Winter, 1986 Saint Xavier College/Chicago

YEAR IN REVIEW Graham School Dedication Student Enrollment Increase 50th Anniversary of the School of Nursing c to L,J" Honor Roll of Donors Ji news news news.

Enrollment Figures New Gift Cub Level Established Set Record The Annual Fund Gift Clubs have been prise a significant group, the Presidential expanded this year to include a new Circle. Enrollment for the Fall semester at Saint membership level - the Sisters of Mercy Other levels of the gift club are the Bish­ Xavier set another record, surpassing last Fellowship with a gift range of $2,500 to op Quarter Society ($500 to $999), the year's Fall total by approximately 225 $4,999. The Frances Warde Society has Scarlet and Grey Society ($250 to $499), students. been redefined for gifts of $1,000 to and the SXC Associates ($ 100 to $249). Fall enrollment data showed an all time $2,499. The Annual Fund gift clubs have been high of nearly 2,600 students registered The top three levels - the Catherine established to recognize contributors who with a 9 percent increase in student full McAuley Society (gifts of $5,000 or have a deep interest in the College's mis­ time equivalency. more), the Frances Warde Society and sion and a shared vision of even more Dr. Ronald Champagne, president of the Sisters of Mercy Fellowship - com­ heightened excellence and distinction. Saint Xavier College, attributes the in­ creases to the quality of education avail­ able at Saint Xavier, the success of new offerings such as the MBA program and the R.N./M.S. option, and the flexible scheduling designed to fit students' needs. Undergraduate nursing and business programs showed the largest increase in registered students. The School of Nurs­ ing now enrolls 566 students in under­ graduate programs, an 8 percent increase over last Fall, and 101 graduate students. The primary gain has been in the num­ ber of continuing education students, adults age 23 and over. The Graham School of Management at Saint Xavier College has the highest enrollment of declared majors with 624 Members of the 1985-86 Annual Fund Drive Steering Committee are: undergraduate and 148 graduate stu­ (from left to right) Ronald O. Champagne, James Sherman. Thomas dents, for a total of 772 students. Nessinger, Sister M. Irenaeus Chekouras. James McDonough. Evangeline Bollinger and Dr. Thomas Evans.

Graham School Adds Finance Track to Business Curriculum The Graham School of Management this track include Money and Banking, a major renovation, the School opened of Saint Xavier College has added a new Investments and Portfolio Analysis, Risk in February 1985. In addition to offering finance track to its undergraduate busi­ and Insurance, Advanced Corporate both undergraduate and graduate pro­ ness administration curriculum. The new Finance and Problems in Business grams in business, the Graham School track, developed for students seeking Finance. of Management serves as a center for careers in any of the varied fields of fi­ Formerly a Chicago public school, the training and specialized assistance for the nancial management, joins specializations Graham School building, located across business community. already available in accounting, market­ the street from the main campus, was ing, management and management in­ purchased by the College in 1984. After formation systems. Course offerings within

< 1986 by Saint Xavier College, Chicago, . Meeting Place Magazine is published by the Office of College Relations, Saint Xavier College. Direct all inquiries to: Erin K. Butler, Director of Publications, Saint Xavier College, 3700 West 103rd Street, Chicago. 1L 60655 (312) 779-3300, ext. 308.

Winter, 1986 Four Trustees Elected to Board Graduate Nursing

Four new trustees have been elected ident of the Builders Association of Program Expanded to the Board, three at the Fall meeting of Chicago. As part of the celebration of its 50th the Board of Trustees and one at the Win­ He serves on the Board of Directors of Anniversary, the Saint Xavier College ter meeting. the Heritage County Bank and Trust Com­ School of Nursing has announced the Joining the Board are Matthew J. Lamb, pany, the Chicago Building Congress and expansion of its master's degree program Chairman of the Board of Blake-Lamb the Mercy Health Care and Rehabilitation in nursing. According to Dean Diane Funeral Homes, Inc.; Daniel P. O'Brien, Center. He is retired from the Board of Homer, the expansion will add to the Sr., President of O'Brien Management; Directors of the Alexian Brothers Medical curriculum a component in nursing Dominick J. Velo, President of DJ. Velo Center and Illinois Benedictine College. administration and nursing education to and Company and Chairman of the Board Active in charitable work, Velo serves prepare nurses to assume and of Heritage Bank of Country Club Hills; on the Advisory Board of Catholic Chari­ teaching roles in a variety of settings. and Arthur Velasquez, Jr., founder and ties. He is past president of the Lt Joseph Saint Xavier College has received an President of Azteca Corn Products P. Kennedy School for Exceptional Chil­ Advanced Nurse Training Grant from the Corporation. dren and a member of the Knights of U.S. Department of Health and Human Along with the chairmanship of Malta. Services, Division of Nursing, to fund Blake-Lamb, Lamb is owner and partner A leader in the health care manage­ expansion of the program. Funding of in eight firms, including Matt-Rich Invest­ ment field for more than 30 years, Daniel $386,000 has been recommended over ment Corporation, Lamb's Flowers and P. O'Brien, Sr., oversees several nursing a three-year period, subject to availability the Gold Coast Development Corpora­ homes in Chicago, including the St of funds. The first installment - $ 175,000 tion. He is past president and chairman Agatha Health Care Center which cares - was funded as of October 1, 1985. of the board of Preferred Funeral for the needs of the Chinese/American Currently, the graduate nursing pro­ Directors International and the author of community. gram at Saint Xavier College prepares numerous articles on funeral service O'Brien also is the proprietor of professional nurses as clinical nurse management. O'Brien's Sirloin Inn Restaurant in Old specialists in the following areas: com­ Lamb is noted for his work for char­ Town. He is a member of the Knights of munity health, psychiatric/mental health, itable and civic organizations. In 1985, Columbus. and rehabilitation nursing. The new com­ Pope John Paul appointed Lamb a Papal A trustee of the University of Illinois from ponent will provide master's degree stu­ Knight of the Holy Sepulchre. He is a mem­ 1974 through 1980, Velasquez was the dents with opportunities to become ber of the Board of Directors of Little Com­ first Hispanic elected to a statewide of­ prepared in nursing administration and pany of Mary Hospital and the Advisory fice in Illinois. He currently is a Director education role areas in addition to be­ Board for Christ Hospital. He is past of Illinois Bell, Peoples Energy Corpora­ coming prepared in advanced clinical president of the Oak Lawn Chamber of tion, Chicago Metro Junior Achievement, nursing. Commerce, past district chairman for Midtown Center, the City College of Chi­ The expanded Master of Science in the Boy Scouts of America and past cago Foundation, Illinois State Franchise Nursing program will blend the advanced president and chairman of the board Board and the United Way. clinical nursing component that charac­ of the Leo High School Foundation. Velasquez is chief executive officer of terizes the present graduate nursing pro­ An architect, Dominick J. Velo is pres­ Azteca, the largest tortilla manufacturing gram with the functional role options that ident of DJ. Velo and Company General company in the Midwest and one of the enable graduates to function in nursing Contractors, president of the Construc­ top 100 Hispanic-owned businesses in the leadership and educational positions. tion Employers Association and past pres­ United States until its recent acquisition With this broader, more flexible range of by The Pillsbury Company. options, the program will be better able to serve the graduate nursing students and the community. Matching Gifts Double Your Contribution Saint Xavier College received $14,500 vide a matching gift program in order to Occasionally, corporation mergers may through employers' matching gift pro­ encourage their employees to support bring about a matching gift program grams during the fiscal year 1984-85. higher education. "Accordingly, it is impor­ where one did not previously exist reports Gerald P. Albert, director of tant that alumni, parents, and other friends "The matching plan is an excellent way development The gifts were for both gen­ of Saint Xavier College inquire of their to 'double your dollar' during this time of eral and restricted support of the College. companies' personnel managers about rising costs,'' he added. Many corporations and businesses pro­ matching gift opportunities," Albert said.

Meeting Place Magazine Cross Country, Volleyball Teams and Coaches Take Honors

The cross country team took firstplac e High School, formerly coached the girls' In conference play, the Cougars won in the National Association of Intercollegi­ track team at Evergreen Park High the crown, beating Northeastern Illinois ate Athletics (NAIA) District 20 (State of School. University in the championship match Illinois) for the third consecutive year. The Cougars also successfully defend­ with scores of 15-6, 15-5 and 15-11. Four Cougars were in the top six finish­ ed their championship in the Chicago- Midge Furlong was named Most Valuable ers at the meet. Senior Craig O'Connor land Collegiate Athletic Conference Player in All-Conference selections. Also finished firstfo r the second year in a row (CCAC) by taking first in a meet hosted chosen All-Conference were juniors with a time of 27:54, winning the individ­ by Saint Xavier College. Sherita Taylor and Rose Zegler. ual championship for 1985; sophomore The women's volleyball team placed Coach John Trojaniak was named Lloyd Johnson took third; junior Rich second in state this year in the NAIA CCAC Coach of the Year. Trojaniak, in Fugett finished fourth and senior Michael District 20 (State of Illinois) tournament. his fifth season at Saint Xavier, also Blake came in sixth. The Cougars, who played 13 games in coaches Windy City Volleyball. Coach Jerome Kohn, in his first sea­ one day, lost all three games in the finals The Cougars final record in District 20, son at Saint Xavier, tied for District 20 to McKendree College. Cougar sopho­ including CCAC tournament play, was Cross Country Coach of the Year. Kohn, a more Midge Arundel Furlong and 17-2. social studies teacher at Mother McAuley freshman Sue Orent were selected for All-District honors.

Need Help in Preparing Your Will? Alumni Annual Fund Update "My estate is not substantial enough With Jim Sherman. MA, 71, as Chair­ Another phase of this year's fund drive to warrant a will." If this is your initial person for the 85-86 year, the alumni is new. It is a concentration on the decade thought when you hear the word "will" annual fund drive is well under way. The of the '50s. The graduates of that period mentioned, you may be ignoring a valu­ first phase, known as Special Gifts, is were guests at the November theatre party. able right and responsibility. Whether your expected to be a record one. This opti­ Geraldine Hletko, '55, hasgraciously con­ estate is large or small, it is, after all, yours. mism is based on two relevant facts: Gifts sented to chair this aspect of the Annual You worked hard to accumulate your as­ already received have been generous, Fund. Based on the decade's gift-giving sets, so why not take the time to decide and Sister M. Irenaeus Chekouras, total of $12,500 last year, this year's goal how they can best be put to use after your President Emeritus, is the Chairperson has been set at $15,000. death? for Special Gifts. Saint Xavier College is offering a book­ let, entitled "My Will - Starts Here," which is written in layman's language to help you understand the need for proper plan­ ning. It will give you important informa­ tion on the following: • Who should settle your estate? • Who should prepare your will? Saint Xavier Alumni Phonothon • What is probate? • Can you benefit both yourself and an institution like Saint Xavier March 4, 6, 10 and 12 by having a will? There is no obligation to you when you Save us the cost of a call — request a copy of this free booklet. Write to the Director of Development, Saint mail yotir gift TODAY! Xavier College, 3700 West 103rd Street, Chicago, Illinois 60655.

Winter. 1986 1985 Homecoming—Largest Ever

"Diddy" Heisey Lammers of Fountain Valley. California, looks through a yearbook from her Class of 1940. Mrs. Lammers was a Graduates of the Class of 1960 were in a festive mood as they celebrated their Silver Anniversary.Visiting Nurse in Chicago and then served seven years of active duty as a Navy nurse and a Navy flight nurse.

by Laverne Klotz, 70 nursing alums gathered for a special col­ one to add to an already full store of Saint loquium held in honor of the 50th Anni­ Xavier memories. The 1985 Homecoming, held October versary. Alan J. Dixon, the senior senator The traditional brunch followed the 19-20, was the largest Saint Xavier from Illinois; Maggie Kuhn, national con­ Memorial Mass. Special recognition was College Homecoming ever. More than venor of the Gray Panthers; Fay Gary- given to Sister Mark Kerin, '23, and An­ 600 alumni gathered to renew old ac­ Harris, professor of nursing at the Univer­ thony Grady, 74, in whose honor this quaintances, share memories and cel­ sity of Florida; and June Werner, pres­ year's Alumni Scholarships were given. ebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Saint ident, American Organization of Nurse Sister Mark took those present on a nos­ Xavier College School of Nursing. Executives, all spoke on the topic, "Health talgic visit to the early days of the Alumni Saturday morning found alumni back Care, the Next Fifty Years: Choice or Association. Tony spoke of his pride in in classrooms selecting activities to re­ Chance?" having graduated from Saint Xavier and fresh and enlighten. There were oppor­ Dr. Judith T. Maurin, '66 nursing, now in being selected for this special tunities to get acquainted with computers '68 MS, a professor and associate dean honor. The honorees are chosen each or to join one or more round table discus­ for academic affairs at the University of year from among the persons who have sions, the topics of which covered cur­ Utah College of Nursing, Salt Lake City, served or are serving the Alumni rent issues in education, tenorism, crime was presented with the Distinguished Association. This year's recipients of the and punishment, financial survival in the Nursing Alumni Award. scholarships, each for $ 1,000, were Linda '80s and the moral implications of mod­ And then it was Sunday and the alumni Weseman and Cheryl Lindenmeyer. em technology. Others spent the morn­ began arriving early for the Memorial Mass. The day ended with persons gathering ing touring the school and viewing the They came from nearby cities and sub­ in groups to prolong the reminiscing historical videotape presentation, "School urbs. They came from a few blocks away. and the "do you remember?" conver­ of Nursing- 1935-1985." They all came to the largest Saint Xavier sations. On Saturday afternoon, more than 250 College Homecoming ever. The day was

Meeting Place Magazine Homecoming, Nursing Anniversary—A Double Celebration

Class of 35 alumnae included (left to right) Kathleen Cooney Cartan. Oak Lawn;Sister M. Josetta Butler. RSM. president of Saint Xavier College from 1960-63; Margaret White McGuiness of Cincinnati; Kathleen Brown Heine, Palos Heights; and Virginia Cheevers Meany. Oak Lawn.

Mary Sullivan Oesterle (left), assistant professor of nursing and an alumna of Saint Xavier College ('68and 73 MS) chaired the 50th Anniversary Celebration for the School of Nursing. She is shown here with Marypat Murphy, and Elizabeth Concordia, nursing students who wore old-fashioned uniforms Sister Mary Helen Underwood, RSM, to usher at the Health Care Conference (formerly Sister Camille), Director of Saint Xavier College School of Nursing from 1947 to 1954. was an honored guest at the School of Nursing's 50th Anniversary celebration. With her is Alice Casey of Olympia Fields, a 1939 nursing graduate.

Posing with mannequins dressed in uniforms worn in the 60's by student nurses are members of the Class of 1960: (left to right) Laura Shallow Kresse (center), president of the Saint Xavier Susan Matem Kessler, Crystal Lake; Joan Hau Franckowiak, College Alumni Association, is shown with 1985 Alumni Beverly: Rose Coretto Andersen, Winona Minnesota: Carol Scholarship winners Linda Weseman (left), and Cheryl Gockstetter Yukich, Homewood; and Beatrice Johnston Nelligan, Lindenmeyerf right). Both students are in their senior year. LaGrange Park.

