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El Nuevo Mexicano, 1900-1922 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

2-6-1919 El Nuevo Mexicano, 02-06-1919 La Compania Impresora del Nuevo Mexicano

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La Fuerza Total del ejercito Americano Cuando sssiMilBBWQTgi WBí jWBKmfflSBx&BUFBHuMUH& aBrwBr .. .liSa Se Cree Posible el Se Firmo el Armisticio era 3,703,273; La de Traer Plan en Forma de Tratado antes Fuerza de Rifle era dos para un Alemán en que el Ejecutivo Americano en Noviembre 1 ro Según las Estadísticas Ex- Regrese a Casa, Debido a que lo principal ha Sido muchos pedidas por el Departamento de Guerra. adoptado y detalles han llegado a ser decididos. , 'mS VLfesssss&sLsbaalVlSssstt'S Bjg m Vgy - d MILES DE AMERICANOS ESTABAN EN PRACTICA BALFOUR ESTA ARREGLANDO LAS NUEVAS DETRAS DE LAS LINEAS FRONTERAS DE LAS POTENCIAS VENCIDAS: El 1 1 de Noviembre el Ejercito Americano en Europa se Componía de 80,842 Oficiales y Probable tea Innecesario Tratar Cuestiones de 1,868,474 Hombres mientras que 1,162 Ofi- La Libertad de los Mares o el Uso de Los Sub- ciales y 2 1 ,072 Hombres estaban en Camino. marinos; La siguiente Nota en el Programa es la Convicción de Criminales. Washington, Feb. 5. La fuerza to tal del ejército Americano el illa U de cuando se firmo el -W- twmmmmm e Paris, Feb. 4. Noviembre, ÜE UfpM-'lia V. MS Hoy tuvo varias citas armisticio y cuando el esfuerzo de MEMORIAL mBmfM JO7KC el Presidente Wilson, inejuso entre guerra Americano estaba en la cuspi LOS FUNERALES OE ellas una Visita de los representantes de, era 3,703,273. entre El He de la oficiales j ROOSEVELT PROCLA-PO- Presidente Wilson ha sido objeto demostraciones tumul tosas n todas las ciudades que ha Sociedad Bíblica y visitas de hombres, Incluyendo los marineros B en Europa, pero las expresiones de una Bienvenida festiva en Italia han excedido a todas Iss otras, miembros del congreso del partido re- que estaban con el ejército en Euro el testimonia de testigos oculaaea. El retrato que reproducimos muestra al Presidente como fue LUIS LARRAZOLO publicano, que han llegado reciente- pa. Una tabla estadística expedida ELGOBERIIDOR en Milan. mente a Paris, hoy por el departamento de guerra, El se ha determinado el no da estas fgiueras. permi- EN LAS VEGAS. tir obstáculos que perturben el pro- Incluido en la tabla esta un resu- EMPRES- greso de la comisión a la ha sido men de las fuerzas aliadas PROCLAMA DEL GOBERNADOR EL QUINTO que coparatlvo TERRIBLE DUELO DAMA ODE TIENE .escogida presidente, y la cual a la de las fuerzas Alemanas en el fren-frent- y Tómanos del de Las Presen'e tiene a su cargo la misión de cada co- Al Optic Vegas occidental, por mes, pueblo de Nuevo México: TITO LIBERTAD A CON- los Perfeccionar el plan de Ja creación de menzando 1ro. 1918, siguientes datos de los funerales Abril mostrando Es un rasgo precioso del hu- un "Ka de naciones. El el de Julio vez genio del jovencito Luis tarrazolo, tenidos está por lo que íro. por primera mano, que ama guardar eh A en tanto concentrando su acción la "fuersa da rifle" de loa grato LA DOS aquel lugar el Lunes pasado. en la aliados, los nombres de aquellos que BRAZOS. CLUIR GRAN OBRA ESPOSOS N Periodo excedió la de los Alemanes-- . han "Los funerales de Luis Larrozolo, obra; ?bstante a rendido servicios notables y dis- !CjUe le menoB ae do En la fuerza de rifJe, que es "loe hijo del Gobernador y de la Sra Larra - queda' poco 8e" tinguidos a su país, a fin de que vi- hombres trinche- LIDERS DEL zolo. fueron tenidos hov. el l "mnas' para egresar Washington, que estaban en las van con nosotros mucho EJERCITO ENTRE aitndn se com ras listos1 para subir a la cumbre con después que NOSOTROS, TRIUNFANTES EN cortejo del hogar de la familia Larra eoniaera posible para el gran se despedido de las escenas de Claudio McDowel La Sra. Isabel uu ue en e las bayonetas" el total de los aliados y LAS ANTERIORES CAMPANAS, Glynn zolo en la calle Sur Pacifico a la lgle l' ene la actividad mundial. ríodo sea reportado por la comisión el 1ro de Julio era 1,566,000, compa- THEODORE Hale Chenoweth se SE REUNIERON EN CONFEREN Contrajo su Primer sta de Nuestra Sra. de los Dolores y (Hift ROOSEVELT, vivirá V de sino también se espera que las confe rado con ,412, de los alemanes. en CIA TRAZARON LA MANERA! allí al panteón Monte Calvarlo para siempre la historia de nues- Baten a Balazos EN Matrimonio en en rendas de paz en plena sesión ratif Bl de Noviembre cuando - QUE EMITIRAN EL QUINTO donde fueron sepultados sus restos primero tro país, como una de las mas- gran- quen el a la vez las fuerzas del e hablan Y ULTIMO EMPRESTITO. Ei cadaver llegó el domingo de Ros-Iwel- plan y pongan en enemigo des e ilustres personas, poroue fue el Martes Ano 191 1. la manera ae y la fuerza de la linea del N. M., en el tren No. 10, limpio para que regis- agotado grande no solamente como lugar tre el tratado en el frente reducida, Ja mitad los alia presidente El Quinto Empréstito Libertad está u'onde Luis había estado asistiendo ai tiempo que resta. casi de nuestra república; sino que tam- un doe tenian una fuerza re- llamado a ser el Empréstito Libertad Instituto le sus Existe gran sentimiento aquí de de 1,485,900, Dien igualmente como eluda En 1916 Militar; acompañaban el tratado de dos a uno. grande McDowell es Muerto de la Victoria. Loa bonos serán Conoció a E. pudres, su hermano Juan B. Larrazo que de pas deberla ser per- presentando daño privado, y el trabajo que hizo al feccionado ahora el Del día 1ro da Julio que los Ameri- pueblo Americano para C. le, residente de El Paso; su hermano especialmente que por su país, tanto por consejo como y Chenoweth fue con- Natzer y desde principal proyecto es la de nacio canos continuaron la supe- su proveer ingresos neceiaros para Carlos Larrazolo, residente de Santa liga llegando, por acción y devoción generosa la lo úl- nes, muchos sus rioridad de los aliados continuo cre- y Herido. cluir abra. Por tanto, es el se Fé, y otros miembros de la familia y que de detalles de que nos acordemos Li- luego prendo fuerzas patriota exige timo de la serle de Empréstitos también lo una comitiva construcción han sido adoptados. ciendo sobre las alemanas ae éi con frecuencia; que guardemos bertad. acompañaba que hablan decaído el 1ro de Noviem- en escogida por la cámara del Senado, Arthur J. Balfour, el secretarlo Bri- nuestras mentes el conseio oue El Paso, Tex., Enero 29. en la La cantidad del - será bre a 8 66,000. Cuando la Ayer empréstito- El Paso, Tex., Enero 29. Ayer se compuesta de las siguientes perso- tánico de relaciones extranjeras está grande pre 010 a sus conculdadanos que siguien1 mañana se en la po- fi- en registró pequefia determinada por las necesidades efectuó on la corte No. 65 del distri nas: El teniente Gobernador Benja- ocupado en el asunto de arreglar las slón Alemana fue arrojada la pri- do ese y advertencia nos en Go- - consejo ha blación de Paris, situada en la línea nancieras que se encuentre el to, el falló en un lio con mín F. el de la fronteras territoriales de las naciones mavera de 1918, el enemigo tenia una gamos mas utiles ciudada- - en momento jurado que Pankey, presidente mejores y divisoria de Nuevo México y Arizona bieron el de ser emiti- es A. A. para definldad de aproxima- noa . yugal que verdaderamente curioso cámara Hon. Sedlllo, Clark vencidas, poder prontamente superioridad al Oeste de Hachlta , un verdadero do; pero no será de menos cantidad damente 20 las con sus ribetes de chusco y en el que Gallegos y Callsch; los representan- arreglar los asuntos de paz con el por ciento, figuras por Con este en v duelo a tiros entre dos Individuos lla- que el Cuarto Empréstito Libertad, el de Abril muestran la fuer objeto vista, a fin nue figuran como protagonistas la Sra. tes Bppstein, Aranda y Hunter; Ayu- enemigo, en conformidad con Ja forma primero hagamos propiamente honor a la me mados Claudio McDowell y Hale Che- que fué de $6,000,000,000. Isabel Netzler sus dos establecida. El un --Olynn y esposos dante General James Baca, y Coronel ya .programa entonces za altada de 1,245.000 y total ale noweth, del que resultó muerto el pri- Por que de corre- n . . i r .i moria de aquel eminente ciudadano, período tiempo B. iícitiei y itn. uieilll. José D. se dirljlra al de otras cues- man de 1,569,000. Los alemanes en mero y herido el rán los bonos, la cantidad de Inte Sena, arreglo yo, O. A. Larrazolo, Gobernador del gravemente segundo. Ku 18 Marzo de 1911 tiones que ser contraron ,su máximo el primero de Es el caso que McDowell habla ob- rés la clase de Isabel era Inmediatamente después de la llega quedan para resueltas estado de Nuevo México, esta de- portarán, de bonos una contra- las Li- Junio, con 1,639,000, mientras que las por tenido un pequeño contrato en el ca- el Gobierno son asuntos entonces guapa señorita, da del tren los restos fueron llevados bajo leyes establecidas por la signo que emitirá, matrimonio con H. C. vi- ga de las Naciones. Aún fuerzas aliadas lo alcanzaron el 1ro mino, pero le había vendido la ma- determinados el Se- jo Glyenn a la casa de la familia y mas tarde si fracasan que serán por viendo con él el de los con 1,682,000. EL DOMINGO DIA 9 DE FERERO. quinaria para la del con del de Uni- hasta lo. Febrero al auditorio de la Universidad Normal esfuerzo que tienden a dar conclu de Septiembre, preparación cretario Tesoro Estados de 1916. El se en El de la fuerza de rifle 1919, creto a Chenoweth, pero como necesi dos. matrimonio efeotuó donde estuvieron tendidos de las 3:tto sión al asunto de la Liga de Naciones significado Nueva York. medio sobre la cuál esta basada la tabla, se como día MEMORIAL DE ROOSE- taba de nuevo sus aparatos para cum La fecha de la apertura de la cam- a las 4:30, Luis Larrazolo habla sido por de las conferencias de paz entonces la antes el hace clara por el necno que una aivi VELT, y encarecidamente Invito y su plir con su contrato, se apoderó de paña para las suscripciones al Em- fot aquel Sra. Glynn por algunos años un estudiante de la que presidente Wilson parta due- si itiéndose de re- este es re- slón Americana con una fuerza total pilco al pueblo patriótico de nuestro ellos sin el permiso de su nuevo préstito Libertad de la Victoria no quebrantada salud Normal. para país, considerado por llevándoselos a solvió. cambiar de residencia viniéndo- activos lo da aproximadamente 27,000 do los estado que dediquen ese dia a conme- ño, provisionalmente está fijado aún. Probablemente será Esta mañana a las 8 se celebró una presentantes que principal su casa. se a El Paso y estableciéndose en la ha sido con Jo hombres de guerra es de 12.2"0 rifles morar los conocimientos de aquel en el mes de Abril. Misa Mayor en la de Ntra. asegurado adoptado por la calle Erlen en Highland Park, en don parroquia la entera conferencia en su La tabla del dopartametito muestra tiran Americano, y que se tengan ejer- Chenoweth notó desaparición de El precedente informe tocante el Señora de los Dolores, y a las 9:30 segunda de a poco se reunió su esposo solmne-nient- e el Impetu de laa tropas America cicios religiosos o civiles, en todas las esos obJetoH y se dirigió a la casa de Rmprestlta Libertad de la Victoria tiempo un corto servicio fué tenido en la resi sesión, cuya declaración liga que en en a la haciendo lias para Europa cuando se arrojó la comunidades de este estado en ese discusión que degeneró riña, y dencia de la familia Larrazolo igual legación, que esta la cual McDowell sacando su Km- - V americanas de vida a una ob- no solamente dia, sean religiosos o civiles pistola distrito de la Organización de Ja '5! Ti í'E que en la cuando los resto organización cuyo grande presiónalemana, segunles hizo aen "dnaod0 ? iglesia tuvo éxito de hacer buenas las per parezca propio y conveniente a nues- fuego sobre Chenoweth aloján prestitos y ahorro del Gobierno, del fueron conducidos al Monte Calvarlo jeto principal sea el evitar guerras en dole una bala en el pulmón izquierdo. Décimo Distrito Federal de Reserva. f 9, 1' ruturo dldas de los aliados cada mes; sino tros ciudadanos, asi pro-va- MetiJiL iln .In un número que podamos Este a su vez, echó mano de su B. acompañados por crecido acrecentó la fueras admiración y pisto por el Sr. Lewis Franklin. Mi de El esfuerzo principal de los promo que continuamente respeto por aquel la, e hizo sobre su agresor los de JlXaSVSS... lo. de amigos los aliado que estaban quien dedicó la) de su vi- fuego per de Empréstitos Guerra, del ,, anlBMA tores es eliminar todas ma- de ejércitos mejor parte forándole el carneo de un tiro y ha Tesoro de en una Conducleron el ataúd los jóvenes aquellas actualmente en la batalla da al servicio de su toda la Estado tlnidos, con ella relaciones a terias que no son de vital Importan- país, y ciéndole caer muerto instantáneamen conferencia en el Muehlboch Hotel, que poco poco José Rivera, Felipe Delgado, Filemon No se da el número de centenares humanidad. fueron siendo más cordiales. - cia. Asi esi que esto facilitará que te. Kansas City, el 22 y 23 de Enero. Martinez y Robert Parnell, todos con- de miles Americanos que estaban, en Hecho en la oficina este A algo mas que el esqueleto del proyecto ejecutiva Cuando llegó la policía se encontró Los líder del gran Ejército entre pocos días de conocerlo, la Sra. dlslpuloa y amigos del finado. activa detrás de las líneas. 2ia 1ro de Febrero de 1919, atesti- lo su dlcién-dol- e sea descubierto. Se espera, por lo práctica junto al cadaver de McDowell, el cuer nosotros, los cuales han sido coro Glynn presentó a marido La muerte de Luis Larrazolo ha cau Las por el cuer- guan mi firma y el sello del es- era su en seme- - tanto, que en éste penderán todo lo figuras preparadas gran po agonizante de Chenoweth, quien nados con éxito en los previos Em que hermano y sado a toda la comuni- po mUItar del General Pershing, mos- tado de Nruevó México. esiuvu raímale profundo pesar que es esencial para desarrollar el probablemente a estas fechas habrá nroaHtr. T.lhnrtn1 en el nulmn Día. eliiei, dad Veguense que tan solo el tiem-p- trando la fuerza comparativa de le O. 4. LARRAZOLO, su plan que asegure la paz del mundo suemubido de herida. trito Federa, de Reservo, el cual podrá borrar. Fué nacido y crea- aliados, es como Blgue: Gobernador. McDowell tiene doB hermanos en El 'ntos para las generaciones venideras. Aliados Alemanes do en Las Vegas; era de una dis- Con argumentos abarcan Atestigua: Paso, empleados en la compañía ma Snamado1.0 en ZJT era un tales, que 1ro 1,569.000 MANUEL posición brillante y alegre, y los asuntos mas esenciales, es de Abril ,1.245,000 MARTINEZ, nufacturera Western Woodenware, Jóven tenia un crecido de 1ro 1,333.000 1,600.000 Pa- cuales pertenecía'Z''Netzler, deBde don que número creerse que no hay necesidad de tra- Mayo Secretarlo de Estado. uno de los cuales ya se dirigió a Distrito de la Organización de Km ' 1ro .. .. 1,496,000 T.6S9.O0O raíso el a Clif- de él le envió dinero a la Sra Glynn amigos. tar específicamente el asunto de la li- Junio para acompañar cuerpo prestitos y Ahorros del Gobierno, pa- blaclón a contaer con íro .1,556,000 1,412 000 ton, donde se le dará sepultura; y el ra debatir el trazar la matrimonio él, bertad de Jos mares, el uso de sub- Julio Terrible Asesinato problema y cosa sucedió el 29 de Marzo de 1ro . .1,672,000 1,395,00'' otro se a Clifton para asistir a de pa- que marinos para casos de guerra, esta- Agosto dirigió manera conducir la campaña 1917. Aceitera Explora; Sept. 1ro 1,682.000 1,339,000 En Fria los funerales. ra la suscripción del Empréstito Li- dos de defensa, ni mucho menos el Oct. 1ro 1.594,000 ,1223,00(1 Sangre Chenoweth es hermano de Howard bertad de la Victoria Todo estado Se radicaron alia quedando el "her- Mujer Incendiada. asunto de las fronteras nacionole con mano en El ella, sus Nov. 1ro 1,485,000 868,000 Hace tiempo que los asesinatos y Chenoweth, quien se hito célebre en en el Décimo Distrito 'Federal de Paso, pero según referencia a posibilidades de El 11 de Noviembre el ejército Ame- robos en camino no se los policiacos por que en una lucha Reserva, y prácticamente toda subdl-vicló- demostró ante el Jurado, hlzó varios LA ESPOSA DE UN FLETERO DE real, registra- a a del ricano en Europa se componía de ban con tanto lujo de crueldad en las desigual que sostuvo en Silver City, de distrito del estado, fué re- viajes verlo expensas marido SILVER CITY INCENDIADA A La Idea es que no habrá necesidad a dos hom- número dos. ESTAR de oficiales r 1,868,474 nombres, inmediaciones de Casas Grandes, hace algunos afiOB, mató presentada. La presidente de la MUERTE, AL LLENANDO considerar la cuestión de defensa la Mu- con mientras que 1.102 oficiales y 21,072 mo el ha tenido en el cami- bres y para escaparlo de persecu- Empréstito Libertad de Por último el día 1ro. de Febrero del UNA LAMPARA DE ACEITE. para un vecino que su buen com- que lugar da la unos lo em- de sido hombres estaban en camino en el mar no de Galeana, entre la población ción policía; amigas jeres y la delegación los direc- aña pasado, se trasladó ella defini- portamiento ha asegurado. No en una y lo mandaron a tores Aihorros de Sliver N. M., Feb. 3v La Sra. necesi- Europa. y el Valle de San Buena Ventu- pacaron caja de Querrá también tivamente a El Paso, con su compañía, City, obstante, hay cuestiones que para Nueva OrleanB, poro desgraciadamen- Soledad de Luis Gó- tan El contingente naval en la fuerza ra, a mediados de la semana pasada. estuvieron presentes. vlvendo los tres en santa pat y en la Gímer, esposa inmdlata atención, y parece que 1,002 te la caja se rompió en el camino y mez, un fletero, fué a muer- las mismas han tenido consideración expedicionaria en esa fecha era ni señor Angel Ramírez, un cufia- . misma casa, creyendo Netzler que quemada fué descubierto y traído de nuevo a EL GANADO EN LO 8 ALRREDE-- te sn su el' viernes al explo- Oficiales y ÍI.ÍÍS hombres haciendo do suyo el conductor de un correo Olynn era simple y sencillamente el hogar general. y Silver City, en donde fué juzgado y DORES DE NAM BE EN MlUY rar una sceltera, Incendiando sus son asuntos In fuerza total del ejército en Euro en Jesús Aconta, fueron la hermano de su esposa. Estos en los cuales que viajaban, sentenciado a prlsón perpetua en MALAS CONDICIONE. vestidos y causándole lesiones fata- encuentran: el de los con los qua estaban en camino en' untrados a la orilla del caminó, no tenia en Así las cosas caminaban, cuando el asesamlento pi, hom- penitenciarla; pero esa, les a las cuales sobrevivió unas cuan- causados la las da 2, 004,936 entre oficiales y mi artos a habiéndose se es- día lo. de Noviembre se fué ella a perjuicios por guerra; puñaladas, arriba de cuatro meses, cuando El comisionado de corporaciones tas horas. Ella estaba o llenendo la del uso de Interna- bres. ado el puñal asesino en sus tres de manera novelesca, 8r. recibió durante la se- Douglas, con el de visitar n regulaciones aguas capo huyendo Mlontoya, pretexto lámpara o prendiéndola cuando prin- cionales Igual de las vías A fuerxa total de la expedición que vii Minas, pues se comunica que son a México, sin que Jamás se haya vuel- mana noticias de Nambé la nie- unos acompafíadola Glynn, que férreas; era que parientes, cipió flamean, haciendo explosión las dificultades por el se mando a Siberia en esa fecha muchas las heridas de esta arma, las to a saber con precisión el lugar d ve en veclndldad a pero entonces veclnoB que se afue- presentadas hombres. aquella llegó algunos antes de serle posible tirarla presente estado en se encuentra 2D8 oficíale y 8,806 quo los infortunados viaje- su residencia. tal altura que Imposibilita- el movi- hablan en la ausencia de ab- que presentan enterado, ra. Los médicos dicen que ella el tratado de relaciones entre nacio- ro.; , miento del ganado. Su Informante Netzler de ella eran más veci- que Glynn y sorbió las llamas antes que una nes debido a la el asunto HI Sr. Gregorio Rael compañera de SE FRACTURO EL CRANEO K es una persona que fué a aquel lu- que hermanos se lo hicieron saber al na Antonia sofocar- guerra, y Manuel V. Sslssar, pudiese da la cuestión de obreros como acuer- f.ienas nuestro, ha recibido un ejem- Nuestro suscrlptor Y gar para conducir una partida de ga- marido No. 2, esperó a que ellos las. Le sobreviven a la desafortu- es- TRE8 PARTES AUN VIVÍ, quien do internsclonal. del New York Herald, edición de Ranchos de Taos nos nado a Bernalillo. Tas reses y ove- les sobre el nada cuatro dos plar de regresaran y Interrogó señora niños, de Muchos de los do "Parí, enviada por el Joven Am- cribe que partirá aquel lugar para jas en los alrrededores de Nambé confesando ella con chus- los mas habiendo recibido problemas requlriran 29 el de El Induci- Hermenejildo Rodríguez, empleado particular, psquerlos ser aregla-dos- , brosio Dnrfln, de la Compañía H, estado Wlayoming. están en una condición critica, según ca candidez, que a consecuencia de lesiones si esforzarse sal- largo tiempo para poder edi- lo lleve en la máquina de en Flag- slgunss entre ellos como notable de Ingenieros. La fecha de la miento que a aquel lugar rajar se dice, a causa del frió y la escasez su enfermedad habla perdido la var su madre. figura con- so los altos salarlos. Nos dice staff, fué accidentalmente herido días el determina los actuales perjui- ción es dol 25 de Diciembre y que de pasto a principios del Invierno. a que se le haba que de 150 a $60 el El accidente fué causado grado tal, Or- cios el no ob- felicitaciones de Na- antes eran mes y posados. En las condicione on que se encuen- olvidado era su El joven iperclllano Ramero, de hechos por enemigo, tiene expresiva son de el Le el de una banda la que Glynn esposo el arre- vidad para los soldados americanos. hasta $115 mes. por rompimiento tran no pueden soportar mal tiempo hermano. no tlz, Colo., estuvo en la capital con stante haberse sugerido que éxito alia le va su cual violentamente azotó al Sr. Ro- y no su Olynn este Parte de la edición está en inglés y deseamos buen y en el resto que falta de Invierno. sano, negocios en la oficina de terrenos y glo de asunto se facilitará por Ni'evo Mexicano. y lo derribó de una altura dijo nada, pues esta fuerte y en francés. Bs un periódico drigue sufrió o estado de paso nos visitó el viernes. medio de la adoptación de un cálculo parte como de 14 pies, El cráneo del Ortlz. la lis- pero seguramente ha Interesante. Duran es residente de ftugenlo reportado en me- de la suma en bruto, basada en la iProssdente de Pella Blanca tuvi- 8r. Rodrigues fué fracturado en tres ta de casualidades durante la sema- sufriendo tan enorme pérdida de cedida por la corte del Distrito No 66, Santa Fe. e le había olvi- exsmlnaclón preliminar que ya tienen mos ol gusto de ver en la capital al partes recibiendo además otras he- na, ha sido seriamente herido en moria que también en euya sal se vló ayer al flamante los era su hecha oficiales del ejército. Joven Santiago Aragón, licenciado ridas que lo vinieron a dejar en una Francia. es bien eonosldo dado que ella esposa. Sra, CUynn llevando toad-ví- a BJ1 Sr. Eugenio Netsler, y Existe una manera de resolver este Darlfl Vasquet, de BuC recientemente del vi- IB iherido es o ejército y que condición critica. en la capital y es hijo del Sr. Netzler oenirló a los tribunales en ta mano derecha, los dos sor- problema, y es: creación de varias man, N. M.. nos visitó el Jueves y no a esta eon negocios en la oficina d ele Srs. Aurelia O. de Ro- Ortlz residente del la nulidad de vez precinto pidiendo tijas de brillante piedra, símbolo de remisiones para que trabajen en pro a la nos abonó su aerlpclón. de terrenos. de esta, ciudad numero U. su le fuá con- drigues matrimonio, cosa qu loa dos matrimonió contraído (Pssa a la segunda columns 4) allerarlontt parciales tttbsetuentes te trae t la vida para hacer frente puea d que nosotros expresamos EL NUEVO MEXICANO El IDE LA FATE1A pues, ai e me permita juzgar por a una necesidad urgente, que siam nusítra Atención. Vinieron, como mu propios estudios de alguna de re obre con atención y vigilancia en Cruzados, no solamente para vencer SEMANARIO EN E8PAÑOL aia cuestionen, no se prestan ann a favor de los Intereses de tal nacio en tá guerra, sino para hacer triun- un arreglo firme-- . nes, y que ta sea una far una eaoaa. Yo le toy respon- Publicado todo lo juve en Santa Be, por la Es ptiiaaectia recae ANTA FE NEW MEXICAN PUBLISHING CORPORATION necesario que establezcamos permanencia tan activa, que tus ope- sables porque obre ral, el procedimiento mediante el cual raciones asan operations tan con- enunciar el motivo por el cual lea .al. 