List of Participants with their Preferred Addresses

ADALSTEINSSON, Dr Stefan, Agricultural Research Institute, Keldnaholti v /Vesturlandsveg, Reykjavik, . AL TENPOHL, Dr Dieter G., Technical Director, Alusuisse Schweizerische Aluminium AG, Feldeggstrasse 4, 8034 Zurich, Switzerland. ARADOTTIR, Svava, Reynimelur 58, Reykjavik, Iceland. ARNASON, Dr lngvar, , Reykjavik, Iceland. AsGEIRSSON, Eggert, Secretary-General, Icelandic Red Cross, N 6atuni 21, Reykjavik, Iceland. AsGEIRSSON, Th6rdur, Ministry of Fisheries, Reykjavik, Iceland. AsiBEY, Dr Emmanuel 0. A.,* Chief Game and Wildlife Officer, Depart• ment of Game and Wildlife, PO Box M.239, Accra, Ghana. ATTIAS, Jack P., 600 Grapetree Drive, Suite 4EN, Key Biscayne, Florida 33149, USA. BARD ARSON, Hjalmar R., State Director of Shipping, PO Box 484, Reykjavik, Iceland. (Also representing Icelandic Nature Conservation Council.) BAROODY, Leila J., c/o Saudi Arabian Permanent Mission to the United Nations, 6 East 43rd Street, New York, NY 10017, USA. BERGMANN, Stefan, Association of Icelandic Nature Conservation Societies, Reykjavik, Iceland. BERGTHORSSON, Pall, Vedurstofa Islands (The Icelandic Meteorological Office), Reykjavik, Iceland. BISHOP, Dr Amasa S.,* Director, Environment and Human Settlements Division, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland.

*Contributor or co-author of paper but unable to attend personally. 644 GROWTH WITHOUT ECODISASTERS? BJARNASON, Dr Jonas, (Associate Professor, University of Iceland), Icelandic Fisheries Laboratories, Skulagotu 4, Reykjavik, Iceland. BJORNSSON, Sveinn (Representing International Organization for Stan• dardization), Industrial Development Institute oflceland, Skipholti 37, Reykjavik, Iceland. BoRDEN, Dr Richard J., Department of Psychological Sciences, Purdue University, Stanley Coulter Annex, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907, USA. BoRGSTROM, Professor Georg,* Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824, USA. BRYSON, Mrs Frances E., c/o Professor Reid A. Bryson (below). BRYSON, Professor Reid A., Director, Institute for Environmental Studies, University of Wisconsin at Madison, 1225 West Dayton Street, Madi• son, Wisconsin 53706, U$A. BucHINGER DE Aunsz, Dra Maria, Uriarte 2456-8°-'33', 1425 Buenos Aires, Argentina. BuTLER, Dr Gordon C., Director, Division of Biological Sciences, National Research Council, Ottawa, Ontario KIA OR6, Canada. CANDOLLE, Roger de, 41 Chemin du Vallon, Chene-Bougeries, 1224 Geneva, Switzerland. CoLLIER, R. V., Chief Warden, East Midlands Nature Conservancy Coun• cil, George House, George Street, Huntingdon PE18 6BG, England. CRABB, Professor John H., Facylteit Rechtsgeleerdheid, Katholieke Uni• versiteit Leuven, Tiense Straat 41, 3000 Leuven (Louvain), Belgium. CuNNINGHAM, Errol A., Santa Maria Ltd, PO Box 38, Ocho Rios, Jamaica, West Indies. DASMANN, Mrs Elizabeth, c/o Professor Raymond F. Dasmann (below). DASMANN, Professor Raymond F., Environmental Studies Office, Univer• sity of California at Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, California 95064, USA. DoDSON GRAY, David, 4 Linden Avenue, Wellesley, Massachusetts 02181, USA. DoDSON GRAY, Mrs Elizabeth (address as above). DucRET, Dr Claude, Environment and Human Settlements Division, Economic Commission for Europe, Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland. DYNE, Professor George van, College of Forestry and Natural Resources, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado 80521, USA. EAST, His Excellency Mr Kenneth, Ambassador, British Embassy, Reyk• javik, Iceland. EINARSSON, Eyth6r, Vice-Chairman, Icelandic Nature Conservation Council, Laugaveg 105, Reykjavik, Iceland. EIRIKSSON, Karl, Vice-President, Landvernd, Society for Land• Reclamation and Nature Conservation, Sk6lavorodustigur 25, Reyk• javik, Iceland. ELfssoN, Gunnlaugur, Industrial Research and Development Institute, Keldnaholti v /Vesturlandsveg, Reykjavik, Iceland. *Contributor or co-author of paper but unable to attend personally. LIST OF PARTICIPANTS 645 ELKINGTON, John B., Transport and Environment Studies, 24 Floral Street, London WC2 E9DS, England. FLOHN, Professor Dr Hermann, Meteorologisches Institut der U niversiHit Bonn, Auf dem Hugel 20, 53 Bonn 1, Federal Republic of Germany. FosBERG, Dr F. Raymond, Senior Botanist, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20560, USA. FRANZ, Dr Eldon H., Environmental Research Center, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington 99163, USA. FRANZ, Mrs Kristi R., S.E. 920 Sunny Meade Way, Pullman, Washington, D.C. 99163, USA. FRIDRIKSSON, Dr Sturla, Head, Agronomy Department, Agricultural Research Institute, Keldnaholti, Reykjavik 110, and Chairman of the Genetical Committee of the University oflceland, lng6lfsstraeti 5, Reyk• javik, Iceland. FuKUSHIMA, Professor Yoichi,* Chairman, National Committee on Nature Conservation, Science Council of Japan, 7-22-34 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106, Japan. FuLLER, Dr R. Buckminster, (University Professor Emeritus, University of Pennsylvania), 3500 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104, USA. GAEKWAD, H. H. Fatesinghrao, M.P. (Maharaja of Baroda), 7 Dupleix Lane, New Delhi 110011, and Laxmi Vilas Palace, Baroda, India. GARDARSSON, Professor Arnth6r, Icelandic Nature Conservation Council, Reykjavik, Iceland. GIBBS, Angela (Honorary Conference Secretary), 9 rue de Ia Cite, 1204 Geneva, Switzerland. GILL, Professor Don, Department of Geography, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2HQ, Canada. GILLILAND, James C., Technical Director, Environmental Services Group, Amax Inc., 4704 Harlan Street, Denver, Colorado 80212, USA. GLASSER, Ralph, 96/100 New Cavendish Street (Apt.16), London W1M 7FA, England. GoLDBERG, Professor Edward D., Geological Research Division, Scripps Institute of Oceanography, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, California 92093, USA. GoLDSMITH, Edward, Editor, 'The Ecologist', 73 Molesworth Street, Wadebridge, Cornwall PL27 7DS, England. GossEN, Dr Randall G., Manager, Environmental Monitoring and Research, Canadian Arctic Gas Study Ltd, 1270 Calgary House, 550 Sixth Avenue, S.W., Calgary, Alberta T2P OS2, Canada. GRAY, David Dodson-see DoDSON GRAY, David. GRAY, Elizabeth Dodson-see DoDSON GRAY, Elizabeth. GuDBJARTSSON, Professor Sigmundur, National Research Council, Laugavegi 13, Reykjavik, Iceland. GUPPY, Nicholas G. L., 21a Shawfield Street, London SW3 4BD, England. GuTTORMSSON, Hjorleifur, Icelandic Nature Conservation Council, Reyk• javik, Iceland. * Contributor or co-author of paper but unable to attend personally. 646 GROWTH WITHOUT ECODISASTERS? HALLD6RSSON, Ragnar, Director-General, ISAL, Straumsvik, Iceland. HALLGRiMSSON, Geir (Patron of the Conference), Prime Minister oflce• land, Forsaetisnidherra, Reykjavik, Iceland. HALLGRIMSSON, Helgi, Association of Icelandic Nature Conservation Societies, Akureyri, Iceland. HARE, Professor F. Kenneth, Director, Institute for Environmental Studies, Haultain Building, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A4, Canada. HASLER, Professor Arthur D., Laboratory of Limnology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706, USA. HERMANNSSON, Steingrimur, National Research Council, Laugavegi 13, Reykjavik, Iceland. HINDS, Dr W. Ted, Ecosystems Department, Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories, Battelle Boulevard, Richland, Washington 99352, USA. HoLDGA TE, Dr Martin W., *Director-General of Research, Departments of Environment and Transport, 2 Marsham Street, London SW1, England. HoLT, Dr Sidney J., * Fisheries and Environment Adviser, Department of Fisheries, Food and Agriculture Organization, Via delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy. HUGASON, Reynir, National Research Council, Laugavegi 13, Reykjavik, Iceland. ING6LFSSON, Professor Agnar, Icelandic Nature Conservation Council, Reykjavik, Iceland. JAKOBSSON, Jakob, Assistant Director, Marine Research Institute, Skulagotu 4, Reykjavik, Iceland. JENSEN, Dr Erik, Chef de Cabinet, Office ofthe Director-General, United Nations, Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland. J6HANNESSON, Dr Bjorn, Soil Scientist, Laugarnesvegi 110, Reykjavik, Iceland. J6HANNESSON, Magnus, State Directorate of Shipping, PO Box 484, Reykjavik, Iceland. JoHNSON, Stanley P., Head, Prevention of Pollution and Nuisances Divi• sion, and Adviser, Environment and Consumer Protection Service, Commission of the European Communities, Rue de Ia Loi 200, B-1049 Bruxelles, Belgium. JoNES, Professor Philip H., Institute for Environmental Studies, Univer• sity of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A4, Canada. J6NssoN, Hordur (Representing International Organization for Standardi• zation (ISO)), Reykjavik, Iceland. JuEL-JENSEN, Dr Bent, Medical Officer to the University, Radcliffe Infir• mary, Oxford, England. KNox, Professor James C., Department of Geography, Science Hall, University of Wiscansin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706, USA. KuENEN, Professor Donald J., Rector Magnificus, Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden, Stationsweg 46, Leiden, The Netherlands. LACONTE, Dr Pierre, Director for University Expansion, University of Louvain, 13 avenue G. Lemaitre, B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. * Contributor or co-author of paper but unable to attend personally. LIST OF PARTICIPANTS 647 LINDAL, Pall, Legal Counsellor, City of Reykjavik, Reykjavik, Iceland. LovE, Le6 E., Breiavangi 34, Hafnarf, Iceland. LuoviKSSON, Vilhjalmur, Icelandic Nature Conservation Council, Reyk• javik, Iceland. MACPHERSON, Dr Andrew H., Director-General, Western and Northern Region, Environment Canada, 1242, 10025 Jasper Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T5J 3A 7, Canada. MAGNUSSON, Dr Gudmunder, Professor of the University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland. MAGNussoN, Dr Jakob, Marine Research Institute, Skulagotu 4, Reyk• javik, Iceland. MALONE, Dr Thomas F., Director, Holcomb Research Institute, Butler University, Indianapolis, Indiana 46208, USA. MARSTRAND, Mrs Hanne, c/o Petro-Canada, PO Box 2844, Calgary, Alberta T2P 2M7, Canada. MILLER, Dr Richard G., Foresta Institute for Ocean and Mountain Studies, 6205 Franktown Road, Carson City, Nevada 89701, USA. MISRA, Professor Ramdeo, Department of Botany, Banaras Hindu Uni• versity, Varanasi 221005, India. MoLLER, Dr Aida, Icelandic Fisheries Laboratories, Skulagotu 4, Reyk- javik, Iceland. MYERS, Dr Norman, PO Box 48197, Nairobi, Kenya. NICOLA, Erico, Les Bois Chamblard, 1164 Buchillon, Vaud, Switzerland. 0BENG, Dr Letitia E., Chairman, Soil and Water Task Force, Division of Environmental Management, United Nations Environment Programme, PO Box 30552, Nairobi, Kenya. OouM, Professor Eugene P., *Director, Institute of Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602, USA. OLAFSSON, Dr Sigurj6n, Science Institute, University of Iceland, Reyk• javik, Iceland. OLINDO, Perez M., Science Secretary, National Council for Science and Technology, PO Box 30007, Nairobi, Kenya. PALMADOTTIR, Elin, President, Board of Environment ofReykjavik, Mor• gunbladid, PO Box 200, Reykjavik, Iceland. PALssoN, Professor Einar B., Faculty of Engineering & Science, Univer• sity of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland. PALSSON, Pall S., Lawyer (Representing World Peace Through Law Center), Bergstadastraeti 14, Reykjavik, Iceland. PAULING, Mrs Ava Helen, Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine, 2700 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park, California 94025, USA. PAULING, Professor Linus (President of the Conference), Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine, 2700 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park, California 94025, USA. PoLUNIN, Mrs Helen E. (address as below) PoLUNIN, Professor Nicholas (Secretary-General of the Conference), 15 Chemin F.-Lehmann, 1218 Grand-Saconnex, Geneva, Switzerland.