6 Winter, 1986 facult faci , faculty.

Howard Abadinsky, associate director of Sister Nancy Cahill, director of early child­ Avis Clendenen, director of Campus Min­ the criminal justice program, con­ hood studies (on leave), addressed the istry, was a presentor at both the Archdio­ ducted research for the President's Com­ principals of the diocese of Peoria on re­ cesan Catechetical Day and the Religion mission on Organized Crime in Chicago cent research into early literacy at the pre­ Enrichment Day, speaking on the topic and He appeared on CBS school and kindergarten level and its "The Catholic Educator as Liberator." Morning News to discuss organized application for the classroom teacher. Diane Homer, dean of the School of Nurs­ crime. Dr. Abadinsky's book, Organized ing, has been appointed to the Profes­ Crime, 2nd edition, was published sional Advisory Committee of the Family by Nelson-Hall. Care Services of Metropolitan Chicago, Michael Rabe. assistant professor of art, Home Health Care Division. will undertake a research and lecture visit Peter N. Kirstein, chair of the department to South India during the January interim, of history/political science, presented a underwritten by the Samuel H. Kress Foun­ paper, "The Atomic Age and Revolution, dation in conjuction with the Dean of the Spirit of October," at the XVI Inter­ Faculty. national Congress of Historical Sciences Leonard Shaw, associate professor in the at Stuttgart, Federal Republic of Germany. Graham School of Management, was Dr. Kirstein has four essays published in appointed Director of Community Affairs the Biographical Dictionary of Modem for the Chicago Chapter of the Institute Peace Leaders, Greenwood Press. of Industrial Engineering, which provides Mary Lebold, assistant dean of under­ volunteer industrial engineering services Sister Nancy Cahill graduate nursing, and Darlene O'Cal- to non-profit organizations. laghan, assistant professor, gave a Susan Beal, associate professor of math­ presentation at the international Nursing ematics and computer science, spoke on William J. Buckley, associate professor Theory in Action Conference in Alberta, "Placing the Value on Place Value" at the of biology, received a Meritorious Service Canada, on the topic "A Cum'cular De­ Conference for the Improvement of Math­ Award from the Heart Association of South sign for Registered Nurse Students Us­ ematics Teaching at Purdue University. Cook County and has been appointed to ing the Neuman Model." She addressed the NCTM Regional Meet­ the Prevention Goal Committee of the Chi­ Stanley Boyer, associate professor of bi­ ing in Wisconsin on the subject "Using cago Heart Association. ology, presented a seminar, "Chrono- Children's Arithmetic Enors in the Teach­ Joan Franckowiak, associate professor biology Experiments in an Animal Be­ ing/Learning Process." in the School of Nursing, and Joel Stem- havior Laboratory," at the annual meeting Pilar Rotella, professor of Spanish, pre­ berg, associate professor in mass com­ of the Association of Midwest College sented a paper, "De lo pintado a lo vivo: munications, conducted an "Instructor Biology Teachers. reflextiones sobre Coto Vedado, la ultima Training" workshop for the Department Eileen Quinn Knight, education and obra de Juan Goytisolo" (From Art to Life: of Defense Contract Administrative Ser­ religious studies departments, was inter­ Reflections on Coto Vedado, Juan Goyt- vices personnel and the U.S. Office of viewed by Father Martin Winters on his isolo's latest work) at the 27th annual Personnel Management The five-day program "Gamut" on Channel 5 TV con­ meeting of the Midwest Modem Language workshop was held at Defense Logistics cerning the role of women in the Church Association in St Louis. Her presentation Agency Headquarters on the military side and in society. She has been appointed at Indiana University of Pennsylvania was of O'Hare Airport by Cardinal Bernardin to serve on the Arch titled "Realidad como ficcion: El crimen Sister M. Irenaeus Chekouras, president diocesan Steering Committee for the writ­ de Cuenca de Salvador Maldonado (Re­ emerita and professor of education and ing of the pastoral on the Concerns of ality as Fiction: El crimen de Cuenca by business administration, has been Women. Salvador Maldonado). elected to the Board of Trustees, as well Margaret Kelly Carroll, assistant profes­ Norman Boyer, associate professor of as the Executive Committee, of Loyola sor of education, authored an article, English (on leave 1985-86), described his University. She has also been elected to "Improving Reading Through Family experiences as a computer documenta­ the Executive Committee of the Mercy Assistance," in the journal Directive tion consultant in a paper delivered at the Higher Education Colloquium. Sister Teacher. She received a $1,000 grant 50th annual convention of the Associa­ Irenaeus participated in the Midwest from the Mathematics Education Trust tion for Business. The paper was titled Faculty Seminar sponsored by the Uni­ to write a unit titled "Recreational Math "Traveling from the Groves of Academe versity of Chicago on the subject for the Good' Times." to the Real World Jungle: A True-Life of Wittgenstein's Philosophical Adventure." Investigations.

Meeting Place Magazine Arunas Dagys, Margaret Manella Kozak, Martin Jaeckel, assistant professor of soci­ John Marovich and Thomas McGannon ology, chaired a session on Social Ger­ of the department of mathematics and ontology at the annual meeting of the computer science, collaborated in design­ Society for Applied Sociology in Penn­ ing and producing a series of six instruc­ sylvania and gave a presentation on "Alter­ tional computer diskettes published by native Housing for the Elderly: Issues in Magna Systems, Inc. Program Design." He chaired a session JoAnn Gruca, assistant professor of and made the same presentation at the nursing, spoke on "Assessing Rehabilita­ Illinois Sociological Association in tion Potential" at a symposium sponsored Charleston, Illinois. by the Association of Rehabilitation Katherine Konopasek, senior assistant Nurses. She presented a paper on 'Impli­ librarian, participated in a national discus­ cations of Existentialist Philosophy to sion group on the future of small and me­ Gus Kolich the Baccalaureate Education of Regis­ dium college libraries at the American tered Nursing Students" at the fifth annual Library Association's annual meeting. Augustus Kolich. chair of the English de­ Lilly conference on College Teaching. Hassan Haddad, professor of history, co- partment, served as senior teaching fel­ Gail Harris, associate professor of edu­ edited the book, All in the Name of the low at the 1985 Summer Institute in cation, presented a videotape on "Story Bible, PHRC Publications, Chicago. He Literature at Lafayette College. Telling and Story Writing of Learning participated in an international conference Joel Sternberg, associate professor of Disabled Children" at the American of Parliament Members of Arab Origin in mass communications, was interviewed Speech-Language-Hearing Convention North and South America in Damascus, on WGN radio's Paul Bryant show on the in Washington, D.C. Syria. topic "Chicago Television." He presented Nancy Lockie, associate professor, and Donna Dixon, nursing instructor, pre­ a paper on the "Chicago School of Tele­ JoAnn Gruca, assistant professor in the sented "The Family and the Nurse: Issues vision: Programming in the Chicago Style School of Nursing, presented their findings of Control" at a Sigma Theta Tau meeting in the 1950's" at the Chicago Historical from their research project "Factors As­ at Olivet Nazarene College in Kankakee. Society. The presentation was one of the featured events for the Chicago Television sociated with Career Choice in College V. Tellis-Nayak, professor of sociology, Women'' at the 68th Illinois Nurses Asso­ Festival sponsored by the Center for New has had a monograph published by the Television. ciation Biennial Convention. Illinois Hospital Association titled "Hos­ JoAnn Ellingson, library director, pre­ pitals at Siege: The Threat and Promise of Gail Sellers, instructor in art, exhibited two sented a program during the annual Long Term Care." He presented a re­ wall sculptures in "The Red Show" at the conference of the American Library search paper, "The Prospective Payment Contemporary Art Workshop in Chicago. Association on the effectiveness of lob­ System, Alternate Level of Care and the She will do a sculpture installation at an bying on behalf of libraries and the tech­ Hospital Role," at the 38th Annual Sci­ art exhibit at the Hyde Park Art Center. niques of getting involved in local level entific Meeting of the Gerontological So­ Laura Birg, chair of the department of politics. ciety of America in New Orleans. sociology and anthropology, and Yen Pet­ Jayne Hileman, instructor in art, has had Cathie Ruggie, assistant professor of art, erson, associate professor of sociology, works selected for inclusion in the Illinois was selected to exhibit three pieces in the presented an audio-visual slide show, "A Arts Council traveling exhibit, "New Tra­ Carrier Arts Festival 1985, a national jur­ Taste of Sociology" at the Illinois State ditions in Sculpture," to travel Illinois in ied exhibition held in Belle Mead, New Sociology Association meetings at East- 1986. Jersey. One of the pieces, a silkscreen em Illinois University and also at the Asso­ print, received an Honorable Mention. ciation for a Humanist Sociology in At­ Janet Dahm. assistant professor in nurs­ lanta. Their paper, "Loneliness and the Eileen Kolich, education instructor, had ing, has been invited to become Item Free-lance Writer" was presented at the an article published in the September, Writer for American Nurses Association Conference on Social Theory and the 1985 issue of the Journal of Learning Certificate Examination in Psychiatric- Arts at Adelphi University. Mental Health Nursing. Disabilities tided "Microcomputer Use in Special Education - Its Effects on the MaryFrances Watson, senior assistant Learning Disabled." librarian, spoke at the Information Ex­ change Suite as part of the American Mary Lynn Colosimo, Education Center, Library Association's 104th annual was the featured speaker at the Academy conference. She has been appointed to of Our Lady High School Inservice on the Continuing Education Committee of the subject "Teacher as Person." the Illinois Library Association's Re­ sources and Technical Services Section.

8 Winter, 1986 Year In Review

Letter from the President

As Saint Xavier College enters its (1935-85) with expansion of its program reaching an all time high of nearly 2,600 140th year of educational service, I would offerings, gala Homecoming festivities, students with a nine percent increase in like to share with you highlights of our and sponsorship of a major conference student full time equivalency. Fall recent accomplishments - a brief review on the future of health care. The addition enrollment showed an increase in the of events that occurred in 1985. of a component in nursing administration number of Continuing Education stu­ Last year, physical facilities at Saint and nursing education to the master's dents, degree-seeking adults 23 years Xavier were expanded for the first time degree program in nursing will provide of age and older - a group that brings since the College moved to its present students with opportunities to assume to the College a diversity of interests campus in 1956. The Graham School of leadership and teaching roles in a variety and career experiences. This year, nearly Management building, located across of settings. Saint Xavier College has 56 percent of the student body (including 103rd Street at Avers Avenue, opened its received an Advanced Nursing Training graduate students) are in this age group. doors to undergraduate and graduate Grant from the U.S. Department of Health Faculty, administrators and staff cur­ business students, providing educational and Human Services, Division of Nursing, rently are engaged in a comprehensive resources to our students and the com­ to fund expansion of this program. planning process designed to develop a munity. Formerly an elementary school, The Graduate Education program long range plan that will establish the building was purchased by Saint established a Reading Clinic/ Reading priorities and goals to assure continued Xavier College in 1983 and renovated and Language Arts Center to provide the growth and development for the College into a modem college complex with a community with a resource center for and its programs. spectacular clock tower and glass diagnosis and remediation of reading As the new year begins, the College entrance as an architectural landmark problems and skills for both children and community renews its uncompromising and an interior which includes seven adults and to provide graduate students commitment to academic integrity and classrooms, two seminar rooms, more with clinical experience as they prepare quality. To support the programs and than a dozen faculty offices and a reading for positions as reading clinicians/ goals of Saint Xavier College, we rely on room. Cunentry, renovation plans are consultants or as teachers in reading the assistance and encouragement of being completed as an attached gym is development programs from kinder­ alumni, parents, trustees, faculty, staff, being remodeled to provide a large multi­ garten through 12th grade. foundations, corporations, businesses media lecture hall/conference room. In other program expansions, the and individuals who share an interest in The new facility will be named Andrew Psychology Department is offering a new the College's mission. Hall in honor of the donor. track in Industrial Psychology and the In this section of Meeting Place, an The Graham School is named for Graham School has added a finance Honor Roll is featured, listing all who Edna Kanaley Graham, an alumna of track to its undergraduate business contributed to Saint Xavier College in the Saint Xavier College. Dedication curriculum. Faculty members cunentty fiscal year beginning Jury 1, 1984, and ceremonies in April were attended by the are developing an inter-disciplinary ending June 30, 1985. 1 would like to Graham family, college trustees, faculty program in gerontology, a study of aging thank each donor and urge continued members and leaders in the Chicagoland that will draw from the fields of sociology, generosity this year and in years to come. business and educational communities. nursing, psychology, philosophy, Our goal is to realize the full measure In the main building, a new student religious studies and business. of the College's potential to become one lounge and a new faculty lounge are Enrollment figures set another record, of the finest colleges in the Catholic nearing completion, and new adminis­ liberal arts tradition. With your continued trative offices have been completed. support, this goal will become a reality. Renovations have been completed in both Pacelli and Regina dormitories. The School of Nursing at Saint Xavier College celebrated its 50th Anniversary Cordially,

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1916 Mrs. Marion H. Farrow Mrs. Mary Ellen O'Connor Mrs. Frances Ellis Alice Peterson Mrs. William Gubbins Mrs. Clifford Perras Mary Louise Ffrench Mrs. William Hammond Mrs. Elmer Valtman Rosemary Kalin 1918 Ms. Maryanne Loftus Laureen Kenny, R.SM Catherine Wolfe Mr. Thomas O'Connor 1937 Mrs. John C. Meehan Mrs. Thomas Prendergast Rita Appleby Mrs. Lester Mitchell 1919 Mrs. Thomas Buckley Mrs. Miller Myers 1932 Ms. Loretta Nagle Dorothy Marie Peschon, R.SM. Mrs. Theodore M. Burkholder Mrs. Carl Chamness Ancell Fredericks Mrs. Charles Noland Alvena Reckzeh Hortense Lambert Phyllis Helm Eleanor Robb Mrs. Joseph Vascura 1921 Vianney Liston, R.SM Mrs. Joseph Meegan Mrs. Frank Soletta Mary Denis O'Grady, R.S.M. Ms. Viola Ward Ms. Beatrice A Streit Ms. Barbara Pfeffer 1943 Ms. Leana Wellsand Ms. Betty Seiter 1922 Margaret Allen Mrs. F. Wanago Ms. Patricia Bartley Ms. Ruth Barlow 1933 Mrs. Elmer Williams Catherine A. Cartan, RSM. Miss Carolyn Qerbert Mrs. Susan Asma Mrs. Russell Chamey Adele Blecke 1938 Mrs. Richard Judson 1923 Mary Margaret Brennan Jane Condon Mrs. Robert Kallal Ms. Margaret Flynn Mrs. Hubert F. Chwatal Mrs. John P. Conway Ms. Mary O'Sullivan Mary Mark Kerin, R.SM. Bemice Donehue Ms. Milda Daugirda Ms. Jean C. Rush Mrs. Joseph Feeney Mrs. Robert Fitzsimmons Mrs. Russell Thompson 1924 Mrs. Richard Kelly Mrs. Earl Houston Mrs. George Williams Mrs. Joseph Edgerton Mrs. Frank Maneely Ms. Mary Mitchell Ms. Milium Flanagan Rosemary McCarthy Mrs. Frank J. Phee 1944 Mrs. William Kew Mrs. Ruth McCormick Mrs. Anne Carson Margaret Riedle 1939 Mrs. Charles Corcoran 1926 Mrs. Miles C Stanton Marie Derwinski Mrs. James Fairbaim Mrs. John Dougherty Ms. Alice V. Treanor Mrs. Gordon Early Mrs. Donald Figel Ms. Corinne Gilsinger Mrs. Frances J. Whelihan Mrs. Raymond Hebel Mrs. Oscar G. Fischer Dorothy Horton Mrs. Victor E. Yanz Ms. Mary C. McMurrough Mrs. Richard Kosterman Mrs. Richard Rundle Ms. Virginia Leinheiser 1934 1927 Ms. Mary J. Ryan Ms. Marcella McMahon Ms. Eleanor Dunne Mrs. Alfred Bemoudy Mrs. Willard Simmons Mrs. John O'Connor Mrs. Thomas Fegan Mrs. Rose M. Demattia Mrs. Claude H. Steffey Mrs. E. C Peterson Miss Norma Geiger Mrs. Rudolph Pirtz Mrs. Charles F. Strubbe, Jr. Margaret Rateau Mrs. Charles Gerlach Minnie Vitton Mrs. George Tobin Mrs. Charles E. Schmidt Mrs. Mary Gomolski Margaret Williams Mrs. Mylo Schriver Ms. Patricia Graff Mrs. Matthew A. Sheahan 1928 Mrs. Patrick McAley 1940 Mrs. Joseph Skok Mrs. Gene Bergfeld Mrs. LaVerne Murrell Susan Thomas, R.SM. Ms. Marie Lauerman Mary E. Bezdek Mary Burke Helen Underwood, R.SM. Mrs. Alfonso F. Massoro 1935 Jean Marie Wallace, R.SM Mrs. John P. McDermott Mrs. James Dillon Mrs. Frederick W. Brady Mrs. George Zimmerman Mrs. Aubrey Peters Mrs. James L. Foley Josetta Butler, R.S.M. Rachel Ridge Mrs. Ralph Hill Mrs. L.E. Kelsey Mrs. Charles Karlove 1945 Mrs. John March 1929 Mrs. Walter M. Kelleher Mrs. Leslie Bodnor Virginia Meany Mrs. Lorraine Lammers Ms. Dorothy Bruno Ms. Helen Finan Rosemary O'Brien Betty Sharkey Mrs. Charmain Cahoon Clementine Frankowski Patricia D. Sweeney Ms. Alice Watson Dorothy Carter Mrs. John B. Leonard Agnes Vlach Lucille E Donegan Ms. Frances Moran Mrs. Edward S. Zarko 1941 Mrs. John Eshelman Ms. Henrietta Ruyter Ms. Shirley Anderson Margaret Fahrenbach 1936 Mrs. William Farley 1930 Mrs. Arthur O. Beyer Mrs. John T. Ahem Mrs. Everett Doede Mrs. Joseph Ferguson Mrs. Erwin D. Epperson Ms. Dolores M Boyle Mrs. James Douglas Ms. Mildred Fleming Helen Hack Ms. Anna Byrnes Mrs. Thomas W. Fleming Mr. & Mrs. William T. Franz Rosella Hart Mrs. John P. Carroll Mrs. Edward Flickinger Mary Guilfoil Ms. Mildred Hermann Mrs. William Coppock Mrs. Andrew S. Hartanov Mrs. Leonard E. Higgins Miss Helen Ptacek Verla Doyle Ms. Edna O'Hern Anna Kimble Mrs. Milton Retherford Mrs. Thomas Fabish Mrs. Robert Krueger Flora Rudgalvis Ruth V. Green Mrs. Ed Maday Mary Haberle 1942 Mrs. Russell Meyers 1931 Mrs. Robert Kelly Fern Asma Madeline Morrison Mrs. Victor Arnold Mrs. James McCabe Mrs. Russell Barta Mrs. George Nelson Ms. Rosemary Coe Mrs. Bernard McGlone Ms. Beatrice Caron Mrs. Donald G. Nordquist Mrs. Edwin Donovan Eileen McKugo Brigid Condon, R.S.M Mrs. Louis Scharff Mrs. John Shields 1984-85

