Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.7.2.159 on 1 June 1952. Downloaded from

Thorax (1952), 7, 159.

GASTRO-OESOPHAGEAL HAEMORRHAGE IN HEPATIC CIRRHOSIS BY H. BUTLER From the Department ofAnatomy, St. Bartholomew's Hospital Medical College, London


The recent development of portal-caval shunt in the remainder, ruptured gastric varices. In six operations has focused attention upon gastro- of the 42 cases examined at necropsy no varices oesophageal haemorrhage in patients suffering from were found, the gastro-intestinal mucosa being said portal venous obstruction, due to hepatic cirrhosis to be intact. The anastomotic were found in and other causes. These operations have been the and upon the outer surface of the made possible by modern advances in vascular lower two-thirds of the oesophagus and, in some surgery which allow the construction of large instances, in the mucosa of the cardiac end of the artificial anastomoses between portal and systemic stomach. The submucosal veins were varicose veins and attempt to prevent haemorrhage by but not, apparently, those upon the outer surface reducing portal venous hypertension (Blakemore, of the oesophagus. Preble suggested that the lower 1948; Linton, Hardy, and Volwiler, 1948). The oesophageal and cardiac submucosal veins became relevant literature, however, reveals conflicting varicose because of their proximity to the site of evidence as to the immediate cause of such bleeding, portal venous obstruction, the poor support afforded the degree of portal venous hypertension being to their walls by the submucosa, and the aspiratory apparently but one of the factors involved. Further- effect of respiration. Ulcers and erosions of the more, the accounts of the structure, size, and extent gastric and oesophageal mucosa occurred in 12 of the varices concerned are incomplete and often out of the 42 specimens examined at necropsy, contradictory. Hence the pathological anatomy of and Preble suggested that this was due to the the gastro-oesophageal varices and of certain other mechanical action of food particles and was a portal-caval anastomoses have been investigated in direct cause of bleeding. three patients suffering from portal venous obstruc- Mclndoe (1928) reviewed the problem and found tion due to with atten- that 50% of deaths in hepatic cirrhosis, particular portal cirrhosis were due to on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. tion to the cause of bleeding. Two of the three vascular lesions. He quoted Harris's excellent patients manifested unusually large, natural, portal- classification of the sites of the collateral circulation caval anastomoses in the falciform ligament, com- in portal venous obstruction: (a) at the cardia and parable in size to those constructed in portal-caval at the anus where the distinctive absorbing and shunt operations, yet both these had haematemesis. protective epithelia of the gut establish contact, Bleeding from gastro-oesophageal varices is one the sites of varices; (b) at the site of the obliterated of the cardinal signs of portal venous hypertension, embryonic circulation in the falciform ligament; from whatever cause, and according to Frerichs (c) at those places in the where the gut (1861) and Preble (1900) the first case of ruptured and its appendages become retroperitoneal during oesophageal varices due to hepatic cirrhosis was development or become adherent to the abdominal described by Fauvel in 1858. Earlier, Portal (1803) wall pathologically (e.g. the veins of Retzius, the had noted bleeding from oesophageal varices, but accessory portal veins of Sappey, or the new con- had not associated this with cirrhosis of the liver. nexions formed as a result of the Talma-Morrison Preble (1900) analysed the records of 60 fatal operation). instances of gastro-intestinal haemorrhage occurring Mclndoe stated that all cases of portal venous in patients suffering from hepatic cirrhosis: in obstruction with gastro-intestinal haemorrhage 42 of the 60 the oesophagus had been examined at show well developed oesophageal varices. Though necropsy and varices were present in 35 (i.e. 85%). varices are said to be sometimes absent he believed In 19 of these 42 cases the source of bleeding was that they could always be found if looked for, since noted: in 16 it was ruptured oesophageal varices, such dilated veins collapse readily after death and Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.7.2.159 on 1 June 1952. Downloaded from

