The Existence of Water Transportation …(Agus Darmawan, Volume 2 No. 1, October 2020, 77-85 ISSN 2723-3642 The Existence of Water Transportation Facilities and Infrastructure in Tourism Industry

Agus Darmawan1, Umi Dian Adhitya Wulan Ningrum2, and Febrianti3


There are many tourism objects in Anambas Islands , namely in the form of beach tourism, nature tourism, underwater tourism, historical tourism, as well as cultural and educational tourism, but their utilization is not optimal. The main obstacle faced is the limited condition of facilities and infrastructure both to go to tourist objects and to locations of tourist objects, and the low capacity of community resources in tourism activities. If the tourism sector develops, it will certainly encourage overall regional economic growth, therefore the tourism potential of this area needs to be maximally utilized, so that it becomes one of the backbone of the economic development of the Anambas Islands region. Meanwhile, one of the supporting factors for tourism activities that need to be developed is sea transportation facilities for tourist transportation which are not yet available. This research begins with the identification of problems through secondary data followed by field observations and then evaluated. From the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that for the suitable facilities to be developed is the Catamaran type fast boat, while for land transportation infrastructure it needs to be improved, especially those that go to tourist objects. In addition, transportation nodes at seaports need to be developed, including tourism information centers and the active involvement of local communities. Keywords: Transportation; Infrastructure; Tourism.

1. Introduction The existence of the tourism industry in the world today is one of the most developed industries, so in , which is an agricultural country that has various tourism objects, the tourism sector is expected to increase economic growth, but in fact only a small part has been utilized, one of which is The island of Bali is currently an icon of Indonesian tourism. Lots of undeveloped natural tourism objects are scattered throughout Indonesia so that they are not well known by both domestic and foreign tourists, these tourist objects have extraordinary natural potential if they are developed optimally, one of which is in Anambas Regency. Although physically this area has extraordinary natural resources, however, the utilization and management are not yet serious

1Ship Technician of Politeknik Transportasi Sungai, Danau & Penyeberangan Palembang, E-Mail: [email protected] 2Lecturer of Politeknik Transportasi Sungai, Danau & Penyeberangan Palembang, E-Mail: [email protected] 3Lecturer of Politeknik Transportasi Sungai, Danau & Penyeberangan Palembang, E-Mail: [email protected]

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The Existence of Water Transportation …(Agus Darmawan, Volume 2 No. 1, October 2020, 77-85 ISSN 2723-3642 and maximized.4 The utilization of this natural potential will certainly be able to increase regional income, besides being able to grow and expand job opportunities to other sectors, such as the folk handicraft industry, agro-tourism, transportation services, trade, and cultural development. Various obstacles have caused the development of tourism industry activities in this area, especially the problem of the existence of good facilities to go to Anambas Regency and the location of tourist objects as well as the lack of supporting facilities and infrastructure at the tourist attraction sites. For local transportation, for example, while this is limited to various needs of the community, namely in the form of boats/motorboats and fast boats with basic safety equipment, while land transportation is dominated by motorbikes. Compared to the area of its waters, the existence of marine transportation facilities in particular is still lacking, especially especially for tourism activities, this of course is one of the inhibiting factors in order to encourage the creation of growth centers for the tourism industry. Considering that this area is an archipelago, to increase tourism activities it is necessary to support the existence of adequate transportation facilities in both quantity and quality. Likewise, infrastructure/road roads also need to be developed because at this time it seems that the condition is very poor, especially to go to various tourism objects. The development of the tourism industry in this area is also expected to support efforts to increase the target of 20 million tourists by 2019.

2. Research Methods The research begins with secondary data collection through literature studies, especially on the factors that influence and enhance the development of the tourism industry, while the primary data is taken from the results of field visits to Anambas Islands. The data obtained include climate & weather conditions in the sea waters of the Anambas Islands, development and condition of tourist objects, conditions of transportation facilities and infrastructure to tourist sites, supporting infrastructure in tourist attraction locations, development of passenger flow to and from Anambas, growth of accommodation,5 hotel, restaurant and bank. While the tourist objects visited are Temurun Waterfall and Mount Dewa Vihara in Siantan District using two-wheeled vehicles, Durai Island by boat, and Kesik Beach using two-wheeled vehicles. As for infrastructure conditions such as ports, which were visited include Tarempa Port (Siantan District), Letung Port and Kuala Maras Harbor (Jemaja District). Based on the data and information obtained both secondary and primary, it can be seen that the design constraints in the development of marine transportation facilities, so that the suitable marine transportation facilities to be developed in Anambas waters are Catamaran type fast boats. Through the parametric ratio design approach using statistical p- chart tools, the principle dimension can be determined. Based on these main dimensions, a general plan drawing can be made using the Auto Cad software.

