Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, USDA § 319.56–2V

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Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, USDA § 319.56–2V Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, USDA § 319.56–2v (2) Each shipment of lettuce must be § 319.56–2v Conditions governing the accompanied by a phytosanitary cer- entry of citrus from Australia. tificate issued by the Israeli Ministry (a) The Administrator has deter- of Agriculture stating that the condi- mined that the irrigated horticultural tions of paragraph (a)(1) of this section areas within the following districts of have been met. Australia meet the criteria of § 319.56–2 (b) Peppers (fruit) (Capsicum spp.) (e) and (f) with regard to the Medi- from Israel may be imported into the terranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata United States only under the following [Wiedemann]), the Queensland fruit fly conditions: (Dacus tryoni [Frogg]), and other fruit (1) The peppers have been grown the flies destructive of citrus: Arava Valley by growers registered (1) The Riverland district of South with the Israeli Department of Plant Australia, defined as the county of Protection and Inspection (DPPI). Hamley and the geographical subdivi- sions, called ‘‘hundreds,’’ of (2) Malathion bait sprays shall be ap- Bookpurnong, Cadell, Gordon, Holder, plied in the residential areas of the Katarapko, Loveday, Markaranka, Arava Valley at 6- to 10-day intervals Morook, Murtho, Parcoola, Paringa, beginning not less than 30 days before Pooginook, Pyap, Stuart, and the harvest of backyard host material Waikerie; in residential areas and shall continue (2) The Riverina district of New through harvest. South Wales, defined as: (3) The peppers have been grown in (i) The shire of Carrathool; and insect-proof plastic screenhouses ap- (ii) The Murrumbidgee Irrigation proved by the DPPI and APHIS. Houses Area, which is within the administra- shall be examined periodically by DPPI tive boundaries of the city of Griffith or APHIS personnel for tears in either and the shires of Leeton, Narrendera, plastic or screening. and Murrumbidgee; and (4) Trapping for Mediterranean fruit (3) The Sunraysia district, defined as fly (Medfly) shall be conducted by the shires of Wentworth and Balranald DPPI throughout the year in the agri- in New South Wales and the shires of cultural region along Arava Highway Mildura, Swan Hill, Wakool, and 90 and in the residential area of Paran. Kerang, the cities of Mildura and Swan The capture of a single Medfly in a Hill, and the borough of Kerang in Vic- screenhouse will immediately cancel toria. export from that house until the source (b) Oranges (Citrus sinensis [Osbeck]); of the infestation is delimited, trap lemons (C. limonia [Osbeck] and meyeri density is increased, pesticide sprays [Tanaka]); limes (C. aurantiifolia [Swin- are applied, or other measures accept- gle] and latifolia [Tanaka]); mandarins, able to APHIS are taken to prevent including satsumas, tangerines, further occurrences. tangors, and other fruits grown from (5) Signs in English and Hebrew shall this species or its hybrids (C. reticulata [Blanco]); and grapefruit ( be posted along Arava Highway 90 stat- C. paradisi [MacFad.]) may be imported from the ing that it is prohibited to throw out/ Riverland, Riverina, and Sunraysia dis- discard fruits and vegetables from pass- tricts without treatment for fruit flies, ing vehicles. subject to paragraph (c) of this section (6) Sorting and packing of peppers and all other applicable requirements shall be done in the insect-proof of this subpart. screenhouses in the Arava Valley. (c) If surveys conducted in accord- (7) The peppers must be packed in in- ance with § 319.56–2d(f) detect, in a dis- sect-proof packaging prior to move- trict listed in paragraph (a) of this sec- ment from approved insect-proof tion, the Mediterranean fruit fly screenhouses in the Arava Valley. (Ceratitis capitata [Wiedemann]), the [57 FR 3120, Jan. 28, 1992, as amended at 58 Queensland fruit fly (Dacus tryoni FR 69181, Dec. 30, 1993; 59 FR 46321, Sept. 8, [Frogg]), or other fruit flies that at- 1994; 60 FR 50385, Sept. 29, 1995; 62 FR 50236, tack citrus and for which a treatment Sept. 25, 1997; 66 FR 45160, Aug. 28, 2001; 67 FR is listed in the Plant Protection and 8180, Feb. 22, 2002] Quarantine (PPQ) Treatment Manual, 329 VerDate Jan<31>2003 09:57 