Townsville Regional Snapshot Townsville Regional Snapshot

Year Ending March 2014 Visitors Holiday VFR Business Expenditure ($m)

Domestic Overnight 933,000 323,000 354,000 184,000 $681.7m

Annual % change1 ▲ 2.4% ▼ -3.3% ▲ 31.1% ▼ -10.2% ▲ 25.6%

Trend % change2 ▲ 5.2% ▲ 11.3% ▲ 14.7% ▼ -8.8% ▲ 12.7% International Overnight 95,000 76,000 12,000 n/p $76.7m Annual % change ▼ -17.3% ▼ -12.7% ▼ -22.2% n/p ▼ -18.4% Trend % change ▼ -9.0% ▼ -8.1% ▼ -8.3% n/p ▼ -7.2% TOTAL 1,028,000 399,000 366,000 n/p $758.4m Annual change ● 0.2% ▼ -5.3% ▲ 28.2% n/p ▲ 19.1%

Domestic Visitors Average Length of Stay (ALoS) InternationalInternational Visitors Visitors Average Length of Stay (ALoS) TownsvilleDomestic Visitors IntrastateIntrastate Interstate InterstateInternational 1,200 20 Townsville Queensland 9.0 16.0 GoldBrisbane Coast QueenslandQueensland 6,0003,800 1824 160 Queensland 2.5 Nights International

Qld visitors (million) Qld visitors 1,200 2,500 8.05 International 25.014.0

International NightsNights InternationalInternational Qld visitors (000) visitors Qld

1,000 (000) visitors Qld

Qld visitors (million)visitors Qld Qld visitors (million) Qld visitors 3,700 16 (million) Qld visitors 140 7.0 5,000 1,000 2.0 12.0 14 2,000 4 20.0 3,600800 18 120 6.0 10.0 4,000 12 800 3,500 100 1.5 5.0 600 10 1,500 3 15.08.0 3,0003,400 12 60080 4.0 8 6.0

400 60 1.01,000 Nights Domestic 3.0 Visitors (000) Visitors

Visitors (000) Visitors 2 10.0 Visitors Visitors (000)

Visitors Visitors (000) 3,300 6 Domestic Domestic Nights 2,000 400 Domestic Nights Townsville Townsville (000) Visitors 4.0 4 40 2.0

3,200 6 Townsville Visitors (000) 200 0.5500 1,000 200 1.01 5.02.0 3,100 2 20 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3,0000 0 0 0 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 0 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 0.0 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 Year Ending March YearYear Ending Ending March March Year Ending March Year Ending March

