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The Ledger and Times, December 30, 1966

The Ledger and Times

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Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, December 30, 1966" (1966). The Ledger & Times. 5550.

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411•••••••••• 11:00 Dakotas • THE LEDGER & TIMES 12:30 Weekend News roaLDIRED LIFIDGKR a TIMES PVIIL0111013 COMPANY. Inc. 12.45 Sign Off Consolidation at the Murray Lodger. The Calloway Times, and The Then-Heraid, October 20. 1228. arid dee Wen Kentucidon January SUNDAY 1. 1642. Television Schedule January 1 JAMES C WILLIAMS, PURLISHICR We reserve he ridist to relict eon Adverng. Lettere to the R&M 07034j Inlitbeauneolunganaiof the Now Testa- or nubile Pekoe 'VIM Muck in ma ardsion, ere not for the WM The Almanac WM of m madega. Bowl Channel 6-WLAC-TV wig wiammul "WIN° 4:30 Oohed* 07:0030 Hijouseenildineadolid Truth 530 Bell Telephone Hour RATIONAL WALLACE WITMER CO., 1500 January 4 1st. Person 5:30 Amble and the Night Hatt311111 Am, Tenn.; Time & L _ New Tort. N.Y.: by Caked Press laternatlenal CBS Vigor& • Steseenson Bela, Detroit, Mich. 11:00 6:30 Wonderful World of Coior theeLionCecilbz Hearted loclay is Friday Dec 10, the Newebeat 8:309.00 BeanYLuius Week of Dec. 31-Jan, 7 41:11 Radar weather '1:30 Hey Landlond Pear Pomona gribered at Use Post Office, Murray. Kentucky, for transmission as 364th day of 1906, with one to 1411 :30,01 Singular 4:20 Today In Sports 8.00 Holmium 10:00 Bralweatis Seemed Cass Manse. fellow Jackson Channel 7 and 6.30 Lost in Space 9: 00 Andy Williams 10:30 Ditoovery '06 The on as between , aumptgalpy1081 Balleff Sy Carrier In likarray, per week per mall As fun 7:30 Beverly Hillballeg 15:09 news, Weenier, Sports Network Programs Also 41.141. In oolostiak phase and last quarter. On i0:16 Weekamaa as Us Mem Callame sad ectleadng par year, enewhors. BY BEN 8: 00 Green Ames 30 ilesatjbrilliaPhegYrair The morning stars are Mara HALL MONDAY Cape Girardeau Channel 12 8 30 Gagner Pyle 10:00 Darsodons 'Mee Ouneanding Civic AM of a Comatidly Is dee and hipster 9 013Danny Kaye Show 111. MONDAY THROUGH January 2 12:30 babel & answers batigalay et in Illovregriver" The evening star is Saturn The world-wide leader mom* 10:00 The Big Newt 6:30 News Lou Carl Tipton Snow Brush novelat and poet, Rod- verbal indoor morta Is deolding and nutimir. DAYTESES 10:15 Radar Weather 6:45 Onuige 2:00 AA Sear Wreaking yard Kopung, declaring what the world is most In Bowl Came FRIDAY - DECEMBER 30, 1966 rata born on this 2:46 Pann News 10:20 Today ha Sports 3:00 Stoneman need of Everybody does it and pro- 10:30 10:0 Nom Pierafte f• dal) in Ma, 5:00 Count', Junodon lb Face Is ramillar 4.80 sainanan ?scatty bably people have Mean time it. 1e:16 Terme* Show On this day in hider): 1.46 Monasig News 11:30 Maim Oollar Miterill 4.30 (Jreat:ad bhuir on Earth To some of us the mower to the La 1651, the Unind States par- OM naming Weenier '00nen ON ru ruzeest ZVI:NINO Doable= hounding our planet nes ohased the and sough of the GM 800 Diplom Kangaroo 65.:34)00 (Airuciaserous Xmas of Red From in more honesty, to others more ras THURSDAY SVENliNto January 3 Quotes The News River in adaubern Anacea and 9:00 Mike Doughee Riding Hood common sense or naigion or eth- UNITItti miss New Mexico, • des/ known i0:411 Andy of January 6:90 7:0000 The P. B. 1, By isTwATIONAL as ics or understanding or potato MaYber77 5 The Girl from U. N. C. L. R. the "(3adeen" purchase. i0:30 DM Van Dyke 7 .30 Occsaimal 8 Sunday Nate Movie ATLANTA - The U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals up- chips As helpful as all at cholla We In 1903. 688 11:00 Love at Life 600 Newsbeat 1111::0030 elute Up holding federal guidelines and ordering integration of class- pennies ware killed Map are, they are not the an- 8.00 Tuesday Night at the Warm in a f we in 11.25 Joseph Bent: 6:15 Radar Weather 10:00 News Viewpoint rooms and teachers in parts of Alabama and Louisiana: the Iroquois Theater swer. Mk mg chikl under twelve Amine in Cheese ii 31.) Search for Tummy 6:20 Tod*. In 10:16 Tonaux 'show (Dolor) 12:00 ABC Soope has ticked to the last lick' tokenism etat the woricisneeds more of and Snorts -The clock for and U:46 lbe Guiding lhatt 6:30 Jericho 12:46 ABC Sign Off In 1947, King Michael of Rum- Is- will tell you without a momenta delay In the name of deliberate speed." 7:90 My Three Sans rst ivEDNEsns livENIffeCe ania abdicatej obeanng be was hentatian: what the world realty. P. st. MONDAY THROUGH 6:U0 Thursday Night Movie January 4 PM MOND.11 a VINING forced out by local Communal' needs is more gnamencithers and NEW YORK -- David ElsenhoWer, 18-year-old grandson l../0:00 Beg hams January 3 aided by the 11:10 Virginian Ruasians givindfaithers. flUDAY, /*rm./soots 10:15 Index Weather of former President Dwight D. Eisenhower, escorting Julie In 1969, 0:00 dub Hope :30 Monday Nate Movie Presolent Eisenhower To those of to in Ihe awkward 10:20 'nifty in Sport- Nixon. 17-year-old daughter Of Richard M Nixon, at her caked il.00 The Wand At Noon 0:09 I Spy Peyton Place I an the ban on American stage between 36 and 50 it may a0/1133 10:111 Minion Dolor Movie debut: i2:016 Cad Time dinging Comeninai /inn Neon Odium 700 Big Valley nuciear that our neerly-grown children are MOO Ow Off 13:30 Al The Wand Term 10.30 Accent 10:30 Went -Just say were friends We've known each other for A thought for the day - Amer- doing their beet to fulfill the need 1:00 Pageword 11.00 Tonight Show Color) 11:30 Itsbn Against Evil many years " man writer Ernest Hamingway for me grandparents. but Ittee Mains mem real grandiparents. L10 House Party January 6 PM TUEnDAY kalkJelNO said 'Probe is archasegunt not P10 TIStet.^.10AY tVSNINQ Grandmother type grandmothers CO To Tell The Trona January 3 WASHINGTON - Dr. Morton H Fried of Columbia Uni- interior decoration and the bar- 3:311 Inwards and irraindeMber type grandfathers. Doug News 6:0014embeas versity, participating in a race syMposlurn at the annual Meet- oque is over 2:30 Bags of Night January Became real grandparents know 6:15 Rade Weather 6:30 The Beatles ing of the American Association for the Advancement of 1:00Illearet ttures that nutxxly eine knows Pot Storm inal) Today In Sports 6:30 Battle of Asia-Part 2 7:30 The Retaliates lCionce' 3:30 Tammy rtrisi Lassie c one thing they know how to find 6:30 Wild Wild West "Lana-the Forgotten War" 4:00 Pruitt& of 8outhhampton Show "All existing statements about this or that 'race' and such unie to do things Parents are 5,1- GAO ney 7:30 Honsn's Heroes 730 Jack Benny 11:30 Love on a Rooftop 131 C.ktI Evening News things as intelligence, adaptability, achievement, cultural way, loo buoy rushing off to alm- MO Wok 8-00 Friday Slant Movie 8.30 The Hero 0:00 The lemative or Cronlote success, or deprivation are nonsense" a.'and Piga and the but grand- 10.15 Big News 900 Dean Martin Show 10.51 lruti Horse FILE ;. Minn kale already been to meet- illaTultDa 10:30 Racer Weather 10:00 News Ptchwe 11:30 eitaen0e llotaon Theater SAIGON - South Vietnamese Premier Nguyeri_Cao Ky On ... and Jobe and things and now 10-35 Today in Sports 10:16 Tenght Sbow (Odor) FM WILDNISDAY SVItiolfee FAm Iffy,1 'WO Illere team to ash end play Medi- December 31 10:46 Film of 50X FIRMA? AFTILKNOtels January 4 the holiday truces in the Vietnam war. an MI aim. And they lave tame 12:15 Night Train "It is too late to change the Western New Year cease-fire 6.30 Batman [AVNER A. to Ms mashed fingers I:n burinee derbrager 12:45 Sam Off January 6 because it is so near at hand. But if the Viet Cong continue and wafts 7:00 The Monroes them well and that is bean Mon 1:011 MO* Hui yammer • government proposal 6:30 Tanen 111:00 Man Who Never Was their violations the will have to revise its plem of lime implinac Ita 101141 41110 Mty Motes 7:30 Man Fran U. N. C. L.. I. 8:30 Peyton Piece II for the Tet Asian new year cease-fire that we ourselves sug- he, grandpiwanes Gan MIS Underdog CATCHING THE PUBLIC EVE min Old 8 30 T. H. It. Cat 910 ABC Stage 117 gested." stretch lake a rubberband. Prantenstein Jr Seven attractive asters, eadi 9:00 Laredo 10:30 Felony Stand Grandparents, resi granahereidn. 0.30 lipase Oboes Channel 6-WPSD-TV with long and luxuriarit hair. 1010 News Picture 11:011 Men In Wit Theater remember a lot at weled sow 15:40 IngsMan opened a Map for the oisie Tonight Orme sale of Ion, Minn Dell1 the Oki dam 15:311 Lane likanger NBC PM TMUlulDaY IlVitNINto tail: tonic Every day they took be as far baca as IMO. They Maas 11:110 Pepe, Pero January 5 A Bible Thought For Today turns eating in the Mow window, times even remember Mill MOS 11:30 Calkos Football Highlights Network Frog lama ALso On 1.30 NCAA Football combing and brusbutig thew tress- horses walked down the EMS just 12.00 cotton Bowl Parade klatmat. Nashville Channel 4 I call 10 remembrance my song In the night: I commune the on teleon and osialle 1:15 Ow *on Bowl Game 7:00 F-Troop 4.110 Channe! 8- WSIX-TV with mine ow nheart . . Will the Lord east off for ever! them towsitaMto L 1111111 I Detain' Week of Dec. 31-Jan, 7 7:10 Dating Game 500 I've Got A neeret And will he be favorable no more! -Plaint 77:5,7. albs and claw. They rwaserlase a ABC 2:05) Bewached mew Mid 6:10 Skew 19.1 In deep trouble we ,times doubt God Prayer brings us id aukomalla Isligedida• 101 PRID A DAYTIME 8:06 That thri in Ms S he. MI oda lad la 11:11 Nembeat 11:e0 Pro Football's back to Rim Network Programs Also On Shotgun ds w MS I MN Muff and a 4:16 Radar Wombs Marriage. Sonny, Money and - 1.00 Tod..? Shot nice lade alma you who you wont- 2:29 Toney In Spiels Harrisbarg Channel 5 Mereer 6.30 Jackal • 00 R.inmer Room ed to,talk la When you told her (Lemon 10.30 Hat Patrol 1:10.' -If" Petticoats 910 NBC News Week of lam. 31-Jan. 7 die Mos his phone and if be small 1110 Western Theatre Ten Years Ago Today home she tokl 0:00 ionsossum 9 30 Csarinerstraltan you and said that A, Us, MONDAY THitoUGH Pig F I 'MOM° LEDGE*• TIMES liii Us was sorry. 