Editorials Inside Pages Honor System: Studenfs tetters Criticize Sunday"* Won't Accept The Responsi- Sermon, Page Two. bility.

; Vol. UX .'No. 8 TRINITY COLLEGE, HARTFORD, CONN. MONDAY, OCTOBER 31, 'i960 vations Greet To Open Wednesday Michener Talk Honor Code Plan By JOHN STAMBAUGH" in justification of Kennedy's : OCT. 27—Novelist James A. stand on Cuba, he ascribed this Miehener was key speaker at a decline of prestige largely- to Is Announced political meeting held this aft- U, S. meddling ,in the affairs of other countries, v OCT. 25—After frequent and lengthy meetings this fall and much of last semester, ernoon by tihe Trinity Students the honor code drafting committee revealed tonight a plan which it hopes' the students will for Kennedy, The Japanese riots show accept when it is presented to them later this year. • : • - ••..' Stating that no military man fierce objection there to our • In an open meeting in Wean Lounge called to discuss the revised honor system, now . favors keeping Quemoy and cultivation of military bases in being studieefby the Senate and the Committee oi 100, Senate President Roger MacMillan the: midst of these people who, read the proposed draft and' opened the floor to questions. " Mafcsu, lie hit Nixon's position lie . said, want, to forget the that we should defend them at bophoraore LJiass A'resiaen. warlords of their past and to Peter Sherin asked if It might aU costs. This, he said, would have peace.. be-<"an increment o€ pain rath- be wiser to . wait a year or er tlian an, instrument ' of He. mentibned the resent- two before _ trying to get theIndependents Debate ; help," since they could only be ment in England when Presi- SO per cent acceptance vote defended by the use of atomic dent Eisenhower act e d as necessary for ratification. He- ; Prime Minister Macmiilan's felt that since the teror sys ^weapons. tern was defeated by lie stu- Senate Representation "campaign manager" to get OCT.. 26—The . independents. Although no regard is given Next he turned to support the Conservative Party elected. dent body previously it might Kennedy's stand on Cuba, that be better to 'wait until those tonight agreed to consider' to independents in many cam- the U. S. should give asmueh Although we ,got away with who had vetoed it had grad- seeking' additional representa-' put activities. Nelson declared ...moral support as possible to tins intervention in England, tives on the Senate. , that apathy among independ- Miehener pointed .put that. Eis- uated. the anti-Castro revolutionaries No date was set for the Though the students com- ents was to blame. enhower's similar attempt to He said the nature of the .there. shore up the Kishi government plan's presentation to the.Col- prise nearly half tihe student He spoke in a pdster-plas- lege. l ^ they presently have only new committee would not. be met with a significant failure BEHEABSALS for the Jesters per- schediiled far Wednesday. :Above, Stephen. one -of their • number on the anti-fraternity or social. This, tered Chemistry Auditorium to that reflects Japanese discon- Leiser"! Stephanie Mayer and Judi Holden Personal Contact Plan. an audience^ of 250 whistling, formance of "Love's Labour's Lost have en- Senate Vice President Rob- Senate. he said, caused the , tent with U.S. policies. tered the home-stretch. Opening night for ' go through their lines. (Photo by Dole) fall of previous independent applauding, and even hissing the rarely played Shakespearian farce is ert Honish outlined a plan to During a meetihg in Wean. students from Trinity and St. Latin Aniericar's Opinion stimulate student interest in Lounge, moderator Roger Nel- groups. •Joseph's College. The author - turned - political the program. He proposed son said /the problem is just The independents felt that lecturer also made much of the that students particularly one of the independents' com- fraternity members (have an Three Ovations unfair advantage over neutrals The three standing ovations Latin American attitude to- familiar with the •'program plaints. ward the U.S. Jesters Ready Production should personally contact stu- as many houses keep exami for Mr. Miehener were m keep- Earlier this month, Senate from previous years. ing with the atmosphere set by Last winter in Mexico City, dent not as familiar with it. President Roger MacMillan ap- he said, nearly everyone told Make Tests Available the recorded Kennedy cam- He added that a great deal pointed four senators to study A remedy put before thft paign songs, the red, white and him, "You understand,. Mr. of work would have to be done the representation problem. Miehener, we despise Amer- meeting suggested that teach- blue Kennedy-Johnson placards Of 'Love's Labour's Lost' before the proposal could be Some senators feel that sev- ers put all hour tests on file in and the huge lapel buttons. ica." This anti-U.S. emotion has Dull; William Bunnell '62, cess of France; Ann Fazioli, put to a vote but pointed ouf eral fraternities are- overrep- arisen because o>f a feeling Opening of the Jesters' fall the library*. This would make Dr. Frederick Gwynn; Eng- production, Love's Labour's Holofernes; Steven J. Cool '62, Rosaline; Nola Kleiza, Maria; that with- such a perscnal con resented. •former hour tests available to that we rely only on arms and Costard; Caradace Kaufman, Stephanie Mayer, Katherine; tact ' system, many students lish department ohairman, in- arms pacts, have become old Lost is scheduled for -8:1! Five in ACK freshmen as well as independ- troduced Miehener as well p.m. Wednesday in Alumni Moth; Edward Seibert '61, and Betty Yankanskas, Jaqui- who vetoed the honor system - Alpha' CM Rho, which pledged : and fat and are reactionary. proposed three years ago ents. qualified by his many experi- Miehener lost no time in blam- Hall. • Forester; Judi Holden, Prin netta. two sophomore senators dur- Fear was voiced that inde- '* ences abroad to speak on for- could be convinced to support ing tihe last Week to sup- ing this feeling on the policies The ...