POWERED TERMINAL UNITS C C6 features asstandard: All Nailorterminalsincludethefollowingadditional aid installation. performance operationandmanyfield-friendlyfeaturesto Nailor fanpoweredterminals,providingthebenefitsofhigh unique universalfeaturesthathavebeenincorporatedinto On thenextpage,youcanseeataglancesomeof HVAC industrydemands. terminals thatsatisfythevastmajorityofrequirements and development,wehaveproducedalineoffanpowered After anextensiveandintenseperiodofresearch,design that satisfiedtheirwishes. incorporated allthedesignfeaturesandperformancecriteria not asinglelineoffanpoweredterminalsavailablethat community, askedalotofquestionsandrealizedtherewas We listenedin-depthtotheengineeringandcontracting a primaryfocusatNailor. requirements oftheindustryweservehastraditionallybeen Providing productsthatincorporatethedesiresand Leading TheIndustry GENERAL PRODUCTOVERVIEW FAN POWEREDTERMINALUNITS • • • • • Super Quiet, Series Flow (Constant orVariable Volume) configuration exceptModelSeries33SZ. Units canbeflippedinthefieldforrightorlefthand design topreventbackwardrotationuponstart-up. All motorsincorporateananti-backwardrotation from casingwithrubberinsulators. mounted onspecialheavygaugeanglesandisolated Custom fabricatedmotor/blowercombinationsare correct operationpriortoshipment. tests areperformedoneveryterminaltoensure Fan motorsandheatersareenergizeddielectric pneumatic controls. Compatibility withdigital,analogelectronicand Model Series 35SSTStealth Series Flow(ConstantorVariableVolume) Model Series35S.BasicUnit TM , HotWaterHeat

Chilled Water,SeriesFlow,(ConstantorVariableVolume) Super Quiet,SeriesFlow(ConstantorVariableVolume) Compact Design,ParallelFlow(VariableVolume) .QY2TQſNG&GUKIP2CTCNNGN(NQY 8CTKCDNG8QNWOG Model Series37SSTStealth Series Flow(ConstantorVariableVolume) Model Series35NW,HotWaterHeat Model Series 37NW,HotWaterHeat Model Series37SE,ElectricHeat Model Series33SZ.BasicUnit TM , HotWaterHeat FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS C C7 AIR PRIMARY AIR PLENUM INDUCED AIR PLENUM INDUCED AIR FAN/MOTOR PRIMARY FAN/MOTOR OPTIONAL ELECTRIC HEAT OPTIONAL ELECTRIC HEAT PRIMARY AIR VALVE PRIMARY AIR VALVE Figure 1. Series Fan Terminal Figure 2. Parallel Fan Terminal CONTROLS ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE AIR AIR DISCHARGE CONTROLS ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE DISCHARGE Parallel Flow Terminals – (Variable Volume) Parallel Flow Terminals – (Variable unit, a parallel unit Also called an intermittent fan terminal cooling demand and modulates primary air in response to to deliver induced energizes the integral fan in sequence fan operating air to meet heating demand. The induction of the primary air range should slightly overlap the range terminal fan restricts valve. A backdraft ahead of the the return air plenum conditioned air from escaping into when the fan is off. positions the During full cooling demand, the fan is de-energized. primary air valve for full airflow while the As the cooling load decreases, less primary air is delivered to the zone as the thermostat modulates the valve (functioning as a single VAV terminal). the fan cfm as this would result in the short-circuiting of the fan cfm as this would result in and waste energy. primary air directly into the ceiling plenum and inlet flow sensor A pressure independent controller for changes in controls the primary air valve to compensate cfm is maintained. inlet static pressure and ensures design A series fan powered terminal unit mixes primary air with induced plenum air by using a continuously operating fan during the occupied mode. It provides a constant volume of air to the space regardless of load. As the cooling load decreases, the zone thermostat throttles the primary air valve. The terminal fan makes up the difference by inducing more return air from the plenum. At low cooling loads, the primary air may close or go to a minimum ventilation setting. If the zone temperature drops still further, the thermostat can energize optional supplemental heat. The sequence reverses when the load is increased. The series terminal is therefore a constant volume, variable temperature unit. (See Fig. 3). Series units should only be used with pressure independent controls. Series fans must be adjusted to match the maximum cooling cfm, to ensure that the primary air does not exceed Series Flow Terminals – (Constant Volume) Introduction means of are an economical Terminal Units Fan Powered zones of heating the perimeter and periodically both cooling a single duct control system. In addition a building utilizing free fan terminals utilize the to inherent VAV economies, and lighting, people and other equipment heat derived from plenum air from the building core ceiling induce this warmer re-circulate it to rooms calling for heating. plenum space and is required, optional supplementary If additional heating activated. The need for a central source heating coils may be of warm air is eliminated. fans night-time operation, the central During weekend or the Heat, if required, may be provided by may be turned off. terminal unit fan itself. popular design for Fan Powered Terminal Units are the most performance benefits office buildings because they provide central system fan HP by reducing first cost, (such as lower cost, the recovery of and smaller ductwork), lower operating air circulation and waste heat, and the capacity for improved diffuser performance. configurations; seriesFan terminals are available in two basic motor assembly and aor parallel flow. Each contains a fan primary air. damper to modulate the primary air stream In a series unit (Fig. 1), the fan sits in occupied. In a parallel and runs constantly when the zone is primary air stream and unit (Fig. 2), the fan sits outside the runs intermittently. central fan HP savings, Although both terminals can provide pressure requirements. each terminal has different inlet static air and primary air, Series fan terminals boost both induced to overcome the so the inlet static pressure only needs w.g. (12 Pa)] with loss across the damper [less than 0.05" require enough static Nailor terminals. Parallel fan terminals the damper, the pressure to overcome the losses across 0.5" — [typically 0.25 downstream ductwork and diffusers with Nailor terminals. 124 Pa)] — w.g. (62 Design Characteristics and Application Characteristics Design FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS UNITS TERMINAL POWERED FAN C

C10 FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS • NoCoronaEffect explained below. of themoreimportantfeaturesPSCmotorsarelistedand specifically forthefanpoweredterminalunitmarket.Some are manufacturedtospecificationsdevelopedbyNailor high efficiency,PSCmotorsasstandard.These with singlespeed,directdrive,fractionalhorsepower, All Nailorfanpoweredterminalunitsarecurrentlyequipped Single SpeedPSCInductionMotors features andbenefits. all Nailorfanpoweredterminalsincorporatethefollowing valve thataredescribedindetailonpageO11thiscatalog, and opposedbladedamperconfigurationoftheprimaryair In additiontotheDiamondFlowmulti-pointaveragingsensor independent controls. on allNailorterminalunitsthatareequippedwithpressure The DiamondFlowmulti-pointaveragingsensorisstandard Common FanTerminalComponents FAN POWEREDTERMINALUNITS WideOperatingRanges • flexibility inthezone. and wideroperatingranges onindividualunitsforgreater that canproduceNC'sof30 and35whenappliedcorrectly selected. Thismeansreal sound levelselections,units and thirdoctavebandsdepending onwhichunitisbeing shedding asmany14to20decibelsinthesecond terminal unitscanrotateaslow350RPMatend, airflows. Typically,themotorsinNailorfanpowered Nailor solvesthisproblemthroughlowRPMfor RPM, regardlessofairflowwillgeneratehighnoise. caused bytipspeedandvibrationwithintheunit.High were stilloperatingatfullairflow.Thisisduetothenoise noise generatedinthefanpoweredterminalunitasif it they increaseRPM.IncreasedRPMputsbackallthe lower theairflows.Manualdampersairflows,but achieved byartificialmeanssuchasmanualdampers to much difference,orbecausethelowendperformanceis this isbecausetherangenotgreatenoughtoallow Low endperformanceisoftenignored.Manytimes, below anyofourcompetitors. better thananyofourcompetitorsandlowendranges This assuresyouofhighendperformanceequaltoor bearings. Theseitemsarecoveredinourspecifications. stator wiresizing,specialcapacitorsizingand lower thanthoseofourcompetitors.Thisrequiresspecial Nailor motorsaredesignedtooperateatrotationalspeeds do notsufferfromthismalady.Allmotorsaresinglespeed. lifetimes areshortened.Nailorfanpoweredterminalunits the windinginsulatingquality.Thisisoftencaseand to thewindingsiftheirpotentialvoltagesaregreaterthan charges arenotdoinganywork,theywillcreatedamage large potentialorstaticchargespresent.Whilethese the unusedspeedtapsinmultiplemotorstohave and generators.Undercertainconditions,thiscauses Motors notonlyprovidepower,butactastransformers PSC FanSpeedControllers • High Efficiency PermanentSplitCapacitorDesign • PermanentlyLubricatedMotors • Compare thattothecompetition. independently certifiedbyEnergistics Laboratory,Houston. units. NoticethatNailorsounddataisAHRIcertified and the correspondinglylowinletstaticpressuresonparallel powered terminalunitsis0.05"w.g.(12Pa).Thennotice Notice thattheminimumstaticrequirementonseries fan covering theconditionsunderwhichdatadoesnotapply. sound datainthiscatalog.Noticethereisnofine print similar airflowsoncompetitiveequipment.Checkout the far quieterthanmostofourcompetitorswhencontrolling between motorsandcasings.Nailorisasquietany and casings, dualdensityinsulationandmultipleisolationpoints noise levelsintheoccupiedspacewithheavygaugemetal In additiontothoseitemslistedabove,Nailorholdsdown Low NoiseLevels–AHRICertified our competitorscanmakeasimilarclaim. high endperformancetolowperformance.Veryfewof motor RPM'sarereduced.Highefficiencyismaintainedfrom Nailor fanpoweredterminalunitslowerwattconsumptionas The matchingofthemotorsandspeedcontrollersallows of soundlevelsandperformanceascataloged. very accuratelowendstops.ThisassuresNailorcustomers operating rangesofthemotors.Highqualitystandardsallow The speedcontrollersarelargelyresponsibleforthe found intheindustry. speed frommaximumtothelowestpresetlowendlimits units. Theyprovidesmoothandinfiniteadjustmentofmotor blower combinationsasusedinNailorfanpoweredterminal They aredesignedtooperatewiththespecificmotorand Nailor designeditsownsolidstatefanspeedcontrollers. operating expenses. Nailor motorspecifications.Higherefficiencymeanslower in themarkettoday.Thistoo,iscontrolledby All NailorPSCmotorshavethehighestefficiencyavailable units. the lowminimumsallowedonNailorfanpoweredterminal provide amplestartingtorque,evenwhenturneddownto PSC motorsasstandard.Thecapacitorsaresizedto All Nailorfanpoweredterminalunitsaresuppliedwith after 50,000hoursofuseundernormalconditions. have atleast50%oftheoriginaloilstillinreservoir conditions. Thespecificationscallfortheoilreservoirsto the unitsareoperatedintypicalambienttemperature with oilers,buttheoilersarenotnecessaryaslong permanently lubricatedmotors.Themotorsareequipped Nailor fanpoweredterminalunitsareequippedwith FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS C C11 versus

Size 3 with PSC motor Size 5 with PSC motor cfm cfm Size 5 with ECM Size 3 with ECM Size 4 with PSC motor Size 2 with PSC motor Watts per cfm for 35S 2 & 3 Watts per cfm for 35S 4 & 5 700 900 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 1700 1500 1300 1100 700 900 150 250 350 450 550 650 750 850 950 1050 950 850 750 650 550 450 350 150 250

0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00

Watts per cfm per Watts Watts per cfm per Watts necessary when tenants change, more similar sized units on the job, decreased spare parts inventory and increased contractor flexibility. The low operating temperature of the ECM motor (essentially ambient) requires very little energy to offset the heat gain from the motor. PSC motors. Figure 1. Power consumption comparison of ECM


® • independent fan operation Pressure • indication of air volume LED for visual • controller Field adjustable fan air volume • capability from Remote fan air volume adjustment BAS Ŗ .CTIGTVWTPFQYPTCVKQUOGCPOQTGƀGZKDKNKV[HQT ECM/EPIC FAN TECHNOLOGY ECM/EPIC Ŗ 5KIPKſECPVGPGTI[UCXKPIU V[RKECN tenant changes tenant motors) compared to PSC • capability air volume Unique factory pre-set Soft starts and slewed speed ramps are programmed into the ECM eliminating stress transmitted to the mounting bracket or hardware. They incorporate ball bearings providing permanent lubrication unlike sleeve bearings requiring a minimum RPM operation for oiling. The wider operating range of the ECM allows much more flexibility in zone applications. This feature alone provides several benefits; a simpler product line to choose from, little or no equipment changes FEATURES AND BENEFITS OF ECM WHAT IS AN ECM? Motor) is an ultra The ECM (Electronically Commutated DC motor utilizing high efficiency programmable brushless AC/DC converter. a permanent magnet motor and a built-in efficient than AC DC motors are significantly more energy The major weakness motors and much easier to control. until now, has been of series fan powered terminal units used single speed their low fan motor efficiency. The widely Split Capacitor) fractional horsepower PSC (Permanent an electronic SCR induction motor in combination with at typical operating speed controller is extremely inefficient the fan motor conditions. Due to acoustical considerations, less than is usually adjusted to operate at considerably may be as high as full load (where PSC motor efficiencies off dramatically when 62%). PSC motor efficiency drops Installed PSC motor turned down; typically by at least half. efficiencies are therefore typically in the range of only 12 – 45%. ECM's in contrast, maintain a high efficiency of 78 – 83% at all speeds. In addition to lower operating costs, ECM / EPIC Fan Technology® allows Nailor to pre-set the fan airflow volume at the factory for constant volume units or modulate the fan across wide ranges as zone loads change. Figure 1. shows the lower watts per cfm translating into lower operating costs as shown on Figure 2, and wider operating ranges of series terminals employing ECM versus PSC induction motors. FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS TERMINAL POWERED FAN Since 1985, equipment manufacturers have used ECM's in manufacturers have used ECM's Since 1985, equipment These motors have residential air conditioners and . of 12 and higher. made it possible to achieve SEER ratings the commercial HVAC Nailor first introduced the ECM to as an option for use market (ASHRAE Journal, April 1997) in series fan powered terminal unit applications. C

C12 FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS for thesize5unitwouldbe700 to1700cfm(330802l/s). about 900cfm(94to425l/s). Thetypicalrangeofoperation The typicalrangeofoperation forthesize3wouldbe200to units withPSCmotorswould showevengreatersavings. A comparisonusingNailorunits withECM'sandacompetitor's those usedbymostofourcompetitors. Nailor fanpoweredterminalunitsandaremoreefficient than Since PSCmotorsusedbyNailorarebuiltspecifically for ECM's comparedtounitswithNailorengineeredPSCmotors The followinggraphsshowtheenergysavingsofunits with ENERGY SAVINGS and theceilingcontractor. the owner,controlscontractor,mechanicalcontractor within +/-5%ofthefactorysetpoint.Thisisahugebenefit to hoods. Laboratorytestsshowthefancfmtobeaccurate removes theuncertaintyofdiffuserflowmeasurementwith powered terminalunitsandrelatedheadaches.Thisalso relieves thebalancerofmosthisworkperzoneonfan never hastogointotheceilingadjustfan.This provided. Theimportanceofthisfeatureisthatthebalancer the BAS.AfanvolumeversusDCvoltscalibrationchartis a 0–10VDCanalogoutputfromdigitalcontrollervia locally attheterminalormoreconveniently,remotelyusing adjustable eithermanuallyusingascrewdriverandvoltmeter This valuecanbepre-setontheassemblyline.Itisfield control devicethatallowsadjustmentofairflowvolume. own customEPICfancontroller.AnelectronicPWMvolume Nailor seriesfanpoweredterminalunitsincorporateour an externalflowsensorfeedbackloop. constant airflowoperationisachievedwithouttheneedfor to systempressurechangesandindependent automatically adjuststhespeedandtorqueinresponse requirement. Theintegralmicroprocessorbasedcontroller doing andthencomparetheworkaccomplishedtocfm motors areprogrammedtocalculatetheworkthey ECM's areDCandinherentlysynchronousmachines.The the jobsite,itwasimpossibletopre-setfancfm.The predict thedownstreamstaticpressureasitwouldexistat without theductwork.Becausethereisnowaytoaccurately will notproducethesamevolumeofairasitdidatfactory required atthejobsiteinactualworkingconditions.Thefan in pre-settingthefanliesestimatingmotorworkload cfm, changeswhenstaticpressurechanges.Thedifficulty machines andsecondtheRPMconsequentlyunit reasons. FirstisthatACmotorsarenotsynchronous for fanpoweredterminalmanufacturerstwomajor Pre-setting thefanairflow(cfm)hasalwaysbeenaproblem HOW DOYOUPRE-SETFANAIRFLOW? pre-set thefanairflowvolumeatfactory. are twoprimarybenefits;energysavingsandtheabilityto powered terminalunit.Inadditiontothesestandardfeatures This translatesintoabout25yearsforatypicalseriesfan expected toprovideanaverage90,000hoursofoperation. These featuresalsoextendthelifeofECM,whichare FAN POWEREDTERMINALUNITS ECM/EPIC FANTECHNOLOGY ® Figure 2.Typicaloperatingcostcomparison. anywhere from6to18months. expenses asshownabove,thepaybackperiodshould be motor. Typically,withthebalancingrebateandoperating and shouldbeconsideredaspartofthepaybackfrom savings onbalancing.Thatshouldberebatedtotheowner pre-set capabilityofthemotor,thereshouldbeanup-front the paybackwillchangeproportionally.Considering longer inyourbuildingorifyoupaymoreforelectricity, operations and$.10perkWh.Ifyouruntheequipment graphs abovearecalculatedassuming66hoursperweek equipment andwhatyouarepayingforelectricity.The you use,wheresetthecfm,howmuchrun The paybackperiodvaries.Itdependsonwhichunit WHAT ISTHEPAYBACKPERIODONECM MOTORS?

Annual Dollars Annual Dollars $100 $150 $200 $100 $150 $200 $250 $300 $50 $50 $0 $0 Size 4&5PSCvs.ECM Size 2&3PSCvs.ECM PSC Motor 700 1000 1900 1300 1600 0 406080 1000 400600800 200 ECM

Motors Motors cfm cfm

FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS C C13 106 868 579 225 189 260 400 550 1180 1156 1080 1100 2500 2450 1840 2500 3370 4510 3125 3725 5265 2950 1590 2128 1475 1758 2485 1392 ≥1.5 ≥374 94 790 472 200 170 236 360 500 311 1085 1057 1081 1000 2300 2240 1675 2290 3075 4120 2850 3400 4800 2700 1451 1944 1345 1604 2265 1274 1.25 Max. Max. Digital Digital Controls Controls 85 967 944 967 900 708 425 180 153 212 325 450 1.0 249 2050 2000 1298 1746 1203 1435 2029 1133 1500 2050 2750 3700 2550 3040 4300 2400 5 12 59 25 21 31 45 65 137 137 137 125 101 290 290 184 245 170 203 288 160 215 290 390 520 360 430 610 340 .02 Min. Min. 85 967 944 967 900 708 425 180 153 212 325 450 1.0 249 2050 2000 1298 1746 1203 1435 2029 1133 1500 2050 2750 3700 2550 3040 4300 2400 Max. Max. Analog Analog 5 The highon pneumatic Airflow Range of the tabulated Total end Diamond Flow represents the controls electronic and analog Sensor's differential pressure reading The high at 1" w.g. (249 Pa). is represented range for digital controls end airflow the indicated by differential pressure. transducer ASHRAE 130 "Performance Rating of Air Terminals" is the method program. The "standard rating condition" of test for the certification size airflow volumes for each terminal unit (certification rating point) per AHRI Standard 880. These air volumes are tabulated below equate to an approximate inlet velocity of 2000 fpm (10.2 m/s). When digital are mounted or other controls Nailor, by but supplied these values are guidelines by others, only, based upon experience controls with the majority of currently available. Controls supplied mounting are configured by others for factory and calibrated in the on pneumatic by and analog controls supplied field. Airflow settings when provided. Nailor are factory preset 12 59 25 21 31 45 65 137 137 137 290 125 101 290 184 245 170 203 288 160 215 290 390 520 360 430 610 340 .02 Min. Min. Transducer Differential Pressure ( Pa ) Transducer Differential Pressure ( w.g.) Electronic Controls Electronic Controls Range of Minimum and Maximum Settings, l/s Range of Minimum and Maximum Settings, Range of Minimum and Maximum Settings, cfm Range of Minimum and Maximum Settings,

85 967 944 425 967 180 153 212 325 450 900 708 1.0 249 2050 2000 1298 1746 1203 1435 2029 1133 1500 2050 2750 3700 2550 3040 4300 2400 Max. Max. Controller Controller 73 30 14 26 38 55 80 168 355 165 350 168 224 302 208 248 354 198 750 420 260 355 475 640 440 525 155 123 .03 7.5 Min. Min. Pneumatic 3000 Pneumatic 3000 71 755 736 330 755 991 991 897 150 118 189 519 700 250 400 1600 1560 1321 1321 1652 3500 1900 1100 1600 2100 2800 2100 2800 Inlet Inlet Velocity Velocity 10.2 m/s 2000 fpm Airflow at Airflow at (nom.), l/s (nom.), cfm

l/s cfm Total Total 0 – 106 0 – 225 0 – 189 0 – 260 0 – 868 0 – 400 0 – 550 0 – 519 0 – 1180 0 – 2500 0 – 1156 0 – 2450 0 – 1475 0 – 1758 0 – 2485 0 – 1392 0 – 1180 0 – 1590 0 – 2128 0 – 5265 0 – 2950 0 – 1840 0 – 2500 0 – 3370 0 – 4510 0 – 3125 0 – 3725 Range, Range, Airflow Airflow 0 – 1100

Flat Flat Oval Oval Rect. Rect. Inlet Inlet Round Round Type Type 4 8 5 6 5 6 8 4 18 16 12 14 16 10 12 14 14 16 18 12 14 16 12 10 Size Size Inlet Inlet 14 x 8 14 x 8 14 x 10 14 x 10 4-7-21 Metric Units, Liters per Second Imperial Units, Cubic Feet per Minute Imperial Units, Cubic The recommended airflow ranges below powered are for fan with pressure independent terminal units presented controls and are and maximum specific minimum for total and controller as ranges upon maintaining ranges are based airflow. Airflow reasonable and controller sound levels using Nailor's Diamond limits Flow measuring Sensor as the airflow device. For a given unit size, the minimum, auxiliary must be within the and the maximum flow setting ensure pressure independent to operation, accuracy range limits and repeatability. are based upon .02" w.g. (5 Pa) differential Minimum airflow limits analog/digital on Sensor Flow Diamond from signal pressure realistic a is pneumatic controllers. This for (7.5) controls and .03" used in the digital low limit for many transducers controls industry. supplier Check your controls for minimum limits. Setting airflow minimums lower, may cause hunting and failure to meet minimum ventilation requirements. Recommended Primary Valve Airflow Ranges For All Fan Powered Terminal Units Terminal Fan Powered For All Ranges Valve Airflow Primary Recommended FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS UNITS TERMINAL POWERED FAN FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS C C105 . ® ‡ ,QGXFHG DLUdisposable type. ÀOWHU   ‡ 3ULPDU\ WKLFN DLU YDOYH HQFORVXUH IRU ÀHOG mounted controls. • Toggle disconnect switch units with Options: • ECM/EPIC Fan Technology electric heat, when disconnect is an electric heat, when disconnect is an electric heat option and includes fan). • Various IAQ linings are available. ‡ )DQDLUÁRZVZLWFKIRUQLJKWVKXWGRZQ cycle Night setback fan/heat • (pneumatic and analog). • Fan unit fusing. brackets. • Hanger • induced air attenuator. Q option Model 35NW UHHVWRWKHSULPDU\DLUÁRZWRSURYLGHRSWLPXPPL[LQJ Controls: EZvav • Nailor Analog electronic and pneumatic • controls. Factory supplied, mounted and calibrated. Digital controls. Factory mounting • and wiring of DDC controls supplied by BAS Controls Contractor. • Hinged door on fan controls door on fan controls Hinged • enclosure. 3/4" (19) dual density insulation. • Exposed edges coated to prevent air erosion. Meets requirements of NFPA 90A and UL 181. • Available with electric or hot water supplementary heat. on Hot water coils are mounted • discharge of 35NW unit with slip and drive duct connection. • on exterior All controls are mounted of terminal providing ready access for ÀHOGDGMXVWPHQW • terminal factory tested prior to Each shipment. Single point electrical and/or • pneumatic main air connection. • Discharge opening on 35N and 35NE GHVLJQHGIRUÁDQJHGGXFWFRQQHFWLRQ primary air valve low voltage Full • NEMA 1 type enclosure for factory mounted DDC and analog electronic controls. provides many standard design features and excellent sound performance when compared with other designs. provides many standard design features Hot Water Heat No Heat Electric Heat E 35N Series Models: 35N 35NW 35N SERIES 35N PARALLEL FLOW PARALLEL VOLUME VARIABLE STANDARD FEATURES: steel 20 ga. (1.0) galvanized • construction. Round laminated 2 x 20 ga. (1.0) • EXWWHUÁ\ SULPDU\toperipheral gasket. 90° rotation, CW DLU GDPSHUclose. 1/2" (13) dia. plated steel drive ZLWK shaft. An indicator mark on the end of the shaft shows damper-position. ofDamper leakage is less than 2% QRPLQDOÁRZDWZJ 3D  • (152) deep inlet minimum 6" Round FROODUVIRUÀHOGGXFWFRQQHFWLRQ ‡ 3UHVVXUHLQGHSHQGHQWSULPDU\DLUÁRZ control (also available in pressure GHSHQGHQWFRQÀJXUDWLRQ  • Multi-point averaging Diamond Flow sensor (pressure independent control only). Access panels on underside of • terminal for ease of maintenance and service. ‡ (QHUJ\HIÀFLHQW36&IDQPRWRUZLWK thermal overload protection. Motor blower assembly mounted • on special 16 ga. (1.61) angles and isolated from casing with rubber isolators. • Adjustable PSC solid state fan speed controller with minimum voltage stop. • Gasketed backdraft damper mounted on fan discharge restricts primary air escaping through the fan section into the ceiling plenum. FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS • 35N SERIES • 35N UNITS TERMINAL POWERED FAN The The 35N offers a compact and economical design that provides excellent performance in the most demanding variable air volume/ design that provides excellent performance in the most demanding variable The 35N offers a compact and economical LQWHUPLWWHQWIDQDSSOLFDWLRQV7KHIDQLVPRXQWHGDWQLQHW\GHJ C106 FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS C Model Series35N•ParallelFlow Dimensions FAN POWEREDTERMINALUNITS•35NSERIES Dimensional Data LH controls(optional),arebuiltasmirrorimage.Inlet,dischargeandcontrolenclosureoppositeofthedrawing. Right handunit,topviewillustrated.ControlsmountedasstandardonRHsideshown.Leftunits/terminalsordered wi 1/8" (3) Nom. -

