walk 5 7/3/05 11:23 Page 2

3 5 6Km/ 3 ⁄ 4 MILES 1-2 HOURS MODERATE Walk

Westbury White Horse car park. Continue ahead of you lead up to St James Church, Bratton and across the car park and you will meet the a simple but charming building.Take the path for Westbury White Horse itself and gates through to the churchyard and Bratton Camp.The Camp is above the around to the R-hand side of the church White Horse, and was an Iron Age Fort where the main entrance is located, if (within which a Long Barrow can be you wish to visit. On exiting the church found). Follow the path to the White bear L and through the cast iron gates. Horse and admire stunning views as you The metalled road takes you to the start walk along the top.Once past the White point of the walk. Horse, take the path up to the R to see the remains of Bratton Camp,otherwise IS THIS WALK FOR YOU? continue along the edge of the earthworks POINTS OF INTEREST AND LOCAL Terrain Quiet lanes, field until you reach a fork in the path. Bear R INFORMATION paths, tracks and roads, following the line of the earthworks until ● Westbury White Horse,’s oldest moderate hill you reach the metalled road. and best known equine decoration, was cut in Stiles 1 its present form in 1774 - incorporating an Suitable for 1 4 4km/2 ⁄ 2 miles earlier horse of uncertain age or origin. Said Average walkers Drop down onto the metalled road and to be created to commemorate Alfred’s turn L.After approximately 400 yds take victory over the Danes in 878, the horse is PLANNING Start/parking the bridleway off to the R.At the end of 182 ft long and 108 ft high Spaces at the Y junction the bridleway join the metalled road and ● Hang gliders and kite flyers frequently use ST915510 (Longcombe continue until you reach a four-way the hillside at Westbury White Horse Bottom) – Four spaces crossway.Turn R (signposted as a dead ● Bratton Camp is an Iron Age hilltop fort URISM where the bridleway

TO end).After around 200 yds at the from around 20BC.The large double-banked meets the IRPP entrance for Combe Farm bear L onto the earthworks enclose 25 acres.Also on the site ST914519 – Six spaces at

TSHIRE public right of way. The ground is uneven is a Neolithic Long Barrow from 3000BC, St James Church

WIL approaching the stream so take care. which is pitted from various excavations ST901514 – 50-plus An enjoyable and undulating walk presenting fabulous views from the northern aspect of Imber After around 150 yds, cross over the ● St James Church in Bratton dates from the spaces at Westbury White Range Perimeter Path. Beginning in the village of Bratton, the route takes in Westbury White makeshift bridge and continue up the 13th century,but has a 15th century tower Horse car park sharp incline on the L.The stone steps Nearest town Horse. From the superb vantage point at the Horse, on a clear day, Cherhill and Alton Barnes Westbury Horses can also be seen in the distance. For history buffs, the walk passes through ‘Bratton Refreshments Camp’, an Iron Age hillfort. Hillsworth’s Shop in Bratton;The Duke at Bratton, Fitzroy Farm, east The walk of Bratton.

1 Public toilets The Duke, 1 Start 2 0.5km/ ⁄ 4 mile take care.You are now heading From the signpost for Longcombe Continue through the gate at the west towards Westbury White Bratton Public transport Bottom Bridlepath, follow the top of the hill.The path, now level, Horse, one of seven in Wiltshire - No 87 runs two-hourly fairly steep incline.As you emerge heads toward a small copse. To this one being unusual as it is ( to Westbury/ from the lea of the footpath your L are fabulous views across made out of concrete, the others ) Mon-Sat continue straight ahead until you the Plain. Go through the next being chalk.This part of the IRPP is service only. Contact reach the gate. On the R as you gate.The ridge ahead is the Imber also the Ridgeway. Wiltshire Bus Line, tel continue up the incline is Combe Range Perimeter Path (IRPP), which 08457 090899 3 Hill, to the L is White Cliff. Look you will be joining.At the barn and 3 1.3km/ ⁄ 4 mile behind to see fabulous views over metalled road turn R. You are now At ST 916510, you will find an IRPP MAPS Bratton in the near distance and on the edge of the live firing range. signpost, continue straight on Ordnance Survey Explorer Trowbridge in the far distance. Look out for red warning along the track for almost a mile 143 and Towards the north-west you can which are raised when firing is towards the farm buildings. Trowbridge. see Westbury’s Blue Circle Cement taking place - be sure not to cross Continue to the L of the farm chimney which uses chalk from the line of the military firing range. buildings and at the junction take ACCOMMODATION the nearby quarry - said to be the The track is used sometimes by the stile to the L. Cross the open If you would like to find somewhere to stay in largest in Europe. vehicles and army transport so land in front of you towards Wiltshire, please go to www.visitwiltshire.co.uk, 14 WALKING IN WILTSHIRE Where to Stay.