Manualon reliability for research reactor PSAs

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Printe IAEe th AustriAn i y d b a January 1992 FOREWORD

Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) is a matured tool for assessing safety of nuclear reactors. It has been widely applied to a number of nuclear power plants and over the past five years it has increasingly been applied to research reactor facilities as well. The IAEA has been actively promoting performance of PSA studies for research reactors. From 1986 to 1988 the IAEA undertook a Co-ordinated Research Programme (CRP) on PSA for Research Reactors which helped promote use of PSA and foster a broad exchange of information. Although the basic methodological approach in performing a research reactor PSA is understood, some unresolved issues, data availability being among them, still exist.

The availability of relevant reliability data was identified as one of the problem areas with research reactor PSA. To address the issue on the international level, the IAEA initiated a new CRP on "Data Acquisition for Research Reactors PSA Studies". The aim of the CRP is to develop a data collection system for research reactors and generate research reactor specific reliability data for use in PSAs.

To achieve comprehensive data collection on research reactors and to generate data which may be logically comparable, a set of precise definitions should be adopted. A set of definitions developed specifically for research reactors and covering classification of equipment and failure terms, reliability parameters, failure modes and other terms necessary for data collection and processing is presented in this document.

This document is being prepared in the framework of the above mentioned CRP on "Data Acquisition for Research Reactors PSA Studies". It is based on discussions during the first meeting of the CRP held in Vienna in October 1989 and during the second meeting held in Beijing, China, in October 1990. The principal author of the document is Mr. J. Hammer from the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland. Selected sections have been prepared by other CRP participants: Mr. Li Zhaohuan, China; Mr.D.Winfield, Canada; Mr. J. Dusek and Mr.V.Stepanek, Czechoslovakia; Mr. H. Bock, Austria; Mr. H. Witt, Australia and Mr. Ha Anh Tran, Viet Nam. The project officers were Mr. Bojan Tomic from IAEA's Safety Assessment Section and Mr. F. Alcala Ruiz from the Engineering Safety Section of the Division of Nuclear Safety. EDITORIAL NOTE

In preparing this material for the press, staff of the International Atomic Energy Agency have mounted paginatedand originalthe manuscripts givenand some attention presentation.to The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the governments of the Member States or organizations under whose auspices manuscriptsthe were produced. thisin The bookuse of particular designations countriesof territoriesor does implynot any judgement publisher,the legalby the IAEA,to the status as of such countries territories,or theirof authorities and institutions or of the delimitation of their boundaries. The mention specificof companies theirof or products brandor names does implynot any endorsement recommendationor IAEA. partthe the of on CONTENTS

1.INTRODUCTION ...... 9 .

1.1. Scope ...... 9 1.2. Purpose ...... 9 .


2.1. Component categories ...... 1 1 . 2.2. Component description ...... 12 2.3. Component boundary ...... 12 2.4. Example r componensfo t boundary definitions ...... 3 1 . 2.4.1. Centrifugal pump ...... 3 1 . 2.4.2. Motor operated valve ...... 4 1 . 2.4.3. Diesel generator ...... 6 1 . 2.4.4. Sensors ...... 6 1 . 2.4.5. Nuclear instrument channel ...... 16


3.1. Piece part ...... 17 3.2. Component ...... 17 3.2.1. Single-part component...... 7 1 . 3.2.2. Multi-part component ...... 18 3.3. Subsystem ...... 8 1 . 3.4. System ...... 8 1 .


4.1. Operation ...... 20 4.1.1. Running ...... 20 4.1.2. Functioning ...... 0 2 . 4.1.3. Alternating (periodic) operation ...... 0 2 . 4.2. Standby ...... 20


5.1. Fault ...... 21 5.2. Failure ...... 1 2 . 5.2.1. Announced (or revealed) failure ...... 21 5.2.2. Unannounced (or unrevealed) failure ...... 21 5.2.3. Primary failure ...... 22 5.2.4. Secondary failure ...... 2 2 . 5.2.5. Common cause failure ...... 22 5.3. Failure unit classification ...... 22 5.3.1. Time related failure ...... 2 2 . 5.3.2. Failur demann eo d ...... 3 2 .

5.4. Failure severity...... 23 5.4.1. Catastrophic ...... 23 5.4.2. Degraded ...... 23 5.4.3. Incipient ...... 24

5.5. Failure cause ...... 24 5.6. Failure mechanism ...... 25 5.7. Failure ...... 5 2 .


6.1. ...... 6 2 . 6.1.1. Time related failure rates ...... 26 6.1.2. Failure demandn so ...... 7 2 . 6.2. Environmental conditions ...... 7 2 .


7.1. Operating time ...... 28 7.2. Standby time ...... 28 7.3. Outage time ...... 28 7.3.1. Out of service time ...... 28 7.3.2. Restoration time ...... 8 2 . 7.3.3. Repair time ...... 8 2 . 7.3.4. Active repair time ...... 28 7.3.5. Maintenance time ...... 9 2 . 7.3.6. Active maintenance time ...... 9 2 . 7.4. Population ...... 9 2 .


8.1. Failure tracing ...... 0 3 . 8.2. Failure effects ...... 0 3 .

9. ...... 32

9.1. Failure rate estimations ...... 32 9.1.1. Failure rates ...... 2 3 . 9.1.2. Failure demanr spe d ...... 2 3 . 9.1.3. tim repairo et , MTTR ...... 3 3 . 9.1.4. Error factor ...... 4 3 . 9.2. Failure rate scatter plots ...... 4 3 .


APPENDI . BrieXA f descriptio f researcno h reactor types ...... 7 5 .

APPENDI . EvenXB t TRIGrecore th r Adfo Reactor Vienna ...... 9 5 .

APPENDIX C. Methodology of data evaluation ...... 61

APPENDI . FailurXD e data parameter confidence limits ...... 7 7 .

APPENDI . Lis Xf componentE o t coded san s ...... 1 8 . 1. INTRODUCTION

Limited availability of data specific to research reactors is of great concern when performing a PSA study [1]. While for commercial power reactors data collectio usualls nha y bee integran na l par theif o t r operatio relevand nan t data for PSAs was reasonably simple to acquire, data on research reactors has been rarely collected overcomo .T problee eth datmf o a availability IAEe th , A initiated the Co-ordinated Research Programme(CRP) on "Data Acquisition for Research Reactors PSA Studies" aiming to provide necessary data. For a comprehensive data collection which would generate adequate data for PSA purposes, a set of detail definitions is required. thif o s m documenai e Th provido t s i t e definition usee b datdn o si t a collection whic derivee har d specificall coveo yt r research reactors t containI . e th l sal definitions necessary to identify and group individual failures and definitions related to calculation of reliability parameters. The appendices to the document contain additional informatio differenn o n t reactor types, example f dato s a collection form codind san g schemes (referre computen i o dt r code DES-Data Entry System) and statistical methodology used for data processing. This is the first of a series of documents which are proposed to be published withi framewore nth CRPe th f .ko Subsequent documents will address other data related issues and ultimately provide a generic research reactor data base.

1.1. Scope

The definitions contained in this document apply to components used in the operating environmen f researco t h reactor theid an sr associated research facilities. The examples of applicability have been provided by the users of a particular research reacto commonlf ro t typese .A y used definitions associated with data collectio processind nan provides gi thin di s document lise f o t Th . components and associated codes in Appendix E is compiled on the basis of standard research reactor equipment typically considere studyA PS .a dn i

1.2. Purpose

purpose Th thif eo s documen provido t s ti standarea definitionf o t dse datr sfo a collection on research reactor equipment and data processing to generate reliability parameters needed for PSA studies./1/.

Within the framework of the CRP, definitions as well as statistical methods and codes describe thidn i s document wilstrictle b l y followe preparatioe th dn i f no "Generie th c research reactors reliability data base", whic ultimate hth wile b l e producvero t CRPe e yth f specifiDu .o t c definitions whic substantially hma y influence reliability data, this document shoul consultee db d before usiny gan of the data generated within the CRP. Finally this documen alss i t o intende promoto dt e data collectio researcn no h reactors and related facilities worldwide by providing all the necessary definitions and appropriate examples to streamline the data collection and processing.


The IAEA's Component Reliability Data Base (IAEA-TECDOC478,/2/) distinguishes more than 430 individual components and about 100 component groups. Even for smaller research reactors roughly 100 individual components are expecte e relevanb o dt o probabilistit t c safety assessment l thesAl . e component majo3 f so belonre categorieson go t :

- mechanical (and electromechanical) components - electrical components - instrumentatio controd nan l equipment

It is convenient to classify research reactor equipment (including the experimental facilities) into these categories.

2.1. Component categories

The mechanical components category includes typicall e followinth y g component groups:

air compressor pumps pipin pood gan l liner valves heat exchangers HVAC equipment, ventilation systems strainers exchangern io , filterd an , s contro drivd ro l e mechanisms core support structure and related components beam tube related san d equipment fuel elements, fuel assemblies reflector structure incore irradiation devices fuel handling equipment D2O-tank (reactor vessel calandria) fuel storage containers shielding and related equipment lifting equipment, cranes, and elevators building structure structurad san l components

11 The electrical component category includes usuall followine yth g component groups:

conductor powed san r cables power transformers motor motod san r control units power relays batteries uninterruptable power supply units (UPS) inverters motor generators other electrical equipment related to electrical supply distribution diesel generators

The instrumentatio controd nan l equipment category include followine sth g component groups:

sensors transmitters switches and control switches annunciators, indicators and recorders nuclear instrument channels signal conditioning systems computers and related equipment other instrumentatio controd nan l systems

2.2. Component description

The component description defines the component in a way useful for the failure data collection. It includes at least the name, the type, the manufacturer, some main technical characteristics and the location within the facility.

2.3. Component boundary

componene Th t boundary defines clearl l interfaceyal specifia f so c component to other components in the system with which it interfaces via hardware or software. In some cases (e.g. for new electronic equipment) the failure parameters at subcomponent levels (resistors, relays, semiconductors,...) are used to predict failure rates of components or subsystems. The procedure for this is well known and explained in detail in the US-MIL-Standards of electronic devices. In other cases failure data at higher levels (component or subsystem) is use inpus da t dat r reliabilitafo y analysi systemf so r compariso fo d san n with reliability allocatio r predictiono n analysis. Therefore exacn a , t definitiof no componen d systean t m boundarie s necessari s n ordei y o clarift r e th y application of equipment reliability parameters.

12 The component boundary definitio basens i thren do e criteria:

- a definition has to unambiguously describe the component

- a definition has to be compatible with the data which are being generated and for the applications of the data base user

- a definition has to be compatible with the component's documentation and operating features such as surveillance, operating, and test procedures, maintenance work orders spard an , e part lists

Proper definition of component boundaries requires interface points with control systems, power supplie d supporan s t system e determineb o t s d /3/. Failures occurring insid componene eth t boundar thee yar n accountee th n i r dfo component failure rates.

componen3 Foe th r t categorie f generao t se sa l rule listee sar d below:

- mechanical components e componenth : t itself pluy associatedan s , dedicated auxiliary equipment (e.g. control circuits, protection and indication equipment) are within the component boundary. In addition, support systems, suc coolins ha g systems, fuel systems (for diesels)d an , withie ar componene nsn th o o t boundary.

- electrical components electricar :fo l component same sth e basic rules sa for mechanical components applies. Local control and protection equipment as well as measurement devices attached to the component are withi componene nth t boundary.

- instrumentation and control equipment: the boundary definition for instrumentatio controd nan l equipment should include local cablind gan connection t excludsbu e process equipment.

According to these criteria the following examples are helpful for the definition of boundarie varieta r s fo differenf yo t components. These definitions shoule db iforna m thaconstituene th t t component r subsystemso discrete sar e entities whic eace har h mutually exclusiv thao es t ther neithee ear r omissionr no s overlaps. f Thiutmoso s i t importanc date th aen i collection , because double counting or omission of relevant piece parts can significantly influence a component's reliability parameter.

