8464 CONGRESSIO.NAL RECORD-SENATE NOVEMBER 4 By Mr. KING: 1995. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the We ask it in the name of our Lord and H. R. 5948. A bill to amend the Hawaiian General Welfare Center, No. 150, Spring­ Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen. Organic Act so as 1 J provide for reapportion­ field, Ohio, petitioning consideration of their ment of the membership of the House of Rep­ resolution with reference to the Federal So­ THE JOURNAL resentatives of the Legislature of the Terri­ cial Security Act; to the Committee on Ways On request ot Mr. BARKLEY, and by tory of Haiwail and to create districts from and Means. unanimous consent, the reading of the which sai..i representatives shall be elected, 1996. Also, petition of the Bronx Center, Journal of the proceedings of the calen­ and to authorize the said legislature to pro­ No. 6, of G. W. F., New York City, N. Y., vide for reapportionment within each county petitioning consideration of their resolution dar day Monday, November 3, 1941, was of the membership of the senate of said with reference to the Federal Social Security dispensed with, an 1 the Journal was ap­ legislature and to create districts from which Act; to the Committee on Ways and Means. proved. said senators shall be elected; to the Com­ 1997. Also, petition of the Junior "Order of SENATOR FROM SOTITH CAROLINA­ mittee on the Territories. United American Mechanics, State Council of CREDENTIALS By Mr. LEA: New Jersey, Trenton, N. J., petitioning con­ H. R. 5949. A bill to amend the Interstate sideration of their resolution with reference Mr. SMITH presented the credentials Commerce Act, as amended, to provide for to the General Welfare Act, House bill 1410; of BURNET R. MAYBANK, duly chosen by the regulation of the sizes and weights of to the Committee on Ways and Means. the qualified electors of the State of motor vehicles enagaged in transportation 1998. Also, petition of the Florida Citrus South Carolina a. Senator from that in interstate or foreign commerce; to the Commission, Lakeland, State of Florida, pe­ Committee on Interstate and fcreign Com­ State for the unexpired term of James titioning consideration of their resolution F. Byrnes, resigned, beginning on the merce. with reference to construction of a ship canal By Mr. RAMSPECK: across Florida; to the Committee on Rivers 5th day of November 1941, which were H. R. 5S50. A bill for the relief of certain and Harbors. read and ordered to be filed, as follows: claimants who suffered losses and sustained 1999. Also, petition of the Alabama State STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, damages as the result of the campaign car­ Defense Council, Montgomery, Ala., petition­ EXECUTIVE CHAMEER, ried out by the Federal Government for the ing consideration of their resolution with ref­ Columbia. eradication of the Mediterranean fruitfly in erence to the National Neutrality Act; to the To the PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE OF THB the State of Florida; to the Committee on Committee on Foreign Affairs. UNITED STATES: Claims. 2000. Also. petition of the International This 1s to certify that on the 30th day of By Mr LELAND M. FORD: Federation, affiliated with Congress of Indus­ September 1941, . BURNET R. MAYBANK waa H . Con. Res. f'4. House concurrent resolu­ trial Organizations,· Architects, Engineers, duly chosen by the qualified electors of the tion requesting the President to take ap­ Chemists, and Technicians, New York City, · State of South Carolina a Senator from said propriate action in order to prevent inter­ N. Y., petitioning consideration of their reso­ State to represent said State tn the Senate of ference with the national-defense program lution with reference to rent control; to the the United States for the unexpired term of by labor leaders who do not represent the Committee on the District of Columbia. Hon. James F. Byrnes, resigned, beginning on rank and file of American labor; to the Com­ 2001. Also, petition of the International the 5th day of November 1941. mittee on the Judiciary. Federation, affiliated with Congress of Indus­ Witness: His Excellency our Governor, Bua­ By Mr. WILSON: trial Organizations, Architects, Engineers, NET R. MAYBANK, and our seal hereto amxed H. Res. 331. Resolution to create a select Chemists, and Technicians, New York City, at Columbia, this 3d day of November, in the committee of the House of Repre3entatives N. Y., petitioning consideration of their reso­ year of our Lord 1941. · to determine llving conditions of our senior lution with reference to ceiUug on wages; to By the Governor. citizens, and for other purposes; to the Com­ the Committee on Banking and Currency. (SEAL] BURNET R. MAYBANK, mittee on Rules. 