160 H. BUTLER become invisible under the thick oesophageal observations made in the normal individual (Butler, epithelium. The point of rupture is usually insigni- 1951) and serves to explain the failure of the Talma- ficant, but can easily be found upon injection of the Morrison operation. veins. The varices, both submucosal and peri- oesophageal, occur in the lower quarter of the MATERIAL AND METHODS oesophagus close to the cardia and are connected The gastro-oesophageal varices and certain other by vessels perforating the muscular gullet wall. The portal-caval anastomoses were examined after death submucosal varices are divisible into a superficial in three patients who had, during life, suffered from set lying in longitudinal rows along the oesophagus severe hepatic cirrhosis. A summary of their case and fading into a deeper set. (Mclndoe gave no histories is given below. criterion for this subdivision of the submucosal CASE 1.-A woman, aged 56 years, 10 months before varices.) Injection of the varices raises the mucosa admission developed diarrhoea and was found to have into longitudinal ridges which are especially suscep- an enlarged liver and spleen and grossly dilated epigastric tible to trauma with consequent erosion and veins. On January 1, 1950, she was admitted to Adden- ulceration. The main source of blood in the varices brooke's Hospital, Cambridge, in a state of coma and is the left gastric within which the normal shortly afterwards vomited 4 oz. of blood. There was reason to suspect that her coma was due to an overdose direction of blood flow is reversed. of barbiturate. She died in coma on January 3. Kegaries (1934) demonstrated the existence of Necropsy revealed multilobular cirrhosis of the liver, many small longitudinal anastomotic veins in the ascites, oesophageal varices, and a large vein, in the cardiac submucosa in the normal subject, disposed free edge of the falciform ligament, connecting the both superficially and deep to the muscularis portal vein to the dilated epigastric veins. mucosae. He was impressed by the small size of CASE 2.-A man, aged 55 years, was admitted to these veins and believed that they offered such Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge, on January 19, great resistance to the portal venous blood that 1950, having vomited a large quantity of blood, said to they caused the formation of varices in the gastric be three pints. cardia rather than in the lower oesophagus. In He had a previous history of haematemesis in April, no evidence of peptic contrast to Preble (1900) and Mclndoe (1928) he 1949. Investigation then revealed veins were well ulcer, but there was enlargement of the liver and spleen. believed that the submucosal with bleeding from at cardia, and that their rupture A diagnosis of Banti's disease supported the oesophageal varices was made. might be due to autodigestion of the poorly Despite copious blood transfusions he died on nourished oesophageal epithelium by regurgitated January 22. Necropsy revealed Laennec's cirrhosis of gastric juice in addition to trauma by food particles. the liver, oesophageal varices, and phlegmonous colitis. Phemister and Humphreys (1947) resected the CASE 3.-A man, aged 35 years, had a history of lower oesophagus and the cardiac end of the repeated small haematemeses for four years before stomach in two patients in order to prevent bleeding. 1945. He of admission. He had jaundice in complained on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Examination of their specimens showed- numerous pain after meals which was relieved by vomiting. He dilated veins under the epithelium of both stomach was admitted to Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge, and oesophagus communicating elaborately with on August 12, 1950, after vomiting two pints of blood. the submucosal veins, together with protrusion of He presented an enlarged spleen and liver and dilated these submucosal veins through the muscularis veins running up over the costal margins. During the 24 hours he vomited 64 oz. of blood and passed mucosae. found no epithelial lesions and next They two melaenic stools. He recovered after the transfusion suggested the presence of " numerous tiny ruptures of five pints of blood. through veno- stomata, with the loss of too On September 1, 1950, he complained of abdominal few epithelial cells to be grossly appreciated." pain and began to vomit blood, in all about 85 oz. They also pointed out that the gastric varices might One specimen of vomit contained pieces of raw constitute a graver danger to the patient than the apple. Despite repeated blood transfusions he died on oesophageal varices. September 8. Walker (1949) noted that the internal or sub- Necropsy revealed cirrhosis of the liver and enormous first and those outside the oesophageal varices. Further details of this case have mucosal varices develop been published elsewhere (Beswick and Butler, 1951). oesophagus later; also that submucosal varices The stomach and oesophagus were removed in one may extend into the cervical oesophagus. Blond piece from Cases 2 and 3, and neoprene latex 601A was and Haler (1950) cotnmented that the portal-caval injected retrogradely into the left gastric vein. In Case 1 anastomoses utilized by nature in overcoming the oesophagus, minus its lowermost two inches, was portal venous obstruction are already present and alone available, and latex was therefore injected into a no new vessels are formed. This accords with superficial oesophageal vein close to the left vagus nerve. Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.7.2.159 on 1 June 1952. Downloaded from