Primary InletDimensions

Size Unit Unit

Dia =

Inlet Size Dim. A Dim. Size Inlet





16 10 (254) 10 16

14 9 (229) 9 14




6 5 (127) 5 6

(203,254, 305, 356)

(152,203, 254, 305)

(305,356, 406)

(254,305, 356)

8,10, 12, 14

6,8, 10, 12 12,14, 16

[14" (356)SIZE2] 10,12, 14 ENCLOSURE


Inlet Inlet Size 17" (432) FAN H


8 (203) 8

7 (178) 7

6 (152) 6

50 3/4 50

45 5/8 45

38 1/4 38

34 3/4 34



(972) (883)

W HLJ L WH 5 3/4" 1 1/2"(38)









16" (406)INLETS

28 9/16 28 27 9/16 27

1 1/2"(38) 34 1/2 34




(725) (700)

8" (203)FOR 36 A 14" (356)& 6" (152). C


1 1/4 1

1 1/2 1/2 1

1 1/2 1/2 1





1 1

25 9/16 x 14 3/4 14 x 9/16 25 24 9/16 x 10 3/4 10 x 9/16 24 ENCLOSURE

CONTROLS 31 1/2 x 14 3/4 14 x 1/2 31

14" (356)

Induced Air Induced

33 x 16 3/4 16 x 33

(838 x 426) x (838

(800 x 375) x (800

(649 x 375) x (649

(624 x 273) x (624




28 x 17 1/2 17 x 28

(711 x 445) x (711

(610 x 381) x (610

(406 x 381) x (406

(406 x 305) x (406

DW x DH x DW

24 x 15 15 x 24

16 x 15 15 x 16

16 x 12 12 x 16



(889 x 483) x (889

(838 x 432) x (838

(686 x 432) x (686 (660 x 330) x (660

2" (51)

35 x 19 x 35

33 x 17 x 33

27 x 17 x 27 26 x 13 x 26 IH

+ Filter






F x G

Outlet Duct Size

16 x 15 (406 x 381) 38 1/4 (972) 18 (457) 28 9/16 (725) 1 1/2 (38) 24 x 15 (610 x 381) 45 5/8 (1159) 18 (457) 34 1/2 (876) 1 1/2 (38) 11"

16 x 12 1/2 (406 x 318) 34 3/4 (883) 14 (356) 27 9/16 (700) 3/4 (19)

28 x 17 1/2 (737 x 445) 50 3/4 (1289) 20 (508) 36 (914) 1 1/4 (32) (280)

Outlet Duct Size

17 x 12 (432 x 305) 24 5/8 (626) 14 (356) 15 7/8 (403) 12 1/2 (318) 17 x 16 (432 x 406) 24 5/8 (626) 18 (457) 19 3/8 (492) 15 1/4 (387) 25 x 16 (635 x 406) 32 5/8 (829) 18 (457) 18 3/4 (476) 15 1/4 (387) 29 x 18 (737 x 457) 36 5/8 (930) 20 (508) 19 7/8 (505) 15 1/4 (387) ENCLOSURE LOW VOLTAGE W

2 3 5 6



2 3 5 6


Size W solder. coil cleaning. connection. control. 600V (dual point connection). side as shown. Terminals ordered with LH controls (optional) are built as mirror image. assembly. terminal unit (except 600V/3 ph., which comes with 120V/1 ph. motor). per element). • Toggle disconnect switch (includes fan). • SCR control. • SCR • SCR control with discharge temperature • contactors per stage. Magnetic • A 80/20 Ni/Cr wire. Class Standard Supply Voltage (60 Hz): • 277V. Single phase: 120, 208, 240 & • wye) and Three phase: 208, 480 (4 wire • Controls mounted as standard on RH • ‡ 3RVLWLYHSUHVVXUHDLUÁRZVZLWFK • Flanged outlet duct connection. • is ETL Listed as an Terminal unit with coil Options: • for entire Single point electrical connection Standard Features: • Coil installed on unit discharge. • Insulated coil element wrapper. • Automatic reset high limit cut-outs (one Electric Coil Section Model 35NE 7/8" (22); O.D. male solder. All others: • Bottom access panel for inspection and slip and drive Discharge opening for • Model 35NW Model 35NW two or three row. Coil Available in one, unit discharge. Right section installed on looking in direction hand coil connection RI DLUÁRZ VWDQGDUG are inverted / built is optional (terminals  VKRZQ  /HIW Connections must be as mirror image). KDQG as controls enclosure selected same hand location. Standard Features: • discharge. Coil is mounted on unit • 1/2" (13) copper tubes. ‡ $OXPLQXPULSSOHÀQV Connections: • Sweat Size 2 and 3: 1 Row 1/2" (13); O.D. male Model Series 35N • Parallel Flow 35N • Parallel Model Series Coil Section Hot Water Dimensions FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS • 35N SERIES • 35N UNITS TERMINAL POWERED FAN • Door interlock disconnect switch. contactors. • Mercury • Power circuit fusing. • Dust tight construction. • reset secondary thermal cut out. Manual C108 FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS C 35N Series•ParallelFlow PSC MotorFanCurves–Airflowvs.DownstreamStaticPressure Performance Data FAN POWEREDTERMINALUNITS•35NSERIES

Electrical Data AIRFLOW FLA =Fullload amperage AIRFLOW Size Unit 142 189 236 283 330 378 425 189 236 283 330 378 425 472 519 566 614 661 708 755 802 850 897 944 991 l/s l/s CFM 47 94 2 6 5 3 0 CFM 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 400 500 600 700 800 900 0 Motor 0 5 0 5 0 125 100 75 50 25 DISCHARGE 0 STATIC 0.2 0.0 0.1 PRESSURE 0 5 0 5 0 125 100 75 50 25 DISCHARGE 0 STATIC 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 PRESSURE H.P. /02814141.2 1.4 1.4 2.8 1/10 / . . . 3.7 3.5 1.7 3.8 4.1 2.0 3.8 4.1 2.0 8.4 9.9 3/4 4.7 1/2 1/4 2//02816 4//0277/1/60 240/1/60 208/1/60 120/1/60 ELECTRIC HEAT HW COIL 2 ROW Unit Size2 2 ROWHWCOIL Unit Size5 MAXIMUM PSC MOTORFLA MINIMUM MINIMUM MAXIMUM ELECTRIC HEATOR 1 ROWH.W.COIL NO HEAT, OR 1ROW H.W. COIL NO HEAT, Pa "w.g. Pa "w.g.

motors. 208, 240and277volt,single phasePSC Fancurvesshownareapplicableto 120, • AIRFLOW AIRFLOW 1038 1086 1133 378 425 472 519 566 614 661 708 755 802 850 897 944 991 142 189 236 283 330 378 425 472 519 566 614 661 l/s CFM l/s CFM 94 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 800 900 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 DISCHARGE STATIC 0.0 0.10.2 0.3 0.4 PRESSURE 0.5 0 5 0 5 0 125 100 75 50 25 0 0 5 0 5 0 125 100 75 50 25 DISCHARGE 0 STATIC 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.0 0.10.2 PRESSURE ELECTRIC HEAT 2 ROWHWCOIL Unit Size6 Unit Size3 MINIMUM MAXIMUM MAXIMUM MINIMUM ELECTRIC HEATOR 1 ROWH.W.COIL OR 1&2ROW NO HEAT, H.W. COIL NO HEAT, "w.g. Pa "w.g. Pa FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS C C109 AC/DC a built-in "w.g. Pa "w.g. Pa 1 OR 2 ROW H.W. COIL 1 OR 2 ROW H.W. COIL horizontal performance line at any point within shaded area using the solid state volume controller provided. 120/240, 208 and 277 volt, single phase ECM's. ECM's, although DC in operation, include converter. • Airflow can be set to operate on Airflow • • Fan curves shown are applicable to MINIMUM MINIMUM MAXIMUM MAXIMUM Unit Size 6 DISCHARGE STATIC PRESSURE 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 STATIC 0 DISCHARGE 25 50 75 100 125 DISCHARGE STATIC PRESSURE 0.5 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.1 0.2 STATIC 0 DISCHARGE 25 50 75 100 125 0 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 800 600 400 1100 1000 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 0 94 47

944 849 755 661 566 472 378 283 189 519 472 425 378 330 283 236 189 142 l/s CFM l/s CFM


AIRFLOW AIRFLOW "w.g. Pa "w.g. Pa and constant volume in operation and constant volume in operation at factory or field set point within the shaded area. Airflow does not vary with changing static pressure conditions. The motor compensates for any changes in external static pressure or induced air conditions such as filter loading. • The ECM is pressure independent • NOTES: 1 OR 2 ROW H.W. COIL 1 OR 2 ROW H.W. COIL MINIMUM MAXIMUM MINIMUM MAXIMUM Unit Size 5 Unit Size 2 Unit Size Size 3 Unit

6.8 6.8 6.1 7.9 7.9 6.7

3.9 2.2 2.2 1.8 6.9 3.9 3.9 3.5 DISCHARGE STATIC PRESSURE STATIC DISCHARGE 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 25 50 75 100 125 DISCHARGE STATIC PRESSURE 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 STATIC 0 DISCHARGE 25 50 75 100 125

11.9 13.7 50 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 900 800 700 600 500 400

EPIC ECM Motor FLA 1800 1700 1600 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 94 71 47 24

260 236 212 189 165 142 118 l/s CFM

849 802 755 708 661 614 566 519 472 425 378 330 283 236 189

l/s CFM


Motor HP 120V 208V 240V 277V Refer to Selectworks Schedule for actual power

2 3 5 6 The ECM is a variable horsepower motor.


Size FLA = Full load amperage. All motors are single phase/60 Hz. consumption. * Electrical Data ECM Motor Fan Curves – Airflow vs. Downstream Static Pressure Downstream – Airflow vs. Fan Curves ECM Motor Flow • Parallel 35N Series Performance Data Performance FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS • 35N SERIES • 35N UNITS TERMINAL POWERED FAN C110 FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS C For performance tablenotes,seepageC132. Fiberglass Liner /QFGN5GTKGU0Ŗ2CTCNNGN(NQYŖ2TKOCT[#KTŖ%QQNKPI% Performance Data•NCLevelApplicationGuide FAN POWEREDTERMINALUNITS•35NSERIES Size Unit 3 2 614 512 Inlet Size 10 12 12 10 16 14 12 10 14 6 8 8

009402 2--2 03 02 335 33 29 20 - 33 30 25 - - 52 0.21 944 2000 105901 0--2 13 62 436 34 29 26 - 35 31 25 - - 40 0.16 519 1100 607501 2--2 92 83 30 30 28 - - 29 29 23 - - 32 0.13 755 1600 205600 7--2 42 02 429 24 21 20 - 24 24 20 - - 17 0.07 566 1200 009403 5--2 13 32 336 33 29 23 - 36 31 37 28 34 - 29 - 85 24 0.34 944 21 2000 36 33 25 - - 99 0.40 649 1375 6513 .25 32 43 83 94 41 40 39 35 28 37 34 29 23 - 55 0.22 1239 2625 607502 5--2 13 53 35 33 25 - - 34 31 36 24 33 - 26 - 20 55 0.22 755 - 1600 33 30 24 - - 60 0.24 519 1100 557300 7--2 03 63 334 38 33 36 30 35 26 31 - 22 30 35 30 31 24 26 - - - - 17 35 0.07 0.14 743 991 1575 2100 205601 0--2 82 52 33 29 25 - - 29 28 23 - - 30 0.12 566 1200 7019 .64 32 9-2 52 31 29 35 29 28 31 25 25 30 23 22 26 - - 25 29 28 34 29 25 30 23 20 28 - 25 - - 25 40 - 62 0.16 1298 7 0.25 2750 1616 0.03 3425 495 1050 009700 0--2 52 32 28 26 23 - - 26 25 20 - - 20 0.08 967 2050 109102 2--2 03 02 134 31 37 28 33 20 30 - 23 22 33 36 30 33 25 28 - 21 - 21 62 0.25 97 991 0.39 2100 1239 2625 607503 5--2 13 62 83 34 37 31 35 28 35 29 32 26 32 34 36 31 33 25 25 - - - - 75 112 0.30 0.45 755 944 1600 2000 356900 0---2 6-2 02 24 22 20 22 - 26 23 - - - 10 0.04 649 1375 557301 5--2 62 22 32 29 22 - - 29 26 21 - - 35 0.14 743 1575 205601 5--2 83 42 32 29 24 - - 30 28 24 - - 45 0.18 566 1200 004500 5---2 3--2 629 26 21 - - 23 22 - - - 15 0.06 495 1050 356902 5--2 13 22 335 33 26 22 - 35 31 28 - - 65 0.26 649 1375 105901 2--2 93 42 134 31 26 24 - 31 29 24 - - 42 0.17 519 1100 35649 1375 009402 0--2 33 32 53 39 36 35 26 23 35 33 26 - - 60 0.24 944 2000 205600 0--2 62 32 033 30 26 23 - 26 26 21 - - 20 0.08 566 1200 607501 7--2 03 02 13 36 34 31 26 20 33 30 25 - - 37 0.15 755 1600 6513 .07 53 32 22 134 31 28 22 20 33 30 25 - - 75 0.30 1239 2625 109101 7--2 62 52 31 28 25 - - 28 26 23 - - 47 0.19 991 2100 557301 5---2 4--2 528 25 22 - - 24 23 - - - 25 0.10 743 1575 00495 1050 cfm l/s 0 8 .53 43 32 43 334 38 33 35 30 32 24 25 20 22 33 36 30 31 24 24 - - - - 37 122 0.15 0.49 189 236 400 500 2 4 .12---2 28 20 - - - 2 0.01 248 525 0 4 .84 52 3-2 63 32 30 26 23 - 33 29 25 - - 45 0.18 142 300 7 1 .07 53 6--2 135 31 29 - - 36 30 25 - - 75 0.30 413 875 0 400 0--2 52 02 830 28 23 20 - 26 25 23 - - - 5 20 0.02 0.08 47 94 100 200 0 3 .05 43 3--2 234 32 26 - - 33 31 24 - - 50 0.20 330 700 2 8 .92 32 1-2 63 32 30 26 22 - 31 29 23 - - 22 0.09 389 825 2 4 .12 32 3--2 032 30 23 - - 33 29 23 - - 27 0.11 248 525 5 6 .41 02 9--2 629 26 22 - - 29 25 20 - - 10 0.04 260 550 0 7 .41 12 124 21 - - - 22 21 - - - 10 0.04 378 800 7 3 .12----2 12 23 22 21 - - 22 - - 31 26 - 20 - 2 - 0.01 130 - 275 26 24 20 - - 12 0.05 165 350 0 8 .12----28 - - - - 2 0.01 189 400 7 300 7--2 628 26 22 - - 27 - - - - 2 0.01 83 175 2 8 .53 12 0--2 034 30 25 - - 30 26 21 - - 37 0.15 389 825 2 4 .12---2 5--2 224 22 20 - - 25 22 - - - 2 0.01 248 525 0 7 .51 22 12 26 24 21 - - 21 22 - - - 12 0.05 378 800 5 6 .61 02 3--2 630 26 23 - - 23 21 20 - - 15 0.06 260 550 0 8 .12---2 9---2 23 20 - - - 29 20 - - - 2 0.01 189 400 7 3 .25----2 02 26 24 20 - - 28 - - - - 5 0.02 130 275 0 3 .12---2 26 22 - - - 2 0.01 330 700 0 7 .82 42 02 25 22 20 - - 24 24 - - - 20 0.08 378 800 2 4 .25---2 8---2 24 23 - - - 28 20 - - - 5 0.02 248 525 0 8 .25----2 124 36 21 33 - 30 - 21 - 20 27 34 - 31 26 - - - - - 60 5 0.24 0.02 413 189 875 400 0 3 .53 43 1-2 83 34 33 28 20 - 31 30 24 - - 37 0.15 330 700 2 8 .12 12 9--2 629 26 23 - - 29 26 21 - - 27 0.11 389 825 2 4 .82 32 0--2 630 26 22 - - 30 26 23 - - 20 0.08 248 525 5 6 .41 02 8---2 26 25 - - - 28 24 20 - - 10 0.04 260 550 5 6 .41 42 328 23 - - - 23 24 - - - 10 0.04 165 350 7 3 .12----28 - - - - 2 0.01 130 275 7 300 6---2 23 20 - - - 26 - - - - 2 0.01 83 175 0 8 .12----2 12 23 28 23 25 21 22 - 20 - - 21 24 - 21 ------2 7 0.01 0.03 189 378 400 800 Airflow

"w.g. Ps .41 12 225 22 - - - 22 21 - - - 10 0.04 .56 83 72 03 639 36 33 30 26 37 34 28 - - 62 0.25 Min. Inlet ' Ps Min. ' Ps 0.5" w.g. (125 Pa) ------222629 1.0" w.g. ICAG RADIATED DISCHARGE (250 Pa) 1.5" w.g. (375 Pa) NC Levels@Inletpressure( 2.0" w.g. (500 Pa) Min. ' Ps ----23 ----20 ----21 ----21 ţ 0.5" w.g. (125 Pa) Ps) shown 1.0" w.g. (250 Pa) [ENG 1.5" w.g. (375 Pa) 2.0" w.g. (500 Pa) FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS C C111 Ps ' 61 61 66 60 59 64 76 75 69 61 63 68 73 73 68 59 59 63 74 75 68 60 61 65 72 72 67 58 56 60 Ps) shown Ps (500Pa) 2.0" w.g. ' ' [ENG 75 72 66 59 61 65 71 71 65 56 57 60 71 72 65 57 59 62 72 70 63 56 54 57 Ps (375Pa) 1.5" w.g. ' 58 54 53 55 73 71 62 56 56 59 75 72 65 56 57 61 LQGLFDWHHPEHGGHG$+5,FHUWLÀFDWLRQSRLQWV Ps (249Pa) 1.0" w.g. ' numbers 27 54 49 46 44 46 41 60 57 55 51 54 54 61 61 59 55 57 59 63 63 62 57 57 62 - - 56 51 47 42 44 41 60 61 57 49 54 55 61 63 59 51 56 58 63 63 61 53 55 57 Ps (125Pa) 0.5" w.g. ' C114; highlighted

-----505348444038535756504443525660544747525761575050 -----524844404138545452464747555656495051555759595963 -----515147424238535655464747555861505152556063626165 -----555246434239555954474847565760505351585964 -----514946404140535453454848555857505254566060 Ps Minimum ' Min. inlet 100% Primarypressure ( Air – Sound Power Octave Bands @ Inlet Airflow 525 248 0.01 2 - 41 42 39 34 28 51 50 48 46 47 44 57 56 53 51 53 53 57 59 57 54 56 58 59 61 60 56 58 61 500 236 0.45 133 61 57 52 49 46 47 62 58 53 50 47 48 69 65 59 55 52 54 72 71 64 58 55 58 74 75 69 60 57 61 700 330 0.01 2 - - 27 23 - - 50 48 46 44 45 42 52 53 52 49 52 52 56 57 57 54 55 58 56 59 59 57 57 62 800 378 0.04 10 - 35 31 28 22 - 55 51 48 44 45 42 57 58 56 49 52 44 60 60 59 52 55 57 62 62 62 54 55 58 800 378 0.04 10 - - 42 40 34 29 57 53 49 45 45 44 61 60 56 49 51 53 64 62 60 53 54 57 67 64 62 55 57 60 825 389 0.10 25 53 47 44 42 37 31 62 57 52 48 49 47 67 65 58 52 55 56 69 70 63 55 58 61 71 72 66 58 60 64 525 248 0.08 20 - 41 36 35 31 27 62 57 49 46 46 45 66 64 56 50 52 53 68 67 60 53 54 57 68 70 63 54 56 58 300 142 0.17 42 52 46 43 40 34 30 61 57 50 47 44 43 66 65 57 51 50 51 67 68 62 55 53 56 69 71 66 57 55 59 400 189 0.01 2 - 35 29 20 - - 49 49 46 41 45 42 52 55 53 47 50 51 56 58 57 50 54 56 54 58 57 62 62 66 400 189 0.15 37 57 52 48 45 41 40 61 56 51 48 45 44 67 65 58 53 50 52 400 189 0.01 2 - 33 28 23 - - 48 47 46 41 43 40 51 52 53 47 49 19 54 56 57 51 53 54 55 57 59 60 60 64 550 260 0.04 11 - 42 42 39 33 27 58 54 49 45 47 45 63 62 56 50 53 54 64 66 61 54 57 59 65 69 65 56 59 62 350 165 0.04 10 - - 28 25 - - 57 52 44 42 43 41 62 61 53 47 50 51 64 65 58 51 53 56 64 64 61 53 52 53 825 389 0.15 37 51 46 43 39 36 32 60 57 53 46 47 45 65 64 59 50 52 53 68 68 65 54 56 42 68 71 68 54 56 59 200100 94 47 0.08 0.01 19 - 3 42 37 - 30 20 - 59 56 49 45 43 43 62 63 56 50 49 50 63 65 60 54 52 54 63 66 64 57 54 57 875 413 0.30 75 56 54 50 48 45 45 62 60 54 52 49 49 71 67 61 57 53 55 77 71 65 59 56 60 79 76 69 57 57 61 400 189 0.01 2 - - 41 38 31 25 - 48 47 43 42 42 - 54 53 47 48 50 54 56 56 51 52 54 57 59 58 54 54 57 275 130 0.01 2 - 39 40 35 26 18 53 53 49 44 45 44 55 58 56 49 51 52 57 60 58 53 55 56 58 62 60 55 57 59 550 260 0.06 15 - 38 34 29 23 - 56 53 48 43 43 40 60 62 57 48 51 51 63 63 62 52 54 57 62 64 64 53 53 56 700 330 0.20 50 55 51 45 44 40 38 65 60 53 50 48 48 70 66 59 54 52 54 74 72 65 56 56 59 75 73 67 56 57 60 525 248 0.02 5 - - 24 - - - 49 49 45 42 44 42 54 57 53 48 51 52 55 59 57 51 53 56 58 62 61 59 60 64 800 378 0.05 12 - 36 31 24 275 130 0.02 5 - 525 248 0.11 27 - 44 38 38 32 29 61 57 49 46 45 43 67 64 57 50 51 52 71 69 64 54 55 57 71 72 66 54 56 58 525 248 0.01 2 - - 23 - - - 48 46 44 40 41 40 53 55 53 48 50 52 55 56 56 51 52 56 56 58 58 60 61 64 175 83 0.01 2 - 350 165 0.05 12 - 38 31 29 20 - 58 54 47 44 43 41 62 62 55 48 50 50 64 65 60 52 54 55 64 67 64 54 54 55 800 378 0.08 20 50 39 34 31 26 - 57 53 49 44 45 42 61 61 56 49 51 51 63 66 62 53 55 57 66 66 64 54 53 55 825 389 0.11 27 50 43 42 36 34 29 61 56 52 45 47 46 66 64 58 50 53 54 67 68 62 53 56 59 69 70 66 54 57 61 175 83 0.01 2 - 400 189 0.02 5 49 35 29 23 - - 52 50 46 42 42 38 54 57 56 48 48 48 56 59 59 51 51 51 57 60 62 59 58 63 550 260 0.04 10 - 37 32 27 - - 58 53 48 43 45 43 63 62 57 49 52 53 63 65 61 51 54 57 66 68 65 53 54 57 275 130 0.01 2 - 875 413 0.24 60 59 55 50 48 46 46 64 59 53 52 49 50 72 68 61 57 55 57 76 72 64 59 57 61 75 74 66 59 58 62 700 330 0.15 37 55 50 44 44 41 39 67 58 52 51 49 49 70 66 cfml/s"w.g.Pa234567234567234567234567234567 1200 566 0.07 17 49 44 41 36 34 30 60 55 51 46 48 45 63 63 58 51 54 55 65 66 62 54 57 59 66 65 64 55 57 60 1575 7431050 495 0.09 0.03 21 55 48 9 46 44 40 - 33 43 64 42 58 40 53 34 49 28 52 60 49 55 69 50 66 47 59 49 54 46 57 63 58 61 71 57 71 52 64 56 57 56 60 65 63 65 71 61 71 56 66 59 60 61 62 67 66 67 64 59 61 64 1200 566 0.10 24 52 46 45 42 37 32 62 56 52 46 47 47 67 64 58 51 53 54 68 68 63 54 56 59 70 68 66 57 58 62 3425 16162750 0.25 12982050 0.16 62 9671375 72 40 67 649 0.08 63 67 60 61 0.04 20 57 57 55 53 60 73 10 51 54 67 47 48 64 52 67 44 60 42 62 42 58 36 58 37 57 33 54 62 73 30 54 58 69 52 54 65 70 50 61 65 50 60 61 48 60 57 65 75 58 62 71 58 58 67 72 53 62 70 56 62 65 56 64 60 66 76 60 65 74 63 62 70 72 57 61 70 59 62 67 61 65 59 69 60 66 64 64 58 59 62 2000 9441600 755 0.28 0.15 71 63 37 58 56 59 51 53 50 51 50 47 67 45 61 43 58 65 53 59 52 55 53 49 71 50 68 50 63 70 56 67 56 61 58 53 74 54 73 56 67 58 59 62 76 75 70 60 61 64 1375 6491100 519 0.40 0.24 99 60 60 58 55 56 50 52 50 50 49 45 62 44 61 41 57 61 51 59 51 56 51 49 69 49 67 48 64 68 55 66 55 62 57 53 75 54 73 55 69 72 59 71 58 67 62 57 76 57 76 61 71 73 59 73 58 67 63 57 58 62 2625 12392100 0.39 9911575 97 743 0.251050 66 64 495 0.14 62 60 55 62 0.06 35 52 59 50 54 55 67 15 49 52 64 47 45 61 48 43 40 55 41 64 36 54 34 61 30 53 29 56 60 72 22 51 56 69 52 51 - 64 50 47 58 69 56 49 58 67 52 46 60 61 47 66 74 55 44 64 73 57 47 58 66 58 44 52 60 70 60 55 60 71 60 56 63 64 56 68 75 57 49 68 76 59 53 62 70 62 54 55 59 73 62 58 61 73 64 60 65 68 60 69 57 52 70 60 56 65 63 58 56 64 58 65 61 63 54 56 59 2625 12392100 0.27 991 67 0.14 64 59 35 56 53 55 53 48 51 46 70 44 65 40 60 33 56 67 56 61 56 56 76 52 70 54 64 53 58 73 60 68 62 62 78 56 74 59 68 60 61 62 66 78 77 70 63 64 69 2000 9441600 755 0.341200 566 0.22 85 62 0.12 55 59 58 57 30 51 53 50 52 50 50 45 46 64 44 43 62 41 37 59 62 34 52 60 28 52 56 59 53 49 56 70 51 52 69 50 45 64 68 48 55 66 46 57 61 66 59 53 65 73 56 59 72 57 51 67 71 55 58 72 56 59 65 67 63 56 69 75 59 63 76 62 54 70 72 58 59 74 60 60 69 68 65 57 70 59 66 64 54 57 61 2625 12392100 0.30 9911575 75 743 0.191050 63 59 495 0.10 47 56 51 58 0.04 25 49 52 50 50 51 65 10 45 45 61 43 42 58 41 37 53 - 63 34 52 58 36 30 52 55 31 58 71 49 27 52 67 50 20 49 62 51 45 56 - 68 46 56 65 44 59 53 58 64 51 71 54 61 71 48 55 58 66 43 57 51 58 45 69 53 44 59 68 55 63 60 64 65 57 73 57 64 73 55 58 62 69 49 62 55 59 51 71 56 53 59 69 59 63 61 66 68 60 58 66 58 58 64 52 62 56 54 56 57 60 63 62 61 53 54 58 1375 6491100 519 0.35 0.16 75 66 40 59 53 60 50 53 50 48 49 45 67 44 61 41 57 64 52 59 53 54 53 50 71 50 69 50 63 69 57 67 57 60 59 54 74 56 74 57 67 59 60 64 76 77 70 61 62 66 2000 9441600 755 0.451200 112 566 0.30 62 59 0.18 75 55 52 57 45 50 54 51 49 51 62 46 45 59 44 42 55 43 38 52 61 35 50 59 30 51 55 61 68 50 57 67 50 53 63 49 47 57 69 46 56 67 46 58 62 67 74 54 66 73 55 60 67 57 52 59 72 54 59 72 55 62 66 68 76 58 69 76 58 64 71 61 55 60 73 57 60 74 60 64 69 69 58 71 58 67 63 56 56 59 1375 6491100 519 0.26 0.17 65 59 42 55 55 53 50 49 49 48 49 43 65 41 61 39 59 62 52 58 52 55 53 48 71 49 69 49 64 69 56 66 56 61 59 52 73 54 72 56 66 71 57 70 58 65 61 56 72 57 75 61 70 72 57 72 59 68 63 56 58 62 2000 9441600 755 0.21 0.13 52 62 32 56 54 56 49 50 49 49 47 43 64 43 61 39 59 62 52 59 53 56 52 49 69 51 67 50 62 66 55 65 56 60 57 53 71 55 71 56 66 69 58 70 59 65 61 56 72 59 73 61 69 70 58 70 60 67 63 56 58 61