4Zam, Jambak. (2014). Pengelolaan Pariwisata Anambas Belum Maksimal. (http:// kepri. 30666/pengelolaan-pariwisata-anambas- belum-maksimal). accessed on August, 2020 5Sugiarto, Endar & Kusumayadi. (2000). Metodologi Penelitian Dalam Bidang Pariwisata. Gramedia Pustaka Utama. p.16

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The Existence of Water Transportation …(Agus Darmawan, Volume 2 No. 1, October 2020, 77-85 ISSN 2723-3642 3. Results and Discussion 3.1 General description

Anambas Islands Regency has a large part of its territory consisting of oceans and islands scattered in the waters of the and . This regency consists of 255 islands with a land area of 46,664.14 km2 (1.38%) surrounded by oceans covering an area of 46,033.81 km2 (98.62%), the islands are already inhabited by about 26 islands. Administratively, this area is divided into seven sub-districts, two sub-districts and 34 villages including two preparation villages. The climate and weather conditions in the Anambas Islands are greatly influenced by changes in wind direction, the dry season usually occurs from March to May.

The condition of the waters is not always calm but only lasts about 4 months, namely April to August, the rest is quite high fluctuation in wave height, an average of around 2.2 meters.6 For deep waters the wave height can reach> 3 m, this is due to the relatively open waters of Anambas, directly facing the free sea, namely the Natuna Sea in the south and the South China Sea in the north, for the waters of the bay and the strait the water conditions are relatively calm with high waves. <0.5 m, this is because the wave has experienced refraction or diffraction. The rainy season occurs from September to February, when the wind blows from the East and South, the average rainfall in one year ranges from ± 14.5 mm/hour with air humidity around 47.25% and temperatures around 30 ° C. In addition, the depth of the sea in coastal areas is generally relatively shallow, namely <1.5 m and there are many coral reefs. Directly facing the free sea, namely the Natuna Sea in the south and the South China Sea in the north, for the bay and strait waters, the water conditions are relatively calm with a wave height <0.5 m, this is because these waves have experienced refraction or diffraction. The rainy season occurs from September to February, when the wind blows from the East and South, the average rainfall in one year ranges from ± 14.5 mm/hour with air humidity around 47.25% and temperatures around 30 ° C.

3.2 The Role of the Tourism Sector

The distribution of the percentage of gross regional domestic product illustrates the structuring of a region, by looking at this distribution it can be seen which sectors are the main economic foundation and which sectors require further optimization. Based on the results of distribution calculations in 2013, the contribution of the mining and excavation sector to the GRDP of Anambas Regency is the most dominant sector, which is 35.90%, while the contribution from the trade, hotels and restaurants sector (which describes tourism activities) is in 5th place, namely 0, 90%. Likewise, when compared to the 7 districts in the Province, the contribution of the trade sector, hotels and restaurants of the Anambas Islands in 2013 came in last. The small contribution from the trade sector. This hotel and restaurant shows a lack of tourism activity in this area, even though the potential is very large, especially marine tourism objects. Therefore in the future this area needs to encourage the development of tourism industrial activities, especially

6 J, Damanik & H. F. Weber. (2006). Perencanaan Ekowisata: Dari Teori ke Aplikasi. Yogyakarta: Penerbit Andi. p.12

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The Existence of Water Transportation …(Agus Darmawan, Volume 2 No. 1, October 2020, 77-85 ISSN 2723-3642 those based on marine7, so that economic growth centers can be created around the developed tourism objects, this is of course in line with one of the focuses of development, namely the development in the tourism sector.8

3.3 Access to Tourist Destinations

There are several ways to reach Anambas if you depart from Jakarta, first take a flight to , from Batam take the Sky Aviation flight to Matak airport (Anambas). From Matak the journey continues by minibus to the pier, then take a ferry for ± 30 minutes to Tarempa. Another alternative is to take the Jakarta-Tanjung Pinang flight, from Tanjung Pinang the journey is continued by ferry to Tarempa, which takes ± 8 hours. Another option is from Tanjung Pinang (via the port of Kijang) with a ship with a capacity of 900 passengers to Tarempa port, which takes ± 17 hours. Regarding tourist objects, if you want a multi-step and busy tour like in Bali or Phuket, Anambas is not the right place, but if you want clean white beaches, or the cool silence and the chirping of birds and the gurgling of a waterfall with challenging rocks, then Anambas is the place.9 In this area, there are several interesting places that need to be visited, including: Durai Island, an island that is only inhabited by one family, offers a charming natural beauty, this island is designated as a turtle conservation area. In addition, there are Penjalin and Temawan islands with clean white sand beaches, these tourist objects can be reached by boat.10

3.4 Shopping Facilities

Shopping centers are still minimal and uneven in this area, while currently only being centered in Tarempa, even though these shopping centers are important for tourists to buy various necessities, especially goods that have distinctive features or icons from the region so that they can be used as souvenirs.11 Therefore, in an effort to increase tourism activities in Anambas, of course these shopping centers need to be developed in each region.

