Carlton Parish Council. Minutes of the Full Council Meeting. Tuesday 30th January 2018 at 7.30pm Carlton Methodist Church Schoolroom.

Present: Councillors: Cllr T. Clayton (Chair), Cllr A. Bradshaw, Cllr D. Leek, Cllr M. Deller, Cllr K. Longfield, Cllr N. Armitage (Vice-Chair) Proper Officer/Clerk: Mrs S. Rockliff Members of the Public: Cllr M. Jordan, District Councillor (SDC) and North County Councillor (NYCC), Mr Graves

99. Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence were received from Cllr R. Everatt, Cllr J. Thewlis and Cllr D. Crabtree. Resolved that the apologies for absence be accepted 100. Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interest received. 101. Minutes of the Previous Meeting The Minutes of the Meeting held on the 28th November 2017 were considered. Resolved that the minutes of the meeting be accepted as a correct record. 102. Questions from the Public There were no questions form the public. 103. and County Councillor’s Report 103.1 SDC have approved an increase in their precept of £5 for Band D houses. 103.2 The last CEF was held in Eggborough and there was good attendance. The police attended and responded to concerns. The next CEF will be at Hensall. Resolved that the SDC’s report be noted. 104. Clerk’s Report for On-going Matters 104.1 Barratt Homes Development Issues. Barratt Homes apologised for the incident involving tipper wagons and would make sure it didn’t happen again. A meeting had been held with James Wakeling, Barratt Homes to discuss why the council’s choices for street names were not considered. Mr Wakeling apologised for the lack of communication on his part but said unfortunately names cannot now be changed. He promised to improve communications in future. 104.2 Double Yellow Lines on High Street. Clerk had contacted V.Day from NYCC about the matter but had not had a response. Cllr Jordan recommended contacting G. Lumb. 104.3 ICO registration. The Parish council are now registered with the ICO. 104.4 Planning Training. The clerk had attended training by SDC on the online portal for planning. 104.5 Village Signs. Sign Group UK are currently manufacturing the signs. 104.6 The clerk has completed the ILCA training course. 104.7 The defibrillator has been insured with Zurich Insurance. 104.8 The clerk has been appointed as Clerk to Hirst Courtney & West Bank Parish Council. 104.9 Camm Lane has a width restriction order being advertised in the Selby times in February. Resolved that the clerk’s report be noted.

Minutes approved at the meeting held on the 27th February 2018

105 Second Phase of House Building Cllr Jordan said that the second phase of the development on Station Road was likely to start sooner than expected as the first phase of houses have sold quickly. Ainscough are handling the sale of the land. Part of the land has been identified for community use and Ainscough needed to know the Parish Council’s views on the matter. Councillors considered different options and it was agreed that the preferred option was for part of the land to be used as allotments and the rest for community recreation. This would allow the land behind the cemetery currently used as allotments to be grassed over and used as additional cemetery land. Resolved that Cllr Jordan’s report be noted. Cllr Jordan to convey the Parish Council’s thoughts to Ainscough. 106 Budget for 2018/19 Councillors considered the two year budget plan presented by the Finance Committee. Cllr Clayton explained that areas of known expenditure such as admin had been increased by 10% to allow for increases in costs. The overall expenditure would be covered by the precept and the use of some capital. Cllr Bradshaw asked about the street light replacement and street furniture costs. Cllr Clayton explained that the street light replacement was a programme of work starting with six lamps in the coming year. Street furniture was for items such as benches, litter bins and dog waste bins. Resolved that the budget plan be accepted. 107 Funding Requirements for 2018/19 Councillors considered the recommendation of the Finance Committee for the Funding Requirements for 2018/19. Cllr Clayton explained that although the request was for a 5% increase in the Band D charge this equated to an increase of £1.78 per year. A Band D household would pay £37.40 per year or 72p per week. Resolved that the recommendation of the Finance Committee for a 5% increase in the Band D charge be accepted. The Chairman and the Clerk to sign the Notice of 2018/19 Precept form. Cllr Jordan left the meeting at this point. 108 Dog Waste Bin Councillors considered the request for a dog waste bin on Long Hedge Lane. The clerk also reported that dog waste bags were being left on Convent Walk. Resolved that dog waste bins be purchased for Long Hedge Lane and Convent Walk/ High Street. 109 Golden Garden Councillors considered the proposal by Cllr Clayton that the Golden Garden be restored. Proposed work includes removing and/or pruning overhanding trees and shrubs. Improving pathways to ensure they are suitable for the disabled. Renovating the shelter and improving planting. Resolved that the Golden Garden be restored. The clerk to create an action plan. 110 Correspondence Received 110.1 Email from Carlton Village Hall expressing thanks for the grant to the Village Hall and for the grant for the defibrillator balance. The Village Hall committee thanked the Parish Council for working together with them for the benefit of the community. Resolved that the email be noted. 110.2 Letter from Mr Graves regarding the Barratt Compound at Vine Farm, Carlton. Mr Graves was present at the meeting and was given permission to speak.

