Also, petition vf Cigar Maker's Union No. 122, of Warren, Pa., ter No. 6704, of the Central Methodist Episcopal Church, of favoring restriction of immigration-to the Committee on Im- Portland, Oreg., praying for an investigation of the charges migration and Naturalization. · made and filed against Hon. REED SMOOT, a Senator from the Also, petition of residents of Johnsburg, Pa., and Johnsburg State of Utah; which was referred to the Committee on Privi­ Lodge, No. 134, Knights of Pythias, favoring restriction of im­ leges and Elections. migration-to the Committee on Immigration and Natural- He also pre ented a petition. of the city council of Albu­ ization. . - querque, N. l\fex., praying for the enactment of legislation to By Mr. SMI'l'H of Pennsylvania: Petition of Washington admit Arizona and New Mexico into the Union as one State;, (Pa.) Camp, Patriotic Order Sons of America, and Vesuvius which was referred to the Committee on Territories. Council, No. 116, Junior Order United American Mechanics, He also presented a petition of the Board of Trade of St. favoring restriction of immigration-to the Committee on Immi­ Paul, Minn., praying for the enactment of legi lation to enlarge gration and Naturalization. · · the powers of the Interstate Commerce Commi sion; which was By Mr. SULZER : Petition of William 0. Stillman, against referred to the Committee on Interstate Commerce. any amendment of the present law relative to live stock in l\Ir. PERKINS presented a petition of the Sierra Club, ot transit-to the Committee on the Judiciary. Califorhia, praying for the enactment of legislation providing Also, petition of S. D. Griffin, relative to building canals con­ for the rece sion by that State of the Yosemite Valley and the necting the G eat Lakes, the Mississippi River, and the ocean­ Mariposa Big Tree Grove to the ; which .was re­ to the Committee' on the Disb.·ict of Columbia. ferred to the Committee on Public Lands. By Mr. THOMAS of North Carolina: Paper to accompany bill Be also presented petitions of Local Union No. 642, of Port for relief of W. J. Croddack-to the Committee on War Claims. Richmond; of Typographical Union No. 231, of San Jose; ot Also, paper to accompany bill for relief of Stephen F. Ful­ the American Federation of Labor; of Local Council No. 22, ford-to the Committee on War Claims. Junior Order of United American Mechanic , of Oakland, and ot By l\fr. TOWNSEND : Petition of Frenchtown Grange, No. sundry citizens of Richmond, all in the State of California, 149, of Monroe, Mich., favoring a tax on denaturized alcohol­ praying for the enactment of legislation to restrict immigra­ to the Committee on Ways and Means. tion ; whfch were referred to the Committee on Immigration. Also, petition of David Becker Post, for an amendment to He also pre ented petitions of the Mountain View Orange and the pension laws-to the Committee on the Judiciary. Lemon As ociation, of Upland; of the Indian Hill Cib.·us Also, petition of Scott Post, No. 43, asking an amendment to Union, of North Pomona; of the Queen Colony Fruit Exchange, the pension laws-to the Committee on the Judiciary. of Corona; of the Cib.·us Association of Upland, and of the By Mr. WEBB: Petition of Dilworth Council, No. 12, Junior Covina Orange Growers' Association, of Covina, all in the State Order United American Mechanics, of Charlotte, N. C., favoring of California, praying for the enactment of legislation to enlarge re triction of immigration-to the Committee on Immigration the powers of the Interstate Commerce Commis ion; which and Naturalization. were referred to the Committee on Interstate Commerce. By Mr. ZENOR: Paper to accompany bill for relief of John He also presented a petition of the national convention of the H. Lagle-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Woman's Home Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Also, petition of John W. Dempster and others, of New Albany, Church of Long Beach, Cal., praying for the repeal of the law Pa., favoring restriction of .immigration-to the Committee on relating to Government schools in .Ala ka, and also that an Immigration and Naturalization. appropriation be made to reopen and maintain the schools now Also, . paper to accompany bill for relief. of Travis w~ Tich­ closed under the provisions of the act; which was referred to enor-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. the Committee on Territories. He al o pre ented a memorial of the Importers and Wholesale Tea Dealers' Association of. San Francisco, CaL, . remonstrating SEN.ATE. against the enactment of legislation imposing a duty on tea; TuEsDAY, December 1~, 1905. whlch was referred to the Committee on Finance. He also pre ented a memorial of the Importers and Wholesale Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. Enw ARD E. HALE. Coffee Dealers' Association of San Francisco, Cal., remonstrat­ THOMAS M. PATTERSON, a Senator from the State of Colorado, ing against the enactment of legislation impo ing a duty on appeared in his seat to-day. coffee; which was referred to the Committee on Finance. SUPPLIES TO INDIANS IN ALASKA. Mr. PLATT presented a petition of Local Council No. 12, Jun­ The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communi­ ior Order United American Mechanics, of Lynbrook, N. Y., pray-· ing for the enactment of legi lation to restrict immigration; cation froni the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a ~PY of an account and accompanying papers presented by Bishop P. '.r. which was referred to the Committee on Immigration. Rowe for expenses incurred by and through the United States He also presented a petition of the Woman's Christian Tem­ Commissioner at Circle City, Alaska, in the sum of $806.75, for perance Union of Yonkers, N. Y., praying for the enactment ot furnishing in July of 1904 rations, etc., to Indians in the vicin­ an anticanteen law; which was referred to' the Committee on ity of Fort Yukon, etc.; which, with the accompanying paper, Military Affairs. was referred to the Committee on Territories, and ordered to be Mr. LODGE presented a memorial of sundry citizens of Fall River, Mass., remonstrating against the oppre sion of the Jews printed. in Russia; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign REPORT OF DffiECTOB OF BUREAU OF AMERICAN REPUBLICS. Relations. . The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communi­ Mr; NELSON presented a petition of the Merchants' Associa­ cation from the Secretary of State, transmitting the annual tion of Aitkin County, Minn., praying for the con trnction of a report of the Director of the Bureau of the American Republics ; canal from Waldeck to Pineknoll, in that State; which was which, with the accompanying paper, was referred to the Com­ referred to the Committee on Commerce. mittee on Foreign Relations, and ordered to be prin!ed. He also (for l\Ir. CLAPP) pre en ted a petition of the l\.tinne• REPORT" OF THE POSTMAS~ENEBA.L. sota Shippers and Receivers' A ociation, and a petition of the Board of Trade of St. Paul, Minn., praying for the enactment The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the annual of legislation to enlarge the powers of the Interstate Commerce report of the Postmaster-General for the fiscal year 1905; which Commission; which were referred to the Committee on Inter- was referred to the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads. stu te Commerce. · · INVESTIGATION OF BLACK SANDS OF PAClFIC SLOPE.· He also (for l\fr. CLAPP) pre ented a petition of the Produce The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ Exchange of St. Paul, Minn., praying for the enactment of legis­ tion from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting, in response lation to protect perishable property intrusted to common car­ to a resolution of the 7th instant, a letter from the Director of riers; which was referred to the Committee on Interstate Com­ the Geological Survey forwarding a report on the progress of the merce. investigation of the black sands of the Pacific Slope, etc. ; Mr. SUTHERLAND presented a petition of the legislature of which, with the accompanying paper, was referred to the Com­ Utah, praying that a pension be granted to the Indian war vet­ mittee on the Geological Survey, and ordered to be printed. erans of that State; which was referred to the Committee on PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. Military Affairs, and ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as ·follows: The VIOE-PRESIDENT presented the petition of Liliuoka­ Rellolved by the Benate (the houBe conctwring), That the Senators lani, ex-Queen of the Hawaiian Islands, praying that she be· and Representatives of Utah in the Congress of the United States of reimbursed for certain lands taken from her by the United America be, and are hereby, requested to use their efforts to the end that States in that Territory; which was referred to the Committee Congress shall recognize the faithful services of the Indian war veterans of l.!tah by accepting records of such service between the years 1 50 to on Claims. • 1872, inclusive, from the State of Utab, and filed with the Secretary of He also presented a petition of Unity Epworth League, Chap- War, and by grantin~ pay for thirty days as privates of vol~teer 1905. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 325

militia to such Indian war veterans of Utah as shall file such proof, and resolution submitted by Mr. FRYE on the 11th instant, reported that the provisions of the act of July 27, 1892, as amended by the act of June 27, 1902, shall be applicable to said Indian war veterans. it without amendment, and it was considered by unanimous con­ S. H. LovE, President of the Senate. sent and agreed to, as follows : THOMAS HULL, Speaker of the House. Resolved, That the Committee on Commerce be, and the same is Approved this 9th day of March, 1905. hereby, authorized to employ a stenographer from time to time, as may JoHN C. CuTLER, Governor. be necessary, to report such hearings as may be had on bills or other Attest: matters pending before said committee, and to have the same printed [SEAL.] C. S. TINGEY, Secretary of State. for the use of the committee, and that such stenographer be paid out of the contingent fund of the Senate. STATE OF UTAH, Office of the Secretar-y of State, ss: HEARINGS BEFORE COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS. I, Charles S. Tingey, secretary of state of the State of Utah, do 1\fr. KEAN, from the Committee to Audit and Control the hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true, and correct copy of senate concurrent resolution No. 7, adopted by the legislature of the Contingent Expenses of the Senate, to whom was referred the State of Utah on March 9, 1905; and on said day approved by the gov­ resolution submitted on the 11th instant by Mr. ALLisoN, re­ ernor and filed in my office, as appears on file in my office. ported it without amendment, and it was considered by unani- In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the great seal of the State of Utah this 17th day of March, A. D. 1905. mous consent and agreed to, as follows : · [SEAL.] C. S. TINGEY, Secretary of State. Resolved, That the Committee on Appropriations be, and is hereby, authorized to employ a stenographer from time to time, as may be neces­ Mr. ALLEE presented petitions of Local Council No. 4, of sary, to report such testimony as may