3.5 Banking In 2013, the number of commercial banks operating in Anambas consisted of two government commercial banks, two private commercial banks and one regional development bank.

7Roni, Khoiron. Multiplier Effects dalam Industri Pariwisata, http:// /tourism- studies/tourism-in-general/122-multiplier-effect-dalam-industri- pariwisata.html. accessed on August, 2020 8 Ugy, Soebiyantoro. (2009). Pengaruh Ketersediaan Sarana Prasarana, Sarana Transportasi Terhadap Kepuasan Wisatawan. Malang: Fakultas Ekonomi UPN, Surabaya Program Doktoral Ilmu Manajemen Universitas Brawijaya Malang. Jurnal Manajemen Pemasaran, Vol. 4, No. 1. Accessed on August, 2020 9 Alaydrus Hadijah, MTI. Transportasi Umum Di Destinasi Wisata Masih Minim. http://industri.bisnis. com/read/ 20160111/98/508716/mti-transportasi- umum- di-destinasi-wisata-masih-minim. Accessed on August, 2020 10 Gretzel, U., Mithsce N., Hwang Y. H & Fesenmaier, D. R. (2004). “Tell Me Who You Are and I Will Tell You Where to Go: Use of Travel Personalities in Destination Recommendation Systems” Information Technology and Tourism. Vol. 7. 11 Bursan, R. (2006). ”Analisis Pengaruh Dimensi Wisata Terhadap Loyalitas Wisatawan (Studi Kasus Di Propinsi Lampung). Jurnal Bisnis dan Manajemen. Volume 3 No.1, ISSN 1411–9366. Acessed on August, 2020

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The Existence of Water Transportation …(Agus Darmawan, Volume 2 No. 1, October 2020, 77-85 ISSN 2723-3642 3.6 Art As on the island of Bali with its Kecak dance, in the Anambas archipelago there are also many kinds of arts that can be used to support the development of the tourism industry such as dancing, music, and so on, these various arts need to be developed by holding them at events.

3.7 Condition of Local Transportation Facilities As explained above, currently the types of transportation that can be used to reach Anambas district are by sea and air, although the schedule is limited. Likewise, local transportation facilities, both by land and sea, are still limited. Meanwhile, the types of facilities that are widely used for both workers, school children and other purposes, for land transportation are dominated by motorbikes, and for sea transportation using boats/ships, also known as 'Pompong' and speed boats.12 This 'Pompong' fleet is made of wood traditionally by local craftsmen, the construction of this ship is quite strong and stable in operation, however, this ‘Pompong’ fleet is not suitable for use as a passenger carrier due to various shortcomings such as, a passenger room that is filled with ≥ 30 people is not equipped with seats, minimal safety equipment, cannot sail with large bumpy waters. While speeds are made of fiberglass with a passenger capacity of 12 people, usually those that are often chartered for various purposes, so far there has been no ship specifically used to transport tourism at an affordable cost. Therefore, as an archipelago, it is not an exaggeration to emphasize the development of transportation facilities in Anambas, because this type of facility is the most effective and efficient to operate.

3.8 Transportation Infrastructure Conditions In general, it appears that the condition of transportation infrastructure to the location of tourist objects in this area is quite apprehensive both by land and sea transportation, as well as the location of the tourist attraction.

