1. Name of Deceased: Donna Jo Brewer Gilhousen

Date of Passing Away: 09/13/2020

Cause of Death: Pancreatic Cancer

Age at Death: 85

Place of Death: Eugene, Oregon, USA

End of 49 Days period: 11/01/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: Donna was a long-time devoted student and dedicated practitioner. She was a student at the Tibet Center in in the 1970s. She was a member of both the Shakyamuni Tibetan Buddhist Center in Portland, Oregon, founded by the Venerable Kalsang Damdul (of the Buddhist Dialectics College in Dharamsala, India), and the Dakshang Chuling group in Eugene, Oregon. She attended various teachings at Maitripa College here in Portland, took instruction from Prof. Jim Blumenthal, attended the sessions when His Holiness Dalai came to Portland, and did remote retreats with Venerable Chodron at Sravasti Abbey in Washington State. She has helped these and other Buddhist centers to flourish in their efforts in so many ways over many years -- making offerings, printing beautiful dharma materials, helping with bookkeeping, and so on. She cared for her husband Jan at home for eight years as he was overtaken by dementia.

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: I am a long-time student with FPMT, with my first ever dharma teachings being from Kyabje Lama Zopa , Ven Geshe Gyatso, Jon Landau, and Jan Willis, attending the first month-long Mahamudra retreat at Vajrapani Institute in 1980. Travelled to Dharamsala in 1982 for three months for the glorious First Dharma Celebration!! Attended the amazing Six Yogas course offered by Lama Yeshe in 1983. I have moved around the country due to my husband Adam's schooling, training, and employment. Asked by Don Brown, we first hosted the Drepung Loseling monks with Glenn Mullin, a group of 9, when we were in Chapel Hill, NC on the first tour of sacred music and dance in the US in 1989. The second group we hosted was the Gyuto monks, with 25 people, where the first ever dharma teaching in NC was requested, of the Gyuto Monastery Abbot in Chapel Hill -- it was held at our house, outside on a hill sloping down from the house. A dharma study group was formed at that time, and Don Brown & I co-led some larger teaching events in the Raleigh/Durham area. We then moved to Washington DC, where I worked with Betty Rogers, et al on the International Year of Tibet DC Committee for a year of events. (years later with huge efforts from Don Brown, et al, Betty Rogers & I attended as the Kadampa Center was dedicated by Lama Zopa Rinpoche in 1993.) A dharma study group was formed in WDC, rotating through member's homes. We made requests for FPMT Teachers to come to DC, with Jeff Nye and Mandana Roberts, and so on, joyously taking teachings from Lama Zopa Rinpoche upon his visit there, naming Guhyasamaja Center. My family moved again... I tried to take on the position of Regional Coordinator remotely from Ligonier, PA and failed spectacularly at that effort -- a much longer story ensued. For the past 20 years we have lived in the Portland, Oregon metro area, I have been a long-time student of Geshe Kalsang Damdul and on the Board of Shakyamuni Tibetan Buddhist Center. I happily attend some events and teachings now and then at Maitripa College, and will always hold FPMT and our dear Dharma Teachers close to my heart.

2. Name of Deceased: Ursula Goeres

Date of Passing Away: 09/11/2020

Cause of Death: cancer

Age at Death: 66

Place of Death: Winnipeg Manitoba canada

End of 49 Days period: 10/30/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: none but my good friend...one of most respected people I know

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: On pilgrimage in 2018

3. Name of Deceased: Carl Patrick Garrison

Date of Passing Away: 10/27/2020

Cause of Death: Shot as he drove in a truck, then vehicle hit a pole.

Age at Death: 23

Place of Death: Memphis, TN

End of 49 Days period: 12/15/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: Carl is my grandson, Dave's daughter Ame Patrick's son. (not my birth child, but step daughter.)

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: I am a long time student of Lama Zopa Rinpoche and Lama Thubten Yeshe.