6 8 8 16 12 10 14 14 12 14 10 12 10 12 Size Inlet 2 5 6 3 Unit Size For performance table notes, see page /QFGN5GTKGU0Ŗ2CTCNNGN(NQYŖ2TKOCT[#KTŖ%QQNKPI% Liner Fiberglass Performance Data • Discharge Sound Power Levels Sound Power • Discharge Data Performance FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS • 35N SERIES • 35N UNITS TERMINAL POWERED FAN C112 FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS C For performance tablenotes,seepageC114. Fiberglass Liner /QFGN5GTKGU0Ŗ2CTCNNGN(NQYŖ2TKOCT[#KTŖ%QQNKPI% Performance Data•RadiatedSoundPowerLevels FAN POWEREDTERMINALUNITS•35NSERIES Size Unit 3 6 5 2 Inlet Size 10 12 14 12 14 16 14 12 10 10 12 8 6 8

009402 25 74 93 45 14 14 76 95 44 36 25 74 66 45 84 49 47 48 56 64 65 46 46 47 55 62 64 43 43 51 44 58 44 62 51 34 59 37 62 37 37 43 40 49 41 56 46 28 51 32 58 34 34 39 38 42 39 50 44 47 32 54 52 0.13 0.21 755 1600 944 2000 105901 24 03 63 95 45 33 76 75 24 26 15 44 76 35 64 49 46 46 49 57 47 63 48 63 58 47 64 44 63 44 48 54 45 61 46 61 55 42 62 42 65 42 43 50 43 57 44 60 51 37 57 39 62 43 40 50 41 54 42 59 48 29 52 34 55 36 34 39 38 40 39 45 42 43 42 49 65 0.17 0.26 519 1100 649 1375 205601 04 73 72 24 33 73 65 94 24 85 44 54 96 84 748 47 47 58 61 59 45 45 44 54 59 58 41 42 41 49 56 56 33 37 37 43 48 52 - 21 27 33 37 42 30 0.12 566 1200 004500 0-3 4---4 43 23 15 84 73 95 24 14 45 45 44 47 45 44 51 54 56 48 44 46 43 46 41 53 48 57 52 60 54 45 39 43 39 43 37 51 44 55 48 58 51 42 31 41 33 40 32 48 38 53 44 56 49 33 35 - 34 41 - 47 52 - - 24 38 23 27 - 33 39 10 45 25 0.04 0.10 495 1050 743 1575 205601 55 84 52 54 43 22 95 04 93 05 44 34 26 74 445 44 45 57 60 62 42 43 43 54 58 60 35 39 40 50 54 59 26 32 34 44 49 55 - 27 35 45 48 52 45 0.18 566 1200 607502 54 44 53 75 94 83 25 65 34 26 25 74 86 45 84 49 48 48 51 59 50 64 50 63 60 48 65 47 65 47 48 56 48 62 48 62 57 42 62 44 64 43 44 51 44 56 45 59 54 32 58 36 60 38 38 44 40 49 43 51 49 27 53 32 54 35 34 41 38 44 40 48 45 49 55 53 85 0.22 0.34 755 1600 944 2000 109101 75 44 43 85 94 83 55 65 24 16 85 54 66 95 74 48 46 47 50 56 48 59 49 63 58 46 63 45 65 45 47 53 46 58 47 61 55 41 61 41 63 42 44 50 44 56 45 59 52 35 58 37 62 38 38 45 39 49 42 55 48 28 52 32 57 34 36 40 38 44 40 50 46 47 49 55 0.19 75 991 0.30 2100 1239 2625 607503 55 55 33 06 75 33 16 85 34 86 15 64 36 35 94 46 47 49 47 59 47 63 50 66 61 43 66 44 69 46 44 56 45 61 49 65 60 38 64 41 69 43 40 53 43 58 49 64 60 31 63 36 68 43 38 54 42 57 49 60 57 30 59 35 62 43 38 52 42 55 49 59 57 75 59 62 0.30 112 0.45 755 1600 944 2000 6513 .76 45 14 33 06 64 64 36 05 94 46 35 05 56 45 152 51 55 64 69 75 50 50 54 63 45 68 47 74 50 48 57 49 62 52 70 60 40 65 44 73 47 43 53 46 58 49 67 56 34 61 39 70 43 38 48 43 52 46 59 51 35 56 64 0.14 67 991 0.27 2100 1238 2625 004500 5--2 94 93 43 25 73 04 55 24 44 75 44 648 46 45 54 55 57 45 47 44 48 43 47 52 57 54 59 55 61 40 46 40 45 39 44 47 54 51 58 52 60 30 40 34 41 33 40 39 48 43 53 49 56 - 31 35 35 - 42 46 - 52 22 - - 22 28 - 35 40 15 46 35 0.06 0.14 495 1050 743 1575 356903 56 14 23 26 85 64 76 25 94 07 56 14 47 86 24 46 47 52 62 68 71 44 45 51 60 37 65 41 70 46 40 54 43 59 49 65 57 32 62 38 68 44 37 50 41 54 46 63 53 24 58 33 66 39 32 45 37 47 42 57 48 51 40 63 75 0.16 0.35 519 1100 649 1375 109102 25 64 63 75 04 83 36 85 34 36 15 64 76 25 84 50 48 48 51 59 49 62 51 64 61 47 66 46 66 46 48 56 47 61 48 62 57 43 62 43 64 43 44 52 44 58 46 60 55 33 59 37 63 38 36 46 39 50 44 54 49 27 52 32 55 36 34 43 38 46 42 51 48 62 51 55 0.25 97 991 0.39 2100 1239 2625 356900 04 52 65 84 73 34 63 24 65 84 44 75 04 748 47 45 50 53 50 57 48 45 46 44 53 42 57 48 62 51 46 56 46 41 44 42 52 39 55 46 60 49 42 53 43 32 41 37 49 41 53 48 58 50 33 56 37 36 - 42 47 - 55 - - 29 26 35 30 44 37 41 10 51 20 0.04 0.08 649 1375 967 2050 004500 64 13 05 24 23 46 45 34 26 65 54 66 95 74 48 48 47 54 59 50 64 49 46 50 46 58 45 63 52 69 56 47 64 47 42 48 43 57 43 62 50 68 54 43 62 45 34 46 39 54 42 59 48 66 52 37 59 42 30 45 36 51 41 55 45 63 46 32 37 - 42 45 48 9 54 21 0.03 47 47 48 0.09 495 56 1050 60 743 68 44 1575 44 46 54 59 66 41 42 43 51 57 63 36 39 42 48 52 60 31 36 41 44 46 53 24 0.10 566 1200 205600 74 83 92 75 63 43 75 63 13 95 04 34 25 44 647 46 45 54 57 62 43 43 42 50 55 59 39 41 39 46 53 57 31 34 38 46 50 57 - 26 29 34 38 49 17 0.07 566 1200 7019 .64 64 53 43 05 74 03 25 04 44 35 44 74 46 64 850 48 48 52 56 48 60 51 64 58 48 64 47 67 47 49 54 49 59 49 63 56 43 61 44 66 43 46 50 47 55 48 62 54 36 59 40 66 41 39 47 42 52 45 60 50 31 54 34 63 38 38 45 41 49 44 56 49 53 40 62 62 0.16 1298 0.25 2750 1616 3425 105902 05 64 43 05 04 63 36 65 04 06 25 34 56 46 64 48 45 46 49 61 46 64 48 66 61 45 66 43 69 43 47 56 44 62 46 64 58 40 63 40 67 40 43 52 42 56 43 61 54 33 58 35 64 36 38 46 39 50 41 54 50 30 53 32 57 34 36 42 37 46 39 51 47 51 60 56 99 0.24 0.40 519 1100 649 1375 009302 16 24 44 76 65 54 97 25 74 47 55 94 77 76 14 49 49 51 61 67 73 47 47 49 58 42 65 43 71 45 44 53 45 60 47 67 55 37 62 40 70 43 39 49 42 54 45 63 51 34 56 38 63 42 37 46 40 49 44 55 49 52 37 60 71 0.15 0.28 755 1600 943 2000 cfm l/s "w.g.Pa234567234567234567234567234567 0 3 .53 84 13 43 34 64 83 25 52 58 62 36 38 41 46 49 53 31 34 37 41 43 48 37 0.15 330 700 7 3 .12- 2 0.01 130 275 7 1 .46 94 64 03 55 74 03 36 54 54 56 74 64 76 05 850 48 50 60 65 67 47 46 48 57 62 65 45 45 47 55 60 63 38 40 43 47 51 55 38 40 42 46 49 49 60 0.24 413 875 5 6 .41 32 1--4 43 13 05 04 63 75 65 04 35 65 24 45 42 42 52 56 55 43 41 40 50 56 56 37 37 36 44 50 52 30 31 31 37 44 48 - - 21 28 33 - 10 0.04 260 550 0 8 .254 42 13 42 02 64 43 73 74 73 94 84 04 148 41 40 50 48 48 41 39 37 47 46 47 34 37 34 44 44 46 21 30 28 34 37 41 - - - 26 34 42 5 0.02 189 400 2 8 .12 53 33 6-5 73 33 15 44 94 05 75 14 45 95 44 46 43 44 54 59 57 44 42 41 51 57 58 40 40 39 47 54 56 31 33 33 39 47 51 - 26 30 33 36 45 27 0.11 389 825 7 300 - 2 0.01 83 175 0 7 .51 3---4 43 33 85 04 84 85 35 14 35 45 44 46 45 44 52 54 52 43 43 41 50 53 53 38 40 38 47 50 51 28 33 33 37 44 48 - - - 23 - - 12 0.05 378 800 2 4 .12- 2 0.01 248 525 0 7 .82 43 32 04 83 22 24 63 83 45 83 04 65 14 246 42 42 51 53 56 41 40 38 48 50 54 35 38 36 46 49 52 26 32 32 38 44 50 - - 22 33 38 44 20 0.08 378 800 2 4 .25- 5 0.02 248 525 5 6 .51 52 4--5 53 03 65 14 33 35 55 73 75 85 04 40 40 40 56 58 53 37 38 37 52 55 55 33 35 33 46 51 53 26 30 30 39 45 51 - - 24 28 35 - 12 0.05 165 350 7 3 .12--3 42 04 33 02 14 73 32 35 84 63 25 94 836 38 41 49 52 52 34 36 40 48 50 53 29 33 37 47 48 51 23 30 36 43 44 50 - 26 34 38 - - 2 0.01 130 275 41 41 42 57 61 61 39 39 39 55 58 61 35 37 36 49 54 58 29 32 33 41 48 53 - - 27 31 36 - 27 0.11 248 525 0 8 .125 04 13 95 74 03 55 94 23 95 04 34 25 14 54 46 44 45 49 51 55 42 42 43 49 50 55 39 39 42 47 49 54 35 37 40 45 47 51 29 35 41 44 50 52 2 0.01 189 400 7 3 .25- 5 0.02 130 275 0 8 .12--2 43 42 02 84 13 63 94 43 03 84 64 343 43 41 46 46 48 39 40 38 44 45 49 35 36 35 41 43 48 28 30 29 34 39 44 - - - 28 - - 2 0.01 189 400 7 300 - 2 0.01 83 175 5 5 .41 04 52 54 53 32 85 83 63 95 24 93 15 44 140 41 43 54 57 61 38 39 41 52 56 59 33 36 39 48 52 58 26 33 39 45 48 55 - 27 35 41 40 - 11 0.04 259 550 34 43 37 43 42 44 54 59 47 63 39 49 66 40 31 41 44 34 41 55 39 42 55 52 57 56 47 61 36 49 65 38 26 36 42 31 38 53 37 39 54 48 51 56 47 57 31 48 62 36 18 29 42 25 33 49 33 36 51 42 43 55 41 49 25 48 54 32 24 40 - 29 46 32 46 25 37 53 34 43 19 38 49 28 35 36 - 50 42 37 0.20 3 - 330 19 0.01 700 0.08 47 94 100 200 0 7 .41 14 44 53 64 64 83 95 84 04 25 14 34 45 34 546 45 46 53 56 64 43 43 45 51 54 62 40 40 42 48 52 59 35 38 41 46 49 56 30 35 41 44 45 51 10 0.04 377 800 5 6 .61 42 14 93 12 35 93 73 45 23 04 65 54 246 42 42 55 56 56 42 40 39 52 53 54 37 37 35 49 53 53 29 31 30 39 45 51 - - - 26 34 - 15 0.06 260 550 0 7 .41 43 9---4 43 23 05 84 73 85 94 04 15 25 34 45 44 43 50 52 57 41 42 40 47 49 55 38 39 37 44 48 53 30 33 32 36 44 49 - - - 29 36 44 10 0.04 378 800 5 6 .41 42 74 63 92 25 53 63 25 94 94 35 34 244 42 44 53 56 53 40 39 40 49 53 52 36 36 37 45 50 52 27 29 31 36 42 47 - - - 23 34 - 10 0.04 165 350 0 3 .124 42 73 53 32 84 13 04 04 54 34 24 74 549 45 43 47 49 52 46 43 41 45 48 50 40 40 37 41 44 48 29 33 31 35 39 47 - - - 28 34 45 2 0.01 330 700 - 2 0.01 189 400 2 4 .12-4 44 53 24 54 83 54 64 23 65 84 34 65 04 545 45 44 50 53 56 42 43 43 48 51 56 39 42 42 46 49 55 33 38 41 45 47 52 30 35 41 44 46 - 2 0.01 248 525 42 42 45 57 61 66 40 41 44 54 60 65 36 38 43 51 57 62 29 35 41 48 51 59 19 29 37 42 43 - 25 0.10 389 825 44 44 45 59 64 67 41 42 41 43 46 45 57 56 59 61 63 67 38 38 40 39 45 42 55 52 58 57 62 65 34 32 38 35 44 40 52 45 55 50 61 55 29 29 35 32 43 36 49 41 50 46 56 50 21 29 75 38 43 0.30 40 - 413 42 875 0.17 142 300 2 8 .53 63 42 62 34 33 33 95 13 83 95 54 14 16 94 448 44 44 59 61 61 44 41 41 55 59 59 39 38 37 51 55 59 32 33 33 43 47 53 21 26 28 34 39 46 37 0.15 389 825 2 4 .82 53 7--5 64 53 05 34 93 85 65 24 25 95 54 46 43 45 55 59 58 42 41 42 52 56 57 38 39 39 48 53 56 30 33 35 41 46 50 - - 27 32 35 - 20 0.08 248 525 0 8 .53 54 03 65 15 43 06 85 74 37 40 47 55 58 64 30 36 44 50 51 57 26 32 40 46 45 - 37 0.15 189 400 0 3 .5135 04 23 15 35 53 36 15 94 86 46 14 26 66 24 44 45 52 63 66 69 42 44 51 60 64 67 38 42 49 57 61 65 33 38 45 51 53 58 31 35 42 48 50 54 133 0.45 236 500 Airflow Min. inlet 100% Primary Air–SoundPowerOctaveBands@Inletpressure( 100%Primary Min. inlet ' sMinimum Ps ------4 03 52 82 92 8-4 34 23 33 53 5-4 44 53 73 83 94 54 74 74 04 14 2 ------4 03 42 93 12 94 74 64 23 63 83 94 84 84 53 94 14 35 15 04 94 24 54 7 ------4 03 83 23 43 44 74 64 43 73 94 05 05 04 94 14 34 44 95 15 04 34 54 5 -----4 54 13 62 82 72 24 65 04 83 33 33 14 54 95 23 63 63 34 54 85 33 93 83 6 -----4 54 23 82 82 92 54 74 84 63 43 53 54 74 95 03 73 83 94 75 05 24 14 14 2 -----4 54 03 62 92 82 54 64 64 53 53 33 34 64 74 63 63 63 64 74 94 94 13 94 1 -----4 34 03 53 03 12 74 54 54 33 63 83 74 74 74 64 04 14 25 05 04 94 34 44 5 ' s0.5"w.g. (125Pa) Ps ' s1.0"w.g. (249Pa) Ps 54 26 25 84 76 35 94 49 47 49 59 63 65 47 46 48 57 62 65 42 43 45 34 26 34 54 36 54 748 47 46 55 60 63 45 45 44 53 60 62 41 43 ' s1.5"w.g. (375Pa) Ps 66 84 240 42 48 58 62 66 16 05 849 48 51 60 65 71 46 45 47 56 63 69 41 43 48 57 63 67 [ENG ' ' Ps) shown s2.0"w.g. (500Pa) Ps 66 94 342 43 49 59 63 66 26 25 051 50 52 62 67 72 49 48 49 59 64 71 43 44 50 60 65 69 ' Ps FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS C C113 LQGLFDWHHPEHGGHG$+5,FHUWLÀFDWLRQSRLQWV numbers NC Level 72 68 68 67 64 63 79 71 68 66 63 61 71 63 61 58 54 5369 75 61 67 60 62 59 58 57 53 54 51 72 73 67 66 66 63 65 61 62 56 61 53 79 71 66 63 60 58 Discharge Radiated Ps Discharge Radiated Ps ' ' Discharge Sound Power Octave Bands Discharge "w.g. Pa Airflow Airflow 600 283 0.25 62 850 401 0.25 62 64 58 59 57 54 52 70 64 61 58 53 50 500 236 0.25 62 67 60 59 56 53 52 68 62 60 55 49 47 800 378 0.25 62 64 55 54 51 47 44 69 60 56 51 45 41 700 330 0.25 62 62 56 56 53 50 47 67 61 59 55 49 45 400 189 0.25 62 62 55 54 50 47 46 67 60 58 52 45 43 550 260 0.25 62 61 53 53 50 46 42 65 59 58 52 45 41 300 142 0.25 62 60 52 52 47 44 41 63 57 57 50 43 38 600 283 0.25 62 25 41 500 236 0.25 62 20 35 400 189 0.25 62 - 33 300 142 0.25 62 - 32 cfml/s"w.g.Pa234567234567 850 401 0.25 62 - 36 700 330 0.25 62 - 34 550 260 0.25 62 - 33 800 378 0.25 62 - 34 cfm l/s 1900 8971700 0.25 8021500 62 0.25 7081200 72 62 0.25 566 69 69 62 0.25 67 67 67 62 67 65 64 64 64 64 63 63 62 61 62 80 61 61 59 71 59 78 58 66 55 69 77 65 54 65 67 62 74 63 63 60 65 60 61 61 58 58 58 55 55 51 1600 7551400 0.25 6611200 62 0.25 5661000 72 62 0.25 472 66 70 62 0.25 64 64 68 62 63 62 60 60 67 60 59 59 58 57 56 78 57 56 54 70 54 77 52 64 51 68 74 61 49 62 65 58 72 59 60 56 63 55 56 58 53 52 54 49 49 46 2100 991 0.25 62 1850 873 0.25 62 1000 472 0.25 62 1000 472 0.25 62 20 39 1850 8731600 0.25 7551400 62 0.25 6611200 62 0.25 5661000 25 62 0.25 472 24 62 0.25 21 62 46 - 45 - 44 40 38 2100 9911900 0.25 8971700 62 0.25 8021500 62 0.25 7081200 27 62 0.25 566 28 62 0.25 25 62 46 22 48 - 45 44 40 Size Size Inlet Inlet Inlet Inlet 2 ALL 6 ALL 5 ALL 3 ALL 2 ALL 3 ALL 5 ALL 6 ALL Unit Unit Unit Size Size For performance table notes, see page C114; highlighted Fiberglass Liner Performance Data • Sound Power Levels Performance Data • Sound Flow • Fan Only • Heating Cycle Model Series 35N • Parallel PSC Motor Model Series 35N • Parallel Flow • Fan Only • Heating Cycle Fan Only • Heating Flow • 35N • Parallel Model Series Liner Fiberglass Performance Data • NC Level Application Guide Application • NC Level Data Performance FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS • 35N SERIES • 35N UNITS TERMINAL POWERED FAN C114 FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS C

. Soundpowerlevelsareindecibels,dBre10 3. Radiatedsoundpoweristhebreakout noisetransmitted 2. Dischargesound poweristhenoiseemittedfrom 1. Performance NotesforSoundPowerLevels: * † Fiberglass Liner Model Series35N•ParallelFlowAHRICertificationRatingPoints Performance Data•AHRICertificationandNotes FAN POWEREDTERMINALUNITS•35NSERIES

. Allsounddatalistedbyoctavebandsisrawwithout 4.

Size Unit Unit Primary airvalveisclosedandthereforeprimarycfmzero.

Motor =PSC.



3 26

through theunitcasingwalls. see AHRIStandard880. For moreinformationonductendreflectioncalculations levels whencomparedtopreviousAHRIcertifieddata. correction tothedischargeSWL,ishighersoundpower non-reflective duct.Theeffectofincludingtheenergy that wouldnormallybetransmittedintoanacoustically, the ductendcorrectionprovidessoundpowerlevels reflection energyaspartofthestandardrating.Including Sound PowerLevels(SWL)nowincludeductend unit dischargeintothedownstreamduct.Discharge

20 dBorequaltobackground. Dash (-)inspaceindicatessoundpowerlevelislessthan any correctionsforroomabsorptionorductattenuation.




607501 77 16 65 06 35 74 615 7 9 26 66 26 79 61 62 65 66 67 72 995 873 1850 46 45 47 56 63 69 60 57 56 65 71 71 37 0.15 755 1600

105901 07 26 75 26 35 84 110 7 8 96 05 75 36 36 653 56 61 63 66 73 54 57 59 60 61 69 385 472 1000 41 43 48 57 63 67 62 59 57 65 72 71 40 0.16 519 1100

109101 57 26 96 57 56 14 920 9 1 26 86 463 64 67 68 68 72 814 991 2100 49 48 51 60 65 71 65 61 59 66 72 75 35 0.14 991 2100

f l/s cfm

0 189 400

Primary Primary




Min. Inlet Min.



Pa 234567234567cfm 2 l/s

77 06 65 76 25 84 06023247 36 85 37 76 85 51 53 58 62 67 75 53 54 58 61 63 71 254 283 600 40 42 48 58 62 66 57 54 56 63 70 72 37

100% Primary @ 1.5" w.g. 1.5" @ Primary 100% Pa) (375

w/ .25" w.g. .25" w/ Discharge Pa) (62 icag aitdDshreRadiated Discharge Radiated Discharge -12




' Ps Ps 11. Fan Wattsarethemaximumelectricalpowerinputat 10. Fanonlysoundpowerlevelsare100%recirculated Fanairflowisratedfanvolumeat.25"w.g.(62Pa) 9. 100%primaryairsoundpowerlevelsarecoolingcycle 8.

7. Data derivedfromindependenttestsconductedin 7. Asterisk(*)inspaceindicatesthattheminimuminlet 6. 5. Minimum inlet Airflow rated fanvolume. air; fanonly;inheatingcycle. downstream staticpressure. (fan turnedoff).

