Construction & Energy Trend Report for Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá

Architecturally Modular Printed Sustainability Urbanized Scooter Outdoorsy Hub

6 de Marzo 2019 - Derechos de autor© Trend Hunter Inc. Este informe es para uso interno de su empresa. No lo distribuya, publique ni presente fuera de su equipo. Presentado por Trend Hunter, la red de tendencias más grande y popular del mundo, impulsada por más de 100.000 colaboradores y 2 mil millones de visualizaciones de datos. We help creative innovators like you Find Better Ideas, Faster™ CASOS DE USO Estas son cinco razones por las que los principales innovadores confían en nosotros:

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Patrones y megatendencias: Comprenda estas Consumer Insights dentro del contexto de las 18 megatendencias que están moldeando el mundo, además de los 6 patrones de oportunidades que le ayudarán a descubrir ideas innovadoras más rápidamente.

Enlaces en línea: Cada Consumer Insight contiene un enlace a una versión en línea, en la cual podrá encontrar hasta 100 ejemplos, imágenes y videos adicionales.

Derechos de autor ©. Todos los derechos reservados. Características especiales y definiciones Estas son algunas sugerencias útiles para comprender nuestros Consumer Insights. No olvide que cada imagen está enlazada a un artículo completo, estadísticas y artículos adicionales en línea.

Colores Estilo de vida Moda Arte y diseño Tecnología Cultura Pop Mercadeo Negocios Lujo Ecológico

Diseño Puntuación Tipos de contenido Implicaciones: Puntuación general: Consumer Insights: Nos esforzamos por descubrir ideas que tengan Todas las puntuaciones son percentiles (6,9 = percentil 69) y en general son el promedio de Clústeres de oportunidad implicaciones en múltiples industrias. Quizá se la popularidad, actividad e innovación. de alto nivel. encuentre observando un calzado hecho a la medida, Listas en clúster: pero ¿en qué forma esa personalización impacta su Popularidad: Recopilaciones completas de mundo? El atractivo general, determinado por la elección de un artículo por parte de las personas, ideas relacionadas, con el Ejemplos con hipervínculos: entre otras opciones en la misma categoría y clústeres, normalizado por la fecha de fin de hacerle seguimiento Si está viendo este archivo en modo de presentación, publicación. a las ideas innovadoras. puede hacer clic en cualquier ejemplo para abrir un Actividad: Ejemplos específicos: artículo completo con más conceptos relacionados. La cantidad de personas que interactúan con un artículo, incluso si se desplazan por las Microtendencias Enlace abierto: imágenes. Por ejemplo, algo como un cupcake de tocino tal vez no sea popular, pero cuidadosamente El enlace principal de cada página lo llevará al podría ser lo suficientemente llamativo para compartirlo en las redes. seleccionadas, de modo que no artículo completo. Si no ha iniciado sesión, será tenga que invertir demasiado dirigido al sitio web sin costo; si inició sesión, será Innovación: tiempo buscando. dirigido a su PRO dashboard. La novedad relativa de un artículo, que tiene más relevancia en categorías como Tecnología, a diferencia de Estilo de vida. Demografía: La audiencia objetivo de acuerdo con el investigador y no con las estadísticas del sitio.

Derechos de autor ©. Todos los derechos reservados. CONTEXTO > EQUIPO > EVALUACIÓN Y NECESIDADES > PRESENTACIONES Y TALLERES > FUTURE FESTIVAL > INVESTIGACIÓN PERSONALIZADA > HERRAMIENTAS Todas las tendencias tienen una puntuación en tiempo real basada en las elecciones de nuestro grupo focal de 130.000.000 personas

Estadísticas del mobiliario de comercio electrónico dirigido a millennials Puntuación Tendencia: Esta semana, y viral Concepto: Amazon Rivet Conjunto de comparación: 33 artículos similares, incluidos: Investigación: 2.000 clics en 5 días Relacionados: 90 ejemplos / 69 fotos sillas apilables multifuncionales, mobiliario urbano para 9,9 Interés: 3,9 minutos Segmento: Neutro, 0-0 ahorrar espacio, y mobiliario multifuncional para millennials.

Informes relacionados: Informe sobre millennials, Informe sobre decoración, Informe sobre bebés, Informe sobre alcobas, Informe sobre la generación Y


Comentarios / Reacciones [+/-]

150.000.000 Personas=Grupo focal gigante

Derechos de autor ©. Todos los derechos reservados. CONTEXTO > EQUIPO > EVALUACIÓN Y NECESIDADES > PRESENTACIONES Y TALLERES > FUTURE FESTIVAL > INVESTIGACIÓN PERSONALIZADA > HERRAMIENTAS Cada publicada se clasifica en las categorías usando tres criterios demográficos

Desglose demográfico de Trend Hunter


De izquierda a derecha: Esta es una medida de los mercados a los El anterior desglose representa una Entre 0 y 2 años que está dirigida una tendencia específica. tendencia de género neutro, pero se Entre 3 y 12 años Son seleccionados por el editor de un inclina ligeramente hacia los Entre 12 y 18 años artículo, y no se generan con base en la consumidores hombres. Algunas Entre 18 y 35 años ubicación de los lectores de tendencias pueden indicar un gran Entre 35 y 55 años Las regiones disponibles interés de hombres o de mujeres, 55 años en adelante son: América del Norte, Europa, Asia, África pero muchas se encuentran dentro y América del Sur. de este rango medio.

Derechos de autor ©. Todos los derechos reservados. MARCO DE MEGATENDENCIAS Todo está relacionado con nuestro marco de megatendencias, lo que le permite comprender mejor las variaciones importantes y cómo proponer nuevas ideas

ACELERACIÓN Prosumerismo CICLICIDAD Nostalgia 1. Perfeccionar una sola cosa En la actualidad, los consumidores 1. Retro + Nostalgia Los buenos recuerdos alimentan el 2. Ícono prospectivo esperan herramientas y servicios 2. Generacional deseo de revivir el pasado, 3. Característica exagerada profesionales, desde la generación 3. Económico + Por temporada especialmente si se trata de los años de 4. Solución reinventada por parte de los usuarios hasta la 4. Ciclos repetitivos formación. cultura maker.

Catalización Inteligencia artificial Naturalidad Juventud Las marcas asumieron la Estamos entrando en una nueva era El deseo de contar con productos Detrás de la jovialidad se esconde el función de acelerar el transformadora, marcada por un sostenibles y que contengan hecho de que las generaciones no están desarrollo personal de los crecimiento exponencial de los datos, la ingredientes locales, orgánicos, listas para crecer, entre ellos los consumidores. robótica y la inteligencia. reciclables y conocidos. Boomers que desean una vida más activa y enriquecida.

REDUCCIÓN Emprendimiento REDIRECCIÓN Tribalismo 1. Especialización 1. Reenfocar Es más fácil que se formen 2. Menos capas + Eficiencia instantáneo 2. Revertir grupos leales en torno a 3. Crowdsourcing Los nuevos servicios hacen que 3. Sorprender intereses, causas e incluso 4. Suscripción conceptualizar, financiar, lanzar y 4. Gamificar marcas específicas. comercializar nuevas empresas sea más fácil que nunca.

Depuración Simplicidad Gamificación Experiencia Ofertas, servicios, suscripciones En un mundo acelerado y La aplicación de las dinámicas En un mundo lleno de “cosas”, la y recomendaciones atiborrado sobresale la simplicidad; de los juegos a los problemas experiencia se convierte en una hiperseleccionadas que el resultado son negocios del mundo real crea un mundo prioridad de la vida y un bien más simplifican la vida con cosas enfocados y diseño simple. más competitivo e interesante. importante que el dinero. mejores.

CONVERGENCIA Multisensaciones DIVERGENCIA Autenticidad 1. Combinación + Estratificación Las experiencias interactivas, 1. Personalizar + Adaptar Las redes sociales y la resistencia 2. Agregar valor tecnológicas, de realidad aumentada y 2. Status + Pertenencia ante la publicidad tradicional han 3. Alianza de marcas + Alineación realidad virtual aumentan nuestras 3. Estilo + Convertir en tendencia creado un deseo de autenticidad y 4. Físico + Digital expectativas en los campos del 4. Rebelión generacional realidad. entretenimiento, la comercialización e incluso la alimentación.

Cocreación Hibridación Personalización Muchos a muchos Las marcas, productos, servicios y Las fronteras se vuelven cada vez Las tecnologías de producción en La proliferación en masa de vendedores clientes crean en conjunto cada más borrosas a medida que los pequeñas cantidades y los medios de y creadores de medios de comunicación vez más un mundo modelos de negocios, productos y comunicación más personalizados ha reorientado el mundo hacia una interdependiente. servicios se combinan para crear crean expectativas de economía de muchos a muchos. conceptos y experiencias únicas. personalización.

“Trend Hunter es un gran recurso porque permite simplificar el caos. En este mundo, hay muchas cosas y oímos hablar mucho sobre tendencias; pero Trend Hunter nos ayuda a hacerlo más simple y tangible.” - Gerente de mercadeo y percepción del consumidor Custom Report Briefing Custom Topic: Construction & Energy

Prepared for: Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá Team

Prepared by: Ady & Courtney

Briefing: Diving into construction as it applies to Robotics, IOT Additive manufacturing, Augmented reality, Cloud Computing Simulation, Big data & Things, Digital transformation, New business models. Diving into Energy and Electric mobility Distributed and renewable generation, Energy efficiency Smart Cities, Prosumer, Digital transformation, New business models.

Copyright ©. All Rights Reserved. Highlights

Featured Consumer Insights Eco Pavilion Pavilions are created with recycled and repurposed materials

Floating Metropolis Agencies conceptualize floating cities to combat overpopulation

Friendly Commuter Brands are offering consumers more resources to enjoy their daily commute

Outdoorsy Hub Connected outdoor installations function as high-tech hubs in cities

Actionable Abandonment Brands re-purpose unused spaces for health and wellness

Copyright ©. All Rights Reserved. Highlights Featured Clusters 9 3D Architectural Projects From Martian Desert Colonies to Habitable

Top 100 Eco Architecture Trends in 2018 From Single-Storey Bamboo Homes to Fast Sustainable

28 Traffic-Reducing Initiatives From Bluetooth Traffic Sensors to Lighted Pedestrian Crosswalks

Featured Examples Mixed Reality Construction Helmets The NOCTUA Mixed Reality Safety Helmet Supports Workers

WiFi-Enabled Circuit Breakers The Leviton Load Center Smart Circuit Breaker Monitors Usage

Energy-Generating Concrete Facades LafargeHolcim and Heliatek Prototype Photovoltaic Cladding

Copyright ©. All Rights Reserved. i. Consumer Insights

High-Level Patterns & Examples

Consumer Insights are the crown jewel of Trend Hunter. They are premium, subscriber-only articles based on clusters of specific examples. Each insight is identified using our crowdsourced, crowd-filtered methodology. We use a combination of algorithms, consumer data and editorial curation to identify patterns of ideas that score highly among our audience. Consumer Insights are intended to teach you about creativity in other industries, so that you can bring unique, high-level creativity to your own brand. Competitive advantage comes not from closely benchmarking yourself to the developments of your competitor, but by looking for inspiration that can revolutionize your industry.