* Contributor or co-author of paper but unable to attend personally. 648 GROWTH WITHOUT ECODISASTERS? PoL UN IN, N. V. C. (Trinity College), Zoological Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Downing Street, Cambridge CB2 3EJ, England. RENZONI, Professor Aristeo, Istituto di Anatomia Comparata, Via delle Cerchia 3, 53100 Siena, Italy. REYNISSON, Ami, Icelandic Nature Conservation Council, Laugaveg, 105, Reykjavik, Iceland. ROBBINS, George H., Environmentalist, Luscar Ltd, 800 Royal Trust Tower, Edmonton Centre, Edmonton, Alberta T5J 2Z2, Canada. RoYSTON, Dr Michael G., Faculty Member, Environmental Management, Centre d'Etudes Industrielles, 4 Chemin de Conches, 1231 Conches, Geneva, Switzerland. RuDOLPH, Mrs Ann W., Environmental Library, Battelle Columbus Laboratories, 505 King Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43201, USA. RuDOLPH, Professor Emanuel D., Director, Environmental Biology Prog• ram, College of Biological Sciences, Ohio State University, 1735 Neil Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43210, USA. RussELL, Mrs Claire,* 12 Downshire Square, Reading, Berkshire RG 1 6NH, England. RussELL, Dr William M. S.,* Reader in Sociology, Department of Economics, University of Reading, Whiteknights Park, Reading, Berk• shire, England. SAEMUNDSSON, Eyj61fur, Ministry of Health, Arnarhvoli, Reykjavik, Ice• land. SAVIN, Charles T., Environmental Control Centre, British Petroleum Limited, Britannic House, Moor Lane, London EC2Y 9BU, England. ScHRAM, Ellert B., M.P., Tryggvagata 8, Reykjavik, Iceland. ScHRAM, Professor Gunnar G. (Chairman, Icelandic National Committee), Faculty of Law, Hask61i Islands, Reykjavik, Iceland. ScHUMACHER,t Dr E. F.,* Chairman, Intermediate Technology Develop• ment Group Ltd, 9 King Street, London WC2E 8HN, England. ScHUTT, Professor Torgny, Energy Research and Development Commis• sion, Ministry oflndustry, Sveavagen 13-15, S-111 57 Stockholm, Swe• den. SHEIKH, Dr Khalid Hamid, Chairman, Department of Botany, University of the Punjab, New Campus, Lahore, Pakistan. SIGTRYGGSSON, Hlynur, Director, Vedurstofa Islands, (The Icelandic Meteorological Office), Reykjavik, Iceland. SIGURBJORNSSON, Dr Bjorn, Director, Agricultural Research Institute, Keldnaholti v /Vesturlandsveg, Reykjavik, Iceland. SIGURDSSON, Ingimar, Ministry of Health, Arnarhvoli, Reykjavik, Ice• land. SIGURDSSON, Pall, Secretary-General, Ministry of Health, Arnarhvoli, Reykjavik, Iceland. SIGURJ6NssoN, Petur, Director, Industrial Research and Development Institute, Reykjavik, Iceland.

* Contributor or co-author of paper but unable to attend personally. t Died 4 September, 1977. LIST OF PARTICIPANTS 649 SKULAD6TTIR, Unnur, Association of Icelandic Nature Conservation Societies, Reykjavik, Iceland. STARR, Dr Thomas B., Center for Climatic Research, University of Wis- consin, 1225 West Dayton Street, Madison, Wisconsin 53706, USA. STEFANSSON, Dr Unnstein, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland. STEINDORSSON, Steind6r, Munkathvenirstraeti 40, Akureyri, Iceland. STONE, Jennifer, Crozet, Gex 1170, France. STONE, Peter B., Crozet, Gex 1170, France. STRONG, Maurice F., Chairman of the Bureau, International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN), 1110 Morges, Switzerland. TAN, Dr Koonlin, 346 Lrg. IOc, United Garden, Jln. Klang 5 Batu, Kuala Lumpur 21-10, Malaysia. THORHAUG, Professor Anitra, Department of Biological Sciences, Florida, International University, Tamiami Campus, Miami, Florida 33199, USA. THORMAR, Hordur, Industrial Research Institute, Keldnaholti, Reykjavik, Iceland. THORS, Dr Kjartan, Marine Research Institute, Skulagotu 4, Reykjavik, Iceland. THORSTEINSSON, Geirhardur, Veltusund 3, Reykjavik, Iceland. THORSTEINssoN, lngvi, Landvernd, Sk6lavordustig 25, Reykjavik, Ice• land. THORVALDSSON, Gudlaugur, Rector, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland. TINBERGEN, Professor Jan,* Haviklaan 31, The Hague, The Netherlands. TOLBA, Dr Mostafa K., *Executive Director, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), PO Box 30552, Nairobi, Kenya. VILHELMSD6TTIR, Vilhelmfna, Marine Research Institute, Skulagotu 4, Reykjavik, Iceland. VILHJALMSSON, Thorsteinn, Science Institute, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland. WIDMAN, Professor Gary L., Professor of Law and Director, Natural Resources and Environment Law Program, University of California, Hastings College of the Law, 198 McAllister Street, San Francisco, California 94102, USA. WILLARD, Hon. Beatrice E.,* Professor of Environmental Science, Col• orado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado 80401, USA. WoRTHINGTON, Dr E. Barton, Scientific Director, IBP Publications Committee, c/o The Linnean Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1V OLQ, England.

* Contributor or co-author of paper but unable to attend personally. EDIToR's PosTsCRIPT

Looking back on the Conference through these Proceedings, one retains the abiding impression that Man now has the know• ledge and means to save his world but still shows inadequate signs of acting in time. Index of Personal Names

Abdulappa, M. K. 104, 107 Bartell, H. H. 215, 222 Adalsteinsson, Stefan 643 Bartell, S. 121 Adams, B. 237, 246 Barton, H.E. William H. xxiv-v Alessio, A. D' 121 Bateson, G. 454, 467 Allaby, M. 467 Bauman, K. E. 428 Allen, R. 467 Baumann, P. C. 109, 120 Allsopp, W. H. L. 115, 120 Baumgartner, A. 37, 43 Altenpohl, Dieter G. 287, 288, 370-71, 373, Bax, Clifford 589 497' 597, 643 Behrens, W. W. III 427, 467 Amarasinghe, Shirley 158 Bellotti, A. C. 273, 323 Amiot, L. W. 273 Benoit, Emile 204 Ananichev, K. V. 380, 391 Berelson, B. 191, 192, 193, 424, 425, 426 Anderson, L. G. 155, 158 Bergmann, Stefan 643 Anderson, R. K. 426 Bergthorsson, Pall27, 32, 43, 58, 230-1, 600, Annegers, J. F. 313, 322 601-2,643 Arad6ttir, Svava 643 Berkofsky, L. 40, 43 Armstrong, D. E. 364 Berne, E. 462, 467 Amason, lngvar 643 Berry, B. J. L. 236, 246 Arnheim, R. 455, 467 Bhatia, C. R. 267, 272 Arnorsson, S. 355, 362 Bishop, Amasa S. 343-65,361,362,420,643 Arsonval, J. d' 357 Bjarnason, Jonas 644 Asgeirsson, Eggert 643 Bj6rnsson, Sveinn 338, 644 Asgeirsson, Th6rdur 643 Black, T. 424, 426 Ashby, Lord [E.] 272, 421, 426 Black, T. W. 353, 362 Asibey, Emmanuel 0. A. 505, 522-3, 536, Bockris, J. O'M. 353, 362, 419, 426 537, 643 Bodenheimer, F. S. 293, 322 Atkinson, J. W. 455, 467 Boer, K. W. 350, 362 Attias, Jack P. 572, 576, 643 Bolin, B. 35, 43, 265, 272 Ayensu, E. S. 82 Booth, J. Haley xvii Booth, [Mrs] J. Haley xvii Booth, R. S. 121 Bach, W. 34, 43 Borden, Richard J. 405-6, 430, 435-9, Baer, Jean-G. xv, xvii, 613, 614, 627, 628 442-3, 538, 644 Baer, Jean-Pierre xviii Borgese, Elisabeth Mann xv, 158 Bailey, P. C. 223 Borgstrom, Georg 293-323, 324, 325, 327, Balakrishnan, T. R. 425, 426 328, 329, 332, 333, 334-5, 338, 644 Barbour, I. G. 534 Borlaug, Norman E. 182 Bardarson, HjalmarR. 569-72,577,579,643 B0rset, 0. 215, 222 Baret, J. L. 382, 391 Botkin, D. B. 157, 158 Barnea, J. 355, 362 Boulding, Kenneth 264, 273 Barney, G. 0. 399, 534, 537, 563, 568 Bower, B. T. 389, 391 Baroda, Maharaja of. See Gaekwad, Bowsky, W. M. 422, 423, 426 Fatesinghrao Brachi, P. 350, 362 Baroody, H.E. Jamil xvii, 277 Brackley, Peter G. 399 Baroody, Leila J. 276, 282-3, 286, 331, 643 British Ambassador. See East, H.E. Ken• Barron, F. 456, 467 neth 652 GROWTH WITHOUT ECODISASTERS?

Brittain, W. L. 456, 467 Cook, R. S. 535 Broecker, W. 38, 42, 43 Cooke, G. D. 264, 273 Brown, A. W. A. 221, 222 Cooper, J. C. 113, 120, 121 Brown, C. A. 354, 362 Corbusier, Le 259 Brown, J. 219, 223 Coskuner, U. 383, 391 Brown, Lester R. 192, 193, 416, 417, 418, Couper, A. D. 417,426 425, 426, 557, 568 Courtenay, W. R., Jr 98, 107 Brownlie, I. 560, 568 Cousteau, Jacques 127, 128 Bruce, M. 157, 158 Covarrubias, M. 454, 467 Bruckner, A. 353, 362 Crabb, John H. 27, 257, 545-6, 572, 574-5, Bruland, K. W. 141, 143 644 Bryson, Frances E. 644 Cronin, V. 422, 423, 426 Bryson, Reid A. xvii, 37, 42, 43, 45, 50, Cruzan, D. C. 359, 364 51-2,53,55, 56, 67, 69, 82,247,249-50, Cuenod, M. 363 251,255,258,265,273,331,410,418,426, Cunningham, Errol A. 201, 596-7,628,644 442,491-2,493-4,495,496,497' 498,499, Curry-Lindahl, Kai 18 500,502,536,548,593,609,610,626,644 Buchinger [de Alitisz], Dra Maria 52, 166, 287-8, 369,402-3, 443,497-8, 499, 542, Daksze, N. 365 591-2,605,644 D'Aiessio, A. 121 Budyko, M. J. 38, 39,42, 43 Daly, R. I. 121 Buringh, P. 6 Dante 422 Burke, Edmund 470 Darby, H. C. 215, 222 Burnet, Sir Macfarlane 592 Darrieux, G. 353 Butler, Gordon C. xvii, 20-1, 27, 430, d' Arsonval, J. 357 432-3, 644 Darwin, Charles 473, 530, 543, 544, 550 Byerly, T. C. 222 Dasmann, Mrs Elizabeth 644 Dasmann, Raymond F. 85-6, 88, 90, 168, 289, 293, 324-8, 334, 335, 336, 339, 644 Cahn, R. 534, 537 Davoli, John 404, 467 Caldwell, L. K. 18 de Candolle, Roger. See Candolle Campbell, G. H. 223 de Chardin, Teilhard. See Chardin Candolle, Rogerde468, 474-5,602,603,644 Dempsey, Stanley xvii, 394 Carr, D. 69, 82 Dennett, R. D. 346, 364 Carson, Rachel 71, 82, 142 Denyoh, F. M. K. 104, 107 Carter, J. [President) 435, 436 Derrickson, R. A. 354, 365 Carter, L. J. 267, 273 Deuel, L. 410, 426 Cams-Wilson, E. M. 422, 426 Deys, C. 424, 425, 426 Caviedes, C. N. 309, 323 d'Hoore, J. 75, 82 Cawood,P. 353,363 d'Hoore, L. D. 320 Chalmers, B. 352, 362 Dickie, L. M. 146, 159 Chardin, Teilhard de 544, 546 Dickson, R. R. 410, 411, 426 Charlet, Daniel xviii Disch, Marcel xvii Charney, J. 40, 43 Dodson Gray, David. See Gray, David Dod• Chase, C. L. 428 son Chedd, G. 359, 362 Dodson Gray, Elizabeth. See Gray, Chi, C.-T. 413, 426 Elizabeth Dodson Cicerone, R. J. 358, 362 Dorst, Jean xv Cipolla, C. M. 411, 422, 423, 426 Doxiadis, Constantinos A. 235, 246, 627 Clark, C. W. 155, 158 Dubos, Rene 250 Claude, G. 357 Duckworth, W. D. 82 Clot, A. 355, 362 Ducret, Claude G. 336, 343-65,367-9, 373, Cloud, P. 417, 419, 420, 426 420, 429, 545, 608-9, 610, 644 Cloudsley-Thompson, J. L. 64, 82 Duvigneaud, P. 237, 246 Cobb, J. B., Jr 534 Dyne, George van 644 Cochrane, E. 422, 426 Cockerell, Sir Christopher 368 Collier, R. V. 644 East, H.E. Kenneth ii, xvii, 644 Conway, J. 237, 246 Eastlund, B. J. 361, 363 INDEX OF PERSONAL NAMES 653

