
JUNE 1977

' GHOST SBIPS OF THE DESERT A U S T I N Y A C H T C L U B 1977 BOARD OF DIRECTORS CQt..NOOORE John E. (Jack) Breen l~EDIATE PAST C~RE •.•••••••.••.•.....•••...... R. E.

SECRETARY •••.•.. •••••....•..••••••••••••• , ••...•••. Roi If n W. (Ron) Harden (Directory, Melllngs, Publ lefty, Minutes)

TREASURER. • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • . • . • • . • Russe I I E.. Pa f nton (Finances, Bllllngs, Budget, Audit) RACE COM'1ANDER ••••.••••.•••..••..•..••••..••••• Frank Arakel (Arak) Bozyan (Race C~lttee for Regattas & Serles, Marks, Bouys) BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS C~NDER ••••••••.•••••••••••••••.. Edward A. Halter (Clubhouse, Ceblns, Pool, Grounds, Landscaping)

FLEET C0"4ANOER • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Lew Is Arno Id Thompson (Docks, Dry Storage, Comltt" & Rescue Boats, Tretter and Credle Storage)

* * * * * • * * * * * * * * * * *

AYC CLUEH)USE AND HAROOR ON LAKE TRAVIS Area Code 5l2 MANAGERS: AYC Telephones: Office Secretary, •.•••• Lee De Keyser Bookkeeping: ••.••••••••• Kathy Hastf Luslness Office 266-1336 (Information, Tell-Tale, j1ubhouse: 266-1897 BIJl!ngs, Cabin Reservations) Permanent AYC Address: Route 7, Box 587 Austin, Texas, 78734

Maintenance IMPORTANT NOT I CE: AI I Wr r tten Superintendent .••.•••..•.• Norman Evans Correspondence should be mat led to the appropriate Club Officer Docks & Securl ty . . . . • . . . • Dave Magu I :·e or Chairman at AYC's permanent address.

U.S. WEATHER SERVICE Telephone 476-7736 474-7111 NOTICE The contestant in a series race will be considered to be the owner first listed in the AYC Directory unless prior to the race the Permanent Race Committee Representative for the Series is notified in writing of a change in skipper. Protest hearings after series races must be chaired by a member of the Permanent Race Committee. If such a member is not avail­ able1 the protest will be heard the following week. These items rank as instrurtions and will be in effect for races on and after June 12, 1977. Race Committee


LASER I 1. Bill Levens ca;TER BD. HANDICAP 1 • Jerry Pearson THI SILE 1 • R i ch H1 i st c1 2. Rich. Schotr 2. Rucker Garrison 3. Deke DeK(->yser. : 1. LindR McDavitt

M-20 1. Hap At nold t.1bIC,N: l. Arak Bozyan 2. Tom Gunderson 2. Frank Creamer 3. John Weiler MC : 1. Bassett Magui_re SOi..1TH COAST l • BL1d Boucher

!-URC. J • Rul>sel l Paintor• 2. Jack Kern 3. Mike Redmon NDTI LE I. .J ;Vow' The AY L £htra.nce. G,.o.te. w ;II k loc.k e.d be.tween the hou..Ys of 10.'DD l?m. ~ B:OD A.fl\.

177G Lod< CoYY\bi n~t.ion - •


' Unit Total Price Quantity Amount Rules, Appeals & Manuals YACHT RACING RULES (IYRU as adopted by USVRU) $ 3.00 (Orders of 10 or more - $2.25 ea.) $__ _ APPEALS DECISIONS $ s.oo BINDER FOR APPEALS •.•.• $ 7,25 RULES, BINDER & APPEALS $13.00 RACE COMMITTEE MANUAL · · · • $ 6,75 (Orders of 10 or more -$5,50 ea.) JUDGING MANUAL .... . , $ 4.60 · -(i>Tders'-of-10 or mo.e ·· ·$3 ,50 ea.) OFFICIAL STANDARD PROTEST FORMS (pkg·. of 25) . • $ 2.40

Handicapping Rules $ NAYRU RULE (a simplified measurement rule) .so $__ _ (Orders of 10 or more - S .20 ea.) (assigned ratings based on performance) •...... • $ 6.00 IOR I II & IIIA (an International measurement rule) ..•.•.. . $10.00

Time Allowance Tables $ ___ TIME ALLOWANCE BY 10ths OF A FOOT RATING $ 3 .10 TIME ALLOWANCE BY lOOths OF A FOOT RATING $ 8.00

Offshore Regulations of the ORC LEVEL RATING RULES •..••....••• . $ 2 .so .· s ___ $ · .60 • SPECIAL REGULATIONS-EQUIPMENT & ACCOMMODATIONS . (Orders of 10 or more - $ .40 ea.)

roR Computer Listings $ ___ CERTIFICATE COPY: any IOR-rated yacht. $ 3,00 When ordering, identify yacht by Yacht Name plus any of the following: Sail #, Cert.#, Class IOR MASTER FILE - Class/Rating Sequence $25.00 s ___ SAILMAKERS' LISTING OF IOR YACHTS - Class/ $ ___ Rating Sequence ...... $50.00 (Various other IOR computer 1 istings are available. Write for order form ~nd prices.) ORDER BLANK AND MEMBER ACCESSORIES ON REVERSE SIDE USY~U ME MBER SHIP AC CESSOR IES

T~e Red, White, and Blue USYRU emblem is tastefully incorporated in each ~f the fol lowing: · Unit Total Pr ice Quant it}:'. Amount T-SHIRT (White with red trim.} • Indicate S, M, L, XL . , . • $ 6.00 $

,JACK:ET PATCH (twi.11) $ 2.50 $ BLAZER BADGE (Bullion thread} Specify clutch pin or sew-on. $12.00 $


Gold plated with enamel colors: LAPEL PIN $10.00 $ BROOCH • $20.00 $

Tl E BAR $17.00 $

CUFF L l NKS $27 .-00 · $

- . MONEY CL! P . ., ...... $20 .00. $

~SYRU BURGEE, Hand Sewn Nylon

10" x 15 11 (2Q I - 25 1 LOA) . $10.50 $ 1 2" x 1811 (30' - 35 I LOA), ·$12 .00 11 14 x 21" (35' - 40 I LOA) . $13,50 16 11 x 24 11 (40 1 45' LOA), . . . .. $15.00 20" x 30" (45' - 60 1 LOA)'. $22 ~50


• ~: 1 -

..;1 ...,1 '. _.,..._._ • - . - - ~ - -~-

Enclosed is· a check payable to USYRU for: $ SHIP TQ: ' ·:~ NAME


677 THE ~ULLETIN BOARD APPROVED CHANGE TO HOUSE RULE #9 9 An AYC member may not have more than twelve guests at the Club at one time. Parties of more than twelve guests whether hosted by a single member or co-hosced by other members must receive prior approval of the Club officer and must be held at the Club at a time and under circum­ stances not to inconvenience the Club membership.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * MEMBERS •..•... the water has subsided to the safe level - therefore we request~ PLEASE move back to your assigned space in the Dry Sail Area. If you are in doubt as to the numbered space, check with the office. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Our LOST AND FOUND is growing: Please check your summer wardrobe to see whats missing -- then check LOST AND FOUND BOX behind the bar. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ...... ,, ...,....,, ..J.."' ,t,.., .. WE NOW HAVE A GENERATOR FOR MEMBERS TO USE ON BOATS. Check­ in and out system -- user liable for damage or loss •••••... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PARENTS of small ones ••••••••• It has been brought to the attention of the office, many youngsters are left unattended in the pool or around the pool area, PLEASE, for the safety of your own, make arrangements to have them supervisedr READ: House Rule #1 & #16. Thank you ••••••••• * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * FOR SALE::::: ::s :: lne TWO Club THISTLES are for sale ••.• Need repairs •.•••••••• good price .•.•••. Call Ron Harden, (office 345-2379)(Home 453-1595) OR Ed Halter (Home 345-1327) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


