Agenda Item 5.11 COUNCIL REPORT


Committee Marketing, Business Development and Major Events Committee

Presenter Cr Goonan


1. The purpose of this report was to present a summary of the performance of the Melbourne Office Tianjin against its 2003-2004 Business Plan.


2. That Council note the report (Attachment 1 to the Management Report) on the Melbourne Office Tianjin Business Plan 2003-2004.

Council Report Attachment: 1. Marketing, Business Development and Major Events Committee, Agenda Item 5.3, 15 June 2004 1 MARKETING, BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Agenda Item 5.3 AND MAJOR EVENTS COMMITTEE REPORT COVER SHEET


Division Marketing & Corporate Affairs

Presenter Mark Drew, Manager Customer & International Relations


The purpose of this report is to present a summary of the performance of the Melbourne Office Tianjin against its 2003-2004 Business Plan.

Time Frame

The report covers the period July 2003 to June 2004.


The budget for the operation of the Melbourne Office Tianjin in 2003-2004 is $109,974. The budget is on target.


The report is for noting only and there are no legal issues that arise from the recommendation.


Connected and Accessible City

There is no significant sustainability impact.

Inclusive and Engaging City

Strong likelihood of medium impact. The Melbourne Office Tianjin is the focal point for all formal exchanges between Melbourne and Tianjin under the sister city relationship. These involve cultural, educational and youth exchanges.

Innovative and Vital Business City

Strong likelihood of positive impact. The Melbourne Office Tianjin is supporting Melbourne and Victorian businesses to take advantage of opportunities in Tianjin.

Environmentally Responsible City

Medium likelihood of positive impact. One of Melbourne's strengths being promoted in Tianjin is environmental management. This could lead to exchange of information between the cities and possible opportunities for Melbourne companies involved in environmental management services.


That the Marketing, Business Development and Major Events Committee note the attached report on the Melbourne Office Tianjin Business Plan 2003-2004.

Attachments: 1. Melbourne Office Tianjin Business Plan 2003-2004 Progress Report 2. Melbourne Tianjin – 25th Anniversary Draft Program Ideas 2005 3. Sustainability Attachment 2 MARKETING, BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Agenda Item 5.3 AND MAJOR EVENTS COMMITTEE REPORT


Division Marketing & Corporate Affairs

Presenter Mark Drew, Manager Customer & International Relations


1. The purpose of this report is to present a summary of the performance of the Melbourne Office Tianjin against its 2003-2004 Business Plan.


2. The Melbourne Office Tianjin was opened in January 1998 with the following aims:

2.1. facilitate the entry of Melbourne, Victorian and Australian businesses into the Tianjin market and vice versa;

2.2. support education exchange and recruitment of students for Melbourne institutions; and

2.3. support the Melbourne Tianjin sister city relationship.

3. The Melbourne Office Tianjin is operated under an agreement between the , the Business Council, RMIT and Taylors College. The office is registered in the name of the Australia China Business Council because of legal issues in operating an off-shore office in China in the name of the Melbourne City Council.

4. Work is currently under way to investigate the feasibility of establishing a wholly-owned Council company to manage the operations of the Melbourne Office Tianjin, as per the Local Government Act 1998.

5. The office is centrally located on the tenth floor of the Tianjin International Building.

6. The 2003-2004 Melbourne Office Tianjin Business Plan was approved by the then Marketing and Business Development Committee on 11 September 2003.


7. The Melbourne Office Tianjin has had its busiest year since opening. Most KPIs have either been met or exceeded. A summary report on the performance of the Melbourne Office Tianjin against the Business Plan 2003-2004 is provided as Attachment 1.


8. Some of the highlights are as follows:

8.1. staging of the Tianjin Haihe River Business Networking Forum in Melbourne in July 2003;

8.2. seven business-related Memorandums of Understanding or Agreements signed between Melbourne companies and Tianjin. The most significant of these being:

8.2.1. contract for the design of a major residential development project in prime area of Tianjin; and

8.2.2. contract for the design of a master plan for ‘Middle Reaches’ of Haihe River redevelopment project;

8.3. additional Tianjin-based members recruited to the Tianjin Melbourne Business Exchange Centre – the total is now 23, with additional members expected to be signed up within next few months;

8.4. 28 Melbourne/Victorian companies travelled to Tianjin and used the services and facilities of the Melbourne Office (compared to eight companies in 2002-2003);

8.5. the Minister for Manufacturing and Export, The Honourable Tim Holding, led a Victorian automotive trade mission to Tianjin to highlight Melbourne’s niche manufacturing capabilities;

8.6. 14 business-related delegations from Tianjin visited Melbourne;