be taken by the committee or its Harrington; of John M. Clayton Council, No. 24, of-Clayton; of subcommittees in connection with appropriation bills, and to have the same printed for its use, and that such stenographer be paid out of the Fairmont Council, No. 39, of Angola; of Local Council No. 37, of contingent fund of the Senate. Millville; of Telegraph Council, No. 29, of Wilmington; of Indus­ BILLS INTRODUCED. try Council, No. 25, of Newcastle, all of the Junior Order of United American Mechanics; of Local Lodge No. 184, Interna­ Mr. CARMACK introduced the following bills; which were tional Association of Machinists, of Wilmington; of Union severally read twice by their titles, and referred to the Cominit­ Lodge, No.3, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, of Georgetown, tee on Claims : and of sundry citizens of Georgetown, all in the State of Dela­ A. bill ( S. 1380) for the relief of Jesse Walling ; ware, praying for the enactment of legislation to restrict immi­ A. bill ( S. 1381) for the relief of George L. Whitmore; gration; which were referred to the Committee on Immigration. A. bill ( S. 1382) for the relief of the estate of J. T. Stringer, Mr. FULTON presented a petition of Local Union No. 10, deceased; Brotherhood of Painters, Decorators, and Paper Hangers, of A bill (S. 1383) for the relief of the trustees of the Primi­ Portland, Oreg., praying for the enactment of legislation to re­ tive Baptist Church, of Pelham, Tenn.: move the duty on grain alcohol; which was referred to the Com­ A. bill ( S. 1384) for the relief of the estate of Washington mittee on Finance. Turner, deceased ; Mr. BURNHAM presented a paper to accompany the bill A. bill (S. 1385) for the relief of the heirs of Simeon Graves, ( S. 1427) granting an increase of pension to Edward C. Emer­ decea ed; son; which was referred to the Committee on Pensions. A !Jill ( S. 1386) for the relief of D. J. Rogers ; A !Jill ( S. 1387) for the relief of the trustees of Hennegans BRIDGES rN ARKANSAS. Chapel, Methodist Episcopal Church South, of Dunlap, Tenn. Mr. BERRY. I am directed by the Committee on Commerce, (with an accompanying paper) ; to "whom was referred the bill (S. 410) to authorize the Rock A bill ( S. 1388) for the relief of Alexander L. Anderson ; Island, Arkansas and Louisiana Railroad Company to construct A bill ( S. 1389) for the relief of John M. Heard ; a bridge across Ouachita River and other navigable rivers in the A. bill (S. 1390) for the relief of 1\Irs. Nancy Walden (with State of Arkansas, to report it favorably with amendments. accompanying papers) ; Mr. CLARKE of Arkansas. I ask unanimous consent that the A. bill ( S. 1391) for the relief of Abner Souder (with accom­ bill be considered at tpe present time. panying papers) ; Mr. KEA.N. Let the bill be read. A bill (S. 1392) for the relief of the estate of Robert Lang­ The Secretary read the ·bm ; and, there being no objection, the ford, deceased (with accompanying papers) ; Senate, as in Committee of the Whole, proceeded to its consid­ A bill ( S. 1393) for the relief of the heirs of Erban Powell, eration. dece.'lsed ; The first amendment of the Committee on Commerce was, in A. bill (S. 1394) for the relief of the estate of John Rick, de- line 7, page 1, after the word " maintain," to strike out the wor

A bill ( S. 1411) granting an inc~ea~e of pension to Artemus read twice by their titles, and referred to the Committee on Ward; and Pensions: A bill (S. 1412) granting an increase of pension to George L. A bill (S. 1443) granting an increase of pension to Hiram C. Van Dyne. Clark (with accompanying papers); and Mr. ALGER introduced a bill (S. 1413) for the relief of A bill (S. 1444) granting a pension to Dora H. Kuhns. Thomas J. Spencer; which was read twice by its title, and re­ Mr. LATIMER introduced the following bills; which were ferred to the Committee on Military Affairs. se\erally read twice by their titles, and referred to the Com­ Mr. McCUMBER introduced a bill (S. 1414) granting an in­ mittee on Public Buildings and Grounds: crease of pension to Sidney G. Smith; which was read twice by A bill (S. 1445) to provide for the purchase of a site and the its title, and referred to the Committee on Pensions. erection of a building thereon at Chester, in the State of South He also introduced a bill (S. 1415) granting an increase of Carolina; pension to Alexander Esler ; which was read twice by its title, A bill (S. 1446) to provide for the purchase of a site and the and, with the accompanying papers, referred to the Committee erection of a building thereon at Greenwood, in the State of on Pensions. South Carolina; and Mr. BURNHAM introduced the following bills; which were A bill (S. 1447) to provide for the purchase ·of a site and th·e severally read twice by their titles, and, with the accompanying erection of a public building thereon at Anderson, in the State papers, referred to the Committee on Pensions : of South Carolina. A bill (S. 1416) granting a pension to Mary M. Sherman; Mr. CLARK of Montana introduced a bill (S. 1448) for the A bill ( S. 1417) granting an increase of pension to Henry A. relief of the estate of James W. ~fardis; which was read twice Tilton; by its title, and referred to the Committee on Claims. A bill (S. 1418) granting an increase of pension to Levi E. Mr. BLACKBURN introduced the following bills; which were Cross; severally read twice by their titles, and referred to the Com- A bill (S. 1419) granting an increase of pension to John F. mittee on Pensions: · Green; · A bill (S. 1449) granting an increase of pension to C. W. A bill ( S. 1420) granting an increase of pension to Sarah A. Geddes (with an accompanying paper) ; and . Tyler; A bill (S. 1450) granting an increase of pension to Frances B. A bill ( S. 1421) granting an increase of pension to Harvey C. Kellogg. · Brown; .Mr. BLACKBURN introduced the following bills; which were A bill (S. 1422) granting an increase of pension to George L. se,erally read twice by their titles, and referred to the Com­ Wakefield; mittee on Claims: A bill (S. 1423) granting an increase of pension to John H. A bill (S. 1451) for the relief of the drafted men of Pendleton Steward; and other counties, in the State of Kentucky; A bill (S. 1424) granting an increase of pension to William P. A bill (S. 1452) for the relief of Alex. Kennedy; Nevins; A bill (S. 1453) for the relief of drafted men in the State of A bill (S. 1425) granting an increase of pension to Edmund rJ. Kentucky; and · Carpenter; A bill ( S. 1454) for the relief of Irene E. Johnson, adminis­ A bill ( S. 1426) granting an increase of pension to Austin tratrix of the estate of Leo L. Johnson, deceased. ·Goings; Mr. GAMBLE introduced a bill ( S. 1455) extending the pt·o­ A bill ( S. 1427) granting an increase of pension to Edward C. visions of existing pension laws to the officers and privates, Emerson; their widows, children, and dependent parents, of the " Dakota A bill (S. 1428) granting an increase of pension to Daniel Militia of 1862 and 1863; " which was read twice by its title, and Lamprey ; and referred to the Committee on Pensions. Mr. FULTON introduced a bill (S. 1456) granting a pension A bill (S. 1429) granting an increase of pension to Jennie L. to Joann Morris; which was read twice by its title, and, with Overton. the accompanying paper, referred to the Committee on Pepsions. Mr. CLARK of Wyoming introduced a bill (S. 1430) for the He also introduced a bill (S. 1457) granting an increase of relief of George Stoll and the heirs of Charles P. Regan, Mar­ pension to Clara Y. Corben; which was read twice by its title, shall Turley, Edward Lannigan, James Manley, and John Hun­ and, with the accompanying papers, referred to the Committee ter; which was read twice by its title, and referred to the on Pensions. Committee on Military Affaim :Mr. HEYBURN introduced a bill (S. 1458) granting an in­ He also introduced a bill (S. 1431) granting an increase of crease of pension to Durbin L. Badley; which was read twice pension to William W. Lane; which was read twice by its title, by its title, and referred to the Committee on Pensions. and, with the accompanying paper, referred to the Committee Mr. PERKINS introduced a bill (S. 1459) to encourage pri­ on Pensions. vate salmon hatcheries in Alaska; which was. read twice by its Mr. ALLEE introduced the following bills; which were sev­ title, and referred to the Committee on Fisheries. erally read twice by their titles, and referred to tbe Com­ He also introduced a bill (S. 1460) for the relief of ship keep­ mittee on Pensions: ers at the Mare Island Navy-Yard, Cal.; which was read twice A bill (S. 1432) granting an increase of pension to John W. by its title, and referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs. Foreaker; He also introduced a bill (S. 1461) to remove the charge of A bill (S. 1433) granting an increase of pension to Joseph W. desertion from the military record of M. M. Carson, enlisted Willard; under the name of Thomas Cox; which was read twice by its A bill (S. 1434) granting an increase of pension to Samuel title, and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. Derry; · · Mr. ANKENY introduced a bill (S. 14G2) to establish one or A bill (S. 1435) granting an increase of pension to L. T. more fish-cultural stations on Puget Sound, State of Washing­ Davis; ton ; which was read twice by its title, and referred to the A bill (S. 1436) granting an increase of pension to William W. Committee on Fisheries. Broadway; Mr. HOPKINS introduced a bill (S. 1463) granting an in­ A bill (S. 1437) granting an increase of pension to William F. crease of pension to Anna Z. Potter; which was read twice by Davis; its title, and referred to the Committee on Pensions. A bill (S. 1438) granting an increase of pension to Stephen Mr. NELSON introduced a bill ( S. 1464) granting an increase Martindale ; and of pension to John Dempster Croissant; which was read twice A bill (S. 1439) granting an increase of pension to Joseph by its title, and referred to the Committee on Pen ion . Moore. He also (for Mr. CLAPP) introduced a bill ( S. .1465) granting l\Ir. McENERY introduced a bill (S. 1440) for the relief an increase of pension tq Patrick Fallihee; which was read of the heirs of Charles and Palmyra Barre, deceased; which twice by its title, and referred to the Committee on Pensions. was read twice by its title, and referred to the Committee on Mr. DILLINGHAM introduced a bill (S. 14GG) granting an Claims. increase of pension to Phile~a Davis; which was read twice by He also introduced a bill (S. 1441) for the relief of the heirs its title, and, with the accompanying paper, referred to the Com­ of Frederick Arbor, deceased; which was read twice by its title, mittee on Pensions. and referred to the Committee on Claims. He also introduced a biH (S. 1467) granting an increase of Mr. DICK introduced a bill (S. 1442) to increase the effi­ pension to Laura A. Blodgett; which was read twice by its title, ciency of the militia and promote rifle practice; ~hich was and referred to the Committee on Pensions. read twice by its title, and referred to the Committee on Mili­ l:Le also (by request) introduced the following bills; which tary Affairs. were severally read twice by their titles, and referred to the He also introduced the following bills; which were severally Committee on Indian Affairs: 1905. 'CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE.