It all started with a phone call So needless to say, while from Buddy and I had a good notion traveling to Lake Caryle with about the reasons he called. I Fraser, I wasn't in my normal decided that there was no way that frame of mind. As we look on our I could take his place at the One­ . Illinois road map for the route Of-ArKind Regatt a, as the school down there, we could find no Lake year was closing, finals coming up, Caryle, and for good reason. Our my masters oral examination, sister­ road map was 10 years old and the in-law's wedding, and trying to put lake was only 8 years old! It's the E boat together. So no way, sort of a mini-Winnebago about can't go, sorry Buddy, etc, etc., 7 miles by 2 miles, shallow with etc. The return phone call went a nasty chop at times. There like.this, were over 100 boats and we were ~: Hello, Buddy, what'cha call at first dismayed that the about? were in the high performance,. Buddy1 Glad you called back. I've trapeze boats, 505, flying dutchrnan, got conflicts at the shop and I was the Australian 18 footer and Ian hoping you and Fraser could sail the Bruce's new invention for the M-20 at Lake Caryle. the sailing masses - the TASER ~1 Sorry, Buddy, too many confl.icts, (a two-man ). We'd been and I've got to teach a few classes hoping to grind down the flying on Wednesday. Scott or , which feeds Buddy: You can gee someone to the ego very nicely where you cover for you. past them on a reach. No such ~: Yes, but I can't get down to luck. So we measured in, and Zenda. were further dismayed when they Buddy: We'll pick you up at 8 in didn't weigh the boats or calculate the morning up there. the weights into the handicap,as ~: (getting desperate): But my wife's we were twice as heavy as the 505 sister is getting married on Sunday or . We had to and they'll have my neck if I'm not smile, though, when they measured there. the water line of the M-20, flat Buddy: If the Regatta's delayed in the water! It measured 16ft. we'll fly you home from St.Louis 1 in., which is probably 2 feet Sunday at noon. shorter than its true water line ~ (panicy)1 Buddy, have mercy. I've when it's sailed on its normal got my masters examination next angle of heel. Wednesday, I can't go off sailing. It was 90 degrees and no air the I've got to pass this thing. first morning as we got towed to Bugdys Actually, Michael, we've been the starting line with our com­ thinking of hiring a person with a petitors. A light breeze from good Food Olemistry background like the SE finally appeared and the yourself. You see, we've been A-scow came ghosting toward the thinking of making edible boats so assembly buoy with a laser parked that when they get old and soggy, on its bow as a reserve: Buddy the owner can mulch them up, feed Ebsen (of Barnaby Jones fame) them to his dogs or cows or whatever, was sailing his , the so if you flunk your exam we could world's largest, which we all probably hire you cheaper, and be- dubbed the "Barnaby 58". The cats sides •••••••••• started first and we were 10 Me (in purgatory): OK, OK, I'll go, minutes after them. The wind was but if I start talking about lipid light, 4-6, and we started in the oxidation to Fraser on the down wind middle, sailed over the Taser, and legs instead of windshifts, you've then flipped to port for what only yourself to blame. looked like good air on the right Buddy: What the hell's lipid hand side of the course. We looked oxidation? golden for the first 1/2 of the Me: Never mind, pick me up at 8. leg - 2nd only to the and then the wind filled big behind the A, E, 18footer, and from the left. It was a question flying dutchman, beating 11 other of biting your tongue and trying boats in our division, boat for your best to catch up, which we boat. We felt Lhe M-20 was at wou1d on the upwind legs, but 1 got its fastest on rhe spinnaker lost a few times on the downwind leg reaches with its big chute re~1ly so not a good race and one that didn't propelling the boat forward, and show the M-20's potential. closing the gap on the boats in Fraser and I had a talk and got front. our minds geared to just sailing fast The wind really kicked up for and picking the windshifts, and the 4th race ancl we took Fraser's trying to get optimistic about this wife as a third, which we were operatton. This morning's race didn't glad we did, since 2 minutes after al low one to compare with the other the start a squall kicked up with boats in our division and not knowing rain and gusts over 30. The waves what our ratings were, we just de­ came in big, and we hit a few of cided to try to sai] a good race. them the wrong way, taking on 100 On the second race we had a good lbs of H20. The chop was very bad start but had the misfortune of and we had to have Susie sit behind being between the A-Scow and the the horse going upwind to keep the Aussie 18 - not a good spot, so we bow out, as the mini bailers just flipped to port sailed a nice lift, weren't doing the job. (Even caught some good shifts in a 10-14 Mendota wasn't this bad.) This mph breeze and rounded behind brought up interesting sheeting Gordy Bowers in his C-Scow. We arrangements as 1 had to sheet over passed him on a chute reach and her legs and felt like 1 should pulled away from the 505 and ask permission before sheeting in dutchman on the reaches, which we too hard, All in a11, a good way needed. The dutchman, sailed by to know your third in a hurry. Chris Chartain, was very fast up We broke our pole on the spinnaker wind and gobbled up the yardage reach, had the fastest no chute between us. We split sides down­ reach man M-20 in my life with some wind and our side was the right one, 40 mph puffs (at one point we and by the leeward mark, were in were keeping up with some of the 4th behind the A,E, and Aussie 18, )J saiJed downwind with­ with a 150 yd. lead on the dutchman out a pole &nd finally survived. and C-scow. We ended in 4th, We all went to bed about 9 o'clock beating Charain by 30 yards, as his that night. upwind speed was awesome, and we Saturday morning, we appeared on felt real good about this race, and the docks early to repair some knew that we were probab1y in the damage and discovered that we were top 3 with the handicap. leading the regatta in our division. The best aspect of the regatta We couldn't believe it. We had was the diversity of the people we actually won the 4th race with a1l met. John Kolius of the Soling .• its problems. The old nerves Hobie Alter, Tom Ekman, who won the started churning in the stomach. Champion of Champions regatta, to The Taser was in 2nd, the Ea close name a few. An old M-20 stalwart, 3rd. The 5th race w~s medium with Bill Bentson was there cheering us large holes, we hit some of those on, on the water and the cocktail holes but everyone else hit larger parties, which brought out some ones with the only boat seemingly of the best sailing stories 1 doing het.:ter than us was the heard. Dutchman. ( The 3rd race was in 14-17 mph, The 1 ast r.ace was blowing 25 range, and everyone had a good race, and this one, along with the 2nd sailing their boats to their ut­ race, wns probably our best. The most potential. We finished 5th, M-20 really came alive at times planning up wind and really A couple of weeks ago the soaring over the sets of big Aust·n and DaJlas M-20 Fleets waves. 0 l f the wi ml was al ways met cgain on a neutral lake at a thri 11 as t hf' wind s l eacli 1y' Waco. This tim• the Dallas bui 1 t to 10 and would dl'powc:1 .Eie:'t "hoWf;d their stuff by upwin anrl S( re 1111 ciln·,nwi r,d. We trk1ng t~rec of the first four firlished our no mal 5th be:hirnJ m.' p1.-:i.c PS v.i h CHlr tl ird p1acc . t1H"' usua1 qu,1rtette or the A, E, ? f inis11 sa11dwi tched in bet.ween· .... • 18 and flying dUtC'hman, but. w<:rE ~ \vi t~. my cleverly disguised closPr thi <:> ti rne, A.nd f,~1 t n tl ~ rorll l u. (Ka .... hy) manning the goorl ~1boul the race. ~ fore det:k w0 pc1ssed by the At the banq11et th'~l 11i[!t1t Wt' ~ o, e turned hul s of such local disC'overeo It Again" Mcintyre in 7,2,2,1,1,l. he ail then pie,- >dx. be medium but puffy air the ceeded to get glen iuus ly drunk, .5Zfx" firat rnc ·• listen to some ~xi tint stories, and tell a few our~elv(=:s. We took In the SPcond race we were home the silver, but:: tlle team sonn knocked over after a member that degerved most oI the i poor- sn1rt" left us in ~he credit was the boat itself. We · trashy ~ ind left by the rest sailed good, but nnt bri 111.ar,tly. of 0A fleet railroadin6 past The M-20 as u boat was just t.hat. to w• ndward. A sp :-edy T:1ari t. i rne much superior. The winds helped court mart.1al deteLmined the as the st.ronger they became, the i crAW was at fau1 t nd she was betcer tLe boaL re, ponded. I \1as eiected from rhe boat!! After imp:.-essed ,\·ith just how good the the simmering skipper cJoled boat is in compctrison to othec off in the water - tne 1;r:eat boats. A lot of people were 1m- : sa1 va :,c ~ffort began. With pressed with the ~1at. One comes tho wi nri piping up a little away from the regm. ta feeling a heaview ior:- the third and bit 1 ucky that this is the C'la&s ldM.. final race we found ourselves of boat you chose to race for a -W in the third place overall. $.'1$ Plagued again by a poor start .u;e; $ ...... : we were able to pasf the over­ Lurned of the second place M-20 •..•...•. tom Bauer cont~nder at the windward mark. But it was to no avail as the In the spring the lo~al Fleet fourth place boat s t,:,amed awa) turned out in force with eight upwind carrying Paul Bunyon and boats traveling to Dallas for two of his cousins. Rumor has a seventy boat regatta com­ it a big blue oven was seen in posed of c:1irtv N-20 's and 40 r~e vicinity just before post C Scows. The spring champion­ t 1 me. ship, an annua] favorite for all M-20 sailors, show~d the As usual the biggest sense of northern sailors still the accomplishment was not the finish toughest to beat, and a new, of1r tL~ final standings but those rapidly growing Dallas Ft. eet1.ng seconds in which botl• becoming very competitive. the crew ~no boat were planin~ Our local fleet, while not across the Welter under comp] ete running off with much silver, control with impending disaster did place four boats in the lurking ahead .... and behind .•.. top eight after three days rain, temporary calms, and many baffling wind shifts. . .

