-^wy^tntagicya ,^32 12/tS/200a

- 3 . - ■ s m J I M P A Pr l^ k e . ; YAWDEL-I- 2 6 2 7 E V - i B . r a s o,0 ' V;: “ . J ll l £ S daho/97th..yeari:No;'0 ; ' 4 r ■" m F r i d^ay, i January. 4 , 2 0 0 2 5 0 c e m s . . - G ood MOB)RNINC 10 1-

" W e y i -r e r -: i Anal'^ysts ■ >«■, fodipday: Fog, , ^Is as > d a n toudsthen - . say Iddaho : w s w n r k . 1 .. > l* il Jiigt - \ 1 8 . ' P ag ete “Open I I. econcomy M a g i c V ^ ML i iE Y ,• V a l l g I looks "Intendlngljrran:"A StSun ^ By.iioSe'ftti ^grim , ■ ■ VaD^^TM Dembcratratisplaji- vm tHim ^ -.- m'ngtbJvi&ior.a Congng^ssional- — .- ; • - ' ^ t . '•'•• ;••• -■■ ;.; ■-■ BOISE - Regiorjional .economfets on T hursday paint . 1 ■ ■ ing the most diffdifficult budgjrt*-^ District maintena^(je‘director,inj I decisions the «tacfate has faced - ...... M o n e y ' 'saida.teatfadier noticed the flood- - ' ■ since tlie mid-1980s)80s. e d h allwWay a around 5 p.m. R i H | | | “Look for a slowsloi year, and I Bigger mortgages: Hitrhe Monday.. COfficials traced the H H r l mean an extremclTiely slow j'ear," - D epartm entof HoMsihSing an d - - s o u r c e ^ wraterjo a single-sprin--r--fe B K _ economist John .Church.Ch toid.thff —. U rban Development h; I above one classroom. M TiffI House-Senate Econconomic Outlook .. „ ..a h d ..J le v e n u e _ -- - — local-mortgagfrcaps;— nj^focabouLan-hour,___p B- -Assessment..... - looding the hallway and )S Ja' Committee. “Itt Cicould be less ____ '■ ______I 'P a g e B 4 «ms,____ ;______^ h • th a n 1 p e r c e n>t.e_mEloy(nent t t ____ C leanupp 1has been around the H ^ '^owthMtcouldbeibe negative.” clock. 1/1;; WhUe Gov. Dirkirk Kempthome : W e e k e n d Custodial has predicted a qu al crcws.vacuumed up H .v-"| quick recovery ------1,200 gallon: ons of water, with per- - H ■jW once the economymy hits bottom, r haps anotiother r,200 galldns- ■ , : ; • Churdi and othersers left no room --soaked-intouo-the-insulation-and— -H sheet rodt.iA A m e isg id ,______' B _ the state out andid headI off thic hly estimated the dam- x H Winter’s Choice betv,etween state aid age a t $30,00,000 to 540,000, the car- . ■ to public schools5 andar last year's p ets.alo n e! aiaccounting for $7,000 • H record tax cut^ ' ■-fcSjP^rW pfjg to $10,000.1). T h e'd am ag e will be ' H “Corporate pro:jrofits'are nor - covered byin/■insurance: ------^—•------H ^ -- -going-to improve.ve.from where Classes werew< originally can- ‘ H they are now. ThiThey may get M e z - v o i i s c in e m a ? . celed Thursiirsday for students in H ^ worse if losses;s aren’t bad Improbably, IVviri Falls’Ils’for- the -affectcctcd classrooms at I A enough,” Churchch said. “Thf e ig n film f e s tiv a l fin cis b an£ Horizon . ElElementary before H IM number of layoff:affs that have •■ au d i^o e for siibtatlKs'ffia ii " h^vysno.wfiwfall canceled classes ~ H I f l • occurred have been]c n p h en o m en al-...... for the enti s m a ll tow n . itire school district. H Iy large. Tliey’re nlo o t oi v e r yet.” T ------H oivcver,.stustudents-in-foui^f-the— ^ j — ----- ^le-^as^tim^rTh^-]hn-Trinhn-/'pnn^------o b s w as in 1986 V s tu d ie s as: hinormal.on Mbnd^y;' during th e final ye a r of w h at was "' • studehtsnorlormally in the other ' ■ • a near depression.'1.' IiIn 2000, jobs . two clqssroon•oms will use the com- ■ grew by nearly 4 pp eercent. n 'p'ute'r rpom1 aand music room for ■ By comparison, ChiChurch offered th e twcwo weeks. All other • * ■ an' optimistic forecas:cast o f 1.1 per- Jerome studeidents were ex^iccted ■ cent growtli in nonfnmfann employ- retu rn toI diclass today. ' ^ H ■ ment. Wells Fargojo bankI econo- M ean w hliie, ili Valley, School ■ - mist Kelly Matthewiews_pr:edicted ...... -District^fncficials nre;graBpling_ ■ .1 _growtli.at.jusi03..p-a .perccnt, and ------I /AvitE^lodHtniing-from a'broken H - tliat was nsarly doulfouble the ane- ---j w ater hiairii ccaused by freezing; weather.-'-, H Pleaso seee IDAHO,ID, Page A2 R o d .M a lolone. j Valley High ' School princiicipal, said only the Hazelton schoihool’s basement was I Hackersrseye flooded andd ageA6 ------— th ird1-grader -g i at Jeffersonn attacks oh Pn ■ § \ Protection J E R O M E- Jerome School Elem ententary School, said he spentIt W eb s ite s o r i j , T’iriM District was oneon of a handful of j f e V liie dayay ]playing with his friend, your friends. tip s-'A 2 : | e CTION by SECT!i 1 lUlN districts in sou louth-central Idaho ^ “ Wee Vwere chasing and throw-/- “ H o m e ------fs that canccledd :school Thursday W ing sno\nowballs at chickens,” he-e- machines lyeren’t very Section A SectionLin 1/ a fte r significani ?ery interest-' ant snowfall liit tlie said . “They “T squawked and rann ing targets a few yearsars .ago,” said ■ gealher ... .2 WeekEnd’.J ■. .1-8 region ovemighi ght. ■ away.” Mikko Hypponeii of 1 g- S chools in W of antivirus Jfation .,,.3 4 M ovies... Wendell, Dietrich, ■ N otr everyoneei had snow dayf company F-Secure in Firiland. Bliss, Goodinging and Shoshone filled M tlit fun. “Tliat’s all dianged now forjtl .■.■,....4 Dear Abby.jy . . .0 were among th low.” the othjBr schools - ^ W ____ . ' • “M yp;f p aren ts took advantage off Experts attribute the direat to IJati'o/West. .S Crossword,rd . . .5. th a t declared i t ; it a snow d a y - th a t u u a id h ad m e w ork today,” said1 several factors; jiinloti 6-7,^ Morningbre£)reak.5 dangerc Tommy I la and yolanda 0 ! « t'ake advanl ly Mitchell, 13, of Jeromei • Many home compimputers-are .. • ferry childrenio intage of ono moro day of wintontor vacation by ------M id d le s 1 0 a n d fro m schoo ...... i,;,iw7n, e School. Still, after chores5 no^v as powerful as busii • Twin Falls Schc ding a giant snow pile to slldo'd)'down In Jerom e. Schools woro )usincss com- JiooI^District, how- ero closed ' su d i asIS cdeaiiihgthe living roomI puters, with enougli mei l e c t i o n B - ever, wasn’t amom ongthem . .. Thuredjreday In Jgromo and several otiii memory and Uier d istric ts due to th e ovomlgmight snotvfall. shihoveling o tho sidewalk,, processing power to mj inago’aiey .k ; S ection m a k e them in D “ H ad th ere beenb e wind, it jnigJit Whi:Wiile n ot all M am c V alley di ly sa id h e fo u n d rimf> fn ------have4}ocn-a-diff< diS:------snow-day meantt nan extended ----- i_ _alluring-stagirig-area9-las-for-%vide»------fflrtuaries ;; S - 9ports~:— ifferentstoof’said ' triecs'were d scheduled to resimi • scale Internet attacks tl • • Terrell/Donicl une • vacation for manyly ;snidents and »M e ai s that affect icht;.Twin-Falls classesises after the Christmas-Ne' J and my brother had aI other computers. idaho/We^t 2-3 'N ation...... 0 School District si Jew teadiers. t superintendent. • Year’sir’s holiday Thursday, th ' Money ....AS the Jill Crozier, aI sistay-at-home Please see SNOW. Page A2, • A gro w in g -n u mber b er are con- • Section'n EI I Please SCO hack(raS,Pa^eA2 er: Classlfi^;-.I ;-.w ■ E E spE P i . Tales* O iofextortidon, bribeeryemer^ rge I as nortthemalliaiance assuimes po\^ C 1.ASSIFIED . ||B | I ByTodRobberson wer ■ The Dallas MomlngNe Afghans like Azimulnullah say: Log on to ... ______U .S ,.eyes e Somalia-A2 they cheered whenI nout their' Awoman’pIoadifMt lo a d s o f w h e a t a n d dothingweredi ' and outrag 6 7 7 - 4 0 4 2 M OM'of the l u t iiaies of floiii thli week at a food aid dlstrlb- rage. “B ut if I h ad m oney, would-be liberators. )• delivered, b u t h e couiouldn’t under- for bribes,: 4-7“ • Jrtlonc^erJn^Kaindtndahar;i^flnl$taf|'.;,w l ), es, I w ouldn’t b e h e re a ^ . ' Stand why only “son5ome people” ingforhdpidp^ivibe firs t place.” Please see,C0RRUPT.JPT.PageA2

i . , ' ' i:;'.:.',;,'■ ■■-•-.'•I'

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FORECG A ST F d)R MAGK[C VALLIEY *« ; AcculcuWe^hercom . P I M IDIDAHO ALMMNAN WORLD GCITIES ■ Ywlordayafi S o uthern Id jh o : A fow spotss rnoor tho Wyoming border willill hhave a show show er ' s6nr&'d-wag?’t? SOr .? „ ^ .:- -r 8:OI:;08'ffhr' • TodToday Sat^'’ BoromotrlcIrlcProssura i . • . ■■"t lhl3 morning. Ihcn somo sunshshiho In Ihb o a st this aftomoon,n. FFog and low clouds fol— Yo*|orrfoyftH II-^U-W— Hi-Lo:IW /^ ■ftl6 p . m : ; . ; ' 3050In.' - loWodiiysunshlnoin.thowostr sttodoy. • . - ...______M6( f47'p.m~ j^ p u fc o ------^ flf T l BBipraa y in TWin F n in — ^------! .Bo Im ; Areas of fog and low cloutlscli Ihls. morning, thon portlytiy tot mcfitly sunny this Njvr W(»ds-.-:.:.r_;-MA- ...... ------aftgmoot).I High 36. Partly cleui>udy tonight with polchy fog allorllormidnlghl. t ^ 2 4 . LLost New Flret Traos...... N A ^ ^ eld ....;...... NA Bangkok 855 6.S6i pc 85 68 . pe , Soorc.urco: A sthnu and Allergy of Idaho.. JRK Boijlna^' -’""48'2IB'2a~fe“ -42~24->i|-' WPR Bortin 233 221 pc 41 32i,a} i N orthom Novada: low spots3ts will start this mdm'ing k^iHTdwrdw^lbudsbr'fogfothor-''’ ...... 'Biionoa AlroV •-'73 -B: . •. Vwiso. mostly sunny loday. HIgfi 3-.B2-:rr----'7d'.e3:t?,r ghs In itio 30s and the 40s.' Cloailoar to parity cloudy • jg -'Jan 2 8 Cairo 588 4(40 pc 68 39_> ______J a n S J a n l 3 Jan 21 Ji Shown Is •,• X< tonight. Jan28 HbflgKong-'-69*9*58‘r"-70--60"«1r' K k A \ 7 Jonisalom - 477 343i pc 47 35;:'Bh Northom Utah: Snow showers woathor. ■ ^ 3rs In tho o ast this morning, thonion clouds ond breaks of ■ UUV ' INDEX TOPy>A Y Joh-annosb«rg-~e3-6‘3 e ? ’ pc'""fl5“ 6ffi:pij' sunshino this aftomoon with a ptray| flurry. A n a s o( (og and1 lowlo> dou d s; thon partly . . ^ London 455 -41 48_43^,& ; Tomporaturos __Riinr>y In thn wnst tivfny Hlgt^i highs tind 7 0 ■■■■■■' ~ Moscow 'lO'O3 0 Si 22 1 4 ? ?! N orthom Idoho: Cloudy In moinost e pots this morning with arearoas of fog, thon d o u d s ° ------P a r ts '.'• ^ - ' ''' • 41- iqnlohfs q r 34'- pc"-:42 and occasional sunshine Ihls: aftomol oon. Highs from .iho 20ss In the mountains to near 2 I■ ■ I-, ~ Rio do Janeiro 822 68« pc 79 65 1:^. R ^ a f i S ' 440 Injho towQSI spots. ' - R om or ,V ';’39:2E3128-pc-:::43-'2r^;ffv ■~ra.ni:—10id:m'.“*rKofr"2p.m.“ - pjn. — Seoul------:------38~2CJ~2(rp(5— 30-18','S ------^l^fiO N A L ExfirREMES YwterdBy(l»y(lorthetf contlguow slaioi) q., 2- 68 " a ■•"'BO-eff'-sT All maps, lore- - - M , Minimal; 2-3, Low; 4-6, Modorati ___Tokyo...... :____ 48-44J..44..pc_..43 -Zaofji-..... High; 10>. Vory High. Valu> indlcaic casts and data Hh igh 75* In Yuma Foollillls, AZ ! ------High aiolho -. W a r a n w ' - 18"3"lB' ie 8f~"33 2S'lin' \Z Low •20° In Gunnunnlson. CO ixposuro 10 Iho sun’a ultrijviolol rays ? ' ^ I M ^ provided by lys- Zurich , 355 27 PC, 40 30 iS.., iv AccuWoothcr, NATIONALf WEEATHER r n m iim m m inc. 0 2 0 0 2 ' p ' N^NATIONAL c m IES I Shown oro noon potlltons oi woail>aihor systems and ptedpliailon. Toiniromperoturo bands aro Today &SaL . ' Today Todi ■ Sat/-r-; . hlQhs lor mo day. Forocosl blgMc viow loraporniuroa ore gfven for tolocolocioddifes. CityJIty HI Lo W HI LLo W City • HiI Lo Lo W HI Lo.,W REGIONAL.CITIES < AltiiVtlarita '46' '22 Y ’ -4 6 332 - a - Momphls • ' - '4 4I '2 '20 5 'B” "41 •32'^ffi Todaylay Sat. Today Sal. jiAtv-., ■ ; AtlarVtlanlicCity 40 24 s ' 42 26 2 s Miami 61I 50 50 S 68 6 0 “ tK ------Cfty------— H l-Lo3 VW--Ht'to-W— aty- ' HI Lo W HI Lo W I ™ 5%>r--r . Sa'Jfr 128' 'PC’ Mffwaukoo '/J " 'a gi.j26ipc':.‘36:'28::

Corrupt ■ ...... ■]■Hackers^ J f o t e c LLyoutself— — ^ ordered theJie eradication Jast year ^ ■ By oeing diligent2nt about com puter ConUnucd from Al Continued from A l jm poppies being grojvn security and foll^ing'spmeslmplefolh Bribery, extortion, a ^nected directly to'the Int way banditry are runn tn d e r T a lib a n n lle , a re a s X ^ n t e r n e t * tips/you can beibetter protect your- througli high-speed DSL andnd c a b le - self-from tho tliii activity ar pant in Kabul antJ othX J 'i n W “■'dernortlTthem alliance control things th a t go bum p • ' round Soi3m ali| d full-scale opium and “lilies * that remain open a l l t h e on the Internet. cities controlled by the ; : Thonio Washington Post______o d u c tio n , h e sa id . ‘ time. Computers that are L ______o f those units is sscheduled to"^t alliance, according.to , passwords.'Choose s the next dilemma. In around tlie dock are vuineras r sail for the UnitiW te d S ta te s sqb'n, diplomats, anil officials ■,1. „ passw ords that-ilat-are difficult or V ice of a growing econo- • Unlike businesses witl WASHINGTON - With mmem- but there will a oone-week pejttod eign nongovernmental ; 3 2 iguess. ber )rking infrasiruciure, ____™imMe_nt_ security staff, most, bers of the al-Qaida terroristst net- during the middlid d le of J a n u a r y 'N onhem alliance troop: arbaclonaofcrttlcal' ivorla)n wor the run from Afghani tation-^programs-and ------users-arc-,slow-to-sccure inJ$tan__3 vheix.alljhree.w.e.will-be-avaUabrc— tin^up roa^blocks iy^ii is.must-be m ade a t ^ • in the absence of all cocomputers with the 1lateJt data.Backoosn and otherformer safe liavens.ns, the fo r' operations in :^ e region, anyone who wants t< ichday.:.: . Uni e is a tremendous vacu-, ana n tiv iru s a n d firew all sofijtiware IMMbnceoach United States is stepping uppmili- i dalssaid. indmllng international < Bvltuftprotection. . tary tar; activities in and aroround ' 'Defense SeerecretaiV Do'n'atd ers delivering emergei aid . aand r to plug security hoi□les by - Buyanduisvl >2 bom bers ^vere able to downloading the necessaryr y f ix e s sottwaro. ThatIt njeahsn] three th in g s :. • SSomalia o n to preventnhe lawiwless Rumsfeld spokeike in some dejail and supplies to war- \frican coimtry from becofniihing a Thursday at thehe PentagonI abp’ut areas. m b th e c o u n try to ou st from fr< software makers sui u c h a s having It on yourourcomputer, check- Af*^ M icrosoft. Ing daily for newlOw virus signature , lew base for the group, B ush' th e presence of3f thtl e al-Qaida’W - In Kabul, according u lan and uproot the al- M idministration officials ; t^vork that \vas behind • Many home usersrs aro . =«a thenIhi scanning all the. ; said rorist network in Somalia. “They Afglian witnesses who r. rhursday. go'inanddut,” he 11 a tta c k s o n N e w Y ork ' uunaware n of Internet threata ts a n d Ulos on your coir;ompijter periodically. Thu he said. “W e kiiow anonymity, northern "IS In recent days, the Uninited there have been':en' train in g carjips .troops have begun house s h in g t o n . “ N o w , th e ar*are too willing to dick onn u n s o - • Uso a firewall^1 pI r o ^ ^ as o.gato' ^ en your computer and States and leading NATO alliesa] there and thatIt tlthey have been “seardies” in wliich com within ourselves. How lielicited e-mails that migight be keeper between: lave inaeased miUtary recor )2 th a t? ” M o sle h said. . iniinfected with miilidous progi,gram s. Internet. ronais- a c tiv e o v e r thtie e jy e a rs a n d t h i t claim to be loQldng for iance flights and other sunirveil- th e y ... go inactivctive when peopje _JiHom<:Liisers±ai’e-gencnorally _____iJ3o.nQtDjKiiuHUHnall.nttachment^ — -*Ua?i ------caclies.-In-^'everiHrcas? a s e s rth e y ------W cstcm-jn-joumalists-are-being ------— ^ laiice activity iffSdmalia, tiie"ieofff ------gefattaitiveTo'tKith e m ? ’ atK stereos, asked consnstantly by northern b “C een the least prepared to defendd from strangers,s, regardlessr of.tiow ^_i, have walked away’mth rials said. State Departmc•tment spokesman and jew- alliance guards.togu pay bribes . ^8against attacks” Came&e MN e llo n enticing the subjiubject line or attach- ' • ' ^ darpets television scU, ^ Also, the’Pentagon soonn will Richard Boucher;ter said Uie ad ^m - Lipants that ' merely for3r permission; to enter University’s CERT (Com|n p u te r " m eat may tw; _ ...... elry, telling the occupt - . • hlave av in the Arabian Sea threeth istration has not decided wp^t ' they will be killed if■ theyth file a government:nt ministries or to gain jimergency Response T e a m ) • . If you got aniKMnali o- that warns i^arine Expeditionary Units,I, eachc action, if any,, it m ig h t ta k e |h ' ses said. access to U.S.U: and British troops Coordination Genter-warni•ns. “ I n about 0 virus, vis cpmplaint, tlie \vitnesses . visit an antivirus • . carrying a n about 1,200 troops.:. Onei Som alia. • Gen. Muhammad1 Daoud,D a - stationed1 ata Bagram air base, many cases, these machincn e s a r e . ...company WebI sitesit first.to c h e c k - . senior nortJiem alliancece comman-■ north of KalKabul. Translators and then used by‘intmders to hla u n d i wtiothor It is a3 hoax.he Do not for- t der, said he was awareare of such drivers forir journalistsj are being attacks against other orgag a n iz a - ward virus hoa*we^nails. c • ' iLludg^JCstri f o iie x rH alansm i ajri. ■ inr irif>ntg hnr Hlgtnicci^yluid-iliem-as— Jequircd-tD.tD.pay_SSO-undcr-liio——jions.!!______!>Q ______• .. - lilR^ijlarlyrdbwn)W0l5iaiieuH5 = : ^ Internet analyst firm Ju common crime,'not a fsy stem ic ‘^^We to .a ncnonhem alliance com- ' J u p i t e r patches from youryou software ven- _ BIBIRMINGHAM, Ala.* (AP)’) - A ceed in g to set aI uiiu ial date. • M edia M etrix estim ated tliai problem witliin his militi;litia. ■ ■ mander foror an unofficial “work m tn.2 dors, especiallyily from.your f operat- ju dudge j ruled Tliursday that fonormer The bombing; of Uie 16th S treet million American household •‘It is true, tliere is not 100 per- permit” thatlat appears to be wortli- ^ Id s h a d [ng system vendcndor. such a s . K uCu : Klux Klansman Bobby FrFrank Baptist Church1 wawas th e dcadllc*st personal computers in -1 cent security in the dty,’ty,” he .said. It-'ss beyondid (one hotel where jour- .2 0 0 1 , Microsoft . Che'herry Is mentally competenEnt to . ■ dim e of the dvilivil irights era. TTie almost three-quarters o of f t h e “Bul how many car thth. e f ts a n d nali.st.-J are: st;sta y in g . x(r>M7wbnntt*cUeiiC«>i*r. Stantand trial on murder chargeges in ■ church - a gathe:thering point'fbr n atio n ’s housdiolds, and Gl.: robberies and murdersrs are? there Mullah 1N Muhammad Anwar 1.2 inU- . thhe e 1963 Birmingham chulurch • demonstrators prcpressing for inh> ,. lion had Internet access. in New York City ev'eiv'ery day? Rejah, arelijeligious leader in south------i J - bomlombing that killed four blackbl gration - was5 blblown up on a'' There \vill always be barbanclits and- em KabulI wwho once led a north- yjrls. rls Sunday morning,.ig.Sept. I 15,1963, thieves in any majorr city,c and crn allianc(nee uriit, said he has ^ '■ CircuitCi Judf^e James Ganirrett as Addie Mae CdCollins, Cynthia Kabul is no different."’ been disappippointed by the mili- Snow_^ hadlad initiaUy ruled Cherry merental------WeslGyand-Carolerole'Robertson,-.^ — ” The high level of ccoi o rru p tio n tia ’s beh avivior i since they took * ly/ irincompetent last year. Butut he 14, and 11-yeaiI'.ear-old Denjsq within the nonhem alliailianceisno .. over fromn the i Taliban. "The p Continued from A l Horizon, said she w as than k fu l to eversed himself after furt:rther McNair prepared2d f(for a service., seCTCt and wTis^one of tlie reasons northern alalliance is stealing. r v.-nc n S tay o ff h e r feetfe« another day. valuation of Cherry, whosee age Two former KIK la n sm e n wej;'e Afghans initially gree■eeted the People who10 h a v e a n y m o n e y at snowball figlit,” he said. “It 1 Instead, she sperlent tlie d ay g ettin g !?; listed in court rccords asi bboth convicted of murdcorder in tlie Taliban with open arnirms when all are soI wworried,.so afraid.’’ ue,tie.” - grading and doing 1 and 72. sion, one in a trialtrial last year ;apd they finally seized Kabulbul m 1996, After 23 yea Kids weren’t the only onjnes to “ “S'” “P 6'' ,-ears of near-constant 3nes to some.extracunurricular reading—-—The ii judge set a Jan., Ifi.pLpro:___ one.in.1977._____------_ ,— ------saicrtTashematullah'MbM bslbhTan "W ar anil tejrror^he m Midi “it’s'very '' welcome 'yo the extra day o f' fvaca- .sviudildon’tususually get to.do.” • y aide to former PriPresident important: tlthat the people feel ^91tiqn. • ; Burhanuddin Rabbani. relaxed andid :free so that they do “ I love snow days;' they’re•ewon- Chris Horgan,an, 17, a junior at • I[daho Even when the 1T a lib a n n ot have to) li'live in fear.” • derful,” dei said Horizon Elemeiternary Jero m e Higli Sdidol,S d said despite School Principal Ann Reyn/noldsr respitelite from school, he iontlnuod from about half pf that;hat coming fro^p ------1 The T h . unexpected day off alltllow ed sp® "' studying st' for some 9®"* education. Shouia)uld those retfuc- .Sunday S7.(X) per week, daily only S.S.OO her h e i to spend time with fririends of llis dasses. mlie ic half-percent1 growth rate t: Circulation - tions in an electioiction year be 's^jc- iday only S3..S0 per week. visiting visi from out of town^ “Tm ready to;o gof back to sdiool Kiempthorrte err administrati Danier by 7 n.m.; reation occurring for aU inte' y e a r. call th e num ber fnr yo u r nr rnrcn: JVlail inforiTlt m a t i o n a nnd d purposes,” Matthews sasaid. Matt^ws wamci Uiiricy-Riipcrt- SSchools_ ■------r ------“Therhe recovery will tend to be ( imed against tjiat r--»il.Oafclcy...... 677-4042 Ttie Tiines-New^ewMUI>.S63l-080)i^pub- ^ tact, maintaininging th a t th e o,^iIy A l b een rem oved;: • ...... oppppppintingly slow.” _' Tw in Falls tIOicd daily al1.132 .12 Third Si. W .. Twin Contlnubd from . c lu e a b o u t th e nc tlie other affected • InIri the budget plan he finali: J next economic Iind o tliu r a re as ...... 733-0931 83301. **33 by Magic Valley- be canceled Thursday. Whehethor to tin exp an sio n is th aIt t it will b e drfv9n Nctt-spapcfs Inc. P foo'ns was primimarily limiited to justlist last Monday and wiU rele< Periodicals paid at Twin ddasses a : would be cancele'd Ifr^ by the quality of . l-alKhy Tlie Times • th e c a rp e ts , whwhich have been nextext Wednesday, Kempthor of Id a h o ’s w o r^ .Subscription rates- iut<-Ntw..Omcfalci.,jnd was based on how fast th e p i f o r c e arid th a t dei - couniy newspaper>cr punuant 10 Seciion 60- ‘•emoved;Andalalthough moismre . hasas said' there vyill'.be no', t d e p e n d s .on xfie Home delivery; dilly and .Sui could-bc repaired and r rri q u a lity of its educducationsystg^ Sunday. M.35 lOH of ihe Idaho0 CCode. Tlmr%day is hereby ® 2,* was absorbed intoint th e low er por* ,, intereases ert ol" other revMue .n per 'week: .Sund.iy only. S2.50 stalled, pushing tlie decision ‘I f our education 1.50 per week, designated as ihe.e d;day i>r the week on which ' ■ tion of the dassi ig schemes. Reduced spendi ion environmeni Mail sub«:riplions iiiuu be paid th e last m inute, he said. issroom walls, th^t ing s laid in advancc [cgal notices will11 betx puhliUied. . damage assessmsment is pendirtg. willill beI the way the budgetisi t b i Ju’ll be in a Ipjs • and arc .ivailable only where:te delivery i U PoMniasier. pi ; competiuve postooiition for the . please send chanite of AAlthough freezing ambtb re n t • E a d i room has5 wttther an industri* •. ' anceiced, starting with a;drama ------noLnK\iti(jmed. Mall rales: AllMl I Idaho rates-, address M m In:: P.(P.O. 110x54^ Twin Fallt. ' tte e nm p e ra tu re s h aven’t been decade,” he said. daily and Sunday S6.00 per w n con- a l blow er o r dehiehumidificr drymg. . reduiiducdonin public ^ueation. :r week, dally Idaho 8330.'i. . - . ffirmed i n as the cause of only S4.00 per week, Sundayay bt}ard cuts 0 ensure that tro ; .lion ts to A d m ire bn th re escounts'ofinJliiri' coi - News (Qark.Walworth,i. ^Managing Editor) ...... ; ...... E x t.3 ■ The T room below the sprininkier harmful molds dt 1 or spores remain, balarilanee the o ir i^ t budget.' , to child. The charffiarges were;dls;- ' •' Retail Advertising (Mikeike Smjr^ A ^ vertisip ^P irectoctor)...;^..;..ExL4 ' lead-sustairietTthehea greatest'-...... j..Extf5 Ige. age The carppt and -sheetI 1rock The dassroomsms will b e re sto re d . estimtimates, another $60 milliontn o r P rosecutor G ra ntLoebi. t Lo ;Mlish=rStep(i^Hmg( ...\;..'.,.Txt.249., ceil:eiling have l^ e n ripped out,It, and to usable condltditiffn within two hioreore will have to be cut to ko ^eep...... Tfjc Times-News?ius re-g ret5 .jiv f,^ ■ ■ ^ ...... ^1 -.all-;ill-fumiture and supplies! havei --•weeks;hesaid." ' t he e rnext budget'iirtheT)lacl

. • • I . -■ ' ' i4 ft ■'I . . ■ 'I . - L I, Januaiy 4,2 0 0 2 - ;Tl'in»NmrTwirTwln FaU*, Idaho-iW ------SiATIGX

Bankinuust ■ p S i S S a | :TD O E rie^ i s j d e a cidline jialtj^ydd a y ; p B -0oh futuree of Yuox a ztendlng,.. a U l B r a y ^ H :.-AMARGOSAa i -VALLEY, Nev.N - -government crudiucial water rigliis, W’)“*--Encrgy Secretary Spenencer— challengingthe'crircriteriaA b rah M n — — - ■ WASHINGTON (AP)'-E Aibrahambn is.due' to tell Presidiident is u sin g to m akee Illslii d ed sio n , ahd regulators announce^i t)the f(rst jH I i:v.' | B E M ^ K Susllush witliih days whether Yufucca challenging feder;]ieral Envirpnmen- . eitforcement action againsiinst a Wrm I Moulountain is a suitable ta l P ro•otection,Agency te _Jness offering shortrtene rm c a sh piaclace'to bury 77,000 W .radiation'ionstandards. ■ advanceis a g a ^ bonowe) w ^ ’ pay- " o n s o f th e h a tio h ’s v '~~~Ncvadu'adu o fficials.r and i n ^ v e n i a — Trd— ntitfleai— fueh— f " ' ^ » T ~ 4 o n n ;lol o cca b r e s id c n ts '=~— ^ bank to stop all so-calleded payday ■ ticluding some from CS vlWI argueJ that Yucca Im ding. thhe e Idaho National M ountaiiitain was seen as . Eagle National Bank,^ b based in £Engineering. n g arid’ <; ■ ' remotete 'when studies U pper Darby, Pa., signig n e d th e EEnvironmental n II';*( • - beganI in 1982, and the agency’s consent order d e r a n d Lab(a b o ra to ry . , V. •'^sT ;iy state had littie political agreed to cease all paydajrday lend- AidesAi said Abrahami d b u t therthen. • ing by June ISl .The bar a lso . who/ho is scheduled to Today,lay, Nevada jias 2 agreed to make change: ... toD u ur i the Nevada Test W ““ . millionih ppeople, indud- — i>Oj>eratioi/&4------_ ------^denled'wroiigdoing.— ^ eld la s t year. Yucca Mountaiiain is Nye County{ officialsof count . Consumer advocates ssa y th e thhe e only place in the nat;Ition 1,271 peopleJ ini Amargosa — High-interest loans - oftenten p ro v id -'...... undvere Folii^ice, told reporters. aty of Los Angeles, all or pi Se'n.Tom Two) a^anthrax-tainted also h av e criticized the hijhigh tees conml-mp]I place since July 2000 dty part of among Hispanianics and childrep - H Hi e sa id D aschle was 28 oilier d tie s a n d som e uni s have'been dis- ^ ^arged on the loans, equ p t a tu rn aro u n d in the 28 c inincor- still le a rn in g En)English, siie said.' “ivelivell a w a re of th e situ- Daschle le tte r s h: porated areas of Los Anj M^annual interest rates of 1 adent district, which par ng eles O ne th in g school scl district offi- atioition a n d he is safe.” coveredid iin th e congrc.s- lystem: the-one cent to 910 percent, whichidi were has long grpp^ppled with poor test County. Cou d a is co n c e d e hahas n ot happdtied is Nichols Ni decMned to provi)vide sional mail syst •Lisa Karahalios, who tej ^not a t issue in the federalral regula- • scores, overcjrcrowding and frac- -L caches a cost sa v in g ofaf SS46 million a year .anyny in fo rm a tio n about th e pipost- opened in Dasclaschle offiTe in lilstory at V erdugo Hills 1 infor-. October and a second one 't,prs’ action. aousleadershrship. hist > High, that was died1 asa; a key argument • marllark or other identifying ini said she cannot remembe i- Payday loans work thithis way: O'her schohool districts around sail )er the for the reorganianization, approved matlation on the piece of m:nail, addressed to Sen.:::n. Patrick Leahy, ■ ;you need money today,I, bbut pay- . '•'= country - in Milwaukee, Las last last time she saw her locacal (lis- by th e B o ard of Education nearly whii,'hich had been opened aI ffew D-Vt. The two comcontained anthrax trict superv iso r. “ No m a tte r — jday-is-a-weekor twoawaiway. You- -Vegasiand^.Montgome^-County, ___ trio 2r what m o y e a rs ago.^______hours o u r e arlier.______^ ______a n d identical hand'indwritinp.______write a check dated foryoyour pay- M d.-haveu' ta k e n sim ila r step s, tliey tlie; do, th e to p is so fa r reirjmoved “It was advertertised as a cost sav- day a n d give it to the Icndiinder.You though the! eeffectiveness is still from fror th e b o tto m ,” she said.; ings, b u t tlie re;reason to do it was Know the score-e Times-News1 sportss| I' ,§et yo u r m oney, minus thiIhe inter- unclear. Phihiladelphia split its Roy R Romer, the foiiorm er not to s a v e costst b1 u t to d o a better |_____ ;est:fee. In two weeks, theIhe lender 260-school ^district s in to 22 sm aller ' ::olorado Col( g o v e rn o r appointeited Los jo b a t e d u c:ating a t children,” • ; ^ e s your check or charjlarges you clusters" in 2000, but dropped \ngeles Ang school superintendtdent in R om er said . liiore interest to extendI - o( r “roll dv'er” - the loan for anothtother two • I' ,'wdeks, possibly at a higheSier inter- fe tra te . liani headsis for lucraitive talk circuitc II , ■' Critics say the loans, esf ID M ari{KET n liiHWOO ^pedaliy . EW y OORK F (AF) - Former afteafter his stewardship of tliele ^ e f - E x p e r ts haveive estimated that H 'when rolled overman trs Comor ol Filor'A Bluo10 ILakos^ tra p con- r u J oolphI, G i u l i ^ is joining totom n city following the Sejept. 11 Giuliani couldd makei as much as -v sumers in a cyde of per 5 E E |™ ! ------the lucrative.! attacks.------;------—:------S 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 -p er-e!Lcngagcmenc_JIll&_ ~ - L debt. Some stateThave pi commandmd up to $100,000 per He H left for a Florida vacacation speakers bureau;au did not return a ' JL . e d rollovers of payday loai H agebmajsn F ood-JVt^ p W N ------t by some estimates. ,witlwith his girlfriend, Judidi NaMadian, call seek in g comamment. . . ood Thru 1-7-02 ‘iked th e n u m b er of tim es 130 S, Stato SI,. HogormariQn Pficos Good is represonted by the ' aftiafter swearing in succn S p e a k e rs B u reau , MicMichael Bloomberg early Jarfan. 1. Giuliani is alsoo expectedc to set up * ‘req u ired w aiting periods bi ints indude Al Gore, He H was scheduled to speaks an office for hishi: new consulting ^ ^ 'paying off one loan and Jimmy Cartetter and Bob and Eliza- Thurhursday b e fo re G eneral El(Electric firm a n d comiplete pl plans for die ?ei^inL4 out another. ‘ beth Dole, alalong w ith G iuliani’s exeiexecutives at a Boca Raton)n dub, R u d o lp h W . Giuliani Gii Center for ^ •i| former’polioiico and iire commis- according acc to Gary Sheffffer, a Urban Affairsirs. The center is :^cx3£feD ll 7 1 T I ______JitonersrTr:: spokesiiiairforGETSheffGnnvould— BxpGcreTiT(ran)orviramhlntaank— ------Senate;wi'All Giuliani,'L, who served eight not say what Giuliani wass Ibeing but also to cncreate a Giuliani years as may(ayor, \vas nam ed Time paicpaid or \vhat he was expecticted to library, w h idIt t vwill indude docu- Falls Brand j— : investigat(L C m ag azin e’s5 IPerson of .the Year talktalk about. T h e ev en t is privzivate.' -m ents fro m liisis tid m e in office, . ^UVBniERS ^ II Father; r claims self-dedefense in fatsal fight at hoci c k e y r i n k Enron fall DR FRANKS 11 LLrZu. ' WASHINGTON (AP) --Ennin’s E , CAMBRIDCDGE,Mass. (AP)-A duriluring opening statementnts. “I year-old son’s,’s s tic k p ractice, business practices had the.e markn of father on tnalial for beating a man pror)romise you to d a y th a t ther daim s a p lay err threwd an eltww at, D l I n ^ d investigation into thethi ener* inursday. mennent o ver r o u ^ play a t a skiskadng ' his son’s head., A fter Junta escort- DlBANANAS ^ Company’s collapse.. ' But proseciBcutors said Thomas •' rinkink in Reading, just nontrth of ed his son to) tl th e lockerroom , S s lff 30t-l,_270-pound truck _ Bost Ju n ta a n d Costintin h ad nvo physical^ ^ ^ — x.:Sen:.Carl Levin,J>Mich.,ct,. chair-.. Jpston. ■ man of the Governmental.talAffaits dnyer.limgej;ed at the 160-pound ‘El"Eleven children; ages 11. 1to 15, ' confrontatioiis. investigations subcommitteittee, said "c?^ led him to the ground whovho saw th e fig h t on Ju ly 5,;.'2000, - ____ ^ or Fat Free f \ n his committee will withinlin weeks and repeatedi:tdly pounded his, head areire on th e p r o s e c u to r ’s li: subpoena documentsts fro m to th e floor uuntil n he lost consdous- potelotendal wimesses, indudinj . Enron’s board oT directors,)rs, senior mennens’ sons. i S i VIVIVA ■■ IA tiidnagers and its audidnggfinn. fii ■ “Evoiythingn g in life is not always JJunta-concedes t he bee ^ 3 r - - l6 " ■”'At the same time, the th full i? “ seems " d e fe n s e a tto rn e y ir^celicensed when he saw “hit DllMILK . ' Governmental Affairs Com»>mmittee T hom as O rlai■landi J r . to ld ju ro rs fightighting, slashing” during hi {m L e tCllos k help you hold a hearing Jan.I). 224 into Bakery Fresh why government regiiators:ors failed m n ize d fo r tip '^ the “red flags” at Enrinronand ,-njQBPVi Serman Chocolate a 3 99 p ro tect investore and .thele compa-c •New Year! g nyjs em p lo y ^ who haveslosthiin* lo: SQUARES dxeds of millions of dolllo llars as iOOlTaxFomsaieln ■ e a . . Enron stock plummeted. ' Enron Coip, filed for barbankrupt-.' ' M ly llH )l(lers • snstove Tap '(^'Dec. 2 as its stock fell2llhx>m 1 a u j | j | . R | ' FileFoldi of $90 a share a year}ar ago: to 4 Storage CabincS ' C t 16ss th a n $1. Thousands of & ut)n ' H i ' CHICKEN Ip Workers w ere prevented &x)&x>msell- 'Uler Supplies S l ing Enron stock in their STUmNG ^ tetireraent plan during5 tlth e col- SuppliB R 19191 . la'iJse. . ■ Sen. Joseph Liebermtrm a n , D- __— ■ FOiW f f e / s S ___ Coan..JheiuILcommittee!sie's chair. KOyilHIU!: Cla'Classic Boast |j man, promised Wednesde sd a y “ a w E im ] search for the truth, not a w itch m hiij^t.” B u t h e d id not rulelie out an . > COCpFFQ 39 OL I ■ — eje^mnation'of-Enron's-rcrrclation---^— H H i f H nSR)S??9i2^^------— ^ T - o a . ------s with the Bush admiimirustra* y J A E SUPPLY, INC. “W e’re going to go whw herever ^ m | | | | | | | | | | tiiain AvcnOe South 3onelesspOi Beef ^ search t^ e s us,” liebieberm an 733-2412. ' . at a news conference,ce, n o d n g ' www.closi:]oso(llccsupply,com H I H j u O p en Morvlor>-Frl9am-5:30pin - H i ' Enron Chainnan Kenheth lUMP ^ - t iijyolveinent in crafdng thjyiy^dlndn- isttation’s energy agenfli n O ^ a s t ^ JOAST ^ spring. . - : . v i i • , ’ I . ... - li y r- ^ ■ -■ Tta)M^nn,TwlnFalU,'Ui,'MDio 'FlkllJ,iaiimy4, 2002. / ■ r NA-novAV*y O R L D ft

■ 1: Leader}rs of Indi;ia ,P ^ stjtan head r- 1': to regioi)nalforurm, try to> :avert wa[ i : - , 02001 BrAlb«rt»oa'«,rn&Vk^AURlgh'uReMrv^tsons : I"' ------BKA-T-MANimr^epal- tne country. T h e leaders of In d ia .a ndpli^^ d P JMlid respcip o iis e t o m i l i t a n t ------—The-latesti round-of hostii ------saidtheyweretryingto-av £rupte~d~after~a~Dec. 13 suiiu id d e ^ , ' wtiiiWM c k d o w n - D 6 os they head ed to a region^onal sum- CrSCk Jtwck on India’s Parlianjentit th at ,. ^ ;.___ . ^ m i ■ ■ mit loday, but'dwpite worvorld pres- '" JJew D elhi b lam ed on m ilitiita h ts '* hey w ould th e disputed p ‘ sure offidals insisted thej d province of Kashm iz, baased a a in Pakistan. Indian offiiifldals r MH not use the gatheringJg i to ta lk ■ th e catalyst: forfo two ware and the denlemjinded Pakistan arrestS t.th e ______...... pcace. ■ ...... —*...... breakdown ofof iheir July talks...... Hiilinilitants* leaders ^ d 'tiie natatio i^ ______— InJidii-Priiire-MmtSTC■stc r 'A t a l------Iiidiuii andmH»aklsranl"rro'ops— 5iasnassed troops along their 1, Bihari Vajpayee and PalPakistani traded gunfia fire o v p r iiig h t'a n d ' mil£nile border.------•.------... .^president Gen. Pervez MuMusharraf Islamic miliiilita n ts in P a k is ta n InIndia and Pakistan’s latest f \ vtI1 meet at the Nepal ga;gathering reportedlyf threatenedt more haslas raised global concerns, eeven fpr the first tim e since;ae;a failed attacks in KaKashmir. Both sides thoihough both governments h . . 'ill ■I'.l summit in July. However,■er, Indian claim the divideddi' Himalayan • coni:onimitted not to make a f offidals said ilie re \vill bbe e iho one* ■ province in its entirety. nudludear strike. ■ ...... on-one talks until thenar‘are satis- Vajpayeej s:said Thursday that In in Washington, W hite Holo u se £ied Pakistan has crackecked down diplomacy cocould avert another spolpokesman Scott M cClellan;1 said ______■;— oirlsiamlcnimninTSi — ^ '— r ------war; and hisils foreign mlnisier, tne:n e sum m it "could be a n oppoportu- ; Despite an hpparent easingea of Jaswant SinghIgh, made India’s first - nitylity for them to seek way:lys to tensions, the arm ies fromfrc the positive com;>mments abou; Pak- maknake process toward jesoU>lving I nudcar-armed rivals rememain on istan’s recer:ent moves against fhei s ^ n d — ------alert, and violence continitinued in islamic militaiitant groups based in j^dueducing tensions.”. )range J S ■ l ^ f r RbufighyFilletrl Weather Wlwonders —— Torricelli Rain, sloei or Shine, ththie e w e a th e r h a s rarely boon1 nnormal in the • 1|-| Iasi y e ar a s flo o d s, drouirougHls and record-broaklrigI highshii a n d low s J-Jinvestigatiol J ■ __ occurred w ro ssjh e. country.COI . .

ThoNoflhwo3l“ lO.einchoo'hoo of ■■ Tho'Gfioot Lbkoa" Ndvombembor'' ^OOVia ...... had Iho snow or>I On.Oa nro Qt Ihoir was Ihono ostlmalod vvraps up ____ :___3QCond.tJrlo3i_24waaarodI nic6rd-lowest lovol in 35 -drslwliho iiho Iho Ia9l-107- lh« tnoftUim fofor— drought and------Buffalo'lnom— drfostwaT— ...... — ivestiga^on of-New Jersey S yoofs. Grand Foiksoiks. unusually womi 122 yoanoars, onrocord. ^ 0Robert ? ' Torricelli’s financess 1h as j .woaihor. i I endcnded w ithout charges filed, pipros- ^ ecuticutors said Thursday. yS-Afe^ of ^ U.S. A ttorney M aiy Jo 'Wh;rhite, B i — -.'O ' 'ho is stepping down next weveek, ^•j ald'shcTeffchedThe declsltsnm ------tH k i fte r “ an f^yhniicrivn invpgrt ^ ______afie i ' - itt • 1 on” by her office, the FBI,^ ( . m --- Interitem al Revenue Service a ndd dt ie • CusiiusiomsService. rarden i TheTh U.S. attorney’s office ’__ - ...... M[anliattan anl "has referred inforr,-hna. . K S ^ F Salslad Mix - on developed in the coursese of ■ ■ . ’a'i Tompornlufos^— L ■ J ■ X thle e iinvestigation to the Eththics . 1 Freshsh Express with InlhoWoslrankod \ s K " ^ oommittee m i of the United Stai ■ M H r a H . Convcivchicnt Ziplock tates j 7ill ^ among Iho lop 10 ______CIClosure Bag ______J warmo5l5incol895. . . \ \ ' ___ a esnate,” n a she said in_a o_ne-pap a g e ______\J ...... ■ ' ...... stateiatcnieht. In Washington, Deputy Atti Avoragotomporaluro yVutj. 2 o . An omiy 2002 Doc. Do 26ondoda nevC ______nTri9 g ?v Generaf LaTryThnm psnn.^aid «a --- ^ M i Z m ______Iho warmest______21 ggyalavs ot Of ripmpofjnrii-^u ol of nhnunJ nvnrnnn h e? Wt\<.-as satisfied with 'W hite’s dded- e ______■ ■ SopiomEorovorTn obovoJ0 n100 across iho lompomturos ion In sion.on. Phoonix- d(j(jroo5 oosinAusln. Southoost. Phllodolphla. Phi .. .--ToiTorriceUi; who has Said he willw - . BS ______. ^ b eJ a .candidate for a second teiterm f v SOURCES: AccuWoaihor: Assocu■.odalodfifoss: ESRI; NOAA AP ^ in 2002,20i issued a brief s^ateraenen t . H im exprc:pressing “the enormous senense appredation tliat I feel for•d t ie ...... South sufF(Ters from ujnusual m any friends and supporters N ew2w .Jersey who stood by m e di ______!______ingthg this ordeal.’^__ ___ :______. - Salti]ine Crackers Zcsta • 1 Pound A Deniocrat, Torricelli w • rii -deep’freez:ze“wrdrsric[OW, ice „ ider- investigation into whetii . '‘'J h e! hadha' taken illegal gifts and ca R/ILEIGH, N.C. (AP) -- A deep Friday and mon .• H.-j lore tlian a foot w as frQ^i)m a j donor, David Chang. freeze and a second dose of snow forecast in Nor w L ^ / lorth Carolina and The Xh« senator has repeated turned the South into a dedeadly, Virginia as the -.•I . he storm moved up insistisisted h e did nothing o ut of tl slippery nightmare Thur:lu rsd ay , die E ast Coast. S ' " . | . , ■ oi'din.dinary to assist Chang, who practically paralyzing a1 regionrc 'Tve never st U.I • seen it snow for b . accuscusations were central to thtl e , — -REE! unaccu-stomed to icy w inter;r wweatli- fuU-day,” said Li I Luke Jarretti 25, of . invest/esdgation. er. Adanta after bu ___U. . .. ; c j ..... building a snowman Chang Q,g pleaded guilty to makii Hundreds of flights wereere can- for ihe first time Chicfa neTliursday. ‘I t ’s so $533,700 7 in illegal donations Tomato celed in Atlanta, and moreare than pretty. It covers TS up all the dirt, rd Torricrricelli’s 1996, Senate campai{ i^jJxQW jlraiidedJmyiJers^crp cn t^ h e------likeitstay-as-Ionjong as possible ------and-ai aSW Nood] Soup night at ’s busiesiiest air- Thousands of d-agreed'Iast'yeafto'work'wi of passengers were invest/estigators. He told prosecuto Campbell’s po rt. South C aro lin a’s govcovernor stuck . at Har: Soup artsfield Atlanta at the j senator accepted gif ip W W m declared a state of emerge:rgency, International A Campbell's* 10.:10.75 Ol. 10.75 Oz. 1 Airport after the gudidi asi Italian suits and a $8,1( ■••I called out the National Gua3uard to snow forced Del Delta and otlier air- Rolexilex watdi, in return for inte help stranded motorists and told lines to cancel ^ m r mM tf 'fiuY ireijri: :el more than 500 veninining in Chang’s business' dea tens of tlioiisands o f state woworkers fliglits. Some arr arriving planes wait- jn NonliNor and Soutli Korea. to take the rest of the wee!feek’off. ed two hours to , 5 T o m a t o to tuxload tlieir pas- I'orricelli, 'I'or a former congres Noo EE I Cold weather that settle:tled in sengers and de departing aircraft , „ian.vin-who won the Senate seat fc . behindtht^stoijiiJrunrjxjntIt people~'Jlliiiedp* up tu.berdfr s ^ FREE! d e - jc e i ------jnerlyjrly-held by-Bill'Bradley, hi ...... mm ’S ------crowding into Florida sheltersters.' After waiting c Ig eight hours on tlie saidd he h never'^d anydiing illeg^has At least nine deathsIS ^ were runway to take k e off for F lo rid a , jphis I,is five-year^elationship wii blamed on tlie .storm, whidiJl beganb John Pickitt got o Jt off a Delta airliner Chancang, and d e n i^ taking any ill Chui^ik y Wednesday with sleet anid d snow ; • Tliursdayanddn A Pasta dragged his children ggi1 gifts. gjf / stretching from souti)uthern • to the line at the car rental Soupi p ' • I V • Franco American ■ .'tiii Louisiaria into V ir^nia. counter. “By tiiehe end, the lavatory [jgj - 15 Ouncc g m c H Cnmpbdl’s* 18.618.1 0 / . (DAfiHcrni A n o v e rn ig h t f f e e z e co;coated • 1^ where we weivere sitting \vas get- \_ .4 2 . 'f'!i roads ivitli ice and m ore snovnow fell ting prettyripe,”e,” said Pickitt, who ^ar hits, kills A.ssorlcd Variciirictjcs Thursday. Nearly a footlOt w a s d e d d e d to driveive die 12 hours to ______. ,i'j . expected in parts .of Georgi irgia. by - Fort Lauderdale.- ;» B ini-oE ti: !Ilinton’s dog .-'r :HAPPAQUA, N.y; (AP) " I , Argentina facices peso dev:raluation « Formrmer e President Clinton’s do ddy, the frisky retriever wh B-FREI;E! i S * BUENOS AIRES, Argeh;ehtiila he would veer a« jFREEi away from the free- unhaihappily shared the Whit (A P)- President Eduardo*do Du- market econon ite • ~ tomic policies he Houseuse with Socks the cat, wavas halde swore in his Cabineinet on ' blames for his coi country’sfu in . • ...... kJHled ed bya car outside'th 'llnirsday, and his economyy minis-n Remes Lenicc the icov.served as the Clintoiatonhom e. ■ p Chunki 1 ' te r promised new m easu ress to t< r e s - economy ministei a Cream of ster of Buenos ^ e s The'he 4-year-old chocolat cue Argentina’s finances,s, aamid province from 19i ate 1989.to.1997. f t th e ;:.... L abraijrador ran from the home i: H _ SalsaI "reports the peso could be'dii'deVal- past, he has sliie a Mushroom ued away from.die. chappippaqua On Wednesday aftei 'I. ■::: ued as m udi as 40 percent. International Mo Monetary Fund-rec- noon>n, “playfully chasing a cor ■ Soup Economy Minister Jorge! RemesRt ommended'reci 16 0ut\cc 2cipe for develop- tractor:tor w ho had just left th e res Lenicov said he would annoiinoiince ment - austerity esi- P • C am pbdPs* 10.75 Oz. Ity pohdes, unbri- dence,ice,” said Lt. Charles Ferry o th e measures today. ' d ie d m ark ets a r and international the NeNew Castle police, j Duhalde, GO and a veteraeran of free trade, IBO ^ rflEEfflDJ Budiuddy was hu by a car on ; 'the Peronist Party’s left-leareaning, The new Cabi a abinet was drawn busyy two-lane road at die botton i^ushrobni: li.ri populist .wing, took ' officeof heavily from tht !E | the Peronist party gf theshe Clintons’ cul-de-sac am Wednesday as Argentina’sI’s fifth1 ‘ and the businesless sector, w ith a ^yos pr i FREI » FREE! ! pronounced dead at an ani president in t^vo w eeks. H e: hintedhii few posts going to 'to die opposition. mal1 hohospital. - Juice ^Goldfish hBB S- ...... 64 Ouncc’ ^ Crackers yL'jL Pcppcridgc Farm• . A Subildlory o f S tovon'ons Plorco & Assoclotos ^ I '6 Ounce p • Q u ic k T a x ww ill give youI preparation do f accurate m m f- , a tax return!ns at a low coost with the o]o p tio n fo r H freil E i J i i i n - e le c tr o n ic filing or aL lo1 m on yourr r e ^ d . ... f^7 - ■ ■ PRICES) GOOI)D: JANUARY 4I - 6.2002 iz. ^ n i ^ t itiS'erkk^M 'ay • P r ic e s s ta r’thi0a.t$4O ti (fl j ; Satnriiay by appipointmentp n obly ■ I : ■s : . 1 ;>:) I ... l? l- ■

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’ Jl-l', V y , .. -;-v ■ . - ' “ Frit-ric>^,'jafloaiy’/i,20b2 TIm«^N««^I m , Twin FaOi, (daho A>6 i . Ida'm^q( AVest ' '— — ------^------7 " ' ; ' Protest> t e r s I d ^aho wate:erdistriccthesitait^ to pi)ut culve gtrail UR d’ALENE (A P)-A wate ■ater con- ‘ Rails-ttj^tailss irailbed, you’re Uableforai‘any responsible to rebrebuild that section lhat bedi for years.” on distria refuses to install1 a(Averts dan/ages thatat your cuts create; That setsigl:' h t s " ' l a t ’s blew , o ut,” D ole said.sai “T hat could b e mil* Environmental Proteaitection Agency com- . > ’th ro u g h a ll a c o h t a n ^ t e d railro ad ^^bank^— sometUng thatat the district is not interest!«ed lions of dollars.” ' ■ ------ffient.tQ-i ~ munity liaison Dick MaM a^ndale said the ahalt-ca|^— ini^^— :------— But'Slatii arid fedifederdl o in a a is saia com a- # . • 1 — - . holdii^in5in.toxicmet^_ liability iaue”was “purelurely hypothetical.” . _The_culvert!rts through the.recreationO naL ___ m in n rin n h a m '. =i-in.th^ilver j| Valley are—— B ut h e agreed th a t ev en iif th e constru d io h ' cap_ptoiects-SurrQiuidlng-lan m nrfto allowbetterdrainii onSE( land-and—-trail were-plam ning-— routinelydisTTTrejrre^y^construciiohTand m eets th e Arm y C orpss of Engineers’ sped- ' , . w ater froiro m toxic m etals spilled b y th w. pastures near Black Lake, yr the rail- of flooded cow. ce. th a t co n tam inatidric n 'o m be handled safely, 'fications, thibdistrict coulio u ld still b e liable, . . . ■ • road duriiring decades, of hauling oreire out of District offictidals said installing the a cul- “We.disturb barriersbai up here all the • During Union Pacificic Railroad’sP deanup O lym pics prc>rovide“~ tH?siiv«w y a l l ^ . ' lally a routine operation .* . verts - norma n ito time,” said Jerryy CCobb of the Panhq^idle . of the railbed from MuJMullan to Harrison, ' “ T he liabilitylL for the district wov ; of th e C o eu r d ’Aleno R iver wo^d be ease flooding o /er - Health District, whichoyerseesthousands...whi . offidals dedded to-cap-tap-the contairiinatedT— — 'spodi^tforcr c a u s e s ------fo r e v e rr,—Kootisnai-Shoshone ,= Soi led'complexity when diggir Soil-arid -: tokes on addet ging :■ of,isuclvbarner£“s. “That shouldn’t be ari sediment rather jhan1 removere it becatise ••• • - .-iiW ater CfCnngPfvaHnn Tltc>ri/-f iatedgoili ------are-disrupted and rein- tne nver threateiied to c< ^ o f n u m e r o uIS s types Warrehltl Dole said. “K you cut int 0 continually recont-: . into the. - “If they caran pin it on us, then we’ie’re stalled everydayly cof the week and have am inate th e area. SALT LAKE CIT'ITY CAP)- I ^ I Homeless women fronrom Philadd- phia, anti-rodeo activistvis^abortion o p ^ n e h ts a n d foDowetivers of aspir-' itual se c t b a n n ed in CChh i n a t h e y all will be here forr tlthe Winter . . ------OIynipics,-trumpe tingig-theit*-cati5*—-1 ------* M m Sry es to th e world. iventu The Kensington WelfWelfare R i ^ t s Uniofi represents theiie poor ahd ------homeless-lnTnffi-orPKil’hiladdphiaTr' most blighted neighborl>orhoods. ; — ‘iW e w an t to m akej susii re w e c a ll . - :...... ! S attention to us at thte e! same time | they’re spending billicU ions o f doi* ■lars on ... th e Olympicslies in U tah ,” ‘ said Cheri Honkala,I, d ire c to r o f - the Kensington group.p. , . _ T hey^ arranging a Nine.We^^TallShlhafted, Boots- day of th e gam es. T he! group,g r also B«haprStfetclfVelvi B p Boiled W oof Jackets:ts-O rig.‘48 ‘29 ” known as F alu n Gong,, iis s a ; spiritu* * ■Ivet^ 50% off 0rig.‘139-‘I59 ‘99) ■- al movement outlawecved b y th e Luxeldn Zip-Back M Chinese-goVemment,- G:Groups of JosephineJ Chaus----- Mockneclc- up to SOO Falun Dafaa f Enzo Fall Bootiess-Orig:'99-'— ‘6 9)------—T will gather to meditjHtate and : \ I t)rig.*28 ‘19” ; protest Chinese policy. Velour Separates ■ 50% off ______Some o f th e m ost vocaocal protest______imbellisheiHolidayay,Cardigansj__ . groups so far have beereen animal . “JasephineChausSieivJ sveless'Silk*'"7 “ " rights activists. T heir targa rg e t is th e ■ m Orig.‘40-‘48- *29” ' Olympic rodeo, a com:o m p a n io n \Cowl Neck ■ Orig. M9'r ,*29” I, event to the games wlw h e r e 4 0 ' Selected PleatherJiJackets-Orig,‘29 ‘1 9t . • ■ American ^ d 4 0 Canadijidian rid e rs P Solid Cotton Crew-N■Neck Sweater • • will com pete. Supportersirs p rom ote *Entire Stock oWhristmtmas the event as a celebrab r a tio n o f . Orig.‘28 , ; - V i] 9 ” Entire Stock of Swweoter Dusters-33%’/ooff < ■ Western culture. Motif Sportswear ■ 75% off Animal, rights.sr0ups.sts.sayjrodeo..._ . is cruel to livestock andid vwant the U Ac^lic Pullovers - ■0rigr‘36-‘40 0 '- *24” - Chunky Rib'SWeaotefs^Orig7‘28“ *19“------1 , event cancaed. The Utahtah A nim al Westbound Longrsieevieve Rights Coalition applj p lie d f o r Tees - Orig..‘18 protest perm its outside2 tlithe desig- M2 M Party Dresses ■ 50%/oOff c nated zones and were denienied. _■ ■ Janelle Eurick, an attoi■ttomey fo r flFleece Separates ■ 0%^ M4” the American Civil LLi ib e r tie s ^ ColyiB Klein Turtlenineck Union of Utah, said thehe protest ^ Velvet Two-in-OneT(Tops- - 50% ofl zones are an acceptableble w ay to * • I Sweater-Orig.‘49 ‘29 ______control crowds near thele congest-.< ...... I Ac^lic Cardigan ■ Orig.‘28Oi V ‘19 . _ ____ .Q I^ p lc venues. Elsewsewhere in ' " Tommy Jeans CreW'V-Neck the dty, however, peopleIple sh o u ld UlUltra-suede Separates ^ (Grig.'38 M9 .. be allowed to gather as usiusual. Bechamel Stretch Sweaters ■ Orig, '599 ’ ‘39 Idaho Of•Ks " . Bechamel Stretch Vehret!!tSeparates- 50%off Velvets ■ Orig. ‘40 ‘20 Fall & Winter Selected SpSportswear • 50% off Chenille Sweaters!-O - rig ;‘24 ■ ‘ i r ‘ flowtoai( Entire Stock of Hoiolidoy Dresses - 50%U o f f Chenille Sw eaters- Gric3rig.^*28'---M9” -.. .' Glitter & Velvet Dustisters- '■ 50% off wildlife ^ r e Stack of Bo)jy's2-7 Zip-BackZi Luxelort Mockrckneck Sweater ■ Westbound ' I! teess ■ -O rig.‘20 . ‘1 4 ' LEW ISTO N (A P ) - CityCi offi. A bress-Up Sets ■ • 50%'ooff 0 cials arc pleased thatlat newly ' Orig. >28' . M9” I approved minimum streaiream flows Luxelon Zip-Back NMockneck - provide for future muiQ u n ic ip a l h t growth and industrial1 devd< elo p - Acrylic Cardigan ■ Orig.ig.'24 , *16 Orig:-‘32 < . ' ‘21 ” m en t The new-flow-limitslits a llo w . Sp«iol Cjh Occasion ' ICareer Pantsets ■ exceptions if w a te r is beiiaeingused . r I -'for dbm estiti m u n id p al,I, ocommer* CflCareer Collections ■ 50% off Orig.‘ieO-‘1lO < ^ *50-‘55 d a l o r industrial devdopn3pment, to ...... Entire Stock of Rualanos- 75%io ol f f w ater livestock o r to irrigsrigateresi- dentiallots. UslieLe! Fay Dresses-Orig.’89-'89-'99 . ‘45“-‘49” Special' Occasion Dreifesses*^ Bill Sedivy, d irector of)ftheenvi- tl ' Selected Fall Sleepspw eor- 50%,o ol f f ] ronmental group Idahoho Rivers - &Se|br(ites' . 50% off United, said he is'hapia p p y t h e WCareer Pantsets - Orig.|.'90-'100 *45-*50 Idaho Department ofof W a te r Selected HandbagsJS- 50%LOff j| . ^ , Resources established mtm inim um flows, but he was disappip p o in te d ______^______f i ^ Vidldlife a n d recreatijatioh are ' subordinate to most othereru i se s. . ______■ “The problem is thatsat Idaho • -— »vaterhiw-sure^oesn’rnrmake-lr*-~ ------— ' easy to leave waterr ini the • streams for fish, vdldliid life a n d recreation," he said. Board chaiimjm Joe JJor o r d ^ o f ; ’s Fniitland said the waterter rights ; , , Llnillod to Stock 01 ' 'i ■ :k on hand. Basic, non-soasonallalm m orchandlso Is not Indudod.9d. Sorry, wo (iannol accopi phophono or mall orders on ctoarancnco morchandiso, - . ,, .can be amended at a n^ ^ e if it ■ > deemed either too strict rict o r too tn Bolso, alBoUo tow nsIB :Sfluar*. In Chubbuck, at Pine lenjent. Ino RIdgo Malt. In Idaho Falls,B, a t G rand Toiort Mall. ______.W d wolcomeomo y.6uf Diltard'e Cractit'Card. ThoTh American Express* Card, Dir _____ Dinars Club Intemationol. Moslon8larcattir Visa* cr\d Tho DlscovorT CCanj. ______• 2 i ■ “ i _ d O i> INKE i I , li’agc A-6 . • . .. ■ ' .' Pridjclay, January 4 ,'2Q02 : - . T h e TTimesT-NewsU- i ]EpriDRLIAL : LegislQaturesfi lould Stic WSBBS JAMES,S,rM FEBUN©A F t K B a ------c w r u .r i JTW ^ ' BFJF?e?

