COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION INC Minutes of General Meeting on Thursday 13 April 2021 in Tumbulgum Hall


Meeting opened at 7.03 pm

PRESENT: Robby Wright, Tony Boyle, Jo Merley, Dean Williams, Bron Martin, Tony Stockton Kathy Wyatt, Ross McLean, Alan Harding, Diane & Greg Kinkade, David & Jenny (President) Kidd, Di (Treasurer) & David Stenfors, Sue & Brian Breckenridge, Steve Smith, Shirley Mitchell, Donna Martin, Paul Close, John & Sandy (Vice President) Copley, Noel Emzin (Committee member), Tony Shirley, Max and May (Committee Member) Light, Jenisse Evans (Secretary).

1. Apologies: Allan & Kate Birch, David Copley, Judy Emzin, Marion & Shelley Boyle, Helen & Gavin Bolt, Tony Snellgrove

2. SPECIAL TOPIC: “ROAD SAFETY ON RIVERSIDE DRIVE” Special Guests: Council Cr James Owen and Council staff Alana Brookes, Road Safety Engineer and Ray Clark, Road Traffic Engineer

Jenny Kidd welcomed Councillor Owen and Alana and Ray to the TCA meeting. By way of background, Jenny had provided Councillor Owen with a copy of the notes of discussions when he and Ray last attended the TCA meeting in 2017.

Cr Owen thanked the meeting for the warm welcome. A lot has been accomplished since 2017 including the 80 kph zone on Tweed Valley Way and the major works about to commence at the northern intersection with Riverside Drive. There are a lot of similar issues in my area of Casuarina and we have several ideas that have proved successful in Casuarina and may be useful here in Tumbulgum.

Alana advised that the 80 kph sign facing north on Tweed Valley Way is decommissioned for the duration of the impending roadworks as the speed limit will be reduced during works. It will be returned to service on completion – approximately eight weeks after commencement of construction.

The meeting was then asked to put their questions/issues with traffic on Riverside Drive to our guests. Discussion centred around:

• Speeding by Surfside bus drivers – it was noted that it is very hard to find a contact number at Surfside to report bad driving behaviour and the only contact provided was the NSW Department of Transport complaint website which people felt “disappeared into the ether”. Alana advised the reason for this was that Surfside were contracted to the Department to provide a service and they need to know if the contractor is in any breach. Cr Owen undertook to find an email address and a local contact number and if breaches continue to occur, to let me know and he may be able to follow up on behalf of the TSC.

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• Ray advised that in his experience 85% of drivers will obey the law but that remaining 15% is very hard to address and get compliant. • The meeting asked for more mobile ‘smiley face’ speed signs to be allocated to the village. Alana undertook to look into the frequency and location of use. • Boat ramp area congestion was raised. Ray advised that only the Police had the power to warn/fine drivers – not TSC Rangers. Residents were encouraged to report incidents to Police as all calls were logged. • Cr Owen advised that Police had planned to attend this evening, but this was not possible at the last minute. Cr Owen encouraged the TCA to continue with the plan to have the Police attend and address a future meeting. • It was noted that the parking signs along Riverside were less than clear and optimal – Ray will look into improvements in signage and road markings. • It was noted that the location of the 40 kph signs at the northern end of Riverside were not optimal – as you turn the corner, they are not easily in your line of sight. Alana agreed to look at the placement of these. • The meeting raised the use of Traffic Data Collection Record Recorder (‘speed tubes”) to get a better understanding of the traffic occurring at different times of the day and night, and also the weight of the vehicles. Alana undertook to arrange for another installation and round of monitoring. • The meeting raised the question of the installation of speed humps, road stencilling and speed platforms. The opinions of residents varied regarding the effectiveness and noise impact of speed humps. Ray advised that funding would be required for installation of any additional speed platforms. • Other speed management techniques were raised such as the psychology of narrowing the road, the installation of pedestrian refuges in the middle of the road, and the removal of bollards and installation of a walkway on the river side of the road to create a more park-like appearance and the installation of permanent ‘smiley face’ speed signs. Ray advised that the permanent signs cost approximately $14k each. Cr Owen said he has previously sought funding for similar projects in the village but these were not supported by some of his Council colleagues. • Ray expressed concerns about the placement of speed platforms as the sometimes get confused with pedestrian crossings and can create confusion between drivers and pedestrians about right of way. Ray advised that pedestrian crossings require a certain level of pedestrian traffic and was not sure that the village would meet those warrants. • Jenny Kidd advised that perhaps the TCA may be able to make a financial contribution to an agreed installation solution. This will be considered. • Concerns were expressed about the narrow shoulder and lack of any warning signs at the site of the recent revetment work near the intersection with Government Road. Ray undertook to look at the installation of some guideposts. • Questions were raised about the Give Way sign at the end of the bridge on Terranora Road/Riverside Drive intersection. It was noted that giving way on Riverside went against all the usual road rule principles of giving way to vehicles on your right and at a T intersection. Ray advised that this was unusual but required because of the steepness of the bridge at that point making is almost impossible for heavy vehicles to stop and give way. • The meeting raised the question of whether loss of amenity and impact of increased road traffic would be taken into account by the TSC when considering the

