2019 Meeting The Emerging Markets Forum was created by the Centennial Group as a not-for-pro t initiative to bring together high-level government and corporate leaders from around the world to engage in dialogue on the key economic, nancial and social issues facing Participants’ emerging market countries. Pro les

The Forum is focused on some 70 market economies in East and South Asia, Eurasia, Latin America and Africa that share prospects of superior economic performance, already have or seek to create a conducive business environment and are of near-term interest to private investors, both domestic and international.

Further details on the Forum and its meetings may be seen on our website at http://www.emergingmarketsforum.org

Emerging The Watergate Oce Building, 2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 201 Markets Forum Washington, DC 20037, USA. Tel:(1) 202 393 6663 Fax: (1) 202 393 6556 A nonprofit initiative of the Centennial Group

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PARTICIPANTS 1 Georgia Minister of Finance Minister of Finance Alex Aleksishvili Consulting Group (PMCG); Former (PMCG); Former Consulting Group Chairman, Policy and Management Chairman, Policy Aleksishvili is a member of the and Advisory Group (CCAG) of the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) (CCAG) of the International and Central Asia Advisory Group Monetary Fund’s Aleksishvili is a member of the Caucasus governments (MCD). He has advised numerous of countries such as Albania, Middle East and Central Asia Department business enabling environments and Kyrgyzstan to enhance their respective Mongolia, Kosovo, Mozambique, Afghanistan valuable assistance and delivering specialized experience of a transitional country. by providing Aleksishvili has accumulated exceptional knowledge of development challenges. As the Chairman of the United Nations knowledge of development challenges. As the Chairman of the United Nations Aleksishvili has accumulated exceptional climate change, air to energy, issues related (2005-2006), he has addressed Commission of Sustainable Development adopted by the Commission and UN General Assembly. pollution and industrial development, successfully As Minister of Finance, Aleksishvili conducted reforms in public finance management and tax and customs. As a result of tax and customs. As a in public finance management and reforms As Minister of Finance, Aleksishvili conducted - 9.6%, 2006 over 10% on average (2005 2005-2007 reached rate in GDP growth Georgia’s policy reforms, comprehensive 2.1 billion in 2007. USD 250 million in 2004 to USD from FDI increased - 9.4% and 2007 - 12.3%) while the country’s While working as Minister of Finance of Georgia between 2005 and 2007, he successfully conducted a series of reforms in between 2005 and 2007, he successfully conducted a series of reforms While working as Minister of Finance of Georgia and liberalization policy and administration as well as economic deregulation the domains of public finance, tax and customs country in top reformer “Doing Business” survey as the world’s Bank Georgia was ranked by the World domains. Notably, Bank by the World 132nd place to 18th in the ranking of “Ease of Doing Business” from Georgia also rose 2005-10. Similarly, between 2004 and 2007. Aleksi Aleksishvili, Chairman and CEO at Policy and Management Consulting Group (PMCG), has 20 years of working (PMCG), has 20 years Consulting Group and CEO at Policy and Management Aleksi Aleksishvili, Chairman and the government high-level a as sector policy economic development finance and the public in experience official reform, business climate improvement tax and customs policy and financial policy, government for budget adviser responsible and doing business environment. 2 PARTICIPANTS Author ofonemonographandnumerous in articlesinscientificjournals Tajikistan andabroad. others. HeholdsaMasterdegree inengineering(1993)andadoctorateeconomics(2004)from Tajik Technical University. ects, fundedbytheWorld Bank,AsianDevelopmentEuropean Union,UnitedNationsDevelopmentProgramme and tation intheExecutiveOffice ofthePresident of Tajikistan, andlaterdirectly involvedinthemanagementofanumberproj- the implementationofpublicadministrationreform. SeveralyearshewasHeadofDivisioninvestmentprojects implemen- policyinvariousareasexperience inthedevelopmentandimplementationofgovernment economicreform, inparticular intricate knowledgeoflocalconditionsandspecificsinallsectorstheeconomy Tajikistan. Mr. Aminjonovhasextensive in carryingouthigh-qualityindependentresearch and theprovision ofinnovative,practicalandindividualadvicesbasedon Mr. RustamAminjonovisaDeputyDirector organization,engaged atAnalyticalCenter“Navo”,whichisanon-governmental Deputy Director, AnalyticalCenter“Navo” Rustam Aminjonov Tajikistan PARTICIPANTS 3 Switzerland Swiss National Bank Swiss National Lena Lee Andresen Lena Lee Deputy Head, Bilateral Cooperation, Deputy Head, Lena Lee Andresen is the Deputy Head of the Bilateral Cooperation unit of the Swiss National Bank (SNB). In this capacity, this capacity, of the Swiss National Bank (SNB). In Head of the Bilateral Cooperation unit is the Deputy Lena Lee Andresen - taking up this posi to other central banks. Before technical assistance of the SNB’s for the coordination she is responsible International as Advisor to the Monetary Cooperation division and served SNB’s tion, she was a Senior Economist in the DC. Prior to joining the of the Swiss constituency at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Washington Executive Director Federal Department of Foreign was an Investment Strategist at UBS and a Political Analyst at the Swiss SNB, Ms. Andresen the University of St. Gallen and an MA in International Relations from holds an MSc in Economics from Andresen Ms. Affairs. the Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva. 4 PARTICIPANTS He hasmore than360published scientificworks-monographs,textbooksandmanuals,articles. Russian Federation(StageII). Republic ofTajikistan Strategytothe PartnershipoftheILOProject 2015-2020;ApplicationoftheG-20Learning andthe Work Agenda2011-2013 and 2015-2017;NationalActionPlanfortheEliminationofWorst FormsofChildLaborinthe State StrategyfortheDevelopmentofLaborMarketRepublicTajikistan until2020;Tajikistan’s NationalDecent Strategiesandprograms:Conducted Assessments of the implementation and completion of joint NationalandInternational and PRS2007-2009;NDS-2030MDPT2016-2020 He wasamemberofthe Working Group of theRepublicTajikistan of the Government on thedevelopmentof:NDS-2015 Developer ofNationalHumanDevelopmentReportsinTajikistan 2010,2012,2013and2015 Africa, Ethiopia,aswellinallCIScountries. He trainedandwasonscientifictripstotheUSA,France,Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Turkey, Dubai,China,Japan,South problems ofreproduction anduseoflabor”. 1975. HedefendedhisthesisattheInstitute of EconomicstheAcademySciencesUSSRontopic“Regional He graduated from Moscow State University by M.V.lomonosov, FacultyofEconomics,DepartmentPoliticalEconomy, in Member oftheCoordination CounciloftheThinkTanks oftheCARECInstitute(sinceSeptember2017) Deputy Director ofThink-Tank -AnalyticalCenter“NAVO”. Department oftheInstituteEconomicsandDemographyAcademySciencesRepublicTajikistan. Candidate ofEconomicSciences,Associate Professor, HeadoftheInstitutionalResearch and SocialSectoroftheEconomy

Associate Professor andHead,Institutional Economics andDemography, Academyof Studies andSocialSector, Instituteof Rustam Babajanov Sciences Tajikistan PARTICIPANTS 5 Armenia Former Minister of Finance Former Minister Levon Barkhudaryan

At present he is holding a position of director of Training centre of the State Revenue Committee of RA starting from 2016. 2016. State Revenue Committee of RA starting from of the centre of Training he is holding a position of director At present 2010 to 2012 he hold the From adviser. Solutions Ltd consulting company as senior to 2017 he worked at AVAG 2001 From at Board 2001 to 2007 Chairman of the Supervisory From of Armenian State Economic University. position of vice rector Republic the of Economy and Finance of Minister as worked Barkhudaryan Mr. 2000 to 1999 From CJSC. Armimpexbank this period some of important 1993 to 1997 as Minister of Finance of the Republic of Armenia. During of Armenia and from legislation, customs and tax basic the of establishment currency, national the of introduction were life into brought projects and organic budgetary system law. Key qualifications are experience in leadership, guidance and co-ordination of design, implementation and monitoring of experience in leadership, guidance and co-ordination Key qualifications are government strategic advice to Experience in policies. regional development and agencies finance, public macroeconomic, public finance management. As well as consulting international organizations in Armenia on a range of financial sector, EU, USAID, of internationalthe number with practices internationallyand in Armenia organizations UNDP, DFID, including Bank. GIZ and the World Mr. Levon Barkhudaryan holds a PHD in economics and having a huge working experience in the spheres of economy and of economy huge working experience in the spheres holds a PHD in economics and having a Levon Barkhudaryan Mr. of the the beginning of the independency of Armenia from contribution to the economy of the Republic finance has made his country. 