•. ' Satur~y, July ~'; 1977

tmeoutfor salllng

Jone Levens

Tacky? Maybe; Coveted? Certainly

lt has been called Victorian, rococo, the years has been greatly responsible be seen to be appreciated. flamboyant, tacky, elegant and down­ for making the regatta a success. right ugly. It came from a second-hand This year about 200 yacht clubs from shop on Red River Street; its past a mys­ Modeled after the President's Cup Re­ all over Texas will be represented, com­ tery. gatta, held in Washington, D.C., it was peting for the cup and for individual first hoped that the governor might help class trophies. Fifteen classes of boats, But since its discovery, it has been defray the cost of trophies for the honor including centerboard, keel and board­ called the Go\•ernor's Cup and has been of having his name attached to the regal· boats will be represented. sought after and displayed with great ta, but this never happened. However, a pride as the trophy presented to the Tex­ governor or his representative has The first race begins Saturday at noon as yacht club with the most boats partic­ usually been on hand to present the cup. the second race immediately thereafter'. ipating in the Austin Yacht Club's an­ The third race will start at 10 a.m. Sun­ nual Governor's Cup Regatta. In 1963, it was decided that an out­ day. There will be three courses, but all It is a revolving trophy. the winning standing trophy was needed to present boats will be racing in the basin near club keeping it a year, then returning it as the Governor's Cup, something remi­ Mansfield Dam with larger boats going to Austin to be presented to the new win­ niscent of the grand, ornate trophies giv­ down the Jake past the highlines. ner. en by the fine old yacht clubs back East. Good vantage points for spectators Nothing appropriate was available from should be LCRA Park off State Road 620 The annual sailing race begins at noon the usual sources, and the idea was Saturday and continues on Sunday. at the dam, or Lake Travis Lodges and about to be abandoned when Mcintyre's Highline .Marina, both off Hudson Bend The regatta was first held in August wife, Mary, and Sue McBee, whose hus­ Road, which runs off 620. 1960, the brainchild of Don Marsh, a past band Frank was then commodore, found commodore of the then Austin Sailing their treasure while poking around a Club. Dr. Francis Mcintyre was club junk and second-hand shop. More like a Jane Levens and her family sper f commodore then. and his work through convoluted pitcher than a cup, it has to most of their spare time in . GOVERNOR'S CUP REGATTA,

RESULTS FROM THE 114 boats: Catalina 221 1. Gene Doremus,Austin : 2. Don t-bhr, AYC 1. Jim Kincaid, Seabrook 2. Peter John, HYC Ensigns 3. Ed Halter, AYC 1. Bill Holman, AYC 4. Rick Hlista, AYC 2. Tom Rogers, CSC 5. Ken James, Seabrook Flying Dutchmana Windmill: 1. Jeanine Masters, 1, Pat Butler, Clear Lake 2. Cherokee Dalehita, 2.' Roger Hobert, Clear Lake· 3. Tom Feux, Clear Lake I 1. Bill Berry, CSC 2, Richard Wade, CSC Fireball: ,.,. 1, Linda McDavitt, AYC , 2. Teri Nelms, AYC , ,.( 420: 1. Geo Ford, UTSC 2. Jim Peters, UTSC Laseari Junior Class 1, Bil 1 Levens, AYC· 2. Bill C.onnor, AYC Laser: Senior 1. David Lincoln, Clear Lake 2. Ronnie Marraguin, Waco 3. Ralph Johnson, Waco M-201 1. Hap Arnold, AYC 2. Tom Romberg, AYC 3. Tom Gunderson, AYC 4. F. Mcintyre M)RCa 1. Russell Painton, AYC 2. Rick Vanderweel, AYC 3. Dick Van Hooser, AYC South C.oast: 1. Bud Boucher, AYC 2. Duane Dobson, AYC As you may rN•ber, the intrepid "characters", Prank and Gloria were laat heard troa back on 8 January 1977, safely ashore at Roosevelt Roade NaTal .Ba•e, Puerto Rico. We had an extended 'risit vi th our son, Troy, during which we started to check him out in handling the Westsail ;2.

