Long WIne 5 Sltori'V8,'e Cenis - ... News Spois ilte Copy &Pidurcs 8].50 Y..8r

Volume HI, No. 33 WEEK ENDING AUGUST 24, 1934 Published Weekly 1~=-:=~::~liFraridulent Radio Advertising Under ~ "ByMoTrisHasting.n~! De t Attacl~ BRUCE BLIVEN concludes his IreC Federal Government stimulating observations on ------''------~ British and American radio in the ~ugust 8th issue of The New Republic with the remark that the Radio Time All Filled For Fall Crude Lies post to which young men out of English universities aspire is first The Autl,.or Barred From with the for- New and Old Goldbergs e I g n service, Ether Waves next with one of the leading Programs to Rise From new s papers, By The IIJICROPHONE'S Special and, as a third Club Play 117ashington Correspondent choice, a posi­ Be Presented A small, quiet-spoken, pleas- \Var has been declared by the tion with the government on fraudulent radio With the coming of fall, radio antly plump woman chuckled as British Broad· advertising. will fill its program time to capa· she reminis\..cd over the early days casting Corpo­ The Federal Trade Commission city, many of the familiar pro- of her brain-child, the ever popu­ ration. is co-operating with the new Fed­ grams returning to the air for Jar "Goldberg Family." The reason, eral Communications Commission another season as well

R dO , P 1° '0 British Radio To Scientists 10 S 0 She Hears Feminine , a ICles are The radio, in England, is a By The MICROPHONES Special Different from Voices Lack semi-governmental m 0 n 0 pol y, jf'aJhhlgton CorreJpol1dent BRUCE BLIVEN writes in The New Heavy thinkers in the art of Theatre's Authority Rep1lblic. radio broadcasting are out to scotch The British Broadcasting Com­ "radio echoes." By NELLIE REVELL thought of staging or win­ pany, created by the state, fur­ An international attack on the. dow-dressing ne\-er occurs to THE POOR _old drama, nishes all broadcast material, de­ problem has been launched. you. Rather, yOll get the im· riving its revenue partly from an Listeners all over the world are being in the doldrums the pression that your appear· last fews years, put me on annual tax of 2.50 on each radio being enlisted to cooperate in a war ance on the ai r is the one receiving set, partly, when nec­ on the perplexing phenomenon. the spot. J found myself great, big, outstanding fea­ floundering about in an essary, from direct government Two European radio stations and ture of the- week and that subvention. the United States Bureau of Stand­ open-and-shut season - that all the resources of the Because of the country'S small ards are promoting the inve~tjga­ is, open today and shut to­ mighty National Broadcast­ geographical area. there are but a tion. morrow. ing Company are at your dis­ few stations; a reasonably good The British Broadcasting Corpor­ The theatre, the ailing arm posal to make it so. ______---d receiving set can get them all, and dian, through station GSB, Daven­ of amusements, seemed to i\fy work on the radio is European stations at least as far try, England, and HBL, GeneYa, wither as the Winter waned. exploitation. After having NELLIE REVELL, famolls press·agell/ as Moscow, as well. operatcd by the League of Nations, Radio, the erstwhil<,.' enfant press . agented everything who 110W condllcts a series of will broadcast special signals and terrible of entertainment, from a three-headed calf with Nothing of a commercial char­ radio s(ientists and amateurs in reo beckoned and I responded. weekly i;1/er1/iews or'n the NBC the cirCliS to a big-headed acter is permitted to be broadcast. ne!work.r_ The sketch iJ by No one can possibly buy time on mote corners of the earth will check And I"m mighty glad J baritone with the opera, I JAMES MONTGOM[RY FLAGG. the air, under any circumstances, reception of the signals, time the did. feel I am merely following echo following each signal. The J\1y air adventures have the trend of the time.9 when to advertise his bunion cu re or laxative or any of the other prod· echoes usually foHow from one to been happy, starting with my fully. Whcn it was observed I extt:nd my operations to uds whose merits are so gloating. 30 seconds after the signal. audition. I appeared at the that I had to sit at a table, the air. I talk about person­ 1 Iy described nightly in sixteen Perhaps the aurora borealis, off ice s of the ational I was given a desk mike, a ag<.:s radio, stage, screen, million refined American homes. Northern Lights, magnetic storms Broadcasting Company, ew script rack, a drop light, a political, social or what-have­ and sun spots ha\;e something to do York, and was so courteously pitcher of water and drink­ you ?-and rclate inside, hu­ From time to time, someone with causing radio echoes, sdentists received that I felt that the ing glasses, man-interest facts about the comes forward to suggest that it say. They want to know. studio attaches must be labor­ The signal f1ashcd. and be­ sreat and the near great. would be well for America to ing under a misapprehension Dr. J. H. DELLINGER, chief of fore I knew it, 1 was before I am in a field \\-here few adopt the British system. This as to my identity_ Surely, I always throws American* broad­ the Bureau of Standards radio lab­ the fifth estate - the great of my sex "enture, \X'hy, I said to myself, thesc pcople casters into a lather, from which oratory, has requested listeners who audience of listeners. It is no am at a loss to know, for receive long delay echoes In the must mistake me for 1\.f. H. usc saying that I wasn't ner­ they emerge observing that since AYLESWORTJ-i'S mother. women are natural-born talk­ United States to report to him. vous, for I was. ers. British broadcasting is a govern· GSa will transmit the special But I soon learned that I thought when I left the ment monopoly, it is subject to Some students of the situ­ ~ignals on 9,5 TO kilocycles, with a radio is operated on a policy hospital a few years ago I censorship such as freeborn Amer­ ation claim it is becaus{' fern· tone modualtion of 1,000 cycles per the direct opposite to that of \Vas through with ether for icans would not tolerate_ inine voices Jack a certain ~("cond. each Sunday, Tuesday and the theatre, and with which Jife. Hut again I found my­ bro~d· quality of authority which They add that British Thursday from ,.25 to 3.55 A. M., I was familiar. The aspirant ~df taking ir, and it was the Eastern Standard Time. for radio work is cordially first time I was really afraid men possess. (Con/in/{ed 011 Page 1 j) Signals from HBL are on 6,675 welcomed and everything of it. It was the first time, kil()(y(~s unmoduJated continuous possible is done to stimulate however, that I had en;: 'Waves each Sunday, \Wednesday and her best efforts. taken it through a mike. Friday from 6 to 6.30 A. M., East­ The difference between a I think the environment of ern Standard Time. theatrical tryout and a radio the studios has a great deal to audition is as marked as the do with the success and pop­ The "Goldbergs" _stripes on a movie con\-ict's ularity of radio entertainers. suit. After 6 P. M. the announcers Manhattan Started at Top \X'hen I went into the are immaculate in e,-enins: at­ studio only the announcer, tire. (Colllil11led Irolll Page 1) the production manager and The finest courte'iy and Merry-Co-Round! for bcing self-satisfied. They told the control operator were consideration pc<:vail from her she should sell her skit; take present. (Thc hiring squad the moment the footman it out of the "sustaining" field were out of sight in anoth­ opensf the door of your car and make it a "commercial" pro­ er room where a loudspeaker at the sidewalk. The elevator brou~ht attendant who whisks you to grame. them the proceed­ \\rEDXESDAY the studio floor, the hostess The BC spoilcd all this. They ings.) who recei,·es you at the desk, told her to appear for an audi­ My experience the night of the page who escorts you to E"('lIing tion one ev(;ning_ But on that my first appearance on the the broadcasting room and evening ~frs. BERG was going to ether ""ill live in my memory at the production man who a social affair and told them that of happy events. I require greets you there - all are she had to have her hair waved a chair with arms, being 10:30 models of propriety. before she could audition. She most uncomfortable in any hadn't the slightest idea what an other, and this was provided, Yet it is all done .1m grace­ "audition" might be. not grudgingly, but cheer- fully and naturally that the "Just like a woman to have ~tatioll a hair-dressing appoinmenc at the greatest moment of her life!" shouted the director of \VEEI of plays. Then they explained that she a was going to be given a commer­ ISN'r IT GA2,s,qr TO 8£ thirty minute cial account. The hair-dresser POPULAA2/ waited, and Mrs. BERG, became f joy ride into nationaJly famous. Mrs. liERG is the mother of the playground two children. One is aged 12 of modern melody- and the other nine. She has been marri<:d for 1S years to f r_ BERG, who is a chemist. 