Mission San Gabriel Arcangel Ssion Boulevard Gabriel, Los Angeles, California
,, No. ~37-8 H Mission San Gabriel Arcangel ssion Boulevard Gabriel, Los Angeles, California PH'.JTOGHAPI-L3 WRITTEN HL3TORICAL AND DESCHIPTIVI<~ DATA District of California #3 Historic American Buildings durvey Henry F. Withey, District Officer 407 So. Western Avenue Los Angeles, California. MISSION SAN GABRIEL ARCANGEL HABS. No. 37-8 Mission Boulevard' San Gabriel, Los Angeles County California.. SHOP RUINS HABS. No. 37-SA HA,B5 t.A L. Owner: Roman Catholio Arohbishop, Diocese of Los Angeles, 1114'"1!/est Olympia Blvd., Los Angeles, California Date of ereotion Present ohuroh started 1794 - oompleted 1806. Arohi tect: Padre Antonio Curzad o. Builder: Indian labor under direction of Padres Cil.rzado. and Sanohez . l?Jisent Conditions: Of the buildtngs that composed the original group, there remain, the Church, i'he Padres' Living Quarters, an adjoining Kitchen, and foundations of a Tannery, Soap Factory and Smithy. The ohuroh is in fair oondition, and still serves the oommunity as a Catholic Church. The Padres' Quarters is also in :fair condition, and is used aa a Museum for the display of Mission relios, the sale of cards, pictures and· souvenirs of the Mission, and for storage purposes. The shop foundations aee in a ruined condition. Number of stories: The ohurch is a high one-story structure with a choir balcony at the east end. :Materials of construotion1 Foundations of all remaining buildings are of fieldstonea, laid in lime mortar. Walls of the church are part stone, part burned brick, laid in lime mortar and thinly plast ered both sides.· Floors are of wood; roof over Baptist;ry and Saortatfy are of stone laid in lime mortar.
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