Copyright ©. All Rights Reserved. Eco Pavilion Pavilions are created with recycled and repurposed materials

Implications - No matter where it's placed, the sight of a pavilion evokes a sense of relief for its ability to provide shelter, or curiosity for its distinct design – and architectural brands are taking advantage of this fact by creating pavilions with recycled and repurposed materials. These small but attractive and functional structures reveal the vast potential in the world of architecture to restructure how urban infrastructure is built.

Insect-Inspired Yard Structures Spiky Recycled Pavilion Structures The Dragonfly Pavilion From CDR Studio is a The University of Stuttgart Challenges Unique Oasis Architectural Boundaries

Repurposed Plastic Pavilions Recycled Park Proposals This Dutch Pavilion's Facade Was Fashioned This Netherlands-Based Proposal Aims to Offer a Solution to Plastic Waste from Recycled Plastic

SCORE POPULARITY PATTERNS MEGATRENDS 4 FEATURED, 45 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 6.5 213,215 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Eco Pavilion Pavilions are created with recycled and repurposed materials

In what way could your brand better adopt ecological policies or production processes?

CONSUMER INSIGHT #1 - WORKSHOP QUESTION Floating Metropolis Agencies conceptualize floating cities to combat overpopulation

Implications - With rising populations in urban centers a growing concern around the world, design firms are conceptualizing, and in some cases actually creating, floating cities or communities that could mitigate some of the risks associated with overpopulation. These creative conceptualizations would ease consumers' lifestyle-related burdens in regards to transit, housing and health, while also easing the burden on local governments' public services.

Floating Water Cities Conceptual Floating Cities The Institute Unveiled Plans to Baca Architects' Floating City Concept is an Build the First Floating City Overcrowding Solution

Conceptual Floating Chapels Floating Flood-Protection Villages Conceptual Floating Communities Denizen Works Will Build a Boat That Doubles BIG and Two Other Firms Created a The Proposed 'Floating Offshore Community' is Set in Hong Kong as a Church Masterplan for Islais Creek

SCORE POPULARITY PATTERNS MEGATRENDS 5 FEATURED, 81 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 5.7 423,821 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Floating Metropolis Agencies conceptualize floating cities to combat overpopulation

How can your brand contribute to a future that mitigates the lifestyle and/or business-related consequences associated with overcrowding and pollution?

CONSUMER INSIGHT #2 - WORKSHOP QUESTION Friendly Commuter Brands are offering consumers more resources to enjoy their daily commute

Implications - As the population continues to increase and cities are becoming more congested, the pool of commuters that travel to work and school everyday is expanding. Brands are offering users enhanced control over this process by promoting a hassle-free experience. Providing consumers with alternatives and incentives during their daily routines and creatively working in favor of the commuter, they are assisting in establishing memorable connections and friendly interactions with those who fall in this category.

Bus Shelter Vending Machines Commuter Socialization Apps Red Bull's Bus Shelter Advertisements Share 'Switchback' Enables You to Make New Red Bull Plus Samples Connections as You Travel

Ride-Share Credit Contests Futuristic Commuter Vehicles Lyft is Offering $550 to Those Who Dont Use Jonny Culkin's Transport Car Offers a More Visually Engaging Journey Their Car for a Month

SCORE POPULARITY PATTERNS MEGATRENDS 4 FEATURED, 45 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 5.6 89,681 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Friendly Commuter Brands are offering consumers more resources to enjoy their daily commute

How can your brand create more enjoyable touch-points throughout the purchase journey for its customers?

CONSUMER INSIGHT #3 - WORKSHOP QUESTION Outdoorsy Hub Connected outdoor installations function as high-tech hubs in cities

Implications - The incorporation of functional, interactive and/or connected sidewalk hubs in urban landscapes comes as global cities strive to compete in the realms of both innovation and quality of life. These installations and hubs are able to cater to urban professionals looking for forms of either escapism or enhancement in their daily lives.

Functional Anti-Flooding Street Tiles Tech-Fueled Waterfront Redesigns Tredje Natur's Paving System Addresses Urban Toronto's Waterfront is Undergoing a Google- Problems Sponsored Redesign

Conceptualized Panda Reserve Plans Modular Paving Systems Sasaki's Design Takes into Consideration the Carlo Ratti and Sidewalk Labs' 'Dynamic Street' Reinvents Pedestrian Plazas Animal & the City

SCORE POPULARITY PATTERNS MEGATRENDS 4 FEATURED, 44 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 7.2 108,929 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Outdoorsy Hub Connected outdoor installations function as high-tech hubs in cities

Conceptualize how your product/service could be integrated into a hub-like space.

CONSUMER INSIGHT #4 - WORKSHOP QUESTION Actionable Abandonment Brands re-purpose unused spaces for health and wellness

Implications - Abandoned spaces in both urban and rural environments provide new opportunities for health and wellness facilities. Utilizing rooftops, deserted buildings and underutilized, or overlooked open spaces are ideal for brands use to create fitness studios, skating rinks and even health facilities for a community. This new strategy will not only help to build stronger communities, but it will also allow brands to interact with consumers and promote similar, community-oriented values.

Half-Sized Rooftop Basketball Courts Re-Purposed Community Skating Tokyo's Hoop/City is a Compact Urban Rinks Basketball Court The Bentway Park is Being Built Under a Toronto Highway

Repurposed Television Studios Recreational Cancer-Care Centers Equinox Miracle Mile Transforms a TV Studio Leth & Gori Transformed a Chapel into a Cancer-Care Facility into an Expansive Gym

SCORE POPULARITY PATTERNS MEGATRENDS 4 FEATURED, 36 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 5.5 48,555 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Actionable Abandonment Brands re-purpose unused spaces for health and wellness

How can your brand play a bigger role in your community?

CONSUMER INSIGHT #5 - WORKSHOP QUESTION Architecturally Modular Modular building concepts are on the rise

Implications - Architects are creating modular building design concepts that are able to accommodate the needs of the people they're building for, as well as the landscapes that surround them. These concepts have risen out of a need for building cities that are as architecturally functional as they are beautiful, coming on the tails of growing urban populations and the increased need for adaptability as a result.

Indoor Modular Wooden Structures Modular Bauhaus-Style Buildings LUO Studio Produces a Design That Answers to Penda's Concept for a Tel Aviv Tower Includes Sustainability Beautiful Arcades

Eco-Conscious Modular Hotel Prefabricated Homeless Housing Plans Concepts Madworkshop & USC School of Architecture Design Modular Units WSP's Building Design is Sleek and Can Be Built On-Site

SCORE POPULARITY PATTERNS MEGATRENDS 4 FEATURED, 35 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 8.5 102,320 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Architecturally Modular Modular building concepts are on the rise

Where could your brand fit modular design into its product/service or office space?

CONSUMER INSIGHT #6 - WORKSHOP QUESTION Architectural Mushroom Fungi is adapted into sculptural and architectural designs

Implications - The incorporation of fungi-based materials into various architectural and sculptural designs has implications for a variety of industries, particularly those specializing in art and design, architecture, and eco-friendly production and consumption. The experimentation of fungi-based materials in building items that are typically "wasteful," in a way that actually reduces waste, serves a future in which consumers and brands alike are able to live and produce in a way that lessens their environmental impact.

Plastic-Eating Fungi Breakthroughs Mushroom-Infused Biodegradable Kew Gardens Scientists Advocate for the Eco Buildings Value in Mushrooms Redhouse Architecture is Addressing the Housing Crisis

Mycelium-Supported Structures Cloud-Like Printed Installations The MycoTree Structure is Made Entirely from The Cloud Pergola is a Large-Scale 3D-Printed Structure Mushroom Roots

SCORE POPULARITY PATTERNS MEGATRENDS 4 FEATURED, 29 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 7.3 59,344 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Architectural Mushroom Fungi is adapted into sculptural and architectural designs

If your brand were to build or align itself with an initiative or product that reduces waste, what would that look like?

CONSUMER INSIGHT #7 - WORKSHOP QUESTION Printed Sustainability The construction of new buildings becomes more sustainable with 3D-printing

Implications - While the use of 3D-printing in architecture and construction isn’t new, it is emerging as a leading source of sustainable building materials. As consumers and companies continue to become more conscientious about the impact of their individual carbon footprint, they are turning to technology to help solve the challenges of transitioning to more sustainable living.

Sustainable 3D-Printed Homes 3D-Printed Hemp Houses The First 3D-Printed Concrete Houses Will This Collaborative Housing Project from Appear in the Netherlands Mirreco and Arcforms is Sustainable

Flower-Shaped Printed Abodes Living 3D-Printed Cabins WashU's 'Lotus ' Boasts a Sustainable, This Cabin Was Made Using 4,500 Living Plant Tiles 3D-Printed Design

SCORE POPULARITY PATTERNS MEGATRENDS 4 FEATURED, 34 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 7.5 98,893 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Printed Sustainability The construction of new buildings becomes more sustainable with 3D-printing

How could your brand utilize technology to become more sustainable?

CONSUMER INSIGHT #8 - WORKSHOP QUESTION Urbanized Scooter Urban planning and scooter designs adopt to professional consumers' needs

Implications - With the rise of electric scooters used in North America, particularly in cities, brands and governments are prioritizing scooter and city designs that cater to the professional consumers who use them. These designs, whether they include dispersed charging stations or enhanced portability in the scooters themselves, are able to enhance the efficiency that urban professionals crave in their eco-friendly commutes.

Transitional Orientation Scooters Networked Electric Scooters The Metro Shark Scooter Lets You Sit or Stand These E-Scooters Use an Urban Network of When Using it Charging Stations

Vespa-Inspired Standup Scooters Powerful Urban Eco Scooters Foldable Three-Wheeled Electric Scooters The Bel&Bel 'Z-Scooter' Offers 35km of Electric The Ather 450 Scooter is Supported by the The VehiGo Charges Up in as Little as 15 Minutes Range AtherGrid Charging Stations

SCORE POPULARITY PATTERNS MEGATRENDS 5 FEATURED, 28 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 6.3 92,317 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Urbanized Scooter Urban planning and scooter designs adopt to professional consumers' needs

How could your brand better personalize its products/services for its consumers?