Now it happens that we c rry a '.351.b. CQR on 100' of 'j/16" chain; this rig w.ighte about 1.50 lbe. not including any ot the 5/8" nylon rode. It promptly came to mind that Troy bad a natunl talent for handlirig this hea"Y gear and h beoame our "anchor •pecial~st". If we had the 1"00Jl to ev1ng we always let out the entiro chain and about 20'ot' nylon; it m&de a smoother "ride" ince the catenar;v cur:-e ot the chain absorbed any motion and shock. Incidentally, we a.lu c.arry a 45 lb. CQR on :,o• or 3/8" ohAin and JOO• ot S/8" nylon as our •torm enohor. In the laza­ rett& we have 300' of 1/2" nylon which ve use with a 12 lb. hi h-tenaUe Dantorth. We use the Dan:torth to kedge of! and to keep from swinging in close quarter•. '!he anahora may strike •011u, people as excessive for a :32 rooter but no~ when you re­ alise that the boat ,reighe almost 20,000 lbs. and earriea 70 gal. diesel oil, 66g&l•. ot water in tank and &?'..other 40 in reaeM'e containers. We're dooumented by th• n,a:, at 1'.3 ton• and that is probably an aacmrate weight ready ter extended passage.

When we tinal.1:y did get ready to loa.T it vaa 18 '1e.nus.ry and we had b•en aahor for 25 daya, except tor a tw overnight ila to Culebra and Viequee n•rby. Ao­ t.u•lly when •• lett. Roeaey Road• ve expected to go aa f'ar • CUlebra, spend th• night there, ud them go on to St. Thonas in the U.S. Virgins the next day. Ho11- ffr, we discovered ve had a south wind that day and decided to try to make th entire 40 ail.•• :bl one day. Sine we didn't start out of the baa• until 1140 ve !1gu.Nd. ve Jli.gbt make it befcrn it got dark. i:tter a.ll the windward sailing v had to get to F'll!._1(to Ric,c, it wa.a a delight to be able to get en a bum reach all the vay. We drepl"'t.be hook in Dru.it B:ly on Water !o. around the oorner !roa Char­ lotte J.uli•, St. Thnae juet •• it got da?"k. '1'b.e next m.orning w• •ed threu.gh the channel into the main harbor vb.ere wt, anchored for another night. Charlotte Amalle {pro:nounaad &Jl8.lya) is besieged with c1'tdse ships. With a.a many as 6-7 •h1p1 di•g~rging 600-700 po.Hengere each it tends to e1uttor th place and ia not a partiC\tl.arly good spot tor a yacht to lay at ancher. Since it is a !Ne port it 1• a good pl.ace to ehop tor luxury goods.

The nut ..m1ng ve oved on over to Caneel Ba7 by w.y of: Current cut. One of th• lwwlc+tMI Roolcetell.er resorts, Caneel Plantation, ia located th re. I! aeyon• i• bard presaed to •pend their 110ney they will help ycu••• $15.5/day fol" two nth breaktaat am ci.irrMr, plus a $9.50/person service charge daily. This is a llin1- JllUll accomodation at that. Ot oourse you do get free uee or a 1:! you. want •••

The radio vaa reporting that ~raordinary wells 11ere coming 1n from the Atlantic and forced the .vacuation o! .50,000 people from tha jberto Rican coa1t. By late afternoon we could••• vavee crashing over som l~ge rooks to the north or Can­ ••l Bay. The•• rocks wei-ei more than 30' high. Betwe n lfforal et the ialands near the rock• the channels were JO' deep and the wave• wertJ brealdngt We got some nell but had a. tolerable night. By i:orning the h Yy va·H action had di1a1pated and•• moved on to the extreme weat end ot the British Virgins, Horman Island., Having &Toided the west and pu-t 1 anchor in Road Ba On• oth•r intere One of the onrl.sin type•• when y u ae the vrit.rt



eaaera so stereos, TV, etc. bu gr

Th.r by ..

\e en so by o rr"cti in s&fe ~ ters Thu (mt

Originally set of dl'es t,d !t(;n cent. Fnnoh i .. are oqu 11.y in S/M o eru.is stoNs anv·1rne-re a beret over hi e.ne JtQre 'When he who pa E th..""Ough ic said tha.t St. liked the French t~c on a ro - tiHerie whioh ' i,end our time eatinp;, pl yin ra.l'lie of 70-72 at night tc ~0- rl1 i8 around otf the urroun1 hf!,;llll'in to "crttise" as 1'!l on the next i until we tl ie sort o l~av ~e had the '\ .After a.bout to .r.aa b4.ck to ut lr ad.,.., h v .. r...ac to )t. a broa. re h otfl in-

Wo had sailed at S bs i 150 baa th t yo bo or u going ashore t.o e aboard 11 STOL aircraft o 1 p makings. loop to one uan &ee that• De &vil M 'Ivi.n in the Ri.Jnal • or nyi.ng. It 1 t aeh end w1~

Sa~ is ca.lied tc}, b ck" takes th ro ar imall, v.1 th ginge"" r ad t • Ho on lmolrn , hy t,,:oep e OU.r n~xt bland Un. .Anguilla ha. la.ml on a. y place to anc aont.hs. However, - ever getting ~J\}'t ing dovn-1slana, boat with an English cu., and &gain in S/M. •• he J.and and wanted to .!or a Utopia vbich waa there alr-&IJdy &. eon•i•t1.ng cf v the ir.!'ormati n ock ico .. So we were a le irdulge ou.r­ selves. In on St. Bar a.) A e e.na let uts ah.over n.a. th.an to •e s nee ~ an.ir!g the bottem •nd •

