--- • Rotary Speaker Women' 3 Single. Tells About Boy's Tralolnl: In ilU88ls8lppl VaJlo)' Net l\Jeet I,.,hool Il t Eltlorll. 8ee Start Today. Piliring8 page G. I on Pace 4. .. it IOWA CITY. IOWA, FRIDAY, JULY 31, 1931 VOL. XXXI 'IVE CEr,"TS 6 PAGES - NUMBER ~l

Boardman, Polando Reach ; .~ Capone Fears Stiff Penalty, Retracts Guilt Plea as World Girdlers

State School Head COMPLETE RECORD HOP TO TURKEY Flash Eastward to Russia Gang Chieftain Uphold8 Di8mis8al Admission of Predict Iowa of Glenn Yearous BookMaker Will Swelte.r Flight to 'turkey May Zeppelin Ends Six Day Changes Mind Set New Di8tance Cruise Over Arctic DEB MOINES. July 80 (AP)­ Before Court Agnes Samuelson, slate superlnten· Thought Clue Again Today Record Country dent ot pU~lc InstructlOIl, (o

NEW YORK, July 30 (AP) - The MI.. Marjorie MaTI Bethlehem Bte,,1 cO I'pol'allon slash· Honored; to Wed ed lie dIsbursements to common stock Augwt 22 holders In half today. The cut W/lll les8 dl'nstlc than ex· Honoring her al.ter, MarjorIe e._ pected In some' financial circles, as WB.! reflected In a temporary rally ~arl of Iowa City, whose marriage of $1.76 a share In the Btock In the George Kern of Tomah, W18., will 10 San Francisco cU I'b market. The ~e place place Aug. 22, Mrs. Leon. New York market was closed when t" P . Rlstine entertained at a 1 the announcement was made. E. L . a race, president of Bethle· O'eIOCk luncheon and bridge yeatel" -:.....,. ...-J{ } ...... , V fi:), :;.-:..,:' ):...L:.t.!-!...I hem, the second largest unit In thl.8 kyat ber home, 704 Felkner ave· ~:"'I ~::7r~~:;;:::::.~:::· -~ ~ Ii,~ ,~ L-~~ :~:;I~~--.:..' basic Industry, Bald the corporation llUl. had made no reductions In Its rate I Bridge was played at tour ta\>lrs, of either salaries or wages. DIrectors and prise fOr high score wile award· Student Summer Queen Nebraska Crop Will FREAK WRECK INJURES TEN HighSchool Foreign, Transfer at their Quarterly meptlng made no ;II to MM. Perry Rawland. Kath· Students Register Go for Stock Feed recommendatlons on the subject . • rlne Fulton receIved a prl7.e for low Asked If wage reducllons had been acoi',. Musicians to as Engineers Here LINCOL " Neb., July 30 (AP) - consld,ered In the Industry, Mr. Grace replle(l "I don't know of any lil.. lIara, who Ie the daughter Of Proteasol' H. J . Oramllch, head of general discussion DC wnge rates or tlr. and Mrs. O. G. Mat'H, 329 SIx rorelgn students hnve already the husbandry department of the Church street, graduated from the ot any conrerence called to discus. Give Recital rI1~d applications {or the transfer nlverslty of Neb"aska today estI· unIversIty In 1927. She W04l artlll· the subject." He explaJned, however, of thl'll' credIts tram other colleges mated Nebraska farmers will feed thnt working hours not only of mill lied 'With Unlverwlty Olee club, and 20,000,000 bushels of the statll's 1931 Members of the nil stute hIgh and unlver.ltles to the college of en· workers but or omcs workers as well PI Beta Phi sorority. wheat crop to livestock, If cUrl'en t had been reduced, and compensation )lr. Kern 18 the 80n of Mr. and schOOl band will be nresenled In a glneerlng at the University of lawn, market prices continue. adjusted accordingly. tlrl. Arthur C. Kern of Tomah, and "I'cltal today under the auspices ot M id Dl'all C. C. Williams yesterday. He sa\(\, however, that If the corn ltt.nded Stout Institute at 'Meno· Mr. Orace said "I don't see any the depllrtment of music. 'rhe pro· Two of these students are f"om ('rap 18 poor farmers may teed as lIlonle, Will. IndIcation y!'t Of a pickup In busl. 'l'urkl'Y, two from India, one from much IlS 40 ,000,000 bushels of the g "am will be glv"n In tha liberal arts ness. I must say thai we pay for Oermany, nnd one fl'om Canada. state'. wheat crop cRtlmnted at 65.· assembly at 2 O'clock this aClernon. an Improvement rather than antlcl· 000 ,0 00 bushels. He saJel there woe Mil. Jane Dutcher "Jt Is Inler s Un g to note," said pate It. 'l'he program: the den n, "thal each year brings' nn no Inclination now on the part of Honor. Silter.in.Law Quarlet (or rour ('larlnets Increasing number ot transfer stu' farmers to dispose Of theI r wheat. Honoring ber elster·ln·law, Mre...... A. J. Artot denb. rrom other schools In the They are neither selling It or teed· GrIswold Girl Gets Award Ptn C. Dutcher, Jane Dutcher will Ing It, he added, but Ilre waiting tor MONTREA L (AP)-H elen Clark Allegro ossnl United Stales, 118 wel! as trom ror· "tertaln at a bridge and tea this a bettel' market price. or Orlswold, la., was awarded a prize Andante elgn countries," "~nOllll at her home, 620 S. Sum· l!'or the schOO l year of 1929 ·30, rec· In the elementary grade at th. JIlft .treet. A llegro vivo ords show that 11 per cent of the Fredl'rlck Clna, at 23, Is village French summer school at McGill unl· Bridre will be played at six table8. First Clarlnl't, Dwane Stewart nttornt'y a t Aurora, Minn. varsllY. Second clarinet, Karl Bevins three upper cln8se8 of the college or Third clarInet, Thomns Ayres engineering cOlIslsted at tronsfer students. Last year this tlg ure In· PERSONAlS Fourth clnrlnf't. KatherIne creased to 16 per cenl, and Den n Van Wnlkt'l· Williams nntlclpntes an even great· Somewhere n Voice Is CnlIl ng Gwendolyn Marner Of Riverside Is er number ot students from other tlllOng over the week end with h er ...... T ntE' schools this rail. .unt, Alma Miller, New lIurkley Trumpet solo, Robcrt SChocnelCh Edith Oro .. , 18, Ot Denton, SouvenIr ...... Drclln )l1.ce. Tex., WOIl the title of "Mis.