6 PARTICIPANTS of Economics.Ms.Brunereceived herPhDinEconomicsfrom theUniversity ofZurichin2017. She alsovisitedtheLeibnizInstituteforEconomicResearch attheUniversityofMunich(ifoInstitute)andLondonSchool Lecturer2008 to2017.In2015,shewasaVisiting Lithuania. attheISMUniversityofManagementandEconomicsinVilnius, she worked as Research and Teaching Assistant at the Department of Banking and Finance at the University of Zurich from Amelie BruneisanEconomistintheBilateralCooperationunitofSwissNationalBank(SNB).PriortojoiningSNB, Economist, SwissNationalBank Amelie Brune Switzerland PARTICIPANTS 7 World Bank World Lilia Burunciuc International Organization International Regional Director for Central Asia, for Central Asia, Regional Director She has a master of public administration degree from George Washington University (USA) and a degree (master level) in University (USA) and a degree George Washington from degree She has a master of public administration University of Moldova. the Technical Economics, Management and Planning form Prior to joining the Bank, Ms. Burunciuc was a Deputy GovernorPrior to joining the Bank, Ms. Burunciuc Bank of Moldova (central bank). In that of the National banking of exchange market, reform framework for the foreign of a regulatory capacity she worked on the establishment supervision and bank restructuring. She has strong and diversified World Bank experience in leading teams and complex operational and corporate World Bank experience in leading and diversified She has strong reform. She coding operations simplification and Bank’s and country strategies, World assignments such as regional dialogue with governmentshas extensive experience on leading policy aspects of development. She led the on various regional strategy for Central Asia. World Bank of the first preparation Lilia Burunciuc is the Regional Director for the Central Asia Region at the World Bank. Since joining the World Bank in Since joining the World Bank. for the Central Asia Region at the World Regional Director Lilia Burunciuc is the Country Operations Policy and Country Services; challenging positions: Manager in of increasingly 1996, she held a range for for Southern Country Officer Africa and Central Asia; Senior Coordinator Manager for Macedonia; Country Program Ukraine and Belarus. 8 PARTICIPANTS Cavaliere holdsaPhDinEconomics from theUniversityofBern. Bankers CoursesinFinanceandMonetaryEconomicsattheStudyCentre Gerzensee(afoundationoftheSNB).Mr. Management DepartmentoftheSwissFinancialMarketSupervisoryAuthority, andProgram ManagerfortheCentral Secretariat FinancialMatters,DeputyHeadoftheAggregate forInternational RisksandScenarioAnalysisunitintheRisk Senior AdvisoroftheSwissExecutiveDirector attheIMFinWashington DC,SeniorEconomistattheSwissState discussed attheExecutiveBoard MonetaryFund(IMF).Before oftheInternational joiningtheSNB,Mr. Cavaliere was and technicalassistancetoothercentralbanks,(iii)thepreparation oftheSwisspositiononcountry-specificitems the supervisionandcoordination of(i)theSNB’s official bilateral relationships withothercentralbanks,(ii)monetary Marco Cavaliere isHeadoftheBilateralCooperation unitoftheSwissNationalBank(SNB).Hismainresponsibility is

Head, BilateralCooperation,Swiss Marco Cavaliere National Bank Switzerland PARTICIPANTS 9 (CEPS) Belgium Michael Emerson Michael Associate Senior Research Fellow, Fellow, Research Associate Senior Centre for European Policy Studies for European Centre Education: the Universities of Honorary doctorates from Politics and Economics (Balliol College, University of Oxford); M.A. Philosophy, Keele and Kent Languages: English, French Michael joined CEPS as an Associate Senior Research Fellow in 1998, and has worked on a succession of projects, mainly a succession of projects, Fellow in 1998, and has worked on Research Michael joined CEPS as an Associate Senior neighbourhood, including neighbourhood. These initially concerned the conflict zones of the European in the European he has focused his work on the East European recently the Caucasus. More the Balkans, Cyprus, the Middle East and on Brexit. on Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia. Also concurrently neighbourhood, with projects From 1996 to 1998 he was Senior Research Fellow at the London School of Economics. Fellow at the London to 1998 he was Senior Research 1996 From Michael began his career at the OECD, Paris, from 1966 to 1973. Upon accession of the UK to the EU in 1973 he joined the of the UK to the EU in 1973 he joined 1966 to 1973. Upon accession OECD, Paris, from at the Michael began his career successive responsibilities he had where for Economic and Financial Affairs, Directorate-General Commission in the European of forming the internal the economics and later the monetary union. His analysis and forecasting, market for macroeconomic 1991 to 1995. first Ambassador to the USSR and then from last position at the Commission was as its 10 PARTICIPANTS Bank, FAO, ESCAP, etc.). consultant, provides consultancyformajordevelopmentactorsintheregion ofCentralAsia(UNDESA,AsianDevelopment Welfare Improvement forUzbekistan.Heiscurrently StrategyandlaterintheformulationofVision-2030 anindependent (www.cer.uz). Inthishiscapacity, BakhodurEshonovwas engagedintheformulationoffirstnationalmedium-term latter particularlyincludedthesetupofmostthinktankinTank-Tank inUzbekistan-CenterforEconomicResearch UNDP. Helaterworkedatdifferent positionswithUNDPbeinginchargeofsomemajorinitiativesandprogrammes. The Forecasting andStatistics).In1994hejoinedUNDPascoordinator ofthe firstNationalHumanDevelopmentReportof institutions ofUzbekistan(StatePlanningCommittee,MinistryForeign EconomicRelations,StateCommitteefor Bakhodur Eshonovisanexperiencedexpertindevelopmentpolicy. Intheearly1990sheworkedindifferent government Bakhodur Eshonov Former Head,Centerfor Economic Research Uzbekistan PARTICIPANTS 11 Switzerland Economic Affairs (SECO) Economic Affairs Stefan Flückiger Services (AF), State Secretariat for State Secretariat Services (AF), Head of Special Foreign Economic Economic Foreign Head of Special Born 1958, studies at Zurich and Yale. Entered Swiss Department of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland in 1989 as career in 1989 as career of Switzerland Affairs Swiss Department of Foreign Entered Bornstudies at Zurich and Yale. 1958, for Haiti 1994 to 1997. Returned to diplomatic service as head Country Officer Bank as at the World diplomat. Worked and public policy at and Berlin in 1997. Managing strategy unit at the Swiss Embassy in Bonn of economic and financial Posted at Swiss Delegation to the OECD in Paris in 2006, as head of Suisse in 2002. Avenir private sector Think Tank headquarters in Bern as head of Sectoral Affairs in 2014 2010. Returned to Foreign mission in ambassador rank from Since 2018 Delegate of the Federal Council for Trade and Science. Environment Policies, covering Finance, Economy, Economic Services. and Head of Special Foreign Agreements 12 PARTICIPANTS Berne. The maxim of Jean-Daniel Gerber is “Ut melius fiat” (turn ittothebetter). ThemaximofJean-DanielGerberis“Utmeliusfiat”(turn Berne. “Swiss SustainableFinance”andamemberofAOAF-Foundation.Hereceived anhonorarydoctoratefrom theUniversityof Markets) andisaBoard member ofLonzaGroup AG.HeischairmanoftheSwissSocietyforPublicGoodandassociation Jean-Daniel Gerbercurrently holdsvariouspositions:HechairstheBoard ofSIFEM(SwissInvestmentfundforEmerging Secretary andDirector ofSwitzerland’s State Secretariat forEconomicAffairs (SECO),retiring from thispostinMarch 2011. before beingappointedDirector oftheSwissFederal Office forMigrationinNovember1997.InApril2004,hebecameState In themid-1990s,Jean-DanielGerberspentfiveyearsasanExecutiveDirector andasDeanofthe World BankBoard, moved totheSwissEmbassyinWashington asheadoftheFinance,EconomicsandTrade Division. headed uptheDevelopingCountriesSectionatSwitzerland’s thenFederalOffice forForeign EconomicAffairs. Hethen In thelate1970s,Jean-DanielGerberwasaSwissdelegatetoWorld Trade Organization(WTO).Hesubsequently in1946. Jean-Daniel Gerberwasborn Chairman oftheBoard, SwissInvestment Chairman, SwissSustainableFinance Fund inEmergingMarkets(SIFEM); enDne Gerber Jean-Daniel Switzerland PARTICIPANTS 13 Germany John Hauert Belt and Road Initiative, GIZ Belt and Road Head of Project, Eurasian Connectivity/ Eurasian Head of Project, From 2014 to 2017, he worked on legal and investment policy issues at the OECD’s Investment Division in Paris. to 2017, he worked on legal and investment policy issues at the OECD’s 2014 From John studied law, politics and economics at Sciences Po, the University of Edinburgh, and Columbia University. He completed Po, the University of Edinburgh, and Columbia University. politics and economics at Sciences John studied law, in on the legal and policy framework for investments in the extractive industries his doctorate at the University of Cologne He interned Africa. government,West with the German research and several international as a law firms in Paris and worked Investment. assistant with the Columbia Center on Sustainable John Hauert works for the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), where he focuses on sustainability he focuses the Deutsche Gesellschaft für InternationaleJohn Hauert works for Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), where on sustainable and inclusive heads a project At GIZ, John in particular. and sustainable infrastructure in emerging markets Belt and Road Initiative. connectivity in Asia, covering, inter alia, the 14 PARTICIPANTS and centralbanking. research focusesontheimpactofemergingdigitaltechnologies suchasblockchainonthefinancialsector, financialstability, demand for central bank money, and collateral requirements for over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives clearing. His current andwasaresearchBern fellowatStanford University. Hisacademicpublicationsare onoptimal design ofbondauctions, , and four Central Asian republics Monetary Fund. He received at the International his PhD from the