8.7. Tianjin Government Leaders program continued with two groups coming to Melbourne for three-month study programs;

8.8. five other management training programs conducted in Melbourne, with negotiations for a number of others well advanced;

8.9. two educational agreements signed between Melbourne and Tianjin educational institutions;

8.10. Tianjin gained ADS (Approved Destination Status) to enable outbound tours to Australia. Two visits to Tianjin by the Minister for Tourism, The Honourable John Pandazopoulos, including staging of a Victorian ‘roadshow’ and wine festival;

8.11. agreement reached for first official tourist group of 100 leading Tianjin citizens to Melbourne in September 2004;

8.12. the office was the focal point of an active year of broader sister city activities, including hosting an AusAid Youth Ambassador, who worked on the development of a visitors manual for Australians visiting Tianjin;

8.13. reached agreement with Austrade to undertake trade development work on its behalf in Tianjin; and

8.14. commenced recruitment process for appointment of Senior Trade Representative in the office (successful applicant to start in the new financial year).

9. The Melbourne Office Tianjin also commenced negotiations with the Tianjin Municipal Government about proposals to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the sister city relationship between Melbourne and Tianjin in 2005. The 25th anniversary is being regarded enthusiastically by the Tianjin Municipal Government and offers the opportunity to build the relationship to a substantial new level.


10. Some of the initial proposals are outlined in Attachment 2. These proposals will be developed over the next few months and are subject to securing appropriate budget and program partners.

11. The profile of the Melbourne Office Tianjin and sister city activities in general experienced a dramatic increase in the Australian media in conjunction with the development of a Melbourne Office newsletter to subscribers in both countries. Future editions will be translated into Chinese.

12. The current positive environment for bi-lateral exchange between Australia and China will strengthen the position of the Melbourne Office Tianjin as a reliable facilitator. The possible Free Trade Agreement and continued high-level government delegations to China will mean more Melbourne companies will want to use the office.

Relation to Council Policy

13. An objective under Strategic Direction 1.3 in City Plan 2010 is to strengthen and develop long-term strategic relationships with sister cities, Business Partner Cities and other key partners.


14. There has been extensive consultation in the operation of the Melbourne Office Tianjin, including with the Melbourne Office Tianjin Management Committee and the Council's Sustainable Business and Trade Development Branch.

Government Relations

15. There has regular contact with various Victorian Government departments about the operation of the Melbourne Office Tianjin, particularly the Department of Innovation, Industry and Regional Development, Tourism and the Department of Education and Training.

16. Regular consultation occurs between the Melbourne Office Tianjin and Austrade Beijing.


17. That the Marketing, Business Development and Major Events Committee note the attached report on the Melbourne Office Tianjin Business Plan 2003-2004.

5 Attachment 1 Agenda Item 5.3 Marketing, Business Development and Major Events Committee 15 June 2004



As at 7 June 2004

Melbourne Office Tianjin 2003-04

Objective 1: Facilitate the entry of Melbourne, Victorian and Australian businesses into the Tianjin market and vice versa.

Objective 2: Facilitate education exchange and recruitment of students for Melbourne institutions.

Objective 3: Active sister city exchanges.

Objective 4: Effective operation and management of the Melbourne Office Tianjin

Progress against these objectives is detailed on the following pages.

* Commonly Used Acronyms MOTJ: Melbourne Office Tianjin TMBEC: Tianjin Melbourne Business Exchange Centre IR: International Relations Unit SB&TD: Sustainable Business and Trade Development Branch 2003-2004 MOTJ Business Plan


Strategy 1. FURTHER PROMOTE TIANJIN MELBOURNE BUSINESS EXCHANGE CENTRE (TMBEC) TEAM RESPONSIBLE: International Relations KPI/Update § KPI: Increase number of members: from 15 to 20 members (primarily targeting Tianjin based organisations with interest in doing business with Melbourne) § Update: KPI Achieved - There are currently 23 members of the TMBEC. Two more companies have indicated that they will join. Arrangements are being completed for their membership.

1. Tianjin Jingzhao Investment Group 2. Tianjin Jindong Real Estate Co., Ltd. 3. Tianjin RenAi Group 4. Linkesen·Mits (Tianjin) Automation System Engineering Co., Ltd. 5. Rising-Sun Garments & Accessory Ltd. 6. Tianjin TEDA Xinfa Property Development Co., Ltd. 7. Kaihua Property Development Co., Ltd. 8. Qingda Property Development Co., Ltd. 9. TEDA Gas Co., Ltd. 10. Qichang Import & Export Trade Co., Ltd. 11. Jingying Soccer Club 12. Kangyi Film & TV Co., Ltd. 13. Tianjin Best Lighting Co., Ltd. 14. Tianjin Guosha Enterprise Group 15. Tianjin Hengyun Business Trade Company 16. Tianjin Zhonghao Real Estate Co., Ltd 17. Tianjin Baojin Group 18. Tianjin Yitong Real Estate Co., Ltd 19. Motian Group 20. Leader Group 21. Yongtai Group 22. Tianjin Communication Bank (honorary corporate member recruited by CCPIT) 23. China Merchant Bank Tianjin Branch (honorary corporate member recruited by CCPIT)

Negotiations also under way with Tianjin Federation of Industry and Commerce about areas of possible cooperation.