In each instance the injection pressure was between stomach) one such vein was the source of the 40 and 50 mm. Hg, maintained for 30 to 45 minutes. bleeding. The specimens were then immersed in warm 5°/ formalin Both the stomach specimens examined show for one hour before dissection in order to coagulate the dilatation and tortuosity of the subglandular latex. As a control, the normal venous pattern of the veins, particularly those of the cardiac end. The oesophagus was investigated in 27 human foetuses, varicose oesophageal subepithelial veins are like- ranging in age from 11 to 40 weeks, and in two fresh wise most marked in the juxta-cardiac region, but specimens of adult stomach and oesophagus (Butler, in Case 2 they are present throughout the entire 1951). oesophagus. The venous plexuses of the lamina OBSERVATIONS propria establish numerous connexions with the deeper and larger submucosal veins which lie The gastric and oesophageal varices found in the outside the muscularis mucosae. above material may be divided into two main topographical groups: (1) internal varices, and (2) Submucosal Varices.-Some of the longitudinal external varices. submucosal oesophageal veins are dilated and tortuous, particularly in Cases 2 and 3 (Figs. 1 INTERNAL VARICES.-These occur in the lamina and 3). Normally the oesophagus exhibits 10 to propria and in the submucosa and bulge into the 15 longitudinal submucosal veins, but, in the patho- gut lumen. They may be conveniently subdivided logical specimens, only four to six of these are further into subepithelial varices and submucosal grossly dilated. They extend for a varying distance varices. along the oesophagus, an extremely large vein in the Subepithelial Varices.-These are formed by the posterior oesophageal wall of Case 2 extending from dilatation of the venous plexuses of the lamina the cardia to within 5.0 cm. of the cricoid cartilage, propria, i.e. the subepithelial venous plexus of the and terminating in a group of smaller varicose oesophagus and the subglandular venous plexus submucosal veins traceable up to the cricoid carti- of the stomach, a more detailed account of the lage. This posterior oesophageal vein, when normal anatomy of which has been given elsewhere distended with latex, has a diameter of 6.0 mm., (Butler, 1951). It should be noted that the sub- contrasting markedly with the 1.0 mm. diameter epithelial and subglandular venous plexuses are of the normal longitudinal submucosal oesophageal continuous across the cardia, that both plexuses veins. It lies 0.6 mm. only from the oesophageal lie in close proximity to the epithelium, and that lumen and over it the muscularis mucosae is thinned the normal diameter of their constituent veins is out: histologically its wall is irregularly thickened from 50 to 170 p. (varying from 10 to 100 ,u) and its circular muscle In all three present specimens the subepithelial coat is incomplete; the internal elastic lamina is and subglandular veins are markedly dilated and complete and is reduplicated in the thickened tortuous (Figs. 1 and 2). Most of them are 200 to regions. Similar, but less emphatic, histological on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. 300 ,u in diameter, but they may attain a diameter changes occur in the remaining submucosal veins. of 2.0 mm. as is seen in the juxta-cardiac region of The longitudinal submucosal oesophageal varices Case 3 (Fig. 1). They have thin (10-15 u) walls, are interconnected by numerous tortuous, dilated, consisting of fine white fibrous tissue with, in the cross-anastomotic channels, while caudally they larger vessels, a thin (often incomplete) internal become continuous with the equally dilated and elastic lamina. They lie close to the oesophageal tortuous submucosal gastric veins. These last, in epithelium, which itself varies in thickness from the cardiac region, attain a diameter of 4.0 to 0.14 to 0.55 mm. Normal oesophageal epithelium 5.0 mm. has a thickness of from 0.13 to 0.24 mm., The submucosal gastric and oesophageal veins which suggests that the varices have produced communicate with the left gastric vein and with the no thinning. The oesophageal, but not the superficial oesophageal veins by means of numerous gastric, epithelium stripped more easily in these annectent vessels ramifying through the muscular pathological specimens. Ulceration of the oeso- coats of oesophagus and stomach. phagus was seen in Cases 1 and 3; Case 2 showed multiple gastric erosions extending into the epi- EXTERNAL VARICES.-These are embedded in the thelium for more than one half its thickness. The outer fibrous coat of the oesophagus close to the density of the subepithelial and subglandular venous oesophageal nerve plexuses. At the cardia they plexuses is such that all the erosions and ulcerations become continuous with the dilated, tortuous, left inevitably overlie dilated, thin-walled veins. In all gastric vein, and its tributaries (Fig. 4). The oeso- three cases (once in the oesophagus and twice in the phageal vessels are largest between the bifurcation Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.7.2.159 on 1 June 1952. Downloaded from