• early Shakespearean it now. pendents would be arbitrarily eign affairs and Kennedy's of the Republican administra- comedy, directed by Professor plement the three already in placed in the North Campus policies in this area. tion. of Drama George E. Nichols It was felt by many at the the house, now has five. dorms. Clarification should be Phi Beta Elects Rohlfing, meeting that a good number given to insure independents He defended his candidate's Having defended his candi- III, will run through Satur- Alpha Delta Phi has four much-maligned position by re- day,- Nov. 5. of students would not accept members on the student gov- that they won't be forced to date's policies, Miehener turn- the condition that they turn in ferring to our secret but im- Tickets -~ for the perform- erning body while St. Anthony live in a section simply be- portant part in the ousting of ed to the. man himself. He de- Perlman And Stambaugh to the Honor Council any stu- Hall and Theta Xi each have cause a fraternity doesn't have scribed his first meeting with ances are on sale in Mather dent they knew had oheated. Guatemala's Soviet-inclined Hall lobby every day. Price OCT. 28—The Beta Chapter Blanehard W. Means announc- three. enougih. members to fill it. dictator Arbenz. the senator ten years ago in ed. Senator Thomas Reese replied Other independents said, they Java, where he was impressed is 25 cents for one ticket with of Phi Beta Kappa today elect- that if this were the case it The sopihomore, junior andi Attacks Prestige "Level with his conscientiousness and a student or faculty mem- ed seniors Michael Perlmah, The three men will be initi- senior independents at tonight's'' on't want anything to do ated on the afternoon of Dec. | with the North Campus be- The Pulitzer prize winner zeal. • ber's A.A. card, and $1,50 for Paul Rohlfing and John Stam- meeting decided to establish a cited two experiences, in Japan additional tickets. S, before the Moore Greek Lec- committee to hear gripes from cause of. its* primarily social and Mexico, to prove the Dem- In conclusion, he mentioned baugh to this scholastic honor- ture. other, independents about cam- atmosphere. • * three factors that give him. Love's Labour's Lost, writ- ary.; Pledge on Work They fear sections will ba ocratic claim that U. S. pres- ten as a . satire oh the exag- i More Than Scholars . ..: • Under thte system^ on all pus life in general. . tige is at an all-time low. In hope as a Democratic County They were elected as a re- left open if all the houses Chairman. First, the polls that gerated flights of rhetoric The three seniors elected examinations, tests and term Much Disgust Voiced don't move in, thus making it contrast to what he had said sult of academic achievement are not only high ranking papers shall be written, "Oh The committee will then de- g put Nixon in the lead always comon in early Elizabethan through their junior year, Dr. : necessary ^independents to leave the big states out of ac- dramatists, will be played be- scholars, but are also active my honor I have neither given cide whether'to initiate any fill entire, sections. count. Second, the television fore the Jesters' first outdoor in many phases of college life. nor received aid on this pa- action in attempt to get a The group decided to hold a Kennedy De livers debates have shown Kennedy setting. -. . Michael Perlman is presi- per." change.. While Senate repre- meeting Wednesday, night at 7 as. a man with an organized Alumni Hall O.K. Now Point Four Plan dent of the Senior • Class, a Anyone violating the pledge sentation heads the list of in Wean Lounge to elect mem- Speech Here Mon. mind not afraid to refer to Alumni Hall, . threatened member of the Medusa, presi- will be considered as having goals for the group, students bers to a committee, which OCT. 30 -— Reports tonight specifics, while Nixon gave, the with condemnation . last year; To Be Discussed dent of the Hillel Society, a violated the code and will be expi-essed disgust with the will serve as the nucleus lqx term the plans of Democratic impression of a man of. "mush has been made acceptable to PRINeETON,,N. J. ttJPS). former senator and a member investigated by the Honoi way many things are run the group. Elections will take Presidential candidate John.F. and vagueness" resorting to the fire department and will —One hundred student leaders of Theta Xi. Council. around the campus. place along class lines. Kennedy to speak in Hartford, generalizations and political house the production.- from Eastern colleges and uni- Rohlfing/ also a member of The honor code ihall ba corn. Theta Xi, has served asT sec- Nov. 7 "tentative." Members of the cast are versities will meet on; the cam- read by each student at reg- Kennedy Favored *,. Conrad van der Schroeff; '62, retary of the Philosophy Socie- istration, and he will sign his Senator Kennedy is' slated pus of Princeton University ty and is president of the In- Joan Baez, Folksinger to talk next Monday at noon Third, he said that the trend King of Navarre;. Peter. Van Npvr U and 12, to discuss plans name, at the bottom of the Dyke, Fish '62, ferowne; tercollegiate Music Associa- code. The code states that any irom the portico of The Hart- of tlie New York .state straw by which at least 5Q0 college tion. ford Times, Prospect St. votes is toward Kennedy, who Richard Schiro '64, Longa- graduates could, work in under- student who sees or krows of ville; John Corman '64, Du- Stambaugh, a Holland Schol- City Mayor James Kinsella, now has about 55 per cent of : developed nations instead of any cheating by another stu- a Democrat, will probably ac- the vote there. This, indicates maine; Stephen Leiser '64, serving in. the armed forces. ar for three years,*is president dent must report it to the company the Senator on the to Miehener that the other big Boyet; Robert Spitzer . '63; The . conference, entitle*! of the band, assistant editor Honor Council. program. In case of inclement states will swing to Kennedy Marcade; '. David Curry -64, "Challenge to American Youth of The Tripod and a member Medusa as Honor Council weather, plans are being made in the next Weeks, giving him Don Adriano; Harold Vick- from •: the World's Emerging of the Jesters. He is also an The Honor Council, consist- ery Jr. '63, Nathaniel. active participant in several to move the appearance in- a large margin -in.the electoral Nations,'' will be co-spon- Chapel activities. ing, of members of the Medu doors. (Continued On Page 2) Also Stanley Lipson '61, sored by Princeton's literary sa, will summon the accused and debating group, the Amer- to a secret trial. Witnesses ican Whig-Cliosophie Society, against the accused shall be and a temporary steering com- Langhorne Talks heard, and the accused shall mittee composed of business- The second lecture in the also be able to call -witnesses Princeton, Smith Go GOP;men and others concerned with Freshman-Sophomore Adviso- in Jus defense. Asian and African affairs. ry Council Lecture series will A unanimous decision byy A bill proposing that quali*- be given by Dr. M. C. Lang- the Medusa will be necessary \ fied