1o.frs. TI,e BrRG wrote plays and magazine .U~I~"II~1TT"I.\' articles before her radio carter. \X'hen .,ked by a ,i'itor why ...lIEBI'Y - GO-BOll. her radio husband whined so much, she ((:plied: ",Men arc always such cry presented by babies. Why should we be the makers of different when treating: a TIM RYAN and IRENE NOBlTTTF, whose "TIM RY .... N·S Ren­ husband on the radio? They deZ\'ou~" programs over the NBC networks brought them DR. lYON'S TOOTH PASTE arc the same on or off the more than c.iO,OOO letters, recently rccci,-ed some mail address<:d air.'} simpl}': '·How Ya Boys, New York." { ~ 1 I Page THE MICROPHONE Saturday, Four ( August 18, 1934 Sunday, August 19 - London Military Bands on NBC-WJZ,9 P.M .. "," ,.,,"'''''''''''''0'o-,.-.-o-.-w-.-,-C/o------I,-n--A--c-t-.-·o--,-.------B-il-'-w-a-'-;.-m-.-.-wn--z------r' '

lIighligll.S Comic~, WGN, J h. Unbrok~n MelQ(he~. WlW Educa.ioDal 1.15 P.M. EDT, 12.15 EST, 10 P.M. EDT; 9 EST, 8 CT i P.M. 1 Ruih Vo~ng~·c':n·traCft~ \VMCA Hall of Fame. Don Bestor's music, WEAF I SlInday, Allg/'Jt 19 WEEt WGY WLW WSM. ~o m. 3.00-Detroit Symphony Or­ 1.30 P.M. EDT; 12.30 EST, Madam~ S<:humann.Htink, Harv~y Hays, WJZ 5.30 P. M.-F. Trubee Daviwn, chestra, CBS·WAllC 11.30 A.M. CT WBZ WH.... M KDKA WFLA presidem, American Mu- . SU!pris~ ~malT, Wayn~ Party, Mary Ruth Denning. King·s O,C.lleStu.. WAS<.. WCAl.' scum of Natural History. in· S.OO-Jenney Concert, WBF.r london Four, guem. WEAF WEEt WGY WHAS. 30 m. ~O Pi~r terviewcd by!lans Chrislian Cliff Edwuds. Fray and Church in the HIlls. WLW. lQ. Stttl Orchestra. WPG. )0 m. Bibli(al Hi.th I.i,ll:hts, Or. Frederick Stamm, T~ and Fddie. sonp, WMCA., ~o m. Braggiollio. CBS·\XfABC Adamson, author; Caplain \VjZ \~ KDKA \'(1BAl WHAM, 30 m. News, WGN Jamcs B. Parker, veteran 8.3O-S~adium Concert, \'(IOR Melody's Carden, WFLA 10.15 P.M. EDT) 9.15 EST) Compin\1.:y Trio, WADC WCAU WPG 8.15 CT skipper, narralor. NBC-W'jZ 9.00-jeannie Lang. Buddy WHAS, 30 m, Mrs. Montague's Mi1Iioos, drama WJZ Roge", CnS-WABC Rhythm Boys. WPG WFLA' 1i1onday, AI/gl/Jt 2r" From London. Massed Bands News. WMCA YMCA Talk. KDKA 3.30 P. M,-"Modern Indians of 1.45 P.M. EDT; 12.46 EST, St. Cecili:s Glee Club, Associat~d Fr~nch of Brigade of Guards, NBC­ 11.45 A.M. CT So("ieties. WBZ the Wood Agc"-Caplain R. WJZ De"Of). Nadworney, contulto. WEAF \'(IEEI Chicago Symphony Orchestra, WCN, .. , m. Stcwart Murray, explorer; 9.3D-Album of Familiar Mu­ \\'GY 10.30 P.M... EDT, 9.30 ESTI I feUow, American £thnolug· Orche,tu. KDKA 8.30 CT sic. NBC-WEAF Cap~tI, ical Sociely, Royal $couish John Cusidy. sonll:s, WMCA Canallian 'WEAP WEEI WGY Geographit:al Society. NDC­ Fred \'Varinc,'s Pcnos)'lva· 2 R.M. EDT, 1 E.ST; 12 N. CT WSM WFLA, ~o m. nians, CBS·\,\,ABC Gene Arnold's Commodores. WE.... F WEEt Damel Gregory Malion's Sextet for Flute. I WEAF WGY WlW \\:'FLA, 30 m. Prano Ind Strmgs. World ~ P~mlere, WJZ WDZ KDKA WHAt WHAM WLW 1O.OO-Mmc, Schumann-Hcink, South Sel lsl1nJers, \\'JZ WBZ \VBAL WHA, 30 m. 1_ Jl7edl1eJdaYJ August 22 NBC·WJZ KOKA. 30 m. "A . " F d Grof~'s 0 hntt String MUSIC. WSM, 30 m. • ';;:BCn~CAU u e . WPG f oz.:;,c a. 4.30 P. M.-"Can You l.ive rd\~!(,':Gurray. songs, WABC WHAS WPG "Sunday Evening \~?thmy~u." W~AS. IJC:;"~' Without \VI ate r ?" - Abel Wolman, Chicf Engincer for (All programs are listed in Eastern Harrison .lubil~e Choir. W'MCA, 30 m. "Nocturne," WOR, JO m. Da)'light Saving Time BaJtern The Whistler and his Dog, WCN The Wlndering POd. WPG lhe Stale of Mar}·land De­ 1 Organ. WMeA paClmenl of Health. cns­ Standard Time iJ 01lC hOllr earlier; 2.15 P. M. EDT; 1.15 EST, 10.45 P.M. EDT; 9.45 EST; 12.15 CT 8.45 CT WABC Central Time iJ two hOllrI earlier.) 1.~ Hour in !:. Time. \\"'ABC \\"HAS WCAU WPG Y. M. C. A. Pr0E:nm. KDKA 8 A.M. EDT; 7 EST; 6 CT Paola Autnr, sopranO. \\"'01\ Gene Socarus Orc;hestta, WMCA . Dav~ Mart;:-.'.. Orch.. ·~rI. WMCA Melody IInur, WEAF, 1 h. Palmer House Ensemble, WGN 11 P.M. ED1", 1 0 EST; 9 CT ! Ted We<:IOS' Orchestra, WGN Tone Pictures. WjZ WHAL, 30 0). 2.30 P.M. EDT, 1.30 EST, I I Dasc:bflJl Scores. WEAP On the air toda, and org:an reveille. WABC 12.30 CT Abc lyman's OrcMsua. WEEI WGY, 30 m.; 12..30 A.M. EDT; 11.30 P.M. EST, 10.30 CT 8.30 A.M. EDT; 7.30 EST; The TUlle T"·isters. WEAF WUI WGY. WEAf from ILlS HollY"'ood on the Air, W[AF WGY WFUt., 6.30 CT ~o m. DAVID PrRCY, ~xa~ne Wallace~.~"<'J?:p~H""~! WFT..A popular haritoile, ~o m. hw Wbite, organist. WJZ WDAL, 30 m. Concert Artists. WjZ WDZ WHAM WBAl h J 'W"'hcr reports, n8 'lnt~r. \"'QDZ "'°Be \X'L.W KDKA WSM, m. (WFlA Imm J111gJ 011 t e "'/\!elT)'·Go·ROllJ1" eat er. KDKA Clyde Lucas' Or{hestrll, WJZ WBZ WHAM nrtlst.' R·'eClta, ""no :L,n) '0 Zero Hnur, \'

Thursday at eight.. t appear with him and submerge~ Week after week, month after himself, the VALLEE popularity is month, year after year, mil1io.n~ ¥ more secure today than ever before. th~ of radio listeners throughout , However, such programs don't length and breadth of the land just happen, Weeks and months of keep their date with a young man, hard work appear dimly in the who was unknown a few short background of each Thursday at: years ago. eight. Thursday at eight or seven or six Or five, depending on which one of In Training the four time zones the listener The production work on each lives in, has become a national show starts IO weeks in advance. institution. Special arrangements of every Thursday at eight in 1928 meant musical orch~tral number are rou· nothing. tine necessities. During the COurse In those halcyon days of super­ of the year hundreds of persons are prosperity, the tuners-in were bliss­ giveo auditions. fully unaware that the young man A star of the stage may not be a in question was tooting away on a success on the air. "sax" in a band or that occasionally At present VALLEE is introducing he took a megaphone and warbled nearly 800 guest stars a year. a ditty of the day, softly, ever so Some are catapulted into star­ softly, into the microphone. dom through his ability to pick "Crooner" Is Born I '·comers." Witness the case of MARY SMALL, the little girl with Softness, restraint, lilt, appeal, yearning were the characteristics of the big voice. When RUDY first took her to the microphone, no one the voice of that young man and so had heard of Now she has her someone put all these adjectives Rer. inlo one and the word "crooner" own radio program. One scout spends all his time was born. searching for new talent. He finds He was the first of the crooners it in little vaudeville houses, at to gain riational recognition. He is small radio stations, in night dubs. still the first of the crooners, but what has surpriseJ even his best If you are invited to watch a friends is that back of that voice is VALLEE broadcast in one of the a shrewd showmanship brain. great studios of the National Broad· Thursday at eight' began to get casting Company in Radio City, yOll attention from the dialers. For one may not realize that on the stage thing it was a full hour radio pro­ and back of the scenes are approxi­ mately 50 persons, working with gram and it had good music. The Ruoy VAL I..E E, once a ,nere "crooner," now is a ,.eal shownlan band was excellent. team-like co-operation to make the his understanding of psychology. band as the artistic scenery that that he plays up the arhsts who program fun smoothly. And then there was this young I crooner, who led the musician5. A long time ago he did some Ihighlighted tile intcrnationalIy He sang a lot of songs. The women heavy thinking. He reaJized that known entertainers he Jured to hIS kept liking that peculiar voice ot l:ven if he were good, the radio Iprogram. his more and more. Flappers, old public demands variety and that jf He became a master spinner, maids, married women, young and he kept on with only one string to weaving the threads of intricate and S150.00 old, sat in front of the loud speaker his bow, he wouJd justify the "flash" sophisticated entertainment into a with an entranced look on their criticism of Broadway. highly colored tapestry of artistic IN' A,\VABDS fac~s.. . I In its formative period, the hour, showmanship. 