'trabajo de etta Conference sea tinuas une no permitan Una interral-ssf- pedí que pelearan, y yo como ellos E. DANA JOHNSON,... A Editor perfeccionado. en su vlgtruuclA y M su ti a-- debo Ber un cruzado para estas co RALPH M. HENDERSON Auditor lNo homo reunido aquí con I ob- bajo; que sea como el ojo de las na- sas, cueste lo que costare, y haré jeto de hacer mudho más que loa ciones para observar y cuidar sus In- cualquier cosa que el honor pidiere, .arréalos qae son necesarios actual-friéiíte- . tereses comanet, un ojo qtte no duer- para conseguir el objeto por el cual con-- I Bl Nuevo Mexicano es 1 tn del Estado da Nuevo Mi- listamos reunldoa bajo me, un ojo que en todas partea es enes pelearon. poílódlóo viejo liciones lico. Se mania a todo laa attafeta Estado, y nana una circulación muy peculiares en la te atento T vigila me. Ceu guato be visto día tras día, Itl rt mundo. Puado ern Y si no eate muy grand antra al puablo Inteligente y progresista del Sudoeata, thwtr, esta Hga la hacemos vira que no estamos tolos en atunto, el punto, que no somos repre- y activa, qué haremos? Frustrare Bino que hay campeones de etta' sentantes de lot gobiernos, sino los mos lat esperanzan de los pueblo causa en todas partes. Solo digo PRECIO OB SUSCRIPCION Í1.00 AL ARO. porque catan rijos sns pensamientos etto para que entendáis por quó, qui No.será lfleíente satisfacer a los en etto. zás, recayó sobre nosotros que esta- Ks - TARIFA DE ANUNCIOS. gobernantes, neoeearlo que satis- Tuve 1a satisfacción de visitar ta mos separado de lae políticas de taRHmos la opinión de la humanidad. rtas naciones desde que vine a eate este gran Continente y del oriente, Inserción EB Per pulgada columnar, cada ttc peto de esta, guerra ha caldo de lado del mar, y siempre que la voz el que esta es la llave del Inserción 10o sugerir Notlolas sueltas, por linea, por juna manera especial sobre toda la de la mayoría del pueblo me llegó arco y per quó se le ocurriría al Avlaoa Lagalea, por linea, cada tamaña . .05o noblncldn de las naciones imperiales. medíanle tus representante, a tua generoso corazón de vuestro Presi Arito Clasificado, (da ocasión) por palabra 01o Vo me es necearlo decu,brlr cúroo súplicas precedía la esperante de la dente', nombrarme para dar comien la carga ha aldo puesta datde el Uga de las Naolone. zo a esto debate. No es porque no fíente sobre los obre Enterad at Second Clat Matter at the Postotflce at Santa Fa, New Mexico andanas, lat gPf10rPe. ,as clases Reléelas de.Ja sotros solos representamos esta ldei, obre los s mujeres, swrt ios niños y humanidad, ya no son los goheroan-noasre- sino porque es nuestro privilegio del inundo y cq- - l0fi hu- con vosotros al represen- ParlMIca Oficial del Condado do Sandoval. len ne o1ta. intereses de la mo tt vwdadew presión de la manldád están on las manos de la tarla. i ra se. ha sentido donde, I ojo del gBnte 1Iana áe todo e mundo. Dad- - lie procurado en lo que be dicho, GREGORIO MARTINEZ w miuit, ijiu milium ei es satisfacción, y habréis Justifica daros las fuentes del entusiasmo que o su confianza, y no sólo esto, tino hay en nosotros por esa cosa, pues Gregorio, hijo de la Sra. Josefa M. 1918. Martinez es uno de los Jov que habréis establecido la pat. Da-- , esas fuentes brotan, me parece a mi, er usa los Martinet y del finado Vicente Mar- citot Neo Mexicanos que le etills pat que baga seguro, Jtd de satisfacerlas, y ningún arre-- j de todoa lot males añejos y de las ros recomiendan estos a tinez de'íteet Uis Vegas, fue muer- ron voluntarlo el 8 de Octubre pueblo glo que establecerá o sosten-- 1 simpatías de la humanidad, y el s hagáis - 1919. sido i to- JUEVES, FEBRERO 6 DE to en acción en los campos de ba- 1917, y tan solo contaba la edad que ha posible para la paz mundial, razón del mundo parece latir con sobrellevar la carga porque eS- - ue talla en ftancia, el 22 de Octubre, 19 año a la hora de su muerte. Podréls imaginaros, me parece a aa energía para la consecución erahan que aquellos que los re r , , . este aran -ohieto niMMrtitHin . ,mM.n A cuales senil ius Htjiiumieuiu y, 08 l0" a''8 represen-semejant- e . la guerrs v harían que un sacrificio íJf .con. Los no fuese ya necesario en Pena Pesacía a ndelsnt !yan es'e 8ran J"'?.Mft. Te una las Naciones. La consideramos co Tahúres. Hay, pues, obligación solemne me la nota del de nuestra de hacer perma- dominante conjooto y parte, nuestros Ideales en esta a A continuación el tex- nentes loa la a guerra, y publicamos arreglos para que cual las naciones ado- sea administrada y ta sos. asociadas ban to del proyecto de ley que prohibe paz como la base de un tenida. ptado arreglo. los Juegos, presentado en la cámara - ttete aues-V- 'SI volvemos a los Bstndos Unidos es el objeto principal de de Representantes por el Sr. AV. E. reunion sin Hiaber hecho todos los esfuerzos 9 lis arreglos podrán Blanchard, Powhatan Carter y Geo. ser temporales; pero la acción de las posibles para realizar nuestro pro- naciones en pro de la paz y de la grama, volveríamos para recibir el Howard: con- Justicia deben ser permanentes. Po-- ! merecido desprecio de nuestros denlos establecer procedimientos ciudadanos, pues son un cuerpo que UNA ACTA Que prohibe los jue- quitás rap podamos llegar constituye una gran democracia aue gos. a decisiones permanentes. espera que sus jefes hablen, y espe- la del Es- iPor consiguiente, me parece que ra que sus representantes sean sus Decrétese por legislatura r tado de Nuevo Mixteo; en cuanto podamos debemos repre-isents- servidores. al mundo. No menos iiitelectuataiente podemos de obedecer tu de lD una pero con el entu- Sección 1. Todas y cada una circunstancia alarmante, mandato; mayor o di- por templo, que los descu- siasmo y recibimos sus órde- las personas que trate, juegue, grandes placer se o AVISO IMPORTANTE. brimientos de la ciencia, que los nes; y porqué esta es la nota domi- rija u ordene que abra, dirija estadios de hombres en nante de todo el nos hemos como dueño, propietario o emplear tranquilos plan, o no. cual- isus laboratorios, que lo desarrollos comprometido a dedicarle toda nues- do, ya sea para arrendar 'razonados aue se linn licclin en In tra como también debe- quier Juego de faro, monte; ruleta. Todas comunicaciones energías, "con las cartas, y ordenes de las aulas universi mos hacerlo coda una de par- Juego de naipes, juego de naipe tranquilidad por sut o tarias hayan sido convertidos ahora tes Integrantes. No quisiéramos dis- opción a descarte y robo, cualquier asi como giros postales, deberán hacerse a la en instrumentos de destrucción de minuir otro Juego de banca o baraja, dados ninguna parte del programa sea la cfvllltacióp ? Las tuerzas destru- que forma las instrucciones que trae- o de cualquier ihvento, ya que New se dinero efectivo, che "Santa Fe Mexican Publishing Corpo- SILAS TAFO YA ctoras nó han aumentado tahto outn-t- mos; no nos es posible comprome juegue por u otro artículo de valor. lian aumentado tas facilidades de ternos a considerar cualquier cosa qnes, crédito; . , no a nombre de da Knibudo, donde nació Escuela Normal del enmn imorlnv oef. no rtel mnnitn I Será considerado CUipaDie UB mal ration," y personas particu- Nativo Estado en Silver aplicarla. con el 12 de diciembre de 1894, Bilis la. fin etta actitud de este prlnci- - proceder, y al ser hallado culpa City, desempañaba ardua y noble justicia, se lo una lares, desde esta fecha en adelante. Tafoya. hijo de la 3ra. Inez El. Lu- taren de de escuela en vencer tenia en sus de pto: que no somos nosotros los amos en dicha ofensa, impondrá profesor el templos no excédale $60a de mu) cero, enlistado en Dlxori, y muerto de Rio seflans de loa centros prin-qu- de tos pueblos; sino que estamos pena que Arrjba al algunos ta o én la caree del condado da heridas en Francia, segün ;el Bo- respondió el llamado de su pa IclpaleB de estudio científico y 'des- aquí para que todos los pueblos) del prisión mundo sus que no exceda de seis meses, o am- letín Oficial, el H de septiembre, tria, uniéndose al contingente de a--1 cubrimientos, y los usó para hacer la puedan escoger Jefes y fa- como no- bas, multa y prisión, a la discreción 1918. Su padre fu Julio Tafoya, quel condado en el pueblo de Bspa- - destrucción .pronta y completa. Y gobernar sús destinos, no lesión a no ser que bt inducimiento i del la cauto. Sale el Sr. llecido cuando Silas tan solo tenia ñola el 26 de Alifrii de 1918. sólo la atenta y continua coopera- - sotros deseamos, sino como ellos de- Juet que juzgue Hughes. de salarios sean présenta-floa-. to- mejores nueve afle Su madre es la El Joven Tafoía fué don de los hambres sean. Sección 2. Toda persona que herido én la puede proveer couas til sábado próximo parado salió el Sra. Inez Komoro de que cabeza el 14 de ' Para que tanto la ciencia como los en hacer lere o prmita cualquier de las 1.a Asociación de Educación Na- Lucero, 'Septiembre, durante Estamos aquí, fin, para conside- Sr. Tom Hughes como superinten- casó con el Sr. Francisco la ofensiva de st. hombres armados se conserven al las causas fundamenta-la- s prohibidas por, o qué son cional considera el bajo salarlo de después Mjhiel, y falleció desaparecer la dente de la penitenciarla. Con mo- Lucero de Uixoii, padrogtro .del Jo- en el hospital inas uantas hará servicio de la civilización. de la guerra que fueTon; la vo- radas de culpabilidad por prece- maestros el mas grande problema - ser o per- destia nos dice el Sr. Hughs que ven. A la édad de siete años, acom- Bl 1$ Je octubre un servi- Hasta cierto- los Estados luntad de un corrillo de dente sección, de ejecutada que afecta á la educación y por lo después. punto gobernantes ta- él no fué hecho ser alcalde. a sus a Las Cruces don- cio . s l uidos están en civiles y de mitida en cualquier cosa, cuarto, para tanto esta fe- pañó padres canmemoratit-- se celebró en mjuios Interesados oficiales: la agresión Sea como él se ha conducido abogando por la ayuda a la escuela de la misión. las - ller, edificio, o propiedad, o lugar fuese, de atendió Drxon. El Cuerpo de Servicio His- esté apunto, que otras naciones potencias grandes contra las peque- - ' si- deral que a todos los pose- muy bien y ya sea que no haiga para garantiza íins tarde pasó a la Escuela Mm nal tórico ha recibido de ma- aue ehtán aquí reunidas. Con su la retención mediante 1 fuer ipertenedente a él, o a cuy maestros de escuela un salario mí- la aflijlda flB; ser consi- do hecho para el desempeño de la de Albuquerque y después, de gra- dre un tributo en idioma gran' territorio y con sus extensas za militar en imperios a subditos clones él está intitulado, , nimo, que facilite la vida cómoda- españpl que v de una penitenenn-rlfa- en institución en 1916, su costas, es menos pu- no el de derado culpable de mal proceder, superintendencia mente. Si las escuelas en los dis- duar aquella demuestra gran ímtrlotlsmo y probable que que querían serlo; poder a nosotros tan solo nos queda fué "maestro de escuela en 1 de amor con su dieran sufrir. Y el anhelo de los Es- grupos a sh al ser hallado con culpa en dicha tritos rurales sufren por la Impos- precin- para héroe pequeños que capricho una decir que él llevó una administra- to de su hogar. Ea 1917,lngresA a la hijo. tados Unidos, porque es tm anhe- manejaban a los hombres como peo- ofensa, se le Impondrá pena ción humanitaria y ibilidad de poder obtener maestros lo que no exceda $100 de multa o pri- limpia, honesta, sus hondo y sincero el que tienen de nes en un juego de ajedrez. firme. 8u administrasión fué la húbiles para la conducción de (Por cortesia""del Servicio del Cuerpo Histórico de Nuevo Mexico) ia de las no es un sión en la cárcel del condado, que escuelas. la a la iLiga Naciones, Nada menos que la emancipación de un hombre y nosotros tda nacón sufre del o de no exceda de 90 días. capa., es- deso que brota temor la del mundo de esta condiciones es- vez. Siendo tal el caso, bs de l no esperamos oír la más mínima sino un deeen ardiente Sección " Será el deber apa-cla- el federal aprensión, tablecerá la paz. Podéis ver que qupja de maltarato en ella ni tam- perarse que gobierno ro a la ética de Industria y el Inter- minaoión de las 'organizaciones exis- que emana de lo ideales que esta los del fiscal de distrito, alguacil a levantar el sistema educaciol-n- a representante de los Estados poco ningún abuso político durante cambio." tentes de reglamentación internacio- guerra ha hecho prominentes. Unidos nunca se verán en el com mayor, condestable, mariscal de pue- a una altura elevada, igual que Im- la misma. T. Hughs no es esa clase Entre las opiniones más corrlep' nal sería mi acto de increíble entrar en los blo o ciudad, igual que todo oficial a Uní-Ab- Al esta guerra, Esta promise de escoger el camino- que de chimin Kl a la institu- le enta dando ayuda especial los tes que existen en los Estados prudencia. Pero con una tal solícitamen- trajo sis- agencia dos Unidos ni por un momento pen- la conveniencia, porque les de policía, de informar y rancheros, ignal que ayuda el acerca de la de naciones en- la indique 1 cuat ción a un grando tan conveniente liga para reglamentación del intercam- saron que estaban interviniendo en han sido trazadas las sendas malte te procesar toda persona de como tonto la comuni- tema de irrigación y otro sinnúme- te critico norteamericano dlstinguo bio entre las con funcio- eontlde-rarl- posible para ro naciones, la política de Europa o la política de rabies de los principios. Y, gra tenga prueba slflclente de de Industria. dos de Individuos: unos que nes la I dad pública como para los convi- grupos definidas y autorizadas por Asia, o la de otra cias estas a- - culpable de violación de las una de na- cualquiera parte a Iios, vías han sido cto, poniendo gran cantidad de su opinan por liga negativa conferencia de Paz, surgirá inmedia- del mundo. El domi- como las líneas de previsiones de esta acta. DOS ASPECTOS DE LA LIGA otros creen en la un pensamiento ceptadasi arreglo energía en el asunto. ciones y que liga tamente nuero tipo de gobierna nante era que todo el mundo Juzga- por toaos los hombres de Sección 4. Todo oficial menciona- DE NACIONES. El Sr. define N6 principios Kl Sr. 'Hughes sigló loe pasos de constfüctiva. Dewey Internacional. sería ilógico supo- ba, que había una sola causa de elevados que han Intervenido tt el do en la sección que asi los dos ner una vez una Ins- precedente John McManues. qut fué la misma tipos: que establecida justicia y de libertad para todo los comienzo de este gran asunto. o voluntariamente tolere o no "Ujja liga de naciones que tenga titución de esta clase se trataría de clase de uperintendenle. Durante Kl filosófo norteamericano' John hombres y para todas las naciones. Espero, señor Presidente, que cuan participe o procese a los ofensores te- como olieto el mantener la utilizar! muchos otro estas dos administraciones hemos Dewey. hace notar en un articulo pu- principal para fine Por tanto, los Estados Unidos pen- do se confianza se de etta acta será considerado culpa- medio de un mecanismo le une no sepa, y tengo que - nido una de las mejores prisiones eu blicando en el "New York Dial" la paz per estuviesen expresamente esti sarían que la parte que tomaron en hemoa ble de mal proceder, y al ser halla- de controversia y sería en su acta- - fundación. sabrá, que adoptado el prin- el oeste tanto en conducción como sustitución de la 'aliada" gal litigio pulados de Su la guerra fué en vano, si sólo resul- la de do con se le impondrá una palabra una Institución Idlnllsta y netamente misma cipio de Liga las Naciones, y culpa, en administración. Ahora esta la "asociada en las utilidad para la solución de taran abortivos europeos. a no exceda de SÜOn de para! por palabra académica. .Funcionaría bien du-- arreglos que estamos resueltos desarrollar pena que nuestro amigo don Fidel Ortiz el i manifestaciones públicas del jos problemas esenciales consignados Creerían que no podrían tomar parte ese en mulla o nrislón en la cárcel del con rante los periodos de recuperación en su constitución o principio ponerlo práctica, o que no tan sólo imitara gidente Wilson, y ve en ello una ley orgánica en garantizar esos arreglos europeos, alcanzaremos con te solo, gran par- dado que no exceda de 90 días, lo y reposo, pero sucumbiría cuando haría natural que ensanchara a sus predecesores sino que liara indicación del espíritu constructivo tus si la garantía no incluyese la Inten- te del peso y cuidado que oprime los por ambas, multa y prisión. Or-qu- e tuviese que enfrentar y resolver pro- funciones conocer de otraB com- posible para superarles. El Sr. anima a la actual adminístr- para ción continua y dominóme de soste- corazones de los hombres en todas Sección a. El 110 do la blemas de expansión nacional y la cuestiones de Capítulo ate tiene una oportunidad brillante. c16n en relación con el gran proble-E- l plicadas importancia ner la paz riel mundo, mediante la partes. sección de de la sección regu - distribución de los centros de leyes Gobernador I.iMTazolo lo ha esco- ma mundial. 1.a "alianza", poder internacional. Liga, de las Naciones del mundo. del esta palabra efectivo. Kn sí misma.tal "151 de' la Estamos reunidos para un asunto lar de la tercer legislatura ;(la por hoberio considerado capezMCe e) célebre norteamerl-d- e organiza Tribunal Haya, institu Por me a mí México todas las 6 pensador ción no otra cosa la ción al consiguiente, parece muy singular. Cuando ando por las da de Nuevo y desempeñar esa qfletna igual qne cano, tradlolonal idea representa que dedicada arreglo de los dls de con "sugiere la' confirmación de la del "e- - que debemos emplear nuestro mejor calles de la ciudad, en todas parte iras actas v parte actas que sus El Nuevo México ae una estadOB política putas' internaciontles. al depender y la irre.- - predecesores. combinación entre de de talento en hacer de esta Liga de las veo el uniforme americano. Esos tiendan con la anterior por de una bien e con qullibrio poder las potencias" ser el órgano de una corporación hóy exige penitenciaria soberanos independientes un Naciones una cosa vital, un ser 'que hombres entraron en la guerra dea- - ente quedan abrogadas. v ello se necesita ue contra exista en momento dado, ternaclonal de carácter positivo y para uf,e8 defensa o agresión una de naciones que lleve con estado o combinación de Pero organización tendencias constructivas como lo se- etltotr estado, Como resultado de lai la ardua tarea. McManues y "asociación" da la Idea que surgiera rja j de Naclónes, no Serla Hnghesjia paiBbra diarlas de la humanidad h0 v u, se ganaron el respeto y la confianza a,, cooperación para la realización de artificial en sua efectos como lo Vuelven a su desde los de bata lia en Francia en lo rercrente & ios an el como se ha--! Hogar campos del pueblo por medio de su método, ideales comunes, denota una orgn-- prooiemans Ps actual tribunal tal v obreros y la na nosotros no dudamos que el Sr. nización m&u eficaz de la htimanl ilion (lelos obtención hoy constituido. Tal institución de materias para la rbconos- el m4smo OrMs hará Igual. Bn realidad lidnrt Iraca perfeccionar sns relaciones prima dpsenrpoflarJa napel entre' fl ucción de un raunno nevasiaun. melones que los tribunales do i tiene lo oportunidad de íiistinoar el intercambios ...... i in, . I q - sie modo una institución mésticos un Juicio exm-eand- por el gobernador. "Todos los estadistas y pensado- de nafa desempeñan al. II letii in a uioiiacion y el mejor.,,,. ,Pi mnniln" cniillnrta el r '"" " -n msuivrr ios conincioH ne interesen de Ho del si todo en les de la humanidad y proveyera internos.' deseo pueblo newey, "pueden ser c.laslflcandos - sua esfuerson son los medios para satisfacerlas, se ha- ... empleados patal)OH grupos, asi: aquellos que una vez forma- - a la a la altu-!,B- s protec-r- ría (an Indispensable L APRESURARA peniteclarla 8n negativos de cómn eT pBEÍt,DENTE fe--- en que se encuentra, que lo y da que seria dilicil concebir "r igual clóneotitra ndligros nornunes, ; L L DE LAB en mundo midiera marchar presclndlen-- r '"ACIONES; moer que progrese canfortntdad awioU en ternilmw pe- ' que pieman FACIL TERMINARAN PRONTO .SasHL ?6í i'm rón los tiempos. tiltivos de asociación pra la reali HHL wriii: sfjtt'- zación de comunes.. .Ca La guerra próxima pasada, según v v icrte ae m A día uño que transcurran en lo opinión' de Dewey, ha creado una! pronora; M. Y Uf? ue maestros. ,0 yja ma ante los "Ra de naciones del segundo tipo. . pt,t,,ne i Imh (tnit otri rla nrorroku nal de r conl'ei. eii ioJob del mfiflftn nnn Ir one fllsl n- - lu nmif ' r.i mus u"' o- -- .. , wlllnn de loo Ka una verdad míe no wreslta "r lu" o - "T ? """ ir de asnear carbón tome- p,,i(l(e - set qne taMsta. le la actual es demostrador- que la próxima ptsada miioranr ia ejecución ac rrs acerolos. ,n 0 época W"""r" rtie1 convencimiento que- tiene de que. guerra Un revelado la Importancia espeia. , dentro de las condiciones de luvMn capita! de. las empreans industriales DISCURSO DEL PRESIDENTE resiles que: a ia píeseme n; moderna, no podrá hallarse una aile comerciales ami en la conducción WILSON. rO,C'0fl vacancias en nuestra fuerza ,,,laoa protección para los Intereses; do las operaciones militare. Por nacional ue mto's.ros. n.11 como, un- ,., universal a menus que lo gíineral no se reconoce que es et IDO 1.a Bevlata Católica) dad con la atienda federal de edu no , adopte una ppUtfbs bajada en ta suprotr.iKfu de las cuestiones eco- - caefta MO.ouO niños en las oooneruclón Ae intereses que afi- nómicas la que ha uun Señor Presidente; eeu..)pes producido las rnrnlés estarán lh profesores ;fion u lB ,.,. nlBíia , illiman Ul Jid 'lea (c naciones en un lodo dlallnin te. a ser Ins Invierno, no que señoras v (U0 por lo tantH ,, tomunB de la couiblnaeirtii ( oucehlda por los Considero que os un privilegio muy casadas, que en una época fueron Elto ,.,.0 g9plt que un sis rarliilurlci de una llgu Uaaudu excl'i-s- l que se me hace, al per- v maes- ,,,. distinguido,! maestras de escuela, otros Pla ,caa y actividades que s viniente en priuoUiJos jurídicos. mit, rme uhrlr la discusión de esta se - retirados la vida privada, n.CBin .lu or,.Pnl,,s modernas Se Todos les día los "Gobierno asocia ''onl'ereni'in sobre n l ipa do las Na- les iiidiisea n que regresen ni cuano rnnierclo e industrie eal.1 suallfi dos" tienen que resolver conjuiitn ciou"s. Non Iiciiio; reunido para dos de escuela. Ksta es un problema i ,.ntiUno orden de cosan nilPimente nrolilntnas relativos n la dll- - oMotos: liara harior los arrcElos ac- c.Iontl de vital Importancia. Acato ipnm el c de In márint '"s diales que la lia hecho necc- - , ,hu y despreciaba erclpl irpbuclón mwcanle, guerra leaiiss ei piiKiiio io que m-- y ia industria y debe ifna primas, aiiinenlos. dinero y sanos, y asegurar la Bolo se ipaterjas tauililénpara do ésto? No tan lamenta alnla 0Xagerada n las reglas de dies eiodllo efe. Nadie que oblerve la paz del mundo, no solamente por los ln la escasez de maestros - - presente ,,,, v,.,, una política basada et 'situación culdadosuuientu cree jue avroglos actuales sino también nje- "l" l"" resultado y consecuencia n oxoluelyamente en qpiioontoa de 'osles problemas aeran menos cíe di ante las dlHPUsidones que haremos qm ests traerá en el futuro, dignidad, honor, agresión y defensa. cíales detomSt do firmada la tsa unta conferencia, para sostener Is lis evidente la r7.6n de la presen-- : Nn punde ccnslrierarte nunn un el contrario, ellos ndqulrlríin i.,ma- - r.a. te ecan t. Mucho maostro tnfire- - cldento que la y en muchos cacos, pirns l.a l.iga do laa Naciones me paro . - nprehn saron al cjén-lto- otros, particular Vlón de este pi inotvio haya ido .existir;! e Ilumínenle peligra de una en necesarln para estos dos objetos. ni-- , mente mujeres, lus onules de los Kalndns ílnfdnt, un tft i ompeteucln ruinosa enlre las unirlo Hay inuchus ciiestlonoa otunplicadas. an la mayoría de nnettras de s- - debido n sn posición geog y ties que ahora se hallan eoullfiudai relacionada con el arreglo actual, cuela, han Ido llevadas a polcto - su rieculiar 'nvoliic4ft hlslí lia! raí fuerza de la necesidad. SurglMn nh quo quizás no podramo reuolvur - lo-- , . ven net on la vida de negocias nompan 'escapado Por nmpl'-i- a las nuevos problemas reHirHonído con terminantemente en las- conclusiones Pe .regreso de los campos tie ba talla de fruiu-la- oslan ro iresando. du el grabado qua puHloanio se nnt. mm smmrlores sslarioa. Mu- nan qüe requieran el inatite tío ta disminución dé ls mano de obrn. e is cuales llegaremos Ulen puedo alguno do los soldados del Tío Sam el. muy felice, incluí en io al May0r Charles mines, de Salt Lake City, dha d etta no os posllüe. cape d un cottwrlo a ni dn d di-- , de i.niiiiiradón y de pmilucnon pura ciileinler oue algunas de Ins dcc.l- - ..i tuiwiii. iii;l u e municiones cincuenta y ires. ICI tren estaba compuestm en u maona - - rar el que ragreatn a su antigua y se ha contogrnclo por ente- lg ox portación. La reducción o cll- inareinos necesitara. .(je soldados de California y Texas. ... f VI .. . iv&m l!,.... I,.. i.. WEEKLY SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN TUL. .iU. Jl ). .ill. SANTA FÉ NEW MEXICO. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1919 $1.00 PER YEAR



- Military Intervention on Letters Read During English Export Embargo Pomerene Attacks Hinesj a Larce Scale Is Cross-Examinati- Hits United States, it rosition; rroperties Unthinkable of Mr. Veeder Is Declared Are Valuable POWERS DOING SWIFT LAWYER CARNEGIE PEACE CANT KEEP ISSUE ALL POSSIBLE ROASTS HENEY! FUND ATTACKED OUT OF ELECTION Leased Wire Wire Peace Won't (By to New Mexican.) (By Leased to New Mexican.) (By Leased Wire to New Mexican ) Congress Washington, Feb. 5. Letters read Washington, Feb. 5. Democrats Washington, Feb. t. Senator Pom- Be In at com- - Dilatory today the senate agriculture and In the senate erene, of Ohio, at a hearing today mldPA'a hnorlntr l:i mftftl Innatpn I..,, republicans today lolned ln crlticlsln8 the ew British before the senate interstate com- Finishing Job isiation disclosed that President WII- - merce commission, told Director son on and made a personal Investigation last embargo imports calling General Wines he could not under- By Leased Wire to New Mexican.) of protests against the fed-- tion to the effect it would have on AMERICAN PIONEER TROOPS CROfiSJNfiTHE RHINE. AT COBLENZ stand why the director general aria reo. b. military mterven- - eral trade commission's conduct of the American industry. V should ask congress to turn over to tion in Russia on a large scale is not to be Arth-o- f pacKing inquiry anu inrormed Louis f.i the discussion that (him for five years the management thought of, declared Swift that he was convinced that During followed, valuable ur J. Balfour, the British Senator Reed of tremendously properties "foreign "there would be no warrant for his Missouri, democrat, in order to permit him to work out secretary, in closing an interviesv interferring with the judgment and attacked the Carnegie peace founda- some plan of reorganization not yet which he granted the newspaper cor- action; of the commission." tion activities abroad and questioned America Had Near 4 fully formulated. respondents here last night. The were During cross examination of Henry its and declared it should be He suggested that it might be great powers doing everything loyalty better to turn the railroads back to they considered could be done, Veeder, counsel for Swift and Com dissolved. Senators Knox of Penn- pany, by Fnmc i J. Heney, Mr. Veeder private owners, have the govern- however, he said, ln dealing with of wJiat he characterized as " most read various letters written by Louis sylvania, republican, and Ashurst Millions Under Arms ment compel consolidations and get a V. Swift to officials In Arizona, democrat, joined in the at- the benefit of private initiative pend- disquieting situation." government lAs to the work of the eluding the president, tack. ing a final solution of the entire general protesting LASATER SAYS IN railroad peace the secre- - against methods of thetrade commis- Senator Weeks of re- question. conference, foreign Massachusetts, Mr. in exclained declared all haste was sion. He read the from Sec and Senators Lewis of Il- Hines renlv thatitary possible following publican, When Hun Surrendered he was not five being made to settle upon the peace rptnry under date of linois, Smith of and Reed advocating a year! Tumulty February Georgia, extension aa a means of terms. He was led to this statement 27, 1918, to the to of Missouri, led ln pro- working replying appeal democrats, ATTACK out a but by a question from one of the Inter-t- o the president: tests against the British permanent solution, only embargo. give time ln which congress might viewers, who said: "The president has asked me to ac- Senator Weeks said he did not U. a reform "There is much talk ln the peace Total Strength of S. Army When Armistice was develop comprehensiveI knowledge for him the receipt of your charge that the embargo was aimed plan. conference about various problems, letter of February and to say that im- against the United States, but Sena- Allies' The railroad administration he such as the society of nations. Do tor LewiB 3,703,273; Rifle Two be-th-e mediately upon its receipt he looked remarked that a majority Signed Strength Ran Food Service to said, had no authority to vou not think your real task is Into the matter about which you wrote of articles listed are manufactured in to German's One. on November 1st; Statistical railroads and suggested that tHiefore everything else, to impose peace him ln careful Inquiry of the federal the middle west. The Illinois sena- Suit Themselves at continued government control woul.1 conditions upon, Germany?" trade commission as to what the tor said the action might bring on be of an Interim intended to After a moment's reflection. Secre- just a Tables Issued War nature, character and process of the present trade war. by Department stabilize conditions pending a final tary Balfour replied: investigation are. "I invite the attention of British of- Dollar a Year solution. "One can evidently criticise with- "The him ficials to the delecate he (By Leased Wire to New Mexican.) Senator (Pomerene said he did not out limit the methods of work we inquiry haa convinced that situation," Feb. 5. there would he no warrant fnr hlu In. continued. Washington, The total believe the railroad question could have adopted, but rather than ans with the "While the President Is in France strength of the United States army on GERMANY LICKED be kept out of tho presidential elec wer criticisms, I would raener teil terfering Judgment and at November 11, when the armistice was DAMAGE tion of the commission. battling for the principles our coun AWFUL tion under any circumstances. (Mr. you that the fact that the problem of try reels are necessary, one of our signed and when the American war Hiñes agreed, but argued that the the society of nations has been own was 3.703,278 ln ham-e- n before of encelas been caused Swift and Com art,8 takes a course to create BATTLE-FIEL- DONE COUNTRY aeltatlon resulting up that peace, properly P. D rerlng phvsical operations of the In no way signifies that r,ne on with the In roads would be less if the of gov- - the settlement of our accounts with is probable that the the United, corps duty army end significance Europe. A statistical table made pub- - ernment