Proceedings of Town Council and its Committees 2007-2008

This file is a record of Council Activities as recorded in the minutes of the Coucil and its Committees for the year. A few additional official documents are included.

The pdf file is bookmarked for easier reference. In Internet Explorer click on Navigation Tab at the bottom of the page and click on bookmarks. In Firefox open the bookmarks tab on left of the page. The acrobat reader search option should locate specific items, 2094


At the Council Meeting held, pursuant to notice, on Monday, 21st May 2007 at 7.15 p.m. in the Large Hall, the Town Hall, the following members were present:

Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows (Town Mayor) Cllr. C.J. Butterworth Cllr. Mrs. E.M. Coles Cllr. M. Dixon Cllr. R. Ll. Evans Cllr. J.J. Grantham Cllr. Mrs. J. M. Graves Cllr. K.R. Greenwell Cllr. P.M. Jarratt Cllr. P.A. Lake Cllr. J. Osmond Cllr. G.T. Watkins Cllr. Mrs. S. Wilkes Cllr. Mrs. H.J. Williams Cllr. Ms. K. Withers

Officers: The Town Clerk

4986 The Town Mayor, Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows took the chair and opened the meeting by welcoming Councillors and all other persons present. The Mayor then gave a special welcome to Cllrs. C.J. Butterworth, J. Osmond, G.T. Watkins, Mrs. H.J. Williams and Ms. K. Withers who were attending their first Council Meeting following the election on 3.5.07.

4987 The Mayor gave a resume of the Council’s activities during the past year.

It had been an honour and privilege to lead the Town Council through the past year. At the end of the year the Town Council bade farewell to five excellent Councillors and she thanked them for their services throughout their term of office and wished them well in the future.

The 400th anniversary of the charter had been celebrated throughout the year. It had been a privilege to work with so many creative people, in particular Mrs. Jan Cliffe whose contribution had been monumental. There had been a lot of various events to offer something to all ages and to people of different interests.

The principle partners in all of the events had been the Museum and History Societies, the Theatre, St. Mary’s Church, Chipping Norton School, the Leisure Centre, the Folk Club, the Music Festival, the Lido, , the University of and some of the sports clubs. 2095 At the start of the year she had identified the challenges ahead and what might be achieved i.e., the battle to reduce the HGV traffic through the town, level of policing, the need for town centre shops to prosper, the question of how affordable is affordable housing and the future of Greystones. Other areas where there had been movement were: - the issue of increased youth provision, the inclusion in a bid by WODC for a youth facility on the Common; a beer festival had been held to raise money to help with the refurbishment of the recreation facilities. A lot of lobbying and hard work had been carried out on the new Hospital and Care Home by the County, the PCT, the District, the League of Friends, the two action groups as well as individuals within and outside these groups. The Town Partnership had continued to work throughout the year on a quest to release money from SEEDA and the Parker Knoll covenant. Contracts had now been exchanged between Wimpey’s and commercial developers for the employment land next to the Blissfields estate. The next project was to establish an enterprise gateway and additional space for local firms to grow and develop. The Partnership had set up its own website. The use of the Town Hall had increased over the past year. A generous contribution had been received towards the cost of the redecoration of the Large Hall. Black outs for the lower Town Hall windows were provided after a request had been received from two of the Town Hall hirers. The Town Hall Committee made a decision not to renew the wedding licence in June 2007 because this seemed not likely to yield sufficient income against cost. The Town Hall Committee are in the process of bidding for Heritage Lottery funding to safeguard the future of the listed building and to increase its accessibility and use to and by the community and other users. A group had been set up called “Town Gardens” with a view to seeking financial support for improved flower beds from businesses and individuals. This group had managed to raise a sizeable amount of money, whereupon the Town Council agreed it would take responsibility for the flower beds for 2007 and agreed on a different solution for care of the main beds from 2008. The Town Gardens money was to purchase planters and flowers for suitable spots in the town centre. The refurbishment of the Town Hall toilets had been scheduled into West ’s plans after much persistence by Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles.

The Mayor’s charities for 2006/7 had been BEFSA, an education programe in the Eastern Cape in South Africa founded by an ex OCC education officer and the Banbury and District Branch of Alzheimer’s Society whose group of carers meet in Chipping Norton to offer support to sufferers and their families. Both charities had received £500 at the end of the Mayor’s first year in office. The Mayor had taken part in the town’s twinning with Magny en Vexin in France this year which had been very enjoyable. The Town Council had held a special ceremony earlier in the year to honour the first Honorary Citizen award to Mr. John Hannis. The Mayor thanked Mr. Bill Turner and Mr. Frank Young for their services which they had provided on the Millennium Garden in the town. After seven years they both had decided to hang up their trowels. The Mayor presented both of them with a token of gratitude and thanked them for all their hard work. The Mayor thanked the Guildhall staff and the Town Hall Keeper for all their hard work throughout the year. She also thanked the Town Councillors who had been part of the Council during the past year for their diligence in pursuing issues, for their attention to detail, for their sense of occasion and duty in turning out for town and council events and for their patience when meetings were long and tempers strained. 2096

4988 The Mayor invited nominations for the office of Town Mayor for the year 2007/8.

4989 Cllr. J.J. Grantham moved that Cllr. Mrs. G.M.Burrows be elected to the office of Town Mayor for the year 2007/8.

4990 Cllr. P.A. Lake seconded the motion.

4991 The Mayor asked if there were any other nominations.

4992 There were no other nominations. Council voted unanimously that Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows be elected to the office of Town Mayor for the year 2007/8.

4993 The Town Mayor then signed the acceptance of office, witnessed by Cllr. J.J. Grantham and Cllr. P.A. Lake.

4994 Cllr. J.J. Grantham and Cllr. P.A. Lake then resumed their seats amongst the Council and they spoke on the Mayor’s election.

Cllr. J.J. Grantham addressed Council and stated that over the last thirty three years there had been five lady Town Mayor’s and every new Mayor brought a different contribution of talents to the town. Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows had been a very special Mayor she managed to get Councillors to dress up in period costumes and process through the town to church. She had arranged celebrations for the quarter century charter in the town which had been a very busy year. The Mayor had attended over one hundred engagements over the last year. She organized the Honorary Citizen award for Mr. John Hannis. The Mayor helped put up and take down the Christmas trees and lights and she also helped with the clearing up days in the cemetery. Cllr. J.J. Grantham pointed out that being a Mayor was not always getting dressed up but to help in a wide range of activities. The Mayor had asked Cllr. RLl. Evans to be her Consort and then she purchased the Consort’s badge out of her own pocket.

Cllr. P.A. Lake addressed the Council and referred to the last years activities which included dance lessons for the Mayor’s Ball, the various celebrations held to mark the Charter year and all of the events which the Mayor had attended to represent the town. Cllr. Lake remarked that the Mayor had put a lot of effort into the last year and if the Council had to pay her then it would not have been affordable. Cllr. P.A. Lake thanked the Mayor for being with the Council. He stated that the next year would be a normal Mayoral year without the celebrating of the Charter. He wished the Mayor a good year and told her to enjoy her term of office in 2007/8.

4995 The Town Mayor then addressed the Council and thanked Cllr. J.J. Grantham and Cllr. P.A. Lake for their kind words. She thanked everyone for giving her the opportunity to lead the Council for a further year and shared some thoughts for the year ahead. She hoped that the new Council would establish a vision to work towards and work together to achieve the Council’s aims.

4996 Cllr. R.Ll. Evans then moved a vote of thanks on behalf of Council the retiring Deputy Mayor, Cllr. P.A. Lake for all the work he had put into the last year. He thanked Cllr. Lake for joining in and getting with the spirit especially dressing up as James the 1st on re-enactment day when Councillors dressed up and paraded from the Guildhall to the Church. Cllr. Evans stated that the Mayor had appreciated Cllr. Lake’s strong support throughout the year. Cllr. Lake had been a very good chairman on the Finance and General Purposes Committee getting the various committees to look ahead and make financial plans.

4997 The Mayor then proposed Cllr. P.M. Jarratt be elected as Deputy Mayor for the Municipal year 2007/8 and called for a seconder.

4998 Cllr. Mrs. J.M. Graves seconded the motion. 2097

4999 The Mayor asked if there were any other nominations.

5000 There were no other nominations. Council voted unanimously that Cllr. P.M. Jarratt be elected to the office of Deputy Mayor for the year 2007/8. The Mayor then invested the new Deputy Mayor with the Badge of Office.

5001 Cllr. P.M. Jarratt spoke on his response to his election. He stated that it was a honour to become Deputy Mayor and that he had a hard act to follow. Cllr. Jarratt looked forward to supporting the Mayor through her term of office and to always seek the best interests of Chipping Norton.

5002 The Mayor moved a vote of thanks on behalf of the Council to the Consort, Cllr. R.Ll. Evans for his support and encouragement over the last year. The Consort was to continue in office for the Year 2007/8.

5003 The minutes of the meeting held on the 16th April 2007 The minutes of the meeting held on 16th April 2007 were confirmed by the meeting and signed by the Mayor.

5004 Public Participation No requests for public participation had been received. 5005 Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence had been received from Cllr. G. Alcock and District Councillors R. Townley and M. Howes.

5006 Mayoral Announcements There were no mayoral announcements.

5007 Planning (a) The Minutes of the Planning Committee Council received the minutes of the Planning Committee held on 30th April 2007. (b) Applications Received Council decided to make the observations set out under the heading “comments” on Appendix A 21st May 2007 in respect of the applications 3306 - 3310. (c) Decisions The Town Clerk reported that she had received the following planning decision from WODC which differed from the recommendation of Council: - Planning Application 3301 (06/1927) 1 – 3 West Street, C/N Change of use of existing offices to extend two flats on 1st and 2nd floors. Conversion of offices to create two flats. Raise roof to create one flat. External alterations to include existing bridge and walkways. WODC granted permission. (d) Planning Appeal Decision A planning appeal decision had been received for: - Planning Application 3244 (06/1485) Land at 21, Hailey Avenue, C/N Erection of detached dwelling and formation of vehicular access. Planning permission had been granted. 2098 5008 The Town Clerk’s Report

Accounts Council approved the following payments: -

(a) Imprest Account for April 2007: £6,728.48 (b) General Account: Accounts for payment as at 21st May 2007: £5,889.41 (c) Correspondence Received from: -

Oxfordshire Association of Local Councils Oxfordshire Association of Local Councils was to hold a one day introductory training course, for Councillors and Clerks on Wednesday, 6th June 2007 at South Oxfordshire District Council’s, Council Chamber from 10 am – 3 pm. Councillors interested in attending the course were asked to notify the Town Clerk.

Thames Valley Police/Authority – Stakeholder Forum, 5th June 2007 An invitation from Thames Valley Police/Authority had been received to attend a Stakeholder Forum at Drayton Park Golf Club on Tuesday 5th June 2007 from 9.15 am to 12.15 pm. The Mayor, Cllr. Mrs. J.M. Graves and Cllr. J. Osmond were to attend. 5009 Adoption of the Revised Code of Conduct The Town Council passed the following resolution: - “That (a) the mandatory provisions in the Model Code of Conduct set out in Statutory Instrument 2007/1159 be adopted as the Chipping Norton Town Council code of Conduct, to be effective from 1st June 2007, subject to: (i) the inclusion of the “general principles” as an Annex to the Code, with a footnote to explain that it is not a part of the Code but is included as an Annex because of the requirement in paragraph 1(2) of the Code for members to have regard to the principles; and (ii) the addition of paragraph 12(2) of the Model Code, but excluding the words in brackets each as recommended by the Standards Board for England and the West Oxfordshire District Council; and (b) the Clerk to notify the Monitoring Officer of West Oxfordshire District Council of the passing of the above resolution.”

5010 OALC – AGM and representatives to the Executive Committee A notice had been received of The Annual General Meeting of OALC for 11.6.2007 at Exeter Hall, Kidlington together with a request for a nomination of a representative to the Executive Committee to serve until 2011. Council agreed that Cllr. J.J. Grantham be nominated as a representative to the Executive Committee for OALC.

5011 The Cemetery and Pool Meadow Committee Council received the minutes of the Cemetery and Pool Meadow Committee held on 24th April 2007. 5012 The Finance and General Purposes Committee Council received the minutes of The Finance and General Purposes Committee held on 30th April 2007. The meeting closed at 8.15 pm. APPENDIX A 21st May 2007


For consideration at this meeting:


1. Our Ref: 3306 (07/0712) Oldner House, Charlbury Road, Chipping Norton No objection Conversion of barn to garage/office. Alterations and single storey rear extension.

2. Our Ref: 3307 (07/0718) 37 Finsbury Place, Chipping Norton No objection Insertion of an external door to rear elevation.

3. Our Ref: 3308 (07/0734) 21 Rowell Way, Chipping Norton No objection Erection of single storey rear extension.

4. Our Ref: 3309 (07/0749) 79 Burford Road, Chipping Norton No comment Erection of single & two storey extensions and conversion of existing garage/workshop to provide study.

5. Our Ref: 3310 (07/0762) 29 Rowell Way, Chipping Norton No objection Erection of single storey rear extension. 2099


At the Council Meeting held, pursuant to notice, on Monday, 18th June 2007 at 7.15 p.m. in the Council Chamber, the Town Hall, the following members were present:

Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows (Town Mayor) Cllr. G. Alcock Cllr. C. Butterworth Cllr. Mrs. E.M. Coles Cllr. M. Dixon Cllr. R. Ll. Evans Cllr. J.J. Grantham Cllr. K.R. Greenwell Cllr. P.M. Jarratt Cllr. P.A. Lake Cllr. J. Osmond Cllr. G.T. Watkins Cllr. Mrs. S.J. Wilkes Cllr. Mrs. H. Williams Cllr. Ms. K. Withers

Officers: The Town Clerk The Deputy Town Clerk

The Mayor opened the meeting and welcomed everyone in attendance.

5013 The minutes of the meeting held on the 21st May 2007 The minutes of the meeting held on 21st May 2007 were confirmed by the meeting and signed by the Mayor.

5014 Public Participation A request for public participation had been received from Mr. Mark Flashman who represented the group called “Sort It” in Chipping Norton.

Mr. Flashman explained that “Sort It” was a group of residents from Churchill Road in Chipping Norton who had joined together to put pressure on the planning department at WODC when the recent planning application for ten flats at 1, Churchill Road, Chipping Norton had been submitted.

The group would like the Town Council to be more pro-active in planning applications.

Mr. Flashman invited Councillors to attend a “Sort It” meeting to be held the following night at the Chequers in Chipping Norton at 8.00 pm to discuss how the group could support Town Councillors on planning applications.

The Mayor asked Councillors if anyone had any questions for Mr. Flashman. 2100 Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles explained that there was an item later on the agenda to discuss future planning applications especially with regard to the infilling of the town.

Concerning a comment of Mr. Flashman’s that this Town Council’s decisions were often over-ruled, Cllr. G. Alcock explained that the Town Council considered applications received and made comments which were sent off to WODC. Only WODC and its officers made Planning Decisions.

Cllr. M. Jarratt stated that infilling and developing of gardens has been discussed in Parliament recently. Infilling seemed to be a burning issue in many areas.

Cllr. P. Lake explained that the Town Council forward their comments onto WODC but were constrained by planning rules. Cllr. G. Watkins said that it helps if the public also pass on their comments to WODC.

Cllr. Butterworth did not participate in the question and answer session as a family member was employed in planning. 5015 Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence had been received from Cllr. Mrs. J.M. Graves and District Councillor M. Howes.

5016 Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interest.

5017 Mayoral Announcements The Mayor referred to the report circulated at the start of the meeting entitled “Mayoral Announcements May/June 2007.”

5018 Oxfordshire County Council Cllr. Mrs. H. Biles reported on the following issues:-

Cllr. Mrs. Biles congratulated the Mayor and the Deputy Mayor on their appointment and the re-elected Councillors and the new Councillors on their election success.

Parking in London Road Posts had been installed in London Road to stop motorists from parking on grass verges.

Footpath in London Road The footpath was to be resurfaced in London Road.

Signs in London Road The 30 mph sign and the Chipping Norton sign were to be moved further up London Road.

Zebra Crossing in Albion Street Funding was being sought for a zebra crossing in Albion Street but would probably be in a future financial year. Cllr. Mrs. H. Biles suggested if the Town Council contributed towards the zebra crossing then matched funding might be obtained sooner.

Several Councillors expressed disappointment in the delay in the installation of the crossing. 2101 5019 West Oxfordshire District Council

Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles reported on the following issues: -

Environment and Over View Scrutiny Committee Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles explained that sadly she was no longer on the Environment and Over View Scrutiny Committee but she was to still attend as a visitor.

Air Quality Monitoring in Horse Fair Following the results from the air quality monitoring survey in Horse Fair, Chipping Norton the first step WODC would be taking was to write to residents of Horse Fair right through to West Street stating their findings.

Toilets Work on the Town Hall toilets had now commenced.

Planning Comments Cllr. Coles indicated that she would not be taking part in any CNTC planning consultation discussions because she might be called to stand in on the Uplands Planning Meeting at Witney.

Site Meeting on 28/6/07 at 1, Churchill Road, C/N Cllr. Mrs. Coles stated that she would be attending the site meeting at 1, Churchill Road, C/N to take comments from the residents to the WODC Planning Officers.

One Stop Shop at The Guildhall, C/N Ian Fawcett at the One Stop Shop was regularly dealing with a wide range of items from residents of the town and he would contact the relevant authorities who would then act on the enquires made.

Buses To Stratford-on-Avon, Warks Extra subsidies were being sought for the buses running from Chipping Norton to Stratford- on-Avon. Councillors decided that the County Council should be asked to subsidise an extra bus at mid-day on this route.

Street Cleaning Mrs. Coles had suggested a change in the timing of street cleaning so as to clean after vehicles had been moved in the mornings (work/school run journeys). She had proposed before 9.00 am for Town Centre and after 9.00 am for the estates.

District Cllr. R. Townley reported as follows: -

Skate and Climb Project If applying through “The Chill Out Fund” of the OCC then a fifty per cent reduction could be obtained for the hire of WODC’s “Skate and Climb” equipment.

Affordable Housing WODC had exceeded its housing targets for the last three years but it would be difficult to achieve the target for 2007 – 2010.

Commercial Re-cycling Commercial card-board re-cycling had now started in the District with sixty companies already involved in the programme.

Glass re-cycling was to start on 23/6/07. 2102

5020 Planning (a) The Minutes of the Planning Committee Council received the minutes of the Planning Committee held on 30th May 2007. (b) Applications Received Council decided to make the observations set out under the heading “comments” on Appendix B 18th June 2007 in respect of the applications 3313 - 3319. (c) Decisions The were no decisions to report.

5021 The Town Clerk’s Report

Accounts Council approved the following payments: - (a) Imprest Account for May 2007: £6,558.45 (b) General Account: Accounts for payment as at 18th June 2007: £11,324.37 (c) Correspondence Received from: - Oxfordshire Association of Local Councils Notification of a training event had been received from OALC on Getting to Grips with Finance which was to be held at Didcot Civic Hall on Wednesday 4th July 2007. The Town Clerk asked if Councillors were interested in attending to let her know at the end of the meeting. New Planning Guidance on Affordable Housing Two copies of the Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document adopted by the District Council on 4th April 2007 had been received. Electronic copies could be viewed on WODC’s website. The Town Clerk explained that the document provided detailed guidance on how new affordable housing would be delivered through planning applications on allocated and windfall sites under Policy H11 of the adopted West Oxfordshire Local Plan 2011. 5022 Planning Issues Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles presented a proposal on local planning issues as follows: - “This Town Council is very concerned over the present rate of building on small plots of land and gardens in Chipping Norton. We have repeatedly raised the question of whether the local infrastructure can cope with these increased demands. In particular we know that demands on drains and sewers and parking have become critical. We are concerned about the ability of schools and health services to cope. Increased traffic movements mean less safety (with a chronic shortage of pedestrian crossings) and more air pollution. There is a worry that some areas of the town which have a real sense of character are being ruined by unsympathetic buildings. We do understand that each individual application must be judged in the context of national and local planning policies – both of which favour brown field development against the background of acute shortage of housing in the South East. However the incremental impact of so much building in such a relatively short period on the town’s infrastructure now needs assessing urgently. There is a growing feeling among residents that “enough is enough”. Another worrying aspect of the development of small parcels of land is that individual developments are rarely large enough to require a quota of Affordable Housing. We strongly suggest that WODC should look again at its policy in this respect. The Town Council needs to urgently develop a Local Plan (as Witney and Carterton have done) which outlines agreed assumptions about additional housing (numbers, type and location). The Plan also needs to ensure a continuing balance between jobs and housing. 2103

This Plan should act as a framework for all future developments. To ensure the most informed possible input into Planning decisions Town Councillors need to receive training in planning policy and issues. We also strongly urge that the Town Council should be prepared to allocate a budget to access professional Planning advice on major applications.” Cllr. P. Lake requested to see this proposal in writing and suggested that Town Councillors should discuss this item at the next planning meeting.

Cllr. R.Ll. Evans suggested that the Council agree on an action plan and a consultant should be appointed to help in this process.

Town Councillors decided that a meeting should be arranged with Planning Officers from WODC before the next Town Council meeting to discuss the issues raised.

5023 Committees and Other Bodies Council decided upon the membership of Council’s Committees and appointed Council’s representatives on other bodies as shown in the listings attached to these minutes as appendix “C”.

Cllr. J.J. Grantham proposed that the tri-partite meetings previously held should continue and that they should be arranged with the District Council, County Council and the Town Council. Cllr. M. Jarratt seconded the proposal.

5024 Town Council Web Site Cllr. G. Alcock explained to Council that Mr. James Crease had been managing the Town Council’s WOSP Web Site.

The Guildhall staff were now willing to manage the WOSP Web Site at The Guildhall with the help of Mr. James Crease.

It was agreed that items such as agendas, minutes, press releases, town diary, committees etc., should be published on the web site.

Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows and Cllr. Mrs. H. Williams offered to help with press releases.

Council resolved that in view of the nature of the business to be transacted, it was advisable in the public interest that the public and press be temporarily excluded and they were requested to withdraw.

5025 Hailcorns – Play Area in Cornish Road To receive an update on the Play Area in Cornish Road, Chipping Norton. APPENDIX A

Mayoral announcements – May/June 2007

It was a bit quiet after the Mayormaking but this last week things have begun to gather momentum, hence the reason for having to table this. These are generally things that I have been invited to do.


11th *Dave Haigh Awards 22nd *Emma’s Trust AGM 25th *Owen Mumford’s – opening of new extension *Lido – unveiling by David Cameron of Capital Appeal Honours Board and tea party *Opening of Private View of Artsweek in Town Hall and later at Chadlington


6th Meeting with Chris Baylis of Wake up to Woodstock 12th Chipping Norton School Trust – allocation of grants to various students Age Concern and CATS AGM at Highlands 13th Meeting with residents of Spring St and West St about parking 14th Humberts Estate Agents – presenting prizes following art competition in local primary schools 19th *Lord Lieutenant and Bishop of Dorchester’s reception – Dorchester Abbey – celebration of start of new council year and chance to meet new mayors and chairs.

* with Rob Evans, Mayor’s Consort APPENDIX B 18th June 2007


For consideration at this meeting:

1. Our Ref: 3313 (07/0901) Land at 9 Cross Leys, Chipping Norton Erection of dwelling and formation of new vehicular access to serve existing dwelling.

COMMENT: Town Council object to this planning application with the same comments as the previous application (07/0429). This would create a terrace and would change the appearance of the street scene.

2. Our Ref: 3314 (07/0887) COMMENT 10 Shepard Way, Chipping Norton No objection Erection of rear conservatory

3. Our Ref: 3315 (07/0881) COMMENT 2 Albion Place, Chipping Norton No objection Conversion of existing dwelling into two residential Units and formation of new vehicular access.

4. Our Ref: 3316 (07/0911) Grace Cottage, 2 The Leys, Chipping Norton Erection of two storey extension to create separate dwelling. Erection of detached garage (to allow repositioning of garage) (Retrospective). Creation of parking spaces to serve Briery Cottage.

COMMENT: Town Council do not approve of this application. This planning application has been achieved over several applications over the last few years; it started off with a studio now it has become a separate dwelling.

5. Our Ref: 3317 (07/0939) COMMENT 4 Park Road, Chipping Norton No objection Erection of single storey side and rear extensions and construction of conservatory. Formation of new vehicular access.

6. Our Ref: 3318 (07/0953) Pear Tree Cottage, Albion Street, Chipping Norton Erection of eight dwellings formation of vehicular access and car parking.

COMMENT: Town Council object to this planning application with the same comments as the previous application (06/1780). The density of the development planned is too great and there are insufficient car parking spaces. Council are also concerned that the density of new buildings in the area has contributed to flooding experienced in West Street – the drainage systems are under strain and cannot cope.

7. Our Ref: 3319 (07/0966) COMMENT 12 – 14 Market Place, Chipping Norton No objection Installation of condenser unit. Appendix C CHIPPING NORTON TOWN COUNCIL


Committee Membership 2007/8 Finance and General Purposes The Mayor – Ex Officio (Includes for budget making process – Chairman of budget making committees) Cllr G Alcock Cllr C J Butterworth Cllr R Ll Evans Cllr J J Grantham Cllr K R Greenwell Cllr P A Lake

Cemetery/Pool Meadow The Mayor – Ex Officio Cllr M J Dixon Cllr Mrs J M Graves Cllr J J Grantham Cllr M Jarratt Cllr J Osmond Cllr G T Watkins Cllr Mrs S J Wilkes

Recreation/Greystones The Mayor – Ex Officio Cllr G Alcock Cllr Mrs E Coles Cllr M J Dixon Cllr Mrs J M Graves Cllr Mrs S J Wilkes Cllr Mrs H J Williams Cllr Ms K Withers

Town Hall/Publicity The Mayor – Ex Officio Cllr C J Butterworth Cllr Mrs E Coles Cllr R Ll. Evans Cllr Mrs J M Graves Cllr K R Greenwell Cllr G T Watkins Cllr Mrs H J Williams

Grants to Voluntary Bodies The Mayor – Ex Officio Cllr Mrs J M Graves Cllr M Jarratt Cllr Mrs H J Williams Cllr Ms K Withers

Health & Safety The Mayor Cllr C J Butterworth Cllr M J Dixon

Mayoral Selection The Mayor Cllr Mrs J M Graves Cllr J J Grantham Cllr J Osmond Cllr Mrs H J Williams

Planning (All members) The Mayor 3 members to form quorate Deputy Mayor Cllr C J Butterworth Cllr K R Greenwell

Policy All Town Councillors

Representatives to other Bodies Traffic Advisory Cllr Mrs E Coles (Joint Committee with OCC) Cllr J J Grantham Cllr Mrs J M Graves Cllr P A Lake Cllr J Osmond

William Fowler Allotments The Mayor – Ex Officio Cllr Mrs E Coles Cllr M Jarratt Cllr Mrs S J Wilkes Cllr Ms K Withers

Association of Local Councils Cllr J J Grantham (Life Vice President) Cllr Mrs J M Graves

Bus Services Parish Transport Representation Cllr Mrs G M Burrows Cllr Mrs E Coles Cllr M J Dixon Cllr R Ll. Evans Cllr J Osmond

Chipping Norton Welfare Charities Cllr Mrs G M Burrows Cllr J J Grantham Cllr Ms K Withers

Field Reeves The Mayor Cllr Mrs E Coles Cllr M Jarratt Cllr P A Lake

Town Partnership Cllr R Ll. Evans Cllr J Osmond 2105


At the Council Meeting held, pursuant to notice, on Monday, 16th July 2007 at 7.15 p.m. in the Council Chamber, the Town Hall, the following members were present:

Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows (Town Mayor) Cllr. G. Alcock Cllr. C. Butterworth Cllr. Mrs. E.M. Coles Cllr. M. Dixon Cllr. R. Ll. Evans Cllr. J.J. Grantham Cllr. Mrs. J.M. Graves Cllr. K.R. Greenwell Cllr. P.M. Jarratt Cllr. P.A. Lake Cllr. G.T. Watkins Cllr. Mrs. S.J. Wilkes Cllr. Mrs. H. Williams Cllr. Ms. K. Withers

Officers: The Town Clerk

The Mayor opened the meeting and welcomed everyone in attendance.

5026 The minutes of the meeting held on the 18th June 2007 The minutes of the meeting held on 18th June 2007 were confirmed by the meeting and signed by the Mayor with one amendment to page 2101 – Buses to Stratford-on-Avon, Warks add - Councillors decided that the County Council should be asked to subsidise an extra bus at mid-day on this route.

5027 Public Participation No requests for public participation had been received.

5028 Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence had been received from Cllr. J. Osmond and District Cllr. M. Howes.

5029 Declarations of Interest Cllr. J.J. Grantham declared an interest in the application to WODC for a premises licence at Chipping Norton Cricket Club (considered in the Town Clerk’s Report below) as he was the Chairman of the Fire Brigade Committee and he took no part in the discussion.

Cllr. C. Butterworth declared an interest in planning as he was the secretary of the Burford Road Residents Association and he took no part in the discussion. 2106 Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles declared an interest in the British Legion planning application as she had passed on comments to the District Council from the residents of the neighbouring properties of the site and she took no part in the discussion.

5030 Mayoral Announcements The Mayor referred to the report circulated at the start of the meeting entitled “Mayoral Announcements June/July 2007.( Appendix A)

The Mayor reported that Cllr. Mrs. K. Withers attended the Home Start event on behalf of the Mayor. Cllr. Mrs. K. Withers explained that Home Start were trying to obtain funding for the Chipping Norton area.

The Mayor reported that she had received some documents on the business park scheduled for part of the former Parker Knoll site. The plans were to be displayed in The Guildhall for the public to view. The construction was to start with the Enterprise Centre and then was to continue with building the business units.

The Mayor asked the Councillors if they had any thoughts on the plans could they pass them onto WODC.

5031 Oxfordshire County Council Cllr. Mrs. H. Biles reported on the following issues:-

Hospital Plans The new hospital plans were to be available in October.

Library OCC had put an additional £20,000 to the side for library services in Chipping Norton.

West Oxfordshire Trust and Environment Grants were available of up to £10,000 through OCC for exceptional schemes such as creating short walks in the countryside, creating more green spaces, cycle routes, projects for local youngsters and voluntary organizations. The projects were to be completed within a one year period.