graduates be permitted to horne, chairman of thl coun- for conviction, in wbJch case' Other Colleges Back Jack work as technical advisors and cil, Monday, Nov. 7 at 7:30 it --shall be recommended to school teachers in underdevel- p.m. in Mather: Assembly Hall. the dean of students that the Kennedy sentiment is run- with Connecticut College's Two of the Little Three col- oped countries in lieu of mili- The lecture ' will be entitled Xiing thigh iri a number of col- Conn Census, I threw in with leges saw clear to Kennedy's student be expelled from the tary service was introduced "Personality: Asset or Liabil- College. leges according to a survey of the Kennedy hamp. The Kec- camp with Williams still un- last summer by Senator" Hu- committed. Amherst, as re- ity?" I*nieney Plea some 50 newspapers received ord editors hafl this to say of bert Humphrey of Minnesota All • students and faculty The Honor Council will be by the Tripod's exchange of- tiheir decision:) "We believe ported in last week's Tripod, and tabled. members axe invited. fice. • that Senator Kennedy is best supported Kennedy by student aible to recommend leniency, qualified because of his abili- opinion and Student editorial. upon a unanimous vote in Princeton was the only favor of the accused. The) men's college to give a healthy ty, his record, Sas statements, The editors of the Wesleyan and his character." Argus have reached a stale- leniency vote shall be taken j (70 per cent) plurality,, to the mate on. the issue; however, Young Republicans Say directly after the trial and' Republican candidate, Richard Goucher. is ^edging on the once again a week later. The'1 fence . with a ) "Wey. — Dick the Wes students picked Jack Mxon. 10 to.9. accused may not be tried for But the case &r Nixon-also looked niceonSTY' but 300 Here Favor Nixon the' same offense twice, unless appeared lost on this New Jer- . OCT. 26—Undaunted by its was the last area to be covered there is new "evidence in Jiis j sy campus as the Tiger's bal- lack o€ a quorum at recent in the present canvass. The] defense. lot-eligible faculty reversed the meetings, the Young Repub- Trinity group concentrated on decision—3 to 1 Kennedy. licans today prepared to plunge a list of known independents. Smith and Dick Click into the last two weeks of the Plan 'Great Debate' 4 College Papers A' straAv vote at Smith Col- campaign in an effort to "get Tentative plans were also lege gave the Vice President out the vote." made in conjunction with the To Unify Efforts a 5 to 3 edge over the Demo- Trinity GOP ahairman Alan Atheneum Society for a debate "oyne said that the attendance Thursday night in the Mather MIDDLETOVVN, OCT. 28—' NINETEEN - YEAK - OLD FOLKSINGER Joan Baez, cratic hopeful, John Kennedy. Editors of the Smith, Vassar, Of 213 students who will vote, at the past few meetings, was Assembly Hall. student at Boston University, performed Thursday evening no indication of .the Republi- Thursday's replica of TV's Trinity and Wesleyan' newspa- in Mather Assembly Hall, Sha appeared this summer at the 241 are for Nixon and 72 are pers agreed tonight tnat their tor Kennedy. can support on campus. Political Hit Parade' would pit Newport Polk Festival. (Photo by Dole), two Republicans and/two. Dem-unified efforts against admin- • Elsewhere the story is the He disclosed that almost 300 students -have already express- ocrats on: Resolved, that the istrative censorship, the draft, 4me- "Student Poll FaVors ed their _ support for Nixon- next President should be* Sen.required chapel, low faculty Joan Baez, Folksinger, Jack" or "Editors Pick. JFK.". Lodge in a survey conducted John Kennedy/Vice President salaries and other mutual The Harvard Crimson re- by the club. Richard Nixon. problems could prove more ef- ports that the Massachusetts It was learned that Mr. To- fective than when acting indi- Senator polled 66 per cent of He further attributed the ap- vidually. ' •..-'* Draws Cheers Of 200 parent lapse to a general feel- mat is presently trying to get OCT. 27—A large and enthu-.ances in this area goon, in- the faculty and a more con- ing that all future efforts will a television set from the They met during a National siastic audience of 200 stu- eluding one at Yale this Sat servative 56 per cent of the. be an anticlimax to those of school for the night of Nov. 8.Student Association conference dents attended the folksinging urday. He announced also that students. The Crimson, as yet| last fortnight when Nixon The set would most probably at. Wesleyan this weekend and performance of Joan' Baez, a new album, "Joan Baez," ii uncommitted nationally, is con- made a weekend stand in be placed in the Wean Lounge planned to meet again Nov. 20sponsored by the Trinity "Folk- now on the market. centrating its political efforts Hartford. for an ail-night" stand. at Trinity. . •*".., singers in ,Mather Assembly Miss Baez, a nineteen-year- ^n the local scene by coming To Stun-tp For Brennan The Young Republican Club Harvard, Amherst, Williams Hall tonight. : - old Bostonian of Mexican- out for Springtfield Mayor The young politicos will work is planning to serve coffee and Mount Horyoke editors The concert, which lasted Ifish descent, is a student at Thomas O'Connor who is after with Tom Brennan. candidate throughout the latter part oi have expressed interest in the from 8:30 until . after 10, Boston University. Though the Senate seat of Republican for congress, Worn now to elec- the evening and early morning- alliance but were unable to at- consisted o>f folk ballads and new to iolksingiisg, she. re- incumbent, Leverett Salton- tion eve in door-to-door can- Coyne expressed hope that the tend the Middletown meeting. rhythm numbers such as "We ceived the praise of the crit- stalL vassing; Young Democrats would co- The Daily Dartmouth and the Are Crossing the Paver Jor- ics and gained wide recognition Record Cites "Record Brennan is seeking tihe Hart- operate on some jdint effort Connecticut College Census dan," and "John Hardy." Miss for her rendition of "The Vir- Kennedy is a shoe-in accord f o r d County Congressional that night. will also be asked to partici- Baez accompanied herself on gin Mary," which she per- in? to the students of toe Uni- seat from incumbent Emilio A number of the GOP sup- pate. the guitar. ; formed at the Newport Folk versity of North Carolina, the Daddario. porters received letters from!" Those attending the meeting The president of the Folk- Festival in June.' only''southern school in the Friday night five members Edwin May, Republican State decided that the alliance should singers, Jonathan Bailey, pre- The New York Times praised 3"ripod survey, while' the edi- PBIZE-WINNINGr Author James Miehener campaigned in West Hartford Chairman, thanking the club not be an affiliate.of the.NSA sented Miss Baez to the audi- her as ,a young soprans tors of the Daily Tar Heel; addressed" some 250 students here Thursday afternoon. His because several prospective ence. He mentioned that she with a thrilling, lush vibratto tam was sponsored by the Trinity students^ Kennedy with the- local Nixo#-Lodge for its participation in the rally XUNCj remain undecided. } headquarters. West Hartford at Bushnell Memorial Oct 17. (Continued On Page 3)/ would make several appear- and well-controlled projection-" The Fembroice Becord, along 1