2002. Also, petition of the National Mart­ Governor of South Carolina. By Mr. DOWNS: time Union of America, New York, N. Y ., pe­ W . P. BLACKWELL, H. Res. 332. Resolution creating a special titioning consideration of their resolution Secretary of State. committee to investigate shortages of ma­ with reference to foreign affairs; to the Com­ terials among small industries, methods of mittee on Foreign Affairs. CALL CF THE ROLL curtailment, and means of insuring an ade­ Mr. HILL. I suggest the absence of a quate supply; to the Committee on Rules. quorum. SENATE The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS call the roll. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1941 The Chief Clerk called the ~oil, and Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private the following Senators answered to their bills and resolutions ~ere introduced and Adams Gerry O'Daniel By Mr. BLOOM: Andrews Gillette O'Mahoney H. R. 5951. A bill for the relief of William The Senate met at 11 o'clock a. m., on Austin Glass Overton Beyer; to the Committee on Naval Affairs. the expiration of the recess. Bailey Green Peace By Mr. HILL of Washington: Ball Guffey Pepper The Chaplain, Rev. Z~Barney T. Phil­ Bankhead Gurney Radcliffe H. R. 5952. A blll for the relief of R. D. Ups, D. -D., offered the following prayer: Barbour Hatch Rosier · Rovig; to the Committee on Claims. Barkley Herring Russell By Mr. HEBERT: 0 Thou who art the Light of g-rowing Bilbo Hill Schwartz H. R. 5953. A bill for the relief of Paul knowledge, the Mystery of sorrow and of Brewster Holman Shipstead Barrere; to the Committee on Claims. Bridges Hughes Smith suffering, whose redemptive qualities do Brown Johnson, Calif. Stewart By Mr. McKEOUGH: but enrich the world: Let the small trials Bunker Johnson, Colo. Taft H. R. 5954. A blll for the relief of Florence that abide, the storms that ftash and pass, Burton Kilgore Thomas. Idaho Chumley; to t.1e Committee on Immigration the bright mood and the dark alike-let Butler La Follette Thomas, Okla. and Naturalization. Byrd Langer Thomas, Utah By Mr. McLAUGHLIN: them be ours because we are Thine. Capper Lee Truman H. R. 5955. A bill for the relief of Harold We know the rapture of discovery and Caraway Lodge Tunnell achievement, the bliss, the pain which Chavez Lucas Tydings W. Burch and Lucille M. Burch; to the Com­ Clark, Idaho McCarran Vandenberg mittee on Claims. only love can bring; and now we pause Clark, Mo. McFarland Van Nuys H. R. 5956. A bill for the relief of Charles to bless Thee for the strivings through Connally McKellar Wallgren H. Craig; to the Committee on M~litary Af­ which the higher peace is won, for the Danaher McNary Walsh fairs. Davis Maloney Wheeler confusions out of which a beauteous Downey Murdock White By Mr. WHELCHEL: order springs, for the trials that educate Doxey Murray Wiley H. R. 5957. A bill to provide compensation us, for the evils again&t which we fight to Ellender Norris W11lis for Mrs. Marion Yarnott, for injuries sus­ George Nye tained by ner in a collision between a United the unifying of our purpose, that our States mail truck and a car in which she was wayward wills may be subdued to one Mr. HILL. I announce that the Sen­ riding as a passenger on May 23, 1940, in harmonious accord. ator from Washington [Mr. BONE] and Venice, Calif., and to appropriate money We pray Thee for Thy special guidance the Senator from New York [Mr. WAG­ therefor, and for other purposes; to the Com­ in the days that lie ahead. Let truth NER] are absent from the Senate because mittee on Claims. prevail and justice reign in all the world, of illness. and, though the hills sleep on in their The Senator from South Dakota [Mr. eternity, quicken Thou us by the message BuLow], the Senator from Kentucky PETITIONS, ETC. of the olden time that "eye hath not seen, [Mr. CHANDLER], the Senator from Ari­ Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions nor ear heard, neither have entered into zona [Mr. HAYDEN], the Senator from and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk the heart of man, the things which God New _York [Mr. MEAD], the Senator from and referred as follows:. hath prepared for them that love Him." North Carolina [Mr. REYNOLDS], the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 8465