5032 West Oxfordshire District Council

Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles reported on the following issues: -

Traffic in Worcester Road Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles had spoken to a traffic officer from OCC on the problems with speeding in the Worcester Road. A hit and run accident had happened recently resulting with a young man suffering a broken arm. Elderly people were having difficulty crossing the road and so were young children walking to school.

The problem was with the speed limits changing from 30 mph to 40 mph and then back to 30 mph on that stretch of road.

The next Traffic Advisory Meeting was scheduled in October and Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles had sent copies of complaint letters to the traffic officer at OCC and to the police.

A suggestion was put forward to install chicanes in Worcester Road to slow the traffic down. 2107 Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows reported the continuing problem with the lorries driving through the night down New Street.

Mrs. H. Biles stated this was a County Council issue and was being dealt with at the moment. There was an air quality action plan which might result in limiting lorries through the town - this was to be discussed in September.

Re-cycling Bins in New Street Car Park Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles had spoken to Mr. Phil Page, Head of Street Scene at WODC with regard to the re-cycling bins in New Street car park which were regularly over flowing.

Lottery Bid for Recreation Equipment Cllr. Mrs. Coles reported that the lottery bid had been successful for installing a multi-use games area and a teen shelter on the recreation ground in Worcester Road.

Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows gave a special thanks to Tara Neilson and Diana Shelton, WODC’s Leisure Department for successfully completing the application forms and obtaining the lottery grant for the new recreation equipment.

District Cllr. M. Howes reported as follows: -

Planning Team from WODC Cllr. Howes commented that CNTC had been honoured by the attendance of the high powered planning team at the meeting in the Town Hall to discuss future developments of the town.

Re-cycling Yellow Pages WODC would be collecting the old yellow pages for re-cycling in Sepember 2007.

Re-cycling Bins in New Street Car Park Cllr. Howes advised people to phone WODC if they saw that the re-cycling bins in New Street car park were over flowing.

Lottery Funding for Recreation Equipment Cllr. Howes stated that Tony Walker and Hilary Biles had helped push the lottery bid through for the recreation equipment on Worcester Road.

Cllr. K. Greenwell pointed out that WODC should be regularly emptying the re-cycling bins and clearing drains without having to be told by the public. A suggestion of emptying the bins before the week end was put forward.

Cllr. Mrs. H. Biles responded that these duties were regularly carried out and at the moment she was fighting hard to get the weeds sprayed.

Cllr. G. Alcock stated that an additional drain was need in West Street to cope with heavy rain down pours. He also indicated that drain covers in the town were actually lifted when storm floods occurred.

5033 Planning (a) The Minutes of the Planning Committee Council received the minutes of the Planning Committee held on 2nd July 2007. Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows stated there had been a good attendance of Councillors at the planning meeting to consider the future of the town. The meeting had been a special meeting and not a regular Council meeting, it was held with Town Councillors and WODC officers to gather up ideas for planning the way forward before hiring a planning consultant. 2108 Council appointed a working party of Town Councilors to proceed with the ideas put forward as follows: - Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows, Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles, Cllr. K. Greenwell, Cllr. C. Butterworth, Cllr. J.J. Grantham, Cllr. Mrs. H.J. Williams, Cllr. R.Ll. Evans and Cllr. G. Alock.

Cllr. R.Ll. Evans proposed that another meeting at a later dated should be held with the County Council and Thames Water Ltd to discuss future planning of the town. (b) Applications Received Council decided to make the observations set out under the heading “comments” on Appendix B 16th July 2007 in respect of the applications 3326 - 3329. (c) Decisions The were no decisions to report.

5034 The Town Clerk’s Report

Accounts Council approved the following payments: -

(a) Imprest Account for June 2007: £5,815.58 (b) General Account: Accounts for payment as at 16th July 2007: £17,715.45 (c) Correspondence Received from: -

Oxfordshire Association of Local Councils Notification of a training event had been received from OALC on ‘How Local Councils Fit Into The Planning System – Effective Responses To Planning Applications’ which was to be held at Didcot Civic Hall on Wednesday 10th October 2007.

Councillors who wished to attend the course were as follows: - Cllrs. Mrs. G.M. Burrows, Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles, Cllr. R.Ll. Evans, Cllr. Ms. K. Withers, Cllr. K. Greenwell, Cllr. G. Alcock, Cllr. G. Watkins, Cllr. Mrs. J.M. Graves, Cllr. P.A. Lake and Cllr. C. Butteworth.

Application for a Premises Licence at Chipping Norton Cricket Club An application for a Premises Licence had been received for Emma’s Trust to hold events throughout the year at the Cricket Club, Banbury Road, Chipping Norton.

Town Councillors raised concerns with the times on the application received and because there was no restriction to the amount of times the events were to be held at the Cricket Club.

Andrea Thomas a Licensing Officer from WODC was in attendance at the meeting and she explained the application to Councillors.

Town Councillors decided after much discussion to suggest a restraint on the application of four events in a year with no consecutive events and they should finish by 2 am. If the events were successful and there were no complaints then the Town Council would consider altering their recommendation to include six events in a year.

5035 Tourist Information in Chipping Norton Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows proposed that Chipping Norton Town Council run the Tourist Information Centre in the entrance of the Town Hall on Saturday mornings to see whether there was a demand for the service.

Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows had spoken to WODC and they had no problem with this. WODC had offered to supply display stands and leaflets. 2109

The service was to be run by volunteers on a trial basis until September 2007. Some volunteers had already put their names forward.

Mrs. Hilary Biles, County Councillor suggested a notice should be displayed at The Guildhall showing that service was available.

Cllr. P.A. Lake suggested making a record of the amount of visits on a Saturday.

All Town Councillors present were in favour of running the Tourist Information Centre on a Saturday.

5036 The Annual Accounts (a) Council received and approved the Annual Accounts for 1.4.06 to 31.3.07 (b) Council received the Bank Reconciliation as at 31.3.07 (c) Council received and authorised the Annual Return for the year ended 31.3.07 Section1 Statement of accounts Section 2 Statement of assurance Section 4 Internal Auditor’s Report

The meeting closed at 9.30 pm. Mayoral announcements – July 2007

I’ve extended this into what I am down to do for the rest of the month to take account of holidays.

June 25th As I was unable to attend Cllr Kristel Withers kindly deputised for me at the presentation of Awards by the Lord Lieutenant of Oxfordshire to Banbury and Chipping Norton Homestart.

29th *Town Twinning association meeting at Highlands 30th Chipping Norton and District Rotary Club – President’s Night and celebration of their 40th anniversary of their Charter

July 1st *Banbury and District Alzheimer’s Society Garden Party at Wardington House (this was one of the charities we raised money for at the Charter Ball and I was glad to be able to present to the Society a cheque for £722.

5th *Performance of ‘Oliver’ by year 5 and 6 pupils of St Mary’s Primary School at The Theatre

12th *Reception at the home of the High Sheriff of Oxfordshire.

18th AGM of Citizens’ Advice Bureau, Chipping Norton Town Hall

19th *Performance of ‘Oliver’ by students at Chipping Norton School

28th *End of year concert by Oxfordshire Youth Orchestra at Oxford Town Hall

* with Consort Cllr Rob Evans APPENDIX B 16th July 2007


For consideration at this meeting:


1. Our Ref: 3326 (07/1123) 1 – 17 Shepard Way, Chipping Norton To be welcomed Replace existing timber windows & doors with pvcu ‘timber effect’ double glazed windows & doors

2. Our Ref: 3327 (07/1130) Land adjacent 81 Walterbush Road, Chipping Norton No objection Erection of dwelling and detached single garage

3. Our Ref: 3328 (07/1137) The Royal British Legion, West Street, Chipping Norton See below Erection of ten dwellings with parking, access, landscaping and associated works. (To allow revisions to include windows, rooflights, bin/cycle store. Raising of eaves height of plots 6 & 7).

COMMENT: Town Council strongly object to this planning application. Councillors are very concerned with having to dig below the retaining wall at the back of the site, they propose moving the car ports across the site so that it is not necessary to dig below the wall.

4. Our Ref: 3329 (07/1155) No objection 11 The Leys, Chipping Norton Erection of single storey rear extension and alterations to garage to form workshop 2110


At the Council Meeting held, pursuant to notice on Monday 20th August 2007 at 7.15 pm in the Council Chamber, the Town Hall, the following members were present: - Cllr. P.M. Jarratt (Deputy Mayor) Cllr. G. Alcock Cllr. C.J. Butterworth Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles Cllr. M. Dixon Cllr. J.J. Grantham Cllr. P.A. Lake Cllr. G.T. Watkins Cllr. Mrs. S.J. Wilkes Cllr. Ms. K. Withers In the absence of the Mayor the Deputy Mayor took the Chair and opened the meeting. Cllr. P.M. Jarratt announced the sad news of the death of Mr. R. Brain, resident of Chipping Norton who had served on the Town Council many years ago and also the death of Mr. A. Nockles, a former head master of Chipping Norton School. The Deputy Mayor requested one minutes silence before the meeting. 5037 The minutes of the meeting held on the 16th July 2007 The minutes of the meeting held on the 16th July 2007 were confirmed by the meeting and signed by the Deputy Mayor with the following amendments: - Page 2105, Minute No. 5029, last paragraph, omit “Chairman of the Committee which was campaigning for suitable town houses,” to “Secretary of the Burford Road Residents Association” and he took no part in the discussion. Page 2106, Minute No. 5032, Item – Traffic in Worcester Road – first line – change “had visited Chipping Norton and spoke to Mrs. E. Coles” – to “Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles had spoken to a traffic officer from OCC on the problems with speeding in the Worcester Road.” 5038 Public Participation No requests for public participation had been received. 5039 Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence had been received from Cllrs. Mrs. G.M. Burrows, Town Mayor, R.Ll. Evans, Mrs. J.M. Graves, K.J. Greenwell, J. Osmond and Mrs. H. Williams. 5040 Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interest. 5041 Mayoral Announcements The Deputy Mayor referred to the report circulated with the minutes entitled “Mayoral Announcements July/August 2007.” 2111

5042 Oxfordshire County Council There was no report from Oxfordshire County Council as County Cllr. Mrs. H. Biles was not in attendance. 5043 West Oxfordshire District Council Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles reported on the following issues: - Traffic in Worcester Road Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles had received more letters of complaint on traffic related problems in Worcester Road. Cllr. Mrs. Coles had spoken to traffic officers who had stated they were looking into installing vehicle activating signs along that stretch of road. Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles was going to raise this issue at the next Traffic Advisory Meeting. MUGA Update The Town Clerk, Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles and Cllr. G. Alcock had met with WODC officers to discuss the next steps for the MUGA and Teen Shelter installation on the New Street Recreation Ground. The District Officers were filling in forms ready for the Cabinet meeting to be held in October. A date was set in September to meet again with the District Officers to discuss the equipment and site location on the recreation ground. The MUGA was intended to be installed near to the entrance of Pool Meadow. Both The Recreation Committee and The Field Reeves understood that the football pitch might have to be moved slightly to accommodate the MUGA. Toilets Update Mr. Phil Page, Head of Street Scene had e-mailed Cllr. Mrs. Coles to notify her of a delay with the work being carried out on the toilets at the Town Hall, this was caused by discovering a few problems with the pipe work. The new date planned to complete the work was Monday 10th September 2007. Air Quality Monitoring Action Plan A document on Stage 4 “Further Assessment of Air Quality for Chipping Norton” had been received requesting comments on the work carried out. The document was to be circulated to Town Councillors and comments were to be passed onto the Town Clerk. Cllr. M. Howes reported on the following issues: -

Floods Cllr. M. Howes had attending a briefing meeting on the recent flooding. Cllr. Howes had pointed out that Chipping Norton had not had any problems on the day of the flooding. There had been lots of problems in the area and the District Council were now getting on top of all of the difficulties experienced during the flooding.

Emergency contact lists were to be displayed in public places.

Rotary Jazz Day Cllr. Howes thanked the Town Council for their support in the Rotary Jazz Day and he mentioned there was a lot of people looking forward to the day.

Cllr. G. Alcock asked for details on the position of the vacancy on the Town Partnership Committee and asked Cllr. M. Howes to pass the question onto the Town Partnership. 2112

5044 Planning (a) The Minutes of the Planning Committee Council received the minutes of the Planning Committee held on 31st July 2007. (b) Applications Received Council decided to make the observations set out under the heading “comments” on Appendix B 20th August 2007 in respect of the applications 3339 – 3343. (c) Decisions Our Ref: 3316 07/0911 Grace Cottage, 2, the Leys, C/N Erection of two storey extension to create separate dwelling. Erection of detached garage. (To allow repositioning of garage) (Retrospective) Creation of parking spaces to serve Briery Cottage. WODC granted permission.

5045 The Town Clerks Report

Accounts Council approved the following payments: -

(a) Imprest Account for July 2007: £4,711.58. (b) General Account: Accounts for payment as at 20th August 2007: £10,060.61. (c) Correspondence Received from: -

West Oxfordshire District Council

Environment Act 1985 Stage 4 Further Assessment of Air Quality A document on Stage 4 Further Assessment of Air Quality for Chipping Norton had been received requesting comments on the work carried out. The document was to be circulated between Town Councillors and comments were to be passed onto the Town Clerk.

Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places Following the coming into force of Section 16 of the Electoral Administration Act 2006, the Council was required by Section 18C of the Representation of the People Act 1983 to complete a review of all the polling districts and polling places within West Oxfordshire by the end of 2007.

The Town Clerk was to ask Mr. D. Bloomfield of WODC if he had received any requests for an additional polling station in Chipping Norton i.e. perhaps at the other end of town.

Licensing Act 2003 – Review of Statement of Licensing Policy – Public Consultation exercise A document had been received on The Licensing Act 2003 which required WODC to review the statement of Licensing Policy every three years. As three years had nearly elapsed from first adopting the policy, WODC were embarking on a public consultation exercise with the document from 1.8.07 to 30.9.07. The Act transferred the responsibility for the sale and supply of alcohol from the Magistrates to Local Authorities and created additional responsibilities in respect of late night refreshment. Comments were to be received in writing by 30th September 2007. This subject was agreed to be an agenda item for the next Town Council meeting (17.9.07). 2113

Variation of a Premises Licence at Norten’s Café Bar, New Street A variation request to extend the area for licensable activities to the dining area and courtyard garden at the rear of the property at Norten’s Café Bar, New Street had been received. Town Councillors had no objection to the variation of a premises licence.

Oxfordshire County Council

Temporary Road Closure – Chipping Norton Street Fair 2007 Street closure dates for Chipping Norton Street Fair 2007 had been received for 00.01 hours Thursday 13th September 2007 – 09.30 hours Sunday 16th September 2007.

Town and Parish Council Liaison Event A representative of the Town Council was invited to attend a Town and Parish Council Liaison Event on 17th September 2007 from 6 pm until 9 pm at the Marlborough School, Woodstock. The purpose of the event was to strengthen links between the County, District and Town and Parish Councils in West Oxfordshire. Cllr. C. Butterworth agreed to attend.

Changes to Local Bus Services Correspondence had been received stating the Stagecoach X50 service was to be re- numbered to the 20 (to fall in line with other days), although timings were unchanged and the bus was to still operate through from Oxford to Stratford without the need to change. It had been noted that there was no additional service at mid-day as previously requested by the Town Council. It had been noted that there was no additional service at mid-day as previously requested by the Town Council.

Other Correspondence received from:

West Street Surgery A request had been received from West Street Surgery asking if the Town Council would be willing to donate the use of the Town Hall for a four hour session as a location in Chipping Norton for a recruitment session for potential donors for the Anthony Nolan Bone Marrow Trust. The surgeries practice staff will be donating their time, along with the local Lions Club who had volunteered their services for helping with advertising and recruiting. Town Councillors agreed to the request of free use of the Town Hall for a four hour session for a recruitment session for potential donors for the Anthony Nolan Bone Marrow Trust.

Chipping Norton Museum of Local History The Chipping Norton Museum of Local History invited Town Councillors to join them on Monday 17th September 2007 at 5.30 pm to the unveiling of a plaque in memory of the late Fred Lewis.

The ceremony was to take place at 5, Market Street and the plaque was to be unveiled by a representative from the Baseball Club assisted by a member of the 6th Chipping Norton Scouts.

5045 The Cemetery Committee The Council received the minutes of the Cemetery Committee meeting held on 10th July 2007. 2114

5046 The Planning Committee Notes of the Planning Committee held on 30th July 2007 Council received the notes of the Planning Committee held on 30th July 2007. Cllr. G. Alcock offered to re-word the last paragraph on page 1 as follows: -

“A long term plan for the town would be to develop the burgage plots at the rear of High Street into a shopping centre with a new library and youth club on site. This site is a vital part of the town. It was understood that the landowners will seek to get maximum returns and will want to include as much housing as possible. However, this may be a last opportunity to get important civic amenities and additional commercial outlets located centrally. One suggestion was that landowners might be offered compensation in the form of land (with residential planning permission) on the town periphery. This idea would be progressed urgently.”

A Resolution for a New Youth Centre and Town Library In the absence of Cllr. R.Ll. Evans, Cllr. J.J. Grantham spoke on the resolution for a New Youth Centre and Town Library through planning gain.

After much discussion Town Councillors decided that sites in the town should be marked for both the Youth Centre and the Library as sites were becoming available in the town. The Town Council agreed to accept the resolution as follows: -

“Chipping Norton Town Council strongly supports the creation of a new Youth Centre and the creation of a new Town Library as immediate priority needs for the residents of Chipping Norton and the neighbouring area. As local authorities (in this context OCC) do not receive sufficient capital funding to replace these existing facilities, the only way these can be achieved in Chipping Norton is through community gain in the planning process. We wish to draw to the attention of West Oxfordshire District Council, as the planning authority, the overwhelming desire of the Town Council and local council tax payers that this should be achieved as soon as relevant planning applications permit.

The desire for a purpose built Youth Centre was identified as a key priority in the 2003 Town appraisal and subsequent 2005 Action Plan. It has been further endorsed by a public meeting called by the Town Council in December 2006 and by the ongoing current activities of both the Town Council Recreation Committee and the Town Partnership with young people in the Chipping Norton area. Added urgency is given to this request by the need of Chipping Norton School to expand its sixth form into the space occupied by the current Youth Centre.

The need for a replacement Town Library had been identified by OCC since 1997 and the search for suitable town centre premises had been supported by the Town Council and local residents throughout this period.

We urge WODC, as the planning authority to negotiate appropriate Section 106 and other agreements for the provision of a youth centre and library for Chipping Norton.”

This resolution was to be passed onto WODC. 2115

5047 The Finance and General Purposes Committee Council received the minutes of The Finance and General Purposes Committee held on 31st July 2007.

Cllr. P.A. Lake, the Chairman asked the Town Hall Committee to consider which jobs were still outstanding for this financial year.

The Recreation Committee had put this year’s money out of the budget towards the MUGA.

The town centre gardens expenditure had come out of the extra finance for the rent of the manorial land at London Road.

The Greystones House was still being used as storage by the NORTS and the Silver Band. A commercial company had approached the Finance and General Purposes Committee with a proposal of either buying or renting the property as its business base. The Committee had responded by sending a letter seeking re-assurance that the company had got the finance to under take the project.

Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles commented that the recreational facilities of the town were in a poor state and in the future the Town Council would be requiring extra finance to remedy this situation.

5048 Footpaths Cllr. J.J. Grantham explained that he had completed an application form to obtain funding through (TOE) in association with Grundon Waste, to improve access gates for The Glyme walk. The Glyme walk has got stiles at the moment, walkers would benefit much more if these could be changed to swing gates.

Ms. Fiona Danks from TOE had recommended a support letter from the Town Council would help in obtaining the grant funding.

The Town Council agreed to send a support letter with the application form.

Cllr. G. Alcock stated The Glyme Valley Walk was part of a new scheme which had recently been completed. There was to be a walk on Friday 24th August 2007 starting from Chipping Norton and ending up at Woodstock. The BBC were going to be doing a live programme on the walk. A representative from the County Council and Mr. Clive Hill would be walking the route and the Mayor of Woodstock was to meet them part of the way and complete the walk with them. Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows agreed to present the walkers on their departure of Chipping Norton with a greeting letter which was to be presented to the Woodstock Town Mayor.

The meeting closed at 9.25 pm. APPENDIX A

Mayoral Announcements – July – August 2007

The Summer Concert of the Oxfordshire County Youth Orchestra mentioned in my last report marked the end of the official occasions for the summer but already there are dates in the diary for September and, during the summer break, I shall be putting my mind to some of the plans I have for mayoral events during the remainder of this year. I welcome any input from fellow Councillors for events they would like to consider, both for Council involvement and as civic and community events.

For your diaries I can offer you the following:

Saturday November 3rd - Town Hall open day – a chance to showcase the building (and the Council maybe) and provide an additional launch to John Grantham’s Town Hall book (he plans to have its first launch at Jaffe and Neale probably in September)

Saturday 29th March 2008 – Mayor’s Ball

I hope to have a weekend Art and Craft for All in February but am finalising this with The Theatre and other bodies

Meanwhile…. Chipping Norton gets on with it:

Town Gardens – not only has the Town Council arranged for all the Town Centre beds to be gardened appropriately but also the money raised by the Town Gardens group has provided tubs beside the Town Hall and by the tree in the Market Place. Meanwhile a weeding working party has had two Saturday sessions and will continue on the last Saturday in the month (or thereabouts) to deal with some of the unsightly weeds that all this rain has brought up.

Information for Visitors: so far our initiative to open an office in the entrance of the Town Hall from 10 – 1 on Saturdays has had two successful sessions and already demonstrated the need for this. Grateful thanks to our volunteers but especially to Peta Simmons who has worked wonders in setting it up in a professional manner. We plan to run to the end of September and then review the situation. APPENDIX B 20th August 2007


For consideration at this meeting:


1. Our Ref: 3339 (07/1334) No objection New Chalford Farm, London Road, Chipping Norton Erection of barn for storage of straw & general implements

2. Our Ref: 3340 (07/1338) Town Councillors have no 7 Middle Row, Chipping Norton objection to this planning Erection of single and two storey rear extensions. application but would like to Change of use of ground floor and part first floor point out that there must be to takeaway and storage. Create two bedroomed enough storage for rubbish flat above. bins on the site, rather than rubbish bins being stored on the roadside.

3. Our Ref: 3341 (07/1348) No objection Cornerstone, 10 Insall Road, Chipping Norton Erection of front porch

4. Our Ref: 3342 (07/1367) No objection 18 London Road, Chipping Norton Erection of single storey and first floor rear extensions

5. Our Ref: 3343 (07/1412) No objection Former Learning Disabilities Unit, London Road Erection of six additional lighting bollards 2116


At the Council Meeting held, pursuant to notice on Monday 17th September 2007 at 7.15 pm in the Council Chamber, the Town Hall, the following members were present: -

Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows (Town Mayor) Cllr. G. Alcock Cllr. C.J. Butterworth Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles Cllr. M. Dixon Cllr. R.Ll. Evans Cllr. J.J. Grantham Cllr. K.R. Greenwell Cllr. P.M. Jarratt Cllr. J. Osmond Cllr. G.T. Watkins Cllr. Mrs. S.J. Wilkes Cllr. Mrs. H.J. Williams Cllr. Ms. K. Withers

The Mayor welcomed everyone to the meeting.

She then advised that as shown on the agenda at 8.00 pm approximately there would be a presentation of the prizes for the 2007 Allotment Competition.

5049 The minutes of the meeting held on the 20th August 2007 The minutes of the meeting held on the 20th August 2007 were confirmed by the meeting and signed by the Mayor.

5050 Public Participation Two requests for public participation had been received both concerning the Agenda item “The Town Partnership – request for a financial contribution to the Partnership from the Town Council.”

The first joint request received was from Mr. Simon Duffy, Chair of Chipping Norton Town Partnership and Mr. Will Barton, Rural Business Support Officer of WODC, who addressed Council and requested £3,000 from the Town Council to help fund the continuing work of the Partnership.

They reported that during the past year the Partnership had attracted funding totalling over £27,000. The funding had been used to make significant strides towards securing Chipping Norton’s future as a working Cotswold Town. In 2007/8 the Partnership hoped to attract funding close to £260,000 as well as significant private investment towards critical projects for the town. 2117

The second request received was from Mr. Graham Birks - a resident of Chipping Norton. Mr. Birks voiced his opposition to the funding request of the Town Partnership. He stated that the appointment of the partnership’s “Programme Manager” was meant to be self funding and that no manager funding had reached the town. He added that to date the Town Partnership had only set up a youth forum; printed a supporting leaflet and set up a web site that was not up to date.

Mr. Duffy then responded that funding was forthcoming and that without the Town Council’s support the Town Partnership might not be able to attract funding from the District and County Council.

Mr. Barton added that the town would begin to see significant changes in the near future and that the development of the “Enterprise Centre” was not far off. Following the addresses to the meeting, members discussed the information received. Comments in support of and against the request and statements made were voiced. Cllr. R. Ll. Evans, one of Council’s representative members of the Town Partnership, commented that Oxfordshire County Council had made it condition in the granting of use of funds arising from the Parker Knoll land covenant that a Town Partnership be set up. Cllr. J. J. Grantham spoke in favour of the request and indicated that funding would be available to the town partnership in the first quarter of 2008 for the “Enterprise Centre” and he would not want to lose the money that the town could claim from the government.

Cllr. G. Alcock spoke against the granting of the request and said that, with an extremely tight Council budget, if the Council agreed to the payment of the grant money then something else would suffer. He was particularly concerned that the town’s playgrounds should not be deprived of funds. Cllr. Mrs.E.M. Coles agreed with Cllr. Alcock’s comments concerning the budget and playground funding. The Mayor reminded the Town Council that grants had been made to the Recreation Committee for play equipment and that the grant payment to the Partnership would not result in the reduction of funding to the playing fields. Cllr. Alcock proposed that if the Partnership was to be funded by the Town Council that the Council should raise a special council tax precept specifically to pay for the partnership. Responding to the statement of Mr. Simon Duffy made earlier in the meeting that should the Town Council not contribute to the Partnership the result would be no funding from WODC, OCC and SEEDA, Cllr. Alcock said this was simply scaremongering – there was no evidence for this. Council’s consideration of the grant request was to be made later in the meeting – minute 5059 below relates. 5051 Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence had been received from Cllr. Mrs. J.M. Graves, Cllr. P.A. Lake and District Cllr. M. Howes. 2118

5052 Presentation of Allotment Prizes The Mayor welcomed the allotment holders to the meeting. The Mayor thanked Cllr. Mrs. E.M. Coles for arranging the judging of the competition. Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles reported that the judge for 2007 had been Mr. Cliff Arnold and she explained what the judge looked for whilst judging the allotments. Mr. Arnold had sent his apologies that he could not attend the presentation of the prizes. The Mayor and Cllr. Mrs. Coles announced the winners of the competition and presented the awards to those winners present. The winners were as follows: - 1st Prize Mr. C. Keen 32, Fox Close Plot No. 11 2nd Prize Ms. F. Ivey 35, Rock Hill Plot No. 20 3rd Prize Mr. K. Jeffrey 9, Hannis Road Plot No. 60b HIGHLY COMMENDED Mr. C. Bolam 6a, London Road Plot No. 17 Mr. A. Carter 1a, Hailey Road Plot No. 16 Mr. T. Butler 37, Distons Lane Plot No. 23 Mr. R. Partlett 1, Albion Street Plot No. 74 COMMENDED Mr. G. Thornton 2, Goddards Lane Plot No. 72 Mr. G. Thornton 2, Goddards Lane Plot No. 73 Mr. A. Legge 30, Fox Close Plot No. 110 Mr. G. Forse 38, Hailey Avenue Plot No. 1 Mr. M. Case 78, Cornish Road Plot No. 49

5053 Declarations of Interest Cllr. K. Greenwell declared an interest in planning application 07/1564 Southcombe Farm as he was a neighbouring resident. Cllr. J.J. Grantham declared an interest in item 11 of the agenda as he was the chairman of the Field Reeves. Cllr. R.Ll. Evans declared an interest in item 10 of the agenda – the Town Partnership as he was a member of the Town Partnership. Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles declared an interest in item 11 of the agenda as she was a Council representative on the Field Reeves and she was the Chairman of the William Fowler Allotments. 5054 Mayoral Announcements The Mayor referred to the report circulated with the minutes entitled “Mayoral Announcements July/August 2007.” 5055 Oxfordshire County Council There was no report from Oxfordshire County Council as County Cllr. Mrs. H. Biles was not in attendance. 2119

5056 West Oxfordshire District Council Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles reported on the following issues: - Traffic in Worcester Road Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles had received more letters of complaint on traffic related problems in Worcester Road and there had been two minor accidents. Cllr. Mrs. Coles had arranged with the Chairman of the Traffic Advisory Committee for a long standing resident in Worcester Road to address the next Traffic Advisory Committee concerning this problem. Air Quality Measuring Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles suggested that a representative from the District Council should come to the next Town Council meeting and advise Town Councillors on how the air quality measurement was progressing. 5057 Planning (a) The Minutes of the Planning Committee Council received the minutes of the Planning Committee held on 3rd September 2007. (b) Applications Received Council decided to make the observations set out under the heading “comments” on Appendix B 17th September 2007 in respect of the applications 3349 – 3351. (c) Decisions There were no decisions to report. 5058 The Town Clerks Report Accounts Council approved the following payments: - (a) Imprest Account for August 2007: £4,852.87. (b) General Account: Accounts for payment as at 17th September 2007: £7,569.27. (c) Correspondence Received from: -

Oxfordshire Rural Community Council An invitation had been received from Oxfordshire Rural Community Council to attend their AGM on 3/10/2007.

Cotswold Conservation Board A copy of the Cotswolds Conservation Board’s Annual Review for 2006/7 had been received.

West Oxfordshire District Council An e-mail had been received from Martin Ralph, Development and Facilities Manager of WODC seeking authorisation on work to the railings at the Town Hall at a cost of £2682 plus VAT. Having this work authorised would then also enable the refurbishment work being carried out on the top of the gents public toilets.

Town Councillors requested that a further quote to be obtained. 2120

5059 The Town Partnership 1) Reviewand Update Report

The Town Council’s representative members of the Town Partnership for 07/08 were Cllr. R. Ll. Evans and Cllr. J. Osmond.

In his role as Town Partnership member, Cllr. R. Ll. Evans spoke on the work of the Town Partnership and explained the whole of the process which had resulted in the allocation of the five acres of land at the Parker Knoll Site in London Road for the “Enterprise Centre” and related development.