A bill (S. 1468) for the. relief ~:(the Cherokee tribe or n.:'ltlon NOMINATIONs: of Ipdians ; . . ; Ea;eczttive nominations received· by the· Senate December 12, 1905. A bill (S. 1469) 'for the relief of the Choctaw tribe pr nation of Indians ; . - COLI.EC'l'ORS OF C~STOMS. A bill (S. 1470) for the relief of the Chickasaw tribe or nation _George W. Allen, of Florida, to be collector of customs for of Indians ; and ' the district of Key West, in the State of Florida. (Reappoint- A bill (S. 1471) for the relief of the c_reek tri\>e or nation of ment.) . ·· . Indians. · John E. S_tillm~, of Florida, to be collector of. customs. for Mr. CARTER introduced a bill (S. 1472) for the relief of the tile district of Pensacola, in the State of Florida. (Reappoint- executors of the estate of Churles E. Conrad, deceased; which ment) . . was read twice by its. title, and referred to the Committee on Tip Warren, of Florida, to be collector of customs 'for the Indian Affairs. district of Apalachicola, in the State of Florida. J~eappoint- 1\fr. HElMENW AY introduced a bill ( S. 1473) for the relief. of ment.) · · · Malinda S. Gray; which :was read twice by its title~ and referred William L. Gerrish, of , to be collector of customS" for to the Committee on Claims. · . the district of Saco, in the State of Maine. (Reappointment) Mr. CLAY introduced a l:)uJ' ·(s. 1474) granting an increase of Charles H. Darling, of Vermont~ to.be collector of customs for pension tp Joseph Davis; ~bicb was read twice by its title, the dishict of Vermont, in the State of Vermont; to succeed ~nd, w_:i,th t}?.e accompanying. paper• .referred to the Con;unittee Olin Merrilt; whose term Of' office will expire by limitation on Pensions. December 18, 1905. · -· . lli. 'J;'E~LF}R .introdUced :i bill (S. 1475) supplemental to an Curtis S. Emery, of Vermont, to be collector of customs for ~~t entitled "4--u act to proyide for the constryction of a ca~l the district of Memphremagog, in· the State of Vermont, ·to suc­ connecting the waters of the Atlantic and . Pacific oceans,'' ceed Zophar M. Mn.nsur, whose term of office will expire by approved June 28, 1902, and making appropriation for Isthmian limitation ·December 18, '1905. : · Canal construction, and for ·other purposes; which .was read Matthew B. Macfarlane, of Florida, to be collector of customs twice by i.ts title, ~d referred, to. the Committee, an Finance. for the ·district · of Tampa, in the State ·of Florida. (Reap­ He also introduced a bill ( S. 1476) granting certain lands to pointment) the town of Tincup, Colo., for cemete1-y purposes; which was UNITED STATES ATTORNEYS. ~~ad tWice by its. 'title, and, with the accompanying papersJ Nathan V. Harlan, of Nebraska, to be United States attor­ referred to the Cori:unittee on Public Lands. · ney for the district of Alaska, division No. 3. A reappoint- , . AMENDMENT TO INDIAN APPROPRIATION BILL. · ment, his term ~xpiring December 16~ 1905.. . _ . Mr. GAMBLE submitted an amendment authorizing the pay­ Earl M. Cranston, of Colorado, to be United States attorney ment of $200,000 to certain Sioux Indians of Cheyenne River for: the district of Colorado. . A reappoinqnent, his term e:x;pir- Reservation, Crow Creek Reservation, and Standing"Rock Res­ ing December 16, 1905. . ervation, in South Dakota, to reward them for services· and Jopn 1\I. CheiJ.ey, of Florida, to be United States attorney for sacrifice of ·ponies in accomplishing the rescue of 1\frs. Julia the southern district of Florida, vice Joseph N. Stripling, whose ,Wright, 1\frs. Emma Deely, and six children, in 1862, intended te:rm will expi.}.'e January 22, 1906. . to ·be proposed by him to the Indian appropriation bill; whlcb Marion Erwin, of Georgia, to be United States attorney . f_or was referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs, and ordered to the southern di~tdct of Georgia.. A reappointment, his term be· printed. . expii'ing December 17, 1905.' Robert C. Lee, of Mississippi, tp be United States attorney for EMPLoYMENT' OF NEW YORE; INDIANS WAR OF 1812. rN the southern district of Mississippi. A reappoiritment, his term Mr. PLATT submitted the followi_ug resolution; which was expiring January 19, 1906. referred to the Committee on :Military Affairs: William D. Frazee, of Mississippi, to be United States attorney Resolved, That in furtherance of the purpose of Senate bill 2299, for the northern district of Mississippi, v;ice Mack A. Mont­ Fifty-slxth Congress, first session, and Senate ~esolution of February 20, 1901, the Secretary of War ~s hereby directed to fUrnish the Sen­ gomery, whose. term will expire January 20., 1906. ate, in addition to' information furnished November 18, 1905, ·an au­ ·'James R. Penlaud, of Tennessee, to be- United States attorney thenticated copy of the r~ords, muster, and pay rolls of paymasters or for the eastern district of Tennessee; vice William ·D:· Wright, other officers relative to the employment of any or all of the so-called Six Nations of the Indians who were in the military service whose term expires December 16, 1905. · of the United States during the war of 1812, giving the names of ·all of the Indian soldiers or warriors-about 1,000 thereof, and the names UNITED STATES MARSHALS. of their 24 chiefs of tribes-their company, regiment or tribe to which John F. Horr, of Florida, to be United States marshal for· the they belonged, their time in service, whether they were paid ; and it so, how many, the amount due to those not paid, it any, 'to include equip-: southern district of Florida. A reappointment, his term ex­ menta, perquisites, etc., and all other allowances to which these wards piring February 17, 1906. of the Government may be .entitled under any and all acts of Congress Edgar S. Wilson, of 1\fississippi, to be United States marshal or army regulations. , .. for the southern district of MississippL .A reappointment, his HEARINGS DEFORE COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS • .. term expiring February 2, 1906. Mr. LODGE submitted the following ·resolution; which was Creighton M. Foraker, of New Mexico, to be United States referred to the Committee to Audit and Control the Contingent marshal for the Territory of New Mexico. .A reappointment, Expenses of the Senate : his term expiring December 16, 1905. Resolvedr, That the Committee on Foreign Relations be, and is hereby, William Henkel, of New York, to be United States marshal authorized to employ. a stenographer from time , to time, as may be for the southern district of New York. .A reappointment, his necessary to report such testimony as may be taken by the Committee term expiring January 13, 1906. or its· subcommittees in connection with matters before them and have the same printed for its use, and such stenographer be paid out of the William A. Dunlap, of Tennessee, to be United States mar­ (!9ntingent fund of the Senate, and that said Committee on Foreign shall for the eastern district of Tennessee, vice Richard -W. Relations be permitted to sit during the sessions of. the Senate. Austin, whose term expires December 16, 1905. SENATOR FROM FLORIDA. PENSION AGENT. Mr. MALLORY. A few days ago the credentials of James P. William Rule, of Knoxvilie, Tenn., to be pension agent at f.l"aliaferro, a Senator-elect from the State of Florida, were read Knoxville, Tenn.~ vice John T. Wilder, whose term will expire and placed on file during his absence. He is now present, and I ask that he be sworn in. · January 13, 1906. The VICE-PRESIDENT. The Senator-elect will present-him­ REGISTERS OF LAND OFFICES. self·at the desk and take the oath prescribed by law. Miles Cannon. of Washington, to be register of the land office­ 1\Ir. Taliaferro was escorted to the Vice-President's desk by at North Yakima, Wash., by transfer from receiver of public Mr. MALLoRY, and the oath prescribed by law having been ad­ moneys at North Yakima, vice Henry V. Hinman, deceased. ministered to him1 be took his seat in the Senate. Lucius Q. C. Lamar, of Oxford, Miss., ·to be register of the EXECUTIVE SESSION. land office at Jackson, Miss., vice Frederick w. Collins, whose Mr. LODGE. ! 'move that the Senate proceed to the consider­ term· will expire January 13, 1906. ation of executive business. POSTMASTERS. Tlie motion was .agreed to ; and the Senate proceeded to the ILLIYOIS. ·consideration of executive business. After forty-five minutes Robert. G. Boyd to be postmaster at Glenellyn, in the county spent in ~xecutive session the doors were reopened, and (a.t 1 of Du Page and State of Illinois. Office became Presidential o'c)ock and 20 minutes p. m.) the Senate adjourned until to­ April 1, 1905. Ition·ow, Wednesday, December 13, 1905, at 12 o'clock meridian. Fritz. Dorries to be postmaster at Breese, in the county .at 328 CONGRESSiONAL RECOI{D-SENATE. DEOEMBER-1'2, Clinton and State of Illinois. Office became Presidential April I Thomas H. Callan, of the District of Columbia; to be a justice 1, 1905. of the peace in and for the District of Columbia. , Americus Gasaway to be postmaster at Herrin, in the county Charles S. Bundy, of the District of Columbia, to be a justice of Williamson and State of Illinois, in place of William A. of the peace in and for the District of Columbia. Stotlar, resigned. . . COMMISSIONER ·To ~EVISE THE UWS OF THE UNITED STATES. Herrick Houghton to be postmaster at Gilman, in the county of John L. Lott, of Ohio, to be a commissioner to revise the laws Iroquois and State of Illinois, in place of Miles E. Hunt, re- of the United States. · · · moved. · · Edward A. Jeffers to be postmaster at Kankakee, in the INDIAN INSPECTOR. county of Kankakee and State of Illinois, in place of Hiram J. Frank C. Churchlll, of Grafton, N. H., to be an Indian inspector. Dunlap, resigned. MARSHALS. · Malcomb r.r. Mcintyre to be postmaster at Ladd, in the county Henry C. Pettit, of Indiana, to be Unite_d States marshal for of Bureau and State of Illinois. Office became Presidential the district of Indiana. · · July 1, 1005. · George H. Baker, of Washington, to be United S~tes marshal Mary :McLaughlin to be postmaster at Lake Forest, in the for the eastern district of Washlngton. · county of Lake and State of Illinois, in place of Mary McLaugh­ George W. · Long, ·of Kentucky, to be Urn ted States mar hal lin. Inenrnbent's commission expired January 18, 1899.