4. Name of Deceased: Ana Isabel Ospina

Date of Passing Away: 10/25/2020

Cause of Death: COVID 19

Age at Death: 93

Place of Death: Miami

End of 49 Days period: 12/13/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: Mother of the student

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: I am a student at Tubten Kunga Ling Center.

5. Name of Deceased: FUNG YING SUM

Date of Passing Away: 10/23/2020

Cause of Death: sickness

Age at Death: 73

Place of Death: Hong Koing

End of 49 Days period: 12/11/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: Father of friend of Cham Tseling centre members

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: Friend of member of Cham Tse Ling centre

6. Name of Deceased: Louis Jerome Ferrario

Date of Passing Away: 10/27/2020

Cause of Death: Old age

Age at Death: 86

Place of Death: Hidden Valley Lake, California

End of 49 Days period: 12/15/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: He's the grandfather of a dear friend

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: I'm a student of Lama Zopa Rinpoche based in Taiwan and also part of the Prayers for the Dead mailing list

7. Name of Deceased: MR. TAN YAP MIN

Date of Passing Away: 10/21/2020

Cause of Death: ORGAN FAILURE

Age at Death: 69

Place of Death: MALAYSIA

End of 49 Days period: 12/09/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: ---

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: ---

8. Name of Deceased: Ida Verberg

Date of Passing Away: 10/26/2020

Cause of Death: Bowel obstruction, complicated by Alzheimer\'s disease

Age at Death: 88

Place of Death: Simcoe Ontario Canada

End of 49 Days period: 12/14/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: Mother of a student and practitioner with Lama Yeshe Ling

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: Student and practitioner with Lama Yeshe Ling

9. Name of Deceased: Melissa Ross

Date of Passing Away: 10/21/2020

Cause of Death: unknown

Age at Death: 38

Place of Death: Dalyellup, West Australia

End of 49 Days period: 12/09/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: Deceased person was making interest in Buddhism

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: Long time student and volunteer at FPMT centre in Bunbury, West Australia ( Meditation Centre - was called Hospice of Mother Tara)

10. Name of Deceased: TUYEN HOANG THI KIM

Date of Passing Away: 10/26/2020

Cause of Death: LUNG CANCER

Age at Death: 71

Place of Death: HA NOI, VIETNAM

End of 49 Days period: 12/14/2020



11. Name of Deceased: Emily Parker

Date of Passing Away: 10/05/2020

Cause of Death: Drug Overdose

Age at Death: 37

Place of Death: Seattle, WA

End of 49 Days period: 11/23/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: I am a Buddhist practitioner and am requesting on her behalf

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: Student of HH the

12. Name of Deceased: Philip Ng Soon Heng

Date of Passing Away: 10/23/2020

Cause of Death: Heart failure

Age at Death: 76

Place of Death: Singapore

End of 49 Days period: 12/11/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: Old founder of ABC

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: ABC President

13. Name of Deceased: Pedro Esteban

Date of Passing Away: 10/23/2020

Cause of Death: Respiratory deficiency

Age at Death: 85

Place of Death: Barcelona -Spain

End of 49 Days period: 12/11/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: His daughter is a volunteer a FPMT Center Barcelona

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: FPMT Spain National Coordinator

14. Name of Deceased: Sarah Virginia Gumm

Date of Passing Away: 10/20/2020

Cause of Death: lung cncer spread very quickly

Age at Death: 65

Place of Death: Royal Melbourne Hospital but she is now in Daylesford funeral home

End of 49 Days period: 12/08/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: she was one of my best friends and we went to school at Merton Hall together ... has land hereby too

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: X nun of Lama Yeshe student of Lama Zopa

15. Name of Deceased: Bertrand Moingeon

Date of Passing Away: 10/21/2020

Cause of Death: stroke

Age at Death: 56

Place of Death: paris, france

End of 49 Days period: 12/09/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: none

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: staff member of International Office