**•• MONDAY, OCTOBER 31, THE TRINITY TRIPOD MEN'S FEC To Consider^SHIRTS VVITH OS Constitution Without •••'.-,.. Gratify trtyob 'Aisle Say' OCT. 26~-After a heated de- Starch bate tonight the FreShman Ex- As Only ' Published week!? afld ittbre often when necessary tHrough&ut the Sermon Called incredible by BILL KIRTZ academic year by the students ol Trinity College. Student subscarijjtlons ecutive Council decided to set MAYFLOWER Included in tuition fee; others, ?6.00 per yearf eirectiVe. September To Wie Editor: er the present conditions in up a committee to Write a S960. Entered as second class matter, postage paid at HSrtforfl, Cart- Con Mecticut, February 14, 1947, under the act of March 3, ISfEf. The col- There is a story told in ec-Milan tend why not just plain constitution for the Freshman Do umns of THE TRINITY TBIFOD are at all times open to undergrad. clesiastical circles about the Rome, Chaplain?) arid this Hollywood's 'Sons and Lovers' Class. - nates, alumni, faculty and others lor the discussion ol matters oj Most Rev. Henley Henson, writer wonders whether" the Them Interest to Trinity students. Notice of change ot address must be •Twentieth Century Foic'S away from his mother's influ- The motion was carried by received two weeks In advance. one'tihie Archbishop of Canter- chaplain has considered Seri- ScSls md levers, now at th(* a 10-9' vote. Proponents of the FREE bury, that has him coming out ously: the plausibility of S ence. Of lice telephones: JA 7-3153, ext. 252: CH 6J829 Cine-Webb, opens as her,o Paul Properly Bovine motion claimed such a com- of a little country parish after Catholic in Milan (or in Rome, Morel (Dean StockwelD'is pre- Heather Sears is- properly out the Pick-Up EXECDMVE fcuABD an annual episcopal visitation for that matter) being at the mittee would point parinf to leave his fflniy, girl who first comes between pros and eons of a constitu- and iiaitor-in-Chie* and answering its pastor's tim-. same time a Communist. Cer- ncsctli fikigtod eettage to visit Paul and his mother. Playing Peter *< KliBorn '61 orous question as to whether tainly, here in these United tion. .-•' • Delivery the arehbMiOp tod found any the farm of MS sweetheart bovine as Miriam, the. farfn Opponents • believed a con- states We find Ff&testants, Miriani (Heather Sears). A v61atilef possessive girl, she William Klrtz '61 heresy in his sermon in this Spiseepalians, Whd do stitution is unnecessary and Only manner. "Why are y6ti always f §inf j§, the only actor Who seems Sports EditM Hews Bditoi Feateres Editor not see any ineonsisteftGy in &ftl# to indicate disgust with that the committee weuld be KeifiBls '61 Hftisofr: "it wasn't the to see her?*' his mother (Wen- time consuming. f. Will '62 Johft B. Henfj* '61 an rftnalgation of the'ideals of dy Stiller) plaintively asfes. mote than a fixed state. Wen- heresay oi the thing;, it WasCteistiam'ty sttd Ceimiiftism, dy- Siller, portraying Paul's Committee Appointed Assistant Editlir the complete incredibility of ' ."1 s,eft Paul-Mrs. Morel ert Miller, Thomas McKune, 266 PROSPECT Business aianaser sum up my approval of Hen- force • to CommUBigm than ' tale o mem. Although Miss Killer is and Douglas .Craig. AVENUE A. WadliafiiS '62 son's statement as it might be most fupy'thinkin^ and the Ge#pu§ mmpim. In aiade to indulge in quite awt Ddn Pine '6! Brut* "Si applied to our good chaplain's my-ovm»twith Ffdtestetits. Lawfeneft'r iaMiitie tale of et unseemly rhetoric in order JA 3-5243 sermon of this morning. The Mr. fU half - iree&gnized mettle? - dem« to fill the viewer in on the THE f IE CENTER "I cannot, I will not recant. the qU6/Sti»S,t before Ui small ifitmee, Paul wauid *s likely *6rne 200 pages the movie has Here I stand!" g as to her ponder the StHtimmits of theSkipped, this does not com- 93 Pratt Street Chaplain Thomas — preach- we in the united States would, poet whft • "never doubted pletely justify her unconvinc- Tieg for all occasions The Honor System ing His word, for there was noin a' crisis, be able to depend eteuds w>uM toreaki' and greet* ing performance. Best Selections Cheating in college has been a subject long dis- cited Holy text—this morning upon Pfotestaatteed Northern M "the unseen with a sheet" All ties from concocted the most incredible Europe op nan I- Protestantized as he would! (and does, in the Interestingly, the film's best • $1,00 to $1.50 cussed on the ivy-covered walks and in the dormitory sernion that Southern Europe. movie) paint a, picture of hisrnoment cdmeg between the bull sessions of the nation's colleges. Shall the moral any Trinity-ed' h&y Sad his mother, as Mrs. ucated man has "ever had the Hadn't we better hope for begrimed sire. climate be determined by a system of strict faculty misfortune to squirm through. Morel confesses to Paul what tHat which our State Depart- she did to her husband: "I proctoring and checking-up on studentsf or shall an Beginning his unfortunate nient aims, that is, the Value Honor System be substituted for this method? diatribe with a thinly diguised The movie wants to have it made him face things, but I Correct Suggestions For Soph Hop inherent ifi strength in Buffi- shouldn't have . .. He is what After months analyzing; and comparing; the var-comparison o£ the respective bers--rio matter what the the-.both ways. Paul is therefote physiognomies of Communism, alternately the naturarmari of he is, and I—I'm ." This ious systems in use at other colleges, members of the ological disposition of these momentarily lifts Mrs. Morel's and Roman Catholicism, Chap- numbers may be. And there- Lawrence's late books and to- LIGHTWEIGHT TUXEDOS 85.00 Senate and the Committee of 100 have drafted an Hon- lain Thomas proceeded from tally conscious of the part of character out of the clinging- or Code which they hope will win