FIG. 1.-Inner aspect of the stomach and oesophagus of Case 3. Varices injected i with neoprene latex 601A and exposed by removing the . (By kind permission of the Editor of the British Medical Journal.) FIG. 2.-Transverse sec- tion through the oesophageal wall of Case 2, showing a very large submuco- sal vein and the dilated subepi- Haematoxylin and eosin.

G. V. gastric varices. V. ~~~~M.M. muscularis mucosae. Sub.Ep. V. s +i .} vein. Sub.M. V. = i submucosal vein.

A~ ~ ~ ~ L 4a + }. 2\+; =~~~~~~~~~subepithelial FiG. 2 of the trachea and the cardia and attain a diameter of 3.0 mm. or more. They establish numerous connexions with the submucosal and subepithelial veins by ;kmeansE wof S-dilated, tortuous vessels rami- fying #;throughout its muscular!FIG coats (Fig. 5). They drain into the azygos and phrenic veins. The main on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. longitudinal veins running with the vagi form caudally the oesophageal tributaries of the left gastric vein. These veins all lack competent valves,-' such as are present normally and so disposed as to direct blood from the oesophagus to the azygos and phrenic veins. Numerous varicose veins occur also within the sheaths ofthe vagi and their branches (Figs. 5 and 6). In all the three specimens examined, these intra- neural varicose vessels are most prominent just proximal to the cardia, where they produce fusiformn swellings of the main nerve trunks. (Thus in Case 2, a fusiform swelling, 5.0 cm. long and 1.3 cm. wide, marks the right vagus nerve. Cranial to the swelling the nerve consists of two fas. iculi, each 2.0 mm. wide, but caudal to the swelling of a single fasciculus 3.0 MM. wide.) As far as can be ascertained from and eosin stained sections the con- FIG. 3--Inner aspect of the stomach and oescophagus of Case 2, haematoxylin after injection of the varices with neoprerne latex 601A and stituent nerve fibres appear to be normal, although exposed by removal of the submucosa, tosshow the enormous thefascculifascicliarearwidely eparate by theth numerousumerous gastric varices and the very large submnucos~sal oesophageal vein wiely separted by seen in... section in... F- ig.C,. 2.-. Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.7.2.159 on 1 June 1952. Downloaded from


FIG. 4.-uter aspect of the oesophagus of Case I after injec- tion of the varices with neoprene latex 601A and showing the superficial varices in and Lk around the vagus nerves. FIG. 6.-Transverse sec- tion of the vagus S.V. nerve from Case 1 showing the intra- i IV neural varices and the increased amount of peni- neurium. Haema- fl ~~~~toxylin and eosin.