He reported that the process had been in the hands of Ms. Catherine Chater – the Programme Manager of the Town Partnership. Ms. Chater had completed forms and had obtained funding for the Partnership. Cllr. Evans explained that the Town Partnership could actually start pulling things together now they had obtained the go ahead for the “Enterprise Centre”.

Cllr. J. Osmond indicated his agreement with Cllr. Evans’s report and then both councillors left the meeting as they had an interest, as Partnership Members, in the funding request to be next considered by Council.

2) Request for a financial contribution by the Council to the Town Partnership

The Mayor, Cllr. Mrs. G. M. Burrows reported that a request had been received from the Town Partnership for a financial contribution of £3,000.

Council then discussed the request.

Cllr. G. Alcock spoke against the grant.

In response to Cllr. Evans report he explained that the allocation of five acres of land for employment purposes at the former Parker Knoll site had been entirely as a result of representations by the Town Council. Since then there had been no progress in getting any units actually built. The grant request from the Partnership was not just about an Enterprise Centre.

Cllr. K. Greenwell also spoke against agreement to the grant request and said that the Partnership had achieved nothing so far and he could not see why the Town Council should expect anything in the future.

Cllr. P. M. Jarratt then proposed that the Town Council grant the request of the Town Partnership and make a financial contribution of £3,000.

Cllr. J. J. Grantham seconded the proposal.

A vote was then taken – six members voted in favour and six against the proposal.

The Mayor then used her casting vote and Council approved the proposal. 2121

5060 The Recreation & Greystones Committee Council received the minutes of The Recreation & Greystones Committee Meeting held on 4th September 2007, with one amendment on page one, item three, Hailcorns (Roger Davis) ‘from WODC’ change to ‘from OPFA.’

Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles stated the recreation grounds in the town were in need of extra funding for the following year as there were various jobs which need to be carried out, i.e. the bark chippings needed to be replaced on the Worcester Road playing field and additional cuts of the grass were needed to allow children to play ball games on the common.

Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles thanked Cllr. G. Alcock and Cllr. K. Greenwell for all their work in looking for sites for a Youth Centre in the town. Cllr. Coles indicated that the Recreation Committee members were all in favour of the Hospital site being used as a Youth Centre.

Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows reminded Town Councillors that the hospital site would not be available until 2009 but the Town Council should make a proposal to WODC to take the hospital site for a community centre which would involve the young and the old of the town.

Cllr. Burrows proposed that this issue was going to need a working party to progress it further.

A unanimous vote was taken of all Town Councillors in favour of a community centre being at the hospital site.

5061 The Town Hall Committee Council received the minutes of The Town Hall Committee held on 6th September 2007.

5062 The Planning Working Group Council received the note of the Planning Working Group held on 30th July 2007.

Cllr. R.Ll. Evans suggested that Rob Parkinson (WODC) would have some information on what should be going on in the burgage plots at the rear of High Street.

5063 Town Hall Open Day Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows explained that she had booked the Town Hall for an Open Day on Saturday 3rd November 2007. She was to invite the public to come and look at the rooms and consider possibilities for hiring the Town Hall for a variety of events.

The Mayor suggested a small working party should be formed to assist in organising the event.

5064 Licensing Act 2003 – Review of Statement of Licensing Policy Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows recommended Town Councillors use the policy document for reference.

5065 Staffing

Council resolved that in view of the nature of the business to be transacted, it was advisable in the public interest that the public and press be temporarily excluded and they were requested to withdraw. 2122


At the Council Meeting held, pursuant to notice on Monday 15th October 2007 at 7.15 pm in the Council Chamber, the Town Hall, the following members were present: -

Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows (Town Mayor) Cllr. G. Alcock Cllr. C.J. Butterworth Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles Cllr. M. Dixon Cllr. R.Ll. Evans Cllr. J.J. Grantham Cllr. Mrs. J. M. Graves Cllr. K.R. Greenwell Cllr. P.M. Jarratt Cllr. P.A. Lake Cllr. J. Osmond Cllr. G.T. Watkins Cllr. Mrs. S.J. Wilkes Cllr. Mrs. H.J. Williams Cllr. Ms. K. Withers

The Mayor welcomed everyone to the meeting.

5066 The minutes of the meeting held on the 17th September 2007 The minutes of the meeting held on the 17th September 2007 were to be amended with additional wording inserted into Public Participation and into Minute Number 5059 as requested by Cllr. G. Alcock and were to be confirmed at the next Town Council meeting.

5067 Public Participation No requests for public participation had been received.

5068 Apologies for Absence No apologies for absence had been received.

5069 Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of Interest. 5070 Mayoral Announcements The Mayor referred to the report circulated with the minutes entitled “Mayoral Announcements October 2007.” 2123

5071 Oxfordshire County Council County Cllr. Mrs. H. Biles reported as follows: -

Stakeholders Meeting with Police A police stakeholders meeting had recently been held at the police station in Chipping Norton to discuss policing matters in the town. A result from the meeting was for extra police to be patrolling in the town until 3.00 am. An action plan was to come out at a later date to try and resolve various problems occurring.

Alcohol Problems It was reported that the police had carried out a campaign on underage drinking in Witney and they would be carrying out the same duty in Chipping Norton in the near future.

Drains The vegetation growing out of the drains in the area was on the County Councils schedule of work to be completed in the near future.

Speeding in Worcester Road County Cllr. Ian Hudspath was monitoring the problem with speeding traffic along the Worcester Road in Chipping Norton. The County Council are pursuing to change the speed limit 30 mph all of the way along this stretch of road.

Kingham Rail-Link Service X8 There had been a change in the train services on the Kingham Rail-Link Service from Monday to Friday. This meant people travelling on some of the services had a wait between the connecting services.

Nursing at Chipping Norton Hospital A decision had been taken by the Board of the Oxfordshire NHS PCT recently which would result in the Intermediate Care Bed Nurses at Chipping Norton Hospital being forced to accept TUPE transfer to the Order of St. John.

The Mayor asked if there were any questions for County Cllr. Mrs. H. Biles.

Cllr. P. Lake explained that the speeding in Worcester Road had been brought up at the recent Traffic Advisory Meeting and that the County Council officer was going to look at changing the speed limit to 30 mph all of the way along that stretch of road. The problem by changing the speed limit was that there could not be repeater signs to remind people of the speed. A suggestion of Vehicle Action Signs had been suggested.

Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles had received a lot of complaint letters with regard to the speeding in the Worcester Road and she had passed them onto the Traffic Advisory Officers who had been very helpful at the meeting.

Officers were going to be carrying out more monitoring in this area of town with the use of SID (Speed Indication Device). Letters would then be sent to people who were caught speeding in this area.

Cllr. J.J. Grantham had asked for the responses to be brought to the next Traffic Advisory Meeting. 2124

Cllr. G. Watkins asked about the police tackling the underage drinking problems in town.

County Cllr. Mrs. H. Biles responded that a police action plan was to be brought to the next Town Council meeting.

5072 West Oxfordshire District Council Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles reported on the following issues: - Toilets Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles reported that the public toilets in Chipping Norton were now officially open.

Policing Issues Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles stated that she had attended the recent stakeholders meeting with the police and there was a police action plan in draft stage. At the meeting they had been told that there was a low level of crime in Chipping Norton.

Car Parks The car park attendant was checking vehicles in the town.

Re-Cycling Cllr. Coles had reported the frequent over flowing skips in the New Street car park.

Cllr. Mrs. G. Burrows stated that she was pleased about the public toilets being completed. She then thanked the District Council for the work carried out and in particular thanked Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles who had fought a lot over the last few years to get the toilets improved.

District Councillor R. Townley reported on the following issues: -

Stakeholders Police Meeting Cllr. R. Townley had also attended the stakeholders police meeting and he stated that it seemed that the police were trying to push the responsibility onto the District and Town Council.

Toilets Cllr. Townley was pleased with the completed work on the public toilets also.

Health Services in Chipping Norton Cllr. Townley reported that he had attended the recent Economic & Social Overview & Scrutiny meeting at WODC. The ambulance trust were to meet again to discuss services in the area. A paramedic was supposed to be located in the area to assist in emergencies. When the new Hospital/Care Home was built the fight must continue to still obtain an MIU.

Cllr. Townley had sent a lengthy letter to Dr. Peter Skolar who was the Chairman of the Oxfordshire Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee raising concerns with the future services of the hospital. The letter was taken to a meeting held in Oxford and Mr. Clive Hill addressed the meeting.

WODC were to be asked to help fight for the services and Cllr. Townley asked the Town Council to do the same. 2125

Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows asked if there were any questions for Cllr. Townley.

Cllr. G. Alcock asked about the paramedic service which was to be provided in the area and he stated that this was probably the best service that they would be obtaining.

County Cllr. Mrs. H. Biles stated that she had attended an ambulance trust meeting and requested ambulance stand by points.

District Cllr. M. Howes reported on the following issues: -

Banbury Visitor Information Centre Cllr. Howes had dropped off some of the Town Partnership leaflets into the Banbury Visitor Information Centre. They were very grateful as they indicated that they were always having enquiries about what goes on in Chipping Norton.

Vandalism in Chipping Norton Cllr. Howes had received one response from his article in the Chippy News asking for details on vandalism. He was pleased to be able to say that the particular area the lady was concerned about had been specifically discussed and was able to re-assure her that attention was being given to the situation.

The Leisure Centre in Chipping Norton Cllr. Howes stated that he had now joined the Leisure Centre in Chipping Norton and encouraged members to join also.

The Rotary Jazz Day The Rotary Club of Chipping Norton thanked the Mayor for attending The Jazz Day and announced that £2,200 had been raised. £1,500 would be donated to the local branch of Mind.

Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows thanked Cllr. M. Howes for the work put into Jazz Day. 5073 Planning (a) The Minutes of the Planning Committee Council received the minutes of the Planning Committee held on 9th October 2007. (b) Decisions There were no decisions to report. 5074 The Town Clerks Report Accounts Council approved the following payments: - (a) Imprest Account for September 2007: £4,338.17. (b) General Account: Accounts for payment as at 15th October 2007: £8,365.17. (c) Correspondence Received from: -

Oxfordshire County Council

Kingham Rail-Link Service X8 A proposed draft timetable had been received detailing a number of alterations from the current schedules mainly due to the introduction of HST trains. 2126

Cllr. R.Ll. Evans stated that there was quite a change in the train timetable and there might be quite a wait for the London train. He suggested publicity was needed stating the changes.

Oxfordshire Training Partnership for Local Councils Details of two training events had been received as follows: -

Risk Assessment for Local Councils Tuesday 13th November 2007 An introduction to the principles of risk management 9.15 am – 12.30 pm

Freedom of Information How local councils can comply with the requirements Tuesday 13th November 2007 of the Act 1.30 pm – 4.00 pm

5075 Health & Safety Committee Council received the minutes of the Health & Safety Committee meeting held on 11th September 2007.

5076 The Planning Working Party Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows stated that a meeting with Rob Parkinson was still to be finalised to discuss the conservation areas in the town.

Town Councillors were aware that the dead line was coming up to present WODC with ideas on future planning developments for the town. It was suggested rather than wait for the District Council officers to attend a meeting in Chipping Norton to offer guidance with certain areas of the town. Town Council members should actually gather up their ideas and put this into a document.

The Hospital site was a firm favourite with the Town Councillors for a Youth Centre site. Councillors commented that town centre sites would be preferred to be kept for the community. Certain parts of the town needed to be preserved ie. Victorian houses and buildings with character.

The town plan needs to be strategic and not just an idea.

Town Councillors agreed that a planning meeting was to be set for the following week to draw all of this information together and send a document off to the District Council providing ideas for the future development of Chipping Norton.

A small planning working party was agreed to be formulated to progress with this work and Cllrs. Mrs. G.M. Burrows, JJ. Grantham, RLl. Evans, K. Greenwell and G. Alcock offered to become members of the working party.

Cllr. Mrs. J.M. Graves proposed and Cllr. M. Dixon seconded and all Town Councillors were in favour of the working party.

5077 The Cemetery and Pool Meadow Committee Council received the minutes of The Cemetery and Pool Meadow Committee held on 26th September 2007. 2127

Cllr. M. Jarratt explained that the cemetery committee were hoping to extend the cemetery contract for extra mowing in the cemetery during the season.

The cemetery committee had also revised the cemetery charges which would come into effect from 1st January 2008.

An unanimous vote was taken of all in favour of the revised cemetery charges.

5078 The Recreation & Greystones Committee Council received the minutes of the Recreation & Greystones Committee meeting held on 9th October 2007.

Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles explained that a plan for the lay out of the MUGA and teen shelter had been drawn up by WODC. After discussion at the Recreation meeting it had been decided that the MUGA would be much safer located closer to the road rather than the far end of the recreation ground. The District Council offered to re-draw the plan showing the change. The lease on the Recreation Ground was in need of being extended to a ten year period to secure the funding obtained from the Lottery Grant.

The Town Clerk had been in contact with Wicksteed Leisure to obtain a quote for bringing the recreation equipment on the Worcester Road up to the safety requirements. To provide and install the necessary parts for the equipment the price was £2725.00 The bark chippings underneath the equipment was in need of urgent attention.

The Town Council agreed that the above work should be carried out as a matter of health and safety.

5079 Policing in Chipping Norton Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows had attended the recent police meeting and explained that it had been an interesting meeting. The aim of the meeting was to be able to give your views on policing matters and to listen to the problems which people were bringing to the table.

A draft community safety action plan had been drawn up providing a number of issues which needed looking at in the future so that people of the town could go about their lives safely.

The Action Plan proposed that there should be a public safety workshop held. A member of the Town Council was recommended to be appointed to become a liaison officer between the Town Council and the police.

Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows stated that she had met Sara Thornton last Tuesday and had suggested that she should visit Chipping Norton and talk to people in town experiencing problems. The Mayor asked for some guidance on what sort of visit this should be what would be appropriate and when.

Suggestions for areas to be visited were the Back Alley, New Street Car Park and also the person present should be wearing civilian clothes.

Cllr. Mrs. J.M. Graves indicated that Simon Towers was no longer present at Chipping Norton School. 2128

Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles had raised this issue with a police officer and she was told that three or four PCSO’s would go into the schools and show their presence. Cllr. J. Osmond stated that he had spent an evening with the local PCSO’s who faced major issues with youngsters. On that evening they had stopped and spoke to a drunken group in the town. Cllr. J.J. Grantham stated that the railings belonging to the Field Reeves on the Worcester Road had been damaged several times in the last few weeks and this was down to vandalism. He indicated that he had reported this matter to the police. Cllr. G. Alcock suggested that police should be patrolling the town between the hours of midnight and 3.00 am. Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows raised that a Town Councillor should be appointed as suggested to become a liaison officer. It was stated that the aim of the liaison officer was to have an item on agenda each month so that the liaison officer could pass on any information required. Cllr. Mrs. J.M. Graves proposed and Cllr. S. Wilkes seconded that Cllr. J. Osmond should become the liaison officer. Cllr. K. Greenwell stated that he did not see why a police liaison officer was needed. Cllr. G. Alcock asked to postpone the situation until the Town Council had a more detailed job description. A vote was taken for an amendment to the draft community safety action plan as follows: - 4 in favour and 9 against A vote was taken for Cllr. J. Osmond to become the liaison officer between the Town Council and the police as follows: - 10 in favour and 3 abstentions 5080 Town Hall Open Day Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows had circulated ideas to the Chairs of the Council Committee’s for the Town Hall Open Day. Invitations had been sent out to various users of the Town Hall to show other people how they use the hall. 5081 VIC Update Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows reported that there had been over one hundred people who had visited the Visitor Information Centre in the Town Hall which had been held on Saturday mornings throughout the summer. A meeting was going to be held to discuss the end of the season and ideas for the next season. £50.00 profit had been raised and it had been decided to use the funds for publicity for the next season. Town Councillors asked the Town Clerk to write and thank Mrs. P.A. Simmons for all the hard work which she had put into helping run the Visitor Information Centre. 2129

5082 Hospital Cllr. J.J. Grantham declared an interest as Mr. Clive Hill was his brother-in-law.

At a recent meeting details of what had actually happened over the years with the arrangements of the building of the new hospital. It had been stated that there had been a large number of changes to the original agreement and that the new hospital might not get a minor incident unit now.

Cllr. J.J. Grantham proposed that a strong letter should be sent from the Town Council to Dr. Skolar the Chairman of Oxfordshire Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee and a copy sent to the District Council stating that the Town Council were in support with the views of Mr. Clive Hill and Mr. R. Townly who had also written to Mr. Skolar.

Councillors voted all in favour of a letter being sent to Mr. Skolar.

5083 Staffing Committee Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows felt that the Town Clerk’s office staff and Town Hall Keeper should be supported by the Town Council.

A Staffing Committee was suggested to look at various staff issues and to have a more direct contact with the staff. The staff have recently been through a long term sickness period – things like this need to be addressed in the future.

It was decided that the staff should chose four Councillors to form the committee.

5084 Manorial Land in London Road An application had been received for consent to the grant of a new sublease on the Manorial Land in London Road.

Council resolved that in view of the nature of the business to be transacted, it was advisable in the public interest that the public and press be temporarily excluded and they were requested to withdraw. 2131


At the Council Meeting held, pursuant to notice on Monday 19th November 2007 at 7.15 pm in the Council Chamber, the Town Hall, the following members were present: -

Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows (Town Mayor) Cllr. G. Alcock Cllr. C.J. Butterworth Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles Cllr. M. Dixon Cllr. R.Ll. Evans Cllr. J.J. Grantham Cllr. Mrs. J. M. Graves Cllr. K.R. Greenwell Cllr. P.M. Jarratt Cllr. P.A. Lake Cllr. J. Osmond Cllr. G.T. Watkins Cllr. Mrs. S.J. Wilkes Cllr. Ms. K. Withers

The Mayor welcomed everyone to the meeting.

5085 The minutes of the meeting held on the 17th September 2007 The amended minutes of the meeting held on the 17th September 2007 were confirmed by the meeting and signed by the Mayor.

Cllr. P. Lake, Chair of the Finance and General Purposes Committee confirmed that it had been decided at the December 2006 F & GP meeting to take the Town Partnership’s request out of the budget and if a request was made later in the year then the money would come out of reserves. 5086 The minutes of the meeting held on the 15th October 2007 The minutes of the meeting held on the 15th October were amended as follows: - Page 2122 Minute Number 5066 Change date from 15th October 2007 to 17th September 2007. Page 2126 Minute Number 5076 Additional name to be inserted to the members of the Planning Working Party – Cllr. K. Greenwell. 2132

Page 2127 Minute Number 5079 Change ‘Sergeant Rosemary Dilsaver had held a public safety workshop’ to ‘The Action Plan proposed that there should be a public safety workshop held.’

Page 2128 Minute Number 5079 Eighth paragraph – Change ‘had more details on the matter’ to ‘had a more detailed job description.’

5087 Public Participation One request for public participation had been received from Claire Jarvis and Patrick Neale who were representatives of The Lido.

They reported how the funding had been used in 2007 and explained the various activities which had been run throughout the season.

The representatives reported that a complete big refurbishment of The Lido had been carried out before the 2007 season. Future plans for further refurbishment to the pumps and other equipment was planned. Grants were being applied for further funding for the up keep and maintenance of The Lido. The Lido Lottery was being re-launched to help fund raising.

The police had reported to The Lido representatives that whilst the Dip and Chill sessions were being run for ages 11 – 18 there were not as many youths in the town centre.

Clare Jarvis stated that The Lido had won an ASAS Gold Award for 2007.

Patrick Neale thanked the Town Council for their financial support over the last few years and stated that it was essential that the Town Council was behind The Lido to help obtain other funding from elsewhere.

Cllr. Mrs. G. Burrows stated that The Lido was a huge asset to the town and asked Town Councillors if they had any questions for Claire and Patrick.

Cllr. Mrs. J.M. Graves said that she was very grateful for all their fund raising and support and thanked them very much.

Cllr. R.Ll. Evans asked if they had tried to obtain funding from OCC.

The Mayor thanked Clare Jarvis and Patrick Neale for attending the meeting.

5088 Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence had been received from Cllr. Mrs. H. Williams.

5089 Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interest. 5090 Mayoral Announcements The Mayor referred to the report circulated with the minutes entitled “Mayoral Announcements November 2007.” 2133

The Open Day at the Town Hall The Mayor thanked everyone for all of their hard work put into the Open Day at the Town Hall held on 3rd November 2007.

Remembrance Day The Mayor thanked the Councillors and Town Clerk’s staff who attended Remembrance Sunday, she also was very pleased to see Mr. Hannis on parade with The Royal British Legion.

Chipping Norton Lights Up Chipping Norton Lights Up and Late Night Shopping Evening was to be held on Thursday 6th December 2007. 5091 Oxfordshire County Council County Cllr. Mrs. H. Biles reported as follows: -

Leaves by Parker Knoll Site, London Road Cllr. Mrs. H. Biles had reported that the footpath by the Parker Knoll Site had been covered in leaves and was dangerous underfoot.

Weed Spraying The District Council had been talking about starting to spray weeds on the road sides again.

American Embassy Cllr. Mrs. H. Biles attended the American Embassy to extol the virtues of West Oxfordshire. WODC was the only District Council to be invited.

C/N Hospital Cllr. Mrs. H. Biles stated that the Configuration Panel originally suggested what the new hospital should be getting in Chipping Norton. Cllr. Biles was going to attend a meeting shortly and she wanted to see what the re-actions were going to be with the nursing staff arrangements. The fine line was whether there was a substantial change in their latest decision.

The PCT were going to be carrying out reviews all of the way through the process. Some aspects of the maternity services at the Horton Hospital was being considered to be moved to the John Radcliffe Hospital at Oxford. The Radcliffe Trust are changing the amount of days mothers stay in hospital after having a baby.

Cllr. J.J. Grantham reported that he had attended the recent meeting on the hospital and he stated that it was all a bit vague as to what had been actually decided. Mr. Clive Hill and Rev. S. Weston had also attended the meeting.

Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows thanked Cllr. Mrs. H. Biles for the report.

5092 West Oxfordshire District Council Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles reported on the following issues: - Skips in New Street The skips in New Street and Cattle Market had been reported as overflowing again. 2134

Grit Bins There were a few grit bins to be ordered for Chipping Norton.

Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles stated that it was important to keep the road to Kingham Station well gritted.

Toilets The locks on the ladies toilets at the Town Hall were not functioning correctly. WODC was to be contacted to put signs up in the toilets stating who to contact if there was any problems.

District Cllr. M. Howes reported on the following issues: -

Tourism Forum Cllr. M. Howes and Ken Norman attended the Tourism Forum set up by West Oxfordshire to promote tourism and to attract visitors to West Oxfordshire. Cllr. Mrs. H. Biles introduced the presentation as Cabinet Member for Leisure and Tourism.

WODC would like details of events to go onto the ‘What’s On’ Section of their web site.

Re-Cycling Only 5% of re-cycled material in the boxes were being rejected. There was still a need to increase re-cycling to avoid fines of £150 per ton of waste going to landfill.

Farmers Market The farmers market signs had been approved at the Uplands Planning meeting. WODC can act where commercial events do not follow the rules for publicity.

Chipping Norton Lights Up WODC had given support in funding the lighting on the Common on 6th December 2007.

Floods WODC reported that two properties in Chipping Norton and five in Salford had applied for a Flooding Grant. 5093 Planning (a) The Minutes of the Planning Committee Council received the minutes of the Planning Committee held on 3rd December 2007. (b) Applications Received Council decided to make the observations set out under the heading “comments” on Appendix B 19th November 2007 in respect of applications 3365 – 3370. (c) Decisions There were no decisions to report.

5094 The Town Clerks Report Accounts Council approved the following payments: - (a) Imprest Account for October 2007: £4,278.32. (b) General Account: Accounts for payment as at 19th November 2007: £11,841.23. (c) Correspondence Received from: - 2135

Oxfordshire County Council Oxfordshire Fire Authority’s Integrated Risk Management Plan 2008-13 and Action Plan 2008- 09 Consultation Documents Oxfordshire Fire Authority’s Integrated Risk Management Consultation Plan 2008-09 had now been launched with the consultation period closing on 24th January 2008. Temporary Footpath Closure – Footpath 22, Chipping Norton Closure Date 18-21 December A request had been received for a temporary footpath closure, off Station Road, by Jewsons between 18 – 21 December 2007 to enable safe working whilst cable laying is taking place by Scottish and Southern Energy. ORCC Rural Community Council` Forthcoming review of the post office network in Oxfordshire. War Memorial A letter had been received from Mrs. Joy Newman stating how pleased she was with the work which had been carried out on the War Memorial in Chipping Norton. £50.00 had also been received from an anonymous person to go towards the cleaning of the War Memorial. 5095 The Traffic Advisory Committee Council received the minutes of The Traffic Advisory Committee meeting held on 4th October 2007. More complaints of traffic in the Worcester Road had been received and these had been forwarded onto the two officers who attend the Traffic Advisory Committee. County Cllr. Mrs. H. Biles stated that the air quality action plan was about to be distributed. 5096 The Town Hall Committee Council received the minutes of The Town Hall Committee meeting held on 17th October 2007. 5097 The Audit Return Council received and approved the Annual Return for the Year ended 31st March 2007. Council decided to look further into the matter raised on the Issues Arising Report. 5098 Christmas Trees and Lights Cllr. P. A. Lake reported that all the shop keepers had now been notified about the Christmas trees and lights. Volunteers would be putting lights on the trees on Sunday 2nd December 2007 and Dave and Dave the window cleaners would be putting the trees up with the help of volunteers on Monday 3rd December. The trees would be coming down on Sunday 6th January 2008. Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows thanked Cllr. P.A. Lake. 5099 Youth Centre Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows, Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles, Cllr. Mrs. K. Withers, Cllr. P.A. Lake, Cllr. K. Greenwell, Cllr. R.Ll. Evans and Cllr. G. Alcock agreed to formulate a Town Council working party to proceed with the Youth Centre Site. 2136

5100 Community Safety Cllr. G. Alcock requested a job description for the community liaison officer. Cllr. J. Osmond responded that the person was to act as a conduit between the police and the Town Council. Cllr. Osmond was to ask the police to prepare a report for Town Council meetings. The TVP were going to be recruiting for special constables on 24th November 2007. A Safety Workshop was also planned in January 2008 in the Town Hall, Chipping Norton. Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles stated that she had been handed a letter of complaint from a resident of Chipping Norton which raised concerns with vandalism in the town. Council agreed that the letter received should be passed onto the police to deal with the issues. Cllr. G. Alcock was extremely concerned with the action plan provided by the police. He stated that people were not reporting the crimes because they felt as if they were not getting very far with the police. Cllr. Alcock suggested that more police presence was needed on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings in the town. Cllr. Mrs. S. Wilkes was aware that there were more police present in the town in the evenings as they were calling into the local pubs carrying out spot checks on underage drinking. Cllr. G. Alcock said, “This has been mentioned by several people but there was nothing in writing.” Cllr. R.Ll. Evans stated that he had received an e-mail from Dennis Evenden saying that policing had been stepped up in Chipping Norton. Cllr. Evans suggested that the monthly report from the police should be publicised to keep the public informed with police activities in the town. Cllr. Alcock requested an up to date report from the police on The Threshers broken window and the Corbetts incident.

Cllr. M. Jarratt proposed that a meeting should be held with police to discuss the above issues. Council adjourned for a five minute break at 9.55 pm. 5101 Town Plan A letter had been sent to Tina Rowley, WODC proposing ideas for the future development of the town.

5102 Greystones House Discussion was carried out on the future of Greystones House.

Council resolved that in view of the nature of the business to be transacted, it was advisable in the public interest that the public and press be temporarily excluded and they were requested to withdraw. 2138


At the Council Meeting held, pursuant to notice on Monday 17th December 2007 at 7.15 pm in the Council Chamber, the Town Hall, the following members were present: -

Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows (Town Mayor) Cllr. G. Alcock Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles Cllr. M. Dixon Cllr. R.Ll. Evans Cllr. J.J. Grantham Cllr. Mrs. J. M. Graves Cllr. K.R. Greenwell Cllr. P.M. Jarratt Cllr. P.A. Lake Cllr. J. Osmond Cllr. G.T. Watkins Cllr. Mrs. H.J. Williams Cllr. Ms. K. Withers

The Mayor welcomed everyone to the meeting.

5103 The minutes of the meeting held on the 19th November 2007 The minutes of the meeting held on the 19th November were amended as follows: - Page 2133 Minute Number 5091 Chipping Norton Hospital - First paragraph – Change ‘Cllr. Mrs. H. Biles stated that the Refiguration Panel originally suggested’ to ‘Cllr. Mrs. H. Biles had previously had discussions with the Reconfiguration Panel.’

Second paragraph – ‘Maternity services’ change to ‘Some aspects of maternity services’.

Page 2135 Minute Number 5094 War Memorial – change ‘ominous’ to ‘anonymous’.

Page 2135 Minute Number 5099 Insert Cllr. R.Ll. Evans as a member of the working party for the Youth Centre Site.

Page 2137 Minute Number 5102 Change ‘the meeting closed at 10.30 am’ to ‘10.30 pm’. 2139

5104 Public Participation Two requests for public participation had been received. The first one was from the Citizen’s Advice Bureau.

Francene Heywood and Janet McLoone represented the CAB and they explained how their services helped the local community i.e. with obtaining benefits, debts, employment and housing. The Chipping Norton branch has nine volunteers who help run the office. By having this amount of volunteers the CAB are able to offer another half a day in Chipping Norton. To enable the CAB staff to keep up to date with current affairs it is necessary to send them on training events.

The second request was received from Mr. Graham Birks who had concerns with the proposed increase in the Council Tax Precept. He stated that he was in the understanding that a Finance & General Purposes Committee meeting had been held prior to the Council meeting to discuss the Council Tax Precept and that the Town Council had reduced the amount considerably. Therefore he thanked the Councillors and wished them a Merry Christmas.

5105 Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence had been received from Cllr. Mrs. S. Wilkes and Cllr. C. Butterworth.

5106 Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interest. 5107 Mayoral Announcements The Mayor referred to the report circulated with the minutes entitled “Mayoral Announcements December 2007” and thanked the Deputy Mayor for attending some of the recent events.

She also thanked all who attended the Late Night Shopping evening on 6.12.07 despite the bad weather. 5108 Oxfordshire County Council Cllr. Mrs. H. Biles was not present at the meeting.

5109 West Oxfordshire District Council Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles reported on the following issues: -

Toilets Cllr. Coles stated that a lady had been locked in the ladies toilets at the Town Hall.

