Descendants of Mobile Stevenson and Lanie Colbert

Oklahoma [] okla homma, "red people"

freedman , n., pl. -men • A man who has been freed from bondage; an emancipated slave. freeman , n., pl. -men • 1. A person not in slavery or serfdom. 2. One who possesses the rights or privileges of a citizen.

freeborn , adj. • 1. Born as a free man. 2. Pertaining to or befitting a person born free.

From Africa to and all points in between and beyond. We are here.

Dedicated to my forefathers -- the freedmen, the freemen and the freeborn.

Copyright © 2011 Desalyn M. Stevenson. All Rights Reserved

One of the STEVENSON's earliest known ancestors, Lanie Colbert, was of Indian and African descent. Our earliest ancestors traveled with the Indians (5 Civilized Tribes) from Mississippi to (present day Oklahoma) along the "trail of tears". Many of the early STEVENSON Family descendants settled on Wild Horse Creek near present day Hennepin, Oklahoma.

The STEVENSON Family history is tightly coupled to the COLBERT family and the COLBERT history is pivotal to the history of the Chickasaw Indians. The significance of the COLBERTs in History cannot be overestimated. Mixed-blood control of the by the early nineteenth century was fairly common, but only among the Chickasaw's did one family, the COLBERTs enjoy complete domination. The COLBERT dynasty, unflinching in its absolute reign over the Chickasaw people for seventy years, was one of the few to disintegrate voluntarily, ceasing only when family members chose to relinquish power to others.

(Major) James COLBERT (1768-1842) was the father of Lanie COLBERT. His father, James Logan COLBERT (1721-1784) hailed from Scotland or England.

The parents of Mobile STEVENSON are not known.

Lanie COLBERT and Mobile STEVENSON were married in Chulahoma, Mississippi (Marshall County). Lanie COLBERT and Mobile STEVENSON had 15 children: Elsie, Joe, Dick, Louisa, Gattis (Gaddis), Cornelius, Louis, Bankston, Dinah, Bill/Bob, Dudley, Elmira "Myra", Dave, Sarah and an infant who died in infancy.

This STEVENSON Family Website,, contains the history and genealogy of the STEVENSON Family.

The STEVENSON Family Tree contains over 3300 individuals.

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Stevenson Major Groups

Most of the Stevenson's listed on the Chickasaw and Choctaw Freedmen Rolls are descendants from one of three (3) major Stevenson Groups: Mobile Stevenson, Steven Stevenson and Mack James Stevenson

I have not been able to determine the relationship between Mobile, Mack and Steven. They may be brothers but I have found no evidence to support this claim. However, my family oral history (per Adam "Joe" Stevenson) has it that there were two (related/unrelated???) branches of the STEVENSONs.

Each branch resided on one side or the other of Arbuckle Mountain and did not maintain contact due to a family "rift". There are some (living) family members (Henry Shannon et al) who had family on each side of the rift/mountain and visited on both sides of the mountain as a child. He knows that there was some family rift and that the families did not maintain contact; but he was not privy to the cause of the rift. Nevertheless, I believe that 3 major groups are related. Interestingly enough, these groups all decided to take the Stevenson.

Each major group has their own descendant report document. The following descendant report is for Mobile Stevenson and Lanie Colbert.

Mobile Stevenson and Lanie Colbert

Much is not known about Mobile STEVENSON. He was owned by Susan COLBERT nee JAMES, wife of James COLBERT. I suspect that he was born about 1800-1810. He died sometime before 1898 (before the "enrollment process") His parents may be Mary STEVENSON and Naho; however, there is no evidence to confirm this; however, it was passed on to us through our "oral history".

Lanie COLBERT was born in 1812. Lanie STEVENSON nee COLBERT was the daughter of (Major) James COLBERT and a woman who was the slave of (Major) James COLBERT. Lanie COLBERT was freed by her father early in her life. In 1814, when Laney was two years and nine months old, GUNN freed her (as a favor to her father) in writing and recorded the action with the Chickasaw Agency. At the time of the manumission, Laney since she was young continued living with her mother (who was still a slave of GUNN) until GUNN died in 1823. Therefore, all of Lanie's children were born free. (1847 Appellate Case).

The earliest mention of Mobile STEVENSON and Lanie COLBERT that I have been able to find is their baptism in the Monroe Church. Around the 1820's, Lanie COLBERT and Mobile STEVENSON were at the Monroe Mission (6 miles south of present day Pontotoc, Mississippi - Marshall County), under the directorship of Rev. Thomas C. Stuart. Lanie and Mobile applied for admission to

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July 2011 Page 3 of 312 communion of the church and were received into membership on March 31, 1827 and April 25, 1828 respectively.

Lanie was a fighter and continually asserted her rights to Indian Citizenship through her father (Major) James Colbert. During the enrollment process on 18 August 1893 Lanie testified "that on that occasion she was duly placed upon said record as a Chickasaw Indian by blood, that she is the daughter of James COLBERT."

On 29 August 1893, Mrs. Rhoda HOWELL testified that "she knew James COLBERT the father of Lany COLBERT and knew him to be a full blood Chickasaw Indian. The affidavit further testifies that she has known Lany COLBERT for 60 years and that she was all that time considered an Indian entitled to the right of an Indian".

Later, on 27 August 1896 Lanie was still asserting a claim for citizenship for herself and her children.

Lanie died sometime after 27 August 1896 and before final enrollment (September 1902).

Lanie's children (and descendants) then took up the fight for citizenship. In 1905, and then in 1907 they hired Attorney Albert Lee who filed a court case with the United States Supreme Court.

Lanie's children were also part of the court case filed by Bettie Ligon and 2000 other Freemen who were seeking to be recognized as citizens.

Lanie COLBERT and Mobile STEVENSON had 15 children: Elsie, Joe, Dick, Louisa, Gattis (Gaddis), Cornelius, Louis, Bankston, Dinah, Bill, Bob, Dudley, Elmira "Myra", Dave, Sarah and an infant who died in infancy. Mobile Stevenson and Lanie Colbert Descendant Report

First Generation

1. Mobile STEVENSON . Born in Mississippi. Owned by: Susie Colbert.

Mobile married Lanie (Lana) COLBERT , daughter of (Major) James COLBERT (abt 1768-May 1842) & ?, in Chulahoma, MS (Marshall Co). Born in 1811 in Mississippi. Lanie (Lana) died aft Aug 1896 - bef Sep 1898; she was 85. Owned by: James Gunn; Lanie was freed in 1814 (she was 2 years and 9 monhs old) by manumission.

STEVENSON/COLBERT Connection - Court Case [The following is an excerpt from Congressional Records, Senate Report, 59th Congress, 2nd Session, Report 5013]

In the matter of the petition for the enrollment of Dick STEVENSON, et al., as citizens by blood of the .

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On February 12, 1906, there was filed with the Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes by Albert J. LEE, attorney for the petitioners, a petition praying for the transfer of the names of the following persons from the roll of Chickasaw freedmen to the roll of citizens by blood of the Chickasaw Nation: [ the original document lists 125 names]

The petition alleges that the principal petitioners, Dick STEVENSON, Joe STEVENSON, Dave STEVENSON, and Myra STEVENSON, are the children of Lanie STEVENSON, a recognized Chickasaw citizen of one-half Chickasaw blood, who was the daughter of James COLBERT, a recognized Chickasaw citizen, that all the other are grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the said Lanie STEVENSON, and are each and all enrolled as freedmen of the Chickasaw Nation; that petitioners were before the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes at Pauls Valley, Indian Territory, and made application for enrollment as citizens by blood of the Chickasaw Nation; that prior to said appearance to the said Commission they made written application to the Commission when sitting at Vinita, which application, to the best of the knowledge of the petitioners, have never been acted upon by the said Commission.

No answer to the petition has been filed by the attorneys for the Choctaw and Chickasaw nations within the fifteen days allowed for that purposed by the regulations adopted by the Commissioner January 2, 1906.

The following petitioners have been enrolled as Chickasaw freedmen, and their names appear on the final roll of Chickasaw freedmen, approved by the Secretary of the Interior as follows: [the original document lists 75 names along with each persons roll number, and another list of 14 names of persons who no record of any application was made. Further paragraphs in this document list the names of a couple of freedmen who enrolled as citizens and whose application was rejected. Additionally, further paragraphs list the names of each freedmen who applied, the date they applied for enrollment, any other persons applying with them, and any subsequent additions since their initial application (i.e. names of children born subsequent to initial application and date of birth) ]

The following petitioners have been enrolled as Choctaw freedmen and their names appear on the roll of Choctaw freedmen approved by the Secretary of the Interior, as follows: [the original document lists 37 names along with each persons roll number]

It does not appear from the records of this office that at the time application was made for the enrollment of the petitioners above mentioned as Choctaw and Chickasaw freedmen or at any time subsequent thereto and prior to December 25, 1902, was any application ever made for the enrollment of any of the petitioners as citizens by blood of the Choctaw or Chickasaw nations.

It is not alleged in the petition, neither does it appear from the tribal records of the Choctaw and Chickasaw nations in the possession of this office, that any of the petitioners or Lanie Stevenson, the alleged mother of the principal petitioners was ever recognized by the tribal authorities of the Choctaw or Chickasaw nations as citizens by blood of the said tribes, nor have they ever been admitted to citizenship by any duly constituted court or citizenship committee of either of said nations or the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes, or the United States Court, under the provisions of the act of Congress approved June 10, 1899 (29 Stats., 321), or the Choctaw and Chickasaw citizenship

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The name of one James COLBERT appears on the 1878 Chickasaw annuity roll-seven in family.

The allegation in the petition that James COLBERT, the alleged grandfather of the principal petitioners, was a recognized Chickasaw citizen and the fact that the name of one James COLBERT appears on the 1878 Chickasaw annuity roll is considered immaterial, inasmuch as it is shown from the records of this office that the principal petitioners, Dick and Joe STEVENSON, were born about the year 1829, that the principal petitioner, Dave STEVENSON, was born about the year 1857, and that none of said petitioners or Lanie STEVENSON, the mother of the principal petitioners, have ever been recognized or enrolled as citizens by blood of the Chickasaw Nation by any duly constituted authority.

Order I am of the opinion that the petition fails to state facts sufficient to warrant a hearing upon the alleged right of the petitioners to enrollment as citizens by blood of the Chickasaw Nation; that the absence of any tribal recognition whatsoever of any of the petitioners of Lanie STEVENSON, the mother of the principal petitioners, as citizens by blood is conclusive under the act of Congress approved May 31, 1900 (31 Stats., 221) as to my jurisdiction to now receive or consider any application for the enrollment of any of the petitioners as citizens by blood of the Chickasaw Nation; that the petition should be denied, and it is so ordered. TAMS BIXBY Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes.

Muskogee, Ind. T., June 15, 1906.

STEVENSON/COLBERT Connection - Testimony [The following is testimony that was given regarding Myra BRUNER nee Elmira (Myra) STEVENSONs application for enrollment as a freedmen of Chickasaw Nation. This testimony is part of Myra BRUNERs application jacket, Chickasaw Freedmen, Card 430, Roll #1755.]

COMMISSION TO THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES Ardmore, Indian Territory, November 23rd, A.D., 1898

Myra BURNER Vs. Chickasaw Nation Chickasaw Freedman case.

H. F. MURRAY, being duly sworn by Commissioner A. S. McKennon, on his oath, testified as follows: I knew a colored woman named Lana, who was a free woman before the war in '49 or '50; she was set free by Jim Colbert in Mississippi, and afterwards came to the Territory. Her husband was named Mobile and was a slave of Susan Colbert. The children of this woman were born free. I am seventy- nine years old and have lived in the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nation forty years; am an intermarried citizen of the Chickasaw Nation.

WILLIAM L. BYRD, being duly sworn by Commissioner A. S. McKennon, on his oath, testified as follows: I am fifty-four years old and am a member of the Chickasaw Tribe of Indians. I knew a

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July 2011 Page 6 of 312 woman named Lana who was free before the war and was the wife of a colored man named Mobile, who belonged to Jim Colbert's mother. She had children as follows: Bankston, Louis, Cornelius, Dick and Gattis. These were all free before the war.

CHARLES COHEE, being duly sworn by Commissioner A. S. McKennon, on his oath, testified as follows: There was Dick, Gattis and Cornelius, was up here on the farm; know that Holmes Colbert followed them to Paris, Texas. Q: (By Mr. McKennon) Did you understand that they were taken out to Texas by someone and sold? A: Sold, yes sir, they were sold. Q: Just gathered up in the country and sold? A: Yes sir. Q: And that Holmes Colbert claimed them and there was a trial of the rights of property and he recovered them and brought them back to the Territory? A: Yes sir. Q: Go on with your statement? A: Then after he brought them back he put some of them up here on Caddo on his farm, that is to tend a farm for him. They stayed there until about '«62 I think. After the war got up, the soldiers being there at Fort Arbuckle, they came down there and took them off and sold them again to the highest bidder. Just as soon as Holmes learned they were sold he demanded them and he took them all home, and they were freed right there in the yard. All but the old lady. They never did slave her but, of course, they had to take these others and slave them. My father was on Holmes' ranch, and him and one of the boys, Marks Hamilton, and they come and got him and carried him up there at the same time. Q: How old were you then? A: I was between sixteen and seventeen years old I reckon. Q: Now these remained on the Colbert farm until they were freed you say? A: Yes sir. Myra that you speak of was right there with Holmes, she was on his place, so was Dick, Marks and George. Marks was right there on the ranch and Ed Colbert went with them when they carried them up to the Fort and he bought Marks and took him back, and told my father that he belonged on the ranch just the same as he did before, and my father told him no, that they might come and get him again. Q: And Holmes Colbert came down and got him? A: Yes sir. (By Mr. Peter Maytubby, Chickasaw Com'r.) I don't understand that thoroughly, about being sold to the highest bidder and Holmes Colbert buying them. (Witness) Holmes didn't buy them. Ed Colbert bought Marks Hamilton. He was living up on Caddo. Q: Was he a free born or a slave when be bought them? A: Marks? Q: Yes sir. You said as soon as be bought them and brought them home they were free. I understood you to say that? A: I didn't say they was free, I said when Ed Colbert bought Marks he brought him back to Holmes Colbert's ranch where they got him from and told him to take him again and use him just as he had done on the ranch, and my father told him no, that they might come back and get him. (By Mr. Maytubby) I understood him to say they were sold to the highest bidder. (By Mr. McKennon) The soldiers took them and sold them to the highest bidder. (Witness) They just came down and took them by force and carried them up there and put them up

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July 2011 Page 7 of 312 and auctioned them off to the highest bidder. (By Mr. Maytubby) I want to understand that, about putting them up and selling them. The colored people were kinder turned loose in my neighborhood and they bought them in to hold them in places. They were sold just like any other property, only to hold for their labor. (By Mr. McKennon) But they were held in bondage. They were having to render involuntary services. (By Mr. Maytubby) They were in bondage but they were kinder reckless, just running over the country, and they would take them up just like you would take up a team, or something like that, and sold like a team or something like that. Q: (By Mr. McKennon) You have stated it as you understand it? A: They were put in bondage, there is no question about that.

WILLIAM L. BYRD, being recalled, testified as follows: The wives of these persons, the sons of Lana, above mentioned, belonged to Chickasaw Indians and were freed with the other people at the close of the war.

OVERTON LOVE, being duly sworn by Commissioner A. S. McKennon, on his oath testified as follows: The children of Lana, I understand were taken up and sold as freed people and that Holmes Colbert bought them and sent them up on the farm where Charles Cohee's father was living.

MRS. SALLIE L. CAMPBELL, being duly sworn by Commissioner A. S. McKennon, on her oath, testified as follows: I am a half sister to Holmes Colbert. These colored people were freed by the grand father of my brother Holmes Colbert and for that reason my brother was always trying to protect them, and I know that when I was a child they were put on the block and sold in the Chickasaw Nation and my brother Holmes Colbert bought them. He didn't, therefore, hold them as slaves, sometimes they were about him and at other times they were off. He finally put them on a ranch with Charley Cohee on Caddo Creek, where they remained until the close of the war. I was born in '52 and while a little girl I remember the one sale to which I have referred.

MRS. MARY RENNIE, being duly sworn by Commissioner A. S. McKennon, on her other testified as follows: I understand the facts to be just as stated by my sister, Mrs. Campbell.

MRS. LOUSIA PATTERSON, being duly sworn by Commissioner A. S. McKennon, on her other testified as follows: I am a sister to Holmes Colbert and during the war I was living at Arbuckle with Joseph Colbert, my father-in-law. Two of Lana's children, Louisa and Cornelius, were taken up and sold and Mr. Moncrief bought Louisa and she afterwards run away from him and went down on Red River to my brother's. I don't remember who bought the other one, he died on my place before the close of the war. Some of these people stayed there on the place with my brother, others did not all the while. I don't remember whether he held them as slaves or not, but I know that he was always protecting them.

MRS. MARY RENNIE, being recalled, says: I know that my brother Holmes Colbert went to Texas before the war and brought these negroes back with him. I know that they were free, and his grand father had requested that they remain free, and when I asked my mother why he went to Texas and brought them back she told me that he was just carrying out his grand father's request. He let them stay at his home and one of the women helped my mother a great deal, but when she wanted to she went away from home and returned when they wanted to."

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[Marks and George, mentioned above, were the children of Lousia, daughter of Lana (Lanie) and Mobile. All of the people testifying, were either white or mixed blood, except for Charles COHEE, who was black]

They had the following children:

2 i. Elsie STEVENSON (abt 1823-20 Dec 1900) 3 ii. Louisa STEVENSON (-bef Aug 1896) 4 iii. Gattis STEVENSON (-bef Aug 1896) 5 iv. Bankston STEVENSON (-bef Aug 1896) 6 v. Dick STEVENSON (abt 1829-) 7 vi. Bob STEVENSON (-bef 1896) 8 vii. Joe STEVENSON (abt 1829-) 9 viii. Dinah STEVENSON (-bef 1896) 10 ix. Cornelius STEVENSON (-bef 1896) 11 x. Louis STEVENSON (-bef Aug 1896) 12 xi. Sarah STEVENSON (-bef 1896) 13 xii. Dudley STEVENSON (-bef Aug 1896) 14 xiii. Elmira (Myra) STEVENSON (abt 1843-) 15 xiv. Dave STEVENSON (abt 1857-) 16 xv. Baby Infant STEVENSON (-died in infancy)

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Second Generation

Family of Mobile STEVENSON (1) & Lanie (Lana) COLBERT

2. Elsie STEVENSON (Mobile 1). Born abt 1823. Elsie died on 20 Dec 1900; she was 77. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 59; Dismissed-Died Prior to Final Rolls. Owned by: Susie Colbert.

Elsie first married Abner RICHARDSON . Owned by: Sam Colbert.

They had one child:

17 i. Mobile RICHARDSON (abt 1861-1 Oct 1900)

Elsie second married ? FARRIS . Dawes Roll: US Citizen.

They had one child:

18 i. Robert FARRIS (abt 1858-)

Elsie third married Thos. JOSEY .

They had one child:

19 i. Amanda JOSEY (abt 1846-)

Elsie fourth married ? RUSSELL .

They had one child:

20 i. William RUSSELL (abt 1846-)

3. Louisa STEVENSON (Mobile 1). Louisa died bef Aug 1896. Owned by: Holmes Colbert.

Louisa married Peter HAMILTON . Dawes Roll: U.S. Citizen.

They had the following children:

21 i. George HAMILTON (abt 1851-)

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22 ii. Marcus HAMILTON (abt 1853-) 23 iii. Ellen HAMILTON (abt 1853-)

4. Gattis STEVENSON (Mobile 1). Gattis died bef Aug 1896.

Gattis married Susan BROWN , daughter of Isom WILLIAMS & Minka. Born abt 1833. Owned by: Sam Colbert. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 344, Roll Number 1400.

Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 15, 1898 for Susan Brown. Residence: Pontotoc. Post Office:Purcell, I.T.

They had one child:

24 i. Albert STEVENSON (abt 1857-)

5. Bankston STEVENSON (Mobile 1). Bankston died bef Aug 1896. Owned by: James Colbert.

Son of Lena (Lanie) Stevenson. Supported by oral family history and children of Banks are listed in the petition to transfer from Freedmen roll to Citizens by blood roll.,

Dead before 1898

Bankston married Rachel . Owned by: US Citizen.

Dead before 1898

They had the following children:

25 i. Ellis STEVENSON (abt 1868-) 26 ii. Billy STEVENSON (abt 1873-) 27 iii. Nelson STEVENSON (abt 1876-) 28 iv. Santa Anna STEVENSON (abt 1878-) 29 v. Rena STEVENSON (abt 1880-) 30 vi. Matilda STEVENSON (abt 1882-) 31 vii. Isabella STEVENSON (abt 1884-) 32 viii. Lucy STEVENSON (abt 1885-)

6. Dick STEVENSON (Mobile 1). Born abt 1829 in Mississippi. Owned by: Holmes Colbert. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 429, Roll Number 1750.

Dawes Enrollment: Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on

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September 16, 1898 for Dick Stevenson, Hannah Stevenson (wife), Edward Stevenson (son), Elizabeth Lamey (daughter), Dewey Lamey (grand son, son of Elizabeth) and Robert Lamey (grand son, son of Elizabeth). Residence: Pickens. Post Office: Hennepin, I. T., abt 1864 when Dick was 35, he married Hannah , daughter of Daniel & Kissandra COLBERT. Born abt 1846 in Mississippi. Owned by: Tennessee Bynum. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 429, Roll Number 1751.

Per 1900 Federal Census, Hannah had 12 children, 5 of these children are living.

They had the following children:

33 i. Robert STEVENSON (abt 1860/abt 1867-) 34 ii. Lucy STEVENSON (abt 1868-) 35 iii. Peter STEVENSON (abt 1874-) 36 iv. Edward STEVENSON (abt 1879-) 37 v. Elizabeth STEVENSON (abt 1878-) 38 vi. Alfred STEVENSON 39 vii. Willie STEVENSON

7. Bob STEVENSON (Mobile 1). Bob died bef 1896.

Bob married Susan SHELL , daughter of Monroe SHELL (-bef 1898) & Malinda. Born abt 1842. Owned by: Sally Alberson. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 198, Roll Number 760.

They had the following children:

40 i. Rufus STEVENSON (abt 1886-) 41 ii. Bill COLBERT

8. Joe STEVENSON (Mobile 1). Born abt 1829. Owned by: James Colbert. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 60; Roll Number 2485.

Dawes Enrollment: Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 16, 1898 forJoe Stevenson. Residence: Chickasaw Nation. Post Office: Katy, I.T.

Joe married Adeline . Owned by: Susan Burks.

They had the following children:

42 i. Nancy STEVENSON (abt 1873-)

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43 ii. Elijah STEVENSON (abt 1876-) 44 iii. Amos STEVENSON (abt 1880-) 45 iv. Riley STEVENSON (abt 1883-) 46 v. Jackson STEVENSON (abt 1885-)

9. Dinah STEVENSON (Mobile 1). Dinah died bef 1896. Owned by: James Colbert.

Dinah first married Elwood COLLY . Dawes Roll: U.S. Citizen.

They had the following children:

47 i. Oliver COLLY (abt 1876-) 48 ii. Lany COLLY (abt 1880-)

Dinah second married William SHIELDS . William died bef 1898. Owned by: William McCoy.

They had one child:

49 i. Mary SHIELDS (abt 1862-)

Dinah third married Tom COLBERT . Owned by: Susie Colbert.

They had one child:

50 i. Winchester COLBERT (abt 1868-)

Dinah fourth married Charley WILLIAMS . Owned by: Elsie Harris.

They had one child:

51 i. John E. WILLIAMS (abt 1873-)

10. Cornelius STEVENSON (Mobile 1). Cornelius died bef 1896. Owned by: Susie Colbert.

Cornelius married Viny WILLIAMS . Owned by: Susie Colbert.

They had one child:

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52 i. Ben STEVENSON (abt 1855-)

11. Louis STEVENSON (Mobile 1). Born in Indian Territory, OK. Louis died bef Aug 1896. Owned by: Thomas Pitchlyn.

Son of Lena (Lanie) Stevenson. Supported by oral family history and children of Louis are listed in the petition to transfer from Freedmen roll to Citizens by blood roll.,

Louis married Ruthie . Born in Indian Territory, OK. Ruthie died bef 1898. Owned by: Thomas Pitchlynn.

They had the following children:

53 i. Celia STEVENSON (abt 1862-) 54 ii. Standwatie STEVENSON (abt 1866-) 55 iii. Mary STEVENSON (abt 1871-) 56 iv. Lila STEVENSON (abt 1875-) 57 v. Abraham STEVENSON (abt 1878-) 58 vi. Silas STEVENSON (abt 1880-) 59 vii. Lillie STEVENSON (abt 1883-)

12. Sarah STEVENSON (Mobile 1). Sarah died bef 1896. Owned by: Caroline Colbert.

Sarah married Ned ROBERTS , son of Stepney ROBERTS (-bef 1898) & Rhoda (-bef 1898). Born abt 1833. Owned by: Susie Colbert. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 102, Roll Number 2594.

Dawes Enrollment: Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 20, 1898 forNed Roberts. Residence: Chickasaw Nation Post Office: Berwin, Indian Territory

They had the following children:

60 i. Jack ROBERTS (abt 1860-) 61 ii. Edmund ROBERTS (abt 1863-) 62 iii. Eli ROBERTS (abt 1867-) 63 iv. Laura ROBERTS (abt 1874-)

13. Dudley STEVENSON (Mobile 1). Dudley died bef Aug 1896. Owned by: Holmes Colbert.

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Son of Lena (Lanie) Stevenson. Supported by oral family history and children of Dudley are listed in the petition to transfer from Freedmen roll to Citizens by blood roll.

Dudley married Georgia Ann JAMES , daughter of Caesar JAMES (-bef 1899) & Leah (-bef 1899). Born abt 1854. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 422, Roll Number 1712; Enrolled As Georgia Ann Stevenson. Owned by: David Burney. Land Allotment: NW SE 18-1N-1W Indian Base And Meridian (Oklahoma) 40 Acres; Received As Georgia Ann Stevenson.

Dawes Enrollment: Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 15, 1898 for Georgia Ann Stevenson, Benjamian Stevenson (son), Robin Stevenson (son), Levy Stevenson (son), Carrie Butler (daughter), Malsy Stevenson (daughter), Ida Stevenson (daughter). Residence: Pickens. Post Office: Katie, I.T. The application was later amended to include Maulsy Butler (grand daughter)

Dawes Enrollment: "In the matter of the application of Georgia Ann Stevenson and others for enrollment as Chickasaw Freedmen.

Georgia Ann Stevenson being sworn by Commissioner A. S. McKennon says: I am 44 years old. I belonged to David Burney. My husband is dead. My children are: Thomas Stevenson, 26. His wife Alice, 27, is the daughter of Viney Stevenson, who belonged to Harriet Eastman a Chickasaw. She has one child: Gus Grant, 10. Her other children are: Amy Stevenson, 3, and Dud, 1. My next child is: Lisha, 24, wife of Israel Munn, 26. His mother Celia belonged to Tom Pytchlynn, a Choctaw. She has no children. My other childre are: Benjiman, 22; Robin, 19; Levy, 17; Carrie, 15; Malsy, 13 and Ida, 8.

Paul's Valley Sept. 15, 1898 Georgia Ann Stevenson Benjiman Stevenson Roblin Stevenson Levy Stevenson Carrie Stevenson Malsy Stevenson Ida Stevenson enrolled."

They had the following children:

64 i. Thomas STEVENSON (2 Aug 1867-25 Jun 1967) 65 ii. Lisha (Carnelia) STEVENSON (abt 1874-) 66 iii. Benjiman (Benjamin) STEVENSON Sr. (abt 1876-) 67 iv. Robin STEVENSON (abt 1879-) 68 v. Levy STEVENSON (abt 1881-) 69 vi. Carrie STEVENSON (abt 1883-) 70 vii. Malsy STEVENSON (abt 1885-)

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71 viii. Ida STEVENSON (abt 1890-)

14. Elmira (Myra) STEVENSON (Mobile 1). Born abt 1843. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 430, Roll Number 1755; Enrolled As Elmira Bruner. Owned by: Holmes Colbert.

Dawes Enrollment: Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 16, 1898 for Elmira Bruner and Lany Colly (niece). Residence: Pickens. Post Office: Katie, I. T

In the matter of the application of Elmira Bruner and others for enrollment as Chickasaw Freddmen. Elmira Bruner being sworn by Commissioner A. S. McKennon says: I am 55 years old. I have no husband. I belonged to Holmes Colbert and was freed under him. I am a sister of Dick Stevenson. I have one Child: Rose Bruner, 38, wiffe of Jophn Bruner. He is a Seminole. She has children: Legus, 21; Rachel, 16; Columbus, 13; Cephus, 11; Joe, 6 and Williams, 1. I have with me a child of my deceased sister Dina Elwood: Lany Colly, 18. Elmira Bruner, Lany Colly enrolled"

Was midwife to Stella Williams during the birth of Stella's son, Clay Williams who was born 25 September 1905.

Elmira’s daughter Rose, had children with John Bruner. On Chickasaw Freedmen card 431 (and other documents), Elmira is listed as Elmira Bruner. Possibly she took the surname of her daughter's family

Elmira (Myra) married Wesley COLBERT . Owned by: Susie Colbert.

They had one child:

72 i. Rose COLBERT (abt 1860-)

15. Dave STEVENSON (Mobile 1). Born abt 1857. Owned by: Susie Colbert. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 58, Roll Number 2484.

"In the mater of the application of Viney Stevenson and others for enrollment as Chickasaw Freedmen. Dave Stevenson being sworn by Commissioner A. S. McKennon Says: I am 41 years old. I belonged to Susie Colbert, a Choctaw. My wife, Viney, 45, belonged to Harriet Eastman a Chickasaw. Her children are: Alice, wife of Tom Stevenson, enrolled. Laira, wife of Mobile Richardson. They have children: Amanda,3; Robert, 2 and Elmira, 2. her other children are: David Plummer, 25, Estella Stevenson, 19; Florat Stevenson, 17; Lorata Stevenson, 15; Samuel Stevenson, 13; Fleetwood Stevenson, 10; and Simpson Stevenson, 8.

Viney Stevenson

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David Plummer Estella Stevenson Flora Stevenson Lorata Stevenson Samuel Stevenson Fleetwood Stevenson Simpson Stevenson enrolled."

Dave married Viney CARR , daughter of Monroe CARR & Amy EASTMAN. Born abt 1853. Owned by: Harriet Eastman. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 432, Roll Number 1764.

They had the following children:

73 i. Estella STEVENSON (abt 1879-) 74 ii. Flora STEVENSON (abt 1881-) 75 iii. Loradeo STEVENSON (abt 1883-) 76 iv. Samuel STEVENSON Sr. (27 Sep 1878-7 Jan 1976) 77 v. Fleetwood STEVENSON (abt 1888-) 78 vi. Simpson STEVENSON (abt 1890-)

16. Baby Infant STEVENSON (Mobile 1). Baby Infant died.

Third Generation

Family of Elsie STEVENSON (2) & Abner RICHARDSON

17. Mobile RICHARDSON (Elsie STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1861. Mobile died on 1 Oct 1900; he was 39. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 59; Dismissed-Died Prior to Final Rolls. Owned by: Susie Colbert.

Mobile married Laura PLUMMER , daughter of David PLUMMER Sr. & Viney CARR (abt 1853-). Born abt 1870. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 433, Roll Number 1773.

Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 16, 1898 for Laura Richardson, Amanda Richardson (duaghter), Robert Richardson (son), Elmira Richardson (daughter) and Vina Richardson (daughter). Residence: Pickens. Post Office: Katie, I.T.

They had the following children:

79 i. Amanda RICHARDSON (abt 1895-) 80 ii. Robert RICHARDSON (abt 1897-)

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81 iii. Elmira RICHARDSON (abt 1898-) 82 iv. Vina RICHARDSON (23 Jul 1899-10 Sep 1900)

Family of Elsie STEVENSON (2) & ? FARRIS

18. Robert FARRIS (Elsie STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1858. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 73; Roll Number 2512. Owned by: James Colbert.

Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 16, 1898 for Robert Farris, Jennie (wife), Cora Stevenson (daughter), Henry Farris (son), William Farris (son), O'Neil Farris (son), Manuel Farris (son), Virginia Farris (daugther), Bela Farris (daughter), Mary Farris (duaghter), Mary Farris (daughter), Henderson Stevenson (grand son) Residence: Chickasaw Nation. Post Office: Brady, I.T.

Robert married Jennie BUTLER , daughter of Andy BUTLER & Celia (Sealy) BRUNER. Born abt 1868. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 73; Roll Number 2513.

They had the following children:

83 i. Cora FARRIS (abt 1882-) 84 ii. Henry FARRIS (abt 1884-) 85 iii. William FARRIS (abt 1887-) 86 iv. O’Neil FARRIS (abt 1889-) 87 v. Manuel FARRIS (abt 1891-) 88 vi. Virgina FARRIS (abt 1894-) 89 vii. Bela FARRIS (abt 1897-) 90 viii. Mary FARRIS (9 Feb 1900-) 91 ix. Howdy FARRIS (8 Feb 1905-)

Family of Elsie STEVENSON (2) & Thos. JOSEY

19. Amanda JOSEY (Elsie STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1846. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 52, Roll Number 2466. Enrolled as Amanda James. Owned by: Susie Colbert. abt 1878 when Amanda was 32, she first married Calvin JAMES , son of Voyage JAMES (-bef 1896) & Edie (abt 1828-20 Jun 1900). Born abt 1854. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 52, Roll Number 2465. Owned by: Sam Colbert.

Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 16, 1898 for

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Calvin James, Amanda James (wife), Thomas James (son), Flory James (daughter), Silvia Alexander(grand daughter) and Cary Franklin (grandson). Residence: Chickasaw Nation. Post Office: Hennepin, I.T.

Calvin James (head), Mandy (wife), Thomas (son), Flora (son), Maggie Hoppy (step daughter), Bertha Hoppy (grand daughter), Claud Hoppy (grand son), Lee A. Hoppy (grand son), and Cary Franklin (grand son), Sylva Alexander (grand daughter), Eda James (mother), Ranie Oliver (nephew) are listed on the 1900 Federal Census, Indian Territory, T-623, Roll #1849, Vol. 9, E.D. 161, Sheet 11, Line 92-100 and Sheet 12, Line 1-3.

They had the following children:

92 i. Lizzie JAMES (-bef 1898) 93 ii. Thomas JAMES (abt 1877-) 94 iii. Flory (Flora) JAMES (abt 1880-)

Amanda second married Louis HOPPY . Louis died bef 1898. Dawes Roll: U.S. Citizen.

They had the following children:

95 i. Louisa HOPPY (abt 1870-21 Apr 1900) 96 ii. Maggie HOPPY (Mar 1884/1872-)

Family of Elsie STEVENSON (2) & ? RUSSELL

20. William RUSSELL (Elsie STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1846 in Indian Territory, OK. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 50, Roll Number 2554. Owned by: James Colbert.

Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 16, 1898 for William Russsell, Malinda Russell (wife), Palesa Franklin (daughter), Voyage Russell (son), Carrie Russell (daughter), William Russell Jr. (son), Lewis Russell (son), Ephram Frankliln (grand son), Effie Franklin (grand daughter), Velma Russell (grand daugheter). Residence: Chickasaw Naion. Post Office: Brady, I.T.

Williams Russell (head), malinda (wife), Carrie (daughter), Williams (son) and Louis (son) were listed on the 1900 Federal Census, Indian Territory, T-623, Roll #1849, Vol. 9, E.D. 161, Sheet 12 Line 27- 31. abt 1867 when William was 21, he married Linda (Malinda) JAMES , daughter of Voyage JAMES (- bef 1896) & Edie (abt 1828-20 Jun 1900). Born abt 1844 in Indian Territory, OK.

They had the following children:

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97 i. Belle RUSSELL (Aug 1879-) 98 ii. Frank RUSSELL (abt 1867-) 99 iii. Palesa RUSSELL 100 iv. Voyage RUSSELL (Aug 1876-) 101 v. Gat RUSSELL (abt 1877-) 102 vi. Carrie RUSSELL (Oct 1881-) 103 vii. William RUSSELL Jr. (Apr 1884-) 104 viii. Lewis RUSSELL (Mar 1887-)

Family of Louisa STEVENSON (3) & Peter HAMILTON

21. George HAMILTON (Louisa STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1851. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 439, Roll Number 1792. Owned by: Holmes Colbert.

Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 16, 1898 for George Hamilton and Ellen Hamilton (daughter). Residence: Pickens. Post Office: Katie, I. T.

George married Emily EASTMAN . Emily died bef 1898. Owned by: Harriett Eastman.

They had one child:

105 i. Ellen HAMILTON (abt 1882-)

22. Marcus HAMILTON (Louisa STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1853. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 201, Roll Number 776. Owned by: Holmes Colbert.

Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 12, 1898 for Marcus Hamilton, Barbary Hamilton, Laura Hamilton, Arthur Hamilton, DeWitt Hamilton, Charley Hamilton, Alice Hamilton, Gertis Newberry (grand daughter), Dave Stepehnson (grand son). Residence: Pickens. Post Office: Elmore, I.T.

Marcus married Barbary GRANT , daughter of Tom GRANT & Sarah. Born abt 1858. Barbary died in Mar 1900; she was 42. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 201, Roll Number 777. Died prior to September 25, 1902. Owned by: Jane Grant.

They had the following children:

106 i. Willie HAMILTON (abt 1876-) 107 ii. Alice HAMILTON (abt 1879-) 108 iii. Liddy (Lydia) HAMILTON (abt 1881-)

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109 iv. Laura HAMILTON (abt 1885-) 110 v. Arthur HAMILTON (abt 1888-) 111 vi. DeWitt HAMILTON (abt 1895-) 112 vii. Charley HAMILTON (abt 1898-) 113 viii. Mollie HAMILTON

23. Ellen HAMILTON (Louisa STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1853. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 438, Roll Number 1785; Enrolled As Ellen Williams. Owned by: Holmes Colbert.

Dawes Enrollment: Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 16, 1898 for Ellen Williams, Ebenezer Williams (son), Paulina Franklin (daughter), Henrietta Williams (daughter), Mattie Williams, (daughter), Irene Williams (daughter), Ellen Franklin (grand daughter), Joe Williams (husband). Residence: Pickens. Post Office: Katie, I.T.,

Ellen married Joe WILLIAMS , son of Joe KEMP (bef 1898-) & Malinda. Born abt 1846. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 438, Roll Number 4479. Owned by: Patsy Kemp.

Transferred from Chickasaw Freedmen card D#98

Took surname Williams from his step-father per 19 -D-98

They had the following children:

114 i. Wilton WILLIAMS (abt 1872-) 115 ii. Ebenezer WILLIAMS (abt 1876-) 116 iii. Amy WILLIAMS (abt 1878-) 117 iv. Paulina WILLIAMS (abt 1881-) 118 v. Henrietta WILLIAMS (abt 1883-) 119 vi. Mattie WILLIAMS (abt 1887-) 120 vii. Irene WILLIAMS (abt 1892-)

Family of Gattis STEVENSON (4) & Susan BROWN

24. Albert STEVENSON (Gattis 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1857. Owned by: Sam Colbert. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 345, Roll Number 401.

Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 15, 1898 for Albert Stevenson, Ida Stevenson (daughter), Carrie Stevenson (daughter), Dewey Humby (grand son) . Residence: Pontotoc. Post Office: Center, I.T.

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Albert married Nettie .

They had the following children:

121 i. Ida STEVENSON (abt 1880-) 122 ii. Carrie STEVENSON (abt 1882-)

Family of Bankston STEVENSON (5) & Rachel

25. Ellis STEVENSON (Bankston 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1868. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 62, Roll Number 2487.

Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 16, 1989 for Ellis Stevenson, Nelson Stevenson (brother), Santa Anna (brother), Isabella Anthony (sister) and Lucy Stevenson (sister). Residence: Chickasaw Nation. Post Office: Katy, I. T.

Ellis married Esther .

26. Billy STEVENSON (Bankston 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1873. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 67 Roll Number 2500.

Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 16, 1898 for Billy Stevenson, Bankston Stevenson (son), Richard Stevenson (son), Eliza Stevenson (daughter), Lucy Stevenson (daughter), and Robert Stevenson. (son) Residence: Chickasaw Nation. Post Office: Maxwell, I. T.

Billy married Sarah . Dawes Roll: US Citizen.

They had the following children:

123 i. Bankston STEVENSON (abt 1893-) 124 ii. Richard STEVENSON (abt 1896-Sep 1899) 125 iii. Eliza STEVENSON (abt 1897-) 126 iv. Lucy STEVENSON (12 Feb 1901-) 127 v. Robert STEVENSON (18 Sep 1902-)

27. Nelson STEVENSON (Bankston 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1876. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 62; Roll Number 2488.

On 16 Nov 1899 when Nelson was 23, he married Polly SHIRLEY , daughter of Rollen SHIRLEY & Ginsey (abt 1853-), in USA, Indian Territory,Southern District. Born abt 1879. Dawes Roll: Choctaw

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Freedmen: Enrollment Card 76; Roll Number 2525. Enrolled as Polly Stevenson.

They had the following children:

128 i. Littie Ann STEVENSON (12 Jan 1901-28 Feb 1901) 129 ii. Cornelius STEVENSON (28 Feb 1902-) 130 iii. Leford STEVENSON (28 Dec 1903-) 131 iv. Gencie STEVENSON (21 Nov 1905-) 132 v. Rilley STEVENSON 133 vi. Adlee STEVENSON 134 vii. Haddie Mae STEVENSON 135 viii. Jacob STEVENSON (Twin) 136 ix. Esaw STEVENSON (Twin)

28. Santa Anna STEVENSON (Bankston 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1878. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 62 Roll Number 2489.

Santa Anna married Leah .

29. Rena STEVENSON (Bankston 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1880. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 63, Roll Number 2492.

Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 16, 1898 for Rena Stevenson, Rachel Johnson (daughter) and Aravilla Johnson (daughter). Residence: Chickasaw Nation. Post Office: Maxwell

Rena first married Johnnie JOHNSON . Dawes Roll: Creek Freedmen.

They had the following children:

137 i. Rachel JOHNSON (abt 1895-) 138 ii. Aravilla JOHNSON

Rena second married Oliver MILES . Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 299.

30. Matilda STEVENSON (Bankston 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1882. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 64, Roll Number 2495.

Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 16, 1898 for Matilda Johnson. Residence: Chickasaw Nation. Post Office: Maxwell, I.T.

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Matilda married Aaron JOHNSON . Dawes Roll: Creek Freedman.

31. Isabella STEVENSON (Bankston 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1884. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 62 Roll Number 2490. Enrolled As Isabella Anthony.

On 26 Dec 1901 when Isabella was 17, she married J. S. (Joseph Samuel) ANTHONY in USA, Indian Territory, Southern District. Dawes Roll: US Citizen.

They had the following children:

139 i. Washington ANTHONY (23 May 1903-bef 1998) 140 ii. Hester ANTHONY (10 Jun 1905-bef 1998) 141 iii. Katie ANTHONY (-bef 1998) 142 iv. St. Joseph ANTHONY 143 v. Sadelia (Dale) ANTHONY 144 vi. Benjamin ANTHONY 145 vii. Mary Eva ANTHONY (-16 Dec 1995) 146 viii. James ANTHONY 147 ix. Harriet ANTHONY 148 x. Archie ANTHONY

32. Lucy STEVENSON (Bankston 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1885. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 62 Roll Number 2491.

Family of Dick STEVENSON (6) & Hannah

33. Robert STEVENSON (Dick 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1860/abt 1867 in Indian Territory, OK. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 428, Roll Number 1742. Owned by: Teneesee Bynum.

Dawes Enrollment: Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 16, 1898 for Robert Stevenson, Joanna Stevenson (daughter), Angeline Stevenson (daughter), Brown Stevenson (son), Doc Stevenson (son), Chaney Stevenson (daughter, Alfred Stevenson (son), Annie Stevenson (daughter), Della May Williams (granddaughter) and Bebee Ada Stevenson (daughter). Residence: Pickens. Post Office: Katie, I. T.

Robert married Dinah . Born in Jul 1863 in Indian Territory, OK. Dawes Roll: US Citizen.

Per 1900 Federal Census, Dinah had 9 children, 6 of which are still living.

They had the following children:

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149 i. Joanna STEVENSON (abt 1883-11 Dec 1974) 150 ii. Angeline STEVENSON (abt 1884-) 151 iii. Brown STEVENSON (abt 1887-) 152 iv. Doc STEVENSON (abt 1891-26 Jun 1900) 153 v. Chaney STEVENSON (abt 1893-1972) 154 vi. Alfred STEVENSON (abt 1895-) 155 vii. Annie STEVENSON (abt 1897-Jan 1994) 156 viii. Bebee Ada STEVENSON (16 Jan 1901-)

34. Lucy STEVENSON (Dick 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1868. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 367, Roll Number 1504; Enrolled As Lucy Williams.

Lucy married Manuel WILLIAMS , son of William GAINES (-bef 1896) & Katy "Katie" (-bef 1896). Born abt 1858. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 367, Roll Number 1503. Owned by: Elsie Ganis.

Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 15, 1898 for Manuel Williams, Lucy Williams, Ross Williams, Amy Hooks, Richard Williams, Frances Willilams, Cub Williams, Mattie Williams, Timisy Willliams, Savana Hooks (grand daughter), Johny Williams. Residence: Pickens. Post Office: Elk, I. T.

They had the following children:

157 i. Richard WILLIAMS (abt 1886-) 158 ii. Frances WILLIAMS (abt 1888-) 159 iii. Cub WILLIAMS (abt 1890-) 160 iv. Mattie WILLIAMS (abt 1892-) 161 v. Timisy (Timothy) WILLIAMS (abt 1894-) 162 vi. Johny WILLIAMS (22 Jun 1902-)

35. Peter STEVENSON (Dick 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1874. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 331; Roll Number 1365.

Dawes Enrollment: Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 13, 1898 for Peter Stevenson, Lizzie Stevenson (wife), Angeline Stevenson (daughter) and Jay C. Stevenson (son). Residence: Pickens. Post Office: Hennepin, I. T.

Peter married Elizabeth (Lizzie) LAMEY , daughter of William LAMEY (abt 1848-) & Rose BOBB (abt 1848-). Born abt 1874. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 331; Roll Number 1366; Enrolled As Lizzie Stevenson.

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They had the following children:

163 i. Angeline STEVENSON (abt 1890-) 164 ii. Jay C. STEVENSON (22 Dec 1900-)

36. Edward STEVENSON (Dick 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1879 in Indian Territory, OK. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 429, Roll Number 1752.

On 6 Dec 1899 when Edward was 20, he married Lizzie (Elizabeth) ABRAM , daughter of Sanders ABRAM (-bef 1899) & Mimy JAMES (abt 1854-), in USA, Indian Territory, Southern District. Born in Nov 1883 in Indian Territory, OK. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 194, Roll Number 734. Enrolled as Lizzie Stevenson.

Dawes Enrollment: Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 12, 1898 for Mimy Young, Ginesey Abram (daughter), Lizzie Stevenson (daughter), David Young (son) and DeFaniel Stevenson (grandson, son of Lizzie Stevenson) and Canelia Stevenson (granddaughter, daughter of Lizzie Stevenson) Residence: Pickens. Post Office: Homer, I. T

They had the following children:

165 i. Defaniel STEVENSON (4 Nov 1900-9 Jul 1902) 166 ii. Canelia STEVENSON (17 Mar 1902-)

37. Elizabeth STEVENSON (Dick 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1878. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 429, Roll Number 1753. Enrolled As Elizabeth Lamey.

On 22 Dec 1898 when Elizabeth was 20, she married Sampson LAMEY , son of William LAMEY (abt 1848-) & Rose BOBB (abt 1848-), in USA, Indian Territory, Southern District. Born abt 1876. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 329, Roll Number 1349.

They had the following children:

167 i. Dewey LAMEY (6 Nov 1899-) 168 ii. Robert LAMEY (19 Jul 1902-) 169 iii. Buel LAMEY 170 iv. Ollie LAMEY 171 v. Lovett LAMEY 172 vi. Rosie LAMEY 173 vii. Beulah LAMEY

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38. Alfred STEVENSON (Dick 2, Mobile 1).

The testimony of Sephronia Hodges in Chickasaw Freedmen Application Jacket #443, grand mother to Monroe Stevenson, testifies the her daughters former husband, Alfred, was the son of Dick Stevenson.

Alfred first married Florence (Flora) HODGES , daughter of Dick TOLSTA (-bef 1898) & Sephronia HODGES.

They had one child:

174 i. Monroe STEVENSON (abt 1885-)

Alfred second married Maggie HOPPY (96) , daughter of Louis HOPPY (-bef 1898) & Amanda JOSEY (19) (abt 1846-). Born in Mar 1884/1872. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 53, Roll Number 2471.

Dawes Enrollment: Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 16, 1898 for Maggie Hoppy, Bertha Stevenson (daughter), Claude Williams (son), and Leander Niles (son) Residence: Chickasaw Nation. Post Office: Hennepin, I. T.

They had one child:

175 i. Bertha STEVENSON (abt 1890-)

39. Willie STEVENSON (Dick 2, Mobile 1).

For lack of a better place, I have "given" Willie to Dick Stevenson. Willie Stevenson's children are part of the petition for transfer filled by the descendants of Lena Stevenson, therefore, they are descendants of Lena.

Willie married Josie HODGES , daughter of Dick TOLSTA (-bef 1898) & Sephronia HODGES. Born abt 1872. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 445, Roll Number 1806; Enrolled As Josie Stevenson.

Dawes Enrollment: Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 16, 1898 for Josie Stevenson, Serenia Stevenson (daughter) and Manuel Stevenson (son). Residence: Pickens. Post Office: Hennepin, I. T.

They had the following children:

176 i. Serina STEVENSON (abt 1887-)

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177 ii. Manuel STEVENSON (abt 1889-)

Family of Bob STEVENSON (7) & Susan SHELL

40. Rufus STEVENSON (Bob 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1886. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 198, Roll Number 762.

41. Bill COLBERT (Bob STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

For lack of a better place, I have added Bill Colbert to Bob's line. I know that Bill is a descendant of Mobile and Lanie Stevenson.

Bill married Ellen McCOY . Owned by: William McCoy.

They had one child:

178 i. Willie COLBERT (abt 1882-)

Family of Joe STEVENSON (8) & Adeline

42. Nancy STEVENSON (Joe 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1873. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 435, Roll Number 1782. Land Allotment: SE SE 18-1N-1W Indian Base And Meridian (Oklahoma) 40 Acres; Received As Nancy Tyner.