Eckholm, E. P. 220, 223, 418, 419, 426, 534, Gill, Don 83, 85, 89, 92~3, 645 537 Gilliland, James C. 394, 399, 400~ 1, 403, Edsall, J. T. 420, 426, 427 404, 406, 645 Ehrlich, Anne H. 18, 186, 193, 223 Gjessing, E. T. 98, 107 Ehrlich, Paul R. 18, 27, 186, 193, 1%, 202, Glaser, P. 352, 363 215, 223, 424, 427 Glasser, Ralph 21~2, 27, 54~5, 92, 201~2, Einarsson, Eyth6r 644 247, 251 ~ 2, 255 ~6, 257' 258, 259, 409,468, Einarsson, S. S. 355, 363 470~ 2, 602, W8, 628, 645 Eiriksson, Karl 644 Godin, G. 358, 363 Eldjarn, H.E. Dr Kristjan v, xvi, 219 Goldberg, Edward D. 122, 125, 126, 132, Elisson, Gunnlaugur 644 137~43, 160, 161, 162, 168~9, 645 Elkington, John B. 645 Goldsmith, Edward 25~6, 122, 128~9, Emelryck, L. van 364 132~3, 202~4, 206, 207, 284, 338~9, Engel, G. L. 272, 273 404~5, 417, 418, 421, 427, 429~30, 432, 'Engels' 454 433, 435, 438, 441, 461, 467, 468, 475, Epstein, G. 245, 246 496~ 7, 542~3, 549~50, 593~4, 595, WO, Eric the Red 469 601, 606, 627, 628, 645 Gosselink, J. G. 271, 273 Gossen, Randall G. xvii, 224, 232, 645 N. 534, 537 Faramelli, Gough, W. C. 361, 363 Farmer, M. W. 364 Goulet, D. 437, 534 Feder, Ernest 267, 273 Gourou, P. 418, 427 Fetkovich, J. 357, 365 Graham, Michael 493 Finch, D. W. 64, 82 Gray, David Dodson 27, 336, 404, 430, Flohn, Hermann26, 31 ~44, 45,46~9, 50, 51, 433~5, 441,505, 529~35, 536, 537~8, 544, 52,53,54,56,57,58,59, 162,335,346,363, 550, 551, 644 500, 593, 645 Gray, Elizabeth Dodson 27, 200, 256~7, Foerster, H. von 263, 273 334~5, 443, 505, 529~35, 536, 538~9, Foley, Gerald 417, 418, 419, 420, 421, 427 543~4, 545, 550~ I, 628, 644 Forster, M. J. 273, 323 Gray, R. M. 385, 391 Fosberg, F. Raymond 26, 63~82, 83~5, 88, Greenhill, B. 419, 427 89, 90, 92, 127, 129~30, 131, 167~8, 224, Greenway, J. C., Jr 220, 223 227~8, 229, 232, 285, 337, 500, 536, Gregg, Robert 26 5~~~.~6.~7.~8.~0.~4.~8,M5, 'Grettir' 409 645 Gudbjartsson, Sigmundur 645 'Fossman' 425 Gudmundsson, Emil xvii K. 43 Fraedrich, Gulland, J. A. 146, 147, 159 Franz, Eldon H. 26, 263~ 74, 276, 277 ~so, Guppy, Nicholas 25, 195, 197~8, 204~5, 2S1, 282, 284, 290, 401,403, 547~8, 645 206, 286~7, 453~67, 468, 469, 474, 475, Franz, Kristi 256, 337, 468, 473~7, 636~7, 628, 645 645 Gutt, W. 387, 391 Freedman, R. 191, 192, 193 Guttormsson, Hjorleifur 645 Fridriksson, Sturla 211 ~ 23, 224, 226~ 7, 229, Gysin, Hans 382, 391 232, 333, 334, 645 Fukushima, Yoichi 505, 527~9, 536, 537, 550, 645 Haber, G. 357, 363 366~ 7, 369,370,372, Fuller, R. Buckminster Halld6rsson, Ragnar 646 375~6, 645 Hallgrimsson, H.E. Geir ii, xv, xvi, xvii, xxi~ii, xxiii, 646 Gaekwad, Fatesinghrao 168, 195, 197, 199, Hambro, Edvard I. 555~6 207, 282, 585, 628, 645 Hammond, A. L. 350,354,356,359,360,363 Galton, Sir Francis 602 Hammond, B.381, 391 Gandhi, Indira xxiv, 200 Hanson, Brewster xvii Gandhi, Mahatma 451, 543, 601 Hardin, Garrett 265, 273, 500, 544, 563, 564, Gardarsson, Arnth6r 645 568 Oertel, K. 270, 273 Harding, D. 104, 107 Ghaswala, S. K. 359, 363 Hare, F. Kenneth xvii, 40, 43, 45, 49~50, 51, Gibbs, Angela xvii, 45, 645 58, 59,331,334,468, 583~9, 590~1, 592, Gibbs, M. 222 595, 599, 601, 602,603, 607~8, 610, 646 654 GROWTH WITHOUT ECODISASTERS? Harkavy, 0. 426 Johnson, W. E. 116, 121 Hiirkki, S. 384, 391 Jones, G. 410, 427 Harlow, F. H. 356, 363 Jones, J. R. E. 101, 107 Harrington, Michael 586, 603 Jones, Philip H. 247-9, 252-3, 256, 257, Harrison, W. H. 391 259, 394, 395-7,406,440-1,646 Harrisson, Tom 617 Jonsson, Hordur 646 Harte, J. 423, 427 Juel-Jensen, Bent xvii, 129, 195, 199, 206, Harvey, David 258 536,543,544,546,547,548,549,550,551, Hasler, Arthur D. 109-21, 122, 123-4, 125, 600, 606, 628, 646 131, 133, 646 Hawrylyshyn, G. 384, 391 Heath, E. 203 Kaijalainen, H. E. Ahti [sometime Prime Heemst, H. D. J. van 6 Minister of Finland] xiii Heilbrunn, L. V. 100, 107 Kasarda, J.D. 236, 246 Herbst, D. 77, 82 Kassas, Mohammed xv Hermannsson, Steingrimur 646 Kayes, T. B. 120 Herrema, D. J. 107 Kellogg, Charles E. 332 Herrscher, W. J. 535 Kellogg, W. W. 38, 42, 43, 346, 363 Hetherington, J. A. 139, 143 Kershaw, K. A. 460, 467 Hinde, R. A. 455, 467 Keynes, J. M. [Lord] 22, 434 Hinds, W. Ted xvii, 224, 229-30, 232, 646 Kievsky, M. I. 385, 393 Hinrichsen, D. 353, 363 Kitchell, J. F. 110, 120, 121 Hirsch, R. L. 361, 363 Klare, M. T. 417, 427 Ho, P.-T. 414, 427 Kluckhohn, Clyde 436 Hofstatter, E. 187, 194 Kneese, A. V. 389, 391 Holdgate, Martin W. 505, 523-7, 536, 646 Knox, James C. 122, 125-7, 132, 646 Holdren, J. P. 202, 223, 424, 427 Koide, M. 143 Holling, C. S. 271, 273 Konstandt, H. G. 359, 363 Hollingsworth, T. H. 412, 427 Koonce, J. F. 121 Holt, Sidney J. 145-59, 160, 161, 162, 163, Kormondy, E. J. 534 164, 165, 646 Korten, David 200 Hoore, J. d' 75, 82 Kovda, Viktor [A.] xv, 495 Hoore, L. D. d' 320 Kreiter, B. G. 385, 391 Hopkins, J. 186, 193 Kreuels, R. 41, 43 Horrall, R. M. 120, 121 Kroyer, H.E. Haraldur xv Howard, A. 564, 568 Kuenen, Donald J. xvii, xxv, 7-18, 19-20, Hugason, Reynir 646 24, 25, 27, 46, 55, 90, 131-2, 195, 198-9, Huntley, J. R. 561, 568 206, 207, 290, 339-40, 402, 406, 492, Hurd, L. E. 273, 323 494-5, 496, 629, 646 Hussainy, S. 0. 104, 107 Hutchinson, G. E. 461, 467 Huxley, Sir Julian xvii, xxi, xxiii, 613, 614, Laconte, Pierre 55, 235-46, 247, 249, 252, 627, 628 254, 255, 258-9, 369-70, 628, 646 Hynes, H. B. N. 103, 107 Lagues, M. 352, 363 Laing, W. A. 425, 427 Lamb, H. H. 410, 411, 426, 427 lng6lfsson, Agnar 646 Lambo, Thomas A. xv, 471, 472 Isaacs, J.D. 357, 363 Landsberg, H. 35, 43 Laurence, S. 364 Lawrence, S. 467 Jaffe, F. 356, 363 Leach, G. 318, 323 Jakobsson, Jakob 160-1, 164, 166, 169, 646 'Le Corbusier', ideas of 259 Jensen, A. S. 410, 427 Leopold, Aldo 522, 534, 535, 537 Jensen, Erik xv, xvii, 339, 468-9, 475, 646 Lerner, R. M. 360, 364 J6hannesson, Bjorn 324, 332-3, 646 Leventhal, H. 567, 568 J6hannesson, Magnus 646 Leviste, Governor A. 383, 392 John, friar of Vicenza 423 Liang-chi, Hung 411 Johnson, Stanley P. 173-94, 195, 196-7, Likens, G. E. 116, 121 198, 199, 200-1, 205-6, 487, 646 Linda!, Pall 647 INDEX OF PERSONAL NAMES 655

Lindbergh, Charles 617 Metz, W. D. 357, 363, 364 Ling, J. T. 379, 382, 392 Michaljow, W. 18 Llewellyn, K. 563, 568 Miley, W. W., II 98, 107 Lord Mayor of Reykjavik xvii, xxi Mill, John Stuart 423 Loucks, 0. L. 111,121 Miller, Richard G. 53, 54, 130-1, 167, Love, Le6 E. 647 275-7,280,282,283-4,287' 288,289,290, Lovelock, J. E. 264, 273 373-4, 543, 604, 628, 647 Lovins, Amory B. 348, 363, 420, 427, 568 Mills, R. L. 364 Lowdermilk, Walter C. 269, 273 Misra, Ramdeo 224-6,232,501-2,549,577, Lowen, A. 456, 467 647 Lowenfeld, V. 456, 467 Mitchell, D. S. 104, 107 Lucas, G.LI. 220, 223 Mitchell, Sir Harold P. xvii Ludviksson, Vilhjalmur 647 Mitchell, J. Murray, Jr 38, 42, 43 Lugo, A. E. 18 Moller, Aida 647 Luzzatto, G. 422, 423, 427 Mora, P.M. 273 Lvovich, M. J. 34, 37, 38, 43 Moraes, Dom 447 More, Sir Thomas 458 Morgan, J. P. 434 McCall, J. 353, 364 Morris, Desmond 457, 467 McClelland, D. C. 456, 467 Muir, John 537 McCloskey, M. 145, 159 Munk, Walter 54 McConnell-Lowe, R. H. 104, 107 Munn, R. E. 486 McElroy, M. B. 365 Munro, G. C. 64, 82 Mclnteer, B. B. 364 Murray, 45, 67, 69, 82 MacNeice, Louis 409, 427 Musgrove, P. J. 354, 364, 419, 427 McNeil, M. 418, 427 Myers, Norman 27,52-3,76, 82, 85, 90,276, Macpherson, Andrew H. 85,87-9, 169,647 280-1,285,324,328,334,335-6,338,340, Madison, D. M. 120, 121 439-40, 565, 568, 647 Magnuson, J. J. 120, 121 Magnusson, Gudmundur 22-3, 24, 254-5, 647 Magnusson, Jakob 161, 163-4, 166, 647 Nature Conservancy Council xvii Maier, J. 426 Neess, J. C. 121 Nestaas, I. 386, 392 Malone, Thomas F. xvii, xxv, 45-6, 49, 54, Nicholson, E. M. 220, 223 55,58-9,204,205,335,394,399-400,628, 629,647 Nicola, Erico xvii, 56, 276, 281-2, 647 Nicols, H. 311, 323 Malthus, Robert 203, 411 Manabe, S. 36, 40, 43 Nielsen, Carl E. 368 Mao Tse-tung 386 Nixon, P. J. 391 Marcuse, H. 455, 467 Nortman, D. 187, 194 Margalef, R. 459, 465, 467 Margulis, L. 264, 273 Marinelli, G. 354, 355, 356, 364 Obeng, Letitia E. xxv, 97-107, 123, 125, Marshall, P. T. 461, 467 479, 492, 494, 495-6, 498-9, 499-500, Marstrand, Mrs Hanne 647 578, 605, 606-7, 629, 647 Marx, Karl 454, 458 Odum, Eugene P. 162,263-74,276,281,535, Maslow, Abraham 483 647 Maugh, T. H., II 358, 363, 364 Odum, Howard T. 264, 273, 276, 418 Mauldin, W. P. 426 Odum, William E. 276 Maxwell, Robert I. xvii Oka, I. N. 273, 323 Mead, Margaret 454 Olafsson, Sigmj6n 647 Meadows, D. H. 420, 427,461,467 Olindo, Perez M. 27, 85, 86-7, 91, 231-2, Meadows, D. L. 427, 467 288-9, 339, 403, 492-3, 579, 628, 647 Medici, Lorenzo dei 423 Oltramare, Yves xvii Meggers, B. J. 75, 82 O'Neill, G. K. 352, 364 Meine!, A. B. 351, 364 O'Neill, R. V. 121 Meine!, M. P. 351, 364 Orleans, L. A. 386, 392 Mellanby, Kenneth 18 Osterberg, C. L. 102, 107 Mesarovic, M. 18, 284, 420, 427, 559, 568 Otterman, J. 40, 43 656 GROWTH WITHOUT ECODISASTERS?

