Welcome To !s | Pagaie Canada!s

Annual General Meeting Saturday November 20, 2010 at 2pm EST via Conference Call & Online Webinar

PADDLE CANADA PAGAIE CANADA PO BOX 20069, RPO TAYLOR KIDD KINGSTON, ONTARIO, CANADA K7P 2T6 TEL: 1.888.252.6292 FAX: 613.547.4880 www.paddlingcanada.com 1


Saturday, 20 November 2010 2 pm EDT

1. Welcome and Introductions Blair Doyle, President

2. Call to order 2:00 pm (Eastern Standard Time) Blair Doyle, President

3. Approval of the Agenda Motion to approve the agenda. m/ s/ r/

4. Approval of Minutes Motion to approve AGM minutes of 27 September 2009 m/ s/ r

5. Business arising from past AGM Minutes All motions from 2009 have been dealt with.

6. Reports:

A. President!s Annual Report Motion: To receive the President!s Annual Report m/ s/ r/

B. Past President and Regional Directors! Reports (Past President and Regional Directors) Motion: To receive the Regional Directors! Reports (filed separately with a short verbal report) m/ s/ r/

C. Committee Chair Reports Motion: To receive the Committee Chair Reports (filed separately) m/ s/ r/

7. Acceptance of 2010 Interim Financial Statements (Treasurer) Motion: To receive the 2010 Interim financial Statements m/ s/ r/

8. Appointment of the Accountants (Treasurer) Motion: To appoint Howard Allen & Partners as Paddle Canada accountants to provide a Return Engagement for 2011 m/ s/ r/

9. 2011 Paddle Canada Budget (Treasurer) 2 Motion: To accept the proposed 2011 Paddle Canada budget m/ s/ r/

10. Elections 2010, Report from the Nominations Chair (Past President) Motion: To accept the nominations. m/ s/ r/

11. New Business

A. Board Motion. To acknowledge and thank our out-going Board members, for their outstanding commitment and contribution to Paddle Canada during their respective terms. m/ s/ r/

B. Motions from the Floor

12. Next Meeting

13. Adjournment Motion to adjourn at m/

3 Draft Minutes Paddle Canada Annual General Meeting Sunday, 27 September 2009

Meeting held at the Madawaska Kanu Centre, Barry’s Bay, and, via conference call

Present: Voting Members: Oth er Paddle Canada members and guests including Blair Doyle, Vice President but not limited to: Eric Williams, Past President Graham Ketcheson Alan Stanley, Prince Edward Island Katherine Holman, President Paddle Manitoba Jamie Maillet, New Brunswick Michael Pardy Bill Talbot, Quebec Scott Stewart Rick Wise, Ontario David Johnston Alex Stuit, Nunavut Luc Peterkin James Hilland, Manitoba Mike Allen Viki Cirkvencic, Saskatchewan Mick Lautt Priscilla Haskin, Alberta Doug Taylor, Secretary, British Columbia

1. Welcome and Introductions Call to Order by Blair Doyle Vice President: 1645 EST

2. Approval of Agenda

m/Williams s/Stanley r/carried

To approve the agenda for the 2009 Paddle Canada Annual General Meeting.

3. Approval of the 2007 Annual General Meeting (AGM) Minutes

m(Eric Williams)/s(Blair Doyle)/carried

To approve the minutes of the 2007 Paddle Canada Annual General Meeting

4. Business arising from past AGM Minutes

All motions from the 2008 AGM have been dealt with.

5. President’s Annual Report

m/Wise s/Cirkvencic r/carried

To receive the President’s Annual Report.

6. Board Executive and Regional Directors Reports

m/Williams s/Haskin r/carried

To receive the Executive and Regional Directors’ reports.

4 7. Appointment of the Accountants

m/Stanley s/Williams r/carried

To appoint Howard Allan & Partners as Paddle Canada Accountants to provide a Return Engagement for 2009/2010.

8. Acceptance of 2009 Interim Financial Statements

m/Stanley s/Stuit r/carried

To receive the Interim 2009 Financial Statements. The Treasurer noted that our financial position was not strong.

9. 2010 Paddle Canada Budget

Because of the change of year-end for financial reporting, the 2010 budget will not be ready for several months. This item was withdrawn from the agenda

10. Elections 2009, Report from the Nominations Chair Eric Williams

m/Williams s/Wise r/carried

To accept the nominations of: Priscilla Haskin, Alberta; Jamie Hilland, Manitoba; Corey Locke Newfoundland and Labrador; and Alex Stuit, Nunavut. New Brunswick and NWT remain vacant. The election of Officers of the Board will take place at the October Board meeting.

Secretarial note: All Officers of the Board were asked to retain their usual posts until the next Board meeting, 14 October 2009.

11. New Business

A. Board Motion:

m/Williams s/Stanley r/carried

To acknowledge and thank our outgoing President, Richard Alexander for his outstanding commitment and guidance to Paddle Canada during his term as President and over the past seven years as a member of the Board.

m/Haskin s/Taylor r/carried

To have Eric Williams stay on as an Officer of the Board, as Past President

B. Motions from the Floor:

m/Stuit s/Wise r/carried

To extend an invitation to Northern clubs to sit on the Board of Paddle Canada as Regional Members. Paddle Canada to waive fees for NWT and Yukon for a trial period of one year.

11. Next Meeting. To be determined by the Board

12. Adjournment

m/Williams r/carried

To adjourn the 2009 Paddle Canada Annual General Meeting.

5 Paddle Canada President Annual Report November 2010

This has been a busy year for your Paddle Canada with the change to an Executive Director, we have really taken off on the communication and modernization front.

Graham has done an exceptional job to create efficiencies at the office. Being able to respond to members needs is where he shines and being member driven it becomes a win-win. Regular communication through "Current Strokes" is essential to build a community nationally and being able to manage modern technologies like our website and database.

You will see the board has been very active through committees and in their various provinces too. It is always a pleasure to coordinate a crew of folks that is interested growing the sport of paddling nationally. As I have noted before, the multiple ideas that flow during meetings on how to boost PC and paddling is the challenge to nail down to reality and action in board meetings. That is a stark contrast from when we were set-up as an association of provinces looking after our own turf. Our population is a transient and national one with global awareness in 2010. I believe getting the membership involved is essential to enable an on the ground understanding and endorsement for projects and activities.

This year our programs took off and you will see we have grown, the new website proved itself this year through its automaticity. We are discussing taking more control of the presentation portion of the site. According to our provider, the database set-up in one of the most complex that exists due to our multiple levels and connections. It rivals some really big corporations I am told.

For the coming year we are working on a partnership with Scouts Canada and have run into some insurance challenges. This has been a barrier in the past to connect the two organizations. The benefits that will result to connecting to youth and leaders to PC and paddling best practices are exponential. It is in comprehensible that insurance companies can have so much control and barriers to getting kids in boats and having fun. The essence of future paddlers and our heritage even rests here too.

I participated in the Atlantic Symposium locally and its hosting committee. We have struck a Symposium Committee within PC and plan to meet at the end of this month to define these events connection to PC on a responsibility and alignment basis. They have proven to be excellent networking and professional development opportunity for instructors and general members. Enabling these across the country is important as the more we come together, the more we truly nationalize our practice.

I submitted articles to Kanawa over the past year. I will admit generating these are not a forte of mine, and it can take a spark for me to generate. I know Anne Baxter gets on me early to submit or 'spark' me. We are reviewing where these products (Water walker, Kanawa and the Calendars) sit with PC as most of you got the survey. I would like to thanks Anne for an excellent magazine and her relentless pursuit to get Kanawa, our voice, out to the membership and public.

Finally, I want to thank all the members of the Board of Directors for Paddle Canada, Doug Taylor BC, Priscilla Haskin AB, Viki Cirkvencic SK, Jamie Hilland MB, Jamie Maillet NB, Alex Stuit NWT, Rick Wise ON, Corey Locke NF, Alan Stanley PEI and Eric Williams our past president. Also of course our administrator, Graham Ketcheson who helps keep us on the right wave......

Respectfully submitted,

President, Paddle Canada, November 2010 PADDLE CANADA PAGAIE CANADA

Executive Director!s Report - Graham Ketcheson

It!s been a busy year since the start of my office term January 1, 2010. Over 1300 phone calls have been answered on the 1-888 hotline and over 5000 emails replied to. Here are some of the highlights of successes and challenges:

• E-Newsletter Mailing List for !Current Strokes" grew from 3000 to 6500 in last 11 mths due to more frequent updates from our database

• Website Upgrades & Functionality Added to Database o " dozen unfinished items from original 2009 contract with our web company M5I were completed (online voting, showing owing invoices, auto reports to instructors to report courses and pay invoices, instructor mentorship tracking, auto emails to course participants post courses) o The new levels of the Big Program was added to database to permit new instructors to register courses o Automated reports now go out to all Regional Member Associations so they can track courses being run in their provinces. o Added Patrons of Paddle Canada page which includes Patrons Paul Mason, Kevin Callan, David Suziki and Becky Mason.

• PaddleCanada.com - Ownership of paddlecanada.com is soon to be reality. We are in the process of transferring the domain at the moment. Thanks to Instructor Member Tony Palmer for his assistance in obtaining this and future domains like paddlecanada.ca and .org.

• Environment Committee - Jay Morrison stepped forward last winter offering to Chair an Environmental Committee for PC which was approved by the board.

Paddle Canada AGM 2010 - Saturday November 20, 2010

• Strategic partnership formed with PaddlingInstructor.com promoting each others services and filling some of the resource needs of our instructor membership. We also obtain server space through this agreement with PaddleBuzz.ca for future website expansion.