Re-Cycling Commercial Cardboard A pilot scheme was being held at Witney market for re-cycling their commercial cardboard. Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles was trying to get this service on market day in Chipping Norton. This service would be free of charge to the stall holders.

Air Quality Action Plan WODC had agreed a draft Air Quality Action Plan for Chipping Norton. The plan was to go out to public consultation in January 2008. Civil Enforcement Implementation of civil enforcement on car parking tickets was to commence in 2008. This duty was to be transferred from the police to WODC. 2140

5110 Planning (a) The Minutes of the Planning Committee Council received the minutes of the Planning Committee held on 3rd December 2007. (b) Applications Received Council decided to make the observations set out under the heading “comments” on Appendix B 17th December 2007 in respect of applications 3378 – 3380. (c) Decisions There were no decisions to report.

5111 The Town Clerks Report Accounts Council approved the following payments: - (a) Imprest Account for November 2007: £6,923.67. (b) General Account: Accounts for payment as at 17th December 2007: £16,899.79. (c) Correspondence Received from: -

West Oxfordshire District Council

Public Consultation on Chipping Norton Air Quality Plan WODC had agreed a draft Air Quality Action Plan for Chipping Norton. This document was a joint action plan with the District Council and the County Council and it has to go to public consultation in January 2008.

Full Register of Electors 2008 An application form to request a copy of the full register of electors 2008 had been received.

Town Partnership Correspondence had been received from the Town Partnership informing that they had decided that the Steering Group would now meet every two months. The next meeting was to be held on 16th January 2008.

The Royal British Legion A letter had been received from the Royal British Legion thanking the Town Council for authorising the refurbishment work on the Town War Memorial and adding the name Fred Withers to the World War 1 list.

Town Centre Gardens A letter had been received from Topiarus Horticulture offering to undertake the care and maintenance of the three flower borders between the car park and the road in the town centre initially for a one year period. In return, Topiarus Horticulture asked if they could place a discreet sign in each of the larger beds stating that the beds are sponsored and maintained by Topiarus.

Town Council accepted the offer and asked the Town Clerk to write to Topiarus Horticulture confirming the kind offer. 2141

5112 The Recreations & Greystones Committee Council received the minutes of The Recreation & Greystones Committee meeting held on 13th November 2007.

Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles stated that she was getting advice on safety flooring and quotations for the recreation ground in New Street.

A meeting was to be held on 18th December 2007 with WODC officers to discuss the MUGA and Teen Shelter. 5113 The Town Hall Committee Council received the minutes of The Town Hall Committee meeting held on 15th November 2007.

Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows stated that two members of the Youth Forum had attended the meeting and explained the plans they had in mind to run Chill Out Sessions in the Town Hall from 4 pm – 6 pm. Councillors discussed the plans and decided to allow the Chill Out Sessions to hire the Town Hall at the charity rate and recommended they should apply for the Grants to Voluntary Bodies.

An unanimous vote was taken of all in favour. 5114 Council Tax Levy (a) Council received the minutes of the Finance & General Purposes Committee held on 3rd December 2007 and the budget for 2008/9 recommended by Committee. (b) Cllr. P.A. Lake, Chairman of the F & GP Committee explained to Council how the Finance Committee had arrived at the precept figure of 3% increase.

The committee had been very stringent with the requests for the Recreation, Town Hall and Cemetery committees and therefore not all requests had been accepted.

Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows stated that this would seem to be a very reasonable budget and was looking for a proposal to accept the budget. A vote was taken with Councillors unanimously accepting the budget for 2008/9.

Cllr. G. Alcock thanked Cllr. P.A. Lake for steering the committee through the budget making process. 5115 Community Safety Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles raised concerns with the break-ins and vandalism being carried out in the town and also at the allotments in the Burford Road.

Cllr. P.M. Jarratt suggested that the Town Council should meet with the police to discuss these issues.

Cllr. J. Osmond offered to encourage the police to meet with the Town Council.

Cllr. G. Alcock stated that there had been talk of two extra police in Chipping Norton in the evenings but there had been no final decision on this in writing. 2142

Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles had been in contact with the police after receiving a letter raising concerns with vandalism and trouble in Albion Street. Cllr. Coles was going to be attending a meeting with the police and a number of residents in Albion Street in connection with the letter received. In the New Year Cllr. Coles will be arranging a meeting with the police and allotment holders due to the amount of break-ins and vandalism at the allotments at the Burford Road. Close circuit T.V. has been suggested at the allotments. 5116 Town Plan Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows explained that the members of the planning group had attended a meeting at the District Council offices at Witney with Tina Rowley, Rob Parkinson and Jonathon Westerman on December 5th. The meeting had been set up to go through the document which had been sent to the District Council from the planning group with suggestions of planning for various areas of Chipping Norton.

Officers had received the document with interest. They had outlined changes in the law regarding pre-application discussion and the issue of conflict of interest. It was now a requirement that developers should consult with local Councils and the County prior to application. The issue of the burgage plots would seem to be urgent though WODC seem not to have been aware of this. WODC would like to receive a document describing in broad terms a vision for the town centre indicating needs and ways of delivering them. They in turn were planning to do a retail survey of the town.

The meeting closed at 8.45 pm. 2143


At the Council Meeting held, pursuant to notice on Monday 21st January 2008 at 7.15 pm in the Council Chamber, the Town Hall, the following members were present: -

Cllr. G. Alcock Cllr. C.J. Butterworth Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles Cllr. M. Dixon Cllr. R.Ll. Evans Cllr. Mrs. J. M. Graves Cllr. K.R. Greenwell Cllr. P.M. Jarratt Cllr. J. Osmond Cllr. Mrs. S.J. Wilkes Cllr. Mrs. H.J. Williams Cllr. Ms. K. Withers

Officer : The Town Clerk

In the absence of the Mayor the Deputy Mayor took the chair and welcomed everyone to the meeting. 5117 The minutes of the meeting held on the 17th December 2007 The minutes of the meeting held on the 17th December were amended as follows: - Page 2139 Minute Number 5109 Change Witney market were now re-cycling to ‘A pilot scheme was being held at Witney market for re-cycling their commercial cardboard.’ Page 2142 Minute Number 5115 Change ‘close circuit T.V. has been requested’ to – ‘has been suggested.’ 5118 Public Participation No requests for public participation had been received. 5119 Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence had been received from Cllr. Mrs. H. Biles, Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows, Cllr. J.J. Grantham and Cllr. P.A. Lake. 5120 Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interest. 5121 Mayoral Announcements The Deputy Mayor referred to the report circulated with the minutes entitled “Mayoral Announcements January 2008.” 5122 Oxfordshire County Council Cllr. Mrs. H. Biles was not present at the meeting. 2144

5123 West Oxfordshire District Council Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles reported on the following issues: - Flood Survey WODC had recently produced a flood report. The Environment Overview and Scrutiny meeting discussed the Environment Agency not clearing rivers policy. It considered river flow slowed down was causing less damage rather than developing into fast torrents when they did clear them. Environment Study WODC’s recent Environment Survey had a 24% response rate. Cllr. Mrs. Coles had drawn the Committees attention to page 11. “In the North of the District, Chipping Norton stands out, with around a third (34%) saying that the local environment in which they live has got worse over the last two years.” Mrs. Coles spoke of the frequent mess and overflowing skips at the New Street bring site, especially on Sundays. She passed around photos which had been taken by local residents. Phil Page, Head of Street Scene re-assured Cllr. Mrs. Coles that the site would be inspected and dealt with daily this would also include the week-ends from now on. Air Quality Action Plan WODC had agreed a draft Air Quality Action Plan for Chipping Norton. The plan was to go out to public consultation in January 2008. Affordable Housing At a workshop on affordable housing it was noted that WODC had no plans for affordable housing in Chipping Norton at the moment and they were looking at surrounding villages. Oxfordshire Rural Agency were to run a study to find out the parishes needs. Toilets It had been reported that somebody had been locked in the newly refurbished ladies toilets recently. Cllr. Coles had been informed that there had been problems with the electrics. Town Councillors stated that there should be a sign in each of the toilets so if there was a re- occurrence of the situation at least persons trapped would be able to raise the alarm. The Town Clerk was to write a letter to WODC indicating that notices should be erected. Cllr. Coles stated that Tim Seton, WODC officer had informed her that there was a sensory device installed in the cubicles. Uneven Pavements, High Street Cllr. Mrs. S. Wilkes raised that a gentleman had caught his foot on an uneven pavement along the top of the High Street. The Town Clerk was asked to write to OCC raising this concern. Cllr. M. Howes reported on the following issues: - Farmers Market Signs Cllr. Howes had enquired what the new Farmers Market signs were going to look like. Black Bins The results on a recent survey carried out on the black bin re-cycling was that 95% of it was accepted. Cllr. Howes offered to publish in the next Chippy News what was acceptable in the black bins. 2145

Green Sites Cllr. Howes reported that the green sites were being emptied and that when these sites were full people were still leaving their rubbish around the bins. Sustainable Development A meeting at WODC was to be held on 5.2.08 on sustainable development in Chipping Norton. The meeting was to ensure that services will back the new developments in the town. Flooding Cllr. Howes reported that WODC staff were involved in helping in the flooded areas. Cllr. G. Alcock stated that the green site at New Street in Chipping Norton was over flowing every Sunday and it looked an absolute mess. He stated that there were not enough bins at the location. Cllr. Alcock also thanked County Cllr. Mrs. H. Biles and District Cllr. M. Howes for their efforts they had put up against the planning application 1, Churchill Road, C/N it had been very much appreciated. 5124 Planning (a) The Minutes of the Planning Committee Council received the minutes of the Planning Committee held on 9th January 2008. (b) Applications Received Council decided to make the observations set out under the heading “comments” on Appendix B 21st January 2008 in respect of applications 3391 and 3392. (c) Decisions 07/1849 1, Churchill Road, C/N Erection of 8 flats with associated parking WODC have granted the above planning application. (d) Update on Planning Working Group This item was to be discussed later on in the agenda as the public were to be excluded from the meeting. 5125 The Town Clerks Report Accounts Council approved the following payments: - (a) Imprest Account for December 2007: £5,643.45. (b) General Account: Accounts for payment as at 21st January 2008: £6,346.79. (c) Correspondence Received from: - West Oxfordshire District Council Public Consultation on Chipping Norton Air Quality Plan WODC have set two dates for public consultation on the C/N Air Quality Management Area, Draft Action Plan as follows: - Wednesday 27th February 2008 10.00 am – 2.00 pm C/N Town Hall, Lower Hall Saturday 1st March 2008 10.00 am – 2.00 pm C/N Town Hall, Lower Hall Oxfordshire Rural Community Council Changes to the Post Office Network in Oxfordshire Recommendations for changes to the network will be published on 5th February 2008. 2146

Majority of post offices will be unaffected by the review; some will have changes to the level of service available to the community and some will regrettably be earmarked for closure. Q8 Lease, Manorial Land, London Road The tenant, Pace Petroleum, are asking for the Council’s formal consent to a mortgage it intends to create in favour of Nat West Bank. Geoff Gafford, Dyakowski Solicitor’s states that this should be no more than a formality as far as the Council is concerned. Town Councillors gave consent to the above. Dave & Dave Window Cleaners Dave Hargreaves has sent a letter thanking Cllr. P. Lake and his team for putting so much effort into the Xmas trees and making the job run so smoothly. Everyone who had spoken to Dave Hargreaves was pleased with the result and Dave & Dave window cleaners would be glad to help again next year. Chase Homes Chase Homes will be available for questions and comments on the planning application for development of the burgage plots on 5th February 2008 from 4.00 pm to 7 pm at the Town Hall, Lower Hall, Chipping Norton. The Town Clerk was asked to check with Mr. Keith Butler, the monitoring officer at WODC and with the Standards Board if the Town Councillors attended the Chase Homes exhibition would there be any effect later on with declarations of interest. Oxfordshire County Council Temporary Road Closure – A361 Banbury and South Newington on Sunday 17th February 2008. 5126 The Finance & General Purposes Committee Council received the minutes of The Finance & General Purposes Committee meeting held on 17th December 2007. 5127 The Cemetery Committee Council received the minutes of The Cemetery & Pool Meadow Committee meeting held on 9th January 2008. Cllr. M. Jarratt reported at the meeting the committee decided that the cemetery charges should not increase until January 2009. The prices had gone from being at the bottom of the price scale to the top after the increase January 2008. 5128 Community Safety The Town Mayor had met with the new police inspector where she made a date in her diary to attend public participation at the March Town Council meeting. If Town Councillors had any questions to raise could they please make these in writing addressed to the new inspector prior to the Town Council meeting where she will address these matters. Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles stated that there had been more break in at the allotments at the Burford Road.

Cllr. Alcock mentioned that the public had been told there was to be extra policing in the town before Christmas and that the general feeling was that this was not happening. Cllr. Mrs. S. Wilkes said that she had seen the PCSO’s around the town on a Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings. 2147

Cllr. J. Osmond confirmed that this was taking place and it was called Operation Jungle. Cllr. G. Alcock stated that his metal flood defence barrier had been vandalised late one evening and he was concerned that incidents were building up once again. 5129 Town Plan At 8.05 pm Council resolved that in view of the nature on the business to be transacted, it was advisable in the public interest that the public and press be temporarily excluded and they were requested to withdraw. Town Councillors voted all in favour of going public with the ideas listed on the paper and the public and press were invited back into the meeting. Town Councillors explained the context of the paper to the public and press which is attached to these minutes as Appendix ‘C’. The views were to develop the burgage plots into more of a town centre development i.e. extra shops, library etc. and to keep the extra housing for the outskirts of the town. The windfall sites should be added to the local plan stating the sites and total number of buildings. Cllr. J.J. Grantham had carried out a very good study on development within the latest local plan. Figures show that there should be approximately one hundred and forty houses left to build before 2011. The windfall sites. i.e. The British Legion, 1, Churchill Road figures did not go into the local plan figures as the planning department state that windfall sites do not count. A conservation study has not been carried out since 1973. Town Councillors felt that there was a need for industrial starter units in Chipping Norton. The latest traffic survey seemed unsatisfactory as it was undertaken when the schools were on holiday. London Road would become a lot busier with the development of extra housing and new hospital/care home. All of this extra build had come at the exact time as the Council were trying to reduce traffic through Horsefair due to the high air quality measurement. A suggestion of placing a weight limit in London Road and directing traffic along Banbury Road should help the traffic problem in London Road. Cllr. M. Jarratt thanked Cllr. G. Alcock for addressing the subject so well. Cllr. K. Greenwell stated that this paper should become a frame work for future planning applications and he recommended that the Town Council should adopt the paper as a policy. Cllr. K. Greenwell proposed that the Town Council welcome the document and adopt it as a view for the development for the future of the town. Cllr. Mrs. J.M. Graves seconded the proposal. A unanimous vote was taken of all in favour and the paper was to be published so as to get the publics support. Town Councillors felt that they had reached a stage where they needed to seek professional advice. 5130 Greystones House At 8.47 pm Council resolved that in view of the nature on the business to be transacted, it was advisable in the public interest that the public and press be temporarily excluded and they were requested to withdraw. APPENDIX A

Mayoral Announcements – December 2007


*26th Chair of Oxfordshire County Council’s reception – *30th Rotary Lucky Dip musical evening


2nd In company with many councillors and others putting lights on the town’s Christmas trees – very many thanks to all who turned up on the Sunday to decorate and the Monday to install and also to the staff of The Fox who provided very welcome and sustaining hot drinks and bacon butties.

5th with members of Planning Group – attended meeting with planning officers of WODC Meeting of Chipping Norton School Trust 6th hosted reception for visitors, Councillors and representatives of The Theatre, Oxford Inspires, WODC before Chipping Norton Lights Up, speeches, songs, procession, Symphonie Conique, late night shopping etc. 10th with Consort to Lord Mayor’s reception in Oxford Town Hall 12th St Mary’s Primary School Christmas concert *13th Horticultural Society Christmas event 14th Oxfordshire County Council Charity Dinner 23rd Service of Nine Lessons and Carols – St Mary’s Church

* Events I was unable to attend but am most grateful to Cllr Jarratt and Mrs Jarratt for attending in my stead.

This has been a rather special time of year for me since I am finally retiring and therefore the work pressure and number of events has increased a bit. In January, when I am no longer working full-time I hope to be able to get to more events. 2149


At the Council Meeting held, pursuant to notice on Monday 18th February 2008 at 7.15 pm in the Council Chamber, the Town Hall, the following members were present: - Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows, Town Mayor Cllr. G. Alcock Cllr. C.J. Butterworth Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles Cllr. M. Dixon Cllr. R.Ll. Evans Cllr. K.R. Greenwell Cllr. P.M. Jarratt Cllr. P.A. Lake Cllr. G.T. Watkins Cllr. Mrs. S.J. Wilkes Cllr. Ms. K. Withers Officer : The Town Clerk

The Mayor welcomed everyone to the meeting. 5131 The minutes of the meeting held on the 21st January 2008 The minutes of the meeting held on the 21st January 2008 were amended as follows: - Page 2144 Minute Number 5123 Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles amended the paragraphs under Flood Survey and Environment Study as shown below. Flood Survey WODC had recently produced a flood report. The Environment Overview and Scrutiny meeting discussed the Environment Agency not clearing rivers policy. It considered river flow slowed down was causing less damage rather than developing into fast torrents when they did clear them. Environment Study WODC’s recent Environment Survey had a 24% response rate. Cllr. Mrs. Coles had drawn the Committees attention to page 11. “In the North of the District, Chipping Norton stands out, with around a third (34%) saying that the local environment in which they live has got worse over the last two years.” Mrs. Coles spoke of the frequent mess and overflowing skips at the New Street bring site, especially on Sundays. She passed around photos which had been taken by local residents. Phil Page, Head of Street Scene re-assured Cllr. Mrs. Coles that the site would be inspected and dealt with daily this would also include the week-ends from now on. 5132 Public Participation No requests for public participation had been received. 2150

5133 Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence had been received from Cllr. J.J. Grantham, Cllr. Mrs. J.M. Graves, Cllr. J. Osmond and Cllr. Mrs. H. Williams. 5134 Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interest. 5135 Mayoral Announcements The Mayor referred to the report circulated with the minutes entitled “Mayoral Announcements February 2008.” The Mayor stated that she had been very grateful to everyone who had helped her whilst she had her broken ankle. The Mayor’s Charity Ball was being worked on at the moment and invitations would be sent out shortly. A spring clean up day in Chipping Norton was arranged for April 4th/5th/6th. The Mayor would be grateful for any volunteers to put their names down at The Guildhall to help on either of the days. The Mayor reported that preparations to open the tourist office on a Saturday morning at the Town Hall were underway. Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows had spoken to Hailey Beer from WODC asking for information, leaflets and the supply of display stands if possible. An advert had been inserted in the Chippy News to publicise the re-opening of the tourist office at the Town Hall. The Mayor asked if anybody would be willing to help on an occasional Saturday morning. 5136 Oxfordshire County Council Cllr. Mrs. H. Biles reported on the following issues: -

Council Tax The County Council portion of the Council Tax would be 3.875% lower than the tax rises in previous years. The overall increase to the Council Tax was looking to be approximately 4% when all requests had been put together. Library and Burgage Plots Cllr. Mrs. Biles stated that she was unable to comment on the library and the burgage plots as this would be going to planning in the future. Health Services At a recent Cabinet meeting it had been reported that the public health strategy figures for road traffic accidents were much lower. Cllr. Mrs. Biles pointed out that there was a need for an out of hours health service in Chipping Norton and Witney. The White House Surgery planned to move up to the new hospital site in London Road. If this happened this would strengthen the case for a Minor Injuries Unit. Cllr. Biles stated that she had to leave the room when the hospital plan was being discussed and if she had been allowed to stay she would have definitely supported the application. Cllr. G. Alcock stated that it had been unclear at the planning meeting whether the town was going to get the three crossings in London Road and Banbury Road as previously stated. Part of the Section 106 agreement would involve the crossings and Cllr. Alcock asked if this had been put in writing in any of the previous documents. 2151

Cllr. Mrs. Biles raised that there was plenty of money for crossings and that she would be pursuing this with vigour.

Footpaths Cllr. K. Greenwell wanted to record thanks to the County Council for clearing the footpath from Chipping Norton up to the Chapel. It was a great improvement and it was now possible to walk all of the way around. 5137 West Oxfordshire District Council Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles stated that she had not been able to attend many meetings in the last few weeks due to health problems. New Street Bring Site Cllr. Coles had not received any phone calls about the New Street bring site in the past few weeks. She hoped that it was now running smoothly. Post Office Closures Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows stated that WODC were going to address the proposed Post Office closures as a total issue. Cllr. Mrs. Burrows had written to David Cameron on the proposed closures expressing the disappointment about the closures. Cllr. M. Howes reported on the following issues: - WODC Budget WODC were resolving the budget for the next financial year. There was a deficit of £915,000 for the current year and the District Council were working on trying to get this down to £370,000. Part of this reason was the interest rate being out of control. The District Council were looking for a lower rate of interest. Disposal of Paint Tins It had been reported that Dean Pitt were not accepting paint tins at the site. WODC were looking into where paint tins could be disposed of. District Cllr. M. Howes offered to do a report in the next months Chippy News. Industrial Premises at Parker Knoll Site Cllr. Howes asked if the Town Council had any objections to the planning application which had been submitted for the industrial premises at the Parker Knoll site. He remarked that Uplands did not like the design therefore the planning application had been deferred. The Mayor responded that the Town Councillors had no objection with the plan. Cllr. G. Alcock stated if they looked anything like the Moreton-in-Marsh industrial units they would look quite attractive. Cllr. R.Ll. Evans agreed with Cllr. Alcock that Councillors had not commented on the design and it actually looked quite reasonable. Cllr. R. Townley reported on the following issues: - Hospital Plan Cllr. Townley stated that he was very pleased that the Hospital plan had the go ahead and that the White House Surgery had also now decided to move to the new site in London Road. The Town Council and WODC agree that pressure should be put on to try and de-classify the London Road and add a weight limit so as to make the lorries and heavy vehicles go up the Banbury Road instead of London Road. 2152

Cllr. Townley was going to ask a transport officer from OCC to come and visit Chipping Norton to discuss the issue. New Street Bring Site The New Street bring site had improved greatly and the site was now being monitored daily. If anybody had a problem at all with the site then they must let WODC know. Ambulance Coverage The S/E Ambulance Trust have a meeting scheduled with the Economic and Social Committee at Witney to discuss the ambulance coverage. Cllr. Townley asked if any of the Town Councillors had any questions for the meeting if so they must let him know. Cllr. Alcock asked if the Town Council could have the percentage figures showing the call outs which the Fire Service had attended. Previously the Fire Service calls had been included in the ambulance responses which did not show a true record. Councillors were concerned with the cover and suggested that a paramedic could be sited at the new hospital site. It had been reported that abortions could not be carried out in Oxfordshire hospitals any more and people were having to travel to London to have this undertaken. Air Quality Monitoring A full report had been received on the Air Quality Monitoring and it showed proposed routes to send the heavier vehicles or a one way system through the town. It was suggested that an obvious route was to send the HGV’s along the back road at the Cross Hands onto the main A3400 road which would then miss Chipping Norton. Disposal of Paint Tins Cllr. Townley was aware of the problem with the disposal of paint tins and he would bring this up at the next Environment meeting at Witney. Cllr. Mrs. G. Burrows thanked everyone who had worked so hard towards the new hospital plan and they had achieved something quite remarkable. Cllr. Mrs. H. Biles reported on the following issues: - A44/A361 The A44/A361 was on the list to be down graded. Paint Tins Cllr. Mrs. Biles offered to take the matter up with OCC on the disposal of paint tins.

Ambulance Trust Cllr. Mrs. Biles pointed out that the Ambulance Trust were very brave coming back to discuss the service after the last meeting with them.

Air Quality A consultation was being held in the Town Hall at Chipping Norton on Wednesday 27th February 2008 and Saturday 1st March 2008 from 10.00 am – 2.00 pm for the public to discuss the poor air quality in the area and to see which way the County Council are proposing to overcome this situation. 2153

Cllr. R.Ll. Evans asked whether the White House Surgery had chosen a design for the new practise. Cllr. Mrs. H. Biles responded that the PCT would be choosing the design.

5138 Planning (a) The Minutes of the Planning Committee Council received the minutes of the Planning Committee held on 5th February 2008. (b) Applications Received Council decided to make the observations set out under the heading “comments” on Appendix B 18th February 2008 in respect of applications 3396 to 3401. (c) Notification of a Public Inquiry Notification of a two day Public Inquiry to be held at The Corn Exchange, Market Square, Witney on Wednesday 2nd April 2008 at 10.00 am had been received in respect of planning application 07/0127 The Mill, Station Road, Chipping Norton. Erection of twenty four apartments and associated parking, landscaping and amenity space.

Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles asked, “Why couldn’t the Public Inquiry be held at Chipping Norton.” The Town Clerk was asked to consult with WODC on this matter. Cllr. G. Alcock stated if this was not possible then perhaps a video link at Chipping Norton could be set up.

5139 The Town Clerks Report Accounts Council approved the following payments: - (a) Imprest Account for January 2008: £5,301.21. (b) General Account: Accounts for payment as at 18th February 2008: £16,060.54. (c) Correspondence Received from: - Oxfordshire County Council

Large Red Chestnut Tree in Market Place The large red chestnut tree that is situated outside the HSBC bank in Market Place has a large area of die back in the upper crown that has been getting bigger each year and a large cavity in the main trunk at approximately three metres up. As a result of a recent inspection the County Council are going to reduce the overall crown size by 30% to reduce the weight from the tree and to make it safe. This work will be undertaken on a Sunday morning. The County Council are going to try their hardest to maintain the tree for as long as possible due to its location and historical value.

Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Trust An invitation had been sent to all Town Councillors to attend a coffee morning at St. James Centre, Stonesfield in aid of The Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Trust.

Funding towards the Hailcorns Play Area Hailcorns have been successful in obtaining a grant of £5,000 from TOE to help towards providing play equipment on the Cornish Road play area. A third party funding of £540 is necessary so that TOE will release the funding. 2154

The Town Council granted approval of £540.00 third party funding to go towards providing play equipment on the Cornish Road play area. 5140 The Recreation Committee Council received the minutes of The Recreation Committee meeting held on 17th January 2008.

Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles stated that she was awaiting three quotations for safety flooring for the New Street recreation ground.

Cllr. M. Dixon was trying to book a venue so as to hold another beer festival to raise money for the New Street recreation ground.

Cllr. G. Watkins stated that the excavation work had commenced on the Cornish Road playing field.

5141 The Grants to Voluntary Bodies Committee Council received the minutes of The Grants to Voluntary Bodies Committee held on 29th January 2008.

Councillors asked various questions about the grants awarded to the local organisations. 5142 Community Safety Council received the community safety report. Cllr. G. Alcock stated that some of the information on the report was old news and perhaps this should be regularly updated. Cllr. Alcock had not received an answer to whether the town had got extra policing on a Thursday/Friday/Saturday evening.

The Mayor reminded Town Councillors that any questions for the Inspector who would be attending next months Town Council meeting must be put into writing and sent either to the Town Clerk or to the Inspector at Chipping Norton police station prior to the meeting. 5143 Chipping Norton War Memorial Hospital At 8.05 pm Council resolved that in view of the nature on the business to be transacted, it was advisable in the public interest that the public and press be temporarily excluded and they were requested to withdraw.