University of Settlements,andexecutivedirectorand SettlementSystemsattheBankforInternational forSwitzerland,Poland,Serbia, Daniel Hellerwasheadoffinancialstability attheSwissNationalBank,headofSecretariat oftheCommitteeonPayment Former ExecutiveDirector, International Monetary Fund(IMF) Daniel Heller Switzerland PARTICIPANTS 15 Switzerland Werner Hermann Werner Former Director, Swiss National Bank Swiss National Former Director, Werner Hermann was director at the Swiss National Bank (SNB) and in charge of central bank cooperation. Since he joined in charge of central bank cooperation. Since at the Swiss National Bank (SNB) and director Werner Hermann was banking and financial market issues, research, macroeconomic years ago, he has been involved in the SNB over twenty-five of St. Louis. Prior to joining the Hermann was a visiting scholar at the Federal Reserve Bank Mr. and international relations. (BAK, now BAK Group and was a member of the Basel Business Cycle Research SNB he taught at the Uni¬versity of Basel the University of Basel. a doctorate in economics from Basel Economics AG). He received 16 PARTICIPANTS Government ofHarvardGovernment University. in BangkokThailand,andhealsoconductedatwohalfyearpost-docresearch program intheKennedySchoolof in Germany, Master ofSciencedegree jointlybyUniversityofDortmundinGermanyandAsianInstituteTechnology He received hisDoctorate of Economicsfrom University theSchoolofEconomicsandManagement,Witten/Herdecke award inChina,andhealso wonZhangPeigangDevelopmentEconomicsAward in2009. His workswontwice(in1994and2006respectively) SunYefang EconomicPrizewhichisthehighesteconomicsresearch EconomyinCentralThailand,Bangkok:ThaiWatana2007 andAVillage PanichPress, 2007. Nova SciencePubInc,2011;InformalInstitutionsandRuralDevelopmentinChina,LondonNewYork: Routledge, China’s NewDeal:TheDevelopmentofChina’s FinancialCrisis(co-editor),NewYork: EconomyUndertheInternational GlobalMarket(withTonyHis latestpublicationsincludeChineseVillage, Saich),NewYork: PalgraveMacmillan,2012; economics professor oftheAcademy. as aneconomistin1990s.HeusedtoteachDevelopmentEconomicstheChineseAcademyofSocialSciences professorship, hewastheChiefChinaEconomistofSGSecuritiesAsia;HealsoworkedwithWorld BankBeijingOffice Institute (BRRI)ofBeijingNormalUniversity(BNU),alsoaprofessor ofEconomicstheUniversity. Before his HU BiliangisnowtheDeanofEmergingMarketsInstitute(EMI),aswellDirector oftheBeltandRoadResearch Markets Institute,BeijingNormal Professor andDean,Emerging Biliang Hu University China PARTICIPANTS 17 Switzerland Nasiba Imaralieva Senior Economist, Swiss National Bank Senior Economist, Nasiba Imaralieva is a Senior Economist in the Bilateral Cooperation unit of the Swiss National Bank (SNB). Prior to that, she unit of the Swiss National Bank (SNB). a Senior Economist in the Bilateral Cooperation Nasiba Imaralieva is March at the International in the Middle East and Central Asia Department worked as an Economist Fund (IMF) from Monetary Kyrgyz Republic and served for 1998 to 2016, Ms. Imaralieva worked at the National Bank of the 2016 to April 2017. From of the Monetary Policy Division for six years. Ms. Imaralieva holds a Master the bank in various positions, and she headed the Bowling Green from the Columbia University (USA, 2018) and a Master of Arts in Economics Public Administration from State University (USA, 2009). 18 PARTICIPANTS McKinsey inZurich.1987gainedherlawdegreequalifyingasanattorney. attheUniversityofBerne Technology Transfer ServiceintheFOFEA.1989gainedherMBAfrom INSEAD(Fontainebleau,F).1988JuniorConsultantat Switzerland’s ExecutiveDirector’s. From Investmentand 1990to1995scientificadviserintheLegalServiceandInternational Office ofForeign EconomicAffairs FOFEA.1992/1993sheworkedatthe World Bank(Washington D.C.,USA)asassistantto Directorate. Previously, from 1999to2007,headoftheWTOsector. From 1995headofsectionintheWTOFederal WTO responsible fortheOECDandfree tradeagreements asheadoftheWorld Trade DivisionintheForeign EconomicAffairs chief negotiatorattheWorld Trade Organisation(WTO)aswellmemberoftheSECOBoard ofDirectors andinadditiontothe Affairs Directorate since1April2011.From 2007FederalCouncilAmbassadorandDelegateforTrade Agreements, Switzerland’s State Secretary Marie-GabrielleIneichen-Fleisch(*1961),Attorney, MBA,SECODirector andDirector oftheForeign Economic Marie-Gabrielle Ineichen-Fleisch State Secretary forEconomicAffairs Switzerland PARTICIPANTS 19 Kazakhstan Oraz Jandosov Governor, National Bank of Kazakhstan National Governor, Director, RAKURS Center for Economic RAKURS Director, Analysis; Former Minister of Finance; Former Minister of Finance; Analysis; Former He graduated from Moscow State University as an economist-cybernetician in 1987. He graduated from He has held a number of prominent roles in Kazakhstan throughout his career, including Chairman of the Agency for Natural his career, throughout in Kazakhstan roles of prominent He has held a number of of Air Kazakhstan, Chairman of Directors of the Board of Competition, Chairman Monopolies Regulation and Protection Minister of Finance, Chairman of the National of Association of Financiers of Kazakhstan, Deputy Prime Minister, the Board a member of the Higher of JSC KEGOC. He has served as an assistant to the President, Bank of Kazakhstan, and President Akzhol, for Sustainable Development, and as co-chairman of Akzhol and True Economic Council and National Council Kazakh political parties. Mr. Jandosov is currently the director of the RAKURS Center for Economic Research, serving in this role since 2008; Chairman since this role serving in Center for Economic Research, of the RAKURS the director Jandosov is currently Mr. of the and member of the Presidium to the Board Economists of Kazakhstan; and Advisor of Association of of the Board “Atameken Union.” National Economic Chamber of Kazakhstan 20 PARTICIPANTS Georgian, English,RussianandGerman. and MBAinGlobalManagementwithDistinctionfrom theGrenoble GraduateSchoolofBusinessin2011.Mikheilspeaks hisbachelor’sMikheil Janelidzeearned degree Relationsfrom withhonorsinInternational TbilisiStateUniversityin2002 tradeandinvestment. business developmentandmanagementconsultingmostlyfocusedoninternational Before joiningthepublicservice Janelidzeworkedfortheprivatesectorasamanagerandanentrepreneur inthearea of augmented investmentsinsustainabledevelopment,cleanenergy, transportinfrastructure. mechanisms. Georgiastrengthened relations donorsandIFIs(WB,ADB,EBRD,EIB,AIIB) withinternational trade policies.MikheilactivelyparticipatedinthedevelopmentandimplementationofenterpriseSMEDevelopment negotiated DeepandComprehensive Free Trade Agreement withtheEU,whichhasresulted inupgradeofGeorgia’s MinisterofEconomyandchieftradenegotiatorGeorgia(2011-2015).Hesuccessfully Mikheil JanelidzeservedasaVice implementation process ofSustainable DevelopmentGoal#16andchairedPartnership. theOpenGovernment investment treaty withJapanand startedfree tradeexploratorytalkswithIndia.Georgiatooktheleadershiprole inthe and securitytieswiththeUSNATO, concludedfree tradeagreement withChina,launchednegotiationsonbilateral world economicpowers.GeorgiabecametheleaderofEU’s Partnershipprogram Eastern andstrengthened trade security cooperation,enhancedrole of Georgiaintheregion anduniqueeconomicintegrationwiththelargestregional and the US,EU,Western andCentralAsiaaswellJapan,IndiaChinaresulting instrengthened economicand PrimeMinisterandForeignAs aVice MinisterofGeorgia(2015-2018),MikheilJanelidzeachievedtodeepentieswith Europeanmaximum benefitsinEastern region. andbusinesscommunications,tomakeinformeddecisions,minimize therisksandget integration policies,government politicalandeconomicintelligence,expertiseintrade,investment, sectors andregionalnational governments institutionsand Mikheil isafoundingpartnerofEGE,anadvisoryfirmwhichoffersbusinesses,international tointernational arena.field. Hehasexceptionalmixofpublicandprivatesectorexperienceinnationalinternational affairsMikheil Janelidzehasademonstratedhistoryofsuccessfulworkintheinternational andeconomicdevelopment Former VicePrimeMinister; Founding Partner, EGEAdvisors; Mikheil Janelidze Minister ofForeign Affairs Georgia PARTICIPANTS 21 Switzerland Rolf Jeker Chairman, Emerging Market Services Chairman, Emerging Former Senior Executive VP, SGS S.A. SGS Executive VP, Former Senior Ltd; CEO and Vice-Chair, AO Foundation; Vice-Chair, Ltd; CEO and Dr. Jeker is a former Senior Executive Vice President and member of the Executive Board of Societe Generale de Surveillance and member of the Executive Board is a former Senior Executive Vice Jeker President Dr. Board, He is Chairman of the Swiss Export Promotion Economic Relations, Switzerland. for Foreign and Under Secretary Switzerland, and public-private committees in of numerous member of Swiss Chamber of Commerce, former President has a PhD in Economics and of a number of private companies. He has worked in over 90 countries and member Board University of St. Gallen. Business Management from Dr. Jeker serves as CEO and Chairman of Emerging Market Services Ltd and as CEO and Vice-Chair and Chairman of Emerging Market Services Jeker serves as CEO of the AO Foundation. Dr. of the of CARBURA, Switzerland and a Member of SGS Switzerland, Chairman of the Advisory Board He is also Chairman Case New Holland, part of Fiat Industrial. of Board 22 PARTICIPANTS the G10CentralBankCounterfeitDeterrence Group (CBCDG). MonetaryFund(IMF)forSwitzerland,aswellChairman of Stability Board oftheInternational (FSB).HeistheGovernor Board ofDirectors Settlements(BIS)inBaselandoftheSteeringCommitteeFinancial oftheBankforInternational Board. Chairmanandin2012oftheGoverning Heisalsoamember In 2010,hewasappointedVice 2017. In2007,theFederalCouncilappointedThomasJ.Jordan