1946 Mrs. William J. O'Neill Mrs. Justin McCarthy 1954 Mrs. Thomas Byrnes Mrs. Mario Ortigara Mrs. Raymond Peterson Mrs. Patrick Cagney Mrs. Robert DeVore Mrs. Lawrence J. Otto Mrs. Lorraine Rosiek Mrs. John F. Cochrane Mrs. John W. Dodge Mrs. Stephen Prekosovich Mrs. William E. Sabo Brian Costello, R.SM Mrs. Frank R. Doubek Mrs. Vroman W. Riley Cecilia Samans Mary Jo DeMarco, R.SM Mrs. James Duffy Mrs. Louis Rittelmeyer Frances Skemp Ms. Claudette Douglas Mrs. Clarence Dykema Mrs. James Sofianec Anna Staunton Claudette Dwyer Mrs. Harry Earl Marian Steslow Mrs. J. William Taaffe Ms. Margaret Friesenhahn Mrs. William Foley Mrs. H.D. Sweeney Ms. Margaret Welfare Mary Halaburt Ruth Gartland, R.SM Mary Warner Mrs. Milton Williams Mrs. Robert Halliday Ms. Mary C. Haase Mrs. Joseph Weber Mrs. Thomas F. Hand Rosemary Herald 1952 Mrs. James J. Lambert Etta Anne Hincker 1949 Mrs. Paul G. Bakker Mrs. Joseph McManus Catherine Jacobsen Mrs. William Bergin Mrs. Robert Bucci Mrs. H. James McMaster Ms. Marylou Kiley Mrs. R.P. Billingsley Dorothy Burton Mrs. Donald Shepard Ruth Lorenz Mrs. Lee F. Breakey Mrs. Philip M. Carlin Mrs. Donald Spruck Mrs. Bart McGrath Ms. Ellen Cauvins Ms. Marianne Duignan Mrs. J. Scott Stewart Ms. Marian F. McNamara Amelia Chisholm Joan Ferris Mrs. Jack Stukas Mrs. Phyllis Overling Mrs. EarlJ.CIak.Jr. Ms. Mildred Gladney Mrs. Bernard Sullivan Shirley Twickler Miriam Dickinson, R.SM Mrs. James Gleeson MaryWarchol Mrs. Patrice Grick Muriel Farrell Mrs. Aloysius Gruchot Mrs. Wilbur Wagner Mrs. James J. Fitzsimmons Mrs. Robert Guth 1955 Margaret Harrigan Miss Alice Gzela Mrs. Joseph Blacharczyk 1947 Mr. & Mrs. Leo Hogan Mrs. Fred Heidecke Irenaeus Chekouras, R.SM. Mrs. Ronald Anonsen Mrs. John E. Kelly, Jr. Mrs William McCarthy Mrs. Chester Ciezki Mrs. Robert Arnold Mrs. Leslie Lisson Mrs. Raymond McGrath Ms. Therese H. Dumond Ms. Catherine M Asma Theresa Mahler, R.SM. Mrs. Richard McKellop Jacquelyn Dwyer Mrs. Edward Budzyn Ms. Margaret Moran Zoella McNalis, R.SM. Margaret Gallagher, R.SM Mrs. Frank Callozzo Jane Niemi Mrs. Vincent Mennella Mrs. Mary K. Gibson Ms. Frances Carroll Mrs. Ann Nitkey Dominic Merwick, R.SM. Mrs. Harold Greene Hazel Dermody Ms. Mary Ann Pitts Mary Ann Montesano Mrs. John Heinz Ms. Catherine C Fennell Mrs. Edwin J. Reidy Simeon O'Donohue, R.SM. Ms. Geraldine Hletko Mrs. Peter Gereg Betty Riley Mary Ortigara Mrs. Elizabeth Holderman Ms. Catherine Giblin Mrs. Frances Schambari Mrs. Sandy A. Perry Marjorie Katz Mrs. Benjamin Kamiya Ms. Ann Rud Mrs. Teny MacDonald Mrs. Gene Lambert 1950 Mrs. Alvin Saathoff Mrs. F.R. Mudra Mrs. Anthony C. Lullo Mrs. Jean K. Andrews Mrs. Nancy Schmitt Mrs. Jeanine Murphy Mrs. Robert MacNaughton Lorraine Bahl Ms. Christine Schultz Mrs. Charles Schwartz Ms. Jane Mahoney Mrs. Daniel Beaudoin Mrs. Jerome B. Trandel Mrs. John Sheehy Mrs. Bemadine McGregor Ms. Martha F. Depeder Mr. & Mrs. James Trant Mrs. Walter J. Walker Mrs. Joseph Menez Mrs. Thomas W. Farley Mrs. John Vogt Mrs. Donna L. Watzke Mrs Edward Myers Mildred Finis Catherine Welt Helen Weinfurter, R.SM Mrs. William O'Connell Margaret Halper Ms. P. Anne Willis Anita Pellettiere Carol Hays 1953 M Lucille Riordan Renee Humble Mrs. Robert Arzbaecher 1956 Albert Schueneman, R.SM. Mrs. Rita Jackson Mrs. Geraldine R. Baker Mrs. Charles Allen Mrs. George F. Johnson, Jr. Fleurette Buckley, R.SM. Frances Ault, O.P. 1948 Mrs. Phyllis Kell Mrs. James F. Esner Laurette Betz, R.SM. Margaret Ahem Mrs. James Koenig Mrs. Francis J. Healey Mrs. Daniel Brady Mrs. Edward Allman Mrs. Richard Lenert Mary Jane Kunnath Mrs. Richard Brockmeyer Mrs. Donald Blyth Renette Makowski Mrs. Ronald A. Marwitz Mrs. Russell E. Dorland Mrs. George P. Costello Maude McGreal, R.SM Ms. Patricia McEnemey Mrs. Michael Essling Margaret Dullard Miss Marie Niespodziany Ms. Joan Miller Mrs. Patricia Fabiano Mrs. Dalton Eggert Mrs. Joseph P. Sloyan Helen Moag Mrs. Roger Ferron Mrs. Donald Goldthwaite Mrs. Edward Sulick Ms. Eileen Murphy Mrs. George Fitterer Anne Hamilton Christine Sutton. M.D. Mrs. Frank Nash Rosalie Fitzpatrick, R.SM Mrs. Thomas Hanratty Magdalen Ward Mrs. Donald F. O'Brien Armella Guiney, R.SM Mrs. Herbert Harrison Mrs. Charles L. Range Mrs. William Hinkes Mrs. Richard Kaiser 1951 Mrs. Barbara M Rhymes Mrs. Edward J. Kabat Ms. Jeanne M. Keating Alice Brummel Sara J. Santoyo Mrs. Kenneth McGuire Mrs. Joseph A. Kosin Mr. & Mrs. William P. Comis Mrs. Norbert W. Shaner Mrs. James Norris Mrs. Marcellus Lipinski Mrs. Jerome Corcoran Ms. Roberta F. Smith Mrs. John O'Shea Mrs. Thomas McShea Ms. Mary Therese Dwyer Marie Squires Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Rahn Mrs. Joseph G. Meiman Elaine Gallagher Rosalie Steinmiller, R.SM. Ms. Jacqueline Ranee Giles Murray, R.SM Ave Green Mrs. Richard Sykora Mrs. Margaret Rees Rosemary Neaubauer Therese Mary Mahler, R.S.M. Mrs. Richard J. Wirtz Mrs. Robert Robinson Mrs. Francis Nolan Noreen Mahon, R.SM. Mrs. Gloria Wisz Mrs. Ronald Schnura Mrs. Gordon J. Sharp Honor Roll of Donors

1957 Mrs. William Gierlowski Mrs. James Haverty 1963 Mrs. Joseph Gormley Mrs. Fred Jerger Mrs. Robert Abbanat Linda Bochenski Sheila Grannan Mrs. Matthew Kass Mrs. Paul E. Blatt Mrs. Patricia Cahill Ms. Mary F. Grogan Mrs. Charles M Keough Assumpta Buckley, R.SM Mrs. Helen E. Carroll Mrs. Gerald V. Hanlon Mrs. Charles W. Larsen Mrs. Carter D. Carroll Ms. Mary Jo Corbett Patricia Hansen Mrs. James M. Long Joan Cunnea Mrs. Robert Curry Corinne Kabara, R.SM Mrs. John Lovell Mrs. George Dierssen Mrs. Thomas J. Dolan Ms. Eileen C. Keeler Mrs. Richard P. Mackey Mrs. Torrence Francino Mrs. William J. Donegan Mrs. Robert Lawler Ms. Loretta A Malone Mrs. John Heinen Ms. Mary Elmore Mrs. John McNamara Mrs. William A Marozas Ms. Mary Jo Hertel Joanne Fortuna Ms. Rose Navarro Mary McCormick Mrs. Thomas F. Hicks Mrs. Frederick Frey Mrs. Ronald Niego Mr. & Mrs. Patrick McMahon Mrs. Bernard Huss Mrs. Thomas Giometti Ms. Patricia Ryan Mrs. Gerald Moriarty Mrs. Robert Joyce Mrs. Anthony C. Kantor Ellen Sedlack Dr. Sheila O'Brien Barbara Kern Sharon Kerrigan, R.SM Mrs. Daniel Singelyn Mrs. John O'Sullivan Mrs. Roger LaVigne Mrs. Gregory Kersting Donna Mae Stupar Mrs. Robert S. Oldowski Mrs. James Maley Ms. Barbara A Kusek Ms. Carol Tome Carole Parsons Mrs. Richard Marth Mrs. Rose Ann Labriola Mrs. John L Tuohy Mrs. Chariene Reimer Marianne Natzke Ms. Lorraine M Lowrey Mrs. James Wright Mrs. Thomas F. Rooney, Jr. Ms. Mary Naughton-Walsh Nancy Martin Mrs. Gerald F. Sexton Mrs. Albert Pisani Mrs. Thomas C. Matz Mrs. William Thompson Mrs. Paul Polishuk Mrs. Richard Mundo Mrs. Robert S. Whitely Mrs. Thomas Powers 1960 Ms. Carol A Nykiel Mrs. Terese Salehyar Rose Marie Andersen Mrs. Martin S. Oberchina Mrs. Robert Sassetti Mrs. Richard L Angerer Barbara Peters Ms. Brenda Scanlon Ms. Bemadette Benson 1962 Mrs. Larry L. Rabideau Mrs. Barbara Shanahan Kay Burton Mrs. Marybeth Beechen Mrs. Richard Schouten Mrs. John Sharpe Nancy Cahill, R.SM Mrs. William Billings Mrs. John E Sheen Lynn Curran Mrs. Marlyn M Burdette Mrs. Harold Sigal Mrs. Stephen D. Daley Mrs. Ronald Callahan Mrs. Robert Sojka 1958 Ms. Mary J. Donovan Susan Catania Joy Stastny Mrs. David J. Druffel Mary Ann Bergfeld. R.SM Mrs. Jerome Comer Mrs. Richard Thome Mrs. Armen Ervanian Ms. Joanne M Clark Mary Cunnea Susan Thome Mrs. Joan M. Franckowiak Mrs. Martin Cosgrove Mrs. GaryM Ferrence Frances VanderWey Mrs. James Freese Jane Francis Dusik, R.SM Miss Carol A Fomek Mrs. Barbara Verbeke Gertrude Hanley Rita Gallagher Mrs. Paul Giorgi Mrs. Charles Vygantos Mary Hanseder. R.SM K. A Gerberi Mrs. John P. Heupel Mrs. Robert L. Wall Marion Johnson. R.SM Janet Hantsch Mrs. William Kiedaisch Gloria Walsh Mrs. Susan Kessler Mrs. W. V. Hehemann Mrs. William Kretz Mrs. Charles A Werner Mary Lebold Mary F. Jablonskis Ms. Helen M Kroeker Mrs. Thomas A Wolfla Sheila Lyne, R.SM Vivian Mattoon Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lenac Mrs. Paul Zaura, Jr. Mrs. Peter R. Martinez Mrs. Thomas J. O'Connor Mary Ann Lyons Mrs. Albert Martinkus Mrs. Thomas W. Reynolds Ms. Marion McFarland Mary McCullough Miriam Roche Mrs. Dennis J. McSweeney, Jr. 1964 Mrs. James Mulvihill Mrs. Edward J. Rosenberger Mrs. Catherine Mendenhall Mrs. John Mack Abramic Mrs. Stanley Nawrocki Ms. Savoy Joanna Mrosek Mrs. Alfred Belluomini Mrs. Joseph Nelligan Betty Smith, R.SM Mrs. Vincent Nirtaut Mrs. James Bergeron Mrs. Robert T O'Neil Mrs. Howard Sweeney Mrs. R. Nugent Mrs. Donald Bilstein Mrs. Juozas Polikaitis Mrs. John Vander Molen Mrs. John O'Brien Loretta Blume Mrs. Jerry Prendergast Mrs. Frank Vogel Mrs. Charles T. O'Brien Mrs. Jerome Brosnan Mrs. Michael J. Reilry Mrs. Arnold Voketaitis Marilyn Olson Ms. Grace Burbulys Doris Schaaff. MD. Mrs. Mary Catherine Paci Mrs. Robert J. Casmer Ms. Joan Penzen Stadler Mrs. Bernard J. Pepping Mrs. Robert J. Chalifoux Mrs. Roger Theobold 1959 Mrs. James S. Pollak Mrs. John Chesta Marian Wiegel, R.SM Mrs. Donald B. Anderson Ellen Rask Mrs. Leslie Clarke Mrs. Mark P. Bums Mrs. Roger Rave Mrs. Kenneth Creed Mrs. Otto Causens Ms. Lorraine Rega Mrs. Samuel J. Cutrara Mrs. James E Debickaro 1961 Carol Ann Regan Mrs. William Dattulo Ms. Joyce M Dehaan Mrs Philip C. Allen Karen Ryan, R.SM Mrs. William Demling Mrs. Robert Rnley Mrs. Robert Appiarius Mrs. Robert G. Schroeder Ms. Barbara J. Dwyer Mr. & Mrs. James J. Fitzsimmons Ms. Rachel Betkis-Hart Ms. Donna M Stefanik Kathryn Eckerle Mrs. Edward M Fowler Patricia Brafford Mrs. Charles Strauch Mrs. Josephine Fitzgerald Nancy Gallagher Ms. Patricia Casebolt Ms. Kathleen J. Sullivan Mrs. William Francis Barbara A Gallagher Mrs. Arlene F. Connell Mrs. John S. Svalina Ms. Linda G. Frank Ms. Mary Ann Gaynor Ms. Therese Donatello Mrs. Richard Trevarthan Mrs. Lawrence J. Frezek Ms. Mary Joan Geis JoAnne Fleming, R.SM. Carole Wisner Mrs. Walter Gruca, Jr. Mrs. Algis Glevickas Mrs. Alfred S. Young Mrs. Luther Gruver Mrs. Handen Rita Zilius Ms. Theresa M Hanlon 1984-85