· for the western district of Kentucky. Edward J. Meyer ,to be postmaster at Des Plaines, in the county James H. Judkins, of Alabama, to be United States marshal of Cook and State of Illinois. Office became Presidential April for the middle district of Alabama. · 1, 1905. Walter H. Johnson, of Georgia,· to ·be United States marshal Elbert C. Stanley to be postmaster at Downers Grove, in the for the northern dish·ict of Georgia. county of·Dupage and State of Illinois, in place of IJharles Car­ penter, resigned. CffiCUIT JUDGE. Walter Stickney to be postmaster at Warren, in the county of Elmer B. Adams, of Missouri, to be United States circuit judge Jo Daviess and State of Illinois, in place of Hezekiah S. Van for the eigh~h judicial circuit. Dervort, removed. DISTRICT JUDGE. Cornelius Sullivan to be postmaster at Riverside, in the county Gustavus A. Finkelnburg, of Missouri, to be United States dis­ of Cook and State of Illinois. Office became Presidential Octo- trict judge for the eastern district of Missouri. ber 1, 189G. · · William M. Swingle to be postmaster at Athens, in the county UNITED STATES ATTORNEYS. of Menard and State of Illinois. Office became Presidential . Joseph B. Kealing, of Indiana, to be United States attorney January 1, 1904. · for the district of Indiana. Abraham L. ·williams to be postinaster at Edinburg, in the Joseph L. B. Alexander, of Arizona, to be United States attor­ county of Christian and State of Illinois. Office became Presi­ ney for the Territory of Arizona. dential January 1, 1905. Farish Carter Tate, of Georgia, to be United States attorney for the northern district of Georgia. CONFIRMATIONS. James H. Tinsley, of Kentucky, to be United States attorney for the eastern district of Kentucky. .. Ea:ecutive nominations confirmed by the Senate December 12, Reuben D. Hill, of Kentucky, to be United States attorney for 1905. the western di&trict of Kentucky. ASSISTANT TO THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL. Arba S. Van Valkenburgh, of Missouri, to be United States Milton b. Purdy; of Minnesota, to be assistant to the Attor- attorney for the western district of Missouri. ney-Gene1 ~al. · . A. George Avery, of Wasbington, to be United States attorney ENVOY EXTRA.ORDINARY AND MINISTER PLENIPOTENTIARY. for the eastern district of Washington. Elliott Northcott, of West , to be United States attor­ Joseph W. J. Lee, of , to be envoy extraordinary and ney for the southern district of West Virginia. minister plenipotentiary of the United States to Ecuador. CONSULS. APPOINTMENTS IN MARINE-HOSPITAL SERVICE. G. Jarvis Bowens, of Virginia, to be consul of the United Egil T. Olsen, of Illinois, to be an · assistant surgeon 1n the States at Guadeloupe, West Indies. Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service of the United State . James C. Kellogg, of Louisiana, to ·be consul of the United Marshall C. Guthrie, of North Carolina, to be an assistant States at Colon, . · surgeon in the Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service of the ·Dominic I. Murphy, of the District of Columbia, to be consul United States...... of the United States at Bordeaux France. · 1 Hugh de Vahn, of the District of Columbia, to be an assistimt Thomas B. Van Horne, of Ohlo, to be con8ul of the United surgeon in the Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service of the States at Rosario, Argentine Republic. I United States. · . Pendleton King, of North Carolina, to be consul of the United Ass~. Sw·g. Th?mas D. Berry to _be a pa~sed ass1~tant su.r- States at Aix la Chapelle, Germany. · geon m the Pubhc Health and Marme-Hosp1tal Service of the Joseph A. Howells, of Ohio, to be consul of the' United States ·1 United States, tor~ as such from March 24, 19~5 ! at Tm·ks Island West Indies. Asst. Surg. Baylls H. Earle to be a passed assistant sm·geon Alexander H~ingartner, of Ohio, to be consul of the United in the Public Health and Marine:-Hospital Service of the United Stntes at Guelph, Ontario, Canada. States, to rank as such from ~pril 13, 1905. . Carl Bailey Hurst, of the District of Columbia, to be consul . Asst. Sur~. Edward Francis to be a. passed ';l-SSistant sur~eon of the United states at Plauen, Germany. m the Public Health and Marme-Hosp1tal Service of the Umted Thornwell Haynes, of South Carolina, to be consul of the States, to rank as such from June 23, 1905. United States at Nanking, China. I PROMOTIONS IN THE MARINE-HOSPITAL SERVICE. DISTRICT BOARD OF CHARITIES. · Asst. Surg. Mervin W. Glover to be a passed assistant surgeon Charles P. Neill, of the District of Columbia, to be a member I in the Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service of the United of the board of charities of the District of Columbia for the term States, to rank as such from April 13, 1905. of three years from July 1, 1905. Asst. Surg. John D. Long to be a passed assistant surgeon in Simon Wolf, of the District of Columbia, to be a member of the Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service of the United the board of charities of the District of Columbia for the te·rm States, to rank as such from April 14, 1905. of three years from July 1, 1905. Asst. Surg. George W. McCoy to be a pas ed assistant surgeon DISTRICT POLICE JUDGE. in the Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service of the United States, to rank as such from June 27, 1905. Alexander R. Mullowney, of the District of Columbia, to be Asst. Surg. Allan J. McLoughlin to be a passed assistant sur- judge of the police court of the District of Columbia. geon in the Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service of the JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. United States, to rank as such from April 10, 1905. Lewis I. O'Neal, of the District of Columbia, to be a justice of I Asst. Surg. Claude C. Pierce to be a passed assistant surgeon the peace in and for the Di trict of Columbia. in the Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service of the United Samuel C. Mills, of the District of Columbia, to be a justice of j States, to rank as such from June 27, 1905. the peace in and for the District of Columbia. · Asst. Surg. Benjamin S. Warren to be a passed assistant sur- Luke C. Strider, of the Dish·ict of Columbia, to be a justice of 1 geon in the Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service of the the peace in and for the District of Columbia. United States, to rank as such from June 25, 1005. 1905. QONGRESSION AL . - RECO~D-· SEN ATE. 329

APPOINTMENTS IN . THE REVENUE-CUTTER SERVICE. site their names, upon the completion of six years' service, in Frank Lyim Austin, of Michigan, to be a third in accordance with the provisions of an act of Congress approved the Revenue-Cutter Service of the United· States. April 27, 1904: James Albert Alger, of Massachusetts, to be a third lieutenant Frederick Muller, from May 26, 1905: in the_ Revenue-Cutt~r Service of. the Unlted States. John W. Stoakley, from August 15, 1905. Le· Roy Reinburg, of the District of Columbia, to be a third John.D. Walsh, from August 29, 1905. . • lieutenant in the Revenue-Cutter Service of the United States. Gunner William Zeitler to be a chief gu@er in the Navy from Howard Eugene Rideout, of Massachusetts, to be a third the 1st day of July, 1904:, upon the completion of six years' serv­ lieutenant in the Revenue-Cutter Service of the United States. ice, in accordance with the provisions of. section 12 of t4e '.' n~vy William Clayton Ward, of the District of Columbia, to be a personnel act," approved March 3, 1899, as amended by the act third lieutenant in the Revenue-Cutter Service of the United of April 27, 1904. States. Assistant Naval Constructors Stuart F. Smith and William G. Roger Chew Weightman, of California, to. be a third lieuten- Groesbeck to be naval constructors in the Navy from the 1st ant in the Revenue-Cutter Service of the United States. day of July, 1905, upon the completion of eight years'-service in · William Benjamin Cothran,· of South Carolina, to be a second their present gra9-e. . . , . assistant __ engin~er, with the r:ipk of third lieutenant, in the Naval Constructors George H. Rock .and Thomas ;F . .Ruhm to Revenue-Cutter Service of the United States. be naval constructors in the Navy with the rank of lieutenant- Jol).n Thomas Carr, of Massachusetts, to be a second assistant commander from the 1st day of July, 1905. . engineer, with the rank of third lieutenant, in the Revenue- Naval Constructors Frank B. Zahm, Horatio G. Gillmor, nnd Cutter Service of the ·United States. Ricllard M. Watt to be naval constructors in the Navy with the · Charles Iven Day, of Maine, to be a second assistant engi- rank of lieutenant-commander from the 8th day of July, 1905. neer, with the rank of third lieutenant, in the Revenue-Cutter Assistant Naval Constructors· William McE~tee, . William . B. Service of the United States. Ferguson, and John A. Spilman to be assistant naval con- PROMOTIONs IN THE REVENUE-CUTTER SERVICE. Structors in the Navy with the rank Of lieutenant from the 31st Fi t L' t J hn t H 'It Q .- t b t . . th day of March, 1905. rs Ieu · o s _one amt o~ uman o e a cap am m e Lieut. Victor Blue to be a lieutenant-commander:.in the Navy Re:~~ue-~utter Service of the Umted States.. from the 28th day of June, 1905. . . . Fast Lie';It. Byron L. _Reed to be a captam in the Revenue- Capt. William w. l\Iead to be a rear-admiral in the Navy Cu~er Se~vice of the Umte?- States. . . from the 1st .Uay of July, 1905. First Lie~t. James L .. Sill to be a captam m the Revenue- Lieut. Casey B. Morgan to be. a lieutenant-commander in the Cutter Serv~ce of the Umted States. . Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. · . Second Lieut. Leonard T!iylor Cutter .to be a first lieutenant I Hollis T~ Winston to be a lieutenant (junior grade) m the Reve_nue-Cutter Service of the Umted Sta_tes. . in tlle Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905, after having com- Second Lieut. Hari:'Y G. Hamlet. to be a first lieutenant m the pleted three years' service in his present grade. Revenue-Cu~er Ser:vi~e of the. Umted States. . Lieut. (Junior Grade) Hollis T. Winston to be a lieutenant : Second Lieut. William E?-wm At Lee._to be a first lieutenant in the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. m th~ Reve~ue-Cutter Servic~ -of the. Umted States. . Gunner Joseph Hill to be a chief gunner in the Navy from the . Second Lieut. Randolph ~Idgely, Jr., ~o be a first lieutenant 27th day of April, 1905, after having completed six years' serv­ m th~ Rev_enue-Cutter Service of the Umted States. . ice, in accordance with the provisions of section 12 of the "nnvy Th1r~ Lieut Thaddeus Greaves _Crapster ·to ~e a second heu- personnel act," approved March 3, 1899, as amended by the net tena~t m ~he Reve~u~-Cutter Service of the Umted S~tes. of April 27, 1904, . Third Lieut. Cecil Mau~s~ll Gabbett to. be a second heutenant j Lieut. (Junior Grade) Wilbert Smith to be a lieutenant in the in th~_Rev.enue-C~tt~r Servic~ of t~e _Umted States. · : Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. . T~ud L~eut. Wilham Albert ,Whittier toT ~e a second lleuten- Lieut. (Junior Grade) Robert L. Berry to be a lieutenant in ant m the Revenue-Cutter Service of the Umted States. the Navy from the 1st day-of July, 1905. PRO!