tothepositionofMemberSNB’s Board. Governing him lecturer in1998andhonoraryprofessor in2003,andhereceived anhonorarydoctoratefrom theUniversityofBaselin of EconomicsatHarvard University, appointed hejoinedtheSNBasanEconomicAdvisorin1997.TheUniversityofBern economics from in1993.Followingathree-year theUniversityofBern post-doctoralresearch positionattheDepartment Thomas J.Jordan Board isChairmanoftheGoverning oftheSwissNationalBank(SNB).Hereceived hisPhDin Chairman of the Governing Board,Chairman oftheGoverning Thomas J.Jordan Swiss NationalBank Switzerland PARTICIPANTS 23 International Organization Monetary Fund (IMF) Monetary Fund Juha Kähkönen International Organization International Deputy Director, Middle East and Middle East and Deputy Director, Central Asia Department, InternationalCentral Asia Prior to joining the IMF, in 1982–86 worked as assistant professor at New York University, associate professor and professor and professor professor associate University, at New York as assistant professor in 1982–86 worked Prior to joining the IMF, of Finland. advisor at the Bank at Helsinki School of Economics, and research Previous positions: In the IMF since 1986. Has previously worked in the Research, Asian, Policy Development and Review, and Review, Asian, Policy Development worked in the Research, positions: In the IMF since 1986. Has previously Previous in India, work on representative Departments. Past assignments include period as resident and European IMF missions to Albania, Poland, Thailand), heading in Asia (Japan, Singapore, advanced and emerging market countries all continents. some 50 countries representing IMF work on and Russia, and reviewing Germany, Bulgaria, Turkey, Deputy Director, Middle East and Central Asia Department, International Middle East and Central Fund (IMF) Monetary Deputy Director, 2012. Oversees the since March IMF, East and Central Asia Department, Middle position: Deputy director, Current Gaza, and the CCA (Caucasus and Central Asia) Bank and work on Egypt, the West department’s countries. 24 PARTICIPANTS in thebook“CentralAsia2050–UnleashingRegion’s Potential”. served asaneditor for thebook“Kazakhstan2050 – Towards Society forAll”(2014),andin 2015/16 wasinvolved a Modern In 2010/2011heauthored achapter of“Asia,2050:RealizingtheAsianCentury”byDevelopmentBank,in2014he andbilateraldevelopmentinstitutions. oftheRepublicKazakhstan,andservesasadvisortointernational Modernization Research Office (AMRO).Inadditiontohis responsibilities attheuniversityheisamemberofNationalCommissionon development NGO.Between2011and2015hewasanAdvisoryPanelmemberoftheASEAN+3Macro-Economic After hisretirement from the World Bank,heserved for afewyearsontheUSboard ofayouth-orientedinternational Europe andCentralAsia. support forChina,Director forCôted’Ivoire, President andVice for course ofa30-yearcareer attheWorld Bank,Shigeo Katsuheldvariouspositionsincludingleadingfinancialsector reform Shigeo KatsuisPresident ofNazarbayevUniversity, apositionhehasheldsinceDecember2010.Priortothat,overthe Vice President forEurope andCentralAsia, President, NazarbayevUniversity;Former Shigeo Katsu World Bank Kazakhstan PARTICIPANTS 25 Uzbekistan Sevil Khidirova Head, PR Department, Lukoil, Head, PR Department, Uzbekistan Operating Company Uzbekistan Operating Education and Qualification Institute, University of Bern Bern, Switzerland Trade World Master of International Law and Economics 2003- 2004 Uzbekistan State Institute of Oriental Studies Tashkent, Tashkent Master of International Relations 2000-2002 Uzbekistan State Institute of Oriental Studies Tashkent, Tashkent Bachelor of International Relations, (Diploma with honors) 1996-2000 Central Bank of Uzbekistan: Tashkent, Uzbekistan Central Bank of Uzbekistan: Tashkent, Head of Division International Relations 2010-2014 Regulation and International Exchange Relations Department Head of Unit Foreign 2002-2010 International Protocol Regulation and International Exchange Relations Department Foreign Exchange Regulation and International Relations Department 2001-2002 Junior Expert Foreign Uzbekistan Tashkent, Economical Company Foreign “UZVOD Construction and Trade” 1998-2001 Russian-English Interpreter Employment Experience Uzbekistan Company) Tashkent, Operating Company (Russian Oil and Gas LUKOIL Uzbekistan Department and Protocol Leading Specialist Oct.2014-till now PR 26 PARTICIPANTS published numerous GiorgiisfluentinGerman,English,RussianandGeorgian. papersinacademic journals. tought economicsandbusinessadministrationattheUniversityofBremenUniversity. andCaucasusInternational Hehas is anAssociate Professor and head of department of finance at theBusinessSchoolofIlia StateUniversityandpreviously Trier (Germany) andaBachelordegree inBusinessandLawfrom theGeorgian Technical University. Currently, Dr. Khishtovani from University of Trier (Germany), a Master of Science degree (MSc) in Economics and Social Sciences from the University of Georgia between2003-2012.HestudiedeconomicsandlawinBremen, Trier, LüneburgandTbilisiholdsaLL.M.degree the UniversityofBremen (Germany). HisPhDthesiscoveredstructures thetopicoftransformationgovernance in the IFC,European Union,UNDP, GIZandFederalForeign Office ofGermany. HeholdsaPhDdegree ineconomicsfrom as a researcher, projects trainer and consultant within the framework of various international conducted by the World Bank, director of grants and programs at the National Science Foundation of Georgia (SRNSF). Giorgihasa extensive experience as theheadofresearch atInstituteofDevelopmentFreedom ofInformation(IDFI)andin2015-2017heworkedasthe University (2009-2011),in2011-2014hewasasaresearch fellowattheUniversityofBremen, whilein2015-2016heworked PMC Research CenterGiorgiworkedasthedeputydeanoffacultybusinessadministartionandeconomicsatTbilisiState of professional sectorsinGeorgiaandabroad. workingexperienceatpublic,privateandnon-governmental Before joining on fiscal policy,governance, trade andglobal finance.Hehasmore human capitaldevelopment, international than 10years Giorgi KhishtovaniisaResearch Director atPMCResearch Center. Hisresearch focusesonthepoliticaleconomyand Management ConsultingGroup Research Director, Policyand Giorgi Khishtovani Georgia (PMCG) PARTICIPANTS 27 United States Centennial Group Harinder Kohli Harinder Founding Director and Chief Founding Director Executive, Emerging Markets Forum; Executive, Emerging President and Chief Executive Officer, Executive Officer, and Chief President Harinder S. Kohli is the Founding Director and Chief Executive of Emerging Markets Forum as well as Founding Director, Director, Markets Forum as well as Founding and Chief Executive of Emerging the Founding Director Harinder S. Kohli is Journal D.C. He is the Editor of Global of International, both based in Washington, Group and CEO of Centennial President, he served over 25 years in various senior managerial ventures, his current Emerging Markets Economies. Prior to starting Africa and other emerging Bank. He has written extensively on the emergence of Asia, Latin America, positions at the World is an author and co-editor of India He private capital flows, and infrastructure. market economies, financial development, Complacency: An Agenda for Away from Society in One Generation (2010), Latin America 2040—Breaking 2039: An Affluent Realizing (2011), Asia 2050: Finance Islamic and (2010), Crisis Financial amidst Global Asia Resilient A (2010), Resurgence for All (2012). He led Centennial Group the Asian Century (2011), and A New Vision for Mexico 2042: Achieving Prosperity leading a year long EMF is currently Kohli their long term corporate strategies. Mr. teams that helped ADB and CAF develop and challenges faced by emerging market economies worldwide. study on the long term prospects 28 PARTICIPANTS Linn holdsaBachelordegree from Oxford University(1968)andadoctorateineconomics from University(1973). Cornell reform,development interventions), on global governance and on regional cooperation (with a special focus on Central Asia). 2014). His current research interests are in the areas of aid effectiveness (with a special focus on scaling up successful was project director andco-editorforthebookKazakhstan2050:Toward SocietyforAll(Oxford aModern UniversityPress, 2013) andFinancingMetropolitaninDevelopingCountries(co-editor;LincolnInstituteofLandPolicy). He Governments Sage, 2011),GettingtoScale:HowBringDevelopmentSolutionsMillionsofPoorPeople(co-editor;Brookings Press issues,includingCentralAsiaandtheCaucasus:AtCrossroadsgovernance ofEurasiainthe21stCentury(co-editor; President forEurope andCentralAsia(1996-2003). JohannesLinnhaspublishedextensivelyondevelopmentandglobal capacities, includingastheBank’s President Vice forFinancialPolicyandResource Mobilization(1991-1995)andVice Development at Brookings. Prior to joining Brookings in 2003, he worked for three decades at the World Bank in various FundforAgriculturalDevelopment.Fromof theInternational 2005-2010hewasDirector oftheWolfensohn Centerfor resident SeniorFellowattheBrookings Institution,andcurrently servesasthechairfor10thReplenishmentConsultations Johannes F. LinnisaDistinguishedResidentScholarattheEmergingMarketsForuminWashington, D.C.,andaNon- Regional VicePresident, World Bank Emerging MarketsForum;Former Distinguished ResidentScholar, Johannes Linn United States PARTICIPANTS 29 Azerbaijan Supervisory Authority Nigar Mammadova Former Deputy Chairman of the Former Deputy Board of Directors, Financial Markets of Directors, Board Prior to that, she was a director of the Market Operations Department at the Central Bank of Azerbaijan during 2005-2016, of the Market Operations Department at the Central Bank Prior to that, she was a director operations. During this time she was a member of Monetary management and monetary policy for FX reserves responsible and Budget Committee. Committee Investment Committee, Human Resources Policy and Financial Stability Committee, Azerbaijan, and MBA in Finance and cybernetics State University, Nigar holds BSc (Hons) in applied mathematics from USA. University, Brandeis from Nigar Mammadova was a Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Financial Markets Supervisory Authority of Supervisory Financial Markets the of Directors of Board the of Chairman Deputy a was Mammadova Nigar Azerbaijan during 2016-2018. 