Honorary patrons – Lord Mayor of Melbourne and Vice Mayor of Tianjin.

Note – the Tianjin Melbourne Business Exchange Centre is a membership-based organisation established in Tianjin as a partnership between the Melbourne Office Tianjin and the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT). Only leading companies and organisations are accepted into the membership. All have the common interest of developing stronger commercial relationships with Melbourne, Victoria and Australia.

§ KPI: Deliver events for members: at least six § Update: KPI Achieved – 3 formal events took place in Tianjin and 2 major events took place in Melbourne. There have also been regular meetings and networking sessions in Tianjin as well as strong one-on-one working relationships between individual members and the Melbourne Office Tianjin.

2 2003-2004 MOTJ Business Plan

MOTJ maintaining regular contact with TMBEC members.

Melbourne: 1. Tianjin Melbourne Business Exchange Centre Members Roundtable forum with Melbourne companies (1 July 2003) 2. The Tianjin Haihe River Business Networking Forum (9 July 2003).

§ KPI: Develop and deliver visits by members to Melbourne: at least two § Update: KPI Achieved - 6 visits by TMBEC members to Melbourne:

1. Tianjin Melbourne Business Exchange Centre (TMBEC) Members Roundtable forum with Melbourne companies (1 July 2003) 2. The Tianjin Haihe River Business Networking Forum (9 July 2003) and meetings with Melbourne based architect firms to confirm agreements 3. Mr Wen Biao, TMBEC Member visit to Melbourne (Nov 2003) 4. Ren Ai Property Development Group visit to Melbourne (Nov 2003) 5. Jindong Property Development Group (May 2004) 6. Madam Wen, Tianjin Hengyun Business Trade Company (June 2004)

Visits to Melbourne by other TMBEC members expected within next few months.

§ KPI: Agreements or MOUs signed by Melbourne companies and TMBEC members: at least three § Update: KPI Achieved – 5 Agreements have been signed. These include agreements for the design of a major residential development in Tianjin, the manufacture and marketing of pre-fabricated concrete wall paneling to Tianjin market, a feasibility study of manufacturing caravans in China and operating and establishing caravan parks in China and a Melbourne company entering a bid to design Tianjin’s first major shopping mall.

3 2003-2004 MOTJ Business Plan

Strategy 2. MELBOURNE/VICTORIAN BASED CLIENTS USE OF THE OFFICE TEAM RESPONSIBLE: International Relations § KPI: Minimum 10 business clients to use the services of the office § Update: KPI Achieved – 28 Melbourne businesses have used the services of the KPI Melbourne Office Tianjin.

In addition, the Minister for Manufacturing and Export, The Honourable Tim Holding, led a Victorian automotive trade mission to Tianjin in April 2004 to highlight Melbourne’s niche manufacturing capabilities.

§ KPI: Minimum 4 MOUs/Agreements signed by Melb/Vic/Aust companies with Tianjin § Update: KPI Achieved - 7 Agreements have been signed.

In addition to the agreements mentioned in Strategy 1, agreements were also signed for the design of a master plan for ‘Middle Reaches’ of Haihe River redevelopment project and for a Melbourne company to design street decorations for Chinese New Year festivities in Tianjin.

Strategy 3. EXPORT DEVELOPMENT & INVESTMENT ATTRACTION TEAM RESPONSIBLE: Sustainable Business & Trade Development KPI Research to identify/target 10-20 Tianjin companies to both export development and investment attraction (follow up to City of Melbourne’s joint project with ACBC : § KPI: Research project complete § Update: Draft received, further review being undertaken. Final report will be completed by June.

§ KPI: Plans developed for specific companies § Update: Dependent on final report

The Council, in February 2004 approved the appointment of a Senior Trade Representative to work in the Melbourne Office Tianjin developing business and trade outcomes, particularly focusing on Council’s key priority areas such as biotechnology, construction, environment, sport and leisure. Recruitment process has begun.

The Council also entered into an agreement with Austrade Beijing for the MOTJ to undertake the function of trade correspondent on its behalf. This arrangement commenced in April 2004.

