flatpack Assembly, Friendly Staff VLarge soft surface play area and Patio Pressure Wash & much more play equipment VFree Government sessions available 8-1 or 1-6 plus Tiddlers Pre-School Garden Maintenance At Saltford School, Via Manor Road, Saltford Tel: Lawn Mowing, Strimming, 01225 874954 Hedge Cutting, Weeding, VSituated on Saltford School Site VMonday to Friday V8am to 6pm V8am to 1pm V1pm to 6pm V9am to 3pm - Term Time only General Garden Tidying. Chuckles And all those little jobs you donít Before and After School Club fancy DIYing! VSituated at Tiddlers Pre-School on Saltford School Site Monday to Friday VTerm Time Only V8am to 8.55am Breakfast Club For Quality Work at V3.10pm to 6pm After School Club VHoliday Club Available Reasonable Prices

Call: Pete on 0117-9613900 or Mobile: 079 444 84 784

Saltford Walkers Walking for Pleasure

We have 4 levels of walks available Long Walkers 8/10 miles please bring a packed lunch and drinks (First Saturday and third Wednesday in month) Amblers 4/5 miles with optional pub lunch (First Saturday and third Wednesday in month) Strollers 2/3 miles with optional pub lunch (Third Saturday in the month) All levels 4/5 miles afternoon walking starting at 1.30pm (Third Sunday in the month) These dates can vary according to weather condi- tions or holidays. You are invited to join us for two walks prior to joining. In addition we have Socials, Luncheons, Boules, Coach Trips, Holidays etc. Further details from our Secretary on 01225 344666

37 Come and use our wonderful room hire facilities for all your groups, events and functions.

All rooms with disabled access, for more details of the facilities on offer, room hire prices or how to book, visit our website at:

Alternatively email us at offi[email protected] or telephone 01225 874081 (mornings only Monday-Friday)

38 Saltford Parish Council News

Sign up for our e-newsletter at

St Mary’s churchyard The recommended work on the trees in the churchyard has been completed, leaving the area tidier, safer and with more open views from the church door. M & S Stonemasons have been appointed to do the necessary repairs to the church- yard boundary walls, including the south wall where the footpath has been temporarily diverted. Previously permissive paths - public meeting The Parish Council thanks all those who attended the meeting held on 20 August at Saltford Golf Club. Approximately 120 people attended, with many expressing interest in supporting a possible scheme for using paths in Saltford Parish. There will be more information on this in the next issue of SCAN. Action on river litter The Parish Council is planning to contact B&NES Council, the riparian owners of the riverbanks and Wessex Water to ask for their help in reducing and removing litter in the river and on the riverbanks. Parking on roads off the A4 The Parish Council is requesting that B&NES, as the highways authority, consults all Saltford residents about possible parking restrictions on roads off the A4 to stop all-day on-street car parking.

Tricia Golinski, Parish Clerk, Saltford Parish Council Office, Saltford Library, 478a Bath Road, Saltford BS31 3DJ Tel: 01225 873300 [email protected] For more news, sign up for our e-newsletter at