9.00 Onnancas 10:00 Chain Lean 10 30 Showdown Jemmy Probably die funniest things that 10:00 liatimater New flUr4Y, Delft tau 1015 Radar ill, Jeopardy 6:30 HAI). LW-1St/MI Anderson Mrs Iva flaw Mati" age MI, pas-A-u .L'A ‘1 :tlday at 10.50 grandparents renweriber a when Weather 10 30 . nem 0ounery 6:00 Edienat Kriel 3.00 Time "'omelet a m from compllisMims 111111M1 followed an extended Wheat. rents were children Grandpar- 'Takao us Worts ii 05 NBC Day Report 6.30 had La Lartne 4:00 Cheyenne ents remember and tell how par- 1530 nine of We 50's She is the wife Oi 0111011 Moore who died m 11047. 7:09 The Bow StKill1 gad 12 Crciock Haab ents fell out of 12. Y0 Night Ti aio Melton 15118110110. INIMUSIVe vice president of the Dees es The I.>. *: 11111 Oath • trees. Mt Dann an P. NIL MONDAY THROUGH 9:00 Roamer Room 10.30 Joe Pyne Snow thinga broke things., end did long Bank of be improving satisfactorily in the sereationed success Mao the ene- SUNDA, 10 Supermarket Sweep NNW, anis of deters dad you sonweimee FRIDAY, AFTERNOON Baptigt MOM Tenn ma& was Moaned all day long 10.311 The Dating (Mine when neighboring merch- that was net thought of recently. January 1 13 00 News, GUIDE AVAILABLE IIIIIMMOD OS Myra Jo Shrader to Lelon Max Fax- But a Pane atestues 11.00 Donna Reed Hem The MR INMAN beat at aU grandpininte WASHINGTON ter - The 1967 ant conaplained in court. the nidge 0:Ito sunrise Seenessa 14 12 Pastor speaks 11:00 Pother Knows lna ley was 11.611111111.11 December 15 at the Seventh and POOLS' lam Maga They Maw Sesta Clem edition of 'Ycur ardered the Moe halted He said 7:110 LePerres Penh, 11:10 Let $ Make a Deal it3otori 12.09 Ben Casey Federal Inoome ChtIrth Of ChelIK. Vre at km My Mould_ they're In Tax," Is nos' A sus improper to dram up M- 7:811 Chet Wagon Gang 13:46 NBC News evadable for 50 Among students visiting their parents are Jimmy Moyer tbe same generation) or at West cents a copy. anes to a way that shut off the 11:09 Manna Jubilee 1:00 Days of our Um P. IL DIOND4Y =ROOM Harvard University. Cambridge. Mass. Bobby Nix Craw- they know a act about he, they of park salemilk and blected se- Mal Painorn taMag 1:10 The Dooms ine Internal Revenue Service know add ways she arithmetic mai • ford of Bethel College. McKenzie. Tenn% MIAs Peep! Sue eels to adjacent Mares M:110 Camera Three 3:60 Asseener Weal CM IIIIDAIr **ENING IRS mid Wednesday the beat- mina thein, they can eft the right 3:30 Yee Don't Shroat of David Lipscomb College. NashrilTh. Tenn Jack W. Of courer. eildbing the public 111:80 Pala Sr ladle See Maisel acting guide may be purchased at onmer fewer than she Searher 3:00 Maeda Game tOolari 1.0 Newlywed Game Frost, Jr., pre-med student at Vanderbilt University, Nash- tie is a bewail and proper activ- 11:40 Popsy* and Friends meet MS offices or (rein the could, they know about ma ameili 3:36 NBC Afternoon Report 1.30 A 1 um Pt, Us ville, Tenn., and Hunter Hancock of the University of Ken- 11:110 Pear the Nation US Government Printing Office, ity But Me aselhods and most and amentorme and hot weather 3:30 Boor, 4 115 News ?or Women - alartene 12:00 Hollywood Spectacular Washinoton, DC. 20402 tuck!. Lexington aa infrtnee 1113151117 CM other legi- acid My the spring is nice the seine 4.00 Popsy* bandon "Onkeihead" "Your Peden/ Income timate Mitered* in the commun- way kinds knew about these things; 4:30 Cheyenne 2.00 Otelerill Huspita/ Tax." MO 2 00 Vandy Basketball pages long, answers just ruseerierasereley $eam ity they know how to meal Pad with- 30 Ifuntleyartrildie 30 The Manes about any 2:30 NFL Champion/aim 0112110 question CROSSWORD PUZZI,F Thus, Met as a too-sereatiorsai out ming a lot of goop ignore:Math- Ole News 3.00 Dart Shadows that a taxpayer might 3:00 Ontieffnes window &splay may be curbed. Ed ere aa anell like anemia and amp: Service 1:10 Westhoff 3.30 Where The Action le have in prepar.og his thcorne tax Magan e amebas 4:00 Pasomed return sato, may a too-ineastent sound Per grandmother% smell Ike map and 4:30 Oporto 4.00 Merve Ordtln Bass 5.00 CBS News Special Dams sass 7 ass example Warm kitchen& in the afternoon 5.00 ABC News-P. Janne. •(sears 6:30 Death Valley Days eilage111116184-11011152111111111112 • 04•0145 A musk shop pbactai aphono- and they Inv w a kx about pimple illaTTIODS I 6:13 Local News, Weather, Spores S 9 Tara ass& 8:411 Iambs Master graph In the dopreray, played it nobody ever heard 'if 6.3u Rainucle Masa 14141isnee plus. 5:30 Ws About Time December 31 CON'S WLLLICS I3== was .emey teem morning to These we the things that kilde 1000 Oka- Up (30 grab night 1:00 Ed Daillivaa Alm Min onto) ii on The volume was so load that under twelve might tell la about 1:00 aro-Tv 1030 front West 111 alas 8:00 (Jerry Moore Show PIPER? 1641se anseed tanks In a nearby More deviloped Mandoarenta and why there should 710 Atop the Pence Pan 11 -00 Men agatrist Evil 15 Oars IItemrialka 0:00 Candid Camera 1 7 be Mare at them Pertaps we Mo- 1219 Iasi,..* Sem Sehearik Iteadechea. grew finery and kat 0:30 What's My 7756 News fann Off 19 Canducissl uld divert some government funds lane 1.3 21 Partera intermit n their wart 10:110 Sunday News 8 00 Super 6 W A T('H 10 3al salsas. to 'rundown-to% ea that they could SATURDAY I 22-fsriae was IN A court head that this too Tras 10:16 Bader 11:30 Atom Ant REPAIRING Si feed lias asset spread themselves aroinal a hide Wellabelf Deeember 21 Past. Dependable, 1331411•1•1 35as/4 an 117011P M the light to edvertise tOoal Wood "N 9:00 Secret Squirter 234Iap 44-9114c% more. Maybe that wookl be the way Witten Guaranteed smote 24.Claas el 1111141ses 34 IN an Isla 43 Panel sr am - and ordered the volorne awned 036 atillion Dealer Movie 9.30 Spate Kidettea vertsbralas to create the great society evesa- 4.45 News, Wee. Timetable awe 24 IMMO 17 La& eavellew down 4:00 10:00 Cool McCool • emaislare or body is looting for Yes, Sign Off 7 00 Ghost Stories Phone 763-10n beds estabisesseal 39 Nola est 4? assaili real grand- 10: 30 The Jetsons Iminsee Sabessass Safety, abio. any Many liming O 30 Porky Pig 609 Main Street 27 I••••••••• WI Men parents are ipecac Arid there never SIONDAI •VININO 11:40 Top Cat MI Deal 40{4 el MOM 44-Orsaa base on the way. and insane of adver- are enough 9.011 ILIng Kong Murray, Kentucky 211 Itasca 31 Psi am plat 42 alarm to go around 11:30 Marine Boy 29 51 lamesse ler tising A court hold unlawful a January 9 30 Beatles Cartoons 41111 II I Aces/ 32 Pews 43 Illabsest 10:00 Animal Secrete II 0 III Mr P. 1106Cseisotsse sign in front of a barber Monk so 10 30 The Bowl Pre% lea 12:30 The Smithsonian& 31 Cry I 2 3 ;:7'. 1 is 7 'I .,-.' :.:'• low-hane aut * menaced die LOW TOLL :en Neediest 11 00 NCAA (iator Bow/ Tenn Vs FOR CORRFCT '10 11 1:00 Odle Williams Country Junc- 12 hem heeds of mowing pearetrans 1.16 Radar Weedier Syracuse 33 Arnerhal ,:. .-14 1:20 Today In Oporto tion TIME aid allaireala On the other hand, revisit:Ion 200 Burs Bunny '' 1:30 01111gan's Luand 1:30 SEC Baskettall Mandy at Au- 3441saposid ri-..------to must be resemble An arbitrary WASHINoT.-es - The In- 2 30 Milton the Monster TEMPERATURE 7:40 Run, Buddy. burn) ' 36-fluamma hen Hon 3 04) Amero an Bandstand PAY OR Pilf-FIT .. .: i'''••,. s - on a paracular type at ad- ternational Brl, Tunnel and 240 Mind bum • ,:••• 10 77177' 7:30 The latac) "how Bros* T'obbs 4 00 Wide World ot Sport/ ageism not reasonsbly related to Turnpike Aasosaillan and Wed- 2:310 Williams 0.00 Ant* Grafitti Show OMM 6:30 Woody Woodpecker DIAL 753-6363 30-11ameate .-i. 7.2; r:-7.4. ... :1 '2 s It'. a valid community purprer, may nesday only 14 a the more than Beat-Weet Game 11.30 MO* Of the Week 1:39 Football 6:00 eX14.471114. *Mane be head enconetitetionsi. MO waffle deaths as the nation Wogs Fargo 27 . 2,7 10:15 Mx News 6:00 Porter Wagoner inane .. 6:311 Sbrie '/:•••:.._ One ries Famed a law dined at duelist the Chr1stens. wedurid 6:30 Orange Bowl Parade eleilleekee ,...... ,, 10:31 Rader Weather 7:10 Lawrence Welk Shoo 44-111mies 30 r: ...: 31 32 .• ti meting rid et the ean-earrylng entarred 313 tee roads 10:36 Today 7:30 OM limart PEOPLES • In Sports 11.30 Roth woad Palacio BANK 1111-Pmere Ss . , - "eandwoh man " Plot the lam was The 11311A death figure was 10:45 To Tell Mita. Movie rel ficrIsne is the Truth COO eat, 9 30 Milton Berle af ""U'- '• promptly nharenged in court 40 lower than the Un,:es1 Pres.; 11;16 Millman Dollar Movie 10:00 New,, Weather ai Sports le 10 30 Mery Griffin Show Murray, Kentucky 22 Ocet t. 139 International holiday weekend 11:411 Man Off 10:16 News. Weather. Sports Si 4.4 .7...... 1 Was it kneed as 4 Means of 54 Ow sarsaaase Ar count of 600 highway deaths, 10:10 Weekend at the MUVIell '..-7,413 . • • krepirw die eldeihnts chars Yet Mas TUINIDair 59 Inlet . :::.• of (be 14 Ilnamikr. and tall IIVENINO 41 sr • inkved agile cannel by SUNDAY 000,14 l.1:!;.' 17 di :Dads reporting to the association, HERE'S MORE TO SEE ON CABLE TV pickets - preounsubly, ani as January 3 alecr.asta 19 :::!f7SO .54 71 reperted no fatalities. January 1 -math an abstraction of the - , - - ' 1= 14111cran • • s 35 sidewalks eta Plenriames 7:00 Penh for Today •lairolse ;Ps,' ...... 2:12Rader Weather 7.30 Gomel Singing Jubilee 5-tevader WI r I ft « juotifird of Was it as a in ION Today La Sports II:30 Paducah Devotion MURRAY ▪ eepinit ety beautiful", Yet It 6.30 A Family Affair 1115 Hamilton Mother+ Quartet -.tali Mewed stem carried on 7o10 Marone) Dillon 9:30 Herald of Truth The Hest In Service Best of Gasoline' street cars and busee - presum- 7 30 Red Skelton 10:00 Proteatani Service frees ably no mire aditeeettire .11:30 Petticoat Junction 1000 This la the Life - 010 CR, Reports 10:30 The Answer CABLEVISION Resolt the issr was held un- 0:20 CBS Rs-porta 11:00 Proem 641 SUPER SHELL SERVICE ctn..,(1.1(10111d1 1111P feitirt Mad the Across from Jerrya Restaurant Phone no 1131 .0•01 The fild Nem 11 .30 ?Se 6 'city coital not. In Unfair often an i0:1111 Ratter wearier 12:00 Meet The Pram M-uiray, Kentucky 0. B. 41012111.1nr BUTRON -I:- MAX iierrtirrow and arbitrary ma one: at MP • 15111 Thinly la snorts • ter OW, Tar %WNW Miner writitel • 12:30 Menai Light stroke wipe out a long aearyding lean Mintoo Dune.? Mosta 100 Weekend at the lienviee Phone 753-5003 105 N. 5til farm of cheap advsiltang " 1200 111011 4:00 Wad Kingdom -