30 PARTICIPANTS Languages: Russian,English,German,Spanish The HonoraryConsulGeneraloftheKingdomSpaininAlmatyandregion. oftheYearThe bestCentralBankGovernor (2003,Euromoney magazine) Directors inseveralinstitutions. Since October2013heisanIndependentEconomist.HealsoactsasAdvisorandmemberofBoard of From oftheNationalBankRepublicKazakhstan. January2009toSeptember 2013heworkedastheGovernor From January2005to 2009heworkedasCEOofHalykBank. From October2004toJanuary 2009wasAdvisertothePresident oftheRepublicKazakhstan. From ApriltoOctober2004 heworkedasEconomicAidetothePresident oftheRepublicKazakhstan. From JanuarytoApril,2004 heworkedastheFirstdeputyPrimeMinisterofRepublicKazakhstan. From oftheNationalBankRepublicKazakhstan. October1999toJanuary 2004heworkedasGovernor From May1998toOctober 1999heworkedasPresident ofDeutscheBankSecurities(Kazakhstan). From October1997to 1999hewasAdvisertothePresident oftheRepublicKazakhstan. Kazakhstan. From November1996toOctober 1997heworkedasChairmanoftheNationalSecuritiesCommissionRepublic From oftheNationalBankRepublicKazakhstan. 1994to1996heworkedasDeputyGovernor From 1992to1994heworkedasAideVice-president oftheRepublicKazakhstan. From 1990to1991hewasatraineeattheCarlDuisbergGes,Germany. Kazakh EconomicandTechnical Research Institute. From 1984to1990heworkedinvariouspositionsattheMinistryofNonferrous MetallurgyofKazakhSSRandatthe In 1979-1981servedinthearmy. Economic Relations. In 1984hegraduatedwithhonorsfrom relations, theMoscowStateInstituteofInternational majoringinInternational Was on26December, born 1959,inAlma-Ata. Former Governor, NationalBankof Grigory Marchenko Kazakhstan Kazakstan PARTICIPANTS 31 Uzbekistan Programmes, Westminster Westminster Programmes, Bakhrom Mirkasimov Bakhrom International in Tashkent University Dean of Research and Postgraduate and Postgraduate Dean of Research

Bakhrom Mirkasimov currently holds a position of the Dean of Research, Postgraduate Programmes and Executive Postgraduate Programmes of the Dean of Research, holds a position Mirkasimov currently Bakhrom of the He is the Managing Editor International University of Tashkent. Westminster at Lecturer Courses and a Senior open-access journal - Silk Road: A Journal Development (www. of Eurasian newly launched international peer-reviewed at International Affiliate He is also a Research Press. of Westminster published by the University silkroadjournal.online), he visited CERGE-EI, Duke Previously, and Global Labor Organization Fellow. Security and Development Center (Berlin) and at the German Institute for Economic Research worked Scholar, University and Hanover University as a Research Bank, Institute, Asian Development Bank, World Internationalserved as a consultant to the Stockholm Peace Research International Labour Organization and International United Nations Development Programme, Food Policy Research University and Boise State University and University of Berlin, Vanderbilt Institute. He has studied economics at Humboldt has published in such academic journals as Journal of Comparative Economics and Demography. 32 PARTICIPANTS etc. Miyazaki andC.Lin, Towards Futures anInternational Market(inChinese),ChinaStatisticsPress, whichwasco-authored withH.Jiang,S. Center forEconomicResearch, Graduate SchoolofEconomics,KyotoUniversity(inJapanese); “Regional EconomicDisparitiesandFiscalDecentralizationinChina”,EastAsianReviewNo.3,Shanghai EconomicCooperation,Yuhikaku(inInstitutional AnalysisonInternational Japanese); His publicationsinclude: Institute. Hereceived aPh.D.in economics from KyotoUniversityin2010. As aresearcher, hejoinedKyotoUniversityasanAssociateProfessor, alsoworkedasaResearch FellowinJICAResearch CooperationaswellJICA. International As apractitionerofeconomiccooperation,hehasworkingexperienceinAsianDevelopmentBankandJapanfor agenda, especiallyinEastAsia. His research/operation interests includeanalysisoneconomicinstitutionsandpoliciesrisksregarding development AssociateProfessor PublicPolicy,Visiting atOsakaSchoolofInternational OsakaUniversity. Cooperation Agency(JICA).AlsoaSeniorResearch FellowatGraduateSchoolofEconomics,KyotoUniversityanda Dr. MiyazakiisSeniorDirector atCredit RiskAnalysisandEnvironmental ReviewDepartment,JapanInternational Analysis andEnvironmental Review Department, Japan International Department, JapanInternational Senior Director, Credit Risk Cooperation Agency(JICA) Suguru Miyazaki Japan PARTICIPANTS 33 Central Asia Kyrgyz Republic Administration, University of Administration, Roman Mogilevskii Roman Director, Institute of Public Policy and Institute of Director, Senior Research Fellow and Associate Fellow and Associate Senior Research Dr. Roman Mogilevskii is Associate Director and Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Public Policy & Administration, Institute of Public Policy Fellow, and Senior Research Associate Director Roman Mogilevskii is Dr. labour market and public finance, trade policy, Asia. He has extensive experience researching University of Central has held advisory positions for Mogilevskii Dr. in Central Asia and Eastern Europe. social policy and macroeconomics as a consultant for many international and worked Turkmenistan the governments of Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, the He also served as UN FAO. UNICEF, Bank, the Asian Development Bank, UNDP, organizations, such as the World in Kyrgyzstan (CASE-Kyrgyzstan). of the Center for Social and Economic Research Executive Director 34 PARTICIPANTS French, German,English, Catalan, Spanish,Italian Languages Certificat fédéraldeMaturitétypeE 1981 -1985EcoleSupérieure de Commerce deNeuchâtel,Switzerland Licence èsscienceséconomiques(mentionTrès bien) 1985 -1989UniversityofNeuchâtel,Switzerland Doctoral Thesisonthecurrent implications account surplusofJapananditsinternational 1991 -1995UniversityofNeuchâtel,DepartmentEconomics,Switzerland Scholar,Visiting financialanalysisandriskmanagementusingderivatives 1995 -1996OhioStateUniversity, DepartmentofFinance,ColumbusOhio,USA Education 1989 -1991Auditor, KPMGPeatMarwick,AuditDepartment,GenevaandZurich 1991 -1995Teaching Assistant,DepartmentofEconomics,UniversityNeuchâtel 1996 -1999Program Manager, Europe EconomicCo-operationwithCentralandEastern Division,SECO,EAER 1999 -2001DeputyHeadofDivision,AsiaandOceaniaSECO,EAER 2001 -2005HeadoftheSwissBusinessHubRussia,Moscow 2005 -2011DeputyHeadofDivision,Europe andCentralAsiaDivision,SECO,EAER Department ofEconomicAffairs, EducationandResearch (EAER) 2011 -HeadofDivision,Europe andCentralAsiaDivision,StateSecretariat forEconomicAffairs (SECO),Federal Professional Experience Swiss Confederation. Responsible forthebilateraleconomicrelations withEuropean countries, Russia,Turkey, CaucasusandCentralAsiaatthe Married, onechild(2004) inSwitzerland(Neuchâtel),28July1965 Born Head ofDivision,Europe andCentral Asia, StateSecretariat forEconomic Tony More Affairs (SECO) Switzerland PARTICIPANTS 35 India Rajat Nag Forum; Former Managing Director- Forum; Former Distinguished Fellow, Emerging Markets Emerging Fellow, Distinguished General, Asian Development Bank (ADB) Development Bank (ADB) General, Asian He holds engineering degrees from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi and University of Saskatchewan (Canada). He of Technology, the Indian Institute from He holds engineering degrees the University of Saskatchewan in Canada and Economics from in Business Administration from also has Masters degrees London School of Economics. Mr. Nag began his professional career at the Bank of Canada and held senior positions in a leading international consulting career began his professional Nag Mr. joining ADB. firm before Mr. Nag’s work has given him wide-ranging insight into several issues and challenges relevant to Asia, including infrastructure to Asia, including infrastructure insight into several issues and challenges relevant work has given him wide-ranging Nag’s Mr. enhance to working in is interest particular His integration. economic regional and partnerships public-private financing, millions the and economies thriving region’s the between gap the bridging and Asia in integration and cooperation regional of poor people being left behind. Rajat M. Nag was till recently the Managing Director-General of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). He has also held several of the Asian Development the Managing Director-General recently Rajat M. Nag was till Special Adviser to the ADB Southeast Asia Department and the ADB, including as the head of ADB’s other top positions at Nag played a critical Mr. Asia, on Regional Economic Cooperation and Integration. With experience across President broad to ADB so it achieves its mission of helping its developing member direction and operational strategic in providing role people. the quality of life of their poverty and improve countries reduce 36 PARTICIPANTS the ItalianChamberofCommerce inParis. SheiscertifiedinEnglishbyCambridgeUniversity. Commerce from theUniversityJeanMoulinLyon III,togetherwithDiplomasfrom theSpanishChamberofCommerce and She graduatedinPhilosophyandLiterature andhasaMaster’s Degree inForeign LanguagesAppliedtoBusinessand