Standard 880. accordance withANSI/ASHRAEStandard130andAHRI Pa) atratedairflow. static pressurerequirementisgreaterthan0.5"w.g.(125 rated primaryCFM. requirement oftheunit(damperfullopen)toachieve

Fan Fan

Watts Fan† '

Ps istheminimumoperatingpressure

34567 Fan Only* @ 25" w.g. 25" @ Only* Fan Pa) (62

Standards. accordance withAHRI LQ FHUWLÀHG DUH 5DWLQJV

97 86 361 63 66 68 71 79


16 36 58 60 63 66 71


GPM l/s CFM l/s

.63 .47 .32 .25 .19 .13 .09 .06 .03 CFM l/s 10 7.5 5 4 3 2 1.5 1 0.5 1.00 1.00 0.94 0.94 0.90 0.87 0.84 0.81 0.78 Factor 2 ROW 3 ROW 1 ROW Sensible Heat AIRFLOW 0 (0) ft. (m) Altitude Altitude

Air Pressure Drop 2000 (610) 2000 (610) 3000 (914) 4000 (1219) 4000 (1219) 5000 (1524) 6000 (1829) 7000 (2134) 47 94 189 283 330 283 189 47 94 100 200 300 500 700 500 300 100 200

Altitude Correction Factors: w.g. 1.00 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.01

5 2

50 25 20 15 10 Pa in. Pa in. DROP PRESSURE AIR 249 199 149 100

l/s GPM

.63 kW kW 2 ROW 3 ROW 2 Row (multi-circuit) 2 Row 1 ROW WATER FLOW WTD (°C) = .224 x l/s ATR (°C) = 829 x l/s , , Water Pressure Drop 0 1 .06 2 .13 3 .19 6 .38 .50 8 10 2 H 200 94 300 142 400 189 500 236 600 283 700 330 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.1 10.0 MBH 8 40 36 32 28 24 20 16 12 MBH

6.0 3.0 2.4 1.8 1.2 0.6 0.3 kPa ft. kPa ft. DROP) PRESSURE (WATER LOSS HEAD 30.0 24.0 18.0 12.0 9.4 8.2 7.0 5.9 4.7 3.5 2.3 kW MBH 11.7 10.5 .95 .63 .47 .32 .25 .19 .13 .09 .06 .25 .19 .13 .09 .06 .03 CFM l/s CFM l/s 15 10 7.5 5 4 3 2 1.5 Unit Size 2 Unit Size GPM l/s 4 3 2 1.5 1 0.5 GPM l/s WTD (°F) = 2.04 x GPM ATR (°F) = 927 x cfm (22); O.D. male solder. 3. Air Temperature Rise. 3. Water Temp. Drop. 4. Connections: 1 Row 1/2" (13), 2 and 3 Row 7/8" 5. t (temperature ţ t's; multiply the ţ thousands of Btu . 1 Row (single circuit) 1 Row 3 Row (multi-circuit) 50 (28) 60 (33) (39) 70 80 (44) 90 (50) 100 (56) 110 (61) 120 (67) 130 (72) 140 (78) 150 (83) .455 (.459) .545 (.541) .636 (.639) .727 (.721) .818 (.820) .909 (.918) 1.00 (1.00) 1.09 (1.10) 1.18 (1.18) 1.27 (1.28) 1.36 (1.36) 200 300 400 500 600 700 600 500 400 200 300 94 142 189 236 283 330 200 94 300 142 400 189 500 236 600 283 700 330 15 19 23 27 31 35 39 43 47 51 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 Factor MBH (kW) values by the factors below. difference) of 110°F (61°C) between entering air and entering water. For other per hour (kiloWatts) ţVu( u% 4.4 5.6 6.7 7.9 9.1 kW MBH 10.3 11.4 12.6 13.8 14.9 2.3 2.9 3.5 4.1 4.7 5.3 5.9 6.4 2. (kW) values are based on a MBH Correction factors at other entering conditions: NOTES: Capacities are in MBH (kW), 1. Model: 35NW • Parallel Flow 35NW • Parallel Model: Performance Data • Hot Water Coil • Hot Water Data Performance FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS • 35N SERIES • 35N UNITS TERMINAL POWERED FAN kW MBH C116 FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS C Correction factorsatother enteringconditions: MBH (kW)valuesarebasedona 2. 1. Capacities areinMBH(kW), NOTES: Model: 35NW•ParallelFlow Performance Data•HotWaterCoil FAN POWEREDTERMINALUNITS•35NSERIES 10.3 11.7 13.2 14.7 16.1 17.6 19.0 20.5 22.0 23.4 WMBH kW 3.2 4.1 5.0 5.9 6.7 7.6 8.5 9.4 WMBH kW 4.4 5.9 7.3 8.8 ţVu( u% MBH (kW)valuesbythefactorsbelow. and enteringwater.Forother difference) of110°F(61°C)between enteringair per hour(kiloWatts) Factor 11 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 142 236 330 425 142 236330 519 613 300 500 700 900 300 500700 1100 1300 142 236 330 425 142 236330 519 613 300 500 700 900 300 500700 1100 1300 45(49 55(51 66(69 77(71 88(80 99(98 .0(.0 .9(.0 .8(.8 .7(.8 1.36(1.36) 1.27(1.28) 1.18(1.18) 1.09(1.10) 1.00(1.00) .909 (.918) .818(.820) .727(.721) .636(.639) .545 (.541) .455 (.459) 0(8 0(3 0(9 0(4 0(0 0 5)10(1 2 6)10(2 4 7)150(83) 140(78) 130(72) 120(67) 110(61) 100(56) 90 (50) 80(44) 70 (39) 60 (33) 50 (28) 1 Row(singlecircuit) 3 Row(multi-circuit) . thousands ofBtu ţ t's; multiplythe ţ t (temperature 5. Connections: 1 Row1/2"(13),2and37/8" 4. Water Temp.Drop. 3. Air TemperatureRise. (22); O.D.malesolder. cfm ATR (°F)=927x GPM WTD (°F)=2.04x Unit Size3 0.5 1 1.5 2 3 4 0.5 1 1.5 2 3 4 5 7.5 10 l/s CFM l/s CFM .03 .06 .09 .13 .19 .25 .03 .06 .09 .13 .19 .25 .32 .47 .63 GPM l/s GPM l/s 11.9 17.9 23.9 29.8 HEAD LOSS (WATER PRESSURE DROP) kPa ft. 0.3 0.6 1.2 1.8 2.4 3.0 6.0 10.3 11.7 13.2 14.7 16.1 17.6 WMBH kW 2.9 4.4 5.9 7.3 8.8 MBH MBH 10.0 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 H 2 Water PressureDrop

1 3 6 10 8 6 4 3 2 1 .06 .13 .13 .06 .19 .25 .38 142 236 330 425 142 236330 519 613 300 500 700 900 300 500700 1100 1300 0 , , l/s ATR (°C)=829x l/s WTD (°C)=.224x WATER FLOW 1 ROW 3 ROW 2 ROW 2 Row(multi-circuit) kW .50 .63 kW

GPM l/s

Pa in. AIR PRESSURE DROP 100 149 447 249 10 15 20 25 50 2 5 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 w.g. Altitude CorrectionFactors:

100 200 400 600 1000 2000 47 94 189 283 472 94 7000 (2134) 6000 (1829) 5000 (1524) 4000 (1219) Air PressureDrop 3000 (914) 2000 (610) Altitude ft. (m) 0 (0) AIRFLOW Sensible Heat 3 ROW 1 ROW 2 ROW Factor 0.78 0.81 0.84 0.87 0.90 0.94 1.00 0.5 1 1.5 2 3 4 5 7.5 l/s CFM 4

.03 .06 .09 .13 .19 .25 .32 .47 CFM l/s

GPM l/s FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS C GPM l/s C117 .63 .47 .32 .25 .19 .13 .09 .06 .03 CFM l/s

4 CFM l/s 10 7.5 5 4 3 2 1.5 1 0.5 2 ROW 1.00 1.00 0.94 0.94 0.90 0.87 0.84 0.81 0.78 3 ROW Factor 1 ROW Sensible Heat Sensible Heat 0 (0) ft. (m) Altitude Altitude Air Pressure Drop 2000 (610) 2000 (610) 3000 (914) 4000 (1219) 4000 (1219) 5000 (1524) 6000 (1829) 7000 (2134) 47 94 189 283 472 94 472 283 47 94 189

100 200 400 600 1000 2000 Altitude Correction Factors: w.g. 1.00 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.01

5 2

50 25 20 15 10 249 447 149 100 DROP PRESSURE AIR Pa in. Pa in. GPM l/s .50 .63 kW kW 1 ROW 2 ROW 3 ROW 2 Row (multi-circuit) 2 Row WATER FLOW AIRFLOW WTD (°C) = .224 x l/s ATR (°C) = 829 x l/s , , 0 .06 .13 .19 .25 .38 .25 1 .19 .06 .13 2 3 4 6 8 10 600 800 1800 1400 1600 1200 1000 849 566 661 755 283 378 472 Water Pressure Drop 2 H 82 77 72 67 62 57 52 47 42 37 32 27 22 17 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.1 10.0 MBH

MBH 9.4 7.9 6.4 5.0

kW MBH 6.0 3.0 2.4 1.8 1.2 0.6 0.3 24.0 22.6 21.1 19.6 18.2 16.7 15.2 13.8 12.3 10.8 kPa ft. kPa ft. DROP) PRESSURE (WATER LOSS HEAD 29.8 23.9 17.9 11.9 GPM l/s .47 .32 .25 .19 .13 .09 .06 .03 .63 .47 .32 .25 .19 .13 .09 .06 .03 CFM l/s CFM l/s 7.5 5 4 3 2 1.5 1 0.5 10 7.5 5 4 3 2 1.5 1 0.5 Unit Size 5 Unit Size GPM l/s WTD (°F) = 2.04 x GPM ATR (°F) = 927 x cfm solder. 3. Air Temperature Rise. 3. Water Temp. Drop. 4. 5. Connections: 1, 2 and 3 Row 7/8" (22); O.D. male t (temperature ţ t's; multiply the ţ thousands of Btu . 1 Row (multi-circuit) 1 Row 3 Row (multi-circuit) 50 (28) 60 (33) (39) 70 80 (44) 90 (50) 100 (56) 110 (61) 120 (67) 130 (72) 140 (78) 150 (83) .455 (.459) .545 (.541) .636 (.639) .727 (.721) .818 (.820) .909 (.918) 1.00 (1.00) 1.09 (1.10) 1.18 (1.18) 1.27 (1.28) 1.36 (1.36) 283 378 472 566 661 755 849 661 755 566 472 283 378 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 600 800 283 378 472 566 661 755 849 661 755 566 472 283 378 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 600 800 5 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 92 19 23 27 31 35 39 43 47 102 112 Factor MBH (kW) values by the factors below. difference) of 110°F (61°C) between entering air and entering water. For other per hour (kiloWatts) 6.4 9.4 1.5 5.6 6.7 7.9 9.1 ţVu( u% kW MBH kW MBH 12.3 15.2 18.2 21.1 24.0 27.0 29.9 32.8 10.3 11.4 12.6 13.8 2. (kW) values are based on a MBH Correction factors at other entering conditions: NOTES: Capacities are in MBH (kW), 1. Model: 35NW • Parallel Flow 35NW • Parallel Model: Performance Data • Hot Water Coil • Hot Water Data Performance FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS • 35N SERIES • 35N UNITS TERMINAL POWERED FAN C118 FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS C Correction factorsatother enteringconditions: MBH (kW)valuesarebasedona 2. 1. Capacities areinMBH(kW), NOTES: Model: 35NW•ParallelFlow Performance Data•HotWaterCoil FAN POWEREDTERMINALUNITS•35NSERIES 11.1 12.9 14.7 16.4 18.2 11.7 14.7 17.6 20.5 23.4 26.4 29.3 32.2 25.2 38.1 41.0 WMBH kW WMBH kW 5.9 7.6 9.4 8.8 ţVu( u% MBH (kW)valuesbythefactorsbelow. and enteringwater.Forother difference) of110°F(61°C)between enteringair per hour(kiloWatts) Factor 100 110 120 130 140 20 26 32 38 44 50 56 62 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 1800 1000 1200 2200 1400 1600 2000 1800 1000 1200 2200 1400 1600 21 24 26 39 34 43 4662 4238 3841 3391 2967 2543 2119 4662 4238 3841 3391 2967 2543 2119 45(49 55(51 66(69 77(71 88(80 99(98 .0(.0 .9(.0 .8(.8 .7(.8 1.36(1.36) 1.27(1.28) 1.18(1.18) 1.09(1.10) 1.00(1.00) .909 (.918) .818(.820) .727(.721) .636(.639) .545 (.541) .455 (.459) 0(8 0(3 0(9 0(4 0(0 0 5)10(1 2 6)10(2 4 7)150(83) 140(78) 130(72) 120(67) 110(61) 100(56) 90 (50) 80(44) 70 (39) 60 (33) 50 (28) 3 Row(multi-circuit) 1 Row(multi-circuit) . thousands ofBtu ţ t's; multiplythe ţ t (temperature 5. Connections: 1,2and 3Row7/8"(22);O.D.male 5. 4. Water Temp.Drop. 3. Air TemperatureRise. solder. cfm ATR (°F)=927x GPM WTD (°F)=2.04x Unit Size6 1 1.5 2 3 4 5 7.5 10 1 1.5 2 3 4 5 7.5 10 l/s CFM l/s CFM .06 .09 .13 .19 .25 .32 .47 .63 .06 .09 .13 .19 .25 .32 .47 .63 GPM l/s GPM l/s 11.9 17.9 23.9 29.8 HEAD LOSS (WATER PRESSURE DROP) kPa ft. 11.7 14.7 17.6 20.5 23.4 26.4 29.3 32.2 0.3 0.6 1.2 1.8 2.4 3.0 6.0 WMBH kW 8.8 MBH MBH 10.0 100 110 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 H 2 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 1800 1000 1200 2200 1400 1600 21 24 26 39 34 43 4662 4238 3841 3391 2967 2543 2119 Water PressureDrop

1 3 6 10 8 6 4 3 2 1 .06 .13 .13 .06 .19 .25 .38 0 , , l/s ATR (°C)=829x l/s WTD (°C)=.224x WATER FLOW 3 ROW 2 Row(multi-circuit) 1 ROW 2 ROW kW .50 .63 kW

GPM l/s

Pa in. AIR PRESSURE DROP 100 149 447 249 10 15 20 25 50 2 5 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 w.g. Altitude CorrectionFactors:

100 200 400 600 1000 2000 47 94 189 283 472 94 7000 (2134) 6000 (1829) 5000 (1524) 4000 (1219) Air PressureDrop 3000 (914) 2000 (610) Altitude ft. (m) 0 (0) AIRFLOW Sensible Heat 3 ROW Factor 1 ROW 2 ROW 0.78 0.81 0.84 0.87 0.90 0.94 1.00 1 1.5 2 3 4 5 7.5 10 l/s CFM 4

.06 .09 .13 .19 .25 .32 .47 .63 CFM l/s

GPM l/s FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS C C119 XP . ® Options: • ECM/EPIC Fan Technology ‡ ,QGXFHG DLUdisposable type. ÀOWHU   ‡ 3ULPDU\ WKLFN DLU YDOYH HQFORVXUH IRU ÀHOG mounted controls. • Toggle disconnect switch. Units with electric heat also offer door Interlocking type. • Various IAQ linings are available. ‡ )DQDLUÁRZVZLWFKIRUQLJKWVKXWGRZQ fan/heat cycle Night setback • (pneumatic and analog). • Fan unit fusing. brackets. • Hanger • Induced air attenuator. Model 37NW RXQWHGDWQLQHW\GHJUHHVWRWKHSULPDU\DLUÁRZWRSURYLGHRSWLP Controls: EZvav • Nailor Analog electronic and pneumatic • controls. Factory supplied, mounted and calibrated. Digital controls. Factory mounting • and wiring of DDC controls. Controls supplied by BAS controls contractor. • Hinged door on fan controls door on fan controls Hinged • enclosure. 1/2" (13) dual density insulation. • Exposed edges coated to prevent air erosion. Meets requirements of NFPA 90A and UL 181. • Available with electric or hot water supplementary heat. Hot water coils are mounted on • induced air inlet of 37NW unit and DUH GHVLJQHG WR DFFHSWconnection. ÁDQJHG GXFW on unit Electric coils are mounted • discharge. Single point electrical and/or • pneumatic main air connection. Discharge opening designed for • ÁDQJHGGXFWFRQQHFWLRQ valve low voltage Full primary air • NEMA 1 type enclosure for factory mounted DDC and analog electronic controls. provides many standard design features and excellent sound performance when compared with other provides many standard design features YROXPHLQWHUPLWWHQWIDQDSSOLFDWLRQV7KHIDQLVP Hot Water Heat No Heat Electric Heat E 0.QY2TQſNG5GTKGU 37N SERIES • LOW PROFILE PARALLEL FLOW PARALLEL VOLUME VARIABLE STANDARD FEATURES: • Only 11" (279) to 12 1/2" (318) high. galvanized steel 20 ga. (1.0) • construction. • 2 x 20 ga. (1.0) round or rectangular primary air damper with a polyurethane toperipheral gasket. 90° rotation, CW close. 1/2" (13) dia. plated steel drive shaft. An indicator mark on the end of the shaft shows damper-position. ofDamper leakage is less than 2% QRPLQDOÁRZDWZJ 3D  • (152) deep Round or rectangular 6" LQOHWFROODUVIRUÀHOGGXFWFRQQHFWLRQ • Multi-point averaging Diamond Flow sensor (pressure independent control only). Access panels on underside of • terminal for ease of maintenance and service. ‡ (QHUJ\HIÀFLHQW36&IDQPRWRUZLWK thermal overload protection. • Solid state fan speed controller with minimum voltage stop. Motor blower assembly mounted • on special 16 ga. (1.61) angles and isolated from casing with rubber isolators. • damper mounted Gasketed backdraft on fan discharge restricts primary air escaping through the fan section into the ceiling plenum. 37NW Models: 37N 37N FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS • 37N SERIES • 37N UNITS TERMINAL POWERED FAN The demanding and economical design that provides excellent performance in the most parallel designs. The 37N offers a compact YDULDEOHDLU mixing. C120 FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS C Q option–InducedAirAttenuator Options andAccessories: *Unit size4withrectangulardamper,90°rotation. Dimensional Data Model Series37N•ParallelFlowLowProfile Dimensions FAN POWEREDTERMINALUNITS•37NSERIES OPTIONAL Shippedlooseforfieldattachment. • 22ga.(0.86)galvanizedsteelconstruction. • AIR INLET INDUCED INDUCED Size Unit FILTER FLANGE 4* 3 2 1" (25) AIR FLOW SENSOR 14 x10(356254) MULTI-POINT 14 x8(356203),

14 x8(356203) NOM. -1/8" (3) -1/8" NOM. 8 (203), 10(254), 6 (152), 8(203),

1" (25)FLANGE DIA. = = DIA. IW +2"(51) 3/4" (19) 10 (254) IW ihu WCi WithHWCoil Without HWCoil Inlet Size AL H IH H (1092) C (813) (965) L 43 32 38 L A WLH 5 1/2"(140) W (914) (914) (914) PRIMARY 36 INDUCED AIR 36 36 INLET FILTER PRIMARY AIR OPTIONAL AIR INDUCED A 12 1/2

(318) (279) (279)

AIR 11 11 (152) C 6" • 1/2" (13)thickdualdensityfiberglass liner. • • Flanged connection. L Meets requirementsofNFPA90A&UL181. OPTIONAL INDUCED 7 7/8(200), AIR INLETFILTER 6 1/2(165) 8 1/8(206) 12 (305), ENCLOSURE CONTROLS PRIMARY 10" (254) (330) 13 S AC DRIVESHAFT DAMPER DAMPER BUTTERFLY R (483 x254) (305 x254) (406 x254) ENCLOSURE CONTROLS Induced Air Inlet 14" (356) IW xIH 19 x10 12 x10 16 x10 L FAN FAN C DAMPER BACKDRAFT L Discharge (483 x279) (254 x203) (406 x203) DW xDH 19 x11 Outlet 10 x8 16 x8 H 1 1/2 1 1/2 (25) (38) (38) BJ 1 Size Unit HJ DH 4 3 2 1 1/2 1 1/2 12 1/2 3/4 (19) (38) (38) (279) (279) (318) 11 11 HIWS RALAC DW B (406) (305) (483) (Optional) (559 x279) (356 x279) (457 x279) 16 12 19 22 x11 14 x11 18 x11 Filter Size (432) (330) (559) 17 13 22 drawing. are oppositeofthe control enclosure Inlet, dischargeand as mirrorimage. (optional), arebuilt with LHcontrols terminals ordered as shown.Lefthand standard onRHside Controls mountedas top viewillustrated. Right handunit, (279) (279) (279) 11 11 11 (914) (914) (914) 36 36 36 (914) (914) (914) 36 36 36 FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS C C121 N B EW DW EH DH K M W " 12 (305) HEATER HINGED HEATER ACCESS PANEL HINGED HEATER BACKDRAFT DAMPER FAN L BACKDRAFT DAMPER 14" (356) FAN / HEATER FAN FAN L CONTROLS ENCLOSURE BUTTERFLY DAMPER DAMPER DRIVESHAFT 34 5/8" (879) DAMPER DRIVESHAFT BUTTERFLY DAMPER 10" (254) F 6" L C (152) L 6" C (152) A AIR (140) 5 1/2" A AIR PRIMARY INDUCED CONTROLS OPTIONAL ENCLOSURE INDUCED AIR INLET FILTER INDUCED AIR PRIMARY OPTIONAL WATER COIL WATER AIR INLET FILTER INDUCED AIR PRIMARY COIL CONNECTIONS W 5 1/2" (140) IH H IH IW



-1/8" (3) SENSOR IW • Toggle disconnect switch (includes fan). • Door interlock disconnect switch. • Power circuit fusing. • Dust tight construction. • Manual reset secondary thermal cut out. Options: (19) 3/4" FLOW



-1/8" (3) SENSOR 32 (813) 36 (914)38 (965) 36 (914) 11 (279) 12 x 10 (305 x 254) 11 (279) 18 1/2 (470) 19 (483) 16 x 10 (406 x 254) 1 1/2 (38) 24 1/2 (622) 19 (483) 10 1/2 x 9 (267 x 229) 1 1/2 (38) 16 1/2 x 9 (419 x 229) 32 (813) 36 (914)38 (965) 36 (914) 11 (279) 1 1/2 (38) 11 (279) 12 x 10 (305 x 254) 13 (330) 1 1/2 (38) 10 (406 x 254) 16 x 5 (127) 17 (432) 11 (279) 5 (127) 10 x 8 (254 x 203) 11 (279) 16 x 8 (406 x 203) 43 (1092) 36 (914) 12 1/2 (318) 19 x 10 (483 x 254) 27 (686) 22 (559) 3/4 (19) 19 x 10 1/2 (483 x 267) 43 (1092) (914) 36 12 1/2 (318) 1 (25) 10 (533 x 254) 21 x 22 (559) 5 (127) 11 (279) 19 x 11 (483 x 279) 3 4 2 4 3 2 Built as mirror image) Optional. and 600V (dual point connection). permits easy access, removal and replacement of heater element without disturbing ductwork. (one per element). (except 600V). an assembly. side as shown. Terminals ordered with LH controls (optional) are built as mirror image. Unit Size W L H B C x D E F G DW x DH Unit Size W L H IW x IH K M N EW x EH • Left hand (illustrated). Standard. Right hand (terminals are inverted. • • Single phase: 120, 208, 240 & 277V. • Three phase: 208, 480 (4 wire wye) • Unique hinged heater design Unique hinged heater design • • discharge. Coil installed on unit • wrapper. Insulated coil element high limit cut-outs Automatic reset • electrical connection Single point • • Magnetic contactors per stage. • Class A 80/20 Ni/Cr wire. • Positive pressure airflow switch. • Flanged outlet duct connection. • as Terminal unit with coil is ETL Listed • Controls mounted as standard on RH • 1/2" (13) copper tubes. • Aluminum ripple fins. Connections: • Sweat D. male solder. 1/2" (13); O. (22); O.D. male solder. 2 Row 7/8" hand to controls enclosure location. /RRNLQJLQGLUHFWLRQRIDLUÁRZ  Connections must be selected opposite Standard Supply Voltage (60 Hz): Model 37NE Standard Features: Electric Coil Section Coil Hand Connections: Standard Features: Model 37NW Model 37NW row. Coil section Available in one or two air inlet. mounted on induced Model Series 37N • Parallel Flow • Low Profile Flow • 37N • Parallel Model Series Coil Section Hot Water Dimensions FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS • 37N SERIES • 37N UNITS TERMINAL POWERED FAN C122 FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS C 37N Series•ParallelFlowLowProfile PSC MotorFanCurves–Airflowvs.DownstreamStaticPressure Performance Data FAN POWEREDTERMINALUNITS•37NSERIES

AIRFLOW AIRFLOW 142 189 236 283 330 378 142 189 236 283 330 378 425 472 519 566 614 661 708 755 l/s l/s CFM 47 94 94 0 CFM 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 0 0 5 0 5 0 125 100 75 50 25 DISCHARGE 0 STATIC 0.0 0.1 0.2 PRESSURE DISCHARGE STATIC 255075 100 0 125 0.4 0.5 0.0 PRESSURE Unit Size2 Unit Size4 MAXIMUM MINIMUM MAXIMUM MINIMUM 2 ROWHWCOIL 1 ROWHWCOIL ELECTRIC HEAT NO HEATOR 2 ROWHWCOIL 1 ROWHWCOIL ELECTRIC HEAT NO HEATOR Pa "w.g. Pa "w.g. Electrical Data FLA =Fullloadamperage. 240 and277volt,singlephasePSCmotors. Fancurvesshownareapplicableto120,208, • Size Unit AIRFLOW 142 189 236 283 330 378 425 472 / . . . 2.6 1.7 3.5 1.3 2.2 3.5 1.8 2.2 7.5 1.8 5.4 1/2 4.6 1/4 4 1/6 3 2 l/s CFM 94 1000 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 Motor H.P. DISCHARGE STATIC 25 5075 0 100 125 0.0 0.1 0.4 PRESSURE 2//00//04//0277/1/60 120/1/60208/1/60240/1/60 Unit Size3 PSC MOTORFLA MAXIMUM MINIMUM 2 ROWHWCOIL 1 ROWHWCOIL ELECTRIC HEAT NO HEATOR Pa "w.g. FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS C C123


2.1 1.5 1.5 1.4

3.8 2.5 2.6 2.6 5.1 3.7 3.7 3.8

EPIC ECM Motor FLA DISCHARGE STATIC PRESSURE STATIC DISCHARGE 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.2 0.0 0.1 0 25 50 75 100 125

* * * 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 1000

Motor HP 120V 208V 230V 277V 94 472 425 378 330 283 236 189 142 l/s CFM

Refer to Selectworks Schedule for actual power consumption.