The meeting closed at 9.00 pm. 2156


At the Council Meeting held, pursuant to notice on Monday 17th March 2008 at 7.15 pm in the Council Chamber, the Town Hall, the following members were present: - Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows, Town Mayor Cllr. G. Alcock Cllr. C.J. Butterworth Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles Cllr. M. Dixon Cllr. R.Ll. Evans Cllr. Mrs. J.M. Graves Cllr. K.R. Greenwell Cllr. P.M. Jarratt Cllr. P.A. Lake Cllr. J. Osmond Cllr. G.T. Watkins Cllr. Mrs. S.J. Wilkes Cllr. Mrs. H.J. Williams Officer : The Town Clerk The Mayor opened the meeting welcomed everyone in attendance. 5144 The minutes of the meeting held on the 18th February 2008 The minutes of the meeting held on the 18th February 2008 were amended as follows: - Page 2150 – Minute 5136 - Council Tax First line, omit a few years ago and add – the tax rises in previous years. Page 2150 – Minute 5136 – Health Services First line, omit the PCT and the public health strategy figures were higher than the national average in the area and add – public health strategy figures for road traffic accidents were much lower. Fifth line, omit the need for public transport to the site and add – a Minor Injuries Unit. 5145 Public Participation Two requests for public participation had been received - one from Inspector Sarah Myatt and one from Mr. Bill Oddy, WODC. The Mayor suggested that item thirteen should be moved up the agenda to this point as this was one of the items being discussed. Inspector Sarah Myatt introduced herself and explained the various roles in the police force. The police would like to work in partnership to make the community a safer place and reduce the crime levels. It was reported that there had been a rise in minor arsons in the area and the inspector had already started working with the fire brigade on this subject. Additional policing in Chipping Norton was scheduled up until September 2008. 2157

Residents in the town centre were not happy with the late licensing hours of the kebab van. Inspector Maytt stated that there hadn’t been any complaints reported due to trouble around the kebab van. She said that people need to report incidents so that the police are aware of such problems. Inspector Maytt indicated that if anyone had any problems she would be keen to look into them. Cllr. G. Watkins raised that there was a report in a recent local paper that a car had been broken into and the police did not go to the incident until the next morning. Sarah Mayatt answered that that all reports were dealt with on a grading system as a matter of urgency. Cllr. J. Osmond had been passed a letter of complaint about the amount of under age drinking in the town. Cllr. K. Greenwell stated that the TVP section of the precept was the biggest portion and he wished to see more police on the street due to the under age drinking, vandalism and issues on the street. Cllr. P. Lake asked if extra funding could be sought to enable extra policing on the streets further than September 2008. Whilst extra policing had been around the last few months the town seemed better in the evenings. Inspector Myatt stated that she had a high quality team and some very good PCSO’s and she couldn’t answer about the precept. If there were any further questions from the Town Councillors then she would be more than happy to answer them. Councillors could contact Sarah Myatt by phone or by email. Inspector Myatt pointed out that CCTV offered so much in detecting crime. Mr. Bill Oddy from WODC introduced his self and explained the benefits CCTV would have in Chipping Norton. There would be additional annual costs to cover the running costs of approximately £15,000. The CCTV would be monitored by trained operators based at Witney. The initial assessment would show a rise in crime levels. Proven facts that CCTV in towns made the community feel safer. Bill Oddy had already undertaken an analysis to find out where cameras should be positioned in the town. The hot spots shown were West Street, Back Alley, New Street car park, allotments, leisure centre, school and the town centre. Proven evidence from CCTV can reduce crimes going to court. To put a police officer on the street cost £48,000 per year this figure showed the comparison of the running costs of CCTV. Cllr. K. Greenwell challenged the expenditure and compared the costs with other local towns and the amount of CCTV cameras in place. Bill Oddy offered to explore linking up the CCTV with the County Council or the Thames Valley Police net work and possibly this could reduce the cost. Cllr. G. Alcock raised that some of the pubs in the town already had CCTV installed and asked had they ever been used to give evidence in crime. Bill Oddy stated that he would be more than happy for Town Councillors to have a look at how the CCTV was monitored at Witney. Town Councillors decided that further discussions were needed before making any decisions. Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows thanked the police officers and Bill Oddy for attending the meeting. 5146 Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence had been received from Cllr. J.J. Grantham and District Cllr. R. Townley. 2158

5147 Declarations of Interest Cllrs. P. Lake, Mrs. E. Coles, Mrs. J. Graves and M. Jarratt declared an interest in the planning application for Penhurst School. 5148 Mayoral Announcements The Mayor referred to the report circulated with the minutes entitled “Mayoral Announcements March 2008.” Raffle tickets for the Mayor’s Ball had been distributed to Town Councillors. A spring cleaning event was to be held on 4th, 5th and 6th April 2008, if any Councillors wished to put their names down to help on either of the days the Mayor would be very grateful. The Tourist Information Centre and the Town Hall on a Saturday was to commence after Easter. The Mayor asked the Town Councillors if they would be willing to help man the office on an occasional Saturday between 10 am and 1 pm. 5149 Oxfordshire County Council Cllr. Mrs. H. Biles reported on the following issues: - Hand Rails The previous morning Cllr. Mrs. Biles had discovered that the screws on the hand rails in the town centre had been loosened. She reported this to the Highways Department straight away. The Department had told her that the railings would be repaired the very next day. Milk It had been reported that children in Oxfordshire Nurseries were to be given free milk. Post Office Closures The County Council’s view on the closure of the Post Offices was to take the same route as Essex had done and try to get the government to help finance them. The Mayor asked if there were any questions for Cllr. Mrs. H. Biles. Cllr. G. Watkins asked if Cllr. Mrs. Biles knew when the wall was going to be repaired by The Chequers in Market Street? Cllr. Mrs. Biles stated that she was unaware of this but she would chase this problem up. 5150 West Oxfordshire District Council Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles stated that she had not been able to attend many meetings in the last few weeks due to health problems. Air Quality Monitoring Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles had passed on thanks at the Environmental Meeting, WODC for the very good display which had been held at the Town Hall in Chipping Norton. The display showed the public the out come of the monitoring which had been carried out over the last few years and possible suggestions to remedy this problem. Toilets There were now signs in the ladies public toilets as requested at the previous Town Council meeting. Black Boxes Chipping Norton and the surrounding area cannot have re-cycle wheelie bins because the glass still had to be re-cycled separately. 2159

Speed Limits in Worcester Road It had been agreed that the speed limit was to be changed to 30 mph all of the way out of Chipping Norton on the Worcester Road. Cllr. Mrs. Coles stated that speed indicating signs would also be very effective on this road.

The Mayor asked if there were any questions for Cllr. Mrs. Coles. Cllr. M. Jarratt thought that the alternatives shown at the Air Quality Monitoring Seminar at the Town Hall did not seem ideal. It was agreed that Town Councillors were to meet to formulate a view towards the air quality monitoring survey. Cllr. G. Alock stressed that a weight limit was needed through the town and it was up to the County Council to impose a weight limits on the roads. Cllr. Mrs. Biles responded that the County Council were about to put a weight limit on the roads leading into Chipping Norton within the next few weeks. Cllr. Mrs. Coles asked if the police cameras had been anything to do with the decision on the weight limits? Cllr. Mrs. Biles stated that the police cameras were purely number plate recognition. Cllr. M. Howes reported on the following issues: - One Stop Shop Cllr. Howes indicated that a new kiosk had been installed at the One Stop Shop in Chipping Norton for the public to use. Rugby Club The District Council had recently awarded the Rugby Club in Chipping Norton as best club in West Oxfordshire. 5151 Planning (a) The Minutes of the Planning Committee Council received the minutes of the Planning Committee held on 3rd March 2008. (b) Applications Received Council decided to make the observations set out under the heading “comments” on Appendix B 17th March 2008 in respect of applications (c) Decisions There were no decisions to report. (d) Update from the Planning Working Party Cllr. Mrs. G. Burrows stated that the planning working party had written to OCC and WODC and that they had received some responses back. A meeting was to be set to meet with Cllr. Mrs. H. Biles to discuss the future plans for the town. Cllr. Mrs. Burrows asked the Town Council’s permission to propose that the working party proceed with their work. Cllr. P. Lake proposed and Cllr. M. Jarratt seconded that the working party continue with the work that they have commenced on the future of the town. All Town Councillors present were in favour of this proposal. 5140 The Town Clerks Report Accounts Council approved the following payments: - (a) Imprest Account for February 2008: £5,575.28. (b) General Account: Accounts for payment as at 17th March 2008: £12,087.16. (c) Correspondence Received from: - 2160

Oxfordshire County Council Speed Limits, Chipping Norton – Order 200 The aim of the order was to combine the proposed speed limit amendment with, and revoke and replace the existing OCC (Chipping Norton) (Speed limits) Order 2002. The effect was to reduce the existing 40 mph speed limit along part of A44 Worcester Road (length of approximately 540 metres) with a 30 mph limit so that the 30 mph limit would be continuous from the town to a point 342 m west of the junction with Kennel Lane. New Street, Chipping Norton Oxfordshire Highways would be carrying out footway surfacing works at New Street, Chipping Norton. The works were to take place from Dunstan Avenue heading easterly along New Street for approximately 400 metres to the junction of the road leading to the car park. The work commenced on Monday 10th March 2008 for 10 days. Thames Valley Police- Notice Boards Thames Valley Police were looking to place notice boards about neighbourhood policing in each town centre. They were asking if the Town Council knew of an area where a notice board could be sited. The local police community support officers will keep them updated. Potential Claim for a public right of way from Market Place/West Street to the access road to New Street Car Park, Chipping Norton A footpath had recently been closed off with no notices being displayed saying why this had happened. The footpath had been used by many residents in that area as a short cut up to the town for well over 29 years. There was evidence of this in the Chipping Norton News, Edition 23, February 1979 and Town Council minutes. After twenty years use of a footpath by the public you can apply to claim for this to be recognised as a public right of way. Town Councillors voted all in favour of applying for a public right of way.

5141 The Town Hall Committee Council received the minutes of The Town Hall Committee meeting held on 3rd March 2008. 5142 The Mayoral Selection Committee Council received a report from the Mayoral Selection Committee. Cllr. Mrs. Graves told the Town Council the recommendations made by the Committee for the next mayoral year May 2008/9 as follows: - Cllr. M. Jarratt to take on the role of Mayor for 2008/9. The Town Council voted all in favour of the decision. Cllr. M. Jarratt thanked the Town Council for their confidence and he hoped to represent Chipping Norton as well as it had been represented in the past year. Cllr. K. Greenwell to take on the role of Deputy Mayor for 2008/9. The Town Council voted all in favour of the decision. Cllr. K. Greenwell thanked the Town Council and said that it would be an honour to take on the role. 5143 Community Safety There was no Community Safety report at the meeting as Inspector Sarah Myatt had attended the meeting in Public Participation. 2161

5144 CCTV CCTV had been discussed under Public Participation earlier in the meeting.

5145 Grass Cutting Contract The grass cutting tenders were considered.

5146 Greystones House The future of Greystones House was discussed.

At 9.37 pm Council resolved that in view of the nature on the business to be transacted, it was advisable in the public interest that the public and press be temporarily excluded and they were requested to withdraw.

The meeting closed at 10.25 pm. 2163


At the Council Meeting held, pursuant to notice on Monday 21st April 2008 at 7.15 pm in the Council Chamber, the Town Hall, the following members were present: - Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows, Town Mayor Cllr. G. Alcock Cllr. C.J. Butterworth Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles Cllr. M. Dixon Cllr. R.Ll. Evans Cllr. J.J. Grantham Cllr. K.R. Greenwell Cllr. P.M. Jarratt Cllr. P.A. Lake Cllr. G.T. Watkins Cllr. Mrs. H.J. Williams Cllr. Ms. K. Withers Officer : The Town Clerk The Mayor opened the meeting welcomed everyone in attendance. 5147 The minutes of the meeting held on the 17th March 2008 The minutes of the meeting held on the 17th March 2008 were amended as follows: - Page 2159 – Minute 5150 – Rugby Club Change Chipping Norton to West Oxfordshire.

5148 Public Participation A request for public participation had been received from Mr. Phil Measures, WODC and Mr. Roger Ward, OCC to discuss the Air Quality Action Plan (item 14 on the agenda). The general idea was to develop an action plan to bring the high level of nitrogen dioxide level down in Horse Fair through to West Street, Chipping Norton. The first stage was to decide which option to take out of the long list which had been drawn up in the plan. Cllr. G. Alcock asked if there had been any good ideas after the consultation which had been carried out in Chipping Norton on the Air Quality. Mr. Measures indicated that a modification on the Rollright Stones route had been suggested. This idea would be very costly and would take at the minimum seven years to achieve. Cllr. J.J. Grantham suggested a weight restriction was needed on all routes into the town and this should be made mandatory. Mr. Measures indicated that a short term plan should be made before the long term plan to get things into motion. The decision would be down to the County Council to publish traffic orders. Cllr. K. Greenwell recalled at the last Town Council meeting that the County Councillor present had given some important news that a weight limit had been agreed and that there must be a lack of communication between OCC and WODC. If this was correct then a lot of problems could have been resolved. 2164

Cllr. G. Alcock stated that major planning applications for the town could make a considerable amount of difference to the air quality. Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles pointed out that in November 2005 the County Council had decided that the A40 should become an advisory lorry route and she asked, “why had the signs not been put up?” Cllr. Coles indicated that this would have helped solve the problem through the town. Town Councillors agreed that their preferred option would be to have a weight restriction through the town and for signs to be put into place indicating this. The Mayor thanked Mr. Phil Measures and Mr. Ward for attending the meeting. 5149 Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence had been received from Cllrs. Mrs. J.M. Graves, J. Osmond, Mrs. S. Wilkes, Mrs. H. Biles, Mr. M. Howes and Mr. R. Townley. 5150 Declarations of Interest Cllrs. P. Lake, Mrs. E. Coles, Mrs. J. Graves and M. Jarratt declared an interest in the planning application for Penhurst School. Cllr. G. Alcock declared an interest in the Albion Street planning application as he had made the plan public on his web site. 5151 Mayoral Announcements The Mayor referred to the report circulated with the minutes entitled “Mayoral Announcements March 2008.” Raffle tickets for the Mayor’s Ball had been distributed to Town Councillors. A spring cleaning event was to be held on 4th, 5th and 6th April 2008. The Tourist Information Centre and the Town Hall on a Saturday was to commence after Easter. The Mayor asked Town Councillors if they would be willing to help man the office on an occasional Saturday between 10 am and 1 pm. The meeting on 17.4.08 with Cllr. Mrs. H. Biles did not happen. 5152 Oxfordshire County Council County Cllr. Mrs. Biles report In the absence of County Cllr. Mrs. H. Biles the Mayor read out the report passed onto her which outlined the following: - Air Quality Consultation Cllr. Mrs. H. Biles had put forward a suggestion to the County Council of another routing to reduce HGV traffic through Chipping Norton and to apply for a weight restriction. Cllr. Mrs. Biles hoped that the Town Council would support both of the options. MUGA The District Council had sent the Town Council’s view on the extension to the lease to the Big Lottery.

In the report Cllr. Biles had thanked the Mayor for all the hard work throughout her term and stated that it had been a pleasure working with her.

Cllr. P. Lake did not agree with an alternative route as all traffic would be diverted from the town. Cllr. R.Ll. Evans suggested that a letter or e-mail should be sent to OCC to support the suggestion of a weight restriction being applied on roads into Chipping Norton. 2165

5153 West Oxfordshire District Council Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles reported on the following issues: - Toilets The public toilets at the Town Hall had been being locked early this had been due to staff who work for Eminent, the company who had got the contract. Eminent indicated that the local police had told them to lock the toilets early. The timer at the public toilets was to be made tamper proof so as staff could not alter the times for opening and closing. Cllr. Mrs. Coles asked people to report to WODC on 01993 705056 if they noticed that the toilets were not open at the times they should be. Cllr. M. Howes report In the absence of Cllr. M. Howes the Mayor read out a report which had been passed onto her: - Planning Cllr. Howes thanked Town Councillors for the time taken on their deliberations with regards to planning applications sent to them for consideration. He thanked the Guildhall staff for their consideration and courtesy at all times and he also wished the Town Council well for the future. 5154 Planning (a) The Minutes of the Planning Committee Council received the minutes of the Planning Committee held on 27th March 2008. (b) Applications Received Council decided to make the observations set out under the heading “comments” on Appendix B 17th March 2008 in respect of applications. (c) Decisions 08/0126 7, Middle Row, C/N Erection of single and two storey rear extension. Change of use of ground floor and part first floor to take away and storage. Create three bedroomed flat above 7, Middle Row. WODC granted planning permission. 08/0298 26, Insall Road, C/N Removal of garage and erection of two storey dwelling with associated parking. WODC granted planning permission. (d) Update from the Planning Working Party Cllr. Mrs. G. Burrows stated that the planning working party had been disappointed that the meeting hadn’t taken place with Cllr. Mrs. H. Biles. A meeting had been fixed with Andrew Tucker, WODC. The group were to contact the NHS, owner of the hospital to express the interest in the building for community use. A vote was taken on a decision made that the small committee should remain the same when the committee’s were to be decided in July 2008. The result of the decision had been unanimous in favour as the working group had already gathered a lot of information and were very busy trying to achieve their aim. Councillors decided that a letter should be sent from the Mayor stating that a definitive answer was needed on the planning use for the Greystones House. Louise Chapman from WODC was to be contacted regarding the library and youth facilities for the town. 2166 5155 The Town Clerks Report Accounts Council approved the following payments: - (a) Imprest Account for March 2008: £5,269.23 (b) General Account: Accounts for payment as at 21st April 2008: £25,684.99 (c) Correspondence Received from: - West Oxfordshire District Council Code of Conduct Briefings/Training Alternative training/briefing sessions on the Code have been organised to take place as follows, each beginning at 6.30 pm. Wednesday 21st May Council Offices, Woodgreen, Witney Tuesday 3rd June Beaconsfield Hall, Shipton-under-Wychwood Thursday 12th June Council Offices, Woodgreen, Witney Oxfordshire County Council Review of Subsidised Bus Services in the Chipping Norton, Charlbury & Woodstock area The C/C would be undertaking a review of the bus services that it supported financially in the Chipping Norton, Charlbury and Woodstock area during the remainder of 2008. The contracts were due to expire in December 2008, and it was the C/C policy to review the network prior to going through the tendering process up until 2012. Regional Housing Strategy 2008-11 A copy of the South East England Regional Housing Strategy 2008-11 had been received. Other Correspondence Received VE Day DVD A request from Mr. David Dawson, Senior Policy Advisor, Musuems, Libraries and Archives Council had been received seeking permission to allow the VE Day DVD to be made available from the digital archive for educational purposes only. Town Council agreed to this request. The Dave Haigh Fund An invitation had been received to attend The Fifth Annual Award Presentation Evening on Friday 9th May 2008 at 7.30 pm in the Large Hall, The Town Hall, C/N. The Lido at Chipping Norton A letter had been received from The Lido stating the financial difficulties the Lido would have due to lack of funding this year. The Lido had asked the Town Council to reconsider their decision that funding would not be available until the Grants to Voluntary were to be considered in early September 2008.

Cllr. P. Lake indicated that The Lido had received their funding from the Town Council in 2007/08 and another grant was to be made in September 2008. Family Fun Day – Friday 1st August 2008 2 pm – 7 pm Churches Together had asked permission to use the New Street Recreation Ground for a Family Funday event this summer. The event would be aimed mainly at families in the community and would be free of charge. The event would include a live band, interviews, games, competitions, inflatable attractions, face painting, balloon modelling and hair braiding. They would also like to provide a free Barbecue and perhaps an outdoor Café. Permission had been granted by The Field Reeves to use the land on the day. Town Councillors agreed to the request. 2167

C/N & District Cricket Club The C/N & District Cricket Club have asked permission to use the Council Chamber, The Town Hall on Saturday 17th May 2008 from 9 am – 2 pm to hold an exhibition celebrating the Cricket Clubs 175 years. Town Councillors gave permission to the request. C/N Theatre The C/N Theatre have asked permission to use the Large Hall, The Town Hall on Sunday 26th October or Sunday 2nd November from 1 pm – 11 pm for a workshop and concert. Town Councillors gave permission to the request. 5156 The Finance & General Purposes Committee Council received the minutes of The Finance & General Purposes Committee meeting held on 19th March 2008. 5157 The Cemetery & Pool Meadow Committee Council received the minutes of The Cemetery & Pool Meadow Committee meeting held on 1st April 2008. 5158 The Recreation & Greystones Committee Council received the minutes of The Recreation & Greystones Committee meeting held on 3rd April 2008. 5159 Community Safety Council received the Community Safety report. 5160 Air Quality Action Plan The Air Quality Action Plan had been discussed at item number two, public participation. 5161 CCTV After discussion on the possibility of CCTV in the town more information was needed on locations, monitoring, funding and on-going costs. 5162 Honorary Citizen The Honorary Citizen applications received were discussed. 5163 Rugby Club The Rugby Club licence agreement was discussed.

At 9.37 pm Council resolved that in view of the nature on the business to be transacted, it was advisable in the public interest that the public and press be temporarily excluded and they were requested to withdraw.

Cllr. G. Alcock moved a vote of thanks to Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows for being an extremely tolerant and very charming chair and for keeping the meetings manageable and for letting people have their say. On behalf of the Town Council he thanked Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows very much.

The meeting closed at 10.10 pm. 2169


At an Extra-ordinary Council Meeting held, pursuant to notice on Wednesday 7th May 2008 at 7.15 pm in the Council Chamber, the Town Hall, the following members were present: - Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows, Town Mayor Cllr. G. Alcock Cllr. C.J. Butterworth Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles Cllr. R.Ll. Evans Cllr. J.J. Grantham Cllr. K.R. Greenwell Cllr. G.T. Watkins Cllr. Ms. K. Withers Officer : The Town Clerk The Mayor opened the meeting and welcomed everyone in attendance. 5164 Apologies for absence Apologies for absence had been received from Cllrs. M. Dixon, Mrs. J.M. Graves, M. Jarratt, P.A. Lake, J. Osmond and Mrs. S.J. Wilkes. 5165 Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interest. 5166 Planning Applications Received Council decided to make the observations set out under the heading “comments” on Appendix A 7th May 2008 in respect of applications. ( note webmaster placed this with planning committee documents) 5167 Local Development Framework Cllr. J.J. Grantham explained the documents and the planning process to fellow Town Councillors. He went onto say that he felt that there were enough housing sites coming up in the future without using brown field sites in the town. Cllr. K. Greenwell opposed most of the suggested sites in the LDF document and stated that the town did not have the infrastructure to cope with a lot more houses. Cllr. R.Ll. Evans suggested that moderate growth for the town should be accepted. In general Town Councillors wanted to re-inforce the following: - more jobs in the town youth centre/community centre in the town would be a social gain preserve the character of the town to improve the poor air quality to obtain better services Town Councillors wanted to know how many houses were planned for the period 2016 – 2025 for the town and they expressed their concerns with the LDF site allocations for the future. Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows offered to fill in the LDF form from the information gathered at the meeting. 2169 2170 The meeting closed at 8.50 pm.

2170 1

The Minutes of


held on 10th July 2007

At a meeting of the Cemetery & Pool Meadow Committee held on 10th July 2007 the following members were present:-

Cllr P M Jarratt, Chairman Cllr Mrs G M Burrows, Town Mayor Cllr J J Grantham Cllr Mrs J M Graves Cllr G T Watkins Officer: The Town Clerk

The Committee members present assembled at the cemetery at 6.30 pm for an inspection.

Mr R Taylor, the cemetery contractor, was asked to trim some branches back in Section 2 by the Hovard’s grave.

Banbury Memorials was to be contacted regarding two memorials in Section 7 where plastic surrounds had been installed above ground level and had been infilled with gravel. Banbury Memorials was to be asked to remedy this as it was making the cemetery contractor’s job much more difficult.

Mr Chris Sole, A L Sole Funeral Director, was to be reminded to take excess soil away with him.

A headstone with kerb surrounds had been installed unsatisfactorily in Section 6 on the grave of Frank and Phyllis Scarsbrook. Banbury Memorials was to be asked to come back and lower the kerbs flush with the ground level.

The Town Clerk was asked to contact The Lions of Chipping Norton and see if they if they still wished to provide an archway in the cemetery as requested previously.

After trimming back the hedges in Section 4 there was now enough room for another row of graves. The wooden bench which had been removed whilst work was being carried out in Section 4 was to be re-installed.

1. Election of Chairman Cllr P M Jarratt was elected as Chairman for the ensuing year.

2. Apologies for absence Apologies for absence had been received from Cllr J Osmond and Cllr Mrs S J Wilkes.

3. Minutes of the meeting held on 24th April 2007 The Minutes of the meeting held on 24th April 2007 were approved by the Committee.

4. Matters Arising Muslim Area in New Section of Cemetery The Town Clerk was to find out from other local authorities what the requirements are for Muslim burials, i.e: are the graves normally raised. 2

Kerb Stones The Committee agreed that from now on a £200 surcharge should be added onto memorial applications. Once the kerb stones are fixed in place the kerb stone will be inspected to make sure that the work has been carried out correctly. Once the work has been satisfactorily passed then the applicant will be re-imbursed with the £200. A note was to be added onto the memorial application form to state the date of installation of the kerb stones. Regulations The funeral directors were to be contacted to make sure the cemetery regulations were being handed out. War Memorial The Town Clerk was asked to organise the cleaning of the War Memorial. Mr M Holland was to be asked to carry out the weeding and tidying up of the War Memorial as he had already been carrying out this duty. Grave Stone Testing Cllr P M Jarratt stated that he would carry out the grave stone testing in September. Hedge at top of Cemetery Mr R Taylor, the cemetery contractor, was asked to tidy up the top area of Section 4 which had been cleared recently. Worcester Road Cemetery Clearing Day A Worcester Road Cemetery Clearing day had been fixed for Saturday 20th October 2007 at 10.00 am. A note was to be inserted in the September issue of the Chipping Norton News.

5. Cemetery Notice Board Cllr P M Jarratt advised the Committee that another notice board had been ordered and will be re-instated at the cemetery in Worcester Road. Cllr G T Watkins took no part in the discussion on the cemetery notice board.

6. Any Other Business Wellingtonia Tree in the Cemetery at Worcester Road A quotation had been received from Mr N Burman to cut down the dead Wellingtonia tree and remove the wood for the sum of £1800. The Town Clerk was asked to obtain a further quotation from Chris Notman, Tree Surgeon. Both tree surgeons were to be asked for a price for cutting down the tree and leaving the wood at the cemetery. Pool Meadow Mr R Taylor, the cemetery contractor, was asked to clear the path in Pool Meadow. The Green Gym had carried out the work on the steps and cleared out the brook in Pool Meadow. Limited Cemetery Land The Committee members were aware of the problem of limited cemetery land and discussed in years to come that there may be a need to re-use the old part of the cemetery.

7. Date of Next Meeting The date of the next meeting was arranged for Wednesday 26th September 2007 commencing at 6.30 pm at the cemetery in Worcester Road for an inspection. 1

The Minutes of


held on 26th September 2007

At a meeting of the Cemetery & Pool Meadow Committee held on 26th September 2007 the following members were present:-

Cllr. P. M. Jarratt, Chairman Cllr. M. Dixon Cllr. J. J. Grantham Cllr. Mrs. J.M. Graves Cllr. G.T. Watkins Cllr. Mrs. S.J. Wilkes Officer: The Town Clerk

The Committee members present assembled at the cemetery at 6.30 p.m. for an inspection.

It was noted that the new cemetery notice board was in place by the Colonnade.

Mr. R. Taylor, the cemetery contractor had cleared the Garden of Remembrance and tidied up the area. Committee members decided that the area would no longer be used for scattering ashes. Members of the public were to be encouraged to use the ashes plot in Section 7.

Section 7 – Ashes Section. Mr. R. Taylor was asked to provide a quotation to gravel the area. This would tidy up the whole of the area and would cut down on maintenance.

New Section at far end of cemetery. Members discussed the kind offer of £2,000 to be spent in the cemetery in memory of a resident of the town. It was decided that £500 should be spent on flowering cherry trees which were to be planted on both sides of the path in the new section and £1,500 should be spent on a hardwood bench with a plaque in memory of the person.

Cllr. M. Jarratt agreed to contact Newmans of Salford to trim the hedges in the cemetery.

The Town Clerk was to contact the Environmental Services at WODC and ask for the pest control to visit the cemetery.

After the inspection the meeting continued in the Council Chamber at the Town Hall.

1. Apologies for absence Apologies for absence had been received from Cllr. Mrs. G. M. Burrows and Cllr. J. Osmond.

2. Minutes of the meeting held on 10th July 2007 The Minutes of the meeting held on 10th July 2007 were approved by the Committee.

3. Matters Arising War Memorial The Town Clerk reported that Banbury Memorials were going to carry out the cleaning and re-lettering on the War Memorial week commencing 28.10.07. 2

Muslim Area in New Section of Cemetery It had been identified that Muslims were to be buried facing east and they preferred their graves to be raised to stop anybody walking across them. The members of the committee stated that regulations are that all graves should be made level with the ground and this must remain the same with all burials. The Green Gym It was reported that the Green Gym had completed installing the extra steps in Pool Meadow. A letter of thanks was to be sent to the Green Gym for all of their hard work carried out over the last few months.

4. Budget Making for Next Financial Year Members discussed the cemetery contract and agreed that there must be an increase in the amount of grass cutting carried out through the year from nine cuts to sixteen at the Cemetery in Worcester Road, the Closed Churchyard the Almshouses and at 11, Park Road. A price was to be sought for trimming the lime trees in the Closed Churchyard for next years budget. Committee members agreed that an amount should be put into the budget for the maintenance of the War Memorial and Pool Meadow.

5. Renewal of Cemetery Contract The cemetery contract was due for renewal on 31st March 2008 this would need to be advertised.

6. Review of Cemetery Charges Members revised the cemetery charges at the meeting and the new scale of charges would commence from 1st January 2008. (see attached sheet).

7. Any Other Business Map of Cemetery Cllr. G. Watkins suggested a map showing the layout of the different sections in the cemetery should be displayed on the notice board at the cemetery. Request for a Memorial Bench in Section 7 A letter had been received from A.L. Sole asking for permission to supply a memorial bench and site it in section 7 of the cemetery in Worcester Road. Committee members agreed that a picture of the chosen bench should be sent to The Town Clerk’s office before consent was given. The Committee decided that the location of the bench could be at the side of Section 7 close to the hedgerow.

8. Date of Next Meeting The date of the next meeting was arranged for 9th January 2008 at 7.30 pm in the Council Chamber.

The meeting closed at 9.00 pm. 1

The Minutes of


held on 9th January 2008

At a meeting of the Cemetery & Pool Meadow Committee held on 9th January 2008 the following members were present:-

Cllr. P. M. Jarratt, Chairman Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows, Town Mayor Cllr. G.T. Watkins Cllr. Mrs. S.J. Wilkes Officer: The Town Clerk

1. Apologies for absence Apologies for absence had been received from Cllr. M. Dixon, Cllr. J.J. Grantham and Cllr. Mrs. J.M. Graves.

2. Minutes of the meeting held on 26th September 2007 The minutes of the meeting held on 26th September 2007 were approved by the Committee.

3. Matters Arising Quotation to Gravel Section 7 – Ashes Section A quotation had been received from Mr. R. Taylor, cemetery contractor, to gravel Section 7 the ashes section for the sum of £2320 plus VAT. This work had not been budgeted for, therefore the Committee decided to put the work on hold until the following year. New Section in Cemetery A letter had been received confirming the offer to finance two rows of flowering cherry trees and a bench in the new section of the cemetery. Cllr. P.M. Jarratt offered to obtain a quotation for the trees. The Town Clerk was to obtain prices on a wooden bench with a plaque. Pest Control The pest control had visited the cemetery. Cemetery Charges The Cemetery Committee decided that the cemetery charges should not be revised until January 2009. Mr. Chris Sole, funeral director stated that Chipping Norton cemetery charges had moved from being at the bottom of the pricing scale to one of the top. He indicated that it had been a big increase in charges. Map of Cemetery Cllr. P.M. Jarratt had obtained a complete plan of the cemetery indicating where each section of the cemetery was. Cllr. G. Watkins agreed to add the plan to the cemetery notice board.

4. Review of Cemetery Charges The Committee had discussed the cemetery charges in matters arsing. Chris Sole asked as there was now a charge for levelling the graves, who should be carrying this duty out? The Committee agreed that Mr. R. Taylor should be checking the level of the graves as he carried out his work in the cemetery. 2

5. Topple Testing The Town Clerk had spoken to other Parish/Town Council’s who were using private companies to topple test the headstones in their cemeteries. Moreton-in-Marsh Parish Council recommended IMI Memorials. Details of their procedures and prices were being sent to the Town Clerk. The Committee agreed that Section 4 should be topple tested first as it was an area which was frequently visited. A sign was to be placed at the cemetery stating, ‘Grave Stones were going to be topple tested within the next 4 -5 months.’

6. Any Other Business Dogs in Cemetery Mr. Chris Sole stated that dogs were being let off the lead in the cemetery and their mess was not being picked up. The dog signs on the entrance of the cemetery were to be checked to see if they were still in situ. Plaques in Colonnade The Town Clerk was asked to check with the insurance on vandalism and theft in the cemetery. Photographs of the colonnade were to be taken showing the plaques. Rose Beds by Colonnade The Committee agreed to widen the rose beds both sides of the colonnade.

7. Date of Next Meeting The date of the next meeting was arranged for 1st April 2008 at 6.30 pm commencing with an inspection at the Worcester Road cemetery.