2.4. Example componenr sfo t boundary definitions

2.4.1. Centrifugal pump

Centrifugal pumps are often used in primary or secondary cooling circuits of research reactors. The subsystem (component) boundary of this type of pumps

13 clarifies all interfaces. As shown in figure 2.1. the subsystem 'centrifugal pump' consist components5 f so : - pump - motor - power supplmotore th o yt , including overload protection circuitry - control equipment for the pump - logic and instrumentation, such as indicators and actuators

Feeding directly from mam supply orsu^ supply dependingn o object

LT ' ControLogil c/ Switchyard Feeder Switch Manual Automatio I n Equipment i Fquipmcnt T T T (nor) mON r componenfo I t I \——u——. ~]\ -o-C- u Clamping Device | ;lay ->___V - ' Contactor/Switch

Motor overload ——: Component Cable —— protection overload U J _

3-J Motor Transmission -Gl Pump

Fig. 2.1.: Physical boundary of a centrifugal pump

2.4.2. Motor operated valve

This type of component is used in the primary cooling circuit in higher power research reactors boundare Th . thif yo s component, simila pumpthaa o t rf o t , interfaces ha electrican a o st l suppl piping e controd th yan o t t welI s . s a l a l consists of 5 subcomponents, as shown in figure 2.2. /4/: - valve and adjacent mechanical components - motor - motor power suppl overload yan d protection circuitry - control equipment - logic and instrumentation, such as indicators and actuators

14 ling ducclly fioin Fliyslc»! boundary of the component i supply Of iub- supv ly depending on object i||,1,,, I Switchyard j Equipment 4- ¥ H -\ He«* " " * cr switch nkunuul — & N oft ully On

in T "1 .ogld un e! • Control 1 Relay 1utomilion I Equipmer 1 openl ' ior comp. 1 1 1 _V. Cocn ~f_--]_J

Torque »witc °">pv . h o nent ' ' o -i —— V- Claiiipuig . i prolcctJOÏ13 ' L.device L. __TT Indication* fcdolaJ ] T.J O 1 —— r —— (5?) open —' o>a — V3M~ —— 1 — ?< ciltuïw> ~^*^— [ ——— 1 i Motor r_|::g -^-j j^ J Valve

Fig. 2.2.: Physical boundary of a motor operated isolation valve








Fig. 2.3.: Physical boundar diesea f yo l generato/ /5 r

15 2.4.3. Diesel generator

Diesel generators are usually part of the emergency power supply system of high power research reactors. The diesel generators are subsystems of the overall emergency power supply system shows A . figurn ni e eth 2.3/ /5 . boundary of a diesel generator set defines the interfaces to the surrounding systemt consistse e : Th .sof - diesel engine, generator, and generator output breaker - switchgear equipment with overload protection - control equipment - logic and instrumentation - service systems (fuel, compressed air, coolant water, lubricant)

2.4.4. Sensors

Sensors use measurdo t e parameters suc temperatures ha , pressure, flow rate, level,...are widely used in all types of research reactors. A typical sensor (see figure 2.4.) consists of 2 parts:

- senso adjacend an r t pipin mountind gan g devices - transmitter (usuall electronin ya c device)

PTOCCM piping

Fig. 2.4: Physical boundary of a pressure difference transmitter

2.4.5. Nuclear instrument channel

Nuclear instrument channels are a dedicated series of instrument components use measurdo t e neutron flux. They consis sensoe th f o t r itself (e.g. ionization chamber, fission counter, self powered neutron detector) usually mounted in a guide tub sometimed ean s with dedicated power supplies signald e fe .Th e sar variouo t s type amplifiersf so boundare .Th nucleaa f yo r instrument channes i l defined her includeo t sensore eth powee ,th r supply electronic associated san d signal amplifiers.


In probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) studies the detailed component type is the lowest hierarchial level, for which the reliability data are being provided. Component differene sar sizen i t , design, characteristics specificationsd ,an o .T enabl classificatioe eth componentf no accordancsn i PSA-stude th eo t y needs, the set of definitions of related terms (piece part, subcomponent, component, subsystem, system, item, equipment, device, set, assembly, element,...) is provided.

3.1. Piece Part

A piece part is the most fundamental component It is defined as the lowest leve assemblyf o l , manufacture accordancdn i engineerineo t g design drawings, and consisting of mainly one single material (aluminum, stainless steel, ceramic, plastic,...) sometimes with surface treatment and other minor details on it.

Example f piecso e parts are:

(mechanical): screw, spring, gasket, weld joint, seal, bearing, nut, bolt,... (electro- mechanical): windin relaya f go , connector,...a contac n i n bi t . (electrical): graphite brush in a motor,... (electronic): jumper, wrapping post, printed board wit componento hn n so it,... (sensor): insulator cerami ionization a n ci n chamber,...

3.2. Component

A component is usually assembled from one or more piece parts. It is generally an off-the-shelf item procured by the system designer as a basic building block. thas i t I t entit f hardwaryo r whicefo h failure dat mose aar t generally collected and expected to be available. There are single part and multi part components:

3.2.1. Single part component

A single part component is a compact component which cannot be taken apart without destroying it, which would then prevent it from functioning in the required manner. This kin f subcomponendo t shoul distinguishee db d from typical piece parts as defined previously.

Examples of single part components are:

(mechanical): vibration absorber, gridplate,... (electro- mechanical): hermetically sealed crystal can relay, small synchro motor, magnet valve, connector, switch... (electrical): fuse, lamp-bulb, ground fault circuit interrupter,...

17 (electronic): resistor, capacitor, diode, transistor, amplifier-chip,vacuum tube,... (sensor): conductivity probe, fission chamber, self powered neutron detector,...

3.2.2. Multi-part component

A multi-part component consist f manso y items, single part componentsr o , even other component dismantlede b n ca d san , repaired, serviced, examined, recomposed an d without disablin functions git . PSA-studie generasn i l deal only with this multi-part components.

Examples of components are:

(mechanical): motor operated valve, pneumatic cylinder,... (electro- mechanical): pump with transmission and motor, motor with gear, switch,... (electrical): meter, transformer, battery,... (electronic): power supply unit, amplifier and/or comparator module, counter/timer unit, digital indicator, fully assembled printed circuit board,... (sensor): resistance temperature detector (RTD) with transmitter,...

3.3. Subsystem

A subsystem is a group of adjacent components which perform a specific task isystemna .

Examples of subsystems are: - Temperature control subsystem of main cooling system

- Electric starting system for diesel generator

3.4. System

A system is a collection of several components arranged to obtain a specified desired function. In general the system consists of a number of components and their associated control, auxiliary systems, and related protective devices.

Example f systemso s are:

(mechanical): Ventilation system, pneumatic transfer system, movable reactor bridge, crane, beam port plug, primary coolant circuit, emergency cooling system, cooling tower,...

18 (electro- mechanical): control rod drive,... (electrical): in-house power distribution, emergency lighting, star-delta connection,... (electronic): reactor protection system, containment ventilation control,... (sensor): logarithmic neutron flux channel with period meter, primary flow rate measurement system,...


Operational related terms defin functionae eth l statu componenta f so groua , p of redundant components or a system during standby or operational periods.

4.1. Operation

4.1.1. Running

generan I runnina l g componen whice on hs i t operates continually durine gth period of normal reactor operation.

Example: A centrifugal pump which runs during the period of reactor power operatio considerens i runnina s da g component.

4.1.2. Functioning

As long as static components perform their specified purpose during the entire period of reactor operation, the operation mode is called "functioning".

Example: Nuclear instrument channel which operates during the normal reactor operation period consideree ar , functionings da .

4.1.3. Alternating (Periodic) operation

An alternating (periodically) operated componen defines i tite n a m s da whic h periodically changes between standby and running operational modes.

compressors Examplega r o r Ai : s which operate accordin consumptioe gth n compressee oth f d gas, operate alternately between runnind gan standby modes.

4.2. Standby

Any componen r systeo t m t operatinwhicno s i h g during normal reactor operation intende changdo t e into running operation, upon deman defineds i d as a standby component or standby system. In general all standby components are required to operate in the event of a failure on a redundant component.

Standby, redundant components are frequently used to improve system reliabilit availabilityd yan casn I . failurf eoperatino n a f eo g componen standbta y componen (automaticallys i t t intpu o) operatio thao operatioe ns th t e th f no system, containing redundant components, is not interrupted.


5.1. Fault

A fault is any undesired state of a component or system.

Note: A fault does not necessarily imply a failure: for example, a pump may not start when required because its feeder breaker was inadvertently left ope commana n- d fault.

5.2. Failure

A failure is defined as the loss of the ability of an item, a component or a system to perform its required function.

A failur generalls ei subseya faulta f o t representI . irreversibln sa e statn a f eo item, a component or a system, such that it must be replaced or repaired in orde perforo t r desigs mit n function iten A r componen.m o t failur always ei s define relation d i syste e th o n t mwhic n i itee hr componenmth o t residesr Fo . example, while a leak from the pipe might be considered as a system failure, consideree b y leaa normala ma k s da r eveo , n required, statpuma f eo p (pump packing gland leakage).

Failuredividee b n dsca into announce unannouncer do d failure detectiony sb , into primar r secondaryo y failure inducey sb d cause intd oan , catastrophic, degraded or incipient by degree of damage.

The following subgroups of failures are representative for PSA studies for research reactors:

5.2.1. Announced (or revealed) failure

An announced failure (revealed or detected) is a failure which is detected at the instant, immediately afte occurrences it r . This typ f failureo alss ei o named detected failure discoveres whewa t ni d immediately afte occurrences it r .

Examples: fuse blown - fault signal recognized, voltage drop - channel fault annunciated,...

5.2.2. Unannounced (or unrevealed) failure

An unannounced failure (unrevealed or undetected) is a failure which is not detected unti nexe th l t tes r demano t d occurs.

21 Examples: stand by de-motor graphite brush broken, connector on a dormant system: contact failure, lamp bulb burns out,...

5.2.3. Primary failure

A primary failure is a so-called random failure. It does not result from external causes and it is considered to be independent.

Examples: isolatiofailure th electro-motor n n a e o f no , pipe broken because of a welding defect,...

5.2.4. Secondary failure

A secondary failure occurs whe componenna subjectes i t conditiondo t s which exceed its design specifications.

Examples: excessive voltage, high pressure, shock, vibration, high temperature, radiation,...

5.2.5. Common cause failure

Common cause failures affect multiple componentse b t no y ma ,r whico y hma redundan causee ar d simultaneouy db an t s failur f redundaneo t components failury ob r f someo e common influence succommoa s ha n support system, common location, etc. The common cause events that cause multiple failures are usually secondary events, or events which exceed the design envelope of the defective components, although in some cases failures of multiple component causee b y similay db sma r manufacturing defects etc.

5.3. Failure unit classification

In general two failure categories are relevant in mathematical models for PSA studies: time related failures and failures on demand.

5.3.1. Time related failure

A time related failur defines ei failura s da e occurrenc r hourea pe (e.gf o ). component or system which is in the running or functioning mode of operation continuous operatio function)r n(o .

Example: A centrifugal pump fails to continue running

22 5.3.2. Failur demann eo d

A failure on demand is defined as a failure occurrence of a component or system whe demandes i nt i staro dt t operatio chango t r no presens eit t state.

Example: Motor driven valve fails to open/close when this is demanded.

5.4. Failure severity

Three types of failures severity are usually distinguished: catastrophic, degraded d incipientan , . datHoweverA aPS base th ,e will usually contain catastrophic failures only, since other type failuresf so resultint no , completgn i e loss of a component's function are not as relevant and also usually poorly documented.

5.4.1. Catastrophic

The failure severity catastrophic (or critical) describes a failure which is both sudde completed nan .

A catastrophic failure causes r terminatiomoro e e on component' f o n s functions. Corrective actio requires ni restoro dt e component's function.

Examples of catastrophic failures are:

(mechanical): spring broken, welding in the primary cooling system broken (electro- mechanical): relay of the reactor protection system failed,... (electrical): reactor instrumentation power supply - fuse blown,... (electronic): diode destroyed, thyristor breakdown,... (sensors): thermocouple broken, ionization chamber short circuit,...

terNotee mTh : "catastrophic" (critical onls i ) y relate systeme th o dt , component r iteo m whic direco hn faileds t ha relatio t statuI e .researce th th f no st o h reactor facility.