2 3 4 volume in operation at factory or field set point volume in operation at factory or field set vary within the shaded area. Airflow does not with changing static pressure conditions. The motor compensates for any changes in external asstatic pressure or induced air conditions such filter loading. performance line at any point within shaded area using the solid state volume controller provided. 208 and 277 volt, single phase ECM's. ECM's, although DC in operation, include a built-in AC/DC converter. The ECM is a variable horsepower motor. AIRFLOW



FLA = Full load amperage. All motos are single phase/60 Hz. * Electrical Data • ECM is pressure independent and constant The can be set to operate on horizontal Airflow • • Fan curves shown are applicable to 120/240, NOTES: Pa "w.g. "w.g. Pa NO COIL 1 ROW HW COIL COIL 2 ROW HW NO COIL 1 & 2 ROW HW COIL MINIMUM MAXIMUM MAXIMUM MINIMUM Unit Size 2 Unit Size 4 DISCHARGE STATIC PRESSURE 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.1 STATIC 0 DISCHARGE 25 50 75 100 125 DISCHARGE STATIC PRESSURE STATIC DISCHARGE 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.2 0.0 0.1 0 25 50 75 100 125 700 650 600 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 950 850 750 650 550 450 350 250 1250 1150 1050

94 71 47

l/s CFM l/s CFM 330 307 283 260 236 212 189 165 142 118 590 543 496 448 401 354 307 260 212 165 118

AIRFLOW AIRFLOW ECM Motor Fan Curves – Airflow vs. Downstream Static Pressure Downstream – Airflow vs. Fan Curves ECM Motor Flow • Low Profile • Parallel 37N Series Performance Data Performance FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS • 37N SERIES • 37N UNITS TERMINAL POWERED FAN C124 FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS C 2. Dash (-)inspaceindicatesaNClessthan20. 2. NC Levelsarecalculatedbasedonproceduresasoutlined 1. Performance Notes: FAN POWEREDTERMINALUNITS•37NSERIES Fiberglass Liner /QFGN5GTKGU0Ŗ2CTCNNGN(NQYŖ2TKOCT[#KTŖ%QQNKPI% Performance Data•NCLevelApplicationGuide Size Unit 2 4 3 page C132. 14 x10 14 x8 14 x8 Inlet Size 10 10 6 8 8 205601 5--2 82 83 538 41 35 45 40 33 43 36 28 38 30 - 33 21 29 26 34 28 41 33 23 37 29 - 33 20 - 24 - 25 20 42 0.10 75 566 0.17 1200 755 0.30 1600 991 2100 607500 0-2 83 4-3 54 43 44 40 41 35 38 30 34 - 24 34 39 33 38 28 33 23 29 - 20 10 20 0.04 755 0.08 1600 991 2100 205600 32 9-2 03 35 34 30 24 - 29 28 23 - - 5 0.02 566 1200 7017 .02 02 43 02 44 549 45 40 34 26 40 38 34 28 20 25 0.10 1274 2700 909000 2-2 93 5-3 64 45 43 36 30 - 35 34 29 23 - 12 0.05 920 1950 105901 0-2 83 4-2 43 40 39 34 28 - 34 31 28 21 - 40 0.16 519 1100 507100 02 13 63 941 39 34 26 - 33 31 26 20 - 7 0.03 731 1550 406102 72 53 53 82 64 43 41 36 29 28 37 35 31 25 20 67 0.27 661 1400 004500 12 8-2 93 36 34 29 21 - 28 25 21 - - 2 0.01 495 1050 105901 2-2 83 52 93 840 38 34 29 20 35 33 28 23 - 42 0.17 519 1100 406103 52 63 63 83 84 44 41 38 33 28 38 36 31 26 23 75 0.30 661 1400 f / wg Pa "w.g. l/s cfm 5 1 .94 63 5-2 13 36 35 31 25 - 35 31 26 - - 47 0.19 212 450 0 7 .41 12 62 30 29 26 - - 24 21 - - - 10 0.04 378 800 0 8 .64 53 4-2 13 35 34 31 23 - 34 30 25 - - 40 0.16 189 400 0 8 .12---2 0--2 629 26 20 - - 20 21 - - - 2 0.01 189 400 0 4 .02 12 0-2 83 31 30 28 21 - 30 28 21 - - 25 0.10 142 300 0 400 2---2 6--2 426 24 23 - - 26 24 - - - 12 0.05 94 200 0 7 .12 53 3-2 84 39 40 38 29 - 33 30 25 - - - 27 5 0.11 0.02 378 47 800 100 0 3 .82 42 1-2 63 39 38 36 29 - 31 29 24 - - 20 0.08 330 700 0 7 .12---2 4--2 628 26 25 - - 24 21 - - - 2 0.01 378 800 0 8 .61 32 9-2 43 35 35 34 26 - 29 26 23 - - 15 0.06 283 600 0 8 .12---2 1---2 29 26 - - - 21 21 - - - 2 0.01 189 400 0 8 .37---2 0-2 62 26 26 26 21 - 20 20 - - - 7 0.03 189 400 7 300 - 2 0.01 83 175 2 8 .92 42 1-2 33 36 35 33 24 - 31 29 24 - - 22 0.09 389 825 5 6 .41 02 5-2 82 31 29 28 21 - 25 24 20 - - 10 0.04 260 550 7 3 .12- 2 0.01 130 275 2 4 .12----2 426 24 - - - 20 - - - - 2 0.01 248 525 0 7 .43 12 93 83 638 36 34 28 - 31 29 25 21 - 35 0.14 378 800 0 3 .02 12 93 43 435 34 31 24 - 30 29 26 21 - 25 0.10 330 700 0 8 .71 42 9-2 93 33 31 29 21 - 29 26 24 - - 17 0.07 283 600 0 8 .37----2 12 25 23 21 - - 21 - - - - 7 0.03 189 400 2 8 .92 52 0-2 03 35 34 30 25 - 30 29 25 - - 22 - 0.09 389 2 825 0.01 83 175 5 6 .41 32 5-2 52 29 28 25 20 - 25 24 23 - - 10 0.04 260 550 7 3 .12----2 224 22 - - - 20 - - - - 2 0.01 130 275 Airflow Min. inlet ' Ps Min. ' Ps 0.5" w.g. (125 Pa) ------2123 02 25 24 20 ------2124 1.0" w.g. ICAG RADIATED DISCHARGE (250 Pa) NC Levels@Inletpressure( 1.5" w.g. (375 Pa) 2.0" w.g. (500 Pa) Min. ' Ps 0.5" w.g. (125 Pa) ' Ps) shown 1.0" w.g. (250 Pa) [ENG 1.5" w.g. (375 Pa) 2.0" w.g. (500 Pa) FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS C C125 Ps ' 52 34 33 79 74 68 61 53 53 81 75 70 63 58 56 76 74 69 60 52 47 Ps) shown Ps (500Pa) 2.0" w.g. ' ' [ENG 78 73 66 59 51 51 80 73 69 61 56 54 75 72 66 57 50 45 Ps (375Pa) 1.5" w.g. ' 55 47 41 79 73 68 60 51 46 81 75 70 63 53 48 Ps (249Pa) 1.0" w.g. LQGLFDWHHPEHGGHG$+5,FHUWLÀFDWLRQSRLQWV ' numbers 5 615451443637666057494343686461524647686663544749 25- Ps (125Pa) w.g. 0.5" ' Ps Minimum ' Min. inlet Fan and 100% Primary ( Power Octave Bands @ Inlet pressure Air – Sound Airflow 175 83 0.01 2 - - 26 - - - - 47 43 35 28 23 55 52 50 41 25 34 55 54 56 48 31 30 55 55 59 400 189 0.03 7 - 42 37 30 25 - 59 55 48 43 30 24 63 59 54 47 34 33 64 62 57 50 36 39 64 62 58 52 37 40 600 283 0.06 15 - 47 41 35 27 21 62 58 51 47 35 29 68 64 57 51 38 34 70 67 61 54 41 39 71 69 63 56 43 42 700 330 0.08 20 56 50 44 38 30 24 64 60 53 49 38 32 70 65 59 53 41 36 72 69 62 56 43 40 73 71 65 58 45 42 175 83 0.01 2 - - - 23 - - - 47 43 34 - - 55 53 53 43 28 25 57 55 57 48 33 31 56 55 59 52 36 35 800 378 0.11 27 58 53 47 41 33 28 67 62 55 51 40 35 71 67 60 55 43 39 73 71 65 58 45 42 75 73 67 60 47 44 800 378 0.01 2 - 40 36 30 400 189 0.03 7 - 42 37 32 27 - 60 53 48 45 32 25 65 58 54 47 35 35 66 61 57 51 38 36 68 63 59 53 40 37 100 47 0.02 5 - - 24 - - - - 50 45 37 24 24 55 56 51 40 31 35 56 59 57 45 36 39 58 60 59 48 39 41 600 283 0.07 17 57 49 43 38 30 23 65 58 52 47 36 30 70 64 58 51 40 37 72 66 61 54 42 39 74 69 63 56 44 41 200 94 0.05 12 - 40 35 25 - - 59 53 49 40 26 25 63 60 55 45 33 35 64 64 59 48 38 41 65 66 62 50 40 44 700 330 0.10 25 61 53 46 40 33 27 68 60 53 48 38 32 72 65 59 52 41 37 74 68 62 55 44 40 75 70 64 57 46 43 300 142 0.10 25 56 47 43 35 26 21 62 57 53 44 31 29 68 63 58 49 36 36 71 68 62 52 40 41 71 70 65 54 42 44 800 378 0.14 35 63 56 49 43 37 31 70 63 55 50 40 35 73 67 60 54 43 39 76 70 64 57 46 42 77 72 65 59 47 44 400 189 0.16 40 63 53 49 41 31 29 64 59 56 47 35 33 70 66 61 53 39 38 74 70 65 56 42 42 75 73 67 57 44 45 275 130 0.01 2 - - 32 30 26 - 56 49 46 38 34 25 60 53 50 41 32 36 62 56 54 45 36 33 64 58 56 48 38 36 525 248 0.01 2 - - 32 29 25 - 58 50 46 40 33 28 61 56 52 44 39 37 63 60 56 48 43 42 64 62 60 51 45 46 400 189 0.01 2 - - 35 32 30 - - 49 45 39 32 26 57 59 53 44 36 36 58 63 60 49 41 41 58 62 62 51 44 44 275 130 0.01 2 - 40 35 29 24 - 58 51 45 37 29 27 59 55 50 40 31 27 61 57 53 44 34 31 62 59 55 47 37 34 450 212 0.19 47 60 55 51 44 34 32 64 60 57 49 37 36 70 67 62 55 41 40 75 71 66 58 44 44 76 74 68 58 45 46 550 260 0.04 10 - 45 40 35 29 - 63 56 51 45 36 28 69 62 56 49 40 37 70 64 59 51 42 39 71 65 60 52 43 41 800 378 0.04 10 - 43 40 35 28 - 60 55 51 45 36 35 64 60 55 49 41 39 67 64 59 51 44 44 68 66 62 54 45 47 550 260 0.04 10 - 46 40 34 27 - 62 57 49 42 34 27 65 62 56 47 40 36 67 65 59 50 42 37 69 66 60 52 43 39 400 189 0.01 2 - - 33 28 24 - 59 50 47 40 33 34 57 59 55 44 38 39 59 63 62 49 42 43 59 63 65 52 45 46 825 389 0.09 22 58 52 47 41 35 28 68 60 55 48 40 33 73 66 60 53 44 38 76 70 65 57 47 44 77 71 66 59 49 45 825 389 0.09 22 - 52 46 41 35 27 65 61 53 46 40 33 70 66 59 51 44 37 72 70 64 55 48 43 74 72 66 57 49 44 cfml/s"w.g.Pa234567234567234567234567234567 1100 519 0.17 42 65 57 52 46 40 34 71 64 58 51 44 38 75 69 63 1400 661 0.30 75 71 64 58 52 46 41 74 67 61 54 48 42 78 72 66 59 51 46 82 76 70 62 54 48 83 78 73 65 55 50 1200 566 0.02 5 - 46 42 37 29 23 67 59 55 48 40 39 71 64 61 53 46 47 75 68 65 56 50 52 76 70 67 58 51 53 1600 755 0.17 42 62 56 51 47 41 35 69 63 58 51 44 41 75 70 63 56 48 48 1600 755 0.04 10 61 53 49 44 36 33 71 63 59 52 44 43 75 68 64 56 49 49 79 72 67 59 52 53 80 74 70 61 55 55 2100 991 0.30 75 68 63 58 53 47 44 71 66 61 55 48 46 76 73 66 59 52 50 80 77 70 62 55 54 84 81 74 67 61 60 2100 991 0.08 20 69 60 56 52 44 43 76 67 63 56 49 48 79 71 67 60 52 52 83 75 71 63 55 55 84 76 72 64 57 57 1950 920 0.05 12 61 53 49 43 36 32 71 64 60 52 46 44 76 69 65 57 52 50 2700 1274 0.10 25 69 62 57 53 46 43 75 68 64 57 51 50 80 73 69 61 55 54 83 76 72 64 59 58 85 79 74 66 61 60 1050 495 0.01 2 - 41 36 30 25 - 65 57 53 46 39 37 70 63 59 52 47 44 73 67 64 55 50 51 75 69 65 57 50 52 1100 519 0.16 40 63 58 51 46 42 36 69 64 57 50 45 39 73 69 62 54 48 42 1200 566 0.10 25 55 50 46 41 35 29 67 60 55 49 40 39 71 651550 60 731 53 45 0.03 45 73 7 69 63 56 56 47 49 43 48 38 74 30 70 23 65 69 57 61 50 58 50 50 43 41 74 66 62 55 49 47 78 70 66 59 54 52 79 73 69 61 56 55 1400 661 0.27 67 69 63 56 51 48 44 71 67 60 53 49 44 75 72 65 57 52 47 77 75 69 60 54 49 79 77 71 62 55 50 8 8 6 10 10 Size Inlet 14 x 8 14 x 8 14 x 10 4 3 2 Unit Size For performance table notes, see page C128; highlighted Fiberglass Liner Fiberglass /QFGN5GTKGU0Ŗ2CTCNNGN(NQYŖ2TKOCT[#KTŖ%QQNKPI% Performance Data • Discharge Sound Power Levels Sound Power • Discharge Data Performance FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS • 37N SERIES • 37N UNITS TERMINAL POWERED FAN C126 FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS C For performancetablenotes,seepageC128;highlighted Fiberglass Liner /QFGN5GTKGU0Ŗ2CTCNNGN(NQYŖ2TKOCT[#KTŖ%QQNKPI% Performance Data•RadiatedSoundPowerLevels FAN POWEREDTERMINALUNITS•37NSERIES Size Unit 3 4 2 14 x10 14 x8 14 x8 Inlet Size 10 10 8 8 6 406103 56 44 34 56 85 44 77 35 74 97 86 04 27 96 24 44 46 52 62 69 77 42 44 50 60 68 75 39 54 42 61 47 69 56 32 63 36 72 43 37 49 41 55 44 65 51 27 58 34 68 40 35 46 40 48 43 58 49 54 42 64 0.17 75 519 0.30 1100 661 1400 109103 56 45 64 66 85 84 97 35 14 57 85 34 87 96 55 50 51 55 60 69 78 48 49 53 59 42 68 44 76 47 45 52 47 60 51 71 56 36 63 39 72 44 39 49 43 55 48 66 53 28 58 34 68 41 36 47 40 50 46 56 51 54 42 63 0.17 75 755 0.30 1600 991 2100 7017 .02 25 24 43 96 65 74 46 05 14 86 25 35 17 45 555 55 58 64 71 81 50 53 56 41 62 45 68 48 78 54 48 60 51 71 54 37 60 41 65 45 74 51 42 56 47 66 50 26 56 35 61 39 69 45 36 48 44 54 47 52 12 55 62 0.05 25 920 0.10 1950 1274 2700 205600 04 83 71 15 64 63 65 04 24 95 34 54 06 64 750 47 49 56 49 62 49 70 52 50 47 58 52 45 64 55 47 76 61 53 46 67 59 47 77 69 50 47 40 56 49 42 62 53 45 74 59 50 41 65 56 44 75 66 48 44 32 53 47 36 59 51 41 70 57 46 36 62 50 40 72 61 44 40 17 49 44 27 54 49 32 66 54 38 26 59 41 32 69 50 38 35 44 40 5 45 45 56 50 53 0.02 10 61 566 0.04 20 1200 755 0.08 1600 991 2100 406102 76 44 34 86 54 34 77 15 54 77 55 74 97 85 84 40 44 48 59 68 76 39 44 47 57 35 65 42 75 43 37 50 44 59 45 69 53 34 61 42 71 41 37 46 44 54 43 64 48 35 55 42 65 41 38 43 45 49 43 57 47 54 40 64 0.16 67 519 0.27 1100 661 1400 205601 55 64 72 76 14 03 66 64 44 17 05 64 57 25 84 48 48 48 55 62 72 45 46 46 52 60 70 41 42 44 49 56 68 36 37 40 45 51 64 17 28 37 44 46 52 25 0.10 566 1200 004500 33 22 85 94 13 56 44 44 46 95 74 77 25 04 49 48 50 56 51 62 51 71 53 47 59 45 65 47 75 53 47 59 48 69 50 44 56 43 62 44 73 49 42 54 45 65 47 35 52 38 58 41 69 45 35 49 40 59 44 18 49 28 53 32 63 37 23 43 31 35 - 41 44 2 52 7 0.01 495 0.03 1050 731 1550 cfm l/s "w.gPa234567234567234567234567234567 7 300 14 73 9-4 13 81 64 32 2-4 73 02 75 13 30 32 41 50 47 - 27 32 30 34 37 41 47 49 47 53 - 62 31 22 32 27 38 33 47 44 52 46 60 - 27 30 19 36 28 44 33 50 41 59 44 21 28 - 34 19 41 30 46 37 53 42 18 41 27 34 - 41 41 2 - 0.01 7 83 0.03 175 189 400 7 300 33 5-4 33 23 25 54 33 25 74 73 55 749 47 54 25 33 37 47 47 53 22 31 33 42 45 52 22 32 32 38 43 49 - 25 30 33 - - 2 0.01 83 175 0 8 .71 44 42 05 94 73 46 44 93 06 75 13 36 95 33 36 38 43 52 59 68 33 36 41 50 57 67 30 33 39 47 54 65 24 30 37 43 49 59 20 28 34 41 44 - 17 0.07 283 600 0 8 .375 93 33 35 74 63 76 14 73 86 34 93 16 55 13 32 37 41 50 55 63 31 37 39 48 53 63 28 37 37 44 51 63 27 37 36 40 47 59 23 34 33 35 39 50 7 0.03 189 400 0 700 92 03 9---4 13 6--4 53 92 64 63 31 31 36 45 46 - 27 29 34 45 45 - - 26 31 41 44 - - - 29 35 40 - - - 26 29 - - 5 0.02 47 100 0 3 .02 24 23 92 15 53 12 75 84 53 95 24 73 06 44 937 39 45 54 61 70 35 37 43 52 59 69 31 35 41 48 55 67 26 31 38 45 51 61 22 29 36 42 46 52 25 0.10 330 700 0 8 .61 24 63 62 35 33 82 95 84 83 05 24 93 06 34 034 40 44 53 61 70 33 39 42 52 59 70 31 38 40 48 55 69 29 38 38 43 50 63 25 36 34 36 41 52 15 0.06 283 600 7 3 .12-4 53 72 44 93 82 84 23 72 15 53 73 25 64 833 38 40 46 54 62 30 37 39 45 52 61 28 37 38 42 49 58 27 38 38 39 46 33 54 35 25 41 37 52 37 55 35 59 41 31 - 36 40 50 2 54 59 26 0.01 35 38 130 46 52 275 60 - 34 36 40 46 55 - 29 31 33 - - 12 0.05 94 200 0 7 .43 74 33 12 45 64 42 95 04 73 16 34 93 26 54 138 41 46 55 63 72 36 39 44 53 60 71 33 37 43 50 57 69 29 34 41 46 53 64 26 31 37 43 48 57 35 0.14 378 800 7 3 .12-4 23 6-5 64 52 95 84 72 25 14 03 65 35 23 30 34 42 50 53 58 26 31 40 48 51 57 22 28 37 45 48 54 19 28 35 43 46 52 - 26 36 42 42 - 2 0.01 130 275 0 3 .82 64 83 62 55 54 83 15 04 03 26 44 03 36 64 135 41 45 56 63 73 34 40 44 54 62 72 32 40 43 50 59 71 30 38 40 45 52 65 26 36 36 38 44 56 20 0.08 330 700 5 6 .41 23 83 15 04 94 16 34 93 16 64 03 26 85 23 34 39 42 51 58 67 32 38 40 48 56 65 31 38 39 45 53 64 31 40 39 42 50 59 31 39 38 38 42 - 10 0.04 260 550 0 8 .12-3 23 7--4 13 33 65 63 04 75 24 44 65 44 647 46 46 54 55 56 44 44 43 52 56 57 40 40 39 46 52 56 35 33 35 41 45 - - 27 35 42 39 - 2 0.01 189 400 0 7 .12--3 27 34 - - 2 0.01 378 800 5 6 .41 34 62 85 53 02 25 73 22 45 04 43 55 14 535 35 42 51 58 65 33 34 41 50 57 64 29 32 39 47 54 62 21 30 38 45 50 58 - 25 36 43 43 - 10 0.04 260 550 0 7 .12 64 93 62 55 64 93 25 14 13 46 54 13 36 74 237 42 47 35 57 37 65 44 73 55 35 61 41 67 45 31 55 35 63 42 74 52 35 58 41 66 44 27 51 35 59 40 72 48 32 55 39 64 42 46 - 54 33 65 36 27 42 36 49 37 59 39 46 - 56 32 27 34 36 0.11 - 378 - 800 25 0.10 142 300 2 8 .92 04 83 13 15 44 13 85 94 03 06 24 93 16 44 936 39 44 54 62 71 35 39 42 52 60 70 33 40 41 49 57 68 32 41 40 44 52 61 32 41 38 38 44 50 22 0.09 389 825 0 7 .41 34 42 74 23 53 35 64 14 55 94 54 65 34 747 47 46 53 59 66 45 45 44 49 57 65 41 41 41 46 53 63 35 35 37 42 47 57 - 25 34 43 43 - 10 0.04 378 800 2 8 .92 54 82 86 34 13 66 85 33 16 25 53 67 35 63 38 39 46 56 63 70 36 37 45 54 62 69 31 36 43 51 58 66 26 33 41 48 53 62 18 28 38 44 45 - 22 0.09 389 825 0 8 .12--3 72 94 83 82 34 43 23 55 24 73 45 44 039 40 45 54 53 54 36 37 42 52 54 55 30 32 36 44 49 53 22 28 32 38 41 49 - 21 27 34 - - 2 0.01 189 400 0 8 .64 24 83 1-6 14 83 56 85 23 06 25 53 47 45 63 36 38 46 57 64 70 34 37 45 55 62 69 30 35 42 51 58 67 25 33 38 44 51 60 - 31 35 38 45 52 40 0.16 189 400 2 4 .12-4 63 5-5 54 73 25 94 14 95 35 54 36 55 74 46 46 47 52 55 60 43 44 45 50 53 59 39 40 41 44 49 57 32 35 37 40 45 52 - 25 30 36 40 - 2 0.01 248 525 5 1 .94 54 03 22 25 64 53 75 24 63 06 64 83 16 84 937 39 48 58 65 71 35 38 46 56 63 70 32 36 43 52 59 67 31 35 40 46 53 62 25 32 36 40 48 55 47 0.19 212 450 Airflow Min. inlet Fan and 100% Primary Air–SoundPowerOctaveBands@Inletpressure( Fanand100%Primary Min. inlet ' sMinimum Ps ' 4-56464237322762524640373463565044413964585246434224 - s0.5"w.g. Ps (125Pa) numbers ' s1.0"w Ps LQGLFDWHHPEHGGHG$+5,FHUWLÀFDWLRQSRLQWV .g. (249Pa) (249Pa) 63 57 55 84 97 76 04 40 42 50 60 67 74 39 41 48 58 65 72 35 39 46 ' s1.5"w Ps 36 54 237 42 45 55 64 73 66 75 846 48 51 57 64 76 46 47 49 55 63 74 [ENG .g. (375Pa) (375Pa) ' s2.0"w.g. Ps ' Ps) shown 46 74 238 42 46 57 66 74 56 75 949 49 51 57 65 75 86 05 048 50 53 60 67 78 (500Pa) 03 27 33 40 ' Ps FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS C C127 LQGLFDWHHPEHGGHG$+5,FHUWLÀFDWLRQSRLQWV numbers NC Level 75 66 67 62 56 57 73 67 66 62 54 46 70 60 56 51 41 4371 69 61 59 60 56 54 50 47 46 50 38 68 60 60 55 47 38 Discharge Radiated Ps Ps Discharge Radiated ' ' Discharge Discharge Sound Power Octave Bands "w.g. Pa Airflow Airflow 700 330 0.25 62 23 34 550 259 0.25 62 24 34 400 189 0.25 62 - 31 850 401 0.25 62 26 38 250 118 0.25 62 - 26 700 330 0.25 62 25 35 550 259 0.25 62 24 32 350 165 0.25 62 - 28 825 389 0.25 62 21 36 450 212 0.25 62 - 31 cfm l/s 700 330 0.25 62 68 64 60 55 46 48 67 60 59 54 49 42 550 260 0.25 62 70825 56 389 56 50 0.25 42 62 45 70 67 60 57 62 57 56 51 49 43 50 33 69 61 61 56 47 39 400 189 0.25 62 61 57 54 47 37 38 63 57 56 48 44 36 550 260 0.25 62 350 165 0.25 62 66450 52 212 51 44 0.25 36 62 35 63 62 52 53 53 53 46 46 38 38 36 26 64 55 56 49 40 30 250 118 0.25 62 - 53 49 41 30 26 59 54 52 43 38 29 850 401 0.25 62 74 65 63 58 52 55 72 65 63 59 51 43 700 330 0.25 62 cfml/s"w.g.Pa234567234567 1350 6371100 0.25 519 62 0.25 62 33 28 45 41 1350 6371100 0.25 519 62 0.25 79 62 71 70 68 62 63 77 72 69 66 59 51 Size Inlet Size Inlet Inlet page C132. 2 ALL 3 ALL 4 ALL 2 ALL 4 ALL 3 ALL Unit Size Unit Size For performance table notes, see page C128; highlighted PSC Motor Model Series 37N • Low Profile • Parallel Flow • Fan Only • Heating Cycle Model Series 37N • Low Profile Fiberglass Liner Performance Data • Sound Power Levels Performance Data • Sound 2. in space indicates a NC less than 20. Dash (-) Performance Notes: 1. calculated based on procedures as outlined on NC Levels are PSC Motor Model Series 37N • Parallel Flow • Fan Only • Heating Cycle Fan Only • Heating Flow • 37N • Parallel Model Series Liner Fiberglass Performance Data • NC Level Application Guide Application • NC Level Data Performance FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS • 37N SERIES • 37N UNITS TERMINAL POWERED FAN C128 FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS C Performance NotesforSoundPowerLevels: Fiberglass Liner Model Series37N•LowProfileParallelFlowAHRICertificationRatingPoints Performance Data•AHRICertificationandNotes FAN POWEREDTERMINALUNITS•37NSERIES * Motor =PSC . Soundpowerlevelsareindecibels,dBre10 3. Radiatedsoundpoweristhebreakoutnoisetransmitted 2. Dischargesoundpoweristhenoiseemittedfrom 1.

