METHODS OF BACKCOUNTRY A variety of filtration devices are your camping group can be as great available to remove organisms from as the chance of getting sick from WATER TREATMENT the water. With filters you need no contaminated water. Heat fuel and no formulas, and, with some Heating water is a time-proven devices, you are left with no treatment OTHER BACKCOUNTRY HEALTH method of killing contaminants. While aftertaste in the water. Filter units, CONCERNS Giardia cysts die at temperatures however, require an initial investment is not the only potential below boiling (130-145° F), to be safe and their operation involves time and health risk associated with you should maintain a rolling boil for effort; especially in silty water. backcountry travel. The next drink several minutes-longer at high you take directly from a stream could altitudes. Some tough organisms Be sure that your filter is the proper include not only Giardia, but also form cysts or spores that are size for the job: the effective pore other protozoan, , or viruses. especially resistant to heat; to size must be two micrometers or Among the ailments caused by these increase your odds of killing them smaller for Giardia; and less than one organisms are other diarrheal some authorities recommend boiling half a micrometer for bacteria. The diseases which affect you more for as long as l5-20 minutes. Heat filter can plug up and become quickly (often within a day) after disinfection takes significant amounts unusable unless you carry a spare exposure than does giardiasis. of time and fuel, but if you aren't element or have one that can be Symptoms may include fever and prepared to use one of the other cleaned. Between periods of use, bloody stools - symptoms not methods, boiling is the most reliable harmful organisms can grow in the generally associated with giardiasis. way to purify water. pores of some filters; be cautious of

devices that don't have a growth- You may also become sick from the Chemical inhibiting substance embedded into food you eat. Summer temperatures While not as foolproof as boiling, the filter material. and inadequate refrigeration may lead disinfection with chlorine or iodine to the multiplication of harmful solutions can be a practical approach; Remember; take special care with in fresh foods, however, since Giardia is more your water if it contains visible especially meat, poultry and dishes resistant than most other organisms sediment, since the probability of prepared with mayonnaise. Disease- to chemical disinfection, you must exposure to harmful microorganisms causing organisms may also be take care to follow proper procedures is especially high under such transmitted by food handlers or by when using the solutions. Chemical conditions. utensils that are not clean and treatments require formulas that can sanitized. vary with the characteristics of the RECOMMENDED water; you need to increase the SANITARY PROCEDURES To guard against transmission of concentration and contact time in Transmission by humans is thought to disease, you should: cold, sediment-laden or alkaline have increased the number of wild  thoroughly wash your hands water. animals infected with disease before preparing or eating organisms such as Giardia. Scientists foods; Iodine and chlorine disinfect because do not agree on whether animals they are highly toxic in concentrated infected with certain types of Giardia  remind others to wash their form. Store and dispense the can transmit the disease to humans; hands before eating; chemicals away from food and more research is needed on this  make sure individuals with minimize personal exposure to the subject. To help prevent further boils, skin or chemicals and their fumes. spread of Giardia you should make diarrheal diseases do not every effort to minimize the amount prepare food; Don’t use iodine solutions when fecal material entering surface waters.  sanitize cooking utensils preparing water for a group unless thoroughly (make a small you know the health history of all the Establish common toilets for all camp bottle of chlorine bleach part members. Use chemical methods groups larger than three persons. of your cooking gear). with caution; they can bring about When burying feces make sure they undesirable side effects in some are well-mixed in the soil to promote To find out about sources of additional individuals, including pregnant women natural composting. Dig temporary information on this subject, or to order or those who are especially sensitive latrines at least 100 feet from water, more copies of this brochure, contact: to iodine. trails, or campsites. If a campsite has Backcountry Water an established latrine, do not use it for Stream Ecology Center If you haven't learned a chemical’s disposal of wastewater; privies work Department of Biological Sciences preparation technique from a reliable better and smell less if moisture is Idaho State University source, can’t remember the correct minimized. Pocatello, ID 83209 recipe, or have chemical tablets that aren’t fresh, to be safe you should boil To encourage personal hygiene TEXT © 1988 James T. Brock your water. provide hand washes at latrine sites. Graphic design by Pete Wilson The risk of exposure to intestinal Revised May 1988 diseases carried by other members of Filtration B A C K C O U N T R Y W A T E R

Giardia and other potential health hazards

Water “clean enough to drink” has long muskrats, beaver, dogs, wading birds, The simplest way to ensure that your been part of the appeal of the and humans. water is safe to drink is to carry it. backcountry, but, as human impact When carrying water is not practical, intensifies, pure, safe water has become Animals that live around water are you will have to kill or remove the harder to find. The truth is that all water critical in the Giardia life cycle. Once disease-causing organisms by heat, may contain harmful microscopic Giardia enters a host through water or chemical, or mechanical disinfection of organisms. To drink water straight from food, it multiplies and attaches to the the water. that spring or free-flowing creek is to intestinal wall. Giardia cysts (an inactive invite disease. stage) pass from the intestines by Each purification method has its means of excreted fecal matter. From limitations (see the back side of this Health problems associated with a the feces the cysts may enter water, sheet), but boiling your water is the protozoan called where they can survive for months. An simplest and most foolproof. You have increased noticeably over the past animal that drinks contaminated water should take care to treat any water that decade. This microscopic animal then provides Giardia with a new host you may swallow, including water used causes a disease known as giardiasis, and the life cycle continues. for preparing food, washing dishes, and which, while rarely fatal, can make you brushing teeth. miserable. These days, enjoying the Attachment to the intestinal wall by backcountry requires taking steps to Giardia interferes with the normal Be your own health inspector. protect your health. functions of the gastrointestinal system. Typically, it takes 8-16 days from the  Be aware of sanitation. All backcountry water should be ingestion of the parasite to the onset of  Keep latrines away from water. considered potentially contaminated by the disease. Symptoms are highly  Wash and rinse your hands. Giardia or some other harmful variable, but often include , gas,  Keep your water pure. . Be especially careful fatigue, loss of weight, and nausea. with creek water that is turbid because Individuals can have mild cases of the of storm runoff. Be suspicious of water disease or show no symptoms Preparation and printing of this brochure near beaver ponds, campsites, or other whatever, yet still be infected and shed made possible by support from: areas with high levels of use by cysts. It appears to be possible for humans. Backcountry hot springs humans to acquire resistance to the Idaho Water Resources Research commonly are loaded with disease, yet, since there may be a Institute microorganisms; if you can’t resist number of different strains of Giardia Moscow, Idaho taking a dip, keep the warm water away duodenalis, you should not assume that from your face. Disease-causing you are immune. If you are new to a Idaho State University organisms can lurk even in a spring or particular backcountry area, you may be Pocatello, Idaho stream that looks crystal clear. Water especially vulnerable. If you experience clarity is no guarantee of purity. the symptoms of giardiasis, you should Bureau of Water Quality consult a physician. Bureau of Preventive Medicine Giardia duodenalis is a parasite that can Idaho Department of Health & Welfare reproduce only in the intestines of Enjoy the backcountry, but protect warm-blooded animals – including yourself: take care of the water.