5.4.2. Degraded

The failure severity degraded describe failursa e whic bots hi h graduad an l partial equipmene Th . question i t stils ni l workin t certaigbu n characteristics, t criticawhicno e respecn i lhmaiar e th no t tfunctio componente th f no , have degraded.

The degraded operation of an item or system does not cease all its functions t compromisebu t leasa e specifies on t d function e e functiob Th .y ma n compromised by any combination of reduced, increased or erratic outputs. In time, such a failure may develop into a complete (critical) failure.

23 Example f degradeso d failure types:

(mechanical): external leakag rotatinseae a f th o l n eo g pump, valve cannot fully open,... (electro- mechanical): contro moved ro l slow,..o sto . (electrical): control rod magnet needs much more current as nominal,... (electronic): log. amplifier mis-calibrated,... (sensors): Geiger-Müller counter pulse pile-up,...

5.4.3. Incipient

The failure severity incipient describes an imperfection in the state or condition itemn oa f , component syster o , m such tha degradeta catastrophir do c failure is imminent if corrective action is not taken.

Examples of incipient failure mode types:

(mechanical): humidity in a gearbox, cracked welding,... (electro- mechanical): dust protection cap of a relay missing,... (electrical): lamp holder slightly defectiv thao lame s th t p replacemens i t difficult,... (electronic): resistor overheated - brown, ... (sensors): sensor housing corroded,...

5.5. Failure cause

failure Th e caus componena f eo syster o t mdefines i initiatinn a s da g evenr o t a sequenc sucf eo h events which preven componene tth syster o t mperforo t m its intended function.

causee circumstance e Th failura th f so e ear s that activat r induceo failure eth e mechanism. The so-called root cause of a system or a component failure may be located at some lower level subcomponent or piece part. In many cases, however furthee b t t i wil, rno l evaluated r reliabilitFo . y analysis purposes, informatio causee th componen a n f no so r systeo t m failur f qualitativo s ei e significance only. Such information is useful for component/system design activities, repair strategies and for determining the common cause potential.

Examples: insufficient cooling, unsuitable ambient atmosphere, high gamma- radiation, vibration,...

24 5.6. Failure mechanism

failure Th e mechanis mdefines i mechanical e th s da , physical, chemica other o l r process which results in failure of an item, a component, or a system.

The failure mechanism is a process which changes the physical and/or functional characteristi materialf co failea n si d item. This involve sequence sth e of mechanical, electrical, physical, or chemical processes or a combination of these, which occur during the period in which the failed item changes from an operational (or standby) state to a failed state.

Examples: overheating, corrosion, ageing, radiation damage, mechanical stress, gas decomposition,...

5.7. Failure mode

A whicfailurn i y itemn ha e wa ,mod e componenth s ei r systeo t m ceaseo st perform its designated function. In other words it is a description of the failure which identifies that the functional requirements are no longer being met.

About 100 different failure modes were identified in different reliability data sources compiled in the IAEA-TECDOC-478, /2/. Such a high number of failure modes makes any failure rate comparison difficult and sometimes impossible. Thereforef "generio t se ca , failure modes s beeha " n defined, covering practicall l componenyal t failure modes accounte PSA-studiesn i r dfo .

Each failur researca n ei h reacto f thesrclassifiee o facilitb e en on ca y n di generic failure modes generie Th . c failure mode describes wha researce th t h reactor operator recognizes in case of a failure of a certain component or system. On the other hand, the failure mode of a component is being used to classify raw data for their use in reliability models. Therefore, data processing must clearly distinguish between the different failure modes observed. While failure causes or failure mechanisms are of concern to the component designer or repair specialist, failure mode f interes o systee e th s ar o t m designee th d ran fault tree analyst.


6.1. Failure rate

The failure rate is a numerical value which represents the probability of specified failures of a component per time unit. The all modes failure rate of a component is an aggregate of failure rates summed over relevant failure modes.

failure Th e rate systema /l(t f )o , subsyste r componenmo defines i t s da A(t)=-l!Q— 1-F(f)

where f(t) ... the probability density for a failure of the device 1-F(t). probabilite th . time th e t o yt fait thap device u lno th t d edi

r manFo y devices behavioe th , A(i)f o r follow classie sth c bathtub curve: early failurlife n i eth e rat r sucefo devicha higs ei h becaus f "wear-ieo n failuresr o " failures arising due to poor quality assurance during manufacturing or installation. Durin middl e lifetimee gth th f eo , failures occu rathea t a r r uniform rate correspondin randogo t m failures. Finally, lat lifeen i , A(ï) begin increasso t e becaus f "wear-oueo t failures".

6.1.1. Time related failure rates

Two time related failure rates are defined:

- Operating failure rate - Standby failure rate

The failure rate for continuously operated equipment (called operating failure expectee rateth s i ) d numbe failuref ro givea f so n typgivea n ei n time interval (failures per hour, per year) - while the equipment is continuously in use.

Example f failurso e rate f continuouslso y operated components:

(electronic): capacitor short circuit failures per million operating hours while under nominal voltage (sensors): self-powered neutron detector degraded current output failure per thousand full power days

The standby failure rate is the expected number of failures per time unit for those components whic normalle har y dorman standba n i r to y state until tested or require operateo dt . Data representing standby failure rate oftes si t nno available in practice.

26 6.1.2. Failur demann eo d

Failures on demand is relevant to failures occurring on periodically or cyclically operated equipment. Failure on demand is the expected number of failures of givea n type durin ggivea n numbe f operatino r g cycle demann o s d when required to start, change state, or function.

Example of failure rates of demand operated components:

(electro- mechanical): relay contact failure per million switching cycles

6.2. Environmental conditions

In general, the failure rate of equipment depends on the environmental conditions. Therefore, these circumstances should ideall e takeb y n into consideration in all data acquisition activities. However few data bases provide environmentae th l application factors neede the thid generallo e d syan ar do t y only available for electrical and electronic components /6/.

The environmental application factor is a multiplicative constant used to modify a failure rate to incorporate the effects of other normal and abnormal environmental operating conditions.

Generic abnormal environmental conditions are:

(mechanical): impact, vibration, high pressure, stress, grit, moisture,... (thermal): overtemperature, freezing, humidity,... (electrical): electromagnetic interference, contact with conducting medium, power surge voltage or current, short circuit,... (radiation): radiation damage, insulation failures, gamma heating, neutron activation,... (chemical): acidic corrosion, oxidation, chemical reactions, poisonous gases,... (human- ): students in the control room,... (others): missile hazards, explosion,...


7.1. Operating time

e operatinTh gaccumulatee timth s ei d time period during whic itemn ha , componen systea r o t m perform intendes sit d function within specified limits.

7.2. Standby time

The standby time is the accumulated time period during which an item, a component or a system performs its intended function as standby equipment.

7.3. Outage time

The outage time is the time when equipment is not available for its specified servicfailuro t e r maintenanceeeo du . Outag edividee timeb n sdca into three categories f serviceo t ou ; , restoratio repaird nan .

7.3.1. Out of service time

The out of service time is the time required to identify the failure, analyze it, obtain spare parts, repair, and return the equipment to service, including planned delays.

7.3.2. Restoration time

The restoration time is the time period from the the failure is revealed to full restoration to operable state. It is the same as out of service time except that planned delay excludede sar .

7.3.3. Repair time

The repair time is the time from when the failure is revealed, and includes the tim analyzeo t failuree eth , prepar repairr efo , repair, test, qualify returd ,an e nth equipmen serviceo t repaie .Th r tim therefore, eis time ,th e necessar repaio yt r the equipment and restore it to operation or standby (this excludes all planned delay waitind san r spargfo e part tools)d repaisan e Th . rsam e timth s s ei a the out of service time except for spare part waiting.

7.3.4. Active repair time

The active repair time is the time which is actually spent for the repair of an equipment.

28 7.3.5. Maintenance time

The maintenance tim definees i tim e th e s drequirea plando t , administrated an , prepare for test or inspection, test or inspect, and return the component back to service.

7.3.6. Active maintenance time

The active maintenance time is the time spent for the maintenance (test, inspection,...) itself.

7.4. Population

The population is the total number of components which are observed.


Failures of a piece of hardware may be defined in functional terms as: the loss of ability to perform required functions. Failures of equipment may be defined technically in terms of definitive specification-parameters which were not met during established test r inspectionsso . Failure f compleso x systeme b y sma defined in terms of system functions which are disabled or degraded by the failure. These failure alsy definee osb ma degradatioterme n di th f so r losno s of specific functions by the subsystem in which the failure occurred. In tracing a system failure to the lowest level of assembly or part involved in the failure event there will oftechaia e f ninterrelateb no d failure event s- eac f whicho h effecn a d t upoha n another elemen chaine th n i t.

8.1. Failure tracing

Failure tracing can be done through a cause-effect chain from the root cause failurfailure e oth fth o eet effec affecten o t d system generaln I . , failure tracing systems show a primary, independent root cause failure which initiated a series of events leadin failursysteme e th th consequencf go a e t o s .A thaf eo t primary failure one or more secondary failures are triggered. These dependent or contributing failure directle sar r indirectlyo y cause root-cause th y db e failure.

When discussing failur helpfuee b tracin y characterizo lt ma gt i e failure causes as root-causes, contributing causes and immediate (direct) causes. A root- cause can be characterized as the basic or fundamental cause of a failure. Contributing causes follow root causes and lead up to an immediate cause. The immediate cause is what the failure mode precedes. Typical failure tracing is show figurn i e 8.1.

8.2. Failure effects

The effects of a failure within a system may be propagated to higher and lower level f assemblyo s t therBu . e exist systea s m design which prevent such propagation discussioe th r interrelatioe Fo .th n no failurf no e mode failurd san e effects see NUREG/CR 2300, /?/.

Itypicana l system, failur pieca f eo e part affect functioe sth nex e th f tn o highe r level multipart component of which it is a part. This effect also initiates a failure mode at this level, and in turn becomes a failure mode at the next level, the subsystem and so on. Therefore, as failure modes and failure effects occur at successively higher levels, each failure effect may give rise to a new failure mode.

30 design erron a f o r etectronic component

root cause

wire corrosioe ndu to humidity and aging

contributing cause

degraded function of channel's power supply

contributing cause

comparator simulates good condition while limits reached

immediate cause

control rod does not change position

failure mode

channel fails to scra reactoe mth r

failure effect

Fig.8.1.: Failure tracing example th ; e describe defectivsa e filter capacitoe th n i r power supply unit of a safety channel.


9.1. Failure rate estimations

The raw failure data collected is analyzed to provide the various reliability parameters, as described below:

9.1.1. Failure rates

This parameter is applicable to components in an operating or running condition. In most cases, components are assumed to be in the useful life phase (i.e. having a time independent failure rate), that is, wear in, or wear out failures, which are time dependent are not included. In practice however it is not always possible to distinguish between these different phases. All failures are therefore assumed to be time independent and the average failure rate À is given by:


Where À .... the total failure rate in occurrences per component operating time (i.e. hours) n .... the total number of observed failures of the component type T .... the total component operating time (i.e. hours).

For zero failure average sth e failure rate Acalculates i 0 : das

) (2 — — A Q= Where x 2 is the chi-square distribution, 50th with 2 degrees of freedom, /O / / O / • Calculatio associatee th f no d confidenc ediscusses i limitA r Appendie sfo th dn i . xD

9.1.2. Failure r demanspe d

As noted under section 6.1.2 this paramete applies ri componentso dt , usualla n yi standby operating mode, subjec periodio t t c demand starto st , change stato t r eo function. The parameter, also termed the unavailability, is made up of two components called the demand unavailability Qd and the standby unavailability Qs respectively. The demand unavailability is given by:

32 d _n /o} d~~d

nd... the total number of observed failures to start, change state or to function demann o componene th f do t

d .... number of demands, changes of state or functions.

For zero failures the calculation is the same as equation 2 with T being replaced by d. Fo standba r y component unavailabilite th , y also depends numbee th n o wels ra s , a l of demands, upo time nth e interval between testin operationr go . This contributiono t overall unavailability, due to testing, is called the standby unavailability Qs. This is given by: Q =^lll (4) 2 where

As... the standby failure rate in the dormant mode

TT ... the average time between consecutive demands or tests on the component.