39 St. Mary’s Saltford

St. Mary’s Saltford

Children and Youth Groups First Steps – for 0-3 years from 9.30 – 10.40 in the Church Hall, each Sunday (except 1st Sunday). We want even the smallest children to be taught about the Lord in a loving, safe and welcoming environment. Climbers and Scramblers (3-7 yrs) Explorers (7-10 yrs) 9.30 - 10.40 a.m. in the Church Hall on 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Sundays of the month. Pathfinders (10-13yrs) 9.30 - 10.40 a.m. in the Church Hall on 3rd and 4th Sundays of the month. 2nd Sunday in church. On first Sundays our 9.30am service is for all ages so children and young people worship together with adults in church. St. Mary’s After-School Club (6-11 yrs) Wednesdays at 3.15pm at Saltford School. The sessions consist of a snack & drink followed by games, stories, craft or cooking. Ending with prayers. the session finishes about 4.35pm. There is a limited about of places so please book as soon as possible. No charge is made for attending the group. Teen Church 11.15am on a 1st Sunday in St Mary’s Church Hall, for teenagers. For more information follow the link on our church website. Coffeeshop 10.00 - 11.30am every Friday in the Church Hall. All are welcome. Hot beverages and biscuits only 30p! BARN DANCE on Saturday 11th October to say farewell to the Revd Richard Hall. At 7.00pm in Saltford Hall. To include chilli (or vegetarian alternative) and cake! Bar available. Tickets: £9 adults and £4 children are available from churchwardens: Dave 874133 or John 872750. Services You are welcome to come to any of our services. We meet at the following times: First Sunday Third Sunday 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion 9.30 a.m. Parish Communion 9.30 a.m. Family Service 6.30 p.m. Evening Praise 6.30 p.m. Evening Prayer Second Sunday Fourth Sunday 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion 9.30 a.m. Parish Communion 9.30 a.m. Family Communion 6.30 p.m. Evening Prayer Special Services Sunday October 5th 9.30am Harvest Festival Family Service 6.30pm Harvest Festival Evensong Sunday October 19th 9.03am Family Communion (and Richard’s last service) Sunday November 2nd 6.30pm All Souls Evensong Sunday November 9th 10.55am Remembrance Sunday Service

Dave Faulkner 01225 874133 Robin Dixon 01225 359014 Julian Davies 0117 9618195

40 GRACE BIBLE CHURCH WEDNESDAY - PRAYER MEETING & BIBLE STUDY Norman Road, Saltford A more in depth study of the bible and related matters, including vibrant discussion and practical We are a warm- hearted bible believing Church application. We firmly believe that prayer works and would be pleased to welcome you at any of and unashamedly pray for our community, family, the following meetings. friends and the needs of those who attend. SUNDAY SERVICES FRIDAY - CHILDRENS CLUB 11 am - Family Service for all age groups. We Rocket Kidz: 6:00-7:00pm believe church should be enjoyed NOT endured. Aimed at 4-8 yr olds, it is a night of fun and games, Junior Church (ages 3 upwards) including a vari- crafts and singing followed by refreshments with ety of bible based crafts & stories. a Bible story. So come along, meet Rocket and his friends, and start collecting your points for prizes. 6.00 pm - Teaching Ministry open for anyone to attend who want a slightly more serious study of ------the bible. Forthcoming Event: November 2014 (Date T.B.C) We believe in what traditional Christianity has See Parish notice board for details. always stood for, and yet many describe our ser- Haydn Davies: A night out with the boys! vices as informal, friendly, and informative. We do He was an ordinary Welsh lad, boisterous, cheeky not offer religion, but we present the real and energetic, with an extraordinary gift for foot- Jesus Christ without ritual or money getting in the ball. Selected for the Welsh under-21 team with a way. You are our guests and therefore it is an ab- promising career ahead, yet all this disappeared in solute privilege to welcome you to our warm and an instant. The accident almost severing his spinal friendly fellowship. Both services are followed by cord left him facing a barrage of operations and a refreshments and friendly fellowship in an informal lifetime of wheelchairs. Most people would have given up but come along to hear an amazing story atmosphere. of compassion, hope and forgiveness. (Crèche facilities available during both services). ------Other weekly meetings include: We may not know you, but God does. He knows MONDAY - FOOD FOR THOUGHT where you are in life and what concerns you have, 1st Monday of the month and it is He who wants to reach out to you. He knows about the dark days as well as the good 12:30pm - 1:30pm - Lunch club run by members days. He knows of the days of joy and laughter as offering a variety of soups, cakes and fresh coffee well as the days of despair. We encourage you to or tea, aimed at those retired or any adults (50+) give Church a go, and see what happens. Jesus who wish to get out for friendly conversation over identifies Himself as the Good Shepherd who lunch, including a 5 minute thought from the Bible. cares for people like us, and actually proved it by TUESDAY - MUMS & TODDLERS and SALTFORD living and dying in our place to make a way back UNDER 3’S to God again. 9.30am - 11.30am - Mums and dads, grandparents Please contact Steve Greedy on and child minders - why not join us for a cup of tea 07901601232 or 01225 874520 or coffee while your children play in a safe and We do not charge for any of our meetings or friendly environment. activities.