The meeting closed at 8.45 pm. 1

The Minutes of


held on 1st April 2008

At a meeting of the Cemetery & Pool Meadow Committee held on 1st April 2008 the following members were present:-

Cllr P M Jarratt, Chairman Cllr M Dixon (7.50 pm at the Town Hall) Cllr Mrs J M Graves Cllr G T Watkins Officer: The Town Clerk

Visitor: Mr R Taylor, Cemetery Contractor

The meeting commenced with an inspection of the Worcester Road Cemetery at 6.30 pm.

A request to provide a bench in Section 7 from Mrs Vallance had been received. The committee agreed to the request and decided that the bench should be positioned against the hedge at the top of Section 7.

Mr R Taylor was to provide a bigger padlock for the pole in the entrance of the cemetery and to give spare keys to Mr Chris Sole, the funeral director, and the Town Clerk.

A letter was to be sent to Banbury Memorials regarding the gravel around the tablet blocks in Section 7 on Peter Leonard Morris and Connie Mead’s graves. The committee do not agree to gravel around the tablet blocks as this makes the cemetery contractor’s job much more tedious.

A reminder must be sent to Banbury Memorials stating that kerbs must be flush with the ground.

In Section 6 Dorothy Brindley’s and Basil Packer’s headstone was leaning. The Town Clerk was to write to the families asking if this could be rectified.

A number of headstones, listed below, had become unsafe and had been laid down. The Town Clerk was to trace down the applicants and write asking if they could have the headstones fixed securely.

Section 4. Percy Bartram, Violet Hawtin, William Stokes, Alfred Pickett, Isabel Boobyer.

A letter was to be sent to a member of the family next to grave 843 stating that home-made kerb stones are not allowed.

Mr R Taylor was asked to repair the railings on the road side of the cemetery.

The rose bed was to be widened by the Colonnade.

The Committee members arrived at the Town Hall at 7.50 pm and continued the meeting. 2

1. Apologies for absence Apologies for absence had been received from Cllr Mrs G M Burrows, Cllr J J Grantham and Cllr Mrs S J Wilkes.

2. Minutes of the meeting held on 9th January 2008 were approved.

3. Matters Arising Flowering Cherry Trees The flowering cherry trees in the new section have now been planted. The Map of the Cemetery had now been added to the notice board in the entrance of the cemetery. Dog Signs in the Cemetery had now been installed. Plaques in the Colonnade were insured and had been photographed.

4. Topple Testing The committee went through details and prices supplied by IMI Memorials who carried out topple testing. The committee members had tested a few memorials while they inspected the Worcester Road Cemetery that evening and decided that they would continue with this process and any unsafe memorials would be laid down and the family would be written to.

5. Any Other Business A letter had been received from Mr P Tyrrell asking permission to use data from the cemetery records to insert into a book about people that worked in earlier times at the Bliss Tweed Mill which the Chipping Norton Family History Group are producing. The committee members agreed to this request.

6. Date of Next Meeting A date for further topple testing was agreed for Tuesday 29th April 2008 at 6.30 pm. The date of the next cemetery meeting was arranged for Wednesday 9th July 2008 at 6.30 pm commencing with an inspection at the cemetery in Worcester Road. 1

The Minutes of a Meeting of

The Finance and General Purposes Committee 31st July 2007

A meeting of the Finance and General Purposes Committee was held on Tuesday 31st July 2007at 7.30 pm in the Council Chamber, The Town Hall.

The following members were present:-

Cllr P Lake, Chairman Cllr G Alcock Cllr Mrs G M Burrows Cllr C J Butterworth Cllr R Ll Evans Cllr J J Grantham Cllr K R Greenwell

Officer: The Town Clerk The Deputy Town Clerk

1. Election of Chairman Cllr P A Lake was elected as Chairman for the ensuing year.

2. Apologies for Absence There were no apologies for absence as all committee members were present.

3. The Minutes of the Meeting held on 30th April 2007 The minutes of the meeting held on 30th April 2007 were confirmed as a true and accurate record apart from one amendment to item 5 on page 2, second paragraph omit ‘Before making a decision on this request’ and insert after paragraph 2 – Committee members decided that all possible options should be sought before making a decision.

4. Matters Arising from Minutes There were no matters arising from the previous minutes.

5. Accounts a) To receive accounts from 1st April 2007 to 30th June 2007 The committee received the accounts from 1st April 2007 to 30th June 2007 attached to these minutes. b) To clarify Town Hall and Recreation Budgets i) The Town Hall Budget The Chairman, Cllr P A Lake, explained that of the £21,000 budget which was available to the Town Hall Committee for repairs/maintenance in 2007/8, £13,000 had been used to 31st July 2007 renovating the seven windows facing West Street, repairing the leaking roof and decorating the large hall in the Town Hall. 2

ii) The Recreation Budget Cllr P A Lake explained that the £20,000 which was available to the Recreation Committee for replacement/new equipment in 2007/8 was going towards the new Multi Use Games Area and Teen Shelter on the Worcester Road playing field. £500 was set aside for repairs and maintenance of the recreation equipment for 2007/8. Mr Roy Watson, resident of Chipping Norton, has offered to paint the equipment on the Worcester Road recreation ground. iii) To identify a Cost Centre for Town Centre Garden Work A suggestion was raised to try and obtain funds from the other authorities for some of the garden work already undertaken this year. At the end of the financial year there will be a shortfall of approximately £3000 for the flower beds. The Committee members agreed that the extra expenditure incurred should come from the extra income of £5000 from the manorial land payment. Prices were to be sought for cobbling the town centre flower beds with designs incorporating the town crest. Mr David Hicks, a local architect, was to be asked to draw some plans to scale of the flower beds in the town centre. Cllr G Alcock was to approach Mr Roddy Llewellyn for his advice on the design of the flower beds. Mr R Townley, a local builder, was to be asked for a quotation on digging out the gardens and preparing the area ready for laying cobbles.

6. Manorial Land To date the agreed payment had not been received. The Guildhall staff had contacted the tenant company and had sent an invoice detailing the outstanding amount. Receipt of the payment was expected shortly.

7. Greystones The Greystones House was still being used for storage by the NORTS and the Silver Band. Cllr P Lake was to speak with the NORTS to find out whether the group would be requiring the Town Hall this year for rehearsing before the pantomime.

Mr Will Barton was to be asked if WODC had any plans for developing Greystones as a commercial site and if so could the Greystones House be included into these plans.

Cllr G Alcock expressed the view that there was a need for extra key worker housing in Chipping Norton and Greystones might be a site for it.

A proposal had been received from Mr Dave Hargreaves of Dave & Dave window cleaners expressing his interest in the Greystones House. The Committee members discussed the proposal and decided that a letter should be sent asking Dave Hargreaves to furnish the Town Council with evidence of funding being in place for such a project.

8. Any Other Business Chipping Norton RUFC A letter had been received from CNRUFC’s solicitor asking if the Rugby Club’s lease could be amended so as to allow an assignment or underletting of the Rugby Club’s building.

The Committee members were not in agreement with the suggestion as the Rugby Club were taking business away from the Town Hall and local businesses in the town. The Rugby Club’s lease agreement clearly stated that the building was for the use of the Rugby Club only. The Town Clerk was asked to seek advice from Geoff Gafford the Town Council’s solicitor.

9. Date of Next Meeting The date of the next meeting was to be fixed at a later date. The Minutes of a Meeting of

The Finance and General Purposes Committee

3rd December 2007

A meeting of the Finance and General Purposes Committee was held on Thursday 3rd December 2007 at 7.30 pm. The following members were present: - Cllr. P.A. Lake, Chairman Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows, Town Mayor Cllr. G. Alcock Cllr. C.J. Butterworth Cllr. R.Ll. Evans Cllr. J.J. Grantham Cllr. K.R. Greenwell 1. Apologies for absence There were no apologies for absence. 2. The Minutes of the Meeting held on 31st July 2007 The minutes of the meeting held on 31st July 2007 were confirmed by the meeting. 3. The Receipts and Payments Account 1.4.07 – 30.9.07 It was noted that the receipts and payments account 1.4.07 – 30.9.07 were matching the budget in many respects. 4. Budget 2008/9 – First Review including reports from Spending Committee Chairmen Members considered the Chairmen’s budget requests for 2008/9 as follows: - Cemetery Cllr. P.M. Jarratt, Chairman of the Cemetery Committee requested extra grass cutting to be included in the budget. £1,000 Grave stone testing £2,000 Extra tree work if required Town Hall £10,287 Wooden floor in Large Hall £ 6,500 Bar area at back of Large Hall £ 470 New skirting, repaint and refit swing doors £ 1,000 Loft insulation Cllr. R.Ll. Evans requested £2,000 to go into the budget for the Chill Out Sessions to be held in the Town Hall. Councillors decided rather than put £2,000 into the budget, the Chill Out Sessions should be offered the charity rate for hiring the Town Hall. Flower Beds £3,000 Town Centre flower beds Recreation £40,000 Safety Surfacing £ 3,000 Repair work The Committee members considered the requests received and if all of the above was put into the budget there would be an increase of 43% in the tax to residents. To reduce the increase the committee decided to lower the extra cuts to the cemetery by half and to take out the requests for the Town Hall apart from the loft insulation. Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles, Chairman of the Recreation Committee was asked to go through the quotation received for safety surfacing and try to reduce this amount by £10,000. It was agreed that letters should be sent to The Swimming Pool and The Town Partnership stating that the Town Council have not got the funding for the year 2008/9 and they should apply to The Grants to Voluntary Bodies. Cllr. R.Ll. Evans took no part in the conversation involving The Town Partnership. It was decided that the Cemetery charges should be reviewed again in June 2008. It was agreed that an explanation was to be inserted in the WODC leaflet explaining the increase in tax. 5. Staff Matters Staffing matters were discussed and the conclusion is attached to these minutes on green paper. 6. The Future of the Greystones House Cllr. P.A. Lakes explained that he had met with members of WODC with regard to the future of Greystones House and a green sheet was to be attached to the November Town Council minutes. 7. The Rugby Field Access Agreement/Lease The Town Clerk reminded committee members that a letter had been received from the Rugby Club’s solicitors requesting an amendment to the wording on the lease agreement to allow the Rugby Club to hire out their building. Committee members decided that Cllr. P.A. Lake and Cllr. G. Alcock should meet a few members of the Rugby Club in the new year to discuss the arrangement to tarmac the road from the Rugby Club down to the Bowls Club and also the lease agreement. 8. The Football Pitch (let to C/N Swifts) The Town Clerk reminded committee members that the lease agreement taken out last year was coming up for renewal. Cllr. J.J. Grantham declared an interest and left the meeting as his daughter was the secretary for C/N Swifts. It was decided that the C/N Swifts lease should continue for another year at the same rate as last year. 9. Town Centre Garden Work The town centre garden work had already been discussed earlier in item 4.

10. Date of Next Meeting The date of the next meeting was arranged for Monday 17th December at 6.30 pm. The Minutes of a Meeting of

The Finance and General Purposes Committee

17th December 2007

A meeting of the Finance and General Purposes Committee was held on Monday 17th December 2007 at 6.30 pm.

The following members were present: - Cllr. P.A. Lake, Chairman Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows, Town Mayor Cllr. G. Alcock Cllr. R.Ll. Evans Cllr. J.J. Grantham Cllr. K.R. Greenwell

1. Apologies for absence Apologies for absence had been received from Cllr. C.J. Butterworth. 2. The Minutes of the Meeting held on 3rd December 2007 The minutes of the meeting held on 3rd December 2007 were confirmed by the meeting. 3. Budget Proposals for 2008/9 Members considered the budget information before them and following discussion of Council’s financial affairs decided to recommend to Council that the Council Tax Precept for 2008/9 should be £131,770 (previous year £123,000).

This total comprised Town General Expenses of £130,842 (previous year £120,270), Special Expense – NIL (£2,000) and election expenses £928 (£730).

With an increase in the town’s tax base of 4.13%, the net increase in Council Tax payable by residents for Town Council purposes will be 3.0%. The composition of the budget recommended was reviewed. Budget sheets previously circulated were amended to incorporate cuts to the initial proposals of £35,846 – reductions in the Town Hall, Cemetery and Recreation Budgets.

Members reviewed the Council’s balances – expected to total £75,000 approx. at 31.3.08 and agreed to take £12,230 from balances to finance Council’s total budget of £144,000 for 2008/9 – (Precept £131,770). The Minutes of a Meeting of

The Finance and General Purposes Committee

19th March 2008

A meeting of the Finance and General Purposes Committee was held on Wednesday 19th March 2008, in the Council Chamber, the Town Hall at 7.30 pm. The following members were present: - Cllr. P.A. Lake, Chairman Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows, Town Mayor Cllr. G. Alcock Cllr. C.J. Butterworth Cllr. R.Ll. Evans Cllr. K.R. Greenwell 1. Apologies for absence Apologies for absence had been received from Cllr. J.J. Grantham. 2. The Minutes of the Meeting held on 3rd and 17th December 2007 The minutes of the meeting held on 3rd and 17th December 2007 were confirmed by the meeting. 3. To receive the accounts from 1st April 2007 to 29th February 2008 The Committee received the accounts from 1st April 2007 to 29th February 2008 attached to these minutes.

The Town Clerk was asked to apply for grants from OPFA and TOE for new equipment on the recreation ground.

4. Greystones House The Committee discussed the future of the Greystones House. (see attached green sheet)

5. Town Hall Publicity Prices had been sought for advertising the Town Hall in the C/N Advertiser, delivery with the Banbury Cake in OX7 5 area and delivery by Royal Mail (see attached sheet). A list was to be composed consisting of clubs, organisations and businesses so that publicity of the Town Hall could be distributed in that area. Mr. Will Barton, WODC was to be asked for a list of the businesses in the Chipping Norton area. Mr. G. Simmons from Cotswold Newsagents was to be asked how much it would cost to distribute flyers with the local newspapers. It was agreed that a smaller leaflet was to be drawn up advertising the Town Hall.

6. Rugby Club The Committee members decided that Cllr. P. Lake and Cllr. G. Alcock should have a meeting with Mr. Vince Murphy to discuss the terms of the lease with the Rugby Club.

7. Date of Next Meeting The date of the next meeting was to be arranged when required. The Minutes of the Meeting of The Grants to Voluntary Bodies Committee held on 29 t h January 2008

A meeting of the Grants to Voluntary Bodies Committee was held on Tuesday 29 t January 2008 at 7.00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, The Town Hall, Chipping Norton, when the following members were present:

Cllr Mrs G M Burrows (Mayor) Cllr Mrs 3 M Graves Cllr P M Jarratt

Officers: The Town Clerk

1 . A p o l o g i e s f o r a b s e n c e Apologies were received from Cllr Ms K Withers.

2. The Minutes of the last meeting held on 61h March 2007 were confirmed by the meeting and signed by the Mayor.

3. Grants to Voluntary Bodi es The meeting resolved to award grants totalling 510,600 to Voluntary Bodies that had made applications in accordance with the Council's advertisement - closing date for applicahons 31.12.07.

In accordance with delegated authority given by Council on 1S t' November 1985 (Minute 1604), the Committee resolved that in accordance with its powers under Section 137 Local Government Act 1972. Council should incur the following expenditure:

Applicant Grant f C/N Museum of Local History 3500.00 The Theatre 1300.00 West Oxfordshire Citizens Advice Bureau (C/N Office) 800.00 1 ° Chipping Norton Brownies 600.00

6 I f Chipping Norton Scout Group 100.00 C/N & District Cricket Club 400.00 C/N & District Twinning Association 200.00 C/N Family History Group 200.00 C/N Music Festival 115.00 C/N Rainbows 250.00 C/N Silver Band 800.00 C/N Swifts Football Club 500.00 C/N Youth Forum 200.00 Combined Day Centres Committee 200.00 Friends of the ACE Centre 100.00 Hailcorns Tenants & Residents Association 100.00 Health Visitors - Oxfordshire PCT 285.00 Home-Start Banbury & Chipping Norton 300.00 Oxfordshire Carers Forum 100.00 Rotary Club of Chipping Norton 100.00 Thames Valley & Chiltern Air Ambulance Trust 350.00 Volunteer Centre 100.00 iota I 10,600.00 Members declared interests as follows and took no part in the consideration of the applications stated.

CIIr Mrs G M Burrows and Cllr Mrs J M Graves declared an interest in the application of the C/N & District Twinning Association.

Cllr P M Jarratt declared an interest in the C/N Rotary Club application as he was a member of the club.

Cllr P M Jarratt declared an interest in the C/N Family History Group application as he was a member of the club.

4. Any Other Business Committee members agreed to move the next Grants to Voluntary Bodies Meeting back to 30th September 2008.

The meeting closed at 8.50 p.m. The Minutes of the

Health & Safety Committee

Held on the 11th September 2007

A meeting of the Health & Safety Committee was held on the 11th September 2007 at 7.30 pm in the Council Chamber, the Town Hall.

The following members were present: - Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows, Town Mayor Cllr. C. Butterworth Cllr. M. Dixon Visitor: Mrs. P.A. Simmons Officer: The Town Clerk

1. Election of Chairman Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows was elected as Chairman. 2. Apologies for absence There were no apologies for absence as all members were present. 3. The minutes of the last meeting held on 26th March 2007 The minutes of the last meeting held on 26th March 2007 were approved by the committee and signed by the Chairman. Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows explained to committee members that she had invited Mrs. P. Simmons to the meeting to offer her guidance and expertise on health and safety issues. Mrs. P. Simmons presented a disclaimer to the committee which read as follows: - “I am offering voluntary assistance and not acting as an employed professional consultant. I cannot therefore take any responsibility for consequences arising from my recommendations and advice. Any advice given is offered in good faith and represents my personal interpretation of the requirements of good practice and of compliance with current legislation insofar as I am aware of it. We the undersigned, representing the Health and Safety Committee of Chipping Norton Town Council, accept the above disclaimer as a condition under which any advice and recommendations are offered.” The Chairman signed the disclaimer. Mrs. P. Simmons explained the reasons of Health & Safety and gave ideas of what to look out for. The Health and Safety document was to be distributed to all new Town Councillors. 4. Matters Arising Push Bar for the Emergency Doors in the Large Hall The new push bar for the emergency doors in the Large Hall had been purchased. Portable Electrical Equipment Testing Testing of the portable electrical equipment had recently been carried out by Bannor Electrical of Chipping Norton. Notice in Kitchen by the Roller Shutter Opening A notice had been fitted by the roller shutter opening into the lower hall from the kitchen stating “This lever opening is heavy, please seek help from the Town Hall Keeper.” Wall Mounted Boiler in the Kitchen The wall mounted boiler was to be checked for lime scale. Baby Changing Bins The emptying of baby changing bins in the Town Hall had been added to the PHS contract. Lighting Switches for the Stairs in the Town Hall The switches on the stairs of the Town Hall had been changed to normal switches. Curtains on the fire exit in Large Hall The curtains on the fire exit door were to have reflective stripping down the inner side on front and back. Window area by the stairs leading to the balcony Vertical wooden rails were to be fitted onto the wooden hand rail in the window area by the stairs leading to the balcony.

5. Inspection of Town Hall The Committee then commenced with a Health & Safety inspection of the Town Hall.

The fan in the Council Chamber was in need of a service. Some cable tunnel was to be purchased. An additional double electrical socket above the fridge in the kitchen was required. A mirror was to be installed in the disabled toilet. Installation of loft ladders in the balcony was to be looked into.

6. Any Other Business There was no other business at the Health and Safety Committee.

7. Date of Next Meeting The date of the next meeting was to be arranged. 16th April 2007


For consideration at this meeting:

COMMENT 1. Our Ref: 3302 (07/0581) Chipping Norton Rugby Club, Greystones, See below Burford Road, Chipping Norton Installation of floodlighting.

07/0581 COMMENT: The Town Council have no objection to the extra lighting but seek reassurance from the District Council and County Council that this matter is looked into extremely carefully so that the lights do not cause a nuisance to on-coming vehicles. A suggestion was made that diffusers could be fitted to make the lights point downwards.

2. Our Ref: 3303 (07/0595) The Old Quarry, Rear of Foxfields, Chipping Norton No comment Erection of 11 dwellings and formation of new vehicular access (to allow erection of single garages to plots 1, 8 & 11). 30th April 2007


For consideration at this meeting:


1. Our Ref: 3304 (07/0666) First Floor Knolland House, Station Yard Industrial Estate, See below Station Road, Chipping Norton Change of use from B1 business to pilates/complementary therapy centre.

COMMENT (07/0666): Town Councillors objected to the planning application as follows:

(a) B1 sites should remain as B1, if changed from B1 we may not at a later date get B1 back if needed. Have all other options on other sites been looked at in the town?

(b) If the premises changed use for pilates/therapy centre there would be a problem with parking In this already busy area of the town.

2. Our Ref: 3305 (07/0681) Chipping Norton Town Hall, Market Place, Chipping Norton No comment Installation of notice board. 21st May 2007


For consideration at this meeting:


1. Our Ref: 3306 (07/0712) Oldner House, Charlbury Road, Chipping Norton No objection Conversion of barn to garage/office. Alterations and single storey rear extension.

2. Our Ref: 3307 (07/0718) 37 Finsbury Place, Chipping Norton No objection Insertion of an external door to rear elevation.

3. Our Ref: 3308 (07/0734) 21 Rowell Way, Chipping Norton No objection Erection of single storey rear extension.

4. Our Ref: 3309 (07/0749) 79 Burford Road, Chipping Norton No comment Erection of single & two storey extensions and conversion of existing garage/workshop to provide study.

5. Our Ref: 3310 (07/0762) 29 Rowell Way, Chipping Norton No objection Erection of single storey rear extension. 30th May 2007


For consideration at this meeting:

1. Our Ref: 3311 (07/0333) The Theatre, 2 – 4 Spring Street, Chipping Norton Replace flat roof over existing gallery with pitch roof and relocation of roof top plant.

COMMENT: Town Councillors asked whether letters had been sent from WODC to neighbours of The Theatre stating that there were now amended plans for The Theatre in Spring Street. On the first application there had been many concerns raised from the neighbours of The Theatre.

If the amended plans have been brought to the attention of the residents and no further complaints have been received then the Town Council have no objection to the planning application.

2. Our Ref: 3312 (07/0828) 1 Churchill Road, Chipping Norton Erection of ten flats with associated parking. Closure of existing access and creation of new vehicular access.

COMMENT: Town Council strongly object to this planning application. The previous application for four town houses would be acceptable but the ten flats are not, the ten flats would have a serious impact on the whole of the area and would not fit in with the street scene. Extra dwellings would mean a lot more traffic coming out into an already narrow busy road with double yellow lines. Town Council feel that there must be a balance made between housing and jobs in the town.

Concerns were also raised with the amount of in-filling in the town and with the extra 120 houses at London Road site that the infrastructure of the town would not cope with the extra demand.

The Local Plan for 2011 shows that the Town Council agreed with development of 150 – 180 houses to be built in Chipping Norton up to the year 2011. Findings are that up to 2006, 228 dwellings have already been approved by WODC.

The Town Council requested a copy of the planning officer’s report of 1, Churchill Road, C/N and if the planning officer recommends approval of the application then Town Councillors would like to meet the whole of the Uplands Planning Committee at the site to discuss their objections. 18th June 2007


For consideration at this meeting:

1. Our Ref: 3313 (07/0901) Land at 9 Cross Leys, Chipping Norton Erection of dwelling and formation of new vehicular access to serve existing dwelling.

COMMENT: Town Council object to this planning application with the same comments as the previous application (07/0429). This would create a terrace and would change the appearance of the street scene.

2. Our Ref: 3314 (07/0887) COMMENT 10 Shepard Way, Chipping Norton No objection Erection of rear conservatory

3. Our Ref: 3315 (07/0881) COMMENT 2 Albion Place, Chipping Norton No objection Conversion of existing dwelling into two residential Units and formation of new vehicular access.

4. Our Ref: 3316 (07/0911) Grace Cottage, 2 The Leys, Chipping Norton Erection of two storey extension to create separate dwelling. Erection of detached garage (to allow repositioning of garage) (Retrospective). Creation of parking spaces to serve Briery Cottage.

COMMENT: Town Council do not approve of this application. This planning application has been achieved over several applications over the last few years; it started off with a studio now it has become a separate dwelling.

5. Our Ref: 3317 (07/0939) COMMENT 4 Park Road, Chipping Norton No objection Erection of single storey side and rear extensions and construction of conservatory. Formation of new vehicular access.

6. Our Ref: 3318 (07/0953) Pear Tree Cottage, Albion Street, Chipping Norton Erection of eight dwellings formation of vehicular access and car parking.

COMMENT: Town Council object to this planning application with the same comments as the previous application (06/1780). The density of the development planned is too great and there are insufficient car parking spaces. Council are also concerned that the density of new buildings in the area has contributed to flooding experienced in West Street – the drainage systems are under strain and cannot cope.

7. Our Ref: 3319 (07/0966) COMMENT 12 – 14 Market Place, Chipping Norton No objection Installation of condenser unit. 2nd July 2007


For consideration at this meeting:


1. Our Ref: 3320 (07/1010) 66 Churchill Road, Chipping Norton No objection Erection of two storey extension

2. Our Ref: 3321 (07/1056) 12 – 14 Market Place, Chipping Norton No objection Installation of an Automatic Teller Machine

3. Our Ref: 3322 (07/1067) Windrush, 22 London Road, Chipping Norton Council object to this planning Creation of new access and parking area application. Councillors are concerned that another piece of highway verge would be going in order to make an entrance on to a very busy road. This application would change the street scene.

4. Our Ref: 3323 (07/0762) 29 Rowell Way, Chipping Norton No objection Erection of single storey rear extension

5. Our Ref: 3324 (07/1090) Q8 Petroleum Ltd, London Road, Chipping Norton Council object to this planning Erection of two, internally illuminated, free standing application due to the internally display units illuminated signs.

6. Our Ref: 3325 (07/1103) 16 Park Road, Chipping Norton No objection Erection of detached garage 16th July 2007


For consideration at this meeting:


1. Our Ref: 3326 (07/1123) 1 – 17 Shepard Way, Chipping Norton To be welcomed Replace existing timber windows & doors with pvcu ‘timber effect’ double glazed windows & doors

2. Our Ref: 3327 (07/1130) Land adjacent 81 Walterbush Road, Chipping Norton No objection Erection of dwelling and detached single garage

3. Our Ref: 3328 (07/1137) The Royal British Legion, West Street, Chipping Norton See below Erection of ten dwellings with parking, access, landscaping and associated works. (To allow revisions to include windows, rooflights, bin/cycle store. Raising of eaves height of plots 6 & 7).

COMMENT: Town Council strongly object to this planning application. Councillors are very concerned with having to dig below the retaining wall at the back of the site, they propose moving the car ports across the site so that it is not necessary to dig below the wall.

4. Our Ref: 3329 (07/1155) No objection 11 The Leys, Chipping Norton Erection of single storey rear extension and alterations to garage to form workshop 31st July 2007


For consideration at this meeting:

COMMENT 1. Our Ref: 3330 (07/1231) 24 Worcester Road, Chipping Norton No objection Erection of first and second floor rear extension.

2. Our Ref: 3331 (07/1230) 32 Spring Street, Chipping Norton No objection Alterations and erection of single storey extension. Installation of solar heating roof panels.

3. Our Ref: 3332 (07/1237) 23 Tilsley Road, Chipping Norton No objection Erection of single storey front extension.

4. Our Ref: 3333 (07/1285) 53 Cotswold Crescent, Chipping Norton No objection Erection of two storey side extension to create annexe.

5. Our Ref: 3334 (07/1307) 11 Webb Crescent, Chipping Norton No objection Erection of rear conservatory.

6. Our Ref: 3335 (07/1278) 76 Walterbush Road, Chipping Norton No objection Erection of outbuilding in rear garden (Retrospective).

7. Our Ref: 3336 (07/1294) 4 High Street, Chipping Norton Town Councillors would prefer Erection of two fascia and one projecting the sign to be in keeping with non illuminated signs. the conservation area and to be either blue or green. The Councillors felt that the yellow was too prominent.

8. Our Ref: 3337 (07/1297) 6 High Street, Chipping Norton No objection External alterations.

9. Our Ref: 3338 (07/1314) 23 Churchill Terrace, Chipping Norton Town Councillors were not Raise roof over existing garage to form first floor happy with the idea of raising workroom/studio with extension to accommodate the roof of the garage. access staircase. If this application is allowed, Town Councillors feel that there should be a condition applied to the application so that in future the garage cannot be turned into another property. 20th August 2007


For consideration at this meeting:


1. Our Ref: 3339 (07/1334) No objection New Chalford Farm, London Road, Chipping Norton Erection of barn for storage of straw & general implements

2. Our Ref: 3340 (07/1338) Town Councillors have no 7 Middle Row, Chipping Norton objection to this planning Erection of single and two storey rear extensions. application but would like to Change of use of ground floor and part first floor point out that there must be to takeaway and storage. Create two bedroomed enough storage for rubbish flat above. bins on the site, rather than rubbish bins being stored on the roadside.

3. Our Ref: 3341 (07/1348) No objection Cornerstone, 10 Insall Road, Chipping Norton Erection of front porch

4. Our Ref: 3342 (07/1367) No objection 18 London Road, Chipping Norton Erection of single storey and first floor rear extensions

5. Our Ref: 3343 (07/1412) No objection Former Learning Disabilities Unit, London Road Erection of six additional lighting bollards 3rd September 2007


For consideration at this meeting:


1. Our Ref: 3344 (07/1442) 4 Church Lane, Chipping Norton To be welcomed Conversion of existing study/office to integral garage.

2. Our Ref: 3345 (07/1444) Former Southcombe Farm, Southcombe, Chipping Norton To be welcomed Erection of golf driving range, professional’s shop and putting area together with associated landscaping, parking and access track.

3. Our Ref: 3346 (07/1462) Land at Rock Hill Farm, London Road, Chipping Norton Please see letter over page Erection of care home and primary care centre, new access, parking and landscaping.

4. Our Ref: 3347 (07/1474) The Elms, Church Lane, Chipping Norton No objection Alterations to convert redundant stables to exercise suite.

5. Our Ref: 3348 (07/1494) The Royal British Legion, West Street, Chipping Norton See below Erection of ten dwellings with parking, access, landscaping and associated works. (To allow revisions to bin store, cycle store and roof verge details).