• New partnership membership with Leave No Trace Canada to promote each others goals, mandates and organizations.

• We are over half way through entering/updating 2008 course data online thanks to five instructor members (Maureen Lamb, Barry Golemic, Ralph Kennedy, Peter Kasurak, & Jim Penistan)

• Promoted Paddle Canada with a table/ booth at almost all the spring / summer MEC Paddlefest events nationally (Victoria, Edmonton, Alberta, Winnipeg, Toronto, Ottawa, Halifax) Thanks to all the directors and volunteers who helped make this happened. Special thanks to to Paddle Alberta for support at the Calgary event. We also had a small booth at an Ontario Rapid Media organized event called Parlmerfest in May.

• Paddle Canada Logo and Name were approved for Canadian Intellectual Property and fees submitted for registration.

• Course participant comments on our courses have been very positive for the year. It!s encouraging to know the instructors are really exceeding most people!s expectations - instructor members are to be commended! View some of the best comments at paddlingcanada.com - http://www.paddlingcanada.com/courses.asp

• Special Events! This summer I personally was invited and attended the ACA"s annual summer banquet on Sugar Island in 1000 islands, Ontario and will continue foster relationships with our US counterparts and find ways we can work more closely together. I also attended a Paddle for Peace event in Ottawa with Environment Chair Jay Morrison and PC Patron Becky Mason part of 1st Nation"s Chief William Commanda"s celebration in honour of the UN”s International Day of Peace.

Paddle Canada AGM 2010 - Saturday November 20, 2010

• Industry Partnerships - We are very pleased about our new partnerships we now have with : o Outdoor Research (www.outdoorresearch.com) o Level Six (www.levelsix.com) o Northwater (www.northwater.com) o These companies provide exceptional product discounts to Paddle Canada instructors. We hope you continue to make use of these purchasing programs. o Others discounts are in the works with other outdoor industry manufacturers and service providers

• Transport Canada Boating Safety Class Contribution Program - Paddle Canada applied for $ 33,000 in funding under this program to help promote and further its existing and new programs nationally next year. Application was submitted on Nov. 1, 2010 and approvals announced March 2011. Thanks to Eric Williams, Blair Doyle, Rick Wise for their help and advice. A special thanks goes out to Anna Mallin (instructor member and retired lawyer) for editing and advising.

• National Trail Leadership Round Table - November 23-25, 2010 - Banff Alberta, hosted by Trans Canada Trails and Parks Canada. PC was formally invited to attend and we accepted. A travel/accommodation bursary from hosts was obtained to send Alberta Regional Director, Priscilla Haskin to the conference. We look forward to reporting back on this event.

Thank you for the opportunity to work for the Paddle Canada board of directors, it!s committees, the regional member associations, and the membership on a whole. It has been a pleasure and look forward to working on new challenges in 2011.


Graham Ketcheson Executive Director, Paddle Canada

Paddle Canada AGM 2010 - Saturday November 20, 2010

Photos Courtesy of Paddle Manitoba & 1000 Island Kayak Company

Paddle Canada AGM 2010 - Saturday November 20, 2010

Total: 1324 Full Member 288 Member Only (no kanawa): 71 Instructors: 965 Paddle Canada AGM 2010 - Saturday November 20, 2010

Instructors Total: 965 Male: 655 Female: 310

Paddle Canada AGM 2010 - Saturday November 20, 2010

Paddle Canada AGM 2010 - Saturday November 20, 2010

Paddle Canada AGM 2010 - Saturday November 20, 2010

Instructors by Discipline River Kayak Canoe Total 35 417 542 994

Paddle Canada AGM 2010 - Saturday November 20, 2010

Paddle Canada AGM 2010 - Saturday November 20, 2010

The Individual Paddle Canada Members

The recreational paddling enthusiasts, who wants to get the most enjoyment out of the sport ! (And likes supporting PC and what we do).

Paddle Canada AGM 2010 - Saturday November 20, 2010

Total Individual Members: 359 - 26% Female & 74% Male Paddle Canada AGM 2010 - Saturday November 20, 2010

Paddle Canada Programs - 2010 Skill and Instructor Courses

Instructor Courses: 174

Skill Courses: 781

Total: 955

Total Participants: 3827 (skill & instructor courses)

"Michael’s presentation of the material was delivered with great clarity in a very respectful, relaxed, inclusive and friendly way which encouraged interaction and questions. Thank you Michael and thank you Paddle Canada for a much needed and much appreciated course." Anne C. - Sea Kayak Level 1 Skills

"Glad to see Paddle Canada is making headway again. It's obvious a great deal of work has gone into modernizing the material and the organization. From my experience on this course I'd say you're definitely on the right track." Karonne Lansal - Moving Water Canoe Skills Introduction Solo

Paddle Canada AGM 2010 - Saturday November 20, 2010

3377 participants took the 781 Courses offered nationally or 4.32 people per course 450 Participants took 174 Instructor courses nationally or 2.58 people per course Paddle Canada AGM 2010 - Saturday November 20, 2010

Paddle Canada AGM 2010 - Saturday November 20, 2010

Paddle Canada AGM 2010 - Saturday November 20, 2010

Paddle Canada AGM 2010 - Saturday November 20, 2010

Total Skill Programs Offered: 781 River Kayak: 16 Sea Kayak: 397 : 368

Paddle Canada AGM 2010 - Saturday November 20, 2010

Instructor Development Clinic May 2010, Alberta - hosted by Paddle Alberta and Paddle Canada.

Paddle Canada AGM 2010 - Saturday November 20, 2010

Past President!s Report

Annual Meeting Saturday 20 November 2010 Teleconference

1. Paddle Canada 2010 Elections Report As Past President I chaired the Paddle Canada 2010 Board of Directors election process. Thanks to our Executive Director Graham Ketcheson and President Emeritus Kirk Wipper, OC, for their assistance and counsel in this process.

2. Paddle Canada Insurance I monitored and effected the renewal of Paddle Canada!s program liability insurance package in July of this year, and processed the many certificates of cross insurance that were required. I also had several telephone meetings with our Broker Mr. Gord McCool of the Standard Insurance Brokers, Kenora, Ontario, on matters of concern such as new benefits and insurance certificates. Now that our Executive Director is up to speed, this file was passed on to him in the third quarter of 2010. I continue to support him as required. We continue to explore on line self serve liability insurance coverage for activities not covered by Paddle Canada!s program policy, and to seek out opportunities to work with some major Canadian youth groups who currently can not be involved with Paddle Canada programs due to the requirements for "waiver! forms by both parties.

3. Rideau Roundtable Paddle Canada owns two each of "canot du nords! (25!) and "canot du maitres!(36!), and their respective trailers (each carries two like ). These vessels were donated to the Canadian Recreational Canoeing Association (CRCA), Paddle Canada!s predecessor organization, in the 1970!s and "80!s. While the boats are Paddle Canada!s, the “canot du nord!s” came with the stipulation that Paddle Canada involve the donor, the National Capital Commission (NCC), if we ever disposed of them.

The "Rideau Roundtable! continues to maintain and store these vessels for Paddle Canada in return for the right to use them for their "not for profit! eco tourism activities on the Rideau Canal and property and liability insurance coverage. Paddle Canada!s Agreement with them regarding continuing use of the canoes requires that the Rideau Roundtable utilize Paddle Canada qualified instructors. The Agreement is up for renewal in 2011. The canoes are available for Paddle Canada use, such as the 2008 David Thompson Brigade, as required.

4. Canadian Safe Boating Council (CSBC) Paddle Canada is a proud member of the Canadian Safe Boating Council (CSBC). Eric Williams is the Paddle Canada representative to the CSBC and was elected "Executive Member at Large! at the CSBC Annual Meeting 26 September in Montreal. The CSBC promotes safe boating across Canada through its "wear the gear! / "wear it! and other safety programs, and is partnered with MADD Canada to bring the no drinking / paddling message to Canada. The CSBC is also involved with the dissemination of “Cold Water Boot Camp”, and the production of “Beyond Cold Water Boot Camp”. The CSBC features an Annual Symposium on boating safety, hosts the “Canadian Safe Boating Awards” in January of each year recognizing those who have contributed in special ways to recreational boating safety in Canada over the past year, and participates in “Safe Boating Awareness Week” (SBAW) in May of each year across Canada. The 2010 SBAW kick off in 2010 featured setting a Guinness World Book of Records record by inflating the most inflatable type personal flotation devices at any one time across Canada, the United Sates, and even Australia. The goal of these activities is to reach out to the "new! in the small boating community, of which paddlers play a big part, to make them safer and more knowledgeable in their water activities.

This year the CSBC is introducing a new public domain website “SmartBoater.ca” which hopes to be a source of safe boating information for all recreational boaters. The web site includes much information which should be of great interest to Paddle Canada!s numerous Instructors. We need everyone!s help in making this tool as useful as it can be to the paddling community which we do not normally contact. Check it out. www.SmartBoater.ca

5. Participate Paddle Canada Board of Directors !""#$%#%&'()"&(*&"+#&,-%%.#&/-$-%-&0(-1%&(*&231#4"(1)&5&6-7&"#.#4($*#1#$4#&'##"3$8)9&& 6. Kanawa – Continue to submit “Safety Lines” to each edition.

Respectfully Submitted Eric L. Williams

Eric L. Williams Past President - Canoe Tripping Instructor Trainer -Paddle Canada    


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Canoe Kayak had another active year. This was my second year as president and same for our new staff, Tamara Stephens. She has grown to understand our needs and her role too. We are now through the rapids and looking for more - so to speak. Besides some email list computer rumbles, I am understanding that things are well in hand as she juggles four portfolios that all believe they are important.