In practice however it is rare that standby failure rates As are available. The factor of indicate2 s that averagen o , componene th , failea likeln s i i t d e statyb e equa halo t l f average th e demand/test unavailabilitintervalo tw e Th . y contribution equationf so ) s(3 and (4) together are combined to provide the total unavailability (failures per demand) standba f o , s yQ component+ d Q Q= .

The use of Q, the failure on demand parameter, should be used with caution as the data base component test time may not correspond to that being used by the analyst. Foanalyse th r correco t t r thifo ts requirer fo dat e , T sth a T basd an supplo s et A , d yQ a correctio appliede b o nt .

In the event that the data base does not supply the relevant test time TT there will be an unknown uncertainty associate datae th f ,o quotee dus wit failures e da h th r spe demand Q, as it may actually represent Qd or Qd + Qsand this should be recognized usere byth .

Calculation of the associated confidence limits is discussed in the Appendix D /9/.

9.1.3. Mean tim repaireo t . MTTR

The MTTR is calculated from:

) (5 "'*"''

where t, is the observed repair time of the ith failure and k is the number of failures for whic repaie hth r times were recorded.

33 9.1.4. Error factor erroe Th r factor representF E , quantitativsa e measur uncertainte th f eo y associated with failure rates for different components and their failure modes.

Erro r uncertaint factorfo A usee PS s ar dn i y analysi defined san dfailure herth r eefo rates and failures per demand respectively as the ratio of the 95 percentile, A95 or nd95 to the average failure rate A or average number of demands nd.

EF (failure rates) = A95 /A or

EF (failure r demandspe = n)d95 /nd

The calculation of A95 and nd95 is discussed in Appendix D.

9.2. Failure rate scatter plots

Even whe date collectene th aar accordancdn i e with strict definition rulesd d san an , analyzed using the same statistical methods, reliability data for similar components may vary due to causes like design of a component, operating mode, maintenance practice etc. One of the ways to compare data in order to select the most appropriate ones for particular analysis is graphical presentation-scatter plots. By plotting the data points including uncertainty bound similar sfo r component failurd san e modes, ranges of data coul easile db y recognized. This approac dathn i a presentatio utilizes nwa dn i the IAEA's TECDOC 508 " of ranges of reliability data for PSA" /10/. As this typ f presentatioeo f datno a combing from multiple data source s showha s s nit obvious advantages, one of the scatter plots from TECDOC 508 is being reproduced here.

Figur represen1 e9. scattea t r plo r normallfo t y standby motor driven pump, failing to start. 9 data points presented at the plot are representing 9 distinctive groups of motor driven pumps (different type,location,system etc). date Mosth af to point e sar plant specific. Some of the data points only value is indicated, while for others mean, 95th and 5th percentile of the distribution is plotted.

34 Motor driven pump, fai o startt l , operating mode standby updated (Pan S d sources) x Upper bound

o Center point x o o X Lower bound •r—i n

X o

•8 ,£> O EL

a D

I I Al HI Ol A2 H2 O2 O3 O4 Source I.D.

Fig. 9.1. : Example for a failure rate


These definition essentialle sar generie same th y th s ea c failure moder sfo power plants, publishe IAEA-TECDOC-478dn i , /2/ generie .Th c failure modes cover: - safety related components - non-safety related componentd san - research reactor specific components

For each of the generic failure modes a detailed definition and an area of applicability for research facilities is provided. The effects of the observed failure failure th d e an mode code, use datdn i a acquisition, complet definitionse eth . To facilitate the application of definitions in data acquisition work, examples are given for different research reactors (TRIGA, MTR, heavy water moderated - D2O, WWR). A short description of research reactor types is given in Appendix A. Further details can be found in /11/.

Summar f failuryo e mode codes:

Code Failure Mode B Degraded C Failure to change position D Failure to remain in position E Failure to close O Failur opeo et n F Failure to function G Short to ground H Short circuit I Open circuit Q Plug K Spurious function R Failure to run S Failur staro et t X Other critical Faults Y Leakage J Rupture M Control rod failure

36 10.1. Degraded

Description: Failure which causes the component not to perform its function in the expected manner, or the expected (designed) capacity but, which is not a catastrophic failure. This failure mode describes immediate as well as drift failures.

Applicability: Usually pertinen instrumentatioo t controd nan l components, but not only.

Characteristic: Time related failure

Operation mode: Running, functionin r standbgo y

Consequences: Degraded function

Failure mode code: B

General examples: temperature driflogarithmin o t c amplifier module th n ei reactor instrumentation ion exchanger in the purification circuit exhausted radiation monitor defective flow meter indicates for example 20% less flow as the real value reduction of battery capacity reductio f insulationo n resistanc ionization a en i n chamber

TRIGA-examples: drif compensation i t n voltage suppl compensatea r yfo d ionization chamber w flo lo we ,purificatio th rat n i e n system,...

MTR-examples: decreasing of water level in comparing tanks, burn-up of uraniu mfission i n counters,... decreasin f heago t exchanger capabilit sando t e ,ydu

D2O-examples: butterfly valv containmenn ei t isolation system closet sbu doe t fullsno y sea time0 t 10 (lea so t buildin kp u rat f eo g nominal leak resuly rat t leakagema bu t r lesefa s severe than failure to close mode), emergency core cooling system pump works but at a lower than expected capacity due to partial blockage by debris,...

WWR-examples: indicator failure, filters foulin purificatiogn i n circuit,...

37 10.2. Failur chango et e position

Description: Characterizes failure of components to move to a new required position.

Applicability: Usually pertains to components which perform their function by changing (moving) between discrete states (valves, breakers) or changing their state discretely, step by step, between several points (for example motor driven regulating valve).

Applicabl o componentet s which perform their functioy nb moving from one state to the other but limited to the situations where the required final state is irrelevant or characterized by other t definedno r o , .

Characteristics: Demand related failure

Operation mode: Functioning, periodical, alternating r standbo , y

Consequences: Failure to change state with command.

Failure mode codeC :

General examples: one of six water level indicator stacks, fission chamber doe t middlmove sth no n ef threi e o e positions

flow rate regulating valve fails to change position (stacks du corrosiono et )

TRIGA-examples: recorder stuck certaia t a s n power level, transiend ro t shock absorber doe t movsno e into desired position,...

frozen water level regulato coolinn i r g tower

flaps malfunction due to gear defect

D2O-examples: safet stucd yro withdraw n ki n position,...

WWR-examples: regulating unit sticks in intermediate position without further movement, fission chamber does not reach the working position, shieldincard an thermate th f go l column -sticks in intermediate position,...

38 10.3. Failur remaio et position i n

Description: Characterizes failures of components to remain in the required position.

Applicability: Usually pertinent to components which perform their function by changing state between two discrete states (valves, breakers, relay), or change state while regulating between two end points.

Typically used for two-state components which are required to remain in position during a mission time.

Characteristics: Time related

Operation mode: Periodical, alternating, functioning or standby.

Consequences: Chang f stateo e without command.

Failure mode code: D

General examples: flaps do not hold in closed position (normal operation, primary coolant flow at nominal level)

pneumatic beam port mechanism moves without command in the opposite position

contac relan i t r breakeyo r fail remaio st n closed

TRIGA-examples: motor operated valve in the secondary cooling circuit does not remain in position,...

D2O-examples: secondary circulator electrical contact doe t remaino s n closed (secondary circulator operates during normal operatio requires i d nan continudo t operato et r somefo e time after shutdown),...

WWR-examples: valve fail remaio st position ni n durin missios git n time, beam port plug mechanism moves spontaneously due to a defeccontroe th n i t l unit,...

39 10.4. Failure to close

Description: Characterizes failure componena f o s o movt newa t o et , closed position. Subset of failure mode: fails to change position.

Applicability: Use componentr dfo s which perform their functio moviny nb g from one state to another, but its definitive closing is necessar completo yt missione eth .

Characteristics: Demand related failure

Operation mode: Functionin standbr go y

Consequences: Failure to change state with command.

Failure mode code: E

General examples: motor driven valve cannot be closed beam port mechanism doe t clossno e security door remains open,...

TRIGA-examples: water filled beam port shutter fails to close because of loss of water fuel handling tool does not close properly shielding door of the thermal column cannot be closed completely,...

MTR-examples: pneumatically driven reactor hall entrance door does not close when requested,...

D2O-examples: containment isolation system butterfly valve remains open

WWR-examples: motor driven shielding gate fail closo st t demanea d valve in the airway piping system fails to close...

40 10.5. Failur opeo et n

Description: Characterizes the failures of a component to move to a new, open position. Subse f failuro t e mode: fai chango t l e position.

Applicability: Use componentr dfo s which perform their functio moviny nb g from one state to another when opening is necessary to complete mission.

Characteristics: Demand related failure.

Operation mode: Functioning or standby

Consequences: Failure to change state with command.

Failure mode codeO :

General examples: emergency cooling valve remain closed, overpressure relief valve doe t opesno t nomina na l overpressure,...

TRIGA-examples: thermal column door fails to open magnetic valve for the transient rod drive mechanism fails to open,...

MTR-examples: fire exit fails to open on demand,...

D2O-examples: guard line relay remains closed following de-energization,...

WWR-examples: valve (magnetic or motor driven) fails to open accident shower valve fail opeo st n fresh air inlet valve fails to open at demand,...

41 10.6. Failure to function

Description: e generath On f o e l failure modes, applicable mainlo t y components t movwhicno eo h d (macroscopically perforo )t m their function, (battery, transformer, instrumentation and control equipment whicr o ) h hav compleea x function sucs ha air-coolers, thyristors converters, etc. Failure to run does not adequately characteriz componene eth t failure mod thesen i e cases.

Characterizes the failure of components to function in required manner either continuously or on demand.

Applicability: Used for components which perform their function without movement on a macroscopic level, and for components which are characterize y providindb g output give inpun a na r o t command (continuously in time).

This failure mod alss ei o applicable (and being useda s a ) composite failure mode for a pump not able to perform its function (pump fails to start, run, or fails to accomplish the mission for any other reason)

Characteristics: Time related failure (operational or standby)

Operation mode: Functioning or standby but not running

Consequences: Los f functioso componente th f no .

Failure mode code: F

General examples: electronic power supply or high voltage supply no output primary pump speed control (thyristor converterf o t ou ) order transmitter output remains constant regardless of the input signal,... incorrect calibration of indicator devices

TRIGA-examples: primary pump fail functioo st n blower in the ventilation system fails to function,...

MTR-examples: period meter trip signal prevented due to complex electronic failure computation module does not change the output any more,...

42 D2O-examples - spac:e conditioner system unabl provido et e coolinr gfo duratio f emergency,..no .

WWR-examples - ionizatio: n chamber fail functioo s t decreas o t e e ndu th f eo resistance of insulation rectifier (transformer,...) fails to function during its mission time,... acid leak or cracked pole connections on a battery

43 10.7. Short to ground

Description: Characterizes ground connection electricay an f so l component where electric current is isolated on a higher-than-ground voltage. Subse f failuro t e mode short circuit.

Applicability: Applicable to all electrical, instrumentation, or control components which in any way conduct, transfer or modify electrical currents.

Use r componentfo d s whic e unablar h o perfort e m their functio causn ca r eno disturbanc otheo et r equipment when isolation to ground is broken and a power to ground circuit is formed.

Characteristics: Time related failure

Operation mode: Running, functioning, or standby

Consequences: Los f functioso f componentno .

Failure mode codeG :

General examples: isolation HV-cabldefece th ionizatioe n o tth f eo n chamber safete inth y channel

TRIGA-examples: high voltage supply for the ionization chamber short to ground thermocouple for fuel temperature measurements short to ground,...

MTR-examples: cable isolation higo defect he gammdu t a irradiatiod nan humidity leads to short to ground,...

D2O-examples: terminals of emergency core cooling pump motor short to ground (possibl excessivo t e ydu e moistur planen i t room during LOCA,...

WWR-examples: battery short to ground due to isolation defect bus bars in power supply system have contact to ground

44 10.8. Short circuit

Description: Characterize connections between two or more conductors (or conducting materials) which are normally insulated.

Applicability: Applicable to practically all electrical, instrumentation and control components.