Packard, Vance 379 Rapoport, A. 236, 246 Paddock, P. 417, 427 Rapson, W. H. 382, 392 Paddock, W. 417, 427 Raschke, E. 40, 43 Paine, R. T. 105, 107 Rasool, S. I. 265, 273 Palmad6ttir, Elin 626, 647 Reed, T. B. 360, 364 Palsson, Einar B. 647 Reeve, D. W. 382, 392 Palsson, Hermann 410, 427 Reichel, E. 37, 43 Palsson, Pall S. 647 Renzoni, Aristeo 122, 127-8, 607, 608, 648 Panikkar, Nedumangathu K. xv Revelle, Roger 54 Pardo, Arvid 158 Reynisson, Arni 648 Parsons, T. 458, 467 Reynolds, B. 121 Passmore, J. 535 Rice, W. L. 361, 363 Pauling, Mrs Ava Helen 647 Rickard, W. E., Jr 219, 223 Pauling, Linus xvi, xxiii, xxv, 19, 24, 27, 276, Ripley, S. Dillon xv 551,592-3,594,596,610,627,629,635-6, Robbins, George H. 394, 400, 648 647 Robinson, E. S. 357, 364 Pearsall, W. H. 67, 82 Roels, 0. A. 358, 364 Pes tel, E. 284, 420, 427, 559, 568 Romanes, George John 627 Petersen, W. 425, 428 Rose, D. J. 361, 364 Peterson, R. 382, 387, 392 Roth, C. 423, 428 Pettersen, 0. 410 Rousseau, J. J. 421 Piaget, Jean 271, 273 Rowley, J. C. 364 Picasso, Pablo 454 Royston, E. 385, 392 Pietro, A. San 222 Royston, Michael G. 91-2,200,231,253-4, Pimentel, D. 267, 273, 318, 323 255, 336-7' 379-93, 394-5, 402, 403, 404, Pinches, Joanna xvii 500-1, 544-5, 578-9, 594-5, 628,648 Platt, R. 564, 568 Rudolph, Ann W. 648 Poff, R. J. 121 Rudolph, Emanuel D. 90-1, 161, 166, 167, Polunin, Helen E. [Mrs] xvii, 83, 647 168, 338, 548, 648 Polunin, Nicholas [Snr] iii, xiii-xiv, xv-xix, Ruprecht, E. 43 xxi, xxii, xxiii, xxiv, xxv-vi, 20, 21, 24, Russel-Hunter, W. D. 312, 323 26,46,83, 131,195,215,223,230,237,246, Russell, A. D. 391 324,334,502,535,579,590,591,592,593, Russell, Bertrand 454 594,596,597,598,600,602,603,604,606, Russell, Claire 409-28, 430, 435, 648 607, 608, 609-11, 615, 616, 627-8, 635, Russell, W. M. S. 409-28, 430, 435, 648 636, 639, 642, 647 Polunin, N. V. C., [Jnr] xvii, 45, 160, 164-5, 285-6, 496, 500, 547, 576, 648 Saemundsson, Eyj61fur 600, 648 , R. M. 273 Saetersdal, G. 155, 159 Potter, R. M. 364 Sahlman, H. F. 107 Potter, V. R. 271, 273 Salas, R. 194 Potts, M. 424, 425, 426 Sandscheper, G. 350, 364 Pracht, W. E. 356, 363 Santmire, H. P. 535 Prater, Donald xviii Sartre, Jean-Paul 454 Prater, Patricia [Mrs] xvii, xviii Saverny, C. W. 359, 364 Prentki, R. T. 121 Savin, Charles T. 372, 394, 397-9, 548-9, President of Iceland. See Eldjarn, H.E. Dr 572, 575-6, 648 Kristjan Savonarola, friar 423 Preston, A. 102, 107 Sawyer, J. S. 39, 44 Prime Ministeroflceland. See Hallgrimsson, Schindler, D. W. 116, 121 H.E. Geir Schneider, S. H. 38, 44, 265, 273, 346, 364 Purdom, C. B. 254 Scholes, S. 386, 392 Purves, D. 237, 246 Scholz, A. T. 113, 114, 120, 121 Schram, Ellert B. 648 Schram, Gunnar G. xv, xxv, 555-68,572-4, Raay, H. G. T. van 18 629, 635, 648 Rabson, R. 267, 272 Schumacher, E. F. 237, 246, 442, 447-51, Ramanathan, V. 347, 364 455,462,463,464,467,468,469,595,648 Randers, J. 427, 467 Schurr, S. H. 5, 6 INDEX OF PERSONAL NAMES 657 Schiitt, Torgny 24, 57-8, 207, 371-2, 375, Strong, Maurice F. xvii, 289, 290, 404, 430, 598-9, 628, 648 432, 434, 492, 584, 607, 613-25, 628, 635, Schweitzer, Albert 507 636, 637, 642, 649 Secretary-General of the Conference. See Stross, R. G. 116, 121 Polunin, Nicholas [Snr] Stuiver, M. 265, 273 Segal, S. J. 426 Synge, A. H. M. 220, 223 Seguier, F. 359, 364 Synnott, T. J. 41, 44 Senanayake, P. 424, 428 Service, A. 425, 428 Seymour, R. J. 357, 363 Talbot, L. 156, 159 Shaw, T. L. 358, 364 Tan, Koonlin 224, 228-9, 284-5, 324, Sheikh, Khalid Hamid 536, 541-2, 548, 328-9, 337, 372-3, 403-4, 439, 578, 649 557-8, 602, 648 Tarnizhevsky, B. V. 351, 365 Sherrell, R. E. 535 Taylor, C. W. 456, 467 Shimwell, D. W. 460, 467 Thacher, PeterS. 488 Sholes, 0. D. 273, 323 Thomas, W. L. 419, 428 Shorrock, C. 383, 392 Thompson, J. E. S. 69, 82 Shugart, H. H., Jr 121 Thorhaug, Anitra 131, 161-3, 165,205,206, Sigmundsson, Kornelius J. xv 269, 273, 374-5, 441-2, 536, 540-1, 550, Sigtryggsson, Hlynur 45, 50-I, 648 649 Sigurbjornsson, Bjorn 54, 89, 285, 324, Thormar, Hordur 649 329-31, 340, 648 Thorpe, J. 69, 82 Sigurdsson, Ingimar 648 Thors, Dr Kjartan 649 Sigurdsson, Pall 648 Thorsteinsson, Geirhardur 649 Sigurj6nsson, Petur 401-2, 597-8, 648 Thorsteinsson, lngvi 649 Simmons, D. M. 353, 364 Thorvaldsson, Gudlaugur 649 Simon, A. L. 419, 428 'Thuwe' 425 Simpson, J. 410, 428 Tiller, Rona [Mrs] xviii Sioli, Harold 76, 82 Tinbergen, Jan 3-6, 19, 20, 649 Skulad6ttir, Unnur 649 Tolba, Mostafa K. 479-90, 492, 493, 494, Smirnova, A. N. 351, 365 495, 496, 578, 649 Smith, Adam 3 Toro(.heshinkov, M. F. 383, 392 Smith, M. A. 391 Toth, L. 315, 323 Smith, M. C. 364 Townley, Ralph 481 Snow, C. P. [Lord] 272 Twain, Mark 418 Sobel, M. J. 157, 158 Socolow, R. H. 423, 427 Soemarwoto, 'Otto' 55 Udall, Stt;wart L. 593, 605, 609 S0rensen, B. 350, 354, 364 Udry, J. R. 424, 428 Spurgeon, D. 355, 364 Ulf-Krakason, Gunnbjorn 410 Srinivasan, H. R. 387, 392 Uphoff, Norman 190, 194 Staehli, Gail xvii Stanton, Robert 224 Staring, G. J. 6 Vallentyne, J. R. 116, 121, 316, 323 Stark, N. 75, 82 Vanderbilt, C. 148, 150, 159 Starr, Thomas B. 324, 331-2, 501, 649 Vercellini, R. 363 Stefansson, Unnstein 649 Vilhelmsd6ttir, Vilhelmina 649 Steffenson, D. 535 Vilhjalmsson, Thorsteinn 596, 649 Steindorsson, Steind6r 649 Villwock, W. 105, 107 Steinhart, Carol 418 Vogt, William 409, 428 Steinhart, E. 318, 323 Steinhart, John 418 Steinhart, S. 318, 323 Wade, N. 272, 273, 354, 365 Stewart, D. J. 121 Wagner, K. A. 212, 223 Stolarski, R. S. 362 Wahlen, H.E. Friedrich T. xvi, xvii, xviii-iv Stone, G. C. 535 Waldheim, Kurt xxiv Stone, Jennifer [Mrs] xvii, 649 Wallman, N. 270, 273 Stone, Peter B. xv, xvii, 247, 249, 257-8, Walters, S. 362 409, 430-2, 435, 436, 649 Walters, S. M. 220, 223 658 GROWTH WITHOUT ECODISASTERS?

Wang, W. C. 36, 44 Williams, W. D. 104, 107 Ward, Barbara 264, 273 Wisby, Warren J. 112, 121 Watson, B. 121 Wofsy, S.C. 358, 365 Weiler, T. 121 Wolf, M. 352, 365 Weininger, D. 121 Woodwell, George M. 264, 274 Weisberg, Barry 535, 537 Worthington, E. Barton xxv, 25, 27, 55, Wells, H. G. 411 122-3, 124, 127, 128, 129, 131, 133, 206, Went, Frits W. 75, 82 492, 493, 628, 629, 649 Westman, W. E. 271, 273 Wright Brothers 366 Wetherald, R. T. 36, 40, 43 Wright, R. F. 98, 107 Wheeler, Alwyne 101, 107, 131 White, Lynn 437 Whitman, R. J. 273, 323 Yevstratov, V. N. 385, 393 Widger, W. K. 354, 365 Widman, Gary L. 27, 555-68, 572,577,628, 649 'Zamiatin' 201 Wiener, N. 271, 274 Zaret, Thomas M. 105, 107 Wilcox, D. 360, 365 Zener, C. 357, 365 Willard, Beatrice E. xv, xvii, 505, 506-22, Zimmerman, L. J. 3, 6 536, 537, 538, 539, 649 Zuckerman, Lord [S.] 419, 420, 428 William of Tell 588 Subject Index

Abortion 425 Ammonia 358 Acids 101 Anchoveta, 147, 148, 149, !50, 152, 153, 308 Adaptation problems 278 Andes 52 Adaptive strategy 547 Animal feed [feedstuffs] 309, 310, 321, 328, Adequate technology, principle of 263, 277 329, 385 Administrative Procedure Act 566 Animal feeding 308, 311 Aerosols 497 Animal life 8, 15, 72, 88, 98, 102, 103, 104, Affluence, failure of 449 219, 221, 286 Agricultural land 16-17,235,421,466,488, freshwater 98 489, 494, 563 Animal power 373 Agricultural machinery 338 Animal production 295, 301, 309, 310, 315, Agricultural production 17 316, 317, 319 Agricultural soils 20 Animal products 325 Agricultural wastes 101-2 Animal species 481 Agriculture 16-17, 20, 67, 73-4, 88, 181, Animal waste 387 215, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 267, 269, Antarctic Ocean 161 279, 283, 284, 324, 329, 331, 489 See also Antarctica mechanized 68 Antarctica 46, 90-1, !53, 166, 167, 168 scientific 73-4 Anthropogenic effects 126 See also Food production Anticyclone 41 Agriculture and World Feeding Alternatives Apollo 13 space flight 264 [Session 10]291-340 Aquaculture 114-15, 120, 162, 163, 311-12 discussion of 324-40 Aquatic Biota, Enlightened Management of Agrobusiness 267 109-21 Agroecosystems 266-7 Aquatic ecosystems 119 AID577 Aquatic vegetation 119 Air pollution 248, 356, 360, 481 Arctic, ice-free 48 Air pollution index 440 Arctic Ocean 39, 42 Albedo, surface 40 Arctic regions 216 Alcohols 359, 360 Arctic sea-ice 38-9 Alfalfa 313, 325 Argentina 167, 369 Algae 116, 123, 124, 247, 294, 312 Arizona 74 Alkalis 101 Armaments. See Military activities Alligators 162 Aswan Dam 129, 133 Alternative development schemes 192 Athens, Georgia 256 Alternative life- 457 Athens [Greece], noise levels in 249 Aluminium plant 403 Atmosphere and Earth's Climates, Whither? Aluminium production 402 29-59 Alzheimer's disease 403 Atmosphere, COz content of 35-7, 42, 47, AMAX, Inc. xvii 48, 51, 54, 57, 58, 265 Environmental Services Group 394 residence-time in 54 Amazon basin 14, 228 Atmospheric circulation 32 Amazonia 204 Atmospheric heat-budget 35-7 American SST project 593 Atmospheric observations 50 Amino-acids 313 Atmospheric Processes, Man's Increasing Impact on Climate 31-44 660 GROWTH WITHOUT ECODISASTERS~

