All , Kettering – Risk Assessment Form Health and Safety Policy Appendix 1 Details of Activity / Event: Church Services: Standard and variations

Assessment undertaken by: A Ridley Date of Assessment: 24/12/2018

Activity Severity / Type(s) of Probability Risk Control Measures Review Possible Injury of Injury Score / Date Low (1) Low (1) RAG Medium (2) Medium (2) High(3) High(3) Maintaining access for all congregation Potential trip/fall Low (1) Score: 2 a) Chairs to be set with a minimum of 2metre 1st Jan including wheelchair users. injuries. Green aisle width for both main aisle and entry from 2020 Medium (2) each side. (especially with b) Space equivalent to two (2) rows to be left elderly for regular member(s) of congregation who congregation) attends in wheelchairs. Similar spaces to be created as required for visitors. Process for Procession: Potential trip/fall Low (1) Score: 2 Processional party members to rehearse and 1st Jan Processional party will normally access main injuries; risk of burns Green be conversant with roles / route so as to 2020 church area from vestry area. Procession from candles; risk of minimise trip hazard of 2 steps exiting/ moves down northern side of church then trauma if cross falls. entering side chapel and 2 steps entering/ swings round to approach chancel through Medium(2) exiting chancel. centre of church. Return: reverse of above. Use of Candles during Service: Potential burn Low (1); Score: 2 a) candles always carried vertical with 1st Jan 1. Acolyte Candles – these candles contain injuries / fire risk. Medium (2) if (4 if new wicks trimmed to avoid excessive flame. 2020 flammable oil. Medium (2) operatives / child) b) Carrying of candles to be practised/ are new to Green / rehearsed with adult supervision for children role / Amber acting in this role so as to minimise risk of children fire/burn injuries. c) Processional route to be kept clear to avoid trip hazard. See point above.

2. Altar Candles As above Low(1) Score: 2 Static candles lit shortly before service starts Green and extinguished at conclusion of service. 3. Prayer Candles – these consist of a central As above Low (1) Score: 2 a) All candles sit on a tray of sand and votive candle that is lit throughout the Green matches/tapers are provided for individual service; surrounding prayer candles are lighting. simple tea lights. b) Candles are extinguished before building/area left unattended. c) Stand on which these sit is situated adjacent to a wall and away from walkways so as to minimise trip hazard or risk of stand being knocked over. 4. Other candles used during services: As above Low (1) Score: 2 At specific times additional candles may be in Green use: a) Static candles will be positioned so as to a) Static: within the service area eg: Paschal minimise risk of trip or stands being knocked candle, votive candle(s) in front of Nativity over scene or Advent candle ring. b) Handheld: eg: Candle presented at b) Handheld candles will be lit for a short Baptism; period of time as in Baptism or protected with Individually hand-held candles within the an appropriate guard. In both cases verbal congregation (eg at Easter) instructions will be given to maintain safety

5. General Candle Safety: As above Low(1) Score: 2 Care must be exercised by all to avoid contact Whether solid wax or liquid oil filled all Green with of the naked flame with hair, skin or candles have the potential to cause burn clothing of either self or neighbouring persons. injury or initiate larger fires. Those with long flowing clothing including those serving in the Sanctuary must take extra care with regard to clothing. Services where Incense is used: Respiratory Low (1) Score: 1 a) The operation of the shall be the 1st Jan Incense will be placed on lighted charcoals difficulty. Green responsibility of the priest and dedicated 2020 within an appropriate holder (Thurible) Low (1) Thurifer b) The use of Incense will normally be limited to the Chancel area due to the low ceiling within the main body of the church. c) The PCC are aware that some members of the congregation have respiratory issues so has limited the use of incense to special festivals within the church calendar. d) When incense is to be used advance verbal notice will be given and signs warning of this will be placed at the entrance to the church so that congregational members can adjust their seating accordingly. Additional Requirements for Certain Children to be supervised by an appropriate Services: adult at all times. Christingle (Christmas Eve): Potential burn Medium (2) Score: 4 Christingles to be prepared and lit in advance A family orientated services with many injuries / fire risk. Amber by small team of responsible adults. children in attendance in the chancel area. Medium (2) Verbal reminders of fire safety to be given Children will have Christingles (oranges with prior to distribution. lighted candles and other decoration) for a Children (with supervising adult) to part of the service. Christingles in a controlled, orderly manner and move to be seated on chancel floor swiftly. Sufficient space to be left between children to avoid injuries to neighbour. Children to remain seated until end of service. Candles to be extinguished prior to final blessing. Health and Safety Officer (or deputy) to be on hand with fire blanket available.

Midnight Service Christmas Eve: Increased Risk of Slip Low(1) Score: 2 Church Wardens / Welcome Team to observe The traditional nature of this service may / Trip Injuries Green congregation entering and guide individuals attract visitors unfamiliar with the church. Medium (2) accordingly. Also there is potential for some to have If any attendees exhibit any antisocial consumed alcohol in quantity prior to behaviour they are to be asked to leave the attending. church. Assistance from the police may be sought if necessary. Maundy Thursday: A garden of repose is prepared beforehand Potential burn Low(1) Score: 2 Candles are arranged to form an Altar and are in the Jubilee Room with multiple static injuries / fire risk. Green therefore separated from most attendees. candles. Medium (2) Acolyte candles are processed to the Jubilee Room at the end of the service.

Easter Eve: The service commences in the dark. Increased risk of Slip Low(1) Score: 2 The congregation are encouraged to take their / Trip Injuries Green seats in a lit church before service commences. Medium (2) The service also includes the use of handheld candles – see above An Easter fire is lit in a BBQ basin at the start Potential burn Low(1) Score: 2 To be in the porch area outside the church of the service. injuries / fire risk. Green building. This is then extinguished once the Medium (2) main service commences.

Severity of Injury (s) Risk Score 1 = Low (minor cuts and bruises) Risk Score = severity x probability (s x p)

2 = Medium (serious injury or incapacitated for 3 days or more) Probability (p) RAG (Red, Amber, Green) Rating 3 = High (fatality or multiple persons seriously injured) 1 2 3 Red – Avoid activity if at all possible 1 1 2 3

Probability / Likelihood (p) Amber – Consider further control measures

Or avoid / change activity 1 = Low (seldom) 2 2 4 6 Green – Proceed with activity with caution 2 = medium (frequent)

3 3 6 9 Severity ) (s 3 = High (certain or near certain)