Used for components which are unable to perform their function, or cause disturbance to other equipment when insulation betwee o normalltw n y separated conductors disappea shora d t an rcircui formeds i t .

Characteristics: Time related failure

Operation mode: Running, functioning or standby.

Consequences: Loss of function of the component.

Failure mode code: H

General examples: lin lino et e fauldistributioa n i t n board, isolation defects

TRIGA-examples: inner connector defects at connectors related to radiation monitoring instruments,...

MTR-examples: shor overheaten a t o t circui e du td indicator e lamth n pi ventilation control unit,...

D2O-examples: connection made across pins on a relay base or across a guard line terminal board

WWR-examples: failures in contact disconnections of relays or actuators,... bus bars in the mains power supply system short between three th f eo phaseo tw s short circuit in a battery cell puncture in a transformer winding

45 10.9. Open circuit

Description: Characterizes disconnection (insulation n electricaa f o ) l circuit. Opposite from short circuit.

Applicability: Applicable to practically all electrical, instrumentation, and control components. Used for components which are disabled to perform their function when electric conductor becomes internally insulated.

Characteristics: Time related failure

Operation mode: Running, functioning or standby.

Consequences: Loss of function of component.

Failure mode code: I

General examples: connector defective, relay broken, thermocouple defect,...

TRIGA-examples: fuel temperature thermocouple broken, coaxial cable defect: inner conductor torn,...

D2O-examples: power supply connectio emergencno t y core cooling pump open circuit (may be due to nuts in the terminal box vibrating loos arcind ean g causing failur connection,...f eo )

WWR-examples: Pt-100 sensor broken los f contacso t connectio t reactona r protection relay bus bar loose contact due to un-tightened bolts

46 10.10. Plug

Description: Characterize y meanan s f preventino s g requirea flo n wi d direction not caused by normal operation of component.

Applicability: Applicable to most of the components through which of liquid/steam/gas flo establishes wi r maintaineddo f o s i t I . particular interest to components whose internal parts can become loose and prevent normal flow (valves, pipes, tubes,...) or depositions can reduce flow below required level (filter, strainers, sieves,...).

Characteristics: Time related failure

Operation mode: Running, functioning, or standby

Consequences: Chang f stateo e without command, partial los f functioso n

Failure mode code: Q

General examples: purification system blocked

TRIGA-examples: plugging of filters in the purification loop, ventilation system filters plugged, aerosol monitor: filter plugged,...

MTR-examples: irradiation stacks in transfer tube partial blockage of the down-streaming coolant through the core,...

D2O-examples: pressure tapping line blocked (e.g. crud deposited in level sensing line) WWR-examples: clogging of the purification circuit filter,

47 10.11. Spurious Function

Description: Characterizes failure of components to retain their current status, e.g o .t chang e state without being calle. to d Complement to failure to remain in position.

Applicability: Applicable to components which perform their function by means other tha changiny nb g state betwee distinctivo ntw e states.

Use componentr dfo s which perform their functio beiny nb gn i a certain (usually dormant) state t failurbu , e will cause changing state (operation of component).

Characteristics: Time related failure

Operation mode: Running, functioning r standbo , y

Consequences: Chang f stateo e without comman consequenca s a r do f eo external interference (electromagnetic noise).

Failure mode code: K

General examples: Spurious alarm on the radiation monitoring system

TRIGA-examples: Puls dropd ero s down becaus r pressurai f eo e loss spurious interruptio f circuino t breaker

MTR-examples: Reactor scram because of a very short (150ms) line interruption (drop down)

D2O-examples: stand-by ventilation valve opens during building seal

WWR-examples: reactor malfunctioo scrat e mdu reactoe th f no r control system (e.g. period meter)

48 10.12. Failure to run

Description: Characterizes failure of a component to continue operation (usually rotating movement) during the required mission time.

Applicability: Applicable to all components which perform their function by continuous movement.

Characteristics: Time related failure

Operation mode: Running, functioning r periodicalo , .

Consequences: Loss of function.

Failure mode codeR :

General examples: all kind of pumps when they fail to continue operation, e bloweventilatioth n i r n system terminates operation becaus f V-beleo t defect

TRIGA-examples: primary cooling system pump stops running ventilation system blower motor stops

MTR-examples: electrical fan on the cooling tower fails to run

D2O-examples: emergency core cooling pump doet completno s e operational mission

WWR-examples: DC/AC motor generator set fails to continue running

49 10.13. Failur staro et t

Description: Characterize failure sth f componenteo staro s t demandn o t .

Applicability: Applicable to all components which perform their function by starting and subsequently continuously moving (rotating).

Characteristics: Demand related failure

Operation mode: Standby, periodical, alternating

Consequences: Los f functioso f componentno .

Failure mode code: S

General examples: emergency diesel engine doe t star demansno n o t d

TRIGA-examples: air compressor for the pulse rod does not start when required, uninterrupted power supply fail o start sn o t demand,...

MTR-examples: air compressor for pneumatic control of the ventilation system fail staro st t drain water sump pump fail start,..o st .

WWR-examples: core spray pump fails to start emergency blower fails to start,...

50 10.14. Other critical faults

Description: Characterizes also the failures that would cause the componen fai o functiot o t l nf demandei d before repair.

Applicability: Summarizes all failures not covered by any of the other failure modes. Applicable to sensors representing sensor failures discovered actua n prioa o rt l demand.

Characteristics: Time related failur failurd e an deman n eo d

Operation mode: Running, functioning, or standby.

Consequences: Loss or degradation of function.

Failure mode codeX :

General examples: fuel cladding defects, core loading failure (start-up- accident), diesel fuel contamination,... pipe clog in sensor for flow rate measurement device leakag self-powerea n ei d detector

TRIGA-examples: corrosio f tanno k internals deformation or elongation of fuel elements,...

MTR-examples: BeO-reflector element cladding defect,...

51 10.15. Leakage (external leak/internal leak)

Description: Characterize failura s f componeno e t boundar o remait y n intac retaio (t t n liquid) componene th f I . t performs another function, (e. g. pump) this failure will not necessarily prevent that other function.

Applicability: Applicable to all components which retain liquid or gas by any means including failures of check valves which prevent reverse flow t necessarilNo . catastrophiya c component failure. This failure mode sometimes overlaps with failure mode RUPTURE. t possiblno s Ii t strictlo et y separate thes failuro etw e modes in all cases.

Characteristics: Time related failure

Operation mode: Running, functioning, or standby

Consequences: Loss of function of component (partial).

Failure mode code: Y

General examples: gasket defect on a water tank seal defect pumpsn so , tubes valved an , s welding defect pipn so e ionization chamber container leaking

TRIGA-examples: pneumatic transfer system core terminal leaking rotary specimen rack leaking,...

MTR-examples: leakage in a thermal isolation tube of an in-core irradiation ,...

D2O-examples: heavy wate coolino t r g circuit leak containment isolation system water seal drain line leak heliue leath n kmi syste heave th f myo water container,...

WWR-examples: leakag watea f eo r storage tank, pump packing leaking leak in a small tube of the cooling flow measuring system leakage in a transformer housing

52 10.16. Rupture

Description: Characterize a largs e brea n liquid/steam/gai k s retaining boundary.

Applicability: Applicable to all components which retain liquid or gas by any means. It is always a catastrophic component failure. If the component performs some other function, not only to retain liquid (pump), this failure will completely prevent the component from functioning.

Characteristics: Time related failure

Operation mode: Running, functioning r standbyo , .

Consequences: Loss of function of component.

Failure mode codeJ :

General examples: ruptur f principaeo secondarle pipth n ei y cooling circuit severe rupture of fuel element cladding with fission gas release,...

TRIGA-examples: beam tube broken (flow more than 40 l/s),

MTR-examples: primary coolant pipe broken (flow more thal/s0 n)10

D2O-examples: emergency core cooling pump case fracture

WWR-examples: integrity loss of the reactor vessel or the heat exchanger

53 10.17. Control rod failure

Description: Characterize relates it s failured controe dan th drivd n so ro l e mechanisms.

This includes: failur o inseret t during normal shut-dowr no scram, failures during move reactivitr sfo y changes, improper rod movement, mechanical e defectrodth ,n plateo s r o s blades,...

Applicability: Applicabl l researcal o et h reactor reactivity control systems.

Characteristics: Time related failure

Operation mode: Functioning r standbo , y

Consequences: Loss of function of the system, change of state without command

Failure mode code: M

General examples: contro positiod ro l n indicator defec r misaligned,..o t .

TRIGA-examples: magnet defective - sticking absorbe pulsre parbroketh d f ero o t n away,...

MTR-examples: contro stuckd ro l s

D2O-examples: uninitiated contro withdrawad ro l l contro broken,..d ro l .

WWR-examples: clutch defect on the absorber drive mechanism absorber part of the control rod mechanically defective,.


/ /1 Applicatio f o Probabilistin c Risk Assessment o t Researc h Reactors, IAEA-TECDOC-517, IAEA Vienna, 1989.

/2/ Component Reliability Data for Use in Probabilistic Safety Assessment, IAEA-TECDOC-478, IAEA Vienna, 1988.

/ /3 Data Summarie f Licencso e Event Report f Pumps Commerciao S U t sa l Nuclear Power Plants, NUREG/CR-1205, USNRC Washingto , 1982nDC .

/ /4 J.P.Bent Reliabilit. al t oe y Data Boo Componentr kfo Swedissn i h Nuclear Power Plants, RSK, SKI Stokholm 1985.

/ /5 Winfield D.J., Diesel Generator Reliability Study 1969-1985, AECL-9387, Chalk River, 1989.

/ /6 IEEE Collectioe Guidth o et Presentatiod nan f Electricalno , Electronid an c Sensing Component Reliability Data for Nuclear Power Generating Stations, IEEE Std 500-1977 and 1988.

/?/ Probabilistic Risk Assessment Procedure Guide, NUREG/CR 2300, USNRC, Washingto , 1983nDC .

/ /8 Kapur K.C. Lambersod an , n L.R., Reliabilit Engineerinn yi g Design, John Wiley & Sons, 1977 . 254p , , 375.

/9/ Lipson C., and Sheth N.J., Statistical Design and Analysis of Engineering , McGraw Hill, 1973, p.88.

/10/ Survey of Ranges of Component Reliability Data for Use in Probabilistic Safety Assessment, IAEA-TECDOC-508, IAEA Vienna, 1989.

/11/ Directory of Nuclear Research Reactors, STI/PUB/853, IAEA Vienna, 1989.



TRIGe th Alf o Al research reactor opee sar n pool, light-water-cooled reactors using uranium-zirconium-hydride (UZrH) fuel. This fuel provide reactoa s r wit hlargea , prompt negative temperature coefficien inherenr tfo t safety against reactivity accidents. As cladding material for the 36mm thick and 720mm, long fuel rods serves aluminum or stainless steel. The enrichment of U-235 is 20% (standard) and 70% (flip). The thermal neutron flux in a central irradiation position is in the of 1013cm"2s"1 at full power.

The Mar configuratioa typ kI s eha whicnn i reactoe hth place s i rbottoe e th t dth a mf o open cylindrica tane t gradth k la f tano ep k levelto wit beae o hN th . mo n port d san thermal column availablee sar reactoe Th . r corcylindricaa s ei l configuration witn ha annular graphite reflector. The experimental facilities include a rotary specimen rack, a central in-core irradiation thimble, and a pneumatic transfer system. The thermal power level can be up to 1 MW with natural convection cooling.

A higher leve f experimentao l l capabilit addes y wa takin y db g this same basic reactor design and constructing it within a shield structure above the floor level, allowing horizontal access to the core. This allows the construction of radial and tangential beam tubes as well as thermal columns. ultimate Th experimentan ei l flexibilit low-powen yi r research reactors with inherent safety is the TRIGA Mark III design. In addition to extensive beamport facilities, this type incorporates a large exposure room and a large reactor pool with a movable reactor bridge. This reactor is water reflected and operates at up to 2MW with natural convection.