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Cranney’s Road DA. Cr Owen noted that it was very important and would be examined by both staff and Councillors during their deliberations.

It was agreed that Council would look at all the requests and suggestions proposed tonight and provide a response within three months, including funding issues.

Cr Owen suggested that the TCA have a look at the Village Master Plan created by the Burringbar Village. This 60-page document was an excellent model, but he acknowledged there would be some costs in getting together such a document.

Jenny Kidd undertook to provide Cr Owen with a summary of our discussions as soon as possible and perhaps consider inviting a representative from the Parks section of the TSC to attend when we next meet to review the responses to tonight. Jenny thanked our guests for the valuable time and looked forward to seeing some quick runs on the board.

3. Confirmation of the minutes of meeting held on 9 March 2021

Moved: Robby Wright Seconded: Sandy Copley Unanimous

4. Matters Arising from the Minutes

a. Anzac Day in Tumbulgum Jenny advised that we have since been advised by the local RSL that they will not be conducting any ANZAC Day services this year. It was suggested that we again participate in “Light Up Your Driveway” and that a wreath will be laid at 0600 by the TSC.

5. Correspondence IN: Email from Pottsville Community Association re: Meeting with Police Email from Y Amstell (TSC) re: Secondhand Saturday – Garage Sale Email from G Arthur (TSC) re: Changes to Community Hall Management due to COVID x3 Email Invitation to Special Stakeholder’s Forum – Budget Edition Email for T Nicholls (TSC) re: Free Masks for Business Email form T Nicholls (TSC) re: Local COVID Alert Email from T Nicholls (TSC) re: GIVIT Flood Donations Email from Cr Milne re: Council Meeting 18 March 2021 - Item 11.4 NOM Heavy Haulage Contribution Letter from TSC re: Bluey Hill Park Your Say TSC re: Zero Waste Strategy OUT: Essential Energy Community Hall Grant Application Email Invitation to Cr Owen to attend April meeting Email to Cr Milne re: Council Meeting 18 March 2021 - Item 11.4 NOM Heavy Haulage Contribution Letter to Local Traffic Committee, Cr Owen and G Provest MP re Item 18.3 Council Meeting 18 Feb 21

Jenny noted that the response from TSC regarding Bluey Hill Park was very disappointing and we will be contacting them again re this significant loss of amenity.


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6. Treasurer’s Report

Di Stenfors reported an opening balance of $30,498. Income was $600 and outgoing were $984.95 consisting mostly of refurbishment of the AED Unit. This left a closing balance of $30123.44, plus the Term Deposit of $30,000.

Jenny Kidd noted that we are in possession of sufficient funding if the Community decided to pursue the Village Master Plan option.