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy W. Hannemann Mrs. John Mauro Margaret Tomaso Mrs. John C. Chambers Mrs. Mary Ann Helmold Cari McCartan Mrs. Terrence Tringle Mrs. Richard J. Clay Mrs. William Hurley Mrs. Donald McGuire Anne Vulich Mrs. Thomas B. Cook Jane Kaczorowski Mrs. Kenneth A Melow Mrs. Michael Watson Janet Docktor Mrs. Joseph A. Kalista Mrs. Arthur Miller Cynthia Wittosch Ms. Sharon I. Doran Mrs. Roger E. Kelling Mrs. William Muempfer Ms. Anita K. Wolff Mrs. Jay Fox Mrs. Anthony T. Kennedy Mrs. Richard Muench Ms. Dolores Wronowski Mrs. Jesse J. Freund Sharon T. Kobak Mrs. Henry O'Neill, Jr. Kathleen Yoder Violette Gleason Mrs. Richard Koenig Mrs. Carlos Otero Mrs. Gerald A. Gorecki Mrs. Joseph E. Perreault Mr. & Mrs. William Grede Mrs. Richard F. Loritz 1967 Mrs. John Madden Ms. Margaret E. Roch Judith Griffin Mrs. Joseph Mikaila Mrs. Alexandra Rominger Mrs. Edward J. Albrecht Mrs. John Halpin Mr. & Mrs. Peter Mone Mrs. C. Schuelke Mrs. Craig Ames Mrs. Richard Heidkamp Mrs. Medard M Narko Ms. Arlene Scranton Mrs. John T. Bauer, Jr. Ms. Catherine Hobbins Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Odewald Mrs. James Seckinger Mrs. Catherine Stanton Bell Mr. & Mrs. Stanley R. Hoffman Mrs. Richard J. Prise Mrs. Frank Shea Mrs. Dennis Boyd Katherine Jannusch Mrs. Robert Quillman Mrs. William Skiba Ms. Charlene Chisek Mary Jo Keane. R.SM Mary Quirin Ms. Rose A. Skoniecki Marcia Clark Margaret Mary Knittel, R.SM Mrs. Marlene Rasmussen Mrs. Joy T. Stastny Ruth Conlon Mrs. Robert Kowalczyk Judith Rhodes Mrs. Daniel D. Sullivan Barbara Davidson Mrs. Peter Lewis Mrs. Lawrence E. Riehle Mrs. Paul E. Swider. Jr. Ms. Marie Degrace Mrs. Leonard Lundmarik Sharon P. Ryan Mrs. Richard C. Windecker Mrs. Michael Denning Mrs. David E Massignan Mrs. James H. Schuler Mrs. Ronald Ziolkowski Joanne Douda Ms. Mary F. McFadden Mrs. David Spencer Mrs. Robert M. Zolna Kathleen Dracup Mr. & Mrs. Donald McMahon Beverly Hall Spencer Mrs. Margaret Duddleston Mrs. Thomas P. Moore Mrs. William R. Stanley 1966 Mrs. Thomas P. Fanning Mrs. John Nies Ms. Gilbert A. Flores Mrs. Don Turner Mrs. Richard A. Andrews Mr. & Mrs. James A Nolan Mrs. Richard Frain Mrs. James E. (Jrbonas Mrs. Mary Ellen Bernard Mrs. Carolyn M. O'Connor Ms. Barbara Helzing Mrs. Victor Pauperas Mrs. Michael J. Wood Mrs. James W. Church Mary E. Hendry Dr. Frances Periconi Mrs. Terrence J. Cook Ms. Lan Ho Huynh 1965 Catherine CoiTello Mrs. Thomas W. Prendergast Mrs. Richard Kalchbrenner Mrs. Carol Priesbe Mrs. Thomas Bastien Ms. Mary J. Cray Ms. Janet K. Keller Ms. Donna Cook Richert Ms. Agnes Beime Mary Frances Crean, R.SM. Mrs. Larry Kibbon Mrs. Raymond P. Sakover Mrs. Robert Betz Mrs. James M. Edwards, III Ms. Ruth Ann Kurczewski Mrs. Roger Shinnick Mrs. Carl V. Biscard.Jr. Mrs. Gerald Fox Janet Kuska Mrs. James W. Smith Mrs. Anthony Burich Mrs. Paul E. Greenawalt Mrs. Jerome Lakota Denise M Smith Mrs. Leo Carpizo Kay Hood Mrs. Donald Larson Marilyn Terry Ms. Sarah Casolare Therese Huaman Mrs. Robert Lee Mrs. Gerald Till Mrs. Raymond J. Clancy Mrs. Ronald Kersten Mrs. Michael Ludwick Mrs. George Tumak Mrs. John T. Conley Patricia Kiefer Mrs. Clarence Malinger Mrs. Patricia Tye Lucretia Costello Mrs. Cleone Kober Teresa Maltby.R.SM Mrs. Allen Van Ms. Mary T. Doherty Mrs. Thomas Krupp Ms. Maureen R. Mclnemey Mrs. Jack Vujanich Mr. & Mrs. Michael Downey Denise LaBianca Mrs. Thomas McReynolds Mrs. Robert Walsh Ms. Monica E. Dutkiewicz Mrs. Ronald J. Latko Mrs. JohnJ.Mee Mrs. Cletus Willems Kenneth Elliott Mrs. Chester Lockwood Mrs. John Nemec Mrs. Jerrald L. Youngren Maureen Foley Mrs. Robert Lourie Patricia O'Leary Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Forde Mrs. Ronald Magliola Mrs. Eugene O'Neil 1969 Ms. Virginia Fritsch Mrs. Paul A. Mate Ms. Patricia MOrrico Ms. Margaret Gallagher Ms. Diane McCarty Mrs. Anthony Adduci Sharon Passow Sharon Glover Mrs. Thomas L. Ogier Andrea Barsevick Mrs. Martin Petersen Mrs. Douglas Gustason Mrs. Thomas J. Panozzo Mrs. Bernard Bates Mrs. William E. Ruhaak Mrs. Robert Hammerlund Mrs. Richard Paul Mrs. Joan M Boskovich Mrs. Mary Beth Sachtleben Mrs. Joseph O. Pedersen Ms. Lynn Butler Mrs. Joseph Hastreiter Mr. & Mrs. Everett Selof Mary Heller Ms. Karen Popowski Mrs. Cain Judith Sopiarz Mrs. John M. Higgins Mrs. Gerald Quinn Mrs. Jerome Colletti Mrs. Jesse Szczepanski Mrs. Dan Hoffman Mrs. Ronald Schlacks Ms. Mary Alice Crowley Mrs. Ruth Emily Weber Linda Hoyer Mrs. Mary Ann Schlacks Grace Cuniak Mrs. Robert J. Zimmer Mrs. Daniel H. Jones Colette Schrank Mrs. Mary F. DeFrancisco Mrs. Thomas Deegan Mrs. Lawrence Judge Carol Sejda 1968 Ms. Patricia A Jurka Anne Shannon LaVerne Erhardt Most Rev. Moses Anderson Ms. Anne B. Kane Jane Slate Ms. Georgette M. Freelong Eileen Barton Ms. Dolores A Keating Margaret Mary Slattery Mrs. Virginia GalloglyLevine Margaret Bejma Mrs. David Kennen Mrs. Earle Spohn Mrs. William J. Germaine Ms. Mary K. Blantz Richard Kreisl Marilyn Stalzer Ms. Emily Grimwood Mrs. David E Brann Mrs. Herbert H. Laverty Mrs. Donald Stephenson Ms. Margaret Mary Grist Mrs. Michael Bresnahan Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Loftus Mrs. J. Darwin Sweezer Mrs. Cathy Hancock Mrs. John D. Carlson Margaret Marchello Gail ThomasCroke Mrs. Thomas P. Harvey Honor Roll of Donors

Vivian Henderson 1970 Mrs. Charles Dinolfo Dawn Vetter Mrs. Laurence Hicks Joanne Allen Roberta Feeley Dr. Gregory Washington Mrs. William Hill Mrs. L Augustine Mrs. Martin Gartner Mrs. Janice Wiegmann Mrs. Mary R. Hynes Mrs. Robert Bauemfeind Judith Griffin Mrs. George Woods Mrs. Robert Jais Ms. Nancy Bubula Mrs. Margaret Griffin Mrs. Marion Johnson Mrs. Ronald Buchler Mrs. Judith Kachel Ms. Angela Just Mrs. Noel Catterson Mrs. Gerianne Kline 1973 Mrs. James L. Kelly Mrs. Kenneth Clare Mrs. John Kmiecik Mrs. Jean Baier Theresa Kwiatkowski Mrs. Charles Clarssens Mrs. Thomas Koehler Mrs. William T. Barker Ms. Linda I. LaDeur Ms. Geraldine Coleman Mrs. Francis Kostel Christine Bametz Ms. Carol A Lee Mrs. Francis Condon Mrs. Eileen K. Massura Mrs. Christine Bamitz Rita Lethert Ms. Cathleen J. Conley Marilyn McCarthy Mrs. Phyllis Benbow Mrs. Neat Logue Kathryn Crouch Mrs. James McCormick Ms. Kathleen Blandford Ms. Ann Ludwig Mrs. Clement P. Dries, Jr. Anne Clare McDermott Mrs. William Blew Mrs. William Madden Ms. Patricia Durkin Mrs. James M. Menard Ms. Berva O. Brown Ms. Kathleen M. Maier Mrs. Wayne Dzien Judith Mendelson Mrs. Richard J. Burgess Mrs. Raymond Malis Mrs. Marlene Fitch Ms. Mary Hope Mueller Joanne Butzen-Sheridan Patricia Ann Manzel Ms. Maureen Fleming Mrs. Edward Nerzbach Eileen Carey Mrs. Mary Jane Marsh Mrs. Anthony J. Fremarek Ms. Denise O'LearyKennedy Mrs. Thomas Carroll Louise Mathewson Ms. Charlene Annex Fry Mrs. Richard J. Panush Marguerite Chrusciel Mrs. Edward E. May Ms. Paula M Gleason Mr. Joseph L Rodriquez Mrs. Michael L. Conley Mrs. Maurice McNurty Mrs. Robert Green Ms. Theresa Ann Tapella Mrs. Jake Delange Mrs. Maureen McSherry Ms. Kathleen Hamilton Ms. Karen R. Thelen Lorena Delisi Roberta Merrion Virginia Jackson Mrs. Ronald Walro Mrs. John J. Deniken, Jr. Ms. Donna Murphy Mrs. Richard Jakubowski Mrs. Damian F. Warshall Mrs. James Dillon Mrs. Thomas Murphy Eileen Karhonen Ms. Nancy E. Webster Mrs. John Divirde. Jr. Mrs. Roger Nissen Ms. Mary Fran Kleifgen Mrs. James Woulfe Margaret Driscoll Mrs. Darlene O'Callaghan Mrs. Anthony Zumpano Mrs. Ralph Kletzien Mrs. James Duffield Mrs. Joanne Pettz Mrs. Roy Wotz Mrs. Donna Dwyer Mrs. Edward J. Pocilujko Barbara Kratochvil 1972 Mildred Eichinger Mrs. Thaddeus Polit Mrs. Keith Leach Mrs. Kathleen C Blanchfield Mrs. Paul M. Eilandson Michele Poradzisz Ms. Barbara Lindberg Mrs. George Brixie Ms. Grace Fiorenza Mrs. Joseph M. Porto Mrs. James B. Lyne Mrs. Christine Burke Mrs. Edward Florence Barbara Posner Francis J. McGarth Helen Czyzewski Mrs. Glenn Gavin Mrs. Mary Patricia Pryor Mrs. Joseph R. Mclntyre Mrs. Leona Dempsey Mrs. John Grabowski Mrs. Mary Raffanti Mrs. Kent Meng Mrs. Charles Dicola Mrs. Richard J. Griffin Ms. Catherine M. Regan Ms. Patricia Murray Jeanne Doyle Ms. Kathleen F. Gugerty Mrs. Marian A Riley Mr. & Mrs. Norman Nodulman Mrs. Walter Dunne, Jr. Mr. George J. Halko Ms. Erin Roeper Mrs. Joseph G. Noonan Mr. Paul R. Fiell Mrs. Gerald Hayes Mrs. William Rogen Margaret Novy Mrs. Karen G. Fitzgerald Mrs. Bernard P. Healy Ms. Carol Lang Sagu Mrs. James Noyes Marion Furino Emily Ann Huebner Mrs. Robert E Sale Mrs. Kathleen Passman Mrs. David Gallagher Ms. Mary Debbra James Mrs. Paul J. Schaffhausen Ms. Maureen D. Riley Mr. Daniel W. Gast Mrs. Kathleen Hogan Johnson Ms. Suzanne J. Schmitz Mrs. Lawrence Roberts Mrs. Stephen Gerber Mrs. Jaumet Kahn Gloria Sharer Mrs. Evelyn Sherwood Mrs. Donald W. Gilbert Mrs. Ralph J. Kriho Mrs. Raymond Shields Mrs. Mark Tushinski Mrs. William Hart Ms. Carol Ann Kunges Mrs. Joseph Siblik Mrs. Lawrence Willette Ms. Celeste Heck Virginia Landman Elaine Smith Mrs. John P. Wilson Mrs. John Janda James Leida Ms. Constance Staradub Laura Yu Mr. Mack B. Jerkatis Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Levickas Mrs. James Staurck Mrs. Gregory Kludac Ms. Janine A Markowicz Mrs. Robert K. Sullivan 1971 Mrs. James R. Lyerly Mrs. Michael McCord Mrs. Joseph Terry Mrs. Patrick Amaol Mrs. Thomas P. Mangan Mrs. James McNurty Mrs. Vladimir Uhir Nadine Beales Mrs. Rita McSweeney Mr. & Mrs. Kevin C. Murphy Ms. Kathleen tltz Ms. Barbara Bemardine Mrs. Patricia Joan Mea Ms. Maureen Murray Mrs. Patricia Vasilj Mrs. Michael Binetti Mrs. Jeanne M Moran Mrs. John Nortan Miss Catherine Vo'rtlein Susan Bruederle Ms. Dorothy Oremus Ms. Mary Alice Nugent Mrs. Rosalia Watson Dianne Bruining Mr. Florian T. Osenski, Jr. Mrs. Richard Paladino Ms. Patricia Weitzmann Mrs. Catherine Fraher Burke Mrs. James Pattermann Mrs. Thomas Panfil Mrs. M. Munawar Butt Linda Rosenthal Margaret Pfister Mrs. Michael J. Casey Kathleen Rozak Mrs. Denise Prohaska Mrs. Abraham Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Randal Schroeder Mrs. Donald C Russell Mary Ann Coughlin Ms. Cecilia R. Slezak Mr. James A Russo Mr. Edward F. Cozzi, Jr. Maryann Sliwinski Ms. Donna Sabatini Lee Marie Cua, DVM. Mrs. Jeffrey Smith Mr. John Segvich Ms. Sandra Daley Mrs. Paula Staroba Mrs. Dennis Sheehan Mrs. Stephen J. Diaz Mrs. Winnie Theodore Mr. Edward J. Sifling Mary Diebel Mrs. Lois Tyrrell Zita Simutis 1984-85