Pl.otti."lg a aour knot e->..trrent fl~ n , t ti'.,o h We departed Dc,g Is. to the NW of .Anquil.la at 1730 ao aa to make an oTernight pa•• •&1•• th• distance was 75 ailes and, in rtew of the light vind•, I w.a ••tiaating the run would take 25 hour•. 'nie nut morning at tiret light ve were al.ready in •1ght or Virgin Gordo but aoa9What •outh of oouree. So the current n• Ml"• to the we•t and ve ended up uld.ng the trip in 19 how-a eTen though ve nner had an iJxiioated epeed or 110re than 3 knots. We oua• into Dea.du.n's Bay, Peter I•. That i• juat to the west or the Peter Ia. Yacht Club and ia really a beautitul place. The P/I YC people own the property but invite yachun•e ashore. A.tter a tw days we went around the point to the P/I YC harbor and spent the night there. Then it wae another abort mo•• to LitU• Harbor tor another night. Th• next morning we JIOVed arcnmd the we•t end ot Peter le. al!d vent into White Bay, a J10re solitary anohonge. White Bay ia on• ot our favorite pl.ao••· .A. white ••nd beach stretch•• ed ua in a gentle nrY• betvNn two rocky headland•. The bottom 1~ •and and gnH to within 30' ot ab.ere. 1'roa there on it 1• aanc:lhom a depth of 7' to the beach. We p1a,-.d it aate the tint night and had a at.em anohor out*° be certain ve wouldn't ni?lg on the beaoh at night ; we had to ooa• fairly oloae in beoau•• ot depth. Tlw next day we toek in the atem anobor and nung to the beach ao we were 2.S•-)0' ott. It really do•• Mk• it easy to ge aahore that way. We pnt on ear +wed morkel gear and en­ je,-.d the Net• at the north hMdl.ud. RN1.1y a nper 1potl We vv• there e•er 26 beU'8 beteN an.19n• oaae in and that 11 NN in the BVIf 'l'b1.1 bay 1• on the Car- ibbean Sea 1ide et the ialand and th11.1 do-=ittget the buk et th• tratfio which ..... in the Sir Pranei.1 Drake Owmel. We oolleoted • bu.oket et whelk• and ll8imll oooked th• aooording to a Noipe in o?le ot the or\'li.ai.ng guidu •••not uaotly ea­ oarpt bltt telenble. It••-- that whelk• have an affinity fer•• urohina and I Jlll'l&led te pt no leH than 3 ins:, finger• that day. hell White Bay ve IIOTed over to Pranoi1 Bay in th• OSVI at St. John•, theno• to Cirme•n Sq. CD.oria vaa interested in aHing the edel"ftter trail at Trunk Bay. a part et the Virwin I•. Natl. Park • .bit turned out it va1n•t worth the ettort atter what ve had ~ •""• We at• lunch at anchor atter ba'ri»g people nill o\lt to••• the boat ••• they vere going to order a W)2 and wanted te , .. h4,v we were 011ttitted and want.cl to hear our thought• on thine• they were oon.aidering ••• a verthwbil• ar,pNaob ter anybody who plan• to pt a CIJ'Uid.ng boatJ ll1tening to otheN oa.n be enlightening, althoqh 1011etiaea oon.tuaing. Arter lunch ve got ready to ...... Kt and I vmt up forward to pill in on the anchor. "nle viJtd vaa blowing quite at.Nncl.y and I aipalled Gloria to gin ae help with the dieael. Still it •Hiiled th.at the boat vaa not~ up on the oh.ain M I •ignal.lecl tor aore power. Still I vaa pulling aa bard •• enr and the boat vaa not going forward. When Gloria 1ndi•ted. that •h• n.1 gi:rlnc .tull throttle and we weren't going anywh•re I tip.red that -•thing waa allt••· Looldnc • .,... tho ,tern I eoul.d ... that th• :prop va, not ao'rlnc. Se we ehut the engine dewn and 1aid down while th• engine cooled.

Mt.er oheoking th• linkage to the gearbox I coud atill not ti.pre what the prob- 1• vaa. 'nlen I Mtioed a -chin• bolt layina under the propel.J.er •hart. A ol•••r lMk am I dilOOYered that al.l tour ot t.h• boltsbad backed 01lt .r the nuc• 1e01tring th the propeller ebart to the drive. I oou1d only t1!ld ) •« th• bolts but that vaa ::-...... l, to pat a.a into operat.1.ng oondition.

We o.ntifflltd anud the north eid• or St. John• and tumed the oom.t, a.gain pat­ ting in at Ca11 ..1 Ba:,, bs.ere to chat with Hu.bert. lmaphrey, van greeting• to La•· ranee Roeket.Uer. Th• nut day ve went into CJ'V.s Bay and oleared u.s. Ca.•toaa & hm.gratien before goine to Oiarlott.e Amalle and en t. .Pllerte Rio..

Back at P/R v. apent. the toll.wing YMk-end girtng Troy a final checlc ...ut on the 11• boat. In doing •o I oaae to realise all the thing• had leuned about th• bea.t 1 0., , the••, navigatien, food storage, toed prepattUon underway, eto. I alH oaae to realise that un;r ot th• thing• ..,. had leaned we bad learned vith luak en our aide. We al•• know that there are •till a lot ot thing• te be lee.med, n.n after 8,500-9,000 Iii.lea ot sailing. fl\e probl• ia that thing• k ..p obancinc· Before ,,. n .. out et P /R we did call tvo yards at hjardo to get their prioea on hallllng ua. They both quoted $2/ft mit one yard aid..,. had to ue their people ter ale&ning. B;y this time the boat had been oloaned alllo.t to the point where it waa ready for paint ao I didn't want to pay for acmethillg which waan•t nooeaaaey. The other yud hauled us and .. bloclced ua and Gloria and I finiahed the aleard.ng and rolled en a ooat or paint. When vo went to pay tho bill•• diaooTored that they wore oharging ua $16 tor blook:ing ua, plua S~ •1nnranoe t ..•. When they ban your boat out of th• water there ian•t a whole lot you OI.J\ do about retuing the bill. Like I aaid, we•re still learning.

We beught thia Weaua.11 troa a tollow who had ordered 1 t ill illp.t ot 1973, juat before the big price increa••• duo to tho oil aitaation. S, took doliT•1"7 in Dec. ot 1974. Three 110nths later he decided to mon to .Alaaka and wanted to get hi • 110ney 011t of tho boat. hd eo I waa able to buy a 3 aonth old boat at 1973 pricea. With tho •oeption that he only had one battery aboard, ho bad a boat vbioh vaa equipped tha .... aa I would ha•• ordered it• .All pod, exoopt ho naaed it Sealuat and neither Gloria nor I~ enthuaed about th• name. Atter our oricinal fty&p laat year vo wanted to change the name bu.t oouldn•t ooae up 111.th anything whioh aatiatied u both. In deepmoation, we naaed the boat Bitterav.. t ••• .toelinc that it•• a wmtion of ov n1ling experl•u,e. M"t.r tb.i• vint.r'a experienoo we •till !eel that it is a DUle apropoa to ov oruiaing.

Before we run hard agroum on the shoals or boredoa, I'• going to tack and ••• it' I oa.n•t ••t pen aaideo We•re already getting reatle•• at home and it vouldr.•t take 1111oh &rlltviating to et dfx u• oft to '11• boat again. - THE PAST

Scott Young wins District 15 Championship

Austin, Texas, May 28th and 29th. Scott Young's consistent sailing paid off as he won the District 15 Championship ..• and a berth at the Laser Worlds in Brazil.

Second place finisher Doug Hart, winner of the first race, lead the 55 boat regatta thru the first five races. However, in the sixth race, Doug was forced ove~ early at the start .•. had difficulty restarting correctly •.. and finished 22nd. Meanwhile, Scott Young won race six, and grabbed a slim 4 point regatta lead.

The critical seventh race was sailed in light/moderate/ flukey/shifty, {s.o.b. was it flukey/shifty), winds. Scott snared the lead on the s~cond windward (sometimes windless} beat. He kept the lead, won the race, and regatta. Last years' District Champ, Chris Brandon, finished fourth in the regatta.

Individual race winners were: Doug Hart Races 1, 3, and 4. Scott Young Races 6 and 7. Jack Kern (in light to moderate wind no less!) Race 5.

