ER 82 Birdobservations from , Gomera and I made this trip as a tourleader of the dutch travel agency SNP-Natuurreizen. We stayed in 3 : in Tenerife in La Laguna, in Gomera in San Sebastian and in La Palma in . I birded the area surrouding the hotels. During the hikes with the group in different parts of the islands more birds were seen. We had our own .

Short description of the visited areas :

Tenerife : 2057 km2, 600.000 people. La Laguna is a moderate town at 550 m. There are many parks and orchards. The first hike was in the Teno area, the northwestern part of Tenerife, quite an open area with some shrubs. One day we hiked in the crater at more than 2000 m (few birds, quite a lot of snow). The last day was spent in the Anaga Peninsula, a steep mountaineous area east of La Laguna. On the ridges is present here.

Gomera : 378 km2, 20.000 people. the area around the small port San Sebastian is dry with a xerophytic vegetation. Near the village are some agricultural fields. We hiked in the PN Garagonay (including Pico Garagonay, 1487 m), a beautiful Laurel forest area. We had cloudy weather without any views. Few birds were seen. The other hike was in the northwestern part of the island near Vallehermoso. Here are some orchards and small cultivations. Erica arborea shrub prevails on higher elevations and steep ravines towards the ocean.

La Palma : 729 km2, 75.000 people. Santa Cruz is a small town. I birded along the water front and a barranco inland. We hiked on the northcoast between Gallegos and Barlovento. This area is dominated by steep and green ravines. Along the northern crater ridge of the Caldera de Taburiente another hike was made. Here we had cold winds, snow, good views and few birds. Finally we hiked from Fuencaliente to Faro de Fuencaliente, an area dominated by recent volcanic eruptions.

List of mammals :

- Rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus : 2 ex - 1 ex, Anaga peninsula - 1 ex, La Palma, Pinus canariensis forest - Black rat, Rattus rattus : - 1 ex, PN Garagonay, Gomera - Common Dolphin, Delphinus delphis : 40 ex (20), - Gomera Ferry, several small groups close to Tenerife

List of reptiles :

- Canarian Lizard, Gallotia galloti. : 16 ex - 3 ex, Teide area - 10 ex, San Sebastian de - 3 ex, La Palma, southern tip

Number of species : 41 Observer : Frank van Groen Number of visits : 14 Nic. de Roeverstraat 20 Number of visitdays : 22 1093 KK Amsterdam Period : 21-2-99 / 2-3-99 Tel : 020 - 7762160

Visits - Teno area : 21-2-99 / 21-2-99 , 1 Day(s) - Northcoast Tenerife : 21-2-99 / 22-2-99 , 2 Day(s) - La Laguna : 21-2-99 / 24-2-99 , 2 Day(s) - Volcan el Teide : 22-2-99 / 22-2-99 , 1 Day(s) - Añaga Peninsula : 23-2-99 / 23-2-99 , 1 Day(s) 2

- : 24-2-99 / 24-2-99 , 1 Day(s) - Los Cristianos - La Gomera ferry : 24-2-99 / 27-2-99 , 2 Day(s) - San Sebastian de la Gomera area : 24-2-99 / 27-2-99 , 4 Day(s) - PN Garagonay area : 25-2-99 / 25-2-99 , 1 Day(s) - Vallehermoso area : 26-2-99 / 26-2-99 , 1 Day(s) - Northcoast La Palma : 28-2-99 / 28-2-99 , 1 Day(s) - Santa Cruz de la Palma : 28-2-99 / 2-3-99 , 3 Day(s) - Caldera de Taburiente : 1-3-99 / 1-3-99 , 1 Day(s) - Fuencaliente area : 2-3-99 / 2-3-99 , 1 Day(s)

Species List Numbers between brackets refer to day totals

- Cory's Shearwater , Calonectris diomedea : 39 ex 9 ex , (6, 3) , Los Cristianos - La Gomera ferry , 24-2-99 30 ex , San Sebastian de la Gomera area , 26-2-99 - Little Egret , Egretta garzetta : 2 ex 2 ex , (1) , Los Cristianos - La Gomera ferry , Los Cristianos , 24-2-99 3