A material test reactor (MTR) is a light water moderated open pool reactor with forced cooling, operated at thermal power levels up to 15 MW. The thermal neutron flux in a central irradiation range positioth f 10n ei o 14s ni cm"V t fula 1 l power s reflectoA . r material, beryllium elements are often used. The standard MTR fuel element contains 23 fuel plates, 1.3mm thick, 70mm large and about 600mm high. Today three types of U-235 enrichment are used in many MTR's: high enriched (90 and 93%), medium enriche denriche w (45%)lo d an d, (20%).

The grid-plate is rectangular and holds 28 to 32 fuel elements for full power operation. forcee Th d cooling streams downward throug plate hth e type fuel elements. Many different pool designs are in use to cover all the experimental needs.

A typical MTR is equipped with radial and tangential beam tubes, used for beam port experiments widA . e variet corn i f eyo experiment knows si r thanfo t reactor family.

57 WWR

Typical WWR research reactors are light-water moderated and cooled (continuous forced downward circulating) facilities with light-water and/or beryllium reflector. The

reacto installes i r zylindricaa n di l tank wit heavha y shielding top e platth .t eTheia r

2 1 thermal powe r15Mo t rangWp u s ei wit h average flux densitie f 10so crrV 13 e s~Th . core contains highly enriched (80% 235U) IRT-M-type fuel elements. grid-plate Th e contain workin2 s5 g positions wit squarha e lattice pitc f 71,5mmho A . typical loading containfue2 3 l o elementst 8 s2 contro5 1 1 1 , o elementt d 0 ro l 1 d san beryllium reflector elements rese uses i tTh . r irradiatiodfo n rigs.

The standard fuel element consists of four (or three) concentric tubes (square section, 69 x 69 mm). The active fuel lenght is 580mm. The meat is an AID-alloy with 37wt% uranium. The wall thickness is 2mm; 0.4mm meat and 0.8mm cladding.


Evene Thith s i t Record Form whic developes hwa suppordo t date tth a collectios na operatioe th wel s a lmaintenancd nan e activitie TRIGe th f so A reactor operatey db Atominstitu Austriae th f o t n Universit Viennan yi , Austria.



A Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) study has several levels of scope of which eac s i differens h it degre f n i o probabilistiet c charactere Th . analysis of initiating events is heavily probabilistic since it involves predicting the success or failure of so many components in a reactor such as valves, pumps d switchesan , f .o sourc Similarlye us e e termth ,s i associates d with probabilities to calculate the off-site consequences. However, an analysis must be done on the phenomena and consequences associated with those rare accident sequences that might lead to undesirable outcomes. studA Thu s PS supposei a ycommo a se b o t nd wor f nucleao k r scientistd an s engineers and of probabilists and statisticians. The methodology contained in this document serves as a guideline to the needs of probability theory and selected statistical methods, which are encountered in dealing with a PSA study. First two basic approaches towards counting probabilities are distinguished. Then such fundamental principle f o simpls e as are confidence intervals, testing statistical hypotheses, and the maximum likelihood metho e outlinear d d illustratedan d . Attentio s i paino t somd e specific probability distributions that may appear in the reliability theory. Amon ge exponentia th thee rol th f mo e l distribution predominates l thesAl . e specific distributions are treated in such a way that a user of this methodology can apply them in a particular situation of the work on a PSA study.


Uncertainty analysis in a PSA study employs the probability in that probabilities are assigned to different sizes of changes which can occur. Such analyses utilize Bayesian approaches and sometimes classical statistical approaches. The classical statistics approach requires recorded data to be available r fo which e ar constructeds e probabilitTh . y distributions describ e likelihooth e edat th af o doccurrin a serie n f i go s repeated measurements. The likelihood refers not to a degree of belief but to repeated measurements.

61 From the constructed probability distribution for the sample of data related to a parameter, a classical is constructed for the unknown parameter. The confidence intervals, determined for those parameters for which there exists recorded data, are then propagated through the PRA (Probabilistic Risk Analysis). The propagation yields confidence intervals for the PRA results. The confidence intervals are discussed along with other technique f statisticao s l inferenc e nexth tn i echapter . The basic philosoph e Bayesianth n i y approach s i l thaquantifieal t d uncertaintie e b describe n ca n i sterm d f o probabilits y distributionse Th . probability distribution describes the analyst's degree of belief in the correc t e probabilitvaluTh a . parametee be yy ma distributior n alsca no describe the analyst's belief that a model is the correct model from a set of possible models. In essence e Bayesiath , n methodology e consistth analys f o ts first assigning prior probabilitie e parameterth r fo sd modelan s A s PS utilize a n i d r whicfo study d h an ,uncertaintie e quantifiedb o t e prioe Th ar s. r probability distributions are then updated with any recorded data using Bayes theorem. This theorem can be written as

P(X. ).P(Z.|X.) P(X. |Z> —— ' j l e conditionalar ) a priori|X e Z ar P( ) wher d probabilitiesX an P( e ) |Z X P( , i i ' j J1 i probabilities, and P(Z.) can be computed by the formula of total probability as

P(Z )= V P(X ), P(Z |X J A i J i e recordeTh d data consist f o times f o equipmens t failure, human errors committed, or other measurements related to the parameter. The updated probability distribution e ar posteriors distribution e ar propagate d an s d o obtait A througnPS probabilite th h y distribution e outputsth r fo s .


3.1 The principle of confidence intervals

e objectiveth f Ono f e o statisticas l analysi o t f estimato dat ss i a e unknown parameters of the probability distribution in the population from which a random sample originates. For reactor data the most valuable from the

62 practical point of view are interval estimates (i. e., we try to find such an interval that will include the unknown value of the parameter with a probability given in advance). Such intervals are called confidence intervals. The probability cc (0

s.t (n-1) s.ta(n-i: x - x + = 1-a

where x is the mean of n observations, s is their sample , e critica th (n-1)L s i d an l (percentage )e Studenth valu f o e t distribution with (n-1) degrees of freedom, which can be taken from the table of these values. The confidence interval in question is symmetrical around x, and it is the l intervalal f shorteso e s on witte giveth h n confidence level. Sometimes one- sided confidence intervals are more desirable. Such a I00(l-

s.t_ (n-1) 2oc x - = 1-a

This is the lower one-sided interval. The upper one is given by

s.t_ (n-1) 2a x + a= M = 1-a

3.2 Testing statistical hypotheses

One important questio s i whethen e parameteon a r probabilit n i r y distribution has or has not an anticipated value (e. g., the failure rate of a component) s i the t nI . usefu o formulatt l a hypothesie e valuth f thio f eo ss paramete e meanth f y d verifavailablo b san rt i y e dat a rando( a m sample)e Th . manne f verifyino r a hypothesig s callei s a significanced test.

63 If a hypothesis is of the form 8=8 , it is called simple; otherwise, it is composite. A test procedure simply amounts to a rule whereby each possible set of value x ,...,s , i associatex ( ) xs d wit a decisioh o t accepn r o reject e th t 12 n hypothesis H being tested. It is obvious that errors of two kinds may be committed in applying a statistical test: 1. Error f Typo s : rejectinI e H gwhes truei t i n. . Error2 f Typo s : acceptinII e H gwhe n some other hypothesi s truei s . The probability of the error of Type I is

e criticalth whers i e n-dimensiona th w eregion, , e. . i l regio f pointo n r fo s

s rejectedwhici n H h . Alph s oftei a n made equa o 0.0t l 5r 0.01o , although other values can be used. To facilitate the construction of such tests, tables have been prepare r fo somd e standard cases e probabilitTh . s i calle x e < th yd significance level of the test. e probabilitTh a Typ I f I erroo ey r e dependhypothesith n o s H thass i t really s trueequai t o I t .l


ans i called e operatingth d characteristic e testh tf o wite hTh respec. H o t t complement

P{(x ,x ,...,x )€ w|H> 12 n ' e e tespowerth th t f s i wito h respec. H o t t

The decision procedure for a test of H is shown in this table of decisions and errors:

Decision HypothesiH s Accep H t RejecH t

i Ix s< true Correct Is false ß Correct

64 We note thas i acceptedf i H s i ttrud „ an e decisio th , s s i i correctn t i f I . s i accepted falst bu e decisio th , n produce a typs I errorI e f I Hs i tru.t _ bu e is rejected, a type I error arises. By decreasin e reducw e , significance th extenw eth g f o t e leve . a Thil s also resultn increasa e probabilit th n i sn i a etyp I errorI f eo y . There thus exist a conflics t involving reductioe probabilitieth f e o d firsnth an f t o s second types of error. To resolve this conflict we try to control the significance level and, subject to this control, to minimize ß. a hypothesi t I s i accepteds e experimenteth , e willinb y t stilo t no gma l r say that it is true. What he may say is that on the prescribed significance level he has not enough evidence from the obtained data to reject the hypothesis provided s falsei tha t i t . In our problems related to reliability theory we are interested in the application of the test procedure to a hypothesis regarding the size of a parameter e expectedconsidereth e b o t d a valuenormal n i distributiof o n measurements (observations).We choosd stat e hypothesian th ea e s H.,: u=u„. Then u u the

x - \ir t =

might be used as a criterion where x is the mean, s is the computed standard deviation and n is the size of the random sample available. If ff_ is true, the statistic t has the Student t-distribution with (n-1) degrees of freedom.

The hypothesis H,, will be rejected on the significance level a whenever

t (n-1> • ) a

wher e lOO(l-a)t th e(n-1) s i percentage e Studenth value f o t distributionf i , we tes t i against n alternativa t e hypothesi ; jii^p H a . stwo-side. Thi s i s d test. In a similar way we would get one-sided significance tests.

3.3 The maximum likelihood principle

The maximum likelihood principle is a general method of estimation that selects that value of a parameter 6 for which the probability of obtaining a f dato give t a se n(sampl e values a maximum s i ) .

65 To illustrate the method of maximum likelihood, suppose that x ,x ,...,x ^ 12 n is a random sample from a population having the exponential distribution and that the parameter a in the probability density

f[x)r< \= -1 exp{ - —* a a

e estimatedb o it s . Sinc e likelihoodth e functions i

L= — exp - — ) x la F a L \ =i l ' ^

differentiating In L instead of L, which is the same, with respect to a and putting this derivative equagive0 o t ls

n 0 = x } — + - - —1 }r x = ^ i L 2 a i aL 2 i=i

It follows thae maximuth t m likelihood estimato e parameteth f o r r

n a of an exponential population is the mean x = -l r} x .

Maximum likelihood estimators have invarianceth e propertya s i 9 tha f i t maximum likelihoo e functioth d d estimatoan n 6 give f y o g(&)r b ns i continuous , then g(9) is also a maximum likelihood estimator of g(&).

3.4 Some specific dostributions in the reliability theory 3.4.e binomiaTh 1 l distribution

e binomiaTh l distributio e relevanth s i n t probability distribution useo t d describe situation where an event will produce either of two outcomes, its occurrenc a a diesefailur , r o g. o et loccu e. deman(e r d will a resul n i t successful start or in a failure-to-start). The binomial density function describes the probability of obtaining k failure n trial n i ss provided thae probabilitth t f n o failurindividuaya n i e l l trialal d e e e tha triasamoutcoman r th th s on si ttriafo l s e i f o l e independen e outcom othey th e writtean f b o trf n o etrials ca na t I .

= p(k ) k ) = fcle = X ( k(i-e) P n"k k=o,i,2,...,n n [k)

66 e probabilitth e trials wheri on 6 .y f eo failur yan Obviously n i e , p(k). >0 Since these probabilities appear to be members of the binomial expansion of [e (1-0)]"+ 9 th distributio , 1 = s i callen d binomial. e combinatoriaTh l coefficiens i t

n! k!(n-k)!

The distribution function of the binomial random variable is given by

F(k) = ?p(i) = ?|ï| 01 (i-e)"'1

where we sum up over all nonnegative integers less than or equal to k. Computin e binomiath g l probabilities t doeencounteno s r difficultien f i s is small. However, for large n, either tables of combinatorial coefficients or incomplete Beta functions or an approximation must be employed.