Atomic bombs, 'backyard' manufacture of Britain, Battle of 435 18 British Empire and Commonwealth 433 Audubon Society 441 British Petroleum Limited xvii, 91 Awards 640 Broadcasting 431 Bryde's Whales 156~7 Buhalus huhalus 310 Baer~ Huxley Memorial Lecture 340, 404, Buffalo meat 329 607 Building codes 562 introduction and termination of xvii, 627~8 text of 613~25 Cadmium telluride 352 Banque Populaire Suisse xvii Calcium sulphate pollution 386 Beasts of burden 303 Calcutta 250, 255, 257, 258, 425 Beauty of Nature 89~90, 92, 547 Canada 25, 88, 595 Beef 329 Cancer 128, 129 Behavioural codes 547 Canis latrans 512 Beirut Syndrome 207 Capelin 151 Bible and Judaeo-Christian tradition 529~ 30 Capital consumption 22 Biodegradable materials 338 Carbohalides 50 Biofuels 359~60, 368 Carbon dioxide. See C02 Biogas production 387 Carbon~nitrogen (C/N) ratio 311~12, 314, Biogeochemical cycles 21, 54 315, 322 Biological Conservation 616 Carbon tetrachloride 139 Biological diversity of habitat of Man 70 Carcinogens 125, 128, 129 Biological factors in agriculture 332 Carrying capacity 264~5, 283, 512~14, 539 Biological reproduction, prolific nature of Cash-crops 338 511~12 Cassava (Manihot esculenta) 231, 313 Biological solution II~ 12 Catastrophe theory 442 Biological variables, measurements of 21 Cell-culture 331 Biologist's View and Warning, A 7~ 18 Centre d'Etudes Jndustrielles [CEil 500 Biomass 295~6 Cereals 312 Biomass energy 371 Chad 537 Biospheral equilibrium 6, 479~91 Charlpeg Foundation xvii discussion of 491 ~502 Chemical industry 387 Biospheral growth 429 Chemical plant 402 Biospheral Survival, Ethics of 505 ~ 35 Chemical treatment of lakes 119 discussion of ethics of 536~ 51 Chemicals and chemical pollution 128, 129. Biosphere 295~6, 298 139, 356, 361' 485, 579 basic principles of 506 Chickens 302 developmental characteristics of 7 Child, age at first 205, 207 human impact on 4~5 Child population 182 protective measures for 6 Chile 308~9 reserves 434 China 74, 197, 198, 301. 306, 430, 432, 439, resources of 429 543 stability of 491 birth-rate 198~9 threats to 27, 524 'Institute for Science and the People' 595 viability limits of 12 population cycles 197, 412~ 15 viability of 523~4 population policy in 191~2, 198, 199,205 Bird life 15, 142, 169 Chlorinated hydrocarbons 102 Birth-control 200, 205, 423~6, 435~6, 439 Chlorine 360 Birth-rate in China 199 Chlorofluorocarbons 140 Birth-rate limitations 188 Chloroform 125, 132, 139 Birth-rate reduction device 189 Chloroform in potable waters 125 Birth-rates 174, 188, 189, 196, 198, 199, 202, Christian attitudes 549 416 Christian religion 536 Bog-lakes 115~ 16 Christian tradition 529~ 30 Bombay 257 Christians and lions 284 Brazil 465 Cigarette smoking 600 Brine 248 Cities 466 SUBJECT INDEX 661

Cities continued Computers 51 See also Urbanization Conclusions for the Future [Session 18] Citizenship in community of life 522 581-610 City development 236 discussion of 590-610 City dwellers, estrangement of 236 Conference, the, commonly refers to 2nd Civilization, decline of 602 ICEF. See International Conferences on Clara lazera 99 Environmental Future Class conflict 458 Conferences Roster and Reports 640 Clean industry 402 Conference secretary. See Gibbs, Angela (in Clean technology 381 Index of Personal Names) Climate 490 Consensus 591 Man's increasing impact on 31-44 Conservation 220, 622 mathematical models of 32 Consumption 466, 594; 599 sudden changes of 40 Continental biomass 297 Climate modelling 42, 346 Control of population. See Population con- Climate modification 346 trol Climatic anomalies 31, 500 Copper smelting 384-5 Climatic catastrophe 48 Co-productivity 387 Climatic changes 31, 33, 40, 46-9, 50, 52, Cost-benefit analyses 421, 620 331, 347 Costs of ICEFs 640 Climatic energy parameters Cottage industry 26 anthropogenic 34 Coyotes 512 natural 33 Crawley New Town 253 Climatic evolution, future 41-2 Creativity 456, 474 Climatic forecasts 331-2 Crime problem 429 Climatic process, energetics of natural and Crop production 47, 3ll, 313, 325, 418,490 man-made 33-7 land resources and 319-21 Climatic system 46 Crop-rotation schemes 313 characteristic time-scales and interactions Cultural aspects 536, 539-40 32 Cultural function 472 energetics of 31 Cultural goals 453 feedback mechanisms 42 Cultural, Social, and Political Goals 453-67 internal changes 34, 46 Culture of Poverty, A 447-51 Man's interference with 32 Cygnus buccinator 575 Climatic variability 26, 31, 33, 40, 46 Cypress swamp 508 Climatic variation 126 See also Climatic changes 2-4D 102 Clover 313, 325 Daily Urban Space [DUS] 236 Club of Rome 4, 22, 286, 514 Dams 103, 104, Ill, 126, 129, 276 C02 [carbon dioxide] 38, 39, 42, 50, 54, 55, Dangerous Devegetation and Monocultures 58, 269,347, 367, 373, 375,631 [Session 7] 209-32 'greenhouse effect' of 48, 54, 55 discussion of 224-32 in atmosphere 35-7,42,47, 48, 51, 54, 57, keynote paper 2ll-23 58, 265, 336 Darwinism 550 Coal and coal-mining 130, 131,226,419,441, DDT 101, 106, 128, 138, 140, 142, 143, 168, 517 169, 497, 498, 499 Coastal zones 137, 168 Death-rates 410, 416, 423, 424 Cod 151, 153 Decision-making 563, 566 Polar 151 Defoliation 225 Coffee Club [Group] initiative 604-5,633-4 Deforestation 55, 91, 231 Colorado 515, 519 See also Forests Common Laws for Earth and Mankind: A Degradation on Earth 78-81, 88, 485 Glorious Hope? 555-68, 572 See also under specific types Common Laws for Earth and Mankind [Ses• De-icing substances 248 sion 17] 553-79 De-industrialization 543-44 discussion 569-79 Demographic projections 175 Commons, tragedy of the 265, 544, 564 Demographic situation 181 Communication 287, 288, 431, 441, 474 Demographic transition 190, 1%, 198 Community of life 522 revised theory of 190 662 GROWTH WITHOUT ECODISASTERS?

Denmark, fishmeal production of 309 Ecological principles 507, 517-22 Desert and desertification 40, 67, 74, 75,317 Ecological reconnaissance 520 scrub ecosystem 74 'Ecology' xiv Destruction of tropical forests as govern- Econometric models 586 mental policy 231-2 Economic Commission for Europe. See Detroit 250 United Nations Economic Commission Deuterium 360 for Europe Devegetation. See Vegetation and devegeta• Economic conditions 13 tion Economic growth xiv, xxiv, 11, 12, 19, 20, Devegetation and Monocultures, Dangerous 23, 286, 584, 593, 601, 620, 621 211-23 annual rate of 4 Developing etc. countries 4, 23, 24, 41, 55, forecasting 4 80, 86, 87, 91, 92, 338 past and prospects 3 population explosion in 186-92 See also Growth technology for 483 Economic Growth and the Biosphere, Intro• Development 491, 520, 593, 606, 632 duction 1-27 and overdevelopment 338, 594-5 discussion 19-27 approaches to 484 Economic order 484, 492 doctrine of 447 Economic planning 586 new 483 Economic policy 586 objectives of 482 Economic solution 12-13 pattern of 542 Economists poor at quantification 131 schemes 632 Economist's View and Question, An 3-6 technology for 483 Ecopaths 438 why and how? 482 Ecophiles 438 without destruction 487, 488, 578 Eco-pornography 405 Diagnosing the Future Health of the World Ecosystem benchmarks 516 Ocean 137-43 Ecosystem concept 586 Dieldrin 102 Ecosystem development 514-16 Diffusion of responsibility 438 Ecosystem interrelationships 9 Dioxan 140 Ecosystem niches 512 Dirty technology 380 Ecosystem processes, thresholds for 517 Disaster situations 599 Ecosystem specialization and diversity 516 Discipline 603 Ecosystems 80-1, 508 Disease and disease control 76, 322 deterioration of 72-4 Dispersibility phenomenon 65 four types of 265 Domestic wastes 248, 268 margina174 Doomsday 263, 264, 283 mature 520 Drainage-basin ecology 109 need to recouple 271 Dredging 137 optimal functioning of 10 Dried-milk imports 310 terrestrial 63-82 Drop-outs 457 toleration by 632 Dugong [Dugong dugon] 165 Ecuador 537 DUS. See Daily Urban Space Education 182, 204, 279, 288, 429, 438, 440, Dyaks of Borneo 468, 469 442, 543, 578, 631, 633 EEC. See European Economic Community EEZs. See Exclusive Economic Zones Earth-as-female myth 533-4, 539 Effluent charges 400 Earthwatch 484, 486 Egalitarianism 457, 459 ECE. See United Nations Economic Com- Elephant grass 383 mission for Europe El Niiio 161 Ecodevelopment 622 El Salvador 537 Ecodisasters 27, 49, 51, 52, 58, 88 Elsevier Sequoia 640 'Ecological Age' 282 Emission standards 389, 398 Ecological amplitude 65 Emotional requirements 71 Ecological Constraints of Global Food Pro• Employment 70 duction 293-323 Employment statistics 184-5 Ecological ethics. See Ethics Endangered species 16-17, 77, 105, 130, Ecological paradigm 583 220,280,281,285-6,516,520,617,618 SUBJECT INDEX 663

Energy alternatives 335, 336, 343-65, 419, Environmental education. See Education 466, 631 Environmental ethics. See Ethics discussion of 366-76 discussion of 536-51 environmental aspects of 343-65, 374 Environmental Future: Have We Reached potential role of 348-50 Consensus? The 583-9 Energy and pollution 497 discussion of 590-610 Energy aspects of food production 317-19 Environmental guidelines 525-6 Energy budgeting 22 Environmental health 600 Energy choices 368 Environmental ills xiii Energy conservation 23, 368, 624 of population growth 185-6 Energy conservation laws 562 Environmental impact assessment proce• Energy consumption II, 35, 87,338,348,370 dures 92 Energy crisis 343, 362, 367, 368, 371, 397 statements 633 Energy efficiency 370 Environmental knowledge usage 573 Energy flow 510 Environmental law. See Law for the envi• Energy level of climatic fluctuations 47 ronment; Legislation Energy perspectives 370 Environmental Management and Biospheral Energy policy 350, 362 Equilibrium 479-90 Energy probe 610 Environmental Management Towards Bio• Energy problems 42, 336, 344, 373 spheral Equilibrium [Session 15] Energy production 347, 420 477-502 Energy release 459 discussion of 491-502 Energy Research and Development keynote paper 479-90 Administration [ERDA] xvi, 350, 354 Environmental Monographs and Symposia Energy reserves 344, 346 639, 641 Energy resources 429 Environmental Movement, the xxi Energy saving 368 Environmental pollution 181-2. See also Energy shortage 371 under various headings Energy sources 338, 345, 631 Environmental preservation code 337 conventional 348, 349 Environmental problems 20, 59, 436, 482, non-conventional 348 587, 616 See also Energy alternatives Environmental protection 616, 620 Energy storage 348 Environmental Protection Agency [EPA] Energy strategies 347 162, 338 Energy subsidies 311 Environmental psychology 435, 436, 575, 576 Energy-system integration 386 Environmental quality 71, 76 Energyuse5, 7, 19,20,57,347,372,373,418, Environmental requirements 85 510, 519-20 Environmental stability 8 Engraulis ringens 308. See also Anchoveta Environmental terms, multilingual glossary Enlightened Management of Aquatic Biota of641 109-21 Environmental variations 66 Environment, impact of Man on 8-10 Environmentalists xxi Environment, ministries etc. of xiii EPA. See Environmental Protection Agency Environment Canada 203 Equality 458, 459 Environment Day xvi ERDA. See Energy Research and Develop- Environmental Aspects of Energy Alterna• ment Administration tives [Session II] 341-76 Eristalis tenax 99 discussion of 366-76 Erosion 14, 67, 74, 192, 212, 213, 598 keynote paper 343-65 Erosion of genetic material 89 Environmental assessment 484-6 Ethics 163, 524-5, 538, 540-2 Environmental attitudes 437-8 and evolution 550 Environmental awareness 616 biospheric 524-5 Environmental cancers 480 exploitative versus stewardship 522-3 Environmental code of law 574 need for 506 Environmental compatibility 521 Ethics of Biospheral Survival [Session 16] Environmental concern 438,439,440,441-2 503-51 Environmental Conservation xvii, 27, 131, discussion of 536-51 163, 202, 204, 207, 368, 399, 604, 616, Ethics of Biospheral Survival: A Dialogue 627, 636, 639, 640, 642 505-35 Environmental crisis 405 Ethiopia 199, 225, 551 664 GROWTH WITHOUT ECODISASTERS?