...... A-strcnuous.antl.protirobably_conientio_us j udgear trap o f term lim- y e ar should < be modest and baselased solely | :ijs, to the quicksand1 stsurrounding state on men e n t. - ' ‘jevgnilP tr» thr Jho itrirg o ir. \ ^gislative-fcsolv©^iIl4>o-esAg s p e c i a l l y ------:i;ounding education dollars,dol there are-a cridcaical when .dealing with the1 eec d u c a d o n number of issues la\vmamak- ______- lobby. It’s time; evant to avoid.LBut Bl . ,____ ,...... - .-- • • :and their allieses realized1 ..... - th ey cannot. T h ese issui5SUCS Fnigalilymay - Ihfey do r a th e r wewell nnaih-' n m ' ^yon’t w ait. ■ rim e lifipopu/ar, hutU///ie cially compareir e d w f th Term limits.is a prirr , other Idaho worki3rkers. The example. Lawmakeik e rs I j ^ / a t n r e s/ioi.rou/a same goes for mam an y w h o have hidden from thi iblic s e a o r . \ 3 a line and,y/ the publii issue for years, but n sncA They all sh o u ldd a c c e p t a Tecent court ruling put'u tit- /o if. A n y inrrTY.'W Se y ear of minim al1 increases.im ^ p H squarely in their handinds. . t ■ Lawmakers •-should feg./a They should think lessles Hi pu lm c s a lam n e s refrain from tantampering . _ jabout their own career S ’ ~ siioiiMk'mode, ;__—■ wi'th-the 2001 rax tax cu t, o r ' {jSa ^ J and consider the immed enacting otheh e r ta x _____ -3t^and_ future damagla c e - — ------r— nrrTT.uncreasa'5. N or shoth o u ld th e y ------Termlimits would inflictlict upon local gov- meddl*Idle \vitli previously approved/ed capital ff- 'I'-i em m en t. ______expentm d itiir« ,______T Yes, if legislators reprepeal term limits, Andnd in the war.of words oveiver fixing voters could vote, them;m out. But if tliey publiclie schools, the Legislaturei sh o u ld n 't allow term lim its to prociroceed, th ey ’ll lose b e cowo\ved by any libei^ judgess ddemand- McSSB th e ir jobs any^vay. So ihcthey should do the ing fununds. The state Constitutionn ^gi v e s th e ■ ■ ■ m rig h t thing by repealingg tithe initiati%’e. L egisl:islature, not judges,-authoriiority over ilrcady'havo"dfully“ spen‘dIirdnfgrnfe'caiMpaigrt forstale'ilntrary to what some peoplepie think, X 5U SJjh w ages';domesti( LiiVvrhaJccrs.wiD need to s ic war witththeSc]snate to spend cautiously__t^he LLegislature e isn’t in place: sosolely„to._, ______' if th e s ta te govemmtirilIt is g W g 'to w eath- sp en d r d m oney. Its u ld m ate responsiinsibility is , _ resijsident Bush re tu rn s to er this'recession. It’s timtime every agency to set tl ------1 last I w eek th a t die S en ate’ste’s d y a y in con- t th e direction for sta te policy.cy- ■ B W aWashington : th is w eek w ith - J a n d every recipient of publicpul dollars, from Tliis firm ing ju d g es to th e fedend eral bench is j.s session m ay be touglier thajthan years B ^projrogress in th e w ar a g a in s t. prisoners to prosecutors,rs, teachersi to trial past. Bi hurting1 the war against tenterrorism. . B ut th at’s the reality of th e dntimes. terr:rrorism' but knowing the The President’s schmoozioozing of liberal i. i - a f lL i I coni)nflict is now here ne.arover;I n — O a l h o m a s i 1^3 G T Democrats like Dasdde ancand House He will face} a situ atio n n early identical cal IMinority leader Dick Geplujp h ard t of ______ta.th&onc-ius lis-fathcr-confronted: a ------=Mi5sourwva5^ood-Trabl]eTe — ^ ------Democrntio-rr-mfljnrty3.-iii-ih p Si'nnT:fT:lro7l lewladons-andit------'Hi by a m an with itl a n ice sm ile w hose solee ^ .■ ------■■ 1 £ country w as still disputingng tth e 2000 d ec- objective wasas to b e a t Bush in th e next SlC|Stephen Hartfion...... Publlshof “ place,pi a nd life a nd com o ing from O sam a b in LadL aden,so should call hin-im on this. H e should start doctor cam e in and gave2 lieher.mQdiiatj©ii~^ medicaical society ivamed people diat i t p ro p erty a re h is whob'ho can take it.” ' should sl th e adm inistrationn inim m ediately ’ lat too by quoting FD:D R , th e D em ocratic patron to tre a t h er becau.se theyy letIc it go so long m anyy hormonesli could cause blood d tn P re sid e n t B ush’s’s aiadversaries are not respond r< to every statement2nt iand strategy saint, who saidid in 1937: “M ajority rule she had sores on h e r head,ad. Deputies . Afterr somes< testing, my doctor said, “ D em ocrats, p e r se>li SomS< e m o d erate of ol liberal Democrats, definirin in g th e m 0. No niust be preseterved a s die safeguard of would m ake fun of h er evei2vety cliance they moreJ hormonesIn for you, Merie.” Eve D em ocrats h av e joinioined w ith him on before b th e y d efine P residentJentB ush. Even bodilibmyanand dvilization. Under it got. after• gomggc off die hormones, I occasi some-issues. His.opp(pponent is liberalism. W h ed ier it’s a h istory lesstlesson or a “ sional- property canbbe secure; under it abuses One time die women in 10001 Block ly h aid d lblood dots, thrombosis in m y i :s H e should re su rreict c t ith e p olitical ghost charge d that liberals are hurtilurting the war ■ ■ , nylegs. can end; undere r it o rd e rc a n b e m ain- needed feminine napkinsIS anda the . , Bein)iing^TOrried about osteotwrosis, of th e la te L ee A tww ai ater, ^vho lab eled against a{ terro rism , th e ^ eesidentmtish s id ._____ ^ ;aU-W .,— tained-andalall of-this for the sim ple,-'" ------dGputle^rook't^yo■di^yS■to■yto get them some. 'diiinariIcing fliree passes of milk a day ------Michael Didcalds,“ihetheelder Bush’s":------slShow the same mettlFhe’s’sdem6nstrated' ^ '' lay to get cogent reasonn thI at to th e average of our W hen it cam e dm e to chanilange under- enoughigh caldum. Many confined daii ir . Democratic opponerilerit in 1988, a “card - against a{ terro rism to promlote-the ote polides damw citizenship canin b e brought a life of clothe.s, if a n y of th e ladiesies were a second shoott lltlieir cow=5 widi hormones. It ir carrying member ofo f tth e ACLU” a nd a h hi e b elieves a re b est for ^he e counoy.c It m ^es greater opportirtunity, of greater security, . late, they got the door shutItut in their face th e cow:o\vs diink diey are pregnant so y, th re a t to a ll w e h olid ld di ear. so they . of greater hapfppiness.” and had to w ait another fivifive days for . give mme ore milk. It is hard on diem ar Chief Justice Williiilliam Rehnqulst is Cal 77jomo5 ts a columnistlisfJbrt/ieLoi J d e a n ones. Roosevelt sa theydiquestions-and trdin diem ? TheyTi; may— 7.:------T he m pved m e to Burleyey jjail and I . drink; mmilk. We fill them iip \vith pizz3i22as w ai' street.. brought4o our Twin'win Falls or Burley h>have a lot of experience inn a sim ; ilar jo b ,,, m ust say th e jail in Burley2y i;is 100 percen t and all11 di ie good stuff fiUed with che P.O.P.i Box.548. Twin b bi u t each job does things diffediffwent, w hi^ be tte r than Twin’s jail. It is i t is clean a nd die . W e neeieed a dieese factoiy dial doesn'esn’t biiy expected td'giiyve o u r loyalty and 110 per-ar- ! Falls, ID 8 3 3 0 3 ::'fexedto(208)734- "fe , you leam through your empltinploymentwdi. depim es tre a t y o u '^ k e j hyi hjiman being.______^milkAvi!lidlkiixtnLhQnnones in it-Thele 1;lai^e^ __ __cenLoiour.woi•ork ability, but what-do-the-le------5 5 3 8 h O F ^ e llei&{oletters@mBglC’~ d t ------each com pany.______'“N o tonly that, Biirley hasi wii.itwi: they call dairies z ;s are crowding die small farmemer out. employers ^veve in retim n except o u r pay-ly- VBlley.com___ Companies talk about builijuilding morale^ real exercise machines, unliinlike T\vin. . Insteadid of giving up in despair, weishould sh checks, whichfl Imost of us earn? Do they - ...... blb ut I have seen no evidenceice oc f diem ‘Also, did you know that TwiFwin Falls organizeiz e all die small farm ers who3 havehe ever appredat

\ , j i; ■ 1 ) o o n e s b u r y B y G a r r y T ru d e a uu Mallard Fillrl l m o r e By B rujce c e Tinsley'^ : SOHQ(OlOM3 JliPGINGFKMHtS voomx/ _ ■ P!C^ •tOm^SONS H/S SATs, rr/n u sr\e . = UJSAKfJGA SQUATABOUr ' 60THP&^P (577H lASTEPiusu/fmy UMn... n )fvj9 eoN. /wwr/t©? , u m s n z r P£RXP? THS SFf!J»5 CiF \ OHCfiHSlSFr fVKcouaser ccmr s x T s c o n e s -r ■'-Ite S iw esr 1,/ i•HKTGoy wlk) ^ \ > ~ ^ r \ I f . - W g K rts M J t com&ii, K ...... sr.A io t-...■ ■ .1IP.-#UdKIN'‘ - U v HypE.-? ■ V S U B - f l

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day.itfniary4,2002 HmM^ewt,Tirt, Twin FiHf, Idaho A-7 Opinion 5 ■ ■ ■ ■' "ti ==j In^lSt in your ■ ‘ ® f'uture u I - - - .. - Read the MoneyW pages In H ilSinus Ij / ■ ■, Times-News . I . » 1 AddUon * Twin Fan* S Ceaoier : (208) 7 32 t 0700 ToIH'riei------; I ] . . ------l-B/7-b3/-4feBy .'.T '1- . • IdaMfJinli.iwl itfiBS eart clinic I : ' a LR END ... t ~ !- t G 1 : l ^ ♦GEj ■ VpTo iSALFj L | « ( 0 % o f/n/t'/Jon. 6

ick Rock! Clothiersirs 543-2500 i ' I Monday thruihr Saturday. lOam to 6pm 1 ______• 9l8h8 Main Street, BUHL C b • Subscribe. Call 733-C1-0931 “D e sig nIS s for the Dtscriminatinf.ing at Affordable Prices' ...... Treasonn m ay beJ hard ij - • Free Gilt W rapping • Disc3lscouiit Altcfniloiis ' tb provesagainsr^W alker

h e case of John)hn Phillip I ] W alker Lindh,tIh, th e ■ T r J o h n H. young Ameriauiam recent- ^ ly captured fighRghting for ‘ |3A5a r n h i l l Taliban, piupushes to T------thirforeif treaMnr—the meaning-of - ...... m \ W h ilp m n n y n f hie ,■ tn m nqim p fifCt r~ — ^------j are horrified, and rightlyay sso, by two, juriesi in th e U nited S tates i h is actions* w e n ^ d to loolook at the acquitted him.hir D uring th e third Constitution for guidanii.iii.Past • incursion, hehe was captured and : • cases o f U.S. citizens fountlund on the executed b?y yj th e H ondurans. wrong d'de of wars put'WaWalker’s Sixty-fivee yearsy later, during u tu a tio n in a darifying'light. lig ' World WarrI,dtizensofthe I, A ccording to ih e Constiistitution. United State;ites flew combat mis- lY oi treason is defined as takiniking up sions for Frarran ee in th e EscadriUe WfW 1 ar^agaii^rthegovemmn m en t o r A m e r ic ^ ee; ; O( th er A m ericans giving aid a n d com fort totbiKen^ I served ih theh e F rench am bulance ")hooseAP I mies. The offense is extreitremely service. The c c Phone Thaat’siiightf^rYou le composer Cole'

------penalty-Thebasic— criteria for treason ™ d a im in g to have d a te fron) th e trial H tis zi'o/r^ ... vio la te no) b een a F rench of Aiiron Burr in , * Legionnaire, 1807 w hen C hief law. Words inake no -' because th e cause Ju stic e Jo h n - • , one a traitor. Acts do. -d e s p ite o ffidal I M arshall adhered neut^ity-wais ' t6 th e le tte r of the Walker has committed popular. _ Consdtudon, ______The filibuster _rwKicbTeqm rcs an-^^— -—— -notmimnmn: : n/T ------^ i n t H e - i 9 t h ceniii-^-^^— R :r:iG ricssD n- E h o vert a c t in th e ______ry a nd th e volun­ pre^ceofat teers during least two witnesses to consonstitute World War I ignoredi; o ffid al neu-. ^ 1 — ^ ------• j treason. Under Marshall’sIl’sstan - tra lity to suipport p p popular causes, Motorola ■ dards. W alk er has cotnmitin in e d n o A m ericans whowh jo in ed th e I V2260 ■ treason. A braham Lintin co ln B rigade to fight ' j 3265^ ^ O f course W alker is wrojvrong in in tb e Spanishis h Civil W ar of th e ------B tlie eyes of most Americancans, evep 1930s enlistedted in a diVfsive'cause. ------iCsinQerexAM uslimiaLfoiifoiic______They troopeded to Spain in 1937 years, h e w ent to Yemenn lastla after Spaiiiiirsh g e n e i ^ backed "TCactivafoa , Unactivatod y ear to study Arabic. H e movedm by G erm an anand Italian fascists, Prico to Afghanistan when it waj was ju s t staged a coupup against the legiti- ato H one of many.countriesihe.1he-United-— jnatexepublicilioin-govemihent— ____ ^ ^ 3 ^ $ ^ g 9 9 ~I------;------. States regarded as sponsorisoring ■ T h e Soviet UnU nion supported th e ‘ terror^.,Then came Septept. 11. republicans,i, aand v olunteers from Your Prico Your In his prison interviews,vs, E urope and1 th e U nited S tates, >n ■ Walker has stated that he[le . som e of themm (c o m m u n is^ joined approves bf th e events ofjfthat tl the fight Thele In eutral'U nited day, as he'ap p i^v M o f al-Q;1-Qaida ^ States prbhibiiibited travel to Spain, ^ 1 terro r against the USS Cokiilole. His hence th ese? AAl m erican d tizen s __ statements understandablyibly^ut-____ were violatingn g th e governm ent’s ___ ^enl tequired. Only avallat)le al-Veriron "ragie'Amencan feeling bfpatfio-bf i ■ policy to supp(pport a cause they •on Wirtlts5-ComtTTunotrt)nr6tofesr;7li\7hifirsupplle5’L'!st. tism a n d grief, b ut tliey violatevio: no believed in, ju st as Jo h n W alker ’^ ' 1 Unactivatod law. Words m ake no oneJ a ttraitor. has done. Ye eti t th eir neu trality vio- i i i l A cts do. W alker has commiimitted' lations remainlined unpunished, no treasonous act. John Philip'ip W alker Lindh did ■ W hat he has most likelyJy (done is npt commit treason.tre Hejnay have to v iolate th e nation’s ncuQjutr^ty violated neuti^itiTilitylaws. H e^p- laws. H e is by no m eans the first ‘ ported a causeisein'whichhe d tiz ^ of the United Statesiteswho ' believes, a caua use n ot outlaw ed Hail-inRobaLa h as done so. A quick lookk alat the until after hisis ipartidpatibn others will not make Walkeilker’s began. He maylay stan d trial; he actions explicable. It will1 showsh may receive pipunishm ent; he will tliat W alker can ejipect^iunpunish- . be unpopular.ir. 1 ^ ^ RrtorHatl-in KViprcUcctsaoplicatiicitikj home aiitina rate arcar This is not a m ent more for raking an1 unpopu-,un But in one m Robato iJ U U L lH B (icpiciionolcciiuiaiituw covBtaoe. Actual covcfaoo rates. \ ; major respect, he lar position than for violatirating a * continued a time-honoredtin tradi- law. • .. tion. Freedomm h1 as long in d u d e d )aming Charges in In-tlie-185Gs,-WiIliam WalIV alkcrr ------liberty toij signore-gover^en-" ------12-Slats Calling Rrea- no know n relation, violatedte d n e u -’ tal policy andd tto suffer th e conse- ’ -New-2aiv3Uon.wiU) annual agfccmenl t ^ t y by filibustering - thathati^ quehces. Walkiilk e rh a s done tliat. •ong Distance Included by invading fo rei^ countrijJtries' ' —^ ^ ----- .. _ wthoutfiovenimfintpsrmismission...... - JohnK Bamlrnhill is a historian in •- H e filibustered in Mexico,0, . Yukon, Okla.,, aiandawriterforthe . , Nicaragua and Honduras.1.Mtcr A History News■ ScServiced ' ■ c ' '

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;-Deteriiflngthedecl9Cls|on: ^ a i d . ■ Inside Obltuarl:uaries"...... B 2. P ^ « B 3 n - ALL.EY ' . ., Moneyle y ...... B4-B6' . KCjK .Cii7/>)' ChadBabh^in, Z ;;.T he¥iihes-N e' m F niday,Jan.uary.;4.',200: c m - _____Seccion B JNB— 1-0 - 3 e m ^willcthallenig e : g Erapo

■ J said Wednesissday in Idaho Falls. “Whah a t I [} ^ever^ody.” .. • ‘ Originally from Ne;New York, Blinken )rm er-^bassa(H Q.Or see are a lotot of economic problems tl y ' Blinken said he docs: bought his h om e n earir SunSi V alley in 1996. : P o l i c e h u n t ft o o , .Pw ■ predate Sept.) t .l l . ” . . ' ^ I not think his affiliation H e said h e h a s b een visitvisiting th e area s in te • • ------‘-R U nkon-saiuud4i^lan«-t<^^ke^Ffl rw itlitiic-Clhnoiratimiir—:— ^K)80:------— ^bberysuspea e c ^ Belfflum plans aimouncemerents around ^ state on F< 3 istrationii will affect his • “I don’t think it mamailers where you TWIN FALLS - 'While still t r ^ r i 13 and 14. 1 chances. come from,” BlinkenI said.^ i “ V\Tiat m atters^ searching for the primrime suspect in ' • run1 1 for Senatee While BUninken was ambassador, frt J “I riever met a person is what you do when youyou get tiiere.” a pair of bankik robberies _ . 1993 to 1998,'8, U.S. investment in Belgii I y e t w h o w o u ld n ’t bi^ Ndther Bliriken nor)r SiSneddon is offidal- ■ Wednesday in Twin FaFalls, police on !!!£LMOclated ^ Preag______^______n e a rly d o u bbled, l an accomplishmentI t h e I pproud to be an ambas- • ly in the race. Candidatidates can’t officially • Thursday nabbed a su sp cct m con- ^ „ believes cann testify to his ability to pi I sador to the United dedare for office untilitil March. Hut some nection with an um-ela AHO FALLS.- A former Wall»^aU Street: ' moteeconomimic growth. I S tates,” he said. candidates have decide:ided to get an early .— a‘t a convenience store. itm ent b an k er a n d U:6 . amnbassador bj “In a balaranced budget state, we ha Blinkenr64, character-___starL , _____ Valley-has—T^eal-problems t r"AnthonyTi. DaViSJ"15, 1 8 ,'of Twin Jgiiun-who-livefrhear-Sun-Val ns-in-health-careredufstion; unced his intention to challen;lenge U.S. cetera, but mmany pf.ihose things could - -- Falls was arrested,onon a charge o( Id ’b e .. aative businessman and Richardson has announounced her inicn- Larry Ci^g, R-Jdaho.------—------overcome by robbeiy.Thursday;. accordinga to „ ■ „ y a broadcr•rax-basc,-and•yi-you ------SccondAmcndmernent defender------tion-tochallenge-firsMrst-tcrm-Rep.-Butch- -• - m ocrat A lan B linken jo in s BoiBoise real ' only g5t' thatat’ with higher;paying job; ______P j)lic e lre ifiQ rts..O |fi( obs,” • “ 1 have spent m any years figliting gov- ___ Otter. Nampa busines;lessnian Tom.Luna B agent Dave Sneddon,'wh199 Tmade a “ Blinken said:id. “The people of Idaho a a'car..Davis'wwas drlvtaf i Dare ernment bureaucrucracy and red tape)” He h a s s a id h e " will wi challenge ar announcement last year, paying too minuch in.taxes now, and bro;road- said. “I have had , bVcayse it matchedd'the t descnp *'.'/ wt**. i ad success,'and it is from Superintendent of PublicPu Instruction 's.about good-paying jobs,”” EB linken' ening the basase is the way to reduce it forf hard work and takaking i risks.” ' * • tion of a suspect vehiijhiclfr involved . 'Marilyn Howard. in a ro b b ^ at the '.O.O asis Stop IN • '. ■ ...Go at 2220 Addisonon Ave. E.'in..' . ' Twin Falls, said polic)lice detective Torcl Scott Sm ith. ch relay A clerk at the storeDre told police .. that a man came in1 at about 3:20 ^ e s t ------a.m . a n d y e lle d f o rmmoneyJjefore e ______B ac: k i itl b l■isin VIPg taking-an undisclosedsed amount of less cash and fleeing, acaccording to t \ reports. Davis w v a s h e ld list gn^ o w s ___ ------T h u r s d a y iTi“ t h e "-Twln-Falls T ...... sservistsl— County J a il. By Denise Tumeiimer Meanwhile, polict:ice and FBl’ ' 'V ^ ]] Times-News writwriter ______agents were still tryinging to find out VVJ.J.Jill reopen the identity and whereereabouts of a - t i LLS - T he guest list ____ ;__man suspected.of-robhjbbing.branch*----- —I ■s ______- es of the U.S. Bankik and Wells slinfaeility ‘ 'C s " " - _ Singer Peier'ter'C e te ra 'Is co m in g ...... -Fargo Bank in .Twin T' Falls lo the Olympiinpic lorcii ceieirra- ndy Miller W ednesday. tion. S o is actor:tor Adam “Batman" •News writer' ______^Bills taken duringg t th e robbery Jl'nfls-Ne W est. . at U.S. Bank m ightIt :have been - As its “yes"ss" stack of RSVPs IN. FALLS - .W inston ..... • taintcd-by-3 'theft-foi] 2/ -- grows falter,er, the Twin-Kalls foiling device - ru ,,rrhchill called U.S. Army designed to spray the:h e m w i.h r o d 1 O ly m p ic TTorch Relay dsts “ twice th e citizens.” dye. Police on Thursjrsday recov „ I ' C om m ittee isis fofocusing on provid- ’ • i now local reservists are ing accommodnodatiuns, parking; ered eight SI bills stainedst with , g ready for a spedal cele- a n d food fo r it red dye that had beei )r its celebrity visi- _ .b ra tioin.- L___ ' ------Iv. -tors.-. - — ■ 7 ' various'Ibcatibhs' inn Twin-Falls,1 on Sa Saturday, the Allred U.S. ' • At Tliursdns d a y ’s c o m m itte e ------Eolicd-are-aikin'g_p^>eopIe.keep.a— -Reser\’c^en terrlocatcd ■■4! ______mpprinp. cli.nir- ___ iQokoucfofl)iii£amiZ£h_rfid-dye.o^ sHn-Fieid,-Magic-VaUey--^*^ ------Tnan~Randy them, or new'bills bearsaring sequen- Airport;rt; >'nll reopen its doors. •* Hansen tial seriar-iiumbers. . ^ I ^ - Reopijperting the center will announced R eport any tips to theth e Twin FaUs save Iocal o g reservists long drives tii'ftt C e te r a FBI office at 733-S72C720, the Twin toPocatiratello or Boise for tm ining and West will Falls Police Departni ag reed to keep;ep its cgnceri tem 83328. Or call ChondlI d le r n t 326- BnBut a few w ars ago, the m m K M ' in th e a re a oof f Blue I Lakes and 3656 for more infinformation .taohtyw’ was doseo^cause only I;,,' Pole Line Roadlad open benveen 8 f r about specific item s thetl church sservists werij training a.m . a n d 8 p.m..m. ion Jan . 26,"with jnightneed. there. bands from UtalJtali and Idaho per- stm ent in. th e reserves h as ' l i forming all1 d a y . .J a c k p o t ’s The building the churchch was . BRUCItMOM/DwT . -:.leasingat.695 U.S.Higlli^way 30 is increaseised over the past few “Tribute to Gartjarth Brooks" show Both sgt. Rob Chavez, left,!t, and Capt. Bryan J. Houbock. willwl be on hand^aturday whensn ia now dotachmont of tho Arm] expected to.be out of^ o S i S o n md espedally after Sept. tny ■ will'take the stajstage in Twin Fails Rosorvosjs activated a t Jososlln Flold, Magic Valloy Rogloni! for 60 to 90 dnys,Xhaihandler said. SAR Ret. Col. Joseph onal Airport. Tha rosorvo ccntertor Ihas boon vacant for sovoralI yoars.yi ' th at day, too, aloalong w ith an Elvis Idaho’s Army Reserve Meanwhile^vth&congr« ______impersonator.'. Oi O ther well-known sador, said interest in all i performers wi ------about GO/M^l^lSutslVifS V / “ uain ono weekend a month and will include the les of the service, both Reopening the ecenter Joiningi itiie reserves “ . vices in tfie F il^ 'M M iSiinnrv *>ranche! attend a two-week summer compno. ' S ta n d a r d s and ani the Eddie P “^tivean,and reserves, h as gone u p . ' A ooremony will be tield SalSaturday to ' . .U.S.*Army Rosoiisorvo applicants must Thoi11080 Intomsted may call tho locai^'l H askell Band, Church at 400 Yaklmim a Ave. in . 5 0 p „ < .„ , :e n t Not everyone is cho- ' reopen the Allred U,$.;An]T]m y ReSorwS': ■ • t^e between the ages of 17 and 34. offli al T h e to r c h1 willw be carried- Filer. Services are £ office of the U.S. Army Reserve at = 2 P-”>- sen, butut they are showing an • .'.•.Ce^tofBtJosilriReldiMa'g!jgjc Veii^:-,.'.; in good h%itHth' iand of good moral 73c at across the Perrierrine Bridge into Sundays and 6:30 733-2571 or slop by the office at 0 p .n i.. .on: interestt iiin joining, Eyi;e said. ’ - Regional A|rpbrt..The cerenemo'ry. w i l l ' - rfiaractor, acco:cordfngtothe.o{f1cial 1061 lOE Slue Lakes Btvdi N. Office3 to\v7i and alongng a• route that has W e d n e ^ y s . T h e rere are now cloVe to 30 - ■bogin'at ip.fii. Maj. i! Jamos'. J - • Web site.-Thos(ose who are accepted go houhours are 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.Tl. n ot y et b e e n revirevealed for securi- stsfrcmtheMapCV^ey ! : Cblirhs is uie special guestist speaker. through nine weekswc of basic training • Monday Mor through Thursday; 9 a.m.n. to - ty re a s o n s . On-Dec. On- 27, Twin • Compllod fromnitaflTeport,:, si lave been training in ' >'Local Qndstate'offldalsar(are also followed by tmirmining in'thelr respeo- 5 p.m.p, Friday: and 9 a.m. to noonon Falls Mayor Elai:ila in e Steele and a expected to attend. : tive skills. Resecscrvists continue to somasor Saturdays...... ■ p'easease see RESERVE, Page B3 _____ Pleasee se.see TORCH. Page 93 •

■ H Brooks Wost, 'MiinicoCou]Jilty scho()olsparen Its n n H left, and Luko I'. sar.'T"'''" ■ BItton, rigtit, ' H seniors at car)n request; drug< testting for k] ■ Minico KIgt) dds H School, tako S n o w p a c jr k l r ' -By ShariiC C tian ey tested throuo u ^ o u t tlie se.ason.-Jn additIdition, uny H part In the T .e v e ls '^mea^^ewflWB writer ______student widithin tlie district,'from kindindergarlea | H school's drug “ = ~ ------^ to 12th grac-ade can be tested if liis or her par- - .testing______------—Watershed—'— % of of-Averags'.- — kupepERT'^7t’slfcl“oiny“sfudenr Inr^tTiletes ------e n ts n s k tojnlitilOStTPcrrigoi'saidrTlK r n)e~sGrvlC& \/J' program. Also U p p er S n a k o R iver 85% , who canan be subject to drug te;testing in' is free. ■ Dan Rog(gers, principal at M inico,: pictured Is Tim Salmon Falls Creek ^33 y M inidokaka C ounty schools.' th e ; pms tbhfi pffprtivt^ fnr tlioso-wiio—till PorrTgot. •______------oaKteyBaslrrr-^ ------■------ISSTT— itS'bi-Mnidoka-County-can-rn-request-a^— systuiueiu e is suspect- can't affordd o r don’t w ant to go to the s iie riffs ^ Mlnlco’s !BlgimdUttleWcx>d.^^, . 10A% , drjigtestlst fo r th eir child If drug use is . '■ ■•K W,saidK1 Minico High School Athletic:dc Director pMce for a test.1 It gives both parentsIts stu- athletic -TioiPerriirrigdt. , ^ d a t th e sam e tim e, i»ay to p ro v e o n e w ay oir r ai n o th e r . director.' .e, students - y , . - can take:e ithe test t6 prove they areiire n ’tu s in e . rugs are being used, drugs. . lilts are shared only \vith tintlie Lident and the p aren ts, Perriirrigot .said, . H H I^ n - ■: - Student;nt athletes submit to druggtesting.at/ t< P^them d ^■''MuabuNn/' ^ the startrt (of: the season M d can bee rrandom ly Please sec TESTINQ,NQ,PageB3' TMTkw»«m :"v ...... '.'V, M TimMVews,TwlnFilIt,libhlitabo Friday,JMUwy4,2002 ' ' V ■ ' . • : . ■______j. ------M a g ic V allLLEY : = = = = = ' 5; N e w faices ( of JesromeCitity Gouiliicil take office( ^fudge beconues first Hisispanic * By'DIxie Thomas Reate medical bede^th insurance premi...... prcpremiums went up so muchch' th a t period to O ctobe Times-News correspondentent um increaseMd by 16 percent, City . the thf council dropped the .vision.y Rothvreil :o sit on statee appellate.c.courti. Administrateator Travis Rothweiler ’ • benefit bei from the coveragee ]pack- Engineer ScoflOft Bybee will be- CALDWELL c} (A Pf “ Thihird . . Guderr^ was amongami four nom *..' JEROME - New face;ices joined told the coc o u n c il. D u rin g th is ageage. He said he didn't likeJ tto See attending theieG i:eaterJ5p.en_ ,_Disolistiict Judge..Sergio.GutIejia x e 2 __ineesjubm lttedL4oJCempthonift--,v^„4 o "the Jerome City Council ( year’s budgidgeting process, staff the dty change employee >Siofits Spaces' City ry Management wasas appointed by Gov. DiDirk 'by the Idaho Judiu d id a l- C o u n d l ; -Vi Wednesday eveningng when . anticipatedtd :and budgeted for a baiback and forth: The dty shshould A ^dation trail;mning program In Ken:empthorne on Thursdayy to from ^ field of 10 :applicantsto -r------GliarleS'GorreU-was-swe t-increase-in-benefits}— ^g<-getre-good-health-care-pac•adtage ------Sig-Skyj^IontrfTfrorn-March-JJ-tOr- -b eco aB aA. I h 6 6thera }' ■ ____ mayor and Qgrd Bobratirm^Kki a n d _ however,_thnvention stresses Kemempthome’s first to dth'er■ tthe from the UniJniversity of Schmidt to a six-monthth £appoint" month. Withith the new vision cov- , newly ne\ annexed reddentss werei interactive learr iming and focuses couiourt of Appeals or the Ida!laho California’s Hastin(itings College of ment on the finance commTimittee. e r a g e , w hiihich costs 510 per . giv fniinril nprpprf Tn'rfrmtaw -up-1 w?il friniv» frMCtbeiUnivindtyrofr r on"cotipled*wlthn5ound'legegal— herplaimedto'starramheTiewy'ear— A year ago the city’sty’s major that, two yeaiears ago the insurance ' ana n iordinance extending th e2 ggrace Virginia. d e^dsion-making d s ability on thti e ta d d in g a rash oif f drive-bydi shoot-, , b ejnch," n e Kempthorne said ih a ings that has haihaunted some' . -11_____- reparcd-statem ent^I~a-^m Canyon Countyndgleighborhqqds in ^ G bith aARiES^= ------^------1 imipresse'dlwtH p ri ’the fairness aai n d r e ^ t monthis. Hle e saids h e would ■ imipartiality p a demonstratedr ]by assemble a paneld oof commimity For obituary ratos arid InfotInformaUon, coll 7 3 3 0 9 3 1 , Ext.t. S278, between 2 p.m. ond 5 p.m.,m. Monday through Saturday. DoDeadline Is 4 :30 p.m. for next-de idge Gutierrez throughoutt h1 is le a d e n and law enfomforcement.offi- ireer.” •• - Tlie o-mall address for obllobituaries Is obltsOmaglcvallQy.ciy.com. Death notices ore a free) servicesei ond con bo placed urtUIUI 5 p.m. every day. dais to address thetie p ro b le m .: ’ ■ ■ - He H e will replace Chief Jud]idge G uderrez also w as an organizer M I c year and.a3 hhalf in Ah Giah Ching her3r ht" u s b a n d William', h e r p airents, re entered the Unitedd States5 Military lan Schwartzman, who retirir e s o f Idaho Latino 'Vote/ote 2000, which , T v v i n F a l tuberculosisJs sanitarium in Walker, th'reefree brothers, Clyde. Williee and, Academy at West PoPoint. He gradu- “Dm. D®' the three*member Courtrt of sought to register»r nnew Hispanic 1 ^ ------[ MN v/ilh.olheiher patients. Prayer.kept Russiussell, Iwo sisters Violet a n d Mary, M a te d fn 1 957, p in nned e i on his gold Apptppeals' effective Jan. 15. 1 voters. He said at tthe time that ' M ary J a n e comforted. She became ono10 ( daughter-in-law Ellen an^ Iwo Lieutenant bars, andnd began a long Schwhwartzman will assume seninior the state’s largestest and fastest- skilled at'ih'•Ihe art'Ol crocheting, great•eat-grcat-grandchildren,.. ... _. '.and distinguishedJ militaryn career statu;anis and continue to b a n ^Je e a growng m in o ri^y tvwas poiscd- to learned to acaccept the challenges Funeral Fur services for Jewel willvill b e w ith his b r id e , S iddhey h Valentine. •limiteoited hum b^bf casesr. ' tak'e a more activee rolero in politic .IKejrir.o.ws.ou.our_way..Cfeaied_many _he]d_3]d_Monday,_January 7. 200202. at This c aree r tcioR Ihemem'many places, . . 'friendships anand continued a lifelong rfoveove R(5bo'rts6n FiTnbraT’Ctiahapel—i8-movGS'ln-297ears ars.- ancJ-broughi------friendshipI wwith Dorothy Kipp of (3rd;rd and■ Fillmore) in Jerom e3 iai 1 Ihem many Iriends andar colleagues- ______N-and-Bernice-{Bunny)—p.m.-m.-wiih-Rev,-Quinton-Kimbi ibrow—He-relired-fromlhfr-n- >-miliiaryin-19B6------= = = = S lFR ^G E S^ Michaels, alsoisoofMN, olficiificialing. Burial will loilow atai the and went to work'for)f a-management£ W alter N BnBromenschenkel, visiiod Jeronirome Cemetery. Friends maylycall consulting firm in [ southern PaulPai William McKinnonn of Funeral Home, Grangangeville). 'his brother er Leander and v;ife ailhoIhe funeral home on Sunday/from fi Calilornia, His drear5am to relurn lo Haeeagerman, viewing and servicece a t B londa. the-■[ They lived'in I ig Illness, ' , - • - ^ - in R uperi, ID a n d h a d 4 long ll ■ Cdllege’and Comman(and and General. P airke’s rk Magic Valley Funejleral 710 6th.SL; visitationion will be held children prior Deloris was born March 19. 19 ior to Wall’s reiirement. Del 1933. Staff College, JonLalso.earned a a .. ..Homtjm e, 2551. Kim berly Road, TvTwin o ne h our l>efore thle e s-service; inter- B essie Bell [Shaftanepj • waiter andd 1Mary Jane lived in in SalSalem. West Virginia, the dauaugh' Masters Degree i in Business Falls:ills; burial w ill follow th e servrvice ment will be inn thet Rupert P re sc o tt Valleiilley. A 2 lor a brief peri- lerr of Seth and Pearl Davis AllAlleri. A d m in is tra tio n fro r O w e n s rom American Sunset Su M em orial P ark in TvTwin Cemete^. .V n o.. od. however;r flfound iheir way home -Dejorlloris worked lor the Twin Falls F< University in Washingti Bessio Boir(Slialler) C r) Owens. 81._ Rupen,. —:------.. Schoc:hool-Distrlct lor many years a U s...... ■ passecJ av/ay in.Twin i a s a H e is survived b y’g!s°"w^^=Sldney.. hi: - rai Falls, on- Aller the death'olde. her husband in “'cook,lok. S h e loved lo se w , m a k e cr; Rodney (Rick) IrvIrvin Wiese of Wednesday, Jan, 2. 2002. crafts daughters Siacey (Ru:=?ussell) B arck Ol . _ , Jane sper^t limg enjoy^__ a nid d sis p e n d tim e with h er family. ' Lois ‘Louie’ Olds of Carson QQty,. Jerome, serviceg aat 11 a.m. — -Sh6-waR-bQfn-in-t?a _Ciistl[L(Dfinnis)______DolotTsns- survivccl^^QieES igjr»T'tnrmprly gTgcavoi^baturaay-at-iiove-ve-Robertson ------1 ■“N iG braska/on M ay 15, 19c ities, gardening and cro- bandind Charles "Sonny* Lee Sr.: I R, and Samilda Shalle tv/6 M. (Sherry) Bokoy(^((pof Sandy. UT. sTdeSle’S S fw a 'T in i-a a n rto d a y ^nhe~FuneralChapel1n’Jer n •Jerome;-friends ------f ie enjoyed her special daugflughters, Imogene and son-in-l;>law, and grandchildren Lin c a m e lo Twin Falls in I93i Lindsay and T.J. Jeron:rome Cem etery (Hove Robertsrtsoh m ay call from W p .m).m. . today a t the w ith fClary T u r n e r o l Bill-Hi11 Hamilion; Jackie Lee', one s ,family and was employe ! son, Kaliaher. and Allysaa anda Jon, Wyatt; Funerneral Chapel, Jerome). funeral home; crematination take e maintained a -sister- Cfiarklarles "Chuck" Jr. and daughijhier- Bokovoy. and sisterr M^ arian (Elmer) b u s in e s s e s unlil her rolire* e m c n l.S h o pla c e following d ie3 se,services under iship wiih.Delores Traul' in-lav/law, Shirley Lee; 4 grandchildiWren Schm idt of P ortland. 0 . y/ill.bo rc m o m b e fc d lor0 Imr quick g, ^ . OR. RRobert o l ‘Bob’ R. Johansenn o f th e 'direction o f Hov«love Robertson I. MN, Ihe only daughter andd 4 4 great-grandchildren. ■ Jon's zest and enthi smile and caring naiurclute. We will ithusiasm for life Gran'angeville and formerlyy da and Leander Her Her parents, two brothers a of Cremation Service, m iss her. ■ and _will long be rem emmbered t by his 3nkef. 0{iee sonS' Mickey Lee preceded I •oding, service S T l p jn . todayay a t Bessie is survived by hi d her Iriends and family.:y. His special survived by daughter in'deadeaih. i GrangevilJe Christian Chun K atie Netz of Buh!Juhl, memorial Aubrey {Julia) SHaf(or ol h ■ warmth and humor-will w be missed . G raveside se rv ic e s will b e heic rial will follow a t Prairie Vii/iew service at 11 a.mn. .'Tuesday at. _ID; dauqhicr- Barbara •omenschenket' and Gra sid al by all, anc) his sensee olc duty, honor. ' inn-of-Nampardaughter— 1130'30'p'm~M ondayrJanoary meteryt-Grangeville-(BIacknioner—Farmer Funeral ChaptlapelinBuhL-:------W ^kup orBurbaiik, V, r y ^ , coTInlry witl”fem aiii~wrwilh-us~as-hls ------C e m e Dan Garcia of Rupert. 2002.02. a t Twin' Falls C cm olery, A v 'Aubfoy'(LaDdfa) Owen \visi- personal legacy, iromenschenkel. daugh- lationlion will.be held on Suiidi Falls. ID, Dick (Judy) ( icfay. Memorial sen/icess willw b e held a t \ i Jerry Pfeiffer of Rupert; Januanuary 6. at W hite M ortuary, from3m 4- 2 p.m. Saturday. Jan Je ro m e, Idaho; KeilJi (Juc lan. 5, 2002. at ------qr'aidchM ,e^en Brian Addis, Shalae 8 □,m.p.m Funeral arrangem ents < of Kimberly, 10; 15 grani 5 aro Hagerman United3d Methodist -D e a t h1 N o t ic^ES— i andchildren, ga,(.la, Shailaun Garcia, Danyel undeider the direction ol Wh 26 g rea i-grandchildren, ai '/Hite Church. ’■ "umer- ly pPfeilfer, K aden Pleilfer Moriu; The memorial sen ous nieces, nephews and irluary. TwinFallS' For ihose who deslesire memorial IVIaxaxine Jeanette - service will be H „ and 2 greal-gri■grandchildren Ko'rd and coniributions may be made to the c«;«i h e ld a t 1 p.m . Monday, onc Jan. 7, S h e w a s p r e c e d e d1 in death by nm- Artrik i c k s o n hor parents, sister and 8 0 Hagerman United5d Methodist 2002, at Reynolds FunerdFun Chapel / h a d a difficuli limo Ios- B u h l Funeral se rv ic e s will bo Church. Arrangeigements by CIT: r m u s c i t y , AtIz. -.M axiixine with the Rev.'SteelmaIman Borden of ^__ 3lher and-graridmoiher- i«ia„ - -ed a t n cTrri'^Wori'd’ay — -Demaray's-GoodipgGIG hapsI:— ^------J e a3^ette-Erickso^783,"D^Cit^ n e trus~:ihe"KlraberiyCHrist': ristTa'iTCfiurch :hrisimas season, how- larren 'Chip* Lee — Mortuary,.Private intermen C i tyty, , Ariz., and formerlyr of offidating. Servicess arear under the Id comfort in having hor -H url .Sunset Memorial Park. u r l o c k J r . nberly died Monday, Dec.. 31,'3 direction of Reynol ______services at Sl.Sl Nicholas Catholic ^ - ^ G o o d i t nolds Funeral ', )l7in-'5’uma,-Ariz;------^------GhapdrTwin-Falls:— G o d saw .you w ere getiirlOllinn llroH ^’uPt , ol Buhl died Tuesclay, Janu; w g ired, -SI, NIcholEolas - Patron saint o( iuary H ||||||[||||R !v ^ And a cure was not mea 2002. in loving a n d in giving , So he pul his arms arouiS l o S i" -lo was borr) on January 1, 191 roma you ' in ,hosese we, love and to the 1955, .. A nd w liisp ered . "C omcwmme., m e' ^ Hu, W ashington D.C., the.son-)n ol as Slay ycuihful and With tearful e y e s wc wai irren and Martha Hurlock. CtChip - ‘H elpingyc m eted you mirlhlul. playlul/lui and jo^ul so lhat we OU hear beletter] And!wc saw you pass a^ is-raisod in Virginia and ali irate every day as gi-g^jy a lte r ------Although wo loved youMd'oeply. c ^=h"slmls°-'’'" Jduating Irom high school,1, h e ' We could nol make you as held at St, Nicholas t/e 20 " y e a rs ot se rv ice a s a polilolice i s w h a t we do bestt . ” -■ Your golden heart stop;'A.,, c a S r j , leer with ih e M etropolitan Poli'oiice — - in g ;------Church .at 7 p.m, itmci Wednesday./. .January 2, Services !pt,- In W ashingjoir'DTCn Hard-v/orking hands atf the following day, workeirked in'ihe Morals Divisicsion, God broke our heartsIS totc prove to T h m s d S ^ 'J a rll ictronic Surveillance Unit, aa. n d > 2 u s. ' ------anuary 3rd at 12 noon, MBsm ^ privaie buriajrial was held. Services • entually became a Boro m b ■He only lakes the best. aro under-theho direction of Hansen Techn:hnician.' Chip was- pron'oted;d-4o Professiona:al H eariiigA id ServicesSl 260 Falls Ave.. TwinInF atls.iD 1301 Eaii Mortuary Rupetp e rt C hape!, Bom^brgeani and commanded'll'th e 16ih Sir.,Durlcy,tDSir, ' — ' 'Rlipi;rt mb Squad lor several years. ChipCf tKippcsH.i.s. . 7 3 ^ 4 -2900 2 * 678^7600BO j his wife m o v e d lo Id ah o after afi J lE R O M E retired Irom the police depapart- m entnt aand began a.Iamily. • ~ \ He is survived by his wile Jocloan, O V e r a c r e ' d augh'jghter Kady (4), and son Warr IInsuronceAgency, Inc. •: .’W fr (2)., m mother M artha, sister Ke his wife of . I H 6 3 ye ars , B eulah of GcGooding: three J f I f l sons and their spououses, Danny SUS! (Ginger) Gains and ar George ,------■■ Third &.Filimorc JcJerom e, Idaho 83338 • (208)18) 324-45552 M a r y J a n e (Marsha) Dains all oft Gooding,.andG Richard (Carma) Dain:jins of Jerome; " T/ie choke whe.)en p e a c e o f mind h esse)ssential. , BromenschenkelI Jewel Mii J a c k s o n M one daughter. Darlei•lene (Robert) Hg * Funeral Sentrvices • Cremation • Monutni Mary Jane Bromenscfiechenkel, 78, Jewel M. Jaclackson. o' Jerome.. •. & ‘ Beer of Wendell; twp) brothers.bi Jack |K 'umenis ■ ol Ruperi, Idaho, diedd T.Thursday.. died Tuesday,ly. J a n u a ry . 1. 2 002, at ' S « (Clare) Dains of Heybuiburn and Gabe rt-Funded Funeral Plans December 27,2001. at a BoisoB hos-' St. Benedicts:ts Long.Term Care h ? D ains ol Em poria, 'Kansas; ani one sis- pita! wiih her loving andf proudpn fami- Center, ' • r,J ler Darlene (Robert;irt) Qaskill of HE I H Oyer 40 y«^ears of commitiitment ly by her side. . . . She was bor3orn April 12. 1908, in ;d Shoshone; one sisler-ittr-in-law.'Myrtle' -RHOns, M ary J a n a " Ja n e y " Frcihammer f^re Plumlee, Arkarkansasr lo Thomas C. U Dains of-Couricll Gro'irove.Kanks. iDbcrnori and'serviccX to-’our comminunity. ; . v /a s b o rn S e p te m b e r 14,.1923. 14, in andM aitieE. NewberryN Luper, She | »• / ' Also 14 grandchildreiiren, 15 great- http://hovcrqber Sauk rHapids, Minnesce s o ia . th e m a rrie d Williamam D, Jackson on May , grarTdchlldren and'11 great-great-i •• • d a u g h te r o l F ra n k a nId d M^ a rg a re t A. 1927. ih Plui3|umlee. Arkansas, Ho ^ ■ L- grandchild. . - Smith Frelhammer. She■he was the preceded herr in d e a th on M arch 25,- ^ . He was preceded indeaihbyhisin f, youngesi arid only remlining ^ r sibling 1979. They hihad three-children; B parents. 3 brothers DoiDon. Wylie a n d ■ WB'RETHE**WEE CAN HELP" GUYL/ y g / ^ 8l 9 sisters and brother^sTOuring the LaVerne (Lawre'vrence)Stump( of Twin Jesse Dains, a daugl*ighter Darlene early.years of farming3 Iheifi family Falls, Fern (F(Ralph) G ardner-of ^B_K|oiber,_a son D ell^pert, a grand- H S Op 9M C (aCiUioHl — -livod'jn-a portion-of-lho-t io-bam-uniil~jeronr0"amJ'Bi'Biit-Uffcireon7ar-Df--M B ■ iT augfilor Lela Daviy5- anda a grear~ ■ Q h -m w^-ym \scc^MBINEDEXPEHIENC^ ; thoir home was built. Hei ^ ' H E h ~ — Her mother Burley..Idaho,10, S h e a ls o h a s n in e • - g ran d so n J e s s e A d am s . died, followed by her fath lather, when . grandchildren,n. twenty-seven great- UODn IBokovoy Gi-aveslde, services3s will b e 'c o n - ' IDCOUNSEOR^ Mary Jane was young; < HEARINGAH g^^s h e ^ w a s g r a n d c li!ldrgn.'i111, and 32 great-great- 'jon9£L^oyQy..66..a { BubUesldei 2Q iidy.JaQ uaty_H H ------Dffcretra-noms^rrneroK a n . o n e tDroHier H aris p a s;sed s e ' away Tuesday. Jan. vood Cemetery a-AUiU D IO tO G V — ------Blonda and husband LoanderLqs on ■ Luper of Wendeidell, tvtb sisiers, E nard ' 2 0022. al a his home. in Gooding, Family andnd friends may . ^ ^ 1 the Bromenschenke'l farfarm In'St. .,;(2eb) Villlnes-ari-and^Kate A/mer.'also . jonon WQS- born Oct. 17. 1935,5, In - call at Demaray’s Gooiooding Chapel ,"V & MAGIC VALUUY HEARING AIDS 'JimOibsort'i' .' • cioud.M N.,• I • o n e sIsleM n-lawlaw .Juanita Luper and Max<. ^Norlh Dakota. He attendsded -on Monday from 9 a.na .m , tnl 1 p.m . u g wj, ^ As a teenager she'co.icontracted'.’one broiher inilawJimArbaugh. la and'ait' graduated Irom Max Hi£ligh and then, meat at thee CemeteryC for - -BX-HtS”,''’ .tuberculosis and spont.a - 7 3 3 ^ 1 7 3 3 ^ 1 6 i!,a dilllcu)|: ., Shs'w as'pre>receded In death by SchoollOol in 1 9 5 3 , a t w h ic h lim e3 he’ r the sen/ices. * ...... : -7 :' - | MB ------2 5 0 8 A D D IS O N .A.AVe s. -TWIN FALLS ------^------; ■ . ” • r-‘ •I — - — •. . •—

_ _ .. _ ......

- ...... ;■ - ; TF Frtoy.-iy,-Jiinar4; 2002 -flme»Nm,i,TwhF«Ill,jd*bo-;-M- T» - ... . • - MlAGIC VALLEYiYAVeST y C o u Dicil d e fem d sb uisih ess]h elp (Clerk di;iscovers error(.

— -fiy«helIey-R|dflnotir,„^ isiness, the coundl: '-t ^ - r ------^^yVIembibers 5 a y p o l i c y be)enefitsallofB uii r l e y ; . d a $54,979 bid from ■ j[J ------in libraryj/vote tal »-Co.-of-Burley*for— :=— ifficult-to-^renovatHn- '- oof f moneythe. d ty of Burit?ie r c o iF ------illy - • •/'•BURLEYCity Couniluncd mem- . . .downtownBiBurley^” Jo hnson said,-___-tributestri to.the-opcradon, •o f th e - — ted and hand-held ■ht^rs cnnfiniip thpir nrtf provision in Trinfir^____ lU e m p i s ^ ------in-part-bec»ecttuse-of-«pac^cbn*'^ez ase-station-and-a ------WJB y ila te Johnson______There.isjio.proi Times-News writer______law for challengingiging th& results of J)dp businessies 'm theeconunum- ci , straints. BurleyB l does not have it:itsowti repeateV.ThecB coundl considered Bn! . ’ty grow, remodel or start. a measure. In an dection< where CouncilmiIman Brent Kerbs said . popolice department, but conontrocts ' ' “ '.“e ? ■"<>■«o-way radio system -. Wednesday’s coun( votes • there are Candidalidates, it is up to unolm ee^.; the coundlil hash been c rid d zed fo r wiwith the county for law ene'nforce- W t in the endnd concurred with •ALBION - When the yi irig, Councilman^n. Curt giving somemething'away to a pri- mim ent. Mitton’s recomiimmendation to buy 'carcame irr Nov. 6, Albion vototers’ the candidates; to challenge the ting a resets and call fo . Mendenhall said dty offioffidals ^e yate busineness - in this.case the . “We pay too much,”■Kerbs I asystj^. ^ 2226-22 2 ( approval of creatii II for, a recotint of 'ffr'flffin p nn nrf^in an r/ ------*—Confir-mn e e d —tlie —mftyor^a------^ Vote tallies aroarc validated in .jvquld allow th e d ty to0 aassist pri- “Maybe w: we didn’t do it right,” - ded e n ts p ay a bout 80 p ercentn of the appointmentss of^elanie0 Haynes *^aijraised some eyebrows. cted,” Idaho when canvanvassing boards y a te ' b usinesses by oilovllowing use Kerbs said;i IBut by doing o n e rela- co:costs of the sheriffs departr•tment. amand Randy Stone as ““I t’s ju st n ot w hat I expect of city equipment, orjr ipossibly tively smallall thing, the city is Anderson said the dty p10,000 settlement *0*^lots were placed in a box « Nodiing-cng can'be done,to ^^^^^^^H-provent-fur-iuturo-mix^ps-of ------—— ^ I ^ k ^ t t o r i - s a i d .——— ~ ;------m en d ed Johiohnsont)h theiTroject:------——] Kerbs invited cltizens; tirt c a ll------offer-from-Idahlaho-Constru^onto ------and-sealedr-only-to-be-l diis kind, R i 'D iscussion of the d tyy’s ’s involve- “It’s excitciting to drive by and hiihim to discuss the amourunt the conclude a lawaw suit b etw een th e op[5U1K ^ to m eet w ith com- ‘LJiW.e.need_public. ‘ input,It,” d ie ^'f(»2': Exri07^c7, or by e-hiail at sri-' casi:asr by Albion'residents wc m e’o f — in Training our ele pha^'.' m issionersi to discuss the amount mayor ma said., :vaHcy.com.' "n olorhave t" changed tlie outcom election workers thiie e election, county offidalsIs did and county clerllerks,” Sysursa notlot recount the baUots: The1 two-t said. If the counounting is done 1 \ cou:ounty library district suffefered correcdy, with one person read- I d a h o P U C M( - - •. • /IONTANA-CR ove)verwhelming defeat, vithth 76 ing the ballot,'Dt, o n e p e r s o n jfirri°t;r nf MinidokaXounty-y-voti- .w.atchine thn xeader-andrn n mn, qjrs rs and 76 percent of Casassia people markinglg tl th e ta lly , mis------eotiIJounty-votersTejeoing^htnr p r o :------rakcs-should-be-iileinfrequen^hc ------, . • pos;)osal. said. reconsidering }g • • , ' . • .B Buti even if dte county comiTimis- H ow ever, Sysursursa thinks the *. sionlioners had seen the need fysursa, chief deputy forr th e by c-mail at n;'o/irw)hnsonmagicval- back agreement betweeieon Idaho . ji Bw daho secretary of state. __ lcu.com . ______—=—'-rlt-recommends-a-rairat^-that— f- { m.ore accurately reflects':ts c u rre n t j. ------M power costs. That coulDuld save H flH \ T w inF allIsfoodlab .b7will““ Idaho Power customersrs rmillions ■ . ip'f.dollars. ' ' B Under the agreementn reached-r . S S S ! ■ / get researcch money in M arch - am id spiralinging electri- •'V.* ^ J y ' cal rates - Idaho Power is r is paying / ho Times-News ______“These one-timen e ffunds will be a . Astaris an average pricec e o( f $159 - 1 ------I _ boost to Idaho’s agragr^hure econ- ____ per._megawati-hour-.f•...for_S O _____ "BOISE”-The~Tdaho“FoFood •' omy,” Kempthornorne said. “Oiir megawatts Astaris agreedeed not to . / Q)uality ua Assurance Laboratoryiry in approach includesides funding for use and sell it bock to I d a h o ... s ’, '- . ' , 'win Falls will get a sharere of testing in seed poin>olntOes, research •Power so ic could m eet: a genera*i n : ,> • nlore io r than S4.2 million- Idahcho is into alternative; cn crops and food • tion shortage at tlie time.e. . . receeceiving from the federal ggov- safety issues, as wwell el a s a compet- .Astaris operated a Pot Pocatello- ^ ‘ emmment u for researdi, protectcdon itive grant prograigram to directly di'ea elemental phosphoru: arusplant, V andnd prom otion of spedalty cro]rops. address the chaUenllenges fadng an but shut it down last mon lonth. The OnlyOl California, Florida a n d industry diat contrilitrib u tes approxi- St; Louis-based company iny still is WWashington as are receiving mimore mately 20jercent?nt to. our state’s ____ — b^lliga nnftf»r r> 19977-contract C — ------thanlanTdaho; . , ■ e c o n o m y to buy 120 m egawatts fronrom Idaho f —i. ______^______I T hel la b in Twin Falls and rrelat- e ‘ Other allocationions announced - - , r ' Power tlirougli M ardi 31,2;l,2003. tfpMo cdd programs p at the University;ly of by the governornor included ’ Since the March agrei }reem en t. Emergency perpersonnel at right talk with hellcoH.c.oRte/,plI.o.tJ.e.e.Andofson,.cIo: Iosest.to.alrcraft,.onlvylld]lfoJ (oJiloIoglsLCralg^_____ I djaho-ace. a l slatcd_to>jeceJe iv e ____ S2a3,000-to.tesLlda market prices droppec? e d fro m Fager,“far rightght, after a Montana Department)nt'o( i n sh , Wlldllfoand Parks1 hollcopterh crash landed In theIhe median of $25:257,000 for state-of-the-i2- a r t toes for the presenceenceofgeneucal- aliout S280 per megawa Intorstato 900 ThursdayT noar Butto, Mont. AndAndorson and Fagor woro taklnjIng an aprlal door count when t quipm ent. ly modified potatiitatoes recently /Turrent-, rate of undei in thoy oxporioncod ' re. Gov. Dirk Kempthororne found in processedsed product sent [Commission staff conten ______• detaetailed on Thursday how Idahaho’s to Ja p a n arid repon:io n s of a v im s in jrate now being paid by Id a h o moniloney will b e allocated. westem seed stocks.dcs. 3*ower t6 Astaris is no 1 i"just a n d reasonable.” .tello school eme ployee gl : It calculates_that avia v e r..th e ^ets legislathive seat rem aining 15 months i Division of£ Wildlife stopss a^eem ent, Idaho Power ij>)-'DemocrafEIaine— “He‘Herexperiencewith-publicicedu: ------the'tegislature"re"adJourned'last------A staris S45[million m ore tl int»er services coordi- catiiadon and the private sectc:tor iri winter, makingn g t h e d i s t r i c t ’s ^ ^ e than die natorfor’the:he Pocatello School die: •^asonablejaverage rate. , h e Pocatello area will h elpI sserve entire delejlegation new cllinimal airli:ifts after cr:Tash 1,^11 Idaho Power ratei as appointed by Gqv. tlieh e resid i en ts of District 33 wcwell.” appointees. ja're affected because^Ts'ner^ 8 DirTK^plhctliom e on T hursday m The Tl Gooding native and First, state Senlen. Lin Whitworth SALT SA LAKE CITY (AP) - TThe frozen reservoiroir in Parleys icent of the utility’s powc Idaho House M MMeridian er High School gradiiduate of Inkom resignened out of frustra- Divi;ivision of Wild.life Resourc,rces C anyon about 10) mmi iles outside of ' — tives vacancy. \ has .'cliase costs are passedS i “ las a degree from Idaho SState- tion with the larmer went to Elmeiler Martinez, a Rescesources employee and titwo up in Parleys thishis year," said • lirig the agreement to ci scussions with Elaine, Banlannock County Commissission Pocatello firefighighter. members em of Helicopter Captulu re A lan Clark, Wildlifelife Section cliief inarket rates, that wouldu I found thatIt sshe shares my con- cancandidate CaroLGunter andid for- ' T h en C hase,, clchairman of the Servijrvices died. for the Divisionon of W ildlife cems for both3th education and tlie mer 1S71.9 m illion, o r a S34.'S r ler state Rep. Beverly Bistlinline. H o u s e D em oi c ci r a t i c C a u c u s , T Tin lie helicopter diey w ere usitsing Resources. “The^ safetysal of those need for stro, '.savings over tlie 15 m onths rong rural economic It was the third seat Districrict 33 defeated Ron Fra'rasure in a runoff to> roundrc up moose clipped»d a involved in diesee captureca opera- . development,”it,” Kempthome said. Dem)emocrats have had to fill s:since election for Pocati:atello m ayor. pownver t line and crashed intoto a dons is our top prioririority.”

iTesting_ ==-:ReseEF y e S ______Gontlnuod from 81 ‘Tt’s a wayly ouri disttict is h.dp- A'lot A of times parents d o n ’t Continued from BII l ablie le to1 fill th at up,” 'Eyre said.1. ‘“If training in their^ th( skills, _Snd, i t i s up'j to th e parents p t ing kids,” Pe:Perrigot said. “It’s a kno':now where to turn to, Penjrrigot , Pocatello as par>art of the 1016th wea canc: get enough pebplp,, we.\ Reservists makei a commitment( action is tak<:aken if a great opport)rtunity for parents saidaid. This gives them an opp(iponu- Quartermasterir Company. Tlie coulcluld probably establish a fifull to stay in thet rc reserves' six te^ts positive forr drugs.dr w ho have cohcjhcems.” nity.lity. U.S. Arm y R esenlerves have hired a comiimpany rather than just5t a years,, training one weekend a ; ’5 No records are kept; tlie test is If parents >:s would like to take In In th e p a st th ree years, sixix peo- full-tim e personn tito watch over die detac:tachment. And we’ll also getg month and attencending a two- Jree and confidential, PcPerrigot advantage of)f t the testiilg, th e y can plie ie havei taken advantage of the fadlity, Eyre saidaid. He said one of all1 thetl equipment that commes , week summer camiamp each year, .•stressed. ' contact theirJir child’s principal, freeree testing. the full-time petjerson’s jobs is to 'vithth it.” i E y re said. ;C If tests come back positive,po; Perrigot said,id. School personnel , Doug D( Bailey, principalal at try to get three^e i new en listees a U.S. U-S Army reservists have; u\ p ------iihe school district proviovides a go to the sdic:l)ool to run the test. Burllurley High School, said theilere is monUi. to six si m onths’_active dut•tty, Times-News writerIter Sandu Miller '!Jist of places where studentsstu Parents arere informed of the no10 drugc testing‘'of any kiniind in “I’ve heard frofrom diree or four wliicilich includes nine weekss 6f- can be rcachcd at 735-3264735 or by c- : tan, get help for a drugug prob- results, I ' • ^ ia County. reservisjs who sa:said we should be basicisic training and advancic e d f7iai7 at stnillct^magiciasicvallcy.com. J e n i; R o g e rs isaid. M ostt p;parents. .... No criminalnai charges are filed — • ;V irh o .are-in terested in1 gigetting and no discipdpline from the dis- , Ti.Timcs-Ncws writer Shari Ch■haney jjhe test done are also interest-ini trict results frofrom the testing,. ancan be rcacHcd at the Mini-CcCassia . GQ i enerai will speak ; Ijjd,iij getting the studentent help;. “If a kid1 needsn some,help, Bunbureau a t 677-4042, Ext. lU10, or Mo]. Oon. Jomos8M.Cotlln3Jr.,52. IV Educaucation: Arkansas native holds Served three and a half)iaif years in > • .]iiey Ju st don’t know whort}rt iCommand locaicd in Arkank o n sas. Faycttoviiie, and Pacific ply officer, an adjutant,nl. ana opera- Scaitio, will bo thetrio guest speaker ot Luiheilheran University in Tacoma. Wasfish. ' tions officer and companipany common- Saturday's ceramcimony to reopen the d er. In 19B0, Collins loft active duly. ------AltrcdU.-SrArmyRy Rcservbfacllltyat------Accom ■ Zt'-- I ■' Joslin Field. Mogicigic Valloy Regional , -Inthotho signa] corps, military police, mmil- Com p Robinson, Aik.. HasKa; held a ' through Twinin Falls between 10 spedlecial displays and giveaw.ways Airport. iiaiyliiiy inlelllgence ond cjuartermasiei*fl* wide variety of reserve/e assignmentsas " .p jn -J a n y 2 6 .-S o m e , - a: t a a re r a bu sin esses...... ^ ------:------• — , brandahches of the Amiy.-He is-a-gradu-lu------including-steff-duty-with-irith-intejllgencer— '— ^ tl}iiipahe*fueled torch at: ththe cor- ‘ estimate that,It the tl relay, a p re liid e So So far, Hansen has comnim it* Military duties: CollinsCol is responsible ' atee of tho Army's Command and operations, ond traininglingresponsiblll-. r ;;5 jfr,o fB Iu e'L ak es a nd Pole’ole Line. , to the Feb.. 88 opening of the menents from a number of V^ IP for trio commondjid^ control, and mobi- . Gonerineral Staff College as well a s tholO ties. Assumed his dutiesIties as the 70th , : tfhe <6rch’,'donated byly Acme^ Olympic Wintinter GameS in.Salt guesiests,,including Idaho’s tU .S. , lizailon readiness■ss of soldiers Amiy'my War College. RSC commanding generanerai in August , ' jM anuf^turing Companyin y , w ill L a k e City, :ouldcoii bring as many . Rep.ep. ^Uke Simpson and SeSens. ■ assigned lo U.S.3. Army^ Reserve units / ■ 1 9 9 8 . viHtfn pontirjuously ifntUtU relay as 100,000 visit'isitors to lown. ■ , . • Larrarry .Craig and Mike-Cra;•apo, . throughout Idaho,10. Oregon and Baekgskground: Collins began his mill-li- -! Labor and some.i'of 0 the The.Twin p£ Falls relay commitf . IdahtI^o'Attorney .General Al Lai^ c e . Washington, He'sj'saisorosponsihiofor- .tatycily caree r with a commission os Chrinan Job: infomialidnm technology,lei - - . • - y> io p an e •'■.’was'' jlbna'tecte'd "by • tee has'annoui ounced th a t its* Ja n . aridid Sun Valley Compnp a n y USAR boso opferoltrallons ond facilities seconcond lieutenant In Juno 1971 froirom' m anager with Woyerhaeusoeuser Company . Suburban Propane of dn ;Falls. ; 26 party will111 include iriterai-' Gen«enertil Manager ' Wa i^ally Ih those stales.. • . theB R(Roservo Officer Training Corps.s. In Federal Way, Wash. • '.The rdal thing mil bei cicarried live activitieses for chUdren and . Huffiuffm an. - - __-i ./ \ _____■ • / __ ■' V . •______/ ■ . . . • .• . .•’r'T'V

"■ -r. '7 ^1'" .''V -",-'

• ...... :■■■■■ CM ■ ] ! ' ■' , r : ' ■ ■ li *' •' - ■Biisirusu^/cItor: Vtr^niaS.H vtdiin^. 733-Vm,m2^:733 "PagcB-4 . . F r i d aay, ’ January 4, 20022'^- ' ' ^ ■; 'T h e TTimcs-Ncwj;['j:_ i I Notes c ^es r e f f imm ______Mqgle Vt rcccnt total' statem ent,It. “These new 16an lim its \villviUfur- .Twfrfamlly-$18184,752 • • Feb. 1 3 -Workerker’s compensation and Walker, a Mini-CassiaI native,na gniduaied^^!' . i also beat the 13,064 siichich ads of th e r contriltrib u te to an even strongerrh h' o u s - .Thro’ - 1?M. ing market;et in 2002 and expand homeoneosm . . Fou^faffllly-$27277,512 StandJey of Obenchairlain Insurance. . . Brigham I Young Universitjrsity with a bache.-. — February w as 2 0 0 1 's only/'month mi of ership opp

Sounres; Tho Times-Nows''classirieds cli 2 ^ • : t m K deals wwith j: _____ sales manager DcijyJohnsoiison: Idaho _ ~Departmdnt-of Labor . • E—tenfe-ir times - K - S Knight RIddor fjfewa0W9 Service o. , BRIEFL'L Y ^ WB CHICAGO*^ TTht he b eef industiyr. j • . is no longer liviniving high off the.,/. inJ^oni^ f E Y ® •-> - Signs of a slowjwdown d are every* <■ where. Meatpackackers are idlitgg;^: G roup plans me J H .__ plants to re^ceuce inventorios.-^^ • R e s e rv a tio n s aat t 'iupscale steald^* 1 • IA Sun V alley J h ouses, o n c e a^ hot he commodity,"* ’. ■ a fe ’e a sie r’to fiiTdTndrB^fexport^' r -. Iixtermountain Section T h e ------fD lM 2 purcuiitt iIrr n -'ilni first nl n e ^ — ------IJtstiiute-of-Food-Techn — m nnths nf 7n mL-from-a.year.ago,4-. frr i-__ announced plans for its 3333rd annu- and the outlookok 1for the fourth • al m eeting - a three-dayy e fea- quarter is dismal.al. . : turing two half-day worksrkshops,- |H | Demand hass coc( o le d sw iftly , - ' symposiums, a wine ant the result of som;ome unexpected;-^;; brew reception, a five stata r b anquet - shocks since Septe:iptember. ; ; dinner with entcrtainmei a Sharp cutbackacks in business v ' • suppliers niglit.' 5 3 ^^^ and spendending since the " ------The-2002 cvcrtr,-“Inno%novation ...... ------^8 Cpb-l-l-terrorisrrisr attacks havo^r Food Technology - Prep£ for |B|||H ^hurt fine-diningIg e stab lish m en ts ' 2020," will be M arch 13-1: a t Sun that de^iend on1 out-of-townersou tp.', Valley Resort. fill tables. A t thle e samsi e tim e, cori-.,---. Thu technical worksh- sumers in Japan,an, the top over-, - -; • symposium.? are presei by seas buyer off UU.S. beef, are J - national and intcrnatiorional food avoiding red meatleat after the d is-' experts, organizers said. A ttendees covery of m a d cow:ow disease there. Z. include professionals wo: W' The double2 whammy» has.': — ^research-ilnd-dovclopmcnicnt^m anu------tak en a-toll o n catticattle prices,-Cash-i-‘:— facturing, management, i cattie prices, thatlat 1hit S72 a huh- • ing, quality assurance, mi ‘ ’ dredwei^it beforeb re'S ep t. 11 have •' and other areas. Organizelizers pitch ^ p lu n g ed $ 1 0 sinccince. The 14 per- rhc'cvenras‘a“place'for‘sr[Tmall^nd— ponr ,as-disrupted-the-^w—i big busine. of the holidays.s. ]The National gs about whipping up a . ; ion, ior “Espresso 501.” th ere w ho can ususeenlighterununt* ' Cofft by e-mail at craig.doan® offee A ssb 'd atio n f...... ' Catdemen’s Beefif AAssodation, for — [email protected] perfect doububie skinny latte, “We ‘ feel fortunate to be the and education or .com. I ori how to p re p a re M M illetto,i who first becar instance, promoteloted recipes f o r'- ' Bellissimcmo Coffee InfoGroup education ed company forr th is a cup of coffee,J, aand Bruce is d efi- interested ter in coTfe& m o re thar ^ h o lid ay ro a s ts on its Web site,'• has m ade a place[ for it-wlf in th e industiy,” ing owner Baice Millilletto nitely trying to i jcade ago as an importer a 0 readi those peo- ‘Jeca Jeople away from Tyson Foods aware)rdS nation’s spec)ecialty coffee industry said. sai pie,” Foley said,d. * tJien:en as a retailer, s a id th e bev turkey or ham. ;nd of training videos, K I a re n F o le y , e d ito r (rf the Bellissimo’s st(story is tied lo the. age’e itselfi is only partly respor onsi- T hese a re unusuaisual times forari • CEO $2.1 m illionI bbonus instructionn r m anuals a n d ad v ic e Portland-based Poi trade magagazine nation’s growinving fondness for e for tlie tre n d industry that had3d h been enjoying i CmCAGO - The on-off-tiff-on-again entrtpre>reneurs and corpora- Fresh Fr( Cup, said Millettq’s: stale-s espresso-based?d drin k s, a -tre n d Please see COFFEE.Pagege Bo a re su rg e n c e ina beef b( consump- ■" takeover drama that unfolfolded last tiy. In 1999, beef - ; year bet;veen Tyson Foods!d s Inc. a nd T j demand rose 3.3.3 p e rc e n t in th e '1 ; meatpacker IBP.Inc. has oi X United States; fnfro^ the year • beneficiary: Tyson C hief■E^e^cSdve E> - D U frgerKing i g bolsterss“many\w^akfra anchisee? before, th e firstc increaseini in two O fficer John Tyson. ler Nowa Sorvico______pet ■— decades. In 2000,0 , ddemand accel- ji- A year ago, Tyson agreeceed to buy percent of U.S. francliisees inindif- chisees tinderr fifinancial stress, erated 3.5 percent, IBP - w hidi h as M agic Valli • ficficulty. To fix the prob)blem said Mark Kalinilinowski, a restau- D i 2nt. The^indusiry I - ' calculates d em an d I for S3.2 billion, only to ca - B urdened by a dead- Burger Bui King is helping in wa;vays it rant industry■y analyst with. B u r ^ r K i n g n d by taking into ; ation of rapid growth ha: account consumptiaption rate? and ; less than three months lateaterinUte ' has never done before,’ ranjinging , ■ Salomon Smithi.Bamey. .B .gV Ig salesm an u n p re c e - froi a r o u n d • -V retail prices adjusljusted for infla^.o.: W ilke of an investigadon o from multimillion-doUar loarans to “Ultimately,y, if your fran- P* the worlt S t d n L rvum perofr0 st$u/an($: tion. cial irregularities at IBP’s C imber o^Burger King negodating net with tlie franchislisee’s ‘ chisees don’t hahave flexibility it ■ Tlie robust econoionomy of the late ■ > • based DFG Foods subsidia s ar& struggling finan- lenders. len drags down; the system,” --(ntl In th e United S ta te s 1990s h a d m u ch to sued, and judge ordered “It’s a critical problem for)rus,” Kalinowski saidlid. “You have to eeg h to do w th thec.u; ■ •ed Tyson Vo„ of th upsvtring. C onsumm ciers w ith fa tte r -;;^: Foods to go ahead w idi tlie i the fast-food chain’s saisaid Den Hirst, Burger KiiCing’s spend tipie helielping your fran- W Company ' wallels were willir Now, this week, Tyson . tivelarge.,tf:t franchisees have chisees g et backb: on their fe e t illing;to pay for '-w.. more expensive c revealed it gave its diief ex '““ ll dracucullies. More than ' rather tharlan dojng other ■e cuts of m eat, v5: , a dozen francinchisees, predomi-. 7 7 ..,... mg . — and tliey ate outIt mmore frequent- a larger bonus llian th e coii ksv srem ’s. tlMesthatneneed to b e done.” ' V ^ V ~ 7 . 7 0 ( 11^ ? n an tly sm all ’ (x/e/U ofthe B u r^r King, [ ly, often at steakhotdiouses. ' ccflnpensation guidelines all operators, have - The roott ofo tile problem: ' ownedb] filed for ban u l, At the same timtin e , ra n c h e rs'., rv'; fof, awarding him a S2.1 lankruptcy protec- f mm ^ iu n a l struggles is worse^ethan simple ecomonomics and five franchEst tion in th e pa a n d m eatp ack erss joijoined forces to .^‘-■.•• !)onus last year, w h i^is S p ast two years. declining sales. ^ - e p r kking, i which has OUythinking the chain has faced in - create beef produ lion more than he ■ . M e s : " e tfrancliisees even lutside the UnitedStatBS-— - o d u c ts th a t are-',;;;^-; • IS in th e M a g ic ■:------^------easier and quicker:ker to prepare, ' • under Tyson Foods’ guidelJMnesfor "'’f,™ ''’"' " more is B u rg e r K in g ’s 1I |K f 0 3 3 ^ s u d i as microwaveal senior executives, accordinj dmates that.about . requirement thatth they .invest ComCompany ^ ^ veable p ot roasts ^ I [ and precooked £ company’s.proxy statemei I of-its U.S. franchise excexecutive vice president:t and money to upgrajrade resiaurant iv n e d • d ground-beef."^;; crum bles. T h ey als< \vith the Securities and “ISEx iresenting iibout 1,500 . gerg e n e ra l c o u n se l. “ If w e don’t di kitchens, drive-th:-througli lines a n d also highlighie(l,-;^y , Exchaj g e ____ resta«caiU!LaiLnr. - th e situation und{id^'control- ...... ■' other fast-focfood operator exc^t ■ shoshould typically* h a v e no m ni ore. JSM3KRT...... — ■■ ■■■•...... c r a s h in g h a l f-ori. on Sepf. li; Complied frofn staff and wfrewre reporte ;.Taco Bell, which w has-about 25 , _ thaithan about 5 percent of its:fran fi - Please seise e CRISIS, Page B5 ____ ‘ Please see BEEF, Page B5 ' ’ ’ Friday,JlJ>mi^4,2002 TliM»N«fn,TwlnTwhFilli,ldiho .M M16key 3ank keeps:I rates unchalanged T e c hsto : c k si rally 0 1•n In tel1 o p timfusm

