Beiträge zur Tabakforschung International/Contributions to Tobacco Research Volume 21 # No. 2 # July 2004

The UK Smoke Constituents Testing Study. Summary of Results and Comparison with Other Studies* by

Evan Gregg1, Colin Hill2, Mike Hollywood3, Malachy Kearney3, Kevin McAdam4, David McLaughlin3, Steve Purkis5, and Mark Williams4

1Consultant to the Tobacco Manufacturers’ Association, Burwood House, 14/16 Caxton Street, London, SW1H 0ZB 2Consultant to Imperial Tobacco Limited 3Gallaher Limited, Group R&D, 201 Galgorm Road, Lisnafillan, Ballymena BT42 1HS 4British American Tobacco, R&D Centre, Millbrook, Southampton SO15 8TL 5Imperial Tobacco Limited PO Box 525, Southville Bristol BS99 1LQ

SUMMARY A subset of five brands, retested at another laboratory, gave between-laboratory differences in mean constituent yields At the request of the UK Department of Health, samples of of as much as 2.5-fold. Consideration of these results, other 25 commercial UK brands were provided to LGC likely sources of analytical variation in this study and a Ltd a for smoke analysis. The brands reflected a high market review of other studies, clearly indicates that any tolerance share (58% in July 2001) and included a wide range of values to be associated with individual smoke constituent blend and product styles manufactured and imported into measurements will be greater than those for NFDPM, and the UK. in some cases, much greater. The main objectives were to determine the yields, under Consistent with the reported results from other large studies International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) it is concluded that, under ISO smoking conditions, smoke smoking conditions, of 44 smoke constituents in main- constituent yields are largely predictable, if NFDPM and stream smoke, and to establish the functional relationships CO yields are known, for a standard cigarette. Given these between the smoke constituent yields and nicotine-free dry observations and the likely limitations of analytical deter- particulate matter (NFDPM or “tar”) and CO yields. A third mination, the need for routine measurement of smoke objective concerned possible variation in yields of smoke constituent yields, other than NFDPM, nicotine or CO, on constituents associated with cigarette design features. standard , is questionable. [Beitr. Tabakforsch. All smoke constituent yields gave statistically significant Int. 21 (2004) 117–138] positive correlations with NFDPM yield; however, the volatile constituent yields showed a stronger association with CO yield. Twenty-two out of 1000 brand-analyte results were ZUSAMMENFASSUNG identified as regression outliers, reflecting three well-known and previously documented observations: 1) differences in Auf Ersuchen des britischen Gesundheitsministeriums the relative yields of nitrogen-containing constituents due to wurden LGC Ltd. Proben von 25 gängigen britischen Ziga- tobacco blend style; 2) differences in constituent yields rettenmarken für Rauchanalysezwecke zur Verfügung between filtered and unfiltered (“plain”) cigarettes; and 3) gestellt. Die untersuchten Zigarettenmarken haben einen measurement uncertainty. In a normalised model, excluding hohen Marktanteil (58% im Juli 2001) und umfassen ein regression outliers, the overall correlation between NFDPM breites Spektrum an Geschmacksrichtungen und Produkt- yield and all other smoke constituent yields was r = 0.87 variationen, die in Großbritannien produziert bzw. dorthin (R2 = 0.76), suggesting a minor role of other design features importiert werden. on constituents yield variability. This was confirmed by the Hauptzielsetzung war es, unter den von der Internationalen application of multiple regression analysis to the data. Organisation für Normung (ISO) festgelegten Standardbe-

*Received: 30th November 2003 – accepted: 13th April 2004 a In December 2001, during the course of this study, Molins PLC acquired the tobacco section of LGC Limited, which now trades as Arista Laboratories . To avoid confusion, the name LGC has been retained throughout this report. 117 dingungen die Abrauchwerte für 44 Bestandteile des tions entre les rendements en composants de la fumée et le Hauptstromrauchs zu ermitteln und deren funktionalen rendement en matière particulaire anhydre et exempte de Zusammenhang mit dem nikotinfreien Trockenkondensat nicotine (MPAEN ou goudron) et en monoxyde de carbone (NFDPM, Kondensat) und dem Kohlenmonoxid (CO) zu (CO). Un troisième but était d’examiner des variations bestimmen. Ein weiteres Ziel umfasste die Untersuchung possibles des rendements en composants de la fumée möglicher Variationen in der Menge der Rauchbestandteile, associés aux conceptions des cigarettes. die im Zusammenhang mit den Produkteigenschaften der Tous les rendements des composants de la fumée présen- Zigaretten stehen. tent des corrélations positives et significatives avec le Die Werte aller Rauchbestandteile zeigten eine statistisch rendement en MPAEN, et les composants volatils sont plus signifikante positive Korrelation mit den Kondensatwerten, fortement corrélés avec le rendement en CO. Vingt-deux die flüchtigen Rauchbestandteile hingegen standen in stär- des 1000 données obtenues ont été identifiées comme kerem Zusammenhang mit den CO-Werten. Bei 22 der données aberrantes, reflétant trois observations bien 1000 Analyseergebnisse handelte es sich um statistische connues et déjà documentées: 1) des différences dans les Ausreißer, die drei bekannte und bereits dokumentierte rendements relatifs en composants azotés associés au Beobachtungen widerspiegeln: 1) Unterschiede in den rela- mélange du tabac; 2) des différences dans les rendements tiven Werten der stickstoffhaltigen Bestandteile in Abhän- en composants entre les cigarettes avec ou sans filtres; et gigkeit von der jeweiligen Tabakmischung; 2) Unterschiede 3) l’incertitude de la mesure. Dans un modèle normalisé à in den Werten der Rauchbestandteile von Filterzigaretten l’exclusion des données aberrantes, la corrélation générale und filterlosen Zigaretten; und 3) Messunsicherheiten. In entre le rendement en MPAEN et le rendement en tous les einem normalisierten Modell und unter Ausschluss statisti- autres composants de la fumée est de r = 0.87 (R2 = 0.76), scher Ausreißer beträgt der Gesamtzusammenhang zwi- suggérant que d’autres caractéristiques de la conception schen den Kondensatwerten und den Werten aller übrigen des cigarettes sont de moindre importance pour la variabi- Rauchbestandteile r = 0.87 (R2 = 0.76); dies deutet darauf lité des rendements en composants de la fumée d’une hin, dass andere Konstruktionsmerkmale einen eher cigarette. Ceci a été confirmé par une analyse de régres- unbedeutenden Einfluss auf die Variabilität der Rauch- sion multiple. bestandteile haben. Diese Vermutung wurde durch eine Un sous-échantillon de cinq marques, testé de nouveau multiple Regressionsanalyse bestätigt. dans un autre laboratoire, révèle des différences entre les Eine Auswahl von fünf Zigarettenmarken, die in einem laboratoires dans les rendements moyens en composants anderem Labor nochmals getestet wurden, ergab eine bis zu d’une variation d’un facteur de 2.5. La considération de ces 2,5fache Abweichung der Mittelwerte zwischen den résultats et d’autres sources de variation statistique poten- Labors. Eine Untersuchung dieser Ergebnisse und mögli- tielles ainsi que l’examen d’autres études indiquent claire- cher weiterer Ursachen der analytischen Abweichungen ment que la marge de tolérance des mesures de composants sowie die Einbeziehung diverser anderer Studien zeigt singuliers de la fumée est plus grande que celle pour le deutlich, dass der Toleranzbereich der einzelnen Rauch- MPAEN et, dans certains cas, beaucoup plus grande. bestandteile höher ist als derjenige für Kondensat, in eini- En accord avec les résultats d’autres études importantes on gen Fällen wesentlich höher. a conclu que, dans les conditions de fumage normalisées In Übereinstimmung mit den Ergebnissen anderer umfas- ISO, les rendements en composants de la fumée d’une sender Studien kann die Schlussfolgerung gezogen werden, cigarette standard sont largement prévisibles, si les rende- dass die Werte der Rauchbestandteile für Standardziga- ments en MPAEN et en CO sont connus. Etant donné ces retten unter ISO Abrauchbedingungen größtenteils voraus- observations et les limites probables du dosage analytique, sagbar sind, sofern die Kondensat- und CO-Werte bekannt la question se pose, pour des cigarettes standard, de la sind. Angesichts dieser Beobachtungen und den möglichen nécessité de mesures de routine des rendements en compo- Grenzen analytischer Untersuchungen ist es fraglich, ob die sants de la fumée, autre que le MPAEN, la nicotine et le routinemäßige Messung anderer Rauchbestandteile als die CO. [Beitr. Tabakforsch. Int. 21 (2004) 117–138] von Kondensat und CO in Standardzigaretten notwendig ist. [Beitr. Tabakforsch. Int. 21 (2004) 117–138] INTRODUCTION

RESUME Background

Sur demande du Ministère britannique de la Santé publique, The chemical composition of the smoke evolved from a des échantillons de 25 marques de cigarettes du marché burning cigarette has been studied for many years and britannique ont été fournies au laboratoire LGC Ltd. pour certainly since the 1950s (1). As measurement and instru- analyse de la fumée. Les marques représentent une part mentation techniques have progressed and become importante (58% en Juillet 2001) du marché britannique et sensitive, the list of chemicals detected in mainstream couvrent un large éventail de mélanges de tabac et de con- smoke has grown. By 1986, approximately 4000 chemicals ceptions des cigarettes fabriquées et importées en Grande- had been reported in mainstream and sidestream smoke (2) Bretagne. and this number has continued to increase (3,4,5). L’objectif principal de l’étude était de doser le rendement Since the 1970s a group at the American Health Founda- en 44 composants dans le courant principale de la fumée en tion, led by DIETRICH HOFFMANN, has catalogued and pub- conditions de fumage normalisées ISO (International lished a list of “biologically active substances in cigarette Organisation for Standardisation) et d’établir des corréla- smoke” (6). In 1988, the INDEPENDENT

118 SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE ON SMOKING AND HEALTH reported difference between the UK study and those in , the yield of some of these chemicals from cigarette brands Canada or Massachusetts was the requirement to include then on sale in the UK, based on a market survey approach cigarette brands differing in blend from the typical “UK (7). The analyses of these smoke constituents was con- Virginia style”. Thus, “US Blended” and “Dark Air-Cured” ducted by LGC, who subsequently published other papers cigarettes were included. From the outset, based on known comparing more of these smoke constituents from UK and published differences in smoke chemistry between cigarette brands, including differences between blend styles tobacco types (14,15), it was expected that the inclusion of (8,9,10). different blend types in one study could weaken potential More recently, there has been renewed interest in the ana- functional relationships between NFDPM or CO yield and lysis of some of these smoke constituents. One approach the yield of other smoke constituents. has been to seek functional relationships between the yield It is not possible to state the yield of a smoke constituent of nicotine-free dry particulate matter (NFDPM or “tar”) or without measuring it and in doing so it becomes automati- nicotine or carbon monoxide and the yield of other smoke cally dependent upon product and measurement variability. constituents in “benchmark studies” such as those per- In general, ISO 5725 acknowledges that the “absolute” formed in the US State of Massachusetts (11) and in yield of a brand should be the average of the yield measure- Canada (12). In these studies, a minimum set of 25 ciga- ments from many laboratories, on many occasions, based rette brands from a single market was selected and analysed on testing of different samples of the brand (16). Therefore, for 44 specified smoke constituent yields. Both studies in- the use of one-point-in-time laboratory measurements to cluded design features widely used in cigarette manufacture represent the absolute yields of minor smoke constituents (presence or absence of a filter, the level of filter ventila- for cigarette brands, as required in the current study, is a tion, cigarette circumference and length, paper porosity and concern. The methods of analysis and variability within the use of menthol) within a single tobacco blend style data generated in this study are discussed in detail in available in each market. A similar study was performed in appropriate sections below. Australia, using the methods published by Health Canada and the same testing laboratory (13). METHODS Study protocol Cigarette samples In the summer of 2001 the UK Department of Health (DH) asked the UK-based Tobacco Manufacturers’ Association All of the manufacturers with brands used in the study (see (TMA) member companies to fund a UK smoke constituent Appendix, Table A1) were contacted during the period study and the DH appointed LGC Limited to carry out the from September to November 2001 and each provided LGC analyses. The DH also specified a range of cigarette design with 2000 cigarettes from a single production batch, in features to be included. The protocol was agreed between retail outers of 10 s or 20 s. The cigarette packets for each the DH and the contract laboratory, prior to the TMA brand were mixed and stored at 4 C until required. assuming a management role for the study. The full study The manufacturers retained additional samples from the protocol is available at and the main same batch of certain brands for further analysis. features only are summarised herein. From the outset, the UK study was intended as a single Smoking parameters point-in-time “snapshot” analysis of smoke constituents and the two main aims were described as follows: Cigarettes were conditioned and smoked according to the To determine the yield ratings of 44 selected smoke parameters defined by the appropriate ISO standards constituents in mainstream smoke under International (17,18), which were developed for NFDPM, nicotine and Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) smoking condi- CO measurements. For measurement of some of the tions for selected cigarette brands that were typical of analytes included in the current study, it was necessary to all blend styles sold in the UK. introduce additional trapping devices that may have To establish the functional relationships between produced deviation from the parameters specified in ISO smoke constituent yields and NFDPM yield and 3308. These are outlined as follows: between volatile smoke constituent yields and carbon The whole of the flow path between the cigarette and monoxide yield. suction source should not exceed 300 Pa (Clause 4.1). An additional aim was to investigate the possible contribu- The standard puff duration shall be 2.00 ± 0.02 s tion of cigarette design features to any variation in specific (Clause 4.2). smoke constituent yields. The puff volume shall be 35 ± 0.3 mL with a series pressure drop of 1 kPa and > 95% should leave the butt Study scope and limitations in one standard puff duration (Clause 4.3). The puff profile shall be bell-shaped with a maximum Summary results from the UK Smoke Constituents Testing flow rate of 25–30 mL/s between 0.8 and 1.2 s, and not Study and its interpretation are described in this report. more than 1 point of inflexion on the front and back Similarities and differences between this and other smoke edge (Clause 4.5). constituent yield studies are discussed. This study provides The total dead volume between the cigarette and contemporary data for commercial cigarettes available in suction source should not exceed 100 mL (Clause the UK that are concordant with other studies. The major 5.3.5).