4 2003-2004 MOTJ Business Plan

Strategy 4. AGRIBUSINESS INITIATIVES TEAM RESPONSIBLE: International Relations KPI Ongoing activities include liaising with relevant Tianjin authorities and business people about livestock export to Tianjin

§ KPI: Contract signed and minimum of one shipment of product delivered to Tianjin § Update: KPI not achieved – Tianjin has not pursued the purchase of cattle from Melbourne because of internal management changes in Tianjin Farm Bureau, the leader of delegation transferred to Tianjin Dairy Corporation as Managing Director. Other potential contacts are being followed up by MOTJ. § Visit by Agricapital Ltd to Tianjin in February 2004. Follow-up meetings arranged with Tianjin Government Leader – Group 6 member, Mr Lu Wenlong, Director, Information Office of Tianjin Agriculture Science Institute. § Wuqing District: Negotiations under way with representatives of Wuqing District for possible JV arrangement in Tianjin for purchase of dairy cattle. Wuqing District purchased 3 000 head of dairy cattle from Victoria in 2003 and will buy another 5 000 head in 2004-05.


KPI Identify Tianjin companies with potential for trade/investment opportunities into Melbourne. Effective evaluation report for all visiting delegations § KPI: Minimum six business-related outcomes from visiting delegations to Melbourne § Update: KPI Achieved – 16 Business-related delegations from Tianjin visited Melbourne:

1. TMBEC Members visited for the Tianjin Haihe River Redevelopment Forum – 9 July 2003 2. Tianjin COFERT Delegation (Tianjin Haihe Forum) – July 2003 3. Tianjin, China Packaging Group (Met w/- Visy, AMCOR) – Sept 2003 4. Tianjin Yaxing Caravan Manufacturing Co., - Sept 2003 5. Tianjin Pharmaceutical Group (Bio-tech) – Dec 2003 6. Tianjin COFERT (establish relationship with ACBC) – Feb 2004 7. Tianjin Port Administrative Bureau (Nov2003) 8. Mr Xiao Lianwang (Nov 2003) 9. Mr Wen Biao as TMBEC member (Nov 2003) 10. TMBEC member-Renai Group (Nov 2003) 11. Tianjin Infrastructure Research Institute – Jan 2004 12. Tianjin Yaxing Caravan Manufacturing Co., - Nov 2003 13. Tianjin Nankai District Leaders (Urban Development – Olympic Village) – November 2003 14. Hedong Education Bureau (Mar 2004) 15. Tianjin Institute of Planning and Design (April 2004) 16. Jindong Property Development Group (May 2004)

5 2003-2004 MOTJ Business Plan


Strategy 1. STUDENT RECRUITMENT TEAM RESPONSIBLE: International Relations KPI § KPI: Recruit Minimum ten Students 03-04 § Update: KPI Achieved – 10 students recruited.

Strategy 2. TIANJIN TRAINING PROGRAMS IN MELBOURNE TEAM RESPONSBILE: International Relations KPI § KPI: Tianjin Government Leaders Training Program: 2 per year § Update: KPI Achieved – 2 groups of TJ Gov. Leaders Training program

1. 5th Group of Tianjin Government Leaders Training program took place (Sep-Dec 2003) 2. 6th Group of Tianjin Government Leaders to take place (April-Jul 2004)

§ KPI: Tianjin Finance and Taxation Bureau Training program : 1 per year § Update: KPI Achieved – 2 groups – TJ Finance and Taxation Bureau Training Program took place

- Tianjin Finance &Taxation Bureau - Training Program (Group 1) – Sept to November 2003 - Tianjin Finance & Taxation Bureau – Training Program (Group 2) – June to August 2004

§ KPI: Tianjin Trade Union Training Program: 2 per year § Update: KPI Achieved – 3 groups of TJ Trade Union Training Program took place

- Tianjin Trade Union Delegation (group 1) – Training Program – November 2003 - Tianjin Trade Union Delegation (group 2) - Training Programs – February 2004 - Tianjin Trade Union Delegation (group 3) – Training Program - May 2004

§ KPI: Additional training programs from Tianjin (eg judicial, Youth Federation, sports management, retail, etc): 2 per year § Update: KPI partially achieved - Tianjin Personnel Bureau (Training Programs) – Sept 2003

§ Negotiations are taking place with various government organisations to establish more training programs in Melbourne: - Tianjin Hedong District Education Department Training Program: 9 weeks - Tianjin Teachers Group in negotiations with Holmes College. - Tianjin Work Placement Program – planned for late 2004. - Tianjin English teachers training program.

