
Low GI (20-49 ) Moderate GI Foods(50-69) High GI Foods : (70-100)

Breakfast Cereals: Breakfast cereals : Breakfast cereals: All Bran All Bran ’ n Bran Bran Chex Cheerios Fiber One Bran Just Right Mini Corn Chex Cream of (not instant) Special K Swiss Museli Nuts Grape Nut Flakes Grits Puffed wheat and and Fruit : (Limit Fruits: Rice Chex 1-2 Fruits/day) (under ripe) figs Bran Shredded Wheat , kiwi Total Blackberries oranges Fruits: (not dried) juice, juice Dried Dates Grapefruit juice Over ripe Beans and : boston type baked beans Beverages : canned pinto, kidney or navy beans, soda, sweet , juice green : Beans and Legumes: Vegetables: , baked, broiled, fried, black eyed peas, beans beets, , , , mashed, french fries chick peas, green beans, kidney corn on the cob canned or frozen corn, , beans, pinto beans, , lima winter beans, navy beans, snow peas, : hummus pocket oat bran Breads: bread bread most breads (white and whole Non- starchy vegetables : wheat bread high fiber bread ), , , bread , , , sticks, Kaiser roll, dinner roll , , , : , , , cornmeal Grains: greens, , mushrooms, brown and rice, instant, tapioca peppers, tomatoes, , , , , zucchini, Snacks: . : , crackers, chips, , macaroni , jelly, jam Donuts, corn Grains: ravioli ( filled) chips, tortilla chips, , jelly , rye, , wild rice, pizza (cheese) beans, rice crackers, , , wheat tortilla, wheat pasta (white) nutragrain bars, Pop tarts.

Nuts, and oils: Restaurant and Ethnic Foods: , , , Nuts: Most Chinese ( in stir fry sunflower , , olives sauces) , oils that are liquid at and vegetables, room temperature Fried rice Snacks: , fish, meat, soy and eggs: Mexican foods with white rice, skim , , milk, muffins tortilla, etc lowfat cheese, (lowfat or low cream greek) lean meat, fish, skinless popcorn Any foods with or white chicken and , shellfish, egg whites, egg yolks( up to 3/week) soy products, Egg Beaters

The glycemic index , or GI index is the measurement of how foods raise our blood after eating them. Foods raise glucose to varying levels (carbs increase blood sugar the most, and second). Actual (sugar) has a glycemic index of 100 and other foods measured are ranked as low, moderate and high GI foods. Although GI index is helpful to meal planning. The TOTAL number of grams of can have a bigger impact than GI index on blood sugar levels.

Consuming low GI foods + calculating carbohydrate intake = the most stable blood sugar levels !!!