Dawes Enrollment: Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 16, 1898 for Nancy Tyner, and Alva Tyner (son). Residence: Pickens. Post Office: Katie, I.T.

Nancy married Henry TYNER , son of Andy TYNER & Celia (Sealy) BRUNER. Born abt 1862. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 61; Roll Number 2486. Owned by: Tom Pitchlynn. Land Allotment: SW SE 18-1N-1W Indian Base And Meridian (Oklahoma) 40 Acres.

Dawes Enrollment: Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 16, 1898 for Henry Tyner. Residence: Pickens. Post Office: Katie, I.T.

They had one child:

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179 i. Alva TYNER (abt 1891-)

43. Elijah STEVENSON (Joe 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1876. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 434; Roll Number 1778. Land Allotment: SE NE 19-1N-1W Indian Base And Meridian (Oklahoma) 40 Acres.

Eligha, riding Mustang horses on the range with his brothers - Riley, Amos, and Jackson, had a fatal accident and was killed.

Dawes Enrollment: Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 16, 1898 for Elijah Stevenson, Aaron Stevenson (brother), Riley Stevenson (brother) and Jackson Stevenson. Residence: Pickens. Post Office: Katie, I.T.

On 14 Jan 1900 when Elijah was 24, he married Cora FARRIS (83) , daughter of Robert FARRIS (18) (abt 1858-) & Jennie BUTLER (abt 1868-), in USA, Indian Territory, Southern District. Born abt 1882. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 73; Roll Number 2514. Land Allotment: NW SE 19-1N-1W Indian Base And Meridian (Oklahoma) 40 Acres; Received As Cora Stevenson.

They had one child:

180 i. Henderson STEVENSON (27 Oct 1900-14 Jan 1983)

44. Amos STEVENSON (Joe 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1880. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 434; Roll Number 1779.

45. Riley STEVENSON (Joe 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1883. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 434; Roll Number 1780.

Riley first married Henryetta YATES .

They had the following children:

181 i. Gladys STEVENSON 182 ii. Rosa Mae STEVENSON (-Jan 2010) 183 iii. Ruth STEVENSON 184 iv. Farris STEVENSON (23 Jun 1909-3 Jan 1973) 185 v. Joe STEVENSON (20 May 1911-13 Nov 1997) 186 vi. Lacey STEVENSON Sr. (12 Jul 1912-1 Jul 1997) 187 vii. Amos STEVENSON Sr.

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Riley second married Eliza PARCHMAN .

They had the following children:

188 i. Helen STEVENSON 189 ii. Ruby STEVENSON 190 iii. John Tim STEVENSON Sr. (10 Oct 1924-6 Mar 2000)

46. Jackson STEVENSON (Joe 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1885. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 434; Roll Number 1781.

Jackson married Mary COLBERT .

They had the following children:

191 i. Dora STEVENSON 192 ii. Emily STEVENSON 193 iii. Olan Jack STEVENSON 194 iv. Nellie STEVENSON 195 v. Vetta STEVENSON 196 vi. Marie STEVENSON 197 vii. Obbie Lee STEVENSON Sr. 198 viii. Alva STEVENSON 199 ix. Otis STEVENSON

Family of Dinah STEVENSON (9) & Elwood COLLY

47. Oliver COLLY (Dinah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1876. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 68, Roll Number 2505.

Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 16, 1898 for Oliver Colly, Maudie Colly (daughter) and Mary Colly (daughter). Residence: Chickasaw Nation. Post Office: Katy, I.T.

Oliver married Laura . Dawes Roll: U.S. Citizen.

They had the following children:

200 i. Maudie COLLY (abt 1897-)

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201 ii. Mary COLLY (11 Jan 1901-) 202 iii. Savana COLLY (7 Apr 1903-)

48. Lany COLLY (Dinah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1880. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 430, Roll Number 1756.

Lany married Mack SHIRLEY , son of Rollen SHIRLEY & Ginsey (abt 1853-). Born abt 1883. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 76 Roll Number 2526.

They had one child:

203 i. Jensie SHIRLEY (3 Mar 1906-)

Family of Dinah STEVENSON (9) & William SHIELDS

49. Mary SHIELDS (Dinah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1862. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 66, Roll Number 2497; Enrolled As Mary Kendrick. Owned by: Susie Colbert.

Willie Colbert is the son of Bill Colbert and Ellen McCoy

Dawes Enrollment: Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 16, 1898 for Mary Kendrick, Dianna Kendrick (daughter), Tennie Kendrick (son) and Willie Colbert (cousin). Residence: Chickasaw Nation. Post Office: Katy I.T.

Mary married John KENDRICK . Dawes Roll: U.S. Citizen.

They had the following children:

204 i. Dianna KENDRICK (abt 1886-15 Jan 1900) 205 ii. Tennie KENDRICK (abt 1889-)

Family of Dinah STEVENSON (9) & Tom COLBERT

50. Winchester COLBERT (Dinah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1868. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 65, Roll Number 2496.

Dawes Enrollment: Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 16, 1898 for Winchester Colbert. Residence: Chcikasaw Nation. Post Office: Katy, I.T.

Winchester first married Laura ABRAM , daughter of Sanders ABRAM (-bef 1899) & Mimy JAMES

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(abt 1854-). Born abt 1871. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 436, Roll Number 4325; Enrolled As Laura Colbert.

Dawes Enrollment: Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 16, 1898 for Laura Colbert, Jesse Kemp (son), Lillie Kemp (daughter), Leford Colbert (son), Rosa Anna Colbert (daughter), Thomas Colbert (son), and Claudie Colbert (son). Residence: Pickens County. Post Office: Katie, I.T.

They had the following children:

206 i. Leford COLBERT (abt 1898-) 207 ii. Rose Anna COLBERT (Mar 1899-2 Mar 1900) 208 iii. Thomas COLBERT (25 Dec 1900-19 Mar 1903) 209 iv. Claudie COLBERT (3 May 1902-) 210 v. Addie May COLBERT (17 Mar 1904-) 211 vi. Lottie COLBERT (13 Jan 1906-)

Winchester second married Mary STANLEY .

They had one child:

212 i. Alice COLBERT (6 Dec 1881-)

Family of Dinah STEVENSON (9) & Charley WILLIAMS

51. John E. WILLIAMS (Dinah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1873. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 69, Roll Number 2508.

Family of Cornelius STEVENSON (10) & Viny WILLIAMS

52. Ben STEVENSON (Cornelius 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1855. Owned by: Susie Colbert. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 159, Roll Number 2764.

Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on October 13, 1898 for Ben Stevenson. Residence: Kianyitia County. Post Office: Goodland, I. T.

Ben married Lizzie WADE , daughter of Lester ? WADE & Malinda BOYD. Born abt 1871. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 424, Roll Number 1727; Enrolled As Lizzie Walker.

Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 15, 1898 for

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Lizzie Walker, Nelson Walker (son), Josephine Walker (daughter), Rufus Walker (son), Robert Walker (son), Martha Walker (daughter) and Malinda Stevenson (daughter). Residence: Pontotoc County. Post Office: Maxwell, I.T.

They had one child:

213 i. Malinda STEVENSON (31 Aug 1901-)

Family of Louis STEVENSON (11) & Ruthie

53. Celia STEVENSON (Louis 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1862. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 45, Roll Number: 2441; Enrolled As Celia Walters. Owned by: Thos. Pitchlynn.

Dawes Enrollment: Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 19, 1898 for Celia Walter, Aaron Jacob (son), Margy Jacob (daughter), Berttha Oliver (daughter), Abraham Stevenson (brother), Lillie Eights (sister), Earnest Eights (nephew). Residence: Chickasaw Nation. Post Office: Hennepin, I.T.

On 7 Aug 1900 when Celia was 38, she first married W. H. WALTERS in Bonchito, Indian Territory. Dawes Roll: U.S. Citizen.

Celia second married Willis JACOB .

They had the following children:

214 i. Aaron JACOB (abt 1879-) 215 ii. Margy JACOB (abt 1885-22 Mar 1899)

Celia third married John OLIVER . Dawes Roll: U. S. Citizen.

They had one child:

216 i. Bertha OLIVER (abt 1890-)

54. Standwatie STEVENSON (Louis 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1866. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 72, Roll Number 2511.

Dawes Enrollment: Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 19, 1898 for Standwaite Stevenson. Residence: Chickasaw Nation. Post Office: Hennepin, I.T.

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Standwatie married Althea CHODE , daughter of Dick CHODE (-bef 1898) & Susan SHELL (abt 1842-). Born abt 1876. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 441, Roll Number 1799; Enrolled As Althea Stevenson.

Dawes Enrollment: Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 16, 1898 for Althea Stevenson, Hattie Stevenson (daughter), Ethel Stevenson (daughter), and Wavey Stevenson (daughter) Residence: Pickens Post Office: Hennepin, I.T

They had the following children:

217 i. Hattie STEVENSON (abt 1894-) 218 ii. Ethel STEVENSON (abt 1897-) 219 iii. Wavey STEVENSON (2 Mar 1901-) 220 iv. Fannie STEVENSON (1 Apr 1904-)

55. Mary STEVENSON (Louis 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1871. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 191, Roll Number 701; Enrolled As Mary Williams.

Mary married Josephus WILLIAMS , daughter of Sam WILLIAMS (abt 1854-) & Rachel. Born abt 1867. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 191, Roll Number 700.

Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 16, 1898 for Josephus Williams, Mary Williams (wife), Benjiman Williams (son), Katie (daughter), Albert (son), Carrie (daughter), Ruthie Williams (daughter), Ulcum Williams (daughter) and Silas Williams (son). Residence: Pickens. Post Office: Homer, I.T.

They had the following children:

221 i. (Benji) Benjiman WILLIAMS (abt 1889-) 222 ii. Katie WILLIAMS (abt 1890-) 223 iii. Albert WILLIAMS (abt 1892-) 224 iv. Carrie WILLIAMS (abt 1894-) 225 v. Ruthie WILLIAMS (abt 1897-) 226 vi. Ulcum WILLIAMS (10 Feb 1900-) 227 vii. Silas WILLIAMS (2 Dec 1901-) 228 viii. Dora WILLIAMS (2 May 1904-)

56. Lila STEVENSON (Louis 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1875 in Indian Territory, OK. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 80, Roll Number 2532; Enrolled As Lila Franklin.

Dawes Enrollment: Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 16, 1898 for Lila Franklin, Lola Franklin (daughter), Fred Franklin (son) and Aurthur

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Franklin (son). Residence: Chickasaw Nation. Post Office: Hennepin, I.T.

On 23 Aug 1894 when Lila was 19, she married Edward FRANKLIN in USA, Indian Territory, Third Judicial Division. Born in Feb 1873 in Indian Territory, OK. Dawes Roll: U.S. Citizen.

Edward Franklin (head), Lila (wife) and Fred (son) are listed on the 1900 Federal Census, Indian Territory, T-623, Roll #1849, Vol. 9, E.D. 161, Sheet 8, Line 25-27.

They had the following children:

229 i. Lola FRANKLIN (abt 1895-Nov 1898) 230 ii. Fred FRANKLIN (abt 1896-) 231 iii. Aurthur FRANKLIN (9 Jun 1901-) 232 iv. Effie FRANKLIN (1 May 1904-)

57. Abraham STEVENSON (Louis 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1878. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 45, Roll Number 2444.

Abraham married Salina WILLIAMS , daughter of James WILLIAMS (abt 1848-) & Martha WILLIAMS (abt 1843-). Born abt 1885. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 180, Roll Number 647.

They had one child:

233 i. Banks STEVENSON (4 Feb 1905-)

58. Silas STEVENSON (Louis 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1880. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 884, Roll Number 1924.

Dawes Enrollment: Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on August 22, 1899 for Silas Stevenson. Residence: Blue. Post Office: Bokchito, I.T.

Silas married Alice READ , daughter of Henry READ & Sylva JONES (abt 1853-). Born abt 1880. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 889, Roll Number 1930; Enrolled As Alice Stephenson.

Dawes Enrollment: Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on August 22, 1899 for Sylva Read, Aaron Read (so), Alice Stephenson (Stevenson) (daughter), Jimmie Read (son), and Cashey Stephenson (Stevenson) (grandson). Residence: Blue. Post Office: Bokchito, I.T.

They had one child:

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234 i. Cashey STEVENSON (STEPHENSON) (1 Jan 1902-)

59. Lillie STEVENSON (Louis 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1883. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 45, Roll Number 2445; Enrolled As Lilie Eights.

Lillie married Ben (Benji) EIGHTS . Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 313, Roll Number 1288.

They had the following children:

235 i. Earnest EIGHTS (1 Sep 1902-) 236 ii. George EIGHTS (17 Oct 1905-)

Family of Sarah STEVENSON (12) & Ned ROBERTS

60. Jack ROBERTS (Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1860. Owned by: Caroline Colbert. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 1172, Roll Number 3791.

Dawes Enrollment: Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 20, 1898 for Jack Roberts, Alice Roberts (wife), George Roberts (son), Willie Roberts (son), Lyman Roberts (son), Victor Roberts (son), Maude Roberts (daughter), Ben C. Roberts (son), Lemuel Roberts (son), and Richard Roberts (son). Residence: Pickens County. Post Office: Berwin, Indian Territory

Lemuel Roberts enrolled at Goodland, Indian Territory on statement of Charles Cohee under oath, May 12th, 1899.

All except, Alice, transferred to Choctaw Freeman card #1172

Jack married Alice JAMES , daughter of Joe JAMES (-bef 1898) & Lucinda ABRAM. Born abt 1865. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 560, Roll Number 2331; Enrolled As Alice Roberts.

They had the following children:

237 i. George ROBERTS (abt 1883-) 238 ii. Willie ROBERTS (abt 1885-) 239 iii. Lyman ROBERTS (abt 1888-) 240 iv. Vester (Victor) ROBERTS (abt 1891-) 241 v. Maud (e) ROBERTS (abt 1893-) 242 vi. Ben Carter ROBERTS (24 Nov 1895-)

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243 vii. Lemuel ROBERTS (25 Jan 1898-) 244 viii. Richard ROBERTS (19 Sep 1901-1 Mar 1902)

61. Edmund ROBERTS (Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1863. Owned by: Caroline Colbert. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 557, Roll Number 2321.

Dawes Enrollment: Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 20, 1898 for Edmund Roberts, Sarah Roberts (wife), Rachel Roberts (daughter), Jamena Roberts (daughter), Charley Roberts (son), Marcus Roberts (son), Jack Roberts (son), Laura Roberts (daughter), and Rodie Roberts (daughter). Residence: Pickens County Post Office: Berwin, Indian Territory

Edmund married Sarah ABRAM , daughter of Charly ABRAM (-bef 1898) & Viney WILLIAMS. Born abt 1873. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 557, Roll Number 2322; Enrolled As Sarah Roberts.

They had the following children:

245 i. Rachel ROBERTS (abt 1887-) 246 ii. Jamena ROBERTS (abt 1891-) 247 iii. Charley ROBERTS (abt 1892-) 248 iv. Marcus ROBERTS (abt 1894-) 249 v. Jack ROBERTS (abt 1896-) 250 vi. Laura ROBERTS 251 vii. Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS (17 Mar 1901-18 Nov 1967) 252 viii. Elgy ROBERTS (abt 1903-)

62. Eli ROBERTS (Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1867. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 1171, Roll Number 3783.

Dawes Enrollment: Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 20, 1898 for Eli Roberts, Mary Roberts (wife), Cora Roberts (daughter), Ida Roberts (daughter), Simon Roberts (son), Saincy Roberts (daughter), Norabla Roberts (daughter) and Harvey Roberts (son). Residence: Pickens County. Post Office: Berwyn, Indian Territory.

Harvey Roberts was enrolled at Goodland, Indian Territory on May 12, 1899 on statement of Charles Cohee under oath.

All were transferred from Chickasaw Freedmen card #559 to Choctaw Freedmen card #1171

Eli married Mary CHRISTIAN , daughter of Ike CHRISTIAN & Sally. Born abt 1874. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 1171, Roll Number 3784; Enrolled As Mary Roberts.

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On 1896 Choctaw Roll as Mary J. Roberts

They had the following children:

253 i. Cora ROBERTS (abt 1892-) 254 ii. Ida ROBERTS (abt 1893-) 255 iii. Simon ROBERTS (abt 1895-) 256 iv. Saincy ROBERTS (21 Aug 1896-) 257 v. Harvey ROBERTS (3 Jan 1899-) 258 vi. Noraola ROBERTS (19 Apr 1901-) 259 vii. Hattie ROBERTS (abt 1903-) 260 viii. Talmage ROBERTS (abt 1904-) 261 ix. Esther ROBERTS (abt 1908-) 262 x. Johnnie ROBERTS (abt 1910-) 263 xi. Roscoe ROBERTS (abt 1912-) 264 xii. Matthew ROBERTS (abt 1914-) 265 xiii. Juanita ROBERTS

63. Laura ROBERTS (Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1874. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 1170, Roll Number 3778; Enrolled As Laura Cobert.

Dawes Enrollment: Transferred from Chickasaw Freedman card 558 to Choctaw Freeedmen card #1170

Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 20, 1898 for Laura Colbert (head), Andrew Colbert (son), Beulah Colbert (daughter) , Bady Colbert (son), Sarah Colbert (daughter). Residence: Pickens County. Post Office: Berwin, Indian Territory

On 1896 Choctaw roll as Laura R. Colbert

Laura married Robert COLBERT , son of Dick COLBERT (-bef 1898) & Lucinda ABRAM. Born abt 1869. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 558, Roll Number 2330.

Dawes Enrollment: Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 20, 1898 for Robert Colbert, Laura Colbert (wife), Andrew Colbert (son), Beulah Colbert (daughter) , Bady Colbert (son), Richard Colbert (son), Sarah Colbert (daughter). Residence: Pickens County. Post Office: Berwin, Indian Territory

All except Robert Colbert and Richard Colbert (who died) were transferred from Chickasaw Freedmen card #558 to Choctaw Freedmen card #1170

They had the following children:

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266 i. Andrew COLBERT (abt 1892-) 267 ii. Beulah COLBERT (abt 1894-) 268 iii. Bady COLBERT (abt 1896-) 269 iv. Richard COLBERT (abt Mar 1898-21 Dec 1898) 270 v. Sarah COLBERT (25 Mar 1902-) 271 vi. Lester COLBERT (abt 1903-) 272 vii. Victory COLBERT (abt 1911-)

Family of Dudley STEVENSON (13) & Georgia Ann JAMES

64. Thomas STEVENSON (Dudley 2, Mobile 1). Born on 2 Aug 1867. Thomas died in Phoenix, AZ, on 25 Jun 1967; he was 99. Buried on 3 Jul 1967 in Greenwood Memorial Park, Universal Memorial Center, Phoenix, AZ. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 423; Roll Number 1720. Land Allotment: W E NE 18-1N-1W Indian Base And Meridian (Oklahoma), 40 Acres.

Dawes Enrollment: "On September 9, 1896, there was filed with the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes under the provisions of the Act of Congress approved June 10, 1896 (29Stats. 321), original application in the case of Thomas Stephenson, et al., v. Chickasaw Nation, for the enrollment of the petitioners Thomas Stevenson (as Thomas Stephenson) and Amy Stevenson (as Ama Stephenson) as citizens of the Chickasaw Nation, and that on November 23, 1896, the Commission rendered a decision rejecting their application, from which decision no appeal was taken. "

Dawes Enrollment: "Application was made to the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes by Thomas Stevenson at Pauls Valley, Ind. T., on September 15, 1898, for the enrollment of himself, Alice Stevenson, Amy Stevenson, and Dud Stevenson as Chickasaw freedmen. Subsequent thereto birth affidavits were filed with the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes showing the birth of Henry Stevenson on February 17, 1899, and of Houston Stevenson on February 1, 1901."

Land Allottment: The following Land Allotment was received by Thomas Stevenson as a Chickasaw Freedmen: W E NE 18-1N-1W Indian Base and Meridian (Oklahoma), 40 Acres.

Lost due to mortgage forclosure On 23 February, 1914 in an action pending, Pauls Valley National Bank, a corporation was plaintiff, and T. S. Stevenson, Alice Stevenson, The Monarch Loan Comany, a corporation, A. J. Goff, R. L. Freeman, and L. D. Davis were defendants, the said plaintiff by the consideration of the court recovered a judgement against the defendants T. S. Stevenson and Allice Stevenson, for the sum of $369.05 with interest at 10% annum from said date; and also all costs in and about said action expended; and further judgment and against each and all of said defendants above named declaring, adjudging and decreeing that, as security .....

Order of sale was duly delivered to and received by said sheriff on the 10th day of November, 1914. One 18th day of December, 1914, said sheriff did offer said property for sale. The property was sold

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(subject to the first mortgage lien of defendant Monarch Loan Company) to the Pauls Valley National Bank, a corportation at and for the price and sum of $157.05, being the highest and best bid

Thomas first married Alice STEVENSON , daughter of Caesar STEVENSON & Viney CARR (abt 1853-). Born abt 1871. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 423; Roll Number 1721. Land Allotment: NW NW 17-1N-1W Indian Base And Meridian (Oklahoma), 40 Acres.

Dawes Enrollment: "Application was made to the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes by Thomas Stevenson at Pauls Valley, Ind. T., on September 15, 1898, for the enrollment of himself, Alice Stevenson, Amy Stevenson, and Dud Stevenson as Chickasaw freedmen. Subsequent thereto birth affidavits were filed with the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes showing the birth of Henry Stevenson on February 17, 1899, and of Houston Stevenson on February 1, 1901."

Land Allottment: The following Land Allotment was received by Alice Stevenson as a Chickasaw Freedmen: NW NW 17-1N-1W Indian Base and Meridian (Oklahoma), 40 Acres

The property was sold by Alice Stevenson and Tom Stevenson, husband and wife to H. L. Vaughn and D. L. Vaughn on 28 Oct 1908 for $850.00. Recorded in State of Oklahoma, Garvin County. Filed 16 Nov 1908 Page 278, Misc Vol 28

They had the following children:

273 i. Amy STEVENSON (abt 1895-) 274 ii. Dud(ley) STEVENSON (1 Jan 1897-) 275 iii. Henry STEVENSON (abt 1898-) 276 iv. Houston B. STEVENSON Sr. (1 Feb 1901-26 Jan 1971) 277 v. Adam "Joe" STEVENSON (11 Feb 1903-20 Jan 1998) 278 vi. Leagus STEVENSON (16 Sep 1906-18 Apr 1975) 279 vii. Mobile STEVENSON (20 Aug 1910-14 Sep 1989)

Thomas second married Fannie BYWATERS . Born abt 1879.

They had the following children:

280 i. Luther Herman STEVENSON (24 Oct 1903-) 281 ii. Irvin STEVENSON (20 Oct 1904-) 282 iii. I. V. STEVENSON (8 Jan 1906-)

65. Lisha (Carnelia) STEVENSON (Dudley 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1874 in Indian Territory, OK. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 421, Roll Number 1710; Enrolled As Lishia Munn.

Dawes Enrollment: Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on

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September 16, 1898 for Lishia Munn. Residence: Pickens. Post Office: Katie, I.T. The application was amended to include Annie Munn (daughter)

Given name was probally Carnelia. In Chickasaw Freedmen Application NUmber 421, she states that she doesn't know if she was enrolled as "Lisha" or "Carnelia" abt 1895 when Lisha (Carnelia) was 21, she married Israel MUNN . Born in Mar 1871 in Indian Territory, OK. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 74, Roll Number 2523. Land Allotment: NW NE 10-1N-1W Indian Base And Meridian (Oklahoma) 40 Acres.

They had the following children:

283 i. Annie MUNN (10 Jun 1901-) 284 ii. Willie MUNN

66. Benjiman (Benjamin) STEVENSON Sr. (Dudley 2, Mobile1). Born abt 1876 in Indian Territory, OK. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 422, Roll Number 1713. Land Allotment: NE NW 18-1N-1W Indian Base And Meridian (Oklahoma) 40 Acres.

Dawes Enrollment: "It appears from the records of this office that on September 9, 1896, original application was filed with the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes under the provisions of the Act of Congress approved June 10, 1896 (29Stats. 321), for the enrollement of Benjamine Stevenson (as Benjiman Stepheson), Levy Stevenson (as Leavy Stepheson), Carrie Butler (as Carrie Stepheson) as Citizens of the Chickasaw Nation, and that on November 10, 1896, the Commission rejected their application and that no appeal was taken from the decision of the Comission."

Dawes Enrollment: Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 15, 1898 for Georgia Ann Stevenson, Benjamian Stevenson (son), Robin Stevenson (son), Levy Stevenson (son), Carrie Butler (daughter), Malsy Stevenson (daughter), Ida Stevenson (daughter). Residence: Pickens. Post Office: Katie, I.T.

The application was amended to include Maulsy Butler (grand daughter).

On 13 Feb 1902 when Benjiman (Benjamin) was 26, he first married Roberta FRANKLIN in USA, Indian Territory, Southern District. Born abt 1875.

Roberta was in Hennepin, I.T. at the time of her marriage to Benjiman Stevenson. Roberta and Benjiman were married by E. S. Stevenson, a minister of the gospel.

It looks as if Roberta, was a U.S. Citzen of the United States, and not a Chickasaw or Choctaw Freedman.

Roberta probally died between 03 Jan 1903, when the twins were born and before 09 July 1906, when Benajiman applied for the twins to be accepted as Chickasaw Freedmen. The document is

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July 2011 Page 41 of 312 dated 09 July 1906 and states that Roberta is dead. More likely, she died between 03 Jan 1903 and 04 May 1905 when Benjiman married Moria Douglass.

They had the following children:

285 i. Benjamin STEVENSON Jr. (Twin) (21 Jan 1903-) 286 ii. Roberta STEVENSON (Twin) (21 Jan 1903-)

On 4 May 1905 when Benjiman (Benjamin) was 29, he second married Maria NEWBERRY , daughter of Wiley NEWBERRY & Caldonia LOVE (abt 1843-), in USA, Indian Territory, Southern District. Born abt 1881. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 235, Roll Number 918.

Dawes Enrollment: Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 12, 1898 for Caldonia Newberry, Louis Newberry (son), Calvin Newberry (son), Moria Newberry (daughter), Lulu Newberry (daughter), Liddy Newberry (daughter), Andrew Franklin (grand son), Ethel Newberry (grand daughter), May Bell Newberry (grand daughter), Grady Douglass (grand son), Lon Stevenson (grand son). Residence: Pickens. Post Office: Robinson, I.T.

Moria was from Robberson, I.T. at the time of her marriage to Benjiman Stevenson. Moria and Benjiman were married by E. S. Stevenson, a minister of the gospel.

Georgia Ann, mother-in-law, of Maria(h) acted as midwife in the birth of Horice.

They had one child:

287 i. Horice (Horace) STEVENSON (8 Feb 1906-)

67. Robin STEVENSON (Dudley 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1879 in Indian Territory, OK. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 422, Roll Number 1714.

Dawes Enrollment: Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 15, 1898 for Georgia Ann Stevenson, Benjamian Stevenson (son), Robin Stevenson (son), Levy Stevenson (son), Carrie Butler (daughter), Malsy Stevenson (daughter), Ida Stevenson (daughter). Residence: Pickens. Post Office: Katie, I.T.

The application was amended to include Maulsy Butler (grand daughter).

On 17 Oct 1901 when Robin was 22, he first married Lula NEWBERRY , daughter of Wiley NEWBERRY & Caldonia LOVE (abt 1843-), in USA, Indian Territory, Southern District. Born abt 1885. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 235, Roll Number 919.

Dawes Enrollment: Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 12, 1898 for Caldonia Newberry, Louis Newberry (son), Calvin Newberry (son), Moria

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Newberry (daughter), Lulu Newberry (daughter), Liddy Newberry (daughter), Andrew Franklin (grand son), Ethel Newberry (grand daughter), May Bell Newberry (grand daughter), Grady Douglass (grand son), Lon Stevenson (grand son). Residence: Pickens. Post Office: Robinson, I.T.

Moria Stevenson acted as midwife for the birth of Ramon; Georgia Ann Stevenson acted as midwife for the birth of Caldonia

They had the following children:

288 i. Lon STEVENSON (12 Sep 1902-) 289 ii. Ramon STEVENSON (9 Apr 1904-) 290 iii. Caldonia STEVENSON (9 Feb 1906-)

Robin second married Alice HAMILTON (107) , daughter of Marcus HAMILTON (22) (abt 1853-) & Barbary GRANT (abt 1858-Mar 1900). Born abt 1879. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 201, Roll Number 782. Land Allotment: S NW SE 28-1N-1W Indian Base And Meridian (Oklahoma) 20 Acres.

They had one child:

291 i. Dave STEVENSON (7 Sep 1901-)

68. Levy STEVENSON (Dudley 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1881 in Indian Territory, OK. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 422, Roll Number 1715.

Dawes Enrollment: "It appears from the records of this office that on September 9, 1896, original application was filed with the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes under the provisions of the Act of Congress approved June 10, 1896 (29Stats. 321), for the enrollement of Benjamine Stevenson (as Benjiman Stepheson), Levy Stevenson (as Leavy Stepheson), Carrie Butler (as Carrie Stepheson) as Citizens of the Chickasaw Nation, and that on November 10, 1896, the Cmmission rejected their application and that no appeal was taken from the decision of the Comission."

Dawes Enrollment: Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 15, 1898 for Georgia Ann Stevenson, Benjamian Stevenson (son), Robin Stevenson (son), Levy Stevenson (son), Carrie Butler (daughter), Malsy Stevenson (daughter), Ida Stevenson (daughter). Residence: Pickens. Post Office: Katie, I.T.

The application was amended to include Maulsy Butler (grand daughter).

69. Carrie STEVENSON (Dudley 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1883 in Indian Territory. OK. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 422, Roll Number 1716; Enrolled As Carrie Butler.

Dawes Enrollment: "It appears from the records of this office that on September 9, 1896, original

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July 2011 Page 43 of 312 application was filed with the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes under the provisions of the Act of Congress approved June 10, 1896 (29Stats. 321), for the enrollement of Benjamine Stevenson (as Benjiman Stepheson), Levy Stevenson (as Leavy Stepheson), Carrie Butler (as Carrie Stepheson) as Citizens of the Chickasaw Nation, and that on November 10, 1896, the Cmmission rejected their application and that no appeal was taken from the decision of the Comission."

Dawes Enrollment: Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 15, 1898 for Georgia Ann Stevenson, Benjamian Stevenson (son), Robin Stevenson (son), Levy Stevenson (son), Carrie Butler (daughter), Malsy Stevenson (daughter), Ida Stevenson (daughter). Residence: Pickens. Post Office: Katie, I.T.

The application was amended to include Maulsy Butler (grand daughter).

Georgia Ann Stevenson, Carrie's mother acted as midwife for the birth of Maulsy.

On 19 Apr 1900 when Carrie was 17, she married Charley BUTLER , son of Dove BUTLER (abt 1834-) & Paulina, in USA, Indian Territory, Southern District. Born in Oct 1877 in Indian Territory, OK. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 42, Roll Number 2426.

They had the following children:

292 i. Maulsy BUTLER (18 Jan 1901-) 293 ii. Andy BUTLER (17 Oct 1902-) 294 iii. Georgan (Georgia Ann) BUTLER (7 Aug 1905-) 295 iv. Pik BUTLER

70. Malsy STEVENSON (Dudley 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1885. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 422, Roll Number 1717.

Dawes Enrollment: Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 15, 1898 for Georgia Ann Stevenson, Benjamian Stevenson (son), Robin Stevenson (son), Levy Stevenson (son), Carrie Butler (daughter), Malsy Stevenson (daughter), Ida Stevenson (daughter). Residence: Pickens. Post Office: Katie, I.T.

The application was amended to include Maulsy Butler (grand daughter).

Malsy married David PLUMMER Jr. , son of David PLUMMER Sr. & Viney CARR (abt 1853-). Born abt 1873. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 432, Roll Number 1765.

They had the following children:

296 i. Clarence PLUMMER (16 Dec 1905-) 297 ii. J. K. PLUMMER

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298 iii. Eliza PLUMMER 299 iv. R. T. PLUMMER 300 v. Samson PLUMMER

71. Ida STEVENSON (Dudley 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1890. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 422, Roll Number 1718.

Dawes Enrollment: Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 15, 1898 for Georgia Ann Stevenson, Benjamian Stevenson (son), Robin Stevenson (son), Levy Stevenson (son), Carrie Butler (daughter), Malsy Stevenson (daughter), Ida Stevenson (daughter). Residence: Pickens. Post Office: Katie, I.T.

The application was amended to include Maulsy Butler (grand daughter).

Ida married NEWBERRY .

They had the following children:

301 i. Dollie 302 ii. Elbert (Red) 303 iii. Name Unknown

Family of Elmira (Myra) STEVENSON (14) & Wesley COLBERT

72. Rose COLBERT (Elmira (Myra) STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1860. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 431, Roll Number 1757; Enrolled As Rose Bruner. Owned by: Holmes Colbert.

Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 16, 1898 for Rose Bruner, Legus Bruner (son), Rachel Bruner (daughter), Columbus Bruner (son), Cephus Bruner (son), Joe Bruner (son), William Bruner (son) and Isador Elmora Rentie (grand daughter). Residence: ? Post Office: Maxwell, I.T.

Rose married John BRUNER . Dawes Roll: Seminole Freedman.

They had the following children:

304 i. Legus BRUNER (abt 1877-) 305 ii. Rachel BRUNER (abt 1882-) 306 iii. Columbus BRUNER (abt 1885-) 307 iv. Cephus BRUNER (abt 1887-)

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308 v. Joe BRUNER (abt 1892-) 309 vi. William (Manuel) BRUNER (abt 1897-29 Jul 1899)

Family of Dave STEVENSON (15) & Viney CARR

73. Estella STEVENSON (Dave 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1879. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 432, Roll Number 1766.

On 21 Feb 1901 when Estella was 22, she married Henderson WILLIAMS , son of Sam WILLIAMS (abt 1854-) & Rachel. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 190, Roll Number 699.

They had the following children:

310 i. Izara WILLIAMS (24 Feb 1902-) 311 ii. Eliza WILLIAMS (30 Mar 1904-) 312 iii. Clay WILLIAMS (24 Sep 1905-) 313 iv. Dorsey WILLIAMS 314 v. Dorthy WILLIAMS 315 vi. Ray WILLIAMS 316 vii. Annabell WILLIAMS

74. Flora STEVENSON (Dave 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1881. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 432 Roll Number 1767.

75. Loradeo STEVENSON (Dave 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1883. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 432 Roll Number 1768.

Loradeo first married .

They had the following children:

317 i. Nelson 318 ii. Bertha 319 iii. Roosevelt 320 iv. Florella 321 v. Inez JACKSON 322 vi. C.B.Bennet Jr.

Loradeo second married unknow .

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They had one child:

323 i. Laura

76. Samuel STEVENSON Sr. (Dave 2, Mobile 1). Born on 27 Sep 1878 in Oklahoma. Samuel died in Oklahoma on 7 Jan 1976; he was 97. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 432 Roll Number 1769.

Samuel first married Leer YATES in Gavin County,Wild Horse, Oklahoma. Leer died abt 1924 in Oklahoma.

May also be known as Leer Mae Majors

They had the following children:

324 i. Melvin STEVENSON (16 Sep 1906-13 Sep 1978) 325 ii. George STEVENSON (29 Jun 1907-6 Sep 1967) 326 iii. Dave STEVENSON 327 iv. Glayds STEVENSON 328 v. Gus STEVENSON 329 vi. Baby Boy STEVENSON 330 vii. Leroy STEVENSON (23 Sep 1915-29 Jul 1995)

In 1928 when Samuel was 49, he second married Mary ALEXANDER in Guthrie, OK. Mary died abt 1941 in Oklahoma.

They had the following children:

331 i. Jesus James STEVENSON 332 ii. Samuel STEVENSON Jr. 333 iii. Charlie C. STEVENSON Sr. (7 Jul 1933-15 Mar 1985) 334 iv. Flora Mae STEVENSON 335 v. Grace Lorraine STEVENSON 336 vi. William "Pee Wee" STEVENSON 337 vii. Baby Boy STEVENSON

77. Fleetwood STEVENSON (Dave 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1888. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 432; Roll Number 1770.

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338 i. Iley Lee STEVENSON 339 ii. Simpson STEVENSON

78. Simpson STEVENSON (Dave 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1890. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 432 Roll Number 1771.


340 i. Lulabelll STEVENSON 341 ii. Fleet STEVENSON Sr. 342 iii. Edna STEVENSON 343 iv. Viola STEVENSON 344 v. Vivian STEVENSON 345 vi. Albert STEVENSON (8 Aug 1911-3 May 1975)

Fourth Generation

Family of Mobile RICHARDSON (17) & Laura PLUMMER

79. Amanda RICHARDSON (Mobile 3, Elsie STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1895. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 433, Roll Number 1774.

80. Robert RICHARDSON (Mobile 3, Elsie STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1897. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 433, Roll Number 1775.

81. Elmira RICHARDSON (Mobile 3, Elsie STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1898. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 433, Roll Number 1776.

82. Vina RICHARDSON (Mobile 3, Elsie STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born on 23 Jul 1899. Vina died on 10 Sep 1900; she was 1. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 433, Roll Number 1777; Stricken from roll. Died prior to September 25, 1902.

Family of Robert FARRIS (18) & Jennie BUTLER

83. Cora FARRIS (Robert 3, Elsie STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1882. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 73; Roll Number 2514. Land Allotment: NW SE 19-1N-1W Indian Base

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And Meridian (Oklahoma) 40 Acres; Received As Cora Stevenson.

On 14 Jan 1900 when Cora was 18, she married Elijah STEVENSON (43) , son of Joe STEVENSON (8) (abt 1829-) & Adeline, in USA, Indian Territory, Southern District. Born abt 1876. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 434; Roll Number 1778. Land Allotment: SE NE 19-1N-1W Indian Base And Meridian (Oklahoma) 40 Acres.

Eligha, riding Mustang horses on the range with his brothers - Riley, Amos, and Jackson, had a fatal accident and was killed.

Dawes Enrollment: Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 16, 1898 for Elijah Stevenson, Aaron Stevenson (brother), Riley Stevenson (brother) and Jackson Stevenson. Residence: Pickens. Post Office: Katie, I.T.

They had one child:

180 i. Henderson STEVENSON (27 Oct 1900-14 Jan 1983)

84. Henry FARRIS (Robert 3, Elsie STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1884. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 73; Roll Number 2515.

Henry married Fannie . Dawes Roll: U.S. Citizen.

They had the following children:

346 i. Willie FARRIS (4 Jul 1904-) 347 ii. Burney FARRIS (8 Feb 1906-)

85. William FARRIS (Robert 3, Elsie STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1887. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 73; Roll Number 2516.

86. O’Neil FARRIS (Robert 3, Elsie STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1889. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 73; Roll Number 2517.

87. Manuel FARRIS (Robert 3, Elsie STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1891. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 73; Roll Number 2518.

88. Virgina FARRIS (Robert 3, Elsie STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1894. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 73; Roll Number 2519.

89. Bela FARRIS (Robert 3, Elsie STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1897. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 73; Roll Number 2520.

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90. Mary FARRIS (Robert 3, Elsie STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born on 9 Feb 1900. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 73; Roll Number 2521.

91. Howdy FARRIS (Robert 3, Elsie STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born on 8 Feb 1905. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 147, Roll Number 297.

Minor Choctaw Freedmen application was made on September 20, 1906 for Howdy Farris by his parents, Robert and Jennie Farris. Residence:Chickasaw Nation. Post Office: Katy, I.T

Family of Amanda JOSEY (19) & Calvin JAMES

92. Lizzie JAMES (Amanda JOSEY 3, Elsie STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Lizzie died bef 1898. Owned by: Susie Colbert.

Lizzie married Lawrence ALEXANDER . Lawrence died bef 1898.

They had one child:

348 i. Silvia ALEXANDER (abt 1885-)

93. Thomas JAMES (Amanda JOSEY 3, Elsie STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1877. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 52, Roll Number 2467.

94. Flory (Flora) JAMES (Amanda JOSEY 3, Elsie STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1880. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 52, Roll Number 2468.

Flory (Flora) first married Matthew FRANKLIN . Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen.

They had one child:

349 i. Cary FRANKLIN (8 Nov 1898-)

Flory (Flora) second married Will BROWN . Dawes Roll: U.S. Citizen.

They had one child:

350 i. James BROWN (14 Aug 1904-)

Family of Amanda JOSEY (19) & Louis HOPPY

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95. Louisa HOPPY (Amanda JOSEY 3, Elsie STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1870. Louisa died in Indian Territory, OK, on 21 Apr 1900; she was 30. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 54, Died prior to final enrollment.

Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 16, 1898 for Louisa Williams, Jesse Williams (son), Edna Williams (daughter), Saint Paul Williams (son). Residence: Chickasaw Nation. Post Office: Homer, I.T.

Louisa married Henderson WILLIAMS , son of Sam WILLIAMS (abt 1854-) & Rachel. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 190, Roll Number 699.

They had the following children:

351 i. Jesse WILLIAMS (abt 1889-) 352 ii. Edna WILLIAMS (abt 1895-) 353 iii. Saint Paul WILLIAMS (26 May 1899-)

96. Maggie HOPPY (Amanda JOSEY 3, Elsie STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born in Mar 1884/1872. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 53, Roll Number 2471.

Dawes Enrollment: Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 16, 1898 for Maggie Hoppy, Bertha Stevenson (daughter), Claude Williams (son), and Leander Niles (son) Residence: Chickasaw Nation. Post Office: Hennepin, I. T.

Maggie first married Alfred STEVENSON (38) , son of Dick STEVENSON (6) (abt 1829-) & Hannah (abt 1846-).

The testimony of Sephronia Hodges in Chickasaw Freedmen Application Jacket #443, grand mother to Monroe Stevenson, testifies the her daughters former husband, Alfred, was the son of Dick Stevenson.

They had one child:

175 i. Bertha STEVENSON (abt 1890-)

Maggie second married Wilton WILLIAMS (114) , son of Joe WILLIAMS (abt 1846-) & Ellen HAMILTON (23) (abt 1853-). Born abt 1872 in Indian Territory, OK. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 437, Roll Number1784.

Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 16, 1898 for Wilton Williams, Marcus William (son), Cora Williams (daughter), Kimble Williams (son), Maise Williams (son), Joe Williams (son). Residence: Pickens. Post Office:Katie, I.T.

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Per Chickasaw Freedmen card 437, wife and children are Chickasaw Indians. Children are on Rejected 22 card along with their mother. Children later, transferred to Chickasaw Freedmen Card 437.

Wilton Williams (head), Sallie (wife), Marcus (son), Cora (daughter), Richard (son), and Mase (son) are on the 1900 Federal Census, Indian Territory, T-623, Roll #1849, Vol. 9, E.D. 161, Sheet 10, Line 90-95

They had one child:

354 i. Claude WILLIAMS (abt 1893-)

Maggie third married Willie MILES .

They had one child:

355 i. Leander MILES (abt 1895-)

Family of William RUSSELL (20) & Linda (Malinda) JAMES

97. Belle RUSSELL (William 3, Elsie STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born in Aug 1879 in Indian Territory, OK. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 48, Roll Number 2449.

Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 16, 1898 for Belle Williams, Wade Williams (son), Mary Williams (daughter), Henrietta Williams (daughter) Residence: Pickens. Chickasaw Nation: Hennepin, I.T.

In 1897 when Belle was 17, she married Eastman WILLIAMS , son of James WILLIAMS (abt 1848-) & Martha WILLIAMS (abt 1843-). Born in Mar 1877. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 183, Roll Number ???

Eastman Williams (head), Belle (wife), Wade (son), Mary (daughter), and Ella Stevenson (sister) are listed on the 1900 Federal Census, Indian Territory, T-623, Roll #1849, Vol. 9, E.D. 161, Sheet 8, Line 65-69.

They had the following children:

356 i. Wade WILLIAMS (Sep 1898-) 357 ii. Mary WILLIAMS (2 Jan 1900-) 358 iii. Henrietta WILLIAMS (7 Jul 1902-)

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98. Frank RUSSELL (William 3, Elsie STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1867. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 47, Roll Number 2448.

Wife and children are on Chickasaw Freedmen Card 184 or 134

Frank married Agnes , daughter of James WILLIAMS (abt 1848-) & Martha WILLIAMS (abt 1843-).

99. Palesa RUSSELL (William 3, Elsie STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Palesa married Andrew FRANKLIN . Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 41, Roll Number 2418.

They had the following children:

359 i. Ephram FRANKLIN (Twin) 360 ii. Effie FRANKLIN (Twin)

100. Voyage RUSSELL (William 3, Elsie STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born in Aug 1876 in Indian Territory, OK. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 50, Roll Number 2457.

Voige Russell (head), Mandy (wife) and Willie Hariss (servant) were listed on the 1900 Federal Census, Indian Territory, T-623, Roll #1849, Vol. 9, E.D. 161, Sheet 12, Line 36-38. abt 1899 when Voyage was 22, he married Amanda WILLIAMS , daughter of James WILLIAMS (abt 1848-) & Martha WILLIAMS (abt 1843-). Born abt 1880 in Indian Territory, OK. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 180, Roll Number 646; Enrolled As Amanda Russell.

They had the following children:

361 i. Jinnie Ann RUSSELL (8 Aug 1900-) 362 ii. Roosevelt RUSSELL (9 Apr 1902-)

101. Gat RUSSELL (William 3, Elsie STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1877. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 49, Roll Number 2453.

Wife is a Chickasaw Freedmen on Card 314

102. Carrie RUSSELL (William 3, Elsie STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born in Oct 1881 in Indian Territory, OK.

Carrie married Willie HARRIS .

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They had one child:

363 i. Velma RUSSELL

103. William RUSSELL Jr. (William 3, Elsie STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born in Apr 1884 in Indian Territory, OK.

104. Lewis RUSSELL (William 3, Elsie STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born in Mar 1887 in Indian Territory, OK.

Family of George HAMILTON (21) & Emily EASTMAN

105. Ellen HAMILTON (George 3, Louisa STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1882. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 439, Roll Number 1793.

Family of Marcus HAMILTON (22) & Barbary GRANT

106. Willie HAMILTON (Marcus 3, Louisa STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1876. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 203; Roll Number 785.

Dawes Enrollment: Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 12, 1898 for Willie Hamilton, Rhoda Hamilton (wife), Cleveland Hamilton (son) and Tande Hailton(son). Residence: Pickens. Post Office: Elmore, I.T.

Willie married Rhoda ABRAM , daughter of Bynton ABRAM (abt 1848-) & Lucinda GAINES (abt 1854-). Born abt 1879. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 203; Roll Number 786.

They had the following children:

364 i. Cleveland HAMILTON 365 ii. Tande HAMILTON (16 Sep 1900-)

107. Alice HAMILTON (Marcus 3, Louisa STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1879. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 201, Roll Number 782. Land Allotment: S NW SE 28-1N-1W Indian Base And Meridian (Oklahoma) 20 Acres.

Alice first married Louis NEWBERRY , son of Wiley NEWBERRY & Caldonia LOVE (abt 1843-). Born abt 1874.

Dawes Enrollment: Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on

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September 12, 1898 for Caldonia Newberry, Louis Newberry (son), Calvin Newberry (son), Moria Newberry (daughter), Lulu Newberry (daughter), Liddy Newberry (daughter), Andrew Franklin (grand son), Ethel Newberry (grand daughter), May Bell Newberry (grand daughter), Grady Douglass (grand son), Lon Stevenson (grand son). Residence: Pickens. Post Office: Robinson, I.T.

They had one child:

366 i. Gertie NEWBERRY (abt 1898-)

Alice second married Robin STEVENSON (67) , son of Dudley STEVENSON (13) (-bef Aug 1896) & Georgia Ann JAMES (abt 1854-). Born abt 1879 in Indian Territory, OK. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 422, Roll Number 1714.

Dawes Enrollment: Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 15, 1898 for Georgia Ann Stevenson, Benjamian Stevenson (son), Robin Stevenson (son), Levy Stevenson (son), Carrie Butler (daughter), Malsy Stevenson (daughter), Ida Stevenson (daughter). Residence: Pickens. Post Office: Katie, I.T.

The application was amended to include Maulsy Butler (grand daughter).

They had one child:

291 i. Dave STEVENSON (7 Sep 1901-)

108. Liddy (Lydia) HAMILTON (Marcus 3, Louisa STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1881. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 204, Roll Number 789. Enrolled as Liddy Franklin.

Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 12, 1898 for Liddy Franklin and Solomon Franklin (son). Residence: Pickens. Post Office: Homer, I.T.

Liddy (Lydia) married Eddie FRANKLIN , son of Sanders FRANKLIN & Helen THOMPSON (abt 1860-). Born abt 1875. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 33, Roll Number 3025.

They had the following children:

367 i. Solomon FRANKLIN (15 Jul 1898-) 368 ii. Videl FRANKLIN (31 Oct 1902-) 369 iii. Adella FRANKLIN (18 Feb 1905-)

109. Laura HAMILTON (Marcus 3, Louisa STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1885. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 201, Roll Number 778.

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110. Arthur HAMILTON (Marcus 3, Louisa STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1888. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 201, Roll Number 779.

111. DeWitt HAMILTON (Marcus 3, Louisa STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1895. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 201, Roll Number 780.

112. Charley HAMILTON (Marcus 3, Louisa STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1898. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 201, Roll Number 781.

113. Mollie HAMILTON (Marcus 3, Louisa STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Mollie married Willie NEWBERRY , son of Wiley NEWBERRY & Caldonia LOVE (abt 1843-). Born abt 1873.

Family of Ellen HAMILTON (23) & Joe WILLIAMS

114. Wilton WILLIAMS (Ellen HAMILTON 3, Louisa STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1872 in Indian Territory, OK. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 437, Roll Number1784.

Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 16, 1898 for Wilton Williams, Marcus William (son), Cora Williams (daughter), Kimble Williams (son), Maise Williams (son), Joe Williams (son). Residence: Pickens. Post Office:Katie, I.T.

Per Chickasaw Freedmen card 437, wife and children are Chickasaw Indians. Children are on Rejected 22 card along with their mother. Children later, transferred to Chickasaw Freedmen Card 437.