COMMENT: No objection to the amendments of the planning application. Town Councillors ask the planning officers to make sure this plan meets all the requirements of the building regulations because of the difficulties already experienced on the site. 17th September 2007


For consideration at this meeting:


1. Our Ref: 3349 (07/1551) 2 Foxfield, Chipping Norton No comment Alterations and increase in roof height to create first floor with dormer windows to front and rear.

2. Our Ref: 3350 (07/1564) Southcombe Farm, Southcombe, Chipping Norton The Town Council have Erection of residential care home, new access and concerns with extra use of associated parking. the entrance on to the very busy A44 main road.

3. Our Ref: 3351 (07/1596) 37 The Leys, Chipping Norton No comment Conversion of attic and insertion of two dormer windows to rear elevation. Replace front bay window and porch roof with pitched roof. 9th October 2007


For consideration at this meeting:


1. Our Ref: 3352 (07/1631) The Mill, Station Road, Chipping Norton No comment Erection of nine flats with associated parking, landscaping and access

2. Our Ref: 3353 (07/1688) 16 High Street, Chipping Norton Town Councillors stated it Erection of hanging sign (Retrospective) would be better to actually receive a planning application before the work is complete.

3. Our Ref: 3354 (07/1702) Q8 Petroleum Ltd, London Road, Chipping Norton Town Councillors feel that Erection of one internally illuminated free standing internally illuminated signs display unit are intrusive in a conservation area. A sign in that location could be obtrusive to traffic thus causing road traffic problems. 30th October 2007


For consideration at this meeting: COMMENT

1. Our Ref: 3355 (07/1768) Various sites in Chipping Norton Town Council strongly supports Erection of farmers market signs. this application and hopes that the District Council will enforce anybody who does not apply for planning permission for notices displayed in the town.

2. Our Ref: 3356 (07/1778) 16B High Street, Chipping Norton No objection Erection of non-illuminated projecting sign (Retrospective).

3. Our Ref: 3357 (07/1789) Plots 8 & 9 The Old Quarry, Rear of Foxfields, Chipping Norton No objection Erection of 11 dwellings and formation of new vehicular access (To allow the erection of conservatories to rear elevations of Plots 8 & 9).

4. Our Ref: 3358 (07/1788) 10 Brassey Close, Chipping Norton No objection Enclose front porch and erection of replacement covered area to side.

5. Our Ref: 3359 (07/1814) 26 The Leys, Chipping Norton No objection Erection of single storey rear extension.

6. Our Ref: 3360 (07/1813) 28 The Leys, Chipping Norton No objection Erection of single storey rear extension

7. Our Ref: 3361 (07/1815) 26 Insall Road, Chipping Norton Town Council object to Removal of garage and erection of two storey dwelling with this planning application. associated parking. It was noted that the District Council put conditions on this site when the original plan was put in.

8. Our Ref: 3362 (07/1444) Former Southcombe Farm, Southcombe, Chipping Norton No comment Erection of floodlit golf driving range, professional’s shop and putting area together with associated landscaping, parking and access track

9. Our Ref: 3363 (07/1836) 27 Lords Piece Road, Chipping Norton No objection Demolish existing store. Erection of single storey side extension. 10.Our Ref: 3364 (07/1849) 1 Churchill Road, Chipping Norton Erection of eight flats with associated parking. Close existing and formation of new vehicular access.

Comment: The Town Council strongly object to this planning application. The distinctiveness of the housing in this area should be preserved. Flats in this area of town would make a huge impact to the character of the street scene and would be undesirable. Councillors discussed that family homes with gardens were sought after as well as flats in the town. This site has already been granted planning approval for four houses and Town Councillors state that anymore than the four houses on this site should not be allowed. 19th November 2007


For consideration at this meeting:


1. Our Ref: 3365 (07/1893/94) 17 – 18 High Street, Chipping Norton No objection Erection of non illuminated fascia and hanging signs

2. Our Ref: 3366 (07/1899) Red Lion, Albion Street, Chipping Norton The Town Council raised Erection of entrance porch concerns with stepping out on to the highway from the porch. Is this application in keeping with the conservation area?

3. Our Ref: 3367 (07/1905) 45 Distons Lane, Chipping Norton The Town Council have no Erection of single storey detached study objection to this planning application. This must remain as a study and in future must not be turned into a dwelling.

4. Our Ref: 3368 (07/1959) 10 New Street, Chipping Norton Town Council wish to refer the Non compliance of condition 3 of planning permission District Council back to the W2003/1272 to allow ground floor to be used as complaints which were made restaurant/bar when the original plan was applied for. Neighbours had concerns with the extractor unit at the rear of the property.

5. Our Ref: 3369 (07/1958) Former Highways Depot, Banbury Road, Chipping Norton No objection. Non compliance with condition 1a and 1b of planning consent W95/1521 to allow extension of time limit for the submission of reserved matters by a further three years to 11/1/2011 and to extend the relevant period for the implementation of the planning permission to 11/1/2013

6. Our Ref: 3370 (07/1967) 169 Cornish Road, Chipping Norton No objection. Erection of conservatory 3 rd December 2007


For consideration at this meeting:


1. Our Ref: 3371 (07/1982) 4 High Street, Chipping Norton No objection Erection of non illuminated fascia and projecting signs.

2. Our Ref: 3372 (07/2013) Manchester House, 5a Market Place, Chipping Norton Town Councillors would prefer Erection of non illuminated fascia and projecting sign. to see the plan in colour before commenting as the site is in a very prominent position in the town.

3. Our Ref: 3373 (07/2028) 6 High Street, Chipping Norton No objection Erection of non illuminated fascia and projecting signs.

4. Our Ref: 3374 (07/2051) Jaffe & Neale Bookshop & Café, 1 Middle Row, Chipping Norton No objection Installation of condenser units. (Part retrospective).

5. Our Ref: 3375 (07/2062) 36 West End, Chipping Norton No objection Formation of new access and parking area

6. Our Ref: 3376 (07/2063) London Road, Chipping Norton Erection of two business units with associated roadways and parking.

07/2063) Comment: Town Council raised that there was originally an agreement for the site to be industrial. What portion of the site is going to be offices? The Town Council have always made a point of a mix of businesses being on the site. Objections were made to the removal of the trees. Town Councillors enquired into what the Section 106 agreement was on the site? Could the Section 106 on these buildings go for youth facilities in the town?

7. Our Ref: 3377 (07/2068) 100 Burford Road, Chipping Norton No comment Erection of first floor rear extension 17th December 2007


For consideration at this meeting:


1. Our Ref: 3378 (07/2111) Plot 9, The Old Quarry, Land Off Foxfields, Chipping Norton No objection Erection of dwelling (To allow detached single garage).

2. Our Ref: 3379 (07/2145) 3 Wards Road, Chipping Norton Town Council would prefer Construction of attached car port with storage space that this does not get changed in roof above. into another dwelling in the future.

3. Our Ref: 3380 (07/2151) 26/28 The Leys, Chipping Norton No comment Erection of two single storey rear extensions. 9th January 2008


For consideration at this meeting: COMMENT

1. Our Ref: 3381 (07/2161) Whipwell, 16 Burford Road, Chipping Norton No objection Erection of replacement dwelling and detached garage.

2. Our Ref: 3382 (07/2188) Plot 2, The Old Quarry, Land off Foxfields, Chipping Norton No objection, but Town Council Erection of dwelling (to allow detached single garage). would need re-assurance that this would not impede onto neighbouring property.

3. Our Ref: 3383 (07/2221) 6 Worcester Road, Chipping Norton No objection Erection of two storey side extension and conversion of loft.

4. Our Ref: 3384 (07/2013) Manchester House, 5a Market Place, Chipping Norton No objection Erection of non illuminated fascia and projecting sign.

5. Our Ref: 3385 (07/2219) 41 Cotswold Crescent, Chipping Norton No objection Alterations and erection of two storey side extension.

6. Our Ref: 3386 (07/2067) Campbells Buildings, Oxford Road, Old Chalford No objection Erection of storage building for use with existing holiday let.

7. Our Ref: 3387 (07/1462) Land at Rock Hill Farm, London Road, Chipping Norton Erection of care home and primary care centre, new access, Parking and landscaping.

Comment: The Council welcomes the amended plans and looks forward to the commencement of work on the site.

Three points were raised indicating some of the Council’s concerns: 1. The Council would like some reassurance that provision of a frequent bus service from the town will be a high priority. 2. It was felt that the case for felling of one of the major trees was not clearly made and that it should be made sure that such removal was really necessary. 3. The traffic assessment would seem to have been taken out of term time and therefore does not give a clear picture of the traffic pressures which do occur particularly at 8.30 am and at 3 pm. The situation could be much ameliorated by reducing the heavy through traffic along this stretch of road if the route into the town from Oxford was not signposted off at Southcombe but at the roundabout at the top of the Banbury Road (Chapel House). 8. Our Ref: 3388 (07/2243) 31 Cross Leys, Chipping Norton Town Council object to Erection of single storey extension to main dwelling and single this planning application storey extension to annexe to form self contained unit. as it is encroaching on the open plan of the area. This house has already been extended with an annexe.

9. Our Ref: 3389 (07/2239) 57 New Street, Chipping Norton No comment Erection of new boundary wall and railings (Retrospective).

10. Our Ref: 3390 (07/2247) 48 New Street, Chipping Norton No objection Alterations and erection of single storey side extension. APPENDIX B 21st January 2008


For consideration at this meeting:


1. Our Ref: 3391 (08/0001) Land at Albion Place, Chipping Norton No objection Erection of garage to existing block

2. Our Ref: 3392 (08/0047) Chipping Norton Rugby Club, Greystones, Burford Road, No objection Chipping Norton Installation of floodlighting 5" February 2008


For consideration at this meeting:


1 Our Ref: 3393 (08/0082) 7 Alexandra Square, Chipping Norton Town Council object to this Conversion of existing garage to form studio planning application as this and erection of conservatory. will be a loss of a garage which will encourage on street parking in a very crowded area of the town.

2 Our Ref: 3394 (08/0098) 15 Rowell Way, Chipping Norton No objection Removal of conservatory and erection of single storey side and rear extension.

3. Our Ref: 3395 (08/0112) 4 Church Lane, Chipping Norton Town Council object to this Erection of extension to conservatory and new single planning application if this is storey extension to rear elevation. a loss of another garage. Town Councillors would like more information on this application. 18th February 2008


For consideration at this meeting:


1. Our Ref: 3396 (08/0126) 7 Middle Row, Chipping Norton Erection of single and two storey rear extensions. Change of use of ground floor and part first floor to takeaway and storage. Create three bedroomed flat above.

COMMENT: Town Council object to this application if the waste is to be stored in Grundon bins on the street. Town Councillors are concerned about the amount of refuse on the streets in this area already.

2. Our Ref: 3397 (08/0134) West Street Surgery, 12 West Street, Chipping Norton No objection Internal alterations.

3. Our Ref: 3398 (08/0129) 16 New Street, Chipping Norton No comment Internal and external alterations.

4. Our Ref: 3399 (08/0156) The Granary, Primsdown Farmhouse, Worcester Road, No comment Chipping Norton Erection of detached dwelling.

5. Our Ref: 3400 (08/0188) 26 Rock Hill, Chipping Norton No objection Erection of single and two storey rear extension.

6. Our Ref: 3401 (08/0194) 20 Tilsley Road, Chipping Norton No objection Conversion of loft to include velux rooflights. 3rd March 2008


For consideration at this meeting:


1. Our Ref: 3402 (08/0229) 17 Insall Road, Chipping Norton No objection Conversion of loft

2. Our Ref: 3403 (08/0234) Land adj to 7 Tilsley Road, Chipping Norton Town Council have no objection to Erection of dwelling development of one dwelling on this piece of land but would object to further development.

3. Our Ref: 3404 (08/0273) No objection 20 Coopers Square, Chipping Norton Garden works to include insertion of steps to new paved area and erection of new fencing. Insertion of window in SE elevation.

4. Our Ref: 3405 (08/0291) Whipwell, 16 Burford Road, Chipping Norton Town Council have no objection to Erection of replacement dwelling and detached development of one dwelling on this garage. piece of land but would object to further development. 17th March 2008


For consideration at this meeting:


1. Our Ref: 3406 (08/0294) 4 Portland Place, Chipping Norton No objection Erection of conservatory

2. Our Ref: 3407 (08/0295) 31 Cross Leys, Chipping Norton Town Council object to this Erection of single storey front extension and alterations planning application because to parking and access they have concerns with the access being on the corner and also this would change the street scene.

3. Our Ref: 3408 (08/0309) 44 New Street, Chipping Norton No objection Erection of garden shed

4. Our Ref: 3409 (08/0336) Penhurst School, New Street, Chipping Norton No objection Alterations and erection of covered link

5. Our Ref: 3410 (08/0298) 26 Insall Road, Chipping Norton Town Council object to this Removal of garage and erection of two storey dwelling planning application due to with association parking the loss of the garage and the use of the cul-de-sac turning space which would create problems in the future.

6. Our Ref: 3411 (08/0291) Whipwell, 16 Burford Road, Chipping Norton No objection Erection of replacement dwelling and detached garage

7. Our Ref: 3412 (08/0363) Former Highways Depot, Banbury Road, Chipping Norton No objection Non compliance with condition 3 of planning permission 1521/95 to allow vehicle access from Cromwell Park

8. Our Ref: 3413 (08/0361) 28 & 28A New Street, Chipping Norton Town Council welcome this Change of use from dwellings to dental surgery. application. Replace front door with window and erection of rear garden shed 27th March 2008


For consideration at this meeting:


1. Our Ref: 3414 (08/0365) 62 Insall Road, Chipping Norton No objection Erection of conservatory to rear elevation

2. Our Ref: 3415 (08/0378) 7 Alexandra Square, Chipping Norton No objection Erection of conservatory to rear elevation

3. Our Ref: 3416 (08/0381) Plots 10 & 11 The Old Quarry, Rear of Foxfields, Chipping Norton Erection of 11 dwellings and formation of new vehicular access to allow the erection of conservatories to rear elevations of plots 10 & 11

COMMENT: Councillors question the density of this site and the fact that conservatories were not applied for on the original application

4. Our Ref: 3417 (08/0386) 6 Worcester Road, Chipping Norton No objection Erection of two storey side, single storey rear extensions and conversion of loft.

5. Our Ref: 3418 (08/0393) Penhurst School, New Street, Chipping Norton No objection Erection of single storey store/maintenance building 21st April 2008


For consideration at this meeting:


1. Our Ref: 3419 (08/0404) (see next page) Land to the West of Albion Street, Chipping Norton Redevelopment to include erection of 41 apartments with undercroft parking and 4 houses. Conversion and extension of coach house to form one dwelling. Conversion, part demolition and extension of recording studio to form new public library and construction of extensions to rear of shops at 8 and 9 High Street. New combined access from Albion Street

2. Our Ref: 3420 (08/0414) 5 Tilsley Road, Chipping Norton No comment Erection of detached double garage and formation of vehicular access

3. Our Ref: 3421 (08/0450) 87 Burford Road, Chipping Norton No objection Loft conversion to include insertion of dormer window to side and velux rooflights

4. Our Ref: 3422 (08/0457) 23 Albion Street, Chipping Norton No objection Erection of detached garage

5. Our Ref: 3423 (08/0462) 32 Spring Street, Chipping Norton Non compliance with condition 2 of planning permission 07/1230/P/FP No objection to allow the use of marley interlocking concrete tiles

6. Our Ref: 3424 (08/0495) 64A West Street, Chipping Norton No objection to planning Erection of two storey rear extension application. Town Council would like to draw to attention that there is no rear access for builders vehicles, therefore they would be parking on the main road, West Street. CHIPPING NORTON TOWN COUNCIL THE GUILDHALL, CHIPPING NORTON, OXFORDSHIRE OX7 5NJ TEL: 01608 642341 Fax: 01608 645206 E Mail: [email protected] Office Hours: Mon – Fri 9am – 1pm

TOWN CLERK: Mrs. V. Oliveri

Your Ref: 25th April 2008

Jonathan Westerman Planning Officer West Oxfordshire District Council Wood Green Witney

Dear Mr Westerman,

Re Planning Application 08/0404/P/FP Albion Street, Chipping Norton (development of burgage plots)

Further to Chipping Norton Town Council’s consideration of the above application I am writing to convey the following points that have been made in their rejection of the above plan. CHIPPING NORTON TOWN COUNCIL WISHES TO REGISTER ITS VERY STRONG OBJECTION TO THE ABOVE APPLICATION ON THE FOL.LOWING GROUNDS AND RECOMMENDS WODC TO REFUSE THE APPLICATION ACCORDINGLY. I also enclose copies of the letters received in this office, a synthesis of their comments made for the benefit of the Councillors on Monday evening and an account and notes taken at the Public Meeting held on Tuesday last at which the Applicant was present to answer questions about the proposed development. As supporting material I also enclose a copy of our Town Plan which refers (as put together by our Planning Working Group and endorsed by the Council) and a resolution from last August’s Town Council meeting regarding our need for a library and youth centre.

The Council rejected the application on the following points:

1. Lost opportunity to provide a mixed use scheme

The town has seen very many employment sites lost to purely residential development in the last few years. This is the last key site within the town centre suitable for commercial, retail, employment, workshop and community use. To see it developed almost exclusively for residential use is a grossly wasted opportunity. . The Town Appraisal in 2003 and our more recent Town Plan both considered the importance of this site, not for solely residential development but for mixed (commercial and community) use. When proposing such significant residential development on this unique site, it is to be remembered that there has been and is to be much larger housing development on other sites which do not have this importance to the continuing viability of the town as a commercial and service centre

2. Impact on traffic and servicing

Extreme concern was expressed as to the efficacy of the traffic survey and the real and actual pressure that would be exerted upon Albion .Street. There is also huge concern about the impact on traffic generation at particular points in the day and the difficulties of access to and from the retail units at the bottom of the site of domestic and delivery vehicles. In particular objection is raised to the adverse effect upon the rear servicing of the prime retail frontage of Top Side, to the extent that its future commercial viability could be threatened. It is also premature to be considering this increase of traffic and its impact on Albion Street until more success has been achieved in determining the outcome of the Air Quality Monitoring Action Plan.

3. Design and Conservation The development is totally out of keeping with its surroundings in terms of destruction of the historic burgage plots, in such a prestigious and important area of this market town, within the conservation area and within the setting of grade 11 and grade 11 * listed buildings. The design is mediocre and the proposal to provide underground car parking in order maximise the number of dwellings on the site is adding to the cost. Most importantly the proposed height of the buildings will be visible over Top Side and other key views of the town. The site is within the conservation area of the town and such an application would be easier to consider if WODC had carried out its legal obligation (and this Council’s many requests) and prepared a conservation assessment and plan against which to judge the application

4. Planning Gain The benefit to the town from planning gain is woefully inadequate. The developer claimed at the public meeting that WODC had written to him in 2002 stating that 6 affordable dwellings OR the shell of a library would be sufficient planning gain. Whether this is the case or not, six years later, WODC affordable housing policy has moved on. Affordable homes are desperately needed in this town. This Council had understood that 40% affordable housing is sought on all developments (or the financial equivalent as a contribution towards community benefits). To indicate that there can be either a shell of a library or 6 affordable flats or houses because this is all the developer can afford is a totally unacceptable reason for this niggardly offer. Whilst the contribution towards a much needed library facility is extremely welcome in principle, what is offered here is not acceptable in that it is tucked away in a backland location, not fully accessible to wheel chair users, and not capable of expansion to respond to growing population. The proposed quantity of inappropriate housing is far too great a price for the community to pay for just the shell of a library.

I trust that your Members will take the above points into consideration when this application comes before them given that they represent the views not only of the Town Council but are informed by our own public consultation and discussion.

Yours sincerely,

Vanessa Oliveri Town Clerk

Attached: correspondence received Synthesis of correspondence Notes on public meeting Synthesis of letters received in Town Clerk’s office re Planning Application 08/0404/P/FP Albion Street, Chipping Norton (development of burgage plots)

Concern about the preservation of burgage plots for more sympathetic development given their historic significance

 Burgage plots part of town’s historic heritage  Need to take account of ‘quality’ of the site  Does not blend in with existing listed buildings

Need for housing

 Town Centre should not give way for housing, we have lost several former businesses to housing and don’t need to lose more.  Town swamped with infilling  Plans begun before and therefore taking no account of large developments at Parker Knoll and Castle View x 2  Unique (and last) opportunity for extension of retail development in the town centre  Does not comply with Local Plan (already long past designated quota for house-building)  Other sites on outskirts of town more suitable for housing

Character of town

 An inappropriate development in a Cotswold market town  Danger of changing the character of the town x 3  Another ‘gated’ community not allowing access from High St to Albion St

Jobs, services and infrastructure

 Pressure on services (doctors, schools etc) x 2  More jobs and infrastructure are needed before more housing x 5  Insufficiency of employment as opposed to housing will create greater need to commute to other places and use of cars/fuel

Impact of increased traffic

 Pressure of traffic along Albion Street as well as turning in and out causing gridlocks x 7  Quite apart from the to/from school traffic, what about Mop Fair re-routing?  Increase of traffic when situation of Air Quality in town not yet resolved x 3  Inadequate space for traffic manoeuvre especially large delivery vehicles x 2


 Will increase demand for parking within the Town Centre x 3  Town Centre parking already inadequate  Parking on existing plots will have to add to demand  Neighbouring streets already full of parked cars during day


 Is this the best site?  Size and access to library inadequate  No provision for parking for the library (beyond 2 disabled spaces) x 2  Proposal is too small and mean  Uninviting entrance off High Street  People put off by need to use lift to access main library  Needed but not at the exclusion of affordable housing

Height of buildings  Because of the slope, the proposed houses will be higher than the existing (listed) frontage in the High Street  Appartments are too high and development does not reflect the slope of the site x 2

Flooding and drainage

 Concern for flooding especially of underground car park and shops x 3  Will there be provision for grey water storage?  Provision of storm drains?

Affordable housing

 No affordable housing if there is a library x 3  If there is affordable housing, how will its affordability be protected?  Proportion of affordable housing way below current policy and quota

General points concerning the development

 Unexceptional design for such a site – has English Heritage really given it approval?  Lack of consultation by developers of needs and aspirations of the town  Town Appraisal 2003 did not favour burgage plots for residential development  Drawings contain insufficient information to enable people to see development in relation to existing buildings  Failure(by WODC) to undertake conservation assessment  Inadequate archaeological survey  Needs a more imaginative development that would meet the needs of local people and enhance the town  Has environmental assessment been made?

This includes comments made by Pauline Watkins, Don Davidson, David Watson, Sally Jaffe, James Crease, John Hobbs, Kaye Freeman, Janette Greenwell, Paula Jane Dunleavy, Ruth Bishop, David and Suzy Nickson

There have also been very substantial letters of objection from Linda Rand, John Dunleavy and Russell Williams that are so detailed and lengthy that I have not incorporated them although many of the points they have made are included in the above

There was one letter (email) in support of the application from Andrew Wildman which makes the following points:

 Traffic would not be a problem. It would be easier for delivery lorries than at present  Development would minimise the risk of flooding  Plot is unsightly at present and in need of development  It does retain the east/west grain of building  A new library would enhance the town


1) There were 57 people present plus The Mayor and representatives of the developer. The Mayor explained that members of the Town Council were present to observe before the Council meeting on Monday 21 April. She read out an explanation from Andrew Tucker as to why it would be inappropriate for any of the planning team from WODC to attend.

2) Chase commenced by explaining that they had been in negotiations with WODC for several years and that the plans displayed were the result of those negotiations.

3) All the comments and observations made by members of the public were opposed to the planned development. The major themes of the public comments were:-

Inadequate provision for parking

a) The number of vehicles that would be associated with the development would exceed the space allocated for them b) Parking within the town centre is already a problem both for residents and retail customers c) Calculations have taken no account of additional parking required for visitors to the new properties and to the town d) Little understanding of the functioning of the town with regard to car use given that the town is a service centre for the hinterland villages

Worries about water and sustainability

a) What provision has been made for rain water run off and drainage and the impact it would have on other properties in the town b) Would this development meet current sustainability standards?

Traffic flow and access

a) Traffic volumes in Albion Street that will increase substantially with this development b) Already an immense pressure along Albion Street at key times during the day with pedestrian traffic in both directions for school and nurseries c) How and when had developers conducted traffic surveys (given previous experience of low traffic density due to in appropriate timing of surveys) d) Queries as to basic of projections for traffic and parking and response of Highways authority. Was this in keeping with current OCC policy? e) Would development provide good safe crossing points for pedestrians f) Delivery for retail outlets would conflict with residential access g) Given that we are in the process of determining the results of the Air Quality Monitoring Survey and Action Plan for the town it would seem crazy to be planning to add to the traffic flow until this ongoing issue and its outcomes has been resolved.

1 Density of development and appropriateness to street scene

a) Was there a need for more flats given the shortage of employment and increasing elderly population? b) The town already taking on more residential building than is wanted c) There is a feeling the town centre is already saturated with building d) Rather than totally residential a mixed development in this site would enhance the prosperity of the town (given there will be no further sites in the town centre for it to grow) e) The density of the development and the impact it will have on the street scene and character of Chipping Norton f) Concern about whole nature of development and missed opportunity to have some retail development (comparison made with Marlborough) and development of historic sites. g) The Burgage plots are historic sites and government guidelines set out that any development should be in accordance with the historic context of the site h) The development is within the conservation area of the town but no conservation assessment study has been done. i) The development takes no account of the natural grain of the site i.e. using expensive undercrofting to maximise number of dwellings/parking j) The height of the buildings will have a massive impact on the area and insufficient notice has been taken of effect it will have on roof lines and impact of height is not shown adequately in the plans and elevations k) The issue of development on historic sites has been raised for many years and in the 70s a conservation assessment was done but nothing has been completed since despite much pressure from the town l) Had the town not already met its quota for residential development? m) There was a sense of overdominance of the buildings which would be detrimental to a site fronted by historic and listed buildings which constitute much of the town’s character

A new and updated library as part of the development

a) There is an urgent need to replace and update our existing library so the provision of such a facility on the site would be welcomed (but not necessarily in tandem with so much housing) b) Questions were raised about the ownership of the library building c) Would there be disabled access from Top Side as well as Albion St? d) Would it not have been better to have had a proper frontage for the library on Top Side instead of tucked round the back?

Affordable housing

a) Would the requirement for affordable housing be respected? b) What proportion of the 46 dwellings would be ‘affordable’? c) Was it really WODC policy to only provide 6 affordable dwellings when the current policy requires 40%?

2 d) Was it true that if there was a library there would be no affordable housing and vice versa? e) Would a letter from WODC in 2002 promising that no more than 6 affordable houses still be valid given changes in government and local housing policy?

Discrepancies in the application

a) It was felt that the Design and Access Statement was lacking in a number of areas and that it had not truly taken into account the impact that such a development would have on its surroundings b) Reference to an extension to one of the retail premises on Top Side referred to a business which had ceased trading at least two years ago c) The provision of affordable housing and its proportion to the overall development had not been dealt with adequately given current policy d) Insufficient public consultation had taken place by the developers given that this project has been under consideration for a number of years e) The outcome of the traffic surveys was not convincing

Responses by the Developers were as follows:

a. They were providing parking for 65 cars which is more than they are required to provide. b. Run off from the site would be contained within the site c. A traffic survey had been conducted during mid July and when combined with computer projections for the development would result in traffic volumes that were within the Highway authorities guidelines d. The plan took account of the shape of the Burgage plots and the density had been agreed with West Oxfordshire Planners. The density was required because it was an expensive site to develop. e. The plan and proposed development had been negotiated with WODC in the period since 2002 f. Have negotiated with OCC to provide a library as the section 106 agreement and this is the maximum the developers can afford. If there was a library then there would be no affordable housing. g. Have consulted with English Heritage and they are “happy” with the proposal h. The site has 14 owners that have had to be brought together and there is a need to maximise the value of the development and this requires housing to achieve. i. English Heritage and WODC planners have been consulted and involved in the development of the proposal and their views have been taken into account j. Status of library ownership (provided by Cllr since developers were unaware) – that the money realised from the sale of the existing building would only cover the fitting out of the library and that it would be leased by the owner to OCC on a 999 year lease at a peppercorn rent. k. That all appropriate consultation had taken place with OCC, WODC, English Heritage who were all satisfied with the plans for the development. l. The application would go to full planning meeting.

3 People who asked Questions or made comments  Callum Riley (Halcrow)  Russ Williams (Halcrow)  Elizabeth Allen  Maureen Shepherd  Jim Crease  Cicely Maunder  Gerry Alcock  Glyn Watkins  Janette Greenwell  The man at the back with beard  Linda Rand  Rob Evans  David Watson  Don Davidson  Sally Jaffe  Oliver Herrin  Matthew Wigglesworth  Lillian Howard  Gerald Force  John (designer)

Town Councillors present: Gina Burrows (Mayor) Glyn Watkins Gerry Alcock Keith Greenwell Martin Jarratt Eve Coles Chris Butterworth Mike Dixon Rob Evans

District Councillor present Mike Howes

For Chase Midland Andrew Plant Richard Millard

Peter Bozeat (architect)

4 7 May 2008


For consideration at this meeting:


1. Our Ref: 3425 (08/0575) 5 Hailey Road, Chipping Norton No objection Erection of two storey rear extension and side porch

2. Our Ref: 3426 (08/0615) 3 The Leys, Chipping Norton No objection Erection of replacement porch The Minutes of

The Recreation Committee

Meeting held on 14th August 2007

At a meeting of the Recreation Committee held on the 14th August 2007 in the Council Chamber, the Town Hall at 7.30 pm the following persons were present:

Cllr Mrs E Coles Cllr G Alcock Cllr M J Dixon Cllr Mrs S J Wilkes Cllr Ms K Withers

Officer: The Town Clerk

1. Election of Chairman Cllr Mrs E Coles was elected as Chairman, all members present voted in favour.

2. Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence had been received from Cllr Mrs G M Burrows, Cllr Mrs J M Graves and Cllr Mrs H J Williams.

3. Minutes of the meeting held on 13th March 2007 The minutes of the meeting held on 13th March 2007 were approved by members present.

4. Matters Arising Enigma Events Cllr Ms K Withers offered to arrange a meeting to try and pull other groups into helping with the next Enigma event. Enigma was to be re-launched and a Chairman was to be elected. Cllr Ms K Withers will keep the Recreation Committee up-to-date with any information on Enigma events. Beer Festival Cllr M Dixon reported the beer festival event had raised approximately £500.00 for recreation equipment. Cllr Dixon planned to arrange another beer festival next year. Cllr Mrs E Coles thanked Cllr M Dixon for all the work he had put into arranging the event.