1hc .fan. mall poured 10. HIS as we know it today, was ~erely He himself sang fewer songs and EACn,\VEEK! popularity lO~reased. RUDY, his band and a guest artist frequently the Jistencrs complain But not With the male popula. or two. that he doesn't do enough. tion, Gradually it developed and as it Again the psychology of restraint. Let Broadway Snickers did, VALLEE shoved himself more He prefers to pique rather than to Broadway, the smart, wise-crac~-; and more into the background. Surfeit. Thus he Insures hIS wcl- BIG ing cynical boulevard of broken He began to usc himself and his. come. "A flash?" Despite the fact dreams and hearts, snickered. FREDDY MILLER "Jusr a flash" opined Broadway as it sat in DAVE'S Blue Room, or V""ee Presents- -- give you LINDY'S, or REUBEN'S. complete details The quiet young feHow with the megaphone didn't seem to mind the during his caustic remarks. He just kept sing· iag along. IVORY SHAVING Broadway can't tolerate indiffer­ I ence. And so the chorus swelled. I ' CREAM PROGRAM "Just a flash," it moaned. But Thursday at eight has made Broadway look like a cow path as eaeh far as opinions are concerned. TI:I~~n}\Y It was in October, 1929, that the young fellow started as an air fea­ an.l ture. Thursday at eight and its "flash" are still with us. Tlll'n~D,\" • Thursday at Eight: a~ "Heigh'ha, everybody!' No need to tell you of the daily doings of RUDY VALLEE-HuBERT 7:4.) P.~I. PRIOR VALLEE for the record. The newspapers, the magazines, the spe­ cial writers and illustrators, have done that long since in great detail. Master Showman What hasn't been told is the story of the master showman, who runs Thursday at eight_ WEEI-BOSTON It hasn't been Juck, or chance, or WTAG-WORCESTER that crooning voice or publicity or the women audience that has kept WJAR-PROVIDENCE VALLEE and his hour at the top of WTIC-HARTFORD the heap. LENORE ULRIC:, well-known artreJJ, and RUDY VALLEE aJ tbe)' discflss It has been VALLEE'S judgment,' the program 011 u/hich j\liSJ ULRIC recently u.'tlJ featured. Ilb -:l' Page Eight TIlE MICROPHONE Saturday, August 18, 1931 ...:::--_------_--=..:..----.:::~~:....:.-

uesdayt August 21 Popular Operetta on NBC- WEAF at 10 P.M. -r------:------Vav-bond), \\'CrY 5 P.M. EDT; 4 EST; 3 CT lIe:lry Klng's Orch(~tu. ·tqz \\"""BZ ,,"HAM \\ ofd~ and MU\IC, L~la Turner, snprano, ChI k \\ s Orchestra. WEAF \\ [£.1 \\8AL KOKA. \:;l m. ~o \\ JZ. m. (\\ BZ \'o;'FLA. 15 m.) Wl\\, ?to m. (\\'(jY at ,.1" r1liot Brock's Dand. WLW P.M. \\"llilam Ptonn Or(hC'~tra. KDKA Mllhael Aheun. WEn. ~o m. "Accnrdi.ana." ~ itll Abe Lyman's Orche-stra. Organ ~fn le, W~(Cll.. }O m. Thref' (hoolnuld~. BJly Ro»c. WGY VIV ~nne &I:ill. \\ ABC WCAC', }O C.; 4.00-Dctroit Symphon)" Orlhc~· Ju~t 8. r. hi 'l'\e man.ll ernent talk, \\'C:"l Th~ fun tor Vie..s the. 'eli's. \\-JZ "'PC. IS m. )mem.alo:e~· S~lJdlo pro;:um. ~ HAS Ira, CBS-\X',\Be 1 P.M. EDT; 12 N. EST; I-i Club. \\-"FLA. \0 m. 11 A.M. CT jerry CMrer. buitone. \\'ABC \\ H .... $ Illton Kdlem, OHhcstU. \'\.'PC 510(1c~. WPG Rl '~; \',1n Ou."er" OrlhcHu. \X·Of:. 30 m. 8.3O-\\'aync King's Orchestra, Markets. "·cather. WEAP S,IIIT'~ Pauy. \\"'MC-\.. }O m. L:r.lted StJtes • avy Bilnd. \\"MCA. 1 b. NBC-\\'EAF Rr.adley Klnuid. WGY V,ulrty. WOR Bob P.atdh Or, J, \\"G;\; Henr)' King's Orchestra, Srudio PrOAum. \"'fLA SIOry Book Lady. WNDX WeJlh~r. Iltriculture talk. WilZ, ~o m. 8.45 P.M. EDTI 7.45 EST; 6.45 CT NIlC-WJZ Market Report~. KOKA 5.15 P.M. EDT, 4.15 ESTI 3.15 CT Ad\ Wagenheim. soprano. \\'PG 9.Jo--Soconyland S k c t (. h c s, Dob Albri,:ht. W'LW KOKA Kiddies' Klub. KDKA Corned)". \Vl\\" Ve1nc/)'s Music. WABC WCt\U WHAS De:atrKe Hendeaon. \VBZ NIlC·WEAF Hotel MOrlfm Orchestra, \X'PG The l'la)'bo~s. WABC \\,('.AU WPC 9 P.M. EDTj 8 ESTi 7 CT NBC S}mphooy Orchestra, Vln Duztr's Orchestr.a. WOR. ~o m. Weekd:ay Devotions. WHAS fRA (" al~. W[[I, \- m. Rnn.a VaIJC'l. sorunt). \t'MCA Maqor;e Huns. (ontulto. \\'OR Ii L,~e~lI}ld Me. I(ll Mu..... "S. Edc:J.! Gues!, NBC·WJZ Mld·Oay 5c"llC. WG:'>."". }O m. "Old 'f me S,mcs," \\ ~BX \\JZ \X'DZ WH .... { KDKA. }O m. Parade of the Cbamrions, Oaic WadC'. trum~. \\~'BX 5trJOIl [nKmbl~. 'X'SM 5.30 P.M. EDT; 4.30 ESTI 3.30 CT ~ ,lol~t. \\:"FV". }O rn. CBS·WAIlC 1.15 P.M. EDT; 12.15 ESTI Th Tltter~d M.JIn. \\'EAF W1:EI \\-GY W"'~! ~rge G:voc. Freddie Rich's Orch~stu. IO.OO-Opcrcua, i\'BC·W[Af 11.15 A.M. CT WFLA \X'ABC \\CAU \\1'(, \\HAS. 10 m. RclC Dilttle EnKmble. WEAF \\"'EEI jack:~ Hdl~r. tenor. W]Z WBZ \\.1IA"t Oa\e Vine, comeJlan. \'l;·OR. }O m. Adil Robinson. soprano. 'X·GY KOKA \\BAL Lui Burn~tt's Ordlc)(u. \t'G:\'" Honorable Archie .nd Frank, WJZ WBZ Ralph Deaa loy B.and. \\'L\\-' (All programs are :IJ/cd ill Eastern WBAl KOKA WSM Jaclt Armstrong. "AII·AtlXUQD BoY," WAB( 9.15 P.M. EDTI 8.15 EST; 7.15 CT DUJlight Saling Time, Easlern Ri,er. ,,·eathe•• muLet r~ports. \\"'LW \X'CAU JImmy Galb h 01 mao WSM Jlck Russell's Orchestra. WABC Mary. N:an anJ Camille. \\,PG Mudi Gru. WGN. }O m. Stand'ITd Time is one hOJJr earlier; ~nden Sisters. WHAS ChristIne RiJ.':e. \\"HAS 9.30 P.M. EDTj 8.30 EST; 7.30 CT Cen/flJi 1';me is two hOll's earlier.) Arid EnKmble. WOR f1~th Infanrry B:and. \\"'OR. '\0 m. MIrror RC'l1cctiom. WMCA. Koehl ilnd R~nthd. piano duo. W~fCA S my I oJ .s~ --ht,. Artl.ur Allen. ParL.er VermontelS. WNDX Rom.an... ~ of FI)hCf~. \\:...-oX Fennelly. \\'EAF \\1:.[1 \\FU W(iY, ••30 A.M. EDT; 8.30 EST, 5" m. 7.30 CT 1.30 P.M. EDT; 12.30 ESTi 5.45 P.M. EDT; 4.45 EST; 3.45 CT KRC Symphony O"hmril. WJZ WBZ Iv Tar]"r. \\TAF 11.30 A.M. CT :-';urmy Rhymt's. WEAF WEEI \\'FI.I\ \X'HAM Joi,OM \\ HAL \\-fLA, I h. 1'1. J k I.,tflc-·~ Or<.:he tU, WGY Dick fIdler's Orch~lril. W'EAF \\"E[I. }O m. HIlly Ro~e. tenor. WGY Squire Hu.ltins. KOKA L\\. JO(; fm r ,n, h)'mn\. \\L\V WGY fum pro~r.am. WGY. )0 m. Orrhan Annie. \\'JZ \\-BZ KOKA. .luSIC. \.l!lI:t}. \\ 50 m. ~;rtional Fum ilnd Hom~ Hour. WJZ WBZ The leun~. WlW Paude of th~ ChamplO(I'I. Rich;rrd Himber', ••45 A.M. EDT; 8.45 ESTI WBAL Joi,I)KA WLW WS~! WFLA. I h. Blqde Race at Chf)"ller 809.-1. W ABC WCAU O,... he..tu. \\'AHC \\ CAt.. }O m. 7.45 GT EMher Vdil' In\embk. WABC WCAU \'\'IIA~ \\"P(j- Studio Party. \\ HAS. }O m. WIlt Saver. \X'[hF \\'EEI WGY WLW WHAS WPC. DiI\eb.lll Talk. \X'MeA TU}'more Conceit Orch<; tra. \\-'PG, }O m. (NeY.~. WEEI. 5 m.) Molrkcb. rianu. W(,N (hllag', Symphony OrcheStf.a. \\'G='l. ,n m. Hlrry H. Balkm on "Success;' WOR. }O aa. PI(lllgh Boys. KDKh Theatre Club of the Air. WOR MU,lc. \\ ;"':BX Variety Sho..... WMCA. '\0 m. Round 1'o\\ners Quartet. WADe WCAU Sylvi.a Blue. SOllAS. WMCA 6 P.M. EDT; S EST; 4 CT 8.45 P.M. EDT, 8.45 EST; 7.45 CT WSM. 45 m. (WGY from 10.4') Harry Mt)cr's Orc.he)tr:a. W'I3AF W'LW \'WllOi.c. \\ ~M D.ne Tyson. son.:s, \'l;'PG 1.45 P.M. EDTI 12.45 ESTJ ~'O'I W~M. 11.45 A.M. CT PIIII. RU;AN, poP.iliaI' ar a CBS \0 m. ',,"(,Y at (,.1') "Mountilin Moments," WOR )U.1.am.a·s Royd 11.aY.'aiians. WHAS ' . ,J _L The Evenlll,q Tilttler. W1:.EI. )0 m. Ted 'Xe~lm 01 ht..tl.l. \\(.:,,: 10 A.M. EDT; 9 EST; 8 CT Along lhe Vol~.a. WARC WCAU WHAS (,lliJl. is noll' In H0 IIJU 00 m::u:.- EHnm,q BrC'\Itlc,. \\ GY 10 P.M. EDT, 9 EST; 8 CT Anit.a C. Metlgcr. fudings, \\."'PG PilS~) Breen and de R,,'>C. WEAF WEEI blu~. ill,l' a mOt'le. Dc,rothy Or...he\cu. wJZ \\-"'ilZ John Bnday. i'rank Mclnt}'re. Glildy.s; S.arth, Dorothea Shay. 'X'OR WHAM out. ope-retu. "TAP \\'E£:.I W<..i-Y WLW Soutllerntn. \\GY Ru'sell Rohin."". ~o m. Oioll Kenne-dy. ortlilni~t. W[AF. }O m. OHh~tfJ, Wtut\ on Today. \\:'~""BX Pure Food In!>tltule, Wf:EI. }O m. )ocph ('illlltc.lutl·s Wjl KDKA 6.15 P.M. EDT; 5.15 EST; 4.15 CT 10.15 P.M. EDTj 8.15 EST) 10.15 A.M. EDT; 9.15 ESTJ Hadler Rasmuson. bUlton~. ',);,'GY Ad,entoflng\\ "'''1. }G m.'uth P, tJgt 5:.amr~. """"z"u ... P,.no. WGY 8.15 CT 8.15 CT f:ton Boy). qu.arttt. WABC WCAU \VPG ~::r m. Ram -, RJm t\ OTrh~tu, V:jZ ~'HA~f M' ern M unt 11'1 .. \\'ABC V:C."I.L \\ PC '" r' ·mble. \\ [r\F WUI WGY M.arkeu...e.athtr. WIIAS "Bund of FrI~ndJh p," or.(.·.,. WL\\"1' BIll WllbilffiS, W8Z \\ 1M... \\.L\\ WSM Oahnlu. \\ OR D:ancin,e; by thc &.a. WABC wPG WHAS. 8,ueball Talk. KDK"- M;h on Kell m'~ Or iI. \\~fC ...\ u~:L of Romance. \YJZ \X BZ .... DKA Willtcr (;ubou...... ngt: • ":EAF \\'JZ KoDK" \\SM \\FLA • 'dl'e Rndl int rv"'...·lO. WjZ WHA.M Du,,", ne"'ey's OrchCJtu. \\""BZ \\EEI . . _. IBJ..c-b.a11 RC\leW \\-fAF Robert Ko}"Ce. tenur, \\jZ WBZ WHAM AJuit 1:dUl;tI' JO Pr"gram. \X'ABC The 5'01;:1 J; S:r.anger. \\ JZ to; BZ WHAM G ld d ~h t't - \,,"EEI KDKA. U. S. Na", Band. WABC WCAU WPG Palmer HOUSe bnsemhle. \\.'GN K,?KA WFLA St~~l C.