July 07 New.Qxd (Page 1)
CLICK HERE: FOR PAGE 3 AND 4 It’s not just a place where you get to learn Einstein’s Theory of SCHOOL IS COOL Relativity. It’s also a place where you can think beyond the classroom. Hence we say, SCHOOL IS COOL! WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 2021 03 Delhi Public School Howrah RABINDRA JAYANTI celebrates International Yoga Day celebration Asian International School “But thy eternal summer shall not fade Nor lose possession of that fair thou owest ;” —Shakespeare agore’s cult has been a global fragment that melts in the Boishak Tsummer-spell, amidst the future folklores. Years yearn to hear the Rabindrik rhythm to bring about a change in Boshonto be that a Shantinike- tan glory or a Bengali, singing ‘Mone Robey Kina Robey midst all the challenges and vul- sense. Amare’, in the spring of Berlin. nerability today, the biggest chal- Furthermore, children from all classes ac- Asian International School lenge is to keep the body and soul tively participated in the virtual mass Yoga hath her glories defined in avid Apeaceful and sane. An amalgama- conducted by the physical education depart- pages of variety and unity. It tion of Yoga and Music is the right recipe to ment to celebrate the International Day of had spun the tale of Rabindra meet this goal. Hence, recently DPS Howrah Yoga. Through this session children were en- Jayanti on the weekend with a brought together these two age old mediums couraged to perform and feel the essence of difference. The e-celebration through a video compilation of young dip- various yogasanas, breathing exercises and was no less gratifying than the sites, performing yoga and playing a variety ‘Suryanamaskar’.
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