St. Charles Borromeo Parish
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St. Charles Borromeo Parish 7345 Westview Drive Boardman, Ohio 44512 Phone: 330-758-2325 Fax: 330-758-2004 Weekend of August 22 & 23, 2015 Our Mission Statement Pastoral Council 2014-2015 We are the community of St. Charles Borromeo in Father Rogers, Father DeLucia, Valerie D'Apolito (Chair), Boardman, Ohio. Called by Baptism and centered in the Jerre Patterson (Vice-Chair), Missy Frank (Secretary), Sr. Eucharist, we come together to worship, educate and pro- Mary Alyce Koval, Mary Jo Kubiak, Connie Spin, Courtnie claim the Gospel. In gratitude for all God’s gifts, we are Sepe, Megan Cartwright Key, Janine Tareshawty, Dennis called to be good stewards as we share our time, talent, Palazzo, Joan Binsley, Terry Sell, Maureen Kandray, Warren and treasure. As disciples of the Lord, we continue Gratz, Julie Pinto, Lisa Sklenar, Janice Cartwright, Paul Miller, Christ’s mission of love, justice, and service to all. Theresa Provenzale, Mary Welsh, and Deacon Mike Kocjancic. Liturgies Saturday: 4:00 p.m. Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 10:45 a.m., & 12:30 p.m. Monday - Friday: 7:15 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. Holy Day(s) Schedule: 7:00 a.m. and 8:30 a.m., 12:10 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Reconciliation: Saturday (Individual) 2:30-3:30 p.m. Rosary: Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. & Saturday 3:30 p.m. 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time OUR PARISH STAFF PARISH OFFICE HOURS: SCHOOL OFFICE HOURS: Monday — Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday — Friday 7:20 a.m. - 3:20 p.m. Phone: 330-758-2325 Fax: 330-758-2004 Phone: 330-758-6689 Fax: 330-758-7404 e-mail: [email protected] School Web Page: Parish Web Page: Convent: 330-758-2396 PASTORAL STAFF RCIA: Rev. Philip Rogers, Pastor: If you are interested in becoming Catholic or in learning more [email protected] about the Catholic Faith Tradition, please call Deacon Paul Lisko at the parish office. Rev. Gerald DeLucia, Parochial Vicar, President of CMHS: 330-758-2325 NEW PARISHIONERS: Deacon Michael Kocjancic, Pastoral Associate: Welcome to St. Charles Borromeo Parish! We hope you will find a [email protected] warm and welcoming home here. To build a vibrant parish com- Deacon Paul Lisko, Pastoral Associate: munity, we invite you to be actively involved in the parish. New [email protected] Parishioner registration takes place on the 4th Sunday of every Mrs. Erica Galvin, Coordinator of Communications: month (except Dec. and June) in the St. Charles Room, from 8:00 [email protected] a.m. to 2:00 p.m. After you have registered you will receive an invi- Mrs. Kathy Kocjancic, CCD Principal: tation to a new parishioner orientation event to meet other new 330-758-8063 parishioners and learn more about our parish and our ministries. Current parishioners who must leave us should call the parish of- Mrs. Janette Koewacich, Coordinator of Religious Education: fice to notify us of a change of address or if you are moving out of 330-758-8063 the parish all together. We will miss you and bid you God’s Mrs. Nancy Mikos, Director of Finance and Operations: blessings. [email protected] Mr. Jacek Sobieski, Director of Music: VISITATION OF THE SICK: [email protected] If you or a family member is in a local hospital, please contact the Mrs. Karen Stazak, Coordinator of Ministries: parish office so that ministers to the hospitals may be notified. If [email protected] you are homebound and would like a minister to bring you Ms. Natalie Wardle, Coordinator of Youth Ministry: Eucharist, or if you would like a minister of care to visit a parish- ioner in a nursing home, please contact the parish office. 330-758-0375 Miss Mary Welsh, School Principal: BAPTISMS: 330-758-6689 Expectant parents are asked to attend parent preparation class to help your family prepare for the special event of your child’s en- SUPPORT STAFF trance into our faith community. Please call the Director of Mrs. Katherine Bobosky, Envelopes: Religious Education to schedule the Baptism. [email protected] Mrs. Kim Cerimele, Parish Secretary: MARRIAGE: [email protected] If you are planning to be married at St. Charles, your preparation process must begin six months prior to your wedding date. Please Mrs. Mary Pat Defino, Office Manager/Accountant: call the parish office for more information. [email protected] Mrs. Lisa Granchie, Parish Secretary: BULLETIN DEADLINE: [email protected] All information and materials for the bulletin should be emailed to Mr. Tony Wess, Head of Maintenance: [email protected] or typed and turned into the parish of- 330-503-2325 fice by NOON on the FRIDAY – A week PRIOR to the bulletin Mrs. Lisa Jordan, School Administrative Assistant: publication. An email submission is preferred, but a typed copy [email protected] with the contributor’s name and phone number may be submitted Mrs. Missy Frank, Receptionist, Attendance Secretary: for consideration. In the interests of story clarity and proper 330-758-6689 spelling, handwritten notes are discouraged. 