119 The increase in pressure drop of the trap shall not utilises liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry-mass exceed 250 Pa during the course of the measurement spectrometry (LC-MS-MS) for the determination of TSNA. (Clause 5.4.7). In contrast, other studies used gas chromatography with The standard value of air velocity shall be 200 mm/s thermal energy analysis (GC-TEA). LC-MS-MS is a (Clause A.5) relatively new technique that rapidly has gained acceptance The effect of using different smoke trapping methods for for the accurate determination of compounds in difficult some smoke analytes needs to be assessed against these matrices. It was not widely available at the time of the clauses and, for some methods, the conditions may be previous studies. impossible to achieve. Nonetheless, despite these reserva- tions, a 35-mL puff of 2 seconds duration taken once every 60 seconds were the primary target smoking parameters for RESULTS AND ANALYSIS all analytes. Cigarette characteristics, yields and simple regression Analytical techniques analysis

With the exception of NFDPM, nicotine and CO, there are The characteristics of the cigarette brands used in this study no internationally validated methods for smoke constituent are summarized in the Appendix, Table A1. We note that analysis. LGC used in-house methods and performed a vali- it is unusual to cover more than one cigarette blend style dation exercise or presented data from previous validation within a “benchmark study” but the UK Department of studies to demonstrate that each method was “fit for pur- Health required that a wide range of product styles com- pose” before commencing the benchmark study analysis. mercially available in the UK be tested and that all major The validation exercise addressed several methodological manufacturers and importers be included. They also asked criteria; i.e. under ideal conditions the method chosen that the brands reflect a high percentage market share. The should: brands chosen accounted for approximately 58% of the UK Be capable of analysing 130 samples within a reason- market at the time of this request (July 2001). able timeframe. The yields of all smoke constituents are summarised in the Determine analyte yields with suitable precision Appendix, Table A2. A mean yield for each smoke constit- between replicates. uent by brand is shown along with the coefficient of Distinguish between cigarette yields allowing ranking variation (CoV). Groups of smoke constituents were of brands. assayed and reported together in 12 stand-alone reports. Be accurate and give good comparison with yields of These reports and a Final Report are available online at 1R4F and 1R5F reference cigarettes as reported by other laboratories. In this study, 4 analytes (arsenic, selenium, nickel and Give relevant limits of detection and quantification to chromium) were either not detected or were below the limit allow measurements at levels found in the chosen of quantification for most of the cigarettes tested. Thus, products. they have been excluded from all of the results presented in Show good analyte recovery. this paper. Two other analytes (cadmium and lead) were Other criteria, such as reproducibility and repeatability in detected in some but not all of the brands tested. Apart from other laboratories, were beyond the scope of this study but these analytes, 10 others were detected with yields in the were specified by LGC as desirable. In practice, LGC nanogram per cigarette range, 25 in the microgram per worked independently on the method development, seeking cigarette range and 3 (NFDPM, nicotine and CO) in the technical input from TMA Member Company scientists, milligram per cigarette range. and then formed a judgement concerning the adequacy of An analysis of the replicate measurements for each brand- each method. After this, LGC performed a validation constituent combination, using both Cochran’s test and exercise with several cigarettes for which smoke constitu- Grubbs’ test, identified no outliers. Thus all individual ent yields had already been published (18) and the Ken- measurements were used in the calculation of the mean tucky reference cigarettes, 1R4F and 1R5F, prior to constituent yields shown in the Appendix, Table A2. commencing the “benchmark run”. These mean smoke constituents yields were then used in The methods chosen are described in detail in the reports simple regression models against NFDPM and CO yields. available on the internet ( and are This is presented in Table 2 which shows the number of summarised and compared with those recommended by brands (from a total of 25) for which results were obtained, Health Canada and those used in the Massachusetts Bench- the mean smoke constituent yield and units of this value mark Study in Table 1. along with the CoV, the regression estimates following a As evident from Table 1, with the exception of nitros- least squares linear model and the R2 value for the regres- amines formed from nicotine and related alkaloids and sions. often called the tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNA), all Once a regression analysis was performed, outlying obser- of the analytical methodologies employed in the present vations were identified using the studentised residual study closely follow those used in the other benchmark statistic (20). Only those brand-constituent combinations studies. The actual number of cigarettes used to achieve significant at the 99% level were regarded as “regression one result differed between methods, due primarily to outliers”. As an example, the outlying observation identi- constituent yield and the limit of detection (LOD) or limit fied in the nitric oxide (NO) vs. NFDPM regression model of quantification (LOQ) for each method. The present study is illustrated in Figure 1.

120 Table 1. Comparison of methods used in the UK study, with those recommended by Health Canada and those used in the Massachusetts benchmark study a,b

Methods recommended by Health Canada (1999) and used subsequently in the Massachusetts benchmark exercise Analytes Methods used in UK Study Australian Study (2000) methods c Carbonyls linear smoker (2), LI, linear smoker (10), LI, PM: linear smoker (3 cigs (TPM < 2 DNPH derivative, HPLC, DNPH derivative, HPLC, UV mg/cig), 1 cig (TPM >2 mg/cig), LI, DAD WS DNPH derivative, HPLC Nitric oxide rotary smoker (1), GA, CL single-channel smoker (1), GA, CL Lorillard: single-channel smoker (1), GA, CL Benzo[a]pyrene linear smoker (5), CFP, linear smoker (5), CFP, SPE, B&W: linear smoker (10), CFP, SDE, GC-MS (SIM) reverse phase HPLC fluorescence GC-MS (SIM) Ammonia linear smoker (8), LI, IC rotary smoker (10), CFP, LI, IC RJR: rotary smoker (5), ET, CFP, LI, IC Hydrogen linear smoker (2), CFP/SG, linear smoker (5), CFP, LI , Lorillard: linear smoker (1), CFP, LI, cyanide chloramine-T UV/VIS chloramine-T colorimetric CFA chloramine-T colorimetric CFA spectrophotometer Semi-volatile rotary smoker (5), CFP, linear smoker (20), CFP, CLI, GC-MS PM: pyridine, quinoline compounds XAD-4, GC-MS rotary smoker (2), CFP, XAD-4, GC-MS Nitrosamines linear smoker (5), CFP, linear smoker (10), CFP, B&W: rotary smoker (10), ATCFP, SFE, HPLC-MS-MS column chromatography, GC-TEA GC-TEA Volatile organic rotary smoker (5), CFP, linear smoker (10), CFP, CLI, GC-MS RJR: styrene compounds CLI, GC-MS rotary smoker (10), CLI, GC-MS (SIM) Phenols linear smoker (5), CFP, linear smoker (5), CFP, Lorillard: linear smoker (3), CFP, HPLC HPLC fluorescence reverse phase HPLC fluorescence fluorescence Metals rotary smoker (20), ET, rotary smoker (20), ET, microwave digestion, PM: rotary smoker (30 cigs (TPM 1–3 ICP-MS AAS or GFAAS mg/cig), 20 cigs (TPM 4–9 mg/cig), 10 cigs (TPM 10 mg/cig), ET Cr: GFAAS, other metals: ICP MS Mercury rotary smoker (20), LI, rotary smoker (20), LI, microwave digestion, PM: rotary smoker (10), LI, CVAAS CVAAS microwave digestion, CVAAS Aromatic amines linear smoker (5), CFP, Rotary smoker (10), CFP, PFPA derivative, RJR: linear smoker (1), CFP, PFPA derivative, GC-MS SPE, PFPA derivative, GC-MS (SIM) GC-MS (SIM)

A Abbreviations: AAS = atomic absorption spectrometry, ATCFP = acid-treated Cambridge filter pad, CFA = continuous flow analysis, CFP = Cambridge filter pad, CL = chemiluminescence, CLI = one or more chilled liquid impinger, CV = cold vapour, DAD = diode array detector, DNPH = 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine, ET= electrostatic trap, GA = gas analysis, GC = gas chromatography, GF = graphite furnace, HPLC = high performance liquid chromatography, IC = ion chromatography, ICP = inductively-coupled plasma, LC = liquid chromatography, LI = one or more liquid impinger, TEA = thermal energy analyser, MS = mass spectroscopy, PFPA = pentafluoropropionic anhydride, SDE = steam distillation/extraction, SFE = supercritical fluid extraction, SG = silica gel, SIM = single ion monitoring, SPE = solid phase extraction, UV/VIS = ultraviolet/visible detection, WS = whole smoke, XAD-4 = an amberlite adsorbent resin. b Figures in brackets give the number of cigarettes smoked per replicate. c Company name in Massachusetts column indicates testing laboratory used.

Regression outliers are discussed in more detail below. records the cumulative frequency of the number of smoke Following the identification of the regression outliers, the constituent regressions with R2 values equal to or lower than relevant regression models were re-run excluding these the stated value on the horizontal axis. Dashed lines are observations. The R2 values from these new regression positioned to show the critical values that the R2 must exceed analyses are presented in Table 2, adjacent to the original R2 to achieve significance at the 95% or the 99% level. This data. confirms, in a simple visual manner, the high significance All of the regression results shown in Table 2, except for N- levels obtained for the regression models. nitrosonornicotine (NNN), were significant at p < 0.05 In summary, the regression models of these smoke constitu- level before the exclusion of any outliers. The regression ents showed statistically significant fits against NFDPM between NNN and NFDPM was significant at p < 0.10. For yield and for most volatile constituents the fit was im- most of the volatile smoke constituents the regression fits proved by regressing against CO yield. Additionally, the were better for CO than for NFDPM. exclusion of certain brand-analyte combinations, identified A summary of the R2 values and the level required to achieve as regression outliers, also improved the fit of simple statistical significance is presented in Figure 2. The figure is regressions against either NFDPM or CO yield. based on the R2 value for each smoke constituent obtained from the regression analysis in Table 2 for both the CO and Cigarette design features the NFDPM yield. Segregation into particulate phase or vapour phase for the predominant location of the constituent Three different but complementary approaches were is denoted by filled or open symbols. The vertical axis adopted to consider, within the limitations of the study, the

121 Table 2. Overall data and regression analysis summary a

Regression analysis of analyte yield Regression analysis of analyte yield Mean of all brands vs. NFDPM vs. CO No. of Analyte CoV R 2 w/o R 2 w/o Analyte brands Units yield (%) Slope Intercept R 2 outliers Slope Intercept R 2 outliers NFDPM 25 mg/cig 7.66 6.7 n/a n/a 0.918 0.279 0.89 0.95 Nicotine 25 mg/cig 0.61 5.2 0.068 0.090 0.94 0.99 0.061 0.115 0.81 CO 25 mg/cig 8.04 5.6 0.967 0.632 0.89 0.95 n/a n/a Acetaldehyde 25 g/cig 489.36 7.0 57.092 51.779 0.87 58.579 18.225 0.97 Acetone 25 g/cig 213.36 7.1 23.634 32.177 0.89 24.015 20.177 0.97 Acrolein 25 g/cig 42.09 9.4 5.335 1.198 0.84 5.433 1.609 0.91 0.96 Butyraldehyde 25 g/cig 29.54 9.4 3.456 3.058 0.89 3.433 1.932 0.92 Crotonaldehyde 25 g/cig 16.32 9.8 2.409 2.135 0.90 2.338 2.475 0.89 Formaldehyde 25 g/cig 22.27 14.9 3.486 4.449 0.69 3.456 5.528 0.72 Methyl ethyl-ketone 25 g/cig 56.78 7.7 6.811 4.585 0.90 6.847 1.719 0.96 Propionaldehyde 25 g/cig 35.64 7.9 4.110 4.138 0.88 4.164 2.152 0.96 Nitric oxide 25 g/cig 93.49 7.9 11.326 6.715 0.54 0.74 11.440 1.512 0.58 0.81 Benzo[a]pyrene 25 ng/cig 9.31 19.3 1.058 1.159 0.82 1.010 1.143 0.79 Ammonia 25 g/cig 4.32 23.9 0.599 0.296 0.37 0.58 0.541 0.056 0.32 0.45 HCN 25 g/cig 83.96 11.1 11.503 4.249 0.93 11.207 6.224 0.93 Pyridine 25 g/cig 5.74 20.3 1.039 2.207 0.68 0.90 0.932 1.740 0.58 0.72 Quinoline 25 g/cig 0.21 23.9 0.027 0.004 0.87 0.024 0.024 0.68 Styrene (SVC ) 25 g/cig 5.03 17.0 0.718 0.444 0.92 0.695 0.533 0.91 NAB 25 ng/cig 6.83 10.5 1.048 1.215 0.22 0.59 0.979 1.057 0.20 0.47 NAT 25 ng/cig 40.93 10.6 4.913 3.287 0.38 0.47 4.499 4.752 0.33 0.38 NNK 25 ng/cig 37.60 12.7 6.096 9.144 0.21 0.52 5.905 9.915 0.21 0.48 NNN 25 ng/cig 53.39 10.2 9.653 20.589 0.14 0.28 9.032 19.247 0.12 0.20 Acrylonitrile 25 g/cig 6.79 9.6 0.938 0.392 0.92 0.916 0.572 0.93 Benzene 25 g/cig 34.21 7.2 3.726 5.659 0.87 3.798 3.671 0.95 Isoprene 25 g/cig 251.49 7.0 25.965 52.472 0.86 26.073 41.782 0.92 Styrene (VOC) 25 g/cig 5.66 12.8 0.924 1.422 0.89 0.904 1.609 0.90 Toluene 25 g/cig 57.21 7.8 7.056 3.115 0.90 0.95 7.075 0.295 0.96 1,3-Butadiene 25 g/cig 25.22 7.7 2.680 4.680 0.86 0.93 2.776 2.896 0.97 Catechol 25 g/cig 45.08 5.7 4.676 9.243 0.82 4.224 11.104 0.71 Hydroquinone 25 g/cig 39.52 6.3 4.208 7.270 0.82 3.854 8.529 0.72 Phenol 25 g/cig 12.74 11.8 2.013 2.688 0.61 0.84 1.412 1.380 0.31 0.73 Resorcinol 25 g/cig 0.88 6.1 0.104 0.084 0.85 0.94 0.097 0.098 0.79 m- & p-Cresol 25 g/cig 7.74 9.8 1.104 0.716 0.73 0.86 0.850 0.908 0.46 0.76 o-Cresol 25 g/cig 3.18 11.3 0.475 0.456 0.68 0.84 0.354 0.335 0.40 0.75 Cadmium 24 ng/cig 17.66 11.9 3.035 5.729 0.32 0.42 3.011 6.705 0.33 0.43 Lead 22 ng/cig 11.36 16.0 1.868 2.314 0.75 1.913 3.429 0.80 Mercury 25 ng/cig 1.70 10.1 0.166 0.428 0.72 0.85 0.168 0.347 0.78 0.89 Arsenic 3 ng/cig insufficient res. Chromium 0 ng/cig insufficient res. Nickel 0 ng/cig insufficient res. Selenium 1 ng/cig insufficient res. 1-Naphthylamine 25 ng/cig 6.20 10.9 0.631 1.364 0.65 0.84 0.565 1.662 0.55 0.66 2-Naphthylamine 25 ng/cig 3.74 11.7 0.372 0.889 0.54 0.73 0.344 0.969 0.49 0.62 3-Aminobiphenyl 25 ng/cig 0.91 10.9 0.091 0.219 0.45 0.73 0.085 0.227 0.42 0.65 4-Aminobiphenyl 25 ng/cig 0.72 12.0 0.065 0.221 0.46 0.69 0.059 0.241 0.41 0.56