CONSUMER INSIGHT #9 - WORKSHOP QUESTION Eco Skyscraper New tower designs experiment with the use of wood

Implications - Increasingly, architects and engineers are turning to wood for the construction of eco-skyscrapers and towers. Timber is a largely unexplored building material for structures with more than three stories, but has enjoyed a recent surge in popularity due to its status as a sustainable building material. This preference is reflective of the increased emphasis and awareness that both designers and consumers have placed on sustainable products, in the face of climate change and its consequences.

Wood-Made Office Campuses Wooden Skyscraper Concepts The 'Nanterre Arboretum' Will Be the World's The Wooden 'Native Skyscraper' Was Inspired Largest Solid Wood Project by Africa’s Baobab Trees

Hybrid Concrete-Wood Towers Wooden Skyscraper Concepts C.F. Moller's Vasteras High-Rise Features Solid This High-Rise Project Explores the Use of Wood in Modern Architecture Wood and Concrete

SCORE POPULARITY PATTERNS MEGATRENDS 4 FEATURED, 33 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 4.1 68,914 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Eco Skyscraper New tower designs experiment with the use of wood

How does your brand work to satisfy consumer standards on sustainability?

CONSUMER INSIGHT #10 - WORKSHOP QUESTION Multi-Functional Path Urban bike paths boast design qualities that enhance their benefits

Implications - Bike paths in urban environments are now boasting designs that enhance the three key features that these roads must have – efficiency, safety, and the ability to lessen a city's ecological footprint. Whether elevated, solar-powered or featuring ample greenery, these pathways speak to the growing need for the reduction of both traffic and pollution in urban centers. This comes as consumers seek out forms of commute that are both efficient and cost-effective, as cities become more congested and costlier.

Solar-Powered Bike Lanes Dedicated Electric Transport A Polish Engineering Firm Developed a Pathways Luminous Solar-Powered Bike Path The BMW Vision E³ Way Encourages Efficient Travel

Paper-Paved Bike Highways

Urban Car-Free Initiatives

Transformed Suburban Centers Eco-Focused Urban Bike Paths Bijlmerbajes Prison is Transforming into a The Radbahn Berlin Would Be Berlin's First Covered Bike Path Pedestrian-Friendly Square

SCORE POPULARITY PATTERNS MEGATRENDS 6 FEATURED, 79 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 4.7 187,383 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Multi-Functional Path Urban bike paths boast design qualities that enhance their benefits

How can your brand alleviate the various costs, whether lifestyle or monetary, associated with big city- living?


Market, Competitors & Ideas

Similar to consumer insights, each cluster features numerous micro-trends. The main difference is that a consumer insight illuminates a unique high-level pattern, but most clusters are larger lists with many examples. In other words, clusters are more like collections of unique ideas. Our team and software has created tens of thousands of clusters, which you can track and filter at:

Copyright ©. All Rights Reserved. 9 3D Architectural Projects

From Martian Desert Colonies to Habitable Housing

The evolution and popularity of 3D printing has steadily facilitated an abundance of futuristic architectural projects, that allow the discipline to explore buildings from a completely different perspective. By inputting mathematical coordinates and artistic preferences within a 3D computer software, architects are capable of exploring and customizing their scale models to perfection prior the printing process.

By: Kalina Nedelcheva

Living Architectural Structures 3D-Printed Bus Shelters 3D-Printed Salon Illuminators 3D-Printed Micro-Neighborhoods PBAI's 'Astrocyte' Features 3D-Printed Lights, China Now Has a City Bus Shelter Created with 'IL Y A LA COUPE' Features a Bold Salon These Hexagonal Units are Proposed as a Sensors and AI Additive Manufacturing Lighting Sculpture Housing Crisis Solution

3D-Printed Cafe Bars 3D-Printed Concrete Bridges Rotund 3D-Printed Residences Printed Brick Pavilions MX3D's 'Cucuyo' is a Cocoon-Shaped Outdoor The Gemert Will House is the First Bridge Apis Cor's Printed House Took Just 24 Hours to The 'Ceramic Constellation Pavilion' Features Grab-and-Go Cafe Made with This Technique Create 2,000 Printed Clay Bricks

SCORE POPULARITY 9 FEATURED, 201 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 7.8 500,157 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. 9 3D Architectural Projects

Continued 9 to 9

3D-Printed Metal Bridges MX3D Has Begun Construction on the World's First 3D-Printed Metal Bridge

SCORE POPULARITY 9 FEATURED, 201 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 7.8 500,157 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Top 100 Eco Architecture Trends in 2018

From Single-Storey Bamboo Homes to Fast Sustainable Houses

The top 2018 eco architecture ideas offer a look into the future of sustainable design with a focus on innovations like 3D printing, the practicality of modular architecture and the prevalence of the tiny home movement. As consumers and companies alike become more aware of their individual impact on the environment, they are turning to ultra-efficient, small-space designs that prioritize sustainable or repurposed materials.

By: Laura McQuarrie

Upcycled Sports Centers Low-Budget Recycled Homes Prefab Pulley-Operated Shelters Customizable Tiny Homes The Halsskov Water Sports Center Uses Les Eerkes Created a Unique Two-Storey 'Cabin on the Border' is an Eco-Friendly Off- The True Studio Tiny Home Features an Upcycled Goods to Create Fun Spaces Recycled Home Project Grid Cabin Ecological Incinerating Toilet

Prefabricated Modular Unit Strings Sustainable Ring-Shaped Arctic Interlocking Home Construction Kits Compact Sustainable Homes James Whitaker's Design is to Accent a Hotels Brikawood Uses Eco-Friendly Wooden Bricks The LifeEdited Home is a True Testament to Canadian Lakeside Site The Svart Hotel in Norway is Designed to Be to Build Houses Minimalist Luxury Living Energy-Positive

SCORE POPULARITY 95 FEATURED, 611 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 9.3 1,890,851 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Top 100 Eco Architecture Trends in 2018

Continued 9 to 16

Low-Cost Start-Up Hubs Tent-Shaped Hut Rentals Traditionally Built Adventure Cabins Sustainable Camping Domes Julius Taminiau & Carl Turner Architects Made Luke Stanley Architects & Anthony Hunt Troll's Peak Cabin Was Built to Withstand the Ecocamp by Patagonia is an Eco-Friendly a Shipping Container Village Design Collaborate on a Cute Deisgn Elements Camping Option in Chile

Sustainable Barn Retreats Single-Storey Bamboo Homes Single-Storey Contemporary Rural Recycled Shipping Container The Barn Gallery from OEX Club is a Unique Vilela Florez's House is Ultra-Modern with a Homes and Comfortable Travel Option Distinct Artisan Flair kt814 Architecture Produces an Elongated Drivelines Studios by LOT/EK is Located in Wooden House Johannesburg

SCORE POPULARITY 95 FEATURED, 611 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 9.3 1,890,851 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Top 100 Eco Architecture Trends in 2018

Continued 17 to 24

Low-Profile Architectural Homes Sustainable Off-Grid Tiny Homes Towable Tiny Homes Alternative Camping Cabins This Low-Lying Residence Seamlessly Gray Organschi Architecture Collaborates with The 'Wanderlust' Home Features Wooden The Small-Space 'Rolling Huts' are a Modern Integrates Itself in Nature Yale Researchers Accents and a Shed-Inspired Design Camping Alternative

Naturally-Inspired Artistic Boutiques Towable Off-Grid Cabins Luxurious Treehouse Galleries Environmental Disaster Shelters Zak Ik Boasts a Wonderful, Natural and The 'Vantage' Offers Solar and Propane- The IK Lab Boats a Luxe and Environmentally this Ecological residence buries itself during Immersive Environment Powered Off-Grid Packages Conscious Design hurricane winds

SCORE POPULARITY 95 FEATURED, 611 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 9.3 1,890,851 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Top 100 Eco Architecture Trends in 2018

Continued 25 to 32

Egg-Shaped Micro Homes Symmetrical Artistic Studios Shipping Container Hotels Affordable Home-Framing Kits The Ecocapsule Features Off-Grid Technology Casa Ecs Boasts an Extremely Balanced Studio Edwards Uses a Trio of Containers for The Avrame A-Frame Kits Make Quick, Cost- for Eco-Friendly Dwelling Architectural Design in Italy Weekend Getaways Friendly Constructions

Off-Grid Modern Rental Houses Reimagined Beekeeping Systems Modern Eco-Friendly Neighborhoods Energy-Neutral Floating Villas The Catucaba Hideaway Hotel is an Award- HoneyComb Hives Has a New Smart-Frame Fabrica De Arhitectura Creatde an Eco-Friendly Haarlem Shuffle is Located in the Spaarne Winning Eco Country Home System That Aids Bee Movement Community River in North Holland

SCORE POPULARITY 95 FEATURED, 611 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 9.3 1,890,851 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Top 100 Eco Architecture Trends in 2018

Continued 33 to 40

Cedar-Clad Tiny Dwellings Energy-Harvesting Pavilion Concepts Prefabricated Flatpack Homes Floating Eco-Friendly Hotel Suites This Tiny House Blends Rustic Aesthetic Brooks + Scarpa Envisions a Structure That This Eco-Friendly Brazilian Home Was Atelier LAVIT's Hotel is Situated in Accents with Modern Amenities Captures Energy Assembled In Less Than One Month Southeastern France

3D-Printed Tiny Homes Reimagined Retail Spaces Zero-Waste Restaurant Barns Scaled-Down Farmhouse Homes ICON and New Story Built the First 3D-Printed Retail Design Collective Transform Loft into Overtreders W Borrows Construction The Frontier Tiny Homes 'Orchid' is a Mini Home in America Hub for Community Engagement Materials for This Structure Version of a Classic Design

SCORE POPULARITY 95 FEATURED, 611 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 9.3 1,890,851 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Top 100 Eco Architecture Trends in 2018

Continued 41 to 48

Pint-Sized Trailer Dwellings Extended Modern Cottages Sustainable Off-Grid Hawaiian Proposed Parasitic Architecture This Tiny Trailer Home Befits an on-the-Go Nick Deaver Architects Reinforce This Homes Projects Outdoorsy Lifestyle Structure with Metal and Glass Lifeedited Create a Energy and Water-Positive SCI-Arc is Proposing an AI-Controlled Park in Design in Maui Los Angeles

Sundial-Driven Eco-Friendly Roof Garden Building Designs Budget-Friendly Pentagonal Houses Sustainable Hillside Abodes Installations Penda Conceptualizes a Self-Sufficient Home This Tiny Structure by Invisible Studio is The Off-Grid Guest House Blends into the HUSH's Digital Installations Promote in Kassel, Germany Compact and Mobile Beautiful Rolling Landscape Sustainability

SCORE POPULARITY 95 FEATURED, 611 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 9.3 1,890,851 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Top 100 Eco Architecture Trends in 2018