16. Name of Deceased: Leung Kaok Wing

Date of Passing Away: 10/10/2020

Cause of Death: sickness

Age at Death: 68

Place of Death: Hong Kong

End of 49 Days period: 11/28/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: Friend of Cham Tse Ling Centre Member

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: Member and Student of Cham Tse Ling Centre

17. Name of Deceased: Maria Łukowiak {Miśka}

Date of Passing Away: 10/19/2020

Cause of Death: old age

Age at Death: 88

Place of Death: Świętoszyn near Milicz,Poland

End of 49 Days period: 12/07/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person:

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: Follower

18. Name of Deceased: Narayan Shivram Pradhan

Date of Passing Away: 10/19/2020

Cause of Death: Old age

Age at Death: 95

Place of Death: Mumbai

End of 49 Days period: 12/07/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: was an admirer of the Dalai Lama and had taken a group of students to visit him when he first arrived in india

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: follower of fpmt teachings

19. Name of Deceased: G. NAMUUSH (female)

Date of Passing Away: 10/13/2020

Cause of Death: cancer

Age at Death: 70

Place of Death: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

End of 49 Days period: 12/01/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: The elder sister of Ariunaa, a student of Ganden Do Ngag Shedrup Ling

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: resident teacher, Ganden Do Ngag Shedrup Ling

20. Name of Deceased: Gareth Brybag

Date of Passing Away: 10/16/2020

Cause of Death: Heart Attack

Age at Death: 27

Place of Death: St Marys, Western Sydney, NSW Australia

End of 49 Days period: 12/04/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: Gareth was a student of Vajrayana Institute and devoted to Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Geshe Tenzin Zopa and Geshe Samten as his main teachers. Gareth was about to meet again with Geshe Samten this week to discuss ordination, having expressed the heartfelt wish to ordain since he was 15 years old. He followed diligently all the practice advice from his lamas and was a serious practitioner.

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: Student of Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Director, Liberation Prison Project, teacher Chenrezig Institute.

21. Name of Deceased: Manuel Blanca Gomez

Date of Passing Away: 10/17/2020

Cause of Death: heart attack

Age at Death: 69

Place of Death: Malaga Spain

End of 49 Days period: 12/05/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: Non, he was attracted to Buddhist teachings for many years

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: Long time student of Lama Zopa Rinpoché and HH DL, for a few years also Dharma translator (from english)

22. Name of Deceased: Jean Marc ENJALBERT

Date of Passing Away: 10/04/2020

Cause of Death: CANCER

Age at Death: 58

Place of Death: France

End of 49 Days period: 11/22/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: NO

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: NUN IN VajraYogini Institute in France

23. Name of Deceased: João Feitosa

Date of Passing Away: 10/16/2020

Cause of Death: Covid

Age at Death: 25

Place of Death: Rio de Janeiro Brasil

End of 49 Days period: 12/04/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: Young MD working at COVID front together with a Ven Lama Zopa student

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: Member of FPMT

24. Name of Deceased: Rune

Date of Passing Away: 10/16/2020

Cause of Death: Cancer

Age at Death: 54

Place of Death: Lund, Sweden

End of 49 Days period: 12/04/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: Only through me as a caregiver

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: Student of Lama Zopa Rinpoche and HH Dalai Lama

25. Name of Deceased: Birgitta

Date of Passing Away: 10/16/2020

Cause of Death: Cancer

Age at Death: 76

Place of Death: Lund, Sweden

End of 49 Days period: 12/04/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: None

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: Student of Lama Zopa Rinpoche and HH Dalai Lama

26. Name of Deceased: Francisco

Date of Passing Away: 10/11/2020

Cause of Death: Cancer

Age at Death: 42

Place of Death: Lund, Sweden

End of 49 Days period: 11/29/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: Only through me as a caregiver

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: Student of Lama Zopa Rinpoche and HH Dalai Lama

27. Name of Deceased: Shane Bowden

Date of Passing Away: 10/12/2020

Cause of Death: Executed by multiple gunshots

Age at Death: 48

Place of Death: Queensland Australia

End of 49 Days period: 11/30/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: None known

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: Student at FPMT in Adelaide

28. Name of Deceased: Willem Langenberg

Date of Passing Away: 10/14/2020

Cause of Death: a variety of medical issues, infections, etc. overwhelmed him

Age at Death: 92

Place of Death: Marin, California, USA

End of 49 Days period: 12/02/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: Wim did not have a relationship with FPMT, I do.

