is one of the stops on Connect, a weekend Shuttle bus, which runs between Easter and September.

Key to map Clun Castle Clun Walk Route B4368 Rights of Way Other paths Woodland

START Clun Walk 1: Black Hill A488 Sowdley Wood Woodside A 5½ mile circular walk over Black Hill starting Woodside Farm and finishing at St George’s Church, Clun. The route follows quiet lanes and forestry paths so it is suitable for dog walkers. Churchbank Communication Mast Church Bank Farm

Upper Riddings

Little Pen-y-wern A488

C Playing


S R Pen-y-T Cwm Field

iver Clun L






Pen-y-wern T H O F S EET O P TR R I S D T TP A R PO O S L WE T EW L N R E A E N LL Important information for visitors K N E F I S T E I D Fire E L LA L D NE AN Station

about the Country Code: S T E B4368 • Take your litter home H I G H S T R E E T Cemetery ST • Close gates behind you GE ID R B River Clun • dogs under control at all times B4368 A488

Post Oce





OO R L U RO H School AD C © Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Council 100049049.2013 VICA RAGE ROAD

D START LLW OA We hope you enjoy this series of walks YN ROAD R ON HT to discover some of the quietest spots in IG KN the Shropshire Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Walk 1: Black Hill 6 When you see a way marker for a footpath; turn left.

7 At the communications mast turn right. The track soon opens out with glorious views Ahead is a fine view of the Caer Caradoc hill fort to the North and above Chapel Lawn. The lane you are now on is East. probably an ancient drover’s track coming down 9 Continue on the lovely wooded track. from the Kerry Ridgeway, over Black Hill into Follow the track to the end of the wood where With the church lych gate ahead of you, 1 Herefordshire. you will come out at Pooh Hall… Clun’s answer continue on the main road and bear left on to Portmerion! to Hand Causeway which runs alongside the churchyard. ! At the junction with the next track, bear left until you reach a lane. Turn right into Woodside. There is a 2 Keep straight on passing The Old Farmhouse steep climb up and Woodside Farm on your right. Church Bank along which Drop down until the lane takes a slight incline; you will see at the junction turn left onto Vicarage Lane. St a lane to the George’s Church is at the end of the lane. left signed ‘Woodside If clear, Bury Ditches can be seen on the other ½ mile’. If you want a short version of this walk, side of the Clun Valley with the Stiperstones in turn left and at Woodside turn left again back the distance. The track forks; take the right hand down to Clun, otherwise continue on the same 4 You will pass Rhos Cottage on your right track down to a junction. lane up the hill. with fine views down over Clun on your left. Also on the right are three distinctive scots pines 8 At the junction, turn left. Keep straight on which mark a stone circle. Not a right of way. past the bridleway waymarker on your right. If you have enjoyed Do not turn this walk, look out for 5 At the next right. You are this book, available cross roads carry now walking straight on following parallel to the locally (£5.95). Walks the byway up to the River Clun range from 2 – 14 forested area in front in the valley miles and are graded of you. below. leisurely to strenu- ous. It includes local Sowdley Wood If you want a shorter points of interest – version of this walk history, archaeology, turn left; and follow wildlife and more. the wooded lane To buy direct see 3 When you reach the Pen Y Wern cross roads, back down to Clun via Woodside, otherwise com/site/clunwalkinggroup turn left, signed ‘Obley’. continue up the forest track. Communication Mast