5. Update on Grant Application for New Street Recreation Ground Cllr Mrs E Coles reported a meeting had been held recently in the Guildhall with Tara Neilson, Diana Shelton, Cllr Mrs E Coles, Cllr G Alcock, District Cllr Mrs H Biles and Mrs V Oliveri to discuss the next steps after the success of obtaining the lottery funding. The District Council members are completing the necessary forms and are securing the legal agreement between the Lottery Fund, WODC and the Town Council. The WODC cabinet will be discussing the next steps for the MUGA and teen shelter at their October meeting.

6. Hailcorns Update The Cornish Road playing field licence is being drawn up. The District Council have issued a temporary licence so that the equipment can carry on being installed.

7. Inspections on playground equipment Mr Richard Taylor is carrying out the inspections on the recreation grounds on a weekly basis. Since applying for the Cornish Road playing field licence it has become evident that the inspections must be carried out by a qualified inspector and reports filed weekly. The Town Clerk has spoken to Roger Davis from WODC to confirm the legal requirements for inspections on recreation facilities. Mr Roger Davis recommended sending someone on an OPFA course on Saturday 1st September 2007 at Long Hanborough 9.30 am to 1.00 pm to receive the appropriate training to carry out inspections. Cllr Mrs E Coles, Cllr Mrs S J Wilkes and Cllr Ms K Withers offered to attend the course. The Town Clerk was to ask Mr T Palmer, the Town Hall Keeper, and Mr R Watson to attend the course.

8. Any Other Business Youth Centre Committee members were to gather ideas on sites for a Youth Centre in Chipping Norton before the next Recreation meeting.

9. Date of Next Meeting The date of the next meeting was arranged for Tuesday 4th September 2007 at 7.30 pm. The meeting closed at 8.50 pm. The Minutes of

The Recreation & Greystones Committee Meeting

held on 4th September 2007

At a meeting of the Recreation and Greystones Committee held on 4th September 2007 in the Council Chamber, the Town Hall at 7.30 pm the following persons were present: -

CIIr. Mrs. E. Coles (Chairman)

Cllr. G. Alcock CIIr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows CIIr. M. Dixon CIIr. Mrs. J.M. Graves CIIr. Ms. K. Withers

1. Apologies for absence

2. Apologies for absence had been received from CIIr. Mrs. H. Williams.

3. The Minutes of the Meeting held on 14' August 2007 The minutes of the meeting held on 14th August 2007 were approved by members present.

4. Matters Arising Hailcorns CIIr. Mrs. E. Coles reported that she had spoken to Roger Davis from WODC and Mr. G. Taylor to make sure that the new recreation equipment would be installed in the correct position on the Cornish Road site.

Enigma Events Cllr. K. Withers offered to communicate with some of the youth of the town to encourage them to help in organising the future Enigma events.

New Equipment for New Street Recreation Ground CIIr. Mrs. E. Coles was to enquire with the Field Reeves if re-locating the football pitch goal mouths would be acceptable if needed to make space for the new equipment.

Tara Neilson and Diana Shelton will be attending a meeting in September at Chipping Norton to discuss the positioning of the new equipment. CIIr. Mrs. E. Coles recommended involving Mr. R. Davis from WODC in selecting and positioning of the new equipment. Youth Centre Site Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows thanked Cllr. G. Alcock and CIIr. K. Greenwell for all the work they had put into gathering up information for possible Youth Centre sites in Committee members discussed various sites for a Youth Centre and the most favourable site was the Hospital Site.

5. Inspections on Playground Equipment Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles reported that the OPFA course held on Saturday 1M September 2007 which had been provided to train people to inspect recreation equipment was very useful and interesting. Mr. T. Palmer, the Town Hall Keeper, Mr. Roy Watson and CIIr. Mrs. E. Coles had attended the course. Mr. R. Davis recommended bark chippings was one of the best types of safety flooring for recreation grounds. Mr. T. Palmer, the Town Hall Keeper and Mr. Roy Watson were to carry out the safety inspections on the four recreation grounds in the town. ClIr. Mrs. E. Coles offered to go around the four sites with Mr. T. Palmer and Mr. R. Watson to assess how long the inspections would take to carry out. Records of the inspections were to be stored at The Guildhall for eighteen years. A questionnaire was to be drafted to provide feed back to the Town Council on recreation facilities provided for them and how the facilities could be improved. Mr. T. Palmer and Mr. R. Watson were to be asked to hand the questionnaires out to the public on the recreation ground whilst carrying out their inspections. A contract was to be drawn up for Mr. R. Watson who will be employed on a part time basis with the Town Council.

6. Any Other Business Accounts for Beer Festival The accounts for the beer festival were to be finalised and the money raised was to go towards providing new equipment for the New Street recreation ground. Play Space at Bliss Fields Site, London Road The Town Clerk was asked to enquire with the developer of Bliss Fields site in London Road when they were going to install some recreation equipment in the centre of the development as previously discussed.

7. Date of Next Meeting

The date of the next meeting was arranged for 9th October 2007 at 7.30 pm. The minutes of

The Recreation Committee

Meeting held on 9th October 2007

At a meeting of the Recreation Committee held in the Council Chamber, the Town Hall, on the 9th October 2007 at 7.30 pm the following persons were present: Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles (Chairman) Cllr. G. Alcock Cllr. M. Dixon Cllr. Mrs. J.M. Graves Cllr. Ms. K. Withers

Officer: The Town Clerk

Visitors: Diana Shelton (Head of Leisure & Tourism) Mr. Terry Palmer Mr. Toy Watson

1 Apologies for absence Apologies for absence had been received from Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows, Town Mayor, Cllr. Mrs. S.J. Wilkes and Cllr. Mrs. H.J. Williams. 2 Public Participation A request for public participation had been received from Diana Shelton, Head of Leisure and Tourism, WODC to discuss the MUGA and Teen Shelter for the recreation ground in Worcester Road. Committee members decided to discuss item five on the agenda at this point. Diana Shelton explained to committee members how the grant money had been achieved and what stage they were at the moment. The £90,000.00 was to be used to provide the MUGA and Teen Shelter and any money left over would go towards anything else needing attention on the recreation ground. The legal paperwork side was in the process of being completed and a copy of the lease agreement between the Field Reeves and the Town Council had been given to Diana Shelton. Diana explained that the Big Lottery fund only provided funds to somewhere with a lease of at least ten years. The current lease drawn up was for seven years and by the time the funds were to be available the lease would only have five years left. Diana was unsure whether the length of the lease would be acceptable and she would look into the matter. Diana provided a drawn to scale plan of the recreation ground which showed the location of the equipment intended. Members discussed the layout and decided it might be better if the MUGA was placed closer to the road in New Street and the football pitch moved further down, due to safety reasons. Solar lighting in the teen shelter was discussed. A consultation was to be carried out with parents and children to gather ideas of which type of shelter they would prefer. Cllr. G. Alcock offered to draw up a questionnaire which was to be handed out to schools, youth clubs and various other clubs/organisations in the town. Roger Davis from OPFA was to be asked for advice. 3 Minutes of the last meeting held on 4th September 2007 The minutes of the last meeting held on the 4th September 2007 were approved by members present. 4 Matters arising There were no matters arising from the previous meeting. 5 Update on MUGA and Teen Shelter Previously discussed in public participation. 6 Youth Centre Site Ideas for the next stage for a youth centre site were being looked into. It was reported that Cllr. K. Greenwell had some ideas of raising money for the hospital site for a youth centre. A recommendation was made that a small working party should be formed to progress with the Youth Centre site. Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles and Cllr. Ms. K. Withers offered to be on the small working party. It was decided that this should be bought up at the next Town Council meeting to ask for further representatives for the working party. 7 Inspections of Playground Equipment Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles arranged to go around the three recreation grounds with Mr. T. Palmer and Mr. R. Watson who had attended an inspection course recently. It was stated that the bark chipping areas on the recreation ground were needing attention. Mr. R. Watson offered to have a word with Cotswold Tool Hire and ask for a quote to dig the bark chipping areas out and top up with new bark chippings to the legal required amount. 8 Hailcorns Update Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles stated that Mr. George Taylor was going to discuss the site and the layout of equipment with Hailcorns in the next few days. 9 Budget Making Proposals Committee members decided that a request of £40,000 to go towards providing new equipment should be put to the F & GP Committee for next years budget. The grass cutting contract was recommended to be increased from six cuts to twelve cuts a year. 10 Any Other Business A letter had been received from Mrs. C. Maunder requesting the relocation of the swing which a young person had hung himself from. Committee members had asked members of the public their views on this situation and they had not taken this approach. Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles stated that the swing had been re-painted another colour and the swing seats had been removed. The seats were going to be replaced with new ones. Committee members decided that in six months time if the feeling was the same then the committee will re-think this situation. 11 Date of Next Meeting The date of the next meeting was arranged for 13th November 2007 at 7.30 pm. The minutes of

The Recreation Committee

Meeting held on 13th November 2007

At a meeting of the Recreation Committee held in the Council Chamber, the Town Hall, on the 13th November 2007 at 7.30 pm the following persons were present: Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows (Town Mayor) Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles (Chairman) Cllr. G. Alcock Cllr. M. Dixon Cllr. Mrs. J.M. Graves Cllr. Ms. K. Withers

Officer: The Town Clerk

Visitors: Mr. G. Forse (Hailcorns Tenants Association)

1 Apologies for absence Apologies for absence had been received from Cllr. Mrs. H.J. Williams, Cllr. Mrs. S.J. Wilkes and Mr. G. Taylor. 2 Public Participation A request for public participation had been received from Mr. G. Forse who wanted to update the committee on the Hailcorns.

Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles welcomed Mr. G. Forse to the meeting.

Mr. G. Forse presented plans of the lay out of the new equipment on the Cornish Road and explained that the next stage was to have the site excavated before installation began.

Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles stated that the Hailcorns had done extremely well with fund raising over the last few years and thanked Mr. G. Forse. 3 Minutes of the last meeting held on 9th October 2007 The minutes of the last meeting held on the 9th October 2007 were approved by members present. 4 Matters arising MUGA and Teen Shelter A display of the layout of the MUGA and Teen Shelter had been made available at the Open Day held in the Town Hall in October 2007. Cllr. G. Alcock had drawn up a questionnaire to gather ideas on what the public would like to see with regard to the MUGA and Teen Shelter on the common.

A consultation paper on the proposed new play equipment was arranged to be made available for parents evening at the Comprehensive School in Burford Road when a date was fixed. Youth Centre Site Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles stated that Cllr. G. Alcock and Cllr. K. Greenwell had carried out a very good presentation of the proposed Youth Centre in Chipping Norton at the Open Day in the Town Hall. A small working party of Town Councillors was to be formed to move the plans forward for the proposed Youth Centre.

Ideas for fund raising and applying for grants were to be looked into. Negotiations with OCC and WODC for obtaining the building for a youth centre were needed.

Inspections of Playground Equipment Photographs were displayed at the Open Day of inspections being carried out on the recreation equipment. 5 Hailcorns Update The Hailcorns Update had been discussed in Public Participation. 6 Update on MUGA It was reported that an e-mail had been received from Mr. P. Hawkins from WODC stating that the installation of the MUGA and Teen Shelter would commence before the end of December 2007.

The lease between The Field Reeves and The Town Council was to be extended to a ten year period so that The Lottery Fund will release the finance for the project. 7 Any Other Business Cotswold Crescent Play Area It had been reported that there was a lot of rubbish in the hedges at the Cotswold Crescent site. Mr. R. Taylor the Council’s Contractor was to be asked to tidy this area.

New Play Equipment Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles stated that Roger Davis from OPFA offered to make recommendations on new equipment on the playing fields.

George Wimpey had been contacted to chase up the provision of the recreation equipment on the London Road site.

The Town Clerk was asked to enquire how much budget George Wimpey was prepared to go to for the new equipment. 8 Date of Next Meeting The date of the next meeting was arranged for 10th January 2008 at 7.30 pm. The Minutes of

The Recreation Committee

Meeting held on 17' January 2008

At a meeting of the Recreation Committee held on the 17 9 ' January 2008 in the Council Chamber, the Town Hall at 7.30 pm the following persons were present:

CIIr Mrs G M Burrows (Town Mayor) CIIr Mrs E Coles (Chairman) CIIr G Alcock CIIr Mrs S J Wilkes Cllr Ms K Withers

Officer: The Town Clerk

1. for Absence Apologies for absence had been received from GIP Mrs J M Graves.

2. Minutes of the meeting held on 13. November 2007 The minutes of the meeting held on 13 1 9 November 2007 were approved by members present.

3. Matters Arising Walterbush Road Play Area It had been reported that there was a lot of rubbish at the Walterbush Road play area. Mr R Taylor, the contractor, was to be asked to tidy the area up. George Wimpey George Wimpey was to inform the Town Council how much money was going to be available for play equipment at the London Road site. Mr George Taylor was to organise what type of equipment would be appropriate for the amount of money to be provided.

4 Hailcorns Excavation of the Cornish Road play area was imminent.

5. MUGA Officers from the District Council had met with CIIr Mrs E Coles, Cllr G Alcock, Cllr Mrs J M Graves, District Councillor Mrs H Biles and the Town Clerk recently for an update on the MUGA and Teen Shelter, The Town Clerk was asked to pass a form onto the Council's solicitor, Mr G Gafford, so that he could discuss the completion of the form with Emma Tregear at The Big Lottery Fund. Questionnaires on the MUGA and Teen Shelter were being distributed to the primary schools in Chipping Norton.

6. Safety Surfaces Cllr Mrs E Coles reported that she had received the latest OPFA paperwork. In the magazine distributed it reported that the safety standards had altered in the UK and that it was acceptable for grass to be underneath any play equipment under 1.5 metres. Cllr Mrs E Coles was awaiting quotes for safety flooring from Wicksteed, Mr George Taylor and Trevor Stewart. Trevor Stewart, playground engineer, had recommended safety matting for the enclosed play area.

7. Any Other Business

An OPFA Play & Support seminar was to be held on LDi May 2008 and two places were available. CIIr Mrs E Coles and the Town Clerk offered to attend.

8. Date of Next Meeting The date of the next meeting was to be arranged when the safety flooring quotes had been received. The minutes of

The Recreation Committee

Meeting held on 3rd April 2008

At a meeting of the Recreation Committee held in the Council Chamber, the Town Hall, on the 3rd April 2008 at 7.00 pm the following persons were present:

Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles (Chairman) Cllr. G. Alcock Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows Cllr. M. Dixon Cllr. Mrs. J.M. Graves

Officer: The Town Clerk

Visitors: Mr. Roy Watson Mr. G. Beacham

1 Apologies for absence Apologies for absence had been received from Cllr. Mrs. J.M. Graves for late arrival.

2 Minutes of the last meeting held on 17th January 2008 The minutes of the last meeting held on the 17th January 2008 were approved by members present.

3 Matters arising Walterbush Road and Cornish Road playing fields needed tidying up. Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows stated this could be carried out on the Spring Clean weekend scheduled for 4th/5th and 6th April 2008. George Wimpey had informed the Town Clerk that they had allocated £4,500 to provide play equipment on the grassed area in the centre of the new housing development in London Road. The Town Clerk was asked to clarify this amount with George Wimpey as this figure would not purchase a lot as new equipment and safety flooring was very expensive. The Town Clerk was also asked to check who would be cutting the grass verges on the new housing site.

4 Update on Hailcorns Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles reported that all of the new equipment had been installed on the Cornish Road playing field. The area was still sectioned off as grass seed had been sown and there would be a waiting time of approximately two months for the grass seed to take before children could try out the new equipment.

Geoff Gafford, solicitor had gone through the draft licence agreement with the Town Clerk. The twenty year period in the licence indicated that when the term ran out WODC could ask for the land back and if this happened the playing field would have to be left as it was when it was taken on. Cllr. G. Alcock stated that these terms were perfectly normal. The draft licence also indicated that if the buffer zone was taken back after a five year period, Chipping Norton Town Council would be responsible for the cost of moving any benches or picnic tables installed in that area. The Town Clerk had contacted Mr. David Thurlow, the Estates Manager of WODC as she recalled in earlier conversations that WODC would bear these costs. Mr. Thurlow was looking into this and he would get back to the Town Clerk with the answer.

5 Update on MUGA and Teen Shelter Tara Neilson, WODC had spoken to the Town Clerk and indicated that the MUGA and the Teen Shelter had not gone out to tender as yet. The positioning of the MUGA would be confirmed once a tender had been accepted. The Committee asked the Town Clerk to set a meeting with Tara Neilson and Diana Shelton from WODC to update the committee members on the progress of the MUGA.

6 Update on safety surfaces Three quotations had been received for safety flooring to be installed in the enclosed area of the New Street recreation ground.

a) Trevor Stewart Play Equipment – To install safety grass mats apart from the roundabout £3,952.00 To install tiles and edging strips under the roundabout £1,650.00 Total £5,602.00

b) The Play Service To install grass matting apart from the roundabout £7,915.00

c) Wicksteed To install grass matting £9,775.00

The Committee decided that Trevor Stewart should carry out the work and asked Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles to contact him and ask if the work could be carried out as soon as possible.

Trevor Stewart was to be asked for advise on the wooden multi play equipment in the enclosed area as the recent Zurich inspection report had shown that the piece of equipment was showing signs of wear and needed some urgent attention. Trevor Stewart was also to be asked for a quote for taking the big slide away as this piece of equipment had now been condemned.

Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles offered to go around the playing field sites with Roy Watson the play ground inspector to assess any further work which needed to be carried out in the near future.

7 Any Other Business Chipping Norton Sports Award Evening A letter had been received from Mr. G. Beacham asking if the Recreation Committee would consider helping create a “Chipping Norton Sports Award” evening. As he was the Sports Editor for the Chippy News he would like to help organise the event if the Committee and Town Council approved of this. He suggested that nominations should be in by September and the Awards Evening could be held in November.

The Committee were all in favour with the suggestion of a Sports Award evening. Mr. G. Beacham was to be invited to the next Recreation meeting.

Play Rangers The Play Rangers Project was about to start in Chipping Norton. This project had been awarded along with the lottery money for the MUGA.The idea of the Play Rangers was to show young children how to play with the equipment on the playing field. The Play Rangers were scheduled to be on the New Street Recreation Ground on Tuesday 15th April and Thursday 17th April 2008 from 2.30 pm – 5.30 pm. In term time the Play Rangers will be at New Street Recreation Ground every Thursday from 3.30 pm – 6.00 pm commencing on 24th April 2008.

Road Shows on Managing, Maintaining and Inspecting a Children’s Playground Four road shows were planned and committee members were asked if they would like to attend any of the following: - Date Venue Thursday 12th June Hailey Tuesday 24th June Sutton Courtenay Wednesday 25th June Benson Monday 30th June Weston-on-the-Green

8 Date of Next Meeting The date of the next meeting was arranged for 27th May 2008 at 7.00 pm. The Minutes of the


Held on 6th September 2007

At a meeting of the Town Hall Committee held on 6th September 2007 in the Council Chamber, the Town Hall at 7.30 pm the following members were present: -

Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows, Chairman Cllr. R.Ll. Evans Cllr. K.R. Greenwell Cllr. G.T. Watkins Cllr. H.J. Williams

Officer: The Town Clerk

1. Election of Chairman Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows was elected as Chairman.

2. Apologies for absence Apologies for absence were received from Cllr. C.J. Butterworth and Cllr. Mrs. J.M. Graves.

3. The Minutes of the Meeting held on 12th March 2007 The minutes of the meeting held on 12th March 2007 were approved by the members present at the meeting and signed by the Chairman.

4. Matters Arising Decorating of the Large Hall The decorating of the Large Hall was now complete.

Black-outs for the Lower Hall windows The black-outs for the lower hall windows had now been installed.

Projector and Screen The Town Clerk was asked to order the projector and screen as previously agreed.

5. Budget Making Proposals Committee members discussed a range of projects for the next financial year as follows: -

1) New wooden floor in large hall – ask Rob Parkinson what type of flooring could be used in a Grade 2* listed building. 2) A better sound system to be installed in the Town Hall. 3) A bar area to be fitted at the back of the large hall, this would then release the area at the top of the stairs for storage. 4) A sliding access to be installed in the recess at the back of the large hall to create extra storage for chairs. 5) Doors to be fitted to front of stage to create storage area for go-pak tables. 6) Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows was to ask caterers how the kitchen area could be improved.

6. Update on Lottery bid application for Town Hall Cllr. K. Greenwell explained that the application for the lottery bid had not been successful. Cllr. Greenwell proposed the Town Council start making a direct application to carry out the work and to include the Tourist Information Centre using the Town Hall on the application. This would make the application more likely in obtaining the funding.

7. Open Day for Town Hall Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows had planned to hold an Open Day for the Town Hall on Saturday 3rd November 2007, 10.00 am – 4.00 pm. This would be an opportunity to promote the Town Hall. The major users of the Town Hall were to be invited to demonstrate to the public what they use the hall for. Cllr. J.J. Grantham’s book on the Town Hall was to be on sale. A leaflet was to be produced to promote the Town Hall before the Open Day. Town Hall bookings could be taken on the day. The Open Day was to be advertised on notice boards in the town and neighbouring villages. Possibly providing leaflets to be inserted in local newspapers.

8. Hire Charges of Town Hall Committee members discussed the hire charges of the Town Hall and decided to leave them as they were for now.

9. Any Other Business Public Catalogue Foundation The public catalogue foundation were to catalogue the six oil paintings in the Town Hall.

Youth Forum The youth forum was to be invited to the next Town Hall meeting to demonstrate how they would like to use the Town Hall on a weekly basis between 4.00 pm and 6.00 pm.

Enigma Cllr. K. Greenwell requested free use of the Lower Hall for Enigma members to meet and arrange the next Enigma event.

10. Date of Next Meeting The date of the next meeting was arranged for 17th October 2007. The Minutes of the


Held on 17th October 2007

At a meeting of the Town Hall Committee held on 17th October 2007 in the Council Chamber, the Town Hall at 7.30 pm the following members were present: -

Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows, Chairman Cllr. C.J. Butterworth Cllr. R.Ll. Evans Cllr. K.R. Greenwell Cllr. G.T. Watkins Cllr. H.J. Williams

Officer: The Town Clerk

1. Apologies for absence Apologies for absence were received from Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles and Cllr. Mrs. J.M. Graves.

2. The Minutes of the Meeting held on 6th September 2007 The minutes of the meeting held on 6th September 2007 were approved by the members present at the meeting and signed by the Chairman.

3. Public Participation There were no requests for public participation.

4. Matters Arising Public Catalogue Foundation The Public Catalogue Foundation had gathered the information they required on the oil paintings in the Town Hall. Enigma Cllr. K. Withers was still working on getting people involved in helping to organise the next Enigma event.

5. Youth Forum Cllr. R.Ll. Evans spoke on behalf of the Youth Forum. He indicated that the group were still keen on using the Lower Hall of the Town Hall as a meeting point one evening a week as a Chill Out Session. The Youth Forum were planning to apply for a grant from the Co-op to help provide equipment for the sessions.

Cllr. K. Greenwell asked if the Youth Forum could provide a proposal before the next Town Hall meeting stating their intentions and what equipment they would be looking for. 6. Budget Making Proposals Wooden Floor in Large Hall A quotation had been received from M & P Wood Floors, Oxhill, Warwickshire to supply and fit an engineered oak floor in the Large Hall of the Town Hall for the sum of £10,287 plus VAT. A further quotation was being sought from Classic Flooring of Oxford. Sound System A quotation had been received to supply four clip on microphones and a mixer which was to be positioned at the front of the stage in the Large Hall for the sum of £424.00. Bar Area A quotation was being sought to install a bar area at the rear of the Large Hall and to change the small bar area at the top of the stairs into a storage area. Flower Beds in Town Centre A quotation was to be sought to cobble the town centre flower beds and to provide flower tubs in this area. Town Hall Steps Mr. R. Townley was to be asked for a price on repairing the steps leading into the Large Hall.

7. Open Day for Town Hall Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows stated that the invitations had been sent out for the Open Day at the Town Hall on 3rd November 2007 and tables were already being booked for the day.

Cllr. J.J. Grantham was going to be putting on a display in the Council Chamber and Council Committee’s were to have tables in the Lower Hall. Teas were to be provided in the Lower Hall. Users of the Town Hall were to have tables in the Large Hall.

Town Councillors were to be provided with name badges for the day.

Fliers advertising the Open Day were to go into local newspapers and an article was to be put into the Chipping Norton News.

8. Any Other Business Stage Area Cllrs. Mrs. G.M. Burrows was seeking advice from Amy at Chipping Norton Theatre on decorating ideas, curtains and lighting for the stage in the Large Hall. Wire Free A price was to be sought for providing a wire free connection from The Guildhall to The Town Hall. Inspection of the Town Hall Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows had carried out an inspection of the Town Hall and had listed a few jobs which were requiring attention. The Town Clerk was asked to order some swing top bins, a soap dispenser, a mirror for the disabled toilet, some small glasses and a few glass jugs.

9. Date of Next Meeting The date of the next meeting was arranged for 15th November 2007. The Minutes of the


Held on 15th November 2007

At a meeting of the Town Hall Committee held on 15th November 2007 in the Council Chamber, the Town Hall at 7.30 pm the following members were present: - Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows, Chairman Cllr. R.Ll. Evans Cllr. Mrs. J.M. Graves Cllr. K.R. Greenwell Cllr. G.T. Watkins Cllr. H.J. Williams Officer: The Town Clerk Visitors: Jenny Coleman Mark Lacey 1. Apologies for absence Apologies for absence were received from Cllr. C.J. Butterworth. 2. Public Participation A request for public participation had been received from Jenny Coleman and Mark Lacey members of the Chill Out Sessions to explain their plans to run sessions in the Lower Town Hall once a week from 4 pm – 6 pm for ages 11 and upwards. A small café type area and a games area was planned for the sessions. A small storage area would be required for the group in the Town Hall. Matt Smith, C/N Youth Club had offered to have a word with OCC on possibly using some of the staffing budget to help run the group once a week. Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows suggested that the Town Council offer the use of the Town Hall as a grant towards the costs in running the weekly sessions. A responsible adult was to be present per session. The Town Partnership was to arrange the insurance to cover the group. Approval was to be sought from the Town Council for the use of the Town Hall. The next step was for the group to try and obtain funding from OCC. 3. The Minutes of the Meeting held on 17th October 2007 The minutes of the meeting held on 17th October 2007 were approved by the members present at the meeting and signed by the Chairman. 4. Matters Arising There were no matters arising. 5. Youth Forum The Youth Forum had already been discussed in public participation. 6. Town Hall Inspections Inspections of Town Hall A rota was set for regular Town Hall inspections with the Town Hall Keeper as follows: - December Cllr. Mrs. J.M. Graves February Cllr. G. Watkins April Cllr. Mrs. H. Williams June Cllr. R.Ll. Evans

7. Budget Making Proposals Wooden Floor in Large Hall A second quotation had been received to supply and fit a new oak floor in the Large Hall of the Town Hall from Classic Flooring of Oxford for the sum of £14,900 plus VAT. Bar Area A quotation had been received from Andy Robinson, local carpenter to install a bar area at the rear of the Large Hall and to change the small bar area at the top of the stairs into a storage area for the sum of £6,500. Flower Beds in Town Centre A small working party was to be formulated to progress with the ideas for the town centre flower beds.

8. Any Other Business There was not any other business to discuss at the meeting.

9. Date of Next Meeting The date of the next meeting was arranged for 15th January 2008 commencing at 7.00 pm. The Minutes of the


Held on 3rd March 2008

At a meeting of the Town Hall Committee held on 3rd March 2008 in the Council Chamber, the Town Hall at 7.15 pm the following members were present: - Cllr. Mrs. G.M. Burrows, Chairman Cllr. C.J. Butterworth Cllr. Mrs. E. Coles Cllr. R.Ll. Evans Cllr. Mrs. J.M. Graves Cllr. K.R. Greenwell Cllr. G.T. Watkins Cllr. H.J. Williams Officer: The Town Clerk

1. Apologies for absence There were no apologies for absence as all members were present. 2. The Minutes of the Meeting held on 15th November 2007 The minutes of the meeting held on 15th November 2007 were approved and signed by the Chairman. 3. Matters Arising Chill Out Sessions The Chill Out Group had successfully obtained funds from The Co-op of £650 and The Town Council of £200. The two representatives of the Chill Out Sessions who attended the previous meeting were no longer able to commit their selves. Another four representatives had put their selves forward to carry on with this project. Flower Beds in Town Centre An offer to plant and maintain the flower beds in the town centre free of charge had been received from Topiarus Horticulture. The Middle Row garden and the flower tubs in the town were to be planted.

4. Town Hall Inspections Cllr. Mrs. J.M. Graves and Cllr. G. Watkins had carried out their inspections on the Town Hall and the reports are attached to these minutes.

Cllr. Mrs. J.M. Graves commented on the cleanliness of the Town Hall and suggested that a check list was to be drawn up for Terry the Town Hall Keeper to work from on a weekly basis. An occasional spring clean of the Town Hall was to be considered. A deposit was to be taken from people hiring the hall for parties and if no damage occurred then the deposit would be refunded. An additional item was to be added to the hire form that all hirers must take their own rubbish away with them. Terry the Town Hall Keeper was to be asked to steam clean the stairs. Removable bars were needed in the windows to prevent anybody falling through the stage windows and down the stairs. Rubber stripping on the hinged areas of the doors to prevent fingers being trapped had been suggested.

5. Notice Board in Town Centre Scenic Maps who owned the black notice board in the town centre had offered the board to the Town Council for a sum of £800 plus VAT. The Committee agreed to purchase the notice board for the said amount.

A suggestion of asking Jan Cliffe to draw up a town centre map for the centre of the board and then selling the remainder of the area as advertising spaces on a yearly basis to local restaurants, hotels, bed and breakfast, taxis and local businesses.

6. Town Hall Publicity The committee decided that an A5 sheet advertising the Town Hall should be drawn up.

7. Any Other Business Stage Area The committee agreed that the stage area was to be painted. Amy from Chipping Norton Theatre had given advice on the colour of the stage walls, curtains and lighting and she offered to put some figures together for the committee. A Boards Cllr. G. Watkins had got two spare A boards which could be used at the Town Hall.

8. Date of Next Meeting The date of the next meeting was arranged for 13th May 2008.