Senator from New Jersey [Mr. SMATH­ oppose the price-control bill, H. R. 5479, or ATTACK ON THE "GREER"-EDITORIAL ERs], and the Senator from Arkansas any other anti-inflation legislation as a FROM ST. LoUIS POST-DISPATCH [Mr. SPENCER] are necessarily absent. means of imposing wage-freezing regulations [Mr. CLARK of Missouri asked and ob­ Mr. AUSTIN. The Senator from Dli­ upon labor. This is a flank attack upon col­ tained leave to have printed in the RECORD lective bargaining and upon the living stand­ an editorial from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch nois [Mr. BROOKS] and the Senator from ards of labor. Kansas [Mr. REED] are necessarily ab­ of Sunday, November 2, 1941, entitled "Presi­ We urge the support of the· proper legisla­ dent versll$ Admiral," which appears in the sent. tion to stop inflation, but we feel that wages Appendix.J The Senator from Vermont [Mr. have not been the cause of the present price AIKEN] is absent because of illness. increase. The causes of the increase in prices EDITORIAL FROM LAMAR (COLO.) DAILY The VICE PRESIDENT. Eighty-three are the excessive profiteering, boarding, NEWS ON FARM PRICES AND INFLA­ Senators have answered to their names. speculation, and artificial shortages in ma­ TION A quorum is present. terials. Wage controls will greatly weaken [Mr. JOHNSON of Colorado asked and ob­ the collective-bargaining rights of labor and tained leave to have printed in the RECORD PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS unjustifiably deny the American workers the an editorial from the Lamar (Colo.) Daily right to an adequate standard of living. Petitions, etc., were laid before the News on the subject of farm prices and in­ Sincerely yours, flation, which appears in the Appendix.] Senate or presented and referred as in­ ' JAMES A. EAGAN, dicated: Recording Secretary, Packing House SECURITY AND SAFETY OF UNITED By the VICE PRESIDENT: Workers Organizing Committee, Local STATES NAVAL VESSELS Petitions of several citizens of the United No. 20. Mr. WALSH. Mr. President, I move States, praying that the United States keep REPORTS OF A COMMITTEE that the Senate proceed to consider out of war; to the Committee on Foreign House bill 5463, providing for the security Relations. The following reports of the Commit­ of United States naval vessels. Memorials of several citizens of the United tee on Commerce were submitted: The VICE PRESIDENT. Is there ob­ States, remonstrating against modiQ.cation of By Mr. PEPPER: the Neutrality Act; to the table. jection? S. 1916. A bill to authorize the conveyance Mr. VANDENBERG. What is the pur­ A resolution of the District of Columbia of the old Coast Guard station building at Control of the Controllers' Institute of Amer­ Two Rivers, Wis., to the Eleven Gold Star pose of the bill? ica, favoring the enactment of legislation pro­ Post, No. 1284, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Mr. WALSH. This request for imme­ viding for the assessment against employers Two Rivers, Wis.; with an amendment (Rept. diate action is due to · the Navy taking in the District of unemployment-compensa­ No. BOO); over the Coast Guard under authority tion taxes under a merit-rating plan such as H. R. 5120. A bill to authorize the Secre­ of the President. Under existing law the has been adopted in the State of Wisconsin; tary of the Treasury to diSpose of the re­ Coast Guard is under the direction of the to the Committee on Finance. maining portion of the Grosse Point Light­ Secretary of tl:e Treasury, who makes A' letter in the nature of a petition from bouse Reservation by deed to the city of the rules and regulations governing it. James P . Gooch, of Edgewater, Md., praying Evanston, DI.; without amendment (Rept. for the enactment of legislation to merge the No. 801); and When the Coast Guard is taken over by Postal Telegraph Co. and the Western Union H. R. 5509. A bill to authorize the Secre­ the Navy, as it has just been, there is a Telegraph Co. so as to protect the pensions tary of the Treasury to purchase or accept conflict of authority in making rules and of retired employees; to the Committee on as gifts motorboats, yachts, and .similar ves­ regulations in regard to the control of Interstate Commerce. sels for Coast Guard use; without amend­ vessels in our harbors and on the sea­ By Mr. CAPPER: ment (Rept. No. 802). coasts, because the Secretary of the A petition, numerously signed, of sundry. BILLS INTRODUCED Treasury by law has that authority. This citizens of Pretty Prairie, Kans., praying for bill would give the Navy. in conjunction the, enactment of the bill {S. 860) to provide