Our fairly new board continued when compared to years past. Besides engaging in regular business and partaking in annual events you will note soon in the various reports. The cleaned up financial picture from the year past had us prioritizing. This year was a follow through from the previous year when we changed our board structure to address the functionality of what we were truly doing. We updated a very lengthy policy and procedures document. Resulting from that was a succinct conflict of interest policy too, thanks to our secretary that brought an objective approach and process wisdom to us.

Our block funding through Health Protection and Promotion Nova Scotia received review this year and resulted in one third reduction. I have met with Dawn at HPP on the how and why's of such and will be better prepared for the next review. We are very appreciative of our working relationship with HPP to further the health and recreational benefits of outdoors through paddling. It is and has been really difficult to get a bearing on just how many folks paddle recreationally in NS and Canada for that matter. We will be working on just how to capture what influence we have directly and mostly indirectly to the recreational paddling public.

Some of the new energy on the board had us focusing on some newer projects like the sponsorship program that was successful this year in assisting members improving themselves. Others that will be reported like National Canoe Day and a connection to the National Canoe Museum, Water Walker festival, and the Atlantic Canada Paddling Symposium continues to shuffle up to differing locations in the maritime's. Trying to build back our canoe instructor capacity and resources occurred with a canoe tripping offering in NFLD. Working more with our Atlantic Canadian provincial partners has begun and we can do lots more here too.

The CKNS Board of Directors were active in their portfolio`s , but we can always get more input from the membership as this is your association. It was grand to see alot more support at events and hope that trend continues. We are always in awe of the relentless energy and interest of our champion on environmental issues, providing CKNS connections on water access through private lands, maintenance and attending meetings to give paddling’s perspective on prospective wilderness protected properties.

Paddle Canada, nationally, has grown further with the hiring of an Executive Director last year. Their AGM is forthcoming and it has been a solid year of growth and stabilization for them. CKNS continues to support the need for a strong and effective national voice in Paddle Canada.

Finally, I want to thank all the members of the Board of Directors for Canoe Kayak Nova Scotia for their energy, time and paddling passion throughout the year. Recognized at this time are all members of the 2010 Board: Brian Anderson, Chris Lockyer, Andrew Foran, Jane Duplant, David Ripley, Jan Lapierre, Wayne Gillis, Dusan Soudok, our past president Jim Colwell and for a brief while, Peter Horne. Also of course our administrator, Tamara Stephen, who helps keep us on the riding the wave......

Respectfully submitted,

CKNS President, 16 November 2010


The following is a chronological overview November 2009–2010. I would like to thank our CKNS administrator for taking the time to work through the complex layers of the position. x December: reviewed the applications for Paddle School: Canoeing Director and supporting instructors. x January: Updated our CKNS instructors list for canoeing. This was done with the assistance of Paddle Canada (in particular, Graham Ketcheson) x February: Held planning meeting with the Directors for the Canoe School June 2010. x March: Secured a location for Canoe School—Richmond Academy. x April & May: Organized a canoeing instructional day—province wide for Physical Education teachers unable to attend the last October 23, 209 as part of the Physical Educators Professional Development Day. 14 teachers x May: answered a number of inquiries regarding Paddle School and instruction. I linked active instructors to groups in their Geographic areas. The CKNS Administrator was part of each response. x June: Peter Dowd, Director, one apprentice (Andrew Foran), 2 assisting instructors (Steve Cook and Brian Anderson) hosted the Canoe School portion of the combined Paddle School in Richmond County. The school had seven candidates. This years Canoe School followed the new Paddle Canada program and these candidates earned their Waterfront Instructor’s certification. x September & October: Developed a Service Learning program that allowed youth in grade 10 to access the waterfront program with the support of practicing teachers in physical education to practice teach earning their Waterfront certification. This program has realized 50+ youth from Cape Breton, Guysborough, Afton First Nations and in the spring this program will move into the Truro and surrounding area. x From November to November: I supervised and participated in the Bursary Program supporting active instructors in gaining further certification in needed skill areas, attended the regular scheduled board meetings, developed a new paddle club—Paddle Antigonish that allowed community members of all ages to participate in weekly at no cost, and held a number of skills clinics (WaterFront, Canoeing Basics, and Introduction to Lakewater, Canoe Tripping) throughout the year at no cost or cost recovery (park fees, travel).

Respectfully submitted by Andrew Foran, Standards


This was the first year for this position. I was pleased to be in the position and being able to help out on the CKNS board.

Highlights from the 2010 Season

x The season kicked off with the Atlantic Paddle Symposium. May 14-16 Lake Charlotte Eastern Shore. The event was a huge success. We had 56 registered participants. Dates have been set for the 2011 event. It will be held in Newfoundland May 20-23. Please visit www.atlanticpaddlesympsoium.com for more details.

x Successful completion of the first Join Canoe and Sea Kayak instructor course was run this year by CKNS. We were pleased that the course ran, we hope that in the 2011 season that we can get more sea kayak instructor candidates to come forward o participate in the course.

x CKNS ran two free Sea Kayak Clinics this year in the Halifax and with the help from Rising Tide expeditions a third one was run in the Cape Breton area.

x I still see a void in the white water kayak courses. If you are interested in becoming an instructor please let me know. I would be more then willing to help get a courses going in Atlantic Canada.

x We would also like to get more input from the White water community. How can we help promote events, paddles and social events?

Other Kayak events run this year:

MEC Paddlefest is always a great event each year. This event normally runs the first Saturday in July. Many local vendors bring boats for demo as well as several clinics are run. Keep an eye on the MEC website for next year’s event.

Coastal Adventures Sea Kayakers meeting always draws about 100 local paddles for a two day event. The first Day is choice of day trips. The second day is a number of skills clinics.

Plenty of Paddle Canada sea kayak training courses were run this year. We would like to thank all the instructors putting there time in to help promote safe paddling in Nova Scotia.

If you have any suggestion please feel free to call me (902) 247-5095 or drop me an e-mai; [email protected] Christopher Locker


Sport & RV show report March 19 - 21 2010 We set up on Thursday afternoon,March 18. Jane lent us a table and helped set up the displays.Thanks to all those who volunteered their time to help at our booth; Ian Guppy,Peter Mumford,Wayne Gillis,Eric Flanders, Marcus Goodick,plus Mary and myself.Overall the numbers were down from 2009 ; 150 vs 300 ,but the show was one day shorter this year.However we did well for sales at our booth; $78 in maps and $110 in memberships 4 individual,1- 3 year individual and one family 3 year. Also two people took applications with them.The 3 year individual membership was purchased by Sherman Hines.Thanks to blair,Jane and Chris for providing videos to play at our booth.For children,we displayed rough sketches of a canoe,kayak and paddles,with parts labelled. When the named a part we gave small containers of jellies or cans of chips(the chips were left from Tent Dwellers) As a show special(unadvertised) we gave a CKNS hat with the purchase of a membership at the show.

Waterwalker Film Festival Report 2010 The venue was great; MacMechan auditorium at the Killam library,Dalhousie University.There was a large screen and very good sound.Attendance was just under 50 (46) including board members.We ran a little overtime;starting at 7 pm and finishing at 10:50 pm.We showed a total of 8 films ( 4 min to 48 min)and took an intermission to serve refreshments(water, juices and cookies) We sold 20 maps and one membership.Jane handed out copies of our recent newsletter and a new revised CKNS brochure (which she had put together Thursday) Special thanks to Marcel Maessen for being our MC,Dave Ripley for arranging the venue,Tony Duplante for an outstanding job of operating the AV equipment, Jane Duplante and Mary Anderson for taking care of the admission and map sales money. Jane also looked after purchasing the refreshments and setting up same at intermission. Next time we do this event,we will advertise earlier and place posters in locations close to the venue.(which will probably be at Dal)

National Canoe Day Report June 26, 2010 Many thanks to Jane and Tony Duplante for organizing activities for this event The Faibanks centre on the Shubie canal offered opportunities for both inside and outside activities.Jane had obtained materials for crafts that were fun for children to do while being educational about canoe history and paddling. We set up the CKNS booth and the National Canoe Day banner as well as the Paddle Canada flag.Outside we planned a canoe paddle through the deep cut to the lake and back , a bounce house and snow cone machine set up. We did have a few visitors,including two or three families,whose children enjoyed playing in the bounce house and especially doing crafts indoors with Jane.Due to events in HRM that day combined with uncertain weather,participant numbers were lower than we anticipated. However those of us who were there enjoyed the day.A special thanks to Steve Cook for coming to do his canoe history presentation.

MEC Paddlefest 2010 July 4, 2010 The annual event took place on July 4, 2010 at Graham's Grove in Dartmouth. Many thanks to the volunteers who came to help;Mary Anderson,Jane & TonyDuplante,Karl Lingley,Mike Chisolm,Blair Doyle. We set up our CKNS booth, the National Canoe day banner and the Paddle Canada flag.Visitor traffic to our booth was steady. We sold a few maps, visited some of the other booths, and had opportunities to paddle.MEC was offering instruction clinics as was Chris Lockyer,who spent most of the day on the water,helping paddlers to improve their skills.Some of us had a chance to paddle C1 racing canoes, and managed to stay upright for most of the time.Overall lots of opportunities to paddle many types of boats.I think Blair was thrilled to see his Son do several consecutive kayak rolls.We need to plan next year for CKNS to offer instruction clinics as well.I thought of it too late this year.Thanks again to Jane & Tony for the campfire in a can to cook hot dogs for all of us.