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: I'm a student at Land of Medicine Buddha, and Vajrapani & attended a November Course at Kopan.

29. Name of Deceased: Ng Hung Huat

Date of Passing Away: 10/13/2020

Cause of Death:

Age at Death: 74

Place of Death: Singapore

End of 49 Days period: 12/01/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: No unfortunately

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: Member of Amitabha Buddhist Centre in Singapore

30. Name of Deceased: Ms. Shanta Raghavan

Date of Passing Away: 10/10/2020

Cause of Death: Heart Failure

Age at Death: 80

Place of Death: Bangalore

End of 49 Days period: 11/28/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: None.

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: ex-ditector Choe Khor Sum Ling FPMT Center and student of Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche

31. Name of Deceased: Hilda de la paz vazquez parada

Date of Passing Away: 10/11/2020

Cause of Death: Heart attack

Age at Death: 62

Place of Death: Guadalajara méxico

End of 49 Days period: 11/29/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: Benefactor of khamlungpa centre

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: Spc of khamlungpa

32. Name of Deceased: Wren Lee Tweedie

Date of Passing Away: 10/06/2020

Cause of Death: Do not know.

Age at Death: 31

Place of Death: Melbourne, Australia

End of 49 Days period: 11/24/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: The baby's grandmother, Sharon Dobson, is a student of Lama Zopa Rinpoche. The grandmother requested these prayers.

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: Thubten Pemo is requesting prayers, on behalf of Sharon Dobson, the grandmother of the baby, who died in the womb. Thubten Pemo has studied with Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa Rinpoche since 1973.

33. Name of Deceased: D. GANBAT

Date of Passing Away: 09/18/2020

Cause of Death: stroke

Age at Death: 56

Place of Death: Mongolia

End of 49 Days period: 11/06/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: none

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: resident teacher at Ganden Do Ngag Shedrup Ling

34. Name of Deceased: D. CHULUUN

Date of Passing Away: 09/23/2020

Cause of Death: sickness

Age at Death: 77

Place of Death: Mongolia

End of 49 Days period: 11/11/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: none

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: resident teacher at Ganden Do Ngag Shedrup Ling

35. Name of Deceased: Elizabeth

Date of Passing Away: 10/09/2020

Cause of Death: Cancer

Age at Death: 75

Place of Death: Lund, Sweden

End of 49 Days period: 11/27/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: Only through me and my colleagues as a caregiver

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: Student of Lama Zopa Rinpoche and HH Dalai Lama

36. Name of Deceased: Jo Milazzo

Date of Passing Away: 10/11/2020

Cause of Death: Aortic aneurysm

Age at Death: 80

Place of Death: Tasmania Australia

End of 49 Days period: 11/29/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: Father of Chag Tong Chen Tong Centre student

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: Centre Director

37. Name of Deceased: Chua Siew Ying (Mdm)

Date of Passing Away: 10/10/2020

Cause of Death: Sick

Age at Death: 92

Place of Death: Singapore

End of 49 Days period: 11/28/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: No relationship with FPMT

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: Wife is a member of Amitabha Buddhist Centre & a student of Lama Zopa Rinpoche

38. Name of Deceased: Paweł Kelner Rozwadowski

Date of Passing Away: 10/11/2020

Cause of Death: long sickness

Age at Death: 58

Place of Death: Warsaw,Poland

End of 49 Days period: 11/29/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person:

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: Follower

39. Name of Deceased: Kinley Yangzom

Date of Passing Away: 10/10/2020

Cause of Death: Cancer

Age at Death: 69

Place of Death: Jigme Dorji Wangchuck National Referral Hospital, Bhutan

End of 49 Days period: 11/28/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: NA

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: Student at Amitabha Buddhist Centre, Singapore

40. Name of Deceased: Lim Yan Mey

Date of Passing Away: 10/08/2020

Cause of Death: Cancer

Age at Death: 53

Place of Death: Singapore

End of 49 Days period: 11/26/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: She attended prayers at ABC in the past

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: Member of ABC Singapore

41. Name of Deceased: Alexander Chow Yeu Nong

Date of Passing Away: 10/05/2020

Cause of Death: Suicide

Age at Death: 70

Place of Death: Hong Kong

End of 49 Days period: 11/23/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: family of Cham Tse Ling Centre Member

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: Cham Tse Ling centre member

42. Name of Deceased: Paul Basire

Date of Passing Away: 10/09/2020

Cause of Death: Heart attack

Age at Death: 59

Place of Death: Binningup West Australia

End of 49 Days period: 11/27/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: Husband of Michelle, who was a past committee member of Hospice of Mother centre in Bunbury, West Australia.

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: Friend of FPMT and student of Lama Zopa

43. Name of Deceased: Bob Oliver

Date of Passing Away: 09/20/2020

Cause of Death: smoking

Age at Death: 77

Place of Death: Omak, Washington

End of 49 Days period: 11/08/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: Bob was a kind, dear, generous man who helped everyone with computer, car or other problems and always refused payment. He helped us here at Amitaba Buddha Pure Land with computers and so on. Enjoyed seeing the statues in Rinpoche's garden.

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: ancient FPMT nun

44. Name of Deceased: Tay Joo chin

Date of Passing Away: 10/05/2020

Cause of Death: Kidney failure

Age at Death: 77

Place of Death: Singapore

End of 49 Days period: 11/23/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: Na

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: Student

45. Name of Deceased: Ray Ryan

Date of Passing Away: 10/08/2020

Cause of Death: Lung infection

Age at Death: 74

Place of Death: Ohio, USA

End of 49 Days period: 11/26/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: Best friends father

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: Director of Ksitigarbha Tibetan Buddhist Center in Taos, New Mexico, USA

46. Name of Deceased: JARGALSAIKHAN Munkhtsetseg

Date of Passing Away: 09/26/2020

Cause of Death: illness

Age at Death: 48

Place of Death: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

End of 49 Days period: 11/14/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: Mother of Ulzii, a student and translator for the Mahayana Children's program of Ganden Do Ngag Shedrup Ling

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: Ulzii, daughter of the deceased

47. Name of Deceased: Mikael Janson

Date of Passing Away: 10/01/2020

Cause of Death: Cancer

Age at Death: 57

Place of Death: Åkarp (close to Lund) Sweden

End of 49 Days period: 11/19/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: Only through me as a caregiver

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: Student of HH Dalai Lama and Lama Zopa

48. Name of Deceased: Rosa Goditiabois

Date of Passing Away: 10/04/2020

Cause of Death: old age

Age at Death: 89

Place of Death: Geraardsbergen; Belgium

End of 49 Days period: 11/22/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: No relationship.

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: Student of Rinpoche.

49. Name of Deceased: Keith Duncan

Date of Passing Away: 09/26/2020

Cause of Death: Old age

Age at Death: 97

Place of Death: Sydney

End of 49 Days period: 11/14/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: None

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: I am a student of Lama Zopa Rinpoche

50. Name of Deceased: Gary Horneck

Date of Passing Away: 10/05/2020

Cause of Death: cancer

Age at Death: 63

Place of Death: Huntsville, AL

End of 49 Days period: 11/23/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: No relation that I know.