Wilton Williams (head), Sallie (wife), Marcus (son), Cora (daughter), Richard (son), and Mase (son) are on the 1900 Federal Census, Indian Territory, T-623, Roll #1849, Vol. 9, E.D. 161, Sheet 10, Line 90-95

On 24 Dec 1891 when Wilton was 19, he first married Sallie in Residence of Richard Kimbell South of Davis, Ind. Terr. in the Chickasaw Nation. Born abt 1872 in Indian Territory, OK. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Indian.

They had the following children:

370 i. Marcus WILLIAMS (abt 1893-) 371 ii. Cora WILLIAMS (abt 1894-) 372 iii. Kimble (Richard?) WILLIAMS (abt 1897-) 373 iv. Maise WILLIAMS (12 Jan 1900-)

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374 v. Joe WILLIAMS (12 Sep 1902-) 375 vi. Lyman WILLIAMS (22 Feb 1905-)

Wilton second married Maggie HOPPY (96) , daughter of Louis HOPPY (-bef 1898) & Amanda JOSEY (19) (abt 1846-). Born in Mar 1884/1872. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 53, Roll Number 2471.

Dawes Enrollment: Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 16, 1898 for Maggie Hoppy, Bertha Stevenson (daughter), Claude Williams (son), and Leander Niles (son) Residence: Chickasaw Nation. Post Office: Hennepin, I. T.

They had one child:

354 i. Claude WILLIAMS (abt 1893-)

115. Ebenezer WILLIAMS (Ellen HAMILTON 3, Louisa STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1876. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 438, Roll Number 1786.

116. Amy WILLIAMS (Ellen HAMILTON 3, Louisa STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1878. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 440, Roll Number 1794; Enrolled As Amy Shirley.

Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 16, 1898 for Amy Shirley, Belle Shirley (daughter), Albert Shirley (daughter), Cliffy Shirley (son) and Vick Shirley. Residence: Pickens. Post Office: Katy, I.T.

Amy married Callis SHIRLEY , son of Rollen SHIRLEY & Ginsey (abt 1853-). Born abt 1876. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 70, Roll Number 2509.

Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 16, 1898 for Callis Shirley. Residence: Chickasaw Nation. Post Office: Katy, I.T.

They had the following children:

376 i. Belle SHIRLEY (abt 1895-) 377 ii. Albert SHIRLEY (abt 1897-) 378 iii. Cliffy SHIRLEY (13 Mar 1900-26 Jan 1901) 379 iv. Vick SHIRLEY (27 Mar 1902-) 380 v. Cathil (Cathie?) SHIRLEY (15 May 1905-)

117. Paulina WILLIAMS (Ellen HAMILTON 3, Louisa STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1881. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 438 Roll Number 1787; Enrolled As Paulina Franklin.

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On 22 Feb 1900 when Paulina was 19, she married William "Burt" FRANKLIN in USA, Indian Territory, Southern District. Dawes Roll: U.S. Citizen.

Also know as Burt Williams (nickname)

They had one child:

381 i. Ellen FRANKLIN (14 Nov 1901-)

118. Henrietta WILLIAMS (Ellen HAMILTON 3, Louisa STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1883. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 438 Roll Number 1788.

119. Mattie WILLIAMS (Ellen HAMILTON 3, Louisa STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1887. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 438, Roll Number 1789.

120. Irene WILLIAMS (Ellen HAMILTON 3, Louisa STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1892. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 438, Roll Number 1790.

Family of Albert STEVENSON (24) & Nettie

121. Ida STEVENSON (Albert 3, Gattis 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1880. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 345, Roll Number 402.

Ida first married Isaac HUMBY .

They had one child:

382 i. Dewey HUMBY

Ida second married Douglass RENTIE . Dawes Roll: Seminole Freedmen: Enrollment Card 674, Roll Number 2117.

They had the following children:

383 i. Albert RENTIE (11 Jun 1904-) 384 ii. Lular RENTIE (25 Feb 1906-)

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122. Carrie STEVENSON (Albert 3, Gattis 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1882. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 345, Roll Number 403.

Carrie married Nephi BLACK . Born abt 1881. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card110, Roll Number 415.

Family of Billy STEVENSON (26) & Sarah

123. Bankston STEVENSON (Billy 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1893. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 67 Roll Number 2501.

124. Richard STEVENSON (Billy 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1896. Richard died in Sep 1899; he was 3. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 67; Dismissed; Died Prior To Enrollment.

125. Eliza STEVENSON (Billy 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1897. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 67 Roll Number 2502.

126. Lucy STEVENSON (Billy 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1). Born on 12 Feb 1901. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 67 Roll Number 2503.

127. Robert STEVENSON (Billy 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1). Born on 18 Sep 1902. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 67 Roll Number 2504.

Family of Nelson STEVENSON (27) & Polly SHIRLEY

128. Littie Ann STEVENSON (Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1). Born on 12 Jan 1901. Littie Ann died on 28 Feb 1901; she was <1. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 76; Dismissed; died Prior To Enrollment.

129. Cornelius STEVENSON (Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1). Born on 28 Feb 1902. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 76, Roll Number 2527.

130. Leford STEVENSON (Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1). Born on 28 Dec 1903. Dawes Roll: Minor Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 97, Roll Number 287.

131. Gencie STEVENSON (Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1). Born on 21 Nov 1905. Dawes Roll: Minor Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 97, Roll Number 2173.

Gencie married Gary Willard ABRAM .

They had the following children:

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385 i. Melva ABRAM 386 ii. Ermon ABRAM 387 iii. Toylee ABRAM 388 iv. Paul ABRAM 389 v. Patricia B. ABRAM 390 vi. Jack ABRAM 391 vii. Louise ABRAM 392 viii. Weldon ABRAM 393 ix. Evelyn ABRAM 394 x. William ABRAM 395 xi. LaDona ABRAM 396 xii. Sylvia ABRAM

132. Rilley STEVENSON (Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

133. Adlee STEVENSON (Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

134. Haddie Mae STEVENSON (Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

135. Jacob STEVENSON (Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

136. Esaw STEVENSON (Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Rena STEVENSON (29) & Johnnie JOHNSON

137. Rachel JOHNSON (Rena STEVENSON 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1895. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 63, Roll Number 2493.

138. Aravilla JOHNSON (Rena STEVENSON 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1). Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 63, Roll Number 2494.

Family of Isabella STEVENSON (31) & J. S. (Joseph Samuel) ANTHONY

139. Washington ANTHONY (Isabella STEVENSON 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1). Born on 23 May 1903. Washington died bef 1998; he was 94. Dawes Roll: Minor Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 40, Roll ???

Dawes Enrollment: Minor Chickasaw Freedmen application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on October 16, 1906 for Anthony Washington and Hester Washington. Residence: ?? Post Office: Maxwell, I.T.

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140. Hester ANTHONY (Isabella STEVENSON 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1). Born on 10 Jun 1905. Hester died bef 1998; she was 92. Dawes Roll: Minor Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 40, Roll ???


397 i. Alice

141. Katie ANTHONY (Isabella STEVENSON 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1). Katie died bef 1998.


398 i. Faye LEWIS 399 ii. Mary WALKER 400 iii. Janie GALBERT (-bef 1998) 401 iv. Carl (-bef 1998)

142. St. Joseph ANTHONY (Isabella STEVENSON 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

143. Sadelia (Dale) ANTHONY (Isabella STEVENSON 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

144. Benjamin ANTHONY (Isabella STEVENSON 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

145. Mary Eva ANTHONY (Isabella STEVENSON 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1). Mary Eva died on 16 Dec 1995.

146. James ANTHONY (Isabella STEVENSON 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).


402 i. Joseph ANTHONY 403 ii. Shirley ANTHONY

147. Harriet ANTHONY (Isabella STEVENSON 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

148. Archie ANTHONY (Isabella STEVENSON 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Robert STEVENSON (33) & Dinah

149. Joanna STEVENSON (Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1883 in Indian Territory, OK. Joanna died in Hobart, OK, on 11 Dec 1974; she was 91. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment

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Card 428, Roll Number 1743.

On 25 Feb 1901 when Joanna was 18, she married Ross WILLIAMS , son of Manuel WILLIAMS (abt 1858-) & Mary BURNEY (-bef 1896), in USA, Indian Territory, Southern District. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 367, Roll Number 1505.

They had the following children:

404 i. Della May WILLIAMS (24 Aug 1902-9 Jun 1916) 405 ii. Roy WILLIAMS (4 Jan 1903-12 Dec 1984) 406 iii. Isaac WILLIAMS (24 Mar 1905-7 Jul 1975) 407 iv. Ethel WILLIAMS (1910-5 Dec 1949) 408 v. Jesse WILLIAMS (Sep 1910-)

150. Angeline STEVENSON (Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile1). Born abt 1884 in Indian Territory, OK. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 428, Roll Number 1744.

Angeline married Simon GUNNS .

They had the following children:

409 i. Eddie GUNNS (22 Oct 1908-) 410 ii. Eva GUNNS 411 iii. Richard GUNNS

151. Brown STEVENSON (Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1887 in Indian Territory, OK. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 428, Roll Number 1745.

152. Doc STEVENSON (Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1891 in Indian Territory, OK. Doc died in Indian Territory, OK, on 26 Jun 1900; he was 9. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 428, Roll Number 1746; CANCELLED-Died prior to September 25, 1902.

153. Chaney STEVENSON (Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1893 in Indian Territory, OK. Chaney died in Ardmore, OK, in 1972; she was 79. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 428, Roll Number 1747.

154. Alfred STEVENSON (Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1895 in Indian Territory, OK. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 428, Roll Number 1748.

155. Annie STEVENSON (Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1897 in Indian Territory, OK. Annie died in Oklahoma City, OK, in Jan 1994; she was 97. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 428, Roll Number 1749.

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156. Bebee Ada STEVENSON (Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1). Born on 16 Jan 1901 in Indian Territory, OK. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 428, Roll Number 4322.

Family of Lucy STEVENSON (34) & Manuel WILLIAMS

157. Richard WILLIAMS (Lucy STEVENSON 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1886. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 367, Roll Number 1507.

158. Frances WILLIAMS (Lucy STEVENSON 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1888. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 367, Roll Number 1508.

Frances married Fischer FRANKLIN . Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 41.

They had one child:

412 i. Edgar FRANKLIN (10 Sep 1905-)

159. Cub WILLIAMS (Lucy STEVENSON 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1890. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 367, Roll Number 1509.

160. Mattie WILLIAMS (Lucy STEVENSON 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1892. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 367, Roll Number 1510.

161. Timisy (Timothy) WILLIAMS (Lucy STEVENSON 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1894. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 367, Roll Number 511.

162. Johny WILLIAMS (Lucy STEVENSON 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1). Born on 22 Jun 1902. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 367, Roll Number 1513.

Family of Peter STEVENSON (35) & Elizabeth (Lizzie) LAMEY

163. Angeline STEVENSON (Peter 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1890. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 331; Roll Number 1367.

164. Jay C. STEVENSON (Peter 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1). Born on 22 Dec 1900. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 331; Roll Number 1368.

Family of Edward STEVENSON (36) & Lizzie (Elizabeth) ABRAM

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165. Defaniel STEVENSON (Edward 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1). Born on 4 Nov 1900. Defaniel died on 9 Jul 1902; he was 1. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 194, Roll Number 736. Dismissed, died prior to September 25, 1902.

166. Canelia STEVENSON (Edward3, Dick 2, Mobile 1). Born on 17 Mar 1902. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 194, Roll Number 4252.

Family of Elizabeth STEVENSON (37) & Sampson LAMEY

167. Dewey LAMEY (Elizabeth STEVENSON 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1). Born on 6 Nov 1899. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 429, Roll Number 1754.

Dewey married Gertrude RODGERS .

They had the following children:

413 i. Lucile LAMEY 414 ii. Lela Mae LAMEY 415 iii. Dewey LAMEY Jr

168. Robert LAMEY (Elizabeth STEVENSON 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1). Born on 19 Jul 1902. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 429, Roll Number 4323.

169. Buel LAMEY (Elizabeth STEVENSON 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

170. Ollie LAMEY (Elizabeth STEVENSON 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

171. Lovett LAMEY (Elizabeth STEVENSON 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

172. Rosie LAMEY (Elizabeth STEVENSON 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

173. Beulah LAMEY (Elizabeth STEVENSON 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Alfred STEVENSON (38) & Florence (Flora) HODGES

174. Monroe STEVENSON (Alfred 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1885. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 443, Roll Number 1805.

Dawes Enrollment: Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 16, 1898 for Sephronia Hodges and Monroe Stevenson (grand son). Residence: Pickens. Post Office: Ardmore, I. T.

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Family of Alfred STEVENSON (38) & Maggie HOPPY (96)

175. Bertha STEVENSON (Alfred 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1890. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 53, Roll Number 2472.

Family of Willie STEVENSON (39) & Josie HODGES

176. Serina STEVENSON (Willie 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1887. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 445, Roll Number 1807.

177. Manuel STEVENSON (Willie 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1889. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 445, Roll Number 1808.

Family of Bill COLBERT (41) & Ellen McCOY

178. Willie COLBERT (Bill 3, Bob STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1882. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 66, Roll Number 2499.

Willie Colbert is a cousin to Mary (Shields) Kendrick (daughter of Dinah Stevenson). Willie Colbert is listed on Mary Kendrick's Choctaw Freedmen Card Number 66.

Willie married Estella MEADOWS . Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 593, Roll Number 1263.

They had one child:

416 i. Elmer MEADOWS (5 Feb 1904-)

Family of Nancy STEVENSON (42) & Henry TYNER

179. Alva TYNER (Nancy STEVENSON 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1891. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 435, Roll Number 1783. Land Allotment: NE SE 18-1N-1W Indian Base And Meridian (Oklahoma) 40 Acres.

Family of Elijah STEVENSON (43) & Cora FARRIS (83)

180. Henderson STEVENSON (Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1). Born on 27 Oct 1900. Henderson died on 14 Jan 1983; he was 82. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 73; Roll Number 2522. Land Allotment: N SW SE 19-1N-1W Indian Base And Meridian (Oklahoma) 20 Acres.

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Henderson married Beauty B. COLBERT .

They had the following children:

417 i. Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 418 ii. Bernice STEVENSON 419 iii. Marcella STEVENSON 420 iv. Charlene STEVENSON 421 v. Cora STEVENSON 422 vi. Dollie B. STEVENSON 423 vii. Claudette "Kit" STEVENSON 424 viii. Eligha STEVENSON 425 ix. Dewey Lee STEVENSON 426 x. Gene STEVENSON

Family of Riley STEVENSON (45) & Henryetta YATES

181. Gladys STEVENSON (Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


427 i. Arlene 428 ii. Michael 429 iii. Elizabeth

182. Rosa Mae STEVENSON (Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1). Rosa Mae died in Jan 2010.

Rosa Mae married Roger B. Moss .

They had the following children:

430 i. Jimmie MOSS 431 ii. Ronald MOSS 432 iii. Lawanda MOSS 433 iv. Melva MOSS 434 v. Beverly MOSS (-2003)

183. Ruth STEVENSON (Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

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435 i. Veretta 436 ii. Ruth 437 iii. Verlie

184. Farris STEVENSON (Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1). Born on 23 Jun 1909 in Katie, OK. Farris died in Baley, OK, on 3 Jan 1973; he was 63.

In 1931 when Farris was 21, he married Alma ELLIS , daughter of Sidney ELLIS Jr. & Marthena CHILES, in Oklahoma. Born on 19 Dec 1907 in Paris, TX.

They had one child:

438 i. Novella STEVENSON

185. Joe STEVENSON (Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1). Born on 20 May 1911 in Katie, OK. Joe died in San Diego, CA, on 13 Nov 1997; he was 86.

On 26 Sep 1941 when Joe was 30, he married Hughzetta SHAVERS , daughter of Alex SHAVERS & Lizzie Bell Ball MARTIN, in Fort Smith, AR. Born in Oklahoma.

186. Lacey STEVENSON Sr. (Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1). Born on 12 Jul 1912 in Katie, Ok. Lacey died in Oklahoma on 1 Jul 1997; he was 84.

Lacey first married Johnnie PHILLIPS , daughter of John PHILLIPS & Florence DUKES. They had one child:

439 i. Lacey STEVENSON Jr.

Lacey second married Agnes Louise WILSON .

187. Amos STEVENSON Sr. (Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


440 i. Amos STEVENSON Jr. 441 ii. Larry STEVENSON Sr. 442 iii. Glen STEVENSON Sr. 443 iv. Norma Jean STEVENSON

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444 v. Pamler STEVENSON 445 vi. Paulette STEVENSON 446 vii. Annette STEVENSON

Family of Riley STEVENSON (45) & Eliza PARCHMAN

188. Helen STEVENSON (Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Helen first married Millage WINSLETT . They had the following children:

447 i. William Howard WINSLETT 448 ii. Millage WINSLETT 449 iii. Vincent Wayne WINSLETT 450 iv. Edward WINSLETT

Helen second married Beaman GOLDSBY . They had the following children:

451 i. Ida Mae GOLDSBY 452 ii. L.V. GOLDSBY

189. Ruby STEVENSON (Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Ruby married Albert C. RANDALL , son of William RANDALL & Ida GOODLOW. They had the following children:

453 i. Patricia Ann RANDALL 454 ii. Althea Louise RANDALL 455 iii. William Riley RANDALL 456 iv. Scottie Ray RANDALL

190. John Tim STEVENSON Sr. (Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1). Born on 10 Oct 1924 in Boley, OK. John Tim died in Kansas City, Kansas, on 6 Mar 2000; he was 75.

John Tim married Gloria V. ROBINSON , daughter of Anthony ROBINSON & Agnes. They had the following children:

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457 i. Joycelyn STEVENSON 458 ii. John Tim STEVENSON Jr. 459 iii. Jennifer STEVENSON 460 iv. Jacquelyn STEVENSON 461 v. Janis STEVENSON 462 vi. Jacinta STEVENSON

Family of Jackson STEVENSON (46) & Mary COLBERT

191. Dora STEVENSON (Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


463 i. Marie 464 ii. Penny 465 iii. Sharon

192. Emily STEVENSON (Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


466 i. T. W.

193. Olan Jack STEVENSON (Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


467 i. Olan STEVENSON 468 ii. Cindy STEVENSON 469 iii. John STEVENSON 470 iv. Richard Oscar STEVENSON 471 v. Etta V. STEVENSON 472 vi. James STEVENSON 473 vii. Lellian STEVENSON 474 viii. Ray STEVENSON 475 ix. Marilyn STEVENSON 476 x. Melody STEVENSON 477 xi. Ronald STEVENSON

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478 xii. Teresa STEVENSON

194. Nellie STEVENSON (Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


479 i. Edward

195. Vetta STEVENSON (Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

196. Marie STEVENSON (Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


480 i. Willis 481 ii. Samson Jr.

197. Obbie Lee STEVENSON Sr. (Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Obbie Lee married Patricia KNOWLES . Born on 4 Nov 1933. Patricia died on 30 Mar 1987; she was 53.

They had the following children:

482 i. Gravelly STEVENSON Sr. 483 ii. Cheryl STEVENSON 484 iii. Obie Lee STEVENSON Jr. 485 iv. Michael STEVENSON 486 v. Duane K. STEVENSON Sr. 487 vi. Elana C. STEVENSON 488 vii. Jana STEVENSON 489 viii. Dara STEVENSON

198. Alva STEVENSON (Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

199. Otis STEVENSON (Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Oliver COLLY (47) & Laura

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200. Maudie COLLY (Oliver 3, Dinah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1897. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 68, Roll Number 2506.

201. Mary COLLY (Oliver 3, Dinah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born on 11 Jan 1901. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 68, Roll Number 2507.

202. Savana COLLY (Oliver 3, Dinah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born on 7 Apr 1903. Dawes Roll: Minor Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 174, Roll Number 201.

Minor Choctaw Freedmen application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 21, 1906 for Savana Colly by her parents Oliver and Laura Colly. Residence: Chickasaw Nation. Post Office: Katie, I.T.

Family of Lany COLLY (48) & Mack SHIRLEY

203. Jensie SHIRLEY (Lany COLLY 3, Dinah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born on 3 Mar 1906. Dawes Roll: Minor Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 506, Roll Number 461.

Minor Choctaw Freedmen application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on February 27, 1907 for Jensie Shirley by her parents Mack and Lany Shirley. Residence: Chickasaw Nation. Post Office: Katie, I.T.

Family of Mary SHIELDS (49) & John KENDRICK

204. Dianna KENDRICK (Mary SHIELDS 3, Dinah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1886. Dianna died on 15 Jan 1900; she was 14. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 66, Died prior to final enrollement.

205. Tennie KENDRICK (Mary SHIELDS 3, Dinah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1889. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 66, Roll Number 2408.

Family of Winchester COLBERT (50) & Laura ABRAM

206. Leford COLBERT (Winchester 3, Dinah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1898. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 436, Roll Number 4328.

207. Rose Anna COLBERT (Winchester 3, Dinah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born in Mar 1899. Rose Anna died on 2 Mar 1900; she was 1. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 436, Died Prior To Final Enrollment.

208. Thomas COLBERT (Winchester 3, Dinah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born on 25 Dec 1900.

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Thomas died on 19 Mar 1903; he was 2. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 436 Roll Number 4329.

209. Claudie COLBERT (Winchester 3, Dinah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born on 3 May 1902. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 36, Roll Number 4330.

210. Addie May COLBERT (Winchester 3, Dinah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born on 17 Mar 1904. Dawes Roll: Minor Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 501, Roll Number 454.

Minor Choctaw Freedmen application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes onFebrurary 25, 1907 for Addie May Colbert and Lottie Colbert (sisters) by their parent Winchester and Laura Colbert Residence: Chickasaw Nation. Post Office: Katie, I.T.

Transferred for Minor Chickasaw Freedmen Number 277. Application made November 9, 1906

211. Lottie COLBERT (Winchester 3, Dinah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born on 13 Jan 1906. Dawes Roll: Minor Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 501, Roll Number 455.

Family of Winchester COLBERT (50) & Mary STANLEY

212. Alice COLBERT (Winchester 3, Dinah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born on 6 Dec 1881.

Alice married STANLEY .

Family of Ben STEVENSON (52) & Lizzie WADE

213. Malinda STEVENSON (Ben 3, Cornelius 2, Mobile 1). Born on 31 Aug 1901. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 424, Roll Number 4320.

Family of Celia STEVENSON (53) & Willis JACOB

214. Aaron JACOB (Celia STEVENSON 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1879. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 45, Roll Number 2442.

Aaron married Hettie JOHNSON , daughter of Levi JOHNSON & Rachel WILLIAMS (abt 1861-). Born abt 1884. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 186, Roll Number 670.

They had the following children:

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490 i. Tempy Ann JACOB (17 Aug 1902-) 491 ii. Susie Ann JACOB (25 Jul 1905-)

215. Margy JACOB (Celia STEVENSON 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1885. Margy died on 22 Mar 1899; she was 14. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 45, Died Prior To Enrollment.

Family of Celia STEVENSON (53) & John OLIVER

216. Bertha OLIVER (Celia STEVENSON 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1890. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 45, Roll Number 2443.

Family of Standwatie STEVENSON (54) & Althea CHODE

217. Hattie STEVENSON (Standwatie 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1894. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 441, Roll Number 1800.

218. Ethel STEVENSON (Standwatie 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1897. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 441, Roll Number 1801.

219. Wavey STEVENSON (Standwatie 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1). Born on 2 Mar 1901. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 441, Roll Number 1802.

Wavey married Anthony BRADFORD .

They had the following children:

492 i. Troy BRADFORD 493 ii. Althea BRADFORD 494 iii. Vivian BRADFORD 495 iv. Deila BRADFORD 496 v. Clifford BRADFORD

220. Fannie STEVENSON (Standwatie 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1). Born on 1 Apr 1904. Dawes Roll: Minor Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 504, Roll Number 459.

Minor Chicasaw Freedmen application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on November 7, 1906 for Fannie Stevenson. Residence: Chickasaw Naton Post Office: Hennepen, I.T. Later transferred to Minor Choctaw Freedmen Number 504

Minor Choctaw Freedmen application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on

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February 27, 1907 for Fannie Stevenson. Residence: Chickasaw Nation. Post Office: Henniepen, I.T.

Family of Mary STEVENSON (55) & Josephus WILLIAMS

221. (Benji) Benjiman WILLIAMS (Mary STEVENSON 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1889. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 191, Roll Number 702.

222. Katie WILLIAMS (Mary STEVENSON 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1890. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 191, Roll Number 703.

223. Albert WILLIAMS (Mary STEVENSON 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1892. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 191, Roll Number 704.

224. Carrie WILLIAMS (Mary STEVENSON 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1894. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 191, Roll Number 705.

225. Ruthie WILLIAMS (Mary STEVENSON 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1897. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 191, Roll Number 706.

226. Ulcum WILLIAMS (Mary STEVENSON 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1). Born on 10 Feb 1900. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 191 Roll Number 707.

227. Silas WILLIAMS (Mary STEVENSON 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1). Born on 2 Dec 1901. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 191, Roll Number 708.

228. Dora WILLIAMS (Mary STEVENSON 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1). Born on 2 May 1904. Dawes Roll: Minor Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 85, Dissmissed; Born Subsequent To September 25, 1902.

Minor Chickasaw Freedmen application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes onOctober 16, 1906 for Dora Williams. Residence:Chickasaw Nation. Post Office: Foster, I.T.

Family of Lila STEVENSON (56) & Edward FRANKLIN

229. Lola FRANKLIN (Lila STEVENSON 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1895. Lola died in Nov 1898; she was 3. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 80, Died prior to final enrollment.

230. Fred FRANKLIN (Lila STEVENSON 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1896 in Indian Territory, OK. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 80, Roll Number 2533.

231. Aurthur FRANKLIN (Lila STEVENSON 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1). Born on 9 Jun 1901. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 80, Roll Number 2534.

232. Effie FRANKLIN (Lila STEVENSON 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1). Born on 1 May 1904. Dawes Roll: Minor

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Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 245, Roll Number 219.

Minor Choctaw Freedmen application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 25, 1906 for Effie Franklin. Residence: Chickasaw Nation. Post Office: Hennepen, I.T.

Family of Abraham STEVENSON (57) & Salina WILLIAMS

233. Banks STEVENSON (Abraham 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1). Born on 4 Feb 1905. Dawes Roll: Minor Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 493, Roll Number 436.

Dawes Enrollment: Application was made on July 24, 1906 for Banks Stevenson, by his parents Abraham and Salina Stevenson.

Banks married Sarah PETERS . Sarah died on 10 Jun 2007; she was 88. Born on 6 Feb 1919.

They had the following children:

497 i. Curtis Lee STEVENSON 498 ii. Essie STEVENSON 499 iii. Elsie STEVENSON 500 iv. Joe Lee STEVENSON 501 v. Maxine STEVENSON 502 vi. William Dewey STEVENSON (16 Aug 1952-1962) 503 vii. Banks STEVENSON Jr 504 viii. Catherine STEVENSON 505 ix. Alice STEVENSON 506 x. Donald Ray STEVENSON 507 xi. Allen Keith STEVENSON

Family of Silas STEVENSON (58) & Alice READ

234. Cashey STEVENSON (STEPHENSON) (Silas STEVENSON 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1). Born on 1 Jan 1902. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 889, Roll Number 1932.

Family of Lillie STEVENSON (59) & Ben (Benji) EIGHTS

235. Earnest EIGHTS (Lillie STEVENSON 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1). Born on 1 Sep 1902. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 45, Roll Number 2446.

236. George EIGHTS (Lillie STEVENSON 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1). Born on 17 Oct 1905. Dawes Roll:

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Minor Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 494, Roll Number 437.

Minor Choctaw Freedmen application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on February 20, 1907 for George Eights. Residence: Chcikasaw Nation. Post Office: Henenpen, I.T.

Dawes Enrollment: Minor Chickasaw Freedmen application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on October 16, 1906 for George Eights. Residence: Chickasaw Nation. Post Office: Henenpen, I.T. Later transferred to Minor Choctaw Freedmen Number 494.

Family of Jack ROBERTS (60) & Alice JAMES

237. George ROBERTS (Jack 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1883. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 1172, Roll Number 3792.

Minister, like his grandfather Ned Roberts

Attneded Dawes Academy

George married Samantha BRUNER , daughter of George BRUNER (abt 1845-) & Maria TAYLOR (abt 1853-).

They had the following children:

508 i. Theodore ROBERTS (abt 1904-) 509 ii. Alameda ROBERTS (abt 1906-)

238. Willie ROBERTS (Jack 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1885. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 1172, Roll Number 3793.

Willie married Leara MAY . Born abt 1892.

They had one child:

510 i. John S. ROBERTS (abt 1912-)

239. Lyman ROBERTS (Jack 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1888. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 1172, Roll Number 3794.

Lyman first married Louise . Born abt 1888.

They had the following children:

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511 i. Harold ROBERTS (abt 1912-) 512 ii. Dina ROBERTS (abt 1914-) 513 iii. Maggie ROBERTS

Lyman second married Luvenia BANKS .

They had one child:

514 i. Elnora ROBERTS (-1975)

Lyman third married Gladys JACKSON .

They had one child:

515 i. Albert James "A.J." ROBERTS

240. Vester (Victor) ROBERTS (Jack 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1891. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 1172, Roll Number 3795.

241. Maud (e) ROBERTS (Jack 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1893. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 1172, Roll Number 3796.

242. Ben Carter ROBERTS (Jack 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born on 24 Nov 1895. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 1172, Roll Number 4304.

Ben Carter married Rosa .

They had the following children:

516 i. Airdra ROBERTS 517 ii. Baby Girl ROBERTS

243. Lemuel ROBERTS (Jack 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born on 25 Jan 1898. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 1172, Roll Number 4305.

244. Richard ROBERTS (Jack 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born on 19 Sep 1901. Richard died on 1 Mar 1902; he was <1.

Family of Edmund ROBERTS (61) & Sarah ABRAM

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245. Rachel ROBERTS (Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1887. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 557, Roll Number 2323.

246. Jamena ROBERTS (Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1891. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 557, Roll Number 2324.

247. Charley ROBERTS (Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1892. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 557, Roll Number 2325.

248. Marcus ROBERTS (Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1894. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 557, Roll Number 2326.

249. Jack ROBERTS (Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1896. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 557 Roll Number 2327.

Jack second married Lenny SHANNON , daughter of Leaford "Snake" SHANNON (1875-1952) & Mary WILLIAMS (1877-1966). Born in 1897. Lenny died in 1987; she was 90.

250. Laura ROBERTS (Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 557, Roll Number 2328.

251. Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS (Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born on 17 Mar 1901. Rhoda Rodie died in Kansas City, Missouri, on 18 Nov 1967; she was 66. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 557, Roll Number 2329.

Rhoda Rodie married Sam PICKENS , son of Benjamin PICKENS & Elizabeth CLAY. Born on 23 Jan 1897. Sam died on 17 May 1958; he was 61. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 484, Roll Number 1988; Enrolled As Sim Pickens.

They had the following children:

518 i. Exzetta PICKENS (27 Jan 1922-12 Jan 1960) 519 ii. Ceola PICKENS 520 iii. Paul PICKENS 521 iv. Melvin PICKENS Sr 522 v. Kenneth B. PICKENS Sr 523 vi. Carline PICKENS 524 vii. Senora PICKENS 525 viii. Clarice PICKENS 526 ix. Edmond Franklin Eugene PICKENS 527 x. Hannah Marie PICKENS

252. Elgy ROBERTS (Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1903. Dawes Roll: Minor

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Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card ???; Roll Number:????

Family of Eli ROBERTS (62) & Mary CHRISTIAN

253. Cora ROBERTS (Eli 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1892. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 1171, Roll Number 3785.

254. Ida ROBERTS (Eli 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1893. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 1171, Roll Number 3786.

255. Simon ROBERTS (Eli 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1895. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 1171, Roll Number 3787.

256. Saincy ROBERTS (Eli 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born on 21 Aug 1896. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 1171, Roll Number 3788.

257. Harvey ROBERTS (Eli 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born on 3 Jan 1899. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 1171, Roll Number 3789.

258. Noraola ROBERTS (Eli 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born on 19 Apr 1901. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 1171, Roll Number 3790.

259. Hattie ROBERTS (Eli 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1903. Dawes Roll: Minor Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 137; Roll Number 41.

260. Talmage ROBERTS (Eli 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1904. Dawes Roll: Minor Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 137; Roll Number 40.

261. Esther ROBERTS (Eli 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1908.

262. Johnnie ROBERTS (Eli 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1910.

263. Roscoe ROBERTS (Eli 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1912.

264. Matthew ROBERTS (Eli 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1914.

265. Juanita ROBERTS (Eli 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Laura ROBERTS (63) & Robert COLBERT

266. Andrew COLBERT (Laura ROBERTS 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1892. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 1170, Roll Number 3779.

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267. Beulah COLBERT (Laura ROBERTS 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1894. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 1170, Roll Number 3780.

On 1896 Choctaw roll as Benala Colbert

268. Bady COLBERT (Laura ROBERTS 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1896. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 1170, Roll Number 3781.

On 1896 Choctaw roll as Budie Colbert

Bady married Addie .

They had one child:

528 i. Rose COLBERT

269. Richard COLBERT (Laura ROBERTS 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt Mar 1898. Richard died on 21 Dec 1898; he was <1.

270. Sarah COLBERT (Laura ROBERTS 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born on 25 Mar 1902. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 1170, Roll Number 3782.

271. Lester COLBERT (Laura ROBERTS 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1903.

272. Victory COLBERT (Laura ROBERTS 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1911.

Family of Thomas STEVENSON (64) & Alice STEVENSON

273. Amy STEVENSON (Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1895. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 423; Roll Number 1722. Land Allotment: SW NW 17-1N-1W Indian Base And Meridian (Oklahoma), 40 Acres.

Dawes Enrollment: "On September 9, 1896, there was filed with the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes under the provisions of the Act of Congress approved June 10, 1896 (29Stats. 321), original application in the case of Thomas Stephenson, et al., v. Chickasaw Nation, for the enrollment of the petitioners Thomas Stevenson (as Thomas Stephenson) and Amy Stevenson (as Ama Stephenson) as citizens of the Chickasaw Nation, and that on November 23, 1896, the Commission rendered a decision rejecting their application, from which decision no appeal was taken. "

Dawes Enrollment: "Application was made to the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes by Thomas Stevenson at Pauls Valley, Ind. T., on September 15, 1898, for the enrollment of himself, Alice Stevenson, Amy Stevenson, and Dud Stevenson as Chickasaw freedmen. Subsequent thereto birth

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July 2011 Page 80 of 312 affidavits were filed with the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes showing the birth of Henry Stevenson on February 17, 1899, and of Houston Stevenson on February 1, 1901."

Land Allottment: The following Land Allotment was received by Amy Stevenson as a Chickasaw Freedmen: SW NW 17-1N-1W Indian Base and Meridian (Oklahoma), 40 Acres

The property was sold by Amy Perry nee Stevenson and Virgil L. Perry, wife and husband to H. L. Vaughn on 27 Sep 1913 for $700.00. Recorded in State of Oklahoma, Garvin County. Filed 14 Octv 1913 on Page 166.

Amy married Virgil L. PERRY Sr..

They had the following children:

529 i. Mary ? PERRY 530 ii. Fleetwood Lloyd PERRY Sr (15 Aug 1916-12 May 2002)

274. Dud(ley) STEVENSON (Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1). Born on 1 Jan 1897. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 423; Roll Number 1723. Land Allotment: W NW NE NW NW NE 18-1N-1W 20 Acres; NW SW SW 6-1N-1E 8.52 Indian Base And Meridian (Oklahoma).

Dawes Enrollment: "Application was made to the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes by Thomas Stevenson at Pauls Valley, Ind. T., on September 15, 1898, for the enrollment of himself, Alice Stevenson, Amy Stevenson, and Dud Stevenson as Chickasaw freedmen. Subsequent thereto birth affidavits were filed with the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes showing the birth of Henry Stevenson on February 17, 1899, and of Houston Stevenson on February 1, 1901."

Land Allottment: The following Land Allotment was received by Dud Stevenson as a Chickasaw Freedmen: NW 8.52 Acres Lot 7, 6-1N-1E 8.52 Acres (same as NW SW SW per Brent Atkinson, Land/Title Searcher). W NW NE 18-1N-1W 20 Acres (same as NE NW NE per Brent Atkinson, Land/Title Searcher). Indian Base and Meridian (Oklahoma),

The property was sold by Dud Stevenson and Matttie Stevenson (wife) to P. Craig on 16 Sep 1918 for $800.00. Recorded in State of Oklahoma, Garvin County. Filed 16 Sep 1918 Page 683

Dud(ley) married Mattie B. .

275. Henry STEVENSON (Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1898. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 423; Roll Number 1725. Land Allotment: NE SW 31-2N-1W Indian Base And Meridian (Oklahoma) 40 Acres .

Dawes Enrollment: "Application was made to the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes by Thomas Stevenson at Pauls Valley, Ind. T., on September 15, 1898, for the enrollment of himself, Alice Stevenson, Amy Stevenson, and Dud Stevenson as Chickasaw freedmen. Subsequent thereto birth

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July 2011 Page 81 of 312 affidavits were filed with the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes showing the birth of Henry Stevenson on February 17, 1899, and of Houston Stevenson on February 1, 1901."

Land Allottment: The following Land Allotment was received by Henry Stevenson as a Chickasaw Freedmen: NE SW 31-2N-1W Indian Base and Meridian (Oklahoma) 40 Acres .

The property was seized for non payment of taxes by the treasurer of Garvin County, State of Oklahoma from Henry Stevenson on 5 Dec 1922. The Treasurer of Garvin County, State of Oklahoma didybid off and rebut

Recorded in State of Oklahoma, Carter County. Filed 23 Nov 1912 in Book D16 on Page 13

Henry first married Memory STEVENSON , daughter of Sam(uel) "Bat" STEVENSON (abt 1880-) & Lena MURRAY (abt 1876-? 1915). Born on 3 Jan 1902. Memory died in 1995; she was 92. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 124, Roll Number 462; Enrolled As Memory Stephenson.

They had one child:

531 i. Samual McClellan STEVENSON (31 Jul 1921-2003)

Henry second married Viola ABRAM .

They had one child:

532 i. Isaac David STEVENSON Sr. (4 Sep 1916-23 Nov 2004)

276. Houston B. STEVENSON Sr. (Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1). Born on 1 Feb 1901. Houston B. died in Phoenix, AZ, on 26 Jan 1971; he was 69. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 423; Roll Number 1726. Land Allotment: SE SW 31-2N-1W Indian Base And Meridian (Oklahoma), 40 Acres.

Dawes Enrollment: "Application was made to the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes by Thomas Stevenson at Pauls Valley, Ind. T., on September 15, 1898, for the enrollment of himself, Alice Stevenson, Amy Stevenson, and Dud Stevenson as Chickasaw freedmen. Subsequent thereto birth affidavits were filed with the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes showing the birth of Henry Stevenson on February 17, 1899, and of Houston Stevenson on February 1, 1901."

Land Allottment: The following Land Allotment was received by Houston Stevenson as a Chickasaw Freedmen: SE SW 31-2N-1W Indian Base and Meridian (Oklahoma), 40 Acres.

Lost due to mortgage forclosure. On 22 October, 1923 in an action pending, Oklahoma Farm Mortgage Company a corporation was

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July 2011 Page 82 of 312 plaintiff, and Houston Stevenson and Millie Stevenson, his wife, and J. H. Nolan were defendants, the said plaintiff by the consideration of the court recovered a judgement against the defendants,to satifsy the sum of $247.28 with interest at 10% annum from said 22nd day of October 1923, together with $50.00 attorneys' fees for plaintiff's attorneys and the costs of suit, subject to a first mortgage for $800.00.

Order of sale was duly delivered to and received by said sheriff on the 28th day of April, 1924. One 2nd day of June, 1924, said sheriff did offer said property for sale. The property was sold and struck off to said plaintiff, Oklahoma Farm Mortgage Company, a corporation, for the sum of $200.00 subject to first mortgage for $800.00 said plaintiff being the highest bidder and that being the highest sum bid and the whole price paid.

On 4 Dec 1918 when Houston B. was 17, he first married Millie WILLIAMS , daughter of Rolland WILLIAMS (abt 1876-) & Nellie LOVE (abt 1875-), in Eola, Oklahoma Murray County. Born on 19 Mar 1898 in Wapanucka City, OK Johnston Co. Millie died in Los Angeles, CA, on 26 Mar 1983; she was 85. Buried on 30 Mar 1983 in Lincoln Memorial Park Cemetry; Compton, CA. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 750; Roll Number 3171. Land Allotment: SW NE 16-3S-1W Indian Base And Meridian (Oklahoma) 40 Acres; Received As Millie Williams. They were divorced on 8 Feb 1941 in District Court Of Logan County, Oklahoma.

Land Allottment: The following Land Allotment was received by Millie Williams as a Chickasaw Freedmen: SW NE 16-3S-1W Indian Base and Meridian (Oklahoma).

The property was sold by Millie Stevenson nee Williams and her husband Houston Stevenson to J. H. Kyle on 21 Jan 1925 for $800.00 and other considerations. Recorded in State of Oklahoma, Carter County. Filed 26 Jan 1925 in Book D 63 on Page 360.

Obituary: Sister Mille Stevenson was born to the proud parents of Mr. and Mrs. Willams on the 19th day of March in the year of 1898 in Ardomre, Oklahoma. She attended the public school in her communtity and recieved her literaray eduaction. In her early age, she was married tp Mr. H. B. Stevenson and to his union , five children were born, four sons and one daughter. In the early 1950's, she moved to Los Angeles, California to be near her children. Sister Mille was a devout Christan and as soon as she arrived in Los Angeles, she placed membership with The Figueroa Church of Christ through the preaching of Brother R. N. Hogan and recieved the teaching of brother J. S. Winston while in Oaklahoma.

Sister Stevenson's record in the congregation includes many outstanding works and faithful obedience of the Lord's teaching. She was known to bring more visitors to the chruch than anyone else. She was always first in raising money for Christian education and loved Southwestern Chrisitan College. Being very talented, she was on many programs for the College. She was a member of the Brother Hogans's Wednesday night Bible class and was a member of the Sunday morning Bible class taught by sister Hogan. Working with a willing hand, god's holy word and attending every Gospel meeting that greatly be missed by her devoted family, the entire Figueroa Congregation and many, many deveoted Chrisitans throughtout the Brotherhood. Not being able to overcome her afflictions, she departed this life and said goodbye March 26, 1983 in California Hospital.

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In order to recieve her reward for the work that she had done while she lived.

She leaves to mourn her passing, three devoted sons, Jesse Stevenson of Berkeley, Leonard Stevenson of Pheonix, Arizona, Sylverster Stevenson of Los Angeles, California and her devoted daughter, Amy Stevenson of Los Angeles, sister, Elizabeth Willams, Oklahoma City, and also survived by eleven grandchildren and eight great-grand-children, many nieces and nephews, and a host of relatives and friends.

I have kept the faith."

They had the following children:

533 i. Jesse "Chief" STEVENSON Sr. (4 Feb 1917-21 Sep 1988) 534 ii. Leonard STEVENSON (10 Nov 1919-15 May 2001) 535 iii. Vanoy STEVENSON SR. 536 iv. Sylvester Louis STEVENSON (21 Mar 1925-23 Apr 2006) 537 v. Amy STEVENSON (13 Feb 1927-4 Sep 2004)

Houston B. second married "Mama Rose" Rose BELL-HARRIS , daughter of John HARRIS & Mabel BLAIR. Born on 16 Oct 1901 in Buxton, Iowa. "Mama Rose" Rose died in Los Angeles, CA, on 19 Jan 1999; she was 97.

They had the following children:

538 i. Doris Jean STEVENSON (22 Aug 1943-26 Oct 1998) 539 ii. Houston Brooks STEVENSON Jr.

Houston B. third married ? WILLIAMS .

They had one child:

540 i. Tannish "Goody Boy" WILLIAMS STEVENSON

277. Adam "Joe" STEVENSON (Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1). Born on 11 Feb 1903. Adam "Joe" died in Phoenix, AZ, on 20 Jan 1998; he was 94.

Adam Stevenson was affectionely know as Uncle Joe. When he passed he was cremated; no formal services were conducted.

Uncle Joe owned and operated, for over 30 years, a service and mechanic station along with his brother, Mobile.

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Adam "Joe" married Edna .

They had no children.

278. Leagus STEVENSON (Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1). Born on 16 Sep 1906 in Pauls Valley, Oklahoma. Leagus died in Baxter Springs, Kansas, on 18 Apr 1975; he was 68.

Leagus first married Beatrice CARTER , daughter of John WILLIAMS & Francis. Born on 9 Jan 1908 in Elmore City, Oklahoma. Beatrice died in Lawton, Oklahoma, on 22 Jul 1971; she was 63.

They had one child:

541 i. Rosetta STEVENSON

Leagus second married Dora Lee .

They had one child:

542 i. Thomas Jefferson "Jeff" STEVENSON (23 Oct 1926-30 Mar 1982)

Leagus third married Jessie .

They had one child:

543 i. Linda D. "Darlene" STEVENSON (6 Dec 1954-23 Feb 1969)

Leagus fourth married ?.

They had one child:

544 i. Howard Collins STEVENSON

279. Mobile STEVENSON (Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1). Born on 20 Aug 1910 in Katie, Ok. Mobile died in Los Angeles, CA, on 14 Sep 1989; he was 79. Buried on 19 Sep 1989 in Rose Hills Memorial Park, Whittier, CA.

Obituary: Mobile Stevenson was born to the late Reverend Thomas Stevenson and Alice Stevenson in Katie, Oklahoma on August 20, 1910. He was the youngest of seven brothers and one sister. On September 14, 1989, at 8:00 a.m., he was called to rest at Veteran's Administration Hospital of Los

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At an early age he moved to Phoenix, Arizona where he resided until 1943, when he entered the United States Navy, serving his country for two years. He was a private cook for the Admiral of the ship until 1945 when he received his Honorable Discharge.

Mobile moved to Los Angeles and worked for twenty-six years as a postal employee at Los Angeles Termina Annex. He was successful in establishing a Mechnaic-Service Station business which served the community for over thirty years.

At an early age he confessed Christ and later joined the Calvary Baptist church of Los Angeles where he served faithfully as President of the Usher Board, a member of the Board of Christian Education, the Sunday School and the Deacon Board. He was a member for more than fifty years and remained active until his health failed.

In his marriage to Hattie Jackson a daughter, Katherine, was born.

He leaves to mourn his homegoing: a devoted wife, Christine; one son Stevie; two daughters, Katherine Bellamy of Phoenix, Arizona and Louise Stevenson of Los Angeles; one brother, Adam Stevenson of Phoenix, Arizona; six grandchildren, Bernard and Charlotte Bellamy having spent much of their earlier years with him, endearing them to his heart; eight great grandchildren, two great-great grandchildren; four stepdaughter, Yu Landa, CaSandra, UnDra and La Wanda John whom he reared; nieces, nephews, other relatives and many friends.

Mobile first married Hattie JACKSON .

They had one child:

545 i. Katherine STEVENSON

Mobile second married ?.

They had one child:

546 i. Louise STEVENSON

Mobile third married Christine .

They had one child:

547 i. Stevie STEVENSON

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Family of Thomas STEVENSON (64) & Fannie BYWATERS

280. Luther Herman STEVENSON (Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1). Born on 24 Oct 1903.

Dawes Enrollment: Minor Chickasaw Freedmen application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on October 16, 1906 for Luther Herman Stevenson, I. V. Stevenson and Ervin Stevenson by their parents Thomas Stevenson and Fannie Stevenson. Residence: Chickasaw Nation. Post Office: Springer, I.T. Application dismissed; Luther Herman Stevenson was born subsequent to September 25, 1902 which was the cutoff date for enrollment of Chickasaw Freedmen

281. Irvin STEVENSON (Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1). Born on 20 Oct 1904.

Dawes Enrollment: Minor Chickasaw Freedmen application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on October 16, 1906 for Luther Herman Stevenson, I. V. Stevenson and Ervin Stevenson by their parents Thomas Stevenson and Fannie Stevenson. Residence: Chickasaw Nation. Post Office: Springer, I.T. Application dismissed; Irvin Stevenson was born subsequent to September 25, 1902 which was the cutoff date for enrollment of Chickasaw Freedmen

282. I. V. STEVENSON (Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1). Born on 8 Jan 1906.

Dawes Enrollment: Minor Chickasaw Freedmen application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on October 16, 1906 for Luther Herman Stevenson, I. V. Stevenson and Ervin Stevenson by their parents Thomas Stevenson and Fannie Stevenson. Residence: Chickasaw Nation. Post Office: Springer, I.T. Application dismissed; I. V. Stevenson was born subsequent to September 25, 1902 which was the cutoff date for enrollment of Chickasaw Freedmen

Family of Lisha (Carnelia) STEVENSON (65) & Israel MUNN

283. Annie MUNN (Lisha (Carnelia) STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1). Born on 10 Jun 1901. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 421, Roll Number 1711. Land Allotment: NE NW 10-1N- 1W Indian Base And Meridian (Oklahoma) 40 Acres.

Dawes Enrollment: Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 16, 1898 for Lishia Munn. Residence: Pickens. Post Office: Katie, I.T. The application was amended to include Annie Munn (daughter)


548 i. Jerry 549 ii. Jean 550 iii. Wanda 551 iv. Connie 552 v. Sandra 553 vi. Leroy

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554 vii. Marie

284. Willie MUNN (Lisha (Carnelia) STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).


555 i. Sadie MUNN 556 ii. Elizabeth MUNN 557 iii. Sylvia MUNN 558 iv. Shirley MUNN 559 v. Joeglenna MUNN 560 vi. Milton MUNN 561 vii. Willie Earl MUNN 562 viii. Anthony MUNN

Family of Benjiman (Benjamin) STEVENSON Sr. (66) & Roberta FRANKLIN

285. Benjamin STEVENSON Jr. (Benjiman (Benjamin) 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1). Born on 21 Jan 1903.

Dawes Enrollment: Minor Chickasaw Freedmen application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on November 23, 1906 for Benjamin Stevenson and Roberter Stevenson by their parents Benjamin Stevenson and Roberter Stevenson. Residence: Chickasaw Nation. Post Office: Katy, I.T. Application dismissed; Benjamin Stevenson, Jr. was born subsequent to September 25, 1902 which was the cutoff date for enrollment of Chickasaw Freedmen

286. Roberta STEVENSON (Benjiman (Benjamin) 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1). Born on 21 Jan 1903.