■--NEW YORK'(AP)-A• An ana* ■' i • ~ ^ T 1 competitor Applied A Micro di ' luring ’ launcch of euro cacash ------.3^1 ’ lysC*5 'buUish commentsfits about Jani 3,20923, ' ------Devices rose $$22.98, or lff.2 per- FRANKFURT, FR Cerm M y (A(/ P ) g o n e u p h e r e a n d th e r e .” ' ‘ | ' . Intel sent tech stockss slsharply _ ; __ __ cent, to $19.377.. Software maker - EujEuropean Union officials insnsist', : But "we also0 h a v e s p e c i f i c / v7:'higfier Thursday as WflUfill Street “ N HW ,000______.OraclejilsQ..ad\ idvanced, gaining. _ .eLlhursday.that-the-euri d j i r o l s ------exam ples-to-the-cle-contrary,—ho'.'y:—‘-i *.-^ew more op'Hmstic'abcabout the < ” ■ _ $I.31,or9.4 percsrcent, to $1529. . -debu;but had no general effectct on. said, citing supejperm arkets in ! a maiket ------■;------GStERsmolSr:6re '^ e d 71 cents Tpnceices despite com plaints Busi^bi (iermany ana ureeireec^that have , • •:—recovery..^— _ ____ . -to $49.35, whillUe Ford rose 51-; -ness< are exploiting consumeTiers’- - l o w e r e d p r ic e s biyas-much-as2 y a: d r~ !— —^Analysts'-said-investorstJTS-inter* ------I cents to $16.73t,, aafter Bolh compa- unfaiSamiliaritywiih thenew cCW-* 3 p e rc e n t. preted the as anothei ------2,. 0000( ., I ■ nies said 2001 wiwould probably be rencjn e y . ' “This roundingng downi doesn’t ' a-tech'tumaround h^d bi 0 froni provfeus fre?n iheirsecond-bestest-sales year-ever, The Th European C entral BaSank indicate that.ina generalg( prices i despite economic data th:thatsug* • although sales felfell from 2000. ^diid its part Thursday to keeppthe t have gone down,” hh( e s a i d “I t in d i- ----— ------l.H gested that business oveoveraUis ^ |600 But die enthus^ a s n came at the chanlangeover smooth, leavingig its cates that there:e a r e i n c i d e n t s ■: ~ StiU'weak.- The broader-rir-market ______expense of sbni>me other sectors. keysy interesti rate unchangedd Ifor where some prices:::es have gone up i eboipoved-hl^iovividi-th iirmacfemiidi and— me Fi dozen countries using! I t h e . a n d s o m e " ^ c e s hhaw a v e g o n e d o w a ’’ . ; \ Jones Industrie achieviniving th ^ ^arch110.2000 10 OCT. NOVNOV, DEC. JAN. consumer goods.ds.-Merck.dropped new!W (cu rren c y . Overall, he saida id t h e i i c o u n - ; . best finish in four monthil i ______73 to $59.03, whilew Procter & ' mW hile Europeans have ^eeticted tries ysing the eurojuro have report- ■ , The Dow closed up 98,. 74, or ‘ : AP . Gamble feU 777 cents> to $79.23. diee newn euro notes and coins5 tldiis ed “no gen^imcnpact pa o n p ric e s .^ ! , nearly LO perc^t, at 10,;,17114 , "Whenever;er you can get a story thehe stock because of whailat he sectors areire considered sta- weeksek with general, enthusiasasm, . With attentionn fooisedfo on the ! ; -its strongest performancenee since that’s positiveVC for technology, it’s belileliem are improving-busijsiness ble, low-risk inveivestments in times thqr,e y also have com plained bittitter* ■ launch of euroaro cash, the ;. . Aug. 28, when the indexc d(dosed at going to move5ve that sector,” said . comusndidons. That assessmentt gave| economic uncertainty,ur but ly ababout basic item s that hahave European Centralral Bank left its • . 10,222.03. Barry Hymanan, chief market WaiATaU Street a reason to beielieve when businessis is growing and die suddid d e n ly be co m e m o r e p x p e nl a v e •, k e y i n t e r e s t r a tte e tunchanged, a !. !•- The technology*fo•focused strategist atJit:EhrehIa^t2-Kirig— thathat-znomentUnLinlfiht-beret etum* economy prospp they are some- by’ 110( percent or so: a breakfikfast decision that hadlad been widely : • 1—Nasdaq-composite-indexIcjrfared— -NiBsbaximT'l'."Eitel is a large-cap _ mgnglo the bde^uered”tech d as unneeessarUy CfoiSoissant-in-Brussels,-a -glass e x p e c te d : even better, gaining 65.,02, or 3 3 . leader in thele sector{ Md it needs ^or, r , which has stagnated foror the ' conservative choilioiccs. beer:er in Germany, or a churiirros Many expect it tot reduce the > percent, to 2 ,044.27. The to participateIte for there to be a lastast year on a mix of terrrrible Investors shshrugged off a andhid h o t c h o co la te in S p a in . cost of borrowingg furtherfu in com- ; Standard & Poor’s 500)0 index,i recovery.” •_ eaniarnings and anemic demmand . reminder of^hqw)w WMk dipMono- _ DelDeluged with com plaints abtbout ing months, but recmtjxjmments.;:rea -- another broader market« ihdica*'i ~ Investors bid.Intel.up.$bi( 2.S2,,br___fronram.struggling corporations.-s.------my-remmris-an'd-Vd-how-potentially------priceice^hikes-accom pan^ngt[ the from E’CB Presresident Wim- ; tor, adva'nced'lOrSO, orr Oi0. 9"per- 7.6 percent, to $35.52 after a J.P. The Tl resulting buying sprpread fragile consumerler spending might euro’iro’s debut at the start ofP tthe Duisenberg suggeste s t iti w ill w a it f o r '■ cent, to 1,165.27. Morgan anal]alyst recommended, acrcicross technology stocks. IIntel be, year,ar, European U nion officiicials more data on EuroEurope’s'sluggish :; insistsisted such cases w ere isolatlated economy before movm o v in g a g a in , andid Awere not the single currtrre n - , T h e n a tio n s a ddopting-die o p euro • Beef • cy’s’s fifaulty • are: Austria, Belgiiilgium, Finland, : GeGerassimos Thomas, a France, Germannanyr-Greece, :. Continued from B4 rfteakhouses,es, said in early "bee)eef producers because JaJapan • shouldn't-punishish American beeJ fpokiokesman for the EU’s exe(;ecu- Ireland, Italy,, L u x e m b o u r g , • Restaurants and other foifood-ser- December thatth( sales at restau- accticcounts for nearly half ofofthe for something thatth went on with tive'e Commission,( adm itted thehere Netherlands, Port’o r t u g a l , S p a i n . ' »...... • -vico^venues, which accoucount for rants open-ar^ar least a year, a key cou,ountry’s beef exporrs.-E•Even -Japanese beef.” ■ is “anecdotal evidence—ththat - Those staying out'out are Britain, : - i about 40 percent of all be opo p^ e ra tin g p r o fit ' ■■-T-celedgjps-to th^Qty. _ — ptcmbetyleading^to a -^ trycy iis^ttingiogethennarketeting^—rothersr-A-comp; rpany^spokesman------ing-^g-^vayno-help-theye'fraran"^"^— f e i r i 2 ‘p e r c e n r iorabouiSZSS'm a l> il-™ :'^ ~ “We had a September'tK•‘that'vras ^crisis”in consuisum'ef confidence in matilaterials to educate .Tapananese ___said IBP, a uniiL • p r/

Kim.: mv Lu i Chg CnrCtf*r .. 11.49 ..49 Mngpni 40.80-1.1 0-1.06 STUcto 34* 1531 *1.91 N«nw ca* Utl Chfl Ennunk ... 12J9fl_.40. U .tnpB __ 2J5_.34/f5in5l! ___ - 9.41-1.41 • ___ ■»70n----- =—C0S-I3T Edosiv— .9 -.Jfl U»BorO^Cn2.76.t^ IMBEI!3Wil|l IJO U37 *.40 ,. 69.65 UucMgl------MpffrtCTiyEitirwr®wij3 r r ? r 43* U58 I.m ' fST.ActjyE a v m^.ACTIVE j ( R « mor8) adct«iI . 536 *36 aiSlne - IJO« ..J4 UcLMd I 3 3 -3 4 SnutFKfTTi» ., -] s I S 4*a.ij Meottt------314243Ji: -5= = — AESte-----—:iia-^28. -Sm Lw —30f-Jl.96—.81- -N«m« ^-V0l(D0?-U»-Cha- J— ..^31J0.1J4- ElKtSel----- JmwlSBo-'r.-. -15M-..25------VLACi JO 23.U -2 t OPL W M 24,73 ».17 jm o g ITt7.0«*rj1.137 s a ^ n .64 W.63-1J7 6MCC ltd _ 19J4.145 EloetiAnj. ... 60 9614 .46 ■ UcOiUAn _ J031067 MCCp 509403 t6.S9 NoMllOI100Tf833042 41.50 +U 9 imoi 695067 35.52 +2.52 *TlT«ehh _U15.10.1.92 Efll _ '2X5J.3.130 IMlmun ... 47.17.103 Son>»ioncMM '... 4 45 .06 CWE T.68 t « 19&5 -.14 L«vCO>p _ 38.81*1:\ * l f Scf*Tti ,75 53,46 .,05 Kmart . ... 31.66-1.14 Emuloi . ... *390.0.134 UMvn ... 1723 -.11 AOLTW 31Ja ..c r DMC 2.08O 108o 44.40 ..92 LMgPUl .46 22.71 *, mart 34M09 4.09 -,65 SPOH=1 153885118.04 +1.31 Cisco 670097 20.76 +1.53 incWal ... tSlI .a s ' Setrnb 34 H 35.IJ9 Tycolr ASALW .eo» HBO .10 D*rten .06 3803.1.00 Uhmih .a C6.46.I.' rtOind 336742 54.08 -2.27 SomlHTKTr 49639 47.16 +3.56 PoroQmoT>o 606071 9.27* .5.24 ?7T ;1^•0X ‘:ia?3?*2.« SonujfjoruTiO ... 4.S* ..20. AUTr* -IS ia « -.04 DoVfy ., 27.99 -.40 U<»W ,05 45.4fff . -J X Scl*a»nf» .04 2031*125 a n iT ” a OLTW 296670 31,56 -,02 SP.Tod-Ddi V 27511 25.68 +1,08 OrncJo 750270 .15.29 +1.31 AcP« ... 6.70 -Ofl EpOMny 6.43J -33 . UmAIr - 6.70 .30 SouMrtouffanl* .56 24 14 -02 ATTW/lt _ U.44 * 02 DtsnFooOlS -.. 85 92 -3.46. UimiA ,„ 81.17.1,.'♦142 U n . .82 4734 .04 HoTibti B ... 2635 - 07 6rle»fiT.( ,05« 5.9J13 .,43 ■ MmrCFD ... ' 41 -02 . ^ WLU' ' .84 U.«9 «.0S OtIeNA .28 .29 1401 ..24 LbfyU* ._ 14.41 oVibln 2/0066 10,01 -1,36 Naborsrs , 26130 32.10 -.93 SunMiaoao 546831 1342 *,38 Ipwehm _ t4,t4.t39 AtwFBC .. 2808 OMlAlf ,10 30.95*1.74 L*y£l IJll 77.68 -.1 S«COO. ... 2538 -.Ot t ... I53I f3l Ei*x - 2331.1■t.1.63 Ucnl _ 2832.2.13 1 loi SwrpfJEnl.OO 24,76 -31 T ’ (R ;h ... 32.15 .30 EirtndSyi _ 741 < ... i6i6-.bi' .’ ^ AUO _ IOJ7«Lg8 0«at39 2.03 21,90 .38 UmW JO 15.51 .1 \ Gw n m s G3«NERSa (« WWMj''' r CAlh«NEBS(!3(.«»ij; SSg"I , .05 3306.1.24 _ 1539.1 A«tna .04 M.76 -.74 0«E29 1J1 IJl 2485 -.05 UncNU .944 48065 .,78. ..1 S.«C<. 530 -03 ■ - aimcu* ... Jo 42 .31 AgSvn - IlM *.M DnitTd M£C« e 17.77 ..26 Unciur ■'* <9.70 »m9 U>t Chg %Chg tomaI U » t' Chg %Chg Nama t ,„ 31.50 -.13 FSKttw _ 2436.36.179 UeSMniB _ 12-42.3-14 &«**• t ^ n . _ SM .,18 OH. ,.-ta.-ta 17.40 *.02 U:Cla8.- ,4J Jt.lO.t.;.115 ^'-20 • « = 2 2 . — I.*" i S S fnl i _.-1730.l.47 7 *.99{ M23.2.t» SCDpjfiDpj,------,1t3B-..1o' SfWTrtn.38; 28.00-».9i: vlBlhSl5lhSttii-.:.;2.72 ; + .7 t ,+395 KBKCaf:ap-J. -..ZOO . :v.40 :. *25.0 OnSmcndaid ...3 i0 .1^5 *£5.6 4 *04 Wcr«7>l..- _U2SJB*13Q- AgDwt JUBilJS' Bmrt{p-.48-,48 -35,65--.23- U w n » - ,60 94.65--J 9 ..17 lUPhM .. 23.74 -.60 MftWwrt -L“ 630-.'40 J l 22,12 *.07 Uxtiso .. 289; .35-t «hopK8 _ 936 *46 CwnCC«mCorH 3.90 .,80,. *25,8 EZEMAIA 7.50 +1.50 *25.0 MoCChmim 2,2t) *.60 +37.5 {22?.’'*’»■ _'l0,Mil39 >■1.12 &WPk -60 15.66 ..46 MEMO -. 07,63 .,15 FlnliW _ 12J6.16.t4 i iJtMttft) ... .00 -02 stnlarantflW - 634 .4 3 '.. » !;ss;s sa .13 15,40 -,20 l0wet* .06 44J5-I.' EMC ’4.10 *.65 *18.6 MSEMOK 0 2 7,75 +,95 +14.0 EplMfSflSft 2.06 .56 i37J J S 16.75 . 65 .. 42,!0 • ABM*. ... 30JO.I.CO DmHlOWJJI*X2I« -19.9t *.18 lumni ._ I6J3 *35 86cnOpA' _ 244 *J1 AMOHO 19^7 *iS6 +18i SaUNPfl wnUoo --. 13 42 . 36 Abcmn .78 31.48 ..04 Oo«crm tJ4l1341 3544*tJ5 ■PHn 4.81 +.51 +11.9 Sdl/nCp:p 2.S9 4,70 +37,0 AumaJTn•n < ,610 ..23 FWilm _ 27.Jl.i J2SS°" - S>7«n« .72 3130 ..40 SIMSCB«3Sd 4.05. *.M *17.4 TBAEnii!nir 3,94 +.39 +11,0 Snowballsalls 6,11 .l.or +35.8 ... 663 O l Four .., I.M0 . • 02 NMIO _ 1101.136 Syeim.lycimn - • 535 . J l ’ AKiM .4)t OuPom t,401,40 4405.1,13 Smmin .,. 50 95 .37 ______u22.68.llj Fwftdfy _ 9J09 *45 < N«*gf1tr _ 1614-136- ..a.,., Meet .80 M.I4 «.44 OiMEgyll.lOi1,10 3935 -.«« MBNA' Jfl 35.71 I ... 22 92 . 83 FwoMW •.•. 24.5013 .36 . WSemnn _u24.85.2.10 (rtmLni - 2339.1.71 A^jEnn 1,72 33.« -.M Ortwn _ lUS ^90 MOU .92 27,66I .IS-.1 S06 !' , LLw eR S _ ’ X p ,' LOSIOSEflS(«o««M)' 3 .33 NttwkAp _ 2639.11t Srmcrrrw _ ,., ASgrgin' J8 70.73^U OrwgV -30JO 25J8 .,63 Magntio 136 6508.1,11.132 Saieatnun ,.u29.90 .35 „ ‘ 5 _ 2434.249 .07 933 « IIDB - • U«t Chg %Chg tomeI U «t Ctig %Chg MairiB _ 11.80 .,94 frniCMn ... .111 -00 - H»twlUUe _ eJrcocyn«wy' ....5455 -31 ■ Atgla 2i,tS -i3 Etn& _ 11.10 .30 MaiwC«o .. 22M I -,1 -.12 WutU 34 d930-335 ------Chg SCh„ H ... »!1 .87 FuolC«»l 17.79t .,15• HtwitPt _ d39 -.79 Aftnfn ' J i 43.7S -X EUCC? tJ4ttJ4ftflJ8«l,79 Utng«B ,46 20,19 IIYCmt,) 84 23 84 . 77 THO •AJtUH .78 32.S8'..81 EKoCak 1.8011.601 29 37 -*,08- ,82 2936 -: 6ouWiCo»rj4 25.14 -36 SoluUa)Wa 9,00 -3.SS -28J3 jfrpRScvICM 3,45 -.90 .20,7 Poroflffio10 927 -524 .-36,1 ASoii I SrttAki* .02 1801 .66 FairlSCiirlsc8 47.71-14.24. -23.0 Slngir^W•gMn 20.02 -2.68 - l t ,6 EdonBlon0 n, 3.63 -1S4 -28,7 ,.. 5434-206 H H Ntwpert 32 2335.3.18 TMPV^ «*l IM 62.50 -.01. Eeolaa .MI.W 40J2 .39 MiilntA- .28 4031 ♦: _ 18.11.132 0«niUr' .. .23,46-36-236 H..tC« ... .55.02 AjnXxt . 37»l.n EcMonM ,.,,., 154J rtC U«f>Ma.2,12 104.50-1.(1-1.68 SiMtnSS 23S 30,il -.15 Kmorlman 4.09 -.65 -13.7 OhJoArtJt 25,75 .-025 - 11,2 OfltaTrokIk 2.40 -C9 -22,3 (kiTwO .- 17,47 .32 '. ' Etfnyih 84 B ,., 44J5 .26 OlUolc - .469 ..06 « ... 11.67 .32 T»ktT. SOTE0tl_J0.JSJ3.iD2. Jte^F"unFpi, 1080 .2,60 -11.6 EclicanBJiEn ___1 £ 0 ^ a __ =LS JaamMcDQteflo 3.20 , .-,7a^!LQ. ,/WeO__.,, .J6. GcQ>fe____CmilIil37_ Jf*llAli1_j_^17JM.*lJ0.. .T»OiA«i»OiAmw— .37-.,t0------AUovftfl ,09 20.02 *,M EIPtMCp .BS ‘ ScmPCS 24J4 -4t HalWilrilWiin , 10.91 -1,38 - 11,1 ImplntSc 4 .35 IMWrlB 133 -.12 , AmWul • - 4.18 *J3 Elan ■ :Sc 12,40' .,91 -«.6 SpOCMol“I '-2’ - « -'OO •lUb( _ 14.76 .32 AEP Z40 4364 -J i EOS .60ii S S iS » z s s I 'SWPae 32 24.42 ..22 Jl ^ 4S4g;3.82 Otflllv* Zu217t.3t.J.12 NortO _ 530 .30 .70 2389 -.46 UulOf . .. 8.72: ,J2 sanmv .96 44.07 *.99 • ,. 1339.1 J3 Cthtymsi ,„ 54.29-:J-2.19 Kovlu* _ THItetn•IDvtnn _ 436 .3* AffiEfl) J2 36.45 .,57 Eft«»n .70 ,'.~DiA|RV^ L y ,' ’ D iary puHr ; ,-. A*?p=in^iry _ JO ..02 O»ow}>kj 1.02: .31 . NyWUib _ u71.71.441 AHomeP .82 81.46 -.13 E m -^ .92.92 18.41 ..23 UarOS ,94-38.01 , -.4 -.47 sawsttl ,441 52.80 .,79 1 -34 OMSrtn - 7J3 .32 '•'»»»DOycn ... 686 - 04 ' __ /yiWOp .17 76M.-.I7 Jai361 .84 ..01 U s ^ .72 31.17 »A hranood ^ . 2.113 A«vary»eed 465 Advancod _ 734 .39 OlUlStt _ 5.13 - i~ tX ' -----«_lB33_»3a. -OocSM ^ ------:------.2.28^_ ------.-3.97-..J2- iUMdt------M-M-J»-J6»- Oa»#rA------WS8-I-60- Tem.- -nO-22.T9--3<- MeOnia - - J 3t-^,T9-«3, . 7 Sl>»«F .04 27.60 .36, OoeinwJi«J------“ 250 OocCSoa”d 1.345 AKsmiilSIS ... 434 .13 CCilSo ... 20 09) .,15 . 04limn _u14,70 .,97 AmWlf, .04 42^00 tJO EnlWy* _ 10J2.1J2 MeKsuen .54 3735 -.1 tcftanood ^ 177 Unchdng Com ,., 6 72 ..23 , AmirtMi- .. 00.41 »J9 Ertwjy 1J2I1321 39.40 -.40 Utomc S3 49.51 -,4 SHimn -.60 1135 . 02 ingod. 103 Unehangod>flod 707 AtiT>»f ... 43II0.I.34 QllMtptn - 1733.11.132 OnSmend _ 330.1J5 ilallssues 3,345 TotslbJiUU69 818 l^lallssuo!,uoa • 4,3i6 ^ .. 830 .37 KNCSefl ... 18,74I -.47 - Op«r«w»S,. _ 1038 *36 TlbeoSlIbeoSn , 1533.1,10 AjnwliBfO.Wo flt.70-1.15 En»6fe tt OMon 25.50 ..9S M«ConFnc;48m 36.40I ..6 .6 SuePpp. 2J5I 2635 ..DO ,.. 50d2.1.22 Hndlpig ,.. 627 - AjTiSoutn ,881 19.00 .,15 CWInn ...,., 7.01 ..00- M«rck 1.40 59.03' -,7 SirtJFng .48 20.84 .,19 iwHlghj t02 NowHlflfflflKs ■ 23 NowHiflhs3hs 107 1 3 . _ Htrmonlc - 1236J ..M . CnS**'* I t5J9*1JI eMmsD ... 1035 . 69 - Araa* M 13.65-1.40 EQWT 2.002.00 30.45 ..29 U«nSlKip.04m 14.45 ..S iwLow* 14 NawLowowj 3 NowLowa AruleoDtv _ 47.66 *UI EMcLdr JOJO 3238 .J4 M«rra.)t< .64 ... 29.98 .,73 It OEASyiI _, 1730.131 HiSW^s ... 4.155 ^ l>«rturf _ul8J6.2.77 TWT.kWT.1C ... 18 50 . « , ,:i3 SprtXTt ... 18.80 ..86 ilunw______1,704,343,280 Volumo0 . 146.217,710 Volumo______1 2,l<3,372.000 ... 2.4J i.lt HS«».n ,., 37.31 - IVolncn _ 6.15 -3* AAhtuv .721 4»72 «,12 E>»ton 1.691.69 4840 -.06 JO 31,18 .,1 ... 33 68 .29 ItoUOM .. 10.34 - AonCorp .n 35.57 .07 EioanMl .92.92 ^.86 ..06 MUM 240118.75 -3-J9. iy«M ..361 2a.41’-.11 mSfA _ 1031-134 ■■ Acocht .4*-47.SI-l.04‘ FMCCp* .„.,. 34,19.1,12 U iv t ... 15.75 -6 DlndV* • 236 ..JS Hu«iG«n - 32.40) -39 - TmSitA TJX ,te 3699 -.64 ... 5440 1.11 .. 567’r-.05 . PUCSr* J5.00.J.t4 nunwu _ 2.60 .30 Actm 3,12 45.88 . 62 FHCTBin -, t7,C0 .,50 Moranio ,46 31,60-IJ Tnw .70m 37.11 ..14 Domtit .00 M.14 -,M in ^ n ,- ^8.61I .3 . t P»xa; 120J 65 40 . 05 ' ’ ApiXDk) .17 34M-1.94 FPLGP Z24Z2* 56 60 -J5 UsftP« ,...5.70 -,0 I -62 PKS«n _ 2135.1,49 TmSwtimSwtc _ 530 .30 ArtftOM JOf 14.02 -,t5 FHrtM* J3J' f 47.71 - MONYOo ,45 J4 32 .07 -. « 1636.1.10 52-Wm Ic Not % YTD 52.wl( High Low MamB______•n 3,10 ij7 IDECl I 63.»4-4l*«1 , P j ^ r . ... 16 55 . 47 TrvW,rvWr ... 27.44 ..Ifl AOuAlr - 18« *,85 14J4 Mo>tSUn .92 56 62.1..1,60 Tujel ,22 41.15 .,15 ____ !!! ______- Chg • J Chg SChii %Cho g S S m " ' _ 47.70.126 lAjUVftt .. .13 . AutoOiU .4415660 >,03 FtlnhUS .-U29.10*I3J i Molofou .18 15.90•M . TtkWiu _ 25.88 ..06 11.350. tuOGV ... 3634.I.M AuteZsn* .. 6145-4.U' F«nr>*Cp 52J8.138 r 36.73.1,00 412 ... 1006 -.12 Imww. 27.26 - AAla .46 1179 . F«dSM .78 22.14 .,05 NRQE/w - 15.86 -,5 4I2.4B’ 270.26 OowJoftOSUlllUw» 296.22 -1,52 -.51 • .,78 -16.05 t ..U15J5.1.01; I'’*''*'*! ••• I8 60! - - l l pJSwofl *!l! 4199.230 UMUffl _ 1534-233 Awn • ,78 4580 *J8 F»drt«, -. 4028 -.18 im.lne - .90 .36 .3 Tm i HS .... 6000 . 80 667667.71 • 494,03 NYSECompOSlIB 582.63 .2.09 . - 3) *.0e NsuCllY M6 29J4 -.0 +,35 .,48 -9.12 COWCpI I ... 55.10*255 WoSpe* _ 2J9 ♦ SOned - 734 *J9 ' OJSi . 29.49 -.68 Rnovi -•W TOT-,18 ' ..U -3.19 CHGi .. 1.61 .06 lnlo>mat ... 13 241 . s x r : OJ»Whl* _ 40A1.U* FuOsla ,08 77,9S *.10 HlS««nl _ 34J9.23 I ..66‘ Piur .3 3 3 4 - 3 9 ^SA»(hSA»(h. ... 27,0 -.39 • BHCsn _ 16.10*140 nniEnay iJOIJO 35 00 -,12 N4vtitt> ,.. 39.30 .,1 Tt.v« 30 36.57 . 61 2,002,092J0 1.387.06 NaMoqCompojIloJ ' 2,044.27 .65.02 +3.29 +: .4 SI -20.36 '... 835 .26 Wne«nl _. . 7J9 .. TtilnU 39 30,70.136 1 383 e _ 6634.439 iMOSoln ... 1601-05 - PUnvSy -22J1.136 UTSlroiTSiron _ 11.15*2.19 BPPLC 1,4J« 46.07 *.02 Fl»*lfloo 1.401.401 35.80 .. Nvnrtinut) .84 2733 tO .36337 044,75 S&P500 t.l65.?7 +10.60 +,02 - .I.M -12,61 • 4.92 -Jfl lnwn#1n ... 9.65I -,I6 -, Polyeom _ 38.11.1,94 QiluMtf .48 J4J2 -,74 n»mrg .08,06 16 80 .,11 NowmlM ,12 19.(MV0V08 ThsmoEl 2.521 24.01 .31 ' gig519.89 373.62 Ru3Mll2000 +1.71 ..14] +3 64 CpilnTft) 1 _ 5.16 -3S IntgClrCfl -.U25.07.1, nUylTe _ dl30 -39 EUrIm . tJtU 35.05 * 47 Focilociv .. 15 60 ..09 KiSoue* 1,18 23.71 .2 ’.135 Polym- - 1630.134 ♦20 n tn , ,18 3232.1,15 i?,710.,710.22 0,07324 WlHhlfaSOOO .. 1585fi'cL_±'^'“ __ t.25____tl.3!) -11.IB CuiroO____.... 072 ... InlBOv____- PomSR .. 2 07 . 02 USEtvSEtv ... 442 .02 — Eani**—w"3SMTor fcnu— ^^eom-60m-16.7J-r8t- 'NagMM-----r?vlM8-»6- '» • TSjmj------r - i o r c m r t— ■— ____ *' :»232- MrweV --_" TTTST; - 79.45 -,4S KJkQ .44 sa.50 -4 rotojli _ 2036.1iB. , DliolAm 2401 8289 -.07 Fo<*»lli>i 7.^ T/traocn .12 31.60 - 69 C«sMi ~ 73 21 ..51 Wxteftd ... 2 27■ *02 - PrKSrtn _ 23.90 .2.65 ■ Disy ' - .72 41,90 *.tl FotuneOf 1,00(I30< 3015 .^19. I40MCK — 32.76 .J c«pr>oU 435 -04 lnl*rUur>* -. 40.65^.1-439 tnxongn ... 592 <07 US'ntrwSHtlftWw- -32 .32 • - 0»nJ • ■ .84 58.71 -2J0 •«30 05.76..,23 NokU^ J5t 28,80*13*133 TinirO ... 4900.1.01 H H cninCm ... 16 52 -Ofl InlFlbcm — J6. -34 -. PnHW .,31,41 -.46 OimNM ._ 29.10 -.05 FMCO(fln,75«,t75«, 655 - NWdNT Jfl 20.81 ♦.70 .,7i TrttonPCS -(0630-145 Y T tr^ . . 2810 *66 'I'TKCjB .. 132' .06 . PmDuji .. 3059 -80 (UnttiO J2 16,58 *Jt Hotfuao j4 * 1 ^ JW«Hhn 35 1615 ♦JS N,™ I»'_ 41.17.235 WtntS»c - 34.C-.2...2.73 PnftPiO .... 1J7 .04 ■ ■ DulWI M t 52.56 -i4 ‘ » • DIv. PE U»1 Chn • ' • %Chg Nam» . DIv PEE U it CtiB %cl^ fiyp'"'* • 1,24 33,15.1,10 NoOoiflr 3.U 39.62 .«;;S T)tOlnll 35 54.88-2J7 ------,. 4399 .12 Wotrwff ,..Ut2,50 ., Unw J8 15M ..12 D«*rSr -, ,60 59.60.1J4 OATX 1.24 rtw .76 30 31,49’ -J58 ScoilPw 't.7lo ... 21.99 ..IG +1,3 CUfliCp ,„ 15.M .09 :.ii? - ^94*^^ . D»oOc* Mt 02JI -.98 0 « .n.09 14.45 .35 H»*NO 1J6( 26.23 ..M 0: TffW .16 11,50 ^,22 .,66 Ou*«Sm. „. 2.70 . 70 VwUnSuUnS 3935.335 BolSOUh .78 40.00 *,70 0»t»r»y _.. 9.19 *.T8 No«N*t32».36.83-tJ-tJ7 UAL • _ H71«131 rCfti ,„ 57 24,61 *,G0 - 1.8 Saiuioni ,53 1717 20,40 ..25 .2,0 ^ Z J076.1S1 WuS ... 4t.01 -53 - QdnbM ... 516 -.77 v«t8on Dait^ 72.90 ..80 Oonentacn ..- 52.60-135 Wrtlwt .64 10.94 -.0 UCI ,. 13,85 .J9 ApnCwpCorp. .90 46 35,57 +,07 +.1 SkyWoJt .08 27‘7 25,44 *.M ... & : 23 49 . 84 InVltlon .. 2736-1,-1,63 nFHUO _ 22.76.233 )t8V' ^ 3^.34 -.72 to r t^ 1.12 32.99 -.16 1.12 6130 *99 OcelPM 1.00 2939 -,i:T n USA Educ 3«. 8030-2J0 BKOfAmlAm, 2.401 16 62.69 .-,07 . -.1 Toiadyn ,„ 3J.48 . 2.73 *11.1 Cwlrtfti MOI -48 HWVl -.. 50M-J-J.79 RSASWI _ 16.75 .3ft V«fl»lt»irltltyn . _U1935 ..95 - .72! 40.ar-J4 OosnEjy ;16 t7,B3 -.7: 42-»8 Rimbu* . ._ 636 *34 verUl Bo»M , !66 M.7J l!65 0«Hotf • 2.002.00 4935 *,71 OlicOW _ 17-66 .;i2 -.1: viUSO .021 6.06 -.01 W»«CtC .60 „. 34.18 *,37 .,5 Toppwia ,88 2111 1629 .W . ..2 ..... 35 69 i33 - 29-n.J. B«*C. JO 34.18. *J7 OUH _ taJ5 _ Offleemu •_ 436 .,18 .,1( UrtofiPtc 30 56.66.236 ClNoroytroy 1,80 . 13 33.64 -.Ol +.6 USatincrp .75 23P 20.65 .,10 -1.3 ■ *■» m K :: ^tuP^ ... 24 17 -37 DouSd-.- _ 22J1 -J4 0*nuPf1 1,141.14 3590 -.18 Ommeom ,»0 68,69-IJ:-1-“ LWtr* .., m » .34 CofiAflra^flto .94 IS 23.46 -t,3 ValW • ,24 1414 12,99 .37 *2,3 Z I 25,004145 JDSimon ... 0.52 >. >nclN*l _ 132 .,11 . 0 -UI934.1341 CMfKt ... 2i1t .,75 HirtmiO ,12.12 64.15 ..07 Ptptice 36 46.79 -3( .137 S<.'Ke .74 3171 -37 »VU»On«l<*On« _ *639 .35 .. 37.46 *.86 P«rt£ltT|« .28 35.63 .6^ UnumPw 39 2636 .,06 MlCfOnT.wT...... 36,51 +327 +17,8 CrMlne _ J2J3.231 l»8*lo - 14,78.1J CtlOOI.,' J8 18.51 -.52 H«ng^ CrtlP.tn _ 330 .,66 >-*«0 - a.65.35 |»DIM _ 16.M .37 MidAJr' . 31 .33 C»lpln»- _ 16.M -.93 HunaFft 1.041.041 61.48-1.02 PmXSrl ~ 18.89 .,14 .,!< UttCo IJO 25 60 .,06 -,. 24.40-1,18 UfWifTeh .18 42.65.11 • C * ^ ,63m 29J0 -.85 Hl-EI 2.462,46 40.51 ..12 PnR«i t.50> 2332 ..t: L90lncn _ 1.95-;s .: i?S“‘ - v«»cJridCom .721 14.72 .22 CH*? ,11 5336 *.24 W«S1 _ 18J# .,19 P«{#r 321,39.70 -]2o -,2C IHB& S3SEHIH LumtAt* - 2235.2J ,. 14.65 -.05 Ph«tm»ell .54 41.96 -,0t £!r«.; ss.:;: 1bad6p6iparoeni bftnbfB In prico.'; ‘ ^ - ■ n K ” : 3?S ::i iru , _• 45.80 *435, OUrtlCB _ 41M.Z44 HomtOp JOI JOI 50.05 >34 PUrT .18ut8.48*t4l V«ionCml34 5410.131 - g r — ,. 3035 -J5 W*9«W .66 .1.03 ShfOPh ,, 35 51 -89 " •g VliomD .. 43 66 -32 - . Jm ^ -: 810^(1 M'MKt'oMiAMtlcaJly by»y Bw eonpan/6 hil namo'-(nol lls'ai SKSi, - : 1234 *35 ... 30.13.1,1.1,13 Skor_ 4J3-132 YtToo^e«5 .. 19.13 . 50 C«Yl(r«' '" .. 19,17 .13 Honrtlntl .75 ,75 34.06 . 66 PhWtl 1.6« 4240 -.K -1.42 Sl«M$rt _ 3135.230 . CrtiyTH ■ ,20 32.90 *.02 MoipPT 18* ZU 29.90 *,27 PWflrt _ 16.21 -:25 -.23 ,«MCp 38 23.65 .34 i m msM'up d b i ^ appuc M tfw bo(l»Olni*ortB#chlfltHrt'tol.,; ,. ,23.16 .21 “*"«0lft - IM*-'-; .60 52.43 ..65 ,, n CurranTannuildMdtnd rata paU mn I(tocfc,.^wd on latasl ^uartorty or » 6600.183 l4* dw;N6'ct«nQ»’>lfKgealedbv-.m^ If - . • . ’ c « ^ ,07u2d,e0*iJ3 “swrn .06 « 19JI *.04 PonOlS 206 23.18 *J8 .J6 Wietcof 1».10«l,ia , S a L i a m ' M 81,05 *,04 Bur >.45 2.45 24,77 .,16 PotmEI . 1,M 22.45 -J4 -J4 WHUtfl ,28 5738 -.07 CW«p* 2,50 4 575*1,25 >•« ■ ■ H«m» _OeV OlV Utl.Chg ™ .8, ':i!S3 ;3 » *1? WHyri „15( 54,41*133 ;'SSr*S - InWUCk - 1845.135' StmlHTrmlHTr ,07i 47.18*336' '' ' ; i i m m t .961 32J4 -J3 U: N«t UMt vtluo, br pric* tf.wtHehYund ,„ mts ,. 2.41 -.04 SMolnol,«lnoUr> .. 2032-238, a s ? li:S! ::is » ? ^,- 17J9 .,18 PiKlFnan _ 2175 -06 BD6iVn6»ch»nbtlB lfw'NAV;”-.v y-- . ATSlCom .„ .10 InMAiCh ,llt 4140*239 SetlKTt CUuChtn .. 60.02 -,44 IBM 36123.*4.2.18 J81. ProdO 1,52 T9J3 -,77 WMUW ,01« 30,60 -.57 ',54' 54 3.903M . 02 EWm/ _ T! 1435 J , .1 tlKTr 32* 47J9.129 . .36 ^4ICpl .. 18 48 ..56 SPOROR l,42*1ie84.131 ; dam ,, 34 39,61- .,11 WFUv .60 .60 29,16 ; -37 Pro?uEn2.16t 45.40 *.W . 09 WMn . 37,99 -.78 - Ei«l«» t.OI .c.03 K«nc ... 1674 .30 Cce*a .72 48J5 -,62 WQ»™ .. - 86.62-1,6)' PnnSIHIln ,90 4.68 . 07 Md ,71t 93 99.t,19 ' ■ ♦ « WmWW _ 35.87 -.13 - M m 1 '-jjji^ ii^ 12 W IM FM5l»rn .„ 7.S0 -.16 -,1 K>YO»»0 - .T7 .02 S SBu i .94* 21.96 .,40 I CyP(a. .72 87,« -JO ^- 23J3■ *.m PiMlF .12 3.44 -.11 W»fll 118 4634 .34 : si’ ,1.0* ii 30.W 0 ,^ 0 * .„ 2,88 ..C.05 l*J1. QuM«r-.72l 29J0.-J3 sS------S----- oi'S- . .uCm U—-.j . jjOr- MtjnHuni. _ 6 18.-.I4 gPFi^_ —cw M —.«.a62a.i«- !»«»•«— » - •OTZ5n-454r-7.M-?I.19 MW.RI ,. .64 -31 t y i * ------: C0B^> _ 49J0 »J7 ln*teM 35 JS 33.00 ; ..M OwnlCm ■,. 14.60 2j5 .36 WBftRM IJO 17,40 -J9 '.W ffi p.».-4CM ,52 1676 .,43♦,« VrttcEn 30 2239 .. 1,65 - 03 ISnn2000aile 6S.60.1J>1J2 PmKTr 132* 9t70 .'73 uctAn - 39 -31 .-.CmO ' 32 52JS -,Tf Krt’m 101,01 2939 ! .,02 RoyOm t,42* 49,06 -.16 aCW 1,64 91,00 *,60 J 35 *37 ■ShlU20001.20 -M.59.1,7.1,79 PonSr* » .10 +31 V»«T5UiOT5U(l99«lfl7J8.1.t4 • cotnmg' .121 t.70 *.1] K*)cofp ' iJoi201 24.60 : *.10 (toylOpg - 18,04 .J l X«MErm 130 2834 *,I3 1364101,95.1.10 ISKU 2.05t (0.96 -3-39 Ountcor ., 108 -.10 V»fMfwr 3 « *.14 CntwCnJ .« *036 -JO K*»Sgjn l,7B‘:,78'34.74 -37 M g _ 37 *31 , ' ...Ce«nMfl____ 8.4J.444. W m ^,.l.12.! ■ Xtra .1 0 4 0 -,02 iv.-;• unsx^cft ,.,35.98,., '.86 IShSPSml ,5ta>1.86 flAITIfw 2241 1840 -.05 VtattOg Cf»m . .40 2fr05 ..4Z WiTa>» toe.M'32J9;'-3? : SOCCon 1.02 "4at7 *J7*J7 JSinrmn ..'SftM ’.',19 vt-t.'t.* JO 3741 n78 tiii(«cU« .69t 8.20 -.1-10 60pp

297 ilT "377 .g jS ' Ut I H - ~.0« , London l*i« Uv«r M94 JoMess tblaims ris ...... ; C l o s i n g F UrfU t R E S 4.l»0 • ' X Jul ' ; s i.1- SS' IS «l«4M ,tp2J87 •, Oct Oo 9.43 . 0.48 0.40 ' «,«( M«r 9.39 e.93 ' 0.49 9,41g,49 -.04 NTMmaivfrapoimor WRonlipirbuM May M« 9.90 . flJO . 9.44 9,4^ 63 7.55 .,58 J»n 200 :302 200, . 203 .3.8 Jul jja jwvonK(AP>-6po -■ C 02 fl.93 J.08 U«r 208.23210310.73 ' 208 3I0.S *2 .•Od-Oci 9:47 'o!47' 9!m 8.4! 31723 214.73 217 .1.9 Wl secondsstraightv !S 1:S!3 B> SP UJ233.75 221 - Z23.S .3 Wl Wi*aJS«!§.’SaiKS."” ■ M« J-Vtn i7040 jseo 328 23SJ3 337.73 .1 ■ 8U a^»).,N.Y.M«ro«p«Thu.' Jun J.Y«n • .7665 .7853S -its : S .SS ri234.9 332.79 234J3 j t£ ' ' 113.00eK«.:Mnbp«b. IIS . SKiSfcXK 50 .8973 ..0410 Utf 241.79 242 WASHINGTON' (AP) -New-- the 7;000 gai]jain previoiisij Jun E uro«u»^ i o u J m33 .8033 ..0330 Jul. 248.75 : K . S -iia JI3S IS3S :S SS,-.1l^S,TS?j£^ftHamian{onl»dMy; • , clflclaims for iinefflployment £ u v u&iwuf I16J0 m .io I ’“>12 • S!1 IS Mt B : insor- reported; * Jun U.S,«toUf 117,04 M8.T070 1 lirw ' Z j7 , W»d.-a'»i«48j: ‘ ...... aSw :« IliM 11:95 * 111' oy;.NyMtni'ipoiThu; - ance an shot-up for-the'seceqond . • In ahother-e r - r e p o r t r ’ tiie - Mit Ctnodidollv 82.83 C2.S0SO 83.60 *.03 Wed'aop«n mt43rl433J09,up8,l7S t o Jun Ctnaoidoiuv 83.es u.SS55 8 2 « . .05 ■ 0AT8 ^ .'..lS 3 io * ‘-“ ; week we in a row,^ggestbig; tmany Commerce Deparpartm ent sdd'coft* ...... FeO- COMEXOoU -280.4 ZTTJ 778«-- ->,(17 -gm M irM numuriROMipartuM' ; " WiW»d.-»o<)*nW l3 J P ." i* « "■ U.S, w o rk e rs w e still :suff< 12 30328-311.75 — .8 r - ffering A ction acdidi^d ^ f o s e l ^ a solfd ie-§§tii5ESSc ?8’^ i o '4 ? \o '^ I S "Mav“ ?M ■ 1 PlatWunit485.94treyO: VSil- ^ . aq..nol»iol»d>nA-oo< from an economy that is qt ^ g - 0.8 percent in boboth October . ^ CT"— T^ |— ly j '?fs;------z ; . / 1 .jvpgrrrvriK i c t c b - , Noveinber. ^ Apt PUlnum i ' ' 480.0 '478S ___:______NEW YORK (AP)-Key tS 479.0 *.23 Om 145.3 1 dOO.- -- .- 31 100.20 ' ..18 W*d.-«talet2,483 - '‘®555EUd( bu^lniH ruerm w ^ , - A 4.6 percent-int-increase for-big— = ® r . ; s s J S S - ’K31—BB.11— l J »-;l3— Wed.‘tep»rrt«-ti, ------r - g j —Por'the-work-week^eniindlng— govemm'enfproje M.> U u m i^ T02.I8 I0t.3lJl 1102.t8 ..20 eOY BC ^ • iJVESTC^waiON - ToM FtU 0««l 8 .JS iJS ■ J fSjecined-thW iT” Jun MuryiM ,‘101,18 101.ISIS 1lot.18 «.20 SA»fiun«nkTUn: WtSnnUn. u i^ and eonmertlal cewiiS 31 » S i.o o ; PoS k) 11,4378 11,4461 Dec. 29, new claims for jollobless' . in November, witwith spend^iis: )5 47.50, .,15. .Jm 418 **^42?***^4tfl'423.73. 4 .3.73 ’ Im iMdexiaer* 71.5044.30; lem feM>«deralMn Swiutranc ,s;g a i' ss-ssM 40.30* . .03 Uar 418 424S 42 ' ' 418 .424 .3.73 BS.Od-M.OO; B3.( nock«f aiMn 04.00-104Aft0;Bghlhoiatain p CanaaandoBar- ■ .I5SS l:SS} .'tbenefits a jum ped by a seasiisonal- . • ing for highways,lys, schools^^iosi^ J3, 01JJ- — 1.60-.-May-.423. -427,437J5 ------423-->2«.76.-..47» -.•-(•« tteenn/a:r^ - MtueanpMo . - - 9.1100...... B-1030 ■ lyly adjusted 36,000 to 447,t7,000, ■ tals . and - pub -■■ s w srsssiss- 43223? TJjS ilfinU»h aprtftgw hailtn 3^30 iProduoen. JenJemma): baiv _ jublic housing.- • a , 431 -428----- 431 *4.78 ' CaN the highest level since:e the • Commercial proj Mw c e ^ '• Ijm iI t»' 43t 428 33 431 .3 . erh >rojects, indudlflg. \ ^ C o ^ .- . 38.85 38.02- 433' ■ ■430- 434,75 «4,75 . - FossiBIL FUELS ' beginning be of December,T, the -yhot^ ^ d ihdustlustrial complexes, Fta Urtctm* 71 JO 70.47 tsmba rva: namaru: CaVet and iMdera tl< iiders also postea ~ AjK LMUIM • ' 73.00 73.47 ^ u r s d a y . ^ ^ u. .,c ^ y, '• 'gains, 0.5 percmt.'m t ’ ■ ~S“K3S“'l!S"!!i" Hfl2.143.up 8.127 CHI j Ihe week before, new joi[obless But residentialial construclionI • » 2030 20J7 -04 ' clei'mcIb s r o s e b y 26,000, acCcCord* private builders:ers: dipped by 2.2 . F*jS«Smj 84 M M Wli SS : : s *1???’'.1 S J0 S32 .J4 cSl . to. F»M*'ta.a» t*M 83J0 ,ing ,10 revised’figures. Thatat was percent^'despittpite low interest' Urt FMMreatna 83 M 83.40 FSb*°7?io*"*7fS)^’ 70.^7 70.57„ .oi X i3 il - Feo U»#hooj • M.M SS.SS Apr 73.00 73.90 73.47 73.37 I li. i - f ^ much bigger increase} thani . rates ahd brisk: hhoi o u ^g sales. ; f An Uv«hog* 60.IS 590010! 50.02H :!'& - .28 .Aug ...ii 1is" iii Is -ii' s' ■y. If. S ■ l:.« IS >^y Uv9t.10 Oct 16.24 IS 10. i!l i ii ■ aoff 7?5s 7?^7 7?S ‘ I?:”i ■% |g IS IS f n 82 95 eolo ' D#0 73.00 73.00 71,80 71.80 •- fcUf Port(P»»Y 8?JO 80^00» also : Vm S t ’*;!? 1740 t; « - F?? :» . : s E : 'I 'S IS ■------HafTPaiTiC.il>-— grwr-Bz.cgT: ^0^.^,993, *15^ ------0*6— hMr- G#fee__ M4f liVhMI 30J 1/2 201It • • 300"- * ,8 • ' ^ • ‘‘''•openiniMtJ?^77^;;o8r"- ...... kCiy wrw»l 208 288 2t eaooo^owj^b. Feb 21:42 2M2 Jul Wh««I 2B3 28S3ISS1? 2t •"S " ? i a . .51? •, ,'C«1C^nufritfrDmB4 y ^ and gt’oioi^ A l^ u t half;crf s«p wpMi___ 205 i«._.2aa 2£ ------Jan S6»i)oan 424 418 43 -Mar--84;20—W:B5---- alios-~94^7 r'-^^rtilS-.iS-'i —“ Starb^cH'Corp.S has growjvm"io th«:firm*{l reVentenu^^omes from ------,M«t. ,‘kryOMn — 424 1/2 4IB t/3 ;------„more than^,700 cutletr bye-CTcat^— co h sU h irig -ahid^the-otherhalf— d t J4n Com 202 200 3ducK. ''5: 50 :io ^ - ■ ....E - r SliS^ziS! ing W a plA& where people lil 39,30 33,39 '93.60 third place.” . .Hawaii. Kennetheth Davids, a.San - ..... Jul IFPMa 13.13 -13.15S-ll:t! ;:SI Apr. -90,00- 00,15 ’ 39.90 50.92“ jS/ ;e i s s “ Aug liFPMJk 1321 13.21' - “ w«EAi‘*” *• S - . 'XMay 03.93 94.03 63.80 94.0303. ,1^3 Dec iillto 3l.“t00 . 30.93 20.93 -.49 AMilletto helps .entreprem•neurs Frandsco-based1 auauthor and coffee S - K K!S S:IS- SS00' I;io ^ *•'' CTeate th a t place.' . expert, wrote thle e ascript and spoke MiUeno has just three e mnplcy. j in the documentaintary; along wiA— —L------B e a n si ■ s ? F r ’ S S - S S ------— ----- Sep 320 324 Dee 50.50 50.30 50.30 30J0 350.upio.44t ; ees, but he iiires coffee expicperts, - otherexperts. Lail »pol 50.42.up 0.03 Vaicr D«ani i! Ji .E*Laa>M0.2t9-W«d.'*taM I 9,414------authors, designers,-artists,-’Vi■video—-— iiThe-Passionat^lat^-Harvest- has— ------PilCM art f>M logiowotl.-IOOraJnat.A, Uiiv tM -i------«#«.'»«le».1,747- ■ ?5r'S :r‘3§5^ 34.812. op 338 « S Mar 57.75 58.44 thers, won numerous awiaw ards, indudirtg • beiwi. ka leconi pic» kilomuten tnouid con Kea__Ba40_.B2ii5__ ao.iQ__ auo. □■eai oOellwm*, aiK; (n'ntof.aWcroo.r.aik, at new crop. DU^M WHEAT .... ■ a?Mar 80.05 82,50 80.00 ' 81.50 deagning a coffee bar, writiiting a '■ Houston World1 FtFest earlier this— • ' eik; amtl iK», nH; Mano pfnU. ask; ui m;ownpwbuM , May 62.02 D3.00 82.60 83.00 a w . Pticei ni» g>van OjJt liy fl*i>9«na Jul 03 03 03.50 83.03 83,50S :l5s • as how-to-business_^book or mallaking year. Omn u.ino Man pnesi a/« coii»cM>d»ir6«ij/t>yO«an ne " Aug ...... 91.50 Most of the $12$125,000 produo MArlel N(|«». U S. Dwuftnwni ol Ajiicu8.«unur»-Greal ' ^ lAtl »pol 70 284ip 0 88 !, 1 i i ■Q video. . nonhemt:$17.St8:puwt:Ud.S21:inu!iman rod«; Lid. , I - ■ E 'K gs - ints is tion cost was funifu n d e d b y corpp,- M;Ud.*lO-J21, ______C^ h e e s e - aEH. aal«i 704.Wed.'a ulea C33 One of his main consultani W«d.‘lop«nint 2.763. up 57 former partner Ed Arvidsoi>on of rate sponsors5 tlthat included _ Cheddar tfeoM prte ______.A _____BerBend-Milletto-and.A rvidid s o n ___ AVholeJoodS-Ma-Mar.k'eL an d : thle __ ^ M e t a l s /G u r r e i ------' QafioU; lisw,nc;< 1 57.70 • 57:70 Ii:07 • Star5tarted~BeIlissmio as a coffee 'CoTfea '. 7 - ■ ______Pncaui i s r i i iV 176^,37tu -I4L3------Sflle< w#d.'a law* 30,427 t)usi«5s5-iimu«t»swirg(riinri9 9 1 ------W ith ^ h e -s^ bbsidiq^srMllleroj— sil Vaii«yG.a:n« Wed.'ac*en mi 150,568 g and said he expects; to sta rt m aking a Pricos lo( ntHtit pet Cu*hel; rmioO giam, P o t aiT t o e s /O m o n s ^London momng fTjung; S278 63 0(1 $0.13. ^ . '• ' ' bef(before adding video-making Mon* por huiWreO y.ijiotiI.- P«e» tufcjeci London dHornoon luing: S378.S0 unchanged profit on the videddeo,. which siuls . London lalft: 3279.30 oil 30.50 r 90J0 - 90..-5- -.01 lonsulting a few years later. Son «Me »ti04l, J2.00; biricy. H.4010 (4C(4D.fX>und'^(0); IDAHO FALLS (AP)IPl-Thuridn/apoialopnccito ■ ' Pana aRemson rtiing: S278JO up tO.50, ^ , ™ 1r M illetto may not be w ell- for S80, som etimn e nr ex t year. miiM) giam. no ctuoin, o.i!>, 00: corn,am. 44.00 (15 pof- Waho'a up^Jer vrUkiy,(lay.TvAiFalU-Durleyd^rKtj.OeUv- . ZundZuneft lal« allenwon; 3279.45 unchangod. uni moiUuia). I'i>ca» sie >>»n ouy,rt>ypang«n»m.. by I erM. . . HYHanOyaH«rmam*279.90opJ0.A • - luiown in Eugene, but hiss cus-< ■ Similar to otherher young indus- PDUitoea; Demand m ‘JY Kandv 5 Hannan SJOI.tOup 3049 ii ■ - ^ Son v.ti.18 «rt>o.il. Jnnuaiy U«lank t;S. t;balec Engemanllabitcaied; S2«3.muaS).4a. r com:ompanies as Borders BookDks Sc gourmet coffee businessbu is going 1 J4.25. Prees quoiW WJy by S-mp»li| AorlSourcoAgi in t^nd A 40lMrcon13-l30(}-l4.oo.oceasian- kyh?YKsSi'l^kUSA4p,m.Thu; 0 7 9 ^61130.60. eh .... 60.75 -,B0 MU'Vlusic,-Sarah Eee, Mrs. Fit'ields through a shakeoueout, according to Rood CrAin and Bean in DuN and Xonioianion mporw Iho a»y tialod tot0 5*me»h»*cM5 18.00-17.00, Ocea- loBoinng o'ii-n P'>co»: »o« «ii«e i.iUWOtdetivory. « ucnatly h^;f»r; biUedUed105*(Jrroao«l4,5O-15.M,ocea-, NEW‘JEW YORK (AP) -fuluret In t^ on Iho NY ::i 11-^ ::§§ . CooCookies, R. Torre & Co. ((the • the Spedalty Coffi)offee Assodation UOO. KXUtyhighor.SOIBt riiurtaay: • __ __ rje -...------, ------m al -G ino___ ofA m erica.______Ca/l«y, S4 05 {ipoi aflt,vetyliiT«;n Fa>i».■aii. nnd Cooitng]; tWUff,! h . ? r ^ ‘T4.?^^,^!trSw“ ^-oo.- Opwi Mflh Low S«Dt naker-of Torani-syrup),-G corn. S4 40 (Twin Fnll» oiif*). PieoJ r m y ' ^ 0 -.70 Sop 2.005- .fiOO 30C 2b2.'00 2B2:«i 280:bb - 28i;20 ng to the Specialty CofD ffe e . weaker operatorsors are goirig/out cwtW4ho(Jurt>a^70eounI23» I IS S :IS ins -eb ...... 282.00S ::!S SSI I S 3 Association of America in LLong . of business, so th e r sssiz:!:!;; 70.00; Witcontin Ko^ani 70&unl Ip^ ...... - -202.000 -.00 ^ 3.132 JM: S!S :5!? h e n um ber of out- s t t s s K E S S counl 17.CO-18.00;Colon>do I .3.135 .135 -00 BeaiJeach, Calif. lets is expectedI to fall, to 10.000 nl 17.00-1?.00, tOOeooni 10.00-17.00. njli>oe "!!] , I;.’!! 200^20 I 3.090 000 -03 iij .gNonSiliApercwI;WanoOurt>ar.k» lun 203.30 203.30 203.00 203.301 ' I ^ r !?§ “It’s easy to find a consultaltant b y th e e n d of 2003, 20C said Mike ' 4»(»toftc>yl. S'SlSKcS?.!)rado Nor»otah» 14.0I>10 00; S ■:::...... S S St :? § 2fi'y l:§Jo“ il°B 0 help you leam ^bout roaststing, Ferguson, the SCA;CAA spokesman. , 1‘OIITLANO. Of#. (A(>) - &dj at 12.30O.I niS « ed>^5s°'“^ S S S v ” ""-. )90 ...... : 311,405 Ju," 2,oas ,005 ^ 1 11 ■ “J:)r how to p u t to g eth er a busir^ess ’ But stronger opejjperators will siir- Itiu-vtiy lar gramj nrnvod aj Pont.indSK— for 1., S S r S 'un 310.00 318 00 318.00 310.00 rt(*(J.'a»AlaH5,?00 _ _ _ >lan,”____said_.'_associatI tio n . vive and thrive,:.after.tlre-shaker--_ afl ssrs-SiK afs:,.- jV^a opon Im 115.243. DP *80 . - JSg- SSI'--S3.... -P*“' IJ3S'S"!,?! 62.3W------S Oregon S T NoiMlaha J f S J 5 ’, ■ 1ILVER ' 3.037 037 -03 Spolipokesman Mike Ferguson. “ But out ru n s its course,rse, h e said. W ith nouSwhHaiUSl.1 LOCO troy OX..-cantf per trey az. r ' :t? it’Slt’s very unique to find someleone specialty coffee;e ssales growing o'rOnA^y Broti»r: 3 70, rwg.r>!) J3.76-33112 B2 WocontrntOOO.■ . ■ ! T f S vho can d o all those thingss a i n d about .8 p ercen t: a yyear, F erguw n ^ • Fob 3.400 3.400 id ii ' S ' :S s'l'o ■ IDAHO FALLS (AP)-P^-^u'wtiy'^onen pricei Iw Idaho iind Malhevj'County, I ::::: SSI 25 . *vho is p u blishing books a n di pro-i said, the numberiT o f retail .estab- )8 ' Onions Ory; Oemandsnd Ioooi maiiiol mady. Yaiiow .^yi,I i il 1 1 ludng videos.” SpaniMi hyend U.S.S. lMIOaacki:iupefCOtotuilO.SO,1 ^ iW 405: 495:5 ■ 400:9 400:0 . ... S" o u a lishments sellinging fancy cQffpe >03 lew 7.00. ^M naUfwiuy y hiwor. coiojtal 5.00-5 50. oeea- ^ >ec 4CO.O 480.0 450.3 460.7! I § E ;E- •:::; ?!! iIS MMilletto declined to disci' *»natlyhior»r;)umbombo 4.50, lew lower, medium 225- ff,,arv ...... 460.8 , dose ; 'will start to growow again, and is 15W.prol»K>;4.13-*,t6 men mtfUfflum 3.00-3.10-3.50.mo«tly3.00.Whil#U,S. 1 50 KJ' ■ -il is. ::::: z ISS :!S his.lJs company’s sales, but he: saids expected to growiV to 15,000 by liS :.75-4.00 bUcM:larQtOOO-l(lO-lOOO. occaiiOftalVWoNir; modr«m W • I : I S ::::: :::: : 4.30-4.70 O.OO.tOOO,h«dU,S. 25 O aaeks; largo i 00. m od^ gjjg ::::: S i l *hey = s are less than $1 millioion a end of the decade.ie. '.1; Jipss-ssi- 3 00, oecatjonaify higl i ■- = i i ------CHICACO (APJ.- FulurfiJitiuUigofUl:®II»ClLCJ80D0ara__. C ______^ 21 ::::: . i;::: ::::: i i ! s, i = = •. ■ c:: 400 ^ ^ 3 ______ot.Train Thu.; ul----473«—473.^---- 4T3.S----473:8- 8«t9a Cho- ' — ______^S^ d g a r ------— iilocr ...... 470,5 3:154 -43 —^ S o m e lethlngm lssing?^-- • W»EAT°^ Ved.’aaaloi 12,010' .. S.^bumMRu^o^porb^^ ^ •Sinarluturojirad.mgonlhoNaw ' Ved.'a open irl 03,004 e are a b te to cuit'omlza ourur mar- • and we’ll try to Include Y ^oSrd* i*i'*d*i M z ' '.Z udeit. -.v'-’J:'' £W-YOn^^^)—Itandy-ftMarmahtilvw-'ni Mket-reportST-lf-youWfrterest — -Pieosecall RamonrJom■Joijeym-TSa-— r~ — Jul 207.5 203 2HS I 202! 02I SUOArSBoRLDII®' = - SCO ••200 205.5 JOO' 2052 I4H labnotefl 35.342 up 30.050. ::::: -JIB 3 - In «> a stock, mutual fund, or commimodt-,-; ;>^;p931.^'262,'Wlth-yo Occ 300 307 2M 30 7?a 763 7,05 -.06 2;"oShenxsmlng buBon pnce lor tUver In Lon«n5nM,M0up • woo'iialfli 00.000 Wod.'appon Ini 404,051,...o.o« I ■ 1_^Wty that’s no t In our repoft?Ju9t callca U3,,'jr-Uqf(s.r. ;

S«" Cho s^iejiin 37,4; ,j 17 .JO appei 83 67 ..16 OtTecftAtiA 3.19 . 08 wandA 179 -.02 OnmaSimaS 11.27 .,03 Mepnn 1620 ..26 QEElhnSftS: I ShTmDdn 204 . AALMutu*!*' SmCoVln 8.03» ..II .. Cohen ft Sleen;' QirSecAp^p 112.35 *02 IrOEaA 1522 ..17 G0v1-3 .04 *,01 UaaaUutuallnal: UdOrIniln :21,19 *.2t Valuan l»,04 .13 IgCLoCOroAn'iooi^ii) -QMJABt 10.74 .j Ortilnsn '2453 34 ’4 .,08 RftySnrj 44.78 .JS 0-lncAp 3 ml-31 1087-02 MOdn ' 10J0.02SlSlo 11.22 *02 SplSAun 149494 .*,12 Cort/ais 809 .,08 OppenhalmMmerA: Prev Inv Counael: IgClgCV4lA|*,14.»4..',12: •■.OMMHl 117S -ilA] ,Or1h£4rr„OJ4-W» P M.IO ..a btXW 7,53 .,07 ivl-lS 10.69 -.02 hvCOn 7J1 ...S3S ^ -4431 *.22 SvalVatn-02929 ..,03 UarptrFd 14.70-.01 pAp40.90 .J2 SmCapIn 15.41 *29 SoK '£ 0^ ?3 24 loS TjMIO" 87M15 *.>6 Columbia Funda; OMMp 1 rv2-5l 11,(»..0I U»Pr 27J7 *,19TaiEi 11.94.*.03 Twennn 3192 • Sn3 .1.04 spodn 1857 . 02 murnlAptp 1 1073 . 36 KiulSCA 15 62 . 21 OovDdrvDd 1051*03 UdCaon 22.88-. 17 OUOTnnia: ( WrVbVri 43.98 . .WFuhda: ' OrihcIiraoJ *.0?KOf ..worn; 1532 . b » -02 ConaeeeFdllrp; • WXJrAp I .98 *.32 UerrlltLimchA: OlGrp.9. !22J0 *-24 QvlnAp 998 .02 MOCSl 12C2.03 11.W-I P 12.05 .11 KlulmAp 432 . 03 OovUSri.vUSra 1.09 ... tf-Ma 28S9 ..72For 1018 .00 JanuaAirSeriea:riea: OaJCapA 78.93 *.20 OnnAp■p :29.01 -.13 WYldAp 5.59 .02 BTK ►.«S; ffCorpn,. 9.71 ,ta2 A: ttncdAp 1021 .06 Manod*< 7.15*04 LCpGAp 196 *.18 OvUSSSU«SSp 1.09 ... OlCh r.92.1J4WBSM 17.60 *.10 WndM3rpn29.4t.9.4t.,14 BaVIA 3969 ..24 USOM- : fej"'-'-),' ®r.iss:s ») 10.11 .. UTmA 947 ... HlYM ^ 32.79 .22 JenrtAp I4J0 .14 Cap ss;,.'!g:i! K" y|-i YU 5.05 ..03 0>rMin 2601 *.39 ! ? " •-'* JanuiAapenhaUhaU: FunSOA, 1902 -.05 SulftApip 3 83 .01 UUAp 0.81 .0 ) SdnSSKi'AW S ss’s,lg AALUulialO; ^ J ” * £ S f ! S : , S :