6 2003-2004 MOTJ Business Plan

Strategy 3. VICTORIAN BASED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS TO USE SERVICES OF MOTJ AND MCC SUPPORT TEAM RESPONSIBLE: International Relations KPI § KPI: 2 Educational Agreements signed § Update: KPI Achieved – 2 agreements signed:

1. Signing of Agreement between National Institute of Accountants and Tianjin University of Technology – to provide onshore training in China under the NIA credentials (Nov 2003)

2. Signing of Agreement between Victorian College of the Arts and Tianjin Academy of Finance Arts (April 2004).

Strategy 4. DEVELOP TIANJIN MELBOURNE ALUMNI CLUB TEAM RESPONSIBLE: International Relations KPI § KPI: Minimum 2 Alumni functions § Update: KPI Achieved – 2 functions were held in Tianjin which both TMBEC and TJ- Melbourne Alumni Club members attended

§ KPI: Minimum 2 newsletters § Update: KPI Achieved – 2 versions of the MOTJ Newsletter have been published and distributed to Alumni members. We are currently working on the Chinese version for future editions.

§ KPI: Maintain at least annual update on each member § Update: KPI Achieved – updated database has been established with information on all alumni members, and is closely monitored.

7 2003-2004 MOTJ Business Plan


Strategy 1. POTENTIAL FOR TOURISM ATTRACTION TEAM RESPONSIBLE: International Relations KPI § KPI: Approval of ADS proposal by Commonwealth Government § Update: KPI Achieved – In December 2003 Minister Pandazopoulos visited Tianjin to officially launch and announce Tianjin as an ADS (Approved Destination Status) city of China. Minister visited Tianjin again in April for Tourism Victoria Roadshow, organised through MOTJ.

§ KPI: Visit to Melbourne by Tianjin tourism representatives: minimum two § Update: KPI not achieved – Because of the early stages of the ADS approval to Tianjin, it is still unclear which travel agents and tourist representatives in Tianjin are ADS approved. Tianjin Government officials representing tourism want to promote Tianjin as a tourist destination but have chosen to visit Melbourne later in 2004. Lord Mayor, Councillor Goonan and Chief Executive met with Minister Pandazopoulos in late May to discuss next steps.

§ KPI: group visits to Melbourne: minimum five groups § Update: KPI not achieved – There are a number of issues to be resolved by Tourism Victoria. Further follow up action to be under taken with Tourism Victoria. 100 leading Tianjin citizens will visit Melbourne in September 2004 as the first group under the ADS scheme.

§ KPI: additional service provider develops inbound tours through MOTJ: minimum one § Update: KPI Achieved – An agreement has been signed with ATM (Australian Tours Management).

§ KPI: Work in collaboration with Tourism Vic (Shanghai and Melbourne Office) to promote Tourism in Victoria: Minimum 2 activities/events/visits to Tianjin § Update: KPI Achieved – 2 events in collaboration with Tourism Victoria took place:

1. Visit by Minister for Tourism The Hon. John Pandazopoulos to Tianjin to officiate Tianjin’s ADS. (Approved Destination Status)

2. Victorian Tourism Roadshow in Tianjin – showcasing Victorian food/ wine and places of interest (April 2004) Tourism Victoria delegation – representatives from major Victorian sightseeing destinations visited Tianjin to assist in the promotion of Victoria through the roadshow. Melbourne Observation Deck (Rialto Towers) vi sited Tianjin in April - interested in establishing partnership with Tianjin Observation Deck.

8 2003-2004 MOTJ Business Plan

Strategy 2. BUILD SISTER SCHOOL LINKS TEAM RESPONSIBLE: International Relations KPI § KPI: Activities between sister schools: minimum two § Update: KPI Achieved – 2 events took place

1. The Peninsula School and TEDA International School formed a partnership in which Tianjin students will be able to complete their VCE (Year 12 Qualification) in Tianjin via the TEDA International School. 2. Study tour of group of Tianjin school principals to Melbourne to review opportunities to build further links between education sector in Melbourne and Tianjin. Group was particularly interested in the role of the private school sector in the provision of education and visited Wesley College and Peninsula School. (February 2004)

Strategy 3. CITY OF MELBOURNE’S INVOLVEMENT IN TIANJIN 600th ANNIVERSARY 2004 TEAM RESPONSIBLE: International Relations KPI § KPI: Involvement in 600th anniversary activity by promoting Melbourne Tianjin sister city relationship § Update: KPI not achieved – Tianjin Municipal People’s Government announced early in 2004 that all 600th Anniversary activities and celebrations would be cancelled.

9 2003-2004 MOTJ Business Plan

Strategy 4. SUPPORT FOR SISTER CITY EXCHANGES TEAM RESPONSIBLE: International Relations KPI § KPI: MOTJ to support sister city exchanges: minimum four activities/projects § Update: KPI Achieved – 7 Activities

1. Melbourne Tigers Basketball Team – played a ‘friendship’ game against the No. 1 Tianjin team as a sister city exchange.