3.4.e chi-squarTh 2 e distribution

e X ,...,Xindependentar , X I f random variables, each distributea s a d l £-> n _ unit normal variable N(0,l), we use the symbol X (chi-square) to denote the sum of their squares

777 7 X = X + X + ...+ X n 2 1

This sum of squares is distributed as

x n 1 r x£fo ' x fix= . )——— e — 1 "2 2 ~

The paramete s i calle e numbern th rd f n o degreesa s i f o freedomt i d an integer. It can be related to the number of independent quantities remaining after estimatin a gparamete r fittino r a gdistribution . The expected valus i e

E [/n ]= e varianc obtainee th b a n ca s ea d

V [y2] = 2n

67 2 The x -distribution is positively skew. The frequency curve approaches symmetry as n increases. 2 Percentage values # (oc) of the chi-square distribution such as

-> \ ]= cc 0

are tabulated for several values of a (0.1; 0.05; 0.01) in statistical textbooks. Example: The usual assumptio s thai ne tim th to failur t e f itemo e s running under o r in operation has an exponential distribution. e item th n tim f ru ,o e e thee numbee th th th n s s i i f failureo rT k I f d an s lowe d uppean r e failurr th confidenc r e founefo b rat n dP ca e e d limitan P s in terms of percentage chi- square values:

2 _ L 2T

*!,, „ol1- 1 u 2T

confidence7. 0.1= 90 a 0 wherefor g., . e. ,

e exponentiaTh 5 3. l distribution 3.5.1 Introduction

a Irandof m e probabilit th variabl s ha X e y density

,- a.exp (-ax)0 > a , 0 whe: = x n f(x) = I 0 { 0 whe < x n it has an exponential distribution. We obtain for its cumulative distribution function

/ 0 when x < 0 f(t)dj = t r ^ 1 - exp (-ax) when x £ 0

68 e exponentiaTh l distributio s i continuoun s i especiall d an s y importann i t 2 reliability studies s meaIt . n value varianc th s . i I/a. e d a s I/ an i equae o t l Therefore only the mean value is sufficient to specify the parameter a and, thus e entirth , e exponential distribution. If X i£ the lifetime random variable for a component, E[X] = I/a is the mean-time-to- failure for the component. However the probability of the component suriviving untis it meanl t 0.3-bu time-to-failur5 70. t no s i e because

- =0.37

3.5.2 Distributio e failurth f o ne time

A large numbe f componento r y timan e t e A place ar . s 0 n lif o d- e t tes t a t each component is either failed or in the operational state. We take the failure rate H for constant. A random variable T is defined to characterize the failure time. The event {= tT) means tha a component t fail t a tims . t Similartye e even } th t sT , { t implies failur e distributioeTh befort e tima b r . t e o e n nca functioT f o n derived in the form

F(t) = 1 - exp(- Ht)

provided that the probability of failure during any small interval t is H t, independent of t. Thus, T has an exponential distribution with parameter H.

3.5.3 Lifetime random variable for a system

We deal with a system that fails when any of its constituent components fails. Its survival probability expressed in terms of the distribution function e system'th f o F s lifetime random variabls i T e

n 1 - F|t| = P|T>t| = P n T > t

where T is the lifetime of the k -th component.

69 This reflect e facth se t minimue th lifetimethatth f i f ,o ms i greate s r tha f the, o t nthe l mal n mus e greateb t r tha. t n It seems reasonable to assume that the probability of system survival to time t is the product of the survival probabilities of the individual components. Hence the events {T. ^ t ; k = 1, 2,...,n} are independent and K n n l - F(t) = n [l - F (t)] = IT [exp(-H t)] = exp(-Ht) l k= l k= n exponentiaa s ha T o lS distributio. . H wherf o m denoteH en su e th s K,

- exp(-Ht 1 F(t = ) )

Example: e lifetimth e n hoursb a (i certai e T f o )t nLe reactor component. AssumeT has an exponential distribution with parameter a = 0.001. The manufacturer

wishes to guarantee these components for T_ so that P(T > T ) = 0.95. The distribution function is given by

- exp(-at 1 F(t = ) )

for t>0, where a = 0.001. Since

= exp(-a ) T F( T) - 1 = ) T > T P( 0 00

e choos o w makt „ eT exp(-a 0.95= T) . Hence

- ln0T= -_ 9 0.90n 50I 5 51.2= 5 o 10= a

3.5. uniquA 4 e propert e exponentiath f o y l distribution

Suppose that no failure occurs in the interval <0,t>. What is the probabilit f continueo y d surviva e intervath n i l l 7 This is a question in conditional probabilities. We wish to determine P(T>t+s|T>t), the conditional probability that these is no failure in the interval <0,t+s>, given that failuro there intervan th s i en i e l <0,t>.

70 From the definition of conditional probability we have

P(T>t + s) p(T>t) P(T>t)

Suppos n exponentiathaw a no s eti F(t) l distribution with parameter a>0. Then

P(T>t) = 1 - P(T£t) = exp(-at)

Hence P(T>t+s|T>t = ex) Pt-a(t + s)] _ 1 exp(-at = = P(T>s( )as) )

In other e wordspiccth f o equipmenf ai , t survivee intervath n i s l <0,t>, thee probabilitth n f o continuey d e surivaintervath n i l l s i equa o t l the probability of survival in the interval <0,s> having the same length. That is, the probability of survival depends only on the length of the time interval and not on the age of the equipment.

Expresse e distributiotermn i th d f o s n functio e propertth , F n y states that

1 - F(t+s! = 1 - F(s) for all t>0, s>0 F(t) e e Probabilitshowb th n n i nca It y Theory that exponential distributione ar s the only probability distributions with this property.

standbA 3.5.5 - yredundan t system

e Wconcernear e d wit a hsyste m containing standby redundancy, e whicon s i h way to increase reliability. Each component in such a system operates continuously unti t i failse lfailur Th .a s i standbsense e d an dy component rreplace e faileth s d component immediatel d automaticallyan y . The failur e eorigina th tim f o e l componen s i representet e randoth y b dm variabl T e whil e failurth e e standbeth timr fo ey componen s i describeet y b d T . Their marginal probability densities are the exponential distributions (k = 0,1)

H exp(-H t ) if t >0, H >0 f ,t j_ i k ^ k k k k k ' 0 if t k

71 e failurTh e tendencie f o individuas l components defin e failurth e e tendencf o y the system only then when the length of time that the original component operates t doeaffec no e slengt th tf o time hstandb th e y component works e stochasticallyar T properly d , an whee. . i T n, independent. A substantial poin n i thit s argumen e measurear s i _ thaT t t d d Tan ~ from the time each component is turned on, not from the time the system was turne. on d Wite assumptioth h f stochastio n c independenc e obtaiw ee jointh n t density (H * H ) i o

_ „ ^. ) H exp(- Ht H - H t „,. ^ -, , o i K ooii if t >0 and t >0 1 0 -= j ) t , t f( elsewhere

The system's lifetime T is simply the sum of the component lifetimes. The system reliability functio e nb obtaine R(t)n y ca inte-gratinb d e jointh g t density over the region D :

t resultI n i s

f(tdt dt R(t)=P(T>t)= i 0'o V •J \) t + t > t o i -*(•", = lt d t d ) t H H exp(- H - Ht 01 00 11 0 l J 0 0

= H^K H o i L

However, we newly define T~ and T to represent the failure times of the d an originastandbl y components a measures d from time t=0 at which the system was turned on. The joint probability density for T and T can be found with the aid of a conditional density. The marginal density for T_ is identical to that for the lifetime of the original component since its failure time cannot be affected by a standbtha f o t y component.

72 Therefore

t £0 f i H exp(- ) Ht ° ° ° ' = ) t ( f o o ' 0 if t < 0

The joint density for T„ and T can be determined if the conditional density of T , given T , is known as

) *0 t ( f f i ) t ( f . ) t I t ( | f = ) t , t f( 0 0 0 0 0 1 I 0 l 1 0

It is assumed that the failure law of the standby component is the same as e originath thar fo tl component e parameter,e th valuth excep f o r e fo t . Since e standbth y componen t turneno n untis e o i doriginat th l l component failse th , failur e eorigina th tim f o e l component mus e assumeb e a tsens th f o n ei d condition. Thus

0 if t < t , t > 0 ( i o o H exp[-H (t - t )] if t £ t , t > 0 1^110 100

where the failure law discussed earlier is used. The e jointh n t density ) result *H H ( n i s

0 > H exp[- Ht , t Ht & f (t-t)i ] Ht - f, , oiiio oo 100 " " i V 1 ^ 0 if t < t or t s 0 i o o

The marginae ar T l d probabilite an timeth T r s fo y f densitie d an f s obtained by integrating the joint density f(t ,t ). In addition to f introduced above we get

- r H H ° „ u f exp(-Ht )-exp(-H t ) if t > 0 (t)= V Hi L ll I 1 ' ^ if t £ 0 l

The joint and marginal densities serve well to computing probabilities. Thus, e. g., the system reliability, or the chance that the system survives to time t, is the probability P(T >t):

73 x d P(T ) t>t)MX =

- H

Also relevant is the probability that the standby component lasts longer than the original one and that the original survives to time t. In order to e computhav w o t integrat et i e e jointh e t density e overegioth r D n

D = {s;TQ(s)st} n {s;T (s)- TQ(s)>t}

= ) D P( f(x.y) dy dx = (exp(-Ht) j. 11 - exp(-

e Weibul3,5.Th 6 l distribution

This probability distribution, whic s i especiallh y usefu n i probleml f o s life-testin d reliability an e gconsidereb y ma , a dmor e generalizee d th for f o m exponential distributio e reducee b 3 parameterth nn s o t ca ha sincd t d i ean s exponential wite propeth h r choic f o theme . These parameters determins it e rang shaped an e . e probabilitTh y densite Weibullth f o y distributios i n

f(x)= exp- for , b>0, c>0

In general, it is easier to work with the cumulative Weibull distribution function

p ex - F(x)*-/1 =i \- (

The grap f f(x)o h s bell-shapei d d J-shape(tha , an unimodalis tl O d r (thafo ) t a decreasin , is r g0

74 The expected value of X is

r|lb +a+ E[X - = ] c

where F is the gamma function.

3.6 The log-normal distribution

The well known normal distribution is not applicable in PSA studies. Its probability densit s i non-zery o alsr negativfo o e valuea rando f o s m variable. However, in PSA studies the random variable is a probability and it assumes only values froe intervath m l <0,1>d thue log-normalth An s . distribution a appearsuitabl e b o t se mode r uncertaintiesfo l . In its simplest form, the log-normal distribution is that of the random variable X when the logarithm In X has a normal distribution with parameters /u. 2 s distributioit e hav r W fo e. r c d n an function

*F(x)X X)PC == = P(lx) n I $X


= ) f(x)ft (x \F = r->r i ~ x * x cr cr


*(z)= ——-—— exp[-(z2/2)]

e probabilitth s i y densite distributioth f o y n N(0,l). Thus

f(x)= (In x - i) for x>0

and f(x)= 0 otherwise

75 Opposite to the normal distribution, this frequency function is strongly asymmetric, its central part is shifted to the left and the right tale converges towards zero more slowl e norma ye th cas th thef o en li n distribution.

The expected value E[X]= expL+(l/2)o-2l

and the

V[X]= exp(2^ + (72)(exp

e medianTh doet equa no e smea th l n value e errorTh . e log-normafactorth f o l distribution is a good model for those estimates of an expert that concern small probabilities where the order of magnitude is to be estimated.

n i (X-x s i normallt ) bu , X y n i distributed t no If e distributioth , X f o n n has the same properties as those described above except that the expected value s increasei x„.y b d Thus, we obtain a "shifted" log-normal distribution. APPENDIX D FAILURE DATA PARAMETER CONFIDENCE LIMITS

This Appendix discusse methode sth s use calculatconfidencdo t % 90 e eth e interval limits on:

(a). failure-to-run/hour datd aan (b). failure-to-star demann o t d data.

(a). Failure-to-run/hour

The usual approximation concernin failure gth e rat f componento e s runninn i g operation is to assume failures are occurring randomly at a constant rate per unit time. This mean time exponentia n sth failuro ea t s eha l distribution.