~h' \~ zer. pl.anns. Gene snd Glenn, \\"1SM WHAS. ~o m. A,;ricultlll;tl College. WHAS MUSK by Dlv.ano. WLW Ne",r J Ishsm Jones Orchestra. WABC WPG WHAS (X,otional !lour, WNBX \v8l 3 P.M. EDTI 2 EST; 1 CT l.ury Robtrti. tenor. WOR .. Nc'\l\s' "So i" t ., \VBZ WCAU. }O m. 11.15 A.M. EDT; 10.15 EST; IrvinA: AaIOIlWIl'\ Orchestra. \X'EAF WCY Rose of l()fl1hardl. W~.lCA Stanley Mt~~alf::ntee:'~r. new:. KDKA Musical Variety. W~':'S 9.15 CT 4.30 P.M. EDTI 3.30 EST, 2.30 CT Ha'\l\aiiam. WL\'(/ Lum and Abner, \\:.(,N FiltH ltnd Nierman. pianists. W'JZ \\:IBZ WlW WFLA, \0 m. Del Cutillo. olgarust. WEtr. ~o m. D~sle WIIA,"" KDKA The Jesters. WrAF WEEI \\"GY Street Boys. WADC WCAU WHAS 11.30 P.M. EDT; 10.30 EST; Nath.an St~y,,1rt, fcnor. WJZ \\"BZ WBAL Chicago Symrhony Orch~tra. WJZ WHAM Ford Frick. sports. WOR 9.30 CT Ne.... s. Ilvestucks. W'I.W WSM. }O m. Olh-~ ~/)0A:S. Leon Cole. orgilnist. WSM WSM Wn.A, t h. I KOKJ\. }O m. from JoneS. WMCA C:arl Hoff and Ordlcstra. WEAF WEEI, Sammy full",. KoOKA 4.."> (WBZ. 31) m) Ben Potter, slc~tch. \X'GN \\-'FLA. }O m. Chum $ccret). WCAU Market Report,\. KDKA Sporh, W;\;RX Ray !':!lhols Orchestra, WGY. 30 m. ToY.n Cr~r. WNRX Metropolitan Parilde. WABC WCAU WPG, 30 m. life of Alary S.lth~rn. \'\.'T.\'V 7:15 P.M. EDT; 8.15 EST; 5.15 CT R~dy. Vallee's Music. ~'JZ WBZ, 30 m. 11.30 A.M. EDT; 10.30 EST; UniversilY of Kcntuc.ky. WHAS, )0 m. Carlw!1 and. Craig. WCAU Gelle and Glcn:l. WEAF \X'l.L1 WGY 'X llll:am Penn Orche~t,ra. XOKA 9.30 CT Jongleurs 1:n'>t:mble. \\ GN Jo~ef 7oarour s Orche~tra. \X'OR I Pittsburgh Varieties KOKA Blue Rh),thm B.and. W MCA. !OO m. 11uce Shades of Blu~. WEAF WE[J WGY S.ally ilnd S~. WOR Mauro Cottone. organ. \'('Me." T" t Te 0 \\-"JZ WHAM \\ 8AL £:.11 O.tnt"'~:"! Ordlc..ua. \\'OR. ~o m. MeloJy Mixers, \\'JZ KOKA WSM WFLA. Betty Gould. ur'::illl. WMCA In)PC n f. • Blue Rh}thm Band WMCA >0 m. 3.15 P.M. EDT; 2.15 EST; 1.15 CT ~d~e~t:~MOnE~I~s·(C:).. ~~.an~~~'I~·:~'~~ ~~~I~~:~~ ~6:A~~~·m~·BZ ~a)ne King's Orcj' ,trl. \\'G:-l E. R. A. Qrchc'ltra. \VBZ. }O m. Mudaves. plJ.y. WGY Stocks. WGY B;aTlcy AxttJrt. renor. \\'l\\-' 11.45 P.M. EDTJ 10.45 EST, CharlOl~rs. \\'1."· MIUI~d Mf:"~nt::'- M~Trio. Low Down, WLW Businc-..s, ell-S. \X'LW .. \\,·FLA. }O m. 9.45 CT . . Do Re ,,"ABC \\'PG WHAS Congress of Clubs. KDKA Ship Ahoy. WCAU Way Ide CI,uage:. WABC WCAU Joe Rel,,;hnun s Orthe tra. WABC \'(C-\U I'dl." Woolery's Orcheo;tf.ll. ,\'t'CAU Nel\'uk Museum PI'Igrlm. WOR The Easy Chair. WOR Serenade, \\:'IIAS WHAS '" ~ ., Mrs. H. T. Coe. pi.ano. '«~BX Madame Duanov,lcy. pi:anolo£uc. \\-'MCA "En,i:li'h Song Literalure.. \\ MCA MlInl Sluers. ~'MCA An'!):l \\ :cks Orche\~u. \); G~. }O m. 1 1.45 A.M. EDT; 1 0.45 ESTI Doring Sisters. WGN Gladys Gunt. W~BX Pillmcr, House fnsemble. WGN 12, M. EDT; 11 P.M. EST; 10 CT 9.45 A.M. Srnngf'eld Dand. \X'XBX fnrlC l\bdrlgueu's Orchcslu. W'[AF WE[[ AI Ikrnard. min trd. WEAF WEi::{ W{iY ~-~-~-~-~--~------17.30P.M. EDT; 8.30 EST; 5.30 CT \X·C;Y. ~o m. _. P.ainkd J)ream~, \\'l\\' Oilnny Maloll~ WEAF Po<;tmauer Jame' A FJrley. \\J7o \\ 8T. Ne..-~. WNBX -au.-st Alter Dmn~r Re\ie\\. \\-'EH K,f>KA WHAM \\T!.A WAOC WCAU '2 N. EDT; 11 A.M. EST; 10 CT Also Bob GUII(') Ou.he)ua. \'('GY \X.HAS, }O m.. A PI. You and YOur GO\'elnmem pro'r;am \\-'JZ Cjme,F.rm Orceh~t1a. \\L\\. ~o m. J1nri~lIn Knux, tenor. \\7EAF WEEI \X'GY WBZ g. Juk Sh()()Ic.~ulur. \\ ~M helcls and HillI. pianists. \X'JZ WHAM .....~~~~~~~~~_~~~~~~~~~_~_~~~~ __~~~~~~__ Bob Ne...·hall. WLW Tht W.ander~ng OPf:"t, W,PG. }o m. WBAI. WHA P~te, Biljo's Orchestra. WADC WCAU fun!.: Stuu,t ~ mu.~lc. \\-OR WeRther. hTe Monitor Views the Ne... ~. \'\fB:L ~ Ofche~ua. Connie Gatcs. WADC WCAU WHAS (luh I-'ro/otram. WHAS Bob Fallon WMCl\. Footlight Echoes. WOR. '0 m. 12.15 A.M. EDT111.15 P.M. EST. Jlome Sweet Home. WPG THE OTlol,cR. IUIYMOI'I/O Danny OCe. \'\fOR Ntw,. Soire~ MI,l!;~"le. WMCA. 30 m. 10.15 CT Weem~' WG~ NidlOlas GaraA:usi, vinlini,t. WMCA /S "rHE REAl. Sr{/~F Sports Reporter. WGN Ted Orchestra. lhrry O<:vine, songs. WGN 7.45 P.M. EDT; 8.45 EST; 5.45 CT 12.30 A.M. EDT; 11.30 P.M. EST; Puents' Forum. WNBX Si)ter~ of the Slnllet. WEAF WS!\f 10.30 CT , ;.~.~ :'~T E9T ; 11.15 A.M. EST; f Bljt freddie Mill~r, \X'ITI WJAR WCSH Harold Stern's Orrht"tl, WEAF "-EEr \\""GY WTAG \XTIC WEEI \\:'LW \X'SM 'X'FLA. }O m. HOlOqboy and SHsafril~. WEAF wu::r Funk Hu~k. \X'JZ \X'BZ WHAM KOKA Bobby Meelc~r's OrchC"ltr.a. \'X'JZ WBZ Marth.a and Hal. WGY WfLA WHAM KDKA. }O m. M:rr Macs. \\'JZ KDK,\ \,\-'SM WrLA Melody Maners, WLW M~I Snyder's Orrh~tra. WtW ~o m. WSM WFLA Boake Carter. WABC wau WHAS JImmy Gallagher'~ Orchc,tr.a. WSM Tim~, weather. »fety committee. \VBZ \\:'orld'J hlr Reporter. \\"G~ }O m. Steel Pier music. WPG lbb) and Oon. WLW 8 P.M. EDT' 7 EST' 6' CT Chick \\'ehb'~ Orche'tr.a. \X'MC~ Concert Orient.ale, \X'ABC WCAU WIIAS . ." Earl Burtnett s Orch~tra. \\ G:-; le'O R~l~man' Orche:stu. Plnl Duty, WEAF 1 A M EDT'" 2 M EST' WPG }O lIl.. •• ,I •• ~ \\"'EEI u.-CY. Rube.: ArpleOOry. \\-"G. \\-:andCllOl:; Ml~nt!e1. WJl \\'BZ KDKA 11 P.M. CT Ensemble. \\'OR WSM. 30 m. Pete Sm'th's Orchtnu. ,:qz WBZ WHAM Slilplcton and Boroff. pianists. \\"MCt\ Crime Clut). \\'L\\"'. }o e.. KDKA. Victor Herbert melodies. WNBX Florid.a MIlitary Ac.ad~y. WFl.A Terrace Gltrdens mUSIC, WSM. '0 m. 12.30 P.M. EDT; 11.30 A.M. ESTJ "La"ender and Old Lace;' Fr:anlc Munn and Chrles Bunett'~ Orch:"11 15-ITiinute program. He was announced 8.15 P.M. EDT; 7.15 EST; 8.1S CT STATIO~ Markets, organ. \\:'GN WGN Orchestril, WGN Bud t"i.~her·~ Orchestra, WOR. 30 m. as RAYMOl'\1) SCOTT because he didn't want to steal thunder Beauty that rndllre~. \'('Fl.A St()(:ks. WMCA from his brother. He pickeJ the name at random and the other Vu.a C. Park. contralto. WPG DIRECTORY Or~an Tone,. WNBX Mey~t Davis' Orch:stra. \'<'.MCA 12.45 P.M. EDT; 11.45 A.M. EST; day, just for fun, called up the RAYMOND SCOTT listed in the WGN Orchestra. WGN _, 0.45 CT telephone book. The gentleman seemed friendly, so HARRY 8.g0 P.M. EDT; 7.30 EST; 6.30 CT Page 4 uroline ubi.!. Dd Castillo. WEEI, }O m. W':ayne KinJl:'s Orchestra. WEl-\P WEE1 F WJZ. }Ooo m. asked him what he did. "Oh, I'm a pianisc/' was the reply. WGY WSM, }O m. Satucd.}. August 18, 1934 THE MICROPHONE Page Nine ,

Announces for its August Issue, Now on Sale

Etherized Sports Q.- What is that about? A.-It is an excuse for the McNamees and Husings, written by Carleton Pearl, Editor of The MICROPHONE. Even s You And I Q.-And that? A.-An article insisting that musicians are human. The authority is Morris Hastings, Managing Editor of The MICROPHONE. Mr. Hastings, among other recent efforts, has been interpreting the Arthur Fiedler Esplanade Con­ certs to the radio public. He is a young man but already an eminent critic with.a large following. SPOI~ts For Forgotten ~Ien Q.-Sounds interesting; what is it all about? A.-An article on golf and racing, to be specific, written by Parke O'Brien. Mr. O'Brien has been called, with iustice, the ablest sporting editor in New England. And that covers much territory. Q.-Anything else in August NOW? A.-Much more; a single copy costs you Fifteen Cents from your news dealer. Twelve issues for One Fifty. Write Circulation Manager, 34 Court Square, Boston. ~~The MICROPDONE~ In~.

- Page Ten THE MICROPHOl\;E Saturday, August 18, 1934 edn sd Yt August 22 - Dennis King Sings, NBC- WJZ, 10 P.M.'

