EMERGENCY RESPONSE TO COVID-19 in Mixed Migration Context in

SITUATION REPORT #45 / 08 February 2021 Reporting Period: 26/01 – 08/02/2021 http://drc.ba/covid19_resources

WEEKLY HIGHLIGHTS UPDATES:  124,101 cases of COVID-19 confirmed in BiH, 4,813 deaths and 98,470 recovered patients.1 11 PoCs exhibiting  11 PoCs exhibiting COVID-19-like symptoms monitored by PHC and DRC medical symptoms and teams in TRC Blazuj. isolated in  17 new PoCs exhibiting COVID-19-like symptoms referred to symptomatic isolation reception facilities in reception centers: 3 in TRC Miral, 3 in TRC Sedra and 11 in TRC Blazuj. 545 PoCs  183 PoCs referred to preventive isolation in reception facilities. screened in  545 PoCs screened for COVID-19 symptoms: all new arrivals to temporary reception facilities reception facilities in BiH during the reporting period. 0 new PoCs  90 PoCs monitored in preventive isolation by DRC Medical Officers (5 in TRC Miral, confirmed positive 61 in Sedra and 24 in TRC Borici). for COVID-19  26 PoCs tested for COVID-19. All results confirmed negative. CUMULATIVE: KEY DEVELOPMENTS AND CHALLENGES 33 PoCs positive for COVID-19  As of 2 February, PHC and DRC have been advocating for establishing a mechanism for implementation of IPC measures in the Lipa provisional camp, setting of isolation 63,723 COVID- areas for PoCs presenting COVID-19 symptoms, as well as referral of patients to 19 screenings in secondary health care. As of the above date, no update has been available on any reception facilities of these issues and in out-of-site locations  New variants of Coronavirus (mainly VOC B. 1.1.7) were reported in the region (Serbia, Slovenia, etc). Based on the information provided by the BiH Health authorities, currently there is no capacity to do a proper genetic confirmation of the

1 Official statistics for Federation of BiH, and Brcko District

417 PoCs tested new variant in BiH, hence there is a chance that it’s already circulating inside the for COVID-19 general population. Center for Disease Control and Prevention reported that currently, there is no evidence that these new variants cause more severe illness or increased risk of death, or whether currently authorized vaccines will protect people against them. However, these variants seem to spread more easily and quickly than other variants, which may lead to more cases of COVID-19, consequently putting more strain on health systems, leading to more hospitalizations, and potentially more deaths. With that in mind, it is very important that all service providers keep rigorously complying with Infection Prevention and Control measures, limiting the spread of SARS-CoV-2, such as physical distancing, use of masks, hand and respiratory hygiene, self-isolation if ill, etc. In that way we are protecting public health of the general population, as well as the health of beneficiaries.

 A total of 118 PoCs were discharged from preventive isolation in all TRCs in BiH, and 14 PoCs from symptomatic isolation, on expiry of the isolation and monitoring period. In the same period, 14 PoCs left preventive isolation on their own.


60 52 48 49 37 40 20 20 14 13 14 8 8 8 9 11 11 5 6 7 4 0 1 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 3 1 0 2 1 2 0 0 0 25-Jan 26-Jan 27-Jan 28-Jan 29-Jan 30-Jan 1-Feb 2-Feb 3-Feb 4-Feb 5-Feb 6-Feb

# of PoCs referred to isolation area (new arrivals/ pushbacks/ exposed to COVID-19) on the date of reporting* Discharged from preventive isolation Left preventive isolation

SYMPTOMATIC ISOLATION OVERVIEW 8 6 6 6 5 4 4 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25-Jan 26-Jan 27-Jan 28-Jan 29-Jan 30-Jan 1-Feb 2-Feb 3-Feb 4-Feb 5-Feb 6-Feb

# of PoCs referred to isolation, exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 on the date of reporting** Discharged from Symptomatic isolation Left Smytomatic Isolation


 Outreach response: o PoCs in out-of-site locations are provided with medical assistance by DRC and RC teams visiting the sites, delivering First Aid and performing medical screening of PoCs for COVID-19 symptoms. o Due to improved weather conditions, the number of PoCs at informal settlements is slightly increasing; DRC outreach teams are paying more attention to reporting / presenting of COVID-19 symptoms among PoCs identified staying outside of reception centers.


 COVID-19 Response in TRCs in BiH: o Capacities for preventive and symptomatic isolation in TRCs in BiH has been preserved. At the moment, a total of 123 beds in TRCs in USC are available for preventive isolation and a total of 202 beds for POCs with COVID-19 symptoms.


3500 3039 3000



1500 1054 1000 747 355 500 240 0 30 0 50 54 20 28 6 41 10 0 Usivak Blazuj Miral Borici Sedra

Current no of PoCs in TRC Isolation for Preventive monitoring Isolation for COVID-19 expressed symptoms

 Coordination with authorities and health actors: o On two separate occasions, DRC has advocated for an operational meeting involving all relevant actors and stakeholders in order to discuss a strategy to respond to the scabies outbreak at the provisional Lipa site. For this to happen, DRC in collaboration with PHC and PHI has developed a plan of action for


intensive treatment of scabies incidence, including hygiene measures, supply of medications and consumables, as well as new NFIs for replacing clothes and bedding. As of 2 February, no treatment has been rolled out.  Measures related to humanitarian staff: o Humanitarian staff working in the reception centers should continuously self-monitor2. In case humanitarian staff have been in contact with persons confirmed positive for COVID-19, they should inform their health provider and follow the suggested measures. Staff exhibiting COVID-19 like symptoms, including fever, should suspend their presence from the reception centers until fully recovered. Additionally, information should be shared with DRC medical teams, to ensure contact tracing and mitigating the risk of spread of COVID-19 infection.