S.V. = superficial varices. I. M. V. = intramuscular varix. Vag. =vagus nerve.

FIG. 4 F Y~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ag.

FIG. 5.-Enlarged view of the lower end of the vagus nerve seen in the previous figure showing the vermiform intraneural varices, also intramuscular varices emerging from the longitudinal muscle coat. interspersed dilated veins. There appears to be some increase of the perineurium. In all three cases studied the left gastric vein and its tributaries (particularly the oesophageal and phrenic tributaries) are grossly dilated and tortuous. In Case 2 a large vein, 6.0 cm. long and 4.0 mm. on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. wide, runs along the lesser curvature of the stomach to connect the left gastric vein directly with the right . ANASTOMOTIC VEINS IN THE FALCIFORM LIGA- MIENT.-In all three cases veins in the falciform -' ligament (particularly large in Cases 1 and 3) , . .connect the left branch of the portal vein to the deep and superficial epigastric veins. In the first and third specimens the hepatic end of the ligamentum teres is replaced by a large, thick- walled vein, a tributary of the left branch of the portal vein. The distal (umbilical) end of this thick- walled vein is continuous with a thin-walled vein ii.rt which runs in the free border of the falciform liga- ment alongside the umbilical end of the ligamentum teres. This thin-walled vessel divides into right and left moieties which pierce the rectus sheath to join FiG 6 the dilated, tortuous, deep epigastric veins (Fig. 7). Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.7.2.159 on 1 June 1952. Downloaded from


Case 3 presents precisely similar, but very much smaller, veins. The vein in the centre of the liga- mentum teres has a slit-like lumen (1.0 by 0.25 mm.) and the veins of Burow are less than 1.0 mm. in diameter. (A more detailed account of the structure and development of these several veins will be published later.) Here attention is directed solely to the large size of these vessels in Cases 1 and 3, wherein they form large, direct, adventitious communications between the portal and systemic venous systems. DiscussIoN The topography and extent of the portal-systemic anastomoses observed in the material examined is FIG. 7.-Diagram of the anastomotic veins developed in the liga- in general agreement with the findings of previous mentum teres and the vein of Burow. investigators, but the varices within the vagus D.E. V. = deep epigastric vein. L.M. = longitudinal muscle of the nerves appear to have escaped earlier notice. The ligamentum teres. L.P. V. = left branch of the portal vein. L. T. possibility of these intraneural varices = ligamentum teres. R.Sh. = rectus sheath. V.B. = vein of interfering Burow. with neural function is a matter for speculation. All the anastomoses naturally uti ized in portal which in turn are connected to the similarly dilated venous obstruction are vessels normally present, and tortuous superficial epigastric veins. By this but become grossly dilated under abnormal physio- means the portal venous blood is conveyed to the logical strain. The absence of any evidence indi- superior and inferior by the sub- cating the formation of new vessels is in keeping clavian and femoral veins respectively. The lumen with the failure of the Talma-Morrison operation, which depends for its success upon such neovascular of the replacing vein is 12.0 mm. by 3.0 mm. in Case 1, and 6.2 mm. in diameter in Case 3. (These formation. measurements, made on the collapsed and fixed The various anastomoses utilized, both physio- veins, were presumably much greater in life when logically and operatively, in intrahepatic portal high-pressure portal venous blood distended the venous obstruction may, on the basis both of their vessels.) The respective thicknesses of the two clinical significance and their situation relative to parts of the vein wall are: the lumen of the gut, be divided into (1) vulnerable anastomoses and (2) protected anastomoses. Case No. Proximal Portion Distal Portion VULNERABLE ANASTOMOSES.-This group com- on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. 1 2.0 mm. 0-2 mm. prises the internal varices, i.e. those of the oeso- 3 1-2 mm. 0-6 mm. phageal and gastric lamina propria and submucosa. They are so termed because their site and their These distinctive portions differ markedly in their tenuity render them liable to erosion with conse- This is true histology. The thick-walled portion shows a broad quent haemorrhage. particularly of the source media, containing numerous bundles of longi- subepithelial varices (the of bleeding in all three in the tudinal smooth muscle, and is regarded as the modi- of the present cases, twice stomach fied and dilated proximal end ofthe intra-abdominal and once in the oesophagus) which extend from the . The thin-walled portion consists cardia to the cricoid cartilage. Bleeding may occur anywhere within this area, but is most almost entirely of white fibrous tissue containing a frequent in few scattered circular muscle fibres: it is essentially the cardiac end ofthe stomach and in the lowermost a grossly dilated vein of Burow. (The veins of quarter of the oesophagus. Burow (1838) are normally very small, but are PRoTEcTED ANASTOMOSES.-This much larger constant in the foetus and the adult; they connect group consists of (1) intramuscular varices, (2) the intra-abdominal umbilical vein to the epigastric superficial varices (including those within the vagal veins as shown in Fig. 7.) None of the present cases sheaths), (3) the veins of Retzius, (4) the veins in manifests the para-umbilical veins of Sappey (1889), the falcifor.m ligament, and (5) surgical anastomoses i.e. direct connexions between the portal and between the portal and systemic venous systems. epigastric veins. These veins do not directly endanger life since, being Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.7.2.159 on 1 June 1952. Downloaded from