f'ward and Muny, piano duo, \\.... l\'U DJn and S) Ivia, KDKA Oclrolt S~Inp'lOny Or,hestr.:t. Wagner's Pre!. Betty Dlftbdl. WABC WCAU WII.AS Edith Mun.y. Taylor Buckley. sonlS. WABC uJt tf) "Lilhengrin," _nd "Siegfried Idyll," '~omC' s",·ttt HomC', WPG \\"'CAU WIIAS Gller's "The Suens." Excerpts from ~(boz' P.M, )J Ar).;e11. WOR Unde Don. WOR, )0 m. "Damnal."n of Fau~t,' WABC \\ CAU .holas GJ.r.u::u)i. violin. WMCA M~dltatIUll), \\ MCA \\ liAS, I h, (WPG, )0 m" 4.()()-Pop, Concert. 'BC, ICl. OiL).; and H:my. We:\" 6.15 P.M. EDT; 5.15 ESTJ 4.15 Orchestra. WOR, 30 m. CT IChi,ago Symphony Orchestra. WGN. 1; h. '\\'EAF III g Cnnu:rt. \\'l\:BX hnd.t TrIO and \\'hlte, W[AF 12.15 P.M. EDT; 11.15 A.M. EST; joe and IddlO;. WGY 9.15 P.M. EDT; 8.15 EST; 7.15 CT S~'mphoo} 4.,)Q-Chicago Or· 10.15 CT Ainu KULLdl. ~"prano. 'WJZ WHAM \\5.1 \·~lltty. \\ f1.A ~ chc'itra. I\TBC-\\'jZ Hooerboy and s.. ~afru, WEAF WIEI \\"FLA Con'n~. I.e~h IO.OO--Rroadcau (0 and fmm Rilh.. W'MCA 6.30 P.M. f::DT, 5.30 EST; 4.30 CT Colbut. \\-FLA 8)'rd Expedition. CBS·\\"ABC Bub Flrsans, tH:)I'. \\-G~ ..C'..... H I Zlto and ,~,.e tr \\tAP. t·s II r:: ~e'u duml, \X'OR, 30 m. Huhh talk. W. ax 30m. 1\\·M from(,.~~) 10 P.M. EDT; 9 EST; 8 CT (;U\' I.omhardo·s Orcnc:-tra, 12,'O',030P'CMT' EDTi 11.3" A.M. EST, C~rrC'Qt E'~l'>. and bl..oehall scor". WEEI G L tI.l,-·S R. yal Canldians P&t: elH. Bob (,r.. nt s ()rdl~tJ'J. \\ C. Y. )0 m. B 'nC·WEAf GrlcC' Ha.,e\. sungs Ine'\\'S at 6,o10) \\m 12.45 P.M. EDT; 11.45 A.M. EST, Variety, \X·OR. 30 tfl. 8.15 CT StalldArd Time iI olle hOI" edr/ier,' Th~ 0.45 CT _, Sueen revue. \X'MCA Edd' D I ' 0 he~tu. \VJZ WSZ KOK' " d Th w" Dr. Forkell, WNBX I:: uc In s IC '. " h I') 1$ an .tt. Yo U Cel1JraI 1 Ime 11 Iwo OllrI ear Jer. The VIAabonds. WGY 6.45 P.M. EDT; 5.45 EST, 4.45 CT 10.30 P.M. EDT, 9.30 EST; mll~;c. A M EDT' 7 '0 EST' !\'lurch and W J7, W"HAM WFLA, 8.30 CT 8 ••'0 T' •• • '0 m. (WSM at 1.00) Nautideeu, WtEI "The Other Americas,"' Ed",·ard Tomlinson. 6.~~ C, \'('Illiam Penn OrrhC'stn. KDKA Lo.... cll ·lhtJma~. ne""~, WjZ \\'DZ \X'HAM \\'EAF WGY. }O m. Cheelos M'slc.:tl lnterlude. WEAF WEEI Stnnl! music \VSM \\1.\\' K, OKA ""[I,ll. ""''''BC ·"'C' V' Manhuun MC'Hy.Go-Round. \X·EEI. '0 m. \\'C~ .\\'ll\\·, 30 m. " I,i\'e. Stock R~port1. WLW Peter B. )0') Or,hL... tn, WI" ~~ n Jalk l)enny'~ Orchestra. Hury Richm,n and k"" \"'hM, or.l:.111I)t. \\.jZ \XBZ WHAM florllla M~l~ Quartet \'(,'CN WHA$ , WBAL KDKA, 30 m. Orpan, \'('MeA ' littlc Olpllan Annie, \\-'(;"J \X!SM JulIO 8, Kennedy, WjZ WBZ WHAM. Or,lpn, \,",S1\I I Royal Puet. \'QNAX Ira Sdlu)llr and I>n/l(.e Jll!ltti. \\',\1CA H;~ry~i'leis' Otdlestra, WlW 8 A.M. EDT; 8 E5T; 7 CT 1 P.M. EDT; 12 N. EST, 7 P.M. EDT, 6 EST; 5 CT The Old Observer. KDKA Jlerrr..lIn .nd n~nta. \\T.'\F 11 A.M. CT G, lid a!\d S! Iter, piano duo. Will \\ FLA jimmy GIIl'l!:her's O'che\tll. \X.'SM S,iuors II,d Paue \V(;Y M.arkc:t\. WEAf CHARLES CAIU.IlE, CBS Je1l0r, i Romam (,' ~lelod)·, \X GY \\'fI.A PI.yt>u, \X'FlA, HI m. Breakf.llst C1uh. \\'JZ \\'HZ WBAL WHAM R~dlO Cillln~. \X'C,Y Johnny j"ho'!tln's O,chC'SH1. \\jZ \\'HA~l. Californi. MelodiC's, WADC WCAU \YHAS KDKA. I h. (\\'FLA, 4) lll.) (W~M at Weather. agriculture. WBZ. ~ m. Jlm of Jet'eraL prOKI'ol1JlJ :}J"fJtt.l. ~o m. fKOKA at ,.111 )0 m. 9.'''1 Marken. KDLA . eWI and Spinru..1 Sln~trs, \\'HZ, 30 m. The Andel'lnn·s. \\ Pc. o<'\otlon. \\SM q,lllo Fum Ru ea'T. \\T\"i (oJ)1 OH?I" Ihe COitIIJUJl,J 'Ie/u'or}, Piann. "'OK" \\ 1:1 ,Hd R,,!'>m on' Orr' Ir". WOR, ~o l!'l. Salt and Pl;anuts, Wl\\.-.... ~Nlnd .. v DIneC'. \\.- FLA 1>,ano. \\ -.M 1'. !'l:I'~ G,p ~ Onhe tn. \\-MCA. 30 m. 'll,C' S"lll: Reporter. 0, k I " ... t n. \V:~X \eI17'0 ()r ht'Stra. \\ ARC \\TAU \'t'HAS erode,. 1," Or(hl:11r1. \X'I.\\.- brl Burtnul \ ()l,hr::\ua. \\'(j~ \\,CAU ~O m. I\\.PG. 11 m.) 4 P.M. EDT; 3 P.M. EST, :1 CT (of;)r. \\ A.K: \\ CAU ,1, Ie I mond, WGY Tea TilllC: lop,cs. WI'G. '0 m. Gene anJ Glenn. \'I:'EAF WGY WPLh I Mo:-}'e:r' ~f \\L"F \X fLA. 0 m. 9.30 A.M. pDT; 8.30 EST; The- HunO'~"'lC' Ardue and Funk WjZ ThC' Arl'le Kno l:C'r, \\'CAI". ~o m. Did: Tracy, detecli\e, \\"EEl 1\\8,"'R"""'C,m,, In and ha ~b 11 , COla. 7.30 CT KDKA \\"M Tn ;;v;;la' 1'1. \\~ICA jx: Emr,\un'~ Otd.l"U. \\'L\\ \\ 1:.1 I " M" (,I "Ie d.1n III '.: (Ar ~~Ither. \'\71 W Aft II C,nl t. \\. BX F lanual . -c... s. \\'.-~I ,PI le s S;sl'::~, "JZ \\'HAL \VIIA~( )1, <',-, \\ 'y A dltiflns. \\ ,Ff " , PM L "I 0 I I ",n~" C'U ...... 4. 5 •. EDT; 3.15 EST; 2.15 CT ''I U\ ;l)'OS IL l'U, ".01., " " I\\nther and Dunb;,.r Male Quartlt. \\·BZ M rm ,,\\ 1\\ !'.;r"· J('~\ey \\·nlT'''n·~ Clubs. WPG " ," \ JZ' 1,\ HA~ 'r""'. "DK' J . . Ar'('1 E bl \\'OR ' ... '3/., ~.... I" .MornIng M~lodlcs W,TI ' nscm e. "1>"A \\ BAL \\ lIo\M 1'... 1;•.• H'ju,,,. In.1 hie. \'1: (,:-,: h nk BUlk, \\'S~[ AbHop"lJun Pua'le. \\ABC W·PG. 30 m.; "fl Rdlc: ( lr h, ~v. BX ( r(Ollf~n .ere:",'! \\l\\'.;o m. \\'HAS \\,CAU frum 9·4' 1.30 P.M. EDT; 12.30 ESTr 8an ,run. WOR 7.30 P.M. EDT; 6.30 EST; 5.30 CT l.u a. sun \\ A8r \\ CAli \\ H.o\S W(.• \\'HAS 11.30A.M.CT I,"ec..... el.blr "1 .(~ ,I' (~Y eH.: (, \\-PC. 8.45 A.M. EDT; 8.4' EST; 01 r ( \\ \'.: Et.. W hon s 0: ~ I. '\; • B.· Lo I.' u EEL, at. c.rt s () .:\ Of }O m. 7.4S CT "'"LW r"m '::,' 'm. C,y ,... G. \\ { y 1) L. \\-,M( A. :! h. w. "1: F" I _.-, 4.30 P.M. EDT; 3.30 EST; 2.30 CT _I ..··7 \\SZI J I' I\·r- • S,n' ,H:e rtet." A \\ L.L. ....t mal F rInd IlntTIf' H \\:'7 ~""RZ T. .; rer. '\X.EAt' \\ [[I \\~. I I, R. ... \il. 'J" line t v DC. \'1>..., . .Nt..... Trio. \\'lEi G WHA fKDK. \\: l\\"fL Ih (\'VL\\: OlJ,ODK:"Yl:r,\\toY I.\HAM KlJK ..\ \\ M 11.15 P.M. EDT; 10.15 EST, 9 ¥d' ("Oln.'Bn~_ [)(-W··'B·'Z·ns. WY at 1·40' Ch 10 3 mpbon" OrLh tu. If "I: H .. d. (B.. ~~.h,·~.'{"I\\LWWF" D_ '{',5 ~,T,_ "y "',n~ ~, j~ ReKhm.1n·~ w,n~ I I . "...... po, n, . 0 K'"'' 0 he:stra. \\r-", n \\ ~( \\IIA r. 1 b P.. ut KC'l\t and Jludsons Ot the Ik.\'4I."lt \' "-- ' D.aml t.k. \\CAU 7.45 P.M. EDT,8.45 EST; 5.45 CT 11.30 P.M. EDT; 10.30 EST; 10 the luxtmbo\U& (,.1lderu. WABC \VIlAS ",-,,' 'rne: rl \\OIJ St I< WPG :0. I.' t e 51 \\-rAF \'\"(;'1' W'.: I 9.30 CT . WCAU lr:o.,..1 \\ (,. I, In A ,n)Qn' Or I'·;, '\\'Oh. 41:' m. Funk Du, I< \\ JL \\ 8Z \\ HA.\( \\ BAl .' f I Rad F' 1m, Dan IC RI')~r. HOl'le Hour. WPG. 1 h.: N~W'J at 10.30 2 P.M. EDT; 1 EST; 12 N. CT <'h.ll' MS5IO~er. tenor. \,,"~fCA I KOKA \\'FLA AI.. h. \\EAF WEEl WGY \\,S).{, \\·h )n T)J;I). \\. 'BX T"u .....us in the B.. l ,n,. \\TAF \\'t[1 Melody Masters. WLW m. '10.15 A.M. EDT; 8.15 EST. \\(.y, }O m, 4.45 P.M. EDT; 3.45 EST, 2.45 CT 80alr C:uttr news WABC \'o;'CAU WHAS Don nestor's Orchestra, \'(IjZ \VBZ 8.15 CT The Romany Trail, WADC WPG WCAU. Ad,tntures on Mptery Island. \X'EAF WHr Wodd's Fai; D~WS: WGN ,W.HAM. 30 m. h KDKA VIe moe Sc.\tdtt, \\ LAr WITI \\,GY W'W '."'·"hm,,', m"k"" "II'S WFLA. 30 m. 8 PM EDT' 7 EST' 8 CT \'( III lam Penn Orr e~tra. '" \\ I" Stodu WGY .- ; .' ThunC' of IhC' AIr. \\'lW, 30 m. Foreotia Trio. WJZ WBAL D 'h F k B",o.,·, ,",•., The, Barnn. WI:.AF WEEI WGY WSM O,.an, WIlAS. '0 m. kulde 1..", \'(IbZ l. nrt ur ran Paynt>. WOR ~ " ,...."',,,,:1 \\ F" '0 U Jnl (" I b' WMCA The Instrumentalists WABC WIIAS WPG . n. In.. I~dlr r.an~·s MUSIC, WOR, 30 m. Birthday Club, W'I;' A J' m (.n..... ,' dantone. .WC'V· EnllC Madnguera s Orche~:r", \\IjL \\'HZ \\'a,'ne Kmg's Or('he~tra, WGN s~ w'e"'" Sammy Fuller. KDKA .rawor , orA:an,u, ... W I" KDKA m 'Jill and Ginccr. \'UARr. WCAU 2.15 P. M. EDT; 1.15 EST, Carrie's Cluh, WMCA B 'O'·, . WI"M 11.45 P.M. EDT; 10.45 ES1'; aVafl3n rt le:~tra. 1", '0 m, 9 45 CT Matince: Mdodits. WNHX 12.15 CT 5 P.M. EDT; 4 EST, 3 CT .. CUIllI: Clu,::', \': 12M. EDT; 11 P.M. EST, 10 CT Th, Market Da~ket. \\!GY Spons, WMCA A((emonn MUSIcal. \l:,GN, I h.. " m. Fan Frey s FroliC. WOR. ~o m. B dd R. 'WEAl' WI:.1:1 ,. 2 30 PM ED j.ollk Hrooks OrcheSll.ol \VASe WHAS ,. m D EST 6 1 CT u y O,l::ers mu~r,. .. • m. To,bv'$ Clui dlen, WjZ W SZ WHAL. KDKA' .. T, 1.30 EST) (WrAU WPG' ,. 8.15 P.M. E T17.15 J. 5 Pilli Emmerton's Otdlcstra, WGY. 30 ffi. WFU 12.30 CT Fut -r;appers, WC~D"» • Emery Deutsch, violin. WADC WCAU Sam!T'y W.tl n. W Jad:: Miles' Orcheo;tu. WGY Bell, Crock:l. \'{'EAf \X'CY \\-"'lW \V;FU Honkmln. the.tre rev:ew. WFlA \- abollll>. \\ (.Y , ' ~ ,. 12 15 AM EST' 11 15 P.M. ESf'7 Go.~d M,}rnin~ 1\Ieludi~, W(H Ann lc1af. or,can. \\'ABC \\,PG. 30 m. :o.br~r Jlm's M)thK.oII Sh:p, \\'8Z Unbroken Melodies. wtw . 1'0 15 CT' ,• NC',,·s and Raciio Kftthen. WjZ WBZ fWHAS. I~ m.) K'del'C's' Klub KDKA I.':or Gonn. baur"ne. \\'JZ W8Z . KOKA \\ RAI. (\\'sM at 10.~O) I\\"'omIO'S Club. \\"CAU. 30 m. Tk\·or"ln\. \\'HAS E\'C'retl MaHhal1'~ Broad...... y \'anit'e~, Jerome T~d \\""tm~' Or('he1!r.a. \\'(,:-.l Stu"in Pro::raOl. \\'sM "The Home-makC'r,"' WOR. ~O m. K,n1o:iC' . .l:UiUl. \\ PG- Mann. gUC'~t. \X'ABC WCAU \\-HAS. )0 m, 12.30 A.M. EDT; 11.30 P.M. EST. nob AI(her. \\'IIAS Tn and Eddie. \\"MCA. ;0 rn. AmatC'uI Asu')IMn.r. t.llik. \'\"OR JJn~ and .JImmy Cull~. WPG 10.30 CT Daily StIlry, \\'. 'BX Cenrllry of Pro~r('1s. orche)tu, WG~ J rd ]n~ O:lhe:\tu, \\'(;"1', 4~ m. To"n Crier, "'.. ·nx ,"\X'i~e M.n.' \\'EAF WGY \\'SM WFLA An K, .led)·~ Oahe\u.1. \\'XBX Barbccuf"d Del Castillo. \\-HI 6 P.M. EDT; 5 EST; 4 CT • 11.30 A.M. EDT; 10.30 EST; Pianolo"". WMCA 9.30 CT R "Y L .. WOR AI p, 're and H:~ G .. ng. \\-EAF \\'l\\' Bctt Moore. WEAF \'\,[[1 WC\' \\-l\'C' oxy, our o\er. \\-"FlA In a quiet nook at U. S, Army D3nd. WjZ WnAL KOKA 3_30 P.M. EC;T; 2.30 EST; 1.30 CT E\tnillil httltr. \X'r.n. 30 m. \\'t'LA WSM. lO,m.. "",'HAM !:(lm JI,,., I\\'om~n's ,RadiO Re\le..... \XEAF \V(jY bl:OIng Brevaies. KGY Hou~ehold Ch;lt. \\ :-.