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: No relation.

51. Name of Deceased: Christina Holmström

Date of Passing Away: 10/01/2020

Cause of Death: Cancer

Age at Death: 78

Place of Death: Lund, Sweden

End of 49 Days period: 11/19/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: Only through me as a caregiver who met her on several occasions

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: Student of HH Dalai Lama and Lama Zopa

52. Name of Deceased: Tham Nai Kui

Date of Passing Away: 10/03/2020

Cause of Death: Old age

Age at Death: 103

Place of Death: Singapore

End of 49 Days period: 11/21/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: Father of another FPMT student

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: Father of another FPMT student

53. Name of Deceased: Kunjee Mohan

Date of Passing Away: 10/01/2020

Cause of Death: Stroke

Age at Death: 74

Place of Death: Mumbai, India

End of 49 Days period: 11/19/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: None

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: Studied Basic Program Attended FPMT centres in India, Australia and Italy

54. Name of Deceased: Peta Dawn Axelsson

Date of Passing Away: 09/26/2020

Cause of Death: Cancer

Age at Death: 68

Place of Death: Lund, Sweden

End of 49 Days period: 11/14/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: Only through me as I had the opportunity to care for her in her home.

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: Student of HH Dalai Lama and Lama Zopa Rinpoche

55. Name of Deceased: Greg Arnold

Date of Passing Away: 10/02/2020

Cause of Death: Sudden death

Age at Death: 61

Place of Death: Australia

End of 49 Days period: 11/20/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: None

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: Buddhist practitioner

56. Name of Deceased: Shirley Bemel

Date of Passing Away: 09/20/2020

Cause of Death: Old age

Age at Death: 95

Place of Death: Pasadena, California

End of 49 Days period: 11/08/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: I am an FPMT student, and Shirley Bemel is a dear friend of mine.

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: I am an FPMT student

57. Name of Deceased: Paul Holm

Date of Passing Away: 09/21/2020

Cause of Death: Heart attack

Age at Death: 71

Place of Death: Lake District

End of 49 Days period: 11/09/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: a person who had a open mind

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: I am a student of Lama Yeshe and need this strength and spiritual guidance, a prayer will help me to say over his body to help my father pass over, and bring me comfort.

58. Name of Deceased: Wu Yue Ying

Date of Passing Away: 09/25/2020

Cause of Death: OLD AGE

Age at Death: 80

Place of Death: HONG KONG

End of 49 Days period: 11/13/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: BUDDHIST

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: BUDDHIST

59. Name of Deceased: Robert Quintana

Date of Passing Away: 09/21/2020

Cause of Death: Cardiac Arrest

Age at Death: 58

Place of Death: Montclair, Ca USA

End of 49 Days period: 11/09/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: Father of Student

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: Student who has participated in the November Course at Kopan Monasteries and 2017 at Root Institute.

60. Name of Deceased: Thanh Chinh

Date of Passing Away: 09/27/2020

Cause of Death: Old age and Illness

Age at Death: 0

Place of Death: Soc Trang, Vietnam

End of 49 Days period: 11/15/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: grandfather of student

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: student

61. Name of Deceased: Frederic Whitney Wu

Date of Passing Away: 09/23/2020

Cause of Death: Car Accident

Age at Death: 20

Place of Death: Shaftsbury, Vermont, USA

End of 49 Days period: 11/11/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: Frederic (Eric) Wu spent time at the Kopan Monastery in June and July of last year. It was a very meaningful time for him. Over the last two years of his life, he had become increasingly devoted to the study of Buddhism, compassions, meditation and mindfulness.

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: I am Eric's aunt, and also interested in the practice of Buddhism.