2. AusAID – Australian Youth Ambassador for Development, Ms Carla Neal, took up a 12 month work placement at the Melbourne Office Tianjin. Project work includes: - Feasibility study for establishing Melbourne Youth Leaders Training Program in Tianjin - Establishing ‘Visitors to Tianjin Guide/Doing Business in China Guide’ - Administrative support to the MOTJ - Facilitating communication and reporting procedures and policies between Melbourne Office Tianjin and International Relations Office.

3. Establishment of the Tianjin Chinese Association of Melbourne – Oct 2003 (officially launched by: - Lord Mayor John So, - Consul General Tian Junting - Mr Zhang Fulin, Director Tianjin Office of Overseas Chinese Affairs - Mr David Zhou, President Tianjin Chinese Association of Melbourne

4. Establishment of the Tianjin Melbourne Student Association – Dec 2003 - Mr Larry Zhou, President

5. Tianjin Annual Kite Flying Day – 18 January 2004, Royal Park – Activities included: performing dancing group from Shenzhen, Traditional Tianjin Kite flying and Kite making workshops, Taichi demonstrations, face painting, Chinese cuisine, fan dance and dragon dance. Highly successful event with over 3 500 participants. Planning has commenced for 2005 event – which will highlight the 25th anniversary of the Melbourne Tianjin relationship.

6. MOOMBA Parade – Tianjin representation, 8 March 2003. – Lion Dance and traditional Chinese children’s dancing troupe.

7. South Melbourne Soccer Club visited Tianjin (April 25) – played friendly game against Tianjin City Soccer Club for official opening of the new Tianjin Olympic Soccer stadium. (Score: Tianjin 2, South Melbourne 1).

The MOTJ also facilitated negotiations for projects and activities for the celebration of the Melbourne Tianjin 25th anniversary in 2005.

10 2003-2004 MOTJ Business Plan


Strategy 1. RISK MANAGEMENT TEAM RESPONSIBLE: International Relations KPI § KPI: Risk Assessment completed to City of Melbourne corporate standards § Update: KPI Achieved – Risk Assessment completed

Strategy 2. OFFICE RESTUCTURING AND COST RECOVERY TEAM RESPONSIBLE: International Relations KPI § KPI: Incorporate new cost recovery policies and procedures into office management and operations. § Update: KPI Achieved – A new cost recovery and finance system has been established for the Melbourne Office Tianjin.

§ KPI: New fee-for-service package adopted § Update: KPI Achieved – A new fee-for service and MOU template has been established.

§ KPI: Increase in revenue over 2003-2004: minimum increase 15% § Update: KPI Achieved – Revenue through student recruitment commissions, training program commission and business services fees and commissions has increased by 15%.

11 2003-2004 MOTJ Business Plan

Strategy 3. PROFILING AND PROMOTING THE OFFICE TEAM RESPONSIBLE: International Relations KPI § KPI: Increasing awareness of the office by Melbourne business community and Australian ex-pat communities (in China) by 30% § Update: KPI Achieved – Awareness has increased through extensive meetings, visits, correspondence and the establishment of the Melbourne Office Tianjin newsletter.

§ KPI: Feature articles using corporate communication tools: minimum 4 articles § Update: KPI substanitally achieved – 3 articles 1. Melbourne Business Newsletter – Article about Haihe River Redevelopment Forum 2. COM Update – Information about Haihe River Redevelopment Forum 3. Business Melbourne (April 2004) – ‘’China Project a win for Council’s Tianjin Office’

§ KPI: Feature articles/stories using ACBC, Austcham, VECCI and AIG communication mechanisms: minimum 4 articles § Update: KPI Achieved – 5 articles 1. Australian Industry Group – July 2003 - article about MOTJ 2. Australia China Business Council – Official Journal – Lord Mayor John So talks about ‘Sisterly-Love” 3. Australia China Business Council – Website, Haihe River Redevelopment Forum 4. VECCI Newsletter – Haihe River Redevelopment Forum 5. ‘Connections’ Orica Newsletter – Oct 2003 – Article about Tianjin Government Leaders site-visit to Orica.