Ethnocentricity 339 Fishing 91, 137, 138, 216, 308-9, 317, 338, Euphausia superba. See Krill 339, 494, 496, 618 European Convention on Protection of Maximum Sustainable Yield [MSY] 152, International Fresh Waters against Pol• 156 lution 561 Total Allowable Catch [TAC]146, 154, !55 European Economic Community [EEC]154, See also Over-fishing 561 Floating cages 115 Eutrophication 123, 124 Flooding 489 Evaluation 484 Florence 422-3 Evaporation 37 Florida [Miami etc.] 162, 163, 441 Evolution and ethics 550 Fluorine 360 Evolution of Man's influence 66-8 Fluorocarbons 50, 486 Evolution, process of 7 Fluorochloromethanes 139 Evolution theory 543-4 Food and Agriculture Organization of the Evolutionary ascent 530 United Nations [FAO] 323, 333, 334 Exclusive Economic Zones [EEZs]154, 155 Food burden 295, 297, Exhaust emissions 360 Food demand 182 Exhaust standards 389, 398 Food losses 489 Exhibits during Conference xvii Food needs 279 Exotic species 105 Food problem 490 Experiment in ecology 515 Food production 6, II, 17, 23, 24, 25, 26, 73, Extinction of a species 516 221, 293-323, 488, 491, 631 Extreme Urbanization Effects and Dangers discussion of 324-40 [Session 8] 233-59 energy aspects of 317- 19 discussion of 247-59 hexagon of survival 321-2, 327 keynote paper 235-46 history of 293 new strategies in 321 -2 vegetarian option in 301-3 waste and spoilage in 322 Falco punctatus 281 Food resources 493 Family planning 188, 189, 192-3, 195, 424, Food storage 322 430, 633 Food supplies 181-2, 228,417-18,419,420, programme in India 195 488, 489, 557 Family problem 429 Forecasting 4, 51 FAO. See Food and Agriculture Organiza- Foreign aid 24 tion of the United Nations Foresta Institute for Ocean and Mountain Fast-breeder reactors 420 Studies xvii, 275 Federal Reserve System 434 Forests 40, 47, 73, 75, 212, 226, 267-9, 279, Fertility 189, 193, 196 485 Fertilizers 17, 72, 74, 89, 182, 216, 220, 231, coniferous 215 305, 312, 319, 330, 333, 338, 340, 385, deciduous 212, 215 399, 418, 486, 489 destruction of 13-15, 215 Films 578 tropical 215, 228, 231, 232 Final Plenary Session 635-7 See also Tropical rain-forests Financial disasters 434 Fossil fuels 11, 19, 35, 57, 87, 317, 335, 345, Fire use 67, 212 367, 373, 375, 419 Firewood 87, 480 Foundation for Environmental Conserva• Fish acreage 305, 326 tion, The xvi, xxiii, xxiv, 551, 604, 634, Fish and fishes 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, Ill, 636, 642 114, 115, 124, 130, 131, 169 Auspices, Objectives and Needs 639 productivity aspects 145-59 Poet Laureate of xvii, 609, 626, 639-42 Fish cultivation 221 France, health care in 601 Fish-meal 150 Fraser River 521-2 Fish production 327 Freons 358 Fish products 309 Freshwater biota 97-107, 122 Fish protein 294, 309 Freshwater habitats 130 Fisheries 145-59,493, 521, 624 Freshwater resources 122 Fisheries, discussion of 160-9 Freshwater systems 97 Fisheries, management 155-8 adverse effects on biota in I 02-3 SUBJECT INDEX 665

Freshwater systems continued Granary of the world, main 418 biotic tolerance of disturbed habitats in Grass and grasslands 47, 215, 216, 228, 230, 98-9 232 characteristics and nature of 98 Grass-burning 56 discharge of human wastes in 99-100 Green revolution 182, 330 pollution in 99-100 Green Turtle 165 quality of 102-3 'Greenhouse effect' [of C02] 47, 48, 54, 55, Fuel-cycle 336 367 Fuel supplies 138 Greenland 46, 410 Fuels 466 Gross national product [GNP]140, 186, 447, See also Fossil fuels 471 Fumaroles 356 Ground-water depletion 310 Fungicides 220 Ground-water resources 241 Fur-seal skins 153 'Group of Seventy-seven' 288 Fusion power 368 Growth control 619-20 Fusion reactor 360 Growth patterns 621, 623, 624 Growth-rate 447, 470 Guidelines, environmental 525-6 GARP. See Global Atmospheric Research Gypsum plasterboard 386 Program[ me] GEMS. See Global Environmental Monitor- ing System Habitat of Man 63-82 Gene-pools 130 biological diversity of 70 General strike xviii, xxv, 45, 468 characteristics of 65 Generation-length 205 circumscription of 64 Generative master-pian 254 definition 63-4 Genes 70 degradation of 78 Genetic diversity 70 discussion of 83-93 Genetic engineering 330- I future of 81 Genetic material, erosion of 89 requirements of 70-1 Geneva, Switzerland 253 Habitat problems 256 Council of State 639, 640 Habitat rebuilding or restoration 521 Geothermal energy 354-7, 368 Haddock 151 Ghost acreage 305, 306, 324, 326, 327, 332 Halogenated hydrocarbons 139, 143 Glass industry 403 Happiness 339 Global Atmospheric Research Program[me] Hawaii 77 [GARP]32 Hay-yield 230, 231 Global Environmental Monitoring System Health and creative thinking 456 [GEMS]485 Health aspects 183, 456, 601 Global Food Production, Ecological Con- Health of the World Ocean, Diagnosing the straints of 293-323 Future 137-43 Global Resource Strategy 637 Health services 23 GNP. See Gross national product Heat-budget 53, 56 Goals 630 and nuclear energy 53 God and evolutionary process 542 atmospheric 35-7 as spirit of the universe 529-30 Heat dissipation 347 Gods in tribal societies 549 Heat pollution 353 Good-life concept 468, 469 Heating 242 'Goodwill ambassadors' 287-8 Heavy-metals 101, 129, 248 Goodwill messages xxiii-v Hekla [volcano] 598 Government of Canada xvii Helium 361 Government of Finland xiii Hen-Thorir, saga of 410 Government oflceland, invitation ofxiii, xv, Herbicides 101, 102 xxi, xxiii Herring 151, 152 generosity of xvii Hexagon of survival 321-2, 327, 328 sponsorship by xvi, xxiv and food production 321-2, 327-8 Government of Kenya 22 Hierarchical myth of reality 532-3, 538-9 Governmental action 624 Hierarchical nature of universe 550 Grain supplies 417-18 Hierarchical order of being 530-2 666 GROWTH WITHOUT ECODISASTERS?

High-density-low-rise layout 238-46 IMCO [Inter-Governmental Maritime Con- Hippies 457 sultative Organization] 569, 570, 571 Holcomb Research Institute xvi, xxv lmprimerie du Journal de Geneve xvii Holland 198 Incentives 623 Holocoenotic environment, principle of 507 Incineration 385 Homo-disaster 285 Income consumption 22 Homo sapiens. See Man Income demand 22 Hong Kong 206, 250, 305 Income per caput 186, 190, 196-9, 447 Hopi Indians 491 India 195, 226, 301, 306, 312, 372,425,430, Hotel Loftleidir, Reykjavik xvi, 613 501' 577 Housing 184, 241, 258 family planning programme 195 Huitoto Indians 542 Indirect involvement 473 Human behaviour 13 Individualism 466 Human expectations 87 Individuality 467, 542 Human nature, continuity of 546 Indonesia 487 Human population. See Population destruction of forests in 225 Human responses, philosophy and psychol- Industrial Alternatives: Non-waste Tech• ogy of 71 nology [Session 12] 377-406 Human settlements 519 discussion of 394-406 Human survival 632 keynote paper 379-93 Human value preferences 58 Industrial growth 236 Human wastes, discharge of 99 Industrial prosperity 80 Hunger 339 Industrial revolution 68 Hunter-gatherer societies 542 Industrial wastes 101, 268 Hunting technology 67 Industrialization 26, 601 Hydrated lime 116 Inflation 430, 432 Hydrocarbons 169, 248 Information 432, 439, 572 halogenated 139, 143 Information availability 565-7 Hydrocyanic acid 313 Information exchange 484, 485, 486 Hydroelectric development 123 Information flow 431 Hydrogen sulphide 356 Information reliability 566 Hydrological cycle 37, 315 Inorganic compounds 101 Hydroponic production of tomatoes 280 Insecticides 101, 106, 498, 632 Institute for Environmental Studies [Univer• sity of Toronto] 583 Institute for Environmental Studies [Univer• IBP. See International Biological Prog• sity of Wisconsin] 442 ramme INTECOL [International Association for Ice. See Arctic sea-ice; Antarctica Ecology] 122, 604 ICEFs. See International Conferences on Congress 290 Environmental Future See also International Congresses of Iceland xxi-ii, 23, 50, 89, 160,216,218,219, Ecology 230, 232, 410 Integration 384-6, 390 and environmental laws xxii of scientific work 59 economic evolution of xxi-ii Intellectual heredity 602 on borderline of inhabitable world xxii, Intercropping 312 230-1 Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative population growth of 219 Organization. See IMCO Icelandic Aluminium Corporation [ISAL] International Association for Ecology. See xvii INTECOL Icelandic Government. See Government of International Atomic Energy Agency 142 Iceland International Biological Programme [IBP] Icelandic Meteorological Office 600 XXV, 59, 88, 509 Icelandic Minister of Culture xvi, xvii International Commission for the Conserva• ICSU [International Council of Scientific tion of Atlantic Tunas [ICCAT] 154 Unions] 55, 289, 290, 605 International Commission for the Northwest IGY. See International Geophysical Year Atlantic Fisheries [ICNAF] 154 IIASA. See International Institute for International Commission on Radiological Applied Systems Analysis Protection [ICRP] 139, 142 SUBJECT INDEX 667

International Community and the Environ• IUCN 220, 324, 577, W4, 639 ment, The xvii, 613-25 IWC. See International Whaling Commis• International Conferences on Environmental sion Future [ICEFs] iii, xiii, xv, xvi, xvii, xviii, xxi-ii, xxiii, xxiv, xxv, 164, 196, l97. 230, 283, 324, 331, 333, 334, 335, Jamaica 201 340,432-3,439,549,551,573,574,590, Japan 326-7, 527-9 Java 14, 55 636, 637, 639, 640 Judaeo-Christian religion and tradition financing of 2nd ICEF xv, xvi, xvii 529-30, 538, 545, 548, 549, 551 Icelandic National Committee of 2nd Judicial policy 563-5 ICEF xv, xxi, xxv International Steering Committee of 2nd Kazakhstan 313 ICEF xv, xvi, xxiii, 20, 85 Kenya 22, 86, 87 problems of xviii-ix national parks of 85, 86 Proceedings of 2nd ICEF xviii Krill [Euphausia superba] 91, 153-4, 164, Scientific Patron of 2nd ICEF xv-xvi, xvii 166, 167-8 Secretary-General and Editor xviii, xxi K-strategy 501 sponsors of 2nd ICEF xvi, xxiii, xxiv unanimous decision to continue 637 International Congresses of Ecology 289, 290 Labour costs 548 International Convention on Civil Liability Labour force statistics 184-5 for Oil Pollution Damage 570 Lake Tahoe 130 International Convention on the Prevention Lake Victoria 493 of Marine Pollution by the Dumping of Lakes 97, 98, 104, 105, 109, 119, 123, 130 Wastes and Other Matter 562 chemical treatment of 119 International Council of Scientific Unions. man-made 103-4 See ICSU Lake-trout 124 International economic order 484, 492 Land loss 480 International Geophysical Year [IGY] 59, Land resources and crop production 319-21 167 Land stewardship 523 International Harvester Co. v. Ruckelshaus Land-use 39-41, 421 567 Large-scale enterprise 466 International Institute for Applied Systems Latin America 542 Analysis [IIASA] 53, 59 Law for the environment 573-4, 575, 576, International Law Commission 574, 577, 587 578-9, 587, 591 International Planned Parenthood Federa• Law of limits 560-5 tion 193, 197 international proposals 560-2 International Referral System [IRS] 485 national proposals 562-5 International Register of Potentially Toxic Law of the Earth 557 Chemicals [IRPTC] 485, 486, 632 Law ofthe Sea Conference 154-5, 158, 167, International Union for Conservation of 617 Nature and Natural Resources. See Law of the Sea Treaty 167 IUCN Law, use of term 557 International Whaling Commission [IWC] Laws of Man 557-60, 575 154, 156, 166 Laws of Nature 10, 575 Introduction: Economic Growth and the Lead pollution 141, 143, 360 Biosphere [Session 1] 1-27 Legislation 547-8, 573, 633 discussion of 19-27 See also Law keynote papers 3-18 Legumes 312, 313, 325 Investment 466 Less-developed countries xvi Iran 616 See also Developing etc. countries Ireland 220 Letchworth 254 Iron oxide powder 386 Lifeboat ethic 334 IRPTC. See International Register of Poten• Life-expectancy 174 tially Toxic Chemicals Life-style Alternatives [Session 14] 445-75 Irrigation 37, 130, 182, 220, 276, 317, 330,. discussion of 468-75 490, 499 keynote papers 447-67 ISAL. See Icelandic Aluminium Corporation Life-styles 204, 449, 473 668 GROWTH WITHOUT ECODISASTERS?