2 .03 CnvS«:V 872 ..10 W.'iCoApp 7.93 .03 MklOpAp 11.50 . 03 WTrlTrI 10J7 .02 RaVEn t865 ..13 .97 *,tO OlAlAt 1304 *,11 TotRlApAp 10J91 .02 PrudantlalFdtO: ' lOOiIOOOhvtn3Z42,*JI WyB0dApi23'4,Cf WaSSn 1906 ♦•12 '5.04 Eq,,Ap 082.08 SmCoOAJ Ami 33.18 *.16 0iS««)n223939 *.06 - S3P500 1429 ..13 CIspenhkln.■halmere: EoutOl 14,07 .09 '1001l0OOS«n33.4O *J|' -IntfEoAp’ 9.14 IA2906 .52 MIH 10 80 . 01 MlrKlincl 092 *03 STOFn 8.79 ...OlOnmn 1599 *.t3 Oro«fin 20.15 • ■J '03 EatyY 912. 05 SmValAp 622 . 05 UuSecA 10 25 . 01 IntlncSSintSSp 0.02 ..03 SmCCoSrnI4.49..18 , ,15 *,23 SmCVIA 2453 *J3 C ^dp38.74 p : .JO JenniBI 14.01 ..13 S9Fapiwn 17J4 *,19 H»IEi}8R'.:t64 .o r =:::: I- 17 *02 FulneAp 10.11 .01 lElneApp t 1353 .03 UufiUlA 2DI ,., IfflMunIMuni 10J4 .01 SitSicn 21J9 .Jl h 44.73 .43 PrvdanUalFdaUk StPUP&aIn 17.99 *.17 'lr«Eaill ' 994 ..Ot a k ::;s .rs;".".,' 0 .01 FtilncY 1018.02 EnIafpr1»»CiwOD: NYMurU I0J4 *.01 KiufrmuJrw 4J3 -.02 Traran, 49,71 .49 £ x-" 'ssa^i .,19 MSOIo'l01 31.943 .21 JenrtZ 15.09 ..14 YkSfndPttSl-'i 9.67 ..riaCanApUJO *.19 »IS-*;:? 8 *48 HiYldAp. 7.76 .02 DalfiMOl)1 487 ... l«MurV» 10.70 .:02 UdOrOSOrOS 9.59 -.03 U50I n . 10.78 .01 , 73 *.02 DaVlQI 29.04 *22 SlrlrcOI01 3.94 *.01 SlUdil 33.93 ..24 ScoCcodderFundaA: rMenOl I1 7 r.t6 ■3 *01 MiYldQp 7.73 . 02 CcA«.Do2DP25M .,19 PAMuA t1.26 .01 UnDiilS W 'S .o . Ka.,i;s: ihelmarClU: Putnam Funda A: DrH>HfU 37.13 * 09 BlraiA,' 304 .01 GKlnen 21J4 .23 S IS ,. J S * 'OulS 9.90 .01 LRl.tyn 13.78 ...OS c s ; : s f f i « Cl 31.04 .23 AjnOvAp 9.74 .02 OrthJrthA lOJt .10 SjSdOl 304 *01 •O' HiYWY 781 .01 Eo«.1yBpp 5.64 .17 StlncA . 8.10 . 04- UnOu3!Ou3SpO.OO .,01 Vakjen 91.73 .J4w""^l381 *13" ‘ ,Xi MuUdn 10.87 .01 Sg;"?Sii;g s“ " Jf:-1 ' °l SeffChAp 3*0 ».24 KllncBpp 3 21 62 . 04 USQvtA . 7.8? «.02 MC05ICQSL 10^2 *.09 FWelHr«e)etle: - c 31 ..28 FntfOOI. IB.7I -i>4 DppenhalnMmOueal: AABalAp 90) 2 J 20Ap 657 . 32 »f''O pP 5 82 ..04 UtiFdA 8 60 ..02 MgdCnCdCnO 10 22 ..08 Ootetir 62-12-1.70 □Oldman , 8ed»At- jUS h« oc¥,0;o'’ OlAIOl 12,70 *.10 I 1924 I *.t2 CATxAp 8.49 *.02 TadrecftA 13 02 * 91 TEInaB 1^78 .02:S Sffln’ KJSI 5 • " a o fl. . .146 .J l a > ^ o'0 8.20 -.09 WUUtlA I2J9 -J2 lAjdOr..dO>.. 1ISU..12 Cornpr 40je*1.73 r 24 .,11 UenUILmchO; OBaQI 19,20 t *,12 CapAfTp 17.01 ..14 Tfl(Fr«R»lA 9.t6 *.07 USOvA 8J3 *.01 I *07 20Cp 851 .J l 'D 3.16 ■ .08, FedenltdS; UgdOSldOSL U.6r.,1l Electrr 54,140.22 o'iSi,SJ.V'’ , E » is;;';74 .-14 B«&^p59.67 .20 QOwArrA 32.113 *.10 .OacEqAp 12.14 .09 uso«0«A 6.59 .02 liS- ,^l NYWlTnlO.99 »'.01 4 ..10 .}0Y •867 .31 OrtScOp 1 42 .31 BiVOp 29.58 .23 OOfWB r,B3 31,53 .19 Oi^WAp 9J3 *04 Beu< : PAJnaLTnl1.l6 p 12J4 .03 A ^ D 11.58 ..to MgdlntSdlrntiQ(irl34J5 -.05 USNYAp-. >fveln 21.48 .43 SMnpQamOM . 0' JS!?»*2? Ca.laF«n<(aA: ^ m .app 10.M 1, ..38 CAMuBp 1075 ... iCapI 23.93 *.23 Tacnr 84J0*224 SK •■i! “ •*' • . ' SrrC4f*rr>20J8-i5 VaiiaA 38,92 ..17.17 BHaryn 10.31 .81 □ 11008 ... EmMkiD 545 .12 Ur>Cap !!::i; S' Si;::i SlnlEqn 13.26 *.07 ' 2ICeoln 1747 .33 ci,».i u «’ .1 ® NYVonD 24 53 . 0$ >Cap tIJS .20 CAM«nn 12J2 *.01 c ! j w ., j ; n 5K.o . 2S T.MCAe»n28.11*'.?7 AlUFurHUA: ' ^ L m u Y ' 04vleFur«I.C4V: IQ13.14 ..06 EQlncil .. 18.74 ..14 .UigFdlSiFdlS 10.17 ..03 EakJin 41.25 ‘ S* 1 33 *,30 GOO^B 11.14 .,11 PSHaFvmti Agriyp B U ..11 , , P 7.62 .03 SurdQ 10« .09 MuBlllUlnimihS 2.01' :... 500inrn' 80.06 *.73 ti 48 * 94 OrMnnS:: 2 s ’il::! ioCoValn 33.60 *.21 T«r*^ Browne: TiMOIin35Jt *:23 Pp21ie *.30 OUFnBp 14.91 ..13 SWrKiIncl . 8.73 *01 IntnMun 095 *.02 ^ 8P500B 12.» .,11 PUCOFunc ChWiSnl8.03 *JI 0>«Val 1633 *J>4JM USOron 193r ♦;Z7 OaMp 2808'*.14 AnmtcanFundiA' p 7.64 * 08 'OISIQt 8 68 ..02 ShtMunIMuni 10.29.01 InvO/Odn 10.41-*01 • g, .,2 SVitB '1399 *,12 TnRlA 1 ileeledFimda:, UBAAOmim; • •-Utaiyn 11,97 -S3 • « AmepAp 18 28“ .'.1 OecElAp 1709 ..12 M 01C; OrSlruQ 24 83 ..43 SKCkTrekT> '34 00 ..09 IMMunil tl.ei .*,02 ,g'; ,5 USO>lB 6.94 *,02 PlUCOFuM^ S-Hll JO WAlyn 10.94 ^,04 w w iI t S M ^ p 41,73 .58 5 ; ” SmCVAp2aj2 ..33 fSSfn":p 28.53^ ..IB KMIOI 7.73 .03 TniO«OIiO«OI 10.42 *03 Uurtlnen 12.72..03 a ' ” »r ; ®- WJB 1124 -Jt Totmw 1 £ S , £ S . ' “ SS J2 Wdtnn 27,49 *2i M-ValAp I4J3 *,04 ^ ’ *i? DelawaralrmalS; . p 364 *.19 InSndOl 697 -.02 TROOSSDB5Spl0.42 *,03 NYMunn 12.74 . 03 S 1 S a::SI U*03 M»9..14 PtUCOFund Or&h: 1W 7.JIJ l Wnoarn 18,74 *J6 ——n em O T ^irr.ir J'*TT- 'SmCVBf27J0'iJ4- 1-Jt,97-*.09 " f -lr«£08 -t4,16 .,16 T«flelO19 ’^01 .01•0 Euiopin 20.56 i23 W .^ p 1384 ..17. J3 ^ .2 p 1060 ..36 KtuTSCO 14.93 ..30 F«^SvtTSrtT 19.67 .,10 MOI . 910 *.t1 ttorHan££|ll9.79 ” *.16 ‘S 2 ( “ V!*;, . K i S S u ■'* TjEa 1119.01'0 Eitndn 2326 *J4 V.l Si') 1262 .,10 IrCcOBp 8.79 ..IS WCafT:afT 19.37 -.22 Flnl Amer Fundi C:ICAPFunda: ' IZ ■* OOfAp 9iJ2 .04 ‘'O''0< Oroimn 2193 *J0 AtUFvrMtQ: HiTrAp lU.O 3 7.02 ..03 UrkOpSs 11.48 *.03 TachT W Th"??.^:l? ^ ' i1 : r i W .!S ::S 1 BiiOl 2800 ..14 /reoAo 5M!.:a ..0 ffiS i /iT 17.15 ..63 wet 9.42 *.12 ,j „ ■ ITBndn 1024 4.02 BjaWJl 27J1 .09 ! S « 0 3.5? lUN AArlaot D: Flnl Amer Fda Y: 1 J-:S SJril,-" SS f A S ' I S f* MWCapn. 11,89 *.12 . . “p 2828 I:” !Sls2o I la a ..0"l Min'47.89 *.60 Eqldilp 21,12*20 s::;: . Pldten- 864 *.0 ■ QlCneOl II.8J ..12 ICAAP 29741 .,1, u SpeeBqp 2203 ^29 SSScS ^ 5 , ifl ValSlne J1.B3..1J P 804 *.09 HnEDp 103 *,10 ndeUlyAlUlyAtNhofl; Fidlnep 11.12 *.03 iSmSma'Af ' » : « » o . .,<1 SS51- l!S ;:S i ™ 'SJ SmCaan 20.1I .J4 m SHi S , ' U i i ::!! s ', a : ;! £ CIY: PAMuDp 11.28 *.01 EaOilnVln 9t.49 .99 Ins 9.73 «.I2 'OrCoTAp ’< 4,50 *28 S S a S if S •j! STBnfn 10.17 ».01 1633 -.04 SaOdO 17,90 ..07 RiWyA■IttyAtWaorTl lflCoValo17.74 *,17 ■ ^ , » . . o , , lffiTlTli!! » iSi5 S 'iS•S ToiBran 10.12 *.03 .VMiOl 10J5.05 20 931 .2.23 Oalonn 8547 ..OS kjo,y . 1103 j; ..It SlrVtfl 8.10 *03 Oal^T AMFFukU: SmCpAp 231S ..4. ifcT 13.97 ..12 FlratEjjfa: ' ' J 57.09 ptydanAndi InOOrl 1950 * 17 •5; ToBMn 9.44,-,,13 7,17 *.04 USCWDI 7,81 .,01 OMJrTpSrTp ll,ei:..0T 8«Jen(jB24« *,19 Sis::!! “ IL 2ICer(St' 8.68 *.07 Qitme: 1042 II .10 tnvoi 1094 . n HlOrlm r'i25?!;i8 AHMlOB 504 . ... T.EJcAp 12.02 ! .0 r S Siockn 10072 ^:43 •gi Totsan 3411 <,a ' «B#rfufx».A; - W«fiAp 28 45 i .,1. .,14 OomW8ocm»; ScwT rlSeftei:M UaF^ 8.81 .02 £aQ/ToIrTp 40,64 .J4 FlnthandFti>di: -J " KaOMlfPunUaPrlA: Phoenli-0|V 42.H *-58 l«CpSSrs.!;...,.'M ' cmSS 14.69 kO IUO.AP 8J7 ..02 Au«l 44.30 ..4( oSi.ir,\-i3:«:“ a * " 'ic OTOn 12.71 .,10 OWTFA 11.47 *.03 I" »::S £ 7 Si!:j; s i Tn s 29.11 .11 OTC 7J0 .11 SountwndSh X 2 I ,-.14 vanWaeerirFin*' t 10.47 .,03 ni£qc 13 96 ..16 FWelltyInIlnlnvMl: FedTFApill.73 -.03 ^ pn 14.62 ... VkU 894 .09 Stand a: WaddaflftBawlAM PCtr^Ap 20M ..14 DewSlMmiFdi: CttEqll 87 i0rrn19.03 .02 niFAp 11J4 *,02 t* 48 Aom 8J3 *.0B • TechAo 7084.2.48 StPSirA 27.91 >.4(.40 Orlncn ■ 13.71 ..13 tcPiui •JS;K < SS,'!!J;:JS iS^." S . -||>5 20.91 *.n Very ^J8.04.14 FadlfBlincrR 16.90 -B3 poarrtpni0.4i .Jo30 CeralnvA i n .05. norm cn.llJt .01 EieelitorFuf S'ij1 *-J< Oenetia 29 04 *.il ca^n1 23.63z *.13 RsFutifl: . StFai rFundt; .KiulSCC U.9I ..10 AMorOrnS!.I!:S:S 8SS!?J?:ii USEOB? i 1920 *21 TplRAp. 14,48« * Uanhal 1029 *.05 ^ , n'>n,3l | Jl .-29 RSEmOp 33,69 .90 Owm won 8.19 .05 1.08 tMcoV\l 2860 . 29 VHHwunS usn 14.08 *.07 HYTFAp t031 *.02 JlJPWoSaBbiS' VaWAp 19.49 * ' M n W ; , 9 494 NCeplAp 7.94 * 09 .QMTiOl 21.98 .21 SCvl^ 28 51 .,41 K3in n " 43.69 *.49 IrKaTtApi 2.18. C yFBFundaD; . n 9.44 .01 RinaenAndaB; SlaltM t o R ^ A l ONMAAdnl0J7*,0301 ' Retlri 8.6t 4,(H GrlncOp 359 .01 SCVInv ’ 284) .41 2331 UuCoCp23.32 *2t CaMan rgTp.. ,iig 41? UAITB 18J6 . in 2437 *,04 0 ^ 40.12 *J4 AurorurenA 3279 .49 HMlCtn 48.79 -Jt^ ScTeiM 930 ^ POihOo 1901 ..13 OamitalnFda: ,;i! ia;!iS:Jirf >Apn 20.8t *24 IntTFAp 11.93 *Xa C s ”ss-"' 1 a#3 *.09 0uiH&3S33J6 *J2 Btfon. NYTa<(nl464 . 01 FedwiledA: tfA: . SdJlndCl 17.86 .,W C^rerrtxrt) 6.88 * 03 UtTFAp 1203 . 02 7 In 194 .0 1 RuaaeflkwtlI; Adyt » VangA 103 ..111 _ TachDl 65.74.2JO inOur 1791 • « -llJ5.*.ta- -SmC ,5.10-^ -Coru*-U». I 43.U~t.Qt- -MYTCApa MM^O} Ji — wiuftffTipc:------DMiii— iiftrra- ^ ia75 ... USChC 7.81 .£2 Conuldtl'utdtl' 10.49 * 09 SUCpOrA3l.60 *.44 b r-1 13t T i r •EQai"~3i87“T3(r 'CniS *:« ^ tA d n 1097 *.oi° | ConOrn. 34J2 PrOnCl 1904 ..13 TiUgMV 18 08 ..C 2 .08 HOlUJdn 0J9 wSin1 19.41li .09 ftydexlnveaun CpOl 9 93 . 07 UUFdC 890 .i» CnvScnSen 20.00 .,14 USO«Ap«e.79 -.02 J4 ■3 OakAaMMFda: imsilinn 11.16II .19 hbvan 2629 .J9 OmS ° ue-Cion 9.63 * a OovCl 7.17 -02 WV»a 14.63 MS .,t! S S i. ,! ' 981 *01 F e^ edF : DetllII 12.95 -a.IS UlMAp 990 -.01 Dainednnl9.64 G *.05 J2 ™ ' ^ '*•« ♦ WhHeOU3rH0.90 J i ^ «8«»w 1073 I:” ii&rM^ll60'*5l° SfflCMtnl4,t4: 4.19 ' QilncCI 3 50 *.01 DlKUockIntO; TMQ1.0 31110.2.19 S fS v 17.03 17 <01 AMitF 2328 *.04 DtUIIIII 11.09 .M Fniik^aniprmkC; CenEaniao5*U C UFBFundaC;, .. - OTCn 11.98 *M OraO Amer Century Atfr Cort 4X0 9 88 jM O y 2'J.» ‘ .OJr : ^ A . 23 «!nia.45 «JI USOvOdn.093 *JH loca2 5 J l f 3 : 2 ; . 2130 3 .BendF.:;..j.67-^03 .OdEen.- B- J3J9 *.10. .0«*MC 10J4 *,07 -E«lS«-Ji:».I:i5. .£ -MOC t3B7;a, l:--'. f e>rl'39.02>,04 j i Unarf ’ tOJO'^OO UuA(^ n - - 4 M - T.- •WetoAdmh47M9iJ7 • hc&opn27,6J *42 .L^VU'.1l «4 _ _ Eaton Vane* Cl '^ P tA 6J7 6 *.« EqirKF 1178 *.13 OtHanSn 19J3 *.13 IrORiCb ZI9 ^ F n 9-n ..01 WPAIil Funda: • oaknyu 33.18 -.04 NAmern 31 AmerCintunhv; t0.4T ,03,m BlflMOl 9ST- k!«A •IW . I ..03 OISIF 170 * « OvOthnMn 29.94 *i0 -SUCparCp3a69*.43 Fhdncft F 0.19 *.02 IflCpSIk 9.83 ♦. rn 31.11 .30 SAnCOFunda: CM Egaroln 1^44 «.15 UoCpI 21.41.J3 -TM0I.1I » J J .06 CaoApA 24 * Selaol 2993 -.10 NwE»»n2ltn2l,97 -.09 Equsn • I8J2 *,13 BTDl 24.18 *.14 UOrOyS ... _ Ealrcnnen 49.10*23 FrtnUTerapUUAftB: FiKdn F U M *29 UalnSlnFundaB:• B: OfttOnwpl: Nmrltn:n 22932: *20 Ofwttin 27,8t *23 SunAi -PartVal 21.12 A - Efllncn 7.I7 ..03 Bt*MtririrMFdu CalonVaneeaC: , C o ? ^ 33.79 *J1 UunOpp 0.81 .£1 EfinnIn 21,42 *J1 SwmA 19.40 *M C GNUAIn 10,60 «.02 Sm9y»nn23.09 -.03.^03 THOUP IBM *.09 £rr*oiJl _ 8 01LASdn17.l8 -.18 C a a ^ l 91.1) 3*. 4.13 BMI 19.71 .04 NIrttn 993 e .01' Urten 14.00 .03 BaiAi •fl valu* 94,69 a ll' a t • 23J3 *J9 FfanUTempTenvA: QJTeenn0 12,70 *.4| HAJDOl 'Sje9 *.*.M o«»bin 1243 4.09 BdTeenn 22.09 jj .74 BSlPdrtedo*: OalAi , Gfln • 14.88 .... CafwrttW: -«::ii ISS fssfn?'- -39.10 *.13 (MAtAp 10.11 *.18 OrvenC '30.10 *.13 TMRISt 19Jt . ot WaMFargoA: .M . «a:' EOuHyAp S78 *J7 GtjnMp IS -HftUn 9J4...0t UanaMitrinda:la: ' • mcBdl .7.79 *.01 BmCunSS'iSS 23 SSS3;".,SS;,S SS S IS23 *,13 F*d*rat*dln>a: OommcnM n''e:n .:oi ^nWAp lS» *:i4 'bUerctfyn 31.13 *.37 Spcl&) 7IJ99 *. .07 HQpndl ' 0.91 *.03' 9pa^n'n 14.1514 .11 EmMHpn 7J3 *<10 BICK »xG>pn:.27.67 .22 CnCCm 16.71 ♦;i9 .;i9 -titeain30.44 *,16 2litCr(p 7.400.09 *. U3C»Vtln 3.16 .*.14 TiFiHn1 IIIIJ9 . - MFtiAn »JI .,03 1 ONUNUAA ia 7 9 -J l Q ^ n 10J7 ..03n IflCoOrl I 9a79 4i» ',; ~T “ .. ^ ■■ r New movies:‘A O “ ; IBcaunfuI Mind,’ ' ...... ^ ' I NJSIDE” S I • :c.‘I m p o s ^ h i r WtiM's playingying ...... c a ' > arcathcaters. . Events ipotligr)tlight . .C4, C7-8 . Morning break ^ ^ v -r...;;.:;--./:PggeC3 e k E D eak..._.....e5 > ■ :_ Fm/rjrt•m^Edilor.SlaxCmmp-tS.-133-0931,Ext. 223 . ' Tlte Times^Neife\ys , _ ^ ; m. Fj-ididay, January, .4, 200: S ectio n G

^ ^ ■ T r a n N u ^■-YerrKher^-— Vyugen f t e§ = Nhu Quynh -- — and'L e . lin entertaiiuia m e n t ------— s i b t Kanh m director Tran An'h . Q ustaf H ung's H am mla an rs te n jj|H ‘Vertical >brates h BW b BI • ^ Ray of the th a d eBath a l of in a i S u n .' panU h . ■__ mCltMkt

nclsco ; F ^ c ——-ULu ikas-^H -— Moodlf98(sson’s ^ ^ ^ k |P laid,’aU(o v e r Swedishihfllm, f ’ • T o g etlie th e r.’ B MoUie»J»jdirecm f S a I! t(t ) \ \ n T h e fourth seasonlOfStuait of , iloss’ “FoicvcrPIaid’1iid’’-sQr- . Foreeigrifilm ring\\^yHufiTnan,in, David : ::filampIi^‘GcdtJoniFfflciird" F :festr:iva!l-finds= I------P au l Sojops - v\ili b&lbcbackon------^ ^ ------sb^'T huisday nighc^itindic a n aludience i «iin-VilIey:Rcsort’s&i-B o ilo — ^------| h i Room. Ic’U non every C rum p :ty , E ™ e wW8 i w rite r " (Thursday night throur o u ^ m id - Maniii. J______I T W IN FFALLS ^ - It’s important ...... -^to.beatuhehe-videos'of^ihe=movie8' ^ shown atI tthe local World Film ;------F esE vaT mintoTdease. t W a l k t h i s w^ vi a v hat’s not always easy, g iven th e limited1 audience and Acrosr:iith will play^ Salt& Lake rapid tumaTiaround o f “ w orld” cin* Karma T ensing NyinNylma Lama and Kar* ' e m a to AAmerican n VCRs these' ma W anglel playly In Frcnch director City’s Delta Centerrat at 7:30 days. Eilc-Valll's ‘Hlmalayalaya.' p m Monday ni^L 1 )r 14 w int^, ihe'Magic xts Council and its for- • which aic $35 and $7fp75,are eign filmTl festival committee H I Galakit k i c k o f f '-available by phoning ( rsevored,-ahd-slowly-— H I . - . . Jipi.hs:Ma£!c.ValI.ValleyArts ...... audience for screening I Council's 14U14th annual World . : '32S-732& _____ s u b t i t l e dd movies in a most___ ....••...... :^ m p ro te 6>le-place>i^ ------^T":— iy^oiivWjfMivet— “ I t ’s htiard,” a said BarbFra Lamphousce TheaterThi In Old 5 h a r h - H^^i^utt,, thetl committee’s chair* B neua«ini«(»iiimbu Towne. ■ G i r l f i i e n d ’sJ 1Ual^iV woman; Cham pagne andd hohork d’ocuvres will ^ * Above, Spanish director • ' “I t’s n o3 t like we can actually -' I be served and thethe. Jeff Fox Trio will , The Vuamettes, a gjri-prl-goup go see thee nmovies we’re thinking ., Fernando Trueba sougtit ; : entertain. Ticketssts forfi the gala are . spoof that was a V\?)od«d River fbout bringn g in g in ; New Y ork is a to capture tho spirit of ' $7.50, availableIo ata t the ' long w ays>away. a' Latin-Amerlcan m tislc In Lam phousc, Everyt/erybody's Business, Kurt's Pharmacyryand an Hallmark and Miilcycradidon untillilts ic retire- "But myy rm o th er lives there, so a series of sot-plece con- A' the a rts councillofficeoni^ain offi — —ment two ycaisagc^b< up and ask for recom-. _certs,that _c« make up.lCalle. .. .. - ijgU ‘ begin .... ns.” ;.- . .. r ...... • I ____ _ A v cn u e .._____ ... ' 54,’ which will open th q ^ ' theircomebackwiditlh die first ^ The eight;ht members of the am : foreign film festival Magic Valloy Arts W k ■ ■ f e s tiv a l’s fiv eJ fi.films - they’re show ofthc season MeMonday " J l e see recently released Council’s World Film ^ Wednesday andd FridayFi nights at • night in the Boiler I^ocJoomat foreign-Iailanguage films only . Festival Wednesday. H R ,7 p.m. and Sundayiday afternoons at w h en th ejy y travel to big cities. PRight, Bruno Crembr and ^ 1:30 p.m. - cost[ S7S7.50, or you can Ac Sun Villey Resort • MosUy, thele five movies selec-ted buy a 10-p u n d iI ca:card for S60 o r a Chatiotto'R am^lIng In Ih ontinue are*by wordrd of mouth. j five-punch cai-dd for fc S32; Tickets Perfonnariccs \vill com French diroctor Francois , . r “ A n d wwe e don’t always get . a re av ailab le aIt t ththe door, a t th e . every Monday ni^it tl ,w h a t w ^ w_wa_ntj’’‘H ( u d b u tt s a i d .___ _O w nV U nder th e S an d .' arts council ^ffjce off on_Majn “We got jujust one of our first • c ^ jVvoHucs a t Everyb‘ryboay’sBusFness mid-lViarch. “Vertical Ray of the Suiun” on the festival haslas grow n from two bec{ choices thlis is year.” ja lecome hits in Middle Ameriirican •. and at K urt’s5 PharmacyPI and Jan. 30, and France’s “Undiider the showings of each'ea film to three, subi _ The 2002 uburban cineplexes in tho? rpast • Hallmark. )2 version of the world____Sa_Sand!lon.Feb..6.______!—------^------a n d — t h e — oopening—of—the p ------few filnTfestivaval opens Wednesday ■ e w y c a r^ r------:------7- 7 - rAnd so lar, you/ou can only rent Each movie, is shownI thI r e e L jim p h o u s e - - which screens. “J i t h a s c r e e n in g of.- ■ lii “Some distributors (like (1 . one of the' fivefC festivalf films tirnes, on Wednesdayy and 'mostly art-holiouse films - has Mirliram ax ajid Sony Pictu director’s Fernando Fr :u r e s . locally in a v ideoio sistore. Friday nights and Sundayy after- helped promoinote awareness of ClasClassic) a re looking for a wi ; t r i b u t e to L a tin - no ivider "Besides,” HurHurlbutt adde4> noons. w orld cinem a,I, tH u rlb u tt says. audiudience,” Hurlbutt said. “] American m usic, “ CalJe 54.” “But “the video storesires here usually “Including Super Bowl ' Plus the factict that foreign-lan- somi . “Himalaya y a ,” a F re n c h m o v ie Su om etim es tIiey_won’t screenn (cer- only g e t o n e o r t^votwo copies.” Sunday,” Hurlbutt added,1. “And gu3ge movies!s i t h a t o n c e would ta in in whidvmun u c h of the dialogue is w( ain films, like (the curr^ig cities— “C“Crouching Tiger, like .JlTogether,;r,” from- Sweden, : ike Twin Falls. I had to gogo to cat} be rcachcdI at 735-3223, or ; Still, in terest in foreign mmovies Hidden Dragogon” and “Life is Keicieichum to s ee it.” write to him a t cni 1 Jan. 23; Vietnam’s is;is substantial enough locallj cnimi)@ttiasicval- Uy tliat Beautiful,” foror example - have Individual In screenings offthe i /ey.coni. ■ TVf^tQ rememaber: ‘Famitasticks’ssunsets aftfter 17,162I i^erfprmalances Suite soundsj 3 Tho Assoclat)lated Press Acclmmod violinist SanJa n ih ...... NEWYORD R K -It is less than a n 3^; l^fiyalljy ei^iti^it .actois and .,' hour befor ■ D JamosCook, ■ore curtain at tKe f c i i s \ 'm th a m in ifiumumofpmps h Chang will'pctfomi witvvitn the Saturday matineemt and someone ; r . • H left, productloi:Ion n tally spilled w ater on Utah Symphony tonigflightand h*acddenti '* m 2k stage manogoigor ‘ (inascemi'y'icry,'Hi<’ i th e p ian o ke:keys. Fantastkks' Saturday in Salt LakeeCitys C ■ James Coc'ook, production stage ' ' R • rks'-lm k m anager, isis cd ry in ^ off tlte ivories * ^ I fantasticks', , Abravancl HalL ^ 1 1’ aru/lyrics/jyl>y Tom Jones . . befdre 1500 theatergoers i troop I M ^ S \ ond Natasha into the tinjinyj sold-out Sullivan / a ^ Harporand andtmisicby:by Hmvey Street Playlayhouse to see “The Joremy Eillson- Y a k e t y - y a k • ' ' F a n ta stic kIS," s,' the little musical^ ^ ScJimidt-luLJuisakiY/ys that mqny/ thoughtt would run § ) l ■ play tho youngng ' liv e lc d in th e thcitheatricality of Billy R ic h a ^ ’ incamatilarionof forever. . . couple, stand I . , T h e c o uintdown n i has started ' fiin its om^n s h n pitrity. M Yctevai thc47-year-o!d Los An|\n g p lc s tow ard its fi]final curtain Jan. 13, . front of tho g simple can k>e hatrlhi uvri\ 9oo-wop group the Coaboasters are no more tickets to . r X® curtain at tho be had forththe remainder of the Sullivan S treet plays Cactus Petes Rcsent that b.began May 3, 1960, the signs? When ' w hen D w ightjht D. Eisenhower was \ Now York's do I wake up jindind realize thac ■ through Jaa 13. still presidedent and George W. w g lB M |j Greenwich you can ’t go on fore'orever w ith half- filled houses? After Bush was rw(iwo months-shy of his H B H H - Village' fter 40 y ears o f a ^ 14ih b irth dlay. ay roller coaster, you)u g et tired, na\7 Performanance number 17,162 , “It’s.a life senttjntence - and I JazzonSundi have been doingI tirtime.” says th 6 WiU b e th e2 cend for this sweet- ■■ tfpM# 78-year-old Noto wit ri__ tempered talcale of first love, test-.' YejYe^^even simple can be h w ith a laugh. ' '^rwinFalis’GrcatRjffjE ; hard known song,IS. “Try to baseiised o n R o s t a n d ’s “Les Li The signs to closi i j a 2Z ed over timene, of •innocence lost woiwork. - :lose \vere there Remember,” tthe' performer Roms)manesques,” is beyond tlthe last year, he say;iays, when the ' Society prcsenc the GrGreat ond wisdon:om gained. It’s an TTlie wiry Cook is unflappj)pable dropped onei and. it rolled stuff Liff o f t h e a t e r le g e n d ev(yen musical’s usual bum3ump up in busi- affecting sto5tory of a young girl as heI negotiates the rabbit't war- upstage,' only t RiffJazz Players in assoc f to be squished ,thou(ough it opened to middlirling ness didn’t materiaerialize after its spoanon, and young boy,bo secretly brought ren they call backstage inin th e u n d e m e d th th e s' e show ’s h arp . revieinew s. * May 3 annivers•ersary rolled 2 idies together by/ t]their fathers and an diladilapidated theater, greeting w A theCSI Ja zStudi( ng tlie A spray'of or«arange juice flew re'nacious Ten producer Lore NoJoto around. assortmentit

. .... ■ r ‘ sV • • ;* .

C-2 Ttipo»M«wt,'TMnFalli,lJh, Idaho Friday, ianuafy 4,20022 ■ V 'n ....

■ W eekEniJD. t nih r ' i es Fast; and tl:hc 1'uafious'f t e e ss on t(D shel'l y s i l ' Combined wiro services|s j>____ - Hotvldeos ------r.;-----.- f i New movies in Twinvin Fall&ara - -video stores-this week;-k i - -.%y^r-»nd-clil-charts-fOf-the-nattoti^B— — 6.-:t UnlviifMl.Studloss ...... - ^VistaHome Entertalnmainmefit.-—^ . F n a |H ': ^ V mostpopi.opular videos a s they will Home Hoi Video. 8 . •What U es Beneath.'3th.' DroamWort' L _ JheF ^t and-th'e Fl 1 appear ImInnextwoek'sissucof - 7?'.^GJa.djator.:_D.reamWprK$.Homo: .‘( e ...... —Home anertalnmgnt-: Billboard ,mi^gazlnof 2 The 200 0 year- . • .EntEnteitalnmentr- Rob Cohen’s The Fas and the 9 . 'Erki Brockovich.'' UniversalUni Sfudios=i end video chart:larts were compiled by 83. . ••102-‘j Dalmatians.’ BOena Vistaa HomeVidM. . - Furious’ hurtles us inton o dte ultra- ’ computer fromim IBillboard's weekly and Home Hoi Entertainment • 1 0 . ’Traffic.'USA Homo - hig h -sp eed w orld of L.A.L. omo Enteitainmen'^d ■' bjweekly-charts■rts during the eligibility - - g3. . . '.‘Toy ! Sloiy 2 .' Buena Vista H6meTie racing, it’s a ^vorld of i m idnight period, which1 wwi as Dec- 2 .2 0 0 0 , Enier^ain'ment Ent • ru n s on em pty d ty streeTeets, w here " I DVD sales . ..HirouEh Nov. 242 4 ,2 0 0 1 ; for oil of the ' 10.LO, 'MeetThoPardnls.'Universal. ^ “ charts. ------r ------sniStudios Horne Video.'...... speeds as'high as lGC ..Entertainment races' that yield thete \ a ’ 2. 'Crouchlng.TIger, HiddenHide Dragon,;^!' $10,000 payoff. ' r '^ H 9 R&i?totals ■ Columbia TrfStar Homeome Video. ■ It’s an exdting, high-gh-risk exis- | H m , ' (Cortipllcd fromm Ea national sample of 1.'(L. 'Gladiator.',DreamWorks Homee . 3 . 'C ast Away.' FoxVidetfldeo. . tqnce that breeds bot cam a- sales reports)-i)- ■ ■ EntiEntertal.fvnent. 4 . 'X-Men.'FoxVIdeo.5. ■ • ■ t : ■ ra a e rie a n d intense riv;rivalry. This . 1. 'T)ic,Empcror'ror’s NewGroove.' Buena 2 .2. 'M eet The Parents.' Universal • 5 . 'Gone In 6 0 Seconds,>nds.' BuenaVlsta-' is a n action p icture tliat'bat’s surpris- Vista Home EntiEntertainment - StuStudios Home Video. Home Entertainmentnt ing in the complexity c key . 2 . -Chicken Run.'un.'DreamWofks'Hon\e 35- .'J ‘Alrnost Famous.’ DreahiWorte.-,s- • 6 .'Tfamc.'USAHdmeTIB Entertainment''"’'^E ‘clitii a c t c r s ’~a n d p'iiiiiiH'i ort III —^tohalnmohtZl\C ^ ------1— I". ' HorHonie Entertainment - • • -. •;.^:_._::7,-iSt;ar-Waw-£plK>^ •d^Th«J>hant6rT|^ — tragedy. That The Fast'ast and thp - 3 . ^ e Silencee COf Tho Lambs.'MGM ' 4I. . 'T ‘The Family Man.’ Universal Stucludios M enace.' FbxVided' .■Furious’ is loaded wiili.juw-drop; ------HomlrEfltcrtatni ------r -.- S .- T h e Matrix;^ Wamer-Iner-HomeVideo:'^------____ _PjB8J13ces ^n_d chasesses is to be___ . 4. ‘Coyote Ugl/.'ly.' Buena .Vista Homo 5>. . ’Wonder’V Boys.' Paramount Homrm e • ' 9 . "The Patriot.' Columbijmbla TriStar Home- expecte’dr'that its 'peopl 'Entertain nent.'It.------: ...... "VId(Video; - more than their fabuloulously 5. 'M lss.cW cnl[oniality.' Warner Home 6). . ‘Cast‘C Away.' FoxVidco. • 10. 'M eet The Parents.'Its.' Universal . ■■ V tomized vehicles is r T h e 7.’. -C ’0 Brother, Where Art Thou?' Bui5uena Studios Home Video.0. result is an intensely i entertainm ent that can be 0 ^ • suggests a comicic corhbinatiori'ofci enjoyed by viewers whovho scarcely y ( T rum an C apote,i, TtTom W olfe affd 4vn LLA. / In this It’s about Yamamoimoto (the dirtic^ ------p redom inantly-L atino-aio-arear-tiie^^^^l^H ^H__tpc.£xedited-byJ^,^h is actot^s nartdf------______blond-haired Brian standssia out.___ Beat Takeshi), aa JaJap an ese gJ^ig- and the first to lake r H ------Sierwh6comes tou nA m enca, iinks Vince (Matt Schulze), ia husky, up with his brothether's drug-deil- ta tto o e d g u y w ith a slishort fuse • ing gan g a n d becon:comes the tou^- and n ot too m any smarts.irts. , * * est gangster in tiietJie area. U n a^ '■Pretty soon, Mia’sI’s b ro th e r — - to speak English,h, heh shoots ffirst -- ciaudia Lander-Du-DuKe plays In ‘Tho Man Who» OOr rie d .'...... " “ ■■ ■ Dominic (Vin Diesel) ha:has to step ' and seeks translatiilation afterwatdv out of his sm all office at die back ‘W h a t ’s t h e! VWorst That somijm ed iin g funny. B ut Uie ‘Woi^orst’ ‘Brother,’ ^ Kitalitano’s fit-st o f^h e cafe to stop Vince’ice’s jcMoiis i i ' appens. The movie’s so sufuffo- American-ma'de filrfibn, is slow an'd 'a tta c k on Brian. »S'«.:i Could Happenlen?' , Ited by its own plot, no onine’s -stolid. Beat Takes!;ceshi’s character PMUc«: Dom is protective j*f her : the conventions .of its fatlfather (Oleg Yankovsky) ir I l.ervvithoiit a u n try skiing a t M agic M o u n ta • being possessive. sucked-dry• genregi thanks only to . 1920s192 - Sally Potter’s moviec lo s e s « :ntain. Brian has his work ‘cut■ait oat tor solid perforn>rm ances by, SoBieski its jij way. Fegele (now Chri;ristina i:; him ih winning Dom’sI’s respect .™d S^rssar,;ard, \yho breaUie com- R icd) is -sent to a fam ily o.fB f n ts - j ■...... N O) !SCHOOL-SKI DAY\ r j - v ^ 'Z5MEI ltd w hat are norm ally j,nc and trust. When he d and renamed Suzie. Then•n she i Monday, Jamanuary-21. Includes transpor ( 7 3 5 ^ 3 5 7 ) LP4 ! docs, be portation, ^ lies: th e damsel in dis- goj. • bonds vs'itli Dom, w ho'sswarm wi ond "f role' goes to Paris as a dancer, onor die i clinic, liftt tickettl and lunch. Ages 7-11 the leering, looming -II.with • ^ BBY CALLING 7354HELELP ■■ w itty ben eath his tougliiit-e g a y ™ - eve of. World War. II.- She .• parent. Ages 1 :s 12 and up alone. S25 perer person.| ^ • |:FROM7H)Oam-6:OOp m DAIL>WLY rinr, a n d of course Briananistallins i '’"ecyman. , , befbefriends fellow daiicer 1 in love with Mia. At■ t jiusl the , ..C™'”',"?; drug abuse, automo- , (Cate Blandiett as a Russian) S 1 0:0 0Oama -6:OOpm SATURDAY &t SUSUNDAY ■: moment that we senseise Bi-ihn’s “ccidenents, a stabbing and an3,^, egotistical opera singerTia DOWNHIU SKI RACKCKAGE i l MEMBBERS OF OUR COMMI/IMUNITY J-Sivers. PG-13. . growing security in thisisnewenvi. ni creepy care-s. Dante (John Turturro), and Tour Sunday trips to Pomemerclle. ^ M CAN RECEIVEF NOM£MERGrgency ;* ronment, we suddenlyly discoverc - , in love with Cesar (Joh Indudes dinic and lift tickets.tlcl m CfTYSERVICES_^ . ■■ tlie m eaning of the film’s,i s bravura , Greenfingegers’ DeiDepp), a gypsy horse-handle S4S for all 4 tripsips! ^ daredevil opening sequenuence. This When fivere prisoners in a mini- ■ the,th e troupe. But Blanchei licjiislnitioii ilciulUnc Is tuikiy.tod ^ Aninim al control calls is th e kind qf une.vpectO'cted depth • muih-securityity prison learn their. uncunconvincing as a Russian ( Cityy evcnt-lnformatlon . that results when astuteute direct- governor like:kes flowers, they start let,let, ditto for Ricci as a Rus; ~ c port crlmcs after Uie fact ; ing, acting and writinglg rmesh as a garden, hopingh' for parole. tuntumed-En^ishwoman. And I < Repoport suspldous aaivities smoothly as the geitrsitrs in tlie Things get e [ exciting when they parparodies himself \\ith a perp(^ ^ I ifflc problem s film’s souped-up cfiv>five-mem- a fight. Carter,C >vho liv.es out:its jd e i ■ M o n ddays a through Thursdaylays ber group at age 21, CdrCdrter was They .returturned to the night- rampa, Tan is the second'Backst 12-Ipm & 6-7i>m charged on .Wednesdaylay with a dub later in'thein' night to break Boy to experience p e rso n a l t m C A N B E A H Avzard Z i: misdemeanor count of resist* up anotherr disturbance.d While ' Ijle ble ill recent months. Ii\ J — ^ w ing/opposing a law enforiforcement officers madeide arrests and tried A.J^.J. McLean spent tim e i WIM LESSONS ■ B k I Inantidpatutlon of future snowfall andIto to Ihelp •' officer without violence.:e. He was to restore leace,pen Carter became rehabilitation rehi center for dej January 7-24 ______. r o s s d io o l chlkilldrcn and pedestrians, pleasesc dobserw . handcuffed, placed inn a squad involved inI anai argument ^yith a >ion sior a n d alcohol ab u se , fo r •>iie tliefollowirving; shovel snow jroih your.sidr.sldewalks . car and released on hisis oown rec- woman, accoicording to the .arrest • the the group to postpone itsi i I YOUTIThI w IM LEAGtvUE . P g g and pat shehoveled show along side tliee dridriveway ognizance. • • affidavit, and2nd Canadian tour. McLtLean,.- K .3rdthrougljgh 6th grade. S25 per"person. pi H B or sidewalkIk.Tsrprevent flooding and trafltraffic ha/iir^j. His first court appear earance is He was toldjld to leave the night- wIicrvho turns 24 next w eek, h a‘ss s a id y P r a c t i c e5-10:00-12:30 s - Saturdirdays. do not put:It snow Iri streets opgutters. set for March 4, Tampaipa Police club more thth a n 1 0 times until he’sle’s been sober ever since. fan. 26. Resister before Jar,fan. 25. . Paper fires^ gossip go]^lumnist ~ Use NEW YORK (AP) - Gossip( “budgetary■y reasons," News 7 The Tim es-Nevi columnist M itchell FinI•ink, who spokesman KKe en F rydman said. ~______wrote fflr the Daily News ;wsfor 3.5 Fink saidi fc b e in g fire d d id n ’t JW arkiSprace' years, said Thursday ^ee bdievesb surprise him.n. • • the newspaper • firecredhim “It doesn’t't tat k e a genius to g e t classifieds^ because of readers’’ v waning v the message;e; albeit subtle, that - - " p ROTECT WATER PIPJIPESrr -;4 | : a p p e tite for .celebrity newnews-after . they’rie thinkiiIdng m aybe th ey can to turn !C Withextrcnemely cold weather, leave a smasmall trickle ' theSept; 11 tenroriscattac THE OLYi ttacks. do .withoutt asa much gossip,” I YMPIC TORCH IS about the size of th e lead In,lapcndl, a p ;l fi^,.w ho idsb has'worl(forked for-. ' Fink s a id . I C M of possessionss I COMING5 TO TWIN FAUiLd I H ' mnnlng thrhrough the night o r when leavl:caving . '■ ■ . 1 . , P e o p le m a g a z io e a n d tl d th e L b s .' ■ *’1 don’t thbink ir they can. I tried rday, January 26,20()2 .* t . homeforaran extend)^ { ^ o d of Ume. Angeles Herald Examimliner,^V as■ after.'Sept..!:.1 1 to definitely be intg cash. . fired, bn Wednesday becileca'use of less frivolous.’is.’V'---- •'

• ' 't •' ___ li, • '>■ 1 ' ■■ lmuaiyi2002 Tlm^ewi.TwinTwin FaHi, Idaho . Wee;ekEnd ‘A B (eauti t m d ’ iarrive-is in areai t;hcatc - --I Combined wira ttrvlceg —

-— i—Itfovies-plsying-uv^th-ith

I possibly unsuitable fo r ch I (PG<13) parents a re strongongly cau- ; tioned to give guidance foifor anen- ■ I dance of children youngtn g e r than 113; (R) restricted, j^oungtn g e r than i f H a i '. 117,adnutted only with pai or 1 8 1 ! adiilt guardian; (NC-17) j one ' - -‘youngerthan 17admittedi ■IIH -

— I —AnymOvie^attemptingTOgTOTmrav'"” ** ti McKellen plays-the.wlzard-Qamandalf.lnJLdrd-of th e HIngs.L—:. ; el the mystery and maj^o5Slng ■Kqie & Leopold,' M agic LantcItem Century Cinema -knocked people out andid \ played - movfes; •L‘Lord of Ihc Rings: Fellowshipip o f • 'Jo e Som ebody,' CenCentury th e d ow n for a living. UltiiJlttaaiely of th ' e Rings: The thne e iRing,' Magic Lantern C in em a . the. film fails to connect;llik lik eM 's Followshlprftuf the Ring,’ New Llne."^ 'Ocean's•0 Eleven,' Magic lanteItem ’K ate &^Leopold,'' Century-Cei career, it iust goes on tot Elovon,* Warner Bros.______‘The Shipping! N ew s,' SkiTimoIG C inem a ______^^ted'Rj'vIolMce.'languaguageTsex-— :■ ‘ ' Cinc:|fwfi^ ^ 77“■] 'Uofd'orUilTRmprFejrFellbwsri:p'of~ lutroDiBoy.GonlusJ^______------ual-6ituatlonsr-2-hours,-4J:,-48-min------4^1mmtJurley T heater 5 . ‘Vanilla Sky,' H av in g w on aii O scar f 'A•A Beautiful M ind,' Twin Cinem•ma ‘Vanilla Sky,’ Centuryilury Cinem a nplausible escapes L beefy perfom rance in ‘GlacIL S atS ? 'Behind•B Enemy Lines,' Odysse;s o y . ------Russel! Crowe goes for. ai ’ from bumblinting goveounent pur- ^ Blurredcd by a'chaotic mess Thezh e a te r . J e r o i Tme K ~.... th e o ld -fash io n ed w ay, pi “"Harry Potter and the Sorcerer'j r 's . ' ------mathematician John Nashash l H "f fast cuts, sl.slow-motion effects7 Stonto n e ,' Twin C in e m a ' ■Jimmy Neutron, Boy3oy_Genius,' i ___ genius whose accomplishistoelJts' rapid caiuera-a pans1 and ju m b led ..... ■■'H ovvHieh/'O dys^y T h eateF■ J ^ r n e 'C in e m a “ were overshadowed by pai es, ‘Impostor’ never IM srtiiTophrpnin mnt S e " r s T ;r ! thrills i or suspense. wphn. 'Impostor,' -In Odyssey Theater ■Joe Som ebody,' JeroJerom e iH7rSlnl5«r5t0TrtrPlmpo8ton*= ------Howard-moviesrthis-one- T Jnse'endm B*s~obV]-— ~ nim m y NculronTBOV GeniU5. cere and well-cfonstructed, jmVStowe. Vincent — dwawarves on a quest to rest'store Monsters, Inc.,., tuses to power win Cinem a 'Lord of the Rings:i: FellowshipFe of K ^s like an unsatisfyingn« l.n . D’Onofrio andnd Mekhi Pfifer.co- goocood to a world threatened;d by. Monstropolis. WliiWien the compa- ' ■Joe Som ebody,' Twin C inemla a the Ring,' Jerome tinerjineipa Rated PG-13; violence, lani& : PG-13 forfor.intense sd -fi vio* gvlLviL T he story is so involvinggand i ny’s top scream-m:collector, the 'K a te & Leopold,' Twin Cinemna a -'The Majestic,' JeroniTonie Cinema ^ len ce, som e sensualitys€ and lan- , 2 hours, 15 minutes. le characters so vivi4 youI mayn hairy, scary 5S u lle y (J o h n • ‘Lord ‘L( of the Rings: Fellowship ( g i ^ e . 95’minuinutes. not_ l i n g " - " T j ot want to wait until n'next Goodman), is satsabotagea by his thele Ring,'TwinF Cinema' • • i G o o d in ‘B e h lm l E n e m y U n e s ' hristmas to see what happi>pens many-tentacled2d rival (Steve •Tf'The M aJesKc,' Twin Cinem a ' ' 'Jimmy NeiitrJtro n , B o y G e n iu s ’ ne:!?.ext. The sceneiy, effects a nd d sto- ; Buscemi), he and Its release pushed forwi nd his eyeball of -'Theti Man.Who W asn'tThere.’ 'Harry Potter and the ';Sorcerer’s celling are m arvelous a n d imimag- an assistant Mike capitalize on patriotic fervo £ If you're a Ni.Nickdodeon regular, fy*4 ke (Billy Crystal) Lam?amphouse Theater Stone,' Gooding Cinemaem a jy m ade die acquain- lative, and it’s played with t(total find them selves \viwith an adorable drama is about_a Navyivy flier you've already jMonsters.inc.LTwin Cinema ncerity, which'is sometimenes a and verboten"= ; (Owen Wilson) shot.doi myNeutron,a'geeky smc( human'toddler------'.j., down i ^ ' roblem: Some of the dramtnatic (Mary Gibbs) or 'N ot A n o ll^ rT e en M ovie.' JBosnla'and the namstrtmg gemuswithala Mister Sbftee hair- Prob ori. t h e i r h a n d s . iterludes border on th e com b dyssey Theater ra l (G ene Hackm an) w ho? is ^ d S - do. a robotic dcdog and a command “ ter nball. They’ve g ot to ge e t t: h e r back to h er a te d PG-13; graphic v io l^ c f ‘Ocean’s Elovon,’ Odyssey No movies this week.2ek. mined to get him out safely,ay. Ifs a s ' of rocket saenience. H is first com* ice. 2 w orld before the2 bboss finds out. If ated film sees Jim hour3UTS, 58 minutes. involving as it is unoriginal, 'Inc.’ seems moreire workmanlike I______\ the same issues as than its predecess' filing from extremely tense: 2ssors. it compen- ’ 'Oc6cmean's Eleven' m en w an t to be him.Iiim. R ated PG- S to tos.giftedkidcids: feeling uncool,' Tnfiihe M alestlc’ sates in \vit and1 inir technolo^cal. . 13; language. 2 hours.urs. ' ; ^ e s designed by fir^-tin] i i e you in or out? W ith G eorg ty re s d ire c to r J o h n Moor>Mre and g^oundinded and having his Directord j , Frank Darabont (“I(The' • • breakthroughs - most: of which n apped by man-eating cree story 'you m ay never notnotice, so convinc-■ ^ )oney asking and Steve; from Wilson’s surprisingly ( reen'M ile’) designed this st< lerbergh directing this titulatar 'Shallow Hal’ iSg performance. Rated F IG; gas'jokes. 1 hour. of: a aamnesiac 19S0s screenwwriter ri is this world.i ]Rated Gr noth- .“oderi aake-o£_the-1960 .Rai_Eacli c k ------Thls-staggcriiigin^ljt-earno(5t^ —^ lEncerlanguage.-l- houivSi?si!^;_22™ im ues_ ------J------(-Jin,rinreaTrey)-m istak6n‘foj■br'a^ ing'objectionablerlerl-hourr2GTnln~J|^^ t'eir. it’s a rhetorical questioron. ' wholly sentimentalItal film about ' ije s . • - W'^orld or: War II hero to, be utes. • Cloonioney has tlie Sinatra role oif f: a seeing beyond surf:urface appear- ______'JoeSomebolMdy^______'C^ap ap: raesq u e’ - .i.e., a J a b l e j l Bf-plottiilg.a.ca.<:ino-robber>try r------a n c e s - c o m e s - f r o mm-filmmakers - f ------istores our faith in T^S— r< ^Not'AnotherTe tlarry Potter and the) ~ This third felfelidtoui teaming of rest( TeWIVIpvie’- 't'S s ‘ MMission Impossible tearam . you’d hardly expect:ct tou persistent- merican values.' Instead. Tim Allen andan director John d..it A .90-minute:e exercise in ‘ indudludes Brad Pitt, Don CheadlcHe. iy appeal to our betterbeti natures. ’■ Sorcerer's Stone’ )mes off like Capra-com, desp Pasquin, whosejse previous pictures ispite redefining the woword gratuitous. Carl:1 IReiner, Elliott Gould amind So what are brotherslers Bobby and ♦The good news is that di ncere performances fror/i' 1 : director , were ‘The Sa;Santa Clause’ and since 1 th e This feature direct’cting debut from Mattt t DamI on, but the real prizejis i Peter Farrelly doing)ing.telling'the ^ u is Columbus (‘Home A ipporting cast. Rated PG; m 5 Alone’) ‘Jungle 2 Jun(ingle,’ again shows supp former MTV VPVP Joel Gallen Cloomoney’s e:<-wife (Julia Rpberts;ts), story of the fatuouslous oaf of the nguage. 2 hoursj 24 minutes. - . and writer-Steve-KIoves^es-have — ihelr-knack forfor revealing the d is--l^ n g i ;•— reach es broadly' and ai deeply into- curreirently involved with casimino title (Jack Black),), aa misguided Ifeen slavishly faithful to to J. K. content beneatlath the surface of an . the teen movieie genrfi, from • boss;s Andy/ Garcia. Though thi:he cre a tu re w ho is intereterested only in ^w ling’s introduction to Harry] affable regulaliar guy. This tirpe TnS'he Man Who ‘P o rk y ’s’ to 'Crucruel Intentions.’ hdstii5t itself is just an excuse for usu beautiful women, whenw;li a bit of. ^ tte r, the orphan destinitined to Allen plays a MinrieapolisdivorceM u/ae fasit't There’ \vith partioular emjmphasis’on John to spespend some old-fashione

‘H o w H Ig h ’. A nniversary ‘Lord o f th e R in g s ’ 'MIbnsters, 'on Inc.’ J!:Method M an ^ d R edm an lan, that Those who failedfa to complete AftAfter Pixar’s two ‘Toy Stoio ry ’ ‘I ^ a m i c Duo o H lap ,’ windnd up at j . R . R . Tolkien . B irthday ien's epic jouiiioy „„vi.jvies and ‘A Bug’s Life,’ oio n e • _____ H a rv a rd am id a h aze of super-si through Middle ole-earth may fmd jjggs t th e feelin g e v e ry o n e w) sm )ng stnokes'through whicl Birth A nnouncem enm t hich the themselvfes healeaded to the book- „orksirks a t the com puter-anim adi£ r g u S s s J ^ o t t o f a pal supplies themem with store at the »e end of Peter studi(idio is just a big kid. Pixai . t^ t answers. This is a rauiaunchy, Jackson’s first ij ■aduation • T hank ^ t installment of the fourthirth feature aiisivers the qu( Y o u • ^od-natured comcdy thaihat has . trilogy. ‘Ring’ se naive hobhit n of how the m onster got in tJ i^othing tO'do Viith actualI cocollege ringbearer Frod jset anyway: He was se: :m ory M essages • rP e t s t f H H W e b u t takes a few jabs aIt t aacade- fectly cast Elijal ■ d o s e ijah Wood), his wu- rough a portal to collect tl ' mic' pomposify and sodalal snob-s ard mentor r Gandalf (Ian S ghtened screams of little chdiil^ '<^..^^1^ i g a g e m e n t b W e d d^ing i . ' I « b’ery. Many comic talentsts shinej McKellen) and nd assorted other j-U?in, which tlie energy (^mpai)any ihduding Obba Babatimdd aas the humans, hobbbbits, elves and • ’ Armouncemeht universiys'uptight dean. (1:30.(1:; R . for pervasive dnig use andin d la n -__ _ guage and for sexual dialogui SIDENTl^&'CQMMERCIAl .‘Iriipostor’ • tt h ln q l J J ir Ducts ■ Furnaces A weak impersonation of)f'Blade *I 7 ^ ./un For more Inform atior5n call K aren, Jill. Shellle lle y , ^ ___ ■-Diycryer. Vents ■ Chim neys- —Runner.’-fTotal Recall' andi d o( t h e r - — Bea or Tenon at733-ll-0931-|m w m Falls. . ^ -fi fUms with a who’s-hui Toyla, Sue or Faith In Burley at 677-4042. whp’s'hot premise. DirecteS'S . " , 7 3 2 - 8 7 88 8 ^ Gfiry Heder, ‘Impostor’ stars / Sinise as a sdentist accuseSe"d“3 , : llity 'I-SOO-B27-5I9.I . :Q u al; PricesP i start at $20, Inclincludes ' being an alien assassin in theth e y e a r ’ • ' Call For F<^Rser£i w *. ..fB 2079. On the run as he triitries.to >ei6 r V I C G S ■ Brochure p h ^ scanning & artvartwork . prove he’s hum anjie^lt^ k e s a ’ I InnlieTimesj^■News ' Private Party. Only'nly' ------1 . ' .' I.... • ’ . • 'f ■ ' j ' ; M ' 7lmet«nrt,Tw^ H*. IiU m' Frtdty, ianuaiy4,2002►2' ■ , , > 0 > j f ' WEEKErSd ; - ■ f . R o d Sccwai?■ rt im p cerson aitor w’il11 p l a ya : t C a c;tii.s P e ||j||H Easy Concert . N ' R rt House at_7 p.m ./ MaiHarket in Ketchum or Pa’a u l ’s . th e Idaho C e nter-inN te r: ara^atJ. - . Tickets,'whicHicK ^e MO, can be ' MaiMarket in Hailey. The'ld;!dahOj— p.m..,Ticket^,-whiwhich-are-$25.50 ^ - reserved by phoning (800r9'65-“ Ceni^enter is located at 5000 Gaiiarrity and 529.50, can b V H H i in b e re s e rv e d b y i ' 4827, on lin e a at t http://w w w .dck- • Blvcilvd. on Nampa’s east end. • p h o n in g (2 0 8 ) 442-3232 4' or at ! — -tweb;comr oror-at--Atkihsoti*s — — -paurs-lVfarke ttJiiJgaileyr-Thp'- ir Z; ^^■-^arkeriiTKKelchum. e ThTBig . . Fe|j - Idaho Center is[s loIc c a te d a t 5000 E asy C oncert: HHouse is located at t> iftiim Gajrity Blvd. on Nampa's ea^c ■ ■ 416S. N inth St.s. K'B o b c it E arl K een w iil pefft ' O Q . aIt t Salt S Lake City’s Zephyr CClub “ '*■ • The Big Ea:Easy Concert Bouse is __B It 10 p.m. nightly.-Tickets, wlwhich ...... •*, -r— . ' located at 41 : 416 S. Ninth St. . _ T r ’N* ' T R • are:ire.S22.50, can be reserved . i - ' i f e c a A .. ------i------phoifhomn^mithVKx-at-<800H Blue Oyster Cult will pla ;TKTXX. Tlie Zephyr Q ub is locac a te d , Big Easy Concert House f< S a tiir d a y at31301 ( South West Ternple. ■ S u n d a y ing the Super Bowl (abiibout 9 , •« Dusty and tl I the Nomads will _ . The Great Ri£fjcffJaaSodetypi^ p.>n.). T ickets, which a re $18.50,$ play from 8 p.n -eb.20-U tah . ■ p.m. to hildnight at sen ts th e G reat RiffRii Jazz Playei^ can b e reserved by phoningig(SOO) S p a n b a u e r ’s s Barn on U.S. Dj avi^3all will sing at Sanendy*s .in associadon witlwith the CSI Ja?z 965-4827,’ , online ■ ai Highway 93, £ E l l east of Jerome. Stattation in the r- — - i , Studies Programn ,,fro ft m 4 -6 p .m . a t; Tonight, Saturday http://www.ticketweb.com, n, or at - Cover charge is $7.I C an 324-7366. S a ltl t L a k e C ity T ^ j K Tit*,. Muggers Brewpul Atkinson’s Market in Ketcitc h u ra ...... ^ ...... pub, 51&Second • anriSfinitay uburb of Sandv . ___ St._s..,iTmnJEaIlUs.5j The jag-quiA- j— -The-Big-Eaay-Concert-Hot!oust-is ----- t a p.m. Tiae.reseiy.ed.Liijt^aR - - sh o w s a n ig h r a t Cactuictus Petes — and.the.blues_Fai]Families-and-stu-i— - -- - Resort-casino!"Priccs-f( TebriiEBopT” y...... p h o n in g m gy --dents qre welcorcome. No-cover i S f o t - t h e - S - l - l a n - O f l ' 'l! m ith’s Tix at p.m. dinner show start a - B o is e '- — — .. Agnostic Fnjnt and TSOI charge. rt at $14.99 ^ [ }00)JJ8:T ^. Sandy’s Stat tonight and Sunday andanc S19.99 Sum 41 wi play the Big Easy play the Big Easy Cdhcert'T:~House— atio n ’______on S a tu rd a y . Tickets torfoi Ihe n Cpncer^(House at 7:30 p.m. at 7:30 p.m. Tickets, whiclich are, * ' J i located at 8925 South 2 5 5 ^est. p.m. cocktail show areor S7.50 TickjwrwhiJhich are $20, can be f$13.50, can be reseirved byyph 1 o n - ing (800) 965-1827, online at • -tonight and Sunday and SIO on w «fted by phoning (800) 965- a t dck- Saturday. For reservatii-ations and ‘•°27, onUneine at http://www.tick- etweb.com, or at Atkinj H I p . - H 0 . , 1 p ; : information,call (800i82;82M103. etweb.com,m, or at Atkinson’s M ^ ‘ arket in Ketchum. Theh e M arket inn ]Ketchum. The Big “?Easy Concert House is locat at 416_S^Ninth,Sj.______Tonight and SattodayIflv------Easy Concen:ert-House is located-at------i n ^ e ^ - U t a h ------. ^ 4 1 6 S . NinthS :______L ^t Ride w ll playJronirom.9,p,m.______Feb, 1 2 -Bolae ______Jan;i9-U tatla h ThThe Punk Junkeez will perfoform to 1 a.iffi at Oasis,, 101007 Blue . tan QO n -Liqtud Joe’sin SalfLake'C • B o is e (Otis.Day & The Knightsrc will . “ R id^'in tlie'Ji'Sky Sm plafSS ‘ City— Feb72W 6-UtaUtah ~ "7^ ~ LaKes Blvd. N., TwinI Falls.F j No ^ ' Monison Centeiter on the campus : 9:30 p.m. Tickets, which a ------F js lib o nie_will_perfonii_atI e , ___gl?play the Big ■ ljr!3 ^s_20th C o n g r ^ ------c o v e r c h a r e e .------~UniversityTit-7dO ------f 15^ 'can.be-reserved- by- phoni! lS g _____ Bogie’s at 7 ;p.m. Tickets, which Easy .(^oncert'^^B^^ ry y * Will perform 3 t S Sal alt L ak e-C ity ’s ' , p.m. Tickets, whwhich are $16 and nith’s Tix at (800) 8 8 8 -TIX lay • a re SIO, cann beI: reserved by phon- H ™ o u s^ .a t 8 p.m .^H^B|» m o Zephyr Club at 10 p.m. nightly, Tonight and Saturday $2 0 , can be resejaerved by phoning quid Joe’s is located at 33 / ing Select A Seat at (208) 426-' Tickets, w hich^RwW tt Tickets, which arear. $8, can be Milestone will play frt Select A Seat atIt ((208) 426-1766. . SouUluth 1249 East. from 8:30 1 7 5 6 . B ogie’sie’s is located at 1 1 2 4 ,,_are ^ $25, can be reserved by p honinining S m ith ’s T ix p.m. to 12:30 a.m. at thei r^«{^rved ! by M ie Ramona Front St. ' i l i J ^ D ls e a t (800) 888-TIXX.XX. The Zephyr j ty ^ v e ^ S ^ ___ p h o h in g ^ (S 0 0 ) = | K B mxU ^Jan.^r.B oIsiilse— ;.— , — - e i n b w l o c a t e dd-atF301=Sonth^?= - a 9_^82T; online.fS uB|M '. TvHcmdonwiwill ar the Hir ToiTone-Loc will play Bogie’s at 7 West Temple. ------J a n . 3 1 - B ■ B o ise , s V ticketweb BIBB Easy Concert HHo ouse a t 7:30 p.m. tn. iickets, wmcn are J>18, can c They M ight S a t u r d a y - B o is e ght Be G iants will play ,co.com, or at EfiyilmLoEfl l Tickets, whichh a{ r e $ 2 0 , can be : rcserved^j 5honing Selectc tA „ , . th e Big E asyisy Concert House at Xtt ,’S is . C I A ; S Ss T h e IViJlio W aldm an 1 Atkinson’s M arket in Ketc^;chum. reserved by pho•honing (800) 950- f^atat at (208JTTO-1766. Bogie’s in P ro ject, • 7 ; 3 0 p .m . TiTickets, which are .xh( fealtiring former Gratcfii The, Big Easy Concert Hou;luse is 4827, onlinentIt http://www.uck-1 : a t e d a ^ l 2 4 F ront St. ;cfuIDead S19.50,canb.i be reserved by phon- io« bassist Rob located a t 416 S. Nindi St. e'tweb.com, oror at Atkinson’s ' : ing (800) 96965-4827, online at ------Wasserman, M arket itt Ketcetchum. The Big r - ” Tonight and httpj/wwv.tii’.tickenveb.com, or at pgi C o m e d y will play the ' • Easy Concert HoiHouse js located a t ...... Atkinson’s MarketM in Ketchum. Feb. 1 4 -Boise ■"■.j S a t u r d a y - U t aa h B ig E asy ,^Bi6 ■«6S.Nin,hSt. The Big Easjasy Concert House is J'Joan Jett will sing at the V iolinist S a ^1 C lhang w iil p er- ^ C o n n er ___located at,416H6S..NinthSt.______EEasy as Concert.House.at.8 ] n.27.-,Bpise .. ... Utah_Syi_Sym phony _a t; 8;;___ H o u s e at'7:30 Tic:rickets, which are $25, cai*aS'“ e— F®‘> r l 7 - - B o l s . 9 ^ ' 5Jeff , Foxwortiiy \vill perfoiron a t^ Please see;e E\EVENTS. Page c T p.m. Tickets, Boise ■. _ ------^reserved bv phoning (gOO)i> 965- ■ .G eorge J o n eIS s ■will smg at the . ♦827;^line-at-http:/AYww;iY ;riek- ■ ■ idahTTTpntPr m ------Jtweb.com, or at AtkinsiSSr; Nampa at/;JU I iOuse at 7:30 p.m. reserved by^ Vlarket in Ketchum. Thele Big p.m. Tickets, I p h o n in g hich a re S12, can b e ..-tq,- Easy Concert House is locateIted a t “ ■ 'S l y phoning (800) 965; 415 (800) 950-4827, onlii » 6 S.N inU iSt. $29.50 and hltp://www.ticket^veb.coIr le at http://wvnv.ticJ<- $39.50, can be A tk in so n ’s M a rk e t in Ke: 1, o r a t A tk ii)s o n ’s c a k reserved by -eb,.16 - Boise , T he Big E asy Concert .H( Concert Ho. Ketchum. The Big phoning (800) located a t 416 S. Ninth St. Tickets, whic:rt House is located at Lars L: Frcdcriksen and3 the 950-4827, onlinene at http://wmv. i St. • Basi nliitc at '““ ""dty 1 Jastards will perform at thele Big ticketweb.com,, or0 at Atkinson’s I l[p V Wednesday throughJa:om, or at ‘•827, online K Billy Richards’ CoasteKetchum. etweb.com, i B B ^ play t%vo shows a niglu .Houseat is Market in K Petes R esort Casino inSt Ja E asy Cloncert 416 s. NinUi St your homne a gift fcbr the holiiidays. M Prices for the 8 p.m. dinne start at S14.99 on weeknigli Jan. 13 ------onllily payments* g et you thttiE e h o m e fum lshings youm n e e d to d a y — n o t 1 0 yeaniarsttim now.'' Sundays and' S19.9'sters will • Saturdays. Tickets for the 1 at Cactus ( t T\/P B urley_^^^B , cocktail show a re S7.S01 onJackpot. V JIV C ' ’ ■ " ■ 1 nifihts and Sundays ,intifiner S show Saturdays. For reservatioilights and Rxed fTlOnl information, call (800) 821-:).99 o n • p">- """RR r S s^ ' on week- • id J lO .o n ______. tions and .* 21-1103. ;