- Sparrowhawk , Accipiter nisus : 3 ex 1 ex , La Laguna , 24-2-99 1 ex , San Sebastian de la Gomera area , 24-2-99 1 ex , Northcoast La Palma , 28-2-99 - Buzzard , Buteo buteo : 6 ex 1 ex , PN Garagonay area , 25-2-99 4 ex , Vallehermoso area , 26-2-99 1 ex , Santa Cruz de la Palma , 2-3-99 - Kestrel , Falco tinnunculus : 35 ex 4 ex , (3) , Northcoast Tenerife , Valle de Orotava , 21-2-99 1 ex , Teno area , 21-2-99 3 ex , Volcan el Teide , 22-2-99 1 ex , Añaga Peninsula , 23-2-99 1 ex , La Laguna , 24-2-99 5 ex , (4) , San Sebastian de la Gomera area , 25-2-99 2 ex , Vallehermoso area , 26-2-99 5 ex , Northcoast La Palma , 28-2-99 13 ex , (10, 3) , Santa Cruz de la Palma , 1-3-99 - Barbary Partridge , Alectoris barbara : 9 ex 1 ex , Añaga Peninsula , 23-2-99 4 ex , Vallehermoso area , 26-2-99 4 ex , San Sebastian de la Gomera area , 27-2-99 - Grey Plover , Pluvialis squatarola : 1 ex 1 ex , Los Cristianos - La Gomera ferry , Los Cristianos , 27-2-99 - Whimbrel , Numenius phaeopus : 2 ex 2 ex , Los Cristianos - La Gomera ferry , Los Cristianos , 27-2-99 - Ruddy Turnstone , Arenaria interpres : 67 ex 10 ex , Los Cristianos - La Gomera ferry , Los Cristianos , 27-2-99 50 ex , (30, 18, 2) , Santa Cruz de la Palma , 28-2-99 7 ex , Fuencaliente area , Faro saltpans , 2-3-99 - Lesser Black-backed Gull , Larus fuscus : 14 ex 1 ex , Los Cristianos - La Gomera ferry , 27-2-99 13 ex , (8, 5) , Santa Cruz de la Palma , 1-3-99 - Black-headed Gull , Larus ridibundus : 1 ex 1 ex , Los Cristianos - La Gomera ferry , 24-2-99 - Yellow-legged Gull , Larus michahellis : 296 ex 31 ex , (30) , Northcoast Tenerife Roque de , 21-2-99 10 ex , Añaga Peninsula , 23-2-99 115 ex , (50, 25) , San Sebastian de la Gomera area , 24-2-99 90 ex , (60, 30) , Los Cristianos - La Gomera ferry , 24-2-99 15 ex , Vallehermoso area , 26-2-99 31 ex , (15, 10, 6) , Santa Cruz de la Palma , 28-2-99 2 ex , Northcoast La Palma , 28-2-99 2 ex , Fuencaliente area , Faro , 2-3-99 - Rock Dove , Columba livia : 1412 ex 25 ex , Teno area , 21-2-99 750 ex , (500, 250) , La Laguna , 21-2-99 2 ex , Volcan el Teide , 22-2-99 250 ex , (150, 50, 30) , San Sebastian de la Gomera area , 24-2-99 10 ex , Vallehermoso area , 26-2-99 50 ex , Northcoast La Palma , 28-2-99 320 ex , (200, 100, 20) , Santa Cruz de la Palma , 28-2-99 5 ex , Fuencaliente area , Fuencaliente , 2-3-99 - Dark-tailed Laurel-pigeon , Columba bollii : 3 ex 1 ex , Vallehermoso area , 26-2-99 2 ex , Northcoast La Palma , 28-2-99 - Collared Dove , Streptopelia decaocto : 15 ex 1 ex , La Laguna , 21-2-99 12 ex , (5, 3, 2) , San Sebastian de la Gomera area , 24-2-99 2 ex , Santa Cruz de Tenerife , 24-2-99 - Plain Swift , Apus unicolor : 33 ex 11 ex , (7) , La Laguna , 21-2-99 6 ex , (2) , San Sebastian de la Gomera area , 25-2-99 10 ex , Santa Cruz de la Palma , 1-3-99 6 ex , Caldera de Taburiente , 1-3-99 - Hoopoe , Upupa epops : 1 ex 1 ex , Northcoast Tenerife , Garachico , 21-2-99 - Grey Wagtail , Motacilla cinerea : 4 ex 1 ex , (9) , La Laguna , 21-2-99 2 ex , (1) , San Sebastian de la Gomera area , 24-2-99 1 ex , Santa Cruz de la Palma , 1-3-99 - White Wagtail , Motacilla alba : 7 ex 1 ex , La Laguna , 24-2-99 6 ex , Santa Cruz de la Palma , 2-3-99 - Berthelot's Pipit , Anthus berthelotii : 39 ex 7 ex , Teno area , 21-2-99 4