Europe, andresponsiblein SpainandSouthern/Eastern fortheEngineeringandConstructionIndustries. enlarging theparticipationofcivilsocietyinLatinAmericaSummits.Before that,shewasinchargeofinstitutionalrelations From 2001,inadditiontotheinvolvementofbusiness,academia,mediaandpoliticalleaders,shetookinitiative Latin America. organization, involved inthe Mercosurthan 15 yearswiththis international EconomicSummitandotherbusinessactivity in Economic Forum, she was responsible for strategy, activities and communitybuilding in theregion. She workedformore February 2007toleadthemanagementofForum‘sactivities.FormerAssociateDirector forLatinAmericaattheWorld Specialized instrategiccommunicationandproject management,SylvieNavillejoinedtheEmergingMarketsForumin Director, Emerging MarketsForum Sylvie Naville France PARTICIPANTS 37 Germany Science in Mittweida Elke Nickel-Posselt Honorary Professor, the University of Applied the University Honorary Professor, Dr. Elke Nickel-Posselt received a Diploma in Biology from the University of Bonn and a Master of Arts in Mediation and the University of Bonn and a Master of from a Diploma in Biology Nickel-Posselt received Elke Dr. England, with University, (Oder). She studied one year at Oxford University Frankfurt the European Conflict Resolution from the University Service and holds a PhD in Urban and Regional Planning from the support of the German Academic Exchange of Dortmund in Germany. Prof. Dr. Elke Nickel-Posselt is Honorary Professor at the University of Applied Science in Mittweida (Saxony), Germany. In Germany. (Saxony), Mittweida in Science Applied of University the at Professor Honorary is Nickel-Posselt Elke Dr. Prof. the environmental with a focus on in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, at the University of Leipzig, Germany and addition, she teaches years of than thirty governance. She has more environmental and global projects and social issues in energy infrastructure Central Asia and the Caucasus Region on behalf of the in Russia, projects work experience in major energy infrastructure ministries for different analysis also conducted numerous Nickel-Posselt banks. Dr. EU and multilateral as well as commercial of Economic Cooperation and the German Ministry Federal Ministry of Environment, and agencies, among them the German the German State of Brandenburg in the representing She started her career several Ministries on the state level in Germany. Commission of the Federal Council in Germany. Environmental 38 PARTICIPANTS Partenkirchen, Germany in2001.Nuriyevspeaks fluentEnglish,German, Turkish, Kazakh andUzbek. Bonn (Germany) in2004.Healsostudiedatthe GeorgeC.MarshallEuropean CenterforSecurityStudies inGarmisch- Political Research attheRussianAcademyofSciencesin1996, andahabilitationdegree (Dr. habil.)from theUniversityof 1992. Hereceived hisPh.D.inpoliticalsciencefrom LomonosovMoscowStateUniversityand the InstituteofSocio- B.A.andM.A.degreesNuriyev earned with distinctioninLinguisticsfrom AzerbaijanUniversityofForeign Languagesin of theBeltandRoadInitiative. His current research focusesonpost-conflictenergy security cooperationscenariosincludinganewmodelof Sea-Caspian basin;USpolicyandinterest inthepost-Sovietterritory;andregional relations (Iran–Turkey) inEurasia. Moldova, andUkraine;conflict Europeresolution inEastern andtheSouthCaucasus;energysecurityin the widerBlack Russia’s foreign policyinterests andstrategies;EU’s neighborhood policyinArmenia,Azerbaijan,Belarus,Georgia, Eastern His research interests lie inpolitics,economicsandsecurityofthepost-SovietEurasia.Hismainareas ofexpertiseinclude East andSoutheastEuropean Studies,Germany, 2017). 2000-2003/2015), DAAD2Research Fellowship(Germany, 2005-2006/2014),andCorridorsFellowship(Leibniz Institutefor (USA, 1999),GeorgForsterResearch Fellowship(Germany, 1999),AlexandervonHumboldtFellowshipAward (Germany, BerkeleyProgramUniversity ofCalifornia GrantAward Center’s (USA,1998),Woodrow International Wilson GrantAward FulbrightScholarship(USA,1996-97), He istherecipient fellowshipawards ofvariousinternational includingJ.William andSecurityAffairs,International GermanCouncilonForeign Relationsandotherprofessional organizations. Mir Foundation,GeorgeMasonUniversity, UniversityofBonn,PeaceResearch InstituteinFrankfurt,Germanfor MoscowCenter,Carnegie Relations,Russkiy RussianInstituteforStrategicStudies,MoscowStateofInternational InstituteforStrategicStudiesinLondon,RussianDiplomaticAcademy,Foundation, ChathamHouse,International Stanford University, GeorgeWashington University, Brookings Institution,CSIS,Woodrow Center, Wilson TheJamestown on post-SovietEurasiaatanumberofrespected universitiesandresearch institutions,includingColumbia University, Germany, France, Russiaandelsewhere inEurope andthroughout theworldsince1994.Hehaslectured internationally conferences speakeratpublicuniversities,think-tanksandinternational intheUSA,UK, Nuriyev isactiveasaninternational and TheHuffington Post. Zeitung, BBCWorld Service,Radio Free Europe, RadioFrance,HürriyetDailyNews,NewEurope, ITAR-TASS, RIANovosti, Washington Voice Times, DeutscheWelle, BloombergBusinessweek,TheFrankfurter Allgemeine ofAmerica,AsiaTimes, Routledge, LITVerlag, ofEnergySecurity, CEPS,Journal Politikandothers.HehasbeencitedbyThe Internationale articles andover600opinionpiecesinprofessional andpopularmedia.Hisacademicworkhasbeenpublishedby He istheauthorofnumerous publications onEurasianaffairs, including4books,60bookchapters,80scholarlyjournal and SoutheastEuropean Studies inRegensburg,Germany. Institute inGeneva.In2017,heservedasCorridorsFellowforDialogueandCooperationattheLeibnizEast Nuriyev workedasLeadPoliticalRiskAnalystandConsultantonRussia/CIS/Turkey attheSwissStrategicResearch and SecurityAffairs inthethematic area ofEU/Russia-Iran-Turkey-Black Sea-Caspianrelations. Between2013and2016 Council onForeign RelationsinBerlin. In2015,hewasaHumboldtSeniorFellowatGermanInstituteforInternational thinktankheadquarteredgovernment-funded inBaku.In2014,heworkedasaDAADSeniorPolicyFellowattheGerman During 2008-2011,NuriyevservedasthefoundingDirector oftheCenterforStrategicStudies–SAM,Azerbaijan’s first George C.MarshallEuropean andSecurityAffairs. CenterforSecurityStudies,andtheGermanInstituteInternational CenterforScholars,thePeaceResearchWoodrow International InstituteinFrankfurt,theUniversityofBonn, Wilson institutions, includingtheGeorgeWashington University, StudiesinMonterey, theMiddleburyInstituteofInternational the Between 1996and2008Nuriyevworkedasaseniorresearch associate atanumberofU.S.andEuropean research the GeorgeC.MarshallEuropean CenterforSecurityStudiesinGarmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany. political consultanttothePartnershipforPeaceConsortium’s StudyGroup onRegionalStabilityintheSouthCaucasusat Elkhan Nuriyevisanexpertadvisoryboard memberattheEuropean Geopolitical ForuminBrussels.Healsoservesas Club; FormerDirector, CenterforStrategic Global EnergyAssociate,Brussels Elkhan Nuriyev Azerbaijan Studies PARTICIPANTS 39 Kyrgyz Republic Former Prime Minister Former Prime Djoomart Otorbaev Djoomart In addition to his involvement in government and business, Mr. Otorbaev is the founding member of the Board of Trustees of Trustees Otorbaev is the founding member of the Board In addition to his involvement in government and business, Mr. since its inception in the only self-governingof the American University in Central Asia, in the region liberal arts university on emerging markets and forums boards Otorbaev has been honorary member and invited speaker at numerous 1997. Mr. development and investment. Mr. Otorbaev has been graduated with honors from the Leningrad University (1978), received his Ph. D. from Lebedev his Ph. D. from University (1978), received the Leningrad has been graduated with honors from Otorbaev Mr. in Moscow (1989). He worked in few research Professorship Research Physical Institute (Moscow) (1981), and his 1996 he (1992-1996). From position at the Eindhoven University (The Netherlands) institutions, including visiting professor in Central Asia. In 2001 of Philips Electronics the Vice-president office, Representative is the CEO of Philips Electronics Investments, and at the of the Kyrgyz Republic on Foreign of the President he was appointed as a Special representative Table”, the Round of the Public Association “Investment first Executive Director same time he founded, and became the Between 2002 and 2005 he in the country. progress to the economic reform NGO which is known for its contribution Bank Kyrgyz Republic. After that he worked as a Senior Adviser in the European worked as a Deputy Prime Minister of the based in London (2006-2011). for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Djoomart Otorbaev is a former Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic (April 2014 – May 2015). Between 2011 and 2014 he (April 2014 – May 2015). Between a former Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic Djoomart Otorbaev is of the Kyrgyz Republic. and a First Deputy Prime Minister Prime Minister, worked as a Deputy 40 PARTICIPANTS Institute forPolicyStudies,Japan Ziyodullo hasreceived hisMaster’s degree from SaitamaUniversity, Japan,andhisPhDdegree from NationalGraduate also taughtEconomicsatWestminster UniversityinTashkent International since2007(mostlyonapart-timebasis). Central BankofUzbekistanwhere hehad workedfor7yearsinvariouspositionsbetween1996and2003.Ziyodullohas and attheAsianDevelopmentBankInstituteinJapanasaResearch Associate.Hestartedhisprofessional career atthe an Advisor-Economist between2008and2017.Before thatheworkedatBearingPointInc.inTashkent asanEconomist Before joiningCentilAdvisory, ZiyodullohadworkedfortheUnitedNationsDevelopmentProgramme inUzbekistanas