Parks Day Dollar Lake July 17, 2010 Thanks to Mary and Mike Chisholm for volunteering their time at this event. This event was very well attended;probably due to being well promoted by DNR and the Park's people as well as a great weather forecast! Overall we had 77 participants , including families with children.The water level in the lake was very high and enabled access from the footpath into the Stillwater where we usually keep the paddlers for better control.PFD's were borrowed from the Red Cross,and we had 3 canoes (one was used as a safety boat)

The event schedule ran from 10 am until 4 pm,so Mike and I were kept very busy at the water and Mary by herself at the booth was basically overwhelmed by the volume of participants. Thank to the Park's people for cooking hot dogs for us and providing cold drinks.This event has grown in popularity over the years,and although attendance is somewhat weather dependent, we could improve the experience for participants with more volunteer resources.For example we did have participants who were looking for instruction,but who did not own canoes as yet.A free clinic would be possible,with a couple of boats and more volunteers( to look after people who just wanted to go for a short paddle),allowing an instructor to work the clinic. Next year this event will be possible only if we have more volunteers that we did this year.

Tent Dwellers 2010 Kejimkujic National Park This event took place August 14,15 and was another fine weather event !! Thanks to all those who volunteered their time to help make a successful event; Mike and Hillary Chisolm,Mary Anderson, Blair Doyle,Neil Lake,Paul Batson, Rod Lake, Steve Cook and Marcel Maessen.We set up our booth on the beach at Merrymakedge as usual,with all the vendors in P1 parking lot,which made for a more compact area for visitors.We did not have alot of traffic until the afternoon, sold a few maps(10 I think) and had 14 CKNS waivers signed for kayak paddling. Blair's two boys could not make it and their enthusiasm for on water games wasmissed I think.Also this year we decided to advertise an actual instruction clinic. This FREE to participants clinic was "Canoe Basics Tandem Skills",registered with Paddle Canada.We filled the clinic(10 participants),had a good mix of male and female as well as a wide age range.Paul Batson(who became a new instructor this year) helped make the clinic a success.Also thanks to Mike and Hillary for being on the water as safety and to Marcel for his valued input during the clinic,and to Neil for helping to place buoys.Steve Cook managed to go for a paddle(thanks to Neil who transported Steve's canoe to and from the beach)as well as a swim. Sunday was the floatilla paddle from Jake's to Kedge Beach and the lake was flat calm.The floatilla got underway as sheduled at 9 am,with about 20 boats,including a very full voyager canoe from the park.Jonathan lead the crew and did some great commentary.Joe paddled with Blair and took a ton of pictures.The real crowds came at about 10:30 - 11:00 am at Kedge beach,where easily 150 - 200 folks took in the "Canoe Dance" performance by Peter and Sue who had kindly agreed to display their solo skills.I addition there were drumming and other park presentations. By the way I forgot to mention the Friday night sky gazing to see shooting stars at the beach and the group campsite. Overall a great weekend!

Monthly Paddles: May 1 Wallace River May 30 Cleanup July 11 Lower Prospect Area July 17 Shelter Cove August 22 Blue Rocks September 18 McNabs Island Cleanup October 2 Sambro Pennant area

Weekly Paddles: June 3: Lake Charles Shubie Park _ Fairbanks Center June 10: Northwest Arm Flemming Park, near Dingle Tower June 17: Morris Lake Tim Horton’s, Portland by Superstore June 24: Kearney Lake Tim Horton’s, Kearney Lake Rd near Exit, 102 July 8: Long Lake South Centre Mall, Herring Cove Rd July 15: MicMac Lake Graham’s Grove, near Superstore, July 22: Frasers Lake Tim Horton’s St Margarets Bay Rd, Timberlea, Exit 3, 103 July 29: Fisherman’s Cove Parking Lot, Fishermans Cove, Eastern Passage August 5: Lake Charles Shubie Park – Fairbanks Center August 12: Nine Mile River Tim Horton’s St Margarets Bay Rd, Timberlea, Exit 3, 103 August 19: Admiral Cove MacDonalds , Bedford (to shore rd, long cove put-in) August 28: Papermill Lake Tim Horton’s, Bedford Hwy/Hammonds Plains Rd PADDLE CANADA PAGAIE CANADA

2010 Ontario Regional Report - Rick Wise


• 237 skills courses registered with 818 participants • 44 instructor courses registered with 151 participants • One combined Paddle Canada and BCU course run by Naturally Superior. • The Professional Paddling Conference cancelled due to poor registration • 2 River Kayak Instructor courses run on the new CKC/PC partnership • River program in transition working toward CKC partnership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• No regional member to report on. • No further developments with ORCKA relationship this year. • Presentation to GLSKA by Vice-president completed in November. • Professional Paddlers Conference scheduled for Sept 25th did not run due to a lack of registrations. o Gull River site booked o 22 presenters lined up o Catering and food booked o Deadline for decisions was Sept 15th o Less than 10 registered at that time PADDLE CANADA PAGAIE CANADA

2010 Manitoba Regional Report - Jamie Hilland

Manitoba continues to be a staunch supporter of Paddle Canada, with almost all paddling courses in the province being Paddle Canada sanctioned. This year was another busy one for the local paddling scene here, with:

• Paddle Manitoba hosting it's well attended annual event Paddlefest, as well as hosting the Waterwalker Film Festival. • The Manitoba Club had another successful whitewater Festival in June of this year, bringing out new paddlers from across the province to give the sport a try.

This year also saw: • the certification of four River Kayak Instructors into the new River Kayak CKC program levels, • Manitoba run it's first ever Sea Kayak Instructor Level 1 course, certifying four new Instructors in this discipline. • Paddle Manitoba continuing its partnership with Fort Whyte Alive, running dozens of canoeing and kayaking courses at this beautiful facility in Winnipeg.

There is also talk of Manitoba hosting a Paddle Canada Symposium in the next few years, so stay tuned for details!!

Overall, Paddle Canada paddling programs continue to be the standard for paddling courses in the province, and look to be for years to come. GO PC!!



2010 Saskatchewan Regional Report - Viki Cirkvencic

Paddling in Saskatchewan

Saskatchewan!s paddling year was temperamental to say the least…summer? What season is that?

Canoeing in Saskatchewan like usual is a force to be reckoned with. Our Paddle Canada Instructors produced:

• 45 skills courses in various disciplines of canoeing at various levels of canoeing. • There was 7 Instructor courses held in the province, these courses were in all 3 disciplines of canoeing, all of which were intermediate or advanced levels of the particular discipline. • A camp up in Christopher Lake also took advantage of our Waterfront program. Sea Kayaking continues to grow rapidly in our very proud prairie province. Our Paddle Canada Instructors taught:

• 12 courses in either Introduction to kayaking or Level 1, hold on Canada watch us next year when we are teaching Level 2 on the Prairies. • Another milestone was gained this year; an Introduction to Kayaking Instructor produced Saskatchewan!s first SK Instructor Trainer with the help of Michael Pardy, as the evaluating Mentor. Thank you Michael for being apart of the growth of this sport in our province.

River Kayaking is healthy as always in Saskatchewan, we have a very dedicated and involved group of Whitewater boaters, canoers and kayakers.

• The Whitewater park project that initially began in 2002 is still going strong; Saskatoon Light and Power came forward with interest in the project and has proposed the incorporation of hydropower generation. • We have also had a Saskatchewan influence on the development of the Instructor program. One of our paddlers is on their way to becoming a CKC Leaning Facilitator. There is huge interest among Saskatchewan paddlers to hold a symposium, momentum on this has been building and I see it continuing in 2011.

I want to extend a welcome to Jim MacDonald as the new Saskatchewan Board Member. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time on the board and I look forward to participating again in the future.

Viki Cirkvencic

Regional Director - Saskatchewan PADDLE CANADA PAGAIE CANADA


2010 Alberta Regional Report - Priscilla Haskin

Paddle Canada Instructors in Alberta are quite active. Most Instructors are Lake Instructors and instruct clinics and workshops within their own community. These are usually school groups and youth groups. Unfortunately most of these stats are not recorded to PC and I hope to work on ways in receiving data on these valuable numbers and programs that are being offered.

Alberta does have a Regional Member, Paddle Alberta. Paddle Alberta is made up of :

• approximately 32 Canoe Clubs,

• Not for Profit organizations,

• Commercial Organizations,

• and Individual memberships from across Alberta.

Paddle Alberta offers:

• subsidies to their instructors that are both PA and PC instructors, to upgrade their instructor status and continue with first aid certifications. • Support to paddling festivals, workshops, symposiums, as well as environmental issues. • grants to it clubs for paddling equipment and paddling projects. • growth and supports PC Instructors, • support for all the Paddle Canada Canoeing Programs and Sea Kayaking Programs. • PA defers the PC River Kayaking to the Alberta Whitewater Association.

This past May, Paddle Alberta offered a Moving Water Instructor Clinic which increased the number of Paddle Canada Instructors in Alberta.

Paddle Alberta also supported three Paddlefests throughout the province:

• one of the two Waterwalker Film Festivals, • two Leave No Trace Trainer Courses. • Tony Palmer, PC Instructor and owner of Undercurrents in Calgary, hosted a Waterwalker Film Festival as well.

Congrats to all PC Instructors and Instructor Trainers as Alberta continues to be one of the top provinces offering PC canoe skills and instructor courses in Canada.


British Columbia Regional Report 2010 - Doug Taylor

By way of introduction, to those who read this report other than the Board members who know me, my name is Doug Taylor and I am your Provincial Board member and Board Secretary. I won!t subject you to the usual array of my credentials but if you are interested, there is a short bio on the PC website. I!m passionate about living in British Columbia and the Comox Valley on Vancouver Island, paddling and being a member of Paddle Canada. My report will be brief.