"THE PAST" continued

Results of District 15 Regatta RACE RESULTS POINTS 1. Scott Young 7 4 4 2 11 1 1 29.5 2. Doug Hart 1 6 1 1 2 22 11 43.25 3. John Bartlett 5 20 8 3 4 3 12 55' 4. Chris Brandon 4 17 7 6 3 4 23 64 5. Ron Harden 17 19 11 8 8 9 2 74 6. Dave Maguire 12 8 17 13 5 14 6 75 7. Mark Hulings 6 10 3 5 26 5 21 76 8. Kelson Elam 8 7 10 9 7 15 22 78 9 • . Brig North 14 14 2 4 19 11 15 79 10. Jack Kern 15 1 25 11 12 6 13 82.75 Brandon/Darden duel at Dallas Dallas, Texas, May 21st and 22nd. The Dallas Corenthian Yacht Club Regatta drew 19 Laser Sailor . Chris Brandon of Dallas and Glen Darden of Forth Worth dueled in the sun and moderate breeze with Chris winning the last race and, with it, the regatta.

Regatta Results

1. Chris Brandon 1 3 1 4.5 2. Glen Darden 3 1 ·2 5.75 3. Keith Comfort 2 4 5 1.1 4. Bill Chilton 5 6 3 14 5. Stan Johnson 6 5 4 15

Lighter is Righter ••• Gough grabs Forth Worth Boat Club Regatta Ea9le Mountain Lake, Texas, June 4th. Kelly Gough ("I 11 weigh less than at the Distr,iots ) sailed a steady series and won the "Total Weekend" Regatta •.••. Hurn, sounds like a sailing fling for those that have r.E!Ad the "Total Women" and "Total Man" books .•... anyway, back to the Regatta, Kelly finished 2-3-4 in winning the event. Second Place went to Scott Young; Chris Brandon was third; John Bartlett fourth and Glen Darden fifth.


Jciin the "YOU SEND IT HE PRINT IT" Club You can be a "Charter Member"·. of the YOU SEND IT HE PRINT IT club. That's right, a CHARTER MEMBER! All you have to da is send to Stan Johnson, 3305 Parkhaven Dr., Plano, TX 75075, any information you. wish the "Super Dudes and Classy Lassies" of District 15 to know. Is your club having a Regatta? Hey, let me know ... no, not 2 wee~s before the r e gatta .•. TWO (2) MONT~S. Why so much.lead time(something I never seem to experience in a sail boat race) because this isn't a weekly newspaper, it's quarterly. You want Lotsa Lasers, then give me Lotsa Lead time okay? After the races are over, (even if you didn't finish in the top ten), send me the results. How soon? Within two weeks so they can be published in the next District "Laserbearn". Datsun? Yes, Datsun. By so doing you will become a "CHARTER MEMBER" of the "You Send it He Print It" Club. You will become immediately qualified for all the rights and privileges bestowed upon CHARTER MEMBERS. What are they, you ask. What's a matter, don't you trust me? Ask me the next time you see me, I'll think up something. Don't forget the stamp. Send your information to: Stan Johnson 3305 Parkhaven Plano, TX 75075 IDEA: How about putting me on your Yacht Club"s news letter list?


Austin, Lake Travis July 2nd and 3rd Governors Cup Galveston Bay Laser Fleet Aug. 6th and 7th SSC Board Boat Regatta SOUTHCOAS T NEWS

by Nom de Plume

CONGRATULATIONS TO: Bud Boucher for three firsts in the Spring Series Eddie Calogero for two outstanding races sailed and 1st place in the Lakeway Re gatta Duane Dobson for 2nd place in the Lakeway Robert Vassalo for leading the second race forever ... until spinnaker time.

WELCO ME TO: Carlos Valdez, new AYC member and Southcoast 21 owner. VALDEZ is coming! RACING TIPS: Calogero has added a fantastic piece of sophisticated go-fast to his SCz1 to the dismay of his fellow competitors. When questioned ab o ut the details of this equipment, Eddie report ed a total cost of 10¢. I t's a sign on the cabin bulkhead that reads "COVER." "HOLL OW VAY IN VIXIE" The cou4tJr.oom 6cene, ca.u~ing M0Jr..Jr.i6 1 ha.6.te Giving up the bJr.u6h Jr.ace, all 6uch a wa6.te The judgement to evict, -00 long expected Th e. plea of; t.he pfa.i.n.t.{66, 60 Jr.ude.ly lle.je.ete.d . Speeding on diJr..t Jr.oad, ju6~ Sou.th Do Jewett CaJr.l got a ticket, don't tell me., 1 kne.w it! Rai6ing .the. ma6:t, with 6panolY mi66ing Lowe..Jr..ing .the ma.6:t, a.n,.,ld6.t boolng and hi66.,lng ! The APB an wive6 a.t la.Jr.gt Vi6coveJr..ed a.t ViltaJr..d.6 in ~he. act 06 a CHARGE! Phacticin.g w,i.nd.6hi6:t.J.i at ea-0.t end 06 la~e. Racing on wut-0.i.de., wha.t a mi-0.tak.e.! StaJr.t at Committe.e. boat, 4"ght on time Leewa.~d boat.6 a.he.ad, w~ong e.nd 06 l~ne: Re.ach.,lng with SpAinnaken, 6ailing up high Low boat.6 ge.t wind, 4a.,le~ng on by. Ta.c.k.l ng on windlhi{t, ne.a.11. 6inL6h line. Wa.tc.h othe.1~ ge.t ll6ted, they come o~om be.hind! Second Jr.ace 6low, we. could .6e.e ouJr.. '1.e.6le.ction The. only .6ucce.66 Wa.6 pa.66lng in.6pe.ctlon'. Su.nda.y bl!in.96 cloud.6, now we. have. wlnd S.tftap 'e.m in tight, watch the ma.6.t bend. Up with the. le.ade.A.6 , how 6we.e.t.the ~ound'. See boa.t.6 go by, a.6 we'he blown a~ound. La-0.t leg be6t in the. ha.in and the blow But ala.6 too late., 6oJr. Win~ Place oh Show . Pulling the boat wlth bow untied Watehlng i.t tip, and be.gin to 6llde .