a Abbreviations: CO = carbon monoxide, HCN = hydrogen cyanide, insufficient res. = insufficient results (see text for details), n/a = not applicable, NAB = N-nitrosoanabasine, NAT = N-nitrosoanatabine, NNK = 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone, NNN = N- nitrosonornicotine, SVC = semi-volatile constituents (method), VOC = volatile organic constituents (method).

influence of cigarette design features on smoke constituent the data in Table 3 shows that three distinct groups of out- yields: 1) examination of outliers, 2) normalised constituent liers stand out: yields and 3) multiple regression analysis. 1) nitrogen-containing smoke constituents for the brand Caporal Filter; Examination of outliers: Regression outliers were identified 2) volatile or gaseous constituents for the brand Senior using the studentised residual statistic and are displayed in Service; and Table 3. Note that the sign of the studentised residual 3) alkyl phenols for the brand Senior Service. statistic indicates whether the brand average is higher (+) Remaining outliers were trace metals and very low-yield or lower (–) than the other observations. An examination of constituents. This may reflect real experimental error

122 Table 3. Regression outliers

Studentized Probability Parameter Brand residual level NFDPM outliers Carbon monoxide Senior Service 5.46 0.0013 Nicotine Gitanes Caporal 8.84 <.0001 Nitric oxide Gitanes Caporal +8.16 <.0001 Ammonia Gitanes Caporal +9.50 <.0001 Pyridine Gitanes Caporal +10.75 <.0001 NAB Gitanes Caporal +20.11 <.0001 NAT Gitanes Caporal +6.35 0.0003 NNK Gitanes Caporal +17.86 <.0001 Figure 1. Regression of NO yield vs. NFDPM yield. Each NNN Gitanes Caporal +20.19 <.0001 brand’s NO yield and NFDPM yield is shown as a single point. The Toluene Senior Service 4.57 0.0053 one brand identified as a regression outlier using the studentised 1,3-Butadiene Senior Service 4.91 0.0031 residual statistic (p < 0.01) is marked with an arrow. Phenol Senior Service +9.87 <.0001 Resorcinol Gitanes Caporal 5.57 0.001 o- & p-Cresol Senior Service +6.60 0.0002 o-Cresol Senior Service +7.87 <.0001 Lead Superkings 4.76 0.0039 Cadmium Gitanes Caporal +7.57 <.0001 Mercury Red Band Lights +4.46 0.0063 1-Naphthylamine Gitanes Caporal +8.35 <.0001 2-Naphthylamine Gitanes Caporal +7.67 <.0001 3-Aminobiphenyl Gitanes Caporal +11.01 <.0001 4-Aminobiphenyl Gitanes Caporal +9.15 <.0001 CO outliers NFDPM Senior Service +5.74 0.0008 Acrolein Gitanes Caporal 4.82 0.0036 Nitric oxide Gitanes Caporal +9.24 <.0001 Figure 2. Cumulative distribution of R2 values (outliers removed) Ammonia Gitanes Caporal +8.38 <.0001 for analyte yield correlations with NFDPM and CO yield Pyridine Gitanes Caporal +6.59 0.0002 NAB Gitanes Caporal +17.78 <.0001 NAT Gitanes Caporal +5.96 0.0005 resulting from the use of non-standardised and perhaps non- NNK Gitanes Caporal +17.21 <.0001 robust methods, especially those near their LOD. NNN Gitanes Caporal +19.17 <.0001 From an examination of the brand attributes (Appendix, Phenol Senior Service +9.92 <.0001 Table A1), it is apparent that Gitanes Caporal Filter is the m- & p-Cresol Senior Service +7.66 <.0001 only dark air-cured blend style cigarette included in this o-Cresol Senior Service +8.74 <.0001 study and Senior Service is the only unfiltered (“plain”) Cadmium Gitanes Caporal +7.60 <.0001 cigarette in this study. Dark air-cured tobaccos are known Mercury Red Band Lights +4.98 0.0028 to have a high nitrogen content (21) and it is unsurprising 1-Naphthylamine Gitanes Caporal +5.95 0.0006 2-Naphthylamine Gitanes Caporal +6.62 0.0002 that yields of nitrogen-containing smoke constituents are 3-Aminobiphenyl Gitanes Caporal +9.68 <.0001 greater for this brand. Two known features may account for 4-Aminobiphenyl Gitanes Caporal +7.84 <.0001 the outlying results obtained with the brand Senior Service. First, the paper porosity of Senior Service is the highest in the study (200 CU) and increased paper porosity is associ- analysis presented above. In this extension, all of the smoke ated with lower relative yields of gaseous constituents in constituent yields were normalised and used in a further mainstream smoke (22,23). Second, cellulose acetate filters regression model against NFDPM yield, as follows. For are known to selectively trap alkyl phenols in smoke (24), each smoke constituent the average yield across all brands and because Senior Service is unfiltered, it should have was calculated and the individual brand constituent yields relatively higher yields of these compounds. were then expressed as a percentage of this average. These values for all smoke constituents and all brands were used Normalised constituent yields: The study was not designed in a regression analysis against each brand’s measured to permit a complete investigation of the potential impact NFDPM yield (Figure 3). Each point on Figure 3 represents of cigarette design features on the variation of smoke a yield for a single constituent from a single brand. Regres- constituent yields. By seeking to capture all of the cigarette sion outliers from the individual constituent yield models design features available in a “market survey” approach, an have been excluded. Thus, there are 978 data points on this in-depth analysis of the impact of any one feature on smoke figure and, for clarity, all normalised constituent yields constituent yields could not be discerned because each from a single blend style are shown with the same symbol. variable was not altered in an independent, systematic and This approach permits constituents with a wide difference controlled manner. However, it was felt that the impact of in yields (i.e. those in the few nanogram range such as cigarette design features on smoke constituent yield benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) to those in the hundreds of micro- variability might be seen by extending the regression gram range such as acetaldehyde to be compared on the one

123 Figure 3. Smoke constituent yields expressed as a percentage of the mean yield per constituent. For each smoke constituent the average yield across all brands was calculated and the individual brand constituent yields were then expressed as a percentage of this average. These values were used in a regression analysis against each brand’s measured NFDPM yield. Regression outliers from the individual constituent’s yield vs. NFDPM yield models have been excluded. graph. Clearly, there are limits to this approach but the with high standard errors. Given the high correlation overall conformity to a common least squares regression between NFDPM yield and the level of filter ventilation, line (r = 0.87, R2 = 0.76) suggests a strong and highly signi- the effect of filter ventilation, independent of the direct ficant correlation between all smoke constituent yields and effect upon NFDPM yield, cannot be estimated. Similarly, a brand’s NFDPM yield. The high R2 is remarkable because the effect of paper porosity cannot be separated from the the great majority of smoke constituents (97.8%) from all effect of plain vs. filtered cigarette. Therefore, only one of the blend styles in the study are included in this correla- parameter each from these two pairs of correlations was tion. Within the limits of this approach, this suggests that included in the multiple regression models. Based on an the brand’s NFDPM yield can give a reliable indication of examination of the data, the remaining high correlations the yield of the other smoke constituents. were not expected to have a noticeable adverse effect upon the multiple regression models. Thus, the following set of Multiple regression analysis: To provide a more complete design parameters were included in the regression models quantitative assessment of the design feature effects on between constituent yield and NFDPM yield: constituent yield, a multiple regression approach was Blend Style [UK (1), American (2), Dark (3)] adopted. If the contribution of a design feature parameter to Menthol (presence or absence) the variation in the smoke constituent yields were signifi- Paper Porosity cant, then its addition to the NFDPM regression models Circumference would result in a significantly improved R2. Weight Prior to the multiple regression analysis, the correlation Length matrix between the design feature parameters and NFDPM By use of the stepwise selection method (25), an improve- yield was derived. These correlations are shown in Table 4, ment in R2 values following the addition of each of the together with the p-values relevant to the hypothesis that design feature parameters was noted (illustrative examples the observed correlation is zero. are shown in Table A3 which is appended). The reported From this table several obvious significant correlations are significance level for each parameter, adjusted for all apparent: the presence or absence of a filter is highly effects in the total model, was used to assess whether that correlated with paper porosity; length is highly correlated parameter made a significant contribution to the variation with circumference; weight is highly correlated with observed in the smoke constituent yields. This multiple NFDPM, filter ventilation, paper porosity, and circumfer- regression analysis revealed the following: ence; filter ventilation is highly correlated with NFDPM. The presence or absence of menthol in a brand, the Such high correlations are not surprising because this study cigarette length and the cigarette weight had no statisti- was not specifically structured to separate the known co- cally significant effect upon the yield of any of the 40 variance of design parameters and their effect on smoke smoke constituents. constituent yields. Cigarette circumference had a significant effect for 9 of In a regression context, high correlations between inde- the 40 smoke constituents; however the change in R2 pendent variables will result in unstable effect estimates was negligible.

124 Table 4. Multiple regression analysis correlation matrix

Parameters NFDPM Blend style Filter Menthol Filter vent Paper porosity Circumference Weight Length

NFDPM 1 0.16 0.24 0.15 0.95 0.14 0.01 0.53 0.06 — 0.4495 0.2437 0.4786 <.0001 0.5188 0.9657 0.0065 0.781 Blend style 0.16 1 0.10 0.14 0.01 0.34 0.08 0.07 0.22 0.4495 — 0.6493 0.5102 0.9568 0.0967 0.6905 0.7378 0.2967 Filter 0.24 0.10 1 0.06 0.28 0.88 0.08 0.27 0.34 0.2437 0.6493 — 0.7750 0.1722 <.0001 0.7043 0.1894 0.095 Menthol 0.15 0.14 0.06 1 0.17 0.08 0.06 0.09 0.08 0.4786 0.5102 0.7750 — 0.4257 0.7205 0.7674 0.6840 0.7158 Filter ventilation 0.95 0.01 0.28 0.17 1 0.20 0.07 0.49 0.07 <.0001 0.9568 0.1722 0.4257 — 0.3494 0.7331 0.0139 0.7411 Paper porosity 0.14 0.34 0.88 0.08 0.20 1 0.14 0.44 0.09 0.5188 0.0967 <.0001 0.7205 0.3494 — 0.5116 0.0297 0.6843 Circumference 0.01 0.08 0.08 0.06 0.07 0.14 1 0.49 0.51 0.9657 0.6905 0.7043 0.7674 0.7331 0.5116 — 0.0130 0.0084 Weight 0.53 0.07 0.27 0.09 0.49 0.44 0.49 10.11 0.0065 0.7378 0.1894 0.6840 0.0139 0.0297 0.0130 — 0.593 Length 0.06 0.22 0.34 0.08 0.07 0.09 0.51 0.11 1 0.7810 0.2967 0.0950 0.7158 0.7411 0.6843 0.0084 0.5930 —

Arabic numerals are the correlation coefficients for the appropriate pair, with the associated p-value shown in italics beneath. Values that are statistically significant (p < 0.05) are shown in bold type.