control did not Impend so the enemy will only come afterward, uiawv ui mo nicin t ofles ti apparently irreve llc tbe war i (By Leased Wire to New Mexican.) nearlv. He also that con- - The mechanism of the commissions Innf whifh tho inmwiiBalnn Tina . Senator Weeks said that the em- - t0lay by department gives agreed Feb. 6. Edward C. cress would be able to work out. we have Instituted permits the con- out in its Is J1"?0? PurBOB was to build up y mis iigure. Washington, evidence, will, it hoped. Not Due Blockade Nor with the under e current of several pre-wa- r e of live- 'legislation roads study questions. lnU8try to its normal con-th- Included in the table is a compara- to Lassater, former chief the appear in the final report of 'a? management, although perhaps "Let public opinion be reassured. . tive statement of the of allied of commission." strength to stock and markets division the not so well The to the confer- and German forces on the western Revolution, Says as under government delegates peace Mr. Veeder criticised the 8ald food administration continued his at- control and for this reason advocated ence have no intention of employing vigorously Mr'wLifti front by months, beginning April 1, methods of the re- Ji0""7 rever8e Expert tack on the food administration to- tflie at an dilatory methods. They are using trade commission, f 1918, showing that on July 1 for the relinquishing properties the that the com- date if the five year extension all their energy and skill to attain iterating charge packers if?' first time the allied "rifle strength" day before the house Interstate early were not to were not allowed. as soon as possible tbe Just peace to given an opportunity to be ZVZCnfZZjeZtion to our domeñe "r": exceeded of the (By Leased Wire New Mexican.) merce commission, asserting that the aHairs and that Germans. Feb. 5. Via Montreal Senator Kelloirg of Minnesota drew which the whole world aspires. own commm-V- " Iindon, policies of Administrator Hoover had ' tect our In rifle Strength Whlph mojina man idea col- is their one sole " Any that the Germans final been determined for him the five from the director general a statement That aim, their uo you claim tuat In to-g- by you produced the discussion Senator Reed re- standing in the trenches ready wás due to revolution or which rail- ambition." any witness at who was ferred to lapse solely leading meat packers and carried out of loans and advances the any hearing pacifist movements in! over the top with the bayonet," the to blockade Is scouted ln an article road administration had Feb. 5. President WJlso.i uo x' i by employes of the packers serving previously Paris, .Luocu mc Usui, iu uchiu: aimed Anuo mm auout six years allied total on 1 was 1,556,000 in Frankfort the mili- a fore- Mr. jngiana July the Zeltung by the government for a dollar a year. "Ot made public. had conference during the Heney. ago, and declared the Carnegie foun- - with 1,412,000 for the Ger- Paulus. noon with and did compared tary writer, Major "When Mr. office to December 31, the railroad ad- Premier Lloyd George "We not bring any witness to dation had branches in every coun-an- y mans. Hoover took the Up A. "General Ludendorff was 0 J. Balfour, the British foreign in which ! that were beaten," he assumed the of ' rep- ministration had) paid as rental hearing you partid-- try "jointly conspiring to 1 responsibility control On November when the enemy's says Paulus, "when he commenced all Mr. Lasater and owed the roads for 191 S secretary. pated," replied the witness, "to submit the policies of these z resenting interests," countries." reserves had been and to retreat to the Antwerp-Met- line, After his conference with the them to all the crooked 1 " not he exhausted his said, "but he never did; he protected $381,000,000. This took Into consid Inferences nesitate," continued, "to front line about for tills line could not have been British loaders and prior to the - strength reduced by the the in- eration loans of $194,3X7,000. Includ- made by you." question the loyalty of any organlza- held. Neither flank was In milling interests, packing of the supreme council this 'ion that in half, the allies bad rifle strength of secured. terests and the feed inter- ing $125.817.000 from the meeting "But had to N. Hur-- 1 sits thfi United States - compound revolving the President devoted the you gone Edwin 1,485,000, of up- the north the Dutch frontier left no afternoon, and Ger-i- representing odds ests, but he disregarded the fund and $69,000,000 from re- chairman of the trade commission ay conspires with a lot of room retreat. . entirely, operating time to a study of the peace mans wards of two to one. for interests of the and the con- private 1916, and discussed with him the Swdes, Hungarians or English producer ceipts. problems on which he is engaged. to out Froni 1 as the Americans con- In the center Verdun provided an sumer, ft would be difficult to esti- nature of any hearing in case the ,work a Pllcy that affects the July to the to The war department owed the rail- SOCIETY WILL NOT ot our tinued to arrive, the allied invitation enemy break mate how much the country has lost 31 Borland resolution was con-- ! P"cy government, superiority road administration on December PREVENT ALLIANCE. passed by showed continued over through. The nile from Dledenhofen as a result" gress," suggested Mr. Senator Knox said although the growth the to $81.888,000 for transporting troops and Paris, Feb. 6. Alliances between Heney. who had on Novem- Metz, was already outflanked Mr. Mr. Mr. Veeder that he a Amerlcan people had expressed the Germans, dropped when was Lasater said Hoover told war supplies. the various nations will not be affect- replied urged ber 1 to a of the St. (Mlhlel salient him general investigation and not one Of Pinín that they had a right to send strength 866,000. When lost." shortly after taking office that FRUIT SHIPPERS FOR ed by the existence of the society of the great German drive was launched he would not Invito a to now the packers alone, such as was pro, coastwise vessels through the Panama Pains, therefore maintains that single packer PRIVATE OWNER8HIP. nations ln process of formation, , in the of 1918 the sil at his counsel table B. vided bv the Borland resolution. canal, without charge-- and three big spring enemy had Ludendorff wan when, at the because "every Chicago, Feb. The Western Fruit it was declared by Arthur J. Balfour, a definite of right one of them a "W5 did not im-- Political parties had endorsed this superiority approximately end of had reputation which Jobbers association, whose members to newspaper Interviewers here last propose to claim 20 September, he announced it - per cent, the for April 1, stunk to heaven." are said to half a cars The was ask- by heard in such an in-- 1 Plicy. "this Carnegie peace tirganiza- figures whs Impossible to continue the ship million night. foreign secretary munity being an allied wir to vnatlvntlnn " 1. oolrt "hnf wo "On Spent $25,000 or Í30.000 to clriMi. showing rifle Btrength of longer. This was not due, says "But within three weekB from that of fruit annually adopted resolutions ed the direct question as whether nhl 1,245,000 and a German of 1,569,-00- iny the of the world society-woul-d to held up as 'criminals without Iate literature urging the repeal of the total Paulus, to anything that had occur- time," said the witness, "Hoover had today protesting against government formation being The max- of the of al- cause, as we had been since 1902." act conferring that right to shipping Germans reached their red in Germany but because ot tho arranged for having the packers take control the telephone and telegraph involve abrogation senator Ashurst declared that his imum June 1, with 1,639,000, while the military situation. solo"charge of the meat end of the and asking that the railroads be re- liances. to constitution of the of party's "failure to keep its re- allies reached their maximum on Sep- department. Influence had been stored private ownership under "The league Miller pledge 1 sec- Big Found garding that act had done more to tember with 1,682,000. brought to bear so heavily in the mean proper legislation. The Jobbers nations," responded the foreign "will Involve no modification undermine confidence in the demo- The meaning of the rifle strength time that Hoover decided to disregard that this legislation should per- retary, of Violation cratic party than we ever upon which the table is based is made Influenza Virus the packers' odor." mit central control of operation, much of the treaties of alliance previously Guilty anything as Is fa- concluded. did." clear by the fact that an American Mr. Lasater testified that from done now, and pooling of that cilities. Tbe and two articles of division with a total of ap- Now time the had a voice ln de- preamble of Act strength Isolated packers the constitution of the of na- Espionage proximately 27,000 of the termining all policies of the food ad- society flghtins; tions were provisionally agreed upon Ore., Feb. 5. J. men is rated as 12,250 rifles. The de-- ' ministration ln so far as the meat in- Portland, Henry was last night by the commission of the formerly president of the Albers payment's table shows that the rush 'London, Feb. 5. The virus cf dustry concerned. ELECTRICIANS WILL conference to deal ITALY'S NATIONAL of American troops to when of He peace appointed Brothers milling company, with estab- . Europe trench fever and that influenza said that J. P. Cotton, described with that subject, it was officially an- lishments in several Pacific coast the German great drive was launched and of some forms of nehpritis have by him as a "packer lawyer of New nounced not today. , cities, was found guilty here today only succeeded in making good been isolated and Identified, ac York." was placed ln charge of the Satisfactory progress was made with of violation of the espionage act upon DEBT NOW OVER all allied losses from month to month cording to a report submitted to the meat division and Harry A. Wheeler, TOT TO TURN OFF other parts of the task. The at of medi- a or question two of the seven countB charged the front, hut steadily increased the director general the army pactcer oaniter Chicago, was ap- of adding representatives ot other against him in the Indictment. Tbe strength of the allied armies actually cal service ln France by a number pointed to sit with the packers at their powers to the commission, it was Jury, after deliberating for three hours engaged. of army medical off :ers. meetings." Is discussed. to state- added, being last night, returned a sealed verdict TWELVE BILLION Figures on tho hundreds of thou- According this official Before the influence be- LIGHTS The conference committee In case packers' peace which was opened in federal court to- sands of Americans who were in ment, the virus each has gan to be felt, Mr. Lasater said, he on met this afternoon and r mm reparations been to be n minute globu-lr,- day. behind the lines are not proved received as head of the livestock and views the prin- training given. cell ta and behav- exchanged regarding The table by General Per varying rlze markets division, numbers ot tele- ciples covering for dam- prepared ior ln three of disease. In-- ' reparations 100 School Children" staff the types grams and lettere relating to the In- Declares That ages caused by the enemy and based shing's showing comparative rr which coOr Mayor Stricken of tbe allies 'for the ligations lave been dustry, but that later these wont to on memoranda which will be present- Country Left a strength eight i.cted have resulted, It Is believed, He'll Union Rescued by Firemen bonths covered follows: different hands. Fool ed by. the delegations of the countries Real Wealth of ln the Isolation of the germs' of liasater affected. Only Allies German measles and Mr. asserted there had been Strikers Feb. 6. Is mumps, typhus, thi DECISION AWAITED ON PittsbUTg, One man April 1 1,569,000 causes of which hitherto been an agreement between the packers and dead, $20,000,000 ,.,...... 1,246,000 hav POLICY IN several persons are missing May 1 1,333.000 1,600,000 obscure and becllli of which the fund administration to pay the Leased Wire to New flUSSIA. and 100 children the (By Mexican.) Vladivostok, Feb. 6. Canadian were rescued by The Associated June 1 1,496,000 1,639,000 I' uve never before been isolated lowest possible prices for livestock Seattle, Feb. 6. The elec- (By firemen (By Press) Wash., The decision of when a public school at Rome, Feb. 5. Italy's national 1 1,666,000 and that the producers had been dis- trical workers' union has decided to Press.) the peace near was July 1,412,000 conference the allied Oakdale, here, destroyed by debt now Is more than 112,500,000,000 August 1 1,672,000 1,396,000 regarded because thoy lacked the nec- shut off all lightB ln Seattle when regarding policy fire this morning. Edward MoKls-sote- k VILLISTA STOLE to in Russia and Siberia is await- declared Lulgt Luzzattl, former pre September 1 1)682,000 1,339,000 essary power demand fa,ir play. these workers together with 40,000 eagerly went into the burning building mier a "Mr. Hoover desired allies ed by the Canadians and others of and leading Italian financial October 1 1,594,000 1,223,000 GUNS, CHARGED that the others la Seattle and vicinity com- to save his two children and was - be as as the allied forces here. authority, in a statement today urg- November 1 1,485,000 866,000 supplied cheaply possible," mence a strike tomorrow in Kiiiea Dy a wan. cnua- - said the morning The Russian press Is op iauing ine ng financial aid to ltaly. He said On November 11 the American BY GOVERNMENT witness, "but the reductions sympathy with 26,000 work- guardedly ren, who had Deen rescued Dy rire- - in the cost were shipyard posing the withdrawal of the allied that when pensions and other ne armv ln Rurooe was comnosed of El Paso, Texas, Feb. 5. George taken out of tbe pro- ers, who are out in enforce a demand MM" 11 WeiM lUMIHI mior. ducers' forero and is active participa- cessary expenses had been paid Míe an 9 nn,4 i s ,Mtn IIolniPK. who clolms to he an aarnnt pockets and none other." for increased Leon busi- urging in Mr. Lasater wages, Green, tion ,. iinst the Bolshevikl. In ac- national debt probably would total', mA si' man o of Francisco Villa on the was recommended that as a 1 ,', .mi..,. border, ness agent of the electrical union, said cordance with Mav Not. Savs $10,000,000,000. rancn oast first step towards a government regu- their announced policy - sea enroutn to Kurone. urrestea at nis izi miles today. . l Italy, I am sad to say, leads the nere lated monopoly of the meat industry, the Japanese are evacuating part ot r The murine nnntlncent In thn mu. "i early today ny united states Mayor Ole Hansen has declared he their force. are with- residentj ii.iWllSOIl whole world in the relative weight of the government acquire control of all The Csachs r force on that date was 1,002 department Justice agents charged would see that the city is lighted. from Ural to Feb. 6. President or its war debt.'' ne said ' ditionary or stock cars, stockyards and refrigera- drawing tbe front guard Washington, .,j i witn me tnoit a vicnera macnine Sanction tor the strike line. m a to--1 losses In in .ti.. ,h. am- - tor cars and that the number of dis- sympathetic the railway WilBon, cablegram received "subtracting ltaiys -- gun. 3.000 rounds of machine aun has the day of and money, her national wealth is "u Jl." ' ' tributing centers be Increased. been refused by international by representative Padgett. f' í - munition and seven rifles" from the II. greatly Tennessee, chairman of the house only about $20,000,000. rrance or enros.. vwr. "If these things are done," organization with which ths local . , . ... , . . .v,. Polacks and Czechs j, - nmk.1 c i Tmr.- ftni, mn ' union Is affiliated and naval nomnimee, rearnrmea nis ap- n.n.jumwu owict una vreai ' - r"" "a start would be made towards typographical It proval of a second three year naval Britain are not only strong but gsn- - In the United States ea that date HAL CHASE ACQUITTED, giving the producers relief." was announced by officers of the Have Signed Armistice building program. The president erous and they will acknowledge were 1,643,690 amy personnel and ln iMew York, jrb, 6. Hal Chase, Mr. Lasater said price fixing by tho union that Its members would remain Basle Switserland, Feb. 5. An eabled: that Italy and France, the two prin- - the insular possessions, the canal flrt basetnaa of the Cincinnati Nu- - government should be uvoidod be at work. armistice between the Polish anil "May I not express my gratifica- - cipal centers of Teutonic slaughter zone, Alaska, etc., 65, i W. tlonal Lescua Club, was todav ac- - cause the law of suimhr and demand Approval by tbe parent organization Czechoslovak forces which have tino and gratitude and congratula-- nd devastation should be) supported The total atrength of tha Siberian Quitted of ta) charle of attempting regulated what an article wa worth of the vote by the local carman's been lighting on the Silasian front tions at the unanimous report on financially, therefere, with com- - expedition on that data u JH to lnflueaoa She result of baseball more satisfactorily than an arbitrary union to rtrlka has not been an was slimsd on "February S, $ecort-- the three naval fleers and men. decision. nounced. te advtoaa received year program?" sponiii!y tr fcslj." M4 aatnet li JWMV j tag her. WEEKLY SANTA FE NEW ME ICAN new mated cost of 3 per capita 16,810, great American people have had santa fe Mexican 000; orphanges for 400,000 children expresa their ideals at the peace Molt EffllOMgk 4,000,000; seeds, farm tractors, tm-- i conference. Mr. Wilson all along ap Sony Published by the mo- to assume au- every Thursday plements and tools, cattle, sheep, peurs to speak with ir SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN tor trucks, uutos, etc., to reestablish thority for the desires of over a hun- n-- CORPORATION. (Tussou Citlaen) or PUBLI8HINQ these on tbe land with fucili-ti- e dred million Americans; and we are agolo' people An indispensable preliminary for Mom efor cultivation $8,600,000; build- then told that la proposes to make the noon Growing, Entered as Second Class Matter a coun- admission of Germany to the ing and repairing houses for 1,770,000 a speaking trip through this The man In the street ) Was fae Santa Fe Postofflce. to League of Nations is a considerably has proba Lana returned refugees, at an estimated try got the people in line with more Diy uever heard of the Donmeh. Ir the which he has contrite spirit than she has yet Says cost of $50 per home $2,600,000; principles already yet shown. The Berlin papers are they are a very real and actual advocated as their representative. Arthur Chamberlain, executive sec- ADVERTISING RATE8: clothing and bedding for at least still talking about their "unbeaten people. Editor New Mexloan: The more we think about it the of the Council Column, 2,900,000 needy $8,000,000. army." According to the American The Donmeh are a sect of crypto retary California of has built town Display, per Inch, Single item of this is more we. thing the ideals being rep- "Spirit" many a per Insertion, - zoo "Every single budget correspondents at Coblenz, the Ger graphic Jews, descendants of the Education, has sent to Governor Lar- with one the re- underestimated cut down to resented at the peace conference, man razolo Notices, par line, per grest'y whatever are, are tlhofe Ol people there, in talking about followers of the cabalistic, visionary, the following letter: sources of Santa Fo. Spirit, move fit into the $80,000,000, wbich seemed they the causes of war, insertion, 10o Woodrow Wilson and Colonel House, the promptly cite ami mystic Shabbethal Zcbi, living "San Francitoo. Calif. Jan. 97 law. than anything else, la responsible for to De tue maximum amount tnat could We attack on Nu Legal Notices, per line, per the former spokesman for himself French "airplane mostly in saioniki, formerly belong "Hon. O. A- Urraxolo, Alburqueroue's progress. Spirit trans insertion, Be be raited by popular, subscription. If remberg," and when the Americans ing to the Turk, and new annexed "Governor of New formed the Ms Commercial are not and the latter for Woodrow Wilson. Mexico, Vegas Classified Advs., per word, per oversubscriptions given us, it call attention to the fact that the by Greece. After the death ot the "Santa Fe, N, M. Club from a purely social organiza- 1o means that some of these des fabulous was would-b- e . Insertion, simply Not character of the raid Messiah, in 1687, his fol "My Dear Governor: A tion to a Ohamber of Towm.helpful-ness- SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, ONh titute people must continue to suffer Necessary long since admitted by the, German lowers in Saioniki, under the leader- "Permit me to extend Spirit, the spirit of the men DOLLAR PER YEAR. while we as as Former Premier VivlarU of Tranca the Hhlnelanders my congratu- of help many possible government Itself, ship of his alleged reincarnation, lations upon the range, made and will per- with resources at our com- on told the Chamber of Depu- answer wlr com- your message recently tbe placed Friday stiffly, "Dayon haben Jacob Zebl Querido, formed a given to the New! Mexico petuate tho Cowboys Reunion. Spirit mand. ties some more inside of the nicht gehort." The officially an the legislature. Is history munity which, following example You have shown In this a great insight rapidly pushing fitch towns as ol the war. nounced for tbe es- Tu- - "Every cent subscribed in this cam- beginning plan reorganization set by the founder, outwardly into the educational conditions and to Clovls, Clayton, Demtiur and so- For of record it mar be all of the former German Into Mohammedanism. Turk- 16 paign goea for relief; expenses of purposes empire poused The the needs not of the of l" u"' c'ass to with the task of prov federated slates, Includes "German ish name of the "Donmeh," only children g'Lr'rí at this "Z is licitation and distribution are private- right proceed sect, Man, Mjhvfon Ki 'hoethro the wakinii mat. is ing that Germany started the war. But Bohemia" and the Polish province applied to them by the Mohammedans ughout up e thru f ly This a one hundred per estero V. V the thing has been proven so bo of Posen. Probably nine Germans signifies "apostates"; the members country generally. onraniiation of it pi,.n.h.., As a Monument cent efficient relief enterprise. Some often, Your looking - toward ni.iiro Ypres specifically, so mathematically, so in- out of ten still stoutly maintain that call themselves "Maamlnim," (be- proposals ' times, more than that, for $60,000,000 health the increase of , cpntrovertibly and completely that It Germany pulled out of the war not lievers,) "Haberim," (associates,) or conservation, The decision of the Belgian govern- over what was actually collected for teachers' salaries, increase In state ap- - !? really seems unnecessary to go further at all because the domestic read- "Ba'aie Milhamah," (warriors,) 1,.SSS ment to maintain Ypres in its relief before September 30, J918, was In the fed- as war me over luto details. All the world knows it justment necessitated a withdrawal The of the 'Donmeh Is a portlonments, cooperation tbere,LC"is more latent,".slumbering condition a permanent sent to the field. This increase from tbe front. are religion eral vocational education plan, Amert morial Is endorsed the from to be a fact. It has become establish- French They mixture of Judaism and , with spirit In Santa Fe than In any other heartily by collections was interest accrued still a "plebiscite" for cañization problems, education of for- British press and public opinion. dall ed for all time as the greatest fact of demanding some traces ot Christianity. Al- cfly he has visited. All that was ybalances." Alsace and eigners, the teaching of the English un- "Ypres will be a memorial," says the history. Lorraine, blissfully ignor though in secret observing certain needed, he felt, was a leader to Ing the fact that the people of those Jewish in no language, the raising of the compul- leash this and then harness Westminster Gaaette, "in which fu rites, they way make school spirit War Memorials provinces have with beautiful unani common cause with the Jews, whom sory age and other important it up in a strong organization. Once ture generations may learn the hor Vocational Education announced their to matters in rors war. more niity intention Wiey call Infidels. They are assidu have been handled by you this organisation was a going con- oi mere is notping School Life the De- join tbe French without a way and at a time which should certo than tbe of the published by republic any ous In visiting' the mosque and in Santa Fe would never find" it impressive sight of the Interior In Official Approves further fqrmalitieB at ail. As for re- results. You - stricken with the skeltons of its partment speaking fasting during Ramadhan, and at In- bring have the apprecia- necessary to go out and beg men to city "A number to be edu-ítalt- 'bread-catio- once of War Memorials, says: Larrazolo Proiyram Paratory and punitory damages tervals they even send one of their tion of those who are developing an interest in their own beautiful buildings rising gaunt of have con- to the Allied Powers and Anierl in a communities already me nag tot number on the "hajj" (pilgrimage) to your Bister state. With best winning, which after all, epitomizes Into the sky. In sense there are a In constant governor receivedy'"liaidthe ca, the Germans do not admit the I tew more cluded that building, Mecca. wishes, am. Yours sinoerely, the ralson d" etre of our Commercial tnings beautiful. To patch use as a reminder of the sacrltice lowiag justice of these at al!, and denounce H. Clubs or it would be Hon. O. A. Larrazolo, The Donmeh are divided Into three "ARTHUR CHAMBERLAIN.' Chambers of Commerce. up impossible. Every made by the soldiers and sailors of the "rapacity of their pretended Now the Com- one, will welcome the de Governor og New Mexico, socially separated groups, the average Chamber of therefore, is more Bhab-bethl- the great war, appropriate conquerors." or direct followers of a merce Is usually no stronger than cisión that the remains of the old city and than the conventional Santa Fe, N. M. the snail be left Intact instead of enduring Dear Sir: The Germans, indeed, must be Zohl of Smyrna; the personality, ability and initia- being graveyard monument. There Is a to the point of a good or Jacob tive of its secretary- This should cleared awav. The Kast abounds) in Mr. John V. Conway, assistant state brought being followers of Querido, trowing conviction that the conven deal sorrier for what they have and the or followers of not be. A Chamber of Commerce the ruins of the last vestiKes of once superintendent, has sent me a copy of Kuniosts, tional stone shaft, placed in a grave done than they are now, before othman liaba, who lived in the should be so offlcerlxed and com-- ' glorious civilizations which have been the Santa Fe New Mexican which cttizen-membcr- van! among the dead, is not a fitting they can be allowed to sit at the the mltteeised by its a overthrown. will iree-tom- . eighteenth century. Formerly Ypres stand for memorial to those who died for gives a full account of your message fireside of ' on that it should on func- a - the nations equal members of these groups did not In keep right centuries as reminder that civiliza- The made both in tq the New Mexico legislature. mucSi as a of well oiled be suggestion and trusted terms with the decent termarry and celibacy was perferred. (Edwin A. in tioning, piece ion itself cannot overthrown, and France and America that these me- I have read the message with great of (ioewey, Leslie's) no matter whether a sec- as