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1000 ottBETHE fIRST WY? 4 NINO Prizes In Store For1967's First Baby!

Rules for the First Baby Contest

1. Winning baby must be born in this 4. Applications must be received at the ihampliett top county. Ledger & Times office by Tuesday, 2. Parents must January 3, 1967. Thester be residents of this coun- V EX 0 ty. 5. In the event of a tie, 3. Exact time of birth must be certified the awards will go to the first • W11. by attending physician. received. -"41M111111111•11111111111MIIMIINIF- haster A DOZEN BEAUTIFUL RED ROSES FREE - PAIR OF SHOES WINS For The First Mother of 1967 For the First Baby in 1967 FOR MISS OR MR. 1967 from Shirley Florist Kiddie's Korner Family Shoe Store "We Major in Minors" Glenn C. Wooden, owner lohzurt Money and A DIAPER SET FiE7 A FREE DINNER 1 A PHOTOGRAPH A SAVINGS ACCOUNT NOW 0 141140 To the Parents of First Baby Born in 1967 Anderson For the First Baby of 1967 For First Miss or Mr. 1967

at compliments of at Susie's Restaurant Love's Studio Bank of Murray .ABLIE 1 — The MT feral InC0021 able for 50 ONE MONTH A GIFT TO THE FIRST MISS or BABY CUP :•nue Serv lee II • 6 v the beat - FREE DIAPER SERVICE For the First Baby of 1567 pilrehaaed at MR. 1967 FREE rotn the from nun'? Office , compliments of 402 ne Tax.- 160 Ldry-Cleaners Holland Drug 15t about any Boone's Lindsey's Jewelry payer might ificurne tax flHhIIiiis A REFRESHING LUIS FREE - 10 GALLONS OF GAS FREE CAKE CAN OF SPRAYNET For the Parents of the First Baby To Father of First Miss or Mr. 1967 of 1967 To Mother of First Baby of 1967 compliments of [TheCharm Beauty Salon Cain And Taylor Outland Bakery

For the Parents of the First Baby of 1967 We would like to say Congratulations to the FREE DINNER OIRFCT To the Parents of First Baby in 1967 1967 with its 10 GALLONS OF GASOLINE FIRST BABY of at nod compliments RATURE FIRST PAIR OF SHOES PlIC-11T Super Shell Service Triangle Restaurant 6363 Shoe Store Ryan Hutson-McCuiston, owners and Cafeteria ANK 1 ucky FREE PIZZA or ITALIAN Murray's Leading A MONTH'S SUPPLY OF MILK SPAGHETTI DINNER For the First Baby of 1967. Department Store To Parents of First Miss or Mr. 1967 compliments S. • Belics of COMPLETE INFANTS' Trenholm's Drive-in DEPARTMENT Ryan Milk Company A 1 1 ArMtrmsr •


INC PAGE FOUR THE LEDGER a TIMES — REUERAT, ICENTUCfr FRIDAY — DECEMBEIt 30, 1145 NEN & HEARD . . . ((ceablued From Page One) Pruitt covered the countryside the toorrung giving it a stsay oast