The effect of paper porosity (or equally, presence or ISO 8243 (26) recognises the need to test samples taken absence of a filter) was significant for 11 of the 40 over a period of time to allow for product variability in the constituents: the most noticeable improvements in R2 measured yield. In the UK, for example, routine surveys of values were for the alkyl phenol compounds. NFDPM, nicotine and CO yields involve testing matched Blend style was significant for 26 smoke constituents; samples of cigarettes at both LGC and the manufacturing although, for many, the effect on R2 was small. The company’s laboratories at 2-month intervals. The test sam- most noticeable increases in R2 were observed for the ples are drawn from samples taken at 2-week intervals nitrogen-containing constituents. throughout each sampling/test period. Thus, based on multiple regression analysis within this In the present study, the protocol required the manufactur- study, the only design features to have large and statisti- ers to sample a single batch of each cigarette brand. There- cally significant effects upon smoke constituent yields were fore, the smoke constituent analyses would not include the cigarette blend style and plain vs. filtered cigarettes. increased variability associated with the natural product changes over production runs and over a period of time. Analytical considerations There is no way of knowing how closely the measured yields reflect the average yields of the specified brands. At The analysis of a large number of smoke constituents from best, results from this one-point-in-time study should only any cigarette is not a trivial exercise. Sources of variability be used to rank products at the time of sampling and cannot that may be encountered in the analysis of a product made be used as absolute measures of yields. It is also possible from natural materials include: 1) the product itself; 2) that the relative ranking may change for repeated yield laboratory analytical procedures, i.e. methodological errors; measurements on different samples. and 3) repeat analysis errors. It should be noted that the last source includes only short-term variability for this study Within laboratory analytical variability: Numerous factors but would also include long-term and inter-laboratory vari- may affect the variability encountered in analysing the ability for measurements over extended timescales in more yield of a smoke constituent. In establishing methods of than one laboratory. Each of these possible sources of vari- analysis, several sources of variability need to be taken into ability is addressed below by considering the present study account. Because of the complex task of analysing 44 ana- and, where appropriate, comparing the findings with those lytes in cigarette smoke, many sources of variability can be from other studies. an issue. Table A4 (appended) identifies these possible sources and suggests examples when they might have af- Product variability: For any product made from natural fected the analytical results. During the study, steps were materials grown in different world regions, batch variabil- taken to minimise the impact of such variability on the ity and seasonal variation should be expected. Thus, identi- quality of data emerging from each method; however, it is cal yields would not necessarily be expected from a differ- impossible to establish how successful these steps were. ent sample of the same brand of cigarettes, especially for Although the list in Table A4 is not exhaustive, it high- smoke constituents that may be present in very low concen- lights the difficulties involved in establishing the methods trations. for smoke constituent analysis. One source of variability

125 CoVs and between runs components are smallest for NFDPM and CO, the only constituents for which there are standard ISO methods of analysis.

Variability within the current data set: From the data pre- sented in Table 2, a range of CoV values from 5.2% (for nicotine) to 23.9% (for ammonia and quinoline) was re- corded. The general trend of increased CoV, as analyte yield decreased was apparent and is shown in Figure 5. This higher CoV for lower yield constituents is consistent with findings in other areas of chemical analysis (27) and this provides some insight into the likely variability to be expected as standard methods for the analysis of smoke constituents are developed. Other features from the current Figure 4. Variability between smoking machine runs for benzo[a]pyrene study suggest that increased variability will be encountered if the use of smoke constituents analyses becomes wide- spread. For example, within the current study, although not Table 5. Analysis of variance between brands and runs in the original protocol, one smoke constituent (styrene) was analysed by two independent methods. A summary Percentage of variation comparison of these two analyses for all cigarette brands Constituent CoV Between brands Between runs Residual and the reference cigarettes 1R4F and 1R5F is shown in CO 6.7 80.5 0.3 19.2 Figure 6. These data are presented as a ratio of yields be- NFDPM 5.6 83.6 0.3 16.2 tween the two methods: a volatile organic compound Formaldehyde 14.9 75.4 2.1 22.5 method (labelled VOC in the figure) or a semi-volatile B[a]P 19.3 75.0 10.5 14.5 constituent method (labelled SVC in the figure). Ammonia 23.9 92.1 2.4 5.5 HCN 11.1 79.8 0.9 19.3 An equal yield in both assays would be reported as a ratio of 1.0. Across the 27 cigarette brands the yield ratios range from 0.75 to 2.4. Unsurprisingly, several brands showed a great difference in yield across the two analytical methods, empha- sising the need for caution in attempting to compare smoke constituent yields across different methods of analysis.

Within-laboratory variability over an extended period of time: Labstat recently published smoke constituent yield data (28) on the 1R4F reference cigarette collected over an 11-month period. This was the first time that such long- term data had been published. The reported CoV range was 4.3% for NFDPM to 77.8% for selenium, based on 53–174 observations per analyte; 25 of the 44 constituents had a CoV of less than 10%. However, these CoV values do not describe the extremes of the range of yields that were ob- tained during this period of time. An estimate of the range Figure 5. Variability in assays over a wide range of smoke of yields from that study can be obtained by comparing the constituent yields original authors’ highest likely values (obtained from the mean value +2 sd) with lowest likely values (mean 2 sd) that should be expected is the variability between smoking for each analyte. After excluding the trace metals, this ap- runs. In practice, therefore, replicates are spread randomly proach showed on average a 50% difference in yields be- over a number of smoking runs to average run-to-run ef- tween the likely highest and lowest reported values across fects on yields for individual products. all analytes: formaldehyde varied by over 200%. This ana- As an example of this effect, the B[a]P yield variability lysis shows that long-term, within-laboratory variability between runs is illustrated in Figure 4, in which the indi- may present considerable technical challenges in the mea- vidual replicate yield values for each brand were expressed surement of these smoke constituent yields. The impact of as a ratio of the relevant brand average yield and plotted such variability on measurement uncertainty and tolerances against run number. This permits the run-to-run variability is discussed below. to be visualised without being masked by the differences in yields between brands. Inter-laboratory variability: Another recent study (19) re- The CoVs shown for each analyte in Table 2 reflect the ported smoke constituent yields from a ‘one-point-in-time’ observed variability within this study and include run-to- sample of three brands that were analysed in seven labora- run variability. The run-to-run component has been investi- tories for as many of the 44 smoke constituents as the labo- gated for several analytes, by performing an analysis of ratories could measure at that time. Each laboratory used variance. The proportions of the components attributable to their preferred and internally validated methods. The study brands, to runs and the residual (or unexplained compo- reported that no analytes had lower within-laboratory mea- nent) for these analytes are shown in Table 5. Both the surement variability than NFDPM, nicotine and CO, and

126 Figure 6. Comparison of styrene yields by two methods of analysis

70% of the other analytes had statistically-significantly aromatic amines, crotonaldehyde and pyridine. It should be higher levels of variability. The difference between the noted that the constituents in this group are different from highest and lowest reported yield measurements, averaged the constituents reported to be most variable in the larger for all constituents, was 80%, even when three analytes inter-laboratory study, discussed above (19). (mercury, styrene and resorcinol – for which reported yields gave in excess of an 8-fold range) were excluded. Measurement uncertainty and tolerances: Within the 44 Analytes with the largest variability in reported yield be- constituents examined in this study, three (CO, nicotine and tween laboratories were mercury, resorcinol, styrene, NFDPM) are present in smoke in milligram quantities. quinoline, butadiene and ammonia. Several others were either below the LOD or only found in The published study (19) suggests that the yields obtained nanogram amounts. They were arsenic, chromium, sele- by LGC in the current study may be quite different from nium, lead, mercury, nickel, 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3- those that might be obtained from other laboratories. This pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK), N-nitrosoanatabine (NAT), N- possibility was investigated by testing a subset of brands nitrosoanabasine (NAB), NNN, B[a]P, 1-naphthylamine from the current UK study at an additional contract labora- (1-NA), 2-naphthylamine (2-NA), 3-aminobiphenyl and 4- tory (Labstat), using samples from the same production aminobiphenyl. batch. Five products from this manufacturing run of ciga- For the analysis of NFDPM and nicotine, ISO standards rettes ( KS, Lights, Silk Cut KS, Silk Cut specify rigorous sampling procedures, smoking conditions Ultra KS, Rothmans Royals) along with the 1R4F reference and frequency of analysis (17,18,26). Despite this, and cigarette were re-tested. Product samples were sent in De- years of practical experience with these analyses, measure- cember 2001 and smoke constituent yields data were re- ment tolerances of ± 15% with a minimum of ± 1 mg for ported in February 2002. The results are summarised in NFDPM or 0.1 mg for nicotine, are required (26). Within Table 6. the ISO standards, these tolerance values are increased A similar level of variability between replicates was found further for single point in time samples. Furthermore, con- in both contract laboratories (Labstat and LGC) and differ- sistent with a recent review of available data (29), ISO ences of less than 10% between the NFDPM, nicotine and 8243 has recently incorporated a 20% tolerance value for CO yields were reported from the two laboratories, when CO yield measurement. The ISO Working Group averaged across all brands tested. However, some relatively (ISO/TC126/WG8) is also reviewing the tolerances around large differences in absolute yields were reported between NFDPM and nicotine yields. In the current study, all mea- the two laboratories. This was highlighted by calculating sured NFDPM yields fell within the existing tolerance val- ratios of the mean constituent yields per brand, which are ues set by ISO 8423. The yields ranged from 13% to shown in Table 6. From these data, ratios of 0.40 to 1.98 +12% around the declared yields except for one brand for individual smoke constituent yields were observed be- (L&B Ultra Lights) for which the yield was within the tween the same brands across laboratories. From this com- permitted 1 mg tolerance value. parison, constituents with the largest mean yield differ- For other smoke constituents much less data are available ences across the six cigarettes were ammonia, the four and the effects of product and measurement variability on

127 1.19 0.90 1.53 1.07 0.75 0.87 0.54 0.56 0.47 0.45 1.26 0.85 1.12 0.83 1.05 1.43 1.31 0.66 1.35 0.91 1.40 0.91 1.12 0.70 1.03 1.18 0.98 0.46 0.83 0.82 1.16 0.71 1.04 0.87 1.14 1.20 1.32 0.98 1.01 0.91 Labstat Ratio LGC/ 8.37 11.10 8.135.05 15.00 1.08 9.08 0.81 2.29 1.79 7.00 4.89 7.70 8.42 0.89 0.98 15.97 13.40 62.40 58.30 11.70 13.80 76.90 68.40 47.00 44.70 67.70 50.00 42.50 30.40 48.60 43.30 70.70 68.40 48.00 40.60 61.80 62.80 35.50 43.00 11.00 11.20 10.86 10.80 116.00 164.00 361.00 346.00 132.90 117.00 289.00 240.00 661.00 501.00 1.35 0.92 0.65 0.63 0.61 0.63 0.72 0.88 0.87 1.00 0.85 0.67 1.31 0.51 1.25 1.04 1.93 1.16 1.40 1.44 1.25 1.02 1.12 0.75 1.19 1.09 1.26 Labstat LGC Labstat Ratio LGC/ Labstat 25.80 16.90 0.29 4.84 5.59 24.10 29.10 2.45 36.60 52.50 5.00 10.80 0.34 0.41 1.68 1.24 0.769.61 10.70 4.30 4.67 0.82 1.26 1.34 2.13 0.860.22 1.41 0.21 0.35 0.29 7.5682.80 65.50 0.80 0.80 8.20 9.62 1.506.50 2.23 0.3049.20 2.00 37.70 3.03 0.937.90 1.82 6.32 5.50 5.30 8.40 4.35 0.9121.60 23.80 5.70 4.91 6.25 6.10 8.46 7.57 4.66 6.23 0.11 0.10 1.01 0.85 1.20 0.96 13.70 15.50 50.30 57.60 10.20 7.78 39.10 28.00 73.00 50.60 10.10 8.06 1.13 1.02 1.98 1.35 0.64 0.96 0.58 0.47 0.59 0.56 1.28 0.92 1.07 0.93 1.41 0.98 1.06 0.62 0.64 0.96 0.89 1.14 1.59 1.27 0.96 1.44 0.95 1.53 1.70 1.05 1.20 0.99 0.49 0.80 0.82 0.96 1.04 1.12 Labstat LGC KS Silk Cut Ultra KS Rothmans Royals Ratio LGC/ 6.85 6.05 4.38 4.30 2.86 4.48 2.89 3.01 3.160.89 6.70 0.71 1.50 1.27 0.591.41 1.22 6.97 7.51 5.50 17.40 20.10 3.80 3.89 1.405.30 2.25 8.31 3.31 3.72 2.60 5.36 0.16 0.20 0.50 0.52 5.62 5.41 5.78 5.17 10.50 5.30 28.70 21.30 41.20 32.20 70.30 76.30 44.70 31.60 19.80 18.60 27.60 28.70 17.90 15.70 23.10 14.50 52.00 40.90 11.30 11.80 27.10 18.80 10.10 10.60 37.30 35.50 26.30 21.90 32.30 32.50 17.50 21.90 190.00 178.00 171.00 112.00 367.00 216.00 1.46 1.05 1.55 1.16 0.67 1.29 0.54 0.51 0.50 1.66 1.30 0.92 1.05 1.18 1.21 0.82 0.66 1.04 0.67 0.69 1.03 1.00 1.09 1.45 1.26 1.28 1.23 0.80 1.29 1.45 1.22 1.22 1.08 0.78 0.54 1.13 0.92 0.97 1.04 Labstat LGC Labstat Ratio LGC/ Labstat 6.93 6.62 3.94 5.87 3.687.70 2.85 6.06 10.50 4.580.97 8.47 0.78 1.89 1.56 1.02 0.61 8.94 7.60 4.30 6.48 1.40 2.08 4.42 4.44 3.60 6.69 0.22 0.19 0.70 0.76 8.09 8.34 7.54 7.28 12.10 8.28 14.90 9.63 43.40 37.40 59.20 45.70 64.10 69.70 58.00 47.90 12.10 14.80 23.40 22.40 10.70 15.60 29.70 28.70 17.60 16.20 31.50 21.70 68.80 54.50 14.10 11.00 37.60 30.60 22.30 28.00 57.60 47.30 37.60 30.80 48.50 44.80 27.10 34.60 266.00 253.00 218.00 169.00 505.00 349.00 1.18 0.93 1.52 1.05 0.79 0.88 0.49 0.40 0.40 0.40 1.28 1.22 0.88 1.00 0.83 1.15 0.89 0.95 1.13 0.73 0.77 0.83 1.07 1.15 1.40 1.17 0.93 1.13 0.76 1.19 1.33 1.02 1.13 0.96 0.75 0.55 0.78 0.93 0.98 1.01 Labstat LGC Ratio LGC/