Planning inOctober2017. Ziyodullo joinedCentilAdvisory, aconsultingfirmlocatedin Tashkent, Uzbekistan,asaPartnerandHeadofStrategic trade,householdeconomicsandmarketinfrastructure.international expertise are economicsofhouseholddecisions,impactassessmentandpolicyanalysis.Hisresearch interests include Ziyodullo hasoverfifteen yearsofextensiveexperienceasapolicyanalystandeconomicadvisor. Hisprimaryareas of Deputy DeanforPostgraduateCourses and ExecutiveEducation,Westminster International UniversityinTashkentInternational Ziyodullo Parpiev Uzbekistan PARTICIPANTS 41 Finance Switzerland Friederike Pohlenz Pohlenz Friederike Head of Unit, State Secretariat for Secretariat Unit, State Head of International Financial Matters SIF, Financial Financial International Matters SIF, Financial Financial Institutions, Federal Department of Federal Department Financial Institutions, Systems and Financial Markets - InternationalSystems and Friederike Pohlenz is Head of the International Financial Institutions Unit in the Swiss Ministry of Finance. She is responsible Head of the InternationalFriederike Pohlenz is of Finance. She is responsible Institutions Unit in the Swiss Ministry Financial Friederike Pohlenz holds relations. international monetary and financial in the IMF and for Switzerland’s for the Swiss position the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland. a PhD in Economics from 42 PARTICIPANTS Network Program ofCARANACorporation.Hereceived several honors from theTajik government. the RepublicofTajikistan, DeanofEconomicandSocialFacultyTajik EconomicInstitute,RegionalDirector ofEducation Tajikistan. Hispastcareer includesHeard ofthecommitteeScience,Education,Culture andYouth PolicyofParliament jikistan (IED).Othercurrent positionsare President oftheTajik EngineeringAcademy, Professor oftheNationalUniversity Dr. Saidmurodov LutfilloisDirector ofInstituteEconomicsandDemographyAcademySciencestheRepublic Ta- Demography ofAcademySciences Director, Instituteof Economyand Lutfullo Saidmuradov of Tajikistan Tajikistan PARTICIPANTS 43 Kyrgyz Republic Ulan Sarbanov University of Central Asia University of Kyrgyz Republic; Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor, Kyrgyz Republic; Former Governor, National Bank of the Former Governor, Mr. Sarbanov graduated from Novosibirsk State University (NSU) in 1991. He was Governor State University (NSU) in 1991. He Novosibirsk of Kyrgyzstan of National Bank from Sarbanov graduated Mr. 2011 to September 2013 and June of Anti-Crises Fund EurAsEC from Department Project 1999 to 2006, Head of from June 2016. Now he is the part- October 2013 to of JSC “Rosiinbank” from of Directors of the Board CEO and Chairman at Eastern Kashgari-Barskani. University n.a. Mahmud time lecturer 44 PARTICIPANTS and speaksEnglish,German,French, Russian andMongolian. Development. HestudiedDevelopmentEconomicsattheUniversityofEastAnglia,Agriculture attheUniversityofAberdeen, an economistatGOPA Consultants,Germany, andalecturer atMongolia’s InstituteforAdministrationandManagement 40 developingmembercountries.PriortoADB,Mr. Schoellhammerwasastaff memberoftheAfricanDevelopmentBank, Assigned totheStrategyandPolicyDepartment,MrSchoellhammermanagedADB’s overallworkprogram, coveringover for PRCandMongoliaoperationsunderADB’s 11-nationCentralAsiaRegionalEconomicCooperationprogram (CAREC). America. AsAdvisertotheDirector General,MrSchoellhammerledADB’s workonnortheastAsia,andwasresponsible officer ineastandcentralAsia,sinceservingasCountryDirector toMongoliaandDeputyResidentDirector forNorth to Europe, responsible forthebank’s relations with17European membercountries.HejoinedADBin2000asaproject Robert Schoellhammer, dualBritish-Germannational,istheAsianDevelopmentBank’s aSwiss-born, (ADB)Representative Robert Schoellhammer Representative Office, Asian Representative, European Development Bank(ADB) International Organization PARTICIPANTS 45 Tajikistan National Bank of Tajikistan National Bank Sohibkorbank; Former Governor, Former Governor, Sohibkorbank; Abdujabbor Shirinzoda Abdujabbor Chairman of the Supervisory Board, the Supervisory Board, Chairman of In 2012, he returned to the banking industry and worked as Chairman of the NBT, resigned in 2015. Currently working in in 2015. Currently resigned and worked as Chairman of the NBT, In 2012, he returned to the banking industry of Sohibkorbank. Board private sector as Chairman of the Supervisory After that, he served as Chairman of the State Committee for Control over Public Finances and then Extraordinary and Pleni- and then Extraordinary over Public Finances State Committee for Control After that, he served as Chairman of the to the USA. Tajikistan potentiary Ambassador of the Republic of From 1992 to 2006, he worked in the banking industry of Tajikistan, serving as a chief engineer, and then director of the and then director serving as a chief engineer, to 2006, he worked in the banking industry of Tajikistan, 1992 From and First Deputy Chairman of the Agro-Industrial (NBT), Deputy Bank of Tajikistan settlements department of the National Deputy and First Deputy Chairman of the NBT. Investment Bank of Tajikistan, Mr. Abdujabbor Shirinzoda was born on June 20, 1953 in the Khatlon region of the Republic of Tajikistan. In 1974 he gradu- 1974 In of the Republic of Tajikistan. was bornShirinzoda Abdujabbor region the Khatlon 1953 in June 20, on Mr. in economics Later in 1999, he earned in computer science. a degree National University with a degree State Tajik ated from the same university. from center of Tajik in the data-processing programmer started in 1974 as a computer software working career Shirinzoda’s A. Mr. of for development of Head of the Department the position 1992 from data center in He left the University. State National management information systems. 46 PARTICIPANTS Neuchâtel in1994. MonetaryFund(IMF)inWashingtonInternational DC.Mr. Siviero received hisPhDinEconomicsfrom theUniversityof as SeniorEconomistattheOffice oftheManagingDirector andOffice of TechnicalAssistanceManagementatthe also workedintheCooperationandEconomicDevelopmentdivisionfrom 2000to2003.From 2003to2008,heserved Cooperation attheStateSecretariat forEconomicAffairs (SECO)atthe FederalDepartmentofEconomy. AtSECO,he (SIF) attheFederalDepartmentofFinancefrom 2010to2013.From 2009 to2010,hewasHeadofStrategyEconomic up thisposition,hewasHeadofFinancialMarketAnalysisattheStateSecretariat FinancialMatters forInternational Andrea Siviero MonetaryCooperationdivisionoftheSwissNationalBank(SNB).Before isHeadoftheInternational taking Cooperation, SwissNationalBank Head, International Monetary Head, International Andrea Siviero Switzerland PARTICIPANTS 47 Germany Senior Advisor to the Board, GIZ to the Board, Senior Advisor Astrid Skala-Kuhmann From 2012 to 2015 she held a position as director general of the GIZ department Global Partnerships – Emerging general of the to 2015 she held a position as director 2012 From and country director representative chief resident 2005 to 2011, she served as the GIZ’s from Economies. Previously, in-depth knowledge in global-governance China. She has long-term experience in Asia, issues as well as a in the P.R. as an attorney-at-law understanding of Chinese policy-making. Ms Skala-Kuhmann began her career comprehensive she joining the GIZ where with the internationalin Frankfurt before law firm White & Case (formerly Feddersen & Laule) as legal advisor in Indonesia, and later headed the division in the Middle East and worked various programs coordinated she has also served as an advisor for several years. In the course of her career for Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore (BMEL), the United Nations Development Program and Consumer Protection to German Federal Ministry of Agriculture (UNDP) and other international law and has been singled organizations. She holds a Ph.D. in international environmental including a post-graduate scholarship by the Konrad Adenauer- for several academic awards her career out through Harvard by DAAD and a fellowship at the awarded N.Y., scholarship at Columbia University, Foundation, a research on International the Drägerfoundation.. Politics by German Workshop Dr Astrid Skala-Kuhmann is an international lawyer, expert in emerging markets and sustainability issues with focus on markets and sustainability issues expert in emerging is an internationalDr Astrid Skala-Kuhmann lawyer, für Internationale of the Deutsche Gesellschaft Zusammenarbeit advisor to the board acts as special China. She presently focal point within GIZ and a special envoy, she serves as on the Belt and Road Initiative, where (GIZ) GmbH, in particular She acts as co-dean for on strategic issues for the China portfolio, G20 and other global partnership issues. furthermore jointly implemented by ACYF and Mercatorfoundation/ Campus, Professional the “Zukunftsbrücke” (Sino-German Young member of Lenzing AG and years Ms Skala-Kuhmann is a supervisory board BMW Foundation) since 2016. Since several companies). Semperit AG, Austria (stocklisted global 48 PARTICIPANTS Peter StutzstudiedEconomicsandPoliticalScienceattheUniversitiesofZurich,St.GallenSingapore. medium sizedSwissbanksonregulatory drivenbusinesstrans-formationprojects. Peter Stutzhasoverfifteen years’experienceinthefinancialserviceindustry. Before joiningSIF, heconsultedlargeand and theStateSecretary FinanceonAsianfinan-cialmarkets forInternational related policiesandinitiatives. Peter StutzjoinedtheSwissStateSecretariat FinanceSIFin2017where forInternational headvisestheFinanceMinister Markets - International FinancialInstitutions, Markets -International Matters SIF, FinancialSystemsand Secretariat Financial forInternational Senior PolicyAdvisoronAsia,State Federal DepartmentofFinance