. Allsounddatalistedbyoctavebandsisrawwithout 4.

Size Unit Unit

Primary airvalveisclosedandthereforeprimarycfmzero.

4 14 x 10 x 14 4

3 14 x 8 x 14 3 210 through theunitcasingwalls. see AHRIStandard880. )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQRQGXFWHQGUHÁHFWLRQFDOFXODWLRQV OHYHOVZKHQFRPSDUHGWRSUHYLRXV$+5,FHUWLÀHGGDWD HQHUJ\ WKH correction tothedischargeSWL,ishighersoundpower LQFOXGLQJ RI HIIHFW 7KH GXFW QRQUHÁHFWLYH that wouldnormallybetransmittedintoanacoustically, the ductendcorrectionprovidessoundpowerlevels UHÁHFWLRQHQHUJ\DVSDUWRIWKHVWDQGDUGUDWLQJ,QFOXGLQJ Sound PowerLevels(SWL)nowincludeductend unit dischargeintothedownstreamduct.Discharge

than 20dBorequaltobackground. Dash (-)inspaceindicatessoundpowerlevelisless any correctionsforroomabsorptionorductattenuation.



909000 28 36 15 47 45 14 610 1 7 56 76 65 36 66 446 54 62 66 67 73 57 56 62 67 66 75 570 519 1100 46 48 51 57 64 76 54 56 61 69 73 80 12 0.05 920 1950

607501 27 36 95 17 35 94 67030357 16 44 06 06 54 38 47 55 60 60 68 50 47 54 60 61 71 355 330 700 46 47 49 55 63 74 51 51 59 66 73 78 42 0.17 755 1600

105901 07 26 75 57 45 54 75020257 05 14 36 95 04 38 46 50 56 59 69 43 41 51 56 60 70 275 260 550 37 42 45 55 64 73 45 50 57 66 72 75 40 0.16 519 1100

f / wg Pa "w.g. l/s cfm

Primary Primary


Min. Inlet Min.


sDshreRdae Discharge Radiated Discharge Ps


100% Primary @ 1.5" w.g. 1.5" @ Primary 100% Pa) (375 w/ .25" w.g. .25" w/ Discharge Pa) (62 -12




' Ps Ps 11. Fan Wattsarethemaximumelectricalpowerinputat 10. Fan onlysound powerlevelsare100%recirculated )DQDLUÁRZLVUDWHGIDQYROXPHDWZJ 3D   100% primaryairsoundpowerlevelsarecooling 8.

7. Data derivedfromindependenttestsconductedin 7. Asterisk(*)inspaceindicatesthattheminimuminlet 6. 5. Minimum inlet

Fan Airflow Fan f l/s cfm rated fanvolume. air; fanonly;inheatingcycle. downstream staticpressure. cycle (fanturnedoff).

Standard 880. accordance withANSI/ASHRAEStandard130andAHRI Pa) atratedairflow. static pressurerequirementisgreaterthan0.5"w.g.(125 rated primaryCFM. requirement oftheunit(damperfullopen)toachieve


Fan† 234567234567 '

Ps istheminimumoperatingpressure Fan Only Fan

Standards. accordance withAHRI LQ FHUWLÀHG DUH 5DWLQJV


@ 25" w.g. 25" @ Pa) (62


' Ps FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS C C129 GPM l/s .32 .25 .19 .13 .09 .06 .03 CFM l/s 5 4 3 2 1.5 1 0.5 1.00 1.00 0.94 0.94 0.90 0.87 0.84 0.81 0.78 Factor Sensible Heat Sensible Heat 0 (0) ft. (m) Altitude Altitude 2000 (610) 2000 (610) 3000 (914) 4000 (1219) 4000 (1219) 5000 (1524) 6000 (1829) 7000 (2134) Altitude Correction Factors: kW kW 2 Row (multi-circuit) 2 Row WTD (°C) = .224 x l/s ATR (°C) = 829 x l/s , , 100 200 300 300 400 500 100 200 600 700 47 94 142 189 236 283 330 5 30 25 20 15 10 MBH MBH MBH 8.8 7.3 5.9 4.4 2.9 1.5 kW

GPM l/s CFM l/s

.32 .25 .19 .13 .09 .06 .03 354 5 4 3 2 1.5 1 0.5 CFM l/s Unit Size 2 Unit Size 1 ROW WTD (°F) = 2.04 x GPM ATR (°F) = 927 x cfm (22); O.D. male solder. 3. Air Temperature Rise. 3. Water Temp. Drop. 4. Connections: 1 Row 1/2" (13) and 2 Row 7/8" 5. 2 ROW AIRFLOW Air Pressure Drop 47 94 142 189 236 236 189 142 47 94

100 200 300 400 500 750 500 400 300 100 200 w.g. 1.00 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.01

5 2

50 25 20 15 10 249 447 149 100 DROP PRESSURE AIR Pa in. Pa in.

t (temperature ţ t's; multiply the GPM l/s ţ 5 .32 thousands of Btu .19 .25 . 2 ROW 1 Row (single circuit) 1 Row 1 ROW WATER FLOW 50 (28) 60 (33) (39) 70 80 (44) 90 (50) 100 (56) 110 (61) 120 (67) 130 (72) 140 (78) 150 (83) .455 (.459) .545 (.541) .636 (.639) .727 (.721) .818 (.820) .909 (.918) 1.00 (1.00) 1.09 (1.10) 1.18 (1.18) 1.27 (1.28) 1.36 (1.36) 0 .03 .06 .13 .03 .06

0.5 1 2 3 4 Water Pressure Drop 2 H 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.1 100 200 300 300 400 500 100 200 600 700 47 94 142 189 236 283 330 10.0 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18


MBH (kW) values by the factors below. difference) of 110°F (61°C) between entering air and entering water. For other per hour (kiloWatts) 0.3 0.6 3.0 2.4 1.8 1.2 6.0 kPa ft. kPa ft. DROP) PRESSURE (WATER LOSS HEAD 29.8 23.9 17.9 11.9 ţVu( u% 1.2 1.8 2.3 2.9 3.5 4.1 4.7 5.3 kW MBH 2. (kW) values are based on a MBH Correction factors at other entering conditions: NOTES: Capacities are in MBH (kW), 1. Model: 37NW • Parallel Flow • Low Profile Flow • Low 37NW • Parallel Model: Performance Data • Hot Water Coil • Hot Water Data Performance FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS • 37N SERIES • 37N UNITS TERMINAL POWERED FAN C130 FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS C Correction factorsatother enteringconditions: MBH (kW)valuesarebasedona 2. 1. Capacities areinMBH(kW), NOTES: Model: 37NW•ParallelFlowLowProfile Performance Data•HotWaterCoil FAN POWEREDTERMINALUNITS•37NSERIES ţVu( u% 12.0 18.0 24.0 30.0 HEAD LOSS (WATER PRESSURE DROP) kPa ft. 1.8 2.6 3.5 4.4 5.3 6.2 7.0 WMBH kW MBH (kW)valuesbythefactorsbelow. and enteringwater.Forother difference) of110°F(61°C)between enteringair per hour(kiloWatts) 0.3 0.6 1.2 1.8 2.4 3.0 6.0 Factor 10.0 12 15 18 21 24 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 6 9 H 900 400 200 300 500 600700800 1000 425 189 142 236 283330378 472 94 2 05 2 5 7. 5 3 2 1 .13 .03 .06 .19 0.5 .32 .47 0 Water PressureDrop 45(49 55(51 66(69 77(71 88(80 99(98 .0(.0 .9(.0 .8(.8 .7(.8 1.36(1.36) 1.27(1.28) 1.18(1.18) 1.09(1.10) 1.00(1.00) .909 (.918) .818(.820) .727(.721) .636(.639) .545 (.541) .455 (.459) 0(8 0(3 0(9 0(4 0(0 0 5)10(1 2 6)10(2 4 7)150(83) 140(78) 130(72) 120(67) 110(61) 100(56) 90 (50) 80(44) 70 (39) 60 (33) 50 (28) WATER FLOW 1 ROW 1 Row(singlecircuit) 2 ROW . thousands ofBtu ţ 5

t's; multiplythe l/s ţ GPM t (temperature

100 149 199 249 AIR PRESSURE DROP Pa in. 10 15 20 25 50 2 5 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 w.g.

20 0 60 700 600 400 200

94 189 283 330 Air Pressure Drop Pressure Air 2 ROW AIRFLOW 5. Connections: 1Row1/2"(13)and27/8" 4. Water Temp.Drop. 3. Air TemperatureRise. 1 ROW (22); O.D.malesolder. cfm ATR (°F)=927x GPM WTD (°F)=2.04x Unit Size3 0.5 1 2 3 5 7.5 10 l/s CFM .03 .06 .13 .19 .32 .47 .63

l/s CFM GPM l/s

MBH 10.3 11.7 13.2 WMBH kW 2.9 4.4 5.9 7.3 8.8 MBH 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 , 900 400 200 300 500 600700800 1000 425 189 142 236 283330378 472 94 , l/s ATR (°C)=829x l/s WTD (°C)=.224x 2 Row(multi-circuit) kW kW Altitude CorrectionFactors: 7000 (2134) 6000 (1829) 5000 (1524) 4000 (1219) 3000 (914) 2000 (610) Altitude ft. (m) 0 (0) Sensible Heat Factor 0.78 0.81 0.84 0.87 0.90 0.94 1.00 0.5 1 2 3 5 7.5 10 l/s CFM .03 .06 .13 .19 .32 .47 .63 GPM l/s FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS C C131 GPM l/s .63 .47 .32 .19 .13 .06 .03 CFM l/s 10 7.5 5 3 2 1 0.5 1.00 1.00 0.94 0.94 0.90 0.87 0.84 0.81 0.78 Factor Sensible Heat Sensible Heat 0 (0) ft. (m) Altitude Altitude 2000 (610) 2000 (610) 3000 (914) 4000 (1219) 4000 (1219) 5000 (1524) 6000 (1829) 7000 (2134) Altitude Correction Factors: kW kW 2 Row (multi-circuit) 2 Row WTD (°C) = .224 x l/s ATR (°C) = 829 x l/s , , 142 236 330 425 519 613 708 613 330 425 519 142 236 300 500 700 900 1100 1300 1500 1300 1100 900 700 300 500 60 50 40 30 20 10 MBH MBH kW MBH 8.8 5.9 2.9 17.6 14.7 11.7

l/s CFM

GPM l/s

.63 .47 .32 .19 .13 .06 .03 CFM l/s Unit Size 4 Unit Size 10 7.5 5 3 2 1 0.5 WTD (°F) = 2.04 x GPM ATR (°F) = 927 x cfm (22); O.D. male solder. 1 ROW 3. Air Temperature Rise. 3. Water Temp. Drop. 4. Connections: 1 Row 1/2" (13) and 2 Row 7/8" 5. AIRFLOW 2 ROW Air Pressure Drop 300 600 900 1200 900 300 600

142 283 425 566 425 142 283 w.g. 1.00 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.01

5 2

50 25 20 15 10 249 447 149 100 DROP PRESSURE AIR Pa in. Pa in.

t (temperature ţ t's; multiply the GPM l/s ţ thousands of Btu . 2 ROW 1 Row (single circuit) 1 Row 1 ROW WATER FLOW 50 (28) 60 (33) 70 (39) 80 (44) 90 (50) 100 (56) 110 (61) 120 (67) 130 (72) 140 (78) 150 (83) .455 (.459) .545 (.541) .636 (.639) .727 (.721) .818 (.820) .909 (.918) 1.00 (1.00) 1.09 (1.10) 1.18 (1.18) 1.27 (1.28) 1.36 (1.36) 0

.03 .06 .13 .19 .32 .19 0.5 .13 .03 .06 1 2 3 5 Water Pressure Drop 2 H 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.1 142 236 330 425 519 613 708 613 330 425 519 142 236 300 500 700 900 1100 1300 1500 1300 1100 900 700 300 500 10.0 10 15 20 25 30 35


MBH (kW) values by the factors below. difference) of 110°F (61°C) between entering air and entering water. For other per hour (kiloWatts) 0.3 0.6 3.0 2.4 1.8 1.2 6.0 kPa ft. DROP) PRESSURE (WATER LOSS HEAD 29.8 23.9 17.9 11.9 ţVu( u% 2.9 4.4 5.9 7.3 8.8 kW MBH 2. (kW) values are based on a MBH Correction factors at other entering conditions: NOTES: Capacities are in MBH (kW), 1. Model: 37NW • Parallel Flow • Low Profile Flow • Low 37NW • Parallel Model: Performance Data • Hot Water Coil • Hot Water Data Performance FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS • 37N SERIES • 37N UNITS TERMINAL POWERED FAN 10.3 C132 FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS C in AHRIStandard885,AppendixEforaccuratespacesoundlevels. detailed NCcalculationbeperformedusingtheproceduresoutlined recommended thatthesoundpowerleveldatabeusedanda and arenotrepresentativeofspecificjobsiteconditions.Itis explained below.Thesuggestedattenuationallowancesaretypical in terminalselection,whichincludeattenuationallowancesas Nailor alsoprovidesan"NCLevel"tableasapplicationaid standard ratingpoints. raw withnoattenuationdeductionsandincludesAHRICertification ANSI/ASHRAE Standard130andAHRI880.Thisdatais pressures ispresented.Thisdataderivedinaccordancewith frequency foreachunitsizeatvariousflowratesandinletstatic levels inoctavebands2through7(1254000Hz)center The laboratoryobtaineddischargeandradiatedsoundpower two forms. The ceiling/space effectassumesthefollowingconditions: The ceiling/space sound totalattenuationvaluesbasedonAHRIStandard885. The followingtableprovidesthecalculationmethodforradiated tabulate RadiatedNClevels. used incommercialbuildings,thesevalueshavebeen to Since MineralFibertileceilingsarethemostcommonconstruction Mineral Fiber;Type3–SolidGypsumBoard. values forthreetypesofceiling:Type1–GlassFiber;2 Table E1ofAppendixEprovidestypicalradiatedsoundattenuation Radiated Sound to beapplicableformanytypesofspace. manufacturers andgivetheenduseravaluewhichwillbeexpected values. Useofthesevalueswillallowbettercomparisonbetween known andthefollowingfactorsareprovidedastypicalattenuation levels. Inproductcatalogs,theenduserenvironmentsarenot required forusebymanufacturerstocatalogapplicationsound a detailedevaluationisnotavailable.Theattenuationvaluesare be usedasaquickmethodofestimatingspacesoundlevelswhen As statedinAHRIStandard885,AppendixE,Thesevaluescan sound. values forairterminaldischargesoundandradiated AHRI Standard885,AppendixEprovidestypicalsoundattenuation Sound LevelsintheApplicationofAirTerminalsandOutlets". in AHRIStandard885ProcedureforEstimatingOccupiedSpace Tabulated NC levelsarebasedonattenuationvaluesasoutlined Explanation ofNCLevels 37N The Sound PowerLevelsvs.NC Performance DataExplanation FAN POWEREDTERMINALUNITS 7KHFHLOLQJKDVQRVLJQLÀFDQWSHQHWUDWLRQGLUHFWO\XQGHUWKH The plenum spaceiseitherwide[over30feet(9m)]orlinedwith 3. 2. The plenumisat least 3feet(914)deep. 1. 5/8" (16)tile,20lb/ft niomna fet 1 0 0 0 0 6 4 5 7 23 0 1 2 Octave Environmental Effect Band eln/pc fet 6 8 0 6 1 36 31 26 20 18 16 Ceiling/Space Effect oa teuto euto 1 1 2 2 3 36 31 26 20 19 18 Total AttenuationDeduction insulation.

Nailor ModelSeries:35S,35SST,37S,37SST,35Nand fan poweredterminalunitperformancedataispresentedin 3

(320 kg/m 3 ) density. XQLW 2. Space effect(roomsizeandreceiverlocation)2500 ft. Flexible ductisnon-metallicwith1"(25) insulation. 1. sound totalattenuationvaluesbasedonAHRIStandard885. The followingtablesprovidethecalculationmethodfordischarge unit size. levels appliedagainsttheterminalairflowvolumeandnot These attenuationvalueshavebeenusedtotabulateDischargeNC AHRI Standard885. acoustical engineeringguidelines atthebackofthiscatalogand procedures forcalculatingroom NClevels,pleaserefertothe For acompleteexplanationoftheattenuationfactorsand the (69 m Discharge Sound [DischargeDuct15"x(381381)]. [DischargeDuct12"x(305305)]. [DischargeDuct8"x(203203)]. Greaterthan700cfm(330l/s) 3. Largebox; 300–700cfm(142-330l/s) 2. Mediumbox; Lessthan300cfm(142l/s) 1. Smallbox; Table E1ofAppendixEprovidestypicaldischargesoundattenuation pc fet 6 8 10 9 0 8 0 7 1 6 2 5 5 10 Space Effect End Reflection pc fet 6 8 10 9 0 8 0 7 1 6 2 5 5 10 10 9 0 Space Effect 8 0 End Reflection 7 1 6 2 5 5 10 Space Effect End Reflection oa teuto euto 2 2 3 5 5 40 59 53 39 28 24 Total AttenuationDeduction oa teuto euto 2 3 4 5 5 39 52 51 41 30 29 Total AttenuationDeduction 39 53 51 40 29 27 Total AttenuationDeduction niomna fet 1 0 0 0 0 OctaveBand 0 1 2 6 4 5 7 23 Environmental Effect <300 cfm Small Box niomna fet 1 0 0 0 0 OctaveBand 0 1 2 6 4 5 7 23 Environmental Effect 0 >700 7 0 6 cfm Large Box 0 5 0 4 OctaveBand 1 3 2 2 Environmental Effect 300 –700cfm Medium Box rnhPwrDvso 1ote) 0 0 0 0 18 12 0 29 21 0 25 19 12 18 0 10 6 0 5 5 ft.(1.5m),8in.dia.(203)FlexDuct 2 Branch PowerDivision(1outlet) 5 ft.(1.5m)1"(25)DuctLining rnhPwrDvso 3otes 5 5 5 5 5 12 12 17 5 21 18 19 5 9 18 5 10 3 5 5 5 ft.(1.5m),8in.dia.(203)FlexDuct 2 Branch PowerDivision(3outlets) 5 ft.(1.5m)1"(25)DuctLining 3 3 14 12 20 3 21 20 19 3 10 18 3 10 4 3 5 5 ft.(1.5m),8in.dia.(203)FlexDuct 2 Branch PowerDivision(2outlets) 5 ft.(1.5m)1"(25)DuctLining values forthreesizesofterminalunit. 3 ) and5ft.(1.5m)distancefromsource. 3

FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS C C133 Volt ed. 3 phase 480 & 600 st. No. 236. ANSI/UL CSA C22.2 1995, 1 3 phase 208 Volt 208 Volt the following standards: Tested and approved to 1 phase 277 Volt 277 Volt Volt Volt 1 phase 208/240 Maximum KiloWatts - 1 Stage Heat Maximum KiloWatts 1 phase 120 Volt 1– 82– 8 8 108 8 108 342– – 8 – 8 108 10*** 8 12 11.5 15.5 14.5 17 27 356 –2 –3 –4 8 – 8 – 8 – 11.5 8 11.5 8 11.5 8 10 11.5 14.5 11.5 14.5 11.5 11.5 14 20.5 13.5 26 14.5 11.5 16 27 3 – 8 11.5 10 14 456 –7 –1 –2 8 – 8 – 8 – 11.5 8 11.5 5.5 10.5** 11.5 10 11.5 14.5 5.5 12 14.5 14.5 16 20.5 5.5 12 26 30 5.5 12 50 4.5 10* 11.5 14.5 25 40 4.5 10* 11.5 14.5 18 30 4.5 10* 11.5 14.5 15 Unit Size 35SE 37SE 35NE 37NE 33SZE Models 37SEST 35SEST *208V max is 8.5 **208V max is 9.0 ***208V max is 8.5 Recommended Selection: The table above is a quick reference guide, to illustrate the relationship between electrical power supply, heater capacity in kiloWatts and terminal unit size that are available for fan powered units. • are available with Digital and pneumatic control terminals up to 3 stages of heat. Analog electronic control terminals are available with 1 or 2 stages of heat only. A minimum of 0.5 kW per stage is required. • Voltage and kilowatt ratings are sized so as not to exceed 48 amps, in order to avoid the NEC code requirement for circuit fusing. • A minimum airflow of 70 cfm (33 l/s) per kW is required for any given terminal in order to avoid possible nuisance tripping of the thermal cutouts. • Discharge air temperature should not exceed 120°F (49°C). are tested with terminal units in with terminal are tested SCR Control Option: The SCR (Silicon Controlled Rectifier) option provides infinite solid state heater control using a proportional signal (0 – 10 Vdc or 4 – 20 mA). This option may be specified compatible with pneumatic, analog electronic or digital (DDC) controls. Time proportional control of the electric heater provides superior comfort and energy savings. The SCR controller modulates the heater to supply the exact amount of heat based upon the zone requirement. Room set points are maintained more accurately, undershoot and overshoot as associated with staged heat are eliminated, reducing operation costs. SCR controllers provide silent operation, as mechanical staged contactors are eliminated. Zero cross switching of the thyristor prevents electrical noise. Options: • Toggle disconnect switch. • disconnect switch. Door interlocking contactors. • Mercury • Power circuit fusing. • Dust tight control enclosure. • Manual reset high limits. Control. • SCR Standard Features: • Automatic reset high limit thermal cut-outs. • or Magnetic contactors per stage on terminals with DDC analog electronic controls. • P.E. switch per stage to carry load or pilot duty with pneumatic control. magnetic contactors as required with • Positive pressure airflow safety switch. • for fan on parallel terminals (P35NE) with P.E. switch pneumatic control. • Fan relay for DDC fan terminals. • voltage transformer (Class II) for DDC or analog Control electronic terminals. • Class A 80/20 Ni/Cr wire. Features, Selection and Capacities Selection and Features, Coils Nailor Electric requirements 1995 and meet all with UL Standard accordance (Canadian Code) and CSA (National Electric of the NEC the Units are listed and labeled by Standards Association). are as a total package. All controls ETL Testing Laboratory the 1 electrical enclosure on the side of enclosed in a NEMA access. fan package for easy and heater terminates in the enclosure All wiring for the motor is connection in the field. Each unit for single point electrical diagram. Note: NEC requires a means supplied with a wiring the power supply within sight or on to disconnect the heater terminal. Coils Heating Coils Electric FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS UNITS TERMINAL POWERED FAN C134 FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS C are intheroom. ascertained. Thiswilldependonthetypeofdiffusers that Next, thedesireddischargeairtemperatureshould be kW. the leftscale,thenmovehorizontallytorightand read DUH0%+LQN:,IXVLQJWKHFKDUWÀQGWKH0%+RQ converted tokWbyusingthechartorcalculation.There powered terminalunitsinareturnairplenum.MBHcanbe 8VXDOO\WKHVHFRQGLWHPLVVPDOOFRPSDUHGWRWKHÀUVWIRUIDQ entering airtemperaturetothedesiredroomtemperature. loss calculationandtheamountofheatrequiredtoraise The heatrequirementfortheroomissumof air temperatureandthedesireddischargetemperature. determined: theheatrequirementforroom,entering To properlyselectanelectricheater,threethingsmustbe Electric HeaterSelection temperature. is 120°F(49°C).Noheatershouldbeappliedtoexceedthis Nailor FanPoweredTerminalUnitwithsupplementalheat The maximumapproveddischargeairtemperatureforany – 600mm)oftheroomwillbeheated. there isaceilingreturnbecauseonlythetop12"–24"(300 VWUDWLÀFDWLRQOD\HUVDQGZLOOQRWNHHSWKHRFFXSDQWVZDUPLI room attemperaturesabove105°F(41°C)usuallywillsetup time theairgetstowalls.Dischargingwarminto that canbeforceddownintotheoccupiedspaceby needs tobeblendeddownanacceptabletemperature plenum beforeitheatstheroom.Again,airtemperature discharge airpattern,thewarmwillbereturnedto be effective.However,ifthereturnairgrillesarein this applicationcanbeashigh105°F(41°C)andstill air asitcrossestheceiling.Dischargetemperaturesin Diffusers inthecenterofroomblendtheirdischarge this applicationshouldbeinthe85–90°F(2932°C)range. to beeffectiveinthiscase.Dischargeairtemperaturesfor blow theairverylowinroom.Hotwillbetoobuoyant glass andsetupaircurtainswithintheroom,mustbeableto to performdifferentfunctions.Slotsthatblendtheairat Rooms usedifferenttypesofdiffusersandtheyareintended KHDWHU WKH discharge airtemperaturecanbeanimportantfactor. IRU DLUÁRZ DQG FDSDFLW\ WKH FRQVLGHULQJ :KHQ Discharge AirTemperature Application Guidelines Electric HeatingCoils FAN POWEREDTERMINALUNITS (continued) is linear. discharge airtemperature.Interpolationbetweenthecurves WKH until thelinesintersect.Theintersectionwillbedesired ÀQG DQG FKDUW WKH RI VLGH design kW.Movehorizontallyandverticallyintothechart OHIW WKH WR 0RYH URRP WKH from thechart.Startatbottomwithdesigncfminto The dischargeairtemperaturecanalsobeselecteddirectly temperature. Then,movelefttothekW. up tothelinethatrepresentsdesireddischargeair bottom withthedesigncfmintoroom.Movevertically The kWcanbeselecteddirectlyfromthechart.Startat cfm atthebottomofchart. kWx3160 discharge airtemperature.Then,moveverticallydowntothe at theleftdesignkW.Movehorizontallytodesired WKHURRPDLUÁRZFDQEHVHOHFWHGGLUHFWO\IURPWKHFKDUW6WDUW Assuming 70°F(21°C)supplyairtemperaturetotheheater, EH WKHQ cfm = FDQ URRP WKH IRU calculated usingthefollowingequation: DLUÁRZ KHDWLQJ GHVLUHG 7KH

MBH 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 ţ t (dischargeairtemp–inlettemp.)°F