9.54 12.10 3.696.58 4.19 13.50 3.380.84 8.45 0.63 2.08 1.58 9.08 10.90 5.20 5.46 2.20 3.03 9.70 9.10 5.40 9.74 0.27 0.34 0.90 0.97 15.61 13.20 11.70 12.60 33.30 21.90 87.80 83.80 97.70 79.80 98.50 85.30 19.30 21.60 30.20 26.80 21.90 28.50 31.50 38.00 22.80 19.90 51.20 36.50 15.00 16.20 62.10 55.20 56.30 74.20 67.60 66.50 57.50 51.00 62.70 65.10 42.20 56.20 11.96 12.20 13.86 13.70 113.00 129.00 369.00 369.00 137.00 117.00 360.00 303.00 872.00 658.00

1.10 0.80 1.53 1.16 0.61 1.11 0.55 0.63 0.60 0.59 1.08 0.98 0.91 0.77 1.14 1.12 0.59 1.02 0.89 0.99 0.88 0.78 0.93 1.35 1.17 0.75 1.19 0.81 1.25 1.42 1.03 1.05 0.93 0.75 0.55 0.88 1.12 0.95 0.99 1.08 ands plus 1R4F tested in two laboratories Labstat LGC Labstat Ratio LGC/ 1R4F Regal KS Superkings Lights Silk Cut LGC Labstat 40.30 29.90 g/cig) 76.50 67.30  g/cig) 52.80 44.30 g/cig) 16.80 11.00   g/cig] g/cig) 18.30 22.70 g/cig) 34.20 36.70 g/cig) 31.00 41.30 g/cig) 5.88 7.61 g/cig) 709.00 501.00       g/cig) 8.07 10.10 g/cig) 0.641.46 1.14  g/cig) 6.20 11.20 g/cig) 0.22 0.25  g/cig) 38.00 36.90 g/cig) 40.60 38.50 g/cig) 343.00 377.00 g/cig) 3.31 2.98 g/cig) 299.00 239.00   g/cig) 55.00 47.30 g/cig) 4.14 6.77 g/cig) 72.30 67.10 g/cig) 5.63 7.21     g/cig) 7.54 10.00       g/cig) 123.00 105.00 -Cresol (  g/cig) 276.00 283.00  ]P (ng/cig) 7.07 6.42 a -Cresol ( Hydroquinone ( Benzene ( Methyl ethyl-ketone ( Propionaldehyde ( Quinoline ( 1-Naphthylamine (ng/cig) 8.74 16.00 2-Naphthylamine (ng/cig)3-Aminobiphenyl (ng/cig) 6.714-Aminobiphenyl (ng/cig) 1.66 10.70 NO ( 1.30 2.77 2.22 Pyridine ( o Butyraldehyde ( Lead (ng/cig) 41.40 37.10 NAB (ng/cig)NNK (ng/cig)Mercury (ng/cig)Cadmium (ng/cig) 16.10 27.50 4.30 93.00 62.80 90.80 63.60 4.83 NAT (ng/cig) 113.00 129.00 NNN (ng/cig) 107.00 115.00 B[ m- & p Crotonaldehyde ( Acetaldehyde ( Phenol ( Toluene ( Resorcinol ( 1,3-Butadiene ( Isoprene ( Styrene ( Catechol ( Analyte HCN ( Acrylonitrile ( Acrylonitrile Selenium (ng/cig)<2.3 (ng/cig)<2.3(ng/cig) Nickel Arsenic (ng/cig) Selenium 6.50 5.79 Ammonia ( Acrolein ( Acrolein Acetone ( Nicotine (mg/cig)Formaldehyde ( 0.71 0.75 NFDPM (mg/cig)CO (mg/cig) 9.06 9.11 12.26 11.40 Table 6. Smoke constituent yields for five br

128 their absolute yields remain unknown. Although work on the particulate phase generally gave the lowest R2 values for standardisation of some of these methods is progressing correlation with NFDPM whereas NO was the vapour (30), it must be remembered that many of the smoke con- phase constituent that gave the lowest R2 values for correla- stituents are present in very low concentrations (parts per tion with CO. The correlations in the UK study were im- million of the particulate or gaseous phase of smoke). From proved by the removal of blended products (column 2) and the work described above, the following observations ques- then the non-filtered brand Senior Service from the model tion the likelihood of achieving robust methods: the range (column 3). Thus, the R2 values from columns 2 and 3 of of CoV values for smoke constituents in this study which the UK Study are similar to those reported in the Canadian typically were higher for lower yield constituents; the out- and Australian Benchmark Studies. come of a direct comparison of smoke constituent yields Across all of these studies, it can be seen that particulate between methods of analysis; the between laboratories phase constituents correlate well with NFDPM yield, and comparison of a subset of brands; and the long-term vari- that most analytes associated with the vapour phase corre- ability within laboratory data. Thus, at the current state of late better with CO yield. Some of the differences in R2 smoke constituent analytical capability, it is highly likely values for the same analytes across the studies may be due that tolerance values to be associated with smoke constitu- to measurement variability. For example, Australian brands ent measurements, following method standardisation and were not all given to Labstat for analysis at the same time inter-laboratory studies, would need to be greater than and so long-term within laboratory variability must be those for NFDPM, nicotine or CO measurement and in considered. Similarly, it is not known whether the Cana- some cases, much greater. dian brands were all analysed for each smoke constituent during a short period of time. Comparison with other benchmark studies Although it is possible only to make general observations across the studies, once again the major cigarette design Results from several recent studies on the yields of 44 features that appear to have a noticeable impact on R2 val- smoke constituents in cigarette brands are now available. ues were blend type and plain vs. filtered designs. Canadian benchmark studies have not yet been formally Tobacco-specific nitrosamines gave relatively low correla- published, although data are available from the British tions with NFDPM in all the studies. The effect of the in- Columbia website (31) that includes numerous Canadian clusion of both plain and filtered brands in these studies is brands analysed in 1999–2000. Only data on Canadian also reflected in the relatively low correlations for alkyl brands reported in 2000 were used in the comparisons be- phenols. The Canadian Benchmark study included one low. Another 15-brand study of Australian cigarettes has plain brand, the Massachusetts Benchmark study included been placed on the website of the Australian Federal De- two plain brands, but only filtered products were included partment of Health (13). The 1999 Massachusetts bench- in the Australian study. mark study on 26 brands is also available for comparison (11). Differences in the reported yields of constituents in differ- Within this group of studies, the Canadian and Australian ent studies: Product, method and measurement variability studies generated data sets under ISO puffing regimes (as may contribute a substantial proportion of the observed well as an “intense” smoking regime) but the Massachu- differences, relative to NFDPM, in the smoke constituent setts study reported smoke constituent yield data only un- yields across the different studies. To explore this question, der the Massachusetts smoking regime (45-mL puff, 2 three constituents (nitric oxide (NO), B[a]P and 1-NA) seconds duration, every 30 seconds with 50% of the filter were chosen and their actual yields from data reported for ventilation taped over). Thus, Australian and Canadian data the Canadian, Australian and UK studies were analysed and obtained at Labstat under the ISO smoking regime are are plotted together in Figure 7. more readily comparable with the current study. For this The measured constituent yields all increased with NFDPM comparison, data obtained under the Canadian “intense” yield in each study. At equivalent NFDPM yields, NO smoking regime are not included. yields for the UK cigarettes appeared to be consistently higher than those from either Canada or Australia; whereas Correlations with NFDPM and CO across studies: R2 val- for 1-NA, the yields of the UK cigarettes were lower. Both ues from linear regressions for the UK data were compared NO and 1-NA are nitrogen-containing constituents and with data from the other studies in Table 7. As noted were expected to show consistent patterns with blend style; above, other studies were restricted to one blend style of however, the predominant blend style in all of these coun- cigarette and significant effects of blend style, and of plain tries is Virginia tobacco. It is possible that the relatively compared to filtered cigarettes, were found in the current higher and lower yields of the respective constituents for study. Therefore, three separate columns for the UK study UK cigarettes highlights analytical differences between the are presented in this Table. In results presented in the first studies rather than real blend effects. It was also apparent column, R2 values from the regression with all cigarettes that the B[a]P yields were more homogeneous across all were included, irrespective of blend style. In the second three countries. While many trends could be discussed column R2 values from the regression with UK Virginia across 40+ constituents and three studies, it is apparent blends only are shown, which gives a more consistent com- from this brief examination that many inconsistencies may parison with other studies that only included one blend become apparent due to the types of measurement uncer- style. In the third column results are presented after the data tainty discussed above. It is also conceivable that real dif- from the plain cigarette brand were excluded also. ferences in smoke constituent yield could remain com- For the UK study data in column 1, which included results pletely undetected, due to measurement uncertainty having from a mixture of blend styles, nitrogenous compounds in an over-riding or masking effect.

129 f CO f NFDPM e CO e ———— NFDPM d CO d NFDPM Australian brands were all Virginia blend. Canadian brands were all Virginia blend. Massachusetts brands were all American blend. d e f c CO b CO a CO UK Australia Canada Massachusetts c NFDPM ia blend included, the one plain brand excluded. b oducts designated as Virginia blend included. NFDPM a values across studies 2 NFDPM R Cresol 0.73 0.73 0.92 0.46 0.40 0.82 0.92 0.77 0.87 0.84 0.79 0.17 For the UK study, NFDPM and CO = all brands included. For the UK study, NFDPM and CO = only pr For the UK study, NFDPM and CO = only Virgin ]P 0.82 0.91 0.94 0.79 0.87 0.88 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.91 0.99 0.72 a b c a Cresol 0.68 0.67 0.92 0.40 0.34 0.81 0.91 0.77 0.84 0.80 — — CO 0.890.870.961.001.001.00—————— NFDPMNicotineAcetaldehydeAcetoneAcroleinButyraldehydeCrotonaldehydeFormaldehyde 0.87 1.00Methyl ethyl-ketone 0.94PropionaldehydeNO 0.89 0.89 0.90B[ 0.90 0.88 1.00 0.84Ammonia 0.69 0.99HCN 0.88Pyridine 0.94 0.89 0.93Quinoline 0.91 0.94 1.00 0.87Styrene 0.81 0.99NAB0.220.590.560.200.470.550.600.58———— 0.90NAT 0.97 0.94 0.94NNK 0.94 0.37 0.97 0.89 0.93 0.54NNN 0.84 0.81Acrylonitrile 0.94 0.68 0.93 0.92Benzene 0.87 0.97 0.89 0.96 0.81Isoprene 0.98 0.87 0.91 0.70 0.92 0.72Styrene0.890.890.910.900.910.93—————— 0.85 0.96Toluene 0.91 0.93 0.96 0.911,3-Butadiene 0.97 0.93 0.96 0.79 0.98Catechol 0.38 0.96 0.96 0.75 0.92 0.91 0.86 0.21Hydroquinone 0.93 0.97 0.14Phenol 0.87 0.92 0.95 0.98 0.92Resorcinol0.850.950.970.790.880.910.700.44———— 0.98 0.97 0.86 0.32 0.98 0.92 0.45m- & p- 1.00 0.58 0.97 0.93 0.86 0.93 0.87 0.59 0.96o- 0.90 0.25 0.97Cadmium 0.87 0.58 0.82 0.93 0.87 0.68 0.89Lead 0.92 0.88 0.82 0.65 0.95 0.86 0.41 0.93 0.79 0.90Mercury0.720.680.710.780.760.760.750.66———— 0.96 0.85 0.91 0.95 0.59 0.891-Naphthylamine 0.89 0.23 0.912-Naphthylamine 0.61 0.94 0.73 0.95 0.95 0.81 0.68 0.86 0.833-Aminobiphenyl 0.94 0.95 0.80 0.95 0.71 0.33 1.00 0.91 0.79 0.934-Aminobiphenyl 0.95 0.92 0.90 0.21 0.90 0.34 0.65 0.96 0.88 0.12 0.60 0.95 0.90 0.95 0.95 0.54 0.97 0.95 0.84 0.91 0.92 0.95 0.94 0.96 0.45 0.96 0.38 0.98 0.93 0.76 0.94 0.63 0.97 0.94 0.79 0.56 0.46 0.86 0.48 0.83 0.96 0.93 0.18 0.90 0.95 0.96 0.72 0.95 0.74 0.96 0.95 0.92 0.91 0.93 0.71 0.94 0.86 0.82 0.76 1.00 0.94 0.43 0.81 0.57 0.96 0.97 0.90 0.79 0.71 0.98 0.57 0.53 0.82 0.95 0.90 0.18 0.31 0.86 0.95 0.81 0.95 0.77 0.72 0.88 0.78 0.86 0.80 0.94 0.77 0.96 0.92 0.75 0.70 0.83 0.89 0.91 0.62 0.74 0.82 0.97 0.81 0.69 0.64 0.58 0.35 0.55 0.79 0.96 0.78 0.27 0.94 0.66 0.92 0.88 0.86 0.49 0.90 0.95 0.86 0.69 0.87 0.93 0.95 0.42 0.76 0.92 0.92 0.65 0.66 0.82 0.68 0.55 0.52 0.41 0.52 0.63 0.93 0.65 0.67 0.59 0.90 0.77 0.95 0.92 0.59 0.85 0.60 0.97 0.88 0.65 0.92 0.78 0.95 0.64 0.60 0.80 0.57 0.91 0.52 0.59 0.72 0.72 0.95 0.89 0.91 0.89 0.88 0.65 0.89 0.94 0.91 0.58 0.89 0.69 0.89 0.95 0.64 0.88 0.67 0.87 0.63 0.81 0.96 0.56 0.73 0.80 0.95 0.63 0.93 0.87 0.52 0.42 0.96 0.91 0.70 0.62 0.59 0.82 0.91 0.64 0.89 0.59 0.85 0.38 0.96 0.67 0.77 0.64 0.91 0.37 0.72 0.87 0.46 0.54 0.52 0.61 0.68 0.43 0.73 0.94 0.88 0.66 0.56 0.73 0.81 0.90 0.89 0.73 0.86 0.90 0.74 0.85 0.93 0.85 0.81 0.88 0.68 0.86 0.53 0.87 0.82 0.87 0.93 0.19 0.90 0.94 0.94 0.61 0.50 0.60 0.65 0.65 Analyte Table 7. Comparison of