-fOTIONS IN THE NAVY. Lieut. (Junior Grade) Robert A. Abernathy to be a lieutenant To be chief gunners in the Nary from the 6th day of March, in the Navy from .the 1st day of July, 1905. 1905, upon the completion of six years-' service, in accordance Lieut. (Junior Grade) Frank D. Berrien to be a lieutenant in with the pro~sions of an act of Congress approved April 27, tlle Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. _ 1904: Lieut (Junior Grade) Paul Jroley to be a lieutenant ln the James T. Roach. Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. . David F. l)iggins. •.ro be ensigns in the Navy from the 3d day of February, lOOt;, · David Hepburn. t9 fill vacancies existing in that grade on that ·date; Edwin N.' Fisher. . Alexander H. Vim Keuren. To be chief gunners in the Navy from the lOth day of April, William W. Smyth. 1905, upon the completion of six years' service, in accordance Paul H. Fretz. with the provisions of an act of Congress approved April 27 Stephen C. Rowan. 1004 : ' Walter S. Anderson. James C. McDermott. Roy W. Ryden. . John Kenyon. Henry D. Cooke, jr. Charles Hierdahl. · Samuel M. Robinson. Gunner James Donald to be a chief gunner in the Nav:v from Leo Sahm. the 27th day of April, 1905, after having completed six~ years' Ralston S. Holmes. service, in accordance with the provisions of an act of Congress Ernest Friedrick. approved April 27, 1904. William J. Giles. Gunner Adolph Hasler to be chief gunner in the Navy from Ralph A. Koch. the 19th day of July, 1905, upon the completion of six years' Lamar R. Leahy. service, in accordance with the provisions of an act of Congress Milton S. Davis. approved April 27, 1904. Charles C. Moses. Boatswains Charles T. Chase, Christopher J. Cooper, and Sam C. Loomis. James H. Doyle to be chief boatswains· in the Navy from the Alfred T. Brisbin. Gth day of 1\Iarch, 1905, upon the completion of six years' serv- Lindsay H. Lacy. . ice, in accordance with the provisions of an act of Congress ap- Cllarles A. Blakely. pt·oved April 27, 1904. Macgillivray Milne. 'ro be chief boatswains in the Navy from the 10th day of Wilbur R. VanAuken. April, 1905, upon the completion of six years' service, in accord- Harold R. Stark. ance with the provisions of an act of Congress approved April Jarues D. Willson. 27, 1904: John S. Arwine, jr. George B. Hendry. Austin s: Kibbee. Arthur R. Nickerson. Mn.rtin K. Metcalf. John Mahoney. William Ancrum. Ernest V. Sandstrom. Hugh M. Walker. J ohn McGrath. Frank H. Sadl~ Cbt·istian Crone. -John Rodgers. To be chief boatswains in the Navy from the dates set oppo- Daniel T. Ghent. 330 CONGRESSIONAL ~ RECORD-·. SENATE·. DECEMBE_R 12:, l

Surg. Charles M: De Valin to be a surgeon in' the· Navy: with Edward ·u: R~ed, a citi~en of Pennsylvania. the rank of lieutenant-commander, from the 3d day of March, Edward-L. Woods, a citizen of Virginia. to be an· assistant 1903.· ...... surgeon in the Navy from the 14th day of October, 1905. P. A. Surgs. Jo eph C. Thompson and Frederick L. Benton to Robert-C. Ransdell, a citizen of the District of Columbia, to be surgeons in the Navy from the 3d day of March, 1903,- to cor­ be ~n assistant surgeon in the Navy frolll the 24th day of No- rect tlle.dates of their promotions as confirmed on April 27, 1904. vember 1905. . . P. A: Surg. Joseph 4'- Guthrie to be a .surgeon in the Navy Paymaster Frank ·T. Arms to be a pay inspector in the Navy from the 15th day of December, 1904, to correct the date of hls from the lOth day of March, 1905, to correct the date of his pro­ promotion as confirmed on April 27, 1904. · · · . ·_ motion, as confirmed on the 16th day of March, 1905, caused P. A. S1,1rg. Ralph T. Orvis to be a surgeon in the Navy froin by the failure of Paymaster Henry E. Jewett to qualify for tlle 1st dat of March, 1905, ·to correct the date of his promotiqn promotion. as confirmed on April 21, '1904. · · · Paymaster Thomas H . . Hicks to be a_ pay inspector in the P. A. Surg. Will M. Garton to ·be a ~ surgeon in the Navy from Navy from the 13th day of' March, 1905. the 12tll day of March, 1903. · ' Paymaster Ziba W. Reynolds to be a pay inspector in the P. A. Surg. Frank El McCullough to be a surgeon in. the Navy Navy from the 14th day of June, ·1905. · from the 9th day of June, 1903. · P. A. Paymaster Rishworth Nicholson to be a paymaster in P. A. Surg. Francis M. Furlong to be a surgeon in the Navy the Navy from the 14th of June, 1905. from the 20th day of June, 1903. _ P. A. Paymaster John D. Barber to -be a paymaster in the Medical Inspector Daniel N. Bertolette to· be a medical di­ Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. rector in the Navy from the 5th day of April, 1905. Ass.t. Paymaster Jere Maupin to be a passed assistant pay- Surg. Henry G. Beye? to be a medical inspector in the· Navy in the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. • · · from the 5th day of April, 1905. Paymaster Henry E. Jewett to- be a paymaster in .the Navy, P. A. Surg. David B. Kerr to be a surgeon in the Navy· from with . the rank of lieutenant-commander, from the 1st day · of tlle 5th day of April, 1905. . · July,. 1905. . . P. A. Surg. Granville L. Angeny to be a surgeon· in the Navy Paymaster Eugene D. Ryan to be a paymaster in the Navy, from the 24th day of April, 1905. · with the rank of lieutenant-commander, from the 8th day of Asst. Surg. Robert E. Hoyt to be a passed assistant surgeon in July, 1905. the Navy from the 8th day of May, 1905, upon the completion of · P. A. Paymasters Edward T. Hoopes, Walter A. Greer, and three years' service in his present grade. "' Cecil S. Baker to be passed -assistant paymasters in the Navy, Lieut. Newton A. McCully to be a lieutenant-commander· in with the rank of lieutenant, from the 31st day of March, 1905. the Navy from the 22d day of April, 1905. P. A. Paymasters Donald W. Nesbit, ·Arthur l\1. Pippin, John Lieut. Marcus L. Miller to be a lieutenant-commander. in the S. Higgins, and Ignatius T. Hagner to be passed assistant pay­ Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. · masters in the Navy, with the rank of lieutenant, from the 1st Lieut. (Junior Grade) Edison E. Scranton to be a lieutenant day of July, 1905. in the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905.. . To be passed assistant paymasters in the· Navy, with the Ensigns Daniel P. Mannix, Harry K. Cage, and Benjamin G. rank of lieutenant, from the 30th day of July, 1905: Barthalow to be (junior grade) in the Navy from George P. Auld. the 1st day of July, 1905, upon the completion of three years' James S. Beecher. service. · Henry A. Wise~ jr. Lieut. (Junior' Grade) Daniel P. Mannix to be a lieutenant in Henry de F. Mel. •' :the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. John A. B. Smith, jr. Lieut. (Junior Grade) Benjamin G. Barthalow to be a lieu­ Felix .R. Holt. tenant in the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. Emmett C. Gudger. Lieut. (Junior Grade) Harry K. Cage to be a lfeut(mant in the Stewart E. Barber. Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. Howard D. Lamar. Asst. Surg. Robert A. Bachmann to be a passed assistant; sur­ Frederic H. Lemly. " I geon in the Navy from the 20th day of March, 1005, upon the Ervin A. McMillan. completion of three years' service. · Eugene .H. Tricou. Asst. Surg. Howard F. Strine to be a passed -assistant sur­ Alvin Hovey-King. geon in the Navy from the 8th day of May, 1905, upon the com- George A. Deering. . pletion of three years' service. . William C. Fite. Asst. Surg. Joseph P. Traynor to be a passed assistant sur­ Harold W. Browning, a citizen of New York, to be an as­ geon in the Navy from the 8th day of May, 1905, upon the com- sistant paymaster in the Navy from the 15th day of 1\Iarch, pletion of three years' service. · 1905, to fill a vacancy existing in that grade on that.date. Asst. Surg. John L. Neilson to be a passed assistant surgeon To be assistant paymasters in the Navy from the 8th 'day of in the Navy from the 4th day of October, 1905, upon the comple­ July, 1905, to fill vacancies existing in. that grade on that date: tion of three y~ars' service. Benjamin H. Brooke, a citizen of Pennsylvania. Francis M. Shook, a citizen of Minnesota, to be an assistant Thomas J. Bright, a citizen of Pennsylvania. surgeon in the NaVy' from the 15th day of March, 1905. Emory D. Stanley, a citizen of Nevada. 1.~o be assistant surgeons in the Navy from the 3d dn.y of 1\lay, Lewis W. L. Jennings, a citizen of Virginia. 1905: . Bruntz Mayer, a citizen of Iowa. Richard A. Warner, a citizen of the Dish·ict of Colun:ibia. Swinton L. Bethea, a citizen of South ·Carolina. Paul R. Stalnaker, a citizen of Texas. Edward R. Wilson, a citizen of California. To be assistant surgeons in the Navy from the 24th day of William G. Neill, a citizen of West-Virginia. May, 1905: Harry E. Collins, a citizen of the Dish·ict of Columbi:x. Ernest 0: J. Eytinge, a citlzen of New York. John H: Gunnell, a citizen of New York. George M. Olson, a citizen of Minnesota. Emmett H. Tebeau, a citizen of South Carolina. To be assistant surgeons in the Navy from the 7th day of Charles E. Parsons, a citizen of Maryland. July, 1005: , William J. Hine, a citizen of TennesQee. Curtis B. Munger, a citizen of California. · Kenneth C. Mcintosh, a citizen of Indiana. Edward R. Marshall, a citizen of Tennessee. Francis J. Daly, a citizen of New Jersey: To be assistant surgeons in the Navy from the 14th day of Roland W. Schumann, a citizen of New York. July, 1905: Franklin P. Williams, a citizen of Penn ylvania. Fletcher H. Brooks, a citizen of Maryland. . .- Leon N. Wertenbaker, a citizen of Ohio. John B. Mears, a citizen of Virginia. John J. Luchsinger, a citizen of California. To be assistant surgeons in the Navy from the 1st day of Eugene H. Douglass, a citizen of Mas achusetts. 'August, 1905 : . Robert K. Van Mater, a citizen of New -Jersey. George S. Hathaway, a citizen of . William S. Zane, a citizen of Pennsylvania. . · Frank E. Sellers, a citizen of Virginia. James C. Hilton, a citizen of Maryland. To be assistant surgeons in the Navy from the 21st day of Midshipman George F. Blair to be an ensign in the Navy from September, 1905: · the 2d day of May, 1904. Edward H. H. Old, a citizen of Virginia. Midshipman Kirby B. Crittenden to be an ensign in the Navy George H. McConnon, a citizen of Virginia. from the 1st day of November, 1904. · Edward C. White, a citizen of New Jersey. Commander Richard G. Davenport to be a in the Navy Thurlow W. Reed, a citizen of New York. from the 21st daY: of 1\farcb, 1905. · 1905. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. .. ~- - - 331