Minutes approved at the meeting held on the 27th February 2018

He said that he believed the compound was a breach of planning regulations and that he had reported the matter to SDC Planning Enforcement in December but had heard nothing since. He was asking the Parish Council for help with SDC. The clerk reported that she had spoken twice to SDC Planning Enforcement. They had said on the 29th January that they were hoping to do a site visit that week and would keep the Parish Council informed. Resolved that the letter from Mr Graves be noted. The clerk would continue to liaise with SDC to establish what the situation was and to keep Mr Graves informed. Mr Graves left the meeting at this point. 110.3 Letter from SDC regarding a S106 payment for the development on Station Road. The clerk had sought further clarification from SDC about the payment. It is the Recreational Open space contribution detailed in the legal agreement attached to Planning Consent Ref: 2013/0731/OUT -Station Road, Carlton. It is for the improvement of open spaces and is not part of the S106 payment to the Cricket Club or Village Hall. SDC suggested that the Parish Council seek further advice from Groundwork Trust. Resolved that the letter be noted. The clerk to contact Groundwork Trust for advice. 110.4 Letter from Mr Mills, 10 The Pastures. Mr Mills was asking for help finding sponsors for his daughter who has been selected to represent GB in a form of Taekwando. Resolved that the letter be noted. Grant options for individuals to be an agenda item at the next meeting. 110.5 Letter from Carlton Cricket Club about their plans for a new pavilion and asking the council to help identify any potential users of the club. Cllr Longfield suggested the primary school. Resolved that the letter be noted. The clerk to inform the cricket club about the primary school. 110.6 Email from YLCA regarding forthcoming planning training for clerks. Cllr Longfield said that the clerk should attend. Cllr Armitage asked if Hirst Courtney could be approached to share the cost. Resolved that the clerk apply for the course. Hirst Courtney to be asked about sharing the cost. 110.7 Letter from Carlton WI thanking the Parish Council for allowing them to host the carol concert at the Golden Garden. Councillors echoed the WI in saying that it was a very successful occasion and it was hoped that it would be repeated next year. Resolved that the letter be noted. 111 Planning Matters 111.1 Notifications of Decisions: 111.1.1 Carlton Supermarket and Post Office Apartments, permitted 111.1.2 Stapleton Lodge, listed building consent for renovation work, permitted 111.1.3 Carlton Surgery, redevelopment, permitted 111.1.4 No 11 Broadacres, garage replacement, permitted 111.1.5 No 20 The Meadows, extension, permitted Resolved that the decisions be noted 111.2 Planning Applications: 111.2.1 No 2 Camm Lane, re consultation on amended plans. 111.2.2 Sandhoe, Long Hedge Lane, re consultation on amended plans.

Minutes approved at the meeting held on the 27th February 2018

Resolved that the plans be returned with no objections 112 Financial Matters 112.1 Current Account Reconciliation Bank Statement No 231 Current account Closing Balance as of 28th December 2017: £1,787.28 Resolved that the current account status be noted 112.2 Income Received 21/11/17 A & HA Grundy (cemetery income): £270.00 29/11/17 HMRC (VAT Repayment): £2,821.49 Resolved that the income received be noted 112.3 List of Payments Made or to be Made: Payment Made: 04/01/18 Debit Card Payment to Tesco, Selby. A4 paper x 2: £5.00 10/01/18 Debit Card Payment to ICO: £35.00 Payments to be Made: Clerk’s salary (net), December 2017: £304.56 D.R. Everatt, cemetery and trod maintenance: £1,584.00 Autela Payroll Services: £38.40 Clerk’s salary (net), January 2018: £304.56 Clerk’s expenses December and January, email and phone: £20.00 Carlton Methodist Church, schoolroom hire, December 2017 and January 2018: £40.00 Parish Noticeboard Company, deposit for noticeboard: £650.00 Total Payments to be Approved: £2,976.52 Resolved that the list of payments be approved. 112.4 Current Account Status after the above payments have cleared: £1,189.24 Resolved that £4,000.00 be transferred from the savings account to the current account. 113 Parish Matters 113.1 Cllr Deller reported a raised grate on a pavement near Townend Avenue. 113.2 Cllr Leek reported a faulty streetlamp on Station Road. 113.3 Cllr Armitage submitted his resignation to the chair. He explained that changes in his work pattern were making it difficult for him to commit to the council. Resolved that the resignation of Cllr Armitage be accepted. The clerk to make the necessary arrangements for the filling of a casual vacancy. 114 Date and Time of Next Meeting Tuesday 27th February 2018 at 7.30pm

Minutes approved at the meeting held on the 27th February 2018