nearly total support fore, in a politically expedient mother-in law mold into which misthought to misthought, try- sense, French Government in 1958th. e Officer Candidate Course va.) He made no allusions to system. He then gradually low- college. „ ' He starts by praising the in-and the Aviation Officer Can- the one thing that strikes one ers the price until someone Prior to Mr. Miehener's telligence and intuition that didate Course, open to seniors. on looking critically at a map makes a bid. The item 'is sold speech, Hartford Mayer Jairies made him a brilliant junior of- of Europe in the 16th and 17th to the bidder at that price. H. Kinsella spoke a lew words ficer in the First World War.' LAW INTERVIEW Centuries, which is the re- Mr. Hargrove, said that a about his own race ior Judge He goes on to explain the qual- Daniel T. Coughlin, assistant markable coincidence of the principal advantage of this pro- of. Probate against his fellow ities of aloofness, silence and dean of Boston College Law growth of Protestantism and cedure is that only the aucTrinit- y alumnus John L. Bonee. self confidence which he pol-School, will be on campus capitalism. I should think that tioneer and one bidder will He greeted the Republicans* in ished during his rise to high Monday, Nov. 7, to interview, there is scarcely an upperclass- speak, therefore eliminating the audience with the remark, command before the second undergraduates interested in man at Trinity that. has not imicih noise and confusion. "We welcome an intellectual World War. Finally, he cries law. Students who wish to talk been confronted with the ar- Since students will simul- sunrise whenever it occurs." the old lament' of the elder to Dean Couglin should see gument that Protestantism taneously save themselves Students for Kennedy mem- statesman: Officers are made Miss Bumham in the Place- Sanctified capitalism. No criti- money and help the Campus bers George Will !62, and An- Generals because they are sup- ment Office regarding appoint- cal approach to the chaplain's Chest, "Mr., Hargrove expects drew Cantor '61 also partioi- posed to be able to Know when merits. thesis could exclud» a treat- quite a lafga turnout. pated in the program. LRAiUl • III* flHbtLtt « BUAffll * TAMPA PAGE THREf

lnQNPAY, OCTOBER 31, 1960. BILMONT^RICORDSHOP Sigma Nu Titles, 163 WASHINGTON ST. HA&TFOftD '64 Booters Election Year Hi-Fidelity - Component Parts — Sales & Service Booters Notch A Pair QED In The Lead We Specialize in Hard to Get Records As IM Races End Top Lenox Op*n Evenings tUl 10 Phone CH 9-0414 or CH 9-0456 Over Worcester, Union OCT. 26—The freshman sec- 1960 :'i^f llit%|n^ 29--The Bantam „.. HuBbv," McElmwain, Jones, Sheley, OCT. 29—Sigma Nu clinched eef team recovered its Win- BrinefeetHoff, Hill. Raymcma, Rian the National League football By John Henry INCORPORATED jjmm^fa. made it two in a rowharfl ghefin, - May Fitzpatrlek3 , ninn- way today with a 4-ft vie* CONNECTICUT PRINTERS SjjiR|ps&tmt Worcester Tech Waiflgf, Syan. .i title this pafet week By climax- tory over the Lenox School JKlp-ttNiay 4-0. Before.a paf- ing an ungeared upon, season here. That New York Times Editorial HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT SGHSHECTADY, N. Y. Oct with a 20'0 romp over the Ban- 1 "tllliii '-'Crowd,' the Dathmen Bob Vorhees first period times fail to grasp sound .eco- Case, Lockwodd & Brainard Letterpress Division '*^y'•-•••"•- arid ne\tr wefe 2§—Sacked by aft mitstandmi tams. ; goal was enough to ensure the •While thus favoring the election of a Democratic can- nomics, but tihey are at home Kellogg tt Bulkeley Lithographic Division , team effort, the Varsity,Ban The Nu's passing attack victory as the" ireahman de- in diplomacy. The Republi- taift'seeeer team •trampled an clicked three times. Don Wood- didate, we must -stat« frankly -ijjarvozy, Sherin Score fense, led by goalies Peter that there is one aspect of thecans can offer no such slale ozv, shenn score ! *-"•. —• . - ruff tossed the first toueh- Hodges and Mike Anderson of statesmen. 1 down pass to Boh BofawskL Democratic campaign which Karvozy opened the , outmatched Vmdn eleven, 5-1. ( fashioned their second shutout gives us concern. This relates Secondly, th« Democrats Scoring W . iPete Landerman : completed in three games.. Scoring With a Well jit waitst Trinity'six starts s fourtandh i ttil pu-t J subsequent ^ones to Woodruff to the question of fiscal poli- have made a more realistic ap- drive into the visi- Uiil^/il ill 3IA ami^ Wi« iT, t,-~~ The three insurance cy." praisal of the cold war strug- them batk in the win column. and Pete Meehan. were scored by Buzz Tom, gle. On the one hand, they are offensive effort. This game proved anti-cli- So said the preSstigious New Distributed Scoring Peter Melrose, and Jack Gor- not ready to concede defeat KWRin.we into the scoring ma-tiie ,ta- a bitterlly contestettdd York Times, an independent pK|unHV:;f0r the first time of Unlike many of the Datfi*. don. * newspaper, lasi ween lu us en-ffti' America. But, on the oth- 0»0 scofeless thriller With Al- The victory Waisthe seeonfl er, they see a great deal of ^^^stason fey taking a Jault- men's soccer victories, the pha Chi Bho on Tuesday..I dorsement of Senator John F. s| pass from Capt, Guild and scoring was distributed among !in three games lor the fresh- Kennedy for President. As forroom for improvement and Crow also finished the season hieti. They lost their -'-last game frankly admit America docs on it. five different * players. Capt. undefeated, but they have two fiscal policy, The Times i£ cer- I Alex Guild, though well: guard- to Springfield College 4-0 after tainly not alone in its perno- t command either the re- Late Taffies ties attached to their five vie- defeating the Wesleyan JV spect or the power in relation • I ea by the host defense, tallied t&ries and are one victory be- plexity as to just where the to. Russia that it did say, Capt. Guild |,.6ninterceptions, Rod Me- promises a balanced budget If this is true, then the find- 5? It was the Bantams second He added, however, that he ex»and "no increase in present ings of three Presidential com- Red Coach Live Lobsters through the game as did BanRae completed a pass to Jimperimented with positions Hjiane game of the season and Mills - who raced in frfais his MeAlister on the Sigma Nu 10 tax budgets." missions, the Rockefeller are indeed the King of Seafoods j|p(i«hy.'oi the local soccer .a.iJ- wihf position to slam the against the obviously weaker broththers fund report and the yard line. Crow then attempt* lAftox,' team. He