Mrs. Thomas Swain 1975 1976 Mr. Daniel Cholewiak Ms. Kathleen Trailer Mrs. Mary Beth Anderson Miss Patricia A. Adduci Mrs. Mry Elizabeth Coney Ms. Linda Volino Mrs. Vincent Cesaro, Jr. Ms. Joan Baley Ms. Marilee A. Culhane Mrs. Ralph E. Westefer Ms. Azella C. Collins Mrs. Nicholas Cardella, Jr. Mr. James T. Deacy Mrs. Dorothy Zitzka Mr. & Mrs. Michael Coughlin Mrs. James Carney Mr. Robert A Dickinga Mrs. Mary Delisi Gerard Carroll Mrs. Kenneth Dobiecki-Rice 1974 Mr. George Dulaj Mrs. Mary T. Christensen Mrs. Diane Egan Ms. Josephine Fitzpatrick Norine Colby Ms. Kimberly Emmerick Ms. Rosanne Abriani Mrs. Colette Flynn Mrs. Michael Cooke Susan Jean Fabian Ms. Elaine Ballas Mrs. Timothy Foley Diane Costanzo David Fagan, D.O. Ms. Margaret M. Berglind Janice R. Forde Mr. Franklin Cuthbertson Pauline Fields, R.SM. Jean Cooney Mrs. Patricia Gaddis Mildred F. Doherty Ms. Theresa E. Finnegan Ms. Kathryn M. Cunningham Mr. B. Kenneth Geraghty Mrs. Robert A Duewerth Ms. Kathleen Fitzpatrick Mr. Robert W. Czamecki Mrs. H. Lee Glenn Mrs. James Egan Mr. Robert Fitzsimmons Mrs. Kathleen Doherty Ms. Catherine T. Hester Mrs. Jeffrey E. Giessen Mrs. Gerard Fox Ms. Ruth Faklis Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Jachowicz Donna Groszek Gail Frames MsJudith Filipek Mrs. Richard Jackowiak Mrs.ToddHewell.lll Mrs. Mack Galvan Irene Fontana Mrs. Demetrias Kainavas Mrs. Patricia Hickey Ms. Mary Ann Gaynor Ms. Margaret B. Funk Mrs. James Keane Mary Hodgeman Mr. Bruce Gazda Mrs. Renee Gagnon Mrs. Joanne Keating Mr. Donald Hoeksema Rev. John E. Hennessey Ms. Margaret Giermak Mrs. Jack W. Keefer JoAnn Jones Mr. & Mrs. George Hoffman Jane Haegele FTtthi Krishnaswamy Ms. Mary Beth Joyce Ms. Joan Kardatzke Mrs. Joseph Heckman Mrs. Mary Jane Krull Mrs. David Keeney Ms. Anna King Ms. Mariann M. Hesik Mrs. Mark Ladd Ms. Mary Ann Kubic Judith Krause Mrs. Kirk C.Hild Mr. Donald N. Larry Ms. Phyllis Lauer Mrs. Martha Kross Ms. Mary Hosteny Dianne Lee Susan Lins Rose Ann Labriola Mrs. Gail F. Hulse Mrs. Raymond L. Lovato Ms. Bonnie McCray Lee Mrs. Barb Kestner Mrs. Edward M. Lorbach Ms. Mary Lyons Mrs. Bonnie Littleton Theresa Koetters Mr. John T. Lutz Ms. Kathryn Mack Mary McGovem Ms. Evelyn Lyons Ms. Mary Ann Kosiak Ms. Kathryn Ann Mackey Mr. James Meade Ms. Ruby Jewell Madison Mrs. Sharon Koszulinski Petronelle Marinier Mark Mencinsky Mrs. Joanne Malloy Donna Logisz Mr. Paul Marshilonus Mrs. Robert M. Mraz Ms. Therese A. Mannix Dr. Linda H. Long Mrs. Patricia Masterson Ms. Mary E. O'Donnell Ms. Kathleen A. Mansell Mrs. Norman Lund Mrs. Geraldine B. Mau Ms. Lynn E. ODriscoll Mrs. Frank Markosek Mrs. Donald P. Mammano Ms. Susan McDermott Ms. Mary O'Flaherty Ms. Sandra Marson Mrs. Joseph Marks Mrs. Robert McKimson Mr. William Paxson Ms. Susan Smith Mierendorf Mrs. Samuel McClory Mrs. George Pearce Ms. Mary Mulry Ms. Elaine M. McElroy Mr. Michael McNally Ms. Karen Moran Mrs. Evelyn Perkins Mrs. Margaret M. O'Brien Ms. Janice F. Meister Dora Morano Mrs. Edgar Pochie Mrs. Mary Shoetz O'Connor Ms. Karen M Meyer Mrs. James Nickas Mr. Patrick Rogers Florence O'Leary Mrs. David K. Murdock Mrs. Clifford Olsen Ms. Rosalba Schmidt AlPetkus Ms. Elizabeth Overleas Kathleen Olson Mrs. Irene Schmit Mrs. David L. Priestman Mrs. Rodney V. Pavilianis Ms. Carmella Rio Mrs. Lawrence Oskielunas Mary Shoughnessy Adrienne Pike Mrs. Valerie Rock Ms. Ramona M Peters Joyce Smith Ms. Betty J. Piniotes Mr. Raymond Rutkowski Mrs. Leslee Peterson Ms. Barbara Starr Mrs. Bonnie Plucinski Patricia Schenck, DVM Ms. Sharon Ann Porter Ms. Mary E. Suma David Poradzisz Ms. Norma J. Schneider Christine Reller Mrs. Ronald S. Szarzynski Mrs. Marian M Rodriguez Ms. Catherine Sears Mrs. Charles Rubinelli Marquerite Trevor Mrs. Stanley Salabura Ms. Pamela Shanahan Mrs. Michael Ryab Patty Jo Walden Ms. Linda Sallee Mr. Edwin Simon Mrs. William Ryan Mr. David Lawrence Wood Mrs. Timothy Scanlan Rita Sosa Brenda Ryan John J. Schaefer Ms. Carol Ann Super Ms. Geraldine Scanlon Ms. Barbara Scheidt 1977 Mr. Roy Swillum Mr. James W. Sim Mrs. Don Simmons Mrs. Elaine Andrysiak Mrs. Janice Lynn Swinarski Mrs. Lois Stanciak Mr. & Mrs. John H. Smith Ms. Anita Baden Patricia Vaughan Mrs. Joseph T. Svec Mrs. Wesley Sutton Mr. Frank Beata Mr. & Mrs. William Vonder Heide Mrs. Edward F. Thorsen Mrs. James R. Swistowicz Mrs. Regina Biros Mrs. Brad Waggoner Ms. Daine Tyska Mrs. NorbertJ. Weber Mr. Xavier Bishop Mrs. Judith A Wierzal Mrs. Lawrence Walsh Mrs. Carole Wolcott Mrs. Ursula Brozek Leslie Westhouse Mr. Kenneth Wilkas Ms. Patricia Wozniak Ms. Linda Burrus Mrs. Mary M Winsky Mrs. Lynn M. Wilton Ms. Marylu Chambers Mrs. Charles Witschorik Ms. Judith Zaursza Mr. Richard Wojnarowski Ms. Victoria Zelazek Ms. Victoria MWurst Honor Roll of Donors

1978 Mrs. Thomas Bychowski 1980 1981 Ms. Debra Arkow Vrvian Carlino Mrs. Deborah Mosz Bamish Ms. Annette C Barley Ms. Veronica Berglind Mr. William Carlisle, Jr. Ms. Kathleen Becker Ms. Donna Elaine Basick Mrs. Paula Boettcher Mrs. Catherine Chilewski Mr. Paul Bervid Ms. Michele Beattie Mr. Ronn M. Boettcher Mr. Daniel A. Dace Mrs. Mary Brichaniec Ms. Margaret S. Berger Mr. Gregory W. Buczek Ms. Elizabeth Marie Davis Mr. Lawrence Bromley Ms. Margaret M. Bertman Mrs. Maureen A. Buras Mrs. Myra Jeanne Poat Doody Ms. Joan Byrne Ms. Sue O. Bevell Ms. Nancy A Burmeister Mrs. Mary Jo Dunne Mr. Scott Cassidy Mrs. James Bialas Mr. William Byrne Mrs. Dale Fausch Mr. Charles Childs Anne Bickett Mrs. Mary Chikerotis Mary Fitzgerald Ms. Ellen Clark Ms. Cynthia S. Blum Mr. Clarence Conklin Ms. Maureen Ellen Gallagher Mrs. Marie Clouston Ms. Linda M. Bonk Ms. Sally LCordil Ms. Maureen Lundy Gamer Mr. William Corbett Mr. Daniel F. Brogan Mrs. Georgia M Dockery Mrs. Janice M Gindele Ms. Nancy Deacon-Mattes Ms. Edna Mellenthin Burbaker Kevin & Jane Doherty Mrs. Nancy Ann Gough Ms. Frances M. Dixon Ms. Katherine Byrne Mrs. Shirley A. Dunbar Ms. Natalie Ann Grimmer Mr. Kenneth Drabicki Anne Casey Wayne Dvoracek Ms. E. Jean Hayes Ralph Dretz Ms. Mary C Casey Ms. Patricia Dwyer Ms. Brenda Hempen Ms. Joan H. Drosz Ms. Susan F. Clancy Mr. Kenneth H. Fox Mrs. Kathleen Jack Mrs. Donna Dunn Ms. Beverly Conners Mrs. Debra Gawrys Ms. Ann Marie Jagiella Mr. George Evans Ms. Jean M. Cummings Mrs. Dominic Grana Barbara Jensen Mr. Danel E. Ferek Ms. Diane D. Deal Alice Hall Ms. Cheryl Ann Kabema Mrs. Nadine Filipiak Ms. Francis A. Dennis Mr. James H. Hartnett Mr. Bernard A Kelly Mrs. Mary Glennon Fox Ms. Rita C. Dowd Mr. Ralph Hindman Ms. Judith Ann Kelly Mrs. Donna Schwer Fox Ms. Patricia E. Eckroth Mrs. Carol V. Hoffman Ms. Pauline Kerkstra Mr. Terrence M. Gallagher Ms. lola J. Engel Mrs. Rita J. Huizinga James Knowa Morton Gelberd Ms. JoAnne Engelke Ms. Jean Kozlawski Ms. Elaine Ellen Lamarre Mr. Edward Gilbert Ms. Theresa Fedicka Laura Shallow Kresse Ms. Mary F. Landeweer Laura Green Ms. Debra L. Flaws Kathleen Krokar Ms. Kathleen Ellen Long Ms. Kathleen M. Guild Mr. Darrell Granger Ms. Donna Leonard Mr. Michael Patrick Lynch Mr. Samuel N. Kantayya Mr. Christopher J. Green Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Letzeiser Mr. Michael Robert Maloney Mrs. Rosemary Kenny Mr. Francis J. Hallaren Mr. John A Lubinski Ms. Cheryl Matyus Mrs. Robert A Klaviter Ms. Lesa Anne Ippolito Frances Madlang Ms. Maureen H. McCabe Ms. Patricia A Klimczak Mr. Dennis A. Janicki Claire S. Mclntyre Ms. Phyllis Meek Ellen Klinger Tresia T. Kalayil Mr. John M McKeague Rosemarie Mikucki Mrs. James F. Knawa Ms. Anne M. Keane Mrs. Brian McKenna Helen Milan Ms. Christine Marie Krol Ms. Vicki K. Keough Donald J. McKeone Ms. Doreen Milewski Ms. Mary Rose Leib Mr. Martin Kierzek Mr. Maurice McNicholas Mr. Frederick M Morrone Ms. Diane Mucha Ms. Natalya Norita Knox Ms. Patricia A. McNicholas Ms. Angela M. Mottl Mr. Darren W. O'Brien Ms. Linda Koos Mr. Daniel McNulty Ms. Frances Nadolny Ms. Geraldine O'Connor Ms. Laura L. Lamoureux Ms. Susan O'Donovan Mrs. Therese Mirabella Nemsick Mr. Kevin O'Connor Ms. Susan F. Lenegan Ms. Margaret E. Palmasani Ray Novak Ms. Susann Pacella Ms. Mary Frances Long Mr. Kenneth J. Pytlik Ms. Ruth Ellen Novitt Mark Patzelt Judith Lusk Cynthia Ann Rao Ms. Paula O'Brien Ms. Manoima Persuad Ms. Priscilla Lynch Mrs. Joan Reylek Ms.Carolyn Ann O'Malley Ms. Sophia M. Petraitis Ms. Dolores Mallo Mrs. Kathy P. Robinson Ms. Kathleen Marie Osman Mr. Thomas M. Power Michael Maslanka Mrs. Jose Rodriguez Ms. Mary Kathleen Payne Mr. Lawrence Raddatz Ms. Marilyn A Massett Mrs. Judith A Sals Mrs. Edward Petru Mr. George Rohrer Mr. Kurt Matthew Matz Mr. James Scott Jacqueline Quillinan Mrs. Patricia Rzeczkowski Ms. Judith A. McGinnis Gregory Slusarczyk Mrs Margaret P. Radakovitz Ms. Charlotte Sbalchiero Ms. Mary McQuillan Ms. Mary A Stack Mr. Kevin Reedy Ms. Patricia Schultz Ms. Ann Lee Moodie Mrs. James Stecich Ms. Pamela Ann Roach Ellen Scolum Ms. Elizabeth Neville Ms. Shirley Thatcher Ms. Kathleen Ann Rosenberg Ms. Ruthanne Shnat Mrs. Scott Y.Okuda Pamela Toscas Ms. Joyce A Sabatini Roberta Sirridge Ms. Denise Eileen O'Neil Carol Ann Tuman Mrs. Mary Ellen SL Aubin Ms. Judith Slattery Ms. Stella Parhas Mr. Dean Louis Vrverito Mr. Jeffrey C Schemer Mrs. Carla Sullivan Mrs. Dianne Pitsoulakis Ms. Rhea Wehrmeister Barbara Searles Mrs. Willis Tenbrorck Emeline Poelstra Ms. Patricia J. Whittington Mr. Frederick Serafin John Toner Ms. Betty E. Powers Ms. Susan Marie Slusarczyk Christine Wagner Mr. Randall Prath 1979 Ms. Kathryn P. Stadler Nicholas Wagner Ms. Judith Mary Rau Ms. Diane Bolos Ms. Brigit M. Sweeney Ms. Lu Ann Walsh Ms. Joan Marie Reynolds Mrs. Helen L Boyle Ms. Leticia R. Townsend Mrs. Mary Ann Wolfenson Ms. Chris Ann Ried Mrs. Carole A Bronec Ms. Anita Yanik Ms. Cindy S. Rossa Ms. Diane Marie Brotherson Mr. Charles Zarzecki Ms. M. Kathleen Buka Janet Zoltan 1984-85

Mrs. Michael Shake Ms. Theresa Morgan Murphy Mr. Michael J. Imrie Ms. Sharon Zimmerman Cusick Ms. Donna A. Statkus Ms. Sonia S. Muzik Mr. Glenn Inzinga Ms. Michele S. Dignan Ms. Theany R. Subley Jerome Negele Ms. Patricia W. Jones Ms. Nancy E. Earhart Mr. Glenn R. Thomas Ms. Barbara L. Norton Ms. Ann Marie Karazan Ms. Marva J. Evans Mrs. Stephen P. Thomas Mr. John Louis Nowakowski Ms. Donna Karlovsky Ms. Kathleen Quealy Fink Ms. Kay Ellen T. Thum Ms. Kathleen Ellen Nudo Mary Kelly-Betz Ms. Jeanne M Franzen Ms. Mary T. Trybul Ms. Judith Meyers Nykiel Ms. Svajone R. Kerelis Ms. Sandra Lee Frederick Ms. Lucille Ward Ms. Kerry O'Brien Ms. Patricia Ann Klimala Ms. Zena M Gallagher Ms. Cherytynne S. Wasem Mr. Joseph Julius O'Shea Mrs. Elaine Koures Colleen Gambia Ms. Linda A. Wingate Ms. Marcia J. Orr Ms. Maureen E Kretzer Ms. Mary M Gibbons Ms. Arlene M Wittbrodt Ms. Kathleen A. Palmer Ms. Deidre Lewis Ms. Dorothy Marie Grzadzinski Ms. Dorothy R. Perkins Ms. Janet M Lockie Ms. Gail S. Hagen Paula Pries Ms. Christine Marie Machtemes Mr. Carl E Hess 1982 Ms. Geraldine A. Rinkus Ms. Susan C. Mack Ms. Dawn M Hockenbrough Mr. John Roupas Mr. John J. Mannix Ms. Linda A Janisch Ms. Georgia Ann Anderson Ms. Leilani Marie Jankus Ms. Janet Bakker Ms. Lorraine Paulette Ryan Ms. Dolores A Marek Ms. Mary Kay Schaeflein Ms. Betty J. Margolis Mr. Kenneth Jillson Ms. Joan T. Bedore Ms. Nancy V. Johnson Ms. Diane Virginia Bitterlin Ms. Ruth Ann Sinkiewicz Ms. Maryann Markham Ms. Ramona Stankus Roseann Martarano Ms. Linda Kamenjarin Ms. Margaret Ellen Bohan Ms. Sherry Ann Kamke Ms. Lorraine Therese Bonecki Ms. Ann F. Steams Ms. Mary Kathleen McDermott Ms. Susan Mary Stibech Mr. Terrence J. Mitchell Ms. Dana Kapecinskas Amell Brady Ms. Jean Kirk Ms. Barbara Mannix Broderick Ms. Judith Kyle Svancarek Mr. James David Mockartis Ms. Beatrice Timms Mrs. Nancy J. Morgan Patricia Klein Ms. Kelly Ann Brogan Ms. Patricia J. Klein Kathleen Bucholz Kathleen Treiney Ms. Margaret Rose Morrissey Ms. Sonja Tudor Ms. Sandra E. Mrozak Ms. Judy Marie Konieczka Ms. Holly Bulger Ms. Loretta M Kucharczyk Ms. Sueiryn Carlson Mrs. Judith Costello Walsh Ms. Diane E Murphy Ms. Kathleen Louise Whitman Mr. Andrew W. Norwell Mr. Anthony J. Kuligowski Ms. Mary B. Cemius Ms. Jaclyn M Lane William Conlon Ms. Leslie Jo Wynne Marian Papiemik Lisa Anne Young Ms. Gertrude Penar Mr. Dominic J. Lupo Mrs. Janell Connell Brian Lynch Ms. Linda Porter Ms. Mary E. Cooke Ms. Karen L Lyp Ms. Eileen M. Coombs Beulah Reed Mr. Robert E Rose Ms. Arlene V. Lytton Ms. Sue Ann Corbett Ms. Linda H. Maranda 1983 Ms. Marlee Roth Ms. Donna J. Covelli Mr. Mark Marian Ms. Jennifer D'angelo Ms. Lorraine L Arenberg Mr. John W. Ryan Mrs. Rose Marie Saldana Ms. Ellen L Maxson Ms. Patricia M. Daly Ms. Diane Marie Banas Mr. Thomas A McGawley Ms. Mary B. Danaher Mr. Michael J. Banky Paula Schipiour Ms. Laurie K. Scott Ms. Georgia Ann McGinnis Ms. Tesalonica Difuntorum Ms. Ann M Barber Ms. Laura A Miller Ms. Norine Ann Ferguson Maribeth Barry Shirley J. Scott Ms. Joan Shepherd Ms. Maureen T. Minne Ms. Mary J. Foley Ms. Debra Ann Benson Ms. Mary Beth Moll Gregory Gambia Ms. Mary Jane Blazek Mr. David A Sinise Ms. Debra Rose Siuchninski Ms. Mary Carol Mormann Sandra Gaynor Ms. Patricia A. Broderick Mr. John Musso Ms. Kathleen E. Graf Ms. Gladys V. Bruhns Ms. Donna Marie Stachnik Ms. Sandra A Twillie Mrs. Mary E. Nugent Mrs. Laurie Ann Gustafson Janice Brzegowy Ms. Susan C O'Neill Patricia Hannon Mr. Peter J. Byrne Ms.LeidaLVila Ms. Laura A. Wahlfeldt Mr. Joseph M Polacek, Jr. Ms. Mary McKane Harper Colleen Cahill Mr. Rimant Albert Pauliks Ms. Carol A. Heenan Mr. William J. Carroll Ms. Linda M Walker Ms. Margaret M White Ms. Judith Ann Przybyla-Rigoni Ms. Katherine G. Howard Ms. Marcelene K. Casey Ms. Sharon M Rimgale Ms. Mitzie H. Irigoyen Ms. Mary Elizabeth Ciukaj Mr. Thomas F. Wogan Mr. Anthony L Woods Ms. Mary Susan Roberts JoAnn Jones Mr. Gerard C Coop Ms. Theresa K. Robinson Ms. Mary Kay Kacmarek Ms. Margaret Mary Cullen Ms. Helen Theresa Rogers Dr. & Mrs. Joan Kalimuthu Ms. Joanne Marie Dailey Ms. Mary Lynn Romz Mr. Henry Michael Kaminski Ms. Florence Smith Daudell 1984 Robert Rosignal Ms. Janet M. Klass Virginia Dombrowski Mr. John Patrick Adams Ms. Jennifer A Rudziewkz Ms. Frances J. Knapkiewicz Ms. Frances Mary Donovan Ms. Helen Carey Anderson Ms. Margaret M Schneider Daniel Kruse Ms. Mary Catherine Duggan Ann Beninato Judith Scully Ms. Rosa Lintokas Ms. Patricia E. Dwyer Ms. Jean F. Berlin Ms. Carol Lynn Simonelic Ms. Laurie Lombardo Ms. Mary B. Forde Ms. Rita Schremba Bobrowski Ms. Regina Sluderski Mrs. Larry Lynch Ms. Cathy Forster Ms. Colleen Susan Burton Ms. Barbara Jean Smolik Kathleen Martin Ms. Marjorie Fraider Ms. Diane L Calvillo Ms. Janice P. Stein Mr. Robert M. Mayerhofer Mr. Thomas J. Fremarek Ms. Karen Ann Chamberlain Ms. Christine Strock Mr. Thomas Michael McCann Ms. Sharon Ann Fry Ms. Deborah S. Chamogursky Mr. William A Supanich Mr. Michael E. McDermott Mr. Joseph F. Gandurski Ms. Mary Ann Cichowski Ms. Mary Jane Van De Velde Ms. Elizabeth Ann Meyer Ms. Susan Marie Gausselin Ms. Mary Kimberly CiufiaLippert Ms. Holly June Wainwright Ms. Kimberly Miller Ms. Carole Noel Goeing Ms. Mary M Coleman Ms. Margaret A Watts Mr. Edward J. Moran Ms. Karen A Gorell Mr. John Francis Concannon Ms. Sheila L Wicklund Ms. Karen D. Multon Ms. Mary Veronica Graul Mr. Robert L Crowley Mr. David M Wisniowicz Mr. Edward Francis Murphy Ms. Gaylyn Ann Grimm Ms. Patricia M Culbton Ms. Barbara Jean Wood Gift Clubs