§ KPI: Feature article on Tianjin or MOTJ through general media: minimum 2 articles § Update: KPI Achieved – 4 articles 1. The Age, Wednesday July 30, 2003 – ‘coverage and outcomes of Haihe River Redevelopment Forum’ 2. The Courier-Mail, Saturday August 16, 2003 – “Wave of Foreign Investment and Business Interest in China” Dr Wei Chaoyi 3. Australian Financial Review, Thursday 27 November 2003 – Asia Pacific Editor Rowan Callick reports on ‘Australia’s role in China’s great design leap forward, “Melbourne influences it’s Asian Twin” 4. Jiwan Tianjin Daily – Dec 2003 – Article about the establishment of the Tianjin Chinese Association of Melbourne

12 2003-2004 MOTJ Business Plan

Strategy 4. MANAGEMENT AND STAFFING TEAM RESPONSIBLE: International Relations KPI § KPI: Review of remuneration structure for Chief Representative and MOTJ staff § Update: KPI Achieved – Remuneration structure reviewed and approved.

§ KPI: Quarterly reviews of Chief Representative’s projects/outcomes § Update: KPI Achieved – Regular reviews and updates have taken place of MOTJ business plan.

§ KPI: Visit to Melbourne by Chief Representative: minimum two visits § Update: KPI Achieved – Chief Representative visited Melbourne 5 times (costs of visits covered either by accompanying delegations or within Chief Representative’s salary structure).

§ KPI: Visit to Melbourne by MOTJ staff: minimum one visit § Update: KPI Achieved – Education Project Manager, Terry Liu visited Melbourne in May 2004 § While in Melbourne Terry met with: - - Swinburne University of Technology - RMIT International Pty Ltd - RMIT Business Direct - Monash University – English Language Centre - Victorian College of the Arts - Orica Australia - Taylors College - Herniman Associates - Australia China Business Council

§ KPI: Visit to Tianjin by City of Melbourne staff: minimum one visit § Update: KPI Achieved – Two visits to MOTJ - August 2003 and May 2004.

13 Attachment 2 Agenda Item 5.3 Marketing, Business Development and Major Events Committee 15 June 2004

Melbourne Tianjin – 25th anniversary Draft program ideas 2005 As at 1 June 2004

Proposed focus of activities: May – Melbourne activities in Tianjin September/October – Tianjin activities in Melbourne

Suggestions – subject to resources (financial and personnel).

Photographic displays in each city.

Performances by Penleigh & Essendon Grammar School Chinese Orchestra in Tianjin.

Development of Australia China Business Council Chinese website – dedicated to the Melbourne Tianjin sister city relationship.

Secondary and tertiary students from Melbourne to spend part of their curricula studying in Tianjin.

Commence the Myra Roper Foundation – research project involving post graduate from Tianjin doing research in Melbourne.

Tianjin Soccer Team to train in Melbourne in Melbourne’s summer.

Staging of Tianjin Family Kite Day in Royal Park

Incorporation of Melbourne Tianjin component into relevant events eg Chinese New Year celebrations.

Citizens groups from each city to visit as part of broader tourism promotion program.

Both sides to send film crews to the other city to produce documentaries.

Exchange of TV and radio programs.

Tianjin to send tennis players to Melbourne for training or ball boys/girls for Australian Open

Explore opportunities for Tianjin athletes to train with Melbourne sporting clubs – Melbourne Tigers etc

Tianjin to send cultural performances to Melbourne. Suggested components: - Major performing troupe - Tianjin puppet group (possible events at ArtPlay) - Dumplings master chef (linked with the Melbourne Food and Wine Festival)

Melbourne to send performing group(s) to Tianjin.

Victorian College of the Arts and Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts to exchange student art works and teachers.

Encourage proposed China tour of contemporary indigenous art to visit Tianjin.


Tianjin citizen (Zhang Lianzhi) to send part of private collection of Ming/Qing stone carvings and furniture to Melbourne for temporary exhibition. - Also, donation of Chinese horse drawn cart (100 to 200 years old) to suitable Melbourne institution.

Donations of books in Chinese to Melbourne library.

Exchange of major delegations (minimum 100 people each): - Melbourne business, cultural, citizens and educational delegation to be led by Lord Mayor in May. - Tianjin to send simila r delegation to Melbourne in September/October.

Youth Ambassadors dialogue: - Possible Asialink Leaders Program study tour to Tianjin - Possible forum/activity in Melbourne involving youth delegates or leaders from Tianjin.

Program of activities by Tianjin Melbourne Business Exchange Centre.

Agreement for major Melbourne investment in Tianjin.

Continuation of Tianjin Government Leaders Program. Develop proposals for Alumni celebrations.

Expansion of Tianjin Government Leaders Program to provide for work placements of government leaders within the Council, private enterprise and Victorian Government.

Tianjin to consider establishing an office in Melbourne along similar lines as the Melbourne Office Tianjin.

Possible establishment of sister chamber relationship between Tianjin Federation of Industry and Commerce and appropriate chamber/industry organisation in Melbourne.

Increased Melbourne educational institutions presence and involvement in Tianjin.