. DomesticFor the yearvisitationendedtoJuneTownsville2013, theincreasednumber2.4of% . TheInternationalnumber of visitationinternationalandvisitorsnightsto spentBrisbanein . The average length of stay for domestic domesticin the yearvisitorsto Marchto Brisbane2014, drivenincreasedby growth2%. fromThis grewTownsvillemarkedlydeclinedover thein yearthe endedyear endingJune 2013March. visitors totoTownsvilleBrisbane declinedremainedto unchanged4 nights in wasthosethevisitingresultfriendsof growthandinrelativesintrastate(VFR)visitation,offsettingas 2014, driven by softer results from the region's overthe yearthe endingyear. BothMarchintrastate2014. Anandincreaseinterstatein thedeclinesnumberfromofholidayinterstateandvisitorsbusinessdeclinedtravel.. .keyOverallsourcegrowthmarketsreached. 10%, including a near lengthintrastateof staystaysremainedwas offsetstable,by ahoweverdecreasethein universal increase in visitors from every key numberthe lengthof ofvisitorstay ofnightsinterstategrew, travellersparticularlyto . VFRThe travelintrastatecontinuesincreaseto bewasthedrivenlargestbysharestrongof .sourceVisitationmarketfrom. ThisthegeneralUnitedincreaseKingdomwas also(the holidaythe regionand. VFR. growthpurposeintoholidaythe regionvisitors(atfrom38%within), andthethisBrisbanesector evidentregion's inlargesteveryinternationaltype of purpose,sourceincludingmarket) andthe regionprovidedasthewellmajorityas the resourceof growth,regionsparticularlyof SQCfromand numberGermanyof holidaydeclined,visitorsby which14.8% increasedand 2714.4%%. . The average length of stay for international CentralintrastateQueenslandvisitors. . There were also gains due to Therespectivelyproportion. of international holiday visitors visitors todeclinedBrisbanebygrew2 nightsslightlyto to13.212 nights, intrastate business travel from Central increased to 50% of all international visitors to includingdriven by shorterholidaystaysvisitorsfromwhichholidayincreasedmakersto. .QueenslandIncreases andin theintrastateSunshinevisitationCoast. supported .BrisbaneTravel .from France increased by 3.2% and is 12.4 nights. overall growth to the region, which balanced now the region's fourth largest international . Total overnight visitor expenditure in .declinesInterstatefromholidayinterstateand VFRvisitationtravel. Asto Brisbaneseen by .marketChina. continuedThere wastoalsohavesignsthe highestof growthgrowthfromof .TownsvilleThough increasedthe number19.1% orof$121international.8 million in increased,other regions,howeverSydneythereandwas regionala large declineVictorianin allsmallerBrisbanemarketssourcesuchmarkets,as increasingthe Netherlands,by 19% businessthe year endingvisitorsMarchgrew20142%,, tothe$758number.4 millionof. interstateresidents arebusinessreducingtravel,their particularlytravel to thefromState.NSW overTaiwantheandyearThailand,. Direct flightshoweverfromthistheis USAfrom toa internationalThis strong ####growthbusinesswasnightsdrivengrewby a2625% .6(or% and , which resulted in the overall Brisbanesmaller basecontinued. to improve annual visitation moreincreasethanin200domestic000 nights)overnightover thevisitoryear. .interstateThe keydeclinedriver of. intrastate growth to Townsville with a 20% increase in visitors and a 68% Thisexpenditurelifted .the average length of stay of was residents of the surrounding regions of .increaseVisitationin fromvisitorNewnightsZealand. Visitorsdeclinedfrombythe32.7UK%, business travellers to 7.7 nights. Singapore .TropicalThe declineNorthin interstateQueenslandbusinessand travelthe Outbackis part of. withincreaseddecreases9% and recordedvisitor nightsthroughoutimproved 36several%, as .hadInternationalthe oppositeexpenditureeffect withdeclinedan increase18.4% in theBrisbanenormalisingresidentsofalsointerstateincreasedbusinesstheir visit totravelthe Queenslandtheir domesticregionseconomy. Kiwicontinuedtravel to destinationsa tentative thevisitorsyearofending20%, howeverMarch only2014a, 1however% increasethisin followingregion by 11the.8%spikesto 171,000created. over the last three suchrecoveryas Hawaii,from theFiji andGFCBali. Brisbanecontinuesalsoto impacthad a wasvisitorovershadowednights. by very strong growth in years by natural disaster recovery programs and Queenslandwelcome increasedestinationsin Japanesewith similarvisitation,beachwhichand domestic spend, which accounts for 90% of resource related construction projects. hinterland/rainforestlifted 35%. offerings. International .totalThe overnightoverall increasevisitor inexpenditurevisitor nightsin visitation to Townsville accounts for 9.2% of total contributedTownsville. to international expenditure travel to the region. growth of 6%.

International International9.2% 16.1% Annual % Change in Total Visitation Interstate 20.0%20% 15.9% Townsville Queensland Brisbane Queensland 15.0%15%

10% Intrastate 10.0% 50.6% 5% Research Updates 5.0% To receive an email alert whenever new tourism 0% figures are released click here 0.0% Intrastate -5% Interstate 74.9% -5.0% 33.3% -10%

-10.0%-15% There were 61,,028096,,000000internationalinternational and domestic overnight visitorsvisitors totoTownsvilleBrisbane ininthethe yearyear ended -15.0%-20% 0607 0708 0809 09 10 10 11 11 12 12 1313 1414 JuneMarch20132014, this, thiswaswasastableincreasewithof0.32%% onon the year Year Ending March ended JuneMarch20122013. . Year Ending March