Resolved: Di Stenfors Seconded: May Light Unanimous

7. Other Reports

Committee Report

The Committee met on 26 March. After a suggestion by Noel Emzin, it was agreed to provide $5k of flood relief to the mid North Coast community, via an appropriate method. Jack Frost from the SES provided a contact with Taree Lions Club to whom we donated $2k. $1,800 was spent on freight for hay provided to dairy farmers and $200 in change was provided for women’s non-perishable items. Jenny noted that the response from TSC regarding Bluey Hill Park was very disappointing and we will be contacting them again re this significant loss of amenity.

Road Safety Subcommittee

The data from the traffic survey on Dulguigan Road has been provided to the TSC Traffic Committee for advice on action to reduce heavy vehicle speeding. We remain in contact with the Council on this issue.

Meeting with Quarry and TSC Representative 31 March 2021

Jenny Kidd reported that as per the April Newsletter, Quarry representatives reported that annual truck activity was below that permitted under DA 04/0162.03. It was concerning to learn that the Environmental Offset Area, identified in the modification to the DA approved in 2016, is yet to be finalised. Road Safety, rehabilitation and run-off resulting in an EPA fine were also discussed. If residents have any queries or concerns about operations or truck driver behaviour, the Quarry asks to be contacted directly, preferably at the time of the incident.

CAT Team

Sandy Copley advised that Karen Orr has agreed to act as Hub Coordinator replacing Therese Daly. During the recent rain events, there was a risk of the CAT being seen as ‘crying wolf’ but the general feedback has been very positive. Thanks to Noel Emzin and his ladder who have been very busy with the flood warning/flood watch signs. The proposal to meet with the local RFS will require a change of our meeting date at the appropriate RFS representative is unable to attend on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. The meeting agreed that the June meeting would be held on the 1st Tuesday to facilitate this connection.

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8. New Business a. Flood Assistance to Manning Valley Already discussed under Committee business.

b. Pottsville Meeting re Community Policing 14 April 2021 Jenny advised that representatives all other local community groups have been invited to attend the Pottsville community meeting to discuss how the community can assist the Police and allocation of Policy resources. It would be a good opportunity to make a connection with the Tweed police. Jenny and Sandy Copley will attend.

c. TSC Your Say – Opportunity to Comment

i. Zero Waste Strategy We have previously supported this strategy. Submissions close on 28 April

ii. Planning Proposal Council Pound and Rehoming Centre Submissions close on 21 April

iii. Tweed Valley Flood Study Update and Expansion Jenny Kidd advised that this survey is seeking residents’ responses regarding any matters and this is an opportunity to express your concerns. Steve Smith expressed concern about the M1, Cudgen Road at Stotts Island and ongoing industrial developments at Chinderah which have an impact on water flows and the build up of water on the flood plain. It was noted that if there had been a storm surge event at the same time as the March 2017 flood, it would have taken much longer for the flood water to disperse. Submissions close on 16 May.

d. Membership Renewal Jenny advised that we received a good number of new members at the Day event and the February meeting. Available tonight are envelopes for membership renewal fees of $2 per year or $10 for five years payable by cash or EFT. Also available are nomination forms for joining our Committee, and nominations close on 4 May.

e. AGM - 11 May 2021

9. Other Business

a. Date of June Meeting – it was agreed earlier that the meeting in June would be the first Tuesday of the month to facilitate interaction with the local RFS. b. AED Device – Jenny advised that as previously the AED unit has been refurbished. Di Stenfors will arrange for this to be checked by paramedics in the village and then re- installed at the Tavern for the time being. c. Jenny welcomed Kathy from the Birdwing Café. Kathy and Jessica have taken over from Julie and rebranded the café as the Wild Fig. d. Paul Close thanked the TCA for the loan of shade tents over the Easter weekend.

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e. Donna Martin asked about security signs which have appeared on Mayes Hill. Jenny advised that these were as a result of illegal dumping and the owners were looking for somewhere suitable to install security cameras.

10. Next Meeting 11 May 2021

The meeting closed at 8.45 pm

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