HAEMORRHAGE IN HEPATIC CIRRHOSIS 165 more or less removed from the gut lumen, they are lumen, thus exposing them to erosion either by not subject to erosion and hence do not bleed. trauma or by auto-digestion. Groups (1) and (2) may, however, indirectly endanger Cases 1 and 3 have very large, naturally formed life if there is interference with the direction of flow anastomoses connecting the left branch of the of their contained blood. In health these veins portal vein to the epigastric veins in addition to the possess valves directing the blood from the sub- more customary anastomoses. The portal-epigastric epithelial and submucosal veins to the superficial veins are comparable in size to the surgically pro- veins; in the specimens examined the valves were duced vascular anastomoses nowadays effected in incompetent because of the extreme venous dila- an attempt to prevent bleeding in portal venous tation. Thus, since the direction of blood flow obstruction. Cases similar to those described here depends upon the pressure gradient, these veins have been reported under the designation of the may either feed blood to, or conduct it from, the " Cruveilhier-Baumgarten syndrome." Armstrong, internal varices. The direction of their blood-flow Adams, Tragerman, and Townsend (1942) reviewed in portal venous obstruction is unknown, hence the the relevant literature, reporting two new examples importance in planning therapeutic measures to and defining the syndrome as " portal venous remember their potential role as " feeders " of the obstruction, generally with splenomegaly, visible vulnerable internal varices. Groups (3), (4), and (epigastric veins) and murmur and thrill indicating (5) are advantageous in so far as, by draining high- excessively prominent circulation in the umbilical tension portal venous blood into the systemic veins, region." A further example was reported by they lessen the risk of bleeding. Miller (1945). In 23 cases reported by Armstrong The proximate cause of bleeding from the and others, the large vein in the falciform vulnerable internal varices is not always apparent, ligament was observed at necropsy. The incidence but the following possibilities should be con- of haematemesis in such patients is 38.4%, and in sidered. (1) Trauma to the oesophageal and gastric 30.7% it is the cause of death (Table 1). epithelium by food particles (Preble, 1900; Mclndoe TABLE I 1928; Kegaries, 1934): this clearly seems to have INCIDENCE OF HAEMATEMESIS AND DEATH FROM HAEMATEMESIS