Bills were introduced, read the first for ' the common defense in relation to the with the Secretary of the Treasury, full sale of alcoholic liquors to the members of time, and, by unanimous consent, the authority to regulate the use of harbors the land and naval forces of the United . second time, and referred as follows: and the coasts for vessels carrying explo­ States and to provide for the suppression of By Mr. WALLGREN: . sives and armed merchantmen. Their · vice in the vicinity of military camps and S. 2031. A bill to confer jurisdiction upon movements and their anchorages con.. · naval establishments; to the table. the Court of Claims to hear, determine, and stitute a matter of grave concern to the By Mr. TYDINGS: enter judgments against the United States commanders of naval vessels. Petitions of sundry citizens of the State of upon the claims of the personnel of the mili­ Maryland, praying for the enactment of the tary services for certain inequitable losses in Mr. VANDENBERG. The Senator is bill (S. 860) to provide for the common de­ pay sustained unde:r; the emergency economy asking me to choose between Secretary fense in relation to the sale of alcoholic legislation; to the Committee on Claims. Morgenthau and Secretary Knox? It liquors to the members of the land and naval By Mr. THOMAS of Utah (for. Mr. is a very difficult choice. [Laughter.] forces of the United States and to provide REYNOLDS): Mr. WALSH. We will have the good for the suppression of vice in the vicinity of S. 2032. A bill to amend section 7 (a) of the judgment of both these distinguished military camps and naval' establishments; to act of May 21, 1920 (41 Stat. 613), as amended public servants, if the bill shall be en­ the table. by section 601 of the act of June 30, 1932 ( 47 Stat. 417), to authorize interdepartmental acted. PROTEST AGAINST ENACTMENT OF LEG­ procurement by contract; to the Committee The VICE PRESIDENT. Is there ob­ ISLATION TO CONTROL WAGES on Military Affairs. jection to the request of the Senator from Massachusetts? Mr. CAPPER. Mr. President, I present STATEMENT BY SENATOR BRIDGES ON and ask unanimous. consent to have There being no objection, the Senate THREATENED STRIKE IN CAPTIVE COAL proceeded to consider the bill (H. R. printed in the RECORD and appropriately MINES referred a letter I have received from 5463) providing for the security of United [Mr. BRIDGES asked and obtained leave to States naval vessels, and for other pur­ Local No. 20, the United Packing House have printed in the RECORD a statement by Workers of America, of Kansas City, him relative to John L. Lewis and the threat­ poses. Kans., protesting against the enactment ened strike in captive coal mines, which ap­ Mr. WALSH. Mr. President, I wish to of any anti-inflation legislation as a pears in the Appendix.] otfer one amendment, at the request of means of imposing wage-freezing regula­ the Army. It is to strike out section 4 REMARKS BY DEAN ACHESON AT FUNERAL and to substitute the language which I tions upon .labor. SERVICES OF MR. BRANDEIS There being no objection, the letter send to the desk and ask to have stated. was referred to the Committee on Bank­ [Mr. RADCLIFFE asked and obtained leave The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk to have- printed in the RECORD the remarks will state the amendment. ing and Currency and ordered to be made by Dean Acheson at the funeral services printed in the RECORD, as follows: of the late Mr. Justice Brandeis on October The LEGISLATIVE CLERK. It is proposed THE UNITED PACKING HOUSE 7, 1941, which appears in the Appendix.] to strike out section 4 and to insert in lieu WORKERS OF AMERICA, thereof the following: TH~ AMERICAN CASE-ARTICLE BY LocAL No. 20, SEc. 4. Nothing in this act shall be con­ Kansas City, Kans., November 1, 1941. WALTER LIPPMANN strued as affecting the authority conferred Senator ARTHUR CAPPER, [Mr. IDLL asked and obtained leave to have upon the Governor of the Panama Canal by United States Senate Building, printed in the RECORD an article by Walter the seconr paragraph of section 1, title II, Washington, D. C. Lippmann entitled "The American Case,'' act of June 15, 1917 (40 Stat. 220, U. S. C., DEAR Sm: The United Packing House published in the Washington Post of Novem­ title 50, sec. 191), notwithstanding the provi­ :Workers, Local No. 20, strongly urge you to ber 4, 1941, which appears in the Appendix.J. sions of section 2 of this act;. nor shall 8466 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE NOVEMBER 4 anything in this act be construed as affecting