Limping home thophyle.66, oh .60 6ad. But out oo 6l6te.e.n, 6i6th ain't 60 bad! Poet Lowha.te oi the Sou.thcoa.6.t Fleet ENSIGN-ELECTRA Fl.EET NEWS John Weiler The Ensign-Electra Fleet continues to enjoy a growing and enthusiastic scale of activity. Recent additions to the fleet include Jim and Jane Baker with Ensign #324. "Jonathan Seagull", who participated for the first time in th~ AYC Spring Series; FIREBALL FLEET #283 Garrett and Sandy Jamison with Ensign by Teri Nelms :fl 977, "Pilgrim", and Tommy Kowalski who, very recently, acquired an in- Fleet Participation this series terest with Clift and Gloria Price is down to some from the Spring in Ensign #929. Formidable competi- series due to vacations and tion is expected of all of these business commitments, Regulars newcomers to the Fleet, McDavitt (who won Spring), Connally. Arak Bozyan, Chairman of the Aic Nelms, Fitzsimmons, and Byrne are Race Committee, and Also Fleet Captain fighting it out with Nelms and of the Ensigns, reports that the Connally occasionally having diffi- Ensign-Electra Fleet turned out a • culty with the infamous continuous greater number of contestants for . trap. Bob Nelms took a flying back the Spring Series tha n did any other • drop at full speed when his shock AYC Fleet. We know that Arak is a cord broke during the first race. paragon of veracity, but an affidavit : H complained later that he had can be furnished ifnecessary. Top trouble swimming with his life finishers for the Spring Series were jacket on because Doug refused Arak Bozyan, first; Frank Creamer. to wait on him. Wilkins has since' second; and Eugene English, third. i bought up all the local shock cord It is rumored that the domestic tran- supply. Bob Thompson, a visiting quility of all of these individuals skipper and potential addition to is enhanced in direct proportion to the Fleet, sailed the first race their standing in the Series. The with Laura Hasti on McDavitt's hand that rocks the cradle sometimes !boat and scared us all, He then rocks the boat and all who are in it. picked up Pappa Hasti for the The Ensign Fleet is busy preparing second race - lucky for us the wind for the Region IV Regatta, an annua1 dropped off •••• Til.ompson will be event, to be held at AYC this year .joining the Club soon a nd will be from 7 to 10 July. Top skippers and in need of a crew. Interested their crews from Ensign Fleets located :parties should contact on of our at Dillon, Colorado, Dallas, Houston, Fleet to get in touch with him New Orleans, La., and Austin will (single, 5'10", 29 yrs. old,, ••• ) compete for the Region IV Champion- ship and trophy. Skippers repre- ~ senting Fleet 30 at Austin are Arak • Bozyan, Frank Creamer. and John · Weiler. A buffet dinner and planning • session were h eld at the home of John and Thelma Weiler on the eveni~g of • 13 Friday, with much Conversation a ~ and possibly some progress being made ~ in spite of the ominous date,. ··· .. ····*········ .·· .... /·;.. E i'.... \ \.* ~/ ··· ..... ¥- .·· . ········· ... July 7, 1977 Dear Laser Owner: AYC's Junior Racing Program needs your assistance. We have built up a good beginning racing program for the younger 12 to 16 year old age group. Our major obstacle now is providing suitable and adequate boats for kids who have mastered basic sailing ~nd are ready to become full fledged racers. This summer, we are expecting 8 to 12 young sailors who are ready to learn boardboat racing. We'd like to use your Laser in our training program. The boats will be needed this summer on Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings and early afternoons. The Junior Sailing Program would like your permission to borrow your boat QL just the hull (we will have several full sets of rigging available to us). In exchange for the use to your boat, we'll provide you a written boat safety · and cOoQd,i.tion report and thoroughly clean the hull. Of course any damage to the boat and rigging or loss of equipment will be promptly remedied ac our expense. If you are so inclined, the program will also accept donated board­ boats. lbere are several Lasers at the Club which are rarely (if ever) used. Many of these boats are in poor condition, but could be salvaged for use by the program. We'll accept them and you'll save $66.00 per year in storage fees. If you have questions about loaning (or donating) your Laser or working with our program, call Lee De Keyser or Kathy Hasti at the Clubhouse during the day (266-1336) or try to call me at 477-5508 (office) or 837-6317 (home). If you can let us know about the use of your boat soon, it will help us with planning our summer inst:ructional program. Thank you for your prompt consideration of our request. Sincerely,

Terry Hight, Co-Director AYC Junior Sailing Program THc !Ill

WI-JERe YOU C,ltl/V FIND e.Vele'r'TJ.IIN6 FOR- YOUR. l<.RCIIJ6 ,:,A),:, C~U/,SJ/116 PJ..EJJ.S{Jlfl,£" /HI 5 tn 0/IJT/!'3 5PE Cl ,q/...:s Jj. A · '/11c1-1r B1<1110 IJ l/... ~ / 2 £~ ;::}/cJ P COLO!t.S I 5 % OFP .r/ f;:;cHTING SfoPWtticH

.~.... CtJrne, 8~ Ii,{)/./- Hi9hla11q' M·o// Blvd.

AC/fl.O~S !=R.Otn THI: CI A.JEMA

t:>R C.Rll 4S4 - 7 I 7 I

... tJPE'tV /0-7 J mt:>N. -.s.47


Richard Hlista of AYC "Pointed" in at the top and run right out the way for 32 Thistles in the the bottom. Predictably , the umteenth runnifig of the annual b~at that was most over the line Holiday in Dixie Regatta here in at the start was first over the 1 i ttle old "Shreves ville". Our line at the finish (or so we sus­ d ear race committee, determtned pect). The part we l iked best that this should go down in his­ ab0ut the entire regatta was the tory as a "one~of-a-kind" regatta, salad at the Friday smorgasbord. began the series at about 1:30 That salad was hand-made by the of a gus ty Saturday into a wind captains and crews of Thistle that blew every few seconds from Fleet #26 . the SE at anywhere from 8-21 mph. A final look at che finishings The uninitiated were quick to shows that the Thistles were learn why this lake is called domtnated by the folks from Cross. The first indication that Little Rock with four out of the this might turn into an unusual top ten boats . affair, besides the initial start­ We enjoyed having you- all and ing slant, was the committee's sincerely hope you 'll plan to be difficulty in finding the start back next year . mark for the beginning of the second race. At race time it appea red that we might easily have lobbed a rather l arge stone ··--·-·--····• FLYING SCOT NE~S from the pin to the committee b Carol Pearson boat (we'll pause and allow you to reflect on that for a moment). Fl ying Scot districts were held Needless to say, the start was May 14, 15. Fourteen boats par­ an exciting one . And, after this ticipated. Brian Schuller, Dick humble captain had finally cl eared ! Schott , Jerry Pearson, and Kelson the start line, the real racers • Elam all deserve a big thank you were some 1/3 of the way up the and congradulations for making it first leg and it was just another through all 5 races . (Dick Schott hum drum affa ir. had breakdowns in 2 races). The But , Sunday •.. now there's some­ results were: thing to brag about. We probabl y set two records: the first Thistle Kelson Elam ( Austin) 1st drags, and the mo st Thistles over Richard Wade (Dallas) 2nd the line the farthest with no c Fred Tears (Dallas) 3rd callback. The only interesting Roz Bowan (Dal las) 4th part of the day was the rain. Obviously we need to get out Happily f or us there were always there and practice so next year l0ts of boats ahead so we always we can whip some of those Dallas knew where the marks were. We boats (this includes K. E. ). we r e also 1.ucky that there were So let ' s al 1 get out there every no beats. The committee, with week and get with it. (This in­ unusual foresight. had arranged cludes Jerry - he will have to cut the course s o t hat every leg was short some of th0se kingfishing a reach or run so that we might trips.;. ' keep the bailers open ac all ti Keep your eyes open for a notice times. So, the rain would pour coming about our next pot luck. See ya Sunday . THISTLE ••••••••••••••• 1323 HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR SAILING SKILLS United States Yacht Racing Tulsa ••••• Tie breaker gave Union Racing Clinic •••• Hlista #3074 the win at Directed by Windycrest Sailing Club - Lake Keystone~ OK •••••• PETER ISLER First race winner by a half leg and only a few hours of Peter Isles, is a well-known intercollegiate competitor with practice under the belt was both the Kennedy and McMillan Cups new Ihistler Dave Powell #2485 to his credit. He was twice the with crew Dave Maguire and Bill winner of the intercollegiate North Levens. The· guys did good ••• American dinghy championship and was named outstanding college Four boats from AYC attended sailor of the year in 1976 ••••• a well organized and most .. (See April "" page 58) hospitable Fleet at Tulsa. DeKeyser and Richardson (showing Three days of intense drills 1323 his transom) went along were in order for 23 Thistlers for the ride ••••• getting · who joined in the Seminar. From swamped in the mase of 34 500 starts to sailing "backwards", Thistles on the short line well planned and conducted by with a very short course. Peter on his first of many USYRU No time to catch up as is the Clini.cs. case with #1323. Results indicate the sharpness Extremely high and fluky winds of skills in several boats •••••• on Sat gave everyone a chance namely "Halter Family" •••••••••• to visit and relax. Sunday's Those interested in doing the two races determined the winners same - round-up the boats and $700,00 of the Ihistle Central Southern and YOU TOO CAN IMPROVE!! Inter-Districts.