~ lIere's an unusual picture of an i,nverted pyramid of a train a it Oboe solo, Lee NIC'ol Staff Member Plans rests at the bottom of n cut after crashing throngh a 1L'estle near Two Jolly Drummers nmmN' e. ion" in the annual Elmer Cossman, employe at Un I· Journey to Colorado mid·slImmer revue and frolic at ,,~r Ity hospital, II vacationing at Gray Eagle, al. The freak wreck sen! ten )umbel' worKers, aboard Carl Wlegola. Francis Corfey nivet'sity Blnlham, N. Y. th train when it Wl'llt IlIn·tUng through the trestle, to tile hospital BelievE' me of a ll those endenl'hut the of SouUlcrn young ('harms ...... Irlah Ruth Sawtell Wallis, rormerly as' 'o lilornia, with injuries. Fifty m PH were in the locomotive and conch when slstant In the child weltare research Daisy De Armand,? W. Burlfng· BaR9 liolo. Rlch!).,·,l r.nr~e n it look the uuexpcctC'tl dive. staUon, wlll leave lomorrow ror ton street, returned .VednesilllY Chanson Arabe ...... Rlmsky·Kor!lll· Values Boulder, Colo., where .. hI' will join 2 Bandits, Killers from a visit at McGregor...... korr, tl'nns. I"rltz Kl'elslel' to Iowa City Women County, City Must Violin !'Olo, James Berdahl her husband , who 19 on the faculty oI lllinois SherifI $2,95 98c oC the UniverSity ot Colorado. Geneva Pillars, secretary In the Am Meer ...... Schubert Now- Postpone Dual With Show Tax Cut for Next lall ~iI'. and Mr". Wallls wllI Sentenced to Pri on DRESSES thl/d welfare research station, ex· H orn Quartet live In lI1lnneapolts, whel'e Mr. "\\'al· pects to lea va tomorrow for ColO· First horn, ARch"r Tn'at' Burlington Golfers Emergency Levies lls will be on tho statf at the Unl· WA'I'SRKA, n\. ••Tuly 30 (AP}­ rado, where she will spend her sum· Second horn, G(>rvals Mathey v('rs!ty ot Minnesota, MrR, 'Vallis Two of the thrce bandltR who robbell LINEN Iller vacatlon. She wlll be gone ThIrd hol'O. Edward King Values The women's golt mutch wh\(oh DES MOINES, July 30 (AP) - ha vlng accePted 0. position as as· the Buchley (Ill.) Slate bunk Inst VOILE three weeks. Fourth hOl·n. Roy HeW was to have taken plncc todny be· Counties and munlclpalitle8 askIng slstant pl'olessor of sociology nt July 17 and killed a deputy "hel'lfr to 98 tween membel's of the Burlington permls810n to levy emergency taxes Hamllne unlver \{y In St. Paul. In a wild flight to eR<'ape ('apture $5.95 $2. Hermione Ellison of Rcdllndo were " I'll tl'n~ .. d toelay to terms of Now- Beach, Cal., a graduate of the unl. Country club and I owa City Co un. must show that they have complied DRESSES Old Time Musician Botany Clalllles Plan Trip one yrar lo life ImPl'lsonment on nrllty, visited Wednellday at the try club, has been Incletlnltely post· with provisions of the Elliott five Went With Crooks, For the purpose Of studying c('r· th~h' pleas of guilty to I·obbery. l:ome of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer E . poned because of the Intense h(,llt. per cent tax reduction law, Statl'! 'rile tl1h'd mnn, IlccuHetl of tiring SILK Coulter, 702 IOWa avenue, She Is E Th h H taln flora ot that region, members Values Local women will hold the regu' Budget Director Oscar Anderson hns ven oug one~t of unlverslt~, botany classes will lhe Rhots ,,,h1cl1 1<1 11 cd Deputy Sheriff SUMMER noll' vl.ltlng her mother In West to lar Ladles' day toul' nnmenl this explained. --- make an alt 'aay trip tomorrow to Henry Rnnen, will pI en Salurday to 98 IIranch, a nd plans to lea va tomor· " This means," he anld, "thnt they $25 ,morning bl'glnnlng at 8:30. Mrs. J . The early horn playel' ml!)'ht hnve the Rand dune region l()('atl'd about 0. chArge of murder. $6. row tOr her home In California. should fIrst show that the contem· Now-· Hubert Scott nnd Mrs, Geol'ge P. been honest, but he 1l1wnYH traveled 30 miles southeast Of Iowa City Those sentenced today were DRESSES plated levle8 tor 1932 collectIon, In· Kohler, who will pl'cslcle as hos· with a bunch of crooks. lie had to, a long the road to Muscatine. Plpl'ce T,aniglln, 33, and Edward R . Frances Dolliver, a. graduate stu· cludlng the propos"d emergency tax, tesses, haVe tlllIlOu ncetl I ha t thl' becnllse they brlonged to his horn. J~~\(1el' , 35. Joe J ozol'ak of Chicago HIGH Otnl during the rIrst term ot the will produce fIve per cent less than and were t hE' only means by which Is chan;ed wltl, mul'tlel" plnyers wIll go ou t In t wo~ome8, FASHION Values .urnmer 8esslon, Is visiting her did the levies for collection In 1931." he wa R able to produce a varlf>ly of WSUIPROGRAM .lIler, Mrs. Waller Anneberll', III made up tiS they arrive on the Under this policy emergency lev· to course. tones on his In strument. Carroll, les have been granted 17 counties For Today $35 J.uncheon will be served 011 the a nd seven Cities and towns, Ander· So says Ascher Treal, visiting lec, Iowa, M'is is ippi Now- 9 a.m,-News. Mal'kets. Weather. DRESSES ),fra. Penrl Bennett Broxom of Mo.· clubhouse porch at 12:15. son said. turE'r In music durIng the summer Music. Dally smile. Solons to Meet in qlloketa, head Of the club progl'am session, who s polee Yes l E' rday In the 11 a.m.-Organ program, Evelyn lervlce of the extension division, Debate on Tariff second of Il Sl'rl1'8 of talk~ under .Tames. II In Iowa City, and expects to slay Plan Second l'our Newspaper Men Join tho auspices ot tho department or 1 p.m .-WithIn the clnssroom, until the end of the week. musIc. WASHTNGTON, July 30 (AP) - Final Clearance Through University in Press Freedom "HIstory and ethics Of AmerlCtln The Columbia broadcasting system journalism," Prof. Fred J . Lazell. ~el\ E, Harris ot the Town and Mr. T reat will give thl! third lec· announ('ed today Senators Harrlsoll, Hospital for Aug. 5 Committee on Liner 3 p.m.-Matinee lecture, "The air Gown Tea room, lert yesterday ture of the RerleK On "Th" 0l'lgln 8 of Democmt, Mississippi, o'l1d Dlckln· $15 we brenthe," J. B. Culbertson, visit· HODGE 1-1 A TS Dlornlng for Creaton, where ahe will mil itary musk" Aug. 4 at 2 I).m. In SO li , Rel)ubllcan, Iowa, had IlCcel)ted The second hospital exCul'slon ot NEW YORK, July 30 (AP) -Proml· Ing lecturer ot the chemIstry depart· "lilt her .lster for the remainder of Ihe Ilberal arts assembly. Invitations to meet In a debnte on the summer will be conductea Aug. nent news\Japer men headed by ment. JUlt seventeen women will be th, week. the tarlft. $ • wIth the ('ooneration oC the sum· laude O. Bowers, who represented 3:30 p.m .-MusIcal program, WS· lIarrlson challenged Dickinson to lucky to ret thelle highest Quality m er sessIon oHlco and the unlver· Meveral hundred edltOl's, met on board UI trio. n dehate after the Towan askerl just 2.9 8 ),{II. Charles C. Reer ot Manhat· Pochmann to Discuss slty hospItal authorities. lhe IInel' lie de France tonight under 6 p.m."'--Dlnner hour program, W· $15 Hodre Hats at this price. tan, Kan., formerly chaperone at whllt rates In the Hawley·Smoot blll Persons who are Int cl'c~ted In the direction of the Jefferson Me· SUl trio. Ml ss l s~ lppl an the Delta Del ta Delta sororIty Goethe, Longfellow the thought wero too malelng the trip are r eq u ~9 l e d to morlal toundnUon and tOI'}11ed a 8 p.m.