As your Board member for the past two years, I!ve realized how difficult it is to meet in person with the many BC based PC Instructors. Thanks to Paddle Canada!s Executive Director, we are all kept well informed of PC activities and issues on a regular basis. I would encourage you however, to contact me directly if you have questions or issues that you wish to bring forward to me as your rep or to Paddle Canada!s Board of Directors. In case you wondered, BC instructors, of all disciplines, represent 226 of the close to 1000 Paddle Canada instructors in Canada in 2010 and collectively we ran 181 skills courses training 746 course participants.

In an attempt to connect with PC members and paddlers in BC,

• I joined three paddle clubs in 2010 (Comox Paddlers, Nanaimo Paddlers and Campbell River Paddlers) and invited myself to speak to their respective club members about Paddle Canada; I batted 2 for 3!!

• In 2011, I will join the larger Victoria based SISKA and hope to have the opportunity to speak to their membership in the New Year.

• I also had a Paddle Canada booth at MEC Paddlefest in Victoria in June and intend to be present at MEC Paddlefest Vancouver in 2011. I!m hopeful that these appearances will give me the opportunity to meet more of you as well as members of the paddling public. • One very successful PC event that was conducted by a group of 13 Comox Valley sea kayak instructors in June 2010 was a pro bono “Safety and Rescue” clinic, in conjunction with Comox Valley , a local paddling fixture. It was staged in proximity to National Canoe Day, which celebrates not just the canoe as one of Canada!s Seven Wonders, but all paddle sports. This safety-oriented, on-water event, was easy to conduct and approximately 40 individuals, canoeists and kayakers alike, participated in some way or another. I would like to challenge other Paddle Canada instructors to group together in your local community and conduct similar pro bono clinics this coming year. We certainly intend to make this an annual event in the Comox Valley and what better way to start off the paddling season than by putting an emphasis on safe paddling practices! If any other groups of instructors are interested and want details of our event, please contact me direct.

On that note, I!ll conclude me report and once again invite BC members to contact me direct if there are any issues you feel need addressed or if you have any questions.

Doug Taylor


AGM 2010: Nunavut Director’s report submitted by Alex Stuit

Nunavut!s 2010 paddling season has been once again been fruitful due to the ongoing efforts of Nunavut!s Interim territorial representative, The Ikaluktutiak (Cambridge Bay) Paddling Association. Introduction to Sea-Kayaking and other various paddling programs have been delivered by the dynamic local club and the community now has “home-grown” Paddle Canada certified instructors to provide “in-house” training to the community and its club members.

Nunavut!s capital, Iqaluit, also held a summer “Introduction to Sea-Kayaking” course which tested the participant!s mettle due to unusually high winds which were present over the duration of the course. This perseverant group of paddlers worked with their instructor to split the course up between “on the water” sessions at a local lake and in the community!s local aquatic center (a 20 meter pool complex). Graduates of this introductory Paddle Canada course are now exploring "revamping! the local kayak club and working on electing a new executive and doing some fundraising to secure pool time over the winter months. We wish them the best of luck and this director will be offering any assistance they require should this endeavor move forward in the next several months.

I am in the process of identifying a possible replacement director for the North as I will be relocating to Whitehorse by next summer. This will be introduced to our members once a firm date has been arrived at regarding my transfer.

Congratulations to the ongoing success of the Ikaluktutiak Paddling Association and their executive. As Paddle Canada!s Nunavut Director, I extend my appreciation for their continued efforts and diligence in promoting the Paddle Canada paddling program.

Respectfully submitted, Alex Stuit Paddle Canada Director for Nunavut


2010 Canoe PDC Report - Priscilla Haskin Chairperson

It was another busy year for the Canoe PDC.

• We continue to refine the canoe program as per your requests. • We hope to have updated each of the programs, Waterfront, Lake, Tripping, Moving Water, Big Canoe, and Canoe Poling. • You should see more resources to assist instructors and Instructor Trainer in implementing these programs. • New Adaptive Paddling Module for Instructors

We again would like to thank Paddle Alberta for the Waterfront Program. The program, designed specifically for just waterfront activities in a designated area and very similar to camp and pool “swimming” activities, has proven an excellent program for summer camps and schools.

The Moving Water program has seen an increase in instructors and programs across Canada. Thanks to Paddle Alberta for hosting a MW Instructor Clinic in which PC saw a number of instructors receive upgrades (Advanced Tandem and Solo Instructors and Instructor Trainers), re-certifications (Tandem and Solo), and 20 new Intro, and 8 Intermediate Tandem Instructors. It was a very successful event despite the snow and rain. Also thanks to Claudia Van Wijk at the Madawaska Kanu Centre for hosting a few MW Clinic in Ontario.

Our new Big Canoe Program offers training in canoes over 20 feet in which there is usually a minimum of 4 people paddling. The program looks at training individuals to lead inexperienced minimum experienced paddlers in the big canoe. At this time it is not designed for dragon boating or racing/performance style paddling. The Big Canoe Program was introduced in British Columbia, Alberta, and New Brunswick. Many thanks to Dave Wooldrigde, from British Columbia, for his experience and expertise in bringing Paddle Canada to the forefront of Big Canoe Training in Canada. We are grateful for the support you have offered the PDC in your positive feedback as well as your suggestions to additions and changes. Special thanks to those individuals like Charles Burchill of Manitoba and Phil Feuerstack of Ontario that have spent time in studying, running, and offering feedback on our Lake programs.

Current Projects:

This fall we will be working on:

• updating and creating resources for the existing programs, • updating our tripping program, • looking at a new module for Moving Water, a “River Rescue Workshop”, • Adaptive Paddling • This past year we received a Mountain Equipment Co-op grant to implement an Adaptive Paddling Module for PC Instructors. The course material was created back in the 90!s however never seem to gain much momentum. I am in discussions with David Johnston, Sea Kayaking PDC Chair, to see how we can implement this. We hope have this module ready for Instructors by the spring. The delivery of this module will be totally different. Instructors will gain access to this Adaptive Paddling Module through the website instead of attending a “physical” site. We hope this module will give instructors confidence to add adaptive paddling to their programs.

We will continue, with your help, in improving our programs you take and offer to your community. Have a great off-season and don!t hesitate to connect with us. PADDLE CANADA PAGAIE CANADA

Sea Kayak PDC AGM 2010 Report - David Johnston Chairperson

2010 was a busy year for the SK PDC. In February, Doug Alderson stepped down as the committee chair after many years at the helm. I would like to thank him for his fantastic direction and leadership bringing the program to maturity.

Over the past year and a half, the PDC has worked hard to be transparent to members in our discussions and decisions. We actively solicit comments from senior instructors and stakeholders from across Canada and often bring them into the discussion to give us a “boots on the ground” perspective on how a decision could possibility affect them. This initiative has made our job much easier as we directly engage with stakeholders minimizing the fall-out from policy decisions.

Committee Communication To help with committee communication, we initiated a pilot project in March and moved from email discussions to an online bulletin board forum. This allowed us to keep track of discussions and keep people on topic. It also provided a historical record of past discussions and decisions. After using the forum for 6 months, we moved over to using google groups. This allowed the same functionality but also sent out regular emails to the committee for faster engagement. So far the pilot project seems to be working quite well.

PDC Operation Budget

The board graciously allocated $1500 to the PDC for projects. In the past we have used it to help cover transportation costs to bring instructors into parts of Canada that are under serviced. This year we gave:

• $750 to Phil Hossack to bring in an IT to run several instructor courses in Manitoba.

• We also set aside $300 to help pay for transportation to the Canadian Professional Paddling Conference but since the symposium was cancelled…

• we reallocated the rest of the funds ($750) to help fund Scott Ewart, owner of the 1000 Island Kayak Company with transportation to two kayaking courses including an instructor course. This helps bring much needed active sea kayak instructors to the Ottawa Valley.

Current Projects:

This fall we have been working on several projects including looking at an equivalency process between PC and the Quebec Federation. It is still an ongoing project and hope to have a recommendation to the board for January 1.

The biggest project of the fall for the SKPDC has been working to interpret the new Canadian Small Vessel Regulations that were released September 2010. We have been in discussion with the other PDC!s and have agreed that a single policy should be set-up for all three programs. On October 14th, we wrote to Transport Canada and initiated in a dialogue with them to get some clarification around commercial vessel registration. We still have some outstanding questions with them that we hope to get cleared up shortly.

Future 2011 Projects

2011 is looking like a busy season. We are in the very early works of looking into developing a Greenland Paddling skills curriculum. It!s too early to report on how it would be structured or the contents of the program but there has been some member interest in Paddle Canada developing a focused element like that into the sea kayaking program. We will report back with a progress report at a later time.& PADDLE CANADA PAGAIE CANADA

River Kayak PDC Report - Mark Taylor (committee member)

The River Kayak PDC was able to get the revised program up on the web for this past season. Unfortunately only the Beginner levels were utilized as most of the energy was spent on the CKC kayak program this season.

The River Kayak PDC was active this past season working with the CKC on rolling out their new River Kayak Instructor program. This past season the I2/L2 (Instructor 2/Leader 2) program launched across the country. It had a very successful launch : 79 Instructors Recerted and 20 Learning Facilitators recerted.

While there were a few bumps along the way, most of what PC was promised has happened. Claudia and Mark are Master Learning Facilitators and Mick Lautt is a Learning Facilitator. This allows PC to have a significant voice in the new CKC program.

Oddly there have been a lot of inquiries as to how the new CKC instructors can access the PC skills program. Funny that there was not much interest in the skills program when PC was the only game in town. I attribute this interest to the fact that PC is now being promoted to a broader audience. I was excited to hear that there was a lot of interest in the PC skills program. We believe in the strength of the program and this renewed interest could benefit PC greatly.