a monument to a members the family. In recent tintes, Ihowever, the en Thanks to the American doughboy machinery, generation sac morials take the form of community interest and wish to congratulate you deavor is to make mixed retary is on the Job or not. A ruiced in Us defense." so- in- marriages. and his confers, the marine and buildings dedicated to civic and upon the stand you have taken to They consider wedlock as sacred secretary is, of course, admittedly is wise and sure Mexico education the bluejacket, sport, the world to cial uses, obviously New vocational He Gnsamni nd have a horror of divorce and to necessary to guide the activities, to meet, universal which Is in with Eggs, over, Is about have Its greatest out the wishes of Teachers Wanted ought approval. keeping the legisla- polygamy. Women occupy with the of this carry the member On the walls of such should tion or pro- revival; and beginning never in- building already enacted being them a much higher . position than s ship, but he should be The can to bronze tablet the states Y am Ik GS movement already 'And country better afford hang containing posed in practically all of the And ordinarily among Turks, but, In will dispensable. there, it appears, a names of each martyrs under way and gather Is- of suffer shortage of sugar, or meat, or community's of the union. obedience to the custom of the coun- 1910. the real crux the situation man to This type of memorial momentum throughout the real reason bo com- uei, to submit to a shortage of liberty. In many respects the proposed leg- try, they wear the "yashmak," (vejl.) It hai been ever the why many will guarantee that no who gave dftmes-- a said, since, mercial such schools teachers. boy islation for New Mexico Is superior The men have two sets of oao-bal- l organizations have will days of the Civil War, that elevator-lik- e "LeBlla'B" says: At this time there his life for justice and freedom to of most of the states In that it one, which keep secret existences;. The mem- that religious they has followed the American flag, ' are 50,000 vacancies in our national be forgotten. The chief advantage funds for coopera and a secute r one for the purposes bers literally "let George do it, of memorial Is not that provides adequate The Ailor.lated and this- surely has been the case In teaching force. According to the fed of this type tion with the federal government. (By Press) of commercial intercourse. Their with the secretary playing "George," It Is economical but that It keeps New York, Feb. a. Eggs in any Cuba, the phllllplnes, China, and and then when he doesn't eral bureau of education 600,000 chil Early in December I was in confer cream rabbis, besides being well versed is while students from perform in green and inspiring memory, and it ot style, ice of any quality and are In tné elsewhere; Jap the super, they stand around and dren rural schools will be teacher ence with the state superintendent an American woman to serve them' Holy Scriptures, proficient an and other friendly nations have less this winter unless married seeks to put in operation, tnrougn Mr. John H. Ka&ilnh, and understand. Judaeo- - set up an unholy howl. won) Its civic and soolal actlvltlee, the public instruction, Wag that sums up the requirements nec- carried the game back to their You line Rooster the en, who. and pikvlot-me- his Mr. Conway Spanlsb, which they regard as a holy hornea. But "your with ouef taflgbt; ideals for which our boys fought In ner, and assistants, essary to keep the American soldier it took the "big war" rest of the Boosters" a slo- teachers, can be induced o re and Mrs. Miller, and was im language. Neither the Ismlrlls nor to Introduce the game in suggests France." greatly happy overseas now that he has fin really gan which anta Fe might use. turn, to school Thlp-4s- with in which New the Ya'Kubis believe In the death of the rqein. pressed the vigor ished the job for which he left home Prance, Italy and England, where it "Be a Booster-Rooste-r and vo- their saints, and are Crow for national problem dt greatest moment Mexico is attacking the problem of judging from letters received by the respective they became the most popular' of paatimea Santa Fe". Do the realize even a It's Needed cational education. yours. always aWaltlng their return. the soldiers. It wHl be con- people that Very truly women's canteen division of the Young Donmeh In among Should a button be desired, place temporary; of teach- LEWIS H. CARRIS, Men's If The number of Saioniki tinued -- Wronce and and, general shortage "You Can thank God for your cli Christian association. the is estimated from 5.000 to 15.000. in' Italy t,hereon the cockiest kind of a crow- ers will have Its effect not only Assistant to the Chief of the Division American woman ii the sol- at possibly, in Ehgland. In tbe first today, mate" said a reeent visitor In Santa there, are all well-to-d- and are ing rooster and around the framed but will be reflected in the entire for Education. if They two countries, where eweitement is Fe from the east, a person interest Vocational dier will forget necessary the eggs known for even to- border the words of the suggested school life of all those It? ice More their honesty, i bread and meat to moat of tbe affected by ed in public health matters and and the cream. than 1,600 ward those of other creeds. silgan. The reason of the women are now overseas ir "Y" uni- They (people, our game ie going to present shortage who took the trouble to Inquire into are expert "Eatibs, or writers, and all And by crowing we do not mean is obvious. Many teachers entered state, form. It Is announced. Italy has taken kindly lo Hie present laws and ordinances, STATE PRESS have been employed as such in ba I Uitracfhced. crowing like poor old rooster the army, Others, particularly women, countv or citv Mrs. Rebecca' 'Ely. of New York Of .the American sport wUen regulations affecting zaars and inferior Government posi but baseball made the tut. Some it made its first trip into the who constitute the majority of teach- health Let's Do It. city who was hent to France in the tne big arctic, and public sanitation, supervision Well, tions some, tor instance, dime ago the Qazette dello Sport, nightiess just naturally ers, have been attracted to business and allied matters. "However, It latter part of 1917, tells a story that Turkish Minister of Finance, Djavid crowed itself to death. Unfortunately, of Socorro Chieftain: Now Mexico presa with one her a the country's most influential sport positions by higher salaries. Many wont always be your salvation. The begins boy bringing Bey, attained to great eminence. a to among Chambers ot Commerce, wc these can be to associations have, in the been to show his of iourual. raised lartre fund pur not expected return sub is a wonderful germioide, but it past, present appreciation for the sea too much of this sort of thing. to former once it a little bit less successful than many she had done for him. chase baseball paraphernalia a their profession unless the wont do much for typhoid just things Boldlers. la the big banquet, then enthu inducement of held national associations, and that "You must to eat this all and encouraging from better salaries be gets started." press promise Of the Gen siasm (mostly the stomach UP), out. Fe Is much. The news- Mrs. he said. "Its a sur- playing game generally. a few which Our community health in Santa not saying very yourself, Ely," Work eral has recommended it is inspirational speeches, The National Education Association is known to be largely a matter of paper men will start In right, and prise." Paper Petyuclla never reaeb the 'brass tacks" of tbe to part of the regular army training. considera the underpay of teachers the luck and sunshine, witfa luck pre then permit their favorite brands ot The "surprise'' proved be what is situation, and, before the ahow is was rare in a In France the game being biggest single educational problem dominating. The same thing applies politics to stand in their way when a treat France half in over, everybody crowing themselves Some dozen fresh were and taught everywhere, and recently, and is therefore championing federal to many other communities. it domes to actually advancing the eggs, Eggs then (Stars Stripes) with a formal Ihoarae. mean- sold, when any one was The machine have but compliance request Next not aid to guarantee to all public school day our luck may change; Interests of the profession. When being lucky guns quit, from General Gottez, Director of day, if the banquet has while is follow lead to them at at 12 francs the are still them teachers a minimum, living wage. If it wise to the we get a press association so closely enough get all, typewriters busy. Up the Ministry given indigestion, they may stales and leave ef- a dozen. Mrs. went back to the and down the and breadth of Infantry, representing crow a times more. the schools of rural districts suffer of other modern organized as to make it actually Ely length of War, Hie V. M. C. A. Foyer du possibly couple to the this vital thing no longer to chance. then these associations ot barracks carrying the eggs. An or- tbe Army, they go battering their But the days, the montha, some- through inability command fective, on from Soldat appointed eight phyalcal di services of whole It will surprise many to know that will be of derly came out to meet her and said way tlhroiigh service records, to and times the years pass, before they capable teachers the newspaper publishers a to rectors leach baseball other nation suffers in measure. malaria exists in certain localities in value. that sick officer was asking for subjects, payrolls, requisitions, in centeiB ever crow again. a Why some real would she come. court martial travel or American sports the eight not be New Mexico little less in altitude her, and please She transfers, data, of of the French The lowly Santa Fe rooster can should the federal government went and physical education be to to than the capital city; and that the No and found a very depressed pa ders, clothing slips passes yes, the "Y" has mighty profitably emulated by expected help lift such schools Hope. tient. home. army, incidentally us all. in and out. month a anopheles mosquito, that deadly orders 1 of Day day higher standard, as it gives spe- : shinned 73,334 worth aportlng just common carrier of germs, can flour- Fort Smnner Review Eighty per cent "What's the use, Mrs. Ely? you The Army typewriters male, fe- to in and month out, year in apd year cial aid to farmers or helps in deepen- are goods, including $6,960 baseballs ish, if permitted, even at 7000 feet. of the cases of flat feet curable couldn't give me what I want," grOmbl male and inanimate never were for the uso of out, rain, snow or 3unBhine, he ing the channels of rivers or in tbe al- wül Com- England and France The imisca domestica wo have There Is no treatment that ed the officer, in reply to her ques busier than they are right now. Allied there keeps, on crowing, crowing crowing. improvements of harbors? of are the American troopa To man who loves ways with us Certain violations benefit a flat head. tion. pany clerks and sergeants major durine the winter and the really his rules of sanitation I could and see. than have ever been, spring. home town, for It him the rudimentary "Maybe try m,ore regal they Possibly, in the not crowing gives Not a are just as likely to be disastrous In Cheer "Nope, they don't grow in these not to say more pressed for time. a vast amount of satisfaction. TO Lawgiver - Up. future, we shall have some world's Thn nHMsh Timan hna hofrim nnfnf our rarefield air as in the Missias- parts. The only thing I really want But there la always the blessed wiUi teams the fellow wfho loves himself, his News: Don't worry, little a home series championship own- self interests more lug out that "resident Wilson is notf'PP' valley. We have been drifting Carbon City is couple of poached eggs. That's thought that the way lies from one or more of the European business, his ...... , . .. ' aloiis and trusting to luck and cli dear, the weather may be cold what I'd have If I were home." along a path of carbon paper. than he does his town, crowing llie supreme uouri oi me peace con the countries competing against Ameri a a mate. They are both going to fail enough once more to freese up "AH right," said Mrs. Ely, produc- The Army typewriter Inanimate will do him a heap of good and gress merely delegate and not excite- of ca's best. "law be If us one of these days. We expect water system, and all the ing her treasures to a. very astonish- Ibas had to stand tor a lot Is gradually swing him into the sincere, giver." It will unfortunate That physical culture hereafter rooster-booste- New MfKlco to become steadily ment will be yours. You can't say ed young man. "How would some tea abuse during these latter months. In tho the genuine r elans. tho Impression that Mr. oing to play a big part Eng- , gains ground more town. It Is conceivable that it But the Idea is to on erow-trig- Wilson is to to more thickly settled and the then that this is a doll go with that order?" might take, lish, French and Italian armies, big keep trying dictate the more of So has two or when ueople the tha Importance for three days she made tea and perhaps actually taken, there no remains a doubt. crowing crowing, ('rowing, peace congress: unfortunately merely A small Do Durndest. batteries of longer ft when the sun as sanitation. sheep has Your poached eggs on toast for him with three complete type Tho wonderful condition, of the Am- rains, crowing a matter of the proprieties and mov shim-it- . while at home and chanee nowadays to spread scabies not t -"- have writers to get a single mesakit erican the eyes of crowing doubly so if it arouses feeling on the In we lot more Sliver City Independent: We need - Id ed from one to the next. troops opened while from this state; devote a had them at homo. At the end of that barrack many, and outdoor exercise was giv abroad, crpwing away part of the Allies. We would not to the trouble ourselves aooui uui But. could not send an home. of a ' attention the sheep and hogs greatly time he was so much better and more a general en credit for the showing. Even the erecting fclg minimize the part America took in we do to the so far as accomplishing great things, If only into action unless some other red mechanical rooster down at the than babies, me caeerful that he waB able to meas in army ending the war. That part, however, health is concerned. we can be Bure at nigntiaii tnat tie barracks. general ordered him to usually by Plaza, which would automatically has not made America feel she did was honest work, that ot that The state demands a state health work we There was another time at Belfort, means of a typewriter. crow the Ihours the dy wouldn't Is the In negotia- to we our best effort in it, anu he an Idea and it "authority" peace department with real powers pro put when an Orderly brought Mrs. Ely entirely crazy tions. Nothing talks at this confer- tect the public health; the services those around us are a little happier word that a soldier wanted to Is ANVIL CHORUS might fort-o- ' remind Us of our duty as In dying Bryan Boosting to he on crow for our ence like casualty lUls. Glorious nt exnert sanitarians and qualified for our being the world today. sea her. When she went to the bed-aid- always the we is own town. ours is, must remember that It nhvsicians and sanitary engineers, she found a boy she had often Ballots For Women Waiting for First Page Space. home still a esse of' "After you, My Pear The IT. R. public health department mesa. PH1I. H. LENOIR. Funeral Service for served New York Telegram: Perhaps the by several niilltonB. lacad its aid at our disposal I Feb. 4. Former Sec Alphonse" Thejbns "I wish had aome ice cream," Waahlngton, snow saw no chanco for publicity attitude of propriety and of sportsman-- i to setting this thing started; and Incinerated Sailors came a voice from a weak retary Bryan was at the capital lp-- j OIMNJ CpINJFRQ - pleading for itneif this season becajtise n OllMI T ship and the attitude that will in- - there nothing of greater import- A service day Democratic senators to the Tokio, Feb. 4. funeral parched throat. urging wave, the peace conference and I crease our at the peace table anee before the legislature 14 on board the Unit- Now Ice cream was aupport the woman autfrage resolu-- dry MAKE Gt, AWAY prestige was held Dec. an impossible other space grabbers, and has been la one which bears always in mind the "T"' ed cruiser Brooklyn In Yoko- thing in that part of France. But tion which la to be called up ne:t States : holding back Ita appearance eolfly FROM PRISON stupendous sacrifices of those who. What Are hama harbor In memory ot the ten Mrs. Ely said hn should have some. Monday. He Issued a statement pre-- lhey? - on that account 4. Professor Edward nave Dome iih- numen una ne:u oí ...tin ulVx.lim hod tn hnrtiH suffer- She made a boiled custard and froze dieting adoption of the resolution by 'Fob. did If He Valera. the Sinn Fein the Senator Hate said yesterday he od m an while the It by the skillful use of a of froz- the next congress It fails during! loader, day." expi0BOn, coaling pail Whon Good Resolutiont Fall. ,, aml alao Sinn not, believe the ideals for wtucii on December B. The dead were en water that she found. And how the preaent aesnlon. MUroy MoGarry, were ship I two Demo- of escan-foo- t Prealdont Wilnon Is contending all of firemen. The service was led good It tasted to that American con petition of twenty Center Proas; A man of ulx " members parliament, Where the Goes of ma boy woman Liberty Money Identical with those the great the Bishop Harris of the Metho- when she fed It to him. cratic scnatorf favoring the four will start out with Oharlty "rlfn of American by in the J How will the $30,000,000 collected jority the .people dist Mission and the Rev. B. M. Strong, "Please moke me somo more to- suffrage reaolution pending for all and malice toward none and " That be hard to say. One , ..lo- - In Yo senate. Senator Martin or newn the Armenian-Syria- might hl of thl, (.hurch morrow," he said. Virginia.! about that time he mucta some fel- "i""... during Relie! cannot be sure what ...... the Democratic leader called Anparcnlly. the diapstcüi adds, tho be How much of always just kohama. Present, besides Admiral He died that night. today low who wants to know how the Campaign apent? President If n of Democratic members j mftstor to the backdoor was will dis- Ideals the contending Commander In Chief of the The sick soldier is very much like conference weather (s Ihero. key this go toward collection and Not since we were told Rogors, for tomorrow lo consider tho up over the wallB to the tribution for. long United States Asiatic squadron, were a little hpy, and he longa for the lit- night prlmin expenses? they Included not only shirt sleeve S. Sinn Feiners. It waa then an eaay tbe American Ambassador Roland tle attentions his mother would give No- - In answer to theue questions which but regular blacksmith The conference will be tho first held No' HM t0 8""nl"B. matter for tho trio to walk out to have been received the ad diplomacy, Morris and Mrs. Morris, Consu: him. So that la what this woman Botahuvlkl held concerning out in the opon - since the .Columbia State; The a automobile which took diplomacy, right iGeneral Q. H. the coraman- and hundreds more of tham havo done, by a democratic majority waiting uilulstrution ot Near Eastern rener Skidmore, Sena-- a fashlonablo dance hull In Berlin thorn toward the coast, without frills or trimmings, pitiless cruiser been mothers to them. United States entered tbe war. up tunda, the southwostern district office all and der ot the French Kersalnt, nniMifnA and a vtiJuabie haul. Faxh Lincoln is In east central Km.; publicity, for discussions of American tors tn tha involution served secured ol the American Committee for Rellei to the affairs of and leading citizens the Ions must bo different there. In this land between Leicester Hull. It compacts relating In Yokohama. notice that they would not be found siuj In the Near Uaut has Issued the one wltlh the other. Then community Views on - have trot ncut to in H.uuiii. 'I'l inuuB iuu nations No further deaths have occurred Divergent if any caucus action should be ft- country they wpuld in: irmu statement based on estimates we had tho urcaldent agreeing to ( emit noasl. at Skegness. thirty-seve- n men who were tempted. nothing. received from national committee secret conferences at the peac"e con- - among the Making Good Federal fat the at in New York: with no allowed aav burned explotlon, though If headquarters gress, publicity first It seemed must die Wheat Price Promise Aviation Contagious. 50,000 Union Men "The $80,000,000 asked by the com- - official cominunlquos at stated per- that twenty Mexican Officer on of burns. Dr. Fontleroy of the Amer Washington. Fob. 4. Dotrptt News: The trouble cenia lo mitido is a reduction to round, tods, as much as was thought i In Will siranly tolling lean In Yokohama andiVlewa of action to bo taken con- Trial For llu In the act that ondltions which Seattle lan.SOO.OOO wise. Then wo have heard the Naval Hospital by Killing numbers of a budget the often; Amer- - fur are Ideal for wheat sooni i . ... . , .., ... ,p ti, .i,,,,, Cn. the aeveral young women of the gross luaklug good tho government raising Walk Out n,i American Private to bo ub Ideal for the Thureday ., -- ,. . nat,i ., Mfiusre lean rea pena guarantee ot $2.26 a bushel for wheal just doing 4.- - ii.. i ".h.imnnv in wiu,mi" fnr community immediately Seattle, Waai Feb. Betwoen ..u ,..umw,.u.uei,..., urK 6(1 Call nurses tlio 181U samo to the of hruad. ,lBaiI m t his for volunteer of crops wore given today at Ibiug price ami ouo men in next six month. Tha in turn has! .or words IMHoH Juarez, Fob. 4. All sessions of the in. out) 5. labor union Jfflfí work ot tha80 .jr,H Bden the in. the house ugrUuilture conunlttae hear Seattle and will walk out K court martini trial of Juan Ha Wasn't vicinity framing Captain Thought Hungry o'cloék lu - .uteri ü eVlangT, V I.P..I. .,, thn ...... ,,.,,11, ...... Ih being regarded In ertam nuar- fufterlng l, IT LMtíf Si1 Ute"1" work- - that the ZT imckers wwí he tatlve. agreod gislution no ouo ami gave ISí od to do nf"! juftfce by the stricken Po ír ?.upJw" ,!"T"g' iihould for return to ie " fo u'' he the More provide early , ' or an Increase of union Turkish Seventy Soldiers Witnesses aro permitted to attend. l e ,i pay, of Britain's dominions. movement of wheal In normal chan theyK"ansumnd th.t ,T. ', !'"""', fml IXWIU I I1UW tPIW Ui6... Will uJawment . . 'Fhe of flour s With tlte M agsert6(l f n",OP"',VW Wll Bliss hut eontlnu-- 1 'JÍSZcharge ed to melte a sandwich. , pl;!!' Ft. dealers MSSR, . . fmr".tp6mw puipiuppp am if., to Reach pels grain urged niurdsr of I'rivaU' David Troib, an Tfl(f yp0grapWe(ll U6 voteo son would favor the neutralisation at of tho food admfnbstrittlon'H grain Amen Noldler who was found strike, hut salutloh ha not been "For feeding MOu.OOO needy people W to (o f VtiWímli MWi n. Peta. for the All Advice the Orchard. I "lx tw Ama.)can Mllse, Tex,, corporation handling crop. ecelveil from the International organ .I c?plta "V. I??nth; ! all a trifle and we more Holillers from the Now uRtsed that the should ror or conusing government Memphis Commercial Appeal: lzatlon. Menibere of the eultaary H,tu.u''u; repatriation i oum f right off the bat cad News einbarl, atlon are expo stand a loss by the difference' Lie til!, little lie POO aone port paying peach, still; unions have a plan for refugees, snipe pi them to be . 0f be de- - w completed rinr BVn.iK the (Vllaon'to aniv. here tonight to bel een t The winter sklea are soft, and fair "ariiip idlchene" to feed tbe lied a tl their homes. 11 is to eolith-- J during i,1eni.. Meanwhile Dcrtincnt moblllzuri All are from the world ma And h lure lurks 111 the hiilmv nlr. all on res- miles, at eati- - the' strike persons dependent Overage wonder juet what opportunity west, 'might be. 