Tubby laytor OS* early gin ai- m c going bard hunting. That &t- he and has son SG go dark hunting Feathers By Ed and Lee Smith boasetalng balnalaed to our eilgiat dock Lais morning. We had it set CALENDAR iss Sandra Kay Cathey & Louis B. Lynn The Rabbit and Squirrel hunters are giving a good ac- SOCIAL m for a quarter to seven but we cad count of themselves — if you can contact any of them. Married At Paducah; Residing In Murray not get up until meaty anal Wrong Concept of Married Life Friday, Demaier Kenneth and Joe Geurin of Murray Route Six, and Freddie Die ceodeighted sanctuary of a seven. We heard the &Orin go a party for Mtn and catrat gith. at the YWA ot her citeuroh. Roberts of Klrksey, along with the thirteen Beagles, bagged By Abigail Van Buren Springia/Mast Church, ES- Wit Richard Dowdy, sister off but somethtng happened to graders will be held la taw oaks of 22 Rabbits yesterday. Monts vim he °look tend the neXt dung We DEAR ABBY: My casibter mar- can't be as severe as wife beating. aointrynib from seven to ten tine setting fit Vie lhe bawle. served as matren of knew it Was twenty alter. You "Dan", ''Baldy", "Buck", "Ann", "Jack" and "Happy" are ried an older ruan-enuala older duo • • • pm. awe rcembei may tame rnarriege af Iasi Elands Kitir honor. She was attired in a floor- Mee turd wan Mot these alarm the Beagle hounds owned by J. D., Kenneth and Joe Geurbi. herself. Recently they tad a few I DEAR ABBY: I used to ride to tim gusts itha • charge ci 35 to Ldiss g. Lynn on Nitta- lenten empire Mem of red wave- dia diantes "Mac", "Chief", "Sue", "Pat" and "Zipper" belong to quarrels, arid die mute have maid work with a man but now I taita °eats par person wta tit spade. evening, December 17, at 7 30 teen and whke stars Her head- Freddie Roberts. something to Inkli about leaving the bus because I don't Ma to w oblook. Thi couple hid tiles hon- piece was fashioned of red net, or of being towel toms will be Pleased to "Amos" and "Andy" belong to Paul Ross Jones. lam, amuse he *owed her a piece get killod. He's about 70, and I Satairday. 21 the tiro to be eel tip limbed to a cabbage ruse of 1.1101% Ula the farmer Ili- at paper which the signed the cia,y think he 'week; eye games. He the new saoctudy. red velveteen. She were formai Mary These fellows tell us the Beagles really ran some good The New YeairsIgeseeblirCisie. will be the if they squints in tide' to The ttheth Roberts, who married our marriege. It*Id we wt's right be heid at the Oalioway Ootuote brtde is the youngest daugh- white Paves and matched mhos races yesterday. At one time all 13 hounds were after one brother, is getung Song ever got dlvtaned. She Minna dIurn in front at bim. He can't even see ter of Mr and Mra Watford Ca- and owned a casoade bouquet of welt They Rabbit. Country Cittab for adult members any port of his estate, and he the sat) dam We Would have been thay ot West Paducah Route Two. have three fine boys, Lee, Jobn Hound-wise, they tell us, 13 is their lucky number. Every and OUL 44 town gusts from rens red camielona tied vett red and wouldn't brave to algigett her, tat in a oomph at bed aocidenta if I The groom a the son of and Weiss C7reighton. 'Fray Res pm. to one a.m. Harts are Mears Mrs. white rabbons. time they take 13 Beagles they always break 20 kills in Rah- he would sUpport any Madan the/ hadn't yelled for him to stop. Irene Lynn of Paslush al Memphis. and Mesdames Jatin Gregory. 0 Route One The brtdiesmsecis were Regin& bins. They insist that if they work more or less than their might have. (No elimnsw( The kis( time I atitaM acid took and the Lee B Snow Jr, and K. L. Howe. Arlie Lee Lynn Wass. cousan of the bride. Pat lucky 13 hounds, they never get many cottontails. They said Abby, my daughter tells me she a bus the rest of dm Way. How he Rev. 11/1111men Ms W. P. Roberta', low matter Decerations committee is compos- J. ratan. form- Dowell and Mix Terry Usnole, it, we didn't! signed the paper m ail doe ladle- gets his driver's aceiale renewed er peed, read Ip,g ayes in Memphis also, severed ed id Moms ena Mescianas Haim- non an scbcdtnates. They sore tour- Joe was using a 20 gauge Browning shotgun. Kenneth meta at getting Married without as a nastay to rue. He really as a Ole for the double-ring ceremony. The length empire &mem at Alit blocks ham Ineir home. ee Etas, Robert 0 Mibar, and used a 12 gauge Remington 870 pump. Freddie's weapon was knantang what die was signing. menace on the street. tiatiouki I wedarn perby Chases Tanga. sasembied before slam, and green veleveteen. Their WhakIs We supposed to do Lf she revert hun to the motor verucie U you still have a 12 gauge Browning automatic. A Rabbit doesn't stand a • • • an altar taziked with urns of lasedeseces fademed like the your Tuesday's decals die mat get along with devils:sutra or to the local pollee? greenery Longer and Tuna you should clap chance when this crew of hunters and hounds are on the Meadhay, Jemmy 2 soil red poinsettias, with neuron of bona's, were ot green hen? Pick up and lenve without OONIDERNSID stained pass out the list of the bowl games trail. The Lome Moon Ca'ale at the view:bows in the rear. velveteen and green net. They getting a dime fir the Lane she MAR CONCERNED: It would Poinsettias were and pro-lootbea games for re- These are the same fellows who bagged 26 on opening day ?trig Seplia (larch WMB will also pieced on also egad while tonna/ Moves put in with this old guy? be a public service to suggest to the braes iron Sandi The setting was Their cascade bouquets vesre of of the season. WORRIES) Mu'I'I LER Pence that lieenaing authorithe Knee se ghe home of Mks. W. R. • • • illummeted by caeheckal Mere green carnatiors, tad with green check the man's eyesight. Bogard at 7.90 p.m. DEAR MOTIIIER: Yeur daughter • • • Pesenine in four bras candela,- and white ribbons Only fifteen more days to the In most respects, dogs are smarter than people when it should ask a lawyer what her legal bra, to which were attached White Lynn, brother cif the Super-Bowl game hew cell the comes to training and learning. We know a good hunter can The Kathleen Jones Qrole of Prerkke rights are. If she married "this old satin abbots, entwined with NFL and AFL chainpenus. one type the Parit Dams Church VAIS grown, served a. aest man. teach a dog to hunt any special game, but here is guy" for the right reasons, she CONFIDENTIAL TO ANDY: 4 greenery. The wrought will meet at the home ce Miss Won kneel- Orownernen were Franicie a n d canine and game that takes a little getting "used to". Our souldn t expect to be paid for "the Geed manners are simply a nen- mg red and bench Lorene Doom at 7.30 p.m. were covered Radian laraus also brdiaers of normally silent partner has been anything but silent . . . time she put in" with him. The alkleky to the feelings of others. with white • • • leather. and the fam- the groom. and David Haland Persettalb about this Boxer that "hasn't met his match" as a Squirrel old boy sounds pretty mutart. It yea have that sensitivity, you ily pews were marked with bows of the thaveerk genlyea use.manners, no matter which The Ruby Net Hardy Circe of MS Atte loinn. enter Mr. and Mns G. a Owen and dog. We've been hearing this ranting and raving for nigh feed A horse AA long AS it's in hei a white satin ribbon. groan, kept the guest nigister at the Piro Bowe Chunolawt children Ken. Coma and Chat onto a year now. We weren't buying any of this, as it Just 011111 stable. The candles • • • meet were lighted by a table draped with a red cloth with Mrs. Douglas Wallace of Loweivale and Mr. and Mts. doesn't fit in with our Ikeble thinking. However the number • • • ushers. Ratrd Dowdy, brother- overlaid with red net, and hotting K 7.30 p.m Jahr, Owen and children. Kan of hunters who will vouch for this Boxer leaves us no choice How has the worid been Benham • • • mash re the bride, and anhent a etilie calxie aed Steve, cif Paducalh were the but to admit, maybe we could be wrong. DEAR ABBY: I've been married youT Unkad your on-him= on Deer Seaton The betties mother. Mrs. wa- The Annse Armetrong Circle a holiday gueets of Mr. and MP/ This Boxer, whose name is "Bullet", belongs to Charlie for 8 years. We have three anan Atity Box WOW 14311 Angeline, OIL, Mrs Edward nnagler, organist. wore a the First Hamm Church ived 'aridity, taree-Oed Kenneth Owen. °Mainzus =it wife is a fairly 90069. Far a personaL unpublished & and Charles Quarles. vocalise Miller. Charlie works for "Jig's" Lassiter Auto Sales on North wIll mes at the pre- costume of dive green, ecceoled • • • biome of lira. Johnson and "Bullet" went mad except that she reply, inclose a self-addreased, ssed • pawner nf remise.. music with a base shell and tele apes. 12th Street. Charlie, Tommy Odeon Hunter. Mary Avenue, si Mr. and Mts. B D ?aught end insist& on puttees the garbage in stamped envelope, Stare and during ate ceremony. sage • earl peen hat with Squirrel hunting yesterday and brought home seven. 710 pm Elbe son, BILl. at Seem, Arinaime with the awn I have tried to ex- • • • The bride, entering on the arm veil and metalling memories. At A few days ago Harrold Shepard and six other fellows, we • • • were the halklier guises al her plain to her that It a riot only very at her fath&. wbo rave lier 11% bar shoulder Ws pinned A Cent- don't have the names of, took the famous "Bullet" and Tamlay, imeary aunt, Ms Lute. Holland. unsenttery, but it Is also Meted leer Abby's booklet. -How to Have morn-see, wits stUred in a formai We at blue and aild earnidiona. brought home thirty-one Squirrels. So we just might be wrong. Cars Oraves Cher cid Pirst • • • "here we live. a Lovely Wedding,- lend $1. to Abby, Conn a Peat de saw frosted with Mrs Lynn. the groonas imother. We aren't as often misled by dogs as by their masters! It's like talking to the well. I s,o thew Anvies, 90.69. Preitateelan Church women wfg 14r and Mrs. Glenna:2 Corr at Aleicon e at the neckline and wore a Jacket °astatine of pale occurred within the past three days— can't shoed a garbage deposal and meet at Cie ...m, in the home Osendiso and Johnny James of One such instance hemline The long sheeves ended blue arid gold. mit gold acres- sincere and I don't w-ant to hit her as ill, mire of lira Paul Lyon St. Mary's Seminary, Barristers we're still "smarting" from this "bamboozle". One in calla My punks at the bands sorts Me Men wore a blue and she'd trove me arrested What •' • are holiday guests ot their par- honest-appearing gentleman by the name of Claude Farmer wit itixisHAN suLNLI: and wire betens4 vilth self M- fold carnatson ccrsge I do? Murray Amami* No 111 Cold ent& Mr. and Mrs. Chewer W gave us the "hood-winking" of a lifetime when he assurred are! buttons The chapel train The bride's grandmother. Mrs ITCHY 16 IP at he Rainbow far Otris wdl mast AMIS. us he had never been hunting in his life. Since buying this was stesibed In the tack with a W A Chaim was attired in a SERVICES K he Masonic Hag at amen p.m. • • • story "lock, stock and barrell" we have talked to at least a DILAK ITCHY: First tr, the "let's • • • large mien he.. while soft pleats two-piere dart oostarne. accented Farmer Ave. at N. 17th St, Mg. anal Mrs Bobby Ray and dozen hunters who know Mr. Farmer .and we are advised die it