Townsville Regional Snapshot, Year Ending March 2014 Townsville Regional Snapshot Townsville Regional Snapshot

Domestic visitation Year Ending March 2014

Domestic Visitors to Townsville Key domestic source markets to Townsville

Year Year Length Year Year Year Visitors Nights All Visitors Visitors Nights % Chg % Chg of Stay # Chg % Chg % Chg Holiday 323,000 -3.3% 1,317,000 -5.8% 4.1 -0.1 Brisbane 171,000 11.8% 614,000 -10.8% VFR 354,000 31.1% 1,547,000 6.5% 4.4 -1.0 Regional Qld 599,000 2.2% 1,886,000 15.8% Business 184,000 -10.2% 556,000 13.2% 3.0 0.6 n/p n/p n/p n/p Domestic3 933,000 2.4% 3,731,000 0.1% 4.0 -0.1 Regional NSW n/p n/p n/p n/p Intrastate n/p n/p n/p n/p Holiday 252,000 -10.6% 771,000 -13.3% 3.1 -0.1 Regional Vic n/p n/p n/p n/p VFR 303,000 49.3% 1,073,000 31.3% 3.5 -0.5 Business 147,000 -16.5% 455,000 5.3% 3.1 0.6 State Comparison - Domestic

Intrastate 770,000 4.2% 2,500,000 7.9% 3.2 0.1 InternationalNights InternationalNights Year Year Interstate All Visitors Visitors Nights % Chg % Chg Holiday n/p n/p n/p n/p n/p n/p Queensland 17,725,000 -1.8% 73,753,000 -2.5% VFR n/p n/p n/p n/p n/p n/p NSW 26,278,000 5.7% 85,425,000 1.4% Business n/p n/p n/p n/p n/p n/p Victoria 19,069,000 6.9% 57,741,000 3.5% Interstate 163,000 -5.8% 1,231,000 -12.7% 7.6 -0.6 77,573,000 4.0% 287,180,000 1.2% Year Year Holiday Visitors Visitors Nights Domestic day trip visitors % Chg % Chg domestic Year Expenditure ($) Year Total Visitors Day trip visitors Queensland 7,547,000 -4.7% 34,464,000 -8.3% unchangedin % Chg million % Chg interstatein Townsville 1,265,000 10.5% $187.2m 10.5% NSW 10,816,000 3.8% 39,149,000 -0.7% thein particularlyto Queensland 36,390,000 -6.9% $4,339.9m 1.0% Victoria 8,727,000 7.1% 28,968,000 7.0%

Australia 164,399,000 -3.6% $18,177.4m 0.4% Australia 32,993,000 2.2% 131,617,000 -1.3% international nights, The popularity of daytripping has softened on both a State and national level in the The number of domestic holiday nights spent in Australia to year to March 2014. Over the same period, domestic overnight visitation in Australia declined on average in the year to March 2014, with both has increased, suggesting that Australians are regaining confidence in terms of Queensland and recording fewer holiday in booking overnight travel. This has impacted upon daytrip expenditure, which has nights. In contrast to this, holiday nights in Victoria increased. internationalin millionof. declined nationally. (or% visitoryear. of Singapore in thisin in of nightsin expenditure

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Townsville Regional Snapshot, Year Ending March 2014 Townsville Regional Snapshot Regional Comparison

International visitation Yearstat Ending March 2014

International Visitors to Townsville Top 10 international source markets

Year Year Length of Year Year Year All Visitors Visitors Nights Total Visitors Nights % Chg % Chg Stay # Chg % Chg % Chg

Holiday 76,000 -12.7% 398,000 -46.0% 5.2 -3.2 1 UK 21,000 -14.8% 265,000 -29.1%

VFR 12,000 -22.2% 285,000 -23.3% 23.5 -0.3 2 Germany 14,000 -27.4% 80,000 -62.1%

Business n/p n/p n/p n/p n/p n/p 3 NZ 8,000 -32.7% 140,000 5.7%

3 4 France 7,000 3.2% 81,000 -16.3% Total 95,000 -17.3% 1,250,000 -28.3% 13.2 -2.0 5 USA 6,000 -22.4% 135,000 -21.5% 6 Netherlands n/p ▲ n/p ▲