'conduct tbe trial. But lie Mill, little peach, lie still. taurante for food. WEEKLY SANTA FEJWJCAN r- - - FRENCH'S COMPILATION GEORGE HOSMEfl TO NEARLY TWO MILLIONS GOATS KILL HOT REPUBLICAN HOT f, mm cry IBIS HUNTERS Of DATA Oil STATE'S ATTEND MEETING OF LOANED ON CATTLE PAY STATE BILLS; CAME TO AID OE OF CITIES HEARD KILLING OFF GAME WATER SUPPLY ISSUED NEW MEXICO PRESS IN HEW MEXICO DY LITTLE LUXURIES NATIONS BY LEGISLATORS; SALONS ARE TOLD LITTLE ASSOCIATION FEB. II THE FEDERAL RESEIVE ALL AVAILABLE INFORMATION ON STflCAM FLOW IN NEW WILL BE SOAKED MEXICO ÍN CONVENIENT FORM. AID IS PROMISED C. G. MAR DROP CHAIRMAN OF ONE FOURTH OF TOTAL PLACEO Dona Ana Association Administration Has BY 'Surface Whter of New CHAMBER OF COMMERCE COM- CATTLE LOAN AGENCY IS Supply MITTEE ON ARRANGEMENTS IN THIS STATE. Says South End of Reached Polity lCngtn-ea- r Mexico." compiled by State FOR EVENT. Trifle Late James A. French, is Just from Plan for is State Suffers Special Message Soon to the press. It is a compilation of the Financing monthly discharge of all Btreams lu El Paso. Keb. 6. The erection of Evolved for Relief Suggest Revenue Washington, Feb. 5. The adminis- New Mexico as shown records of The committee on of a building to house the El Paso by arrangements That the In tration papers are making very much stream measurements by various the New Mexico State Press associa- branch of the federal reserve bank, of Councilman game the southern part Legislation of the fact that within the last week from the time the first tion has issued tbe was forecast in a statement made of New Mexico Is rapidly dlaappearing agencies following: due to the of hunters from President Wilson baa decided to favor gauging station was established at Say! The Santa Ke folks are pre- by Judge W. V. Ramsey, governor The Macedonian cry or the cities, in activity the creation of a Polish Ration that Embudo in 1889 to December 31. for us. President C. of the Dallas federal reserve bank, which the voice of is Texas, was declared in a communica- paring Acting Albuquerque from bona Pro- shall embrace all terri- 1917. W. McCllntock of the Santa Ke Cham- who arrived here yesterday for a most Macedonian of all, is to be beard tion the Ana Game SOLONSTOEARN practically the tective association received the tory which was In the old of this book was com- ber of Commerce has appointed a com- stay of three weeks. by the fourth state legislature if the by kingdom The data for state senate today. PED DIEM NOW Poland. This is a very commendable piled from reports of the Geological mittee to arrange the festivities. C. The work of tho cattle loan agency members of tbe two houses can be decision on the part of the president the Reclamation Service, the G. Mardorf of tbe Capitol City is chair- was discussed in detail by JudaeiKOt to agree to tbe Ulan which bus Another communication was one Survey, from state and the American at Paris, state engineer of Colorado, and the man. Ramsey, who said, as quoted is the been outlined and which Is to be forni- - the tax commission stating delegation that it will be in Besslon although they are a little late In reach territorial and state engineers ef And! The legislative Committee Morning 'limes: mated In a bill before many days. Al- - until the - - close of week. Accelerator Starting; loa it. New Mexico and from papéis pub- Staplin, Hening, Henderson, Connell , "The cattle loan agency has clos buquerque has been bemoaning- for a the On November 18, 1918, within a few lished by the Department of State, and Montoya have been at work and ed loans amounting to approximately long time her Inability to make both A written communication was re- Governor Rushes days following the declaration, of an in reference to equitable distribution will have a few pointed remarks to rive ana one-nai- f minion dollars ana ends meet ou her income and even ceived from the office of the mayor make - armistice, Senator Lodge of Massachu of waters of the Rio Grande. and will want your reaction to has other applications pending ap- went so far a few weeks aeo as to of Portland, Ore., inclosing resolu- Budget Work setts, republican leader in the United This compilation collect Into a them. proval that will run the total figure talk about anulvlnE for a riivorcR from Hons of the Oregon Reconstruction - Also! to not far from States senate and ranking member of convenient form all available infor- Danny Macpherson, our gen $1,000,000. Of this ihe rest of Bernalillo county When Society on demoblllsatloh, proposing Howeve r far the legislature may in lal secretary, has a letter from George sum approximately h has this died a It ntlll loft gfve eoMler $50 worth Of tbe committee on foreign relations, , natural death is i1.. eiiau-iuan- been loaned in New go this week, next week going to troduced a resolution as follows: New Mexico streams as shown by jiuuiei, legislative com Meico. The things In a parlous state, clothes and one month's salary. find statesmen National Editorial assoBlation bad weather in the according the earning their "Resolved, That in the opinion of actual measurements. In the list are mittee, very latter part to the city manager, and Nabor Mirabel Introduced S. B. 36, 1 he of November has subsequently money. U in view of the expected state the streams in the Alamogordo basin stating that it cannot think oí any and t)eoember a of the heads of munici- an- act fixing a license for rooms the senate an independent Polish alibi In with meeting the pool crystallization of the main program in the Canadian River basin, the Batan the Interval he will be here, greatly interfered and delayed of the was in the state. ail should be erected which, should and it dlfflcalt In palities state held at which that Judge Barnes Tuesday urged dude the territories inhabited in eta Valley, Gila Itlver basin. Mim Inspections, being the condition of finances H. B. 24 committees to and of by basin What date? many large areas for inspectors to prostrate city by Lynd relating to Juris- meet, dispose Polish which bres iRiver basin, Pecos River Saturday. Kebruary was the battle cry and when it was diction of of the in local bills so that they could be made disputable populations, Rio Grande basin, San Krancisco 8th. Roundup at 2:30 p. m. at the get out or owners of cattle and justices peace should be free and secure - decided that relief should be demand- suits was referred to ju- a order at 2 m assured a San Juan River capito). Banquet at 7 : 30- where ver sheep to gather them so that they replevin the special Thursday p. access to the sea. and whose River baBin, and the ed of this session of statesmen and diciary committee. and as he put it "the docket ean be political basin. The number of streams in the the C. of C. sets the plates. could be counted. The loans have cleared." and economic independence and terri those NEW MEXICO PRESS ASSN. been distributed from as far south as that Mayor Davies of Santa Ke should The road committee reported unfa- various basins may surprise he chief of The livestock bins are certain to be torial integrity should be guaranteed less familiar with the of A. L. Carter, Magdalena News, chair Hidalgo county to the northern por propeller influence on the vorably on House Joint Memorial No. geography law 3 . gotten out of the way and there Is by International covenant." New Moxico. man. tion of the district In New Mexico, givers. relating to the Funston-Ft- Bliss a- - This resolution was referred to the J. R. and have been the occasion Now as a of cau- and a likely to be, regular deluge of com- TSlis book of 228 pages will be of Hnll, Clovis Journal. of very result numerous highway proposed substitute mittee this afternoon after committee on foreign relations, where wnen Ralph A. Lynd, Doming Headlight considerable relief, not only to the cuses of an Informal nature. Judge drawn in better form. meetings as the demo especial value at mis time to Jiav and tomorrow it remains without action VeSv Is a hew John Tombs, Bingville Bugle. owners of stock, but bankers Barnes and other leaders have solved The finance committee fa- adjournment morning. com- Mexico entering per on reported Barnes did not go cratic majority in oontrol of that led of The work will Committee on Arrangements. ing mortgages and liens them. the problem, at least they have solved vorably S. B. 25, to pay ex Though Judge to development. Due con- traveling into it is understood that mittee have refused go on record be of to to extremely bad weather hew far they are willing to go and It penses or normal school students. particulars, marked value engineers in some sections over sever- he was inspired by an appreciation on this subject. and other directly interested in ir tinuing is a fair presumption that this bill Is The same committee reported favor- of the condition in which matters are Armenia Also Recognized. of ihe New al weeks and the Interference and to be a case of take it or leave It tor ably S. B. 28 as to funds for charita- rigation development GALLOP KEENLY FEELS In- in the executive office. Governor Lar The Polish is not the only use of sur- starting of the labors of the the aforesaid cities. ble institutions. question Mexico through better the the cattle loan at razólo was back at his deck this morn- one the "little nations" that face waters of the state. Mr. French spectors, agency Bills on third reading-- . on involving was to cease lnsec-tio- In passing It may be remarked that B.22, bard at work and to Is attention at the much credit the com- Dallas directed a ing preparing go demanding serious deserves far DEATH .o out of this legislature there ought to marble shaft as a soldiers' memorial, ahead with the work fin ttf OF MRS, PAGE on apllcations amounting was rapidly ef Paris conterence. It is announced plete and accurate compilation a come some Jugglers of figures and fl referred to the finance commit- on the Those is eomini; water data. around $2,000,000. This was great ishing' hearings budget. that the Armenian question these supply Del-las- , nance tee, Skeen moved the and will be disappointment to the agency at wntcn would make old Adam passage crammed and jammed through for settlement, and also the ques- the motion of S. B 3, de- as as up but the action seemed to be nec- Smith stand on eud. Between provid- prevailed rapidly possible. tion Of the disposition of Syria aq'l M.. for new abortion a tbe fines of the Gallup, Pf. Feb, 6. Mrs. Page essary to the war finance corpora- ing a lot of things, breaking claring felony, Scrutineers legislative pro- also other Christian settlements of being placed at $600 to with im- to which the administration and GUADALUPE COUNTY died Sunday night in bos Angeles tion. By reason of the signing of all records in education and road $2,000 gram Asia Minor, end it should be noted the' the war finance cor- the lower- prisonment lor one to fijire The the are committed after an illness of severe.! du armistice building, raising funds and year. republican party that, in this connection, Senator mouths felt that for all tax rate Is con- senate adjourned to 2 p. m. estimate that it will take $1,500,000 ration. Mrs. was wife of poration practical ing the (which the Thursday. Lodge, as leader of the republicans, Page the the war was over and O. additional revenue to carry it WANTS STATE AID Hon. of this Mr. purposes that fident prediction of H. Bursuin) on through. on December 10, 1918, introduced a Gregory Page city, It was incumbent on them to get the one They are planning a series ef small Page having been state senator hand, wrestling with a budget resolution as follows: their house in order as as a n taxes on luxuries and s from this district and for quickly and getting fatal on it "Resolved, That in the opinion of many years possible to close their activities. It Baker Promises which they expect will meet the re- was chairman of tlhe McKinley Coun and then turning around and taking the senate, Armenia, (including the sin sent a Is believed that tlhe sum that has the same number of gross dollars un quirement. and Guadalupe County has just ty. Republican central committee. be dis- vilayets of Turkish Armenia warrant for $3,000.00 to State been distributed and will der a new system and them SoldierCan The governor, although he has been and the Eng Mrs. Page was a native of Mis tributed will far toward making Every with and al- Silicla), Russian Armenia ineer James A. French for souri came to of go saving buy a good deal more for cities than conferring the leaders, of Azer- asking and this part the of the herds of this of these indirect sources northern part of the province state aid for Road No. 20, section 2, many breeding they did under the old system, is a Be though many should be in- country la her youth. After residing section from I think it Sure of Job of revenue are those which' have been baijan, Persian Armenia, fcanta Rosa to Ft. Sumner; Road No. in this for she slaughter. feat In arithmetic which Mr. Kitcbln's is the of vicinity a short time and indeed feel mire, that the is not dependent, and that it hope sections 1, 2, and ft. Ozark Trail; became wife of Mr. likely, ways and means committee well initially suggested by him, yet conference the Pajfe and action of the government in coming might to make a statement as the senate that the peace and Road 50, sections 1, 2, and 3, has made her home hare Feb. 6. sol- ready public for since, bast 'to the rescue ef this Industry has study. Washington, "Every to what he will recommend. It la in- will make arrangements helping Santa Rosa, to Ms Vegas. The state summer her health began failing and In a nutshell the bill is dier who put ou the uniform of tbe to establish an Independent had a saving effect in many ways potentially dicated, however, that his Ideas are Armenia will aid with a like amount, mauuis she went to Los .Angeles for treat- com to cities to levy a tax of five United tSates, who fought, or train- Ul available This and has greatly encouraged permit near to complete formulation and that republic. total ..6,000.00. ment and for a time there wast a to Instead of three mills as at Is ed to fight. Will have a job if he is It is also the opinion of the senate is for mission companies .a more liber present. there likely to be a special message amount intended maintenance. marked improvement In her condit- al of than to do with the 8 cent collec- wants one'' Secretary Baker declar- should be made for the Han me policy loans otherwise away per for the legislature next week in which that provision Miguel county aavises ion. Mr. Page had bean with Hier for would It tion, tax is to that 50 ed today in delivering the opening and other Christian popula- no further funds they have adopted. has and provide per he will recommend special taxes along Syrians state engineer that several weeks, returning the latter a of comfort and cent of aH road funds collected from address at the fourteenth annual as a reve- of Asia Minor and that those are at the time been matter "great these lines solution of the tions available present part of last week, leaving his wlf j satisfaction to me tha the govern- hall be convention of the national rivers and of states- of ' Minor where the for state aid Work 'will much municipalities devoted strietly nue problems ahead the portions Asia projects. improved in health. The end ment in aid of a that to hav- harbors congress,. men. should be be discontinued on Road No. I, sec- came great industry municipal expenditure. Then Greeks are predominant suddenly Sunday evening. has been sorely tried has deemed the collection tax, a The secretary emphasized the The comment to be under the control of the gov- tion 7, tbe Ocean to Ocean highway Mrs. was a leader In ing guillotined American men to only permitted placed Page many it wise to depart from its usual eus-ti- is to be duty of business at this is "we go- for the San Miguel has and separate tax, levied, appearing In made time that are ernment of Greece." present. of Gallup's social civic affairs in not with individuals bud- what the government on road Mc- dealing on its own responsibility on the ing to raise the extra money needed Word also comes from Lithuania done much this extending and was the organizer of the I was doing in this direction, and said Coun- and. for the first time, so far as to take care of the of coun- for these progressive measures with- that the of that country are fiom Watrous to tlhe Santa Fe Kinley County Chapter of tbe Red the get, salary that every chamber of commerce, people to be re know in the history of govern- ty officials. This will not, It is esti- out increasing the tax levy and putting In a ty line. Work is expected Cross and Its first chairman. Through it. to board of trade or other similar or- engaged desperate struggle ad- ment, has made direct loans do that the cities to any burden on the man who has a lit- the Bolsheviki and are asums sumed in the near future when her efforts the chapter was built made mated, all want ganizations should realize the need against hand. individuals, a concession not the cost of a town's tle home and a little herd of goats." from the allied power? ditional funds are at up to a strong membership and was to winl solving high for its participation. for assistance any other industry. it wlU a and Realizing that this broad field of and poli- recognized as one of the most effi- in West. living but go long ways Secretary Daniels said that the navy to maintain their physical Confidence as far as to be asked. work is going to be opened next week tical The attitude of cient, in the state. In matters of "I am to state that I quite ought would have to adjust its relations with independence, Mrs. gratified To Start the republicans are following Judge the administration and the American COLFAX COONTY OVER business Page was a woman of have Induced the secretary of the Something. American business interests so that Barnes' lead in an effort to clean up headed marked ability and was noted for Sier to forebear further Two measures were Introduced in manufacturing might be resumed '.;nd neace delegation at Paris, by treasury making will start special bills. toward the Bolsheviki, many acts of charity and kindness calls on tbe drouth relief funds now the house yesteiday which labor kept employed. Mr. of be- the president, to in trouble and distress. the of Carter Socorro it is now has aucn as iu uih.b WITH those on in the national banks of something. Llewellyn, Major In warning against a tendency to com- is and been TOP $8,743 are deposit bill which lieved, will call a meeting of the would be their at- The remains being brought the western of the district ur-J- i peace and not war, has a wait for ami wages to be- problematical what home Tos accom- part prices drop mittee on county and county Unes this of the from Angeles, he first of unless unusual r ad- provides that hereafter the delinquent fore new construction titude toward the appeal Mrs. Grebcben a July, undertaking afternoon or in the mortijng to act on but there is no mistaking panied by Lyon, ditions should arise, which I Uils tax list must be published In a paper. projects, Mr. Daniels declared that the Grant so that it Lithuanians, neice of Mrs. iPage. sum now The have been fbr this county division, th Attitude of the reoublican party, REMARKABLE SHOWING FOR wholly unlikely. This printers pining those who expected wages aud prices may go the house tomorrow Is because want the through in a resolution introduced BIG COM- amounts to around $1X00,000, and reform, both they to return to former levels had not afternoon as a part of the as expressed ARMENIAN RELIEF; small- because tele- special on ueceinDer iv, PROVE GENEROUS. exclusively deposited with the revenue and they say properly read the changed conditions order. by Senator Lodge PANIES fil ad-- , and doors arc which was referred to the com- OF er banks in the Paso and phone poles court house of the present day. Conferences hel dthe past la or 18 1918, tendered and that mittee on foreign relations. The reso- jacftnt territory. unsightly anyhow In insisting that in any national hours have gone far toward a com- "I have great confidence In the method don't publish anything. It Is water and rail on the lution reads: E. in come polcly transportation promise divergent views of of Coloue) Ralph Twiteliell, OEFENSE AOGLISHED west, and believe It will back; the first of a series of stiffening should go hand in hand, those Interested as to Unes and is "Resolved, That in the opinion of the drive for the Armen- I am transportation It should be charge prospects are good, and hoping whalebones that are to be Inserted in the said: that an the senate, Lithuania sepa ian in (New Mexico, re- the next secretary thought by night agreement inde- Relief fund the use 6f these funds for the publishers' business to make it "The railroads broke down when can be reached between them. The rated from Russia and given ceived tiie news this will the banks gratifying six months enable ofj and attractive to men of large in an at- amendment for an for" a coun- and that the same right Colfax gone to do run m shapely the country entered the war election pendence and morning that county has Ails., Feb. 5. The senate this section their part views on public questions who feel to seat Is not to be in should be extended to the Letts over more than. 200 Phoenix, conditions." tempt carry increased burdens, ty pressed view the top per finished the work of restoring normal that have a right to live while to of the as to the to Ksthonia. All these people snouic subscribed the remark- abolishing the He that it was his pur- they while the watersTiave run idly the showing preponderant cent, having or also said molding-publi- c voto and independence, as sum Of sum, state council defense by passing the to of the opinion. sea." in Lordsburg. have liberty able of 18,743.22. this bill pose wiiile here visit Bome The bill Is a of on the Baltic coast Pacific house to wipe out that body and other that creating No Bolshevism, Says. Supporters the division were their possessions the 'Rocky Mountain Company districts particularity Tucson, from to Albu- In their a condition subscribed the Dawson Fuel sending it to tho governor for his sig- and Silver City, and highway Farmirigton Secretary Daniels referred to fears busily engaged displaying this make independence $1,000; nature. Doming It is a well kttoWn fact that moraine from mine nf oreat lmoortance for the future $1,000; PhelpsnDodgo Com- that on his return he would spend querque. of Bolshevism in America and said: telegrams every Company Ban sometimes wonders Bol- in Qf the world. $2,250, The senate also passed Senator, In El Paso and Jnan county "There is no more danger of the borders of the proposed Pyra- freedom end peace pany 18,260; Cleveland Dodge a few days probably to or io resolutions are only interests and ihdlvldual con- Newman's measure, known as the would visit some of the towns in whether she belongs Colorado shevism taking hold of America than mid county asking for the division These three other off and also 84 of the republi- This is best board of regents bill, for the Univer- eastern New Mexico. New Mexico, way up yrinder there Is of the kaiser Wash- and petitions from of the 426 typical of the attitude tributors $2,243.22. the northern and to entering voters included of smaller made ariy al- sity of Arizona. This bill provides tor with no way of getting anywhere in those precincts and can party toward Ue rights showing yet by county, Now ington." stated additional will and their deflntte-nes- s counties like Santa Ke very eight members, each board to remain meet her fellow counties. Speak that petitions nations in Burope though of Nations an of be here within the next 24 hours. It a contrast, toward early in the campaign subscribed effective for eight years. League or Sedlllo and Imposing group form striking te build a road by Stte of Indiana is an interesting (ant that the two tim mvstifvlnir and vacillating alti more than their quota. On the other It was argued before passage that Atlantic sponsors propose are of Congress which Juanltes can come to New precincts of Red Rock and Richmond tude of the administration upon these hand, among the counties that such action would lift, the board San are are Such rich counties as shove the of and Its Sessions Mexioo without having to enter for- a unanimous in their desire to be subjects. lagging regents plane politics Opens Adopts Suffrage in the new these two Bernalillo and tíiaut. If those come that In tbe past It was customary for New York. Feb. 6 With more than eign territory and to levy a special county, precincts three being those on which no definite agree- - State of New Mexico, County of through as they should, New Mexioo a board to resign whenever a new gov- 3,000 delegates registered, the Atlan- tax of one mill for the coming Amendment over as it has lu the cost of construct Quickly ment had been reached until noon. Santa Fe, ss: In the District will go the top ernor was inaugurated. tic Congress for a League of Nations years to defray lndianapofls, Feb. 5. The Beards-le- y The bill, If it comes to the house Mrs. Max Helfemtteln, plaintiff, vs. other drives, with colors flying. began a two day session here today. (ng the highway. The bill has four amendment to tho In- and with the suffrage tomorrow, will bo practically certain Max Helfenstein, defendant. Nto. 11 The congress is under the auspices of backers ojt its back, diana Constitution was passed by 1b of com- of passage. Senator Murray of Sil- SUMMONS BV PUBLICATION. U. NEW the League to Bnforce Peace. It is speaker, said to be hopeful the Sánate without a speech, and ver You S. S. ac- City will have the final say in Tn Mor Helfenstein, defendant: T. R. Memorial the first of a series of nine congresses manding a majority, having already without a dissenting vote. The the senate through senatorial cour- notified that suit has been tn be held this month throughout the a' long list of votes pledged to it. tion was taken so that suff- and are hereby late quickly tesy it is assumed that that body commenced and Is now iwuni country. Other transactions of the house rage leaders sitting on the sidelines will cut Grant in of TO as follows: county only a way you la, the district court Fixed assure Ihe formation of a strong Tuesday afternoon wefe waiting for the vote did not know it aualnst Program f satisfactory to her senator. That be- the first Judicial district within and league of nations end the acceptance The committee on education report-o- had been passed. The amendment the case, It is no of the of bill to the ing part plan for the county of Santa Ke. Mate Feb. 6 The program such a league by the' United States ed out favorably the permit provides that all citizens over the that the house shall have the bill with Washington, 'Brest, Fob. 5. The new Ameri- schools where New Mexico, by complaint filed of the congressional memorial ser- senate, it was announced that plans consolidation of rural age of 21, wiib the usual restrictions placed befor It until Sonatof t, can New Mexico Murray m a. oWlt nf said court, on vice for Theodore Roosevelt, Sunday stiperdreadnaught will be outlined at these congresses they are In different counties. as to Insane persons and criminals, to satisfied and it is evident that his arrived at Brest today. The bat- bill the fee for shall the to vote for all Mh day of January. In the house chamber was announc- for an intensive campaign reaching The Clancy raising have right wishes are to be met. the tleship Is to convoy the steamship bar to $25 from $15 offloes. The amendment will elim- In Mrs. Max Heltensiein ed today by 8enator Wtadsworth and every city and town in the country. admission to the Qeorge Washington when that vessel 11. as was 40 to o. inate the vote of persons who are not NOTICÍ FOR PUBLICATION. and Max Helfenstein is defendant, Representative Kitchen, chairmen pj returns States with William Taft, passed, civil docket of committee In Mem- to the United of the delivered tho The warranto bill after being citizens and will eliminate the clause Department of the Interior, U. H. uumberad on the the joint charge. President Wilson on board. A fleet president league, quo tl or sau bers of the Roosevelt family, former address. Mr. Taft said that If read In BngliBh and partly in Spanish In the Constitution which requires Land Office at Santa Fe, N. M . Feb. said court, the general object American also Will be koyiKito members of the cab- of destroyers of war is to be was on of Clancy, that all voters must register. 4, 1M. suit being to secure a decree granting president Tail, lu Vice Admiral Wilson the purpose this recommitted m,qt!on inet and the supreme court, the di- the convoy. like that contem to some correc- Notice is hereby Antonio unto the said puuuuu will Ms flat! On the Nu.v achieved a league the introducer, permit given and navy raise of "in- P. Armljo, of Cunta Fe. N. M., wtoo, on divorce from tho saw ueienuiim. plomatic corps, nigh, army Mexico. plated In the league nations is tion. 3U Would Abolish maiden officers have been Invited to at- The bill the limit of Feb. 20, 1913 und Nov. in, 1916, made to restore said plaintiff to her dispensable.1' l.ymi raising runner tend. We have beaten io uncon- suits whieh ean be handled Chief of Currency homonte&d entries N'ns oí VJ81 and i.ame. You are hereoy a uorniuny replevin to enter The services will be held at New Mexico surrender." sold Mr. Ta" by a Justice of tho peace to $200 from Washington, Feb. 6. A bill 24:187, for PHfc NEW B NWVi. tlod that unless you youi "v Mass- Wealthy of Vi on or before o'clock with Senator Lodge of wl, W011 are in 10 rik' $100 was passed after Blanchard had abolish the office of comptroller NEW Sec. ti'A NWH. section 20, paaranca. tn said of Man lhoae 1, WIS. achusetts, the lifelong friend the Minine ? Vanishes, tuto"" th troatv nf neace. The purpose successful in striking out the currency, now held by John flwelton Township 15 north, rango 9 oast, N. M the 21st day qf March, Judgmen Ml Feb. E. been In said former president, tho only speaker. Paso. K.J. Hums, said be measured the clause, by a vote of 39 to I Williams, and transfer its functions Triti. Meridian, has filed notice of In- will be rendered against you Mexico of the war must by emergency In- oí the to be a wealthy New mining or The of Barnes that he to the federal reserve board, was tention to make three year proof, to cause by default. The name tuafi who was se- purpose Germany. purpose Judge uunoupced of k Sad- Sail wllh friends hore, several of would the thirteen bills which troduced today by Senator Weeks establish claim to the land above de- plaintiffs attorney is Daniel Five Transports and then robbed of Oovmaitt' under years ask that It was re- le verely buaten a viewed of legislation Massachusetts. Republican,. scribed, before and Receiver, ler, and said attorneys post office more than near Dallas last preparation and philosophy comprise tho program tn the senate com- Register With 12.500 Men $3,000 was to establish in the caked the estile' growers of the ferred banking If. S. Laud OffiCB, Santa Ke, N. Wv, on Santa Kb. New Mexico. ween, nas In every way by mittee which meets tomorrow to take I ueio-unt- uisawearpu. jnis world a order tot Match in. imo. In testimony whereof. nave Feb. 6. matlon was received here yesterday, name of Ood her lust of power state be made special the renominntlnn of Mr. Wil- Departure 2 P. with them up ou this the 5th - invcstl-ry- l force." at m., and Claimant names as witnesses: set my hand dv from France of five transports car- Dallas police, who were by Thursday - liams, confirmation of vhlch is op - could out of the commit- Fe. N. M of MM. LUCO and believe "But we are only half way through Si he gotten a Armljo at Santa February, officers approximate- gating the robbery, say they move or posed by number of Republican Ke. N. M.. ALFRKDO LUOJRtU, 18.500 was Is now on tils to El aPso. with the cure," said Mr. Taft. "Wt ipb. This w8 the first ins ..,... Manuel Qarola of Santa Jose ly men, announced today Burns way T of - head with a. bHU - - . - i - A. 1. ii ef Ami a ,V M. Lorenzo Clerk and Clerk I,., tho iirui- risnartinnnt The lamest hums (old Chief of Police Hickman have hit them over the such esrrylug general bounty t to !.N. M District Court within ami ror on are 378th óf Wnois a suburb of Dallas, whore club, but we have got bold that floor leader to speed up lagging uroprtntlons and finance was due Lopez of Santa Ke, the units the sbipsi infantry an- FRANCISCO DELGADO. Santa Ke County. New ..Mexico. and two battalions of the he. was robbed arid thrown from an eiuh over them ss Riiarantee that statesmanship. Major Llewellyn the fact that tbe budget commission complete, aun wnom netiucnil that the reason there had tidd not been able .to send Us Register. By Fred Lopez, Deputy. :;i;ntb Infantry, both of the 93rd that he bad a large sum the cure wlH be dui"nie yet up 27 I no session of the of ap First Pub. Feb. 6 Last Pub. March tí 1st Pub. Keb. 6 Last Psb. Feb. vision, colored. of money' in a bank here. 