together- method of leaching. Mimed die matron& at the slls Mb • red deagn. At her should- Murray, Kentucky The Woman's Seniety 44Quoit- children. camide, Josaph. slid that he owns some Beagle hounds now and up until last year as yes would with a child If she me gown. Tun- buttons Listened we Waned a acreage of abate Sunday at 11:00 A.M. ma Service d the First Mesbodist er Vahan.. at doesn't catch on, prepare to take the gown from die neciribit Raw Dovaievard he also owned bird dogs! It would seem he has been hunting Murcia sl Cernatiene. over the K. P. dun at your house. End Wednesday at 8:00 P.M. meat at the Hine and Mr. and Mrs. Benny Rey we to tote a gun". Score one for you the waist in Die back Um dxtrid- linatedbasay foilosang the cere- since he was "big enough — ALL WELCOME — Chapel at 10 am with die es- otaimren, Dand and I don't know the penalty for eon- entleimei ea of it dkaakin Wes Be, ..01 Mx. Farmer. You and all the hunters in the country must ecueve bouti mews at CIS mony. a receplon was given In bluing trash with garbage. but it The Bible Speaks to You Tilton I1.. have been the intents could talk to hetened so a mum patties cov- the feSowthip bag of the church still be enjoying that little funny. If only we Station WNBS at Dr. and Mrs. IL H. Ray. Tbe - 1340 KC ered alai tiny ,gieeris sod lace by the bride's perms Thaw Mrs. Farmer, bet we could cut you down to size. • • • Benno- Ray left from Murray Sunday at 8- 15 a.m. Her only *retry was a strand ot serserie at the receptkon enciutied Our apologies to Rill Merton. NOW we know we should The DM Deminmers of the for nand& to not low parents. amaa pearls. gift of the grown Martin Oil IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMI1111110 0 Mammy Womsua s Club will met Mrs. Edward Lindsey. Mrs. Ralph • • • have believed you, but you and the rest of the The bride canted a remade bra IOUS, aunts of the bride, Mrs. staff, have -cried wolf" too many times. When, on occasion, at the Mb house at 7 30 pea Mr arid Mrs Stephen J. 'D- de• bouquet of aerie cantamons Walter Gilliam, the groccas an, believe you. It just goes Hostemen se& be hendeiners MA" of Boulder °dared°, bare you are on the level, we're afraid to cantered around a white parse- saes Prows Baldry. Mem July ilio0usten, Walla Purdam, been the guests of her parerits, to show you, you can't trust "nobody, nohow". If only Mrs. tia. wah saver steamers, teed to Mame kani Card Lindley. and 'Clearance Preouce Laster Orates Her.. Mr and Mrs Echeird L Hendon. Claude Farmer weren't too busy to call us — Oh, how we Stet touts, with alio of Um vai- Mrs. Mesas Thodstea. the bride's end Joe Neil North !fah Street, for the holi- would love to even the score with her spouse — and he look- bac moaned am • white Bible. comma, and Mr. and Mrs. Barton :'71"11 days ed so sincere and honest too. We even called the boss in to Rancid. • • The Kappa Devon:tient at the • hear these stories and he couldn't tell who the culprit was. Sale The couple lea immediately af- Mudary Woman's Club MI meet Miss Sherry Lamb 140- and Mrs Ned Drown and If only Bill ELherton wasn't always -chucklin" like he knew ter the rene-Ption tor • wedding All New at the hub home at 7:21 pm maighter Cheryl, Pad as their could take him seriously. and Used And Tom P. Starks trm to Oattarixerg Term Upon many deep secrets, maybe we Homages wii be Mrs. W A. gush& for the hohdays, Mr end sym- 4 they return they line be at hame Sometimes we believe Bill Mohundro feels a little Must go by December 31st! Franitori, Yrs Ben Orissa and ilre Wed Recently Mrs. labeS and baby son of Naib- in Murray tor traveling the pathy' for us -- on occasion he does try to help us get the No 'Reasonable Offer Mrs. Robert Hibleard villa Term, Mr and Mrs Jack • • • begarne bride we seadted in a two-Owe facts straight, but "woe unto us" if we ever reach the point Refused ab.-7 LA.* the Voiles of Reldwille. North Caro- brew ag I P Marks an Ire- white kna with black ix- when we think we can really trust him! That's when he'll HOOFER WASHER (Wow I at the Two Clorimin .4 lina, and Mrs Raft modes a thy. Di*na boom". With hounds you're always safe, but be- Church CVIT ail meet auto ima la at, seven o ..ladnon, Tenn "lower the with every An senior at. Mur- Prank Roberts at 2 XI pm the aveleng in the 1111a. lam Is a • • • ware of their owners! New Purchase •. • Chuncei ea Hardin Rev tayv Gar- ray Mate Untay and will be McKeel of Martin Oil many times, Haket Dunn. Mrs J D We have talked to Bill HOOVER HAND rett 4 Dead pagan:med. gracluatad itti June Mr Lynn Ls Garrison's -Time Out" Camp II at the PM Chrutim tne Cala- Lasts, and Harold Lloyd Dunn but met him yesterday. He likes Gale APPLIANCE morn employed at Tits Shawnee Stearn Chgledi OW? well meet web Mn have returned home after spend- and other sports articles Don't really understand how 13111 with every The bride Is the Naas at. Packleari Angie Bailey at Me pm potogen ing the Ohniatimat week' end with and Richard La.ssiter can tolerate that mob of hunters who Used Purchase • • • ter at aga and Mra Haliire K • • • Mr, arid Mra Patton Neale and Wake their headquarters at this establishment. Both Bill Loge a Benton Route Seem INHALE AND HEARTY, this Cleeup Iv a aa• Past Chrodan Mr. and Mrs Wilford Mutt at the and RiChard are courteous and helpful, as much as they can GREEN ACRES The groom as the goo 44 Stentaan:Lrd girl hardly out Charch CtIn• wtS meet with Mrs. Detroit, lenh ars be, considering they are surrounded by the unhelpfuLs. Herm Maras of IdanIn of diapers seems to be as Mobile Homes Eledey Holten al. 10 McClure Home You boys better enjoy this laugh while it lasts, for there near • • • she smokes a cigarette Mr and Mrs Ronald Churchill, pretty The bpde was attired in a white Scene Of Special Is skullduggery afoot now. You know you're playing Plea Ms. South Vietnam. Hwy. 51 - By-ass Wednesday. Jassery 4 Jr. and children. Pan and Ren- soul trees lianhioned troth Meg rough. Smoking at a tender age is Union City, Tenn. Anise; neerregational meet- Occasion Xmas Night nie, at Imwrencebura. Term, were sieens Cmunleting her no novelty among the moun- ing, Fast Presbyterian Church • she guess 885-5874 Iles a melee of blue By Esta4e Seleelaad hohdat ot their per- tain folk Montegnards will be at 7 303 pm mit,. Mr. sod Mrs this morning. Us The home Caraywan and Ai- Ronald Chur- We talked to Mr. Jake Dunn a moment • • • Mrs_ Nanc7 Miler, aster ch& Sr . and a lene MoCiure et Patiorenna Shores Mr. and Mrs. W. is always very courteous and friendly. We must remember The Pluton Magoon GAM win the brute. served as coaU:on 44 R Perry, about hunting. A fellow just has wee the scene CrelatraSS bight of never to ask him anything meet at. I:30 in the Inn grade honor She were an aqua long- • • • a very unusual common to have someone to believe, or lose all faith in humanity. LOAN CO. room of the actiod. AI eatilhers sleeved drew with beck soon- Ma's Kenneth MURRAY yule ItV'burned in the fire- Greener and child- • • • please attend stories, and a corsage of white ren, Karen and place a thee` huge downetairs Kenna, of Ains- MONEY HEADQUARTERS • • • auditions mount. IL , were the guests of Bill Mohundro gave us a Rabbit story this morning and den facing the Me, and at least SIK W. Main Street Plastie 7l3-2621' Saiarday. lamasery 7 her parents, str and Mts. remember a thing about it except Charles Cope. brotheran-ber at seventy chars seated McClure re- W. R. now we've lost it Can't Chapter 11 of die P E 0 Sit- Perry. during the hc:Idays. We'll try one more Die vomit attended Mx Starks tuxes sho had cane front far Pickles Williams was one of the hunters w1meet far luncheon at ei best Men and niew for a reunion such as time to get the story straight and give it to you later. 12 CI) nocei • ' in tbe home ot fh''Mgr days was common at • • YOU TAKE NO CHANCE WHEN YOU Paul Sturm. The mother of the bride. Mrs. the old libCluee home place which • • • Lamb. wore & navy blue We spoke briefly to Mr. Bute Brown the other day 7 We TRADE WITH .. . drem was WS SWAMI when Jessie Mc- Feathers". He said "sometimes". with Wick scolgeogitet. ind a Clure died Just begare Chnsuros asked him if he read "Fins 'N "Christmas Punch" corarge de'bkie end -white Ulna- Naturally we said, "press from your tone of voice, you don't Si!PARKER MOTORS • Party Tuesday Held (Dayton's parents. the Dane care for it". He just gives that "stogie" a three-quarter turn Idedures, and has brother and mouth and says, "it's alright, it's different". Now how Mrs Starks. mother at the In his 753-5273 Murray, Ky. By Miss Jag Reaves • - wile, the Whiner McClure, of real "clincher" will be when HE gives obese biue trees about that? Guess the Mks Jan Reeves eritertainevi gmc'en• a Memphis Tent., went the night hunters in business for quite LARGE voLumr. — LOW PROFIT enhanced whale us a story That should put you far • gram of her chose pin In- Mtn pearh At K Zia beautehil two limey Pan- her Itesaider. etas a while. At our 'expense, naturally! =at bet honk on —.4 Lynn lanneea 'wards home, Out the crowd dis- "Service Built Our Business" age of white Have fun boys, we alstire you it won't last! Bead on Tuesdey after- cerremsona. persed at midnight • • • IT WELL PAY YOU TO SEF US ON A NEW OR USED CAR nail. The occasion was caged a spats employed with ae- Mr a No ere can predict how many -carielinis Puede part)" lot of Rabbit hunting, and vtr Tricluethee Penick-on The and fawn where may in the fut- Mr. Alvin Farris is missing a illtembil penes in the -punch" wupie wall reside In 'bp" with a pinched nerve and as- Hardin ure etney the homatality of this work, as he has been 'laid lied Were &rectal by Jan's eaten soon "up and at Bite resnrt Mane But never will sociated aches and pains. We hope you are Caltilen Reaves. and Prima Irere an the mamba- Regan t - serr4 a Entire delightful pur- 'em" again, Mr. Farris. Bet your Missus will be glad to get onaiktcni,ne esch guest Politer and (angerMitchell were paw. than oti Christmas night you out from underfoot too, huh, Mrs. Farris? Moo present when all Sbfq•S reisth'es Joined by the geli RI the Mane t The gruep wee trented to the their wares In song around the min at the Kane Mist Shan Hazel Cafe! beautthalie decorated basement at piano and =c e_mosia such en Toon entertained with tap dime tbe home where refe-eillementa of -Amazing We Ga- CONDITIONED * Path were sung by Maws Mien ww. * AIR pundit. morted cookies, arid mints ther AL the River- , Pesetas Me- 11•••11 Malan, Dana Shotey, and DiPs- were Now Serving Fresh Catfish •••• nerved Pktures were made mories". a.od `011 the Others any ••••I lirei Darnell, Marx Jenrater Dar- THE SPIRIT—This moldier in relented CLASSIFIEDADS HAVE SUNDAY DINNER WITH I'S one nell mai Donna taariphaes pal- ALE Motu" in the Tneu-rhong area of the entertain- E We Cater to Private Parties in Private Dining Room ed titan° mks An dem alto was ing weep Jan's mother', Mrs Gin- Guy Loviris prayed God's Ideas. South Veltman seems to be trying to make friends. That CALL FOR RESERVATIONS . . . 492-9785 by Mem Jan Reavar. who with del Relays, and her brothers. Mr on nil anti rave thanks fat on his her Oiler, Carolyn, pieyed a duet Jubrin7 and *Kris actives. pregame mamma, is mistletoe helmet. illmnintrimuummummummumirmumiii