Anthony J. Rudis Bradley Supply Company Catherine McAuley Cornelius M Ryan Helen E Can-oil Frank J. Schaffer Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Delaney Society Sears, Roebuck Foundation Rev. Msgr. John J. Egan Loretta Szczepanski C Colette Fennel! (Annual Gifts of $5,000 or more) Catherine Tollfver Foundation Gaelic Fire Brigade Amoco Foundation, Inc. Bernard Traut Robert MGasior.MD. Aileen S. Andrew Foundation Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. Drs. Safia and Hassan Haddad The Ambrose and Gladys Bowyer Foundation Van Leer Containers, Inc. Mary L Halaburt Joan M Bransfield W. P. and H. B. White Foundation Phyllis Helm Sister M Irenaeus Chekouras, R.SM. Ms. Catherine M Wolfe Mary E. Hendry Chicago Community Trust Carol and Lee Zunica Henry Bros. Company Commonwealth Edison Company Geraldine Hletko Ford City Bank and Trust Company George and Lillian Hoffman Uoyd A Fry Foundation of Chicago Stanley and Phyllis Burkhart Hoffman William B. Graham Barbara Kass William B. Graham, III Laverne Notz Illinois Arts Council Laura Shallow Kresse Illinois Bell Bishop Quarter Mary-Anne M Kubic Illinois State Board of Education LaSalle National Bank John L and Helen Kellogg Foundation Society Sister Theresa Mary Mahler, R.SM The Nalco Foundation Sharon Bright Mone Arthur J. Schmitt Foundation (Annual Gifts of $500 - $999) Mount Greenwood Hardware Sisters of Mercy, Province of Chicago The William H. Albers Foundation Dr. Suzanne P. Murphy Talman Home Federal Savings American Wilbert Vault Corp. Mrs. Sophie Niespodziany and Loan Association Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Amendola T.H.E OAR. (Blake Lamb Funeral Homes) Boockford & Company Mary L Ortigara Barbara A Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. James S. Pollak Ruth V.Green Mrs. Margaret M Riedle Griffith Laboratories, U.SA, Inc. Bemice Houdek Sabo Barbara Kern Charles E. and Mary K. (Millea) Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Leo L. Lisiecki Dr. Christine Bickness Sutton Frances Warde John Madigan George A Tsapralis Elizabeth M McCarthy Sister Jean Marie Wallace, R.SM Society Maurice John Peter McNicholas Anonymous The William Muempfer Family (Annual Gifts of $1,000 - $4,999) Oak Lawn Trust and Savings Bank Therese and John O'Leary Arthur Andersen & Co. Mr. and Mrs. Elmo I. Pillas Bansley and Kiener Robert Rosignal Beverly Bank Congressman Marty Russo Borg-Wamer Corporation Judith Baima Sassettj President and Mrs. Ronald Champagne SXC Associates Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Schroeder Martin J. Detmer Mr. and Mrs. William Vonder Heide (Annual Gifts of $100-$249) F. George Drewry John J. Ziegler Mary Beth Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs H. Doyle Most Reverend Moses B. Anderson, S.S.E. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Evans Livia Vielmette Arnold Burton and Marion Faldet Joan Arzbaecher Helene Finan Geraldine Rice Baker First National Bank of Evergreen Park Teresa Henry Bemoudy Marita Hogan Mary E Bezdek Assessor and Mrs. Thomas C Hynes Scarlet and Grey Anne Bickett IC Industries. Inc. Ann Hegener Bisgard Interlake Foundation Adele Shimansky Blecke Marcelle M Jarasek Society Marilyn (Lynn) Blew Sister Marion Johnson. R.SM Dr. C. Thomas Brockmann Raleigh and Jackie Kean (Annual Gifts of $250-$499) Gladys D. Bruhns Metvin L Wafter Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Albert Sister Mary Fleurette Buckley, R.SM Sister Mary Antonine Ludden, R.SM Valerie Ericson Bauer Holly Bulger Anne and Morgan McDonnell Bemadette M Benson Rosemary Norris Burgess James J. McDonough Evangeline G. Bollinger Erin K. Butler Midcon Corp. Patricia Murphy Byrnes Thomas Nessinger Lois Cain Sister Mary Venardine, R.SM. Beatrice Caron Sister Mary Denis O'Grady. R.SM Mr. & Mrs. James C Cecil, Jr. Peoples Gas Light and Coke Company Mrs. B. Theoline Zimmerli Chamness Sister Dorothy Marie Peschon, R.SM Charlene Chisek The Albert Pick. Jr. Fund Coe Laboratories, Inc. 1984-85

Margaret Coleman Katherine Kasper Logue Ann M Seckinger Joyce Comer Linda Long Ellen Miller Sedlack Jane Van Wagner Condon Mr. and Mrs. Mark LaMarre Donna M and Everett Selof Mrs. Frank Condon, Jr. Judith E. Lusk Paul and Maureen Skok Schaffhausen Clarence J. Conklin Brian Lynch Norbert Shaner Charles H. Connolly Mary Mackin Mr. and Mrs. Peter M Shannon, Jr. Mary J. Cray Betty Maday Leonard S. Shaw Joan M Cunnea Mrs. William F. Madden Kay Calgaro Shepard Georganna Daley Edward A Mark Elaine H. Smith Martha Depeder Marquette National Bank RitaSosa Kevin amd Jane Doherty Maurey Instrument Corp. Beverly Hall Spencer Lucille E. Donegan Mathilda E. May Mrs. Thomas Staroba Marianne Duignan Mary T. McCormick Joy Pollastrini Stastny George Dulaj Eugene T. McGrail John and Anne Steele Eleanor P. Dunne Mona and Raymond McGrath Donna M. Stefanik Claudette T Dwyer Mrs. Marie G. McKillop Mrs. Rita M Dion Strauch Mary T Dwyer Dleen McKugo Loretta Kassel Stukas Betty Early Helen McLoughlin Marilyn Mercer Terry Frances Zimmerman Ellis Helen and Donald McMahon Susan Wallheiser Thome Helen Fabish Mary Catherine McMurrough Marie L Tiemey Dorothy Kane Fegan Lorraine McPartlin Carol A Tome Mary Louise Ffrench Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Meegan Alice V. Treanor Patricia Finley Mrs. Joseph F. Menez Trainor Glass Company Kathleen Fitzpatrick Dr. and Mrs. John E Meyer Shirery Twickler Jim and Jean Frtzsimmons Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Meyer Kris Urbonas Mildred Fleming Edward F. Mohler, Jr. Lorraine Vascura Margaret R. Flynn I. Andrew Moore Auste Vygantas Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Forde Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Moran Robert F. and Deanna Wachholz Ancelle Fredericks, O.S.F. Margaret F. Moran MaryWarchol Cynthia Frezek Mr. and Mrs. George A Nelson, Jr. Dr. Gregory Washington Fujitsu Microelectronics, Inc. Rosemary Kadolph Newbauer Carol Wassberg Sister Margaret Gallagher, R.SM Mr. and Mrs. Norman Nodulman Margaret Grant Welfare Mrs. Vida Gleveckas Roberta Noonan Paul and Margaret Yates Mr. and Mrs. John J. Glynn Margaret Novy Ronald Ziolkowski Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Gordon Alice Herbert O'Connor Mr. and Mrs. William H. Grede James O'Connor Judith Griffin Rosemary Vaughan Odewald Jo Ann Gaica Simeon O'Donohue, R.SM Corporate (Mrs.) Frances Ansley Gnjver Mr. and Mrs. Jerry O'Leary Helen Hynes Hack Kathy Obertin Olsen Matching Gifts Mary Carney Heller Catherine and Edward Olson Helsel-Jepperson Electrical, Inc. Dorothy A Oremus AT&T Foundation Ralph W. Hindman Mary C. O'Sullivan Aetna Life & Casualty Foundation Mary L. Hodgeman Robert C. and Sandra J. Paddock The Allstate Foundation Joan and Leo Hogan Mark Patzelt Ameritech Services Marlin Hoover William Evans Paxson Amoco Foundation, Inc. Joong-Ki Hwang Manorma Persaud Arthur Andersen & Co. MaryJablonskis Mrs. Minnie M Peters Armco Richard J. Jakes W. Aubrey Peters Atlantic Richfield Foundation Marion Johnson Yen Peterson Baxter Travenol Laboratories, Inc. Jo Ann Jones Albert M Petkus Bell Communications Research, Inc. Patricia W. Jones Eleanor Keenan Phee Bituminous Casualty Corporation Richard and Catherine Judson Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey C. M Plampin Borg-Wamer Foundation, Inc. Angela R. Just Professional Cleaning Service & Supply Corp. Brunswick Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Ramasamy Kalimuthu Mary C. Ragen Container Corporation of America Marjorie Katz Cynthia A Rao CIGNA Foundation Mary Cavanagh Kelleher Carol Regan CNA Foundation Judith Imm KJetzien Sheila Taaffe Reynolds CPC North America Larry and Ellen Winger Betty T.Riley Campbell Soup Co. The Kole Foundation M Lucille and William E. Riordan Caterpillar Foundation Continental Bank Katherine A. Konopasek Joyce Barry Ruhaak Continental Group Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. Kulick Henrietta Sedlack Ruyter John Deere Foundation Mary F. Landeweer Patricia A Ryan R.R. Donnelley & Sons Co. Marie Lauerman Saint Gerard Foundation Dow Coming Corporation Carol LeFevre Patricia Sakover Dresser Foundation, Inc. Jeanne Thomson Lenac Cecelia Husen Samans The Equitable Assurance Society of the U.S. Corinne Lipinski Sara Santoyo GTE Corporation Mary Clare Loftus Sister Mary Albert Schueneman, R.SM General Electric Foundation Mary Janet Dahm General Foods Fund Thomas Deegan Friends of the College Dennis J. Delaney General ReServices Corporation American Association of Equipment Lessors Agnes Donlon Georgia-Pacific Corporation Amity Savings Dale E Fast Gulf Oil Foundation Anonymous Donor Pauline Fields, R.SM The Hartford Insurance Group Foundation, Inc. Lura M Aurelius Rosalie Fitzpatrick, R.SM Hoffmann-LaRoche. Inc. Blake Lamb Funeral Homes JoAnne Fleming, R.SM Household International Bernard Borst, Jr. Joan M Franckowiak IBM Corporation Mary F. Carey Ruth Gartland, R.SM Illinois Bell Catholic War Veterans St. Jerome Auxiliary Mary Anne Gaynor Interlake Foundation Chicago Urban League Laine Gerace lntemorth Foundation Joanne Chrysanthopoulos Edith Goodman Johnson &Johnson Geraldine Clark Madge Graffy TheMW. Kellogg Company M. Therese Donnelly Hassan & Safia Haddad Kemper Financial Services, Inc. Drovers National Bank Mary Havlick Kraft, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dunovsky Paul Hazard LaSalle National Bank Eastman Kodak Company Mary E. Hendry Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Mrs. E G. Eisenmenger Marlin Hoover Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. George R. Erikson Joong-Ki Hwang McDonald's Miss Carol B. Faith Ann lovino Montgomery Ward Foundation Fel-Pro/Mecklenburger Foundation Richard J. Jakes MONY Mr. and Mrs. John J. Glynn Marion Johnson, R.SM. Motorola Foundation Graduate Students Activity Fund Joan Kardatzke Nabisco Brands, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Griffin The Northern Trust Company Sharon Kerrigan, R.SM Madeline Gruber, R.SM Northwest Industries Foundation, Inc. Peter Kirstein Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Hallagan Ohio Bell Margaret Mary Knittel, R.SM Dr. Ronald G. Harvey Natalya Knox Olin Corporation Charitable Trust Heritage Standard Bank Katherine A Konopasek Penn Central Corporation Dr. Maurice HoeKgen Mary Lebold Peoples Gas Light and Coke Company Mary Lou Hogan, R.SM. Carol LeFevre Pfizer Kay Howard Antonine Ludden, R.SM Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Company Virginia Husko Brian Lynch Prudential Vincent Kennedy Helen McCabe The Quaker Oats Foundation LaSalle National Bank Santa Fe Southern Pacific Foundation Eileen McDermott Lee Lowe Sherwin-Williams Foundation Matching Gifts Evelyn McKenna, O.S.F. Elizabeth Lowell Lonaine McPartlin Spiegel, Incorporated Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lyne Dominic Merwick, R.SM The Standard Oil Company Eugene T. McGrail Steams Catalytic Ralph Meyer Paul Meroz Sun Company, Incorporated Giles Murray. R.SM Edward F. Mohler, Jr. TRW, Inc. Lois Neville Mount Greenwood Bank Venardine Obertin, R.SM Tenneco, Inc. Francis Murphy Time, Incorporated Darlene O'Callaghan Thomas J.O'Brien & Associates Unibanc Trust Margaret N. O'Connell The Sinon O'Donohue Family Union Carbide Corporation Simeon O'Donohue, R.SM Irene ORyan-Fox United States Gypsum Foundation, Inc. Susan ODonovan Sylvia Owens Financial Collection Agencies Utica National Insurance Group Denis O'Grady, R.SM Fern Peterson Westinghouse Educational Foundation Marge O'Malley Post Realty W. Aubrey Peters Mary Honore Quinn, R.SM Dr. Yen Peterson Patrick Racey Faisal Rahman Mr. and Mrs. John Rauen Cynthia Ann Rao Faculty-Staff Gifts Congressman Marty Russo's Office Robert Schwendau Saint Xavior College Alumni Association Gerald P. Albert Maureen Scott, R.SM Charles P. and Lavinia Schwartz Foundation Carl J. Amendola Leonard Shaw Mrs. Peter F. Simon David Appel Kathleen Mary Smith, R.SM Mr. and Mrs. Philip Sineni Mary Ann Bergfeld, R.SM Anne Steele Sisters of Mercy Apostolic Fund Grant Evangeline Bollinger Robert Wachholz Grace and Walter Byron Smith C Thomas Brockmann Carol Wassberg Mr. and Mrs. John Sutkowski Erin K. Butler Helen Weinfurter, R.SM Vince's Rowers Nancy Cahill, R.SM Margaret Yates William Interiors Ronald Champagne John J. Ziegler M Irenaeus Chekouras, R.SM George Winslow Mary Frances Crean. R.SM Mr. and Mrs. Myrlin Wodke Carol Crotty Helen McDermot Works alumni alumni alumni

Alumni Alive and Well and Concentrated in Chicagoland Saint Xavier draws the largest percent­ age of its students from within a five mile radius of the College. Likewise, Saint Xavier College alumni are most heavily concentrated in the Chicagoland area. Of the more than 6,500 alumni on record, approximately 5,400 live in the city of Chicago (2,000) and its surrounding suburbs (3,400). More than 800 alumni live within the shadow of Saint Xavier College in Evergreen Park and Oak Lawn. Twenty-nine alumni live in foreign countries. The remaining 1,160 alumni are scattered throughout the United States with California (134) and Indiana (125) drawing the most alumni. The Sunbelt states of Texas (44) and (38) also draw native midwestem Saint Xavier graduates. Only three states- North Dakota, South Dakota and New Hampshire — are without SXC graduates. Unfortunately, through the years we have lost contact with some of our alumni. If you know an alum who is not receiving Meeting Place or if your address is incor­ rect on this issue, please notify the alumni office at Saint Xavier College, 3700 West 103rd Street, Chicago, Illinois 60655, or call (312) 779-3300, extension 300.