Jan. 1 4 -Boise i r “ ^ Adema will perform at tl Easy C oncert H ouse at 7:3 Tickets, which are S12, c rese rv e d by p h o n in g (800 4827, online at http.7Awv ■ ■ ' S etweb.com, or at AtkinIt tlie Big . ■ " M arket in Ketchum. 7:30Th p.m. ' Easy Concert H ouse is locaI, can be iSL •IlGS.NinthSt. 800) 950- I '1 I jJBj o s h o n e ^ ^ ^ l w w .tick - Jan. 1 7 -U tah k in s o n ’s U . , ■ S G Love and Spccial SaucT h e Big . \’ /-V. ' - H play Liquid Joe’s in Saltocatcd a t City at 9:30 p.m. Tickets. ’ I ■ are S20, can'Cc reserved by ing Sm ith’s Tix at (800) TDCX. Liquid J o e ’s is localauce will 3300 South 1249 East. alt L ake '.Ofi. w hich UM g!H3inigitaaliBn by phon- 00) 888-"^^^^H | 6-pIoco swodlsh homo JMtig roomoom:S7474** I TTT------“ '•2.99%lntro(J^ctoryAPReoodlod through the mackendo sofa’ 20-7603-503-4SF(960) • J f l t -. . last day of your twellth billingig ccycle. As or the . assliown saloSl799n99reg.S1999 0 v i c Q5 § nrst data following thl3 period,Ki, or( It any mini-* starting fabric salo Sl399n99reg,S1599 $ I U U* mum monthly payment IS not]t rcreceived by the and of the fining cycle Iri which camoo chair* 20-75£-7587-6(960) lich such payment ^ ■ n ^ is missed, then os of (tie first dc as shown salo ^a 66 9 9 reg.s.999 wrBOmonlte it day In that . _ l billing cydo.MBNAwJil sot you?/our APR at starting fabric salo S719 n9n;g,SW 9' 7.99% for nowr accounts. at 9.99% for exisUt>goccounounis :$2000 • . irary coffoo tablo 10-8401 salo S799799rcg,S899 ’ ' Initial nilnlmumm purchase roqulrod. Teims subleci>Icct to change. arch top library cabinetilnot 13-9402 “ Total prico torir 6-ploco6 living room shown S7474..1’4.To(al room ■ Jan. 2 0 -Boise saloS2999'n39reg.S3299 • PrtM Inclutfcs itemsItci listed and ronecls ‘as shown* I I79rcg,si99 Pfces ojid numb«fiber ol items whero Indicalcd and Is basedI on Kottonmouth Kings will fmacy.floortomp 09-2833 salo S179 sclurer-s sole prices from November 2 form at the Big Easy Cor arok aroa mg 5'6" X 8’6‘'shown".(w ' Z z m HH 1002. Sales.lax not inclucfed. H ouse a t 7:30 p.m . Tickets, v • saloS029i )29rej.S925 ,b„ , „ 5 . Sliable lo u;s. residents on approved lii are S13.50, can be reserve 'dceorativa puic lerlca Bank. N A The monUity paymei phoning (800) 9504827, onli ' "oUw Bl:n avaiiaiilt al tkr ment Is an estl- ' ' . .your total purchase phce. an InitialQi 60-month6 http://www.ticketweb.com,»ill p er. ropaymont tem.n. 1ond an'APH of 7.99%, Actual paym.tyment amount ■ A tk in so n ’s M a rk e t in KetclConcert ' . a and repayment:torm to piay vary. In most cases, a chaichange In the I T h e Big E a^_C orrcert ists, loc which • • — ---APfl will restartt ycyour ropaymont term and chancoJ youryo monthly------at4l'6S.NinUiSL rved by payment At partJcrtlclpabng rotaller? In tho U.S. only. Ol }nlinc a t Valley ' January 6, 2002D2.. Jan. 22 - B o ise-:_____m, or a t Oellvery to the Magic Va Smashmouth-will. perfor:etchum . the Big Easy Concert Hou:_located______■ holidaay sale • 7i30,p.m. Tickets, y/hich S19.50, can be reseryed by t iAN ALLE-E N ElhdnAIIilien Ham* Interiors oi.t i B o i i e ; ing (800y 965-4827,- onlin . - SAU IHDS JANUARYHRY6.2002 ■ ■ www.ethanalanallan.com 2 5 ^ * 2 *\t “Rood • 8oiu>, D &370<208-377-I 1111 [ m Q f http://www.ticketweb.comiform' < at... • _ • ^ ;©200i ETHAN ALUN MAflKETINQ CORCORPOaATION . ' Atkinson’s M arket in Ketdlouse at . • L l_I ich are.-' C , . f l »yphori- V.. . ‘ ‘ iline.at.-' -^ r - ' • •' - I? - '■. Hi o f a t F''.J' , jtchiim . ,' . ■ . . ’ . . ■ FfldJkis)r, ianu«iy4,2603 Tlme»Keww«,1 ,T w inFaflf, Idaho j h

M o rn InJGBREAK'{A g

------'nt3Pm>MO« plansi to 1?2 W lnd-^m o loy ^ ip i'N information would be to a thief Abby, I am a3 straight-Aso stu d en t. ‘ sell the pattern as well asa teach J A U g a i V ^ Svotoln «- ■ - - P g = r - ^ i should my wife lose her piulurse or I have never triedtri driigs, ciga-; 25 Eavesdrop ■ its construction a t a loci)cal q u ilt " ’ ' bete the victim of assault. Wit!ith that rettes or alcoholihol my. entire life. J -., . , .. .27.H oovor, o,o.. ... H shop/She does not planimo con- ■ — • J n f 30 Fuss ■ information a person couldId steall She'never gaveve ime a chance to* • tribute any portion df the.pro-tl attacks onI tthe World Trade, he _ . . 31 Oberon of films ^ h er id entity a n d run u p th o>usands u ____ provelami^RWd.tad.MKoii,______: ____ ~ 3 z writer Buirowa g - ot dollars worth of expenses. Austin is one on of my best": ' 33 Moor shrub tion connected with thele attack. received a sub ^bstandal amount of Please ] w arn your re a d e rss ni ev er friends. Shouldd 1I tiy1 talking to his - 35 Third planet 5 " This has show n m e a s idle e of ' h e r I m oney. It iss tthe local charities to to leave such detailed infcifo rm a -. m other or giveB ufup and accept th e; 30 Doll-wlllod _ did not want to discover. that are sufferiering. . tio -40 Exhausted “ tion in ti p urse o r wallet. fact that Austinin aai nd I can only b e -• Abby, her actions have /t2 Cut away — 'e m inted .1 see no rea•eason to end a long- -JERUIR Y IN friends? 33 Comorod " ■ my feelings toward, heicr and I time friendsl Jship. W hat people WINTHROP HARBORR.ILL. .-WONDERl3RING IN-KANSAS 4 s Butterfly with '— > don’t know how to r e a c t O0 ver th e ' choose to donam ate (or not) is h i ^ y 1/4A12 J JU .oyospQts . years, we have supporteted each - personal. Siniince I do not know ] \f7 Pipe buildup uyty-g pitrM. Sotv^ -- 0 DEAR JERRY: I agree thih a t it’s DEAR WONDE'/DERING: N otliing* . - . - jta O ea r Iho tape -33 Prhvtp-P ------TrAlialulrtMi other-through many-trierials and your friend’s> fifln an d al situation, it too toe much informntion for an n e r- you cnn sny willill nm nko h'iff m rithpr r • ------— arc -^bnlationsrbnnhlslffronismplciaj— ^vould'bc^fesi esumpfuous ot me to son sor to be carrying around.. Much1 feel less threateatened. You have • ■51 Obsorvo 5 P different. Please advisese me. A mtidze her. PI 5 Period from Iq Ii i L t B■-B i g E ^ O F 0 A y I, . Please stop being so safer saf and more effective wou3uld be just gotten a glimglimpse of what it's ' , ■ S2 Economizo ■ ' ^rc u o 5t lo long-time relationship hihangs in judgment?*!. _ l : _____ 54.W ofidorland______di to sim ply-w rite o n 'th e backc oe f th e ----- like’ to-bc ani“ “( olderwoman”— ...... I hordno s flWI ' Mil. r a n i T r r j r l i B i l t ^ —~ tith e balant(5: I • . caicard: “SS Reward.for tlie R( Return who’s perceived'fid as ro b b in g th e I • 60 Yacht (lagpolo 7 C -APPALLED IN Tin-nsy^A ' DEARABB1 7 Cancol, a a a . IQiHlOjslTl^ IBY; M y w ife recently of this Purse” and a curfentnt tele- cradle. In anotherh e r tliree years, tlie • I ' 57 Storoo part. ■ launchla f f A q l e I bought a new i w purse. Inside, w as a phiphone number.______— ------situation will"'ill- be' differentr ...... briofly 8 Ubortine U • a 1 n y B i DEAR APPALIjfeD: To) tiiet best p r e p r in te d "Important"1 Data” ...... I LoglslQtfvo 99 Hawk H w ares r t p H m 'i However, for now,low, you a n d A ustin ’ a[ l A R I p 0of my knowledge, the chah aritable card. On it, theh e o w ner is supposed i C house ■ * 100 HHoarty token of fe h L B C DEAR ABBY: I am_a ^ruor in;___ may-have-to-ro - re m iiin —school-*------B A BM 9I7IT tIe^ 0organizations connected : Canyon's • affability al id to the to list her driveiver*s license number,- high hig school. 'A t *tlie beginnilii'ng of friends only. ■ fe-roply?.- , 111 DestroyD utterly M Going ovor and 122 RRoofer's stone p t | h |o | s 1 ' 1 V ovor again 133 MachoM hunks____jOIRjAlPlHlt 8 -FormulatOd------|Q e R E | | ( Bottom ol Iho . ' bt tips 'Iwith breast cancer, she* >wns (Mar.ar. 21-Apr..l9); You plai:Ians flexible; by tonight immpor- You could bee tta lk o f to w n ! ; , i famous for her tales of showsh hi? discover innovjovative ways of get- tanian t financial opportunity wilvill be Imprint style, weawear bright colors ; ' .‘T o take a pup out for a stroll” ~ I sesex, debauchery and crucX a M/yo-iob)b done. Focus on feateatured. Flirtation lends spic>ice, is " and m ake personaonal appearances. • j • never meant the samiame thing in ■ _____, ; __fc_ fo r the m ovies sh e produce J ■' independenceice, creativity and senlerious. W ritten material1 will A “different” kindcind of romance is . • - Cliinaas“towokAdog.” The lasTwe'elts o f h e r lifeife, how." ™UinE"ess toii)m ake~ fresh'snir t in ------proij'rove o lT ^ jo r im portance. VVirgo . on horizon! Aquarluarian represent- , ? 'A Z-day-oldgazelle can:an o utrun a ever, w ere h ig h lighted \vitJlillicall'; new tecnon.1. 1Leo plays role. repiepresented. ed. R e v i s i t e d froiiTm^ny industry friend (Apr. 20»May 20); •VIRGO-fATipr23^Sonr^ V :gaiu2ffFiT>^18)i " ------Qtre^Ubn'^urises-wtf^ e t f a e i F « = - W uiued T trrJ ra w in ie t' fo sunarg^xJe-iiigtireircnrnFtai drinker keeps on gettinging drunker - influence she had on ther,e™,her >Pe?landma,ilarital status. Accent tak(a k e su d d en tui^n in y our favor. fa partnership ania n d ,m a r r ia g e . | even after the last drinIrink of the • family said. ’ on direction,1 , m o tiv a tio n a n d Don3omestic harmony restorere d if C ancer native will invite you to -■ ni^L Certainly. The alcialcohol.con*. Phillips made movje h 'o u w ill know w here you'OU so permit. Love relation:inship partake of seai:eafood dinner. i | teiU in th e bloodstreamm increasesi ^______------—_S _1 when w she shared the yof'te"-^oljoing and* why. gets;ets hot and hea^^. Geminini fig- Communicationin received-fromr 1 ! for) up td two. hours beyi}eyond that; this continc:neat give .birth to live Academy A< Award for best p Cancer natives uresu-es prom inently.- one in foreign land,and. , ’ • time when the tipplerT tossesti o ff yoimg? as co-producer of “The SS s s - = LIBRAl : (Sept. 23-Oct. i22): PISCES (Feb.}b. 19-Mar. 20): . tly2 terminal toddy. A.AI1CXCCccept the coral snakes. ststjuring Robert Redfor< [May 21-June 20): AnyUiswers a re found behind seecenes Emphasis on publicity,pul legal • 0 - W ia l’s a “mcgadoscose'’ of vita- . W hen wallrtUidrig down the aisle, PjPaul Newrhan. She co-proi I more commodious andnd via mediation. You dtdon’t affairs. Marital stastatus will figure • ------n u n s?------..... ------;-'-th e -b rid e saalmost li invariably smile------MM a rtin S corsesc’s-“Taxi-DiDriver”- ^liyMe-ilviarters..fs._Experiment and ___ havtlave complete story;-gct-proi■omis ------prominently-durinjiring. sodal-affairr'------!L Ten tim es the recpni:qmmended' and the groo■ooms;almost invariably in 1975, w hich w on a Palmime d ’Or ay to intellectual ess in writing. Mysterir io u s Sense of hum orr getsgc you in and.,' daily allowOTce. W harelsel^canbe frown. Thereere’s a simple explana- at the (^nnes Film Festivava!, a S cur,osily Keepep resolutions con- “stnstranger” wili be a part of ejexdt- out of tight spots,3ts. G em ini play.s" p.artaken in the mejn e g a d o s e ? tion. When1 nervous,ni women usual- Steven St Spielberg’s “Closose E n. . SSagittarius plays ingslg scenario, key role. Liquor? Nagging? Evenm ttelevised ly grin andI mmen usually glower. cocounters of the Ttiird Kincn d ” th e sports? The tomatctato ts a closer cousin to • fo!following year. When in a restauiant,t, dodi you tip the potato thathan is tlie sweet potato. Phillips’ 1991 book, as much as 23.7 percen:ent of the Q. What’s's tlthe right way to desig- N ■; Geffen Gc fired Phillips fronom th e SJl-SunlW5-2:5-2:55-SK)5-7:15-9:lS LONDON (AP) - Ericic Clapton( be released.-i.- • • . movie me “Interview Withth the • LsmLsilhsthf Rings (131 m arried lu s girlftiend inn a p riv a te .. . G in n y Liuckhurst, u c a.London V Va am pire.” Diilylily 7:30 New Year’s Day ceremonjony, which spokeswomjm a n fo r C la p to n ’s She £ never worked on ammoUier Sai-s«ni22J0*4K)0>7JOjc . included the christeningling o f h is record label,j1,WEA; ’ said Ihe R ock film fii but later claimed,d s i,c . w M m n ,i9 ,mSZZSZBSSZ2S9I • two daughters. and Roll Hallall of Fame member wouldn’t wo have ch an g ed a woA’ord of 7 ' k m H I The Rev. Christophertier E lso n , was not expecpected to issue a state- what w>i she published. •* , , / T h e O D YS S S E Y 6 ' ^ ^ «2S>, wVirw.tllfney.com/sno\tOWdOgS vicar of the church off SiSt. Mary ,ment. “She always said thisS 1boo k . hm. uj»cv«., u Magdalen, said Thursdaylay that he Clapton buriedbu his 4-year-old turned tur (her) frpjrQ n old pr<5roduc- ^ ' married Clapton,, 5656, and son, Conor, aat t th e sam e d iu rg h 11 ’ eer r into an icon,” her-.daugig h te r, Spx S amca noU iDaily 7:00-9:30 f fe e « T hi/ Q l7 :IO T h M n a yy a n d f e e m e n 4 m fltlC AT 9:0 0 I ' ib iu ^ Sit. Sun 1:00-3 American M elia McEnery,sry, 25. years ago aftefte r th e child fell fro n f K Ka ate Phillips, said Thursday -3:30.7:00-9:30 f# the Tuiin O ine The vicar also baptizeded thI e cou- th e S3rd floeloor of a M anhattan Q c c a n n iii3)Djlly7KXI-9:303)D fotufdoy ol tl temo I pie’s 6 -month-old daughtehter, Julie apartment.. The1 death inspired i-^ • Sit-Sun 1:00-3i•3:30-7:00-9:30 iH H I Rose, and the guitarises;*s 16-year-: Clapton’s Grammy-winningGn sin- i I Tmpoitgr (131I DiD iily 7:10 9:20. old daughter, Ruth.Patridirida.from gle “T e^ Inin HI eaven.’; ^ I Sil-Sun 12:30-2:4-2:40-4:50-7:10.9:20 a previous relationship. A S \A m I t T How HI(rh(Ri1 CDiity 7:10-9:20 I “It was a veiy happyy oioccasion J ~~~ t p . Sii-Sunl2:30-2:4>•2:40.4:50-7:10-9a0 I and God’s blessing uponnEric E and • I Q Not AnothffTirT cc n IVtovlciRi I Melia in the married lifeife as well I Dilly7:2i7:20-9:40 I as for Julie and Ruthth at the' . Sj|-Sunl2:4S-3K>3K)0-5:10-7:20-9:40 . I fJ V beginning of their ChiChristian H errett t;1 Center Hours . BthlntI Encmicmy L lnca(»)‘ ' I lives,” Elson said in a stateatement. TuuAFn Fri 9:30am-9:OOJ>M Oiily7:2l7:20 - 9:40 . I H e said h e ’d known abiabout th e . Wcp & Thui‘HUR 9:30am-4;30pm ,Sal-Sun 12:45-3:013:00-5:10-7.-26-9:40 I ' wedding for some tim e a n d 1:O0pm-9:OO^ m hdped the couple plan1 theth cere- _o^os.i' Sunday & M c»noay mony at the ISth-centuiyuy church Faulkneper Planetarium ' CTwin Cinenema 12 ^ f in Ripley, southwest ofi London.L . Ln.AHP*> * 8 LflROEST '. ^ IWtHUnaOrwt r..wFmtm w-jtco ^ II .ato Admissions - I ; ^ He said no further detailsails Would . - Wo Lah limmv Ntutrnn:!?riLlhiy-tknlM ICI A TlCKmfi^fOUAlLSHOWS... . iij.«;jo.7ieo houi ■■ onnoO ‘O l f e ; - ■ "|4Aboinuin ^ 3 Seniors • A-Pf«uU/ul Mindd ItllII RuHdl CrawP — ■ $2StUDcr^ $9 Famiues Todirt]dO.]J4 N€€D HELP UJITI! S L - Friday,ay, January 4 IbrrvPolltr Scfwaffrr*« Slonf irC) TodZ;00-4:CO1« fl Golden 61 ee Call tlsa at 737-1^ 0 0 8 7 Larry C o tln1 SS p a c e .... 2:00pm ■ r.ij-7j0.■JO.*.00 • RUSSELL CROW/VE ■ ■ ■ iili::;:; V.nlliiSl.vmi(R) T«nCnJU« S u ppo r t, The Dinosaurur C( h r o n ic le s .. 4:00pm ifi WSKV:-Radlo: ______E b HARRIS lo S tation o f th e ...... - ...... MlJtUl£7;n.*OO . H E R R pT r NOnrHENDOFTHE l5.4J0-t.09 * / = . CSI CAMPUS ■ D m-9SS4 EXTS6SS- 733-077-7 Tnli)fl:00-4«. [p g fe BB aosfdSuntUon . SomiCoji(PC).^ > K i .4;00-7;00-9;151 5 :[ .Ptidbythtle0 Idaho Travel Council ^4 1 2 2 n d Ave. I JU . ' 't,' -i ------t- ' ■ ' ^ 7 - — ------:______! • V , ' L ,. _.. M ..TlniM^tewf, Twfn FaHi,i, IdIdASo.. Friday, Januaiy 4,2002 V'■■ ■ ...... s ■ J . ■' ■ ' '

C o m ic s ' > ■ ' j< ■ i : ,,

Classic Peanuts ByChaitesM.ScISchulz; ’ For Better or FororWorw \ ' . ! ' '-. ■'. By,ByLynn.Johnstort^' • MV n AME ISLYPIA,01JI w r l [ w u CAN CALL MEn i ’ ;- ,l*LmAVET(TO f 3Llck.^; ■©HE:dp^t6^ ■ . FOR TODAY YOU CANAN ‘^SNOUaAKE'eECAUSe ABwry<«v&» y !?E " 6 E T 8 A C K TTO • I STfeP....Wl. ^KE" THERE‘5 ONLY ONE w y f p l ■ j M l WAaOPCNAN^ HASNT cane'L •» CALLME'SNOUaAKE YOU ON TWAlW* S H H h h i LI6H T M A & 0 — - OF ME IN.THE . ■ ' . _WHOLE.WORLCX|— f i ^^i.- i ^ t £ ■ ' J i W § ^ _ ^ 3 m 3 y= g a i t i ^ ^ 5 ; •

Dilbcrt 'B y Scott A.danlams Blondie ByDeahVoungiung& Stan Drake ■!■ 1 &qgoowvoLc? ) I lyyi^ryouP ffA i,! y fjecr>Ty>nr ■■■'------^HE-tdl-NNEPrOF-)F - O U R • ^ ■■— F O RrHEfrSCTGCLb- -F ' i- TOa-RC RIGHT;'T ------g g ^ ^ B U y y o u ? OWN/y_^" S09UC*CSR?0MV0 ~"KWPiE“Tff£ REST-sT- fiON OF)F ’'GODDESSES" | UJPl^ S THE ONLY ONE . wwoicAy!r5\Vl^£!'”*^ ROOrAS" C0NTES1iST IS AND '■f\0\kORONS." S LJI-WHO UJOULD ENTER ' o h n o 2 < » !V ' y t " j >YOU v« i v b u / ^ ~ ' ' ALICE... : THAT TH RIDICULOUS ’^OUTtL-TL^ ^ \ ' I ■ I _ p, , CONTEST. . ■' •u=»-^ \ / 7

^ Z— 1:3^fcjSii «K ...... By Johnny HaHart ' -Picliies^...... ------...... B)By'BfiSrCranT’T >. ^ ...... /«w & A c r T G O T M E A l r F l^ a U A M o . • . ( PARF PA(5S Ppk K c f pe p c v r< » F Tifg ( 'T ’s o f t e ojptwose. p - \ T ^iiT rwMAKE.M6 I P m VCOAS O A L } ^ -n > . w E u i w « r J I -AlfUJN^UtSrWEgC:g c . ;■• J [ cetufj<5wuEAJtjW T H e« C X ? C 4A ie. EtJIOROOS.?, LOOK AWEA/aiTURoOfe r- s5 — —— wrmoor#JTACTUAU.V - .... ^ vgol-l ^ H1&M & T O n O r t i - . - j r r T C ------■■■■ ■"■'^■- ■■ ^ - - uPfb^sa I

/••I' - - v ^ g j | ^ 1 :4 ------,‘G am cld------By Jim Davis '^siZ Dennis Iho Menace:e By HankkK K( etcham The Family Cir HOW ABOUT A Circus By Bli Keane .7 A N PV ? BISCUIT? I NOo \ C I N e e P L ^ : ( HU&, &ARFieUP? SEAPOOP’? . HU&7& ? j f MOTIVATIONSh := / !E) " T 1 ~ 7 ^ ^ E • l i . • X = L e 5 S Z ! £ ^ ______x ^

y' y "1 /Vn . 1 ...... I ^ = ' ^ ' C p . • - - L l? • I o^f\—' 1 >AVfi> >•>< }^l and Lois By Chance Browne T b © * S 3kV n p * ycHJ ( S e r ^ il euEse !?*?! ____ -re M / 5W.ATO -S A u c e OM I ’■** [btP^l ' ?tJfg:UtJggRWEARX-. {;]:T ------

I i - ' t S w II- o v • eacej w K»««. j l S i ' ^ I ^ /-»■ ' "H ow CO:ome our whole familjnily h a s is [jp . birthdi W " I t ’s c a l lS e pP A S O ^ i P O P E R A , B U T days in the sam e yearear?" , ' Ulki^ m ...... ■___NOBOMS/MWeS-OR-TAKES A M 7W\« / ------Tho Wlzardond SSfy[^ r . V______EBy Brant Parker & Johnny HartIrt ^R oao Is Rosa ■ B,By Pat Brady ^ f r o i M a ™ ISll / VP[\-Vsi\ E.W E

I I B ^ S

^ | ' Sifii (lOCEiW KHTI51W CON A N W K S M " " Htfc | s ^ S S 3 Z 2 ? ? * 6^ IWSOWNVMWllAClEi... , K agartho Horrlblo By Chris Browne0 Zlls ' By Jim Borgman a3nd n d .Jerry Scott '-I'P U/^BA >5 C F PeCP I 1 •' WW'THfflfeAMOimuiHra. I 'l SEEH9W1HELK l^N& I IfeKi ~ ” I ir) M5RE l,i ■ OFBRSffiS VOEWESUNEU1EI/P5K? .INEPTHlft y METAL . PERfscwwmnttilHEBUOaL ' FULL-eotpiec^, Pi,e^ - A K E N T C^A T ^ T T A C H E P • LSA^NTPfC/?l^ANP ’{N TVBESANPmENi Afzo//ATic mrh! AIA FfZB^H A F r e i z r A ^ n L H — - > ' " lD W Y H E « a , f » ^ y AKHWIPB?;— I'MFWCHK? ■ ------T T ^ W ^ ' ; i M J ' «l ■J r r ~ ^ «& I i /% ! Ww< I S M ^ S / r f / \ A r — ~ i . ’ I ; ^ y£jLil Mfe. / Beotio Balloy _ ^ ^ H _ J e J k s s & ^ ...... By Mort Walker '...... Luann...... I b d . " ' ...... By&3y Greg Evans 11 111 I I IITTTTPl l ' ' k ^ sov/riLBPBET III "PRIVATES NAMEI AEP I ( 1 KNEW'H 'ifnCEFIGKTERSWAveive THE ARMY H/ I ~ ^ D Be'wiUtlNS \ , > s ^ HAS i SAILEy SHOULPP NOTN I T ' v Be IN TOP PHYSIC^IICAL I C A N ^ ANU EVEN VisnJ m W K I TO FACe EJOREMg ) / I COU ^^i^ARULEASOUOUT [ CEASE MPPPIHS'7& T D ____-•- N ^NOITION, BRADW D ^ - ( Buuc ^ OaO 15 ia ELeMENTABV SCHO^ 0 0 5 ^ : DAWsec > / 'V O t ^ Ui|^T%W EVERYTHl}i«N6 f READ BOOKS ON THAT J l ------s ^ O N ^ ( \ ^ ( ^ r ^ . iJ id ? ': ■• •• '^ N O PBOS-J"^ mflum J REGULATIONS"


t-q . •______I J^rank and Ernest By Bob Thaves s , StrongoBrow ^ ByJohn DeefiiBering -Non Sequltur /m e s o IBy Wiley ; THese 0 ~K^3cr^(i“< ; r r w tki JUST r ■ , , 0 '• ':^7■'v\V^ ■ ■,; ^; / » I-' TTio Bom Losof . . By Art S ansom & Chip 15 ^ ' 1 £ T I « £ ,S £ £ Y 0 0 V^ S I 'WH&R£6 Y" ...CRCATtN' k |o«li< M*CP-if imsy.>tow, FU). '■' •WHKT *KOWDO'c^|~ TiPW.'NkVtTVAT TOUCrtYOUKTOES! « IFSOOUW? „u uit. j V£ } i . K/A\PPOK.T-y ^ ^TM£J\WtOl A- Cfc.'RRltP Ub fcU -f^H TO^Trt ------m e- w w t o . ■ i N w n w “ ------ri^ p i££TrteK?Jim ' EN&LNNP/

r®ri ; l ' f l IB iu ■ • . ( ■ ■ ■ • -■ ' }'i ■ • ______------frtdjyJjyi Januaiji4,2002_Tli^«,n, JjTwKiFato. Id ^

...... , : . W; ee ; e k E n d Events i ^ Britidshwritt:ersee 0p Dread^ (^xrtinu^ from C4 C en ter’ss 2001-2002 : Chamber ’ ntured from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m,m. at the . .{/.m. nightly in Saltt LakeL City’s . Artist Seri(^es. Tickets, which are Melody, N 502 Sixth;SL, Rup ickets_which^$17, are! aavailalile by phoning . I areJ16,.$22.-$26,.$33$33;.S37.and . 7ZP9^9I7IIT',.-.'online------a t -Tonight J arid S ^ urdav N o vvel Awaiird for sei;cond boook : $43, can be reservedd bby phoning http://wwwvw.sunvalleycenter.org, - ^ (801) ,355.2787. Ab^a^»ravand Hall . or at thee SunS Valley Center at « Karaoke will b<^ featurered from LONDOUI (i(^ ) - An epic tale = 8 p.m. until midnight i = = > . “ O xygen,” and at previous ___ is located at,123,W<^West South First andd Washington\ streets in ? t a t th e aboiita musid;iidan searching for his T —^ —Montana-Steak-House; f,/r V-___WhitbxejiiLNoieltteLAward-winnei:___ V.ia^.iiTand.undeiLget___ J e -1 8 2 6 ------stepslsler'irTi;n the bo~uri5ohTuel^ ______L,Ian.McEwanwidi: in free. -.Canyon-CitsrDriverTwinrin-Falls: ------w rld of New’(w Orlean-s jazz won its • j No cover charge. i'e)', Sid Smithh landed th e Jan. 18-19-Utah ------Vuthor Britain’lin’s-WhitWead Novel...... „ 'j r ''... Wliitbread Firstst ^Novd Award for., -Utah . .j; - -Award for 2001001 on Friday. . 1‘ftvvioiisly won ncdaimj/Ijo r jjjj. “Somiomething Like a U tah Symphony willwii perform ^ ^ Tonight and Saturdayf Judges haillailed British writer H e c t o r r Audira M h kfirst nonet, 'Mnsungnmf House.” Judgesa calleda Die book McDonald willheadline jate’s “Twelve Bar B e T l i o z ’ s Full Moon Music Maladness Patrick Neat set during thei ChineseCi Cultural ■ Karaoke will jip fphnir'edtUrnm.9 i ___' Blues” as “wvyiyid,_h_oId.and ener- Jim tinrl tJieGmu!______:__ RRvnliitina^..“a. eRoom, *- geuc,’’.addingng: “The electrifying Fantastiquc” 7:30 p.ma. . in Salt Lake City’s ?:p.m. to 1 a.m: at the Blue. * • turner.” Smith,I, a 51-year-oldi copy 613 Fremont, Rupert. prose bringsgs to life characters at 8 p.m. . ^ Abravanellel Hall. Tickets, which ® . editor, wrote the novel without whose experie:riences span, one cen- — ------e v e r visiting the country. The nightly in y» P are?26,$3l$36, $45 and $50. can be e tury, severalII culturesc and many Year award to be announced 3aJt L ake S a tu rd a y ed Jan. Whitbread Poetry2try Award went t6 . ' reservedI b,by phoning (801) 355- « 22. The author, a part ‘l G i- t y ’ s S t ‘tim e SeUma HiU, 51,I, forfo her collectioo 2787. Abrairavanel Hall is located Kroakers Karaoke willI Ibe te i. EstabUslied;d ini 1971, tlie annual LoLondon-based disc Jockey, p A b r a v a n e l ^ ■ ■ j k at 123 West , prtivi- ^B unny.” Judge;Iges galled Hill a ■ est South Temple. titured from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.n. at the .. W hitbreadI Bt)ok I A w ards is ouously won acclaim for his Hall.-Tickets, Big Kahuna; 9 E. Main, pe^ is first “unique voice in BritishB poetry.” • , )edo. Britain’s longeigest-running Ulerary. nonovel, .“Musungu.Jim andid the.. The Whitbrej)read Biography ' \fhichare$16,$22.S26$26,S33.S37- Feb. 15-H ^ — ______competiiioQjy _Grcat_ChiefTulokQ.” ■ t^iiJ $43, Ciih be rest a L d S a h ___ j____ 7 — ^ ^ — -Aiwicd—was—Wi i Paige will sing with lig “ h tly except Sundayly * dents of Britaiitain and Iho Republic 1He is currently workingfi oni a Souhami, 61. for “Selkirk’s Ishi- phoning (801) 3 oflrel&id. scrscreenplay of the Alex Gar Abravanel Hall is local nphony at 8 p.m. nightly an ai d IVIonday arland nd.” The book is alx)uta Ale.xander Lake.^^H^^^M ____ ; _____ Camb'ridge-ee-educated Neate. 31.___ no]novel “Tlie Tes.ve. S., Twin HaU, 459 ShoupSh Ave., Twin-Falls. . p.ip.m. to 1 a.m. at the Riveverside *' :■ ^F alls,..'. ------umer-will-provide-the------Borrl97-Hig}iwaya0-WrBtBurley:------music. ' Tonlgtit and Satur,da:day Ww ed n esd ay . Fram e .of Mind will11 pplay from [ ’ P' E. R A -'' Kroakers Karaoke will be b fea* . 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. atIt J M uggers • —------■ —' tu tured from 9. p.m. to 1 a.m. a. a t •- .. Brewpub, 516 Secon 610 Cluh, 1054 Overlandd Ave., »-* Twin Falls. Cover chargarge ' Burley.

Tonight and Saturdad^y______W e d n esd a y ______Bofi'Nora’Band’mlTFII play from Karaoke will be featurec■'■I at 7 ■ Iflfe.M;. . ______9 p.m. to 1 a.m. att SaxS; Fifth p.m . aj^ H o n k e r’s Place:e, 121 _ VP. S ; Twin — Falls. Cover charge is S3 cover clm'rge.

S a tu rd a y T h u rsd ay 'F i ■Randy E ^ e r will pla’play from 7* r ■ir Full Moon Music Mad□ dness 9 p.m. at Sax Fifth AveWenue, 213 .KKaraoke a will be featured fi Fifth Ave. S., T\vin Fallsalls. Ja n . 2 6 ,22 ! 8 ,3 0 , p.ip.m. to L a.m. at the 0 Lounge on Idaho Street in I F eb. 1 , 3J - U t a h f . ^ ^ S ■ IVIonday U tah OpOpe^ra will p re s e n t_ ThT h u rsd a y ------p / j f j ------The-V uam ettcs willIII perform-----SfcphciTSoSondheim’s Little at'5:30 p.m. in the.Boilitoiler Room Night Musicsic,” 7:30 p.m, on Jan. Kroakers' Karaoke ^vill bi at the Sun Valley!y Resort. 26,28,30) aand Feb. 1 and at 2 tured ^ from 9 p^m. to 1 a.m .: - Tickets iire $8 at the door.do( Doors p .^ . on Feb.eb. 3. Capitol Theater, Riverside, 197 Highway 31 open ,at_‘,4:30 ...p,np.m. The _ Salt LakeJ CCity. Tickets, which - Burley. . . Vuarnettes will sinj ing every range fromm :$30.to $132, can be p .. Monday night throujough mid- reserved by phoning (801) 355- March. ..A c R .'o IL A T 1 C 2787. Thee ( C apitol T h ea ter is ;_i; located at 50West200SouUi.50 .W?^!l6siay_ ■ ____ . : Bob Nora Band will11 playp: from ; t • u • ’ c ' e" a T E ..R ' j 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. at SaxSa F ifth I ------A .venue^l3-F4fth-Avo.-i?e.-S.,-Twin------^ ^ ----- Falls. No cover charge. Thursday J a n . 2 8 The SunI Valley.V Company will C present Stuiituart Ross’ “Forever ^ Mini-Cassia Comom m unity piaid,” 7-30 30 p.m.. Boiler Room.- tsssg ll I I Concerts will present TteeeUi Wo Tickels, wllicliidi arc $15 for adults H Tenors a t 7:30 p.m. in t l " P .n ^>"8 and $12 foifor children 12 and H Fine Arts Center in Burley.: i ^'available at the Sun H • Admission is by season r j &f ■ r ■ po rts C en ter, or bjr ■ ship only; they are S3; phoning 622-:22-2231. Doors open at ^ adults, $15.75 for studc ?i S 5 6 p.ni. The£5 productionp will con- Mm S94.50 for families, aval; ‘=''=■'5sry Thursday night Jan. Jar 21 -U tah phoning Su^an Tuft at[676.1798. 67 Uiroiiglimid-iid-Mardi. j The Peking Acrobats willill play % ■ Feb. 1-2-Utah Salt Lake City’s Abravaneli\ Hall F eb. 2 0 -■ B B oise' Iat f :7 p.m. Tickets, whidi arere $11, •Utah Symphony will .11 present ^he roodid production of the S15, SIJ $17 and $20. canin be . “Bugs Bunny Bonanza reserved by phoning (801);).355.„, , from Merrie- Melodies,' musical “Jekyll and % resi 2787. Abravanel Hall is lococated . on Feb. l and 2 p.m. oni I l l i II play the Morrison 278 the campus of Boise at 1231 West South Temple. 0 Salt Lake City’s Abravar f t 'a ^ 'T n i v Tickets, which are S22, i liversity a t 8 p.m. and $41, can be reser hich are $25. $35 and JJan. a r 22-Boise phoning (801) 351 I be reserved by phon* Thet Peking Acrobats willill per- ^ » ^ ■ Abravanel hall is locate(l i d at 123 A Seat at (208) 426- fonform in tlie Morrison Centeter on L ' ’ West South Temple. Please see SPOTUQHT, Paj=a£eC8 ■ X Feb. 2 ,R A °_K.E' ' \ H The Bang on a CannAH-Stars A ...... / Louie; Louiei71 . ( j —^— will“peTform“,nrTC5t(rstchum ’s nexStage Theater at 8 p p.m., the T O n i^ t ' sccond in the Sunn Valley Kroakers} KaraokeK will be fea- s .-—E n gGAGEME]lN T -^ i I S ' ! ; Young-C ocX)K ^ 9 ^ ■ RAFT RIVER - KiiK irk and Raelene Young and TerryTei and ^ w Beth Sanderson of Sodada Springs announce the engagen;em en t of Me gotta goo iVP • their daughter, Cassidy/ Young, to HI m —P Aaron Vaughn Cook,k, .son of { ■ P Q b^ H (to the Depol» t ! ) . ' ' I K w m f i J Vaughn and Loma Cooklok of Raft Open 24 hourt a d a y , six days a wi River. , . (opw III 9 p.m. on Sundays),I), , Young is a 1999 grad Soda Springs High §choo ■ r f currently a sophomoree a ’ ____ State Univgrsity— . — Ths Larg e s t Fiimltiiiy, Applppll?ncp ^ Floor CoMBringiStorelaMagle-Vallei S /— $1 ■ Cook is a l995 gradi I— -HOOHSr-| Declo High School and aiattended Utah State Universityity. % is Mon-FPl I employed in farming i V V ■ V S' *O ho. ig in 'R a ft 8-8 River, where, the coup I "PAYMffll : _ reside. . O^aldy yo. IN IN I 01 6 m o. The wedding is plannemed for 4 ' held from^7 < : www.sorans.com Sat. 7*9 p.m. at the same -UKUUig ; • p.m. today at the Hoopioper LDS locationr^A secondse reception will , ; 8 -5 :3 0 . "ZOI MAIN AVE.;E;E.,pni FALLS'!• 733-1421' J Church in Soda Springs;s; A/ rwep- be held 6-81 pjn.p. Saturday at the V-...'...-...... VIw w w ^bannep.tipnpm efurnlshlnosxi tion to honor the couple)le will be R aftR iv ^ Church,,25S0E.-300St‘Ch ' iMTIOj

•1; • •V ,, ' - - ' .CB TJnwflm^ Tw)nFtlb,Sl, Idahol F H d iy ,Ja^ 4,200212 ■ ^ p u b B i^ ; Continued from C7 ■ ...... sitSeries cohdadu! with'Fraianc6isi ' . Sunday^ Mbhda^iays aiilHbliday s i ■ •the campus of Bqise OxcOzon’s “ Under the Sand,** Feb.F< 6 ••• •••••■ ■ hobbit irnake a biggspiash IU niversity a t 7 p.m . Ti' . an(and 8 at 7 p.m. and Feb;.^ io1 at which are 55, $10 tmd$22, - ‘1:311:30 p.m;; Lamphouse The: A Knight RMdOfNewftSqivteitvtee - ' - he^e.”' • ...... nreserved by phorfi?fg» (201 : -TwTwin Falls. Tickets are ■ , . •.Hollywywbod hoopla: Harry . .iiio; .1 ^ vavailable'at a the door or aat t the -The biggest book hea w A ^ a t - MagjcValley-Arts Coundlol the year may have coir EvtEyeiybody’s B using ai\d KKurt*s * Hollywood, with r^ a ; PhaiTOacy.and. Hnllmark ip ; packed-’em .in .at t h e - - . .. }and20 '-:--~ ■' film versions'of JJtfR - and contftue'd to sell Falls. The Lamphouse Theat IS “Harry Potter and the S record numiimbers’ of books, with' The 14th anannual World Film loclocated at 223 Fifth Ave. Stone” and JJtR . ToBde ___ m orejhsTUtaQCUnmionj:opiesj)£_ _ _ '• - • Series will con:ontinue with Eric ------LordTjfthe Rings:**” ^” :s,four.hfloksjn. print_ ____ ^ — yaimnmsiiBlaya," Jan." lb .and '^asrosgldigra! ------Burplenty Happenedid e ^ w h M e worldwide.i. F Release of “The Lord ' 18 a t 7"p jh 'rSand Jan. 2(Taf 1:30 ^ : “The Art off HellsH. Canyon,!': in the book world - f f r o m th e of the Rings’igs” film also sparked a' p.m., Lainphoulouse Theater, Twin ...... • • paintings of thele CCanyon'^un^r™ ' . Jonathan FranzenOprahrah Winfrey resurgencc.oC'of interest in-ToIidea Falls. Ticketss areaj $7.50, avrulable , landmark by sixX artists,ar will be o n :' /■flap to a run on-books'ais about thc This year,ir, H oughton .MiffMn. ' atthedodrorairat the Ab^c Valley Jarlan; I S 'r Utah • , . • display at the EiglEighth Street Cen-: Hideast and terrorismsm; from a racked up )sa sales of $4.5 million in' ■ H Arts Coundl1 office,ol E v e^b o d /s- - Ana All-StarJ>lytnpic Salalute,- terihB^'nieSe Eighth Street .C©-;' . .. sharp dip in the e-bookik marketn to Tolkien booibokj, selling 10 times _ J ■W- Business andd iKurt'S Pharmacy .' '^eafeaturinf» Scott Hamiltonh and ' "~hter'islocatedai:'2(ai:200N.EighthSC> . heartening signs matat old-iash-< more topicsies of “The Lord of the *v ^ ------Tmd-Hallmaririk-iirTwin-FaUsrTtre----- ETcncTFexinT^SB^H -ioned reading is thriving.ng. Rings” ihisv(syear thifh last. J P . ' Lamphouse.Th(rheater.is located at - Goijordeeva,'is^^^^^^^H Here’’s a look back: ,aal t 200I i „ ^ 223FifthAve.S2- S. schi •ary losses: The.inim - »:heduled for -'P U r ^ • 'books: . the C enter I u • wrr. -itable Eudoidora Welty - who rose . • Spitting matches Jan. 23,25) anda 27 inn S alt b e s :W h e n - fromasmaU-all-town Mississippi girl- . Jan.}i 31 Jan.26^eb.3-3 -Elko, Ney.': , ' Winfrey chose Franzen’sn’s :novel for hood to beco The 14th amannual World Film suburb xome the grande dame Acrobat Tomas Kubinc: )f W est Vail- fational Cowliby her on-air book club,.the th writer -ofAmericarcan,letters - died this ick will • Series wiU conontinue with Lukas ' .perform at 7:30 p;m. ii at ing vriU.be.held at . • expressed discomforfort with year at 9Z L0 Other notable deaths: q in the Moodysson’s'‘^'“Together,'* Jan. 23 ^y College of Southern Idahc ^:30 p.m. Tic» J m WIIBBB ites-around Elko. ~ ri:O p ra h ’s:popuIisLa;nl.nLiof-appmval TTrn^’^^ dwligsT(,'*A Sepacate.----- ho Fine___-and 25 a t7 u.r£m.::ancUan^Z_at:i^'-^ - and precipitated a firefirestorm. A P eace"), Di “TVrts-ccnrcTjnraitorlQftnnin iw in 1:30 p.niA Lamamphouse Theater,' cets. "whicn I . " Douglas Adams (“A r.FaUs, an Arts on Tour pre ire $29, $44 I’ ' ick,” with Waddie miffed Winfrey canceleiBled discus- H itchhiker’er’s Guide to the ,j‘ resenta- Twin Falls. TiTickets are $7.50, sion of “The Corrections tion. .Tickets, which are $:$12 for available a t the th doo'r or a t th e - ind $64, can be reserved The 18th Natirdou^ Slum and ons." Some Galaxy”) _a a n d ,_W,G.. Sebjt.ld_ _ i '‘ ihoning-Smith’s Tix at-(800). ■— ‘ .^vjriters.crxticize3'Trarranzen fo r - - ( “Ausierlitz"' -adults and:S8-for5tudentnts-and-:i-MagicValiGy-A rAnyCoundl'office,-- - - : ^ Poetry Gathering' ■' Ming an u n g^dous snol _1_ .children,ch are available byly phon- Everybody’s BuBusiness and Kurt’s jnXX. J " The E-Center is locate ---a half-dozen-sites^^*EtohToetry mob; others & pt; "tr l l ’s impact: 'The terror in 1200 South Decker Lake Driv . on Jan. 27 in the said he was voicing wh; _ ing 733-9554, Ext72Z88rsSeawn • Pharmacy andidHallmarkin ] Twin — Highlights inclui what many attacks’effeo Theatei--(tic1

■ J < y X

' > ;'J . ’ I W i bfl^ ■....' - g I 128«tbSqx\ U5 k y Invites l O O O s J t o l N 5^'Vbw On o u r .. . R lvffSorhoat Goumet Dhmers' G i f t Soutit of til n w C e r t i f i c a t e tite Border NIgItt! 1^ Avallnblc“■” ra steak &SI Shrimp 1,‘oZ WWCui/ for reitnaiUailansW Dimener Cruises! - Our Spfdalt}laity n H PrivateleCockiall C Cruises Mentis ^ Sunday^ChaChampagne Brunches lour Sccnic Tours P FLEASEJ£ BOOK i f

B r jji ur a | | H h^ i I


^ V I i I U V E L t m ^ E

^ Bl I

------M o n g c

S ^^lflallE ilallnHrj||cr>||p ||c i|inl[ra||c,'n^lPI|i:illP Ell^'I £lllSllSllBllSllGLll£]|l A uthentic C5uffet " i rin e I w Still dlian BBQ.---- I I 8:- Live tobster & St:hinese Cuisin I c u s t o m U ' s Mongolian BBQ.- y trips a c h otice it : | *8;- Large Selection jteamedo Clams ■ S ' p- Best Soup & Woi § I n S e 'nBum 1 . «► L- I price for many t i FR ESHH SALAD I BAR, GFiRAND BUFFET ANMMD COMPLETEi MENUI EVERYD/DAY! I , <»-8:- Friday & Saturda Buffet ‘ 0 ■ E of Menu Items Iced lea, coffee'or hot' led with meal ■ a •BEST VALUE, ot'tea ALWAYS include! ■ B 3k Cooking - - I - - ______' - mRESH HIGHQUALIiHTYFOOD •BlBESZBECJRESJof: r Wilfl finmp ninnprc _Sun=.Thurs-U-am---lO| — . - —— - •CONVENIENT ideacation and parking • EXPERIENCEDEi c6t TAKE OUT ORlay Night- DinnerIE Bi . • ' . : JOKING STAFF [Q

AN3»k1« ISE - 'TAKE GW'Jt, ORDERS WELCaOME- -J . Opm-«-ErlrSat-Mam---M raD i^H oiii-9pni , ; L,_JlskBluiU.akes-BlRDERS WELCOME. ^ I-^i Blue likes Blvd. N.I: • Twin Falls • 734-6^ - ^ 7 8 .. . - . a ly&SnliiniiiY'til 9:30 S£rsl Jlvd^North-*-Twin Falls

7 ' . . " . ' ■' ( • , ;

- - - ' l i[NSIDE s “ n r ” T ------Local sporjp o rts . . .-.".t ;:D 2 ...... j-'Check online: Visii • ' • • v ' Scdresani) and stats .;..D 3 i'i.w ^jm gjcvallcyjx)tcom fOT the latest sports new«vys. -II f S T ' .World...... 06 ^or^M aJJa/O lSJ^ 'ridayj January 4; 20{ Scccion 'D ' P R — ^yColl^eTirSooa'jthern Idaho iig \vc(‘ckenc es forW Si;)iis k ctha t II ^^li Kall' ...... the team’s sixthh straight win, it had nneeded to go home. Thisriis time we’re i^ews writer______)S E ^ is _____ been 25 days sinince the CSI men had • .g going to come out nfsty,” Grant said. :|G D O played a game.. ForF the L;idy Cohltn ““h would’ve been nice n Bobbitttcom.mits ( , ------I'^ T ^ have one ^ H ||H iTN. FALLS i.Back to businesscss for -.Eagles (M SWAC^C. 94). loiiiglii’s ciunc t'f.niiii; huf wf>Vp rnm fnrFnrrahlp wirh__ I^lleBB uf SouUiem idano memen’s is ineirtirst m 27:7 diys. And it’s against _\vh-sl2e l8sneaken^^H .liiwhen,it’s game ------,,;iiine.______'.Z'f. Hence the '^nicknam e, iVShaq from 1 2 J

“I think it “ Josh“ ' “ J t ' 'was some fans «■ lu ;a nl i a \c L:iat (W ashing- Williams ^ ------m "icon’s)-- Pasco-'-•• « • • • • • ------'f-(Los Angeles Johtiscnson. ^H~caileger;erfoTJtball~“ Lakers center ShaquilliiiUeO’Neair ,5,„,cala- Another persofiI whov noticed . u By Richard Rosen)senblatt 8 his •fi W illiam s-this timejonthefootbaU or __Tho Associatedrd Pi Press______i- j field where WilliamsIS vwas rated the cond t>.\ I?| No. 1 defensivjB! Ilinem an in touchdowlown VASADENA,A. C( alif.-W ithout a i ■ Washington state - wiwas University ogalntilnst . loss and withoutlout ;i doubt, Miami ■ j ^ ^ B is the natior)aIil champion.di ,;! .of Washington footbalball coacli Rick Nebraskaska _____ ^‘J.Neuhei^.______* ____ ,The_Hurricnncanes completed, a ___ •; Williams committeitteiTclriy'wilii i *'! perfect season)n byli ovenvhelming > ; the UW to play footbaibaH but when __ ^ I Nebraska 37-1414 iin the Rose Bowl —;— IjZhis-loiv-SATTscores-r(S-made-him-a- — Jerom & ' ’ -"j— on;Th»n;dav~niiminhTremUniraiv^ ------;«-non-qualifier, he resono n ^ to his sec------Shooke K | ^ — debate.abouLwhi-W hoisj^o^____ :______H y i' WithKen'Dc‘Dorsey throwing > ond-favorite sport, basi , (881 Jurlhirlhg •- He’s one of only 18 three touchdownown'passes - two to 18 high school u , :ond K players in Washingto:iton history to receiver Andrere JJohnson - Miami C record 2,0(X) career poipoints and over quarter9rof c rolled to a 34-04-0 leiid in the first 1,000 rebounds. In histiis %nior year, )6th 9 m Williams averaged 20 points and Roso Blowloh im^^S "The entiree tc team deserves to ■flfljlj be MVP tonighi [-- nearly 14 reboundsds a game at ||In ight," said Dorsey Davis, all with constantant double-and _ pasadefla after he and Johrlohnsoii were.seleci------ft-triple-tcam defense.-— p B jH —cd as-co-MVPs.’Ps.-'-Our defense ----- fi • “Ilike football-a lotlot," Williams ‘ r? ? ”' | ^ 3 H stepped up 10) illtlie challenge and :i said. “Ahd basketballII Ui fun, too. It Thursdayloy- did a great joh.iol). Our offL-nsive > helps me stay in shapS.’ line, receivers,•s, eeverybody did a : Though.-he’d he;iieard about |0 B great job' against;nst a great team.” Williams three or four)ur years earli- 9H B Joluison addciIded; “I felt like I fl er, it \yas at a h i ^ sdschool all-star had .somethinging H) prove so I game in Seattle lastc springS{ where I ^ H | brouglu my 'A'I.’ gi)giune." CSI assistant Brian Hancock Hi saw The stunned:d 1-Huskers, beaten ^ the big man for the firstim^e_:__^_ __ :_____ ^___ J- ‘• ^ ^ 9 .62-36 by Colonul er,” Hancock said. *‘Bi!ButJld.heard_ • . defense. Tiiee lilopsided score • s from several coaches!S thatt he had raisod-Gvcn-morc'orcTjife'^lions'ulKnTi vhmted to play basketb:itball, and that whether Nebraslraska belonged in his real love was basket]cetball.” the Bowl Champimpionship Series’ t ' -Hancock said it was?as his forme'f tide game. ti boss at the Universit:sity of Idaho, liH ltJ ! The Associatciaied Press poll of ^ Kermit Davis, whcttold-ild-Hancock to IQ B! sports writers: anand broadcasters • Iwas to be releasejased early Friday, c keep his options oopen w ith p gf*. c vii7*^v •;;• Williams. 'vii|i the Hurricanicanes a lock to win “One of the first playspla that I’d ’ - I their fifth nationnion^l title, all since > seen him make was whej'hen they were tfiM. 1983. Their last'ast championship coming down the floor,)r, aj kid threw A / f * was in 1991. g an alley-oop to him," HancockHa said. J V I l S Top-ranked Mitimi/12-0)Min didn’t ^ “Hiere were three or foufourWdsthere ami’s D dieictates few/ options br Nebraslska offense“ have to \vait to' picpick up the trophy ij that-had signed with PfiPac-10 teams The Aisocli fe awarded byjy the USA eclated Proas'______jpionship \vith a 37-14 victo . N there, and he caughtIt iit with two ------^— :tory over hand, yards.yar He was 5-of-15 passinging for Today/ESPN coaclcaches’ poll, which . hands and dunked it I , the fourth-ranked Husl(skers on Crouch, mallaligned as a passer, 62 yards and one intercepjp tio n automaticaUy goe;goes to the winner • I thought he PASAD]lDENA, Calif. - Miami’s ' ' was going to come down Thursday night in the BCBCS title had an evenn toughert time run- that tha led to the second of Mialiami’s ' ihe BCS champimpionship game, wn widi it but superior)p speed harassed game.i He caught it on the flyy amd dunked Nebraska ning the ball,11, save .for a couple , four fou touchdo\-ins in the sececond . Oregon, a 38-118-16 winner over ka quarterback Eric Playing before a predoilominant- big gainers, His H: fumble midway ' quaner. qur Colorado in thele I'iestaI Bowl on i t I mean, it was impress! Crouch andan: dictated few options . I 1 Throu^ 14 games aj . Iy red-clad NebraskaI Eagle, Williams, 20, haslas impressed BowL Ided the Miami’s first: touchdown,tc and the les for losses in the first: 1;h alf, Nebraska w n to claimc a share of nation’s best option offensnse,leav- Hurricanes ledle the rest of th e wh : 34-o! ' ihele tDucks will prob- as well, averaging 11.0..0 points and The topop-ranked Hurricanes i when the Hurricanes led 3 ■4 5.2 rebounds a game. 1 ing little room for the Hususkers to >vay. EaiEarly in the third quarter,, tthey I'P secoiecond in the final e. Though he earned thedieir fifth nadonal cham- . operate c until the game wa:/as out of Crouch carrit ^ lost his starting spot aftafter lacklus- ified 22 times for 114 notnotched t^vo more; Please)see sei; MIAMI, Pafie 02 :^tpr performances att VWyoming’s i Sheridan College andd a against the ^ • » Sfeattle Stars, W illiamjm.5^a s per- I S f ^ e d well off the North Frei g X4 points each night aga aldey-R^^aftJRiveer mkes5 two ^ montloofcks to ^^aho andlUBis collies! rJ ;;His best game to dateate was a 20- ByScottTha r?K)nipson B m - r ( r.i; point, ll-relxjund effortart in a 98-95 Tlitte»Now»vo Ihursday B BUHL - Twenty-one wrest r* the bench,” Williams saicsaid. ‘Tm not after the Oakley-RaftOi Kiver squad K Declo’s Trinady B dS Invltatiiatlonal going to argue about pUplaying time scored a pairpai of wrestling dual vie* f M Ostarhout :eams from across Idaho . ^ since Tm still a freshmaiman. Tve got tories at a a 'levada will descend uponm the 'festling lournameni a tri-meet in Dedo. k ^ Th»,sdoy.ta ddiG School 3 qU next year.” And fo rg nats at the Buhl Middle Sdichnnl Middle r good reason since'ic was I • trl-moot In I S .When: Today. 3:lS<:1 S 9 p.m.: • ^ Williams admiim its that col- his twin son oday and Saturday for the : ons who provided the dif* ^ ^■ 'D o clo 'to p u t ' ~ aiini 5olufd8y9 o.m.-2.-2 p,p.m. • ...... r'‘ legeschoolwork“is.reallyilly hard,” he ference inn tthe victory against the T v 7 ^ inriual Buhl Invitational. •<, said he’s adjusting to theh e workload. Hornets as H thoOakloy- AAnd based upon tournam'"■ent w;»'«th«r.iAson: of Thursday. 21 as Brock Nelson put his ^ nnc in Ifom aCfOSS5SS tttie stale plan C After CSI, Wiliams saidid 1he doesn’t team up 35-i35-34 after the 189-pound ■ Raft River com- eedings, a familiar face come ■ p know which directionL hihis life will match andid Brice Nelson finished 9 ■ blnad squad - “Jis J the favorites - th e NcW t h 'remont Huskies will be loolloking I------the meett ooff with a pin against H ovor tho top to {Q f I- *f“(ioach Neuheisel saidaid he’s still Dedo’s Eric 0 repeat th eir 2000 title after al school that has u ric Webb with just 4 sec- H 1 ^ stay In tho piac 15 won the. team . s. got a jerseyV aiting forfor;me,” he onds left intIn the match. H )lacing second to defendinglg A-2 crown nt state sev(seven of tht* past H H schools'41-34 'stall Jysdd. . And whaihat does it mean to the H tate diampion American FFalls nine years, docsn’tln't have ihL> ilupih istyear. coach-fathe:her to see his children iH H victory ovor ^^st; • of many of its coinioinpctitors at tliL- 3UghtorThrTeam'in~the~||j 3 -thtrHomBts:------:— -iVrcstling-starts-today-at-3t-3;15-.— BuliIInvitationul-mlrJmid-Wil.sonrbut ------(Question and Ansviswer H Nelson's twin >.m. and will run until 9. Thei do'i-c the Huskies makete upu for that with le-elimination meet stam bbac.c quality, , • "You haihate to say a sw elled .1 H brother, BrIco, up £ S 1 Bait Uilniabout CSI?' ' p Saturday at 9 a'.m., withh th e , "lt!s a small sch C .ril's the bost Uunlorcollege) fie senior Nelson said. „l .vi. -socurodtho • ...... final school and.they ives you a swelled head • • ] inals beginning at about 1 p.m,m.- have orily 12 o)r r 14'1 guys o u t,” C M program in the naUon.’ "North Fremont will be on< a.Wof«tthlniaboutC8l?I? when'twerycryone comes up and tells I ylctory for tho . ne of Wilson said. "ButX diey’reialldi good, S PTha town. It’s too small.* ' yo\i yoiir sonssoj wrestled well You i tonmwltha . le 'top teams,” Buhl coach StacySt I don’t know howow (coach Mike - - ^ - 3 . Hyou were an animal,, yoiyou’d be a want to be e rnice for them the rest ^ pin lij tho final i^i^on sdd. “From there, ittjust j Ledc)doesit There:ere mu«,be some- epends on who is wrestling ^v , • of ;the week;ek. But as a cdSCh you .• '• match. You ^vell. diinginthewateroviroverdipre.” snako.’ bu never know.” • Wilson said he2 hahas-tried to g e t ...... - Please Pl£ see MEET, Page .02 ...... KtfnnKwfiovrt.jto.Mifm« m - . , - ' NcNorth Fremont, a class - o ' y: , Please SDeBUHL.'Page02see _1------J-,,,. ------:i.— - ____ ; ______----- ' M Tltn#>N«n,TWln F*n»,l(lt,ldaho Friday, Jimary 4.2002002 ; Sports Minia'O boys'jfall to sttateehaamps inlO T J The TlmeaKWew». - - M urtaugh (3-3 M agic Valley\ ji-».oMasi«iwi,; Conference,' 6*6)' travev els-to ——woopevfttotMtJ . . ' REXBURG-ThedefciefendingA- ■ IXHLocai sports - p! Oakley on Tuesday.___ _------iYimoiw1«3.leeIit?^---- H ■ 1 , Div.'1 state'chanipioii'ioii M adi&n. ‘ ------=------Bobcats defeated the Minico » ICmw 4, YttTfl 5, SmnJ. Untf t:. ' MRMt«UMuha S p artan s 66<58 in: overtimeo MAmi’ _ UIJH.40 . . .[Ms4i,iiU^n...... Thursday night in.feoy!oya-faaskfit^— (<0)i Hran I* iM 1 Wacti rball: ; IMpWJWJ-K t W. Fif* Z L Pirt 11.TS5iTrr-Buhl-49fFiler f ler 31 . • .E Mnoi Z Tctw t L Pattia L ToWi. iSt'K » Ryan HepwortH led Minico Glenns Fer■ e r ^ S l, SS U) nw I Tow In*. fWiL.17. rwi b u h l - Thrhe Buhl Indians U . with 15 points. John . Uu^afixMa4-T.Mn,MricnTi*!W.f Ih Fennell c.u u -jj 5c l . s(IM ; Ata«-11.^ 3*,_(Wl n«r ?7. defeated the FilerFil Wndcats 49-31 ■ added 13 points arid,rid T aylor rru ltlan d 5 ■Wursday higlight in Sawtooth |H - Ehincan. netted 11 pointlints fo rth e FRUITL/'LAND - M ark B lack Wood m River 58, Kimberl io Conferhce girK " E S Spanans. The Bobcats:s outscoredo ■> scored a game-high gar 29 points to Es™""" Glenns Ferry boys past ' AnnieMrt^aulauley led all scorers M j past-Kimberly-58-42-in------take-the-gainc.------—^ ------Frxtitland 61-81-53 Thmidaynighrat" P3 ils for the Indies. H | Saw tooth C e n tra l "I'fL I ~7with-18 poiffls .“We just couldn’t holdold off dieir Fniitland..Korey K Hall added 21- Sa Brandi Hossmarlan added U points , Conference play 'Thursday attack in overtime.. BBut I am • pointsforth(the Pilots (64). • , pP, for Buhl. Buhl1 usedu a 14-6 fourth iri Hailey. •proud of my boys,-Minilinidj'coach Glenns; FerryFi outscored the ^ 0 pull away for the ' B j Mike Graefe said. Grizzlies inn eevery quarter.' ' }Laurel Williams led all sn III,'S-3) Glenns FeFerry hosts Castleford ' Buhl (M sasac, 9*3) travels to 31 NatalieNa Green nettea 10 p hosts Jerom e on Saturda::day. , on Jan. 4. IX^doonSaturd, ...... for for Wood River. Rachel.Bug ' m -Icd-Khnberiy-with-lS-points: Uatei - • ■Otnfmt ■■ ...... - \ ^ ■Mb IIItltl44.B■a , . , Wood ' River (3-2 SCIC,c.9 -4 ) s .....■ ■ g S | H IWOSCN (Mh ttisw 3. Owt. 5, Hwin ?. U GlWaftfWllll-Er CHU0M9. Paa« 7. Mioi n Itua-n }4^4^u « ouin.sEiKtiiaA' i ^ I'/aal*' ^ ta u hosts ho: Valley on Saturday. ____ U5«0(W ftr* 5, *.'Vrw»i 15, nan s ■ ffMTW O(Hi-aj»ac ...... CM2.K.BR>B7.S«Bt.PMSB'. . .. i n a tw u 7. Q im ? i(u*. n 1 i-n7S1 sa. ' '_vma>gw4.*wi«tB•|B«».5,HBrtnJt,«iuliJ.U«ner ‘ ^ ’ ■ — VW«wrSa.lW»A«-- ■■ 4,Ictt».UM33i___ }Par(Ca>H-Uaun 7 |N<«a<|. Unco 3 n<>|x'fcrwaa.PrrtfJ------1 ftf 7. Ttufc-a4< a yMttm 24«nJ-tt wLTcUbub-&MI7,ni>tLFaM ^ tctt taA- u*»icn ia, U n a a - f - w a i r i i s M>crtoMii.amr«T4f»T,3|n»ir^Zf«iri).fr(jenJ3' tMiiVIHU t]t-Uoia%M Unca09 (fVMZajMoiDTcI)Iailh»(l»rTaf»T|r15,rt«einai« .•.■'WWIWOOIWER|'n-KHl>T;, Oxn M. Snei3.Wftn OJ'C. Bitov fC&sJn. Hem-orni^lMlts^FlvMnAJVKr*- ____ ■ rtOBJeu.OwTflmltcnI«Abi»-fcr«.JVic«.frueM7i » fWKx fWc 7, wa, KM & IcUlf 19 IS-» - T CwnFtrfU ■ WW* (UV HI {.Dmr IS, ]. UMr 1 Skyline 54, BuHey^5 1 ■ >Por»»-Woa)>Por n>rt<4 rtViixn), Knt^l (Dnw Valley49,G|ellenns Ferry 4 1 H _ IDAflO,FAUS.TPusdiStinDiolhy GlflS Tailajb-VKMfWwl7,KiT(iMr1>Toil FaMoJ-HlTi _ __ rt«ncwJ/iar., Wocd)WiM.>CrTt»<, • GLENNS FEFERRY - Valley ■ —— netted-22-points-ro-lift------:------defeated'GienennsFerry-49-41-— over Burley 54-51 TJiursd"■dtSt-RafTRIifn rr40,M urtaugh'26 D ecio48, iVlaiad 38 T h u rsd ay nig:light in Canyon- •in boys basketball in Idahdaho Falls.' MURTAU\UGH - Raft River , • Conference girlsrls basketball. MALAD - Declo’s Amy 2 “We had a good effortirt lonighi,’-!I ___ d e/e ated M urraugh 40^26 in - ^ AUe>i Katie Brwdfleled eU scorers vdth ttio j) wlm)wn reception a£aIh«VCotora'd6'b'wlW teammatM R ^Schinld'ml^(87)Tnd“ “ ...... couldn’t get the shots to:o fallfi when b a s k e tb a ll' downed Malad 48-38. 11 Thursday night at , . ad d e d eig h tt ipoints for the ■ KoM, ne»ta Bowl at Sun Devil StadiumSta In ------we needed iheni.’------Murtaugh.'1.' Trojan Summer ——“She's-a , heck of a little s er,” Malad coach Dennis Ep'“ : VikingsT-Jessiijsica Srnibris~led' Timpjmpe.AHz. . __ Jono Barker scored 16116pointsto -.Hansen ledid alI.sc o rers.w ith .llJ , Glenns Feny.wit«ihl4-points.___ - . ..1— le^d'the Bobcats (1-2 Grejrea t Basin . points, ninee ofo which came in the . said.”’'She'shoots the'eyes 0 Glenns Ferryy (0-1( Canyon, 6-7) T “ Conference, 5-3), who ma the thing.” made eiglit first quaiier.?r. . lentral 'navels to Wcndeidell on Saturday. 1 ^ 3-pointers in the game. “Raft Riveiver came out and got Declo (4-0 Saw tooth Cei - Burley travels to Bonritnrieville on their gamee oout early, and then Idaho Conterence,'12-0)I Ihosts (,0hmNnY4l . Eugene — e,Ore., Buhl on Saturday. I1QIIH-4I Saturday. kept it thehere,” coach Doug QMnF«7 itiii.4r = ----- —-^ Wri^t-aaid^ — . ■ - .- Vimfri4fraftn».tB«tu...... d;^'It=was-a-veryT}hysi-—- DKD4a.kUM9a WHB.U«n&lBitt.t7IH1IMItt J, Cal game. RtRaft R iver’s defense tku. ______a ^ e r ^ (4|^^>^4.ite^1ft f Y JS———'KS— M really justiSt shut down our XaO MK IVAal 0 M 0. Vorg 0 M 0. Altn 7 M17.il7.lktau J*rtfl^t«r«reO(bii.Vib-V*r^OmF«>T22.FaM 2^ LmEriSlt-IMaiir.Qi.InlCJmaV.rMt offense.” W«ei1'21U»0l'21,CM£unS;'! l2.rMf