SCA is on Facebook! Association/186494898072876

41 SALTFORD COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION - Affiliated Organisations 2014 1st Saltford Scout Group Sue Hutchings 01225 873153 Avon Badminton Club Tony Dicker 0117 330 8510 Avon County Rowing Club Penny Senior 0117 986 7934 Avon Wildlife Trust Cynthia Wilson 01225 874259 Craft & Natter Club Daphne Rahn 01225 873349 Farandole Dance Club June Simpson 01225 872586 Friends of Saltford Library Cynthia Wilson 01225 874259 Grace Bible Church Steve Greedy 07901 601232 Here We Grow Yvonne Goodall 0117 986 2578 Historical Model Railway Society Mr Gerry Nichols 0117 973 1862 Keynsham & Chew Valley Rotary Club Rob Hales 01225 872456 Keynsham & District Tangent Club Mrs Lis Evans 01225 873296 Keynsham & District Twinning Association Carole Duckett 0117 986 5350 Keynsham & Saltford AA Group Tony Williams 07973 336940 Keynsham & Saltford Local History Society Richard Dyson 0117 986 4453 Probus Club of Keynsham & Saltford Roy Heelas 0117 986 1748 Keynsham & Saltford Wine Circle Alan Dummott 01225 873493 Keynsham Light Opera Group Mr Steve Drew 07557444364 Keynsham Rotary Club Roger Spooner 07825 214404 Ladies Together Marion Smith 01225 872789 Lions Club of Keynsham Peter Dando 01225 873917 N.A.F.A.S. (S.W. Area) Susan Bramble 01935 823293 N.E. Somerset Conservative Assoc Mrs Margaret Brewer 0117 987 2313 National Auricula & Primula Society Roger Woods 01455 272 377 Painting for Pleasure Mrs F. Sheppard 01225 873773 Saltford Afternoon WI Katheryn Hancock 01225 872589 Saltford Badminton Club Stella Hurley 01225 874672 Saltford Business Network David Hewitt 0117 944 4949 Saltford C.of E, Primary School PTA Andy Butterworth 01225 872185 Saltford Day Centre 07505178520 Saltford District Guiding Mrs Laine Willis 01225 873852 Saltford Evening WI Vicki Cox 01225354535 Saltford Environment Group Phil Harding 01225 404258 Saltford Fairtrade Group Gill Self 01225 872341 Saltford Floral Club Janet Gough 0117 977 1813 Saltford Golf Club Mike Penn 01225 873513 Saltford Intergenerational Group Lyndsey Harris 01225 874279 Saltford Ladies Gardening Club Mrs Debra Jewell 01225 872450 Saltford Lawn Tennis Club Kate Lamb [email protected] Saltford Orchestra Carol Mills 01225 837972 Saltford Parish Council Tricia Golinski, Parish Clerk 01225 873300 Saltford Scrabble Club Mrs F. Sheppard 01225 873773 Saltford Sports Club Mrs Jo Ball 01225 874804 Saltford Tuesday Morning Badminton Club Andrea Cooper 01225 872402 Saltford Walkers E Cattell 0117 986 7065 Saltford Whist Club Malcolm Pearce 01225 872555 Saltford Wind Chamber Group Liz Harvey 01761 462208 St. Mary’s Church Rev. G.R.W. Hall 01225 872275 Wednesday Morning Badminton Group Caroleann Gratton 01225 873898

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Call Carole now on: Mobile 0775 984 3231 Home 01225 400 130 Email: [email protected]