7 Canada n/p ▲ n/p ▲ Scandinavia n/p ▼ n/p ▲ State Comparison - International 8 9 Switzerland n/p n/p n/p n/p Year Year All Visitors Visitors Nights Italy n/p n/p n/p n/p % Chg % Chg 10 Queensland 2,048,000 0.6% 45,953,000 -0.9% NSW 6.3% 73,810,000 6.4% These are the Top 10 source markets for this period, ranked using total 3,061,000 visitor numbers. Some markets may have been added to create natural Victoria 1,997,000 10.0% 46,287,000 -0.8% groups such as 'Asia' and 'Europe' to provide a more complete picture. For technical reasons, some data may not be published, however the Australia 5,934,000 6.1% 213,646,000 0.5% markets will still appear in order. Year Annual % Holiday Visitors Visitors Nights % Chg Change Year Year 1,403,000 19,675,000 Queensland 3.2% -1.8% Holiday Visitors % Chg Nights % Chg

NSW 1,706,000 6.9% 24,160,000 12.2% 1 UK 17,000 -20.2% 73,000 -66.0%

Victoria 1,008,000 13.5% 11,473,000 1.5% 2 Germany 14,000 -26.0% 54,000 -39.3% Total 76,000 -12.7% 398,000 -46.0% Total 3,142,000 7.5% 70,941,000 3.7% 4 Netherlands n/p ▲ n/p ▼ 5 NZ n/p ▼ n/p ▼ 3,142,359 6 Scandinavia n/p ▼ n/p ▲

7 USA n/p ▲ n/p ▼

8 Canada n/p n/p n/p n/p

9 Switzerland n/p n/p n/p n/p 10 Italy n/p n/p n/p n/p

The Top 10 Holiday Visitor markets are similar to the Total Visitor markets above, however they are ranked using holiday visitor numbers. The same grouping and limitation of data applies.

The average length of stay of international holidaymakers in Queensland was 14.0 nights in the year to March 2014. This was comparable to South Wales (14.2 nights) and more than Victoria (11.4 nights). Whilst this was a strong result for Queensland, it represents a decline of 0.7 nights on the year prior.

Regional Snapshots for all Queensland regions are available on the TEQ Research website,

Overview snapshots are also available for both Domestic and International visitors. Any questions or comments, please email [email protected]

The Townsville tourism region aligns with the the ABS region.

Disclaimer: By using this information you acknowledge that this information is provided by Tourism and Events Queensland (TEQ) to you without any responsibility on behalf of TEQ. You agree to release and indemnify TEQ for any loss or damage that you may suffer as a result of your reliance on this information. TEQ does not represent or warrant that this information is correct,1. Annual complete change refers or to suitablethe percentage for change the between purpose the year forended which June 2010 you wish to use it. The information is provided to you on the basis that you will use your own skill and judgement and make your own enquiries to independently evaluate, assess and verify the information’s correctness, completeness and usefulness to you before you rely on the information.