EUGENE,E t Ore. (AP) - Trarack seven postseasonn gamesg: in eight CSI__ _ ■______Towr3wn Pizza has been an instijtitu* years, tion3n ini Eugene since 1978, whvhen “The track tej Continued from 01 team is well* , . . , Grant saidid 1he knows the Bruins said ;e dty was the nerve centerBr of respected, but pecpeople are pas- sophomore’s eligibility ;aid. “She has a nice shot ancnd dri- honest thing goinoing right now, rid- ' u y in laic about.as well.fcll as anybody in the vest-es the baseline.every time e track and field world. sio n a te about foofootball,” said i ‘ November and,rather th le. We ing a six-game wiiwinning streak and ■ loague-,induilluding his oW xeam.______neeleed to_contain_her.JVIatts(tsonjs ___ having,one.their.^dr.iast.three.games __1 J The sign out front depict::\s a M ark Brennan, ^[39*year-oldjour- 39* ------forfeiting rwo-ieague-uo^eam cs------^“W6>reiiri:pt Salt Lake scouted as solii jrermihed-looking-'duckrtth e" nalism'studehfwhcwho was'b^fed against Nortli Idano and R K)lid in tiie post and has a niclice lit- by margins of 61,;;i, 23 and 36 points. f®.;! well as i y ICSteam Fv6 ever scouted. tie:le 6-foott jum per. Martinezez was In the crucial1 wweekend, CSI will niversity of Oregon mascot, run*n up to the bar att theth WUd Dude • * enaied-Uio— y e^ sc G n -Tn^hcnr^ine-Eamesrl----- explaploslve lasrweekend for tliehem.” look to gain a ffoothold on the Tng f along with a pizza box hoser said. “They’re strongng all- question,V saidid CSI coach Guy iiyersiljof pe,oinaiouniumament. All went 2-1, ” aJround, roi they’re deep and t ng. national men’s's trat c k titles ■ Hawaii for one semester la; 1 their Beach. “Of cours€K e every weekend riastycar. „ i,h all losin,sing to No. 11 Seward beni>endi is pretty good. We’re g “I was thinking, ‘That’s whvhat between 1962-70.I. BeforeBe he died Grant said tlie team wor : going isb ig in th eS celenic n Wes^ but this the n »on’lleam Counly Commmnunity'College. to h e Ducks are going to be kno)lown in a car crashash in 1975, until the middle of J; 0 have to play well to beatt, diemt one is importantIt forI setting us up Jan u ary Kve-foot-lO•10 sophomore BrOoke and r,”’ said g e n ^ manager Mi.*lpce Prefontaine wasas one of the whether the Golden Eag md \veVe going to have to pU3layas for next weekend, -“e'.es.will..... Hansen paccices the Bruirts-with-a—^ a-tci-tcam-becausd that’s the-e-way ------Next weekend,id,'esi 1 hosts always ipley,.“It’s.jusLJiuts arouiund — sport’sbest-knownvn -1U.S. athletes,------...... have "to fo rfeit th e l11 l gam es 14.3 scoring} clipd and 5.8 rebounds , thej :re when there’s a big tra‘ack and his all-out races3ces brought out j. Croser played in the presec heyplay.” tough Snow andd defendingd Region JJ® ® s e a ^ n . per game. CaiCandace Mattson, a 6- On Oi Saturday, CSI heads to set; but our busiest days of: thet huge crowds to Hayvlayward. ' • “We’re excited about (( :o face 18 champion Dixieixie State colleges. • I P n f f * ■*’» ' ird,.is second on th e def Annie Martinez (37 ble,’lie,” Grant said. “Jt’s one we2 rneed • “Blackett likesJS tot post up but he >'1“ steals) and MardM Mickelson (54 too'win w if we hope to host rejegion- can also shoot IromIn the perime- ■ l e d ’place for track fans. It wasw - level,” said Jimn H ill, a 5,000* ' _____last..t,>iQj’ames.andjtve_de_dennildy___ ^percent-from-tm-behind-the-3-point—^als.^'J i”---- ;------^------:------the sport what Boston Gardedep, ___ meier_runner_iYh.o.vh.ojvjjs_on_the___ \«mt t^vp.wins tliis weekenkend and I =------ter,-”-Hancock-saiisaid.-“W^!re,-going-----j - “ f to have to establiitjlish our transitioa'' t imbeau Fjeld.and Yarikik ee 1984 NCAA trackk championshipd ■, w'ant to try and help tlie icamwiilitc; “(Hansen) i idium were to tlieii^. *^ team, the school’s*l1’s‘last national ! that.” n) is wiry, quick and CSI:Si men and get out aiidan run against can jump likeike a gazelle,” Grant . During the past 12 years, holow- title of any kind, The Golden Eagles aree the . ever,er, football has become thetl The program hadlad dropped off. firstst love1 in Eugene. And aftcrity. ------’ i a 17-4 technitnical fall victory over ingig any a attention from iumself2lf. “It here. I figured1 we’d w tak e some Ore cm ’t.” 3regon’s_38-16 rout of Ckilorat■ado Hn stark contrast,ast, the football P hillip Durf(irfee. Thursday th e \vasiiTis tlie whole team. Not just:me.” ti licks this year.r. ^ W e’re a young in th t The combined Oakle th e Fiesta Bowl on Tuesd;day , team was woefulil beforeb 1989,. kley-Raft m atch startC(ted with the heavy- Despite D( the loss, Declo cocoach squad.” solid] Rivur squad’s vi«tory camame after wei^us. lidified the Ducks’ rise5 ito ’ when coach Rich1 BrooksBr guided Jasoason Taylor jaid he is pleaeased natiortional prominence, b ut Eugei:ene . the team to an 844 recordre and an the tvvo te;ims watdi onele anotlierc j But Brpck: wentw< to work and got with Tith where his team is at afterertlie , U7*l12.0fcflen(f) St^Oirted booming a hardcore foeoot- .'In d e p en d en c e Bo'Bowl victory.' dismantle th e Filer Wildildcats in { his own techichnical fall against layol ICO.P«Mncn(C«n)(iT«ilToeetr« lyoff for die holidays. laiavi)bW:l»-Hiitt>Bn ball11 lownt( in 1994, when a tripp to Before that, Oregongon hadn’t won , -i earlier contests. • \, Trinady Osterlierhout to put tlie com- “I “It went down about hojo w l «tMl(F)1l414l5^TSmi • the5 RoseR( Bowl began a stretchh o- f more than six games:nes since 1964. ; At 112 pounds, Filer’sj r ’s Todd bined team up good. expcxpected it to,” he said. “F • ErUoi lonfl) pn SiMMr vd • . Riveiver has some really stronggrads I .iww(omi)pni^(f)3aiBniO.N*cr(OAfljdK.S«r»ai , only two victories of the:he night, cheering on bobodi Brice and Webb nd and Oakley has,enough to fill in. ■ I' ’■ downing Raft River’s’s 1Brodie , in the 215-poipound match, which OilPtilP standout wrestlers are atabout • - • OM>e(F ‘B(Bobbitt___ Erickson 9-2 and pinningIg ]Gedo’s was die last ofof: tlie niglit under tlie wher'here tliey need to be.” iicin.tavcnmtMDKMK - - - ~ Trevor Dschaak. Oakle; S iK R C S S S S ; iley-Raft - new formatt inii which the m eet And Ar first-year Filer coadi DavidDt 1»-0*JMli(01pnfU«3tr(F)ia ■ Contlnntlnued from DI Huggins in 12 seasonsJons. River defeated the Wildca dcats’60-3 starts at aI randomr, spot, tho Stuhtuhlberg said his team has sh(;hown . a5£ 4«iu .« S S £ i^ iiiursursday. "We’re exdted thatthai Tony made 5* and Declo came out a 68-G58-6 victor wrestlers wer vent back and forth a lot lot of improvement since■ethe' i«;wSSlSlu7$^^cS Bobbitt’s commitment camee ori a good decision,”,” C yriac said, over Filer. unlil Brice wa-iharhad ly finish offf thetl match witli the wresTestling a lot better,”'he s; ^earance in Twin Fallss to going to t ^ e care of : the gym buzzing. ! of Tony acade- • ■ pin. • - “We We have been struggling; vwuh ii>iM(CRn)i4.Ma.»ik»«f tch the Florida native scoree 14 mically and we trust i Declo held a 34-301ead wi L l S S i w S S ist them.” ‘ . J widi just “I’ve neverer beeti so nervous. wresTestlihg on our feet and I ditliink l& lSS.K fa’ point!ints and make. 11 assists in a Bobbitt, who’s averagingave 17.5 the 189- and '215-pound ni 1 mtltchcs Holy smokes,:s, he’sI a strong kid,” ., wee didd that pretty well tonij^ieht. naw ay 129-68 w in o v er the tl points per game andanc is third in - .remaining after,Ian Webb ^ s c o re d Brice said after'(er the match, doflecr- Wei^e area trying to build a progiigram !(»«(Diprt^ioiW)i37, rthwest All-Stars. the nation in stealsals w ith a 4.54 CyrI^yriac said it’s a good fit: forf p er game average,.can’t car sign a let* ■ - bothth Bobbitt and Cincinnalati, ter of intent untilin tthe NCAA’s • v Miami__ whichlich has m ade six F inal Fo'o u r late signing periodd forfo basketball •, : V -——rrr..... appea[>earances and is 301*96 undi d ^ begins April 10. Continued from DI cult.” NeNebraska just couldn’t com*'*ci Miami’s defenseise sw arm ed th e * r\ , polls. Dorsey openiened the scoring with pete,etc. It managed only 259 t(total _ optionand rarely,ly gave him room r \ 1 Nebraska (11-2) and an .its a 49-yard TD:D pass to Johnson, yard: 'I irds - nearly 200 under its jnflver-’ to run. Heisman Trophy-winninging quar- ' ‘then found hin \uhl_ him for an ^yard TD , age.50- On Crouch’s thi terback, Eric Crouch,ch, had witli about 3.5!.5 minutes left in the - CriCrouch ran 22 times for.;r ll4 game, linebacker tInuedfromDi we could win it aU.” promised there would notno be a half. Betweenen those TD passes, yariirds and completed 5 of 16 pass*p; . stripped the bsball away and to *24 teanu at the toumamerent Joining the hostlosts will be: . r repeat of the pitiful perforformance Clinton Portis;tis ran 39,ym-ds for a es; foifor 62 yards.------^ • ------Willfam JosephhrecoveredrOn— I last.few.years.so.that the.li16r .....A m erican-Falls, BuiBurlfiy.-Dedo,-:*:-:, against Colorado. They;ey w ere touchdown; safety,sa James Lewis The Thi Huskers finally scoredJd on die next play, Dor)6rsey hooked up jsder brackets will be fuUl -iin Elko, Nev., Emmnmett. Filer, i.vj; wrong, bnable to do much a ± against returned an interception47-yai^sint -----Juddjdd-Davies’ 16-yard run withw • with a’w id^p^n JJohnsort - safe-'. h of ° the 14 weight classes.■- 1It - Fruitland, Glenns Feny,Fer Goodinft the Miami defense until the game for a score andmd Dorsey connected 2:39139 left in the third quarter,•, andi tyKeybuCraverfer fell bn the cover. es that many since teams havave Jero m e, K im berly,:ly, Middleton, was already out of readi.. '■ , • with tight endmd Jeremy Shockey Dejuejuan Groce added a 71-yi•yard age - for the 49-«-yardTDpass n weights. . North Fremont, SnakeSn River, ?vi> “We talk about talent all along,' • <)na21-yardTITD p ass-all in 3:53. puntint return for a TD early innthei with6:51Ieftinth(the fii^t period. I big incentive for doing wellI ats South Frem ont, Spring Spr Creek, Vi but the thing that set thisJiis team Nebraskd antand Miami came into •^foiut;urth period. Nebraska’s Joshish Davis fumbled - BuM meet is that the big tou>ur- Nev., Teton, TwinI Falls,Fa! Wendell ' apart is character,” Miamiimi coadi th is Rose Bov5owI havitig played TotTodd Sievers kicked a 37-y•yard the ensuing kickolkoff on a tiunth- lent will go a long way towanard . and Wood River, Larry Coker said. “Theyy rtrefused ■ three previo/ious games with fieldeld goal with 10:04 leftt for ing hit by Markekese Fitzgerald, ennining seeding at the statate The tournament.1 is also a "big' . \ ___to give in, refuse^ to flincli^ch, andj;__n ational titles'-es on the line, all in MianJami^ordy points of the sec_c!cond an d S ievers recc2cqyeredjit the mament - espedally in 3^{A, test to, see if the kidsids arei in shape ' they got tlie job done "weekwe iii ih e O rangeHBowl. B M iam i won Half.’3f. ' " ■ • Huskers 34. Nebrjbraska"surviVed ch boasts the most schools;..... - after the break,”'sa”• said.W ilson;: ' . and week out.” • twice, in ’83J aand ’91; l{ebraska Though Th< Husker fans madeIe up the turnover, b u t: If the 19 Idaho schools at ththe adding that havingig a big^ourna- j- Nebraska couldn’t disagreigree. • once, in ’94... . .' :mostost of the crowd of-93,78131, it. - from finished.'----- toSliSmament, 12 ore 3A.schools. ment just after the C hrTstm as' '! “.We played .p gi-eat fpifootball' .Dors^ihiiewrew-for a career-high ^vasas tthe 20,000 or so oranges:s-clad P o rtis took a,lBjhandoff from . kVilson is cautiously optimlstiStic intermission mayay h e lp the;'- t e ^ in Miami bid they’ W(were on 362 yards, conlompletihg 22 of 35 HurriurricanesTans who; did most)st of D orsey, slippeddatthelinexjf 1 ut the chances of h^ team. wrestlers stay in shapempe. . - top of their gome,'*, coadi^ iFrank • • passes .withi o:one lntcj;ccption,- thcde cheering. '. soinunage but keptkej his balance , We shQwId be all rig h t,” hhe T think It does helphell becauserit iVli' Sblich. VWe. helped themem with *- whileJohnsont)ti caught seven pass- .CreCrouch picked a bad time.e.for th en avoided twowo tacklers and- L ^ e don’fhave the numberers . ; .keeps.them IookiMf(ig forward,” he turnovers in th e first-half/.Vf.-.We go(. • -is? foi;199 yardird^ Portis added 104 oh.e.(le of the worst games off his1 outran the s

------I.' ------i('~” ' rm r : ■ • ■■ • /, _ -'-••• 1-

Friday{ay,J«uary4,2002 Tbne^Newi,ewi,TwkiFaU«,ld^ D-3 Sports rtiirisbe^hindC let play: Hkikc5 leMs I:Isles • • ; I BOSTON (AP) -C u Curtis-Jbseph snappeded when Glen" Murray and M ark'Parrish had1 thet other Arvedson’s’9 lfirst goal to extend scored s early in the first p m ade Zl'sayes ih*hij'his third win . ^ scored his : period, and^ttYouiij>ui)g each scored, and. his 17th goal. -, ' New York goals. his point stretreak to six games. • and a Tomas ,Vokoun malade 32 Al MacXnnis ht ^ season over Bostoiston. ■ . M atss SSundin and Alexander s had a goal and an. Wayne Prim eau ancnd Alexei JarpmirJaJagr scored his 14th of . , saves s as Nashville earnedd a rare assist to lead:ad St. Louis over The Maple-Lea£ss improvedir to Mogilnyly scoreds for Toronto.______-.•Kovalev scored,for the^ I P ^ g u ^ ___ the seasonMvi^l4j54 v> left in.the ' r —-r-^;(HH-against the-Bnt road.victory at New Jersey.y. ______Columbus.____ 3nmBithis“!«a:.l...... - whoTia've jiist one winw: in 10 ' rliird to r ri u in 'J a n i H iirm e’s -Petr Tenkraf and ^ " son. Toro Scott - ■ The^IiieJar Jackets managed' aronto has 52 IslandOFlers 4, Penguins 2 . games. • shutout bi'cbid, and extend the Hartnell I: also scored for Na p o in ts to Jashville only 11' shotsts andai are winless in ' ONDALE, N.Y, - Jason . - Washington!m star’s point streak to which w won for only‘the: ssecond six road games.ies. " ' {-.NHL Easternn CCoSn'?^- - ™ '°' Is l fourgames.s . ' - ' ____ ■. - '• . / t lime i in 12 road contests (2-S -coach-pat— S '* '"”?tiad a goal and ah assist' a r Senators 4, Capitals 2-9-1). Columbus felfell to 4-14-2 on the • ...... giving~~c Hossa scored with 4:01 ^ '■- ■ Brian Gionta, P etr Sykoi • • . Quinn .the,ih right to w York Islanders beat'the OiTAWA - Magnusi Arvedson/ ;ora and .. road this seasoniMn.; •» remainingg tto restore Ottawa's Scott S Gomez.had goals fo:for Nev* . The_Bltmsijirft.4-2 ari in thdr-last-— lesa: ;; : ~ j ______rpnm ' ■ " ______Thursdaylaynl^t. ■ goal drought as Ottawar^ M cd tlTeg-eoalloi _^Jersey, which had woron two six games a nid d 14^1 i at-home this___ - • ...... —•------— Slstraight.' ... seasonrSt."Loui ; .Bruins coach Robiohbie-?.ore.- e has scored a g o d lh three ■ "WaiHington. /mis, wliich also had vrill be Quinn’s assistaj t games. . Senators - capiain1 Daniel Predstorss 4,‘ Devils 3 a goal from JamJamal Mayers, held a .... i;.Joseph had his scor< vh Bates also had a goal Alfredsson, who scoredd Ottawa’s EAST RU'LUTHERFORD, N .J .BBlues 4, Blue J a c k e ts5 2 : 2-0 lead afterter the first period .. , of 194 minutes,- 2: 1 assist, and Brad Isbister second goal, assististed on Martin Erat;at and Denis Arkhipov ST. LOUIS - Scott Mel hooting the Blue'

_ IiS C O T ^E iSA N T lS y r 3J«.7l7,CWfl1«M2lAW»riYIm04H U>r«aB>ymne2.0T E(WEnen>COS0-7)ATKtKU W ^ .■ . 2. 122 JS . 48 IIS 67 B a s k e t b a lj lL/ alWI«m7^024,anY8-IOOOI4MI4,Oto3- Snli.SiPM^,n CGlTBB-ICI-OwtfBrTO*:wOUtSTOOftt Kr.tUMn 29 122 $! 47 III 101 U«tPt>lcpMU(puu.A>£nli, M. Sicrq ScMlL«< ----- 7M«,UMt»«IJ00lkUm02t'02000 ^SlOcnmn7Q,I^MiUn]U360 ^ rBPtfOKolMVPnCtM:(UatTEDwmj ' IknJtnf, 17 IS 9 0 N - ^ ^ E A 1R (S|.IM«--jna .1 National Basketball111 .f^^OOatewOOOOilcul.TciMSn----- VtexMi9.WMV«M44-- - S S 41 92 95 ------A>u|4|.Un(ai,MP«i4tn.Ua»M. - __ Sxn« ^ 35 B112 - -...... 7 ^ Fr»s..fr4.0804.08.8-2 •') Auociatlon' Att>nSl(7.FIMAlU»4 ’ - sSt^fcTsiSiSrn TELRflSION CatlM ------.,■ AJTViaUSr ' _ Wi(i»-l33JIS,WrfKa8-7«S-727,[>22,DCM44 EM«M79.Ua>w70 1 toT Ptt cf (W ‘ ^ '----- fWtert EASIOWCOffTOft----- M srSSfco?*^f«nlrtS.lDT Tocro \ 23 122 J3 3 57 173 ICO Golf, PGAMercBercedes Champiopsfiip “ ESW5PN ------5:30 p,m.— - - r ^ v w A«rtcEMi3i 1'79,Pw»iMMl7.aail*tnJtl------''CntM8S,jKbm«Siei rtWlT«mfuW»« Oatxi V 72 12 3 - PamenlJ1.21K«n2.7004,eu>i0uk70090. L)UrU»r7l.rnwiMTKn(4 IttfduHrWf OUM N21 14 4 Bbxltig. Friday h n CUiA'. Fmxt 4rd Vfnna Fmri H t -Pa oe t O.KirTp24337.Ba>T«»{lajT4tMi* 1-1002, ru.HtnKaul84.W.Ka«i;l)71 w(i«.ieuu*4 ttnr*d ^16 18 S lay Night nghts ESPf5PN2 7 p.m. ta.7< [8174151 HM'SvMjr a 10 ler . Dnno) 001 >) t. TcU) 31« 1»»2481 81 Fbn)ilUMC»4.JKl«ni«r8 F»Ol«l«*«ia Ofttt-----«?3-'4 OaM M...... Mh U II JM I Tom s a a29 2M Owru7ZlSUS< ' •i' 'S S s S 0-4- 1-1 113110...... ■■ ■ ■ BfsnBiard«3 rd Kmi l»rA ZiTt^. M Wufrpai H 14 iI3 . * PMM ' 19 ts a22 2H4 lous«uTKni08,&XHSlS8 l)ATWWYC« .. . ®5^T“ to " Pb CFU Lfc^J, Frvt*. rd TOaw Sfrasi, Crw: 1$ 19- .tu tes 3ftrtG(a!».Tcit«>5-C5(C«r,2-iC ______0WTB(7-«-C«wBljP«>t'brt]cu-](UlOOCMFm(u] 1 5 3 ” m!m CSIatSaltLake.akeCC 145C150AM 5:15 ,m . W L Pd oe G S1(bVilainAwt>-Toa«11(CN!(C7iM9l. SanCsalni71,Vani3irt>IS7 ______6«sOUT.C8J»»S-«.)...... ------«-«-«« ------’ ’ 'Collegfliiaskfltti 7A-7)iaIgo Australian ------Two»------1? -H—j»a------Pouvns^nvan^nairtT3tt2i - , - EMwitaucng-.------■nt>nMtaUb ...... —3S- - -'- KBA LeadereS . WAtntU|f)f7.ArattXia73---3------•— EtfcanKtoffM ! ' AAlfto|«^taM ------a ----- 1HHS-- 8 ThitfiMJ ------uwEsr iOiaMU£iWUW{M)/W)AICHC«IO aSS ” 17}« « 3 47 157 90 0(*)CcM,AjMt0 . . Aairu . . . II i» j a J Clt»ftodSl«.Yin;tt)-.Sl7l71- - •• BEWa(lXB.a*»*r»««iViiD^ilrKVIjCS HtOh*t . 15 177 7 0 37 105 158 PincllTUn --- Chop ~«-J4-JC0— 12 —12I ------'-o^.-n.pr rpt»»« Dfm«ee.&M.e8 OUtSTON- . Ctirt»a__ 10.3-8 - L x3g a l S g h e d u lL i & - » ------______l«nw.W___ 24_2«?_Ufl.ee VirXT-ii^ - NorMD•ichfeT ~ ■ Rm.Do. X 278 178 Jl WlanawlT W L T SEBASKETBAU. , F iiefatD ecio,? w I Pa (S Q OIMUl 73 2» in » CrBSl87,ls.»t3 TaHFoiMmlMtl^JrfPwrc»rl»rtVOm Ei»n«=n a 13i 6* 8 u m K C O U fliE E 1.730pm o«B,,m..r«xkl(7].CiK7«u,, , ,JI » ,.7C0^. 1. IkCn^.Oi ... K-.777 162 77 Wunftuncrp; Oifiri 17 13I \ 8 I CSlat'SaJtliileOIeCC,7:30'pm HGHSCHOOlKnaasBASKEisAii tWjj n 10 • ,6W ■ li 1. Ciw.la. ■ 30 781 IM J* C&OLDEF^ Lbnncu 14 17 ; (4). 7-S. ; afOfi.SK 7» 779. 197iiii 73 ; 1 I SlSljJ WOMEH’SCOUJXXlHEBASKETBAIi RiCfiteidatCv^arcy.SSOpm , 4i Krglcar) OU£5TlOlAa£.GOtiXUdHnutMi Tnparutainvertpvi ddool 6 p/n.' : i4i.umM$u»ta Sim n UM 5cf**«», irtto Pncmi- tJ .» -.JM t I t rtnML 0 (SchfieUatCffEt-ifS^P-ia - - MHeoatHiEfigiiana,DpJTL Eknau-oon^'Mm IVou m ij S'j/rn [tj. Stl-Tf 19 IS SIC 7.: 75 GtmrtUm 30 243 127 {?> ffamwrSPnowatduiwfttcnirm 'HttrwUifit L^rjr-1 gjijiL J*»\0!4Ca;»lI n» Dstfm. Cn0i Fittiuc. Pwart I] 19 .419 10!105 r«MT,0>l 29 24] to; ex®5 W*»SIB$.P«WS174 !><.tCS&a«.Scnry[hOTttT^»t).^SUK)i 0oi»i8.CkMi 3 .CastlebfdalGknGtoiBFeny,730pJiL. TwnfeJsatJerJuCmC.OpiTl haUjpiCn&i.C«iar6-4,64 tk»*3n»1«i- ■ Gooding at Stahcoshone,730pjn HH5HSCHCHOOL WRESniNG V upHyui \ ■ VtimltfiOitm FOF^nrtagi F o o t b al lLL i jnJPrnaHtpn Ufr«cti2.Tiroi&>jO Hyundai Hopman Cup OoisnllftOtntoM ro fM nCWTjmKu; DHu?.AMi BuNatWendcI,?ett,730pjn *■ BuhllrMtatjcnalnal, 3 pm i OMUn]ll].Ct7 - lVAttmen,CX' 128 !S 2T i4} Em JAOtrailkl T»M(!2.(toW1 W lOTL P# OF OA *ftAsHrHrOn ------SaBVOWjr.OeatJ------...... -148 - 27171 --- i j ,------s r » s 5 . c « !42 .ID i-^£iv«nil 19 5 0 «7 : — N^v^ins^ToSli >Artw-j«a!».,Jlilirtm. - .-SaEkfjj- ' » S^nZFtiiM LA1jk« 87. Ocmt.es HW101.SA 129 242 187 319 »] 0>^.IMYcrkJ«T0UES7O ^2 -Kruiwl. iP«-.ie»»-»an}.SllVoki Ur?OMfli • k 73 T \ V i;? M------s Pfi*lcWMia.PTc«iB1 UKClAx^KJ. U-9 247142 iM • '9 J 0 CT ■ TOMUiCECn: lum.««4. NmJrtvrS3 r9U:l4,ftV»,.Qip.OnpttVuJCOlSJI; OiirsMI ,1513 15 7 78 80 97 m M Vrjnt IW.-am. TK«j»5.Pal»tJW SRtetuk. Um 739 452 ECO .784 273 0^(l«tFSCUn>«i lUraa SILe«»4.0*rt«»2 a 24^.2 -18-.97.IS4 - So4iT«al£SXAa^«^ OnfttUC------2lt— iM-a ---S “ - -JlO-O-^-iSS-384-»78---- Oi-J«idftKJn-OU£STH>«U -----^ loa.UKWxtJMiiy:------WTtt»o;o«B»r IteawhielUm 134 ?<■^1 }» - HJ40 ^?0i •2M 388 F^.3iiri3iUoU.I- No»T«l«.0alisl01,0r o c r r c e r mTOT A« • w L T Pa SlArTAtfAUY U»»laVina3>jo,SJ.|a7»g). WS S o ™ *»•A;jirtJl>CMnjl ChwBWufiHfnSftm • CnelUm. X 92' 217 379 187 278 231 TSChidU«lcj»ViMl,VrTlJKI Jm Tm-.n T«n» Djt« Cto«. t x p .■u.//jcrtrACi< UmUilVtmc,' OMUnj 7crtr>x S ; n lUJTtaPht 31 105 2M-XS” «» • I J S «7 • ^ (^ 0»»ira FbtaBilAjfwuasOpn mvmus^SMiS ■107,38.62' ■Wt^Kt.Dd 79 95 734 n’S ■ 8 9 0 « i PhwudSirJos^.eMpns r . . ' ' ra»754-ll.aUusl1-5- TaT«rr>Q«»»TedfhCteN ' ' n:^r«jr«,S. tw UnaSaucASXtin S41M -Cwwus ni ‘20 288 ' Rir,in(aiNnJnwT.S,30pn DWU.LAC -31 l»21<%4 T>icra.(»«»i:C07rwViXM(l ''!«>-Ca/^-ild3Sl AKta^ekWo 87.8-3 AfliruuU«itfft».epn 01IMI.W. » n 229 305 rKVnlPnCGl-. tUu s Si Uxr. 111 n Cotnu H San^ ViWTwarxjfoim Folra M 5un< M 8- UafiBKrrwaiJpm - Wtix.Bct. X 78 - 273 . 299299 119 ' - W t. T Pa PF PA 0£:ni!C£«T«iBjUfvm<(it*J.J.U>).CKiriFtal;U4.i5-3(Xirc«-.-« 3.8-7 (31.7<7-«|lJ4M»«U{mU) no- lniaiUi)Sjn«n».t3apn _ _ AMf-AlMiM 29 7S 203 278 ■uitnHhrsn^t, 0*r»UiiC>«.-oi, ipm • Witil Sl La«,>«>)cn Aannnbm . . LA.Qctml 0tr»tr,7pn GrmOip, 30 95 187 JS2■g !! E2 T ' r ; ! Ss'ss ' i i.'ssriisssOUjrw»iUJUi • CTj.jil7»x».2prv • o«»t« • I 7 0 inJ] 3»: 319 ' (•mn.FB.l»n»n«»>er(»«tOT(OTCotcySor Wuftr>p»niD«!:n.Spft ; A-I9J44(I9--M) , S[iJk i i n g uS^'‘iU?r* Phi;«t>ukl Report ( .._■______SftrtijnS™______», lor SwCmt) 5 >1 0 '317117 ]IS SI UKuJcm(itaM»OOUBirDIFlA;iaw« LMA^»is»r-T>«5i cedes Championships - r«lr,.lnd. ■ a , 302a . H' w L T papa pr PA • Gniiu!«(>»rslfr®;Vlfll(iiW ft«U»l5»i,{»«.‘*30pn BRUINS 6,B.KURR1C«£S3 Kl , ClmOn4«lDns(.S3apm SnrOnUm a ISO 87 328 195 |vUt:SSJefnlran|iricuitet Wcm94-icp Thndq^SocM ' CcUtfi Suit al S K p n 0jm.CIu>. M 744s I? 87 j JM 287 [Tsr.l.VWlF(af*U,r^(«f*J«LC NHL Summmmarios I ? "SS &««»}•-Tfusca.£0jO},I#j7«ilftr» AjPaPMSnOwM Uunji0e^«30pn Sttlxn.Uu.1 31. 20 47 238 298 ' PnOQ>a£ FO UM U !«r»J616w38rt3air»B,5 Kc^Htnl lnd«>jiiltaBtti.C15pya U«ttf|t,fYw. n K>g Si irr- 1 s I j MAPL£l£Art2. Pml4i>«cn Sm Atsno Bl 0^630 pn (1 (] ’ DtlO 5 10 0 .30 7 HiOC®»r Tttw iu&«3avc<30a>7MilMw» V«J’"YiiaiB«7«Pif73(3M:) O ' S»7Jri«to u PftMfu. 7 p HI V«iEiHpn 30 ..24]« Si • c«« Cot.T«,(ifMtOOOrMJof«Kn».Wn»,Wol«3lDmJA«w, ld4K0.mw»i,»l4p «o 33M-<7 Thursday's NBA Boxos ®.e- a s r 33 37 371' l»w):0£eh»4C»talo(li9l,aiCRKstntHtti rg). 9 ce TTcrui On (ffkv; J* 33J4.C7 HORNETS U4.WARRI5RS 102 5 ■ " OflrM • ( 14 9 .«787 755 7 414 llWtBr»n|f»«) TcHte-ftjoli^l.ie74. E S rS .'S " ' * »37-t7 OOUdSTATEllBL' t«tJ,C0ftitf*3. TJ*dP«W-7,Tcn3rkrdn ?3fl»MVil IWPrtMDowiCV, 6a9KXIOI\epm.»a.3»i ------TotlKn J1S4« I4,a*™cns-1717-ISJ4,"f^ Fcr^ "cokrtia ’11 '8” i?»'~S— r}"^------W'l~l“ Pa■b Pf-PA-’—li5«ntf**tTE£------J30W4------I - M 1 7J,IM^3-lD?3Mti9u.-*on»-liM’Ii02 Ai7in4« 17 9 571* ” rUiSM 13 2 0 »7S7 472 4 7tO • PUTO(hp),WnVrry5iC»«jn StRSn»l.l25).PenU^rir£*uCrt,Tor[hiyk (w) 4P»#«}wwBWi«ltS.8} » 333Wi! • 1S.Su'i$.1IW13,l«.4-1Jf2IO,Iilj,taaj^34 Cr«n«« 'M i; *471' “ ••Sjflffjrea. 11 4 0 .7Ba 371 3 70' C«Mftl$*ra(XT;0TH3raMHtnHim|lccit.Ca lUi/^.1317 • 5.-«cnOTMWl».1M»iii-.ifri2-a3Ci':4fijij-ii- bSsJau'iiS.'r * J4-3S<9 M1 ^ IJ J 2 4, M r.7McUhIcua 9 12 .479I || ASMJ 7 >a 0 .4C7 7 'MlOeWITFU; Sftoonpjl-TcfflfMIIO-5-:0-5-72.0o«nW- S-79 ^ Kfl 33-»-t) lirirrlt 7 (3 JU0 85 r“: ^ I « 0 .4«7(7 J .C0U<}LU^?^XI^STIOMMIET 10-a. TOI J3-K-M -g^i£?[c ______------• 5 IS JM— U_247J22_----D4-)l!3!iK«*i^^2^a —_Bwt«lAlM4rsjJCTK.Tfm»3tK43ft«»a A-I2.^(l87m . _ s : : " " Sis\ — ------J2 i-i9______^ ^Or^Tfrl M a IU4)B S-I3 2-217, CinW*t*•2-7 2-2 WMwdn’itknH 0------»---- 76c<76nii,i7di9i-'a.«44p IMlOT«HS7.»71WrrirrM0-10t4,a, . llafiCMtMnitCclrtuLrM.intfi UWCSOTAV«NOS0^ATe^TUTUOK' Co>k>-:co«xW7l-tV7i-tioiai7KU2i REDWtrass,5.M M IQHTYBUCKS3 • arj 37.33-70 . Uj^S80OI0.Auro-iS-102'717.0>t<>3^•to37 UcCiltU,H/ts>«aC npiOUTiOO • uml.OejsnOitwU-IS-MIS-M77-;)). - ArMin 4-4 17, Ir»^ 7-101-21!, Haer W1-217cs»ITcoli Thitty'iOrw BfntflIJn *.149271175651 T e »:7-?o 43-n7301ll4. MU'COTM ' FWn»41i’:>3M:i.Pxi:P*iS»«.t ftWPiitaJ-1,D««.fl*■ l\M 'ENNIS nwi ‘ 37-»-?l AiutnitiWunc^lUn OeUMSa a 22 3 S-ICSWO GiMnbytlK.Y.SimlUn Ed S7n{l ror,5«tto 3I8(;e)7,0«HSh»'a ATP Q atar■ EExxon Mobil Open ^ ' ' £ 2 , CTaitBI •' 31 a a 24-114MI4 lir»«ilUM IrULPIMOUilE^rmUcnMb a.*ina(UiMtiiri>CTarl i»> 37-34-71 * 3-PiW GuMjoUwSUt M (11^ O-l. ToOq’iOitm JxUcm««ilCrK>^1>im »cfl, . SEHATOflS 4,,CAPITA131.. CA S4-38-77 jMcO’O'I.BilbiCkl.Si.raO-II.Ou.'buS'ln.S-12 CobTtuutonCMrtncn OMlMtlPn>«v;MUn WlCi»Ci.-W|«lVfflC7«Wi! O' 0 1-t iKcnlPrti}4,0nu.Fwy,F«l».14[IUiiik, vrtro • »J>.7? (DM37,0rnr.’-l,W.*,(H) foM (l«-£n?»iliiC»WMlUn. BiWi«RMmOU£SIIOwa£s s t s s i s s r 1 t M HAS39 5,Ara.in:vPi,’nvP*,‘laai4(i((te*.;). p^„ S*Sr- 37-34-7? Cul-C»riM TUltt SU!|U!i5S i! nonl^UAiM!* • C<^«r«WB«.t1.n o»s«fri^).FSC*fMUU(ri^ ««.S(V,V.. l7J8ltf.l T»«P*ijM,Ani-«nT•«n Titf»rt>| 5 ... M SWO-73 <. Auna-GctMSU!«lSlUTiicn4|.bvlrM«U ' A!»fUiiaia»i,205pm TESr«rcnShi’;«IVnM) af>C^l207. . (Cfoun«l.3« 7./WS!«.-T»nC'ojiu-J3 ■'■ a,. ” *?*. -Jm Cwv* 3M8-73 111. T(« iai>-oajer Sa* 75. OuiWi^ Continental Baskotba ■ SSffi.SS.X!Utaluin2IIC7>ua). - IUtt«li)i«r>l|.l603.e 0«lrt5ik.— —. OartfCctMC•8 37-37-74 Xmu>C.7.ISpm Harrah's O d d me.fcWtOrftr^S B:W„Ur,»j{|.C!I.CneBflH««.Ori FrwJj I 3808-74 X Association DOS 7iJ.3CBin.'Ar.««oi8(ntti/i3l907,P«aI. . , Wcnmtf-AmfnnM-w .^79D .«-n;•7srs;^™ t^ >r* 3M6-74 l<>4M LUi, JtSiicn?. CcTcM Dim. AUEnCWCONFERETCC« Phl*Jrt*MiiT«Bpill»r.6»pn Wu(oi(f«9,'i51l.P.rjcttiucriCe.taIMm> (.» tn n-35-74 W L OW PISTS AVQ Opia 2 rw- Ktnr>L5CAS,Ce>MlbiU1S iK T U ., . -.u-enc . • »(W«lDA,nia»[8). KNICK5108, MAVERICKS 10101 'J 1? S? ' UWoTi^ 35 yl,.~ llMPBUS»*-««.l■;u(^eU 4.RANCERS1 CjKfin(«*i7.«(7 DUlASjlOl) ' w nm CONFEPENCE Cren-as Wupoana,l43j,fljiyu»».»SS T r a/\NSAGTIONS n DucWw 7-12 3517, lfc>.rS 6-14 M17, N«ttU«ttU W L ow PTS'5 ,1^ NRInloryRoport.Oft. V «0«7i fr»j-70.ce«»t0l5- e*w£?^ ' 1 1 .2-4 ■, &SaiftMt- IMXUIU. 1&237<30,Frtr,3-l52-2i.ItuhHS4-4l9.419. [Wa4 9 4 32i S9S rtcnnf5.n3{H«w.Uu Frj>U»t«»J 7 4 24J, 45S » .«llc«C>Vrt P»«(**jftw^JV«»-Wii.-i/iter^Od]. ' D>n]«dani.Sa,»A.'^A.Mc».^.•dUe^»«K^Ws^.-n. . aEVELAJOPWDIN0U.WIii-*30rj(lfcrr«k ' ---- awj^roissr^^s-a 101. FV» 7 7 77i* 4J5 ■ OUQP 9 j*lxn* OC4iaOM3 -ytn.Ort»4ka]i5 3 • marugnc4AL-3iciAl.'»c 7 Co*m-ivu.-«^Ka.-ni4-i3i4-is-s(T7iy«.n ^ P » y-?-i>«-y^ fMpMb, AFtZCNACAflOKUSr-atATWASHNOSHNOTCH uBllao I4i U.WCrjrt,H/riM0[70 J4aralP«mi|l).inM...... Xilttmwuytdla^BclKniuicfrKCanlralOTX. • ' rt?|t9- TwniKcrr«rmport,C«mw>r.rd TcnirUMAsrauc raug« d Colnu c< r« Sa,^ 16 8-9 2S, Hc«» M 5 S41». JlclWl 2 »1-21-75,. S, . •^«iin««n«tl.5pMtoV)9JiAti HY j« fl**wn-C»j KfiF.tr. Oi-’3a.iOlbJo»\ 0 • 1714 S.£»rcren.CiM::K-j3r cfra Nn YM-Pam 3 00 3. Kn^ 0-104)0 TcU!> 4i3«7 74-79101 LUt CM^*r» (trUtt; TE Ltwnra-clw lu< «S*1S. 4 oirdGkCw S^awgMW^nlY(rt5•!«5.5.17.ata-«:n1> ATP L nt fwYA;s-A/i«B iiTTTa ro.p Dda 91 S <3 17 7-I0Ii?, WA^P"" . EL°±cnig y ^ ayt-aa H»wYcrt 37 20 le IJ 1WCB-ice TIuidir^Qm ISIA»0ERS4,PBPEN0U.NS2 .j.panGae»-Oat>i7-2S(lbih3'7,lliM.U3-IOU3-I0, Gv,ufT 14. Frtn 01. Dudm on. Nm rcrtYen OiltflunKMr) Fwl WiWM Ivikl VruTnjO . , KY,W«« . j yN v ! I \i oS UlOOaWJlS^Uj B irffn »ffi 4.IOlS(»r«l?«,W« M,*«(rK0M, QUESTKKWU: OJiUVu a™»i tlu n«PvW-1,Pr:(u9vPT^ , JjcWCT£H,HcwanO-nfaX>)M-»4s?*.. Tgdn^OBia lknO*™(taK);nOSW«n5«i'iW,w rS .m • CoIIogo fooUw- . C»in|.1irst>‘«»Tcn.iaB:K 9| ! S S ^ W11D2.UQI,UQHTHINOO ^ HcHvKUtaST" Ndo-^E niCdAit-OitU S4 nu«iu 1 CL Mm Yoi U SelM:K«iV>M.CnanHPicW-2,Uit<«HOIi»,I Ilin«ijcn7 (P*«. j<, ;.8(si ^ It PlaM C Dalta {T r« ROCKETS 99. PISTONS 97 ’ h^,™ iS5S5i.'. MMrU. PI <»«!•- SmrllSS) ififllnV FU.T»)W49puitwiOt*'(Ov»t iMfflrcr(h^-Wl. ErcU « 0»»-Tirrc>j Ki, 1. Oil^«lCI7.0viy.W.Vi7l S I S m ’- Bi/17-l)-t3-»Un«cU SSXYFCnCt-H^CIUw, Mli^K4 446fl 8 Cw-y 1J M07. 7. FM<«Un.Cnv>89 nS»S^Wpl?l>l^^««n|C S K i S f S S f t S [U™ M M 3. EUnjr 73 M8. Itor. 00 00>00 0 &^WW»ngj^5U)awnrMl88 Sr«Mjiam(knMi:COnt«A'B»mi KjCoim.Pi nuJtert DAiTIUOnEflW Tc4i!i4»T910lS97 SlU>iiRm'00UnFU:Fsn<}«4Cs gHi*S'>^4pn,l«ni&o«m.n|t |«w«miniMesnJxi),7.l6,J7i6,SeeJ4rtlff STARSa.THHTHRASHERS 1 u v « .i [ n < 4 r ni]lMra>PMi(llltti.iM ^ rt07T»rr5»ioai HOUSTOHflS) ' r|Oa««lj»). ft,ep5an»-4Ucc«lj01.718.lM8,Kr»ihi.m(f«<. 0 1 0-1 TroTutJMnunSiK «I9JU. aficMal ta an] c4 Pn Orf»*frl5l.C19,Uom2.5l-7J.C«ol-37-74,2-74. 5«ndlvn>12'l9T1-l438,Lk(lfTS-ia7'4 1SiTcrtnrcTM Sm79,lMJD.OT D^^P«(^^xA^5l.l^l9 ' Os AmFocMtjaQja • t-«007.wft»6a00t7.»»ia3«0017ous 0 J«riy ouuti (knH). DT sr«m {SU |V> iuS. Sh«cii!B»-Pr-X«/7'8-3-9-?39-?lH».YcA9-1S- tertSwKMWAltfttHr«i:8(Blntli).824 Ftir*i«(>niH«^ 10SfWIPAGEJV*9y<)fWII . 3S-BOI7.73W. WcwMW(rl.I2l2(ts). «. &iu7iPuM»3»M .STwlOSJticnWiiaa [XW a 21 Jl 1MTN7 Cnci>lASU83 SS«- sfS”””"*™"' FWpU,CR«rt«.PeA. ]9(IhO«rw. 2,^7. wJ»rt7(WTiuwm.Mlfr lOSAWCflESAVtES AVENOERS-S«>ad F!Hil CNM Hoatn O 2> 18 S-91>-«9 0«>viliuc8tOII-79 (W. Licu «rOJ M Gi mketaO 0»n« l-ia^rBcn liSUdfoM KCunjO-(70- U«)UnJS2.lbt*a«9 ** (»M»l6«STIOHA!l£;«ui,Aronni. (iBEENSOOOOaopnC7AUnww«cirt«fl.oo PnC • 11, Houa»i HJ (UaJf, 3-7, (Wn7< Fmaal- 1- Lkrtf«MSLn,T«rmiMSl72 JuanCdKnI 3. Umi>L IKroOI. Tmi 071 FoM UmrSl9aT4ni\-U»«i78 FD (U KtWlrt*). AT) J« w»K»iutF«xg«,u>mi in&scnwTo>iPO£En$-)ia.^ . out-'tra n«iou«-0(M 43 (MitKa 171. ltoni*U,SimtfiA;1M uo^rtiyi (iMt»«n. pnooAit Ml 0» l»i>rwv4ngDrmklMiU KIN0S3,PAh ISB Bank C M C SSSSlattMcaatfL HcwW 4 7 (Wto 111. Auaa-0«r« 27 (FV»r«ritnoi Si>^FAsu73.lt3nn>%ciniSie« r*ir/ir^ . . lOCKET . 7), (tcww 17 (Fr«m). 7an bi>.Ootraln . T«rM' . 4 « AJ iMAngrin 1 1 1-9 Auddefl.rtttiSSSrt* flS-«»Trt Fra«wGflj« tuo- ...... S<«ji37.$sw«w«,C»a*.1£ia8(18JM|--li)...... UWrtST--':------ItjuU l5{Vanf{*, totr-gCiMnC.C«lUcnQViai M MP^l,iuiN4a,Ei«4(0 Art3d.vAtacn9(lto,. S i S S . '...... S ffi.'S K ,Wodnosday'8 Lato NBAI Fn*>rM.lto»»lWeh.77 J.I23 Art:^u.l.305 2,rUtf^^..Art}l aOi^E2,OW(4.8l JU Enn,44l,3.»*.J««r,0oli AivW.El«fa3 o2JSZ. '' .• Boxes W-Pu.4<4«t8D.9M>Uft87 n^i K«ii(>ns,tt|.l53&P«nat«t-HaaST riKSS'.r , fciuSiwifroaiirMlraaliWAAMUidna L0^dChca9i87.OmUii]Sl83 .s*a»i»Ywiic«i £ 2-21 J :).I4 lm g«n.0»lTanM4 (Unp-tSMAOift-;2.^.2. FTiESNO FAJXOK>-£0K$4aar«fiJerdi0-tM,ea • ' ■ KINGS 105, CUPPERS 91 M7 $«Ilr^,«>.TM;S«““ .-.j AnMte»n»cM.Mauau,r.l4tOi'(u7MU.t<<«4,H«»I7 ^WpuWtoiflj 14-5-11i4-niaiU«Afj*jii. (ln*^^45•«1r^Jnl^ socctn C»D>iH35liEVin]>94«lO,OtoKi«t}S. i?Tu^ P«oiS».Y*ni 043 44-20 {FcjantlSLmMLItJlPnP«>xU»-Uttin !'3M7, l«iMn Sccor lapj) 1334Utl*n*!.4<27l3.lk*«l»-IS4S TiT»tiPeM«««n 7178 3 S K t t l i " " 3HCAT->WuaadFh>[kt>anb ». rbMKn I' 110O 7. UM 37 34 S. taU?* AWrtCliU.SEOUtfim85 "•V.M*- IOVBU«.8TATBT» T(uu Pvm (Sl RuuNuttlM AfMKnrwpi, k., w, ~ n-aicnc * M 0^ 0, PuasnU 3{ 00 8.0?[Ua 2.100 ^ • Ai^Siea.£alC«M«7 RUS»0-ft«l0^16-l49,(l 74 ' '' . DOTtHCOWEflDtfEfltUCt-ff»a WaM llrinirj#, . nKa»wOOOOaTaA3(-U19-7991. Ai».-U?» Rod 84. Hsrti T«iu74 Sitenairui, SHARKS5.F15,Flt01S! IW*.- ccMftUMOnallCnaIlO.CaOkia«ci.iracA3AU- . a«»i^iom)(iKl bmita>l9lViWoOxai Sn:4*M: 9-19 0014, VMw 10S U 71,0« sssi? ssM rpM SF Ccr«j4(IUWl, . MMtM t I 0-2 cun 74M.llO>n)MS-IS30l7.UteM400l8 CPr«t«-cm,l.Ul,HJ|>i(r«cir«), taJcM t I vs HcDHAnmUrMGUiS!!sbmii««(ii. rc0NrtR{ii:xj<«MdGk»a -. • PMU44-7341l,riMMBa.C*tau*aMU PASSW.nnla.B>telI-IOMe8.lW.Grauig|,l*ig|,4«>»r«t\ • rt«Prttf-1,SinJc»K>r«.G>KmS{iWMl049.__' SaAAta.«f.Jin«i.Wh),IJ24.---- Uii4iUr.x.Cnib;« wdK* 0100 a Pn 0000 a Tcutit>i 00i, . H4rt?lSS’M ^ , BardPih:^Sti>J3M.lJoM.TIcrnKnl] ' 8» IW4 lOi » McUnU.Ura,nU-toskl-ie,(l,!SS-,5{' »h«.06(5,H« ?SrtSrt^JeM.S.i(a.S.iif9|7W»i. Artt»llMr«OCTjjn>-i(7is(«vM,A2. 2IS S S S K IS WMCc>l).LA On«t 4-11 (U^3<1'« SnHoal»Sl.79.U;NMwa79.0T Uif^k^542.V*tn»4-»1.'41 Om •■•'UT 0 CI 1 1-.... &AttanliJI(»).a,Sr.LStfJcM.W«il9,1047. MMmarDPHCoiKapdacnMi a5*wi-i,F\i9sMB0i,uat»ri.Fkt»rt«n Tni»^AniMl73,SElaimM P«fl»48,P«iTj3-a.Vit*T»«MtMoa>w4«j(»M82 OAUAScw^(»taATcefnaruci - LiwnavSmOiMOcrjDtnlOtMM. KtnicB *-17,498(17.4^sr*"*”' ■ M CUWl9(OtalvUc»r^lillM4LS>a«nno34 ? » H o c k e y . . 5 5 MwrjwmA n « taU>rnT«ilbiMJk.ani4nl4,S»*riMi' ■ TTiureday’9 Women's ------BUIES4.BIUEJACUCKEIS2. Wait Coail HocHockey League ii£^H . ' aT**o»4bMi,^l?JI7(l7JI7J Natl(maHlKk.yl4.,League,- .ctut* i s s s s s ^k atb all . X S , AITbwUST ftlAii 1I D »-4 , H*VY.«»r^R4nMiiM^ferMiabBXMlMjte ' „ ------; MS ~ FnPMtf-lSllaAUilvti)!«t)S(UKbTil. • ' " tOli • . .' :.RAn0RS-95.TR*JLBlA2ER8 84‘ IffiKii' . ■-'EASISWCOWUaCS aOfWXHMCMOvan- TOflCffrom . FiMMH.Mr6Mei.or *fo? • '.•>( I Ta 'f» ;^.,FMnai»10«-7l8UX>«7-197-1011,CU/1i” . OKQi.W»tv^87.USihSO : ■ HY.IWgw, .a 18 -3 '2 .4U 1 9 9V S “ >uM,(i.iud«itJc<».. '5,S,^ k Js k SSn|wyrO,150(; 17 16J Ss . 2»' 194 135' _ mn 4 -’I’ ' ' ■

04 Tlm»Mew*.Twlnraai,ib,ida(M Fridty.ianuaiy4.2002'2 ■' Sports , Jordaiin brinIgs Wiz/.ards t(() Ghie —S p o r trs IN BRIEEF-# Snow wipes out g[ a m ^ , forces niimakeups . By Joseph VVhlte and I thinlink.'that’s going to..; *. . .. ^ TWIN F A L L S -H e aw; snqv^all.a overnight, forced,(d _t; th e .c a n c ^ -.. The Associated Press I a have to change.;e. If not, I think it’s tfon of dirM area baske tbalall ^ e s ' Thursday. Two boyboys basketball-- ^ — — J o rdaii d tak es a ruiun at the Bull! going to be to ourou l>enefit, 82games, Twin Falls at Jeromime and G o o d ^ at Shbshomlone' have beea i . WA'SHINGTON - 1 rescheduled. The Bruins'faface the Tigers on Wednest - M ichael - 5^ Michael Jordanin willv return to Chicago FridjIjjgy “If teams.startart to dam p down . lesday, J a a 23' • _____ Jordan was asked if "hejle was look-______and Gooding vrill meet Sho5loshone already tonight starttarting with th e,. ___ to face the Bullsillsforthe I first timesincehis- ______on me. I canjno.Ye_ihe^balI.JX_— ir i(igforward toTnday. they don’t, FEL taket; advantage of ' junior varsityeaineatB pjnjn. ------I “What’s Friday?” hee shotsi bade \ retirement In 199t998.. , _ ' it.” ' . The other cancellation wjwas the Oakley girls gameB aat t Hagerman,': S |.' I He then unwrinWed:d hisi brow, Jordan wontn six title s in 1 3 ...... •'^1 which has been pushed badidc to TTiiu^ay, Jan. 24.— • let out a sly .chucklc,, saidsa a few' years with theBJ Bulls, and his stat- _ ^|o^ds about how nicc:e iti is that . ue is outsid# th Chicago,” he said. but he isIs still capable chances are he’ile’il get IS against • ^ re ii^ormation,' i ' call John Jacobson at 734-313151. I Maybe Jordan is thele best1 ath- ola scorioring binge. ... Chicago to jointin Kareem Abdul* ___ lete in the universe, beebecause the „ _____Jabbar,-Karl-M-Malono-and-Wilt— - -p j ( per game— - ...... v I^anets'will Ve ali^cfdio d T o rh im '.....- P oints p - Chismberlain as the only players , FilergiririioopsTiosl rl sTsknis camp enter. He’s (regular:if season) . ______^ tfiday at the MCI Cent ...... to reach 30.000.0. • ------^ls4»sketbalkeam-is-holdloldin^its-Fiier^ -- - v^ell rested, relativelyly 1healthy, Wllh Wiz:Wizards ------, - -“Obviously iti t wasn’t ' a tliought- - i a d y Wildcat Basketball Ski'kill Camp starting on Saturdiirday. ' ■ Ivis been unstoppable foifor the last . M 24.4 ‘ that I could g£t e t to; 30.000 wJien I .Cirls in g ra tis 1-8 ^ e eli{liable to-partidpate in thele cclinic, which ; tlvo games and is go rented the lastast time,” Jordan cocosts $15 per camper arid int S ? s o ? i . ca ree r withwi B ulls___-— indudes a T-shirt.-— ------. 3p,000 points - against ...... said.-“Now’-it’s-vs-within reach. It’s- - - —- -The ‘ m m p will be divided;d into two times. Grades 5-81>-8\^^from - ^ S 3 '3 1 . 5 ■ • teain,-iho, Chicago Bulls.- an elite dub.obvbviously, and I feel 8-18-10 a jff. each daj- with girlsIs in grades 1-4 to follow untiJtntilnoon. ' — "“He’s been giving pe 12 season ' privileged justc totc be in that dub. -F or more information, callall Kim Remus at 326-5944.t. 50,” said Bulls forwa ... It’s very motiv;dvating for m?.” g high Attest, who played-in,n JJordan’s sco rin g I In the 51'poiroint game-egainst p< ■ pickup games in Chicaicago over ' PO'^tsIts vs. Charlotte ■ ■ ' • ^ the Hornets, fonbrward P.J. Brown Ravens DT Siragusa3 announces retlremem ent ; ’ the summer. “He’s pip ro b ab ly ' (Dec. 29,>9. 2001)______4T j f J ______said Jordan “wmvent back in rime.” •. 'COCKEYSVILLE,Md.-l - The Goose soon will be gonegot from the' . ' going'to'tryrD'glve'me'ae'about70: ------v u Z t T Z y Charlotte coaclich PauTSilas said , ■BaldmorcRaveiis: Ba ------: I’m going to try and ^ive v e him 70, T h e lB e a a n y e a r s ■ Jordan’s fadeawtiway reminded him . {T-r- r r ------1 • Tony SSiragusa, a_veteran defen;fensive tackle 1' , . too.” ...... Chicago.EiD.Bulls have not had a wmnlnglig season since • - • • — - of M uham m ad^d AH-“w hen'Ali ' ~ . whO'starTirred on last yeaPs 'Supw-B - f ~ -New Jersey,-Jordan-inindicated— Bulls wini/inning percentage=rr=—a-S rJordan's career.vtrlih:8ullulls^ and'-if-hVs-Hittiitting, it’s almost ^ ':i r this season. — • more of the same is onin thet way. (Regularar season) i qO Won NBA championshipliQ impossible to stO]top himi” V^ “1 cameie into this league as a f r ^e agent,aj on my ,,. - ’Ilie tendinitis in his kneekni is on i.ooo _!_ Wizards coachch Doug Collins is J terms, ancmd Tm gonna leave on mny y tems,” i the , e{)e wane, allowingg him' : to O.SOO __ ..a bridge to thele Chicago years, H 34-year-ol(old Siragusa said, ^,V.TV.-Trr'J resume daily weightlift:lifting and 0.800 — ' having coached:d Jordan, ahd the H Tlie effiffervescent Siragusa, knowlown as “The’ .' __ regain strength in hisjis legs for ' 0,700 ■ Bulls for three yjeYeaKin the.l960s____^ G oose” during d his_seven season;ions with thg. !»». — bfetterlifron-hijrjQufpirt’ptri'a n d o:bou p—sj •P'.’ — “llE Inirhe’s mm' ore of a surgeon 1Tony Slragu^ Tnaianapipolis Colts and tHeHastast five with" ------qUickcr-drives-ttuliO-liadi^skou----- ^ ______Baltimore, ’V-.| ------— nowAGollin6-^^a- s a id r- iiB e f o r e r h e ------— rCrhas-pIayod-in-14-games-vn^vrith43-stQris-f= ‘rS— ; “This is how I was playing pla all 0.400 — would beat youu ' with sheer will, fh}this year. He has been pla{lagued by chronic knee’ancand low er-leg-■ summer,” Jordan said,I, “1“before I • 0 300 ^ —: skill and energygy. Now he'slices *nj'injuries as the Ravens (9-6)I haveh struggled to reach theh e playoffs.] .; broke my ribs.” you. He finds outlut where to attack ...... Ribs, knees and backk piproblems_____ ~ _____ you..He.readss iit and he has a Nc added up to a slow ststart for ^ No. 13 Louisiana' Tecii:h storms Boise s taIte te women i x 1- -as- '80- '87- 'eB- '89- '90- -91- ■92-12- '03-'£ '04- '95- ’9G- '97- '98- 'QO- 'DC . d o d cin his head,id. p Jordan’s second comebaeback. His • es5 ''80 -07 '80 '89 -90 'QI '92 ■03 ■! lid the older you RUSTON, La. - Chei^l F.Ford and Erica Smith eachach scored 18 " ‘ ' 33 ■9-J '95 ■go '97 '98 '99 'Oa •or ‘O; “I always said points and No. 13 Louisiar shot wasn’t falling,;, *and he ______get the easier tlieJie game comes to w ana Tech beat Boise Statea te 106-58 on " ' Thursday night for its sbcth st couldii’t shake off a.defclefender to SOURCE: Eiias AP you. It’s unforturtunate-your legs - , . straight victory. ias Spans Bureau Louisiana Tech (8-3,3-0 W ____ drive. The scoutingIg leporj^______.. —— get older. But withwi Michaelrhe-----,::aQ Western Athletic Cohferencence) also got'- ■'^•' 39 points from itsTcserves ir changed, atid he stoppedJed getting “What hasas happened is, at the sho ni as nas used that brilliant br mind of in-wirming its'SSth'consecutjcutive"confer; ; ...... ;hots and i~didn’t seem ence home game. double-teamed becauscuse team- beginningI oof the season they . quic^uick,” Jordan said. “Most te:teams his and he noww ju s t plays and ,c E£-Siihsritiita 'Kenya-Blbbs-fl ei-they-needeU-it-----itPI]ti-tii^aat-couple-of^'Sn c^. Iiuve -doea-Avhaf h e n p mdded-lG twims^orlarols: ------acuially.scoring-more.------becatise-I-t>H \'asn’t-making-mj'^— bceiJcen'ployingTnc'stra^nnarlamo------liculamightri’----- pointsi?oi and 10 rebounds. LouisianaLc Tech finishedI wiwith a 59-21;'' reboundingreb advantage. Abby Vaughan scored alllU 21 of her points on 7-oMoM 3 shooting'-' . from 3-point range for Boisese Stato (4-9, 0-3), while Ma;Mandy Welch'.. Knickss ^ a p s ' Vlavs-110-gamee w in sttreak iadded 10 points. NEW YORK (AP)) - Mark victory overer the Golden State PoPolice charge former Jackson had a season-hn-high 17 Warriors onn ia cold, snowy night ir caddy with stalkingIng golfer ’ ___ assists, including,an allalley-oop... .before tJie smsmallest crowd in {ran-__.. RIVIERA BEACH, Fla^,• “1^- wh^ caddied for Michelle^ ' -pass to Marcus Camby• forfoi a 105- chise history, ~Mcrnets gave fans littlp Patrick Hallett, 43, of Mononterey, Calif., caddied forir McGann^ for' ‘ season-hi^h 262i as the incentive to:o brave the weather, one week in 1989 during a totournament in California andam has been • • '•— ...... Knicks ended led Dallas’ announcingIg hours before the ivriting McGanh ever since,J, according to a police repoeport filed by > - NRA 10-game winning w game thatt t ticket holders not the golfer on Dec. 13.- , streak. ' wanting to tntnidge tliTougii tlie 10 Hallett has sent McGann,1, 32, some 30 packages pro:professing his- >' - ' ------T he MavIaverick scored 10 of 1 ^1 2 . | H k son,ion, notified die cominissioncjler's office in New York onin WednesdayV • second consecutive ni^ tiiatiiat Isliii was being formally “ timo against a KnicksI S £fstfinal' q uarter il^ h e f “posted,” the term used whcivhen a'player- ,;•. • at the Pistons al home n tlie Japanese leagues wantsIts to switdi tp tlie majors. hadn’t won since Christm Major league teams, many ■ hadn’t played in four da h straiglit ti/ne. Eddie y seeking to add starting pitcpitdiing, have ! S i Ided 19 points for mtil 5 p.m. EST Monday to submitsu tlie price diey wouldJd pay| for tlie , • „ • Mavs came up short. H o u sto n . •iglits to die eiglu-year vetenuran. The Swallows have untilitil 5I p.m. EST'- . 3-pointer with 8:34 - fan. 11 to accept or re je a tluhe lughest offer. If die bidd is accepted, / Hornets'114, WarriorsJ r s l 0 2 pulled the game even i ^ i diehe major league team has 30 days to work out a contractract with the. . / .■ CHARLOTTE, N.C.. - Baron at 84-84, andnd it went back and 28-y18-year-old pitcher. . Davis had 28 points, 11 assists . forth die rest-St of the way. Clifford— ______.Anaheim,A Arizona, Los Angeigdes, die New York Mets andanc Y a n k e ^ — and 10 rebounds to lejlead the ' Robinson’s 19-footIf jum per with • Seal>eatUe and Texas are amongg thei leams thouglit to be1 interestedint in ’,, Charlotte Hornets to a 114-1021 13 seconds 10to playI tied it at 97-97. Now^ow York's Marcus Camby, right,, blocksbl a shot by Dallas' Dirk NowltzkiNc Thursday. ■ !>'*)idding for Isliii, ^vho went 12-12-6 witii j^339 ERA and 173.173.strikeouts , . I - mn l,175 iimings'as Yakult won1 tlietl (X'ntfal League ride.