Lieut. Commander John T. Newton to be a commander in the Lieut. Commander William S. Hogg to be a commander in the Navy from the 21st day of March, 1905. Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. Lieut. Kenneth McAlpine to be a lieutenant-Commander in the Lieut. Archibald H. Davis to be a lieutenant-commander in Navy from the 21st day of March, 1905. · the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1005. Lieut. (Junior Grade) Charles W. Forman to be a lieutenant Lieut. Guy H. Burrage to be a lieutenant-commander in the in the Navy from the 21st day of March, 1905. · Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. Capt George C. Reiter to be a rear-admiral in the Navy from Commander Dennis H. Mahan to be a captain in the Navy the 31st day of March, 1905. · from the 1st day of July, 1905. Commander John A. Norris to be a captain in the Navy from Lieut. Commander Reynold T. Hall to be a commander in the the 31st day of March, 1905. Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. · Commander Edward B. Barry to be a captain in the Navy from the 31st day of March, 1905. · Lieut. Commander William F. Fullam to be a commander in Lieut. Commander Benjamin Tappan to be a commander in the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. the Navy from the 31st day of March, 1905. Lieut. Frank :J\.1. Russell to be a lieutenant-commander in the Lieut. Commander Charles F. Pond to be a commander in the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. Navy from the 31st day of March, 1905. To be lieutenants (junior grade) in the Navy from the 1st Lieut. Commander Walter McLean to be a commander in the day of July, 1905, after having completed three years' service Navy from the 31st day of March, 1905. in that grade : Lieut. Benton C. Decker to be a lieutenant-commander in the Charles P. Snyder. Navy from the 31st day of March, 1905. Carleton R. Kear. Lieut. Mark L. Bristol to be a lieutenant-commander in the Joseph R. Defrees. Navy from the 31st day of March, 1905. Willis G. Mitchell. Lieut. Benjamin W. Wells to be a lieutenant-commander in the Samuel W. Bryant. Navy from the 31st day of 1\Iarch, 1905. EdwardS. Jackson. Lieut. (Junior Grade) Zachariah H. Madison to be a lieuten­ William F. Bricker. ant in the Navy from the 31st day of March, 1905. Henry L. Wyman. Lieut. (Junior Grade) Henry B. Soule to be a lieutenant in John W. Timmons. the Navy from the 31st day of March, 1905. John G. Church. Lieut. (Junior Grade) Francis Martin to be a lieutenant in Charles N. Freeman. the Navy from the 31st day of March, 1905. Robert L. Berry. Commander Herbert Winslow to be a captain in the Navy Robert A. Abernathy. from the 22d day of April, 1905. Ward K. Wortman. Lieut. Commander Washington I. Chambers to be a com­ Hayne Ellis. mander in the Navy from the 22d day of April, 1905. Frank D. Berrien. Lieut. Commander James C. Gillmore to be a commander in Arthur B. Keating. the Navy from the 30th day of April, 1905. Frederick R. Naile. Lieut. Levi C. Bertolette to be a lieutenant-commander in the Emil P. Svarz. Navy from the 30th day of April, 1905. Wilbert Smith. Capt. Willard H. Brownson to be a rear-admiral in the Navy Julius F. Hellweg. from the 6th day of May, 1905. Sinclair Gannon. Commander William H. Turner to be a captain in the Navy Robert Morris. from the 6th day of May, 1905. John D. Wainwright. Lieut. Commander Charles A. Gove to be a commander in the George W. Steele, jr. Navy from the 6th day of May, 1905. Stafford H. R. Doyle. Lieut. George W. Logan to be a lieutenant-commantler in the William K. Riddle. Navy from the 6th day of May, 1905. William N. Jeffers. Commander Albert G. Berry to be a captain in the Navy from James H. Comfort. the 16th day of June, 1905. Paul Foley. Lieut. Commander De Witt C. Coffman to be a commander in Carlos A. Gardiner. the Navy from the 16th day of June, 1905. Edison E. Scranton. Lieut. Henry F. Bryan to be a lieutenant-commander in the John W. Schoenfeld. Navy from the 16th day of June, 1905. Clarence L. Arnold. Commander Nathaniel J. K. Patch to be a captain in the Navy Stanley Woods. from the 21st day of June, 1905. Edwin H. Dodd. Lieut. Commander Richard Henderson to be a commander in Charles P. Huff. the Navy from the 21st day of June, 1905. Charles R. Train. Lieut. Andrew T. Long to be a lieutenant-commander in the Hugo W. Osterhaus. Navy from the 21st day of June, 1905. Lieut. (Junior Grade) Charles P. ~nyder to be a lieutenant in Commander Thomas S. Phelps to be a captain in the Navy the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. from the 26th day of June, 1905. Lieut. (Junior Grade) Carleton R. Kear to be a lieutenant in Lieut. Commander Thomas D. Griffin to be a commander in the Navy from the lst day of July, 1905. the Navy from the 26th day of June, 1905. Lieut. (Junior Grade) Joseph R. Defrees to be a lieutenant in Lieut. Edward H. Durell to be a lieutenant-commander in the the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. Navy from the 26th day of June, 1905. Lieut. (Junior Grade) Willis G. Mitchell to be a lieutenant in Commander Karl Rohrer to be a captain in the Navy from the the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. 28th day of June, 1905. Lieut. (Junior Grade) Samuel W. Bryant to be a lieutenant Lieut. Commander Henry Millett to be a commander in the in the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. Navy from the 28th day of June, 1905. Lieut. (Junior Grade) Edward S. Jackson to be a lieutenant Lieut. Archibald H. Scales to be a lieutenant-commander in in the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. the Navy from the 28th day of June, 1905. Lieut. (Junior Grade) William F. Bricker to be a lieutenant Lieut. Commander RichardT. Mulligan to be a commander in in the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. the Navy from the 28th day of June, 1905. Lieut. (Junior Grade) Henry L. Wyman to be a lieutenant in Commander Theodoric Porter to be a captain in the Navy the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. from the 30th day of June, 1905. Lieut. (Junior Grade) Arthur B. Keating to be a lieutenant in Lieut. Commander William Braunersreuther to be a com­ the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. mander in the Navy from the 30th day of June, 1905. Lieut. (Junior Grade) Frederick R. Naile to be a lieutenant Lieut. Thomas Washington to be a lieutenant-commander in iP. the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. the Navy from the 30th day of June, 1905. Lieut. (Junior Grade) Emil P. Svarz to be a lieutenant in the Commander Daniel D. V. Stuart to be a captain in the Navy Kavy from the 1st day of July, 1905. from the 1st day of July, 1905. Commander Albert F. Dixon to be a captain in the Navy from Commander Kossuth Niles to be a captain in the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. the 1st day of July, 1905. Commander Samuel P. Comly to b~ a captain in the Navy Commander Warner B. Bayley, an additional number in from the 1st day of July, 1905. grade, to be a captain in the Navy from the 1st day of July, Lieut. Commander Albert G. Winterhalter to be a commander 1905. in the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. 332 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD--=-SENATE. DECEMBER :i2,

Lieut. Commander John M. Orchard to be a commander in the Lieut. Cleland N. Oflley to be a lieutenant-commander in the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. Lieut. Commander Augustus F. Fechteler to be a commander Lieut. Louis R. de Steiguer to be a lieutenant-commander in in the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. Lieut. Commander Edward E. Wright to be a commander in Lieut. William W. Phelps to oe a lieutenant-commander in the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. Lieut. Commander Albert Gleaves to be a commander in the Lieut. Louis A. Kaiser to be a lieutenant-commander in the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. · Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. Lieut. Commander James P. Parker to· be a commander in the Lieut. William C. Cole to be a lieutenant-commander in the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. Lieut. Commander Ben W. Hodges to be a commander in the Lieut Charles A. Brand to be a lieutenant-commander in the Navy from the lst day of July, 1905. Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. Lieut. Commander Herbert 0. Dunn to be a commander in the Lieut. Philip Williams to be a lieutenant-commander in the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1!>05. Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. Lieut. Commander Arthur W. Dodd to be a commander in the Lieut. Warren J. Terhune to be a lieutenant-commander in Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. the Navy from the 1st day of. July, 1905. Lieut. Commander Albert W. Grant to I'>e a commander in the Lieut. George G. Mitchell to be a lieutenant-commander in the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. Lieut. Commander Horace W. Harrison to be a commander in Lieut. Cleland Davis to. be a lieutenant-commander in tha the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. Lieut. Commander Valentine S. Nelson to be a commander in Lieut. William K. Harrison to be a lieutenant-commander in the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. Lieut. Commander William S. Benson to be a commander in Lieut. Frank H. Schofield to be a lieutenant-commandei' in the the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. Lieut. Commander Frank M. Bostwick to be a commander in Lieut. Urban T. Holmes to be a lieutenant-commander in the the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. Lieut. Commander Harry M. Dombaugh to be a commander Lieut. Jehu V. Chase to be a lieutenant-commander in the in the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. Navy from the lst day of July, 1905." Lieut Commander Thomas S. Rodge~s to be a commander in Lieut. Henry J. Ziegemeier to be a lieutenant-commande-r in the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. the Navy from the 1st day of July,. 