Continued 49 to 56

Modular Prefabricated Timber Fast Sustainable Houses Biodegradable Construction Smog-Absorbing Tower Grids Apartments This Bamboo Frame for Social Housing Can Be Materials Znera Proposes Filtration Buildings to Battle Bjarke Ingels Group Boasts a Connected & Made in One Week 'Finite' is Made Out of Desert Sand and is Eco- Pollution in New Delhi Affordable Design Friendly

Contemporary Nature-Inspired Solar-Powered Tiny Homes Tide-Harnessing Hotels Commercial 3D-Printed Housing Homes This Tiny Dwelling Uses a Solar Array to Charge This Sustainable Hotel Will Use Water Turbines Projects MNIM Designed the Eco Modern Ravine Its Electronic Amenities to Generate Electricity 'Project Milestone' Will Be Available Through Residence in Iowa Vesteda

SCORE POPULARITY 95 FEATURED, 611 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 9.3 1,890,851 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Top 100 Eco Architecture Trends in 2018

Continued 57 to 64

Sustainable Eco-Tourism Domes Treed Social Housing Projects Sustainable Countryside Houses Horticultural High-Rise Towers The Biodomes Wildlife Conservation Center is 'Trudo Vertical Forest' Has Been Approved in Miró Rivera Architects Builds a Curiously This Mixed-Use Tower Would Produce Fruits in the Al Hajar Range Eindhoven, Holland Shaped & Modern Abode and Vegetables

Cost-Effective Stacked Homes High Tech Fiber Facades Energy-Harvesting Compact Wind Stacked BHY Arquitectos Focused on Energy Efficiency Morphosis Employs a Fiber Used for Turbines Solutions for Casa Lucia Bulletproof Vests & Aircraft Parts Lancaster University Students' Design is City- Containerwerk Uses Containers for a Cost- Friendly Effective Initiative

SCORE POPULARITY 95 FEATURED, 611 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 9.3 1,890,851 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Top 100 Eco Architecture Trends in 2018

Continued 65 to 72

Sustainable Student Housing Futuristic Floating Communities Sustainable Indian City Proposals Rocky Nature Reserve Offices Pomona College's New Housing is LEED The Wayaland Floating Community is a Foster + Partners is Planning Andhra Pradesh's Rink Tilanus Boasts a Concrete Office Design in Platinum Certified Modern Housing Alternative New Capital the Netherlands

Extreme Weather Homes Mountainous Eco-Resorts Re-Imagined Urban Sugar Factories Repurposed Mill Hostels SURVIV(AL) House is a Solar-Powered and This Massive Vietnamese Resort Respects the Brooklyn's Old Domino Sugar Factory is Vector Studio Creatively Repurposed an Old Resilient Structure Local Ecosystem Becoming a Public Park Sugar Cane Mill in China

SCORE POPULARITY 95 FEATURED, 611 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 9.3 1,890,851 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Top 100 Eco Architecture Trends in 2018

Continued 73 to 80

Fully Sustainable Wineries Refurbished Treehouse Designs Minimalist Grassy Roofs Eco-Friendly Private Island Resorts The Silver Oak Winery Embraces Modern This Treehouse in Aspen Was Remade for a Studio MK27 Built a House That Mixes Soneva Fushi is a Luxe Resort that Aims to Save Design and Ecological Production Charity Auction Concrete with Vegetation the Maldives

Off-Grid Luxury Smart Homes Chic Greenery-Sheathed Hotels Parasitic House Extensions Eco-Conscious Man-Made This Autonomous Smart Home Runs Solely on This Vietnamese Hotel Will Be Covered In Lush Malka Architecture Offers a Proposal for Mountains Solar Power Vegetation Energy Efficiency Improvement Angelo Renna's Soil Mountain Proposal Addresses Climate Change

SCORE POPULARITY 95 FEATURED, 611 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 9.3 1,890,851 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Top 100 Eco Architecture Trends in 2018

Continued 81 to 88

Family Sized Eco Homes Weathered Steel House Exteriors Tree-Growing Roof Structures Environment-Accommodating The Whispering Smith 'House A' is Designed Faulkner Architects's Design is Shaded by Vo Trong Nghia Architects Created a Nature- Skyscrapers with Efficiency in Mind Large Oak Trees Inspired Structure The Symbiotic Towers are Designed for the Dubai Landscape

Panoramic Birdwatching Landscapes Architectural Flood-Protection Conference-Housing Plant Domes Timber-Built Tiny Classrooms Herdla Tower is a Modern Wooden Projects Peter Veenstra Visualizes Plans for a The Emerge Cabin was Designed and Built in Birdwatching Destination SCAPE Produces Concepts to Address Rising Vegetation-Encompassing Dome Three Weeks by Students Sea Levels

SCORE POPULARITY 95 FEATURED, 611 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 9.3 1,890,851 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Top 100 Eco Architecture Trends in 2018

Continued 89 to 95

Highly Sustainable Hotels Abstract Carved Wood Furniture Solar-Heated Igloos Renovated Barn Abodes 1 Hotels Teaches Its Guest the Importance of Jan Hendzel's Furniture is Inspired by Abstract Montreal's Igloofest Featured Temporary mwworks Renovated the Canyon Barn Into a the Natural Environment Art and Escapism Winter Home 'Celcius' Fully Functioning Home

Plastic Five-Ton Whale Sculptures Eco-Conscious Cemetery Proposals Stacked Cubed Learning Centers STUDIOKCA Embarks on an Ambitious Project Sam Coulton Boasts a Design-Forward Sou Fujimoto Showed Off a Cubic Structure for with Ocean Plastic Alternative to Cremation a University Facility

SCORE POPULARITY 95 FEATURED, 611 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 9.3 1,890,851 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. 28 Traffic-Reducing Initiatives

From Bluetooth Traffic Sensors to Lighted Pedestrian Crosswalks

Congested traffic is a problem that plagues almost every major city, but these traffic-reducing initiatives are working to solve this. Many cities like Montreal, Dubai and Paris are keen on investing in these traffic-reducing systems in order to improve road conditions.

By: Mary Van Puymbroeck

Personal Commuter Helicopters Fashionable Electric Vehicles Smart Electric Scooters Two-Wheeled Delivery Robots The Workhorse Surefly Urban Helicopter Pix Presents Electromobility in the Most The Unu Electric Scooter Delivers Top Speed Teletretail is Developing an Automated Robot Simplifies Morning Commutes Aesthetically Pleasing Form No Matter the Charge Level for the Roads

Hydrogen Turbine Trains Electric Flying Quads Living Green Bridges Safety-Enforcing Crosswalk Gates The 'Spacetrain' Enhances Ground Travel with The Neva AirQuadOne Flying Vehicle is the This Organic Structure Provides a Safe Path for China's Jaywalking Turnstiles Prevent Crossing a Lightweight Design First of Its Kind Wildlife in Seoul Against the Light

SCORE POPULARITY 28 FEATURED, 369 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 7.7 1,007,100 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. 28 Traffic-Reducing Initiatives

Continued 9 to 16

Sensor-Packed Electric Scooters Off-Road Electric Longboards Semi-Autonomous Transport Pods Intelligent Traffic Light Systems The Nilox Doc Pro 2 Scooter is a Connected The 'Flex-Eboard' Longboard Has a Flexible Einride's Vehicles of the Future Offer These Traffic Lights Can Be 'Hacked' by the Last Mile Travel Option Deck and More Autonomous & Remote Controls Elderly

Pavement-Level Traffic Lights Modular Self-Driving Vehicles eCommerce Delivery Trains Space-Saving Urban Vehicles These Lights for Pedestrians Were Introduced The 'EDIT' Self-Driving Electric Car Can Suit The Amazon 'Iris' Trains Expand Existing The 'Car2Go' Automobile Concept Stands Up for Smartphone Users Differing Needs Infrastructure for Delivery When Parked to Save Space

SCORE POPULARITY 28 FEATURED, 369 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 7.7 1,007,100 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. 28 Traffic-Reducing Initiatives

Continued 17 to 24

Electric Car Charging Towers Honking Traffic Sensors Interactive Traffic Map Folding Electric Bikes Ennead Architects' Car Charging Tower Could #RoadsthatHonk Uses Smart Road Sensors to Interactive Map Steers You Clear of Los Brompton Electric's Collapsible Electric Bike is Replace Gas Stations Make Hairpin Bends Safer Angeles' Most Dangerous Roads Portable and Sturdy

Quick-Charging Electric Buses Autonomous Garbage Trucks Integrated Mapping Apps Multi-Level Car Tunnels Hyundai's 'Elec City' Bus is Fully Charged in Just Volvo is Testing Out an Autonomous Waste The OneMap App Combines Map Services Elon Musk's 'The Boring Company' is Creatively Over an Hour Collection Vehicle With Traffic Updates Tackling Traffic Jams

SCORE POPULARITY 28 FEATURED, 369 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 7.7 1,007,100 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. 28 Traffic-Reducing Initiatives

Continued 25 to 28

Cyclist Traffic Light Sensors Jaywalking Prevention Sensors Countdown Traffic Lights Traffic-Avoiding Car Apps The Spring Lab Flo Sensor Helps Cyclists Catch France Is Using Motion Sensors to Stop The 'FIK' City Traffic Lights Indicate How Much Waze for Android Auto Brings the App to Your Green Lights Pedestrians from Jaywalking Time is Left on a Stage Car's Infotainment System

SCORE POPULARITY 28 FEATURED, 369 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 7.7 1,007,100 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. 29 Innovative Housing Concepts

From Peak-Like Mixed-Use Complexes to 3D-Printed Concrete Houses

This list of innovative housing concepts includes examples from all over the world. Some of them are realized, others are in the process of development and the third category presents far-fetched ideas that might be a possibility in the future. As architects embark to create the urban infrastructure for the 21st century, a lot of the focus falls on sustainable construction, affordable homes, as well as cutting-edge technology's role in design.