occurred in Case 3. where the fatal bleeding began IN PATIENTS SUFFERING FROM THE CRUVEILHIER-BAUMGARTEN SYNDROME shortly after the patient had eaten a raw apple. Such a clear-cut example is, however, exceptional and most haemorrhages appear to occur spon- Author No.HaCasesof No.emat-with fromNo.Haemat-Dying taneously. (2) Auto-digestion of the poorly Css emesis emesis nourished oesophageal epithelium by regurgitated Armstrong et al. (1942) 23 7 6 Miller(1945) .. I I I gastric juice (Kegaries, 1934). Experiments on dogs Present series .. 2 2 have shown that portal venous obstruction causes Totals .. 26 10(38-4%) 8 (30 7%) an increased susceptibility to gastric erosion (Baronofsky and Wangensteen, 1945). Erosions of on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. the epithelium, both gastric and oesophageal, are A comparable condition was reported by Lear- common in portal venous obstruction resulting month (1949), who stated: from hepatic cirrhosis. (3) Congenital weakness ". . . occasionally a direct collateral from the in the vein walls (Weinberg, 1949). There is no splenic vein joins the left renal vein. In this particular specimen a large vein, of an internal diameter of direct evidence in support of this view. (4) The 6 mm., joined the upper border of the left renal vein. degree of portal venous pressure increases the risk This is a natural portal-caval shunt, and it is as large of erosion of the internal varices in so far as it as can usually be constructed by the surgeon. Its causes them to bulge into the gut lumen. On the failure to prevent oesophageal bleeding in this patient contrary, from oesophageal varices, in the makes one wonder if limited shunting is really an bleeding effective way of trying to reduce portal venous absence of portal venous obstruction, has been pressure." occasionally reported (Weinberg, 1949). (5) Varices possessing an internal elastic lamina show areas of Similar doubts as to the effectiveness of the re-duplication of this lamina such as is seen in surgical anastomosis of two veins in reducing certain arterial degenerations. The cause of such greatly the portal venous pressure were expressed changes is unknown, but it may lie in the profound by Snell (1950). nutritional changes resulting from hepatic damage. The recorded results of artificial (i.e. surgical) The most important factor in bleeding from portal-caval shunts shows that bleeding still occurs varices appears to be the close proximity of large after a successful shunt although its severity and numbers of extremely thin-walled varices to the gut frequency are often much reducli, aid th't t.i Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.7.2.159 on 1 June 1952. Downloaded from

166 H. BUTLER persistence of varices is demonstrable by radio- The varices in and around the gastro-oesophageal graphy and oesophagoscopy. The effect of any region are divisible into two groups (connected adequate shunt, whether naturally achieved or by numerous intramuscular varices): (1) internal surgically effected, must be but temporary, since varices, extremely numerous, thin-walled varices the progressive nature of the cirrhotic lesion must in the lamina propria and the submucosa which promote continually increasing portal venous bulge into the gut lumen, and (2) external varices pressure and thereby neutralize the benefit of any upon the outer surface of the stomach and oeso- such shunt. As the shunt gradually becomes inade- phagus close to the vagus nerves. quate the internal varices must become re-distended, Two of the three cases described had large veins thereby increasing the risk of bleeding. Eradication in the falciform ligament, uniting the left branch of of the varix-bearing area of the gut, either alone or the portal vein to the epigastric veins. These intra- combined with a shunt operation, would appear to falciform veins are comparable in size to the arti- be a more logical mode of treatment than a shunt ficially produced anastomoses constructed in the operation alone. Eradication might be effected portal-caval shunt operations. Portal-caval ana- by the injection of a sclerosing fluid or by surgical stomoses are classified as " vulnerable " or " pro- excision. The former procedure is unsatisfactory tected " according to their situation relative to the because it is applicable only to the oesophageal gut lumen and to their clinical potentialities. The varices, whereas the gastric varices are the commoner vulnerable varices include the internal varices and source of bleeding and also because of the multi- form the source of bleeding in portal venous plicity of the juxta-cardiac varices. The results of obstruction. The bearing of these facts upon the such treatment, when alone employed, are very treatment of haematemesis due to portal venous unsatisfactory (Moersch, 1947). obstruction is discussed. Resection of the lower 3 or 4 cm. of the My thanks are due to Dr. L. W. Cole for permission oesophagus together with a considerable portion to publish the material from his patients, to Dr. A. M. of the stomach (Phemister and Humphreys, Barrett and his colleagues for their care and trouble 1947; Sheline, Clark, Adams, and Phemister, in removing the specimens for injection, and to Professors