130 The possible contribution to variation in smoke constituent yield of cigarette design features was examined in the current study using simple regression analysis techniques, a normal- ised smoke constituent yield regression model, and multiple regression techniques. With the exception of blend and pres- ence of a filter, it is concluded that other design features used in cigarettes on sale in the UK have only a minor relative effect on smoke constituent yield variability, other than any direct effect that they have on NFDPM yield. The same de- sign features were included in the Australian, Canadian and Massachusetts Benchmark studies, which also reported good correlations with NFDPM yields. From these data, it is con- cluded that for standard cigarettes the impact of cigarette design features other than blend and presence of a filter, on smoke constituents yields, is minor and secondary to any effect that is produced on NFDPM yield. Across all of these studies, the measurement of some smoke constituents proved to be problematic. For example, trace metals were always at or near their limits of detection and were not detected in all brands. This is unsurprising because metals are not formed by combustion chemistry and their presence in the smoke stream can only reflect a carry over from trace metals in the tobacco crop. Other constituents such as resorcinol and NAB were also near the detection limits for the methods employed. Because of the recent interest in the topic of smoke constitu- ent yields, a plethora of publications have appeared, leading to a suggestion that measurement of minor smoke constitu- ents can be performed readily and reliably. However, the duration of the current study itself (18 months) was mainly due to the time required to establish the assays for minor smoke constituents, even in a contract laboratory with many Figure 7. Comparison of the yields of selected constituents years of experience in tobacco smoke analysis. across 3 studies The variability seen in this single-point-in-time sampling study, with many CoV values above 15%, suggests that greater variability for other analytes than the tolerances for DISCUSSION NFDPM and nicotine in ISO 8243 would be seen, if such testing for minor smoke constituents became more wide- This study is one of a number in which the yields of ap- spread. The data presented in the comparison of a subset of proximately 40 smoke constituents plus NFDPM, nicotine brands between two contract laboratories in this study, and and CO have been determined for contemporary cigarettes. the comparison of this study with other recent publications The smoke constituents on the list are based on previously questions the current ability to achieve long-term, within- published lists evolved from the HOFFMANN Group (6) and laboratory or between-laboratory consistency. All of these Health Canada, who funded the development of the meth- contemporary studies suggest that, if routine measurements ods within Labstat. In the Australian, Canadian and Massa- of these smoke constituents were to be called for, measure- chusetts studies (11,12,13,31) single blend styles of ciga- ment tolerances typically in excess of 50% and sometimes rettes were analysed, reflecting the predominance of dis- above 100% might be required, based on current laboratory crete blends in those markets, and functional relationships capability. between NFDPM, nicotine and CO were established for In the absence of standardised methods of analysis, com- each study. In the present study, three blend styles were parison of measured yields of smoke constituents across included in the analysis. different studies may be of limited value because of diffi- Across all studies, NFDPM or CO yields were very good culties in interpretation. To illustrate this point, data on indicators of other constituent yields. This is demonstrated measured yields from the Australian and Canadian Bench- by the good R2 values seen for the majority of smoke constit- mark studies were compared with those from the current uents in each study. For the UK study slightly lower R2 val- study. As expected, this comparison shows that the blend ues were found for a number of analytes, although all re- dependence of some constituent yields, the measurement mained statistically significant. Based on the improvement in uncertainty around other constituent yields, and a possible R2 values by excluding American blended products, it is combination of these effects, could lead to large differences likely that the mixture of UK Virginia, American blend and in reported yields. Therefore, it seems prudent to regard the dark air-cured blend styles in one study accounts for the results of the studies to date as providing relative yield data lower R2 values but a contribution from the analytical meth- within each study rather than absolute data for comparison ods and measurement uncertainty cannot be excluded. with those from other studies.

131 OVERALL CONCLUSIONS 9. Phillips, G. and R. Waller: Yields of tar and other smoke components from UK cigarettes; Food Chem. Accumulated data from a number of countries suggest a Toxicol. 29 (1991) 469–474. good relationship between standard cigarettes’ NFDPM 10. LGC Reports to the Department of Health at yields and other smoke constituent yields. Particulate phase constituent yields correlate best with NFDPM yield but 11. Borgerding, M.F., J.A. Bodnar, and D.E. Wingate: The volatile constituent yields show better correlation with CO 1999 Massachusetts benchmark study – the final re- yields. Apart from the known effects of differences in port; Presented to the Massachusetts Department of blend style and the difference between filtered or unfiltered Public Health 24 July 2000. (“plain”) cigarettes and direct effects on NFDPM and CO 12. Borgerding, M.F., N. Cohen, S.R. Massey, and D.R.E. yields, cigarette design features have little additional effect Thomas, in consultation with M.J.Kaiserman and W.S. on the smoke constituent yields. Thus, taking into account Rickert: The 1999 Canadian benchmark study; Pro- the large experimental variability encountered in the analy- vided to Health Canada on 24 May 2000. sis of these smoke constituents, it is suggested that the 13. Australian cigarette emissions data (2001) yields of smoke constituents are largely predictable within the degree of measurement uncertainty, given any standard emis_data.htm. cigarette’s NFDPM and CO yield. Furthermore, routine 14. Tso, T.C., G. Rathkamp G, and D. Hoffmann: Chemi- measurement of smoke constituent yields other than cal studies on tobacco smoke XXI: Correlation and NFDPM, nicotine and CO would not add substantially to multiple regression among selected cigarette-smoke the scientific knowledge base. constituents and leaf characteristics of bright tobacco; The analytical variability and unknown tolerances around Beitr. Tabakforsch. 7 (1973) 190–194. the measurements encountered in this and other studies 15. Tso, T.C., J.F. Chaplin, J.D. Adams, and D. Hoffmann: suggest that smoke constituents yield data, apart from Simple correlation and multiple regression among leaf NFDPM, nicotine and CO yields, are currently not suffi- and smoke characteristics of burley tobaccos; Beitr. ciently robust to develop regulatory standards for the rou- Tabakforsch. Int. 11(1982) 141–150. tine analysis of standard cigarette products. 16. ISO 5725: Accuracy (trueness and precision) of mea- surement methods and results – Part 1: General princi- ples and definitions; International Organisation for Standardisation, Geneva, 1994 (E). REFERENCES 17. ISO 3402: Tobacco and tobacco products – Atmo- sphere for conditioning and testing; International Or- 1. Baker, R.R. and C.J. Proctor: Where there’s smoke; ganisation for Standardisation, Geneva, 1999. Chemistry in Britain 37 (2001) 38–41. 18. ISO 3308: Routine analytical smoking machine – Defi- 2. IARC: Evaluation of the carcinogenic risk of chemi- nition and standard conditions; International Organisa- cals to humans: , International tion for Standardisation, Geneva, 2000. Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, , 1986, 19. Purkis, S.W., C.A. Hill, and I.A. Bailey: Current mea- IARC Monograph 38. surement reliability of selected smoke analytes; Beitr. 3. Baker, R.R.: Smoke chemistry; in: Tobacco: Produc- Tabakforsch. 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132 ents; J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem 63 (1980) 1344–1354. 31. Data on Canadian cigarettes’ smoke constituents 28. Rickert, W.S. and W.G. Wright: Stability of yields of yields, Canadian mandated analytes from the Kentucky refer- ence cigarette; CORESTA Conference 2002, paper ST26, available at Address for correspondence 29. Hahn, J. and W.-D. Heller: Determination of carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke. Problems in evaluating Evan Gregg results; Deutsche Lebensmittel Rundschau 98 (2002) Consultant to the Tobacco Manufacturers’ Association 165–169. Burwood House, 14/16 Caxton Street 30. Task Force on smoking methods development, London SW1H 0ZB and follow links to special analytes UK task force. E-mail: [email protected]

APPENDIX. Tables A1–A4 Table A1. Cigarette product descriptions

NFDPM Length Blend Weight Porosity Filter Circum- Filter Brand Company a (mg) (mm) Menthol style b (g) (CU) dilution (%) ference (mm) type c

Silk Cut Ultra GL 1 84 UKB 0.56 44 82 24.8 CA L&B Ultra Lights ITL 1 84 UKB 0.63 71 76 24.9 CA Silk Cut EM KS GL 3 84 UKB 0.56 44 69 24.8 CA Superkings Ultra Lights ITL 3 99 UKB 0.55 71 57 24.7 CA Camel Ultra Lights JTI 3 84 AMB 0.57 50 70 24.9 CA Silk Cut KS GL 5 84 UKB 0.64 71 57 24.8 CA Mayfair Menthol GL 5 84 Y UKB 0.58 44 69 24.8 CA L&B Lights KS ITL 5 84 UKB 0.58 44 42 24.9 CA Lights PM 6 84 AMB 0.62 34 45 24.8 CA Red Band Lights REE 6 84 UKB 0.61 60 51 24.8 CA Super Slims BAT 7 99 AMB 0.38 20 45 17.0 CA Consulate Menthol BAT 8 84 Y UKB 0.63 50 30 24.8 CA Mayfair Lights KS GL 8 84 UKB 0.63 44 30 24.8 CA Superkings Lights ITL 8 99 UKB 0.68 44 31 24.7 CA Rothmans Royals BAT 11 84 UKB 0.67 50 23 24.8 CA B&H KS GL 11 84 UKB 0.65 29 17 24.8 CA Berkeley SK GL 11 99 UKB 0.73 71 19 24.8 CA Regal Filter ITL 11 71 UKB 0.53 44 7 24.7 CA Gitanes Caporal ALT 12 70 DAC 0.68 15 14 26.7 CA Senior Service GL 12 69 UKB 0.74 200 0 25.1 NF L&B KS ITL 12 84 UKB 0.63 44 0 24.6 CA Superkings ITL 12 99 UKB 0.73 71 0 24.7 CA Regal KS ITL 12 84 UKB 0.62 44 0 24.7 CA Marlboro KS PM 12 84 AMB 0.77 54 19 24.8 CA Rothmans Royals 120s BAT 12 120 UKB 0.76 75 25 22.0 CA

a Manufacturers: ALT = ; BAT = British American Tobacco, GL = Gallaher Limited; ITL = Imperial Tobacco Limited; JTI = Japan Tobacco International; PM = Philip Morris; REE = Reetsma (now part of ITL). b Blend style: UKB = typical UK Virginia blend; AMB = typical American blend; DAC = dark air-cured. c Filter type: CA = cellulose acetate; NF = non-filtered.