Approves I Their Start Programs In Choirs

Going "back stage" to view the that "nothing heavy" must be per­ "dress rehearsal" of a CBS Artist mitted to creep into the run-of-the· Recital is lacking in the thrills and day programs over the air? glamour of watching a great sym­ Isn't it still true that women and phony orchestra or dramatic com­ other home bodies are too intent pany in process of building a pro­ upon their day-time chores around gram for the air. the house to concentrate upon the For the true lover of good music, classical and semi-classical offerinEl however, a trip behind the scenes that come in via the loud-speaker? to observe an Artist Recital, in re- A recent survey shows that class­ hearsal. has its compensations. ical music, including symphony or· A pianist sits before the key- chestras and artists' recitals, now bO:lCd, her fingers rising and falling occupy 23 per cent of the total air gracefully as she weaves the pattern time on the Columbia Broadcasting of music from the sheets before her. System. A singer stands before the micro­ phone, his eyes on the score, filS Many of those busy house­ voice blending with the harmonies wives who "can't concentrate on of the keyboard. that heavy stuff" write in to say There is no hesitancy on the part that they welcome the respite of either the player or the singer. which the A rtist Recitals offer, One wonders as he listens to the from the usual diet of jazz orches· smooth precision of instrument anJ tras and the recitation of market voice whether this can indeed be a formulas, recipes, etc. "rehearsal" and not the actual It is "so restful, so easy," write broadcast. many, to listen to a single voice, Chief Difference with propcr piano accompani­ ment, in music that is excellently And therein lies the chief differ­ rendered and inspiring. ence between the rehearsal of an And what about the men that Artist Recital and that of practically EVAN EVANS, barito11e, and RHODA ARNOLD, sopr.J110, u·ho are feall/red 011 Ihe CBS .-1.rtist Recilal.r. listen in during the day? Are they all other radio programs. interested in this type of music? Who are these artists-singers and pi.lnists-who are heard on cast during the past several years. She also recei"ed formal instruc· to concert music, including grand Here is a typical letter from a tde­ these recitals? \Xlhy the technical He has been featured on the tion in yoice from ~lYRON \VI. opera. Occasionally, a light ballad phone company employee: perfection of their work? ",Madison S:ngers" mixed·quartet WHIT~EY, attended the Fontaine­ is included. I U\Xlhat was the name of They are the members of Co- programs, and also has been hearJ bl~u American Conserva~orr, won . Th~ questi~n. arises: Is ~1I ?f t:.iS the piano solo played at lumbi.1's sustaining staff, these ar· as soloist on the ··Cathedral Hour" a scholarship with ScliliMANK· Il1tenslVe tra::1iOg and JnSlstence about 3.26 to 3.30 1>. ~1. eur- tists whose names arc seldom in the broadcasts both over CBS. HEIXK at Kansas City, and also upon technical perfection justified rent Ne,,: York d?",e? It headlines. Years of arduous studr Boy Soprano sludied with M.\RTt-IA BR"'..... RL'D by the response of radio listeners to sounded like somethmg new and P.\("L SA\'AGF in :--Jew York. these programs? of Rachrnanir::.off·s. and I and sclf.imprO\·cment have gone E\'A7': E\'A:\'S, b.uitone,-sang aj I Miss I L\RRI.\fA=" nas been hearJ into the making of these singers and boy soprano in Christ Church, What about the oft-hearJ claim should like ro get the music." musicians. B' on the '"Light Opera" anJ "Cathe­ Consider the demands th.lt these Itkenhead, cniliand, at the age of dral Hour" CBS programs and also Cathedr~( 1--- -, seven rears, in Liverpool with the "Madison Singers" and Artist Recitals make upon their per- at the age of 12, and before King I formers. They must not only sing G \' d' hI' "Morning ~ltisicales." 1 EORlil- , unng t e atter penoJ. She also has been beard eden· , well from the standpoint of pure He has been heard in the GILBERT sound, but they must be expert in and Sl;LU\'A~ operettas, and also sivdy in concerts and oratorios in TOP NOTCH / Washington, and New York. I the reJding of music and capable of was soloist with the late COLEIUDGE D. c., Etling in unexpectedly on cmer· TAYLOR. ROGER KIN!'iE, baritone, has been SUMMERTIME singing since he was 15 years ot gency programs. He studied music in his native They must be familiar with the England and in Germany and is a age. KiNNE received his classical ENTERTAINMENT. education at Cornell, where he ; foreign languages in which the graduate of the ]U1LUARD 5'hool greater number of the classics they of Music. Before his entry into ra. studied music under ERIC DUDLE\·. \! He subsequently continued his I )<'0IIOn- Clu-"se smg are written. Try to picture a dio, EVANS was associated as bar. studies in voice unJer PERC.Y REc· ~ "blues" singer or crooner singing l itone lead with the Opera Comique CWO \VEEK-XIGUT TOR 5TLVENS and ARTHUR PHILIPS { DEHUSSY or SCHUBERT solo in the in New York. ·ic·uCllrl"s ••• original. On the air he frequently is fea· in New York. ! Prio~ to his entry into radio. he A Close-Up tured with the ANDRE KOSTEL- 'IH~' s:mg In quartet p.uts In LEW Let us get 3. dose.up of some of ANETZ and HOWARD BARLOW or­ FIELDS' musical show, "Present EJ'E.\"IX'; these artists who are featured on the chestras, and abo has been heard as Arms," and was widl GrORGE All.· CBS Artist Recitals heard thrice baritone soloist on a number of L1SS in his "l\1erchant of Venice" T A TLI'-"'Il weekly-~fondays from 1.30 to :1 commcrcial programs over the Co for a season. KINi':f. has been Tuesday~ P. 1\L, from 2.30 to 3 lumbia network. heard frcquently o\"er the CBS chain at 6 P.~I. P. M., Thursdays from 10.35 to CHARLOTTE HARRIMAN, contral' as baritone soloist, including such 10.45 A. ,M:. to, began her s~udy of mu~ic, piano broadcasts :is the "Li(!ht Opera" and RHODA ARNOLD, soprano, has ap.d voice as a child under the t... te· programs and the '"BalbJ Hour." been singing in (hurch choirs since lage of her mother. childhood, anti in addition to her .._~_ Wins Gold Medai THE classical education has studied mu­ Sm!\ EY ]OH:" SMIT!i, tenor. at· AFTER- DI.Y.XER This and That tended the Choir School at Grace sic, specializing in voice culture, REI7EJI' undtr such instructors as HA:-.;":-;-A '--CC."ti"",J from Pag, 1) Chu·ch in :-lew York at the a~e at BnH' of Chicago, GEORGE FER­ nine rears, and sang in its cholr a" GI.;SSO:-.; of Boston, and ARTHUR think, a bogey th;lt need frighten alto soloist for four yca.rs. at 7:30 P .~I. PI-BLIPS of I ew York. none in this co;.tntry at least. During this period, SMITH won She has been hearJ on the "Light Jt would be difficult to imagine the \'\IILLIAM RH!NFI.Al\iDER STn,,-· New England's Opera" and "Cathedral Choir" a condition existing in this coun· ART golJ medal for solo work. He broJdcasts O\'e( the Columbia net­ try that would in any way match continued hi:i musical studies in popular favorites work. and also sings on the ANDRE that now apparent in Germany Milan, Italy. receiving instruction KOSTELA!"\FTZ and HOWARD BAR· wlltre the p:uty in power ha~ for two years from SALVATORE SAl.· IX .·ERSOX­ LO\",,' programs. "hogged" radio and newspapers. VATI. Two great CRA1"\ r CAI.DER, bass soloist. Even so, even in a country SMITH also has had extensive ex· studied voice under such instructors wht:re strictest radio censorship i~ perience in ora~orio work. and has programs during as ROBfRT HUGIII:S, formerly of practiccd, radio audiences still sung the tenor roles in many of the the early evening the Utica Conservatory, and LOUISE haY.e their excellent .n:usical and Italian operas featured over the air. GERARD THIERS at Cunegie Hall, ".anety and non-polltlcal educa· He is at present heard over CBS on hours- EACH l'\ew York. He also was coached tlOnal programs. . the "lvladison Sinsers" program by CONRAD Dos. It is true that priv:lte cantrall and formerly was a featured soloist WEEK" NIGHT OVER Following a number of stage en· of radio has in theory certain in·' on the "Cathedral Hour" broadcasts. gagements, including a season with disputable advantages over gov· Among the pianists on the Artist WEE. "The Student Prince," CALDER en­ ernment control. Recitals programs arc CARLA Ro· tered the radio field, and has been It is up to those private owners MANO, CAROLYN GRAY and the Friendly Station heard in the leading roles of many to make the ad"antages more ap· 1\-1ARI01': CARLEY. of the light and granJ operas broad- parent to the average listener. The Artist Recitals adhere strictly Page T"..c!vc THE ;'rTCROPHONE Saturday, ","ugus< 18, 1934 h rsday, August 23 Salzburg Festival, NBC-WEAF, 3.15 P.M., <------,------National farm and Home Hour, W'JZ SOI.tl,I,••"I(!I· IDiJ'i'fl5, WFLA l~olif!C lIighligh~s WBZ WHAM KDKA WLW WSM WFLA, Macha Raginsk}'s mUlic, \\:-'ABC wau Radio I h. ... WHAS P.M. ' joe Haymes' Ordlc_tra, \).'7ABC \'\'C..AU, 30 m. Unclc Don, WOR. ?o m. Station Meters Location JOo.: ~bymes' ()rdl~lu .. , \\oHA::., pm. 8 r ':c. W:'ICA S)lv~a \)'~'"DX \\-PFV 3.15-Internauonal B roadeau Blue, 'X'MC.A Proctt' I,ille C. C. C. Camp Pr 'tl, 121.S Pnlo'tuckcr, R. I. Markets, Dorm,lt S..tc:rs, x'>; G:'I: WPEM 121.5 \\·oonsocket. R. L from Salzburg Austria, mu­ Markets, music, WG. 8.16 P.M. EDT; 5.' 