warned. that More Reasoned Approach l|jiets-:Were pleased to see GuMhoine, John Bitcorin finally ed lour straight passes—all What has swung the great reports of study groups at "'* •••'"' company in fine form.... added' the clinching goal which unsuccessful—in their, try forthe team will have to improve Harvard and Princeton are B toiled £we its performance against teams daily over to Kennedy's camp grossly inaccurate. WORCESTER broke the game wide open. victory and the championship. was the senator's approach to Red Coach Dressing — Drawn Butter Defens" ' e BrillianBifUliantt Theta XI- finished the'- sealik- e Wesleyan, Williams and foreign policy, iwhich paper Inaccurate, too, are the re t- RS—-Anderson Ijeft-Aplion The victors' defense was bril son in fine.fashion by string' Amherst; suits of a poll recently con- -- i,B—Handler Robertson t found "more reasoned, less ! ; Clark liant, Doug Anderson, Baird' ing together five consecutive itoe fresmmen play their ducted, abroad for the State KMorgan Thipprecht emotional, more flexible, less GBOdman Morgan, Beh Huhby, and Vin-victories to compile a 5-2 rec-next game against Williams at doctrinate, more imaginative, Department which sampled -%3A—Stempipn dman foreign opinion of America's Raked Studied ©It—Karvozy Pitt* ney Stempien all turned in ord. Psi Upsilon, losing to TXhome, on Nov. 2. less negative than that of the mLncco Zidssiunas sparkling efforts which kept t-0 this past weeK, ended in prestige and strength. Clearly Mcresian the laad of the chore off the vice president's." discouraging, the findings Kicfcmemd fourth place with a 4-2«i slate. Most people acknowledged Lobster stuffed with diced lobster and shrimp l—Mills Mlaer Union broke Jeffs vs. lessee were apparently ihushcd up by Pike Ties Bekfe as experts in the field of U.S.the Eisenhower administration A crack QED squad, unscor- In Next Contest foreign affairs feel the coun- and were ferreted out only and our- ed upon in six American try's very survival is presently last week by an industrious re< , League games, sneaked into 1st OCT.. 31—Amherst promises :at'stake."Like "the Time* these porter. " place during the past week. to" give Trinity a hard battle people feel that foreign policy Nothing^ of course, is black THE WASHINGTON DINER QED won by forfeit over Jar- on homecoming. The return- should overshadow fiscal poli- or white when, it comes to the Chunks of Fresh Lobster, Peppers- Mushrooms vis; then watched Pi Kappa ing alumni' will have the op- 17S WASHINGTON STBEET HARTFOBD, CONN. cy, vital as the latter is. two party's approaches to for- Sherry Wine Alpha spoil Delta Kappa Epsi- portunity ' of seeing the Ban- The Democrats have yet toeign policy. The Democrats • 6<>od Food . . . Good Service lon's perfect record: and, attams credit'; themselves once put their foreign policy pro- commit big blunders, too. An Steals, Chops, Seafood — Always Quick and Courteous the. same time, knock them again to the deserving title of grams to the test. Neverthe- excellent case in point was; TOSSED CHEF SALAD AND DRESSING from -the top rung by holding 'little-big—Fighting Bantam." less, they seem to show more Senator Kennedy's suggestion Plenty of Space and Free Parking the Dekes to a 6-6 tie. CHOICE OF POTATO Amherst has the edge on promise than the Republicans. of intervention in Cuba. For- ASSORTED ROLLS AND BUTTER The all - important Deke- Trinity in wins this year. To Why? tunately, he quickly retreated QED meeting was postponed date Amherst has toppled Larger Talent Pool from this precarious position. to either Tuesday or Wednes- over Wesleyan (13 to 0), Dela- First, they can draw from a On balance, to this writer, with day of this week. ware (14 to 12V Springfield larger pool of talent in order Kennedy appears more capa- Deke ran up. against a stub- (12 to 6),'Tufts (12 to 2). to fill State Department posts. ble of conducting foreign poli- fed ibadi riU born Pike outfit on a wet and The two flosses they suffered Among those available: Demo- cy than Nixon. 1 (Author of "7 Was a Teen-age Dwtf>"''?>» Many slippery field.-Pike's Ed Casey crats George Kennan Charles, Man On The Street Rt. IS - Berlin Turnpike - Wethersfield grabbed a pass deflected by awere at the hands of Coast s Loves of Dobie Gtflw," «te.) Guard (14 to 7) and (7 to 6).Bohlen, Chester Bowles, Aver- Oddly enough, from all re- Deke defender and. galloped ill Harriman and Adlai Steven- ports, the "man on the street" Just 4 miles South of Hartford over to push his club into a 6-0 Amjierst on Ground and Air On the ground fullback Steve son. These are not men whom will arrive at his decision Nov. Telephone Jackson 9-5779 .half-time lead. just the Democrats think 8 through a process of reason- In'the final 20 minutes Deke Van Nort gains first downs THE PARTY WEEKEND: ITS CAUSE with Ms ftiard drives. In thequalified, these are men whom ing entirely contrary to that rallied its forces and tallied on members of both parties re- just outlined. . ' AND CURE a Swanson to Gilson pass. air the combination of QBspect and admire. Both Secre- The opinion polls tell us that Neither team could cash .\a onDave LaKvrence and End John taries. Dulles and Herter capi- a sizeable majority of Ameri- With the season of party weekends almost upon us, my mail of their point after. attempts. Cheska is slated to. test the talized on the wisdom and ex-cans think the Democrats bet- late has been flooded with queries from younginmates of women's Pike wound up its season twith Bantams defensive, net. perience of Bohlen. "At times, ter qualified in matters fiscal colleges wishing to kaow how one conducts one's self when one a .3-2-2." fourth' place record." Trinity will meet Amherst during tihe last seven ' years, In contrast, more voters than : has invited a young gentleman for a weekend, so let us today Deke now stands at 5-0-1. face to face, strength at the advise of Kernien, proba- not, consider the Republican? takeup this burning issue. In the pnly other American strength, at each of the Am-bly the nation's iormost au- more capable in foreign rela League game Alpha Delta Phi herst power slots. thority on Russia, has been tions. Come election day, the Well, my dear girls, the first thing to remember is that your pushed its season record to 3- young gentleman is far from home and frightened. Put him at Ken Cromwell is pushing; up sought by the Administration. American electorate will prob- 3-1 by virtue of a final game his ground : gains . and first President Eisenhower thought ably put Kennedy in the Ma ease. You-might, for insta'nee, surprise