• 411, An. 11111111111160mdm---.

FRIDAY — 30, DECEMBER 1966 THE LEDGER & TIMES — MURRAY, KENTUCKY 30, 1966 PAGE FIVE 'We do ttile at the • • SELL. RENT • hospital WY owl" Towneetn, MINO11433. Beetilwalleter SV•liCtR•• IHL • BUT • SELL* RENT • csWA F'• HI RF • BUY • sr:u_• r7ENT • '.:;WAI'D iiirr • paring our bilks with other MAI- I To 'Troop 38, niensend SIM Scouting morons in the arms. The houseni110 .F•irst P.esby tonan Church of can du the sane Wang by do- IMaytfleiri; Arthur BYM. 88/"Yhetri, • tier weekly or monthly food ado God LOW • member of Tr ft; COZY bat with fronos. 11 tbey seem to Honor 60th cooper, Penmen member of be proem leas'. A mig* CLASSIFIED ADS be well to Praia) sponsored by WEBT- r SET -LL• RESULTS PUNT • c-'*. AID • chaok thew thopping methods la HIRF • IY• • PFN-r • A p, • HIRE • BUY • f LI• cR1,t,i • , minket Pnethytorasin Church of wed ore the dares they patronize." Birthday 1 Paducah; Skurg Wethertneton and —Evaluate the stores you dad Mike Wrier, Mearcsiona, Tool, 19, wall, by comparison shopping * eponsored by the Trinity United TWELVE • PIGS Cell 753-8067, first set, drooled table and six others. "You may hen that other FOR SALE "For Friona:up" will be the Breebytenan Church of Metropu- 13-99-C c.halre, prectically new, reanuable. NOT ICE stores are offering the efir11.01 QualkY I heirno to c-noneuitirs.te the 00t41 Phme 753-7939. 13-30-C for lees moneo or, fix that matter, PIANOS POR "For Friendship" activities will CRIBEIWTMAS. 8tos7 EMALL PONY, bleak and whtte. better quality goods for the seine Andovcrsary co World Scuta4i:13 and Oierk, Grand. Low over head AILDCTROLUX 8AL, & Stevie's, Visitors MOO be Irmaided in several coun- Phone Can 71.3-8857. D-30-C GOOD MED no-frobt refrigerator: Wong 1061, 0. DougoLs Edwards, d Life terms. Reed's Musk Manor. 5 miles Sok 'Ali, Murray, Ky., C. M. Elrod- cil and districs, evelIlL9 bliCh as chrome dinette table and chairs; --Establith a friendly relationelhan promo* of the kour kaoittra ea. of Benton. 'xi ADORABLE TOY Pekingese PuP- ere. ilium nO1-3176 Lytauvils, By. tienton-Mayetskl 13 by 18 ft Lee carpet and pad; with your merchants. "'rue butcher 004throl. Boy Smote of America, Spring Clionporees, Bcouthoular pies. AKC L)x, Road. at Flarvey. Open evenings, regfeeered, we old. 310-0 Run and soorther camp. Norge tip range. Food who QUI 753-3079 aJter greets you by mine when you announced oxen. Sunday 1:30 to 7:00. Dec. $1-C Call Kekaey, 4119-3860. 1:3-30-P wile beating. 7:00 p. m. 13-31-C enter the More will also be more Sive in and leaders from The World Prienckthip Punci of ADD NEW LIFE to old carpets, likely to pee you the beet quiditY Uwe area IIIMM Dean sftentec. to the boy &outs of Anthem will 2 COIIHUAHITAB puppies, 15 wedca 30" BICYCLE, new, with itheinpoo ed to ride to KEEP carnet cleaning probiams trebling viol Blue 1...ustre—kilue Bill meat he bas, provide the means tor Spouts to Today to tse cal aEd. $1500 each Pbone 753-5807 You on ex- Guano the MI World Jamboree A wheels; Boys wool mat with lining Lustre Bhainpouer $1410 a ado. now I take sinall—use Blue Lustre wall to Well, ceptional bum or to point out at sake amitallautions to trnp bro- 13-30-C and cap, size 5. Phone Hugnes tarragut 861M Part. Idaho. to lon't want to 94.ent electric shempcoer $1. Shuts 753-6183 Paolo bow*. Jan.-18-C **set Gin of meat is beet and most nugget. 'It w40 ...e the hrst tame ther Omuta around the world to D-31-P At 70, and I Hardware. J-3-C GRAY CHROME and nylon break- By PATRICIA MeCORMACIL seononcoal for your particular put- he thernadves, Mr Edwards said. _ WILL TRADE 3-becircken nrtcs Lust a World Jamboree tiaa been glim. He By United Press Itheraertional TWO TOY POODLES—one male, Other world friendship plane In house located at lb= ()cattle Fulln held an the Untied Steers, rent $125.00; one female, NEW YORK itIPS — Putting out a --alike sure you get what you that area moltadie Yantis Sushange $100.00. Phone boi-ti tor babel Lunn oit equal value Lcxsal Clio Scout packs, Boy suet even see 436-5640. tasty Med& for' litatita Clereharea pay for. "Take apples, for example. with countras of the Braced Nat- J-3-P or more. Inquire at Jatiniont &Z- Ikon troops, and Dapiorer poste L114 have been Eva urn't goeig to wroth Your lewd An unscrupulous grocer can stack ola& Staksan at loth and College wig lion speroal "For Prue:oddity" ions, oorreeponderice with foreign ancederas if I SIX PLACE DINETTE list, fon:ilea budget. them in suoh a way that a bugged Item Road or phone OM-KM. solivoies during the year and EhoUts and hostiog ot the =I to Wap. Mixed Doubles top—wood grain table, center In*, What can; the istroolous appe- swears to be full when ariiii4 it D-31-C well observance World Jamboree, atit arel took like new, used only a few months. tites of visiting Mende and Mot- is only full At Montifsure we comas the with 'Sold new for frieroisho comperes or meetiogs liar. Hoe he $150—w111 sell for $75. -ELLC TR)LUE SALES & Sconce, ives, especially torn-WA Itiarida treks- awl .,the pound, and by Call 753-7820 after 4:00 p. In. 1 at toe ,Ime of the Word Jam- NS renewed J-3-C box 414, Murray, h,y C tat Sand- during the week between Christmas wessiung ourselves we know is Round Robin and New Year's. really vs a er!. PhOtie .1142-.117b , easotly what we are edam." 1949 ALLIS CHALMERS C tractor, Lynnville, KY et.. Usould I Feb. 3-C Hut keep you "cool." Jacques W. —Cheek the labels on packages all equipment. hydraulic seat, wheel 1110w 4.110 will reixasent the ilOtor vetucie Moan knows bow you can bald for quantity, rather than relying weights, good esnaltda, $375. Reich fOl1T Rivers• at the World kcal police? down the oat ol turning your hume an the sate of the lx.x. Bowling Tournament Watson. near Sackusburg. J-3-0 F•malis heap Wanted Jiinstazee are. Mr. Howard CONCleaNk.1) logo a nano restauraiu *Al merry —A baal tip on economising,. D: It would PIANOS, araison. Baldwin Orme, Guitars, "The drawer' buy is twit ntheys suggest to the AnMlitlere, Magnavox Btervos, TI/s. BE Alitillithoi of izioney foe first oi Yclur P11;61411* buogoung ter three the one Westin is meet economical. g Authorities five day se's Sunday, January 1 Remade, Band Instruments. "Your year taiii--part, time work—no as- Lc"niklte "well If too much quality it sacrificed, eht. Oomplate Music otenPrired to Nadi's. As More", across &cm perianth menesary. Write Avon Mgr., telniectwe nothing is sensed. The important post office. Toni at 2:30 p.m. Lonerdo Piano Mrs. assiya L. Bruwu, Shady ()rove dIre'3141r °If kagl "ImicQt. " objective .for the auts.t,sht P1'.'. SEMI-RETIRED MAN OR WOMAN Camper*, Paris. H-D_31_c hoot Hospital and Medea/ QM- Tertneesee. H-1TC Rd. Mama, Ky. to'MV in mind is to gels liv.tvskit er. he must budget for 3.0110 mean TO ANDY: 4 • — end the best value km the asuoey • day To Carry Ledger & "limes Paper Route Imply a wo- LATE 110DIIL Zenith Television Silent." Abell He says his problem is not unlike gs of others. with swivel base, new picture tube that ul the averiisfe housewife His pply at Ledger & Times Office neitivity, )0111 Call 753-5093. J-3-C CORVETTE LANES, INC. APARTMENT FOR RENT. New 'O- tips fur suctolong hie Iced donors: tfno matter It Inch bi:dn.-7 far conege boys. Call 753- -Evaluate your ehopping me- GOLDEN CRITICAL At The Movies 49u6 or 786-0660. Jan, 10-NC thods. 'A VaIllati stio la mating CHARLCY1-111, Na GIN — Auth- 1415Main Street Phone 75 3-2202 ..•••••••• two or three miss a week to lbe THE IsiDiskiSY, lamps wro-bed- or-humorist Harry Golden rein- been treediem 'FOR CAe.:7(...1. ANL I ,,OVE-IN Market unglin B7ounnoilideging heir d3lc man- apartments, • in erl(iml condition Mid tletlee Mena on Dear infonovolon mall 153-3314 kaythine putt-louses into one weak* shows* tralue.1 twat and air-conditionsaigi the constant care at bis perional Attention Boys! Awls. Cal., res- tour. She MI dilsoMair issat the Purloined or unfurnished, ICS pleyelcia.n today, suffering from . unpubbthed boys itos and that &bare is loss Id& m., 753-4.14. 