-Musical program, all state IlOUM, Is vIsIting MrS. Callie 'Wood, hIgh. telephone the summer sessIon orrlce "freedom of the press co mmltteo." high schOOl chamber music group. tord, 404 E . Bloomington .. treet. Pror, Relll,), A. Pochmnnn, visit· The announcement today saId the In order that the number planning ThiS' group will devote Itself to Ing lecturer In English, will give n 9 p.m.- Musical program, WSUI dltle for the rndlo debate tentative· to visIt the hospital may be eleter· the protectJ on ot a free press as de· ly had been set for August 29. . E, J. Ruft, engineering '06, engl· lecture On "Goethe and Longrollow," trio. ,mIned. fended by Thomaa J errerllOn. part of the series gIven under tlte Ileer In oharge or the ·marlne de· Colonel Robert R. McCormick, Thcl'e wIll be no charge tor the auspices of the school of letters, to· ~~H+H:iH+i:H;+:H:H~~ putment ot the American Bridge excursIon; g uidI'S will be rurnlshed publisher Of the Chicago Tribune, was Phyllis I-Ierrick night at 7:15 In the senate chllmbel' company Of Pittsburgh, Pa., to· chosen honorary chnlrmnn, by t he hospital and will m eet the of Old Capitol. lether with his two lions, Edward excursionists at 3:5 0 p.m. at the 1114 Charlu, visited the college of tower entrance. The tour will begin He will (llscuss the Innuence of entlneerlng yesterday, S~OP \Jromptly at 4 p.m. Senator Moses Calls Ooethe's works on thoRe of the American author. Waldo E. Smith, civil engineer· on President Hoover lAg 'ZI, M.S. 'U, who hl1ll until reo Appeal Forecast in END OF MONTH eenlly been professor of cl vII engl. WASHINGTON. July ~! (AP) - !leering at Robert college In Istan· State Action Against Sonator Moses called on President bul, Turkey, Is visiting hl8 parents Hoover today to get what he descrlb· It Means So Much! 'I ),{uBcallne. Veteran Supervisor eil as "a comprehensIve story Of the It's too hot to go home wa.r debt· reparations moratorium Clearance of Prof. T. C. Poulter, head of the DElS MOINES, July 30 (AP) - and subsequent European develop. to lunch- phYslc1 department at Iowa W"sley. An appeal to the stllte supreme court ments." and an collee. at Mt. Pleasant. visited probably will be the next step In the The New Hampshire . R epublican the college ot englneerJng Wednes. state's action agalnst E. L. Nau· said he thought an extra session of I day to confer with Dean C. C. WII· mann, veteran m ember Of the Des DRESSES j congress was not necessary to ex· Costs So Little- 1Iaa'1 rBgardl1l&' II, pre·engl nee ring Moines county board ot supervisors, pedlte the moratorium plnn. The eourae at Iowa Wesleyan. It was JndJcated today. senate, he added, Is alrendy organlz· One rack of fine Chiffon Voile, 'Batiste, Linen and Assistant A ttorney General Oral ed nnd the house can organIze In other fine wash fabrics; many extra sizes, 46 to 52, Carl Menzer, a880Clate In the de. Swift announced the Intention of the plenty of time to make the propoaal are included; also a few silk dresses; 'choice- »artment ot electrical engineerIng, attorney general's oWee to appeal practically effective. "Keep neatly cleaned 10 leaving today for a bUslnesl trip rrom the deCiSion Of Judgo A, 13 . to Chicago. Lovejoy exonerating Nnumnnn of $3.95 and $5.95 charges of misconduct In office. Announce Rate Cut and pre"ed"- Mr. and MI'II. O. H. Brainerd, The state will contend Judge Love· SIOUX CITY (API-The IOWa Pub· One Jot Voile, Linen, Eyelet Batiste, Cotton Pique 1128 E. Burlington 8treet, will spend JOY erred In hIs decision, Swift lI c ervlce company announced are· tbe nut two weeks at the home Of said. He expected the case would be ductlon which It Is estimated will and Swiss, Silk Shantung and Crepe Dresses, to $6- tlr. and Mr8. C. G. Thomas at considered at the September term save $100,000 annually to consumers lIontlceUo, of the supreme court. the Sioux City territory, $1.95 and $2.95 PHONE ."""+f+++++++++++++ lIr. and Mr.. C. O. Pauley Of • tvulton, Ill., will spend the week Choice of finest Silk Crepe, Chiffon and Tub Silk .. \ncJ at the B. E. Manville bOrne, 206 ATTENTION SUPERINTENDENTS I'll Dresses that Bold to $25,00, now- Jllchard. Itreet. I Those interested in the renovation and refinishing of Meet ! Paul H. Gldden., '30, hl1ll been school furniture can see the Casmire Process in use at $9.95 ss ,ppolnted uslltant prOreMor of his. You tor, and political eolence at Alle· the City high school building this week, Finished See the beautiful Fur Coats at ,hen,. collere, Meadville, Pa. Pro. At- ,_, Giddens wu II, viSiting lee· work at anyone of the grade schools. turer In the hletory department at $69.50, ,$79.50 and $99.50 'hi Unlvenlty ot Iowa during the This process consists of dipping to remove the old fin­ flral Hmeller of the aummer 8el· , . ish; sanding and edging to remove marks and notches. PARIS lion, REICH'S In Our ~ugust Fur Sale All repair necessary, such as regluing of loose. tops, re­ O. I, V.rnette of Del Moln~ placing of screws, and a new finish equalling that on \'IIIttd yesterday at the Earl Kurtz new furniture. bOllll, III N, Van lIuTen ,treet. Iowa's Institutional Cafe Cleaaers i, Ly.te Duncan, JOhn80n county IOWA RENOVATING AND SUPPLY CO. Since 1898 ON IOWA AVENUE' "lilt, lpent yeltard,y at Amel, .. attending the Iowa cattl. feed.n' M. V. Crozier Knoxville, Iowa. "Ilq Day." Ht -'. PA.GE POUll ntB MILY ~.AN. IOWA CITY FRl1)AY, JULY.Sl, 1931 ~ . L , Seven Seeded N etsters ,Advance to. Quarter Finals of ~issiS8ippi Tourney