1905. Lieut. Ashley H. Robertson to be a lieutenant-commander in Lieut. Matt H. Signor to be a lieutenant-commander in th~ the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905.. Lieut. Carlo B. Brittain to be a Irnutenant-commander in the Lieut. Claude B. Price to be a lieutenant-commander in the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. Lieut. William M. Crose to be a lieutenant-commander in the Lieut. Montgomery M. Taylor to be a lieutenant-commander in Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. Lieut. John F. Hubbard to be a lieutenant-commander in the Lieut. Carl T. Vogelgesang to be a lieutenant-commander in Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. Lieut. Lloyd H. Chandler to be .a lieutenant-commander in the Lieut. Charles B. McVay, jr., to be- a lieutenant-commander in Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. the Navy from the 1st day of July~ 1905. Lieut. Oscar W. Koester to be a lieutenant-commander in the Lieut. John H. Dayton to be a lieutenant-commander in the · . Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. Navy-from the 1st day of July, 1905. Lieut. George N. Hayward to be a lieutenant-commander in Lieut. Lucius A. Bostwick to be- a lieutenant-commander in tlle Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. the Navy irom the 1st day of July, 1905. Lieut. Samuel S. Robison to be a lieutenant-commander in the Lieut. William A. Moffett to be a lieutenant-commander in the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. · Lieut. Charles F. Hughes to be a lieutenant-commander in the Lieut. Julian L. Latimer to be a lieutenant-commander in the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905.. Lieut. Albert L. Norton to be a lieutenant-commander in the Lieut. (Junior Grade) Julius F: Hellweg to be a lieutenant Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. in the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. Lieut. James H. Reid to be a lieutenant-commander in the Lieut. (Junior Grade) Sinclair Gannon to be a lieutenant in Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. Lieut. Edward L. Beach to be a lieutenant-commander in the Lieut. (Junior Grade) Robert Morris to· be a lieutenant in Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. Lieut. Herman 0. Stickney to be a lieutenant-commander in Lieut. (Junior Grade} John D. Wainwright to be a lieutenant .the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. in the Navy from the 1st day of July~ 1905. Lieut. Henry A. Wiley to be a lieutenant-commander in the Lieut. (Junior Grade) George W. Steele,. jr., to be a lieutenant Navy from the 1st day of July,. 1905. in the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. Lieut. Frederic B. Bassett, jr., to be a lieutenant-commander Lieut. (Junior Grade) Stafford H. R. Doyle t(} be a lieutenant ln the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. in the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905.· Lieut. Herbert G. Gates to be. a lieutenant-commander in the Lieut. (Junior Grade-) William K. Riddle to be a lieutenant in Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. Lieut. Richard H. Jackson to be a lieutenant-commander in Lieut. (Junior Grade) William N. Jeffers to be a lieutenant in the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. the Navy from the 1st.day of July,1905. Lieut. .Arthur· B. Hoff to be a lieutenant-commander in the Lieut. (Junior Grade) John W. Timmons to be a lieutenant. in Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. Lieut. Nathan C. Twining to be a lieutenant-commander in the Lieut. (Junior Grade) Charles S. Freeman to be a lieutenant Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. in the Navy from the lst day of July, 1905. Lieut. Benjamin F. Hutchison to be lieutenant-commander in Lieut. (Junior Grade} Ward K. Wortman to be a lieutenant in the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. Lieut. Thomas P. Magruder tQ be a lieutenant-commander in Lieut. (Junior Grade) Hayne Ellis to be a lieut~ant in the .the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. Lieut. Sumner E. W. Kittelle to be a lieutenant-commander in Lieut. (Junior Grade) James H. Comfort to be a lieutenant in the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. . the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. Lieut. William V. Pratt to be a lieutenant-commander in the Lieut. (Junior Grade) Carlos A. Gardiner to be a lieutenant in Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. · Lieut. Louis McC. Nulton to be a lieutenant-commander in the Lieut. (Junior Grade) John W. Schoenfeld to be a lieutenant Navy from the 1st day of July. 1905. in the Navy from the 1st day of July,. 1905. Lieut. George R. Marvell to be a lieutenant-commander in the Lieut. (Junior Grade) Clarence L. Arnold to be a lieutenant Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. - in the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. Lieut. John B. Patton to be a lieutenant-commander in the Lieut. (Junior Grade) Stanley Woods to be a lieutenant in Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. the Navy from the lst day of July, 1905. Lieut. George B. Bradshaw to be a lieutenant-commander in Lieut. (Junior Grade) Edwin H. Dodd to be a lieutenant in the Navy from the- 1st day of July, 1905. the Navy f1Tom the 1st day of July, 1905. 1905. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE.. 333 ------~------~------.-~------, Lieut (Junior Grade) Charles- P. Huff to be a lieutenant in Willis E. Bodley to be postmaster at Quenemo, in the county the Navy from the J,st day of July, 1905. of Osage and State of Kansas. Lieut. (Junior Grade) Charles R. Train to be a lieutenant in Lewis W. Breyfogle to be postmaster at Olathe, in the county the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. of Johnson and State of Kansas. Capt. Edward Longnecker to be a rear-admiral in the Navy Eben Carlsson to be postmaster at Lindsborg, in the county n·om the 8th day of July, 1905: of McPherson and State of-Kansas. Commander John Hubbard to be a captain in the Navy from Robert I. Hillman to be' postmaster at Peru, in the county o:t the 8th day of July, 1905. ~ Chautauqua and State of Kansas. Lieut. Commander John G. Quinby to be a commander in the Irwin C. McDowell to be postmaster at Phillipsburg, in the Navy from the 8th day of July, 1905. county of Phillips aild State of Kansas. Lieut. John R. Edie to be a lieutenant-commander in the Navy .James T. Miller to be postmaster at Altoona, in the county of from the 8th day of July, 1905. , Wilson and State of Kansas. Lieut. Reginald R. Belknap to be a _lieutenant-commander in John C. Petty to be postmaster at Strong, in the county of the Navy from the 18th day of July, 1905. Chase and State of Kansas. To be ensigns in the Navy from the 30th day of July, 1905, to LOUISIANA. fill vacancies existing in that grade on- that date, in accordance with the provisions of an act of Congress approved March 3, Arthur A. Boudreaux to be postmaster at Thibodaux, in the 1901, as amended by the acts of March 3, 1903, and April 27, parish of Lafourche and State of Louisiana. 1904: Benjamin S. Gallup to be postmaster at Hammond, in the Boatswain Charles H. Bullock. parish of Tangipahoa and State of Louisiana. Gunner John Grady. Rudolph A. Gehringer to be postmaster at Napoleonville, in Gullller Arthur C. Kail. the parish of Assumption and State of Louisiana. Gunner William D. Greetham. Cora Sharpless to be postmaster at De Ridder~ in the parish Gunner Robert W. Kessle1·. of Calcasieu and State of Louisiana. · Ensign Louis J. Connelly to be a lieutenant (junior grade) !fiSSOURI. in the Navy from the 30th day of July, 1905, having completed Julian Courteol to be postmaster at Granby, in the county of three years' service in his present grade. Newton and State of Missouri. Lieut. (Junior Grade) Louis J. Connelly to be a lieutenant in George K. Gwatbmey to be postmaster at Lathrop, in the the Navy from the 30th day of July, 1905. to fill a vacancy ex- county of Clinton and State of Missouri. isting in that grade on that date. · Roscoe N. Dean to .be postmaster at Norborne, in the county of Capt Thomas Perry to be a rear-admiral in the Navy from Carroll and State of Missouri. the 8th day of September, 1905. Guersant P. Herriott to be postmaster at Noviriger, in the Commander Alexander McCrackin to be a captain in the county of Adair and State of Missouri. Navy from the 8th day of September, 1905. Clyde M. Hudson to be postma ter at Hale, in the county of Lieut Commander James H. Glennon to be a commander in Carroll and State of Missouri. the Navy from the 8th day of September, 1905. Frank P. Kitchen to be postmaster at Clinton, in the county of Lieut De Witt Blamer to be a lieutenant-commander in the Henry and State of Missouri. Navy from the 8th day of September, 1905. William T. Lessley to-be postmaster at Glasgow, in the county Lieut. Commander Percival J. Werlich to be a commander in '1f Howard and State of Missouri. the Navy from the 9th day of September, 1905. Nellie B. Shelton to be postmaster at-Puxico, in the county of Lieut John K. Robinson to be a lieutenant-commander in the Stoddard and State of Missouri. _ Navy from the 9th day of September, 1905. Theodore Walther to be postmaster at De Soto, in the county Commander Corwin P. Rees, an additional number in grade, of Jefferson and State of Missouri. · · to. be a captain in the Navy from the 30th day of September, 1905. MONTANA. L ieut. Commander William R. Rush to be a commander in the Orson B. Prickett to be postmaster at Billings, in the county of Navy from the 30th day of September, 1905. Yellowstone and State of Montana. Lieut Arthur L. Willard to be a lieutenant-commander in James McTaggart to be postmaster at Belgrade, in the county the Nazy from the 30th day of September, 1905. of Gallatin and State of Montana. Lieut (Junior Grade) Hugo W. Osterhaus to be a lieutenant NEW YORK. in the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1905. Emerson W. Addis to be postmaster at Brewster, in the POSTMASTERS. county of Putnam and State of New York. Samuel G. Barton to be postmaster at Gasport, in the county · ALUAMA. of Niagara and State of New York. .El1a G. Nix to be postmaster at Fort Payne, in the county of George C. Lane to be postmaster at ·Fishers Island, in the Dekalb and State of Alabama. county Of Suffolk and State of New York. CALIFORNlA. William E. Mills to be postmaster at Rose Hill, in the county Adaline Bailhacbe to be postmaster at