Jregon’s Harrington acceptsa Senior Bowliwl invite Jets, Raaiders 165ok to re^‘verse thleir decllines m o b il e ; Ala. - Oregon1 quarterback< Joey Harrirrrin g to n has ' ' ‘ accepted1 an-invitationa to play inn thetl Senior ' - . By Dave Goldberg =— = = Phil;'hlladelphla (plus 3 ).. San Francisco3 ((minus 2,5) ■ ^ Bowl Tho Assocloted Press _ ____ ■ NF The Heisilisman Trophy finalist \viil; joinjoi quaner-.. “ JR. picks atTit Tampa B a y at New Orleansns - H back Kurtt KittnerI of Illinois on the! NcNorth roster The New York Jets, as isi their ------■ Wl Whatever happens, they mimeet If the Packerss lose,1 the.49ers..^.. for the Jiuiin*_26 game. Senior Bowl ------offoffidals .said '' “• ' habit, blew a ciiance too d in c h a lVIInnesota‘(3*(plUS 10) a t V , agaitgain next week in Thilly.’ TaT ake.' get'to play them at Candlestick. ' Tliunday: piayoff spot last \veek by lo le under. Way under. 49ERS, 42.16 Harringtigton, the Pac-10 Offensiveve Player of • ". • home to Buffalo. The " Oi (Monday(r night) “ BUCS,bJ 5-3 the Year,, saveds one of his best gameimes for last. , i Raider^ as is their habit,)it, lost in Unless boboth the Jets and Cleveland (plusiis 7) ' 3 He direw’ forf( 350-yards and four toudjudidovms to ] ; . Denvei^putting in jeopardardy dieir Seahawks win « Sunday, the Moujlew England (minus 6) Ducks (IM ) to a 38-16 vievictory over 1 • chances at a first-roundd pplayoff Ravens willII Ibe in the playoffs . . at. Pittsburgh ■i ■ ./'I ■ Colorado oron Tuesday night in the Fiestiesta Bowl. 1 bje.- • when this gamime is played. 3t t CarolinaC . After last wetreek’s loss, the i ------, The 6-fo( foot-4, 222'pounder threw2w for 2,414 I So the Jets must. winw in MigJithappt>pen, The Th Patriots need tliis to dirlinch Steelers will playyhard. h Joey Harrington yards andj 23: touchdowns as a seiiioinior,' the sec- , ] i . Oakland Sunday to ensurejre a p l.-^ RAVENS,, 2:22-3 thele AFC J East. Strange thirlings STEELERS. 24-14-16 ond-highest;st single season total in scho

• V • , • ■ t ■ ktay,Jinui4.20(a^ T)n)et4lm,;m ,TW InF^ Idaho M

‘ i...... ■ ■ ' ...... ■■■ S p o r t s Redma /eir pi( •|:'^nssp' !cks UJp \yhesre he: left c M l KAPALIlLUA;.Ha^.(AP)-lhe./ , I ------liist.timie e; Mike Weir played on - - I Tour, he was Idtting his ' igbiathrilon )se to the flag on his way to victo:to ry in ' the Tour ------r-MroWAYrUtah Wi-Lawttni- onsbipJIwo months la te r,__ Redman won his secbix o n d ra c e o f scenery has changed t^^U^.-biathlon'trialsialsThursday _. . la the. 6est ) ■ . - - to secure.an Olympic:benh.._J be ____ ball-striking ; Redman won the 10-kQometer10 round of his qjiint in 26 minutes, 5050.5se<»nds, career, W ei^ ------gnd-missed i iist one ufof 20 larKeis _.Oa.the^SoldierHoUo•Uow-^ursc- H p W ^ _PJ_a n t.a t i p n __ ...... »______. .. ______where the Olympic racesrac will be H ^ -.l Course record with a 10* ; ! T was a litde nervousous. I wanted under-par 63 tp 'ski a good race,” salesaidRedman, on Thursday - . who moved from Florerirence, V t, to M tt-: ^ H an d bu ilt • a Heber City in the fa ll) ^ three-stroke ; ...train fprthejVinterGan 'I JjjtnWe:Weir • ' lead in the first ------i-r^und-pf-the----- mmmm " rJajr-Hakkinen; of Alaska, also locked u; g aso n -oopening p Mercedes „ * ^ with his second-olaceice finish in >nships.' i_27:12.^ as did Jeremymy;Teela,of That; wv as w ay above ray ...... ArtclioragerAlaskararthrr'a-in-- r^Pectatiorionr,” Weir said, who 27;23.1. Dan Campm pbeU , of ich of December^kiing.------Hastings, Minn., tookk the t fourth Frank LLickliter, one of nine .JIT- • and final spot, andT>an►an.Westover s players F makipg their " of Jericho, V t, and Davi(avidGieckof Golf debuts in the winners- ,; Jatkson, Wyo., werei selecteds€ as ;______?only tournament, _i------alternates.------h o led o u t from 144___ Ra'chd Steer of AnchiichoiBeewTis th an 8-iron ^ te r Wtting • ------selected to’th e womemen’s team “ •>”lazard for an unusual . along with Kara S SsJ a lm ela of ' hich carried him to a 66. — Duluth,-Minn.;-Andrea]!a-Nahrg!uig- — David DoDuval, who first set the - •_of Wayzata, Minn.; andmd Kristina «ord two y ean ago, had _ ___Sabasteanski of Standishlish,Maine.:- “ joined by^^eron ___ ■^ealtematM^Jillrm Krause of. n, Chris'DiMarco and , S t. Cloud, M inn., anThursdV In the back{:kground Is the Island of Molokn ini back-. ^GAseasison r ground traffic, we’ll havlave a very KAPALU.,UA, Hawaii - Another ^ Mickelson might win hi:Ills first I ~] aboibout challengin^/Tlger u serious problem." PGA Tour• seasonse has staned, and mimajor. until son. Golf got wayvay too serious in A panel of 10 transp' hoy win a meaningful touiurna- November and December.Dei Frank isportauon already thehere is change in the Maybe he’ll lose in a playr the pace of play andid lessIc time trying ' ip continuesto dose on—'Europe 'ED once every three5 jyears. should have be(been five years ago- U.S.I.S. Open and is paired on City - s p ^ t o r s shouldd leavele at 5 T iger Woooods, someone else Wl n the to limit equipment ent: irmovadons. ajn. WI\y should the Euros al'vaysal had the LPGA ^eekend with .U.S. Amatiiteiir « David DuvflLa h£LEGA-Tour-Player-of----- ha nl nrTs likf* every_____ ~ r An'drew Gemperlme, -have-to-travel-ttr'ealifommia^o“* remarkable recordre< around the .cfiSihampionBubba Dickerson. SeTUD-0- T - « ^for the first time since play ph a format in w hi^ the day is Sunday attLytliam. Ly . ' diriBctor of transportatic iiey are - worid. • A British Open for Vi^ijay Scott Hoch fin ition plan- iggg onlyon guaranteed playing finds something • ning, said that on Feb.). 12,1 three The sites ng one • Sam Sneadid splits tlie middl^ Singingh, and Respect as the wo:/orid- positive to say about abc every golf' es of the four majors round? roi of the first fairairw ay a t Augusta classlass player he is. events fed by 1-80 start ata ts { a jn .o r will be neww forI most of the play- • course. ' , • eariier. • Woods \vins the.Nissann 'Open National. • ij_^alidation for David Toioms. • A Ryder Cup \ 'e rs - Muirfirfield hasn’t had a at at! Riviera, the tournament v up with plenty, of St>ectators arriving in tl t where • Doug Fordrd returns to the he should have nothingng to partisan cheering - n the early British O Op pen since 1992, h he e m ade his PGA Tour debu lg - but after the morning darkness'willU headh up Hazeltine (1 jutasai Masters - bui3Ut only for the provrove after winning three tirim es ball landsy not beforefore it’s struck, ! (PGA) hasn’t had a 16-year-old 16- • and the only touma-lto Champions Dinn:nner. • latst st year - including his fi U.Si 40 to 0-acre, snow-ow S l'l of the 12,000-17,000 spejpectators X\.V_I LiLimikDvaj . and take them on a l&minitiinute ride F advanceistosemiis-Capriiati startss with a winV ;■ . to a droiM)ff point near flie “^®.\enue. AUCKLAl>AND, New Z ealand month, mo: was hardly tested bybj the n__nijlig^_ From there, spectators w fourur in the final game, and ai Both Spain andid AustraliaA were ^wiUwalk (A P) - Anna Al Kournikova 17*year*old 17*; rookie, ranked 1&20 minutes through thehesnowto advanced to look(oked just as impressive fr<:rom 2-0 going into Thurs'lursday’s match. ■ to th e sem ifinals of 147th. 147 Ith the baseline and the net .alsecurity checkpoint. ; “If i f you’re ^he ASB Bank I Classic on C Jt as Hewitt, 20, is set to be the top. . not used to the elevatior Capriati will play ‘Amananda I .took less than an hour to j 2on leave . Thursday,, rallying: to beat Cot ) set — seed^in the.Austrastralian Open i n ------■ extra time,” Geiiiperline sa Coetzer in today’s semifinals,Is. T he..... up> a quarterfinal match Fndiday Melbourne, which SI jsaid. Switzerlandnd’s Emmanuelle ather oth semifinal will be betv iistansJan. 14. !tween ainst American Todd Martin.n. H e w itt’s girlfr:■Ifriend, fifth-- , Ga^ardi 2-62-6, 6-4, 7*5 in searin?^ M arya P ierce ' and El On the Net: 0O lym pic Elena Martin, who upset Pe’ete ranked Kim ClijClijsters, beat -J heat. * DeiDementieva, who beat Tamsnarinc^K^HjjHH^ Transportation Plan: hupjtrp;//oft;m» mpras’in the first round, hadad a Virginia RnwnnnlO-ofJ-rance-SA— n ^_____ —:— Koumikovapthe----- TauFanasuganr5^7r&4r64:------>, 6 4 second-round victory ov : pics.utahcommu}edinkxom Tennis popular Russian over ' 6-2 and teammate:e XavierX MalisM • . t-hander Michael Uodra. _ seeking her first Tnr defeated Amaud'.Cli.Clement 3-6, 6- . ron4§eded Kafelnikov Britain’s top t>vo players, totop- • 3, 6-3 W ednesdiisday to give , WTA Tour title, eded Tim Henman and sixt , won five strai osbfatq^arOpen xth- Belgium its secondand consecutive . Taight games to over-. *9®* seedejded Greg Rusedski, \vill me ( ' come a 4*1 d(defidt in the second D neet ^vin and put it in1 a good( position' DOHA, Qatar - Rai inaneanother quarterfinal today, . s e t . Sch to qualify fromn GroupC A for. Jchuettler, the No. 7 seed, ou rhird-sceded Thomas Enqvi I Kournikov [vist Saturday’s final. , ova, ran k ed 74th in top^op^seeded Yevgeny Kafelni II m eet Alberto M artin, ar the world, ivill face Israel’s Anna froE and * B elgium , 2*0, plays pli th e top* . , rord the Qatar Open widi a eightl;hth-seeded Ivan Ljubidc willw seeded United State Smashnovaa i in th e sem ifinals. 6-4^14 victory Thursday. tales and France ly foiirdi-seeded Hicham Ararazi, takes on Italy’today Smashnova1 bibeat Spain’s Anabel Schuettler, S< ranked 43rd in iday to condude , in the' tf fkm who10 bbeat Paul-Herui Mathieu 6-6-4, the round-robin phajjhase. 2 0 0 2 M e ^ d G a rriirrigues 6-2,6-2. ‘ worvorld^won for the first tim SALT LAKE 2C me in . 6 - 2 ...... The American tea ------,rn th e otlother'-quarterfinal - -four burtS ■ Amttlcan Jeimlftrr CapriatiC returns a ^ team of Monica , ourmatches agalnst the fbij S d es and Jan Mich matd^es, Crotroatia’s Silvija Talajq ranianked Kafelnikov ahd advaranced shot during her dngIngles match p u u i lichael Gambill, ' ilcken pox KOs Hewitt,, which lost to Italy on , b e a t ^ ^ u lilgaria’s g Tatiana too thet semifinals for the tlthird against Indonesia’sj’s Angellque ^ Poutchek &4, Wednesday, needsids a win and a ■4, 7-5, and fifth-seed-' timeime in four appearances atIt this widjajs at the Ladle6losTenni> A“istralla Stl at Hopman Cup Mm * ed Tatiana3 IPanova of Russia touroum am ent * ' • combination of othiother results to . . ■ : Coiintdow: CballongolnHongKg Kong's Victoria . *ERTH, Austrdia - Australalia go its way in orderler to make the ' • beat third-seeleeded Anne Kremer In' In the semifinals Frid wass forced f out of the Hopmc of Luxembour nan final. : to S alt L ak ’lire 7.6 (7), 7-5. Schichuettler plays sixth*seeiieded Tlioreilay- Cupp team t tennis tournamei Yourounes AI Aynaoui, who'b ent Thursday’s matelatch'between.. ■beat , . , , T hursday u n after tests .showeved Argentina and Swiczwiczerlan'U went finsqpening fourourth-seeded Jiri Novak 7-6'-6 (7* b u t n o n e of thhe e power on his Lleytc Capriati win fyton Hewitt, the world’s to]top- to th e dedding mixm i« d doubles. ' ' f ^J:^inaouiJas.t_theaiJ9afi__serY.e,.bfiat^en6.lig.Schalk en.of.the___ ranke.iked-player,-has chicken-pox: — — — m atch In HoHong-Kong— ^ Netherlands at t x:------P a o la ~ S u a re z ~^f ^ f A'rge'ritina" " t the Australian The'he Australian team of Hewim tt defeated Miroslavava Vavrinec\ 6-2,-’., 35 days untInUI . HONG KONG^- KC Jennifer Fifth-seeded Fi Bohdan Ulihrhrach hardcourt tennisis championships and A 1 A lida Molik v.\is schedulelied 3-6,6-2 in women’s si ««.. Capriad wonn her1 open^g match defeefeated Fernando Vicentee 6< Thursday. ’s singles before.,.' . ;j,' ; Opening Ceremon; slay Spain on Twirsday at' theth R o g er F e d e re r tiedNt it for . 0"Y at the Hohong K ong Ladies -1. 6-1. Philippoussis bi breezed through B u^'•swood Dome, with the winntner Switzerland with a np]Q . Challenge inin just 34 minutes / the first set frO, thi 1 a 6-2, 6-3 w in ;: r^. TtieTorchToiiRTheCiympk then took the sec- advan/ancin^5^ Saturday’s finalal. ^ over Zabaleta. i.jC fl&ma starts In Fort Wayne. Ind.,In Thursday, routingroi Indonesia’s / Trin rIniinedKi.own PhlllW u^ISSiS g €eight of the last Afterer,testsjrcveg^ Hewitt halad Vavrinec and FedererFe then. ’ iT;',before passing through Southjuth , AngeliqueWWdjaja&0, d 6-1. J / • • * ' nine points to0 close< oiit the the co dayjn : , { The world’s owers (fast Schalkeh: ' contagiouVwus,'Australiilia defeated Suarez and Zabaleta . ! • III,, and ending Ihe day. I’s Na. 2-ranked play* P0“ .match...... had to er, prepared I to d ^ au lt its m a tte s , ^ \ning n 3, 6-7 (3), 7-6 (104M in i the supe^ i ^ , Chicago. ; ed t(> defend her' ADELAIDE, AI Australia >' MMark Philippoussis hithii 12 aces in his 'Spainrin a berth In-the champ: : .... ■- Australian OpenOp title later this Philihllip ^u ssi^ who lost 22 iwiiijunds ' eight-seirice gar pi- tiebreaiker) to give•e SwitzerlandSi a-.:' 'ames, induding onshiphip. 2-1 w in,, M Tlrne»Mm, TMin F ^ Friday,J«wiiy4,200:002: - ■ — ...... • •-,• •*««*•— World Bin Ladden aide’ss writings ' tJ.S. nnoves id o tT nesu^e: ^iifsistjihhad m ustrgo on WASHINGTON (AP) w ^ I a n ^ struck Q millta • by IT.S..cruisee m ^es in'kugg^ - - - Nflw York Dally New«^ n S t ' ' "ISSS In respdiiporise td'tekTorist'' 1^’ ...... ■...... with his1 0^own hands and offer his pound j Thursday in (ea ste rn ..Strike hit campI where\ terrori I T ~ ■ and his colcolleagues’ secrets to his Afghanistan where mem attack s on! U,SU,S. embassies'iji - : n e w 1y d r k - W? ______WhileU.S; enemies,"]he wrote. ■ , Osamai binladra’s ierrbi X7 0 ...... Africa, Myers-81rs-said,-It also, was— bombers-were pour [t>nstnet- W CICeregrouping, yo strucilastfelL' lunding al- Withinn days,< th e Taliban col- work i were regroupining, the g,n^tarysay Qaida’s mountain hid< J - |_ la “It has been a lapsed and al-Qaida’s Pentagon 1 said. It was thetl first news confere n a place where thj!' - ...... outs, O ^ a Bin Ladenien’s. - ^ - • -> le irence. “Byt outreal reporters.±atB-l..bombers, re rs, F/A------al-Qaidajgoes i toto 1regroup,” leaders- fcicludiAg; pos-■ Americani airstrilce sinre: DecD 28. goal is to see ■ Ifi strilfA airrraffnnH ------No.-2-man -wroto-tliat-iat-it------sji »JaU »£lejre-W t_J8 30 gun— ^;said^H^edlnalined to describeiui— sibly. Bin Laden"dld ------— nfe-strikTfenmSTTU.S.~cqn- - committing' terroristtc acts to the .sh.ships attacked the compbui was essential some leac'ead- - ■ whatwl Zawahiri urged i >und in ' detail what triggiriggered Thursday^ cem that remnants of thee al-Qaida£ extent we canan stop th e recruiting, , the th Khowst region, neai ers escape and that jihaihad • 'and -ar fled to safety in r a r th e • attack exceptIt tptc say “a c d v J ^ network - which the Uniteited Smtes- we can dty upup dieir f u n ^ we can . PaPakistan border. must continue o p th e Pakistan. P£ > ' • ,. blames l for the Sept 11 ai had been detectel« e d t h e r e . . jj.- Sept. l l attacks woul< attacks - arrest eiiou^^ people and-^ther - Other 1 officials said fourlir B-ls It was not clea They left behind some are 2 trying to reorganizei eveni as ' enough inteUij dear how mai>y.,^' — simply-be “absocbed.” „ lligence;” H e ^ d the--^an•and three F/A-18s'dropped1 abouti Qaida memljersers may have oeefl of their followers to' the t search for bin Ladensn contin- U.S. militaryy has1 caused ^Voiigd-___ IQ fi'glirlt o u f WltH tH6----- i -lOQ-homb’i r>n th/» compojouad, ------laUecMiHhenttad u » by air, lana ana sea.. iriT ] erable disrupt!ption” of al-Qaida. , which wh included a training fa pull out as manyjersor-son-. _:co:coalition forces closing- • fadUty; , On. Wednesda:sday. the Pentagon. - D efenseSecretary Doronal'd H.'• Meanwhile,lie, Afghan officials and an a cavie complex. Also'c nel as possible to thth< e inUl on the cave hideouts I taking said its concernem about al-Qaida Rumsfel'd said the Pentiuagon is said progressis 1was being made in part pa was at least one AC-l: V safety of a shelter,'e r,’' in Tora Bora. p •130, a members regroup•ouping - after ha«» prepared to pursue bin Lacaden and n'egodadons: withv. intermediaries special spi operations aircraft Ayman al-Zawahirh iri Aymarial-Zawahlrf In mid-December, h ft that . ing.abandbnedid theirt last majgjr his top lieutenants, as5 \well -as over the termrms of surrender for delivers de a withering barrai \vrote as he hid in a cavt thithere were reports that J •age of stro n ^o W in1 the th mountainous M ullah M ohammed Ommar and Omar ahd 1,Sl,SOO of his fighters, cannon cai fire and howitzer shel in southern Afghanistaritan m early members•s age-treatise-— calls on-BinBin-Laden’s.foUowers.to. sm uggled out to Eqg};)gland last keep up ththeir offensive on the month and obtained byiyJiJ.S.intel- I * U .S., sayiiying the devastating ligence, said “the hurnilrniliation of sneak attittacks on the World ' - ___captivity!l-inust-be avoid'oided-at-all ----- Trade-Gentmterandthe-Pentagon------Marine find €svidenecc of terrroristea;anf}j| costs. were not enough...... em - p, “The toughest thing; aboutal cap. Otherwisvise, he warned, th’ose ^By Drew Brown ...... ' tivity is forcing thee n m u jah id a tta cks “wiVill be iKJthing more iiiKnlgM Bidder Service> .. (Islamic fighter) under*r tthe force' ‘ thah'dismurbing rl actsi regardless' of torture to confess aboubout his col- of their maglagnitude, that could be GARMAWAK, Afghani*listan ------_leagues,-dcstroy-lus-mcmovem ent-----absorbed anand endured.'’— ------U^S-iilarincsU. left-a-calling wl.when they raided an abaniindoned __ ai:al-Qaidti terrorist camp earliere; this week: the letters USMCU ... Pakistan authorities£ JS arrest . tspelled out six feet tallII w ith p .„ - - 'j v - sustones on the ridge behinind th e- ' f f 1 • ■ i coicompound. — Hie^arines combed-the"iraban^^=^ dodoned camp this week lo(liMiking ___ ■ ^ ISLAMABAD, Pakistaistan - the = =------■ - ~ "for foi intelligence. A Knight RidderR former Taliban ambassassador to . Wo/Vorld In brief P*!photographer and twoI oc th e r ' I Pakistan, Mullah Abduidul Salam , ______journalists visited the canimp on Zaeef, was arrested henlere Thurs- Martin and Thursday, die first joumalilUsts id Gracia Burnham of. - dodo-so. They found dozei day, said his nephewjw Hamid Wichita, Kai Ullah. iCan., said Press Under- bobooks, postcards and -wr,written secretary RobenoCapco.Ro ma FBI agents in PakistaiStan began T he Burn materials that the Mariiiesies had questioning Zaeef Thursdi irnhams and Filipino not taken in their search. rsday atout nurse Deboborah Yap are being "] his contacts with fonner There were scores of booksb lerleadei^^ ^helijnuhch(^^QUihem'-island-of— wri ----- of-the-Islamim- 1947. cial, who spoke on condit: dition of confiscate anynykdves they find. mittiitting terrorist acts agalnsn st “Hiese groups aare re the : result 6 l anonymity. The men werejre being Bans were2 imposedii worldwide__ lia - acts that have pushed theth the unresolved issueissi of Kash- __ -----questioned-The-detentionssns-camB- iiTthew akeofofthe Sept. li c^or twtmimuclear:arme‘d'naddns‘toththe tniir7’”he said. "If you■3on^^ n ear the end of a 30-dayay grace . attacks, when2n the hijackers who ' nk of war. Government off:ffi- a tte n d to these fundamental fui period provided to foreign igners to crashed'planeines into the World Is also8 have frozen the asset«ts q u estio n s, th enI you yo are'just legalize their presence in Yemen.Ye Trade Centerer and the Pentagon of two groups branded as terroi■or- -, dutching at straws."■s." ■ .• Abida is the region1 where w are believedI toto have used knives organizations by the Uniteited - Babar also expre:pressed doubr, Yemdni special forces haveave been . or box cutters:rs to take control of Statesites, raided.their offices anrt hardly a hint of proiprotest ahd in­ gressman from the home: didistnct Special Operatrations Task Force ' since:e early< iii the U.S. militarjiry ' ^ m e cases even expiexpressed sym- of an American missionaryary cou- said this week,k. -. npaign in neighboringng pathy for the govemmmment. • '-i' pie being held hostag

I, (I* T ■ - •' T~.::

T w y X a ()0^“T ) f w ^ .fw iii Fall#,'Idaho EJ ' FOUND Large breed dbg. ■ kJiijjjitpi ASKING QUESTIONS' DRI'RIVER.; , ... DRIVERIVERS .. C o n d u c t p u b llf d p lh lo n Fullull ilmo delivery person, COOL L OTR roofor. e m ’: " ■ - ;'■ • NoiicEOP-OPTRUSTCE'S S A l i * • polls over the telephone, gc . delivered to tho ab’ovo■ m ■ W I11W s ood driving record, .-Qoo3ood driving recov. No. 2920776. address on or bolore Iho aaaaT.^"”-- A B 8 O L U T E L Y N 0 knnow ledgo of th e a r e ^ >.Heaii4eaith benefits avallaWi . . 7 . S . No.,2001.26427-AA ■ ' ^ - H ea lth y N ew Yaarl Welf- SALESI S Strfctly research. He . above listed dole and time,ie FOUND.Childs bracelet M u r * Hours ore 9 am to-SJO Pkw»ioasecaB208-736-733tt - On Aprtl9,2002al11:11:00 AM (rocojmlzod local Ume] ness Assessmeni and S$7,00 to $9.00 ho u r, pm. prr Apply In person Fox uAtwi me), to. b e a c c e p te d . The out*it- Twin Falls Mall.12-29-01; E AJNTENANCE. :: ' ^ T THE ENTRANCE3E TO TW INM LLS TITLE.J Tbxln/Mlneral Anolysis CCasual work environment. Rc side of the e n v o i s shouldId W f I to to 2 0 1 5 H a n a e n - F lo ra U 3 7 M ^n Ave. E, .^8CROW ..905 8H0SH(SHONE .^ E E T N08TH. TWII - . - A b from ; you hair: Call FFlexible.eves, days, 4 Tw Carpenter and prtfpeity^ VK* clearly In d ic a te ''s e a l e d0 . ^Ayo,B urfey. Id . Twin Falls. 1D83301B ';:':::j:;FAtw:ioAHo,e3M i::iiU ln .th o Coimty-of TWIN-FALLS - - -^-TIMES-NEWS..-:. ...I(200)3 52-1 1'4 6 wwknd. hours. 15-30 hrs. '— m alnlenanco person,-• .. -eia ta ot Idaho. STEWAH/ART TITLE O F B 0 1 8 & INC., w PH0TOSAi;ENa.OSED-.' - www.Inbilsa.orgJ - -- • n r " * - * Landscaping. eleclrk:a|-^ • "f For complete proposal'• FOUND Lg; striped blond CLASSIFIED J ■ per weofCQ reai part-time' ..•JruslaeonbehollolLA' U W OFFICES OF STEVEflj J ring tall, neuioffld,.woll job o r .second Job. Close DRI'RIVERS . , Pl'plumbing, concrete.-' ^ speclflcatiohs, procedures. LEARNHOWTOLOSE40 [° -;..- ^ + J E U ^ e r , jMC..wiII w IlB ^.m annered c a t 543<5546.- • - DEPARTMENT _ ‘J x p . D riv e r * Iraming, finish and paim> »II at public auctloo.-to tho hlflhes^«8 - and addltionarinfcJmioiton' ■ — LB S. and keep ft o ffi- ..taCSicam^^^Formore E xf Flatbad ‘ })ldder, for cash, in t t ^rful u l inw ney of tho United States, al Info. C all 73e-2853fllIIIIIII »•.Fullbenofns. . h-toallh« Insurance S p e c n t proposals, to waive ony ' Second Hand Slore. 50% - - - ipeclallat/RoglonsI . 1 OF SAID COUNTY. y . PlQasocall734-168e. "IhoolddrlyrModlcaWor ■ -40l{k)&paw vacations.-' -. a J - olf alt Inventory, In addi- — ftvorago EarningV-' Manilanagor; RESPONSI- : TTio T njslea has no3 knowledgekr of a mdn> piirticulai fofmoliilee and to accept i prh/ate pay accepted, -- - - Apply In person ot: l| LOOT Fem ale 6mo. old cat, .’ ' tion. pop machine & lots MO.OOO*______BIILITIES: ILi: Plans and - : - . - -<)o«:ription ol the abovo n tho bid doom ed 10 Bo in the • ■ ' Prtvato rooms. - - M agicVaneyT3ro7 - • v la r •0 njferoncod real property, but^ foi bOTUntOTs^of Uie Colleoe.“ brown & groy tabby. VI- of display shelves & iam .27-.30 cpm Avorago coorco o rd ln a te s th e lmp[q> • •Dunwosofcomnlinnrflwtn fftllrflnntinn fin.i n i d a h o Cod&i Cull 734-iK gS J. • , 30W . 100 S. Jerom e ■ wppUoattentetenrfew-mentf “iho Tfuaioo has booainfornformed that the ad d ress of: 1521 521 .VicaPrasidontolRnanco- .. 10.arii, Evary.roguiar- CHILD.CARE_1.„-. 1 CallIII lr800-453-2227..B. -.andnd.training ti ond.roiated___ ------JiO R TH 2284 EAST,-RO lar and floa collar; Call ^IL D C A R E -O P E N IN G 'Am & A/P. Part time: S o lu tio n s _ _ sorvlciirv lc » o ge n cie 8:-liaiso3 _ NiAv, As Oononciaryroaioo TfiatlOrftoToiocateasoctlon -934^951 _ or^66-7112Ji- - —minrcloan:atmosph0rsr •:-----rSwK^WOfTHHO:------I20T1J1 “ w itrnsIlh locarcommunity. -. ; :i2/09/1998, rocordod Mi ■^cfumsnlopVm— ” 5 i-AiiBAvo.ESte24a 12/09/1998. as Instrument No.'lo. o l T r a i l # 1 9 9 In B lain o\ Li^ S T Snowboard. 12/30. Part/full timo available. ?'*676 Shoup Ave. W. #14. _ ForrFor m oro information / . . .199 8 ^J22066.rocorel3 0f r Classified Dopttodayf ^ Twin Falls, ID. 83301B >f.TWIN. FALLS County. Idaho. County to millgaie erosion., \vicinity o lS , of Wendell. •- = C all Katlo a t 735^3176.B ^w ANAGER I contacintact Andrew Rodriguoz • Ploaso Nolo: Tho obovoVO Grantors( are nam odio comply- ply- Fot.lnJormation or to com-• (Oxygon w/Burton bindings. | COICOUNTER PERSON W ANTEDI at20a-454-1652.B v ____ l(6]..ldaha.Code. No ropresonta* la- -ment. call Bill ol 0 5 4 -2 l5 e- r-- -S3&-6Z60^REWARD»— I C a s c o E q u ip . Is looklrig" ■ - ICOM nNENTAL" ■ ' ‘ HAN- .• •«on & m ado that they aro.ro. (or ofo not. presently responsl*isl- • •= JANAGER/DIETARY . ;blo for this obligation soit t forthfoi herein. ' forlor a highly motivalod, lull LOANS Parke'arke Viow Coro a n d . - - PUBI.ISH:Janua»y4 andB I - lim.limo.parts.counlotpofson. A NationalNo Finance Corp. RehBhabHltatlon at Conteris____ • Tho dofaulltor whichI thithis salo i^.toJ)e mado Is lo bo 2002 I m ade is tho falluro to payly whenw duo. undor Dood of Tm st ^EGNANCY CRISIS CENTER — PU B U C SERVICE- Solary.OOE. Apply in per­ hbwacw a'cct^ting applicatidhs and Nolo dated 12/09/1991998. tho monthly paymonts for FREE TESTS. Always MESSAGE son 26 E. 300 S . Jorome. Dueluo to rapid expansion forr thetho'position ofDleta^ IS r — - Confldenllal, 734-7472M. Dor No phono caiis.* — •• P rin c ip a l. Iplorost a nid d Imtr p o u n d s (II a p p llca b lo ) of' ! SINGLE? Ages 25-90, _ Don't pay to find Work bo- is seeking on . - - Depa ..*248.06, due per monthil for:thofc months of J1/07/200000 ..Froebrochure:1-800-949- - X loro you got the job. For ' dawJAIRY ^ ■ A SS IS T A N T Qualifi* through 11/27/200t. andd allo} subBoquenl paym ents unill 0411.www.HQintro3.con< k I mQ froo information about e x i MANAGER Posstlossoss o^^ejionce in av Exporionced mllkor institutional coSRWg. tho dato of salo or roinstatistatement. Tho principaW»lancff- avoiding omploymont sor- wantod. wn Call 324-8938a FOR BURLEY ‘"stii owing as of this dalo on) saidsa obligation socurecJ bjr'sjiicr vice sc a m s , wriio to iho — LOCATION Joring,supon/ising stall, ...... ^ - Doed of T o o t Is 573,975.47 Sf ( ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ I i -F a d o ra l.T rad e Commis- DA'f[AIRY spocialocial diets, ond havo'a 5.47, plus accrued Intorost at tfio ■ BANKRUPTCY ' • ’ ■ . .ralQ of 8.75% pec annum1 lizifrom fOU7/2000. All dolinquon s/on. W ashington. D.C WE OFFER ' om m itm onno qual/fy^' ■ nt We are working to i Affordable & fast AcckJonts. f J — afnourit8.oro.nowduo..togolsgothor.wim accnjing l^te charg- 20580, o r call Iho Nation­ 735-0056.B Paid Vacalion jaso apply in person at -d«oreo&criminal manors.- -.«] os, ond intorost, unpaidd andai accruing taxes, assess*1“ —— make-our— “^AUCO HOL-ICS— - ‘ al Fraud InfonnalfonCon-- nBM - • -Paid Holidays------2303'Parko Avonuo.-.' _ . . ANON.YMOUS B ro d jlc e at 734-3367B . EUVERY DRIVER monts, trustoo’s foos. attorrItomoy's fees, and ony amounts13* classified section jc tor. 1-800-876-7060.B w 'i, . SIckLoavfl ■ Burtoy.noy. ID 83318. E P E .f ______.adyancod.lo protoctJhaaoci 208-733-8300 & 726-5650B “ 'APAAuloPartsls jocurity asso d aio d wltn-thls fo ree- - • -fre^rany-errore: ± _____BANKRUETCY„____ “_____ ACCEPTING-,,______[opkingloci' for a full llmo_or o-| ------closure and that tho tjonefid. i sBKETING__!T!r i 9fidary olocts to sdll o r cau se tho • r&xpM>-r«»pons*-vrtien you- ..... - Competitive rates on i ' ' ■ APPUCATIONS partpart-time, longlohn indl“ ' e trust property to bo soldJo s. (unvrtlM In ctouiAotf. CaO C Paid Health and ‘ ACADMISSIONS t to satisfy said obligation. Please ch'eck your ' - Chopier 7 banknjpldos. ' - COL Drivers viduvidual with a good allitude - Jate: Docombor 3.2001 733^>931. J Ufo Insuranco . COUNSELOR ads for any _ JoffSlokorot734-8452.B Q G enorai labor/various and neat appearance. In- i S T U A R T T IU E OF BOISE3ISE.INC. , Dental benefits Immocmodiato opening Auto Body/Doiailjng' divicSividuols noed no exporl- mistakes the first r HOUSE CLEANING.Do- ‘ Prom Sharing P rr .c caroor-orionted a /s/Bov Petorson. Sr. TrustJt OfficerO Construction ' enci day that it runs. I . F A X ^pendable. hard working & Bnco but m ust bo ovor 18 401(k) Plan dividual iniorestod In oagorto clean your homo Ca r Sa^ o^S ates.. , y/rs. ; ^ of ogo and bo a high islstlng parents of PUBUSH:January4,11.18. 18and25.20Q 2 ______AftsrJhaLtlme-^ . ^ ^^o««>»flWindy843^104»: = mpanywiil provide all • •uggling-taorter-Excoi------“The Times-News “ Y O U R = d , trainlnd 'O”nt ’ communication, lava-an-exoeiieni-drrving------p ------WlinroTbe------LAW-OFnCE Chapter-?------“Bilingual, a p lu s------mpmarrtypmgrmDiiP------AD >345. Unconlostod divorce. lookkoopor-Mlcrosoll/Woid roco•ocord. H ouis will bo 25- EnglisWSpanlsh e ^ 5kingiking abilities a must. responsible for • S295. Olhor sorvicos. PPerfect & Offlctf€xcol 40to h hrs. per wfiok. Starting TIMES CLASSIFIED 881 Prefbrrcd 3rkoling oxperience I ^ ^IJJIM any mistakes. ?88-25S-23gBday8/ovos.B Coll Intolllgont pay)ay S6.00 on hr. Apply in a pplus. lu : Fast-paced c o l T e g e o f "' DEPARTMENT Employment Solutions pers>erson at; 1880 Kimberly Sc end . R esum e to: ' envlroivlronmont. S23,000 • SOUTHERN IDAHO ■ lETIHED.TRANSMISSION Now No" for on appointmonl. R^oad. oo Twin.Falls. No d up. DOE. BenelljS. •REQUEST FOR ■ i. ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ MAN,M if you'ro tired of tho Jontinontal L oans S"'* “ P the office of the Vico Presi­ 678-0t65H . phor)hono calls ploaso. ■ ggjg jndrosum olfr; PROPOSALS dent of Finance in tho0 I 20B-734-5S38 ' . hasslo give mo 0 coll. J ___ I Blue L akes Btvd.N : ARTEC EDUCATIONAL -Oualitywork. 324-3B37B Sbfovtfllions mtno afitjrowal- " ^lull u ? ! 60 ploftaanUy surpiisod win Falls, ID 83301 Jandruidrus0 suws.com'. Taylor Aamlnistratlon Bulld- OR :to; 208-886-2041 or CONSULTING SERVICES '■ FOUND Big. yellow Ub. od rosutls. Wtion you wiio atIt tiowtic oosy It is to plaeb a ^Attn: Paul Hole J a x to;: •S lng.315Fall8Avonue.Twin ill to: Jennl Andrus; ' Sealed proposals for tho ^ neulorod m alo w/collar. 200-677-4543 I T w t HANDYMAN CAN your yoi clqisiriod od.. tw sufo elas::lassi»(xJ ad, Tho « s l (s or fox to ^ man to 10 Falls. Idaho and thon .Repair, Rebuild, Replace too 1 P re ac h er Creek Rd sp o c ifio d projoct will bo10 publicly opened, ^ m mis. S.of Cuoy. near (B U R L E Y ) R roodors.' undorsiand your * low..ow...lho rosulls nro tilfltj, 5208-735-0947. P" ...... acceptG d'untll 2;00 p.m .; , Lourio Lano. 358-0759 or I—— - - I ororRemovo.-Jim 326-1150 momeM ago-spollltoul. . Ttiarrtiara ctassrnod. 733-0931. apply In p o rso n .B '' -W ioshcoshone. Idaho 83352 ------u Bids must bo soht or E O E B ^ 'Friday. Ja n u q ty 1 1 ,2002 in f 736-2299

"HH UTdPL€X WEAREE Y O U R Gf fM F A C T O RU Y, R E N T A L LEAS - - The Ti)"imes-News S E R E T U R N> iH E A D Q UJ A R T E R 5 r ------is - a c c e ppting K applications- alking Routes in ^^iodiwmi i ^ j H 20dlllUICK f o r Wills. a l t These positions H SABRE C U S T ^ Tw in Fallflay, early-morning Km SEDAN^ \ a r e 7 - d/ a pOsitiens j nnd can K a (delivery•urce p of additional • K S . b e a s owhile u r you get paid w ___ l^income ^omiiigvvallowl " ' ||| T J o r y o u r i t tP3C55 Tlie-Hmes-Ne^vs— 1 ^ p j y w / ------^ t o p - b yrd - 7 St. West in Twin Er a c.CYL.ranw»°’“ ti' WARfUNTY ^ p V r " j / ^ 3 Z 3 rcall d 7 3 ^ 3 1 . ' Eg T eS w e RFa c to b v w CRUISE*/WNOERFACTOBY WARRANTY FaUs or cal REMA1NI •16,99i

Q 2001 mm 2 0•a 0 0 CHEVROIET. ^ DEVIUiSm L Jx \ ' \w VAIimSEDfilC ______^ 1 9


Pi m vRO uH . \ H— IT 4 DR 4X4 2 0 0 0 P 0 N m t P ^ H D AMSEDiMir jp



'“ t o r S O T -U ffi S-RSKSfAm v- 3 ) 9 5

Justafevw o f o u r o vfer t 160 use6 fd cars, truckks and SUV'sr ' s , H ^ PLUSOVEHR 8 0 L E A l ISE AND REN]mis, R E T U R f : k ! ^


...... ;------l i U i L . , ------> . . j

, »• V . ■ . ■ r. Q 'O':;...'. I v E i ■nmes-Newfl, Twinwin Fails, Idaho Ffl(to|, Jammuary 4,2002

MANUFACTURING DRIVERS • ' MEDICAL EXPERIENCED ARTIST MEDICAL f *M E D IC A L y MEDICAL- M • I - 1ST Orivors/Fjatbod. . , Peychialric Services .TRAINING SRECIAUST M OFFICE ■ 1*14»LES— ...... - ■ ,HEOTlEOTiwiflANT- ' WANTED] Apply in . U p lo S .3 0 c p e rW b o nnu3. u ! is sooking a Ilconsod Join our caring team , Medloal Bllllng/Codlng ° m orlca’s L a rg e st H om e Wanti Noodocflo work with adults Specialist1 Must bo ablo Bookkoapsr/Offic. ° /anted friendly, enorgellc pOfBon a t Tho Farmhousioijso *&0»lgn-orV800^5233J3 3 a C«\untolor. Must havo Bt Gooding Rehab. ' Bulldor Is looking for porson pors for wait poslllon . Collodion, 807 Ru5S<3|LSQl ■ . r ------— with dovok>pmonW-* to I w ork’In a fa s t p a c o d M ' anager for-woll = i LPCcortifteolioo. Pioaso-I)- &. Uving Center. Salos A ssociates lo nil a for eveningo shift. M ust bo . , SL. Twin Falls.*I MEDICAL disabliitlos w ho livo, work, ollico.1 Sond rosumo to establlshod’bullding* ^ . coniact JuIlo ol 732-0995.5. Wp offor In houso C.N A - contractor. Requires 0''growing nood In to d a y s 19 19yi yis: of ago. 4 shifts por' = 3 CHARGE NURSE ^OR and rocraato in tho ' Attn: . Denise PO Box5782 ‘ MEOICAL “ trainfng. Compoliiivo community. Minimum m inim um 3 y o a rs full "IfmatkeL Pionty ol room for wk. approx.i 15 hrs. Apply Twln.FaIls. ID 83303. ' advancomenu High com* In pi CHARGE NURSE FOR : : w sgos. Bonofit package: • • 1 yoarsupoMsory rj chargo bookkoeplng In p o r s o n a l L-a C a ili a 401k, Modical .MILL OPERATORS oxporlonco\ .vrilh C ^ , ■ mission.porconlagosplus ■ RetiRaitaurant, I 1I South , ^ EMERGENCY DEPT.T. 12hourniohl6hlH Como lo boautifui mral , oxporioncod ond l yoar ' Insuranco, Vocation & Exporionce Mill O^wrators.-. .- (Quick Books or similar - benefits aflor 00 d a w ; - - ParfcParfc^yp.W.-,TwinFall^ Fullllma- • Provious ER exportonwkJ^ South Conlrol Idaho, oxporionco woffclflo whfi - , . Education Incontfvoa. PERSONNEL PLUS softwaro.'ExcoI&V/onl t (208)732.5710. Reaulto g g ct 12 hour night s h iI n ' roqulrod.'Mustbeh f, Oponlngsfor full timo RN. - people with dlsabllliios, - ‘ ECURITY OFFICERS C.NJl.’»allfihi«3.' Bonofil packago, compoli- , skills a must. Flexible ®‘amust.tubmltto:3900 l^oyburn/B'urlpy kfav area. ••• Provlous ER oxporioncodcod . ACLS/PALS cortHlod.)d .Si?a^call.-Groalb<}norjt3. -733-7300 or 678-4040B"- -J — NJV.'* all shifts.--- - - livo W ago.-Pleaso apply- Zl TWOfk B chodula.'' Plooso con Ivlon. through ■ n. -? roqiilrod. Must bo T/auma Coro andn (j Sond rosum o to: , L.P.N.’* h o u r ►i- ACLS/PALS coniliod. 8 & 12 I n ponon a t I n c l u s i o n , MORTGAGE Mi ORIGtNATOR ‘ Sond rosum o tor -rl. 9:00 am to 5:00 pm i od. Chargo oxporloncog o Gooding ^ u n ^ Momorlol" shifts availablo. - - Traum a Coro andnd proferrod.-’ Ine. 450 Falla Ave. #101 FIratf Bank Of Idaho P.O. Box 8 6 7 Tvrfn Fans,' SALS i S s ^------. i-ew|.60Q-319-91'9B« | C ontaa; Lori Noardaolo • Twin Falla IDJi Yc ID83303Ji.^ - Na, Chargo oxporloncoICO Compoliiivo salary andn d • ‘ P.O . Box 418 . o r DIxio Mali at You livo horo. W e livo horo, L - apaAutoParta\9 ____. PfoforrocL...______----- Goodino.JD.a3330------_t«o..JolnyourJocaltiank's. .qR ooklngJotaTLaggrossivo;:. SEMI|EMI-DRIVERS I I — - -oxceUonl-bonelH ------934^56017^------i&AUTY-ASSURANCE“ “ iS? eu.' Compoliiivo salary and IMTSCELLANEOUS— --I “innovaiivo J and expanding n Tiotlvatod, professional :xpo7Toncod"flaibod ind packaoo. orcall:208-g34-4433.a OASuporvisor.noedod-' _ EOEM/F/DA« IMMEDIATE OPENINGS rool t ostalo lending loami lorvlco orlontod Inside "drivers 7. noodod to oxcollont bonolltlit Magic Valloy RegionalBl MEOICAL - • for boon Industry »».* packago. * MEOICAL ■* Labor Ught/Hoavy W/0 V have a M ortgage lalos porson In Twin dolivdr building malorl- Medical Canlor e n v ir S n u e n t a l HACCP knowledge.’ |® l ^ Z Magic Valley Regional . MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST * Foclory-AII Shills • O c riginator position avail- p . -alls, who w ants nn als. Fulllime workavall- Ml PO Box 409 ______8 e r v ic &.t e c h _ „ ; " 4- - ■' M odlcalC entnr ' ★Groonhpuso labor -ab _a lo .fo r a caroor-ojtontod .JP^SO j, N N EL PLUS _ p>RPprtunlty.for » growth a n d . ablo basodJJut-of oor ~i— Twin Fate.'16 B3303^»0909 Housokooping position In-r :Laboralofy Modical-Toch., ★ Conslruction/Forkilll^ _ s ■ • • ' PO Box 40fl------— {2M)737-ai13------. Of PT. days, rotollng - M i l slartor.-Mlnimum of 5- - - n ecogniiianJn-a-mld-sto>-• HaTOltSn idaho’ptani. • ______Twin — ■ -hospitai.-dink) and physK- ~ *Sanllation"AIIShili 3 - g»moanv.' f , • AtJAt home most wook I — - -clao-oinoeft-ExprpfefofT- - - y e a rs o » p 9 r|9 nCfl O rO -- b -, connloOmvrmc.com- ” hospital laboMioiv. Ro- lorrod wiiti oilhor bank or hebEPTiONIST Growing T»'C'C om ^lilhfo wago "Ifinnlgnis ana ovoiy wook- “?7" ------Fax (208)737-2741 ad. Full-time w/bonolils. ★ MochanicAVokJor - ^mortgage company..Fir8t - CPACf (imi.looking for a FT- - • PluPi ab o n u s______- ond.ond. W agos paw on a n . - Connlo, RN, BSN ...... '.roiaiing'vartablo •• shift,'irrj-; qillros m odical locnnblo-^ i'CDLDHvors ■ ' gBank of Idaho Is locolly rocopllonlst f«' wiih slror^g • MModical bonolits hhourly o u basis with a | modlaio oponlngi Apply, gist cortification; phkiboi- ownod and'Oporatod.Wo bookkooping skills and • 44 ( 0 1 K p la n ------cwcomploia " benofil p ad t -i- “P E O P LE UNITED TOrp -PEOPLE UNITED TOO - al Sl. Bonodlcts Family' omy skills proforred. Ap. positlvo Immodiololy. *PiPold vacation' ’ “age OO offered. Slartf^ 1 • CARE" CARE* Modlcoi C o m er, 709 N.' ply a t St. Bonodlcts Fam- N o fee, • offor 0 compoliiivo wagos P° Word Excol, Quick Books Thehe succosslul <^dUaio pay commonsurato .to j EOE EOE -Lincoln, Jorom o. ID 63338i Ily Modicol Contor. 709 N. sa m e day pa y and ||J oxcollont bononts that W< D R U G -F R E E ^ ‘ Uncoln, Joromo ID 83338. Ineludo four wooks paid «0 i f^lua. P io a s o moll ro- will/III h a v e tho lollow ing oxporlonco. Contact: ' 1 y DRUG-FREE sum o and reforoncos to: quaualincations: TrarTransportation Mgr. or i f - w o r k p l a c T ^ CiatsifiM ; . . (or peopio - . . . .• _yrno lil oft. P lo aw apply in 9ui W ^ P L A C E _ J ovfld rosum os ' Bor9331^ ^ l7c/oTho ;,^tsland(ng communi- send rosumo lo: . U*oCtoaain.7330 organizalion. P.O.-Box 930220, ' I ’ 111 FilorAvo.733-7300 __ Dollvory drivers wanlod. ’orona, Wl 53593-0220 ' NANfJY = '— Mu Apply In p e rso n Vpror 735 Ovoriand 678-4040a NA Must bo 18 yoars ol ago, 1-800-373-5550 Email: • ‘ ' ^ Livq-in L iv nanny, room a n d da;days and evening shills BSOKfmberfyRd.TFil ’’SO When you tiavo items o/ound boardb< plus salary, rofor- ov;avallaolo. A pply a t: ’n~5aiSMftiioa odvofiijwo a o n i ! = = your homo you no lonflor • ences oi roqulrod. - Call Burfey Pizza Hut oxisixijt, Bomoono wouM Invent WAREIWEHOUSE ' neod, actvcftiM them. 3j 324-0113 or 320-24S7JI_l____RuportEtaaJfuii_:_^ n-C-Call733

3 ryn I■ ■ ■ . . . ^ 2 1 7 Kegi .i f t p ^ PUBUC SERVICE MESSAGE e w mt0i§90tt ______.Fodoralloral.ompioymont inforr. . , AUTOGHm o u p matlorallon is froo. Romom- ■ bor,ir, n( no ono con prom ise - —y o'U u a ffodoral job. For froo------'Xhm PCmSSti-__inlormi ormaiion about fodoral . . jobs,3S. ccall Caroor America . ^ .C onno)nnoclion, ... 478-757-3000* S250O A DAY POTENTIAL B ai/tondlng. /io Training p ^yidod. ide Call 1-800-293-

. j a siYJWQHKi ^ p y r p , , CMT------a w a e K ^ ^ p p aVYI y i Assemble/ products I ^ l v • aIt t hohomo. Call toll froo 1-801-800-167-5556 Oxt. 31451 ■■ i,— BUSS*]SS4MGERMAN s m o tTOR-ROUTE o f (610) * 4 : « * « 1 9 9 9 C !h e v y i H u z m 2 0 0 0 C A o n L AAC ( D e Y i l l e j |B f|||a |||^ Th h e e iTimes-News is 4 D oor Se d a n , 40,41!) M 9 MIIw: #279 Sedan, Low Miles. #4078A rently looking for an Indef.fdependent Motor V. \Nas R outi ^ ^ 0 Q O M M O ou te Carrlor In Ihe B UJSS-HAGERMAN S i ^------— ereaire'BTVMd-dnvers ■ ~ ~ j l g p g E T S license & relTatile vehicle a m ust. ^ | i i | _ v'el M k f o r ' ^ i ^ ; See Mike .iFy,IF you live ih the SH.VKK (or 72 nionlln AP Dennis c H , k..: Bliss-His-Hagerman aroa & , O n 1 y ^ 2^88 i : i interested in b o in g . M b-j.p.™ , ■ “'O l"" 7.4L. v-K - - a New\ew spaper Carrier. 1 9 9 9 OiDffls m o b o e A l e r o hevk pleaso?so coniactt the Twin ZO.Ol C r r Impala • LuadetJ ■alls Times-Nevi/s ______GI-. Sedan 4 Door. On])nly .49.918.04353 A I^ .S c d a n 4j) o p r . O nly 31,033 ■ R ‘ NiccTnick gJ3_M ilejj,#4I89A ___ ^ .■»_.fll247A ------O fficce e a at 733^931,-ext.------p o K or slop by 1323rd ^ Q O o w n “ ‘ r ^ 5 ^ >1. W. Twin Falism * * * * * ^ * * . ' ta lk to — b D hiU L 6 7"^ MOTOR.O H - R O U T E * * * * * .$^7Wfor72nlonlh^^»8.mA f -v-6.3.«i. J t m l T/]ele Times-NowsJs ^ ^ k h ;.j.at—--fllvJ! Tl currenlljenlly looking for an • LoadcO ' iepondent Motor ' WP2959n..- Indept 1 9 9 8 OldsmcMOBOE A c HIEVA R o Juhl area & are While | S | I | | | | | Buhl H|P.AT.M ,U ^ interest'rested in being a' . N ewspwspaper Carrier, ' /' 'i5.9}«fiirS4ni(inlh» Cf \ Lnndetl J0 contact ihe Twin ■■■■•■'• •CuM.oni ' ^ - plea se a O n ly ^ A * "wiiccK . M g m alls Tim es-News • I- e a t 733-0931. ext. 1 9 9 6 , C h e v ;v y i / * T 4 x 4 :2 0 0 0 P o n t i a c G ir a K d P r k *• 347. orstopby132,3rdo n ' Silverado, Lrodcd, «ni37l H Q ; ” "’" W a : W. Twin F a lim ' 1371) ■ sSE , Sedan 4;D oor. O n ly 40.599,9 9 . W 3 4 8 A ______/ j S S ^ S g B B ^ ■ \N as |C*5iC*5*C / ^^1^^0,488 ^ BUHL 6

■■ 'ib»=ac-im ’" a a rf H H U H Thei T im es-N ew s Is rrently looking ir carriers fo r $II,9M for 72 monlht » M'S- Al'R 4 for I9 3 n d ep e n d en t Chevy Lumini 2 GMC Passenge ftes avallalfle In 1 9 9 7 P on tiac Silver # 2 0 1 7 6 ...... * lel'ge'#2123B...... *3 ie Buhl area.__ ^ AC B o n n e v il l e .;2 0 0 1 O l d s m o bh u ei A u r o r a ' ^ 3 . 9 9 5 SE. SedHn 4 Door. W346AI6A ' ; ' ■ #4229A" A ' ■U. . BROUTE Q l 542 ^ VJas 9 1 Dodge Dyna;^ J .Chevy HD 3/4T"4 x 4 0-800 12th Ave. tfhite;#11 ^ — -.*3 itomatoainbolnga « - noivsparapapor carrlor... )0 C h e v y Lum inei a • ‘91 ( nso call District I Cadillac SedaniDeViile "‘’“1Manager B lue #P3b22B .:....*.* 2 ,2 9 5 • Whi/ h i t e ■0931 oxt. 347M #P3115C.... 2 . 9 9 5 ' $7.9SXfor60monlhi « 9.9% Al'RAl’M 1 ■ o n i y ^ ^ 4 e »J**** i t 9 8 : Pontiac.GranoId Prix ■ - ‘965 Fordf Areostar •FILER (6) ^ ^ 99’‘oiuDSM 0Bni'^ U£Ro 94’porm ciCSUNBIRD ^^JEEPCiLCHAOTCHraOKEE' M aroon #P3086B 5, ; 3»: 3»c * « Sporty. *43I0A * *2,495 .Greireen #P3068B . . * 4 jU t 09,000 Mllos, (43 •OAtOA nurmlnoOoargj.t. »X1X2220 1 . 9 9 5 * * * * 1 6 9 ‘ • ■ $ 1 rim es-N ew s Is 0 6.5%APR IV W T he Tim. 0 9.5% APR I A l l . 0 7.45% APR 17 Buick Centuiyly ‘97 c rently looking r ■ ' 1 9 r 5 'OldsrhbbileCutlitlaSS curre/7; 9 7 ’ N IS ! I" fo r InoIndependent IISSAN PICKUP 9 2 ’ DODGE DAKOTAr A * SSilver #1051 A ...... ■.*•H , 9 9 5 . T a n o . . '. . . . . ^ 5 Grofll TfflnspotflooiI'fltxsn I-Yatoc • »A3I»C . • sn #P3 47B 9 9 9 n e w sspaper p a t carriers S6,87700own th e Flier area, tor 60 mo. r > 1 4 4 - fo r th e ______e 9J% APR 0 9.6%APR HAS'" W y ■m ' W^lklrliking Routes r . ■ i Available

onSSSMm ■ , ■ I Smethhgy rfO q u U TE553 • . - ;. I RUPERT Wm )0 bik Davis Q H E V R < EffiSM fiB llI■ 300-60L■600.Norih.St.______i /‘M a^nglQ oi6od:!Oeats..MMM dMking Good^FHeni > bik Ramsey i d s " . V :.::; b u r l c t I ■ !!n;is678.222l V: HU| S lUPERT IM S pnleda ' aV436*9001 IfyoullvolnVO In this aroa and V ; I ' I |- ■ arolntorcsorostcdlnlMlnga :iM HAMSEni : . ^ KIM HANJ rpapor carrier.... I i s e w L j ;^ ™ 'v»w sa calt DIatriet * L R u p s r c Plaasa c ‘ ^ _ Snoko Rlvo Managetager. 733-0931, . axt:34M .

* * * *

y ■ • • Y ■ It lakes onlyiniy minulo#n 10 placo ■^T0Lt'!m EBaiS»77-: ~ \ your da#8lflaaslflod 04 . . _iho S S ^ S S S S S U roaulia InltoinKoi a bil tonnar. ' V;-- ■ > ^ Friday, Januarlary 4 , 2 0 0 2 ^ m e ^ a w t . TwinT w Falla, Idaho E3

R i J. ■ - y JAL W qIE H i ' ' , • ' -JEROME (6)...... TWIN FALLS (5) BUHL VTWIN FALLS $33,900 C* K 4e 3je :|c a|e * •CMSS/C2-Btoryhomo 3 bdrm., garage. Forlistlng k with 4 bdi/hs, 2 baths, 800-319-3323 ‘ ext..H792a ■q HS original woodwork, ^ — — ftw'nmes^ewals-1$ ------TheTlmea-Newa- JW IN F-ALLS-2a b d r m .^ ^ W C bnlrncts S' Mortooaos. — buiit-inhutchrtfiflrminfl— ' j2M baths, 1520 Maple. 'RUPERTTruate«8at« ' ■ I bumntly lookingg currently has thef . ■ CallDltnraHledCaplUl. w indow soat and more. , $79,500.736-9473< ■ . Par^ri for sa lel 3 7 0 ocri^a ■ I . , - fo r carriers for follow ing 208-734-6727m $89,900CallJIm . - 4/- In Rupert. ID. Bids will ■ •3.10ACReS3bdm.2 TWIN FALLS Close to CSI b Independent Independent motor>r ------draCo------botakenooJan. 16:'02 ■ ■ bath In tho heart ot tho 3 bdrm. 1 bath. Sprinklers, aat 1:30 pm, US Federal ■ l -.Junlor.routeaavallr.il-.. _____ro u teJn Jh e____- -INVESTMEWr CORP.- _ ivalloy.with vaulted.______S89.000,.733-1550B5 ______-Building..Bankruptcy.B ■ ' .. ' a b le In th e Jero m>0 e Twin Falls area. CASH lor Doods'blTnjat, cp|l[ng8andrnorcl r Court, 801 East Shorm an, ■ — M otloBfluswia Ruul Csuiiu — TWiHFALLB Rnnt _g ------6 m . — r — Garden Condo for salo by ~ T ^ oeaiciiff;iD. F6< irtto^ i r — . . M Q T Q R B L m —_ ..Conlrocls. Cat! todoy lor a ...Forrost.Hymas Chapter- — froo, no-oblloation quolo. -Ownorl 2-lovelr2 bdrmr ' B a r k e r i-2.5 balh, 2 car garago, _12Tnj3tee, 208-324-2336. L- ^ tt^u ara Internal^ In . (208)733-3821» Raaltora ( y \ io < ^ o o i%^a v b : w fifoplaca. $75,000. Call r~ Call 543-43711 ■ 734-4187 7 / 732-0232 or k V motor route driver \ ■ I 300^00 3rdAve.W QOODINQ Farm houso £800-707-0817.B | InTwIn Falla pitaae eo/v r • 1 100-400 W.MainSt. 2-ft 7+ acres New sep- '• tact DIatrlet Manager Education . tic/foof/sldino/bosemoni. ^TWIN FALLS (South Park) — 733-0931, e x t 346m BUHL 5 acros b a re land for $80,000. 934-9004J , 1- ; bodnw m . 1 balh, office, "i* '■i I ■ BO U TES26 now carpet & point. housin(j. Excellent hill lop <* ■ : 1.1 100-400 7JhAv9. ^ODUiG_Nej^5lQ(n. _f-EflDCQdLbacKjfd^Vauliod. view. S20.000:733-39S3.B ^ —bulll-S+"2-w/£2t-(frfgr(2- - c 100~‘8WBth-AVB. E: ~ ceilings in ollice & living GOODING GO Best vlow In tho ; • ■yBDO'IOII N. Fillmore whool linos) acros. Vault- rm. n flentod for S400/mo. valloy&privocy.21.acros vt • ® TWIN FALLS (6) PfANO L E S S O N S In my e ' Amy Gibson od coiling, 2 car garage, $34,500. S 9£^733-5949B ol ol pasture, greal lor hors­ p ,. homo. Groat ratesi Coll r ylor ■ new horsa bom. $179,000 =- es or cows with a boauti- ~ ^ ■ ^ C p l d w e j l B a n k ' Karotefl at 208-324-8708J ■ C all 834-& 004JI...... TVTWIN FALLS 1905 vin- ?; I ■ 10^om^B..G^ tago. oxc.’^o n d . 3 bdmi, 2 fulZ 3.000 + sq, ft.’homo. 3 ’* —* r CareyS Adai\d a |n s _ ^ ^ B ------JEROME Beautiful ranch . bath. b Call 208-543-6999* bodroom “{ ■* optional bod/ ------200-300 W. Ave. I The TInjeS'News style itom o, 1 ocro In Bio offico. 3 baths, groat kllch- 900-1200$. LincolnI . currently has the Uttlo Ranchos. Fully land- TVTWIN FALLS 3 bdrm. 2 on or with built In appllancos.- Ave. 'following- ■ scaped, central air, 3 b a th hom o. 1400 sq . It. Musisootoapprocialo. M w/2 cor gorago. g a s hoot, Independent bdrm. 2 balh, Iron! & back Coll 934-&355.B BOUTE639 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ .dock.llvingaroa d 1589sq. 'ccontrol alr& mature ue newspaper routes landscaping, $118,000. HEYBURN " , Fully dovol- ' 100-600 7th Ave. W: ' We are working to J|ft2caroarBgo.53&6386a opod upscale lots tor salo. o n th e W est sid e o f 1930BllterToolbrlvo ^ make our . p Foxbofo subdivisfon, Ro* 100‘6008thAve. W. Twin Falls. THE TIMES NEWS I 734-9559^ or 731-6240.* classifieid section cClaaalfled Departmonl sirictivo covenants. Prico ' Hyou live In M t ama & rWIN FALLS By owner • roducod. Coll 679-0637 /ree o fan y en ’ors. openaata.OOom 'I ...... anIntomBtodlnbolnga M on thru Fri, $79.900.3 bdrm. IHbalh, f= irti, — R o b i n Riedeedel ...... Mwapapor carrier... “ Plegse check...... T ik e C aro ol your _1750 5q,(t.734-<001/5pm -^■ -D en n is R.-Cun1 9 ' ' Ave. VJ. Pleau callDlaMct your a d s first clasBl'fled buslnoss TVy Coldwell Bank —------Manager------Z00-60Qblk.3cd...... rWIN FALLS N.E. localion. B ■^bD RCurtlsCo. day;irrun's. After b e fo re you head to - - ebdnns.3hbaths,jottube ■anker r 733-0931 ext 34BM Avo. \N.' . _ ------yourbuilnosa 3 car garago, outo TW.rWUFALLS-^TIredof tfiaftim eTTie' 'r-20S-733-0931ort.2 sprinklers, s appls.. codar at. ‘ ROUTE 810 atocka?" Chock return Times-News will o r o u r Burley Office dock. Price reduced. on on now 4 plox. Call Chuck ■ Paradise Place Apts. 1-20B-677-4042 $22;225,000/offor. 733-00491 73 TWIN FALLS (7) 600-600 Roso St. N.. not be responsible L. 733-8207.H H for aiiy' mistake's. ' i B o m s m ------The^meaNews ------n o ^ s o c w )------______currently has the ______Ave. N.______following 100 bik Fillmore IT------. - Independent n s T T T i ROUTE 821 /- . j ' . I I ' A Jl newspaper routes ■ 100-700 2nd ----- PUBUCSERVICE on the East side off Avo.Ey MESSAGE • J Twin Falls Soiling property? Don‘4 pay any tOKi until ifs sold. For y : ROUTE 706 900^W a^S!.N Ifoo info/'matlon oboul • 100-400^bbins avolcflng/ilmosharo and I ■ . ^ ■ 200-600 bik Trotter Dr. root osialo scam s, writo 2600-2800 bik to tho Foderal Trade ^ Sagebrush Dr. ' B0UTE876 Commission, Washing- 800 Bik. Briarwood ion, O.C.. 20580,-o r call r A a i o f S ^ y ...... ROUTE 71B 400-500 Btk. Falls W. _tho_t)ai(onQ|.Frai«fr}n(or-. A. ---- '~1100-1400m-AverE7-_ ^^Sj^BjifrMosmaiC- I ----- — 1100-1400 8th Ave.-£r- - _ j.800-876r?Q6QM_.Z__ .j o 1100-14009thAve.S. . f c S 900-1200 Wendell A ^ ROUTE 719 k s 1100-1200blk10lh BOUZE887 ' GUARANTEED Ave. E. ;1000-1 WOWrk Moadoivs a d .. ■ ^ ^ ^ 1100-1200 bik l)th ;1000-1100 Twin Parks Dr Avo. E. Buy the Guaranteed Js' • 1300-1400 bik U you live on tho W o st. package and The W H EN Yr o u O W N ______Ppplar.AvB.______aide d fjw ln Falls & aro ^ A HYUNIDAI, Intfroatod In being a -Tim es News guar- -y- ROUTE 729 lodapendont newspaper anteestosellmer- V ...... "'-TO >U ARE TH 1 carrier... ■' — • ..chandiseor FIEPROUDDTOWNER OF THE ■■ 1100-1200 4th Ave. E. P leiso contact DlatHct . . 1100-14005thAve.'E. automotive items I Managor ■ in 7 days and real H yundai A dviv a n t a g e — l o 1100-1400 6th Ave. E. 733-0931. oxt. 347 U ? : H y 0 Year/ 100,000 'M.^)7e Warranty estate in 15 days 71-' •• w y a r 100,000 miic PiPoivcrtrain Protection • 5 Yew,60,000Yea Mile Bumpcr-to-(iu ROUTE 735 o r w e Will r e r u n .r -Humper Coverage • 5-Yenr UniUnlimited ,Miles 24-Hour i?0!»(tic » ♦ ♦ » ♦ ♦ - 1300-1500blk * the ad an addition- _ likidc A ssistancc'H-iil^ Heyburn Ave. ? al 7 days. There J' 100-500 bik Locust Ave. I is a S3 extra >i charge for the , guaranteed ''*• '• 100-^M ^St.N. "VWANTED soflous pocpio package. Ad§ ------ITOO'ISOO Maplewood------tOY«rtHrom-hofno;— '■ ■• -— may-be^cancelled • 4 j— ^ jSEJS ------U p!oS l500-S6000 + Mo. • . e a rly f o r c u s to m e r PT/FT ■ 400-500 Sophmore St. convenience but >‘r ^ 1-800-835-0301 oxtromocashnow.cohT. the charge will y>,t ROUTE 746 ■ _ remain the same. 1800-2100 bik 4th E Ave.E. ' I . . . 200-500 bik I ' r R P S © ; Momlngslde Dr. I— ------1 Ji- OOMY&SAFE Continental Loans m RO ' lO AIDED B BUHL ■ >!r FT S100-S 900 582,500 o SOOfiSSfSor. Phono oppliCQiions ^ • Rocontly romodolod 3 • 2000-2200 bik wolcomo, L, Close-j-Out Pricee . Giose-O)ut Price ■r Call Today 735^)692. ■ bdrm.° 2 b a lh , ono lovol, jL Elizabeth Blvd. J . on 8th Avonuo North, LOANS S79,900 • 71- ROUTE 761 • 3 bdrm, 2 bath homo, ,,; * 8 1800-2000 bik 9th $100-$750 llfoplaco, (( gardon spaco. ;,9 9 5 ) *13,,9 9 5 Ave. E. CALL TODAY! Convoniont c location on •Lj Stock «1H098 Prico gti CloorLako Road. '• Slock *1H03131 Pfico altor faclory robote •. 1900-2000 bik 7 3 4 -4333 ^ Poplar Ave. — $199,900 • Cuslom-bulll2000sq.ll„ 2 bdmi homo on 9lh too ROUTE 769 1 ol Cloof Lakoo Golf yL 2000-2200 btk I •^oufso. Patio for onlor- B i l l Concordia Way — laining, loyjfic viow. 7h p U b u c s e r v Ic e w/k^ Sc\ o ^ / 500-700 bik MESSAGE Ca Call Johf) Roblrts 543-6339 t X C ? - i f MountalnVlew Dr.. BIq di, profile usually moan q 2000^2100 bik - _ big b risk. Botofo you do nROBERT ' JONES Ti- ^ ^ • OakwoodDr. - " 'b'uslnoss'wilh b a company, ------REALTY” r 20021HYUNDAI SONATA­ 1 •chock II out with (ho Bol- B s m s m tor “ Business Buroau. For 733-0404 L--...... , 1700-1800 Qlondale froo '' Inlormallon about i— ------Ave______ovolding^ [rivntitm»f] t ___— . ■ . scam s, writo lo tho Fodor* :— - : 700-800 Juniper St. • alI Trado.Commlsclon, .] ■ 600-800 Maurice St. W 5 ashingion. D.C., 20580. Read ' The | i 'or call tho National Fraud ROUTE 82B . Informailon h Contor, ■I ‘j . ■ Li ■ w / Rocky M oununiain Gold Packagi g e ■ Uc ^ I S' ' ri00-500blk Adams St. r1-B0O-876-7060.B ^ H y o n ii Pj; C lassifieds * { Smitt D m - ROUTE830 No manor how you epond your 'I Pjrr.v .-iijJ . doys. classlllod ills your 100-500 bik Madison St. busyb 0chodulo. Put clossJ- t - * I ^ow Only ^66,295 I'.- -•'II .M‘Vn-c .,I,,- Vdii. llod's tlmo-»avln8 dlfociory tEvery Day! * ' Sloch #2IT15. Snow m obilog^forfor display only, ROUTE833 of o goods ond sorvicog to ■ . 'W * li.csniij W Ji work (or you loday. - 100-400 Bik. ^ 2 0 0 0 C H E V Y 5 1 0 LSLSEXrCAB4X2vJ/A 'AUTO 1999 DOI '^VICOII]!-.' VanBuren St. _ ODGE RAM 1500I EXTI CAB 4X 4 100-400 Bik. ■ #1268-0NOW ■■■■■•■ ■■514.995 -'i Harrison St. B ------#1098-1 NOVaw ■:.■■•. .$21,9!?95 1998 CHEVROLETr r 1 / 2 T O N Z 7 1 4A X 4 >1------______#OHR09:8NOW ____ ^ 2 0 0 0 C:HEVY3/4T0NCRE H I !EW CAB 4X 4 W /4i ‘ SOO^^iSnSt. I ■ ■■Sl7,995 - 300-600 Meadows Ln. ■ ' 4 5 4 V 8 2000 JEEP W RANNGIER SPORT V6■6 • #1173-1 NOV3 w ...... $ 2 5 , 9595______If you Ilm on tho EAST IIS #1362-0NOW ■ ■ .$18,995 aldo ot Twin Falla S aro I m ------1 9 9 9 G MMC ( SUBURBAN SLIL T 4 X 4 IntaroBtedlntyelngan' Mil ■ ■ i f ___ indppond^jt^papg^ H i 2000 NISSAN XT!T E R R A V 6 carrier.... M 7 ^ 0 7 9 9 5 —__ , , .':#.US7--O.NOViw _.,,._^$25,9-9 3 3 ^ ______'Pleaao oontact DIatrlet M w f^^y^zzzzzi: ______± ( _ _ _ Manager at 733-0931 B ' t n ■ ■ ■ ■ Ti- ^ 0 1 * 3|t * * ♦ * ■ HABLAESPA] /1-. i r : W EsacLAi L N I J X 1 0 7 C i i ^ H V U I I D I 70 BLUE UKIS BL^IVD.N. Youll bo pIsaMfitly #urprl*« H ■ ■ ■ . ■ air>owo«yllli.topl«C(«a ■ & ". " « » ■M 825 • 1-800- r¥nv«jflfys¥f6Stionii dauinod od; Ths co^ li R 0.390-8632 • vn \!t diKlojurej comply wirfi Sfoto 4 F 'low..,tho rosuRi Bro nigh, B E : T R U C ; g : ^ 14 W o ra i regu[Qtioni,-A)l pricoj pi!plui'lax, Kll«'&'Deoler.DbameniatIiind.com -if That'iCtttMinod..733-0031. W 1»»o'j for iilujfrolioo purpojei only.'m ly.^l unit* iiiio c i to prior lolo: SeeS< Dealer b r ilmlled n iatlon-^.------• •

• 'i |/ , 0 ______'-fc'I: E4TInies-New»,TwIniIn Falls. Idaho Friday. Januaiuary,4, 2(»2