"I' First Seeded BLONDlE-Adding Fue to Ute Fire By Chie f 0l1li, Sportively ,P-l..EEZ. 1. NEVE.R OISI-.I"ED J" ( .. Doubles Pair DON'T TJ>..\..K LI~E So MUCH BEFORE I"" MY ~"T·- -.,.oU S'TIL\... ¥./HOl.E Ltl=E--l Lo,o...-n-l ,Vital Speaking ~ve: ~IRS T P1..AC~ 'T\-\.b.T FELLOW, "1 Be'l" 1. IN MV I-IEART Flo ~O' I Suffers Loss '\4,i:I...TE \l-\E. VERY By Bill Ratledge AND ."....A.T~ SICSHT OF HIM lfOl's I .. WHY lCt>-ME IlCII»B J DQW'l-oJ 10 "tl4E ~'l( Theiss Only Unranked TODAY ]JuJlICl1 Tho spotlight oC tho :\Jlssl';slppl Be~~ " Singles Entrant in -'TO CHEER tftlflorll Valley tennis toul'nament was turn· YOu UP .nder , Play Today Cd on Merle Hoblns. th" bcavy Jly, 1111' lavol'lle, yestet·day. The Amct! nct dub~ .------. y pla4:e Schedule 01 Play Idlgnlto.r n88crtCd hLs racquet UodY fI wbOCl1 . for Today ::~ll~a:; ::tl;:~1 D:::h~:~~k~~: rl(ht p 1 belling C. ,\V. Oelwlck, nnd pa1rlng plot JJ.. e o'cWck-Fklit rouod 01 up with Dick Boyles oC Towa. CiLY beI'8 of ,. w-.' 1IluK1e80 to win. two doubles match(ll!. It makes' 10:30 o'declr-Q1IIU1 r linaJs WIlS all In a day's 1>lay. o Ifil l. I(lng "ro... , .. ~l '7·31 Is in of n\eD's !!ingles. SIte 1:30 o'clock-Quarterfi.ll&ls of Bert Riet tMl\'c1led !'ill'ht ilionII' j ~'OII'I~' "Ing-Iell. towsni& tit slng1(l1j' Illlllrwr World Champion Philadelphia Alh· lowa .'·Ity nt the Big Dipper JJOOI !:ge u'cIOt'k~1t11 llnals of finals, though he lost out In his Collins' Four Pythian Lodge Browns Drop letics. 111 the city park this atternoon In an _'s !!ingletJ. doubles conte!>t wil h Otrnt('k " 'ashlngton'" thll'd victot'y 1n lhe Inter·· ·lLy match. 4 o'\:loc'k-Sftni ritJals of against George 'trubl ood S<' .. leli with Cleveland "'ns tucked It is nol dcflnltely known what , _n's dotIbIe8, Wit Iter Theiss. Hits Help in to Stage Croy 8-5 Game to away by 'W('Ojt with u. home run In the pl'r80nncl of the two Leams will Ih fourth lnnlng, driving In RIce be, Qut the bosl available local By BILL ItU'rLEDGE Swenson. Conl'8d, Rclayer tu carn the right to by 9 Games; Cuhs New York ...... 66 39 .5119 Labor Ilay evening at Hills us th uA'alnst the four wcstern club" by i rlnclpnl mnlch will bring till 0. )'ccorll of 17 vJetol'lea In 18 Rapids at Big Dipper brought the charge claIming she wu 'The rour aUl'vlvor~ ot tho mornlng's Louis Cal'llinals Increnped thela' lead Detroit ...... 36 63 Kames with the western teams on .364 J Inrold Croy Into action aA'a.\nHt nn A struck 'by a cal' owned by :&urrows. The Odd Jo'c1lowH Bud ltaclne-'s swimming learn tram Cedar ;hUltches wUI elnah In this anet·· In the National league pennant race Ye6tcrduy's lCllII ults ollDonent yet to be "electN). Com· th home grounds. Thel~' Only 1088 Rnplds will cngaA'e a. team from ~10on '8 seml·flnnls. • UnI ClL':ih th Ir bals lIgal.. to­ WnshJngton G; Clov~land 1. to nlnc games over the second place mtlnI\I'k.· Only games ~chedu lcd . I~ ~ecul'e :~~c:f ~~~:~gCd renting the Chicago CUbs 10 to 3. Wnts ka. 111 " and C. \V, Ol'lwlck or We hopo 101' belief' wupirlng G"m~s Totluy either Johnny M('ycrl:l or Jimmy A big contributing Cactol' to Bur. "l\1\rlcI'Y" Coehmne led the as­ :Oanvllle, 111 .-plac d tlr81- wer and I~~ debating. New -Xol'k ut Boston. Demctrnl to IlI'Jleur Il!'(alnHt Croy. Il'lgh 0 rimes' thirteenth victory at "11U1t on Omy and Corrman. hilling topplCd by the unsoccled tCllm of Only gnme scheduled. The loolge had l11'cvlouslyvoll'(I tu tll'O hom )'uns and two singles. nothel' aLtractlvo wrcstllng show the lIeasOn was the slugging ot Jim· Georgo Slt'ubl of Toledo nnd \YaltN' stnge an outdoor show In this vicini' 'rhe ~atcl1lng ~lar dl'ove In .. Ix of 11'111 be sponsored by th local my oillns, whose four slralgbt hits Theiss ot (' dar Ruplds In $!t'llight ty, AH flh~ns nOw MlIlIl(1 ,. III'ogl'nm the champions' runs. BUI'ns and be included a double and a. home run NATIONAL LEAGUE • ls. 6·1, 7·. to furnish the meel's Knight of 1'ythla8. It will held of outdoor w" csWllg bouts \\'11\ he Goose OOMlIn, oC the Browns. also with two on In the ('Ighth. W, L, Pet. Coming "Iggcst upset. 0.1 11 Ills. lInrold roy's hom town,. heM ,,1Ih(>I' thc latter Ilart or Sep, hit the circuit. each connecting wltb New Show Bob Smith, tho Cubl' .tarUng st. Louis ...... S3 36 .636 Reverblll or ll'()I'U1 In connection with 111111:1 JAbol' Day lember or the en"ly part o[ October. a man On base. Hoyt won his fltth SATURDAY ~ celebratlon. 'rOy will be IIltltchcllOncnl In th. 10 the sixth. Innlnlf whell the cham· ~hlcago ...... 52 44 ,642 or Boh Cha£reo or 'ew YOl'k city Clinton vNCI'lln, hl\~ hel'" s('cul'C(l I:;COI.'O hy Innlflgs: H. lJ, E. heatiline evcnt, rlons rca1l1.cd !lve rUM on as many lirooklyn ...... 62 47 .627 A very good pictltre and Bob onrad or Burllngt"n for II pl'ohllblo (jlng til,· lodge buslnc~" rot'ot. New Development in 6' L. 6·0. The Lhh'd round brouA'ht Odd FeD()ws, Helen Jacobs Get to Ihe downfnll ot C. W, Oelwlck of Behind 4 Hit Hurling lng, banvllle. Dick Ooellcl ot ROI.'k l,~· PJTTSBUROH, July 30 (AP)-The Final in Net Meet 'oIand, Meredith Olsen and ClICford Racine's Play Police Patrol. .. 110 )j:>llIlTl ,{1.lua uu poluado ~"lU"ld DI)e~s Brother Tl'iltJII IJ\as Jsen. hoth of }o)vl\mlton. Dill Morrell and Jim Chaplin tooay SEABllJOIIT, N. J ., July 30 (AP) ..... RACUSE. N. Y., JUly 30 (AP) I I1Inol~nlls Defeated undo with the aid of Larry French'li -California'", Lwo Helens, Mrs. lIel· -Wlllinm 1'1. Docg of Callfornltl, won Two IIllnolsnns WCI'C vlcllms of Second Game (our hit pitchIng. tl'ounccd the NeW en Will, Moody of nn l?rnnclsco. the New York Junior tennlll chnl11' Me1'le Robins' (let rmlncd piny, York OIants 0 to O. Piltsburgh and Helen Jncobs or Berkeley. m ..... ch· plonshlp today lIy d [ca.tlng RIlY Goepcl battl d tho Am s star The 0<1(1 Fel10wM nnll Rncfno bMe­ scored seven "uns and J\lad nine ot Daggett of Syracuse, dcrC!ndlng throuf':'h Ihree spirited scts betore !.a11 team~ will reo ume theh' Its 14 hits In th ell' L two 1nnlngs, ed Into the rlnal I'ound ot women's By 'l'he '\.·I';oo;all)l1 frcss cllllluplon, 6 .. 1. 6·4, 6·2. 'J'h(' broth· Only two members of basebnll's ' ~ing down. 4·6, 6·2, G·4. The out· "truggle [or lhe tltl ot the 'fwlllght Besli\clI lol<.ingo the hall glUlle, tho singles In the 4·lth annual Renbrlght 1'1' of John Halle lJoeg, national nma· ame hung In balance until the last len&'uc at G c'cloele this cvenlnA' aL Olllntll lost tho scrvlccR oC MCI Ott, IlIA' Six got Into action yesterday Invlta.tfon lenni" lournament today. teur tennis chaml,lon. swept lIll'ough a nd thl' results were bad fOr the Il'am~. lho city plll'le Following Wednes· bta.r rlgllt !Ieldor. Ott attempted to Ml's. !\foody wns given the hardeltt the tOUl'llament without losing a set. RobIns had an en510r tlmo step· day evenJnlr's debating me t the mnke a diving catch Of Paul hatting average of both. Chnl'ley kll\ct of a baltic b.l' Mr~. l\1adon Grimm went to bnt thret' (ll1\es wllh· /lIng over Uclwlcl<. '1'\)1' DanvlUl' 10dA'e boys WI'I'I' out tn (I'ont In the Wane.