1951) removes most of the area containing the H. A. Harris and A. J. E. Cave for constant advice vulnerable varices and the varices in the re- and encouragement. The photographs are the work of maining part of the oesophagus will thereby Mr. J. A. F. Fozzard and the sections are that of be severed from their direct connexions with the Mr. J. F. Simpkin. portal venous system via the left gastric vein. REFERENCES Furthermore, such a resection removes a large Armstrong, E. L., Adams, W. L., Tragerman, L. J., and Townsend, area of the gastric mucosa, and so reduces the E. W.(1942). Ann.intern.Med.,16, 113. Baronofsky, I., and Wangensteen, 0. H. (1945). Proc. Soc. exp. amounts of HCI and pepsin which appear to be Biol., N. Y., 59, 234. such important factors in the mechanism of erosion Beswick,T. S. L.,and Butler, H. (1951). Brit. med. J.,2, 522. Blakemore, A. H. (1948). Ann. Surg., 128, 825. on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. of the vulnerable varices. Resection is open to the Blond, K., and Haler, D. (1950). The Liver. Porta Malorum. Pp. objection that new vessels may grow across the 67-87. Bristol. Burow, K. A. von (1838). Arch. Anat. Physiol., Berl., p. 44. suture line and thus re-connect the remaining Butler, H. (1951). Thorax, 6, 276. oesophageal varices with the portal venous system. Fauvel (1858). Rec. Trav. Soc. mid. Obs. Paris, 1, 271. Quoted by Preble, 1900. No direct evidence on this point is, at present, Frerichs, F. T. (1861). A Clinical Treatise on Diseases of the Liver. available, but the formation in the operation scar Trans. C. Murchison, vol. 2, p. 39. London. Kegaries, D. L. (1934). Surg. Gynec. Obstet., 58, 46. ti sue of any very large vessels would appear to be Learmonth, J. (1949). Proc. roy. Soc. Med., 42, 437. unlikely. The preliminary results of this operation Linton. R. R., Hardy, I. B., and Volwiler, W. (1948). Surg. Gynec. Obstet., 87, 129. suggest that, even without a concomitant shunt, very Mclndoe, A. H. (1928). Arch. Path., Chicago, 5, 23. satisfactory results are obtained (Sheline and others, Miller, S. E. (1945). Ibid., 40, 405. Moersch, H. J. Personal communication quoted by Phemister and 1951). Humphreys, 1947. Phemister, D. B., and Humphreys, E. M. (1947). Ann. Surg., 126, SUMMARY 397. Portal, A. (1803). Cours d'Anatomie Midicale, vol. 4, p. 539. Paris. The portal-caval anastomoses in and around Preble, R. B. (1900). Amer. J. med. Sci., 119, 263. the upper part of the stomach and the lower Sappey, P. C. (1889). TraitO d'Anatomie Descriptive, 4th ed., vol. 4, p. 310. Paris. portion of the oesophagus and in the hepatic Sheline, G. E., Clark, D. E., Adams, W. E., and Phemister, D. B. falciform ligament are described in three cases (1951). Surg. Clin. N. Amer., 31, 213. Snell, A. M. (1950). Proc. Mayo Clin., 25, 36. of portal venous obstruction due to hepatic Walker, R. M. (1949). Practitioner, 162, 211. cirrhosis. Weinberg, T. (1949). Amer. J. clin. Path., 19, 554.