Alumni Directory Planned If you have had little or no success in as job title, firm name, address and tele to purchase a copy.) tracing the whereabouts of your class­ phone, as well as home address and The entire project will be undertaken mates - last seen in Pago Pago, or was it telephone. Alumni will also be listed at virtually no cost to Saint Xavier Col­ Topeka? - relax, help is on the way. An geographically. lege; the Harris Company will finance the alumni directory is now in the works and The Harris Publishing Company will re­ operation through the sale of directories is scheduled for release in 1987. The pub­ search and compile the directory infor­ to alumni only. Saint Xavier College will lication has been planned as a reference mation through questionnaires sent to all not benefit financially from the directory volume for those of you who wish to alumni and telephone verification. Your sales but they will derive substantial ben­ know where your college friends are now cooperation in responding to the ques­ efit from the updated records which will and what they are doing. tionnaire when it arrives will insure the be turned over to them at the comple The directory will be divided into sev­ success of this fascinating and compre­ tion of the project by the Harris people. eral sections. The first will contain inter­ hensive directory. All alumni will be given So, for those of you who have wondered, esting pictures and information on Saint the opportunity to order the directory when "Where are they now?," you will soon find Xavier College, followed by the individ­ their information is verified by phone. (Only out! Watch for specific dates in future ual listings which will include academic Saint Xavier College alumni will be able publications. information, professional information such

Meeting Place Magazine 9 parents of eight children and grand­ with her husband, William. They have 50's AND EARLIER parents of four. toured Europe, Scandinavia, Greece, Bemice Larson Johnson, '28 nursing, is Mary Agnes Kelly Fleming, '41 nursing, Hawaii, Canada, Mexico and the Carib­ living in San Pedro, California, enjoying living in Wonder Lake, Illinois, with her bean and are planning trips to China and needlepoint, knitting and the view from husband Thomas, is a retired hospital Australia. her patio of the Pacific Ocean and Cata- teacher for the Chicago Board of Edu­ Mary Ellen Holden Clark. '49 econom­ lina Island. cation. She is active in nursing volunteer ics, holds two master's degrees and is a Hortense Wise Lambert, '32 nursing, re­ work and enjoying nine grandchildren. Head Start teacher in Chicago. She en­ ceived the Clara Barton Honor Award for Sister Mary Brigid Condon, RSM 42 nurs­ tered law school in August at IIT-Chicago 1985 for meritorious volunteer leadership ing, has developed a BA completion and Kent and was offered full tuition schol­ from the National American Red Cross. a master's program in nursing for Drake arships by both IIT and John Marshall Law Currently serving on the Champaign University through Mercy Hospital in Des School. County Board of Directors and coordin­ Moines. Almost 200 students are enrolled Sister M. Helen Rita Morris, RSM, '49 ating volunteers for local blood drives, in the programs which are offered for the social science, has been in Pastoral Care she has completed 43 years of volunteer first time this semester. work at Mercy Hospital in Chicago since work with the Red Cross. Ann Kktuzis HMmann, '43 social science, 1970. Prior to that she was an elemen­ Margaret Butler Maniscalco. 36 English, is president of the Traveler's Club in Ashe tary and high school teacher for over 45 served as president of the Women's Club ville, North Carolina. She is busy with water years. of Harrison and the Westchester County colors, tennis and golf. Jean Kintgen-Andrews, 50 nursing, holds Medical Society Auxiliary. She and her Jean Rush, '43 nursing, a school nurse a Ph.D. from Ohio State University and is husband, Dr. Anthony Maniscalco, are res­ in Los Angeles, recently traveled with her employed at the University of Minnesota idents of Greenwich, Connecticut. cousin and 80 other sisters of the I.B.V.M. School of Nursing. She attended the Inter­ Helen Ardith Ryan Coppock, '36 nurs­ community to England and Ireland where national Council of Nurses Convention in ing, and her husband William are living they made a pilgrimage to the birthplace Tel-Aviv and then toured Israel and Egypt in Hot Springs, Arkansas, where Helen is of their foundress. Bemice Houdek Sabo. 51 biology, is employed at St Joseph's Regional Health Sister Mary Susan Thomas, RSM, 44 studying toward a master's degree in edu­ Center in the Home Health Agency. nursing, is a staff development specialist cation. She retired the first of the year as Sister Mary Denis O'Grady, RSM, 37 his with the Illinois State Department of Pub­ Manager of Philip Levine Laboratories of tory, director of the SXC Criminal Justice lic Health in Springfield, Illinois. Immuno Hematology Ortho Diagnostic Systems and lives in Remington, New Program, received the Teacher Excellence Anne Shukes Carson, '44 nursing, is re­ Jersey. Award from the Criminal Justice Student tiring from teaching at San Antonio Col­ Association. She was awarded a Pream­ lege where she is program director and Irene Zak Costello, '52 chemistry, a ble and Resolution from the Illinois State medical assistant. Along with 25 years of trustee on the Niles Public Library Board, Senate for "outstanding professional teaching, she also had 16 years of mil­ enjoyed a spring backpack trip to the achievements at Saint Xavier College and itary service with the Army Nurse Corp. Grand Canyon with her two adult children. outstanding service to higher education. Elizabeth Bertcher Chappel, '45 chemis­ Joan M. Ferris, '52 education, has com­ Eleanor Keenan Phee, '38 chemistry, try, is retired and living in Waukegan with pleted 33 years with the Chicago Public writes from Vero Beach, Florida, of her her husband, William. She earned a Ph.D. schools as teacher, principal and District trips this past year to California. Ireland, in pharmacology from the University of Superintendent. China and Japan. Illinois. Maureen Kane O'Connor, '52 education, Joan Condon Guilfoyle, '39 French, and Winifred Gaughan Wagner, '46 nursing, writes of her annual get-together in Eau her husband Thomas live in Miami Lakes, is employed in I.V. therapy at Grant Hos­ Claire, Wisconsin, with Jean McAndrew Florida. They spent a month in Kiev, pital in Chicago. She received the 1985 Wilt '52, and Mary Kay McCabe Bryan, U.S.S.R., doing research on Byzantine National Intravenous Therapy Association '52. Mary Kay is the author of a prize architecture and lived during the summer Member of the Year Award at the National winning text of secondary school English in Paris. Convention in Arizona. and is in much demand on the lecture circuit Lorraine Heisey Lammers, 40 nursing, Thecla Kachusis Kwak, '48 math, retired writes from Fountain Valley, California, from teaching in 1983 and is the owner Claudette Dwyer, 54 English, a Ph.D. re of her many volunteer activities. She is and operator of Lake Alexander Camp­ cipient from Marquette, has resigned the first woman to receive the "Book of ground, a family campground in Mo- as President of the Council of West Golden Deeds" Award from the all male mence, Illinois. Suburban Schools (Chicago area) and Exchange Club. Lorraine and her husband is now an independent consultant for Lucille Swisk Halperin, '48 biology, re­ Lorin, a retired naval Commander, are educational institutions. tired from teaching, is enjoying traveling

10 Winter, 1986 Joan Tucker Moonan, '55 education, is and coordinator of gerontology services of Martyrs Elementary School. teaching a bilingual Spanish kindergar­ at Silver Cross Hospital in Joliet Mary Jo Dwyer Miller, '63 history, works ten class at Libby School in Chicago. Unae Frei, '58 art, had an exhibition of as a circuit rider health information ser­ Sister Ellen Grace Rice, O.P., 55 MA paintings at the Chicago Botanic Gar­ vices, offering computer searches in theology, recently celebrated her 50th den in the fall. medical and nursing literature to five anniversary as a Racine Dominican. She Mary Ann Gibbons McCrohan, '58 math, hospitals between Victoria and Houston, is a librarian at St Mary's School in Tomah, is chairman of the math department at Texas. Wisconsin, which is also her home town. Cardinal Gibbons High School in Ft. Margaret Mary Marchello, '65 education, Sister M. Armella Guiney, RSM, '56 Lauderdale. is in her fourth year as librarian at St. English, is resident manager of Mercy Sister Roselina McKillop, RSM, '58 edu­ Stanislaus School. Residence at Tolentine Center senior cation,'63 MA, was recently appointed Karen J. Popowski, '66 sociology, serves housing for the elderly in Olympia Fields, Dean of Admissions at Salve Regina as director of the Cook County Sheriff's a joint venture of the Augustinians and College in Newport, Rhode Island. She Youth Services Department. the Sisters of Mercy. The facility opened had been Director of Admissions for the in April, 1985. Colette Wojciechowski Schrank, '66 bi­ past two years. ology, recently completed her master's Winifred A. Dierssen, '57 nursing, pre­ Joyce M. DeHaan Fisher, '59 social degree at Governors State University and sented a paper at the seventh annual Con­ science, and her husband Jerry founded is employed at Little Company of Mary ference on Interdisciplinary Health Team their business, Center for Organization Hospital. Care sponsored by the University of Illi­ Development, Inc. Their management nois. The paper was titled "Roles and Carol Rose Sejda. '66 nursing, is an as­ seminar and consultant work has sistant professor of nursing at Marquette Perspectives of Nurses on Teams: The brought them in the last year to such Burden of Responsibility." The Veterans University. She also works as a nurse prac­ places as London, Paris, Hong Kong titioner for the homeless in Milwaukee. Administration Medical Center in Mem­ and Melbourne. phis presented her with a commendation Patricia King Fanning, '67 sociology, for saving the life of a patient on a home received her MSE degree in guidance visit THE 60s and counseling from the University of Wisconsin -Oshkosh in August She is Sister Lois Graver, RSM, '57 math, re­ Sister Rita Corkery, RSM, '61 education, now working as a career counselor. Twin cently completed five years as chairper­ was recently named Director of Reading sister Margaret King Durham, '67 English. son of the VAUT Corporate School System Services at Quigley Seminary South. teaches English at a junior high school Board. VAUT takes its name from the four in Romeoville. She received her master's schools (Visitation, Aquinas, Unity and Jeraldine Otte, '61 biology, completed an MA. in Reading at the University of degree in Reading from Northern Illinois St Thomas the Apostle) that have merged University this summer. to form Unity Catholic High School, which Illinois-Chicago. She has taught in Chi­ operates out of the former Mercy High cago Catholic schools for 20 years. Melinda Jane Oesterle Filan, '67 nurs­ School at 81 st and Prairie Ave. Margaret Olson, '61 mathematics, ing, does private duty for a home care teaches at Morgan Park High School. agency. She is also working on her mas­ Mary Elizabeth Holota Hicks, '57 nurs­ She also serves as recording secretary ter's degree in dance therapy from ing, is supervisor of Health Services/ for the Chicago Teachers Pension Fund. Columbia College in Chicago. Nurses for the Gary Community Schools in Indiana. She also serves as School Rita Dion Bums Strauch, '62 biology, has Kathleen Buscher Gloeckler, '67 speech Nurse Achievement Program Coordi­ been busy traveling - Soviet Union and therapy, is a speech and language clini­ nator for the State of Indiana. Central Asia in 1984; East Africa in 1983; cian in Pacific, . She and husband China, India, Nepal, Thailand and Ireland Jack have four children. Marianne Trahey Natzke, '57 chemistry, in 1982, and New Zealand in 1981. lives in Darien, Illinois, and is an elemen­ Nancy Kerrigan Jarasek, 67 MS nurs­ tary school teacher for the Chicago Board Patricia Nevins Billings, '63 psychology, ing, is employed at the Stickney Mental of Education. works for Catholic Charities of the Dio­ Health Center. She also has a private prac­ cese of Galveston-Houston in the mater­ tice in marriage and family counseling Terese Maurella Salehyar, '57 nursing, is nity department providing services to and is a founder of the Council of Certified a community health nurse coordinator young unmarried parents. She also has Clinical Specialists in Psychiatric/Mental in Sepufveda, California. She recently was a licensed boarding home for pregnant Health Nursing. added to a round robin letter of 15 of her women. Sister Teresa Maltby, RSM, 67 English, classmates who lived at the dorm. Maureen Connolly, '63 education and 70 is coordinator, Mission Effectiveness, at Mary Naughton Walsh, '57 nursing, '59 MA learning disabilities, is developing a Our Lady of Mercy Hospital in Dyer, MS, is a clinical specialist in gerontology Learning Disabilities Program at Queen Indiana.

Meeting Place Magazine 11 Lenore Dunworth LeVoy, '67 philosophy, operates homes for developmentally coordinates the Sacramental Program at THE 70s disabled adults and children. She is a doc­ St. Genevieve Parish in Chicago. Linda Kurek Augustine, '70 mathemat­ toral candidate at Andrews University. Rosemary Kummerer Valentas, '67 ics, does microcomputer consulting out Grace S. Horenza, 73 speech therapy, education, has returned to teaching after of her home. is a speech pathologist at Southwest ten years off to raise her family. She is Marietta Moore Clare, 70 Spanish, is now Cooperative, working on the Early Child­ teaching at Southeast School in Ever­ a State Farm agent. hood Diagnostic Team. green Park Catherine Horan, 70 music, performed Charles Homolka, 73 history, returned Patricia Cekanor Tye, '68 nursing, is at the Graham School of Management home this summer and played Clarence director of Children's Health Services, dedication ceremonies. Darrow in the play "Clarence Darrow: A One-Man Play,'' presented by Better Community Coordinated Child Care in Sister Mary Joseph, O.S.B., 70 political Orlando, Florida. She is working on her Entertainment Enterprises in Evergreen science, has been appointed director of Park. master's degree in nursing at the Univer­ St Bede's Publications, a publishing sity of Florida. company run by the community. She is Denise laquinta Prohaska, 73 speech Arlene Wolf Francis, 64 nursing, '69 MS, also head librarian for the community in therapy, works as a speech/language is coordinator of the Mental Health Cur­ Massachusetts. pathologist for Palos School District 118. riculum at Thornton Community College. She also serves as adjunct professor for Sister Mary Loftus, RSM, 70 MA edu­ Her son, Philip Francis, graduated this Governors State University, supervising cation, received her master's degree in year from SXC's nursing program and practicum students. applied theology from the Graduate has taken a staff position in pediatrics Theological Union, Berkeley, California. Susanne DeFabius, 74 MS nursing, a at the University of Virginia Hospital. She is associate director of the Renew clinical nursing specialist in the Commu­ Judith Muraida DiFilippo, 69 nursing, is Program, Diocese of Joliet. nity Guidance Center at Mercy Hospital, presented a research study, "Analytic a rehabilitation clinical nurse specialist at Sister Marilyn Ann Metz, RSM, 70 math­ Mercy Hospital in Chicago. She is pres­ Study of Adherence to the Sick Role ematics, is co-principal of St. Joseph's Among Health Care Providers and Hos­ ident of the School Board at Queen of Home for Boys in Frontenac, Missouri. Martyrs School. pitalized Patients,'' at the National Nursing Linda Janus Leverton, 71 English, re­ Conference in Hawaii. Angela Just, '69 English, employed ceived her MA in English from Northern by AT&T in Chicago, worked in Rome, Ruth Ellen Faklis, 74 social sciences, Illinois University in May and is now teach­ Italy, this fall as a consultant to the Italian was chairperson of the Open Books ing there. telephone company. Her project involved Open Doors program, the 1985 Illinois the development of two computer-based Donna M. Menard, 71 speech, is in her Statewide Library Summer Reading Pro­ training courses for the phone com­ fifth year at AERO Special Education gram. She is employed as youth services pany's sales force. Cooperative, serving area schools as a consultant for the Suburban Library Sys­ speech pathologist. Marshann Pawlowski, '69 home econom­ tem in Burr Ridge, Illinois. ics, a teacher at Lourdes High School, Dorothy Yetter, 71 mathematics, serves Dale Fausch, 74 MA education, is com­ was awarded the Illinois Chapter Schol­ as a consultant in business and computer pleting his doctoral work in educational arship from the International Federation systems. administration at Northern Illinois Univer­ of Catholic Alumnae Association. Marie A. Gilbert, 72 MS nursing, works sity. He is a principal/curriculum coor­ dinator for Mokena School District 159. Roberta Schaefer Shields, '69 French, as a psychiatric nurse clinical specialist Wife Linda, 79 MA education, is an as­ teaches at Waunakee High School in at Christ Hospital. Wisconsin. John M. Heppner, 72 history, manages sistant principal in LaGrange School Dis­ trict 105. Michele Carol Staruck. '69 MA education, the Purchasing Department at Commer­ is working on her master's degree in com­ cial Stamping and Forging. Virginia Fitzgerald, 74 education, is in puter science at DePaul University and KarenM. Murphy, 72 German, has been her 25th year of teaching, presently at St. teaching in Evergreen Park accepted into the University of Illinois Col­ Symphorosa School. lege of Medicine at Chicago. Lillian Seiler Glenn, 74 nursing, is a staff Kathleen O'Donnell, 72 history/educa­ nurse in pediatrics at Methodist Medical tion, won a scholarship to study at Uni­ Center of Illinois in Peoria. versity College Dublin last summer. Dawn Vetter, 72 art, is executive direc­ tor of Heritage Homes Inc. in Holland, Michigan, a non-profit corporation which