·s double In the ae('ond Inning Zlnlien!t(Oln JeB"\Ip be(oro tho WII· out getting a hit. AI SImmons 'vet ran's chOp stroke gnme was lhr('(' game s('rl~8 by vIrtue ot an Qnd 8urfe"C(1 a badly )lI·ulsed. shoulil' Il\stl'o "iclol'lous mlngton. Del" vetllrnn surrenderccl m~!1(' one hit In foul' ~lle",p t 8. much to RobIns' lilting and he 8 to ;; vtctOI·~·. cr. 110 may be out ot the gome sev' DETnOl'l', July 30 (AP) - Earl nt 6.4, 6·3. MIs8 Jaeob1l won by cle· ;.whlpped him. G·L. 6·2. Waldo Celg r's boys will be back cral dan. JIlnstro of ChlclIgo WOII a deCision The lendel's: fault from tho No. 1 I'anklng star, : Nelsen was unnhlc to stop Ted In this evenlng's contcst with all the Scere by Innlnl:'8: n. H. E. O\'CI' I'IIlal Gregorio of 8 ..aln in a G. AB. R. H. Pct. 1\1\·s. L . A, Ha.rper at Oakland. Cal., ., wen n ("om cllm'blng Into the fight nnd skill that they possess In New York ...... 000 000 000-0 4 0 ten round bout at Navin field tonight . !tilth. Yanks ...... 88 324 91 125 ,386 after the Bel'kelay girl had won the !Quart"r flnnls. The now JIo.wkeyc e(fort to prevent anoUH'r Odd 11'01· C'lltsburgh ...... 340 002 00 0 _.9 14 0 Prior to ,the bout It ha(1 beell nn· Rlmmone. A 'S ~ ..10 L 40~ 84 164 .377 til' t set. 8·G. and was leading four· ret Mentol' swept tbrough tho low win. Hhould the IodICe te m wit, Batler!e8-Mofrell. Chaplin. Sch· nOUllced that lhe wlnllci' wou](\ seek Webb, ROO sox .. 94 367 70 136 .371 love In thc second. tEvanstonlan, 6·2, 6·a. tonight tho play oCf scrles will bo at mae her and Hogao. O'Farrcll; to meet 13atlllng Dattallno for ill. GrImm, Cubs .... 90 319 41 110 .345 , 1\10 t D" cisive Win an Cnd and the Odd Fellows the French and Orace. tenth.erwclght UUe. Mastro weigh· Hendrick. Reds .. 81 307 47 106 .345 , ThclDost decl.$Lvc triumph oe the titleholder", AMERICAN AS OCiATlON ed 123 pounds; G !'cgorlo 121 8·4. Va viS. Ph lis ...... 79 253 19 87 .344 .tourney thus far wns reglst('red hy IIffol'<1 Bright Is scheduled 0 be ('ast of RI'jlJinncll with :Conrad over Bruce Nor!'I" Of FnJr· on the mOllnd for 11nclno'8 with AI" WESTERN LEAGUE St. Paul Ii; Milwaukoo 6. H e~d e d ", y Thl'cll I leld, 6·0, 6·0. nold Olucslng. regular cntch ~, be­ Wloblt\l 10; Omaha 5. lnt\lanap lis i ; Co Lumbus 5. Great nl'lJlIlu/ic J Chaffee tumbled Olsen. 6'1, 6·4. hind the plate. Their 110. up will ro, Des Moines 5; Oklahoma City 3. Minneapolis 6; Kansns City 1, tars Josephine Dunn trublo. seventh rnnklug player, main the eame as In tho I)revlou~ Also Umlnated the last of tho Iowa cont . to SOllie "ery Good ehas. D~laney ,qUans when he bent Onbrlel ?fnnager LlOYd Rogel's expccts \0 hort R eels ,stemen. G·1. G·O. usc Oeorgc Krotz In th box. Mild KClUlelh Harlan . R. O. Nichols. smiling Ceoor Falls 1Iioo1'e. who was In \Vedncsday's ntrant. pushed Theiss the ntlre gJlJlI following a IonA' lay ott due to .match. befot'e slipping In both acts, n brol(en finger. will ngl\ln be the Not a,Fire Sale \1'4. 8·6. I·ccelvcr. Merchants' Tickets Are Also 5 Reels of Short Sub· '{{eddlg battel' d doWn lIoward Good jects, Cclm41dies and Nn,".. I.~ t'lllis of Mt. Plensant with slight Heltlth CuJllest Exallls Today . •but-heft/ape Fouble, 6·0. 6·3. Approximately 40 boys wllr bo ex· ti~. Roblns- Boyfes -TrIYIII»h amlnE'd today at chlldren's hospital. In tho othe.r doubles matchcs YC8. to determine the henlthlcal 4·11 boy ll\l'day {{oblns and Dick HoYlea. In Johnson county. 011'18 t hat wern eUmlnnted local netster, totlmed U)l not examined Monday and 1'uesday to swing their way Lhrough mornfng' w11l be eXILllllned at 3 o'clock Lhls a[· Last Times fand afternoon VictorIes. John ternoon at the hospital. \Vlnncl'S of Kenenley and AI Vnnc. both Of tllo hNl.lth exatllinations will repre· TODAY edar Rapids, fell first. 6·0. 6·2. Tb sent JohlU!on county In the stnte Wide C lit 'vnnston pall' of Nelsen nnd Olsen con test to ho held at lhe stIlle fair. 'UII oat In the afternoon, 6·4. 6·4. drew n bye. 'I'ocJa,~ In the (Irst round doubles matches Janet Wooos (Iowa City) drew a. (jelwlck a nd TItel llefentCd Dr. WII· Real "FROM TWO DIFFER .. bye. 11am Wooos of Iowa Ity aOd 001'­ EN'll· WORLDS TH~Y Mrs. CanCleld ( cdar nnplds) va. ,~on DeLos of Cedar Rapids. 6·3, 6·0. COME-AND FALL lNi Olndys Dunlon ([own City) at ~ ttruble nnd Theiss won n lI\1ely con· LOVE! : o·clock. teat from {{ufus Fitzgerald and Prot. wok at these! Quarter FinnJs Jacob Vnn del' Zee. both ot Iowa Maul' em Bannon vs. E ll a POe nl 6·4. 1930 Chevrolet. Sedaa City, 10·8. Goepel and Reddig o o·clock. 19ao Ch6V~~t. Cou~ ound J ohn Boylcs oe lown CIty and Very low mUellie Very Clean I GoETZ CoaDby 'ChaIt ~l-t 1tI{q--i \\'jnners of (Irst round matches 9bert Rozen or Cedar {{aplds casy wUI meet In the qUarLct' flnnls nt is r,an,fuJll' breWftl, tho" IcUms. 6·2, 6-1. $155 ~wn . , ol $146 ·Down L:30 o'clock. DIG t will «nIJhly ..... -produced a"'ll, Bleacher scats be set up Cor he tlnals contests Saturday aCter· by the GOelz Secret·Pro. BOB~Y ~O~ES 1110. 7 oon, It was a nnounced by E. H, ORDER Here A~e Two Good, Buy,! CleM ' ...... Shows You How ,uer. chairman ot tho tourney • Men's Doubles -/,1 fROM , I , "the 8000\1" ommlttee. methoda, re~1 aU the 'Matches Today YOUR LA SCHN.\rs-. DEALER , 1928 Chevrolet 4·Door 1'29 Hudson 4·Door ,.ll'l1lng goodne'l. "Crunlc Skit" ______• • Struble a nd Theiss VB. Ooel>el n n~• That', why tbe rleh. Reddig. Sedan Sedan I It'. • , Women's Singles Robin" anel Boyles V8. Swenson Extra good conditio. Six wire wheels • .uk for ell, IOePO". ~ ef I - -" -IOWAN ~ _~,., ------_+ and Ye4l8lel'. t90DOWll . '160 Down CouQtryOub all ••• why it', • real. beer­ Il'Int Roudd .". bAIBe ••• !\Iary Leo O'Malley (LoB -,,8I'ele,; • ______• _ptao eharac:ter brew. \Th'is COUPON and 25e'1 .1.1 drew a' bye, 1 ' Si I I pr~entM at ~lle BOX ) Jrancea l!lby (Ccdar ({aplda) va. Men s ng es I Model A Ford Sport Coupe ...... L GOETZ BRE1'lNG 00. IOF,FICE, will olores BalluCf (Iowa City) at 9 Matches Today A Real Bu, ...... "..... 7'1'...... ~Jl1i\ ~e! ·clock. • ______----- • '60 Down "'·.ic-..