'some." ion moguls report. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ? Department of the Interior. O. S. GRANT COUNTY LEADS FOUR HUNDRED CASES FARMING CLASSES AT LA PLATA IRRIGATORS .ami Office at Santa Pe, N. M., Jan. Roosevelt Memorial 21. 1919. Day Notice is hereby giver that Serafín ELEVENTH DISTRICT IN OF INFLUENZA IH THE MIAMI AND SPRINGER FIGHTING COLORADO Polaco, of Amargo, N. M., who, on ,)an. Proclaimed by Governor 7, 1916, made Homestead Entry, No. 025598, for S SBÍ4 Sec. 21, N LIBERTY LOAN DRIVE FARMISGTOH SECTION RIGHT TE ASK LARRA20L0 N'E'i Sec. 28, township 32 North, range I East, N. M. Prin. Meridian A Proclamation by the Governor has filed notice of intention to make TO THE PEOPLE OF NEW MEXICO: Three Year Proof, to establish claim Grant county led every county In EPIDEMIC IN 8 AN JUAN MORE SPRINGER HIGH SCHOOL PLACED SAN JUAN COUNTY WATER USERS it la a beautiful trait of human character that we love to in IN IN FRONT keep grateful to the land above described, before the eleventh federal reserve district VIOLENT THAN OCTOBER; RANK OF VOCATION INTERESTING GOVERNOR IN EF- remembrance the names of those who have rendered signal and distlugushed Placido Quintana, U. S. Commissioner, 16 the Fourth Liberty Loan drive, ac- DOCTOR8 AND NURSES KEPT AL EDUCATION, SAYS 8MITH. FORT TO KEEP WATER8 WITH- service to their country, so that they live with us long after; they have left at Park View, N. M., on March 3, 191. cording to official figures Just made BUSY. IN STATE. the Bcenes of worldly activity, Claimant namea ks witnesses: pedro public and the town of Lordsburg led E. D. Smith, 4itttte THEODORE ROOSEVELT will ever live In the history of our country as N. lM.. Fob. 4. It is supervisor of eg- J. Martinez of Lumberton, N. IM., Jose all the incorporations in the entire Farmlngton, one of its greatest and most conspicuous characters, tor he was great not in "Times Hustle" that rlcultural education, has returned Vigil of Lumberton, N. M., Francisco district in the percentage of over sub- reported the An effort Is to be made to Interest only as a President of a republic, but he was equally great as a private citi- In the covered the resi- from Springer and Miami in Colfax Montoya of Lumberton, N- M., Filiber-t- scription of the loan, haying reached territory by Governor Larrazolo and the state leg- zen, and the work that he did for his country, as well byl advice as by un- M. a maximum of 2Í7 cent. As a dent physicians In this section there county, where he has been for the past in selfish and action and we of de Herrera of Lumberton, N. per In- islature the fight which is being patriotic devotion, demand that think him often; en-le- d hundred cases of two weeks or FRANCISCO DELGADO, result of this Lordsburg became are over four lor the purpose inaug made by the La Plata Water Users' that we keep in mind the counsel that he gave to his countrymen, and that fluenza. Few families but have one uratlng classes in in con Register. to have a tank named after It, but agriculture association in San Juan county to pre- by following that counsel and advice we may become better and more useful as the tanks are to go out of construc- or more sick. In Borne families all nection with the school system. In vent excessive the citizens. 1st Pub. Jan 23, 1919. out- will appropriation by It is announced that Mrs. Wood-ro- are ill in bed and dependent on Springer full day classes be held, state of Colorado of the waters of the With this in view, and to the end we do Last Pub. Feb. 20, 1919. tion, disease seems object that may properly honor Wilson, the wife of the President, side assistance. The while in Miami the work will begin La Plata river. Mr. Rosendo Martinez to the memory of that distinguished citizen, I, O. A. Larrazolo, governor of NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. will the name, "Lordsburg" to more virulent In character than the with night classes, but the equipment the of the association has the state of New Mexico, do set give in president hereby apart of the U. 8. one of the ships now under construc- first epidemic October. being installed is so complete that it reached Santa Fe from his home In SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9th, A. D. 1919 Department Interior, who had the dis- Land Office at Santa Fe, N. M., Jan. tion by the shipping board. Many persons will be posslolo to begin full day Aztec and will see the governor on as a ROOSEVELT MEMORIAL DAY, and earnestly invite and request the ease at that time, now aré nursing 13, 1919. work without a minutes delay when the letter's return from Las Vegas. patriotic people of our state to dedicate that day to commemorating the ac- and all In their power to Is Notice is given that I Manuel doing the time ripe. It Is believed that The matter is to be tested in the complishments of that great American, and that such exercises be held in hereby the afflicted families. Dr. and classes in Garcia, of Santa Fe, N. M., who, on EXAMINATIONS FOR day will be begun Miami federal courts and funds are sought every community of thlB state on that day, whether religious or civil, as may Mrs. McGregor, making a house to no later than next The we Feb. 10, 1913, made Homestead Entry year. pupils from the state to assist in the fight appear proper and convenient to out" citizens, so may thereby prove our house canvas to find families who are to Serial No. 017909, for SWÍ4 SKM already planning Install and for the citizens of New Mexico. Mr. admiration and respect for him who devoted the better portion of his life to might be without aid, on account a the the service of his Sec. 8, NWVi NEV4 EV6 NW4 Sec. THE CIVIL SERVICE sev- operate canning factory during Martinez claims that the La Plata country and mankind. of need being unknown, found summer. flow has to Done at the of 17 additional homestead entry 02476 member coming always been devoted rest Executive Office this the first day eral where every of the dents in San Juan with the ex (SEAL) 1919. Witness hand and the Great Nov. 10, 1916 SWV, NW14. NWVi was In and without any- Mr. Smith said today: county February, my family bed of 50 feet until a few Seal of the State of New Mexico. SWV4 Sec. 17, SEVi NBVi, & civil on outside been "The Springer board of education, ception years The following service examin one the having ago, when the otoange of the status ATTESTED: O. A. LARRAZOLO. Sec. 18, 15 north, range held In on of condition. by Its farsightedness, has placed Its SEVi township ations will be Santa Fe aware their of the Ute Indian reservation resulted MANUEL MARTINEZ, Governor. 9 N. M. P. Meridian, haB filed some high school among the foremost in the east, the dates mentioned: At tfhls writing Improvement In Colora- State. to three in most country by a department of gradual encroachments by Secretary of notice of intention make year February 15, forest and field clerk, is reported the condition of installing do are now 235 to the land vocational agricultural teaching. This until they using feet. proof to establish claim United States forestry service. of the seriously sick. He is aided In the effort he is mak- before the 18, federal type of instruction during the past above described, Register February guard, male, Physicians have been doing heroic ing here Edward Everett Young, at to an- years has so successful by LEAVE TO Another and 'Receiver,' V. S. Land Office, penitentiary service. Salary Í840 work, rushing from one case to eight proven known as the of the San Juan ENGINEERS Evaporation N. M., on Feb. 25, 1919. that the federal government haB felt Apostle Santa Fe, $1,080 per year. other, night and day, foregoing their Valley. Station Installed Lo- 7, ac It advisable to make the in Claimant names as witnesses: March 12, April 19, and May own needs of rest and food to aid possible Mr. Martinez has submitted the fol- N. An- of such in renzo Lopez of Santa Fe, M., counting and statistical clerk, inter all In their power. stallation training the to the INSPECT RIO GRANDE By Weather Bureau o lowing governor: N. M., Neme-ci- commerce In- Bchoola (if the entire nation by dres Brtto of Santa Fe, state commission. Salary Among the seriously Hi from grant Aztec, New Méx., Jan. 10, 1919. In the annual New Mexico weather N. M A. F. $1,200 to federal aid. Vocational agricul- Armijo of Santa Fe $1,600 per year. fluenza or complications resulting Ing Hod. O. A. Larrazolo, report Section Director Chas. E. Lin-ne- M. . tural education is not for Armljo, Santa Fe, N. March 11, Mechanical engineej, from this disease, are Mise Alii teaching Governor of New Mexico, DRAINAGE SITUATION says: DELGADO. or for service In the of- but It- is intended to FRANCISCO male female, Barnes, Mill Lola Walker, Robert theories, give Santa Fe, New Mexico. Another Class "A" station wa fice of the supervising architect, Itona A. L. each student a definite, practical Registe: Qooddtng, Miss Clark, Dear Governor Larrazolo: to our 1919. treasury department, Washington. training in farming or some of the added group of evaporation First Pub. Jan. 23, Iavis. Arthur Edgar, Miss Minna I take pleasure In enclosing here- stations the the List Pub. Feb. 20, 1919. Salary $2,000 per year. itert Hubbard, Eugene many lines connected with that trade. with a memorial The Is the during year Agricul- Durnell, setting forth facts government studying tural College and It should prove of March 12, assisting superintendent Pierce. The instructor selected in Springer, concerning the La Plata, New Mexico Rio Grande Drainage situation. J. of Orlando, C. is a unusual interest in showing the con- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. drug and plant station, So many families are in need of Captain F Hopkins, graduate Water Users' association. I wrote L. Burkholder drainage engineer ot Fla. Salary $1,200 to $1,500 per year of the of Illinois and is a ditions that obtain in our southern Department of the Interior, U. S. help in the way of nurses that the University you Dec. 13, 1918, to your home ad the Reclamation Service at El Paso the of March 4, Elevator machinist for ser farmer training, educa at New in and W. H. valleys. Generally evaporation Land Office at Santa; Fe, n. m., Jan available supply in town has been practical by dress Las Vegas, Mexico, Conkling hydrographic the year was less than 1917. vice in department of agriculture in Miss Alice tion and experience." which I outlined the facts from the Denver office during 2. 1919, exhausted. Olcutt of the concerning engineer Thus at the Agricultural College, the that An- Washington. Salary $900 per year. Mission Is nura- the situation at the time. have a week here the NOTICE is hereby given to au Episcopal Hospital present spent studying record beginning In September, the of La New Date be arranged, traveling and and Mrs. We are going to ask the reports and estimates of State En- selmo Sisneros Madera, ditor or resident income tax ing day night, Gray legislature results indicate somewhat greater who, on 28, 1813. made auditor, Is nursing. Among those who of 1919 to appropriate an adequate gineer James A. French on tie Rio Mexico, July unit, internal revenue bureau. Sal day ONE MAR CASHES IN; evaporation than at the Elephant Homestead Entry No. 019397, for Lot nave come in to nurse, are mus sum of money, to be agreed upon, to Grande drainage district from .White Butte a In ary $1,800 to $4,500 per year. Rock to dam, and probable total 9 (3.68a), Lot 10 (17.26a), Lot 11, Inez Crandall. Mrs. Ella Moore of bring an action before the United Canyon San Marcial. This excess of 100 inches. This 23 For further information regarding Miss Newton of States Federal court for the left auto In actually (24.79a), Section 36, Township W. Durango. Eunice prior morning they by charge occurred at the dam where the total 8 N. M. P. Meri- these examinations, apply to J Mr. to of of M. Neal assistant North, Range East, Cedar Hill, Ooyd Wood and right the water the La Plata George engin- for the year was 105.042 inches, but Pratt, local secretary of the civil came down we en- eer for an of the district. dian, has filed notice of intention to Mr. Lien from Aztec last river, to which think we are inspection this is, nevertheless, more than four r will to the make three-yea- proof, to establish night and several others are prom titled under the laws of the country. They report Denver of Inches below the record for 1917. The be- HACHITA GUN DUEL It In- fice. It the to Include the claim to the land above described, ised for today from that place Perhaps might be proper to is purpose greater precipitation and cloudiness fore, Register and Receiver, at Santa I .ocal people are doing heroic work, form your excellency that we have Rio Grande Drainage In the plans accounts for SLIGHT INCREASE IN Con- probably this, since the Pe, New Mexico, on Feb. 14, 1919. and" desire it to be known that no already assessed ourselves to the under the Lane blU now before winds were the cases will unassisted. The com sec- higher during year Claimant names as witnesses: go amount of $10.00 a cubic foot per gress. than during 1917. At the Santa Fe Garcia, Manuel Garcia, Guada- mlttee in charge of the work Is LORDSBURG, N. M., Feb. 3. ond of time to pay for the preliminary field station INFLUENZA IN STATE E. Dr. S. M the temperature, wind lupe Ribera, Juan Garcia, all of Ojo MTajor P. Woods, H. Claude McDowell was killed and details of the case. But since we That All and evaporation were all lower than New Mexico. Qregor and H. H. Miller. know that the of Colorado are Important Caliente, Hale Chenoweth severely and people during 1917, Hut the precipitation al- FRANCISCO DELGADO. going to have the aid of their state Go most three times as wounded in a Superintendents to great. At the Register. probably fatally gun we believe that it is no more than fair experiment station near Tucumcarl, First Publication, Jan. 9. Reports from various parts of the duel which took between the and equitable that our state aid us National the results In SURPLUS UF LABOR place Meeting for the months given Last Publication, Feb. 6. state indicate that the number of two man near Paradise, an Inland In getting what is rightfully ours. The state school (April to were fluenza cases is somewhat. We a case superintendent September inclusive) increasing town west of Hachlts; Tuesday have plain as our people has 'Bent out the following letter: somewhat lower than during 1917, and However, the situation is not alarm of week. McDowell settled In New Mexico all the way it is NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. STATE, DECLARES morning last February 3, 1919. probable that the record for the ing, as the disease does not seem to sold a road outfit to Chenoweth from 35 to 40. years ago and appro- other of U. S To Boards of Education: six months the year, if it Department of the Interior, be virulent nor fatal. Several cases and the latter claimed that the priated the water of the La Plata had been would have shown Land Office at Santa Fe, N. M Jan. There are two very Important taken, a have been reported from Albuquerque former did net deliver all the ac- river, built ditches and put the water total of 90 inches. Par-ti- 10, 1919. EMPLOYMENT DEPT. to use. meetings for administrative school approximately and a few from Las Vegas, with few cessaries but was attempting to beneficial Up until the time nfficfRlfl to he helrt Hnriner thla records only were obtained at the Notice is hereby given that Thomas vi- that the reserva- if any deaths. In the Farraington make off with them. The shoot- Southern Ute Indian month. The one is the National flatiug pan stations at Lake Avalon C. Woodail, of No. 1119 South Broad- said to lie num tion was for the cinity there are a large ing occurred when Chenoweth opened settlement, Meeting of the of Vocational ana near armmgton, the latter, way, M., who, on hun- of Colorado had Society Albuquerque, $ ber of cases, running into the went to McDowell and demanded people appropriated which holds annual ever-- showing 48.5 inches for eleven 14, 191C, and November 1, INQUIRERS WANT TO KNOW IF 50 its January dreds. men only about cubic feet of water but i monthB of the Nos. the property. Both are of convention this year In St Louis, year. The results thus 191G, made Homestead Entries THIS MEANS THAT OLD JOBS Since this time they have appropriat- to 22nd. far obtained indicate much 025654 for SE Sec. family. February 20 The other is greater and 28444, WON'T OPEN ed more water until at the present The of from the of Sec. 12 CHILD HIT BY BE TO RETURNING Department Superintendence evaporation open pan the 21, SWVi, 22, Township time they have a total of 235 cubic of the National Education Associa- Class "A" station than from the float- 8 N. M. P. SOLDIERS. so can North, Range East, AUTOMOBILE feet, you readily see that tion, which meets in Febru- ing, pans. Meridian, has filed notice of intention about 185 cubic feet are new Chicago N. M Feb. 3 Little from ap- ary 24th, to March 1st. Each ot to make Three Year Proof, to estab- Roswell, Roy A recent bulletin by the U. S. Em Oil Can Bursts; was an automobile propriations. these meetings is of impor- lish claim to the land above described, Johnson struck by ployment Issued by state In a letter dated Dec. from greatest LONDON HOTEL C. M. here Service, the 17th, tance to our and su- before Madison M. Milligan, ü. S. driven by Farnsworth there Mr. I was in county city of week. The director, says "that are very your secretary, Gartner, perintendents and since meet in DWELLERS at N. M., on Thursday afternoon last rew to secure formed that was in they HARD Commissioner, Stanley, Farnsworth car was at a low opportunities employ your excellency the same section of the country and Feb. 18, 1919. running ment In the state at the present Perishes the East a Conference of BY rate of past where several boys Woman attending at consecutive periods it will be pos- HIT STRIKE Claimant names as witnesses: B. B. speed time" for returning soldiers. A Clovis iiovernors and that on your return Feb. 4. were playing on the curb, according sible for the superintendents from London, Thousands of Lon- Smith, C. M. Slaughter, Chester man construes this as a to re my letter would be submitted to you New Mexico meet- doners who ' to fellow warning to attend both because of the and all of spectators, when the little soldiers to this date we have had no shortage Slaughter Sam Hadlock, basked into the street and was struck turning that their former po WIFE OF FREIGHTER AT SILVER Up reply ings. However, it, is especially desir of domestic help during the war had N. M. sitions will not be back. "It has from you nor from General ed at- become Hyer, by the machine. Mr. Farnsworth given CITY BURNED TO DEATH; WA8 Attorney that our superintendents may hotel dwellers either went FRANCI8CO DELGADO, caused much unfavorable comment, Askren, to whom I also wrote. We tend the Department of without breakfast this threw on the brakes with such force FILLING LAMP. are Superin morning, or Register. car Into the he writes, "and ought to be explained." realize that you very busy at this tendenco meeting in Chicago. compelled to be satisfied with a 16. Pub. Feb. 13. as to throw the sidewise with the over of state cup First Pub. Jan. Last street. The will recover and will The bulletin, sent out to army camp time taking the This Is undoubtedly the most lm of tea or coffee and a slice of bread. boy of but that can sustain no permanent representatives the employment Silver City, N. M., Feb. 3. Mrs. government, hope you portant meeting for superintendents This situation was the result of the NOTICE PUBLICATION. Injury. service In see your way clear to help us in this and I Mex- FOR far posting, says part: Soledad Gomez, wife of Lula Gomez, sincerely hope that New strike of hotel workers which has of the Interior, U. S. 'In case any men from the state of matter so that we will not have to ico will send a good delegation broken Department a was burned to death In make the partly up the kitchen staffs Laud Office at Santa Fe, N. M Jan. New Mexico are stationed at the camp freighter, fight alone. of jelty and county superintendents and the table service In STATE NEWS IN home when an oil can ex in advance for the large 14, 1919. where you are making your headquar her Friday Thanking you your to the meeting. In the past the hotels of the weBt end of the on aid and hoping for you the most sue city. Notice Is hereby given that Mrs BRIEF FORM ters, we ask that you call their at ploded, setting her clothing fire department of education has called The kitchen which to cessful administration in all the sis attention to the that has staffs, are lareelv Eva Redman, of Señorito, N.M., who. tention the fact that there are very and inflicting ratal injuries wnicn progress made of ' . terhood of states, I am, been up foreigners, demand an on July 8, 1914, made Homestead En- OIL COMPANY GETS BU8Y. Lrew opportunities to secure employ she survived but a few hours She sir, made in educational matters in Most respectfully yours, this state which is due to eight hour day and a 25 per cent in No. 021260, for List No. for - waa either filling or lighting the lamp largely try, Hagerman, N. M., Feb. 3. Califor- f l" """"""í."". ROSENDO MARTINEZ, the crease in wages. The waiters demand SE.Í4..NEVÍ BWVi Ey4, NVi SWVi We think best to give you In which began to flicker and exploded intelligent Interest, enthusiasm, nia oil men have entered into a con La New Mexico twenty-eigh- t the abolition of the system under SB NEV4. 8V SEV4 NEVi, formation so that you can the before she could throw it out doors. President, Plata, and activity of the NW', tract with the Linda Vista Oil Co., to explain Water Users' Association. which their tips are pooled and di- NWV4 NV4 matter to the men and If Physicians stated Ithat she Inhaled county superintendents and our eight NE' BEVi NB14. SWy begin development work at once on young oppor- or ten vided, with, a commission on the tak- SV4 NV4 NWVi tunities for can be found the flames before a neighbor woman, city superintendents. This NEVi SEV4, SB. the company's holdings southwest of employment Hie of ings deducted. NEVi will not let tho chance Antonio Salazar, could smother them. attitude on part our super WJ4 NW NB14 SWVi, SEVi town. Operations will be opened as elsewhere, they Intendenta haB been a result to a also demand NWVi SW Sec 20 20 N. R 2 K go by, that will Four children survive her, the two They a minimum wage Tp. soon as the drilling machinery can thinking employment Bolsheviki Murder large extent of their attendance oa of two for women SBVi SEVi NWVi, EH 8WV4 SEVi be furnished them upon their return younger being slightly burned when pounds weekly and reach here from California. Geolo ran to mother In an effort these educational meetings where three pounds for men. NWV4, NWVi SBÍ4 NWVi, S to this state. they their Tobolsk BVÍ gical Investigations have been under to Bishop they have benefited not by the its on Mon- NBJV4 S .SW "There are few Industries in help her. Dec. 14. only Profiting by experience SEVi NWVi. NWVi way for several weeks. Stocks of the very Vladivostok, (Correspond new Ideas but from the when the to NV6 this state the chief are Bish- suggested day city awoke find NEVi, SV4 SWVi NEVi, N' Linda Vista has been taken off the occupations ence of The "Associated Press.) Inspiration which they have received NWVi NEVi SEVi, mining, and maintenance of Russian Thistle of was tortur transportation hampered by the strike NWV4 SEVi, market. farming op Hermogen Tobolsk, from the educational leaders of the in the London started to SEVi NWVi NEVi NEVi railroads. At this time of the year ed and murdered Bolsheviki, ac tubes, early SB',. by nation. The attorney general has work today. By the streets EV4 NWVi NEVi SWVi Set" 20 LAKE ARTHUR BANK CLOSES. there is little work to be had on farms. Saves Livestock to a letter received daybreak SWVi. cording private held that money expended by were well filled men women N. M. P. Meri- Lake Arthur, N. M., Feb. 3. The lo- The mines sre no in need of here. Since the of Bol with and Tp. 20 N Raage 2 E. longer Around early days boards of education In paying the from the filed notice of Intention to cal bank tailed to open for business men. Stanley shevlsm the bishop had fearlessly de walking suburbs, and the dian, has By the use of Russian Thistles, expenses of superintendents to these buses when started at 7 make three final to estab- Tuesday morning of last week. No "At the present time, there Is a sur- nounced their work and for this was Is they o'clock, year proof, statement has been out which they cut and baled while in meetings money properly spent wore crowded. lish claim to the land above described, given by the plus of all kinds of labor in the state." forbidden to preach. and I am sure from I have ob- officials of the a to the green stags last summer, cattle- what The London street district before John F. Young, V. S. Commis- nlstitutlon the The aged churchman defied the Bol served as a result of this expendi railway but It is stated represen- men and farmers of the Stanley vi- and In was completely shut down this morn- at Cuba, N. M., Feb. 19, 1919. reason, that sheviki his preachings display ture that It Is sioner, tatives of the state cinity are saving their stock. County ed con- fully justified. ing for all the drivers did Claimant names at- witnesses: J. F. banking depart- OFFICIAL NOTES greater energy than ever In If, therefore, your board of edu although ment will be here Tuesday to ex- Agent Ramirez, who has returned from the Soviet authorities. The not join the strike the staff at the Ketchum of Señorito, N. M., Jas. Cur- a to the Estancia demning cation will mako It possible for your amine the books and ascertain the WANT FLAG STATION. trip Valley, says Bolsheviki arrested him and took htm power plan which supplies the current ry of Señorito, N. M., A. D. Read of the farmers are pleased with superintendent to attend the meet bank's condition. In greatly to Ekaterinburg. Thereupon the pop to be for the few lines went out without giv Señorito, N. M., Leroy Rested of Se- The people of AbeytaB are very their with the thistles.