Peter Stutz Switzerland PARTICIPANTS 49 of Central Asia Kyrgyz Republic Kemel Toktomushev Research Fellow, Institute of Public Fellow, Research Policy and Administration, University Policy and Administration, He has extensive experience in both Western and Central Asian environments, and his primary research interests focus on interests and his primary research Central Asian environments, and He has extensive experience in both Western is the author of Kyrgyzstan economy of Central Asia. Toktomushev virtual politics, and the informal political security, regime holds a PhD in Politics from Policy published by Routledge, United Kingdom. Toktomushev – Regime Security and Foreign the London School of Economics. He is in Internationalthe University of Exeter and a Master of Science Relations from Education alumnus. Executive Kennedy School’s also a Harvard Dr Kemel Toktomushev is a Research Fellow with UCA’s Institute of Public Policy and Administration and an Assistant of Public Policy and Administration Institute Fellow with UCA’s is a Research Dr Kemel Toktomushev with UCA’s has held a fellowship Dr Toktomushev School of Arts and Sciences. with UCA’s of Political Science Professor (CAFDP). Development Programme Central Asian Faculty 50 PARTICIPANTS Development cooperationinMiddleEast,Credit RiskAnalysisinMiddleEastandSouthAsia. Operation Interests: Bachelor’s Degree inLaws,KyotoUniversity(2016) Education Iraq. with IraquntilApril2018.HewasmainlyinchargeofformulationYen-loan watersupplyproject inKurdistan Regionof He startedworkingforJICAApril2016,aftergraduationofKyotoUniversity, wasresponsible fordevelopmentcooperation Lebanon, andSyria. Bangladesh, Maldives,Nepal,Pakistan,andSriLankaaswellMiddleEastcountriesincludingIran,Iraq,Jordan, CooperationAgency(JICA).HeisinchargeofcreditInternational riskanalysisinSouthAsiancountriesincluding He isaneconomistatCredit RiskAnalysisDivision,Credit RiskAnalysis andEnvironmental ReviewDepartment,Japan Professional Experience Economist, Credit RiskAnalysisDivision, Review Department, Japan International Review Department,JapanInternational Credit RiskAnalysisandEnvironmental Cooperation Agency(JICA) Hiroto Tsukada Japan PARTICIPANTS 51 France Committee Marc Uzan Marc Executive Director, Reinventing Bretton Woods Woods Bretton Reinventing Executive Director, Mr. Uzan holds a Master Degree in International Economics and Finance from the Université de Paris IX Dauphine. He in International Economics and Finance from holds a Master Degree Uzan Mr. of Economics of the University of California,has been a visiting scholar at the Department Berkeley and a visiting fellow at University. Harvard He has edited several books on international finance including most recently “Bretton Woods: The Next 70 Years” (2015, Woods: The Next 70 recently “Bretton He has edited several books on international finance including most Reflections the end of the familiar.. After and 2017 russian edition), The 10 Years English edition and 2016 Chinese edition for the academic papers on the new architecture authored Uzan has financial economic Crisis (2018). Mr. of the great press. international and finance in the popular financial system and has written extensively about economics Marc Uzan is the Executive Director and founder of the Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee, a non-profit organization Committee, a non-profit Woods of the Reinventing Bretton and founder Uzan is the Executive Director Marc Uzan also Mr. to the international financial architecture. issues related that focuses on addressing established in 1994 the globe. across in planning high-level conferences serves as an advisor 52 PARTICIPANTS York: Palgrave Macmillan). Evaluating RegionalOrganizations:BehindtheSmokescreen ofOfficial Mandates(withA.Libman,2017,LondonandNew His lastbooksare Introduction totheEurasianEconomicUnion(2018,LondonandNewYork: PalgraveMacmillan)andRe- states, presidential administrations andtheEurasianEconomicCommission. Eurasian integration.TheCentre published50reports andworkedextensivelyforthenationalministriesofEDBmember trade economics,fiscalandmonetaryissues,cooperationinthemarketforfinancialservices,systematic research of economic integration in the Eurasian Economic Union, economic modeling, mutual investment andcorporate integration, since 2011untilJuly2018.TheCentre specializedinquantitativeresearch and carriesoutactivitiesinthefollowingfields: Dr. Vinokurov wasthefounding director oftheEDBCentre forIntegrationStudiesatthe EurasianDevelopmentBank being responsible formacro- andmicroeconomic analysisinparticular, aswellthedevelopmentbank’s research program. of LeuvenandtheUniversityJenaheproceeded toworkingwiththeEurasianDevelopmentBankinAlmaty, Kazakhstan, experience inappliedeconomyresearch projects attheCentre forEuropean PolicyStudies(CEPS),theCatholicUniversity hab. in economy from the Institute of World Relations (IMEMO, Moscow). After several years of Economy and International anM.iurfromHe earned GöttingenUniversity, Ph.D.ineconomyfrom Pierre Mendes-FranceUniversity(Grenoble II)andDr. Russia, andTajikistan. regional financingarrangementwith$8.5blncapital.Itsmemberstatesare Armenia,Belarus,Kazakhstan,Kyrgyzstan, Evgeny Vinokurov isChief EconomistattheEurasianFundforStabilizationandDevelopmentinMoscow. TheFundisa Chief Economist,EurasianFundfor Stabilization andDevelopment Evgeny Vinokurov Russia PARTICIPANTS 53 Switzerland Daniel Woker at the University of St Gallen at the University Singapore and Kuwait; Senior Lecturer and Kuwait; Senior Lecturer Singapore Former Swiss Ambassador to Australia, Ambassador to Australia, Former Swiss He is trilingual German/French/English. He is married to the former Myriam Thürler, an independent theatre producer from from producer an independent theatre He is married to the former Myriam Thürler, He is trilingual German/French/English. of Thun(Switzerland) and in Paris. They have two adult children. Fribourg(Switzerland). They live on the Lake Daniel Woker, a Swiss national, was born 1948 in Zurich and studied law and international relations there, in Geneva and in a Swiss national, was born there, 1948 in Zurich and studied law and international relations Daniel Woker, Ministry, Swiss Foreign joining the the University of Zurich. Before in international law from iur.) the US. He holds a PhD (Dr. as a First Lieutenant now KPMG in Geneva. He served in the Swiss Armed Forces he worked as an auditor for then PMM, of the mountaineering infantry. At home office he accomplished missions as development cooperation officer in the Foreign Trade Division, including desk- in the Foreign he accomplished missions as development cooperation officer At home office the crucial transition period of Division during as Deputy Head of the European duty for the Asian Development Bank, and for Eastern and for crisis management during the violent for the first aid packet he was responsible Europe 1989-93 where of Yugoslavia. break-up Daniel Woker retired from the Diplomatic Service after having served as Ambassador in Australia (including the Melanesian having served as Ambassador in Australia the Diplomatic Service after from retired Daniel Woker was Woker and Qatar). Prior to these missions Mr. Brunei) and in Kuwait (including Bahrain (including islands), in Singapore Earlier diplomatic for Security Policy GCSP. of the Geneva Centre with the rank of Ambassador, first and founding director, at the Swiss UN mission in New in Paris, in Stockholm and as economic officer postings included Deputy Chief of Mission York. 54 PARTICIPANTS 1990 -1995 1993 -1994 1995 -1996 1996 -2000 2015-2016 EDUCATION 1993 -1998 1998 –2000 2000 –2003 2003 –2011 2011 –p/t 2018 –p/t EXPERIENCE Tashkent StateUniversityofEconomics.Diploma Nottingham Trent University. NottinghamBusinessschool.Undergraduate University ofBirmingham.MasterSocialScience Moscow StateUniversityforSocialScience Skolkovo Businessschool,ExecutiveMBA Various positions,CentralBankofUzbekistan Deputy Director, CentralBankofUzbekistan Deputy Governor, CentralBankofUzbekistan Adviser totheChairman,CentralBankofUzbekistan OWNER «Textile Technology Group», «MetalEngineeringGroup»… Partner, Uzbekistan GrandThornton, Former DeputyGovernor, National Murat Yakubov Bank ofUzbekistan Uzbekistan PARTICIPANTS 55 Kazakhstan Yersultan Zhanseitov Yersultan Studies, National Analytical Center Studies, National Senior Researcher, Center for China Senior Researcher, Yersultan is holding a Bachelors Degree on International trade and an LLM (Legum magister) from the University of on International from trade and an LLM (Legum magister) is holding a Bachelors Degree Yersultan International Business and Economics (Beijing). Yersultan Zhanseitov is a Senior researcher at the Center for China Studies, National Analytical Center, Astana, Kazakhstan. Center, the Center for China Studies, National Analytical at Senior researcher Zhanseitov is a Yersultan of the at the Office he was holding a position of a Senior expert Prior to joining NAC, of monitoring and analyzing the development he was specializing on Republic of Kazakhstan, where Prime Minister of the worked at the Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Kazakhstan and at the Chinese economics and politics. Also, he Policy Development. Center for Trade JANUARY 27-29, 201 9 GERZENSEE, SWITZERLAND EMERGING MARKETS FORUM

2019 Eurasia Meeting The Emerging Markets Forum was created by the Centennial Group as a not-for-pro t initiative to bring together high-level government and corporate leaders from around the world to engage in dialogue on the key economic, nancial and social issues facing Participants’ emerging market countries. Pro les

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