5 EST; 4.15 CT sic festival. Arturo Toscanini, Theatr~ nub of the Air. WOR P,ano Pals, WGY \'\'PDR 122.05 Rochester. N. Y. W~ax. conduCting, BC-\VEAF Studio Orchestra, Bill Williams, WBZ WPEA 122.0S Syracuse. N. Y. Kueball, KDKA WPEF 122.4 Bronx, N. Y. 8.DO-Rudy Vallee, I\,TBC·\y/EAF 1.45 P.M. EDT; 12,45 EST; &bby Iknsol.& and Sunny Jim, 11.45 A.M. CT WCAU WPEE 12204 Brooklyn, N. Y. WABC 9.00-Captain Henrr's Show L~oll I.ewis, contralw, \\'I-'G Organ, ''''HAS, ~o m. I, WPEG 122.1 New York City V~nna Boat, NBC·W.EAF Oshorne, soprano, WOR Twilight Melodies, wMCA WMj 123,8 Buffalo, N. Y. Piano, WMCA 10.00-"45 Minulcc; in Holly­ Palml"r Housc [n,cmhl~, WGN 8.30 P.M. EDTl 5.30 EST; 4.30 CT WPGG 124.37 Albany, N. Y. wood," CBS-\'(/ABC Farm Reporter, WNKX :'\Jl'w~, ~hrtha Mcars, \\'I:AF \,IGY WSM WPGV 1M. Boston, Mass. WfLA WPED Arlin~ton. Mass. Paul \'('hileman, NBC-\V'EAF 2 P.M. EDT; 1 EST; 12 N. CT Ra~l'balT scorcs, current e\'ent~, WEE' 17s.;n Slone~ of Hi,tnry. \\'tAF, }':> m. O'UHY'S Minstrels. nc".) at 6.040, \\'12: WPEI 1"5.23 East Prot"idence. R.I. 1l.OO-Vcra Van, songs, CBS­ NE Pure Food In'titu'~, WEEI, ?o m. jack Armstrong, WLW WPFA 17:$.23 Nev.'ton, Mass. \VIABC Paul CurtiS, tenor, WG! Time, ""cather, WBZ WPGF 175.23 Providence, R. r. Ann Lea.!, organist, WAlK WCAU WPG Nu.. ~ and Charles Barnett's Or~estu, We:tther. marketS, WHAS \VABC \.\'MP 190.66 FraminAbam, Mass, I{AII programs are listed in Eas/em Dr. Arthur Frank P3yne. WOR Special Pro8r~m, \"'CAU WPEW 190.66 Northampton, Mass. ! jesse Crawfurd, otl::an. \~G~ Motor Til'S, WOR WPI,:l 190.66 Bridgewar~r, Mass. i D.l)light Sat--ing Time, Ear/ern Helen K108. hand",ntlO8, \\-'MCA MIami }\each Orchc~tra. \'\'MC:\. W(j:'\J Orchestra. \\"G:-..; ""PeC 195.57 Albany, N. Y. Standard Time is one hour earlier I 2· 1:.ts ~T EDT, 1.15 ESTI 01 n R~ver~. \\';:o...-aX WEY 630.00 Boston, Mass. (fire)' Central Time is two hours earlier.) Pi~n1 \\:GY 8.45 P.M. EDT; 5.45 EST; 4.45 CT rilnl,~, Abraham Ch ·iM, W.\BC WCAt.o jnhn 8. Kennedy, \)."L\F \\GY Death Valley DafS, drama. WjZ WB21 10.30 A.M. EDT; 9.30 EST; \'>; PG SlIllor RIley. WU.I 8.30 CT WHA:\I KDKA WLW, ~o m. Wi!tlcau. WHAS Lo"'ell Thomas. ne",'s, WJZ WBZ WHAM Bar X Day, and i\lghu. WABC WCAU Ne"". Mornin~ Paude. WEAP. 4) m.: f)~me prm;:ram. \\'OR KDKA WLW (\\'GY from 10.4~) fWSM, '0 m.) WHAS WPG. ?o m. Sport talk. WMCA Little Orphiln Anme. WSM Rod and Gun Club, WOR T()(iJy'~ Olildren. WJZ \'('82 KDKA WFLA ROlllanct of Iiden Trent, \'VC>J Radio Srccial, \'(.'fLA or~an. Tenor. WMCA Arthur Chandlc:r. WI.\'(I' Chull"s Barnet"s Orcheltra, \"(IABC mu~ic, \VG~, Nc.... s and Artist Recital, \VABC WCAU 2.30 P.M. EDT; 1.30 ESTJ Comedy SUtS, WCAU La""rencc Sal:rno's 30 m. \\'HAS 12.30 CT Sanrler1 Sisters. \'(7HAl;: Romancc in Song, WaR "htllll~ MJodi,;-s, \\'"'Z\,"TlX Trio Romantique, WrAP \\"EEI WLW "Thrtof :'\J~turals," WOR 9.15 P.M. EDT, 8.15 EST; 7.15 CT 10.45 A.M. EDT; 9.45 EST, Alb3nyon Parade, W(;Y Ih.... aiian Ensemble, WMC\ We)tern Song', \\M(.A 8.45 CT Dramatic Sketrh. \\'JZ WHAM \\7FLA I.ittle Orphan Anme. WGN Paulllle Alptrt, piJfIl~t, \X'OR GOhony Orches'r., WJZ WBZ Gen~ .",d G~ nc. ~F.AF \\HI \\.GY Anson \X'eeLs UlU Il, WG:-: ~()ur, \).-Fl_~ !kv, lUn.)l· \\·:..1lX EchO!' "f ElLn. \\JZ \\'H\:\[ WHA:'o.( \Y5:'1 WFL'\, 111. (KDKA. 30 Frl', WL\V Re( "ding" W;.,;BX Drt;lmin~ ·lllllC. \\ P(j Hud Arth, contralto; Andy Sanella, WjZ \\lSM WFLA, }O m. j ... hn Randolph. b:tllt"nc. \\(AU Xe"), \\ (,~. ,c 111. \\ HZ waAl KDKA M~!rol'Olitan Pautk, \\ABC WCAU \\i'PO, Srrd Peer Gang-, WI'c...;, )0 m. 7.30 P.M. EDT, 6.30 EST; 5.30 CT S)I\'ia Blue. WMCA, ~o m. Mu\ic, WHAM }o m. Carric's Club. WMCA DlOOy hbloi,.', \\'EAP \\'GY \\ SM 10.15 P.M. EDTI 9.15 EST, Marht Rq,,,rts, nc·v.. s, \\'1.\'\' l:nlvc:rsi:r of Kentucky. WI-B.S, 30 m. Marion Smith, \\"r\BX Attcr Dinner Rniew. \\'EEI, ,c 1Il 8.15 CT Org3n, \\-"M Sally an Sue. WOR ·1 rd lowrr, \\'jZ \X'BAl \\HAM KDKA Fran7 Imhof, t~n ';. WPG Madis()n fnstmble, \'('ABC WCAU WHAS looJ,:lcuu. \V(j:-.J" 5 P.M. EDT; 4 ESTI 3 CT Bah f\;'l"whall, WlW '.:':~fJ. \X'j]~on'_ ~rr.l. \~TAF Currc:nt r:venn, WOR \\'pc...;, \0 m. Belir Go"I,!. \\'MCA Mer OfC \\'SM, C1,(t l:.d .. .uds, WABC WC."U M,hon Ktllenl's 01, J,e~'rll, \,\"'MCA M"lll _ Cuncelt, '\(,~BX 3.15 P.M. EDT; 2.15 EST: 1.15 CT ;c m. l\\'{,¥ at <" I nub Proll:rlIm, \\'HAS 10.30 P.M. EDT; 9.30 EST; '~tt'r~, P~rlcln~' Orch~tra, "11.45 A.M. EDTI 10,45 EST, Bl .."dult from /\,;\Iri" Salzbur;:: Mu,ic "·Cll!. LA 11K .... \'('GY \X'L\\ Rar \\"OR 8.30 X~",s. ~e""s Soir~l" MJJ~i CT ".45 CT nl. Arl'" TO>(;3mni. cnndu(li \"i;A" 'lile lIt'mimr Viev,'S thc \\'BZ .od Ie, \\'MCA, 30 m. \X'(;Y \\'~'M J\hry Akott, son.l:. \'("-\\ Spcms Rtrorter, WG;.J Echoes of thc Palisades, W}Z WBZ KO~ AI and 1.« Reiser, WjZ WBZ WHAM ~o Siller L,nmg dUllr, \'>;'[[1 Te. rlansJII, • 'ng', \\ £.o\F \\"EEI WGY Srrin: Q" rtl"t. \\'EAF \\'1.:EI \\'{iY, }O m, .MJI: G~,cs~.:: Ru~ ,nidi, I('rrln '. WEEI Melody M;luers, W l \V Lui Burrn~rt", ()r(,I~l'q;: Stl :"It"', \).'7ABC \\"'HAS WPG ' \\:'CY\\'L\\' \\'fl.A I h Ha)'~' Danny Dl:e. WOR Stock~. I Gr.f~ ~ct~h Billy OrlhutIa, \vCAU Gau~usi, WMC,4. 5.30 P.M. EDTr 4.30 EST; 3.30 CT and Cravy . mountain' WjZ NidlolOlS violinist, WMCA. \\'111. , \X'G~ Tal~ 1.1.1 WSM ;0 Orchesua. WG:-J SOn~~, f.ar! 'aritone, (If Courage, \\'EAF \\ \\,GY \\'BZ KDKA. m. • BOllr)' Dcl inc. we;:..: j.l'~IC Victor Pro~ram. WNDX 3.45 P.M. EDT; 2.45 EST, 1.45 CT Heller, tenor, WjZ \\KZ WHAM Kate Smith. WAUC WCAU WPC WHAS 11 P.M. EDT, 10 ESTJ 9 CT Federation Penmylvania \\'omen, KDKA KDKA little Symphony Orche~tr.l, PhIlip lame), con· Your Lov~r, son,ltS. WEAP .. 2.15 P.M. EDT; l'.15 A.M, ESTI Dmnthu P"occ. ~()ng~, \X'LW R3lph D~3.n's Toy Band, \\'L\\-' dut.tml;, \'(lOR. I h. E. O. Rideout, WEEI 10.15 CT Playboys, WAlK WCAU WHAS WPG Jack Armstrong, AII-AmeflCan Boy, WAne H.aI Kemp', Orlhema, W(.N Bob Grant"~ Orchestra. WGY, }O m. ) 'onc)OOy and Sassafras, WrAP WEEI Studio Orlhestra, \'(IOR We;ld~er. CectlL~ Norcros, \'>;'PO Lou 8c:t.ker'~ ()rche~trJ., WMCA Don Ikstor's Orchestra, WjZ WBhL WHAtl Martha and Hal. Wey Vi Brariley. mngs, WI\ICA Devotltlm. \'(IIIAS Reveries, WNBX WFLA, ~o m. (WI3Z at II.I~) PM 7 6 String Ensemble, WSM Ihsehall, Brooklyn vs. Chicago Cubs. WGN. MotorH~3t TIps, won 8 15 EDT, 15 EST, 15 CT Weather, temperature, sports, WBZ Melry M3C~. WjZ WHAM KOKA WFLA Waves, triO, WMCA . ". • . Spcrt~, KDKA 2 h, Ludlow Program, WNBX Wahcr' B. l'ltklll,. WABC W~~U Wl--lAS Babs 3nd Don. \\'LW ~ong_, I.ary J.tt'S Orrhe.. tra, \'(fLW, }O m. Along the Vol,lta. WADC WHAS WPG .; P.M. EDT; 3 P.M. EST; 2 CT 5.45 P.M. EDT' 4 45 EST' 3 C VOlte (If State Police. \\PO Frank Buck. WSM Chick Wcbb's Orchestra. WEAP WGY , •. I .45 T Grp$Y cnscmhle. \X'MCA l'IOlnO. songs, WOR Vera Van, WARC \\/HAS WCAU WFLA, 30 Ill. I\\GY, " m) \\lliberforce Male Quartct. The Oleanders \\'G:-.J Orchestra \V(;:-J Piann Duo. WMU \X'[AF WEE( \'('SM ' Scuhorl" Hotel Auide, WPG }{uhe Appleberry. \\:'GN Stocb, Malkeb. \\: EEl john Fmke. pIanist, \\'GY I.8.30 P.M. EDT; 7.30 EST; 8.30 CT Eli Danu;R's Orche r::1. Gene and Glenn, WSM Vic 2nd S:u!c, WJZ KDKA WS!'{ WFLA., Trndol:u~, WPG, }o m. Ton.y '\Xfake~an srorts WMCA Bnd,l!C ulk, \\ C:'I1 J:::rni~ Holst's Orche~tra, KOK;\ 30 m. Kl"/ol:ro Quartet. \\ToMCA ., \' I \\fMCA Ferde Grofe's Orche.)tra, Carolyn Rich, con. Afternoon Concert, \"'KBX Chlugo S)'mphon)' Orchest!3, \\'G;:":, 4:$ m. lO 'n, AI Knclin's Orchestra. \\"ABC WCAU tralto, \'("ABC WIIAS, }O m.; WPG, l' rD, WHAS. ?o m, (WPG from n ••n) 4.15 P.M. EDT; 3.15 EST; 2.15 CT 8 P.M. EOT; 5 EST; 4 CT 8.45 P.M. EDT; 7.45 EST, 6.45 CT jan Savitt's Orche

