Parshas Eikev July 30, 2021

A Taste of Stories for the Soul Fearless! by Yisrael Kellner Protective Blessing Being fearless is not just a mindset or good parsha. “If there will­­ arise in your midst Young Shimon lived in Lublin, Poland advice. It’s a mitzvah in the Torah. a prophet or a dreamer of a dream, and he in the years before World War II. One “Perhaps you will say in your heart, ‘These will give you a sign or a wonder, and the day, Rabbi (1887-1933) nations are more numerous than I; how will I sign or the wonder of which he spoke to you visited his (school) and tested the be able to drive them out?’ Do not fear them! happens, [and he] says, ‘Let us go after other students. After the test, Rabbi Shapiro You shall remember what Hashem, your gods which you have not known, and let us said to the students, “Generally, I G-d, did to Pharaoh and to all of Egypt… so worship them.’ You shall not heed the words give gifts or sweets to the children shall Hashem, your G-d, do to all the peoples of that prophet, or that dreamer of a dream; after a test, but this time, I don’t have before whom you fear.” (Eikev 7:17-19) for Hashem, your G-d, is testing you, to know anything with me to give you. So, I The Torah prohibits the Jewish People from whether you really love Hashem, your G-d, will tell you about a segulah (protective fearing the other nations against whom they with all your heart and with all your soul.” charm), and that will be my gift to will go to war. At first glance, this appears (Devarim 13:2-4) you.” Rabbi Shapiro told the boys to to be a prohibition that was applicable back The Torah teaches that when one has a fiery be careful with reciting Birkas Hamazon when the Jewish People were about to engage love for Hashem, he will not be fooled by some (Grace After Meals). He explained that in battle against the nations of Cana’an. false prophet, and he will not be fazed and the sources say that Birkas Hamazon Fascinatingly, though, Rabbeinu Yonah (d. convinced by any sort of miracle to leave the is a segulah for protection and for 1263) in his classic work Sha’arei Teshuva ways of Hashem. It is that solid bond and love for Hashem that ensures that nothing in the parnassa (sustenance). He added that writes that this prohibition does not only apply one source states that those who are to the of that era as they went to war. world will deter him from serving Hashem! careful will always say Birkas Hamazon Rather, this prohibition also applies to Jews in When one has a strong, loving relationship future generations and to all situations. The with Hashem, the secure feeling that Hashem from a (prayer book) and not by Torah teaches that if some fear crops up in will care for him will be unaffected by any heart. one’s mind, be it a big medical issue, financial frightening events that may come his way. Shimon decided right then and there difficulty, feeling threatened by another, or Realizing that Hashem is so much stronger that he would always be careful with anything else, one is obligated to remove this than all of his fears, the person feels like a Birkas Hamazon. In cheder, his friends fear from his heart by trusting in Hashem. child in its mother’s arms, secure and cared would bench (recite Birkas Hamazon) The question is, how is it possible to remove for. When a person feels an intense love and quickly and go out to play, while he a big fear which is so real and tangible from bond with Hashem, then no fear will faze lingered, because it was important to one’s heart; what tools can we use to eradicate him. He knows and feels that he’s in the best him to bench properly. a powerful terror that seems impossible to hands, and that gives him the courage to stand overcome? up against his fears and not lose his calm and A few years later, the Nazis invaded Poland. Soon, Shimon found himself To answer this question, we must first cite the peaceful state of mind! standing in line for a dreaded selection ’s (Rabbi Eliyahu of Vilna; 1720- I heard a powerful story that happened not 1797) explanation of the concept of having long ago from a rebbi of mine that illustrates at a concentration camp. He noticed bitachon (trust) in Hashem. The Vilna Ga’on this concept. Around three years ago, a young that those who were short was being writes that the definition of bitachon can be father came down with a complex disease that sent to the left for execution, and he found in the words of King David in Tehillim was difficult to treat. He went from doctor to himself was short! He prayed that he ( 131:2), “I calmed and quieted my doctor, trying to obtain a cure. At the same be saved from in the merit of Birkas soul, like a nursing child upon its mother.” time, through all of this upheaval in his life, Hamazon. When it was his turn, he An infant feels so calm and secure that its he had racked up a large debt. The man now stood on his toes to appear higher. mother will provide for it that it never worries had two enormous fears, a medical-related The Nazi signaled to the right. where its next meal will come from. So, too, worry of his complex disease and a financial Soon, Reb Shimon found himself one is obligated to have