Life-styles continued impact on environment of 9 discussion of 468-75 incidence of 8-9 Life-support law 564 increasing impact on climate 31-44 Life-support protection 562, 563 influence of 9 Life-support system 263-74, 401 laws of 557-60, 575 adverse effects on 265 nature of 8-9 assessment of 265-6 responsibilities of 19 carrying capacity of 264-5, 283 tenure of 81-2 concept of 264 See also Habitat of Man definition of 277 Man-above-Nature myth 532, 538 degradation of 265 Management of aquatic biota 109-21 descriptions of 275 Manihot esculenta 231 discussion of 275-90 Manioc (Cassava, Manihot esculenta) 231, mitigating assault on 279 313 orientation of 275 Man's Increasing Impact on Climate: perspective of 264 Atmospheric Processes 31-44 preservation and repair of 265, 270, 282 discussion of 45-59 stability of 264 Marginal areas 16 Life-supporting ecosystems, preservation of Marginal lands 216-19 270 Marine ecosystems 137 Light-water reactors 420 Marine flora and fauna 221 Limiting factors, principle of 511 Marine life 267 Limnological research 115 Marine parks 163 Lithium 360 Marine pollution 102, 137, 267,285,569-71 Livestock 219, 295,296, 299-300,310,326, discussion of 160-9 328, 330 See also under Water categories 299-300 Marine time-scales 141 ruminants-to-non-ruminants ratio 300-1 Market failures 270-1 Livestock-to-Man ratio 296, 298 Material cycling 509 Living conditions 12-13 Material flows 5 10 Living standards 19, 21, 23, 449 Materials usage 519-20 Living things, role of 518-19 Mathematical modelling 133 Long-leaf Pine 516 Mature ecosystems 520 Long-term solutions 25 See also Ecosystem(s) Long-term survival 25 Mauritius Kestrel 281 Louvain-la-Neuve 238-46, 253, 254 Maximum Sustainable Yield [MSY] 152, 156 'Louvain-la-Veuve' 257 Mayflies 98 discussion of 247-59 Medical aspects 600 Medicine 206, 600 Mediterranean Sea 487, 495 MAB. See Man and the Biosphere (prog- pollution in 127-8 ramme of UNESCO) Mental health 456 Mackerel 151 Mercury [Hg] in biota 127 Macrophytes, growth of 124 Mercury poisoning 138, 142 Maintenance costs 242 Metals 11-12 Maize 119,331-2, 418 See also Heavy-metals Malaria 76, 498, 499 Meteorological forecasts 331-2 Malaya 228, 403 Meteorological observations 50 Malaysia 329, 578, 616 Methane 269, 358, 359 Malta 206 Methanol 360 Man, action on environment of 8 Methoxychlor 102 and the Biosphere [MAB] 224 Methyl mercury chloride 142 and Nature 556 Methylene chloride 139 appearance and evolution of 8-9 Mexico 25, 141 as a pioneer species 230 Mexico City 250, 258, 287 as the most highly developed creature on Microbiology reactions 481 Earth 543-4 Migration 305 evolution of influence of 66-8 of biota 131 future prospects on Earth of 63 Military activities 592, 593, 594, 596, 631, 633 SUBJECT INDEX 669

Military expenditures 440 agriculture 327 Milk production 310 fishing 494 Milk protein 295 wetlands 15 Minamata Bay [disease] 138, 142 New-growth approach 622 Mineral balance 319 New-growth society 620-5, 632 Mineral resources 417 New York 250, 258, 438 Mineral wastes 101, 386 New Zealand 433 Mining 75 Nitrates 358 non-waste 387 Nitrogen 305 ocean 137 Nitrogen compounds 313 wastes from 102 Nitrogen cycle 294 'Miracle' crops 225 Nitrogen fixation 312, 331 Misery 339 Nitrogen oxides 347 Model cities programme 256 Noise pollution 249 Model community experience 258 Non-biodegradable materials 338 Molluscicides 498 Non-waste technology 379-93 Molybdenum mine 515 degrees of 380-1 Monitoring 127, 484-8 discussion of 394-406 Monkey-eating Eagle 617 examples of 388 Monoculture(s) 215-16, 219, 220, 221, 225, motivation of 396 227, 229, 232, 267, 294, 385 obstacles to implementation of 388-9 discussion of 224-6 strategy for 389-90 Monterey Pine [Pinus radiata] 225 North Atlantic Treaty Organization [NATO] Mortality 10, II 551, 574 Mother Earth myth 533, 539 North Sea oil 370, 398 Mount Apo National Park 617 North-East Atlantic Fisheries Commission Mountains 216 [NEAFC]154 MSY. See Maximum Sustainable Yield Norway 309 Mule, Paul Ehrlich's 27, 596 Nuclear arms 596 Multilingual Glossary of Environmental Nuclear energy 53, 54, 58, 335, 371 Terms 639, 641 Nuclear fission 11, 368 Multinational corporations 90, 91 Nuclear fission reactors 420 Music 474 Nuclear fusion 11, 330, 338, 360-1,399,420 Musical experiences 473-4 Nuclear power 367, 374, 420, 610 Mussel Watch 142 Nuclear power plants 387 Nuclear reactors 53, 356-7 Nuclear reprocessing plants 139 National Environmental Policy Act 518, 521, Nuclear warfare 610 566 Nuclear waste 139, 399 National law 578-9 Nuclear weapons 11 National Parks 85, 86, 89, 284 Nuisance species 119 Nationalism 543 Nutrients 358 NATO. See North Atlantic Treaty Organiza- Nutritional requirements 322 tion Natural areas 466 Natural habitats 473 Ocean temperature gradients 357-8, 368 Natural processes 473 Oceans and ocean resources 37, 39, 42, 47, Natural resources 11, 416-20, 630 48, 137, 267, 618, 633 beauty of 89-90, 92, 547 coastal regions of 141 destruction of 18 discussion of 160-9 laws of 10, 575 northern-hemisphere 140 value of 17-18 open 141, 143 Nature conservation, economics of 16-17 vulnerable zones in 140-1 hopes and activities of 77-8 Odours 124 problems of 20 OECD. See Organization for Economic Nature reserves 284 Cooperation and Development NEAFC. See North-East Atlantic Fisheries Office and Allied Expenses 640 Commission Oil consumption 330 Netherlands Oil drilling 405 670 GROWTH WITHOUT ECODISASTERS?

Oil pollutioq 138, 168, 169, 569-71 Photovoltaic power-stations 352 Oil reserves 132 Physiological refuse 9 Oil supplies 131, 371, 372, 398, 633 Phytophthora infestans 220 Oilseed cake 305 Pigs 302 Oil-shale reserves 372 Pinus australis 516 Oil-spills 488 Pinus radiata 225 Opening of the Conference xxi-xxvi Pioneer community 459 Optimism and pessimism 609-10, 635 species 230 Oral contraceptives 425 Pipelines 91 Organic material, exploitation of 7-8 Planning, short-term 13 Organic wastes 101 Plant communities 131 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Plant life 8, 15, 16, 17, 72, 73, 77, 88, 89, 98, Development [OECD] 21 102, 103, 131' 211 Organophosphates 102 endangered species of 16-17 Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) 142 freshwater 98 Overconsumption 598 Plant Science Monographs 639 Over-fishing 137, 145, 152, 162 Plants 219, 221, 286, 296, 330, 331 Overkill 67 See also Power-, Tertiary-treatment, etc. Overpopulation 598 Policy decisions 623 Ozone layer [shield] 140, 480, 486, 593 Political action 591 Ozone levels 140 Political awakening xxv Political disintegration 603 Political limitations 585 Pacific Halibut Fishery Commission 521 Political problems 464-66 Pakistan 542 Political solutions 584, 587 Palm-oil 329 Politicians 53, 59, 632 Pandominance of Man, The [Session 6] Politics 546 171-207 Pollock 153 discussion of 195-207 Alaska 151 keynote paper 173-94 Pollution 5, 12, 19, 68, 75, 130, 181 Parasites 8 and energy 497 Particulates 248, 347 and quantification 128 Patagonia 216, 369 See also under specific types of pollution, PCBs. See Polychlorinated biphenyls eg. Marine, Thermal Peat swampland 229 Pollution abatement 389 Pelicans 142 Pollution control 204, 380 Penguins 168 Pollution of freshwater systems 99-100 Per caput income 186, 190, 196-9 Pollution prevention 5- See also Income per caput Polychlorinated biphenyls [PCBs] 125, 169 Peregrine Falcons [Falco peregrinus] 169 Population control 203, 206, 207, 221, 322, Permafrost 216 329, 435 Personality effects 438 Population crises 409-16, 423, 424 Peru 308-9 Population curve 68, 69 Pessimism 83, 84, 89 Population cycles 411-15 Pessimism and optimism 609-10, 635 Population densities 303, 324, 416 Pest research 322 Population dynamics 206 Pesticides 101, 119, 182, 330, 340, 489 Population equivalents 296, 303, 324 Pests and diseases 219, 220, 227 Population estimates 176-8, 264 Petrochemical industries ·141 Population explosion in developing countries Petrochemicals, replacement of 383 186-92 Petroleum 143 Population growth 5, 10, 11, 20, 26, 41, 68, Pharmaceutical industry 141 76, 86, 173-94, 196, 236, 238, 263, 277, Philippines 91-2, 231, 487,606,617 330, 415, 416, 424, 433, 600, 619, 630 tax concessions for planting trees 91 discussion of 195-207 Phosphates 358 environmental impact of 185 Phosphoric acid manufacture 386 in developing countries 186-92 Photochemical reactions 140 international responsibility for 192 Photosynthesis 7, 315 of Iceland 219 Photovoltaic conversion of solar energy 352 role of women in 202 SUBJECT INDEX 671

Population increase 68 Radioactive materials 68 See also Population growth Radioactive wastes 11, 102 Population policy 189, 191-2 Radioactivity 53, 102 Population pressures xiii, 17 Radionuclides 139, 142 Population problems 10, 68-70, 129, 200, Railways 240 201, 206-7, 435, 436, 600, 630 Rainfall 41 functional approach to 201 Rain-forests. See Tropical rain-forests role of women in 200, 206-7 Rain-water disposal 241, 248 Population projections 26, 175 Rare species 520 Population reduction 422 Raw-material resources 23 Population, regional breakdown of 173 Realist 83, 609 Population statistics 173-5 Reciprocal design 269-70 Potato blight 220 Recombinant DNA research 481 Poultry 302 Recycling 321, 333, 335, 338, 380, 381, 396, Poverty 339 397-8, 399, 400-1, 402, 403, 520 Poverty culture 447-67 Reforestation [reafforestation] 231 ephemeral and eternal categories 449 Religious beliefs 588 meaning and feasibility 450 impact of 339 Poverty Programme 603 in developing world 541 Power-plants 130, 131, 162 Religious traditions 545 Prairie Wolves 512 Renaissance 422-3 Prairies 72, 88 Renewable resources 383-4 Precipitation 37, 52, 98 Research and development 631-2 Preservation of the Habitat of Man 63-82 Reservoirs 52 discussion of 83-93 Residence-time in atmosphere 54 Press releases 432 Resilience of life 131 Primitive beliefs 436, 437 Resolutions Committee xxv-vi, 27, 336, Principle of Adequate Technology 277 592, 594, 629, 635, 636 Principle of Ecosystem Completion 131 Resource appraisal 322 Productivity Aspects with Special Reference Resource production growth limits 420-2 to Fishes 145-59 Resources for the Future 599 Productivity concepts 204, 205, 462, 464 Responsibility diffusion 438 Profit motivation 403, 404, 406 Restoration of plant communities 131 Programmes analyses unit 421 Revegetation 229-30, 232 Projects, small-scale desirable 205 Review 484 Prosperity, growth in 422 Reykjavik Declaration 584 Protein 294, 305, 325, 326, 327, 328 Reykjavik Imperative on the Environment deficiency 311 and Future of Mankind, The 584, transfers 303-5 629-34 Protozoa 314-15 discussion of 635-6 Psychological problem 435 Reykjavik, plan for University 255 Psychology of environmental concern 436 Rheinbraun coal-mining area 517 Pulp-mill integration 385 Rice cultivation 228, 294, 312, 418 Pulses 294, 312 River Thames 101, 131 Pupfish 130 Rivers 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 123, 126, 127 Pyramidal concept and structure 545, 550 catchment areas of 102 Pyrolysis of wastes 360 damming 103 engineering works 103 physical modification of 103-4 Quality of life 12, 19, 21 Road design 240 future 19 R-strategy 501 Quantification84, 128, 129-30, 131, 132, 133 Rules of life's game 506-7 Quantification and pollution 128, 132 Ruminants-to-non-ruminants ratio 300-1 Quantitative assessment of problems 21 Rural communities 253 Quantitative data measurement at macro- Rural decline 236 level6

Sago palm 229, 231 Radiation effects 374 Sahara 40 672 GROWTH WITHOUT ECODISASTERS?