(Coli/iII/led /,.0/11 Pag_ 1) most of his time the past rear making movies in HollywooJ. His back to radio on August 27, to program will be heard weekly on be heard daily except Saturdays Tuesdays .,t 9 P. M. and Sundays at 6.45 P. M., over ~md the WEAF network. \X'hen GEORGE BURNS GRACIE ALLrN return from their RAYMOND KNIGHT, who writes trip abroad. they will immediate­ the Cuckoo lIour, is the principal ly embark on Septcmbtr 18 on charactt:r in these sketches about something they c'l1l the "Ad\·"n­ a little town. tun's of Gracie." 1I.1.inus GUY TONY WONS 1hifts this year LOMBARDO and orchestra, who from the Columbia network and h:lYC moved to the NBC net­ goes on the ai r over the \XlEAF works, they will haH: their old net of BC. He will be heard in time at 9.30 on Wedn<:sdays oyer a musical and dramatic program, WABe. having scrapped his scrap book, at least so far as raJio is con· GERTRUDE NIESEN, who now is making a vaudeville tour, ccrned. He is at present prepar· comes to radio with tuo GLlJS­ ing for his program at horne and KIN and orchestra at the regular also is writing a book of memoirs time at 9.30 P. M. on Mondays, 'of his career as a radio person­ for a series of weekly programs ity. beginning September 24. TONY will go on the air every RICHARD HIMllER and his Sunday at 5.30 P. M., with a spe· C.hampions, with guest stars, will cial program for the West at 4.30 broJd~ P. M. His first broadcast will be (h.tnge the time of their cast to 2.30 P. 'M. on Sundays on September 2. Its title is "The House By the Side of the Road." over the \VI ABC network. The change will be made September 23. ~'(finchell Is Back On Octolxr I, ·The Shadow" \XlALTfR WINCHELL again will comes back. He will haunt the become newspaperdom's gabby air for two half hours a week. J;ift to radio when he once more one on ~fonday and one on scorches the a.ir with recitals of Wednesday, both at 6.30 P. M., Hollywoodiana over the WJZ net· henceforth known as the "witch­ work of the Be. He will fill ing hour/' ovcr the \X'ABC net­ to overflowing a 15-minute spot work. beginning on Sund.t)', St:ptemb<:r The . larch of Time, populac 2, at 9.30 P. M. Jramati~<:J n<:wo,; broadrlsts. will D"',J.F eARN!:.",,1 , \\ho Ll'>t ''-'{'in- this Fall be heard a half t10ur ler conducted the pro,eram "Little CRo.~n, Ih~ )~ar KnO\\"n Facts About \,,('e1I-Known BI. '(, uho hit, pn1/lI/fJ / of hI lime f'Jr paIl 0/11 in Hol/)llooJ m..}ini m tie, comeI r1it:r than 10 the pa. t. BC.l::"ln- back to Ibe ~ir (I the prJ1l(jpuJ figllre in leU' Iduet) .fhotu 01 er Ihe II'ABC-Collllnbl.:l lIelu:fJrJ nJng on Octobtr '5, it '\\ til be People," ",.II come back to the ~_ _. hearJ cn:ry friday thercafter at \X'JZ network on the same date. T.h.c ICI.!lh t<:nor, JOf-l,·. McCoR·1 Chief,.after a Su~mmer'~ absence. I new program to begin on Sept~m-19 P_ J. f. for a half hour, over the The hour of his broadcast has not \1AC.K, returns to th<: air for a He \\11l be back at Imi former ber 18. BI~G has been spendmg \XlABC network. yet ht:cn ~et. ,Mr. CAR. 'E(j:E has series of half-hour recitals on half-hour puiod at 9.30 P. ~L on ~--~----~_ spent the Summer dclvin,g into \X!(:JnesJay en:nin}Ss. Me. Mc· Tuesdays. the lives of prominent people and C?R.~fAC:K will be on the air be· The Columbia Broadcasting will spring some faus about them ginning at 9.,0 on September 19. c.·ompanj' has a list of old pro., Directory that are littlc suspectet.... Short Wave Ed Wynn Comes Back grams wh.ch are rr!c'. \'(; PC. Frank Buck. WJZ WBZ WHAM KDKA Orch~tra~. WM.~A. } hu.• 30 m. KDKA \X'SM \VFl.A Th~ Eton Boys. wADC WCAU hVlng A~fOnron's Ordlc~:u. \\"'OR. 30 m. WBAL WFU Jun~ ProvlnC'S. \'\ GN Home c.3.r~ or thC' Sirko WLW Wuther. stocks, WHAS TC'nor, WMCA Melody MastC'". WLW 11.1& P.M. IZDT; "10.15 ESTj 1mlly Post. sreaker. Sydne-y NC'Sbitt. baritone. Dr. Arthur Frank Pilyn~. WOR 4.45 P.M. EDT; 3.45 EST, 2.",5 CT Boake Cart.. ~. WABC \'(TCAU WHAS 8.15 CT Ml.lriC'i Poll.lck, WOR. ~o m. B:uitone. WOR Orlandn's Ortht'ftu. WEAP WEEI Maduon Singers. WABC WCAU WHAS Music Cnh'mn. WMCA Srocks, WGY OI~;In. World's Fair RC'portC'r. WGN GC'ne and GI:nn. WSM Home: Hour (ne"'s at 10,"0) WPG. 1 b.. \\ GN Women's Clubs' Federarion, WJZ WHAM \\.'llo1t·s on Today. \\'NBX 2.15 P. M. EDT; 1.15 EST, COlaert. Ed .... in OtIS. baritooe. W'BZ 8 P.M. EDTI 7 EST; 6 CT bham JonC"O Orchestra. WADG WPG 12.15 CT Arm Chair Driv~r, KDKA .. . ""HAS W'CAU, ~o m. 10.15 A.M. EDT; 9.15 EST; C jtj~S ServIce Co.ncC'rt. je~slca Dragone:tt~. Lum and AbnC'r. '\'\IGN Household Chat WGY William Hargrav~. baritone. WOR 8.15 CT ~~an~. duo. WEAF WEEt, 1 h. i WGY 11.30 P.M. EDT; 10.30 EST; RomancC' or H~IC'D Tr~nt WABC WCAU Carri~ Lillll:'s Club. WMCA Vle-nn~ Sexte-t. WE.AF WEE) WG? WLW Wildc;iU. WHAS' Story Book Lady, \X':"lnx G~n~ Burchell's music. \X'L\V 9.30 CT \\'SM ()Qlothy Hays. WOR 5 P.M. EDT; 4 EST; 3 CT N.ap .nd Dcc:. WSM Fr~ddi~ M.rtin·~ Occhmra. WEAF WEEI Hue-I Arth, contralto. W JZ WHAM ""1t~ Smith. WABC \\7C.AU WHAS WFLA. }o m. Sammy Full~r, KDKA Spons spotlil/:ht. WMCA . Music.al Program, W(;¥ Romance of Helen TrC'nt. WC. Chick Webh·s OrchC'sua. WjZ, )0 m. i KDKA Ne..'s and Ch.tlfonte·Haddon H.all Trio. R.ty Nichols, WGY. }O m. Dillhday Cluh. WfLA WPG. I h. -"'" Sammy Walkins' OrchC'stra, WJZ wnz Bill and Ginger, WABe wau 2.30 P.M. EDT; 1.30 EST; ThC' Monitor Views the News. WBZ 12.30 CT . JanC' Yahras. KDKA Billy Jon,", Selvin's OrchC'stra. WOR. '0 m. WHAM KDKA, 30 m. 10.30 A.M. EDT, 9.30 EST;: '1 !tree LittlC' Funst~rs, \'(lMCA Roamios' Orchestra. \'(ILW, 30 m. Th~ Sizzlea WLAF WEEr Music. WSM 8.30 CT Albany on •Parade WGY Three Star Voices. WLW ~o m. Hal Kemp's music. WGN StrinA Music, WSM NC'..·s and joe White. tC'nor. WEAF WSM Frank Stu.rt's OrcheUra. \\:'OR. )0 In. Home S\\C'c:t HOll\(': W]Z WHAM joe lIaymes OrchC'Ufa, WABC WH..\S 8.~~ P.M. EDT; 7.15 EST; 8.15 CT Wayne KinA'S OrchC'ma. W{iN Org;ln. WHI Home Forum Cooking School, WBZ. 30 ~.lIf~ty Ta.lk. ~P0 " ~l#rkel m. Bukel. WGY Home Forum, KDIV\, 30 01 \'Qhulwlnd Pranln, \'(IOR Pra.lflC' Symphony. WL\'V 11.45 P.M. EDT; 10.45 EST. '1 oday'~ ChlldrC'n. skC'tch. ~ Srnn#t MoslC. WSM. 30 m. 9 45 CT WJZ WBZ WBAL C:ne- BurchC'!l's OrchC'Stra. WLW Sally's Partv. WMLA. .en. "GUilty or NOI GUilty?" WFLA .., KOKA WFLA MarkC'ts. WSM Poems. WNBX Columbians. WABC WCAII WHAS SUing MU$IC. ~'(ISM . Jlck BC'rch, WLW Luh COVe'rt, WFLA 5.15 P.M. EDT; 4.15 EST; 3.15 CT Me}'C'r Davis' OrchC'Stta WMCA Charles Barnett ~,Orchestra. WABC WPG }.tarlc.tts. we-athC'r. WGN OrchC'sua \'(TGN • Jan S~vnt's MUSIC. \X'CAU Ne-ws and Cuolyn Gray. pianist. WABC Ann Leaf, orRan. WABC WCAU, 30 m. i Thrcoe Sch()()lm;lids. wGY " WHAS. 15 m, " Skrpper Jim's joy Ship. WBZ • Anson Wcoeks' Orchestra. ""CN WCAU WHAS 8.30 P.M. EDT, 7.30 EST; 6.30 CT 12 M. EDT, 11 P.M. EST, 10 CT Matince- MC'iodiC's. WNBX The: HomC'makC'r. WOR, 30 m, Kiddies' Klub KDKA Te:x and Ed,liC'. SOn'ls. \~MCA Funk O.ailC'y·; OrchC'stu. WABC WCAU Farm Forum. WGY. 311 m. Dleam Sin,l:'"r and Harold StC'rn"s Orch~stfll. 10.45 A.M. EDT; 9.45 EST. Ce:ntw:y of Progr~5S musIC. WCN Joe Haymes' Orc~stra. WPG Public Affairs Council. Robert Lund. WjZ WEAF WEEI. }O m. • 8,45 CT 2.45 P.M. I::.DT; 1.45 ESTj Devotions. WHAS Jambortt, KD~. )0 01_ Bob Grant's music. WGY. 30 m. Beay Cra.lcdltat:ons. E. H. ~mith. WMCA Asthma Relief Martha and Hal, WGY Fla~hes. PaintC'd DrC'ams. WLW Munz Sisters, harmony. \VOR hrm WNBX Ben Alley. music. WADG Piano Duo. WMCA 6.15 P.M. EDT; 5.15 EST; 4.15 CT Foster Brooks, WHAS Dorothea Shea, SOnAS, \'{'MCA Landt Trio and White, \\'EAF has been a boon to the Pocm, WNfiX Bast:hall, Brooklyn \s. Chica~o. WGN. ;z h. Joe: alld Eddlc, W(,l I' m. Bill Williams. WBZ 12 N. EDT; 11 A.M. EST; 10 CT 4 P.M, EDT: 3 P.M. EST; 2 CT Bascball. KDK.A afflicted for over 50 years. Sanclra I.C'\·it~ke. WEAF WEEI WGY Dobby lknsoQ .nd Sunny Jim, WABC Fields and lIall. WJZ WHAM KDKA Your LCl\"er. ~onl's, \'VLAF \'VfLA, I' m. WCAU \V'C'ather, r.Ioniwr Views tbe News. WBZ Va,Rab()nd~. WGY 6 oz. 60c 18 oz. $1.20. nan and Sylvia. KDKA BC'tty and Bob. skC'tch. WJZ WBZ WHAM ,,'ard, Muny. piano duo. WL\'l KDKA WLW - Beny Banhell. WARe WCAU WHAS \'('SM String ensemble, '\\"5M Home S\\'cct Home:, \\7PG Lazy Bill Huggins. \'QABC WMS Buy at Your Local Druggist', or Write Direct Rod ArkC'll. WOR Tea Time Topics, WPG. 30 m. STATION Nichola~ Gara~usi, violinist. WMCA The Apple Knockers, WCW Tc m, Dick and H:urv, W'GN Trudy Thom9S, sonllS, WMCA Victor Hl.'rhen Melodies, \'QNBX Aft~rnonn Concert, \\7NBX I DIRECTORY E. C. POWERS COMPANY 12.15 P.M. EDT; 11.15 A.M, EST, 4.15 P.M. EDT; 3.15 EST: 2.15 CT Box 62, Dorchester Center Station, BostOD 10.15 CT NC'\;~!$I"~~\'e1l interviews Phil Duey. WEAF Page 4 HooC'yboy and Sassafras. WEAF WEEI Martha and Hal. WCY "Books," LC'vC'r~ Fulle:r. WGY Ilmllllim'lHmnIUlmIllIIllIllIllIIWmmllllllll:U:I:mllUl!1:lmmllllmmlllllll~,lJIIJluj Saturday, Augusr 18, 1934 THE MICROPHONE Page Fifteen She":-; ··Bllle'· ""FC:;:::======~ Refleetions I=J Nimblewits "'~m u " ~,n By Diana Herbert t~~, ,,' '" By Everett Smith ~lilillli:iJ ,L~DII:n:m~ ~ The MICROPHONE'S Fashion Observer ".Wit Teasers" on Sunday at 11.30 A.M. from WBZ ~ pRESENT TRENDS that "ill. continue into the Fall and Winter, N0. I. (No time limit) A good time by 2.l: These are worthy of consideration, for no one wants to be caught Zy XWV UTSWX RVQQPUO WY NTX OWML, RPNT l.W by some fascinating bargain that' still seems immensely smart, but will KU L LJU RNMIUM JWVOU ZT KWOLWT WHUM PNKWM prove to be a white elephant in three weeks time. And the shops are GNX I'UUIUTG, full of them! (1) No, 2. (3 minutes) If you % --- think this is SOfT, you may find TAFFETA AD FAILLE arel Sweeping it HARD. At any rate, by chang­ ~afe bets in spite of their seaso"-- 'British Radio long populanty, In prInts they are ing only one letter at a time, and superlatively chic for immediatt: Changes forming a proper wotd each -'wear; in dark, solid colors they Far Superior time, change SOFT to HARD In !nake afternoon dresses and dinner I five moves. frocks of foremost importance in For Radio No, 3, (2 the Winter mode. A Parisienne to American' By The MICROPlIONE'S Speciai minutes) Here elegante appeared recently in a (Colltilllled from Page 3) IVaJhingtoJ1 Correspondent is an example tailored suit of black taffeta pnnted of an ancient with dull rose flowers; her blouse Study of the new law governing casting is much inferior to that type of prob­ was of rose silk organdie with