sume the necessary control. The proviso tn anc;l fot other purposes, which was trans­ the powers and authority conferred by section section 1 would grant this authority to the mitted to the Speaker on May 21, 1941, has 8 of title 2, Canal Zone Code, June 19, 1934 naval commander. That authority would not been referred to ·your committee for consider­ (37 Stat. 569, U.S. C., title 48, sec. 1306). interfere with the existing authority of the ation. Secretary of War or the Secretary of the Various features of the proposed legisla­ Mr. WALSH. Mr. President, the Canal Treasury, but rather would supplement their tion have since been reconsidered, and there Zone is under the authority of the Army. authority and control. is enclosed herewith the draft of a proposed This amendment will continue the au­ The act of January 28, 1915, as amended substitute which the Navy Oepartment rec­ thority over the movement of vessels in by Public Law No. 166 of this Congress, pro­ ommends be enacted into law. the vicinity of the Canal Zone under the vides that the Coast Guard shall operate as a · The Navy Department has been advised by authority of the Army. The Army and part of the Navy subject to the orders of the the Bureau of the Budget that there would be Secretary of the Navy, in time of war or when no objection to the submission of this Navy and all the departments of the Gov­ the President shall so direct. There is no recommendation. ernment &gree on the amendment. statutory provision, however, which transfers Sincerely yours, The VICE PRESIDENT. The question from the Secretary of the Treasury to the FORRESTAL, Acting. is on agreeing to the amendment offered Secretary of the Navy the powers vested in the ·by the Senator from Massachusetts. former, to make rules and regulations during RELIEF FOR SMALL BUSINESS The amendment was agret!d to. a .national emergency, governing the anchor­ Mr. DANAHER. Mr. President, on age and movement of foreign and domestic The amendment was ordered to be en­ October 27 I rece~ved from Thomas A. vessels. Section 2 of the bill would transfer grossed and the bill to be read J. third these powers concurrently with the transfer Kirkwood, executive secretary of the time. of the enforcement agency, the Coast Guard, Chamber of Commerce of Norwalk, The bill (H. R. 5463) was read the third to the Navy. Conn., an outline attached to his legisla­ time, and passed. .. Section 2, title n, act of June 15, 1917, pro­ tive bulletin entitled "To Help Small In­ Mr. WALSH. I ask unanimous con­ vides penalties for failure to comply with · dustries Unable 'to Convert to Defense sent that the report of the committee be rules, regulations, or orders, issued by "the Work." The point and plan of the sug­ Secretary of the Treasury or the Governor of printed in the RECORD. the Panama Canal," relative to the control of gestion are such th&t I call them to the There being no objection, the report shipping. When the Coast Guard operates attention of the s~nate. They should be sive logic of our own first mis­ mittees dissolved, nuns and priests we can deposit there. I also know, with­ take. We said that civilization and de­ hunted into caves and out of the country, out being a military man, -that if we can mocracy were at stake, that Britain was and the sacrifice of the mass forbidden ·go 3,500 miles across the ocean and fight fighting our battle, and therefore we must in the churches. This was done by a Hitler on his own soil on continental Eu­ lend arms to her-give them, if neces­ Mexican government which drew its in­ rope, at his own fortifications and close sary, if she could not pay for them. We spiration, not from the dark tyrannies to his own bases, with his people fighting passed the lend-lease bill. We voted of the Nazis but from the even darker for their homes, we certainly ought not $7,000,000,000 to buy arms and other tyrannies of our present noble ally in to be afraid to tackle him in South things for Britain and for any other na­ Russia. America, where he will have to come far­ tion allied with her; and now we have I do not want to lift my voice, even ther away from his people and his bases voted another $6,000,000,000 for that by indirection, in support or in defense than will we. We might at least wait purpose. of anything that Adolf Hitler and the until he attempts that preposterous and Mr. .CLARK of Missouri. Mr. Presi .. Nazi government in Germany have done. silly adventure before we attempt the dent-- They have brutalized everything they equally preposterous and silly adventure The PRESIDING OFFICER