2015 Floods Humanitarian Situation as of 28 January 2015

Highlights Affected - Since early January 2015 the southern districts of Malawi have been experi- encing above-normal rains, which have provoked massive floods along the Chitipa Shire and Ruo rivers. Karonga - Following a Declaration of a State of Disaster on 13 January, the Govern- ment announced the launch of a Preliminary Response Plan budgeted at US$ 81 million. A resource mobilization strategy has been put in place, with briefings to the UN Member States in New York, Geneva and South Africa. Northern Region United Republic of Tanzania - A joint CERF Rapid Response application is being developed to meet immediate needs through urgent life-saving activities.

- UNDAC continues assessment activities in the of until 29 January 2015. IFRC assessment team will support assessment in the districts of and Thyolo.

Nkhata Bay Mzimba 638,000 people 174,000 people Likoma affected displaced Zambia 79 people 153 people Mozambique dead missing Central Region 15 affected 63,531ha Ntchisi

districts flooded Dowa Mchinji Salima

Lilongwe US$ million requested 81 Dedza

Unmet 79% Ntcheu Machinga Balaka

Neno Zomba Zimbabwe Southern Region Mwanza Blantyre Funded Chiradzulu 21% Thyolo Chikwawa Legend

Region Areas Boundaries Affected Nsanje 10 clusters operational Lake

US$ 8.4 million 3,567 20,000 MT 116,000 US$ 8.4 million still needed to meet Tents required in worst required for food Farmers affected by still needed to cover nutritional needs of affected districts assistance floods logistics requirements flood-affected population

300,000 US$ 3.4 million 108 US$ 2.3 million US$ 600,000 Learners affected still needed to cover Unaccompanied children still needed to meet WASH Allocated by World Bank health requirements in Zomba and Nsanje requirements for infrastructures districts rehabilitation

The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations Creation date: 28 January 2015 Map No: 444v02 Sources: Humanitarian Parnters, OCHA Feedback: [email protected] www.unocha.org/rosa www.reliefweb.int http://rosa.humanitarianresponse.info