· _·~Iq(.. l. e:person to "N I G" T' , EVe Ollbe!'t (Iowa City) drew II. Ted 8w_on (Cedar ({aplda) va. tiANGEL," - TOD~Y, I; ye, Oeot'ge StrUble (TIlledo). Graf's Bottling 'WO~k8 Mrs. Andr~w 'Woads (Iowa City) BNt Riel (\Vn t~~k a. JII.) V~. Rob I Matinee or Nlill.t \ !,t~i~; 1 'R, lIfr~, Darling (C<,dar llapldR) at ('nm'na (Burlington). 218 No. Unn St. Phone 120 ular Prices, Matinees" , o·clock. 1I[e.rl ~ Robins (AmeR) VA. Walter NaIl Chevrolet Co. Inc. I 'lOCi Ni~ht8, 50c. I 1':lIa Poe (Cednr Rnplds) drew a Theiss (Cednr TIaplds). Iowa Cih·. Ill"'. e. .- {{onald Reddig (Davenport) V8, Used Car Lot East of Pastime Theatre bIll u re~1ll Bllnnon (IOWa CI~y) !!ob ChaC{ce (New York "Ity~. ..------.....-- ...... ,l.!JIDl.J~ItU..ltl ____ - !!!!J_ p.GEPIV1I... 1Ml . _ - ' - ._------..-- their ,mallJlcr .!lld fl~t bet.r.a¥ It. me c\,/lzy. seeln' hlm ~ " German' Film Star r positions. together with wheat. ='" " 'lien .Benny came out they were "You b hlwcd like a- a peasant!" Stock Prices cloHcd Cra ctlollully ocr. Com Market ~ Baying gOlld-!IIShl to l~lo and La.dy eba hurled the word at him Bplte[ul· Principal shares generally return· l\{1I"gllJ'et--qulte as If ,nothing bad IY. "Tha.t·s all you are-that', all ed Hnlnll net advances. U. S. Steel. ey haPI)cn/:ld. Back In the Jlvlng·roQm. you'l1 ever be-a. peasanU" Incline After after ..ag!;lng to wlULIn II. !ractl\ln Fluctuates in ~ LcGrEn.c.T1VE S ON MY H~\IE. 'IOu FO~GCTT~H BtllI under a nervous 8PCl) Of tear, 1RAt'L AND HAII~ 1HI!. OUA. AG-Rl!.t5IMENT? 'lCu "That was queer," Wlnstbn mut, 290 SI;tt.R.lF," l'!!.'rCHME. LJ~t£. WeN!. ALI- ~ AG-AiN 10 le~. stilTing unc/lSlIy. A C1U)OK! MA~R.Y SOME. LJTTLE O~SN'T KNOW ''IN'rnINGo­ ~II I 111 , t.nt , ' ,l1li , 1.8, , ! , ,(lr;Ji S'fUDENTS- c.:ALL THE ST'(t· prince riding by to hel' .. escue. he A80ur "'-' - NO'f E.VEN MV NAt't'\E.­ 11 '"IUI , " , 1.1'1 , 1.11 11 , ' R1 , ~'" , ue r U II , I ,U t I .M t til' , I ,M , 1,.. 11 , hi dent Home Lnund,·y, phone 1974. wen t on: ·".ou ought to go jLbruad. AND WF-' ..lJW1! EACH Qll\ER. " 'ft" , 11 t 1.1' , J.l' , .... , Ut , ...4 , I ," , 1.11 , I ,. , UI ,"•. tt I U. , ... [l's dtrrcl"ent. Iravel. Wb.ut Ii. thr11l you'lt get. ~eelng Paris for lhe first time! I "I,h 1 could show It to you. And thQ J1hlera-and Como. The ~~mance II. M. KICK- PAINTER AND PA­ of Lhose 1 ~l ace9! 'Vc <:culd have per hangOl·. Estimates cheerfully .uch a divine Um o togother." ",IYen. G~5 S. LucaS. .1 Flo "08e with a rcsllcss gesture ------~~Service Stationo and loo k a few st~»S aCl'Oss .lIl e • 13 room. "I don't lphlre br1I0D. U1! t ram e h ~ ml stl'Y Bldg., 16 W. wlth one lIDaIIl ollitorm PUDleni f8.Cb montb; 11 4elllred JOU bu., "Decency?" Benn)' choked OVI'I' DU PUNT Tontine window abaile r.oNG DIATANClil AND GENFJRAt. Bloomington. Call 2966.W. I lItl'ubl, ("cond floor) 8. OUntoD ,trwt. nODi .. 20 montha to pay. he word. t!&ullnw. Furniture ~o n !l. crate! MAYTAG WASHERS FOR R ENT - ROOMS. PHONE; ' We ILCCfpt ~r.ltur., autOl, Un. ~ "Do YO U want our g uests 10 bear lI~ci .hlllpe\!. . Pool ..... tor Caii 4014,W. IItook. dl&mpq4s. etc,... Melirtb', fOU?" Itnallll. Bou", Clinton St. PbOD, It • I ,omla an4 BeaUl.. TbomplOftI ------, ------~------...... nilfc.or 'Ct\. ' FAlULER8--Jnqulre about our "What does It ma tter-now?" He Personals 5 Ihs trembling. "Take oft that bra' Vacuum Cleanere MEN'S WEAR .pecl~i Far~ ~ Plan. Wl L,L THE PERSON WHO If you wIsh' a lous. _ ear 1~ eiet.'· ca ll ~d F lo" a Page 2762 between reprelentatlv_ "Very well," she repiled scqrnful, l'~MJ~ QUPLEX vacuum cla'De ... WAN \I' Fl D - T;YPIJlfG . TllESES. 4 a nel g I).rn. Wcdnc~dlLy. cnll agaIn. -: Yj'A~Y . ''If you'l'e auch a. 10 01- " ~"d. TRANSFER Reliable Electrlo Co .• 11 S. Dubuq .... PhoD. lW BAJlT SCHAFFN,ER a a,~ ~tb8f etc. Ph o n ~ 148B·W . JIf~RRagp not c l ~o r. ~}foYtnI Banae. , nQlllIIplng t hp Iwn.c4'let. ah el .handed CQUtI', 10 ,S. Clinton• .Pllone .. " - WAN'I'FlD- 'l'v i·lN'r;. T'; TON,Fl 48 11 3 --~~~~~------Male Help Wanted 'Sl "ten,. to Wln ~ lon. "I IUMl1(l«IIMI. Aleo­ ,IJlUREKA VACUUM cleanen r him." NO BETTER clothes than at "Jl'relcht Btrullll. South Clinton St. Pbon. 'I. B,AIIler'_Iowa City', J'tn_ Start fOr .... 'l'¥PTNO- PA PElRS AND 'l'J1rnSFlS WANTED-EXPERIENCED "FOUN· "Ya don't hatta npologl7.c for mil." P hone 1620,W . ' 512 E, Bloomln!l"' 1 tain man for par t time work, Iowa ~v ~::rn~~~ , an1 awuDf round to VVlwuon . '~:.::;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;~;;;;;;;;.. ;; ... ;; .... ;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; .. ;; .... ~. ton St, • . _" .:..... • .(' • . Drug Store. . --~....., -1 --...... PAGE SIX a __ _ '!'JIB DDLY IOWD. IOU em rnII5AY, JULY si, 1M! ' WILL GANG CHIEF SPEND PRISON TERM HERE? WARDEN INSTRUCTS BOY KILLER Fires Rage on in - Eldora Boys' Fina Escaped Pacific Forests as School Head ------.------~ Prisoners in Heavy Rains Fall SPOKANE. Wash., July 30 (AP)­ Speaks Here Omaha Hotel Bombarding nOl'lh ldaho CoreslJl willi thunllerbolts. the eleml>nts gllined a slight artvanlage In the Paclrtc north· OMAHA, Neb., July 30 (AP) - west battle against fire today u Says Schoo], Clmrch, Murray Oould, 18, or Kansas CllY, Ilames slJl 'ang up In rnol'e t han ~O Home Fail if Boy nnd Leonard Goodnight, 21, of las­ spots. Goes Wrong p('r, Mo" scaped prlsoner~ rrom the The fire plows attacll ed the on· ~lls80url slUte penllenthtry who were I'ushln&, Clame's In the I'end OrellIe captul'ed here early today, will be The home, chureh, and 8chool forest and thr~e more began to r turned to the Missouri prison 10' trench the Kootenai foreBt. Tbls h&,'e failed In their obligations of morrow morning, Omaha pollee BaJd Deep Creek III'e In the two Idaho caring for the needs oC bOYII In thp tonight. und Montana. forests had a perimeter Early tonight Ooodnlght qnd Gould nalnlng school at Eldora, 0110 S. of nearly 70 miles. 1'he tire liD" sIgned waiver" of extradition. were held Co.' 30 miles. Van Krog, 8uperlntendl"nt at the In · Goodnight and Gould were captur· atltutlon, lold Roio.rlan8 yesterday ) n the Beaverhead Corest of Moo· ed soon atter Cameron Fuller, 20, tana more lightning tires were Atan· . at their weekly luncheon. Bolckow, Mo., who was kidnaped by Sixty per cent of the boY8 recelv· I'd but rnln fell generously. the men near t. ;Joseph early todaY E . D. Murphy, B utte. Mont., WU 'ed there between the ages oC 10 and when he stopped to rePlllr a tire on 18 come tram broken hornell where killed today by a failing tree while his automobile, reported at the po· battling fIres at Ilel'man Illke, I)ear parents have dlvol'c d and remar· lice station and led the ottlcers to rled, he said. lhe C lant Deer Cl'eek conflagrallon the hotel where the kidnapers were on the KootenaI tOl·est. "No other Instltutlon III tile slate registered. 