Dawes Enrollment: Minor Chickasaw Freedmen application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on November 23, 1906 for Benjamin Stevenson and Roberter Stevenson by their parents Benjamin Stevenson and Roberter Stevenson. Residence: Chickasaw Nation. Post Office: Katy, I.T. Application dismissed; Roberter Stevenson, was born subsequent to September 25, 1902 which was the cutoff date for enrollment of Chickasaw Freedmen


563 i. Lucille

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Family of Benjiman (Benjamin) STEVENSON Sr. (66) & Maria NEWBERRY

287. Horice (Horace) STEVENSON (Benjiman (Benjamin)3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1). Born on 8 Feb 1906.

Dawes Enrollment: Minor Chickasaw Freedmen application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on November 23, 1906 for Horice Stevenson by his parents Benjamin Stevenson and Maria Stevenson. Residence: Chickasaw Nation. Post Office: Katy, I.T. Application dismissed; Horice Stevenson was born subsequent to September 25, 1902 which was the cutoff date for enrollment of Chickasaw Freedmen


564 i. Robert Louis STEVENSON 565 ii. Horace STEVENSON Jr. 566 iii. Pauline STEVENSON 567 iv. Mariana STEVENSON

Family of Robin STEVENSON (67) & Lula NEWBERRY

288. Lon STEVENSON (Robin 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1). Born on 12 Sep 1902. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 235, Roll Number 4273.

289. Ramon STEVENSON (Robin 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1). Born on 9 Apr 1904.

Dawes Enrollment: Minor Chickasaw Freedmen application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on October 13, 1906 for Caldonia Stevenson and Ramon Stevenson by their parents Robin Stevenson and Lula Stevenson. Residence: Chickasaw Nation. Post Office: Katy, I.T. Application dismissed; Caldonia Stevenson and Ramon Stevenson were born subsequent to September 25, 1902 which was the cutoff date for enrollment of Chickasaw Freedmen

290. Caldonia STEVENSON (Robin 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1). Born on 9 Feb 1906.

Dawes Enrollment: Minor Chickasaw Freedmen application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on October 13, 1906 for Caldonia Stevenson and Ramon Stevenson by their parents Robin Stevenson and Lula Stevenson. Residence: Chickasaw Nation. Post Office: Katy, I.T. Application dismissed; Caldonia Stevenson and Ramon Stevenson were born subsequent to September 25, 1902 which was the cutoff date for enrollment of Chickasaw Freedmen

Family of Robin STEVENSON (67) & Alice HAMILTON (107)

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291. Dave STEVENSON (Robin 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1). Born on 7 Sep 1901. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 201, Roll Number 784; Enrolled as Dave Stephenson.

Family of Carrie STEVENSON (69) & Charley BUTLER

292. Maulsy BUTLER (Carrie STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1). Born on 18 Jan 1901. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 422, Roll Number 1719. Land Allotment: SW SE 9-1N-1W Indian Base And Meridian (Oklahoma) 40 Acres.

Dawes Enrollment: Application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 15, 1898 for Georgia Ann Stevenson, Benjamian Stevenson (son), Robin Stevenson (son), Levy Stevenson (son), Carrie Butler (daughter), Malsy Stevenson (daughter), Ida Stevenson (daughter). Residence: Pickens. Post Office: Katie, I.T.

The application was amended to include Maulsy Butler (grand daughter).


568 i. Debra Charlene

293. Andy BUTLER (Carrie STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1). Born on 17 Oct 1902.

Dawes Enrollment: Minor Chickasaw Freedmen application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on November 23, 1906 for Andy Butler and Georgan Butler by their parents Charley Butler and Carrie Butler. Residence: Chickasaw Nation. Post Office: Katy, I.T. Application dismissed; Andy Butler was born subsequent to September 25, 1902 which was the cutoff date for enrollment of Chickasaw Freedmen

294. Georgan (Georgia Ann) BUTLER (Carrie STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1). Born on 7 Aug 1905.

Dawes Enrollment: Minor Chickasaw Freedmen application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on November 23, 1906 for Andy Butler and Georgan Butler by their parents Charley Butler and Carrie Butler. Residence: Chickasaw Nation. Post Office: Katy, I.T. Application dismissed; Georgan Butler was born subsequent to September 25, 1902 which was the cutoff date for enrollment of Chickasaw Freedmen


569 i. Carrie 570 ii. Majorie 571 iii. R. Jean 572 iv. Paul

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295. Pik BUTLER (Carrie STEVENSON3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).


573 i. Alma BUTLER 574 ii. Alva BUTLER 575 iii. Nathaniel BUTLER

Family of Malsy STEVENSON (70) & David PLUMMER Jr.

296. Clarence PLUMMER (Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1). Born on 16 Dec 1905. Dawes Roll: Born subsequent to September 25, 1902; not enrolled.

297. J. K. PLUMMER (Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

298. Eliza PLUMMER (Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Eliza married Bill BUCKNER . Bill died in Mar 1990; he was 76. Born on 4 Mar 1913.

They had the following children:

576 i. Maulsie BUCKNER 577 ii. Nellie Mae BUCKNER 578 iii. Bill BUCKNER Jr (-died in infancy; 9 or 10 months) 579 iv. Arnetta Marie BUCKNER (16 May 1941-29 May 1984) 580 v. Jimmie Olivia BUCKNER 581 vi. Geneva BUCKNER

299. R. T. PLUMMER (Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

300. Samson PLUMMER (Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Ida STEVENSON (71) & NEWBERRY

301. Dollie (Ida STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

302. Elbert (Red) (Ida STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

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303. Name Unknown (Ida STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Rose COLBERT (72) & John BRUNER

304. Legus BRUNER (Rose COLBERT 3, Elmira (Myra) STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1877. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 431, Roll Number 1758.

305. Rachel BRUNER (Rose COLBERT 3, Elmira (Myra) STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1882. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 431, Roll Number 1759.

On 25 Jan 1901 when Rachel was 19, she first married Robert RENTIE in USA, Indian Territory, Northern District. Dawes Roll: Seminole Freedman.

They had one child:

582 i. Isador Elmora RENTIE (11 Mar 1902-)

Rachel second married Claford (Clifford) CLARK . Born abt 1881. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 61, Roll Number 262.

They had one child:

583 i. Wesley CLARK (6 Aug 1904-)

306. Columbus BRUNER (Rose COLBERT 3, Elmira (Myra) STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1885. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 431, Roll Number 1760.

307. Cephus BRUNER (Rose COLBERT 3, Elmira (Myra) STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1887. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 431, Roll Number 1761.

308. Joe BRUNER (Rose COLBERT 3, Elmira (Myra) STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1892. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 431 Roll Number 1762.

309. William (Manuel) BRUNER (Rose COLBERT 3, Elmira (Myra) STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1897. William (Manuel) died on 29 Jul 1899; he was 2. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 431, Roll Number 1762; Died prior to final enrollment.

Family of Estella STEVENSON (73) & Henderson WILLIAMS

310. Izara WILLIAMS (Estella STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1). Born on 24 Feb 1902.

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311. Eliza WILLIAMS (Estella STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1). Born on 30 Mar 1904. Dawes Roll: Minor Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 64; Dismissed, born subsequent to September 25, 1905.

Minor Chickasaw Freedmen application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on October 16, 1906 Eliza and Clay Williams (sister, brother) Residence: Chickasaw nation. Post Office: Elmore, I.T.

312. Clay WILLIAMS (Estella STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1). Born on 24 Sep 1905. Dawes Roll: Minor Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 64; Dismissed, born subsequent to September 25, 1905.

313. Dorsey WILLIAMS (Estella STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

314. Dorthy WILLIAMS (Estella STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

315. Ray WILLIAMS (Estella STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

316. Annabell WILLIAMS (Estella STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Loradeo STEVENSON (75) & UNNAMED

317. Nelson (Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

318. Bertha (Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

319. Roosevelt (Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

320. Florella (Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


584 i. Lawrence 585 ii. Vermon 586 iii. Anette 587 iv. Marline 588 v. Mark 589 vi. Matt 590 vii. Arthur Davis 591 viii. Mary 592 ix. Denora

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321. Inez JACKSON (Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


593 i. Mae Frances 594 ii. Betty ASHLEY 595 iii. Turner 596 iv. Caroline 597 v. Paulette SMITH 598 vi. Princella 599 vii. Joann 600 viii. Yolanda

322. C.B.Bennet Jr. (Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


601 i. Fred

Family of Loradeo STEVENSON (75) & unknow

323. Laura (Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Samuel STEVENSON Sr. (76) & Leer YATES

324. Melvin STEVENSON (Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1). Born on 16 Sep 1906 in Elmore City, OK. Melvin died in Dover, OK, on 13 Sep 1978; he was 71.

Melvin married Alma BRANE . Born abt 1910. Alma died in Sep 1997; she was 87.

They had the following children:

602 i. Charlene STEVENSON 603 ii. Curtis STEVENSON 604 iii. Vivian Jean STEVENSON 605 iv. Wayne STEVENSON (abt 1935-abt 1995)

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606 v. Myrlene STEVENSON 607 vi. Gloria STEVENSON

325. George STEVENSON (Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1). Born on 29 Jun 1907 in Tatum, OK. George died in Fresno, CA, on 6 Sep 1967; he was 60.

On 21 Aug 1930 when George was 23, he first married Ethel WILLIAMS , daughter of Toby WILLIAMS & Savannah MACELROY, in Guthrie, OK. Born on 11 Jan 1912 in Guthrie, OK. Ethel died in Muskogee, OK, on 13 May 1997; she was 85.

They had the following children:

608 i. Leer Mae STEVENSON 609 ii. Savannah Deloris STEVENSON

George second married Rosie FRANKLIN .

They had one child:

610 i. April Lee STEVENSON

326. Dave STEVENSON (Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Died at an early age of 20. No wife or children. Apparently died in a timber accident.,

327. Glayds STEVENSON (Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

328. Gus STEVENSON (Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

329. Baby Boy STEVENSON (Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Died at birth

330. Leroy STEVENSON (Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1). Born on 23 Sep 1915 in Ardmore, OK. Leroy died in Oakland, CA, on 29 Jul 1995; he was 79. Buried on 4 Aug 1995 in St. Mary's Cemetery Oakland, CA.

Obituary: On September 23, 1915, Leory was born to Samuel Sr. and Leer Stevenson in Ardmore, Oklahoma. His mother died in childbirth and he was given to his grandmother to raise in the city.

He attended Tatus Elementary School for his education. His favorite subject was hsitory. At a yound age of 13, he entered the work force. He earned a living as a chauffeur. Later he left Oklahoma to

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In 1939, he came to California to work at mare Island. Later, he enlisted in the United States Army and served 47 months during World ward II. He received the WW II Victory Medal, Asiatic Pacific Campaign Medal and American Campaing Medal. He traveled to may places such as Africa, China and calcutta. After the war ended, he was emplyed by the Naval Supply Center.

On his job, he met Mary Bartholomew and later they married on October 20, 1946. Being an industrious person, he quit the Naval Supply Centter for a better paying opportunity. For over 25 years, he worked and retired as a construction worker. He was a member of Local Union #166.

He was baptized by the late Rev. Watson of New Hope Baptist Church. He was always a very strong and fun loving man. He enjoyed fishing and playing dominoes. He was always willing to assist, support and encourage family and friends. He was very devoted to his wife mary and credits her as "The most influential person in his life."

He was preceded in death by his father, Samuel Stevenson, Sr., his mother, Leer Stevenson, his brothers, Melvin, George, Dave, Gus, Gladys and Charlie C. Stevenson.

He leaves to cherish his homegoing, his loving wife of 49 years Mary Stevenson, his borhters, James, Samuel, Jr. and William Stevenson of Oklahoma, his sisters, Flora Mae Stevenson and Grace Tipton of Oklahoma and a host of nieces, nephews, cousins and friends.

On 20 Oct 1946 when Leroy was 31, he married Mary BARTHOLOMEW , daughter of Charles BARTHOLOMEW & Felicia WHEELER, in Reno, Nevada. Born on 24 Feb 1909 in Edgard, LA.

Family of Samuel STEVENSON Sr. (76) & Mary ALEXANDER

331. Jesus James STEVENSON (Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Jesus James first married Elizabeth . They had the following children:

611 i. Rodney STEVENSON 612 ii. Marilyn STEVENSON

Jesus James second married Liselotte . They had the following children:

613 i. Joanna STEVENSON 614 ii. Monica STEVENSON

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332. Samuel STEVENSON Jr. (Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Samuel married Joan THOMPSON . They had the following children:

615 i. Arlene STEVENSON 616 ii. Charlene STEVENSON 617 iii. Bruce STEVENSON 618 iv. Diana STEVENSON 619 v. James STEVENSON 620 vi. Brian STEVENSON 621 vii. Leslie STEVENSON 622 viii. Samuel Maurice STEVENSON

333. Charlie C. STEVENSON Sr. (Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1). Born on 7 Jul 1933 in Guthrie, OK. Charlie C. died in Fresno, CA, on 15 Mar 1985; he was 51.

Charlie C. first married Louise .

They had the following children:

623 i. Charlie STEVENSON Jr. 624 ii. Jacqueline STEVENSON

Charlie C. second married Clara SCOTT .

They had one child:

625 i. Daryl C. STEVENSON (-1999)

334. Flora Mae STEVENSON (Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Flora Mae first married Noble GRIFFIN II . They had the following children:

626 i. Noble GRIFFIN Jr. 627 ii. Maryann GRIFFIN 628 iii. Louis Darnell GRIFFIN Sr.

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Flora Mae second married Warren DEWBERRY . They had the following children:

629 i. Linda Lorraine DEWBERRY 630 ii. Russell Eugene DEWBERRY Sr. 631 iii. Rhonda Irene DEWBERRY

Flora Mae third married FRANKLIN . They had one child:

632 i. Milton Allen FRANKLIN

335. Grace Lorraine STEVENSON (Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Grace Lorraine married Joseph William TIPTON . They had the following children:

633 i. Randy TIPTON 634 ii. Denise TIPTON 635 iii. Delores TIPTON 636 iv. Dawn TIPTON 637 v. Tracy TIPTON

336. William "Pee Wee" STEVENSON (Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

William "Pee Wee" married Eleanor Ruth GREEN . They had the following children:

638 i. Edward Earl STEVENSON 639 ii. Andriette Genine STEVENSON 640 iii. Ron Chevelle STEVENSON

337. Baby Boy STEVENSON (Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Died at birth

Family of Fleetwood STEVENSON (77)

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338. Iley Lee STEVENSON (Fleetwood 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Iley Lee married Ellon STEVENSON .

They had the following children:

641 i. Iley Willie STEVENSON Sr. (-1955) 642 ii. Stanley Lee 643 iii. Austin 644 iv. Henry Lee STEVENSON Sr. 645 v. Johnie May 646 vi. Ellon Marie

339. Simpson STEVENSON (Fleetwood 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


647 i. Carl STEVENSON 648 ii. Diane STEVENSON

Family of Simpson STEVENSON (78)

340. Lulabelll STEVENSON (Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

341. Fleet STEVENSON Sr. (Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


649 i. Wyiola STEVENSON 650 ii. Fleet STEVENSON Jr. 651 iii. Genese STEVENSON 652 iv. Bryce STEVENSON

342. Edna STEVENSON (Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


653 i. Henry Lee 654 ii. Wydell

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655 iii. Riley Lee Sr. 656 iv. Betty 657 v. Simpson

343. Viola STEVENSON (Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


658 i. Charlotte 659 ii. Patricia 660 iii. Lena Diane 661 iv. Ronda 662 v. Juanita

344. Vivian STEVENSON (Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


663 i. Robert

345. Albert STEVENSON (Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1). Born on 8 Aug 1911. Albert died on 3 May 1975; he was 63.

In Dec 1937 when Albert was 26, he married Lydia Bell ALEXANDER , daughter of Horace ALEXANDER & Gussie, in Elmore City, OK. Born on 17 May 1921. Lydia Bell died on 13 Oct 1994; she was 73.

They had the following children:

664 i. Altus Leo STEVENSON 665 ii. Horace STEVENSON 666 iii. Verna Mae STEVENSON 667 iv. Ethel Mae STEVENSON 668 v. Shirley Ann STEVENSON 669 vi. Linda Kay STEVENSON

Fifth Generation

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Family of Henry FARRIS (84) & Fannie

346. Willie FARRIS (Henry 4, Robert 3, Elsie STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born on 4 Jul 1904.

Minor Choctaw Freedmen application was made on September 26, 1906 for Willie Farris and Burney Farris (brother and sister), by their parents, Henry and Fannie Farris. Residence: Chickasaw Nation. Post Office: Katie, I.T.

347. Burney FARRIS (Henry 4, Robert 3, Elsie STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born on 8 Feb 1906.

Family of Lizzie JAMES (92) & Lawrence ALEXANDER

348. Silvia ALEXANDER (Lizzie JAMES 4, Amanda JOSEY 3, Elsie STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1885. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 52, Roll Number 2469.

Silvia married Andrew ABRAM , son of Bynton ABRAM (abt 1848-) & Lucinda GAINES (abt 1854-). Born abt 1878. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 489, Roll Number 2011.

They had one child:

670 i. Garrie ABRAM (12/13 Jan 1904-)

Family of Flory (Flora) JAMES (94) & Matthew FRANKLIN

349. Cary FRANKLIN (Flory (Flora) JAMES 4, Amanda JOSEY 3, Elsie STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born on 8 Nov 1898. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 52, Roll Number 2470.

Family of Flory (Flora) JAMES (94) & Will BROWN

350. James BROWN (Flory (Flora) JAMES 4, Amanda JOSEY 3, Elsie STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born on 14 Aug 1904. Dawes Roll: Minor Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 99, Roll Number 288.

Minor Choctaw Freedmen application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 18, 1906 for James Brown by his parents Will Brown and Flory James. Residence: Chickasaw Nation. Post Office: Hennepen, I.T.

Family of Louisa HOPPY (95) & Henderson WILLIAMS

351. Jesse WILLIAMS (Louisa HOPPY 4, Amanda JOSEY 3, Elsie STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1889. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 54, Roll Number 2475.

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352. Edna WILLIAMS (Louisa HOPPY 4, Amanda JOSEY 3, Elsie STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1895. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 54, Roll Number 2476.

353. Saint Paul WILLIAMS (Louisa HOPPY 4, Amanda JOSEY 3, Elsie STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born on 26 May 1899. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 54, Roll Number 2477.

Family of Maggie HOPPY (96) & Wilton WILLIAMS (114)

354. Claude WILLIAMS (Maggie HOPPY 4, Amanda JOSEY 3, Elsie STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1893. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 53, Roll Number 2473.

Family of Maggie HOPPY (96) & Willie MILES

355. Leander MILES (Maggie HOPPY 4, Amanda JOSEY 3, Elsie STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1895. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 53, Roll Number 2474.

Family of Belle RUSSELL (97) & Eastman WILLIAMS

356. Wade WILLIAMS (Belle RUSSELL 4, William 3, Elsie STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born in Sep 1898 in Indian Territory, OK. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 48, Roll Number 2450.

357. Mary WILLIAMS (Belle RUSSELL 4, William 3, Elsie STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born on 2 Jan 1900 in Indian Territory, OK. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 48, Roll Number 2451.

358. Henrietta WILLIAMS (Belle RUSSELL 4, William 3, Elsie STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born on 7 Jul 1902 in Indian Territory, OK. Dawes Roll: Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 48, Roll Number 2452.

Family of Palesa RUSSELL (99) & Andrew FRANKLIN

359. Ephram FRANKLIN (Palesa RUSSELL 4, William 3, Elsie STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

360. Effie FRANKLIN (Palesa RUSSELL 4, William 3, Elsie STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Voyage RUSSELL (100) & Amanda WILLIAMS

361. Jinnie Ann RUSSELL (Voyage 4, William 3, Elsie STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born on 8 Aug 1900. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 180, Roll Number 648.

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362. Roosevelt RUSSELL (Voyage 4, William 3, Elsie STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born on 9 Apr 1902. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 180, Roll Number 4247.

Family of Carrie RUSSELL (102) & Willie HARRIS

363. Velma RUSSELL (Carrie 4, William 3, Elsie STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Willie HAMILTON (106) & Rhoda ABRAM

364. Cleveland HAMILTON (Willie 4, Marcus 3, Louisa STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 203; Roll Number 787.

365. Tande HAMILTON (Willie 4, Marcus 3, Louisa STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born on 16 Sep 1900. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 203; Roll Number 788.

Family of Alice HAMILTON (107) & Louis NEWBERRY

366. Gertie NEWBERRY (Alice HAMILTON 4, Marcus 3, Louisa STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1898. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 201, Roll Number 783.

Family of Liddy (Lydia) HAMILTON (108) & Eddie FRANKLIN

367. Solomon FRANKLIN (Liddy (Lydia) HAMILTON 4, Marcus 3, Louisa STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born on 15 Jul 1898. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 204, Roll Number 790.

368. Videl FRANKLIN (Liddy (Lydia) HAMILTON 4, Marcus 3, Louisa STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born on 31 Oct 1902. Dawes Roll: Minor Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 497, Roll Number 446.

Minor Chickasaw Freedmen application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on October 18, 19?? for Videl and Adella Franklin, sisters. Residence: Chickasaw nation. Post Office: Homer, I.T. Transferred to Minor Choctaw Freedmen Number 497

Minor Choctaw application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on February 25, 1907 for Videl and Adella Franklin, sisters. Residence: Chickasaw nation. Post Office: Homer, I. T.

369. Adella FRANKLIN (Liddy (Lydia) HAMILTON 4, Marcus 3, Louisa STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born on 18 Feb 1905. Dawes Roll: Minor Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 497, Roll Number 447.

Family of Wilton WILLIAMS (114) & Sallie

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370. Marcus WILLIAMS (Wilton 4, Ellen HAMILTON 3, Louisa STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1893 in Indian Territory, OK. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 437, Roll Number 4618.

371. Cora WILLIAMS (Wilton 4, Ellen HAMILTON 3, Louisa STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1894 in Indian Territory, OK. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 437, Roll Number 4619.

372. Kimble (Richard?) WILLIAMS (Wilton 4, Ellen HAMILTON 3, Louisa STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1897 in Indian Territory. OK. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 437, Roll Number 4620.

373. Maise WILLIAMS (Wilton 4, Ellen HAMILTON 3, Louisa STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born on 12 Jan 1900 in Indian Territory, OK. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 437, Roll Number 4621.

374. Joe WILLIAMS (Wilton 4, Ellen HAMILTON 3, Louisa STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born on 12 Sep 1902. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 437, Roll Number 4622.

375. Lyman WILLIAMS (Wilton 4, Ellen HAMILTON 3, Louisa STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born on 22 Feb 1905.

Family of Amy WILLIAMS (116) & Callis SHIRLEY

376. Belle SHIRLEY (Amy WILLIAMS 4, Ellen HAMILTON 3, Louisa STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1895. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 440 Roll Number 1795.

377. Albert SHIRLEY (Amy WILLIAMS 4, Ellen HAMILTON 3, Louisa STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1897. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 440, Roll Number 1796.

378. Cliffy SHIRLEY (Amy WILLIAMS 4, Ellen HAMILTON 3, Louisa STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born on 13 Mar 1900. Cliffy died on 26 Jan 1901; he was <1. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 440; Died Prior to September 25, 1902;Cancelled.

379. Vick SHIRLEY (Amy WILLIAMS 4, Ellen HAMILTON 3, Louisa STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born on 27 Mar 1902. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 440, Roll Number 1798.

380. Cathil (Cathie?) SHIRLEY (Amy WILLIAMS 4, Ellen HAMILTON 3, Louisa STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born on 15 May 1905. Dawes Roll: Minor Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 507, Roll Number 462.

Minor Chickasaw Freedmen application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on November 7, 1906 for Cathil (Cathie?) Shirley. Residence: Chickasaw Nation. Post Office: Katie, I. T. Later transferred to Minor Choctaw Freedmen card 507.

Minor Choctaw Freedmen application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on

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February 27, 1907 for Cathil (Cathie ?) Shirley. Residence: Chickasaw Nation. Post Office:Katie, I. T.

Family of Paulina WILLIAMS (117) & William "Burt" FRANKLIN

381. Ellen FRANKLIN (Paulina WILLIAMS 4, Ellen HAMILTON 3, Louisa STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born on 14 Nov 1901. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 438, Roll Number 1791.

Family of Ida STEVENSON (121) & Isaac HUMBY

382. Dewey HUMBY (Ida STEVENSON 4, Albert 3, Gattis 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Ida STEVENSON (121) & Douglass RENTIE

383. Albert RENTIE (Ida STEVENSON 4, Albert 3, Gattis 2, Mobile 1). Born on 11 Jun 1904.

384. Lular RENTIE (Ida STEVENSON 4, Albert 3, Gattis 2, Mobile 1). Born on 25 Feb 1906.

Family of Gencie STEVENSON (131) & Gary Willard ABRAM

385. Melva ABRAM (Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).


671 i. Bobbie Jean 672 ii. Jack 673 iii. Ronnie 674 iv. Deanna Lynn BUSH

386. Ermon ABRAM (Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).


675 i. Jennifer

387. Toylee ABRAM (Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

Toylee married James JACKSON .

They had the following children:

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676 i. Wayne JACKSON 677 ii. James JACKSON 678 iii. Carolyn JACKSON 679 iv. Troy JACKSON 680 v. Ava JACKSON 681 vi. Darrell JACKSON 682 vii. Marilyn JACKSON 683 viii. Deonne JACKSON

388. Paul ABRAM (Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

389. Patricia B. ABRAM (Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

Patricia B. married Marvin Hillard STONE Jr. , son of Marvin H. STONE Sr. & Inez GIBSON. They had the following children:

684 i. Marvin STONE III 685 ii. L'Tanya M. STONE 686 iii. Pamela STONE

390. Jack ABRAM (Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

391. Louise ABRAM (Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

Louise married Roland MATTHEWS Sr. . Born on 21 Apr 1939. Roland died in 1974; he was 34. They had the following children:

687 i. Bettina L. MATTHEWS 688 ii. Shemari Roland MATTHEWS Jr. 689 iii. Eric E. MATTHEWS

392. Weldon ABRAM (Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).


690 i. Elizabeth ABRAM

393. Evelyn ABRAM (Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

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Evelyn first married Norman C. ABNEY , son of William ABNEY, SR. & Bessie. They had one child:

691 i. Vidal ABNEY

Evelyn second married Barrie WALDRIP . They had the following children:

692 i. Lavellle WALDRIP 693 ii. Jenice L. WALDRIP 694 iii. Cynthia WALDRIP 695 iv. Josette WALDRIP

394. William ABRAM (Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

395. LaDona ABRAM (Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).


696 i. Jermaine

396. Sylvia ABRAM (Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Hester ANTHONY (140)

397. Alice (Hester ANTHONY 4, Isabella STEVENSON 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).


697 i. Ronald Dale ATKINS 698 ii. Douglas James ATKINS

Family of Katie ANTHONY (141)

398. Faye LEWIS (Katie ANTHONY 4, Isabella STEVENSON 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

399. Mary WALKER (Katie ANTHONY 4, Isabella STEVENSON 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

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400. Janie GALBERT (Katie ANTHONY 4, Isabella STEVENSON 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1). Janie died bef 1998.

Janie first married ? GRAYSON .

They had one child:

699 i. Ricardo GRAYSON

Janie second married ? BROWN .

They had the following children:

700 i. Edward BROWN 701 ii. Robin BROWN

Janie third married ? WHARRY .

They had the following children:

702 i. Darrell WHARRY 703 ii. Deon WHARRY

401. Carl (Katie ANTHONY 4, Isabella STEVENSON 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1). Carl died bef 1998.

Family of James ANTHONY (146)

402. Joseph ANTHONY (James 4, Isabella STEVENSON 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).


704 i. Mark ANTHONY 705 ii. Maurice ANTHONY

403. Shirley ANTHONY (James 4, Isabella STEVENSON 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

Shirley married ? LEROY .

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Family of Joanna STEVENSON (149) & Ross WILLIAMS

404. Della May WILLIAMS (Joanna STEVENSON 4, Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1). Born on 24 Aug 1902 in Tatum, OK. Della May died in Roosevelt, OK, on 9 Jun 1916; she was 13. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 428, Roll Number 4321.

405. Roy WILLIAMS (Joanna STEVENSON 4, Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1). Born on 4 Jan 1903 in Tatum, OK. Roy died in Hobart, OK, on 12 Dec 1984; she was 81. Dawes Roll: Minor Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 82, Dismissed, born subsequent to September 25, 1902.

406. Isaac WILLIAMS (Joanna STEVENSON 4, Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1). Born on 24 Mar 1905 in Tatum, OK. Isaac died in Hobart, OK, on 7 Jul 1975; he was 70. Dawes Roll: Minor Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 82, Dismissed, born subsequent to September 25, 1902.

Isaac married Eva REED .

407. Ethel WILLIAMS (Joanna STEVENSON 4, Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1). Born in 1910. Ethel died in Roosevelt, OK, on 5 Dec 1949; she was 39.

Ethel first married Wilbert Jack PATTERSON . Wilbert Jack died in 1949 in Clinton, OK.

They had the following children:

706 i. Ola Mae PATTERSON (1926-17 Aug 1987) 707 ii. Vorese PATTERSON 708 iii. Wilbert J. PATTERSON 709 iv. Baby (Ethel) PATTERSON (May 1929-8 Aug 1929) 710 v. Baby (Angel) PATTERSON (7 Jul 1935-7 Jul 1935) 711 vi. Jessie Mae PATTERSON (Aug 1936-16 Feb 1937) 712 vii. Donald Ray PATTERSON 713 viii. Martha Joe PATTERSON 714 ix. Lorene PATTERSON

Ethel second married Tom RAINEY .

408. Jesse WILLIAMS (Joanna STEVENSON 4, Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1). Born in Sep 1910 in Tatum, OK.

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Jesse married Longino LOGAN .

Family of Angeline STEVENSON (150) & Simon GUNNS

409. Eddie GUNNS (Angeline STEVENSON 4, Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1). Born on 22 Oct 1908 in Hennipen, OK.

Eddie married Adell JAMES , daughter of Samuel JAMES & Mary McCARTHER. Adell died on 28 Jun 1944 in Roosevelt, OK.

They had the following children:

715 i. Eddie Mae GUNNS 716 ii. Oretha A. GUNNS 717 iii. E. W. Morlan GUNNS 718 iv. Wyoma J. GUNNS 719 v. Jessie L. GUNNS Sr. 720 vi. Otretha R. GUNNS

410. Eva GUNNS (Angeline STEVENSON 4, Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

Eva married Herbert D. JOHNSON Sr .

They had one child:

721 i. Herbert D. JOHNSON Jr.

411. Richard GUNNS (Angeline STEVENSON 4, Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Frances WILLIAMS (158) & Fischer FRANKLIN

412. Edgar FRANKLIN (Frances WILLIAMS 4, Lucy STEVENSON 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1). Born on 10 Sep 1905. Dawes Roll: Minor Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 126, Dismissed, born subsequent to September 25, 1902.

Family of Dewey LAMEY (167) & Gertrude RODGERS

413. Lucile LAMEY (Dewey 4, Elizabeth STEVENSON 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

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414. Lela Mae LAMEY (Dewey 4, Elizabeth STEVENSON 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

Lela Mae first married BROWN .

They had the following children:

722 i. Melburn BROWN 723 ii. Gertrude BROWN 724 iii. Joyce BROWN 725 iv. Waldon BROWN 726 v. Walton BROWN

Lela Mae second married SCHOOLER .

They had one child:

727 i. Lewis SCHOOLER

415. Dewey LAMEY Jr (Dewey 4, Elizabeth STEVENSON 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Willie COLBERT (178) & Estella MEADOWS

416. Elmer MEADOWS (Willie COLBERT 4, Bill 3, Bob STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born on 5 Feb 1904. Dawes Roll: Minor Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 126, Roll Number ???

Minor Choctaw Freedmen application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on January 10, 1907 for Garrie Abram by his parents Andrew Aram and Syvia Alexander. Residence: Chickasaw Nation. Post Office: Nelson , I.T.

Family of Henderson STEVENSON (180) & Beauty B. COLBERT

417. Myrtle Mae STEVENSON (Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Myrtle Mae married Floyd WILLIAMS Sr. .

They had the following children:

728 i. Floyd WILLIAMS Jr. (4 Sep 1938-3 Mar 1985) 729 ii. Eugene WILLIAMS

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730 iii. Charles WILLIAMS Sr. 731 iv. Flora WILLIAMS 732 v. Curtis WILLIAMS 733 vi. LaVonn WILLIAMS Sr. 734 vii. Forest WILLIAMS 735 viii. Alfred Dean WILLIAMS 736 ix. Albert Ray WILLIAMS (12 Oct 5?-) 737 x. Lutricia Ann WILLIAMS 738 xi. Kenneth WILLIAMS 739 xii. Loreta WILLIAMS 740 xiii. Cynthia WILLIAMS (15 Nov 1961-30 Dec 2009)

418. Bernice STEVENSON (Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Bernice first married Cullis HAWKINS Sr. .

They had the following children:

741 i. Patsy HAWKINS 742 ii. Cullis HAWKINS Jr. 743 iii. Brenda HAWKINS 744 iv. Linda HAWKINS

Bernice second married LANG .

They had one child:

745 i. Ivory LANG

419. Marcella STEVENSON (Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Marcella married Thomas McCREE . They had the following children:

746 i. Alicia McCREE 747 ii. Ronnie McCREE

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420. Charlene STEVENSON (Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


748 i. Roger Lee SAMUELS

421. Cora STEVENSON (Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Cora married Warren "Bill" McCREE .

They had the following children:

749 i. Phyllis McCREE 750 ii. Wanda McCREE 751 iii. Ricky McCREE 752 iv. Keith McCREE 753 v. Kevin McCREE

422. Dollie B. STEVENSON (Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Dollie B. married Johnnie ANDREWS . They had the following children:

754 i. Michael ANDREWS 755 ii. Danny ANDREWS 756 iii. Kip ANDREWS Sr.

423. Claudette "Kit" STEVENSON (Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Claudette "Kit" married Doublas HARPER . They had the following children:

757 i. Tanashia HARPER 758 ii. Derrick HARPER 759 iii. Bryson HARPER

424. Eligha STEVENSON (Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

425. Dewey Lee STEVENSON (Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

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426. Gene STEVENSON (Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Gene married Shirley .

They had the following children:

760 i. Debra STEVENSON 761 ii. Penny STEVENSON 762 iii. Gregory STEVENSON 763 iv. Claude STEVENSON 764 v. Kenyetta STEVENSON

Family of Gladys STEVENSON (181)

427. Arlene (Gladys STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


765 i. Willie Jr. 766 ii. Allen

428. Michael (Gladys STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


767 i. Michael Jr.

429. Elizabeth (Gladys STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


768 i. Elizabeth 769 ii. Karen

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Family of Rosa Mae STEVENSON (182) & Roger B. Moss

430. Jimmie MOSS (Rosa Mae STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

431. Ronald MOSS (Rosa Mae STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

432. Lawanda MOSS (Rosa Mae STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

433. Melva MOSS (Rosa Mae STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

434. Beverly MOSS (Rosa Mae STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1). Beverly died in 2003.

Beverly married Willie J. KELLY . They had the following children:

770 i. Willie KELLY Jr. 771 ii. John D. KELLY 772 iii. Devone L. KELLY 773 iv. Byron R. KELLY 774 v. Joseph D. KELLY

Family of Ruth STEVENSON (183)

435. Veretta (Ruth STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


775 i. Samir

436. Ruth (Ruth STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


776 i. Damon

437. Verlie (Ruth STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

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Family of Farris STEVENSON (184) & Alma ELLIS

438. Novella STEVENSON (Farris 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Novella first married Kytus SPEARS , son of Boley SPEARS & Ora CARR. Born on 30 May 1931 in Oklahoma. Kytus died in Torrance, CA, in Sep 1995; he was 64. They had one child:

777 i. Kyle Anthony SPEARS

Novella second married Radolph B. SMITH . They had one child:

778 i. Hershel SMITH Sr.

Novella third married Ronald Eugene MOSS . They had one child:

779 i. Gregory MOSS

Family of Lacey STEVENSON Sr. (186) & Johnnie PHILLIPS

439. Lacey STEVENSON Jr. (Lacey 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Lacey married Cynthia STELL , daughter of STELL & Tobie WILLIAMS. They had the following children:

780 i. Lacey STEVENSON III 781 ii. John William STEVENSON

Family of Amos STEVENSON Sr. (187)

440. Amos STEVENSON Jr. (Amos 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


782 i. Kimberly STEVENSON 783 ii. Amos STEVENSON III

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784 iii. Tolleana STEVENSON 785 iv. Ashley STEVENSON 786 v. Adriane STEVENSON 787 vi. Arika STEVENSON 788 vii. Daniel STEVENSON 789 viii. Danielle STEVENSON 790 ix. April STEVENSON 791 x. Allesha STEVENSON

441. Larry STEVENSON Sr. (Amos 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


792 i. Larry STEVENSON Jr. 793 ii. Jeffrey STEVENSON 794 iii. Jerrod STEVENSON 795 iv. Lakisha STEVENSON

442. Glen STEVENSON Sr. (Amos 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


796 i. Glen STEVENSON Jr. 797 ii. Lanita STEVENSON 798 iii. Carrie STEVENSON

443. Norma Jean STEVENSON (Amos 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


799 i. Jeremy

444. Pamler STEVENSON (Amos 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


800 i. Larmar STEVENSON 801 ii. Floyd STEVENSON

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445. Paulette STEVENSON (Amos 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


802 i. James III 803 ii. De'ante

446. Annette STEVENSON (Amos 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Helen STEVENSON (188) & Millage WINSLETT

447. William Howard WINSLETT (Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

William Howard married Geraldine TAYLOR .

They had one child:

804 i. Carrie WINSLETT

448. Millage WINSLETT (Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Millage married Debra ROBINSON . They had the following children:

805 i. Regina LUPER 806 ii. DeAngelo LUPER 807 iii. Steven WINSLETT 808 iv. Tiffany WINSLETT

449. Vincent Wayne WINSLETT (Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


809 i. Antonio TAYLOR 810 ii. Germaine WINSLETT

450. Edward WINSLETT (Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

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Family of Helen STEVENSON (188) & Beaman GOLDSBY

451. Ida Mae GOLDSBY (Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Ida Mae married John Leon ARNOLD , son of John ARNOLD & Dora BROWN.

They had the following children:

811 i. Debra ARNOLD 812 ii. Carol ARNOLD 813 iii. Betty Helen ARNOLD 814 iv. Linda ARNOLD 815 v. Tracy ARNOLD 816 vi. Janice ARNOLD 817 vii. Bridgett ARNOLD 818 viii. Kristie ARNOLD 819 ix. Tiffancy ARNOLD

452. L.V. GOLDSBY (Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

L.V. married Virginia ADAMS .

They had the following children:

820 i. Nathaniel GOLDSBY 821 ii. Earl GOLDSBY 822 iii. Mae Helen GOLDSBY 823 iv. Betty Jean GOLDSBY 824 v. Terry Eugene GOLDSBY 825 vi. Vickey Ann GOLDSBY (13 Nov 1961-11 Feb 1990) 826 vii. Sherry GOLDSBY 827 viii. Flora M. GOLDSBY

Family of Ruby STEVENSON (189) & Albert C. RANDALL

453. Patricia Ann RANDALL (Ruby STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

454. Althea Louise RANDALL (Ruby STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile1).

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Althea Louise married Ernest LITTLEJOHN , son of William LITTLEJOHN & Rosa Lee SMITH. They had the following children:

828 i. Ernest Jr. LITTLEJOHN 829 ii. Patrick LITTLEJOHN 830 iii. Joseph LITTLEJOHN 831 iv. Phillip LITTLEJOHN

455. William Riley RANDALL (Ruby STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

William Riley married Doris McCORMICK , daughter of Langston McCORMICK & Annie CRAWFORD. They had the following children:

832 i. Robert 833 ii. Chiletta

456. Scottie Ray RANDALL (Ruby STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Scottie Ray married Donnie HUNT . They had the following children:

834 i. Yolanda RANDALL 835 ii. Theresa RANDALL

Family of John Tim STEVENSON Sr. (190) & Gloria V. ROBINSON

457. Joycelyn STEVENSON (John Tim 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Joycelyn married Virgil CRUMPTON Sr. . They had the following children:

836 i. Valeesa CRUMPTON 837 ii. Jatina CRUMPTON 838 iii. Virgil CRUMPTON Jr.

458. John Tim STEVENSON Jr. (John Tim 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

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John Tim married Gloria V. ROBINSON . They had one child:

839 i. Janie STEVENSON

459. Jennifer STEVENSON (John Tim 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


840 i. Jaimie 841 ii. Jana

460. Jacquelyn STEVENSON (John Tim 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Jacquelyn married John O'Dell SEALS , son of Albert SEALS & Hazel WILLIAMS. They had the following children:

842 i. Nicole SEALS 843 ii. Tamara SEALS

461. Janis STEVENSON (John Tim 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Janis married Herbert MATTHEWS . They had the following children:

844 i. Janise MATHEWS 845 ii. Jason MATHEWS 846 iii. Jerilynne MATHEWS

462. Jacinta STEVENSON (John Tim 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Jacinta married Aaron Lee COSBY . They had the following children:

847 i. Arika COSBY 848 ii. Janille COSBY 849 iii. Aaron COSBY Jr.

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Family of Dora STEVENSON (191)

463. Marie (Dora STEVENSON 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

464. Penny (Dora STEVENSON 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

465. Sharon (Dora STEVENSON 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Emily STEVENSON (192)

466. T. W. (Emily STEVENSON 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


850 i. Carlos 851 ii. Rhonda 852 iii. Sheila 853 iv. baby girl; died at birth

Family of Olan Jack STEVENSON (193)

467. Olan STEVENSON (Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


854 i. Sherel STEVENSON 855 ii. Glen STEVENSON 856 iii. Dale STEVENSON 857 iv. Nickie STEVENSON 858 v. Tymyia STEVENSON 859 vi. Carrie STEVENSON

468. Cindy STEVENSON (Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


860 i. Linda 861 ii. Tony Dean 862 iii. Carnell Dean

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469. John STEVENSON (Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


863 i. Velva STEVENSON 864 ii. Troy STEVENSON 865 iii. Landrice STEVENSON

470. Richard Oscar STEVENSON (Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


866 i. Denorvas STEVENSON 867 ii. Natalie STEVENSON

471. Etta V. STEVENSON (Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


868 i. Tesa 869 ii. Darnell Sr. 870 iii. Cortez 871 iv. Neil Sr. 872 v. Roshada 873 vi. Corey

472. James STEVENSON (Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


874 i. Annette STEVENSON 875 ii. Samantha STEVENSON 876 iii. Rose STEVENSON 877 iv. Angelica STEVENSON 878 v. James STEVENSON 879 vi. Tammy STEVENSON

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473. Lellian STEVENSON (Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


880 i. Victor

474. Ray STEVENSON (Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


881 i. Kenny STEVENSON 882 ii. Travis STEVENSON

475. Marilyn STEVENSON (Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


883 i. LasheaChavis 884 ii. UNNAMED

476. Melody STEVENSON (Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


885 i. Yolanda 886 ii. Apollo

477. Ronald STEVENSON (Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


887 i. James STEVENSON

478. Teresa STEVENSON (Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


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888 i. Jermie

Family of Nellie STEVENSON (194)

479. Edward (Nellie STEVENSON 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Marie STEVENSON (196)

480. Willis (Marie STEVENSON 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

481. Samson Jr. (Marie STEVENSON 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Obbie Lee STEVENSON Sr. (197) & Patricia KNOWLES

482. Gravelly STEVENSON Sr. (Obbie Lee 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


889 i. Gravelly STEVENSON Jr. 890 ii. Teresa STEVENSON 891 iii. Marjorie STEVENSON 892 iv. Coby STEVENSON

483. Cheryl STEVENSON (Obbie Lee 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


893 i. Kruesu 894 ii. Kunsai 895 iii. Kyle

484. Obie Lee STEVENSON Jr. (Obbie Lee 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


896 i. Kano STEVENSON 897 ii. Katina STEVENSON

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898 iii. Kara STEVENSON 899 iv. Mara STEVENSON

485. Michael STEVENSON (Obbie Lee 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


900 i. Shettra STEVENSON 901 ii. Stephanie STEVENSON 902 iii. Juanice STEVENSON 903 iv. Kisha STEVENSON 904 v. Westly STEVENSON

486. Duane K. STEVENSON Sr. (Obbie Lee 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


905 i. Duane K. STEVENSON Jr. 906 ii. Monica STEVENSON

487. Elana C. STEVENSON (Obbie Lee 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


907 i. Quana 908 ii. Jeffrey

488. Jana STEVENSON (Obbie Lee 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


909 i. Craig Jr. 910 ii. Diana

489. Dara STEVENSON (Obbie Lee 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Aaron JACOB (214) & Hettie JOHNSON

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490. Tempy Ann JACOB (Aaron 4, Celia STEVENSON 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1). Born on 17 Aug 1902. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 186, Roll Number 4251.

491. Susie Ann JACOB (Aaron 4, Celia STEVENSON 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1). Born on 25 Jul 1905. Dawes Roll: Minor Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 150, Roll Nmber 100.

Dawes Enrollment: Minor Chickasaw Freedmen application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 21, 1906 for Susie Ann Jacobs. Residence: Chickasaw Nation. Post Office: Henenpen, I.T.

Family of Wavey STEVENSON (219) & Anthony BRADFORD

492. Troy BRADFORD (Wavey STEVENSON 4, Standwatie 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).

Troy married Ella BAKER .

They had the following children:

911 i. Troy Vilas BRADFORD 912 ii. Alfreida BRADFORD 913 iii. Edward BRADFORD 914 iv. Audrey BRADFORD

493. Althea BRADFORD (Wavey STEVENSON 4, Standwatie 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).

Althea first married Egypt JENKINS . They had the following children:

915 i. Sunny JENKINS 916 ii. Roger Lee JENKINS

Althea second married London HENDRIX . London died on 3 May 1968; he was 53. Born on 6 Mar 1915. They had the following children:

917 i. Vivian HENDRIX 918 ii. Anton Kennth HENDRIX 919 iii. Theopolis B. HENDRIX

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Althea third married Glen MAPPS . They had one child:

920 i. Glenda MAPPS-CONTI

Althea fourth married I GOODS . They had one child:

921 i. Anthony GOODS

Althea fifth married GIVENS . They had one child:

922 i. Gary GIVENS

Althea sixth married PURDOM Sr. . They had one child:

923 i. Charles PURDOM Jr.

494. Vivian BRADFORD (Wavey STEVENSON 4, Standwatie 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).

Vivian first married Troy McALISTER .

Vivian second married .

They had one child:

924 i. Johnny BRADFORD

495. Deila BRADFORD (Wavey STEVENSON 4, Standwatie 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).


925 i. Gloria BRADFORD

496. Clifford BRADFORD (Wavey STEVENSON 4, Standwatie 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).

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Clifford married Berta .

They had the following children:

926 i. Hortinca BRADFORD 927 ii. Lorenzo BRADFORD 928 iii. El Victor BRADFORD 929 iv. El Salvador BRADFORD 930 v. Tama BRADFORD

Family of Banks STEVENSON (233) & Sarah PETERS

497. Curtis Lee STEVENSON (Banks 4, Abraham 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).

498. Essie STEVENSON (Banks 4, Abraham 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).

Essie married BROWN . They had one child:

931 i. Diane Carol BROWN

499. Elsie STEVENSON (Banks 4, Abraham 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).

Elsie married Carl LYONS . They had the following children:

932 i. Sara Louise LYONS 933 ii. Calvin Miguil Prince LYONS 934 iii. Christopher Shawn LYONS

500. Joe Lee STEVENSON (Banks 4, Abraham 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).

501. Maxine STEVENSON (Banks 4, Abraham 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).

502. William Dewey STEVENSON (Banks 4, Abraham 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1). William Dewey died in 1962; he was 9. Born on 16 Aug 1952.

503. Banks STEVENSON Jr (Banks 4, Abraham 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).

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Banks married Betty Jewel GISSANDANER . They had the following children:

935 i. Banks STEVENSON III 936 ii. Patrick Banks STEVENSON 937 iii. Santana Monique STEVENSON

504. Catherine STEVENSON (Banks 4, Abraham 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).

505. Alice STEVENSON (Banks 4, Abraham 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).

Alice first married Virgil JONES . They had the following children:

938 i. LaTara Jane JONES 939 ii. Kaleb JONES

Alice second married Larry LOCKLEY . They had one child:

940 i. Zinitra LOCKLEY JONES

506. Donald Ray STEVENSON (Banks 4, Abraham 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).

Donald Ray married Susan WELDON . They had the following children:

941 i. Monica STEVENSON 942 ii. Donald STEVENSON Jr

507. Allen Keith STEVENSON (Banks 4, Abraham 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).

Family of George ROBERTS (237) & Samantha BRUNER

508. Theodore ROBERTS (George 4, Jack 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1904.

509. Alameda ROBERTS (George 4, Jack 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1906.

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Family of Willie ROBERTS (238) & Leara MAY

510. John S. ROBERTS (Willie 4, Jack 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1912.

Family of Lyman ROBERTS (239) & Louise

511. Harold ROBERTS (Lyman 4, Jack 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1912.

512. Dina ROBERTS (Lyman 4, Jack 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1914.

513. Maggie ROBERTS (Lyman 4, Jack 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Lyman ROBERTS (239) & Luvenia BANKS

514. Elnora ROBERTS (Lyman 4, Jack 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Elnora died in 1975.

Elnora married Clemon STEVENSON , son of Sam(uel) "Bat" STEVENSON (abt 1880-) & Lena MURRAY (abt 1876-? 1915). Born abt 1908. Clemon died abt 1978; he was 70.

They had the following children:

943 i. Celestine "Freddie" STEVENSON 944 ii. Melon Gene STEVENSON

Family of Lyman ROBERTS (239) & Gladys JACKSON

515. Albert James "A.J." ROBERTS (Lyman 4, Jack 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Ben Carter ROBERTS (242) & Rosa

516. Airdra ROBERTS (Ben Carter 4, Jack 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

517. Baby Girl ROBERTS (Ben Carter 4, Jack 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS (251) & Sam PICKENS

518. Exzetta PICKENS (Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born on 27 Jan 1922 in Oklahoma. Exzetta died in Kansas City, Kansas, on 12 Jan 1960; she was 37.

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Exzetta first married William Dean PARKER Sr . Born on 21 Nov 1918 in Peoria, Illinois. William Dean died in Leavenworth, Kansas, on 21 Nov 1993; he was 75.

They had one child:

945 i. William PARKER Jr.