111,1-3-C rearzrameo cErfloulties fkilkosing paper route in Murray is esgoddressed, An excellent an emergency bladder opera- - Amid impulse buying "Never gab THREE,M.X31.11 unfurnished apart- purobthe an itern unless wet are tion. open. We need a good responsible boy meth, odes in, private entrance. his land to ine it Thera a peirilleulmelp The 83-year-old editor ot Phone 763-8947, 13-30-C - important with petethable pan& "Carolina Issarehirs- and author of Qualified 'Bow to Have She Couldn't Believe What Was Happening for this route immediately. At Motheeliore we make is a ride "Only an Andress" and "Pr 2 d $1 to Abby. 4-ROOM P'VRNISHED apartment. \ never to Ciente Plain' and numerous other s, Cal., 90069. One blank Ran court square. Pri- omen*. Els'A5 to keel) 04w boy can start at once. Please apply in emergency Mane* Atil.iiiklrirletkget tate entrance. Phone '163-4846. kerentory at am low a level is is writings underwent 111111111111 13-30-C eordistent loth totay." gall blender "urger, Tuesday person at the Ledger eic Times office. fill&flanirt by Mary Paradise —Oontramely check load onto night. CO' _ MALL OA11121, compietely furn- 1981 Copyright IILNLE Prom the shovel published by Coward-McCann. Inc "nal in Panorama Illisres, Call • ‘ by King ,11 e-dur..e Syndi sir.. li' 0 HOS by D. Z. Wien. Distributed =8 • Mayfield, 347-201e2 days or 274-6416 1. 17th St. 1111. night. Lucky WHAT In HAPPENING I was as if urn nad turned back new scholastic triumphs!' NICE THREE - ROOM apartment, A.M. ii w r 00 .ily L. And to Hannah • ntense our- You laugh at Me for dotin,. completely furnished. private en- nas beard •Itr....1 0:3‘11) 1 8:00 P.M. storms in he' I...a i. 'rise one found that sne pas- on is boy." Patterson said verde and bath, on entities ferti- tdmetinw poor tri,,,n ()ME — siona:ely. *anted time to turn 'sulkily. *heel. 499 II. Mb Street Phone You a Jr au p14 a awe H,annah Itsd back No she easn t as F'at- "Fat from It. Patterson. I Dues Stalls day 753-3474, night 743- 13 to I neeinleal by the Ninny re ire tenon suggested having an old expect to dote on Emily In ex- 1340 KC trona 1./iF us Waned& anti 1•In 3612. WWI' we es • warm tos, worn-out revenge on Dolly by seUy the same way." grandee lousy« ied ;5 a.m. reline POMMY, inviting net niece to come In a "Raymond is my only Mtn Ira the family rit rine • mere for • tune hunter menus' capacity She was feet- and kin. It's natural I should Serfrestne MINIM Wthin • twirler 01 !Tamils Dull, towards re- feel • responsibility lot nun was dead of opt,. the death ..-er mg net way tin. ale wild) and Hannah r rain iiabilttatine the girl who the especially since rue father went W0043 CUTTING Phone 753-2448 as Doi!. Ira/ ',roomful ter %thy is my baby by Deily, newspaper mid had suffered a wrong His mother treouret and dime de D Ferdinand Horner., Leidy tragic accident to Ale 11 nu, ulster She was only a mite -311-C purnrooned to nye with the I ieft nome with Misr ealaserre nCe Hannah in Strain yeari=as p tiger Sands the serve In the middle when a eight Meet MO been permanently Dolly Stands to reason I'd deuer.rer tinily cannot her when net term-Doer with a river Injured IS. weeld never play Want to help RAISE YOUR RIGHT rru WS That acre let MI • coacart Madan again husband ran oft She tvasn t a. WOW—THIS'LL the family tonverfartos Cot and shout the Inmethately sitar she Dad young to get a oil) and support I MADE UP HAND AND SWEAR TO TAKE ABOUT Si'. finds In Hannah's Sao the paper Hannah tied sat • baby I've hotrod Ravrrionc A LIST OF KEEP EACH RESOLUTION TWO HOURS Where it. serrlillt through school and to get nih ---AND I Used 0..n.lneerlhg what Mem and written the letter She ternml hold over Ilannah'il lad expiate who one was architoct's degree. so I feel lea NEW YEAR'S FURTHER 4 • had M iber 31st! mine in a sort of way He'. CH A PTER 5 ninee if the family RESOLUTIONS RESOLVE had turned out well and I'm peril% .t Offer "IT DOE.'SN'T se em right. ever areentlened tier There FOR YOU ETC.---ETC. been terrible ooldeeas after respond's)* Cm proud at that I madam." Pattersen told that Dolly's death, especially when But you know all this madam [SHER Hannah. "that Mae Dolly's it was revealed that Dolly sad -Tea, beard it all before niece should come here as a at Granada. We old people repeat ourselves Servant " left her the villa ease course she bad known that worlil has changed nasn Hannah's dark face contor- Of ...el antagonism wrens from it! Dolly's niece nas to give AND ted. What Patterson had said guilt at feeling a little piano lessons and your nephew CE ivaa perfectly true. within thaIr relieved that they were done has a university education But limits Patterson, the old fool. forever with Dolly. scandals you haven't told me his iaresr iris( Was still dazzled by Dolly• They really were the mow re- news He must have written • Charm It was a pity Dolly • wilting puritans. Uncle Edwin for some reason " Nein I lived to grow old One :RES with his political ambitions And hardly liked to bother you. Would nave seen then whose Aunt Kate his obedient snadow madam. You wore SO full of personality was the most effec- omes Dolly's brother, was Miss Emily's arrival Raymond tive Dolly, faded and sweet, or Eugene. only boy at that time and just said that he has made up Hannah with net. triumphant -Pass travel this summer probably knew very Little about his mind to LATER, AT CARLENE'S NOUSE dominant ugliness I renn. ioway ..Ar. the affair The Ironic thing was Hell at the stage where tic She spoke- that he. COO had had • great needs to see different styles ot IN EN YOU'LL you suggesting l'tW having some dem of Dolly's extravagance and architecture LET ME (X) THIS Win of petty revenge because wildness and she bad beard that 'Particularly Moorish 7- aro FOR YOU Or the way Dolly and her family he had more or less eltarpeted said dryly to treater me' Hannah the poor his fortune -That's right, madam It vas to relation Hannan the governess • So Emily, his dat.ghter, apart my idea, actually 1 said It he But that s centuries ago arid from being overwhelmingly dis- was coming abroad he miistn t FPI has nothing to do with this appointed at having her career mime Spain His old aunt would child lt you must know. I ad cut snort would probably be Ilk. to see htm, for one thing mired Dolly enormously I happy to earn a little for her- "You spoil him. Patterson longed o be like her, with her cAr Can I make • guess that 'his pink and white skin and Wel Pitt r- Hannah beckoned to Patter- trip Is being paid for out hair and those great blue eyes your hard-earned savings''". And her waist She used to let 8°t to roma and kw* attain at measure it m the photograph 'lle's a gocid boy.' said Pat- her young men The !Dueness grows," she end terson primly "And what else their hands Everyone thought would I spend my savings on' but I kneed she .1 trIumphant-IN she was co bold, talk about refortantlY. MatI didn't mean to • was just naive and silly Alter Patt°"°° nodded Will be lik• having a ghost this -today madam, with you all. I was qualified to awn up morbid" full of Mies Emily's arrival RS • person -a mental ability. I had "Wee" it'e -It's a miracle. Patterson. Raymond hasn't made tus plans had enough oxperience I'm quite sure two wicked old Yet" Patterson said in her paeld00- too Woolen like us don't deserve a "So he is coming here' leas voice. -You're talking miracle - -Well, MArIttrn ne must see ??-14E E;..TS rENUT, Much, madam " "Don t make me share your the Alhambra Palace, mustn t BA •••/— "It , don't talk I'll think.' HERD OF ELTIPI-Vorr5.!1 Which in just an bad.- Hannah stns." Pattersion snapped he! One of the wonders of the PT • • • worlo Though I expect he I. WE'LL GO e•AHKRU said Irritably "Get me that MD CAR still go back to England Rh., IF WE DON'T OFFER 1-111•4 newspaper cutting, and Dolly • 1_4ANNAH surveyed her build glass .boxes. But at -2 ADOPTION photograph" .1 I thoughtfully. -1 apologize, FC he'll have seen other thir... When Patterson had brought I Patterson I exaggerated, as al- INsTANTLY!! Tre broadening We &rind • them She lay looking at them ways Of course I won't make Juin' that, didn't We? for a long time you share my sins I enjoy them This time Patterson made no The newspaper picture of the too revue!' to share them with attempt to hide her insolent the piano was different anyone It you're going to com• girl at mock ing Attger not different_ The cut- nil' sins you morn do it with and yet flared uncontrollably In Hannah Ling said that she had nail • panache Make them dazzling "You forget -ourseit Patter- Fe promising career ahead of ner ones not dreary little ones" son. If you're not careful, I'll ns a pianist, so naturally tier The tea s cold madam I'll diumiwe you" face had a dedleated look. For,Itake the traV dOwnstitire " all that, the sweet youthful nva .--4•W a Patterson We haven't Patterson said nothing mereere, that [iftit It. the dreaming eyes, and talked Shout VOUT nephew to ly giving ner cool stare the crown of thick blonde hair (lay You sail you had hail 8 this time did not slide away Tomorrow. ; Boom • were shatteringly Dolly It letter frOM him What Ere his (To R Continued 35 the novel suensticii by Cowers • int Illee C 196:, by D E Eden Distributed by king Feature* Syndicate fflIIHHIIJ