62. Name of Deceased: Yong Sae Soo

Date of Passing Away: 09/15/2020

Cause of Death: cancer

Age at Death: 84

Place of Death: Singapore

End of 49 Days period: 11/03/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: none

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: member of ABC in SIngapore

63. Name of Deceased: Mr Michael Crump

Date of Passing Away: 09/20/2020

Cause of Death: Cancer

Age at Death: 64

Place of Death: Bury Lancashire UK

End of 49 Days period: 11/08/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: No relationship with the fpmt

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: Michael was my cousin and we were brought up together Nun and fpmtuk coordinator and volunteer at London Jamyang Coordinator of LPP in UK

64. Name of Deceased: Richard Renaud

Date of Passing Away: 09/23/2020

Cause of Death: Stroke

Age at Death: 73

Place of Death: British Columbia, Canada

End of 49 Days period: 11/11/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: None. Richard was a cousin of my husband Denis and both of us are working as volunteers at Hayagriva Buddhist Centre in Perth Western Australia

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: I am a student of Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche and gompa carer of Hayagriva Buddhist Centre

65. Name of Deceased: Ong Bee Lee

Date of Passing Away: 09/23/2020

Cause of Death: embolism & thrombosis

Age at Death: 102

Place of Death: Singapore, Changi General Hospital

End of 49 Days period: 11/11/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: Grandmother of FPMT-ABC member

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: FPMT-Amitabha Buddhist Centre member

66. Name of Deceased: Benjamin Garrow

Date of Passing Away: 09/17/2020

Cause of Death: Melanoma

Age at Death: 40

Place of Death: Sydney

End of 49 Days period: 11/05/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: Family friend of FPMT student

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: Student at Langri Tangpa Centre Brisbane

67. Name of Deceased: Kapila Vatsyayan

Date of Passing Away: 09/16/2020

Cause of Death: old age

Age at Death: 92

Place of Death: New Delhi

End of 49 Days period: 11/04/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: Kapila Vatsyayan was a leading scholar of Indian classical dance, art, architecture, and art history. She was also an honorary member of the Indian parliament. She was a patron of countless cultural projects, including the ones to preserve and spread the Buddha's words, such as 84.000.

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: I've been a student of LZP ever since approaching and am on the prayers mailing list myself.

68. Name of Deceased: Wong Keng @ Wong Khoon Kheng

Date of Passing Away: 09/16/2020

Cause of Death: old age

Age at Death: 78

Place of Death: Ipoh, Malaysia

End of 49 Days period: 11/04/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person:

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: Administrator at Losang Dragpa Center

69. Name of Deceased: Gerald Paul ("Gerry") Goshulak

Date of Passing Away: 09/10/2020

Cause of Death: Cancer

Age at Death: 65

Place of Death: Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

End of 49 Days period: 10/29/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: No known relation

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: I am a student of Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche and H.H. the Dalai Lama.

70. Name of Deceased: Mrs. Gao Jia-Yin

Date of Passing Away: 09/20/2020

Cause of Death: Stroke

Age at Death: 70

Place of Death: Taipei

End of 49 Days period: 11/08/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: No direct relationship, but she's a Buddhist who's been letting a monk stay at her apartment for free. This monk is a student of H.H. Dalai Lama and Lama Zopa Rinpoche.

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: I first became a Buddhist after attending an Intro to Buddhism course at Tushita Meditation Centre, and I received my full monastic vows (gelong vows) in October 2019 from His Holiness Dalai Lama in Dharamsala. Several family members and I have been Patron-level sponsors (Friends of FPMT) for the past several years.

71. Name of Deceased: Keun Soo Lee

Date of Passing Away: 09/19/2020

Cause of Death: Cancer

Age at Death: 92

Place of Death: Lund, Sweden

End of 49 Days period: 11/07/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: Only through me as a caregiver

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: Student of Lama Zopa Rinpoche and HH Dalai Lama

72. Name of Deceased: YANJMAA Gantulga

Date of Passing Away: 09/12/2020

Cause of Death: leukemia

Age at Death: 48

Place of Death: Mongolia

End of 49 Days period: 10/31/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: Cousin of Yaru, a previous employee of Ganden Do Ngag Shedrup Ling, Ulaanbaatar