12 Winter. 1986 Sister Gabrielle Skupien, 74 MA relig­ Elaine Ann Andrysiak, 77 English, has Jacqueline R. Qullinan, 79 business, ious education, celebrated her Golden taught at Queen of Peace High School teaches in Elmhurst College's Manage­ Jubilee at Victory Noll in Huntington, Indi­ for five years. She received an Outstand­ ment Program. She is assistant director ana in August She does social work at ing High School Teacher Award from of Human Resources at Gas Research St Andrews Towers, Coral Springs, the University of Chicago in 1984. Institute. Florida. Marylu Chambers, 77 nursing, '83 MS, Susan M. Slusarczyk, 79 nursing, was Grace C. Theado, 74 nursing, '82 MS, is a senior captain in the U.S. Ar Force recently appointed unit leader of the was elected president of the State of Illi­ and an assistant charge nurse on a sur­ same day admission surgical unit at Rush- nois, Continuity of Care Organization. gical ward at Sheppard Regional Hospital, Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center. She is vice president of Home Health Sheppard Air Force Base, Wichita Falls, Division, Combined Health Services Texas. of America. Norine Gibbons Colby, 77 education, is Louise Martinez Eggert, 75 education, a teacher/administrator atMontessori Be is a doctoral student in instructional lead­ mentary School. She is also completing ership at National College of Education her M.A. at Purdue in education of gifted THE 80s in Evanston. children. Paul Bervid, '80 history/political science, John T. Lutz, 75 MA education, became Michael Meyer, 77 nursing, is assistant is an assistant attorney general in the Of­ co-principal at Conrady Junior High director of Nursing Service at Mercy fice of the Illinois Attorney General. He School in Palos this year. Hospital and Medical Center. also is serving as treasurer of the Saint Kathy Obertin Olsen, 75 nursing, is in Florence O'Leary, 77 nursing, is a Xavier College Alumni Association. Nepal working at the Himalayan Rescue staff nurse in the Obstetrics Department James Dace, '80 criminal justice, is an Association Clinic at Pheriche. While there, at St. Francis Hospital and a certified investigator for the law firm of Elmore & she will be doing research on the care instructor of Lamaze. DeMichael. and treatment of acute mountain sick­ Kevin Doherty, 78 political science, is vice Deborah Morgan Essig, '80 education, ness for her master's degree in nursing. president of M & O Insulation. is working on her master's degree in guid­ Richard Wojnarowski, 75 political sci­ Kathleen Krokar, 78 education, is work­ ance and counseling. ence, is a self-employed attorney. Wife ing on her master's degree in mass com­ Ellen Klinger, '80 family studies, is a so­ Jan Hanski, 75 education, recently munications at Boston University. opened a new travel agency, Getaway cial worker and director of the Office for Vacations, in Burbank Carol A Tuman, 78 business, opened a Seniors in Blue Island. new law office in Chicago last March. Janice Kaminski Cardella, 76 music edu­ Debbie Bruno Maher, '80 nursing, is a cation, is enrolled in the master's program Sheila Wenzel, 78 MA education, was nurse at Christ Hospital. in music education at DePaul University. one of 15 high school English teachers Mary Rose Leib Ryan, '80 nursing, works selected to attend a seminar on semiotics She teaches first through sixth grade in as a staff nurse on the surgical unit at and psycholinguistics at the University of Kirby School District 140. Mercy Hospital. Chicago. She teaches at Hubbard High Dianne R. Costanzo, 76 English, recently School. Madeline Spurk, '80 history/political sci­ returned from India where she gave two ence and education, teaches second lectures at SL Teresa's College. Patricia Jensen Whittington, 78 nursing, grade in the Matteson Public School '84 MS, is director of nursing for McHenry System. Lynn O'Driscoll, 76 nursing, attends the County Department of Health. University of Florida, where she is work­ Pamela Stahl. '80 biology, is a chemist Mary F. Landeweer, 79 business, was re ing on her MSN degree in the maternal- with Sun Chemical. She is presently en­ cently named an investment officer for infant program. rolled in the MBA program at Saint Xav­ Continental Illinois National Bank & Trust ier College. Marguerite Trevor, 76 nursing, is coor­ Co. dinator for the Reider Laser Center and Diane Deal, '81 music/education, teaches Michael R. Maloney, 79 business, is vice perioperative educator for the operating music part time at Incarnation Catholic president and part owner of All Sign Corp. room at the Memorial Medical Center in School and is employed full time at California. Theresa Mirabella Nemsick, 79 theology, Majestic Pets. She is soprano soloist at teaches at Mother McAuley High School. Gail Wegner, 76 nursing, associate pro­ Morgan Park Baptist Church. Her daughter is a senior at Saint Xavier. fessor of nursing at Purdue University- Natalya Knox, '81 sociology/family Calumet was honored with the Chan­ Judith M. Ostermeyer, 79 nursing, is a studies, a research assistant at Saint cellor's Council Award for Outstanding staff nurse at the Air Force Hospital at Xavier, is working on her master's de Teaching for the academic year 1984-85. Wurtsmith Air Force Base in Michigan. gree in criminal justice counseling.

Meeting Place Magazine 13 Kathryn Miller, '81 education, graduated her MS in criminalistics from the Univer­ Carol A Schuberth, '85 art, spent the from the paralegal program at Roosevelt sity of Illinois at Chicago and is employed month of June in Paris studying French University in August as a toxicologist with the Cook County art and architecture after receiving a Belinda Castro Okuda, '81 nursing, works Medical Examiner's Office. Smith Scholarship. on the orthopedic unit at LaGrange Beverly Harper Thiem, '83 nursing, is a Memorial Hospital as a staff nurse and nurse in the CCU at Christ Hospital. MARRIAGES preceptor. Army Reserve Private 1 st Class Gerald Cheryl M. Frank, '65 philosophy, to Donna Ahlert Statkus, '81 speech A Ftynn, '84 political science, has com­ Carl R. Goode. pathology, received the Master of Health pleted training as an Army military po­ Michael R. Maloney, 79 business, to Science degree from Governors State lice specialist at Fort McClellan, Alabama. Maura Allen. University in June. She was honored at a Sherry Kamke, '84 chemistry, is study­ James Dace, '80 criminal justice, to banquet as an outstanding student for ing for her MS in environmental engi­ Kathleen Harrington. 1984-85. neering at Illinois Institute of Technology. Mary Rose Leib, '80 nursing, to Robert Helen Mayer Tumino, '81 music educa­ Ryan. Laura Kiehn Kennedy, '84 education and tion, is director of music at Lourdes High early childhood studies, teaches at Debbie Bruno, '80 nursing, to Gerald School. St Simon School and is a secretary Maher. Donna J. Cavelli, '82 nursing, was pro­ for alderman Edward Burke. She was Beatrice Comparetto, '81 music, to moted to supervisor of patient care ser­ recently elected to the Young Democrats Frank R. Cavoto, Jr. vices, home health service at St. James of Cook County. Elizabeth Beata. '82 education, to Steve Hospital in Chicago Heights. Meyer. Rose Labriola, '84 MS nursing, coordi­ Brian Rutkowski, 82 business, to Kelly Nance Koper-Dulaj. 82 education, won nates the Cardio/Pulmonary Rehab Pro­ Brogan, '82 English. the MAAI medal at the 25th annual con­ gram at Silver Cross Hospital in Joliet Beverly Harper. '83 nursing, to Erich vention of the Modeling Association of M. Kimberly Ciufia Lippelt, '84 education, Thiem. America International. Dulaj won as "The recently returned from a trip to Hong Kong, Joan Heelan, '84 English/mass com­ Contemporary Model. " China, Bangkok, Singapore and Hawaii. munications, to Tim Hadac. Helen Geary, '82 education, graduated Georgia Benton McGinnis, '84 nursing, from University of Illinois at Chicago with is a nurse at Michael Reese Hospital and an MS. in physical education in June. BORN TO Medical Center. Cheri Kloss, '82 fine arts, is a photo Gary and Katherine Norgel Jannusch. Ella M. Pettis, '84 MS nursing, is the emer­ stylist with Nobart Inc. '68 French, their first child, Erik Carl gency room coordinator at Roseland Robert. Elizabeth Beata Meyer. '82 education, Hospital. is a lab technician at Lever Brothers Sullivan and Linda Kurek Augustine. Second Lt. Mildred Shannon, '84 nurs­ Company. 70 mathematics, their first child. ing, completed the U.S. Air Force military Alexander. Karen Multon. '82 MA learning disabili­ indoctrination for medical service officers Kenneth and Marietta Moore Clare, ties, is working on her doctorate in coun­ at Sheppard Air Force Base, Texas. She 70 Spanish, their first child. Alexandra seling psychology at Loyola University. is scheduled to serve with the Ar Force Danielle. Husband Carl. '82 MA education, teaches Hospital at Wurtsmith Ar Force Base in L Daniel and Rebecca Kreinbrink religion at Brother Rice High School. Michigan. Fanger, 70 mathematics, a son, Carter Karen Dolinich, '83 humanities, is work­ Mary-Beth Budzinski, '85 mathematics, Louis. ing on her law degree at DePaul University. is an employee pension analyst with Inter­ Alejandro and Nancy Narcaroti Karen Gorell, '83 psychology, graduated national Harvester. Marchini, 75 nursing, a daughter, Gina. from University of Illinois Jane Addams Prema David, '85 MS nursing, developed, Leonard and Debra Marlowe Hopkins. College of Social Work with a master's implemented and evaluated a social skills 77 English/education, their first child. degree in clinical social work. She is training manual for behaviorally disor­ Lauren Stephanie. assistant to the director of international dered children. Michael, 77 nursing, and Andrea medicine at the American Medical Ferenc Meyer, 77 nursing, their first Association. Peggy Hack, '85 business, works as a child, Andrew Michael. dealer services representative at Kemper Kevin, 78 political science and Jane Jeffrey McKnight, '83 criminal justice, Financial Services. is a probation officer in the Juvenile Court Maiberger Doherty, 78 art, a son, Eugene Rabbit, '85 early childhood stud­ of Cook County. John Matthew. ies, is enrolled in the learning disabilities Chester and Rosemarie Guest Mikucki, Marian Papiemik, '83 biology, received master's program at Saint Xavier. 79 nursing, their first child, Ann Marie.

14 Winter, 1986 Mark and Deborah Morgan Essig, Genevieve Crane, R.S.M., President of the Registrar there, holding the position '80 education, a daughter, Margaret. Saint Xavier College from 1936 to 1939. until her retirement in 1970. Taso and Elaine Kotsniras Kouris, Bom in 1897, Sister Mary Genevieve '83 education, their first child, Tanya joined the Sisters of Mercy in 1920. She Christina. taught elementary and high school at Trustee Dies Stephen and Georgia Benton Saint Xavier Academy until 1928, when The Saint Xavier College community McGinnis, '84 nursing, a daughter, she became Registrar of Saint Xavier mourns the death of Sister Mary Ellen Kathryn Eileen. College. She served as registrar until Nolan, RSM, Vice President of Education 1936 when she became president of the and General Administration at Mercy Hos­ College. After completing her term as pital and Medical Center. Sister Mary El­ IN MEMORIAM president in 1939, Sister Mary Genevieve len died September 27 following a long served as Assistant Mother Provincial of illness. A member of the Saint Xavier Col­ Mildred F. Doherty, '32 mathematics the Chicago Province of the Sisters of lege Board of Trustees from 1977 until Dr. Joong-Ki Hwang, associate profes­ Mercy from 1939 to 1942, Mother Provin­ early last year, she served on the Exec­ sor of business at Saint Xavier College. cial from 1942-48, and on the Provincial utive Committee and chaired the Mem­ Council of the order from 1948 to 1951. bership and Honors Committee. Sister She returned to teaching at Saint Xavier Mary Ellen received a bachelor's degree Past President Dies Academy in 1951. When the Academy from Saint Xavier College in 1960 and The Saint Xavier College community is was replaced by Mother McAuley High pursued graduate studies here and at saddened by the death of Sister Mary School, Sister Mary Genevieve became Loyola University. Attention: Alumni and Parents of Alumni We Want You. (to tell us your news) We want to hear from you and to keep you up to date on what s happening at Saint Xavier. If we don't have your correct address, please provide us with it so we can correct our files. Parents, if you are receiving mail from Saint Xavier addressed to one of your children, please fill in the current address on the form below and send it to the Alumni Office at Saint Xavier College. Thank you for your help.

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Meeting Place Magazine 15 Calendar FEBRUARY22 Speech Department annual Guest Lecture. 2:00-5:00 p.m. Reception Room. Free. Honored guest- John J. O'Neill, professor of audiology, University of Illinois. FEBRUARY 23 Faculty Artist Recital. 7:30 p.m. McGuire Hall. Free will offering. Featuring Jan Bickel, mezzo soprano. FEBRUARY 28-MARCH 1 SXC Film Series presents "Paris, Texas." 7:30 p.m. McGuire Hall. $2; $1 students and senior citizens. MARCH 4-6-10-12 Alumni Phonothon. MARCH 6 Theology South lecture series. "Practical Strategy for Being Catholic in a Technological Age." Speaker- Rev. John Cusick. 9:00 a.m. Reception Room. $4; $3 senior citizens, students and religious. MARCH 9 Music Department presents "One Piano, Four Hands" with Jean and Kenneth Wentworth. 7:30 p.m. McGuire Hall. $6; $4 students. MARCH 16 Violin recital featuring Steven Bjella. 7:30 p.m. McGuire Hall. $3; $2 senior citizens and students. MARCH 18,20 Parents' Phonothon. MARCH 19 Saint Xavier College Chamber Orchestra. 8:00 p.m. McGuire Hall. $3; $2 students. MARCH 21-22 SXC Film Series presents "Bizet's Carmen." 7:30 p.m. McGuire Hall. $2; $1 students and senior citizens. APRIL 2-30 SXC Gallery-Exhibit of Gouache Miniatures by internationally known artist Stasys Eldrigevicius. Viewing hours: Monday through Friday 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.; Saturday noon-5:00 p.m. Free. APRIL 6 Faculty Artist Recital-M Dean Hughes, bassoonist. 730 p.m. McGuire Hall. Free will offering. APRIL 9 Theology South lecture series. "The Challenge of Bringing Christ to the Poor of the World." Speaker-Most. Rev. Wilton D. Gregory, Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago. 9:00 a.m. Reception Room. $4; $3 senior citizens, students and religious. APRIL 11-12 SXC Film Series presents "A Sunday in the Country." 730 p.m. McGuire Hall. $2; $1 students and senior citizens. APRIL 13 Open House. 1.00-4:00 p.m. APRIL 22 Tentative date-Spring Business Conference. APRIL 26 Alumni Association Theatre Party. MAY1 Sister Annette Walsh Symposium "Legal and Ethical Issues in Nursing Practice." 12:30 p.m. McGuire Hall. Speakers-Nancy Brent, RN, J.D., and Mila Ann Aroskar, RN. Ed.D., FAAN. $35 ($30 for Sigma members), $ 15 students. MAY 5-23 SXC Gallery-Art Work by Graduating Seniors. Viewing hours: Monday through Friday 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.; Saturday noon-5:00 p.m. Free. MAY 16 Fund Raising Dinner Dance. Hyatt Regency - Chicago. Spring Choral Concert. 7:30 p.m. Most Holy Redeemer Church, 9525 S. Lawndale. $3; $2 students. MAY 16-17 Religious Studies Symposium. MAY 23 Jazz Concert featuring the SXC Jazz Orchestra. 730 p.m. Reception Room. Free will offering. MAY 31 Commencement. JUNE2-JULY3 First Summer Session.


Saint Xavier College/Chicago 3700 W. 103rd Street, Chicago, 1L 60655