II ea. 4111

;?Iir e•

• FRIDAY — DECEMBER 30, 1966 P.k(IF SIX THE LEDGER & TIMES — MURRAY, KENTUCKY of the season for the second year ! Gets star from Syracuse. After • medi- Two High Ranking SEC Teams ocre Lys season. he hit his stride CROSSWORD PUZZLE Answer to Yostorday's Punta WALLIS DRUG this year and established hinting as a worthy candidate for the hon- EMU NRQUH UOU ACROSS 5-Turkish decree Big Vote By UP or of most dangercus runner in Picked In Post Season Games WU CROON GM@ Pilto as 111.144,211* 6-Absurd reports pro football in v. that Jenny Brown natirissui 7 nnmown wOURE PRESCRIPTIONS A -Man's nickname qUNUE MUN ir SPECIALTY * retired antelope &Tarry has By FRED DOWN over Southern Methodist because of 4N04. UFIJA MU MAR ot scale If.Cooducts Sport Writers Balanced Backfield UPI Sports Writer its rugged ground attack which pro- 6-43wouras coao 72nu. mmq Will Had 10-Finish RO UM Ceilidore I We Get r — Or It Can't Be Nance gained 1.4S8 yards in 299 The Southeastern Conference's duced a 9-1 season record. Ronnie message .10Ed MU 12Zooled fare attempts for a 4.9 average and 11 11 Alond DOM MMI SMUNA football prestige—at a high level all Jenkins, one of Georgia's key Play- 13.fortagners 14.Conjunctiess nomm wvn UPTT3 By VITO STELLINO touchdowns. season—is expected to be enhanced ers, is a doubtful performer because 15-Suffo 17-Arrow potion nqm quswo occurring , UPI Sports Writer Daniels tied Mike Garrett at Kan- Saturday when Tennessee plays Sy- of • leg injury but is expected to it 20SO two mriwim/ omunp mown et MAW amnia NEW YORK Yft — Jim Masse, sas city. who failed to nuke either racuse in the Gator Bowl and Geor- suit up and see at least some ac- drowses UFS4 umnon uou 211-Pies tw UNU msynu Ibe Boston Patriots' fullback who Of the first two teams, for seccind opposes Southern Methodist in tion. Jenkins and quarterback Kir- 16-Once more qau gia 111-We1l border mink misy agreed Jimms Brown as pro pkice in rushing yardage with 801 the Cotton Bowl The oddarnakers by Moore like to smash inside the 19-team Deal 27-itdad yards. Nincy (at.) aleapaltd 41 Minn 55 Apia toolbars premier runner. and Nan- have made Tennessee a 5 1-2 point ends--strategy that should produce 46 loncloggad Dawson matured into an adept 21-Girrs name 21611111111so 5444aor, ass City offenedve tackle favorite and Georgia a 6 1-2 point a rock 'em sock 'em game because 22-5bon's nick:tune bird 57-Slaw witch YEAR Chiefs asoltiad END field general who an the wcre unanimous choices n the Una- choice as the annual holiday whirl It is between the ends that SMU is 23-Canon's eanwales 46 Dart "-tat with a deft touris and made than 211-Steclf 3241euelbisi 49 Angry eel Press International American of bowl games continues with three strongest defensively. 29-blatured his one of the in explodes toidolgIn 36-°Waco 51 Europa'. 62tuntunctioar Football League 1905 All-Star temm attractive pairings. The third game 31-Preffare for 37 Mahe roe* capital 64 Hypothetical foStall. Mixing in his pasting with Key Linemen Prod 42 Neawnly body 'CLEA PON' ,nelected today it a vote of 21 sports- Is the annual East-West Shrine game 13.14ol• of scale 54 Attitude kW,* their dangerous running attest, he which will be won by thousands of Tackles Ronnye Medlen and John 34-Pretu: not was the leading peeler In plik leag- 3S,Deoson , Witers.?e and Tyrer were named an atippled children in Shrine Hoepit- tUmbrough, along with All-Confer- ue. completing penmen for 31-Seusic: as IINININ4 Wail' WIIIIWA.40 '66 CADILLAC power and air. One the ballots of all 27 writors—etwee No a ass als. ence middle guard John Lagrone. written „ 2.512 yards and 36 touchdowns He 39 owner local frau each at the league's nine cities. were the key men as SMIJ held ri- -Preposition iill SW ii1 I it on 56 per cent of his passes Arm-chair quarterbacks, loosening 40-Nole of scale 15 1016 '65 CADILLAC CitipPlikeVilie. Full One player. on middle lineback- vals to fewer rushing yardage than 41-5euers power and air. One end had an average gain of nig* up their elbows for Saturday night's none) 111lUIiMI er Nick Illuonsoono came within any other team in the Southwest 43-Learo 20 WI 2 i owner local car. Clean as new. yank a paw festivities, will be able to see all 45.Feesale sheep two ballots of being a unentmoult Conference. 47- Kowa Mil 1111 '65 CADILLAC Sedan DeVille. Full power and air. Black- Aarteith rematned one ot the lop three games on television. For some, 50-Coarn (abbr.) UM 26 27 itil peck as he was tamed on 16 of the 111 er 'n a crow and sha.rn as a brier racaleere in football as he caught It may be their last chance to see The East-West S2 Youngsalmon 16 shrine game 13 ex- .32 gli33 1 1311aptis• yards anything with Jan 2 when the bowl 53-Noon '63 CADILLAC Sedan DeVille. Full power and air. Local itaniss City gun-tart:ark Lenny 13 pones for 1383 and 13 pected to feature the passing of the 56- Oman aiand Ma OW touchdowns. series continues with the Sugar. East's Danny Talbott of North Car- 519Tapestry ear Slick as a hound's tooth. !Daemon. San Diego Flanker lance 60 Blocks of Granite Rose and Orange. On Jan. 1 black- olina and Benny Russell of Louis- Proposition il MINIUM Mil '66 OLDS MI Holiday Sedan. Full power and air. One own- , &Worth and City defensive Eartbottato .2 now The first tearn offensive line had out day. TV has nothing to offer ville against the rushing of 250- ssinnost er local car. Slick as airiole back were named 11 Mil Ota Tsylor and Prof Artanas, both except the American and National pound Idaho fullback Ray McDon- 65-Cubo meter '66 on 14 balkits. 66-Prenova OLDS 442 2-Door Hardtop 4-Speed. One owner local af Kansas City. at the ends will Football League title games. ald. IV a1M- 12% MB On a team basis, Kansas Cite 67, -Condensed 55 car A Young man's dream car. Tyree and ot San Diem) mmWm 11154 !swept honors by having eight of its Warren Leads Passing Purdue remains • 13 point favor- Mrialillail '62 OLDS Soper 4-Door Sedan. Double power and air. at the tadries, of Bot- DOWN 59 SAli players selected among the top 32. ite over Southern California in the Mil (lean as a pin ha° and of Oak- The Gator Bowl game in Jackson- MI The Chiefs had four on referee and Rose Bowl. Georgia Tech is a two- 1-Facial '59 OLDS 2-Door Hardtop. One owner local land at the guards and Jirn Otto ville, Fla., will be televised by ABC car. lour on defense. point pick over Florida in the Orange uproaslon ill il gil '66 PONTIAC of Oakland at center. beginning at noon. EST; the Cot- zoclir Bonneville 4-Door Hardtop. Power and air. On • team basis, Kansas City Bowl and Alabama is a 71-3 nowt On detense, Jerry Mays of Kan- ton Bowl game ran be seen on CBS Lt nil MEI Mil One owner Tenn. car Clean as a new broom. 'wept honors by haettig eight of Its choice over Nebraska in the Sugar 4-11Oripord animal tr. by us tad rotors Syndicate, Is.. sas City and Varian Biggs of Nerw beginning at 2.15 p in. EST and 8 '66 PONTIAC LeMans 4-Door Hardtop. Air and power. players selected among the top rt. Bowl. 'York at the ends. the Shrine Game will be televised Brand new The Chiefs Sad four anaffense and of Kansas City and Hounton An- by NBC beginning at 4:30 p. in. '66 PONTIAC LeMans 2 lour on defense and also pasted the -Door Hardtop. Power and air. ts-As. cif 13oiston are the tackles, EST. 8.000 actual miles Slick as a hound's tooth. bee record in the leogue-11-2-1 of Kansan City. Buoni- virile winning the Western Diviakm Tennessee is favored over Syra- '66 BUICK Wildcat 4-Door Sedan. Power and air Sharp conti and of Mt- aliampionship of the AFL. cuse on the strength of a powerful as a brier. Ink, are the linebackers and Butch passing game led by Dewey Warren. '65 FORD Custom 300. Automatic One owner Tenn. car. Nance Arrives Byrd of Buffalo. Kent McLoughlin Warren completed 134 passes for OPEN of Ciiikkiaxl. Robinson and Ken TAX BOOKS '64 CHEVY Impala 4-Door Sedan. 27.000 actual miles. 1.716 yards and 18 touchdowns in Kansas City meets Western IX- Orehern of San to are in the Double power and factory air leading Tennessee to a 7-3 record vision champion Buffaki on Jan. defensive secondary. '60 enEvy Impala 4-Door this year. Hardtop. V-8, automatic. It's 1 Iri Buffalo for the AFL title end The closest race in the offends. a honey. Syracuse win attempt tc overcome Ilatt champion will go on In the line was at the center giot where Tennessee's pawing game with a JANUARY 2 THROUGH MARCH 1, 1967 '64 PLYMOUTH Savoy. One owner local car White with liguper Bowl Otto beat out Boiton's rushing attack sparked by All-Amer- red trim. Oeklencl pared foun players an in a head-to-heed duet 14-11. ica halfback Floyd Little and 230- '62 MERCURY 6-Passenger Station Wagon. the squad three on offense and one On the defensive team. the tight- For listing of ('ounty including Inventories. One Owner pound fullback Larry Caonka Little and State Property Taxes local car. on defense. Buffalo. San Diego est nice WSW the tackle spots. Ant- gained 811 yards rushing and scor- * arid Breton each placed three men wine Ind 11 votes to barely edge Equipment, Accounts Receivable, Notes Receivable, Money in Out of State ALL GOING AT BARGAIN PRICES! ed 15 touchdowns this year while on the squeal and New Tort'' JIm DLUIPIPV(f et Buffalo, who had Csonka was the No. 9 rusher in the other Tangible one. Denver. Houston and lament 10 votes, and Thin Keating of(- Bangs and Loan Companies, Stocks, Bonds, Real Estate, and "swamis — Loyd -Preselsee Mhos - Larry nation with 1,012 yards A crowd at Scher !Wed to land a player an the Ro- wise had eight. for the sec- 60,000 It assured and Intangible Property. Omsk bot first salad ond spit on the first team Duna- Sande', aa4 Wells Pardleas, Jr. Georgia has been made the choice There was no debate about tha wny sod Keating took second team Out string becadleid of Denson. honors. Mance. Ahlorth and Clem Daniels HOLLYWOOD DEBUT Sanders - Purdom ot Oakland at halfback Nance was unanimous, Dawson and Alworth WANTS NIZER FOR ROLE Calloway County Tax Commissioners Office mewed only three ballots and Dan- HOLLYWOOD SPi — moth re- Motor Sales iels beat out Bobby Burnett of Buf- HOLLYWOOD rep — Dick Van ins will make her first film in 1 COURT HOUSE falo easily by seven votes_ Dyke las inked attorney Louis Ni- Hollywood co-starring with It 14106 %am. stoops Phone YU -Iii111 The unanimous selection of Nan- err to griwy himself in the film ver- WW1 Dyke in "A Darden cal (*Siouan- oe had to clams the success story skin of "Fear On Trial" bore."

As we come to the close of another year our direct- We look to 1967 as another year of prog-res for May each of you enjoy health, happiness and pros- ors, officers and employees take this opportunity to Murray nd Calloway County. We pledge to provide thank you, our perity during the coming year. customers and friends, for the very for each of you the most efficient and progressive pleasant business relations that we have enjoyed dur- banking service available and will always be happy ing the past year. to discuss any financial affairs with you.

EMPLOYEES DIRECTORS Phyllis Adams OFFICERS Sondra C. Barnett Carol McClard Luthern Robertson, Chairman of the Board Mary Frances Bell Judy Carol Oliver George S. Hart, President George S. Hart, President Wilma Billington Rebecca Parker L L. Dunn, Executive Vice President Jane R. Curd Gall Parker L L Dunn, Executive Vice President Dr. F. E. Crawford, Vice President Barbara W. Darnell Isabel T. Parks Joe Pat Ward, Cashier L. E. Wyatt, Vice President Jobeth England Gedric B. Paschall Marvin 0. Wrather, Allen Rose, Assistant Vice President Secretary to the Board Judy S. Fitts Jo Roberts Hugh Gingles Mary Alice Garner Phyllis (1. Roberts Gene Landolt, Assistant Vice President Foreman H. Graham Gwen Gingles Kaye Robertson James W. Thurmond, Assistant Vice President Dr. James C. Hart June Gingles Kathy Scarbrough Max Neva Grey Allbritten, Assistant Cashier B. Hurt Benita Greer Carol Sims Wells Overbey Opal Hale Howard Steely Marjorie Shroat Rule, Assistant Cashier I. Wells Purdom Eva Jones Jacqueline Sykes Rob. G. Gingles, Assistant ('ashier A. W. Russell J. D. King Frances Thurmond Audrey A. W. Simmons, Jr., Assistant Cashier W. Simmons, Sr. Freeda Kuykedall Euple Ward (;ingles Wallis Louise Lamb Roy A. Weatherly, Jr. Marvin L. Swann, Assistant Cashier Tremon Beak, Director Emeritus Patricia Ann Lee Sue Wells Max Beak, Assistat Cashier Robby It. Manning Sue Wicker Rob Ray, Auditor 7hester Martin June Young BANK OF MURRAY DOWNTOWN BRANCH 'THE FRIENDLY BANK; MAIN OFFICE FIFTH & POPLAR MEMBER FDIC FOURTH & MAIN