3.9 Flow of Passengers In 2013, ship visits recorded at Tarempa port were quite fluctuating, because they were greatly influenced by volatile weather conditions, for domestic vessels there were 947 visits, while foreign ships were 119 visits. Most visits occurred in September 2013 because at that time the weather conditions were better for traveling, and the smallest was in January 2013. Meanwhile, the number of passengers who increased during 2013 at Terempa port was 26,709 people, and passengers down by 39,551 people. Furthermore, the development of passenger flow at the airport is as follows: 12,113 passengers arrived at Matak Airport in 2013, and 12,198 passengers departed.13

3.10 Increase in Tourism Activities of Transportation Facilities To support the development of tourism activities in this area, one of them is by adding and developing transportation facilities and infrastructure, both for access to tourist objects and in

12 Sudiarta, M. (2005). Dampak Fisik, Ekonomi, Sosial Budaya Terhadap Pembangunan Pariwisata di Desa Serangan Denpasar Bali. Jurnal Manajemen Pariwisata Vol. 4 p.2 13 Sigala, M & Sakellaridis. (2004). Web User’s Cultural Profiles and E-Service Quality: Internationalization Implications for Tourism Web Sites. Information Technology and Tourism, Vol. 7. Accessed on August, 2020

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The Existence of Water Transportation …(Agus Darmawan, Volume 2 No. 1, October 2020, 77-85 ISSN 2723-3642 their locations. For sea transportation, there is a need for additional tourist boats that can also function as passenger ships between sub-districts in the Anambas islands.

3.11 Design requirements In order to determine the type and capacity of a ship that is suitable for operation, it is necessary to first know the various requirements (design requirements) which include the geographical conditions and the depth of the local waters as described above. In addition, several other requirements that need to be determined are as follows:14 a. Cruise distance, a matter of determining the tank capacity for fuel supplies. In this case the cruise radius is based on the farthest location distance from the tourist attraction to the regency capital (Tarempa), where the farthest is the Padang Melang beach tourism object located in Jemaja sub-district, which is 38.70 miles, by that extent the radius of the ship's cruise is taken ± 100 miles . b. It is known that generally the Pompong fleets operating in Anambas waters are monohull, given that the waves in this area are quite large, so to improve the stability of the ship, the hull should be in the form of a twin hull (Catamaran). c. The speed of the ship, in order to avoid large enough waves in the water, the ship should be designed with a relatively high speed of> 20 knots. d. The draft of the ship, so that the ship can easily dock at various docks, the water-laden height of the ship is made <1.5 meters so that the ship does not run aground when docked. e. The ship material is in accordance with International Maritime Organization regulations which prohibit ships made from fiberglass from sailing in open and corrugated seas, so the ship material should be made of aluminum.

3.12 Preliminary Design

The results of the design requirement evaluation as described above are linked to the results of research that has been conducted in this area, which are used as the basis for determining the main size of the ship. Then by using the parametric ratio design approach with the help of the p- chart statistical tool through the exel software, it was obtained a number of the main sizes of the Catamaran passenger ship from various variations of ship length (Table 5). Meanwhile, the number of passengers is adjusted to the average number of passengers in the Pompong fleet operating in Anambas waters, namely ± 36 people.

As for the planned ship, the principle dimension is taken as follows:

 Length (Lbp) = 12.00 M

 Muolded width (B) = 4.15 M

 Height (D) = 1.36 M

 Draft (T) = 0.64 M

14 Yoeti A, Oka. (2009). Industri Pariwisata dan Peluang Kesempatan Kerja. Perca. p.8

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The Existence of Water Transportation …(Agus Darmawan, Volume 2 No. 1, October 2020, 77-85 ISSN 2723-3642  Max speed (V) = 21.6 Knots

 Displacement (Δ) = 25.90 Tons

 Passenger capacity = 36 people

 Main engine = 2 x 100 HP

Based on the main dimensions above, in this case the software used is Auto Cad. The ship room consists of two decks, namely the main deck, in which there are 30 recleining sit seats, equipped with toilets, luggage, coffee shop, and TV. While at the top there is a bridge deck, on this deck there is a wheelhouse, safety equipment in the form of a compatible life raft, buoys and life jackets, below the main deck there is an engine room connected to the stairs. To breathe fresh air, tourists can walk around the outer main deck which is equipped with a fence.

3.13 Transportation Infrastructure

As described above, the condition of transportation infrastructure at Anambas is still minimal and simple, both for access to tourist sites and to the location of the tourist attraction itself. Therefore, in its development, of course it needs to be fixed and equipped with adequate equipment, both other supporting infrastructure, as well as road access to the beach, and it is hoped that this increase can make it easier for tourists to reach tourist objects. Especially in tourist attraction locations that have shallow coastal areas, to facilitate access for visitors to the beach and for ship mooring purposes, it is necessary to make a jetty starting from the beach that juts into the middle of the sea.

3.14 Integrated Mode of Transportation

Meanwhile, the modes of transportation that can be used to Anambas are air and sea transportation, while for local transportation that can be used only in the form of sea transportation, although land (road) transportation is also available but only in the form of motorbikes. In an effort to develop the tourism industry in this area, there is a need for integration between these modes, even though the choice of modes is limited. Several transportation nodes that need to be developed immediately are at the port of Matak-Palmatak District and at the port of Tarempa-East Siantan District. On this route, there are quite a number of nodes or points of contact both by local transportation and other modes of transportation.