Friday, Janlan. 4,2002 FF>L&R2bdrm. I bflih, 'TVTWINFALLa2bdrm. JE JEf H 0H 6 Main Slroot Ofc P O T I >TA T0 g r o u n d for HbRSERSE Nice sorrel mare,, bsml. apt; Ullls. incl. Townhouso. T< F re e cablo. . (Ice/rotall, flc possible living' rentint.550N.1350W.Paul. 4 yrs.,yrs. rides verywel|./ S475/mo.+$300 dop.-No no n< bots, $440/mo.-f dop. ql quarters; 2000'fsq.fl. -43838-8230 or431-S376« $1600SOO.Call734-7127. sm okino/pots. Coll 326- 0011206-736-2838. Ci .©44-1282 .©4 or 326-4092. I T H E 3552or543-8003.1 7^5 E ACES ON BBRIDGE* Bobb,b b y W o llT J FWN FALCS Blue Ukes ^ 6 1 W.2 stall, dbL axle!: GOODING now 2 bdrm, brdm. br All utllltiM fncfud- OfflcckPark.780sq.fi. o f ^ ■ ’4-plox.$450-*-dop.’ 4 . . flc "Eiilte&silvor.$1200/offsr.' - - • a d l $46S. Call 734-5483. LoLow re n t Call 5 4 3 ^ 8 1 « -Please 423 Montana; 736-0322* •fV aase cal 208-82^60721; - i . "Man ia; a gaming animal. He5 NORTH rwiN FALLS New office UTHERN IDAHO 8un\- = = HAZELTON carpotod, ca 3 b d rm . utilities erpastureforlSOcows. ^ • m ust be all 5 'Space for rqm,S550rtno. Sf[ always trying to get the3 ♦ J 8 7 6 5 iNow taking applications: ‘ ' pold. ps SSSO^lo. 324-3317. 5® • v ■ better tn sot V- • V IO 4 560 Filer ATO..736-8747. something orother.” Syrlngo Estaiei. ' rWiN FALLS Fresh & r= - - ...... ^CharlesLamb1 ■ : ____ J,6 _ - . 1 bdrm. apts. Quiot & well. beautiful he 2 bdm i. Now In-- k • * K Q 8 3 ;■ maii^inodforthookJerty sido .|, & out. Energy effi- ILDING 20“ fl.X 30 It. ' ., 62yra,.ofagooroWor.;.. ...(^ sel frsmftrW e erect.- ...... X- ' •dent, pffvoto-rd.'Cofport.- ■ WEST. EAS' \ST ...... Handicappod/Dlsablod $4 S00.COII423-S212.B. ' ' I n a t e a S4754d. 2200 hts.‘P6wored] ; ♦ K 10 7 ♦ 9 i 9 5 4 .3 Handicap Accossiblo. rago, S S35a/mo.+dop. Call 375>75 sq.fL& up Klmborly Rd E J. One South 1 208-324-3280, e v e n in g s* 200( 8V 92 Detroit. Would- th succeeded; the otherr ♦ J 6 2 ♦ A A 10 9 . Equal Housing J? >0O0l^.ft.Shop/in3ulaled k s i exc. back up for dairy. J didn’t. Whfi/hat did the successful O pportunltyJi . ‘ TWIIWIN F a L ls U rg o Clean .•‘OWIOOOsq.fLOffk»/Shop * SOUTH a auto Stan when e lo c-' ; South do,, anand w hy did h e do it? JEROME 2 & 3 bedrooms, 1 bdrm. opt. Water 4 gas ^WOOsq-ft W arehouse. • :ity g o e s.o u L .H o u se d i__ ------:------♦-A-K-Q.10.. OTO^.ILOIIMShop------P i i H :h' t'ablesrW esf Ie d th e " -Nico&ctoan.$450&$570;- -pd.-No-pets/smoklnor n oise reduc1lfln; CollJ ' -WDr334-6499-420-40HT- -S 3 St’EgO'gioe.i ------— ------h ea rt’ kliiggfiH a -dcontinued w ith his ' ow rafanSop^ lier, sewer & garbage. !______^______^ .:iiJEROME Luxurioijs 2 bdrm TWrwiNFALLSLuxury 'K —-— ...... - ace,-forcingJig South-to ruff.-Xyga------...... g a m e w h e nen the diam ond finiesse Now2&3bodroomApis.Ne deposit. 377 MomingsldB hHighland | Avs. East. a ; l o s t =or February 1st Occupancy Dr. Unit « 3. Call T rocey 5000 sO sq. ft. of storago A dvertisem “ thactoCTOR 90tTFord. Nice. BID WITH THE ACE:e e s • 736-8503 o r 731-2433. n r In the re]replay, the play to the area. 800 sq. (I. of t h e • •.‘‘S HHP,3pt. P , PTO. now offlco spaco. Fenced In Jp$4450.B70-1922.B first four tr M H • *L Luxury 1 ,2& 3 bdmi TWIIWIN FALLS Nico 1 bdrm. off • tricks w as tlie sam e, • R inoss Conlor w/stovo w/£ & refrigerator. ariaroa with additional S e r v i c e ^ H owever,t S(South concerned him- — ■ »C•C om puter Conlor $275. $27 CaII208-734-5325» ststorage'spaceon Directory ^ 705^ ■ ;...... self.with thethc pD ssibleduLfltlou- uL-t .... . ‘• FFroo VIdoo Library , 'T WWIN I FALLS Nico clean.- .porlmolor.ol building; . 700 ------A -J-8-7 C 5-- 93r0931:extr2- *131 two m issingng key cards — the club a -S• Swimming Pool studio, s t i $295, sll ulll; ■asphalted oxlorior. ¥10.4....'... • *V• W asher/Dryor incl, lnc Immediate occpancy, ace and thehe diam ond king..Surely Included. Call 734-5483. [f" ERRIGKTS-SHARES • *C• Conlral Hoat & Air S1600,00 por month. ADVANCED * d S 1 ♦ J 6 W INFALLSaullll ry-farm-comrfiorcial. East had1 oneo of them , but he ' Call 734-1906 or 534- C + K Q 8 3 • Enclosed Garogos e„icul-do-sac. 3 bdrm. AU CONSIGNMENT 5 r ,io’ or r iSell. 825-S 6 1 7 J 3324 ask for R ollandB Tuei couldn’t havilave both (W est's open- Avallablo ippliancos incl. $540/m o. _ josday, January 8. - - . i n g b i d ) _____ North _ S o u th ____ I 200I headhi of Stock cows, .k . f S400 dop. 8 ^ 1 4 8 » - -fwii:WIN FALLS S hop. 211 , Chdi ' i ¥ ■ T a ' ■ • 651 S nm lbga D r lolQO Sloors/Hoifers: ^7 0 3 J T o c i n c:h h i:his gam e, South led a • 735-1600 TWIIWIN FALLS Sppclous W .;Addison. Now ovail. 150I hihoad of 500-700 Jbs. ^ M _ 2 * _ _ ? . _ •, _____ ....-^ilow -diam oniond tow ard dum m y-’s- - ______'....•I :i8 0 0 sq . fl.) Clean______S25(S250a/mo. 3 4 4 -6 8 8 9 ,■ - jOOhiI heocfof 400-500 lbs: ------, ------^jack at-trick-Jik-five.-W est-had-to-take— J,b11 balos, good clean 21%... 1671( RFV . All big • t r i c k . . iiLuiiiicd tiiVckijK' Ior wTnfaT ls 2bdmi.du- eoiJ)1 Main E ast 1 bodroom, 777= = so hay. 25 toiis of bales.s. GGood hayl Ploaso plex with carport. $475 + 1 hat vzelto n /b u r l e y J o(*: B etter to0 losel( an overtrick tlian .. Coryri*! 2od, $1500. Call-487- Exc.. qi q u a l i t y ^ c o n d . Ulllillos Paid 7 loat/wator included.. tvorywtwiol733-093t. 20199or731-9159,B c Covered,)rcd.Ca1154^065B. TWIN FALLS Very cioan & J Ipstairs loft. S p a c io u s, , RLER Nico Cloan 2 bdrm. TWIN TW FALLS 3 bdrm, 2 ^ — 7 3 ^ 3 3 4 ------* • ~riic6n4-trrwitio.“^ d rm r- ~—t-Datrrrwnjjrstoragcnsr --b-aJhTreoo-wrtrsfwT b i ppiirrACrS350.-&-$300r ■ — ______. !. _wofkahop..^S25+S300.. _S7_S700mo_Ca!123I.-07a2JI. (VIN FALLS Clean, culo NEWiW Carp^PaJm^Upz.. ____ I - socurilyj^op. 326-4581M 'P d rm T G 'a 's tr o iiT N o ' “ faintaire 3 bdmi In 4-plex off ____ T-WJN-FALLS-3 bdrm:-l- -pot)ols/3moklng.-S385/mo'+— sitoi: HAGERMAN ' IroOlparklngTW/D'hook------____sh^,_stovo & rolrlg. G os _ balh. spacious yd, S675- SotJop734-2822pr73I-4256 up./ 3.000 sq.tl. bidg across p. Appls. $525.00 mo, ^ - Rlmace & W/D'Rookups. i 2V4 balh, + ollico, 2 ,6lor* . •►dop.*0 Call 733-6663.B ' 5:77;^ Jfom high school & bo- wIn f a l Ls ^ C oirnor rn Lot. Extremely ■ J. S7B00. Call 733-9259iM ‘ nge rooms. Largo'family fw j Iwoon VFW Hall & Nai'l TWIN FALLS 3 'bdrm'. 1« ajto, cloan 1 bodroom. spacDBCious. Older 6 bdrm, 2 ■ & living rooms, open kllch- balh, ^ a counity. 2 car ga- 1 h' Park Sorvico. Bidg In oxc. bom. S450 + S3OT dop. ’I ■ bath, no appls, W/0 ^ rage, largo yard, oil hoat. M|;i ook-up. Gas.hoat. dbi iSIFIEEft condilion, S120.000 Soli- Jlil. lunrished, incl. cable. I S 625 + S400 doposil. arago. fenced back yard.*' Of carry wilfi S20K down. on & dining area w/pano- q . .ease & rei. required. • 9°?^ . e. t P i a aJ e: 3668 N. 2800 E. Call 733 prinkler sysiom . Outside ramie ylows. Nowly ro- «6 ’33-0139or420-8935 Sprir W RIGHT REALTY wookdayB208-393-2051. 31 possible. $750 morilh ______Hagorman.lO______modolcd throughout, on 3 36 TO FALLS ------! I J i l i ' i acres. 2 car garano, + out rWtN we FALLS-3-bdrmsrno- '\/o n ' FAX fry cloon, luxury 2"5clfm. in ror g ft ^ ’ bdrm unit on quiot "•~Please"pri'ntTleafarly^thliafl^e'nril'of“or p en “i 837-4700 bldgs,S1400 +deposit. —pots,S575,1202WiImore, 1 h b a th w ith e x tra s . No rtfel, w ater included, olf Cali'324:6620H------^WColl t 736-0042,1 imoklng/pois. ,1m $495/mo, -|,no TWIN FALLS For salo or root parking, $350.00 • A pproxim ately 232. spaces'including bla:blank ' rWIN FALLS 4 bodroom Cal;all735-0473« . th S . loaso bidg. 1440 sq. (i. YOUR 0JEROME 1 bdrm. S350 EMGMT 733^)739 mobilo home. 217 Sidney. t w T spaces. 620 Main /\vo. N. Groot 210 3rd Ave. East. VIN FALLS S250 o/f F = Call 736-0322. ^WI$550, Call 733-9658 ■ pir.■Irstmo. Clean.2bdrm. K ent (or olfTco or destination • We will notify yo'OU if th ere is a specialal ggoing ' lypo business. Currontly: AD JEROME , 2 bdrm. l balh. rWlN '?2i FALLS 1 balh.bi S525 + doposil, " is a variety storo, Avail, in1 TIMES-NEWS utility room upstairs, lull >11 4th Avo. N. 2 bodroom InclKludes alt oppls. & W/D m tk J on which mightc iresult in a"^counteded price Ja n . Soil 539,500. (8olow' CLASSIFIED basomont unlinishod. TWI1 bath, SSBO + doposil. 733-2983 73 or 734-8674. SOME Holiday Motel a ssessed valued).' Loaso SSOO monlh + S300 dop. 510 511 3rd. SL N. 1 bodroom TWiFVIN FALLS Unde • 3 line minimum.- ; DEPARTMENT nder now managem ent. I - Private Party O nIy_^______^ S425/fno. Call 734-4100. No pets. Coll 324-9638,« 1 balh.^ $ 350-t-deposit. « (- lico^clean, comlorlablo . • 208-734-5538 j Jo ro m o 520W . G. SL FALLS APTS.* TWIN FALLS . on. JEROME 3 bdrm, 2 balh. rooms. 401 W. Main. ■ ■ no pots/smoking. In coun- 2 bedroom. 1 balh. 1,2,12.3 Bdritis. $335-495 324-2361 .■ > B S f PROFESSIONAL OFRCE 5 500-t-doposil. Somm o D W S W /p hookups. = — 208-677-4543 liy.S600tdop,324-21S4« CENTER DIRECTLY r BRAWLEY REALTY Spacious S| ond cloan. TW'"'IN FALLS $120/woek ■■■ ; (BURLEa;)^— ^ ______A.CflOSSFI?OM-CSI_* I ^ R O M E 3 bdmi, 2 baths; ______^73_4-5B58 _No.cotaJ34i6600 ^ ______iLporsoff. " Capri Motel, • v T ,, Approx. 2000 sqli, highly I ^ ^ o b i l o homo. No pots, B —CallT33i5452r7^^ ^mber-of-E)avs^3-lil i n e r C o s t ^ ■w Tn FALLS 0 bdrm. Top f W t visible. aVoil. 1/14/02. | Lono term S525/ mo. + VTN FALLS -/V«»-3 = 5;^ oroa; sprinklors, liro bdrdrm ,2 bain.floro(jo.pa. IN FALLS S9SM oek , Lease ralo S2500 por mo. e -dop 524:B503ora3:a332~ ^ 9 mo, microwave, .■■3 days...... alarm,rent/soll.733-l359. tio,0 , s e i l - c l o o n o v e n , Quht...... $16.70 (idxos S insuranco paid). JEROME 3 bodroom In ore Irig. & utils. lnd.735-J98a . _ Cairj, Francis Rorenco •WIN FALLSCutol bdrm. )(rig„ OW, W /0 hook-up, !2‘1 ' ■ BUHL 2 bodroom. 1 bath. . country. I ^25+dop, Call alai IN FALLS Motol - Daily/ 4r-7 - 7 days...... • 260-5800. hStiso. Cloon, W/D hook- *C. ^ ModelOpon4ih& TWINI ...... $23.80 mobilo homo, no pots. _324-3430'or420-1669.B yyyj] snoro. S550 & up. Chuck wookljekly ratos •A lfordable* W e s to rra J up s, S385/mo,*S250,dep, Loi' Long lomi loaso. JEROME Ji Paradise Drive. 656 h^ Bluo Lakos. Nathan ^^333-8207 or 734-4012.* ,Cloanja n » Quiet •Friendly* 8-1.t-15 days...... $42.00 R e a l E s ta te G ro u p ^S425/mo, + dop. 543-8342 : ! Klmborly Rd, 733-8620 3 bodroom. 2 balh. 1 car 734-6230 ups allor5:OOp,m.B T w»IN T FA1.LS 1 bdrm...... 7 33 -7 6 5 3 garago. Laundry hookup. 65C BUHL 2 bedroom s, S425 + ' ! ■WIN FALLS RocttCrook “POiDonmenl, $350 month TWJf^JN FALLS Rooms, 16-.6-30 d a V ...... $78.50 Ploaso can 208-324-3733B 734 dop. Ploaso call 733-49S2 J Canyon 2 bdrm. S425 . • Call734-e9S6.B' S90/^lO/weok, microwavo, frig. Utilities pd. Cable ' (Includes MagicValum&8pm543-6971.B J | _ 411 18lhSl.Hoybum;iD------i 423-9222 or 736-^048,B C — 2baih,doublowido. Good §i TWIN S29.900. Brockman's----- _I IN FALLS 2 bedrooms, f ileER r 2 bdrm. 2 bath, I area, S475/mo. No pots, t WIN FALLS* small, cloari 1 bbalh. t W/0 hookup, S425^ 800-97e-J380------FlRols.roq.32S-5887« 1 ^bath, S600/mo. + doposil, 25/mo.+S300 dop. No I ~ ~~ ~ ~ — T-.-r------Cnshlonloublo-wlBog------1 Call 886-2007H quiot.api)rtmcnU..Somo— imc-appls_S4ZS/mo.4___ smokfiokmg/potsrAvail.—Ja n r ' Jtils Incl. Call 733-9199.- S25CISO dop. No pels. Call igi 3; FILER Cule/quainl country SHOSHONEs t Luxurloua JZ ic . 326-3552/543-8D03B | — RUPERT N ashua ’02 14 x —homorVerylargoTBdnn.,— 543-13-8277. Iv. m ossago.B 1\iTl»b7*2'btffmrGoroge. utils IR 3 bdrm. 2 bath dou- h S S S 70. w/tlpout, Gas hoat & with | cem ent basom oni lor s TWININ.FALLS 3 bdrm, l l i -hlnwl! , appliances, wood stove, i S600 or soil. 733-1359. iwlde, all applsrincl." storago. Appls., W/D Ty ^ ,/r;itV-^iiirjl|^llR4 balhilhiownhouse.allappis,' PonC'need yd. No smok- S13.500/olfor 431.9C07* khook-ups. walor Included, TWINFALLS • , Clean. k^ ' . ^ 1 — — W/DID hookups, foncod ina/oo r bdrm . All ulllillos paid. /pets^575/mo,+S300- - -R^un-my^n-dassifTcnrioi u t O i i ’^’ for da y ~ Oulsfdo polo OK. S400. , iJHL ! yard,rd.nTpols.'w95*dop.- - f f3, iCall 208-733-380BB KIMBERLY Vory quIol =S345. Call 208-324-3317. 1 ^> bdm i Api; ^3 0 /m o . Jononeono 208-734-6447.■ =17— ER 3 bdrm. 2 bath-. Am\m ount Enclosed $_J___ street, nico 2 bdrm. trailer. “TWINFALLS ' ■ guHi2 bdrm Api. S450/mo. TWirSTn f a lls 3 bdrm. 2 Lg. loncod yard, now 1 ^ bdrm homo S440/mo, >lollowa^P^o^Mgmt. t balh, r5/mo.*dep. No smok- Ih. 3250 N 2300 E. «D ^n/oo^pets. Call 326-3552 or UDr r ^ charge my ad to; stove, W/D liook-up, 3 bdrm homo SBOO 2 b «C.6 m is ,S .o lth 6 Filor groenhouso. Lots ol stor- Hallowa^ProfMjty . Mgmt. Hollc i-6003.B______p . , U H L2 bdnn. apt. avail." H iglgh School. Opon lo • . Qgo,oulsldopotOK,S425 _ D Visa □ Mastercard □I Am> erican Express. □ DiDiscover R ont based on Income. )klS5OO/rrK3.733-0091« )DING 4 mllos North. tw in FALLS Privato TWINFALLS TV 3 bedroom. gUHi Irm. W/D room, S35(y. Call 543-8833,. TWINFn FALLS V------' “ "r, -redit Card Number, ___ w/alloy accoss. Smdll 1 22 bath. S550/mo. + $400 por . Incl. powor. S300 m ?ual Housing Opportunity. 640 MonrooM 2 bodroom. rtnn' c ' \ EQUAL HOUSINQ . libdrm., houso. appls., gas cleaning c dop. First ).Call2O8-0B6-2O95,B’ hoal, wator/sanltation p JH L 3 bdrm. l bath liko ^ ballath w/covored parlting. ___ i— bcpiration Date______1 _ OPPORTUNITY O' payment. No pots, rofs. Equal ELTON Nico 2 bdrm. . indudod. S375,00 mo. r< lowr, $600 + S3P0 dop. !rago.'W95 + doposil. HAZEL' roq. Available Jan. 1st. =77777 ve & rolrlg, furnished. .x j_ _ O 'L oary/Sawtooth district. 127 Clear Lakes Rd. No ailablo l-jO-02 Stovo lanTc ______' . . S.rSS.'W JgS y 734-4101 altor2pm.B ^UHt A ''3 D hookup, all oloct. Uw Fair Hdualnp Ael cSmall 3 bdrm. w/lg. loncod f y lots/smoking, 326-4477. 11 S. Washington #5 ^/D h mike* R n»gal Te wSrwilM Jl rWIN FALLS Culo 2 So? l5/mo. Oep. & rofs. No . , 1 yard. Stove/no rolrig.,Sin- icm .lW balh, largo unit »325/n iddrcss . . bdrm., stovo, rofrig. Nico nnis,JRLEY Cloan 1 bdrm. S450.>0-» deposit. Pots.CJ.Call208-829-590fl,« ffisrsss'K sr.”: gle garage. 1 ^ balh. new |(. raeo. color, religion, lax, tj location. Gas heat. W/0 —!275.2___ bdmi, §300. Sub- 629I ParodlsoP. Ploco nico JEROM3ME Rural, dbi. wide Citv carpot/paint. S800.00 j., :idy avallablo,. EHO Call 2 bdr ”ity/Statc/Zip______' tundicap. lamuiar*utM. or South h ol Town Oldor 3 hookup. No pol3.$475/mo idrm., 2 bath wllh all 3bdrm,rm, 2 bath. Now carpot " nBilonat orlQln. er in " +.S300 deposit. Call aller S27.178-7438 or 878-3337« . oDOlli bdrm.,no appls. W/0 e. pllancos.-$575 + dop, garogo,go, oppls. Incl. $550 + ' p h o in e N u m b e r ______ihook-up. Largo lot. gas ^6;00 p.m, 734-4660,B sidyJRLEYQulel, cute and ' BR-IRAWLEY REALTY . . dop.I.S39-7388B S: ■ ■ dlierlmlnailon.' FimlJlai whoat. oulsido pois OK. TWINFALLS 7” Culocottano . 1.» z y . 1 & 2 bdrms. Groat 734-5058 f •t«tut Includai efilldian V under Iho age of la iMng ®S525. 1 1J bdrm. W/0 hookup. Gas -BUni-location en end ol Yalo TWINNFALLSArrrac(/vo2 ken? m wilt) paranti or legal W b olklngOlstoncflto hoat. No smoking. $425 cozyAvo. Call 670-0320 . bdmirm. brick duplex, , w»«o*an; pmgnani mmen Cschools/shopping. Lg, 3 dop,734-2822-731'-4256 • 'o"Starling-S250,B bath,Ith, oppls. AC, paraao. S ? d S lS ? iJS ri? * ‘^ THbdrm, paillolly loncod yrd. TWINVN FALLS 1 bdmi. S350 ^ no pots, loaso/. . gREAT r & l o c a t i o n ! G as hoal. pels OK. S575, •, + ' S500/mo,+dep. -riuo ------Triirnaw ipipafw lirnol' 'GC ■. * dop. ulila. Incl. 761 Main' - _:ourtAjDLnow.lakingop- - _ ' u o ta k o s a n d Filer— ^ knowlngl)' accept any THEMGMT n' 733-0739 Avo. A' W. No pots 328-4477; licotlons for our now ••Call733-0707.B~"~" C ” Olfico-Rotali ■dvertliino (or real atiaie h, malting list, |ow incom e, TWIN' GOODING 4'bdrm; lots o r TWIN TW FALLS 2 bdrm. 150 N, FALLS Cloan, sp'o: 700Sq.Ft.-2000Sq.Fl. Sq whleliliinv(ot»Uonoftl>«- ^ onior8,.and/of.handl- . clous •In'. Our rM ten a n h*rMy storage. S S600/S500. 2 Madison, M S500.- No pbts ’ us-t,2 & 3 bdrm.-apts.' ' Hammi appod ordlsablod. Clean . Covovobd parking, oxtra 734-43% 9or^2?7^8B Infonmed mat afl jtweiungk bdrm, S; 1 bam . S375. $450/. .7:a.«s5a..,73i.234g..’ 7: S' -•tfwtl*adlnt»art«w(paMr rmS400; 1 bdrm, 1 baih,- fvv ulot, Qlco nolghborhood. slorairago, groat location & TWIKTR I- ' ar* avallabi* dn an «qual HE Twlf< FALLS 2 bedroom capp maxs—-— ^ S32^S400. ,539-0805: tl ■tOYO, rolrlg, AC. furnish- wamirm friendly otmosphon) N ow offlco of spacos dn n e s 1 bath, S375/mo.+S300 quiold . in c o m e do'torm lnos CallII fFownbnjok Apts, for primo : H fcViuRN.3 M n n .i Balh, dc 10 E astland property H e dop. Call 208-734-0251 ,■ StOYijnt.'.Sm all pota/smoklrig 'd o taltails 073V1600or undor ramJlyropnjvoxorclBO. TVJ lor construction. . 0e9-»777. ThirToll-rrea -Ol iK. 1446 Calllornla S t. stopp Iby our olllco to soo Rosorvervo your space now lelaphona number (or th* : a,roorrf. q iitsld o s to rd g o ,, b be o th , fro sh p a in l. ro w ront.'.iooding. For appl. call youi - ll t-800- . .olocii^pheat.;qulo1cul^&- cq . u r n o w a p t . 1 6 4 7 , by callifiling Gary Thietton. cqrpot. $650 +$350 so-' OK.34-4986. Equal Housing ' Fawnwrrbrook Avo. EHO, at 734'34-4061 or Ooug ItmesdNe 8ad,;.'S550/mo. plus -cu curlty doposil. 732-5313 Gootipporlunlty. • Hanpliplcappod Accossiblo. ' simn nd d a l 734-5163. dapbelt. No smoking or OR 01 734-2273 wookonds 934-^ pot3.Cair.7a3-2991B • .- . andan aftor 6pm Mary. Oppc . !. * . / O . ' “v ” '■f' ■ - Friday, Janiiai^,'2(>02. TIinoi^N WB,'TwTwin Falls* (ifaho'W

^____ \'bf'4itms) : -

» - ' . ■ « Call 733-009^1 Ext.2 01or 677-4042 ' ; .. ( g

HAY 225 ton 2nd-1lonion FREEMAN 5300 Big Balo J o r ------^------1 ID R ESSER , small 6-drawor CRAFTERS 1 Display racks JACK J / RUSSEL TERRI­ bales. S110 por ion. No Stackors-Cummlnsw/T/A. dresser wllh attached • forcraltshowsFORSALE ERS E Now Yoar compani- •SAVE-ON-SHELLS ‘ raln.421>fl69a>543-5923.B3A AC, Allison Aulo. 199797 Please check your mirror Qnd m atching MOTORHOMES* 01 Wood Hollow. • . ons. 0 Tollo dockod, lop . USED SHELLS k g Savel Savol Sovol — MAy.eo ton. lai and 2nd . .w/3415 hrs. 1998 w/2997 bookcasfi $40. Small 4 0 to choose (rom - a d ^ o r c o r r e c tn e s s ■ 578 Blue Ukos. - - -q quality. Going fast.-S240: VB07-^'1986 Eldorado ■ — crop, email baIoa^SIO.0IQO hrs. Coll (20B)324-7148* white bookcase S10. 1 Stylos, sizes, colors. • . DISH NETWORK Sololllto S290,f, call today. Related Enc^24-ClassA ponon. coiuse-sgseii'■C JIF F Y *91 F o ra g o C a^ r t r . _ D H .ltie J ir s L d a y .it------Call-733-5043-afler6pmr big tnjcks..small.tnjcks. _ J — system, over 100 chan- -10 _ Wishbono. 826-5072.B - W ^lotortioitw Now S7.767 sido discharge, pintlo- VoryrDasonabk).67&0103B -MOTORHOMES- , ^oto MAY 72 Ion, 2nd cul,*’small lo- runs, as the ljmes- _ nob (Of $9 mo. 420-6393J LABS L# AKC rogislorod ^ Savel Savol Save! GAR^IARY’S FfflEWAY RV ^lOB. 200-326-4270,“I or •hllehr2-speedrunloadr •MATTRESS Full'stzo h o to f a News is nol respon- ' e v e r y t h in g “E‘puppios'.'T w K sroidr 'A02-2 - 199S Ausiin 22-' "•'BOO-J100-826-5336-733-6756 ' 731-0741.1 Call(20B)^^714fla rotum s. SlOOa'sol. Call ABSOLirTELY FREEII Chocolalo,black g & yellow. ^ C lass C Molortiomo a sible for.errors after 734-8B81. J -HAY-AltaKafoodorSdairy. - Comeras,-watcho9 a oven Parentsu on sita. Call ^ .ow MilosI Now $8,888 No manorman how you spend • 1, ton balos, dollvorod in I . th e first d a y . ^M ISCELUNEOUS m atch­ froo vacailons. Visit ' _324-5651 l or734-1614.B ■ iARY'S FREEWAY RV days,lays, classifiod Ms your Imck load lots. Call 845- ing (ovo seal and sofa, http:/rty.(rooblvd.comB ROTTWEILER RC pupplos. • ------1-8DI — )D0-B26-5336 - 733-6756 busyolid wood vanity w/mirrof r t h e • • — Full Sots S123.00------^ 7-750 torago h a rv o siar, ond bonch. Coll 733-3634. 055 Cummins, 5 tonI; S e r v i c e Wholosalo Plus M SIDEWALK STONE a x i6, ^ 2263 Wright Avo. ■BURN BARRELS S10. oa. roso « colored. S100 for all. ITANTED 18* wide gos containor. Corn & hoy'y Directory ran g o /c o o k slo v e . J^lso hoQds. Porlocl/dlroct Twin Falls or735-1091. g2-Wood t i garago doors 9x7, Ploase Pi can 208-733.t»ll,VI,H/[,i:/C 3.A/I.A/(,C/C !★ *■*■★★★★★ H:*| , g- /ANTED 1949-1955 L I___ #IO<2B,3SIV-B,W Chovrolot pick up. In run' )RUMSSot, Poarl,9ploco ning condlllon. 423-6291. wiih double kick, sivlor, WArWANTED 6 or 8 units of T } B U S I N E S ^ S550. Call 733-3085.B boltbolt-on Dom DIkkors (tho JUiTARS Gibson old stylo, ismallor/shortor " ’.! version). ilSlSERVlCE excollonl condlllon. Call 326-4872 oyonings.. p m E c ----- C01I324-8591.B------WA^'ANTED-Cassotlo-Japo- sorlsorlos of tho Old Testa- morTionl. Call 934-4255 MOVING-MUST SELL! uTam "96"CHEVYmONTEaii\RtO "Or'GMCSIERI IE R R A 4 X 4 ANTED Coll handguns; n6Ba,A/r,»/C,[/[,LtollmSci ,A/I,VotlctV'8 • -Mint condition, anllquo p*ylhon. „ , Anaconda. l- Sem «I200B, l/?Toii,AA, oak piano wllh bonch. nim r CLEANING I r Dlamondback. 731-5081 FT |A-COUS-TI-CAL| PAINTfNG & ^ and light. $ 1600. lays, 733-4479 eves. f . S E R V I C E Call Art at 733-2148 B & D R Y W A L L F h a N D Y M A N I D R Y W A L L ^« « » # « « « « « « » WANANTED Cotton fabric & g * OflO)rlonial docorations/art. E COUNTRY CLEANERS B O B S tB E S T KELLYS HOM£ L U P H E R ^ Wor(Vomen's plus sizo cloth- g Buslnossos, rosldonilal. ng Good pond. 324-4111 H D R Y vi?V L L . consirucllon cloan up. REPAIR & REMODEL PAINTING, INC. m Custom Toxtufos . Spoclalizo In carpol Pointing,I Romodoling, ' ■ ANTED Hlghosl prices B 731-07C6 (TF) Toxturlng a Diywall )Old for old m ilitary uni- ^ cleaning. Froo osllmat- IRDS African Gray, baby 678-0991 (Burloy) Flols. 20 yrs. oxp. Froo osllmalosl i o orms. Insignia, medals, os. Bonded & Insured. 5829:Sovoro Macaw "99" SUBARU lEGSCYWIVGN "99"^iuBARU 0 Insured • Ffoo Estlmalos (208)732-0739 Coll Bill O-(2O0) locumonts. Flight & flold Jorom o 324-3299 5879. Both tamo & talking 324-3475 o r (208) lOor. Paul: 733-1691. I_ ___ ■ «0»t.AWD,AA.<>AVCC/C ■nlmal Country 733-4500. 727-1267 011. ANTED O ld g o s p u m p s ^ AUTO PARTS I r HAULING I L ------BULULL MASTIFF 1 yoar old oir r agoa sta tio n Item s. t awn fomolo. Lovos 1 EIVIPLOYMENT PROPERTY I Top money paid. K Bost Prlco & Solocllon jooplol S3S0. 324-4274. Tony Tn 208-666-0274: ■ Coll Ua & Comparo SERVICES SA N D & GRAVEL MAim^NANCE ^ HIHUAHUA VVANANTED Old Playboy g Magic Valley ll wook old fomolo. Brown niatj Tomporqty-PeiTTianonI JORGENSEN logazinos. 1950's&60's F A u lo P a r t s Nood omployoos? ' •837-4532 & lan. Boaullful puppyl Writoim, to Box 99309, P 226 Main Avo. North ENTERPRISES S200.COII432-6114.B’ S' Nood a job? 734-9274/308-0355 • _ ■ Timos-News, Box 548. - 733-3308 PERSONNEL PLUS \ Proporty moint. & repair, CHliHIHUAHUA 4 pupplos. Twinwin Falls, ID. 83303 '“99"fORD7-250TuP£R DITlUn "98" CHEVY MA plumbing, painting, co£a s h only no chotksl Wa\NTED n i to trade, brand 733-7300 o r 678-4040 ' Pro «OSSft,DitMl,ff[frfi Qmnll I lEE Adult (omaio indoor ?3-1322 or 733-9688. B froo osilmalol momborship, Intorloi^ & Extorlor PROFESSIONAL at. Doclawod & spayod. k Bluoprlnl copios. 732-5618 o r 731-6089 ROORNG& COATINGS ooking for o good Ifome. ^ 82) "97" DODGE DAKOTA 4X "00" SUBARU 01 734-PMN (7526) L *539-2736* ^ :all 326-5047______m j ^ ____ Commorclol. RC rosldontlol. #2046B,Ex.Gib.A/CC/C,A/I #20i?A, UmilcJ, Suiuoof,«f, leolher,b Sipd •_ .B uildup rool3._Minor_ ^ R ElEE I Fomalos, Black Lab rij h n r I “FURNACEr I ' loaks ropolriid In 24 hrs. als HOME REPAIRS ilso 0 DalmatiaiyBoftior c , .EA^MARKET Twin 733-7221 o r 326-5857 Collollio X. Bolh oro 4 yrs. =3,7/ 1 HEATING lot Ills County Fairgrounds I C A R P E N T R Y I ^ Old,Id. spayod. Good with i-n TONY'S HOME 73: in.5th & 6lh. Froo ^ ds. call 734-0396. • SAWTOOTH p REPAIRS ' = Imlaslon. Vendors call 1^ MAGIC TOUCH Faucota, dry wall, etc. I ROOFING | E E Kittens. 1 long holr, 532--!12-4439. Drop box for ■ ' For All Youf Homo ^ . SHEET METAL palming, ronlolcloonups, Roasonablo ^ ratosl 1 short hair, box iralnod. eyee glasses.g |j| ImlJrovomonls -Hoalln5j/AC Rofrigoratfon Wo do wont you can't Froo ost. Financing. oil 670-g979.- — : NOJOB TO SMALL Commorclol and *— -TWINFALLS' fl do. Tony-734-3322 - n• ' .737-0000 FR EIEE Male Jock Russol FAIF 736-7404 o r 260-1661 rosldonilal ------T ------AIRGROUNDS Nood 1 orrler 2 H yoars old, somr Ask for Lou L (208)733-8548 I — REMODELING Jor Jmolhing to d o ? Com e "94" LEXUS IS400 "96" SUBARU lEGAEGACYWGH Plaris Availablo | - )uso trained, good wllh ' loth') the indoor F iler R eo ■ #IIMA,AAVI.XtaferSiiiu«il od homo. Dumpod olf ^ g n i Docks, foncos. windows, BENEREL’S HOME Rosldonilal ond F • onI Chrfslmas,C 3 fat, llltle ^ i doors, Inlorior palnlfnn. CARE | Commorclol small romodols. . Romodols, drywoll. lilo, J o h n 's Shorponing blac]J c H U b X puppies. Salos ond Son/lco Sorvico ___ Call 73^-0762. T R ^ . Froo ostfmatos F poinling 4 carponlry. j o < kCTORS 4x4 com pact ^ Baseline Doors Inc. ' 20.yrs oxp. Froo Complete sharpening. f r e I ilosol. Snow blow er ^ 'C all Chuck Rooors _____20W 3Br4MO______= EE spayed fomolo - -;:^S27t-om i?139p • t l Esilmalos. . Carblda-A Cor 6tool-6aw9i------vvotofm aninorr4‘yr

V '; '7 ■ . >...... ■ ' ' . y 4 • E6TIm^N6W s,‘^]nWin Falli, Idaho F rld ^, Januit u a r y 4 , l ^

vaa* End cici l a a r a n c a ‘‘ ■ ■ "•'cR E E M lb E c o u r t ” n" SNOWBLOWER blows 2 FORD'SS F-150. >4 ton- I QM C'0 8 1500 Blazer. AC, -n< , Mobta Homo&RV Space DODQE'97 4x4 2500 exL C DOOOB.'tffl-ZSOVan J, ^ . way»,S«ar»,olectjlcstart.irt, camper special w/camper, ’ AT. 350 engine, all ^ -c AvaJl4bl«.733-884r .■cab.Cumm!n8.8eKmlIea. ’ Jconveralon, Silver. Vr6. .M » tuned up. 432-5545J aleapa 4, ruha good. fonjTPaarS-lpeedridw --BrrnB vnlr«. $40oo: -AT, f tilt, cailss.-air, loaded. ■ ■ I SNOWMOBILfiTRAILfR $2100'offer. 825-5072JI pkg.; new tirea, exo. 543/5446 or308-5448,a S2,98S. ; 733-3033 V ■ I 4 place drive on drlvo offoff DOZER 1993Cal-0SC ' ( GMC'91 MtonOieasI, ahape.,Calie40-2e29Ji 2QMC ‘99 Sierra crewcab. •P3550Adlr * . . ■ y $1100. Pan 734-4620JlI ripper, acreena,' 6 wayf Extended cab, short box, I '4 dr. 3/4 ton. Sale or fake f r — blade. Owner/operater . D 0 D « ^ 9 RAM .1600 . HORD.'96WlndstarVan,4. ■ f -lIuerACi-aufdTSSOOOr ' Ouad cab 4x4. Juat moved overlease; 678-7478B dr.h Beige. 8'BAR8 . kit. $3000. Call 934-8384 Rf i m w m v ao(c'Uii9ff.,:.:,..::■ .;:;..j«riir148 i j • Very dean. MonyoxtfBS.• KW'86 T-600,60* Blooper. ^ or 539-6457. ^ r* POLARIS ’95 XLT, 1» $7500. Can 539-95611 ; SET, with molded steps 4x4, oxt cab. $10?99s! ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓I^ _ 400 Cummins BC4, 13 ^ 733-3033-I126TA dir 1* iS97F0Bl)11IIBDS track, pipes, skis, now ■ ' spd. 390 ratio, air ride,' .-forWranglerIJ.S200/ fFORD *77 F-250, « ton, J W &are working to • _ • _ahnrVw ?gf^fl rrillae- ■ Qfft>fc733.54.^twil11nmitl..: _-4Qfroubk>-jfwt>-«n'g. New -SJ H u u i u r n a s ...... ■- wulMl.imwUiua.SI3.000.' -t Umfted, leather Intenor, 2 m a K e o u r ' SISOO. 731-6495.B ___ 9 5 4 3 ^ 8 or 30e-S44e.B | black paint. ralaod 4‘, > sun roofs, red, loaded. ( i997 ToroncoBom . POLARIS '98 RMK700 S3100.Call280-0866.B \ classifled section ! SNOWBLOWER'65 FWD I $11,900,280-2320. f S3700. POLARIS '96I UI'UI- TRAILER '98 22 ft Oooso- FORD -81 Custom F-150. « f r e e o f a n y e r r o r s . mmutuuataua ...... « . ; i 6 ^ o ' 0* 8 ft. cut, englno-front 230 | 'TdY bT A ’92 white, 93K. p ' ; tra with pIpos. S2S00;0 0 . nock, 12,000 lb. cacaclty;[Jl _^mmins,rearCATD342 = 6 cyl. Runs great SI 800. J* P l e a s e c h e c k y o u r Pleaso caJl 208-8900520120« 16* tire*, olocWc CHEVY 7 8 short box 4x4^ Call 208-734-44041 , 1\ owner, new tires, oxc.' 1998F0BDngBUS ^ seMas. 208-768-06861, ® cond.. $7000 firm. Calt ads for any I— S2500.Call532-47131 big m . big tires, big motdr. ? imut miiataaa ...... POLARIS '99 600FIMK FORD '66 MT. 4 whool ' 543-2721 < eves/6pm.H, r 727 mllos. $4700. -- TRAIL-EZE ’90 48' Equip. Cell 208-733-0366, ask *' m istakes the first UTILITY TRAILER, 4x8, all. Irtr. double drop, romov- lor Scott. MUSTS6UJIII drive, ell power. $2700. =; is97m iineiiiB r Call3060957» ___ • olumlnum, llko now, with Call934-8182etter8pmJ TOYOTA ’93 4 Runner. daythatitruns. ablo filler deck, IS* fold s ' SR5.5spd.loadedl130K ____ SKlDOO..’01-800HM..mo-mo* lot-down toll gate, tow . C H E V Y ’ 8 3 B l a 2 o r EFQRQ 'fl4 Bmneo, fi.U . J After that time . . . i m u i i m a a u u : ______-___ ...... m m i i i i 10 ------:------torupgrattq-KltrSlmmonao n r -b a ra o n d faullt on lool box.' —0.-g-dtoM l.-a utoniBtlc-a n a ' . -mmr$8900,734-S922»- • ' V 8,16 mpgi'whlte, now 7; The Times-News . 8kls. S5500.731-9563,*1^ S950. Call 733-1886. AC. $4250. TO YO TA '941 E x te n d e d ’ mMEICgiTSIBU . ' D-rlngs. (208)324-7146« ^tlres.SS500.423-4657.B cab. Looks great 4 runs will not be *' ‘ SNOWBLOWER. . Call (208)324-71481 ' iK f lu mtoaaaiJUMmmi..m ....jnM l68iioP HI{RD ’94 E xplorer S port groat. Q $6000.436-6171B 8 hp Snapper. S500. CHEVYC ’91 Sllve"raclo,4X4, • responsible for kiOOS^BDSSEI oxc. cond. $5500/oller.. .tc - Call 734-6852.------oxt. cob.-S7.lOO. Homo > .TOYOTA--’97-.Lai]dcmiserr- - • isgi^rciiiiuBoiiiffiiuE - .^'436:6658 e r2 6 0 - 0 0 0 s « Fully F losflodi Leather & - — a n y e rro rsr------SNOWMOBILE 733-2907Avorl< 733-O074f. - mull iMMiama ...... :.i» -;iJiiio B Qroal Slods-- Groat Pricos FORD’98 F-150.ExLcab. silnroo(.S28.900. ® Call V . C O N N E C T „ _ .| _CHEVy,.1.997 SiO, Stan- ^CHEVY'93 S-10 Blazer 678-7478B . - ^ ------B01PS07-1,2000 Polaris - LT Tahoe,-groat cond^- Exc.cond.54Kmis. ^ W fO M nso 4114...... ------WITH ------__dord cab, white, 4-cyl,7 ' r-S16,000.-788-J925B------?C r i ^ UTOMATlC-^-f: ------550 SifporSport— Only $7,495. 733-3033 'loaded.'S6500.-733-5787 u! ifiitfn i t w o u B ii...... S3.88B CUSTOMERS eves wfkda/734-1333 doys FO P R D ’96F150XLT^ cab. S Custom top & rims. '' . #14540 dir ' ' Spoc[al.$359.9S. Most . ' GARY’S FREEWAY RV’V . . -W H O - ...... R e g . cab long box.-$9500- .89Kml8.2a0:2132«. ^ J ZOOOHUDIPBDTEGE:^:— CHEVY '93 Silverado ^ American .vohlclos, parts," ■ '1 -eoo-ass-ssss - 733-6756 FORD '0 5 a PU Ext. Cab ^ Call 539-3349J i TC !!! • NEED Running boards, grill - : ' labor & instaUalion mutt $tmoma ...... :...... j i i b / 1 8 6 i i o y r .. SNOWMOBILE Run woll. $1200. ' ' YOUR Coll 543-4706 ovonlngs! guard j & bedllnor. Cute & FORD’00 P' Turbo diosol 5 p included. . Great Sleds - Groat Prices -cloani $7800. Call - -I - F350 4x4 craw cab w/long = ; Economy Transmission' 1S98F0fiDElFll)BQ4K4 / -#2PS18-1.-tg95.Polaris ...... SERVICE FORD’85 3500 ITon | 934-9153 or 539-7714.B Ibox. Lariat pkg. 20.0001b ^ Call 324:8760 tor '■ /m m ■ sa w a m in m a ...... L. .A ra'229iiiD | 700 RMK Ultra Advertfse fn w/utllltybod. Nowong.New tt. Roeso 5th whool kit & tool m astlrnatnm :CHEVY-197-Bla2or..4.dr.- _ ! ...... $2.988______•- -tfra 9 .S 3 5 0 0 .-3 2 4 -« 7 0 9 1 - -C] -boxr$27.000-($4000-un-- ■ AT. leather, CD. tow pkg. 1997 eM iujiefii[niui------' GARY’S FREEWAY RVIV r i'* '® , \ dor blue book) 738-6559B = NoNor manor how you apono your • 1 •800-826-5336 - 733-6756756 YOUII M plOOMfiUy »urprl»od ILuggago rock, sunroof. _ dayi. clattlflod (its .your iitm i, tuMiatmuuanimn...c....i9ii/248 M |iy| Service at how oasy It ia lo ploco a c CHEVY'89 Conversion only 46K miles w/oxtend- FORD,,1987 F( Rongor. 4x4. Van. Ralsod top. Exc. busy schoduio. -Pul dastl- ___ ;___ .Wcop_arLoyo_on. ciaisiliod^ ___ C(0»»!nod_O!f._DlO_CO8t.l5. ^ — Directory___ -od warrant^. Owned-a- •Standard-i Cab, Gold, 6- -cond;Fullyloaded-w/80K' r, “- flod’#-Umo-a«vif>g-difector)r’'® • 2a01.SDl(ll[l'GBAHD.yiM]a-] ' ' You1l find excopUonal bof- low...It)o rotulit are high, drivon c by 1 lady. Exc. ccyl., AT. $4,995 733-3033 ^ of oooda nnd Mtvlco* lo galn» ovory day, I 733-0931 ex t. 2 Thnra ctoainod. 733-0931. c m iles. 5SgOO/olfor. Coll m n ...... cond. $1^.500.788-391 ia

m a i lanamigutvmipjtam... 200I^HITSDIISHIEeilPSE ■ g n - fTOttl UilOIT...... SUE Ifl

— B U T F W I CONHWElENCEUk V ourSatisfacaction Is iy

G u a r a n tt e e e e d ! |

• 5 D ay/250 Mile

2 0 0 2 E< P i M oney Back Guaranrantee '|j 2002 COROLLA CCl E A U N E WV '2002 CAMRY Un ! Aii«fcwnmaiKG UKC*41UKI . • wra«nc»iwKNn NXOM^ UIO& • O • QtlB •U p to 3 Year/36,00011;0 M i l e ; N ______< • i J 9 0 1 ______J L i s , a a o : ______OR *0 DOW N/' “ Limited W arranty— J/‘179mo. 0 R - * 0 D O W N / M 9 6> wmor OR *0 IDOW N/‘284 mo." - . Aik Your S*l«fi»p.F«DiFerOotalU ! M l Eiekx)MVeNd«H*Aed«Hiedul* ! l J I

i g o B G E Q . m i n m m k i n a m ...... jiffD ir99iio|j A iSjrFIIRDIilllSIlHS ■ . 2 0 0 2 TUNDRA AC ACOSSCU4X4 200>02 nCOM A DOUSIKAI^ 4x4 2002 HIIIGHLANDER AWD 'imim tuitatm ...... j n f a r 1 3 7 H oHI . 16-wfaij.imBifKm vi*j'6 • *inO • rOMR WHMVfi, lOOB • iUI • O ••M HIT »au« Mra»ro«iMi([WiD(iiaaiaaB.ffiiaam.CD.iui.in.auaUS H M M h J99I.CBEyB01M llll!l__ ------^ 2 7 ,44 '9 0 ' ------^ ------^------— 9 ^------* 2 4 ,- 7 9 0 — » 2 6 ; 8 9 0 - ^ ^ ------— I m f f T O m m t i w a t m n ...... jfffar14lHoN Oft ‘0 DOWN/‘3M N/ mo.- oOR *0 D OW N/*339' mo.in " OR *0 D DOW N/‘369 mo. 19S8 FdNIMCSDHnRE 'Prttspka uuSi, rdS7.10 axlH xiHPii;ttn«ic«fiteij(pbi*^ACBentiluu.UM.Pr,aMpbUi,friipf|nii%iiix.inluiiCr^VWKlKBjtfMUP>t[Ul|. 0 II niiiii tt.tiiuuma ...... m J W m 1998 FOIITItCSRIlKDIIM ' GREATrSHfCTnOMOFIusm 4x iOlVIE SHf US! :iiimi iijiiam a ...... iffn/146H 0y 2000 PO H IIlC teE iimi tim aim a ...... jtffffiir1ii5Mj o|| ' I 1998 FONTIIIOeRIIIIDIMlie m m i i H i n n u o ...... !...jnriiirj 1 6 0 Ho|j 20DtCHEVB0iniDMINII iiiiitt mmuiajj ...... i i v n r 1 7 6 M o H ^ i I h 1999 01DSilOB|iEllEBIIII6' 1903 MUCUBYTIrT R A C U 1991 CADHUUAC MPAN DiVIUI 1993 93 rO R D IXPLORJR XLT 1991 FORD F; 1^5010 4 x 4 1992JHPVniA 40K*iim0*Ait*vEiycEiYQiAjf luminii.miKSIDEUDOUn v.< nUWOUB HARDTOP ffl/niiir D.,.jrfffUir186H0H v-«»Aino«mmEfliiifuo(r Luur»iauxoa»5srEB)*HooH0CDU5 ' {m7l,aDULnui5*SiU«i/205HDBji l998e«EI/BOlEri5004linHB-- noi r m i t tain imui a im ...... i w i i i / 2 2 1 h (i B 1995 VW PAfIUfAT 1990TOVOT/ >TA 4 K U N N M I K S " 1 9 9V^nvauUKY 9 ^ V IlUaiR 1 9 9 7 HONDA ACeOIDUmanu i995 0Mciii AUTOUAnC-SUNIOOf*POWDIAKIIIAKTDHU.IOADEDI WIWUHCSUHOOf.«F*rOWaUIQ()U*LOADa)l ' JPASSatEJ.KWanlHOIW. 7P ■ ■ IIIRRA XCAB 4X4 1Ql1998 eBEVHOin. 2500 4WDV8 5-SmD«lEUSnilBI*AUD Vj«IMQ»5fll ' Z ------1 / 9 8 0 " - * 9 ^ 7 6 0 ^ ------~^-T -«T i;eT O ------^ 1 3 " 3 ^ 6 9 0 ™(997 GMC 3500 ONE TON ' ' mmtnimttatu ...... ji>ii/248iip||j 2000 eHEVBOinCXaO 4X4 . m m mtatatuu...... Jirn/S llioy

191lOSSBOieKGEHTDBr - ammm.'UMmj.jnir.ji>n/1,988iloH igGBPOKTIllGnEBO 1996 TOYOTA mKAV4M L 1999IUBAIIUiRU OUTBACK LTD 3001 TOI TOYOtt UeOMA XoCAB 4X4 . . ' aooo TOYOTA lANXRtCRUI8IR ORlATSIUCnICnON OF 1998, ffT?1i i TOYOTA C A J ^ S ■ « 1 6 , 8 9W ( « 1 6 , S , 8 9 0 ^ 2 1 , 7 4 0 ^ 3 9 , 9 8 0 > A U P R I C ECED I TO SEU I I9MP0UTAUIU lC9UN0nUX4DI 19866 MIRCIDIS1 190C 4DR 1097 nYMOUTH NIONN4DR 4 1996 P 0 ^ ( ) ; rnmuAKVOTSKUfl :*AII*rOWDtWINDOWS. aCEFIK3FII0IUL fOK TH! YEUS • SUX tOOF TUC ORAND.PROC' ' AinOiUJiC • All (OKD(nOKIN&* YinrrEnnuucuj E( •rorawwDOws*NicB ■ > 3 , 8 8 09 % i , 6 9 0 « 6 , 4 9 0 ^ 6 , 8 4 0 ' ^ 6 , f l Dave lotiRBon ,870 .OsnsrslMsBBDir 1996 FORD TARUI rawasw'OHcrrfooQU uoJiarLAwb 19919 9 9 TOYOTA COIOUA a 1993 UXU8 m o o,0 4DR 1998 0LDSM0 « “ ’a r f S ! m WINDOWS •auiu mTO»iwaw»iDow,u)cc»auisE » \ - VDIYNiai«OXiy0S,OOOMIl! MQBIIfl INTRIOUI i ^ 6 , 9 4 0 MIUS • ' y.4 .w w a widow:OOWS*T1U«ailllSE«Allt ‘NoDodii Deals a Can'PcfpaiojtiB aii’: l P - : : , . , %.9 i 9 0 ...... 1 1 0 , 8 9 0 ^ 1 — _ _ ^ 1 0 , 9 7 0 ) - — I r 7 9 0 ------~ , 1996 roU> IXPLOIIi awMxiT i««rcHivrjir ASTRO VAN AWD : . 1991098 BUICK RIOAL 4DR 1993 MIRCIDIS BINZHZ aool 3000 CHIVY 1 • / V-8.lWHa**3,OOOUIIOMiiE, . . liiionaiKracm»oan«ALion . u ^ rrOWEXSL(I*lQC{MnUU;43.mULQ m YTAHOBLT4DR Ki(cnasi^*siiooF*Mf*Muns . . ■ coiounuu(«iEA]>IEAJHDI> 17,000 UIB j j y ^ * 1 ^ 8 6 0 V/',: 4 , 9 4 0 f l 2 , 9 9 0 / I 3 , 9 7 0 O ^ 2 8> / , 7 4 0 Ic : o i! N | . www.conpauto8.<0 8 . c o m ; n OAC. All pricoi and ptymtnla tarttpluatax,UUe n p . > ■ and doaior doe'tw ol SI29. S% APR,(PR, 20% DOWN. I ] K •••72 Months \ J U j h b H . U.. ' • ’ ’ ' _ •______' ------— ------X ----^ ____ U ' ' ' ______---r -• -v;-. • - - Friday, Januaryry 4,2002, Tlmes-Naws, TwIirw lyallB , Idaho E7~ ' • . ACURA '86 Leoond, VBr CADILLAC '97 99.Vllllele FORD'97TaurU#bL.-72K j •- loadfldl. Cloan, $2500. ' JEEP'M CnerolmS^rt MMAZDA’82 RX-7 » " PONTIACr’93'B6nnoville7 PO vwfvirs'’90 i PassoFanda” ' ~ ' JO. STS..<9K. every option)n m llae. silver: $9500. ' 2* lift, aw esom e stereo. Huns & kwks good. s • Ptoa»lMll20^644-B26ai^ oxcept On Star. Sflvor;ir; P>easacaf20»S3fr«)93l ' Sedan, Green, 6-cyi. *83 R ab b it. M ust soli. C— Excoiiont condition. $:$240(V^or.CaII73&051Sa . $4,995. $^ li600-967-29l7. ' 53. • . ACURA:88Logond4door,» r, 100K wananty. Low book S3500/offor. 734-6607B klCK * FORD'97Tauni8LX . . $7200.604-069f • ?ttitim ittuiii' «P3374Adlr-' • —^ .194K m is. AT. Rpugh,butbut $19,W(yoffor.734-790gJI'■ ' Silver. 50K ml.; loaded,- r ;^^:nmof8ar$995.m9640 LlNCpLr^92 Towncar,. NEON'99Red.2,door. Nl . ^A CADILLAC, *94 Seville,B, stereo. 6 disc CQ 'chang- S A T U R N ’9 6 SL I , o x c . t T ;»-Soe a t M 7 Fflll8Ave.W.B 93K orlg. m iles, extra Porformanco inlako, cond. c< 124Kmllo$,S52S0. ^ i Sedan, Qroen, V-6,;PW,v| er.Call734-408ali .1 ;cieaol Leather interior. ’ -exhaust, wing. ' p| ,t'''6MW'85 325l ! ^ PIOilsocaI208'736-2S56a M i PL. & even moro. $6,995.S . H O N D A '88 A c c o r d IX. 4 $5900.208-7pi.r35631^. k : ‘•C D .8unrobJ4 4 8 lu d dkJ ^ 733-3033.#P343BAdlr\ ■ dr.'5 sp^ M aroon, new Ti ■„ " “ ”«“K‘s s r ' ’"- 5uSUBARU’92 Royalo. JAGAGUAR’95XJ8Ukanow r - —lirae.-tirniM -beH &-eqfvte- -HLINCOLN '93 p Qt)ilnnntnl . 14BK,.CD..S2Q00.0flOd______—| LoadadlI-66K-mile8;- %HEVYr1»9«flrBtta-QTr 8^Kjiiis. Luxury anct kids, car.,Coll 733.-0140: ..su -Coupo; 8‘cyl; PW. PL;[•- - a d r - l V l K v r n e c h a n l c ~i?m yf m ^i^m r ~ :S15,OOO.Call324-22B4l - B i E u fc K -01 Conlury.aJr.tiit. 5 ow n^. dxc. cond. $3500. ■economy. Cloan. $5900. rr aftor 6pm ■ , — tH}. AT, Air. Crulso. $3995. 734-471SB NISSAN'8 0 ZX Runs well ^ cniJse, c asse tta , PW. PL- ^ 3 3 -3 0 3 3 . «P3640 dir , 6 7 8 r0 4 0 6 Of 670-1906» _ 260K mls..Lols of now ’IlMUEti.EBJS i . . . & mirrors, koyless remote, UNCOLN'95 Towncar ports. c $2000/offor. , a CHEVY, 1993 Corvotto, ■;2 H O N D A .'8 8 A ccord LX, ^ - THE TIMES NEWS ••n' Sl1.800.C a)l324-4552B •Pristine cond. 105K mis. Call 934-4965M . ,ci —dr-rhatoftbaokrrodr«_ _flb«»59nd^vto8oma.CD_ 1. ; .Ctosslfiod Department 5 ^ / storoo system. Needs -$72507733^4^479 •: ovosT r: ^ E - H I . G L - E t OI;)yT-L-ET-l- leather. $15,473 733- 731:5081 daysa , NISSAN '9 4 Altlma 4 dr., o p e n s a t 8:00 am V • 3033.#2175A dJr • . windows. SI SOO. Call j whlto, loothbr, sunroof, Mon th n j Fri. lO KI) , , 6 7 8 - 0 7 2 2 * . - .MERCURY'90 M Sablo GS AC / & CD. Exc. cond. Take Cara of your FAX \ HONDA-90 AcconlU Lowmilos.Exc.corianion.' I S5900/offer. S 734-6665H classifiod b u sin e ss DOUGH . LIko now . $ 2 9 0 0 /o ffe r. jr, before you h o sd to I CONSIGN ' 4 door, njns groat. $2500. - > NISSAN '96 Sontra AT, . C « II7 3 4 < 1 9 4 « . . .. yourbusinossl YOUR I. , . -YOURVEHICLE . Coll 666-9834 after SpmB J PW, P I. AC. tope playor. _j, ai/(; I IM 1-50S.733^31 » _____ -w eR C U t r r o a - Mys n qin r o r o u r Burloy Offlco SLS with Norlhstarir No cost to you. Excellent Runs great. 8 B K m i s . . Sales • Servir v i c e I ~ Sport.i $9500, loadod-vory PLYMOUTH. pi, 1996 Noon, * 1-206^77-4042 a d — ^ v : engiho. SHARPfiI . display. Arrange $1695. 260-2326dlra cloan, ( cruise. CD. AC, g S8.385. CoUHayatII finondno.,Tako trades. sodon, whito. 4-cyl, AT. tiMes-news r 1 HONDA '92 OlviC. AC. }keyloss/ontry. Cali Sandy Air.t S 2 .6 9 5 . M ust so o . TOrOYOTA ' ’66 Von AT,AC, A ccessories • I D e t a i l | 7 3 4 ^ 5 0 0 or 53&-3321M■ Elite Motor* 'days 876-1116. Nicole ? CLASSIFIED ^ slandord^SO. DODGE ^ 73^'3033. «IP3S23A dfr PS.PLExc,lntortorcond. PJ I = C a l l 7 3 5 ^ 1 4 ■ ' nights 73S-888B.fl . — DEPARTMENT CADILLAC :95 SoVtllIlo » « « « « « « « • « • '90 Daytona, AC, stan- ' $1800.737-9608H r,, :'?STS, black cherry, load- -;-dord,S2200.731-7265.dIr.- Sf 208-73^5538 i l ' id- ■■ i^UBISHI '94 Galonl 4 4 cyl. 5*spd! fTijns VOi/OLKSWAGEN, ’97 Jolla . 7 3 6 -3 35^5 ^ I od, origlrMil owner, bolow3w TOBD 7 5 LTD Runs great7 HONDAS from $500 Police Cuslom C w hoois, tiros, tinl Hosh front ond damage. ScSodon, Black, 4in Falls.Fall II) «33(H yj book ot S12,000. Good coodlion. $ 5 0 a ^ e r. r. Impounds, for listings, &i stereo. Loadod. Must 8800/offoff s Must soli. AT.Cnjiso.S11.894.733- A7 2 0 8 - ^ 7 7 - 4 5 4 3 . ^ -.733-3234 Of,733-8315*I ' " Call 324-2450. r 800-719-3001 ext. C819JI sol$^;Con5^9561B « ■ -7 736-1745______303033«2109Bdlf------~ ■ (BURLEY)


f f i l g 3 ^ t o t : : R

NEW CMCIC YUKON SLI N E W GCM C SIERRA < — =4=pOOR=^U l W D _ = = i g - A W 1 X4 4 - D R _ 1 _ —: j / o r t e c .VS w /.A u totomaHc-And-Off-Road—T” rT ^ ____ VorlccfiOOCU0-V8.Powet-w/-^ ______C hassis Plus LuxuryIty Equipped • A u to m a tic . Heavy-Duty Hi .< _ Am/Fm/CD. Leatherher Seating Tralicring EquIquipped. A ir.. ; A m /F m /C a s s e tte /C C Power Windo'dows. Locks/ ‘r! : Star-r.fiTSo Much M( " M irro rs,' R i ^rn'6te'K 'c (^Icss'U ^^B J2 Entiy, Am/FmF m /S te re o ;; SAVE OVER w/6-DIscCDID Changer, 'y^|M |M |||||| m On-Star Comrmmunl^tlons J l ^6,200 offM:M S R P _ J ^ ^ P ^'M uch-M oreI~^^^B S l ^ > 13289. MS R P ;«15,749. 5 /i Price after factory retwl*. — NOW ONI 9 ^ = ^ 6 7 1 7 0 1'“offMSRP =^N0W =0N Slodi* 13204, MS8P:.fiP: J39.JBJ. Pric how , Nbol.. h . S.OXAniMmonlhttiihlwirOAC

^ N E W PP ( O N T I A C -

N E W P O NM ] T I A C r A Z T E C: 4 - D O O R G TT ______V6 Pow'cr andnd Performance w / -^-SUNFIRE-SlS E ------Automatic, PovverPo Sunroof.

Sporty'S^anw /' L e a th e r S e a tinting , A m /Fm /C 1^9^^B Am/Fm/Cassette Air. Power DrhD river Passenger Sea^ Veiy' Economical to [ i m ' eating... . , SAVE OVER:r &. S o M u c h M l SAVE O'DVER *2,900 OffM: - • *5,000 off-MSRPo - • ' Stocks 12059. MSRP: 42,900 ■ • • ' Prleo oFlor fodory rebolo. 5,915.9% ■ - ^ . Sloelfll 2033. MSRP:>»ft 527.135. Pric o k r b d » y ™bo1. APR 60 month twm OAC. ---- NOWON \ A 5.9% APR 60 morifhrifh twm OAC. "^--NOWOi)Ntv41-yi

1989 CDODGE DAIVKOTA V 1 9 9 8i CADILLAC: ;SEDAN DE>VILLE : WAS $6,9S9 9 5 ■■■.V.,.. ■ ■ NOW $ 4 ,9> 9 5 #13288-1-1-: WAS $199 . 9 9 5 ...... N O W $ 1 6 ,, ! 9 9 8 #120626 2 -1 1993 PPONTIAC B9:? 9 5 ' #1349--^1 ...^ - m s $ 2! 0 0 > 9 9 5 :V;:. ■ .VNpw.$17/! y ,S ^ 9 5 #NTOO,40 4 : 1 - 1996 PPONTIAC C53RAND PRIXXSE r J 9 9 9> GMC YUKC:ON 4X4 ■ WAS $6,999 9 8 ■ ■ NOW $ 5 ,9) : 9 8 #12028-1■1 W A S $ 2: 1t , 9 9 s ..:..... NOW $ 1 8 ,!9 9 5 #BU0050 5 -1 2 0 0 0 FFORD FpCLUS 2 0 0 0 GMCSIERRi ( RA 1 /2 TONI EXT CAB 44X4; / WAS $11,9,995 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ,. ■ ■ NOW $ 9 ,9) ! 9 5 '#1.544-C^ W A S $ 2! 1 1, ,9 9 5 ^ . ; .■ NOW $ 1 9 ,!9 9 ^ # 6 0 0 22 3 -1 . - — —T993T1TOYpT(flr4llRUNNERSRi15 4X 4 ■ " T ^ 2 0 0 1 GWKpM/^^Y SLE 4X4 ■WAS$T2;9;99S-;rT-:-V 7"-N -ixoiojz 1 : . . W A S JS 2 33;995,,; .,. - N O V ^ 1 9 y■ j 9 9 5 - -#12464 6 - 0 — ------2 0 0 0 PPONTIAC GSRAND AM !SEDAN SE - X 2 0 0 1 PONTIAC MONTANAA ^ • WAS $12,9, 9 9 5 NOW slO >9!) 9 5 # 1 169-C-0 . . W AS $ 2 3 , . 9 9 5 ■ . . . . now$19>!1 9 9 5 # 1 0 88 4 - 0

1997 15ISUZU RODI)E 0 4X4 2 0 0 0 . JEEP GRANND CHEROK t; r: ;>- ' : W A S$12;9> 99^;:.,;.r;.::> j N b w $ H / 9 *> i95 #14051-11 W A S $ 2 77,99^'V , :'.....;]. N o \ V $ 2 4 , j99S-#P0032- i 2 - l . • : r i? 9 9 wMERCURY C COUGAR 1 9 9 9 FORD I EXPEEDITION 4X0 ' . ;.v ■ WAS $14^9, 9 9 5 N N O W $ 1 2 , 91 ! 9 5 #P0004-1■}_ W A S $ 2 77 , . 9 9 5 ■ I NOW $ 2 6 , *995j..::.:#T j51:;5 1 :0 ,, HABLAEJiSPANQL^ [27 BLUE LAKESBUI LVD. N. 7333 -I 82 I 5 1-8d i(•0-333-222 1 9 wwv eslland.coio m I 1 * 1 S 8 T O . w.garyswe ^ * *Our disclosiisures comply wiHi Stafe3 &5 Federal regulations.. AllA p ric e s p lu s.td x , Hlle & Deoler Documentatioh-fi)h'fee. ' Phohssforsr illustration purposes ononly. Ail units subject toI priorpi sale. See Dealer foror lim ited vrarronly detailsails. '■iLt-U -— yi . ’ . ■'k; « •• ■ . V' - . ■ ■■ ■• ; > ^ iiMw'.;

'• A ' ' Wmmm

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------^ " 1 9 9 6 8 B F O R D ^ 5 ^^pBBPmwoffl S M K ^iiTpp o n i f u ^ ^ ^ B^ rz ijo i CHEVY K TAURUSUS WAGON I K ^■P^suniFDUB E COUPE i M kp . : C A V A ie ------7— - AutomaUc, 3“ 3« Seal. Loaded.— ^ ^ v 'A u to m a W c , Air, Crulte. CO0 Playcn'-yq^PI B ^ Xitomatl £ u |^ H K ^ ^ t b m a i l ^ A ] r , Crvixivhe, AM/FM ^ • • . .Automatic, Air, AM/FM CO P f e i m m ^ © S U f o ) W a M B H

------K TB 9I 9 9 F 0 R D - ^ ^ P T897P0MTIAC^ niaiiujji 1 ^ 1 9 9 8 HOniDA =^=^£i==m uim n iic to— ISEBOHeili^~ ^ l p r ...... ~ mW r j j M Tp=:-:; CRU4X4 . . ... ^^,..-TOToirf5»c:7irrrCain M C j>tcttft.-q8 B k ^ Jv Ltalher. A .^Automollt yuw/FM C D .^ t^ d ^ ,; AutomallcAJt;Alr, CO Player. - -’.-.•^ ^ ^ i;';« :.; S Speed Tramml*»Ion. Cnilie C 0 © @ o . * K*B®g S p «P M ? P ®

^ I I L CH.im m iiMS FOR UI P t o ) O n e YEAH ElEJFITIfAN ICt^PUr e c H M i i i p y i '

w >02 001 ^ 2 0 0 2 LER ^ 2002Z JEEP NEON C PTiCRUISEn .. ,.. Slock-«2DN-09 • Flame Red GRANDC:heroke 1^ '. Sioch W^gKr ' J Ck »2PT-90 • SJeel Blue ► . Stock«2GC>28* Steel1 B[ lu e . 4.7 Litre V-8 Engine i-.: .'';^ » 5 Speed Transm ission . w r • 5 Speed Traranimisslon • Ali'CondiHonin • AIrC<®dhJonIng • AM/FM1 • Air Conditioning • Cniisc.Ce.Coritrol • TiUSleer^ng • Sunrocinroof M CD , ' • PowerWindows • Powjw e r Locks • T ilt S tee rin g :* “.Cr .Cruise ControlW .,.^» PoW^cr Windows • PowcrLoLpckfl • PowerSeat-»,TowKid«{id u g c ,.. Wr f A l S « 1 3 , 7 < ^ W A S * 2 4 , 1 2 5 3 4 , 7 7 5 SAI liV E * 3 , 5 3 SAVEI ^ 6 , 9 3 7 -L ' ^ - — S A V E - ^ 7 , - l « 7 — — — H ^ n o w I SIpr^I^^'.Nn O W J t m M I

W D O W N « ______,_'1 ^r M o n lh a a t 5.75% APR.O.A.I'.A.C-' ■ ■ ' ... inths a l5 J 5 % ,> ^ ^ O j \. c 1 -.-i 5>5^APR.0.A.-C.------— j P lm I f c D Om I n M l » D E t lIVERSM \ 1 ^ y y i^ H raSfiS™

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