By: Kalina Nedelcheva

Housing Crisis-Addressing Compact Minimalist Coworker Homes Cheerfully Colorful Housing Units Enormous Affordable Units Muji's Coworker Apartments Efficiently Use Johnsen Schmaling Architects Decorate This Buildings Grimshaw's Prefab Homes are Affordable Space in Dense Cities Complex with Color MVRDV Develops a Mountain-like Housing Housing Solutions Complex in India

Standardized Apartment Units Compact House Proposals Stacked Trapezoidal Home Concepts Maintenance-Free Housing Concepts Skender Made an Apartment Assembly Line to Award-Winning Torii House by Julia and Stas The Trapezoidal Mod Wins Third Place in The 'CoHaus' Anticipates the Needs of Baby Create Homes Kaptur is 270 Square-Feet Compact Home Competition Boomers & Millennials

SCORE POPULARITY 29 FEATURED, 213 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 9.3 482,424 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. 29 Innovative Housing Concepts

Continued 9 to 16

Peak-Like Mixed-Use Complexes Compact Self-Built Homes Customizable Modular Prefab Cabins Stacked Brutalist Housing Complexes Bjarke Ingels Group’s Design Gains Maria Vergopoulou's Cocoon BioFloss Makes Koto's Structures are Dark, Minimalist & Safdie Architects Renovates a Voluptuous Construction Approval in Toronto Use of Bio-Plastic Fibers Scandinavian-Inspired Concrete Building

New-Age Apartment Buildings Senior-Oriented Affordable Housing Blockchain Smart City Concepts 3D-Printed Concrete Houses The Hub Building in Brooklyn is a 54-Storey Complexes Jeffrey Berns is Taking Over a Plot of the The 3D Housing 05 Project Showcases Modern Living Concept David Baker Contributes to a Warm & Vibrant Nevada Desert for This Futuristic Construction Processes Community

SCORE POPULARITY 29 FEATURED, 213 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 9.3 482,424 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. 29 Innovative Housing Concepts

Continued 17 to 24

Modular Building Systems Luxury Hillside Housing Blocks Roller Coaster-Like Housing Sustainable Housing Developments Matt Lucraft Addresses London's Housing Sordo Madaleno Arquitectos' Design Boasts Developments Lendager Group & ÅRstiderne Arkitekter Work Crisis in Concept Design Stunning Grass Terraces Henning Larsen's Wavy Buildings Offer a on the Un17 Village Strong Presence

Green Senior Housing Complexes Balloon-Dependent Flying Houses Bio-Mimicking Concept Homes Towering Timber Housing WOHA's Structure Boasts Housing, Health Studio McLeod & Ekkist Produce a Design That The 'Helix' Treehouse Blends in Amongst Tall Complexes Facilities & Public Spaces Allows Homes to Fly Trees Anders Berensson Architects Proposes Timber Towers in Sweden

SCORE POPULARITY 29 FEATURED, 213 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 9.3 482,424 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. 29 Innovative Housing Concepts

Continued 25 to 29

Beautiful Vegetative Circular Multi-Storey High-Rise Home Effective Modular Building Systems Gasholder-Inspired Cylindrical Courtyards Concepts Kwong Von Glinow Tackles Loneliness in Urban Buildings HGR Arquitectos' Housing Complex Boasts a Kwong von Glinow Proposes Vertical Housing Environments Mecanoo's Residential Structures are Cost- Tranquil Garden for Hong Kong Effective

Metal-Clad Student Housing Projects PPA Architecture Collaborates on a Industrial- Style Structure

SCORE POPULARITY 29 FEATURED, 213 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 9.3 482,424 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. 19 Green City Innovations

From Self-Sustaining Villages to Urban Forest Pavilions

These green city innovations range from self-sustaining villages to urban forest pavilions. Aiming to make urban spaces more communal and eco-friendly, architects are re- adapting public parks, skyscrapers, and offices to feature elements like indoor gardens and lush, growing facades.

By: Jana Pijak

Ramping Rooftop Gardens Outdoor Multi-Age Playgrounds Hybrid Green Wall Architecture Curvaceous Wooden Domes Bam! Arquitectura Designed a Buenos Aires BAM's Indigo Playgrounds are Designed for MF+ Arquitetos' 'Casa MCNY' Blurs Indoor and The 'Dome of Visions' Explores Wood as an Home with a Multi-Level Garden Children of Varying Ages Outdoor Space Barriers Eco-Friendly Alternative

Colorful Amorphous Playgrounds Merged Greenhouse Cottages Patio-Connected Kitchen Concepts Furniture Brand Incubators The Mountain Lake Park Playground is a Maas Architecten's 'Modern Countryside Villa' Benn + Penna Architecture's Renovation Brings IKEA is Launching 'Bootcamp' as a Start-Up Joyous Playscape Features a Split Design the Outdoors In Incubator

SCORE POPULARITY 19 FEATURED, 439 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 7.7 2,117,296 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. 19 Green City Innovations

Continued 9 to 16

Public Medicinal Greenhouses CO2-Capturing Plants Lawn-Topped Houses Flowing Grassy Rooftops 'Breathing Bubble' is a Transparent The Climeworks Direct Air Capture Technology 'South Coast of Landes House' Makes Use of The Tsing Tao Visitor Center Blends Into the Greenhouse for Medicinal Plants Draws in CO2 All Its Facets Hilly Environment

Glowing Transparent Greenhouses Greenery-Adorned City Buses Compact Herb Kits Massive Green-Roofed Bookstores 'Less House' in Ho Chi Minh City is a Luminous The 'Forest Bus' in Taipai Acts as a Mobile Plant 'n' Grow's BBQ Backyard Herb Kit is The 'Book Garden' is the Largest Bookstore in Structure Greenhouse Packaged for Convenient Delivery the World

SCORE POPULARITY 19 FEATURED, 439 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 7.7 2,117,296 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. 19 Green City Innovations

Continued 17 to 19

Diverse Cactus Gardens Rooftop Produce Brands Culturally Influenced Park Designs The Desert City is Cactus-Filled Research IGA's 'Frais Du Toit' Brand Sells Organic Greens Alex Hanazaki Created a Garden That Center Outside Madrid from Its Rooftop Garden Represents Brazil's Culture

SCORE POPULARITY 19 FEATURED, 439 EXAMPLES ACTIVITY 7.7 2,117,296 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. iii. Specific Examples

Relevant Ideas & Case Studies

Micro-Trends are unique examples of innovation which have been featured on Trend Hunter. A micro-trend might be a newly released product or service, but in many cases, the idea is something that has not been commercially released. Our database includes several hundred thousand articles of micro-trends, spanning thousands of topics, so make sure to filter your topics at:

Copyright ©. All Rights Reserved. Mixed Reality Construction Helmets

The NOCTUA Mixed Reality Safety Helmet Supports Workers

The conceptual NOCTUA Mixed Reality safety helmet has been created as a solution for construction works and quality control managers to utilize when on a job site to keep them connected to the design vision. Offering protection and connectivity, the helmet will allow wearers to integrate digital renderings with what's happening in the real world to ensure things are staying on track. This helps to bridge the disconnect that can exist between architects who create designs using 3D rendering software and builders who rely on 2D CAD and blueprints to bring the vision to life.

The conceptual NOCTUA Mixed Reality safety helmet is the design work of Huwan Peng and Haoyu Liu, and features four modes including Render, Measure, Transparent and Build for enhanced ease of use.

By: Michael Hemsworth

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 7.4 3,209 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. WiFi-Enabled Circuit Breakers

The Leviton Load Center Smart Circuit Breaker Monitors Usage

There are a vast number of aftermarket solutions for the smart home that will monitor electricity usage, but the Leviton Load Center Smart Circuit Breaker aims to take a more upstream approach to the process.

Capable of connecting to your home network via WiFi or Ethernet, the circuit breaker will go to work immediately tracking all of the energy usage in the home or building. The accompanying app will allow administrators to keep an eye on usage in real-time, which could help them in their bid to curb use and also pinpoint when the most power might be being accessed.

The Leviton Load Center Smart Circuit Breaker also allows for remote access to let users turn off a branch circuit from anywhere in the world for advanced control.

By: Michael Hemsworth

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 6.9 15,473 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Energy-Generating Concrete Facades

LafargeHolcim and Heliatek Prototype Photovoltaic Cladding

Photovoltaic cladding might allow concrete buildings to capture solar energy. The prototype was developed by LafargeHolcim and Heliatek. It brings together the former firm's concrete material and the later company's HeliaFilm which is "a flexible solar film that is just one millimeter thick." The innovation is quite promising for the sustainability agenda as facades typically offer a greater surface area than roofs which is where solar panels are traditionally placed.

By LafargeHolcim's estimation, the photovoltaic cladding "has the potential to double the energy generation that a building can achieve." The prototype was tested by the two companies in Lyon and a plan has been set forth to make the eco-conscious photovoltaic cladding available in 2019.

By: Kalina Nedelcheva

SCORE POPULARITY 4 RELATED ACTIVITY 5.4 25,471 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Modular Robotic Construction Kits

The 'MIND KIT' Robotics Maker Kit Supports Digital DIYers

The 'MIND KIT' robotics maker kit is a set of equipment just for robotics enthusiasts that will enable them to create solutions with advanced functionality without having to source all of the various components themselves. The robot kit is based on the Linux kernel MIND OS, which makes it specifically for programming robots and purpose-built coding for makers to use for personalized solutions. The accompanying components within the kit will allow users to custom- build their own solution that can be used for a multitude of tasks including indoor navigation experiments and much more.

The 'MIND KIT' robotics maker kit allows users to stack different modules onto top of one another to allow for changes or expansion as required by the maker.

By: Michael Hemsworth

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 7.2 5,744 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Innovative Waste-to-Energy Plant Designs

This BIG Development Features an Artificial Ski Slope

A waste-to-energy plant is underway in Copenhagen. The structure is designed by Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG) in collaboration with SLA Architects. The project is still in the process of being completed and it presents an example of how urban architecture is adapting to encourage active lifestyles within the parameters of the urban jungle.

An artificial ski slope is being installed on the roof of BIG's waste-to- energy plant. The run is 90 meters in height and 400 meters in length. It turns at a 180-degree angle to accommodate the silhouette of the building it rests upon. The slope features a vibrant green palette that will not get dirty easily and will communicate the sustainability- focused practices of the waste-to-energy plant.

Photo Credits: Rasmus Hjortshøj

By: Kalina Nedelcheva

SCORE POPULARITY 8 RELATED ACTIVITY 7.7 12,977 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Assisting Digital Colleagues

Allstate Installs an AI-Powered Chatbot to Answer Employee Questions

'Amelia' is a digital colleague used by Allstate Insurance Co. to make its call center more efficient. Since the installment of the AI-powered chatbot, the average call has dropped from 4.6 minutes to 4.2.

Amelia utilizes artificial intelligence algorithms, including deep learning, natural language processing, and data analytics to deliver fast, up-to-date answers to the question she is asked. The digital colleague is made accessible to employees via an instant messaging platform on their desktop. The traditional alternative was to "consult with documents, databases or colleagues" which proves to be immensely time-consuming.

This interactive, tech-savvy feature has immense value, especially to employees who are just starting out at Allstate Insurance Co. and who may have outstanding questions about company operations and etiquette.

By: Kalina Nedelcheva

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 7.3 3,114 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Employee Micro-Learning Platforms

Sollah Interactive's TAG Secures a Tighter Learning Schedule

With the launch of its employee micro-learning platform, Sollah Interactive hopes to speed up the process of familiarizing new hires with company policies, approaches, operations and the like. The new system is subtly been called 'TAG' and the focus falls predominantly in providing users with access to premium and relevant content.