On 27 Feb 1942 when Exzetta was 20, she second married Hollie B. DENSON Sr , son of Nicholas DENSON & Julie MOORE, in Oklahoma. Born on 21 Feb 1919 in Hawkins, Texas. Hollie B. died in Kansas City, Missouri, on 6 Jun 1989; he was 70.

They had the following children:

946 i. Unestine DENSON 947 ii. Celestine DENSON 948 iii. Eleanor DENSON 949 iv. Helen DENSON 950 v. Joyce DENSON 951 vi. Hollie DENSON Jr

Exzetta third married Claude MURRAY .

They had one child:

946 i. Unestine DENSON

519. Ceola PICKENS (Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Ceola first married Lethanial GAGE Sr . They had one child:

952 i. Lethanial GAGE Jr.

Ceola second married Edgar Syckie? STEVENSON . They had one child:

953 i. Leon James STEVENSON Sr.

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520. Paul PICKENS (Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Paul first married Sherry COMBS , daughter of William COMBS & Easter. They had the following children:

954 i. Stephanie Paulette PICKENS 955 ii. Rhoda Pleshette PICKENS

Paul second married Janell . They had one child:

956 i. Son PICKENS

521. Melvin PICKENS Sr (Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Melvin first married Barbara Jean RICHIE . Born on 29 Jul 1932 in Kansas City, Missouri. Barbara Jean died in Kansas City, Missouri, in Jan 1999; she was 66. They had the following children:

957 i. Melvin PICKENS Jr 958 ii. Melba Jean PICKENS 959 iii. Donald PICKENS

Melvin second married Dorothy . They had the following children:

960 i. Terry PICKENS 961 ii. Theresa PICKENS

522. Kenneth B. PICKENS Sr (Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Kenneth B. married Gloria Jean BROWN , daughter of Odessa CRAWFORD. They had the following children:

962 i. Kenneth B. PICKENS Jr 963 ii. Celoa PICKENS 964 iii. Sheryl D. PICKENS 965 iv. Allen Wayne PICKENS

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966 v. Herman Brown PICKENS 967 vi. Curtis Brown PICKENS 968 vii. Shawn PICKENS

523. Carline PICKENS (Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Carline first married ?. They had one child:

969 i. Mitchell PICKENS Sr.

Carline second married Bernice DAY . They had the following children:

970 i. Reginald DAY 971 ii. Karen DAY 972 iii. Warren DAY 973 iv. Dennis DAY

524. Senora PICKENS (Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Senora married Clint DOUGLASS Sr . They had the following children:

974 i. Gail DOUGLASS 975 ii. Cynthia DOUGLASS 976 iii. Sharon DOUGLASS 977 iv. Clint DOUGLASS Jr 978 v. Vanessa DOUGLASS

525. Clarice PICKENS (Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Clarice married Charles WILLIAMS Sr . They had the following children:

979 i. Donald WILLIAMS 980 ii. Shannon WILLIAMS 981 iii. Charles WILLIAMS Jr.

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982 iv. Tina WILLIAMS 983 v. Terry Joe WILLIAMS

526. Edmond Franklin Eugene PICKENS (Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

527. Hannah Marie PICKENS (Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).


984 i. Bernice PICKENS 985 ii. Dale PICKENS

Family of Bady COLBERT (268) & Addie

528. Rose COLBERT (Bady 4, Laura ROBERTS 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Amy STEVENSON (273) & Virgil L. PERRY Sr.

529. Mary ? PERRY (Amy STEVENSON 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Fell into a fire and died at an early age.

530. Fleetwood Lloyd PERRY Sr (Amy STEVENSON 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1). Born on 15 Aug 1916. Fleetwood Lloyd died on 12 May 2002; he was 85.

Fleetwood Lloyd first married Amanda Jean GRAY , daughter of Harry GRAY (1902-1961) & Lula ROUNTREE (1900-2001). They had the following children:

986 i. Harry L. PERRY 987 ii. Brenda Joyce PERRY 988 iii. Frederick Eugene PERRY 989 iv. Glen Alan PERRY 990 v. Clifton Hannibal PERRY 991 vi. Clifford Hans PERRY

Fleetwood Lloyd second married Ella Mae WILLIAMS . Ella Mae died abt 19 Jul 1938.

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They had one child:

992 i. Fleetwood Lloyd PERRY Jr (16 Jul 1938-11 Apr 1980)

Family of Henry STEVENSON (275) & Memory STEVENSON

531. Samual McClellan STEVENSON (Henry 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1). Born on 31 Jul 1921. Samual McClellan died in 2003; he was 81.

Family of Henry STEVENSON (275) & Viola ABRAM

532. Isaac David STEVENSON Sr. (Henry 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1). Born on 4 Sep 1916 in Milo, Ok. Isaac David died in Palo Alto, CA, on 23 Nov 2004; he was 88.

Isaac David first married Vertis NERO , daughter of John(ny) STEVENSON (abt 1892-) & Myrtle NERO (1895-). Born on 21 Nov 1915 in Milo, Ok. Vertis died in Los Angeles, California, on 23 Mar 1999; she was 83.

They had one child:

993 i. Harvey STEVENSON

Isaac David second married Esther JoAnne JOHNSON . Born on 27 Dec 1914 in Fordice, Arkansas.

They had the following children:

994 i. Clarissa "Ricki" STEVENSON 995 ii. Issac David STEVENSON Jr. 996 iii. Dana STEVENSON

Family of Houston B. STEVENSON Sr. (276) & Millie WILLIAMS

533. Jesse "Chief" STEVENSON Sr. (Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1). Born on 4 Feb 1917. Jesse "Chief" died on 21 Sep 1988; he was 71. Buried on 27 Sep 1988 in Rolling Hills Memorial Park; Richmond, CA.

Obituary: The union of Houston and Millie Stevenson was blessed with the birth of a son, Jesse , in

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Ardmore, Oklahoma. He attended public school in that local community. Upon leaving Favor High school, he enlisted in the U. S. Navy Galveston, Texas. Jesse served his country honorable for 21 years, 6 months and 21 days.

Jessee was affectionately known as "Chief" by his children and grandchildren. Brother Stevenson moved from the East Coast to the Bay Area in 1954. He was added to the Body of Christ in 1957, under the servant until God called him, September 21, 1988. Brother Stevenson was a kind and sharing indicidual. He was always concerned about the welfare of others. The "Chief" was a "Square John", his working along with Brother Frank Butler, the 7th step foundation and squires organization at San Quintin State Prison, led to a conjugal visitation programs for inmates throughout the California Pena Systerm Brother Stevenson worked with various parent teacher organizations in the Bay Area and opened his doors to several community tutorial programs.

He gave of himself selfessly, hours or dollars; he truly was a Christian soldier. The Chief provided a light for the world. He believed in leadership by example. In 1978, he graduated from Laney College, Oakland. He donated many hours and dollars to national, state and local programs for Christian youth in particular and youth in general.

He leaves to celebrate his home-going, a loving wife, Mattie Stevenson, three sons; Allen Jackson, Jesse Stevenson Jr. of Miliani, Hawaii, Sylvester Stevenson Sr.; two daughters; Ms. Dicie Stevenson, Mrs. Mary Vaughn, three brothers; Mr. Leonard Stevenson of Phoenix, Arizona, Mr. Sylvester Stevenson and Mr. H. B. Stevenson of Los Angeles; two sisters: Ms. Amy Stevenson and Mrs. Doris Jean Thomas of Los Angeles; a loving stepmother, Mrs. Rose Stevenson of Los Angeles and two uncles: Mr. Adam Stevenson of Phoenix, Arizona, and Mr. Mobile Stevenson of Los Angeles; seven beautiful sister-in-laws; Mrs. Ethel Stevenosn, mrs. Von Stevenson, Mrs. Minnie Latson, Mrs. Alice Jackson, Evangelist Opel Iles, Mrs. Louise Washington of Boston, Massachusetts and Mrs. Della Jackson of Dallas, Texas; five brothers-in-law: Mr. Carl Latson, Mr. Clifford Jackson, Mr. Enarcha Jackson, Mr. Neute Jackson, Mr. Alfred Washington; a loving mother-in-law, Mrs. Dicie Jackson and two lovely daughters-in-law; Mrs. Denise Stevenson and Mrs. Terri Stevenson; ten grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren and three aunts; Mrs. Christine Stevenson, Mrs. Nessie Stevenson and Mrs Mary Williams and a host of other relatives and friends.

Jesse "Chief" first married ?.

They had one child:

997 i. Mary STEVENSON

Jesse "Chief" second married Mattie Lee SNEED . Born on 3 Mar 1930. Mattie Lee died in Berkeley, CA, on 7 Apr 2008; she was 78. Buried on 17 Apr 2008 in Richmond, CA.

They had the following children:

998 i. Jesse STEVENSON Jr.

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999 ii. Sylvester STEVENSON Sr. 1000 iii. Dicie STEVENSON

534. Leonard STEVENSON (Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1). Born on 10 Nov 1919 in Oklahoma. Leonard died in Phoenix, Arizona, on 15 May 2001; he was 81.

Leonard married Loretta JONES . They had one child:

1001 i. Johneth STEVENSON

535. Vanoy STEVENSON SR. (Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Vanoy married Ida GARRET , daughter of Oscar Lee GARRET & Elizabeth BENTLEY. They had the following children:

1002 i. Vanoy "Sonny" STEVENSON Jr. 1003 ii. Rennaye STEVENSON

536. Sylvester Louis STEVENSON (Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1). Born on 21 Mar 1925 in Ardmore, OK. Sylvester Louis died in Long Beach, CA, on 23 Apr 2006; he was 81.

Sylvester Louis married Ethel Delores WASHINGTON , daughter of Louis WASHINGTON Jr. (22 Jan 1904-16 Jan 1995) & Helen EVANS (8 Jul 1908-25 Nov 1991). They had the following children:

1004 i. Darlene Loretta STEVENSON 1005 ii. Debra Louis STEVENSON 1006 iii. Desalyn Marie "Angel" STEVENSON

537. Amy STEVENSON (Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1). Born on 13 Feb 1927. Amy died in Los Angeles, California, on 4 Sep 2004; she was 77.

No Children.

Family of Houston B. STEVENSON Sr. (276) & "Mama Rose" Rose BELL-HARRIS

538. Doris Jean STEVENSON (Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1). Born on 22 Aug 1943 in Phoenix, AZ. Doris Jean died in Los Angeles, CA, on 26 Oct 1998; she was 55. Buried on 31 Oct

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1998 in Inglewood Park Cemetery, Inglewood, CA.

Doris Jean married Charles William WALLS Jr, , son of Charles William WALLS Sr. & Dorothy. Born on 19 Mar 1942 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Charles William died in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on 29 Mar 1990; he was 48.

They had the following children:

1007 i. Charles WALLS 1008 ii. Yolanda WALLS

539. Houston Brooks STEVENSON Jr. (Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Houston Brooks first married Mary GUY , daughter of Robert GUY & Verna. They had one child:

1009 i. Jermaine STEVENSON

Houston Brooks second married ?. They had one child:

1010 i. JoVonte STEVENSON

Family of Houston B. STEVENSON Sr. (276) & ? WILLIAMS

540. Tannish "Goody Boy" WILLIAMS STEVENSON (Houston B. STEVENSON 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Leagus STEVENSON (278) & Beatrice CARTER

541. Rosetta STEVENSON (Leagus 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Rosetta first married Lee J. MILLER . They had the following children:

1011 i. Katrina Ann MILLER 1012 ii. Ricky L. MILLER (? 3 Feb 1959-? 3 Feb 1959)

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Rosetta second married Robert JOHNSON . They had one child:

1013 i. Binnie E. JOHNSON (28 Feb 1956-5 Jul 1983)

Rosetta third married Charles RICHARDSON Sr. . They had the following children:

1014 i. Edna Ruth KNIGHT 1015 ii. Leagues L. WILLIAMS 1016 iii. Charles Henry RICHARDSON Jr. 1017 iv. Raymond RICHARDSON

Rosetta fourth married Luther GARY . They had one child:

1018 i. Clifford R. JOHNSON

Rosetta fifth married Charles WILLIAMS . They had one child:

1019 i. Stella JOHNSON

Family of Leagus STEVENSON (278) & Dora Lee

542. Thomas Jefferson "Jeff" STEVENSON (Leagus 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1). Born on 23 Oct 1926 in Hobart, Oklahoma. Thomas Jefferson "Jeff" died in Los Angeles, CA, on 30 Mar 1982; he was 55.

Family of Leagus STEVENSON (278) & Jessie

543. Linda D. "Darlene" STEVENSON (Leagus 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1). Born on 6 Dec 1954 in Baxter Springs, Kansas. Linda D. "Darlene" died in Baxter Springs, Kansas, on 23 Feb 1969; she was 14.

Family of Leagus STEVENSON (278) & ?

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544. Howard Collins STEVENSON (Leagus 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Mobile STEVENSON (279) & Hattie JACKSON

545. Katherine STEVENSON (Mobile 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).


1020 i. Bernardine 1021 ii. Charlotte

Family of Mobile STEVENSON (279) & ?

546. Louise STEVENSON (Mobile 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Mobile STEVENSON (279) & Christine

547. Stevie STEVENSON (Mobile 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Annie MUNN (283)

548. Jerry (Annie MUNN 4, Lisha (Carnelia) STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

549. Jean (Annie MUNN 4, Lisha (Carnelia) STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

550. Wanda (Annie MUNN 4, Lisha (Carnelia) STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

551. Connie (Annie MUNN 4, Lisha (Carnelia) STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

552. Sandra (Annie MUNN 4, Lisha (Carnelia) STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

553. Leroy (Annie MUNN 4, Lisha (Carnelia) STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

554. Marie (Annie MUNN 4, Lisha (Carnelia) STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Willie MUNN (284)

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555. Sadie MUNN (Willie 4, Lisha (Carnelia) STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

556. Elizabeth MUNN (Willie 4, Lisha (Carnelia) STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile1).

557. Sylvia MUNN (Willie 4, Lisha (Carnelia) STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

558. Shirley MUNN (Willie 4, Lisha (Carnelia) STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

559. Joeglenna MUNN (Willie 4, Lisha (Carnelia) STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

560. Milton MUNN (Willie 4, Lisha (Carnelia) STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

561. Willie Earl MUNN (Willie 4, Lisha (Carnelia) STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

562. Anthony MUNN (Willie 4, Lisha (Carnelia) STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Roberta STEVENSON (286)

563. Lucille (Roberta STEVENSON 4, Benjiman (Benjamin) 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).


1022 i. Daniel Sr. 1023 ii. Alvia Sr. 1024 iii. Shirley 1025 iv. Ray L. 1026 v. Charles 1027 vi. Robert Sr.

Family of Horice (Horace) STEVENSON (287)

564. Robert Louis STEVENSON (Horice (Horace) 4, Benjiman (Benjamin) 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

565. Horace STEVENSON Jr. (Horice (Horace) 4, Benjiman (Benjamin) 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

566. Pauline STEVENSON (Horice (Horace) 4, Benjiman (Benjamin) 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

567. Mariana STEVENSON (Horice (Horace) 4, Benjiman (Benjamin) 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Maulsy BUTLER (292)

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568. Debra Charlene (Maulsy BUTLER 4, Carrie STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).


1028 i. Charles

Family of Georgan (Georgia Ann) BUTLER (294)

569. Carrie (Georgan (Georgia Ann) BUTLER 4, Carrie STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

570. Majorie (Georgan (Georgia Ann) BUTLER 4, Carrie STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

571. R. Jean (Georgan (Georgia Ann) BUTLER 4, Carrie STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

572. Paul (Georgan (Georgia Ann) BUTLER4, Carrie STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Pik BUTLER (295)

573. Alma BUTLER (Pik 4, Carrie STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

574. Alva BUTLER (Pik 4, Carrie STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

575. Nathaniel BUTLER (Pik 4, Carrie STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Eliza PLUMMER (298) & Bill BUCKNER

576. Maulsie BUCKNER (Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Maulsie married Floyd RICHARDSON . They had the following children:

1029 i. Sherrie RICHARDSON 1030 ii. Donna RICHARDSON 1031 iii. Berley RICHARDSON 1032 iv. Natalie RICHARDSON

577. Nellie Mae BUCKNER (Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Nellie Mae married T. W. STEVENSON . They had the following children:

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1033 i. Carlos STEVENSON 1034 ii. Rhonda STEVENSON 1035 iii. Baby Girl STEVENSON 1036 iv. Sheila STEVENSON

578. Bill BUCKNER Jr (Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1). Bill died in died in infancy; 9 or 10 months.

579. Arnetta Marie BUCKNER (Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1). Arnetta Marie died on 29 May 1984; she was 43. Buried in Oil Springs Cemetery. Born on 16 May 1941 in Elmore City, OK.

Arnetta Marie married Sim DRAIN Jr , son of Sim DRAIN Sr & Ruth BUCKYUS. Sim died on 16 Jul 2002; he was 63. Buried in Oil Springs Cemetery. Born on 20 Jan 1939 in Tatum, OK.

They had the following children:

1037 i. Andrea Michea DRAIN 1038 ii. Renae Chevonne DRAIN 1039 iii. William Alan DRAIN 1040 iv. Sim DRAIN III

580. Jimmie Olivia BUCKNER (Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Jimmie Olivia first married Chester OSBORNE . They had one child:

1041 i. Trayveah OSBORNE

Jimmie Olivia second married Robert McEWEN . They had the following children:

1042 i. Disa McEWEN 1043 ii. Frontes McEWEN

581. Geneva BUCKNER (Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Geneva married Fred Douglas PERRY , son of Hollis PERRY & Stella. They had the following children:

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1044 i. Demetre Elese PERRY 1045 ii. Finas Duval PERRY 1046 iii. Farron Dwayne PERRY

Family of Rachel BRUNER (305) & Robert RENTIE

582. Isador Elmora RENTIE (Rachel BRUNER 4, Rose COLBERT 3, Elmira (Myra) STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born on 11 Mar 1902. Dawes Roll: Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 431, Roll Number 4324.

Family of Rachel BRUNER (305) & Claford (Clifford) CLARK

583. Wesley CLARK (Rachel BRUNER 4, Rose COLBERT 3, Elmira (Myra) STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born on 6 Aug 1904. Dawes Roll: Minor Chickasaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 378, Dismissed; Born Subsequent To September 25, 1902.

Minor Chickasaw application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on November 16, 1906 for Wesley Clark. Residence: ? Post Office: Carter, I. T.

Family of Florella (320)

584. Lawrence (Florella 4, Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1047 i. Larry

585. Vermon (Florella 4, Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1048 i. Mike

586. Anette (Florella 4, Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

587. Marline (Florella 4, Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

588. Mark (Florella 4, Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

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589. Matt (Florella 4, Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

590. Arthur Davis (Florella 4, Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

591. Mary (Florella 4, Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1049 i. Donna Fay 1050 ii. Arthur 1051 iii. Clark

592. Denora (Florella 4, Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1052 i. Ricky 1053 ii. Albert 1054 iii. Glenda 1055 iv. Bidget 1056 v. Bobby 1057 vi. Chauncey 1058 vii. Emmett 1059 viii. Celestine

Family of Inez JACKSON (321)

593. Mae Frances (Inez JACKSON 4, Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1060 i. Darryl 1061 ii. Robin 1062 iii. Shawn 1063 iv. Erica

594. Betty ASHLEY (Inez JACKSON 4, Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

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1064 i. Letitia 1065 ii. Ernest 1066 iii. Alana

595. Turner (Inez JACKSON 4, Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1067 i. Tammy 1068 ii. Camille

596. Caroline (Inez JACKSON 4, Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1069 i. Latania 1070 ii. Samantha 1071 iii. Dever

597. Paulette SMITH (Inez JACKSON 4, Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1072 i. Cassandra 1073 ii. Kinia SMITH

598. Princella (Inez JACKSON 4, Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1074 i. Courtney 1075 ii. Maya 1076 iii. Jahar

599. Joann (Inez JACKSON 4, Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

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600. Yolanda (Inez JACKSON 4, Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1077 i. Monte 1078 ii. Brandy

Family of C.B.Bennet Jr. (322)

601. Fred (C.B.Bennet Jr. 4, Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Melvin STEVENSON (324) & Alma BRANE

602. Charlene STEVENSON (Melvin 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

603. Curtis STEVENSON (Melvin 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1079 i. Linda STEVENSON 1080 ii. Bernell STEVENSON 1081 iii. Debra STEVENSON 1082 iv. Eric STEVENSON Sr.

604. Vivian Jean STEVENSON (Melvin 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Vivian Jean married Preston BAINES .

They had the following children:

1083 i. Keith BAINES 1084 ii. Marla BAINES

605. Wayne STEVENSON (Melvin 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1). Born abt 1935. Wayne died abt 1995; he was 60.


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1085 i. Carolyn STEVENSON

606. Myrlene STEVENSON (Melvin 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Myrlene married Marshall DECANTUR .

They had the following children:

1086 i. Jon 1087 ii. Chad

607. Gloria STEVENSON (Melvin 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1088 i. Tracey 1089 ii. Jason

Family of George STEVENSON (325) & Ethel WILLIAMS

608. Leer Mae STEVENSON (George 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Leer Mae first married Robert Earl WILLIAMS , son of . They had the following children:

1090 i. George Earl WILLIAMS Sr. 1091 ii. Willie Dean WILLIAMS 1092 iii. Larry Gene WILLIAMS Sr. 1093 iv. Robert Raydean WILLIAMS Sr. 1094 v. Robin Mentoria WILLIAMS

Leer Mae second married Wilbert HALL . They had one child:

1095 i. Carla Deloris HALL

609. Savannah Deloris STEVENSON (George 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

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Savannah Deloris first married Oscar Depriest TROTTER . They had one child:

1096 i. Michael Wayne TROTTER

Savannah Deloris second married William MASSEY . They had one child:

1097 i. Marsha Elaine MASSEY

Family of George STEVENSON (325) & Rosie FRANKLIN

610. April Lee STEVENSON (George 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1098 i. Liron WILSON

Family of Jesus James STEVENSON (331) & Elizabeth

611. Rodney STEVENSON (Jesus James 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

612. Marilyn STEVENSON (Jesus James 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1099 i. Williams III

Family of Jesus James STEVENSON (331) & Liselotte

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613. Joanna STEVENSON (Jesus James 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1100 i. Jaz'min COTTON 1101 ii. Jaona COTTON

614. Monica STEVENSON (Jesus James 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1102 i. Chyann WHITE (12 Sep -) 1103 ii. Randolph "RJ" WHITE (2 Sep -) 1104 iii. James "JD" WHITE

Family of Samuel STEVENSON Jr. (332) & Joan THOMPSON

615. Arlene STEVENSON (Samuel 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

616. Charlene STEVENSON (Samuel 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

617. Bruce STEVENSON (Samuel 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1105 i. Nikki STEVENSON 1106 ii. Joann STEVENSON 1107 iii. Andrea STEVENSON 1108 iv. Grace STEVENSON 1109 v. Samson STEVENSON 1110 vi. Steven STEVENSON

618. Diana STEVENSON (Samuel 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Diana married Geary BUFFORD . They had one child:

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1111 i. Terrence BUFFORD

619. James STEVENSON (Samuel 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1112 i. Milan STEVENSON 1113 ii. Cairo STEVENSON

620. Brian STEVENSON (Samuel 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

621. Leslie STEVENSON (Samuel 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

622. Samuel Maurice STEVENSON (Samuel 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Charlie C. STEVENSON Sr. (333) & Louise

623. Charlie STEVENSON Jr. (Charlie C. 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1114 i. Adaris STEVENSON 1115 ii. Latoya STEVENSON 1116 iii. Charlie STEVENSON III 1117 iv. Tanisha STEVENSON

624. Jacqueline STEVENSON (Charlie C. 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1118 i. Angela 1119 ii. Deshina 1120 iii. Joseph 1121 iv. Darryl C. Sr.

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Family of Charlie C. STEVENSON Sr. (333) & Clara SCOTT

625. Daryl C. STEVENSON (Charlie C. 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1). Daryl C. died in 1999 in Corcoran State Prison.

Daryl C. married Genice POPPS .

They had one child:

1122 i. DeShawn STEVENSON

Family of Flora Mae STEVENSON (334) & Noble GRIFFIN II

626. Noble GRIFFIN Jr. (Flora Mae STEVENSON 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1123 i. Noble III 1124 ii. Sonya 1125 iii. Angel

627. Maryann GRIFFIN (Flora Mae STEVENSON 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1126 i. Tanya 1127 ii. Yolanda 1128 iii. Gonzalo 1129 iv. Kenya 1130 v. Kenneth Jr.

628. Louis Darnell GRIFFIN Sr. (Flora Mae STEVENSON 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1131 i. Louis Jr. 1132 ii. Descinda

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Family of Flora Mae STEVENSON (334) & Warren DEWBERRY

629. Linda Lorraine DEWBERRY (Flora Mae STEVENSON 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1133 i. Janet 1134 ii. Monia 1135 iii. Jermaine 1136 iv. James 1137 v. Jaime

630. Russell Eugene DEWBERRY Sr. (Flora Mae STEVENSON 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1138 i. Russell Jr.

631. Rhonda Irene DEWBERRY (Flora Mae STEVENSON 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Flora Mae STEVENSON (334) & FRANKLIN

632. Milton Allen FRANKLIN (Flora Mae STEVENSON 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Grace Lorraine STEVENSON (335) & Joseph William TIPTON

633. Randy TIPTON (Grace Lorraine STEVENSON 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

634. Denise TIPTON (Grace Lorraine STEVENSON 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1139 i. Tomeda 1140 ii. Jeric 1141 iii. Tiari

635. Delores TIPTON (Grace Lorraine STEVENSON 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

636. Dawn TIPTON (Grace Lorraine STEVENSON 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

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Dawn married Victor HOPKINS . They had the following children:

1142 i. Latoya TIPTON 1143 ii. Derrick HOPKINS 1144 iii. Christopher HOPKINS

637. Tracy TIPTON (Grace Lorraine STEVENSON 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1145 i. Brison

Family of William "Pee Wee" STEVENSON (336) & Eleanor Ruth GREEN

638. Edward Earl STEVENSON (William "Pee Wee" 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

639. Andriette Genine STEVENSON (William "Pee Wee" 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

640. Ron Chevelle STEVENSON (William "Pee Wee" 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Iley Lee STEVENSON (338) & Ellon STEVENSON

641. Iley Willie STEVENSON Sr. (Iley Lee 4, Fleetwood 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1). Iley Willie died in 1955.

Iley Willie married Shirley JOHNSON .

They had the following children:

1146 i. Debra Delaine STEVENSON 1147 ii. Micheal Don STEVENSON 1148 iii. Iley Willie STEVENSON Jr.

642. Stanley Lee (Iley Lee STEVENSON 4, Fleetwood 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


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1149 i. Sandra 1150 ii. Donald 1151 iii. Beverly

643. Austin (Iley Lee STEVENSON 4, Fleetwood 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1152 i. Josephine

644. Henry Lee STEVENSON Sr. (Iley Lee 4, Fleetwood 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Henry Lee married Melba .

They had the following children:

1153 i. Gary STEVENSON 1154 ii. Bobbi STEVENSON 1155 iii. Angela STEVENSON 1156 iv. Henry Lee STEVENSON 1157 v. Henrietta STEVENSON 1158 vi. Edward STEVENSON

645. Johnie May (Iley Lee STEVENSON 4, Fleetwood 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

646. Ellon Marie (Iley Lee STEVENSON 4, Fleetwood 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1159 i. Paula 1160 ii. Paul 1161 iii. Wilmer Johnson

Family of Simpson STEVENSON (339)

647. Carl STEVENSON (Simpson 4, Fleetwood 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

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648. Diane STEVENSON (Simpson 4, Fleetwood 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Fleet STEVENSON Sr. (341)

649. Wyiola STEVENSON (Fleet 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

650. Fleet STEVENSON Jr. (Fleet 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

651. Genese STEVENSON (Fleet 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Genese married Arthur JOHNSON Sr. .

They had the following children:

1162 i. Sharolette JOHNSON 1163 ii. Arthur JOHNSON 1164 iii. Deloris JOHNSON 1165 iv. Keheven JOHNSON (? 5 Jul -) 1166 v. James Allen JOHNSON

652. Bryce STEVENSON (Fleet 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Edna STEVENSON (342)

653. Henry Lee (Edna STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

654. Wydell (Edna STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1167 i. Rita Kay 1168 ii. Deborah

655. Riley Lee Sr. (Edna STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1169 i. Laqueta 1170 ii. Edna Mae 1171 iii. Riley Lee Jr.

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1172 iv. Wyderie

656. Betty (Edna STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1173 i. Jennifer 1174 ii. Barbara Ann 1175 iii. Tamyra 1176 iv. Kathleen 1177 v. Bennie Jr.

657. Simpson (Edna STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1178 i. Angie 1179 ii. Chris 1180 iii. Michael

Family of Viola STEVENSON (343)

658. Charlotte (Viola STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1181 i. Alana 1182 ii. Nathan 1183 iii. Valerie 1184 iv. C. Nicole 1185 v. Alvin

659. Patricia (Viola STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1186 i. Krystal 1187 ii. Kymberly

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1188 iii. Tamila 1189 iv. Devahun 1190 v. Teddy

660. Lena Diane (Viola STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1191 i. Kyle 1192 ii. Konjee 1193 iii. Keyvon 1194 iv. Eddie

661. Ronda (Viola STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1195 i. Colin

662. Juanita (Viola STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1196 i. Markiesha 1197 ii. Don 1198 iii. Mark

Family of Vivian STEVENSON (344)

663. Robert (Vivian STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Albert STEVENSON (345) & Lydia Bell ALEXANDER

664. Altus Leo STEVENSON (Albert 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

665. Horace STEVENSON (Albert 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

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666. Verna Mae STEVENSON (Albert 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1199 i. Anthony BLACK 1200 ii. Michael STEVENSON 1201 iii. Tansy PRESTON 1202 iv. Verna PRESTON

667. Ethel Mae STEVENSON (Albert 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

668. Shirley Ann STEVENSON (Albert 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

669. Linda Kay STEVENSON (Albert 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Linda Kay married Larry DUFFY .

Sixth Generation

Family of Silvia ALEXANDER (348) & Andrew ABRAM

670. Garrie ABRAM (Silvia ALEXANDER 5, Lizzie JAMES 4, Amanda JOSEY 3, Elsie STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born on 12/13 Jan 1904. Dawes Roll: Minor Choctaw Freedmen: Enrollment Card 318, Roll Number 345.

Minor Choctaw Freedmen application was made to the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes on September 29, 1906 for Garrie Abram by his parents Andrew Aram and Syvia Alexander. Residence: Chickasaw Nation. Post Office: Hennepen, I.T.

Family of Melva ABRAM (385)

671. Bobbie Jean (Melva ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

672. Jack (Melva ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

673. Ronnie (Melva ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

674. Deanna Lynn BUSH (Melva ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

Deanna Lynn first married ? McCOY . They had one child:

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1203 i. Robert Lee McCOY (27 Oct 1970-Apr 1977)

Deanna Lynn second married David Bernard WRIGHT . They had one child:

1204 i. Tia Nicole WRIGHT

Deanna Lynn third married ? TATE . They had one child:

1205 i. Tiffani Renee TATE

Family of Ermon ABRAM (386)

675. Jennifer (Ermon ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Toylee ABRAM (387) & James JACKSON

676. Wayne JACKSON (Toylee ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

677. James JACKSON (Toylee ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

678. Carolyn JACKSON (Toylee ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

Carolyn married Floyd H. JEFFERSON . They had one child:

1206 i. Marcella JEFFERSON

679. Troy JACKSON (Toylee ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

Troy married Rachel FOSTER .

They had the following children:

1207 i. Charles CALVIN 1208 ii. Toy Leann JACKSON 1209 iii. Troylee JACKSON JR

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1210 iv. Rosa JACKSON

680. Ava JACKSON (Toylee ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

681. Darrell JACKSON (Toylee ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

682. Marilyn JACKSON (Toylee ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

683. Deonne JACKSON (Toylee ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Patricia B. ABRAM (389) & Marvin Hillard STONE Jr.

684. Marvin STONE III (Patricia B. ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

Marvin married Linda NELSON . 685. L'Tanya M. STONE (Patricia B. ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

L'Tanya M. married Harold H. FRANKLIN Jr. . They had one child:

1211 i. Isaac H. FRANKLIN

686. Pamela STONE (Patricia B. ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

Pamela married Joseph P. PERKINSON III , son of Joseph P. PERKINSON & Joann. They had the following children:

1212 i. Isake S. PERKINSON 1213 ii. Joseph P. PERKINSON IV

Family of Louise ABRAM (391) & Roland MATTHEWS Sr.

687. Bettina L. MATTHEWS (Louise ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

Bettina L. first married Edward PARKER . They had one child:

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1214 i. Emika S. PARKER

Bettina L. second married Terry J. TERRELL Sr. . They had one child:

1215 i. Terry J. TERRELL Jr.

688. Shemari Roland MATTHEWS Jr. (Louise ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

Shemari Roland first married Rita MATTHEWS . They had the following children:

1216 i. Jasmine FOSTER 1217 ii. Amari MATTHEWS

Shemari Roland second married Okoko Bonnie MATTHEWS , daughter of Edwards MATTHEWS & Flossie Mae. 689. Eric E. MATTHEWS (Louise ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Weldon ABRAM (392)

690. Elizabeth ABRAM (Weldon 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Evelyn ABRAM (393) & Norman C. ABNEY

691. Vidal ABNEY (Evelyn ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

Vidal married Tashana PHILLIPS .

Family of Evelyn ABRAM (393) & Barrie WALDRIP

692. Lavellle WALDRIP (Evelyn ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

Lavellle married Martha PRITCHETT , daughter of Elvin FOXX & Leslie Mae PRITTEHET. They had the following children:

1218 i. Kindra WALDRIP 1219 ii. Tyrell WALDRIP

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1220 iii. Damair WALDRIP

693. Jenice L. WALDRIP (Evelyn ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

Jenice L. first married Kenneth D. FRANKLIN . They had the following children:

1221 i. Jameica S. WALDRIP 1222 ii. Cherelle K. FRANKLIN

Jenice L. second married Marcus D. BUCKLEY . They had one child:

1223 i. Martez R. BUCKLEY

694. Cynthia WALDRIP (Evelyn ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

Cynthia married Johnny SCOTTEN JR . They had one child:

1224 i. Johnny T. SCOTTEN III

695. Josette WALDRIP (Evelyn ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

Josette married Elijah McGEE JR , son of Elijah McGEE SR & Beverly DURR. They had the following children:

1225 i. Cordero McGEE 1226 ii. Marshae McGEE

Family of LaDona ABRAM (395)

696. Jermaine (LaDona ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Alice (397)

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697. Ronald Dale ATKINS (Alice 5, Hester ANTHONY 4, Isabella STEVENSON 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

698. Douglas James ATKINS (Alice 5, Hester ANTHONY 4, Isabella STEVENSON 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Janie GALBERT (400) & ? GRAYSON

699. Ricardo GRAYSON (Janie GALBERT 5, Katie ANTHONY 4, Isabella STEVENSON 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Janie GALBERT (400) & ? BROWN

700. Edward BROWN (Janie GALBERT 5, Katie ANTHONY 4, Isabella STEVENSON 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

701. Robin BROWN (Janie GALBERT 5, Katie ANTHONY 4, Isabella STEVENSON 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Janie GALBERT (400) & ? WHARRY

702. Darrell WHARRY (Janie GALBERT 5, Katie ANTHONY 4, Isabella STEVENSON 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

703. Deon WHARRY (Janie GALBERT 5, Katie ANTHONY 4, Isabella STEVENSON 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Joseph ANTHONY (402)

704. Mark ANTHONY (Joseph 5, James 4, Isabella STEVENSON 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

705. Maurice ANTHONY (Joseph 5, James 4, Isabella STEVENSON 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Ethel WILLIAMS (407) & Wilbert Jack PATTERSON

706. Ola Mae PATTERSON (Ethel WILLIAMS 5, Joanna STEVENSON 4, Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1). Born in 1926 in Roosevelt, OK. Ola Mae died in Oklahoma City, OK, on 17 Aug 1987; she was 61.

Ola Mae married Leroy BRANNON .

707. Vorese PATTERSON (Ethel WILLIAMS 5, Joanna STEVENSON 4, Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1). Born in Roosevelt, OK. Vorese died in Taft, OK.

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708. Wilbert J. PATTERSON (Ethel WILLIAMS 5, Joanna STEVENSON 4, Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

709. Baby (Ethel) PATTERSON (Ethel WILLIAMS5, Joanna STEVENSON 4, Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1). Born in May 1929 in Roosevelt, OK. Baby (Ethel) died in Roosevelt, OK, on 8 Aug 1929; she was <1.

710. Baby (Angel) PATTERSON (Ethel WILLIAMS 5, Joanna STEVENSON 4, Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1). Born on 7 Jul 1935 in Roosevelt, OK. Baby (Angel) died in Roosevelt, OK, on 7 Jul 1935; she was <1.

711. Jessie Mae PATTERSON (Ethel WILLIAMS 5, Joanna STEVENSON 4, Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1). Born in Aug 1936 in Roosevelt, OK. Jessie Mae died in Roosevelt, OK, on 16 Feb 1937; she was <1.

712. Donald Ray PATTERSON (Ethel WILLIAMS 5, Joanna STEVENSON 4, Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1). Born in Roosevelt, OK. Donald Ray died in Roosevelt, OK.

713. Martha Joe PATTERSON (Ethel WILLIAMS 5, Joanna STEVENSON 4, Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

714. Lorene PATTERSON (Ethel WILLIAMS 5, Joanna STEVENSON 4, Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

Lorene married Hurchell Lee ATKINSON , son of Aron ATKINSON & Lottie. They had one child:

1227 i. Hurchell Degan ATKINSON

Family of Eddie GUNNS (409) & Adell JAMES

715. Eddie Mae GUNNS (Eddie 5, Angeline STEVENSON 4, Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

Eddie Mae married Charles Richard SMITH Sr. , son of Walter SMITH & Abby Lucy JACKSON. They had the following children:

1228 i. Sandra SMITH 1229 ii. Cherl D. SMITH 1230 iii. Charles R. SMITH II 1231 iv. Carol D. SMITH 1232 v. Judith Ann SMITH

716. Oretha A. GUNNS (Eddie 5, Angeline STEVENSON4, Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

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Oretha A. married Herman CAMPBELL , son of Ervin CAMPBELL & Viola. They had the following children:

1233 i. LaDonna CAMPBELL 1234 ii. Bessie CAMPBELL 1235 iii. Shirley CAMPBELL 1236 iv. Cornell CAMPBELL 1237 v. Linda Jean CAMPBELL 1238 vi. Easter Jaunita CAMPBELL

717. E. W. Morlan GUNNS (Eddie 5, Angeline STEVENSON 4, Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

718. Wyoma J. GUNNS (Eddie 5, Angeline STEVENSON 4, Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

Wyoma J. married Fletcher ROBINSON . They had one child:

1239 i. Kenneth ROBINSON

719. Jessie L. GUNNS Sr. (Eddie 5, Angeline STEVENSON 4, Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

Jessie L. married Sherry N. GUNNS , daughter of Nathaniel SADLER & Lucille SILAS. They had the following children:

1240 i. Jessie L. GUNNS Jr. 1241 ii. Steven L. GUNNS 1242 iii. Anthony W. GUNNS 1243 iv. Eddie T. GUNNS

720. Otretha R. GUNNS (Eddie 5, Angeline STEVENSON 4, Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

Otretha R. first married Arville NELSON , son of James NELSON & Alvesta DAVIDSON. They had one child:

1244 i. Jeffrey NELSON

Family of Eva GUNNS (410) & Herbert D. JOHNSON Sr

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721. Herbert D. JOHNSON Jr. (Eva GUNNS 5, Angeline STEVENSON 4, Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).


1245 i. Wanda J. HARRIS

Family of Lela Mae LAMEY (414) & BROWN

722. Melburn BROWN (Lela Mae LAMEY 5, Dewey 4, Elizabeth STEVENSON 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).


1246 i. Stuart ???? BROWN 1247 ii. Mike ??? BROWN 1248 iii. Jasmine ??? BROWN 1249 iv. Melburn BROWN 1250 v. Gre ??? BROWN 1251 vi. Lynn ??? BROWN

723. Gertrude BROWN (Lela Mae LAMEY 5, Dewey 4, Elizabeth STEVENSON 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

Gertrude first married PAYTEN .

They had one child:

1252 i. Andrew ??? PAYTEN

Gertrude second married DUCKETT .

They had the following children:

1253 i. Dewey ??? DUCKETT 1254 ii. Mary ??? DUCKETT

Gertrude third married PEARSON ? .

They had one child:

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1255 i. Donald PEARSON ?

724. Joyce BROWN (Lela Mae LAMEY 5, Dewey 4, Elizabeth STEVENSON 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

Joyce married JOHNSON .

They had the following children:

1256 i. Der ??? JOHNSON 1257 ii. Sha ??? JOHNSON

725. Waldon BROWN (Lela Mae LAMEY 5, Dewey 4, Elizabeth STEVENSON 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).


1258 i. Sam BROWN

726. Walton BROWN (Lela Mae LAMEY 5, Dewey 4, Elizabeth STEVENSON 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).


1259 i. Tod?? BROWN

Family of Lela Mae LAMEY (414) & SCHOOLER

727. Lewis SCHOOLER (Lela Mae LAMEY 5, Dewey 4, Elizabeth STEVENSON 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).


1260 i. Joa ??? SCHOOLER 1261 ii. Sha ??? SCHOOLER

Family of Myrtle Mae STEVENSON (417) & Floyd WILLIAMS Sr.

728. Floyd WILLIAMS Jr. (Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1). Born on 4 Sep 1938. Floyd died on 3 Mar 1985; he was 46.

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Floyd married Ila .

They had one child:

1262 i. Valerie WILLIAMS

729. Eugene WILLIAMS (Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

730. Charles WILLIAMS Sr. (Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Charles married Alimeta . They had the following children:

1263 i. Pamela WILLIAMS 1264 ii. Charles WILLIAMS Jr. 1265 iii. Matthew WILLIAMS

731. Flora WILLIAMS (Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Flora married James WILLIAMS Sr. . They had the following children:

1266 i. James WILLIAMS Jr. 1267 ii. Kimberly WILLIAMS

732. Curtis WILLIAMS (Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


1268 i. Ronald WILLIAMS 1269 ii. Rahnee Lynn WILLIAMS

733. LaVonn WILLIAMS Sr. (Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

LaVonn married Gail . They had the following children:

1270 i. LaVonn WILLIAMS Jr. 1271 ii. Nathaniel WILLIAMS

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1272 iii. Sherri WILLIAMS

734. Forest WILLIAMS (Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

735. Alfred Dean WILLIAMS (Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


1273 i. Alonda WILLIAMS 1274 ii. Renita WILLIAMS 1275 iii. Angela WILLIAMS

736. Albert Ray WILLIAMS (Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1). Born on 12 Oct 5?

Albert Ray married Linda Jean .

They had the following children:

1276 i. Licole Janelle WILLIAMS 1277 ii. Ashly WILLIAMS

737. Lutricia Ann WILLIAMS (Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Lutricia Ann married Carl BROWN . They had the following children:

1278 i. Damon BROWN 1279 ii. Kelley 1280 iii. Sherell

738. Kenneth WILLIAMS (Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


1281 i. Adrian WILLIAMS 1282 ii. Stacey WILLIAMS

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739. Loreta WILLIAMS (Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Loreta married William "Billy" THOMPSON . They had the following children:

1283 i. William THOMPSON III 1284 ii. Justin THOMPSON

740. Cynthia WILLIAMS (Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1). Born on 15 Nov 1961. Cynthia died on 30 Dec 2009; she was 48.

Family of Bernice STEVENSON (418) & Cullis HAWKINS Sr.

741. Patsy HAWKINS (Bernice STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Patsy married James TERRY . They had the following children:

1285 i. Warren TERRY 1286 ii. Anthony TERRY Sr. 1287 iii. Rachel TERRY 1288 iv. Vernell Levette TERRY

742. Cullis HAWKINS Jr. (Bernice STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


1289 i. Tina HAWKINS 1290 ii. Jason HAWKINS 1291 iii. Cullis Lavell HAWKINS

743. Brenda HAWKINS (Bernice STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Brenda married Paul FIELDS . They had the following children:

1292 i. Dawn FIELDS 1293 ii. Delmus FIELDS

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744. Linda HAWKINS (Bernice STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


1294 i. Ebony NAILS 1295 ii. Porcha NAILS 1296 iii. Lauren NAILS

Family of Bernice STEVENSON (418) & LANG

745. Ivory LANG (Bernice STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Ivory married Barbara . They had the following children:

1297 i. Victoria May LANG 1298 ii. Darrell LANG

Family of Marcella STEVENSON (419) & Thomas McCREE

746. Alicia McCREE (Marcella STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Alicia married George CUEVAS . They had the following children:

1299 i. Ayana CUEVAS 1300 ii. Kamia CUEVAS 1301 iii. David CUEVAS

747. Ronnie McCREE (Marcella STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Ronnie married Lisa KELLY . They had the following children:

1302 i. Ronita McCREE 1303 ii. Anthony WILLIAMS 1304 iii. Tamara McCREE

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Family of Charlene STEVENSON (420)

748. Roger Lee SAMUELS (Charlene STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Roger Lee first married Leatta POSTON . They had the following children:

1305 i. Michael SAMUELS 1306 ii. Robert SAMUELS

Roger Lee second married Anita TILLMAN . They had one child:

1307 i. Roxanne SAMUELS

Family of Cora STEVENSON (421) & Warren "Bill" McCREE

749. Phyllis McCREE (Cora STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Phyllis married Edward HOLLOMAN Sr. . They had the following children:

1308 i. Edward HOLLOMAN Jr. 1309 ii. Damion HOLLOMAN

750. Wanda McCREE (Cora STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


1310 i. Nichelle DEAN

751. Ricky McCREE (Cora STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

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752. Keith McCREE (Cora STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Keith married Kim . They had the following children:

1311 i. Anthony McCREE 1312 ii. Kendell McCREE 1313 iii. Corianna McCREE

753. Kevin McCREE (Cora STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


1314 i. Dewayne McCREE 1315 ii. Kareem McCREE 1316 iii. Timiko McCREE

Family of Dollie B. STEVENSON (422) & Johnnie ANDREWS

754. Michael ANDREWS (Dollie B. STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Michael first married Michelle D. JONES , daughter of Willie JONES & Daisy. They had the following children:

1317 i. Monte ANDREWS 1318 ii. Christopher ANDREWS 1319 iii. Cameron ANDREWS 1320 iv. Christian ANDREWS

Michael second married Delois BUNCH . They had the following children:

1321 i. DeShawn ANDREWS 1322 ii. Shawnta ANDREWS

755. Danny ANDREWS (Dollie B. STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Danny married Nancy .

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756. Kip ANDREWS Sr. (Dollie B. STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


1323 i. Sharmika ANDREWS 1324 ii. Alexis Ashley ANDREWS 1325 iii. Clinton "C.J." ANDREWS 1326 iv. Kip ANDREWS Jr.

Family of Claudette "Kit" STEVENSON (423) & Doublas HARPER

757. Tanashia HARPER (Claudette "Kit" STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Tanashia married Ken JENKINS . They had the following children:

1327 i. Aaron Malik JENKINS 1328 ii. Kyron Nigel-Mikhal JENKINS

758. Derrick HARPER (Claudette "Kit" STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

759. Bryson HARPER (Claudette "Kit" STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Bryson married Jacari Lynn SMITH . They had one child:

1329 i. Jordan Amaya HARPER

Family of Gene STEVENSON (426) & Shirley

760. Debra STEVENSON (Gene 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


1330 i. Lakayna TURNER 1331 ii. Kimberly HARDY 1332 iii. Artiva STEVENSON

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761. Penny STEVENSON (Gene 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Penny married Charles WILFORD .

They had the following children:

1333 i. Tasha WILFORD 1334 ii. Lahawn WILFORD

762. Gregory STEVENSON (Gene 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


1335 i. Naseal STEVENSON 1336 ii. Sonyetta STEVENSON 1337 iii. Pierre STEVENSON 1338 iv. Name Unknown STEVENSON 1339 v. Name Unknown STEVENSON

763. Claude STEVENSON (Gene 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

764. Kenyetta STEVENSON (Gene 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


1340 i. Mia STEVENSON 1341 ii. Devin STEVENSON

Family of Arlene (427)

765. Willie Jr. (Arlene 5, Gladys STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

766. Allen (Arlene 5, Gladys STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Michael (428)

767. Michael Jr. (Michael 5, Gladys STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

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Family of Elizabeth (429)

768. Elizabeth (Elizabeth 5, Gladys STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

769. Karen (Elizabeth 5, Gladys STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Beverly MOSS (434) & Willie J. KELLY

770. Willie KELLY Jr. (Beverly MOSS 5, Rosa Mae STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Willie first married Monica . They had one child:

1342 i. Boston KELLY

Willie second married Bridgette . They had one child:

1343 i. Breanna KELLY

Willie third married Astry . They had the following children:

1344 i. Lijah KELLY 1345 ii. Brooklyn KELLY

771. John D. KELLY (Beverly MOSS 5, Rosa Mae STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

John D. first married Jennifer WOODRUFF . They had the following children:

1346 i. John D. KELLY Jr. 1347 ii. Jera D. KELLY

John D. second married Paula . 772. Devone L. KELLY (Beverly MOSS 5, Rosa Mae STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

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Devone L. married Billy Jo OSBORNE . They had the following children:

1348 i. Dominique D. KELLY 1349 ii. Devone L. KELLY Jr.