2 Weekend of August 22 & 23, 2015 From the Pastor’s Desk... to daily Mass on a Tuesday or a Friday is giving of During a Recent Vacation . their time, talent, and treasure in their own way. an African priest studying at When someone carries burgundy bags for Martha’s Walsh University in North Can- Cupboard or pledges one hundred dollars a week for ton, Ohio covered daily Masses the collection, that stewardship in action is easy to here at Saint Charles Borromeo. see. But it is equally important for all of us to see When we returned from vaca- the stewardship of that person giving their time on tion, I received an e-mail from Wednesday morning at 7:15 a.m. I am sure that we Father John expounding on will be seeing more of Father John in the future – if what a wonderful parish Saint he just comes for a visit, not necessarily because I Charles is, how great the partic- have skipped town – and we are also grateful for his ipation at daily Mass is, how helping us to see that even though we may not organized all of the ministers at daily Mass are and name it specifically there is great value in each of us how friendly everyone was. He also commented on putting our call to stewardship into action for the how prepared those attending daily Mass were and good of Saint Charles Borromeo Parish. how prayerful the daily Mass chapel was. He was School bells have begun to ring and will continue also quite impressed by the size and the beauty of to ring over the course of the next few weeks. the main church. He concluded by extending a Young people have returned to colleges and univer- warm thank you to all of the daily Mass people and sities and that will certainly continue for a while. assuring me that, should I ever want to go away Our diocesan high schools are already in session and again, he would be very happy to cover our Mass Saint Charles School returns to class this week. schedule. From Father John’s e-mail I drew two There is still time to make an appointment and take basic conclusions. The first one is that I am really a tour of Saint Charles School. This is a great place not necessary around here and I should plan to be for your child to attend school. We have an excel- gone more often. As the ministers are so organized lent faculty and a wonderful student body that we and everyone has everything covered, including Fa- will be happy to show off!! Some of our public sys- ther John presiding at the liturgies, now is a good tems are returning prior to Labor Day with the rest time for me to get out of the way. While my ego resuming education after the close of summer holi- was slightly bruised, realizing how well things day. One more reminder – don’t forget to check out worked when I was not around, I am working on the Early Childhood Learning Center at Saint Luke if turning that into a positive! ( Don’t tell Bishop Murry you are looking for pre-school education for your about my new “pastoral plan” to take lots and lots of youngster. time off!) The second conclusion, and I am sure you Additionally, in a different educational status, we will agree the more important one, that I drew from have two young men in seminary preparation. his communication was that stewardship does Mathew Dunch is continuing his formation in the So- work. When each member of the parish takes ciety of Jesus (Jesuit order) and is progressing to- “ownership” of their piece of the puzzle, whether it is ward ordination. Conner Hetzel has begun his semi- reading at daily Mass, serving funeral Masses, coor- nary formation at Saint Mary Seminary in Willough- dinating for weddings in the church, singing the by, Ohio. Please remember both of these excellent choir, whatever it may be, when people take hold of young men in your prayers. their piece and really work at being attentive to that Congratulations to Tessa Violet Davies, to Emma area, then the whole puzzle comes together and Sophia Roessler, to William Gaunitz VI, and to their forms an active, vibrant parish that draws rave re- parents and godparents on the occasion of their bap- views from visiting clergy. Father John’s e-mail was tisms here at Saint Charles Borromeo Parish this past a forceful reminder that even that person who comes weekend.