-I- t ing held In Chicago the latter In their for sta- experiments ulation of Tobolsk province, who great of this I believe that ing any reason tor its action. ñorito, N. M. ROSWELL sisten demand a flag wlil not be necessary to feed part month. PRIEST DIES. tion and and are their ship ly revered their old bishop, sent a his attendance will have the ua FRANCISCO DELGADO, N. Feb. 3. Arbo-ga- siding pushing into Stanley and vicinity in as large SMELTER'S NEW OFFICERS. Roswell, M., Rev. case before the commis- delegation to demand his liberation. result of Htlll further the corporation as Mr. Czecho-Slovak- advertising N. 3. Register. Relsler, pastor of the local quantities Ramirez had antic! The s at that time be- com Carrizozo, M., Feb. At a re- 1'trst Pub. Jan 1 Last Pnb. Feb. 13 sion. Bernardo, only a mile and the cattle raisers educational interests of your cent of the New Mexico Catholic church, died last week, after pated. Only larger gan to occupy Western Siberia and nnd of the effi meeting Iron a of diseases and under half away, Is already a flag station suffered losses, Mr. Ramirez says, and munity increasing Steel Corporation, which Is the complication and a is to be Included the Bolsheviki feared to provoke the ciency of your superintendent. The PER FUME! PERFUME! We have going several operations. He had siding likely that was largely due to their failure peasants of Tobolsk. "released Kwnpany controlling the local smelter, In the 1919 budget. to feed In advance. The They amount allowed should be sufficient the ot received a quantity of exquisite been a priest for nineteen years, wan provide the bishop and started him back to o cover tho railroad fare and the aotlon the stockholders result- from for a time at Pena Blanca and at county agent suggests that If all such Red ed in concentrating control of the con- quadruple perfume Chheago. FEDERAL AID PROJECT. Tobolsk under escort of Guard reasonable living expenses for the at Cochltl, later to San and livestock men would raise more farm a, steamer cern In local hands. Directors were Will retail reasonable prices going Felipe Final for the federal aid road troops, was provided and trip and it Is my urgent request Room 1. finally to plans truck they would have feed available. the elected as follows: C. A. Roberson, Laughlln Building. being permanently gazetted from Carlsbad to delegation, headed by the bishop that your hoard make the necessary Carlsbad and Roswell. He served project Lovlngton He suggests beans as a good crop, proceeded as far as at an Fent Stalling ot Texlco; C. H. Jen- will soon be to send to Wash- as cattle eat triumphantly financial arrangements early STENOGRAPH WRITING. eleven years In the parish, and was ready the hulls readily. Pakrnvsk vlllage. Here they met a date and direct kins, Austin, Texas; W. T. Crabtree, for final District En your superintendent A According to Information received recognized as a Torce for civic good ington approval. steamer the Czecho-Slovak- s to attend the If Corona; Henry Lutz. John Haley, D. L. McBeath of the carrying meeting possible. F. W. today by W. L. Piatt, the local clTll and moral betterment outside his gineer highway WHOLESALE RAID or White Guards. Rawer than have Very truly yours Gurney, Lin Branum and Ira service secretary at the post office, strictly parochial duties. engineer's office left venterdav to the liberated them the Red O. Wetmore ot Carrizozo. Haley, the final He will bishop by Jonathan H. Wagner stenography and typewriting examina intake Inspection. ON BOOTLEGGERS Guard decided to kill him. The old State Superintendent. Branum and Lutz are respectively, tlon for the field service wlH here- - SMALL BLAZE ON BORDER. also Inspect a federal aid road project man was beaten and forced to carry president, vice president, and secre- v. i ...... , ... i IN i o o..i ' M 3 In GATE CITY iiii.--a in- iiiiiii in oiiiiiti ii i'i y Columbus, n. Feb. A small Lincoln county before he returns heavy burdens ot ammunition during tary treasurer of the organization. the next examination to be held April frame residence which was occupied Raton, Feb. 3, Sheriff Abe Hixen- - the of the When he Wagner Director of REALTY DEALS IN ALAMO. NEW DREDGE FOR DRAIN. flight convoy. 26th. by Sergeant Carter of the Infantry baugh, elected on a platform of law could gq no further, says the Inform- State School Garden Alamogordo, N. M., Feb. 3. The Stenographer and typewriter exam was burned to the ground here one Las Cruces, N. K Feb. 3,' A new enforcement, proved last week that he ant, his torturers tied a rock to his past week has been quite an active Inatlons for the departmental service night last week. The contents of the dredging machine of the latest Im- meant It when he rounded up seven- feet and threw him Into the river. Association In 1919 one here In realty circles. D. A. Mc- at Washington, D. C will continue to. house were entirely destroyed. Tho proved type and lame capacity will teen persons who are charged with The body was recovered later by The Bureau of Education of the In- Donald of Halifax, Nova Scotia, the in- be held every Tuesday as before. chemical engines did good work but be installed In the Dona Ana section violating prohibitory law, nia people and given burial In Tobolsk terior Department lhas appointed bought four lots from F. A. Menger. the house was too far gone when they of the Leasburg drain Immediately, cluded In the arrests were tour wom- He and his wife have been here two ARMENIAN State Superintendent J. H. Wagner RELIEF. arrived to permit any effective work. the Reclamation Service announces. en who were running Illegal resorts GEN. BATES DIES. director of the School Garden Asso- months and like the climate so well to to The campaign for Armenian Relief It is stated that the reason was that It was started by freight from the and who are be forced dispose ciation for New Maxlco. The pur., that they have decided to build a 1 4. according to col. R. B. Twltchell the engine .was kept looked in a small factory last week. It has a capacity of i.netr businesses on the east side. San Diego, Calif., Feb. Lieuten- pose of the association Is to pro- home and be permanent, residents. (till In progresa in a number of house built tor the purpose by the by bucket of I 2 cubic yards and All gave bond but two. The sheriff ant General John Coulter Batea, U. 8. mote gardening among the school Charles E. Mitchell, president of the counties. The work of getting sub- village trustees and no one could find will be the largest machine in the announces that this Is but the begin- A., retired, died here early today. Hi children In the state. Home garden State Bank, has purchased a brick scriptions will olose on the 10th. A the key. Who locked it is not known district Another dredge may also be ning and that he proposes to make It nearest, relative, Mrs. E. B. Bnos, a ing proved very successful last year block of six business rooms on 10th complete seport by counties will be but the time lost in breaking In the removed from the lower valley to Impossible to get illicit liquor In this sitter, resides here. Lieutenant Gen- and will be encouraged on a broader street and Intends to enlarge and Ira. was In case. on ' published later. door fatal this tart this drain. county. eral Bates was 79 years of age. scale this year. prove it. tf1 3UEVEI, FEWEHO 6 BE

Niaguna vítenla es muy grande para que este segura; y Algo de Literatura y Variedades ninguna es muy chica para que no le demos atención. Diciembre 2, 1918. sotros los soldados, Sr. Editor, que K LA ROA Y LA VIOLETA. mo Sr. Nuevo nos hallamos estranje-ros- , Yate mas leer a un hombre que a (Violin caro, el que perdió un Editor de El Mexicano, en palates diez slco en los alrededores de Parts y Santa Fe, Nuevo México. y lejos del país que nos vió na- libros. estimaba en un cer, de los seres mas (De "Le, Voz del que valor de cien Apreoiable Editor: lejos queri- Pueblo.") mil francos. El es- do de nuestro no pla- BS Cardenal Olbons se opone a que tal instrumento Tengo el placer de volverle a es- corazón, hay Una altiva rosa con desdén habló el tome de las li- taba marcado "Joseph Onlnoreo, cer más grande para nosotros que El gobierno posesión cribir otras lineas pues de Banco más, su feoll 1775." de nuestro de esta manera a una tímida violeta: neas férreas, telégrafos y teléfonos. Chemonal, Guinoreo fué Francia le escríhf y en duda la lectura la prensa de y famoso estoy ves Desdichada! Tú no comprendes fabricante de vlolines, capaz si recibiría mi carta. Pero orno lec- país; aquí leemos de en cuando en los con StradiVa-rlua-. el New York and el valor de mi hermosura. i'i número de linchamientos de competir el famoso tor de El (Nuevo Mexicano no me ol- Herald y The Stars es de Estados Unido el ano de 1918 que se en París, Mi olor de fuego emblema por vido del ediaor de tan apreciable se- Stripes, publican la mas exaltada, y la mujer fué 62, en contra de 38 en 1817. De su el primero diario y el segundo sema- Plaza. pasión 68 eran Ne- LA ULTIMA DE LA OFICINA manario, digo apreciable porque los sedienta de amores me lleva entre los que fueron linchados lectura es interesante para todo lec- nario; pero siempre deseamos como y 4 Blancos. Cinco eran muje- del nos es de do el negro color de bu cabello gros norteamericana tor que aprecie estar al tanto de las impeles país, porque 13 Prestigio es un factor potente en la formación de sus vehementes deseos. res. Solamente a 16 victimas se les EN PAZ Y EN QUERRA interés saber las noticias de la ca- pregonero mu- noticia internacionales, nacionales y Con mi aroma se embria- acusó de ultrajes escandalosos a Edi- pital del Estado de Nuevo México. la poblaciones, bancos e individuos. fragranté Al declararse la a locates. Sin mi otra carta Sr. gan las mujeres mas hermosas, y en jeres. guerra Alemania, tor le ordenaba mandase el a Ahora Sr. Editor desearla contar- la Oficina de los Esta- papel le todo lo me ha desde El estado financiero y la de su ciudad dulce voluptuosidad queman mis pe- Metereológlca mi papá, le que pasado prosperidad están tal vez dos Unidos, en es- y aseguro que después el día salí de America hacia talos con el calor de sus labios. estrellas que compreudiedn que me pesaba el no haberle ordenado que se miden la solidez de su banco mas al- extintas desde hace milla- ta de intensa cien- el rumbo del de sin por grande. Yo he nacido en un puesto más muertas, época aplicación que me mandara el papel a mi nue- campo batalla; to que tü yo puedo pedir al céfiro res de anos, y cuya luz dura y du- tífica en todos los ramos le metereo-logl-a va dirección en embargo usted puede figurarse co- Ustedes tienen todas las razones estar orgu son Iba Im- Francia, después que mo su para sus besos y gozar de sus caricias; rara todavía durante los siglos, a tener nueva y grande ful a la vi sentiría uno corazón cuando la del difunto y de la en relación con la marcha asignado organaización ultima vez uno sus llosas del Banco mas en el Estado el mas pero tú, pobre de ropaje y obscura imagen genio portancia que casi todos mis compañeros re- por derije pasos antiguo y gran- Homero de la in- - uarco en ureves de nacimiento no puedes tanto. inmortalidad. Parece que operaciones militares, toró cibían de America, menos inacia ei que minu canta aún' nteülattamente periódicos tos se echara a la sobre las in- de en la I Desdichada, te compadezco! medidas para organi- yo, y allí fué donde más deseaba vela capital. zar sus recursos toma en el mensas del océano pres- Yo sí te compadezco, rosa bella, y parte El Nuevo Mexicano. Para no- - aguas y que Usted puede hacer que ese ctedito sea mayor y a la en tu altivez no conoces la PARA ASPEREZAS OE conflicto. Era un hecho conocido que v to pierde de vista las playas de porque LAS se verdadera situación. el uso de aeroplanos, dirigibles, globos con Im- America, en aquellos momentos ez asi a la comunidad a todos los LA PIEL. Para ilustrar un ejemplo la a ayudarse mismo, y Eres hermosa y en ello te envan- cautivos y la artillería moderna haría de estos citaremos pregunta uno asi mismo: volveré portancia avisos, verlas otra vez? a estos Jui- su dinero con nosotros. ece; yo no soy asi y en ello tengo Después de haberse lavado muy la presencia de las condiciones del ta profecía que se hizo de una onda pero negocios, depositando su- cios e los viene a ml mayor dicha. bien la cara antes de acostarse, pón- tiempo en la atmósfera y en la fría de interrogaciones excepcional rigor y extensión; el deber lo conduce a Piénselo bien, obre Mis pobres y aterciopeladas hojas gase en loa lugares que sea necesa- perficie de la tierra de capital impor a no haber sido tan eclipsar que y luego. la tus colo- por oportuno la defensa de su patria, no tan solo no revisten gallardía de rio en toda la cara, una poca de tanda en la conducción de las opera anuncio, se hubieran perdido cose- res pero los poetas que me com- a se han añadido ciones militares. Para este trabajo ya el dejar atrás, las costas de nuestra gllcerlna, la que chas por valor de $3,600,000. En el su prenden me aman por ral modesta unas gotaB de limón, evitar que bien por medio de sus de- amada America, sino derramar El PRIMER BANCO NACIONAL para preparada Abril de 1918 se hizo otra profecía su si es forttina. y las virtuosas mujeres me la piel se obscurezca o manche. dotados de un ex- sangre y dar vida necesario. pendencias personal de' tiempo helado, que salvó dé la Así es Sr. el OE SANTA FE dan un su pecho dentro del Las del en asuntos cllmatróri- - Editor que día más abrigo arrugas que provienen perimentado muerte a mas de 1,000,000, de ovejas a Euro- cual late un corazón virgen. de la Piel, pueden, ser cos, de tal manera sólo necesito triste para ml en mi viaje (Bl activo creed S1.O04MWO.) que recien nacidas en las haciendas del fué el día última vez Si tu ere el emblema de la pasión combatidas con glicerina, que tiene amlpla bus medios de acción, lo cual se pa que por e em- Oeste del país. nos fuimos retirando de la costa del vehemente Irreflexiva, yo soy las. propiedades de endurecer la piel pudo hacer gracias a un crédito de amor tierno. em- La Atlántico en America. Pero el EL BANCO MAS ANTIGUO EN EL ESTADO. EL MAS QRANDf. blema del apacible y eontraetándola ; pero debe ser SIOO.OO que le otorgo el Congreso Na temprana cosecha de legumbres Tus se marchitan en los con mucha y hortalizas de los Estados del no patrio es muy grande y muy OE LA CAPITAL. MIEMBRO DEL SISTEMA FEDERAL DE pétalos pleada prudencia, porque cional. - labios ardientes de' la pación; mis de lo de tal mane- ral del Golfo da México, las del Es poderoso en el corazón de los hom- RESERVAS. BANCO DE TERRENOS FEDERALES. Y contrario, exajera Algunos aspectos de la labor de es- aman amor el llanto de pudorosa ra la contracción del cútls, que Jo tados del sureste hasta Florida, los&re que a su patria: ese ESTADO Y hojas enjugan ta oficina más directamente relacio en el del DEPOSITARIO DEL CONDADO. CAJAS doncella. pliega. cultivos' de toronjas, limo- patriótico corazón ejército nados con las militares naranjas, causa ga- DE ACERO DE DEP08ITA, A UN NICKEL FOR Til has nacido en un puesto mas 4 operaciones nes y otras frutas de la misma faml Americano ha sida la de se pueden resumir así. narnos la en una de- - las SEMANA, DE RCN TA. VEANLAS. elevado y el vendadle arrancara tus iLa centésima parte de lo perió- lia, en California y Florida, las ex victoria las el suelo; dicos que se publican en el mundo, Uno de los más eficaces preconi guerras más grandes que el mundo hojas y esparcirá por tensas reglones inclinadas en qne se i. . j r- -i ...... cuna y en. mi en la cindad de Nueva adores, el empleado que tiene a su yo .'!( en humilde aparecen Oficiales A. Tice-pre- la York. cargo los de la ..A-ihi- sufrir con. las terri iLavy Hughes president; Arthur 811xbjab, pequenez no encuentra obstáculo trabajos aereologicos todas en general seguían por zo paciencia furja de los vientos. En Nueva York, hay mas italianos oficina, fué nombrado Oficial de la bles penalidades de la guerra. No dent; James B.Read, cajero; Charles 3. Bckert, ajero asistente dicciones de la Oficina Metereológlca, W. Hl, hambre a seduces con la que en Roma, mas irlandeces que iteserva del Cuerpo de Señales y se tengo palabras suficientes Sr. Editor Directores Levi A. Hushes, Art Belifmea, S. Spits, Feel V qufen e cubriendo a las o recelo en Dublin y mas alemanes que Ham-ji- dió el de en tiempo plantaciones para poderle expresar lo que noso- belleza de tus formas tiene cargo preconizador calentando los huesos cuando se pro- Whiter, Benjamin F, Psaksy. de con que traidora hic burgo. Es hoy la ciudad mas popu-(0- i climatóricós militares de tros sufrimos en el campo de ba- las espinas trabajos I losa del mundo, siendo Lóndres 'a nostican heladas durante el periodo talla en la defensa de nuestro país. res su mano. Franela. Éstos pronto recibieron la crítico del desarrollo de la o con mi destino y que ocupa el rogar, de un planta Pero nuestros sufrimientos han sido Yo me. conformo siguiente colaboración cuerpo de obser la eres ambiciosa vives A en de fruta. recompensados por la gran victoria vivp feliz: tí y aurífera de Australia vadores metereóUgos tomados La región de la Oficina Las predicciones de lluvia durante que nos hemos ganado y por la desgraciada. es en bu sección occidental, la mayor gran parte Metereológl Adiós. ca de Iob Estados Unidos. Estos ex la estación de la seca y de la cura, cual queda garantizada la libertad y del mundo. Ocupa una tensión de son indesnensable eu la democracia de todos los R. LIMON MOLINA, pertos, en colaborción con metereó-logo- las grandes países cerca de ochenta mil kilómetros cua- de.1 mundo, y la autocracia se- franceses é ingleses recibían plantaciones de ciruelas de los Esta queda drados, dos de la costa de Estas pultada para siempre. De modo que DEL LIBRO DE ORO DE LA VIDA tic la Oficina Central informes tele- Aviso cosechas, mientras se están sacando después de haber cumplido con nues- Importante. 'Leemos en una revista taurina nocturnos de los distritos gráficos son dañar- tro dever tendremos el placer de el famoso torero Mazantini, mató orientales de los Estados Unidos y efl demasiado susceptibles de de La de la verdad es que volver a nuestra por- El Cuerpo Industrias de Guerra del Gobierno de investigación nada menos que mil sesenta toros Canada. A esto se obser- se a causa de la lluvia. querida patria como una caza en que la qué agregaban tando el pabellón ' de nuestro país pieza en sus veinticinco años de carrera. vaciones de Europa occidental y de Durante la estación invernal, las ofi- los Estados Unidos ha expedido una orden prohibiendo se persigue vale menos que el placer cubierto de gloria y con la paloma Ninguno de los gritos que emiten las Islas Británicas y observaciones cinas metereológicas establecidas en de uste- de perseguirla Valtoür. ae tanto la la paz que llevaremos a a todos los periódicos semanarios mandar suscriciones o los anímale, parece a aereas hechas por los pilotos de los las poblaciones mayores del oeste, des. se- voz humana como el de las focas, otros o Setas hacen sobre el minimum Es la convalescencla como una glabo y tipos actos. predicciones diré he tenido periódicos a los suscritores que no adelan- cuando lamentan la pérdida o captu- k Jefe mili- de en un 24 a 3d Le BrjEditor que hayan pagado gunda juventud, pues qie constituye agencias suplieron a temperatura radio de el de conocer ra de sus crías. tares con toda informes horas de de placer algunos lugares tado. lo no mandaremos el sino los una progresiva y paulatina conquis- clase de distancia las estaciones de todos son her- Por tanto, periódico a necesitaban la ferroviarias rurales lo cual es de ex- Europa y muy ta de la vida. Radot. En e el de ia que para mosos, pues desde ' l.Topón producto mayor eficacia de su lnfanfer,t, arti- trema importancia para guía de los septiembre qué suscritores que nos hayan mandado la suscricion. el pesca se eleva a mas de, cuarenta pasamos las aguas del aceano creo Nuestras costumbres Imponen año. llería, aviación y defensa contra ga embarcadores de materias alimenti no ha ni una sola sema- Con tal anunciamos la coque- millones de dpllars cada que dejado motivo, a nuestros suscritores disimulo a las Jovencltas y ses venenosos, cias susceptibles de descomposición na sin todo es llue- - sólo a lae an- to llover, lluvia, tería a las Jóvenes: En el museo de Vfena, Austria, En los EstadOB Unidos se han uuianie el uivierno ae VB ritn nor AU Al nrmla que no nos a menos nos ser senci- rafa flrmnrn hayan pagado todavia, que que cianas le está permitido hay una colección de monedas cuyo ruado medidaB para establecer pues la Ofidna Metereológlca se ocupó por ttclo nUestra división eBtaba en obra - remitan lo llas y naturales. Karr. nfimero asciende a ciento veinticinco tos de observación y de información primera vez en conexión con el serví- nf.tva en el frentn de batalla: des- - que nos deben hasta la fecha, nos veremos mil. Esta, colección es según se dice sobre las condiciones inetereológlcas cío de trasporte de camiones que haml(sB fui asienada a la tercer arma- - iws la viaa tin cuyo íiiiientnu - obligados a de nuestras listas no les manda- viaje meor del mundo. existentes las indicaciones el a ser de itnpox- se-- quitarlos y no conoce nadie antas de haber re- la y para llegado considerable da de ocupación en Alemania, y ! futuro en los diferentes a tinos tancia como de? sistema ae nuestra la tio- - Valtour. - planos porate güimo marcha hacia remos mas el periódico si no inmediatamente. currido las etapas. lo me- - pagan 'Para conservar las flores trasporte de carga; aquella sumíais- rra del En nuestra mar-- en estado de fresen-Cfcnto- enemigo. Si menos culto a la exte- nos quince, días a ,og camp0B de enternamien tró diarlos informes acerca de la cha Belgium y Lauxem- - Esperamos que nos ayudarán a cumplir con la anterior rindiesen no los ta-t- pasamos por un mfts la ilustra- ra, hay más que sumerjir Este trBbajo se faa hecho en de la nieve a lo de las burg, y el día de diciembre orden del gobierno de loa Estdos Unidos, nos mandarán rioridad y poco a líos en caliente y largo primero y que las mucho mas agua dejar quehi con los Cuerpos rutas de los camiones de entramos a territorio Alemán, el lo nos adeudan in- tivo, serían mujeres esta se entríe. rosa pueden so- - cooperación principales y que por suscripciones hasta la fecha arriba respe tables. lAlver. Is g(jñale8 érc trasporte, quo signen (i travos de ele día 14 pasamos el río Rhine, famosa dicada. bl'-- o- - --ministraron vadas La Oficina Metereoló- río de al enfrtrse e ZdeCpoco'de' f - regiones. Europa, llegamos punto El ocioso se ocupa tan sólo en sf a mili hizo so donde ahora estamos estacionados carbonato de sosa, se obtiene la du-- "formaciones veinte puestos glca importantes advertencias matar el tiempo sin parar mientes mas bre una fuerte nevada que cayó en fanteB de Crismas. os nos mata ración indicada. tar?8' Pc0 Santa Fe New Mexican en que el tiempo quien de. estas labores de gue- aquellos El día de Crismas Santa Claus no G. M. Valtour. parajes. a nosotros. la hizo y Debe hacerse meucfórt también de se olvidó de nosotros, 1 sabia S50.00 EL "a 0,lclna Metereológlca que vale fhasvU. egta naclendo aun muchos trabajos co- - las predicciones sobre tempestades j estábamos lejos de nuestra patria, Publishing Corporation a luz; --- La verdad tiene que salir tidianos una - marinas se hicieron a más de 300 de nuestros no estar oculto por que comprenden apllca- que lejos padres, parientes el crimen puede TOd. Barnes, de 8an Antonio, Tex.,Cj0n directa y constante de la situados: a lo de la costa y amigos, y en devido nos mucho " lugares largo tiempo tiempo. La Mtel y Alquitrán decja raetereoiógica en lo que toca a del del Pacífipo, del CoWo pero en vez de su trineo Atlántico, fayó; ba en America, porque no lu la cual el Cham- Foley es el meor remedio para 'alas neC0Bidades y el bienestar del de México los litorales de los un carrito del "Tío Samuel" hay para Remedio de demasiado es hacerle un y de ' gar como el Sweet berlain Dormir tos en el mundo. Para mi, vale 0.,)afBi in-I- a lleno de todos los hogar; "Home, para la Tos ha probado ser algunas de las cuales tienen Grandes incluyendo todos los presentes para - robo a la vida. G. M. Valtour. Yo "flu" Lagos, t"B en mesura meu- de mucho valor. 'La Sra. F. iWi. botella. tenía la seguidac(,enta,mente un valor mlIltar y na. y bahías do importan- soldados y en los cuales decia ; twwwa me dé-v- a puertos alguna de de pulmonía, la que dejó muy BBtag laboreB consisten en cia. casi tan per- "Xmas from the folks at home,- -" Í Marysville, Mo., escribo; a Necesi-dicct0ne- s pre Ha llegado ser Br no El cerebro puede dictar leyes bil, con una tos persistente. the .Red asi es concluyo Editor, "Hará como dos años mi hijito peque un ardiente atmo6rerlcas cotidianas y fecto este servicio, que desde hace through Cross", que!.le ,tomás no dorle broma al la sangre; pero genio taba descanso y sueno, el que no8efiale estiimos en la creencia que la Cruz por ño cogió un severo resfriado y tosía del frío decreto. - adviert6 condiciones años, escasamente habrá habido una L a salta por encima conseguir Alguien me acón- Roja obligó a Santa Claus a visitar- - cfnsor,, d?geo a ,&te,d í0?,0 terriblemente. Probé un considera- peUgroSas como tempesta- tempestad o peligro marítimo del Nevo un ble número de medicinas se' tomar la Miel y o nos en países estranjeros, y en PPl pero ningu- Nuestras dudas Bon traidoras y des. vientos fríos, granizadas, cual no se haya dado oportuno y ex nuevo' Nuevo na le no nos hacen el ;Q donde nosotros ni lo esperábamos. ? mejoró hasta que le di el con frecuencia perder tenso aviso, doce o veinticuatro horas Nuestros corazones M1 f.f tan siquiera una Remedio de Chamberlain la bien pudiéramos alcanzar, por inerte etc. es constante salida de los estaban tristes, para que la noche dormir nevadas, predicciones antes. La con el en Ame- - ' X, ",,u" mii Tos. Este le alivió inmediatamente temor de intentarlo, vio, y primera pude el co- pensamiento puesto Sin 'r el uve una noche do des- - de gran importancia para innumerables barcos que hacen en la tierra de la otro asunto soy respetuosa y antes de que acabara de tomarse y perfecto Aa conserva-ferm- é rica, libertad, y en-- " cultivos del mente de canso, la desde que me agrícolas y mercio marítimo y lacuestre país en los seres de nuestro Ud., una botella estaba Yo Nunca nos falta dinero para nues- primera adverten- - queridos ya curado. de la influenza. Me he reco-oó- 'le alimentos', se guían siempre por estás corazón. Con la de Santa ' tros, caprichos; lo que ponemos a acerca del una llegada vl, "TA"m creo que este remedio es sumamen- brado ya completamente y no toso Estas profecías tiempo ctas. Una de ellas que anunciaba Claus sentimos ce- - Ba'tery Heavy, disposición es oí precio de las cosas se todo lo gran regosijo y Ex. Force. te buenó loe ven- nada. Me costó solamente 1.2fl el propagan más posible por orle tormenta, puso a cubierto ,en Miramos el día con muchos entre-- ! American para niños", üe útiles y necesarias. te-- y curar esa tos obstinada con la Miel medio del correo, el teléfono, el puertos del Atlántico a narcos va- tenlmientos, y la banda tocó por ta en todas parles. se en - UNA TERRIBLE TOS CURADA Loa vicios de nuestros vecinos, asi Alquitrán de Foley. Todos los leanlígrafo y la prensa y refieren lorados con sus cargamentos en Í30,- un rato. Ast es que pasamos el a la conducción de las el. pe - contó us males', nos vuelven roas esto prueben el remedio de Foley. gran parte 000,000 hasta que hubo pasado día muy felizmente. Aunque noso- Tin MAVñrn rnnfHnrln on fropuonín- - en labores halla-'men- ligeros que los nuestros. De venta la Capital Pharmacy, agrícolas. ligro. tros aquí, nuestro espíritu ae seguido de una molesta tos Algunas de las Figuras Prominentes en las Conferencias de Paz. Pecas

Ante de usaría. Después de usarla