3.15 Other Service Facilities

Apart from creating intermodal integration at transportation nodes, another element that is no less important is the need to provide various tourism facilities which include:

a. Tourism Information Center

To support the introduction of these objects to the community both domestically and internationally, of course, tourist information centers need to be made both in the Anambas area itself and outside the region, for the Anambas area itself, at least there must be in Tarempa as the

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The Existence of Water Transportation …(Agus Darmawan, Volume 2 No. 1, October 2020, 77-85 ISSN 2723-3642 capital of the regency and Letung as the capital of Jemaja sub-district, the necessary information includes:

1) Place, namely where consumers can easily buy products, in this case, of course, at agents or travel agencies. 2) Price, of course, must be able to match the consumer's ability (financially) with his desire to take a vacation. b. Marketing

In the tourism industry, marketing activities need to be carried out continuously, including:

1) research into tourist objects to be marketed 2) consumer research, this is related to their desires 3) evaluation of research data, whether it has met the target 4) development of other tourism objects. 5) development of human resource skills. 6) promotion, through printed media, electronic media and holiday packages.

4. Conclusion Based on the results of the study with regard to the development of tourism activities in , several conclusions can be drawn, namely: To support the development of tourism activities in this area, additional boats are absolutely necessary, one type of vessel suitable for development is an aluminum Catamaran fast boat with a seating capacity of 36 passengers. It is necessary to build a jetty at each location of the marine tourism object, which functions both as a crossing position and a ship berth. Several transportation nodes that need to be developed are at the port of Matak-Palmatak District and at the port of Tarempa-East Siantan District. And it is necessary to develop various tourism facilities, namely in the form of information centers and increase marketing.

5. References 1) Alaydrus Hadijah, MTI. Transportasi Umum Di Destinasi Wisata Masih Minim. http://industri.bisnis. com/read/ 20160111/98/508716/mti-transportasi- umum- di-destinasi-wisata-masih-minim. 2) Bursan, R. (2006). ”Analisis Pengaruh Dimensi Wisata Terhadap Loyalitas Wisatawan (Studi Kasus Di Propinsi Lampung). Jurnal Bisnis dan Manajemen. Volume 3 No.1, ISSN 1411–9366. 3) Gretzel, U., Mithsce N., Hwang Y. H & Fesenmaier, D. R. (2004). “Tell Me Who You Are and I Will Tell You Where to Go: Use of Travel Personalities in Destination Recommendation Systems” Information Technology and Tourism. Vol. 7. 4) J, Damanik & H. F. Weber. (2006). Perencanaan Ekowisata: Dari Teori ke Aplikasi. Yogyakarta: Penerbit Andi. 5) Roni, Khoiron. Multiplier Effects dalam Industri Pariwisata, http:// /tourism- studies/tourism-in-general/122-multiplier-effect-dalam-industri- pariwisata.html. 6) Sugiarto, Endar & Kusumayadi. (2000). Metodologi Penelitian Dalam Bidang Pariwisata. Gramedia Pustaka Utama. 7) Sudiarta, M. (2005). Dampak Fisik, Ekonomi, Sosial Budaya Terhadap Pembangunan Pariwisata di Desa Serangan Denpasar Bali. Jurnal Manajemen Pariwisata Vol. 4

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The Existence of Water Transportation …(Agus Darmawan, Volume 2 No. 1, October 2020, 77-85 ISSN 2723-3642 8) Igala, M & Sakellaridis. (2004). Web User’s Cultural Profiles and E-Service Quality: Internationalization Implications for Tourism Web Sites. Information Technology and Tourism, Vol. 7. 9) Ugy, Soebiyantoro. (2009). Pengaruh Ketersediaan Sarana Prasarana, Sarana Transportasi Terhadap Kepuasan Wisatawan. Malang: Fakultas Ekonomi UPN, Surabaya Program Doktoral Ilmu Manajemen Universitas Brawijaya Malang. Jurnal Manajemen Pemasaran, Vol. 4, No. 1. 10) Yoeti A, Oka. (2009). Industri Pariwisata dan Peluang Kesempatan Kerja. Perca 11) Zam, Jambak. (2014). Pengelolaan Pariwisata Anambas Belum Maksimal. (http:// kepri. 30666/pengelolaan-pariwisata-anambas- belum-maksimal)

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