The next step is to get a contract together with the CKC for the PDC to review, then if acceptable, forward to the board for approval. This contract would include everything we have been discussing: PC would have a seat at the CKC, PC would adopt the CKC instructor levels, PC would maintain the skill levels, CKC would share the participant information and $30/person, participants would receive a 1 yr PC membership.

The PDC will develop a page or two to insert into the CKC manuals that would describe PC, its participation in the program, skills program and other benefits.

It is important for PC to develop a way to further communicate membership benefits to these participants to get them to sign up in further years as full members. We have a captive audience.

I have been very involved with the CKC now and the people working on the program have the sport at the centre of what they are doing and PC has a voice. There is significant interest in the CKC program, more than there has been in the PC. We want to be on the train and partnering with CKC is a good move. The potential revenues to PC are much greater.

I would be happy to answer any questions.


Membership Services 2010 - Viki Cirkvencic Chairperson

I began chairing membership services in late 2009, we have committee members who are dedicated and have endured 3 hour plus meetings that have gone well into the night for some of our members on the east coast. I want to thank these committee members for all their time, energy and sense of humor during some long hours. If we didn!t have fun it would be hard to press on, Graham Ketcheson, Alan Goodridge and Rick Wise. Thank you for making it enjoyable and easy to chair this committee.

The Membership Services Committee has or is in the process of accomplishing the following tasks:

• Paddle Canada Promotional Gear: Instructors can now buy promotional gear which includes hats, fleece pullover, T-shirts, flags. We have established a subcontract with Twin Cities Imaging to produce these items on an as ordered basis. Items are currently being photographed to be placed on the web site.

• 2010 Early Bird membership drive was successful and well received, currently the committee is organinzing prizes from OR, Level six and North Water for our 2011 Early Bird membership drive.

• A few Surveys were conducted this year to our instructor members and to participants of skills courses conducted by our instructor members. The committee will continue produce, evaluate and share the results of these surveys. These surveys will help PC understand how to continue to grow, better serve our Instructor members and the participants of the skills courses conducted by our Instructor members.

• We took several initiatives to improve membership benefits, i.e. our various pro deals, our calendar arriving on the doorstep of our members mid December, and strong partnerships with other like-minded industry leaders. In future we hope to provide more benefits for our members for example a partnership with a national first aid company.

• Web pages pertinent to the committee were reviewed and streamlined

• Projects on the go: developing an easy and cost effective membership for camp counselors of Kids camps, building on our relationship with our instructors and our regional members.

Our committee is creative and forward thinking, and will always be there for our members as a place to go to for answers or with suggestions.

Thank you,

Viki Cirkvencic

Chair of Membership Services


Communications Committee Report - Jamie Hilland Chairperson

After a multi-year hiatus, 2010 saw the formation of a new Communications Committee in late summer, with one Regional Director as chair, the PC ED as a member, and five PC Instructors from across the country as members.

The first meeting in late August of this year, saw a lot of enthusiasm from the committee members, many excellent and relevant new ideas, and some excellent professionals presenting a good plan of attack for PC to market itself nationally moving forward.

The Committee next met in early November, and the decision was made to try to narrow the focus of the committee down to the most pressing needs of Paddle Canada. The members agreed that we needed to focus our immediate energies on helping to update and improve the functionality of the public front end of the PC website, as many of our envisioned initiatives require us being able to access and make changes to the website, easily and a cost effective way. Right now that is not possible due the complexity of dealing with M5I on even the most basic of website changes. This needs to change if we are to make full use of our website to showcase Paddle Canada, and the Communications Committee will help to make this happen.

2011 looks to be an exciting one for the committee, and I look forward to being part of the effort to make PC bigger and better.


Jamie Hilland Director of Communications for Paddle Canada PADDLE CANADA PAGAIE CANADA


Instruction and Safety Committee - Priscilla Haskin Chairperson

The I&S Committee has just started so there isn!t much to report here. We do hope to look at the following areas this winter:

• Promotion of PC Programs across Canada, • Promotion of Safe Boating Practices & Regulations to Members, • Instructor Ethics.

If you have any ideas or would like to offer you time to this committee please let us know. PADDLE CANADA PAGAIE CANADA

Environmental Committee Report - Jay Morrison Chairperson

The Environment Committee was initiated in May 2010 when Jay Morrison volunteered to serve as chair and was confirmed by the Board. Jay is a PC advanced moving water canoe instructor who has long been involved with the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS) including responsibility for river protection campaigns. A number of individuals have come forward to serve on the Committee and several active paddlers and conservationists have been recruited including • respected outfitters Ric Dreidiger of Saskatchewan • and David Wells on Lake Superior. • A few regions still require representation, specifically in the east and Quebec.

The next task for the Committee is to define a specific role for itself to bring to the board, then meet by teleconference to set priorities and strategies.

Recent experience suggests that priorities could include, among others:

• continuing to monitor the creation of regulations under the Navigable Waters Protection Act (NWPA); • supporting a campaign to preserve disappearing ancient Ojibway canoe routes in Temagami, Ontario; • supporting current initiatives to protect the Peel Watershed in the Yukon; and • supporting greater protection of the Churchill River, Saskatchewan and Manitoba.

Since May, we have monitored developments related to the NWPA, attending a public consultation process and a private meeting with Transport Canada officials while asserting the right of public access. It appears that the government will amend regulations to require that obstructions (works) on minor waters will require a means for those navigating a means of bypassing them, essentially requiring a portage on rivers. If implemented properly this should ensure the right of public access that was threatened by the changes in the Act and the Order that was issued in the Spring of 2009.

The Temagami issue involves the failure of the Ontario government to recognize and protect all of the traditional Ojibway (Anishinabe) canoe routes (Nastawgan) that continue to be become grown over or logged in spite of fine work by the Friends of Temagami who participate actively in the forest management planning processes as well as clearing . • I attended the Temagami "changing of the season" ceremony with Alex Mathias in September and spoke with the Environment Commissioner of Ontario, Gord Miller, the former MNR land use planner for Temagami and representatives of environment groups concerning the need and feasibility of a campaign to protect traditional canoe routes. • I also attended the Friends of Temagami AGM in Temagami on November 6 to pursue that question. My conclusion is that there is both a need and the support to to engage the government of Ontario constructively on this issue.

A letter was written in support of the Peel Watershed protection initiative supported by conservation groups and the affected First Nations in the Yukon. Specifically, PC supported the planning commission's recommendation of 85% protection while exploring ways of reaching 100% as demanded by FNs. The watershed includes the Snake Wind and Bonnet Plume Rivers.

A letter was written in response to Ontario Environmental Bill of Rights posting, asking the government of Ontario to include parks and protected areas, as well as bird migration corridors and the Superior heritage coast generally, as areas that should be excluded from off-shore wind turbine installations in addition to the proposed 5km exclusion zone.

Graham and I represented PC at the United Nations Paddle for Peace day in Ottawa at the invitation of Algonquin Elder William Commanda along with Becky Mason, and Max Finkelstein, Kirk Wipper and Douglas Cardinal, architect of the Museum of Civilization.

I would conclude by mentioning that I have had conversations with a number of respected national conservation groups concerning Paddle Canada's interest in supporting significant wilderness protection initiatives especially those that involve canoe and kayak routes. These include CPAWS, Sierra Club, and Nature Canada. Experience with NWPA issue in 2009 has demonstrated that coalitions of environmental, recreation and First Nations groups can be highly effective in focusing government attention on issues common to all. The PC Environment Committee will continue to develop these relationships. PADDLE CANADA PAGAIE CANADA

Bill Mason Memorial Scholarship Committee Report

Report to The Paddle Canada – Annual General Meeting November 20, 2010

Good Afternoon All; It has been some years since our Committee has reported to the annual general meeting. This is not to mean that we have been inactive, in fact, we have been more active in the last few years than many in the past. Each year we since inception we have selected from the many applications, over twenty in 2009, a worthy candidate for the Scholarship (BMS). In 2009, Daniel Kilburn from Lakehead University was awarded the scholarship. The 2010 selection process is nearly completed and the deserving candidate will be announced shortly.

In 2008 the committee became concerned that the fund for this scholarship was unsustainable at the present rate of investment earnings. In 2009 Becky Mason hosted the first BMS fundraising sale. Unfortunately Becky and Reid were in Europe last spring and the sale did not go ahead, but plans are well underway for a 2011 sale which will be hosted April 21, on Becky!s web site: www.redcanoes.ca. In 2009 the scholarship fund received a $1000 donation from the 2008 David Thompson Brigade. The committee recently made application to the Mountain Equipment Co#op (MEC) Environment Fund, bus was unsuccessful with our application. We do expect to receive “product” for the 2011 sale from MEC.

At present the fund has $16,243.43 and given our $1000 scholarship each year, we do need to raise monies just to sustain our modest support of $1,000 to an Outdoor Education or Environmental Education candidate each year. In fact the committee would like to both increase the annual scholarship and provide two or more scholarships each year. We have averaged approximately 12#16 applications each year now for some years, and determining one best candidate amongst so many needy and deserving candidates is difficult. And, if our goal is to make a small contribution to enhancing outdoor and environmental education across Canada... we should be supporting many more students.

Over the years the committee has refined our selection process, and for the first time this year we used an entirely electronic and web based process for dissemination of the candidate applications and evaluation results. This saved in both paper used and postage costs. For 2011 we expect to implement a refined evaluation of candidate financial needs.

The committee looks forward to continued Paddle Canada support, and the awarding of many BMS into the future.