' ' ixSm- - wBMImmBBBeKuSSMKBKmk 'JflHaH BeaHBeHMRn!SH 88 Todas la Impureza de la piel, com Él paño. Imito, ele, nraMiMiou tan Miaparaccrui derinutvamatiti) , dtm ptla di1 iiwbt. por liria 'Mmr'" eraros "VENUS" Precio dal !!8BBBBBBBB81lflHBBLIL8laBHBÍH ' LLLLLLLBiLLVí BHkí Domo, lihn; ae snalua, con aua inauu U-- UBI Clones para usarla n español, II. lia 3enKüffliHflHH wMUBBBBmBEmsJÜUHUm BBHHbHHhK iHI uecorte eat anuncio y ramftnlf. m, SmiiSSKtvKKM n dine- 96c, flslampllaa de correo o tfJIHJ hiHHBBBBBBBBBBBBmÍBBm j mssssisssssssHflssLH fl- .HB ro y al reato 10 pasara cuando ta fl entregada. a kík Dirija 'KMwKn "8TERANIA" H I ffi WMmJifflumxB&BrM SMBjV ' - .....,.., ,. .ZSOim, J WMa&&WB&&(BOmKB& 9R. W. HI St., NEW YORK CITV ffÜ JBfiHeLBH U'HbIII(Hibb9bsIsbbbbbH aHIHliL SECRETARY LANS IN EN EHRING Ao PF-AC- HH1bH W MB DESHACIENDOSE DE LOS ; ellllllillHsBBBlBlllelHHS8H8 LlIHBlllllkIIIIIHBsNisllB RESFRIADOS. ' m JJJWSBjHMMHIBBwffgMR "HnBsHHlnSiBBf 'La mis fáclel y pronta manera de deshacerse de los resfriados ei to- mando el (Remedio de Chamberlain para la Tos. Esta preparación ha estado en uso por mudhos anos y su valor et(t bien probado. No Impor- ta que remedio use Ud.. por lo tanto, tildado debe ser tomado de no con- traer un segundo-resfriad- o antes lo sanar del primero, y hay serlo peli- gro de esto. Un hombre de edad ntadura o mas viejo debe recogerse y permanecer en ca tna hasta que recobrado su PreíTUJeViT MARSHAL "m !' PRíSiea! haya completa salud. reít.LLOyb TJr KSOMi fDCHlyll.Nt'iL TA3VttK BUWS 'tft CLBMttHCE.AU 9N ME vale permanecer Urea días a! iirlneieio que tres semanas después. De venta en todas partes...... iL-t.-. 'issj. u.n...... a las delegaciones de los países afocfa- - Los Interesados EN LA CORTE DE DISTRITO llOB, en la Kstado de Nuevo México," Se Espera I Decisión Sobre la Paliza Irrigación del Rio de Condado de Sania F. que se Tome Hacia Rusia. Mrs Max HelfenSteha, Vladivostok, Feb. 5. La drcttsldn Laplata y Colorado. Quejante de la conferencia de pan con respeto a. LAVOL a la póliza que tomarán loa Hilados LOS USADORE8 DE AGUA DEL Max Helfonstein. La picajón y el dolor desaparecen ae salante. bacía u 'Rusia y rilberia, la espem 001: CONDADO DE SAN JUAN PIDEN . Acusado. Y LAVOL ea et mismo orvn remedio Dará lita n. ansia los uanudeuaea y onus dti las DEL GOBERNADOR LA LEGIS- .. .. CITA POR PUBLICACION r.Mm...l. .. .. I.muij.i1ui1.1.i.j ...iuIV9 UIW ' vlllUrOUISSET - .....nuwii.u.HIU. I fs fuerzas aliadas i LATURA DEL ESTADO SE LES Max cen.i.éxito asombroso. Laa aquí, Helefensteln, a'V "ÜÍL ""deahors llagas V3 La prenea rúan cautelosamente se AYUDE PARA PELEAR AL ESTA- Acusado nupuuM ucMparecen eu una semana. M j DO DE COLORADO. El de LAVOL ea 2.(19 la opone al retiro de las fuerzas aliadas, Por medio .de esta se 1 notlficu precte regular botellita, pero por la reducida cant i. uc le remitiremos a UO A MM y esta urgiendo activa que un pleito tía ceta ttfwiuiw j iwiuunuwiin i:eria rsprcisi, esta participación A continuación un co- comenzado y iiü.1.1 iiKiii.íwiiitwciuiic .w, .uní tirMoamtuacBW aera aúneteme j Htra ilea r" ihéi en contra los Bolsueviltfs. En con-- publicamos ahora Usier? urarie II T de ' municado del Rosendo Martinez pendiente encostra de aun, completamente. foimjilad con su a anunciada los ir. en la Corte de Distrito, del Primer No demore su cura un. prosidente de la Asociación de loa mas. Z5 Japoneses están evuacuando parta de Distrito Judicial en y por el Condado tlia Kimita iValí-- ássssssssssssssnRESWJW ...IsW - Usadorea de Agua del Rio Laplatu centavos BBpsBt8b ' sub fuerzan. Los Czechs están reti- an Utihun M.'.vi.... (le Santa Fé, Estado de Nuevo Méxi- mente y recibirá tratamiento comDle--elf 1 ándose al frente Ural para, cuidar , co, una jf .:S(?nor mtor de Nuevo Mexicano, por queja protocolada conmigo to LAVOL cuyo urea - como Secretarlo de dicha corte, a sa, de ) Pido de bu bondadosa conaldera- valores suits. 9 "y '"iBn nos uu en ber: el día de Bnero de 1919. don Remita A la ms(i,n, espacio 11 - de la? Sra. Max elfensteln es fciKiMJIN AL. su a preciable periódico, para comu- quejan LAVOL LABORATORIES, 3845 Ravenawood A. r te, Sr. Maje HelfenteLn es el acu- Avenue, Chicago, HL, 0. S. Don Julian Martinez, de Ablqulu, Izarle lo seguiente : y el sado, cuyo número es 91(11 en el re . M.. nos visitó el Jueves. 'Los nsauores de agua del Klo de do un esfuerzo i1Klro clv" ae mona corte, el objeto de dicho siondo Nuestro buen amigo y Buscrlptor tado de Nuevo general pleito para Don F. C. Chavez, eu Alguacil ga una acciou con- - al UM vuuucujvikiu h 1 del Candado de Klo Arriba, nos hizo I'm los usadores de agua del Rio de "cha quejante un divorcio absoluto del dicho ina agradable visita el viernes. Nos!1 ! o" Colorado. Por derechos acusado y devolverle a la dice el Sr. Chavez que la reciente mayores del uso de las aguas de dicha quejante su apeJUdo natural. su condado fué dé bas-- eho río. Ademas se le notifica que a menos Hoo por nnta importancia, aue a la Dresénte Nuestros pobladores se rresento- - que entre su comparencia on dicha s perjudicial pero en cambio os de rón allí de 35 a 10 años pasados en caus en o antes del dia 21 de Marzo esperarse una primabera próspera. donde estahleclerón sus residencias de 1P19, se rendirá Juicio en contra usando lai. aguas del Río de Laplata de Usted en dicha causa, por defalco, Nuestro suscrlptor Don José cor la industria agríenla y otros usos ki nombre del abogado de la quejan narria, de R!o Arriba, nos visitó beneficiosos, y vivimos peclficamen-- ! te es Daniel K. Sadler, y su dirección sin ser 189S, M W l'.U-i,!- ' ti- - - .... I ...... li. el viernes, nos hizo un abono a euile molestados, hasta es Santa Pe, N. llnnnv.l1.11 I' u T llln.,.. -w. ,IA u I. ....!.. y postal MI 1. nuil wij IU r'JMt wii lit'Yiai nuil, ,Gruclas Sr. Jarcia. cuando una acta fue secretada Por En testimonio de lo cual, he nuesto UN PESO, NI AUN CINCUENTA para tomar cargo do los cargos de tropas en e1 'l lene la íuscrlpclón. extranjero, el Congreso de los Estados Unidos m gen0j en este aia de de CENTAVOS LE COSTARÁ A USTED Cruz de Servicio Distinguido, la Orden del Sol Creciente de y pebrero Japón El Domingo vimos en la ciudad a; declarando cierta norc(ón de terreno i$ig. BAJO NUESTRAS FÁCILES CONDI- la Medalla de la Legación Leal de Francia. También catan en el retra- j al sur de Colorado v al norte de ALFREDO LIPCBRO to, el y el W. Ir. Joe Tampsom diputado alguacil CIONES. NO COBRAMOS EXTRA Embajador Wig. Sharp, Capitán ,W. Phelps.. de San Juan. El Sr. Nuevo México, connsldo por "The leí condado Escribano de Condado y Ex POR LOS ESTILOS ELEGANTES Y Tompson venia (le 'Las Vegas a don-d- é Southern Uth Indian reaervatlón" 0tlc0 Socretarlo de la Corte NO SE NECE ITA HACER do su - NI COBRAMOS GUERRA toda energía y toda su hábil) fué a llevar un paciente al Mani- nara entradas de domicilio y dealer- de Distrito en y por el con- DELICADOS, EXTRA A LOS ESLAVOS (,ad otitener tnn como inmediatamente nue- - OR EL ABA- DECLARA p,ira pronto comio. , tó; pobladores dad0 Pe Nuevo Ma. PANTALÓN DOBLADO BALFOUR. " P01"01. Ia P&í Justa a que todo el vos se rresontaron allí, y comenzaron gj JO, BOTONES PERLA O HEBILLAS . mundo es su única a del Rio de - esliera isa mira . Ha Joven Cruz Codillo ácompaflado apropiar agua .aplata pQr fubd LOPEZ PARA LA FAJA. K V u se 'mu estado Parta svh . rioho unirá umljiclón. de Antonio Gonialei estuvieron en hasta que Qltimamente Diputado. en una intervarOrtr. íñtlttnr .Par,e - 6 Rl Presidente Wll 'a capital el Domingo, vinieron a, aprontando de toda el agua del rio r.. 80,1 twvo uno escasez ; no- de escala en Rusia, declaró Arthur J. conferencia durante Is traer cuatro chamacos de pelo en tiempo de agua que No cobramos extra sotros hemos el de linlfour, el Secretarlo Británico de re- - """" to" D" Ministro ingles, y tez blanca a que vieran la luz usado por periods ARBUSTOS DE ROSA DEL JAPÓN " 15 20 anos Inten- nada-tod- o ladones al cerrar una Lloya 0eoree y A. X Bairour, el Se or cuarterones por venir "tramplan'-1o- a antes que ellos GRATl extranjeras, a maravüladel mundo. Arbus- -- taran venir a Causas .,.,..., i..... u- - cretarlo Británico de Relaciones ni desde Kansas; el mayor de los aquel lugar. tos de rosas florecen fecun- cuimiiDLa que ie cum euiu,K ios Cl , dece-dkia- s que de tome la eded de 15 aftos. semejantes a esta hau sido ya damente dentro de las 8semanas Artes que otra orden, antes rrespondlantes de los periódicos ano-- , rnJera8, "picos contarla lot 51 Cedlilo es del San de corte de jurisdicción com- desdo qira se siembra la semilla. de que se compre otro vestido o pan- che. Lóa há-- ! SP"69 de sus conferencias con joven inspector nos- poderes grandes están petente y se les ha aquella Kcto parece imposible, pero clendo todo lo se jKfes ,releses. y antes de reunirse ta Fe en Lamy. aplicado otros garantizamos que ei' así. talones, obtenga nuestras muestras y que consideran, que dotrlno de derecho esta Estos arbustos FLORECEN CADA esto "Uio supremo esta tarde, el presl que interpeta nueva oferta. Agentes de otras sastre- puede hacer, dijo, sin embargo, Don Antonio Bo aclaración: "que, aquel que es prime- DILI SEMANAS, sea en invierno al tratar de los caracterizó comoden,te dedi1có a Uempo a "'"U" Nuestro suscriptor ' o bn verano, y cuando tienen rías, favor de escribirnos; nosotros te- que de ro en tiempo es en derecho. do "la setuaclón mas ni iu JiuLneuitiB uv pas va qur esta regó, de Alcalde, N. M., Condado primero tres años, cada mata tendrá nemos inquieta. oflci-1- 9 Corte Fedrat do los restados Uni- eco a 6oo rosas. Crecen flore- una nueva ofert les abrirá ocupado. 'tío Arriba, estuvo en nuestra 1.a y aque En ouanto al de la como la Corte fle cen en ia rasa en Invierno lo los hom- trabajo general el Lunes. dos tambléri Apela- mismo el ojos. Nosotros pedimos a cada La Sociedad no Prohibe es- que en campo en verano. Producen conferencia de paz, el secretarlo de Alianzas. ciones ya han y sostenido rosas durante todo el ano. 1 de semi- 6. pasado pimuete bre que conteste este aviso ; cada joven relaciones se Paris, Feb. Alianzas entre laa del ta cuestión. Nuestros llas con Instrucciones para la siembra y nuestra extrajeras declaró, que Don Juan Trujlllo, Alguacil importante centavo oro cada hombre, en todas No im estaba lo varias naciones no serán afectadas - sin dificultad garantía 26 americano. partes. apresurando posible para "ondado de Taos, nos visitó duran- pobladores ninguna Escriban pidiendo nuestro hermoso t taloga donde vive o escríbanos los términos de Se le por la Sociedad de Naciones que esta que sus Ilustrado, que se enviará CiKATIS. porta qué hace, una tarjeta postal y aríaglar paz. en e la semana. justificadamente 6Dral conduelo a este pregunta por uno de!ahra Progreso de formación, según derechos son mayores que aquellos ALBEKTA IMPORT- - EXPORT CO.. díganos, "MÁNDENME SU NUEVA OFERTA GRATIS," la declaró Arthur J. Balfour a los corres- - Colorado. lo tanto en vista wept, te wo. s xa tjroaoiaray. los correspondientes que dijo: R. de de Por E. U. A. grande y diferente oferta de vestidos. ue ios Nuestro amigo José López, un tanto New Yorit City. ltr, habIíl mucho en la conferencia yunuieuLe ibtiuujcus Las nos hizo una de punto de Justicia, para No le cuesta nada y no costos extra. A, gecrBtar0 5e Ie pregunto H,T. Vegas, agradable el listado de Nuevo Mexico como pa hay paz, acerca de varias , visita el Lunes. Escriba en este momento. problems, ment6 Bi formación de la1 Socle ra nuestros hoy, Diríjase a tale como la Sociedad de Naciones pobladores, esperamos dad de Naciones envolverla la abro que el Botado nos su va- 001 Tí IIHATAMENT KNICKERBOCKER TAILORING CO., 316, III. Que na cree su tarea verdadera ' Nuestros suscriptores y amigos los presentará Dept. Chicago, que grtción de alianzas. liosa ayuda n eutta cuestión tan im- antes que ninguna otra cosa es. im- Srs. Oeronima Maéstas. Pedro I. Cor "La constitución de la de na- Cha- - portante. 'Bn conclusion dire que poner condiciones de paz- a Alema- liga" dova y Milltón iMascareftas, de a sus CUALOUiER DOLOR ciones" respondió el secretario, "no N. M en la ca- - Colorado siempre ha asistido nia." , mita, estuvieron con fondos Implicará la modificación de tratados nltal durante la semana con negocios conciudadanos igual que ..Después de un momento de reflexio d( concluido. de con la ayuda del Solicitor General el Balfour alianza, previamente inte la corte de Distrito, y paso Pe El el nar, secretarlo respondió P!I nrenmhntn v Hn nrtfpnlna rln la una visita. para defender pleitos de agua. alivio confortante que produce ros hicieron agradable Linimento de le hace el i.ueuo cunear ev.uem.cmente sin BBCíeáad de naciones, Se convino dimos de nuestros legisladores que Sloan ser los métodos - den atención a esta cuestión y si favorito universal. que hemos adopta- yisionalmente anoche por la comisión de Nambí 66 criticis- - El Sr. Matías Romero, de debida deliveración s do, pero mejor que responder Be lB conferencia de paz, nombrada después mos, les el hecho J. M estuvo en la capital durante encuentran én libertad de Este remedio, famoso contra todas El Nuevo Mexicano" mejor diría que doipara tratar de ese asupto, , asl se semana. ayudarnos - la demasiado las dolencias dolores pro- que el problema de la Sociedad de Na- anunció oficialmente hoy. quedaremos agradecidos. reumáticas, clones se tomado antes el Muy respetuesamente ducidos por excesivo cansancio, ma- haya que hlzo pr0greso satisfactorio con El Sr. Jesds Jacobo acom de la propiamente asi llamado, Vigil Rosendo Martinez, las posturas, dislocaciones dolorosas, paí, otras partes de la tarea Tambler. del Joven Jocobo B. de A- - no modo los , pañado Vlgll Prftrrlefente do Xós Usadores afecciones neurálgicas, y la Inmensa significa ningún que arre 8e jgcutló le cuestión de añadir re ambos de de nuestras cuentas con el ene Española nos visitaron ol gua de Ijtplata Nhievo Mewltto. mayoría de las punüadas externas glos presentantes do olios poderes a la Martes. Es el del No obstante solo vendrán Kl ine- - que afligen n la humanidad1, goza de periódico pueblo. migo, después. Comlslón De M.. nos comunica canlsmo do los comisione que het.íos Chlniayó, una venta asombrosa porque nunca que en estos tiempos todo ha subido de pre- WJrn,B,on de Í9 ronferencla de 151 el Sr. Martinez que el día eri- e concu- - joven Juan José Gallego, de Agapito deja de producir alivio rápido y constituido, permite estudio eobre se renaió eS. del se verificó en cio, el precio de suscripción es el mismo: rrente de varias cuestiones. pa!! reparaeiollrí) Tusas, N. M., licenciado recientemen- 2? próximo pasado cas. tarde y expre3aron sus ideas con te del ejército, estuvo en nuestro des- la iglesia de Santa Cruz el enlace Siempre esta listo usarse, y UN PESO ($1.) Los comerciantes harán a la de señorita para "Aseguramos opinion pública, respeto :i los principios que trata pacho ayer. matrimonial de la simpática una pequeña cantidad, aplicada sin liicn en anunciarse en nnestro los de la conferencia con ol jo- semanario, que delegados laa reparaciones por ilaños . causados Isidora Vargas deetlpguldo frotar, produce maravillosos resulta- ae paz, no tienen uuenci mw oe em-- por el y basados en la r ven Benito V. Martínez. Apadrina- pues su grande circulación en todo el enemigo Hornero de nos dos. Ks muy limpio y refrescante. por métodos dilatorios. Están usan-- ! moramla un s.eián DíeseBtadas por Antonio Glarleta, ron el acto el bcUlante joven Matías el visito el miércoles al mismo tiem- De venta en todas las farmacias. El estado y, fuera de garantiza que sus anun y Pacheco y su desttngulda espose la una verda- po nos su frasco grande representa cios serán leidos v tendrán buen resultado pa$3 suscripción. Sra. Isidora NV Pacheco. La novia dera economía. es hija de Don Trinidad Vaígos y tie ellos. ANUNCIENSE SI QUIEREN Pagamos el más alto precio por P. el novio es Muebles de mano Ense- Felicita Vargas: hijo - - TENER BUENAS VENTAS. - - Quienes necesitan tomar segunda y de Don José Manuel Martínez y Da. 30c, 60c, $1.20. res de Casa. L. S. Tele- y Lowitzkl, Manuelita V. Martínez. En honor de fono 59 W. Adv. It. la feliz pareja tubo una suntuosa HIERRO NUXADO A Ml MADRE fiesta en la casa de la novia y por y porque la noche un lucido baile en la casa de Don Pantaleón iMartinez. deberían tomarlo. El hombre anciano Josefa Borrego de Lobato. UNA PAREJA DE SETENTA AÑOS CURADO CON 25 CENTAVOS. é inactivo 1i corazón angustiado, Defunciones. HI Sr. y Sra. T. B. Carpenter, de "Hace ocho ano, cuando nos mu- A Mi alma cubierta de luto Harrlsburg, ía., sufrían de enferme- damos a Maltón, era un enfermo de Y mi pecho lacerado Curo su Dice él: "Mi El médico lo con- EULOGIO QUINTANA quebradura. dad de los rlfiones. Indigestan y constipación," escribe explica y da Te envían este tributo. esposa y yo alfrlamoa de enfermedad Mrs. Robert Allison, de iMattoon, 111. Hace alios me malamente le- sejos de acuerdo De el N, M., nos comunica quebré !e los riñonea y tentamos dolores reu 'Tenia frecuentes dolores de cábela prácticos Ya se arabo' mi tesoro, iRito, vantando un baúl. l.os médicos ma de- con lo se tiene hacer Don Manuel Quintana la muerte de cían que la única esperance de curación mátlcoa por todo el cuerpo. Las pri- y desvanecimiento, y sentía como qué que e murió mi iTiadre amada, acaecida serta el operarme. Loe bragueros no me mera dósls de la Pildora de Foley si tuviera un peso en mi su querido bjiito Eulogio, rindieron beneficio. grande en la recons- Rra prenda idolatrada 28 del ningún IJUimamente los rlfiones nos aliviaron, y cin- tomaso y én el peeflió, tofio el tie''.! para cooperar en aquel lugar el día próximo nie apoderó de que me curo pronta- para Y apreciada más que el oro. algo co nos curaron enteramente. Me sentía bo- titución de su fuerza, pasado. El niño a la hora de su mente. Han paitado varios aftos y la que- botella po. miserable. Cada poder iSu amor era sin segundo, muerte contaba la tierna edad de 3 bradura jamas a vuelto a aparecer a pe- Aunque ambos tenemos setenta anos, cado me hacia daño. No podía Me el sar de estar trabajando fuertemente en 1 y resistencia y aumentar los dejO sola en mundo 18 días. para lamen estamos tan vigorosos como estu- en la noebe y toe sentía can- Rn una sola orfandad años, Quedan inl Oarplnteiia. No hubo necesidad de talo su padre Doe Mapue!, su madre operarme, malgastar tiempo ni molestia. viéramos de treinta afios." De venta sada y abatida todo al tiempo. I na corpúsculos de la sangre. Codeada No a de mis hljltos Dona. Filomenn (i. de Quintana y tengo nada la venta, pero le puedo eu la Capital Pharmacy. botella da Tableta da Chamberlain Me encuentro en la actualidad. dar a usted una completa información tres hennatvltas Aniseta, Sldella y acerca de como usted encontrar su me curaron y desde entonces me ha Comentando el uao pueda igual un gran número de cura completa sin necesidad de operara sentido una persona diferente. De dtl HIERRO NUX, Nunca llorar Elena, que con tal usted me M. furr-7- a La ama de casa dejo de que escrlha, Eugene renta en toda ADO tomo tónico, parientes. Pullen, G98K Marcellus Ave- nx-vi.trfi- partes. aan-gr- Por ese .de Carpenter, y constructor di" nerviosa y angftl ternura; nue, MarWsqunn, N. J., U. 8. A. Serla ii el Doctor Jumes ' cansada Era toda mi ventura, conveniente usted el recor- mi GIRON muy para que Francis Sullivan Ml PATROCINIA 3. tase este so lo ensenara todos A LOS DE ue fnA del encanto, ml bienestar. aviso y a SUSCRITORE8 aquellos que eMail quebrados. Tal vez EL NUEVO Bellevue Departamento del Exterior) de Nueva Mi llanto he de derramar Ud. o menos MEXICANO York De IDapafiola no comunican la pueda salvar una vida al y del liospitnl del rondado de Weatrhcster, Mientras viva. Madre mía, el sufrimiento de y Métodos moderno de cocinar le la Patroclnia S. Girón evitar alqtiebradura dijo: y poso Hasta Be el día muerte Sra. el tormento y peligros de una operación. rápido en que la gente de ente siglo vive ha hecbo que llegue en N. M., el 20 La suscripciones al "Nueve un aumento tan alarmante en la falta de '"me me alia njaoclda Ha .Modera, mire contlga; Sol sumsldn. Lsi. Sra. (lirón Mexicano ae el día liierroeti la sangre del hombre y miller .americana Sin tf no nrrlTlmn suspenden que une yo a menudo me he ai tengo alegría muerte 2b la a menos muy pasmado gran Ml Dios me sera contaba a la hora de bu expira ucrlpcl6n, y numero ae gente que carece testigo. lamentar bu que recibamos el pago adelantado de hierro en la sangre y quienes aSo, y deja para u Don Eduardo en dicha fecha o antea, de jomas han sospechado su rutado Mr. V. I. Afarld pedida a eepoxo dejar de nervosidad, debilidad v deficl- - a su mamA Doña RamonslU recibirlo hasta jua lo renueve. 1.a taita de Hierro en la Ben, tre no solamente hace al M. SantTie; tres hermanos, El da de Que-rr- a a consejo Industria IF red y Agapito; dos hermanas, en nervioso. Irritante lacll de Washington requiere que y y Fabla: los hermanos palí- lo lo aus un nu- periódicos suspendan (le la fiierxa viril y ele esa eos, Otelo y FaWan y gran Et4 permanentemeínte cstableeide en crltores morosos, tanto en I ciu- untad de fuerza Dronia'aue ra de amistades. Nuevo Mexico. Kw4.itami.nlB na mull. .1 La mero parientes y Núes oanta dad como lo que mandan po- mujer de de la finada dan las gra- PARA PROBAR ' de saciedad dolientes trs Busna Calidad. Tratamiento Medicinal lot et correo, con el fin de conservar ra débil que vina, laminen podra trans- - da a todas aquellas personas le ofrecemos estos OJOS, OIDOS, NARIZ, GARGANTA. y ahorrar el papel blanco, él u y agotada al belorlo y funera- buenos pantalones pa- curar la nlft m mini n. PAÑO la acompañaron tra- Cuidadosa atención .para eat le tina ra salir o para el suscripción para terminar, e de Irritante. He subrayado les la extinta. bajo en muchos esti- vista y arreglar anteojos. sugerimos que la renueve sin de- mnnnr i u nimimiii n Itu mi ítuimóri Ud. no los, de muy buena cía No cobro nada por I examlnachin. mora con el fin de que no haya sajaua rn oarer esaniener en inicie hacer calos, hom-brr-n Ectá Su Cutis Manchado? se, acabados en Imi- 11 1 loa Horas de oficina de 9 a y de en el re- sansxele . -iui . lentes débiles. y ga- Interrupción servicio y J . L . . . . . fnrrte, activo, tación de seda, íi vlf proKM, ' con alí men rantizados por 2 ano a las ciba au periódico pronto. metá-Ifc- a 1 tailoa con hierro de uso constante y En la oficina del Dr. Tannus. ndo de debntdadea físicas v alta hombre de negocios La formas an- va- M El d auscrlclOn es Alégrese! satisfacción, que Laughlln Bldg. Santa Ft, N. precio si agotado tiguas de hierro metá- len 15.00. o l.B mismo; $1.00 por el sAo. ncia fie Hierro bimeienie eo loe lico deben, de ir por El "Paño-Sana-" Ha Resuelto EL nanos de la sánete roja sin íiic.lii di im urn i At Boto bantalo-ne- s darse cuenta de la verdadera y real dUicntivo para transformarlo rn hierro orgánico El al estilo lo ven- CORTE ESTE AVISO. de BU naderimiento. .Sin Problema. h..rn. m ó HtfXRRO NUXADO ante de que ntfn deremos mientras du- VALE DINERO. sangre loa aliawitoa simnlemente pasan ik rudos ha acr cojldoi y asimilado a) sistema ren, solo un par a ca- INDIGESTION su como, algo pareddo 4 un molino utnano. Sin embargo todo eso que se a dicho PtftoSana e una composición da marchante, exí"', ( antiguo de mam erm moledoras tan y se a escrito sobre este sujeto por médico de Kscrlba pronloé Sn uuKBdo. por 11.88 NO PIHRiDA 19STO. Corte este Tome una cuanta dosis de Las y .tintantes unas de otras que no fama miles de todabla absolutamente inofensiva para el pueden y popularidad, personas nombre y dirección Ge envíelo Indi- moler el grano. Por necesidad de hierro Ud. Insisten en recetarse ollas mi. mas con hJcrm le ha-er- a vleo, mándelo con y por Pastillas de Chamberlain según ser un hombre cutis, que hace desaparecer el paño en una postal GRATIS Este ALFILER Sobredorado. Shelf!-ol- puede viejo a la edad de treinta metalko. Me lo supongo por el motivo de que la mas asombro- correo a and Co., Í8S6 cadas para la y pronto alios de Intelectualidad memoria más rebelde 5 días. Foley indigestion, lents, pobre, cuta unos cuantos centavos menos. Con todas en No hay que sa oferta -- n ii'a,:cs Damos un hermoso alfiler 111., escribiendo u olvidará, la dificultades de su es- nrrvioso. irritante y decayente, mientras nue a mis a los lectores en todos se l. Ave., Chicago, lu energías aconsejo que nada Solamente que ie liayii de corbata con su Re- to- edad de clncutnta 6 sesenta arlos con hierro caw connlgiii I receta de un médico para hierro tomar te aplica primera nombre y dirección claramente. tomago. Pruébela. De venta en suficiente en sus Ud. lio Jamos. Escoja orden. Solo tenemos unos Do venas, se puede sentir n.R.'mlco.HrLRKO NUXADO y í Ud. no al acostarse y a las cinco aplica- au vestido do oniro eos centenares a la mano. cibir en cambio un paquete de prue- da partas. todabla Joven, lleno de vida sintiendo su cuerpo dewa molestarle de esta forma, entonces Mi- compre docenas de las mas A el de una agilidad maravillosa llena de energía. solamente HI1XRKO NUXADO en mi imit-t-e ciones NO HAY MAS muestras COMI'HK.Slfl HL HVYO LA ba conteniendo Compuesto Como de PAÑO. hermosea toae ESE TERRIBLE DOLOR prueba esto, tomo el cano de Chas. A. original y vea si este nombre especial HIERRO Escriba mismo de primera clan. Lo MAVOIt HBKHKDA1). el y Alquitrán de Foley, para Towne, Senador que fu en loa Estados Unlios y NUXADO esta impreso en el SI Ud. hoy remitiendo EN DINMtlO. de DE CABEZA candidato la paquete. flANANCIA8 resfriados y el croup; Pildoras parn Vicepresldencla. quien después hu tonu-l- preparaciones tale como NUX y a vuelta de correo i iiu'4 de i nsto de haber la edad de 58 $1.00 y recibirá Puede ganar usted bástanlo loe Rltlono. para dolores panudo alios está todabla HIKRROu otros producto" de hierro imllares y or, Foley para iRb en la cumbre de las energins incansables. HI han talludo en facilitar en esta maravillosa dinero extra mandándonos reumatismo Ud. atacado periódicamente por resultado, tenga composición que densa de sus y de costado y de espalda; Senador Towne dice: fie encontrudo el HiltKKO cuenta que tales productos se difieren entera- NO HAY OASTOS parlemos ved dolores de cabeza acompañados de NUXADO aer del beneficio mi pondrá su cara limpia de toda nos. El Joven Grant Case gano9 v enfermedades de los rlfiones 7 de grande como mente del HIERRO NUXADO. HXTF1A sem.-- enfermedad del estomago u vómitos, tónico y regulativo. De ahora en adelante mancha. Dinero devuelto si J27.IKI la primer la veglga; y la Tableta Catártica janifi" Puniré el. Nata tfst Fabricates: EL HIERRO NUXADO no lívida y 81 tal es nq tabal- un catártico piel ojo triste? También está William R. el eusl rseoiiierioado r reUlo por tos de Foley, qúe limpia ali- Kerr Comisarlo de eos no ss un remedio spcrrto lnJ produce resultados satisfactorios. el caso, lid. puedo hallar pronto Sanidad que fui de la ciudad de por las exiraa. completamente el sistema, para la Chicago quien 'iUn s muy btm 'íoociao iwr l" r.irrnu.""uuro. i Aflentes. Ten vio tomando Pastilla de Chamber- ha llegado 6 una edad muy pero Al no lus pttxhictiff! aV hierro .muestras de lelas y direcciones simples. blltonldad, dolor de avanzada, tu (areelao va y asombro! ii - constipación, estü vigoroso, active y lleno de vida. Mr. ursAulm) ml no THE NCRVISANA COMPANY Todo esto va gratis usted con su prl- lain lndlcnda para el exceso vie.s slmplainsnt &imtldu, Di- lo Intestinos segon William R. Kerr ' 'tiif.i. a id Ja, nesra. ni da Igual para mera cario. Mándenos su Nombre y y recargados. dice que tiene fé en u actividad u (Irutadurs pon. Mándenos una de bilí, y le serA posible evitar to- pemonal de liov y lo atribuye grandemente al tamiwr osusa traontoran an .1 ntf.mao. El SS W.WukinfUn Stress, Dmk O , rección HOY. ESCRIBANOS PRONTO. lie venta en la Capital Pharmacy. uso del HIERRO NUXADO fanrlcont narontlsa multado satlifaetnrlo 7 tras dos aato atquo i observa las di- y cree debería ser íMcM sin casia mmrtMi film hiuia ilia In i'fin- - CHICAGO TAILORS ASSOCIATION. recetado los mWIcos CMcsio. (Bináis, U. S. A. m gado por todos v usado en todos tririn m dflmlmi el iIíro. Ixw ttrinoll'fiius ' PARAOÓN 818 recciones que van en cada paquete. "os hospitales del TAILORING CO., Dept 048, South Franklin Street, pals. fantMcmUoos 0u ata ciudad lo Usfisn a la rauta. Dept . 1A7- I- CHICAGO. ILL. CHICAGO, ILL. Lea nuestros Anuncios De venta en todas partes.