133 g/cig HCN  ng/cig Chromium ng/cig Selenium ng/cig Arsenic ng/cig Nickel ng/cig Mercury Lead ng/cig ng/cig Cadmium mg/cig Nicotine a,b CO mg/cig mg/cig NFDPM onstituents yields (summary) yields onstituents Mean CoV Mean CoV Mean CoV Mean CoV Mean CoV Mean CoV Mean CoV Mean CoV Mean CoV Mean CoV Mean CoV Brand Benson & Hedges KSHedges 10.30 & 4.33LightsSuperkings 11.74 Benson Ultra 4.12Berkely MentholSizeCamel 3.09 0.84 9.69KS Consulate King Lights 8.80 4.21 Caporal FilterGitanes 5.56 Lights 7.06 L&B 19.13 3.13 11.50 Ultra KS L&B 11.99 12.00 4.81KS 11.93 4.92 6.14KS L&B KS 14.94 Lights 4.19 5.24 4.62 8.30KS 0.79 0.29Marlboro 1.61 3.92 Lights 12.60 Lights 13.30Marlboro 6.88 6.10 4.10 10.98 Menthol 4.77 3.80 2.60 5.09 Mayfair 5.55 3.30 Band 1.49 6.48 5.19 0.58 15.78 7.23 9.18 4.65 Mayfair 7.15 0.64Filter 7.17 0.86 13.39 14.01120s 12.69 5.58 7.19 4.81Red 5.35 17.73129.70 7.61KS 17.89 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a KS 3.16 0.17 6.41 11.49 3.43 4.61Regal Mild 10.93 2.81 0.45Royals 5.04 8.73 5.95 7.66 10.39 90.34Regal 12.79 34.55 16.14 9.99 5.37Royals Extra 7.15 4.87 0.52 5.74 12.45 Rothman KS 4.73 14.17 5.28 2.15Service 4.08 8.87 11.00KS 1.55 0.47 23.12 Rothman 0.97 8.81 31.01 4.73 0.57 Cut 9.44 0.42 12.29 4.29 2.67 Ultra 3.05 0.91 10.44 Senior 10.65 5.54 7.42 Cut 19.34 9.10 21.21 8.62119.87 5.27 1.61 10.69 10.86 5.90 Silk 5.46 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.27 n/a n/a 3.62 4.56 n/a n/a Cut 23.72 14.22 2.80 8.34 4.81 11.9620.42 2.65 12.26 Silk n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 3.16 2.84 1.01 5.05 0.83 46.90 7.63 10.92 5.25 5.99 8.07Lights 13.76 4.46 Silk 11.92 5.45 9.54 7.79 6.30Lights 24.41 16.2090.37 6.77 0.89 4.49 n/a n/a n/a 5.43 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 9.849.57Superkings 8.00 4.71 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 13.86 6.29 Ultra 13.99 18.79 10.13 1.26 n/a 1.20 5.622.75 3.08 n/a n/a 0.26 Superkings 3.82 23.62 0.82 15.93 7.87Superslims 4.03 4.94 1.65 7.76 7.71 8.36 3.41 Superkings 14.51 9.81 6.60 7.51 24.05 n/a 6.96 — 3.93 8.10 0.90 2.57 9.01 Vogue 1.84 17.1467.89 7.30 2.56 8.09 16.99 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.11 5.78 3.53 4.50 15.50141.87 3.13 16.30 55.80 1.26 11.25 17.36 5.01 9.99 6.59 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.94 6.16 4.17 13.73 16.00 9.64 6.49 6.91 7.38 20.34 4.4799.50 6.11 11.27 21.86 7.8653.85 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2.05 10.71 15.14 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 6.134.44 7.54 n/a n/a 2.540.3249.21 0.52 10.26 0.26 5.32 3.87 19.15 n/a n/a n/a n/a 10.73 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2.03 3.73 8.85 8.98 11.90 9.57 12.77 4.37 19.30 15.90 4.72 6.25 6.77 5.06 6.05 11.41 3.48132.46 6.65 1.67 13.892.85 n/a n/a n/a 8.50 0.70 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.81 5.30 4.98134.86 4.16 7.27 4.61 11.10 2.20 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 6.35 5.71 22.23 3.91 4.57 n/a 5.87 4.94 4.75 0.62 4.83113.28 0.84102.58 5.88 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 10.67 127.4324.35 6.44 9.08 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 5.51139.39 3.03 2.91 1.76 10.96 5.16 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 9.48 21.92 9.41 15.46 16.33 2.08 7.28 1.64 12.14 0.84 5.45108.50 1.44 8.23 7.74 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 9.46 15.21 1.93 6.24 1.40 2.01 6.2934.93 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 52.78 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2.31 19.66 — 2.10 1.73 14.76 69.77 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 4.68 4.30 11.45 119.9590.92 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 7.50 19.52 Table A2. Individual smoke c

134 g/cig  Acetaldehyde g/cig  Formaldehyde g/cig  Acetone NNK ng/cig NNN ng/cig NAT ng/cig NAB ng/cig ng/cig 4-ABP ng/cig 3-ABP 2-NA ng/cig 1-NA ng/cig Mean CoV Mean CoV Mean CoV Mean CoV Mean CoV Mean CoV Mean CoV Mean CoV Mean CoV Mean CoV Mean CoV .) cont Brand Benson & Hedges KS & Benson SuperkingsBerkely LightsCamel Ultra 7.63 MentholConsulate 12.16 Caporal FilterGitanes 6.32 5.15 Size King L&B 10.87 4.03 KS Lights L&B 15.79 8.20 6.05 4.56 Lights Ultra 7.98L&B 4.56 1.11 9.30 16.19Marlboro KS 2.24 10.29 11.36 KSMarlboro Lights 1.01 3.50 8.33 8.04 7.33 KS Lights Mayfair 0.86 16.64 4.42 4.60 KS Menthol Mayfair 0.58 2.87 1.95 4.78 19.08 0.80 KS Lights Red Band 14.20 0.85 5.93 6.96 4.93 9.38 8.05 18.05 3.81Regal Filter 2.77 15.47 9.69 7.06 5.45 10.39Regal KS 14.13 7.68 0.51 2.06 1.36 3.89 0.63 8.73 10.23 53.01 5.04 Royals 120sRothman 15.72 4.22 0.99 11.31 14.62 5.02 5.95 7.23 10.74 Royals KSRothman 5.55 5.71 15.93 0.72 3.94 44.17 15.79 0.33 4.63 59.84 31.79 3.16 ServiceSenior 2.65 8.15 2.85 9.74 3.82 18.39 6.49 9.02 0.71 10.90 9.10 Mild Extra Cut Silk 0.90 7.30 13.05 11.39 10.73 148.29 16.84 10.40 0.92 1.54 21.79 5.99 KS 8.13 Cut Silk 0.28 0.54 39.49 23.39 41.96 0.62 8.97 9.11 25.45 4.79 0.71 10.34 KS Ultra Cut Silk 15.74 5.77 11.19 11.84 8.00 7.43 8.73 9.51 8.16 6.58 257.56 8.32 0.73 6.31Superkings 14.91 17.94 46.61 0.74 15.44 2.57 4.83 307.37 3.25 4.91 1.21 3.26 13.81 5.05 8.64 1.08 LightsSuperkings 13.33 28.05 1.16 13.31 0.57 0.49 6.39 16.49 7.38 499.85 12.47 32.02 15.00 13.71 10.10 Lights Ultra Superkings 3.38 10.02 10.83 20.44 20.74 22.91 303.04 5.46 13.60 8.68 5.06 9.98 18.15 9.58 28.08 12.39 8.84 SuperslimsVogue 1.89 25.97 1.34 0.81 12.34 12.38 1.08 4.93 7.80 6.42 20.21 303.43 22.96 4.08 14.11 10.80 11.48 6.06 3.53 0.87 2.19 29.52 19.37 83.11 15.78 5.54 19.95 0.84 17.30 27.44 43.24 720.02 9.54 6.90 4.21 17.19 7.70 66.36 86.83 17.06 12.00 20.82 5.29 13.28 15.79 14.06 216.85 0.52 16.30 8.07 0.86 0.59 14.82 19.60 6.62 6.31 14.56 15.44 10.44 11.06 6.70 0.81 1.05 21.12 16.11 9.09 3.16 2.05 33.35 3.97 7.67 29.36 5.32 12.54 705.15 15.75 43.81 12.56 0.63 10.30 7.38 84.27 12.10 4.58 7.84 13.28 8.45 9.59 6.78 7.75 25.49 26.37 11.17 686.56 25.41 13.62 19.61 6.32 9.22 21.21 10.99 0.22 5.65 14.60 5.47 5.23 0.41 23.10 317.74 167.38 202.06 17.60 7.15 8.33 48.93 13.56 0.89 4.02 0.57 58.74 7.01 0.88 44.82 2.61 105.03 15.16 12.14 5.23 514.46 17.11 17.51 8.03 3.95 4.39 11.04 3.67 14.65 11.06 0.97 6.02 3.63 10.64 8.82 8.71 9.02 12.86 6.56 9.61 55.92 30.62 0.21 10.69 52.29 30.45 36.30 19.32 11.72 228.88 2.45 311.20 174.63 0.92 14.26 8.24 8.35 0.69 31.53 47.04 6.80 11.15 0.71 0.47 13.42 13.08 17.80 7.30 9.08 9.41 3.74 2.06 12.23 15.44 154.00 1.81 159.53 25.08 5.90 74.32 7.27 1.68 758.00 12.15 1.52 0.78 5.68 462.97 7.79 19.23 14.81 29.73 12.53 8.88 5.74 0.77 10.48 36.72 7.00 6.45 30.22 3.31 49.16 57.00 3.80 7.74 5.92 0.65 10.59 17.18 8.06 4.66 249.94 4.90 108.46 12.13 10.27 25.67 19.46 21.75 8.12 401.86 4.46 16.32 11.62 15.77 519.93 10.23 4.93 715.89 10.08 4.33 9.46 14.26 10.89 22.80 5.27 13.22 2.88 27.60 21.26 67.75 33.57 8.50 350.76 4.04 349.11 8.41 27.39 22.46 266.46 13.40 17.02 6.59 18.20 13.00 9.09 7.86 4.83 9.09 3.89 15.97 359.64 5.31 29.66 5.80 6.54 36.82 14.57 5.57 288.58 19.85 24.34 7.79 44.04 566.64 39.16 3.73 87.99 8.52 7.79 2.97 12.84 17.02 48.18 56.31 4.10 7.46 15.65 23.38 11.69 17.89 33.36 39.08 36.62 630.87 7.86 7.27 237.20 9.09 3.17 4.51 25.81 21.23 7.35 4.91 7.49 6.07 872.10 16.88 26.20 660.53 22.67 17.57 32.96 170.55 117.75 9.59 39.08 28.56 4.55 182.95 3.15 11.57 8.10 5.28 8.87 5.41 12.77 8.48 327.78 58.91 218.41 10.06 6.13 523.06 5.36 13.13 1.26 5.00 7.22 151.78 6.31 19.29 46.21 22.81 22.28 367.03 267.52 9.93 10.07 72.98 17.14 6.40 4.46 778.25 25.46 505.44 5.06 3.41 13.74 5.42 345.90 10.30 Table A2 (

135 NO g/cig  g/cig  Styrene g/cig  Acrylonitrile g/cig  1,3-Butadiene g/cig  Isoprene g/cig  Toluene g/cig  Benzene ]P a B[ ng/cig g/cig  Ammonia g/cig  Pyridine g/cig  Quinoline Mean CoV Mean CoV Mean CoV Mean CoV Mean CoV Mean CoV Mean CoV Mean CoV Mean CoV Mean CoV Mean CoV .) cont Benson & Hedges KS & Benson SuperkingsBerkely LightsCamel Ultra 0.28 MentholConsulate 8.03 Caporal FilterGitanes 0.24 Size King L&B 7.45 0.09 6.55 KS Lights L&B 0.44 0.22 10.95 42.35 Lights Ultra L&B 6.53 5.06 9.38 4.27Marlboro KS 1.19 13.32 12.84 KSMarlboro Lights 21.29 33.16 3.72 1.24 0.28 KS Lights Mayfair 12.26 27.46 5.80 10.73 17.24 0.18 KS Menthol Mayfair 19.34 18.81 0.06 6.59 11.18 3.24 12.00 KS Lights Red Band 43.14 14.98 13.30 0.17 63.75 21.46 9.40 3.63 20.60Regal Filter 10.87 7.12 3.26 19.70 0.31 0.98 43.50 0.22 11.77Regal KS 16.99 18.20 11.97 0.11 74.00 14.19 2.62 11.68 71.93 0.12 Royals 120sRothman 18.81 3.51 17.43 55.84 5.02 6.98 29.37 5.05 2.66 71.02 Royals KSRothman 24.72 35.31 0.28 26.94 5.68 6.01 9.31 1.85 8.33 355.52 5.27 11.38 Service 13.64Senior 3.92 8.55 100.68 0.30 62.02 1.96 23.89 314.94 12.18 6.83 21.24 14.04 12.27 Mild Extra Cut Silk 7.88 6.01 17.66 57.96 2.36 31.01 9.82 9.40 4.05 8.28 16.12 33.15 0.26 KS 0.34 Cut Silk 2.13 4.01 304.78 25.21 6.02 9.14 130.27 23.69 2.43 32.28 51.62 KS Ultra Cut Silk 16.55 9.47 5.75 24.84 5.45 12.78 5.00 4.82 33.06 0.27 264.36 7.14 11.63 13.18Superkings 6.66 14.56 5.17 9.88 10.74 13.67 6.40 8.86 7.91 37.44 0.07 4.84 8.76 11.07 8.37 0.39 28.31 11.85 LightsSuperkings 8.55 7.18 87.20 54.79 8.21 20.65 5.51 30.03 17.14 5.41 16.70 25.46 24.50 8.42 Lights Ultra Superkings 9.54 7.11 7.71 6.46 5.00 12.59 13.44 14.05 49.05 6.62 22.45 32.66 13.22 8.58 SuperslimsVogue 13.23 1.01 6.15 0.01 4.39 16.19 259.71 44.78 7.22 11.14 32.50 6.09 350.26 2.08 5.03 6.96 13.65 5.20 0.16 0.08 4.66 10.58 229.85 5.88 13.46 7.31 14.80 5.38 11.18 10.84 6.09 6.56 4.62 23.84 0.22 13.80 14.56 16.20 6.11 93.02 25.62 35.14 17.35 0.83 25.43 55.87 12.28 124.50 1.04 48.87 258.78 48.86 16.33 9.53 5.40 39.93 40.11 15.97 133.38 9.59 13.35 0.25 1.84 8.22 9.40 5.60 74.28 2.86 1.61 10.24 6.47 5.03 13.67 5.51 0.25 15.61 26.08 8.86 25.32 15.65 14.74 5.50 2.50 5.06 417.14 21.60 3.94 32.51 197.03 175.10 4.45 43.98 244.14 18.70 0.07 18.40 23.65 295.56 5.93 23.38 3.64 48.00 11.67 3.70 6.39 5.58 10.90 43.38 69.18 9.02 6.49 12.52 8.36 8.03 181.49 5.53 57.54 6.32 6.38 2.64 1.69 14.15 15.92 3.96 24.09 3.54 35.58 10.92 5.86 6.94 9.53 4.38 22.25 18.26 1.68 16.59 3.64 24.89 106.69 75.18 4.32 33.73 23.49 16.59 4.07 7.74 82.76 4.50 301.60 11.72 6.05 0.89 5.65 32.67 5.36 22.43 5.15 8.61 6.61 5.63 8.62 97.74 3.19 3.54 3.64 12.20 2.71 6.14 6.85 5.36 10.94 9.52 10.27 12.10 6.25 10.19 14.92 326.42 3.55 5.82 7.02 4.56 62.61 59.57 19.62 22.78 360.99 29.41 11.10 12.53 102.43 13.70 18.26 1.09 14.48 5.37 3.03 368.85 4.47 17.16 10.66 5.00 4.38 4.34 7.23 4.55 3.76 37.62 9.56 26.32 9.22 8.13 21.87 2.49 59.78 34.13 5.04 21.37 12.15 259.28 8.07 119.10 35.49 12.20 7.56 52.40 6.19 2.45 5.36 14.08 7.97 25.00 76.88 9.44 25.66 8.01 42.20 5.43 3.95 41.16 24.09 6.14 11.60 25.06 59.22 10.92 5.88 63.88 156.62 10.79 7.87 4.18 1.79 1.68 23.13 9.66 24.26 12.08 90.38 9.38 133.51 71.82 9.61 6.88 4.87 50.30 126.69 8.62 11.71 7.69 13.24 14.46 189.77 4.44 8.40 5.82 10.63 4.65 266.15 4.68 8.79 4.06 386.96 13.14 9.53 9.83 42.82 8.10 5.28 2.11 6.82 6.93 8.70 15.39 4.66 7.70 17.53 9.70 5.38 116.30 27.12 8.33 36.60 6.75 37.12 2.50 13.06 5.02 203.18 7.23 4.55 5.71 90.90 2.01 6.80 6.52 1.47 13.81 4.38 5.27 131.86 0.76 112.69 6.12 6.93 11.42 10.70 9.24 7.05 2.04 13.82 18.89 5.54 15.34 12.52 35.26 5.75 89.02 10.09 3.31 3.46 0.93 8.25 6.89 54.06 5.92 13.44 4.42 6.43 66.82 19.20 7.05 70.28 7.87 13.65 106.11 4.02 14.41 18.79 5.88 64.15 4.93 3.93 4.79 75.29 5.36 Brand Table A2 (