Possible Melbourne participation in Tianjin PECC (Pacific Economic Cooperation Council) Expo in October 2005. Theme will be urban planning and development. Proposal to send Melbourne delegation.

Tianjin Garden at Melbourne International Flower and Garden Expo in April 2005.

Permanent sister city gardens established in primary schools in Melbourne municipality. Tianjin Garden to be formally opened in April/May or September/October 2005.

2 Attachment 3 Agenda Item 5.3 Marketing, Business Development and Major Events Committee 15 June 2004

Sustainability Assessment Report on Melbourne Office Tianjin Business Plan 2003/2004

Theme: Corporate Themes

Question 1: Well managed, leading and financially responsible city Does this report assist the committee to manage corporate responsibilities? If yes, insert your comments below. Note: if the following questions are not directly relevant please select 'not applicable' from the Impact list.

Comments: Yes.

The report outlines the achievements of the Melbourne Office Tianjin against the 2003/4 business plan key performance indicators. In the majority of cases the achievements exceed the KPI's included in the business plan Theme: Inclusiveness and engagement

Question 2: Community Services What effect will the proposal have on the quality, quantity and accessibility of education, leisure, cultural, health and other community services?

Impact: no impact

Question 3: Active and Engaged Community What effect will this proposal have on the development of a culturally diverse, healthy, equitable, active and involved community in Melbourne?

Impact: positive Likelihood: medium Magnitude: minimum

Question 4: Cultural and Heritage Value of Built Form What effect will this proposal have on the cultural heritage of Melbourne's neighbourhoods and buildings?

Impact: no impact

Question 5: Transport and Accessibility What effect will the proposal have on the level of public transport and number of transport options/connections with the City of Melbourne?

Impact: no impact

Question 6: Welcoming and Safe Public Space What effect will the proposal have on the safety and amenity of the public environment eg streets, laneways, parks and gardens?

Impact: no impact


Theme: Environmental responsibility

Question 7: Energy Use and Greenhouse Emissions What effect will the proposal have on energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions associated with Council and/or community activities?

Impact: no impact

Question 8: Resource Use and Waste Generation What effect will the proposal have on the total quantity and type of waste, including prescribed waste, generated by Council and/or community activities?

Impact: no impact

Question 9: Pollution What effects will the proposal have on the use of hazardous materials and levels of pollution (air, noise, soil, and water) in the region?

Impact: no impact

Question 10: Water Consumption What effect will the proposal have on the quantity of water consumed and disposed of by the Council and/or in the municipality?

Impact: no impact

Question 11: Flora and Fauna What effect will this proposal have on flora and fauna in the City of Melbourne on private and public land and in the aquatic environment?

Impact: no impact

Theme: Innovation and Business Vitality

Question 12: Developme nt of Key Business Sectors What effect will the proposal have on the number and type of businesses and level of business investment in the City of Melbourne?

Impact: positive Likelihood: medium Magnitude: moderate

Comments: The Melbourne Office Tianjin will continue to facilitate two way business opportunities between Melbourne and Tianjin, through support for Melbourne businesses seeking entry to the Tianjin market. The Tianjin Melbourne Business Exchange Centre, coordinated by the Melbourne Office Tianjin will facilitate stronger involvement by Tianjin based businesses in Melbourne. Theme: Connection and accessibility

Question 13: Transport Infrastructure What effect will the proposal have on Melbourne's transport infrastructure?

Impact: no impact


Question 14: Communications Infrastructure What effect will the proposal have on Melbourne's information technology and telecommunications infrastructure?

Impact: no impact

Theme: Innovation and Business Vitality

Question 15: Business Innovation What effect will the proposal have on research and development in Melbourne?

Impact: positive Likelihood: medium Magnitude: moderate

Comments: The Melbourne Office Tianjin will continue to facilitate stronger business and research connections between agencies in Melbourne and Tianjin which have the capacity to build strategic partnership in the future.

Question 16: Job Creation What effect will the proposal have on the number and types of jobs available in the City of Melbourne?

Impact: positive Likelihood: medium Magnitude: minimum

3 Agenda Item 5.3 Marketing, Business Development and Major Events Committee 15 June 2004



Funding of $109,974 has been provided in the 2003/2004 budget for the operation of the Melbourne Office Tianjin.

There are no direct financial implications arising from the recommendations in this report.

Kerrie Jordan Acting Manager Financial Services Agenda Item 5.3 Marketing, Business Development and Major Events Committee 15 June 2004



The report is for noting only and there are no legal issues that arise from the recommendation.

Legal advice has and will continue to be provided as required in regards to the Council’s relations with Tianjin and issues concerning the Melbourne Office Tianjin.

Kim Wood Acting Manager Governance Services