February 9-10, 2019 Bloomingdale Church

Is Jesus really God? Mark 14:55-64 | Daniel 7:13-14 | John 6:60-69 | 1 Corinthians 15:3-11 1. Did Jesus claim to be God? Mark 14:61-62 - “Again the high priest asked him, “Are you the Christ, the Son of the Blessed?” And Jesus said, “I am, and you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of Power, and coming with the clouds of heaven.” (Reference to Daniel 7:13-14) Was Jesus’ claim to be God unique among mainstream religion?

Buddha: a mere pioneer to state of Nirvana

Resources: Joseph Smith, Mohammed: a prophet of God • coldcasechristianity.com/writings/who- is-jesus-according-to-other-religions/ Brahman, Krishna, Animism: didn’t have a physical • Understanding the Times by Dr. David Noebel existence that was witnessable to the masses • Fabricating Jesus by Craig A. Evans Lao-Tzu: the world is a balance and depends upon us to maintain its sense of balance

New Age, Judaism, Islam & Ahmadiyya (Islamic ): Jesus was a Jesus claimed to be God himself, that he would raise from the dead good teacher (or prophet), but not raised from the dead and not God. and commented about his raised body. (Mark 14:62, John 2:18-22, John 20:17-18)

Bahai & Hinduism: Jesus’ depiction in the is true (Bahai only), but Jesus said I am the way the truth and life, no one comes to the was a holy man like several before him that can be trusted. Father, except through me. (John 14:6)

Buddhism: Jesus modeled the perfect life of selflessness, but was Jesus claimed alone to be doorway to enlightenment in eternity with simply a great humanitarian on his path to enlightenment. God. (John 5:20; 10:9)

Taoism: Jesus was a man of great balance, sorrow, pain, servanthood, Jesus said I have come by my Father [in heaven] who has sent him. and glory. He also claims to be the judge of balance condemning evil, and himself sits on the throne of God in power over all. (John 16:28, Matthew 25:31-46, Mark 14:62)

Atheism: He was a benevolent deceiver. He was manipulating people Jesus claimed his body of work is the proof for him. There’s too many for the common good of peace and betterment in a downtrodden people healed for this to be deception. The amount of prophecies he society. fulfilled is impossible to have been accomplished by any person’s volition. (Luke 7:22, Matthew 11:4, Acts 3:18-26)

2. What’s different about Jesus’ claim to be God? Recent famous people who claimed to be God: Owobusobozi Bisaka: Founded 1980; Moon Sun Myung: Founded late Resource: 1970’s; Inri Christo: Founded 1979; Shoko Asahara: Founded 1987; Jim • Daily Monitor: People who claimed to Jones: Founded early 1970’s; Sergei Torop: Founded 1990; Arrifin be God: https://www.monitor.co.ug/ artsculture/Reviews/PEOPLE-WHO- Mohammed: Founded 2005; Jose Luis de Jesus Miranda: Died August CLAIMED-TO-BE-GOD/ 2013; Ryuho Okawa: Founded 1986; Reverend Father M.J. Divine: 691232-2227784-8ipxpw/index.html Founded late 1920’s; Matayoshi Jesus: Founded 1997 Traits of God-Men:

• Middle-aged dreams/visions of divinity • Jesus knew who he was from childhood. (Luke 2:41-52) • A life crisis to deity • Jesus had others saying of him their prophecy of His deity • Imprisoned or dead (Narrative characters: Elizabeth - Mary’s Cousin, Joseph, • Quick fame & morphing message Shepherds, Simeon, Prophetess Anna, Magi, and John the Baptist) • Jesus never exploited people, but rather healed, helped and represented the downtrodden. (1 Peter 2:22) • Jesus said offensive things, causing thousands to leave him, banking that an outside force will make his message clear. (John 6:60-69)

3. Did He leave a God-sized footprint?

Type of people that Jesus left behind: Resource: • PEW Research: http:// www.pewforum.org/2011/12/19/ global-christianity-exec/ • Ancient Evidence for Jesus from Non- Christian Sources by Michael Gleghorn: https:// Dear Emperor Trajan (A.D. 112) www.bethinking.org/jesus/ancient- “They were in the habit of meeting on a certain evidence-for-jesus-from-non-christian- sources fixed day before it was light, when they sang in alternate verses a hymn to Christ, as to a god, and bound themselves by a solemn oath, not to any wicked deeds, but never to commit any fraud, theft or adultery, never to falsify their word, nor deny a trust when they should be called upon to deliver it up; after which it was their custom to separate, and then reassemble to partake of food – but food of an ordinary and innocent kind.” -Pliny (the Younger)

4. To be God did He do enough to prove it?

How did the tomb get empty? Resource: Historical Non-Biblical Authors who wrote about Jesus’ Crucifixion: Talmud, Josephus, Mara bar Serapion, Gentile testimonies: Tacitus, Lucian • Crucifixion by Martin Hengel • Did Jesus Die on the Cross: https:// www.toughquestionsanswered.org/2017/04/14/did-jesus- really-die-on-the-cross-part-2/' • 400 Prophecies, Appearances, Foreshadowings of Christ in the Tanakh by Paul G Humber

Monday: Mark 14-16 Truth: Summary, Principles & Observations Tuesday: 1 Corinthians 15 Application: My Response Wednesday: 1 Peter 2 Prayer: Self-expression to God Thursday: John 6:22-71 Friday: 1 John 1