773. Byron R. KELLY (Beverly MOSS 5, Rosa Mae STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Byron R. married Patricia M. DELEON . They had the following children:

1350 i. Capone R KELLY 1351 ii. Lorenzo A. KELLY 1352 iii. Jailene F. KELLY 1353 iv. Kwame E. KELLY

774. Joseph D. KELLY (Beverly MOSS 5, Rosa Mae STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Joseph D. married Andrea . They had one child:

1354 i. Avery J. KELLY

Family of Veretta (435)

775. Samir (Veretta 5, Ruth STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Ruth (436)

776. Damon (Ruth 5, Ruth STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Novella STEVENSON (438) & Kytus SPEARS

777. Kyle Anthony SPEARS (Novella STEVENSON 5, Farris 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

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Family of Novella STEVENSON (438) & Radolph B. SMITH

778. Hershel SMITH Sr. (Novella STEVENSON 5, Farris 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Hershel married Sylvia SHELTON , daughter of Buster SHELTON & Lena. They had the following children:

1355 i. Hershel SMITH Jr. 1356 ii. Treceda SMITH

Family of Novella STEVENSON (438) & Ronald Eugene MOSS

779. Gregory MOSS (Novella STEVENSON 5, Farris 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Gregory first married Mary CARTER , daughter of Chris CARTER & Clara PAIGE. They had the following children:

1357 i. Myron MOSS 1358 ii. Mariya MOSS

Gregory second married Debra CRAVEN . They had one child:

1359 i. Mya Ferrice MOSS

Family of Lacey STEVENSON Jr. (439) & Cynthia STELL

780. Lacey STEVENSON III (Lacey 5, Lacey 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

781. John William STEVENSON (Lacey 5, Lacey 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Amos STEVENSON Jr. (440)

782. Kimberly STEVENSON (Amos 5, Amos 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

783. Amos STEVENSON III (Amos 5, Amos 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

784. Tolleana STEVENSON (Amos 5, Amos 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

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785. Ashley STEVENSON (Amos 5, Amos 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

786. Adriane STEVENSON (Amos 5, Amos 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

787. Arika STEVENSON (Amos 5, Amos 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

788. Daniel STEVENSON (Amos 5, Amos 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

789. Danielle STEVENSON (Amos 5, Amos 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

790. April STEVENSON (Amos 5, Amos 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

791. Allesha STEVENSON (Amos 5, Amos 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Larry STEVENSON Sr. (441)

792. Larry STEVENSON Jr. (Larry 5, Amos 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

793. Jeffrey STEVENSON (Larry 5, Amos 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

794. Jerrod STEVENSON (Larry 5, Amos 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

795. Lakisha STEVENSON (Larry 5, Amos 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Glen STEVENSON Sr. (442)

796. Glen STEVENSON Jr. (Glen 5, Amos 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

797. Lanita STEVENSON (Glen 5, Amos 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

798. Carrie STEVENSON (Glen 5, Amos 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Norma Jean STEVENSON (443)

799. Jeremy (Norma Jean STEVENSON 5, Amos 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Pamler STEVENSON (444)

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800. Larmar STEVENSON (Pamler 5, Amos 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

801. Floyd STEVENSON (Pamler 5, Amos 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Paulette STEVENSON (445)

802. James III (Paulette STEVENSON 5, Amos 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

803. De'ante (Paulette STEVENSON 5, Amos 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of William Howard WINSLETT (447) & Geraldine TAYLOR

804. Carrie WINSLETT (William Howard 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Millage WINSLETT (448) & Debra ROBINSON

805. Regina LUPER (Millage WINSLETT 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


1360 i. Dominic LUPER 1361 ii. Devin HAMILTON

806. DeAngelo LUPER (Millage WINSLETT 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

807. Steven WINSLETT (Millage 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

808. Tiffany WINSLETT (Millage 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Vincent Wayne WINSLETT (449)

809. Antonio TAYLOR (Vincent Wayne WINSLETT 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

810. Germaine WINSLETT (Vincent Wayne 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Ida Mae GOLDSBY (451) & John Leon ARNOLD

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811. Debra ARNOLD (Ida Mae GOLDSBY 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


1362 i. Stacey NELSON 1363 ii. Jacqetta NELSON 1364 iii. Chester NELSON 1365 iv. Steven ARNOLD

812. Carol ARNOLD (Ida Mae GOLDSBY 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

813. Betty Helen ARNOLD (Ida Mae GOLDSBY 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


1366 i. Kesha SMITH

814. Linda ARNOLD (Ida Mae GOLDSBY 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


1367 i. Schenka ARNOLD 1368 ii. Dalmesha ARNOLD

815. Tracy ARNOLD (Ida Mae GOLDSBY 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Tracy married Stanley PAYNE Sr. .

They had the following children:

1369 i. Tasha PAYNE 1370 ii. Stanley PAYNE Jr. 1371 iii. Sharod PAYNE

816. Janice ARNOLD (Ida Mae GOLDSBY 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Janice married Chris WATSON .

They had the following children:

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1372 i. LaToya WATSON 1373 ii. Tanisha WATSON 1374 iii. Germaine WATSON

817. Bridgett ARNOLD (Ida Mae GOLDSBY 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Bridgett married Neal WATSON .

They had the following children:

1375 i. Tayneal WATSON 1376 ii. Latisha WATSON 1377 iii. Ashley WATSON 1378 iv. Cornelius WATSON

818. Kristie ARNOLD (Ida Mae GOLDSBY 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

819. Tiffancy ARNOLD (Ida Mae GOLDSBY 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of L.V. GOLDSBY (452) & Virginia ADAMS

820. Nathaniel GOLDSBY (L.V. 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

821. Earl GOLDSBY (L.V. 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

822. Mae Helen GOLDSBY (L.V. 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


1379 i. Ervina "Bambi" JOHNSON 1380 ii. Schontyle JOHNSON 1381 iii. Kimberly JOHNSON 1382 iv. Michele GOLDSBY

823. Betty Jean GOLDSBY (L.V. 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


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1383 i. Kalisha GOLDSBY 1384 ii. Tomario GOLDSBY 1385 iii. Victor McCLINTON

824. Terry Eugene GOLDSBY (L.V. 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

825. Vickey Ann GOLDSBY (L.V. 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1). Born on 13 Nov 1961 in Oklahoma City, OK. Vickey Ann died in Oklahoma City, OK, on 11 Feb 1990; she was 28.

Vickey Ann married Ben THOMAS .

They had one child:

1386 i. Benjamin THOMAS

826. Sherry GOLDSBY (L.V. 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Sherry married Alfred CHARLES . They had one child:

1387 i. Mercedes CHARLES

827. Flora M. GOLDSBY (L.V. 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Flora M. married Bryce TURNER . They had the following children:

1388 i. DeShana GOLDSBY 1389 ii. Cameron GOLDSBY

Family of Althea Louise RANDALL (454) & Ernest LITTLEJOHN

828. Ernest Jr. LITTLEJOHN (Althea Louise RANDALL 5, Ruby STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

829. Patrick LITTLEJOHN (Althea Louise RANDALL 5, Ruby STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

830. Joseph LITTLEJOHN (Althea Louise RANDALL 5, Ruby STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

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831. Phillip LITTLEJOHN (Althea Louise RANDALL 5, Ruby STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of William Riley RANDALL (455) & Doris McCORMICK

832. Robert (William Riley RANDALL 5, Ruby STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

833. Chiletta (William Riley RANDALL 5, Ruby STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Scottie Ray RANDALL (456) & Donnie HUNT

834. Yolanda RANDALL (Scottie Ray 5, Ruby STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

835. Theresa RANDALL (Scottie Ray 5, Ruby STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Joycelyn STEVENSON (457) & Virgil CRUMPTON Sr.

836. Valeesa CRUMPTON (Joycelyn STEVENSON 5, John Tim 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

837. Jatina CRUMPTON (Joycelyn STEVENSON 5, John Tim 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

838. Virgil CRUMPTON Jr. (Joycelyn STEVENSON 5, John Tim 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of John Tim STEVENSON Jr. (458) & Gloria V. ROBINSON

839. Janie STEVENSON (John Tim 5, John Tim 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Jennifer STEVENSON (459)

840. Jaimie (Jennifer STEVENSON 5, John Tim 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

841. Jana (Jennifer STEVENSON 5, John Tim 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Jacquelyn STEVENSON (460) & John O'Dell SEALS

842. Nicole SEALS (Jacquelyn STEVENSON 5, John Tim 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

843. Tamara SEALS (Jacquelyn STEVENSON 5, John Tim 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

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Family of Janis STEVENSON (461) & Herbert MATTHEWS

844. Janise MATHEWS (Janis STEVENSON 5, John Tim 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

845. Jason MATHEWS (Janis STEVENSON 5, John Tim 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

846. Jerilynne MATHEWS (Janis STEVENSON 5, John Tim 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Jacinta STEVENSON (462) & Aaron Lee COSBY

847. Arika COSBY (Jacinta STEVENSON 5, John Tim 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

848. Janille COSBY (Jacinta STEVENSON 5, John Tim 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

849. Aaron COSBY Jr. (Jacinta STEVENSON 5, John Tim 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of T. W. (466)

850. Carlos (T. W. 5, Emily STEVENSON 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

851. Rhonda (T. W. 5, Emily STEVENSON 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

852. Sheila (T. W. 5, Emily STEVENSON 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

853. baby girl; died at birth (T. W. 5, Emily STEVENSON 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Olan STEVENSON (467)

854. Sherel STEVENSON (Olan 5, Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

855. Glen STEVENSON (Olan 5, Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

856. Dale STEVENSON (Olan 5, Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

857. Nickie STEVENSON (Olan 5, Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

858. Tymyia STEVENSON (Olan 5, Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

859. Carrie STEVENSON (Olan 5, Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Cindy STEVENSON (468)

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860. Linda (Cindy STEVENSON 5, Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

861. Tony Dean (Cindy STEVENSON 5, Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


1390 i. Lavell

862. Carnell Dean (Cindy STEVENSON 5, Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of John STEVENSON (469)

863. Velva STEVENSON (John 5, Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

864. Troy STEVENSON (John 5, Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

865. Landrice STEVENSON (John 5, Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Richard Oscar STEVENSON (470)

866. Denorvas STEVENSON (Richard Oscar 5, Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

867. Natalie STEVENSON (Richard Oscar 5, Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Etta V. STEVENSON (471)

868. Tesa (Etta V. STEVENSON 5, Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

869. Darnell Sr. (Etta V. STEVENSON 5, Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


1391 i. Darnell Jr. 1392 ii. Olan

870. Cortez (Etta V. STEVENSON 5, Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

871. Neil Sr. (Etta V. STEVENSON 5, Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


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1393 i. Neil Jr. 1394 ii. Marquis

872. Roshada (Etta V. STEVENSON 5, Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


1395 i. Cecoria

873. Corey (Etta V. STEVENSON 5, Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of James STEVENSON (472)

874. Annette STEVENSON (James 5, Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


1396 i. Ella 1397 ii. Keith

875. Samantha STEVENSON (James 5, Olan Jack4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


1398 i. Ebony

876. Rose STEVENSON (James 5, Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


1399 i. LaTonya

877. Angelica STEVENSON (James 5, Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

878. James STEVENSON (James 5, Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

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879. Tammy STEVENSON (James 5, Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


1400 i. Shenitha

Family of Lellian STEVENSON (473)

880. Victor (Lellian STEVENSON 5, Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Ray STEVENSON (474)

881. Kenny STEVENSON (Ray 5, Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

882. Travis STEVENSON (Ray 5, Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Marilyn STEVENSON (475)

883. LasheaChavis (Marilyn STEVENSON 5, Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

884. UNNAMED (Marilyn STEVENSON 5, Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Melody STEVENSON (476)

885. Yolanda (Melody STEVENSON 5, Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

886. Apollo (Melody STEVENSON 5, Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Ronald STEVENSON (477)

887. James STEVENSON (Ronald 5, Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Teresa STEVENSON (478)

888. Jermie (Teresa STEVENSON 5, Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Gravelly STEVENSON Sr. (482)

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889. Gravelly STEVENSON Jr. (Gravelly 5, Obbie Lee 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

890. Teresa STEVENSON (Gravelly 5, Obbie Lee 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

891. Marjorie STEVENSON (Gravelly 5, Obbie Lee 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

892. Coby STEVENSON (Gravelly 5, Obbie Lee 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Cheryl STEVENSON (483)

893. Kruesu (Cheryl STEVENSON 5, Obbie Lee 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

894. Kunsai (Cheryl STEVENSON 5, Obbie Lee 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

895. Kyle (Cheryl STEVENSON 5, Obbie Lee 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Obie Lee STEVENSON Jr. (484)

896. Kano STEVENSON (Obie Lee 5, Obbie Lee 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

897. Katina STEVENSON (Obie Lee 5, Obbie Lee 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

898. Kara STEVENSON (Obie Lee 5, Obbie Lee 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

899. Mara STEVENSON (Obie Lee 5, Obbie Lee 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Michael STEVENSON (485)

900. Shettra STEVENSON (Michael 5, Obbie Lee 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

901. Stephanie STEVENSON (Michael 5, Obbie Lee 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

902. Juanice STEVENSON (Michael 5, Obbie Lee 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

903. Kisha STEVENSON (Michael 5, Obbie Lee 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

904. Westly STEVENSON (Michael 5, Obbie Lee 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Duane K. STEVENSON Sr. (486)

905. Duane K. STEVENSON Jr. (Duane K. 5, Obbie Lee 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

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906. Monica STEVENSON (Duane K. 5, Obbie Lee 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Elana C. STEVENSON (487)

907. Quana (Elana C. STEVENSON 5, Obbie Lee 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

908. Jeffrey (Elana C. STEVENSON 5, Obbie Lee 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Jana STEVENSON (488)

909. Craig Jr. (Jana STEVENSON 5, Obbie Lee 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

910. Diana (Jana STEVENSON 5, Obbie Lee 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Troy BRADFORD (492) & Ella BAKER

911. Troy Vilas BRADFORD (Troy 5, Wavey STEVENSON 4, Standwatie 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).

912. Alfreida BRADFORD (Troy 5, Wavey STEVENSON 4, Standwatie 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).

913. Edward BRADFORD (Troy 5, Wavey STEVENSON 4, Standwatie 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).

914. Audrey BRADFORD (Troy 5, Wavey STEVENSON 4, Standwatie 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Althea BRADFORD (493) & Egypt JENKINS

915. Sunny JENKINS (Althea BRADFORD 5, Wavey STEVENSON 4, Standwatie 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).

916. Roger Lee JENKINS (Althea BRADFORD 5, Wavey STEVENSON 4, Standwatie 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Althea BRADFORD (493) & London HENDRIX

917. Vivian HENDRIX (Althea BRADFORD 5, Wavey STEVENSON 4, Standwatie 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).

Vivian married NAGEL . 918. Anton Kennth HENDRIX (Althea BRADFORD 5, Wavey STEVENSON 4, Standwatie3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).

919. Theopolis B. HENDRIX (Althea BRADFORD 5, Wavey STEVENSON 4, Standwatie 3, Louis 2,

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Mobile 1).

Family of Althea BRADFORD (493) & Glen MAPPS

920. Glenda MAPPS-CONTI (Althea BRADFORD 5, Wavey STEVENSON 4, Standwatie 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Althea BRADFORD (493) & I GOODS

921. Anthony GOODS (Althea BRADFORD 5, Wavey STEVENSON 4, Standwatie 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Althea BRADFORD (493) & GIVENS

922. Gary GIVENS (Althea BRADFORD 5, Wavey STEVENSON 4, Standwatie 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Althea BRADFORD (493) & PURDOM Sr.

923. Charles PURDOM Jr. (Althea BRADFORD 5, Wavey STEVENSON 4, Standwatie 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Vivian BRADFORD (494) & UNNAMED

924. Johnny BRADFORD (Vivian 5, Wavey STEVENSON 4, Standwatie 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).


1401 i. Johnny BRADFORD Jr. 1402 ii. Orlando BRADFORD 1403 iii. James BRADFORD

Family of Deila BRADFORD (495)

925. Gloria BRADFORD (Deila 5, Wavey STEVENSON 4, Standwatie 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Clifford BRADFORD (496) & Berta

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926. Hortinca BRADFORD (Clifford 5, Wavey STEVENSON 4, Standwatie 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).

927. Lorenzo BRADFORD (Clifford 5, Wavey STEVENSON 4, Standwatie 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).

928. El Victor BRADFORD (Clifford 5, Wavey STEVENSON 4, Standwatie 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).

929. El Salvador BRADFORD (Clifford 5, Wavey STEVENSON 4, Standwatie 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).

930. Tama BRADFORD (Clifford 5, Wavey STEVENSON 4, Standwatie 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Essie STEVENSON (498) & BROWN

931. Diane Carol BROWN (Essie STEVENSON 5, Banks 4, Abraham 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).

Diane Carol married COHEE .

They had the following children:

1404 i. Brithney Lacknell COHEE 1405 ii. Amber Rachon COHEE 1406 iii. Denaria Shannell COHEE

Family of Elsie STEVENSON (499) & Carl LYONS

932. Sara Louise LYONS (Elsie STEVENSON 5, Banks 4, Abraham 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).

933. Calvin Miguil Prince LYONS (Elsie STEVENSON 5, Banks 4, Abraham 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).

934. Christopher Shawn LYONS (Elsie STEVENSON 5, Banks 4, Abraham 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Banks STEVENSON Jr (503) & Betty Jewel GISSANDANER

935. Banks STEVENSON III (Banks 5, Banks 4, Abraham 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).

936. Patrick Banks STEVENSON (Banks 5, Banks 4, Abraham 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).

937. Santana Monique STEVENSON (Banks 5, Banks 4, Abraham 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Alice STEVENSON (505) & Virgil JONES

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938. LaTara Jane JONES (Alice STEVENSON 5, Banks 4, Abraham 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).

939. Kaleb JONES (Alice STEVENSON 5, Banks 4, Abraham 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Alice STEVENSON (505) & Larry LOCKLEY

940. Zinitra LOCKLEY JONES (Alice STEVENSON 5, Banks 4, Abraham 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Donald Ray STEVENSON (506) & Susan WELDON

941. Monica STEVENSON (Donald Ray 5, Banks 4, Abraham 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).

942. Donald STEVENSON Jr (Donald Ray 5, Banks 4, Abraham 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Elnora ROBERTS (514) & Clemon STEVENSON

943. Celestine "Freddie" STEVENSON (Elnora ROBERTS 5, Lyman 4, Jack 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

944. Melon Gene STEVENSON (Elnora ROBERTS 5, Lyman 4, Jack 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Exzetta PICKENS (518) & William Dean PARKER Sr

945. William PARKER Jr. (Exzetta PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

William first married Tracey ESTELL . They had the following children:

1407 i. Whitney Denise PARKER 1408 ii. Braxton Dean PARKER

William second married Paula CABLES . They had one child:

1409 i. William PARKER III

Family of Exzetta PICKENS (518) & Hollie B. DENSON Sr

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946. Unestine DENSON (Exzetta PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Unestine married George CANNON . They had the following children:

1410 i. Brandon Tyrone CANNON 1411 ii. Gregory Warren CANNON

947. Celestine DENSON (Exzetta PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Celestine first married Meredith BOWIE . They had the following children:

1412 i. Tonia M BOWIE 1413 ii. Darren BOWIE

Celestine second married Leon . 948. Eleanor DENSON (Exzetta PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Eleanor married Ernest E. WYATT, son of Cylester WYATT & Tommie SMITH. They had the following children:

1414 i. Eric Dewayne WYATT 1415 ii. Edward Tyrone WYATT

949. Helen DENSON (Exzetta PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Helen married Harrison REDMOND Jr. . They had the following children:

1416 i. Karen K. REDMOND 1417 ii. Carolyn E. REDMOND 1418 iii. Harrison REDMOND III 1419 iv. Christopher REDMOND

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950. Joyce DENSON (Exzetta PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

951. Hollie DENSON Jr (Exzetta PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Ceola PICKENS (519) & Lethanial GAGE Sr

952. Lethanial GAGE Jr. (Ceola PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Ceola PICKENS (519) & Edgar Syckie? STEVENSON

953. Leon James STEVENSON Sr. (Ceola PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Leon James first married Ruth .

They had the following children:

1420 i. Lavonne STEVENSON 1421 ii. Leon James STEVENSON Jr. 1422 iii. Bonnie STEVENSON

Leon James second married ? POUNDER .

They had one child:

1423 i. Iris STEVENSON

Leon James third married ? ?.

They had one child:

1424 i. Tawana Lynn STEVENSON

Leon James fourth married Irene ROBERTS .

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They had the following children:

1425 i. Karen Nicole STEVENSON 1426 ii. Dion Lamar STEVENSON

Leon James fifth married ? STUBS .

They had one child:

1427 i. Kimberly STEVENSON

Leon James sixth married ? GLOVER .

They had one child:

1428 i. Tamika STEVENSON

Family of Paul PICKENS (520) & Sherry COMBS

954. Stephanie Paulette PICKENS (Paul 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

955. Rhoda Pleshette PICKENS (Paul 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Paul PICKENS (520) & Janell

956. Son PICKENS (Paul 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Melvin PICKENS Sr (521) & Barbara Jean RICHIE

957. Melvin PICKENS Jr (Melvin 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).


1429 i. Tamesha Minton PICKENS

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1430 ii. Kaeonica Minton PICKENS 1431 iii. LaShanda Temple PICKENS 1432 iv. Joshua PICKENS 1433 v. Melvin PICKENS III 1434 vi. Melissa Thompson PICKENS 1435 vii. Melinda Thompson PICKENS 1436 viii. Stephanie Moore PICKENS 1437 ix. Stephen Jackson PICKENS 1438 x. Marcus PICKENS

958. Melba Jean PICKENS (Melvin 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Melba Jean married Matt MARSHALL .

They had the following children:

1439 i. Regenal PICKENS 1440 ii. La Donna Goldenhaus PICKENS

959. Donald PICKENS (Melvin 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).


1441 i. Marcus PICKENS

Family of Melvin PICKENS Sr (521) & Dorothy

960. Terry PICKENS (Melvin 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).


1442 i. Jameel PICKENS 1443 ii. Danielle PICKENS

961. Theresa PICKENS (Melvin 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

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1444 i. Kayla PICKENS

Family of Kenneth B. PICKENS Sr (522) & Gloria Jean BROWN

962. Kenneth B. PICKENS Jr (Kenneth B. 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).


1445 i. Kenneth B. PICKENS III 1446 ii. Namomi L. PICKENS 1447 iii. Keturah L. PICKENS

963. Celoa PICKENS (Kenneth B. 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Celoa first married ? NUGENT .

They had one child:

1448 i. Curtis NUGENT

Celoa second married ? ROBINSON .

They had the following children:

1449 i. Keyonna ROBINSON 1450 ii. Triva ROBINSON

964. Sheryl D. PICKENS (Kenneth B. 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Sheryl D. married ? REVELS .

They had the following children:

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1451 i. Aaron REVELS 1452 ii. Eric REVELS 1453 iii. Erica REVELS 1454 iv. Elisia REVELS

965. Allen Wayne PICKENS (Kenneth B. 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).


1455 i. Marshell Lynette PICKENS

966. Herman Brown PICKENS (Kenneth B. 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

967. Curtis Brown PICKENS (Kenneth B. 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

968. Shawn PICKENS (Kenneth B. 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Carline PICKENS (523) & ?

969. Mitchell PICKENS Sr. (Carline 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).


1456 i. Mitchell PICKENS Jr. 1457 ii. Michael Otis PICKENS

Family of Carline PICKENS (523) & Bernice DAY

970. Reginald DAY (Carline PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).


1458 i. Fiona DAY

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1459 ii. Elizabeth DAY 1460 iii. Terrance DAY 1461 iv. Ryan DAY

971. Karen DAY (Carline PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

972. Warren DAY (Carline PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

973. Dennis DAY (Carline PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).


1462 i. Dennis E. DAY 1463 ii. Chavis Leonard DAY 1464 iii. Danielle DAY 1465 iv. D'Ricco DAY 1466 v. Dennis Leonardo DAY Jr. 1467 vi. Sparkle DAY

Family of Senora PICKENS (524) & Clint DOUGLASS Sr

974. Gail DOUGLASS (Senora PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

975. Cynthia DOUGLASS (Senora PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

976. Sharon DOUGLASS (Senora PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

977. Clint DOUGLASS Jr (Senora PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

978. Vanessa DOUGLASS (Senora PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Clarice PICKENS (525) & Charles WILLIAMS Sr

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979. Donald WILLIAMS (Clarice PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

980. Shannon WILLIAMS (Clarice PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

981. Charles WILLIAMS Jr. (Clarice PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

982. Tina WILLIAMS (Clarice PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

983. Terry Joe WILLIAMS (Clarice PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Hannah Marie PICKENS (527)

984. Bernice PICKENS (Hannah Marie 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

985. Dale PICKENS (Hannah Marie 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Fleetwood Lloyd PERRY Sr (530) & Amanda Jean GRAY

986. Harry L. PERRY (Fleetwood Lloyd 5, Amy STEVENSON 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Harry L. married Ellina Vickie HALL . They had the following children:

1468 i. Kanikah Jacqueleen PERRY 1469 ii. Takiyah Veronika PERRY 1470 iii. Myrah Leor PERRY

987. Brenda Joyce PERRY (Fleetwood Lloyd 5, Amy STEVENSON 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Brenda Joyce first married Larry BOYLES . Brenda Joyce second married John Skiles RICHIE Jr. . They had the following children:

1471 i. Khadir Nuri RICHIE 1472 ii. John Elias RICHIE

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988. Frederick Eugene PERRY (Fleetwood Lloyd 5, Amy STEVENSON 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Frederick Eugene married Ginger Lorraine SAWYER . They had the following children:

1473 i. Ian Ahmad PERRY 1474 ii. Brittani LeAnn PERRY 1475 iii. Matthew Isaiah Harry Cephas PERRY

989. Glen Alan PERRY (Fleetwood Lloyd 5, Amy STEVENSON 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

990. Clifton Hannibal PERRY (Fleetwood Lloyd 5, Amy STEVENSON 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Clifton Hannibal first married Debbie HUGHES . They had one child:

1476 i. Kermit Deshawn HUGHES Sr.

Clifton Hannibal second married Pamela LAMB . Clifton Hannibal third married Sharon JONES . They had one child:

1477 i. Mason Clifton PERRY

991. Clifford Hans PERRY (Fleetwood Lloyd 5, Amy STEVENSON 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Clifford Hans first married Anna FLORES . They had the following children:

1478 i. Christopher FLORES 1479 ii. Joseph FLORES 1480 iii. Jerika Skye FLORES

Clifford Hans second married Tina DARDEN . They had one child:

1481 i. Lacey Ashton PERRY

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Clifford Hans third married Barbara JOHNSON .

Family of Fleetwood Lloyd PERRY Sr (530) & Ella Mae WILLIAMS

992. Fleetwood Lloyd PERRY Jr (Fleetwood Lloyd 5, Amy STEVENSON 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1). Born on 16 Jul 1938 in Corpus Christi, TX. Fleetwood Lloyd died on 11 Apr 1980; he was 41.

Fleetwood Lloyd first married Alzora Williams HYSAW . Born on 6 Apr 1942. Alzora Williams died on 17 May 1991; she was 49.

They had one child:

1482 i. Estelle Williams HYSAW PERRY

Fleetwood Lloyd second married Adora. They had the following children:

1483 i. Calvin Lloyd PERRY 1484 ii. Brenda LaVern PERRY

Family of Isaac David STEVENSON Sr. (532) & Vertis NERO

993. Harvey STEVENSON (Isaac David 5, Henry 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Harvey first married Leola REEVES . They had one child:

1485 i. Anthony Lyn STEVENSON SR

Harvey second married Joanne ROUNDTREE . They had one child:

1486 i. Constance "Connie Lynn" Carrol STEVENSON

Family of Isaac David STEVENSON Sr. (532) & Esther JoAnne JOHNSON

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994. Clarissa "Ricki" STEVENSON (Isaac David 5, Henry 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Clarissa "Ricki" married Guy BAILEY . They had one child:

1487 i. Dieadra BAILEY

995. Issac David STEVENSON Jr. (Isaac David 5, Henry 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).


1488 i. Dave Maurice STEVENSON 1489 ii. Darrell Lamont STEVENSON 1490 iii. Isaac David STEVENSON III

996. Dana STEVENSON (Isaac David 5, Henry 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Dana married Robert LANG . They had the following children:

1491 i. Jeffrey LANG 1492 ii. Alexander LANG 1493 iii. Phillip LANG

Family of Jesse "Chief" STEVENSON Sr. (533) & ?

997. Mary STEVENSON (Jesse "Chief" 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).


1494 i. Terry 1495 ii. Valerie 1496 iii. Chaston

Family of Jesse "Chief" STEVENSON Sr. (533) & Mattie Lee SNEED

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998. Jesse STEVENSON Jr. (Jesse "Chief" 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Jesse married Adrina Deneice CLARK , daughter of Sally KING. They had the following children:

1497 i. Jesse STEVENSON III 1498 ii. Jessica STEVENSON

999. Sylvester STEVENSON Sr. (Jesse "Chief" 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Sylvester first married Terri EASLEY . They had the following children:

1499 i. Sylvester STEVENSON Jr. 1500 ii. Nikke STEVENSON

Sylvester second married Doris MOSLEY . They had one child:

1501 i. Elijah STEVENSON

1000. Dicie STEVENSON (Jesse "Chief" 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Leonard STEVENSON (534) & Loretta JONES

1001. Johneth STEVENSON (Leonard 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).


1502 i. Leonard STEVENSON

Family of Vanoy STEVENSON SR. (535) & Ida GARRET

1002. Vanoy "Sonny" STEVENSON Jr. (Vanoy 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Vanoy "Sonny" first married Anita JONES , daughter of James FORD & Billie Ruth JONES. Vanoy "Sonny" second married Marie VINES-GLEANSON . They had the following children:

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1503 i. Merduice A. "Cricket" STEVENSON 1504 ii. Kemo STEVENSON PATRICK 1505 iii. Illana STEVENSON

Vanoy "Sonny" third married Jacqueline REDMOND . They had the following children:

1506 i. Marcus STEVENSON Sr. 1507 ii. Daryl STEVENSON

Vanoy "Sonny" fourth married Caroline . They had one child:

1508 i. Collette STEVENSON

1003. Rennaye STEVENSON (Vanoy 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Rennaye married Pamela BREWTON , daughter of William BREWTON & Addie. They had the following children:

1509 i. Monique Wiley STEVENSON 1510 ii. Kisasi Umezo STEVENSON

Family of Sylvester Louis STEVENSON (536) & Ethel Delores WASHINGTON

1004. Darlene Loretta STEVENSON (Sylvester Louis 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Darlene Loretta married Gerald UBA . They had one child:

1511 i. Camille Nicole UBA

1005. Debra Louis STEVENSON (Sylvester Louis 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

No Children.

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1006. Desalyn Marie "Angel" STEVENSON (Sylvester Louis 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Desalyn Marie "Angel" married Andre MONROE , son of LaRuth WHIITTAKER. They had one child:

1512 i. Cameron Louis STEVENSON MONROE

Family of Doris Jean STEVENSON (538) & Charles William WALLS Jr,

1007. Charles WALLS (Doris Jean STEVENSON 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Charles married Shelly GILLARD , daughter of Benjamin GILLARD & Daniele. 1008. Yolanda WALLS (Doris Jean STEVENSON 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Yolanda first married Larry WEATHERS , son of Ray WEATHERS & Annitter STORKS. They had the following children:

1513 i. DaVonte WEATHERS 1514 ii. Montae WEATHERS 1515 iii. Shontae Marie WEATHERS

Yolanda second married Scott COLE . They had one child:

1516 i. Scott Taye COLE

Family of Houston Brooks STEVENSON Jr. (539) & Mary GUY

1009. Jermaine STEVENSON (Houston Brooks 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Houston Brooks STEVENSON Jr. (539) & ?

1010. JoVonte STEVENSON (Houston Brooks 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Rosetta STEVENSON (541) & Lee J. MILLER

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1011. Katrina Ann MILLER (Rosetta STEVENSON 5, Leagus 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Katrina Ann married Roy WARD . They had the following children:

1517 i. Sabrina L. MILLER 1518 ii. Santawn A. MILLER 1519 iii. Octovia Z. MILLER 1520 iv. Reality M. L. MACK

1012. Ricky L. MILLER (Rosetta STEVENSON 5, Leagus 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1). Born ? 3 Feb 1959. Ricky L. died ? 3 Feb 1959; he was <1.

Family of Rosetta STEVENSON (541) & Robert JOHNSON

1013. Binnie E. JOHNSON (Rosetta STEVENSON 5, Leagus 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1). Born on 28 Feb 1956 in Lawton, Oklahoma. Binnie E. died on 5 Jul 1983; he was 27.

Family of Rosetta STEVENSON (541) & Charles RICHARDSON Sr.

1014. Edna Ruth KNIGHT (Rosetta STEVENSON 5, Leagus 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1015. Leagues L. WILLIAMS (Rosetta STEVENSON 5, Leagus 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1016. Charles Henry RICHARDSON Jr. (Rosetta STEVENSON 5, Leagus 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Charles Henry first married Pauline JONES . They had one child:

1521 i. Charletta Lavon RICHARDSON

Charles Henry second married Sylvia WALLACE . They had the following children:

1522 i. Lateefah Naeemah RICHARDSON

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1523 ii. Robert Lamont WALLACE 1524 iii. Fatima Ayana RICHARDSON 1525 iv. Afi Adanma RICHARDSON

Charles Henry third married Patricia BENTON . They had one child:

1526 i. Chrystie GAINES

1017. Raymond RICHARDSON (Rosetta STEVENSON 5, Leagus 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Rosetta STEVENSON (541) & Luther GARY

1018. Clifford R. JOHNSON (Rosetta STEVENSON 5, Leagus 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Clifford R. married Elsie WRIGHT . They had the following children:

1527 i. Monques JOHNSON 1528 ii. Deontay JOHNSON 1529 iii. Sharikia JOHNSON 1530 iv. Shaundeisha JOHNSON 1531 v. TaShauna JOHNSON

Family of Rosetta STEVENSON (541) & Charles WILLIAMS

1019. Stella JOHNSON (Rosetta STEVENSON 5, Leagus 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).


1532 i. Lakita N. JOHNSON 1533 ii. Marquis A. JOHNSON

Family of Katherine STEVENSON (545)

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1020. Bernardine (Katherine STEVENSON 5, Mobile 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).


1534 i. Britton 1535 ii. Dawn 1536 iii. Reva 1537 iv. Bernard Jr.

1021. Charlotte (Katherine STEVENSON 5, Mobile 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).


1538 i. Katrina 1539 ii. Reginald 1540 iii. Tammy

Family of Lucille (563)

1022. Daniel Sr. (Lucille 5, Roberta STEVENSON 4, Benjiman (Benjamin) 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).


1541 i. Laquita Faye 1542 ii. Daniel Jr. 1543 iii. Lisa

1023. Alvia Sr. (Lucille 5, Roberta STEVENSON 4, Benjiman (Benjamin) 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).


1544 i. Alvia Jr.

1024. Shirley (Lucille 5, Roberta STEVENSON 4, Benjiman (Benjamin) 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).


1545 i. Jocelyn

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1546 ii. Darla

1025. Ray L. (Lucille 5, Roberta STEVENSON 4, Benjiman (Benjamin) 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).


1547 i. Ken 1548 ii. Carlos 1549 iii. Roberta 1550 iv. Chrissy

1026. Charles (Lucille 5, Roberta STEVENSON 4, Benjiman (Benjamin) 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1027. Robert Sr. (Lucille 5, Roberta STEVENSON 4, Benjiman (Benjamin) 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).


1551 i. Tyisha 1552 ii. Tamika 1553 iii. Robert Jr. 1554 iv. Ebony

Family of Debra Charlene (568)

1028. Charles (Debra Charlene 5, Maulsy BUTLER 4, Carrie STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Maulsie BUCKNER (576) & Floyd RICHARDSON

1029. Sherrie RICHARDSON (Maulsie BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).


1555 i. Darrion 1556 ii. Marcia (Twin) 1557 iii. Dorcia (Twin) 1558 iv. Nekki

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1030. Donna RICHARDSON (Maulsie BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).


1559 i. Lemarcus 1560 ii. E.L. 1561 iii. Mautra 1562 iv. Billy 1563 v. Donna

1031. Berley RICHARDSON (Maulsie BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).


1564 i. Berley RICHARDSON Jr

1032. Natalie RICHARDSON (Maulsie BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).


1565 i. Tara

Family of Nellie Mae BUCKNER (577) & T. W. STEVENSON

1033. Carlos STEVENSON (Nellie Mae BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Carlos married Danny IVORY .

They had the following children:

1566 i. Chanell STEVENSON 1567 ii. Derrick STEVENSON

1034. Rhonda STEVENSON (Nellie Mae BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3,

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Dudley 2, Mobile 1).


1568 i. Eliza STEVENSON

1035. Baby Girl STEVENSON (Nellie Mae BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Died at birth

1036. Sheila STEVENSON (Nellie Mae BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).


1569 i. Lavender 1570 ii. Joshua

Family of Arnetta Marie BUCKNER (579) & Sim DRAIN Jr

1037. Andrea Michea DRAIN (Arnetta Marie BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Andrea Michea married Marvin LANGSTON . They had the following children:

1571 i. Avery LANGSTON 1572 ii. Rhys LANGSTON

1038. Renae Chevonne DRAIN (Arnetta Marie BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Renae Chevonne married Vincent BURKE . They had the following children:

1573 i. Wyndham BURKE (10 Sep -) 1574 ii. Brayden BURKE

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1039. William Alan DRAIN (Arnetta Marie BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

William Alan married Marva . They had the following children:

1575 i. Arnetta Nicole DRAIN 1576 ii. Brianna Denise DRAIN 1577 iii. Jared DRAIN 1578 iv. Darian Alan DRAIN

1040. Sim DRAIN III (Arnetta Marie BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Sim married Tecmia . They had the following children:

1579 i. Sim DRAIN IV 1580 ii. Simone DRAIN 1581 iii. Andrew DRAIN

Family of Jimmie Olivia BUCKNER (580) & Chester OSBORNE

1041. Trayveah OSBORNE (Jimmie Olivia BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Trayveah married Karen WILLIAMS .

They had the following children:

1582 i. Kristi OSBORNE 1583 ii. Kourtney OSBORNE 1584 iii. Darius OSBORNE 1585 iv. Delynne OSBORNE 1586 v. Daniel OSBORNE

Family of Jimmie Olivia BUCKNER (580) & Robert McEWEN

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1042. Disa McEWEN (Jimmie Olivia BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1043. Frontes McEWEN (Jimmie Olivia BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Frontes married Hana KIM .

They had the following children:

1587 i. Paiton McEWEN 1588 ii. Preston McEWEN

Family of Geneva BUCKNER (581) & Fred Douglas PERRY

1044. Demetre Elese PERRY (Geneva BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Demetre Elese first married Jeffery Arnold MEYERS . They had one child:

1589 i. Bianca Nicole MEYERS

Demetre Elese second married Jimmie O. WATTS . 1045. Finas Duval PERRY (Geneva BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Finas Duval first married ?. They had the following children:

1590 i. Gaston PERRY 1591 ii. Dawan Duval PERRY 1592 iii. Ian PERRY

Finas Duval second married Shantel THOMAS . They had the following children:

1593 i. Jair PERRY (Twin) 1594 ii. Masie PERRY (Twin) 1595 iii. Erice PERRY

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1046. Farron Dwayne PERRY (Geneva BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Farron Dwayne married Illia VILLORIA . They had one child:

1596 i. Illiyah VILLORIA

Family of Lawrence (584)

1047. Larry (Lawrence 5, Florella 4, Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Vermon (585)

1048. Mike (Vermon 5, Florella 4, Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Mary (591)

1049. Donna Fay (Mary 5, Florella 4, Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1050. Arthur (Mary 5, Florella 4, Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1051. Clark (Mary 5, Florella 4, Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Denora (592)

1052. Ricky (Denora 5, Florella 4, Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1053. Albert (Denora 5, Florella 4, Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1054. Glenda (Denora 5, Florella 4, Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1055. Bidget (Denora 5, Florella 4, Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1056. Bobby (Denora 5, Florella 4, Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1057. Chauncey (Denora 5, Florella 4, Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

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1058. Emmett (Denora 5, Florella 4, Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1059. Celestine (Denora 5, Florella 4, Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Mae Frances (593)

1060. Darryl (Mae Frances 5, Inez JACKSON 4, Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1061. Robin (Mae Frances 5, Inez JACKSON 4, Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1062. Shawn (Mae Frances 5, Inez JACKSON 4, Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1063. Erica (Mae Frances 5, Inez JACKSON 4, Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Betty ASHLEY (594)

1064. Letitia (Betty ASHLEY 5, Inez JACKSON 4, Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Letitia first married MITCHELL .

They had one child:

1597 i. Cameron MITCHELL

Letitia second married SMITH .

They had one child:

1598 i. Aaron

1065. Ernest (Betty ASHLEY 5, Inez JACKSON 4, Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1066. Alana (Betty ASHLEY 5, Inez JACKSON 4, Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Turner (595)

1067. Tammy (Turner 5, Inez JACKSON 4, Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

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1068. Camille (Turner 5, Inez JACKSON 4, Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Caroline (596)

1069. Latania (Caroline 5, Inez JACKSON 4, Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1070. Samantha (Caroline 5, Inez JACKSON 4, Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1071. Dever (Caroline 5, Inez JACKSON 4, Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Paulette SMITH (597)

1072. Cassandra (Paulette SMITH 5, Inez JACKSON 4, Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1073. Kinia SMITH (Paulette 5, Inez JACKSON 4, Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Princella (598)

1074. Courtney (Princella 5, Inez JACKSON 4, Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1075. Maya (Princella 5, Inez JACKSON 4, Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1076. Jahar (Princella 5, Inez JACKSON 4, Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Yolanda (600)

1077. Monte (Yolanda 5, Inez JACKSON 4, Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1078. Brandy (Yolanda 5, Inez JACKSON 4, Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Curtis STEVENSON (603)

1079. Linda STEVENSON (Curtis 5, Melvin 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1599 i. John 1600 ii. Jana

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1080. Bernell STEVENSON (Curtis 5, Melvin 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1601 i. Curtis Bernell

1081. Debra STEVENSON (Curtis 5, Melvin 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1602 i. Danny

1082. Eric STEVENSON Sr. (Curtis 5, Melvin 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1603 i. Eric STEVENSON Jr. 1604 ii. Banita STEVENSON

Family of Vivian Jean STEVENSON (604) & Preston BAINES

1083. Keith BAINES (Vivian Jean STEVENSON 5, Melvin 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1084. Marla BAINES (Vivian Jean STEVENSON 5, Melvin 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Wayne STEVENSON (605)

1085. Carolyn STEVENSON (Wayne 5, Melvin 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Myrlene STEVENSON (606) & Marshall DECANTUR

1086. Jon (Myrlene STEVENSON 5, Melvin 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1087. Chad (Myrlene STEVENSON 5, Melvin 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Gloria STEVENSON (607)

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1088. Tracey (Gloria STEVENSON 5, Melvin 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1089. Jason (Gloria STEVENSON 5, Melvin 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Leer Mae STEVENSON (608) & Robert Earl WILLIAMS

1090. George Earl WILLIAMS Sr. (Leer Mae STEVENSON 5, George 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

George Earl first married Hiromi . They had the following children:

1605 i. George Yamato WILLIAMS Jr. 1606 ii. Justice Hideo WILLIAMS

George Earl second married Sharon HOLLINS . They had the following children:

1607 i. Shawntelle Sharise WILLIAMS 1608 ii. Cedric WILLIAMS Sr.

1091. Willie Dean WILLIAMS (Leer Mae STEVENSON 5, George 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Died at birth

1092. Larry Gene WILLIAMS Sr. (Leer Mae STEVENSON 5, George 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1609 i. Larry WILLIAMS Jr.

1093. Robert Raydean WILLIAMS Sr. (Leer Mae STEVENSON 5, George 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Robert Raydean first married Beverly CRUMPTER . They had the following children:

1610 i. Robert WILLIAMS Jr. 1611 ii. Izell Eugene WILLIAMS 1612 iii. Fyhemia WILLIAMS

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Robert Raydean second married Gloria BRADFORD . They had one child:

1613 i. Samantha Katrina WILLIAMS

1094. Robin Mentoria WILLIAMS (Leer Mae STEVENSON 5, George 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Leer Mae STEVENSON (608) & Wilbert HALL

1095. Carla Deloris HALL (Leer Mae STEVENSON 5, George 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Carla Deloris first married Nicholas BROOKS . They had one child:

1614 i. Danielle Nicole BROOKS

Carla Deloris second married Michael GIBSON . They had one child:

1615 i. Omar Jamal GIBSON

Family of Savannah Deloris STEVENSON (609) & Oscar Depriest TROTTER

1096. Michael Wayne TROTTER (Savannah Deloris STEVENSON 5, George 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Michael Wayne first married Naquita JACKSON . They had the following children:

1616 i. Mose Stanley TROTTER 1617 ii. Mychal Westpriest TROTTER 1618 iii. Marquita Savannah TROTTER

Michael Wayne second married Bobbie LOTTIE . They had the following children:

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1619 i. Mykah Diett TROTTER 1620 ii. Benjamin Oscar TROTTER

Michael Wayne third married Sheila DOUGLASS . They had one child:

1621 i. Kendra Rose TROTTER

Michael Wayne fourth married Pauline HUTTON . They had one child:

1622 i. Tyrone Tyus TROTTER

Family of Savannah Deloris STEVENSON (609) & William MASSEY

1097. Marsha Elaine MASSEY (Savannah Deloris STEVENSON 5, George 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Marsha Elaine first married William JOHNSON . They had one child:

1623 i. Tamara Nechelle JOHNSON

Marsha Elaine second married Leonard ROSS . They had one child:

1624 i. Desire Lynette Victoria ROSS

Marsha Elaine third married Nate SIMS . They had one child:

1625 i. Venus SIMS

Family of April Lee STEVENSON (610)

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1098. Liron WILSON (April Lee STEVENSON 5, George 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1626 i. Tyshaun Calil WILSON WILSON

Family of Marilyn STEVENSON (612)

1099. Williams III (Marilyn STEVENSON 5, Jesus James 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Joanna STEVENSON (613)

1100. Jaz'min COTTON (Joanna STEVENSON 5, Jesus James 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1101. Jaona COTTON (Joanna STEVENSON 5, Jesus James 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Monica STEVENSON (614)

1102. Chyann WHITE (Monica STEVENSON 5, Jesus James 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1). Born on 12 Sep .

1103. Randolph "RJ" WHITE (Monica STEVENSON 5, Jesus James 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1). Born on 2 Sep .

1104. James "JD" WHITE (Monica STEVENSON 5, Jesus James 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Bruce STEVENSON (617)

1105. Nikki STEVENSON (Bruce 5, Samuel 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Nikki married Charles NEAL . They had the following children:

1627 i. Zaqan NEAL 1628 ii. Mayan NEAL 1629 iii. Shannon NEAL 1630 iv. Zaqar NEAL

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1106. Joann STEVENSON (Bruce 5, Samuel 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1107. Andrea STEVENSON (Bruce 5, Samuel 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Andrea married Lucien WATSON . They had the following children:

1631 i. Darius WATSON 1632 ii. Tarik WATSON 1633 iii. Knari WATSON 1634 iv. Taj WATSON

1108. Grace STEVENSON (Bruce 5, Samuel 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Grace married Ricardi BOWIE . They had the following children:

1635 i. Destiny BOWIE 1636 ii. Mia BOWIE

1109. Samson STEVENSON (Bruce 5, Samuel 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1110. Steven STEVENSON (Bruce 5, Samuel 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Diana STEVENSON (618) & Geary BUFFORD

1111. Terrence BUFFORD (Diana STEVENSON 5, Samuel 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Terrence married Lynette PAYTON . They had the following children:

1637 i. Brittany BUFFORD 1638 ii. Terrence "TJ" BUFFORD Jr

Family of James STEVENSON (619)

1112. Milan STEVENSON (James 5, Samuel 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

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1113. Cairo STEVENSON (James 5, Samuel 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Charlie STEVENSON Jr. (623)

1114. Adaris STEVENSON (Charlie 5, Charlie C. 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1115. Latoya STEVENSON (Charlie 5, Charlie C. 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1116. Charlie STEVENSON III (Charlie 5, Charlie C. 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1117. Tanisha STEVENSON (Charlie 5, Charlie C. 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Jacqueline STEVENSON (624)

1118. Angela (Jacqueline STEVENSON 5, Charlie C. 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1119. Deshina (Jacqueline STEVENSON 5, Charlie C. 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1120. Joseph (Jacqueline STEVENSON 5, Charlie C. 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1121. Darryl C. Sr. (Jacqueline STEVENSON 5, Charlie C. 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1639 i. Darryl C. Jr 1640 ii. Darryl Deshan

Family of Daryl C. STEVENSON (625) & Genice POPPS

1122. DeShawn STEVENSON (Daryl C. 5, Charlie C. 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Noble GRIFFIN Jr. (626)

1123. Noble III (Noble GRIFFIN 5, Flora Mae STEVENSON 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1124. Sonya (Noble GRIFFIN 5, Flora Mae STEVENSON 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1125. Angel (Noble GRIFFIN 5, Flora Mae STEVENSON 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

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Family of Maryann GRIFFIN (627)

1126. Tanya (Maryann GRIFFIN 5, Flora Mae STEVENSON 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1127. Yolanda (Maryann GRIFFIN 5, Flora Mae STEVENSON 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1128. Gonzalo (Maryann GRIFFIN 5, Flora Mae STEVENSON 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1129. Kenya (Maryann GRIFFIN 5, Flora Mae STEVENSON 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1130. Kenneth Jr. (Maryann GRIFFIN 5, Flora Mae STEVENSON 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Louis Darnell GRIFFIN Sr. (628)

1131. Louis Jr. (Louis Darnell GRIFFIN 5, Flora Mae STEVENSON 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1132. Descinda (Louis Darnell GRIFFIN 5, Flora Mae STEVENSON 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Linda Lorraine DEWBERRY (629)

1133. Janet (Linda Lorraine DEWBERRY 5, Flora Mae STEVENSON 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1134. Monia (Linda Lorraine DEWBERRY 5, Flora Mae STEVENSON 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1135. Jermaine (Linda Lorraine DEWBERRY 5, Flora Mae STEVENSON 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1136. James (Linda Lorraine DEWBERRY 5, Flora Mae STEVENSON 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1137. Jaime (Linda Lorraine DEWBERRY 5, Flora Mae STEVENSON 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Russell Eugene DEWBERRY Sr. (630)

1138. Russell Jr. (Russell Eugene DEWBERRY 5, Flora Mae STEVENSON 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Denise TIPTON (634)

1139. Tomeda (Denise TIPTON 5, Grace Lorraine STEVENSON 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1140. Jeric (Denise TIPTON 5, Grace Lorraine STEVENSON 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

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1141. Tiari (Denise TIPTON 5, Grace Lorraine STEVENSON 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Dawn TIPTON (636) & Victor HOPKINS

1142. Latoya TIPTON (Dawn 5, Grace Lorraine STEVENSON 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1143. Derrick HOPKINS (Dawn TIPTON 5, Grace Lorraine STEVENSON 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1144. Christopher HOPKINS (Dawn TIPTON 5, Grace Lorraine STEVENSON 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Tracy TIPTON (637)

1145. Brison (Tracy TIPTON 5, Grace Lorraine STEVENSON 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Iley Willie STEVENSON Sr. (641) & Shirley JOHNSON

1146. Debra Delaine STEVENSON (Iley Willie 5, Iley Lee 4, Fleetwood 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1641 i. Tanisha Stevenson HARRIS 1642 ii. Kabiou Rashard CLAIBORNE Sr. 1643 iii. Christeena Monee CLAIBORNE 1644 iv. Tiffany Vogue CLAIBORNE

1147. Micheal Don STEVENSON (Iley Willie 5, Iley Lee 4, Fleetwood 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1645 i. Patrizio STEVENSON 1646 ii. Crystal STEVENSON

1148. Iley Willie STEVENSON Jr. (Iley Willie 5, Iley Lee 4, Fleetwood 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1647 i. Renaldo Dominique STEVENSON 1648 ii. Adrian D. STEVENSON

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Family of Stanley Lee (642)

1149. Sandra (Stanley Lee 5, Iley Lee STEVENSON 4, Fleetwood 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1150. Donald (Stanley Lee 5, Iley Lee STEVENSON 4, Fleetwood 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1151. Beverly (Stanley Lee 5, Iley Lee STEVENSON 4, Fleetwood 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Austin (643)

1152. Josephine (Austin 5, Iley Lee STEVENSON 4, Fleetwood 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Henry Lee STEVENSON Sr. (644) & Melba

1153. Gary STEVENSON (Henry Lee 5, Iley Lee 4, Fleetwood 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1154. Bobbi STEVENSON (Henry Lee 5, Iley Lee 4, Fleetwood 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1649 i. Torin

1155. Angela STEVENSON (Henry Lee 5, Iley Lee 4, Fleetwood 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1650 i. Justin

1156. Henry Lee STEVENSON (Henry Lee 5, Iley Lee 4, Fleetwood 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1157. Henrietta STEVENSON (Henry Lee 5, Iley Lee 4, Fleetwood 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1158. Edward STEVENSON (Henry Lee 5, Iley Lee 4, Fleetwood 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

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Family of Ellon Marie (646)

1159. Paula (Ellon Marie 5, Iley Lee STEVENSON 4, Fleetwood 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1651 i. Paul

1160. Paul (Ellon Marie 5, Iley Lee STEVENSON 4, Fleetwood 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1161. Wilmer Johnson (Ellon Marie 5, Iley Lee STEVENSON 4, Fleetwood 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Genese STEVENSON (651) & Arthur JOHNSON Sr.