Coronado, in the county of Onondaga and State of New York. · of San Diego and State of California. John N. Parsons to be postmaster at Yonkers, in the county Edmund L. Brown to be postmaster at San Fernando (late of Westchester and State of New York. Fernando), in the county of Los Angeles and State of California. Sylvester Pearsall to be postmaster at Lynbrook, in the . Daniel H. Coates to be postmaster at Campbell, in the county county of Nassau and State of New York. of Santa Clara and State of California. Harry H. P1;att to be postmaster at Corning, in the ·county o( . Angus J. Drynan to be postmaster at Redding, in the county Steuben and State of New York. of Shasta and State of California. Charles J. Shults t<> be postmaster at Cherry Creek, in the Frank H. Duden to be postmaster at Jackson, in the county of county of Chautauqua and State of New York. Amador and State of California. Alexander S. Taylor to be postmaster at Westbury Station, in Albert B. Hill to be postmaster at Coalinga, in the county of the county of Nassau and State of New York. Fresno and State of California. Henry P. Tuthill to be postmaster at Mattituck, in the county William A. Long to be postmaster at Hanford, in the county of Suffolk and State of New York. of Kings and State of California. Willis G. C. Wood to be postmaster at Whitehall, in the GEORGIA. ' county of Washington and Sfate of New York. Richard 0. Rogers to be postmaster at Lafayette, in the NORTH CAROLINA. · county of Walker and State of Georgia. Drury W. Deweese to be postmaster at Murphy, in the county. Albert M. Smith to be postmaster at Brunswick, in the of Cherokee and State of North Carolina. county of Glynn and State of Georgia. James D. Dorsett to t>e postmaster at Spencer, in the county IDAHO. of Rowan and State of North Carolina. William W. Stephens to be· postmaster at Rexburg, 1n the Malinda A. Renigar to be postma8-ter at Shore, in the county c~mnty of Fremont and_State of Idaho. of Yadkin and State of North Carolina. George L. Wall tq be postmaster at Blackfoot, in the count; William E. Snow to be postmaster at High Point, in the of Bingham and State of Idaho. county of Guilford and State of _North Carolina. KANSAS. NORTH DAKOTA. Thomas C. Babb to be postmaster at Fredonia, in . the county William H. Bush to be postmaster at Oakes, in the county of of Wilson and State of Kansas. Dickey and State of North Dakota. 334 CONGRESSIONAL_RECORD-SENATE. DECEMBER 13,

OHIO; SENATE. Orrin C. Andre to be postmaster at Waverly, -ln the county· of Pike and State of Ohio. WEDNESDAY, December 13,1905. Charles W. Brainerd to be postmaster at Mantua (late Mnn­ Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. EDWARD E. HALE. t-ua Station), in the county of Portage and State of Ohio. The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and ap­ Betsey Erskine to be postmaster at Lowellville, in the county proved. of Mahoning and State of Ohio. Lewis T. Marrott to be postmaster at Hudson, in the county EXPENDITURES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. of Summit and State of Ohio. The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica_. John C. McManus to be postmaster at Jewett, in the county tion from the Attorney-General, recommending the repeal of sec­ of Harrison and State of Ohio. tion 3 of the act of June 30, 1879, which provides that the At­ George W. Nickels to be postmaster at Galion, in the county of torney-General shall include in his annual report a statement of Crawford and State of Ohio. all payments or expenditures during any fiscal year out of Ralston Russell to be postmaster at Pomeroy, in tbe county of any appropriation fund subject to requisitions from him, etc. ; Meigs and State of Ohio. which, with the accompanying paper, was referred to the Com­ Tom J. Smith to be postmaster at West Salem, in the county mittee on Appropriations, and ordered to be printed. of Wayne and State of Ohio. FRENCH SPOLIATION CLAIMS. Judson N. Stone to be postmaster at Oberlin, in the county of The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ Lorain and State of Ohio. tion from the assistant clerk of the Court of Claims, trans­ David B. Wilson to be postmaster at Corning, in the county mitting the conclusions of fact and of law filed under the act of Perry and State of Ohio. of January 20, 1885, in the French spoliation claims set out 1n OREGON. the findings by the court relating to the vessel schooner Lovely Harvey S. Buck to be postmaster at Sumpter, in the county Lass, 'Villiam Moore, master ; which, with the accompanying of Baker and State of Oregon. paper, was referred to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to Louis J. Simpson to be postmaster at North Bend, in the ~e printed. county of Coos and State of Oregon. FINDINGS OF THE COURT OF CLAIMS. Frank W. Welcome to be postmaster at Burns, in the county The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ of Harney and State of Oregon. tion from the assistant clerk of the Court of Claims, transmit­ SOUTH CAROLINA. ting a certified copy of the findings of fact filed by the court in John E. Heustess to be postmaster at Hartsville, in the county the cause of the City of Memphis v. The United States; which, of Darlington and State of South Carolina. with the accompanying paper, was referred to the Committee on Isham A. Mayfield to be postmaster at Greer, in the county Claims, and ordered to be printed. of Greenville and State of South Carolina. He also laid before the Senate a communication from the Ira S. Pitts to be postmaster at 'Vestminster, in the county assistant clerk of the Court of Claims, transmitting a certified of Oconee and State of South Carolina. copy of the findings of fact filed by the court in the cause of SOUTH DAKOTA. Karoline Mulhaupt v. The United States; which, with the ac­ Erick Olsop to be postmaster at Fairfax, in the county of companying paper, was referred to the Committee on Claims, Gregory and State of South Dakota. and ordered to be printed. William Toomey to be postmaster at Gettysburg, in the county He also laid before the Senate a communication from the of Potter and State of South Dakota. assistant clerk of the Court of Claims, transmitting a certified TEXAS. copy of the findings of fact filed by the court in the cause of Harry H. Barkham to be postmaster at Plano, in the county the Christian Church of Corinth, Miss., v. The United States; of Collin and State of Texas. which, with the accompanying paper,· was referred to the Com­ Jefferson D. Bell to be postmaster at Bartlett, in the county mittee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. of Williamson and State of Texas. He also laid before the Senate a communication from the Belle W. Bridges to be postmaster at Mason, in the county assistant clerk of the Court of Claims, transmitting a certified of Mason and State of Texas. copy of· the findings of fact filed by the court in the cause of Thomas F. Calhoon to be postmaster at Liberty, in the county The Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, of Cleve­ of Liberty and State of Texas. land, Tenn., v. The United States; which, with the accompany-' Ge-rald W. Calrow to be postmaster at Boerne, in the county ing paper, was referred to the Committee on Claims, and or- of Kendall and State of Texas. . dered to be printed. . George W. Cash to be postmaster at Hubbard, in the county He also laid before the Senate a communication from the of Hill and State of Texas. assistant clerk of the Court of Claims, transmitting a certified Joshua W. Cunningha.J?l to be postmaster at De Kalb, in tht copy of the findings of fact filed by the court in the cause of county of Bowie and State of Texas. · '!'he Columbia National Bank, of Columbia; Pa., v. The United William A. Hawn to be postmaSter at Athens, i.n 'the county of States; which, with the accompanying paper, was referred to Henderson and State of Texas. _ the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. Clara I. Lockwood to be postmaster at Sealy, in the eounty of He also laid before the Senate a communication from the austin and State of Texas. - assistant clerk of the Court of Claims, transmitting a certified Richard T. Polk to be postmaster at Killeen, in the county or copy of the findings of fact filed by the court in the cause of Bell and State of Texas. Antonia Q. Lovell, Rosalie Q. Duncan, Fredrica Q. Ogden, Eliza Anna J. Roach to be postmaster at Atlanta, in the county of T. Routh, and Louise Q. Lovell, since deceased, children and Cass and State of Texas. , · · heirs at law of Gen. J. -A . Quitman, deceased, and Eva-C. Lovell Charlie Simmons to be postmaster at Valley Mills, in the and Alice Q. Lovell, children and heirs at law of Louise Q. county of Bosque and State of Texas. Lovell, deceased, v. The United States·; which, with the accom­ Harvey H. Twyman to be postmaster at Rosebud, in the panying paper, was referred to the Committee on Claims, and . - county of Falls and State of Texas. · _ ordered to be printed. UTAH. COURTESIES TO MEMBERS -OF CANADIAN PARLIAMENT. George W~ Bryan to be postmaster at -Mercur, in the county The VICE-PRESIDENT. The Chair lays before the Senate· of Tooele and State of Utah. an extract from the minutes and. proceedings of the Senate of WASHINGTON. Canada, expressing thanks for the cordial reception extended to Jacob E_'. Hill to be postmaster at Davenport,.in the county ·ot the HQn. Raoul. Dandurand, speaker of the Senate of the Domin­ Lincoln and State of Washington. ion of Canada;· the Hon .. Sir Mackenzie Bowell, ex-premier and Robert H. Stapleton to be postmaster at Monroe, in the county senator, and the Hon. Senator McSweeney at the inauguration of of Snohomish and State of Washington. _ the President of the United States. at Washington on the 4th Frank L. Turner to be postmaster --at South Bend, in the of 1\larch .last, and also for the courtesies of the United· States county of Pacific and State of Washington. Senate and the privileges of the floor. The extract from the Henry L. Votaw to be postmaster at Tacoma, in the county or minutes will be read. · . Pierce and State of Washington. The paper was read, and ordered: to lie on the table, as fol- WYOMING. lows: ' Ida Fowkes to be postmaster at Cumberland, in the county [Extract from the minutes and proceedings of the Senate _of Canada, of Uinta and State of Wyoming. March 17, 1905.] Frank 0. Thompson to be postmaster at Cody, in the county of st;ii~he~~~ve __ of the Senate, his hon~r the speaker made the following Bi_ghorn and State of Wyoming. " HONORABLE GENTLEMEN: 1 deem- It- my duty to take this the first