10 15 20 kW25 30 35 40 45 50 0 5 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 3000 3500 2500 1500 2000 1000 500 0 Diagonal linesareconstantoutputtemperature. Assuming 70°Finletairtemperatureatheater. Heater SelectionChart AIRFLOW, CFM 115°F 80°F 85°F 90°F 95°F 100°F 105°F 110°F FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS C


ty IRU duce QWOLQHU UHDPLV oncern. LPLQDWLQJ OLHQWVWKH STEEL END CAPS JSRVVLELOLW\ minal mixing FULL LENGTH FULL STEEL INSERTS STEEL LVWLFV7KHIRDPGRHVQRWDEVRUEZDWHU 13/16" (21) THICK 13/16" (21) FSK LINED INSULATION Steri-Liner detail on single duct terminal unit. INSULATED CORNER POSTS DPH " models TM UVHULHVWHUPLQDOVDUHQRWVLJQLÀFDQWO\DIIHFWHGE\WKHGLIIHUH KHLVVXHRIÀEHUJODVVLQVXODWLRQHURGLQJDQGHQWHULQJWKHDLUVW G WR SUHYHQW HURVLRQ DQG ZDV GHYHORSHG WR RSWLPL]H DWWHQXDWLRQ VW H[SRVXUH RI ÀEHUJODVV SDUWLFOHV WR WKH DLUVWUHDP DOO EXW HO WKHDLUVWUHDP DOVRUHVLVWDQWWRPRLVWXUH)XOO\SHUIRUPDQFHWHVWHGIRURXUF ÀEHUJODVVLQVXODWLRQRURSWLRQDO6WHUL/LQHULQVXODWLRQUHGXFLQ GHQVLW\ULJLGÀEHUJODVVZLWKDÀUH 3 Nailor's Fiber-Free liner is 3/4" (19) thick, closed cell elastomeric foam which totally eliminates foam which totally eliminates liner is 3/4" (19) thick, closed cell elastomeric Nailor's Fiber-Free ÀEHUJODVV7KHOLQHUKDVH[FHOOHQWWKHUPDOLQVXODWLQJFKDUDFWHU of mold or bacterial growth. reducing the likelihood debris won't accumulate, durable, erosion surface is smooth, so that dirt and The Fiber-Free liner resistant and washable. standards and tests: Complies with the following • air distribution systems. 90A Supplementary materials for NFPA • 181 (25/50) Smoke and Flame spread. ASTM E84 and UL • and G22 (No bacterial or fungal growth). ASTM C1071, G21 • standard dual density Acoustical attenuation of radiated sound is reduced compared with  ÀEHUJODVVLQVXODWLRQ " series terminals with solid metal liner feature the tuned induction attenuation design described above for Steri-Liner and re " series terminals with solid metal liner feature the tuned induction attenuation design TM Fiber-Free Liner Nailor offers several options for terminal unit applications where the maintenance of an high is a primary c high Indoor Air Quality maintenance of an where the terminal unit applications several options for Nailor offers 6SHFLÀF,$4OLQHUVDUHGHVLJQHGWRDGGUHVVDSSOLFDWLRQVZKHUHW ÀEHUJODVV LQVXODWLRQ 'XDO GHQVLW\ LQVXODWLRQ LV VXUIDFH WUHDWH WHUPLQDOXQLWDSSOLFDWLRQV&DWDORJHGGLVFKDUJHVRXQGOHYHOVIR a concern and/or to reduce the risk of microbial growth. risk of microbial growth. and/or to reduce the a concern standard dual densi upon testing with units are based for fan powered terminal in this catalog power levels published The sound on the terminal model and radiated sound levels may escalate depending is mounted on the discharge, however options, as the fan liner selection. Contact your Nailor representative for further information. your Nailor representative for further liner selection. Contact resistant reinforced aluminum foil-scrim-kraft (FSK) facing on all panels in the resistant reinforced aluminum foil-scrim-kraft mixing chamber. ‡ 0HHWV WKH UHTXLUHPHQWV RI 1)3$ $ DQG of ASTM C665. Will not support spread and the bacteriological requirements 8/  IRU VPRNH DQG Á G22. the growth of fungi or bacteria, G21 and • Steri-Liner panels feature full length steel angle No exposed edges. All edges. Nailor's "Stealth inserts and end caps to encapsulate the catalogued radiated sound level ratings. No other terminal manufacturer can make that claim. catalogued radiated sound level ratings. No other terminal manufacturer can make FKDPEHU 6ROLG PHWDO OLQHUV RIIHU WKH XOWLPDWH SURWHFWLRQWKHSRVVLELOLW\RISXQFWXUHVH[SRVLQJÀEHUJODVV7KLVRSWLRQLV DJDLQ of long term erosion or breakdown. Perforated Metal Liner 3URYLGHVDGGLWLRQDOVHFXULW\DQGUHWDLQVVWDQGDUGGXDOGHQVLW\ Solid Metal Liner insulation from the airstream within the ter Nailor also offers a solid inner metal liner that completely isolates the standard Acoustic absorption of aluminum foil lined insulation is reduced for discharge Acoustic absorption of aluminum foil lined for radiated sound levels when sound levels and somewhat increased FRPSDUHGWRVWDQGDUGÀEHUJODVVLQVXODWLRQ • (21) thick, 4 lb./sq. ft. (64 kg/m 13/16" "Stealth Steri-Liner to reduce the risk of microbial Steri-Liner is an internal insulation designed non-porous facing provides a vapor growth within the terminal. A smooth risk of micro-organisms becoming barrier to moisture and reduces the prevents insulating material erosion. trapped. It also facilitates cleaning and 'DPDJHWRWKHOLQHUWKRXJKZLOOH[SRVHÀEHUJODVVSDUWLFOHVWR Fiber-Free liner. Optional Terminal Unit Liners For IAQ Sensitive Applications For IAQ Sensitive Unit Liners Terminal Optional FAN POWERED TERMINAL UNITS OPTIONS UNITS TERMINAL POWERED FAN with Steri-Liner are unique and have been especially designed, utilizing a low density foil back insulation with perforated metal covering in the tuned induction port that maintains cataloged radiated sound levels. No other manufacturer can maintain their cataloged sound levels like Nailor with a foil face liner option. DIRECT DIGITAL CONTROLS (DDC)

Standard Control Sequences • Fan Powered Terminal Units • Parallel Flow Nailor EZvav • Pressure Independent

Control Sequence N400 COLD AIR AVAILABLE SEQUENCE Models: 35N and 37N FAN OPERATION MAX. COOLING CFM MAX. FAN MINIMUM TOTAL AIR Cooling (Plenum Heat Only) SPEED CFM INCREASE COOLING OCCUPIED CFM 1. Changeover/Morning Warm-up (Central AHU MIN. FAN INDUCED AIR SPEED Heat/Cool): If supply air as measured by the UNOCCUPIED STANDBY discharge air temperature (DAT) sensor is below FAN OFF 72°F (22.2°C), cool air is said to be available. ROOM TEMP. INCREASE CLG. SPAN ROOM TEMP. INCREASE HTG. HTG. CLG. +2°F 2. Cool Air Available: As space temperature rises SP SP SP (+1.1°C) above the cooling setpoint, the controller increases primary airflow. At a space WARM AIR AVAILABLE SEQUENCE temperature of 2°F (1.1°C) above the cooling setpoint, maximum cooling airflow is maintained. On a decrease in space temperature, the controller reduces airflow. Below cooling setpoint, minimum airflow is maintained. MAX. HTG. CFM MINIMUM CFM INCREASE HEATING 3. The fan is started only on a call for heat. The fan stops if there is no call for CFM heat. The fan induces warm ceiling plenum air. During occupied mode, the fan runs at maximum fan speed. EPIC ECM Motor Only: During standby and unoccupied modes, the fan runs at minimum fan speed. HTG. SPAN ROOM TEMP. INCREASE -2°F HTG. CLG. 4. As the space temperature drops below the heating setpoint, the fan continues (-1.1°C) SP SP to recirculate warm ceiling plenum air. 5. Warm Air Available: The fan is locked out. As space temperature drops below the heating setpoint, the controller increases primary airflow. At a space temperature of 2°F (1.1°C) below the heating setpoint, maximum heating airflow is maintained. On an increase in space temperature, airflow decreases. As space temperature rises above the heating setpoint, minimum heating airflow is maintained.



MAX. FAN Cooling with Modulating Heat TOTAL AIR MINIMUM SPEED CFM INCREASE COOLING OCCUPIED 1. Changeover/Morning Warm-up (Central AHU MIN. FAN INDUCED AIR CFM SPEED Heat/Cool): If supply air as measured by the UNOCCUPIED discharge air temperature (DAT) sensor is STANDBY FAN OFF below 72°F (22.2°C), cool air is said to be ROOM TEMP. INCREASE HTG. SPAN CLG. SPAN ROOM TEMP. INCREASE

CONTROLS available. If supply air is above 76°F (24.4°C), HTG. -2°F HTG. CLG. +2°F SP (-1.1°C) SP SP (+1.1°C) warm air is said to be available. Any time warm air is available, auxiliary heat is locked out. MODULATING HEAT OPERATION LOOP % HEAT 2. Cool Air Available: As space temperature rises above the cooling setpoint, the HTG. % F 100 controller increases primary airflow. At a space temperature of 2°F (1.1°C) above the cooling setpoint, maximum cooling airflow is maintained. On a decrease in space temperature, the controller reduces airflow. Below cooling setpoint,

minimum airflow is maintained. 10 0 3. The fan is started only on a call for heat. The fan stops if there is no call for HTG. SPAN ROOM TEMP. INCREASE -2°F HTG. heat. The fan induces warm ceiling plenum air. During occupied mode, the (-1.1°C) SP fan runs at maximum fan speed. EPIC ECM Motor Only: During standby and unoccupied modes, the fan runs at minimum fan speed. WARM AIR AVAILABLE SEQUENCE 4. Supplemental Heat: As the space temperature drops below the heating

setpoint, the heating output modulates open. As the space temperature rises MAX. HTG. CFM MINIMUM towards the heating setpoint, the heating modulates closed. If the heating loop is CFM INCREASE HEATING less than 10%, the heating output remains at 0%. CFM 5. If DAT limiting is enabled and a DAT sensor is detected, the discharge air heating setpoint is determined based on the heating loop. The discharge HTG. SPAN ROOM TEMP. INCREASE temperature is limited to 15°F (8.3°C) above space temperature up to a maximum -2°F HTG. CLG. of 90°F (32.2°C). (-1.1°C) SP SP 6. Warm Air Available: The fan is locked out. As space temperature drops below the heating setpoint, the controller increases primary airflow. At a space temperature of 2°F (1.1°C) below the heating setpoint, maximum heating airflow is maintained. On an increase in space temperature, airflow decreases. As space temperature rises above the heating setpoint, minimum heating airflow is maintained.


Standard Control Sequences • Fan Powered Terminal Units • Parallel Flow Nailor EZvav • Pressure Independent


Cooling with Floating Heat SPEED CFM INCREASE OCCUPIED MIN. FAN 1. Changeover/Morning Warm-up (Central AHU SPEED MINIMUM COOLING CFM UNOCCUPIED Heat/Cool): If supply air as measured by the STANDBY STANDBY discharge air temperature (DAT) sensor is below FAN OFF 72°F (22.2°C), cool air is said to be available. If ROOM TEMP. INCREASE HTG. SPAN CLG. SPAN ROOM TEMP. INCREASE HTG. -2°F HTG. CLG. +2°F supply air is above 76°F (24.4°C), warm air is said SP (-1.1°C) SP SP (+1.1°C) to be available. Any time warm air is available, auxiliary heat is locked out. FLOATING HEAT OPERATION LOOP % 2. Cool Air Available: As space temperature rises above the cooling setpoint, the HEATING HTG. % controller increases primary airflow. At a space temperature of 2°F (1.1°C) above 100 DRIVE OPEN the cooling setpoint, maximum cooling airflow is maintained. On a decrease 70 in space temperature, the controller reduces airflow. Below cooling setpoint, NO ACTION minimum airflow is maintained. 30 DRIVE CLOSED 3. The fan is started during occupied and standby modes and runs continuously 0 HTG. SPAN ROOM TEMP INCREASE at maximum fan speed. The fan induces warm ceiling plenum air as the primary -2°F HTG. airflow varies and maintains a constant volume to the space. During unoccupied (-1.1°C) SP mode, the fan starts on a call for heating only. The fan stops only during unoccupied mode when there is no call for heat. EPIC ECM Motor Only: During WARM AIR AVAILABLE SEQUENCE standby and unoccupied modes, the fan runs at minimum fan speed.


4. Supplemental Heat: As the space temperature drops below the heating CFM INCREASE setpoint (heating loop is greater than 70%), the valve is driven open. As the INDUCED AIR

space temperature rises back toward the heating setpoint (heating loop is less MINIMUM HEATING CFM than 30%), the valve is driven closed. If the loop is in between, there is no valve

action. HTG. SPAN ROOM TEMP. INCREASE 5. If DAT limiting is enabled and a DAT sensor is detected, the discharge -2°F HTG. CLG. (-1.1°C) SP SP air heating setpoint is determined based on the heating loop. The discharge temperature is limited to 15°F (8.3°C) above space temperature up to a maximum CONTROLS of 90°F (32.2°C). 6. Warm Air Available: As space temperature drops below the heating setpoint, the controller increases primary airflow. At a space temperature of 2°F (1.1°C) below the heating setpoint, maximum heating airflow is maintained. On an increase in space temperature, airflow decreases. As space temperature rises above the heating setpoint, minimum heating airflow is maintained.



Standard Control Sequences • Fan Powered Terminal Units • Parallel Flow Nailor EZvav • Pressure Independent



MAX. FAN MINIMUM Cooling with Binary Heat TOTAL AIR SPEED CFM INCREASE COOLING OCCUPIED CFM (Staged Electric or On/Off Hot Water) MIN. FAN INDUCED AIR SPEED 1. Changeover/Morning Warm-up (Central AHU UNOCCUPIED STANDBY Heat/Cool): If supply air as measured by the FAN OFF discharge air temperature (DAT) sensor is below ROOM TEMP. INCREASE HTG. SPAN CLG. SPAN ROOM TEMP. INCREASE HTG. -2°F HTG. CLG. +2°F 72°F (22.2°C), cool air is said to be available. If SP (-1.1°C) SP SP (+1.1°C)

supply air is above 76°F (24.4°C), warm air is said to be available. Any time warm HEATING STAGES OPERATION air is available, auxiliary heat is locked out. 2. Cool Air Available: As space temperature rises above the cooling setpoint, the STAGE 3 STAGE 1 controller increases airflow. At a space temperature of 2°F (1.1°C) above the CAN BE AN STAGE 2 ON/OFF HOT cooling setpoint, maximum cooling airflow is maintained. On a decrease in space WATER VALVE (NC) temperature, the controller reduces airflow. Below cooling setpoint minimum STAGE 1 airflow is maintained. ROOM TEMP. INCREASE 3. The fan is started only on a call for heat. The fan stops if there is no call for 1.9°F 1.3°F 7°F HTG. heat. During occupied mode, the fan runs at maximum fan speed. EPIC ECM (-16.7°C) (-17°C) (-13°C) SP Motor Only: During standby and unoccupied modes, the fan runs at minimum fan WARM AIR AVAILABLE SEQUENCE speed. 4. Supplemental Heat: As the space temperature drops below the heating MAX. HTG. CFM MINIMUM setpoint, up to 3 stages of electric heat are energized respectively. As the space CFM INCREASE HEATING temperature rises back toward the heating setpoint, heating stages 3, 2 and 1 CFM turn off respectively (Alternatively, an on/off two position spring return hot water valve can be controlled). 5. Warm Air Available: The fan is locked out. As space temperature drops below HTG. SPAN ROOM TEMP. INCREASE -2°F HTG. CLG. the heating setpoint, maximum heating airflow is maintained. On an increase in (-1.1°C) SP SP space temperature, airflow decreases. As space temperature rises above the heating setpoint, minimum heating airflow is maintained. Note: DO NOT enable the DAT Discharge Air Temperature limiting feature for binary staged or on/off reheat as short cycling will occur. CONTROLS



Standard Control Sequences • Fan Powered Terminal Units • Parallel Flow Model Series 35N and 37N Analog Electronic Sequences

Code Description Central System On • Pressure Independent Occupied Cycle A1 Cooling w/night cycle MAXIMUM COOLING RECIRCULATED AIR

A2 Cooling w/morning warm-up and night cycle PRIMARY AIR

SETPOINT Cooling w/staged electric, auxiliary or on-off hot water HEATING COIL A3 + 2 °F heat and night cycle TEMPERATURE (+ 1.1°C) MINIMUM A4 Cooling w/proportional heat and night cycle CFM INCREASE

B1 Cooling w/auto night shutdown INCREASE

B2 Cooling w/morning warm-up and auto night shutdown Central System Off • Pressure Cooling w/staged electric, auxiliary or on-off hot water Independent – Unoccupied Cycle B3 heat and auto night shutdown

B4 Cooling w/proportional heat and auto night shutdown RECIRCULATED AIR

B5 Cooling w/auto night setback cycle NO HEATING COIL SETPOINT PRIMARY AIR TEMPERATURE Cooling w/morning warm-up and auto night setback B6 cycle CFM INCREASE Cooling w/staged electric, auxiliary or on-off hot water B7 heat and auto night setback cycle ROOM TEMPERATURE INCREASE Cooling w/proportional heat and auto night setback B8 cycle Sequence Notes: Cooling w/staged electric, auxiliary or on-off hot water Morning Warm-Up B9 heat, auto night setback cycle and morning warm-up CONTROLS A duct stat is mounted in the terminal inlet. Upon sensing a Cooling w/proportional heat, auto night setback cycle central system supply air temperature above 77°F (25°C), B10 the primary air damper drives to a full open position. Fan and and morning warm-up optional supplementary heat are locked out. Upon sensing cool Cooling w/staged electric, auxiliary or on-off hot water air, the terminal reverts to daytime operation. F B23 heat and morning warm-up Night Cycle Cooling w/proportional heat, morning warm-up and Upon a call for heat, the thermostat will cycle the unit-fan B24 night cycle followed by any supplementary heat intermittently to maintain day set point temperature. Cooling w/staged electric, auxiliary or on-off hot water B25 Auto Night Setback heat, auto night shutdown and morning warm-up An airflow switch senses central system shutdown upon loss of primary air and activates the night side of B26 Cooling w/proportional heat and morning warm-up the thermostat. Primary air damper cycles closed. Upon a call for heat, the thermostat will cycle the unit fan and optional supplementary heat intermittently to maintain a B13 Cooling w/auto changeover lower energy saving setback temperature. Cooling w/staged electric, auxiliary or on-off hot water Auto Changeover B17 heat and auto changeover (Central Heat/Cool Systems) These sequences incorporate a duct stat and heat/ B18 Cooling w/proportional heat and auto changeover cool thermostat. Upon sensing a central system supply air temperature above 77°F (25°C), the heating side of the thermostat is activated and the damper throttling action is B15 Cooling w/auto changeover and auto night shutdown reversed. Warm central air is modulated between minimum and maximum set points. Terminal fan and optional supplementary Cooling w/staged electric, auxiliary or on-off hot water heat are locked out. B16 heat, auto changeover and auto night shutdown Optional Strategies Cooling w/proportional heat, changeover and auto Night setback, night shutdown and primary damper overrides may B22 night shutdown be initiated by external 24 VAC inputs and/or dry contact closures. Consult your Nailor representative for non-standard control sequences. F22 PNEUMATIC CONTROLS

Standard Control Sequences • Fan Powered Terminal Units • Parallel Flow Model Series 35N and 37N Pneumatic • Pressure Dependent Central System On • Pressure Dependent The actuator and fan respond directly to a signal from the room thermostat. Occupied Cycle P.E. switches are furnished to sequentially activate fan and RECIRCULATED AIR optional hot water heat upon demand (electric heat is not available with pressure dependent controls).

Pneumatic • Pressure Independent HEATING COIL Y AIR SETPOINT TEMPERATURE AR Occupied Cycle IM PR

1. Upon start-up of the central system, cold air is delivered CFM INCREASE to the space through the primary air section at the flow rate dictated by the thermostat. The reset controller compensates for any variation in inlet static pressure. The fan remains off. A ROOM TEMPERATURE INCREASE backdraft damper at the fan outlet prevents cold air from flowing back through the fan into the ceiling space. 2. On a rise in room temperature, the thermostat sends a signal Central System On • Pressure Independent to increase the flow of primary air. Occupied Cycle MAXIMUM 3. When the room temperature exceeds set point by 2°F or more, COOLING cold airflow is maintained at the maximum setting. Y AIR RECIRCULATED AIR

4. On a decrease in room temperature, the thermostat sends PRIMAR a signal for less cooling to the flow controller and cold airflow SETPOINT begins to decrease. HEATING COIL + 2 °F TEMPERATURE 5. When the room temperature is at or below the thermostat set (+ 1.1°C) point, cold airflow is at its minimum limit. MINIMUM CFM INCREASE 6. If room temperature continues to drop, the fan section is energized to supply warm ceiling plenum air.

7. If room temperature drops further still, an optional ROOM TEMPERATURE INCREASE CONTROLS supplementary heating coil may be energized. 8. When the central system is turned off (night-time or weekend operation), the fan and optional heat can be energized by the Central System Off • Pressure room thermostat on an intermittent basis on a call for heating. Dependent/Independent – Unoccupied Cycle Pneumatic Options RECIRCULATED AIR 1. Night Setback The space temperature may be reset to a lower setting through a change in main air pressure. The fan and optional heat will be F NO HEATING COIL SETPOINT energized through the P.E. switch furnished with the unit while the PRIMARY AIR TEMPERATURE central system remains off.

2. A normally open damper configuration may be utilized for a CFM INCREASE central morning warm-up sequence by removing main air to the terminal. ROOM TEMPERATURE INCREASE Pneumatic Control Combinations

Suggested Range Settings Fan P.E. Electric Heating Coil Pressure Pressure Thermostat Terminal Primary Air Switch** P.E. Off - On Code Dependent Independent Action Damper Cooling Range Off - On Normal 1st 2nd 3rd Max. - Min. Setting Position Stage Stage Stage  D.A. N.C. 15 – 10 psi 12 – 10/N.C. 10 - 8 9 - 7 8 - 6 D1  R.A. N.O. 5 – 10 psi 9 – 11/N.O. 11 - 13 12 - 14 13 - 15 D2  D.A. N.O. 13 – 8 psi 10 – 8/N.C. 8 - 5 7 - 4 6 - 3 1P3  R.A. N.O. 3 – 8 psi 6 – 8/N.O. 8 - 11 9 - 12 10 - 13 2P3  D.A. N.C. 13 – 8 psi 10 – 8/N.C. 8 - 5 7 - 4 6 - 3 3P3  R.A. N.C. 3 – 8 psi 6 – 8/N.O. 8 - 11 9 - 12 10 - 13 4P3 Notes: ** A normally closed (N.C.) P.E. switch fails on. A normally open (N.O.) P.E. switch fails off. Hot water coil valves (by others) should be selected to modulate through the desired heating range in sequence with the cooling range. 10-4-18 F33 SUGGESTED SPECIFICATIONS

Fan Powered Terminal Units • 35N Series Model 35N • Parallel Flow (Variable Volume) OPTIONS (continued) Electric Heat 13. All sound data shall be compiled in an independent (Substitute the following paragraphs:) laboratory and in accordance with the latest version of AHRI Standard 1. Furnish and install variable volume parallel fan powered 880. All units shall be AHRI certified and bear the AHRI certification terminal units with integral electric heat of the sizes and capacities label. as indicated on the drawings. Units shall be pressure independent 14. Unit maximum radiated and discharge sound power levels with (digital, analog electronic, pneumatic) controls. Units shall be with fan only and 0.25" w.g. (63 Pa) discharge static pressure shall not manufactured by Nailor Industries Inc. Model 35NE. exceed the values in Tables 1 and 2 at the specified airflow. No credit 2. An electric heater shall be factory mounted and pre-wired as or reduction shall in any way be considered for room, plenum, ceiling, an integral package with the fan powered terminal unit. Heaters shall downstream duct, elbows and/or similar item effects. be sized as shown on the drawings. The entire assembly including the electric heater shall be ETL listed for zero clearance and so labeled and shall meet all requirements of the latest National Electrical Code, Unit Airflow Sound Power Octave Band Center Frequency (Hz.) 234567 CSA C22.2 No.236). The unit shall have a single point electrical (and Size cfm l/s 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 pneumatic) connection. Heater casing and panel shall be a minimum 2 400 189 67 60 58 52 45 43 of 20 ga. (1.00) galvanized steel. Each heater shall be complete with 3 700 330 67 61 59 55 49 45 automatic reset high limit thermal cut-outs, control voltage transformer 5 1000 472 72 63 58 54 49 46 as required, ground terminal, fan relay for interlocking the heater and 6 1500 708 77 67 63 61 58 55 fan and high grade nickel chrome alloy resistance wire. Table 1. Maximum Radiated Sound Power Levels Element wires shall be suspended in insulators designed to expose the Heating Cycle (Fan only) entire face area of the wire thereby eliminating hot spots. Each heater shall be supplied with factory supplied and pre-wired branch circuit Unit Airflow Sound Power Octave Band Center Frequency (Hz.) fusing as required by NEC and UL. Circuiting and fusing shall also be in 234567 Size cfm l/s accordance with the circuiting requirements as shown on the plans. 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 Additional accessories shall include (control transformer, circuit fusing, 2 400 189 62 55 54 50 47 46 disconnect switch, SCR controller, pneumatic electric switches) for 3 700 330 62 56 56 53 50 47 staging the heater. (Additional performance requirements that you 5 1000 472 67 58 57 54 51 49 6 1500 708 67 64 63 62 59 58 might want to include can be found in the electric heater section). The electric heater shall be located on the discharge side of the fan so as Table 2. Maximum Discharge Sound Power Levels not to add heat to the motor and shorten its expected lifetime. Heating Cycle (Fan only) Coils rated up through 5 kW shall be single phase, 277 volt, 60 Hz and coils larger than 5 kW shall be three phase, four wire wye, 480 volt, 15. Unit maximum radiated and discharge sound power levels 60 Hz. Electric heating coils up to and including 4 kW shall be single with 100% primary air and fan off at 1.0" w.g. (249 Pa) inlet pressure stage. Electric coils above 4 kW shall be two stage. and 0.25" w.g. (63 Pa) discharge static pressure shall not exceed the values in Table 3 and 4 at the specified airflow. No credit or reduction shall in any way be considered for room, plenum, ceiling, downstream Hot Water Heating Coils duct, elbows and/or similar item effects. (Substitute the following paragraphs:) 1. Furnish and install Variable Volume Parallel Fan Powered Unit/ Airflow Sound Power Octave Band Center Frequency (Hz.) Terminal Units with integral hot water coils of the sizes and capacities Inlet 234567 as indicated on the drawings. Units shall be pressure independent Size cfm l/s 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 with (digital, analog electronic, pneumatic) controls. Units shall be 2 700 189 62 57 51 39 38 36 3 1100 330 65 59 54 46 41 37 manufactured by Nailor Industries Inc. Model 35NW. 5 1600 472 67 60 53 45 43 42 2. A hot water coil shall be factory mounted as an integral

SUGGESTED SPECIFICATIONS 6 2100 708 70 62 57 50 47 45 package with the fan powered terminal unit. Hot water coils shall be Table 3. Maximum Radiated Sound Power Levels sized as shown on the drawings. The entire assembly including the Cooling Cycle (100% primary air and fan off) hot water coil shall be ETL listed for zero clearance and so labeled and shall meet all requirements of the latest National Electrical Code G Unit/ Airflow Sound Power Octave Band Center Frequency (Hz.) (CSA C22.2 No.236). The unit shall have a single point electrical (and Inlet 234567 pneumatic) connection. Access panels on the bottom of the unit shall cfm l/s Size 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 permit easy access to the coil for inspection and cleaning. Coils shall 2 700 189 70 66 59 54 52 54 be 1, 2 or 3 row as required and heating capacities shall be as shown 3 1100 330 69 67 60 54 56 57 on the plans. Coils shall have aluminum plate fins spaced 10 per 5 1600 472 70 67 61 53 54 56 inch and bonded to 1/2" (13) O.D. copper tubes. Copper connections 6 2100 708 73 68 62 56 59 60 shall be sweat. All coils shall be tested at a minimum of 300 psi (2.1 Table 4. Maximum Discharge Sound Power Levels MPa) under water to produce a guaranteed working pressure of 250 Cooling Cycle (100% primary air and fan off) psi (1.7 MPa). Controls and valves for the hot water coils shall be field mounted. Heating coils shall be located on the discharge side of the fan so as not to add heat to the motor and shorten its expected lifetime.


