UURRBBAANN LLAANNDDSSCCAAPPEESS urban space : urban landscape


UrbSpace – enhancing the attractiveness and quality of the urban environment

Vienna, September 30th, 2011 Kuppelsaal TU Wien Karlsplatz 13, 4th floor, 1040 Wien

Urban open space planning and design in small and medium-sized towns in Central and Eastern Europe has been the focus of a collaboration project of 13 international partners within the Project ‘UrbSpace’ from 2008 to 2011, implemented by the CENTRAL EUROPE programme, co-financed by the European Union´s Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

The project consortium has reviewed the state of the art in urban space planning in the member states, prepared studies on various aspects of the design process and implemented a number of pilot projects. The final conference - hosted by the Department of Landscape Architecture at the University of Technology, which was responsible for major project outputs such as the ´Joint Strategy´ - will present the main attainments of the project in connection with and relation to interesting positions of contemporary urban open space planning.

We have invited four keynote speakers to provide their insights into some of the issues raised as experimental planning processes in open spaces, and to stimulate discussion of current issues and potentials in the field of urban space planning and design. Antje Brink will discuss the biodiversity in the open spaces, Daniela Karow-Kluge will bring examples of experimental planning processes in open spaces, Deniz Dizici is one of the winner team of the landscape park Seestadt aspern in Vienna and Andreas Kipar´s speach will be on the view of a smart city.

Registration fee: EUR 25,-- Please register at: [email protected]




09:00 – 09:30 Registration

09:30 – 10:00 Welcome Speech TU Vienna / Richard Stiles Presentation of the project REC Slovakia

10:00 – 10:30 Presentation of Final Outputs REC Slovakia Pilot Projects

10:30 – 11:00 Coffee Break

11:00 – 11:45 Presentation of Final Outputs Methodology-Action-Plan FH Erfurt E-learning TU Vienna

11:45 – 12:30 Antje Brink (City of Hannover) Promotion of Biodiversity in the Open Urban Spaces in Hannover

12:30 – 14:00 Lunch Break / Pilot Projects Poster Exhibition

14:00 – 14:45 Daniela Karow-Kluge (RWTH Aachen) Innovative Planning Processes as Motor for the Public Space

14:45 – 15:30 Deniz Dizici (Treibhaus-Berlin) learning from* AREAL PHENOMENA. OR WHAT MAKES IT A PLACE?

15:30 – 16:00 Coffee Break

16:00 – 16:45 Andreas Kipar (LAND, Duisburg, Milan) Thinking urban spaces: building the city and urban architecture

16:45 – 17:30 “Urban Landscapes: Linking People and Place” Round Table discussion with key note speakers and project partners Moderation: Richard Stiles (Vienna)

- 19:00 Wrap-up of the conference


Keynote speakers

Antje Brink graduated in Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning at the Leibniz University in Hannover. She worked in Regional Development in Hannover and was visiting professor and lecturer at the Universities in Kassel and Oldenburg. Since 1992 she works for the city of Hannover in the Department for Environment and Urban Green.

Daniela Karow-Kluge studied Open Space and Landscape Planning at the Leibniz University in Hannover and at Wageningen Agricultural University in The Netherlands. She was a graduate fellow in Hannover and a research fellow at the University of Cape Town/South Africa and worked as project manager in landscape architecture in Hamburg. Since 2001 she was member of the scientific staff at the Institute for Open Space Planning and Design at the Leibniz University in Hannover. She finished her PhD in 2008 on “Experimental Planning in Public Open Space”. Since 2007 she works at the Faculty of Architecture at the RWTH Aachen University.

Deniz Dizici is co-holder and founding member of the landscape architectural office “TH Treibhaus” in Berlin since 2005. TH´s main field of operation is conceptualizing and designing solutions for urban and semi-urban landscapes and public spaces. In 2010, “Treibhaus“(in cooperation with “Lavaland”) won the landscape architecture competition for the “Seepark Aspern” in Vienna. Deniz was a scientific and teaching assistant in Munich and Berlin for the last 3 years, where he was teaching design theory and mentoring the design studios in Masters´ and in Bachelors´ curricula.

Andreas O. Kipar graduated in Landscape Architecture at Essen University in 1984 and in Architecture at Milan Polytechnic in 1994. Andreas Kipar was contract Professor at the School for Specialisation in Landscape Architecture of Genoa University and since 2009 he has been a contract professor in Public Space Design at the Polytechnic University of Milan. He has been director of the landscape magazine “Folia” since 2001 and is the founder and director of LAND Srl (Land Architecture Nature Development) and KLA kiparlandschaftsarchitekten milano_duisburg, with offices in Italy and Germany.



How to get to >> Kuppelsaal TU Wien

Department of Landscape Architecture Institute of Urban Planning, Landscape Architecture & Design Vienna University of Technology, Operngasse 11 (4th floor), 1040 Vienna, Tel +43 (0)1-58801 26110, Fax +43 (01)-58801 26199, [email protected]

Head of Department: Univ.-Prof. Richard Stiles MA Dip LD Organization: DI Katrin Ecker

For further details visit: www.urbanspaces.eu www.landscape.tuwien.ac.at

UrbSpace Project Lead partner REC Slovakia (www.rec.sk)