him by having his forfeit over the Jarvis entry. enough of Stevenson to ap- White House, and a great per- mother sitting ia a rocker oh .the station platform when he gets downs and equals Amherst's IUKE YOU MOW fullback Steve Van Nprt. point him to an important ad- centage will do so for the off the train. ' - " •• visory post in 1957. All ofwrong reason. Nest, what kind of corsage should you send your young gentle- Bantam Bantam these men, incidentally, are man? Well, my beloved maidens, orchids are always acceptable. The Bantam bantam veter- held in high regard by the an winger, Tony Sanders, will Mather 4:15 So, indeed, are phlox and delphinium. In fact, most any flora (Continued From Page• 1 )• governments of our major al- Lounge, have three targets to hit in P< THAN I UKE will serve. Do try; however, to avoid carnivorous plants. members are not in the group. lies. Dale Peatman, Doug Tansill Granted, these men some Freshman Soccer, Williams, If you find, my esteemed fillies, that your local florist has run To prevent it from becom- :and Sam Winner. home, 3:1'5 p.m. ,,..'' out of stock, do not be dismayed. Make a corsage out of paper. ing cumbersome and ineffec- Trin will be out to break its But pick good, stiff, durable paper—twenty dollar bills, for tive, tihe editors agreed also to Calendar FEC, Senate Room, Mather keep the alliance small.. present .500 season record. Hall, 7 p.m. SCHAEFER BEER ,' example. . This win could well send y TODAY Jesters, Shakespeare's Remember at all times, my fond wenches, to show your young They consented to establish urm i an inter-collegiate press serv- Bantams on to victory the fol- Ohapel, Dr. Jacobs, Love's LalHMir's I*"*. -^ y gentleman courtesy and consideration. Open doors for him, lowing week over the Down- a.m. „ Hall, this evening through walk oa the traffic side of the path, assist him to the punch bowl, ice and to appoint staff mem- Saturday evening, 8:15 p.m. bers to serve as the organiza- RiVer-Boys, and give the Trini- IFC, Committee Room, ziphisparka, light his Marlboros. (What, you ask, if he doesn't ty-eleven a season record of Mather Hall, 7:15 p.m. THURSDAY smoke Marlboros? Ridiculous, my precious nymphs! Of course, tion's correspondents on their .625, Chapel, Chapel Talks. Chap he smokes Marlboros! Doa't you? Don't I? Doesn't everybody campuses Senate, Senate Room, Math- lain Thomas, 8 a.m. ; who knows a hawk-from a handsaw? What other cigarette er Hall, 7:15 p.m. ' Athenaeum Society Debate, .'... gives you such a lot to like? Such easy-drawing filtration? Such TOMORROW with Trinity College Profes- unaltered tasfe? Such soft pack or flip-top box? No other, my Chapel, All.Saints Day Holy sors, "Elections," .Chemistry jsweet minxes, no other. Marlboro stands alone, and any man Communion, 7:30 a.m. Auditorium/ 8:15 p.m. . worthy of you, my estimable damsels, is bound to be a Marlboro Le Cercle Francais, Elton Engineering Society, Lee man.) Lounge, 7:15 p.m. , . • ture: "The Interstate High International Relations Club, way Program, Halden En Senate Room, Mather Hall, gineering Laboratory,. 8:15 7:30 p.m. p.m. Psychology Club, Alumni Lounge, Mather Hall, 7:30 FRIDAY p.m. ' . ' < Chapel, Chapel Talks. Chap Band Practice, Assembly lain Thomas, 8 a.m. . -._ Hall, Mather Hall, • 7:30 . p.m. Trinity Review Societv, K; Political: Science Club, Wean Conference Room, Mather Lounge, Mather Hall, 7 p.m. Hall, 4 p.m: • Christian Association, 88 Varsity Soccer, Amherst, Verrion Street, 8 p.m." .: home, 3 p.m. WEDNESDAY SATURDAY HOMECOMING Chapel, Senior Lay Read- Luncheon, Field House, ers, Peter Kilborn and Carl 11:30 to 1:30 p.m. Zimmerman, 8 p.m. • Young Republicans, Wean Varsity Football, Amherst, home, 1:30 p.m. Hartford National Bank and Trust Co.

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ix me Commaader. MONDAY, OCTOBER SI, PAGE FOU* THE TRINITY TRIPOD 'Admimlship' Of Sanders Sparks Sinking Of Coasties i j Coach's foi mcr treat ,,n j sional form, uncorked at,j George Wisneskey ' scoring pass. The passs cc&. version attempt was, down and Trinitj. Sed a time 14-6. Midway through the quarter DallaiTb, \vhiip i tempting to p«>ss was, ' ered by the savige I and fumbled. Sanders tfiM« -u^'' loads:! the 29-yard boruo that sank the Cad^t ship. well's extra point wa<- 1 and Trinity held on io a lead, till the end. Calabrese had 106 Szumczyk S4 and 73 to lead a \icious an'! ing ground attack tihai sibly threw a scare ia'o Bg. watching Amherst saVs. ' Dan's Defense, Jesse's specially fi"v:se& 5-3-3 defense also showed signs of greatness as ft allow- ed .the visitors only ,one score. Unpredictable Amlicrst af- ter suffering a hard fought 12-2 loss to Tufts comes m next featuring- a capable er in Dave Laurence and. i powerful sophomore runner , Steve Van Nort. i The visitors, | last year's "wet"' j would like nothing better | than to spoil Trinity's, home, , coming. .However, with 4fte Jesse men's play and sjttrif-? • OCT. 29 — The , brilliant Viscious George continually growing field "admiralship:> of Tony George Guiliano, : showing the Lord Jeffs may s- Beefy Line Makes Way Clear For Drynan, Campbell, Oulundseiiy Sanders and the shell-shock viseious line play all day, they never tried to running of "Ollie" Cromwell pounced on a Cadet Hartford. ~* led Trinity today to a 21-6 to set up Trinity's second TKINITT (21). torpedoing of Coast Guard. score. Ends: Tansill. Peatman. WbutL. Parsons As Hot Yearlings Drop Wesleyan To Remain Undefeated Tackles: Bennett, Whitters Has. . Tihe sensational Sanders, After an exchange of punts lnd. OCT. 28—Offensive heroics a 14-13 first half lead, the Blue most proved1 fatal, as the Car- yards in five plays, with El- j the game out showing the Coasties that a Sanders and Calabrese com- . Guards: Reese, Schulenbergr, Bab. in, Getlin. Couture. and terrific.line play sparked and Gold came storming back dinals' passing attack often wood Wilson making the last But this time, the Bantam military career - doesn't pro bined on a beautiful option play to move the ball to the Centers: Fox Stetson. the Trinity freshmen to a 25- in the second half to snare the clicked... nine yards. secondary rose to the occasion, duce all great field leaders, Backs: SaJiders, Czumtayk, Cilv 20 conquest of Wesleyan this victory. First Blood and knocked down three con- hit sophomore end Sam Win- visitor's 30-yard stripe. After brese, Cromwell. Taylor. Gutliflno,. .Passes Start two line plunges which mast- Wardlaw. Bishop. LundborK. afternoon. Shortcomings in the defen- The locals grabbed a 7-0 secutive passes. -••.