The micro-learning platform relies on five modules that will drive new hire success. This includes 'Ethics & Compliance,' 'Diversity & Respect,' 'Personal Performance,' 'Leadership,' as well as 'Workplace Safety.' TAG is also open to customization, as the developers realize that the users of the software might have different objectives and approaches to training. Allowing individuals access to about 90 training topics, as well as 6,300+ training components, the micro-learning platform can be easily infused with a variety of content — from video clips and case studies to games and activity-focused exercises.

Sollah Interactive's TAG promises to "ensure smarter and tighter training timelines [continued online]

By: Kalina Nedelcheva

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 7.8 2,510 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Construction Site-Monitoring Drones

The Conceptual 'SiteWasp' Drone Remotely Enhances Workflow

Drone technology has largely been limited to the hobby market as of late, which is no doubt going to change in the near future as we see the technology be used for professional purposes as seen with the conceptual 'SiteWasp' drone.

Created for performing construction site reconnaissance, the drone is ruggedly designed to easily traverse job sites and keep stakeholders informed of what's going on with regards to progress. The drone is also outfitted with 3D scanning technology that will take high- resolution imaging of the space that can then be relayed to the administrators or foremen to manage things from afar.

The conceptual 'SiteWasp' drone is the design work of Sebastian Gier and received an honorable mention at the Red Dot Design Concept Awards for 2018.

By: Michael Hemsworth

SCORE POPULARITY 8 RELATED ACTIVITY 7.6 4,011 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Renewable Energy Lighthouse Hotels

The Lighthouse Hotel's Turbine Elevations Generate Electricity

Hotel turbine elevations generate electricity from renewable wave energy in the Lighthouse hotel which is designed onto a deactivated off-shore oil rig in South Korea.

Layered aluminum elevations wrap around the three building elements that contain the hotel's living, lobby, and social areas. You can reach the hotel by boat as it stands in waters of up to 1,500 feet deep.

The embedded flip-wing turbines are held in position by the aluminum elevations. As they are lowered into the waves, the turbines oscillate similarly to a wave surge converter. The primary structure of the hotel aims to generate enough electricity to power the lighthouse's lantern room and the desalination plants, while any surplus is stored.

The existing tension leg platform supports the hotel's new hydraulic frame and pivot. This pivot choreographs the elevations' movements as they are lowered or rotated into the waves for optimum turbine exposure. The hotel's design objective is to be energy-positive.

By: Margot Krasojevic

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 9.3 53,973 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Mobile Solar-Powered Co-Working Offices

Work & Co's Nova Pod is the Next Gen of Co-Working Spaces

As many were wondering where the collaborative, open office aesthetic was headed next, the Nova pod offers a glimpse of the disruptive movement's direction. Owned and operated by Cape Town- based company Work & Co., the activation presents a mobile unit with fast wi-fi, office essentials, including modern tech like a smart TV, an Apple TV, and a printer. In addition, the space also features a minibar and a working bathroom.

The Nova pod is geared toward digital nomads and freelancers. The vehicle is powered by solar energy, contributing to a sustainable future. What's more, Work & Co. taps into the serenity and beauty of nature as the mobile co-working office changes locations daily and individuals who are using it are subjected to breathtakingly picturesque views. While some of the Nova pod's locations are predetermined, individuals can also request their own temporary sites.

By: Kalina Nedelcheva

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 9.6 20,403 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Planned Danish Coast Extensions

Urban Power Proposes Nine Artificial Islands to House a Tech Hub

With the ambition of motivating sustainable growth and catalyzing new opportunities, the Danish Government is planning a coast extension that will add three million square meters to Copenhagen's Avedøre Holme area. The proposal is generated by Urban Power and the project has been adequately named 'Holmene.'

This development advocates for a network of artificial islands that promise to bring "380 new businesses and 12,000 jobs in biotech, pharmaceutical, and life science sector." In addition, Urban Power is hoping to have an impact that exceeds the professional economic sector. With the coast extension, "natural area for sports, recreation and improved biodiversity" become possible, which has an alleviating effect on public anxieties. Moreover, the Holmene expects to address other areas of concern like the need for a flood barrier, the opportunity for fossil-free energy production and so on.

By: Kalina Nedelcheva

SCORE POPULARITY 6 RELATED ACTIVITY 6.5 11,174 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Textile-Based Sustainable Construction Materials

Bastian Beyer Revolutionizes Building Resources

Bastian Beyer is a London-based architect and designer who is looking to make a difference in the industry with innovative and sustainable construction materials. Still in its prototyping stages, the professional's project explores the possibilities, merits and positive effects of using knitted textiles as functional building resources.

In collaboration with Daniel Suarez, Bastian Beyer solidifies the framework of traditionally knitted textiles through biological processes. By putting a collection of micro-organisms (sporosarcina pasteurii, to be concrete) to work, the designers are able to form a calcite layer on the fiber.

The intended use of Daniel Suarez and Bastian Bayer's sustainable construction material is to provide structural reinforcement for architectural projects, spatial dividers, shading opportunities, as well as serve as "structural roof or wall systems."

Photo Credits: Albert Palen

By: Kalina Nedelcheva

SCORE POPULARITY 7 RELATED ACTIVITY 8.5 12,052 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Compact Next-Gen EVs Panasonic Showed a Conceptual Small Mobility Vehicle at CES 2019

SPACe_C was exhibited at CES 2019 as a small mobility vehicle concept from Panasonic Corporation based on the new 48V ePowertrain platform for small EVs.

The new platform represents significant improvements from the model that was presented at last year's Consumer Electronics Show. As the demand for electric vehicles only continues to grow, the platform boasts the ability to support the needs of various lifestyles and regions.

Some of the potential applications for a small mobility vehicle like SPACe_C include delivering e-commerce goods or temperature- controlled foods, educating riders as they move from location to location, hosting pop-ups or at the very least, offering a compact and efficient way for people to get around in a modern world.

By: Laura McQuarrie

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 6.4 25,536 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. 5G Smart Cities 5G-Enabled Sprint Curiosity IoT Infrastructure is Coming to Greenville

Communications services company Sprint recently announced its plans to bring 5G-enabled Spring Curiosity IoT infrastructure to Greenville, South Carolina to establish it as a groundbreaking smart city. The plan to install the technology network was announced at CES 2019, along with a vision for a smart ecosystem with a connected city center, an International Transportation Innovation Center, plus autonomous shuttles, drones and more smart machines capable of navigating and reacting in real-time.

To fully realize the forward-thinking smart city project, the Greenville government will be working with Spring and other leading companies like Smart Greenville, W8less and LG. As a result, the city is set to become a hub that will attract digital start-ups, as well as research and development opportunities in autonomous technology, AI, robotics and other businesses of the future.

By: Laura McQuarrie

SCORE POPULARITY 8 RELATED ACTIVITY 4.5 4,805 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Urban Ecosystem Mobility Shuttles

This Bosch Shuttle Vehicle Concept Moves People and/or Goods

The face of urban transportation will change dramatically in the coming years, which is being supported by new concepts like the Bosch Shuttle Vehicle. Featuring an electric powertrain and a driverless design, the vehicle is capable of being used to transport people and/or goods in speedy manner to keep things moving without causing delays. The vehicle can be managed via the accompanying app that will let users request a ride, choose entertainment and much more.

The conceptual Bosch Shuttle Vehicle features a very comfortable interior that will keep passengers entertained and supported during the entirety of their trip. The vehicle could help urban consumers to ditch private cars in favor of rideshare services that are far faster, have a low cost and which help to reduce congestion in our city streets.

By: Michael Hemsworth

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 6.2 8,469 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Autonomous Digital Fabrication Systems

Neri Oxman Designs Technique for Rapid Construction

From her water-based platform that builds from aqueous material forms to her rapid autonomous digital fabrication system, Neri Oxman and her Mediated Matter group definitely contribute to the construction process.

The latest development from MIT boasts a robotic organization that is meant to “rapidly build high-strength tubular structures by winding fiberglass filament around themselves.” The digital fabrication system consists of two components — a collective of 16 robots that operate in a swarm-like manner and a control unit that guides them. The robotic components are surrounded by an inflatable silicone membrane. When in operation, the digital fabrication system is inflated and feeds a thread of fiberglass and resin that produces a high-strength exterior layer. The automated device builds the self- supporting structures segment-by-segment and after each portion is completed, the robot deflates and moves on to the next.

By: Kalina Nedelcheva

SCORE POPULARITY 8 RELATED ACTIVITY 6.5 9,529 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. IoT-Connected Bathroom Fixtures

The Kohler Veil Lighted Bathroom Collection is Intuitive

The Kohler Veil Lighted Bathroom Collection has been announced by the brand as a new series of solutions that will be shown off at CES 2019 to offer a glimpse of the future today.

The collection consists of the Verdera Voice Lighted Mirror, Numi 2.0 Intelligent Toilet, DTV+ Shower, Sensate Touchless Kitchen Faucet and more that are all powered by the Microsoft Azure cloud platform. User will be able to take advantage of voice control functionalities thanks to connectivity to Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa and Apple HomeKit, which will make the fixtures a mainstay part of the smart home.

The Kohler Veil Lighted Bathroom Collection brings about the next step towards total home automation as brands integrate technology into more intimate spaces of the home.

Image Credit: Kohler

By: Michael Hemsworth

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 8.0 14,632 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Dangerous Terrain Autonomous ATVs

The Honda Autonomous Work Vehicle Makes Off-Road Work Safer

One of the best attributes of autonomous technology is its ability to go into dangerous territories where humans might otherwise experience injury, which is exactly what the Honda Autonomous Work Vehicle aims to excel at.

Created by Honda R&D Americas, the vehicle is intended to increase overall safety and efficiency for commercial, public and consumer enterprises. This makes the vehicle perfect for use in construction, emergency response, agriculture, landscaping and more to keep human parties out of harms way as they perform their task or duty.

The Honda Autonomous Work Vehicle is built on the brand's ATV chassis and has been designed with a sensor-based autonomy along with GPS to make it suitable for use in almost any environment required.

By: Michael Hemsworth

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 5.8 10,014 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Speedy Conference Center Constructions

Archi-Union Architects Use Robots to Build Efficiently

Archi-Union Architects is staying on the cutting-edge of the industry as the local firm completed the conference center construction of Shanghai's West Bund in just 100 days. To do so, the company utilized innovative digital building techniques. With the use of robots and artificial intelligence, Archi-Union Architects delivers a geometry- forward complex with three conference venues.

Thanks to the developments of digital tech, functional algorithms, and machine learning, the conference center construction is not only ultra-efficient but it also features some exceptionally material use. Dubbed 'Venue B,' the new addition proves to be "[one] of the most lightweight structures available in modern buildings." To adequately break-up the volumes of the complex, Archi-Union Architects inserts garden courtyard amid the triangular spaces.

Photo Credits: Fangfang Tian

By: Kalina Nedelcheva

SCORE POPULARITY 8 RELATED ACTIVITY 4.6 6,823 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. 5G-Enabled Car Factories The Daimler Factory 56 Reimagines the Design of the Automobile Factory

One can imagine how different the factories of the future will look, but the newly announced Factory 56 from Mercedes-Benz parent company Daimler shows off just what's in store.

Putting connectivity front and center, the factory is completely outfitted with a 5G network that allows for an enhanced workflow for both machines and human employees. The whole factory is built on the ideal of flexibility to allow for changes to be made on the fly or increase production as required to keep it ready for the future without losing sight on the needs of today.

The Daimler Factory 56 will also use a CO2-neutral energy source to make it one of the more eco-friendly factories out there with solar panels on the green roof to boot.

By: Michael Hemsworth

SCORE POPULARITY 8 RELATED ACTIVITY 4.2 8,347 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Water-Generating Machines

The WEDEW System Mimics Cloud Formation to Make Water

Known as WEDEW (Wood-to-Energy Deployed Water) this new system aims to provide water to certain communities by extracting 2,000 liters of water a day from the atmosphere. Designed by Skysource/Skywater Alliance, this new water solution recently won the $1.5 million in the Water Abundance XPrize, which launched in 2016.

WEDEW works by employing two existing systems to produce water at about 2¢ a liter. Housed inside a large shipping container, the first system used is a device called Skywater. This system mimics cloud formation as it takes in warm air, which hits cold air and forms droplets of condensation. This water is stored in a tank outside the container and can be connected to a bottle refill station or a tap.

The WEDEW system is already being used in some communities and the team behind it hopes to use the prize money to develop more systems and roll them out around the world.

By: Justin Lam

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 9.2 9,233 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Coffee-Powered Tiny Homes

Dunkin's Tiny Home Installation Can Be Rented on AirBnB

Taking its slogan to heart, Dunkin' -- formerly Dunkin' Donuts -- is now offering a tiny home installation available for rent on Airbnb for just $10 per night. Known officially as "The Home That Runs on Dunkin’,” this 25-square-foot home was designed by David Latimer, or New Frontier Tiny Homes, and features interior design touches from actress Olivia Wilde. The tiny home installation was first displayed in New York but is now set in Nahant, Massachusetts and offers guests a view of the Atlantic ocean and the Boston skyline.

Guests at the tiny house installation will be able to take advantage of the efficiently designed space, which comes complete with a loft bed, Jacuzzi tub, cedar deck, and strategically placed bags of Dunkin' coffee beans. The house itself runs on a biofuel blend of 80 percent coffee oil extracted by Blue Marble Energy.

By: Justin Lam

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 8.0 42,968 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. EV Battery Recycling Initatives

BMW Will Lead a Consortium to Recycle Electric Vehicle Batteries

BMW's new EV battery recycling program hopes to reduce harm to the planet by giving electric vehicle batteries new life after they've officially died. This new initiative is being run in partnership with Belgian recycling firm Umicore and Swedish battery manufacturer Northvolt. Northvolt is key to this EV recycling program as the company will use the batteries for storage before stripping them of raw materials that can be reused in other products.

BMW has stated this EV battery recycling program is all part of creating a closed life cycle loop for batteries that is eco-friendly from beginning to end. BMW is already using "mostly" renewable energy to create new recyclable cells, which will then have a second life as a "stationary energy storage device."

Image Credit: NICOLAS ASFOURIGetty Images

By: Justin Lam

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 3.9 5,276 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Construction Worker Humanoid Robots

The HRP-5P Robot Keeps Humans Out of Harms Way

Robots are slated to replace the need for human workers in a number of different fields in the near and distant future, and the HRP-5P humanoid robot is an example of what's to come. Developed as a solution for construction environments, the robot is capable of carrying building supplies, performing laborious tasks and keeping humans out of harms way. This will come as welcome news to businesses looking to avoid unnecessary accidents for human members to put their specialized skills to work elsewhere on a job site.

The HRP-5P humanoid robot is packed with head-mounted sensors that will maintain a keen eye on its environment to pick up materials, use them accordingly and work continuously to get the job done quickly.

By: Michael Hemsworth

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 6.6 3,719 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Solar Power Sharing Startups

Solshare Brings Streamlines Energy Sharing in Small Villages

Solshare is an innovative startup that creates mini power grids for small villages that may not have easy access to more conventional forms of energy. Based primarily in Bangladesh, the startup's "aim is to create efficient and dynamic local energy markets that empower households and encourage solar entrepreneurism,” says managing director of Solshare, Sebastian Groh. The driving tech behind this startup's innovation lies in the use of solar panels and the already existing idea of energy sharing between neighbors.

Focusing on this idea of energy sharing, Solshare built a series of tech items that better leverage this idea while incorporating solar energy. Essentially, Solshare allows owners of solar panes to sell power. Both the buyer and seller have their energy monitored with a specific power meter and can make and receive payments via a mobile app.

By: Justin Lam

SCORE POPULARITY 8 RELATED ACTIVITY 4.3 9,989 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Professional Collaboration Productivity Platforms

The 'Archmule' App Offers Real-Time Connectivity

Many digital professionals are part of a team that is decentralized and/or based in several parts of the world, so the 'Archmule' app is positioned as a collaboration platform to help keep everyone connected and collaborating.

The platform seamlessly organizes all of your essential tasks into one spot and connects users together to ensure that pertinent tasks get done in accordance with priority. The platform also works effectively for your personal life to connect peel together on the topics they care about most.

The 'Archmule' app addresses the increasingly busy lifestyle of many consumers who are part of the digital industry that is leading some to feel overwhelmed by the amount of things that need to get done. It's likely we'll continue to see more digital organization and collaboration solutions come about as consumers seek to streamline their everyday life and workflow.

By: Michael Hemsworth

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 4.1 3,771 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Sustainable Remote Living Cabins

Robin Falck's Nolla Cabin Uses Renewable Energy to Curb Emissions

Our modern lifestyles can be quite detrimental to the planet, so the Nolla Cabin offers eco-conscious individuals with a way to break the shackles of urban life and focus on sustainability. Powered by renewable energy, the cabin offers 10 square meters of interior living space that makes it perfect for two people to comfortably live when they're looking to get away for a weekend or perhaps reside longterm.

The cabin has been designed by Robin Falck and is located on the island of Vallisaari off the coast of Helsinki in Finland and has a design that could be easily transported to a new location when desired. The Nolla Cabin acknowledges a newfound preference for nature-oriented getaways as consumers seek to avoid cities during their holidays.

By: Michael Hemsworth

SCORE POPULARITY 8 RELATED ACTIVITY 8.8 25,272 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Humongous Wind Turbines The 'Haliade-X' Wind Turbine Will Be Fitted With 106-Meter Blades

GE Renewable Energy, the eco-friendly power generation wing of General Electric, is preparing to build a truly humongous off-shore wind turbine that is set to be both the biggest and the most powerful one ever erected.

The Haliade-X wind turbine is set to come equipped with a 12- megawatt generator, rendering it more than capable of churning out nearly 50 per cent more power than the next most powerful wind turbine around. It is hoped that this wind turbine will be able to produce over 65 gigawatt hours of energy each year, which is estimated to be enough energy to power around 16,000 households in Europe.

Standing 260 meters tall and using a trio of 107-meter blades, the Haliade-X wind turbine is set to become a true icon of the renewable energy world, and could pave the way to a more eco-friendly future.

By: Rahul Kalvapalle

SCORE POPULARITY 8 RELATED ACTIVITY 2.5 27,092 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. City-Wide Drone Delivery Systems

PriestmanGoode Proposes an Autonomous System Called Dragonfly

Industrial design studio PriestmanGoode unveils plans for a city-wide drone delivery system that highlights the positive impact of autonomous technology on urban development. The bold concept is to be featured on Dezeen's forthcoming documentary film, titled 'ELEVATION.'

The drone delivery system is envisioned to charge through autonomous barges, which would also act as distribution hubs. The smart device will execute a delivery of a package by "docking on landing pads, placed on the roofs [or] sides of buildings."

PriestmanGoode aims to boast drone delivery system as a primary method of mail services, as the gadgets are efficient and precise. The proposed design seeks to elevate the fears of the public of "drones flying over their heads every day." In addition, the non-threatening tech gadgets are meant to better the air quality in rapidly expanding cities and free-up "already congested roads."

By: Kalina Nedelcheva

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 4.4 10,617 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Energy-Positive City Airports

Haptic & Nordic Office of Architecture Designs a Sustainable Airport

Haptic Architects and Nordic Office of Architecture conceptualize a sustainable airport design as an energy-positive solution for Oslo, Norway. The firms concentrated on the phenomenon of the 'Aerotropolis' -- a sub-region of a metropolis, where the layout and economic infrastructures center themselves around a multi-modal airport city.

The sustainable airport's four million square meter masterplan is designed, based on the "government's ambition to move from an oil- based economy to one, powered by reusable energy." Utilizing smart and innovative technology, Haptic Architects and Nordic Office of Architecture hope that the conceptualized sustainable airport will generate surplus energy that can be offered to surrounding buildings. Additionally, the vision of the eco-friendly Airport City in Oslo includes its potential as a test-bed for new technologies, "including electric driverless cars, auto-lighting, smart waste and [even] an electric aircraft."

Photo Credits: Forbes [continued online]

By: Kalina Nedelcheva

SCORE POPULARITY 3 RELATED ACTIVITY 3.3 34,673 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. UX-Diagramming Tools The Overflow Tool Offers Simple and Intuitive Layouts for Designers

Intuitive apps often feel like they couldn't be laid out any other way, but the very quality that makes them intuitive is the product of rigorous planning and hard work by a team of designers; the Overflow tool is a new platform that makes designers jobs a little easier. The tool provides a system — itself intuitive — for charting out the user experience (also known as the UX) for apps, giving a visualization of the connections between buttons and pages.

The Overflow tool rethinks flow diagramming. It gives designers a new degree of precision without bogging them down in the details. For example, designers can use the tool to adjust the look or function of individual buttons on any given page, but it can also zoom out to provide a broader view of the app's UX as a whole.

By: Joey Haar

SCORE POPULARITY 8 RELATED ACTIVITY 4.6 1,856 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Nature-Infused Smart Cities

The Panasonic City Project is Being Developed Outside of Denver

The Panasonic City Project is re-imagining a 400-acre development outside of Denver as a smart city that emphasizes sustainability and mobility. Complete with a multitude of walkways and open spaces, this smart city initiate hopes to merge the convenience of technology with the beauty of the natural world.