1162. Sharolette JOHNSON (Genese STEVENSON 5, Fleet 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1163. Arthur JOHNSON (Genese STEVENSON 5, Fleet 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1164. Deloris JOHNSON (Genese STEVENSON 5, Fleet 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Deloris married Dennis FRAZIER . They had the following children:

1652 i. Quendell FRAZIER MILLER 1653 ii. Kevin FRAZIER MILLER 1654 iii. Genese FRAZIER MILLER 1655 iv. La Shonda JOHNSON COLBERTSON

1165. Keheven JOHNSON (Genese STEVENSON 5, Fleet 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1). Born ? 5 Jul .

1166. James Allen JOHNSON (Genese STEVENSON 5, Fleet 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Wydell (654)

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1167. Rita Kay (Wydell 5, Edna STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1168. Deborah (Wydell 5, Edna STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Riley Lee Sr. (655)

1169. Laqueta (Riley Lee 5, Edna STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1170. Edna Mae (Riley Lee 5, Edna STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1171. Riley Lee Jr. (Riley Lee 5, Edna STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1172. Wyderie (Riley Lee 5, Edna STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Betty (656)

1173. Jennifer (Betty 5, Edna STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1656 i. John Ivory 1657 ii. Phillip

1174. Barbara Ann (Betty 5, Edna STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1658 i. Nickie 1659 ii. Kendell

1175. Tamyra (Betty 5, Edna STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1660 i. Sandra 1661 ii. Maurice 1662 iii. Curtis 1663 iv. Cesarer

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1176. Kathleen (Betty 5, Edna STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1664 i. Brandy 1665 ii. Kyra

1177. Bennie Jr. (Betty 5, Edna STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1666 i. Bennie III

Family of Simpson (657)

1178. Angie (Simpson 5, Edna STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1179. Chris (Simpson 5, Edna STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1180. Michael (Simpson 5, Edna STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Charlotte (658)

1181. Alana (Charlotte 5, Viola STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1182. Nathan (Charlotte 5, Viola STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1183. Valerie (Charlotte 5, Viola STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1184. C. Nicole (Charlotte 5, Viola STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1185. Alvin (Charlotte 5, Viola STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Patricia (659)

1186. Krystal (Patricia 5, Viola STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1187. Kymberly (Patricia 5, Viola STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

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1188. Tamila (Patricia 5, Viola STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1189. Devahun (Patricia 5, Viola STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1190. Teddy (Patricia 5, Viola STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Lena Diane (660)

1191. Kyle (Lena Diane 5, Viola STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1192. Konjee (Lena Diane 5, Viola STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1193. Keyvon (Lena Diane 5, Viola STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1194. Eddie (Lena Diane 5, Viola STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Ronda (661)

1195. Colin (Ronda 5, Viola STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Juanita (662)

1196. Markiesha (Juanita 5, Viola STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1197. Don (Juanita 5, Viola STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1198. Mark (Juanita 5, Viola STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Verna Mae STEVENSON (666)

1199. Anthony BLACK (Verna Mae STEVENSON 5, Albert 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1667 i. Toniece ARNOLD 1668 ii. Kourtney BLACK 1669 iii. Anthony BLACK

1200. Michael STEVENSON (Verna Mae 5, Albert 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

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1670 i. Aleisha STEVENSON

1201. Tansy PRESTON (Verna Mae STEVENSON 5, Albert 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1671 i. Julius BOONE

1202. Verna PRESTON (Verna Mae STEVENSON 5, Albert 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Verna married Kevin SHELTON . They had the following children:

1672 i. Michael PRESTON 1673 ii. Elvie L. ELLIS

Seventh Generation

Family of Deanna Lynn BUSH (674) & ? McCOY

1203. Robert Lee McCOY (Deanna Lynn BUSH 6, Melva ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1). Born on 27 Oct 1970 in Pomona, CA. Robert Lee died in Pomona, CA, in Apr 1977; he was 6.

Family of Deanna Lynn BUSH (674) & David Bernard WRIGHT

1204. Tia Nicole WRIGHT (Deanna Lynn BUSH 6, Melva ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

Tia Nicole first married Sterling SAINTILUS . They had one child:

1674 i. Dejahnae Denise SAINTILUS

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Tia Nicole second married Pareal GENTRY . They had one child:

1675 i. Dominique Damone WRIGHT

Family of Deanna Lynn BUSH (674) & ? TATE

1205. Tiffani Renee TATE (Deanna Lynn BUSH 6, Melva ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Carolyn JACKSON (678) & Floyd H. JEFFERSON

1206. Marcella JEFFERSON (Carolyn JACKSON 6, Toylee ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

Marcella married Eric McCOY . They had the following children:

1676 i. Kavon McCOY 1677 ii. Romelo McCOY

Family of Troy JACKSON (679) & Rachel FOSTER

1207. Charles CALVIN (Troy JACKSON 6, Toylee ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

1208. Toy Leann JACKSON (Troy 6, Toylee ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

1209. Troylee JACKSON JR (Troy JACKSON 6, Toylee ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

1210. Rosa JACKSON (Troy 6, Toylee ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

Family of L'Tanya M. STONE (685) & Harold H. FRANKLIN Jr.

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1211. Isaac H. FRANKLIN (L'Tanya M. STONE 6, Patricia B. ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Pamela STONE (686) & Joseph P. PERKINSON III

1212. Isake S. PERKINSON (Pamela STONE 6, Patricia B. ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

1213. Joseph P. PERKINSON IV (Pamela STONE 6, Patricia B. ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Bettina L. MATTHEWS (687) & Edward PARKER

1214. Emika S. PARKER (Bettina L. MATTHEWS 6, Louise ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Bettina L. MATTHEWS (687) & Terry J. TERRELL Sr.

1215. Terry J. TERRELL Jr. (Bettina L. MATTHEWS 6, Louise ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).


1678 i. Diamond TERRELL 1679 ii. Torrey TERRELL

Family of Shemari Roland MATTHEWS Jr. (688) & Rita MATTHEWS

1216. Jasmine FOSTER (Shemari Roland MATTHEWS 6, Louise ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

1217. Amari MATTHEWS (Shemari Roland 6, Louise ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Lavellle WALDRIP (692) & Martha PRITCHETT

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1218. Kindra WALDRIP (Lavellle 6, Evelyn ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

1219. Tyrell WALDRIP (Lavellle 6, Evelyn ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

1220. Damair WALDRIP (Lavellle 6, Evelyn ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Jenice L. WALDRIP (693) & Kenneth D. FRANKLIN

1221. Jameica S. WALDRIP (Jenice L. 6, Evelyn ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

1222. Cherelle K. FRANKLIN (Jenice L. WALDRIP 6, Evelyn ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Jenice L. WALDRIP (693) & Marcus D. BUCKLEY

1223. Martez R. BUCKLEY (Jenice L. WALDRIP 6, Evelyn ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Cynthia WALDRIP (694) & Johnny SCOTTEN JR

1224. Johnny T. SCOTTEN III (Cynthia WALDRIP 6, Evelyn ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Josette WALDRIP (695) & Elijah McGEE JR

1225. Cordero McGEE (Josette WALDRIP 6, Evelyn ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

1226. Marshae McGEE (Josette WALDRIP 6, Evelyn ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Lorene PATTERSON (714) & Hurchell Lee ATKINSON

1227. Hurchell Degan ATKINSON (Lorene PATTERSON 6, Ethel WILLIAMS 5, Joanna STEVENSON 4, Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

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Hurchell Degan married Sherry Lynn MORGAN . They had the following children:

1680 i. Ayanna Kenyama ATKINSON 1681 ii. Kimberly Dawn ATKINSON 1682 iii. Kevin Marquise ATKINSON (27 Feb 1978-15 Jun 1990) 1683 iv. Kendrick Degan ATKINSON

Family of Eddie Mae GUNNS (715) & Charles Richard SMITH Sr.

1228. Sandra SMITH (Eddie Mae GUNNS 6, Eddie 5, Angeline STEVENSON 4, Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

1229. Cherl D. SMITH (Eddie Mae GUNNS 6, Eddie 5, Angeline STEVENSON 4, Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

1230. Charles R. SMITH II (Eddie Mae GUNNS 6, Eddie 5, Angeline STEVENSON 4, Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

1231. Carol D. SMITH (Eddie Mae GUNNS 6, Eddie 5, Angeline STEVENSON 4, Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

1232. Judith Ann SMITH (Eddie Mae GUNNS 6, Eddie 5, Angeline STEVENSON 4, Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Oretha A. GUNNS (716) & Herman CAMPBELL

1233. LaDonna CAMPBELL (Oretha A. GUNNS 6, Eddie 5, Angeline STEVENSON 4, Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

1234. Bessie CAMPBELL (Oretha A. GUNNS 6, Eddie 5, Angeline STEVENSON 4, Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

1235. Shirley CAMPBELL (Oretha A. GUNNS 6, Eddie 5, Angeline STEVENSON 4, Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

1236. Cornell CAMPBELL (Oretha A. GUNNS 6, Eddie 5, Angeline STEVENSON 4, Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

1237. Linda Jean CAMPBELL (Oretha A. GUNNS 6, Eddie 5, Angeline STEVENSON 4, Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

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1238. Easter Jaunita CAMPBELL (Oretha A. GUNNS 6, Eddie 5, Angeline STEVENSON 4, Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Wyoma J. GUNNS (718) & Fletcher ROBINSON

1239. Kenneth ROBINSON (Wyoma J. GUNNS 6, Eddie 5, Angeline STEVENSON 4, Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Jessie L. GUNNS Sr. (719) & Sherry N. GUNNS

1240. Jessie L. GUNNS Jr. (Jessie L. 6, Eddie 5, Angeline STEVENSON 4, Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

Jessie L. married Charlotta . 1241. Steven L. GUNNS (Jessie L. 6, Eddie 5, Angeline STEVENSON 4, Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

1242. Anthony W. GUNNS (Jessie L. 6, Eddie 5, Angeline STEVENSON 4, Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

1243. Eddie T. GUNNS (Jessie L. 6, Eddie 5, Angeline STEVENSON 4, Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

Eddie T. married Claudia .

Family of Otretha R. GUNNS (720) & Arville NELSON

1244. Jeffrey NELSON (Otretha R. GUNNS 6, Eddie 5, Angeline STEVENSON 4, Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Herbert D. JOHNSON Jr. (721)

1245. Wanda J. HARRIS (Herbert D. JOHNSON 6, Eva GUNNS 5, Angeline STEVENSON 4, Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).


1684 i. Kelly McCOY

Family of Melburn BROWN (722)

1246. Stuart ???? BROWN (Melburn 6, Lela Mae LAMEY 5, Dewey 4, Elizabeth STEVENSON 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

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1247. Mike ??? BROWN (Melburn 6, Lela Mae LAMEY 5, Dewey 4, Elizabeth STEVENSON 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

1248. Jasmine ??? BROWN (Melburn 6, Lela Mae LAMEY 5, Dewey 4, Elizabeth STEVENSON 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

1249. Melburn BROWN (Melburn 6, Lela Mae LAMEY 5, Dewey 4, Elizabeth STEVENSON 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

1250. Gre ??? BROWN (Melburn 6, Lela Mae LAMEY 5, Dewey 4, Elizabeth STEVENSON 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

1251. Lynn ??? BROWN (Melburn 6, Lela Mae LAMEY 5, Dewey 4, Elizabeth STEVENSON 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Gertrude BROWN (723) & PAYTEN

1252. Andrew ??? PAYTEN (Gertrude BROWN 6, Lela Mae LAMEY 5, Dewey 4, Elizabeth STEVENSON 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Gertrude BROWN (723) & DUCKETT

1253. Dewey ??? DUCKETT (Gertrude BROWN 6, Lela Mae LAMEY 5, Dewey 4, Elizabeth STEVENSON 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

1254. Mary ??? DUCKETT (Gertrude BROWN 6, Lela Mae LAMEY 5, Dewey 4, Elizabeth STEVENSON 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Gertrude BROWN (723) & PEARSON ?

1255. Donald PEARSON ? (Gertrude BROWN 6, Lela Mae LAMEY 5, Dewey 4, Elizabeth STEVENSON 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Joyce BROWN (724) & JOHNSON

1256. Der ??? JOHNSON (Joyce BROWN 6, Lela Mae LAMEY 5, Dewey 4, Elizabeth STEVENSON 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

1257. Sha ??? JOHNSON (Joyce BROWN 6, Lela Mae LAMEY 5, Dewey 4, Elizabeth STEVENSON 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

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Family of Waldon BROWN (725)

1258. Sam BROWN (Waldon 6, Lela Mae LAMEY 5, Dewey 4, Elizabeth STEVENSON 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Walton BROWN (726)

1259. Tod?? BROWN (Walton 6, Lela Mae LAMEY 5, Dewey 4, Elizabeth STEVENSON 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Lewis SCHOOLER (727)

1260. Joa ??? SCHOOLER (Lewis 6, Lela Mae LAMEY 5, Dewey 4, Elizabeth STEVENSON 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

1261. Sha ??? SCHOOLER (Lewis 6, Lela Mae LAMEY 5, Dewey 4, Elizabeth STEVENSON 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Floyd WILLIAMS Jr. (728) & Ila

1262. Valerie WILLIAMS (Floyd 6, Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


1685 i. Samantha 1686 ii. Sabrina

Family of Charles WILLIAMS Sr. (730) & Alimeta

1263. Pamela WILLIAMS (Charles 6, Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Pamela married Michael STITT . They had the following children:

1687 i. Seth STITT 1688 ii. Antoine STITT

1264. Charles WILLIAMS Jr. (Charles 6, Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2,

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Mobile 1).


1689 i. Kindra WILLIAMS 1690 ii. Chanelor WILLIAMS

1265. Matthew WILLIAMS (Charles 6, Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Flora WILLIAMS (731) & James WILLIAMS Sr.

1266. James WILLIAMS Jr. (Flora 6, Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

James married Angela . They had one child:

1691 i. Tyler WILLIAMS

1267. Kimberly WILLIAMS (Flora 6, Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Curtis WILLIAMS (732)

1268. Ronald WILLIAMS (Curtis 6, Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


1692 i. Bethany WILLIAMS 1693 ii. Shanarri WILLIAMS

1269. Rahnee Lynn WILLIAMS (Curtis 6, Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


1694 i. Sumyah 1695 ii. Maryan

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Family of LaVonn WILLIAMS Sr. (733) & Gail

1270. LaVonn WILLIAMS Jr. (LaVonn 6, Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


1696 i. Marronica WILLIAMS 1697 ii. Arquel WILLIAMS 1698 iii. Tashanae WILLIAMS

1271. Nathaniel WILLIAMS (LaVonn 6, Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1272. Sherri WILLIAMS (LaVonn 6, Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Alfred Dean WILLIAMS (735)

1273. Alonda WILLIAMS (Alfred Dean 6, Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1274. Renita WILLIAMS (Alfred Dean 6, Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


1699 i. William

1275. Angela WILLIAMS (Alfred Dean 6, Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Albert Ray WILLIAMS (736) & Linda Jean

1276. Licole Janelle WILLIAMS (Albert Ray 6, Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Licole Janelle married Devaris MOORE . 1277. Ashly WILLIAMS (Albert Ray 6, Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Ashly married Quayne Jermaine BACCAS . They had the following children:

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1700 i. Jaylen Kyle BACCAS 1701 ii. Devin Jeremiah BACCAS

Family of Lutricia Ann WILLIAMS (737) & Carl BROWN

1278. Damon BROWN (Lutricia Ann WILLIAMS 6, Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Damon married Gemma CONCEPCION , daughter of Juan CONCEPCION & Teresa SHAMBAUGH. They had one child:

1702 i. Jeila BROWN

1279. Kelley (Lutricia Ann WILLIAMS 6, Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1280. Sherell (Lutricia Ann WILLIAMS 6, Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Kenneth WILLIAMS (738)

1281. Adrian WILLIAMS (Kenneth 6, Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1282. Stacey WILLIAMS (Kenneth 6, Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Loreta WILLIAMS (739) & William "Billy" THOMPSON

1283. William THOMPSON III (Loreta WILLIAMS 6, Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1284. Justin THOMPSON (Loreta WILLIAMS 6, Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Patsy HAWKINS (741) & James TERRY

1285. Warren TERRY (Patsy HAWKINS 6, Bernice STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

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1703 i. Andrew TERRY 1704 ii. Christina TERRY 1705 iii. Jacob TERRY 1706 iv. Warjanay TERRY

1286. Anthony TERRY Sr. (Patsy HAWKINS 6, Bernice STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


1707 i. Anthony TERRY Jr. 1708 ii. Jasmine TERRY

1287. Rachel TERRY (Patsy HAWKINS 6, Bernice STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


1709 i. Shawn ROGERS 1710 ii. James Traysean ALEXANDER

1288. Vernell Levette TERRY (Patsy HAWKINS 6, Bernice STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Vernell Levette married Antonio McCLENDON . They had one child:

1711 i. Jeala McCLENDON

Family of Cullis HAWKINS Jr. (742)

1289. Tina HAWKINS (Cullis 6, Bernice STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1290. Jason HAWKINS (Cullis 6, Bernice STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

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1291. Cullis Lavell HAWKINS (Cullis 6, Bernice STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Brenda HAWKINS (743) & Paul FIELDS

1292. Dawn FIELDS (Brenda HAWKINS 6, Bernice STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


1712 i. Brittany MOONEY 1713 ii. June "Deshawn" PATTERSON 1714 iii. Derek GORDON

1293. Delmus FIELDS (Brenda HAWKINS 6, Bernice STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Delmus married Kim . They had one child:

1715 i. Kyla FIELDS

Family of Linda HAWKINS (744)

1294. Ebony NAILS (Linda HAWKINS 6, Bernice STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Ebony married Sheldon SIMMONS . They had one child:

1716 i. Cameron SIMMONS

1295. Porcha NAILS (Linda HAWKINS 6, Bernice STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


1717 i. James E. CASTLE 1718 ii. Daisha McGREGORY

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1296. Lauren NAILS (Linda HAWKINS 6, Bernice STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Ivory LANG (745) & Barbara

1297. Victoria May LANG (Ivory 6, Bernice STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


1719 i. Toria May LANG

1298. Darrell LANG (Ivory 6, Bernice STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


1720 i. Eligha LANG 1721 ii. Esoki LANG

Family of Alicia McCREE (746) & George CUEVAS

1299. Ayana CUEVAS (Alicia McCREE 6, Marcella STEVENSON 5, Henderson4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1300. Kamia CUEVAS (Alicia McCREE 6, Marcella STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1301. David CUEVAS (Alicia McCREE 6, Marcella STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Ronnie McCREE (747) & Lisa KELLY

1302. Ronita McCREE (Ronnie 6, Marcella STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1303. Anthony WILLIAMS (Ronnie McCREE 6, Marcella STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

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1304. Tamara McCREE (Ronnie 6, Marcella STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Roger Lee SAMUELS (748) & Leatta POSTON

1305. Michael SAMUELS (Roger Lee 6, Charlene STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


1722 i. SAMUELS 1723 ii. SAMUELS 1724 iii. Brittany Elizabeth SAMUELS

1306. Robert SAMUELS (Roger Lee 6, Charlene STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Roger Lee SAMUELS (748) & Anita TILLMAN

1307. Roxanne SAMUELS (Roger Lee 6, Charlene STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Phyllis McCREE (749) & Edward HOLLOMAN Sr.

1308. Edward HOLLOMAN Jr. (Phyllis McCREE 6, Cora STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


1725 i. Simone HOLLOMAN

1309. Damion HOLLOMAN (Phyllis McCREE 6, Cora STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Wanda McCREE (750)

1310. Nichelle DEAN (Wanda McCREE 6, Cora STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Keith McCREE (752) & Kim

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1311. Anthony McCREE (Keith 6, Cora STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1312. Kendell McCREE (Keith 6, Cora STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1313. Corianna McCREE (Keith 6, Cora STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Kevin McCREE (753)

1314. Dewayne McCREE (Kevin 6, Cora STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


1726 i. Kevin McCREE III 1727 ii. Kareena McCREE

1315. Kareem McCREE (Kevin 6, Cora STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1316. Timiko McCREE (Kevin 6, Cora STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Michael ANDREWS (754) & Michelle D. JONES

1317. Monte ANDREWS (Michael 6, Dollie B. STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1318. Christopher ANDREWS (Michael 6, Dollie B. STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1319. Cameron ANDREWS (Michael 6, Dollie B. STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1320. Christian ANDREWS (Michael6, Dollie B. STEVENSON 5, Henderson4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Michael ANDREWS (754) & Delois BUNCH

1321. DeShawn ANDREWS (Michael 6, Dollie B. STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1322. Shawnta ANDREWS (Michael 6, Dollie B. STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

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Family of Kip ANDREWS Sr. (756)

1323. Sharmika ANDREWS (Kip 6, Dollie B. STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1324. Alexis Ashley ANDREWS (Kip 6, Dollie B. STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1325. Clinton "C.J." ANDREWS (Kip 6, Dollie B. STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1326. Kip ANDREWS Jr. (Kip 6, Dollie B. STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Tanashia HARPER (757) & Ken JENKINS

1327. Aaron Malik JENKINS (Tanashia HARPER 6, Claudette "Kit" STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1328. Kyron Nigel-Mikhal JENKINS (Tanashia HARPER 6, Claudette "Kit" STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Bryson HARPER (759) & Jacari Lynn SMITH

1329. Jordan Amaya HARPER (Bryson 6, Claudette "Kit" STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Debra STEVENSON (760)

1330. Lakayna TURNER (Debra STEVENSON 6, Gene 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


1728 i. Dionte COLLETTE

1331. Kimberly HARDY (Debra STEVENSON 6, Gene 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


1729 i. Tamara BREWER 1730 ii. Jerome

1332. Artiva STEVENSON (Debra 6, Gene 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

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Family of Penny STEVENSON (761) & Charles WILFORD

1333. Tasha WILFORD (Penny STEVENSON 6, Gene 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


1731 i. Lauriell

1334. Lahawn WILFORD (Penny STEVENSON 6, Gene 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Gregory STEVENSON (762)

1335. Naseal STEVENSON (Gregory 6, Gene 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1336. Sonyetta STEVENSON (Gregory 6, Gene 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1337. Pierre STEVENSON (Gregory 6, Gene 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1338. Name Unknown STEVENSON (Gregory 6, Gene 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1339. Name Unknown STEVENSON (Gregory 6, Gene 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Kenyetta STEVENSON (764)

1340. Mia STEVENSON (Kenyetta 6, Gene 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1341. Devin STEVENSON (Kenyetta 6, Gene 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Willie KELLY Jr. (770) & Monica

1342. Boston KELLY (Willie 6, Beverly MOSS 5, Rosa Mae STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Willie KELLY Jr. (770) & Bridgette

1343. Breanna KELLY (Willie 6, Beverly MOSS 5, Rosa Mae STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Willie KELLY Jr. (770) & Astry

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1344. Lijah KELLY (Willie 6, Beverly MOSS 5, Rosa Mae STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1345. Brooklyn KELLY (Willie 6, Beverly MOSS 5, Rosa Mae STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of John D. KELLY (771) & Jennifer WOODRUFF

1346. John D. KELLY Jr. (John D. 6, Beverly MOSS 5, Rosa Mae STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1347. Jera D. KELLY (John D. 6, Beverly MOSS 5, Rosa Mae STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Devone L. KELLY (772) & Billy Jo OSBORNE

1348. Dominique D. KELLY (Devone L. 6, Beverly MOSS 5, Rosa Mae STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1349. Devone L. KELLY Jr. (Devone L. 6, Beverly MOSS 5, Rosa Mae STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Byron R. KELLY (773) & Patricia M. DELEON

1350. Capone R KELLY (Byron R. 6, Beverly MOSS 5, Rosa Mae STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1351. Lorenzo A. KELLY (Byron R. 6, Beverly MOSS 5, Rosa Mae STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1352. Jailene F. KELLY (Byron R. 6, Beverly MOSS 5, Rosa Mae STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1353. Kwame E. KELLY (Byron R. 6, Beverly MOSS 5, Rosa Mae STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Joseph D. KELLY (774) & Andrea

1354. Avery J. KELLY (Joseph D. 6, Beverly MOSS 5, Rosa Mae STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Hershel SMITH Sr. (778) & Sylvia SHELTON

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1355. Hershel SMITH Jr. (Hershel 6, Novella STEVENSON 5, Farris4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1356. Treceda SMITH (Hershel 6, Novella STEVENSON 5, Farris 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Gregory MOSS (779) & Mary CARTER

1357. Myron MOSS (Gregory 6, Novella STEVENSON 5, Farris 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1358. Mariya MOSS (Gregory 6, Novella STEVENSON 5, Farris 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Gregory MOSS (779) & Debra CRAVEN

1359. Mya Ferrice MOSS (Gregory 6, Novella STEVENSON 5, Farris 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Regina LUPER (805)

1360. Dominic LUPER (Regina 6, Millage WINSLETT 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1361. Devin HAMILTON (Regina LUPER 6, Millage WINSLETT 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Debra ARNOLD (811)

1362. Stacey NELSON (Debra ARNOLD 6, Ida Mae GOLDSBY 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


1732 i. Taylor ARNOLD

1363. Jacqetta NELSON (Debra ARNOLD 6, Ida Mae GOLDSBY 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).


1733 i. Briana ARNOLD 1734 ii. Miles ARNOLD

1364. Chester NELSON (Debra ARNOLD 6, Ida Mae GOLDSBY5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2,

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Mobile 1).


1735 i. Rochael NELSON

1365. Steven ARNOLD (Debra 6, Ida Mae GOLDSBY 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Betty Helen ARNOLD (813)

1366. Kesha SMITH (Betty Helen ARNOLD 6, Ida Mae GOLDSBY 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Linda ARNOLD (814)

1367. Schenka ARNOLD (Linda 6, Ida Mae GOLDSBY 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1368. Dalmesha ARNOLD (Linda 6, Ida Mae GOLDSBY 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Tracy ARNOLD (815) & Stanley PAYNE Sr.

1369. Tasha PAYNE (Tracy ARNOLD 6, Ida Mae GOLDSBY 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1370. Stanley PAYNE Jr. (Tracy ARNOLD 6, Ida Mae GOLDSBY 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1371. Sharod PAYNE (Tracy ARNOLD 6, Ida Mae GOLDSBY 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Janice ARNOLD (816) & Chris WATSON

1372. LaToya WATSON (Janice ARNOLD 6, Ida Mae GOLDSBY 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1373. Tanisha WATSON (Janice ARNOLD 6, Ida Mae GOLDSBY 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1374. Germaine WATSON (Janice ARNOLD 6, Ida Mae GOLDSBY 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3,

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Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Bridgett ARNOLD (817) & Neal WATSON

1375. Tayneal WATSON (Bridgett ARNOLD 6, Ida Mae GOLDSBY 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1376. Latisha WATSON (Bridgett ARNOLD 6, Ida Mae GOLDSBY 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1377. Ashley WATSON (Bridgett ARNOLD 6, Ida Mae GOLDSBY 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1378. Cornelius WATSON (Bridgett ARNOLD 6, Ida Mae GOLDSBY 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Mae Helen GOLDSBY (822)

1379. Ervina "Bambi" JOHNSON (Mae Helen GOLDSBY 6, L.V. 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1380. Schontyle JOHNSON (Mae Helen GOLDSBY 6, L.V. 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1381. Kimberly JOHNSON (Mae Helen GOLDSBY 6, L.V. 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1382. Michele GOLDSBY (Mae Helen 6, L.V. 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Betty Jean GOLDSBY (823)

1383. Kalisha GOLDSBY (Betty Jean 6, L.V. 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1384. Tomario GOLDSBY (Betty Jean 6, L.V. 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1385. Victor McCLINTON (Betty Jean GOLDSBY 6, L.V. 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Vickey Ann GOLDSBY (825) & Ben THOMAS

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1386. Benjamin THOMAS (Vickey Ann GOLDSBY 6, L.V. 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Sherry GOLDSBY (826) & Alfred CHARLES

1387. Mercedes CHARLES (Sherry GOLDSBY 6, L.V. 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Flora M. GOLDSBY (827) & Bryce TURNER

1388. DeShana GOLDSBY (Flora M. 6, L.V. 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1389. Cameron GOLDSBY (Flora M. 6, L.V. 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Tony Dean (861)

1390. Lavell (Tony Dean 6, Cindy STEVENSON 5, Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Darnell Sr. (869)

1391. Darnell Jr. (Darnell 6, Etta V. STEVENSON 5, Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1392. Olan (Darnell 6, Etta V. STEVENSON 5, Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Neil Sr. (871)

1393. Neil Jr. (Neil 6, Etta V. STEVENSON 5, Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1394. Marquis (Neil 6, Etta V. STEVENSON 5, Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Roshada (872)

1395. Cecoria (Roshada 6, Etta V. STEVENSON 5, Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Annette STEVENSON (874)

1396. Ella (Annette STEVENSON 6, James 5, Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1397. Keith (Annette STEVENSON 6, James 5, Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

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Family of Samantha STEVENSON (875)

1398. Ebony (Samantha STEVENSON 6, James 5, Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Rose STEVENSON (876)

1399. LaTonya (Rose STEVENSON 6, James 5, Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Tammy STEVENSON (879)

1400. Shenitha (Tammy STEVENSON 6, James 5, Olan Jack 4, Jackson 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Johnny BRADFORD (924)

1401. Johnny BRADFORD Jr. (Johnny 6, Vivian 5, Wavey STEVENSON 4, Standwatie 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).


1736 i. Meisha BRADFORD 1737 ii. Marcus BRADFORD

1402. Orlando BRADFORD (Johnny 6, Vivian 5, Wavey STEVENSON 4, Standwatie 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).


1738 i. Zach BRADFORD 1739 ii. Madison BRADFORD

1403. James BRADFORD (Johnny 6, Vivian 5, Wavey STEVENSON 4, Standwatie 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).


1740 i. Cameron BRADFORD 1741 ii. Cain BRADFORD

Family of Diane Carol BROWN (931) & COHEE

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1404. Brithney Lacknell COHEE (Diane Carol BROWN 6, Essie STEVENSON 5, Banks 4, Abraham 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).

1405. Amber Rachon COHEE (Diane Carol BROWN 6, Essie STEVENSON 5, Banks 4, Abraham 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).

1406. Denaria Shannell COHEE (Diane Carol BROWN 6, Essie STEVENSON 5, Banks 4, Abraham 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).

Family of William PARKER Jr. (945) & Tracey ESTELL

1407. Whitney Denise PARKER (William 6, Exzetta PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

1408. Braxton Dean PARKER (William 6, Exzetta PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Family of William PARKER Jr. (945) & Paula CABLES

1409. William PARKER III (William 6, Exzetta PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Unestine DENSON (946) & George CANNON

1410. Brandon Tyrone CANNON (Unestine DENSON 6, Exzetta PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

1411. Gregory Warren CANNON (Unestine DENSON 6, Exzetta PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Gregory Warren first married ?. They had one child:

1742 i. Jelina CANNON

Gregory Warren second married LaTanya . They had the following children:

1743 i. Elisha T. George CANNON 1744 ii. Ayanna CANNON 1745 iii. Laryah Williams CANNON (Step)

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Family of Celestine DENSON (947) & Meredith BOWIE

1412. Tonia M BOWIE (Celestine DENSON 6, Exzetta PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

1413. Darren BOWIE (Celestine DENSON 6, Exzetta PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Eleanor DENSON (948) & Ernest E. WYATT

1414. Eric Dewayne WYATT (Eleanor DENSON 6, Exzetta PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

1415. Edward Tyrone WYATT (Eleanor DENSON 6, Exzetta PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Edward Tyrone married Alaina SPIVEY . They had one child:

1746 i. Jalen Malik WYATT (26 May -)

Family of Helen DENSON (949) & Harrison REDMOND Jr.

1416. Karen K. REDMOND (Helen DENSON 6, Exzetta PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Karen K. first married William TUCKER . They had one child:

1747 i. Kierra Katriece TUCKER (24 Dec -)

Karen K. second married Eric GUESS . They had one child:

1748 i. K'Vontaye Kevon REDMOND GUESS (2 May -)

1417. Carolyn E. REDMOND (Helen DENSON 6, Exzetta PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

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Carolyn E. first married Mark GOODE .

They had one child:

1749 i. Markayla GOODE

Carolyn E. second married James FIELDS .

They had the following children:

1750 i. James FIELDS 1751 ii. Jalen FIELDS

1418. Harrison REDMOND III (Helen DENSON 6, Exzetta PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).


1752 i. DeAngelo REDMOND

1419. Christopher REDMOND (Helen DENSON 6, Exzetta PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).


1753 i. Christopher REDMOND 1754 ii. Rashad REDMOND

Family of Leon James STEVENSON Sr. (953) & Ruth

1420. Lavonne STEVENSON (Leon James 6, Ceola PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).


1755 i. Marcus STEVENSON 1756 ii. Christopher Dion STEVENSON

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1421. Leon James STEVENSON Jr. (Leon James 6, Ceola PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).


1757 i. Leon James STEVENSON III 1758 ii. Kelly STEVENSON 1759 iii. Stephanie STEVENSON 1760 iv. Dominique STEVENSON

1422. Bonnie STEVENSON (Leon James 6, Ceola PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Leon James STEVENSON Sr. (953) & ? POUNDER

1423. Iris STEVENSON (Leon James 6, Ceola PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Leon James STEVENSON Sr. (953) & ? ?

1424. Tawana Lynn STEVENSON (Leon James 6, Ceola PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).


1761 i. Summer STEVENSON

Family of Leon James STEVENSON Sr. (953) & Irene ROBERTS

1425. Karen Nicole STEVENSON (Leon James 6, Ceola PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Karen Nicole married ? ALDRIDGE .

They had the following children:

1762 i. Hallie ALDRIDGE 1763 ii. Michael ALDRIDGE

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1426. Dion Lamar STEVENSON (Leon James 6, Ceola PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Leon James STEVENSON Sr. (953) & ? STUBS

1427. Kimberly STEVENSON (Leon James 6, Ceola PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Leon James STEVENSON Sr. (953) & ? GLOVER

1428. Tamika STEVENSON (Leon James 6, Ceola PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Melvin PICKENS Jr (957)

1429. Tamesha Minton PICKENS (Melvin 6, Melvin 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

1430. Kaeonica Minton PICKENS (Melvin 6, Melvin 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

1431. LaShanda Temple PICKENS (Melvin 6, Melvin 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

1432. Joshua PICKENS (Melvin 6, Melvin 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

1433. Melvin PICKENS III (Melvin 6, Melvin 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

1434. Melissa Thompson PICKENS (Melvin 6, Melvin 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

1435. Melinda Thompson PICKENS (Melvin 6, Melvin 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

1436. Stephanie Moore PICKENS (Melvin 6, Melvin 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile1).

1437. Stephen Jackson PICKENS (Melvin 6, Melvin 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

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1438. Marcus PICKENS (Melvin 6, Melvin 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Melba Jean PICKENS (958) & Matt MARSHALL

1439. Regenal PICKENS (Melba Jean 6, Melvin 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

1440. La Donna Goldenhaus PICKENS (Melba Jean 6, Melvin 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Donald PICKENS (959)

1441. Marcus PICKENS (Donald 6, Melvin 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Terry PICKENS (960)

1442. Jameel PICKENS (Terry 6, Melvin 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

1443. Danielle PICKENS (Terry 6, Melvin 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Theresa PICKENS (961)

1444. Kayla PICKENS (Theresa 6, Melvin 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Kenneth B. PICKENS Jr (962)

1445. Kenneth B. PICKENS III (Kenneth B. 6, Kenneth B. 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

1446. Namomi L. PICKENS (Kenneth B. 6, Kenneth B. 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

1447. Keturah L. PICKENS (Kenneth B. 6, Kenneth B. 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah

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STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Celoa PICKENS (963) & ? NUGENT

1448. Curtis NUGENT (Celoa PICKENS 6, Kenneth B. 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Celoa PICKENS (963) & ? ROBINSON

1449. Keyonna ROBINSON (Celoa PICKENS 6, Kenneth B. 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

1450. Triva ROBINSON (Celoa PICKENS 6, Kenneth B. 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Sheryl D. PICKENS (964) & ? REVELS

1451. Aaron REVELS (Sheryl D. PICKENS 6, Kenneth B. 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

1452. Eric REVELS (Sheryl D. PICKENS 6, Kenneth B. 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

1453. Erica REVELS (Sheryl D. PICKENS 6, Kenneth B. 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

1454. Elisia REVELS (Sheryl D. PICKENS 6, Kenneth B. 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Allen Wayne PICKENS (965)

1455. Marshell Lynette PICKENS (Allen Wayne6, Kenneth B. 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Mitchell PICKENS Sr. (969)

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1456. Mitchell PICKENS Jr. (Mitchell 6, Carline 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

1457. Michael Otis PICKENS (Mitchell 6, Carline 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Reginald DAY (970)

1458. Fiona DAY (Reginald 6, Carline PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

1459. Elizabeth DAY (Reginald 6, Carline PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

1460. Terrance DAY (Reginald 6, Carline PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

1461. Ryan DAY (Reginald 6, Carline PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Dennis DAY (973)

1462. Dennis E. DAY (Dennis 6, Carline PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

1463. Chavis Leonard DAY (Dennis 6, Carline PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

1464. Danielle DAY (Dennis 6, Carline PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

1465. D'Ricco DAY (Dennis 6, Carline PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

1466. Dennis Leonardo DAY Jr. (Dennis 6, Carline PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

1467. Sparkle DAY (Dennis 6, Carline PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Harry L. PERRY (986) & Ellina Vickie HALL

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1468. Kanikah Jacqueleen PERRY (Harry L. 6, Fleetwood Lloyd 5, Amy STEVENSON 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Kanikah Jacqueleen married Kenneth Curtis ACOSTA . They had one child:

1764 i. Kellyn Kai PERRY-ACOSTA

1469. Takiyah Veronika PERRY (Harry L. 6, Fleetwood Lloyd 5, Amy STEVENSON 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Takiyah Veronika married Rodrick Denairelle JACQUET . They had one child:

1765 i. Jaydon Lee PERRY-JACQUET

1470. Myrah Leor PERRY (Harry L. 6, Fleetwood Lloyd 5, Amy STEVENSON 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Myrah Leor married Edward JOHNSON . They had one child:

1766 i. Mykayla Victoria PERRY-JOHNSON

Family of Brenda Joyce PERRY (987) & John Skiles RICHIE Jr.

1471. Khadir Nuri RICHIE (Brenda Joyce PERRY 6, Fleetwood Lloyd 5, Amy STEVENSON 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1472. John Elias RICHIE (Brenda Joyce PERRY 6, Fleetwood Lloyd 5, Amy STEVENSON 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Frederick Eugene PERRY (988) & Ginger Lorraine SAWYER

1473. Ian Ahmad PERRY (Frederick Eugene 6, Fleetwood Lloyd 5, Amy STEVENSON 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1474. Brittani LeAnn PERRY (Frederick Eugene 6, Fleetwood Lloyd 5, Amy STEVENSON 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

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1475. Matthew Isaiah Harry Cephas PERRY (Frederick Eugene 6, Fleetwood Lloyd 5, Amy STEVENSON 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Clifton Hannibal PERRY (990) & Debbie HUGHES

1476. Kermit Deshawn HUGHES Sr. (Clifton Hannibal PERRY 6, Fleetwood Lloyd 5, Amy STEVENSON 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Kermit Deshawn first married Alecha Anett JOHNSON . They had the following children:

1767 i. Keona Shawna HUGHES 1768 ii. Jade Shionta HUGHES 1769 iii. Kermit DeShawn HUGHES Jr.

Kermit Deshawn second married Karla Paola PENATE . They had one child:

1770 i. Brooklyn Marie HUGHES

Family of Clifton Hannibal PERRY (990) & Sharon JONES

1477. Mason Clifton PERRY (Clifton Hannibal 6, Fleetwood Lloyd 5, Amy STEVENSON 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Clifford Hans PERRY (991) & Anna FLORES

1478. Christopher FLORES (Clifford Hans PERRY 6, Fleetwood Lloyd 5, Amy STEVENSON 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1479. Joseph FLORES (Clifford Hans PERRY 6, Fleetwood Lloyd 5, Amy STEVENSON 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1480. Jerika Skye FLORES (Clifford Hans PERRY 6, Fleetwood Lloyd 5, Amy STEVENSON 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Clifford Hans PERRY (991) & Tina DARDEN

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1481. Lacey Ashton PERRY (Clifford Hans 6, Fleetwood Lloyd 5, Amy STEVENSON 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Fleetwood Lloyd PERRY Jr (992) & Alzora Williams HYSAW

1482. Estelle Williams HYSAW PERRY (Fleetwood Lloyd PERRY 6, Fleetwood Lloyd 5, Amy STEVENSON 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Estelle Williams first married Robert Wayne NIOUS . They had one child:

1771 i. Markivus Antwan NIOUS

Estelle Williams second married Richard Lee THOMAS . They had one child:

1772 i. Nakeva LaVette THOMAS

Family of Fleetwood Lloyd PERRY Jr (992) & Adora

1483. Calvin Lloyd PERRY (Fleetwood Lloyd 6, Fleetwood Lloyd 5, Amy STEVENSON 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Calvin Lloyd first married Darlene . They had the following children:

1773 i. Darvin PERRY 1774 ii. Demitria PERRY 1775 iii. Danielle PERRY

Calvin Lloyd second married Katherine . They had the following children:

1776 i. Calvin PERRY Jr. 1777 ii. Krystal PERRY

Calvin Lloyd third married Sandra TURNER . They had the following children:

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1778 i. Camakia TURNER PERRY 1779 ii. Lakevious TURNER PERRY 1780 iii. Calvin PERRY III

1484. Brenda LaVern PERRY (Fleetwood Lloyd 6, Fleetwood Lloyd 5, Amy STEVENSON 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Harvey STEVENSON (993) & Leola REEVES

1485. Anthony Lyn STEVENSON SR (Harvey 6, Isaac David 5, Henry 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Anthony Lyn married Leslie ROYER . They had the following children:

1781 i. Marissa Olivia STEVENSON 1782 ii. Anthony Lyn STEVENSON JR

Family of Harvey STEVENSON (993) & Joanne ROUNDTREE

1486. Constance "Connie Lynn" Carrol STEVENSON (Harvey 6, Isaac David 5, Henry 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).


1783 i. Brandy 1784 ii. Willam

Family of Clarissa "Ricki" STEVENSON (994) & Guy BAILEY

1487. Dieadra BAILEY (Clarissa "Ricki" STEVENSON 6, Isaac David 5, Henry 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Issac David STEVENSON Jr. (995)

1488. Dave Maurice STEVENSON (Issac David 6, Isaac David 5, Henry 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1489. Darrell Lamont STEVENSON (Issac David 6, Isaac David 5, Henry 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2,

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Mobile 1).

1490. Isaac David STEVENSON III (Issac David 6, Isaac David 5, Henry 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Dana STEVENSON (996) & Robert LANG

1491. Jeffrey LANG (Dana STEVENSON 6, Isaac David 5, Henry 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1492. Alexander LANG (Dana STEVENSON 6, Isaac David 5, Henry 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1493. Phillip LANG (Dana STEVENSON 6, Isaac David 5, Henry 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Mary STEVENSON (997)

1494. Terry (Mary STEVENSON 6, Jesse "Chief" 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1495. Valerie (Mary STEVENSON 6, Jesse "Chief" 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1496. Chaston (Mary STEVENSON 6, Jesse "Chief" 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Jesse STEVENSON Jr. (998) & Adrina Deneice CLARK

1497. Jesse STEVENSON III (Jesse 6, Jesse "Chief" 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1498. Jessica STEVENSON (Jesse 6, Jesse "Chief" 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Sylvester STEVENSON Sr. (999) & Terri EASLEY

1499. Sylvester STEVENSON Jr. (Sylvester 6, Jesse "Chief" 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1500. Nikke STEVENSON (Sylvester 6, Jesse "Chief" 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Sylvester STEVENSON Sr. (999) & Doris MOSLEY

1501. Elijah STEVENSON (Sylvester 6, Jesse "Chief" 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Johneth STEVENSON (1001)

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1502. Leonard STEVENSON (Johneth 6, Leonard 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Leonard married Natlie GREEN . They had the following children:

1785 i. Tyrese Lecedric STEVENSON 1786 ii. Kiayon Najee STEVENSON 1787 iii. Sylus Zakiya STEVENSON

Family of Vanoy "Sonny" STEVENSON Jr. (1002) & Marie VINES-GLEANSON

1503. Merduice A. "Cricket" STEVENSON (Vanoy "Sonny" 6, Vanoy 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Merduice A. "Cricket" first married ? HAMLETT . They had one child:

1788 i. Shannon HAMLETT

Merduice A. "Cricket" second married Gregory REED , son of John Robert REED & Iris C. HALL. They had one child:

1789 i. Kaylin REED

1504. Kemo STEVENSON PATRICK (Vanoy "Sonny" STEVENSON 6, Vanoy 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).


1790 i. Justyne D. STEVENSON PATRICK 1791 ii. Alisha S. STEVENSON PATRICK

1505. Illana STEVENSON (Vanoy "Sonny" 6, Vanoy 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).


1792 i. Jared 1793 ii. Kalyah

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1794 iii. Laura

Family of Vanoy "Sonny" STEVENSON Jr. (1002) & Jacqueline REDMOND

1506. Marcus STEVENSON Sr. (Vanoy "Sonny" 6, Vanoy 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).


1795 i. Marcus STEVENSON Jr. 1796 ii. Andrew JONES

1507. Daryl STEVENSON (Vanoy "Sonny" 6, Vanoy 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Vanoy "Sonny" STEVENSON Jr. (1002) & Caroline

1508. Collette STEVENSON (Vanoy "Sonny" 6, Vanoy 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).


1797 i. Sharon

Family of Rennaye STEVENSON (1003) & Pamela BREWTON

1509. Monique Wiley STEVENSON (Rennaye 6, Vanoy 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1510. Kisasi Umezo STEVENSON (Rennaye 6, Vanoy 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Kisasi Umezo first married Michelle WEYOUNG . They had one child:

1798 i. Mercedes Renee STEVENSON

Kisasi Umezo second married Laurita ESPINOZA . They had one child:

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1799 i. Arianna STEVENSON

Kisasi Umezo third married Rebecca . They had one child:

1800 i. Darice STEVENSON

Family of Darlene Loretta STEVENSON (1004) & Gerald UBA

1511. Camille Nicole UBA (Darlene Loretta STEVENSON 6, Sylvester Louis 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Desalyn Marie "Angel" STEVENSON (1006) & Andre MONROE

1512. Cameron Louis STEVENSON MONROE (Desalyn Marie "Angel" STEVENSON 6, Sylvester Louis 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Yolanda WALLS (1008) & Larry WEATHERS

1513. DaVonte WEATHERS (Yolanda WALLS 6, Doris Jean STEVENSON 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1514. Montae WEATHERS (Yolanda WALLS 6, Doris Jean STEVENSON 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1515. Shontae Marie WEATHERS (Yolanda WALLS 6, Doris Jean STEVENSON 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).


1801 i. Alaysha Marie WEATHERS

Family of Yolanda WALLS (1008) & Scott COLE

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1516. Scott Taye COLE (Yolanda WALLS 6, Doris Jean STEVENSON 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Katrina Ann MILLER (1011) & Roy WARD

1517. Sabrina L. MILLER (Katrina Ann 6, Rosetta STEVENSON 5, Leagus 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Sabrina L. first married Darinshelor B. FARAHKAHN . They had the following children:

1802 i. Jai Taijah A. S. FARAHKAHN 1803 ii. Darinshelor A. J. FARAHKAHN

Sabrina L. second married Freddrick C. PATTON . 1518. Santawn A. MILLER (Katrina Ann 6, Rosetta STEVENSON 5, Leagus 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1519. Octovia Z. MILLER (Katrina Ann 6, Rosetta STEVENSON 5, Leagus 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1520. Reality M. L. MACK (Katrina Ann MILLER 6, Rosetta STEVENSON 5, Leagus 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Charles Henry RICHARDSON Jr. (1016) & Pauline JONES

1521. Charletta Lavon RICHARDSON (Charles Henry 6, Rosetta STEVENSON 5, Leagus 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Charles Henry RICHARDSON Jr. (1016) & Sylvia WALLACE

1522. Lateefah Naeemah RICHARDSON (Charles Henry 6, Rosetta STEVENSON 5, Leagus 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).