Fan Powered Terminal Units • 35N Series Model 35N • Parallel Flow (Variable Volume) H.The controller shall have a Dedicated Room Sensor port for direct interface to a Digital Display Room Sensor or Discrete Room Sensor. The controller shall have the ability of detecting if a sensor has been OPTIONS (continued) connected to the port and identify its type, either digital display or discrete. Sensors shall be hot-swappable without powering down the Liner Options: controller. Sensor information via the ports shall not consume any of the devices terminated input capacity. 5WDUVKVWVGKPVJGCRRTQRTKCVGURGEKſECVKQPUGEVKQP I.The controller shall have screw terminal blocks that can accommodate wire sizes 14-22 AWG. Terminals shall be color coded: black terminals Steri-Liner for power, green terminals for input and outputs, and grey terminals for Unit shall be fully lined with non-porous, sealed liner which complies twisted-shielded-pair communication. with NFPA 90A & 90B, ASTM E84, UL 723, UL 181 and ASTM G21 J. The power supply for the controller shall be 24 volts AC (-15%, & G22. Installation shall be 13/16" (21) minimum thickness, 4 lb. 1 cu. +20%) power. Voltage below the operating range of the system shall ft. (64 kg/m3) density with reinforced aluminum foil-scrim-kraft (FSK) be considered an outage. facing. All cut edges shall be secured with steel angles or end caps 1.2 DIGITAL ROOM SENSOR to encapsulate edges and prevent erosion. Insulation shall be Nailor A. The Digital Display Room Sensor (thermostat) shall provide space Steri-Liner or equal. condition measurements and indications, including temperature and Fiber-Free Liner local motion/occupancy (optional), and user setpoint adjustments. Unit shall be fully lined with a non-porous closed cell elastomeric foam B. The Digital Room Sensor shall connect directly to the controller and liner which complies with NFPA 90A & 90B, ASTM E84, UL 723, UL shall not utilize any of the hardware I/O points of the controller. The Digital Display Room Sensor shall be able to be located up to 75' from 181. Installation shall be 3/4" (19) minimum thickness and secured to the controller. the interior of the terminal with mechanical fasteners. No fiberglass is permitted. Insulation shall be Nailor Fiber-Free Liner or equal. C. The Digital Display Room Sensor shall provide a Temporary 1HWZRUN,QWHUIDFHMDFNÀHOGDFFHVVLEOHZLWKRXWXQLQVWDOOLQJWKHVHQVRU for connection to the BACnet MS/TP communication trunk to which the EZvav Digital Controls devices connected. The Digital Display Room Sensor, the connected 1.1 ASC VAV BACnet CONTROLLERS controller, and all other devices on the BACnet network shall be accessible through the temporary communication jack. Microprocessor A. Digital VAV Controllers shall be responsible for monitoring and based sensors whose port only allows communication with the controlling directly connected VAV Terminals as required. Controllers

controller to which it is connected shall not be acceptable. SUGGESTED SPECIFICATIONS shall include fully adjustable analog outputs and digital outputs as required utilizing a proportional plus integral control loop to control D. The Digital Display Room Sensor shall have an integrated sensor damper, electric heat and hot water coils for the purpose of maintaining for temperature measurement as standard and a second integrated XVHUVHWSRLQWV(DFKFRQWUROOHUVKDOOEHFODVVLÀHGDVDQDWLYH%$&QHW sensor for motion/occupancy (optional). GHYLFHFRQIRUPLQJWRWKH%$&QHW$GYDQFHG6SHFLÀF&RQWUROOHUV % E. User/Occupant setpoints may be adjusted via the Digital Display $6& SURÀOH$16,$6+5$(%$&QHW6WDQGDUG Room Sensor. B. The VAV controller shall be available with integrated applications )7KH'LJLWDO'LVSOD\5RRP6HQVRUVKDOOKDYHSUHFRQÀJXUHGPHQXV (based on model) for Single Duct, Dual Duct, and Fan Powered for all control sequences allowing access to communication and terminal units, including any of the following as required by the control application parameters. sequence. For Single/Dual Duct terminals: Cooling Only, Cooling/ G. The Digital Display Room Sensor shall have two levels of password Heating with Changeover and Morning Warm up. For Fan Powered protection: One level to protect user setpoint adjustment, and one level terminals: Cooling with Reheat/Supplementary Heat, Heating coil WRSURWHFWFRQÀJXUDWLRQPHQXSDUDPHWHUV3DVVZRUGVVKDOOEHDWOHDVW RSHUDWLRQPD\EHZLWKDQDORJÁRDWLQJRUELQDU\FRQWURODVUHTXLUHG 4 digits in length. & 7KH FRQWUROOHU VKDOO EH IXOO\ FRQÀJXUDEOH YLD WKH 'LJLWDO 'LVSOD\ Sensor, including communication parameters (instance, MAC, baud) DQGDSSOLFDWLRQVHWWLQJV .IDFWRUÁRZOLPLWVER[FRQÀJXUDWLRQUHKHDW RU IDQ W\SH GHIDXOW XVHU VHWSRLQWV HWF  ZLWKRXW DQ\ VSHFLÀF 3& based software. VAV controllers shall not require the use of a personal computer and PC based software and/or any interface modules. G D.The VAV controller shall be capable of being balanced from the 'LJLWDO5RRP6HQVRUZLWKRXWDQ\VSHFLÀFSFEDVHGVRIWZDUH E.The controller shall have integrated MS/TP communications. The communication port shall have network protection bulbs and integrated end-of-line (EOL) terminations. F.The controller shall have an integrated actuator rated at 40 in-lbs. Connection to the damper shall be with a v-bolt clamp, accepting 3/8" to 5/8" damper shaft sizes. The actuator shall travel 0 to 95 degrees with adjustable end stops at 45 and 60 degrees of rotation. The actuator shall have an integrated gear disengagement mechanism. G.The controller shall have an integrated transducer pressure sensor IRUDLUÁRZPHDVXUHPHQW7KHVHQVRUVKDOOKDYHDUDQJHRUZF consuming and accurate to 4.5% of reading or 0.0008"wc, whichever is greater.


Fan Powered Terminal Units • 37N Series Model 37N • Parallel Flow (Variable Volume) National Electrical Code. All electrical components shall be mounted in a control box. The entire assembly shall be ETL listed and labeled .QY2TQſNG to meet UL 1995 and CSA C22.2 No. 236. 13. All sound data shall be compiled in an independent 1. Furnish and install Nailor 37N Series Low Profile Variable laboratory and in accordance with the latest version of AHRI Standard Volume Parallel Fan Powered Terminal Units of the sizes and 880. All units shall be AHRI certified and bear the AHRI certification capacities as indicated on the drawings. Units shall be pressure label. independent with (digital, analog electronic, pneumatic) controls. 14. Unit maximum radiated and discharge sound power levels 2. The entire terminal unit shall be designed and built as a with fan only and 0.25" w.g. (63 Pa) discharge static pressure shall not single unit. The units shall be provided with a primary variable air volume exceed the values in Tables 1 and 2 at the specified airflow. No credit damper that controls the air quantity in response to a (thermostat or or reduction shall in any way be considered for room, plenum, ceiling, digital controller/zone sensor). The units shall also include a fan that downstream duct, elbows and/or similar item effects. sequences on and off in response to the (thermostat or digital controller/ zone sensor). The space limitations shall be reviewed carefully to Unit Airflow Sound Power Octave Band Center Frequency (Hz.) 234567 ensure that all units will fit into the space allowed. Size cfm l/s 3. Unit casings shall be 20 ga. (1.00) galvanized steel. Unit 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 2 550 260 69 59 56 50 46 38 shall be fully lined with fiberglass insulation which shall be 1/2" 3 700 330 68 60 60 55 47 38 (13) thick dual density insulation complying with NFPA 90 for fire and 4 825 389 69 61 61 56 47 39 smoke resistivity and UL 181 for erosion. Any cut edges of insulation Table 1. Maximum Radiated Sound Power Levels shall be coated with NFPA 90 approved sealant. Heating Cycle (Fan only) 4. The terminal casing shall have full size bottom access panels for easy access to motor and blower assembly and for maintenance Unit Airflow Sound Power Octave Band Center Frequency (Hz.) and replacement of parts without disturbing duct connections. Access 234567 Size cfm l/s panels shall be attached to casing with (screws, 1/4 turn fasteners). 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 5. Units shall have round or rectangular inlets for the primary 2 550 260 70 60 56 51 41 43 air connections and shall have a minimum 6" (152) deep inlet duct 3 700 330 71 61 60 54 47 50 collar for field connection. Models with no heat or electric heat shall 4 825 389 70 60 62 56 49 50 have rectangular outlets suitable for flanged duct connections. Models Table 2. Maximum Discharge Sound Power Levels with hot water coils shall have an induction inlet designed to accept Heating Cycle (Fan only) flanged hot water coils. Duct connection to hot water coil shall be flanged ducts. Casing shall have mounting area for hanging by sheet 15. Unit maximum radiated and discharge sound power levels metal straps from a concrete slab. with 100% primary air and fan off at 1.0" w.g. (249 Pa) inlet pressure 6. The damper shall be round or rectangular and constructed and 0.25" w.g. (63 Pa) discharge static pressure shall not exceed the of laminated 20 ga. (1.00) galvanized steel with a peripheral gasket values in Table 3 and 4 at the specified airflow. No credit or reduction and a solid steel 1/2" (13) diameter shaft, pivoted in self-lubricating shall in any way be considered for room, plenum, ceiling, downstream bronze oilite bearings. Damper leakage shall not exceed 2% of the duct, elbows and/or similar item effects. WHUPLQDOUDWHGDLUÁRZDWZJ 3D LQOHWVWDWLFSUHVVXUH Unit/ 7. Entire terminal unit shall be factory assembled with Airflow Sound Power Octave Band Center Frequency (Hz.) Inlet (pneumatic, analog electronic) controls. All components including all 234567 Size cfm l/s controls except the room (thermostat or zone sensor) and (pneumatic 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 2 700 330 71 59 50 43 40 32 piping, field wiring) shall be factory installed and mounted with the unit. 3 1100 519 69 61 54 46 39 35 Digital controls shall be supplied by BAS controls contractor. Digital 4 1600 755 70 59 53 48 44 41 controls are optionally factory mounted and wired. Table 3. Maximum Radiated Sound Power Levels 8. Provide a (digital, analog electronic, pneumatic) flow control Cooling Cycle (100% primary air and fan off) device that will limit the maximum and minimum airflow to that scheduled on the drawings. Control of the terminal unit shall be Unit/ Airflow Sound Power Octave Band Center Frequency (Hz.) SUGGESTED SPECIFICATIONS pressure independent. Inlet 234567 cfm l/s 9. The sequence of operation should be described here, if not Size 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 part of the temperature controls specifications. 2 700 330 70 65 59 53 41 36 10. Blower casings shall be constructed of heavy gauge 3 1100 519 75 69 63 55 47 41 G coated steel. Blower wheel shall be forward curved centrifugal type, 4 1600 755 75 68 64 56 49 49 dynamically balanced and driven by direct drive, single speed split Table 4. Maximum Discharge Sound Power Levels capacitor motor(s). Motor(s) shall be suitable for 120 or 208 or 240 Cooling Cycle (100% primary air and fan off) or 277 volt single phase power. Motors shall have built-in overload protection, bearings capable of low speed oiling, permanently oiled Motor: bearings and be of an anti-backward rotation design. Fan assembly ECM shall be mounted so as to isolate the casing from the motor and (Substitute the following paragraph:) blower vibration at no less than four points. Isolation shall be supplied at the motor and at the blower mounting points. A gasketed backdraft 10. Blower casings shall be constructed of heavy gauge damper shall be included on the fan discharge to reduce primary air coated steel. Blower wheel shall be forward curved centrifugal type, leakage back into the plenum space. dynamically balanced and driven by Electronically Commutated 11. A solid state SCR fan speed controller sized and designed Motor(s). Motor(s) shall be suitable for 120 or 208 or 240 or 277 volt for the specific blower motor combination shall be provided to allow single phase power. Fan airflow volume shall be factory set. Fan infinitely adjustable fan speed from the minimum voltage stop to the assembly shall be mounted so as to isolate the casing from the motor line voltage signal to the motor. A minimum voltage stop shall be and blower vibration at no less than four points. Isolation shall be employed to ensure that fan cannot run in stall mode. supplied at the motor and at the blower mounting points. A gasketed 12. Units shall incorporate a single point electrical and/or backdraft damper shall be included on the fan discharge to reduce pneumatic connection for the entire unit. All electrical components primary air leakage back into the plenum space. shall be ETL listed or recognized and installed in accordance with the G28 SUGGESTED SPECIFICATIONS

Fan Powered Terminal Units • 37N Series Model 37N • Parallel Flow (Variable Volume) Proportional Heat with Discharge Temperature .QY2TQſNG (continued) Control (DTC) (Substitute the following paragraphs:) 1. Furnish and install Nailor Model 37NE Low Profile OPTIONS Variable Volume Parallel Fan Powered Terminal Units with integral electric heat of the sizes and capacities as indicated on the drawings. Electric Heat: Units shall be pressure independent with (digital, analog electronic, pneumatic) controls. Model: 37NE 12. An electric heater shall be factory mounted and pre-wired as Staged an integral package with the fan powered terminal unit. Heaters shall (Substitute the following paragraphs:) be sized as shown on the drawings. The entire assembly including the electric heater shall be ETL listed for zero clearance and so labeled 1. Furnish and install Nailor Model 37NE Low Profile and shall meet all requirements of the latest National Electrical Code, Variable Volume Parallel Fan Powered Terminal Units with integral (CSA C22.2 No.236). The unit shall have a single point electrical electric heat of the sizes and capacities as indicated on the drawings. and/or pneumatic connection (dual point electrical on 600V). Heater Units shall be pressure independent with (digital, analog electronic, casing and panel shall be a minimum of 20 ga. (1.00) galvanized steel. pneumatic) controls. Each heater shall be complete with automatic reset high limit thermal 12. An electric heater shall be factory mounted and pre-wired as cut-outs, control voltage transformer as required, ground terminal, fan an integral package with the fan powered terminal unit. Heaters shall relay for interlocking the heater and fan and high grade nickel chrome be sized as shown on the drawings. The entire assembly including the alloy wire. electric heater shall be ETL listed for zero clearance and so labeled Element wires shall be supported by ceramic isolators. Each heater and shall meet all requirements of the latest National Electrical Code, shall be supplied with factory supplied and pre-wired branch circuit (CSA C22.2 No.236). The unit shall have a single point electrical fusing as required by NEC and UL. Circuiting and fusing shall also be in and/or pneumatic connection (dual point electrical on 600V). Heater accordance with the circuiting requirements as shown on the plans. casing and panel shall be a minimum of 20 ga. (1.00) galvanized steel. Additional accessories shall include (control transformer, circuit fusing, Each heater shall be complete with automatic reset high limit thermal disconnect switch, pneumatic electric switches) for heater control. cut-outs, control voltage transformer as required, ground terminal, fan The SCR controller shall contain a discharge temperature sensor relay for interlocking the heater and fan and high grade nickel chrome FDSDEOHRIOLPLWLQJOHDYLQJDLUWHPSHUDWXUHWRDXVHUGHÀQHGVHWSRLQW alloy wire. The SCR controller shall pulse the coil to maintain zone demand Element wires shall be supported by ceramic isolators. Each heater while providing the set maximum discharge air temperature. Upon shall be supplied with factory supplied and pre-wired branch circuit PHDVXULQJ D GLVFKDUJH DLU WHPSHUDWXUH DERYH WKH XVHU GHÀQHG SUGGESTED SPECIFICATIONS fusing as required by NEC and UL. Circuiting and fusing shall also be in setpoint, the controller shall reduce heater capacity to maintain accordance with the circuiting requirements as shown on the plans. maximum allowable discharge air temperature. The discharge air Additional accessories shall include (control transformer, circuit fusing, temperature setpoint shall be adjustable from 80 – 100°F (27 – 149°C) disconnect switch, pneumatic electric switches) for staging the heater. by use of a controller mounted potentiometer.

Proportional Heat (SCR) Hot Water Heating Coils: (Substitute the following paragraphs:) Model: 37NW 1. Furnish and install Nailor Model 37NE Low Profile (Substitute the following paragraphs:) Variable Volume Parallel Fan Powered Terminal Units with integral electric heat of the sizes and capacities as indicated on the drawings. 1. Furnish and install Nailor Model 37NW Low Profile Units shall be pressure independent with (digital, analog electronic, Variable Volume Parallel Fan Powered Terminal Units with pneumatic) controls. integral hot water coils of the sizes and capacities as indicated on the 12. An electric heater shall be factory mounted and pre-wired as drawings. Units shall be pressure independent with (digital, analog an integral package with the fan powered terminal unit. Heaters shall electronic, pneumatic) controls. be sized as shown on the drawings. The entire assembly including the 12. A hot water coil shall be factory mounted as an integral electric heater shall be ETL listed for zero clearance and so labeled package with the fan powered terminal unit. Hot water coils shall be and shall meet all requirements of the latest National Electrical Code, sized as shown on the drawings. The entire assembly including the hot (CSA C22.2 No.236). The unit shall have a single point electrical water coil shall be ETL listed, labeled and shall meet all requirements G and/or pneumatic connection (dual point electrical on 600V). Heater of the latest National Electrical Code (CSA C22.2 No.236). The unit casing and panel shall be a minimum of 20 ga. (1.00) galvanized steel. shall have a single point electrical and/or pneumatic connection. Each heater shall be complete with automatic reset high limit thermal Access panels on the bottom of the unit shall permit easy access cut-outs, control voltage transformer as required, ground terminal, fan to the coil for inspection and cleaning. Coils shall be 1 or 2 row as relay for interlocking the heater and fan and high grade nickel chrome required and heating capacities shall be as shown on the plans. Coils alloy wire. shall have aluminum plate fins spaced 10 per inch and bonded to Element wires shall be supported by ceramic isolators. Each heater 1/2" (13) O.D. copper tubes. Copper connections shall be sweat. All shall be supplied with factory supplied and pre-wired branch circuit coils shall be tested at a minimum of 350 psi (2.4 MPa) under water to fusing as required by NEC and UL. Circuiting and fusing shall also be in produce a guaranteed working pressure of 300 psi (2.1 MPa). Controls accordance with the circuiting requirements as shown on the plans. and valves for the hot water coils shall be field mounted. Heating coils Additional accessories shall include (control transformer, circuit fusing, shall be located on the induction side of the fan. disconnect switch, pneumatic electric switches) for heater control. Heater shall be capable of providing proportional control of heater capacity from an input signal of 4 – 20 mA, 2 – 10 VDC or 0 – 10 VDC. The SCR controller shall provide a 1 – 24 VDC pulsed output to SSR(s) [solid state relay(s)] in proportion to zone heating demand. The SSR's shall switch with zero cross over to reduce system noise and thermal shock on heater coils. G29 SUGGESTED SPECIFICATIONS

Fan Powered Terminal Units • 37N Series Model 37N • Parallel Flow (Variable Volume) G. The controller shall have an integrated transducer pressure VHQVRU IRU DLUÁRZ PHDVXUHPHQW  7KH VHQVRU VKDOO KDYH D UDQJH .QY2TQſNG or 0-2(B-ASC)"wc, consuming and accurate to 4.5% of reading or 0.0008(B-ASC)"wc, whichever is greater. (continued) OPTIONS H. The controller shall have a Dedicated Room Sensor port for direct interface to a Digital Display Room Sensor or Discrete Room Sensor. Liner: The controller shall have the ability of detecting if a sensor has been connected to the port and identify its type, either digital display or Steri-Liner discrete. Sensors shall be hot-swappable without powering down the (Substitute the following paragraph:) controller. Sensor information via the ports shall not consume any of 3. Unit casings shall be 20 ga. (1.00) galvanized steel. Unit the devices terminated input capacity. shall be fully lined with non-porous, sealed liner which complies with I. The controller shall have screw terminal blocks that can accommodate NFPA 90A & 90B, ASTM E84, UL 723, UL 181 and ASTM G21 & wire sizes 14-22 AWG. Terminals shall be color coded: black terminals G22. Installation shall be 1/2" (13) minimum thickness, 4 lb./cu. ft. for power, green terminals for input and outputs, and grey terminals for (64 kg/m3) density with reinforced aluminum foil-scrim-kraft (FSK) twisted-shielded-pair communication. facing. All cut edges shall be secured with steel angles or end caps J. The power supply for the controller shall be 24 volts AC (-15%, to encapsulate edges and prevent erosion. Insulation shall be Nailor +20%) power. Voltage below the operating range of the system shall Steri-Liner or equal. be considered an outage. Fiber-Free Liner 1.2 DIGITAL ROOM SENSOR (Substitute the following paragraph:) A. The Digital Display Room Sensor (thermostat) shall provide space condition measurements and indications, including temperature and 3. Unit casings shall be 20 ga. (1.00) galvanized steel. Unit local motion/occupancy (optional), and user setpoint adjustments. shall be fully lined with a non-porous closed cell elastomeric foam liner which complies with NFPA 90A & 90B, ASTM E84, UL 723 and UL B. The Digital Room Sensor shall connect directly to the controller and 181. Installation shall be 3/8" (10) minimum thickness and secured to shall not utilize any of the hardware I/O points of the controller. The the interior of the terminal with mechanical fasteners. No fiberglass is Digital Display Room Sensor shall be able to be located up to 75' from permitted. Insulation shall be Nailor Fiber-Free Liner or equal. the controller. C. The Digital Display Room Sensor shall provide a Temporary 1HWZRUN,QWHUIDFHMDFNÀHOGDFFHVVLEOHZLWKRXWXQLQVWDOOLQJWKHVHQVRU for connection to the BACnet MS/TP communication trunk to which the EZvav Digital Controls devices connected. The Digital Display Room Sensor, the connected 1.1 ASC VAV BACnet CONTROLLERS controller, and all other devices on the BACnet network shall be A. Digital VAV Controllers shall be responsible for monitoring and accessible through the temporary communication jack. Microprocessor controlling directly connected VAV Terminals as required. Controllers based sensors whose port only allows communication with the shall include fully adjustable analog outputs and digital outputs as controller to which it is connected shall not be acceptable. required utilizing a proportional plus integral control loop to control D. The Digital Display Room Sensor shall have an integrated sensor damper, electric heat and hot water coils for the purpose of maintaining for temperature measurement as standard and a second integrated XVHUVHWSRLQWV(DFKFRQWUROOHUVKDOOEHFODVVLÀHGDVDQDWLYH%$&QHW sensor for motion/occupancy (optional). GHYLFHFRQIRUPLQJWRWKH%$&QHW$GYDQFHG6SHFLÀF&RQWUROOHUV % E. User/Occupant setpoints may be adjusted via the Digital Display $6& SURÀOH$16,$6+5$(%$&QHW6WDQGDUG Room Sensor. B. The VAV controller shall be available with integrated applications )7KH'LJLWDO'LVSOD\5RRP6HQVRUVKDOOKDYHSUHFRQÀJXUHGPHQXV (based on model) for Single Duct, Dual Duct, and Fan Powered for all control sequences allowing access to communication and terminal units, including any of the following as required by the control application parameters. sequence. For Single/Dual Duct terminals: Cooling Only, Cooling/ G. The Digital Display Room Sensor shall have two levels of password SUGGESTED SPECIFICATIONS Heating with Changeover and Morning Warm up. For Fan Powered protection: One level to protect user setpoint adjustment, and one level terminals: Cooling with Reheat/Supplementary Heat, Heating coil WRSURWHFWFRQÀJXUDWLRQPHQXSDUDPHWHUV3DVVZRUGVVKDOOEHDWOHDVW RSHUDWLRQPD\EHZLWKDQDORJÁRDWLQJRUELQDU\FRQWURODVUHTXLUHG 4 digits in length. & 7KH FRQWUROOHU VKDOO EH IXOO\ FRQÀJXUDEOH YLD WKH 'LJLWDO 'LVSOD\ G Sensor, including communication parameters (instance, MAC, baud) DQGDSSOLFDWLRQVHWWLQJV .IDFWRUÁRZOLPLWVER[FRQÀJXUDWLRQUHKHDW RU IDQ W\SH GHIDXOW XVHU VHWSRLQWV HWF  ZLWKRXW DQ\ VSHFLÀF 3& based software. VAV controllers shall not require the use of a personal computer and PC based software and/or any interface modules. D. The VAV controller shall be capable of being balanced from the 'LJLWDO5RRP6HQVRUZLWKRXWDQ\VSHFLÀFSFEDVHGVRIWZDUH E. The controller shall have integrated MS/TP communications. The communication port shall have network protection bulbs and integrated end-of-line (EOL) terminations. F. The controller shall have an integrated actuator rated at 40 in-lbs. Connection to the damper shall be with a v-bolt clamp, accepting 3/8(B- ASC)" to 5/8(B-ASC)" damper shaft sizes. The actuator shall travel 0 to 95 degrees with adjustable end stops at 45 and 60 degrees of rotation. The actuator shall have an integrated gear disengagement mechanism.