complete trust in worry due to his huge debt. The man was standing in line once again. This time, Hashem to the degree that he simply feels overcome with fear, wondering, “How will I each person had to tell the Nazi guard secure that Hashem, his loving, caring Father, manage to pay my debts? And it seems I will what type of work he could do; if one will provide for him, and so there is no need never recover from my illness!” could do productive work, he’d be to worry! After learning and working on the concepts kept alive. Shimon didn’t know what To further understand this idea, we must of bitachon, the man decided to do two things. examine what the Torah says in next week’s First, he took out a notebook where he had continued on back continued on back Happenings Halacha Riddles Last week’s question: When would the start, once in the middle, and once in DEDICATION EVENT/ need to repeat a blessing depend on the closing of the blessing. In many (but CHANUKAS HABAYIS ON whether one erred at the beginning or at not all) cases, if one inserted the text for AUG. 15 the end? the wrong category, the blessing must Answer: The blessing known as Me’ein be repeated. However, if one recited the The Kollel will hold a Shalosh is recited after consuming food wrong text at the start or the middle of Celebration of Torah with made from the Five Grains (wheat, barley, the blessing, but recited the correct text a Kollel Torah Center spelt oats, rye) upon which one recited at the close of the blessing, it needn’t be Dedication Event/Chanukas mezonos, after consuming one of the fruits repeated. Conversely, if one recited the Habayis on Sunday, August of the Shivas Haminim (Seven Species of wrong text at the close of the blessing, the 15. Harav Malkiel Kotler Eretz Yisrael), or after drinking wine or blessing must be repeated even though grape juice. the correct text was inserted at the start shlita, Rosh of and middle (Halachos of Brachos [Rabbi Each one of these three categories has of Pinchas Bodner] pg. 359). its own unique text (i.e., al hamichya…, al Lakewood, will grace the This week’s question: When would one event and present the ha’eitz/al hapeiros…, al hagefen…) inserted in the blessing three times, once at the fulfill his obligation after reciting just the keynote address. Musical first blessing of Birkas Hamazon? inspiration by Eitan Katz. Visit for more details. Lives of Our Torah Leaders Rabbi Meir Shapiro - Part X SPRING-SUMMER AVOS The nascent Agudath was Meir Kagan, better known as the UBANIM ON SHABBOS supported by many key Torah leaders Chofetz Chaim, and Rabbi Avraham AFTERNOON of the time, including Rabbi Yisrael Mordechai Alter, the of . The Kollel’s spring-summer Avos Ubanim program A Taste of Torah continues this Shabbos continued from front afternoon at the Kollel Torah written down all the kindness Hashem had terrifying fears. Eventually, his disease was Centers in West Denver and done for him all his life. He would review it cured, and money suddenly came to him out of Southeast Denver. Learning and add in all the little positive things that were nowhere, allowing him to repay his debts! begins one hour before happening in his life. He also started to thank This story illustrates this amazing concept of mincha, followed by nosh Hashem for all the little things he realized were how powerful one’s relationship with Hashem and prizes. For sponsorships being given to him. For example, when walking can be and how strong one can be in face of outside, he would think about the beautiful terrifying situations. When one works on his and more info, email info@ world, the weather, the grass and trees, and connection with Hashem and builds a strong, then he would thank Hashem for everything. loving bond with Hashem, then absolutely By doing this, he created a strong loving bond nothing in this world will faze him one bit, and MILE HIGH TORAH PODCAST between himself and Hashem, and this is what he will never be afraid of any circumstance, FROM THE KOLLEL kept him calm, even in the face of these two place, or thing! A wide variety of Kollel classes and short, inspiring Stories for the Soul Torah thoughts are now continued from front available on many podcast to say; he was only a teenager, taken away had survived, and he had parnassa! from yeshiva to this cursed place. As he platforms such as Spotify, Shimon ultimately survived the war and waited in line, he prayed, “In the merit eventually settled in Jerusalem, where he Google Podcasts, Apple of Birkas Hamazon, which is a segulah for shared his story and the wonderful segulah Podcasts and Amazon parnassa, Hashem, please support me…” of Birkas Hamazon. Music. You can also access Suddenly, the person behind him tapped The mitzvah of Birkas Hamazon is the latest podcasts at the him on the shoulder. “Say you’re a cook discussed in this week’s parsha. While Kollel’s website, www. and that I’m your helper.” Shimon said most blessings are of Rabbinic origin, this, and they were both sent to work in Birkas Hamazon is one of two blessings the kitchen, where he had ample food. He actually sourced in the Torah itself.

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