THISTLE •••••••.•• , •••• 2408 .

.. Waco Regattas Second Race ... ·. .. . of Delta Circuit - 25 boats went - top honors to Wacoan Doug DeCluitt ••••• Austin boats topped by Ed Halter and family, second place ••••• Otner plaudits and excuses of note: Terry Hight= 130 lbs of crew· Geo Robison= improving fast Mark Finley= 800 lbs of crew and first in record keeping ••• Deke De Keyser= trailer wheel faster than boat ••••••••• David Richardson= fast boat .• sinks frequently •••••••• John Church= playing games Rich Hlista = too many girls ...... ' ... AYC DIRECTORY SUPPLEMENT

ASHBY , JANE (Wayne) VALDEZ, CARLOS (Ann) Michael Lea, Gary Wayne Carl0tta Ann 11611 Eubank (58) 836-4262 3201 Skylark Dr. (57) 453-8677 Eli Lilly Pharmaceuticals TRC 452-8141 x 424 K Ericson 23 #140 (Ann) MHMR 452-0381 x 286 South Coast 21 #19 DOSSEY, GARRY (Sharon) Laura 10, David 2 Rt. 1 , Box 236 Gro€sbeck, TX 7667 (817) 729-3700 Dentist, 214 N. Sherman, Mexia, TX c/b 'Illistle #3360 c/b 11860 K Peterson Custom \I 11 TICKLED PINK" RESIGNATIONS ELAM, KELSON R. 2210 B. Quarry Road (03) 474-7790 Patrick C. Bartosh Student Richard A. Elam Flying Scot #1198- Cassandra Nelson Laser ff21271 Gordon S. Novak Tommy D. Raye KAISER, RIDGE Paul N. Stanley 7205 Hart Ln #2026 (31) 345-6757 Hydrologist Laser /110241 "FEARLESS FOLLOWER" MCLEAN, GARY (Lois) 8209 Cliffsage (59) 258-1526 Mfg. Eng. TI 258-5121 x2645 (Lois) IBM 838-3369 C&C 24 "ROSE OLE" NORRIS, RAYMOND F. (Margery) 11219 R.R.2222 (32) 266-2789 Retired Ensign

SELFRIDGE, KEVIN 1103 A W 39\ St. (56) 451-6916 Civil Eng. LCRA 474-5931 x 281 Laser 1117579 SWAN, CATHERINE A. 610 W 30th #223 (05) 477-3179 Student Developmental Specialist (Rec, Coordinator, TX Union, UT) 471-1944 Laser /12014 "TIRA II" THOMPSON, ROBERT L. 2512 Durwood Apt #110 (04) 443-6249 Zapalac Associates, Architects 444-1809 Fireball f/6562 •• Aust1n1te doing well in sailing When BHl Levens of Austin began sa!lm~. six ycnrs ago, it v. as just something he'd do for fun, going along for a weekend nde as a crew member. But that got st ale after a while and to relieve the boredom, he ~ay ,, he ' got i11to smaller be.at. " More spe­ cif1taliy1 smgle-person sailboats Now the 1&-, ear-old Leveus h Q , ed for the mifinaJs of 1e myt Cup th~ p aw' rd for ) n 1or ailors- , d tht> most d1ft1cult lo , in. lr. late Au u,t he ll go to 11 tuo for th com 1l 1on i * • :• :• i i i i

• 'l: 1 ' If you lose f c setcnds, hurts .. lot. It could be de.:dJy. • * : Le, ens had dcr.~ nll Friday !:, il· : mg m two races and winning both. · 'But I only won by a couple 01 • point!:," b~, ays ''I could have lost it * all on the last race.·· * * But he dldn'L • * * This is the bag .. where the spinnaker is kept, bu1 if you're • very nautical, you'll tlmeoutfot call it a turtle - sailing t Jonelevens

To the novice crew member: You may iust be up the creek • Not long after I'd st~rted sailing, I was asked to Inching my way forward, not too sure of my substitute for an absent crewman on a friend's sure-grip sneakers, I wondered where anyone boat for a short race. I protested that I wasn't would keep a turtle on a . good enough, but he said I shouldn't worry, he'd I was now as far ·forward as I could go. Nothing tell me just what to do. It sounded safe enough. I was between me and the clear blue waters of the did know port from.starboard, and surely lcould Jake but the bow of the boat-. Hanging from the follow simple directions. bow was a large blue canvas bag with a lid on it. It Sporting my new sailing gloves and sure-grip looked like a good place to keep a turtle. I unfas· deck shoes., I hopped aboard full of confidence and tened the1id and pulled it back. vigor. After .all, Lowell North, the great Ameri· ·"Good work!" my captain cried. "1 wasn't sure can's Cup competitor, had to start somewhere. My you knew we call a spinnaker bag a turtle." spirits were lifted.when we executed a nearly per· ... feet tack . "Oh sure," I replied, looking down into the large bag from which the brightly colored spinnaker is "Ready about," the captain called. raised. "Everyone knows that." · "Ready," I answered. As. the afternoon went·by, I was asked to give "·Hard alee." him some , relea$e the main traveller, let out the , put on the vang, tighten the Gee, I love that kind of talk! It loses something In the translation, but in plain English, the skipper uphaul and open a cold beer. . is asking the crew if they are ready to turn the I did one of-tho~ things correctly. boat in a different direction. Later, in need of a bathroom, my discreet in· I began to realize that I might be in trouble when quiry netted a scornful look, and I was told the the skipper suddenly yelled !or me to go forward head wl;ls below. Why was it called a bead? I won· and skirt. Skirt? I wasn't even wearing one. 1tried dered. ' · to pick up a clue from his gestures. I edged toward · After recovering from the rigors or the day, I did the foredeek, when he leape_d forward, reached a little research and found that in the days of the around me, grabbed the bottom of the jibsail with old saiJlng ships, nature's call was answered on a both hands and lifted it over the lifelines. platform built out under the ship's figurehead. "Skirt the sail, the sail, damn it!" he yelled. Going to the figurehead naturally got shortened to "Oh," I said. going to the head. As we approached the turning mark that we Now If I could only figure out why a spinnaker must go around, he suggested that I again go for· bag is called a turtle, and why I've not been asked ward, this time to take the top off the turtle. I'd to crew for that nice man again. he~ri of people sailing with a dog, but a turtle? Jane Levens belongs to a family of sailors. SCHOCK. NEW SANTANA s.tua 525

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