Respectfully submitted,

Becky Mason, Joyce Mason, Mark Lund, Ken Buck, Max Finkelstein, & Bob Henderson BMSF committee members PADDLE CANADA PAGAIE CANADA

Atlantic Symposium Committee Report - Christopher Lockyer Chairperson

A coming together of paddlers from Atlantic Canada to paddle and play We would like to thank everyone who attended the APS event this year held on the Eastern Shore and hosted by Memory Lane Heritage Village, Lake Charlotte. The event was a huge success and without your participation it would not have happened. This is the third year for the event and we increased our attendance by 50% from last year. We would like to thank Paddle Canada for there continued support. We feel this event helps put a face to the Paddle Canada association.

Highlights from the event

Well I am not sure where to start; the event kicked off with a great supper sponsored by Canoe/Kayak Nova Scotia and a slideshow by Mark Scriver on the “Evolution of Paddle Sport in Canada”. He gave a great personal perspective on the ever changing faces of paddling; mediums, equipment, direction and styles. Saturday!s sessions were full of very keen paddlers; Sea kayak surfing drew over 20 people to Clam Harbour which was delivering a three foot break; White water paddlers took plunges in the water and were rescued by Rob Lemmon in his swift water rescue clinic; and Kelsey Thompson ran a great white water kayak session on the Musquodoboit River. In the afternoon it was all about Greg Stamer and the Greenland skills session, while other paddlers were on the sea with Richard Alexander mastering strokes. Saturday was capped off by Greg Stamer giving a presentation on his circumnavigation of the Island of Newfoundland.

Sunday began with a nice yoga session by Deborah Moore-Boylan in the old school house. Morning sessions of canoe pole and rock hopping were hindered a little bit by high winds but we all made the best of it and persevered. The rest of the day brought a variety of sessions with a large array of boats on the Lake. Sessions included a stand up paddle board session with Mark Scriver while Jamie Maillet and Peter Lavigne led an incident management session and Scott Cunningham ended the day while posing the question “Is there a right way to paddle?”

Where next? The 2011 Atlantic Paddle Symposium will be held in Glovertown, Newfoundland; May 20-23. The Splash and Putt Conference Centre has already been reserved to host the event http://www.splashnputtcabins.com . This should be a great venue and an event you won!t want to miss. If you have any suggestions, comments or questions please contact Christopher [email protected]

We look forward to building on our past success. We also look forward to the continued support from the Paddle Canada Board.

Report submitted by: Christopher Lockyer Co-chair 2011 and 2011 and co-founder.


Kanawa, Waterwalker & Heritage River Calendar Report Period : October 31, 2009 – October 31, 2010

Submitted by: Anne Baxter, Contractor


We are developing a good stable of articles for upcoming issues on a regular basis. The submission guidelines and fee structures have certainly attracted more writers. The quality of the photography is getting better because of the use of higher quality digital cameras. Our objective is to offer a balance of good canoeing, kayaking and environmental articles and to target as many geographical areas as possible. We rely on contributors submitting articles for the magazine and are now in a position where we require more kayaking articles for upcoming issues. A new column called In my Backyard has been introduced that will feature reader!s favourite local paddling destinations.

As part of the promotion campaign for KANAWA this year, we were an in-kind sponsor for National Canoe Day. Copies of the magazine and the calendar were donated to volunteers and attendees at National Canoe Day events across Canada. As well, complimentary copies were also sent to paddlesfest events, the KNL Retreat and Waterwalker events. A banner ad and cover images were developed to advertise the magazine on paddling websites in Canada and the US.

It is important to have more visibility for KANAWA on the website. With the magazine!s diverse readership (members, instructors, subscribers and newsstand readers), we have to address all reader!s needs. Out future plans are to have specific articles posted and archived on the website.


The 2011 Canadian Heritage Rivers calendar was published in September of this year. The calendar has already been distributed to the Parks Canada Board and Secretariat. To-date the feedback on the calendar has been very good. Paddle Canada receives 1,000 copies of the calendar for members and instructors at no cost. WATERWALKER FILM FESTIVAL

There was an excellent line-up of films for the Waterwalker Festival this year including Finding Farley, Paddle to Seattle and This is Canoeing. There have been sixteen Waterwalker showings to-date and more in the works for the remainder of the season.

The films were sent out in plenty of time for hosts to view all the films in advance. We now have multiple copies of the films to distribute so hosts receive them 2 – 3 weeks in advance of their showing. This year we introduced a smaller PDF version of the poster to go along with the larger printed version.

We introduced the mini-Waterwalker Festrival this year giving hosts the chance to show a mini version of the festival at a reduced cost. Comments on the mini-festival have been positive and there is good feedback for next year.

Some Waterwalker Comments:

Our showing of the WaterWalker last night went very well. The films were very well received. Paddle Manitoba hopes to continue this event as an end to our paddling season. Winnipeg, MB

We had 130 people at the threatre and everyone enjoyed the films. We would like to host next year and will send you the date. Lethbridge, AB

What great films this year! Finding Farley was outstanding and we have had nothing but good comments since the showing. Regina Beach, SK

By the way, mini-WaterWalker was a big hit with the local club and a few members of he public (non-club) who joined us for the film. Your promo material, the package and everything about the mini-festival was absolutely first rate. Comox Paddling Club, BC & Our film festival was Wednesday evening, and in our eyes – a success. The films looked and sounded great and everyone seemed very happy with the films selected. MEC, Burlington, ON PADDLE CANADA PAGAIE CANADA

Finance Committee Report - Graham Ketcheson (ED) & Alan Stanley (Treasurer)

• MBNA Mastercard / Paddle Canada Credit card contract was ended by MBNA which brought in annual revenues of over $2000.

• Fiscal Year End was changed from Oct 31 to Dec 31

• Course Fees - Due to an expected decline in revenues for 2010 season, the board decided to raise the course fees from $ 20 to $ 25 but to leave small user fees the same.

• Ontario HST - applied during period of May - November (HST charged on all memberships, course fees and products)

• Place of Supply Rule changes - now with changes to the Place of Supply Rule we are having once again to restructure our online billing to charge the provincial tax where the customer lives for all memberships, course fees and products. Costs incurred to do this on the website were around $ 500. We have been told, for an organization of our size, we will receive about $ 500 credit back from the Ontario government to help with HST transition costs. This was promised in October, however nothing has been received.

• 2010 / 2011 Heritage River Calendars. We used a more cost effective postage services to mail than in past years saving us over 50% annually.

• 2008 Invoices - Collected on ! of overdue course invoices from 2008 season due to interruption of invoicing with the new website (spring 2009) online payment changeover.

- Bill Mason Scholarship Committee - On Sept 10th Mark Lund of Scholarship Committee helped submit a grant proposal to MEC"s Educational Fund asking for $ 7500. This will allow committee to award two $1000. Scholarships each years starting in 2011.

Paddle Canada AGM 2010 - Saturday November 20, 2010

Page 1 Paddle Canada Pagaie Canada Comparative Balance Sheet

As at 19 Nov, 2009 As at 19 Nov, 2010 ASSET

Current Assets RBC Current Account CAD 1,665.43 5,751.43 RBC Current Account USD 416.38 416.38 RBC Exchange USD Account 32.23 19.40 Cheque Clearing Account CAD 0.00 0.00 Cheque Clearing Account USD 0.00 0.00 VMAD Clearing Account 44.11 44.11 Bill Mason Memorial Scholarship 3,286.34 16,243.43 Petty Cash 0.00 0.00 Total Cash 5,444.49 22,474.75 Accounts Receivable 37,104.89 28,158.69 Allowance for Bad Debts -13,000.00 -16,000.00 Total Accounts Receivable 24,104.89 12,158.69 Prepaid Accounts 9,710.58 7,609.33 Payroll Clearing 0.00 -1,161.52 Beanstream 0.00 407.68 Total Current Assets 39,259.96 41,488.93

Property, Plant & Equipment Furniture & Fixtures Cost 0.00 0.00 Furniture & Fixtures Depreciation 0.00 0.00 Net Furniture & Fixtures 0.00 0.00 Computers & Equipment Cost 2,500.00 2,500.00 Computers & Equipment Depre... -2,143.00 -2,160.85 Net Computers & Equipment 357.00 339.15 Incorporation Costs 125.00 125.00 Total Property, Plant & Equipm... 482.00 464.15

TOTAL ASSET 39,741.96 41,953.08


Current Liabilities Accounts Payable 5,121.01 7.47 Accrued Liabilities 2,000.00 3,750.00 EI Payable 127.78 127.78 CPP Payable 277.96 277.96 Income Tax Payable 479.46 493.95 Total Receiver General Payable 885.20 899.69 WSIB Payable 41.24 41.25 GST Collected 3,572.10 6,944.42 GST Paid on Purchases -2,074.17 -2,473.12 GST Installments Paid -2,000.00 -2,038.11 Total GST Payable -502.07 2,433.19 PST Collected 0.00 47.72 HST Paid on Purchases 0.00 -2,908.74 HST Collected 0.00 6,441.54 HST Installments Paid 0.00 0.00 Total HST Payable 0.00 3,532.80 Total Current Liabilities 7,545.38 10,712.12

Long Term Debt RBC Visa Credit Card 1,479.51 1,559.24 RBC Line of Credit 0.00 0.00 Total Long Term Debt 1,479.51 1,559.24

TOTAL LIABILITY 9,024.89 12,271.36 Page 2 Paddle Canada Pagaie Canada Comparative Balance Sheet

As at 19 Nov, 2009 As at 19 Nov, 2010


Fund Balances (Equity) Bill Mason Memorial Scholarship 17,166.15 16,228.61 Fund Balances (Retained Earnin... 14,753.28 3,152.91 Current Earnings -1,202.36 10,300.20 Total Fund Balances (Equity) 30,717.07 29,681.72