Townsville Regional Snapshot, Year Ending March 2014 Regional Comparison

DomesticYear Ending Regional March Comparison 2014

Domestic Regional Comparison % Proportion of Travel Purpose Length of Nights Holiday VFR Business % Share of Total Visitors Visitors Year Nights Year % Chg % Chg stay change % % % Total Visitors Brisbane 5,035,000 -1.2% 15,000,000 -4.6% 3.0 -0.1 28% 44% 22% 28% Gold Coast 3,543,000 -3.0% 14,184,000 -3.5% 4.0 0.0 61% 28% 9% 20% Sunshine Coast 2,685,000 -2.0% 10,052,000 -9.1% 3.7 -0.3 57% 34% 5% 15% Fraser Coast 562,000 -1.7% 2,090,000 0.1% 3.7 0.0 49% 35% 10% 3% Southern Qld Country 1,751,000 -2.6% 6,025,000 8.4% 3.4 0.3 29% 35% 29% 10% Southern GBR 1,585,000 -13.6% 5,896,000 -18.8% 3.7 -0.3 32% 35% 28% 9% Mackay 649,000 -16.4% 2,688,000 14.1% 4.1 1.1 21% 31% 45% 4% Whitsundays 497,000 6.2% 2,132,000 4.4% 4.3 -0.1 61% 24% 10% 3% Townsville 933,000 2.4% 3,731,000 0.1% 4.0 -0.1 35% 38% 20% 5%

Outback 350,000 n/p 1,970,000 n/p 5.6 n/p 36% 19% 38% 2%

TNQ 1,644,000 5.8% 8,677,000 13.6% 5.3 0.4 58% 24% 15% 9% Total Domestic 17,725,000 -1.8% 73,753,000 -2.5% 4.2 0.0 43% 35% 19% -

International Regional Comparison % Proportion of Travel Purpose

Annual % Annual % Length of Nights Holiday VFR Business % Share of Total Visitors Visitors Nights change change stay change % % % Total Visitors

Brisbane 964,000 -1.6% 20,410,000 0.5% 21.2 0.5 50% 30% 11% 47% Gold Coast 804,000 7.0% 8,502,000 13.5% 10.6 0.6 79% 15% 4% 39% Sunshine Coast 225,000 -2.9% 2,584,000 8.3% 11.5 1.2 77% 19% 3% 11% Fraser Coast 118,000 0.8% 580,000 0.8% 4.9 0.0 94% 5% 1% 6% Southern Qld Country 47,000 -5.4% 1,642,000 13.0% 35.3 5.8 37% 26% 11% 2% Southern GBR 117,000 -15.5% 2,248,000 -2.4% 19.2 2.6 76% 12% 4% 6% Mackay 41,000 -4.4% 751,000 9.5% 18.1 2.3 65% 24% 6% 2% Whitsundays 185,000 4.3% 1,227,000 -9.4% 6.6 -1.1 97% 2% 0% 9% Townsville 95,000 -17.3% 1,250,000 -28.3% 13.2 -2.0 81% 13% 3% 5% Outback 17,000 n/p 280,000 n/p 16.4 n/p 73% 8% 9% 1% TNQ 696,000 0.9% 6,166,000 -1.1% 8.9 -0.1 92% 4% 2% 34% Total International 2,048,000 0.6% 45,953,000 -0.9% 22.4 -0.4 68% 24% 8% - Notes/Sources: In 2012, the ABS changed the way it reports regional statistics. Essentially, the ABS moved from using political boundaries such as local government areas to a framework based on population densities, called the ASGS (Australian Statistical Geographic Standard). SA2’s (Statistical Area 2) which represent one level of the ASGS replace local government areas (LGA) previously used to define tourism region boundaries. SA2 boundaries closely resemble that of the former tourism region boundaries (defined by LGA boundaries) in Queensland with any differences not being material.

The data included in this report is sourced from the National and International Visitor surveys conducted by Tourism Research Australia. These are large and comprehensive surveys that provide valuable data on a national, state, and regional level. The variable nature of travel, combined with sampling variability (which all surveys are subject to) means that regional results need to be viewed as indicative only. It is likely that not all segments of the region will experience the changes noted on a regional level.

Two letter IATA Country Codes have been used to keep data entry concise. A list of those used appears below. CN - China; DE - Germany; JN - Japan; UK - United Kingdom; EU - Europe TEQ

'n/p' indicates the data has not been published. International Footnotes: 1. Annual change refers to the percentage change between the year to the date covered by this report compared to the same period one year prior. 2. Trend change refers to the percentage change between the average of the three years to the date covered by this report, compared to the average for the same period one year prior. 3. This figure includes “Other” visitors. to you without any responsibility on behalf of TEQ. n the basis that you will use your own skill and judgement

Townsville Regional Snapshot, Year Ending March 2014