With n as the number of failures and T as the operating time of the component, then lowee upped th an r r failurconfidence th r efo rat/9/u e P e ar e d : limitan L sP

p = L 27

.. ~ 27

where a = 0.10 for a 90% confidence interval and x(a/2,2n) and ^(1 - a/2, 2n + 2)

are the chi-square distribution, with degrees of freedo2 m 2n and 2n + 2, obtained from standard tabulations with specified respective confidenc a/2),- 1 ( ed /9/ levelan .2 sa/

The chi-square values are tabulated up to 100 degrees of freedom i.e. 49 failures. For data with more than 49 failures then the chi-squared approximation can be approximated as /9/:


and (4)

As an example, the 90% confidence interval limits can be derived for a component failure-to-ru n hours3 failure 0 dat1 86 f r ao , spe whic averagn a s hi e failure ratf eo 1.2»10'2/h.

77 lowee confidencTh % 5 r e limit from equatio: is ) n(1

P =______L 2-863 1726

uppee confidenc% Th 95 r e limit from equatio: is ) n(2

P,,= u 2-863 1726

Therefore, 6.3«10~3 < 1.2«10"2 < 2.0« 10~2 represents the average failure rate, with associate confidenc% d90 e interval limits.

(b) Failure-to-star demann o t d

The binomial distributio relevane th s i / t nprobabilit/9 y distribution function (pdf) used to describe the component demand failures when either of two outcomes, a successful failure-to-starstara r o t occury binomiae ma t Th . f describepd l probabilite sth f o yp obtainin failuregn s fro msampla e siz thin e(i s case, numbe f demano r d startsd f o ) as:

P(n.} =——dl .p"'. (1 -p}""1* (7) d) v P ( P) nd\(d-nd)\ ^

lowee Th r confidenc ethir limifo s L distributioP t /10/s ni :

distributioF value e th wherth d f es o i an r degree L ) nfo eF 1 + f freedod so n - d m2( confidence% 0.1= 90 r a 0 fo d .an 2nd,

uppee Th r confidence limit thir P^fo s distributio: nis

Pu =

wherdistributioF e value eth th f Fe s o Ui r degree nfo f freedoso d m an 2(n ) 1 d+ n- dd ).2(

78 exampleAn sa followine th , confidenc% g90 deriveee b limit n r componensdca fo t failure-to-start/demand data of 61 failures/1390 demands, which gives an average failure/demand of 4.2 -10"2:

= FFLL[0.05 , 1221) , 2(139+ ] 1 6 0- = FL(0.05, 2660, 122) - 1.26

FU - FufO.05, 2(1390-61), 2(61) 1+ ] = Fufo.OS, 124, 2658) = 1.23

Hence from equation (8)

= 0.03PL 5 frod man equatio) n(9

= 0.05PU 4

Therefore, 3.5-10" 4.4-10"< 2 -10"4 5. 2 < represent2 average sth e failur demann eo d with associate confidenc% d90 e limits.


Thiproposea s si d basihierarchiaa r sfo l coding syste r researcmfo h reactor components componene Th . t codes use IAEA-TECDOC-478n i d , /2/e ar , composed from three capital letters. The first letter of the code specifies the principal component category.

Code Component Group

Mechanical Component Categories F Piping G Pool, grid plate, beam ports, DO-tank, storage containers

H Heat exchanger 2 O Control roddrivd san e mechanisms P Pumps Q HVAC and air handling equipment V Valves W Shielding and related mechanics X Fuel elements, reflector Y Strainers, filters, demineralizer J Other mechanical equipment, lifting gear, structures, experimental setup

Electrical Component Categories T Transformers R Relays M Motors C Conductors B Batterie chargerd san s K Circuit breakers E Other electrical equipment, electrical par f experimentao t l installations D Diesel generators turbins ga , e driven generators

Instrumentatio Controd nan l Equipment Categories A Sensors (ionization chamber, Pt-100 temperature sensor) I Instrumentation (channels, reactor protection system) L Transmitters N Signal conditioning system, computers S Switches U Other I&C equipment, instrumentation for experiments

81 List of component groups

This listing of component groups and their codes as used in the IAEA reliability data base and the data entry system (DES) is recommended for all data collection activitie t researca s h reactors e codTh .e consist o capitatw f o sl letters: the first letter describes the main group, the second letter determines groue th p alphabetica n i level s i t I . l orde eacr rfo h major component category. Component group codes with the number symbol (#) differ from IAEA-TECDOC-478 in order to cover research reactor components.

Code groupd san mechanicar sfo l components:

r cooleAi QAr QB Blower fan JE Clutch QC Compressor OC Control rod OD Control rod and drive mechanism OR Control rod drive QD Damper coolen Fa QrF containment YF Filter FY Gasket HX Heat exchanger JH Heater QV HVAC unit annulus ventilation l J Irradiatio # n facilities YT Intake screen L J Lub l cooleeoi r FX Orifice JP Penetration FE Piping expansion joint FN Piping nozzle FR Piping rupture diaphragm FS Piping straight section FT Piping tees FW Piping welds PD Pump diesel driven PM Pump motor driven PT Pump turbine driven PW Pump without driver YS Stainer T J Tank JU Turbine VA Valve air operated E V Valve explosive operated VH Valve hydraulic operated VX Valve manual VM Valve motor operated VP Valve piston operated VC Valve set operated

82 VD Valve solenoid operated VW Valve without operator

Code groupd san f componentso electricar sfo l equipment:

BT Battery BC Battery charger CB Bus C C Cable KA Circuit breaker KG Circuit breaker generator KC Circuit breaker molded type EC Converter KS Feeder (branch, junction) KT Fuse EG Generator EH Heater electric El Inverter MA Motor MS Motor servo MG Motor generator EB Panelboard EP Power supply ER Rectifier RW Relay RA Relay auxiliary RC Relay control RP Relay power RR Relay protective RT Relay time relay RY Relay coil RX Relay contacts TA Transformer TT Transformer auto l T Transformer instrument TM Transformer main power generator or unit TV Transformer regulating TE Transformer station service including excitation TX Transformer station starauxiliard an t y TU Transformer substation CW Wire DE Diesel engine DG Diesel generator emergency AC DT Gas turbine driven generator emergency AC

83 Codes and groups for instrumentation and instrumentation equipment:

UN Annunciator K N Computational module # NC Computer UC Controller UI Indicating instrument O Input/outpuN # t device I N Interfac # e UM Manual control device P N Programmabl # e logic AR Radiation monitors U R Reactor scram system AC Sensor core flux AF Sensor flow AL Sensor level AP Sensor pressure AT Sensor temperature NS Signal conditioning system N M Signal modifier E U Solid state device SD Switch digital channel SF Switch flow SL Switch level SI Switch limit SM Switch manual SP Switch pressure ST Switch temperature SQ Switch torque SC Switch contacts LF Transmitter flow LA Transmitter flow ,level .pressure LL Transmitter level LP Transmitter pressure LT Transmitter temperature

84 Alphabetical lis f componento t s with component code

This component list combines the codes used in IAEA-TECDOC-478, /2/, with the coding of DES, the data entry system for data collection at research reactors. Component codes with star symbo ) indicat * ( l e typical research reactor equipment and should therefore be used with preference.

* ARA aerosol monitor QA r cooleai A r UNA annunciator UNS annunciator module solid state, LED-, LCD-display * BTA battery BTL battery lead acid accumulator BTN battery nickel cadmium accumulator batterA BC y* charger BCS battery charger solid state bloweF QB n rfa * CBs bu A 120s , 220 bu C VC VA A 2 CB * 380s bu V 3 CB V 6k s bu 6 CB * CBD bus DC cablP CC e powe* r cablS CC e signa* l (supervisory) * KAA circuit breaker circuiC KD t * breakeC D r KIA circuit breaker indoo applicatioC rA n KID circuit breaker indoor DC application KIS circuit breaker isolation, ground fault circuit interrupter * KRP circuit breaker reactor protection * JEM clutch mechanical * JEE clutch electrical * QCI compressor instrument air * NKA computational module * OCS control rod clustered silver, indium, cadmium control rod OCC control rod cruciform, boron carbide control rods controR singlOC d ro l* e contro assembld ro l y * ORA control rod drive UCA controller * UCE controller electronic UCP controller pneumatic dampeA QD * r QDM damper manual(HVAC) DEA diesel engine * DGA diesel generator emergency AC QFcontainmenn fa V t ventilation nfa QFH fan cooler reactor building cooling unit * KSF feeder (junction box) YFM filter liquid, mechanical restriction

85 * UCF flow controller * KTA fuse all voltage levels * FYA gasket heaA HX t exchange * r HXH heat exchange tubU r e horizontal sheltubd an el HXV heat exchanger U tube vertical shell and tube HXB heat exchanger straight tube horizontal sheltubd an el HXM heat exchanger straight tube vertical shell and tube EHT heat tracing pipe heater EHA heater air heater EHP heater pressurizer heater * QVA hvac unit auxiliary building hvaB cQV uni* t battery room ventilation * QVR hvac unit control room ventilation * QVE hvac unit electric equipment area ventilation * UIE indicating instrument electronic * IAA instrumentation * ICC instrumentation channel analog core flux * ICF instrumentation channel analog flow * ICL instrumentation channel analog level P instrumentatioIC * n channel analog pressure * ICT instrumentation channel analog temperature * IDL instrumentation channel digital level * IDP instrumentation channel digital pressure YTS intake screen service water system EIA inverter l El inverter instrument EIZ inverter static single phase EIX inverter static three phase R irradiatioJI * g nri isolatinY UE * g diode assembly C lub JL l cooleeoi r manuaC UM l* control device pushbutton * MAA motor * MAC motor AC MAI motor AC induction motoS MS r serv* o MGX motor generator * ARN neutron monitor FXA orifice E penetratioJP * n electrical P penetratioJP * n piping * FSS piping small, <= 1" diameter 3 pipinFS g* medium diamete< " " 1 3 , = < r pipinM FS g * largediamete" 3 > , r * FEA piping expansion joint FNA piping nozzle FNS piping nozzle spray FSA piping straight section FTA piping tees * JIP pneumatic transfer system

86 EPA power supply (instrumentatio controd nan l equipment) PWC pump centrifugal PWB pump centrifugal horizontal flow 22-820 l/s PWE pump centrifugal vertical flow 70-1900 l/s PDA pump diesel driven PMA pump motor driven PTA pump turbine driven URS reactor scram system EPS rectifier static RWA relay RAA relay auxiliary RCL relay control RCA relay controC A l RCD relay controC D l RPH relay power 300-460A RPL relay power 40-60 A RRA relay protective RRO relay protective overload protection RRV relay protective voltage protection RTA relay time delay RTB relay time delay bimetallic RTP relay time delay pneumatic RTS relay time delay solid state RYA relay coil RXA relay contacts ACA sensor core flux AFA sensor flow ALA sensor level ALR sensor level reactor water level APA sensor pressure APD sensor pressure difference ATA sensor temperature NCA signal comparator bistable NSA signal conditioning system for core flux, level, pressure, temperature general NMA signal modifier NMT signal modifier current-current transducer NMP signal modifier current-pneumatic transducer NMV signal modifier current-voltage transducer NMS signal modifier square root extractor NMO signal modifier voltage-pneumatic transducer UEH solid state devices high power application UEL solid state devices low power application ECM static converter for reactor main coolant pumps YSF strainer / filter SDA switch digital channel pressur e/ vacuum , pressure, level SFA switch flow SLA switch level SIA switch limit SIE switch limit electronic SMA switch manual SPA switch pressure

87 STA switch temperature SQA switch torque SCC switch contacts JTR tank storage RWST (refueling water storage tank) EBA terminal board TAA transformer TA2 transformer 220/120 V TAG transformer 6kV/380V TIP transformer instrument potential C transformeTI r (instrument transformer, current transformer) LFF transmitter flow LAA transmitter LLL transmitter level LPP transmitter pressure LXR transmitter pressure difference LTT transmitter temperature VWA valve angle valve VWB valve ball valve VWT valve butterfly valve VWP valve diaphragm VWG valve gate VWL valve globe valve VWN valve needle valve VWU valve nozzle valve VWJ valve plug valve VRA valve relief VSA valve safety VA1 valve air operated VAR valve air operated all systems except raw water return line VEA valve explosive operated VHA valve hydraulic operated VXA valve manual VMA valve motor operated VPA valve piston operated VGA valve self operated check VDA valve solenoid operated CWA wire CWC wire control circuit typical circuit, several joints