1,8 dOlle mOI'e Cor lhe need8 oC Gould was sel'vlng Il lwo year sen, IItrand d boys," stated lItr. Von tence for car theft and Goodnight Il Krog. "Through Its fine work the three year .pntence tor rorgery. No Cash; Burglars ' lIChool has reached a high ran k Punclure 14 Tires among the leading educatIonal In· aUtutlons of the stale." National Scientists ALLIANCE, Nell., July 30 (APj­ A.l:1'lculturlil Opportunity Vomer Inspect Skulls Found dl'lItll Policeman Cuslom r. of the (Jeorge McInto!b The school, surrounded by 870 Auto shop of Alllnnce hove ad.IHed ac.'es of land and two 'ld(Uti0Il81 l\Lay , g t sOlli e advice Oll prison routine from Warden Duvid With a in Iowa Pit Recently MOJleypenoy of the county jail after being senteneed to 18 years h 1m to leave some small change In rented tarms, gIves ample space tor his cash reglstel' Ilt nigh ts herelilter. cel ved 08 agriculture. The ~ampus 18 composed in Joli t pel1itential'y, .tE. Bud A 1 apone, 'hieago gang leatler, may fall in the chief' original plea of guilty y stf'rday, thus WEBSTER CITY, July 30 (AP) - La~t night prowlel's broke Inlo tbe of 36 buildings, with 81 offIcers In Dr, T . Michelson, representative of building, Ilnd nftel' bo lterlng open an )1)'ron E . charge, "~Ight cottages hOUHe tl'om lin e with It g"ollI> si milar to that Hh own above if making it more doubtl'nl than ever whether the the ethnology bureau at lhe Smith' Cannon Asks Court Fly~r liilled ill CI'UHh empty cash r~gl 8 tel', they punctured 40 to 80 boys each who tllke care he is sentenced to the federal penitpntiary at chief will be committed to prison, of which an 80nlan In811tullon, 'Vashlngton, D . T . LOU IS, July 30 (A PI-Fred 14 tll'es on cal's stol'ed In the _bop of th livIng quarters for the 666 Leavenworth, Kiln. 'apone's eOllUsel withclrpw IIi!' view is shown above, C., and Dr. Frllnk Thone, represent· to Support Stand in Shepard, 35, of Chlcllgo, (lying n tor the night. 'rhey gol 11 0 money. enrolled. In g ScIence Service, alBo of Washing· Political Investigation small monoplane, ~I'ashpd near I! was the fourlh time the buUdlnr Each boy receIved Is ImmedIately FROM BELGIUM TO CHICAGO ton, today examined the skull and Florrlsant, In St. Louis ('ounty, blls heen brolc n Into recen tly. gIven a phy.lca l and mental examl· CrainsHear bones found by F. A. Bonebrlght In ---- Ihls afterlloon shortly after he len nallon, alter whiCh he Is sellt to a gravel pit nl'ar Bplls Mill county WASHINO~'ON, July 30 (AP)-- Lambert.St. Louis [lyIng field to,' Announce Cut In All' Rates Behool and to the detail offlct'r for park recently. Bishop J ames Cnnnon, ;Jr., today l~ansns CIty, and was Instantly kill· N)~W YORK. JUly 30 (AP)..... classlfl atlon Illto a ~ peclfl c trade. of Son's Feat Dr. Mi chelson saId lhe skull he asked the courts to snataln his I'd. 'I'he plane fell ubout 1,500 t~et. Frederl.. O. Coburn, president ot E ach \lay four hour. Is 811ent In examined WIlS a Cemale speelmen and emphatic stand thai th'e senale com· Amprlcan Airways, which operalee IIChoollng and four houra lenl'nlng a probably had been burled tor 400 IJalgn runds ('ommltlee lacks ShlIIV Ends Russian VIs it of 2G,906 srheduled Illr miles dally, trade. 'rhe boys hnve theIr choice . With Glider years. They then drove to the authority to Inve"Ugote 1118 political MOSCOW, JulY 30 (A P)-Ceorge nnnouncpd today that, effective ot 24 trades, the chief at these being scene or di scovery of the skeletons Il('tlvltles of 1928 In Virginia. Bel' na.rd Shaw anel Lord and r.lldy August 1, a reducllon or 10 pel' ceDI ThrouJ:h his attorney: Robert H . farming, gardening, dnlrylng, print· A nnouncl'm .. nt was r<'('rlvrd hl'l'(' for further examination. Astor endpd thell' fI"sl vl"lt to Rus· will be made In round tl'lp ra.lee lng, barberlng, ~hoemakln g, and The two men have bMl n doing re· McNeill. the 80utllel'n Methodlijt s la ton ight, I avl nr; fOl' 1,01l()0 1l hy (IV~r tile entire system. 'l'he tare yesterday by Mr. nllll Mr•. ChllriP8 1&lIorlng. search work In the vicinity this 8um· I'''"r('hman requested It DistrIct 01 way of Berlin after nillt! dllY s of In· I'eductlon will nrfpct 58 clU .. rain, 430 S. Summit streN, tlmt 81and Hleh Mentally mer and upon reading at the dlscov· Columbia sUl1"el118 court Judge to tenslve sightseein g and cOI]VprS(1' throughout title country, from coaBt thpfr Ron , Llput. J. C. Crnln, of the J<:du catlon Is s trl'88ed to the eighth ery of many skeletons In Hamilton 188ue nn orlle,' r estraining the com· IlonA with Ilolables ot the Soviet lO COast :lnd rrom 'ulIllda. to the arllde, although oPrlortunlUI'H extNld United Sta.tes army had Illn. Poor Prison Report Although a ll the boys are recelv· ence, Ta., and Louise Lough of r.h'utl'nant Crnln lett TaWIL Cily 111 ed for traJnlng unlll 21, mORt ot Dllvenport, bolh. nurses at St. WASHINOTON, ;July 30 (AP) - :\Ial'ch, In9, lor trnlnlng 8('hool o.t thpm sta), only 12 to 18 m onths. Bl" l..uk e'M hospltfll here, narrowly Chalrmnn 'Wlckershllm oC the presl· HlvP'·Hltll'. ('Ill., nnd 11ftI'I' gl'L\(]ullllng eSl'aped serious Injury tonlgllt wilen dent's law enforcement commissIon fore a boy can be pnroled I, e must lll('l'(, was Im'atpd al ]( lIy neIll, Mall 6,000 16 the Daily '.rllnes plane In which loday sent to Sanford Batcs, Rupe,'· wIn merits, being the maxi· Antonio, 'l'l'x., wh('r!' hI' look Ill. iJIlum g iven per day. they had mado a flight over the 11'1. Inlendent of federal prisons, a note nuvanc(>d training. In ~fal 'c h , 1930, Each boy lij tnugh t to JIv e a four clllp8 was deHtroyed by fire. The of regl'et th"t the c0ll1mlsslol1'8 Illst he Wll~ tl'anAfl','rl'd to "\VIlPE'll'r fl .. Icclally during 1926. when the pllir Ing to Chlcngo In 1900. lIla wife, Mrs. lItacMlllan. After 26 years the .Ion overr, After Year's mness Joseph Horn, wns wllll'd ,500. 