1804 i. LaToya Nekkoie McNAIR 1805 ii. Latraviata Neocheana GRUBBS

1523. Robert Lamont WALLACE (Charles Henry RICHARDSON 6, Rosetta STEVENSON 5, Leagus 4,

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Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).


1806 i. Jade WALLACE

1524. Fatima Ayana RICHARDSON (Charles Henry 6, Rosetta STEVENSON 5, Leagus 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).


1807 i. Kameron LOVELACE

1525. Afi Adanma RICHARDSON (Charles Henry 6, Rosetta STEVENSON 5, Leagus 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Charles Henry RICHARDSON Jr. (1016) & Patricia BENTON

1526. Chrystie GAINES (Charles Henry RICHARDSON 6, Rosetta STEVENSON 5, Leagus 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Clifford R. JOHNSON (1018) & Elsie WRIGHT

1527. Monques JOHNSON (Clifford R. 6, Rosetta STEVENSON 5, Leagus 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1528. Deontay JOHNSON (Clifford R. 6, Rosetta STEVENSON 5, Leagus 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1529. Sharikia JOHNSON (Clifford R. 6, Rosetta STEVENSON 5, Leagus 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1530. Shaundeisha JOHNSON (Clifford R. 6, Rosetta STEVENSON 5, Leagus 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1531. TaShauna JOHNSON (Clifford R. 6, Rosetta STEVENSON 5, Leagus 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Stella JOHNSON (1019)

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1532. Lakita N. JOHNSON (Stella 6, Rosetta STEVENSON 5, Leagus 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1533. Marquis A. JOHNSON (Stella 6, Rosetta STEVENSON 5, Leagus 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Bernardine (1020)

1534. Britton (Bernardine 6, Katherine STEVENSON 5, Mobile 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1535. Dawn (Bernardine 6, Katherine STEVENSON 5, Mobile 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1536. Reva (Bernardine 6, Katherine STEVENSON5, Mobile 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1537. Bernard Jr. (Bernardine 6, Katherine STEVENSON 5, Mobile 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Charlotte (1021)

1538. Katrina (Charlotte 6, Katherine STEVENSON 5, Mobile 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1539. Reginald (Charlotte 6, Katherine STEVENSON 5, Mobile 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1540. Tammy (Charlotte 6, Katherine STEVENSON 5, Mobile 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Daniel Sr. (1022)

1541. Laquita Faye (Daniel 6, Lucille 5, Roberta STEVENSON 4, Benjiman (Benjamin) 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1542. Daniel Jr. (Daniel 6, Lucille 5, Roberta STEVENSON 4, Benjiman (Benjamin) 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1543. Lisa (Daniel 6, Lucille 5, Roberta STEVENSON 4, Benjiman (Benjamin) 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Alvia Sr. (1023)

1544. Alvia Jr. (Alvia 6, Lucille 5, Roberta STEVENSON 4, Benjiman (Benjamin) 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Shirley (1024)

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1545. Jocelyn (Shirley 6, Lucille 5, Roberta STEVENSON 4, Benjiman (Benjamin) 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1546. Darla (Shirley 6, Lucille 5, Roberta STEVENSON 4, Benjiman (Benjamin) 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Ray L. (1025)

1547. Ken (Ray L. 6, Lucille 5, Roberta STEVENSON 4, Benjiman (Benjamin) 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1548. Carlos (Ray L. 6, Lucille 5, Roberta STEVENSON 4, Benjiman (Benjamin) 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1549. Roberta (Ray L. 6, Lucille 5, Roberta STEVENSON 4, Benjiman (Benjamin) 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1550. Chrissy (Ray L. 6, Lucille 5, Roberta STEVENSON 4, Benjiman (Benjamin) 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Robert Sr. (1027)

1551. Tyisha (Robert 6, Lucille 5, Roberta STEVENSON 4, Benjiman (Benjamin) 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1552. Tamika (Robert 6, Lucille 5, Roberta STEVENSON 4, Benjiman (Benjamin) 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1553. Robert Jr. (Robert 6, Lucille 5, Roberta STEVENSON 4, Benjiman (Benjamin) 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1554. Ebony (Robert 6, Lucille 5, Roberta STEVENSON 4, Benjiman (Benjamin) 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Sherrie RICHARDSON (1029)

1555. Darrion (Sherrie RICHARDSON 6, Maulsie BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1556. Marcia (Sherrie RICHARDSON 6, Maulsie BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1557. Dorcia (Sherrie RICHARDSON 6, Maulsie BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1558. Nekki (Sherrie RICHARDSON 6, Maulsie BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Donna RICHARDSON (1030)

1559. Lemarcus (Donna RICHARDSON 6, Maulsie BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

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1560. E.L. (Donna RICHARDSON 6, Maulsie BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1561. Mautra (Donna RICHARDSON 6, Maulsie BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1562. Billy (Donna RICHARDSON 6, Maulsie BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1563. Donna (Donna RICHARDSON 6, Maulsie BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Berley RICHARDSON (1031)

1564. Berley RICHARDSON Jr (Berley 6, Maulsie BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Natalie RICHARDSON (1032)

1565. Tara (Natalie RICHARDSON 6, Maulsie BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Carlos STEVENSON (1033) & Danny IVORY

1566. Chanell STEVENSON (Carlos 6, Nellie Mae BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).


1808 i. Savaughn COOPER 1809 ii. Savian COOPER

1567. Derrick STEVENSON (Carlos 6, Nellie Mae BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

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Family of Rhonda STEVENSON (1034)

1568. Eliza STEVENSON (Rhonda 6, Nellie Mae BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Sheila STEVENSON (1036)

1569. Lavender (Sheila STEVENSON 6, Nellie Mae BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).


1810 i. Angel BEHN

1570. Joshua (Sheila STEVENSON 6, Nellie Mae BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Andrea Michea DRAIN (1037) & Marvin LANGSTON

1571. Avery LANGSTON (Andrea Michea DRAIN 6, Arnetta Marie BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1572. Rhys LANGSTON (Andrea Michea DRAIN 6, Arnetta Marie BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Renae Chevonne DRAIN (1038) & Vincent BURKE

1573. Wyndham BURKE (Renae Chevonne DRAIN 6, Arnetta Marie BUCKNER5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1). Born on 10 Sep .

1574. Brayden BURKE (Renae Chevonne DRAIN 6, Arnetta Marie BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of William Alan DRAIN (1039) & Marva

1575. Arnetta Nicole DRAIN (William Alan 6, Arnetta Marie BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1576. Brianna Denise DRAIN (William Alan 6, Arnetta Marie BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

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1577. Jared DRAIN (William Alan 6, Arnetta Marie BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1). Jared died in died at birth.

1578. Darian Alan DRAIN (William Alan 6, Arnetta Marie BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Sim DRAIN III (1040) & Tecmia

1579. Sim DRAIN IV (Sim 6, Arnetta Marie BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1580. Simone DRAIN (Sim 6, Arnetta Marie BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1581. Andrew DRAIN (Sim 6, Arnetta Marie BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Trayveah OSBORNE (1041) & Karen WILLIAMS

1582. Kristi OSBORNE (Trayveah 6, Jimmie Olivia BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Kristi married Nazereth GATES .

1583. Kourtney OSBORNE (Trayveah 6, Jimmie Olivia BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Kourtney married Ryan ANDREWS .

They had the following children:

1811 i. Danika ANDREWS 1812 ii. Odin ANDREWS 1813 iii. Isadora ANDREWS

1584. Darius OSBORNE (Trayveah 6, Jimmie Olivia BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Darius married Kirstin .

1585. Delynne OSBORNE (Trayveah 6, Jimmie Olivia BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy

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STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1586. Daniel OSBORNE (Trayveah 6, Jimmie Olivia BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Frontes McEWEN (1043) & Hana KIM

1587. Paiton McEWEN (Frontes 6, Jimmie Olivia BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1588. Preston McEWEN (Frontes 6, Jimmie Olivia BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Demetre Elese PERRY (1044) & Jeffery Arnold MEYERS

1589. Bianca Nicole MEYERS (Demetre Elese PERRY 6, Geneva BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Finas Duval PERRY (1045) & ?

1590. Gaston PERRY (Finas Duval 6, Geneva BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1591. Dawan Duval PERRY (Finas Duval 6, Geneva BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1592. Ian PERRY (Finas Duval 6, Geneva BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Finas Duval PERRY (1045) & Shantel THOMAS

1593. Jair PERRY (Finas Duval 6, Geneva BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1594. Masie PERRY (Finas Duval 6, Geneva BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1595. Erice PERRY (Finas Duval 6, Geneva BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

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Family of Farron Dwayne PERRY (1046) & Illia VILLORIA

1596. Illiyah VILLORIA (Farron Dwayne PERRY 6, Geneva BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Letitia (1064) & MITCHELL

1597. Cameron MITCHELL (Letitia 6, Betty ASHLEY 5, Inez JACKSON 4, Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Letitia (1064) & SMITH

1598. Aaron (Letitia 6, Betty ASHLEY 5, Inez JACKSON 4, Loradeo STEVENSON 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Linda STEVENSON (1079)

1599. John (Linda STEVENSON 6, Curtis 5, Melvin 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1600. Jana (Linda STEVENSON 6, Curtis 5, Melvin 4, Samuel 3, Dave2, Mobile 1).

Family of Bernell STEVENSON (1080)

1601. Curtis Bernell (Bernell STEVENSON 6, Curtis 5, Melvin 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Debra STEVENSON (1081)

1602. Danny (Debra STEVENSON 6, Curtis 5, Melvin 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Eric STEVENSON Sr. (1082)

1603. Eric STEVENSON Jr. (Eric 6, Curtis 5, Melvin 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1604. Banita STEVENSON (Eric 6, Curtis 5, Melvin 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of George Earl WILLIAMS Sr. (1090) & Hiromi

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1605. George Yamato WILLIAMS Jr. (George Earl 6, Leer Mae STEVENSON 5, George 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1606. Justice Hideo WILLIAMS (George Earl 6, Leer Mae STEVENSON 5, George 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of George Earl WILLIAMS Sr. (1090) & Sharon HOLLINS

1607. Shawntelle Sharise WILLIAMS (George Earl 6, Leer Mae STEVENSON 5, George 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Shawntelle Sharise first married Joseph CELESTINE Sr. . They had the following children:

1814 i. Joseph CELESTINE Jr. 1815 ii. Cedric CELESTINE

Shawntelle Sharise second married Ojo WATSON Sr. . They had the following children:

1816 i. Ojo WATSON Jr. 1817 ii. Jamare WATSON 1818 iii. Destanie WATSON

1608. Cedric WILLIAMS Sr. (George Earl 6, Leer Mae STEVENSON 5, George 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1819 i. Cedric WILLIAMS Jr. 1820 ii. Deione WILLIAMS 1821 iii. Demari WILLIAMS

Family of Larry Gene WILLIAMS Sr. (1092)

1609. Larry WILLIAMS Jr. (Larry Gene 6, Leer Mae STEVENSON 5, George 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

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Family of Robert Raydean WILLIAMS Sr. (1093) & Beverly CRUMPTER

1610. Robert WILLIAMS Jr. (Robert Raydean 6, Leer Mae STEVENSON 5, George 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Robert married Tiana VICKS . They had the following children:

1822 i. Takiya Monaie WILLIAMS 1823 ii. Taniya Yvette WILLIAMS

1611. Izell Eugene WILLIAMS (Robert Raydean 6, Leer Mae STEVENSON 5, George 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Izell Eugene married Collen RAFFETY . They had one child:

1824 i. Nyla Monaie WILLIAMS

1612. Fyhemia WILLIAMS (Robert Raydean 6, Leer Mae STEVENSON 5, George 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Robert Raydean WILLIAMS Sr. (1093) & Gloria BRADFORD

1613. Samantha Katrina WILLIAMS (Robert Raydean 6, Leer Mae STEVENSON 5, George 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Carla Deloris HALL (1095) & Nicholas BROOKS

1614. Danielle Nicole BROOKS (Carla Deloris HALL 6, Leer Mae STEVENSON 5, George 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Carla Deloris HALL (1095) & Michael GIBSON

1615. Omar Jamal GIBSON (Carla Deloris HALL 6, Leer Mae STEVENSON 5, George 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Omar Jamal married Crystal PHILLIPS . They had the following children:

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1825 i. Kennedy Nicole PHILLIPS GIBSON 1826 ii. London Ciara PHILLIPS GIBSON

Family of Michael Wayne TROTTER (1096) & Naquita JACKSON

1616. Mose Stanley TROTTER (Michael Wayne 6, Savannah Deloris STEVENSON 5, George 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1827 i. Meliyah Mystayza TROTTER

1617. Mychal Westpriest TROTTER (Michael Wayne 6, Savannah Deloris STEVENSON 5, George 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1618. Marquita Savannah TROTTER (Michael Wayne 6, Savannah Deloris STEVENSON 5, George 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1828 i. Motyus Ospriest TROTTER

Family of Michael Wayne TROTTER (1096) & Bobbie LOTTIE

1619. Mykah Diett TROTTER (Michael Wayne 6, Savannah Deloris STEVENSON 5, George 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1620. Benjamin Oscar TROTTER (Michael Wayne 6, Savannah Deloris STEVENSON 5, George 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Michael Wayne TROTTER (1096) & Sheila DOUGLASS

1621. Kendra Rose TROTTER (Michael Wayne 6, Savannah Deloris STEVENSON 5, George 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Michael Wayne TROTTER (1096) & Pauline HUTTON

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1622. Tyrone Tyus TROTTER (Michael Wayne 6, Savannah Deloris STEVENSON 5, George 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1829 i. Kamdria TROTTER

Family of Marsha Elaine MASSEY (1097) & William JOHNSON

1623. Tamara Nechelle JOHNSON (Marsha Elaine MASSEY 6, Savannah Deloris STEVENSON 5, George 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1830 i. Marcel PERRY

Family of Marsha Elaine MASSEY (1097) & Leonard ROSS

1624. Desire Lynette Victoria ROSS (Marsha Elaine MASSEY 6, Savannah Deloris STEVENSON 5, George 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Marsha Elaine MASSEY (1097) & Nate SIMS

1625. Venus SIMS (Marsha Elaine MASSEY 6, Savannah Deloris STEVENSON 5, George 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Died at birth

Family of Liron WILSON (1098)

1626. Tyshaun Calil WILSON WILSON (Liron 6, April Lee STEVENSON 5, George 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Nikki STEVENSON (1105) & Charles NEAL

1627. Zaqan NEAL (Nikki STEVENSON 6, Bruce 5, Samuel 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1628. Mayan NEAL (Nikki STEVENSON 6, Bruce 5, Samuel 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

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1629. Shannon NEAL (Nikki STEVENSON 6, Bruce 5, Samuel 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1630. Zaqar NEAL (Nikki STEVENSON 6, Bruce 5, Samuel 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Andrea STEVENSON (1107) & Lucien WATSON

1631. Darius WATSON (Andrea STEVENSON 6, Bruce 5, Samuel 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1632. Tarik WATSON (Andrea STEVENSON 6, Bruce 5, Samuel 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1633. Knari WATSON (Andrea STEVENSON 6, Bruce 5, Samuel 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1634. Taj WATSON (Andrea STEVENSON 6, Bruce 5, Samuel 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Grace STEVENSON (1108) & Ricardi BOWIE

1635. Destiny BOWIE (Grace STEVENSON 6, Bruce 5, Samuel 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1636. Mia BOWIE (Grace STEVENSON 6, Bruce 5, Samuel 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Terrence BUFFORD (1111) & Lynette PAYTON

1637. Brittany BUFFORD (Terrence 6, Diana STEVENSON 5, Samuel 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1638. Terrence "TJ" BUFFORD Jr (Terrence 6, Diana STEVENSON 5, Samuel 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Darryl C. Sr. (1121)

1639. Darryl C. Jr (Darryl C. 6, Jacqueline STEVENSON 5, Charlie C. 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1640. Darryl Deshan (Darryl C. 6, Jacqueline STEVENSON 5, Charlie C. 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Debra Delaine STEVENSON (1146)

1641. Tanisha Stevenson HARRIS (Debra Delaine STEVENSON 6, Iley Willie 5, Iley Lee 4, Fleetwood 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


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1831 i. Chase Stevenson HARRIS 1832 ii. Kristal Talonna HARRIS

1642. Kabiou Rashard CLAIBORNE Sr. (Debra Delaine STEVENSON 6, Iley Willie 5, Iley Lee 4, Fleetwood 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).


1833 i. Selah Ayianna CLAIBORNE 1834 ii. Kabiou Rashard CLAIBORNE Jr.

1643. Christeena Monee CLAIBORNE (Debra Delaine STEVENSON 6, Iley Willie 5, Iley Lee 4, Fleetwood 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1644. Tiffany Vogue CLAIBORNE (Debra Delaine STEVENSON 6, Iley Willie 5, Iley Lee 4, Fleetwood 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Micheal Don STEVENSON (1147)

1645. Patrizio STEVENSON (Micheal Don 6, Iley Willie 5, Iley Lee 4, Fleetwood 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1646. Crystal STEVENSON (Micheal Don 6, Iley Willie 5, Iley Lee 4, Fleetwood 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Iley Willie STEVENSON Jr. (1148)

1647. Renaldo Dominique STEVENSON (Iley Willie 6, Iley Willie 5, Iley Lee 4, Fleetwood 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1648. Adrian D. STEVENSON (Iley Willie 6, Iley Willie 5, Iley Lee 4, Fleetwood 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Bobbi STEVENSON (1154)

1649. Torin (Bobbi STEVENSON 6, Henry Lee 5, Iley Lee 4, Fleetwood 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Angela STEVENSON (1155)

1650. Justin (Angela STEVENSON 6, Henry Lee 5, Iley Lee 4, Fleetwood 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

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Family of Paula (1159)

1651. Paul (Paula 6, Ellon Marie 5, Iley Lee STEVENSON 4, Fleetwood 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Deloris JOHNSON (1164) & Dennis FRAZIER

1652. Quendell FRAZIER MILLER (Deloris JOHNSON 6, Genese STEVENSON 5, Fleet 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Quendell married Latisha . They had the following children:

1835 i. Stormy MILLER FRAZIER (-Mar 2008) 1836 ii. Malik FRAZIER MILLER 1837 iii. Makia FRAZIER MILLER

1653. Kevin FRAZIER MILLER (Deloris JOHNSON 6, Genese STEVENSON 5, Fleet 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Kevin first married Audie . They had one child:

1838 i. Deshone FRAZIER MILLER

Kevin second married Nicole . They had one child:

1839 i. Nakitha FRAZIER MILLER

Kevin third married Lynette . They had one child:

1840 i. Nickie FRAZIER MILLER

1654. Genese FRAZIER MILLER (Deloris JOHNSON 6, Genese STEVENSON 5, Fleet 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Genese married Wyon WILLIAMS . They had the following children:

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1841 i. Ayanna WILLIAMS 1842 ii. Johnthan WILLIAMS 1843 iii. Kamonta WILLIAMS

1655. La Shonda JOHNSON COLBERTSON (Deloris JOHNSON 6, Genese STEVENSON 5, Fleet 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

La Shonda married Steven COLBERTSON . They had one child:

1844 i. Kenny COLBERTSON (4 Nov -)

Family of Jennifer (1173)

1656. John Ivory (Jennifer 6, Betty 5, Edna STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1657. Phillip (Jennifer 6, Betty 5, Edna STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Barbara Ann (1174)

1658. Nickie (Barbara Ann 6, Betty 5, Edna STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1659. Kendell (Barbara Ann 6, Betty 5, Edna STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Tamyra (1175)

1660. Sandra (Tamyra 6, Betty 5, Edna STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1661. Maurice (Tamyra 6, Betty 5, Edna STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1662. Curtis (Tamyra 6, Betty 5, Edna STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1663. Cesarer (Tamyra 6, Betty 5, Edna STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Kathleen (1176)

1664. Brandy (Kathleen 6, Betty 5, Edna STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

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1665. Kyra (Kathleen 6, Betty 5, Edna STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Bennie Jr. (1177)

1666. Bennie III (Bennie 6, Betty 5, Edna STEVENSON 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Anthony BLACK (1199)

1667. Toniece ARNOLD (Anthony BLACK 6, Verna Mae STEVENSON 5, Albert 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1668. Kourtney BLACK (Anthony 6, Verna Mae STEVENSON 5, Albert 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1669. Anthony BLACK (Anthony 6, Verna Mae STEVENSON 5, Albert 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Michael STEVENSON (1200)

1670. Aleisha STEVENSON (Michael 6, Verna Mae 5, Albert4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Tansy PRESTON (1201)

1671. Julius BOONE (Tansy PRESTON 6, Verna Mae STEVENSON 5, Albert 4, Simpson3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Verna PRESTON (1202) & Kevin SHELTON

1672. Michael PRESTON (Verna 6, Verna Mae STEVENSON 5, Albert 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1673. Elvie L. ELLIS (Verna PRESTON 6, Verna Mae STEVENSON 5, Albert 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Eighth Generation

Family of Tia Nicole WRIGHT (1204) & Sterling SAINTILUS

1674. Dejahnae Denise SAINTILUS (Tia Nicole WRIGHT 7, Deanna Lynn BUSH 6, Melva ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Tia Nicole WRIGHT (1204) & Pareal GENTRY

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1675. Dominique Damone WRIGHT (Tia Nicole 7, Deanna Lynn BUSH 6, Melva ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Marcella JEFFERSON (1206) & Eric McCOY

1676. Kavon McCOY (Marcella JEFFERSON 7, Carolyn JACKSON 6, Toylee ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

1677. Romelo McCOY (Marcella JEFFERSON 7, Carolyn JACKSON 6, Toylee ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Terry J. TERRELL Jr. (1215)

1678. Diamond TERRELL (Terry J. 7, Bettina L. MATTHEWS 6, Louise ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

1679. Torrey TERRELL (Terry J. 7, Bettina L. MATTHEWS 6, Louise ABRAM 5, Gencie STEVENSON 4, Nelson 3, Bankston 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Hurchell Degan ATKINSON (1227) & Sherry Lynn MORGAN

1680. Ayanna Kenyama ATKINSON (Hurchell Degan 7, Lorene PATTERSON 6, Ethel WILLIAMS 5, Joanna STEVENSON 4, Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).


1845 i. Shaquovein Terrell ATKINSON

1681. Kimberly Dawn ATKINSON (Hurchell Degan 7, Lorene PATTERSON 6, Ethel WILLIAMS 5, Joanna STEVENSON 4, Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).


1846 i. Marquise Jevon KEMP 1847 ii. Malique J'Juan ATKINSON

1682. Kevin Marquise ATKINSON (Hurchell Degan 7, Lorene PATTERSON 6, Ethel WILLIAMS 5, Joanna STEVENSON 4, Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1). Born on 27 Feb 1978 in Montgomery, AL. Kevin Marquise died in Oklahoma City, OK, on 15 Jun 1990; he was 12.

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1683. Kendrick Degan ATKINSON (Hurchell Degan 7, Lorene PATTERSON 6, Ethel WILLIAMS 5, Joanna STEVENSON 4, Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Wanda J. HARRIS (1245)

1684. Kelly McCOY (Wanda J. HARRIS 7, Herbert D. JOHNSON 6, Eva GUNNS 5, Angeline STEVENSON 4, Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Valerie WILLIAMS (1262)

1685. Samantha (Valerie WILLIAMS 7, Floyd 6, Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1686. Sabrina (Valerie WILLIAMS 7, Floyd 6, Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Pamela WILLIAMS (1263) & Michael STITT

1687. Seth STITT (Pamela WILLIAMS 7, Charles 6, Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1688. Antoine STITT (Pamela WILLIAMS 7, Charles 6, Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Charles WILLIAMS Jr. (1264)

1689. Kindra WILLIAMS (Charles 7, Charles 6, Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1690. Chanelor WILLIAMS (Charles 7, Charles 6, Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of James WILLIAMS Jr. (1266) & Angela

1691. Tyler WILLIAMS (James 7, Flora 6, Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Ronald WILLIAMS (1268)

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1692. Bethany WILLIAMS (Ronald 7, Curtis 6, Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1693. Shanarri WILLIAMS (Ronald 7, Curtis 6, Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Rahnee Lynn WILLIAMS (1269)

1694. Sumyah (Rahnee Lynn WILLIAMS 7, Curtis 6, Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1695. Maryan (Rahnee Lynn WILLIAMS 7, Curtis 6, Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of LaVonn WILLIAMS Jr. (1270)

1696. Marronica WILLIAMS (LaVonn 7, LaVonn 6, Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1697. Arquel WILLIAMS (LaVonn 7, LaVonn 6, Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1698. Tashanae WILLIAMS (LaVonn 7, LaVonn 6, Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Renita WILLIAMS (1274)

1699. William (Renita WILLIAMS 7, Alfred Dean 6, Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Ashly WILLIAMS (1277) & Quayne Jermaine BACCAS

1700. Jaylen Kyle BACCAS (Ashly WILLIAMS 7, Albert Ray 6, Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1701. Devin Jeremiah BACCAS (Ashly WILLIAMS 7, Albert Ray 6, Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Damon BROWN (1278) & Gemma CONCEPCION

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1702. Jeila BROWN (Damon 7, Lutricia Ann WILLIAMS 6, Myrtle Mae STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Warren TERRY (1285)

1703. Andrew TERRY (Warren 7, Patsy HAWKINS 6, Bernice STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1704. Christina TERRY (Warren 7, Patsy HAWKINS 6, Bernice STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1705. Jacob TERRY (Warren 7, Patsy HAWKINS 6, Bernice STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1706. Warjanay TERRY (Warren 7, Patsy HAWKINS 6, Bernice STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Anthony TERRY Sr. (1286)

1707. Anthony TERRY Jr. (Anthony 7, Patsy HAWKINS 6, Bernice STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1708. Jasmine TERRY (Anthony 7, Patsy HAWKINS 6, Bernice STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Rachel TERRY (1287)

1709. Shawn ROGERS (Rachel TERRY 7, Patsy HAWKINS 6, Bernice STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1710. James Traysean ALEXANDER (Rachel TERRY 7, Patsy HAWKINS 6, Bernice STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Vernell Levette TERRY (1288) & Antonio McCLENDON

1711. Jeala McCLENDON (Vernell Levette TERRY 7, Patsy HAWKINS 6, Bernice STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Dawn FIELDS (1292)

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1712. Brittany MOONEY (Dawn FIELDS 7, Brenda HAWKINS 6, Bernice STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1713. June "Deshawn" PATTERSON (Dawn FIELDS 7, Brenda HAWKINS 6, Bernice STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1714. Derek GORDON (Dawn FIELDS 7, Brenda HAWKINS 6, Bernice STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Delmus FIELDS (1293) & Kim

1715. Kyla FIELDS (Delmus 7, Brenda HAWKINS 6, Bernice STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Ebony NAILS (1294) & Sheldon SIMMONS

1716. Cameron SIMMONS (Ebony NAILS 7, Linda HAWKINS 6, Bernice STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Porcha NAILS (1295)

1717. James E. CASTLE (Porcha NAILS 7, Linda HAWKINS 6, Bernice STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1718. Daisha McGREGORY (Porcha NAILS 7, Linda HAWKINS 6, Bernice STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Victoria May LANG (1297)

1719. Toria May LANG (Victoria May 7, Ivory 6, Bernice STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Darrell LANG (1298)

1720. Eligha LANG (Darrell 7, Ivory 6, Bernice STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1721. Esoki LANG (Darrell 7, Ivory 6, Bernice STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Michael SAMUELS (1305)

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1722. SAMUELS (Michael 7, Roger Lee 6, Charlene STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1723. SAMUELS (Michael 7, Roger Lee 6, Charlene STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1724. Brittany Elizabeth SAMUELS (Michael 7, Roger Lee 6, Charlene STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Edward HOLLOMAN Jr. (1308)

1725. Simone HOLLOMAN (Edward 7, Phyllis McCREE 6, Cora STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Dewayne McCREE (1314)

1726. Kevin McCREE III (Dewayne 7, Kevin 6, Cora STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1727. Kareena McCREE (Dewayne 7, Kevin 6, Cora STEVENSON 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Lakayna TURNER (1330)

1728. Dionte COLLETTE (Lakayna TURNER 7, Debra STEVENSON 6, Gene 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Kimberly HARDY (1331)

1729. Tamara BREWER (Kimberly HARDY 7, Debra STEVENSON 6, Gene 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1730. Jerome (Kimberly HARDY 7, Debra STEVENSON 6, Gene 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Tasha WILFORD (1333)

1731. Lauriell (Tasha WILFORD 7, Penny STEVENSON 6, Gene 5, Henderson 4, Elijah 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

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Family of Stacey NELSON (1362)

1732. Taylor ARNOLD (Stacey NELSON 7, Debra ARNOLD 6, Ida Mae GOLDSBY 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Jacqetta NELSON (1363)

1733. Briana ARNOLD (Jacqetta NELSON 7, Debra ARNOLD 6, Ida Mae GOLDSBY 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

1734. Miles ARNOLD (Jacqetta NELSON 7, Debra ARNOLD 6, Ida Mae GOLDSBY 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Chester NELSON (1364)

1735. Rochael NELSON (Chester 7, Debra ARNOLD 6, Ida Mae GOLDSBY 5, Helen STEVENSON 4, Riley 3, Joe2, Mobile 1).

Family of Johnny BRADFORD Jr. (1401)

1736. Meisha BRADFORD (Johnny 7, Johnny 6, Vivian 5, Wavey STEVENSON 4, Standwatie 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).

1737. Marcus BRADFORD (Johnny 7, Johnny 6, Vivian 5, Wavey STEVENSON 4, Standwatie 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Orlando BRADFORD (1402)

1738. Zach BRADFORD (Orlando 7, Johnny 6, Vivian 5, Wavey STEVENSON 4, Standwatie 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).

1739. Madison BRADFORD (Orlando 7, Johnny6, Vivian 5, Wavey STEVENSON 4, Standwatie 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).

Family of James BRADFORD (1403)

1740. Cameron BRADFORD (James 7, Johnny 6, Vivian 5, Wavey STEVENSON 4, Standwatie 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).

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1741. Cain BRADFORD (James 7, Johnny 6, Vivian 5, Wavey STEVENSON 4, Standwatie 3, Louis 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Gregory Warren CANNON (1411) & ?

1742. Jelina CANNON (Gregory Warren 7, Unestine DENSON 6, Exzetta PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Gregory Warren CANNON (1411) & LaTanya

1743. Elisha T. George CANNON (Gregory Warren 7, Unestine DENSON 6, Exzetta PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

1744. Ayanna CANNON (Gregory Warren 7, Unestine DENSON 6, Exzetta PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

1745. Laryah Williams CANNON (Gregory Warren 7, Unestine DENSON 6, Exzetta PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Edward Tyrone WYATT (1415) & Alaina SPIVEY

1746. Jalen Malik WYATT (Edward Tyrone 7, Eleanor DENSON 6, Exzetta PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born on 26 May in Shawnee Mission, Kansas.

Family of Karen K. REDMOND (1416) & William TUCKER

1747. Kierra Katriece TUCKER (Karen K. REDMOND 7, Helen DENSON 6, Exzetta PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born on 24 Dec .

Family of Karen K. REDMOND (1416) & Eric GUESS

1748. K'Vontaye Kevon REDMOND GUESS (Karen K. REDMOND 7, Helen DENSON 6, Exzetta PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1). Born on 2 May .

Family of Carolyn E. REDMOND (1417) & Mark GOODE

1749. Markayla GOODE (Carolyn E. REDMOND 7, Helen DENSON 6, Exzetta PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

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Family of Carolyn E. REDMOND (1417) & James FIELDS

1750. James FIELDS (Carolyn E. REDMOND 7, Helen DENSON 6, Exzetta PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

1751. Jalen FIELDS (Carolyn E. REDMOND 7, Helen DENSON 6, Exzetta PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Harrison REDMOND III (1418)

1752. DeAngelo REDMOND (Harrison 7, Helen DENSON 6, Exzetta PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Christopher REDMOND (1419)

1753. Christopher REDMOND (Christopher 7, Helen DENSON 6, Exzetta PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

1754. Rashad REDMOND (Christopher 7, Helen DENSON 6, Exzetta PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Lavonne STEVENSON (1420)

1755. Marcus STEVENSON (Lavonne 7, Leon James 6, Ceola PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

1756. Christopher Dion STEVENSON (Lavonne 7, Leon James 6, Ceola PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Leon James STEVENSON Jr. (1421)

1757. Leon James STEVENSON III (Leon James 7, Leon James 6, Ceola PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

1758. Kelly STEVENSON (Leon James 7, Leon James 6, Ceola PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

1759. Stephanie STEVENSON (Leon James 7, Leon James 6, Ceola PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

1760. Dominique STEVENSON (Leon James 7, Leon James 6, Ceola PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie

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ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Tawana Lynn STEVENSON (1424)

1761. Summer STEVENSON (Tawana Lynn 7, Leon James 6, Ceola PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Karen Nicole STEVENSON (1425) & ? ALDRIDGE

1762. Hallie ALDRIDGE (Karen Nicole STEVENSON 7, Leon James 6, Ceola PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

1763. Michael ALDRIDGE (Karen Nicole STEVENSON 7, Leon James 6, Ceola PICKENS 5, Rhoda Rodie ROBERTS 4, Edmund 3, Sarah STEVENSON 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Kanikah Jacqueleen PERRY (1468) & Kenneth Curtis ACOSTA

1764. Kellyn Kai PERRY-ACOSTA (Kanikah Jacqueleen PERRY 7, Harry L. 6, Fleetwood Lloyd 5, Amy STEVENSON 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Takiyah Veronika PERRY (1469) & Rodrick Denairelle JACQUET

1765. Jaydon Lee PERRY-JACQUET (Takiyah Veronika PERRY 7, Harry L. 6, Fleetwood Lloyd 5, Amy STEVENSON 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Myrah Leor PERRY (1470) & Edward JOHNSON

1766. Mykayla Victoria PERRY-JOHNSON (Myrah Leor PERRY 7, Harry L. 6, Fleetwood Lloyd 5, Amy STEVENSON 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Kermit Deshawn HUGHES Sr. (1476) & Alecha Anett JOHNSON

1767. Keona Shawna HUGHES (Kermit Deshawn 7, Clifton Hannibal PERRY 6, Fleetwood Lloyd 5, Amy STEVENSON 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1768. Jade Shionta HUGHES (Kermit Deshawn 7, Clifton Hannibal PERRY 6, Fleetwood Lloyd 5, Amy STEVENSON 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1769. Kermit DeShawn HUGHES Jr. (Kermit Deshawn 7, Clifton Hannibal PERRY 6, Fleetwood

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Lloyd 5, Amy STEVENSON 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Kermit Deshawn HUGHES Sr. (1476) & Karla Paola PENATE

1770. Brooklyn Marie HUGHES (Kermit Deshawn 7, Clifton Hannibal PERRY 6, Fleetwood Lloyd 5, Amy STEVENSON 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Estelle Williams HYSAW PERRY (1482) & Robert Wayne NIOUS

1771. Markivus Antwan NIOUS (Estelle Williams HYSAW PERRY 7, Fleetwood Lloyd PERRY 6, Fleetwood Lloyd 5, Amy STEVENSON 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Markivus Antwan married Tara DOUGLAS . They had one child:

1848 i. Olivia Josephine NIOUS

Family of Estelle Williams HYSAW PERRY (1482) & Richard Lee THOMAS

1772. Nakeva LaVette THOMAS (Estelle Williams HYSAW PERRY 7, Fleetwood Lloyd PERRY 6, Fleetwood Lloyd 5, Amy STEVENSON 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Calvin Lloyd PERRY (1483) & Darlene

1773. Darvin PERRY (Calvin Lloyd 7, Fleetwood Lloyd 6, Fleetwood Lloyd 5, Amy STEVENSON 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1774. Demitria PERRY (Calvin Lloyd 7, Fleetwood Lloyd 6, Fleetwood Lloyd 5, Amy STEVENSON 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1775. Danielle PERRY (Calvin Lloyd 7, Fleetwood Lloyd 6, Fleetwood Lloyd 5, Amy STEVENSON 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Calvin Lloyd PERRY (1483) & Katherine

1776. Calvin PERRY Jr. (Calvin Lloyd 7, Fleetwood Lloyd 6, Fleetwood Lloyd 5, Amy STEVENSON 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1777. Krystal PERRY (Calvin Lloyd 7, Fleetwood Lloyd 6, Fleetwood Lloyd 5, Amy STEVENSON 4,

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Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Calvin Lloyd PERRY (1483) & Sandra TURNER

1778. Camakia TURNER PERRY (Calvin Lloyd PERRY 7, Fleetwood Lloyd 6, Fleetwood Lloyd 5, Amy STEVENSON 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1779. Lakevious TURNER PERRY (Calvin Lloyd PERRY 7, Fleetwood Lloyd 6, Fleetwood Lloyd 5, Amy STEVENSON 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1780. Calvin PERRY III (Calvin Lloyd 7, Fleetwood Lloyd 6, Fleetwood Lloyd 5, Amy STEVENSON 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Anthony Lyn STEVENSON SR (1485) & Leslie ROYER

1781. Marissa Olivia STEVENSON (Anthony Lyn 7, Harvey 6, Isaac David 5, Henry 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1782. Anthony Lyn STEVENSON JR (Anthony Lyn 7, Harvey 6, Isaac David 5, Henry 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Constance "Connie Lynn" Carrol STEVENSON (1486)

1783. Brandy (Constance "Connie Lynn" Carrol STEVENSON 7, Harvey 6, Isaac David 5, Henry 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1784. Willam (Constance "Connie Lynn" Carrol STEVENSON 7, Harvey 6, Isaac David 5, Henry 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Leonard STEVENSON (1502) & Natlie GREEN

1785. Tyrese Lecedric STEVENSON (Leonard 7, Johneth 6, Leonard 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1786. Kiayon Najee STEVENSON (Leonard 7, Johneth 6, Leonard 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1787. Sylus Zakiya STEVENSON (Leonard 7, Johneth 6, Leonard 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Merduice A. "Cricket" STEVENSON (1503) & ? HAMLETT

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1788. Shannon HAMLETT (Merduice A. "Cricket" STEVENSON 7, Vanoy "Sonny" 6, Vanoy 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Merduice A. "Cricket" STEVENSON (1503) & Gregory REED

1789. Kaylin REED (Merduice A. "Cricket" STEVENSON 7, Vanoy "Sonny" 6, Vanoy 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Kemo STEVENSON PATRICK (1504)

1790. Justyne D. STEVENSON PATRICK (Kemo 7, Vanoy "Sonny" STEVENSON 6, Vanoy 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1791. Alisha S. STEVENSON PATRICK (Kemo 7, Vanoy "Sonny" STEVENSON 6, Vanoy 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Illana STEVENSON (1505)

1792. Jared (Illana STEVENSON 7, Vanoy "Sonny" 6, Vanoy 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1793. Kalyah (Illana STEVENSON 7, Vanoy "Sonny" 6, Vanoy 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1794. Laura (Illana STEVENSON 7, Vanoy "Sonny" 6, Vanoy 5, Houston B.4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Marcus STEVENSON Sr. (1506)

1795. Marcus STEVENSON Jr. (Marcus 7, Vanoy "Sonny" 6, Vanoy 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).


1849 i. Sharon STEVENSON

1796. Andrew JONES (Marcus STEVENSON 7, Vanoy "Sonny" 6, Vanoy 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

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Family of Collette STEVENSON (1508)

1797. Sharon (Collette STEVENSON 7, Vanoy "Sonny" 6, Vanoy 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).


1850 i. Derek 1851 ii. William

Family of Kisasi Umezo STEVENSON (1510) & Michelle WEYOUNG

1798. Mercedes Renee STEVENSON (Kisasi Umezo 7, Rennaye 6, Vanoy 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Kisasi Umezo STEVENSON (1510) & Laurita ESPINOZA

1799. Arianna STEVENSON (Kisasi Umezo 7, Rennaye 6, Vanoy 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Kisasi Umezo STEVENSON (1510) & Rebecca

1800. Darice STEVENSON (Kisasi Umezo 7, Rennaye 6, Vanoy 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1). Born in San Diego, CA.

Family of Shontae Marie WEATHERS (1515)

1801. Alaysha Marie WEATHERS (Shontae Marie 7, Yolanda WALLS 6, Doris Jean STEVENSON 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Sabrina L. MILLER (1517) & Darinshelor B. FARAHKAHN

1802. Jai Taijah A. S. FARAHKAHN (Sabrina L. MILLER 7, Katrina Ann 6, Rosetta STEVENSON 5, Leagus 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1803. Darinshelor A. J. FARAHKAHN (Sabrina L. MILLER 7, Katrina Ann 6, Rosetta STEVENSON 5, Leagus 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

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Family of Lateefah Naeemah RICHARDSON (1522)

1804. LaToya Nekkoie McNAIR (Lateefah Naeemah RICHARDSON 7, Charles Henry 6, Rosetta STEVENSON 5, Leagus 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1805. Latraviata Neocheana GRUBBS (Lateefah Naeemah RICHARDSON 7, Charles Henry 6, Rosetta STEVENSON 5, Leagus 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Robert Lamont WALLACE (1523)

1806. Jade WALLACE (Robert Lamont 7, Charles Henry RICHARDSON 6, Rosetta STEVENSON 5, Leagus 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Fatima Ayana RICHARDSON (1524)

1807. Kameron LOVELACE (Fatima Ayana RICHARDSON 7, Charles Henry 6, Rosetta STEVENSON 5, Leagus 4, Thomas 3, Dudley2, Mobile 1).

Family of Chanell STEVENSON (1566)

1808. Savaughn COOPER (Chanell STEVENSON 7, Carlos 6, Nellie Mae BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1809. Savian COOPER (Chanell STEVENSON 7, Carlos 6, Nellie Mae BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Lavender (1569)

1810. Angel BEHN (Lavender 7, Sheila STEVENSON 6, Nellie Mae BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Kourtney OSBORNE (1583) & Ryan ANDREWS

1811. Danika ANDREWS (Kourtney OSBORNE 7, Trayveah 6, Jimmie Olivia BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1812. Odin ANDREWS (Kourtney OSBORNE 7, Trayveah 6, Jimmie Olivia BUCKNER 5, Eliza PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1813. Isadora ANDREWS (Kourtney OSBORNE 7, Trayveah6, Jimmie Olivia BUCKNER 5, Eliza

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PLUMMER 4, Malsy STEVENSON 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Shawntelle Sharise WILLIAMS (1607) & Joseph CELESTINE Sr.

1814. Joseph CELESTINE Jr. (Shawntelle Sharise WILLIAMS 7, George Earl 6, Leer Mae STEVENSON 5, George 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1815. Cedric CELESTINE (Shawntelle Sharise WILLIAMS 7, George Earl 6, Leer Mae STEVENSON 5, George 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Shawntelle Sharise WILLIAMS (1607) & Ojo WATSON Sr.

1816. Ojo WATSON Jr. (Shawntelle Sharise WILLIAMS 7, George Earl 6, Leer Mae STEVENSON 5, George 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1817. Jamare WATSON (Shawntelle Sharise WILLIAMS 7, George Earl 6, Leer Mae STEVENSON 5, George 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1818. Destanie WATSON (Shawntelle Sharise WILLIAMS 7, George Earl 6, Leer Mae STEVENSON 5, George 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Cedric WILLIAMS Sr. (1608)

1819. Cedric WILLIAMS Jr. (Cedric 7, George Earl 6, Leer Mae STEVENSON 5, George 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1820. Deione WILLIAMS (Cedric 7, George Earl 6, Leer Mae STEVENSON 5, George 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1821. Demari WILLIAMS (Cedric 7, George Earl 6, Leer Mae STEVENSON 5, George 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1). Born in Fresno, CA.

Family of Robert WILLIAMS Jr. (1610) & Tiana VICKS

1822. Takiya Monaie WILLIAMS (Robert 7, Robert Raydean 6, Leer Mae STEVENSON 5, George 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1823. Taniya Yvette WILLIAMS (Robert 7, Robert Raydean 6, Leer Mae STEVENSON 5, George 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Izell Eugene WILLIAMS (1611) & Collen RAFFETY

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1824. Nyla Monaie WILLIAMS (Izell Eugene 7, Robert Raydean 6, Leer Mae STEVENSON 5, George 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Omar Jamal GIBSON (1615) & Crystal PHILLIPS

1825. Kennedy Nicole PHILLIPS GIBSON (Omar Jamal GIBSON 7, Carla Deloris HALL 6, Leer Mae STEVENSON 5, George 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1826. London Ciara PHILLIPS GIBSON (Omar Jamal GIBSON 7, Carla Deloris HALL 6, Leer Mae STEVENSON 5, George 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Mose Stanley TROTTER (1616)

1827. Meliyah Mystayza TROTTER (Mose Stanley 7, Michael Wayne 6, Savannah Deloris STEVENSON 5, George 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Marquita Savannah TROTTER (1618)

1828. Motyus Ospriest TROTTER (Marquita Savannah 7, Michael Wayne 6, Savannah Deloris STEVENSON 5, George4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Tyrone Tyus TROTTER (1622)

1829. Kamdria TROTTER (Tyrone Tyus 7, Michael Wayne 6, Savannah Deloris STEVENSON 5, George 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Tamara Nechelle JOHNSON (1623)

1830. Marcel PERRY (Tamara Nechelle JOHNSON 7, Marsha Elaine MASSEY 6, Savannah Deloris STEVENSON 5, George 4, Samuel 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Tanisha Stevenson HARRIS (1641)

1831. Chase Stevenson HARRIS (Tanisha Stevenson 7, Debra Delaine STEVENSON 6, Iley Willie 5, Iley Lee 4, Fleetwood 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1832. Kristal Talonna HARRIS (Tanisha Stevenson 7, Debra Delaine STEVENSON 6, Iley Willie 5, Iley Lee 4, Fleetwood 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

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Family of Kabiou Rashard CLAIBORNE Sr. (1642)

1833. Selah Ayianna CLAIBORNE (Kabiou Rashard 7, Debra Delaine STEVENSON 6, Iley Willie 5, Iley Lee 4, Fleetwood 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1834. Kabiou Rashard CLAIBORNE Jr. (Kabiou Rashard 7, Debra Delaine STEVENSON 6, Iley Willie 5, Iley Lee 4, Fleetwood 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Quendell FRAZIER MILLER (1652) & Latisha

1835. Stormy MILLER FRAZIER (Quendell FRAZIER MILLER 7, Deloris JOHNSON 6, Genese STEVENSON 5, Fleet 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1). Stormy died in Mar 2008.

1836. Malik FRAZIER MILLER (Quendell 7, Deloris JOHNSON 6, Genese STEVENSON 5, Fleet 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1837. Makia FRAZIER MILLER (Quendell 7, Deloris JOHNSON 6, Genese STEVENSON 5, Fleet 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Kevin FRAZIER MILLER (1653) & Audie

1838. Deshone FRAZIER MILLER (Kevin 7, Deloris JOHNSON 6, Genese STEVENSON 5, Fleet 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Kevin FRAZIER MILLER (1653) & Nicole

1839. Nakitha FRAZIER MILLER (Kevin 7, Deloris JOHNSON 6, Genese STEVENSON 5, Fleet 4, Simpson 3, Dave2, Mobile 1).

Family of Kevin FRAZIER MILLER (1653) & Lynette

1840. Nickie FRAZIER MILLER (Kevin 7, Deloris JOHNSON 6, Genese STEVENSON 5, Fleet 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Genese FRAZIER MILLER (1654) & Wyon WILLIAMS

1841. Ayanna WILLIAMS (Genese FRAZIER MILLER 7, Deloris JOHNSON 6, Genese STEVENSON 5, Fleet 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

1842. Johnthan WILLIAMS (Genese FRAZIER MILLER 7, Deloris JOHNSON 6, Genese STEVENSON 5, Fleet 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

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1843. Kamonta WILLIAMS (Genese FRAZIER MILLER 7, Deloris JOHNSON 6, Genese STEVENSON 5, Fleet 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

Family of La Shonda JOHNSON COLBERTSON (1655) & Steven COLBERTSON

1844. Kenny COLBERTSON (La Shonda JOHNSON COLBERTSON 7, Deloris JOHNSON 6, Genese STEVENSON 5, Fleet 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1). Born on 4 Nov .


1852 i. Kendall COLBERTSON (6 Feb -)

Ninth Generation

Family of Ayanna Kenyama ATKINSON (1680)

1845. Shaquovein Terrell ATKINSON (Ayanna Kenyama 8, Hurchell Degan 7, Lorene PATTERSON 6, Ethel WILLIAMS 5, Joanna STEVENSON 4, Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Kimberly Dawn ATKINSON (1681)

1846. Marquise Jevon KEMP (Kimberly Dawn ATKINSON 8, Hurchell Degan 7, Lorene PATTERSON 6, Ethel WILLIAMS 5, Joanna STEVENSON 4, Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

1847. Malique J'Juan ATKINSON (Kimberly Dawn 8, Hurchell Degan 7, Lorene PATTERSON 6, Ethel WILLIAMS 5, Joanna STEVENSON 4, Robert 3, Dick 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Markivus Antwan NIOUS (1771) & Tara DOUGLAS

1848. Olivia Josephine NIOUS (Markivus Antwan 8, Estelle Williams HYSAW PERRY 7, Fleetwood Lloyd PERRY 6, Fleetwood Lloyd 5, Amy STEVENSON 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Marcus STEVENSON Jr. (1795)

1849. Sharon STEVENSON (Marcus 8, Marcus 7, Vanoy "Sonny" 6, Vanoy 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

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Family of Sharon (1797)

1850. Derek (Sharon 8, Collette STEVENSON 7, Vanoy "Sonny" 6, Vanoy 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

1851. William (Sharon 8, Collette STEVENSON 7, Vanoy "Sonny" 6, Vanoy 5, Houston B. 4, Thomas 3, Dudley 2, Mobile 1).

Family of Kenny COLBERTSON (1844)

1852. Kendall COLBERTSON (Kenny 8, La Shonda JOHNSON COLBERTSON 7, Deloris JOHNSON 6, Genese STEVENSON 5, Fleet 4, Simpson 3, Dave 2, Mobile 1).

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