The Federal Ministry of Health issued a press release on 28th of January, confirming all previous orders are still in place, following the Decision of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina related to the Order of the Crisis Staff of the Federal Ministry of Health which restricts movement in the Federation of BiH from 11 pm to 5 am, as well as mandatory wearing of protective masks. https://covid19.fmoh.gov.ba/novost/450/vlada-fbih-usvojila-naredbe-i-preporuke-kriznog-staba-stozera-fmz- opce-mjere-produzene-za-14-dana The Ministry of Health of the Canton, informs that the issuance of the Decision on home isolation will be regulated by the "MEDIT" system of the Health Insurance Institute of SC. https://vlada.ks.gov.ba/aktuelnosti/novosti-vezane-za-koronu-virus/rjesenja-o-kucnoj-izolaciji-i-stavljanja Public health institute of West Hercegovina County is offering their citizens commercial immunization with Russian “Sputnik V” vaccine against SARS-CoV-2. http://www.zjz-zzh.ba/item/304-vazno-obavijest-o-komercijalnom-cjepivu-protiv-sars-cov-2.html Public health institute of Republic Srpska announced mass immunization against SARS’CoV’2 will start at the end of February. https://www.phi.rs.ba/index.php?view=clanak&id=1520


1. Bosnia reports 157 new coronavirus cases and 13 fatalities

2 The Federal Institute for Public Health has made available the online self-assessment test on COVID-19, available at https://www.zzjzfbih.ba/covid-19/ 4

Bosnian health officials reported 157 new Covid-19 cases on Monday, along with 13 virus-related fatalities. https://ba.n1info.com/vijesti/od-juce-u-bih-13-preminulih-od-korona-virusa-vise-od-150-novozarazenih/ 2. The first UNICEF donated ultra-cold chain Refrigerators arrived to Bosnia and Herzegovina The first two of the eight refrigerators for storing COVID-19 vaccines in the ultra-cold regime (up to -80oC) arrived in Bosnia and Herzegovina. UNICEF Representative in BiH, dr. Rownak Khan formally handed over this donation from UNICEF to the Minister of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ms. Ankica Gudeljević. The first UNICEF donated ultra-cold chain Refrigerators arrived to Bosnia and Herzegovina - Sarajevo Times 3. EU delivered over 38,877 BAM worth of protective Equipment to Hospital in Bosnia A total of 95,385 surgical masks, FFP2 protective masks and protective gowns were delivered today to the Una-Sana Canton Public Health Institute in Bihać, as part of the European Union’s support to institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Stefano Donati, Head of the Regional Office of the European Union Delegation to BiH, stressed that since the outbreak of the pandemic, the European Union provides much needed protective and medical equipment to medical institutions throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina almost on daily basis. Equipment worth over 445,000 Euros was delivered to medical institutions of the Una-Sana Canton. EU delivered over 38,877 BAM worth of protective Equipment to Hospital in Bosnia - Sarajevo Times 4. EU hands over protective equipment to Public Health Institute of Canton A total of 154,735 surgical masks, FFP2 protective masks and protective suits, with a total value of 63,374 KM, were delivered to the Public Health Institute of the Tuzla Canton (TC) today. EU hands over protective equipment to Public Health Institute of Tuzla Canton | FENA 5. BiH expects European Union assistance in procuring vaccines At the fifth meeting of the Subcommittee on Internal Market and Competition, including Health and Consumer Protection between the European Union and Bosnia and Herzegovina, held today via video conference, the BiH delegation was informed about the European Commission's initiatives to help health systems in non-EU countries fight the Covid-19 pandemic. BiH expects European Union assistance in procuring vaccines | FENA 6. Bosnia to get first vaccine delivery through COVAX system in February Bosnia's Civil Affairs Ministry was informed on Saturday in a letter by the GAVI global vaccine alliance that the delivery of Covid-19 vaccine to Bosnia and Herzegovina through the COVAX mechanism will start as of February. Bosnia to get first vaccine delivery through COVAX system in February - N1 (n1info.com) 7. Council of Ministers Chairman: BiH secured vaccines for 40% of its population


Bosnia has already secured and paid for vaccines against COVID-19 for 40 percent of its population, Council of Ministers Chairman, Zoran Tegeltija, said on Wednesday. Council of Ministers Chairman: BiH secured vaccines for 40% of its population - N1 (n1info.com) 8. Bosnia registers first case of coronavirus transmitted from human to pet A case of COVID-19 being transmitted from a human to a dog was registered in Bosnia and Herzegovina, officials from the Sarajevo Faculty of Veterinary Medicine confirmed on Wednesday. Bosnia registers first case of coronavirus transmitted from human to pet - N1 (n1info.com) 9. UNICEF donates 500,000 Protective Masks to Children in Bosnia As of today, UNICEF in Bosnia and Herzegovina starts delivering another 500,000 protective masks to schools and communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. UNICEF donates 500,000 Protective Masks to Children in Bosnia - Sarajevo Times 10. Coronavirus in Syria: Concern regime could withhold vaccine Human Rights Watch is calling for the COVID-19 vaccine to be distributed equitably in all of Syria. The organization accused the Assad regime of withholding medicine from civilians in areas controlled by the opposition. They are particularly worried about the situation in northeast Syria. Coronavirus in Syria: Concern regime could withhold vaccine - InfoMigrants

Stay informed – find the latest information from WHO or related sources: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/situation-reports/ https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019 https://www.epi-win.com/

We thank you for your responsible behavior in the interest of your own health, but also in the interest of the health of all the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina.