Number 365 - January/February 1999

The 150th Anniversary of the Abolition of Slavery : May 22, 1848 EDITORIAL: History and Geography in future Hign Schools (Robert Marconis)

HOMAGES Pierre Geoffroy (Pierre Racine) Robert Folz (Jean-Bernard Charrier and Alain Saint-Denis), André Porry

APHG ACTIVITIES Annual General Meeting on December 6, 1998 (Aleth Briat, Claude Ruiz) National Pedagogical Commission - 1st Cycle (Eric Till) National Pedagogical Commission - 2nd Cycle (Bernard Phan) Europe Commission (Alexandre Pajon) New Technology Commission (Anita Lebon-Gardy) IUFM Commission (Renée Dray-Bensousan) Civics Commission (Christine Guimonnet) OFFICIALS DOCUMENTS General Inspectorate/Regional Inspectorate History/Geography Curriculum (for September 1999) Civics Curriculum PEDAGOGY 12th Grade (Upper-6th Form) Geography Curriculum Interactive Television Broadcast, Videography - 1st Broadcast : Populating and Mastering the Land in Russia (Jean Radvanyi, Françoise Voisenet) Civic and Legal Education Yhe Rights of Minors and the various Players (Françoise Dubreuil) Human Rights National Secondary-School Contest on Human Rights (Aleth Briat) The 50th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948-1998) (Aleth Briat) History and Collective Memory The History Teachers' Trip to Mauthausen (Aleth Briat) Europe Bibliography for Teachers in the European Divisions -Books in German (Jean-Marc Verron) School Contests The 1998 Rhine and Danube Price Internet Chronicle (Daniel Letouzey)

SPECIAL FILE: The 150th Anniversary of the Abolition of Slavery : May 22, 1848 : A Lesson in History A Lesson to teach (coordinated : Elisabeth Landi) PART ONE The Abolition of Slavery in 1848 I.1 An lrreversible Movement (Geneviève LETI) I.2 TheAbolition of Slavery in Martinique (Elisabeth LANDI) I.3 Emancipation and Republic (Pascale MARGUERITE) I.4 Chronological Reference Points I.5 Bibliography

PART TWO History Lessons for Middle and Secondary Schools II.1 Human Rights and Achieving Freedom in Martinique (from the 2nd half ofthe l8th century to 1802) by Nadia ADENET-LOUVET Lycée Schœlcher II.2 Slave Society in Martinique: Estate lnventory on the Death of Vicomtesse d’Espinay Saint- Luc, May 4, 1836 by Muriez DESCAS-RAVOTEUR, Lycée Schœlcher

II.3 lllegaI SlaveTrade in the l9th Century:TheWrecj< ofthe Slave Ship Diamant, Ar by Merlande SATURNIN, Collège du , Héliane HAUSSANT Collège des Anses d’A nets, Camille PANCARTE, Collège de Ducos

II.4 Amistad : File on How to Use the Movie by Merlande SATURNIN, Collège du Diamant, Héliane HAUSSANT Collège des Anses d’A nets, Camille PANCARTE, Collège de Ducos II.5 A Chapter in Martinique’s History: Registry Office Archives by Merlande SATURNIN, Collège du Diamant, Héliane HAUSSANT Collège des Anses d’A rlets, Camille PANCARTE, Collège de Ducos

II.6 One Abolition to Another: A Difficult March to Freedom by Heliane HAUSSANT Collège des Anses d’Arlets

II.7 Teaching About May 22nd: Constructing an Historic Event by Heliane HAUSSANT Collège des Anses d ‘Arlets, Camille PANCARTE, Collège de Ducos

II.8 Abolishing Slavery on Reunion Island,The Main Event of 1848 by Jean BESNARD, Lycée Amiral Bouvet St-Benoît, La Réunion and Jacques DELPECH, Président de l’association des professeurs d’histoire et de géographie de La Réunion.

UPDATE ON Conpetitive Exams External "Agrégation" in History (Claude Gauvard) External "Agrégation" in Geography (René Neboit-Guilhot) Internal "Agrégation" / CAERPA in History and Geography (Jean-Pierre Martin) PLP 2 Exam : External Exam for Appointement to 2nd -Level Technical School Teacher (Jean- Claude Wieber) Internal Exam for Appointement to 2nd-Level Technical School Teacher (Jean-Claude Wieber) Special Exam for Appointement to 2nd-Level Technical School Teacher (Jean-Claude Wieber) Bibliography The Human Geography of Maritime Coasts (Alain and Jean-Marie Miossec) INTERVIEW With Philippe Chazal concerning the History Channel (Hubert Tison) VIEWPOINT Single Textbooks ? Reference Textbooks ? (François Lebrun) HEAR AND SEE Notebook (Yves Thoraval) Telex (Yves Thoraval) Cinema (Michel Lejoyeux) Festival de Prades (Albert Montagne) "Trois continents" (Yves Thoraval) Exhibitions (Dominique Rossignol, Dolène Ainardi, Priscilla Celier, K. de Maud'huy) Music (Jean-Philippe Genet, Philippe Gut, Philippe Zwang) Theater (Guy Boquet, Jacques Portes, Frank Schwab) READ, REREAD HG noted (Daniel Jean Jay, Hubert Tison, Alain Laude et alii) Magazines Geopolitical Chronicle (Paul-David Regnier) Books Number 366 - April/May 1999

The Sense of National Identity in Europe

EDITORIAL: "Improvisations dangereuses..." (Robert Marconis)

HOMAGE Daniel-Jean Jay

APHG ACTIVITIES APHG Steering Committee, on January 31, 1999 (Aleth Briat, Claude Ruiz) National Pedagogical Commission - 1st Cycle (Eric Till) National Pedagogical Commission - 2nd Cycle (Bernard Phan) IUFM Commission (Renée Dray-Bensousan) Civics Commission (Christine Guimonnet) Technical Commission on Educational Information and Communication (Gérard Colotte) APHG Statuts OFFICIALS DOCUMENTS Organization and Timetables for 11 th and 12 th grade Organization and Timetables for 10 th grade PEDAGOGY Idea Exchange How should nazi crimes be taught ? (Véronique de Montchalin) 12 th grade (upper 6 th form) Géography Curriculum Interactive television broadcast videography, 2 nd broadcast : the major cities of Africa (Pierre Signoles, Alain Rivoal, Tidiane Diakité) Internet Chronicle (Daniel Letouzey) Schools Contests Resistance and Deportation 1998 (Jean Gavard) Annie and Charles Corrin Price 1998


Géostatistics (Christian Raballand) The teaching profession's image challenged by geography students (Jean David) The Cultural and Civic Value of History : a New Challenge, by Pierre-Marc Renaudeau

SPECIAL FILE : The Sense of National Identity in Europe (Co-ordinator : Philippe Oulmont) Foreword, by Bernard PHAN Presentation, by Philippe OULMONT Map of Europe, by Robert GIMENO The Sense of National ldentity in Germany. Nationalism and Nation in German History, by Hans-Ulrich WEHLER The Sense 0f Nationalism among 15 to 19 year-old Students in Germany, by Roland SCHWARZ Why Should We Be a Nation? by Richard SCHROEDER Austrian ldentity: Caught between Nostalgia and Obsolescence? by Felix KREISSLER Howmany Belgian Nations ? by Lode WILS The Town of Zaslaye as an exemple of the Search for Belarusian ldentity, by Alexandre KALBASKA The Sense of Croatian National Identity. Croatian National ldentity, by lskra IVELJIC On a National Symbol, by Melina LUCIC The Image of Croatia as a conceived Young High School, by Ruzica VUK Denrnark the Sense of National Identity.The Foundations of Danish Identity, by Uffe OSTERGAARD The Nation in History Courses and the Educational System, by Henrik NIELSEN History and sources, by Ruth HEDEGAARD and MogensTHOGERSEN Spain Permanently Redefining its Sense of National ldentity, by José Jésus Garcia HQURCADE and José Javier RUIZ IBANEZ The Ernergence of a Sense of National ldentity in Finland, by Matti KLINGE Reconstructing British Identity, by Keith ROBBINS

Between East and West, theVagaries of Greek National ldentity, by Christina KOULOURI ....

History and a Sense of National ldentity in Hungary the Impact of Recent Political Changes, by PauI GRADVOHL, Lajos KORMENDY, lstvàn MAJOROS and Lâszlô MIKLOSI The Struggle for lrish Identity Past and Present, by Alan O’DAY Frorn State to Nation and beyond.The Birth and Developrnent of a Sense of National ldentity arnong the People of Luxembourg, by Paul DOSTERT and Michel POLFER When did Norwegian become Norwegian, by øystein SøRENSEN Developing a Sense of Norwegian Identity through the Educational System andlextbooks, by Hilde KJøLBERG Polish National Consciousness Part I :Historical Roots, by Tomasz SCHRAMM Part Il: Recent Histoty as Perceived by Various Generations, by Jan ZARYN and Eliza LIBERKOWSKA Romanian’s Sense of ldentity: Historical Memory and Political Strategy, by Matet CAZACU What is the Russian Sense of Identity ? A Separate lsland ? by Tamara EIDELMAN

From Herder to Hegel - Slovenians and Unexpected Independance,by Peter VODOPIVEC ...

The Sense of National ldentity arnong Slovaks, by Dusan KOVAK A Center on the Edge: Mixed Aspects of Swedish National Heritage, by Ragnar BJORK. The Sense of Swiss National Identity a Dream ? by Rémy PITHQN Czech Republic Czech National ldentiW and its Symbols, by Roman JIRU, Jan RYBA and Ladislav VOLDRICH Czech National Awareness: Personal Thoughts on a certain Confusion, by Petr HORAK Feeling French in the closingYears of the 20 th Century, by Philippe OULMQNT Frorn Nation to Europe, by Serge BERSTEIN Why Arn I What I Arn ? A personal Account, by François FEJTO INTERVIEW With Etienne Fouilloux, Religious History in question : Vatican II (Hubert Tison) VIEW POINT Concerning the History of Religions : a Pourly Conducted Debate (Paul Raison) CHRONICLES Jules Ferry's Liberalism (Jérôme Grondeux) Géopolitical (Paul-David Regnier) HEAR AND SEE Bloc-notes (Yves Thoraval) Telex (Yves Thoraval) Cinema (Michel Lejoyeux) Iranian Cinema : from Teheran to Paris (Yves Thoraval) Interview with Jean-Pierre Bertin-Maghit (Hubert Tison) Exhibitions (Dominique Rossignol, Dolène Ainardi, Priscilla Celier, K. de Maud'huy) Music (Jean-Philippe Genet, Philippe Gut, Philippe Zwang, André Segond) Theater (Guy Boquet, Jacques Portes) READ AND REREAD HG noted (Hubert Tison, Alain Laude et alii) Magazines Recent publishing news in geography (Robert Marconis) Books LETTERS From Claude Colomer and Jean Sagnes

Number 367 - July/August 1999

Spécial file Subsaharan Africa

EDITORIAL: Monopolizing the discussion (Robert Marconis)

HOMAGES Jean Jacquart (Nicole Lemaître) Raymond Regrain (Emile Flament, Michel Hagnerelle)

Meeting APSES-APHG APHG, june 29th 1999

ACTIVITIES National steering comittee, June 6th (Aleth Briat, Claude Ruiz) National Pedagogical Commission - 1st cycle (Jean-Marc Bassaget) National Pedagogical Commission - 2nd cycle (Bernard Phan) Civics Commission (Christine Guimonnet) Europe Commission Technical Commission (Anita Lebon-Gardy) Technical Commission Educational Information and Communication (Gérard Colotte) OFFICIAL DOCUMENT Agregation, CAPES History and Geography 2000 High School Reform : Civics PEDAGOGY Idea exchange Reading and Decoding Imagery (Sandrine Lemaire) Internet Chronicle (Daniel Letouzey) 12th Grade (upper 6th form) Geography curriculum Interactive Television Broadcast Videography, 3rd broadcast : Agriculture and Development in Latin America (Bernard Bret, Michel Pécheux) INTERVIEW With Philippe PINCHEMEL, "Studying the Face of the Earth" (Gérard Hugonie, Hubert Tison)

SPECAL FILE : Subsaharan Africa - Writing History (coordinated : Colette Dubois)

Preface Sub-saharan Africa - Writing History (Colette Dubois)

Part One The History of Africa: Sources and Methodological Approaches I.1 - Oral Sources of History (Claude-Hélène Perrot) I.2 - Inventing Black Africa: from the Firts War to Independances (Sandrine Lemaire, Nicolas Bancel, Pascal Blanchard) I.3 - African Art: Objects, Artist ans Societies (Louis Perrois)

Part Two Chronological Pointers and Considerations II.1 - A Long-Term History of Africa (Jean-Louis Triaud) II.2 - Stages of the Colonization of Sub-Saharan Africa (Yvan G-Paillard)

Part Three Shifting Trends Socio-Economics Ebb as the Cultural Approach Rises III.1 - The Economic History of Black Africa: From Political Economy to real Economics (Hélène d'Almeida-Topor, Monique Lakroum) III.2 - Localized african Religions, yesterday and today (Véronique Duchesne, Claude-Hélène Perrot) III.3 - Islam in Sub-Saharan Africa (Jean-Louis Triaud) III.4 - African Christianity ? Christian Churches in Black Africa (Claude Prudhomme)

Part Four The Complex Dynamics of a Modern, Transformed Africa IV.1 - From AEF to the Birth of Central Africa Nation-States, or the failure of Boganda's Unifying (Pierre Soumille) IV.2 - Languages, Ethnicity, Nationalism and Modernity in Madagascar (Faranirina V. Rajaonah) IV.3 - The Repercussion of Portuguese Colonization: A "Middle Africa" with no Mother Country ? (Michel Cahen) IV.4 - The Social and Political Development of the Great Lakes Region (Jean-Pierre Chrétien) IV.5 - The New South Africa: Reinventing the Past (Dominique Darbon) UPDATE ON Wars and Societies in the Greek World, -490 / -322, Macedonia included (Patrice Brun) Democracy from 1918 to 1989 in the USA and in Europe (Germany - West Germany, Spain, France, Italy and the United-Kingdom) Ideas and Struggles, Institutions and Practices) (Eric Duhamel) China and the Chinese Diaspora (Pierre Gentelle) Point of View (Christine Guimonnet) SEE AND HEAR A Syrian Trip (Yves Thoraval) Telex - Note-Book (Yves Thoraval) Cinema : Letter from Hayderabad (Yves Thoraval) Cinema (Michel Lejoyeux) Exhibitions (Dominique Rossignol, Dolène Ainardi, Priscilla Celier, K. de Maud'huy) Music (Philippe Gut, Philippe Zwang) Theater (Guy Boquet, Jacques Portes) READ, REREAD HG noted (Hubert Tison, Alain Laude et alii) Magazines Books

Number 368 - October / November 1999 Special File China

EDITORIAL: The trap (Robert Marconis)

HOMAGES Jeanne Tison/Corre (Jean Peyrot), Paul Devert René Lebeau (Jean-Pierre Houssel), Antoine Brunet, René Girault

APHG ACTIVITIES Annual General Meeting on Sunday, December 5, 1999 APHG Seminar on December 4, 1999 on the 12th-grade (upper 6th) history program December 11th workshop on "China and the Diaspora" Concours de l'an 2000. Classes de Première : "Comment imaginez-vous votre région dans l'europe de 2020 ?" Journée de l'APHG, du 4 décembre 1999 sur le programme d'histoire de Terminale et de 3e Journée d'études sur "la Chine et les "Chinois" de la diaspora", le 11 décembre 1999 PEDAGOGY See supplement - School Contest 2nd Legal Plea Competition (Aleth Briat) - Idea exchange 10th Grade/5th Form : Civic, Legal and Social Education (Elizabeth Brisson) 9th Grade/4th Form and 12 Grade/Upper 6th : Remembering the Concentration Camps (Eric Brossard) - Internet Chronicle (Daniel Letouzey) OFFICIALS DOCUMENTS See supplement - History-Geography Curriculum Reducing the 12th-grade program Reducing the 10th-grade program Civic, Legal and Social Education Modalities for awarding the national certificate in history-geography and civic education 1999-2000 National contest on the Resistance and Concentration Camps READER'S LETTERS See supplement Jean Richard Alain Coustaury UPDATE ON Competitive Exams : 1999 Internal Agregration in History & Geography and CAERTA in History & Geography (Jean-Pierre Martin) 1999 External CAPES and CAFEP in History & Geography (Jean-Louis Nembrini) 1999 Internal and special CAPES in History & Geography (Jean-François Grandbastien) Forest Environments : A Study in Physical Geography (Paul Arnoud, Vincent Clément and Micheline Hotyat) RESEARCH The Originality of theTaichung and Tainan Regions: "Middle Taiwan" (Jean-Pierre Houssel) Cultural Diplomacy and the Jews Under Vichy (Laurent Grison) VIEW POINT Rues, violences et jeunes by Christian Jelen (Christine Guimonnet) Addition to the Contemporary History Bibliography Bibliographical Suggestions : Population in the World (Serge Pouzol)

SPECIAL FILE: China and the Chinese Diaspora (coordinated by Pierre Gentelle). Foreword China and the overseas chinese (Pierre Gentelle) The Overseas Chinese A Dominant Minority : The Chinese in Thailand (Jean Jeanne Tison/Corre) The chinese "diaspora" (Hugues Tertrais) The Chinese in Indonesia : A Culture under Threat (François Raillon) Monterey Park (California), or the Chinatown's suburbanization (Yves Boquet) China Chinese Outlook (Alexandre Fur) Demographic Perspectives (Michel Cartier) State Entreprises in China and the Issue of Profitability (Thierry Pairault) Jardine Matheson and Co Today (Pierre Sigwalt)

SPECIAL FILE: 1998 Saint-Dié Festival : Arcs, Dorsals and Other Dividing Lines-Various Ways of Redrawing Europe (coordinated by Gérard Dorel and Robert Marconis). Foreword Gérard Dorel Geographers and the Emergence of New Variable Divisions of Europe (Robert Marconis) Europe as Network (Jacques Lévy) The Atlantic Arc : Myth or Reality ? (Jean Renard) Cross-border Regions in Northeastern France : Political Determination versus Geographic Reality (Henri Nonn)The European Union and Territorial Divisions (François Taulelle) HEAR ND SEE Notebook (YvesThoraval) Telex (YvesThoraval) Cinema (Michel Lejoyeux) Theater (Guy Boquet, Jacques Portes) Exhibitions (Dominique Rossignol, Dolène Ainardi, Priscilla Celier, K. de Maud'huy) Music (Philippe Gut, Philippe Zwang)

READ, REREAD HG noted (Hubert Tison, Alain Laude et alii) Magazines (Alain Laude, Claude Ruiz) Geopolitics Concerning a Few Books on Issues of Intelligence Gathering (Michel Lecorre) Interview with Admiral Lacoste : "French-style Intelligence Gathering" (HubertTison) Books READER'S LETTERS Alain Coustaury

Number 369 - February 2000

Special File Teaching the First World War

EDITORIAL :Amid the Turmoil... (Robert Marconis)

HOMAGES Jean-Louis Van Regemorter (Marc Ferro) Françoise Lamotte (Jean Laspougeas)

APHG ACTIVITIES Annual General Meeting (Aleth Briat, Claude Ruiz) OFFICIALS DOCUMENTS IGEN/IPR lists Schedule for the 2000 Baccalaureat Exams "National Press Week" in Schools UPDATE ON - 1999 Reports - External Agregation in History (Claude Gauvard) External Agregation in Geography (René Neboit-Guilhot, Gérard Dorel) PLP2 Exam : External Exam for Appointement to 2nd Level Technical School Teacher (Jean- Claude Wieber), Internal Exam for Appointement to 2nd Level Technical School Teacher (Jean-Claude Wieber) Precision : Wars and Societies in the Greek World (-490, -322 before J.C.) ESSEC Exam. Economics History and Geography (Pierre Biard) ESCP Exam. Economics History and Geography (Laurent Carroué) VIEW POINT Explaining the Reality of the Urban Crisis (Claude Liauzu) PEDAGOGIES Ideas Exchange "To die for the Country". Writers, the Great War and the History (Richard Galliano) Report from Marseille : A Commemorative Plaque and Two Street Names (Michel Barbe) Testimony The Musée de l'Homme Network (Marianne Mahn-Lot) School visit From Celtic Gaul to Roman Gaul : the romanization Process of the Nervian Heartland of Northern Gaul (Jean-Louis Podvin) Didactics The Sedimentation and Metamorphism of Geography in Elementary School (Jean-Pierre Chevalier) The Issue of Democracy and the Teaching of Citizenship (Antoine Auger, Elisabeth Brisson, Frédéric Dessberg) Imagery and History : Questions of Method (Annie Duprat) The World Chidren (Aleth Briat) Internet Chronicle (Daniel Letouzey) FREE SPEACH "History can do". Civic, Legal and Social Education (Hélène Carrère) Elementary School. History and Geography in the "Proposed Application Guidelines for Elementary School Curricula." (Jacques Devavry) Inclemency : Are French Climates in Need of Clemency ? (Denis Lamarre) SPECIAL FILE: Teaching the First World War (coordinated by Hubert Tison) Foreword Multiple Viewpoints on Teachinf the First World War (Hubert Tison) Africa Teaching the History of the World War I in Senegal (Birahim Moussa Gueye) Memory and the Role of the 1914-1918 War in Burkina-Faso (Yacoub Zerbo) America English speaking and Québec : Two perception of the Great War (René Durocher) Seen from The States : Teaching th First World War (Clark Todd) Asia Teaching the First World War in China (Zhang Zuilian) Teaching the First World War in South Korea (Soon-Ho Hong) The First World War in Japanese History Textbooks (Takihiro Kondo) World War Iin History Courses in Germany (Rainer Bendick and Rainer Riemensschneider) Renewed Study of World War I in Bulgaria (Roumiana Koucheva) Interview of Nicolas Bunch : from Internet to the Somme's Trenchs Heroes and Deserters. A Textbook View of the Great War in Italy (Antonio Brusa) A Brief Look of how the Great War is taught in Russia (Tamara Eidelman) France From Official Commemoration... National Commemorations of the Great War : 80 years ago (Claude Carlier) To the APHG Survey Questionnaire on "Teaching the First World War" RESEARCH The Campaign of Europe on Congresses : the European Union of Federalists face with the Contingences of the Cold War (1945-1949) (Bertrand Vayssière) The Comoros Republic, an amputed archipelago ? (Jean-Louis Guébourg) HEAR AND SEE Notebook, Telex (YvesThoraval) Cinema (Michel Lejoyeux); Korean cinema; Nantes, the Fleeting Capital of Arab Cinema (Yves Thoraval) Exhibitions (Alain Laude) Music (Jean-Philippe Genet, Philippe Gut, André Segond, Philippe Zwang) Theater (Guy Boquet, Jacques Portes) READ, REREAD HG noted (Hubert Tison, Alain Laude, Claude Ruiz et alii) Magazines (Alain Laude, Claude Ruiz) Books (Alain Laude, Claude Ruiz) LETTERS Number 370 - May-June 2000

Special File - Living with Diversity in France

EDITORIAL: The New Education Minister Expected at the History & Geography Conference... (Robert Marconis)

HOMAGES René Girault (Robert Franck) Jacques Droz (Pierre Ayçoberri, Jean-Claude Allain, Jean Peyrot and Hubert Tison) Simone Henry (Jacqueline Labarthié), Pierre Pechoux, Éric Duhamel

APHG ACTIVITIES National Steering Comittee, January 30th (Aleth Briat, Claude Ruiz) National Pedagogical Commission 1st cycle, January 29th (Eric Till) National Pedagogical Commission 2nd cycle, January 29th (Joseph Castel) "TICE" Commission, January 29th (Gérard Colotte) Technical Commission (Anita Lebon-Gardy) Civics Commission, January 29th (Christine Guimonnet) Europe Commission, Europe (Gérard Delas) PEDAGOGIES Ideas Exchange 7th Grade (2nd Form) and Elementary School : A Medieval Village at War (Robert Fossier) 9th Grade (4th Form) Class on Marc Ferro's CD-Rom, "The Second World War" (Martine Vautrin) 9th Grade (4th Form) : Teaching the Resistance and Concentration Camps at Intermediate School (Franck Schwab) Memory and history French Internment Camps in the Southern Zone (Marie-Paule Hervieu) Study Group on Concentration Camps and the Holocaust (Marie-Paule Hervieu) October 6th 1999, the History Teacher's Trip to Mauthausen (Aleth Briat) Issue and Questions Raised in a Summer Seminar. A Duty to remember or a Duty to History ? (Franck Schwab) Europe Learning and Teaching 20th Century European History (Claude-Alain Clerc) Living Together in a Suared Space (Maurice Viglione) Schools Contests Resistance and Deportation 1999 School Contest (Jean Gavard) Gymnasium's General Contest 1999 (Olivier Coquard) Internet Chronicle (Daniel Letouzey)

INTERVIEW With Philippe Chazal, Head of the History Channel (Hubert Tison) INTERNATIONAL CONNECTIONS France's Cultural Presence since 1945 : a Major Aspect of French Diplomacy (Gabriel Beis) VIEW POINT Human Right : a Glance of the Diversity and the Universality of the Concept of Human Right (Liu Wenli) FREE SPEACH Question - Does the APHG Still have e Reason for Existing ? (Jean-Philippe Cormier) Response - (Jean Peyrot, Claude Ruiz, Hubert Tison) UPDATE ON Internal "Agrégation" Exam : Subjects for the Written Section The French and Spanish Monarchies from the Mid 16th Century to 1714 (Excluding Non-European Possessions) (Bartolomé Bennassar, Arlette Jouanna) Cities and Urbans Spaces : Current Publications (Robert Marconis) SPECIAL FILE: Living with Diversity in France Foreword (Jean-Robert Pitte) Geopolitical Mutations in France : between Europe and the World (André-Louis Sanguin) The Diversity of Electoral Geography, Its Stability and Changes (Béatrice Giblin-Delvallet) French Spatial Geography : Diversity versus Disparity (Guy Baudelle) Unity and Diversity of the Inhabitants of France (Pierre-Jean Thumerelle) A Few Features of France's Cultural Geography (Jean-Robert Pitte) Sports in France and the 1998 World Cup (Jean-Pierre Augustin) Perceptions, Research and Representations of Natural Environments in France (Paul Arnould et Alain Miossec) The French Coastline, From a Diversity of Sites tu Uniformity of Management ? (Alain Miossec) Not Seeing the Forests for the Forest (Paul Arnould) The Extent and Variety of Karstic Landscapes in France (Jean-Noël Salomon) Reunion Island : An Example of Diverse Natural Environments (René Robert) Granite in France : From Ordinary Landscapes to Picturesque Features (Yannick Lageat) Transportation in France. The National Impact of Liberalization and Deregulation (Robert Marconis) The Diversity of French Countryside - Foreword (Pierre Brunet) Rural Landscapes in the Late 20th Century (André Humbert) Cash-Grain-Farming Regions in France (Jean-Paul Charvet) Vineyards and Wines in France : Elitism and Diversity (Philippe Roudié) The Dynamics of Fruit and Vegetable Production Zones (Claudine Durbiano) French Mountain Regions : Between Depression and Recovery (Jean-Paul Diry) The West : Populous, Dynamic Farm Land (Nicole Croix et Jean Renard) The New Diversity Facing the French Countryside - Conclusion (Pierre Brunet) Tourism in France : Long Live Diversity (Rémy Knafou et alii) The Cultural Diversity of French Cities (Jean Robert) The Contradictory Evolution of Urban Policies (Jacques Bonnet) The Growth of France's Major Conurbations 1990-1999 (Jean-Marc Holz) SEE AND HEAR Notebook - Telex (YvesThoraval) Theater (Guy Boquet, Jacques Portes) Cinema (Michel Lejoyeux) Letter from Singapour (Yves Thoraval) Women's Festival, Créteil (Brigitte Tison) Exhibitions (Alain Laude), The Lambert Gallery in Avignon (Bruno Ponsonnet) Music (Jean-Philippe Genet, Philippe Gut, André Segond, Philippe Zwang)

READ, REREAD HG noted (Hubert Tison, Alain Laude, Claude Ruiz et alii) Geopolitics : The Insoluble Problem of Corsica (Paul-David Regnier) Books Number 372 - October 2000

Special File The Geography of Latin America EDITORIAL: Failed Encounters (Robert Marconis)

HOMAGE Raymond Poidevin (Yves-Henri Mouailhat)

APHG ACTIVITIES Written Questions of the National Assembly and Minister's Response about History and Geography in Gymnasium's Scientific Classes PEDAGOGIES Ideas Exchange Several Americas on a Single Continent (Véronique Desplanque and Christine Zanini) Internet Internet Chronicle (Daniel Letouzey) Germany and Canada via Internet (Alfred Pletsch and Alfred Hecht) INTERVIEW With Philippe Chazal, Head of the History Channel : Television, the Internet, and History (Hubert Tison) OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS Organizing T.P.E. (Supervised Independant Study) Internal and External CAPL2 Exams : Literature, History, Geography Schedule of Competitive Exams Schools Contests : Resistance and Deportation René Cassin Price

SPECIAL FILE: The Geography of Latin America (Coordinated by Bernard Bret) General Introduction - A Few Thought on Latin America (Bernard Bret) Data banks, information highways and Latin America (Mona Huerta) From Governments to Markets : Domestic Development in Mexico, 1970-1998 (Daniel Hiernaux-Nicolas) Central America : From Geopolitical Fragmentation to Regional Cooperation (Noëlle Demyk) A Geopolitical Approach to the Federal Issue in Argentina (Marie-France Prévot Schapira) Agricultural and Development in Latin America (Bernard Bret) Brazil's Nordeste ? A New California ? The Example of Irrigated Fruit Crops (Céline Broggio, Martine Droulers & Pernette Grandjean) Cultural Aspects of the Religious Situation in Brazil (Marion Aubrée) Brazil's Urban System (Martine Droulers) The Amazon : Pioneering Conquest versus Sustainable Development (Hervé Théry) UPDATE ON Addendum to the Bibliography on Medieval History Reports Competitive Exams : 2000 Internal Agregation in History and Geography (Jean-Pierre Martin) 2000 External CAPES and CAFEP in History and Geography (Gérard Dorel) 2000 Internal and Special CAPES in History and Geography (Jean-François Grandbastien) 2000 PLP2 Exam : External and Internal Exam for Appointment to 2nd Level Technical School Teacher (Laurent Wirth) Bibliographies The Roman Empire from the Death of Commode (+ 192) to the Death of Constantin (+ 337) (Bernard Rémy) Athens in the Fifth Century BCE : Social, Economic, Religious, and Cultural Aspects of Political Life (Pierre Lévêque) State, Society, and Religious, Cultural and Economic Life in France under Louis IX (Robert Fossier) European Absolutism in the 17th and 18th Centuries (Jacques Marcadé) Population Distribution and Dynamics throughout the World (Michelle Guillon et Nicole Sztokman) The Geography of Germany (Pierre Riquet) Mountains and Mankind (Jean David) General Bibliography : Very Large Cities throughout the World (coordination Bernard Dézert et alii) Recent Publications on the Geography of France (Robert Marconis) HEAR AND SEE Ephemeride - Telex (Yves Thoraval) Theater (Guy Boquet, Jacques Portes) Exhibitions (Alain Laude) Music (Jean-Philippe Genet, Philippe Gut, André Segond, Philippe Zwang) Cinema (Michel Lejoyeux), Fraternal Imagery in the Movies (Aleth Briat), Negationism (Hubert Tison) READ, REREAD HG a noted (Hubert Tison, Alain Laude, Claude Ruiz et alii) Books Number 373 - January/February 2001

EDITORIAL: What Kind of Teachers, What Kind of School ? (Robert Marconis)

APHG ACTIVITIES Annual General Meeting, December 3, 2000 (Robert Marconis, Odette Lacueva, Aleth Briat, Claude Ruiz) National Pedagogical Commission Meeting, December 3, 2000 -Second Cycle (Bernard Phan) -First Cycle (Eric Till) HOMAGE André MEYER (André Martel) APHG ACTIVITIES Results of APHG's National Petition against Reducing the Timetable in Intermediate- and Secondary - Level Science Streams (Pierre Kerleroux, Michel Tison, Odette Lacueva, Alain Laude) Grenoble Region : Letter from T. Cousin Parliamentary Feedback : Assembly and Senate Discussions on Reducing the History and Geography Timetable for the "S" Baccalaureat (continued) (Hubert Tison) PEDAGOGIES Ideas Exchange 6th and 10th Grade : Clarification on the Rosetta Stone (Jean-Louis Podvin) Assessment of ECJS (Civic, Legal and Social Education) in a 10th-Grade / 5th-Form Class) (Eric Gady) 11th Grade / 6th Form : The Evolution of the Women's Status in France, 1880-1930 : From Submission to Liberation ? (Richard Galliano) 12th Grade / Upper 6th Form Class : Presenting the August 31, 1939 cover of "Paris Match" as a historical document (Alain Coustaury) Didactic Methodology : Studying and discussing history and geography "documents" at secondary- school level (Claude Marmot) Programs 1932... 2000 : Vast changes ! Who Says ? (Jean Peyrot) Civism A book on citizenship (Christine Guimonnet) The first forum on civics (Jean-Luc Carton) Europe Teaching History and Geography in Ireland (Jacqueline Houlgatte) Internet Internet Chronicle (Daniel Letouzey) Continuying Education Art and Governments from the Renaissance to the Present (Didier Frydmann) OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS Adapting History and Geography Curricula for Overseas Regions Theory and Curriculum for ECJS in 10th Grade / 5th Form ECJS : Classes in 10th Grade / 5th Form and 11th Grade / 6th New 10th Grade / 5th Form History & Geography Curriculum, 2001-2002 11th Grade / 6th Form : Lighter Load Applicable in 2000-2001 General and Technical Baccalauréat Exams (ES, L, and S series) UPDATE ON External Agregation in History, 2000 Reports (Claude Gauvard) External Agregation in Geography, 2000 Reports (Rémy Knafou) ESCP Exam, Economics History and Geography (Laurent Carroué) General Bibliography : Very Large Cities throughout the World. Coordination Bernard Dézert. (Yves Boquet, Anne Collin-Delavaud, Robert Marconis) DISCOVERIES Aix-Marseille Region. On Indonesia's Volcanoes, Summer 1997 (Michel Barbe) RESEARCH Future and Renewal of Town and Country Planning (Jean-Louis Guigou) INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION Japanese-Korean Cooperation on Teaching History : Scope and Obstacles (Takahiro Kondo) ITINERARIES Tran Dinh Gian, a Geographer from Vietnam (Hubert Tison) HEAR AND SEE Notebook - Telex (Yves Thoraval) Exhibitions (Alain Laude) Theater (Guy Boquet, Jacques Portes, Marcel Chantry) Music (Jean-Philippe Genet, Philippe Gut, André Segond, Philippe Zwang) READ, REREAD HG noted (Alain Laude, Claude Ruiz et alii) Magazines (Alain Laude, Claude Ruiz) Parallele Reading. The Materialistic Approach of Scientific Publishing (Alain J.M. Bernard) Central Europ, Balkanic Europ (Jean-Michel Thiriet) Saint-Denis Chronicle (Jean-François Pernot) Books LETTERS Robert Desplanques, Eric Cahm, Michel Drouin, Philippe Oriol, Catherine Defrance, Guy Trocque, Michel Catala, Edouard Cattoir, Jean-Pierre Boulier Number 374 - May 2001 The History of Latin America, II EDITORIAL: Neglecting Geography Means Massacring History (Robert Marconis)

-Meeting on 29 January 2001 with the committee of experts concerning initial curriculum proposals for 11th-grade (6th-form) history and geography courses : APHG's criticals analysis -Curriculum proposals for 11th-grade (6th-form) "L" and "ES" streams, made by the committee of experts on the history and geography curriculum (January 2001 version) -Curriculum proposals fir 11th-grade (6th-form) "L" and "ES" streams, currently being considered (April 2001) Summer Conference on "Teaching the Holocaust", 8-12 July 2001, C.D.J.C. (Contemporary Jewish Documentation Center), Paris APHG ACTIVITIES National Steering Committee, January, 28th 2001 (Aleth Briat, Claude Ruiz) National Pedagogical Commission, 1st Cycle, January, 27th 2001 (Eric Till) Technical Commission, January, 27th 2001 (Anita Lebon-Gardy) Civics Commission, January, 27th 2001 (Christine Guimonnet) Europe Commission, January, 27th 2001 (Gérard Déclas) IUFM Commission, January, 27th 2001 (Renée Dray-Bensoussan) TICE Commission, January, 27th 2001 (Gérard Colotte) What is the M.I.L.S. ? (Anne Fournier) ARCHIVES A New Home for the National Archives The Association's Creation The Role and Status of "Oral Archives" (Georgette Elgey) PEDAGOGIES Ideas Exchange 11th Grade/6th-Form Class : Learning How to study Historical Documents Subject : "France, Indigenous Peoples, and the Colonial Debate" (Richard Galliano) A Work of Art fot the Baccalaureat Exam (Marie Lavin) 12th-Grade/Upper-6th Vocational Class : Territorial Development in Japan (Concerning the geography paper for the vocationzl baccalaureat exam in June 2000) (Corinne Glaymann) A Week Devoted to "Algeria and France" at the Lycée du Parc in Vilgénis (Pierre Kerleroux) Internet Internet Chronicle (Daniel Letouzey) RESEARCH A Few Primordial Questions Concerning Jesus (Ernest-Marie Laperrousaz) HOMAGE Hélène DUMAS (1916-2001) (Michel Arondel - Jean Peyrot) SPECIAL FILE:The History Of Latin America (2) coordonated by Laurent VIDAL -Presentation, by Laurent Vidal -Regimes and Political Practices in Independant America, 1830-1914, by Marie-Danielle Demélas -Political Experiments and Conflicts in 19th-Century Latin America : The Example of the Plata Basin, by Ana Maria Diaz -20th-Century Populist Movements in Latin America, by Jean-Pierre Lavaud -A Look at the Cuban Revolution (1959-1999), by Pierre Vayssière -Populations, Interbreeding, and Migrations (16th-20th Centuries), by Thomas Calvo -An Historical Sketch of Labor-Incitement Methods from the 15th to 20th Centuries, by Jean Piel -Bureaucracy in Spanish America : Loyalty versus Subjection (16th-20th Centuries), by Mickaël Augeron -Industrialization in Latin America, by Nikita Harwich -Cities and Urbanization in Brazil (16th-19th Centuries), by Laurent Vidal -History and Imagination in Contemporary Spanish-American Novels, by Fernando Moreno -Latin-American Flanery in the documentary collections of France, by Mona Huerta -Visiting the Americas via Collections in French Museums, by Pascal Mongne APHG ONE-DAY SEMINAR, 2 December 2000, Paris Metropolization, Globalization, Power Introduction (Robert Marconis) SEE AND HEAR Notebook (Yves Thoraval) Exhibitions (Alain Laude and alii) Cinema (Michel Lejoyeux) Music (Jean-Philippe Genet, Philippe Gut, André Segond, Philippe Zwang) Theater (Guy Boquet, Jacques Portes) READ, REREAD HG noted (Alain Laude, Claude Ruiz et alii) Magazines (Alain Laude, Claude Ruiz) Recent Publications in Geography (Robert Marconis) Books LETTERS Geographical Controversy (André Dauphiné, Jean-Bernard Charrier). Tanks in 1940 (André Martel) Number 375 - July-august 2001

EDITORIAL: Calming Things Down ... in order to gain Time (Robert Marconis)

APHG ACTIVITIES National Steering Committee, May 13, 2001 (Aleth Briat, Claude Ruiz) TICE Commission, May 12, 2001 (Gérard Colotte) National Pedagogical Commission, 1st Cycle, May 12, 2001 (Eric Till) National Pedagogical Commission, 2nd Cycle, May 12, 2001 (Bernard Phan) Civics Commission, May 12, 2001 (Christine Guimonnet) Europe Commission, May 12, 2001 (Gérard Déclas) PEDAGOGIES Teacher Training Handling First Lessons (Elie Allouche) Teaching Greek History : the Example of Religious Life (Michel Fauquier) From Eugenics to the Holocaust, 1933-1945 (Martine Giboureau) When concentration Camp Victimes Meet Students (Franck Schwab) From Memory to European Consciousness (Thérèse Cousin) Discussing the Algerian War in the 12th Grade (Francis Maure) Civics in the 10th Grade (Fith Form) High School Students and the Law (concerning the Right to Work) (Françoise Martinetti) From Collective Memory to History (Catherine Gervois) Interview with Jean-Noël Luc, Philippe Marchand, Annie Bruter : Teaching History and Geography in the 19th Century Further Education Art and Government during the Renaissance Part II (Eric de Saint-Denis) Prices School Contest : Resistance and Deportation, 1999-2001 (Jean Gavard) Annie and Charles Corrin Price 2000 Internet Chronicle (Daniel Letouzey) OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS UPDATE ON Competitive Exams : 2001 Internal Agregation in History and Geography (Jean-Louis Nembrini) Comments on the new History and Geography papers for the external Agregation Exam (Rémy Knafou et Michel Hagnerelle) Rome as City and Capital from Julius Caesar to the Antonines (Jean-Pierre Guilhembet) Religion and culture in European States and Societes from 1800 to 1914 (Germany, France, Italy, and Great Britain in their 1914 Boundaries (Jacques Olivier Bourdon, Christophe Charles) The Mediterranean (Jacques Bethemont) RESEARCH North American History in France (Claude Fohlen) SPECIAL FILE: TEACHING CONTEMPORARY HISTORY (1945 TO THE PRESENT) PART I Introduction (Jean Peyrot) Social and Economic Changes in the World since 1945 (Jacques Marseille) Concerning The American Model (André Kaspi) Teaching the History of USSR (Jacques Sapir) Presidential Power under France's Fifth Republic (Ralph Schor) HOMAGE Robert Blanchon (Pierre Garrigue) CLIMATE CHRONICLE Denis Lamarre SEE AND HEAR Notebook (Yves Thoraval) Cinema : Solidarity with the orphans of Aids in Ouganda : ABC Africa (Hubert Tison) Exhibitions (Alain Laude and alii) Theatre (Guy Boquet, Jacques Portes) Music (Jean-Philippe Genet, Philippe Gut, André Segond, Philippe Zwang) READ, REREAD HG noted (Alain Laude, Claude Ruiz et alii) Magazines (Alain Laude, Claude Ruiz) Books LETTERS The Voulet-Chanoine Affair (Jean Suret-Canale) Number 376 - September/October 2001

EDITORIAL: (Robert Marconis)

HOMAGE Jean-Bernard Charrier (Pierre Leveque)

COLUMN Shaft of Ire, Shaft of Irony Typographical Variation and Semantic Subtleties in the Competitive Exam Curricula (Jean Peyrot) APHG ACTIVITIES Investigation into T.P.E. (Bernard Phan) Discovering the Piedmont (Véronique Fruit) PEDAGOGIES Idea Exchange Working together in Letters/History (The 1999-2000 School Year) (Jeanne Fouet, Claire Vapillon) Inquest into an Enigma (Michel Barbe) Civilisation of the Industrial Age (Gracia Dorel-Ferre) On the Production of the CNDP's First Pedagogical DVD-Vidéo "Metropolises in Mutation" (J.P. Chevalier, Eric Janin, Serge Puechperty, Jacques Wallet) Geography in Education (Robert Marconis) Internet Chronicle (Daniel Letouzey) OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS Official Texts : Guidance on the Problem of Hazing Assessment in 2nd Grade, 6th Grade, and 10th Grade, Year 2001-2002 CAPES Exam : Correction René Cassin Competition Accepting Handicapped Students the 2001 School Year The 2001-2002 National Resistance and Concentration Camp Contest Civics, Legal and Social Education in 12th Grade (Sixth Form) Final-Year History and Geography (General Stream and Technical Stream) UPDATE ON Mountains as geographical object (Bernard Debarbieux) Geographical Causalities : Determinism, Possibilism, Systemic Approach (François Durand- Dastes) 2001 External CAPES and CAFEP in History and Geography (Gérard Dorel) 2001 Internal and Special CAPES (Jean-François Grandbastien) 2001 PLP2 Exam : External and Internal Exam for Appointment to 2nd Level Technical School Teachers (Joëlle Dusseau) ESCP - CAP Exam 2001 (Laurent Carroue) ESSEC Exam 2001 (Pierre Biard) RESEARCH University Research Centers in Military History Interview with Maurice Vaisse on the Defense History Study Center (Hubert Tison) -Joint Research Unit on States/Societies.Ideologies/Defense at Paul Valery University in Montpellier (Jules Maurin) -Interview with Jean-Charles Jauffret on the War in Algeria : Explanations for Reconciliation (Hubert Tison) -Military History at CRHMA (History of the Atlantic World Research Center), University of Nantes (Jean-Pierre Bois) Teaching Contemporary History (1945 to the Present, Part II, Reflections on International Relations since 1943) (Robert Frank) Global and Local : the Roannese Knitting's Adjustment to the New Economy (Jean-Pierre Houssel) ARCHIVES An Archives Policy (Vincent Duclert) TELEVISION AND HISTORY Interview of Philippe Chazal, Head of the History Chanel (Aleth Briat) SEE AND HEAR Notebook (Yves Thoraval) Telex (Yves Thoraval) Cinema (Michel Lejoyeux) Exhibitions (Alain Laude and alii) Theatre (Guy Boquet, Jacques Portes) Music (Jean-Philippe Genet, Philippe Gut, André Segond, Philippe Zwang) READ, REREAD HG noted (Alain Laude, Claude Ruiz et alii) Magazines (Alain Laude, Claude Ruiz) History of France (Jean Peyrot) Books LETTERS About of Jesus (Marc Cholin, Ernest-Marie Laperrousaz) N° 377 - January/February 2002 The Post-Communist Transition in Central and Eastern Europe : 1990-2000 EDITORIAL: NO... but... (Robert Marconis)

HOMAGES Eric Duhamel (Sophie Duhamel-Lacoste, Olivier Forcade, Olivier Dard, Gilles Le Beguec, Jean- Marie Mayeur, René Rémond) François Weymuller, Marcel Bordet (Pierre Garrigue)

A.P.H.G. ACTIVITIES Annual General Meeting, december 2, 2001 (Aleth Briat, Claude Ruiz) National Pedagogical Commission Meeting, Second Cycle, december 1, 2001 (Bernard Phan) National Pedagogical Commission Meeting, First Cycle, december 1, 2001 (Eric Till) Technical Commission Meeting, december 1, 2001 (Anita Lebon-Gardy) IUFM Commission Meeting, december 1, 2001 (Renée Dray-Bensoussan) Civics Commission Meeting, december 1, 2001 (Pierre Kerleroux) Europe Commission Meeting, december 1, 2001 (Alexandre Pajon) ONAC & l'APHG (Guide) Clarification on a Book about Teaching History (Jean Peyrot) PEDAGOGY Idea Exchange The Memorial of Verdun's Education Department (Gérard Domange) The Historical and Geographical Logic behind Street Names : The Example of Colmar's Odonyms (Dominique Badariotti, Laurent Voinson) Internet Chronicle (Daniel Letouzey) UPDATE ON External Agregation in Geography, 2001 Reports (Rémy Knafou, Michel Hagnerelle) External Agregation in History, 2001 Reports (Claude Gauvard) Supplemental Bibliography on the Question of Ancient History for the External CAPES and Agregation Exams (Jean-Pierre Guilhembet)

SPECIAL FILE: The Post-Communist Transition in Central and Eastern Europe : 1990-2000, coordinated by Laurent Brassart, Stéphane Pannekoucke, Paul-David Regnier

Introduction (Laurent Brassart, Stéphane Pannekoucke, Paul-David Regnier) Foreword (Antoine Marès)

Reconfiguring Memories and Identities The Political Use of Memory and Historian's Responsabilities (Jean-Yves Potel) Gypsies during Transition in the East (Henriette Asseo) Jews of Central and Eastern Europe in the Post-Communist Era (Esther Benbassa) Minorities in Central and Eastern Europe (Alain Soubigou) Religious Problems in the Post-Communist Balkans (Paul Garde) Central and Eastern European Nationalities in Secondary School (Pierre Kerleroux et Eric Till) Two Special Educational-Activity Files : Macedonia, a Balkan Pawderkeg - Gypsies in Central and Eastern European Countries (Pierre Kerleroux) Assessment of Social and Economic Transition The Countryside in Post-Socialist Europe : Desoriented Rural Societies in Search of Developpement (Georgette Zrinscak, Béatrice Von Hirschhausen) Transition in the Industrial Sector of CEEC (Octavian Groza) The Countries of Central and Eastern Europe (1990-2000). A Balance Sheet of Transition from Plan to Market (Marie Lavigne) The Countries of Central and Eastern Europe : an Economic and Social Assessment (François Bafoil)

ARCHIVES The Reasons of an Investment (Vincent Duclert, Hubert Tison) After November 5, 2001 (Vincent Duclert) Annexes INTERVIEW With René Rémond, on Changes in French Political Life From 1995 to 2001 (Lydie Gervillie, Hubert Tison) With Marc Ferro, on "History of France" (Hubert Tison) RESEARCH Planetary Warming and Predicted Climate Changes : Incredulity, Assumption, or Certainty ? (Pierre Pagney) Climate Change in a 10th-Grade/5th-Form Class (Denis Lamarre) Relations between Art and Religious Culture Today (Dominique Ponnau)

SEE AND HEAR Notebooks (Yves Thoraval) Telex (Yves Thoraval) Exhibitions (Alain Laude et alii) Music (Jean-Philippe Genet, Philippe Gut, André Segond, Philippe Zwang) Theater (Guy Boquet, Jacques Portes) Cinema (Michel Lejoyeux) READ, REREAD HG noted (Alain Laude, Claude Ruiz et alii) Books N° 378 - May 2002 The Way of Economic History ? Editorial: History and Geography at the Center of Civical Debate

Conference of Specialists Associations' Leaders Meeting SNALC-APHG HOMAGES Bernard Kayser (Robert Marconis, Marie-Christine Jaillet, Guy Jalabert, Jean-Paul Laborie) Philippe Wolff (Robert Marconis, Pierre Bonnassié, Maurice Berthe)

A.P.H.G. ACTIVITIES National Streering Comittee, January, 27th 2002 (Aleth Briat, Claude Ruiz) National Pedagogical Commission, 2nd Cycle, January, 26th 2002 (Bernard Phan) National Pedagogical Commission, 1st Cycle, January, 26th 2002 (Eric Till) Civic Commission, January, 26th 2002. Interview with Hanifa Cherifi (Christine Guimonnet) TICE Commission, January, 26th 2002 (Gérard Colotte) REGIONS Réunion Island Regional Group (Jacques Delpech) PEDAGOGY 6th Grade (1st Form) Class : Pedagogy and the Web : A Marriage of Convenience : the Vendée Globe Race and Geography in School (Pascal François) New 10th Grade (4th Form) curricula : How and What Should be Conveyed ? A Few Comment on the Subject "Feeding Humanity" (Jean-Paul Charvet, Chantal Ravier, Marie-Claire Ruiz) France in Indochina from the 1930's to 1954 (Richard Galliano) TV Broadcast/Videotape : the CNED's History and Geography Series on France's 5th Republic (Sylvie Guillaume, Fernand Etiemble) Internet : Chronicle (Daniel Letouzey) Victor Hugo's "Pegasus" (Patrick Brady) FREE OPINIONS Heritage, Citizenship and the Duty to remember (Catherine Chadefaud) UPDATE ON Religion and cultures in the European West (1800-1914). A tentative Assessment (Gérard Cholvy) RESEARCH The Geopolitics of Réunion Island (Paul-François Martinez) ITINERARIES Jean-Pierre Pinot (Jean-Claude Bodere, Yannick Lageat, Alain Miossec). Marcel Vigneux (Pierre Leveque). Robert Laurent (Jean Sagnes). René Taveneaux (Louis Chatellier) AN OBLIGATION OF HISTORY The Max Marchand - Mouloud Feraoun Hall of National Education (Hubert Tison) SPECIAL FILE: The way of Economic History ?. Coordonated by Dominique BARJOT Editorial Gérard Béaur Foreword The French Association of Economic Historians (AFHE) : Michèle Merger Introduction Dominique Barjot I-Overview of Research The Economic History of Antiquity : Jean Andreau et Raymond Descat The Economic History of the Middle Ages : Predicaments, Issues and needs : Mathieu Arnoux Recent Research in the Economic History of France :Yhe Modern Period, 16th-18th Centuries: Philippe Minard The Figure and the Model ; Quantitativ History and Modelization : Jean-Yves Grenier The Textile Industry in Normandy as been by a Manufactory Inspector Period : Philippe Minard The Economic History of France in the 19th and 20th Centuries : Recent Advances in Historiography : Dominique Barjot Current Trends in Research in the Economic and Social History of the Contemporary Period : Patrick Fridenson II-Shedding Light on Contemporary Challenges The Economic History of the Countryside : Gérard Béaur The Service Sector and Economic History : On the Role of Services in Economic Growth : Hubert Bonin The " Transportation Revolution " : An Outdated Concept : Michèle Merger About Globalization : François Crouzet The French Automobile Industry during the Post-War Economic Boom : From Production to Mass Consumption : Marie-Françoise Berneron-Couvenhes ARCHIVES Archives and Politics (Vincent Duclert) SEE AND HEAR Notebook (Yves Thoraval) Telex (Yves Thoraval) Cinema (Trois festivals) (Yves Thoraval) Exhibitions (Alain Laude et alii) Music (Jean-Philippe Genet, Philippe Gut, André Segond, Philippe Zwang) Theater (Guy Boquet, Jacques Portes) READ, REREAD H.G. noted (Alain Laude, Claude Ruiz et alii) Magazines (Alain Laude, Claude Ruiz) Geography News (Robert Marconis) APHG's Homage to Léopold Sedar Senghor Books Letters (Louis Monestier, Edouard Cattoir, Pierre Gouel) N° 379 - July 2002 View of Africa

EDITORIAL: Resuming real dialogue in order to restore trust (Robert Marconis)

HOMAGE Paul Raison (Michel Arrondel, Jean-Louis Tissier)

A.P.H.G. ACTIVITIES National Streering Comittee on June 20, 2002 (Aleth Briat, Claude Ruiz) National Pedagogical Commission Intermediate Schools(Éric Till) National Pedagogical Commission Secondary Schools (Bernard Phan) Technical Education Commission (Anita Lebon-Gardy) Civic Commission (Christine Guimonnet) TICE Commission (Gérard Colotte) PEDAGOGY •8th- and 10th-Grade Classes (3rd and 5th Form) The French Revolution and the Acquisition of Democracy (Elie Allouche) •11th-Grade Class Clarification on the Outcome of Collectivization and on Interpretations of the Soviet Famine of 1932-1933 (Richard Galliano) •Contests The 2000-2001 Contest on The Resistance and Concentration Camps (Jean Gavard) •Collective Memory Martinique and the Catastrophe of 1902 (Philippe Zwang) •Internet Chronique (Daniel Letouzey) RESEARCH Was "Haussmanization" a Response to Urban Crisis ? Ten Years On... (Florence Bourillon)

SPECIAL FILE: Views of Africa.(1) Coordinated by François Bart, Jacques Bonvallot and Roland Pourtier Foreword 1-Geograph, Africa and France 2-Africa at the Dawn of the Third Millenium I-Urban Africa A-South Africa : Cities and Territories in Evolution 3-Mainet-Valleix Hélène : Durban at the Dawn of the Third Millenium : Urban Ségregation and Social Recomposition in a South African Metropolis 4-Dagorn René, Guillaume Philippe : Howard and the Perverts : A South-African Utopia 5-Haussay-Holzschuch Myriam : Segregation, Desegregation, and Resegregation in South African Towns : The Example of Cape Town 6-Antheaume Benoît, Giraut Frédéric : Margins in the Heart of Territorial Innovation ? A Look at Administrative Borders (France, Morocco, Niger, South Africa, Togo, etc.) B-Sub-Saharan Africa : Urban Management and Crises 7-Piermay Jean-Luc : Inventing the City in Sub-Saharan Africa 8-Dubresson Alain, Jaglin Sylvy (IFU, LATTS) : Urban Governance in Sub-Saharan Africa : For a Regulatory Geography 9-Bertrand Monique : Real-Estate Management and the Logic of Urban Development : Comparative Experiments in English- and French-Speaking Parts of West Africa 10-Bruneau Jean-Claude : Urban Life in the Countryside : Social Crises and Exurbanization in Tropical Africa 11-Augustin Jean-Pierre : Sports in Black Africa : Developing Research into Sports Institutions, Practices, and Facilities 12-Chaleard Jean-Louis : Markets and Food Merchants in Western Africa : The Ivory Coast Example II-Territorial Recompositions 13-Charlery de la Masselière Bernard : Black Africa's Peasantry : Soil, Land, Territory 14-Grégoire Emmanuel : Merchant Zones in Sub-Saharan Africa 15-Ninot Olivier, Lesourd Michel, Lombard Jérôme : Networks and Exchanges in Rural Senegal : New Spaces, New Centers 16-Bart François : The Mountains of Trpical Africa : Sources of Tension ?

UPDATE ON The 2002 Internal Agregation Exam in History and Geography (Jean-Louis Nembrini) The Spatial Inspirations Behind Borderlines and Discontinuities (Frédéric Alexandre, Claude Grasland, Jean-Christophe Gay) The Renaissance from the 1470s to the 1560s (Viewed in All its Dimensions) (Gérald Chaix) European Societies from the 6th Century to the Late 9th Century (Excluding the Byzantine, Islamic, and Slavic Worlds) (Stéphane Lebecq, Régine Le Jan, Céline Martin) SEE AND HEAR Notebook (Yves Thoraval) Telex (Yves Thoraval) Cinema : The Pianist of Roman Polanski (Françoise Ambrosini) Exhibitions (Alain Laude et alii) Music (Jean-Philippe Genet, Philippe Gut, André Segond, Philippe Zwang) Theater (Guy Boquet, Jacques Portes) READ, REREAD H.G. noted (Alain Laude, Claude Ruiz) Magazines (Alain Laude, Claude Ruiz) Books N° 380 - October2002

Where is Economic History Headed ? Part II

HOMAGE Louis François (André Zweyacker, Jean Peyrot)

A.P.H.G. ACTIVITIES The APHG and You PEDAGOGY •Collective Memory "Making Sure We Don't Forget" : Interview with Serge Klarsfeld (Christine Guimonnet) "Combatting the Unspeakable : Belgian Resistance Fighter Martin at Auwchwitz in 1943" (Bernard Krouck) •Multimedia "Medieval Illuminations" : Interview with Yannick Dehée (Aleth Briat et Bernard Phan) "Terre des villes" : The Collection of CD-Rom : Naples, Paris, San Francisco. Interview with Jean-François Coulais et Pierre Gentelle (Hubert Tison) •Witnesses A.E.C. in the Classrooms UPDATE ON Report on the 2002 External "Agrégation" Exam in Geography (Rémy Knafou)

SPECIAL FILE: Where is Economic History Headed ? Coordinated by Dominique BARJOT III-Research in Progress Between Micro and Macro : What Role for Quantitative Studies in Economic History ? : Pierre-Cyrille Hautcoeur Regional Economic History : Michel Hau The History of Innovation : François Caron From Production to Consumption : The Logics of the Market in France (19th-20th Centuries) : Jean-Claude Daumas The Banking System and Economic Development in FRance : Eric Bussière The History of Businesses : Isabelle Lescent-Gilles State and Economy in France after the Revolution : Philippe Minard Working Women : A Longtime Role in the Economy : Sylvie Schweitzer Second Cycle, Illustration of Economic History : the Mediterranean's XIIth century, Center of Commercial Global System : Bruno Jegou On teaching the Industrial Revolution : Introductory Remarks and Teaching Materials : Pierre Biard IV-Methods and Tools Economic History and the Social Sciences : Jean Heffer, Marie-Vic Ozouf-Marignier History and Management : Interview with Yannick Lemarchand (Dominique Barjot) Statistics and Economic History : Jean-François Eck Economic History and Cartography : Marc de Ferrière Economic History on the Web : Daniel Letouzey V-Panel Discussion "Teaching Economic History ?" Philippe Minard, Dominique Barjot, Gérard Béaur, Gérard Gayot, Corinne Maitte, Jean Peyrot, Gérard Vindt, Patrick Fridenson

HEAR AND SEE Turkish Cinema (Yves Thoraval) Exhibitions (Alain Laude et Alii) Television : Interview with Philippe Chazal (Hubert Tison) READ, REREAD H.G. noted (Alain Laude, Claude Ruiz) Magazines (Alain Laude, Claude Ruiz) Recent Publications on the Bible (Ernest-Marie Laperrousaz) Books N° 381 - December 2002 View of Africa Part II EDITORIAL: Learning History and Geography in School : Initial Reflections on a Symposium (Robert Marconis)

HOMAGE Maurice Crubellier (Nicole Moine), Pierre Turpault (Pierre Preau)

PEDAGOGY Contest for 10th-Grade/5th-Form Classes Study Trips for Young People : Zellidja Travel Grants (Corinne Glaymann) Contest on the Resistance and Concentration Camps : An Example from Moselle (Didier Ravaine, Hugues Scholtes) 10th-Grade/5th-Form Classes : French Society Faced with Risks (Yvette Veyret) Societies Faced with Risks and the Use of Case Studies (Nicole Gendre, Christian Guitard) Internet : Chronicle (Daniel Letouzey) INTERVIEW With André Kaspi, about Jules Isaac (Hubert Tison) OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS New History/Geography Curricula for 11th & 12th Grades (6th & Upper-6th Forms) UPDATE ON 2002 Reports External Agregation in History (Jean-Pierre Jessenne) External CAPES and CAFEP (Gérard Dorel) Internal CAPES (Jean-François Grandbastien) Third CAPES (Jean-Michel Bernardin, Jean-Louis Reppert, Guy Mandon) PLP2 Exam : External, Internal and Special Exam for Appointment to 2nd Level Technical School Teachers (Joëlle Dusseau) ESCP Exam (Laurent Carroue) ESSEC Exam (Pierre Biard)

SPECIAL FILE: View of Africa (2). Coordinated bay François BART, Jacques BONVALLOT, Roland POURTIER.

II-Territorial Recompositions

17-Pourtier Roland : Space and Nation in Central Africa 18-Rakoto Hervé : Piblic Policy and Territorial Responsabilities : The Renaissance and the Stakes of Local Involvement. A few Malagasy Examples 19-IMBS Françoise : Where are Rwandans Living Today ? Rupture, Reconstruction, and Continuity in the Distribution of Population since 1994 20-Ciss Gorgui, Principaud Jean-Philippe : International Tourism in Guinean Africa : Current Status and Outlook 21-Tudesq André-Jean : Media and Geographical Disparities in Sub-Saharan Africa 22-Lenoble-Bart Annie, Tudesq André-Jean : The Internet in Sub-Saharan Africa : Between Dream and Reality III-Questions for Ecology 23-Bonvallot Jacques, Schwartz Dominique : The Recent History of Central African Rain Forest : From the Middle Holocene to the Present to Future Outlook 24-Ballouche Aziz : The History of Natural Landscapes and Social Memory in the West African Savannas 25-Blanc-Pamard Chantal, Boutrais Jean : Environmental Times : From Technical Rescue to Local Management in Africa and Madagascar 26-Camberlin P., Beltrando G., Fontaine B., Richard Y. : Rainfall and Climate Crises in Tropical Africa : Lasting Change or Yearly Fluctuations ? 27-Tsalefac Maurice, Ngoufo Roger : Weather Satellites and the Rediscovery of the Planet's Climates : The EREDCA Team's Experiment in Estimating Rainfall in Cameroon via Satellite 28-Pomel Simon : Vegetal and Pedological Cover in Western and Central Africa : An Anthropological Conception of Zonality 29-Handschumacher P., Laffly D., Hervouet J.P. : From the Ecology of Diseases to Indicators of Health Risks : For an Applied Geography of Public Health in Sub-Saharan 30-Thibaud Bénédicte : Wood in Sub-Saharan Africa : A Major Environmental Issue 31-Brondeau Florence : What Future for the Irrigated Zones of the Sub-Saharan Region ? The Example of the Niger Office in Mali CLIMATIC CHRONICLE On the Geography of Risk (Denis Lamarre) SEE AND HEAR Notebook (Yves Thoraval) Telex (Yves Thoraval) Cinema (Michel Lejoyeux) Exhibitions (Alain Laude et alii) Music (Jean-Philippe Genet, Philippe Gut, André Segond, Philippe Zwang) Theater (Guy Boquet, Jacques Portes) READ, REREAD H.G. noted (Alain Laude, Claude Ruiz) Magazines (Alain Laude, Claude Ruiz) Innovations in Geography (Robert Marconis) Books Chronology : the Come Back (Jean Peyrot) Letters N° 382 -March 2003 The Post-Communist Transition in Central and Eastern Europe, 1990-2000 Part II

A.P.H.G. ACTIVITIES National Committee, Frebruary 2nd, 2003 HOMAGES Jean LABASSE (Jean-Pierre Houssel) Pierre BRUYELLE (André Gamblin) Marcel PACAUT (Jacques Rossiaud, Jean Peyrot) A.P.H.G. ACTIVITIES Annual General Meeting, December 1st, 2002 (Aleth Briat, Claude Ruiz) Pedagogic Commission Meeting Second Cycle, November 30th, 2002 (Bernard Phan) Pedagogic Commission Meeting First Cycle, November 30th, 2002 (Éric Till) Technical Commission Meeting, November 30th, 2002 (Anita Lebon-Gardy) Civic Commission Meeting, November 30th, 2002 (Christine Guimonnet) Europe Commission Meeting, November 30th, 2002 (Alexandre Pajon) REGIONS From Whu Zetian to Jiang Zemin : Three Weeks in China, July-August 2002 (Pierre Kerleroux) PEDAGOGY Didactics Geography and Environment in School (Chantal Tissier-Dauphin) How to put Academic Knowledge into Words : a Study of Teaching-Practices, The Example of Geography in Second Cycle Classes (Jean-François Marcel) Developing Geographical Activities in Intermediate Schools (Gérard Hugonie) Baccalauréat Document Analysis : A Long Part of the Baccalaureat Exam (Bernard Blandre) Baccalaureat Exam : An Illustration and Defense of Document Analysis (Joseph Castel) Mémoire et Histoire Collective Memory and the Holocaust, Europe and the Teaching History as Discussed at the Strasbourg Seminar, October 15-18, 2002 (Franck Schwab) 400th Anniversary of the Founding of Quebec. New France never Existed (or, How Canada is Depicted in French Textbooks (Robert Piart, Jacques-Paul Couturier) Internet Internet Chronicle (Daniel Letouzey)

SPECIAL FILE: View of Africa. Last part. Coordinated by François BART, Jacques BONVALLOT, Roland POURTIER

Questions for Ecology

28-Pomel Simon : Vegetal and Pedological Cover in Western and Central Africa : An Anthropological Conception of Zonality 29-Handschumacher P., Laffly D., Hervouet J.P. : From the Ecology of Diseases to Indicators of Health Risks : For an Applied Geography of Public Health in Sub-Saharan Africa 30-Thibaud Bénédicte : Wood in Sub-Saharan Africa : A Major Environmental Issue 31-Brondeau Florence : What Future for the Irrigated Zones of the Sub-Saharan Region ? The Example og the Niger Office in Mali

SPECIAL FILE: The Post-Communist Transition in Central and Eastern Europa 1990-2000. (2). Coordinated by Laurent BRASSART, Stéphane PANNEKPUCKE, Paul-David REGNIER

Foreword (Antoine Marès)

I- The Political Transition in Central and Eastern Europe countries Old and New Leadership in Post-Communist Transformations (Georges Mink et Jean Charles Szurek) Central Europe : New, Post-Communist Habits (Jan Skórzynski) The Spirit of 1989 (Chantal Delsol) The "Loosers" of the Transition of Former Socialist Countries in Central, Baltic, and Balkan Europe (Bruno Drweski) II- A Failed Transition in the Balkans The End of Yugoslavia (1987-2000) (Joseph Krulic) The Economic Basis of the Yugoslavia Disintegration (Hugues Sachter) The Problem of Borders in the Former Yugoslavia (Anton Gosar) The Problems Raised by Northern Adriactic Borders Between Italy, Croatia, and Slovenia (Anton Gosar et Mladen Klemencic) Albanians within the Balkan Community from the League of Prizren to the War in Kosovo (Bruno et Pierre Cabanes) Has the War Ended in the Balkans ? (Michel Roux) The End of the Interregnum ? (Georges Prévélakis) The Regionalization of Central Europe : Recomposition and Fragmentation (Alice Landau) II- The Geopolitical Stakes of Transition What Geography for an Enlarged European Union ? (Gilles Lepesant) Ten Years Later : Support or Disapproval of Post-Communist Transformations (Georges Mink) Interviews With Jacques Rupnik (Laurent Brassart, Paul-David Régnier et Hubert Tison) With Bronislaw Geremek (Laurent Brassart, Pierre Kerleroux, Paul-David Régnier, Hubert Tison)

UPDATE ON Externet Agregation in Geography (Rémy Knafou) RESEARCH BSE and Food-and-Mouth : Europe's Farm Animals Stricken by the Plague (Stéphane Dubois) Fifty Years of Secrecy : The Protocole Appended to the German-Soviet Non-Agression Pact (Guy Durandin) The Winter War and the French Aid-for-Finland Committee, January to September 1940 (Louis Clerc) INTERVIEW With Jean Garrigues : The Parliamentary and Political History Committee : A Locus of Knowledge, Understanding, and Dialogue SEE AND HEAR Notebook/Telex (Yves Thoraval) Exhibitions (Alain Laude et alii) Theater (Guy Boquet, Jacques Portes) Music (Jean-Philippe Genet, Philippe Gut, André Segond, Philippe Zwang) READ, REREAD H.G. noted (Alain Laude, Claude Ruiz) Magazines (Alain Laude, Claude Ruiz) Where has the Bible Gone ? Under What Stone is it Hiding ? (Ernest-Marie Laperrousaz) Interview with Anthony Rowley, Head of Perrin Editions (Hubert Tison) Colloques Men and Women during Algerian War (7-8 octobre 2002) (Dalila Ait-el-Djoudi, Jean-Charles Jauffret) Rights and Justice in Algeria, XIXth and XXth Century (22, 23 octobre 2002) (Dalila Ait-el- Djoudi) Some books (Jean Peyrot) Books Letters (Marie-Paule Hervieu, Jacques Georges, Antoine Germa) N° 383 - July-August 2003 Immigration in France in the 20th Century, Part One EDITORIAL: Ambiguities and Wait-and-See Attutides (Robert Marconis)

A.P.H.G. ACTIVITIES National Steering Committee Meeting on February 2nd (Aleth Briat, Claude Ruiz) Pedagogic Commission Meeting Second Cycle, February 1st (Bernard Phan) Pedagogic Commission Meeting First Cycle, February 1st (Eric Till) Pedagogic Commission TICE, February 1st (Gérard Colotte) PEDAGOGY Pedagogical files 6th Grade (1st Form) : Earky Christianity (Maryse Baudson, Claudine Adam, José Gomez, Eric Till) 7th Grade (2nd Form) : The islamie world (Maryse Baudson, Sandrine Fayolle, Michèle Ragot, Olympe Nicoulaud) History and Memory : Lucie Aubrac and the School of Collective Memory (Bernard Krouck) The 2002 Contest on the Resistance and Concentration Camps (Claude Barthe) Annie and Charles COORIN Price, 2002 Teaching Religious Events (Jean Peyrot) Competition : On a Few Textebooks (Nicole Lemaitre) Internet Chronicle (Daniel Letouzey) OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS The 2003-2004 History/Geography Curriculum for Final-Year Students in General Academic High School The 2004 History/Geography Exam for the "S" Series Baccalaureat Diploma The 2004 External Agrégation Exam The 2004 Internal Agrégation and CAFEP Exam The Third CAPES, CAPEPS, and CAFEP Exams and the Third CPE Competition in 2004 ARCHIVES To Your Archives, Citizens ! (Jean-Marc Delaunay) A Place for "La cité des Archives" (Annette Wieviorka) Poles and Poland in French Archives UPDATE ON Anatolia (to the west of Halys, including islands possessing territory on the continent), Syria, and Egypt (including Cyprus) from the Death of the Alexander to Rome's Settlement of Eastern Affairs (55 BCE) (Jean-Christophe Couvennes, Pierre Fröhlich, Bernard Legras) Societies, War, and Peace (Europa, Russia/USSR, United STates, Italy), 1911-1946 (Stéphane Audoin, Rouzeau, Anne Dumenil, Christian Ingrao, Henri Rousso) Risks (François Bost, André Dauphine, Jacques Donze, Nancy Meschinet de Richemond, Yvette Veyret, Hervé Viellard-Baron) Sub-Saharan Africa (Roland Pourtier) SPECIAL FILE: Immigration in France in the 20th Century (1). Coordinated by Yvan GASTAUT and Ralph SCHOR

Forewords (Ralph Schor) The Paths of Immigration

Immigration in France in the 20th Century (Ralph Schor) Italians in France (Eric Vial) Belgians in France from the 19th to the 20th Century (Anne Morelli) The Polish France in the 19th and 20th Century (Janine Ponty) Spaniards in France in the 20th Century (Geneviève Dreyfus-Armand) A Strong Migratory flow in the Past, a Modest One to Day (Anne de Tinguy) Hungarian Immigration to France in the 20th Century (1919-1989) : Political and Social Life (Benjamin Janicaud) Gypsy Populations and Migratory Movements in France (Alain Reyniers) North African Immigration and the Colonial Background (Claude Liauzu) A Century of African Presence in France (Philippe Dewitte) Migration in Exile : the Armenian Presence in France. A 20th Century Diaspora (Martine Hovanessian) Chinese in France : Ancient and New migrations (Michèle Guillon)

RESEARCH The Territory of France, 19th-20th Centuries, Part I (Robert Marconis) SEE AND HEAR Notebook/Telex (Yves Thoraval) Cinema (Michel Lejoyeux, Yves Thoraval) Exhibitions (Alain Laude et alii) Theater (Guy Boquet, Jacques Portes) READ, REREAD H.G. noted (Alain Laude, Claude Ruiz) Magazines (Alain Laude, Claude Ruiz) Books Letters (Louis Monestier, Dominique Biloghi & Charles-Olivier Carbonell) N° 384 - October-November 2003 Immigration in France in the 20th Century, Part Two EDITORIAL: Teaching History and Geography Today (Bernard Phan)

Couverture : Edouard Vuillard, "L'aiguillée", 1893, huile sur toile, 42 x 33 cm, New Haven (Connecticut) Yale University Art Gallery, don Mellon, 1929 - Exposition au Grand Palais HOMAGE Gabriel MUTTE (Pierre Garrigue) A.P.H.G. ACTIVITIES National Steering Committee Meeting on May 18th, 2003, Paris (Aleth Briat, Claude Ruiz) Pedagogic Commission Meeting, First and Second Cycle, May 17th, 2003, Paris (Bernard Phan) Europe Commission Meeting, May 17th, 2003 (Alexandre Pajon) Civic Commission Meeting, February, 1st, 2003 PEDAGOGY Using Archive Material in Secondary School (Rose-Marie Fouet) Genevoix Classes (Gérard Domange, Antoine Martinez) The 2002 contest on the Resistance and concentration (Claude Barthe) History and Memory : Interview with Simone Weil : Reflections on Collective Memory of the Holocaust (Christine Guimonnet) Internet Chronicle (Daniel Letouzey) UP DATE ON Report on the 2003 Internal Agregation Exam in History and Geography (Claude Prudhomme) Report on the 2003 External CAPES and CAFEP in History and Geography (Gérard Dorel) Report on the 2003 Internal CAPES (Guy Mandon, Jean-Louis Reppert) ESSEC Exam, report 2003 (Pierre Biard) ESCP Exam, report 2003 (Laurent Carroué) Agregations and CAPES Bibliographies -North Africa, Egypt, Sudan, the Horn of Africa (Pierre Signoles) -Risks, Part Two (Yvette Veyret, Nancy Meschinet de Richemond, André Dauphiné, François Bost, Jacques Donze, Hervé Vieillard-Baron) -The Renaissance from the 1470's to the 1560's (Gérald Chaix) -Birth and Diffusion of Christianism (Nicole Moine) -French Revolution and Empire (1789-1815) : des expériences politiques fondatrice (Bernard Gainot) -Russia (Pierre Thorez) -The Souths (Bernard Bret) INTERVIEW With Thierry de MONTBRIAL (Sabine Jansen and Hubert Tison) OFFICIALS DOCUMENTS The 2003-2004 National Contest on the Resistance and Concentration Camps FNDRIP List SPECIAL FILE: Immigration in France in the 20th century (2). Coordinated by Yvan GASTAUT and Ralph SCHOR

II - Areas of Immigration

Foreigners and Immigrants in the Paris Region, 19th and XXth Centuries (Marie-Claude Blanc-Chaleard) Lorraine : A Model of Integration ? (Didier Francfort) Foreigners in Southwestern France (Pierre Guillaume) Immigration to Marseille in the XXth Century (Emile Temime) The Image of Illegal Immigrants in the Alpes-Maritimes Region, 1980-2000(Yvan Gastaut) III - Immigrants in the Major Debates of the 20th Century "Immigrants Despite Themselves" ! Soldiers and Colonial workers in France during World War I (Marc Michel) Foreigners in France during World War II (Jean-Marie Guillon) Young People of Algerian Stock and Depictions of the Algerian War : Writings and Identificatory Processes (Benjamin Stora)

RESEARCH The Territory of France, 19th-20th Centuries, Part II (Robert Marconis) CLIMATIC CHRONICLE France's Summer Heatwave in 2003 : From Weather Hazard to Health Disaster (Jean-Pierre Besancenot) Risks at All Levels of Geography : Question and Debate (Denis Lamarre) SEE AND HEAR Notebook (Yves Thoraval) Exhibitions (Alain Laude et alii) Music (Jean-Philippe Genet, Philippe Gut, André Segond, Philippe Zwang) Television and History : Interview with Philippe CHAZAL (Aleth Briat) - General Leclerc : Indochina Dream (André Martel) Theater (Guy Boquet, Jacques Portes) READ, REREAD H.G. noted (Alain Laude, Claude Ruiz) Magazines (Alain Laude, Claude Ruiz) Books Letters (André Martel, Michel Barbe, Renaud Chastagneret) N° 385 - January 2004 Immigration in France in the 20th Century, Part Three EDITORIAL: Storm Warning(s)... (Robert Marconis) Couverture : École élémentaire Edouard Vaillant à Pantin, près de Paris (photo Alain Laude)

HOMAGE René Lacotte (Guy Bouet, Olivier Balabanian, Bernard Valadas) A.P.H.G. ACTIVITIES Regional briefs Press Release SNAL/APHG Civic Commission Meeting (May, 17st, 2003) PEDAGOGY Teaching about war/imagining War, 9th Grade (4th form) (Sébastien Ambit) Teaching the Algerian War in 12th grade (upper 6th) : A teacher's story (Jean Sarramea) Studying a Document in 12th Grade (Upper 6th) : A contenporary Journalist's View of the Collapse of the European Defense Communit (Arnauld Cappeau) Analysis of Film Scenes (Eric Auphan) Reflections on the Baccalaureate Exams (Jean-Philippe Cormier) Internet (Daniel Letouzey) A Warning about the Book "Teaching Religion, a Challenge for Secular Education" (Jean Peyrot) South India Travel (Daniel Oster)

SPECIAL FILE: Immigration in France in the XXth century (3). Coordinated by Yvan GASTAUT and Ralf SCHOR

III - Immigrants in the Major Debates of the 20th Century (continued) Shaking Things up in Nanterre. Immigrants and left-Wingers in the Outskirts of Paris, 1968- 1971 (Daniel Gordon) Immigration Caught between Public Policies and Public Opinion (1945-1990) (Yvan Gastaut) The Far Rights in Words, from the 1930s to the 1980s (Ralph Schor) The French Church and Immigrants in the 20th Century (Ralph Schor) South European Immigration Policy Be Revised ? (Catherine Wihtol de Wenden) IV - Living in France : The Vagaries of Immigration On Integration (Ralph Schor) Assessment and Outlook for the Sociology of Migrations (Marie-Antoinnette Hily) Families and Immigration (Jocelyne Streiff-Fénart) Migrant Housing in France from the Mid-19th Century to the Present (Claire Lévy-Vroelant) Immigration in School : Evolutions in Educational Policies on Immigration (Marie Lazaridis et Alain Seksig) Immigrant Children in School : Avatars of a Disputed Issue (Jean-Pierre Zirotti) Racism in France as Measured by Opinion Surveys (Nonna Mayer, Guy Michelat) A Justification of Racism : The "Tolerance Limit" (Yvan Gastaut) The Islamic Headscarf Affair (Yvan Gastaut) Discovering France's Heritage of Immigration (Laure Teulières) Maps for Seeing and Seeking to Understand (Sandrine Alinat, Christian Carrié, Georges Roques)

NEW ITEMS CONCERNING GEOGRAPHY Chronicle (Robert Marconis) UP DATE ON External Agregation Competitive Exam History, 2003 Report (Jean-Pierre Jessenne) External Agregation Competitive Exam Geography, 2003 Report (Rémy Knaffou, Michel Hagnerelle) P.L.P. 2, 2003 Report (Joëlle Dusseau) ARCHIVES PCF Archives National Librar Users Association The End of Illusions (Vincent Duclert) RESEARCH Population Census Renovation (Alain Godinot) SEE AND HEAR Notebook (Yves Thoraval) Exhibitions (Alain Laude et alii) Music (Philippe Gut, Philippe Zwang) Theater (Guy Boquet, Jacques Portes) READ, REREAD H.G. noted (Alain Laude, Claude Ruiz) Books LETTERS Jacques Bufquin, Daniel Rondeau N° 386 - April 2004

Oceania : for un Geohistory EDITORIAL: Blindly or casus belli ? (Robert Marconis)

Couverture : masque Kanak de Nouvelle Calédonie, inv. E 2228 © Musée d'Art et d'Histoire de Rochefort

HOMAGE Maurice Bordes, 1915 - 2003 (Ralph Schor) APHG ACTIVITIES Annual General Meeting, December 7, 2003 (Aleth Briat, Claude Ruiz) National Pedagogical Committee Meeting, First Cycle, December 7, 2003 (Eric Till) National Pedagogical Committee Meeting, Second Cycle, December 7, 2003 (Bernard Phan) National Pedagogical Committee Meeting, February 1st, 2004 (Aleth Briat, Claude Ruiz) National Pedagogical Committee Meeting, First Cycle, January 31, 2004 (Eric Till) IUFM National Pedagogical Committee Meeting, January 31, 2004 (Renée Dray-Bensousan) National Pedagogical Committee Meeting, Second Cycle, January 31, 2004 (Bernard Phan) Europe Commission Meeting, January 31, 2004 (Alexandre Pajon) Tice Commission Meeting, January 31, 2004 (Gérard Colotte) Technical Commission Meeting, January 31, 2004 (Anita Lebon-Gardy) Civics Commission Meeting, January 31, 2004 (Christine Guimonnet) REGIONS The Haute Normandie Section Travels to Ombria (Véronique Fruit) Regional News PEDAGOGY Teaching Problem Students with Serious Problems (Christine Fellah) The 2003 Baccalaureate Exam : Correcting a Pile of Science Exams (Jean Sarramea) A difficult mission : Teaching Religion (Mireille Estivalezes) New Geography Curriculum for 11th Grade/6th Form (Jean-Paul Collicard) Analyzing Film Sequences : Metropolis (Eric Auphan) An approach to history via text and image (Catherine Sedel-Lemonnier) MEMORY AND HISTORY A trip to Auschwitz (Richard Galliano) Sites of Collective Memory : Great Britain, the USA, France, and the Two World Wars (Kenneth O. Morgan) Internet Chronicle (Daniel Letouzey) ELSE OPINIONS Mastering History : The Foreseeable End ? (Serge Bianchi)

SPECIAL FILE: Oceania: for un geohistory. Coordinated by Charles ILLOUZ Introduction to the Encounter of Two Worlds : Europa and Oceania (Charles Illouz) I. On Oceania's Political Area Pacific Time and Space : A Geohistorical Approach (Benoît Antheaume) France and the Pacific : Colonial Administration and Politics (Paul de Deckker) The United States and Oceania : On Marginality in History (Jean Heffer) The Dynamics of Island-Based Structures in Oceania (Dominique Guillaud & Sylvie Roosen) II. On Peoples and Places Populating the Pacific (Jean-Christophe Galipaud) Social Dynamics in Oceania : Forms of Exchange and Workship (Charles Illouz) Europeans and Oceanians : Who discovered Whom ? (Dominik Bretteville) Oceanian Languages (Michel Aufray) Oral Traditions (Michel Aufray) III. On a Few Colonial Enterprises Major Features of Pacific Colonization (1840-1945) (Frédéric Angleviel) In the Wake of the "Manila Galleon" : the Spanish Pacific (16th - early 19th century) (Mickaël Augeron & Olivier Caporossi) From the Dutch Indies to Indonesia (1600-1950) (Philippe Grangé) Germany's Brief Colonial Adventures in Oceania (1884-1914). An Original and Dynamic System of Coconut Plantations (Frédéric Angleviel) New Light on Representations of Space in Australia (Sylvie Roosen)

Editors note : The Two Last Articles in this file devoted to Oceanian resources in French Museums, are found only in the offprint

IV. Reflections of Oceania in France Origin of the Oceanian Ethnographic Collection at the Museum d'histoire Naturelle de La Rochelle (Elise Patole) Documentary Stroll Through France's Oceanian Collections France (Mona Huerta & Thérèse Tréfeu)

OFFICIAL TEXTES Mandatory Tests in History/Geography for the General Baccalaureate Exam (ES, L, and S versions) starting in 2005 National Assembly : Proposed law on enforcing the secular status of primary intermediate, and secondary, public schooners The law of March 15, 2004 concerning religious dress and symboles in school ARCHIVES Establishing a site for the Archives Nationales in Seine-St-Denis RESEARCH Processes and Manners of Occupying space in Brazil's Amazon : an example from the state of Rondonia (Martine Droulers, François-Michel Letourneau, Luciana Machado) SEE AND HEAR Note book - Telex (Yves Thoraval) Cinema (Michel Lejoyeux) Exhibitions (Alain Laude et alii) Theater (Guy Boquet, Jacques Portes) Music (Philippe Gut, André Segond, Philippe Zwang) READ, REREAD H.G. noted (Alain Laude, Claude Ruiz) Magazines (Alain Laude, Claude Ruiz) Great War's Chronicle (Hubert Néant) Books

LETTERS Guy Perlier, Dongala Koadi N° 387 - July 2004 Toward a Geography of Sustainable Development EDITORIAL: Making Aware and Responsible Citizens (Robert Marconis)

Couverture : Contraste architectural sur la grande plage de Fortaleza, Etat du CÉARA, Brésil © Alain Miossec

HOMAGE Pierre Lévêque (1981-2004) (Marie-Claude L'Huillier) APHG ACTIVITIES APHG National Committee, May 16, 2004 (Aleth Briat, Claude Ruiz) National Pedagogical Commission - Intermediate Schools, May 15, 2004 (Éric Till) National Pedagogical Commission - Secondary Schools, May 15, 2004 (Bernard Phan) Europe Commission, May 15, 2004 (Alexandre Pajon, Jacqueline Houlgatte) New Technology Commission, May 15, 2004 (Anita Le Bon Gardy) Civics Commission, May 15, 2004 (Christine Guimonnet) TICE Commission, May 15, 2004 (Gérard Colotte) HIGHER EDUCATION The Main Lines of the Ministry of Education's Reform of Bachelor's and Master's Degrees (Dominique Barjot) PEDAGOGY Duscussing Religion at School (Catherine Senard) Europe and the Middle Ages (Robert Fossier) Preventing Crimes Against Humanity (Elizabeth Brisson, Christelle Evrard) How I Prepare My Students for the Contest on the Resistance and Concentration Camps ? (Michel Duverdier) Report and Results of the 2003 Contest on the Resistance and Concentration Camps (Claude Barthe) Internet Chronicle (Daniel Letouzey) How to Conceptualize the Construction of Europe (Bernard Lacroix) INTERVIEW With Henri Pena Ruiz (Sylvie Rachet) SPECIAL FILE: Toward a Geography of Sustainable Development. Coordinated by Alain MIOSSEC, Paul ARNOULD and Yvonne VEYRET The Geographers and the Sustainable Development (Alain Miossec) Sustainable Development, Everyone's Business : New Geographers Approach it (Paul Arnould, Alain Miossec, Yvette Veyret) Philosophy of Sustainable Development (François Guery) From Ecohistory to Sustainable Development (Yannick Suire) A New Utopia : The SustainableCity (Jean-Marc Holz) Urban Morphology and Sustainable Urban Development (Jean-Pierre Wolff) Sustainable Development and the Strategy of Urban Players : Stakes and Pitfalls (François Mancebo) Trade and Sustainable Development (Arnaud Gasnier, Michaël Pouzenc, Jean Soumagne) An Overview of the Economic Debate on Sustainable Development (Franck-Dominique Vivien) From Development to Sustainable Development : A Challenge for the Social Sciendces (Bernard Kalaora) Forest and Sustainable Development. From the Obligation of Sustainability towards the Controversial Question of Indicators (Paul Arnauld, Vincent Clément) From the Over-exploitation to a Sustainable Exploitation of the Living Resources of the Ocean

(François Carre) Coastlines and Sustainable Development (Alain Miossec) Jurists and Sustainable Development (Jocelyne Dubois-Maury) French Geography's Approaches to Sustainable Tourism (Philippe Violet) Climatology and Sustainable Development (Pierre Carrega, Vincent Dubreuil, Yves Richard) Rurable Development in the Southern Hemisphere (Roland Pourtier) Sustainable Agriculture and Sustainable Development in the French Countryside (Jean-Paul Charvet, Nicole Croix, Jean-Paul Diry) The Contribution of French Geographers to the Archaeology of Viable Cities (Vincent Berdoulay, Olivier Soubeyran) Risks and Sustainable Development (Yvette Veyret, Jean Pierre Vigner) Education on Risk Prevention (Chantal Tissier-Dauphin) Environment and Sustainable Development in Geography Curricula (Yvette Veyret) OFFICIAL TEXTES The Decision on 9th Grade (4th Form) Classes The 2004-2005 Human Rights Award Lists of TPE Applicable in the Autumn of 2004 The 2004-2005 Contest on the Resistance and Concentration Camps Wearing Religious Insignia or Dress in Public Elementary, Intermediate, and Secondary Schools UPDATE ON Curricula for the Capes and Agregation Exams 2004-2005 Italian Cities from the Mid 12th to the Mid 14th Century : Economies, Societies, Governments, Cultures (François Menant) Rebellions and Revolutions in Europe (Including Russia) and the Americas from 1773 to 1802 (Annie Duprat) Scales and Time-Frames in Geography (Guy Baudelle) ESSEC Entrance Exam, 2004 Report (Pierre Blard) RESEARCH The Ossuary of James, son of Joseoh, brother of Jesus (E.M. Laperrousaz) What does God Mean ? (E.M. Laperrousaz) Alexandre Dumas, A Player and a Witness in the History of his Times (Jean Rivière) SEE AND HEAR Note book - Telex (Yves Thoraval) Exhibitions (Alain Laude et alii) Music (Philippe Gut, André Segond, Philippe Zwang) Theater (Guy Boquet, Jacques Portes) Television and History : "Leclerc and Indochina" and d'Argenlieu (Georges-Eric and Antoine d'Argenlieu) Explanation : "Leclerc, An Indochina Dream" (Etienne Schlumberger) READ, REREAD H.G. noted (Alain Laude, Claude Ruiz) Magazines (Alain Laude, Claude Ruiz) Books

LETTERS Lettre from René Nouailhat and Reply from Jean Peyrot The Rise of Communitarianism in an Intermediate School Outside Paris (F.R.)

N° 388 - October 2004 The Algerian War 1954-1962 EDITORIAL: One Report May Hide Another (Robert Marconis)

Couverture : Alger, toits de la casbah et vue du port, avril 1975; © AFP. Photo Jean-Pierre PREVEL / STF.

HOMAGE Marc Bonnet (Michel Arondel), Max Derruau (Albert Odouard), Marcel Briat, Jean Marmot, Marie Jezo APHG ACTIVITIES REGIONS : Brittany : A trip to Ouessant, May 8, 2004 (Alain Pennec, Catherine Marechal) PEDAGOGY Verbal and Physical Threats in Education (Patrice Grill) Urban Landscape (Nicole Smaghue) Analysis of Film Scenes : "Le crime de Mr Lange" - "La grande illusion" (Eric Auphan) MEMORY : A seminar on remembrance at the Intermediate School of la Faye, Condé-en-Brie (Eric Till) Intersecting Memories (Part One) (Christine Guimonnet) Historical Practices Grapple with the Duty to Remember : A Challenge for the Nation's Collective Memory (Benoit Falaize) Regional Representatives to the O.N.A.C. (National War - Memory Organization) Colonial France : Analysis of an Advertising Poster (Edouard Cattoir) DEFENSE : National Defense : Rites of Citizenship-From Mandatory Census to J.A.P.D. (Mandatory Day of National Defense Awareness) (Sylvie Rachet) A 20th Century World Culture (Guy Mandon) Internet chronicle (Daniel Letouzey) DEBATE : A Future for Geography within the New Landscape of Research in Europe (Jean- Pierre Bondue) UPDATE ON History of Antiquity : Anatolia, Syria, Aegypt... : complementary Titles (Jean-Christophe Couvenhes, Pierre Fröhlich) International Agregation Competitive Exam, History and Geography, 2004 Report (Claude Prudhomme) External CAPES and CAFEP Competitive Exam, 2004 Report (Bruno Mellina) Internal CAPES Competitive Exam, 2004 Report (Guy Mandon, Jean-Louis Reppert)

SPECIAL FILE: The Algerian war, 1954-1962 coordinated by Jean- Charles JAUFFRET and Guy PERVILLÉ

Forword (Jean-Charles Jauffret, Guy Pervillé) French Historiography of the Algerian War : Between memory and History (Guy Pervillé) The Algerian War, Fifty Years on : A time for remembrance, for justice, or for history ? (Guy Pervillé) The Algerian War : Tools of collective memory (Benjamin Stora) The Algerian French in 1954 : A Fragile Community (Jacques Frémeaux) Algeria in 1954 : A Society in Crisis (Daniel Lefeuvre) The Algerian War and Senior French Commanders Prior to May 13, 1958 (André-Paul Comor) Plans for Military Intervention in Tunisia and Morocco (Frédéric Médard) Ending Once and for all the French Film Industry's. Censorship of the Algerian War (Albert Montagne) The FLN "Revolution" (1954-1962) (Gilbert Meynier) Panel Discussion : The Algerian War in Intermediate abd Secondary Schools. A Subject Free from Passions (Pierre Kerleroux, Hélène Papadopoulos, Corinne Talon, Eric Till) CHRONICLE A Republican Corpus : Political Documents of Contemporary History (Vincent Duclert) RESEARCH Athens, Olympic Capital (Guy Burgel) The Countryside's New Frontier Industry (Jean-Pierre Houssel) Agriculture ans society : Parallel Developments (Louis Lemoine) Evolutions in Agriculture and Rural Society in France since the 1950 s : Between Productivism and Global Development (Jean-Pierre Houssel) SEE AND HEAR Note book - Telex : Desire to travel : Why not Dhofar in the Sultanate of Oman during the Mansoon ? (Yves Thoraval) Exhibitions (Alain Laude et alii) Theater (Guy Boquet, Jacques Portes) Music (Philippe Gut, André Segond, Philippe Zwang) READ, REREAD A Commentary on the Proper Use of Quotations : Render unto Malraux that Which is Malraux's (Jean Peyrot) H.G. noted (Alain Laude, Claude Ruiz) Magazines (Alain Laude, Claude Ruiz) Books N° 389 - January 2005 EDITORIAL: Asking the Right Questions Before It's Too Late... (Robert Marconis)

Couverture : L'oasis d'Arequipa (Pérou). © Photo Daniel Oster.

HOMAGES Jacques Bourraux (Hubert Tison), Karel Bartosek (Antoine Marès) APHG ACTIVITIES The Louvre Museum's New Pricing Policy REGIONS : Echoes from the Regions Paris-Ile de France : A Trip to Bolivia and Peru, Summer 2004 (Daniel Oster) Lorraine : Outery Over Professional Training (Franck Schwab) PEDAGOGY Evacuating Auschwitz (Raphaël Esrail) Intersectong Memories, part Two (Christine Guimonnet) Analysis of Film Scenes : Eisenstein (Eric Auphan) On Students and Islamic Heads carves (Angélique Hébert) United Kingdom : The Modernization of an Older Power (Nicolas Smaghue) Which Maps to Depict which World ? (Sylvain Rode) On the Concept of Power : Redrawing its Outlines (Eugène Calvez, Magali Hardouin) Internet Chronicle (Daniel Letouzey) OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS UPDATE ON Agregation Competitive Exam, History, 2004 Report (Jean-Pierre Jessenne) Agregation Competitive Exam, Geography, 2004 Report (Michel Hagnerelle) PLP 2 Exam : External, Internal and Special Exam for Appointment to 2nd level Technical Scholl Teachers (Joëlle Dusseau) INTERVIEW With Daniel Rivet, director of the Institute for the Study of Islam and Islamic Societies (Hubert Tison) CHRONICLE A Republican Corpus : The Dreyfus Affair (Vincent Duclert) First Part SEE AND HEAR Note book (Yves Thoraval) Cinema : Can "The Downfall" Be used in the Classroom ? (Nicolas Smaghue, Ludovic Vandoolaeghe) Exhibitions (Alain Laude et alii) Music (Philippe Gut, André Segond, Philippe Zwang) Theater (Guy Boquet, Jacques Portes) The "History Channel" : Reaches a new Stage, interview of Didier Sapaut (Aleth Briat, Pierre Kerleroux) READ, REREAD H.G. noted (Alain Laude, Claude Ruiz) Magazines (Alain Laude, Claude Ruiz) Geography : Publishing (Robert Marconis) N° 390 - April 2005 EDITORIAL: Substantive Text and Document Analysis (Robert Marconis)

Couverture : " Etendard du 6ème RHS lors de l'exercice Champagne 2004 de l'Unité d'Intervention de Réserve (U.I.R). Porte-Etendard : LTN Phan, O.A de l'U.I.R" Droits réservés 6ème RHS.

HOMAGES Jean Schneider (Robert Fossier) APHG ACTIVITIES Annual general meeting december 5, 2004 (Aleth Briat, Claude Ruiz) National Pedagogical commission First cycle (Eric Till) National Pedagogical commission Second cycle (Bernard Phan) New Technology (Anita Lebon Gardy) Europe Commission (Alexandre Pajon) Civics Commission (Pierre Kerleroux) National Comittee Meeting, january 30, 2005 (Aleth Briat, Claude Ruiz) National Pedgogical First cycle (Eric Till) Civics Commission (Christine Guimonnet) Europe Commission (Jacqueline Houlgatte) TICE Commission (Gérard Colotte) Parliament News Régions News Nord-Pas-de-Calais section (Nicolas Smaghue) Basse-Normandie section (Daniel Letouzey) La Réunion section: Unesco Seminar March 2004, Maputo (Mozambic) (Jacques Delpech) International Relations French-Germany History Teacher's Books (Jean-Claude Allain, Jean Peyrot) Society and justice Chagnon Affair (Aleth Briat) PEDAGOGY - Accounts of the Liberation of Concentration Camps by Jean Gavard, Jean Moalic, André Rogerie, Pierre Saint Macary - Notions and Concepts of History and Geography in Intermediate School (Alain Puyau, José Gomès, Eric Pradines) - History and Geography Baccalaureat Exams (for Economics, Sciences and Literature Candidates) - Composition (12th Grade/Upper-6th Form) (Bernard Blandre) - Maps for Baccalaureat Exam (Jacques Bethemont, Bernard Guiffault, Dominique Mallaisy) - Teaching Religion in 10th Grade/5th Form (Ludovic Vandoolaeghe) - Religion in France : Taught but not Admitted - Why ? (Nicole Lemaître) - Exemple of a Series of Civic Lessons in 11th Grade/6th Form (Anne Bernou-Fieseler, François Théofilakis) - Analysis of Film Scenes : "M le Maudit" by Fritz Lang (1931) (Eric Auphan) - Internet - Chronicle (Daniel Letouzey) Prices - Annie et Charles Corin 2004 Price - The 2004 Winners of the National Contest on the Resistance and Concentration Camps (Claude Barthe) SPECIAL FILE: Teaching National Defense Coordonated by Bernard PHAN Foreword (Bernard Phan) Bibliography I National Defense and Education 1.1. Education in National Defense (Joëlle Dusseau) 1.2. Education and Defense : Shared Points and Synergy (Bernard Thorette) 1.3. Senior Civil Servants for Defense (Corinne Bouteille) II National Defense, Historians and Geographers 2.1. The Musée of the Armée and a "Look-and-Learn" Approach to Patriotism (Corinne Bouteille) 2.2. The Position of Church regarding military Service in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries (Xavier Boniface) 2.3. The strange Defeat of France in Primary Schools between 1918 and 1940 (Olivier Loubès) 2.4. The Algerian War and Franch Teacher's and Students' Unions (Alain Monchablon) 2.5. Military Action : from Necessity to legitimacy (Jean-René Bachelet) 2.6. French Marines, then and now Troops for Overseas Missions since the late 19th Century (Martine Cuttier) III Pistes pédagogiques 3.1. Which defense for the Future ? (Nicolas Vignon) 3.2. Learning to Teach National Defense (Jean-Louis Auduc) 3.3. Teaching Defense (Jacques Nicolaus) 3.4. The Links between Army and Nation in Picardy : Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow (Jean- François Phan) Annexes Excepts from the Decree of January 7, 1959, on the Organization of Defense Excepts from the Official Journal : the 1997 law on the Reform of Military Service : October 28, 1997 Excepts from the Official Bulletin : special Issue n° 8, August 6, 1998

DEBATES Decolonizing History ? (André Noushi) CHRONICLES A Republican Corpus : The Dreyfus Affair (2) (Vincent Duclert) Climatic Chronicle : Climates and Images (Denis Lamarre) SEE AND HEAR Note book (Yves Thoraval) Exhibitions (Alain Laude et alii) Theater (Guy Boquet, Jacques Portes) Music (Jean-Philippe Gut, André Segond, Philippe Zwang) READ, REREAD H.G. noted (Alain Laude, Claude Ruiz) Magazines (Alain Laude, Claude Ruiz) Great War's chronicle, two (Hubert Néant) Books LETTERS (Gérard Cholvy) N° 391 - July 2005 EDITORIAL: Improvization and Mistakes (Robert Marconis)

Couverture : Vue de la forêt vierge où se trouve la source du lac Dos Patos Jean-Baptiste Debret © Bibliothèque nationale de Rio de Janeiro, Brésil. Voir Exposition Abbaye de Daoulas..

HOMAGES Dominique Guillemet (Jacques Peret), Marc Belloc, Jacques Dalloz, Michel Valentin APHG ACTIVITIES National Committee Meeting, May 22, 2005 (Aleth Briat, Claude Ruiz) National Pedagogical Commission First Cycle (Eric Till) National Pedagogical Commission Second Cycle (Bernard Phan) National Civics Commission contribution by Alfred Grosser "French Memories, German Memories" (Pierre Kerleroux, Christine Guimonnet) National Pedagogical Technology (Anita Lebon-Gardy) TICE Commission (Gérard Colotte) Region News Nord-Pas-de-Calais (Nicolas Smaghue). Île de France (Pierre Bonet) Parliament News PEDAGOGY Motivating Student Interest in Geography : A Complex and Hapazard Affair (Gérard Hugonie) The Function and Utility of Tutors in Geography at the Orleans' University (Maxime Moreau, Sylvain Seguret) Dealing with the Tsunami (Jean Louis Chaleard, Frédéric Bessat and alii) Risk Management : a Major Concern for Contemporary Societies (Marc Albert, Sylvain Rode) Maps for Baccalaureat Exam The Shore of the Mediterranean : A North-South Interface (Jean-Laurent Estienne) Eastern Asia : a Region of Expanding Power (Jean-Laurent Estienne) Is a Christmas Tree a Conspicuous Religious Symbol ? - Religious Calendars as an Educational Tool for Teaching About Religions (Véronique Sot) Depicting Women at Work in the 19th Century (Nicolas Smaghue) Analysis o Film Scenes "Apocalypse now" by Ford Coppola (Eric Auphan) The Kingdom of heavens (Nicolas Smaghue) Internet (Daniel Letouzey) OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS UPDATE ON Roman Africa (from the Atlantic ti Tripoli Coast) : 69 to 439 ce (Jean-Marie Lassere) Latina America (Marie-France Prevôt-Schapira and alii) Latina Informations (Mona Huerta) RESEARCH The Separation for Church and State in France : From the Origins to Application of the Law of 1905 (Christophe Bellon) Tibet, a Country under the Influence (Jean Louis Guebourg) Lapeysonnie (1915-2001) : a Player, Witness and Historian of Colonial Medicine (Edouard Cattoir) SEE AND HEAR Notebook (Yves Thoraval) Cinéma (Bruno Calves) Interview with Paul Rusesabagina (Pierre Bonet) Exhibitions (Alain Laude et alii) Music (Philippe Gut, Philippe Zwang) Theater (Guy Boquet, Jacques Portes) READ, REREAD H.G. noted (Alain Laude, Claude Ruiz and alii) Magazines (Alain Laude, Claude Ruiz) Books LETTERS (Jean Philippe Cormier, Marie-Claude Dumont, Charles Fauroux, Jacques George, Cécile Driesbach) N° 392 - October 2005 EDITORIAL: Inconsistencies in Educational and Administrative Theory... (Robert Marconis)

Couverture : Klimt, "Danaé", 1907, huile sur toile, 77x83 cm, Collection Hans Dichand, Vienne, Exposition au Grand Palais.

HOMAGES Dominique Guillemet (Claude Morillon), Jacques Dalloz (Jean-Marc Lesueur)

PEDAGOGY Concours scolaire Benjamin Franklin (classes de Seconde) Writing the 20th Century (Renaud Farella) L'Encyclopédie : Toward an Appropriation (Eugène Calvez, Carole Bourdon) Analysis of film scenes : "Ninotchka", "To be or not to be", by Ernest Lubitsch (Eric Auphan) The 2005 Baccalaureate : Internet Chronicle (Daniel Letouzey)

SPECIAL FILE: History of women (1) coordonnated by Anne-Marie SOHN.

Writing the History of women and Gender in France (Françoise Thebaud)

Antiquity ( Coordonated by Jean-Christophe Bonnard) Women's History in Antiquity : An Introduction (Jean-Baptiste Bonnard) The Growth of Gender in History within Ancient History (Pierre Brûlé) The Growth of Gender History within the Religions Sphere (Louise Bruit-Zaidman) The Role of women in Greet Societies and Greets economy (Françoise Ruzé) Women's History, Gender History and the History of Sexuality (Sandra Boehringer) Middle Age Women's History and Gender History in the Medieval west (Geneviève Bührer-Thierry, Didier Lett, Laurence Moulinier-Brogi)


ARCHIVES NATIONALES Archives nationals

UPDATE ON 2005 Reports :

Internal Agregation (Jean-Louis Nembrini) External Capes (Bruno Mellina) Internal Capes (Guy Mandon, Claire Mondolot et Jean-Louis Repert) Internal Capes reserve (Guy Mandon et Jacqueline Chabrol) Papers for the 3rd Capes Exam (Jean-Louis Repert) The 2005 Essec Exam (Pierre Biard) 2006 Bibliographies : Contemporary history : Yhe Impact on the Countryside of Social and Political Developments in Europefrom the 1830s to late 1920s : a comparative study of France, Germany, Spain and Italy (Gilles Pécout) Thematic Geography : Town and environment (Elizabeth Dorier-Apprill with the collaboration to Guillaume Faburel, Sébastien Bridier, Hervé Quenel) Interview With Jean-Christophe Victor abord the televised gepgraphy broadcast and , "Le dessous des cartes" (Hubert Tison et Aleth Briat) SEE AND HEAR Notebook (Yves Thoraval) DVD (Bruno Calves) Historial Comic Books (Stéphanie Morillon) Exhibitions (Alain Laude et alii) Music (Philippe Zwang and Philippe Gut) Theater (Guy Boquet and Jacques Portes) READ, REREAD H.G. noted (Alain Laude and Claude Ruiz) Books N° 393 - February 2006 EDITORIAL:

Beyond All the Talk : The Bitter, Everyday Truth in the "Field" (Robert Marconis)

Couverture : Assemblée funéraire (détail). Mosaïque, fin du IVe siècle avant J.C. (Mnémosyne © Worcester. ART MUSEUM, Grande Bretagne).

HOMAGES Marc Belloc (Pierre-Yves Heurtin), François Taillefer (Robert Marconis) APHG ACTIVITIES Annual general meeting - december 3, 2005 (Aleth Briat, Claude Ruiz) -National Pedagogical commission First cycle (Eric Till) -National Pedagogical commission Second cycle (Bernard Phan) -New Technology (Anita Lebon Gardy) -Europe Commission (Alexandre Pajon) -Civics Commission (Christine Guimonnet) ASSOCIATION -A call for "Liberté pour l'histoire" -Liste -Interview with Françoise Chandernagor (Pierre Kerleroux) PEDAGOGY -A Trip to Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras (Daniel Oster) -Teaching the Holocaust ? (Sandrine Mortagne) -Analysis of Film Scenes : "Loulou" by G.W. Pabst, 1928 (Eric Auphan) -Historical Documentation at the Service of Collective Memory : the Exemple of the Film "Tombés du ciel" ("Lost in Transit") of P. Zytka (Nicolas Smaghue) -Memory March 16 2005, 1500 young people of UE at Verdun (Aleth Briat) -Internet Chronicle (Daniel Letouzey)

UPDATE ON -History External Agregation, 2005 Report (Jean-Pierre Jessenne) -Geography External Agregation, 2005 Report (Michel Hagnerelle) -ESCPO, 2005 Report (Laurent Carroué) INTERVIEW With Bruno Fuligni about Film "La séparation" (Sabine Janssen) OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS

SPECIAL FILE: "Histoire des femmes (2). (Modern and contemporary Eras) coordinated by Dominique GODINEAU, general coordination by Anne-Marie SOHN

The History of Women and Gender (Mnémosyne Association) The History of Women and Gender within History Education (Isabelle Ernot) Modern Era (Coordinated by Dominique Godineau) From Cradle to Grave : the Women's Way (Sylvie Steinberg) Women's and Religion in catholic France in the Modern Era (Marcel Bernos) Educating Girls in the Modern Era (Martine Sonnet) Women's Work in the Modern Era (Paul Delsalle) Runens in the Service of Marie de Médicis : Political Analysis of a Cycle of Paintings (Fanny Cosandey) Citizens without Citizenship : Womn during Franch Revolution (Dominique Godineau)

INTERVIEW Black Slaves Trades : Interview with Olivier Pétré Grenouilleau (Pierre Kerleroux, Hubert Tison) SEA AND HEAR Notebooks, Telex (Yves Thoraval) BD (Stéphanie Morillon) DVD (Bruno Calves) Exhibitions (Alain Laude et alii) Music (Philippe Gut, André Segond, Philippe Zwang) Theater (Guy Boquet et Jacques Portes)

READ, REREAD H.G. notes (Alain Laude et Claude Ruiz) Magazines (Alain Laude et Claude Ruiz) Books Letters (Angélique Hebert) N° 394 - Mayo 2006

EDITORIAL: The Educational System Threatened by an Accounting Attitude : Performance, Competitiveness, Demand for Results... (Robert Marconis)

Couverture : © AIRBUS - Image EXM Company H. Gousse.

HOMAGES Michel Arondel (Jacques Aldebert, Pierre-André Meyer, Emmanuel Naquet, Gisèle Odoyer, Jean Peyrot, Jean-Pierre Rioux, Guy de Saint-Denis, Hubert Tison) Claude Klein (Michèle Buffet, Emmanuel Pierre Désiré, Christine Giusti) Jacques Georges, Jean Jaudel APHG ACTIVITIES APHG National Comittee - January, 2006 (Aleth Briat, Claude Ruiz) -National Pedagogical commission First cycle (Eric Till) -National Pedagogical commission Second cycle (Bernard Phan) -Europe Commission (Jacqueline Houlgatte) -Civics Commission (Christine Guimonnet) -IUFM Commission (Anne Thouzet, Dominique Haim) -TICE Commission (Gérard Colotte) -The Blois Festival (Aleth Briat) -The Death of a Latin-Quarter Bookstore PEDAGOGY -The Primary School (Brigitte Plas) -Questionary on theIimportance of Vauban in Secondary Education -The 2005 Winners of the National Contest on the Resistance and Concentration camps (Joëlle Dusseau) -Annie and Charles Corrin 2005 Price -Pictures of film scenes "L'Ange Bleu" and "Shangaï Express" (Eric Auphan) -Internet Chronicle (Daniel Letouzey) -Knoning the French Legal System 1 : The organization of the legl and judicial professions (Claude Saget) Point de vue -Conceptalizing Immigration/colonization : from research to teaching (Hédi Saidi) SPECIAL FILE: "Women's History" (3) (contemporary Era coordinated by Anne-Marie SOHN)

Contemporary Era (Coordinated by Dominique Godineau)

The History of Women's Work and Modifications in the Historical Account (Michèle Zancarini-Fournel) Gender and the History of the 20th Century Sexualities (Anne-Claire Rebreyrend) Women, Gender, Religions (Mathilde Dubesset) Women and Gender in Modern History of Education (Rebecca Rogers) Women's Citizenship in France (1789-2000) (Christine Bard) Insights into a Century of Feminisms (Christine Bard, Sylvie Chaperon, Karen Offen) Associations, Unionism (Evelyne Diebolt, Marie-Hélène Zylberberg-Hocquard) Gender in Times of War (France 1914-1945) (Luc Capdevila, Fabrice Virgili, Daniele Voldman, François Rouquet) The History of Men and Masculinities (Anne-Marie Sohn)

SPECIAL FILE: Didactics of History. (1) coordinated by Annie BRUTER, Henri MONNIOT, Pierre KERLEROUX)

A Brief Glossary of Didactics In Praise of Lecture Courses (Pierre Kerleroux) What is Didactics ? (Henri Moniot) 25 years of Research into the Didactics of History at INRP (Nicole Allieu-Mary, François Audigier, Nicole Tutiaux-Guillon) Analyzing History Textbooks from the Perspective of Didactics (Marie-Christine Baques) What does Didactics Have to Say About History Teacher's Professional Identity ? (Nicole Lautier) Didactics of History and the History of Education (Annie Bruter) Didactics and Artworks : What Contribution to Teaching ? (Marie-Christine Baques) Georg-Eckert Institut. The "Cartable of Clio" OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS -List of Inspectors General, Regional Pedagogical Inspectors, and District Inspectors -Competitive Exam Programs : External Agregation, External Capes, Internal Agregation, Internal Capes

RESEARCH -Managing the risk of flooding in the mid Loire Region (Sylvain Rode) -AIRBUS A380 : An economic, technical, and sociological phenomenon (Gaëtan Sciacco) -Le climat, human, all too human, suprahuman (Denis Lamarre) SEA AND HEAR Notebooks, Telex (Yves Thoraval) DVD (Bruno Calves) Exhibitions (Alain Laude et alii) Music (Philippe Gut, André Segond, Philippe Zwang) Theater (Guy Boquet et Jacques Portes) READ, REREAD H.G. notes (Alain Laude et Claude Ruiz) Magazines (Alain Laude et Claude Ruiz) Real (Jean Peyrot) Books N° 395 - July-August 2006 EDITORIAL: And now on, the competition ?... (Robert Marconis)

Special File: Globalization

Couverture : © Laurent Carroué - Essaouira sur le littoral sud marocain : un chantier naval à l'écart de la mondialisation (photo Paul Arnould, Journées géographiques franco-marocaines du CNFG, avril 2005).

HOMAGES Michel Cabouret (Bernard Clément) Jean-Pierre Brisson, Martine Delamarre, Guy Pedroncini, Pierre Saint-Macary Jacques Ozouf et Pierre Vidal-Naquet APHG ACTIVITIES National Steering Comittee - May 14, 2006 (Aleth Briat, Claude Ruiz) -National Pedagogical commission, Intermediate Schools (Eric Till) -Commission on Europe (Alexandre Pajon) -Civics Commission (Christine Guimonnet) -Technical Education Commission (Anita Lebon-Gardy) -TICE Commission (Gérard Colotte) -Civics Commission, january 28, 2006 (Christine Guimonnet) REGIONS -Upper Normandy Region : A Trip to Liguria (Véronique Fruit) -North/Calais Region : Symposium on New Territories -Ile-de-France PEDAGOGY 7th-Grade (2nd-Form) and 10-Grade (5th-Form) Classes -Images of the family and family relationships (Christiane Klapisch-Zuber) -Questionnaire on the importance of Vauban in Secondary Education 8th-Grade (3rd-Form) and 9th-Grade (4th-Form) Classes -Paris Seen from the Pont Neuf : Adding Sound to Two 17th-Century Paintings (Nelly Dejean) -Josephine Baker in Intermediate Schools, Part I (Kevin Labiausse) -Museum Achéménide (Collège de France) 12th-Grade (Upper 6th-Form) Classes -Analyzing Movis Scenes : Stanley Kubrik's Dr. Strangelove (Eric Auphan) -Internet Chronicle (Daniel Letouzey) OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS -The background of the Knowledges and the competencises

SPECIAL FILE: Globalization (coordinated by Laurent CARROUÉ, Professor at Université de Paris VIII) Globalization vs. Global Village : A Clarification of Concepts and Conflated Scales (Laurent Carroué) Global : From Physical to Environmental Geography (Jean-Pierre Vigneau et Yvette Veyret) Biogeography and Global Changes : The Dance of the Biomes (Paul Arnould) Sustainable Development and Globalization : The Example of Water (Yvette Veyret et David Blanchon) Health and Globalization : The Ills and Responses of a Health-Watch of Six Millions People (Jeanne-Marie Amat-Roze) From Local to Global : The Ambivalent Developmental Role of Non-Governmental Organizations (Sylvie Brunel) Economic Geometry in Effervescence (François Bost, Sylvie Daviet, Jacques Fache) Demographics Dynamics in France : An Exception Among Developed Countries ? (Guy Baudelle et Olivier David) A Didactic Approach to Global Development and Regional Responses to Global and Geographic Changes (Gérard Hugonie) UPDATE ON -Medieval History: The Byzantine World from the Mid-8th Century to 1204 : Economy and Society (Elisabeth Malamut, Christophe Giros) -Modern History : English, Spanish and French Societies in the 17th Century (Hervé Drévillon, Alain Hugon, Stéphane Jettot) -Thematic Geography : Mondialisation (Global Village) (Laurent Carroué)

SEA AND HEAR Notebook (Yves Thoraval) Cinema (Pierre Bonet) Comics Books (Stéphanie Morillon) DVDs (Bruno Calves) Exhibitions (Alain Laude et alii) Music (Philippe Gut, André Segond, Philippe Zwang) Theater (Guy Boquet et Jacques Portes)

READ, REREAD H.G. notes (Alain Laude et Claude Ruiz) Magazines (Alain Laude et Claude Ruiz) Books N° 396 - November 2006

EDITORIAL Large Scale Attacks against the Republican School (Robert Marconis) Couverture : Les globes de Coronelli © Bibliothèque nationale de France, avec le mécénat de NATEXIS Banques Populaires.

HOMAGES Pierre Saint-Macary (Jean Gavard)

PEDAGOGY 11-Grade (6th. Form) and 10-Grade (5th. Form) Classes -Programming Courses in ZEP's (Priority Educational zones) (Kevin Labiausse et David Dubar) Grade (4th. Form) Classes -History and Historiography of Slavery and Abolitionism (Bernard Gainot) 8-Grade (3th. Form) Classes -Joséphine Baker : A Performing Artist Active in the Second World War (part two) (Kevin Labiausse) 6-Grade (1th. Form) Classes Foron Anthropological Approach to the First World War : A Museum at School (Cédric Delaunay, François Daveau) 12-Grade (Upper 6th. Form) Classes -Analyzing Movie Scenes : Marcel Carné "Drôle de drame" (1937) and "Hôtel du Nord" (1938) (Eric Auphan) -Knowing the French Legal System Part Two (Claude Saget) UPDATE ON -History Internal Agregation, 2006 Report (Gisèle Dessieux) -External Capes, 2006 Report (Bruno Mellina) -Internal Capes, 2006 Report (Guy Mandon) - Professional Lycées 2006 (Joelle Dusseau) A VIEW ON -The Second Italo-Ethiopian War, 1935-1936 (Frédéric Medard) -The Relations between the Nationalist Tunisian Movement and the French Protectorate from 1918 to 1945 (Abdelaziz Chneguir) -The Oriental Library in Beirut (Henri Chamussy) -Franco-Norvégien School Contest FREE WORDS -Baccalaureat Exam 2006 : Going Over it better (Jean-Philippe Cormier)

SPECIAL FILE "Didactics of History" part two.

Didactics of History of Quebec : Forty Years of Loyal Service (Christian Laville) Didactics of History in Germany since 1945 (Christiane Kohser-Spohn) The Didactics of History in Secondary Education in Switzerland (Pierre-Philippe Bugnard et Daniel Moser-Lechot) Didactics of History in Marocco. Genesis of an Educational Field (Mostapha Hassani- Idrissi) History Text Books in Primary Schools, from last to Present (1880-1998) (Angelina Ogier- Cesari) A Research into the Conceptualization of History of History in Secondary Schools (Didier Cariou) Tunisian Identity in the Teaching of History : The Tunisian Reform Movement (1840-1877) in Secondary Education (Abdennaceur Jemai) Young People and History : Notes on a European Survey (Nicole Tutiaux-Guillon) Historical Concionsness as an Object of Study in Canada and Quebec (Jocelyn Létourneau et Christian Laville) Interview with Claude Prudhomme. Exam Juries and the Didactics of History (Annie Bruter et Pierre Kerleroux) Personal Account : The Viewpoint of a Regional Educational's Inspector (Jean-Louis Carnat) INTERNET CHRONICLE -Internet (Daniel Letouzey) SEE, AND HEAR Bloc-Notes, Telex (Yves Thoraval) Cinema (Bruno Calves) BD (Stéphanie Morillon) DVD (Bruno Calves) Exhibitions (Alain Laude et alii) Music (Philippe Gut, André Segond, Philippe Zwang) Theater (Guy Boquet, Jacques Portes)

READ, REREAD H.G. noted (Alain Laude et Claude Ruiz) Magazines (Alain Laude, Claude Ruiz) Great War's Chronicle (Hubert Neant) Books "Liberté pour l'histoire" Julien Gracq and Geography (Daniel Oster) READER'S LETTER -Threats to History and Geography Cabinets -On the Franco-German History textbook (Jacques Aldebert) and UNADIF (François Perrot) -About "Indigènes" (Edouard Cattoir) N° 397 - February 2007

EDITORIAL: Passing on the Baton... (Robert Marconis)

Couverture : Relevage de la statue colossale du dieu Hapy. Photo Christophe GERIGK © Franck GODDIO/Hilti Fondation.

HOMAGES Pierre Saint-Macary (Aleth Briat), Guy Pedroncini (Hubert Tison, Jean-Claude Allain), Claude Pierre (Hubert Tison), André Fiete (Emmanuel-Paul Desire)

ACTIVITES DE L'APHG Annual General Meeting of November 25, 2007 (Aleth Briat, Claude Ruiz) National Pedagogical Commission, Intermediate Schools (Éric Till) National Pedagogical Commission, Secondary Schools (Bernard Phan) National Pedagogical Commission, Vocational Schools (Anita Lebon-Gardy) IUFM Commission (Anne Thouzet) Europe Commission (Jacqueline Houlgatte) Civics Commission (Christine Guimonnet) Appendices Contribution from Philippe Bilger on "Court Justice" Regional Groups : Alsace, Basse-Normandie, Champagne-Ardennes, Île-de-France, Lyon, Nord-Pas-de-Calais An Overview of Several APHG Activities (Hubert Tison) Tribute to "The Just" : National Ceremony at the Pantheon and Speech by Jacques Chirac PEDAGOGY Learning about Images -The 2005-2006 Contest for Best Photograph of a Commemorative Site (Frantz Malassis) -The History of Medieval Imagery (Jean-Claude Schmidt) -Analysis of Film Scenes : Sydney Lumet (Éric Auphan) Surveys -8th and 10th Grade : Vauban Survey -9th, 11th and 12th Grade : Survey on Teaching the Holocaust -The Spanish Civil War : Past and Present (Violette Martinez-Auriol) Pratices 9th Grade : Teaching the Algerian War Today (Jacques Brenu) Programming -Teaching at an intermediate School in a Priority Education Network (Kevin Labiausse et David Dubar) -Teaching African History Adapted Curricula in French Secondary Schools (Hélène Charton- Bigot) Chronicle -Internet (Daniel Letouzey) OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS -National Inspectorate in History and Geography : Orientations for Implementing Final-Year History and Geography Curricula in Secondary Schools, and for Preparing the Baccalauréat Exam (Séries ES, L, S) UPDATE ON -2006 External Agregation Exam in History - Jury Report (Jacques Verger) -2006 External Agregation Exam in Geography - Jury Report (Michel Hagnerelle) INTERVIEW -With Jacques Toubon, Président of La Cité nationale de l'histoire de l'immigration (Hubert Tison, Aleth Briat, Bernard Phan) RESEARCH -The Genesis of French Atomic Weapons During the Fourth Republic (Claude Carlier) -Aeronautics : An Industrial Revolution in High Tech (Luc Berger) SEE, AND HEAR Notebooks (Yves Thoraval) Cinema (Yves Thoraval) DVD (Bruno Calves) Exhibitions (Alain Laude et alii) Music (Philippe Gut, Philippe Zwang) Theater (Guy Boquet, Jacques Portes) READ, REREAD H.G. noted (Alain Laude, Claude Ruiz et alii) Reviews (Alain Laude, Claude Ruiz) Read : The Roots of Christianity (Jean Peyrot) New Developments in the Finaly Affair (Madeleine Comte) The 2006 History of Verdun Prize (Jean-Pierre Rioux) Books READER'S LETTER -On "History Cabinets" (Madeleine Jayol, Raymond Fischer, Marie-Joëlle Hassler, Claude Plagnard) -The Review L'Histoire replies to Jacques Aldebert N° 398 - May 2007

EDITORIAL: Challenges and Struggles (Jacques Portes)

Couverture : Les forges de Savignac-Lédrier, en Dordogne (à 55 kms N.E. de Périgueux, sur l'Auvézère, affluent de l'Isle) (Photo Gracia Dorel-Ferré).

HOMAGES Charles Fauroux, Annie Genzling, Joseph Castel (Hugues François) Lucie Aubrac (Charles-Louis Foulon) René Rémond

APHG ACTIVITIES National Steering Committee, february 4, 2007 (Aleth Briat, Claude Ruiz) National Pedagogical Commission, Intermediate Schools (Éric Till) National Pedagogical Commission, Secondary and Technical Schools (Bernard Phan) Civics Commission (Christine Guimonnet) Europe Commission (Jacqueline Houlgatte) Commision on T.I.C. (Information & Communication Techniques) (Gérard Colotte) REGIONAL ECHOES Burgond Region (Didier Doix), Champagne-Ardennes Region (Véronique Poggioli) APHG News PEDAGOGY Baroque History and Art and the Counter Reformation (Marie-Claude Dumont-Cavallo) Geography for a song : Bénabar's Saturne, or the Flip Side of Metropolization (Sylvain Rode) Cinema and Geography (Nicolas Smaghue) The "Two Sword" Theory, or Sharing Responsabilities (Alain Armagnac) Writing the Abolition of the Death Penalty into French Constitution (Aurélien de Truchis) An Amazing Path Toward Europe : E.S.H.A. France (Michel Assémat) Europe at School (Florence Auriol) Spanish Family Names in Italy (Jean Sarramea) Film Analysis : The United States in the 1960s - Alan's Parker Mississippi Burning and Oliver Stone's JFK (Éric Auphan) The Banning of Religious Symbols in School Since the Days of Jules Ferry (Olivier Loubes) Internet Chronicle (Daniel Letouzey) The Photography of Jean-Gabriel Seruzier (Thérèse Blondet-Bisch) SPECIAL FILE: Industrial heritage (1) Coordonated by Gracia DOREL-FERRÉ

Introduction by Gracia DOREL-FERRÉ I. Identifying, Taking Stock, Categorizing, by Gracia Dorel-Ferré - Interview with Marie-Claude Genêt-Delacroix - Interview with Eusebi Casanelles - An Assessment. Denis Woronoff II. Teaching Industrial Heritage. Introduction by Gracia Dorel-Ferré Teaching industrial heritage in Elementary School by Françoise Picot In Intermediate School by Marie-José Anikinow, Catherine Baudoin, Véronique Braconnier A Personnal Account by Fabricia Valeriani Using Industrial, Artistic and Technical Heritage in Intermediate and Technical Training Schools by Christel et Sylvain Druet Usin the Site Of a Former Brewery in Châlons-en Champagne Jean-Marie Duquénois A PAC (Artistic and Cultural Project) in Secondary School by Isabelle Petit An exchange Program Based on en Approach to industrial heritage by Jacqueline Charlier-Rossbach, Catherine Corvellec and Jean-Pierre Frérot A Personnal Account, by Lydia Groznyjh University Courses on Industrial Heritage by Marie-Noelle Polino and Florence Hachez-Leroy A Personnal Acount: a Master's Degree 2 by Françoise Fortunet Industrial Heritage as an Activiste Enterprise: Interview with AnneFrançoise Garçon III. Internet Ressources. Web Sites and Ressources, by Jean-Marie Duquénois, Gracia Dorel-Ferré, Claud et Françoise Picot Biographies of authors, abstracts of articles Contents RESEARCH The True Stakes of the French Protectorate in Tunisia in the Labor-Union Discourse of Tunisia's UGTT (Abdelaziz Chneguir)

INTERVIEW With Danielle Tartakowsky about the Popular Front (by Aleth Briat and Pierre Kerleroux) The Role of Innovation in Building and Reviving American Power (Frédéric Leriche) CLIMATE CHRONICLE Three Degrees More : Equivocal Climatics (Denis Lamarre)

SEE, AND HEAR Cinema (Bruno Calves) Notebook (Yves Thoraval) Comic Books (Stéphanie Morillon) Cinema (Hubert Tison) DVD (Bruno Calves) Music (Philippe Gut, Philippe Zwang) Exhibitions (Alain Laude et alii) Theater (Guy Boquet, Jacques Portes) Crosswords (Joseph Esteves) READ, REREAD H.G. noted (Alain Laude, Claude Ruiz et alii) Reviews (Alain Laude, Claude Ruiz) Books READER'S LETTER Campaign to Maintain Paid Coordinating Time in History and Geography (Régionale d'Alsace, Champagne-Ardennes) Concerning a "Blurred" Picture in a 7th-Grade (2nd Form) History/Geography Textbook (Françoise Devis, Jacques Portes and Marie-Claude Brossolet) N° 399 - July/August 2007

EDITORIAL: Ever Vigilant (Jacques Portes)

Couverture : Paul Sérusier. La guirlande de roses, huile sur toile 194 X 175cm. copright Musée du Petit palais de Genève, exposition du Musée de Lodève

HOMAGES René Rémond (Bernard Comte, Jean Peyrot), Joseph Castel (Rachid Azzouz), Philippe Bonnet-Laborderie (Xavier Lochman), Claude Liauzu, Pierre Nemecek, Nicole Decottignies, Rudy Damiani, Jean Suret-Canale

APHG ACTIVITIES National Steering Committee, may 13, 2007 (Aleth Briat, Claude Ruiz) Appendix Europe Commission : Teaching History and Geography in a Partnet Language (Yohann Chanoir, Jean-Marc Verron) Civics Commission : Teaching Civics in Underprivileged Suburbs with Yannis Roder (Christine Guimonnet) On the Franco-German History Textbook French National Commision, UNESCO (Aleth Briat) Regional News : Lyon Region (Claire Pagnon) PEDAGOGY Romy Schneider at Intermediate School (Kévin Labiausse) Analysis of a film scene : La déchirure by Roland Joffé (Éric Auphan) A Surviving Witness of the Concentration Camps : Between History and Memory, Part I (Christine Guimonnet) Sermon by Reverend Hubac for the Inauguration of the War Memorial in Castres (Sylvie Rachet) Internet Chronicle (Daniel Letouzey) Memory, Geography : Robert Ficheux (Marie-Claude Bonin) RESEARCH History of the Rom, I (Marcel Courthiade) The Events in Budapest in 1956 : Interview with Paul Gradwhol (Aleth Briat and Hubert Tison) UPDATE ON ---Ancient History : Ancient Greek Societies and Economies from 478 to 88 bce (Continental Greece, Alegean Islands, Coast of Asia Minor) (Christophe Pébarthe, Christophe Feyel) ---Contemporary History : Conceiving and Constructing Europe from 1919 to 1992 (excluding experiences specific to the Communist World) (Jean-Michel Guieu, Jenny Raflik) ARCHIVES The Challenges and Stakes behind Departmental Archives (Hélène Say) and Communal Archives (Agnès Vatican) REPORTAGE Crimea : A Tranquil Peninsula (Dimitri de Kochko) Transnitria : The Return of a Country that Doesn't Exist (Dimitri de Kochko)

SEE, AND HEAR Comics (Stéphanie Morillon) Exhibitions (Alain Laude et alii) Music (Philippe Gut, Philippe Zwang) Theater (Guy Boquet, Jacques Portes) READ, REREAD H.G. noted (Alain Laude, Claude Ruiz et alii) Reviews (Alain Laude, Claude Ruiz) Reading Paul Veyne (Jean Peyrot) Reviews of Books in English (Nicolas Lemas) Crosswords (Joseph Esteves) Books READER'S LETTER A Modest Reflection on the Profession of Historian (Marcel Bernos) "Indigènes" : Not a History Movie, Not a Genre Film, Not an Actor's Film (G.A.) Saving Bussière, A Cistercian Abbey in Burgundy (Claudette Vincent) Teaching Industrial Heritage in Tours (Jean-Marie Moine) N° 400 october/november 2007

The Education Department’s Works-in-Progress (Jacques Portes) A Reminder of Principles: Collective Memory, History, and Liberty in Teaching (Jean Peyrot)

Couverture : Page du manuscrit du Shah-Name (Livre des Rois) de Shah Tahmasp Ier: Le voyageur d'une caravane aperçoit Zal que le Simorgh nourrit dans son aire. Aquarelle opaque, encre et or sur papier, , Tabriz, 1524- 1539 © Smithsonian, Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Exposition au Louvre.

HOMAGE Emile Ducoudray (Annie Duprat, Bernard Gainot, Roland Gotlib), Lucie Aubrac (llubert BouleO, Rudi Damiani (Jean- Luc Carton), Nicole Decottignies (Bernard Phan) APHG ACTIVITIES • APHG Press Release on the Issue of Public Readings 0f Guy Môquet’s Letter • Concerning the Public Reading cf Guy Môquet’s Letter te his Parents (François Marcot) • Documents: Letters by Guy Môquet, Henri Fertet, Tony Bloncourt • Regional News Alsace Reunion Island: Feting Jean Joly PÉDAGOGY • Difficulties n Teaching and Assessing History/Geography in the Third Cycle (Phillipe EyercheO • The Renaissance in 8th Grade/3rd Form (Sandrine Mortagne) • The Warsaw Ghetto (Christine Guimonnet) • Learning and Teaching about Colonizations (Marc Vigié) • Analyzing Film Scenes: Henri Clouzot’s L’assassin habite au 21(1942) and Le Corbeau (1943) (Eric Auphan) • Political Images and the Politics of lmagery: An Experience with the Website of the Institut National de I’Audiovisuel (INA) (Nicolas Smaghue) • Manipulating Opinion During the CoId War: The Marshall Plan as Reflected by a Soviet Caricature (Yohann Chanoir) • Preparing for the 2007 Contest on Resistance and Concentration Camps (Hervé Guillemet) • The 2006 Winners of the Contest on Resistance and Concentration Camps (Jöelle Dusseau) • Internet Chronicle (Daniel Letouzey) • Knowledge of the Justice System (Claude Saget) MEMORY AND HISTORY • An Account by a Historian of the Middle Ages: ‘My ldea of the Textbook on Medieval Institutions in France” (FerdtnandLot) • For the Love of History: Jean-Paul Brisson (Françoise Guérard) • A Surviving Witness of the Concentration Camps: Between History and Memory, Part 2 (Christine Guimonnet) • The Ida Grispan Elementary School in Sompt (Hubert Tison) ENVIRONMENT • Sustainable Development, or a Very OId Story’s New Clothes (Alain Miossec) OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS • October 22nd: Commemorating Guy Môquet and the 26 Hostages Executed with Him UPDATE ON • Russia (Denis Eckert) • Geography and Sustainable Development (Yvette Veyret and alii) • Internal Agrégation Exam in Geography (Joèlle Dusseau) • External CAPES, CAFEP, and CAPES Exams n History and Geography (Yves Poncelet) • Internal CAPES Exam in History and Geography (Laurent Wirth) REPORT • The Return of a Country that Doesn’t Exist, Part 2 (Dimitri de Kochko) VIEWPOINT • Issues Stemming from the Colonial Past and Public Uses of History (Claude Liauzu) HEAR & SEE • Comic Books (Stéphanie MORILLON) • Exhibitions (Alain LAUDE etAlii) • DVD (Brune CALVES) • Music (Philippe GUT,André SEGOND, Philippe ZWANG) • Theater (Guy BOQUEJ Jacques PORTES) « Vauban défend le roy » (Brune CALVES) • Cinéma (Yves THORAVAL) READ, REREAD • HG noted (Alain LAUDE, Claude RUIZ et Alii) • Magazines (Alain LAUDE, Claude RUIZ) • Crosswords (Joseph ESTEVES) • Books N° 401 february 2008

Plans, Rumors, and Intimations of Storms Ahedad ? Jacques Portes

Cover: Un okimono, statuette en ivoire de la période EDO (1603-1868) représentant un petit métier, ici le hérault. Collection des Missions étrangères. Exposition copright Mep

HOMAGES François Chappé (Alain Pennec), Michel Denis (Jacqueline Sainclivier), Marie-Madeleine Compère. APHG ACTIVITIES • Annual General Meeting, December 5, 2007 (Aleth Briat, Claude Ruiz) • Comments by Jean-Jacques Becker on Commemorating the 90th Anniversary of the War of 1914-1918 • National Intermediate-School Pedagocial Commission - Plans for New Immediate School Curricula (Béatrice Louapre-Sapir) • National Secondary-School Pedagocical Commission: The L-Seroes Exam (Laurent Marien) Regional news Brazil, an Enchanting Country-Continent (The Ile-de-France Region's Trip to Brazil) (Vincent Bonneval). PÉDAGOGY • Teaching the Geography of France (Gérard Hugonie) • The 2007-2008 Contest for the Best Photograph of a Comemoration Site 2007-2008 (Frantz Malassis) • The 2007 secondary-School History Contest - Maréchal de Rochambeau. (Christine Guimonnet) Cinema sSudies for Final-Year and Pre-University Students • Analyzing Film Scenes: from films by Joseph Leon Mankiewicz (1909-1937) (Eric Auphan) 9th-Grade and 11th-Grade Students • Reims: A Site of Franco-German Memory - From a Commemoration of Conflict to One of Reconciliation (1914-1962) (Yohann Chanoir) • Internet Chronicle (Daniel Letouzey) Archives • The ECPAD Archives, a visual Record of the Army (Violette Chaléat.) OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS • The General Inspectorate for History and Geography-New Directions for Implementing the History and Geogaphy Curricula for 11th-Grade Classes (ES, L and S series) UPDATE ON

Reports • The 2007 Agrégation Exam in History (Jacques Verger) The Agrégation Exam in Geography (Michel Hagnerelle) Appendix to the Report on the External Capes and Cafep-Capes Exams - Geographical Terms and concepts.

SPECIAL FILE Industrial Heritage, Part Two-edited by Gracia Dorel-Ferré

I. The matérials of industrial heritage

a) Matérial, written, and visual traces - Industrial Archeology, Excavations and Elevations (Pierre Fluck) - The Metal-Worker's House in Paris (Thomas Le Roux) - Corporate-Archives (Florence Ott) - Images of the Industria World (Nicolas Pierrot) - François Bonhomme, an extraordinary witness of 19th-century industrial life (Marie-Laure Griffaton)

b) Machines - The Steam Hammer: The Developpement and Impact of an Innovation in 19th century Forges (Olivier Raveux) - Are the Tools of Virtual Reality Applicable to Industrial and Technical Heritage ? (Michel Cotte)

c) Museums - Dunkirk's Port Museum: A Museum, a People, and a Region (Marie-Laure Griffaton) - The Corderie Vallois Museum (Alain Joubert) - Interview with Eusebi Casanelles: Catalonia's Museum Network (Gracia Dorel-Ferré) II. Heritage and Region - Regions with an industrial heritage: The Experience of the Champagne-Ardennes Area avec Gracia Dorel-Ferré (Françoise Picot) - Ardèche, a Region with an Industrial Heritage ? (Christian and Jean-René Nace) - Alsace, a Borderline Heritage (Pierre Fluck) - Ireland's Little-Known Industrial Heritage (Denis McKee) - Barcelona and its Region: An Industrial Heritage with a Glamorous Past (Gracia Dorel-Ferré) - Mayotte: Between Colonial Past and Uncertain Future, the Difficult Emergence of an Industrial Heritage (Jean-René Nace) RESEARCH - Enlarging the European Community and Union (Gérard Bossuat) HEAR & SEE • Comic Books (Stéphanie MORILLON) • Exhibitions (Alain LAUDE etAlii) • DVD (Brune CALVES) • Music (Philippe GUT,André SEGOND, Philippe ZWANG) • Theater (Guy BOQUEJ Jacques PORTES)

READ AND REREAD • Crosswords (Joseph ESTEVES) • HG noted (Alain LAUDE, Claude RUIZ et Alii) • Magazines (Alain LAUDE, Claude RUIZ) • Read: Le ressentiment by Marc Ferro, Winner of the History of Verdun Prize (Jean-Pierre Rioux), Hans Küng, Mon combat pour la liberté (Jean Peyrot) France Bavière Exhibition Catalog (Jean-Claude Allain) Books


On Venice and the Sea. (Jean-Claude Hocquet) Very Dubious Taste (Annie Poignant) N° 402 may 2008

Pitfalls Jacques Portes

Cover: Clos Vougeot, a vineyard in Nuit-Saint-Georges, Burgundy, France copright BIVB

HOMAGES Paul ARBITRE (Jean-François Valleix), Jean-Claude TERRIEN, Philippe PINCHEMEL. APHG ACTIVITIES • National Steering Committee, January 27, 2008 (Aleth Briat, Claude Ruiz) • National Pedagogical Commission, Secondary Schools (Bernard Phan) • National Pedagogical Commission, Intermediate School (Béatrice Louapre-Sapir) • Technical Education Commission(Anita Lebon-Gardy) Commission on Europe (Jacqueline Houlgatte) IUFM Commission (Anne Thouzet, Dominique Haim) Commission on TICE (Information & Communication Techniques) (Gérard Colotte) Civic Commission "The World and the Law" Saturday, December 1, 2007 (Christinne Guimonnet) APHG Meeting with SNALC, APSES, SNES-CVHU

PÉDAGOGY • Difficulties in Teaching Geography (Édith Fagnoni) •Analyzing Movie Scenes : Carol Reed. (Éric Auphan) • Changes of Scale in Geography - For what Purpose ? (Yvan Bertin) • "The cold War" Symposium 2007 - Brandebourg Institute, Berlin (Yohann Chanoir, Daniel Micolon) • Award Ceremony for the National Contest on the Resistance ans Concentration Camps, January 15, 2008 • Internet Chronicle (Daniel Letouzey)

OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS • Curricula in History and Geography for 11th-Graders in the Social & Health Technology Program CLARIFICATION • Russian in 2008: An Economic Assessment of the Putin Years. (Jacques Sapir)

Open Tribune - History and Memory of the Holocaust in Schools: Account by Survivors, Historians and Educator (Jury du prix Corrin) - Press Releases from the Union des Déportés d'Auschwitz and the APHG WIIIth APHG Seminar*Agoras, Reims, October 2008

SPECIAL FILE : Wines, Vineyards and Wine-Growers in France and in the world edited by Sylvaine BOULANGER and François LEGOUY.

Overall Introduction : Sylvaine Boulanger and François Legouy. "Wine Conquers the World". Jean-Robert Pitte I. Globalization and New-World Vineyards Introduction by S. Boulanger and F. Legouy. - French Wine Production in a Global Market. François Legouy. - Interviews with Wine Dealers in Champagne (Cl. Ruiz), Bordeaux (M. Réjalot), and Burgundy (F. Legouy). - From the Banks of the Loire (Pouilly-sur-Loire, Sancerois) to New-World Vineyards: Winegrowers Bridge Two Worlds. (Marie-Pierre Cerveau) - Vineyards in Quebec : The Paradoxe of a New Winegrowing Frontier in North America (Jean-Marie Dubois et Laurent Deshaies) (Canadiens) - A few Recent Aspects of South Africa Wine Production. (Philippe Roudié)

II. France Introduction by S. Boulanger and F. Legouy. - Converging Models : Bordeaux Châteaux and Chilean Vina. (Raphaël Schirmer) - The Recent Reclassification of Wines in Provence. (Philippe Moustier) - Corsican Vineyards : Commercial Logic Versus Cultural Economy. (Paul Minvielle) - Quality Table Wines and the revival of Small Vineyards in Franche-Comté. (Robert Chapuis.) - The Crisis and Revival of Wineyards in Côtes d'Auvergne: Geohistorical and Cartographic Aspects (Laurent Rieufort) PERSONAL ACCOUNT - The Crisis Triggered by the New Labor Contract (CPE) in March-April 2007 : The Tribulation of an Academic (Jean-Noël Luc)

INTERVIEWS -Aman of the left Cursed by the Left. Interview with Michel WINOCK about his book on Clemanceau. (Aleth Briat, Pierre Kerleroux)

VIEWPOINTS - Threats to Archives. - Hybrid Corn and OGM Corn : The same Struggle ? (Jean-Paul Charvet) - France-Algeria : "Transcending the Historical Dispute. - France-Algeria : The Historical Work that Can't Be Done. (Daniel Lefeuvre, Michel Renard)

RESEARCH - The History of Science : Implications for Historical Research and Teaching. (Jean-Christophe Sanchez) HEAR & SEE • Crosswords (Joseph ESTEVES) • Comic Books (Stéphanie MORILLON) Cinema. (Bruno Calves) • DVD (Brune CALVES) • Music (Philippe GUT,André SEGOND, Philippe ZWANG) • Exhibitions (Alain LAUDE etAlii) • Theater (Guy BOQUEJ Jacques PORTES)

READ AND REREAD Prize 2007 • HG noted (Alain LAUDE, Claude RUIZ et Alii) • Magazines (Alain LAUDE, Claude RUIZ) • Books


Rudy Damiani (Mireille Grange, Heidi Saïdi) Concerning a Certain Report. (Jean-Claude Boyer) N° 403 July/August 2008

Comparaisons are Odious, or, the illusions of a Universal Model. Jacques Portes

Cover "The Millau Viaduct", built by Eiffage CEVM/Foster and Partners/D. Jammes

HOMAGES Claude FOHLEN (Jacques Portes), Pierre GEORGE (Yves Lacoste), Jean DELORME (Claude-Eugène Anglade), Boris GEREMEK

Annoncement of the AGM on December 5th, 2008; elections for the APHG Steering Comittee APHG ACTIVITIES • National Steering Committee, May 18th, 2008 (Claude Ruiz) Appendices - Interview on Vocational Teaching (Anita Lebon-Gardy, Sylvie Rachet) - Why and How Should Sustainable Development be Taught ? (Yvette Veyret) • Pédagogical Commissions May 17th, 2008 • University Commission, Intermediate School (Hubert Tison) • Europe Commission, (Jacqueline Houlgatte) • Special Secondary-School Commission (Bernard Phan) • National Pedagogical Commission, Intermediate School (Béatrice Louapre-Sapir) • National Pedagogical Commission, Secondary Schools (Bernard Phan) • Commission Tice (Sylvia Lassauque) • Call for candidates for the Steering Committee

PÉDAGOGY • The Finnish Model: Myths and Reality (Yohann Chanoir) • The Sekaishi (World History) Affair in Japan (Hisaki Keimochi) • Teaching the Geography of France-workshop on notion of "territory" (Édith Fagnoni) • The Cold War in the Franco-German Textbook (Yohann Chanoir) • The Cold War in French Textbooks (Brigitte Morand) SPECIAL FILE Constructing Territory edited by Paul Arnould and Guy Baudelle

Introduction : Territory A Question of Geography (Paul Arnould, Guy Baudelle)

Part One: Conceiving and representing Territory - Conceptualizing Territory (Frédéric Giraut) - Observing and Picturing Territories (André Humbert, Colette Renard) - Analyzing Territories (Alexandre Moine) - Teaching and Representing Territories (Gérard Hugonie with Sylviane Tabarly)

Part Two: Observing Territorial Dynamics - Lands at Risk: The Example of Flooding (Stéphanie Beucher, Nancy Meschinet de Richemond, Magali Reghezza) - Illegal construction, Parallel Businesses, Urban Gaps: The Untamable City Territory (Colette Vallat, Nora Semmoud, Jérôme Monnet, Dominique Lefrançois) - Campania, A Hub of Waste-Trafficking (Fabrizzio Maccaglia) - Political Innovation, Cyclical Processes, and Territorial Differentiation (Sylvie Daviet, Jacques Fache) Part Three: Territorial Organization - "Constructing Regions Jointly" : Recent Changes in the French Model of Development. (Guy Baudelle) - Peri-urban Development Schemes: Agri-urban Projects (Monique Poulot) - Questionned Land - Violence versus Mediation (Stéphane Rosière)

Conclusion Territory, Oh Territory (Roland Pourtier) UPDATE ON

Subjects of Competition Exams • Medieval History - "Power, Church and Society in the Kingdoms of France, Burgundy and German from 888 to the Early 12th Century" (Philippe Depreux, Florian Mazel) • Modern History - "Religious Conflicts in Europe from the Early 16th Century to the Mid 17th Century" (Olivier Christin, Arlette Jouanna) • Geography - Health and Environment : A Geographical Study on the Curriculum at ENSLSH (Jeanne-Marie Amat-Roze) - A User's Manual on the Question of the Geography of France (Laurent Carroué, Alain Dubresson, Frédéric Dumont) - Feeding People (Jean-Pierre Charvet) - France : Deloping the Regions - A considered Bibliographic Essay (Robert Marconis) RESEARCH • Internet Chronicle (Daniel Letouzey) • History (of the Middle Ages) is a Combat Sport. Interview with Joseph Morsel (Daniel Letouzey) HEAR & SEE • Comic Books (Stéphanie MORILLON) • Music (Philippe GUT, Didier FRANFORT, Philippe ZWANG) • Exhibitions (Alain LAUDE etAlii) • Theater (Guy BOQUEJ Jacques PORTES) READ, REREAD • HG noted (Alain LAUDE, Claude RUIZ ) • Magazines (Alain LAUDE, Claude RUIZ) • Books • Crosswords (Joseph ESTEVES) N° 404 October/november 2008

Another Tsunami, 25 years Late Jacques Portes

Cover: Le Matador by Picasso Pablo - 4 October 1970 — Oil on canvas — 145.5 x 114 cm. Musée Picasso, Paris - © Succession Picasso 2008.

APHG ACTIVITIES · APHG's National Petition: History/Geography-Basic Education · Elections for the National Committee · APHG Annual General Meeting, 30 November 2008 · The General Call from Blois (Freedom for History) · The Nord-Pas-de-Calais Regional File: The First World War - Introduction (Nicolas SMAGHUE). - A Historiographical Revival: The Historical Stakes Behind a Recollection (Jean-Jacques BECKER). - Memory versus History of The First World War: What Content and Issues for Intermediate and Secondary Schools? (Laurent WIRTH) - The First World War as Experienced by Individuels (Ludovic VANDOOLAEGHE)


· Cinéma Nuit et Brouillard » (Eric AUPHAM).

· Civics Democracy's Very Long Apprenticeship (Joseph PINARD).

· Didactics Overview of Corsican History and Geography Textbooks (Vanesse ALBERTA).

· Collective Memory Winners of the Best Photograph Contest (Frantz MALASSIS). Défense Defense and Reserves: Doubly Civic-Reserve Soldiers in Professional Armies


· Wines, Vines and Winegrowers Throughout the World. Part Two (edited by Sylvaine BOULANGER and François LEGOUY) 3. Terroir and Heritage Introduction by S. Boulanger and F Legouy - Jean-Claude Hinnewinkel : The Complex Geographical System of Terroirs. - Eric Rouvellac : The concept of "Soir, definition and adequasy with Wine-growing - Jacques Maby : Wine and Spatial Identity: A Vineyard in Maipo Alto (Chile) - Anne Combaud : The Interest of a Physical and Historical Description of Wine-Growing Terroirs: The Case of Côtes de Nuit and Beaune (Burgundy) on the Municipal Level - Jean-Pierre Chabin : The Vineyards and the Climate Warming: new geography, Different Wines? - Sylvaine Boulanger : Sustainable Wine Growing in France: Toward Changes in Attitudes and Practices

4. Historical, Cultural and Socio-Economic Approaches Introduction by S. Boulanger and F. Legouy - Serge Wolikow : Wine and Terroir Archives in the 20th Century - Christophe Lucand : Trade winernakers in Burgundy Phylloxera vastatrix during and post-Phylloxera vastatrik: Order merchant and regulation of the wine market at the turn of the nineteenth-twentieth centuries - Olivier Jacquet : Banting Against Wine Fraud in Burgundy During the Inter-War Period: The Wine-Growers' Strategy of Quality Classification - Fabienne Joliet : The Wine-Grovüing Landscape:An Antithesis of Naturalness? - Gilles Fumey : Geocultural Approaches to the Consomption of Wine. - Sophie Lignon-Darmaillac : Oenotourism : new perspectives visions on winegrowing economics : distinctive experiences in vineyards around the world

FORUM · "Russisan-speaking Lands" and "Russian Speakers" (Dimitri de KOCHKO)

EUROPE • The Robert Schuman Foundation and the Robert Schuman House (Violette AURIOL)

UPDATE ON · Report on the 2008 Internal CAPES Exam and CAER Exam in History/géography. (Laurent Wirth)· The External CAPES and CAFEP-CAPES Exams in History and Geography (Yves PONCELET) Secondary-Level Exam. Jury Report - Session 2008 (Joëlle DUSSEAU)


· , Laika, Explorer (Claude Carlier) European Constructions, Colonization, Decolonization : EurAfrica, a Counterpoint to the Idea of Europe. Yves MONTARSOLO) CHRONICLE

• Internet Chronicle (Daniel Letouzey) • History (of the Middle Ages) is a Combat Sport (part two). Interview with Joseph Morsel, attented by Christine DUCOURTIEUX (Daniel Letouzey)

REPORT Tskhinvali alter Beslan: War Over the Caucasus (Dimitri de KOCHkO ) FORUM "France - Algeria : Getting Beyond the Historical Dispute" (Jean-Pierre LLEDO)

CLIMATE CHRONICLE Tropical Climate Risks (Denis LAMARRE, Jean-Pierre BESANCENOT).

HEAR & SEE • Exhibitions (Alain LAUDE etAlii) • Music (Philippe GUT, Didier FRANFORT, Philippe ZWANG) • Theater (Guy BOQUEJ Jacques PORTES) READ, REREAD • HG noted (Alain LAUDE, Claude RUIZ ) • Crosswords (Joseph ESTEVES) • Magazines (Alain LAUDE, Claude RUIZ) Chronicle Books on the First World War (Hubert Néant) • Books N° 405 january - february 2005

Ever Vigilant ! Jacques Portes

Cover: Yoshitoshi Tsukioka, Fujiwara no Yasumasa (Playing the Flute by Moonlight) Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rouen, Gift of Jeannine Lauri – Exhibited in Rouen

HOMAGES Jacques MARTIN, 1930-2008 (Jean-Louis Mathieu, Jean Murraciole, Alain Prost, Yvette Veyret) ; Jeannine GEOFFROY (Monique Klipfel, Marcel spisser) Claire BERCHE, Jean-Claude ALLAIN


· APHG Annual General Meeting, November 2008

· National Intermediate School Commission Meeting (Béatrice LOUAPRE-SAPiR)

· National Technical Commission Meeting (Anita LEBON-GARDY)

· Europe Commission Meeting (Jacqueline HOULGATTE)

· University Commission Meeting (Eric BONHOMME, Hubert TISON)

· 2008 Activity - Conference of Presidents of Associations of Specialist Teachers, Upper Level (Philippe BLANC, Bernard CAPDUPUY)

· on the Reform of the Status of Teachers–Researchers (Frank COLLARD)

Regions Midi-Pyrénées Can history Be Interrogated? (sébastien AMBiT, Laurence BARDEAU ALMÉRAS, Florian NiCOLAS, Anne THOUZET)

- Supplément Site: Champagne -Ardennes L’APHG EN ALBANIE : (Yohan CHANOIR) PÉDAGOGY

· 2007-2008 Competition for the Best Photograph of a Site of Collective Memory (Frantz MALASSIS)

. 10th-Grade (5th-Form) Class · Teaching history Through Architecture and Urban Development : The French Revolution (10th Grade/5th Form) (Nicolas LEMAS)

Textbook · For a Multifarious Reading of the New Franco-German Textbook (Yohann CHANOIR) Geography · Sustainable Development: The Key Stakes for Geographers (sylvie BRUNEL)

1 lthIl2th Grades (6thlupper-6th Forms) · Teaching Notes on the Film Walkyrie (Aleth BRIA T, Pierre BONET, Hubert TISON)

· The Films of Alain Resnais, Part 2 (Eric AuPHAN) Internet (Daniel LETOUZEY)


Intermediate-School Curricula - Curricula for Civics Class, History/Geography (6th Grade/1st form)

SPECIAL FILE : INDUSTRIAL HERITAGE (III) . Fields of Research and New Problematics a) Other Fields - From Manufactory to Factory: The Wool Industry in France, 17th–20th Centuries (Jean-Claude Daumas) - Hydroelectric Installations in the Old Urals (Alexandre Barabanov) - The Heritage of Hydroelectricity: State of Grace or Graced by the State (Denis Varaschin) - Aluminum: Familiar Metal, Worthwhile Heritage (Florence Hachez-Leroy) - The Industrial Heritage of Beet Sugar in the Aisne Region (François Védrine)

b) Other Social Approaches

- Artisans of the Birth of Industrialization: Functional Knowledge in 18th-Century Ironmongery in France and England (Liliane Hilaire-Pérez) - Social Engineering, A Domain to Be Explored (Delphine Henry) - God in the Factory (Gracia Dorel-Ferré)

c) Deconstructing, Reusing, Rehabilitating - The Royal Manufactory at Arc-et-Senans: Industrial Recycling Versus Heritage Site (Emmeline Scachetti) - Industrial Wastelands and Regional Reappropriations (Marina Gasnier et Pierre Lamard) - An Emblematic Factory Destined to a New Fate: La Macérienne (René Colinet) - Reconverting Factories in Troyes (Jean-Louis Humbert) - Is Heritage an Antidote to Extinction? (Anne-Françoise Garçon) - Destroying Industrial Heritage to Delete Working-Class Memory? The Example of the Redevelopment of the Historic Moulinex Site in Alençon (Gaël Le Bacquer) - Collective Memory of Labor and the Future of Heritage (Juan José Castillo) - Industrial Heritage: A Mid-Term Assessment (Eusebi Casanelles)


· 2008 Agrégation Exam in History, Jury report (Jacques VERGER)

· Agrégation Exam in Geography (Laurent CARROUÉ)

Clarification: The fifth republic and regional Development (Jean DUMAS)


· Comic Books (Stéphanie MORILLON) · DVD (Bruno CALVÈS) · Exhibitions (Alain LAUDE et al.)

· Music (Philippe GUT, Alain SEGOND, Philippe ZWANG) . Theater (Guy BOQUET, Jacques PORTES)


· HG noted (Alain LAUDE, Claude RUIZ et alli.)

· Periodicals (Alain LAUDE, Claude RUIZ)

· Books. . Crosswords (Joseph ESTEVES N° 406 may 2005

A Trap with Multiple Catches. Jacques Portes

Cover : Edwin Aldrin during his moon walk àn 20 July 1969 Reflected in his visor is the white figure of Neil Armstrong and the landing module©Photo NASA

HOMAGE Jean-Claude Allain (Elizabeth du Réau, Jean Peyrot, Hubert Tison)


· National Steering Committee, 1 february 2009 (Aleth Briat, Claude Ruiz) · National Intermediate School Commission 31 January 2009 (Béatrice LOUAPRE-SAPiR) · National Technical Commission Meeting (Anita LEBON-GARDY) · University Commission Meeting (Eric BONHOMME) · Europe Commission Meeting (Jacqueline HOULGATTE) · National Secondary-School Commission (Philippe JEANGOT, Jean-Marc FEVRET, Hélène PAPADOPOULOS, Evelyne WINKLER) · TICE Commission (Gérard Colotte) · Interview with DEGESCO · Meeting with Teachers'Unions (Syndicat Autonome, SNES, SNESUP) · Declaration of the Conference of Presidents of Associations of Specialists. · Open Letters from Scholarly Organizations to the Ministry of Education PÉDAGOGY

· Civics and Defense Award Elementary school . Teaching French Geography in Elementary Schools (Jean-Pierre Chevallier)

Intermediate school · History and Imagination : The Potential of Role-Playing and simulation in Class. (Jérôme Béliard, Guillaume Gravé)

Teaching vocabulary · Lexicography as Auxiliary Educational Technique (Françoise Guérard) Teaching imagery. 11th and 12th Grade Classes · Analysis of Film Scenes (Eric AuPHAN) 9th Grade Classes · Educational Presentation of The Walkyrie (Nicolas Smaghue) Internet (Daniel LETOUZEY) OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS · Curriculum for History, Geography and civics in 7th Grade · ST2S Curriculum INTERVIEW · Jean-Louis Crémieux Brilhac Talks about the Resistence, the Free French and the English (Aleth Briat, Pierre Kerleroux)

ANALYSIS · Recession or Depression (Jacques SAPIR)

OPEN COMMENT · On Colonization and ils History. (Gérard CHOLVY)

CLARIFICATION · The Israeli-Palestinian and Israeli-Arab Conflict, Part 1 (Guy PERVILLE)

HISTORY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY · "One small step for a man, a great Leap for all mankind" Forty Years Ago, Man Walked on the Moon. (Claude CARLIER)

RESEARCH · Urban Renovation and Participation in Problem Neighborhoods (Hervé VIEILLARD- BARON)


· Comic Books (Stéphanie MORILLON) · DVD (Bruno CALVÈS) · Cinéma : The Confrontation 2009 Event at Perpignan (Hubert TISON) · Exhibitions (Alain LAUDE et alli.) · Music (Didier FRANCFORT, Philippe GUT, Alain SEGOND, Philippe ZWANG) . Theater (Guy BOQUET, Jacques PORTES) . Clara Cinéma (Bruno CALVES)


· HG noted (Alain LAUDE, Claude RUIZ et alli.) · Magazines (Alain LAUDE, Claude RUIZ) Anniversaire · The Centenary of the Société des Etudes Robespierristes and the Annales Historiques de la Révolution Française (Serge BIANCHI) · Questionnaire on "Gender in History, Curricula, Classrooms, and Textbooks" (Elena SUZAT) Open Comment · The New History-Teaching System, Based on three Books. (Jean PEYROT) The 2008 Verdun History Prize. · Exiting World War (Jean-Pierre RIOUX). · Read about The Performing Arts and the French Revolution, EADS, Germany Today, The Institut d'Etudes Politiques in Aix en Provence. · Books. . Crosswords (Joseph ESTEVES N° 407 july august 2009

Almost 100 but Sstill Feeling Young Jacques Portes

Cover : The Duc de Chaune's microscope © Musée des Arts et Métiers - CNAM Paris/Photo S. Pelly

HOMAGE Raymonde CARALP-LANDON (Emmanuel Désiré), Jean DEMANGEOT (Christophe Daudel), Michel ROUX (Robert Marconis)


· APHG National Steering Committee (Aleth Briat, Claude Ruiz)

· National Intermediate School Commission (Béatrice LOUAPRE-SAPiR)

· Survey on Intermediate Schools · University Commission Meeting (Eric BONHOMME)

· National Secondary-School Commission (Evelyne WINKLER)

· Civics Commission : Contribution from Michel Prazan (Christine GUIMONNET)

· TICE Commission (Gérard COLOTTE)


· National Contest on the Resistance an Concentration Camps : Subject and Rules. . Pedagogical Approach : Natural Phenomena in Geography. Part 1 (Gérard HUGONIE) 8th and 10th Grades · Educational Presentation : The Diary of Slave Hunter (Anne-Marie BRENOT)

11th and 12th Grades · Analysis of Film Scenes : Robert Flaherty, Part 1 (Eric AuPHAN) Internet (Daniel LETOUZEY) OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS · Internal and external Agrégation Exams in History and Geography in 2010 · Internal and external CAPES, CAPEPS and CAFEP Exams in History and geography

SPECIAL FILE : History of Science and technologies part 1 edited by Jean-Christophe-Sanchez

- Introduction by Jean-Christophe Sanchez and René Souriac. - The human saga of science. Jean Rosmorduc. - Greek scientists : Astronomy and Physics from Thales to Ptolemy. Jean-Christophe Sanchez - Mines and metallurgy : The Engines of 18th and 19th Century Industrialisation. Denis Woronoff - A Political History of Science : Scholars and the French Revolution, Rupture versus Continuity (1789-1793) Jean-Christophe Sanchez - The Europe of Railroads (1825-1880) François Caron - Louis Pasteur's Work and Heritage. Michel Morange. UPDATE ON Roman history · Rome and the West from 197 BCE to 192 CE (Western Mediterranéan isles, Sicily, Corsica, Iberian Peninsula, Gaul (excluding Cisapilne Gaul), Germania, the Alps (Alpine provinces and Rhaetia), Britain. (François Cadiou, Patrice Faure) Modern History · The British World from 1815 to 1931. (Philippe Chasseigne, Laurent Colantonio, Jran-Pierre Dormion, Claire Laux, Charles-François Mathis) Geography · Europe (Robert Marconis, Sylvie Daviet, Boris Grésillon, Christian Vandermotten, Denise Pumain, Anne Bretagnole, Michel Foucher) · Mobilities (Sonia Chardonnel, Françoise Dureau, Kamila Tabaka, Christophe Imbert, Jean-Pierre Levy) · Mobility and Transportation (Pierre Ageron, Kevin Sutton, Jean Varlet) · Mobilities : International Migrations (William Berthomière, Gilles Dubus) · Regional Development in France : New Bibliographic References (2008-2009) (Robert Marconis)

CLARIFICATION · The Israeli-Palestinian and Israeli-Arab Conflict, Part 2 (Guy PERVILLE) ANNIVERSARY · 1909 : 100 years ago, Louis Blériot Flew across the English Channel. (Claude Carlier)

HEAR & SEE · Comic Books (Stéphanie MORILLON) · Cinéma : - Combat and Wounds : Poland During World War Two, 1939-1945 (Magadalena Mazaraki) - Army of Crime. (Pierre Kerleroux) - Farewell (Aleth Briat) · Exhibitions (Alain LAUDE et alli.) · Music (Didier FRANCFORT, Philippe GUT, Alain SEGOND, Philippe ZWANG) . Theater (Guy BOQUET, Jacques PORTES)


· HG noted (Alain LAUDE, Claude RUIZ) · Magazines (Alain LAUDE, Claude RUIZ) · Read : Grégoire Kauffmann : "Edouard Drumont" (Pierre Lévêque) · Books. . Crosswords (Joseph ESTEVES)

LETTERS · The Days of Stauffenberg (Yohann Chanoir) N° 408 october november 2009

The Devil is in minute detail Jacques Portes

Cover : The skyscraper Cajamadrid Tower is located at the north of Madrid, near Paseo de la Castellana. Desogned by Mord Norman Foster, the tower has 45 floors, and it is the tallest building of Spain

HOMAGES · Jacques DURIEUX (Michel Barbe), Raymond ROFFIN (Pierre Desplanques, Bernard Phan and Michel Wanneroy)


· Survey on Teaching the French Revolution

· Interview with Jacques Berlioz (Enrique Léon, Hubert Tison)

· Resolution Adopted by the Forum des Sociétés Savantes, October 19, 2009. · Jean-Louis Crémieux-Brilhac Talks about the War, La Documentation Française, and Pierre Mendès-France

Pathways · Philippe Pinchemel, A Contemporary Geographical Mind (Marie-Claire Robic, Jean-Louis Tissier) PÉDAGOGY Teaching · Teaching Slavery in France. A Postcolonial Issue ? (Sébastien Ledoux) . Teaching Art History in the Classroom (Part 1) : Leonardo de Vinci (Nicole Lucas) · The Annunciation: Iconographical Trompe l'œil ? (Yohann Chanoir) · Pedagogical Approach : Natural Phenomena in Geography. (Part 2) (Gérard Hugonie)

Contests · National Contest on the Resistance and Concentration Camps 2008 (Joëlle Dusseau)

Learning to Read Imagery 11th Grade (6th Form) · Analysis of Film Scenes : Robert Flaherty, Part 2 (Eric Auphan)

Internet · Chronicle (Daniel Letouzey)

UPDATE ON Reports · 2009 Internal "Agregation" Exam in History and Geography. (Joëlle Dusseau) · 2009 External "Capes" Exam in History and Geography (Yves Poncelet) · 2009 Internal "Capes" and "XAER" Exams in History and Geography (Laurent Wirth)

Bibliographies · 2010 Contest : Current Publications in Geography (Robert Marconis) SPECIAL FILE : Spain, a transforming european potency edited by Nacima BARON-YELLES

- Introduction to the special issue : Is Spain so different ?

Part 1: The new Spain ? Political and economical overview. - Spain from the Democratic Transition to the Present. (François LE MOAL) - Questioning the Spanish Economic Model : Successes and Weaknesses (Nacima BARON-YELLES) - National versus Regional Governments : Complex Interrelationships. (Barbara LOYER) - Has the Economic Crisis Affected Spain's International Relations ? (Sylvia DESAZARS DE MONTGAILHARD)

Part 2 : Main geographical themes of analysis in today's Spain - Immigration Policies in Spain (Serge WEBER) - Sharing Spain's Water Supply : Rival Uses, Regional Tensions (Sylvie CLARIMOND) - Origins, Development, and Future of High-Speed Train in Spain (Ander AUDIKANA) - Andalusia, Europe's Orchard and Garden (André HUMBERT) - An Overview of Tourism in Spain (Carine FOURNIER, Rémy KNAFOU)

Part 3 : Regional approach - Madrid : The Challenges faced by an Expanding Metropolis. (Charlotte VORMS) - The Strait of Gibraltar : Spain's Window onto the World. (Nora MAREÏ) RESEARCH · The Population of France in 2006 (Robert Marconis) · A French View of the "Social City" Program (Hervé Vieillard-Baron)

NEW STORIES · The Friends of Old Nérac (Céline Piot) · 55 Years Ago : Dien Bien Phu (Jacques Portes) · Russian-Speaking Lands : A Zone of Ancient Cultures and New Social Bonds (Dimitri de Kochko)

HEAR & SEE · DVD (Bruno Calves) · Exhibitions (Alain LAUDE et alli.) · Music (Didier FRANCFORT, Philippe GUT, Alain SEGOND, Philippe ZWANG) . Theater (Guy BOQUET, Jacques PORTES)


HG noted (Alain LAUDE, Claude RUIZ) · Magazines (Alain LAUDE, Claude RUIZ) · Read : Jean-Luc LELEU, The Waffen SS (François Uberfill) · Books. . Crosswords (Joseph ESTEVES) N° 409 january 2010

A centenary of combat 1910 - 2010 Jacques Portes

HOMAGES · Jean Peyrot, honoray President of the APHG (1930-2009) Jean-Pierre Wytteman


· APHG Annual General Meeting (29 November 2009) · National Secondary-School Commission (Evelyne Winkler) · National Intermediate-School Commission (Béatrice Louapre-Sapir) · National University Commission (Eric Bonhomme) · National Technology Commission (Christophe Léon) · Europe Commission (Jacqueline Houlgatte) · Update on History and Geography in Technological Programs (Sylvie Rachet) · Appeal to Maintain History and Geography Courses in the Final Year of Secondary School (Science Option) PÉDAGOGY Archives · The Notary Public Who Loved Poetry : A 600-Year-Old Legal Minute Book Found in Angoulême (Florence Baretto) School Contests . The Best Photo of a Site of Commemoration (Frantz Malassis)

European Sections · History/Geography and Bilingual Education in France : A Watershed (Marc Vigié)

Geography Classes in9th Grade (4thForm) and 11th Grade (6th Form) · Turning a Mountain Site into an Urban "Green" Space : Val Thorens (Bruno Calves)

Voyage Ile-de-France Region · Japan : Tradition vs. Modernity (Vincent Bonneval)

Internet · Chronicle (Daniel Letouzey)

History of the Arts 11th Grade (6th Form) Using a Case Study to teach the History of the Arts in 10th Grade (5th Form) : Painting and Depicting War (Nicole Lucas)

Errata Guy Pervillé The Middle-East conflict UPDATE ON Errata · Rome and the West (François Cadiou and Patrice Faure)

2009 Reports · History Agregation Exam (Jacques Verger) · Geography Agregation Exam (Laurent Carroué) SPECIAL FILE : History of Science and Technology, Part Two, edited by Jean-Christophe Sanchez.

- Introduction (Jean-Christophe Sanchez) - Energy and Society in History. (Jean Rosmonduc) - Science and intercultural Relations in Al-Andalus (9th-15th Centuries). (Ahmed Djebbar) - From Copernicus to Galileo : The Revolution in Scientific Tought in the 16th and 17th Centuries (Jean-Christophe Sanchez) - Measuring the Surface of France : Establishing a Piece of Knowledge during the Ancien Regime. (Christophe Bon) - On the Shape of the Earth during the Enlightement : A Scientific Dispute and the Newtonian Revolution in the kingdom of France. (Jean-Christophe Sanchez) - One or Several Industrial Revolutions ? (François Caron) - The Idea of Evolution (Michel Morange)

RESEARCH · Theodorus de Bry, A Contributor to Spain's "Black Legend" (Grégoire Walleryck) · A Few Comments on the Interrelationships Between Energy Systems and Geographical Spaces. (Donald Curran)


Learning to interpret Imagery 11th Grade (6th Form) · Analysis of Film Scenes from Robert Flaherty's film, Part Three (Eric Auphan)

Film and TV · Louis XV and Cartouche (Bruno Calves) · Encounters : The Peroignan Film Festival (Part Two) · DVD (Bruno Calves)

· Exhibitions (Alain LAUDE et alli.)

· Music (Didier FRANCFORT, Philippe GUT, Alain SEGOND, Philippe ZWANG) . Theater (Jacques PORTES)


HG noted (Alain LAUDE, Claude RUIZ) · Magazines (Alain LAUDE, Claude RUIZ) · Books. . Crosswords (Joseph ESTEVES) N° 410 april may 2010

Chiaroscuro Jacques Portes

HOMAGES · Collective Homage to Jean Peyrot Jean-Pierre Wytteman (François Da Rocha Carneiro) Odile Allain, Charles Fourniau, and Guy Boquet


· APHG National Steering Committee 31 january 2010 (Aleth Briat, Pierre Kerleroux) · National Pedagogica Commission-Secondary-School 30 january 2010 (Evelyne Winkler) · National Pedagogical Commission-Intermediate School Results of Survey(Béatrice Louapre-Sapir) · Civics Commission (Christine Guimonnet) · National Pedagogical Commission University (Eric Bonhomme) · Europe Commission (Jacqueline Houlgatte) · Technology Commission (Christophe Léon) · Forum of Scholarly Societies : Masters Programs, from Bad to worse. · Joint Press Release (APSES, APHG, APCEG) · Replies from Our Political Representatives

Open Forum · On Few Comments on the Teaching of Religions in the New Curriculum for 10th-Grade (5th-Form) (Sylvie Rachet) PÉDAGOGY History of the Arts 6th Grade (1st Form) · Eteaching the Origins of Judaism in 6th Grade (1st Form) (Sandrine Gsalter-Mortagne) . Analysis of Film Scenes (Eric Auphan) 7th Grade (2nd Form) . The Grünewald Altarpiece (Bruno Calvès) 9th and 11th Grades (4th and 6th Forms) . Graphic Novels : An Innovative and Motivating Educational Tool for Teaching History School (Isabelle Delorme)

Television . Georgette and Fanchette, Chateaubriand (Bruno Calvès)

Travel · Minority China and Subtropical China (Vincent Bonneval)

Didactics · Quebec's Debate Over National History (Charles-Philippe Courtois)

Contests ·The 2008 Contest on the Resistance and Concentration (Joëlle Dusseau) ·The 2009 Contest on the Resistance and Concentration Internet · Chronicle (Daniel Letouzey)

OFFICIALDOCUMENTS · History/Geography ans Civics Curriculum : 8th Grade (3nd Form) · History/geography Curriculum : 10th Grade (5th Form)

UPDATE ON · Guidelines for teaching Assistants (Laurent Carroué) · 2011 External CAPES Exam in History and Geography. Introduction note on Two New Questions in the Curriculum. · Urban France (Robert Marconis) · Princes and the Arts in France and Italy, 14th-18th Centuries. (Olivier Bonfait with Jean-Marie Guillouet and Jérémie Koering) SPECIAL FILE · France's Constitutional Advisory Court : Le conseil Constitutionnel (Christine Guimonnet) · Interview with Jean-Louis Debré, Chairman of the Conseil Constitutionnel (Christine Guimonnet, Hubert Tison) RESEARCH · One Hundred Years Ago, Henri Fabre Took Of in the first Seaplane (Claude Carlier) · The Roots of Garibaldi's Political Education : Why Nice ? (Giovanni Giuseppe Amoretti). · Should People eat GMOs ? (Farid Benhammou) · The Current State of Historic Franco- Czech Cooperation (Nicolas Richard)

VIEWPOINT · The Stakes behind Public Debate and History in France (Laurence De Cock)

HEAR & SEE · DVD (Bruno Calves) · Exhibitions (Alain LAUDE et alli.) · Music (Didier FRANCFORT, Philippe GUT, Alain SEGOND, Philippe ZWANG) . Theater (Jacques PORTES)


HG noted (Alain LAUDE, Claude RUIZ) · Magazines (Alain LAUDE, Claude RUIZ) · Books. . Crosswords (Joseph ESTEVES)

LETTERS Resignation letter (Sylvie Rachet) N° 411 2010

Uniting Against the Glum Mood Jacques Portes

Cover: The south side of the Mountain of Rheims, the Bouzy vineyards; in the backyard of the green ravine of the Marne and the silhouette of the "Côte des Blancs" on the large landscape. © Marcel Bazin 2010

· 11th-Grade (6th-Form) Curricula in History, Geography · 10th-Grade (5th-Form) General/Technical Curriculum in Civics.Collective HOMAGES · Bertrand Montergnole (Colette Hirtz) · Jean-Claude Allain (Elizabeth du Réau) · Guy Boquet (Alain Laude) · Charles Fourniau, Yves Modéran, Michel Pécheux.


· APHG National Steering Committee June 6, 2010 (Aleth Briat, Claude Ruiz) · National Pedagogica Commission-Secondary-Schools (Evelyne Winkler et alli) · National Pedagogical Commission-Intermediate Schools(Béatrice Louapre-Sapir) · National Pedagogical Commission Universities (Eric Bonhomme) · Technical Education Commission (Anita Lebon-Gardy) · Europe Commission (Jacqueline Houlgatte) · Technology Commission (Christophe Léon) Appendices APHG Opposes a State Catechism. The CAPES Reform Seriously Threatens the Principle of Democratic Equality.

NATIONAL SEMINAR ON CHAMPAGNE-ARDENNES The territorial Structures of the Campagne Region from Roman Times to the Present (Michel Bur) The Champagne-Ardennes Region Today (Michel Bazin)


· Introduction (Michel Hagnerelle) · Defining the Risks and Components of Sustainable Development (Yvette Veyret) · Population Sustainable Development (Gérard Dumont) · Sustainable Agriculture (Jean-Paul Charvet) · Risk ans Sustainable Develoment (Yvette Veyret) · Climatic Space-Time (Monique Tabeaud)


School competition National Cup for Civic-Minded Students : "How to Eliminate Violence in Sports ? " (Lucile Rambert) 9th and 11th Grades (4th and 6th Forms) Lille During the German Occupation (1940-1944), Part 1 (Kevin Labiausse. 12thGrade Classes (Upper 6th Form) . Analysis of Film Scenes (Eric Auphan) Internet · Chronicle (Daniel Letouzey)

OFFICIALDOCUMENTS · 9th-Grade (4th-form) Curriculum in History, Geography, Civics

UPDATE ON Agrégation Exams · France City by City (Yves Jean) · Religious Structure and Dynamics in the Latin West from the Lateran Council to the Concil of Basel (Fabrice Delivré, Marielle Lamy) · International Circuits in Europe from the 1680s to the 1780s (Gérard Beaurepaire) CAPES · Princely Patronage s and the Arts in France and Italy, 14th-18th Centuries. (Olivier Bonfait, Jean-Marie Guillouet and Jérémie Koering) RESEARCH · Concerning the "Resistance History and Researc Center" Interview with François Marcot and Cécile Vast (Pierre Kerleroux)

Special reports

· Kyrghizstan (Dimitri de Kochko) · On Russia : Boris Piniak (Dimitri de Kochko)


· Cinema/ritish Film Festival in Dinard (Bruno Calves) · DVDs (Bruno Calves) · Exhibitions (Alain LAUDE et alli.) · Music (Philippe GUT, Philippe ZWANG) . Theater (Jacques PORTES)


HG noted (Alain LAUDE, Claude RUIZ et alli) · Magazines (Alain LAUDE, Claude RUIZ) · Books. . Crosswords (Joseph ESTEVES)

LETTERS Concerning the Film Army of Crime and the French Communist Party in 1939-1941 (Alice Mongour, Henry Jacky, Pierre Kerleroux) N° 412 novembre 2010

Bounce Back, Perhaps ? Jacques Portes

Cover: The APHG celebrates its centenary at the Alpine Stadium, Monday, 0ctober 25, 2010 photo. Danièle Trébucq

HOMAGES · Pierre Chaunu (Dominique Barjot), Jean-Noël Laurencin (Dominique Puthod)


· The 2010 "Agoras" in Grenoble : A Notable Succes

· Baccalauréat Exam : Future exams in 11th-Grade (6th-Form) Science and 12-th-Grade (Upper-6th) Economics/Social Sciences and Littérature.

· Motion on the Digitized Texts


Academic competition · Préparing for the 2011contest on the Resistance and Concentration Camps (Hervé Guillemet) 9th and 11th Grades (4th and 6th Forms) Lille During the German Occupation (1940-1944), Part 2 (Kevin Labiausse). Learning to Interpret Imagery 12thGrade Classes (Upper 6th Form) . Analysis of Film Scenes Jean Delannoy second part.(Eric Auphan) Internet · Internet Chronicle (Daniel Letouzey)

History of technology · 100 Years Ago : The Origins of Naval Aeronautics. (Claude Carlier)

SPECIAL FILE ON APHG'S CENTENARY · Dictionary. · Foreword · Contents

SPECIAL FILE : Arles and the Surrounding Region.

· Introduction : A Region to Explore and Remote... or How Do the Players in a Region Exploit the Issue of Heritage as a Tool in the Sustainable Development. (Monique Rieutord) A. Part One : Heritage-based Conception and Management of a Region. · The Impact of Arles' Policy on Cultural Heritage. (Christian Mourisard) · An Active Heritage Education Program in Arles. (Odile Caylux) · Camargue's Regional Natural Park. (Gaël Hemery) · When Cultural Heritage Yields an Industrial Region. (Monique Rieutord) B Part two : The Rhone as a Region of Excavation and Innovation. · Arles as Leading Commercial Hub. (Claude Sintes) · Maritime and River Trade in Arles in Antiquity - The Contribution of Excavations in the Rhone and Camargue. (Luc Long) · River Craft, Everyday Life, and Science - The conservation/Restoration of Organic Ancient Vestiges Discovered in the Rhone. (Magdeleine Clermont-Joly) · Toward a UNESCO Definition of Underwater Cultural Goods-from Fieldwork to an International Structure for the Fields. (Jean-Bernard Mermet) UPDATE ON · Information on the Agregation Exam in History. (Michel Cassan) · Explanatory letter concerning the CAPES Exam. (Laurent Carroué)

Reports · External 2011 CAPES and CAFEP Exams in History and Geography. (Laurent Carroué) · Internal CAPES and CAER Exams i History and Geography (Laurent Wirth) · Internal Agrégation and CAER Exams in History and Geography. (Joëlle Dusseau) · Correction to the External Agregation. Curriculum. · Climate Chronicle : The Elusive Sahel. (Denis Lamarre)


· Cinema : Brittany on the Silver Screen - La princesse de Montpensier(Bruno Calves) · Exhibitions (Alain LAUDE et alli.) · Cinema The Movies in 1910 - The Industry's Teenage Years (Eric Auphan) · Music (Philippe GUT, Philippe ZWANG) . Theater (Jacques PORTES)


· HG noted (Alain LAUDE, Claude RUIZ et al) · Periodicals (Alain LAUDE, Claude RUIZ) · Books. · Read

LETTERS Qualification from the IHTP concerning the interview with Cécile Vast and François Marcot ; Henri Rousso and Charles Ingrao on the role of the IHTP. Raphaëlle Branche on research into the Algerian War ; Michel Fabréguet on MathauseN.

. Crosswords (Joseph ESTEVES) N° 413 January - february 2011

Let's revive and unite for new battles Jacques Portes

Cover: Roman and Romanesque building in Arles, listed as a UNESCO heritage site 1981-2011, 30th anniversary. Aerial photo by P. Blot.

HOMAGES · Denis Guedj (Michel Barbe),


· Annual General Meeting of november 28 2010 (Pierre Kerleroux, Claude Ruiz)


· Motion and press release concerning the Maison d'Histoire de France


A to Z · Albania (Yohann Chanoir) · Archives as a Site of Memory and History (Alexandre Lafon) · The Vosges Mountains : From Factories to Manufactoring Memory (Yann Prouillet)

Local History . 9th and 11th Grade (4th and6th Form) . Local History in Secondary School : Lille and World War Two Part 3 : Citizens of Lille, Collaboration versus Resistance (Kevin Labiausse)

Textbooks . The Launch of the Latest Franco-German History Textbook in Berlin, December 13, 2010. Interview with Rainer Bendick, Peter Geiss, Rainer Riem,nschneider and Rolf Wittenbrock on Volume 1 of the Franco-German History Book (Hubert Tison) Interpreting Imagery 10th Grade (5th Form) . Analysis of Film Scenes by Alexandre Korda.(Eric Auphan)

Civic, Legal and Social Education 11th Grade (6th Form) . Migrations, Nationalities, Cultural Differences Mixed Perspectives-History, Geography, Civics : A Report on an Experiment at Lycée Victor Hugo in Paris, 2004-2009 (Véronique Sot)

Accounts Elementary and intermediate schools · Crucial accounts. Interview with Dominique Borne (Sylvie Rachet)

Digital Ressources 12th Grade (7th Form) Economics/Sociology and Science Streams · New Information and Communication Technologies at the Service of Geography Lessons : The Example of Eastern Asian Megalopolises (Eudes Girard) · Internet Chronicle (Daniel Letouzey) UPDATE ON · Note on the Leson in General History for the External Agregation Exam in History · Report on the 2010 competitive external Agregation exam in History (Michel Cassan) · Report on the 2010 competitive external Agregation exam in geography (Yves Jean) (documents for A,B and C on the nation site

CHRONICLE : SPORT, HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY · Football and National Identity : The German Example (Yohann Chanoir)

CINEMA AND TELEVISION · Océanosaures : A 3D Voyage Back to the Dinosaurs (Bruno Calves) · La Marquise des ombres and Le Roi, l'écureuil et la couleuvre : History on TV (Bruno Calves)

SPECIAL FILE : REGIONAL HERITAGE · Arles and the Surrounding Region, part 3 (Coordinated by Monique Rieutord)

C. Part Three : The City, River and . · Crossing the Rhone... Some Modest Approaches to Methods. (Philippe Rigaud) · In Search of a Fitting Man : On the Evolution of Political Systems in Arles in the Early 13 th Century. (Simone Balossino) · Protecting the Rhone Delta and the Rhone Plan. (Monique Rieutord and Symadrem) · New Perspectives on Sustainable Development around Arles. (Claude Vella) TEACHER-TRAINING SEMINAR · 4th Annual seminar in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais Region part 1. - Seeing the World : Wich Geography(ies) for Globalization ? (Nicolas Smaghue) - Globalization : Which History, Wich Geography ? (Christian Grataloup) - Globalization : A Geography Accessible to All ? (Laurent Carroué) - Globalization. (Pierre Baudin)

RESEARCH · The Whys and Hows of Writing a Biography : The Example of Napoléon III) (Jean Sagnes) · Thwarting the Curse of Boorstin : The Institutionnalization of American History at the Sorbonne, 1946-1968 - 1. - A Long-Term Approach, II Taking Root (Nicole Fouché, Jacques Portes)

UPDATE ON · 2011/2012 Internal CAPES and CAER exams (Olivier Grenouilleau) · Newsletter of February 2, 2011 for those people preparing the oral exam for admission to the 2011 external CAPES exam (Laurent Carroué, Yves Jean, Guy Baudelle, Hervé Vieillard-Baron).

EUROPE · 1990-2010 20th anniversary of the Bulgarian Round Table (René Meissel)


· Cinema : The King's Speech (Annick and Bernard Puissac) · Confrontations in Perpignan (Hubert Tison) · DVD (Bruno Calves) · Exhibitions (Alain LAUDE et alli.) · Music (Didier Francfort, Philippe GUT, Philippe ZWANG) . Theater (Jacques PORTES)


· HG noted (Alain LAUDE, Claude RUIZ et al) · Periodicals (Alain LAUDE, Claude RUIZ) · Books. · Read

LETTERS · Reply from François Marcot

. Crosswords (Joseph ESTEVES) N° 414 may 2011

Let's Get Mobilized Bruno BENOIT

Cover: Edouard Manet - The Balcony, 1868-1869 - Oil on canevas 170X124,5cm Musée d'Orsay, Paris - © RMN (Musée d'Orsay)/Hervé Lewandowski

HOMAGE • Firmin Lentacker (J.P. Houssel) • André Laronde (J.P. Mouton) • Bruno Mellina (L. Wirth, M. Hagnerelle)


· National Steering Committee 29 january 2011 (Aleth Briat, Claude Ruiz) · National Pedagogical Commission, Universities (Eric Bonhomme) · Lycée Pedagogical Commission (Evelyne Winkler) · Intermediate School Pedagogical Commission (Beatrice Louapre-Sapir) · Europe Commission (Jacqueline Houlgatte) · TICE (Communication/Information) Commission (Christophe Léon) · General comments on new plans for curricula (Marie-Alice Helmann)


· Teaching on the Polyptique of Marchiennes (Douai) · Baccaluréat Exam, "Science Option", 11th Grade (6th Form)


A to Z · Understating and Explaining Rural Life and Agriculture : The Museum of La Bertauge in Champagne-Ardenne (Richard Dupuis) · The Work of Remembering (Aleth Briat, Yohann Chanoir) Teaching history and Art history in class · Christopher Columbus by Théodore de Bry (Grégory Wallerick) · Edouard Manet's Balcony and Amazon · Arts and Slavery (Nicole Dumas) · Olympia, or, Transgression is Meaningful Only When the Taboo is Great... (Yohann Chanoir)

Exercize · Dominique de Villepin's Speech to the UN Security Council (New York) on 14 February 2003 (Arnauld Cappeau)

Update on · The Just in France (Gérard Cholvy)

Interpreting Imagery 10th Grade (5th Form) . Analysis of Film Scenes Abel Gance.(Eric Auphan)

Contests · The 2010 Contest on Resistance and Concentration Camp. · The 2009-2010 Contest for Best Photo of a Commemorative Site (Frantz Malassis)

SPORTS CHRONICLE • Maradona; A Soccer Icon of North/South Conflict (Yohann Chanoir) SPECIAL FILE


D. Part Four How are the art and museums of the town inspred bay its heritage ? • An Artist of Archeology ? (Monique Rieutord) • The Educationnal Approach Adopted by the Museum Departemental Arles Antique (Fabrice Denise, Marie Vachin) • Mark Dion and the Museum Arlaten (Service d'Action culturelle) E. Part Five : How does education get hold of heritage in this area ? • Elective Courses in "Heritage and Archeology" at Van Gogh Intermediate School, Arles. (Jean-Paul Vincent) • Using the Ressources of the Musée Departemental Arles Antique in History Curriculum. (Xavier Baeumle) • Education on the Rhone and Arles Area. (Maryse Clary, Roland Roux) INTERVIEW • On a Historical Turnaround, with Marc Ferro (Pierre Kerleroux and Hubert Tison)

TEACHER-TRAINING SEMINAR • 4th Annual seminar in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais Region 28 November 2009 part 2. - Introduction (Nicolas Smaghue) - Meanings, Forms, and Figures of Globalization (Roger Brunet)

BRIEFLY VIEWED • On the Algerian War and on TV5 with Patrick Imhaus (Pierre Kerleroux and Aleth Briat)

RESEARCH • Fifty Years Ago : The First Human in Space (Claude Carlier) • Thwarting the Curse of Boorstin : The Institutionnalization of American History at the Sorbonne, 1946-1988 - II Taking Root (Nicole Fouché, Jacques Portes) • Different Perspectives on the Military Junta in Greece : Origins, Nature and Agenda (Corine Talon)

INTERNET CHRONICLE • (Daniel Letouzey)

CLIMATE CHRONICLE • Light on Wind Theories : The Lesson of an Academic Contest (Denis Lamarre)

HEAR & SEE • Télévision (Bruno Calves) · Cinema (Françoise Ambrosini) · Exhibitions (Alain LAUDE et alli.) · Music (Didier Francfort, Philippe GUT, Philippe ZWANG) • Protesting Globalization via Contemporary Music, Part One (Bernard Collot) . Theater (Jacques PORTES)


· HG noted (Alain LAUDE, Claude RUIZ et al) · Magazines (Alain LAUDE, Claude RUIZ) · Books. . Crosswords (Joseph ESTEVES)