5 ex , Volcan el Teide , 22-2-99 4 ex , Vallehermoso area , 26-2-99 20 ex , San Sebastian de la Gomera area , 27-2-99 1 ex , Caldera de Taburiente , 1-3-99 2 ex , Fuencaliente area , Faro , 2-3-99 - Great Grey Shrike , Lanius excubitor : 1 ex 1 ex , Volcan el Teide , 22-2-99 - Robin , Erithacus rubecula : 8 ex 1 ex , Teno area , 21-2-99 3 ex , Añaga Peninsula , 23-2-99 3 ex , PN Garagonay area , 25-2-99 1 ex , Vallehermoso area , 26-2-99 - Common Blackbird , Turdus merula : 67 ex 5 ex , Teno area , 21-2-99 45 ex , (30, 15) , La Laguna , 21-2-99 1 ex , Añaga Peninsula , 23-2-99 5 ex , PN Garagonay area , 25-2-99 3 ex , Vallehermoso area , 26-2-99 3 ex , Northcoast La Palma , 28-2-99 5 ex , Santa Cruz de la Palma , 1-3-99 - Chiffchaff , Phylloscopus canariensis : 113 ex 2 ex , Teno area ssp canariensis , 21-2-99 50 ex , (35) , La Laguna ssp canariensis , 21-2-99 10 ex , Añaga Peninsula ssp canariensis , 23-2-99 11 ex , (5) , San Sebastian de la Gomera area ssp canariensis , 24-2-99 1 ex , PN Garagonay area ssp canariensis , 25-2-99 4 ex , Vallehermoso area ssp canariensis , 26-2-99 30 ex , (25, 4, 1) , Santa Cruz de la Palma ssp canariensis , 28-2-99 5 ex , Northcoast La Palma ssp canariensis , 28-2-99 - Blackcap , Sylvia atricapilla : 40 ex 1 ex , Northcoast Tenerife , , 21-2-99 3 ex , Teno area , 21-2-99 4 ex , Añaga Peninsula , 23-2-99 8 ex , La Laguna , 24-2-99 12 ex , (6, 5) , San Sebastian de la Gomera area , 24-2-99 2 ex , Vallehermoso area , 26-2-99 4 ex , Northcoast La Palma , 28-2-99 6 ex , (4, 2) , Santa Cruz de la Palma , 1-3-99 - Sardinian Warbler , Sylvia melanocephala : 12 ex 3 ex , La Laguna , 24-2-99 1 ex , Vallehermoso area , 26-2-99 3 ex , Northcoast La Palma , 28-2-99 3 ex , Santa Cruz de la Palma , 1-3-99 2 ex , Fuencaliente area , Fuencaliente , 2-3-99 - Spectacled Warbler , Sylvia conspicillata : 2 ex 2 ex , San Sebastian de la Gomera area males , 25-2-99 - Canary islands Kinglet , Regulus teneriffae : 27 ex 1 ex , Teno area ssp teneriffae , 21-2-99 10 ex , Añaga Peninsula ssp teneriffae , 23-2-99 15 ex , PN Garagonay area ssp teneriffae , 25-2-99 1 ex , Northcoast La Palma ssp teneriffae , 28-2-99 - Blue Tit , Parus caeruleus : 13 ex 1 ex , Northcoast Tenerife , Icod de los Vinos , 21-2-99 7 ex , Añaga Peninsula , 23-2-99 2 ex , La Laguna , 24-2-99 1 ex , PN Garagonay area , 25-2-99 2 ex , Vallehermoso area , 26-2-99 - Corn Bunting , Emberiza calandra : 2 ex 2 ex , Teno area , 21-2-99 - Chaffinch , Fringilla coelebs : 21 ex 4 ex , Añaga Peninsula , 23-2-99 15 ex , PN Garagonay area , 25-2-99 2 ex , Northcoast La Palma , 28-2-99 - European Serin , Serinus serinus : 37 ex 5 ex , Teno area , 21-2-99 1 ex , Añaga Peninsula , 23-2-99 6 ex , La Laguna , 24-2-99 25 ex , Vallehermoso area , 26-2-99 - Canary , Serinus canaria : 136 ex 2 ex , Northcoast Tenerife , Valle de Orotava , 22-2-99 10 ex , Vallehermoso area , 26-2-99 100 ex , Northcoast La Palma , 28-2-99 19 ex , (15, 4) , Santa Cruz de la Palma , 1-3-99 5 ex , Fuencaliente area Volcan San Antonio , 2-3-99 - European Greenfinch , Chloris chloris : 2 ex 2 ex , (1) , La Laguna , 21-2-99 5

- European Goldfinch , Carduelis carduelis : 7 ex 5 ex , (4) , La Laguna , 21-2-99 2 ex , Vallehermoso area , 26-2-99 - Common Linnet , Carduelis cannabina : 14 ex 1 ex , Teno area , 21-2-99 13 ex , (10) , La Laguna , 21-2-99 - Spanish Sparrow , Passer hispaniolensis : 71 ex 35 ex , (20) , La Laguna , 21-2-99 34 ex , (20, 10) , San Sebastian de la Gomera area , 24-2-99 2 ex , Santa Cruz de la Palma , 1-3-99 - Rock Sparrow , Petronia petronia : 10 ex 10 ex , Teno area , 21-2-99 - Starling , Sturnus vulgaris : 22 ex 22 ex , (20) , La Laguna , 21-2-99 - Red-billed Chough , Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax : 269 ex 200 ex , Northcoast La Palma , 28-2-99 19 ex , (13, 6) , Santa Cruz de la Palma , 1-3-99 50 ex , Fuencaliente area , Fuencaliente , 2-3-99 - Raven , Corvus corax : 16 ex 4 ex , Volcan el Teide , 22-2-99 6 ex , (5) , San Sebastian de la Gomera area , 25-2-99 1 ex , Vallehermoso area , 26-2-99 5 ex , Caldera de Taburiente , 1-3-99