Sahelian zone, overgrazing in 25, 289 Singapore 206, 305 Salinization 220 Skim-milk 294 Salmo 124 Slums 253 Salmon 111, 112, 113, 114, 124 Small-scale projects desirable 205 Coho [Oncorhynchus kisutch] 113 Smoke 75 Sockeye 521-2 agricultural 56 stocks, rejuvenation of 111-14 Smoky Mountain National Park 73 Salvelinus 124 Snails 133 Salvinia 103 Social disorder 11 Sanctification 550 Social goals 457 Sand-eels 151, 152 Social injustices 547 Santo Domingo 606 Social inventions 433 Sardine 151 Social mosaic 460 Savanna 36, 76, 215 Social problem 435 ecosystems 76 Social reality, mythic nature of 538 SCAR. See Scientific Committee for Antarc• Social relationships 257 tic Research Social science 20 Scarcities and Societal Objectives [Session Societal cohesion 435 13]407-43 Societal objectives 409-28 discussion of 429-43 discussion of 429-43 keynote paper 409-28, 429 Societal response 142-3 Scarcity, crises 409-10 Societas Internationalis Limnologiae [SILl problems 416 122 Schistosomiasis 129, 133, 498 Societies, dynamics of 458 School attendance 182 Socio-political relationships 523 Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research Sociosphere 482 [SCAR]167 Sockeye Salmon 521-2 Scientific Committee on Problems of the Soil degradation 480, 485 Environment [SCOPE] 20, 605 Soil erosion 218, 232, 267, 321 Scientists, primordial responsibility of xxiii Soil features 320 SCOPE. See Scientific Committee on Prob- Soil fertility 219 lems of the Environment Soil frontiers 313-15 Scotland 91 Soil problems 495 Scythia 307 Soil utilization 332 Sea-cucumbers 102 Soil-less areas 320 Seafood 142, 267 Soils 20, 127, 305 Sea-grasses 165 Solar cell 353 Sea-turtles 496 Solar cities 351 Seals, Crab-eater 168 Solar constant 46 Selenium compounds 352 Solar energy 7, 350-3, 368, 597 Self-discipline 501 photovoltaic conversion of 352 Self-help 337 Solar heating 241, 350 Self-regulating mechanisms 597, 602, 605 Solar oven 351 Self-reliance 337 Solar power, space 368 Self-sufficiency 421, 423, 457, 606 Solar-powered electric-generating station Semi-conductor materials 352 351 Sewage and sewage disposal I 00, 241-2, 248 Solar-terrestrial interaction 59 Seychelles 496 South America 55, 56, 59 Shanty towns 462 Space power-plants 353 Sheep-grazing 216 Space-heating 387 Shetland Islands 398 Space-scales 46 Sierra Club 90, 441 Spain 310 SIL. See Societas Internationalis Lim- Spear-grass [lmperata cylindrical 228 nologiae Species conservation 285-6 Silicon-cell arrays 352 Species diversity 7, 65 Silvicultural monoculture 225 Species extinction and conservation. See Silviculture 269 Endangered species Simulium control 102 Species problem 280-1 Simulium damnosum 99 Sprat 151 SUBJECT INDEX 673

Sri Lanka 227 Thinking 454-5,456-7 Starvation 203, 339 Thiocyanates 313 'Stockholm'. See United'Nations Confer- Third World. See Developing etc. countries ence on the Human Environment Tidal power 358-9, 368, 369 Stone-age Man 546 Timber 90, 212, 228, 268 Stoneflies 98 products 385 Straits of Malacca 285 Time-delays 433 Stratosphere 140 Time-factor 17 Strip-mining 75, 400, 405 Time-scales 19, 46, 57 Strontium-90 143 Tin 228 'Subterrene' 356 Titanium dioxide acid-iron wastes 386 Suburbanization process 259 Tomatoes, hydroponic production of 280 Sulphur dioxide 371, 375, 421, 440, 441 Torrey Canyon disaster 138, 569 Sulphur emissions 3!l6, 360 Total Allowable Catch [TAC] 146, 154, 155 Sulphuric acid manufacture 384 Totalitarian systems 459 Sun. See Solar (energy etc.) Town houses 241 Surface albedo 40 Townships, network desirable 258 Swamplands 228 Toxaphane 102 Sweden 207, 371, 593 Toxic substances 632 Swiss Federal Government Surveillance by Toxic wastes 101 Department of the Interior 639, 640 Trade acreage 305, 326 Switzerland xvi, 327 Trade balance 306-7 Synfuels Interagency Task Force 566 Traditional peoples and cultures 286, 470 Systems analysis 133 Tragedy of the commons 265, 544, 564 Systems approach 586 Transhumance 312, 313 Systems solutions 585 Transportation, minimizing 240 Transportation network 241 Transportation network expansion 236 TAC. See Total Allowable Catch Transportation problems 236, 240, 241, 248 Taiwan 424 Treaty law form 573, 574 Tax incentives 87, 91 Tree felling 480 Technological lag 397 Tree girdling 214, 216 Technological projects 633 Trees 13-15,91, 231, 232 Technology 237, 623, 632 Tribal peoples 466 belief in 438 Tribal societies, gods in 549 confidence in 544 Tribal wisdom 598, 606 development of 67, 80 Trichloroethane 139 for developing countries 483 Trichloroethylene 139 for development 483 Triticale 331 growth of 20 Tritium 361 impact of 472 Tropical forests, destruction of 231-2 Technology transfer 489, 605 See also Tropical rain-forests Teesdale affair 616 Tropical rain-forests 13, 15, 40, 41, 55,75-6, Television 578 90, 215, 228, 231, 232, 494, 617, 633 Temperate regions 14 Tropospheric dust 36, 37 Temperature and C02 content of atmosphere Trumpeter Swan 575 35-6, 48 Trustee Agency 434 Temperature prediction 51 Tundra vegetation 216 Temperature projections 38 Turtles 165 Tennessee Valley 599 Tyler Award for Ecology 276 Terrestrial ecosystems 63-82 discussion of 83-93 Tertiary-treatment plants 130 Tetrachloroethylene 139 Ultraviolet radiation 480, 486 Tetraethyl lead 360 Uncle Ecology 443 Thailand 152 UNCLOS. See United Nations Conference Thames. See River Thames on Law of the Sea Thermal pollution 102, 356, 374 UNDP. See United Nations Development Thingvellir, excursion to xvi Programme 674 GROWTH WITHOUT ECODISASTERS?

UNECE. See United Nations Economic Variability 494, 500 Commission for Europe Vasectomy 200 UNEP. See United Nations Environment Vegetarian option 301-3 Programme Vegetarians 316, 326 UNESCO. See United Nations Educational, Vegetation 47, 485 Scientific and Cultural Organization Vegetation and devegetation 211-23, 225-6 United Kingdom 206, 433 discussion of 224-32 United Nations Conference on Law of the Vegetation, aquatic 119 Sea [UNCLOS] 154-5, 158, 167, 572, degradation of 41 617 destruction of 40, 47 United Nations Conference on Science and development of 211-12 Technology for Development 288, 289, misuse of 219-21 634 natural changes acting upon 212 United Nations Conference on the Human protection of 41 Environment [Stockholm] xiii, xxiv, roadside 248 XXV, 247, 284, 287, 430, 431, 432, 483, Vested economic interests 576 573, 574, 578, 597, 614, 629 Viability 491 United Nations Development Programme Vicugna vicugna 542 [UNDP] 324, 333 Vicuna 542 United Nations Economic Commission for Vietnam, defoliation in 225 Europe [UNECE] 343 Vikings in Iceland 48, 598 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Village life 251, 253, 255, 256, 608 Cultural Organization [UNESCO] 224, Village wisdom 598, 606 288, 333, 432 Virus diseases 600 United Nations Environment Programme Volcanic eruptions 33, 46 [UNEP] xvi, xvii, xxiv, xxv, 288, 290, 479, 480, 482, 485, 486, 487, 492, 497, 498, 499, 500, 561, 574, 576, 577. 578, Wadebridge, Cornwall 202 579, 604 War 11, 69 Governing Council 290 Washing machines 472 United Nations (General Assembly etc.) xix, Washington 53 xxi, 196,202,333,343,432,433,543,579 Waste characteristics of technological sys• United Nations Inter-Governmental tems 380-1 Maritime Consultative Organization. Waste discharges 269 See IMCO Waste disposal 99-100, 338, 395 United Nations specialized agencies 333 See also Non-waste technology United Nations Water Conference 122 Waste exchange 381, 396 United Nations World Population Confer- Waste heat 162-3, 387 ence 187 Waste products 20, 163, 270, 382, 421 United States 24, 25, 52, 77, 86, 286, 370,434 Waste utilization by integration 384-6 University town layout 238-46 Waste utilization, new industries from 386-7 discussion of 247-59 Wastelands 75 Uranium reserves 420 Wastes, agricultural 101-2 Urban renewal 252 industrial 101, 268 Urban sprawl 236 mineral 101, 386 Urban-industrial systems 266 mining 102 Urbanization 126, 183-4, 235-46, 320, 321 pyrolysis of 360 and social discipline 252 radioactive 11, 102 dangers of extreme 235 toxic 101 discussion of 247-59 Water, as under-priced life-support com• formulation of the problem of 235 modity 270 high-density-low-rise layout 238-46 fresh. See Freshwater process of 235-8 Water areas, conservation of 123 size-effects 253 Water Buffalo 310, 329 versus life-support system 237 Water consumption 5 Urbanization Effects and Dangers, Extreme Water development 123 233-46 Water pollution 356 Urgency, need for sense of 609 Water quality 125 USSR 307-8 Water requirements 315-17, 333 SUBJECT INDEX 675

Water resources 127 Whither Terrestrial Ecosystems? Preserva- Water supplies 98, 138, 472, 481, 606, 607 tion of the Habitat of Man 63-82 See also Freshwater systems WHO. See World Health Organization Water vapour 41, 347 Whole-thinking 453-5, 456 Water-balance 229-30 Wind energy 353-4, 368, 369, 374 Water-budget 37-8 Window-box economy 25, 204 Water-economy 14 Windscale 139 Water-hyacinth [Eichhornia crassipes] 103 Wisconsin 331-2 Watersheds 98 Wolf-Wind [poem] 626 Weather forecasting 331-2, 490 WMO. See World Meteorological Organiza• Web of Life, The Old [poem] 222 tion We,lcoming address by Prime Minister xxi -ii Women in population problems 200, 202, WERC. See World Environment and 206-7 Resources Council Women's Lib. 439 Western civilization 638 Wood. See Timber Wetlands 15-16,228, 267, 269 Wood burning 373 biological importance of 15-16 Wool industry 423 Whales 145, 146, 147, 152, 153, 156, 166 Working Meeting on Environmental Educa• Wheat 220, 307-8 tion 288 Whisky distilling 385 Workshop on Alternative Energy Strategy Whither Fresh Waters and Their Biota? [WAES]371 [Session 4] 95-133 on 'Is Iceland Polluted?' xvi, 169, 403 discussion 122-33 World Bank 197, 232, 497 keynote papers 97- 121 impact statements 631 - 2 Whither Freshwater Biota? 97- I 07 World Environment and Resources Council Whither the Atmosphere and Earth's Cli• [WERC]604 mates? [Session 2] 29-59 World Health Organization [WHO] 333, 498 discussion 45-59 World Heritage Series 642 keynote paper 63-82 World Meteorological Organization [WMO] Whither the Life-support System? [Session 50-I 9] 261-90 World Population Year 196, 197 discussion of 275-90 World Weather Watch 51 keynote paper 263-74 World Wildlife Fund [WWF] 90, 220, 604, Whither the Oceans and Salt Seas? [Session 639 5] 135-69 WWF. See World Wildlife Fund discussion 160-9 keynote papers 137-59 Whither Terrestrial Ecosystems and Yellow-fever 76 Habitats? [Session 3] 61-93 Youth and children 337 discussion 83-93 keynote paper 63-82