1'hree SI.10 Was reported to hllve cleaned up ~{rs. PnuHne Meyer Howell, Illso Is daughters, Mal'y Flaln, Neltle money Ie to go to the beneClt of the Order Investigation 'PRILADELPHIA, July 10 (AP.­ fortnnes III 1\I"y whPA t. n former reSident ot Lincoln. Zenlshek, and Anna. Penchm'\P wel'e church, Bunt ft WIlliam L. McLean, owner and pub· Just the thing for hot /'nch bequenthed $1 ,000. Into Alien Traffic Made of a lighter mater­ ll.her ot the Philadelphia Evening ! Belie\! $1,000 Cancelled Note If. C. Buhell was IIppolnted cxecu· weather. Pre-shrunk Ial. Cool and comfort­ Bulletin, died today atler an Illneall Wales Gets Shakeup tor of the estate. Siamese Ruler Pays W ASIDNGTON, July 30 (AP) -A ", fo: of a year. He wne In hla eIghtieth nation wide Investigation to uncover When Cars Smash Approved by Judge Visit to Fair Site with 21 inch bottoms, able. You will want sev­ tear. any piotR tor bringIng ollens Into LtNOOL: He was a former director of thp RLOO, July 10 (AP. )-An the country Illegally has been order· LONDON, J.uly 30 (AP.-T IIe WATE Dickinson1 __County CHICAGO, ;July SO (AP) -S lam~se eral at this price. waist Deputy st, AS80Clated Pres8, retiring In 1924 p S • ed hy Secretary Dank a. a result ot nicely tailored, waist Prince of Wn.Jes, relurnlng from a. nppllclltlon of A. D. Me8ker tor can. iclU! upervisor royalty today Inspected the sIte ot were searel after 28 years service on the board. the arrest of two men In New York sizes 29 to 40. tbey bello, gamB of golf at the Sunnlngdale cellatlon of a. '1,000 note held by the world's fall' to be held here In ot sizes, 30 to 42. He WaH Rucceeded B8 a dIrector by on charges seiling fraudulenl reo ~ent In his son, Robert McLean, Vice pr68l· club this ntternoon, WQJI ~adly Slate ilepresentatlve C. A. Hollis . SPIRIT LAKE, July 30 (AP) - ] 933. turn permits, .alate. ahllken when his car collided wllh and II. R . Hollia was approved to· George T. Jacobson of Lake Park to.' Prince and Prlncees SVlUltJ, father dent ot the Bulletin company. The I The secretary Bald Ihe New York Lan nlgi nnother machine In which three day by Judge G. W. Wood. day was elected Dickinson connty and mother ot the Queen of Slum, funeral will be tomorrow at 6 P,m. Inquiry \.vIlS only at Its Inception. )'Iaue Sasl women occupants snttered minor The Hollls brothers nre executors supervisor to fm the vacanoy OCCIUI· their 80n, Arjuna, a student at Yale In the First Presbyterian church In t He Indicated other arrests might be 4tUroyed l Germantown of which he was a trua· bruises and one young womlln lost of a fal'm nenr Hudson that lItesker loned by the deaLh Of George M. At'l univerSity, and the Pra Mu 1'I'n.j , expecled and thnt the department .00. A re ""veral teeth, t d tl bat edu In tI t zen of Lake Park. chamberlain to the kIng, were In the WIl8 doubtfUl whelhel' the "man Men'. Sailor Pant. rein e' 'lc red lIe I' t c g 'de rllen • At.zen died at Rochester, Minn., party which was conducted about the Orand Isla The Injured women wcre taken to II. from n ne 0 III'S 0 8even 0 1l" S higher up" yet had been tllken. 000, a Frel ' t I t t tollowlng an operation. He had been grounds by a delegation at tall' exe· tl h I I I f th I Made of while twill, 24 inch bell hottoDlJ, -<:0 rt En· ins Diltz le osp to. none 0 e pr nce S ;on ~cr e Or tIe JlllS wo y.ears. snpervlsor for nearly three term.. cutlves. ilaY61lg0 w U)O caJs, which he summoned Immedl· 'Mesker saldadhetl made dhls request His CuneraJ was "\Vedneaday. Man KUled by Power [Jne MOnday nl, From Uquor Traffic Iatcly. The accIdent occurred when because of b mes nn poor crop BELLE PLAINE, July 90 (AP) - lace back with 2 slash front pockets. Ington, Gol the prlncp's car turned out of the prlce8. Charles Shleld8, 28, an employe of Name Kaufmann on Kine Team 'II. The 10 ('tub drIveway and smashed Inlo lhe Stockholders Vote the Iowa Ra ilway Ilnil Light corpor· 'ttl at $70,0( • A liquor Injunction was I88Ued 1 DES MO[NFlS (AP) - Walter J . other machine. He jumped out of atlon, was killed late today when he :at '40,000. , agalnat Peter Dilts by Judse R. O. i Kaufmann ot Wilton Junction wall Approval of Merger his car Immedilltely Ilnd hurried to C.M.T.C. Camp ()pens came In contact WI~h a 2,300 volt wire L. J. B, Popham In district court ye.terda)'. DES MOINES (AP) - The Cltl. among the 18 members selected for on a power line a mile west of here. 8ge lIIarshal III , Diltz WIUI arre8ted Sunday n"ht fol· gIve what assistance he COUld. the civilian rlOe team whIch will NEW YORK, July 30 (AP) -Crea· zens lItllltary Training camp at Ft. 'Were Itarll 'lowIng a raid on hla home where .3 represent Iowa In the national match. tlon ot a new billIon dollar 011 cor· Des MoInes opened with ~corell ot Owners I bOttlell of home brew were found by es at Camp Perry, Ohio, poratlon - the Socony·Vacuum cor· TIPTON (AP) - SurvIvors or Filet! Damap Appeal young Iowans relldy to begin train· I advance nc ·Iowa City police, poratlon-'became an asaured tllCt to· Arnold H. Welbner, cashier of the Pleading I'ullty before Juatlce ot DES MOINES (AP) _ Powell Ing. Herrick Inspects National Guard day. Farmers and Merchants bank of the Peace B. F. Carter MondaY, be RimeR, Marlon county farmer, flied DES MOINFJS (AP) - Lleut, Col. Approval of the merger of Stand· Durant, tIIell an action In the county - lila. fined flOO and coata and algned an appeal with the supreme court Mellervey Bank C10Rea Henry Herrick of the 113th U. S. ard 011 company of New York and court today asking that two deeds !'·1- J a waiver and consent to decree for from an award at '1,426 dllmages In MESERVEY CAP) - The Farm· cavalry, totmel'ly of Ottumwa, ,top, Vacuum on company to create the shrned by Welbner and his wlte be -lCPENNEY CQ an Injunction agalnat him prohibit· payment for condemnation of land ers Savlng8 bank of MellOrvey clollOd. ped on bls way to Inspect MInnesota new Industrial giant was voted at cancelled and declared voId, the t_ IOWA. Snl' further maIdn. or ..lUn. of for prImarY road No. Z, He BIked It bad a capital stock of $20,000 and national I'uard troop. at Uttle separate meetings by atockholders rteeds conveyed property to T. R . I .." t.u. Jlquor. - ---_... _. ,1,887, .t.poa1te of "41,"" Falll, Minn. ot both COlDPanl,l. Tac.e and the bank. ----!""I"---~~-~------fII!II...... IJ!!Ii'-l .....