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: previous employee of GDNSLC, Ulaanbaatar

73. Name of Deceased: Kim mwee heok

Date of Passing Away: 09/12/2020

Cause of Death: Cancer

Age at Death: 66

Place of Death: Singapore

End of 49 Days period: 10/31/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: Na

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: Student

74. Name of Deceased: Lucy Popovich

Date of Passing Away: 09/16/2020

Cause of Death: Heart Attack and Cancer

Age at Death: 4647

Place of Death: Devon, UK

End of 49 Days period: 11/04/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: Friend of ZsaZsa Daniel

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: Long time FPMT member and student of Lama Zopa Rinpoche and His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

75. Name of Deceased: Ted Riccardi

Date of Passing Away: 09/14/2020

Cause of Death: Parkinson\'s disease

Age at Death: 84

Place of Death: New York, NY

End of 49 Days period: 11/02/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: Ted Riccardi was my husband Bill's beloved professor of Nepali language and culture at Columbia University.

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: I am a student of Lama Zopa Rinpoche and a volunteer at Kurukulla Center and the Centre Kalachakra.

76. Name of Deceased: Aiden Fenessey

Date of Passing Away: 09/13/2020

Cause of Death: Cancer

Age at Death: 50

Place of Death: Melbourne

End of 49 Days period: 11/01/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: None

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: Member of ABC in singapore

77. Name of Deceased: Allen Hanus

Date of Passing Away: 09/15/2020

Cause of Death: Old age

Age at Death: 96

Place of Death: At home. Rural Bee County Texas

End of 49 Days period: 11/03/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: Father in law to a student (me- Debra Hanus)

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: Long time student of Lama Zopa Rinpoche and His Holiness. Long time supporter of FPMT.

78. Name of Deceased: CHYE Kit Choong

Date of Passing Away: 09/14/2020

Cause of Death: suddenly collapsed and passed away

Age at Death: 58

Place of Death: Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

End of 49 Days period: 11/02/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: close friend of JC Lau - member of LDC (Losang Dragpa Centre)

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: close friend of JC Lau - member of LDC (Losang Dragpa Centre).

79. Name of Deceased: Rosa Nock Pilser

Date of Passing Away: 09/10/2020

Cause of Death: Old age, blood clots in head

Age at Death: 91

Place of Death: Italy, Merano

End of 49 Days period: 10/29/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: No direct relationship. She ist my grandmother.

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: I' m a student of Lama Zopa Rinpoche.

80. Name of Deceased: Layne Richardson

Date of Passing Away: 09/11/2020

Cause of Death: Cancer

Age at Death: 49

Place of Death: Perth, Western Australia

End of 49 Days period: 10/30/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: No formal relationship.

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: Matthew Lovkis (an Australian citizen, living in USA) attended the November Course in 2019, continues to learn with materials from Dalai Lama, Lama Zopa, Lama Yeshe, Ven. Robina Courtin, Ven. Thubten Gyatso and read materials from FPMT. Also attend FPMT centres such as Hayagriva Centre in Perth, Western Australia and the Vajrayana Institute in Sydney, New South Wales.

81. Name of Deceased: Riek Bröcker Lichtenbarg

Date of Passing Away: 09/10/2020

Cause of Death: unknown

Age at Death: 96

Place of Death: Zutphen Netherlands

End of 49 Days period: 10/29/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: No relationship with FPMT

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: Boardmember off Suisse FPMT Center , Gendun Drupa in Martigny

82. Name of Deceased: Edward Peters

Date of Passing Away: 09/10/2020

Cause of Death: Heart Failure

Age at Death: 90

Place of Death: Jersey

End of 49 Days period: 10/29/2020

Relationship with FPMT of the deceased person: Indirect Father of FPMT student

Relationship with FPMT of the person requesting prayers: Student of Geshe Namdak @ Jamyang London