Feb 06, 2003 Jkt 200014 PO 00000 Frm 00329 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\200014T.XXX 200014T § 319.56–2w 7 CFR Ch. III (1–1–03 Edition) citrus fruit from that district will re- the field where the papayas were grown main eligible for importation into the were kept free of papayas that were 1⁄2 United States in accordance with or more ripe (more than 1⁄4 of the shell § 319.56–2(e)(2), provided the fruit under- surface yellow), and all culled and fall- goes cold treatment in accordance with en fruits were buried, destroyed, or re- the PPQ Treatment Manual, which is moved from the farm at least twice a incorporated by reference at § 300.1 of week. this chapter, and provided the fruit (c) The papayas were treated with a meets all other applicable require- hot water treatment consisting of 20 ments of this subpart. Entry is limited minutes in water at 49 °C (120.2 °F). to ports listed in § 319.56–2d(b)(1) of this (d) When packed, the papayas were subpart if the treatment is to be com- less than 1⁄2 ripe (the shell surface was pleted in the United States. Entry may no more than 1⁄4 yellow, surrounded by be through any port if the treatment light green), and appeared to be free of has been completed in Australia or in all injurious insect pests. transit to the United States. If no ap- (e) The papayas were safeguarded proved treatment for the detected fruit from exposure to fruit flies from har- fly appears in the PPQ Treatment Man- vest to export, including being pack- ual, importation of citrus from the af- aged so as to prevent access by fruit fected district or districts is prohib- flies and other injurious insect pests. ited. The package containing the papayas [61 FR 8207, Mar. 4, 1996] does not contain any other fruit, in- cluding papayas not qualified for im- § 319.56–2w Administrative instruc- portation into the United States. tion; conditions governing the entry of papayas from Central America (f) All cartons in which papayas are and Brazil. packed must be stamped ‘‘Not for im- portation into or distribution in HI.’’ The Solo type of papaya may be im- (g) All activities described in para- ported into the continental United graphs (a) through (f) of this section States, Alaska, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands only under the fol- were carried out under the supervision lowing conditions: and direction of plant health officials (a) The papayas were grown and of the national Ministry of Agri- packed for shipment to the United culture. States in one of the following loca- (h) Beginning at least 1 year before tions: harvest begins and continuing through (1) Brazil: State of Espirito Santo. the completion of harvest, fruit fly (2) Costa Rica: Provinces of traps were maintained in the field Guanacaste, Puntarenas, San Jose. where the papayas were grown. The (3) El Salvador: Departments of La traps were placed at a rate of 1 trap per Libertad, La Paz, and San Vicente. hectare and were checked for fruit flies (4) Guatemala: Departments of at least once weekly by plant health Escuintla, Retalhuleu, Santa Rosa, and officials of the national Ministry of Ag- Suchitepe´quez. riculture. Fifty percent of the traps (5) Honduras: Departments of were of the McPhail type, and fifty per- Comayagua, Corte´s, and Santa cent of the traps were of the Jackson Ba´ rbara. type. If the average Jackson trap catch (6) Nicaragua: Departments of was greater than 7 Medflies per trap Carazo, Granada, Managua, Masaya, per week, measures were taken to con- and Rivas. trol the Medfly population in the pro- (7) Panama: Provinces of Cocle´, Her- duction area. The national Ministry of rera, and Los Santos; Districts of Agriculture kept records of fruit fly Aleanje, David, and Dolega in the Prov- finds for each trap, updated the records ince of Chiriquı´; and all areas in the each time the traps were checked, and Province of Panama that are west of made the records available to APHIS the Panama Canal. inspectors upon request. The records (b) Beginning at least 30 days before were maintained for at least 1 year. harvest began and continuing through (i) If the average Jackson trap catch the completion of harvest, all trees in exceeds 14 Medflies per trap per week, 330 VerDate Jan<31>2003 09:57 Feb 06, 2003 Jkt 200014 PO 00000 Frm 00330 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\200014T.XXX 200014T.
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