MySQL Database Administrator Author: Kacper Wysocki Contact:
[email protected] Date: December 2010 License: Creative Commons: CC BY-SA Oslo, December 2010, CC BY-SA Contents Introduction 5 Introductions everybody 5 About this course 5 Course outline 6 Course schedule 6 How to do excersies 6 MySQL: history and future 6 MySQL: the present 7 MySQL: the future 7 MySQL compared to other DBs 7 MySQL language support 8 Embedding MySQL 8 Getting help with MySQL 8 MySQL architecture 9 Modular architecture 9 The MySQL modules 9 Client/server architecture 10 Installing MySQL 10 Installation process 10 Distribution packages 11 MySQL official binaries 11 Deploying sandboxes 12 Installing from source 13 Server Startup and Shutdown 14 MySQL relevant files 15 Excersises: Installation 15 Upgrading MySQL 16 Clients: the mysql* suite 16 Client: mysql 16 Excersise: Client mysql 16 Excersise: mysql CLI 17 Further CLI fun 17 Digression: some SQL 18 Client: mysqladmin 18 Excersises: Client: mysql 18 Clients: applications and libraries 18 Oslo, December 2010, CC BY-SA migration 19 Importing data: timezones 19 Importing data 19 Excersises: importing data 20 Excersises: time zones 20 Exporting data 20 Excersises: Exporting data 21 Configuration 21 More configuration 21 Run-time Variables 22 MySQL Architecture 23 Storage Engines 23 Storage Engines 23 Storage Engines types 23 MyISAM 24 MYISAM_MRG 24 InnoDB 24 Excersises: InnoDB 24 FEDERATED 25 CSV 25 ARCHIVE 25 MEMORY 25 BLACKHOLE 25 So... which engine? 26 Engine Excersises 26 Implementing Security 26