136 g/cig  Resorcinol g/cig  Catechol g/cig  Hydroquinone -Cresol p g/cig  - & - & m g/cig -Cresol  o g/cig  Phenol g/cig  Crotonaldehyde g/cig  Acrolein g/cig MEK  g/cig  Butyraldehyde g/cig  Mean CoV Mean CoV Mean CoV Mean CoV Mean CoV Mean CoV Mean CoV Mean CoV Mean CoV Mean CoV Mean CoV Propionaldehyde ) cont. n/a = not applicable. applicable. = not n/a calculation. for results few too columns represent — in CoV a b Benson & Hedges KS & Benson SuperkingsBerkely LightsCamel Ultra 52.58 MentholConsulate 9.86 Caporal FilterGitanes 50.82 44.35 Size King L&B 5.61 12.82 8.54 KS Lights L&B 46.75 37.61 12.87 40.88 Lights Ultra L&B 83.28 19.51 10.91 13.14 9.61Marlboro KS 36.60 30.53 6.77 80.86 11.83 KSMarlboro Lights 14.74 17.23 59.91 54.41 7.13 18.66 KS Lights Mayfair 83.24 56.83 33.73 8.44 13.75 59.60 7.05 KS Menthol Mayfair 8.18 9.02 9.38 12.38 5.04 KS Lights Red Band 24.43 29.60 45.96 7.94 14.29 45.78 46.00 16.50Regal Filter 26.30 9.99 52.91 3.23 23.86 9.17 36.98 10.17 13.77 8.35 25.50Regal KS 3.15 8.01 15.91 19.27 3.79 88.83 6.11 22.24 16.61 25.19 8.98 12.34 Royals 120sRothman 5.34 19.51 10.06 55.12 10.05 12.98 42.52 3.22 12.93 5.54 13.14 7.88 Royals KSRothman 32.29 18.95 2.08 69.12 4.02 11.70 5.93 12.69 ServiceSenior 41.84 8.75 5.56 23.39 42.23 24.04 8.34 10.53 9.16 10.47 22.32 Mild Extra Cut Silk 39.09 8.94 6.42 10.58 82.42 2.68 5.34 4.46 3.48 61.86 29.14 45.09 48.59 40.35 0.69 KS Cut 3.03Silk 38.19 3.79 10.03 20.34 34.41 4.01 10.46 37.63 6.50 5.37 5.70 4.88 KS Ultra Cut 3.25Silk 6.69 19.81 6.95 62.06 14.25 9.82 44.32 8.76 2.13 61.67 5.07 7.33Superkings 17.09 39.07 42.50 9.84 27.33 8.53 13.34 7.35 9.91 40.57 28.28 7.68 9.39 52.86 1.81 13.23 3.01 LightsSuperkings 65.11 8.85 9.55 3.94 13.93 4.77 15.63 7.40 18.98 4.62 51.17 6.68 9.26 17.56 5.42 Lights Ultra Superkings 1.98 8.75 22.74 8.90 4.99 10.63 9.45 75.02 76.95 42.10 8.78 4.27 8.66 43.68 11.61 SuperslimsVogue 8.26 36.89 5.65 57.83 16.41 17.66 8.75 7.79 17.34 16.52 50.84 27.07 19.63 7.04 2.57 35.81 9.42 5.00 10.96 7.78 1.41 98.49 6.34 6.25 6.38 11.44 21.23 0.61 14.81 2.27 14.53 37.56 5.54 5.72 8.15 5.17 10.98 57.41 62.43 48.68 4.79 11.12 10.24 55.11 19.73 12.95 7.79 69.08 14.20 15.02 7.61 4.00 56.88 6.35 5.51 1.18 19.21 15.31 5.53 11.08 23.12 16.82 3.09 43.89 6.93 1.37 25.26 12.83 8.56 3.03 6.88 87.76 5.74 1.50 5.57 31.52 5.31 24.01 25.79 6.99 9.34 16.79 3.83 10.98 4.10 12.02 3.04 10.04 18.84 4.39 9.79 10.49 0.90 60.72 9.44 45.95 1.06 0.38 13.70 14.58 44.69 45.77 29.22 4.96 7.02 4.03 19.63 8.25 18.30 1.78 6.11 1.56 3.80 33.25 0.77 7.13 7.42 9.35 11.31 6.72 32.61 10.80 3.88 57.97 2.75 5.78 15.77 12.89 3.65 7.15 21.65 8.29 12.22 6.81 16.58 9.34 9.67 4.13 14.88 28.72 67.56 4.13 8.34 24.35 38.41 9.30 90.66 20.07 4.19 8.47 2.15 15.02 4.71 4.60 2.89 38.08 4.34 5.04 5.10 7.30 5.46 4.07 14.01 6.10 10.18 9.57 33.92 43.42 6.01 31.46 4.80 3.83 4.84 14.39 10.00 9.79 10.46 47.24 8.35 8.14 46.20 6.63 7.27 1.47 35.14 3.77 3.50 69.00 9.27 4.55 3.69 0.71 3.22 0.87 5.96 11.21 13.51 5.03 11.17 9.84 35.68 25.39 40.36 1.31 0.17 14.91 0.78 7.30 7.54 31.61 17.00 11.27 5.67 11.72 9.16 14.24 9.11 8.35 50.22 10.00 10.38 3.64 4.30 4.97 27.86 4.17 7.09 15.69 8.68 3.07 5.54 62.35 9.76 9.08 14.10 3.71 2.59 2.21 9.25 44.22 31.12 7.39 0.77 2.89 14.35 0.77 0.91 61.81 6.43 13.52 14.65 50.14 5.09 21.65 4.57 1.24 2.61 8.39 15.85 12.06 0.96 36.14 3.68 3.49 6.11 66.66 3.68 8.89 3.83 62.74 8.75 16.31 16.96 0.73 4.18 0.52 6.97 10.92 0.27 70.66 6.76 11.24 3.25 55.24 4.76 58.60 4.15 5.74 11.16 2.49 3.97 5.60 56.85 5.53 8.94 1.32 3.57 67.61 4.54 12.11 6.55 19.85 32.26 10.15 0.78 10.34 1.41 10.17 5.18 6.14 70.60 1.14 5.80 3.73 22.02 8.42 31.91 48.48 11.41 5.26 4.64 1.46 37.30 7.22 5.06 0.32 5.91 8.46 63.21 4.39 4.37 1.18 20.98 3.87 30.91 5.41 57.63 4.36 8.13 7.14 0.59 5.75 8.73 69.28 4.51 10.11 0.42 38.62 3.14 3.96 6.33 1.02 6.66 6.81 1.46 0.13 2.84 0.93 5.04 8.71 9.95 Brand Table A2 ( Table A2

137 Table A3. Multiple regression analysis of cigarette design features: illustrative examples

Parameter Partial Total Significance Constituent Step entered R2 R2 level Butyraldehyde 0 NFDPM 0.887 0.89 <.0001 1 Blend style 0.056 0.94 <.0001 2 Paper porosity 0.018 0.96 0.0287 3 Circumference 0.013 0.97 0.0163 NAT 0 NFDPM 0.379 0.38 0.0365 1 Blend style 0.360 0.74 0.0003 Toluene 0 NFDPM 0.902 0.90 <.0001 1 Paper porosity 0.038 0.94 0.0094 2 Circumference 0.022 0.96 0.0172 Catechol 0 NFDPM 0.823 0.82 <.0001 1 Blend style 0.107 0.93 0.0014 NO 0 NFDPM 0.544 0.54 0.0006 1 Blend style 0.186 0.73 0.0028 Ammonia 0 NFDPM 0.370 0.37 0.0007 1 Blend style 0.454 0.82 <.0001 HCN 0 NFDPM 0.931 0.93 <.0001 1 Paper porosity 0.015 0.95 0.0350 2 Blend style 0.013 0.96 0.0403 o-Cresol 0 NFDPM 0.677 0.68 <.0001 1 Paper porosity 0.167 0.84 0.0015 Phenol 0 NFDPM 0.607 0.61 0.0001 1 Paper porosity 0.235 0.84 0.0003 1-Naphythylamine 0 NFDPM 0.652 0.65 0.0001 1 Blend style 0.173 0.82 0.0004

Stepwise selection of tobacco blend style, menthol (presence or absence), paper porosity, cigarette circumference, cigarette weight and cigarette length was performed for the illustrated smoke constituents yields regressed against NFDPM yield. Only those parameters with a significant effect (p < 0.05) are shown.

Table A4. Sources of analytical variability encountered in the UK benchmark study (for abbreviations see Tables 1 and 2)

Example of method where the effect may Area of interest Specific item have been observed General sources of a) Operator to operator variability a) — variability b) Background contamination b) acetone, trace metals c) Variation in ambient conditions c) — d) Purity of standards d) — e) Suitability of analysis equipment to do the task (e.g. outdated or old equipment) e) — Product variability Measuring the analyte yields from small numbers of cigarettes may make the carbonyls, HCN measurement atypical Smoke generation a) Cross-contamination from sidestream smoke with ventilated products a) ammonia b) Perturbation in the puff-profile, including time-lag in the generation of the smoke due b) carbonyls, semi-volatile compounds, to the pressure drop of the trap arrangement HCN Smoke trapping a) Incomplete trapping of the analyte due to practical compromises in the trap design a) carbonyls, ammonia, VOCs, mercury b) Incomplete trapping of the analyte due to partitioning of compounds between b) VOCs particulate and gas phases c) Change in trapping efficiency with loading for analytes from cigarettes of different yields c) — d) Variability in the trapping efficiency of solid bed adsorbents due to packing d) HCN, semi-volatile compounds inconsistencies e) Potential for contamination from the trapping unit e) glass tubes and electrostatic precipita- tor electrode in trace metals analysis f) Potential for poisoning or overload of solid phase trapping media for high yield products f) — Analyte derivatisation, a) Poor recoveries in the clean-up and concentration steps. Numerical errors introduced a) — clean-up and con- through use of recovery standards to multiply and compensate for yields centration b) Variable recoveries near to 100% where no recovery standard is used b) B[a]P c) Difficulties in removing/extracting all of the analyte from the trapping system c) HCN, aromatic amines d) Difficulty in analysis due to the effects of the “dirty-matrix” of cigarette smoke d) TSNA by GC-TEA (method aban- degrading machine performance over short time intervals doned during study) Analyte reactivity in the Variable timing between generation and analysis for time-sensitive analyses NO, ammonia, HCN detection process Interference during de- a) Co-elution or lack of complete chromatographic separation a) — tection b) Interference between artefacts and the analyte b) polyatomic complexes in trace metals c) Interference from co-reacting species c) quenching or enhancing effects from CO or alkenes in NO analysis Non-specific detection a) Non-specific detection in non-chromatographic or mass spectrometry-based detection a) colorimetric methods for HCN b) Separation of peaks into isomeric forms b) acetaldehyde c) Need to have all analytes in the system in the same specific condition for analysis c) metals analysis – acid concentration and oxidation state Calibration errors a) Matrix interference in the detection of an analyte, or in the internal standard, a) B[a]P, polyatomic complexes in invalidating the calibration or analysis metals analysis b) Yields outside of calibration range requiring additional analytical steps for some b) semi-volatile compounds samples to bring the solution into the calibration range c) Difficulties in simultaneously calibrating for different members of an analysis group c) gas or liquid phase – 1,3-butadiene due to different phases in the VOC method d) Intercepts on regression lines introducing significant errors in the yields from low yield d) several products Low sensitivity of the a) Method insufficiently sensitive for the deliveries from low yield brands a) ammonia, HCN detector b) Changes in number of cigarettes or trapping method required to compensate for this b) several c) Poor resolution or precision for one member of an analysis group c) NNK in TSNA by GC/TEA (method abandoned during study) d) Analysis machines working close to their “limit of operation” thereby affecting preci- d) metals sion of measurement