In addition to its comforting aesthetic, this city will also feature a variety of sustainable amenities, such as LED lights that switch off when not in use, and solar panels that power the entire development. Additionally, this city will be prepared in the event of an emergency as its updating its energy system with batteries and a self-contained grid. This means that if needed, the city can seamlessly switch from the grid, to its pool of stored electricity.

By: Ellen Smith

SCORE POPULARITY 4 RELATED ACTIVITY 4.7 5,763 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. AI-Led Construction Projects

The Start-Up Doxel is Enhancing Big Construction Projects Using Tech

Thanks to the start-up Doxel, construction projects may now be easier and more on-time. The burgeoning company specializes in the promise that its robots and AI will be the key to solving late and over- budget construction projects. Combining modern technology, such as 3D scans, autonomous drones, computer imaging and AI software, Doxel is hoping to better streamline the construction process and keep costs down. In a recent testing in Sand Diego, Doxel was implemented in a building project and was helpful in the projects development time, and was able to bring the budget down 11%.

The start-up Doxel looks at the issues around construction as a series of communication errors, and its innovation is to better handle these issues with artificial intelligence. Information gained from the robots and human workers drive the deep neural network of the AI, and from there the AI can ensure timely completion of all facets of the project. Doxel's core proposition seems to focus on the idea of productivity, and therefore its software [continued online]

By: Justin Lam

SCORE POPULARITY 7 RELATED ACTIVITY 7.2 39,240 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Eco Energy Supply Systems

The Audi Smart Energy Network Combines Solar Power, Storage and More

As many cities around the world move towards electrified forms of transportation, modern infrastructure needs to evolve to keep up which is where the Audi Smart Energy Network has come about to do just that.

The project is set to be launched in the Ingolstadt and Zurich regions in conjunction with a series of partners to combine solar power, home energy storage and electric vehicle charging. This will help to put a focus on renewable energy on a grander scale to help push the aforementioned cities into a new dawn of electrification.

The Audi Smart Energy Network was described by Dr. Hagen Seifert, Head of Sustainable Product Concepts at Audi, when he said, "We are looking at electric mobility in the context of an overall energy supply system that is increasingly based on renewables. We are playing a pioneering role with the prequalification of the balancing-power market – enabling producers to feed power into the grid, as part of the pilot project. That is now for the first time also possible down at the level of individual [continued online]

By: Michael Hemsworth

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 3.7 7,398 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Water-Creating Solar Panels

The Innovative 'Source' Solar Panels Draw Drinking Water from the Air

Meet Source, an innovative attempt at tackling the human condition that is water stress. Developed by Arizona-based start-up Zero Mass Water, Source is a hydropanel that generates drinking water directly from sunlight and air. Source was created in an attempt to develop an easy, accessible way for humankind to gather quality, clean drinking water.

This new system can produce up to five litres of water per day, tapping into the unlimited supply of water vapor in the air and combining it with natural sunlight. This feature alone makes Source an innovative supplier of renewable water. Source allows consumers to access clean drinking water without the added waste of bottled or filtered water. In fact, a single Source array wastes zero water, while preventing the use of over 70,000 plastic bottles over a 10 year period.

In changing the relationship between humans and water, Source connects consumers to this natural resource more than ever before. Source allows users to see how much water they [continued online]

By: Madison Lambden

SCORE POPULARITY 8 RELATED ACTIVITY 6.0 67,528 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. AR Visualization Design Tools

The 'Archisketch' 3D Interior Design Mapping Tool is Simple to Use

Interior design is becoming increasingly digitized as consumers look for streamlined ways to try new aesthetics, so the 'Archisketch' 3D interior design mapping tool has been created with this in mind. Utilizing both 2D and 3D floor plans, the unit is able to utilize your smartphone to create visualizations of what you could do thanks to virtual reality technology and augmented reality. This includes taking measurements, using space captures and much more to ensure you can plan out a design without the need for much equipment.

The 'Archisketch' 3D interior design mapping tool shows promise for those who enjoy interior design as a pastime, but really comes in handy for professionals, real estate agents and beyond.

By: Michael Hemsworth

SCORE POPULARITY 8 RELATED ACTIVITY 7.9 17,345 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Strength-Enhancing Gloves

The Nuada Glove Improves Gripping, Pushing and Lifting When Worn

Wearable technology is likely to expand by leaps and bounds in the near future to help improve life more than ever, which is something the Nuada Glove identifies.

Boasting a streamlined design that's worn on a hand that has experienced a loss of power or is fatigued, the glove increases your overall lifting, gripping, pulling and pushing strength. This would come in hand (literally) for the elderly, those with decreased mobility in their hands or even those who work jobs that require them to always have an enhanced athletic grip for specific tasks.

The Nuada Glove works by stimulating the tendons via the base that's at the wrist, which also collects various metrics on your stability when in use, pull strength and even your heart rate.

By: Michael Hemsworth

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 7.4 10,967 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Energy-Harnessing Glass Blocks

These Solar Glass Blocks Aim to Naturally Illuminate Buildings

Solar glass blocks are being developed by the University of Exeter to enable buildings to harness more clean energy. Sunlight touches buildings at nearly all angles, yet renewable resource research is limited to solar roofs and windows. In order to harness more energy, one company is hoping to replace opaque walls with these transparent glass blocks.

Referred to as Solar Squared, these blocks contain optical elements which focus on turning sunlight into usable energy. The blocks are designed to be wired to one another, providing an internal power source that feeds into the building's electrical grid. Clear walls would also allow buildings to illuminate naturally, effectively lowering the use of artificial light. Tints can additionally be placed on the transparent windows to ensure a room doesn't overheat with the increased exposure to the sunlight.

By: Ellen Smith

SCORE POPULARITY 8 RELATED ACTIVITY 6.8 30,453 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Autonomous Tunnel-Boring Robots

The BADGER Robot Can Bore Compact Tunnels Right Through the Soil

Tunnel-boring is an extremely complicated industrial process that can wreak major damage to infrastructure if not done properly, which is precisely why a group of researchers at the Charles III University of Madrid have developed a high-tech robotic solution that makes it possible to install small-diameter tunnels in the soil.

Dubbed BADGER, this tunnel-boring robot is fitted with ultrasound technology that enables it to better destruct the material that has to be bored into. Meanwhile, a live 3D printer attachment makes it possible for the robot to fill in layers of resin onto the walls of the tunnel as it is being constructed, making it possible to craft together a solid pipe even while a tunnel is still being built.

By easing the process of filling tunnels to form pipes, the BADGER tunnel-boring robot allows for more precise and less disruptive tunnel construction projects.

By: Rahul Kalvapalle

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 3.9 11,717 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Bridge Inspection Robots This Autonomous Droid Finds Comprised Construction With Radar and Sensors

Automation is replacing human workers and eliminating jobs in all sorts of sectors, which could now include bridge inspection. Developed by a robotics team led by at the University of Nevada, this bridge-surveying droid detects faults and can determine the health of the structure with a ground-penetrating radar.

The waterproof robot is battery-powered with four wheels and electrical resistivity sensors that search for corroded steel and compromised concrete. Surface cracks can also be seen with its camera.

Following four different tests in three different states, the autonomous contraption proved more accurate than its human bridge inspection counterparts. The construction solution takes the same amount of time to scan bridges, but processes the data at a significantly faster rate.

By: Alyson Wyers

SCORE POPULARITY 8 RELATED ACTIVITY 2.7 13,380 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Urban Tree Installations This German Start-Up Aims to Reduce Pollution Using Vertical Planters

Green City Solutions is a German start-up responsible for designing CityTree's, large urban tree installations displayed in public spaces that intend to clean up the city's polluted air. According to the World Health Organization, 6.5 million deaths per year, and the development of numerous health conditions can be attributed to air pollution.

City Green Solutions aimed to address these issues with a functional, and attractive solution -- vertical urban planters placed throughout city centers. These planters, called CityTrees, have "the performance of up to 275 conventionally planted urban trees, but only needs 5% of the cost and 99% less space."

These urban tree installations will be a major feat for the biotech industry as they endeavor into new territories of urban design, and eco-architecture.

By: Ellen Smith

SCORE POPULARITY 9 RELATED ACTIVITY 7.2 43,829 Total Clicks Copyright ©. FRESHNESS All Rights Reserved. Table of Contents

Consumer Insights 63) Employee Micro-Learning Platforms 8) Eco Pavilion 64) Construction Site-Monitoring Drones

10) Floating Metropolis 65) Renewable Energy Lighthouse Hotels

12) Friendly Commuter 66) Mobile Solar-Powered Co-Working Offices

14) Outdoorsy Hub 67) Planned Danish Coast Extensions

16) Actionable Abandonment 68) Textile-Based Sustainable Construction Materials

18) Architecturally Modular 69) Compact Next-Gen EVs

20) Architectural Mushroom 70) 5G Smart Cities

22) Printed Sustainability 71) Urban Ecosystem Mobility Shuttles

24) Urbanized Scooter 72) Autonomous Digital Fabrication Systems

26) Eco Skyscraper 73) IoT-Connected Bathroom Fixtures

28) Multi-Functional Path 74) Dangerous Terrain Autonomous ATVs Clusters 75) Speedy Conference Center Constructions 31) 9 3D Architectural Projects 76) 5G-Enabled Car Factories

33) Top 100 Eco Architecture Trends in 2018 77) Water-Generating Machines

45) 28 Traffic-Reducing Initiatives 78) Coffee-Powered Tiny Homes

49) 29 Innovative Housing Concepts 79) EV Battery Recycling Initatives

53) 19 Green City Innovations 80) Construction Worker Humanoid Robots Micro-Trends 81) Solar Power Sharing Startups 57) Mixed Reality Construction Helmets 82) Professional Collaboration Productivity Platforms

58) WiFi-Enabled Circuit Breakers 83) Sustainable Remote Living Cabins

59) Energy-Generating Concrete Facades 84) Humongous Wind Turbines

60) Modular Robotic Construction Kits 85) City-Wide Drone Delivery Systems

61) Innovative Waste-to-Energy Plant Designs 86) Energy-Positive City Airports

62) Assisting Digital Colleagues 87) UX-Diagramming Tools Table of Contents

88) Nature-Infused Smart Cities

89) AI-Led Construction Projects

90) Eco Energy Supply Systems

91) Water-Creating Solar Panels

92) AR Visualization Design Tools

93) Strength-Enhancing Gloves

94) Energy-Harnessing Glass Blocks

95) Autonomous Tunnel-Boring Robots

96) Bridge Inspection Robots

97) Urban Tree Installations