-. ner with- a 29-yard scoring COAST GfAWp (B) After spotting the Wesmen sive secondary, however, al- lead in the first quarter, as With three minutes remain- line Takes Charge pass in the third parind that erfully set up the Coasties* Ends: Wisneskey Dimwit ing in the half, the opposition defense, Calabrese taking a Peck, Thurman, Studley MulHaS • Doug Drynan di- With 10 seconds . left, the all but iced the game for the Wasson, Crowe, Zwick. rected tlie team to a 64-yard received a Bantam on Bantams. Sanders pitchout weaved bril- CHAE-BROILED STEAKS their 20-yard line. Then, they Wesmen had' time . for one Tackles: Schroll, Warren. Pou.og, . Terry Oulundsen more play. With all the mar- liantly into the and unleashed a passing attack After having their favorite gave Trinity a seemingly Guards: Powers. Lightner, C!,-m $1.75 scampered over from the five- bles riding, half of the Trini- weapon, the forward . pass, Greece ' Murray' Hartmatt- yard line. that moved them into Trinity comfortable 18-0 lead. territory. ty line smothered the -rival turned against them, the Ca- Center: Bates. • * * * • • > An almost identical 64-yard quarterback 15 yards behind dets fought gamely to get However with two minutes march in the second period With eight seconds left half- to go in the game Larry Dal- Backs: Haldematt Keilev Tm>» MUSIC BY THE back Fred Lohse spotted his back into the contest. But made the score 13-0. Bill Camp- laire, seventh ranking small y Mahan, Murdock. ' STARLITES OF SPRINGFIELD end alone iii the end zone, and halted all potential bell scooted the final eight It was a great team effort college passer, . unleashed a Trinity g g T fl— ?l tossed his a 33-ya,r,dl touchdown invasions. Coast Guard 0 6 C 0- S Every Thurs., Fri. and Sat. Nitc yards. for the Hilltoppers. Rufus savage aerial attack that pass. The two-point conversion Nifty Tony Scoring: Trin — Cromwell 1 But Wesleyan took the en- Blocksidge, Bill Avery, Gerry brought the Cadets their only plunge (pass Sanders to Peatrru >. * • • * • * was successful, giving the In turning the nifty Sand- score. Trin — Calabrese 20 yard i"in suing kickoff and went 63 Wesmen the lead, 14-13. Denault, Larry Silver and Vin .(pas? failed). Fiordalis played tremendous ers offset many Trinity fum- Last Second' Tally CG — Wisneskey 19 pass ft -m CHARLES RESTAURANT In the third period, guard games in the line. bles by decoying the thunder- With only five seconds re- Dallaire (Pass failed) Gerry Denault blocked a Car- ing John Szumczyk into the maining Dallaire, showing his Trin — Winner 29 lais irr II 52 Park St. Hartford TIMEX WATCHES dinal punt on the Wesleyan In the backfield, quarter- Sanders (Cromwell kick). back Doug, Drynan directed! Coast Guard ranks while 22-yard line. After a series of sending Cromwell into the line $7.95 UP line smashes, Bill Campbell the team masterfully, with beautiful fakes and hard run- on smashes and little Tom bucked over from the 7-yard Calabrese sweeping around GUARANTEED ONE line. ning. Halfback Bill Campbell N was the outstanding ball car- end. / . V- The Bantams continued their Trinity opened the game by FULL YEAR assault. End Rufus Blocksid'ge rier, as he gained 99 yards on 18 carries. ; inarching 70 . yards on the pounced upon a Weselyan fum- The score by quarters: first series of dowiis. for a ble at midfield. Several plays Trinity Freshmen 7 6 12 o score., Szumczyk and Cala- later Doug Drynan plunged Wesleyan Freshmen 0 14 o 6 Trinity College Trinity: OuluniJsen, 5-yard run- brese did most of the carry- over for a 4-yard touchdown, Trinlty:: Parsons, l-point conversion making the score 25-14. Trinity: Campbell, 8-yard run ing before Cromwell barreled" Bookstore Wesleyan: 33-yard, pass from Lohse over from the four. ^ Imperial Wes Rebounds. •Wesleyan: 2 - point conversion on Sanders then hit' end Dale pass Irom Lohse : But the opposition wasn't Trinity: Campbell, 7-yard run Peatmen with a two-point con- Moccasin finished yet. They closed the Trinity: Drynan, 4-yard run version pass and an 8-0 Trin VISIT OUR SHOE DIPT, Wesleyan: Lohse, .47 - yard pass to 25-20 on a 47-yard touch- from Lockwood lead. IN down pass from Steve Look- wood' to Fred Lohse. Brookside Barber Shop Our New West Hartford With less than a minute re- Shop maining in the game, the lo- Two Expert Barbers FOR SALE SCHAEFER "46 XASAIXE ROAD cals punted to Wesleyan's 25-! yard line. Then, a spectacular | S. and Joseph Miano 1953 DODGE 53-yard pass play put the balli Friendly Service deep in Trinity soil. It seemed] 422 New Britain Avenue that the Cardinals might pull HY DRAMATIC $18.95 36 Xewis St. 46 LaSalle Bii. Mechanic's Car Hartlord West Hartforo THE HEARTHSTONE ' Phone J A 9-0063 ®UiZ NO. § • Barrie's hand-sewn moccasins have al- ways been outstanding in style and qual- 1) WHAT IS POMG? Plan now for your 680 Maple Ave. Hartford ity. We now have available in our Imper- 2) WHAT DOES POMG REPRESENT? ^BERMUDA ial grade, Scotch Grain and Puritan Veal 3) WHY IS POMG moccasins, fully Leather Lined, with dou- FAMOUS? College Week OPEN KITCHEN ble Leather Soles. Hand stained to Perfec-

•••-.'.•.-• 1961 *If there ,is, any doubt to tion to give you the ultimate in leisure these answers, ask the guy bigger, busier, next to you! CHARCOAL BROILER better than ever! footwear. • Informal welcoming dance to start STEAKS—LARGE LOBSTERS thefun. 789 Park St. • College Day at the Beach... the biggest beach party of the year. • All-dfcy cruise to Historic St. ; GAME HENS George. Luncheon, Calypso music. Gombey Dancers. Round Robin-Tennis Tournament. ITlRRTinizinc .College Week Golf Competition. College Talent Revue. For Reservations Call Fun Festival with jazz concerts choral groups, dance contests. Barbecue Luncheon. Same day service on Sightseeing. DRY CLEANING CH 6-8075 Special Golf and Tennta Trophies Connecticut's Quality Men's Shoe Shops Mon - Sat., 9-2 ALL YOURS AT NO CHARGE Th. BERMUDA 260 York St. near Elm 22 Trumbull St. Trade Development Board New Haven Hartford SLOSSBERG'S 420 fifth Ave., New York JO. N. Y. Overstock Cash Sale THE RIGHT TASTE BECAUSE A SUITS Pete puts a EXPLODING .« TOPCOATS rock at each ROCKS... Campers Bob and Pete have just side of the S SPORT .JACKETS turned on their radio ... SURE. I'LL GET A fire A SLACKS COUPLE OF ROCKS FOR YOURSELVES! People who like Schaefer 2 CONVICTS HAVE SHUT PAT FROM THE CAKE I'LL BET THAT'S ,0 SHIRTS ESCAPEP FROM T'lNSOFFi TOCOOKOM WHY YOU'RE can't keep it under their STATE PRISON AND /„ fLLGO VICEROY a TIES ARE HEACWS FOR..: WITH YA- SMOKERS' hats for long... because NO FUHNY Schaefer delivers first- 20%.33