TOTAL EQUITY 30,717.07 29,681.72

LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 39,741.96 41,953.08 Page 1 Paddle Canada Pagaie Canada Comparative Income Statement

Actual Actual 01 Jan, 2009 to 01 Jan, 2010 to 31 Oct, 2009 19 Nov, 2010 Difference REVENUE

Revenue Instructor Membership Fees 46,803.48 61,492.98 -14,689.50 Skills Program Revenue 10,347.05 22,787.77 -12,440.72 Program Material Fees 0.00 1,061.58 -1,061.58 Total Instruction Revenue 57,150.53 85,342.33 -28,191.80 Individual Membership Fees 6,935.76 7,545.59 -609.83 KANAWA Magazine Allocation 0.00 0.00 0.00 CHRS Calendar Allocation 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Individual Membership Rev... 6,935.76 7,545.59 -609.83 Federated Membership 2,600.00 1,200.00 1,400.00 KANAWA Contract 10,437.50 8,182.60 2,254.90 KANAWA PAP Reimbursement 1,724.56 11.64 1,712.92 Total KANAWA Revenue 12,162.06 8,194.24 3,967.82 Waterwalker Film Festival Contract -4,187.50 11,000.00 -15,187.50 Canadian Heritage Rivers Contract 13,000.00 13,000.00 0.00 Bill Mason Scholarship Donations 0.00 3,965.00 -3,965.00 Bill Mason Scholarship Interest 0.00 3.26 -3.26 Total Bill Mason Scholarship Fund 0.00 3,968.26 -3,968.26 General Donations 0.00 61.37 -61.37 Special Appeals & Projects 0.00 700.00 -700.00 Atlantic Canadian Symposium 109.38 9,395.18 -9,285.80 Central Canadian Paddling Sym... 101.84 0.00 101.84 Total Donations & Special Appeals 211.22 10,156.55 -9,945.33 MBNA Affinity Mastercard Partn... 1,342.54 1,054.33 288.21 Sponsorships & Partnerships 0.00 0.00 0.00 Website Advertising 0.00 0.00 0.00 Shipping & Handling 0.10 138.66 -138.56 Late Fees Collected 0.00 0.00 0.00 Miscellaneous 25.66 3.90 21.76 Total Other Income 1,368.30 1,196.89 171.41 Total Revenue 89,240.37 141,603.86 -52,363.49

TOTAL REVENUE 89,240.37 141,603.86 -52,363.49


Cost of Sale Instructor Membership Expenses 0.00 0.00 0.00 Skills Program Expenses 0.00 0.00 0.00 Program Material Expenses 7,403.12 2,910.19 4,492.93 Total Instruction Expenses 7,403.12 2,910.19 4,492.93 Individual Membership Expenses 0.00 0.00 0.00 KANAWA Magazine Purchases 5,458.85 10,746.40 -5,287.55 CHRS Calendar Purchases 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Individual Membership Exp... 5,458.85 10,746.40 -5,287.55 Federated Membership Expenses 0.00 0.00 0.00 KANAWA Contact Expenses 0.00 24.17 -24.17 KANAWA PAP Payments 1,724.56 3,427.30 -1,702.74 Total KANAWA Expenses 1,724.56 3,451.47 -1,726.91 Waterwalker Film Festival Expen... 0.00 0.00 0.00 Canadian Heritage River Expens... 8,000.00 11,774.43 -3,774.43 Bill Mason Scholarship Disburse... -590.20 0.00 -590.20 General Donations Expenses 0.00 0.00 0.00 Special Appeals & Projects Exp... 0.00 635.13 -635.13 Atlantic Symposium Expenses 0.00 9,285.62 -9,285.62 Central Symposium Expenses 0.00 280.00 -280.00 Page 2 Paddle Canada Pagaie Canada Comparative Income Statement

Actual Actual 01 Jan, 2009 to 01 Jan, 2010 to 31 Oct, 2009 19 Nov, 2010 Difference Total Donations & Appeals Expe... 0.00 10,200.75 -10,200.75 MBNA Affinity Mastercard Expen... 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sponsorship & Partnership Exp... 0.00 124.24 -124.24 Website Hosting & Maintenance 5,036.67 3,029.66 2,007.01 Shipping & Handling 519.18 315.48 203.70 Miscellaneous 96.00 16.75 79.25 Total Other Expenses 5,651.85 3,486.13 2,165.72 Total Cost of Sales 27,648.18 42,569.37 -14,921.19

Operating Expenses Wages 32,307.66 35,115.26 -2,807.60 Receiver General: EI Payable 782.67 850.47 -67.80 Receiver General: CPP Payable 1,459.29 1,578.25 -118.96 WSIB Payable 216.45 241.52 -25.07 Employee Training 0.00 113.20 -113.20 Total Employee/Payroll Expenses 34,766.07 37,898.70 -3,132.63 Rent: Office Space 3,500.00 0.00 3,500.00 Rent: Archival Storage 1,329.91 1,204.59 125.32 Telephone: Main Line 1,014.25 1,350.99 -336.74 Telephone: Toll-free Line (WAT) 1,170.20 1,023.39 146.81 Stationery & Supplies 861.14 624.92 236.22 Postage: Machine Rental & Sup... 572.94 553.92 19.02 Postage: General Postage Fees 5,413.58 4,232.37 1,181.21 Electronics & Office Equipment 19.26 326.41 -307.15 Computer & Software Expenses 483.84 727.47 -243.63 Skype Communications 0.00 46.45 -46.45 Telephone Main Line SelectCom 0.00 0.00 0.00 Telephone 1-800 Line - SelectC... 0.00 0.00 0.00 Internet Access Fees 0.00 47.70 -47.70 Office Utility Expenses 0.00 167.27 -167.27 Total Operating Expenses 14,365.12 10,305.48 4,059.64 Property & Contents Insurance 0.00 1,333.80 -1,333.80 Directors & Officers Insurance 1,603.80 1,603.80 0.00 Liability Insurance 11,515.11 12,563.64 -1,048.53 Total Insurance Expenses 13,118.91 15,501.24 -2,382.33 Professional Memberships 0.00 267.02 -267.02 Contractor & Professional Fees 6,022.32 5,028.15 994.17 Total Professional Fees 6,022.32 5,295.17 727.15 Canoeing PDC Expenses 3,699.12 1,930.66 1,768.46 Sea Kayaking PDC Expenses 0.00 1,250.00 -1,250.00 River Kayaking PDC Expenses 1,500.00 460.25 1,039.75 Board & Executive Committee E... 1,005.92 327.49 678.43 Symposium Expenses 3,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 AGM Related Expenses 184.27 0.00 184.27 Total Board & Committee Expen... 9,389.31 4,968.40 4,420.91 Exchange: US Account 14.79 0.00 14.79 Late Fees Paid 130.71 38.37 92.34 RBC Visa Interest Paid 287.20 0.62 286.58 RBC Line of Credit Interest Paid 3.95 7.23 -3.28 RBC Bank Charges 5,104.25 3,819.08 1,285.17 Total Bank Charges & Interest 5,395.40 3,826.93 1,568.47 Gain/Loss on Disposal 0.00 0.00 0.00 Bad Debts 13,225.00 10,900.00 2,325.00 Amortization & Depreciation 127.50 0.00 127.50 Contra Payments Applied 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Operating Expenses 96,555.13 88,734.29 7,820.84

TOTAL EXPENSE 124,203.31 131,303.66 -7,100.35 Page 3 Paddle Canada Pagaie Canada Comparative Income Statement

Actual Actual 01 Jan, 2009 to 01 Jan, 2010 to 31 Oct, 2009 19 Nov, 2010 Difference

NET INCOME -34,962.94 10,300.20 -45,263.14 PADDLE CANADA PAGAIE CANADA Nominating Committee Report Annual Meeting Saturday 20 November 2010 Teleconference

As per the Paddle Canada Constitution / By Laws, the following Paddle Canada Provincial and Territorial Representatives were up for election in 2010. With our Executive Director, Mr. Graham Ketcheson!s assistance, the Paddle Canada “Calls (1st, 2nd, and 3rd) for Nominations” were made as required by the Constitution and By Laws. Since only one nomination was received from each Province / Territory, the election voting process was not required this year. Note that we did conduct an email "confirmation process to determine acceptable of the single nominees in each jurisdiction.

The following duly made and seconded nominations were received:

• Nova Scotia – Blair Doyle (nominated Andrew Foran, Seconded David Hubley) • Ontario – Rick Wise (nominated David Johnston, Seconded Eric Williams) • Saskatchewan – Jim McDonald (nominated Kevin Pilsworth, Seconded Al Peterson) • British Columbia – Doug Taylor (nominated Michael Pardy, Seconded Don Lockwood) • Yukon – Trevor Braun (nominated Joshua Robinson, Seconded Shea Newnham) • North West Territories – Kevin Floyd (nominated Janet Boxwell, Seconded Kevin Smith and Spider Jones)

Further Mr. Graham Ketcheson surveyed the Paddle Canada members in Nova Scotia, Ontario, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, Yukon and the North West Territories, and determined that all nominees had at least two thirds of all respondents support in their respective jurisdictions.

Motion: That the results of the 2010 Paddle Canada Elections, as noted above, be accepted. Moved: Eric Williams Seconded: Kirk Wipper

Paddle Canada is still actively pursuing representatives from Prince Edward Island and Quebec.

Respectfully Submitted

Eric L. Williams Paddle Canada – Past President / Chair Nominating Committee